So much art criticism is so much a vapid waste of time that a book like this one is thoroughly a surprise. Every page yields fresh information (did you know that the comic strip was single-handedly invented by a Swiss gent named Topfler in the 1820s?) and worthwhile hypotheses about how art and artists gradually teach themselves energies of effect.
— Stewart Brand
##A 02 178874 6
##T Art and Illusion
A Study in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation
Ernst H. Gombrich
2nd Edition 1969; 466 pp.
ISBN 0691017506
$70 postpaid
Princeton University Press
3175 Princeton Pike
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
##A 02 179109 7
##T Art and Illusion
Only in the realm of dreams has the artist found full freedom to create. I think the difference is well summed up in the anecdote about Matisse. When a lady visiting his studio said, “But surely, the arm of this woman is much too long,” the artist replied politely, “Madame, you are mistaken. This is not a woman, this is a picture.”
But no tradition of art had a deeper understanding of what I have called the “screen” than the art of the Far East. Chinese art theory discusses the power of expressing
through absence of brush and ink. “Figures, even though painted without eyes, must seem to look; without ears, must seem to listen . . . ”
##A 02 179375 8
##T Art and Illusion
“There are things which ten hundred brushstrokes cannot depict but which can be captured by a few simple strokes if they are right. That is truly giving expression to the invisible.” The maxim into which these observations were condensed might serve as a motto in this chapter:
“i tao pi pu tao — idea present, brush may be spared performance.”
##A 02 179498 9
##T Art and Illusion
Rabbit or duck? True, we can switch from one reading to another with increasing rapidity; we will also “remember” the rabbit while we see the duck, but the more closely we watch ourselves, the more certainly we will discover that we cannot experience alternative readings at the same time. Illusion, we will find, is hard to describe or analyze, for though we may be intellectually aware of the fact that any given experience must be an illusion, we cannot, strictly speaking, watch ourselves having an illusion.
##A 02 179797 10
##T The Image
The Image
This book is by an economist enchanted with cybernetics. He’s after the organizing principle in life, the image that everything comes together through. He scarcely mentions the brain, and he’s right. It ain’t the brain.
— Stewart Brand
##A 02 180172 11
##T The Image
Kenneth E. Boulding
1956; 175 pp.
ISBN 0472060473
$8.95 ($9.95 postpaid)
The University of Michigan Press
839 Greene Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48106
##A 02 180435 12
##T The Image
The meaning of a message is the change which it produces in the image.
I have never been to Australia. In my image of the world, however, it exists with 100 per cent certainty. If I sailed to the place where the map makers tell me it is and found nothing there but ocean I would be the most surprised man in the world. I hold to this part of my image with certainty, however, purely on authority. I have been to many other places which I have found on the map and I have almost always found them there. It is interesting to inquire what gives the map this extraordinary authority, an authority greater than that of the sacred books of all religions. It is not an authority which is derived from any political power or from any charismatic experience. As far
as I know it is not a crime against the state nor against religion to show a map that has mistakes in it. There is, however, a process of feedback from the users of maps to the map maker.
##A 02 180599 13
##T The Image
A guess may be hazarded that one of the important conditions for the initiation of technological change is the development of rather isolated and perhaps somewhat persecuted subcultures within the larger society. It is in the “nonconformist” subcultures that images are most likely to be sensitive and subject to change.
The gene is a wonderful teacher. It is, however, a very poor learner.
##A 02 181162 14
##T Number Words and Number Symbols
Number Words and Number Symbols
Suppose you want to help human communication to re-understand itself. So much of that understanding is wrapped up in numbers that if you penetrate the one you may have a foothold to tweak the other one onto a new course. Invent language and you invent humans.
This book penetrates numbers.
— Stewart Brand
##A 02 181348 15
##T Number Words and Number Symbols
A Cultural History of Numbers
Karl Menninger
1969; 480 pp.
ISBN 0262630613
The M.I.T. Press
Cambridge, MA 02142
##A 02 15088 16
##T Number Words and Number Symbols
With Three a new element appears in the concept of numbers. I — You: The I is still in a state of juxtaposition toward the You, but what lies beyond them, the It, is the Third, the Many, the Universe. . . . An old Sakai in Malacca, on being asked his age, replied, “Sir, I am three years old.” To him 2 was the You, the near and familiar with which he lives, to which he feels related and with which he interacts, but this is no longer true of the It, the 3; for him that is the Many, the Alien, the Unknowable.
Three as the plural in Egyptian: (1) flood = heaven with 3 water jugs; (2) water = 3 x wave; (3) “many” plants = 3 x plant; (4) hair = 3 hairs; (5) weep = eye with
“many” (= 3) tears; (6) fear = dead goose with 3 vertical strokes, the general plural sign, next to the ideogram.
Three as the plural in Chinese: (1) forest = 3 x tree; (2) fur = 3 x hair; (3) all = 3 x man; (4) speak endlessly (“much”) = 3 x speak (mouth from which words
emerge); (5) rape = 3 x woman; (6) gallop (ride “much”) = 3 x horse.
##A 02 181940 17
##T Number Words and Number Symbols
The chimpu of
the Peruvian and
Bolivian Indians,
a descendant of
the quipu. This
one shows the
number 4456.
##A 02 182023 18
##T Number Words and Number Symbols
“I box 320 yen”: a price tag (for Mandarin oranges) from a fruit store.
##A 02 182475 19
##T Number Words and Number Symbols
Old Chinese numerals for
10, 50, and 100.
##A 02 182760 20
##T Number Words and Number Symbols
The Mayan “named” place-value notation. The heads are rank levels which are numbered by units from 1 to 19. The vertical beams are 5-groups; curiously enough, there was no decimal grouping.
##A 02 182790 21
##T Number Words and Number Symbols
Albrecht Durer’s year dates. In writing the dates of the years around 1495, Durer illustrated the development of the 4 into its present form. From three of his drawings dated in successive years.
##A 02 191005 22
##T The World of M. C. Escher
The World of M. C. Escher
Geometry set at its own throat via the images of dreams. The subjective frontier.
— Stewart Brand
##A 02 191406 23
##T The World of M. C. Escher
M.C. Escher
1988; 263 pp.
ISBN 0810980843
$14.98 ($16.48 postpaid)
Harry N. Abrams, Inc.
Attn.: Cash Sales
100 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10011
##A 02 27727 24
##T The World of M. C. Escher
Sky and Water 1. 1938
Woodcut, 440 x 440 (17 3/8" x 17 3/8")
##A 02 28148 25
##T The World of M. C. Escher
Day and Night, 1938
Woodcut in two colors, 393 x 678 (15 1/2"x 26 3/4")
##A 02 61277 26
##T The World of M. C. Escher
Self-Portrait, 1943
Lithographic ink (“scratch”drawing),
248 x 255 (9 3/4 x 10")
##A 02 57197 27
##T The World of M. C. Escher
Bond of Union,
Lithograph, 255 x 339 (10 x 13 3/8")
##A 02 68927 28
##T Suterisms
David Suter’s visual mind-benders appear regularly in national publications such as The New York Times, Harper’s, and The Progressive. Like the famous optical illusionist M.C. Escher, Suter melds foreground and background in drawings that inherently express contradictions in our political unconscious.
His images are so natural they seem obvious. Their simplicity and elegance are consistently captivating.
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 02 76461 29
##T Suterisms
David Suter
1986; 97 pp.
ISBN 0345337433
$4.95 ($5.95 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 02 22540 30
##T Suterisms
Conceptions (1982)
##A 02 155755 31
##T Suterisms
The Job (1980)
##A 02 156045 32
##T Suterisms
And Sworn to Defend
##A 02 77438 33
##T The Anatomy of the Image Maps
The Anatomy of the Image Maps
Bonnie Gordon has investigated a single halftone photograph of an unknown man (found in a junk store in Santa Monica), and a single book (Merriam-Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language Unabridged), for a decade, stretching their structures and contents to reveal unexpected connections between language and the human body. All the marks, lines, dots and words in her work are taken from the photo and the dictionary, via an elastic gelatin photoemulsion. Her work is summarized in this classy paperback.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 02 131530 34
##T The Anatomy of the Image Maps
Bonnie Gordon
1982; 48 pp.
ISBN 0898220289
$12 postpaid from:
797 Potomac Ave.
Buffalo, NY 14209
##A 02 176864 35
##T The Anatomy of the Image Maps
This persistent occurrence of coincidences between the words and the photograph suggested that verbal counterparts for the stretched halftone might pervade the dictionary and that those terms could be sought out only if the entire volume were scanned line by line. As this search progressed and several thousand phrases were gathered, the words themselves proceeded to form their own messages. The phrases that carried these messages would first label some feature of one of the halftone photographs, then join through links of identical words to other terms until their story assembled itself.
##A 02 199503 36
##T The Anatomy of the Image Maps
An etymon of “spread” links to sprouting plants, and verbal illustrations of “spread” link to unfolding pages.
##A 02 202531 37
##T The Anatomy of the Image Maps
In this figure, the word “spread” illustrates itself with flat surfaces like wings, hands, leaves of plants and leaves of books, and also with dispersable particles like seeds and words.
##A 02 2614 38
##T Ballast
In exchange for a few stamps per year, you’ll receive this idiosyncratic dispatch of verbal illusions and visual anecdotes. Works like conceptual anti-freeze — keeps your inspiration unclogged. May it live long.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 02 24428 39
##T Ballast
Roy R. Behrens, Editor
(stamps only — 8 $.25 stamps or 2 stamps/single issue)
Art Academy of Cincinnati
Eden Park
Cincinnati, OH 45202
##A 02 25428 40
##T Ballast
When artists are living and working as closely together as we were in those years, they are all obviously influenced in some degree by one another. I remember one day when Juan Gris told me about a bunch of grapes he had seen in a painting by Picasso. The next day these grapes appeared in a painting by Gris, this time in a bowl; and the day after, the bowl appeared in a painting by Picasso.
— Jacques Lipchitz, with H.H. Arnason, My Life in Sculpture (New York: Viking Press, 1972), P. 40.
##A 02 26083 41
##T Ballast
The Wapituil are like us to an extraordinary degree. They have a kinship system which is very similar to our kinship system. They address each other as “Mister,”
“Mistress,” and “Miss.” They wear clothes which look very much like our clothes. They have a Fifth Avenue which divides their territory into east and west. They have a Chock Full o’ Nuts and a Chevrolet, one of each. They have a Museum of Modern Art and a telephone and a Martini, one of each. The Martini and the telephone are kept in the Museum of Modern Art. In fact, they have everything that we have, but only one of each thing. . . . The sex life of a Wapituil consists of a single experience, which he thinks about for a long time.
— Donald Barthelme, “Brain Damage” in his book of short stories, City Life (NY: Bantam, 1971), P. 150.
##A 02 26354 42
##T Ballast
An example of visual metamorphosis by the 19th century caricaturist and illustrator, Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard, more commonly known by his pen name, Grandville.
##A 02 29962 43
##T Ballast
Haircuts of young Native American males of the Osage and Omaha nations were indications of the plant or animal clan with which they were associated. For example, the first haircut from the left on the top row was analogous to the head and tail of an elk, while the second from the right on the bottom row was emblematic of the teeth of a reptile. See F. La Flesche, “The Osage Child-Naming Rite” in 43rd Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology 1925-1926 (Washington, D.C., 1928).
##A 02 87151 44
##T An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols
An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols
Often I’ve seen religious or ceremonial art and wondered what a particular element stood for. This fascinating reference will, most likely, provide an answer — or several. Each entry guides you from the symbol’s generally accepted interpretation to its more specific cultural or geographic meaning. The illustrations are rich and varied, crossing time and continent.
— Sarah Satterlee
##A 02 87549 45
##T An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols
J.C. Cooper
1978; 208 pp.
$12.95 postpaid
Thames & Hudson, Inc.
500 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10010
##A 02 87827 46
##T An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols
Parrot Imitation; unintelligent repetition.
Chinese: Brilliance; a warning to unfaithful wives. Hindu: An attribute of Kama, god of love. An oracular and rain-bringing bird. It had these qualities also in pre-Columbian America.
##A 02 88101 47
##T An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols
The Egyptian sky goddess Nut bends over the world of creation, ordering all things and creating them, while maintaining her position of transcendence.
##A 02 31661 48
##T Inversions
Shape inverts into meaning. Meaning folds back into shape. A name becomes geometry, then swallows itself. Language put into symmetrical meaning, the same upsidedown, left to right. Playing a fugue of words, Scott Kim dances with visual double-jointedness.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 02 33361 49
##T Inversions
Scott Kim
1981; 122 pp.
ISBN 0070345465
$9.95 ($11.45 postpaid)
MIT Press
55 Hayward Street
Cambridge, MA 02142
##A 02 40177 50
##T Inversions
##A 02 85872 51
##T Man and His Symbols
Man and His Symbols
Carl Jung did a nice thing just before he died. He helped with a British effort to bring all of his work together in one richly illustrated introduction to the breadth of his realm. This book covers his concepts of the unconscious, myths, individuation, the visual arts, dreams, and analysis. Why aren’t all psychology books illustrated?
— Stewart Brand
##A 02 86320 52
##T Man and His Symbols
Carl G. Jung
1964; 320 pp.
ISBN 0440351839
$5.95 ($7.95 postpaid)
Dell Reader Service
P.O. Box 5057
Des Plaines, IL 60017-5057
##A 02 86711 53
##T Man and His Symbols
I vividly recall the case of a professor who had had a sudden vision and thought he was insane. He came to see me in a state of complete panic. I simply took a 400-year-old book from the shelf and showed him an old woodcut depicting his very vision. “There’s no reason for you to believe that you ’re insane,” I said to him. "They knew about your vision 400 years ago." Whereupon he sat down entirely deflated, but once more normal.
What we properly call instincts are physiological urges, and are perceived by the sense. But at the same time, they also manifest themselves in fantasies and often reveal their presence only by symbolic images. These manifestations are what I call the archetypes. They are without known origin; and they reproduce themselves in any time or in any part of the world — even where transmission by direct descent or
“cross fertilization” through migration must be ruled out.
##A 02 86935 54
##T Man and His Symbols
— An illustration from a 16th-century German broadsheet of some strange circular objects seen in the sky — similar to the “flying saucers” that have been seen in recent years. Jung has suggested that such visions are projections of the archetype of wholeness.
##A 02 89536 55
##T Man and His Symbols
— An earth altar beneath a tree (in a 19th-century Chinese painting). Such round or square structures usually symbolize the Self, to which the ego must submit to fulfill the process of individuation.
##A 02 17141 56
##T Man and His Symbols
— Often the Self is represented as a helpful animal (a symbol of the psyche’s instinctual basis). The Hindu monkey god Hanuman carrying the gods Siva and Parvati in his heart.
##A 02 254311 57
##A 02 2097 58
##T Words
##A 02 50242 59
##A 02 26620 60
INTRODUCTION by Anne Herbert
“Ladle Rat Rotten Hut” is often attributed to Anonymous, but it was actually written by H. L. Chace. He was a professor of French at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, and retired in 1965. I talked to him by phone about the story of the story.
“I wrote it about 1940,” he said. “It was going to be part of a little article I was writing. It was in the days of rationing during the war and I thought about what would happen if we had to ration language. If our vocabulary were cut in half, we’d have to get along with other words. Consequently, I thought I’d see how you’d get along with the other half. I’ve never written that article, but
I’ve always thought of doing it.
##A 02 26718 61
“I taught French, and I used the story in my class to show the
importance of intonation in learning a foreign language. You see, if you take these English words and put them in columns like a spelling book and just read them, they have no meaning. However, if you read them with the proper intonation, the meaning appears for certain people. For other people the meaning never does appear.
“I never submitted it to anybody, but it got spread some way or other. It’s one of those things that got completely out of control. I showed it to a few friends and to a book salesman who came to see me. He liked the thing because it had to do with words. I think
I may have given him a copy, and he must have given it to someone else. It first appeared in print in the Merriam Company’s magazine
##A 02 27093 62
Word Study. I think it got in Stars and Stripes [U.S. Army newspaper] because I heard from people in Baghdad, Sweden, all
over the world. Sports Illustrated found it in another publication and gave me $1000 for it. Arthur Godfrey found it in Sports Illustrated, and he broadcast it and very generously told any readers that wanted a copy they could have one by sending me postage. To my surprise, I mailed about five thousand of them. After that episode, Prentice Hall asked me to write a series of stories for a book, which I did. [Anguish Languish was published by Prentice Hall in 1955.]
“The book sold fairly well for that sort of thing. It went through four printings I think, maybe 14,000 copies total. It’s used now
##A 02 27326 63
a good deal in textbooks to demonstrate the phonetic structures of English. The book has been used by some psychologist to determine the ability of people to understand sound, to study the limit of distortion that can be comprehended. That varies from person to person.
“People who like it best are language people, teachers, lawyers, and doctors. That’s almost all the people who are interested in it. And children, strange to say. I’ve had a lot of letters from them.”
The book, Anguish Languish, is out of print and very hard to find. Chace himself only has one copy. Dover or somebody should reprint it.
— Anne Herbert
##A 02 27448 64
H. L. Chace
Anguish Languish was published by Prentice Hall in 1955.
##A 02 218191 65
Ladle Rat Rotten Hut
Wants pawn term, dare worsted ladle gull
hoe lift wetter murder inner ladle cordage,
honor itch offer lodge, dock, florist. Disk
ladle gull orphan worry putty ladle rat cluck
wetter ladle rat hut, an fur disk raisin pimple
colder Ladle Rat Rotten Hut.
Wan Moaning, Ladle Rat Rotten Hut’s murder
colder inset.
“Ladle Rat Rotten Hut, heresy ladle basking
winsome burden barter an shirker cockles.
Tick disk ladle basking tutor cordage offer groin-
murder hoe lifts honor udder site offer florist.
##A 02 54169 66
Shaker lake! Dun stopper laundry wrote! Dun stopper peck floors! Dun daily-doily inner florist, an yonder nor sorghum-stenches, dun stopper torque wet strainers!”
“Hoe-cake, murder,” resplendent Ladle Rat Rotten Hut, an tickle ladle basking an stuttered oft.
Honor wrote tutor cordage offer groin-murder, Ladle Rat Rotten Hut mitten anomalous woof.
“Wail, wail, wail!” set disk wicket woof, “Evanescent Ladle Rat Rotten Hut! Wares are putty ladle gull goring wizard ladle basking?”
shirt court tutor cordage offer groin-murder. Oil ketchup wetter letter, an den — O bore!”
Soda wicket woof tucker shirt court, an whinny retched a cordage offer groin-murder, picked inner windrow, an sore debtor pore oil worming worse lion inner bet. Inner flesh, disk abdominal woof lipped honor bet, paunched honor pore oil worming, an garbled erupt. Den disk ratchet ammonol pot honor groin-murder’s nut cup and gnat-gun, any curdled ope inner bet.
Inner ladle wile, Ladle Rat Rotten Hut a raft attar cordage, an ranker dough ball.
“Comb ink, sweat hard,” setter wicket woof, disgracing is verse.
Ladle Rat Rotten Hut entity bet rum, an stud buyer groin-murder’s bet.
“O Grammar!” crater ladle gull historically, “Water bag icer gut! A nervous
bag ice!”
##A 02 56880 68
“Batter lucky chew whiff, sweat hard,” setter bloat-Thursday woof, wetter wicket small honors phase.
“O Grammar, water bag noise! A nervous sore suture anomalous prognosis!”
“Battered small your whiff, doling,” whiskered dole woof, ants mouse worse waddling.
“O Grammar, water bag mouser gut! A nervous sore suture bag mouse!”
Daze worry on-forger-nut ladle gull’s lest warts. Oil offer sodden, caking offer carvers an sprinkling otter bet, disk hoard-hoarded woof lipped own pore Ladle Rat Rotten Hut and garbled erupt.
I cannot imagine a better English teacher than farmer, essayist, poet, novelist Wendell Berry. His writing and his thinking are hard liquor, the kind that makes you go “whooh!” with savor and respect. His subject this time is language, and the model is not far off. His writing (and speaking, if you get the chance to hear it) is his own best example.
More even than his works on agriculture (The Unsettling of America, reviewed in Whole Systems, etc.), this book of essays goes to the center of a wide and terrible malaise that is obscured from our view by its very size. When the land weakens, when the use of language weakens, nothing else can be truly strong.
Berry wrote elsewhere once, “I stand for what I stand on.”
##A 02 34630 70
##T Standing by Words
This book is about that kind of precision.
— Stewart Brand
Ÿ The Unsettling of America
##A 02 37350 71
##T Standing by Words
Wendell Berry
1983; 213 pp.
ISBN 0865471223
$10.50 ($12 postpaid)
North Point Press
850 Talbot Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94706
##A 02 37544 72
##T Standing by Words
Two epidemic illnesses of our time — upon both of which virtual industries of cures have been founded — are the disintegration of communities and the disintegration of persons. That these two are related (that private loneliness, for instance, will necessarily accompany public confusion) is clear enough. And I take for granted that most people have explored in themselves and their surroundings some of the intricacies of the practical causes and effects; most of us, for example, have understood that the results are usually bad when people act in social or moral isolation, and also when, because of such isolation, they fail to act.
One of the uses of poetry is to reveal and articulate and make and preserve the necessary connections between the domestic and the wild. It is one of the ways we may, with hope of return, get out of our minds (our own and other people’s) into the world of creatures, forms, and powers that we did not make. Access to that world is sanity. To be trapped in one’s own mind is insanity. To be trapped in another person’s mind — by political or technological tyranny — is imprisonment.
##A 02 32694 73
##T Etc.
General Semantics is the art and science of thinking about symbols instead of swallowing them whole and unexamined. Etc. is the quarterly magazine put out by the International Society for General Semantics, and it prints smart, scholarly articles about the dangers of loose thinking and fuzzy talk. It’s a good antidote for face value. Your subscription also gets you a monthly collection of additions called Glimpse.
— Anne Herbert
##A 02 32901 74
##T Etc.
Russell Joyner, Editor
ISSN 0014164X
$25/year (4 issues)
includes membership and a subscription to Glimpse
International Society for General Semantics
P.O. Box 2469
San Francisco, CA 94126
or Whole Earth Access
##A 02 33134 75
##T Etc.
Clarity and precision are what one tries to strive for in achieving semantic health. In other words, clarity and precision foster communication. But oddly, perhaps even paradoxically, it is ambiguity that fosters communication in aesthetic experience. To the extent that a work of art is unambiguous, precise, and as clear in its meaning as one could hope for, to that extent, it is not art at all.
The greatest changes involve not a transformation of the form of language use but a diminishing of the very role that language itself plays within the culture. With radio and other audio media dealing primarily in music, and visual media using images, music, and sound effects, at the expense of even spoken language, a great part of our public discourse is being conducted in symbolic forms which are less amenable to conscious reasoning and whose semantics have barely begun to be studied.
##A 02 156587 76
##T Etc.
The answering machine reverses the whole history of the telephone by restoring the rights of the receiver to initiate communication. A dimension of privacy that had virtually disappeared from daily life has been put back: to be interrupted by the anonymous ring of the telephone is no longer the price one must pay for membership in a communication network. The extraordinary ability to call any number at any time from almost anywhere still exists, but has lost much of its meaning. For the answering machine gives everyone the protective status once reserved for the executive by his secretary. In this sense the new device is a democratizing instrument, but the kind of democracy that results is a rather odd one — a democracy in which everyone has an equal right not to participate.
##A 02 37893 77
##T Maledicta
The last taboos in our culture — obscenity, insults, and completely tasteless ethnic and racial slurs — are boldly investigated by these forbidden-word connoisseurs, basking in the thrill of the verboten. If the language in this journal was any filthier you would have to scrub it out with Comet. For you half-wit gutter throats with a deficient vocabulary, we’re not only talking about four-letter words. Recent issues of Maledicta compare a list of obscenities printed or left out in 20 different dictionaries, then go on to explore all the euphemisms for farting, report on colorful verbal abuse by the rich and famous, track down bathroom graffiti, dirty jokes, and kakologia, categorize high school sex slang, and so on. Much of it is legitimate academic studies, although always done tongue-in-toilet.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 02 38260 78
##T Maledicta
Reinhold Aman, Editor
ISSN 0916500292
$19 (annual) from:
Maledicta Press
331 South Greenfield Avenue
Waukesha, WI 53186
##A 02 38587 79
##T Maledicta
Little Jimmy, four years old, was bugging his mother. So she told him to go across the street to watch the construction workers and learn something. After two hours he came back inside, and mother asked him what he had learned.
“Well, first you take a goddamn door and you try to fit it into the fucking doorway. But if the son-of-a-bitch doesn’t fit, you have to take the cocksucker down again. Then you take a cunt-hair off on both sides and put the motherfucker back up again.”
Jimmy’s mother was shocked by his language. “You just wait till your father comes home! I want you to repeat that for your father!”
When Jimmy’s dad came home, mother told him to ask Jimmy what he had learned across the street.
