In'side Shareware 1995 April
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------- PSA Cards 2.5 for Windows NT 3.51 ------
PSA Cards is an easy to use address program. It looks
like a card file and it works like a card file. Just
click on a divider tab or card to open or close it.
PSA Cards is also an OLE 2.0 container application.
This means that you can link or imbed objects
(pictures, maps, documents, sound and video clips)
created in other programs in your PSA Cards entries.
PSA Cards existing features:
* Print Rolodex cards, envelopes, mailing labels,
shipping labels and address booklets. Address books
can be customized.
* Dial phone numbers
* Reminders for birthdays, anniversaries, or appointments
* Merge two PSA Cards files, keeping latest modifications
* Search any field for a text string and dated fields for
a date or range of dates. Includes searching for words
that sound alike.
* Import data from an ASCII file or Microsoft CardFile
* Export any field or combination of fields to a file or
the clipboard for use in a word processing program or
* Object Linking and Embedding (OLE 2.0) container
* Create groups of entries for organizing various types
of lists. These lists can be used to address Christmas
cards, invitations, and to export addresses for mail merge
in a word processor. Powerful group editing features.
* No inherent limits on the number of entries or lengths
of fields.
* On-line, context sensitive help
* 3-D controls
* Written in C++
* Windows 3.1, Windows NT, and Windows 95 versions available
* Tool tips for toolbar buttons (Not available for Windows 3.1)
* Dockable toolbars (Not available for Windows 3.1)
* Double click an entry to edit it
* User selectable screen and printer fonts
* Type a letter to open a divider tab
* Separate dialogs for residential and business entries
* File backup command and backup reminder.
* Installation program
Version 2.5 New Features and Changes
New Fields
* Added a country field to addresses.
* Added domestic dialing prefix field.
* Added international dialing prefix field.
* Added left-right offset for envelope center feed
* Added number of copies to print for each label
User Interface
* Improved keyboard access to dialog edit fields
Dialing Phone Numbers
* Added International dialing, including country codes in
telephone numbers.
* Moved dialing setup to cards.ini / registry
* Added long distance prefix for domestic calls.
* Print Setup buttons in print dialog boxes.
* Move printing options to cards.ini / Registry.
* POSTNET bar codes, include Delivery Point codes and FIM.
* Sort envelopes and labels on ZIP code
* New field to set left-right position of envelopes in
landscape mode for center feed printers.
* You can now print multiple copies of each label
On-line Help
* Added Windows 95 contents, and search facilities.
* Added access to readme.txt and installation log files
from within the program in compliance with
Windows 95 programming guidelines.
Install Program
* A new install/uninstall program, called InstallShield.
InstallShield is from Sterling Technologies and was
developed in cooperation with Microsoft for Windows 95.
It can also be used with Windows NT 3.51.
The new install program also implements an uninstall feature
that will remove PSA Cards from your system. To access this
program, click on Settings command in the Start Menu, then
the Control Panel, and finally double click the Add/Remove
Program icon.
In Windows NT, double click the Uninstall icon in the
PSA Cards program group. Be sure you want to uninstall
PSA Cards before doing this. Once started, the program
immediately proceeds to uninstall PSA Cards.
If you have addded files to the PSA Cards directory,
Uninstall will not delete the directory. Nor will it
delete data files (other than sample.car) that you have
created in the PSA Cards directory.
* Added backup directory path to cards.ini/Registry.
* Fixed dialog box colors for Windows 95
* Can now print registration forms from registration help
* For Windows 95 and Windows NT 3.51 all the cards.ini data
has been moved to the Registry.
* When run under Windows 95, the program will use the
Windows 95 common dialogs for file open, file save,
and font selection.
* Changed sorting of entries to include a blank between
the last name and first name, and to use language
sensitive collating. The sort order should be improved
for most languages.
Windows 95 Features Not Yet Implemented
* Zero length files from the File - New command in Explorer.
Bug Fixes
* Fixed a bug which caused "Next" button to drop data
from property sheets when creating a new entry.
********************** INSTALLATION **********************
If you install PSA Cards 2.5 over a previous version,
be sure to use the install program. It installs new
system DLL's from Microsoft in your windows\system
If you have saved your own data in the samples.car file
from a previous version and are installing to the same
directory, be sure to move or copy your old sample.car
file to a different location. The install program will
overwrite the existing sample.car with a new version.
Run the setup program, setup.exe from the Program
Manager, Start menu or Explorer.
1. Extract the program and help files by running
pkunzip from the command prompt.
2. Run the setup program, setup.exe. It is best not to
install the program in the same directory that contains
the downloaded file. You can delete this directory after
the installation is finished. Be sure to backup your
downloaded ZIP file before deleting it from your hard
There are two system libraries (the *.dll files) which
will be copied to your system directory by the setup
program. These are new files from Microsoft. This version
of PSA Cards requires them. In some cases (especially with
Windows 95) a newer version of one more DLL's may already
be present in your system directory. In that case, these
files will not be overwritten.
If the setup program cannot replace an earlier version
of a file because it is in use by another program, restart
(reboot) you computer after the installation. When a file
can't be replaced because it is locked by another application,
the setup program writes a file called wininit.ini in the
Windows directory. This file contains information on how to
replace files as the system is started. Windows looks for
this file on system startup.
