Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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Text File
2,470 lines
output work:huntwindows
OPT o+,ow-
DEBUG equ 0
;0=Debugging off, 1=Debugging on
;no includes - i use them all preassembled!
;.... nearly all ....
incdir "asminc:"
include "workbench/startup.i"
include "workbench/workbench.i"
include "workbench/icon_lib.i"
include "libraries/commodities.i"
include "graphics/view.i"
;Some helpful macros
CALL macro
jsr _LVO\1(a6)
Push macro
movem.l \1,-(sp)
Pull macro
movem.l (sp)+,\1
RSave macro
movem.l a0-a6/d0-d7,-(sp)
RLoad macro
movem.l (sp)+,a0-a6/d0-d7
MaxScreens equ 64 ;Maximum of 64 Screens - who has more?
ScreenMemSize equ MaxScreens*8
;Bits for Communication
SignalWindow equ 0
SignalScreen equ 1
SignalButton equ 2
SignalSmooth equ 3
MyHotkeyID = 1
MyActionID = 2
MyCustomID = 3
MyLWinID = 4
MyNWinID = 5
move.l $04,a6
move.l #AllocLength,d0
move.l #MEMF_CLEAR,d1
CALL AllocMem
move.l d0,a4
tst.l d0
beq EndeRaus
move.l d0,RememberA4
move.l a7,RememberStack
lea intuition(pc),a1
moveq.l #37,d0
CALL OpenLibrary
move.l d0,IntBase(a4)
beq Error2
lea DosName(pc),a1
moveq.l #37,d0
CALL OpenLibrary
move.l d0,DosBase(a4)
beq Error2
lea GadName(pc),a1
moveq.l #37,d0
CALL OpenLibrary
move.l d0,GadBase(a4)
beq Error2
lea CommName(pc),a1
moveq.l #37,d0
CALL OpenLibrary
move.l d0,CommBase(a4)
beq Error2
CALL CreateMsgPort
move.l d0,MouseMsgPort(a4)
beq Error2
move.l #SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C,SignalMask(a4)
move.l d0,a0
move.l #IOSTD_SIZE,d0
CALL CreateIORequest
move.l d0,MyIORequest(a4)
beq Error2
lea InputName(pc),a0
moveq.l #0,d0
move.l MyIORequest(a4),a1
moveq.l #0,d1
CALL OpenDevice
tst.l d0
bne Error2
lea IconName(pc),a1
moveq.l #33,d0
CALL OpenLibrary
move.l d0,IconBase(a4)
beq Error2
move.l ThisTask(a6),a1
move.l a1,OwnTask(a4)
tst.l pr_CLI(a1)
bne CliStart
lea pr_MsgPort(a1),a2
move.l a2,a0
CALL WaitPort
move.l a2,a0
move.l d0,WBMessage(a4)
move.l d0,a3
move.l sm_ArgList(a3),d7
beq DisableSave
move.l d7,a0
move.l wa_Lock(a0),d1
move.l DosBase(a4),a6
CALL CurrentDir
move.l IconBase(a4),a6
move.l d7,a0
move.l wa_Name(a0),a0
CALL GetDiskObject
move.l d0,DObject(a4)
beq Error2
lea WBTemplate(pc),a3
move.l d0,a0
move.l do_ToolTypes(a0),a0
GetEmLoop tst.l (a3)
beq.s FreeDobj
move.l TemplateText(a3),a1
beq.s FreeDobj
move.l a0,-(sp)
CALL FindToolType
move.l (sp)+,a0
sub.l a2,a2
move.w TemplateA4(a3),a2
add.l a4,a2
move.l d0,(a2)
add.l #TemplateSize,a3
bra.s GetEmLoop
FreeDobj bsr BuildPatterns
bra.s SkipReadArgs
CliStart move.l DosBase(a4),a6
move.l #Template,d1
lea TemplateArray(a4),a0
move.l a0,d2
moveq.l #0,d3
CALL ReadArgs ;Get options
tst.l d0
beq Error2
move.l d0,Args(a4)
bsr BuildPatterns
DisableSave move.l #1,TempSave(a4)
SkipReadArgs move.l $04,a6
lea GraphicsName(pc),a1
moveq.l #36,d0
CALL OpenLibrary
move.l d0,GraphicsBase(a4)
beq Error2
tst.l TempHADJ(a4)
beq GotIt1
move.l TempHADJ(a4),a0
bsr GetNexta0
clr.l TempHADJ(a4)
cmp.b #"l",d0
beq.s GotIt1
add.l #1,TempHADJ(a4)
cmp.b #"r",d0
beq.s GotIt1
add.l #1,TempHADJ(a4)
cmp.b #"c",d0
beq.s GotIt1
add.l #1,TempHADJ(a4)
GotIt1 tst.l TempVADJ(a4)
beq GotIt2
move.l TempVADJ(a4),a0
bsr GetNexta0
clr.l TempVADJ(a4)
cmp.b #"t",d0
beq.s GotIt2
add.l #1,TempVADJ(a4)
cmp.b #"b",d0
beq.s GotIt2
add.l #1,TempVADJ(a4)
cmp.b #"c",d0
beq.s GotIt2
add.l #1,TempVADJ(a4)
GotIt2 tst.l TempAction(a4)
beq GotIt3
move.l TempAction(a4),a0
bsr GetNexta0
clr.l TempAction(a4)
cmp.b #"n",d0
beq.s GotIt3
add.l #1,TempAction(a4)
cmp.b #"h",d0
beq.s GotIt3
add.l #1,TempAction(a4)
GotIt3 tst.l TempCXPRI(a4)
beq.s GotIt3_1
move.l TempCXPRI(a4),a0
bsr GetNexta0
bsr GetInteger
move.l d0,TempCXPRI(a4)
move.b d0,MyPri
GotIt3_1 tst.l TempDelay(a4)
beq.s GotIt3_2
move.l TempDelay(a4),a0
bsr GetNexta0
bsr GetInteger
tst.l d0
bmi.s GotIt3_2
cmp.l #100,d0
bge.s GotIt4
move.l d0,TempDelay(a4)
GotIt3_2 tst.l TempSmooth(a4)
beq.s GotIt4
move.l TempSmooth(a4),a0
bsr GetNexta0
bsr GetInteger
tst.l d0
bmi.s GotIt4
cmp.l #500,d0
bgt.s GotIt4
move.l d0,TempSmooth(a4)
GotIt4 move.l $04,a6
CALL CreateMsgPort
move.l d0,BrokerPort
move.l d0,MyPort(a4)
move.l d0,a0
move.b MP_SIGBIT(a0),d0
move.l SignalMask(a4),d1 ;Enter signal into
bset d0,d1 ;mask for waiting
move.l d1,SignalMask(a4)
move.l CommBase(a4),a6
lea MyNewBroker(pc),a0
clr.l d0
CALL CxBroker
tst.l d0
beq QuitPrg
move.l d0,Broker(a4)
move.l d0,a0
moveq.l #1,d0
CALL ActivateCxObj
;Install Handler for Mouse_Button_test
move.l #CX_CUSTOM,d0
lea TestButton(pc),a0 ;My Program
move.l #MyCustomID,a1 ;ID
CALL CreateCxObj
move.l d0,a1
tst.l d0
beq QuitPrg
move.l Broker(a4),a0
CALL AttachCxObj
bsr InstallHotKey
move.l $04,a6
moveq #-1,d0 ;A Signal for telling
jsr _LVOAllocSignal(a6) ;our task that sth happened
tst.l d0
bmi Error2
move.l d0,Signal(a4)
move.l SignalMask(a4),d1
bset d0,d1
move.l d1,SignalMask(a4)
lea MyInterrupt(a4),a1
move.l #Interrupt3,IS_CODE(a1)
clr.l IS_DATA(a1)
move.b #0,LN_PRI(a1)
move.l #HandlerName,LN_NAME(a1)
move.l #5,d0 ;INTB_VERTB
jsr _LVOAddIntServer(a6)
tst.l TempCXPOPUP(a4)
beq.s WaitOn
bsr OpenGUI
WaitOn tst.w QuitMe(a4)
bne QuitPrg
move.l $04,a6
move.l SignalMask(a4),d0 ;Wait for Port and Break
btst #SIGBREAKB_CTRL_C,d0 ;This means quit
bne QuitPrg
move.l Signal(a4),d1
btst d1,d0 ;Signal from Interrupt?
