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The InfoTaskForce Infocom Interpreter Modification History.
Copyright (c) 1992 InfoTaskForce
REV_A - May 25, 1987.
* Original version of the Infocom Standard Series Interpreter. This
was compiled on a 128K Apple Macintosh using Aztec C Version
REV_B - June 1, 1987.
* The Interpreter was ported to Lightspeed C Version 2.01 on a
128K Apple Macintosh, an IBM PC on Microsoft C Version 4 and a
VAX 11/780 running UNIX Version 7. These ports revealed some
non-portable constructs in the code.
* In file.c : fix for byte order (within word) problem.
* In infocom.h : added a few new definitions and extra
* In io.c : fix for type mismatch (coersion added).
* In jump.c : fix for an attempt to use a negative number when
stored as an unsigned.
* In infocom.c : add command line processing for cheat modes.
* Added object.che: A replacement for object.c, allowing two
"cheat" modes which can be invoked from the command
* In print.c : fix for errors that occured when an "int" is not 16
* In page.c : fix for a problem in the "fix_pc ()" function that
occured when an int and short aren't the same size.
* Added debug.c : A replacement for interp.c with debugging
code built in - produces an instruction trace.
Machine C Compiler Operational Porting details
128K Apple
Macintosh Aztec C Version 1.06F 18/05/87
128K Apple
Macintosh Lightspeed C 2.01 29/05/87 Use "rb" &
"wb" in all
IBM PC/AT Microsoft C 4 30/05/87 Link with
DEC VAX 11/780 UNIX V7 cc 01/06/87
REV_C - June 2, 1987.
*** This is the incomplete version which was released on the Internet ***
*** (not by InfoTaskForce) ***
* Nine more cases of faulty coersion have been found. They showed
up quite graphically on the port to an HP 9000 UNIX machine.
"signed_word" coersions were added to the following three files:
funcs.c, print.c and variable.c.
REV_D - June 16, 1987.
* Fix one remaining byte order within word problem in "restore ()".
* Remove checking on the "fread ()" in "load_page ()" to remove a
"Failed to Read Block from File" error when the last block wasn't
a full 512 bytes long (they need not be).
REV_E - June 25, 1987.
REV_E is the first major overhaul to the interpreter.
* The source is now significantly lint free.
* TERMCAP support has now been added [#define TERMCAP option].
* Screen paging and word wrap has been added, along with a new
command line option which disables screen paging (-p).
* Random number generator seeding using time () added [#define
TIMESEED option].
* Attributes in the object list are listed as bits.
* A debuging version can now be produced as an inbuilt options
[#define DEBUG option].
* The coded requirement that 25k is always free in the system can
now be removed [#define ALLOCALL option].
* A new command line option was added to print the object/room list
as a tree (-r).
* interp.c has been re-written to improve efficiency [large
switches have been replaced with arrays of pointers to funcions].
There are now 14 machines on the porting list:
Machine C Compiler Operational Porting details
128K Apple
Macintosh Aztec C Version 1.06F 18/05/87
128K Apple
Macintosh Lightspeed C 2.01 29/05/87 Use "rb" &
"wb" in all
IBM PC/AT Microsoft C 4 30/05/87 Link with
DEC VAX 11/780 UNIX V7 cc 01/06/87
HP-9000 HP-UX cc 02/06/87
gould cc 03/06/87
Amiga Aztec C 04/06/87
Pyramid 9810 cc 04/06/87
Pyramid 90x cc 04/06/87
Osiris cc 05/06/87
DEC PDP-11/? UNIX V? cc 07/06/87 EXTENSIVE
mods to fix
problems with
signed chars.
VAX VMS cc 16/06/87 Add #define
times ttmes to
fix multiply
defined symbol
Version 1.00 - August 17, 1987.
The REV_C interpreter of June 2, 1987 was officially archived as
Version 1.00 on August 17, 1987.
Version 2.00 - April 4, 1988.
[Note: Version 2.00 of the interpreter was derived from the
REV_E version of the interpreter. The REV_E save/restore bug is
fixed with Version 2.00. However, the following modification list
shows the differences between Version 1.00 and Version 2.00, not
the differences between REV_E and Version 2.00]
*** The STANDARD Interpreter is finally complete ***
* Merged file debug.c with interp.c (debug.c no longer exists -
DEBUG can now be #defined).
* Merged file object.che with object.c (object.che no longer exists
- CHEAT can now be #defined).
* Renamed function.c to funcs.c (filename was too big for some
operating systems).
* Renamed makefile to unix.mk and added unix support to the
* Introduced term.c. This file contains the UNIX TERMCAP
interface routines.
* In file.c, the save and restore routines were completely
rewritten. The old version saved only the save_blocks area of the
data file, while the new version also saves the current values of
the interpreter pc_page, pc_offset, stack pointer,
stack_var_pointer and stack array. The size of the save file name
was increased from 10 characters to 80 characters.
* In infocom.c, the "main ()" routine was modified to support two
new options - print object tree and page out (disable the
[MORE] function). Some global variables have also been removed
to other files.
* In infocom.h, the macro "max_mem" was changed from 0xFFFF to
0xFE00 (that is, to a multiple of the block size 0x0200). The
macros "dmx_scrx" and "mx_scry" have been introduced - they
are the default line width and default screen height respectively.
* In init.c, the "init ()" routine was rewritten. Many of the global
variables were not needed. The interpreter stack is now a
predefined global array and is not obtained from the block of
memory obtained by "allocate ()". The new routines "init_io ()"
and "init_status ()" are also called from here.
* In input.c, the "input ()" routine was modified to reset the line
count for every new line of input.
* The routines in interp.c were completely rewritten - they now use
arrays of function pointers instead of large case statements to
execute the various opcode functions.
* In io.c, the "init_io ()" routine was added to initialise any I/O
variables (specifically the UNIX TERMCAP variables). The
"cr_print_buffer ()" routine was added, allowing the "print_buffer
()" routine to be greatly simplified (it was actually quite a
* In io.c, the "out_char ()" routine has been changed to include
the "page_out" option and to use the "mx_scry" variable
(current number of screen lines).
