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448 lines
* genmoves.c - C source for GNU CHESS
* Copyright (c) 1988,1989,1990 John Stanback
* Copyright (c) 1992 Free Software Foundation
* This file is part of GNU CHESS.
* GNU Chess is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* GNU Chess is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GNU Chess; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include "gnuchess.h"
short __aligned *TrP;
#define Link(from,to,flag,s) \
node->f = from; node->t = to;\
node->reply = 0;\
node->flags = flag;\
node->score = s;\
#ifndef KILLTO
inline void
LinkMove (ARGSZ int ply, ARGSZ int f,
ARGSZ int t,
ARGSZ int flag,
ARGSZ int xside)
inline void
LinkMove (ARGSZ int ply, ARGSZ int f,
ARGSZ int t,
ARGSZ int flag)
* Add a move to the tree. Assign a bonus to order the moves as follows: 1.
* Principle variation 2. Capture of last moved piece 3. Other captures
* (major pieces first) 4. Killer moves 5.
register short s = 0;
#if defined HISTORY
register short z;
register unsigned short mv;
register struct leaf *node;
node = &Tree[*TrP];
mv = (f << 8) | t;
#ifdef KILLT
s += killt[mv | sidebit];
s += killt[mv];
#ifdef HISTORY
z = mv;
if (xside == white) z |= 0x4000;
s += history[z];
if (color[t] != neutral)
/* TOsquare is the square the last piece moved moved to */
s += value[board[t]] - board[f] + ((t == TOsquare) ? 500 : 0);
if (board[f] == pawn)
if (row (t) == 0 || row (t) == 7)
flag |= promote;
s += 800;
#if !defined OLDXBOARD && !defined GNU3 && !defined CHESSTOOL
Link (f, t, flag | queen, s - 20000);
s -= 200;
Link (f, t, flag | knight, s - 20000);
s -= 50;
Link (f, t, flag | rook, s - 20000);
flag |= bishop;
s -= 50;
flag |= queen;
else if (row (t) == 1 || row (t) == 6)
flag |= pwnthrt;
s += 600;
else if ((row(t) == ((color[f] == white)?5:2)) && (ply > MINDEPTH) && (ply < Sdepth+3))
if ((mtl[white] - pmtl[white] + mtl[black] - pmtl[black]) < PTVALUE)
flag |= pwnthrt;
s += 400;
Link (f, t, flag, s - 20000);
GenMoves (ARGSZ int ply, ARGSZ int sq, ARGSZ int side, ARGSZ int xside)
* Generate moves for a piece. The moves are taken from the precalulated
* array nextpos/nextdir. If the board is free, next move is choosen from
* nextpos else from nextdir.
register short u, piece;
register unsigned char *ppos, *pdir;
TrP = &TrPnt[ply + 1];
piece = board[sq];
ppos = nextpos[ptype[side][piece]][sq];
pdir = nextdir[ptype[side][piece]][sq];
if (piece == pawn)
u = ppos[sq]; /* follow no captures thread */
if (color[u] == neutral)
#ifndef KILLTO
LinkMove (ply, sq, u, 0, xside);
LinkMove (ply, sq, u, 0);
u = ppos[u];
if (color[u] == neutral)
#ifndef KILLTO
LinkMove (ply, sq, u, 0, xside);
LinkMove (ply, sq, u, 0);
u = pdir[sq]; /* follow captures thread */
if (color[u] == xside && board[u] != king)
#ifndef KILLTO
LinkMove (ply, sq, u, capture, xside);
LinkMove (ply, sq, u, capture);
u = pdir[u];
if (color[u] == xside && board[u] != king)
#ifndef KILLTO
LinkMove (ply, sq, u, capture, xside);
LinkMove (ply, sq, u, capture);
u = ppos[sq];
if (color[u] == neutral)
#ifndef KILLTO
LinkMove (ply, sq, u, 0, xside);
LinkMove (ply, sq, u, 0);
u = ppos[u];
if (color[u] == xside && board[u] != king)
#ifndef KILLTO
LinkMove (ply, sq, u, capture, xside);
LinkMove (ply, sq, u, capture);
u = pdir[u];
} while (u != sq);
MoveList (INTSIZE int side, INTSIZE int ply)
* Fill the array Tree[] with all available moves for side to play. Array
* TrPnt[ply] contains the index into Tree[] of the first move at a ply.