##A 02 228306 80
##T Maledicta
Jimmy told dad the whole story. His dad was furious and told him,
“Son, go outside and get me a switch!”
“Fuck you!” replied Jimmy. “That’s the fucking electrician’s job!”
Who knocked off more Indians than John Wayne?
— Union Carbide.
What’s Union Carbide’s newest product?
— Dot remover.
##A 02 38740 81
##T Maledicta
How many Ethiopians can you stuff into a phone booth?
—All of them.
Three proofs that Christ was a Puerto Rican:
(1) His first name was Jesus;
(2) He was always in trouble with the law;
(3) His mother didn’t know who His father was.
##A 02 219639 82
##T Maledicta
##A 02 156682 83
##T Maledicta
##A 02 40302 84
##T The Best of Maledicta
The Best of Maledicta
Technically, this book should have been called The Worst of Maledicta. Quibbles aside, this compilation of eight years of Malediction is entertaining and even educational — reading it will extend your vocabulary in ways that Reader’s Digest’s “Word Power” quizzes never could.
— Sarah Vandershaf
##A 02 41427 85
##T The Best of Maledicta
Reinhold Aman, Editor
1987; 200 pp.
ISBN 0894714996
$9.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
Running Press
125 South 22nd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
##A 02 42432 86
##T They Have A Word for It
They Have A Word for It
People who learn a second language often experience a new part of themselves, a personality or set of perceptions coaxed out of them by the inner nature of the new language. Howard Rheingold’s collection of untranslatable words from 44 different languages shifts our perceptions from as many perspectives.
His is a dictionary of both words and ideas. It works to reveal the cultural blinders with which we experience the world.
— Jeanne Carstensen
Ÿ Origins
##A 02 42716 87
##T They Have A Word for It
A Lighthearted Lexicon of Untranslatable Words and Phrases
Howard Rheingold
1988; 224 pp.
ISBN 0874774640
$7.95 ($9.45 postpaid)
St. Martin’s Press
175 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10010
##A 02 44718 88
##T They Have A Word for It
Bol (Mayan): Stupid in-laws. [noun/adjective]
The Apaches have the sitike relationship, which is a very positive kind of in-law-ship. In Poland, there is a similar kind of kinship obligation, which can be regarded in a more grudging kind of way, in regard to relations who are considered swojak. But the Mayans of southern Mexico and Honduras use the same word—bol (BOWL)—to serve for in-laws as well as stupidity! Variations of this root word also indicate the kind of dazed befuddlement that accompanies a blow on the head, or the kind of stupor that can be induced by drugs.
##A 02 47365 89
##T They Have A Word for It
Biritilulo (Kiriwina, New Guinea): Comparing yams to settle disputes. [noun]
When a member of a group makes the mistake of saying the irrevocable “hard
words” . . . to a member of another group, the individuals and their associates have the choice of combat or the ritualistic comparison of yams. The offending individual’s clansmen quickly organize a buritilulo; as soon as the loud and frightening but ultimately harmless exchange of boasts about the size of the opposing clan’s yams is under way, fighting is averted.
In contemporary American business . . . . a ritual for averting conflict is badly
needed. . . . Gather at the local bar and select a ritual object for clamorous comparison: A personal computer? Briefcases? Watches?
##A 02 52726 90
##T They Have A Word for It
Wabi (Japanese): A flawed detail that creates an elegant whole. [noun]
To many people who see the world through modern sensibilities, beauty is represented by the kind of technological sleekness, smoothness, symmetry, and mass-produced perfection that is usually associated with a sports car or a skyscraper. A highly prized Japanese teacup, which might fetch tens of thousands of dollars from a collector, might be very simple, roughly fashioned, asymmetrical, and plainly colored. It would not be uncommon to find a crack. The crack—the beautiful, distinctive, aesthetic flaw that distinguishes the spirit of the moment in which this object was created from all other moments in eternity—might indeed be the very feature that would cause a connoisseur to remark: “This pot has wabi.”
##A 02 25852 91
##T They Have A Word for It
Bricoleur (French): A person who constructs things by random messing around without following an explicit plan. [noun]
Palatyi (Bantu): A mythical monster that scratches at the door. [noun]
##A 02 261643 92
##T Voice
##A 02 54960 93
##T The Use and Training of the Human Voice
The Use and Training of the Human Voice
Everything you need to understand, train, improve, and enjoy your voice is here in this wonderful book. Lessac’s method is uncomplicated and precise . . . a basic system for actors, speakers, singers, everyone who uses the voice as an instrument beyond simple communication.
One of the best features of Lessac’s approach is the way he relates the voice to general health and the total person. Many people who never get near a stage or a microphone can use the book to make real gains in self-awareness and well-being.
Best of all, perhaps, the book is designed for self-teaching. It takes nothing for granted, but exposes every vital aspect of the use and training of the voice. — Scott Beach
##A 02 55920 94
##T The Use and Training of the Human Voice
Arthur Lessac
1967; 320 pp.
ISBN 0896760723
Drama Book Publishers
821 Broadway
New York, NY 10003
##A 02 57790 95
##T The Use and Training of the Human Voice
When the voice is properly used, the tones are consciously transmitted through the hard palate, the nasal bone, the sinuses, and the forehead. Some of the sound waves continue on through the frontal sinuses, cranial bone, spine, and ribs, to produce chest resonance, but the conscious action takes places in these four areas of the head and the more tonal action felt in these structures, the greater the chest resonance. When sound is transmitted in this way, we feel the vibratory-tonal actions.
##A 02 58018 96
##T The Use and Training of the Human Voice
The major areas of tonal action—indicated by shading—are the hard palate, the bone of the nose and nasal sinuses, and the forehead and frontal sinuses.
##A 02 66155 97
##T The Overnight Guide to Public Speaking
The Overnight Guide to Public Speaking
You can read this book overnight. Ed Wohlmuth’s advice, delivered in a breezy, optimistic style, will help your speech. His approach is a bit “show biz,” but you can modify that element to your own taste. When I had to give a three hour class recently I followed his suggestions, which included revising my remarks into a more informal style, consciously inserting some “signals” into the presentation and corraling a friend into letting me practice my talk on him the night before. Result: The class went well and everyone enjoyed themselves, including me. This book works.
— Jay Kinney
##A 02 71618 98
##T The Overnight Guide to Public Speaking
Ed Wohlmuth
1983; 154 pp.
ISBN 0894712004
$9.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
Running Press
125 South 22nd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
##A 02 71756 99
##T The Overnight Guide to Public Speaking
Once your facts are assembled, their method of presentation becomes crucial. People have a great interest in people, not things. The black musician’s name was James Reese Europe, and he probably invented the style of popular music we call the fox-trot. I think that’s certainly more interesting than the name of the library where I found his concert booklet. Try to relate your facts to actual individuals, living or dead. Always tell what the person did in terms that describe action. He invented that musical style. She discovered that chemical element. That’s the stuff that’ll involve your audience.
##A 02 157136 100
##T The Overnight Guide to Public Speaking
The Six Signals All Audiences Want to Hear
ONE: I will not waste your time.
TWO: I know who you are.
THREE: I am well organized.
FOUR: I know my subject.
FIVE: Here is my most important point.
SIX: I am finished.
“Thank you, Larry, and good afternoon everyone. I know you book pros have heard every overblown adjective in existence, but The Overnight Guide to Public Speaking is really a unique book — nothing like it is out there on the shelves at this moment. But before I give you a short tour of its contents, I need about a minute and a half to tell you about my background.”
##A 02 55668 101
##T Louder & Funnier
Louder & Funnier
“Your heart is pounding, your breath is too short to catch, your mouth is full of cotton, your hands are so wet the papers you’re clutching are curling, the voices around you are a numbing
roar . . . .” Yep, that’s me. I hate speaking publicly. I hate hating it. Although I haven’t yet had—phew!—the occasion to test its merits, the advice in this little book seems sound (and reassuring). It helps you identify what you’re afraid of, analyze those fears and defuse them with specifics—checklists, exercises, and suggestions. Maybe there’s hope.
— Sarah Satterlee
##A 02 59670 102
##T Louder & Funnier
Robert B. Nelson
1985; 115 pp.
ISBN 0898151422
$5.95 ($6.95 postpaid)
Ten Speed Press
P.O. Box 7123
Berkeley, CA 94707
##A 02 74229 103
##T Louder & Funnier
Don’t accept a topic for presentation unless you know approximately half of what you will say at the time of acceptance.
Taking long, slow breaths prior to and during a presentation when you get a rush of anxiety will help to slow your heart down. In extreme cases, holding a long, deep breath will decrease the amount of oxygen available to your blood and slow down your pounding heart.
Practice controlling your fright in situations where you know that there is no physical harm that can come to you. A good example is watching a scary movie. You know that the threat is imagined, yet the symptoms you experience are very real. It serves as an ideal situation to face your fear in order to be better able to work with it.
##A 02 63982 104
##T Louder & Funnier
Often time will be allowed after your presentation for the audience to ask questions. This question-and-answer time causes anxiety for many speakers who feel they may be asked a question that they will be unable to answer or be put on the spot by a hostile member of the audience. Fortunately, almost all questions you will be asked can be predicted in advance of your presentation, and researching for the answers is an important part of your preparation.
##A 02 74547 105
##T Singing
Unusually comprehensive analysis and demonstration of the voice as an instrument. If you want to know how and why you sound as you do and don’t mind somewhat technical explanations, Vennard is excellent. He includes detailed exercises on all the traditional subjects from breathing to articulation—to give one example, the chapter on Resonance tells you where and how to place your larynx, tongue, palate, jaw, lips and teeth (wow!).
— Arlene Sagan
##A 02 74999 106
##T Singing
William Vennard
5th Edition 1968; 275 pp.
ISBN 0825800558
$25 ($27 postpaid)
Carl Fischer, Inc.
Carl Fischer of Chicago
312 S. Wabash Avenue
Chicago, IL 60604
800-572-3272 (IL)
or Whole Earth Access
##A 02 75379 107
##T Singing
The little pockets between the false and the true cords have fascinated many thinkers on the subject of voice. In howling monkeys, there are pouches connected with the ventricles which can be inflated with the breath, and when this impounded air is then forced back out it produces a sound. Vestiges of such pouches are found in some humans, and although no one has demonstrated any correlation between their presence and vocal talent, it is tempting to imagine them as resonators.
##A 02 75870 108
##T Singing
Long ago, Pythagoras, the famous mathematician, discovered that if one doubles the number of vibrations per second, the pitch is raised by the interval which we call an octave. He sounded a taut string, and then divided it in two, which raised the pitch an octave because it multiplied the frequency by two. Pythagoras used a string to demonstrate the principle, but, since the voice is a wind instrument, I should like to put it in terms of the siren. Anyone can construct a simple siren by attaching a cardboard wheel to a motor and blowing air at it through a rubber tube. Make a series of ten holes at a given radius, and a series of only five in a smaller circle. When you blow through the five-series you will hear one pitch, and when you blow through the other you will hear a tone an octave higher, or with twice the frequency.
##A 02 29142 109
##T Singing
Fig. 45. Schema of Thyropharyngeus Action
Semi-realistic drawings of the larynx. Thyroid cartilage is sectioned at about the level of the glottis. Only muscles shown are thyropharyngeus and vocalis (internal thyroarytenoid). Diagram in center shows principle involved. TP, relaxed thyropharyngeus; T’P’, contracting thyropharyngeus. VC, vocal cords; VC’ vocal cords stretched.
##A 02 64308 110
##T Singing
Fig. 46. Longitudinal Muscles of the Resonators
Semi-realistic drawing from left side. Lower constrictor only remaining circular muscle. Most of left side of jawbone is removed, and mylohyoid is shown severed.
##A 02 76187 111
##T Diction
Have you ever tried to pronounce a French “u” or perhaps even more difficult, knowing how so well, be unable to successfully demonstrate? If so, Moriarty is your guide to French, German, Italian and Latin, especially if you are an American who
“practices bad diction in nearly every utterance.” He tells you how to shape lips, tongue, and jaw and includes plenty of very helpful examples and historical parallels. It may be ostensibly for singers but it’s a vade mecum for any budding polyglot.
— Arlene Sagan
##A 02 76762 112
##T Diction
Italian, Latin, French, German... the Sounds of 81 Exercises for Singing Them
John Moriarty
1975; 263 pp.
ISBN 0911318097
$16.00 postpaid from:
E.C. Schirmer Music Company, Inc.
138 Ipswich Street
Boston, MA 02215
##A 02 77807 113
##T Diction
In English there are at least two sounds for the letter l. When it occurs before a vowel, we usually pronounce it with the tongue quite relaxed, the tip of the tongue against the hard gum ridge, the sides of the tongue turned down slightly to allow air to pass laterally. To test this, notice the position of the tongue as you are about to say liquid.
Now say all, and you will see that for a final l (and also for l before a consonant, as in milk), the tongue has quite a different position, and the l has a much darker sound. The tip of the tongue is still against the gum ridge, but now there is a deep depression down the center of the tongue, which is arched toward the back of the mouth. The root of the tongue is depressed.
##A 02 78198 114
##T Diction
[r] is the symbol for the flipped r. American r is never used in Italian, French or German.
Sometimes Americans have difficulty in learning to flip or roll an r. There have been several ways suggested, such as trying to imitate a doorbell or a motorboat.
Italian words which have r occurring before a consonant will need a double flip. This takes more breath pressure.
##A 02 29227 115
##T Listening Skills
##A 02 39011 116
##T Listening
I’m convinced we could relieve the majority of life’s small problems by mutually improving our listening abilities. More than half of our waking hours are spent receiving message, and yet none are spent on doing it better. Listening matters. A few learn to do it skillfully. If a book would help you, attend to this one.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 02 39698 117
##T Listening
It Can Change Your Life
Lyman K. Steil, Joanne Summerfield and George deMare
1983; 214 pp.
ISBN 0070609373
$6.95 postpaid from:
McGraw-Hill Inc.
P.O. Box 402
Hightstown, NJ 08520
##A 02 157947 118
##T Listening
Actually, I had never thought about the listening aspects of my work. But now that I am aware of it, I realize listening is one of my principal jobs, that I spend almost 80 percent of my time either listening to someone or having someone listen to me.
Eugene Raudsepp of Princeton Creative Research tells the story of a zoologist who is walking down a city street with a friend amid honking horns and screeching tires. He says to his friend: “Listen to that cricket!” The friend looks at him with astonishment. “You hear a cricket in the middle of all this noise?” The zoologist takes out a coin, flips it into the air, and it clinks to the sidewalk. A dozen heads turn in response. The zoologist says quietly: “We hear what we listen for.”
##A 02 158587 119
##T Listening
There is the attitude of making listening an active part of the total communicating process, which Dr. Steil terms “the 51% minimum responsibility,” or taking the responsibility for at least 51 percent of the total communication process. To be this kind of active listener you must find areas of interest in any subject the speaker introduces, judge the content of the message rather than the delivery, listen for ideas rather than facts, put energy in your attention to the speaker, resist distractions, keep your mind open and flexible during the listening period, and be responsive in whatever form — that is, give the listener the feeling that you are enjoying or are interested in what he is saying.
##A 02 158908 120
##T Listening
##A 02 159019 121
##T The Art of Asking Questions
The Art of Asking Questions
Q: Do you need to research people’s opinion?
A: 1) Sometimes,
2) Often,
3) Always.
If you chose 1, 2, or 3, then you’ll find this classic book (1951) indispensable. It will teach you how to avoid composing loaded questions like the one above, and how to make distinctions that make a difference. Without exception, every noble idea I have ever encountered began with a well put question.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 02 159378 122
##T The Art of Asking Questions
Stanley L. Payne
1951,1979; 249 pp.
ISBN 0691028214
$9.95 postpaid from:
Princeton University Press
Attn: Order Department
3175 Princeton Pike
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
##A 02 159851 123
##T The Art of Asking Questions
If all the problems of question wording could be traced to a single source, their common origin would probably prove to be in taking too much for granted. The tendency to take things for granted is not easy to correct, simply because it is such a common characteristic of us all. It is a subtle fault, committed most, of course, when we are least aware of it. For this reason, some conscious safeguard is needed — self-discipline to stop and ask ourselves with each question, “Now, just what is being taken for granted here?”
Words like “usually,” “generally,” and “most” are also helpful sometimes in avoiding the quibbling demand of, “What do you mean by that?”
##A 02 160001 124
##T Public Opinion Polling
Public Opinion Polling
The guy on the street, what does he really think about issue X, policy Y, or candidate Z? Maybe the mainstream media doesn’t care enough about your concerns to have ever asked, or maybe they asked and you don’t believe them. Here’s how to use volunteers to do your own legitimate public opinion polling. Admirable book. Surprisingly effective.
(The publishers also sell POLLSTART, special software for IBM PCs to speed the polling.)
— Kevin Kelly
##A 02 160419 125
##T Public Opinion Polling
A Handbook for Public Interest and Citizen Advocacy Groups
Celinda C. Lake with Pat Callbeck Harper
1987; 166 pp.
ISBN 0933280327
$19.95 ($22.70 postpaid)
Island Press
P.O. Box 7
Covelo, CA 95428
800-628-2828 x416
##A 02 160930 126
##T Public Opinion Polling
Sampling from the telephone directories is biased by unlisted numbers, duplicate listings, out-of-date listings, and nonworking numbers. People with unlisted numbers tend to be female, Republican, older, long-term residents, urban dwellers, and in some urban areas working-class members of ethnic groups.
You should avoid a series of questions which differ only slightly in ways that seem important to you but which may be too subtle for the average respondent. If respondents think they are answering essentially the same question, they will be reluctant to continue the interview. Bear in mind that it is particularly difficult to communicate subtle differences between questions over the phone. Respondents tend to concentrate less in such interviews than they do in personal interviews.
No interviewer should do more than 20% of the interviews. This should help reduce
“interviewer bias” — the effect of deviations in responses due to the subtle influences of the interviewer.
##A 02 30771 127
##T Learning Languages
##A 02 72944 128
##T Audio-Forum (Languages)
Audio-Forum (Languages)
Don’t expect to learn a language by listening to tapes. The best you can expect from cassettes is tireless practice, at your convenience, of what you learn from a class or tutor. Audio-Forum has the best selection of courses, including a well respected crash course called “Language/30.” Some of the full-length courses were originally developed by the U.S. Foreign Service Institute. All come with a text book (essential) in a cacophonous selection of languages: Zulu, Xhosa, Serbo-Croatian, eight dialects of Arabic, Urdu, Khmer, and of course, good ole Spanish and French.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 02 73595 129
##T Audio-Forum (Languages)
Catalog free
96 Broad Street
Suite A-30
Guilford, CT 06437
##A 02 35351 130
##T Audio-Forum (Languages)
Story Bridges to Spanish for Children
Using the art of storytelling, this charming program is as entertaining as it is instructive. Your children become participants in the actual telling of the story, as they join the storyteller’s young helpers, Sadie and Sydney, in repeating the Spanish words and phrases spoken in the context of familiar stories such as Little Red Riding Hood. This program is a fun and easy way to start speaking Spanish. 3 cassettes (53 min.), $19.95. Order #SSP125.
Selection: “Los Zapateros y los Elfos”
##A 02 36785 131
##T Audio-Forum (Languages)
Entre Nous
These introductory and intermediate-level listening-comprehension programs were recorded live in Paris. You hear French spoken as the French speak it—idiomatically with colloquialisms and even slang. The dialogs (41 in Vol. I; 35 in Vol. II) take you from the train station to the hotel to the theater to the restaurant, and so on. Developed by Colette Crosnier, a native Parisian teacher of French to English-speaking people, this unique program is easy to follow and fun to do. The texts contain French and English transcripts of dialogs; Volume I also includes cultural notes for the beginner.
#FR622 Vol. I $13.95
#FR623 Vol. II $13.95
Selection: from Vol. 1 — Dans Un Jardin Public
##A 02 39558 132
##T Audio-Forum (Languages)
Fast-Track Mandarin
This newly published introductory course is for those who wish to acquire a confident command of spoken Chinese in a variety of practical situations, especially those in business. The streamlined, intensive instruction emphasizes the most probable conversational situations likely to arise during trips to China.
The cassettes are the primary tools of instruction while the test serves as a guide to the tapes and include a Chinese word index with characters (simplified) as well as a transcript of the recorded material. Pinyin transcription is used throughout the text. Each of the 24 lessons includes a dialog, a section of sentence patterns and explanatory notes, and role-playing exercises. The course was developed by Dr. Peter Leimbigler of Malaspina College, British Columbia, Canada. (#FTM520 (6 tapes) $135)
Selection: from Lesson 1 — Introducing Oneself.
##A 02 40582 133
##T Audio-Forum (Languages)
Turkish (FSI)
Provides a basis for communicating with Asian Turks as far east as Sinkiang Province in China and as far west as the Tatar regions on the Volga. You will be able to communicate in all but the most isolated Kurdish villages.
Another major language of Western Africa, Yoruba is spoken principally in Nigeria. Since tones are an indispensable part of Yoruba, used not only as a means of differentiating among many sets of otherwise identical words but also as signals for grammar, you will find the cassettes most helpful.
#YRI Yoruba Basic Course: 36 cassettes and 381-p. text, $295.
Selection: from Unit 1 — “How Are You?”
##A 02 59015 135
##T Language Acquisition Made Practical
Language Acquisition Made Practical
This superb handbook trains you to learn any language in the world on your own, in the language’s home turf.
The trick is to teach native speakers to teach you to learn their language. Comprende? It’s done slowly, naturally, and playfully — the way you learned English. Your assistant doesn’t even have to dig your jive. You begin conversing with one word, trying to make as many mistakes as you possibly can, entertaining the folks in the marketplace or anywhere else they’ll put up with your blabberings. This well-tested program shows you how to construct your own exercises that fit the language you are after
and later how to discover its grammar by yourself. The goal is multiculturalism, inseparable from multilingualism. Like realizing that you don’t need a degree in anything to build your own house,
##A 02 59158 136
##T Language Acquisition Made Practical
learning that you can become fluent in another language without schools is deliciously radical.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 02 59951 137
##T Language Acquisition Made Practical
E. Thomas Brewster and Elizabeth S. Brewster
1976; 384 pp.
ISBN 0916636003
$13 postpaid from:
Lingua House
135 North Oakland
P.O. Box 91
Pasadena, CA 91182
##A 02 60317 138
##T Language Acquisition Made Practical
By using these sentence patterns you can get extra drill on new vocabulary while talking with people. You can touch an object and ask “What is this?” They may answer, “This is a Kefala.” You can then touch a similar object and ask “Is this a Kefala?” and they will answer positively or negatively.
If you are talking with children, this can become quite a game and give you lots of practice with new words. Children will often catch on, and participate with you in the game. First, you can ask the questions while they answer. Then you can trade roles and let them ask the questions while you try to answer. If you enter into the spirit of the game, everybody can have fun while you practice vocabulary.
##A 02 63251 139
##T Language Acquisition Made Practical
In rapid speech, sounds blend together or are dropped. For example, in English, when speaking to a friend you might say, “Skweet” — in slower speech you would probably say,
“Let’s go eat,” or “Let us go eat.”
Get your helper and a friend to carry on a casual conversation for you to tape. When you play it back, Kino repeats more slowly and deliberately the sentences that you couldn’t figure out — or just selected sentences if the whole thing went over your head. Try to see how sounds blend together and which sounds get dropped altogether in more rapid speech.
##A 02 161355 140
##T Berlitz Video for Travellers
Berlitz Video for Travellers
This series of videos is not designed to teach you a foreign language, but to give you the basics you’ll need to survive in most
“tourist” situations. First, you watch and listen as the couple in the video acts out a typical vacation scenario (exchanging money, renting a room, ordering a meal, etc.); then, the scene repeats, and you take the place of the vacationers, replying to the actors on the screen using the vocabulary you just learned. This is definitely language minimalism, but if, like most of us, your first concern is finding out when the train leaves or if you can get a room with a bath, then these tapes are an excellent supplement to “phrase-book” French, German, Italian or Spanish. Each tape comes with an audio cassette, so you can practice in the car, and a Berlitz phrase book, so you can keep adding to your vocabulary.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 02 162663 141
##T Berlitz Video for Travellers
$59.95 (VHS only)
($62.95 postpaid)
Berlitz Publications
900 Chester Ave.
Delran, NJ 08075
##A 02 35125 142
##T Berlitz Video for Travellers
Sound excerpt from German For Travellers,
Lesson 3 — Interactive — At the post-office.
##A 02 262222 143
##T Interview Craft
##A 02 111324 144
##A 02 200140 145
by Lloyd Kahn
IT’S HARD not to form opinions of public figures through the media. Movie stars, politicians, top athletes, successful entrepreneurs — those who for one reason or another are at the top of their fields and in the public eye — are constantly under the media spotlight. Newspapers, magazines, and TV paint their portraits in the relentless pursuit of human-interest stories: their personalities, lifestyles, attitudes, romances, even moral character. In addition, public relations specialists often successfully manipulate clients’ images.
