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DDBASE is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind. In no event
will the author be liable for any direct or indirect damage or loss
resulting from the use or misuse of this program. By using DDBASE,
you are accepting the above.
The copyright stays with me ©Peter Hughes {MadCap-Software} and is not
transferable by any means.You only have permission to use this software
and freely copy and distribute it only if all the files are in tact.
You may freely copy DDBASE and all the supporting files as long as only
a minimal fee is charged for copying. [No more than £2.00]
DDBASE Version 3.0
Chapter 1 What you Need
Chapter 2 Getting Started
Chapter 3 Introduction
Chapter 4 Main Gadgets
Chapter 5 Print Section
Chapter 6 Organise
Chapter 7 Epilogue
Chapter 1 What you need:-
A 1MB Amiga running OS2.04 or higher
The Program DDBASE
The File ddbase.hlp in the same directory as DDBASE
LIBRARIES you will need:
If you haven't got either of these libraries already in your Libs Directory
then copy them from the DDBASE disk (or the Directory).
You will also need the AmigaGuide.library to view the DDBASE.GUIDE. For those
with WorkBench 2.1 or higher this will be on your workbench disks.
As AmigaGuide is Copyright to Commodore I am unable to release it with this
Actually I got AmigaGuide and AmigaGuide.library from a Magazine Coverdisk
so those with OS 2.04 keep your eyes peeled.
If you wish for the complete ILBM/Reqtools release then contact your local
PD Library for the most recent release.
Chapter 2 Getting Started
Use a program like SID or OPUS etc to copy the Reqtools.library and the
ILBM.library to your libs directory.You will find them on the DDBASE disk.
OR:- Use the supplied program to copy Reqtools.library,ILBM.library and
DDBASE to your Hard Disk or Floppy disk.
Just boot using your Workbench disk {copy} and open a cli or shell. Insert
the disk that has DDBASE on in df0: or df1: type - cd df0:ddbase and press
return.To make sure you are in the correct directory type dir.
Next - type copyddbase and press return,please DO NOT RUN copyddbase.
You will be asked if you wish to copy Reqtools.library to your libs
Directory, if you haven't already got Reqtools.library then type `y' and
press return.Do the same with the ILBM.library.
Next you will be asked to enter the destination where you want ddbase to be
copyed.Just type the destination ie df0:database or dh0:database/.
Copyddbase will now copy
All the example databases
To your destination. Next you will be asked if you want to create a Prefs
file. If you do press `y' and press return.This will write a small prefs
file called `ddbase.prefs' in the ram:env/sys drawer.
It is Imperitive {most important} that Ram:env/sys, and Prefs/Env-Archive
exists. If they don't look in your workbench manual to see how to create
This is only temporary so test DDBase by running it from its new home, then
select Prefs and if your happy with the settings select Save.
If you had a problem and did not create the ddbase.prefs then just run DDBASE
from its new home.You will see a requester stating that DDBASE could not
find then Help file.Select either options.Next you will be in DDBASE main
display,select Prefs and then select Path gadget.Enter the path press return
then select Save+Use. You will not have any more problems. If you do take
2 Aspirins and lay down in a dark room for two hours with a damp cool towel
over your head singing `Nee Neeee'.
WARNING:- Some possible problems!!
{1} Memory
If you run DDBASE several times you may get a problem{ A GURU } This is
because DDBASE takes about 500K of ram: to store all the data etc.When
you exit DDBASE this ram: is passed back to the system. The problem is
that programs like DDBASE need contiguous memory {all in one block} but
after a program has passed the ram: back the memory gets fragmented and
so even when you see displayed enough ram: to run DDBASE there may not
be enough contiguous memory. If you are ever unsure then just reset your
Amiga .I would like to say that this is not my fault but its just the way
the Amiga handles memory Allocation.
{2} The Waiting Game
DDBASE does not like waiting for anyone and this one IS my fault.If you
try to Multi-Task things get mighty slow.
ANSWER- If you want to load any other program first select About gadget
this produces a Reqtools Requester which puts DDBASE to sleep,or you
could select the Snap Gadget etc.
If you import data be careful with any Date Fields. If you import a file
from Superbase it may be a good ideah to use a string field if you find
any problems.
{3} The- Dating Game
If you have already created and entered data and then you edit a field to
a Date Field this may trash any existing data you have entered.