* In io.c, the "allocate ()" routine now returns the number of
bytes allocated. It also uses increments of 256 bytes instead of 1
Kbytes and preserves 24 Kbytes for system use instead of 25
Kbytes. This memory is no longer preserved if ALLOCALL is
* In io.c, the "seed_random ()" routine now uses the C library
"time ()" function to seed the random number generator if
TIMESEED is defined.
* In options.c, the "out_char ()" routine is now used to print new
line characters rather than using printf. "words_per_line" is now
calculated from the current line length "mx_scrx" rather than
#defined. The total number of entries in the object/room list is
now correctly calculated using the start of the first object's
property list (instead of blindly assuming that there are always
256 objects).
* In options.c, the "bit_byte ()" routine was added to show an
object's properties as bits rather than as a hexadecimal number.
New routines were added ("show_tree ()" and "obtree ()") to
display the data file's object/room list in a tree format.
* The global variables "page_strt" and "strt_page_table" were moved
from init.c to page.c. The page table initialisation code was also
moved from init.c and put in the new "init_page ()" routine in
* In print.c, changed some calls from "print_buffer ()" to
"cr_print_buffer ()".
* In print.c, introduced the status routine global variables and the
"init_status ()" routine which initialises them.
* In print.c, the "show_score ()" routine now checks the data file's
header directly for the "score_or_time" information rather than
use a preset global variable. This routine is now aware of the
line length via the "mx_scrx" variable instead of always assuming
80 columns. The status buffer no longer puts the status buffer
size in the first byte of the buffer (since this was never used
* In support.c, the "quit ()" routine was modified to remove the
superfluous request for the user to hit return before leaving the
Version 2.50 - Date Unknown.
*** This is the first version to include PLUS Interpreter Routines ***
* Renamed unix.mk to makefile.
* Renamed funcs.c to fns.c.
* Introduced machine.h, globals.c, message.c, plus_fns.c and
status.c (the status routines were removed from print.c into
* Made some variables register variables.
* Introduced the "read_string" and "write_string" macros because
Lightspeed C and Microsoft C require files to be explicitly opened
in binary mode: "rb" and "wb".
* Change the name of the "score_or_time" byte in the header to
* Renamed "save ()" to "save_game ()" and "restore ()" to
"restore_game ()".
* Moved global variables from infocom.c to globals.c, io.c, input.c,
message.c and print.c.
* Introduced the macros "prop_mask" and "mode_mask" due to the
introduction of the PLUS interpreter.
* In object.c, added code to handle the PLUS interpreter versions
of "transfer ()", "remove_obj ()", "get_loc ()", "get_holds ()",
"get_link ()" and "check_loc ()". Added "#ifdef CHEAT" to most
functions and specified some variables as "register". In "test_attr
()", "set_attr ()" and "clr_attr ()", changed the variable "bit" to
"attr_bit" - there was a reason for this but I can't remember
* In property.c, added code to handle the PLUS interpreter
versions of "next_addr ()", "get_prop_addr ()" and "get_p_len
()". Also specified some variables as "register" and in some
functions, combined multiple statements into single statements.
* Moved some initialisation code out of init.c and put it in
"init_input ()" in input.c.
* Moved the "print_coded ()", "decode ()" and "letter ()" functions
from print.c to message.c. Also moved "encode ()", "find_mode
()" and "convert ()" from input.c to message.c.
* Deleted the function "init_status ()" from print.c and moved the
functions "show_score ()" { now called "show_status ()" with a
different parameter list }, "put_status ()" and "copy_string ()"
from print.c to status.c. Also added the function "prt_status ()"
which calls "show_status ()" to print.c.
* Rewrote "cr_print_buffer ()" and "print_buffer ()" - changed the
parameter lists.
* Added "init_print ()" and "flush_prt_buff ()" to print.c. Also
added code to "print2 ()" to handle the PLUS interpreter version.
* Redefined the page table structure in infocom.h. Rewrote all the
functions in page.c to conform with the new page table structure
definition. Used a new method to calculate "pc" in "fix_pc ()".
* Changed the way the command line options are handled. Instead
of each being a boolean, they are now different bit positions in
an "options" variable.
* In options.c, changed all occurrences of "out_char ( '\n' )" to
"new_line ()" so that the output from the options use the MORE
facility correctly. Also added code to "show_objects ()",
"show_tree ()" and "obtree ()" to handle the PLUS version of the
object list. The "show_header ()" function now knows about
"mode_bits" and "script_status".
* Changed the definition of "true" from "1" to "!false".
* Revamped the "allocate ()" routine - it now returns a long
instead of an unsigned int. Added the "LONG_ALLOCATE"
* Merged the TERMCAP functions from term.c into io.c (term.c no
longer exists).
* In jump.c, completely rewrote the "gosub ()" routine. PLUS
series code was added (the "pc_page" and "pc_offset" values are
calculated differently). The parameters to "gosub ()" have been
removed - it now uses the "param_stack[]" array instead for
receiving its parameters.
* During a subroutine call, the current "stack_var_ptr" offset
which is pushed onto the stack is now a positive offset from the
"stack_base" rather than a negative one.
* In jump.c, added PLUS series comments to the "rtn ()" opcode.
* In infocom.h, removed the "max_mem" macro and the default
screen size macros "dmx_scrx" and "dmx_scry". Added macros
"max_params", "table_size", "max_line_length",
"max_PageTable_size" and "encoded_size". Added macros for
"z_interp", "stack_size", "chars_per_word", "obj_size",
"obj_offset", "plus_error_1" and "plus_error_2" for the PLUS
series interpreter. Changed the structure definitions of "object"
and "header" for the PLUS series interpreter.
* In "init ()", more rigourous checks were added to the memory
allocation code. A check is now made to ensure that there is
enough room for the resident blocks and at least two data pages.
It does not use the "status" global variable to determine the
success or failure of the allocation code.
* The "init ()" function no longer calls "init_io ()". This is now
done by "init_print ()" as "init_io ()" now returns the length of
a screen line.
* The space used by "p_buff_strt" (the print buffer) and
"ws_buff_strt" (the white_space buffer) are no longer allocated
from allocated memory. They are now fixed global arrays allocated
at compile time.
* Moved the function prototypes and opcode jump tables from
interp.c to globals.c.
* The "interp ()" function now includes support for the PLUS
series data file header and uses "init_print ()" rather than
manipulate the print routine variables directly.
