Inside Multimedia 1996 November
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Text File
1,551 lines
* REV: 1.00h
* WHO:
* Originally created by M. McIntyre on 07/30/91
* This script file handles the installation for the Cirrus
* Logic GD6410 display driver and support files.
* 910730 MGM Created initial script
* 910905 1.00c MGM Fixed PDR 151 (ACADP410.EXP & R4V2800.EXE),
* PDR 153 (R4V2800.EXE), & PDR 160
* (ACADP410.EXP). Added OEM insertions and
* deletions.
* 910925 1.00d MGM Added OEM RAMBIOS variables. Added Hyper View
* Cursor application. New Word driver. New
* OS/2 drivers. New Word driver. New SCO
* driver.
* 910930 1.00e MGM Added Windows driver that supports Hyper View
* Cursor application.
* 911107 1.00f MGM Checked and Updated, where necessary, all
* file names and revision numbers.
* 911113 1.00g KAF Checked and Updated, where necessary, all
* file names and revision numbers.
* 911119 1.00g KAF Install ACADEDIT in real mode ACAD/ASHADE driver
* directories. Don't install it for protected mode.
* Removed MXW, add Switcher to CLUTIL. Added
* VGA640.DRV to Windows 3.0. Removed Lotus 132
* column drivers. Changed disk 2 name to include SCO
* 921218 1.00h AC First modification of the 6420 1.00h script to
* work with 6410 driver kit.
* (C) Copyright 1991-1993, Cirrus Logic, Inc. All rights reserved.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* 1.4Mb floppy distribution disks
* Disk 1
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* v3.2 INSTALL.EXE ;Install program
* v100h INSTALL.DAT ;Install script file
* DISK.ID ;Install Disk ID label
* READ.ME ;Copyright notice for INSTALL program
* v110b ACAD --> R4V2800.EXE ;supports acad r9,r10
* v110d ACADP --> DSCAD410.EXP ;supports acad 386, acadp r11, r12
* v110b CADVANCE --> GS800.DRV ;supports Cadvance 4.x
* v2.20 CLUTILS --> CLMODE.EXE ;Monitor and mode setting utility
* SWITCHER.COM ; Options switching utility
* v1.10 BOLD_DRV.COM ; Bold Font Support TSR
* ACADEDIT.EXE ;Autocad configuration utility
* v100b FW3 --> CL800.SC ;supports Framework III 3.0
* v300b GEM3VP3 --> GEMSETUP.TXT ;support file for GEM/3 3.0
* VPDRV2_0.EXE ; support file for Ventura 3.0
* VP2_0.TXT ; support file for Ventura 3.0
* SDV600.VGA ; GEM/3,VP3 800x600 16-color
* v300a GENCADD --> GCAD800.VGD ;supports Generic CADD 1.1
* v110a LOTUS --> L100X60.DRV ;supports Lotus 123 2.x
* L132x50.DRV ; " " " "
* L132x60.DRV ; " " " "
* rkj ORCAD --> ORCAD800.DRV ;supports OrCAD 3.x,4.x, created by GENDRIVE.EXE
* v300a PCAD --> PCAD800.DRV ;supports Personal CAD 4.5
* v??? RAMBIOS --> ;supports an OEM supplied RAMBIOS
* ; This subdirectory is left
* ; empty by Cirrus Logic. Refer
* ; to the Release Notes document
* ; for instructions on including
* v200c WORD --> SCREEN.VID ;800x600 16-color WORD 5.0,5.5
* v300c WORDSTAR --> CL800.WGD ;800x600 16 color page preview, Ken's
* --> PREVIEW.OVR ;supports WordStar 5.5,6.0, 7.0
* PREVIEW.MSG ; and WordStar 2000