If you find that it does trash the data then you can either add a new field
as a date field and then Update each existing record. Or you can export the
data and then edit the field to a Date Field after which select New and
Delete Data. This will leave you with just the fields so you can import the
data back into the database.
{4} The Import Game
Always make sure when you wish to import data ascii or Superbase that you
have selected the same amount of fields that was exported.DDBASE is not
very forgiving and may produce a error requester that will mean early
retirement from DDBASE. A most infuriating thing.
In future releases this may not be such a problem.
Chapter 3 Introduction
One of the features of DDBASE is the on line help , so if you get
stuck just press the Help key and then click on the gadget you need
the help with.
Overall I think DDBASE is quite simple to use, while being quite
powerful in its operations.I know that is easy for me to say as I
wrote the program.So if you like the program but get a bit stuck on
things, give me a call.
DDBASE uses the ReqTools Library ©Nico Francios and uses emulated
GadTools Gadgets. Uses Gadtools BevelBoxes and FlippedBevelBoxes.
Also used is the ILBM Library to display IFF Pictures.
If you use GFABasic ©Data Media (UK) Ltd, and would like to know how
you can use Gadtools BevelBoxes and Reqtools or ILBM Libraries send me
2 disks with a stamped addressed envelope and I will send you the code.
One disk you will get back and the other one I will keep as
payment for my electricity and time etc.
On Line Help - Just press the Help Key and click a Gadget.
ASCII field - Display any ASCI file.The External field is
displayed as a Gadget.
IFF Field - Display any non HAM/AGA ILBM IFF.When I get an A1200
this will change.
Position Fields -Position any field anywhere you like on screen
you can always reposition them at any time.
Field Types - STRING Enter any type of data.
DATE Date format -DD/MM/YY
NUMERIC Be able to sort properly
BBOX TEXT in a BevelBox
FBOX TEXT in a FlipBox
ASCII ASCII File.(See above)
IFF Display ILBM IFF Graphic.
Edit Fields Move,Edit,Add,or Delete fields.
Export/Import Export to ASCI or SuperBase ©Precision Software,
format.Import ASCI or Superbase format.
Fast Sort Uses a Shell Metzner Sort
Snap Saves current record in T:snap[n].ddb
Reqtools Uses ReqTools ©Nico Francois Requesters
GadTools Uses Gadtools Bevel/Flip Boxes
Draw Box Draw BevelBoxes,FlipBoxes,RBoxes, and Circles
Upto 10 allowed.
LOOKS Totally WB2 look.All functions accessed by Gadgets
and keyboard shortcuts.Press 'h' to see current
Capacity Upto 1500 Records (Keep an eye on the memory displayed
on the Window Title Bar).
Upto 20 Fields.
Draw upto 10 boxes.
Chapter 4 Main Display Gadgets
Synopsis: Creates a database.
ShortCut- c (LowerCase)
Enter How many fields you wish to have.Next enter the field name
,see Field Types, next enter the length.You will then be asked
for the 'Field Type'.
Field Types.
STRING Input Data any Format
DATE Input data as Date DD/MM/YY
INTEGER Input Data as Numeric.
BBOX Displays as text in a BevelBox
FBOX Displays as text in a Flipped Box
TEXT Displays as text.
ASCII Will display ASCI file in field definition.
IFF Will display IFF Picture
After you have defined your fields you now have to position them
on the screen using the Mouse. When the field is in the desired
position press the left mouse button. After you have positioned
all of your fields you will then be able to add data as you wish.
However If you have made a mistake this can be easily rectified
by using the functions found in Organise.
EXTERNAL - Any external field will be displayed as a Gadget.To
access the file just click the gadget.To display the contents of the
field select Snap.You can edit the field as usual.A ASCII Field Gadget
has a broken blue border whereas a IFF Field Gadget has a solid blue
Synopsis: Displays ILBM IFF Pictures
ShortCut p
Similar to External but displays a IFF File instead.
*ASCII Gadget *
* *
* Synopsis: To display a ASCII Field *
* *
* Shortcut Non *
* *
* A gadget that when pressed will display a ASCII file that has the *
* Path and Name stored in the Field.To see the Name and Path of a *
* External field select Snap.A External field Gadget can be identified *
* by a blue broken border. *
* *
* See External, Snap. *
* *
* *
*Iff Gadget *
* *
* Synopsis: To Display a IFF Picture *
* *
* ShortCut Non *
* *
* A gadget when pressed will display a IFF Picture that has the name *
* and path stored in the field.A IFF Gadget can be identified by a *
* blue Border.Just to see the contents of the field select Snap. *
* *
* See IFF, Snap *
* *
See Organise Add Field/Delete Field/Edit Field/Move Field
Field Definitions:
Synopsis: Field Definition- String Field
ShortCut s (LowerCase)
Defines the current field to input strings {Alpha/Numeric}
Synopsis: Field Definition- Date Field
ShortCut d {LowerCase}
Defines the current field for a Date input. The only date input
allowed is DD/MM/YY. IE. 21 of June 1994 = 21/06/94
NOTE You are expected to have two charaters for the month.