* In "interp ()", renamed the local debug variable "pc" to
"debug_pc" to avoid confusion with the "pc" global variable in
globals.c. The debug code now uses "new_line ()" in order to use
the [MORE] facility correctly.
* In interp.c, code was changed to use the new "param_stack[]"
and "operands[]" arrays instead of separate parameter variables.
The "push_params ()" function was introduced to manipulate the
parameter stack.
* Changed the "input ()" routine from using two parameters which
were explicitly passed to it to using the "param_stack[]" array.
Also changed the "show_score ()" call to a "prt_status ()" call
which is only compiled if the macro PLUS is not defined. The
"flush_prt_buff ()" routine is also used, instead of calling the
equivalent routines explicitly.
* Fixed a bug in the "read_line ()" routine. Previously, if a
backspace was typed and there was no character in the buffer,
this routine would go into an infinite loop since "read_char ()"
was never called for this special case to break it out of the loop.
* Rewrote the "look_up ()" function used by "parse ()" routine to
make it more general. Instead of updating the "word_ptr" array,
it does the more general function of returning the offset value
which is to be stored in the "word_ptr" array and leaves the
actual storing of the value to "parse ()". "parse ()" also calls
"encode ()", rather than allowing "look_up ()" to do it. The
global array "coded[]" is now a local variable.
* Added the "make_new_page ()" function in an attempt to isolate
the "linecount" variable in the io.c file.
* Changed the "read_char ()" routine in io.c to use the "quit ()"
function when standard input is exhausted, rather than closing
the file and deallocating memory itself.
* In io.c, changed the "seed_random ()" routine to use the new
"time_function" macro instead of using TIMESEED or the C "time
()" function explicitly.
Version 3.00 - March 10, 1990.
* Renamed makefile to makefile.uni and introduced two new
makefiles: makefile.azt and makefile.msc.
* Created two new files: enhanced.c and plus.h.
* Replaced calls to "printf ()" in file.c with calls to "echo ()".
* Moved "init_print ()" call to init.c.
* Added code to deal with the PLUS series data file header.
* Added macro bit definitions for the "mode_bits" and
"script_status" words in the data file header.
* Renamed "play_game" to "PLAY_GAME", "init_game" to
"INIT_GAME", "restart_game" to "RESTART_GAME" and
"quit_game" to "QUIT_GAME".
* Added the following STANDARD interpreter global variables:
"screen_width", "screen_height", "linecount" and "enable_screen".
* Added the following ENHANCED interpreter global variables:
"disable_script", "windowing_enabled", "current_window" and
* Removed the following PLUS interpreter global variables:
"current_window", "cuursor_x" and "cursor_y".
* Added the following PLUS interpreter global variables:
"printer_active", "use_buffered_io", "save_use_buffered_io",
"use_internal_buffer", "internal_io_buffer", "internal_io_ptr" and
* Added the following ENHANCED and PLUS series opcodes:
"split_screen ()", "set_current_window ()", "clear_screen ()",
"erase_line ()", "set_text_mode ()", "io_buffer_mode ()", "io_mode
()" and "get_key ()".
* Modified the "verify ()" opcode in support.c to enable the
verification of PLUS Series Data Files.
* Rename variables "mx_scrx" to "screen_width" and "mx_scry" to
* Rename macros "dmx_scrx" to "SCREEN_WIDTH" and "dmx_scry"
* Rename TERMCAP routine "gotoxy ()" to "tcap_goto_xy ()".
* Implement new functions "tcap_putchar ()" and
"tcap_erase_window ()".
* Introduced the following Default I/O functions: "default_init_io
()", "default_exit_io ()", "default_putchar ()", "default_goto_xy
()", "default_use_window ()", "default_erase_window ()",
"default_save_cursor ()", "default_restore_cursor ()",
"default_erase_to_eoln ()" and "default_get_ch ()".
* Introduced the following Lightspeed C I/O functions: "lsc_init_io
()", "lsc_putchar ()", "lsc_use_window ()", "lsc_erase_window
()", "lsc_save_cursor ()", "lsc_restore_cursor ()" and
"lsc_erase_to_eoln ()".
* Introduced the following Microsoft C I/O functions: "msdos_init_io
()", "msdos_putchar ()", "msdos_goto_xy ()", "msdos_use_window
()", "msdos_erase_window ()", "msdos_save_cursor ()",
"msdos_restore_cursor ()" and "msdos_erase_to_eoln ()".
* Inroduced the following UNIX I/O functions: "unix_init_io ()" and
"unix_exit_io ()".
* Introduced the following macros in machine.h for TERMCAP,
UNIX, Lightspeed C, Microsoft C and default: "INIT_IO",
"SAVE_CURSOR" and "RESTORE_CURSOR". All I/O functions are
now accessed through these macros.
* Deleted "cr_print_buffer ()" and replaced it by a call to
"print_buffer ()" followed by "out_char ( '\n' )".
* Introduced the macro "USE_TIME".
* Rename "status_line_length" to "screen_width".
* In file io.c, deleted functions "init_io ()", "make_new_page ()"
and "print_buffer ()". Removed the variable "linecount" from io.c
and made it a global. Rewrote "print_buffer ()" - put it in
print.c and changed its parameter list. The new "INIT_IO ()"
function no longer returns the current line length.
* Deleted the "prt_status ()" function from print.c and renamed the
"show_status ()" function in status.c as "prt_status ()".
* In plus_fns.c, rewrote the "set_cursor_posn ()" function.
* In print.c, added code to initialise the ENHANCED and PLUS
version print variables in the "init_print ()" function. Added
code to handle the PLUS version of the "print_char ()" function.
* In io.c, rewrote the "print_status ()" function to use "PUT_CHAR
()" and "GOTO_XY ()" instead of TERMCAP specific functions.
* In io.c, rewrote the MORE code in the "out_char ()" function.
Version 3.01 - March 29, 1990.
* Incorporated the file plus.h into infocom.h.
* Incorporated the files makefile.azt, makefile.msc and makefile.uni
into one makefile.
* Defined the CAPITALISE & UNDERLINE macros for use in the
PLUS version game header.
* Removed the "back_space" macro and replaced it with the '\b'
character (I didn't know about '\b' previously).
* The "save_game ()" and "restore_game ()" functions were
modified to support the PLUS interpreter. The Standard and
Enhanced versions call the "ret_value ()" fuction before returning
while the PLUS version calls the "store ()" function.