* GRFPIX.EXE ; WS 7.0 Support file
* v200b WP --> CIRRUS.VRS ;supports WordPerfect 5.1
* v200a SCO --> CLVGA.XGI ;supports SCO Open Desktop 1.1
* v100a VESA --> CLVESA.COM ;VESA driver
* Disk 2 ; Windows 3.X Display Drivers and Utilities
* -----------------------------
* DISK.ID ;Install Disk ID label
* INSTALL.EXE ;Win3.X Install program
* INSTALL.INF ;Win3.X Install script for SETRES and Drivers
* METER.DLL ;Win3.X Install program support file
* WIN31 --> \OEMSETUP.INF ; supports Windows 3.1
* v300g \VDD64XX.386 ; VDD
* \VGACOLOR.2G_ ; grabbers
* \VGA256.3G_
* \VGALOGO.LG_ ; logo
* \VGALOGO.RL_ ; RLE logo
* v300n 16_1024.DRV ; 640x480, 800x600 16-colors
* VGAFIX.FO_ ; resource fonts
* CGA4085.FO_ ; other fonts
* CGA8085.FO_
* EGA4085.FO_
* EGA8085.FO_
* VGA850.FO_
* VGA860.FO_
* VGA861.FO_
* VGA863.FO_
* VGA865.FO_
* v1.00c SETRES SETRES.EXE ; Win3.x Resolution setting utility
* SETRES.HLP ; Help file for SetRES
* v1.00b WINPANEL WINPANEL.EXE ; Win3.x Panel configuration setting utility
* v1.00 CRT.EXE ; CRT Switching utility for DOS/Windows
* v1.00 PANEL.EXE ; PANEL Switching utility for DOS/Windows
* v1.00 SIMUL.EXE ; SIMULSCAN Switching utility for DOS/Windows
* v??? RAMBIOS --> ;supports an OEM supplied RAMBIOS
* ; This subdirectory has not been
* ; created. Space is allocated on
* ; disk 2 of 3 for this RAMBIOS
* ; and other OEM files. Refer
* ; to the Release Notes document
* ; for instructions on including
* Disk 3 ; Drivers and Utilities for OS/2
* -------------------
* DISK.ID ;OEM Install Disk ID label
* INSTALL.EXE ;Win3.X Install program modified for OS/2 only by AC
* INSTALL.INF ;Win-OS/2 Install script for SETRES and Drivers
* METER.DLL ;Win3.X Install program support file
* v300i OS/2 2.0 --> \640.PMI ;
* " --> \800.PMI ;
* v300k --> \800_F56R.DLL ; 800x600 16 colors
* " --> \800_F60R.DLL ; "
* " --> \800_F72R.DLL ; "
* v300j --> \800_F56R.DDP ;
* " --> \800_F60R.DDP ;
* " --> \800_F72R.DDP ;
* v300k --> \DISPLAY.DLL ;
* " OS/2 2.0 --> \CLVSVGA.SYS ;
* v300m 16_1024.DRV ; 640x480, 800x600 16-colors Win-OS/2
* v1.00c SETRES SETRES.EXE ; Win3.x Resolution setting utility
* SETRES.HLP ; Help file for SetRES
* -------------------
* DISK.ID ;OEM Install Disk ID label
* vxxx OEM1 --> FILE1.EXT ;supports an added OEM application
* --> FILE2.EXT ;supports an added OEM application
* --> FILEn.EXT ;supports an added OEM application
* vxxx OEM2 --> FILE1.EXT ;supports an added OEM application
* --> FILE2.EXT ;supports an added OEM application
* --> FILEn.EXT ;supports an added OEM application
* vxxx OEM3 --> FILE1.EXT ;supports an added OEM application
* --> FILE2.EXT ;supports an added OEM application
* --> FILEn.EXT ;supports an added OEM application
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@Name = "GD6410 Display Drivers"
@Version = "1.10"
@Subdir = "\\"
@Immediate = 1
@OutDrive = C
@Requires @HardDisk
@Qstring @Product = "GD6410"
@Qstring @NameLower = "GD6410 display drivers"
