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Portable Network Graphic  |  1998-01-01  |  20MB  |  3560x2761
Labels: book | daily | hakham | reckoner
OCR: Welcome Chocolate, delicious fabulous Chocolate, tidbits, mouth-watering interesting Chocolate. recipes. trivia, It Find pup includes that Chocolate Chocolate HOCOLAT perfect dessert recipe complement wonderful dinner. Learn how many chocolate Chocolate variations there really ore or maybe you're curious about caffeine and calories. Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate contains all this information pup much more. give into System Reouirements: temptation and enjoy yourself ir this sinful, 486. WINDOWS .66 MHz or higher Windows* 3.I or higher 8MB RAM interactive guide to chocolate. Its (16MB recommended) QuickTime chocolate lovers dream! WindowsTM 256 color knudsip double speed CD-ROM drive toster Features: sourd card spoakers headphones tultimedia guide with video and audio presentations Sat yo ...