* Defined new macros "MODE_BITS", "MALLOC ()" and "FREE ()".
* Changed "ALLOCALL" to "RESERVE_RAM" due to a spelling bug
in earlier files.
* Corrected MS-DOS's screen height - changed it from 24 to 25
* Removed the MSDOS dependency from the "print_status ()"
routine in io.c.
* Rewrote the "read_char ()" and "out_char ()" functions in io.c to
support the ENHANCED interpreter mode.
* Replaced the "msdos_use_window ()", "default_init_io ()",
"default_exit_io ()", "default_use_window ()",
"default_erase_to_eoln ()", "default_erase_window ()" and
"default_save_cursor ()" with the new "null_io ()" function.
* Renamed all msdos I/O routines as ansi I/O routines. The old
"msdos_putchar ()" becomes "ansi_putchar ()" and
"msdos_putchar ()" was completely rewritten to use MS-DOS
interrupts for scrolling. Rewrote "ansi_goto_xy ()" and
"ansi_erase_window ()". Coded "ansi_save_cursor ()" and
"ansi_restore_cursor ()".
* Defined new catagories for ANSI and CURSES. Added the CURSES
functions "curses_init_io ()", "curses_exit_io ()", "curses_putchar
()", "curses_goto_xy ()", "curses_erase_window ()",
"curses_save_cursor ()", "curses_restore_cursor ()" and
"curses_erase_to_eoln ()".
* Recoded "tcap_putchar ()" and "tcap_erase_window ()". Removed
"cls ()", "standout ()" and "standend ()". Added new TERMCAP
functions "tcap_erase_to_eoln ()", "tcap_save_cursor ()" and
"tcap_restore_cursor ()".
* Fixed a bug in the "io_mode ()" function in io.c. The internal
"data_head" structure's "script_status" field should be updated to
reflect the current state of the resident game data file's
"script_status" field. The bug prevented this.
* Modified the "interp ()" function to set the "mode_bits" field of
the header in both the PLUS and ENHANCED versions (in both
the resident data file AND the internal interpreter "data_head"
structure ).
Version 3.02 - May 24, 1990.
* In the makefile, added support for Turbo C and the ENHANCED
versions of Microsoft C, BSD TERMCAP, BSD ANSI, BSD
* Changed the definition of "long_word" from "long" to "unsigned
long" and created a new definition called "signed_long".
* Implemented scripting. Added the "init_script ()", "open_script
()", "close_script ()" and "script_char ()" functions.
* Added macro APPEND_STRING - it is used by the scripting
* Captialised macro names READ_STRING and WRITE_STRING for
style purposes.
* Moved "init_print ()" from init.c to interp.c and options.c.
* Modified function "check ()" to check the serial number of the
restored data file against that in the "data_head" structure.
* Rewrote the Lightspeed C interface routines to prevent the text
running into the scroll bars in the default stdout window. Also
implemented underlining in Lightspeed C.
* Fixed a bug in the "look_up ()" routine in input.c. The "v_ptr"
variable should be a "long_word", not a "word". This caused the
end of some vocab tables not to be searched - they refused to
recognise words we knew were in the vocab list.
* Fixed a bug in "interp ()". When a game is restored, the old
screen modes are still in effect. Calls to "USE_WINDOW ()" were
inserted to correct this.
* Modified "io_mode ()" and "io_buffer_mode ()" opcodes in
Version 3.03 - June 19, 1990.
* Capitalised the macros "TRUE", "FALSE", "BLOCK_SIZE",
* Renamed "prop_mask" to "PROP_NUM_MASK", "mode_mask" to
"WORD_MASK" and "max_mem" to "MAX_BYTES".
* Introduced the "BITS_PER_BYTE", "FIRST_ATTRIBUTE",
()" macros.
* Changed definitions of "byte", "word", "long_word",
"signed_word" and "signed_long" from macros to typedefs.
* Introduced the types byte_ptr, word_ptr, object_ptr,
Page_Table_ptr and header_ptr instead of byte *, word *, object
*, Page_Table * and header *. They are defined in terms of the
macros "BYTE", "WORD", "OBJECT", "PAGE_TABLE" and
"HEADER" since the Turbo C version needs to explicitly specify
huge pointers.
* The "jmp_op0", "jmp_op1" and "jmp_op2" arrays are now defined
as being of type "ProcPtr".
* Improved the "allocate ()" function. It will now allocate the page
table as well as the pages. The previous version would also try
to allocate the maximum amount of memory, regardless of whether
the game actually required the full amount. This has been fixed.
* The "pre-load" option was introduced.
* In makefile, removed the "-v" option from the Turbo C entry.
* The "LT ()" and "GT ()" functions were renamed "less_than ()"
and "greater_than ()".
* In "save_game ()" and "restore_game ()" functions in file.c, the
way the z-machine's stack was saved contained a bug. The
previous version used fread and fwrite to save and restore the
stack. However, if a game saved using this method on a high-
endian machine (68000) was restored on a little-endian machine
(8088, etc.) the game would not run - the high and low bytes of
the stack would apprear to have been swapped. The stack is now
saved and restored word by word in a machine independent
* Recoded the PLUS function "get_key ()" properly ( the previous
version was a kludge ) and added the support functions
"read_the_key ()", "wait_for_key ()" and "special_gosub ()".
Introduced the "KBD_HIT" and "ONE_SECOND" macros and the
"default_kbd_hit ()" routine.
* The "interp ()" routine was split into two parts: an initialisation
part "init_interpreter ()" and the main loop "execute_opcode ()".
This was done because the "special_gosub ()" function needed to
call the main loop recursively. This also caused the way the
game's status was recorded. Instead of a word representing the
game's status, a boolean representing the stop condition is used
* Completed the PLUS version of the "rtn ()" opcode - dummy code
was previously enclosed by comments.
Version 3.04 - August 13, 1990.
*** The PLUS Interpreter is finally complete ***
* Added the "MSC" directive for Microsoft C. The "MSDOS"
directive is now used for the generic MS-DOS routines.
* Modified the makefile to generate the infocom.col file. In the
Microsoft C definitions, added graphics.lib to all entries. In the
Turbo C entry, defined the TC_LIB macro and removed the -
DMSDOS definition.
