Clone the Drone: Here’s a cheap and clever way for a band to make backing tapes.
Step 1: Buy a 10-second endless loop cassette — the type you use in answering machines. Now record a snippet or two of sound in your 10 seconds. Steal less than three bars from the radio and you’re safe. It’s even legal. Or perhaps put a mike to your neighborhood. You now have a repetitious loop of 10 seconds of activity — hopefully musical or percussive.
Step 2: Place it in the playback unit of the type of deck that can copy from one cassette to another. Stick an everyday blank cassette in the recording unit of the deck. Copy the repeating loop for as long as you want. Vary the volume or pan the effect from side to side if possible. Perhaps quick-copy part of it. It might slip or slide. You have finished step 2. (Continued on next card)