Through all this, we feel we know Joe Montana or Joan Collins or Don Johnson. Yet when we chance to read an interview with these
##A 02 200495 146
same people, they often seem surprisingly different from their media image. On a one-to-one basis they often come out more intelligent or decent or perceptive than the broad-brushed (and often preconceived) media portrayal. Conversely, others may appear dull and mundane compared to a dashing, intriguing media characterization.
An interview is a chance for the interviewee to circumvent preconceptions, misunderstandings, and, at times, ill will, and more or less address the public directly. “More or less” because the interviewer’s attitude, questions, editing and closing note all have enormous bearing on the final product and, therefore, the impression made.
##A 02 200915 147
My favorite place to look for famous-people interviews is Interview magazine, an oversize tabloid originally started by Andy Warhol in 1967. Interview has undergone some changes through the years (including an uneasy few years when then-editor Bob Colacello devoted a lot of space to cocktails, canapes, limos and jet-hopping to de-vine parties around the globe, and to interviewing ultra-right conservatives in politics and beyond). Yet even then Interview seemed unique in its mix of excellent interviews and imaginative design. Since then, the magazine has improved and in addition to the interviews often reproduces photos and paintings by contemporary artists good enough to cut out and hang on the wall. The ads alone are worth the price of admission, and in the 20 years Interview has been around, one can
##A 02 108086 148
Twenty-year-old Sinead O’Connor’s debut album, “The Lion and the Cobra,” deftly blends folk songs with droning guitars and dance-floor back-beats. She produced the record herself, an accomplishment she simultaneously shrugs off and brags about. “It’s easy to produce your own record. That’s been proven numerous times. The only difference is that mine’s good.”
— Interview
##A 02 201083 149
see its influence on other journals and periodicals. (Rolling Stone periodically seems to attempt emulating one or another of Interview’s stylistic design features, generally with disastrous results.)
The question-and-answer format is the classic and most familiar type of interview. Another approach, seen increasingly frequently, is the monologue style. Here the person appears to start talking and goes on uninterrupted to the end. This is a hybrid of an essay and an interview, and obviously a lot of editorial cutting and pasting go into making a readable and cohesive whole. Only the interviewee and interviewer know how faithful the end product is to the original discussion, but in the hands of a fairminded and
skillful interviewer, the result can be finely crafted and revealing.
##A 02 201822 150
“The interviewer cuts and splices to emphasize the quality and dynamism of the exchange, which has depended as much on what is implied as on what has been articulated. The finished interview strives to deliver the complete experience of the encounter.”
(Conversations with American Writers, by Charles Raus, 1985)
A fairly recent example of the monologue-style interview is the book DV, which reads like a chatty autobiography but was obviously tape recorded and assembled by editors George Plimpton and Christopher Underhill. The reader feels he is sitting across the table from Diana Vreeland, former fashion editor of Harper’s Bazaar and former editor-in-chief of Vogue, as she joyously weaves in and out of past and present, discussing her rich and colorful life. Here at the end of the book she starts wrapping it up:
##A 02 204225 151
“Did I tell you about the zebras lining the driveway at San Simeon?
You believed that, didn’t you? Did I tell you that Lindbergh flew over Brewster? It could have been someone else, but who cares — fake it! Did I tell you about the elephants at the coronation? Of course I did. What about hitting Swifty Lazar in the nose? Well, I never did that, you know why, it would break my arm! It would never heal . . . ”
Celebrities and public figures have always been well covered by the media. But another category of interviewee, often more interesting, is the person who is not a public figure. People who are not famous and therefore have little access to the media, nor to writers with the skills of written communication, generally have no way to address the public. Studs Terkel mined a rich vein
##A 02 204325 152
of humanity with his book Working, published in 1972. Still the best of Terkel’s several books of interviews, Working consists of monologues of men and women living in Chicago — a switchboard operator, a garbage man, carpenter, proofreader, pianist, supermarket checker, welder. It’s refreshing to hear from real people — what they think, care about, how they live, struggle and fantasize. Studs unlocked streams of thoughts, visions, anguish and tenderness that would otherwise never have been articulated.
Three other books, all in the monologue genre and all of non-famous people, are Bloods by Wallace Terry, Cops by Mark Baker and Bosses by Jim Wall. Bloods is a stunning account of the
Vietnam war by black soldiers — “bloods” — who formed a
##A 02 116868 153
(left to right) “Fast Eddie” Wright, Wallace Terry (author), and Steve Howard before Cobra helicopter at Bien Hoa Airbase, South Vietnam, 1969.
##A 02 204671 154
disproportionately large share of America’s fighting forces there. The viciousness and senselessness of the war are brought home dramatically by these finely crafted and often poetic interviews.
Cops is a bleak and depressing picture of big-city cops and the almost unbearable pressures they face in their everyday duties. Bosses includes “leaders who keep things running.” Most striking among these people, who include a head nurse, a missile silo commander, massage parlor operator, air controller and mosque leader, are some very real bad dudes: a hit man, a heroin dealer, an armed robber, talking surprisingly openly about killing, crime and the otherwise normal details of their everyday lives.
I’m sure there are other books of similar nature. The art of the
##A 02 204934 155
interview seems to be well understood now by many journalists and is being used with effectiveness and insight. The books of real-people interviews give us a chance to hear from people we’d never otherwise meet and to listen in on a broad cross-section of life. I tend to remember some of these people years later, like the carpenter in Working who talked eloquently about the art and craft of carpentry and the rhythm of building, or the nurse in Bosses who explained how much more in tune with patients’ needs are nurses than doctors, or the black combat paratrooper in Bloods who came home.
— Lloyd Kahn
##A 02 205877 156
Shelley Wanger
ISSN 01498932
$20/year (12 issues)
19 East 32nd Street
New York, NY 10016
##A 02 221238 157
DV: Diana Vreeland
Diana Vreeland
1985; 258 pp.
ISBN 0394731611
$3.95 ($4.95 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 02 225255 158
Studs Terkel
1985; 768 pp.
ISBN 0345325699
$4.95 ($5.95 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 02 226017 159
Jim Wall
1986; 268 pp.
ISBN 0669134759
$17.95 ($19.95 postpaid)
Lexington Books
D. C. Heath & Company
2700 Richardt Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46219
##A 02 229003 160
Cops (Their Lives in Their Own Words)
Mark Baker
1985; 371 pp.
ISBN 0671614460
$4.50 ($5.50 postpaid)
Simon & Schuster
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 02 230863 161
An Oral History of the Vietnam War by Black Veterans
Wallace Terry
1985; 320 pp.
ISBN 034531197
$4.50 ($5.50 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 02 232479 162
• Dan Yakir: Writing sometimes means editorializing instead of actually experiencing things. In that respect, perhaps it’s less than a full life. Perhaps acting isn’t all that different.
• Jodie Foster: Maybe you’re right. I guess it all depends on your compulsions. I’m someone who, if I like what I’m eating, will immediately tell myself, “God, I like what I’m eating!” I synthesize and analyze at the same time. I have to appreciate it somehow. At the same time, maybe it does stop you from having the actual experience, because you get out a lot of things on screen and you may think, Now I don’t have to do it in life anymore.
I feel that way about books I’ve read. The other day, I was telling a story about something that had happened to me when I stopped and realized, I read that in a book! But for me, I had done it somehow. Unlike writers, actors are middlemen. You can’t just experience things as an actor. You have to interpret them and make them accessible to the audience. — Interview
##A 02 233683 163
In the ’80s we find ourselves in the middle of an incomplete revolution, where society is still structured for the benefit of men. But women, including mothers of young children, are in the workplace in record numbers. Basically we have a society that is matriarchal, but it is functioning on a patriarchal plan. If we would recognize the reality of the fact that the majority of women are mothers and that the majority of women work outside of the home, we could organize our society to suit their needs.
Time and again in history, feminism has made tremendous advances — in the ’20s, at the turn of the century, in the 18th century, in the 17th century — and then the gains are taken back, because the next generation that comes along, the beneficiaries of these feminist revolts, don’t understand that they have to keep on working. They can’t let male-dominated society take away the gains. We cannot let feminism be taken back.
—Erica Jong (Interview)
##A 02 258001 164
• One day I’m down on Oliver and Milton Avenue. Go in this grocery store. In my neighborhood.
This Vietn’ese owns the store.
He say, “I know you?”
I say, “You know me from where?”
“You Vietnam?”
“Yeah, I was in Vietnam.”
“When you Vietnam.”
“ ’68, ’69.”
“Yeah, me know you An Khe. You be An Khe?”
“Yeah, I was in An Khe.”
“Yeah, me know you. You Montagnard Man.”
Ain’t that some shit? I’m buyin’ groceries from him. I ain’t been in the store since.
I’m still pissed off. He’s got a business, good home, drivin’ cars. And I’m still strugglin.’ —Gene Woodley, Jr. (Bloods)
##A 02 109449 165
—Gene Woodley, Jr. (Bloods)
##A 02 258225 166
We saw Montagnards. They was all dead except these two kids that run away. I found them hidin’ in the woods, ’cause this little girl, about three years old, started cryin.’ Her brother was about five, and he was wounded in the stomach. This little fella reminded me of myself when I was small. ’Bout the same complexion. Big head full of curly hair. I just could not kill him. So I brought him and his sister back.
I grabbed the little boy, and I put him against my body. He bled all over me. From the time I left from the helicopter pad to the first-aid station, everybody was talkin’
’bout, “Kill the little motherfucker.”
I said, “Naw, you ain’t gon’ kill this one. He gon’ live.”
They took me directly to this officer, and he told me I will not bring another Vietn’ese living body into that unit unless I am specifically told to bring prisoners. If it happened again, I would be court-martialed. —Gene Woodley, Jr. (Bloods)
##A 02 258938 167
Do you have to lie sometimes? Oh sure, you have to lie for other people. That’s another thing: having to make up stories for them if they don’t want to talk to someone on the telephone. At first I’d feel embarrassed and I’d feel they knew I was lying. There was a sense of emptiness. There’d be a silence, and I’d feel guilty. At first I tried to think of a euphemism for “He’s not here.” It really bothered me. Then I got tired of doing it, so I just say, “He’s not here.” You’re not looking at the person,
you’re talking to him over the instrument. (Laughs.) So after a while it doesn’t really matter. The first time it was live. The person was there. I’m sure I blushed. He probably knew I was lying. And I think he understood I was just the instrument, not the source.
—Receptionist (Working)
##A 02 263601 168
What amazing attitudes those marvelous people the English can conjure up! Especially when they’re in trouble. Think of the Marquess of Bath, who owned Longleat. He went through the whole war with a duck on a lead, praying for bombs to fall so that his duck would have a pond to swim in. —DV
The best meat, the best eggs, the best fruit, and the best vegetables are all found in the markets of Paris. St. Germain was once a boulevard with many places to shop for food, but now it’s much more chic than it once was, which I don’t like. Now it’s filled with boutiques with one willow tree in the window, which I think is so tacky. What I like is to look at sixty-five thousand brown eggs. —DV
##A 02 265817 169
We’re doing some deals with some pretty high-level organized crime figures in the state and around the country. For instance, I would fly to Florida and have lunch with them. Pretty big-time guys, the kiss on the cheek and the whole bit.
In undercover work you come from this world of black and white into a world of “We don’t give a fuck and whatever happens, happens.” You’re living like that and it’s crazy. I never carried a gun when I was undercover. You only carried a gun when you wanted to do business with it. That’s a very disrespectful thing to do, carry a weapon into a meeting. Among criminals, they have their own code of ethics. If you and I are going to sit down and do a deal of stolen merchandise or dope and we’re just in the talking stages of it, why do I need to have a gun at the table? I am either a cop or extremely paranoid about my own survival or I’m out to do something to you. Then nobody will deal with me and how am I going to make my money?
So that’s the reason you don’t carry that weapon. —Cops
##A 02 266977 170
I make most of my money killing. I do some, then others do some for me. I know most of the other hit men. Here’s the way it is. Most hit men know each other, and there’s an honor among hit men. So I know about a dozen, and if I got a killing — say I meet the people who want the killing in Michigan, but the person they wants killed lives in Texas, Arizona, or anywhere. So I just call up one of the dudes, say the Grim Reaper, in that area, and I say, “Hey, I got one out there, blah, blah, blah.”
And he might say, “I got one back that way. You take care of him for me, and I’ll take care of this one for you.” That way it’s less conspicuous. If I had to drive out there or fly out there, then anything could happen. They could pick up on it. And it don’t make no difference how the money is going. He’s getting $50,000 and me $35,000; a few thousand dollars don’t make me no difference. So we’ll exchange photos, names, addresses, then we do the jobs.
##A 02 35887 171
##T The Craft of Interviewing
The Craft of Interviewing
Not a brilliant book, but plenty competent enough to vastly improve the level of most dumb-question-dumb-answer published conversation. It also helps if interviewers have studied and done a bit of field anthropology.
If you find yourself being an interviewee, these skills are even more important, since it’s your ass on the line.
— Stewart Brand
##A 02 36201 172
##T The Craft of Interviewing
John Brady
1977; 244 pp.
ISBN 0394724690
$6.95 ($7.95 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 02 36357 173
##T The Craft of Interviewing
“I think it is very important for a person to do his homework,” explains Manchester.
“There’s nothing more insulting than to ask a man, like a President of the United States, a question that he’s answered many times before. Then he’s likely to dismiss you. So what you want to ask are the questions he’s never been asked before, questions that show that you have a great familiarity with his life. And then he’s likely to respect you and be interested in the exchange, the colloquy.” In preparing for his presidential interview, Manchester went through a list of the appointments that President Kennedy had made with special assistants and cabinet advisers. He found that over 80 percent of them were within a few years of the President’s age. So he asked Kennedy if he were a “generation chauvinist.” “Now, he’d never thought of this,” says Manchester, “but he liked the idea and he played with it, and it was entertaining for him. A really first-rate interview with an articulate man can be fascinating for him. And if he is fascinated, then it will go on and you will learn more from him. It all depends on how much time you spend in advance.”
##A 02 245238 174
##T The Tape-Recorded Interview
The Tape-Recorded Interview
Some of your local history is in records, but a lot more of it is
in minds. Here’s how to ensure it’s in both. When you’re an old geezer, wouldn’t you like to be asked what really happened in
— Stewart Brand
##A 02 245438 175
##T The Tape-Recorded Interview
A Manual for Field Workers in Folklore and Oral History
Edward D. Ives
1980; 130 pp.
ISBN 0870492918
$5.50 ($7 postpaid)
University of Tennessee Press
740 Cascadilla Street
Ithaca, NY 14850
##A 02 245648 176
##T The Tape-Recorded Interview
I remember one young girl, interviewing an old woodsman, who asked what they cut down the trees with. “Well, girlie,” he said with a kind of amused contempt, “we used an ax, that’s what we used!” Girlie looked him right in the eye: “Poll or double-bit?” she said. You could feel his attitude change. “Well, mostly poll axes, but later on . . . .” It comes down to this: The more you know about your informant’s life,
work, and times, the better equipped you will be to carry on the interviews — and
the more you will enjoy your work!
That was the exciting part: going out and interviewing someone. What follows is far from exciting: making the resultant tape a useful and usable primary research document. That takes time and careful, systematic work, but if you skimp on it, you might just as well have stayed home in the first place.
##A 02 163188 177
##T The Tape-Recorded Interview
On-Site Interviewing: A man says, “Come on, hop in the car and I’ll show you right where that was,” or “I’ve got one of those out in the barn. Want to see it?” It sounds like a great idea, and it is, providing you keep in mind the same twin problems that exist for any “visual”: identification and description. It may be necessary to include a careful map with your catalog, in order to make clear exactly where the informant took you, and you may find it helpful to “talk” the route right onto the tape as you move along (“We’re heading down 178 toward Charlton. Now we’re turning to the left three miles out of Wells, and there’s a big white church on the corner . . .”) Then you can retrace your path later, or you can check it on a state highway atlas or a “topo” map.
Write your catalog as a rather detailed summary of what is on the tape — a complete
précis. Just as the tape should be as accurate a record as possible of what went on in the interview, the catalog should be an accurate description of what is on the tape.
##A 02 163897 178
##T The Tape-Recorded Interview
A number of circumstances will call for the inclusion of material that is not on the tape. All such material should be enclosed in brackets and underlined. You should explain all extraneous noises [clock strikes], account for all breaks [Tape turned off for five minutes while she goes to look for photograph album], identifying all photographs [looking at photo #11], and add anything you think will make listening to the tape more meaningful [His wife was shaking her head “no” to me from the kitchen door as he said this].
##A 02 245873 179
##T The Tape-Recorded Interview
— A Cassette
##A 02 78513 180
##T Interviews That Work
Interviews That Work
Simply, the most useful stuff ever written about interviewing others.
Biagi interviews famous interviewers and gets them to talk about how they do interviews. Not only do we hear professional conversationalists like Ted Koppel telling us what he’s really doing when he’s got someone on Nightline, we also pick up the techniques Biagi herself accumulated after finishing interviews with 40 other interviewing experts.
(Strategy for a great book: X-ray the familiar. Document the hidden structure in an overly visible process. Man, is that informative).
##A 02 80834 181
##T Interviews That Work
I’ve survived many flutters at both ends of an interview (more often in the interviewer’s seat, frequently by phone). Yet I didn’t turn a page in this remarkable book without learning a new trick or two, or three, or five.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 02 79432 182
##T Interviews That Work
A Practical Guide for Journalists
Shirley Biagi
1986; 184 pp.
ISBN 0534056644
$17 ($19 postpaid)
Wadsworth, Inc.
7625 Empire Drive
Florence, KY 41042
##A 02 80196 183
##T Interviews That Work
A question longer than three sentences is a speech, not a question. Your interviewee will lose interest by the fourth sentence, and by that time you will forget your first sentence.
To ask a difficult question, separate yourself from the interviewee’s critics: “Some critics say that...,” or “Your opponents claim that...” Quoting the opposition to the interviewee for a reaction puts you on the side of truth rather than on the side of the opposition.
Sam Donaldson says that one of the simplest questions is “Why do you say that?”
##A 02 81097 184
##T Interviews That Work
Set an agenda. Tell the interviewee generally why you want to know the information and what you want to know. (“I’m writing a profile of Mr. Walters at the Syntex Corporation [why] and I’d like to ask you about your friendship with him [what].”) This focuses the interview and gives you and the interviewee a sense of shared purpose.
Some attorneys advise that you mention something about the tape recorder to the interviewee while the tape is running (“Is this tape recorder in your way?”) so you have a record of the person’s knowledge that the conversation is being recorded.
##A 02 84316 185
##T Oral History Association
Oral History Association
The oldest (and only) national association for oral history. Great journal (annual — explores developments in oral history, reviews books, etc.) and newsletter (quarterly—news, bibliography, events, etc.). Also publishes pamphlets and books.
— Cliff Martin
##A 02 84661 186
##T Oral History Association
Membership: $20 individual;
$10 student/retired;
Oral History Association
P.O. Box 926
University Station
Lexington, KY 40506-0025
##A 02 81382 187
##T Voices
My favorite all-round guide to the history and intent of oral history. Very useful for the beginner as it addresses a lot of issues in a simple way: legal and ethical considerations, preservation of oral history, the interview itself, etc.
— Cliff Martin
##A 02 81562 188
##T Voices
Derek Reimer, Editor
$7 (Canadian) postpaid
Crown Publications
546 Yates Street
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 1K8
##A 02 82523 189
##T Voices
In addition to the classic objective questions of who, what, when and where, questions which invite a more open-ended, descriptive or reflective answers, should also be used.... Interviewers have had great success with questions such as:
What would I have seen on my first day underground at that mine?
If you walked up one side and down the other of the main street of your town, what would you have seen and who would you have met?
##A 02 83679 190
##T Voices
The arguments against transcription are two-fold. First, transcripts are only a poor reflection of the original recording and are devoid of a great deal of the meaning implicit in expression, accent and inflection. The transcript is like a musical notation, a kind of two-dimensional substitute for something much more complete and rich.... Second, and even more significant, is the expense of the process and the amount of time involved.
There may be considerable conflict of aims or opinion between you and the interviewee. Nevertheless, an experienced interviewer who is aware of the potential problem can direct an interview without leading or bullying the interviewee. The importance of understanding and empathizing with the interviewee’s point of view cannot be overemphasized. This is not hypocrisy. In fact, some would argue that this understanding (or rethinking) is the real aim of historical study.
##A 02 140553 191
by Lloyd Kahn
It’s best if the person you’re interviewing is as relaxed and natural as possible. Usually you’ll go out to do the interview, start talking, everything going smoothly, and when you take out the tape recorder, things suddenly get stiff and formal. For a while I gave up the recorder for this reason and used a stenographer’s hand book to take notes. This made for a more relaxed conversation, but unless you take shorthand, you’ll obviously only be able to get the highlights. (If you do forego the tape recorder for this method be sure to go home right afterward and reconstruct the conversation while it’s fresh in your mind.) I’ve since gone back to the machine and in doing more than a hundred interviews in recent years, have ended up with the following techniques.
##A 02 88579 192
It’s good to get completely comfortable with your recorder so you’re not fidgeting around with switches making someone even more nervous. With practice you’ll be able to manipulate things without looking.
Even with the recorder I still use a steno notebook and take notes. I put the recorder under the notebook or place it as unobtrusively as possible. Taking notes focuses attention on your notebook and the conversation, rather than the machine. Also, in constructing the interview your notes point out highlights.
I generally have someone else type up the interview but I then go over it while listening to the tape and invariably make a lot of corrections that only I know about (because I was there and know
##A 02 89003 193
the interviewee’s accent or manner of speech).
If there is time to do a series of interviews, I will tell the person that I may use the recorder over the phone but won’t say each time I call “I’ve just turned the recorder on.” Some of my best material has come over the phone when the interviewee is at home (or workplace), comfortable and relaxed.
The more interviews I do, the less inclined I am to let the interviewee go over the finished product. They often fuss unnecessarily or try to make it into an essay or testament, or add in things they forgot and in so doing eliminate the spontaneity and candor. However, if they make a point of having final approval I will go over it with them prior to printing the interview.
##A 02 89927 194
Microcassette recorders are small, unobtrusive and have been greatly improved in recent years. A good place to get these recorders, as well as mikes, earphones, transcribing equipment, etc. is Martel Electronics, Inc., in Anaheim, CA (mail order). A workhorse microcassette model is the Olympus Pearlcorder S911
($65) which is voice activated, has two speeds, and a tape counter. Olympus also has a great new Pearlcorder, the model S810 ($209), that has extras like one finger slide control, tape end alarm, hi/lo microphone sensitivity, two tape speeds, and cue marking (you can put cue marks in between interviews and the tape will stop at each mark, or you can use this function like underlining paragraphs on a page—to emphasize good parts of the interview). Martel lists some 25 microcassette recorders, from Olympus,
##A 02 168648 195
Sony, Sanyo, and Norelco. From what I understand, Olympus recorders are the best. They apparently invented the microcassette, their warranty and service departments are excellent and they do not change models often, as does Sony. (One thing the Olympus recorders do not have and that I like is a needle that moves in response to high volume. If you see the needle move, you know the conversation is being recorded.)
All the recorders have a built-in mike, but I also have a small mike (Olympus Ultra Sensitive ME-7 — $39) for noisy places like restaurants; it will record either omnidirectionally or can be set for a narrow band of reception. I also have a phone mike that fits over the telephone earpiece, but there’s an intriguing new Sony
##A 02 169155 196
miniature mike that you put inside your ear and it will not only record over the phone, but will also record your own voice—model MDR-E140C ($15).
I have an A.C. adapter so I can run off an outlet when not using the 1.5-volt batteries. I always put in new or nearly new batteries when doing an interview or series of interviews. There’s nothing like getting home and discovering I missed the good stuff because of low batteries.
If you’re doing a fair amount of recording you’ll want a transcriber with a foot switch. I use a Sony BM-815T ($350)
##A 02 169497 197
microtranscriber with a foot switch, so you can stop and back up either an automatic number of words or as far as you wish. Martel’s catalog lists a variety of transcribers.
I like Sony tapes best (MC-60BM $3 — “for business use only”). The cases clip together conveniently and it’s easy and clear to write in names and dates on the outsides.
##A 02 190493 198
##T Interview Technology
Martel Electronics
Catalog $2 from:
Martel Electronics
920-A East Orangethorpe
Anaheim, CA 92801
##A 02 192830 199
##T Interview Technology
Sony BM-17 Microtranscriber
Suggested retail price
Products are frequently cheaper locally. Sony sells through authorized local dealers — check the Yellow Pages.
##A 02 197613 200
##T Interview Technology
Olympus Tape Recorders
Olympus Corporation
145 Crossways Park
Woodbury, NY 11797
Call for current prices.
Sold through authorized local dealers; alternatively, you can order directly from Olympus Corporation.