Synopsis: Field Definition- Numeric Data Input
ShortCut i {LowerCase}
Input Numeric data.
Synopsis: Field Definition- Display Field
ShortCut b {LowerCase}
Displays field title only. The field title is embodied in a
BevelBox .NOTE You need only set the field length to 1.
Synopsis: Field Definition- Display Field
ShortCut t {LowerCase}
Displays field title only.
NOTE You need only set the field length to 1.
Synopsis: Field Definition- Display Field
ShortCut f {LowerCase}
Displays field title embodied in a flipped bevel box.
NOTE You need only set the field length to 1.
Synopsis: A Field Gadget that when depressed will display a
ASCII file whose path and name is stored in the field.
Shortcut Non
Synopsis:A Field Gadget that when depressed will display a
IFF file whose path and name is stored in the field.
Shortcut Non
Synopsis: Deletes current record
ShortCut- D (UpperCase)
Selecting this will result in LOSS OF DATA make sure that you
have backed up your data before using this function.
Synopsis: Sorts Records
ShortCut- S (UpperCase)
This function allows you to sort your data by any field.You
can also sort numerically as well by string. After you select
this function the select field requester appears. The sort
routine is very fast and is case insensitive. In case you were
wondering DDBASE uses a type of Shell Metzner sort routine.
Synopsis: Loads a previously saved file.
ShortCut- l (LowerCase)
This function does what it says- loads data from disk. The file
requester has a pattern matching to '.ddb', this is added to all
files saved with DDBASE.This makes finding and loading a lot
easier. (Nico Francois is worth his weight in gold)
Synopsis: Adds a record to the database
ShortCut- Cr (CarriageReturn)
To add data just press the return key and then just type in your
data and then select Accept or Cancel. Easy isn't it.
Also if you have any external fields you can choose the ASCI/IFF file
from a File Requester (Reqtools of course) ,so if you have more than
one external field it might make sense to keep all your external files
in the same directory.
Synopsis: Edits current record
ShortCut- e (Lowercase)
Synopsis: Search Database (Case Insensitive)
Shortcut =
With this function you can search the database using any of the
fields.Any field that you do not want to use just leave blank. You
can use '^' '=' '|' (thats shift + \).
Using '^' {In String} You would use this :- ^fred -: this would
search that field for any occurances of 'fred' in the field.
Using '|' {Left String} You would use this :- |fred -: this would
search that field for the left part of the field that equals
Using '=' {Exact Match} You would use this :- =fred -: this would
search that field for an exact match.
See ? Quick Search
Quick Search
Synopsis: Quick Search (Case Insensitive)
Shortcut ?
This function will search all fields for any occurance of the
search word. Example :- If you entered 'fred' it would try to find
any occurance of fred in any of the fields. This is
case insensitive.
|« Cursor Down
Synopsis: Move to start of Database
Shortcut Cursor Down
When a database has been open it moves to the start.
«« Cursor Left
Synopsis: Moves to the previous record
Shortcut Cursor Left
Displays the previous record.
º Space - GoTo
Synopsis: Goto Line No
Shortcut Space
Allows you to Jump to any Line No.
»» Cursor Right
Synopsis: Displays the next record
Shortcut Cursor Right
Displays the next record.
»| Cursor Up
Synopsis: Moves to Last record
Shortcut Cursor Up
Moves to the last record.
Synopsis: Tells you all about me!
Shortcut A (Uppercase)
What can I say!!!!
Synopsis: Allows user to print using various output.
ShortCut- p (LowerCase)
See Help in Print Section.
Save As
Synopsis: Saves DataBase
ShortCut s (LowerCase)
Produces a ReqTools File Requester so you can choose what name to
save the database with.
