Inside Multimedia 1996 November
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Text File
3,568 lines
Version 1.12, BugBugfix version
Klaus Breuer, 1992
Dedicated to:
Simone du Toit
If all else fails, read The Manual
Usually all else failed because you didn't
Legal Notice: This text is full of trademarks, most of them
probably belonging to FASA Corporation. The others belong to
their respective owners.
1 Very quick start
Hi! Just for those of you who hate reading .DOC files (like me),
here's a short introduction:
Unzip all files into a single Subdirectory. Make sure you used
the -d Option, like this: PkUnzip -d Mech112.
If you didn't, create a subdirectory called SPRITES and copy
these files into it: *.NFO *.CSP
Have a short look at the READ.ME file.
Start the MechDesigner by typing MDESIGN. Press [F1] to get help,
look around, have fun.
Then come back here, because MechDesign is just a small part of
the package...
And, oh yes, before you email me about a bug/problem/feature,
please read the manual first -- at least the Table of Contents at
the back.
2 What's MechWar?
Some time ago, FASA Corporation brought out a game by the name
of BattleTech. The game centers about 12m high humanoid robots
packed to the brim with all kinds of destructive weapons, trying
to stomp each other into the ground.
I know this sound a lot like the Transformer Junk, but believe
me, it's lots of fun. Evidentially I'm not the only one who
thinks so: the game is a huge success and is now also available
as a role playing game.
The only disadvantage, in my eyes, is that you need other people
to play it, and they might not be prepared to spend 15h per day
on it...
Also, I wanted to find a quick way of testing new Mechs and new
strategies, and thus I started looking for a computer version.
I found several, but they were either Role Playing Games
(Infocom) or Arcade Games (Activision). Thus I decided to write a
straight translation of the board game.
The MechWar package consists of several modules:
Menu A small, simple menu system to help you select
which module you need. Use the batchfile MENU.BAT
to run it. Filename: RUNMENU.EXE
MechDesign The second most important module, it allows you to
design every possible Mech, also giving you
information like Damage Curves, Maximum Heat
1. FASA Corporation, P.O. Box 6930, Chicago, IL 60680, USA
- 2 -
Buildup, Combat Efficiency Factor, Cost, etc. It
can also print out a Mech List or a Record Sheet.
WarriorDesign Here you can put together your own Mechwarrior.
Although you won't need it for the program, you
can buy equipment (everything I found in the book)
and print a Character Sheet. Filename: WDESIGN.EXE
GroundDesign allows you to create a 26x16 playing map, complete
with buildings, mines, water, hills, forests and
so on. Filename: GDESIGN.EXE
ConflictDesign Here you put together a war scenario for MechWar
itself. You merely state which Map to use and
place the Mechs on it. Filename: CDESIGN.EXE
MechWar This is the most important part: it allows two
people to play the game against each other.
Filenname: MECHWAR.EXE
SortMech This will sort your MECHS.DAT file. The program
now runs much faster than in earlier versions.
MechConvert This will convert your old MECHS.DAT file into the
new (much smaller) version. Filename: MECHCONV.EXE
SetUp In this small utility you can change four things:
The message delay (pause after each message in ms)
Sound (toggle the beeps on and off)
GIF Titles (toggle the GIF titlescreen)
Warning Panels (Short Messages like Movement
Phase, Combat Phase, etc)
Mechs I have included lots of Mechs (all I could find
from 3025 and 2750, including all 'officially'
known variants, as well as some home-brewed ones)
in here, so you can immediately get ready
modifying them (which -- in my eyes -- is most fun
of all). Filename: MECHS.DAT
Maps I have included a few maps, many of which were
written by others (see below). I will add any
other maps I get into this archive. Thanks, Guys!
Filename: MAPS.ZIP
Scenarios Also in here are lots of different scenarios. Most
of them have been sent in by users, and I will add
any other scenarios I receive. Filename:
Documentation The documentation is in four formats:
- 3 -
Straight ASCII
For printers supporting CR, BS
For most Epson printers (ESC+'E' for
For PostScript Printers
Filename: DOCS.ZIP
3 Technology Base
For those of you who know the game (or plan to buy it): I'm using
the 3025 technology. Yes, I know, I have been asked by several
people already to include the 3050/3055 technology, but frankly,
I don't like it and none of the modules was designed for it.
It'll come in a later version, ok?
However, I have included some nice ideas from the Inner Sphere,
like the Anti Missile System or the Pulse Lasers, as well as some
totally new weapons. If you prefer straight 3025 Tech, you don't
have to use them.
Those of you who don't know the game -- I suggest buying it, or
at least The Battletech Compendium, as this game is meant as a
supplement to the game, not as a replacement. The 3025 Technical
Readout is also useful to have, as it explains the Mechs in
4 Legal Stuff
4.1 Copyright
Well, what can I say. I have written to FASA Corporation for
permission to use their names (I simply don't know if there is a
TradeMark on terms like 'Mech, Marauder, and so on), but haven't
received any reply yet.
Since I'm not going to sell this program, or ask any money for
it, I hope it's ok. Please tell me if I'm doing something illegal
(gasp), then I'll go about changing names, and the like.
Thus I don't even have a Copyright on the program. I do, however,
have a Copyright on the code itself :-)
4.2 Distribution
Now this is important!
- 4 -
You are very welcome to spread the (unmodified) package about,
upload it to BBS systems, make it available on ftp servers, or
However, I am imposing two conditions:
o You are not allowed to change the archive (except
repacking it in a different format). Meaning while you can
include a BBS-Ad in the Zip-Comment, you are not allowed
to include an ad as a file (how I hate loosers like that).
o You are not allowed to charge money to distribute this
package. At all! You are not even allowed to charge a
copying or handling fee (shipping is ok, but don't
overprice that, either). This program is free, and I don't
want some sleazy, overpriced ShareWare vendor making money
out of my work.
4.3 How to register
Well, registering won't currently bring you much (except for me
to know that I have your support), and it won't give you anything
extra in the future, either.
I am not going to half-cripple this program to get people to
register, and I'm not writing GuiltWare either.
I am, however, writing CardWare.
So, if you like this program, please send me a post card from
your city, so I know where this program is spreading to.
Everyone registered will be added to The Hall Of Heros, displayed
at startup of the program.
Note that I release this program as ShareWare, not as Public
Domain. That means, please do copy this program and give it away,
but the code is (C)1992 by me.
5 What's new in v1.12
A lot has changed since v1.01:
Splat! 1001 bugs stomped, including the non-exploding
ammo explosions, wrong ammo feeders and LOS bugs.
Crawl 1001 new bugs introduced! Help me find them!
MECHS.DAT Has been compressed, now only using about 56Kb
instead of well over 1MB. Lots of new Mechs have
been added.
*.ME1,*.ME2 These files have been compressed into a single
file, *.MEC, using only 232 bytes. Perfect for
- 5 -
EMS Finally, the EMS support works! The programs will
now use up to 32MB EMS and, if necessary, 1MB of
swap file.
Menu The Program Menu allows you to select all files
form there -- no more typing 'dir *.exe'!
GUI A simple Graphic User Interface has been
implemented in the graphic programs. For the next
version, I'm getting a new GUI (much better), and
will redesign every interface from scratch.
Mines Mines are now always invisible. Better remember
where you fired this FASCAM...
Gauss Gun Has been renamed to Klauss Gun, and its damage
increased to 15, to set it apart from an AC/10
with CASE.
Weapons Several new weapons, described further down, have
been included.
Warriors The WarriorDesigner has been completely redone,
even allowing you to buy equipment and print
character sheets.
Movement You can now walk through your own units and jump
over enemy Mechs.
Sort The Mech list is now sorted a lot quicker than
Warning Window If so selected, a warning window will pop up at
the beginning of each new phase -- no more cycling
past the fire phase!
Engine Explosions
Engines can now explode (excessive damage or Heat
> 40), causing artillery damage.
Indirect Fire Finally works correctly!
Late Arrivals Mechs can now appear several turns into the game.
Play again Finally, there's a Play again option -- you are
not automatically returned to the DOS any more.
Mech List In ConflictDesign, you can now see a list of the
Mechs used.
Clear Map In GroundDesign, you map is now cleared using the
currently selected hex.
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Weapon select In MechDesign, weapons and ammo are now selected
from windows. You can also press [W] to reselect
the last weapon.
Weaponlist The weapon list is now always sorted
alphabetically, with the ammo at the end.
Armor Adding armor in MechDesign is now much faster and
Record Sheets Can now be saved to a file.
HS, JJ Heatsinks and Jumpjets are now much better
distributed -- still no need for by-hand
distribution, though.
Others Lots of other small features have been added, too
numerous to list.
6 Known Bugs
Normally I wouldn't have released this version yet -- I first
wanted to include the larger map, the GUI and computer opponents,
but lots of people have mailed me, asking for a bugfix/new
features release.
Thus some problems haven't been fixed yet:
Physical Attacks
Pushing a Mech onto another one results in
stacking, and a graphic bug. Same thing happens
with a charge.
Height As I'm going to change the map completely anyway,
I haven't fixed the height-related bugs (can jump
higher than number of jumpjets, elevation
difference in water isn't counted).
Graphics I'm going to use a different system for displaying
sprites. Thus I didn't fix the bug that some Mechs
occasionally leave small graphic bits behind.
7 Upgrading to v1.12
Upgrading from v1.01 takes just a few simple steps:
MECHS.DAT First import all your old .ME1 files. Run the
MechConv (MechConvert) program once to compress
your MECHS.DAT file. Copy the resulting MECHS.NEW
over the MECHS.DAT.
- 7 -
*.MEW Delete all Warriors and redesign them anew using
WDesign (completely reworked).
*.MWC You'll have to add the turn the Mech appears in.
Edit your file, adding a single line containing
just the single character '0' after the line
containing the Mechs name.
8 Upgrading from v1.10, v1.11
This is just a bugfix. Save your MECHS.DAT somewhere, unzip this
package, overwriting your old files, and recopy your MECHS.DAT
9 Credits
FASA Corporation
Obviously, without them, this game wouldn't exist.
They own all Credits, Copyrights and Trademarks on
Mechnames, ideas, etc. I just wrote the code.
You A big thanks to all the people out there who
mailed me with bug reports (lots!), ideas, new
Mechs, scenarios, maps, weapons, and so on. I'm
getting email every day :)
Scott D. Ramsay
Has developed an excellent GUI, which I plan to
use. I have included his VSPMAKER sprite designer
program for those who want to help me with the
graphics. It'll give you an idea about the GUI for
MechWar, too...
10 What you'll need
Computer You'll need an MS-DOS computer.
The loading of the graphics title screens can be a
little slow -- feel free to delete the .GIF files,
the program won't miss them.