beq.s TryNextMsg
tst.w DisableHW(a4)
bne.s TryNextMsg ;Do nothing
tst.l TempDelay(a4)
beq.s NoDelay
tst.w GUIOpened(a4)
bne NoDelay ;Not with GUI opened
ReDelay clr.w DelayDo(a4)
move.l DosBase(a4),a6
move.l TempDelay(a4),d1 ;Microseconds
CALL Delay
tst.w DelayDo(a4) ;Something happened again
bne.s ReDelay ;so wait till things calmed down
move.l $04,a6
NoDelay tst.w ButtonPressed(a4)
bne.s TryNextMsg ;Omit that stuff for now
bclr #SignalButton,What(a4) ;We will get a signal when
;the button will be released
cmp.l #1,TempAction(a4) ;Only do it on Hotkey
beq.s TryNextMsg
OnHotKey btst #SignalWindow,What(a4)
beq.s NoWindowStuff
bsr DoYourJob
bclr #SignalWindow,What(a4)
NoWindowStuff btst #SignalScreen,What(a4)
beq.s TryNextMsg
bsr AdjustScreen
bclr #SignalScreen,What(a4)
TryNextMsg move.l $04,a6
move.l MyPort(a4),a0 ;Get the message awaiting
tst.l d0
bne.s GotMsg
bsr CheckGUI
bra WaitOn
GotMsg move.l d0,a3
move.l d0,a0
move.l CommBase(a4),a6
CALL CxMsgType
move.l d0,d6
move.l a3,a0
move.l d0,d5
move.l a3,a1
move.l $04,a6
CALL ReplyMsg
cmp.w #CXM_IEVENT,d6
bne OtherCommand
cmp.l #MyActionID,d5
beq.s NotGUIKey
cmp.l #MyLWinID,d5
beq.s ActivateLWIN
cmp.l #MyNWinID,d5
beq.s ActivateNWIN
bsr OpenGUI
bra OtherCommand
NotGUIKey bset #SignalWindow,What(a4)
bset #SignalScreen,What(a4)
bra OnHotKey
ActivateLWIN move.l IntBase(a4),a6
clr.l d0
CALL LockIBase
move.l d0,IBaseLock(a4)
move.l LastActive(a4),a3
move.l a3,d0
beq.s SkipLWin
LikeLWin bsr TestWindowPattern
bmi.s OkiPattern
tst.l d7
bne.s RepeatDo
move.l a3,d7 ;Remember startwindow to prevent loop!
bra.s NoRepeat
RepeatDo cmp.l a3,d7
beq SkipLWin ;Repeat! All windows used!
NoRepeat move.l a3,a0
cmp.l #MyNWinID,d5
beq.s ActivateNWIN2
bra.s SkipLWin
OkiPattern move.l wd_WScreen(a3),a0
bsr TestWindowOnScreen
tst.l d0
beq SkipLWin
move.l a3,a0
CALL ActivateWindow
SkipLWin move.l IBaseLock(a4),a0
CALL UnlockIBase
bra OnHotKey
ActivateNWIN move.l IntBase(a4),a6
clr.l d0
CALL LockIBase
move.l d0,IBaseLock(a4)
move.l Active(a4),a0
move.l a0,d0
beq SkipLWin
clr.l d7
ActivateNWIN2 move.l wd_NextWindow(a0),a3
move.l a3,d0
bne.s LikeLWin
move.l ib_FirstScreen(a6),a0
move.l a0,d0
beq SkipLWin
move.l sc_FirstWindow(a0),a3
move.l a3,d0
bne.s LikeLWin
bra.s SkipLWin
OtherCommand cmp.w #CXM_COMMAND,d6
bne WaitOn
bne.s OtherI1
move.w #1,DisableHW(a4)
OtherI1 cmp.w #CXCMD_ENABLE,d5
bne.s OtherI2
clr.w DisableHW(a4)
OtherI2 cmp.w #CXCMD_UNIQUE,d5
beq.s OtherII
cmp.w #CXCMD_APPEAR,d5
bne.s OtherI3
OtherII bsr OpenGUI
OtherI3 cmp.w #CXCMD_DISAPPEAR,d5
bne.s OtherI4
bsr CloseGUI
OtherI4 cmp.w #CXCMD_KILL,d5
beq QuitPrg
bra TryNextMsg
Error2 lea Text1(pc),a0 ;Seems there is an error
bsr OpenRequester ;in the given arguments
bra.s QuitPrg
EndeRaus2 lea Text2(pc),a0 ;Wrong Kickstart
bsr PrintText
QuitPrg move.l RememberStack,a7
bsr CloseGUI
move.l $04,a6
move.l #5,d0
lea MyInterrupt(a4),a1
tst.l IS_CODE(a1)
beq.s NoHandler
CALL RemIntServer ;Remove the Interrupt-Server
NoHandler tst.l MyIORequest(a4)
beq.s NoDevIO
move.l MyIORequest(a4),a1
CALL CloseDevice
move.l MyIORequest(a4),a0
CALL DeleteIORequest
NoDevIO tst.l MouseMsgPort(a4)
beq.s NoMouseMsg
move.l MouseMsgPort(a4),a0
bsr CloseMsgPort
NoMouseMsg move.l IconBase(a4),a6
tst.l DObject(a4)
beq.s SkipFreeDobj
move.l DObject(a4),a0
CALL FreeDiskObject
SkipFreeDobj move.l $04,a6
move.l Signal(a4),d0 ;Free the signal
beq.s DontFreeS
CALL FreeSignal
DontFreeS tst.l Args(a4)
beq.s HmmNoArgs
move.l DosBase(a4),a6
move.l Args(a4),d1
CALL FreeArgs
HmmNoArgs move.l #Filter,d5
bsr RemovePopKey
move.l #Filter2,d5
bsr RemovePopKey
tst.l Broker(a4)
beq.s NoCX
move.l CommBase(a4),a6
move.l Broker(a4),a0
CALL DeleteCxObjAll
NoCX move.l $04,a6
tst.l MyPort(a4)
beq.s NoPort
move.l MyPort(a4),a0
bsr CloseMsgPort
NoPort move.l IntBase(a4),d0 ;Close librarys
beq.s ErrorX2
move.l d0,a1
CALL CloseLibrary
ErrorX2 move.l GraphicsBase(a4),d0
beq.s ErrorX1
move.l d0,a1
CALL CloseLibrary
ErrorX1 move.l IconBase(a4),d0
beq.s NoIconLib
move.l d0,a1
CALL CloseLibrary
NoIconLib move.l CommBase(a4),d0
beq.s NoCommLib
move.l d0,a1
CALL CloseLibrary
NoCommLib move.l GadBase(a4),d0
beq.s OnlyDOS
move.l d0,a1
CALL CloseLibrary
OnlyDOS move.l DosBase(a4),d0
beq.s FreeOnly
move.l d0,a1
CALL CloseLibrary
FreeOnly move.l ScreenPatLen(a4),d0
beq.s NoScreenPat
move.l ScreenPattern(a4),a1
CALL FreeMem
NoScreenPat move.l WindowPatLen(a4),d0
beq.s NoWindowPat
move.l WindowPattern(a4),a1
CALL FreeMem
NoWindowPat move.l WBMessage(a4),d7
move.l a4,a1
move.l #AllocLength,d0
CALL FreeMem
move.l d7,a1
tst.l d7
beq.s EndeRaus
CALL Forbid
CALL ReplyMsg
EndeRaus RLoad
moveq.l #0,d0
CloseMsgPort move.l a0,a3
ClosePortRout move.l a3,a0
tst.l d0
beq.s NoMsgLeft
move.l d0,a1
CALL ReplyMsg
bra.s ClosePortRout
NoMsgLeft move.l a3,a0
CALL DeleteMsgPort ;and free it
;Subroutine to print a text to stdout
PrintText Push d0-d4/a0-a1/a6
move.l a0,a1
moveq.l #0,d0
TestLen tst.b (a1)+
beq.s LaengeOk
addq #1,d0
bra.s TestLen
LaengeOk move.l $04,a6
lea DosName(pc),a1
moveq.l #0,d0
CALL OpenLibrary
move.l d0,DosBase(a4)
beq SkipWrite
move.l d0,a6
move.l a0,d2
move.l d0,d3
CALL Output
move.l d0,d1
beq.s SkipWrite
CALL Write
SkipWrite Pull d0-d4/a0-a1/a6
;MainPart: does the scrolling if necessary
DoYourJob RSave
move.l IntBase(a4),a6
clr.l d0
CALL LockIBase
move.l d0,IBaseLock(a4)
move.l ib_ActiveWindow(a6),d0
beq LeaveIt
move.l d0,a5
move.l wd_WScreen(a5),d0
beq LeaveIt
move.l d0,a3
move.l DosBase(a4),a6
tst.l TempRestrict(a4)
bne.s NoMatter2
tst.b ScreenPatternMem(a4)
beq.s NoMatter2
move.l ScreenPattern(a4),d1
move.l sc_DefaultTitle(a3),d2
beq.s NoMatter2
CALL MatchPatternNoCase
beq LeaveIt
NoMatter2 move.l a5,d0
bsr TestWindowPattern
beq LeaveIt
NoMatter3 bsr RememberWindow
move.l GraphicsBase(a4),a6 ;Get the visible size
lea sc_ViewPort(a3),a0 ;of the screen to
move.l vp_ColorMap(a0),a0
;Taglist on Stack (because it gets changed)
move.l #TAG_DONE,-(sp)
clr.l -(sp)
move.l a7,a1
CALL VideoControl
tst.l d0
bne LeaveIt
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d2 ;Get Taglist from Stack
move.l d1,a0 ;In the middle is our data
lea vpe_DisplayClip(a0),a0 ;extra
move.w ra_MaxX(a0),d0
sub.w ra_MinX(a0),d0
addq #1,d0
move.w d0,VisualX(a4)
move.w sc_LeftEdge(a3),d0
sub.w ra_MinX(a0),d0
move.w d0,PositionX(a4)
move.w ra_MaxY(a0),d0
sub.w ra_MinY(a0),d0
addq #1,d0
move.w d0,VisualY(a4)
move.w sc_TopEdge(a3),d0
sub.w ra_MinY(a0),d0
move.w d0,PositionY(a4)
move.l IntBase(a4),a6
tst.l TempSFront(a4) ;do we want screentofront?