@Qstring @Opt1000 = "AutoCAD Real-Mode Ver 9.0, 10.0, 11.0"
@Qstring @Opt1020 = "AutoCAD Protect-Mode Ver 10.0, 11.0, 12.0"
@Qstring @Opt1080 = "CADVANCE Ver 4.x"
@Qstring @Opt1090 = "GEM/3 Ver 3.0"
@Qstring @Opt1095 = "Ventura Publisher Ver 2.x"
@Qstring @Opt1085 = "Framework III Ver 3.0"
@Qstring @Opt1070 = "Generic CADD Ver 1.1, 5.0, 6.0"
@Qstring @Opt1100 = "Lotus 1-2-3 Ver 2.xx"
@Qstring @Opt1110 = "VESA"
@Qstring @Opt1120 = "OrCAD Ver 4.x"
@Qstring @Opt1130 = "Personal CAD Ver 4.x"
@Qstring @Opt1200 = "Word Ver 5.0, 5.5 800x600 16-colors"
@Qstring @Opt1220 = "WordPerfect Ver 5.1"
@Qstring @Opt1230 = "VGA Utilities"
@Qstring @Opt1240 = "Wordstar 2000 Ver 3.5,4.0 800x600 16-colors"
@Qstring @Opt1250 = "Wordstar Ver 5.5,6.0,7.0 800x600 16-colors"
@Qstring @Line1 = "is the name of the default directory where the"
@Qstring @Line2 = "display driver(s) will be installed."
@Qstring @Line3 = "The program locates the subdirectory below the root directory"
@Qstring @Line4 = "of drive"
@Qstring @Line5 = "To choose the default, press ENTER."
@Qstring @Line6 = "To change the directory name, backspace over the currently "
@Qstring @Line7 = "displayed name and type a new name. Press ENTER when finished."
@Qstring @Line8 = "A directory already exists with the name"
@Qstring @Line9 = "Do you want to copy the new display driver(s) over the files in this"
@Qstring @Line10 = "directory?"
@Qstring @Line11 = "After the driver(s) have been copied to their respective directories,"
@Qstring @Line12 = "refer to either the application's technical reference manual or"
@Qstring @Line13 = "the Display Drivers and Utilities manual supplied with your VGA"
@Qstring @Line14 = "for information on using the high resolution drivers."
@Qstring @Line30 = ""
@Dir @Opt1000Dir = "\\ACAD"
@Dir @Opt1020Dir = "\\ACAD386"
@Dir @Opt1070Dir = "\\GENCADD"
@Dir @Opt1080Dir = "\\CADVANCE"
@Dir @Opt1085Dir = "\\FW3"
@Dir @Opt1090Dir = "\\"
@Dir @Opt1095Dir = "\\"
@Dir @Opt1100Dir = "\\123"
@Dir @Opt1110Dir = "\\VESA"
@Dir @Opt1120Dir = "\\ORCAD"
@Dir @Opt1130Dir = "\\PCAD"
@Dir @Opt1200Dir = "\\WORD5"
@Dir @Opt1220Dir = "\\WP51"
@Dir @Opt1230Dir = "\\CLUTIL"
@Dir @Opt1240Dir = "\\WS2"
@Dir @Opt1250Dir = "\\WS"
/* @Dir @Opt1890Dir = "\\RAMBIOS" */
/* @Dir @Opt1910Dir = "\\OEM1" */
/* @Dir @Opt1920Dir = "\\OEM2" */
/* @Dir @Opt1930Dir = "\\OEM3" */
Release @Version
Copyright (C) Cirrus Logic, Inc 1991-1993. All rights reserved.
This program will install the Cirrus Logic @NameLower,
release @Version, on your computer system and verify the integrity of
the distribution disk(s). You may press the [Esc] key at any time to
abort the installation. INSTALL will ask you several questions about
your computer hardware and then give you the option of installing all
or selected @NameLower.
Each question has a default answer. If the default answer is correct,
press the ENTER key in response to the question. Otherwise, type the
answer and then press the ENTER key.