RAM You should be ok with 640KB. I've finally managed
to access EMS, so I haven't got a clue how much
RAM you need. If you haven't got EMS, the programs
will use 1MB swap files on your disk.
Deleting the *.GIF files frees up some RAM for
you, if necessary (also see the SetUp utility
further on).
- 8 -
EMS If you want to use EMS, you'll need an EMS version
3.x or higher.
EGA is required for GroundDesign, ConflictDesign and
for MechWar (see below).
Mouse MechWar, GroundDesign and ConflictDesign now sport
a simple GUI with mouse support. You can only use
Serial 2-button mice (Microsoft standard).
Hard Drive This thing is just too big for floppys.
MS-DOS Personally, I'm using MS-DOS 5.0. It should work
with all versions of DOS (maybe even 2.11),
though. I suggest using 5.0, as you can load most
TSRs into the UMB, freeing up much needed RAM.
CONFIG.SYS Should contain the line FILES=20 (suggested
If anyone of you runs into trouble with his configuration, please
tell me about it so I can either do something about it or at
least warn others in the manual, ok?
11 What won't work
Well, as far as I know, the program works fine on all computers
it was tested on. It does, however, seem to have trouble with the
Norton Commander Shell.
If you find something that doesn't work as designed, please tell
me about it.
12 The Graphic User Interface
Before I get any complaints about this, let me say that the
current GUI is meant as an in-between version till my real GUI
arrives, allowing me to redesign the interface from the ground
up. That's also when I'll switch all programs to the GUI, not
just MechWar, GroundDesign and ConflictDesign. Wait for v1.2
before moaning :)
The current GUI is pretty easy to use, however. The left mouse
button is used to select options and hexes (meaning you can aim a
weapon at a hex just by clicking on it), while the right mouse
button either pops up the mouse menu or acts as the Done key.
Also, when selecting weapons to fire in MechWar, pressing the
right mouse button shows information on that weapon (range,
damage, etc).
- 9 -
It is possible for the GUI to run out of memory. When that
happens, the window text will appear in the top left.
13 MechDesign
This Module is rather straightforward.
Just type MDESIGN, press any key as soon as the title screen
appears and you'll see the Main Screen, where most of the
information is located.
Generally, using the program is easy: use the highlighted key to
select an option, use the cursor keys to cycle through
information, press the space bar to confirm an action or [Esc] to
abort it.
Pressing [F1] will pop up a short help screen.
I suggest loading a Mech (use the [F3] key to select one), and
just fiddling around with it, until you get the general idea.
13.1 A short overview of the displayed data
If you have trouble with any of the displayed information, look
it up here:
13.1.1 Name
The Name of your Mech. It will be used to reference it in the
game itself, and thus should be definite.
For example: MAD-3R Marauder.
On all the example Mechs, I have included the code of the Mech as
well (MAD-3R in the above example), so the different variants can
be recognised.
13.1.2 Max. Weight
The weight class of your Mech, in steps from 10t to 100t. The
primary characteristic of your Mech, it determines (amongst other
things) the strength of your internal structure.
13.1.3 Current Weight
How much your Mech currently weighs. You're not allowed to save
the Mech if this exceeds the maximum weight.
13.1.4 Reactor size
The size of the fusion reactor powering your Mech. The bigger
this thing is, that faster you Mech will go -- usually.
- 10 -
13.1.5 Walking
The walking speed of your Mech (in hex per turn). This is
determined by the current weight and the engine size.
13.1.6 Running
A direct function of your walking speed.
13.1.7 Jumping
If your Mech is equipped with Jump Jets, shows the maximum
distance (in hex) he can jump.
You can never jump further than you can walk.
13.1.8 Heat Sinks
The number of Heat Sinks of your Mech. They control the heat
generated while moving or shooting.
Heat is the biggest enemy of a Mech - heat up too much and your
aim worsens, your speed drops, your Mech shuts down, your ammo
blows up...
Every engine has 10 free Heat Sinks built into it, so you can't
go below that value. Since the program distributes the Heat Sinks
for you, I suggest you leave them till last.
Note that, like Jump Jets, you can't distribute the Heat Sinks by
hand -- that's so that you can quickly fill up the rest of the
allowed weight. The Program does try to distribute the Heat Sinks
evenly, starting in the legs.
13.1.9 Gyroscopes
Every Mech has a Gyroscope to keep it upright. Its weight is a
function of the engine size -- bigger engines need bigger Gyros.
13.1.10 Cockpit
That's where you sit. Every Mech has one, and it always weighs 3
13.1.11 Jump Jets
The number of Jump Jets you have. These allow you to fly short
distances (building up quite a bit of heat in the process,
though). They can only be mounted in the legs and torso.
Since the program distributes the Jump Jets for you, I suggest
you leave them till last (just after you enter the Heat Sinks).
13.1.12 Armour Value
The amount of armour your Mech carries around. Your weight class
determines how heavily the internal structure is armoured, and
you can only bolt on twice that much as external armour.
Only the head is always allowed nine external armour points.
- 11 -
The torso can additionally have armour on the rear (so 9/4 would
mean 9 points on the front and 4 on the back).
Each point of armour weight 500kg, and the total weight of the
external armour is shown in the right top of the screen.
13.1.13 Max. Heatbuildup
The heat generated by your weapons if you fire a full salvo while
standing still. A good indication of how many heat sinks you'll
13.1.14 Offensive Range
The distance at which your Mech can cause damage, shown as min--
max. Note that the minimum range of all weaponry is actually 1
(adjacent hex), but some weapons will have problems shooting at
such close ranges, and thus their minimum is displayed.
(For example, a PPC has a minimum range of 3 and a maximum range
of 18, so a Mech armed with only PPCs would show 3--18).
13.1.15 Price
The exact price of your Mech in C-Bills. You can get an accurate
breakdown by pressing [B] for Bill.
13.1.16 Combat Efficiency Factor (CEF)
This is something I'm still playing around with (meaning it'll
change in the next version). It is an approximate measure of how
good the Mech is, taking into account things like size, heat
efficiency, jump capability, etc.
I have adapted it from the magazine BattleTechnology, which I can
highly recommend.
13.1.17 Weapons/Ammo
A list of the equipment carried by your Mech. Currently, you can
only fill 20 slots (one piece of equipment will fill one slot) .
It is, however, sufficient for every Mech I've come across; even
the STK-3F Stalker needs only 14 slots...
13.2 A short command summary
13.2.1 [*] -- Max Out Armour
A quick way to build Mechs from scratch, this option sets the
external armour to maximum. Note that the rear armour is set to
zero -- you'll have to decide yourself how much to take from the
front and paste onto the back :)
2. That also puts an end to those 30MGs Mechs :)
- 12 -
13.2.2 [Ins] -- Add Weapon
With the [Ins] or the [W] key you can add a weapon or a piece of
equipment. The program will show the weapon list in the following
<Name> <Heat> <Damage> <Minimum> <Range> <Weight> <Slots> <A>
Name The name of the weapon (a shorthand is used in
most of the game, for example LRM-10 instead of
Long Range Missile (10))
Heat The Heat generated when firing the weapon.
Damage The maximum damage caused by it (if you hit).
Minimum The minimum effective range. Note that you can
fire all weapons at targets below their minimum
range, but the accuracy suffers as a result.
Range The Short, Medium and Long range for this weapon,
written as S/M/L.
Weight The weight in tons.
Slots The number of slots taken up in the Mech (not the
number of slots taken up in your Equipment List -
that's always one slot per piece of equipment or
ton of Ammo).
A A stands for artillery weapon, which does not need
a Line Of Sight. Note that your Gunnery/Battlemech
skill covers these weapons, too.
Using the Cursor keys, cycle through the weapons until you find
one you like. Then press [Space Bar] to select it.
The program will ask you where to place this weapon in the Mech
itself; again, use the cursor keys and the space bar to select a
mounting place.
Note that some weapons can only be mounted in certain places (a
Hatchet must be in one of the arms) and need enough space (the
Autocannon/20, for example, requires 10 free slots).
You can mount a weapon to the rear (Torso and Head locations
only) by answering the pop-up question with Yes.
13.2.3 [A] -- Add Ammo
Here you select ammunition for those weapons needing it (like
Autocannons and missiles). Note that some weapons can fire
several types of ammunition - for example, the Short Range
Missile Launcher (2) can fire both normal and Inferno missiles.
- 13 -
13.2.4 [Del] -- Remove Weapon/Ammo
Similar to the Add Weapon option, you first select which weapon
in the equipment list to remove. Then you select, from where in
the Mech it is to be removed (for example, do you want to remove
the laser in the left arm or in the right torso?).
13.2.5 [W] -- Repeat Last Weapon
Selects the last weapon again. Useful if you want to add lots of
one type of weapon (or MGs, for the Munchkins :)
13.2.6 [PgUp] -- View Damage Chart
This gives you the Damage Distribution Graph for your Mech. Range
is shown at the bottom, while the bars represent maximum possible
damage at this range.
This is useful for determining 'holes' in your defence.
Note, also, that below-minimum weapon range is not counted, thus
a PPC would only register as causing damage in the range from 3
to 18.
Weapons mounted in the rear are not counted in this display.
Pressing any key returns you to the Main Screen.
13.2.7 [PgDn] -- View Mech Load
This will show you where each weapon is mounted on the Mech. Some
slots are already filled with rather important things like
engines and your cockpit.
Press any key to return to the Main Screen.
13.2.8 [B] -- View Bill
This displays the bill for your Mech so far. This information can
be rather useful if you're role playing the game.
It will be even more useful in future version of this game, as
you'll have a limited budget...
As usual, pressing any key will return you to the Main Screen.
13.2.9 [D] -- Delete Mech
This option will permanently remove the current Mech from the
MECHS.DAT File. Note that the Program searches for the name given
in the upper left -- make sure it's really the one you want to
13.2.10 [I] -- Import/Export Mech
This pops up a Menu where you can import and export the current
Save MechFile This will create a single file, <name>.MEC,
containing all information on the current Mech.
This file is very small (232 bytes), making it
- 14 -
useful for swapping Mechs, or uuencoding them and
sending them over the Net.
Load MechFile This will pop up a selection window, where you can
read in the files created with the Save MechFile
option. Note that Mechs in your datafile having
the same name will simply be overwritten.
Mech To List After entering a filename (the usual 8
characters), the program will generate a one-line
description of the current Mech, appending it to
the file if it already exists. This option is
useful for discussing designs over the Net, or
just creating a quick-reference list of your Unit.
Record Sheet This will print out a complete Record Sheet for
the current Mech. The printer must support the IBM
extended character set (little lines and corners),
otherwise your Record Sheet is going to look a
little weird.