* Defined the macro "PROPERTY_NUMBER".
* Fixed a bug in the "split_screen ()" function. If it is called with
a non-zero parameter, the upper window should not be erased in
the PLUS version.
* In file.c, redefined "name_size" as "NAME_SIZE".
* Changed the script file from having the fixed name of
"transcript" to allowing the user to enter it. Also modified the
"script_char ()" routine to ignore special characters. The line-
feed to carriage-return translation is not necessary and was also
* Casting was added to integer constants to prevent compiler and
lint complaints.
* To fix a display mode bug the "raw_echo ()" function was added.
It uses "printf ()" to directly print ANSI escape sequences. If
"echo ()" is used instead, the new output capabilities of the
PLUS interpreter may cause the string may be printed to a buffer
instead of to standard output, delaying the changing of the
printing modes.
* Replaced all "printf ()" calls ( except in "raw_echo ()" ) with
calls to new functions "echo ()", "hex_echo ()", "print_item ()"
and "PUT_CHAR ()".
* Fixed a bug in the "compare2 ()" function which prevented the
PLUS interpreter from recognising certain words in the game's
vocabulary. PLUS series games keep a list of synonyms by which
all objects are known - the bug prevented the last synonym in
the list from being checked.
* In options.c, fixed a "bug" in the "show_vocab ()" function.
Some games contain words in their vocab lists which do not have
the end_of_word bit set. In these cases, the "print_coded ()"
routine goes crazy. To fix this, the "show_vocab ()" routine was
modified to directly call the "decode ()" routine the correct
number of times, regardless of the end_of_word bit.
* In property.c, added castings in the "load_word_array ()",
"save_word_array ()" and "save_byte_array ()" functions to
correctly calculate addresses. The logic of the "next_addr ()",
"get_prop_addr ()" and "get_p_len ()" was also redone to enhance
the clarity of their algorithms.
* In machine.h and io.c, instead of having generic MS-DOS I/O
routines, we now have three sets of routines - one for Microsoft
C, one for Turbo C and a generic MS-DOS set of routines. The
Microsoft C and Turbo C routines use the graphics library
routines to enhance the interpreter's output - the screen height
and width are also determined from the graphics library routines
allowing 43 and 50 line mode support. The Microsoft C version
uses a separate text page for the interpreter's output.
* In io.c, fixed a bug in the putchar routines. The text attributes
are now to be set regardless of the setting of the "enable_screen"
flag. It was found that in some cases, the text attributes were
being changed while the screen was disabled and hence were
being lost - the screen was then enabled and the text printed,
but in the wrong mode.
* In io.c, fixed a bug in the "out_char ()" routine. A line_feed is
printed only if the screen is enabled.
* In io.c, the "ansi_erase_window ()" was modified to include a
SIMPLE_ANSI variant some ANSI implementations support only the
erase line ANSI sequence and not the erase screen ANSI
sequence. MS-DOS's ANSI.SYS driver is one such implementation.
Version 3.05 - August 29, 1990.
*** This is the first version to include ADVANCED Interpreter Routines ***
* Added code to handle the new fields in the ADVANCED header.
* Added ADVANCED Interpreter Routines to plus_fns.c. They are:
"gosub4 ()", "gosub5 ()", "call ()", "branch_true ()",
"num_local_params ()", "logical_shift ()" and "arithmetic_shift
* Replaced entries $1B, $1C, $38, $3B - $3E in the "jmp_op2"
opcode table with the dummy functions "new_opcode0 ()",
"new_opcode1 ()" and "new_opcode2 ()".
* Increased the size of the "jmp_op2" opcode table from $3F entries
to $50 entries.
* Split the tail end of the "operand3 ()" function into a separate
function called "call_function ()".
* Added the "operand4 ()" function and other code to handle the
new 0xBE opcode.
* Updated the way the 0xEC opcode parameters are handled and
added code to deal with the new 0xFA opcode.
* Changed the "input ()" function to support the ADVANCED
interpreter. The ADVANCED version requires the "input ()"
function call "store ()" before returning.
* Changed the opcode for "not ()" in the ADVANCED version.
* Modified the "pop_stack ()" opcode for the ADVANCED
* The "gosub ()" opcode was modified to call the "call ()" function
in the ADVANCED Interpreter. This function stores the call type
(FUNCTION or PROCEDURE) on the stack along with the number
of parameters that this gosub call pushed onto the stack. It also
does not decrement the "stack_var_ptr". The "rtn ()" function
was similarly modified in order to reverse the "gosub ()" call.
* Modified the "get_var ()" and "put_var ()" opcodes for the
ADVANCED interpreter. This is due to the change in the way
"stack_var_ptr" is calculated in the "gosub ()" opcode.
* Added a test to see whether the "game_file" or "script_file" is
open before closing them.
* Fixed a bug in the "script_char ()" routine. We must temporarily
turn off the "SCRIPT_MODE" bit that is pointed to by
"script_status_ptr" because "script_on" must remain "FALSE" until
the script file is open and "open_script ()" calls "filename ()"
which calls "read_char ()" which calls this routine which will try
to open a script file by calling "open_script ()" ... The
"SCRIPT_MODE" bit is turned back on if the script file is
successfully opened.
* Pre-initialised global variables in globals.c
* Changed the entries in the opcode tables from "save_game" and
"restore_game" to the macros "save" and "restore".
* In the "out_char ()" function in io.c, swapped the order of the
"PUT_CHAR ()" and "script_char ()" calls.
* Cleaned up the way the interpreter quits and moved the calls to
the clean up functions from "quit ()" to "main ()".
Version 3.06 - October 11, 1990.
* Disable the "save_game ()" and "restore_game ()" opcodes in
* Changed name of "echo ()" to "display ()" because there is an
"echo ()" function in CURSES.
* Also changed "hex_echo ()" to "hex_display ()" and "raw_echo
()" to "raw_display ()".
* Cleaned up some definitions in infocom.h.
* Added default INIT_SIGNAL stub - it did not actually do
* Added "interpreter_number" header byte definitions.
* In input.c, the function "input ()" was changed to include
support for the "default _parameter_stack" which is an
ADVANCED interpreter addition. It is included for all versions
since it actually has no effect on anything but the ADVANCED
* In input.c, changed the logic in the "read_line ()" function.
