Inside Multimedia 1996 November
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INI File
205 lines
# INSTALL.INF information file for INSTALL.EXE Application Installer Program
# Copyright (c) 1992 by Jeffrey M. Richter - All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 1995 Cirrus Logic, Inc. - All rights reserved.
# Last Date Modified:3/5/95
# Last Modified By:Jeff Wong
ApplicationName = GD5426/28 English Installation
DefaultDir{D} = {W}vgautil
DstDiskSpaceApplication = 1299
; Setres.ini
DstDiskSpaceWindows = 154
; fonts + "drivers"
DstDiskSpaceSystem = 698 + 1279
ShowDirectoryCreateMeter = yes
ShowInstructions = yes
ShowCopyFileDescription = yes
; ReadmeFile = utils\Reados2.txt
ReadmeFile =
LanguageParseReadmeFile = no
;LoadDLL =
LoadDLL = alpine.dll
[Background Title]
English = CL-GD542x Drivers and Utilities for Windows
Dutch = CL-GD542x Stuur- en hulpprogramma's voor Windows
French = Gestionnaires et utilitaires CL-GD542x pour Windows
German = CL-GD542x-Treiber und -Dienstprogramme fⁿr Windows
Italian = Driver e utilitα di CL-GD542x per Windows
Japanese = CL-GD542x âhâëâCâo é╞âåü[âeâBâèâeâB\010(Windowsö┼)
Spanish = Controladores y utilidades CL-GD542x para Windows
Swedish = CL-GD542x drivrutiner och funktioner f÷r Windows
English = Notice: Before new display drivers can be installed, the Windows environment
English = must be running with one of Windows original display drivers, such as VGA or Super VGA. If
English = this is not true, Exit now and using Windows Setup, change to one of these drivers.
Dutch = Let op: Als u nieuwe schermstuurprogramma's wilt installeren moet Windows
Dutch = gestart zijn met een van de eigen stuurprogramma's, zoals VGA of SuperVGA. Zo niet,
Dutch = dan stopt u nu en stelt u een van deze stuurprogramma's in met Windows Setup.
French = Attention : Pour que l'installation des nouveaux gestionnaires d'affichage soit
French = possible, l'environnement Windows doit Ωtre configurΘ avec un des gestionnaires
French = d'origine, tel que VGA ou Super VGA. Si ce n'est pas le cas, vous devez quitter et
French = utiliser le programme d'installation de Windows pour changer les paramΦtres d'Θcran.
German = Hinweis: Bevor neue Anzeigetreiber installiert werden k÷nnen, mu▀ Windows mit einem der
German = ursprⁿnglichen Windows-Treiber, wie z.B. VGA oder Super VGA, ausgefⁿhrt werden. Ist dies nicht
German = der Fall, beenden Sie das Programm jetzt, und wechseln Sie mit Windows-SETUP zu einem dieser Treiber ⁿber.
Italian = Nota: prima di poter installare nuovi driver video, l'ambiente Windows deve essere
Italian = eseguito con uno dei driver originali di Windows, come ad esempio VGA o Super VGA. Se cos∞
Italian = non fosse, uscire e impostare uno di questi driver utilizzando il Setup di Windows.
Japanese = Æìê╙: âfâBâXâvâîâC âhâëâCâoé≡âCâôâXâgü[âïé╖éΘæOé═üAWindowsòtæ«é╠âhâëâCâo(VGAüASVGAé╚é╟)é≡
Japanese = Ägùpé╡é╜è┬ï½é╔é╡é─é¡é╛é│éóíÄgùpâhâëâCâoé¬ê┘é╚éΘÅΩìçüAWindowsé╠âZâbâgâAâbâvé≡Ä└ìsé╡é─üA
Japanese = ÅπïLé╠Å≡îÅé╔ò╧ìXé╡é─é¡é╛é│éóí
Spanish = Advertencia: para poder instalar los nuevos controladores de pantalla, Windows debe estar
Spanish = utilizando alguno de sus controladores originales, ya sea VGA o Super VGA. Si no es Θste
Spanish = el caso, seleccione Salir y utilice Instalar Windows para activar uno de los controladores citados.