If you make a mistake while typing, press the BACKSPACE key and then
retype the answer.
/* @Suppress A
@Suppress B */
On which disk drive do you wish to install the @NameLower?
Select the @NameLower to install on drive @OutDrive:
- scroll up PgUp - scroll page up Enter - install selections
- scroll down PgDn - scroll page down Space bar - toggle Yes/No
Y - all YES N - all NO Esc - Exit Install
@Option 1230 = "Cirrus Logic GD6410 Utilities"
@Option 1000 = "AutoCAD 286 Release 9, 10, 11 Multi-res 16-color"
@Option 1020 = "AutoCAD 386 Release 10, 11, 12 Multi-res 16-color"
@Option 1080 = "CADVANCE Ver 4.x 800x600 16-color"
@Option 1085 = "Framework III Ver 3.0 800x600 16-color"
@Option 1090 = "GEM/3 Ver 3.0 800x600 16-color"
@Option 1070 = "Generic CADD Ver 5.0,6.0 800x600 16-color"
@Option 1100 = "Lotus 1-2-3 Ver 2.x Multi-res 16-color"
@Option 1120 = "OrCAD Ver 4.x 800x600 16-color"
@Option 1140 = "OS/2 WPS/PM Ver 2.0 800x600 16-color"
@Option 1130 = "Personal CAD Ver 4.x 800x600 16-color"
@Option 1135 = "SCO Open Desktop Ver 1.1 800x600 16-color"
@Option 1095 = "Ventura Publisher Ver 2.x 800x600 16-color"
@Option 1110 = "VESA Ver 1.0 Multi-res 16-color"
@Option 1195 = "Windows Ver 3.1 Multi-res 16-color"
@Option 1200 = "Word Ver 5.0,5.5 Multi-res 16-color"
@Option 1220 = "WordPerfect Ver 5.1 Multi-res 16-color"
@Option 1250 = "WordStar (Page Preview) Ver 5.5,6.0,7.0 800x600 16-color"
@Option 1240 = "WordStar 2000 Ver 3.5,4.0 800x600 16-color"
@If (
1230 [! @Option &&
1000 [! @Option &&
1020 [! @Option &&
1080 [! @Option &&
1085 [! @Option &&
1090 [! @Option &&
1070 [! @Option &&
1100 [! @Option &&
1110 [! @Option &&
1120 [! @Option &&
1140 [! @Option &&
1130 [! @Option &&
1135 [! @Option &&
1095 [! @Option &&
1195 [! @Option &&
1200 [! @Option &&
1220 [! @Option &&
1250 [! @Option &&
1240 [! @Option
/* 1245 [! @Option */
/* && 1890 [! @Option */
/* && 1910 [! @Option */
/* && 1920 [! @Option */
/* && 1930 [! @Option */
* * * A selection was not detected * * *
At the selection menu, please use the Space bar to toggle the desired
selections and then press Enter to begin the installation procedure.
If no selections are desired, press Esc to exit the install program.
/** OEM1 Display Screen Begins ***************************************
@If (1910 [= @Option)
@GetSubdir @Opt1910Dir
@Default = "\\OEM1"
@Opt1910Dir @Line1
@Opt1910 @Line2
@Line4 @OutDrive:
@PROMPT = " Which directory? "
@If (@Exists "@OutDrive:@Opt1910Dir")
@Line8 @OutDrive:@Opt1910Dir.
@Option 1911 = "Yes"
@Option 1912 = "No"
** OEM1 Display Screen Ends *****************************************/
/** OEM2 Display Screen Begins ***************************************
@If (1920 [= @Option)
@GetSubdir @Opt1920Dir
@Default = "\\OEM2"
@Opt1920Dir @Line1
@Opt1920 @Line2
@Line4 @OutDrive:
@PROMPT = " Which directory? "
@If (@Exists "@OutDrive:@Opt1920Dir")
@Line8 @OutDrive:@Opt1920Dir.