beq.s NoFront
cmp.l ib_FirstScreen(a6),a3
beq.s NoFront ;Not necessary (optimize!)
btst #SignalSmooth,What(a4)
bne.s NoFront
bsr UnlockIt
move.l a3,a0
CALL ScreenToFront
bset #SignalScreen,What(a4) ;ScreenChange!
bsr RelockAndTest
NoFront move.l wd_Flags(a5),d0
bne LeaveIt ;Not with backdrops!
tst.l TempWFront(a4) ;do we WindowToFront() ?
beq.s NoFront2
btst #SignalSmooth,What(a4)
bne.s NoFront2
bsr UnlockIt
move.l a5,a0
CALL WindowToFront
bsr RelockAndTest
NoFront2 tst.l TempMove(a4)
beq LeaveIt
move.l wd_WScreen(a5),a0
;Calculate how the window is located towards the view
move.w wd_LeftEdge(a5),d0
add.w PositionX(a4),d0
move.w wd_LeftEdge(a5),d1
add.w wd_Width(a5),d1
move.w PositionX(a4),d7
sub.w VisualX(a4),d7
add.w d7,d1
move.w wd_TopEdge(a5),d2
add.w PositionY(a4),d2
move.w wd_TopEdge(a5),d3
add.w wd_Height(a5),d3
move.w PositionY(a4),d7
sub.w VisualY(a4),d7
add.w d7,d3
;d0: Pixels out left border (out = negative)
;d1: Pixels out right border (out = positive)
;d2: Pixels out top border (out = negative)
;d3: Pixels out bottom border (out = positive)
;For scrolling all these Values have to be negated
;Horizontal Section
cmp.l #2,TempAction(a4) ;Always
beq.s HScrollNeeded
tst.w d0
bmi.s HScrollNeeded
tst.w d1
bmi.s NoHScrollNeeded
HScrollNeeded cmp.l #2,TempHADJ(a4)
bne.s HNoCenter
;Center Window
move.w d0,d4
add.w d1,d4
asr.w #1,d4 ;CenterScrollValue
bra.s HDone
HNoCenter cmp.l #1,TempHADJ(a4)
bne.s HNoRight
;Adjust Window to Right Border
move.w d1,d4
bra.s HDone
HNoRight tst.l TempHADJ(a4)
bne.s HNoLeft
;Adjust Window to Left Border
move.w d0,d4
bra.s HDone
HNoLeft ;Optimized Adjustment
;When coming here it is shure that at least ONE scroll
;is necessary!!!
tst.w d0
beq.s THScroll
bpl.s NoHScroll1
move.w d0,d4
THScroll tst.w d1
bmi.s HDone ;Has to be for normal windows
;This means the window leaps out BOTH borders!
;Then we do NOTHING
bra.s NoHScrollNeeded
NoHScroll1 move.w d1,d4
bra.s HDone
NoHScrollNeeded moveq.l #0,d4
HDone ext.l d4
neg.l d4
;The Vertical section works almost equally
cmp.l #2,TempAction(a4) ;Always
beq.s VScrollNeeded
tst.w d2
bmi.s VScrollNeeded
tst.w d3
bmi.s NoVScrollNeeded
VScrollNeeded cmp.l #2,TempVADJ(a4)
bne.s VNoCenter
;Center Window
move.w d2,d5
add.w d3,d5
asr.w #1,d5 ;CenterScrollValue
bra.s VDone
VNoCenter cmp.l #1,TempVADJ(a4)
bne.s VNoBottom
;Adjust Window to Bottom Border
move.w d3,d5
bra.s VDone
VNoBottom tst.l TempVADJ(a4)
bne.s VNoTop
;Adjust Window to Top Border
move.w d2,d5
bra.s VDone
VNoTop ;Optimized Adjustment
;When coming here it is shure that at least ONE scroll
;is necessary!!!
tst.w d2
beq TVScroll
bpl.s NoVScroll1
move.w d2,d5
TVScroll tst.w d3
bmi.s VDone ;Has to be for normal windows
;This means the window leaps out BOTH borders!
;Then we do NOTHING
bra.s NoVScrollNeeded
NoVScroll1 move.w d3,d5
bra.s VDone
NoVScrollNeeded moveq.l #0,d5
VDone ext.l d5
neg.l d5
move.l d4,d0
move.l d5,d1
move.w PositionY(a4),d4 ;Prevent dragging a screen
neg.w d4 ;further down than at Pos 0
sub.w d1,d4
bpl.s NoOutRange
tst.w d1 ;Screen already down a bit:
bmi.s NoOutRange ;If move up, then ok,
move.w PositionY(a4),d4
neg.w d4 ;If screen up, then pull
move.w d4,d1 ;down to Pos 0
bpl.s NoOutRange
clr.l d1 ;otherwise no move at all
;move.w PositionY(a4),d1 ;was: pull to top, if pulled
;neg.w d1 ;down at all.
NoOutRange move.w sc_TopEdge(a0),d5
move.w sc_LeftEdge(a0),d6
tst.l TempSmooth(a4)
beq.s NoSmoothing
move.l TempSmooth(a4),d3
tst.l d0
beq.s d0Zero
bpl.s d0Pos
neg.l d3
cmp.l d3,d0
ble.s Testd1
move.l d0,d3
bra.s Testd1
d0Zero clr.l d3
d0Pos cmp.l d3,d0
bge.s Testd1
move.l d0,d3
Testd1 move.l TempSmooth(a4),d4
tst.l d1
beq.s d1Zero
bpl.s d1Pos
neg.l d4
cmp.l d4,d1
ble.s Testover
move.l d1,d4
bra.s Testover
d1Zero clr.l d4
d1Pos cmp.l d4,d1
bge.s Testover
move.l d1,d4
Testover bset #SignalSmooth,What(a4)
move.l d3,d0
move.l d4,d1
NoSmoothing bsr UnlockIt
Push a0-a1/d0-d4
CALL MoveScreen
clr.l d0
CALL LockIBase ;relock - no test window!