* In input.c, introduced the "advanced_parse_buffer ()" function
for use by the ADVANCED interpreter instead of the
"parse_buffer ()" routine used by the other versions.
* Included the following ADVANCED functions in input.c:
"scan_buffer ()","buffer_copy ()","get_code
()","advanced_parse_buffer ()".
* Because of the way certain HP terminals do underlining and
inverse characters, the TERMCAP entries in io.c were modified to
turn off any inverse or underline modes before quitting or moving
the cursor (including when printing a '\n'). Code was added to
keep track of the current text mode and restore them after the
cursor has been moved.
* In io.c, introduced new functions to get the current x and y
cursor coordinates: "default_get_x ()" and "default_get_y ()".
Because of these functions, the individual "putchar ()" routines
no longer need to keep track of which screen line they are
currently printing on. Also introduced a generic
"default_save_cursor ()" and modified the existing
"default_restore_cursor ()" to use the new "GET_X ()" and
"GET_Y ()" macros. This allowed the replacement of specific save
and restore cursor routines with the generic ones in many cases.
* In the TERMCAP routines, support was added for "Terminal_Init"
and "Terminal_Exit" strings. This prompted the introduction of
the "tcap_exit_io ()" routine instead of the "unix_exit_io ()"
* In CURSES routines, removed "refresh ()" calls from everywhere
except the new "curses_get_ch ()" routine (the "curses_get_ch
()" routine is used instead of the "getch ()" routine for this
* In "curses_putchar ()", only SYS_V CURSES calls for changing
text modes (inverse and underline) were used. The equivalent
BSD CURSES calls have been added.
* Included the following ADVANCED functions in plus_fns.c:
"parameter_copy ()","throw_away_stack_frame ()","parse ()",
"encrypt ()","block_copy ()","print_text ()","clear_flag ()",
"set_flag ()","array_test ()","test_byte_array ()".
* Modified "compare2 ()" function in plus_fns.c for ADVANCED
* Modified "set_mode ()" function in plus_fns.c to check its mode
parameter is < 5 in ADVANCED operation.
* Modified "get_key ()" function in plus_fns.c to firstly flush the
print buffer in ADVANCED operation.
* Included a "msc_adv" entry to the makefile.
Version 3.07 - November 21, 1990.
* Added ADVANCED support to "set_current_window ()",
"split_screen ()" and "restore_cursor_position ()" in enhanced.c.
Before setting the current window in ADVANCED mode, the print
buffer should be flushed. After setting a split screen in
ADVANCED mode, move the cursor to the bottom left hand side of
the screen. If "restore_cursor_position ()" is called in ADVANCED
mode without the cursor having been saved, it is moved to the
bottom left hand corner of the screen.
* In the "clear_screen ()" function of plus_fns.c, after erasing the
entire screen, the cursor is not placed at the bottom left hand
corner of the screen if it is in ADVANCED mode.
* Added signal handling to facilitate a graceful exit from the
interpreter when <ctrl-C> etc. is received by the program. This
affects infocom.h, machine.h, globals.c, infocom.c, init.c and
* In the previous TERMCAP version, any text modes such as
inverse or underline are turned off before the cursor is moved.
However, funny things happen if these modes are turned off if
they are not in fact currently turned on. Hence code was added
toturn these modes off only if they are currently on.
* Added "-ltermcap" to the BSD CURSES entries in the makefile.
* To tidy up the display, a '\n' is printed and a refresh performed
when leaving CURSES.
* Fixed a bug in the CURSES routines in io.c. The "getyx ()"
macro was used incorrectly.
Version 3.08 - May 7, 1991.
* Added VOID as the return type of most functions.
* Changed the Standard Version of "read_header ()" to allow
VERSION_1 and VERSION_2 files to be accepted.
* In message.c, changed decoding routines to support VERSION_1
and VERSION_2 encodings.
* Changed "init ()" to set max_blocks to 64 K for VERSION_1 and
VERSION_2 since "verify_length" is not available in these
headers. Also call "init_message ()".
* In plus_fns.c, fixed bugs in the ADVANCED "print_text ()"
* For VERSION_4 and VERSION_5, in "init_interpreter ()" changed
value of screen_width stored in the header from the actual screen
width - 1 to actual screen width. This was required for the
"print_text ()" bug fix - it was initially wrong.
* In all "putchar ()" routines, translate character '\0' to ' ' before
printing. This was required to fix a problem encountered in
Beyond Zork where the text description of the initial location is
printed in inverse and has a gap on the end of one line which
should not be there.
Version 4.00 - March 20, 1992.
*** This is the first version to play all version 1,2,3,4 and 5 data files ***
* Changed type "VOID" to "Void" because of a definition clash with some
versions of Curses.
* Changed type "Boolean" to "boolean" to be consistent with the current
type naming conventions used in the rest of the files.
* Changed type "ProcPtr" to "proc_ptr" to be consistent with the current
type naming conventions used in the rest of the files.
* Changed types "Page_Table" and "Page_Table_ptr" to "page_table_t" and
"page_table_ptr" to be consistent with the current type naming
conventions used in the rest of the files.
* Removed the #ifdefs for ENHANCED, PLUS and ADVANCED. Explicit checking
of the z_code_version field of the data_head variable are used to
distinguish between versions. This was done to allow a single
interpreter to execute any data file instead of having to build
explicit interpreters for each data file type using compile-time
* Changed the macro "TOP_SCREEN_LINE" to "STD_TOP_SCREEN_LINE" and
"PLUS_TOP_SCREEN_LINE". A global variable "top_screen_line" was then
introduced to hold the value of the top screen line applicable to the
current data file.
* Changed the definition of the "header_ptr", "byte_ptr", "object_ptr"
and "page_table_ptr" types. They are usually the same as "header *",
"byte *", "object *" and "page_table *" except for MS-DOS compilers,
where they are explicitly defined as HUGE (the latter form may or may
not be HUGE, depending upon the memory model chosen). All references
that possibly require the HUGE qualifier are now defined in terms of
the "header_ptr", "byte_ptr" or "object_ptr", while those that do not
matter are now defined as "header *", "byte *" or "object *". Note that
the "object" and "object_ptr" no longer exist - "std_object" and
"plus_object" types replace "object" and their use depends upon the
data file being run. Similarly, "std_object_ptr" and "plus_object_ptr"
replace the "object_ptr" type.