Swedish = Obs! Innan nya drivrutiner f÷r bildskΣrmen kan installeras mσste Windows-milj÷n k÷ras med
Swedish = en originaldrivrutin f÷r Windows, t ex VGA eller Super-VGA. Om sσ inte Σr fallet avslutar du nu
Swedish = och Σndrar till nσgon av dessa drivrutiner med hjΣlp av Windows installationsprogram.
[Group Title]
# Take away ';'and replace "title x" with a short translated title.
;English = clutls0.grp, title 0
;Dutch = clutls1.grp, title 1
;French = clutls2.grp, title 2
;German = clutls3.grp, title 3
;Italian = clutls4.grp, title 4
;Japanese = clutls5.grp, title 5
;Spanish = clutls6.grp, title 6
;Swedish = clutls7.grp, title 7
1 = INSTALL Disk 1 of 2
2 = INSTALL Disk 2 of 2
10 =
20 =
# ( File description max.50, ) Disk - Dir : Filename, Dir : Filename (, o|n|e default = O)
Microsoft 3D Controls, 1-10: CTL3D.DLL, S: CTL3D.DLL, Exists already?
16 Color Multi-Resolution Driver, 1-10: 16_1280.DR_, S: 16_1280.DRV, Overwrite
16.8M Color Accelerated Driver, 1-10: 16M_640.DR_, S: 16M_640.DRV, Overwrite
256 Color Accelerated Driver, 1-10: 256_1280.DR_, S: 256_1280.DRV, Overwrite
64K Color Accelerated Driver, 1-10: 64K_1024.DR_, S: 64K_1024.DRV, Overwrite
Oem Windows Setup File, 1-10: OEM542X.IN_, S: OEM542X.INF, Overwrite
Enhanced Mode Grabber, 1-10: AVGA.3G_, S: AVGA.3GR, Exists already?
Alpine Dynamic Library, 1-10: ALPINE.DLL, S: ALPINE.DLL, Exists already?
Virtual Display Driver, 1-10: VDD54XX.38_, S: VDD54XX.386, Overwrite
Large System Fixed Font, 1-10: 8514FIX.FO_, S: 8514FIX.FON, Exists already?
Large System OEM Font, 1-10: 8514OEM.FO_, S: 8514OEM.FON, Exists already?
Large System Font, 1-10: 8514SYS.FO_, S: 8514SYS.FON, Exists already?
CGA Mode Emulation Font, 1-10: CGA40850.FO_, S: CGA40850.FON, Exists already?
CGA Mode Emulation Font, 1-10: CGA40WOA.FO_, S: CGA40WOA.FON, Exists already?
CGA Mode Emulation Font, 1-10: CGA80850.FO_, S: CGA80850.FON, Exists already?
CGA Mode Emulation Font, 1-10: CGA80WOA.FO_, S: CGA80WOA.FON, Exists already?
Courier System Font, 1-10: COURE.FO_, S: COURE.FON, Exists already?
Large Courier Font, 1-10: COURF.FO_, S: COURF.FON, Exists already?
EGA Mode Emulation Font, 1-10: EGA40850.FO_, S: EGA40850.FON, Exists already?
EGA Mode Emulation Font, 1-10: EGA40WOA.FO_, S: EGA40WOA.FON, Exists already?
EGA Mode Emulation Font, 1-10: EGA80850.FO_, S: EGA80850.FON, Exists already?
EGA Mode Emulation Font, 1-10: EGA80WOA.FO_, S: EGA80WOA.FON, Exists already?
Modern Font, 1-10: MODERN.FO_, S: MODERN.FON, Exists already?
Times Roman Font, 1-10: ROMAN.FO_, S: ROMAN.FON, Exists already?
Script Font, 1-10: SCRIPT.FO_, S: SCRIPT.FON, Exists already?
Serif System Font, 1-10: SERIFE.FO_, S: SERIFE.FON, Exists already?
Large Serif System Font, 1-10: SERIFF.FO_, S: SERIFF.FON, Exists already?
Small System Font, 1-10: SMALLE.FO_, S: SMALLE.FON, Exists already?
Larger Small System Font, 1-10: SMALLF.FO_, S: SMALLF.FON, Exists already?
SansSerif System Font, 1-10: SSERIFE.FO_, S: SSERIFE.FON, Exists already?