move.l d0,IBaseLock(a4)
Pull a0-a1/d0-d4
sub.w sc_TopEdge(a0),d5 ;Find out how far the
sub.w sc_LeftEdge(a0),d6 ;screen really moves
move.l d6,d0
bne.s OkMove
tst.l d5
bne.s OkMove
bclr #SignalSmooth,What(a4)
bra.s LeaveIt
OkMove move.l d5,d1
neg.l d0
neg.l d1
tst.l TempMoveMouse(a4)
beq.s LeaveIt
;If a window becomes active without clicking, the Mouse
;can be out of range, and moving it would scroll the
;Screen back, so we check this here and disable movement
;if "dangerous"
move.w sc_MouseX(a0),d2
add.w sc_LeftEdge(a0),d2
add.w d0,d2 ;Movement in X
bmi.s ClearXMovement
cmp.w VisualX(a4),d2
bcs.s LeaveXMovement
ClearXMovement moveq.l #0,d0
LeaveXMovement move.w sc_MouseY(a0),d2
add.w sc_TopEdge(a0),d2
add.w d1,d2 ;Movement in Y
bmi.s ClearYMovement
cmp.w VisualY(a4),d2
bcs.s LeaveYMoveMent
ClearYMovement moveq.l #0,d1
LeaveYMoveMent bsr UnlockIt
tst.w d0
bne.s SetIt
tst.w d1
beq.s LeaveItReal
SetIt bsr SetPointer
LeaveItReal RLoad
LeaveIt move.l IntBase(a4),a6
move.l IBaseLock(a4),a0
CALL UnlockIBase
bra.s LeaveItReal
UnlockIt Push a0-a1/d0-d1
move.l IBaseLock(a4),a0
CALL UnlockIBase
Pull a0-a1/d0-d1
RelockAndTest Push a0-a1/d0-d1
move.l IntBase(a4),a6
clr.l d0
CALL LockIBase
move.l d0,IBaseLock(a4)
move.l ib_ActiveWindow(a6),d0
beq.s TestFailed
cmp.l d0,a5
bne.s TestFailed
move.l wd_WScreen(a5),d0
beq.s TestFailed
cmp.l d0,a3
bne.s TestFailed
Pull a0-a1/d0-d1
TestFailed Pull a0-a1/d0-d1
tst.l (sp)+ ;rts
;Window or Screen changed while we had Ibase unlocked
;=> leave
bra.s LeaveIt
AdjustScreen RSave
move.l IntBase(a4),a6
clr.l d0
CALL LockIBase
move.l d0,d7
move.l ib_FirstScreen(a6),d0
beq SkipActive
move.l d0,a3
tst.b ScreenPatternMem(a4)
beq.s NoMatter5
move.l ScreenPattern(a4),d1
move.l sc_DefaultTitle(a3),d2
beq.s NoMatter5
move.l DosBase(a4),a6
CALL MatchPatternNoCase
bne.s NoMatter5
tst.l TempRestrict(a4)
bne.s Skip_NoPub2
bra SkipActive
NoMatter5 tst.l TempPDef(a4) ;Enter FirstScreen as Default
;PublicScreen ?
beq.s Skip_NoPub2
move.l d7,a0
move.l IntBase(a4),a6
CALL UnlockIBase
CALL LockPubScreenList
CarryListOn move.l d0,a0
cmp.l psn_Screen(a0),a3
beq.s ScreenFound
move.l LN_SUCC(a0),d0
bne.s CarryListOn
CALL UnlockPubScreenList
bra.s Skip_NoPub
ScreenFound move.l LN_NAME(a0),d5
CALL UnlockPubScreenList
move.l d5,a0
CALL SetDefaultPubScreen
Skip_NoPub clr.l d0
CALL LockIBase
move.l d0,d7
move.l ib_FirstScreen(a6),d0
beq SkipActive
move.l d0,a3
Skip_NoPub2 move.l a3,a0
tst.l TempRemWin(a4) ;Activate a Window on the new
beq.s SkipActive
bsr GetScreenWindow
tst.l d0
bne.s FoundActive
tst.w StartupFlag(a4) ;Prevent activation of
bne.s NormalService ;FirstWindow on Startup
move.w #1,StartupFlag(a4)
bra.s SkipActive
NormalService move.l sc_FirstWindow(a0),d0 ;Take Firstwindow if none
beq.s SkipActive ;known
FoundActive move.l d0,a5
bsr TestWindowPattern
beq SkipActive
NoMatter4 move.l IntBase(a4),a6
move.l d7,a0
CALL UnlockIBase
move.l a5,a0
CALL ActivateWindow
SkipOut RLoad
SkipActive move.l IntBase(a4),a6
move.l d7,a0
CALL UnlockIBase
bra.s SkipOut
;d0: Pointer to Window ;BEQ = Use Window Not!, BMI = USE!, BNE = Empty Title
TestWindowPattern Push d0-d2/a0-a1/a5-a6
move.l d0,a5
move.l wd_WScreen(a5),a0
bsr TestWindowOnScreen
beq PatternNoMatch ;Window inexistant!
tst.b WindowPatternMem(a4)
beq.s NoPatternThere
move.l WindowPattern(a4),d1
move.l wd_Title(a5),d2
beq.s PatternNoMatchE
move.l DosBase(a4),a6
CALL MatchPatternNoCase
beq PatternNoMatch
NoPatternThere tst.l TempWBWin(a4)
beq.s PatternMatch2
move.l wd_Flags(a5),d0
bne PatternNoMatch
PatternMatch2 moveq.l #-1,d0
bra.s PatternMatch
PatternNoMatchE moveq.l #1,d0
bra.s PatternMatch
PatternNoMatch clr.l d0
PatternMatch Pull d0-d2/a0-a1/a5-a6
;a0=Screen Back:d0=Window
GetScreenWindow Push a1/d1
lea ScreenMem(a4),a1
move.w #MaxScreens-1,d1
ScreenFindLoop cmp.l (a1),a0
beq.s FoundScreen
lea 8(a1),a1
dbf d1,ScreenFindLoop
clr.l d0
bra.s NoScreenF
FoundScreen move.l 4(a1),d0
bsr TestWindowOnScreen
NoScreenF Pull a1/d1
;a3=Screen a5=Window
RememberWindow Push a0-a3/a6/d1
move.l IntBase(a4),a6
lea ScreenMem(a4),a1
move.w #MaxScreens-1,d1
ScreenFindLoop2 tst.l (a1)
beq.s FoundEmpty
cmp.l (a1),a3
beq.s FoundEmpty
move.l (a1),a2
move.l ib_FirstScreen(a6),d0
beq.s IgnoreOver ;No FirstScreen!
CheckAllScreens move.l d0,a0
cmp.l a0,a2
beq ScreenValid
move.l sc_NextScreen(a0),d0
bne.s CheckAllScreens
bra.s FoundEmpty ;because Entry is invalid
ScreenValid lea 8(a1),a1
dbf d1,ScreenFindLoop2
;Reaching this Point our List is full of valid
;Screens - not the best thing, but we simply ignore...
bra.s IgnoreOver
FoundEmpty move.l a3,(a1)
move.l a5,4(a1)
IgnoreOver Pull a0-a3/a6/d1
;d0=Window , a0=Screen =Back: d0=0 no window
TestWindowOnScreen tst.l d0
beq.s NotWindow
move.l sc_FirstWindow(a0),d1
beq.s NotWindow
WindowListOn move.l d1,a1
cmp.l d0,a1
beq.s WindowIsOK
move.l wd_NextWindow(a1),d1
bne.s WindowListOn
WindowIsOK move.l d1,d0
NotWindow clr.l d0
Interrupt3 Push d1-d4/a0-a1/a3/a4/a6
move.l RememberA4,a4
move.l IntBase(a4),a3
move.l ib_ActiveWindow(a3),d0
beq.s DoScreen
move.l Active(a4),a0
cmp.l a0,d0 ;New ActiveWindow?
beq.s CheckSize
move.l Active(a4),LastActive(a4)
move.l d0,Active(a4)
move.l d0,a0
ChangedPosOrSize move.l wd_LeftEdge(a0),WindPosRem(a4)
move.l wd_Width(a0),WindSizeRem(a4)
bsr SignalMyself
bclr #SignalSmooth,What(a4)
bset #SignalWindow,What(a4)
bra.s DoScreen
CheckSize move.l wd_LeftEdge(a0),d0 ;A Check on .l is faster
cmp.l WindPosRem(a4),d0 ;because I only wanna know
bne.s ChangedPosOrSize ;if Position or Size changed
move.l wd_Width(a0),d0 ;and not how
cmp.l WindSizeRem(a4),d0
bne.s ChangedPosOrSize
DoScreen move.l FirstSc(a4),d0
cmp.l ib_FirstScreen(a3),d0 ;New FirstScreen?