@Option 1921 = "Yes"
@Option 1922 = "No"
** OEM2 Display Screen Ends *****************************************/
/** OEM3 Display Screen Begins ***************************************
@If (1930 [= @Option)
@GetSubdir @Opt1930Dir
@Default = "\\OEM3"
@Opt1930Dir @Line1
@Opt1930 @Line2
@Line4 @OutDrive:
@PROMPT = " Which directory? "
@If (@Exists "@OutDrive:@Opt1930Dir")
@Line8 @OutDrive:@Opt1930Dir.
@Option 1931 = "Yes"
@Option 1932 = "No"
** OEM2 Display Screen Ends *****************************************/
/** OEM RAMBIOS Display Screen Begins ********************************
@If (1890 [= @Option)
@GetSubdir @Opt1890Dir
@Default = "\\RAMBIOS"
@Opt1890Dir @Line1
@Opt1890 utility will be installed.
@Line4 @OutDrive:
@PROMPT = " Which directory? "
@If (@Exists "@OutDrive:@Opt1890Dir")
@Line8 @OutDrive:@Opt1890Dir.
@Option 1891 = "Yes"
@Option 1892 = "No"
** OEM RAMBIOS Display Screen Ends ********************************/
@If (1000 [= @Option)
@GetSubdir @Opt1000Dir
@Default = "\\ACAD"
@Opt1000Dir @Line1
@Opt1000 @Line2
@Line4 @OutDrive:
@PROMPT = " Which directory? "
@If (@Exists "@OutDrive:@Opt1000Dir")
@Line8 @OutDrive:@Opt1000Dir.
@Option 1001 = "Yes"
@Option 1002 = "No"
@If (1020 [= @Option)
@GetSubdir @Opt1020Dir
@Default = "\\ACAD386"
@Opt1020Dir @Line1
@Opt1020 @Line2
@Line4 @OutDrive:
@PROMPT = " Which directory? "
@If (@Exists "@OutDrive:@Opt1020Dir")
@Line8 @OutDrive:@Opt1020Dir.
@Option 1021 = "Yes"
@Option 1022 = "No"
@If (1070 [= @Option)
@GetSubdir @Opt1070Dir
@Default = "\\GENCADD"
@Opt1070Dir @Line1
@Opt1070 @Line2
@Line4 @OutDrive:
@PROMPT = " Which directory? "
@If (@Exists "@OutDrive:@Opt1070Dir")
@Line8 @OutDrive:@Opt1070Dir.
@Option 1071 = "Yes"
@Option 1072 = "No"
@If (1080 [= @Option)
@GetSubdir @Opt1080Dir
@Default = "\\CADVANCE"
@Opt1080Dir @Line1
@Opt1080 @Line2
@Line4 @OutDrive:
@PROMPT = " Which directory? "
@If (@Exists "@OutDrive:@Opt1080Dir")
@Line8 @OutDrive:@Opt1080Dir.
@Option 1081 = "Yes"
@Option 1082 = "No"
@If (1085 [= @Option)
@GetSubdir @Opt1085Dir
@Default = "\\FW3"
@Opt1085Dir @Line1
@Opt1085 @Line2
@Line4 @OutDrive:
@PROMPT = " Which directory? "
@If (@Exists "@OutDrive:@Opt1085Dir")
@Line8 @OutDrive:@Opt1085Dir.
@Option 1086 = "Yes"
@Option 1087 = "No"
@If (1090 [= @Option)
GEM/3 requires you to create an installation diskette on the A: drive
on your system. This diskette is known as the GEM DRIVER PAK.
By default this installation will copy the display drivers to the
root directory of the @OutDrive: disk. If @OutDrive: is not a diskette of the same
media type used for the GEM DRIVER PAK then you may want to exit the
install program and restart the installation process specifying the
A: floppy diskette as the destination. You may install the files to
a subdirectory on the hard disk, and manually copy them to the
GEM DRIVER PAK diskette you create.
