Mods Anthology 2
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590 lines
;* $VER: Install_XModule 3.4 (14.6.95) Copyright ⌐ 1994,95 Bernardo Innocenti
;* Installer script for XModule
; English strings
(set #askdest (cat "In which directory should XModule be installed?\n"
"(A drawer called \"XModule\" will be created)"))
(set #askdest-help (cat "Please, select the directory or partition in which you would like "
"XModule installed (a drawer named \"XModule\" will be created "
"in the directory you have selected).\n\n\n"
(set #askcats "Which language catalogs should be installed?")
(set #askcats-help (cat "XModule has built-in english strings. To operate XModule in "
"a different language a catalog file for that languge is needed. "
"This catalog will be copied to the directory \"Catalogs/\" in "
"the XModule drawer. You need Workbench 2.1 or higher in order "
"to use this feature.\n\n" @askchoice-help))
(set #askdocformat "Please select which documentation format(s) to install:")
(set #askpatteditvers "Which version of the Pattern Editor gadget should be installed?")
(set #patteditvers-choice1 "Standard version")
(set #patteditvers-choice2 "68020 or higher only")
(set #askpatteditvers-help (cat "Choose the correct version for your machine. If you are "
"unsure what version should be used, pick the 68000 version.\n\n\n"
(set #askpatteditdest "In which directory should \"pattedit.gadget\" be installed?")
(set #askpatteditdest-help (cat "\"pattedit.gadget\" can be placed in the XModule drawer "
"(recommended for 2.0-2.1 users) or in the default custom gadgets "
"directory \"SYS:Classes/Gadgets\", where other programs will be "
"able to use it.\nInstalling it to another directory may prevent "
"XModule from finding the gadget.\n\n\n"))
(set #patteditdest-choice1 "Copy to XModule drawer")
(set #patteditdest-choice2 "Copy to \"SYS:Classes/Gadgets/\" drawer")
(set #patteditdest-choice3 "Manual select...")
(set #magicwb-str (cat "Do you want MagicWB-style icons for XModule?\n"
"(Requires MagicWB installed in your system)\n\n"
"MagicWB is a collection of fine 8 color icons made by "
"Martin Huttenloher. These icons require a special palette, "
"otherwise they look awful.\n"))
(set #magicwb-help "Answer \"Yes\" only if your system preferences are properly set.")
(set #docformat-help (cat "Choose AmigaGuide documentation if you are running "
"Workbench 2.1 or higher and/or you have Commodore AmigaGuide "
"hypertext reader installed. Otherwhise choose the normal "
(set #toolman-brush (cat "This distribution includes a brush image suitable for ToolManager docks.\n\n"
"Do you want to copy it to your brush drawer?"))
(set #toolman-help (cat "ToolManager is a program by Stefan Backer which extends Workbench "
"usability allowing the user to start applications through AppIcons, AppMenus and "
"small windows filled with buttons called docks.\n\n"
"If you answer \"Yes\", you will be asked in which directory the brush image "
"should be copied.\n\n"))
(set #ask-toolmandir "In which directory should the ToolManager image be copied?")
(set #bad-kick "Sorry, XModule requires Kickstart version 2.04 or higher.")
(set #makingdir "Creating XModule Directory...")
(set #copying-xmodule "Copying XModule...")
(set #copying-players "Copying Players...")
(set #copying-cats "Copying Catalogs...")
(set #copying-icons "Copying Default Icons...")
(set #copying-doc "Copying ASCII Documentation...")
(set #copying-guide "Copying AmigaGuide Documentation...")
(set #copying-readme "Copying Release Notes...")
(set #copying-history "Copying Revision History...")
(set #copying-brush "Copying Brush for ToolManager Dock...")
(set #copying-pattedit "Copying pattedit.gadget...")
(set #bonusmod-str (cat "XModule distribution contains a fine bonus module "
"made by FBY (Fabio Barzagli).\n\n"
"Do you want it copied to your modules drawer?"))
(set #makingmoddir "Creating Modules Directory...")
(set #copying-mods "Copying Bonus Modules...")
; Italiano strings
(if (= @language "italiano")
(set #askdest (cat "In quale directory deve essere installato l'XModule?\n"
"(Sarα creato un cassetto \"XModule\")"))
(set #askdest-help (cat "Scegli la directory o la partizione nella quale vuoi "
"installare XModule (sarα creato un cassetto chiamato \"XModule\" "
"nella directory selezionata).\n\n\n"
(set #askcats "Quali cataloghi devono essere istallati?")
(set #askcats-help (cat "XModule usa di default la lingua inglese. Per usare XModule in "
"una lingua diversa Φ necessario un catalogo per quella lingua. "
"Questo catalogo sarα copiato nella directory \"Catalogs/\" nel "
"cassetto XModule. Hai bisogno del Workbench 2.1 o superiore per "
"poter usare la localizzazione.\n\n" @askchoice-help))
(set #askdocformat "Per favore scegli quale formato/i di documentazione installare:")
(set #askpatteditvers "Quale versione del gadget Pattern Editor deve essere installata?")
