' Visual Basic declarations section for dynamic-link library : ZIPSERV.DLL
' ADD This module to your Visual Basic project
Declare Function Zip Lib "ZIPSERV.DLL" (ByVal ZipName As String, ByVal FileToZip As String, ByVal Keep As Integer, ByVal Store As Integer, ByVal Recur As Integer, ByVal Pword As String, ByVal WPath As String, ByVal ZPath As String) As Integer
'ZipName - the name of the ZipFile, like "C:\MY\CONRAD.ZIP", with the complete path
'FileToZip - the name of the file to zip including the path, wild characters allowed
'Keep - True (non zero) when the originak date at update to be kept in the Zip file
'Store - True (non zero) when the path is to be stored in the Zip file
'Recur - True (non zero) when recursive subdirectories in the Zip file
'Pword - Password (if any)
'WPath - A Path for the ZipServer that can be used as working area (read\Write access)
'ZPath - Normally the Windows\System directory, or the directory where the "ZIPSERV.LIC" file was installed
' if a Null string is passed the Windows\System directory will be taken
'ReturnValue - Zero (0) for success, or call ZipError(ReturnValue) for more details
Declare Function Unzip Lib "ZIPSERV.DLL" (ByVal ZipFileName As String, ByVal Dest As String, ByVal F2Unzip As String, ByVal Rest As Integer, ByVal OW As Integer, ByVal Pword As String, ByVal WPath As String, ByVal ZPath As String) As Integer
'Identical names have the same meaning as for Zip
'Dest - The Destination directory where the file(s) to be unzipped
'F2Unzip - The name of the file including path that to be unzipped. Wild characters are allowed.
'Rest - True (non zero) when the stored path in the Zip file is to be restored
'OW - True (non zero) when existing files are to be overwritten
Declare Function ZipError Lib "ZIPSERV.DLL" (ByVal ErrCode As Integer) As String
Declare Function DriveType Lib "ZIPSERV.DLL" (ByVal DriveLetter As String) As Integer
'0 - drive not found
'2 - floppy disk drive
'3 - hard disk drive
'4 - remote drive (network drive)
Declare Function DropCombo Lib "ZIPSERV.DLL" (ByVal hWnd As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function FromIni Lib "ZIPSERV.DLL" (ByVal Ininame As String, ByVal Section As String, ByVal Request As String) As String
'Ininame - name including the full path for the INI file
'Section - name of the section in the INI file (section name is in [ ] brackets)
'Request - the name of the parameter (left side value)
Declare Function FromWinIni Lib "ZIPSERV.DLL" (ByVal Appname As String, ByVal Request As String, ByVal Default As String) As String
'Appname - the name of the section in WIN.INI
'Default - the default value of Request which will be written and returned if there is no other value avaiable
Declare Function WinPath Lib "ZIPSERV.DLL" () As String
Declare Function WinSysPath Lib "ZIPSERV.DLL" () As String
Declare Function WriteWinIni Lib "ZIPSERV.DLL" (ByVal Appname As String, ByVal Request As String, ByVal Value As String) As Integer
'ReturnValue = 0 if success
Declare Function WriteIni Lib "ZIPSERV.DLL" (ByVal Ininame As String, ByVal Section As String, ByVal Request As String, ByVal Value As String) As Integer
'ReturnValue = 0 if success
Declare Function RemoveIniLine Lib "ZIPSERV.DLL" (ByVal Ininame As String, ByVal Section As String, ByVal Request As String) As Integer
'ReturnValue = 0 if success
Declare Function RemoveIniSection Lib "ZIPSERV.DLL" (ByVal Ininame As String, ByVal Section As String) As Integer
'ReturnValue = 0 if success
Declare Sub ReadOnlyTextBox Lib "ZIPSERV.DLL" (ByVal hWnd As Integer)
'hWnd - the textbox's hWnd property value
Declare Sub StayOnTop Lib "ZIPSERV.DLL" (ByVal hWnd As Integer, ByVal status As Integer)
'hWnd property of the form
'status = 0 - do not stay on top
'status <>0 - stay on top
Declare Sub DisplayTextFile Lib "ZIPSERV.DLL" (ByVal Textfile As String, ByVal Title As String, ByVal hWndParent As Integer, ByVal ReadOnly As Integer)
'Textfile - the name including the full path of the textfile to be displayed
'Title - the title of the display
'hWndParent - the hWnd property value of the form from the calling application
'ReadOnly - True (non zero) value results in read only display
Declare Function ExtractBase Lib "ZIPSERV.DLL" (ByVal File As String) As String
'File - the name including the full path of a file
Declare Function ExtractPath Lib "ZIPSERV.DLL" (ByVal File As String) As String
Declare Function ExtractFile Lib "ZIPSERV.DLL" (ByVal File As String) As String
'this call is necessary for loading ZIPSERV.DLL in memory, see at the Form_Load procedure
Declare Function GetSystemDirectory Lib "Kernel" (ByVal lpBuffer$, ByVal nSize%) As Integer
Declare Sub AddZipComment Lib "ZIPSERV.DLL" (ByVal ZipFile As String, ByVal Comment As String)
Declare Function GetZipComment Lib "ZIPSERV.DLL" (ByVal ZipFile As String) As String
Declare Sub DisplayProcess Lib "ZIPSERV.DLL" (ByVal status As INTEGER)