Please refer to the display device driver section of the display drivers
and utility user guide for more information on installing this driver.
@GetSubdir @Opt1090Dir
@Default = "\\"
@Opt1090Dir @Line1
@Opt1090 @Line2
@Line4 @OutDrive:
@PROMPT = " Which directory? "
@If (@Exists "@OutDrive:@Opt1090Dir")
@Line8 @OutDrive:@Opt1090Dir.
@Option 1091 = "Yes"
@Option 1092 = "No"
@If (1095 [= @Option)
Ventura Publisher version 2.0/3.0 requires you to create an
installation diskette on the A: drive on your system.
By default this installation will copy the display drivers to the
root directory of the @OutDrive: disk. If @OutDrive: is not a diskette of the same
media type used for the Ventura installation then you may want to
exit the install program and restart the installation process,
specifying the A: floppy diskette as the destination. You may install
the files to a subdirectory on the hard disk, and manually copy them
to a diskete on the A: drive.
Please refer to the display device driver section of the display drivers
and utility user guide for more information on installing this driver.
@GetSubdir @Opt1095Dir
@Default = "\\"
@Opt1095Dir @Line1
@Opt1095 @Line2
@Line4 @OutDrive:
@PROMPT = " Which directory? "
@If (@Exists "@OutDrive:@Opt1095Dir")
@Line8 @OutDrive:@Opt1095Dir.
@Option 1096 = "Yes"
@Option 1097 = "No"
@If (1100 [= @Option)
@GetSubdir @Opt1100Dir
@Default = "\\123"
@Opt1100Dir @Line1
@Opt1100 @Line2
@Line4 @OutDrive:
@PROMPT = " Which directory? "
@If (@Exists "@OutDrive:@Opt1100Dir")
@Line8 @OutDrive:@Opt1100Dir.
@Option 1101 = "Yes"
@Option 1102 = "No"
@If (1110 [= @Option)
@GetSubdir @Opt1110Dir
@Default = "\\VESA"
@Opt1110Dir @Line1
@Opt1110 @Line2
@Line4 @OutDrive:
@PROMPT = " Which directory? "
@If (@Exists "@OutDrive:@Opt1110Dir")
@Line8 @OutDrive:@Opt1110Dir.
@Option 1111 = "Yes"
@Option 1112 = "No"
@If (1120 [= @Option)
@GetSubdir @Opt1120Dir
@Default = "\\ORCAD"
@Opt1120Dir @Line1
@Opt1120 @Line2
@Line4 @OutDrive:
@PROMPT = " Which directory? "
@If (@Exists "@OutDrive:@Opt1120Dir")
@Line8 @OutDrive:@Opt1120Dir.
@Option 1121 = "Yes"
@Option 1122 = "No"
@If (1130 [= @Option)
@GetSubdir @Opt1130Dir
@Default = "\\PCAD\\DRV"
@Opt1130Dir @Line1
@Opt1130 @Line2
@Line4 @OutDrive:
@PROMPT = " Which directory? "
@If (@Exists "@OutDrive:@Opt1130Dir")
@Line8 @OutDrive:@Opt1130Dir.
@Option 1131 = "Yes"
@Option 1132 = "No"
@If (1132 [! @Option)
The Personal CAD version 4.5 display device driver requires
special procedures in order to be correctly installed on your
Please refer to the display device driver section of the display drivers
and utility user guide for more information on installing this driver.
@If (1135 [= @Option)
The SCO Open Desktop version 1.1 display device driver requires
special procedures in order to be correctly installed on your
Please refer to the display device driver section of the display drivers
and utility user guide for more information on installing this driver.
@If (1140 [= @Option)
The OS/2 WPS/PM version 2.0 display device driver requires
special procedures in order to correctly install on your system.
Please refer to the display device driver section of the display drivers
and utility user guide for more information on installing this driver.