##A 02 134543 201
##T Tele-Recorder 150
Tele-Recorder 150
My interest in buying what DAK Industries refers to as a “phone tap” is not so much spooking, but getting a reasonable cassette-tape record of a phone interview once my subject has agreed to let me tape the conversation. My previous experience with one of those suction-cup mikes was dismal. But the Tele-Recorder 150, which simply plugs into the phone jack (if you don’t have an extra one, just get a “duplex adaptor jack,” available from DAK for only $2), does the job. Most hand-held cassette recorders will connect to it. The recordings I get from phone interviews are now more reliable than the tapes yielded from face-to-face sessions, particularly when my subject is a mumbler.
Incidentally, this was my first experience in dealing with DAK, whose direct-mail ads you have probably seen. Service was prompt,
##A 02 135132 202
##T Tele-Recorder 150
and since the product worked, I didn’t get a chance to test their
“30-day risk-free trial.” Their catalog is full of fascinating audio, phone, video and computer equipment, and is a thoughtful addition to your bathroom to entertain gadget-freak visitors.
— Steven Levy
##A 02 135169 203
##T Tele-Recorder 150
$27.40 postpaid
DAK Industries
8200 Remmet Ave.
Canoga Park, CA 91304
800-325-0800 (orders)
800-423-2866 (inquiries)
(order 9232)
##A 02 47046 204
##T Norwood XLP Cassette Recorder
Norwood XLP Cassette Recorder
This cassette recorder takes standard-sized cassettes, but can record and play at one-fourth normal speed, and also can record on two different tracks (one track at a time). Thus you can record or play back 12 hours on a C-90 cassette normally good for 1–1/2 hours: that means you can fit 8 times as much time on each cassette. The sound quality is good enough for voice and reading of books, though music wouldn’t sound great.
— Warren Hatch
##A 02 50880 205
##T Norwood XLP Cassette Recorder
$134 postpaid from:
Norwood Industries
3828 South Main Street
Salt Lake City, UT 84115
##A 02 262474 206
##T Reading
##A 02 171886 207
##T How to Read a Book
How to Read a Book
Authors Adler and Van Doren propose a reexamination of the much-overlooked idea that there are techniques for reading books, just as there are techniques for driving in the rain and playing soccer. They’ve resurrected and present here a collection of rules and instructions of the sort used in the Middle Ages as part of the trivium of logic, grammar, and rhetoric. Few people could read then, but the ones who could usually read very well. The authors believe that with this rhetorical tool kit and a lot of hard work, most people can do the same.
I spent six years in college. My best intellectual happening there was coming across this book.
— T. Durso
##A 02 164319 208
##T How to Read a Book
I spent one year in college. I dropped out after reading this book. Under its tutorship I read a fair chunk of classic literature with more enthusiasm, insight, and reward than came with university classes.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 02 172044 209
##T How to Read a Book
Mortimer J. Adler and Charles Van Doren
1940, 1972; 426 pp.
ISBN 0671212095
$9.95 ($11.95 postpaid)
Simon & Schuster
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 02 172312 210
##T How to Read a Book
Analytical reading is thorough reading, complete reading, or good reading — the best reading you can do. If inspectional reading is the best and most complete reading that is possible given a limited time, then analytical reading is the best and most complete reading that is possible given unlimited time.
The analytical reader must ask many, and organized, questions of what he is reading. We do not want to state these questions here, since this book is mainly about reading at this level: Part Two gives its rules and tells you how to do it. We do want to emphasize here that analytical reading is always intensely active. On this level of reading, the reader grasps a book — the metaphor is apt — and works at it until the book becomes his own. Francis Bacon once remarked that “some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.” Reading a book analytically is chewing and digesting it.
##A 02 172773 211
##T How to Read a Book
• What you can learn from the title of a book:
In 1859, Darwin published a very famous book. A century later the entire English-speaking world celebrated the publication of the book. It was discussed endlessly, and its influence was assessed by learned and not-so-learned commentators. The book was about the theory of evolution, and the word “species” was in the title. What was the title?
Probably you said The Origin of Species, in which case you were correct. But you might not have said that. You might have said that the title was The Origin of the Species. Recently, we asked some twenty-five reasonably well-read persons what the title of Darwin’s book was and more than half said The Origin of the Species. The reason for the mistake is obvious; they supposed, never having read the book, that it had something to do with the development of the human species. In fact, it has
little or nothing to do with that subject, which Darwin covered in a later book, The Descent of Man. The Origin of Species is about what its title says it is about.
##A 02 161684 212
##T The Reader’s Adviser
The Reader’s Adviser
If you throw darts at a world map and go where they point, you’ll have a much more interesting vacation than anything the travel bureau can offer. Likewise if you throw one of these hefty volumes at a bed, examine the open pages and read in the direction indicated, your mind will meet minds a bookstore dare not carry. Every goddamn page (2616 all told) has fascinating people and works that I’ve never heard of in my high rent liberal education, warmly and searchingly remarked upon, with all the access information you need to waltz cheerfully through library procedures to the goods.
— Stewart Brand
##A 02 161989 213
##T The Reader’s Adviser
A Layman’s Guide to Literature
Sarah L. Prakken, Editor
13th Edition 1986
ISBN 0835224287
$75 each($78.75 postpaid); $375/ 6 volume set
($393.75 postpaid)
R.R. Bowker Co.
P.O. Box 762
New York, NY 10011
##A 02 162264 214
##T The Reader’s Adviser
Volumes in the set:
Volume 1: The Best in American and British Fiction, Poetry, Essays, Literary Biography, Bibliography and Reference.
Volume 2: The Best in American and British Drama and World Literature in English Translation.
Volume 3: The Best in General Reference Literature, the Social Sciences, History and the Arts.
Volume 4: The Best in the Literature of Philosophy and World Religions.
Volume 5: The Best in the Literature of Science, Technology and Medicine.
Volume 6: Indexes.
##A 02 37641 215
##T The Reader’s Adviser
Walton, Izaak. 1593-1683. The Compleat Angler, one of the most famous books in English, was written by a self-educated ironmonger. Walton wrote it for his own pleasure as well as that of others; it not only describes the technique of angling, but is a contemplative essay on the peace and quietude attained by the fisherman. After its first appearance in 1653 there were frequent revisions adding new material during the author’s lifetime.
George Saintsbury called Walton’s style one of a “singular and golden simplicity.” In spite of Walton’s background he became recognized as a “gentleman” of cultured tastes and learning. An Anglican and Royalist, he was overjoyed with the Restoration. In his own time, Walton was known as a biographer, author of the Lives of John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Richard Hooker, George Herbert and Robert Sanderson. Kenneth Rexroth wrote a charming essay on The Compleat Angler in the Saturday Review of
Sept. 16, 1967, which catches the secret of its enduring appeal and that of its author shining through it: “Izaak Walton, above all other writers in English, owes his
##A 02 162357 216
##T The Reader’s Adviser
enormous popularity to his virtues as a man, and these virtues are what condition his style and give his work its fundamental meaning. Millions have read him with joy who have never caught a fish since childhood, if at all. Indeed, . . . in America at least,
most of the kinds of fish he talks about are left to small boys. The second half of The
Compleat Angler was added in the late editions and written by Charles Cotton as a guide to trout fishing in rough water. Those who want to know how to catch fish can learn most from Cotton’s additions. We read Izaak Walton for a special quality of soul . . . for his tone, for his perfect attunement to the quiet streams and flowered meadows and bosky hills of the Thames valley long ago. . . . It may sound outrageous to say that Izaak Walton wrote one of the Great Books — and that about catching fish — because he was a saint, but so it is.
— Volume 3: The Best in General Reference Literature, the Social Sciences, History and the Arts.
##A 02 164480 217
##T The Reader’s Adviser
KING, MARTIN LUTHER, JR. 1929—1968 (Nobel Peace Prize 1964)
Son and grandson of Baptist preachers, King was born into a middle-class black family in Atlanta, Georgia. At Morehouse College his early concerns for social justice for blacks were deepened by reading Thoreau’s (see Vol. 1) essay “Civil
Disobedience.” He enrolled in Crozer Theological Seminary and there became acquainted with the Social Gospel movement and the works of its chief spokesman, Walter Rauschenbusch. Mahatma Gandhi’s practice of nonviolent resistance (ahimsa) became for him later a tactic for transforming love into social change.
After seminary, he postponed his ministry vocation by first earning a doctorate at Boston University School of Theology. There he discovered the works of Reinhold Niebuhr and was especially struck by Niebuhr’s insistence that the powerless must somehow gain power if they are to achieve what is theirs by right. In the Montgomery bus boycott it was by economic clout that the blacks broke down the walls separating
##A 02 164834 218
##T The Reader’s Adviser
the races, for without black riders, the city’s transportation system nearly collapsed. . . .
Book by King
A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings of Martin Luther King, Jr. Ed. by James M. Washington, Harper 1986 $22.00. This really does have most of the essential writings: King’s Strength to Love and Stride toward Freedom appear to be intact in this recent collection.
— Volume 4, The Best in the Literature of Philosophy and World Religions
##A 02 78599 219
##T The Lifetime Reading Plan
The Lifetime Reading Plan
Will reading the best works of Plato, Marcus Aurelius, Chaucer, Shaw, Dickens, Voltaire, Thoreau, Freud, Nabokov, Borges, etc., make you a better person?
Will this book help you DO IT? Also yes. The selection is fine, the 1-page introductions to each author by Fadiman are inviting, not daunting.
— Stewart Brand
##A 02 79026 220
##T The Lifetime Reading Plan
Clifton Fadiman
3rd edition 1988; 256 pp.
ISBN 0060961740
$7.95 ($9.45 postpaid)
Harper and Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 02 79820 221
##T The Lifetime Reading Plan
The books here discussed may take you fifty years to finish. They can of course be read in a much shorter time. The point is that they are intended to occupy an important part of a whole life, no matter what your present age may be. Many of them happen to be more entertaining than the latest best-seller. Still, it is not on the entertainment level that they are most profitably read. What they offer is of larger dimensions. It is rather like what is offered by loving and marrying, having and rearing children, carving out a career, creating a home. They can be a major experience, a source of continuous internal growth. Hence the word Lifetime. These authors are life companions. Once part of you, they work in and on and with you until you die. They should not be read in a hurry, any more than friends are made in a hurry.
##A 02 168276 222
##T The Lifetime Reading Plan
One Hundred Years of Solitude
The book is a kind of allegory of Latin American history, as much hallucination as family chronicle. Macondo is “the city of mirrors (or mirages).” Past and present fuse. One historian of the Buendía family, the author tells us, “had not put events in the order of conventional time, but had concentrated a century of daily episodes in such a way that they co-existed in one instant.” José Arcadio Buendía, we learn, “was the only one who had enough lucidity to sense the truth of the fact that time also stumbled and had accidents and could therefore splinter and leave an eternalized fragment in a room.”
In its energy, its humor (for it has a kind of grim humor), its conscious exaggeration, its distortions of language, and its drive to transform human experience into myth,
##A 02 170928 223
##T The Lifetime Reading Plan
One Hundred Years recalls Gargantua and Pantagruel (46) as much as any title suggested in this volume.
One is tempted to say that One Hundred Years has a certain claim to be called the Great Latin American Novel. At any rate, for all its concentration on the sufferings, madnesses, delusions, incestuous loves, and outsize passions of a single family, it seems to evoke the tragic real life and dream life of a whole continent.
##A 02 81919 224
##T The Read-Aloud Handbook
The Read-Aloud Handbook
The value of this book is in its practical and simple approach — if we want to we can have children who want to learn to read, and to think. We need only give them our time. Trelease makes convincing and hopeful arguments on how to reverse the increasing illiteracy in America. His chapter about television’s effects on kids is downright scary, but he gives parents workable suggestions on how to control its influence. From picture books to novels, more than 300 titles are synopsized, and there are references to hundreds of other good books.
— Lindi Wood
Ÿ Storytelling
##A 02 82090 225
##T The Read-Aloud Handbook
Jim Trelease
Updated Edition 1987; 243 pp.
ISBN 0140467270
$8.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
Viking Penguin Books
Order Dept.
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0120
201-387-0600 (NJ)
##A 02 82818 226
##T The Read-Aloud Handbook
More than half a century ago there was a poor Quaker woman who took in a foundling child and began reading Dickens to him every night. Surely she could not have
dreamed the words and stories would have such an enormous impact; the boy, James Michener, would write his first book at age 39 and his thirty-second at 78. In between there would be bestsellers translated into fifty-two languages, selling more than 60 million copies, and enjoyed by countless millions of readers.
Start with something simple like Bennett Cerf’s Books of Animal Riddles or Bennet Cerf’s Book of Laughs. The child will love memorizing jokes from these books and trying them out on family and friends. Nothing builds self-confidence like a well-told and well-received joke.
##A 02 326164 227
##A 02 263924 228
##T Comics I
##A 02 274609 229
##T Fantagraphics
Love and Rockets
Arguably the finest regular comic now being published. Written and drawn by the Hernandez brothers, Love and Rockets combines classic comic art with scripts worthy of Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Plus it has the best female characters in comics today. Seek this one out!
— Jay Kinney
##A 02 364568 230
##T Fantagraphics
Itchy Planet
Serious and funny at the same time. Cartoonists like Larry Gonick, Norman Dog, Michael Dougan, and Leonard Rifas examine nuclear war, AIDS, electoral horrors, etc.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 02 364947 231
##T Fantagraphics
Comics Journal
The only essential journal of news and criticism for the comics industry. Good coverage of both mainstream and alternative comics and creators.
— Jay Kinney
##A 02 363685 232
##T Fantagraphics
Love and Rockets
Hernandez Brothers
$2.25 ($3 postpaid)
Fantagraphics Books
1800 Bridgegate Street
Suite #101
Westlake Village, CA 91361
##A 02 365158 233
##T Fantagraphics
Itchy Planet
Leonard Rifas, Editor
Catalog free from:
Fantagraphics Books
1800 Bridgegate Street
Suite #101
Westlake Village, CA 91361
##A 02 365713 234
##T Fantagraphics
Comics Journal
ISSN 01947869
$35/year (12 issues)
Fantagraphics Books
1800 Bridgegate Street
Suite #101
Westlake Village, CA 91361
##A 02 364385 235
##T Fantagraphics
— Excerpts from Larry Gonick’s “Paradox,” a tale of the oddities of nuclear strategy (next seven cards). —Itchy Planet
##A 02 379532 236
##T Fantagraphics
##A 02 379977 237
##T Fantagraphics
##A 02 380222 238
##T Fantagraphics
##A 02 380599 239
##T Fantagraphics
##A 02 380822 240
##T Fantagraphics
##A 02 381096 241
##T Fantagraphics
##A 02 381236 242
##T Fantagraphics
—From “Human Diastrophism” (next two cards). —Love and Rockets
##A 02 381461 243
##T Fantagraphics
##A 02 381775 244
##T Fantagraphics
—From “All This and Penny, Too...” (next three cards) —Love and Rockets
##A 02 382023 245
##T Fantagraphics
##A 02 382398 246
##T Fantagraphics
##A 02 382581 247
##T Fantagraphics
-Comics Journal
##A 02 70335 248
##T Fantagraphics
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Superman’s first appearance in June 1938, editors Dennis Dooley and Gary Engle have solicited essays from more than a dozen Cleveland writers to pay hommage to Cleveland-born Superman creators Jerry Siegel and Joe Schuster. The result is this 192-page, entertaining, kaleidoscopic tribute to the Man of Steel and his creators.
—Comics Journal
##A 02 345955 249
##T Fantagraphics
—Gaston, from the traditional French bestseller “Gaston LaGaffe” by Franquin.
—Comics Journal
##A 02 366143 250
##T “Omaha” The Cat Dancer
“Omaha” The Cat Dancer
Funny animal comics for adults. The stories of Omaha and her friends day-to-day healthy-hippie lives. Entertaining and frequently erotic.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 02 366359 251
##T “Omaha” The Cat Dancer
Reed Waller and Kate Worley
Information free
Kitchen Sink Comix
2 Swamp Road
Princeton, WI 54968
##A 02 367289 252
##T “Omaha” The Cat Dancer
##A 02 366899 253
##T “Omaha” The Cat Dancer
##A 02 367416 254
##T Lone Wolf and Cub
Lone Wolf and Cub
The continuing adventures of the ronin, Lone Wolf, and his infant son, Cub, in medieval Japan. Well drawn and written, and the stories sometimes provide unexpected insights into Japanese mores.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 02 367831 255
##T Lone Wolf and Cub
ISSN 0915419211
Information free
First Comics
435 North LaSalle
Chicago, IL 60610
##A 02 368729 256
##T Lone Wolf and Cub
##A 02 368184 257
##T Lone Wolf and Cub
##A 02 384638 258
##T Lone Wolf and Cub
##A 02 384829 259
##T Lone Wolf and Cub
##A 02 385098 260
##T Lone Wolf and Cub
##A 02 369116 261
##T The Phoenix Restaurant
The Phoenix Restaurant
The sequel to Ferret’s Neo-Canton Legacy is another of his surreal tales starring the Neo-Canton Guy; this time the story concerns giant insects, annoying mutations, suicide and the problems of running a really high-class restaurant after a nuclear war.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 02 369212 262
##T The Phoenix Restaurant
$4.50 postpaid
Fandom House
P. O. Box 1348
Denver, CO 80201
##A 02 370028 263
##T The Phoenix Restaurant
##A 02 346998 264
##T The Phoenix Restaurant
Complaints were few and far between as the chef stood firmly behind every dish he served.
##A 02 348230 265
##T The Phoenix Restaurant
Service with a smile. It was our intention to allow each of our guests to suffer no less than the most recent advances in food technology.
##A 02 349693 266
##T The Phoenix Restaurant
Once the radioactive dust had begun to clear, we were awed by the outcome. Aside from the Phoenix Restaurant, the only other apparent survivors were our competitors, the franchised “Ala Moana’s” across the street.
##A 02 370421 267
##T Eddy Current
Eddy Current
One night in the life of Eddy Current, mental patient and, with the aid of his mail-order “Dynamic Fusion” suit, super hero. A limited series that should be out as a graphic novel by the time you’re reading this.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 02 370544 268
##T Eddy Current
Information free from:
Mad Dog Graphics
P. O. Box 931686
Hollywood, CA 90093
##A 02 371419 269
##T Eddy Current
##A 02 371131 270
##T Eddy Current
##A 02 385401 271
##T Eddy Current
##A 02 371620 272
##T American Splendor
American Splendor
Harvey has been chronicling his “ordinary” life in Cleveland for years now. He writes the strips and hires a variety of cartoonists to illustrate them. All true, all deadpan, always entertaining.
— Jay Kinney
##A 02 371902 273
##T American Splendor
Information free with SASE
Harvey Pekar
P. O. Box 18471
Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
##A 02 378089 274
##T Comics II
##A 02 372777 275
Giant-format comics-as-art magazine, edited by Art Spiegelman and Francoise Mouly. Exquisitely designed.
— Jay Kinney
##A 02 373137 276
The Graphix Magazine that Lost its Faith in Nihilism
Francoise Mouly and Art Spiegelman, Editors
$4 each($5 postpaid)
Flyer free from:
Raw Books
27 Greene Street
New York, NY 10013
##A 02 373973 277
—Cappelle, next eight cards.
##A 02 351003 278
##A 02 351909 279
##A 02 352223 280
##A 02 356192 281
##A 02 356651 282
##A 02 356955 283
##A 02 357156 284
##A 02 374030 285
##T Maus (A Survivor’s Tale)
Maus (A Survivor’s Tale)
A personal tale of the Holocaust uses animals to represent people, but don’t be fooled. This is serious, adult material. Although parts of the comic appeared in Raw magazine, this beautiful trade paperback is published by Pantheon Books.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 02 374393 286
##T Maus (A Survivor’s Tale)
Art Spiegelman
160 pp.
ISBN 0394747232
$8.95 ($10.45 postpaid)
Pantheon Books
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 02 375135 287
##T Maus (A Survivor’s Tale)
##A 02 374974 288
##T Maus (A Survivor’s Tale)
##A 02 24313 289
##T Watchmen
Along with Maus, Watchmen is the closest thing to a truly satisfying adult novel that comics has yet produced. Beginning with an idea that has become an adult comic cliche — that of super heroes trying to function in the “real” world — Alan Moore takes us down into the heart of darkness where his characters (and the readers) are forced to confront their notions about the function of “heroes,” the price and meaning of love, and the value of human life, all in a story that’s as well-written and suspenseful as any comic, and many books and movies, around today.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 02 31844 290
##T Watchmen
Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons
1986, 1987
ISBN 0446386898
$14.95 ($15.95 postpaid)
Ballantine Books/Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 02 32398 291
##T Watchmen
##A 02 33881 292
##T Watchmen
##A 02 34261 293
##T Watchmen
##A 02 34319 294
##T Watchmen
##A 02 373737 295
##T Watchmen
##A 02 383994 296
##T Watchmen
##A 02 386084 297
##T Watchmen
##A 02 386588 298
##T Watchmen
##A 02 375321 299
##T Those Annoying Post Brothers
Those Annoying Post Brothers
Ron and Russ Post are existential bad boys with the ability to shift into alternate universes. If Sartre had written Batman, this is what it might have looked like.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 02 375719 300
##T Those Annoying Post Brothers
Matt Howarth
Information free with SASE
Vortex Comics
367 Queen Street West
Toronto, Ontario
M5V 2A4
##A 02 376498 301
##T Those Annoying Post Brothers
##A 02 349807 302
##T Those Annoying Post Brothers
##A 02 364171 303
##T The Woman Trap
The Woman Trap
Blue-haired journalist Jill Bioskop’s reports on fighting between the Afro-Pakistanis and Zuben’ Ubian minorities in London and her love affair with an extraterrestrial are transmitted from the year 2025 back in time to 1993. In these fifty-six pages of beautifully drawn dream-like panels the reader trips along through Jill’s intense mix of reality and hallucination, caused in part by the memory-blocking drug, H.L.V. The Woman Trap also includes an insert, the newspaper from 1993 that published Jill’s mysterious reports and much editorial speculation as to their veracity. The whole effect is wonderfully mystifying, leaving the reader to grapple with a story told from many perspectives, all true, all hallucination.
The publisher, Catalan Communications, has a whole series of
##A 02 384372 304
##T The Woman Trap
graphic novels, many of them translated from European languages. Get their free catalog.
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 02 383274 305
##T The Woman Trap
1988; 56 pp.
ISBN 0874160502
Catalog free from:
Catalan Communications
43 East 19th Street
New York, NY 10003
##A 02 384073 306
##T The Woman Trap
##A 02 383635 307
##T The Woman Trap
##A 02 385715 308
##T The Woman Trap
##A 02 376776 309
##T The Santa Cruz Comic News
The Santa Cruz Comic News
If you’re one of those people who buys the paper everyday just to check out the comics and then feels guilty because you only skim the front page, take heart. The Santa Cruz Comics Journal gives you all the funnies and none of the guilt. No news here, just funny drawings and jokes, from the political cartoons of Conrad and Oliphant to Jules Feiffer’s social satire to The Far Side and Calvin and Hobbes. The rest of the paper is ads for businesses in Santa Cruz, California. These are easily ignored, even if you live in Santa Cruz.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 02 376941 310
##T The Santa Cruz Comic News
Thom Zajac, Editor
$12/year(24 issues)
Comic News Subs
P. O. Box 8543
Santa Cruz, CA 95061
##A 02 377411 311
##T The Santa Cruz Comic News
##A 02 386334 312
##T The Santa Cruz Comic News
##A 02 378362 313
##T Target
One of the most effective political tools is the cartoon. This quarterly promotes the art of graphic comment by shining a small spotlight on the greats of the past and on younger newspaper cartoonists. However, by focussing on those in traditional newspapers, those working in smaller-circulation papers, and mags — where there’s more innovation and idiosyncrasy — are slighted.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 02 378507 314
##T Target
The Political Cartoon Quarterly
Richard Samuel West
ISSN 87561808
$15/year (4 issues)
461 Sharon Drive
Wayne, PA 19087
##A 02 386948 315
##T Target
TARGET: Looking back, do you see your political evolution as totally natural or as a little odd in that you came to liberal views fairly quickly?
DWANE POWELL: I don’t think it was odd. I feel I’ve always been a passionate, compassionate type of person. I never really thought the racist jokes were funny and I never thought of myself as a racist. Civil Rights was another issue I was forced to take a stand on. I had to decide whether I was going to be an editorial cartoonist or whether I was going to sit around making jokes. I finally convinced myself that I couldn’t be an editorial cartoonist if I didn’t have a viewpoint. I had to do a lot of growing up in those few years. I was trying to cope with that insane work situation and at the same time convince myself that cartooning was what I really wanted to do for a living. I don’t know if you can fathom how impossible it looked at that time I would ever get a full time editorial cartoonist job.
##A 02 379367 316
##T Target
—Dwane Powell, Raleigh News and Observer.
##A 02 378888 317
##T Target
—Dwane Powell
##A 02 387219 318
##T Target
—Kathryn LeMieux, age 31, Point Reyes Light.
