Yes, now you can easily snap together a professional quality Web Site in 60 minutes or less. How do I know? Because I do it every day for happy clients worldwide.
This demo package is intended to help you improve the quality of your web site by providing you with professional quality objects such as banners, bullets, lines and spheres. If you like what you see you may want to order the commercial version of WebSculptor which contains hundreds of gorgeous graphic objects optimized for the Web, alphabets, ready-to-use HTML Templates, an interactive plug in order form, an interactive registration form, the secrets of Internet marketing (beginning and advanced editions) and Much Much More!
Everything in this package may be used Royalty Free upon registration in as many Web Sites as you wish. The only stipulation is that they not be resold either indivually or as part of any collection.
It is very easy to use WebSculptor. Simply fire up your browser and point it at the webobs.htm which will be in the directory in which you unzipped this package. The surf through WebSculptor just as you would any Web Site.
WebSculptor Ordering Info
We are so sure you will love WebSculptor that we include our 100% Money Back Guaranty. If, for any reason, you are not happy with WebSculptor you can return it for a no questions asked 100% refund.
You are entitled to our special price of U.S. $95. Our regular price is $195. This pricing is good through August 15, 1996
Shipping and handling is FREE!
U.S. orders shipped either first class or U.P.S. Blue.
International orders shipped via Air Mail.
The fastest way to order is either by:
Telephone / Fax - (516) 496-7121 - VISA / Mastercard
CompuServe - GO SWR. Registration ID# 9518.
Internet E-Mail - - VISA / Mastercard
if you insist :) Snail Mail - VISA / Mastercard / Check