11 4 x 2 1/6 5385 Laser!5 x 3 5386 Laser!4 x 2 1/6 4168 Impact!5 x 3 4169 Impact!
12 Open Merge File
13 Open Existing Cards File
14 OLE 2.0 initialization failed. Make sure that the\nOLE libraries are the correct version.
15 Failed to create object. Make sure the object\n is entered in the system registry.
16 Failed to open merge file.\nFile may already be in use..
17 Warning! Failed to clone merged OLE\nitem. Merged file may be corrupted.\nSee Help topic for merging files.
18 This is your first file update as an unregistered user.
19 Five unregistered file updates
20 Ten unregistered file updates
21 Fifteen unregistered file updates
22 This is your twentieth and last unregistered file update.
23 You must register before this file can be updated again.
24 The Prefix and Business name\ncannot both be blank.
25 The first name and last name of Name One\ncannot both be blank.
26 Exchanges must be three digit numbers\nand ranges must be in increasing order.
27 No matching area codes were found.
28 WARNING -- This command deletes all\nentries with Check Marks. Are you sure?
29 Diredtory does not exist.\nClick OK to create it.
30 Could not create directory.\nClick OK to try another name,\nCancel to quit
31 Backup cancled by user.
32 There have been %1 changes in this\nfile since it was last backed up.\nDo you want to back it up now?
33 WARNING -- This entry's work addresses will be\ndiscarded. If you don't want to do that, click Cancel.\nFor more information click Help in the Edit dialog.
34 This entry has been changed to a residence.\n\nDo you want to continue editing it?\n(To cancel the change to residence, click Cancel.)
35 This entry has been changed to a business.\n\nDo you want to continue editing it?\n(To cancel the change to business, click Cancel.)
36 You have deleted %1 entries. Are you\nsure you want to update this file?
37 Reminder -- Before you update\nthis file, remember that you have\ndeleted %1 entries from it.
38 %1 is not a valid disk drive.
39 %1 is the current directory.\nBacking up to it just overwrites the current file.
40 %1 does not start with drive letter, colon, backslash.\nThe backup procedure needs the full directory path. For example:\n\n D:\backup\addresses;
41 %1 has the characters \\ in it.\nThe backup procedure can't use this path.
42 %1 is too long.\nThe backup procedure can't use this path.
43 %1 has at least one illegal character in it.\nThe backup procedure can't use this path.
44 %1 has a name with more than 8 characters.\nThe backup procedure can't use this path.
45 %1 has a file type with more than 3 characters.\nThe backup procedure can't use this path.
46 PSA Cards will run on this version of Windows, but\nyou cannot dial phone numbers or use the on-line\nhelp. You should be using PSA Cards for Windows 3.1.\n\n
47 Warning - This version of PSA Cards should be run on\nWindows NT 3.51 or Windows 95. Some program\nfeatures may not function correctly on this version of Windows:\n\n
32768 Start a new entry.
32769 Edit currently selected entry\nEdit card
32770 Import data from a text file.
32771 Delete the currently selected card
32773 Set Check Mark for current card\nCheck Mark
32774 Enter or select return address for envelopes
32776 Setup and print cards
32777 Setup and print preveiw cards
32778 Setup and print envelopes
32779 Setup and print preview envelopes
32780 Select first name's work address for an envelope
32781 Select second name's work address for an envelope
32782 Removes "Check Mark" from all entries.
32783 Setup and print preview labels
32784 Setup and print labels
32785 Dial a telephone number from current entry\nDial Number
32786 Setup automatic dialing.
32787 Tell modem to hang up\nHangup Modem
32790 Writes selected data to an ASCII text file.
32791 Change the currently selected divider tab
32792 Create a new divider tab
32793 Delete the currently selected divider tab
32799 Set Check Mark for all entries.
32800 Setup printer.
32801 Use to set Check Marks for all modified entries
32802 Change group's entries
32803 Toggles display of group names on each card
32804 Toggles event sounds on (checked) or off.
32805 Merge another Cards file with the currently open Cards file.
32807 Toggles OLE Enable On and Off
32808 When checked, no OLE Objects are displayed or printed
32809 If checked, files will be comverted to "compound" on Save.
32810 Setup and print preview address book or list of entries.
32811 Setup and print address book or list of entries
32812 Quit PSA Cards; prompts to save card file\nExit PSA Cards
32813 Toggle on to see only members of the current group.
32814 Enter Name and Registration Number
32815 Lets you change screen font.
32842 Start a new business entry.
32844 Display and edit clipboard text.
32846 Will use PO Box first
32847 Will use street address first
32848 Use big toolbar
32849 Use small toolbar
32850 Duplicate current entry and edit it.
32857 Backs up current file to another disk/directory
32858 Check Mark all unmarked entries and unmark all marked entries.
32859 Deletes all entries that have check marks.
32860 Main address (Home) has preference when setting check marks.
32861 First work address has preference when setting check marks.
32862 Second work address has preference when setting check marks.
32863 Toggles current item between icon and full size.
32864 Opens readme.txt in Notepad
32865 Opens installation log file in Notepad
32866 Sets up dialing for international calls.
32867 Displays Help Contents pane
32868 Toggles display of only Check Marked entries.
57344 PSA CARDS 2.5 for Windows NT/95
57345 For Help, press F1
57346 Select an object on which to get Help
57347 %1 in %2
57600 Create a new card file
57601 Open an existing card file\nOpen a file
57602 Close the active document
57603 Save the current card file\nSave to disk
57604 Save the current card file with a new name
57605 Change the printing options
57606 Change the printer and printing options
57607 Print the active document
57608 Display full pages
57616 Open this card file
57617 Open this card file
57618 Open this card file
57619 Open this card file
57632 Delete the selected object
57633 Delete all entries
57634 Copy the selected object and put it on the Clipboard
57636 Search for someone's name\nSearch Names
57637 Insert Clipboard Object
57638 Insert Clipboard object and a link to its source
57643 Undo the last action
57644 Redo the previously undone action
57664 Display program information, version number and copyright
57665 Quit the application; prompts to save card file
57666 Lists Old Style Help topics
57667 Display instructions about how to use help
57668 Display help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows\nContext Help
57669 Display help for current task or command
57856 Insert new embedded object
57857 Edit object links
57858 Change object's format or its icon
57872 Activate embedded or linked object
57873 Edit or activate embedded or linked object
57874 Edit or activate embedded or linked object
59136 EXT
59137 CAP
59138 NUM
59139 SCRL
59140 OVR
59141 REC
59392 Show or hide the toolbar
59393 Show or hide the status bar
61184 Change the window size
61185 Change the window position
61186 Reduce the window to an icon
61187 Enlarge the window to full size
61188 Switch to the next document window
61189 Switch to the previous document window
61190 Close the active window and prompts to save card file