##A 02 268598 319
##T Body Art
##A 02 271302 320
##T Tattoo: Pigments of Imagination
Tattoo: Pigments of Imagination
Tattoos winding up backs, twisting around legs and arms, or curling up in some small curve of skin: dragons, eagles, cats, exotically dressed humans, and lots of other tattoo motifs writhe off the pages in Chris Wroblewski’s book of dramatic color photographs.
American and English tattoo art is featured, mainly examples of the more outrageous, abstract design of the ’70s and ’80s. Not too many anchors and “I love mom” tattoos, in other words. The introductory text is brief and perfunctory; look elsewhere for detailed history of the art. This is a fun visual introduction to the multicultural symbols of modern tattoo art and the various characters who choose to wear them.
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 02 271832 321
##T Tattoo: Pigments of Imagination
Chris Wroblewski
1987; 128 pp.
ISBN 0912383445
$15.95 ($17.45 postpaid)
Harper & Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 02 272203 322
##T Tattoo: Pigments of Imagination
and bird
by Cliff
Rauch, USA,
##A 02 272575 323
##T Tattoo: Pigments of Imagination
by Dave
##A 02 272804 324
##T The Tattoo Historian
The Tattoo Historian
Tattoos by over sixty artists from every continent except Antarctica cover Lyle Tuttle’s body. The intricate patterns cling to his body like multicolored long underwear. But Tuttle is humble about his body of tattoo art, which has been photographed and displayed around the world. “I’m just an old hodgepodge of
tattoos,” he said to me offhandedly. It’s this combination of firsthand experience and matter-of-factness that Tuttle brings to The Tattoo Historian.
Each issues reads like a walk through one section of Tuttle’s Tattoo Art Museum in downtown San Francisco. Behind glass are the Samoan tattoo tools — boar-bone combs filed to sharp points — used on Tuttle in Samoa. These artistic implements are pictured
in the Historian along with a detailed account of a Samoan
##A 02 273052 325
##T The Tattoo Historian
receiving the pe’a — a traditional whole-body tattoo that takes five days to execute. We also learn the story of Omi, whose bold, curving stripes made him look like an art-nouveau zebra. Unemployed after a successful English Army stint in WWI, he opted for work in sideshows. Omi tattooed his entire body and eventually had a veterinarian pierce his nose to accommodate large bones. Included with the narrative are letters from Omi to his tattooist containing amazing details of small-circus life. On tour in France, Omi and his wife suffered gas poisoning from lion urine, for example.
This thorough and entertaining documentation of the ancient and still-evolving art of tattoo makes The Tattoo Historian invaluable for tattoo aficionados and great fun for the merely curious. I’ve
##A 02 273152 326
##T The Tattoo Historian
rarely seen friendly love-of-subject and competence combined so well in a small publication.
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 02 273634 327
##T The Tattoo Historian
Lyle Tuttle and Judy Tuttle, Editors
(no subscriptions)
Tattoo Art Museum
30 Seventh Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
##A 02 274056 328
##T The Tattoo Historian
The tapping sound of the lapalapa (mallet) pushing the Au in my back is steady and even. He is using the Au Sogi to make the wide lines. The smallest one is the
Au Fa’atala which is used to tattoo points and dots. When he fills in the large areas of my body, the Au Tapulu, the widest one, will be used. I feel the hands of the two assistants (Ausolo) holding me while the third one is stretching my skin and the fourth assistant wipes the blood away with a damp cloth.
The tapping suddenly stops. So far so good. At least my lower back is finished. The assistants roll me onto my side and the Tufuga’s mallet strikes the Au into my ribs. Wow, it’s really hurting and stinging like bee stings. I feel like punching him out.
##A 02 274348 329
##T The Tattoo Historian
Omi’s tattoos took more than 150 painful hours.
##A 02 276790 330
##T The Decorated Body
The Decorated Body
Anthropologist Robert Brain examines the universal human need to transform the body. One of his principal aims is to diminish the traditional gap between how “primitive” and “civilized’” body art is understood; our need to express group belonging or rebellion through hair style, clothing, and cosmetics is as urgent as that of the Senegalese, who stretch their children’s skulls in infancy to ensure their beauty as adults.
This book not only wanders through the social, ritual, sexual, and symbolic roots of body decoration in cultures around the world, it cajoles you into experiencing the power and mystery of the primary human language — that of the body.
Well illustrated with great photos. — Jeanne Carstensen
##A 02 277530 331
##T The Decorated Body
Robert Brain
1979; 192 pp.
ISBN 0060104589
Spalding and Rogers
Route 85/New Scotland Rd.
Voorheesville, NY 12186
##A 02 279935 332
##T The Decorated Body
In the West we still pierce our ears, straighten our noses, and deform waists and chests by corsets. Our purpose would seem to be to draw attention to certain parts of the body. Western women have commonly accentuated the mouth with a slash of red, the ears with earrings and the eyes with black, blue or green make-up. Other peoples wear ear-plugs, labrets, lip-plugs, nose rings, penis sheaths or penis rings. I only want here to insist that the propensity to deform or alter the natural shape of the body is a universal one.
##A 02 91905 333
##T The Decorated Body
A South-eastern Nuba youth brilliantly painted with a whole body design to accentuate facial features and the form of the body. The painting stresses values associated with the young male body — physical strength, prowess, and beauty.
##A 02 165024 334
##T The Decorated Body
In the case of the Punk Rock youth, violently dyed hair and maltreated skin is an anti-establishment and anti-authoritarian message.
##A 02 280383 335
##T Obsolete Body Suspensions
Obsolete Body Suspensions
I’ve never actually seen Stelarc perform a body suspension. I’m not sure I’d want to. The stretched landscape of his skin as he hangs from hooks through his flesh is difficult to look at even in a book.
Yet images of Stelarc hanging — above water, surrounded by rocks, from granite slabs, or from wooden poles — have floated in my mind’s eye ever since seeing his book. As I stare into my computer, delving into the mindspace of the networks and electronic drawers where I store and manipulate my ideas, Stelarc haunts me. Disembodiment has for me become one of the resounding themes
of the information age; his images reharness mind to body with the fierceness of a whip cracking in slow motion. And then slice
them apart. The body is left suspended somewhere in mind, an
##A 02 280760 336
##T Obsolete Body Suspensions
obsolete carcass, empty, meaningless.
This book documents Stelarc’s performances from his first suspension in 1976 through 1984. The large-format black-and-white photography makes you feel closer to the real events than you may care to get. Stelarc claims the subject of his work is not the hooks. It’s worth looking at and beyond them to his bizarre, disturbing vision of physical submission to technology. And frightening.
— Jeanne Carstensen
Ÿ Performance Arts
##A 02 281788 337
##T Obsolete Body Suspensions
James D. Paffrath with Stelarc, Editors
1984; 160 pp.
ISBN 0910703000
$16.95 ($18.95 postpaid)
Contemporary Arts Press
P. O. Box 3123
Rincon Annex
San Francisco, CA 94119
##A 02 283199 338
##T Obsolete Body Suspensions
Tamura Gallery, Tokyo — 11 May, 1980
The body was suspended in a sitting position encircled by 18 granite rocks, which counterbalanced its weight. Each rock weighed between 3.5 — 4.2 kgms. One rock for each insertion point. The rocks were first suspended from eye-bolts in the ceiling then connected to the body sitting on the floor. The rocks were then lowered, lifting the body into space. During the suspension time of approx. 17 minutes the body swayed, gently swinging all the rocks in different directions.
##A 02 327543 339
##T Mail Art
##A 02 93503 340
by Jeanne Carstensen
The mail art network, or just “The Network” as it’s often referred to, is a grassroots, global association of artists who communicate via the post. If the medium is mailable, it can be mail art; xerox art, artist’s books, postcards, audio and video art, original postage stamps, language art, recycling art and “zines” all qualify. Every mail artist has a LIST, the canvas of geographically remote names and addresses upon which she or he works. They’re culled from mail art ’zines, friends, and from the mail art the artist receives from being on someone else’s list.
Why do talented artists, incessant communicators, and nice people
##A 02 168042 341
flood the post with their mailable art? Because mail art satisfies
a basic need for communication. Mail art is the flowering of the postal system, its creative fulfillment. And who doesn’t lust after mail?
One wall of my office is covered with the art I received in response to one postcard. From Europe, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Japan, and the United States, artists sent me original collages, xerox art ranging from the elegant to haphazard, original postcards and stamps, and strange assemblages. Some artists sent individual statements, meant to be hung on the wall. Others were invitations to participate in ongoing mail-art projects.
This incredible stream of worldwide imagery into my mailbox was like participating in a collective postal dream. Having images
##A 02 385827 342
from all these people I’d never met, from countries I’d never visited, placed me in a new kind of community. English artist Michael Leigh said it best for me with his stamp, “Worldwide Friendship” (see illustration next card).
Anyone can play in the mail art network as long as you’re serious about consistently participating. You don’t have to be an experienced artist to take part, just willing.
Many artists say their main reason for being mail artists is to communicate with other artists; mail art is a low-tech, inexpensive way of combating isolation, as any mere letter writer can understand. Another almost universal motivation is that it’s fun.
##A 02 389304 343
##T Mail Art
—Stamps by Michael Leigh, A.1. Waste Paper Co. Ltd., 71 Lambeth Walk, London SE11, England.
##A 02 388950 344
To get involved in the mail art network all you need are names of mail artists and time to send out your work and time to keep responding. Success is time consuming because the more you receive, the more you send out.
Subscribe to the quarterly small magazine (zine) review Fact- Sheet Five to find out about mail art publications. Order the ones that interest you and start sending out mail art to the artists listed inside.
And don’t forget the stamp.
— Jeanne Carstensen
Ÿ Factsheet Five
##A 02 167734 345
##T Mail Art
—“Brain Cell”
Many mail artists design ongoing mail art projects that become actual records of who participated. One of my favorites is Japanese artist Ryosuke Cohen’s “Brain Cell.” Cohen invites mail artists to send him their stamp design, rubber stamp, or stickers. Every few weeks he takes the submissions he’s received (usually about 60) and prints or pastes them onto a sheet (they’re colorful hodgepodges of symbols from around the world), and makes 150 copies. He then mails a sheet and a complete participant address list to everyone represented. Cohen has created a constantly mutating rubber stamp community with its own community memory.
This is an excellent way to join the mail art network. Send your entry to Ryosuke Cohen, 3-76-1-A-613, Yagumokitacho, Moriguchi City, Osaka 570, JAPAN.
##A 02 9220 346
##T Mail Art
—A postcard from French artist Jacques Massa
##A 02 12917 347
##T Mail Art
—“Mail Art Against AIDS”
The next two postcards are from the
“Mail Art Against AIDS” project. Each occasional postcard has current news about AIDS and resource information. Send your mail art against AIDS to Tuesday - Art Press, 3808 Rosencrans
#134, San Diego, CA 92110.
##A 02 13211 348
##T Mail Art
—“Mail Art Against AIDS”
##A 02 139819 349
— Two stamps by Michael Leigh, A.I. Waste Paper Co., Ltd
##A 02 285096 350
##T Correspondence Art
Correspondence Art
Should you want to gaze back on mail art Network activity through 1983 expertly frozen in an anthology of primary documents, Correspondence Art is more than just competent. Here is the international art-scene view of mail art in DETAIL, as told by the Network’s more famous participants in manifestos, short art-history-type articles, and examples of their mail art.
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 02 285262 351
##T Correspondence Art
Source Book for the Network of International Postal Art Activity
Michael Crane and Mary Stofflet, Editors
1984; 522 pp.
ISBN 0931818028
$15.95 ($17.95 postpaid)
Contemporary Arts Press
P. O. Box 3123
Rincon Annex
San Francisco, CA 94119
##A 02 51308 352
##T Correspondence Art
Postage stamps, like rubber stamps, are an obvious media to manipulate for communication purposes. The cancelling of official postage — in the past by rubber stamps — is the main aboveground relationship between the two. Some mail artists feel that cancelling causes a diminished value to the postage stamp, as an image may be obliterated. But for mail art, cancelled postage can increase the value of an official stamp, indicating or implying that this act linked the correspondents in their communication activity.
In mail art, the artists’ postage stamp is much like the artists rubber stamp. Content ranges from attacks on or imitations of bureaucracies to concerns about the stamp as an aesthetic object in its own right, as message container or support, or as a message in itself.
##A 02 20550 353
##T Correspondence Art
Ed Varney, 2nd International Intermedia Artists’ Stamp Edition, Canada, 1978. Artists’ stamps.
##A 02 286665 354
##T National Stampagraphic
National Stampagraphic
“I stamp therefore I am,” these rubber stamp fanatics explain on their cover. This is the best single source of the mail-art staple — rubber stamps. Short articles give ideas for projects, profile stamp artists, and cover some mail art shows, but the real news is in the ads. Many artists have started their own lines of rubber stamps, everything from tacky teddy bears to elegant calligraphy, to bizarre or whimsical designs. Order your catalogs here.
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 02 286769 355
##T National Stampagraphic
ISSN 07475527
$14/year (4 issues)
$18 foreign
Taylor’d Graphics
1952 Everett Street
North Valley Stream, NY 11580
##A 02 109019 356
##T National Stampagraphic
##A 02 175769 357
##T Rubberstampmadness
A few years ago, artists realized the value of being able to produce single images over and over and started designing their own rubber stamps. Since then, they have become a mainstay of mail art. Rubberstampmadness is the best the single source for all things rubber and stampable. Their how-to articles inspire you to new heights of stamping artistry, while their ads hawk stamps with images of everything from teddy bears and rainbows to Balinese masks and computer terminals.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 02 175875 358
##T Rubberstampmadness
$15/year(6 issues)
RSM Enterprises
P. O. Box 6585
Ithaca, NY 14851
##A 02 177667 359
##T Rubberstampmadness
##A 02 16752 360
##T Rubberstampmadness
##A 02 40761 361
##T Rubberstampmadness
##A 02 178024 362
Crazy, wild, fun rubberstamps for those important times in life.
These mail-order companies will start you stamping.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 02 178391 363
All Night Media Inc.
Catalog $2
All Night Media Inc.
Box 2666
San Anselmo, CA 94960
##A 02 184153 364
Bizzaro, Inc.
Catalog $1
P. O. Box 16160
Rumford, RI 02916
##A 02 184640 365
A Stamp in the Hand
Catalog $2 from:
A Stamp in the Hand
P.O. Box 5160
Long Beach, CA 90805
##A 02 185572 366
Inkling Stamp Co.
Catalog $3 from:
Inkling Stamp Co.
P.O. Box 40195
Santa Barbara, CA 93140
##A 02 45596 367
Top-Drawer Rubber Stamp Catalog
Catalog free
Top-Drawer Rubber Stamp Co.
Rte A02, Box 72A
Rochester, VT 05767
##A 02 183930 368
##A 02 183806 369
— Bizzaro
##A 02 65295 370
— All Night Media inc.
##A 02 20315 371
##A 02 41070 372
##A 02 45400 373
— A Stamp in the Hand
##A 02 14702 374
##T Xerox Art
##A 02 186436 375
By Gertrude Myrrh Reagan
1. Making letterhead stationery in exactly the quantities needed.
3. Moving and editing text without a computer (cut and paste!).
4. Copying my kid’s best drawing before he mails it away.
5. Cheaply enlarging or reducing (Kodak copier recommended).
6. Culling images I need for art projects without having to tear up large numbers of books and magazines.
7. Experimenting! For instance, by making acetate xeroxes of drawings and laying them over either the original or another
##A 02 171053 376
design, moires and delightful juxtapositions can be generated. Or, combine several sizes of the same image.
A Thermofax copier (at many schools) with special coated cloth can make small silk screens of these xeroxes.
COLOR (Canon copier recommended)
8. Sharing a sketch with a friend—even if it’s a watercolor.
9. Instant photography of small treasures.
10. Outrageous art! like collage, yet it allows 3-D objects and manipulations while the machine slowly scans each color.
11. Copying old color photos before they fade.
12. Giving each of my children a copy of the childhood photo album. Expensive, but invaluable. All this, without the computer user’s upfront capital expense.
##A 02 285909 377
##T Instant Litter
Instant Litter
The ultimate disposable art: xerox posters for garage bands, stapled to telephone poles. Art Chantry of Seattle was so struck by a phenomenon he calls “more a community primal scream than advertising” that he began to collect and research the posters of the Seattle punk music scene.
The result, Instant Litter, is strange and wonderful and disturbing, filled with the manipulation of innocent middle-class images to display the frank and explosive energy of middle-class fugitives. Whenever possible the posters are deciphered by source and the history of the band; over 150 reproductions.
— Sallie Tisdale
##A 02 286091 378
##T Instant Litter
(Concert Posters from
Seattle Punk Culture)
Art Chantry
1985; 112 pp.
ISBN 094110415X
$10 ($11.50 postpaid)
The Real Comet Press
3131 Western Avenue #410
Seattle, WA 98121
##A 02 104876 379
##T Instant Litter
Terry Morgan
LIFE IN GENERAL at the Golden Crown
##A 02 108317 380
##T Instant Litter
Rhoda Mueller
ANNIE ROSE & THE THRILLERS at the Fabulous Rainbow
B & W
18" x 24"
Note: Another Seattle classic. This is the well-publicized farewell performance by this popular bar band. They have since re-grouped a number of times.
##A 02 66699 381
##T Instant Litter
Relatively isolated from the rest of the country, Seattle was left to develop its own unique punk aesthetic. As a whole, the city had very little influence on any national scene — no bands were ever signed out of Seattle (Portland and Vancouver made more of a splash). Even great white hopes like the Screamers and the Avengers, both featuring hometown heroes, eventually fizzled out after moves to California. But if the Seattle scene lacked some of the ferocity of San Francisco and Los Angeles, it was still threatening as hell to the laid-back Northwest ethos of the time. When Damon Titus of the Enemy poured ketchup on his head during a show at The Bird, it was front page news (“We want the ketchup!” yelled the crowd). Punk music was an assault on the prevailing cultural mode, and the street poster was to many its most visible manifestation, the cutting edge of the new punk culture. Even in 1985, the Seattle City Council held hearings on street posters, with one speaker testifying that the posters turned University Way into “a garbage pit.”
##A 02 187657 382
by Jeanne Carstensen
Look at xerox art magazines for art and design ideas and for a dreamlike glimpse into the events of the artist’s unconscious, love life, or neighborhood. Here is ample inspiration for your own xerox publishing efforts — on a one-time or ongoing basis. These highly eclectic personal expressions are difficult to evaluate for an audience greater than one. So when reading through the reviews in Fact Sheet Five Ÿ, Sound Choice, or other magazines, take note of what sounds fun and order away. Experimentation is the rule here, for readers and publishers alike.
Here are three I like:
##A 02 190238 383
Box of Water
Distinct, bold images, many of them xeroxed drawings rather than the ubiquitous collages, on heavy grey paper. Also with “textual experimentations.” Contact addresses for all contributors, ’zine reviews, and information on current xerox art compilations and mail art catalogs. More elegant than the usual fare.
##A 02 198926 384
False Positive
Editor Donna Kossy uses a high-quality copier and takes full advantage of it with good paper and superb color-xerox covers. This mix of Kossy’s collages and “black humor, off-beat ideologies, and anomalous art” is actually coherent, unlike many other ’zines that might be described the same way. Oh she’s sarcastic. I love it.
##A 02 190963 385
PhotoStatic Magazine
A collection of xerox art broadsides of every possible style with short notes about the artists. Vaguely related by theme.
##A 02 187991 386
Box of Water
Stephen Perkins, Editor
$5 (2 issues)
Box of Water
135 Cole Street
San Francisco, CA 94117
##A 02 189370 387
False Positive
Donna Kossy, Editor
$10 (4 issues)
Out-of-Control Data Korporation
P.O. Box 432
Boston, MA 02258
##A 02 189696 388
PhotoStatic Magazine
Lloyd Dunn, Editor
$6/year (6 issues)
PhotoStatic Magazine
330 South Linn Street
Iowa City, IA 52240
##A 02 189068 389
— Box of Water
##A 02 175512 390
— Box of Water
##A 02 169439 391
##T Work Hard and . . . Be Rewarded
Work Hard and . . . Be Rewarded
Every office I have ever been in has at least one corner plastered with cartoons, doggerel, and folk art made possible by the xerox machine. Taped on walls and bulletin boards, circulated by friends, these half-serious postings are galleries for a national communications channel that touches nearly everyone. Like all folklore, they are unexamined messages from the culture’s subconscious; the material which gets passed around the most is often racist, pornographic, or anti-bureaucratic. These two collections, accurately subtitled “Urban Folklore from the Paperwork Empire,” relay the quiet shift from an oral folklore to an inked folklore, driven by the inventions of typewriters, copy machines, and instant printers.
— Kevin Kelly
Ÿ Urban Legends
##A 02 171562 392
##T Work Hard and . . . Be Rewarded
Work Hard and You Shall Be Rewarded
Urban Folklore from the Paperwork Empire
Alan Dundes and Carl R. Pagter
1978; 223 pp.
ISBN 0253202078
$6.95 ($8.70 postpaid)
Indiana University Press
10th and Morton Streets
Bloomington, IN 47405
##A 02 269540 393
##T Work Hard and . . . Be Rewarded
When You’re Up to Your Ass In Alligators...
Alan Dundes and Carl R. Pagter
1987; 272 pp.
ISBN 0814318673
$9.95 ($11.95 postpaid)
Wayne State University Press
Detroit, MI 48202
##A 02 93785 394
##T Work Hard and . . . Be Rewarded
The Italian (Polish) Air-Raid Shelter: The following folk cartoons stereotype cowardice as well as represent the traditional phrase “to have one’s head up one’s ass.” Perhaps there is even an allusion to the phrase “to not know one’s ass from a hole in the ground.”
—Work Hard and You Shall Be Rewarded
##A 02 210728 395
##T Work Hard and . . . Be Rewarded
—Work Hard and You Shall Be Rewarded
##A 02 216810 396
##T Work Hard and . . . Be Rewarded
One of the problems in American society is retirement in the sense that businessmen who retire sometimes feel worthless and forgotten. Because cards were a means of proving identity when businessmen were active, it is only natural to think of the absence of cards as a sign of inactivity. That the retiree’s card may not even bear his name shows his feeling of anonymity and rejection. The card also underscores the normal accoutrements of business success: a phone, an address, money, and prospects. The first version was collected in San Francisco in 1973 from a retired gentleman who kept it in his wallet. The second version was collected in Oakland in 1975.
##A 02 327926 397
##T Zines
##A 02 287421 398
by Jeanne Carstensen
Deep down, I think we all believe we’re the smartest hunks of flesh to ever walk the planet.
Admit it. You know the real truth and want to publish it. You are destined to write, edit, design, draw, and cartoon your ideas into the psyche of this raging nation (this nation’s raging psyche?). If only you had access to the presses . . .
So start your own magazine. Engage the best writers and artists
(you and your friends) and distribute it to the most influential opinion leaders (you and your friends). Exercise your right to rave. After all, that’s what professional writers do. They just get paid
##A 02 287598 399
for it. You can do it too.
“’Zines” are wildly partisan small magazines of the fanatic, or devoted, depending on your view of the subject matter. They’re unabashedly non-commercial — true labors of love — and don’t seem to conform to any standard of quality except their own.
’Zines rave about special interests: hobbies like play-by-mail games, science fiction, “fringe” political groups, punk bands, comics, mail and xerox art, underground cassette music distribution, or that most special of special interests — the writing and art of one editor/writer/artist/designer.
Sometimes the raving is obnoxious, petty, or mediocre. Self-importance and incompetence can come together with unfortunate
##A 02 287841 400
results in a ’zine with no criticism to monitor it. The art can be bad, the writing worse. But at least it’s the raving of people who are dedicated to their concerns. It could also be called “passion.” And sometimes passion joins with competence in an unusual way no mainstream publication would publish.
The thousands of (mostly xeroxed) ’zines published in this country constitute a raucous wave of underground exploratory publishing: highly personal and idiosyncratic expressions, visual and/or written, distributed for free or very cheaply to small but loyal groups of “subscribers.” It’s a world of staggering diversity and
varying quality.
’Zines are highly specialized, that’s the point; their audience may
##A 02 288216 401
be only 25 people. So if the following reviews don’t happen to interest you, don’t give up. There are thousands of ’zines out there on every topic imaginable. Subscribe to Factsheet Five and order zines in your particular area of interest.
Or, of course, start your own.
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 02 340217 402
##T Factsheet Five
Factsheet Five
Mike Gunderloy’s alternative/underground ’zine review is the best single source of ’zine information. Mike somehow manages to write hundreds of short, helpful, funny reviews each issue on
’zines of confounding variety. He calls Factsheet Five “the ’zine
of crosscurrents and cross-pollination.” One 30-minute browse
of the anarchistic, evangelical, xerox- and mail-art, bioregional, libertarian, animal-rights, and music ’zine reviews (to name only a few kinds) spreads around a lot of strange pollen. Don’t miss this ’zine of ’zines.