@If (1195 [= @Option)
The Windows version 3.1 display device drivers requires that you
run the setup program provided with Windows 3.1. You may also
want to use the Windows Install program provided on the Windows
display drivers disk. The install program will install a resolution
setting utility to enable you to change resolution and select colors
without the need to rerun the Windows Setup program.
Please refer to the display device drivers section of the display drivers
and utility user guide for more information on installing this driver.
@If (1200 [= @Option)
@GetSubdir @Opt1200Dir
@Default = "\\WORD5"
@Opt1200Dir @Line1
@Opt1200 @Line2
@Line4 @OutDrive:
@PROMPT = " Which directory? "
@If (@Exists "@OutDrive:@Opt1200Dir")
@Line8 @OutDrive:@Opt1200Dir.
@Option 1201 = "Yes"
@Option 1202 = "No"
@If (1220 [= @Option)
@GetSubdir @Opt1220Dir
@Default = "\\WP51"
@Opt1220Dir @Line1
@Opt1220 @Line2
@Line4 @OutDrive:
@PROMPT = " Which directory? "
@If (@Exists "@OutDrive:@Opt1220Dir")
@Line8 @OutDrive:@Opt1220Dir.
@Option 1221 = "Yes"
@Option 1222 = "No"
@If (1230 [= @Option)
@GetSubdir @Opt1230Dir
@Default = "\\CLUTIL"
@Opt1230Dir @Line1
@Product utilities will be installed.
@Line4 @OutDrive:
@PROMPT = " Which directory? "
@If (@Exists "@OutDrive:@Opt1230Dir")
@Line8 @OutDrive:@Opt1230Dir.
@Option 1231 = "Yes"
@Option 1232 = "No"
@If (1240 [= @Option)
@GetSubdir @Opt1240Dir
@Default = "\\WS2"
@Opt1240Dir @Line1
@Opt1240 @Line30
@Line4 @OutDrive:
@PROMPT = " Which directory? "
@If (@Exists "@OutDrive:@Opt1240Dir")
@Line8 @OutDrive:@Opt1240Dir.
@Option 1241 = "Yes"
@Option 1242 = "No"
@If (1250 [= @Option)
@GetSubdir @Opt1250Dir
@Default = "\\WS"
@Opt1250Dir @Line1
@Opt1250 @Line30
@Line4 @OutDrive:
@PROMPT = " Which directory? "
@If (@Exists "@OutDrive:@Opt1250Dir")
@Line8 @OutDrive:@Opt1250Dir.
@Option 1251 = "Yes"
@Option 1252 = "No"
@If (
1230 [! @Option &&
1000 [! @Option &&
1020 [! @Option &&
1080 [! @Option &&
1085 [! @Option &&
1090 [! @Option &&
1070 [! @Option &&
1100 [! @Option &&
1110 [! @Option &&
1120 [! @Option &&
1130 [! @Option &&
1095 [! @Option &&
1200 [! @Option &&
1220 [! @Option &&
1250 [! @Option &&
1240 [! @Option
/* && 1890 [! @Option */
/* && 1910 [! @Option */
/* && 1920 [! @Option */
/* && 1930 [! @Option */
@LABEL = "Software Diskette 1 of 3"
@If (1000 [= @Option && 1002 [! @Option)
@File ACAD\R4V2800.EXE @Out @Opt1000Dir\R4V2800.EXE
@If (1020 [= @Option && 1022 [! @Option)
@File ACADP\DSCAD410.EXP @Out @Opt1020Dir\DSCAD410.EXP
@If (1070 [= @Option && 1072 [! @Option)
@File GENCADD\GCAD800.VGD @Out @Opt1070Dir\GCAD800.VGD
@If (1080 [= @Option && 1082 [! @Option)
@File CADVANCE\GS800.DRV @Out @Opt1080Dir\GS.DRV
@If (1085 [= @Option && 1087 [! @Option)
@File FW3\CL800.SC @Out @Opt1085Dir\CL800.SC
@If (1090 [= @Option && 1092 [! @Option)
@File GEM3VP3\SDV600.VGA @Out @Opt1090Dir\SDV600.VGA
@If (1095 [= @Option && 1097 [! @Option)