beq.s DoNothing
move.l ib_FirstScreen(a3),FirstSc(a4)
bsr SignalMyself
bclr #SignalSmooth,What(a4)
bset #SignalScreen,What(a4)
DoNothing btst #SignalSmooth,What(a4)
beq.s DoNothingAtAll
bsr SignalMyself
bset #SignalWindow,What(a4)
DoNothingAtAll Pull d1-d4/a0-a1/a3/a4/a6
moveq.l #0,d0
SignalMyself move.l $04,a6
move.w #1,DelayDo(a4)
move.l OwnTask(a4),a1
move.l Signal(a4),d1 ;send a signal to move Screen
moveq.l #0,d0
bset d1,d0
jmp _LVOSignal(a6)
OpenGUI RSave
tst.w GUIOpened(a4)
bne OpenNoGUI
move.l IntBase(a4),a6
sub.l a0,a0
CALL LockPubScreen
move.l d0,PublicScreen(a4)
move.l d0,StorePublicScreen
move.l d0,a0
lea sc_RastPort(a0),a1
move.l a1,PublicRastport(a4)
lea TagListDone(pc),a1
move.l GadBase(a4),a6
CALL GetVisualInfoA
move.l d0,MyVisual(a4)
lea MyNewGadget(a4),a3
move.l d0,gng_VisualInfo(a3)
lea GadgetList(a4),a0
CALL CreateContext
move.l d0,Gadget0(a4)
move.l GraphicsBase(a4),a6
move.l PublicRastport(a4),a1
lea GUI_Text5(pc),a0
moveq.l #GUI_Text6-GUI_Text5-1,d0
CALL TextLength
add.w #40,d0 ;CheckBox
;lsr.w #1,d0
move.w d0,RemLen(a4)
moveq.l #1,d0
add.w RemLen(a4),d0
mulu #NumberOfCols,d0
move.l d0,StoreInnerWidth
move.l PublicScreen(a4),a0
moveq.l #6,d0
add.b sc_WBorLeft(a0),d0
move.w d0,RemLeft(a4)
move.l sc_Font(a0),a1
move.l a1,gng_TextAttr(a3)
moveq.l #1,d0
add.b sc_WBorTop(a0),d0 ;Base (Top)
move.w d0,RemTop(a4)
move.w ta_YSize(a1),d6
add.w #4,d6 ;Height of One Line
move.w d6,RemHeight(a4)
add.w #2,d6
mulu #NumberOfLines,d6
add.w #8,d6
move.l d6,StoreInnerHeight
move.l Gadget0(a4),d7
bsr DoAllGadgets
move.l d7,LastGadget(a4)
sub.l a0,a0
lea WindowTagList(pc),a1
move.l IntBase(a4),a6
CALL OpenWindowTagList
move.l d0,MyWindow(a4)
beq FailWindow
move.l d0,a0
bsr EnterSignal
;move.l d0,a0
move.l GadgetList(a4),a1
moveq.l #-1,d0
moveq.l #-1,d1
sub.l a2,a2
move.l GadgetList(a4),a0
move.l MyWindow(a4),a1
moveq.l #-1,d0
sub.l a2,a2
CALL RefreshGList
move.l GadBase(a4),a6
move.l MyWindow(a4),a0
sub.l a1,a1
CALL GT_RefreshWindow
move.w #1,GUIOpened(a4)
OpenNoGUI move.l IntBase(a4),a6
move.l MyWindow(a4),a0
CALL ActivateWindow
MyGadgetText rs.l 1
MyGadgetList rs.l 1
MyGadgetRowNr rs.b 1
MyGadgetXPos rs.b 1
MyGadgetWidth rs.b 1
MyGadgetFlags rs.b 1
MyGadgetStore rs.w 1
MyGadgetKind rs.w 1
MyGadgetSize rs.w 1
; gng_Flags ,gng_Text ,CreateKind ,CreateTags
; gng_TopEdge ,gng_LeftEdge
AllGadgets dc.l GUI_Text8,CycleTagList
dc.l GUI_Text9,CycleTagList2
dc.l GUI_Text12,StringTagList
dc.w TempScreen,STRING_KIND
dc.l GUI_Text13,StringTagList
dc.w TempWindow,STRING_KIND
dc.l 0,SlideTagList
dc.b 5,1,1,0
dc.w TempDelay,SLIDER_KIND
dc.l GUI_Text18,CycleTagList3
dc.w TempAction,CYCLE_KIND
dc.l GUI_Text17,StringTagList
dc.w TempActionKey,STRING_KIND
dc.l GUI_Text16,StringTagList
dc.l 0,SlideTagList2
dc.b 9,1,1,0
dc.w TempSmooth,SLIDER_KIND
dc.l GUI_Text19,StringTagList
dc.b 10,1,1,PLACETEXT_LEFT
dc.w TempLWindow,STRING_KIND
dc.l GUI_Text19_2,StringTagList
dc.b 10,2,1,PLACETEXT_LEFT
dc.w TempNWindow,STRING_KIND
dc.l GUI_Text1,GadgetTagList
dc.l GUI_Text3,GadgetTagList
dc.l GUI_Text6,GadgetTagList
dc.w TempRestrict,CHECKBOX_KIND
dc.l GUI_Text20,GadgetTagList
dc.l GUI_Text2,GadgetTagList
dc.l GUI_Text5,GadgetTagList
dc.l GUI_Text7,GadgetTagList
dc.l GUI_Text7_1,GadgetTagList
dc.w TempMoveMouse,CHECKBOX_KIND
dc.l GUI_Text7_2,GadgetTagList
dc.l GUI_Text10,TagList
dc.b 11,0,1,PLACETEXT_IN
dc.w TempZero,BUTTON_KIND
dc.l GUI_Text11,TagList
dc.b 11,2,1,PLACETEXT_IN
dc.w TempZero,BUTTON_KIND
SaveGadgData dc.l GUI_Text14,TagList
dc.b 11,1,1,PLACETEXT_IN
dc.w TempSave,BUTTON_KIND
dc.l -1
NumberOfLines = 11
NumberOfCols = 3
;a3:Pointer to the GadgetStructure
;d7:Previous Gadget
DoAllGadgets lea AllGadgets(pc),a5
move.l GadBase(a4),a6
moveq.l #1,d6
DoAllGadgets2 tst.l (a5)
bmi.s WasLastGadget
moveq.l #0,d0
move.b MyGadgetRowNr(a5),d0
move.w RemHeight(a4),d1
addq.w #2,d1
mulu d1,d0
add.w RemTop(a4),d0 ;Top
move.w d0,gng_TopEdge(a3)
moveq.l #0,d0
move.b MyGadgetXPos(a5),d0
mulu RemLen(a4),d0
add.w RemLeft(a4),d0
move.w d0,gng_LeftEdge(a3)
moveq.l #0,d0
move.b MyGadgetWidth(a5),d0
mulu RemLen(a4),d0
sub.w #8,d0
move.w d0,gng_Width(a3)
move.w RemHeight(a4),gng_Height(a3)
moveq.l #0,d0
move.b MyGadgetFlags(a5),d0
move.l d0,gng_Flags(a3)
add.w #1,gng_GadgetID(a3)
move.l MyGadgetText(a5),gng_GadgetText(a3)
move.w d6,gng_GadgetID(a3)
sub.l a2,a2
move.w MyGadgetStore(a5),a2
add.l a4,a2
move.l (a2),d4
moveq.l #0,d0
move.w MyGadgetKind(a5),d0
move.l d7,a0 ;Previous Gadget
move.l a3,a1
move.l MyGadgetList(a5),a2
move.l d4,4(a2)
CALL CreateGadgetA
move.l d0,d7 ;Remember Previous Gadget
add.l #MyGadgetSize,a5
addq.l #1,d6
bra.s DoAllGadgets2
WasLastGadget rts
CheckGUI RSave
tst.w GUIOpened(a4)
beq NoGUI
move.l GadBase(a4),a6
move.l MyWindow(a4),a0
move.l wd_UserPort(a0),a0
tst.l d0
beq NoGUI
move.l d0,a1
moveq.l #0,d6
move.w im_Code(a1),d6 ;Value of Gadget
move.l im_IAddress(a1),a2
move.l im_Class(a1),d7
cmp.l #GADGETUP,d7
bne Others
move.w gg_GadgetID(a2),d0
move.l gg_SpecialInfo(a2),a3
cmp.w #21,d0
beq HideGad
cmp.w #22,d0
beq QuitGad
cmp.w #23,d0
beq SaveGad
subq.l #1,d0
lea AllGadgets(pc),a5
mulu #MyGadgetSize,d0
sub.l a2,a2
move.w MyGadgetStore(a5,d0.w),a2
add.l a4,a2
StringTest cmp.w #STRING_KIND,MyGadgetKind(a5,d0.w)
bne.s CheckBoxTest
move.l si_Buffer(a3),a0
move.l (a2),a1
bsr CopyPattern
bsr BuildPatterns
bsr InstallHotKey
bra.s NoGUI
CheckBoxTest cmp.w #CHECKBOX_KIND,MyGadgetKind(a5,d0.w)
bne.s StandardGUI
;using im_Code works only since V39, so:
moveq.l #1,d6
tst.l (a2)
beq.s StandardGUI
moveq.l #0,d6
StandardGUI move.l d6,(a2)
bra.s NoGUI
SaveGad bsr SaveConfig
bra.s NoGUI
QuitGad bsr CloseGUI
move.w #1,QuitMe(a4)
bra.s HideGad
Others cmp.l #CLOSEWINDOW,d7
bne.s NoClose