File Record Sheet
If you're having trouble with your printer, you
can send the Record Sheet to an ASCII file with
this option. An existing file will be appended, so
you can create a long string of Record Sheets,
printing them all out somewhere else...
13.2.11 [F5] -- Toggle Left Hand
This option will add/remove the left hand of your Mech. Some
weapons require a hand, and physical attacks are so much easier
if you actually have a fist...
13.2.12 [F6] -- Toggle Left Lower Arm
This option will add/remove the lower left arm of your Mech. With
it, you can mount a hand (with all its advantages), without it
you can flip your arms back and fire into your rear arc, but only
if both your lower arms are missing.
13.2.13 [F7] -- Toggle Right Lower Arm
Same as [F6], but for the other arm.
13.2.14 [F8] -- Toggle Right Hand
Same as [F5], but for the other hand.
13.2.15 [F1] -- Help
Pops up a short help window, if you're stuck.
- 15 -
13.2.16 [F2] -- Save Mech
Saves the Mech into your datafile MECHS.DAT, if it is not too
13.2.17 [F3] -- Load Mech
This will pop up a selection window with all the Mechs in your
datafile. Select a new Mech with the cursor keys (PageUp/Dn, Home
and End will also work), load it with the space bar.
13.2.18 [F4] -- Test Mech
So far, this option only tests if the Mech is within its weight
allowance -- it will probably be used for diagnostics in later
versions of the game.
13.2.19 [F10] -- New Mech
This starts you off on a clean slate (after confirming, of
13.2.20 [Esc] - Leave Program
This option returns you to your operating system.
14 WarriorDesign
This program has been completely reworked (although it also
hasn't got a GUI yet). You can use it to design Mechwarriors
according to the MechWarrior 2nd Edition handbook from FASA.
Note that you can use this program to generate character sheets
for role-playing. Many of the options here are not supported in
MechWar, and probably will never be (what do you need your
Archery skill for in a Mech?).
To design a Warrior, you first have to press [F10] (New
Character) to select his Attribute Points (see below).
Use the [F1] key if you get stuck.
I'm not going into too much detail. If you need more information,
read the book.
14.1 A short overview of the displayed data
14.1.1 Name
The Name of your Warrior. Try to keep it short, as the program
will reference you with it.
- 16 -
14.1.2 Owned
Warriors can be owned. An owned character can't be used more than
once in a game, but he will (in later versions) gain experience.
He can also die permanently.
A non-owned character is so to speak a 'card-board character'. He
can be used as often as you want, but he will never gain
experience, and he will never die permanently.
14.1.3 Password
Owned characters can have passwords. Not currently supported,
14.1.4 Attributes
Your character has has five Attributes:
Build (BLD) General physical condition -- the higher the
BLD, the more damage he can take.
Reflexes (REF) Just that. The better the reflexes, the
higher the chance of gaining initiative.
Intuition (ITN) Not supported in MechWar.
Learn (LRN) Something like intelligence. You can't learn
any skill to a higher level than your LRN.
Charisma (CHA) Not supported in MechWar.
14.1.5 Characteristcs
Give general information about your character. Not supported in
14.1.6 Damage Thresholds
A function of your BLD. Not supported in MechWar.
14.1.7 Edge
Used to influence your luck. Not yet supported in MechWar (but
14.1.8 APs
Adventure Points measure your experience. Not yet supported in
MechWar (also planned).
14.1.9 SPs
Skill Points are used to buy skills.
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14.1.10 $
Amount of C-Bills (the word 'C-Bills' didn't fit in any more).
Used to buy weapons and equipment.
14.1.11 Mech
The size of the characters Mech (Light, Medium, Heavy or
Assault). Not yet supported in MechWar (planned).
14.1.12 Skills
The list of your skills. Currently, only the following skills are
supported in MechWar:
How well you use your Mech's weapons (including
the artillery pieces like the Arrow IV). Your
characters GP (as shown in the info screen in
MechWar) is equal to 7 - Gunnery/BattleMech. Very
useful if you actually want to hit what you're
shooting at.
Your skill at piloting your Mech. Used mainly for
avoiding falls.
14.2 A short command summary
If the [F1] (Help) key didn't help you, here are the commands in
a bit more detail:
14.2.1 [N] -- Name
Press [N] to change your Warriors name.
14.2.2 [O] -- Owned
Press [O] to toggle between owned and not owned character (see
above for more info on owned characters).
14.2.3 [P] -- Password
Used to change your owned character's password. Not currently
supported, though.
14.2.4 [B] -- Build
Used to change your BLD Attribute with the cursor keys. Note that
your must have Attribute points to spend first -- use [F10] to
design a character from scratch.
- 18 -
14.2.5 [R] -- Reflexes
Used to change your REF Attribute with the cursor keys.
14.2.6 [I] -- Intuition
Used to change -- you guessed it -- your INT Attribute.
14.2.7 [L] -- Learn
Change your LRN Attribute with this key.
14.2.8 [C] -- Charisma
Used to change your charisma Attribute. Since charisma can't be
supported by MechWar, I can see lots of real ugly, nasty guys
being created :)
14.2.9 [M] -- Buy BattleMech Pilot MOS
Now, usually you can buy a Skill Package. However, I have not
supported that (yet), you can instead choose to buy just the
BattleTech Pilot MOS Package (Advanced Academy) for 15 SPs with
the following Skills:
Gunnery/BattleMech Level 3
Piloting/BattleMech Level 3
Technician/BattleMech Level 2
Small Arms Level 2
Medtech Level 1
Blade Level 1
Note that this package can't be used to improve existing skills,
so better use it at the very beginning.
14.2.10 [A] -- Advantages
Allows you to select Advantages. You can also delete an Advantage
by pressing [Del] while viewing the Advantages.
Note that none of these advantages is as yet supported in
MechWar, though.
14.2.11 [E] -- Equipment
Allows you to buy equipment.
As equipment isn't supported in MechWar, I didn't place much
importance on it -- you can't sell it again, for example.
14.2.12 [W] -- Weapons
Same as [E], it allows you to buy weapons.
- 19 -
14.2.13 [Ins] -- Add Skills
Allows you to buy skills. Note that you can't raise any skill
over your LRN score.
14.2.14 [Del] -- Remove Skills
Allows you to remove an already learned skill.
14.2.15 [PgUp] -- Show Equipment
This key pops up a simple window listing your equipment.
14.2.16 [PgDn] -- Show Weapons
Shows a simple window listing your weapons.
14.2.17 [F1] -- Help
Displays the help screen.
14.2.18 [F2] -- Save Warrior
Saves your warrior to disk, creating the .MW file needed by
14.2.19 [F3] -- Load Warrior
Allows you to choose a warrior from disk using a pick list (for
those of you with weak memories :)
14.2.20 [F4] -- Print Warrior
Print the Character Sheet. You need a printer capable of
supporting the extended IBM character set, otherwise your
printout is going to look a little weird.
Optionally, you can save the Character Sheet to disk, possibly
appending to an already existing file.
14.2.21 [F10] -- New Warrior
I bet I'm going to get lots of questions from guys who didn't
read this paragraph.
[F10] is used to create a new Warrior, allowing you to choose the
number of Attribute Points, Skill Points, Advantages and Mech
size for the character.
So, if you have just started WarriorDesign, the first thing to do
is pressing [F10] (or [F3], if you want to load a Warrior).
- 20 -
15 GroundDesign
Typing GDESIGN will first load the title screen (yes, you can
delete GDESIGN.GIF if the delay bothers you), and then load the
sprites. This can take a few seconds if you don't have a disk
Once all the Sprites have been loaded (takes a few seconds), you
can move the marker using the cursor keys (for turning and moving
Use [+] and [-] to choose your terrain (displayed in the top left
corner of the screen), and use [Space Bar] to drop it.
The default file loaded by ConflictDesign is called DEFAULT. Try
it and see.
15.1 A short command summary
If you didn't get enough Help from the [F1] Key, read on...
15.1.1 [Cursor Keys] -- Move about
Move the small arrow marker using the cursor keys. The keys turn
the marker left and right, as well as moving it forward.
15.1.2 [+]/[-] -- Select Hex
These keys select a hex from the many possibilities. The name of
the hex is displayed in the top middle of the screen, while the
hex itself is shown on the top left.
15.1.3 [P] -- Pick up current Hex
Using this key, the hex under your cursor becomes the currently
selected ground type.
15.1.4 [Space Bar] -- Drop Hex
The [Space Bar] will drop the hex displayed in the top left
corner of the screen on the position currently occupied by the
arrow marker.
15.1.5 [L] -- Toggle Light Building
This will add/remove a Light Building at the current hex.
15.1.6 [M] -- Toggle Medium Building
This will add/remove a Medium Building at the current hex.
- 21 -
15.1.7 [H] -- Toggle Heavy Building
This will add/remove a Heavy Building at the current hex.
15.1.8 [R] -- Toggle Reinforced Building
This will add/remove a Reinforced building at the current hex.
15.1.9 [X] -- Toggle Rubble
This will add/remove Rubble (a broken building) at the current
15.1.10 [1]..[5] -- Toggle Minefield
This will add/remove a minefield of varying strength at the
current hex:
[1] Equivalent to the Thunder-5 (5 points)
[2] Equivalent to the Thunder-10 (10 points)
[3] Equivalent to the Thunder-15 (15 points)
[4] Equivalent to the Thunder-20 (20 points)
[5] Equivalent to the Arrow IV FASCAM (30 points)
15.1.11 [F] -- Toggle Fire
This will add/remove fire at the current hex.
At this time it is not possible to add a fire to a building, but
later versions will rectify that.
Note that if you burn a wood, it will keep burning for the whole
game. If you add fire anywhere else, it is assumed to be the
result of an Inferno Missile and will only burn for 3 turns.
15.1.12 [S] -- Toggle Smoke
This will add/remove smoke at the current hex. Note that smoke is
automatically produced by fires, and doesn't go away.
15.1.13 [F1] -- Help
This displays the Help Screen. Press any key to return to your
15.1.14 [F2] -- Save Map
Saves the current map to disk with the extension .MAP. Don't add
the extension.
- 22 -
15.1.15 [F3] -- Load Map
Loads a map from disk.
15.1.16 [F4] -- Generate Random Map
This will create a random map containing some mountains and
water. In later versions, the program will add forests, roads,
rivers and buildings. You will also have more power over the
parameters used in creating the map (Jagginess of the mountains,
15.1.17 [F10] -- New Map
Wipes the current Map clean, resetting everything to the
currently selected ground type (after confirming with you, of
15.1.18 [Esc] -- Leave Program
This will return you to your operating system (after confirming
with you).
16 ConflictDesign
Here is where you design the Conflict Scenarios for MechWar.
