Labels:book | bulletin board | lodestone | reckoner OCR: User tips 7IGZAG IMPORTANT MULTIMEDIA Read this BEFORE LICENCE ung AGREEMENT the CD ROM opening this package you agree the terms and conditions of this licence agreement Please read it carefully li you no agret to either Ziozar Multimeda with your reoeipt. or where you purchased it for a full refund. Pleest keap icence agroement for future reference. Tr 1his licenoe Zigzac Multimedia' means and indudes Zigzac Publlshing Ltd and the CD ROM moans the cc Click on these to either go forward or back page Zlazag ROM included this pack kage you PUe you accept on tha following t8m: and conditians a non-exdusive personal Ecene to copy Multimedia grants the CD ROM 10 gingle compute hard drive and use it or T : t single computer r (or its roplacemont) with one USBI ata schon onl The CD ROM rot be ins ...