Labels:book | gazette | poster | reckoner OCR: SUBMIT YOUR Thank you for choosing REGISTRATION CARD TODAY AND PRODUCT RECEIVE A CATALOG FREE DUNGEON DOMINANCE Look for other fetish CD-ROMS from MISTR ESS JACQUELINE How to mail: Separate the registration card. This adults only CD- -ROM is for viewing purpose only. The video and picture files on this disc are not shareware, public domain or Please answer all questions on card. freeware Reproduction ir any form without permission c Place in stamped envelope violation reserved. All music and written International arranged, copyright performed laws and All produced rights Mail to: by: SPIT 1992 1994 SPIT Music Inc TM The name commodities and image owned of Mistress Jacqueline are Trademark solely by Mistress Jacqueline Inc 1993 All actors and actresses are on file and over the age of 18 Mis ...