First, you will be asked to select a map from the current
directory. Then you can enter commands (see below) or press [F1]
for a Help Screen.
Here are the commands in detail:
16.1 A short command summary
Press the keys [1] to [8] to select the appropriate Mech. All
Mechs on the Blue Side have odd numbers (1,3,5,7) while the Red
Mechs use the even numbers (2,4,6,8).
If the Mech hasn't been loaded yet, you will be asked to select
the Mech from a list.
Now you can move the Mech about using the [Cursor Keys], dropping
it at the current location with the [Space Bar].
Here is a run-down of the controls:
16.1.1 [Cursor Keys] -- Move Mech
You turn and move the Mech using the cursor keys. This way, you
can position the Mech on any place on the battlefield, using any
heading you want.
- 23 -
16.1.2 [ ] -- Drop Mech
When you are satisfied with the location of a Mech, press the
[Space Bar] to drop it. Now you can select the next Mech, or (of
course) re-select the last one to move it somewhere else.
16.1.3 [Del] -- Delete Mech
This key will remove the current Mech from the Map (after
confirming with you).
16.1.4 [L] -- List Mechs
This will display a short info window, listing the Mechs used by
both sides, complete with tonnage and CEF values.
16.1.5 [F1] -- Help
Pops up a Help Screen. Press any Key to return to the Map.
16.1.6 [F2] -- Save Conflict
This will save the conflict to disk, from where is can be used by
MechWar, or uuencoded and sent over the Net. When spreading
Conflicts, remember to include the Mechs used (if they are of
your own design), as well as the relevant Map.
You will be asked for a title of the conflict -- you can enter
anything there, as long as it doesn't exceed 50 characters.
Once you're beck in DOS, you should edit the corresponding .MWC
file, as you can enter a story-line for the conflict in there.
The story can have any length.
Use a semicolon (;) in the first column to denote a comment; use
an asterisk (*) to center the line.
16.1.7 [F3] -- Load Conflict
This asks you for a Conflict to load from disk. It will, of
course, replace the one you are currently working on.
16.1.8 [F4] -- Load New Map
This Option will load a new Map from Disk.
16.1.9 [F10] -- Clear Conflict
This will remove all Mechs from the Map, after confirming with
17 MechWar
This is the program where it all fits together. The program
itself takes up a lot of RAM -- if you run short, you can try to:
- 24 -
o Remove all your TSR programs
o Use MS-DOS 5.0 to load programs into the UMB
o Use EMS or an EMS simulator
17.0.1 How to start MechWar
Here's a short guide to the controls:
First start the Program and wait for the Sprites to load.
Then you'll have to select a scenario (which are created by
ConflictDesign) from the displayed list. After reading the
selected scenario, the program will ask you to select Warriors
for the different Mechs. Again you are offered a selection list,
containing all Warriors in the current directory.
Now, the currently active Mech is highlighted, and all possible
Control Keys are displayed in a line at the top, with one
exception: whenever you can use [I] to get Info on a Hex (such as
Distance to your Mech, ground type, Building info, etc), you can
also press [M] for Mech info. Use the Cursor Keys and [Space Bar]
to select the Mech to look at.
Always look at the display line at the top, it'll tell you what
keys are currently available. Note that the [F1] key won't help
you this time, but the next version will change that.
Thus I'll explain the options in detail now:
17.0.2 [W] -- Walk
Causes your Mech to enter Walking mode. There you can move the
Mech about, stand up or drop to the ground. The below for more
Movement is taken according to your individual Initiative (a
combination of luck and your Tactics Skill).
17.0.3 [R] -- Run
Causes you Mech to enter running mode. You now have more movement
points (MPs) to spend, but will build up more heat. Note that if
you have a walking speed of 1, you will need to enter running
mode to stand up, as that action requires 2 MPs.
17.0.4 [J] -- Jump
Causes your Mech to enter Jumping Mode. This makes it easy to
move in difficult terrain, but results in heavy heat buildup.
17.0.5 [ ] -- Wait
Skips the Movement Phase and does nothing.
- 25 -
17.0.6 [I] -- Info
Allows you to select any Hex on the Map using the [Cursor Keys]
to move about and the [Space Bar] to select a Hex.
A small window will pop up in the lower left, giving you
information on the hex such as ground type, distance, whether you
have LOS, weapon fire modifier for that hex, strength of the
building on it (if any), and so on.
If a Mech is standing on this Hex, his data will be shown as well
(see below).
Press [Esc] to stop looking at hexes.
17.0.7 [M] -- Mech Info
Allows you to select a Mech using the [Cursor Keys] to toggle
between the Mechs (You can't view dead Mechs), and [Space Bar] to
select a Mech.
You will be given the following Information:
No. The Number of the Mech (as shown when you entered
a Warrior for it).
Name The Name of the Mech.
Heat The current Heat
HS The number of operational Heat Sinks the Mech has
available (including the 10 in the engine).
Warrior The Name of the Warrior in the Mech.
Health The Health of the Warrior, written as
(Current/Maximum). Note that the maximum depends
on the Body Attribute of the Warrior.
G/P The Gunnery and Piloting Skills of the Warrior
CEF The current Combat Efficiency factor of the Mech.
JJ Number of Jump Jets
Weight Weight of the Mech
Armour The Armour values of the Head, Left Arm, Left
Torso, Center Torso, Right Torso, Right Arm, Left
Leg and Right Leg. The Armour is displayed in the
format Front/Inner/Rear.
Critical Hits This is a list showing the critical hits taken by
the Mech. They are written right next to the
armour location of the relevant part. Shown are
Life Support, Sensors, Cockpit, Shoulder, Arms
(Upper and Lower), Engine, Gyros, Hip, Legs (Upper
- 26 -
and Lower) and Feet. Green Letters mean the the
Item is still ok, red means destroyed.
Equipment List This shows a short list of the weapons, ammo and
equipment carried by the Mech. Green writing means
functional, red means destroyed. Written in
brackets behind it is the location where the
equipment is located (LA meaning Left Arm, etc).
Press [Esc] to stop looking at Mechs.
17.0.8 [S] -- Surrender
This gives you the option to surrender. Surrendering immediately
removes your Mech from the game, but at least you're still
17.0.9 [Q] -- Quit
Aborts the game, after confirming with you.
17.0.10 [Cursor Keys] -- Movement
Shown in the Movement Phase after selecting either Walking,
Running or Jumping Mode, they allow you to manoeuvre your Mech
A few notes:
o Each keypress costs you at least one Movement point
(depending on Terrain). Exception: When jumping, you can
turn about as much as you like.
o You cannot run backwards.
o You can't walk up mountains backwards.
17.0.11 [D] -- Drop
Causes your Mech to lie down. This costs one MP, and won't damage
your Mech.
17.0.12 [S] -- Try to stand up
You need two MPs for this manoeuvre, which requires a Pilot Skill
Roll. This is made more difficult by damage in the legs and hips.
If you fail, your Mech will fall and get damaged.
If you succeed, you can change your heading to any position you
17.0.13 [Cursor Keys] -- Twist
Twisting (after finishing your movement) will rotate your Arc of
Fire by one direction. The heading of your Mech is not affected,
- 27 -
however. At the begin of every Movement Mode, this rotation will
be reset.
17.0.14 [E] -- Eject
This will (after confirming with you) eject you from the Mech.
You might need that to get out of a bad situation alive, although
the Mech will try to eject you if it dies.
You chances of surviving the ejection are much higher if you are
conscious and the Mech is standing upright, preferably in water.
17.0.15 [T] -- Tag
If you are equipped with Target Acquisition Gear, you can attempt
to target a Mech in your Line Of Sight, which may not be further
than 15 hexes away in any direction.
A tagged target can be shot at by Long Range Missiles and the
Arrow IV Homing Missile, without needing an Line Of Sight.
Note that the Beagle Active Probe will negate any Tags within 8
17.0.16 [F] -- Fire
After everyone finishes the Movement Phase, you have the option
of firing at a target, be it a Mech, a building, or even an empty
First, you will have to select a target, using the [Cursor Keys]
and the [Space Bar].
Then you can select the weapons to fire. Again, use the [Cursor
Keys] to move up and down the list, pressing [Space Bar] to
toggle a weapon (Selected weapons are shown blue, damaged
equipment is shown red, and non-selectable equipment is grey).
The amount of ammunition remaining is shown just after the name
of the ammo.
Press [Return] to fire.
You will now be told what value you need to roll with two dice.
Obviously, the computer does that for you, but it gives you an
idea how likely you are to hit the target.
This value depends on many values, including:
o Your Heat
o Your Actions in the Movement Phase
o Your placement
o The placement of the Target
o The speed of your Target
o Your C3 Computer (if you have one) might improve your
accuracy -- see below.
- 28 -
o Your Targeting Computer will help as well
Press the [Space Bar] to fire, or [Esc] to abort.
Now you will be shown what you rolled in the format have/need to
give you an idea of how accurate you were.
You can't combine Artillery weapons with normal weapons when
selecting weapons, as the to-hit values are calculated
differently. Also note that after the Arrow IV is fired, a cloud
of dust will show you where the rocket impacted. Press any key to
go on after this.
Note that you can't use any weapon except the hatchet under
water. I won't even bother to explain the ridiculous idea of PPCs
working underwater... :)
17.0.17 [P] -- Punch
After the Firing Phase, this allows you to punch at a Mech
standing right next to you, if you haven't fired any weapons
mounted in that arm this round.
If you hit, you will cause 1 point of damage for every 10t your
Mech weighs.
Note that you can only use one kind of physical attack per turn
(either Punching, Kicking or Pushing).
17.0.18 [K] -- Kick
This allows you to kick at an enemy, if you have not fired any
leg-mounted weapons this turn and have functioning Hips and Legs.
If successful, you will cause 1 point of damage for every 5t you
weigh, and might cause your target to fall.
If you miss, you might fall yourself, though.
17.0.19 [U] -- Push
You can push a Mech forward, using both arms, if you have not
fired any arm-mounted weapons this turn. If you are successful,
you will push the enemy one space forward and advance into his
previous space. He might also fall down.
17.0.20 [C] -- Charge
If you ran straight towards your target and didn't fire any
weapons in the Combat Phase, you can now charge your opponent if
he is straight in front of you.
This causes a lot of damage (1 point of damage for every 10t you
weight, multiplied by the distance you ran), although it also
damages you (1 point for every 10t your target weighs). Also,
there's a chance that you might both fall.
- 29 -
17.0.21 Finishing MechWar
The game is over if all Mechs from one side (or both sides!) are
destroyed. I'm working on adding more detailed missions.
18 Some comments about the available equipment
I have used primarily 3025 Technology, with some Inner Sphere
3050 technology thrown in. I have also included some weird ideas
that have come my way via the net. Let me know if any of these
items (like the Mortar) are too powerful or too weak.
