# | gendarme | policeman
1 | gouffre | abyss |
2 | gland | acorn |
3 | gifler | to affront |
4 | gifle | affront |
5 | gonfleur | air pump |
6 | guet apens | ambush |
7 | instituer | to appoint |
8 | grimer | to apply makeup to actors |
9 | habilitΘ | ability or dextrousness |
10 | habilite | ability or dextrousness |
11 | glΓce | ice cream or ice |
12 | glace | ice cream or ice |
13 | grand magasin | department store |
14 | habiter | to live |
15 | huit | eight |
16 | honnΩtement | fairly |
17 | honnetement | fairly |
18 | gross | fat |
19 | grosse | fat |
20 | gymnastique | gym |
21 | h⌠pital | hospital |
22 | hopital | hospital |
23 | gouvernante | housekeeper |
24 | horlage | clock |
25 | infΘrieur | lower |
26 | inferieur | lower |
27 | garcon | boy or waiter |
28 | garτon | boy or waiter |
29 | impoli | rude or impolite |
30 | interrupteur | switch |
31 | hier | yesterday |
32 | grand-mΘre | grandmother |
33 | grand-mere | grandmother |
34 | grand-pΘre | grandfather |
35 | grand-pere | grandfather |
36 | heureusment | happily |
37 | insolite | unusual |
38 | gosse | kid |
39 | gosses | kids |
40 | interdit | prohibited |
41 | ils | they |
42 | il | he or it |
43 | heureux | happy |
44 | εle | island |
45 | ile | island |
46 | grand | big |
47 | grossir | to fatten |
48 | intelligent | intelligent |
49 | g⌠uter | to taste |
50 | gouter | to taste |
51 | grenouille | frog |
52 | genre | gender or type or genre |
53 | gicleur | nozzle or sprayer |
54 | girafe | giraffe |
55 | glisser | to glide or to slide or to skid |
56 | globe | globe |
57 | insidieux | insidious |
58 | insigne | badge or emblem |
59 | insignifiant | insignificant |
60 | insulter | to insult |
61 | intoxiquer | to poison |
62 | intituler | to entitle |
63 | intransigeant | intransigent or stubborn or uncompromising |
64 | invalide | diabled |
65 | invalid | invalid |
66 | inutile | useless |
67 | inusabel | durable |
68 | invention | invention |
69 | invendable | unsaleable