Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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115 lines
Dieser Zug v1.2a, December 1993 - Juha Vehviläinen
Short Description
dieserZug (dZ) is a traingame, similar to the kind of games where
you control a worm, trying to eat pieces which make you longer.
However, the main difference is that dZ is perfect. There's no need
for feature-list, just play the game and see for yourself.
The Main object of the game is to use a good strategy to get your
train as long as possible. Due to the strategical nature of this game,
only one hiscore-list is used, though there are three possible values
for the speed. Just use the one you're best at.
The main window's title has two numbers in it. The first one shows the
value of the next wagon you must collect. The other one is your total
length / score.
Arrow keys Movement.
Keypad - " -
'p' Pause.
'5' (keypad) - " -
'1' - '3' Finetune the speed.
ESC Quit the game. During shutdown the hiscores,
window positions and other data will be saved to
"PROGDIR:dieserZug.data". PROGDIR is the directory
where dieser Zug (or any other program for that
matter) is started.
DEL Close/Open Top Ten window.
HELP (on the startup-logo) Will show the keys used, and if
pressed twice, the Author Gallery.
Command Line Options:
These are case sensitive. Valid entries are, for example:
"dieserZug -a -d -t"
"dieserZug -lsd"
? Show the usage.
-a Show The Author Gallery.
-l Force to Lace Mode. This may be used if for some
strange reason dZ wouldn't detect that you're using
an interlace screen. (looks pretty weird on a non-
interlace screen..)
-s Disable Scaling. Scaling takes place only in the Lace
Mode. It makes the Author Gallery and the gameover
graphics look "right", but slows down a bit.
-d Disable the irritating text below the dZ logo.. :-)
-n Don't activate the main window. VERY useful when
you put dZ to your startup-sequence.. :-)
-t Use the Tumpelo Mode. This is for people who are
pissed of with those fatal 180 degree turns..
No way. This program is 100% Public Domain, a FREEWARE product. Copy
it to your friends, send it to bulletin boards and make it part of your
library if you want to. As long as you don't make any money with this,
and you don't modify any part of the package. Thank you.
Thanks To:
Lauri Aho For programming the most important part. :-)
Tommi Kangas For betatesting, bughunting and intellectual ideas.
(If you'd like to talk about dZ, Amiga, life in
general or anything, mail me to toka@muncca.fi)
Jan Forsblom For betatesting with Enforcer. No Enforcer Hits!
God For having faith in me.
Me For actually finishing this!
For everyone who has sent me bugreports and new ideas. Thanks!
If you love/like/hate this product, I'd like to hear from you. The
easiest way is, of course, to send email. So don't hesitate to do so.
Snail Mail: EMail:
Juha Vehviläinen jusu@muncca.fi ; Primary, fastest.
Kytösuontie 8 D 44 jusu@mdata.fi ; Secondary.
00300 Helsinki jusu@krk.fi, ; If everything else fails..
Finland, Europe
Final Note
If you see a single bug, a design error or ANYTHING you wanna see done
different, let me know. The current version wouldn't exist without the
feedback I got. Thanks.
Only Amiga makes this possible. Have FUN!