Resource Library: Graphics
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406 lines
The following commands are available :
BATch . . . . to execute a batch command file
BRIghten . . . . add n to each DN value
BROwse . . . . to display multiple files
CD . . . . MSDOS change directory command
COPy . . . . copy image to an internal buffer
CURsor . . . . to move the cursor around
DARken . . . . subtract n to each DN value
DIR . . . . MSDOS directory command
DISplay . . . . to display the image
ENHance name . . . . filter the image
ERAse . . . . to erase the display
EXIt or QUIt . . . . to exit from the program
FILe . . . . to specify the name of the image
HIStogram . . . . to display the histogram of the image
LABel . . . . to show image label
LOG . . . . to save commands to a text file
MASk . . . . to mask off pixels in the image
MENu . . . . to invoke menu list
MERge . . . . to combine internal buffers
NEGative . . . . to photo negative the image
OVErlay . . . . to draw grid lines on image
PALette . . . . to adjust the palette for the display
PERspective . . . . to display a pseudo-3D plot of the image
PLOt . . . . to display and plot spectral data
PROfile . . . . to plot a profile of the image
REFresh . . . . to refresh the image plane
ROTate . . . . to rotate a piece of the image
SAVe . . . . to save the image display to a file
SET . . . . to set display options
SLAnt . . . . displays the image slanted left/right
STRetch . . . . to do a linear gray scale stretch
SYStem . . . . to execute MSDOS commands
TEXt . . . . to place text on screen
TYPe . . . . MSDOS type command
WINdow . . . . to mark of a subimage on the display
Only the capitalized letters are required for the command.
The commands take optional keywords and values.
The syntax is: COMMAND KEY1=VAL1 KEY2 VAL2 . . .
Type 'HELP command' for help on a particular command.
FILE takes a required string value, i.e. the file name
FILE without filename enters file prompt mode
FILE with a filename mask enters file prompt mode with only the
matching filenames
FILE also takes the following keyword:
NOMemory forces FILE to read the image from disk, even if the
image is already in XMS memory
DISPlay takes the following keywords:
SUBsample a positive integral subsampling factor
ZOOm a positive integral zoom factor
CENter to display area around cursor
AUToset to automatically set dnlow and dnhigh to some
percent n (def. 5 percent), based on histogram
NL NS number of lines and samples to display in image
SL SS starting line and sample in image
LEFT RIGHT move starting sample left or right from previous
UP DOWN move starting line up or down from previous
DSL DSS starting line and sample on display
FLIp flips the image top-to-bottom
SOUrce displays the source file, if given in the label for
Mars MDIM and Magellan F-MIDR only
NOPrompt command line prompt is not displayed
ERAse takes no parameters
SET takes the following keywords :
DNLOw DNHIgh the DN range to compress into display pixel
Use no parameters to see the current values
BROwse fname sets the default filename for use with BROWSE
SELect fname sets default filename for use with BROWSE SELECT
PALette dir sets default palette directory name for use with
PAL LOAD command
NS = n sets the number of samples/line for display
SWAP swaps bytes when reading the image (>8 bits)
UNSWAP resets SWAP, so bytes aren't swapped
REFRESH ON turns on the refresh buffer
REFRESH OFF turns off the refresh buffer
DELay ON for batch files - pauses before executing a line
DELay OFF for batch files - no pause before executing a line
PROmpt ON for batch files - enables display of each command
PROmpt OFF for batch files - disables display of each command
DISplay vname changes the display type to the one specified.
Standard graphics modes supported:
CGA (640x200x2) EGA (640x350x16)
EGA480 (640x480x16) VGA320 (320x200x256)
VGA (640x480x16)
Super VGA supported for the following:
ATI640 (640x480x256) - ATI VGA Wonder Board
ATI800 (800x600x256) - ATI VGA Wonder Board
ATI1024 (1024x768x16) - ATI VGA Wonder Board
EVGA512 (512x480x256) - Everex Board
EVGA640 (640x480x256) - Everex Board
ORCHID (640x480x256) - Orchid Board
ORCHID800 (800x600x256) - Orchid Board
ORCHID1024 (1024x768x256) - Orchid Board
PARADISE (640x400x256) - Paradise Board 256K
(640x480x256) - Paradise Board 512K
TRIDENT (800x600x256) - Trident SVGA Boards
PGA (640x480x256) - PGA Board
Use the DOS SET command before starting IMDISP to set the
default display type. EG: SET IMDISP=VGA will start up in VGA
HISTogram takes the following keywords :
SUBsample a integral subsample factor for speed
NL NS number of lines and samples from image
SL SS starting line and sample in image
CENter do histogram on displayed portion of image
VOY Use histogram from standard PDS Voyager image
VIK Use histogram from standard PDS Viking image
COL draw histogram using current color settings
PALette takes the following keywords :
EDIt = n to interactively adjust n color palette using the
arrow keys on numeric keypad:
left(4) and right(6) move to different palette
color, ^left and ^right move to colors in larger
steps, HOME and END move to the beginning/end
colors, up(2), down(8) to increment/decrement all
colors, letters R, r, G, g, B, b to incr/decr the
color, invert the palette with x or X, scroll with S
or s, and . or carriage return to end.