Currently, the following items are supported:
Lasers Large, Medium and Light Lasers
Pulse Lasers Have less range, but are more accurate
PPCs The Particle Projector Cannon, my favourite
LRMs Long Range Missiles, available in the handy 5, 10,
15 or 20 packs
SRMs Short Range Missiles, available as 2, 4 or 6 packs
OS Missiles One-Shot missiles, can be fired only once but
obviously don't require a reload. Also available
loaded with the popular Inferno round for fun and
Flamer Doing either damage or heats up the enemy; also
useful for starting fires.
Autocannons Available at AC/2, AC/5, AC/10 or AC/20
Ultra AC Ultra Autocannons (available as U AC/2 and U AC/5)
have twice the ammo consumption, cause twice as
much damage, but can seize up in the middle of the
LB 10X AC Akin to a shotgun, peppers a Mech with spread out
hits. Has a higher chance to hit, but less range
and usually does less damage.
Machine Guns Why anyone bothers with these is beyond me :-)
Klauss Gun Not the Munchkin low-heat-buildup-massive-range,
but a heavy monster, using 12 critical slots and
having the range of the AC/5. Currently it
competes with the Arrow IV.
3. Yes, it is still my Pet Hate :)
- 30 -
Hatchet Size and damage depends on the size of the Mech,
hand needed.
Anti-Missile System
Used to automatically shoot down incoming
missiles, but has a very high ammo consumption.
Anti-Personnel Pods
Become interesting as soon as infantry is added.
Arrow IV Artillery
The ultimate range weapon, it needs 12 slots (not
15 as you might be used to, 'cause it wouldn't fit
in otherwise), but causes heavy damage to several
hexes at once.
Beagle Active Probe
To find hidden Mechs.
C Computers Available in Master and Slave version, they allow
Mechs to use each others aiming equipment (meaning
you automatically use the range of the Mech
standing closest to the target).
CASE Cellular Ammunition Storage Equipment prevents an
Ammunition explosion from spreading to other parts
of your Mech and doing more harm. Can be mounted
in arms and legs, as well - let me know if you
want this limited to the torso only.
Guardian ECM Jams Beagle Probes, TAG and the C Computer.
TAG Target Acquisition Gear pin-points Mechs for
hidden LRM or Artillery bombardment - the firing
Mech doesn't need a Line Of Sight to the target
Targeting Computer
Big and heavy, it increases your accuracy with
direct-fire weapons.
Myomer Whip Can be used to entangle opponents next to you and
cause them to fall. I got this idea from the
BattleTechnology magazine.
Smoker Small smoke screen launchers allow you to lay a
smoke screen on an adjacent hex. You can't lay the
smoke screen on yourself, though -- you'll have to
move into it in the next turn.
Cryonic Gun A crazy idea from one of the feedbackers, this
weapon fires liquid nitrogen catridges. When hit,
the target will loose five heat points -- useful
- 31 -
for your friends, and nasty for the enemy, because
falling below 0 will cause the Mech to shut down.
Note that you can't shoot yourself with it...
Mortar An artillery weapon, the mortar rains 5 grenades
onto the target hex from above -- no LOS needed.
Quite lethal against infantry, and possibly
trouble for Mechs too, as the chances for a head
hit are higher than normal. The to-hit roll is
performed for every grenade, so it is quite
possible to miss totally, in which case no damage
at all is done.
Inferno Missiles
Only available for the SRM-2, they cause the
target to heat up 8 points for the next three
rounds. Also useful for starting fires.
Homing Arrow Ammunition for the Arrow IV Artillery System,
homes in on a single target and does much less
collateral damage.
Minefield Arrow
Ammunition for the Arrow IV Artillery System, it
lays down a big mine field in a single hex.
Thunder Ammo Ammunition for the LRMs, it also lays down a
minefield in a single hex.
Jump Jets Allow the Mech to jump about (fly for a moment).
Since the Jet output is computer-controlled, it
doesn't matter where you put the jumpjets.
Heat Sinks Each heat sink will radiate 1 point of heat from
your Mech. Each engine comes equipped with 10
internal heat sinks already.
19 Planned Improvements
I very much welcome any ideas and suggestions, no matter how
o Up to 12 Mechs per side.
o Dumping Ammunition in MechWar.
o Death From Above attack.
o Add Character Development, complete with Salvage, Repairs,
Limited Budget, and so on.
- 32 -
o The Map will be completely redone. That's why I did so few
changes to GroundDesign -- it wasn't worth it. The new map
will be 128x64, scrolling, and have a completely different
build-up (allowing you, for example, to place woods on a
o Aircraft
o Infantry
o Vehicles, with programmable movement paths.
o Computer Opponents, with varying characters and
o Save/Load feature in MechWar.
o Visible Mech Designer -- see what you Mech actually looks
like (VGA only).
o Possibly using VGA for the graphics, with much better
o Rewriting the whole mess in C++, resulting (hopefully) in
sleeker, less RAM-hungry code.
20 Conversion Details
Looking at the weapon list, you'll probably have already found
that I'm not writing a 1:1 conversion of the board game.
There are several reasons for that:
o The computer doesn't mind rolling a hundred die every
move. Thus I could implement a few things that had to be
left out of the board game.
o Some features of the game don't make any sense at all. Ok,
I know the game is unrealistic, but some things went too
far (PPCs firing under water? LAMs?)
o I didn't like some aspects of the board game (Clans!), and
have introduced some (very few!) home-rules.
o Some features were lots of fun to program (the new
weapons, for example).
Notably, the following is different:
Initiative Initiative is worked out individually for every
pilot, and the pilots REF Attribute has something
to do with it, too.
- 33 -
Damage Damage is resolved immediately. What use is
gaining initiative and shooting first, when the
other guy can always shoot back anyway?
LRMs LRM Missile hits are all rolled individually - I'm
not using the LRM hit table.
AMS Anti Missile Systems are always switched on.
Surely a human is not fast enough to decide
whether the AMS should engage the currently
incoming missiles...
Engine Explosions
If the engine is destroyed, there's a 30% chance
that it'll blow up, destroying the Mech and
causing artillery damage to the surrounding hexes.
Damage caused is equal to the size of the engine
(minimum 150), with the surrounding hexes
receiving a quarter of that (artillery damage).
Heat Heat is resolved at the end of each turn. That
means I can theoretically fire 10 PPCs at one
target (wiping it out), and only suffer a shut-
down for some time. Now, if the heat climbs over
40, the engine will blow up...
Buildings Although buildings have their normal height for
LOS purposes, you cannot climb on top of a
building. If a friend of mine has to strengthen
his floor for his aquarium, I somehow don't quite
see a 30t robot climbing up the stairs...
BLD The Warriors BLD Attribute is used to determine
how much damage he can take. Thus a character with
a BLD of 0 would die straight away...
Hatchets Are used in the Combat Phase, not in the Physical
Attack Phase. I don't really see why the physical
attack phase has to be handled separately, and
thus it's not worth rewriting the code to place
the Hatchet into the Physical Attack Phase.
LB-10X Can only fire cluster ammo. Who would buy an AC/10
Water combat The only weapon allowed under water is the
Target computers
Have a fixed size and mass and don't allow aimed
Weapons Several new weapons have been added. You don't
like them, you don't have to use them.
- 34 -
MechDesign doesn't allow the critical spaces to be split
between different sections. Simple reason: I found
that out too late, and to change THAT would entail
virtually rewriting the game.
21 Frequently Asked Questions
I get asked a lot of questions, many of which can be answered
right here:
Q: At startup, the program just beeps a lot and does nothing!
A: Did you use the -d option in unzip? For example, try
PkUnzip -d Mech112. All sprites (*.nfo *.csp) must be in
SPRITES directory.
Q: The mouse refuses to enter the lower half of the screen.
A: Use a more modern mouse driver (otherwise MechWar won't
be the only program you'll have trouble with).
Q: How do I fire LRMs indirectly?
A: Well, someone must TAG the target first, and you must both
3 3
have C computers. Also, someone must have a C Master.
Q: After firing the Arrow IV, I have to press a key to go on,
but it doesn't say so on the screen.
A: The Arrow IV fires a very large rocket. It's impact can be
clearly seen and is thus shown on your screen as a dust
cloud. Pressing any key removes it.
Q: Why don't you support all of 3055 Tech?
A: Because I a) don't like it much and b) never planned it
initially, making reprogramming difficult. It will probably
be supported in future versions (some kind soul suggested
allowing only the computer to use 3055 Tech, hehe).
Q: Where's the Gauss Gun?
A: There isn't any. For a somewhat toned-down equivalent, try
the Klauss Gun...
Q: How about supporting LAMs?
A: Sorry, but I certainly won't throw my reality overboard that
much. LAMs are an engineers nightmare, and a physical
Q: Aren't things like the target computer only for Clans?
A: Yes, but I'm supporting a mixture of 3025 and 3055,
available to all -- makes it more interesting.
Q: Why isn't Death From Above supported?
A: Because I was too busy to put it in :) It will be included
in later versions.
- 35 -
Q: How about hidden movement?
A: Well, as soon as I add networking/computer opponents, I'll
include hidden movement Until then, it wouldn't really be
much use...
Q: How about an Undo Option?
A: Aargl! Do you realise the work/RAM requirements involved?
Completely impossible, sorry...
Q: After one side wins, the game only ends at the beginning of
the next Movement Phase!
A: Of course. After all, the winnder might have overheated his
Mechs, and may still want to watch them blow up, resulting
in a tie...
Q: Why isn't (real good fancy idea) supported?
A: Because you haven't told me about it. Let's hear from you!
Q: I've written some nice Mechs/Maps/Scenarios. How can I send
them to you so you'll include them in the next version?
A: uuencode the package (.zip format) and email it to me. You
can also try a floppy in SnailMail...
Q: I'd like to help write the program. Could you release the
source code?
A: Well, thanks for your offer, but I can't do that. Not only
does the code change literally every day, I also want to be
able to make big changes all over without having to notify
someone about it. Besides, the code looks a mess :)
Q: I'm getting a Run-time Error 235. What's that?
A: It means my EMS Handler has run into trouble. Possibly
the swap file has run out of disk space (1MB required) or
has hit a bad sector.
Q: Are you going to write an Amiga/Atari/Mac/C64/ZX81/Cray
A: No.
Q: Can't you use use MS-Windows as Graphic User Interface?
A: Heaven forbid.
Q: Can I help you design better-looking mechs, ground
hexes, etc?
A: Sure! Have a look further down, at Designing Sprites and
Q: I'd like to register not by sending a Post Card, but by
sending you useful information on new weapons, etc.
A: I'm always glad if you do, but please send me a Card as
well, as I'm assembling a collage out of them.
