# | existentialisme | existentialism
1 | extrait | abstract |
2 | exubΘrant | abundant |
3 | exploiter | abuse |
4 | excΦs | abuse |
5 | exces | abuse |
6 | expliquer | to account for |
7 | Θquilibriste | acrobat |
8 | equilibriste | acrobat |
9 | envelopper | enclose or surround |
10 | escapade | adventure |
11 | ensuite | after or afterwards |
12 | en avance | early or in advance |
13 | encore | again |
14 | envenimer | to aggravate |
15 | entente | agreement |
16 | Θventer | to air |
17 | eventer | to air |
18 | ΘventΘ | aired or vented |
19 | evente | aired or vented |
20 | Θtanche | airtight |
21 | etanche | airtight |
22 | exceptΘ | all but or excepting |
23 | excepte | all but or excepting |
24 | Θpater | to amaze |
25 | epater | to amaze |
26 | ΘpatΘ | amazed |
27 | epate | amazed |
28 | Θpatant | amazing |
29 | epatant | amazing |
30 | Θquivoque | ambiguity or ambiguous or unclear |
31 | equivoque | ambiguous |
32 | entre | among or between or betwixt or in the middle of or mid- |
33 | et | and |
34 | exsangue | anemic |
35 | Θquerre | angle iron |
36 | equerre | angle iron |
37 | ennuyer | to annoy |
38 | ennui | annoyance |
39 | ennuyeux | annoying |
40 | enrhumΘ | to have or get a cold |
41 | enrhume | to have or get a cold |
42 | escompter | anticipate |
43 | Θtancher | to appease |
44 | etancher | to appease |
45 | Θvaluation | appraisal |
46 | evaluation | appraise |
47 | expertiser | to appraise |
48 | Θvaluer | to appraise |
49 | expert | appraiser |
50 | environ | approximately |
51 | escadron | army squadron |
52 | Θtager | to arrange in rows |
53 | etager | to arrange in rows |
54 | endormi | asleep |
55 | endormir | to fall asleep |
56 | en colΦre | angry |
57 | en colere | angry |
58 | essayer | to try |
59 | effets | belongings |
60 | Θlectricien | electrician |
61 | electricien | electrician |
62 | espoir | hope |
63 | embranchement | junction |
64 | eau | water |
65 | endroit | place |
66 | envoyer | to send |
67 | enfants | children |
68 | exterieur | out |
69 | eventualitΘ | possibility |
70 | Θpicerie | grocery store |
71 | epicerie | grocery store |
72 | encore | yet or again |
73 | elles | they |
74 | elle | she or it |
75 | endroit | place |
76 | Θtudier | to study |
77 | etudier | to study |
78 | enseigner | to teach |
79 | ΩtΘ | summer |
80 | ete | summer |
81 | excellent | excellent |
82 | Θchapper | to escape |
83 | echapper | to escape |
84 | Θclaire | lightning or a pastry |
85 | eclaire | lightning or a pastry |
86 | Θgal | same or equal |
87 | egal | same or equal |
88 | Θgoiste | selfish or egotistic(al) |
89 | egoiste | selfish or egotistic(al) |
90 | Θglise | church |
91 | eglise | church |
92 | ΘlΘphant | elephant |
93 | elephant | elephant |
94 | Θcole | school |
95 | ecole | school |
96 | encourir | to incur |
97 | encourager | to encourage |
98 | enduire | to coat |
99 | enduit | layer |
100 | engouement | obstruction or infatuation |
101 | engourdissement | numbness