* The "word_ptr" type is now obsolete - "word *" is used instead since
no "word_ptr" references required these pointers to be HUGE on MS-DOS
* The macro MAX_VERSION was defined - it is the highest Z-Code version
that the interpreter can understand. It is used in the "read_header ()"
function in "file.c" to determine whether this version of the
interpreter can handle the current data file.
* The fields "unknown5", "unknown6" and "padding3" were added to the
"header" type.
* In file "fns.c", split the "random ()" function into "std_random ()"
and "plus_random ()".
* In file "globals.c", the "use_internal_buffer" variable is set to FALSE
by default.
* In file "globals.c", a global variable "main_vocab_list" was
introduced. This is needed by the ADVANCED input processing routines.
* In file "globals.c", the "obj_list" variable has become "std_obj_list"
and "plus_obj_list". It depends upon the current data file as to which
one is used.
* Added the "enhanced" run-time flag - this is used instead of
#ifdef ENHANCED. Also defined the NO_OPTIONS macro.
* Function declarations were removed from "globals.c" - they are already
in "infocom.h". "new_opcode1 ()" was moved from "globals.c" to
* The "save ()" and "restore ()" functions have been renamed
"save_game ()" and "restore_game ()".
* The functions "pop_stack ()", "get_link ()", "get_holds ()",
"get_loc ()", "get_p_len ()", "remove_obj ()", "p_obj ()", "rtn ()",
"print2 ()", "check_loc ()", "test_attr ()", "set_attr ()",
"clr_attr ()", "transfer ()", "getprop ()", "get_prop_addr ()",
"get_next_prop ()", "gosub ()", "put_prop ()", "random ()" have been
split into a standard interperter function and a plus interperter
* The jump tables in "globals.c" have been changed to reflect a VERSION_1
Z-Code interpreter only. Everything else is an illegal opcode. It is
now up to the initialisation functions to identify the current data
file's Z-Code type and patch the jump tables accordingly.
* Added the -n ENHANCED, -s SHOW_PROPS and -x EXTENDED_VOCAB run-time
* Improved macro definitions in "infocom.h". Removed the Z_INTERP and
macros. Defined the STD_OBJ_ADDR and PLUS_OBJ_ADDR macros.
* Changed the structure type "object" into separate "std_object" and
"plus_object" types.
* Changed the "init ()" routine in "init.c" to correctly initialise the
new standard interpreter and plus interpreter variables based on the
current data file. A new function "init_opcodes ()" was added to
correctly set up the interpreter jump tables.
* Removed the global arrays "coded[]" and "the_word[]" from "input.c".
* Introduced the globals variables "initial_chop" and "has_initial_chop"
in "input.c". The function "init_vocab ()" was added to initialise the
input routine global variables, depending upon the current data file's
Z-Code version. This routine replaces some of the code from the
"init_input ()" function.
* In file "input.c", replaced the "parse_buffer ()" function by the
"std_parse_buffer ()" and "plus_parse_buffer ()" routines.
* In file "input.c", the "look_up ()" function parameter list has changed
- it now requires the "encoded_size" parameter since its size is
different for different data files. Added the "coded[]" parameter to
the "get_code ()" function - this is now passed as a parameter instead
of being a global variable.
* The call to "advanced_parse_buffer ()" is now being passed the correct
parameter in the "vocab_strt" and "ignore_offset" fields. The
"advanced_parse_buffer ()" function now correctly handles parsing for
version 5 games.
* The LONG_ALLOCATE option has been removed - it is now the only type of
allocation available. The RESERVE_RAM option has also been removed -
this was originally added to support Macintoshes with very little RAM,
a situation which has now changed.
* In file "io.c", a "tc_getch ()" was added and used instead of the
standard "getch ()" routine. The difference is that "tc_getch ()"
handles CTRL_C signal processing.
* Changed the ANSI and SIMPLE_ANSI macros to ANSI_ESCAPE and
SIMPLE_ANSI_ESCAPE respectively. Added the ANSI_COLOR macro.
* In file "io.c", added routines to parse a new default colour file
".infocomrc" and added the ANSI_COLOR routines. The default colour file
is still "infocom.col" for the MS-DOS routines. Initially, ANSI escape
sequence support was included primarily for MS-DOS machines - it can
now be used by UNIX machines as well. Hence the creation of
"ansi_exit_io ()" and modification to "ansi_init_io ()". Fixed the save
and restore cursor routines to operate only if those escape sequences
exist on the target system.
* In file "io.c", declared the UNIX structures as static, added a
signal_handler "signal_winch ()" to handle changes in size of Sun
windows. Added extra checking to the TERMCAP routines in regard to
saving and restoring the cursor. A call to "setbuf ()" was also added.
* In file "io.c", added calls to "scrollok ()" and "idlok ()" in the
"curses_init_io ()" routine. This improves the Curses interface
* In file "io.c", started adding interface routines for THINK C
Version 4.0 for the Macintosh. New routines were necessary since the
old ones relied on manipulating some of the internal variables of their
standard library calls. In newer versions of the compiler, these
internal variables are now declared as static and hence are not visible
to the application program - hence the need for the new routines.
* In file "jump.c", changed the "gosub ()" routine into "std_gosub ()",
"plus_gosub ()" and "adv_gosub ()" routines. The "rtn ()" routine was
changed into the "std_rtn ()" and "adv_rtn ()" routines. Since
"ret_true ()" and "ret_false ()" rely on the "rtn ()" routine, these
now use the jump table to execute the version of the "rtn ()" command
that is in current use. The "pop_stack ()" function was also split into
"std_pop_stack ()" and "adv_pop_stack ()" functions.
* In interpreters prior to VERSION_5, the "stack_var_ptr" pointed to the
first local variable on the z_code stack. In VERSION_5 and subsequent
interpreters, the "stack_var_ptr" points to the stack entry above the
first local variable on the z_code stack. However, there is no reason
for us not to adopt the VERSION_5 method for all versions of the
interpreter. This decision affects the following opcodes: gosub,
std_rtn, load_var & put_var.
* Removed the BYTE, WORD, OBJECT, PAGE_TABLE and HEADER macros. Added
the HUGE macro for MS-DOS support.
* AZTEC C for the Macintosh is no longer supported - THINK C 4.0 support
is starting to be added instead.