PSeudo color PS = 0 for default palette
PS = 1 for gray scale palette
PS = 2 IBM EGA palette
PS = 3 Redorange PS = 4 Prism
PS = 5 Topo PS = 6 Contour
PS = 7 BGRY PS = 8 Glasses1
PS = 9 Glasses2 PS =10 Perspective
SAVe = file saves palette in text file
LOAd = file loads palette from file, if no file is blank,
then prompt mode is entered
DISplay displays the current palette on the screen
ERAse erases the current palette from the screen
CYCle number Cycle color palette, S or s saves the palette
CYC = 0 Blink CYC = 1 Blink 4 times
CYC = 2 Rotate left CYC = 3 Rotate right
CYC = 4 Rotate+random CYC = 5 Random
CYC = 6 Double rotate CYC = 7 Random swap
FAST delay .1 seconds between cycles
instead of the default .3 seconds
TIME n to cycle for n seconds
STREtch takes the following keywords :
LOw, HIgh the low and high DN values of the stretch
e.g. STRET HI=128 for a stretch between 0 and 128
CURSor takes the following keywords:
DSL, DSS place the cursor at the specified display line and
sample location
Use the mouse or numeric keypad to move the cursor around, '-'
and '+' to change the cursor step size, and '.' or carriage
return to end.
PROFile takes no parameters
Use the mouse or numeric keypad to move the cursor around, '-'
and '+' to change the cursor step size, '.' or carriage return
to select the first and second points
REFResh takes no parameters
Redisplays the images from the refresh buffer and erases any
graphics currently on the screen.
BATch takes the following keywords :
filename filename of batch command file
SAVe takes the following keywords :
filename filename of image to save. If the filename has the
extension GIF, the file will be saved in GIF format.
Be patient - GIF takes time.
REFRESH saves the screen to the refresh buffer
NL NS number of lines and samples to save
SL SS starting line and sample to save
BP number of bits per pixel in output image
The following MSDOS commands are supported:
drive letter: Change default drive to specified letter
CD path MSDOS change directory command
DIR mask MSDOS directory command
TYPe filename MSDOS type command
SYStem or > Spawns an MSDOS process
SYStem name executes program name
MENu takes the following keywords :
filename filename of menu list file
LABel prints the label for the current PDS or FITS
format image.
TEXt takes the following format :
LINe line number to position text at
SAMple sample number to position text at
TEXT 'text to type out on screen' <cr>
OVErlay takes the following keywords :
MAXLAT the upper left latitude of the current image
MAXLON the upper left longitude of the current image
LEGend draw a legend with the current color assignments
DN the dn value to use for drawing grid lines
BROwse takes the following keywords :
mask a wildcard (ie. *.IMG) to select files to browse
SIZE the size to use for displaying multiple images
SUB a subsampling factor to use to display images ie.
'SUB 2' scales the image to half size
AUToset to automatically set dnlow and dnhigh to some
percent n (def. 5 percent), based on histogram
NOLabel do not put the filename label on displayed images
DNLow DNHigh sets the DN range for all images (see SET)
PAUse n pauses display for n seconds when the screen gets full
ALL searches all subdirectories in addition to the
current directory
SELect interactively selects files as they are being
displayed and writes the filenames out to a select
FILe fname select files to browse from a file instead of using
a mask
PLOt takes the following keywords :
LIN n plot line n of the image (2-D file only)
SYMbol x draw the plot using character x instead of a line
ZOOm prompt user to zoom the plot
OVErlay overplot - do not erase the current plot
CENter plot the image line containing the cursor
MAX n set the maximum value in the plot
MIN n set the minimum value in the plot
COLor n use DN value n to plot the data
SPEctral analyze the plot of a spectrum
SERial takes the following keywords :
INIt initialize the serial port
COM n set COMn as the serial port to use
BAUd n set the baud rate to n
COMmand 'string' write 'string' out the serial port
PRInt takes the following keyword :
TEK4693 use the Tektronix 4693DX driver
NEGative takes no parameters
BRIghten n adds n to every pixel in the image
The default is 10% of the total range, i.e., 2 for a
16 color display, 26 for a 256 color
DARken n subtracts n from every pixel in the image