Q: Where can I ftp this game?
A: Well, it's on several ftp servers. You could try
- 36 - (Europe)
wuarchive.wustl.edu (USA)
I'll also try to feed it into FIDO's SDN network, so it'll
show up on the BBS systems.
Q: I'm running an ftp server. Can I put your program up here?
A: Yes! Sure! Of course! Be my guest! (I wonder why I get asked
this :)
Q: I haven't got ftp access. What can I do?
A: Send an email containing the single line help to
ftpmail@decwrl.dec.com. Very useful.
Q: I'm on BITNET, not InterNet. What do I do?
A: Again, send an email containing the single line help to
BITFT@PUCC.BITNET. Also very useful.
Q: I haven't got any network access. Could you mail me the
A: Argl. If I did that with all requests, it would break me
(I'm just a student). If you send me a disk with a self-
addressed, stamped (german stamps) envelope, ok.
Otherwise, no can do, sorry.
22 The Mailing List
Edwin Million has set up a mailing list for this game: if you're
on the InterNet, you might want to join the MechWar Mailing List,
where everything connected to this program is discussed: Mech
designs, strategies, bug reports, etc.
Here the official description:
Topic The MechWar mailing list is an unmoderated list
for the discussion of Klaus Breuer's MechWar
program for MS-DOS machines. MechWar is based on
FASAs BattleTech boardgame. Discussion may cover
program features and bugs, mech designs, maps,
tactics, etc. (i.e. anything and everything
remotely relating to the the program and the game
Joining To join the MechWar mailing list, send mail to
gt7805b@prism.gatech.edu with the subject line of
"MechWar-L" and "SUB MechWar <your address>" as
the first line of the message.
Posting To post to the list, mail the same address with
the subject line "MechWar-L". Mail will be
- 37 -
processed at least twice per day and sent out to
the list. This list is primarily unmoderated, but
messages which are completely off topic may be
edited or deleted. The poster will be informed of
this as it happens.
Leaving To unsubscribe, send mail to the list address with
the first line containing "UNSUB MechWar <your
23 Contacting the Author
I can be reached in several ways:
SnailMail Klaus Breuer
Rudelsweiher Str. 6b
8520 Erlangen
VoiceMail (09131) 25227 (Telephone Answering Machine)
NetMail kabreuer@faui09.informatik.uni-erlangen.de
Mailing List See above for details.
FIDOmail 2:2400/22.70
Not such a good idea, as my mail pickup is erratic
at best.
EchoMail rec.games.board
JunkMail /dev/nil
24 Your Input
Wow, I'm quite staggered by all the replies and interest from the
Net. Thanks, everyone! If this continues, I'll have to put this
chapter in its own .DOC file :-)
I am completely dependant on you people to supply me with ideas,
comments and general feedback. Only if you tell me what you want,
what you like and dislike can I really improve the game.
Let's also have your Mech designs and especially your maps. I
need lots of maps!
Given enough input, I might even be able to periodically release
'add-on' packs, containing more Mechs, more Maps, Scenarios, etc.
- 38 -
25 Supporters
Many people have mailed me with ideas, suggestions and
improvements. While I can't implement them all immediately, I'm
working on it.
I'm afraid this list is rather incomplete (my list got lost in a
floppy crash, I'm keeping it on paper now). Also, many ideas were
proposed by several people (like the Mech Selection List in
Ara ara@wam.umd.edu
Suggesting nearby Mechs to get damaged if a Mech
blows up (makes kicking and punching so much more
Chris Beauregard
Ideas about new graphics.
Jakob Bindslet Cobenhagen, Denmark
Sent me a disk with Mechs and Maps.
Paulo Brito Porto, Portugal
Send me a big package with lots of ideas for
weapons and a disk full of Mechs and Maps.
Chris Wood chrisw@jrc.flinders.edu.au
The interface nit-picker :)
Jens Carlberg y88jenca@und.ida.liu.se
Using subdirectories for the sprites.
Mark Chen gchen@reed.edu
Added some ideas for the GUI.
Steve Crawford smithme@spot.colorado.edu
Lots of bug reports and suggestions, including
torso twist at end of turn.
Chad Eby ceby@uafsysb.uark.edu
Suggest clearing the Map with the currently
selected hex.
Brian Davis bkdavis@eos.ncsu.edu
The biggest feedbacker, he added more ideas than I
can shake a stick at, most of which are by now
implemented (I think...)
Dave Fanjoy x91fanjoy@gw.wmich.edu
Also lots of bug reports (partial cover), very
- 39 -
Thomas Feldkamp
Phoned me with lots of interesting Mech designs,
which I immediately typed in...
Christopher Gaeth
Together with his friend Brad Graper, he sent me
very long and exact bug reports and suggestion
lists. Looks like they really spent a lot of time
playing this game :)
John Gangell Adelaide, Australia
Wrote me a letter with several good ideas,
including entering first all warriors from one
side, then the other side.
Joe Granto glock@chip.cba.ufl.edu
Some bug reports. Joe, what's a Glock? Sounds
violent -- perhaps I could use it in the game?
Brad Graper graper@amsaa-cleao.brl.mil
The guy working together with Cristopher Gaeth --
plenty of good ideas from that end.
Nathan Green edd974y@nella6.cc.monash.edu.au
Found stacking problem when Mechs are pushed.
Gary Grothman grothma@vax.cs.hscsyr.edu
Found several bugs, including the (now fixed) LOS
Win Johnsen luit1@info.win.tue.nl
Plea for mouse control.
Timothy Hagensick
Sent some good ideas (sound toggle, compressing
MECHS.DAT) and bug reports.
Carl Hommel carlton@apollo.hp.com
Plenty bug suggestions, including a plea for Quads
(coming, coming :)
Ed Humble wehumble@iastate.edu
Long list of suggestions, including the pop-up
warning messages, Smokers and Mortars.
Scott Hutchens EESAH%umsvm.bitnet@relay.eu.net
Sent in a plea for 3055 technology (Double Heat
Sinks, ugh :).
Josh stu_jdseely@vax1.acs.jmu.edu
- 40 -
Some suggestions, including the 'play again'
option (funny, never thought of that :)
Andreas Kederer
Sent several ideas for computer opponents.
Richard Kershaw
Pin-pointed a graphics bug in CDesign.
Jim Knepley knepley@cs.colostate.edu
Sent some ideas about graphics, and volunteered
(!) to design the next generation of sprites.
Brandon Kyle kyle@bsu-cs.bsu.edu
Long list of comments on game balance and rule
Brian Librandi brian@tasha.poly.edu
Bug about unkillable pilots reported. Also noted
that he isn't getting any money back when removing
an arm :)
Brett Librandi co brian@tasha.poly.edu
Brians brother, very busily finding lots of
Stephane Mantis
Found some interesting bugs, and sent lots of good
ideas, most of which have even been implemented...
Wayne McDonald waynem@ramsey.cs.laurentian.ca
Found several bugs, including the stacking as a
Mech enters a building.
Lorenzo Micheletto
Long, very detailed bug reports and suggestion
Edwin Million gt7805b@prism.gatech.edu
After sending lots of bug reports, he actually
volunteered to handle the MechWar Mailing List!
See above for details on this list.
Glen Miller t-glenm@microsoft.com
Sent several short bug reports.
Thomas Müller tsmueller@faui09.informatik.uni-erlangen.de
It's all his fault! Not only did he introduce me
to BattleTech, he also encouraged me to write this
package by pumping me full with ideas!
- 41 -
Bryan Newcastle
Nice, long buglist, full of good suggestions.
Iain Odlin odlin@reed.edu
Among other things, found that toggling the lower
arm could shrink a weapon in MechDesign.
Paul Ortenburg renegate@yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au
Lots of bugs reported -- also pointed out the
problem of height difference in water.
Thomas W. Pope tp1l+@andrew.cmu.edu
He seems to have spent lots of time on the game,
as I have yet to see a bug/suggestion list to
match his in length and completeness...
Wayne Quennell s9000938@cumulus.csd.unsw.os.au
Pointed out some flaws, especially a small nasty
bug in ConflictDesign. Sent me some Maps, which
are included here. (Hi Jacqueline!).
Kurt Staiger kls@whq2-top.daytonoh.ncr.com
Suggested making the data structures available in
the documentation.
Syrinx syrinx@stein.u.washington.edu
Sent in some bugs and suggestions.
Markku Wachter wachter@cc.helsinki.fi
Send very complete bug reports and pointed out
several incorrectly implemented features. He's
also responsible for a large part of the maps.
Darrin Wait waitd@columbia.dsu.edu
Suggested the Menu program.
Brett Waldick baw@raz.csc.ncsu.edu
Sent me long, very complete bug reports and
suggestions. I wish everyone would be as specific.
PS: My toughest Mech had 466464.45 CEF (after a
bug :)
Alan Yen avatar@socs.uts.edu
Sent a plea for better graphic support.
The InterNet rec.games.board, rec.games.frp.misc
Plenty of good ideas, both in Mech Designs (which
I will bring out later in a special package) and
general advice.
All the others on the net
I have used several designs posted on the net, and
now can't remember who posted them...
- 42 -
Also, many supporters are unmentioned because I
lost their suggestion list (with their address)
after implementing the changes are fixing the
26 Warranty
"Reading this document affirms a contractual agreement between
the User (hereafter referred as The Purchaser) and Klaus Breuer
(hereafter referred to as The Programmer). The Purchaser agrees
to abide by the terms and conditions of the License conditionally
granted by The Programmer. Copies of this licence may be obtained
by ordering a copy of it from our purchasing department.
The cost for a copy of the license is $99.00 and includes a copy
of MechWar v0.2ß. Continued use of this product may incur
subsequent user charges as outlined in the contract. The
Programmer assumes no liabilities for the use of this product,
and offers no warranties, expressed or implied. Damage to systems
or loss of business revenues through the use of this software
shall be deemed amusing."
...and if you took that serious, you'll probably also believe
that CardWare like this comes with a warranty.
It doesn't.
27 Technical Details
If you just want to play the game, you can stop reading right
here. I'm just going to give some technical information for the
guys who want to interface to the program.
27.1 The Files
Here's a list of all files contained in the distribution Package
CDESIGN.EXE The ConflictDesigner
CONVERT.EXE The Convert Utility
COUNT-Z.MW A single Warrior.
DEFAULT.MAP The default map. Not in the MAPS.ZIP file, because
lots of people who don't read manuals would run
into trouble otherwise...
DEFAULT.MWC The default scenario.