HideGad bsr CloseGUI
bra.s NoGUI
NoClose cmp.l #IDCMP_VANILLAKEY,d7
bne.s NoGUI
cmp.b #"q",d6
beq.s QuitGad
cmp.b #"s",d6
beq.s SaveGad
cmp.b #"h",d6
beq.s HideGad
CloseGUI RSave
tst.w GUIOpened(a4)
beq.s NotOpened
bsr RefreshStrings
move.l IntBase(a4),a6
move.l MyWindow(a4),a0
bsr RemoveSignal
;move.l MyWindow(a4),a0
move.l GadgetList(a4),a1
moveq.l #-1,d0
CALL RemoveGList
move.l MyWindow(a4),a0
clr.l d0
move.w wd_TopEdge(a0),d0
move.l d0,RemWindowY
move.w wd_LeftEdge(a0),d0
move.l d0,RemWindowX
CALL CloseWindow
FailWindow move.l GadgetList(a4),a0
move.l GadBase(a4),a6
CALL FreeGadgets
move.l MyVisual(a4),a0
CALL FreeVisualInfo
move.l IntBase(a4),a6
sub.l a0,a0
move.l PublicScreen(a4),a1
CALL UnlockPubScreen
NotOpened clr.w GUIOpened(a4)
EnterSignal Push d0-d1/a0
move.l wd_UserPort(a0),a0
move.b MP_SIGBIT(a0),d0
move.l SignalMask(a4),d1
bset d0,d1
move.l d1,SignalMask(a4)
Pull d0-d1/a0
RemoveSignal Push d0-d1/a0
move.l wd_UserPort(a0),a0
move.b MP_SIGBIT(a0),d0
move.l SignalMask(a4),d1
bclr d0,d1
move.l d1,SignalMask(a4)
Pull d0-d1/a0
GetNexta0.1 tst.b (a0)+
GetNexta0 move.b (a0),d0
cmp.b #"=",d0
beq.s GetNexta0.1
cmp.b #" ",d0
beq.s GetNexta0.1
or.w #$20,d0
RefreshStrings RSave
move.l GadgetList(a4),a3
ThruAll move.w gg_GadgetID(a3),d0
subq.l #1,d0
lea AllGadgets(pc),a5
mulu #MyGadgetSize,d0
sub.l a2,a2
move.w MyGadgetStore(a5,d0.w),a2
add.l a4,a2 ;TempXXX
cmp.w #STRING_KIND,MyGadgetKind(a5,d0.w)
bne.s NextGaddie
move.l gg_SpecialInfo(a3),a0
move.l si_Buffer(a0),a0
move.l (a2),a1
bsr CopyPattern
bsr BuildPatterns
bsr InstallHotKey
NextGaddie move.l gg_NextGadget(a3),a3
move.l a3,d0
bne.s ThruAll
;Screen in a0, X-Coord(rel) in d0, Y-Coord(rel) in d1
SetPointer Push a0-a2/d0-d1/a6
lea PointerPixEvent(a4),a2
move.l a0,iepp_Screen(a2)
move.w sc_MouseX(a0),d2
move.w sc_MouseY(a0),d3
move.l MyIORequest(a4),a1
move.w #IND_WRITEEVENT,io_Command(a1)
lea MyInputEvent(a4),a0
move.l #0,ie_NextEvent(a0)
move.b #IECLASS_NEWPOINTERPOS,ie_Class(a0)
move.w #0,ie_Qualifier(a0)
add.w d0,d2
add.w d1,d3
move.w d2,iepp_PositionX(a2)
move.w d3,iepp_PositionY(a2)
move.l a2,ie_EventAddress(a0)
move.b #IESUBCLASS_PIXEL,ie_SubClass(a0)
move.w #IECODE_NOBUTTON,ie_Code(a0)
move.l a0,io_Data(a1)
move.l #ie_SIZEOF,io_Length(a1)
move.l $04,a6
Pull a0-a2/a6/d0-d1
BuildPatterns RSave
tst.l TempScreen(a4)
beq.s NoScreenPattern
move.l TempScreen(a4),a0
bsr GetNexta0
lea ScreenPatternMem(a4),a1
bsr CopyPattern
lea ScreenPatternMem(a4),a0
lea ScreenPatLen(a4),a2
lea ScreenPattern(a4),a3
bsr GetLen
bpl NoScreenPattern
bsr PatternError
NoScreenPattern lea ScreenPatternMem(a4),a0
move.l a0,TempScreen(a4)
tst.l TempWindow(a4)
beq.s NoWindowPattern
move.l TempWindow(a4),a0
bsr GetNexta0
lea WindowPatternMem(a4),a1
bsr CopyPattern
lea WindowPatternMem(a4),a0
lea WindowPatLen(a4),a2
lea WindowPattern(a4),a3
bsr GetLen
bpl.s NoWindowPattern
bsr PatternError
NoWindowPattern lea WindowPatternMem(a4),a0
move.l a0,TempWindow(a4)
PatternError lea Text3(pc),a0
bra OpenRequester
;a0:Source, a1:Dest
CopyPattern move.w #511,d0
CopyPattern2 move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
beq.s EndCopy
dbf d0,CopyPattern2
bsr PatternError
EndCopy rts
;In: (a2): LEN - (a3): MEMORY - a0: Source-Pattern :back: d0=pattern ok?
GetLen move.l a0,d6
clr.l d3
GetLen2 tst.b (a0)+
beq.s EndOfString
addq.l #1,d3
bra.s GetLen2
EndOfString lsl.w #1,d3 ;StandardLen Of Pattern
addq #2,d3
move.l $04,a6
tst.l (a3)
beq AllocNew
move.l (a3),a1
move.l (a2),d0
CALL FreeMem
clr.l (a3)
AllocNew move.l d3,(a2)
move.l d3,d0
move.l #MEMF_CLEAR,d1
CALL AllocMem
move.l d0,d2
beq QuitPrg ;No Memory? Good bye !
move.l d0,(a3)
move.l d6,d1
move.l DosBase(a4),a6
CALL ParsePatternNoCase
;a0: Requester-Text
OpenRequester Push a0-a3
lea EasyReqStruct(a4),a1
lea PortName(pc),a2
move.l a2,es_Title(a1)
move.l a0,es_TextFormat(a1)
lea GadgetText(pc),a2
move.l a2,es_GadgetFormat(a1)
move.l IntBase(a4),a6
sub.l a0,a0
;a1: EasyReq
sub.l a2,a2
sub.l a3,a3
CALL EasyRequestArgs
Pull a0-a3
SaveConfig RSave
tst.l WBMessage(a4)
beq SkipConfig
move.l WBMessage(a4),a3
move.l sm_ArgList(a3),d0
beq SkipConfig
move.l d0,a0
move.l wa_Name(a0),a0
move.l a0,d5
move.l DObject(a4),d0
beq SkipConfig
move.l d0,a0
move.l do_ToolTypes(a0),a5 ;Remember Old
move.l #1,TempDummy(a4)
bsr RefreshStrings
Push a0/a6
move.l $04,a6
move.l #NumberOfTemps*10+2*512+2*8,d0 ;Memory for tool arrays
move.l #MEMF_CLEAR,d1
CALL AllocMem
move.l d0,a3
beq MemErrTool
move.l DObject(a4),a0
move.l d0,do_ToolTypes(a0)
move.l d0,a1
add.l #(NumberOfTemps+1)*4,a1 ;Maximum Number of Pointers
clr.l d7
lea WBTemplate(pc),a2
LoopAllTemps sub.l a0,a0
move.w TemplateA4(a2),a0
add.l a4,a0
move.l (a0),d6
beq.s IsDefault
move.l a1,(a3,d7)
move.l TemplateText(a2),a0
bsr CopyPattern
move.w TemplateType(a2),d1
beq ThatsAllTemp
move.b #"=",-1(a1)
cmp.w #T_CYCLE,d1
bne.s ThatsString
move.l TemplateSpecial(a2),a0
lsl.l #2,d6
move.l (a0,d6.w),a0
bsr CopyPattern
bra.s ThatsAllTemp
ThatsString cmp.w #T_STRING,d1
bne.s ThatsInteger
move.l d6,a0
bsr CopyPattern
bra.s ThatsAllTemp
ThatsInteger move.l d6,d0
bsr PrintInteger
ThatsAllTemp addq.l #4,d7
move.l a1,d0
and.l #$ffffffc,d0
move.l d0,a1
lea 4(a1),a1 ;Align on Longwords
IsDefault add.l #TemplateSize,a2
tst.l TemplateText(a2)
bne LoopAllTemps
move.l d5,a0
move.l DObject(a4),a1
move.l IconBase(a4),a6
CALL PutDiskObject
bne.s Done
lea Text4(pc),a0
bsr OpenRequester
Done move.l $04,a6
move.l #NumberOfTemps*10+2*512+2*8,d0
move.l a3,a1
CALL FreeMem
MemErrTool Pull a0/a6
move.l a5,do_ToolTypes(a0)
bra.s DoneConfig
SkipConfig lea Text4(pc),a0
bsr OpenRequester
DoneConfig RLoad
;Where in hell has this damned OS a atoi and itoa function???