* In file "machine.h", checking was added for the Curses "cbreak ()"
function. If this does not exist, "crmode ()" is used instead.
* The "makefile" has been simplified by the removal of the ENHANCED,
PLUS and ADVANCED options. ANSI_COLOR entries were added. The entries
for TURBOC and MSC have been enhanced, with the "qc" build option also
being added.
* In file "message.c", changed the "encode ()" function into
"std_encode ()" and "plus_encode ()".
* In file "options.c", added the macros MAX_CHARS_PER_WORD and
BYTE_DISPLAY. Modified the "show_vocab ()" routine to allow the new
EXTENDED_VOCAB option. Modified the "show_objects ()", "show_tree ()"
and "obtree ()" functions to handle the current data file Z-Code type
dynamically by passing it as a parameter. Defined a new function
"prop_name ()" which determines whether the name of an object is valid
(that is, of non-zero length). Also defined functions
"show_std_props ()" and "show_plus_props ()" for use by the
"show_tree ()" and "show_objects ()" functions with the new SHOW_PROPS
* In file "page.c", changed the "fix_pc ()" routine back to using the
old method of calculating the current program counter value. This was
done because the new method, although faster, was performed incorrectly
on some compilers (they did not handle modulo operations (%) with
negative arguments correctly).
* In file "plus_fns.c", the "compare2 ()" function has been split into
the "plus_compare2 ()" and "adv_compare2 ()" functions. The "gosub2 ()"
and "special_gosub ()" functions were changed to use the opcode jump
table to execute the current version of the "gosub ()" command (since
these differ in version 4 and version 5 games).
* In file "plus_fns.c", the "set_text_mode ()" function was slightly
modified. In interpreters prior to VERSION_5, the "mode" parameter in
the "set_text_mode ()" command is not checked before being incremented
and passed to "print_char ()". In VERSION_5 and subsequent
interpreters, the "mode" parameter is checked first. However, there is
no reason for us not to adopt the VERSION_5 method for all versions of
the interpreter.
* In file "print.c", the "init_print ()" function was modified to
correctly set the new "top_screen_line" global variable.
* In file "status.c", the "copy_string ()" function was changed to
return a pointer to the end of the destination string.
* In file "variable.c", changed the "load_var ()" and "put_var ()"
functions to interpret the meaning of the "stack_var_ptr" global
variable in a way that is consistent across all Z-Code types.
Version 4.01 - September 26, 1992.
*** This is the first version to be officially released on the Internet ***
* In "makefile", added explanantion entries for ANSI_COLOR and
CURSES_COLOR. Changed all references of "infocom.col" to "infocom.rc".
Removed the build target for "infocom.col" and replaced it with one
for the new "infocom.rc" and ".infocomrc" colour file formats. Added
the "-DMSC" option to the Microsoft C build line (this was previously
omitted since some versions of make for MS-DOS define this by default).
Enhanced the UNIX build entries (use gcc by default) and added some
build options for CURSES_COLOR and TERMINFO.
* In file "file.c", initialised the "script_status_ptr" global variable.
* Moved calls to "init_script ()" from "init.c" to "infocom.c" - this
fixes a subtle bug which ocurred with the setting of the "enhanced"
flag. Some "init_io" routines require knowledge of whether or not it
is set, and these are called before the game file is examined to
determine its Z-Code type.
* In files "init.c", "plus_fns.c" and "infocom.h", the "clear_screen ()"
and "beep ()" functions were renamed to "do_clear_screen ()" and
"do_beep ()" to prevent clashes with some versions of the termcap and
curses library function names.
* In file "io.c", added code to handle a generic configuration file,
containing colour information, etc. Code to do similar things in the
MSC, TURBOC and ANSI_ESCAPE sections have been removed and adapted to
use these new generic routines.
* In file "io.c", changed the parameter lists of the
"default_signal_init ()", "signal_shit ()", "signal_chit ()" and
"signal_winch ()" functions.
* In file "io.c", added support for parametised delete_line to the
TERMCAP routines.
* In file "io.c", added the TERMINFO interface.
* In file "io.c", changed the Curses colour routines to use the new
generic routines.
* In file "machine.h", added new macros RCFILE, CURSES_COLOR and
WANT_COLOR. Added test for __STDC__ to define the Void macro. Added
support for TERMINFO interface. Moved the #ifdef test for the Curses
"cbreak ()" function to "io.c".
* In file "plus_fns.c", fixed a bug in the "set_cursor_posn ()" function.
In version 5 interpreters, it should flush the print buffer before
moving the cursor. This bug was found with a version 5 Hitchhiker's
Guide data file.
* In files "enhanced.c", "file.c", "fns.c", "init.c", "input.c", "io.c",
"message.c", "object.c", "options.c", "page.c", "plus_fns.c", and
"status.c" - added some type casts to fix any compiler/lint complaints.
* In file "io.c", added function declarations to fix any compiler/lint
Version 4.01 - Known Bugs.
* The interface for THINK C 4.0 for the Macintosh is currently broken.
* There are still several version 5 opcodes and header flags which are
unknown. Their absense should not affect the playing of version 5 data
* It does not support sound opcodes for any data file version. Nor does
it support the #comm, #reco and #unre debugging commands in some games.
This will definitely be fixed in the next release.
Version 4.01 - General Release. Current Porting List:
Machine C Compiler Interpreter Porting details
128K Apple
Macintosh Aztec C Version 1.06F Version 2.00 No longer
DEC VAX 11/780 UNIX V7 cc Version 2.00
gould cc Version 2.00
Amiga Aztec C Version 2.00
Pyramid 9810 cc Version 2.00
Pyramid 90x cc Version 2.00
Osiris cc Version 2.00
DEC PDP-11/? UNIX V? cc Version 2.00 EXTENSIVE
mods to fix
problems with
signed chars.
VAX VMS cc Version 2.00 Add #define
times ttmes to
fix multiply
defined symbol
Apple Mac Plus Lightspeed C 2.01 Version 4.01 The Macintosh
interface is
broken for
THINK C 4.0.
This is
currently being
IBM PC/AT Microsoft C 6.0a & 7.0 Version 4.01
HP-9000/320 HP-UX cc Version 4.01
Apollo DN-4500 SR 10.1 cc Version 4.01