(set #patteditvers-choice1 "Versione standard")
(set #patteditvers-choice2 "Solo per 68020 o superiori")
(set #askpatteditvers-help (cat "Scegli la versione corretta per la tua macchina. Se non sei "
"sicuro su quale versione usare, prendi quella per 68000.\n\n\n"
(set #askpatteditdest "In quale directory deve essere installato il \"pattedit.gadget\"?")
(set #askpatteditdest-help (cat "Il \"pattedit.gadget\" puo` essere posto nel cassetto XModule "
"(raccomandato per gli utenti 2.0-2.1) o nella directory di default per i "
"gadget custom, \"SYS:Classes/Gadgets\", dove altri programmi potranno "
"usarlo.\nInstallarlo in un'altra directory potrebbe impedire "
"ad XModule di trovare il gadget.\n\n\n"))
(set #patteditdest-choice1 "Copia nel cassetto di XModule")
(set #patteditdest-choice2 "Copia nel cassetto \"SYS:Classes/Gadgets/\"")
(set #patteditdest-choice3 "Selezione manuale del cassetto...")
(set #magicwb-str (cat "Vuoi le icone in stile MagicWB per XModule?\n"
"(Richiede MagicWB installato nel tuo sistema)\n\n"
"MagicWB Φ una collezione di icone a 8 colori fatte da "
"Martin Huttenloher. Queste icone richiedono una palette speciale, "
"altrimenti sono molto brutte a vedersi.\n"))
(set #magicwb-help "Rispondi \"S∞\" soltanto se le tue preferenze di sistema sono impostate adeguatamente.")
(set #docformat-help (cat "Scegli la documentazione AmigaGuide se usi il "
"Workbench 2.1 o superiore e/o se hai installato il lettore di "
"ipertesti AmigaGuide Commodore. Altrimenti scegli la documentazione "
(set #toolman-brush (cat "Questa distribuzione include un'immagine adeguata ai dock del ToolManager.\n\n"
"Vuoi copiarla nel tuo cassetto delle immagini?"))
(set #toolman-help (cat "ToolManager Φ un programma di Stefan Backer che estende l'usabilitα del Workbench "
"permettendo all'utente di lanciare applicazioni tramite AppIcons, AppMenus e "
"piccole finestre piene di pulsanti chiamate docks.\n\n"
"Se rispondi \"S∞\", ti verrα chiesto in quale directory deve essere copiata "
(set #ask-toolmandir "In quale directory deve essere copiata l'immagine per il ToolManager?")
(set #bad-kick "Spiacente, XModule richiede la versione 2.04 o superiore del Kickstart.")
(set #makingdir "Creo la directory XModule...")
(set #copying-xmodule "Copio XModule...")
(set #copying-players "Copio i Players...")
(set #copying-cats "Copio i Cataloghi...")
(set #copying-doc "Copio la documentazione ASCII...")
(set #copying-guide "Copio la documentazione AmigaGuide...")
(set #copying-readme "Copio le Release Notes...")
(set #copying-history "Copio la Revision History...")
(set #copying-brush "Copio l'immagine per il dock del ToolManager...")
(set #copying-pattedit "Copio il pattedit.gadget...")
(set #bonusmod-str (cat "La distribuzione dell'XModule include un buon modulo bonus "
"fatto da FBY (Fabio Barzagli).\n\n"
"Vuoi copiarlo nel tuo cassetto Modules?"))
(set #makingmoddir "Creo la directory Modules...")
(set #copying-mods "Copio il Modulo Bonus...")
)) ; endif italiano
; Make sure we are running at least under a 2.04 system
(set sys-ver (/ (getversion) 65536))
(if (< sys-ver 37)
(abort #bad-kick)
(set cpu (database "cpu"))
(welcome) ; Say Hi!
; Ask user where he wants the XModule files
(set @target-dir
(prompt #askdest)
(help #askdest-help)
(default @default-dest)
(set @target-dir (tackon @target-dir "XModule"))
(set @default-dest @target-dir)
; Make the XModule directory
(complete 0)
(help @makedir-help)
(prompt #makingdir)
; Ask for MagicWB icons
(complete 5)
(if (askbool
(prompt #magicwb-str)
(help #magicwb-help)
(default 0)
(set @magic-icons 1)
; Copy the XModule executable and its icon
(complete 10)
(prompt #copying-xmodule)
(source "XModule")
(dest @target-dir)
(if (= @magic-icons 1)
(source "MagicWB_Icons/XModule.info")
(dest @target-dir)
; Copy the XModule players
(complete 20)
(prompt #copying-players)
(source "Players/")
(dest (tackon @target-dir "Players"))
; Copy pattedit.gadget
(complete 30)
(if (or (= cpu "68000") (= cpu "68010"))
(set pattedit020 0) ; then
(set pattedit020 1) ; else
(if (> @user-level 0)
(set pattedit020 (askchoice
(prompt #askpatteditvers)
(help #askpatteditvers-help)
(choices #patteditvers-choice1 #patteditvers-choice2)
(default pattedit020)
(set pattedit-dest (tackon @target-dir "Gadgets"))
(if (> @user-level 1)
(if (exists "SYS:Classes/")
(prompt #askpatteditdest #askchoice-help)
(help #askpatteditdest-help #askchoice)
(choices #patteditdest-choice1 #patteditdest-choice2 #patteditdest-choice3 "Copy to XModule drawer" "Copy to \"SYS:Classes/Gadgets/\" drawer" "Manual select...")