- 43 -
DOCS.ZIP Archive containg the documentation files, except
GDESIGN.EXE The GroundDesigner
HEROS.TXT The list of all people who have registered so far
MAPS.ZIP Archive containing all the maps, except for
MDESIGN.EXE The MechDesigner
MECHS.DAT Mech Datafile, containg all the Mechs
MECHWAR.EXE MechWar itself
MECHWAR.CFG This is where SetUp stores its configuration data.
The file will be created if it is not found
MENU.BAT The batch file calling the menu module. Just type
MENU whenever you can't remember the filename
you're looking for...
READ.ME A short ASCII file telling you about the different
formats of the .DOC file.
RUNMENU.EXE The menu module. Called by MENU.BAT
SETUP.EXE The SetUp Utility
SCENARIO.ZIP Archive containing all scenarios, except for
SORTMECH.EXE The SortMech Utility
WDESIGN.EXE The WarriorDesigner
*.CSP, *.NFO Sprites. They all belong into the SPRITES
subdirectory. They will be redone in the next
version, looking much nicer and all sitting in a
single file.
*.MEC Mech files created by the Export function from
MechDesign. Useful for swapping Mechs, or for
posting them on the net.
*.GIF The title screens. They can be deleted, if you
*.MAP Maps, created by the GroundDesigner.
- 44 -
*.MW MechWarriors, created by the WarriorDesigner.
*.MWC Conflicts, created by the ConflictDesigner.
*.TXT An ASCII file created by the MechDesign Module.
Either it's a one-line description of one or
several Mechs, or it's one (or more) complete
record sheets.
$$$XHEAP.* The swap files created, if you haven't got EMS/XMS
installed. Are automatically deleted.
VSP.ZIP Sprite designer for those who want to help me with
the graphics -- see below.
27.2 How CEF is calculated
CEF for a Mech is calculated in several steps:
Step 1 Maximum Weight divided by 10
Step 2 Weight of Armor
Step 3 Walking Movement Points
Step 4 Number of Jumpjets * 0.75
Step 5 Find WFR (Weapon values)
Step 6 Find safe WFR (Values of weapons which can be
fired without heating the Mech over 4 points)
Step 7 Number of Heatsinks left after calculating Step6
(if any).
Step 8 Maximum Weight divided by 5
Step 9 Find SWFR (Equipment values)
Add all Steps and subtract the following:
Warrior Unconscious
Mech prone -5
Engine damaged -2/critical
Gyro damaged -2/critical
Sensor damaged -5/critical
Life support damaged
- 45 -
Leg damaged -2/critical
Foot damaged -1/critical
Hip damaged -3/critical
Shoulder damaged
Arm damaged -2/critical
Hand damaged -1/critical
And -- vóila! -- you have the CEF.
Note the the subtractions are of my own invention, as well as the
CEF for the new weapons, and often leave lots to be desired. If
you can give a good reason for changing any of the following
values, please email me about it.
Weapon values:
PPC 2.8 SRM-4 1.5
Large Laser 2.3 SRM-6 1.9
Medium Laser 1.4 LRM-5 2.3
Small Laser 0.6 LRM-10 2.7
Large Pulse Laser 2.2 LRM-15 3.0
Medium Pulse Laser 1.5 LRM-20 3.3
Small Pulse Laser 0.9 SRM-2os 0.6
Flamer 0.5 SRM-2os Inferno 0.7
MG 0.5 SRM-4os 0.8
AC/2 2.6 SRM-6os 1.0
AC/5 2.3 LRM-5os 1.2
AC/10 2.5 LRM-10os 1.4
AC/20 2.9 LRM-15os 1.5
Ultra AC/2 2.8 LRM-20os 1.7
Ultra AC/5 2.5 Arrow IV 4.1
LB-10X 2.7 Whip 0.5
Klauss Rifle 3.8 Mortar 0.6
SRM-2 1.1 Cyronic Gun 0.8
Equipment values:
Smoker 1.0
Hatchet (Mech max weight)/10
Targeting Computer (Direct fire weapon values)/5
Anti Missile System (Tons of AMS ammo)/2
Anti Personnel Pods 0.5
Guardian ECM 0.5
CASE 0.5
Beagle Probe 0.5
TAG 0.5
C Computer (Slave) 1.5
- 46 -
C Computer (Master) 1.5
27.3 Designing Sprites and Sound
I'm no artist, and my sprites don't look as good as they perhaps
could. Lots of people have offered to draw better looking Mechs
(light, medium, heavy and assault) for me, as well as improving
on the map sprites.
Thus I have decided that I'm probably going to switch over to VGA
before long, and have included a program by Scott D. Ramsay
(ramsays@access.digex.com): VSPMaker (VGA Sprite Maker). It is,
of course, (C) by him and part of the very excellent GMTPUTIL and
GAMETP20 package, a programmers utility for writing games in
Turbo Pascal (available at nic.funet.fi and wuarchive.wustl.edu).
The program VSPMAKER.EXE is in the file VSP.ZIP, together with a
single sprite showing a grass hex (MECH.VSP).
When using this program, please don't change the colour palette,
as I'll need the default one for the GUI.
I could use your help in four areas:
27.3.1 Mech Sprites
Mech sprites should fit on the grass hex, and be available in all
6 orientations. You are very welcome to design different-looking
sprites for every weight group.
You are also welcome to design different Houses, Rivers, Roads,
Radar Stations, and whatever you feel would fit on such a map
(note that they must also fit on a single hex).
Although it's possible to animate such sprites, I'm not going
that far :)
What I probably will do is give the user a choice between
different graphic sets.
27.3.2 Map Sprites
Map hexes should be exactly as big as the one grass hex included.
Feel free to design any type of terrain (roads, swamps, lava,
ice, etc), but please include an ASCII file saying which hex is
for which ground (the sprites are all numbered in VSPMaker).
Note, though, that support for shorelines will be dropped -
they're not worth the effort.
27.3.3 Sounds
I plan to include sound in the program. If you have any .VOC
files you feel would be useful, please send them to me. I need
sounds like lasers firing, engines exploding, Mechs
walking/running/jumping, Arrow IVs launching, etc.
- 47 -
27.3.4 VisibleMechDesigner Graphics
I'm playing with the idea of a Visible Mech Designer, which would
show you what your Mech actually looks like. Of course, this
would be more of a toy without any use in the game itself, but it
might be fun.
If you want to design Heads, Left/Right/Center Torsos, Arms,
Legs, Hands, Feet and weapons, feel free to do so using VSPMaker.
Note that the sprites should be as large as possible, and include
both a head-on view and a side view.
27.4 Data Structures
I'm using Turbo Pascal 6.0 as programming language.
Thus, all data structures are given as Turbo Pascal Records.
27.4.1 MECHS.DAT
Contains the complete list of Mechs.
SlotContents = Record {Contents of each slot}
Code : Byte; {Compression Code}
Rear : Boolean; {Pointing to the Rear?}
End; {of Record}
MechDescription = Record {Compressed Mech}
Name : String[25]; {eg. Marauder}
MaxTons : Byte; {Maximum Weight}
Reactor : Word; {Reactor Size}
Armour : Array[1..11] of Byte; {Outer}
Slots : Array[1..8,1..12] of
SlotContents; {Criticals}
End; {of Record}
SavedMech = Record
Status : Integer; {Always 0}
M : MechDescription; {The Mech itself}
CEF : Real; {The CEF factor}
End; {of Record}
MechDataFile : File of SavedMech;
Some explanations are in order:
MechDescription.Armour contains the armour points on the external
locations, according to the following key:
1 Head
2 Left Arm
3 Left Torso
4 Center Torso
- 48 -
5 Right Torso
6 Right Arm
7 Left Leg
8 Right Leg
9 Rear Left Torso
10 Rear Center Torso
11 Rear Right Torso
MechDescription.Slots uses the same code for the first array
index, with the second index denoting each critical, counted from
SlotContents.Code contains the encoded weapon or ammo type,
according to the following key:
0 Engine/Gyro/Cockpit,etc 39 Guardian ECM
2 Large Laser 41 Beagle Probe
3 Medium Laser 42 TAG
4 Small Laser 43 C3 Computer (Slave)
5 Large Pulse Laser 44 C3 Computer (Master)
6 Medium Pulse Laser 45 Smoker
7 Small Pulse Laser 46 Mortar
8 Flamer 47 Cryonic Gun
9 MG 48 MG Ammo (100 rounds)
10 AC/2 49 MG Ammo (200 rounds)
11 AC/5 50 AC/2 Ammo
12 AC/10 51 AC/5 Ammo
13 AC/20 52 AC/10 Ammo
14 Ultra AC/2 53 AC/20 Ammo
15 Ultra AC/5 54 LB 10-X Ammo
16 LB 10-X 55 Klauss Ammo
17 Klauss Gun 56 SRM-2 Ammo
18 SRM-2 57 SRM-4 Ammo
19 SRM-4 58 SRM-6 Ammo
20 SRM-6 59 LRM-5 Ammo
21 LRM-5 60 LRM-10 Ammo
22 LRM-10 61 LRM-15 Ammo
23 LRM-15 62 LRM-20 Ammo
24 LRM-20 63 SRM-2i Ammo
25 SRM-2os 64 Thunder-5
26 SRM-4os 65 Thunder-10
27 SRM-6os 66 Thunder-15
28 LRM-5os 67 Thunder-20
29 LRM-10os 68 Arrow Standard Ammo
30 LRM-15os 69 Arrow Homing Arrow
31 LRM-20os 70 Arrow FASCAM
32 SRM-2ios 71 Anti Missile System Ammo
33 Arrow IV 72 Smoker Ammo
34 Axe 73 Mortar Ammo
35 Whip 74 Cryonic Ammo
36 Target Computer 253 Empty Slot
37 Anti Missile System 254 Jump Jet
38 Anti Personnel Pods 255 Heat Sink
- 49 -
SavedMech.Status is always 0, unless the Mech at this location
has been deleted.
SavedMech.CEF is needed to quickly display the CEF in the
selection list.
27.4.2 *.MEC
Contains a single Mech. Coding is exactly the same as for
27.4.3 *.MWC
Contains the conflict description.
That's a simple ASCII file:
Line 1 Name of Map (example: DEFAULT.MAP)
Line 2 Number of Mechs
Now come the Mechs, in this format:
Line n Mech number (currently 1--8)
Line n+1 Mech name (example: TI-1A Titan)
Line n+2 Number of turn appearing (0 = immediately)
Line n+3 X-coordinate; (1,1) = upper left
Line n+4 Y-coordinate
Line n+5 Mech Heading (see key below)
Finally, the story-line:
Line m Conflict Title (is centred in window at top)
Line m+x The story-line itself. You can write as much as
you like in here - MechWar prompts for a keypress
when the screen fills up before showing the next
Use a semicolon (;) in the first column to denote
that line as a comment.
Use an asterisk (*) in the first column to center
the line.