;Quick implementation of word-only functions:
;a0:String Back: d0: Integer
GetInteger Push d1-d2/a0
moveq.l #0,d0
moveq.l #0,d1
moveq.l #1,d2
cmp.b #"-",(a0)
bne.s GetDezNr
tst.b (a0)+
moveq.l #-1,d2
GetDezNr move.b (a0)+,d1
cmp.b #"0",d1
bcs StringOver
cmp.b #"9"+1,d1
bcc StringOver
sub.w #$30,d1
mulu #$0a,d0
add.l d1,d0
bra.s GetDezNr
StringOver muls d2,d0
Pull d1-d2/a0
;d0: Integer a1:String
PrintInteger tst.l d0
bpl.s PrDez0
move.b #"-",(a1)+
neg.l d0
PrDez0 move.w #-1,-(sp)
PrDez divu #$0a,d0
swap d0
move.w d0,-(sp)
clr.w d0
swap d0
bne.s PrDez
PrDez1 move.w (sp)+,d0
bmi.s CloseUp
add.w #"0",d0
move.b d0,(a1)+
bra.s PrDez1
CloseUp clr.b (a1)+
HK_Default rs.l 1
HK_Description rs.l 1
HK_Store rs.l 1
HK_ID rs.l 1
HK_Filter rs.l 1
HK_SIZEOF rs.l 0
HotKeyTable dc.l DefaultDescr4,Description4,TempNWindow,MyNWinID,Filter4
dc.l DefaultDescr3,Description3,TempLWindow,MyLWinID,Filter3
dc.l DefaultDescr2,Description2,TempActionKey,MyActionID,Filter2
dc.l DefaultDescr,Description,TempCXPOPKEY,MyHotkeyID,Filter
dc.l 0
InstallHotKey Push a0-a1/a5-a6/d4-d5
lea HotKeyTable(pc),a5
InstallHotKey2 move.l HK_Default(a5),a0
move.l HK_Description(a5),d0
lea (a4,d0),a1
move.l HK_Store(a5),d4
tst.l (a4,d4)
beq.s NoPOPKEY
move.l (a4,d4),a0
bsr GetNexta0
NoPOPKEY move.l a1,(a4,d4)
bsr CopyKey
bmi.s HotKeyError
move.l HK_Filter(a5),d5
bsr RemovePopKey
move.l HK_Description(a5),d0
lea (a4,d0),a0
move.l MyPort(a4),a1
move.l HK_ID(a5),d0
bsr HotKey
bmi.s HotKeyError
move.l a0,(a4,d5)
CALL CxObjError
tst.l d0
bne.s DeleteAndErr
move.l (a4,d5),a1
move.l Broker(a4),a0
CALL AttachCxObj
lea HK_SIZEOF(a5),a5
tst.l (a5)
bne.s InstallHotKey2
Pull a0-a1/a5-a6/d4-d5
DeleteAndErr bsr DeletePopKey
HotKeyError lea HotKeyErrorT(pc),a0
bsr OpenRequester
clr.l (a4,d4)
bra InstallHotKey2
CopyKey move.w #63,d0
CopyString move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
beq.s EndString
dbf d0,CopyString
moveq.l #-1,d0
EndString rts
RemovePopKey move.l CommBase(a4),a6
tst.l (a4,d5)
beq.s NoFilter
move.l (a4,d5),a0
CALL RemoveCxObj
DeletePopKey move.l (a4,d5),a0
CALL DeleteCxObjAll
clr.l (a4,d5)
NoFilter rts
;Implementation of the cx.lib function
;HotKey(char *Description,MsgPort *CxPort,long Event)
;a0=Description, a1=CxPort, d0=Event ;Back: d0:Error, a0:Filter
HotKey Push d1-d7/a1-a2/a6
move.l a1,a2 ;Rem Port
move.l d0,d6 ;Rem Event
move.l CommBase(a4),a6
move.l #CX_FILTER,d0
;Description is in a0
sub.l a1,a1
CALL CreateCxObj
move.l d0,d7 ;Remember Filter
beq.s HKErr2
move.l #CX_SEND,d0
move.l a2,a0 ;Given Port
move.l d6,a1 ;Event
CALL CreateCxObj
move.l d0,d6 ;Remember Sender
beq.s HKErr
move.l d7,a0 ;Filter
move.l d6,a1 ;Sender
CALL AttachCxObj
move.l #CX_TRANSLATE,d0
sub.l a0,a0
move.l a0,a1
CALL CreateCxObj
move.l d0,a1
tst.l d0
beq.s HKErr
move.l d7,a0 ;Filter
;Translate is in a1
CALL AttachCxObj
move.l d7,a0 ;Return Filter in a0
moveq.l #0,d0
bra.s HKOut
HKErr move.l d7,a0
CALL DeleteCxObjAll
HKErr2 moveq.l #-1,d0
HKOut Pull d1-d7/a1-a2/a6
TestButton RSave
cmp.l #0,a0
beq.s SkipTestButton
move.l RememberA4,a4
move.l CommBase(a4),a6
CALL CxMsgData
tst.l d0
beq SkipTestButton
move.l d0,a0
cmp.b #IECLASS_RAWMOUSE,ie_Class(a0)
bne.s SkipTestButton
beq.s RelButton
cmp.w #IECODE_LBUTTON,ie_Code(a0)
bne.s SkipTestButton
move.w #1,ButtonPressed(a4)
bra.s SkipTestButton
RelButton clr.w ButtonPressed(a4)
bsr SignalMyself
bset #SignalButton,What(a4)
SkipTestButton RLoad
move.w #$10,d1
blink2 move.w #$7fff,d0
blink1 move.w d0,$dff180
dbf d0,blink1
dbf d1,blink2
StringTagList dc.l GTST_String
dc.l 0
dc.l GTST_MaxChars
dc.l 511
CycleTagList dc.l GTCY_Active
dc.l 0
dc.l GTCY_Labels
dc.l CycleList
CycleTagList2 dc.l GTCY_Active
dc.l 0
dc.l GTCY_Labels
dc.l CycleList2
CycleTagList3 dc.l GTCY_Active
dc.l 0
dc.l GTCY_Labels
dc.l CycleList3
GadgetTagList dc.l GTCB_Checked
dc.l 0
SlideTagList dc.l GTSL_Level
dc.l 0
dc.l GTSL_Min
dc.l 0
dc.l GTSL_Max
dc.l 99
dc.l GTSL_LevelFormat
dc.l SliderText
dc.l GTSL_LevelPlace
dc.l GTSL_MaxLevelLen
dc.l 50
dc.l GA_RelVerify
dc.l 1
SlideTagList2 dc.l GTSL_Level
dc.l 0
dc.l GTSL_Min
dc.l 0
dc.l GTSL_Max
dc.l 500
dc.l GTSL_LevelFormat
dc.l SliderText2
dc.l GTSL_LevelPlace
dc.l GTSL_MaxLevelLen
dc.l 50
dc.l GA_RelVerify
dc.l 1
TagList dc.l GA_Disabled
dc.l 0
dc.l GT_Underscore
dc.l '_'
TagListDone dc.l TAG_DONE
WindowTagList dc.l WA_InnerWidth
StoreInnerWidth dc.l 0
dc.l WA_InnerHeight
StoreInnerHeight dc.l 0
dc.l WA_Flags
dc.l WA_PubScreen
StorePublicScreen dc.l 0
dc.l WA_Title
dc.l Texth
dc.l WA_AutoAdjust
dc.l 1
dc.l WA_Left
RemWindowX dc.l -1
dc.l WA_Top
RemWindowY dc.l -1
RememberA4 dc.l 0
RememberStack dc.l 0
ScreenPatLen rs.l 1
ScreenPattern rs.l 1
WindowPatLen rs.l 1
WindowPattern rs.l 1
GadgetList rs.l 1
WindPosRem rs.l 1
WindSizeRem rs.l 1
StartupFlag rs.w 1
PositionX rs.w 1
PositionY rs.w 1
What rs.w 1
DisableHW rs.w 1
GUIOpened rs.w 1
QuitMe rs.w 1
RemFontSize rs.w 1
ButtonPressed rs.w 1
GadgetInside rs.w 11
MyPort rs.l 1
MyVisual rs.l 1
Broker rs.l 1
LastActive rs.l 1
ScreenMem rs.b ScreenMemSize
IntBase rs.l 1
IBaseLock rs.l 1
RemLen rs.w 1
RemHeight rs.w 1
RemTop rs.w 1
RemLeft rs.w 1
DelayDo rs.w 1
GadBase rs.l 1
DosBase rs.l 1
CommBase rs.l 1
IconBase rs.l 1
DObject rs.l 1
Active rs.l 1
FirstSc rs.l 1
GraphicsBase rs.l 1
PublicScreen rs.l 1
PublicRastport rs.l 1
Gadget0 rs.l 1
Filter rs.l 1
Filter2 rs.l 1
Filter3 rs.l 1
Filter4 rs.l 1
Filter5 rs.l 1
VisualX rs.w 1
VisualY rs.w 1
TemplateArray rs.l 0 ;Do not change order!