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 02 340856 403
##T Factsheet Five
Mike Gunderloy, Editor
ISSN 08906823
$8/year (4 issues)
Fact-Sheet Five
6 Arizona Avenue
Rensselaer, NY 12144
##A 02 342437 404
##T Factsheet Five
DISINFORMATION #7 ($10 from Institute from International Studies, 1815 H St. NW
#600, Washington DC 20006) : A respectable-looking slick journal that wants to warn everyone that the Soviets are insincere about everything. #7 discusses nuclear war and AIDS. One nagging question remains: what could the Soviets do that these folks couldn’t take as evidence? Nice samples of photos airbrushed to remove people.
There’s all sorts of great stuff hiding behind the new slick cover — reminiscences on living in lots of slummy places, natural childbirth, an interview in Washington’s Peace Park with someone who’s been standing vigil since 1984, Rousseau, and lots more. Avi Maftel contributes an appropriately shitty story about his prison experiences. Good reading for anyone who can think.
##A 02 25055 405
##T Factsheet Five
LA LANGOUSTE #8 (2 francs from Model-Peltex, 3 Rue des couples, 67000 Strasbourg, FRANCE): A couple of IRCs or a trade wouldn’t hurt if you can’t get francs where you are. This is sort of a miniature European FACTSHEET FIVE, with a dozen or two zine reviews, music reviews, mail-art show announcements, and more. The graphics are very nice and there’s an interview with someone from Rock Express.
POPPIN’ ZITS #1 ($1.39 from Jerod Pore, 495 Ellis St. #954, San Francisco, CA 94102): PZ defies categorization, so let me start by saying that you ought to get a copy. That done, this issue contains assorted conspiracy theories, cyberpunk fiction, selections from a database of mass media curiosities, reviews of various audio, video, and printed matters, and great collage-and-computer layouts. And Jerod is even proposing to PAY for accepted submissions (but don’t send poetry). A great piece ripped from the corner of underground culture.
##A 02 343354 406
##T Factsheet Five
##A 02 343659 407
Probably my favorite, though it can hardly be considered a ’zine. There is no front or back cover, and no pages in between. A postcard will get you an envelope of some kind of art; each mailing is unique.
My first AFM was an envelope full of lacy paper art, color cardboard shapes, and collages. There’s nothing like receiving an AFM package, because it’s not every day that you receive a colorful pile of whimsical pieces of art. My latest AFM package drew even more attention than usual around the office. It was a large box plastered with stamps and decorations. Inside was an original drawing which I now have on my wall: sort of eighties psychedelic.
##A 02 289636 408
For me, AFM (which stands for Alterial Facial Mandala) is kind of a shared dream. I send them a little drawing. AFM sends it back weeks later pasted on the outside of an envelope. “It got lonely,” they tell me. I have never been to Florida or met the AFMers, but
we share drawings and bits of color back and forth just for fun.
AFM explains themselves like this: “This package contains the residue of a process known as AFM. We do not wish to profit from this; rather we are recycling our personal resources to communicate our found freedom.” Part of the AFM process is exchange. You have to participate and that’s the price.
— Jeanne Carstensen
Ÿ Mail Art
##A 02 344646 409
Send SASE to:
18 NW 100th Street
Miami, FL 33150
##A 02 347218 410
—Triangles from AFM
##A 02 65649 411
—Car trunk art by AFM.
##A 02 347409 412
##T Slambook
More exploration in form. Slambook is a xeroxed booklet of a questionnaire put out at a concert or party. People answer questions like Who do you hate and like the most? Who is your favorite band, guitar player, and actor? What is your favorite club, restaurant, beer, radio station and record store? and What is your name, address, and occupation?
I like Slambook mainly because I’ve never seen anything like it before.
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 02 347789 413
##T Slambook
$3 each postpaid
59 East 7th Street
New York, NY 10003
##A 02 348476 414
##T Slambook
##A 02 348825 415
##T Art Police
Art Police
I was immediately attracted to the cover: a pen-and-ink drawing of a robot french-kissing a skeleton. If that doesn’t intrigue you, you might hate Art Police comic books.
Inside are more drawings of a slightly depraved nature — lots of sex and war and clashing of humans and technology. But they’re recognizable nightmares, kind of post-industrial Blake.
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 02 349056 416
##T Art Police
$15/year (3 issues)
Art Police
3131 First Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55408
##A 02 350025 417
##T Art Police
##A 02 66428 418
##T Art Police
##A 02 67244 419
##T Art Police
##A 02 350402 420
##T Jim
Jim Woodring is a surrealist artist and writer who puts out his own magazine. I liked his drawings so much I asked him to illustrate an article for WER. Strange juxtapositions of animals and objects in eerie environments skillfully illustrate the poetry in Jim’s head. My own dreams seem boring in comparison.
Fantagraphics books Ÿ, publishers of Love and Rockets and many other quality comics, have just started publishing JIM. I would still recommend contacting Jim directly to see what back issues of the xeroxed JIM and other booklets he has available.
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 02 350592 421
##T Jim
Jim Woodring
$2.75 each postpaid
Fantagraphics Books, Inc.
1800 Bridgegate Street
Suite 101
Westlake Village, Ca 91361
##A 02 351354 422
##T Jim
##A 02 67411 423
##T Jim
##A 02 69783 424
##T Jim
##A 02 70433 425
##T Jim
##A 02 70905 426
##T Jim
##A 02 73816 427
##T Jim
##A 02 90650 428
##T Jim
##A 02 90924 429
##T Jim
##A 02 199402 430
##T Woo-Woo
Woo-Woo brought the office to a standstill when it arrived. Well, not quite — Wow! Chortle! Hey, listen to this! Billing itself as “a linguistic cattle prod, a visual alarm clock,” its gentle, transcendental anarchism is aimed at those of us who drowse from time to time. Wake up, get real, relax. Definitely my favorite
— Sarah Satterlee
##A 02 203093 431
##T Woo-Woo
Brent Deaver, Editor
Send a dollar or two
or trade something.
730 East Johnson
Madison, WI 53703
##A 02 205163 432
##T Woo-Woo
##A 02 91254 433
##T Woo-Woo
“The smile that won’t come off.” It is
worth practicing to get this sort of smile.
Try it in your mirror.
##A 02 256833 434
##A 02 265172 435
##T Writing Technology
##A 02 183344 436
by Art Kleiner
A writing program — or “word processor,” as IBM dubbed it back in the early 1960s — is essentially a compromise. It mediates between the staid, two-dimensional, printed page, and the wigged-out, evanescent, multi-dimensional world behind your computer screen. Most word processing newcomers are so dazzled by the freedom of shuffling words around, that they forget the real task of a word processor is formatting — making sure the word looks exactly the way you want it on the printed page. You’ll realize how hard that is the first time you try to word-process your resume.
Because the Macintosh is so rigidly and cleverly designed to control the look of the printed page, it (along with a laser printer)
##A 02 338344 437
excels at formatting, which makes it the best affordable word processing machine. But MS-DOS computers are cheaper, quicker, and far more prevalent. Whatever you get, make sure it contains a hard disk — so that your written work and notes can live, semi-permanently, as a sort of landscape you travel through, inside your machine.
Choosing a word processing program is a personal decision. No other program is melded as intimately to the structure of your thoughts. Of the word processing programs I’ve tried, those which follow are the ones I recommend for different types of people. Oddly enough, I find myself (sigh) using them all.
##A 02 338569 438
Another tool:
Typing Tutor
Writing on a computer without knowing how to touchtype is like being a concert violinist without knowing how to read music. But anyone can touch-type: all you need is this tool and maybe a dozen hours, scattered over a few weeks.
##A 02 336930 439
Typing Tutor
Macintosh $59.95
IBM PC $49.95
Simon & Schuster
Electronic Publishing Group
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
Not copy-protected.
##A 02 338699 440
##T WordPerfect
(5.0 for MS-DOS, Macintosh, Amiga, and other computers) — The best all round. On the Mac and MS-DOS machines, it surpasses its equally quirky rival, Microsoft Word. Generally, I prefer WordPerfect’s crypticness to Word’s cumbersomeness. The “clean screen” WordPerfect presents is its best-known feature, but it excels at subtleties — like the way each line reformats itself as soon as you move to the next line. Version 5.0 is a much better formatter, especially for laser printers, than its still-available predecessor, version 4.1. Though 5.0’s newness makes it (by definition) buggy, WordPerfect’s support is well-reputed, and everywhere you go you’ll find people who know it. I use this program whenever I’m on a strange computer, or need to create files that will travel from one computer to another.
— Art Kleiner
##A 02 339146 441
##T WordPerfect
Version 5.0; not copy-protected; IBM PC $495;
Macintosh $395
WordPerfect Corporation
1515 Technology Way
Orem, UT 84057
##A 02 337746 442
##T PC-Write
(for MS-DOS computers) — Far and away the best bargain — a full-fledged word processing program for $75. Great formatting control, especially on inexpensive printers which other programs can’t always master. But shareware author Bob Wallace has tacked on so many features over the years, that this is somewhat hard to learn. It uses only plain text, and handles only short files; I use it for much of my quick, short work.
— Art Kleiner
##A 02 340229 443
##T PC-Write
Version 2.5; not copy-protected.
$75 from:
219 First Avenue North, #224
Seattle, WA 98109
##A 02 341373 444
##T Nota Bene
Nota Bene
(for MS-DOS computers) — A group of graduate students adapted an extremely versatile professional-level word processing program called XYWrite, added a superb set of extra features (different types of footnoting and bibliographies, for starters), and linked with a groundbreaking “text base” facility. You enter, say, notes and interview transcripts, or material downloaded from computer networks. Then, while writing, say, a piece on superconductivity, you can browse through all segments that contain the phrase
“maglev,” and import any into your document, for further juggling. Nota Bene is somewhat hackerish — for many tasks, you must type in commands — and its onscreen help is execrable. But I find myself using it for all my serious writing.
— Art Kleiner
##A 02 341691 445
##T Nota Bene
IBM PC $495
Version 3.0; not copy-protected.
Dragonfly Software
285 West Broadway,
Suite #600
New York, NY 10013
##A 02 342733 446
##T Framework II
Framework II
(for MS-DOS computers) — Probably the most intuitively correct word processing program ever designed, in a package that also includes spreadsheets, data management, and telecommunications. Most importantly, Framework frees you from what Ted Nelson calls “the tyranny of the file”; you can work with as many documents as you wish at once, and switch rapidly back and forth between them. Tradeoff: formatting is not so versatile. Framework users live in this program and never leave. Expanded memory boards are highly recommended. I use it for complex jobs involving many interrelated documents.
(for MS-DOS computers) — Best simple-to-use word processing program I’ve seen for MS-DOS computers, with enough features so you’ll hardly grow out of it. For a little extra, you get a version with a built-in file manager for easily making mailing lists. I use it to introduce other people to word processing.
— Art Kleiner
##A 02 344174 449
##T Q&A
Version 3.0; not copy-protected; IBM PC .
$349 from:
Symantec Corporation
10201 Torre Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
##A 02 345134 450
##T FullWrite Professional
FullWrite Professional
(for Macintosh computers) — The kitchen sink and then some, including the ability to wrap text around graphics. Somehow, they designed all these complex features so that non-computer people can control them without twisting our brains through hoops. Only trouble: it requires 2 megabytes or more of memory, which effectively adds $800 (as I write this) to the cost of your Macintosh. This is the hands-down best word processing program, though, on every level, that I have ever used. I use it whenever I can.
— Art Kleiner
##A 02 345447 451
##T FullWrite Professional
Macintosh $295 from:
Ann Arbor Softworks
9852 Teller Road, #106
Newbury Park, CA 91320
Version 1.0; not copy-protected.
##A 02 346445 452
##T WriteNow
(for Macintosh computers) — Easy to learn, effective, and fast; best choice for a beginning word processing program. I use it for quick stuff on the Mac. A forthcoming version (2.0) is supposed to be more versatile.
— Art Kleiner
##A 02 346826 453
##T WriteNow
$175 from:
1390 Villa Street
Mountain View, CA 94041
Version 2.0; not copy-protected; Macintosh.
##A 02 8230 454
##T Document Processors
##A 02 206203 455
##T ForComment
Organizations write important stuff in groups. If you want to change a company policy, say, everyone will want to get into the act: one person drafts a proposal, then herds of interested parties will review the draft, scrawling marginal notes and suggested changes all over the original. ForComment controls that group writing/approval process elegantly. Each comment is carefully stored by contributor, recording each person’s suggestions by date and initials in an audit/edit trail file, so you can go back later and reconstruct how the final document was put together. You even get to try out suggested changes without modifying the original to see how well that suggestion might work. ForComment is particularly useful when all parties are linked together by a local area network, but works quite well passing the annotated document around on a floppy disk. — Richard Dalton
##A 02 206518 456
##T ForComment
$295 from:
Brøderbund Software Inc.
17 Paul Drive
San Rafael CA 94903-2101
Version 1.16; Not copy-protected. For IBM compatibles.
##A 02 208842 457
##T Language Technology
Language Technology
This thrilling periodical began with a seemingly dull mission: to explore machine (computer) translation of one language into another. The editors use that query as an excuse to follow their curiosity into overlapping concepts such as Controlled English (a simplified vocabulary to force clear technical writing), automatic lip syncing, bilingual word processors, synthetic grammars, hyper-linked text, and renewed Pidgin languages. Each issue expands the borderless territory of their search.
Language is so easily employed without gadgetry, that as in the case of arithmetic and mathematics, when technology does bear down upon it, it is pressed into self-discovery. In this awakening lies the germ of universal language calculators.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 02 209323 458
##T Language Technology
Louis Rossetto, Editor
$50/year (6 issues)
Language Technology
P. O. Box 624
Norwell, MA 02061-0624
##A 02 209961 459
##T Language Technology
Machine translation research has received a boost as an indirect result of legislation enacted last year by the U.S. Congress. The Japanese Technical Literature Act calls for coordinating federal and industry translation activities, cataloging more Japanese research reports and translating many more technical documents. But a major problem has been the United States’ lack of competent translators; according to the Government Computer News, only 500 Americans are qualified for the job.
Machine-assisted translation (MAT) seems the only solution. The United States Air Force is trying to develop advanced computer systems that can determine the appropriate meaning of a character by reading characters in context, GCN reports.
##A 02 211268 460
##T Word Finder
Word Finder
Often in writing it’s important not to break stride as an idea leads you down an eloquent path. If you stumble on a wrong word or stupidly repeated word, that self-conciousness can throw you off, and stopping to grab a thesaurus for help can make you lose the thought’s momentum entirely. Till now I’ve found Rodale’s book The Synonym Finder ($19.95, Rodale Press) to be the least disruptive word fixer.
I’ve converted to Word Finder because its selection of alternate words is just as good as Rodale’s, maybe better, and I can check it in mid-stride, as it’s a “desk accessory” for the machine I’m writing on. That means I can “select” any word that’s giving me pause, invoke the Word Finder desk accessory by grabbing it from the pull-down Apple menu always available on screen, and
##A 02 212831 461
##T Word Finder
instantly a rich array of related words appears in a window
(carefully placed not to cover the text being worked with), organized into nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc. If I like one of the words better, or just want to try it in the sentence, I double-click on the word, and Word Finder replaces my original word with the new one, and the window vanishes. (It can do this with any text-making program — word processing, telecom, outlining, or whatever.)
Not only haven’t I lost the chain of thought, the quick glance at alternative words may have clarified the thought itself. I find I use the tool even more than a spelling checker. For now, Word Finder is the best word finder on the market for the Mac.
— Stewart Brand
##A 02 211719 462
##T Word Finder
$59.95 Macintosh version 1.0.
PC MS-DOS version 4.0 $79.95
Microlytics, Inc.
300 Main Street
East Rochester, NY 14445
Not copy-protected.
##A 02 212404 463
##T Webster’s New World Professional Thesaurus
Webster’s New World Professional Thesaurus
Too often, the word you need on the page is not the word you entered on the screen. An onscreen thesaurus helps you scan through possible synonyms and automatically replaces the old word with the better word. Quality in an onscreen thesaurus depends on the number of synonyms available; this one puts the equivalent of a page or two of Roget’s on your screen for every word you look up. I actually stopped using one word processor —Framework II — because I couldn’t get Webster’s Thesaurus to work with it.
— Art Kleiner
##A 02 212664 464
##T Webster’s New World Professional Thesaurus
Korenthal Associates, Inc.
1987; 105 pp.
ISBN 0671660527
Software $129.95 (Software $132.45 postpaid)
Simon & Schuster
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
800-624-0023; 800-624-0024 (NJ)
Version 1.0. Not copy-protected. IBM PC, PC/XT, PC AT, PS/2; hard disk; DOS 2.0 or higher; 1,208,576 bytes disk storage.
##A 02 167191 465
##T Foreign Text Processing
##A 02 13337 466
The complexities of Chinese have been married to the conveniences of personal computers. Of several Chinese software programs I know about, the Kuo Chiao program is the most affordable ($174). It allows four methods of entering words as characters: 1) by Pinyin (Roman letters); 2) by Chinese phonetics; 3) by radical and stroke order; and 4) by creating your own. Each way gives you 10,000 full-blooded Chinese characters (or newfangled simplified ones) ready to be word processed, left to right or up to down. Runs on an IBM compatible with a graphics card.
Far more elegant is the program TianMa (Heavenly Horse). It has similar input methods, but does sophisticated word analysis in which it will select the proper character based on the other words
##A 02 13800 467
in a phrase. This semi-intelligence requires massive memory, so it comes with a dedicated RAM card for the IBM PC. You’ll still need a graphics card. It will manipulate 9,000 characters, traditional or simplified. Costs $615.
The most graphic heavyweight Chinese word processor runs on the Macintosh. Called FeiMa (Flying Horse), the program boasts the usual way of entering characters as well as two others: pick one out of a scrolling dictionary, or type in the English word and it will translate. The graphic superiority comes at the price of a smaller glossary. The Mac Plus version ($400) comes with 2,400 words (enough to write a newspaper story), with an additional 3,080 words in the hard-disk version ($590). You can get a limited version that allows only Pinyin entry of 2,400 words for $200.
##A 02 173443 468
Apple has recently written a Chinese operating system for the Macintosh. It serves as a foundation for any kind of software program (spreadsheets, file managers, games and, of course, word processors) that might want to speak Chinese. Called ZhongWen (Middle Writing), it is currently available only from Hong Kong or Taiwan Apple distributors.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 02 14069 469
Kuo Chiao Chinese Characters
$174 postpaid from:
Key International
834 Henderson Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94056
Version 1.0.
##A 02 18493 470
$615 postpaid from:
Pacific Rim Connections
3030 Atwater Drive
Burlingame, CA 94010
Version 2.06
##A 02 34917 471
S Version $200; regular version $400; SE version $590 postpaid
Unisource Software
23 East Street
Cambridge, MA 02141
##A 02 52291 472
If you’ve been beating your head against the wall trying to find Macintosh-based word processing software in languages like Russian, Arabic, or Korean, here are a couple of companies that will save a lot of wear and tear on your skull. Linguists’ Software specializes in European, Russian, Near and Far Eastern languages. Besides common tongues like Spanish, German, and French, Linguists’ Software carries modern and ancient Greek, Coptic, Hebrew, Egyptian Hieroglyphics, Arabic and Farsi, Akkadian, Cyrillic, Chinese, Kanji, Kana, Korean, and Thai. Their TECH and LaserTECH packages feature mathematical and scientific symbols. The documentation that accompanies their programs is pretty lame, but if you have some Macintosh experience you should be able to get the system up and running quickly anyway. Most of their software prices average between $80 and $100.
##A 02 52884 473
Japanese Language Services carries a number of Linguists’ Software packages. They also offer online Japanese clip art and calligraphy programs, as well as Japanese-language-based computers and software such as the Japanese version of Lotus 1-2-3 and JAM, a text program that lets you create Japanese characters in many Macintosh applications. Software prices range from $50 to $400, but most packages are between $80 and $100.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 02 170184 474
Japanese Language Services
Catalog free from:
Japanese Language Services
Software Department
186 Lincoln Street
Boston, MA 02111
##A 02 174757 475
Linguist’s Software
Catalog free from:
Linguists’ Software
925 Hendley Lane
Edmonds, WA 98020
##A 02 28305 476
##T Copiers
##A 02 213381 477
by Tom Ferguson
I relied on an outside copy service for my first ten years as a full time writer. I didn’t really think I needed my own copier — I only averaged 30-50 copies per week, and that only meant a trip or two to my local copy shop.
Then about a year ago my wife Meredith received a small Canon Personal Copier as a present, and we suddenly found dozens of new ways to use it: Meredith used it for her archeology research. I brought my “to copy” file home each night. Our daughter Adrienne made copies of her notes for her friends at school. And friends began dropping over regularly “to use your copy machine.” It was small, convenient, and quite nice to have around. I once overheard
##A 02 217099 478
my wife, on the phone, telling a friend that her new copier was
“even cuter than my husband.”
We didn’t know how we’d managed without it. Since it was now much more convenient to make copies, I soon found myself averaging 60-100 copies per week. And I began to think of how convenient it would be if I had another machine at the office.
It wasn’t just laziness. Sometimes I’d be sending out a letter, and would want to enclose a copy of the article I’d just written. But it wasn’t important enough to make it worth holding the letter until I could get home to make a copy. I realized that there would be even more uses for a copier if I had one at the office. So finally the day came when I began to shop for an office copier.
##A 02 218673 479
My first thought was to get another Canon. But in talking to friends and salespeople, I realized that the Canon, wonderful as it was, was a light-duty model. Maximum recommended use was 400-500 copies per month. You were not supposed to leave it on between copies. That meant you had to wait for it to warm up each time you used it. I began looking at some of the small office models you could leave on all day. They held three or four times as much paper. And they turned out to be a good deal less expensive — half a cent a copy vs two to three cents per copy for the Canon.
After visiting several local copier stores, I fell in love with a small Toshiba. There was only one problem — it listed for $1695. The Canon had been around $700.
##A 02 219298 480
I decided to ask about used models. Now copier sales people do not like to talk about used copiers. They would much prefer to sell you a new one. The used copier department is considered a step down in status, like the used car section at an auto dealer. But I finally found a young saleswoman who seemed to know what I was talking about.
She took me into a back room with an impressive selection of old war-horses. They were slow and boxy, but they all produced beautiful copies, and the price was more than reasonable. I would have been happy to buy one, but I knew they simply would not fit in the small space I had available.
I was about to leave, when the saleswomen “remembered” that
##A 02 220027 481
they did have a small copier coming in on trade the following week. If I liked, she would give me first shot at it. It would be selling for $800.
It turned out to be the little Toshiba I liked — in an older-model case they had made for 3M. It was not quite as cute, but it worked equally well — and for half the price. I took it home for a week’s trial — dealers are much more liberal about loaning used machines. It’s been an indispensable part of my office ever since. I currently make between 1,000 and 2,000 copies per month.
— Tom Ferguson
##A 02 290266 482
##T Canon PC20 Personal Copier
Canon PC20 Personal Copier
I’ve come to believe that a personal copier is as important as a personal computer for doing research, writing, almost any intellectual activity. Having one vastly accelerated a book project for me — I copied notes from my notebooks and quotes from books and taped them onto 5 x 8 cards, and those cards became the handy coin of the book’s realm. I share information more now, because
it’s so easy to knock out a copy for someone, and I file stuff more reliably in multiple versions. A copier is even invaluable around the home — copy the recipe from a bulky cookbook, copy the portion of the map you’re driving on today, make a copy of Auntie’s postcard or Junior’s theme for Mom.
The great thing about the small copiers that have much of their high-tech in disposable cartridges is that they so seldom break
##A 02 290489 483
##T Canon PC20 Personal Copier
down or even need fiddling with. In over a year of intense use I’ve had zero problems with my Canon. Limitation for artists and jokers: because the platen moves, it’s hard to make copies of your body parts. The machine doesn’t enlarge or reduce or collate or work at high speed, but who cares? I can cart it around (with a little puffing), and its feed tray eliminates hand-feeding of paper. Not a cheap appliance, but its value is enormous, way more than I expected.
— Stewart Brand
##A 02 290685 484
##T Canon PC20 Personal Copier
Suggested retail $1,095; actually available for far less
Suggested retail $1,095; actually available for far less
(down to about $700). Check local Canon dealers and discount office-supply outfits. Cartridges containing toner in assorted colors, drum and developer are about $80.
##A 02 213779 485
A half-tone is a photo that has been rephotographed behind a black dot matrix; this breaks the image into individual dots so that it can later be reproduced in newspapers and magazines. Copyscreen is a clever variation on this idea, using a white dot matrix to simulate the half-tone process. Just place a Copyscreen onto the glass surface of any good copying machine and voila! — near half-tone quality for the few cents it costs you for a regular copy. This is a great tool for making quick xeroxes for friends, and for little magazines that would like to run photos, but can’t afford stats.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 02 214101 486
$3.25 from:
Dot Pasteup Supplies
1612 California St.
P.O. Box 369
Omaha, NE 6810
Available at most art supply stores
##A 02 265435 487
##T Writing Practice
##A 02 109651 488
##T Elements of Style
Elements of Style
A thin volume that teaches and demonstrates the virtues of brevity. And clarity. And how good writing is inseparable from common sense. “Strunk and White,” as everyone calls it, is fewer than 100 pages, but those pages last a lifetime.
