In'side Shareware 1995 April
Text File
195 lines
Version history:
6/21/95 V1.00 Initial release and introduction
7/16/95 V1.05 Fixes for a few bugs (mainly FB10501)
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| EDGE Diagrammer |
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FB10501 Version 1.0 contained a bug that could be serious for some people.
EDGE Diagrammer relies on a file called THREED.VBX made by
Sheridan Software to provide some simple dialog box controls
such as the percent progress box. Some versions of THREED.VBX
contained a backwards incompatibility for Visual C++ applications
such as EDGE Diagrammer. If you install EDGE Diagrammer when you
already have an incompatible (newer) version of THREED.VBX on your
system, the result can be bad. For example, EDGE Diagrammer can
crash (GPF) when you enter a style dialog box, or double click on
a figure, convert a diagram, or print a diagram.
This problem was made worse by distribution channels that refused
to distribute THREED.VBX with our software (to save disk space on
their BBS), notably WINSHARE on CompuServe.
V1.0 required: THREED.VBX V3.0.0.6 64,544 04-28-93 12:00a
V1.0 GPF'd with: THREED.VBX V3.0.1.0 64,432 07-16-93 3:28p
V1.05 contains: THREED.VBX V3.0.2.0 64,352
The file should always be located in the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory.
Version 1.05 contains an updated THREED.VBX plus fixes that should
eliminate this problem.
FB10502 Version 1.0 contained a couple minor bugs that caused labels to
become positioned incorrectly following resize of one of the
figures attached to the connector.
FB10503 Version 1.0 contained various minor bugs having to do with dialog
control graying in the properties dialog box.
FB10504 Added several performance enhancements. Redraw speed increased 10%
for non-selected items, 20% for selected items, and 33% for drag
FB10505 Fixed 13 class 5 bugs, rarely affect usage/no serious results
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| EDGE Diagrammer |
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| KNOWN BUGS (unfixed) |
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KB10001 Multiple text areas highlighted simultaneously.
DESCRIPTION: While editing text in a figure that has multiple text
areas, pressing the tab key twice in rapid succession causes both
text areas to be highlighted improperly.
WORKAROUND: Don't type so quickly.
KB10002 Text scaling and truncation problem.
DESCRIPTION: Text does not scale as precisely as other objects
in a diagram. This is primarily a limitation of the Windows
operating system that we have not found a good method to get around.
Text can only scale to even point sizes 4pt, 5pt, 6pt. However,
diagrams can scale to any degree. The rounding that occurs usually
picks a smaller text size if the exact size is not available,
however occasionally, the larger size is chosen inadvertantly.
SYMPTOMS: Ends of text labels can occasionally be cut of on
print-outs. At certain zoom percentages, text seems to be cut off
in a figure or label near the edges. When a figure expands to the
size of its text, sometimes it will not seem to expand to the proper
WORKAROUND: In extreme cases you might have to manually enlarge a
figure or label beyond the size that EDGE Diagrammer does itself.
You can also add extra spaces to your text at strategic locations.
On the screen, the problem will only occur at certain percentages
of zooming, you can avoid these percentages.
KB10003 Endcap colors don't match connector colors when printing.
DESCRIPTION: Endcaps are the squared-off areas that EDGE
Diagrammer adds to connectors that are thicker than 3pts and are
vertical or horizontal or meet another connector at a ninety degree
angle. On the screen, the end cap color always matches the color
of the connector. However, when printing, o after pasting to
another program, the endcaps can become a slightly different shade
than that of the connector. This occurs because the line color must
be a solid color on the output device (either black or white on a
black and white printer!) while the endcap uses dithering to achieve
a closer match to the true color.
WORKAROUND: Avoid fancy colored connectors if they are thick and you
want to print them to black and white printers. Or avoid endcaps.
You can prevent endcaps by keeping thick labels slightly off from
vertical or horizontal by turning off snap an moving one end
KB10004 Tooltip drop-outs over rulers.
DESCRIPTION: Occasionally, a small piece of a toolbar "tip" (the
little help balloons) is left drawn on top of the ruler bar. We
have not been able to isolate exactly how this is caused.
WORKAROUND: The problem is only visual. You can clean up your
display by either toggling rulers off then back on, or resizing your
main window to force the screen to repaint. No harm is caused by
ignoring the problem.
KB10005 Figure text edit overlapping other figures.
DESCRIPTION: If you edit text for a figure that is "behind"
other nearby figures but is not overlapping those figures so that
it doesn't appear to be behind them, and then you add text such
that the figure automatically expands to such extent that it now
overlaps the other figures. In this unusual case, the other figures
will appear between the figure and the text until you cause a
KB10006 Connectors, text, and border don't draw in the color I want.
DESCRIPTION: As explained several times in the User Guide and
on-line help, connectors, text, and figure borders (anything
drawn with lines), has to be drawn in a color that can be drawn
solid on the output device. In the case of a black and white
printer, the only solid colors are black and white. On a 16 color
video display, there are 16 different solid colors. Windows can
create other colors on the screen for fills by dithering (adding
patterns of multiple colors) but it cannot do so for lines or text.
Therefore, it you choose a dithered color like blue-green and try
use that color as a connector color, the connector will actually
be drawn in the nearest solid color (blue or green on the display,
black on a black and white printer.)
WORKAROUND: For text and lines, use only colors that can be drawn
solid on the output device that it will be drawn on. If possible
use a 256-color display mode, and if you want to get fancy with
colors, consider a color printer.
KB10007 Dashed or dotted connectors must be 1/4 pt.
DESCRIPTION: When you try to create a dashed or dotted connector
that is thicker than 1/4 pt, the point size reverts back to 1/4 pt.
This is simply a restriction of styled lines. Only thin lines may
be dashed or dotted. Our only practical alternative was to
disallow dashed and dotted lines altogether.
KB10008 Some point sizes are not allowed.
DESCRIPTION: Although point sizes (for connector thicknesses, figure
border thicknesses, and connector end sizes) are displayed as
decimal numbers and are entered as decimal numbers, they are in fact
rounded to the nearest 256th of an inch (or 100th of a cm.) for
internal storage. Therefore, the numbers you enter get rounded to
a number than can be used internally, then rounded back to decimal
for display. For example, point measures can be made no finer than
0.25 points (0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.25, and so on.) In fact, some
whole numbers are best represented by a slightly different value.
For example 10pts is not possible to display because 35/256ths is
closer 9.75 than to 10.0 and 36/356ths is closer to 10.25 than to
10.0. Therefore, EDGE Diagrammer stores 10pts as 10.25pts, its
closest match.
KB10009 Can't paste some characters into figure or label text.
DESCRIPTION: A few special punctuation characters cannot be added
to figure or label text. The tilde "~", vertical bar "|",
and accent grave '`' are reserved for internal usage. If you try
to paste text from the clipboard that contains these characters,
they will be stripped out of the text.
KB10010 Can't import exported metafile
DESCRIPTION: If you export a diagram to a metafile, you cannot then
import that metafile for use as a figure style graphic. Actually,
this should work unless the exported diagram contains WMF graphics
Please report any bugs you discover, CompuServe E-mail (72162,1672)
is the best method. Thanks.