(set pattedit-dest (tackon @target-dir "Gadgets"))
(set pattedit-dest "SYS:Classes/Gadgets")
(set pattedit-dest
(prompt #askpatteditdest)
(help #askpatteditdest-help #askdir-help)
(default @default-dest)
(if (= pattedit020 1)
(prompt #copying-pattedit)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "Gadgets/pattedit.gadget_020")
(newname "pattedit.gadget")
(dest pattedit-dest)
(prompt #copying-pattedit)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "Gadgets/pattedit.gadget")
(dest pattedit-dest)
; Copy catalog files
(complete 40)
(set cat-choice (askoptions
(prompt #askcats)
(help #catalogs-help)
(default (if (= @language "italiano") 1 0))
(if (<> cat-choice 0)
(makedir (tackon @target-dir "Catalogs"))
(if (BITAND cat-choice 1)
(prompt #copyingcats)
(source "Catalogs/Italiano/XModule.catalog")
(dest (tackon @target-dir "Catalogs/Italiano"))
; Copy default icon for modules & instruments
(complete 50)
(if (= @magic-icons 1)
(source "MagicWB_Icons/")
(choices "def_Module.info" "def_Instrument.info")
(dest (tackon @target-dir "Icons"))
(prompt #copying-icons)
( ; else
(source "Icons/")
(choices "def_Module.info" "def_Instrument.info")
(dest (tackon @target-dir "Icons"))
(prompt #copying-icons)
(dest (tackon @target-dir "Icons/def_Module"))
(setdefaulttool (tackon @target-dir "XModule"))
; Copy documentation files
(complete 60)
(set doc-choice (askoptions
(prompt #askdocformat)
(help #docformat-help)
"AmigaGuide Documentation"
"ASCII Documentation"
"Release notes (ReadMe)"
"Revision History"
(default (if (OR (exists "SYS:Utilities/AmigaGuide") (exists "SYS:Utilities/MultiView")) 1 2))
(if (BITAND doc-choice 1)
(prompt #copying-guide)
(source "XModule.guide")
(dest @target-dir)
(if (= @magic-icons 1)
(source "MagicWB_Icons/XModule.guide.info")
(prompt #copying-guide)
(dest @target-dir)
(if (< sys-ver 39)
(dest (tackon @target-dir "XModule.guide"))
(setdefaulttool "SYS:Utlities/AmigaGuide")
(if (BITAND doc-choice 2)
(prompt #copying-doc)
(source "XModule.doc")
(dest @target-dir)
(if (= @magic-icons 1)
(source "MagicWB_Icons/XModule.doc.info")
(prompt #copying-xmodule)
(dest @target-dir)
(if (BITAND doc-choice 4)
(prompt #copying-readme)
(source "ReadMe")
(dest @target-dir)
(if (= @magic-icons 1)
(source "MagicWB_Icons/ReadMe.info")
(prompt #copying-xmodule)
(dest @target-dir)
(if (BITAND doc-choice 8)
(prompt #copying-history)
(source "History")
(dest @target-dir)
(if (= @magic-icons 1)
(source "MagicWB_Icons/History.info")
(prompt #copying-xmodule)
(dest @target-dir)
; Copy ToolManager brush
(complete 80)
(if (= @magic-icons 1)
(if (askbool
(prompt #toolman-brush)
(help #toolman-help)
(default 0))
(set @brush-dir
(prompt #ask-toolmandir)
(help #askdir-help)
(default "SYS:Prefs/")
(source "MagicWB_Icons/XModule.brush")
(prompt #copying-brush)
(help #copyfiles-help)
(dest @brush-dir)
; Copy bonus module
(complete 90)
(if (askbool
(prompt #bonusmod-str)
(help @askbool-help)
(default 1))
(tackon @target-dir "Modules")
(prompt #makingmoddir)
(help @makedir-help)
(prompt #copying-mods)
(source "BonusModules")
(dest (tackon @target-dir "Modules"))
(if (= @magic-icons 1)
(source "MagicWB_Icons/def_Module.info")
(prompt #copying-mods)
(dest (tackon @target-dir "Modules"))
(newname "FBY-Winning.mod.info")
(complete 100)