— Steven Levy
##A 02 109991 489
##T Elements of Style
William Strunk, Jr. & E.B. White
3rd Edition 1979; 85 pp.
ISBN 0024182206
$3.50 postpaid from:
MacMillan Publishing Co.
Order Dept.
Front and Brown Streets
Riverside, NJ 08075
##A 02 110189 490
##T Elements of Style
Use the active voice. The active voice is usually more direct and vigorous than the passive:
I shall always remember my first visit to Boston.
This is much better than
My first visit to Boston will always be remembered by me.
The latter sentence is less direct, less bold, and less concise.
##A 02 110479 491
##T Elements of Style
Write with nouns and verbs. . . . not with adjectives and adverbs. The adjective hasn’t been built that can pull a weak or inaccurate noun out of a tight place.
Do not overstate. When you overstate, the reader will be instantly on guard, and everything that has preceded your overstatement as well as everything that follows it
will be suspect in his mind because he has lost confidence in your judgement or
your poise.
##A 02 111810 492
##T Elements of Style
Use definite, specific, concrete language. Prefer the specific to the general, the definite to the vague, the concrete to the abstract.
A period of unfavorable weather set in.
It rained every day for a week.
He showed satisfaction as he took possession of his well-earned reward.
He grinned as he pocketed the coin.
##A 02 112036 493
##T Elements of Style
Keep related words together. The position of the words in a sentence is the principal means of showing their relationship. Confusion and ambiguity result when words are badly placed. The writer must, therefore, bring together the words and groups of words that are related in thought and keep apart those that are not so related.
He noticed a large stain in the rug that was right in the center.
He noticed a large stain right in the center of the rug.
##A 02 112581 494
##T Writing Without Teachers
Writing Without Teachers
I “taught” college composition for three years, and was continually amazed at how intelligent, articulate people froze up when it came to committing themselves to paper. Peter Elbow has a solution: freewriting, best done in a class set up by and for people who want to write better.
— Steven Levy
According to Peter Elbow, writing is sculpted from a rocky mass that you’ve generated freely, rather than wrought from an agony of cerebral ozone. His advice on how ranges from the specific to the sublime. Read the book literally — you’ll write. Then read Writing as a metaphor and just enjoy his wisdom.
— Stephanie Mills
##A 02 112881 495
##T Writing Without Teachers
Peter Elbow
1973; 196 pp.
ISBN 0195016793
$6.95 postpaid from:
Oxford University Press
16-00 Pollitt Drive
Fairlawn, NJ 07410
##A 02 113130 496
##T Writing Without Teachers
As we write we edit unacceptable thoughts and feelings, as we do in speaking. In writing there is more time to do it so the editing is heavier: when speaking, there’s someone right there waiting for a reply and he’ll get bored or think we’re crazy if we don’t come out with something. Most of the time in speaking, we settle for the
catch-as-catch-can way in which the words tumble out. In writing, however, there’s a chance to try to get them right. But the opportunity to get them right is a terrible burden: you can work for two hours trying to get a paragraph “right” and discover
it’s not right at all. And then give up.
Editing, in itself, is not the problem. Editing is usually necessary if we want to end up with something satisfactory. The problem is that editing goes on at the same time as producing. The editor is, as it were, constantly looking over the shoulder of the
producer and constantly fiddling with what he’s doing while he’s in the middle of trying to do it. . . . It’s an unnecessary burden to try to think of words and also worry at the same time whether they’re the right words.
##A 02 113203 497
##T Writing Without Teachers
Trying to get the beginning just right is a formula for failure — and probably a secret tactic to make yourself give up writing. Make some words, whatever they are, and then grab hold of that line and reel in as hard as you can. Afterwards you can throw away lousy beginnings and make new ones. This is the quickest way to get into good writing.
##A 02 113688 498
##T On Writing Well
On Writing Well
The fact that William Zinsser revised his excellent On Writing Well a mere four years after its first publication says more about writing well than anything I can think of. Writing, to be good, cannot be writ as if in stone, not even by a professor of it. It’s got to be honest, responsive, current, and above all mindful of the reader’s impatient intelligence.
If you are serious about communicating with your readers, this book belongs on your shelf right next to Strunk and White’s Elements of Style and the dictionary of your choice.
— Stephanie Mills
##A 02 114164 499
##T On Writing Well
William Zinsser
3rd edition 1988; 246 pp.
ISBN 0060473975
$7.95 ($9.45 postpaid)
J.B. Lippincott Co.
Downsville Pike
Route 3, Box 20B
Hagerstown, MD 21740
##A 02 214907 500
##T On Writing Well
As for what point you want to make, I’ll state as a rule of thumb that every successful piece of nonfiction should leave the reader with one provocative thought that he didn’t have before. Not two thoughts, or five — just one.
If a phrase comes to you easily, look at it with deep suspicion — it’s probably one of the innumerable cliches that have woven their way so tightly into the fabric of travel writing that it takes a special effort not to use them. . . . Strive for fresh words and images. Leave “myriad” and their ilk to the poets. Leave “ilk” to anyone who will take it away.
##A 02 166715 501
##T On Writing Well
Clutter is the laborious phrase which has pushed out the short word that means the same thing. These locutions are a drag on energy and momentum. Even before John Dean gave us “at this point in time,” people had stopped saying “now.” They were saying “at the present time,” or “currently,” or “presently” (which means
“soon”). Yet the idea can always be expressed by “now” to mean the immediate moment (“Now I can see him”), or by “today” to mean the historical present
(“Today prices are high”), or simply by the verb “to be” (“It is raining”). There is no need to say, “At the present time we are experiencing precipitation.”
##A 02 166950 502
##T On Writing Well
Few people realize how badly they write. Nobody has shown them how much excess or murkiness has crept into their style and how it obstructs what they are trying to say. If you give me an article that runs to eight pages and I tell you to cut it to four, you’ll howl and say it can’t be done. Then you will go home and do it, and it will be infinitely better. After that comes the hard part: cutting it to three.
The point is that you have to strip down your writing before you can build it back up. You must know what the essential tools are and what job they were designed to do. If I may labor the metaphor of carpentry, it is first necessary to be able to saw wood neatly and to drive nails. Later you can bevel the edges or add elegant finials, if that is your taste. But you can never forget that you are practicing a craft that is based on certain principles. If the nails are weak, your house will collapse. If your verbs are weak and your syntax is rickety, your sentences will fall apart.
##A 02 114553 503
##T On Writing Well
Two paragraphs of the final manuscript of this chapter. Although they look like a first draft, they have already been rewritten and retyped — like almost every other page — four or five times. With each rewrite I try to make what I have written tighter, stronger and more precise, eliminating every element that is not doing useful work, until at last I have a clean copy for the printer. Then I go over it once more, reading it aloud, and am always amazed at how much clutter can still be profitably cut.
##A 02 291266 504
##T A Writer’s Time
A Writer’s Time
There I was with a nice advance from a New York publisher to write a book, and there was only one tiny problem, which I did not discuss with the publisher. I’d never written a book and didn’t know how. I knew how to write, to edit, even to publish, but authoring? Help!
Help came in the form of a little book (read it in an evening; read it again the next evening) that spelled out precisely the task at hand: how to write a book. I got innumerable good things from Atchity’s counsel, but the main three probably were these:
Time is everything in the labor of writing. Organize your time, and the writing will have a chance to organize itself. I used most of Atchity’s tips except the taking of many mini-vacations (I didn’t
##A 02 291599 505
##T A Writer’s Time
have time).
Use 5 x 8 cards! Salvation. Every idea, every separable quote, every item from the literature I was researching, each went onto its own card. Organizing the eventual 1,800 cards into piles was defining the chapters; subpiles defined the sections; sequence within the subpiles defined the sequence of the day’s writing. This was THE handle without which I would have floundered for months.
Define in a sentence what the book is about. Searching for that sentence organizes your thinking; using it organizes your writing. Revising consists of removing everything that isn’t in support of that sentence. In my case (The Media Lab, 1987, Viking) the sentence was a quote, “How will we directly connect our nervous
##A 02 291850 506
##T A Writer’s Time
systems to the global computer?”
If this review sounds like a burble of gratitude, that’s because it is.
— Stewart Brand
##A 02 292173 507
##T A Writer’s Time
Kenneth Atchity
1986; 194 pp.
ISBN 0393022358
$12.95 postpaid
W.W. Norton
500 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10110
##A 02 292795 508
##T A Writer’s Time
Always head for drama at this point in the process [first draft]: choose the more dramatic alternative at every crossroads. Writing yourself “into a corner” guarantees drama as much as it does anxiety: the reader will relish watching you write yourself out of the corner.
You can edit objectively after three days have passed and you cannot edit objectively after three minutes have passed. So the attempt to edit instantly is negating the natural process, not allowing time to do its job.
No time is more important than the time used to examine and schedule your time.
##A 02 293011 509
##T A Writer’s Time
Don’t sit down to write without knowing what you’re going to write. Never waste writing time deciding what to write. Writing time is for writing, not for the gestation of writing.
If you’re wondering whether you’re experiencing End Time, you’re not. True End Time displaces all other thoughts.
In Middle Time most writers have problems maintaining perspective toward their work. Middle Time’s greatest pitfall is exhaustion, and its most common side effect is confusing that exhaustion with depression or with a dismal reevaluation of the work at hand. . . . During Middle Time you need vacations, as many as you can fit into your schedule.
##A 02 221716 510
##T A Writer’s Time
My workroom is set up as follows:
Desk 1: Organizing and work desk.
Desk 2: Printer, just-printed material, compact edition of the Unabridged Oxford English Dictionary.
Desk 3: Less used reference books, projects that need to remain out between work sessions.
Shelf 1: My published writing.
Shelf 2: Scrapbooks and The Encyclopedia Britannica.
Shelves 3 and 4: Frequently consulted books and records.
Shelves 5 and 6: Dictionaries, literary encyclopedias, notebooks containing projects temporarily on hold.
File 1: Correspondence.
File 2: Drawers of research and ideas.
##A 02 117202 511
##T The Art of Fiction
The Art of Fiction
The late John Gardner was an accomplished novelist with a passionate concern in promoting a literary ethic of conservatism and high standards. This book, “designed to teach the serious beginning writer the art of fiction,” is a thoughtful consideration of the techniques and pitfalls of that art. It manages to maintain a critical rigorousness that demystifies the work of world-class fiction without dampening the enthusiasm of novices, who can benefit mightily from the pragmatic discussion herein.
— Steven Levy
##A 02 117274 512
##T The Art of Fiction
John Gardner
1983; 224 pp.
ISBN 0394725441
$4.95 ($5.95 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 02 117683 513
##T The Art of Fiction
No ignoramus — no writer who has kept himself innocent of education — has ever produced great art. . . . All great writing is in a sense imitation of great writing. Writing a novel, however innovative that novel may be, the writer struggles to achieve one specific large effect, what can only be called the effect we are used to getting from good novels. However weird the technique, whatever the novel’s mode,
we say when we have finished it, “Now that is a novel!”
In great fiction we are moved by what happens, not by the whimpering or bawling of the writer’s presentation of what happens. That is, in great fiction, we are moved by characters and events, not by the emotion of the person who happens to be telling the story. Sometimes, as in the fiction of Tolstoy or Chekhov — and one might mention many others — the narrative voice is deliberately kept calm and dispassionate, so that the emotion arising from the fictional events comes through almost wholly
##A 02 117890 514
##T The Art of Fiction
untinged by presentation; but restraint of that kind is not an aesthetic necessity. A flamboyant style like that of Faulkner at his best can be equally successful. The trick
is simply that the style must work in the service of the material, not in advertisement of the writer.
##A 02 115911 515
##T Becoming a Writer
Becoming a Writer
Dorothea Brande makes not one mention of technique, her tacit assumption being that once a writer has gotten past the “root” problems, a style manual should be easy to find. Instead she offers exercises for learning to see innocently, harnessing the flow of the subconscious, and reckoning with grittier concerns such as writer’s block. “Her whole focus,” observes John Gardner in the foreword, “is on the writer’s mind and heart.” That single-mindedness of focus is the glory of this wise and useful little book.
— Teresa Carpenter
##A 02 116071 516
##T Becoming a Writer
Dorothea Brande
1981, 1934; 186 pp.
ISBN 0874771641
$6.95 ($8.20 postpaid)
St. Martin’s Press
175 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10010
##A 02 116431 517
##T Becoming a Writer
If you find yourself groping for a theme you may take this as a fair piece of advice, simple as it sounds: “You can write about anything which has been vivid enough to cause you to comment upon it.” If a situation has caught your attention to that extent, it has meaning for you, and if you can find what that meaning is you have the basis for a story.
The conclusion should be plain. If you want to stimulate yourself into writing, amuse yourself in wordless ways. Instead of going to a theater, hear a symphony orchestra, or go by yourself to a museum; go alone for long walks, or ride by yourself on a bus-top. If you will conscientiously refuse to talk or read you will find yourself compensating for it to your great advantage.
##A 02 29671 518
##T Calligraphy
##A 02 138334 519
##T Writing & Illuminating & Lettering
Writing & Illuminating & Lettering
Continuously in print since its initial publication in 1906, this is the text that anyone involved in the lettering arts ought to have. It has held an undisputed position as the best book on the craft of lettering for 80 years.
Through his study of medieval manuscripts in the British Museum, Edward Johnston rediscovered the dynamic properties of the square cut pen as the essential letter making tool. Single-handedly he revived an art that had been killed by the invention of printing in the 15th century. Though somewhat dated in appearance, this book’s thinking remains sound; its spirit is pervasive: “All things — materials, tools, methods — are waiting to serve us and we have only to find the ‘spell’ that will set the whole universe a-making for us.” — John Prestianni
##A 02 138647 520
##T Writing & Illuminating & Lettering
Edward Johnston
1977; 439 pp.
ISBN 080088731X
$11.95 ($12.95 postpaid)
Taplinger Publishing Co.
132 West 22nd Street
New York, NY 10011
##A 02 12460 521
##T Writing & Illuminating & Lettering
THE HAND holds the pen lightly and easily. A good method is to loop the thumb and forefinger over, and slightly gripping, the shaft of the pen, and support the shaft from below with the second finger. The third and fourth fingers are tucked, out of the way, into the palm.
The pen should be so lightly held that the act of writing should draw the edge of the nib into perfect contact with the paper, both the half-nibs touching the surface. (To make sure that the contact is perfect, make experimental thick strokes on a scrap of
paper — pinned at the right-hand side of the desk — and see that they are “true,” i.e. that they are of even width, with “clean cut” edges and ends.) The writer should be able to feel what the nib is doing. If the pen be gripped stiffly the edge of the nib cannot be felt on the paper; and it will inevitably be forced out of shape and prematurely blunted.
##A 02 166654 522
##T Writing & Illuminating & Lettering
A thick slip of bone — a “folder” or the handle of the pen-knife will do — is commonly held in the left hand to keep the paper flat and steady.
##A 02 139089 523
##T Writing & Illuminating & Lettering
##A 02 209751 524
##T Writing & Illuminating & Lettering
##A 02 121691 525
##T Writing & Illuminating & Lettering
##A 02 223872 526
##T The Calligrapher’s Handbook
The Calligrapher’s Handbook
The original edition of The Calligrapher’s Handbook, published in 1956, consisted of a series of essays on various aspects of the craft of calligraphy and illumination by students of Edward Johnston. These students not only worked in the tradition he revived, but also developed and refined certain aspects of practical technique long after the initial publication of his Writing and Illuminating and Lettering in 1906.
This new version reflects more than just a simple expansion of the repertory of techniques and craft methods. Heather Child, who edited the new Handbook, says in her preface:
“The motivation for work has moved away from the functional making of manuscripts into the more innovative sphere of
##A 02 234013 527
##T The Calligrapher’s Handbook
individual expression and experiment where mood, colour, texture and dynamic use of space often take precedence over legibility.”
The new Calligrapher’s Handbook has been completely redesigned, for the most part successfully. It is larger in format, and contains many new illustrations, excellent technical drawings by Alison Urwick, and many examples of calligraphy by members of the Society of Scribes and Illuminators.
— John Prestianni
##A 02 228534 528
##T The Calligrapher’s Handbook
Heather Child, Editor
1986; 260 pp.
ISBN 0800811984
$12.95 ($13.95 postpaid)
Taplinger Publishing Company
132 West 22nd Street
New York, NY 10011
##A 02 236980 529
##T The Calligrapher’s Handbook
EDWARD JOHNSTON: Initial letters, 2 1/2 inches high, one of several trials for the opening of a calligraphic letter to Alfred Fairbank, 19 September 1941. Written in watered blue ink.
##A 02 305411 530
##T The Calligrapher’s Handbook
These serifs are suitable for slowly-written letters involving a number of pen lifts. It is suggested that the necessarily deliberate method of writing develops consideration of ‘strength’ of forms and relationship of serifs to main strokes to begin with; once these have been absorbed it is easier to progress to more informal varieties.
##A 02 311134 531
##T The Calligrapher’s Handbook
Quill, supported by the thumbs, is sliced, using the full length of the knife blade.
##A 02 233330 532
##T Italic Calligraphy & Handwriting
Italic Calligraphy & Handwriting
This little book contains concise and precise instruction on attaining a classic “hand.” Master these teachings and you will be a calligrapher. Don’t master them and you will still learn to honor the process.
— Sarah Satterlee
##A 02 233793 533
##T Italic Calligraphy & Handwriting
Exercises & Text
Lloyd J. Reynolds
1969; 64 pp.
$4.50 ($5.50 postpaid)
Taplinger Publishing Company
132 West 22nd Street
New York, NY 10011
##A 02 238055 534
##T Italic Calligraphy & Handwriting
Notice that when you write, the trail of black ink gives form to the untouched paper inside the letter and between the letters. A letter is mostly untouched paper. There is very little ink on a written or printed page.
There are no letters in an ink bottle because there are no designed areas of untouched paper. So, make a habit of watching counters, interspaces between letters, and spaces between lines.
Think of your page as being a continuum of letters and untouched paper. Watch both.
##A 02 314777 535
##T Italic Calligraphy & Handwriting
Working to music (such as Mozart’s “Symphony No. 40 in G Minor”) and concentrating on “listening” will teach you much about possibilities of rhythm in pen touch and movement. And by listening rather than watching the pen fearfully, you may find that the tactile and kinetic images of the letters are safely in your hand — and you can stop worrying. Writing with the eyes closed is also a good test of what your hand and wrist know and whether you can trust them.
A master writer is aware of what his hand is doing, but he can think of the meaning of the text instead of shepherding his fingers.
##A 02 238099 536
##T Italic Calligraphy & Handwriting
##A 02 235232 537
##T John Neal, Bookseller
John Neal, Bookseller
Just browsing through this catalog makes me wish I had continued with that calligraphy class I started 5 years ago and didn’t. John Neal carries and reviews a wide assortment of books on letter arts — instruction, history, reference, inspiration — as well as supplies.
— Sarah Satterlee
##A 02 235604 538
##T John Neal, Bookseller
Catalog of calligraphy books and supplies free from:
1833 Spring Garden Street
Greensboro, NC 27403
##A 02 236279 539
##T John Neal, Bookseller
The Anatomy of Letters: A Guide to the Art of Calligraphy by Charles Pearce. 1987. 88pp. 11x7. Paper $9.95.
Pearce’s new instructional manual covers foundational, uncial, half uncial, running bookhand, black letter, rotunda, & italic. Large exemplar alphabets, smaller ductus & two pages of writing illustrate each alphabet. The ductus is in grey “ink” which shows the normally hidden overlapping parts of strokes. Sections on history, tools & layout are included.
Pearce’s writing is elegant and refined.
##A 02 186917 540
##T John Neal, Bookseller
Secreta: Three Methods of Laying Gold Leaf by Joyce Grafe. 1986. 95pp. 9x6. 20 b&w drawings, 18 photos. Paper $9.95
Step-by-step instructions for two traditional and one modern method of laying good leaf. The traditional methods are updated for use of modern materials. Focus is on practicality rather than history.
##A 02 236583 541
##T John Neal, Bookseller
Mitchell Poster Nibs. Slightly oblique square cut points. Each point fitted with large capacity ink reservoir. Specify: L13, L14, L15, L16, L17, L18, L19, L20. Set of 8 $9.95. $1.40 ea.
##A 02 237476 542
##T MacCalligraphy
This Japanese-style calligraphy package is a class act from start to finish.
Start with the packaging — a simple wooden box — and a nicely designed manual, then into the easily used software that lets you make brushstrokes that look like brushstrokes and not like ruled lines.
Different brush sizes, styles of stroke (Son, Gyou, Ten and Kai), touch and Washi (paper absorbency) give a great diversity of shape. Shades of grey, mixed on an inkstone with ink block and water, and wet or dry brush add texture. The thick- or thinness of the stroke is controlled by the velocity of the mouse; quick movement for thin lines, slow for fat.
##A 02 239450 543
##T MacCalligraphy
There’s even some rice paper to print out your finished work. If painting should become too stressful, click the teacup icon and be transported to the subtly changing garden scene for a moment’s meditation.
— Kathleen O’Neill
Ÿ Computer Graphics
##A 02 237623 544
##T MacCalligraphy
$149.95 from:
Qualitas Trading Co.
6907 Norfolk Road
Berkeley, CA 94705
Version 2.0; for Macintosh. 512K. Not copy-protected.
##A 02 54627 545
##T MacCalligraphy
Japanese Kana characters drawn with MacCalligraphy
##A 02 48554 546
##T MacCalligraphy
A cat drawn with MacCalligraphy by Whole Earth’s Kathleen O’Neill.
##A 02 48799 547
##T MacCalligraphy
— Kathleen O’Neill
##A 02 29857 548
##T Screenwriting
##A 02 239733 549
A nuts-and-bolts approach to creating a screenplay. The book benefits greatly by its detailed references to successful examples — particularly Robert Towne’s script for Chinatown. Author Syd Field is a Hollywood insider who doesn’t question the system, but frankly explains how a movie is structured and why. At times he sounds like an old-school mogul knocking sense into some artsy-fartsy literary type. This quality makes Screenplay not only a valuable writing resource, but an instructive volume for film buffs, too.
— Stephen Levy
There’s also a companion volume, set up as a workbook. You’ll probably want to read both.
— J. Baldwin
##A 02 240040 550
Syd Field
1979, 1982; 246 pp.
ISBN 0440576474
$8.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
Dell Reader Service
P.O. Box 5057
Des Plaines, IL 60017
##A 02 240909 551
The Screenwriter’s Workbook
Syd Field
1984; 211 pp.
ISBN 0440582253
$8.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
Dell Reader Service
P.O. Box 5057
Des Plaines, IL 60017
##A 02 240547 552
The standard screenplay is approximately 120 pages long, or two hours long. It is measured at one page per minute. It does not matter whether your script is all dialogue, all action, or both.
The rule holds firm — one page of screenplay equals one minute of screen time. The beginning is Act I, referred to as the setup, because you have approximately 30 pages to set up your story. If you go to a movie, you will usually make a decision — either consciously or below the level of awareness — about whether you “like” the movie or
“dis-like” the movie. The next time you go to a movie, find out how long it takes you to make a decision about whether you like the film or not. It takes about ten minutes. That’s ten pages of your screenplay. You’ve got to hook your reader immediately.
— Screenplay
##A 02 241662 553
The function and purpose of a plot point is simply to move the story forward. It is an incident, episode, or event that hooks into the action and spins the story around into another direction.
Do all films have plot points? All films that “work” have a strong, organic structure with plot points clearly defined.
— The Screenwriter’s Workbook
##A 02 185833 554
— The Screenwriter’s Workbook
##A 02 240805 555
##T Script City
Script City
Script City is the company to go to for the original scripts of hundreds of movies, TV movies, TV episodes, as well as books about how to write scripts, how to sell scripts, and the movie biz in general.
I bought a copy of the script for my favorite movie, Red Dawn, from them. Looking through the script, I almost had a spasm. The original script held together a lot better and told a far more coherent story than the final product. If nothing else, I reappraised John Milius, the director, pretty thoroughly.
If you want to write a movie script on a subject that has had several movies made about it already, procuring copies of the scripts of these movies might save your brainchild from being
##A 02 242816 556
##T Script City
bounced for being too like a previous effort.
Script City also sells pictures of stars, movie posters and lobby cards for the fanatical film fans out there.
— Eric Oppen
##A 02 241790 557
##T Script City
Catalog $2 from:
Script City
1765 North Highland Avenue
Suite 760-WE
Hollywood, CA 90028
##A 02 242414 558
##T Script City
Buy three scripts from our Academy List and receive the
fourth script ABSOLUTELY FREE!