Large SansSerif System Font, 1-10: SSERIFF.FO_, S: SSERIFF.FON, Exists already?
Symbol System Font, 1-10: SYMBOLE.FO_, S: SYMBOLE.FON, Exists already?
Large Symbol System font, 1-10: SYMBOLF.FO_, S: SYMBOLF.FON, Exists already?
System Font, 1-10: VGA850.FO_, S: VGA850.FON, Exists already?
System Font, 1-10: VGA860.FO_, S: VGA860.FON, Exists already?
System Font, 1-10: VGA861.FO_, S: VGA861.FON, Exists already?
System Font, 1-10: VGA863.FO_, S: VGA863.FON, Exists already?
System Font, 1-10: VGA865.FO_, S: VGA865.FON, Exists already?
Standard Mode Grabber, 1-10: VGACOLOR.2G_, S: VGACOLOR.2GR, Exists already?
Standard System Fixed Font, 1-10: VGAFIX.FO_, S: VGAFIX.FON, Exists already?
Standard System OEM Font, 1-10: VGAOEM.FO_, S: VGAOEM.FON, Exists already?
Standard System Font, 1-10: VGASYS.FO_, S: VGASYS.FON, Exists already?
Setres Configuration File, 2-10: SETRES.IN_, W: SETRES.INI, Overwrite
386 Enhanced DVA Driver, 2-10: DVA.38_, S: DVA.386, Overwrite
DCI Provider, 2-10: DCI5426.DR_, S: DCI5426.DRV, Overwrite
DCI Manager, 2-10: DCIMAN.DL_, S: DCIMAN.DLL, Overwrite
Universal Draw Handler, 2-10: UDH.DL_, S: UDH.DLL, Overwrite
Setres Configuration Utility, 2-10: SETRES.EX_, 20: SETRES.EXE, Overwrite
Setres Help File, 2-10: SETRES.HL_, 20: SETRES.HLP, Overwrite
Setres Japanese Help File, 2-10: SETRESJP.HL_, 20: SETRESJP.HLP, Overwrite
Clmode Monitor/Resolution Utility, 2-10: CLMODE.EX_, 20: CLMODE.EXE, Overwrite
CLMode Help in German, 2-10: CLMODE.DE_, 20: CLMODE.DE, Overwrite
CLMode Help in English, 2-10: CLMODE.EN_, 20: CLMODE.EN, Overwrite
CLMode Help in Spanish, 2-10: CLMODE.ES_, 20: CLMODE.ES, Overwrite
CLMode Help in French, 2-10: CLMODE.FR_, 20: CLMODE.FR, Overwrite
CLMode Help in Italian, 2-10: CLMODE.IT_, 20: CLMODE.IT, Overwrite
CLMode Help in Dutch, 2-10: CLMODE.NL_, 20: CLMODE.NL, Overwrite
CLMode Help in Swedish, 2-10: CLMODE.SV_, 20: CLMODE.SV, Overwrite
CLMode Monitor Centering Utility TSR,2-10: CENTER.CO_, 20: CENTER.COM, Overwrite
CLMode Monitor TIMINGS.DAT, 2-10: TIMINGS.DA_, 20: TIMINGS.DAT, Overwrite
Power Management Help File, 2-10: PMSAVER.HL_, W: PMSAVER.HLP, Overwrite
Power Management Screen Saver, 2-10: PMSAVER.SC_, W: PMSAVER.SCR, Overwrite
Power Management TSR, 2-10: PM.EX_, W: PM.EXE, Overwrite
;Additional Release Information, 2-10: README.TXT, 20: README.TXT, Overwrite
[PM Info]
DefaultPMGroup = VGAUtil.GRP , VGA Utilities
DeleteOldPMGroup = no
# (y|n,) Dir: Filename (,Description)(,Icon #)(,m|p)(,Accelerator)
Yes, 20: SETRES.EXE, SETRES Utility
;No, 20: READOS2.TXT, Release Information, 23, p
[INI Info]
# Dir: Filename, Section, Entry, Value ( or default directory {d})
W: SYSTEM.INI, Drivers, VIDS.DRAW, udh.dll
W: SYSTEM.INI, Drivers, DCI, DCI5426
;[End] optional