TempMove rs.l 1
TempSFront rs.l 1
TempWFront rs.l 1
TempPDef rs.l 1
TempRemWin rs.l 1
TempMoveMouse rs.l 1
TempCXPOPUP rs.l 1
TempRestrict rs.l 1
TempWBWin rs.l 1
TempCXPRI rs.l 1
TempCXPOPKEY rs.l 1
TempHADJ rs.l 1
TempVADJ rs.l 1
TempScreen rs.l 1
TempWindow rs.l 1
TempActionKey rs.l 1
TempAction rs.l 1
TempDelay rs.l 1
TempLWindow rs.l 1
TempNWindow rs.l 1
TempSmooth rs.l 1
TempDummy rs.l 1
TempZero rs.l 1
TempSave rs.l 1
OwnTask rs.l 1
Signal rs.l 1
Args rs.l 1
WBMessage rs.l 1
SignalMask rs.l 1
MyWindow rs.l 1
LastGadget rs.l 1
MyIORequest rs.l 1
MouseMsgPort rs.l 1
MyNewGadget rs.b gng_SIZEOF
MyInterrupt rs.b IS_SIZE
MyInputEvent rs.b ie_SIZEOF
PointerPixEvent rs.b IEPointerPixel_SIZEOF
EasyReqStruct rs.b es_SIZEOF
Description rs.b 64
Description2 rs.b 64
Description3 rs.b 64
Description4 rs.b 64
Description5 rs.b 64
ScreenPatternMem rs.b 512 ;sufficient I think
WindowPatternMem rs.b 512
AllocLength rs.w 1
intuition dc.b "intuition.library",0
DosName dc.b "dos.library",0
InputName dc.b "input.device",0
GraphicsName dc.b "graphics.library",0
IconName dc.b "icon.library",0
GadName dc.b "gadtools.library",0
CommName dc.b "commodities.library",0
MyNewBroker dc.b NB_VERSION ;Version
dc.b 0 ;Reserve1
dc.l HandlerName ;Name
dc.l PortName ;Title
dc.l DescText ;Description
dc.w COF_SHOW_HIDE ;Flags
MyPri dc.b 0 ;Pri
dc.b 0 ;Reserve2
BrokerPort dc.l 0 ;Port
dc.w 0 ;ReservedChannel
CycleList dc.l GUI_Choose1.1,GUI_Choose1.2,GUI_Choose1.3,GUI_Choose1.4,0
CycleList2 dc.l GUI_Choose2.1,GUI_Choose2.2,GUI_Choose2.3,GUI_Choose2.4,0
CycleList3 dc.l GUI_Choose3.1,GUI_Choose3.2,GUI_Choose3.3,0
TemplateText rs.l 1
TemplateSpecial rs.l 1
TemplateA4 rs.w 1
TemplateType rs.w 1
TemplateSize rs.w 0
NumberOfTemps = 21
WBTemplate dc.l TextDNW,0
dc.w TempDummy,T_CHECK
dc.l TextMove,0
dc.w TempMove,T_CHECK
dc.l TextSFront,0
dc.w TempSFront,T_CHECK
dc.l TextWFront,0
dc.w TempWFront,T_CHECK
dc.l TextPDef,0
dc.w TempPDef,T_CHECK
dc.l TextRestrict,0
dc.w TempRestrict,T_CHECK
dc.l TextDelay,0
dc.w TempDelay,T_INTEGER
dc.l TextAction,CycleList3
dc.w TempAction,T_CYCLE
dc.l TextRemWin,0
dc.w TempRemWin,T_CHECK
dc.l TextMoveMouse,0
dc.w TempMoveMouse,T_CHECK
dc.l TextCXPOPUP,0
dc.l TextWBWin,0
dc.w TempWBWin,T_CHECK
dc.l TextScreen,0
dc.w TempScreen,T_STRING
dc.l TextWindow,0
dc.w TempWindow,T_STRING
dc.l TextCXPOPKEY,0
dc.l TextCXPRI,0
dc.l TextHADJ,CycleList
dc.l TextVADJ,CycleList2
dc.l TextActionKey,0
dc.w TempActionKey,T_STRING
dc.l TextLastWindow,0
dc.w TempLWindow,T_STRING
dc.l TextNextWindow,0
dc.w TempNWindow,T_STRING
dc.l TextSmooth,0
dc.w TempSmooth,T_INTEGER
dc.l 0
TextDNW dc.b "DONOTWAIT",0
TextMove dc.b "MOVE",0
TextSFront dc.b "SFRONT",0
TextWFront dc.b "WFRONT",0
TextPDef dc.b "DEFPUB",0
TextRestrict dc.b "RESTRICT",0
TextRemWin dc.b "REMWIN",0
TextMoveMouse dc.b "MOVEMOUSE",0
TextHADJ dc.b "HADJ",0
TextVADJ dc.b "VADJ",0
TextScreen dc.b "SCREEN",0
TextWindow dc.b "WINDOW",0
TextActionKey dc.b "ACTIONKEY",0
TextAction dc.b "ACTION",0
TextDelay dc.b "DELAY",0
TextLastWindow dc.b "LWINDOW",0
TextNextWindow dc.b "NWINDOW",0
TextSmooth dc.b "SMOOTH",0
TextWBWin dc.b "WBWIN",0
PortName dc.b "Huntwindows 3.3",0
HandlerName dc.b "Huntwindows",0
GadgetText dc.b "Ok",0
DefaultDescr dc.b "control alt h",0
DefaultDescr2 dc.b "control help",0
DefaultDescr3 dc.b "lcommand left",0
DefaultDescr4 dc.b "lcommand right",0
DefaultDescr5 dc.b "lcommand help",0
HotKeyErrorT dc.b "Wrong hotkey description!",$0a,0
Text1 dc.b "Error in arguments or libraries!",$0a,0
Text2 dc.b "I need V37+ !",$0a,0
Text3 dc.b "Error in given patterns!",$0a,0
Text4 dc.b "Cannot Save!",$0a,0
dc.b "$VER: " ;for version information
Texth dc.b "Huntwindows 3.3 (13.1.94) by Jörg Bublath 1992-1994",0
DescText dc.b "Moves screen to show windows",0
GUI_Text1 dc.b "Move Screen",0
GUI_Text2 dc.b "ScreenToFront",0
GUI_Text3 dc.b "WindowToFront",0
GUI_Text5 dc.b "Set Default PubScreen",0
GUI_Text6 dc.b "Restrict on DefPub",0
GUI_Text7 dc.b "Remember Window",0
GUI_Text7_1 dc.b "Move Mouse",0
GUI_Text7_2 dc.b "GUI Popup",0
GUI_Text8 dc.b "Horizontal Adjustment",0
GUI_Text9 dc.b "Vertical Adjustment",0
GUI_Text10 dc.b "_Hide",0
GUI_Text11 dc.b "_Quit",0
GUI_Text12 dc.b "Screen Pattern",0
GUI_Text13 dc.b "Window Pattern",0
GUI_Text14 dc.b "_Save",0
GUI_Text16 dc.b "Popup Hotkey",0
GUI_Text17 dc.b "Action Hotkey",0
GUI_Text18 dc.b "Action Condition",0
GUI_Text19 dc.b "'Last/Next' Window' Hotkey"
GUI_Text19_2 dc.b 0
GUI_Text20 dc.b "Exclude WB-Windows",0
SliderText dc.b "Delay in 1/50 seconds:%ld ",0
SliderText2 dc.b "Move Rate:%ld ",0
GUI_TextEnd ;
GUI_Choose1.1 dc.b "left",0
GUI_Choose1.2 dc.b "right",0
GUI_Choose1.3 dc.b "center",0
GUI_Choose1.4 dc.b "off",0
GUI_Choose2.1 dc.b "top",0
GUI_Choose2.2 dc.b "bottom",0
GUI_Choose2.3 dc.b "center",0
GUI_Choose2.4 dc.b "off",0
GUI_Choose3.1 dc.b "necessary",0
GUI_Choose3.2 dc.b "hotkey",0
GUI_Choose3.3 dc.b "always",0