Heading key:
1 Top Left
2 Top
3 Top Right
4 Bottom Right
- 50 -
5 Bottom
6 Bottom Left
Planned improvements: Turn each scenario into two files, so a
scenario can be changed without overwriting the story-line in the
process. Probable data structure: same as above, except that the
story-line will be in *.STY.
27.4.4 *.MAP
Stores a single map.
As the map is going to be completely redone in the next version,
it's not worth writing anything to interface with the map.
27.4.5 *.MW
Stores a single Mechwarrior.
SkillT = Record
Name : String[29]; {Name of Skill}
Lvl : Byte; {Skill Level}
End; {of Record}
WarriorT = Record
BLD, {Build}
REF, {Reflexes}
ITN, {Intuition}
LRN, {Learn}
CHA, {Charisma}
Athletic, {Athletic Characteristic}
Physical, {Physical Characteristic}
Mental, {Mental Characteristic}
Social, {Social Characteristic}
Edge, {Edge}
AP,SP : Integer; {Adventure/Skill Points}
Assets : Real;
Advantages : Array[1..9] of Byte; {See key}
Skills : Array[1..20] of SkillT;
Condition : Array[1..5,1..16] of 0..2; {See key}
Name : String[24];
Mech : 0..4; {Light = 0}
Action, {Seen Action since last change?}
BoughtMOS, {Bought the Package?}
Owned : Boolean;
Password : String[12];
OwnsEquipment : Array[1..20] of Byte;
End; {of WarriorT}
- 51 -
Warrior : WarriorT;
Warrior.Condition is the condition monitor. The first index is
the WF, the second index the status:
0 Ok
1 /
2 X
Here the key for Warrior.Advantages:
1 Ambidextrous
2 Exceptional Attribute
3 Extra Edge
4 Land Grant
5 Sixth Sense
6 Title
7 Toughness
8 Wealth
9 Well-equipped
I'm not going to include the key for all the weapons and
equipment, as they are not going to be supported anyway.
--[End of Document]--
- 52 -
1 Very quick start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 What's MechWar? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3 Technology Base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4 Legal Stuff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4.1 Copyright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4.2 Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4.3 How to register . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
5 What's new in v1.12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
6 Known Bugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
7 Upgrading to v1.12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
8 Upgrading from v1.10, v1.11 . . . . . . . . . . 8
9 Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
10 What you'll need . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
11 What won't work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
12 The Graphic User Interface . . . . . . . . . . 9
13 MechDesign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
13.1 A short overview of the displayed data . 10
13.1.1 Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
13.1.2 Max. Weight . . . . . . . . . . . 10
13.1.3 Current Weight . . . . . . . . . . 10
13.1.4 Reactor size . . . . . . . . . . . 10
13.1.5 Walking . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
13.1.6 Running . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
13.1.7 Jumping . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
13.1.8 Heat Sinks . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
13.1.9 Gyroscopes . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
13.1.10 Cockpit . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
13.1.11 Jump Jets . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
13.1.12 Armour Value . . . . . . . . . . 11
13.1.13 Max. Heatbuildup . . . . . . . . 12
13.1.14 Offensive Range . . . . . . . . . 12
13.1.15 Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
13.1.16 Combat Efficiency Factor (CEF) . 12
13.1.17 Weapons/Ammo . . . . . . . . . . 12
13.2 A short command summary . . . . . . . . 12
13.2.1 [*] -- Max Out Armour . . . . . . 12
13.2.2 [Ins] -- Add Weapon . . . . . . . 13
13.2.3 [A] -- Add Ammo . . . . . . . . . 13
13.2.4 [Del] -- Remove Weapon/Ammo . . . 14
13.2.5 [W] -- Repeat Last Weapon . . . . 14
13.2.6 [PgUp] -- View Damage Chart . . . 14
13.2.7 [PgDn] -- View Mech Load . . . . . 14
13.2.8 [B] -- View Bill . . . . . . . . . 14
13.2.9 [D] -- Delete Mech . . . . . . . . 14
13.2.10 [I] -- Import/Export Mech . . . . 14
13.2.11 [F5] -- Toggle Left Hand . . . . 15
13.2.12 [F6] -- Toggle Left Lower Arm . . 15
13.2.13 [F7] -- Toggle Right Lower Arm . 15
13.2.14 [F8] -- Toggle Right Hand . . . . 15
13.2.15 [F1] -- Help . . . . . . . . . . 15
13.2.16 [F2] -- Save Mech . . . . . . . . 16
13.2.17 [F3] -- Load Mech . . . . . . . . 16
13.2.18 [F4] -- Test Mech . . . . . . . . 16
13.2.19 [F10] -- New Mech . . . . . . . . 16
13.2.20 [Esc] - Leave Program . . . . . . 16
14 WarriorDesign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
14.1 A short overview of the displayed data . 16
14.1.1 Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
14.1.2 Owned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
14.1.3 Password . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
14.1.4 Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
14.1.5 Characteristcs . . . . . . . . . . 17
14.1.6 Damage Thresholds . . . . . . . . 17
14.1.7 Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
14.1.8 APs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
14.1.9 SPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
14.1.10 $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
14.1.11 Mech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
14.1.12 Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
14.2 A short command summary . . . . . . . . 18
14.2.1 [N] -- Name . . . . . . . . . . . 18
14.2.2 [O] -- Owned . . . . . . . . . . . 18
14.2.3 [P] -- Password . . . . . . . . . 18
14.2.4 [B] -- Build . . . . . . . . . . . 18
14.2.5 [R] -- Reflexes . . . . . . . . . 19
14.2.6 [I] -- Intuition . . . . . . . . . 19
14.2.7 [L] -- Learn . . . . . . . . . . . 19
14.2.8 [C] -- Charisma . . . . . . . . . 19
14.2.9 [M] -- Buy BattleMech Pilot MOS . 19
14.2.10 [A] -- Advantages . . . . . . . . 19
14.2.11 [E] -- Equipment . . . . . . . . 19
14.2.12 [W] -- Weapons . . . . . . . . . 19
14.2.13 [Ins] -- Add Skills . . . . . . . 20
14.2.14 [Del] -- Remove Skills . . . . . 20
14.2.15 [PgUp] -- Show Equipment . . . . 20
14.2.16 [PgDn] -- Show Weapons . . . . . 20
14.2.17 [F1] -- Help . . . . . . . . . . 20
14.2.18 [F2] -- Save Warrior . . . . . . 20
14.2.19 [F3] -- Load Warrior . . . . . . 20
14.2.20 [F4] -- Print Warrior . . . . . . 20
14.2.21 [F10] -- New Warrior . . . . . . 20
15 GroundDesign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
15.1 A short command summary . . . . . . . . 21
15.1.1 [Cursor Keys] -- Move about . . . 21
15.1.2 [+]/[-] -- Select Hex . . . . . . 21
15.1.3 [P] -- Pick up current Hex . . . . 21
15.1.4 [Space Bar] -- Drop Hex . . . . . 21
15.1.5 [L] -- Toggle Light Building . . . 21
15.1.6 [M] -- Toggle Medium Building . . 21
15.1.7 [H] -- Toggle Heavy Building . . . 22
15.1.8 [R] -- Toggle Reinforced Building . 22
15.1.9 [X] -- Toggle Rubble . . . . . . . 22
15.1.10 [1]..[5] -- Toggle Minefield . . 22
15.1.11 [F] -- Toggle Fire . . . . . . . 22
15.1.12 [S] -- Toggle Smoke . . . . . . . 22
15.1.13 [F1] -- Help . . . . . . . . . . 22
15.1.14 [F2] -- Save Map . . . . . . . . 22
15.1.15 [F3] -- Load Map . . . . . . . . 23
15.1.16 [F4] -- Generate Random Map . . . 23
15.1.17 [F10] -- New Map . . . . . . . . 23
15.1.18 [Esc] -- Leave Program . . . . . 23
16 ConflictDesign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
16.1 A short command summary . . . . . . . . 23
16.1.1 [Cursor Keys] -- Move Mech . . . . 23
16.1.2 [ ] -- Drop Mech . . . . . . . . 24
16.1.3 [Del] -- Delete Mech . . . . . . . 24
16.1.4 [L] -- List Mechs . . . . . . . . 24
16.1.5 [F1] -- Help . . . . . . . . . . . 24
16.1.6 [F2] -- Save Conflict . . . . . . 24
16.1.7 [F3] -- Load Conflict . . . . . . 24
16.1.8 [F4] -- Load New Map . . . . . . . 24
16.1.9 [F10] -- Clear Conflict . . . . . 24
17 MechWar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
17.0.1 How to start MechWar . . . . . . . 25
17.0.2 [W] -- Walk . . . . . . . . . . . 25
17.0.3 [R] -- Run . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
17.0.4 [J] -- Jump . . . . . . . . . . . 25
17.0.5 [ ] -- Wait . . . . . . . . . . . 25
17.0.6 [I] -- Info . . . . . . . . . . . 26
17.0.7 [M] -- Mech Info . . . . . . . . 26
17.0.8 [S] -- Surrender . . . . . . . . . 27
17.0.9 [Q] -- Quit . . . . . . . . . . . 27
17.0.10 [Cursor Keys] -- Movement . . . . 27
17.0.11 [D] -- Drop . . . . . . . . . . . 27
17.0.12 [S] -- Try to stand up . . . . . 27
17.0.13 [Cursor Keys] -- Twist . . . . . 27
17.0.14 [E] -- Eject . . . . . . . . . . 28
17.0.15 [T] -- Tag . . . . . . . . . . . 28
17.0.16 [F] -- Fire . . . . . . . . . . . 28
17.0.17 [P] -- Punch . . . . . . . . . . 29
17.0.18 [K] -- Kick . . . . . . . . . . . 29
17.0.19 [U] -- Push . . . . . . . . . . . 29
17.0.20 [C] -- Charge . . . . . . . . . . 29
17.0.21 Finishing MechWar . . . . . . . . 30
18 Some comments about the available equipment . 30
19 Planned Improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
20 Conversion Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
21 Frequently Asked Questions . . . . . . . . . 35
22 The Mailing List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
23 Contacting the Author . . . . . . . . . . . 38
24 Your Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
25 Supporters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
26 Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
27 Technical Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
27.1 The Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
27.2 How CEF is calculated . . . . . . . . . 45
27.3 Designing Sprites and Sound . . . . . . 47
27.3.1 Mech Sprites . . . . . . . . . . . 47
27.3.2 Map Sprites . . . . . . . . . . . 47
27.3.3 Sounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
27.3.4 VisibleMechDesigner Graphics . . . 48
27.4 Data Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
27.4.1 MECHS.DAT . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
27.4.2 *.MEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
27.4.3 *.MWC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
27.4.4 *.MAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
27.4.5 *.MW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51