The default is 10% of the total range, i.e., 2 for a
16 color display, 26 for a 256 color
ENHance takes the following keywords:
BAAlke applies a custom filter developed by Ron Baalke
CONvolution n applies one of 2 weighted 3x3 filter to the image
EDGe n applies one of 4 3x3 edge enhancement filters
LOG n applies a logarithmic filter to the image
MEAn n applies one of 3 mean filters to the image
MEDian applies a 3x3 median filter to the image
POWer n applies an exponential filter to the image
STAir n applies a stairstep smoothing to the image
SMEar applies a smearing filter to the image
UNSharp applies an unsharp mask filter to the image
SCReen applies the filter only to the image on the
screen, instead of the entire image
SLAnt takes the following keywords:
LEFt displays the image slanted to the left
RIGht displays the image slanted to the right (default)
SCReen slants the image currently on the screen
LOG takes the following keywords:
ON saves entered commands to the file IMDISP.LOG
FILe name saves entered commands to the file named
OFF closes the log file (same as CLOse)
CLOse closes the log file (same as OFF)
PERspective takes the following keywords:
SL n starting line of the image
SCR reads image from the screen buffer
COPy uses buffers named A through Z. COPy has these forms:
COPy buffer [FILE] copies last displayed image to the buffer
specified (may be a disk file
COPy source TO buffer [FILE] where source can be SCREEN or
another buffer
MERge combines buffers or images. MERge has these forms:
MERGE buffer Merge last displayed image with the buffer named
and display the result
MERge source1 [scale1] WITH source2 [scale2] [TO buffer] [FILE]
to perform image arithmetic
MASk substitutes a value for all pixels above or below a
specified value. MASk takes the following keywords:
LO n sets all pixels with a DN less than n to 0
HI n sets all pixels with a DN greater than n to 255
WITh n sets the pixels to value n instead of the default
WINdow sets the limits of a subimage by marking out a box on the
screen. WINdow takes the following keywords:
CANcel sets the default back to the entire screen
L1 sets the first line of the window
L2 sets the last line of the window
S1 sets the first sample of the window
S2 sets the last sample of the window
ROTate n rotates the image or subimage through the specified
angle. ROTate takes the following keywords:
SCReen rotates the screen, rather than the entire image
CLIp trims off pieces of the image off the screen
NOFill don't blank out the empty parts of the result
Within this command summary listing, brackets ([]) indicate
optional parameters or keywords. Filename is the name of a file
in the current directory or a fully qualified filename which can
include drive letter and pathname. Directory name is an MS-DOS
directory path specification, a valid directory mask a
specification containing wild card characters (*, ?) per MS-DOS
rules for wildcard use in the DIRECTORY command. The symbol "n"
is used to indicate an integer value.
BATCH [filename]
BROWSE [directory mask] [SIZe n] [SUB n] [NOLabel]
[DNLOw n] [DNHIgh n] [PAUse n] [ALL] [SELect]
[FILe] [BUFFERS] [AUToset n]
CD [directory name] [..]
CHDIR [directory name] [..]
COPY [buffer [TO buffer]] [FILE]
DIRECTORY [directory mask] [/w]
DISPLAY [SUB n] [SL n] [SS n] [NL n] [NS n] [BP n]
[CENTer] [DSL n] [DSS n] [ZOOm] [FLIP] [NOPrompt]
[NOMemory] [AUToset] [SOUrce] [CURsor] [buffer]
ENHANCE [BAAlke] [CONvolution n] [EDGe n] [HIGh n]
[HIStogram] [LOG n] [MEAn n] [MEDian] [POWer n]
[STAir n] [SMEar] [SCReen] [UNSharp]
ERASE [REFRESH] [buffer]
EXIT [NOClear]
FILE [filename[.GIF]] ["CD:mm:ss:bb"] [NOMemory]
HELP [command name]
HISTOGRAM [SUB n] [SL n] [SS n] [NL n] [NS n] [BP n]
[CENter] [VOYager] [VIKing] [buffer]
LOG [ON] [FILe filename] [CLOse] [OFF]
MASK [LO n [WITH n]] [HI n [WITH n]]
MENU [filename]
MERGE [buffer [scale] [WITH buffer [scale] [TO buffer]]]
PALETTE [EDIT n] [PS n] [LOAd filename] [SAVe filename]
[DISplay] [ERAse] [CYC n [FAST] [TIME n]]
PLOT [LINE n] [SYMBOL x] [COLOR n] [MAX n] [MIN n]
QUIT [NOClear]
ROTATE [n] [SCReen] [NOFill] [CLIp]
SAVE filename[.GIF] [FORmat fmt] [SL n] [SS n] [NL n]
[NS n] [BP n] [REFRESH]
SET [DNLO n] [DNHI n] [BROwse filename] [DIS name]
[NS n] [PAL dir] [REFresh ON/OFF] [DELay ON/OFF]
SYSTEM [MS-DOS command]
TEXT [LINe n] [SAMple n] "text" or 'text' [NOPrompt]
TYPE filename
WINDOW [CANcel] [S1 n] [L1 n] [S2 n] [L2 n]