@File GEM3VP3\VPDRV2_0.EXE @Out @Opt1095Dir\VPDRV2_0.EXE
@File GEM3VP3\VP2_0.TXT @Out @Opt1095Dir\VP2_0.TXT
@File GEM3VP3\SDV600.VGA @Out @Opt1095Dir\SDV600.VGA
@If (1100 [= @Option && 1102 [! @Option)
@File LOTUS\L100X60.DRV @Out @Opt1100Dir\L100X60.DRV
@File LOTUS\L132X50.DRV @Out @Opt1100Dir\L132X50.DRV
@File LOTUS\L132X60.DRV @Out @Opt1100Dir\L132X60.DRV
@If (1110 [= @Option && 1112 [! @Option)
@If (1120 [= @Option && 1122 [! @Option)
@File ORCAD\ORCAD800.DRV @Out @Opt1120Dir\ORCAD800.DRV
@If (1130 [= @Option && 1132 [! @Option)
@File PCAD\PCAD800.DRV @Out @Opt1130Dir\PCAD800.DRV
@If (1200 [= @Option && 1202 [! @Option)
@If (1220 [= @Option && 1222 [! @Option)
@If (1230 [= @Option && 1232 [! @Option)
@If (1240 [= @Option && 1242 [! @Option)
@File WORDSTAR\CL800.WGD @Out \@Opt1240Dir\CL800.WGD
@If (1250 [= @Option && 1252 [! @Option)
@File WORDSTAR\CL800.WGD @Out \@Opt1250Dir\CL800.WGD
/** OEM RAMBIOS File Copy Begins ************************************
@If (1890 [= @Option && 1892 [! @Option)
** OEM RAMBIOS File Copy Ends **************************************/
@LABEL = "Software Diskette 2 of 3"
@LABEL = "Software Diskette 3 of 3"
/** OEM Disk Installation Start Begins ******************************
** OEM Disk Installation Start Ends ********************************/
/** OEM1 File Copy Begins *******************************************
@If (1910 [= @Option && 1912 [! @Option)
@File OEM1\FILE1.EXT @Out @Opt1910Dir\FILE1.EXT
@File OEM1\FILE2.EXT @Out @Opt1910Dir\FILE2.EXT
** OEM1 File Copy Ends *********************************************/
/** OEM2 File Copy Begins *******************************************
@If (1920 [= @Option && 1922 [! @Option)
@File OEM2\FILE1.EXT @Out @Opt1920Dir\FILE1.EXT
@File OEM2\FILE2.EXT @Out @Opt1920Dir\FILE2.EXT
** OEM2 File Copy Ends *********************************************/
/** OEM3 File Copy Begins *******************************************
@If (1930 [= @Option && 1932 [! @Option)
@File OEM3\FILE1.EXT @Out @Opt1930Dir\FILE1.EXT
@File OEM3\FILE2.EXT @Out @Opt1930Dir\FILE2.EXT
** OEM3 File Copy Ends *********************************************/
/** OEM Disk Installation Finish Begins *****************************
** OEM Disk Installation Finish Ends *******************************/
/** OEM RAMBIOS AUTOEXEC.BAT File Modification Begins ********
@If (1890 [= @Option && 1892 [! @Option)
@Verbatim "@Opt1890Dir\\RAMBIOS"
** OEM RAMBIOS AUTOEXEC.BAT File Modification Ends ***********/
The @NameLower installation is complete.
/** OEM RAMBIOS Reboot Message Begins ****************************
@If (1890 [= @Option && 1892 [! @Option)
Reboot the system to activate the RAMBIOS.
** OEM RAMBIOS Reboot Message Ends ******************************/
@ChDrive @OutDrive
@ChDir "\\"
@Goto DONE
The selected @NameLower were not installed.
Please refer to the user manual for additional instructions.
@ChDrive @OutDrive
@ChDir "\\"