register short i, xside, f;
xside = side ^ 1;
TrP = &TrPnt[ply + 1];
*TrP = TrPnt[ply];
if (!PV)
Swag0 = killr0[ply];
else Swag0 = PV;
Swag1 = killr1[ply];
Swag2 = killr2[ply];
Swag3 = killr3[ply];
if (ply > 2)
Swag4 = killr1[ply - 2]; else Swag4 = 0;
#ifdef KILLT
sidebit = ((side == white) ? 0 : 0x80);
killt[SwagHt | sidebit] += 5000;
killt[Swag0 | sidebit] += 2000;
killt[Swag1 | sidebit] += 60;
killt[Swag2 | sidebit] += 50;
killt[Swag3 | sidebit] += 40;
killt[Swag4 | sidebit] += 30;
killt[SwagHt] += 5000;
killt[Swag0] += 2000;
killt[Swag1] += 60;
killt[Swag2] += 50;
killt[Swag3] += 40;
killt[Swag4] += 30;
#ifdef HISTORY
i = (side == black)?0x4000:0;
history[SwagHt | i] += 5000;
history[Swag0 | i] += 2000;
history[Swag1 | i] += 60;
history[Swag2 | i] += 50;
history[Swag3 | i] += 40;
history[Swag4 | i] += 30;
for (i = PieceCnt[side]; i >= 0; i--)
GenMoves (ply, PieceList[side][i], side, xside);
if (!castld[side])
f = PieceList[side][0];
if (castle (side, f, f + 2, 0))
#ifndef KILLTO
LinkMove (ply, f, f + 2, cstlmask, xside);
LinkMove (ply, f, f + 2, cstlmask);
if (castle (side, f, f - 2, 0))
#ifndef KILLTO
LinkMove (ply, f, f - 2, cstlmask, xside);
LinkMove (ply, f, f - 2, cstlmask);
if (epsquare > 0)
f = epmove1[epsquare];
if (color[f] == side && board[f] == pawn)
#ifndef KILLTO
LinkMove (ply, f, epsquare, capture | epmask, xside);
LinkMove (ply, f, epsquare, capture | epmask);
f = epmove2[epsquare];
if (color[f] == side && board[f] == pawn)
#ifndef KILLTO
LinkMove (ply, f, epsquare, capture | epmask, xside);
LinkMove (ply, f, epsquare, capture | epmask);
#ifdef KILLT
killt[SwagHt | sidebit] -= 5000;
killt[Swag0 | sidebit] -= 2000;
killt[Swag1 | sidebit] -= 60;
killt[Swag2 | sidebit] -= 50;
killt[Swag3 | sidebit] -= 40;
killt[Swag4 | sidebit] -= 30;
killt[SwagHt] -= 5000;
killt[Swag0] -= 2000;
killt[Swag1] -= 60;
killt[Swag2] -= 50;
killt[Swag3] -= 40;
killt[Swag4] -= 30;
#ifdef HISTORY
i = (side == black)?0x4000:0;
history[SwagHt | i] -= 5000;
history[Swag0 | i] -= 2000;
history[Swag1 | i] -= 60;
history[Swag2 | i] -= 50;
history[Swag3 | i] -= 40;
history[Swag4 | i] -= 30;
SwagHt = 0; /* SwagHt is only used once */
GenCnt += (TrPnt[ply+1] - TrPnt[ply]);
CaptureList (INTSIZE int side, INTSIZE int ply)
* Fill the array Tree[] with all available cature and promote moves for side
* to play. Array TrPnt[ply] contains the index into Tree[] of the first move
* at a ply.
register short u, sq, xside;
register struct leaf *node;
register unsigned char *ppos, *pdir;
short i, piece, *PL, r7;
xside = side ^ 1;
TrP = &TrPnt[ply + 1];
*TrP = TrPnt[ply];
node = &Tree[*TrP];
r7 = rank7[side];
PL = PieceList[side];
#ifdef KILLT
sidebit = ((side == white) ? 0 : 0x80);
killt[SwagHt | sidebit] += 5000;
killt[Swag0 | sidebit] += 2000;
killt[Swag1 | sidebit] += 60;
killt[Swag2 | sidebit] += 50;
killt[Swag3 | sidebit] += 40;
killt[Swag4 | sidebit] += 30;
killt[SwagHt] += 5000;
killt[Swag0] += 2000;
killt[Swag1] += 60;
killt[Swag2] += 50;
killt[Swag3] += 40;
killt[Swag4] += 30;
for (i = 0; i <= PieceCnt[side]; i++)
sq = PL[i];
piece = board[sq];
if (sweep[piece])
ppos = nextpos[piece][sq];
pdir = nextdir[piece][sq];
u = ppos[sq];
if (color[u] == neutral)
u = ppos[u];
if (color[u] == xside)
Link (sq, u, capture, value[board[u]] + svalue[board[u]] - piece);
u = pdir[u];
} while (u != sq);
pdir = nextdir[ptype[side][piece]][sq];
if (piece == pawn && row (sq) == r7)
u = pdir[sq];
if (color[u] == xside)
Link (sq, u, capture | promote | queen, valueQ);
#if !defined OLDXBOARD && !defined GNU3 && !defined CHESSTOOL
Link (sq, u, capture | promote | knight, valueN);
Link (sq, u, capture | promote | rook, valueR);
Link (sq, u, capture | promote | bishop, valueB);
u = pdir[u];
if (color[u] == xside)
Link (sq, u, capture | promote | queen, valueQ);
#if !defined OLDXBOARD && !defined GNU3 && !defined CHESSTOOL
Link (sq, u, capture | promote | knight, valueN);
Link (sq, u, capture | promote | rook, valueR);
Link (sq, u, capture | promote | bishop, valueB);
ppos = nextpos[ptype[side][piece]][sq];
u = ppos[sq]; /* also generate non capture promote */
if (color[u] == neutral)
Link (sq, u, promote | queen, valueQ);
#if !defined OLDXBOARD && !defined GNU3 && !defined CHESSTOOL
Link (sq, u, promote | knight, valueN);
Link (sq, u, promote | rook, valueR);
Link (sq, u, promote | bishop, valueB);
u = pdir[sq];
if (color[u] == xside)
Link (sq, u, capture, value[board[u]] + svalue[u] - piece);
u = pdir[u];
} while (u != sq);
#ifdef KILLT
sidebit = ((side == white) ? 0 : 0x80);
killt[SwagHt | sidebit] -= 5000;
killt[Swag0 | sidebit] -= 2000;
killt[Swag1 | sidebit] -= 60;
killt[Swag2 | sidebit] -= 50;
killt[Swag3 | sidebit] -= 40;
killt[Swag4 | sidebit] -= 30;
killt[SwagHt] -= 5000;
killt[Swag0] -= 2000;
killt[Swag1] -= 60;
killt[Swag2] -= 50;
killt[Swag3] -= 40;
killt[Swag4] -= 30;
SwagHt = 0; /* SwagHt is only used once */