Synopsis: Takes a snapshot of current record
ShortCut P (UpperCase)
Those of you who have not heard of the utility 'SNAP' © Mikael
Karlsson, may find this quite strange. When selected the program
will save the current record to T: as snap{nn}.ddb. NN is updated
for each record you Snap so after for instance you Snap 2 Records
the directory T: would look something like this:
1.Ram Disk:> dir t:
1.Ram Disk:>
The reason why the current record is displayed in a Requester is
quite simple SNAP © by Mikael Karlsson does not work due to the
Synopsis:Deletes the whole database or data
ShortCut n (LowerCase)
You have the option Kill! | Data | Cancel. Selecting Kill! will
delete the data and the data structure (fields etc). Whereas
Delete Data will only clear the data leaving the data structure in
Synopsis: Save data direct without the option of a File
ShortCut v (LowerCase)
Save will only work if their is a database that has either been
loaded or has previously been saved.In other words if the file
path and name is null ("") it will not work
Synopsis: To alter fields and Import and Export Data
ShortCut o (LowerCase)
I believe that these functions make DDBASE stand out from other
Database programs. To be able to alter the fields and their
position to Add fields or delete them with ease.
Synopsis: Allows the user to alter some operations of DDBASE
Shortcut f (LowerCase)
LOAD Set On/Off. When On DDBASE will attempt to load the file
Defined in the FileName Gadget
FILENAME Select the 'R' Gadget (short for Requester) and then select
a file from the File Requester.
PRINT This option sets the page Length for output to a printer.
SEE the Print section.
SEPERATOR This allows you to enter the field seperator.This is useful
when you are exporting or importing data from SuperBase.
{SuperBase ©Precision Software}
CALCULATE Calculate when searching [=].Will open a window and display
all the selected fields.{See Calculations}
PATH Set the Path for DDBASE.Keep all your files here.
GUIDE Use Amigaguide for Help. AmigaGuide needs to be in the C
directory and ddbase.guide in the Path directory.
DATE Use DD/MM/YY or DD MMM YYYY (12/06/93 or 12 Jun 1993)
SAVE This saves the preference settings.
USE This saves the preference settings to Ram:env/sys/.
USE+SAVE Take a guess at this one... Thats correct it saves the
Preference Settings to the current prefs (env:sys/) and to
Synopsis:Use AmigaGuide when Help Key is pressed.
Shortcut Non
Instead of pressing Help and then clicking the gadget you need help
with, a Help file in AmigaGuide is used.
This gives more information overall but shares the same information
about the gadgets.
Synopsis: The path for the system files.IE. Help files etc
Shortcut Non
This enables you to put DDBASE in any directory on a Hard Disk or
floppy and the Help files - DDBASE.HLP and DDBASE.GUIDE anywhere
you wish,DDBASE will know how to find them.
Ideally you would put DDBASE and the supporting files in a directory
along with the database files you create and then set the path to
this directory. IE Path == 'DH0:Database/' .
Synopsis:When set will calculate selected fields
Shortcut Non
When set it will display the fields,either all the fields or the fields
you have selected {see Organise Select Fields}.
If you have selected the fields you wish to use {See Organise Set-Calc}
when you use Search or Quick Search the Sum of the fields will be
Chapter 5 Print Section
Print While Searching
Synopsis: Will send data to printer when you use the
search function.
ShortCut- p (LowerCase)
Selecting this function any data output from the next search will
be output to the screen and to the printer in the format you have
selected, Table View or Record View.
Synopsis:Will output the selected fields to a Label or
ShortCut- e (LowerCase)
You will be asked for the tab position and then it will print
the current record (Selected Fields)
All Records
Sysnopsis: Prints all the records.
ShortCut- a (LowerCase)
This function will print all the records in the format that
you have selected.
Current Record
Synopsis: Prints Current Record
ShortCut- c (LowerCase)
Prints Current Record in the format you have chosen
Table View
Synopsis: Print Format
ShortCut t (LowerCase)
Prints selected fields horizontally accross the Paper. After
reaching 65 lines you will be asked to insert a new sheet of paper.
If you use tractor feed then set your printer to the top of the
next page.
Record View
Synopsis: Print Format
ShortCut r (LowerCase)
Prints Selected fields vertically down the paper.
Form View
Synopsis: Print Format
Shortcut f (LowerCase)
Prints all fields as they appear on the screen. Saying that it will
not display Bevel Boxes etc just the field Text and Data.
Chapter 6 Organise
Set Calc'
Synopsis: Select fields you wish to Calculate the Sum of.
