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/ Almanaque Abril - A Enciclopédia em Multimídia / ALMANAQUE_ABRIL_95.ISO / aa95.md_ / aa95.md
Unknown  |  1979-12-31  |  1MB

This file was not able to be converted.

Program Identifications
ConfidenceProgramIdentificationMatch Type
100% dexvert Microsoft Access Database (accessDatabase) magic
66% dexvert MDCD Archive (mdcd) ext
66% dexvert Mike Davies Module (mikeDavies) ext
1% dexvert Sega Genesis/Megadrive/32x ROM (genesisROM) ext
100% file data default
98% TrID Microsoft Jet DB (old) default
1% TrID bCAD Drawing default
0% TrID VXD Driver default
0% TrID Sybase iAnywhere database files default