The installation program sets up PSA Cards to automatically
open the file "sample.car" each time you select
the PSA Cards icon. If you want to open a different file
on program startup, use the Program manager "Properties"
command to change the Command Line entry. The new data
file name replaces "sample.car" after the program name
(cards.exe). Be sure to leave a blank between the program
name and the file name.
If you are running Windows 95:
1. Right click on the Task Bar
2. Click "Properties"
3. Click "Start Menu Programs"
4. Click "Advanced"
5. Click on the "Programs" folder and look for the PSA Cards
shortcut in the Contents pane.
6. Right click on PSA Cards shortcut.
7. Click "Properties"
8. Click "Shortcut" tab
9. Change "Target" line sample.car to the desired file.
You can also start PSA Cards from the File Manager or
Explorer by double clicking (or right click - Open) on
any PSA Cards data file that has a .car file type.
To become a registered PSA Cards user, and to receive
notification of new releases of PSA Cards, send $25.00
William L. Rogers
PSA Software
1319 Silk Oak Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80525-5597
Colorado residents please add 3% sales tax. Fort
Collins, Colorado residents please add 6% sales tax.
* Your registration code
* A personalized program diskette with the latest
version of PSA Cards
* Notification of new releases
* Program support
The file register.txt can be printed and used as a
registration form. A registration form can also be
printed from within the program's Help topic for the
Register command. If you choose not to use a
registration form, be sure to indicate that you are
registering the Windows NT 3.51 / Windows 95 version
so that I can mail the correct diskette.
If you are a CompuServe user, you can also register
using CompuServe's Shareware Registration service.
The registration ID for this program is 4620. The
fee is $25.00. After CompuServe notifies me of your
registration, I will e-mail your registration code
and send your diskette via US mail.
Whether you register by CompuServe or by US mail, if
I have your e-mail address, I will endeavor to send
your registration code as soom as I receive your
registration. Otherwise you will receive your
registration by return mail along with your diskette.
Registered users enable me continue to improve PSA
Cards and implement your suggestions. The income also
pays for the computer and software I use to do this.
If you use PSA Cards on a regular basis and find it
useful, please register. This version of PSA Cards
allows you to update your data file 20 times before
registering. After the 20th update you will still be
able to access your data, but will not be able to save
changes to the file until you enter your registration
code using the Registration command in the Help menu.
Although PSA Cards has been carefully written and
tested, no claim is made as to its reliability and
freedom from bugs. This software is provided "as-is"
without warranty of any kind. In no event shall PSA
Software be liable for any damages whatsoever arising
out of the use or inability to use PSA Cards.
Importing data from a program like Microsoft CardFile
poses a problem. PSA Cards has specific data fields for
each type of information that it stores. That is, it
makes a distinction between say a street address and a
phone number. CardFile does not. There are only two
fields in CardFile -- the index line and text.
CardFile data can be converted to input for PSA Cards'
ASCII import function if the information on each card
is in a consistent order and the file contains no
imbedded objects (remove all OLE stuff).
There is a grubby little DOS application in this
package called convert.exe. Convert reads a CardFile
file and attempts to find the appropriate places for
field delimiters in the card and writes an output file
for the import function in PSA Cards:
CardFile file -> Convert.exe -> PSA Cards ASCII
Convert uses the following rules to insert field
* Newlines (carriage return, line feed) are replaced by a
* Multiple newlines only generate one delimiter.
* A comma followed by a blank is replaced by a delimiter.
This can be turned off (option c-).
* If comma-blank is being replaced by a delimiter, the
index line will always generate two fields. The second
field may be empty.
* A single blank after a letter followed by five digits
will be replaced by a delimiter. This is assumed to be the
ZIP code. This can also be turned off (option z-).
Convert writes a field definition record as the first
line of the output file. It assumes that the delimiter
is ! and that the fields are in the following order:
!lname1 fname1 street city state zip phone1
If your CardFile has a different order or different
fields, the first line of the output file will have to
be edited. Use the DOS editor, or Notepad. Be sure to
use "No conversion" if you must use Write. You may
also have to fix up individual records if your input
file is not consistent enough or you encounter
situations not handled properly by the above rules.
You can also edit individual cards once they have been
imported to PSA Cards.
See the on-line help for PSA Cards for more details
about the file import function in PSA Cards.
Convert has been tested with files written by the
CardFile in Windows for Workgroups 3.11 and Windows NT.
I can only assume that the same program is used in
Windows 3.1. There is an example CardFile file
included. It is called cardfile.msc. If you turn on
Convert output to the screen (/s+) you can pipe your
output to "more". To see how Convert works, type the
following command in DOS or a DOS window while in the
PSA Cards directory:
>convert /s+ cardfile.msc imptcard.adr | more
Then run PSA Cards from Windows and use the "Import..."
command (File menu) to read imptcard.adr.
* The Equation Editor for Microsoft Word does not always
work properly with OLE 2.0 container applications. This
version of PSA Cards will not recognize the Equation
Editor. Word itself and its other associated OLE
servers work OK.
* The Help buttons in the OLE dialog boxes for Change
Icon and the OLE File Browser do not do anything.
* Context sensitive help for the Object command in the
OLE menu does not link to the correct help topic.
These bugs are related to OLE 2.0 components supplied
by Microsoft.
Please send bug reports, and suggestions for new
features to CompuServe User ID 72064,1437, or
Internet: billr@Linden.FortNet.org or US mail to me
at the above registration address. I can't fix bugs
or add new features if I don't know about them, so let
me hear from you.
I hope that you find PSA Cards useful.
Bill Rogers