Shortcut Non (At the Moment)
Choose Select|Cancel. To select fields click on select and enter how
many fields you wish to use.Then with the Mouse select the fields from
the requester.
Select Fields
Synopsis:Select the fields you wish to print
ShortCut s (LowerCase)
You have the option to select All | Select | Cancel. By selecting
All this will enable you to print all the fields.With Select you
can choose the fields that you want printed and their length. Enter
how many fields you wish to use. The field requester will appear on
the right and a list of chosen fields on the left.
Export DATA*
Synopsis: Exports data with out the field information.
ASCI or SuperBase Format
ShortCut x (LowerCase)
The selected fields will be output to a file. This will be useful
to transfer data from one database to another or for a mail merge
file for use with a word processor.
The data will be output in a format that SuperBase can Import. Also
you will find a second file with a '.hlp' suffix, this file
contains the field name and length of the records.To use the data
in SuperBase you will first need to create a database that has the
same amount of fields and the correct length.To find out how to do
this look in the SuperBase manual.
Import DATA*
Synopsis: Merges Data ASCI or SuperBase Format
Shortcut i (LowerCase)
Merges data to database.Their must be the same amount for fields in
the file to be imported otherwise all sorts of problems will
occur.However the actual length of the fields on the file to be
imported is not important,BE WARNED if the fields are longer than
the current database then they will be trimmed to the size of the
current field lengths.
Import SuperBase
Will import data that has been previously exported from Superbase
Enter the field seperator ie ',' or '*' whatever you set in Superbase
SuperBase ©Precision Software.
Edit Field
Synopsis: Allows you to edit any field.Also change the length.
Shortcut e (LowerCase)
Displays the Select Field requester.After selecting the field you
can change or alter the field name.After pressing return you can
change the field length.Also you can change the Field Type.
See Create
Move Field
Synopsis: Allows you to move any field to a new position.
ShortCut m (LowerCase)
You have the option to change all the fields or select
field. Change all fields is the same procedure you went
through with Create after defining your fields.
However if you choose to select the field that you wish to
move,choose Select.After selecting the field from the Field
Requester, all the existing fields will be displayed.All you have
to do is to move your new field to the correct position and press
the left mouse button.
Add Field
Synopsis: Add field
ShortCut a (LowerCase)
Allows you to Add another field.A string requester appears for you
to enter the name of the new field.Then you enter the length. You
then have to select the Field Type. After this you position the new
field using the mouse, when it is in the desired position press the
left mouse button.
Delete Field
Synopsis: Deletes a field
ShortCut d (LowerCase)
After selecting this option a Select Field requester allows you to
choose the field to delete.It must be noted that deleting a field
not only deletes the specified field but also the corresponding
data in the database.
Synopsis: Displays Information about your Database
Shortcut = S (UpperCase)
Will display a requester displaying how many records,fields and
displaying all the fields with their length and Field Types.You
can also print the information.
Draw Box
Synopsis: Draw Flip / Bevel Boxes
Shortcut = b (LowerCase)
BEVEL Draws a bevelbox {GADTOOL}
FLIP Draws a flipbox {GADTOOL} (DDBASE will not run on OS1.3)
RBOX Draws a rounded box.(Best on Square Boxes or small ones)
CIRCLE Draws a circle.
DELETE Deletes Last Box Drawn
CANCEL Exits from the routine.
Position pointer to the top left corner of the box that you wish
to draw, then press the left mouse button.
Move the pointer to the bottom right corner, you will notice the
rubber banding effect. When the box is to your desired size press
the left mouse button.
If you are drawing a circle start from the centre and work to the
NOTE: You can only go from Left to Right and not Right to Left.
Chapter 7 Epilogue
If you like DDBASE and use it you might like to consider a small
donation to the author of this breathtaking database. Or some blank
disks or PD software, or a postcard but you are not obliged to do so
although I would like any bug reports or any suggestions (Please No
rude ones).
I can be contacted by Telephone - Hastings(0424) 854608
Or by Mail
Peter Hughes
168 Wishingtree Road
St Leonards on Sea
East Sussex
TN38 9LB
This is Version 3.0
If you want a copy of the latest version (if there is one) send 2
Blank disks and a stamped addressed envelope.
ReqTools ©Nico Francois
GFABASIC ©GFA Data Media (UK) Ltd
SuperBase ©Precision Software (Or at least my version is!)
Gadtools ©Commodore
SNAP ©Mikael Karlsson
ILBM ©Jeff Glat.
The End