Select three movie scripts from our Latest Releases or New Acquisitions List
but pay for only two! Your receive the third script ABSOLUTELY FREE!
Buy two movie scripts from any list and receive a T.V.
script of your choice ABSOLUTELY FREE!
(T.V. miniseries not included in this offer)
##A 02 242582 559
##T Script City
##A 02 158018 560
##T Script City
##A 02 242956 561
##T The Corporate Scriptwriting Book
The Corporate Scriptwriting Book
For the Roxie, it’s not. Short and sweet for a captive audience, it is. Ten minutes at the most, aimed at increased sales, morale improvement, skill training, or stockholder joy. Might be a slide show, video, or film. Here’s how it’s done. Judging by the awful presentations I’ve seen, the skills involved must be elusive. This book should help.
— J. Baldwin
##A 02 243204 562
##T The Corporate Scriptwriting Book
A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Business Films, Videotapes and Slide Shows
Donna Matrazzo
Revised Edition 1986; 207 pp.
ISBN 0932617077
$14.95 ($16.45 postpaid)
Communication Publishing Co.
548 NE 43rd Avenue
Portland, OR 97213
##A 02 243817 563
##T The Corporate Scriptwriting Book
The “Talking Head,” which is a shot of a person talking directly to the camera, is perhaps the most misused and over-used of all frameworks. Talking heads should only be used for significance — of the person, the message, or both. More important, they should only be used for very brief periods. Fifteen seconds or less is fine, 30 seconds gets to be boring and 60 seconds (or more!) is inexcusable.
Length is another critical area. It’s been said that there ought to be a “10 Minute
Rule” for in-house productions, that no program should be longer than ten minutes. About that time, audiences begin to squirm in their seats. If your show lasts much longer than that, it must be very powerful or snappy to hold their attention.
Ten minutes is a long time. It’s equivalent to twenty television commercials and one-third of the evening news. Handled well, almost anything can, and often should, fit into ten minutes.
##A 02 264078 564
##A 02 275172 565
##T Graphic Design
##A 02 133892 566
##T The Visual Display of Quantitative Information
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information
THE visual style book. Turn a page in this finely printed volume and you’ll be treated to another ingenious chart that is at once simple, telling, and beautiful. Flamboyant graphs, particularly those dressing up insensible data, are bad craft: “If the statistics are boring, then you’ve got the wrong numbers.” The rules are like writing well — do it honestly and clearly. Tufte gives memorable, handsome examples of how to display information with integrity and clarity. The book is a good example. It’s one that you return to dip into before you pick up graph paper.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 02 136004 567
##T The Visual Display of Quantitative Information
Edward R. Tufte
1983; 197 pp.
$34 postpaid from:
Graphics Press
Box 430
Cheshire, CT 06410
##A 02 244693 568
##T The Visual Display of Quantitative Information
The theory of the visual display of quantitative information consists of principles that generate design options and that guide choices among options. The principles should not be applied rigidly or in a peevish spirit; they are not logically or mathematically certain; and it is better to violate any principle than to place graceless or inelegant marks on paper.
Just as a good editor of prose ruthlessly prunes out unnecessary words, so a designer of statistical graphics should prune out ink that fails to present fresh data-information. Although nothing can replace a good graphical idea applied to an interesting set of numbers, editing and revision are as essential to sound graphical design work as they are to writing. T.S. Eliot emphasized the “capital importance of criticism in the work of creation itself. Probably, indeed, the larger part of the labour of sifting, combining, constructing, expunging, correcting, testing: this frightful toil is as much critical as creative.”
##A 02 136577 569
##T The Visual Display of Quantitative Information
An annual sunshine record reports about 1,000 numbers per square inch (160 per square centimeter). The visual metaphor corresponds appropriately to the days when the image is reversed, so that the light areas are the times when the sun shines.
##A 02 244783 570
##T The Visual Display of Quantitative Information
Marey’s man in black velvet, photographed in stick-figure images, became the time-series forerunner of Marcel Duchamp’s “Nude Descending a Staircase.”
##A 02 136970 571
##T Forget all the rules about graphic design.
Forget all the rules about graphic design.
As he was being taken away by the police, acrobat Philippe Petit explained why he had walked a rope between two of the world’s tallest buildings: “I see three oranges, I have to juggle. I see two towers, I have to walk.”
Seeing unique aspects in commonplace things is also what makes for original graphic design. In this inspiring book, John Gill showcases a hundred of his toughest design problems with his wittiest solutions. According to Gill, to arrive at a unique solution you need to define a unique problem. However, the complete title of the book is: Forget all the rules you ever learned about graphic design. Including the ones in this book.
— David Jouris
##A 02 137328 572
##T Forget all the rules about graphic design.
Bob Gill
1981; 168 pp.
ISBN 823018644
$17.95 ($19.95 postpaid)
Watson Guptill Publishers
1695 Oak Street
Lakewood, NJ 08701
##A 02 137507 573
##T Forget all the rules about graphic design.
I wanted to do something that was original. But I kept thinking of ideas based on images I had already seen. Then I realized that it was inevitable that my ideas had to be based on previous experiences. What else could possibly be in my consciousness but previous experiences?
I would have to go outside of my head to look for an original idea. I decided that getting involved with the new problem was the most likely way of going outside. Of having a new experience.
If I could express the uniqueness of what the problem was trying to communicate with an image which was valid only for that problem, then I would have invented a unique image.
In other words, defining a unique problem would inspire a unique solution.
##A 02 137754 574
##T Forget all the rules about graphic design.
Original problem:
Logo for a street fair.
Logo for a street fair for everyone except cars.
##A 02 138187 575
##T Step-by-Step Graphics
Step-by-Step Graphics
The current trend in graphics magazines is the how-to genre.
Step-by-Step Graphics is a good entry-level introduction, offering solid advice on such basics as copy-fitting, trouble-shooting the airbrush, or simple techniques for adding color to black and white line art. The emphasis is on the creative process rather than the finished result, with lots of large, clear photos showing each stage of a project. Readers are encouraged to participate by sharing short cuts and case studies of their own. Though a bit pricey at $7.50 a copy, the information is often worth it.
— Rebecca Wilson
##A 02 139526 576
##T Step-by-Step Graphics
Nancy Aldrich-Ruenzel, Editorial Director
ISBN 08867682
$42/year (7 issues)
Step-by-Step Graphics
6000 North Forest Park Drive
P.O. Box 1901
Peoria, IL 61614-3592
##A 02 84887 577
##T Step-by-Step Graphics
If you do not have a large paper cutter, but do have to trim oversize material on occasion, you can still use your small cutter to make straight and accurate trims. First, establish and mark your trim lines. Cut a “wedge” halfway down the length of the trim side. Place the board on the paper cutter and proceed to trim the upper half, making sure the upper trim line corresponds with that same line which is showing through the “wedge.” Turn the board around and cut the bottom part, aligning the previous cut with the lower trim line. If your paper cutter is very small, simply cut as many “wedges” as needed.
##A 02 139330 578
##T Step-by-Step Graphics
In this asymmetrical layout, the lead story has a two line, two column head. It looks somewhat like an actual newspaper page. The photo at left helps offset the secondary head. A third story (or a photo) can be placed at lower right.
##A 02 30689 579
##T How . . .
How . . .
How . . . is geared for the graphic arts professional, focusing as much on business tips as studio techniques. Each issue offers advice from top-level art buyers on developing and presenting your portfolio. The how-to features include the evolution of concepts as well as the steps involved in their execution. Close-up articles feature graphics heavyweights such as Milton Glaser. The magazine itself is quite attractively designed.
— Rebecca Wilson
##A 02 31432 580
##T How . . .
Philip Smith, Editor-in-Chief
ISSN 08860483
$37/year (6 issues)
R.C. Publications
6400 Goldsboro Road
Bethesda, MD 20817
##A 02 99386 581
##T How . . .
Once the background was dry, Conge applied the remaining hues with several different Percy Baker brushes. The colors are all Peerless mineral-base watercolor dyes. “I like their intensity,” he says. “If you took a quart, which would last a lifetime, and poured it into a swimming pool, it would change the color of the water in the whole pool. It’s incredible.” Next, it was off to the printer, whose first chromalin was “quite unsatisfactory,” Conge says. “The whites were dirty and the overall colors heavy and deep.”
##A 02 211466 582
##T How . . .
First pair of four dummy covers suggested for TIME’s July 29, 1985 special issue.
##A 02 226730 583
##T How . . .
Second pair of dummy covers suggested for TIME’s July 29, 1985 special issue.
##A 02 144392 584
##T Designer’s Guide to Color
Designer’s Guide to Color
Anybody who designs with color — house painters, knitters,
graphic types, etc. — will find these three volumes useful. They show the effect of thousands of two- and three-color combinations, and how perceived colors change in relation to their neighbors. The charts will lead you to thoughtful and often surprising color combinations.
Volume One shows many possible dual color combinations,
with one hue constant per page. Volume Two deals with pastels and brights, and includes more three-color combos. Each color is broken down into percentages of stock printing tints: yellows,
magenta, cyan, and black, for graphic-arts folks. Most color books costs hundreds; these have gobs of color, few words, and are very affordable. — Kathleen O’Neill
##A 02 145813 585
##T Designer’s Guide to Color
Designer’s Guide to Color, Volume One
James Stockton
1984; 135 pp.
ISBN 0877013179
$9.95 ($11.95 postpaid)
Chronicle Books
275 Fifth Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
415-777-7240 (CA)
##A 02 248277 586
##T Designer’s Guide to Color
Designer’s Guide to Color, Volume Two
James Stockton
1984; 128 pp.
ISBN 0877013454
$12.95 ($14.95 postpaid)
Chronicle Books
275 Fifth Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94103
414-777-7240 (CA)
##A 02 249071 587
##T Designer’s Guide to Color
Designer’s Guide to Color, Volume Three
Jeanne Allen
1986; 119 pp.
ISBN 0877014086
$12.95 ($14.95 postpaid)
Chronicle Books
275 Fifth Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
415-777-7240 (CA)
##A 02 62571 588
##T Designer’s Guide to Color
It is very important to remember that while the method for reproducing the four process colors is basically the same for lithography and letterpress printing worldwide, the chemical composition and properties of inks varies somewhat from country to country and even from printer to printer. The inks used to achieve the colors in this book are Japanese: the resulting four colors by themselves appear different from their American counterparts, as do Dutch inks, Italian inks and others. Magenta is probably the ink color with greatest variance. It is easy to compensate for these discrepancies, but a designer with inks other than those used in manufacturing this book who strives to match exactly one of the colors represented here should take the discrepancies into account. Variances in ink density or how much ink is allowed to lay on the printed surface also drastically affects the quality of the color being reproduced. All this reenforces the need for any designer to be at press-side for a final check when a job is being printed.
##A 02 53905 589
##T Designer’s Guide to Creating Charts and Diagrams
Designer’s Guide to Creating Charts and Diagrams
Advanced chart making. Charts that dwell on the bland pages of a scholarly report need only to be clear and accurate. Charts that live in newspapers and magazines must compete with the flash of advertisements across the page. Here’re some tips by the famous diagram maker who creates all those striking ones in Time magazine.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 02 249708 590
##T Designer’s Guide to Creating Charts and Diagrams
Nigel Holmes
1984; 192 pp.
ISBN 0823013154
$32.50 ($34.50 postpaid)
Watson-Guptill Publications
1695 Oak Street
Lakewood, NJ 08701
##A 02 250524 591
##T Designer’s Guide to Creating Charts and Diagrams
When to Avoid Using a Chart?
Do not be afraid to suggest this as a solution to the problem presented to you. You will save everyone a lot of time if after studying the raw data you can see that it is (1) too simple to even bother with, (2) so complicated that even splitting it up into more than one image will still not explain the material, or (3) you can encapsulate the essence of the information more easily in a sentence than in a graphic translation. . . . Avoid doing a chart when it is really only fulfilling the role of decoration or of making a page or presentation look more authoritative, factual, or important.
##A 02 250664 592
##T Designer’s Guide to Creating Charts and Diagrams
Figures of speech can be literally illustrated. The phrase itself usually makes the best title for the chart, especially if it is changed slightly to fit exactly the sense of the idea, in this case “over a barrel.”
##A 02 275398 593
##T Art Supplies
##A 02 140923 594
##T Dot Pasteup Supplies
Dot Pasteup Supplies
The kind of things you need to put together brochures, draft architectural plans, paste up newsletters, make advertisements, and put ideas into permanence. Sturdy, versatile tools for a paper society.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 02 141220 595
##T Dot Pasteup Supplies
Catalog $1 from:
Dot Pasteup Supply Co.
P.O. Box 369
Omaha, NE 68101
402-342-4221 (NE)
##A 02 181564 596
##T Dot Pasteup Supplies
##A 02 143913 597
##T Dot Pasteup Supplies
##A 02 142052 598
##T Charrette
This is an excellent catalog for browsing — it’s the most complete graphic supplier I’ve seen. The prices are not discounted, but Charrette carries items that are difficult to find or are simply not found in this country. My favorite items are the metal stencils from France with letters that Le Corbusier used and the Caran’d Ache Fixpencil from Switzerland that has fat leads for sketching
— Lawrence Kasparowitz
##A 02 142231 599
##T Charrette
Catalog $5 from:
31 Olympia Avenue
P. O. Box 4010
Woburn, MA 01888-4010
##A 02 142819 600
##T Charrette
Charrette MC-150 Scale Model Camera with Quartz Halogen Light. For architects, designers, modelmakers. Scale models aid in visualizing, rendering, and presenting design concepts. Everything in the scene — from 2–1/2" to infinity — is in focus. $765.00.
##A 02 222108 601
##T Charrette
The inside of an architectural model, photographed with the architectural scale model camera.
##A 02 222966 602
##T Charrette
Clear Cubes — Four different designs, with the remaining two faces left plain.
##A 02 196721 603
##T Daniel Smith Inc.
Daniel Smith Inc.
Here is an immense selection of absolutely first rate art supplies, as well as a wonderfully prompt and efficient mail order house. Their goods are discounted, generally 20-30 percent off retail, and are interestingly and informatively laid out in the illustrated
(photos) yearly catalog, supplemented by intermittent special sale catalogs. In terms of sheer care and knowledgeability, no other art supplier I have found even comes close.
The fine artist is at home here. Unlike most of the other large art supply houses like Flax, Pearl, etc., they focus on fine arts and secondarily on graphic arts.
##A 02 196983 604
##T Daniel Smith Inc.
Daniel Smith has grown from a small manufacturer of fine etching and lithographic inks to their present just described stature, without sacrificing one bit of integrity; one couldn’t ask for more.
And they still make those wonderful inks.
— Garta Hodge
##A 02 197286 605
##T Daniel Smith Inc.
Materials and Information for Artists
Bimonthly catalog free
Daniel Smith Inc.
4130 First Avenue South
Seattle, WA 98134
800-228-0458 (WA)
##A 02 223420 606
##T Daniel Smith Inc.
Flat Chinese Hake
This Niji brush is an exceptionally good buy and makes a great tool for washes. It is made of sheep hair and comes with a broad wooden handle and metal ferrule.
##A 02 223550 607
##T Daniel Smith Inc.
##A 02 145264 608
##T Daniel Smith Inc.
##A 02 250916 609
##T Art Hardware
Art Hardware
Van Gogh’s yellows are fading. But at the same time many other paintings in the Museum of Modern Art which were painted on cheap masonite from the lumberyard are doing okay. What materials should you use? This guy knows a lot of possibilities, and knows a lot about them.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 02 251278 610
##T Art Hardware
The Definitive Guide to Artists’ Hardware
Steven L. Saitzyk
1987; 326 pp.
ISBN 0823002667
$19.95 ($21.95 postpaid)
Watson-Guptill Publications
1695 Oak Street
Lakewood, NJ 08701
##A 02 252107 611
##T Art Hardware
Artists occasionally complain about many brands [of crayons] that claim light-fastness yet seem to have a few colors that do not hold up well over time. Consequently, I recommend that when you buy a set of crayons, you do your own test. Simply take a piece of drawing paper, preferably bristol, and apply each color so that when the paper is cut in half each sample of color will also be cut in half. Place one half in direct sunlight for several weeks and store the other half in the dark. At the end of the test put each half together and compare them. This simple test will indicate the colors to avoid.
Three grades of paint seem to have developed in the United States: artist (finest, extra-fine, super-fine), amateur (fine, professional), and student. The European products that are available in the United States are often of two grades: artist and student. Many of the European student-grade paints are equivalent in quality to American amateur-grade paint.
“What do you do when you run out of ideas?” my civil servant Dad asked when he worried about me working as an artist. Use picture archives, that’s what.
A working artist needs pictorial reference as a tool for inspiration, for seeing visual connections not made before, or for models to draw from. Inventing images, drawing constructions out of the blue, is helped if you’ve got a few aids.
My bookshelves are lined with field-tested books that I crib from while working in the studio. I use them as creative inspiration. Small books will do. Like any postage stamp book. Mine cost me 25
cents at a street sale. Stamps in general give good art-ref; they’re very graphic and basic, these vignettes and symbols of the world.
##A 02 198323 616
##T Art Reference Introduction
Big picture books, encyclopedias, and reference tomes are expensive and often out of print. Since art reference is often used as found art, this is reflected in their purchase — a bit of an old encyclopedia is quite useful in a found-art context. So I buy my books at street sales, the flea market, and jumble sales when I can. This means that much of my collection is quite fortuitous — a random lot. Keep looking around the stalls and you’ll find them cheap.
— David Wills
##A 02 99724 617
##T The Complete Dover Art Catalogs
The Complete Dover Art Catalogs
By far the most useful source for in-print copyright-free material is the fascinating collection from Dover pictorial archives — very cheap books crammed with old, odd, wonderful reference pictures, weird typefaces, classy etchings, vintage photographs, and off-beat scientific treatises. Their free catalogs are a trip in themselves.
— David Wills
##A 02 111532 618
##T The Complete Dover Art Catalogs
The Complete Dover Fine Art Catalog
Catalog free from:
Dover Publications, Inc.
31 East 2nd Street
Mineola, NY 11501
##A 02 103065 619
##T The Complete Dover Art Catalogs
The Complete Dover Art Instruction Catalog
ISBN 0486590763
Catalog free from:
Dover Publications, Inc.
31 East Second Street
Mineola, NY 11501
##A 02 155366 620
##T The Complete Dover Art Catalogs
The Complete Dover Pictorial Archive Catalog
Catalog free from:
Dover Publications, Inc.
31 East 2nd Street
Mineola, NY 11501
##A 02 357615 621
##T The Complete Dover Art Catalogs
—The Complete Fine Art Catalog
##A 02 357948 622
##T The Complete Dover Art Catalogs
—The Complete Fine Art Catalog
##A 02 358147 623
##T The Complete Dover Art Catalogs
—The Complete Fine Art Catalog
##A 02 358625 624
##T The Complete Dover Art Catalogs
—The Complete Fine Art Catalog
##A 02 358897 625
##T The Complete Dover Art Catalogs
—Dover Pictorial Archive Book Catalog
##A 02 359084 626
##T The Complete Dover Art Catalogs
—Dover Pictorial Archive Book Catalog
##A 02 359409 627
##T The Complete Dover Art Catalogs
—Dover Pictorial Archive Book Catalog
##A 02 359447 628
##T The Complete Dover Art Catalogs
—Dover Pictorial Archive Book Catalog
##A 02 359921 629
##T The Complete Dover Art Catalogs
—Dover Pictorial Archive Book Catalog
##A 02 112301 630
##T The Complete Dover Art Catalogs
—From “Catchpenny Prints: 163 Popular Engravings from the Eighteenth Century,” by Dover.
##A 02 115341 631
##T The Complete Dover Art Catalogs
—From “Catchpenny Prints: 163 Popular Engravings from the Eighteenth Century,” by Dover.
##A 02 113441 632
##T The Best of Life
The Best of Life
An example of a good photo resource book is the paperback Best of Life. The world’s best photographers, out on the beat, bringing it all home. These are the images many of us (I) culled our (my) view of “real” from.
— David Wills
##A 02 115557 633
##T The Best of Life
David E. Scherman, Editor
1973; 303 pp.
ISBN 0380449099
$14.95 ($15.95 postpaid)
Avon Books
P. O. Box 767
Dresden, TN 38225
##A 02 148739 634
##T The Best of Life
Wind-blown Look
In a 1948 Navy test, volunteers (a different man is in the photo at far right) show the effect of 300 mph wind in a simulated bail-out.
##A 02 149826 635
##T The Best of Life
A week before his assassination in April 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. leads a march through Memphis.
##A 02 252812 636
##T The Electronic Clip Art Digest
The Electronic Clip Art Digest
We use found-art a lot for illustrating our magazine, The Whole Earth Review. Over the years we have accumulated 20 feet of bookshelf space of illustration sources. Occasionally we manipulate an illustration we discover in a book by taking it into the Macintosh. We xerox the illo, then scan the xerox on an Abaton Scanner, and then stretch or reverse the image on the Mac.
Electronic clip art is for those who don’t have a library of print images, or a nearby quality xerox machine, or a digitizing scanner, but who do want an image in a Mac paint file.
This Digest catalogs by picture, and indexes by subject, all the 15,000 black and white digital images available from 30 commercial sources. The “art” ranges from the cutsie to the
##A 02 254691 637
##T The Electronic Clip Art Digest
olde to the exotic. You’ll then need to purchase the disks directly from the various manufacturers.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 02 253088 638
##T The Electronic Clip Art Digest
$105.95 postpaid from:
The Electronic Clip Art Company
6376 Quail Run
Kalamazoo, MI 49009
##A 02 254879 639
##T Stock Workbook
Stock Workbook
Pro photographers out and about on assignment usually return with more images than their client ordered. The photographers deposit the extra pictures in a joint repository called a stock agency. When you need a photograph, instead of hiring a commercial photographer to shoot it, you can check a stock agency to see if they already have one in stock. Rates vary depending on what you are going to use it for — color advertising being the most expensive and black and white editorial being the least (probably $50 minimum). Unfortunately there is no central index yet to tell you which of the hundreds of agencies has what pictures, so it can be quite frustrating to research.
Stock agencies print gorgeous full-color publicity material to advertise their holdings, a source that is often ideal for artistic
##A 02 256103 640
##T Stock Workbook
reference. A large edited collection, like the Stock Workbook, a free 215 page representation of a dozen major agencies, is a perfect reference for digitizing images from, or for xerox art, or for backgrounds ideas. It also has a long appendix of other agencies that would probably send you more printed sample booklets.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 02 255019 641
##T Stock Workbook
1987; 215 pp.
ISBN 0911113207
Information free
Scott & Daughters Publishing
940 North Highland Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90038
213-856-0008 (CA)
##A 02 255943 642
##T Stock Workbook
Woodfin Camp and Associates, Inc.
##A 02 68085 643
##T Stock Workbook
Woodfin Camp and Associates, Inc.
##A 02 68198 644
##T Stock Workbook
The Aperture Companies
##A 02 256281 645
##T The Bettmann Archive
The Bettmann Archive
Bettmann is the Taj Mahal of picture files. It’s a cornucopia of visual images comprised of historical portraits from all ages, a lifetime of movie stills, and news photographs since the turn of the century — a total of 25 million images. The archive is both expensive and efficient to use, and many times the only source. We occasionally rent from them when we can’t find a particular picture any other way. We call them with a query of what we’re after, and they’ll send photocopies of some candidates. If we pick one, they charge us about $75 for non-profit publication of the print they send.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 02 257515 646
##T The Bettmann Archive
Information free
The Bettmann Archive
136 East 57th Street
New York, NY 10022
##A 02 258571 647
##T The Bettmann Archive
Oliver North, left; and Michelangelo’s David
##A 02 67009 648
##T The Bettmann Archive
##A 02 67771 649
##T The Bettmann Archive
Gertrude Stein & Alice B. Toklas
##A 02 259414 650
##T Picture Sources Four
Picture Sources Four
I haven’t found a better resource for locating pictures than this. As editorial assistant for the Whole Earth Review, the job of locating illustrations for articles often falls to me. This book eliminates a lot of the frustration in tracking down a particular type of photo — which makes it well worth the $35 price tag.
Easy to use, Picture Sources Four lists major and minor sources for pictures — archives, libraries, businesses, special collections — with all the information you’ll need to do business (except price). The best part is the hefty index section. The geographic index helped me locate nearby archives; the subject index is the most comprehensive I’ve seen. The biggest drawback is the date of publication — 1983. Some of the material has to be dated.
— Corinne Cullen Hawkins
##A 02 259708 651
##T Picture Sources Four
Ernest H. Robl, Editor
1983; 200 pp.
ISBN 0871112744
$35 ($36.50 postpaid)
Special Libraries Association
1700 18th Street NW
Washington, DC 20009
##A 02 260794 652
##T Picture Sources Four
Sand dunes near Stovepipe Wells, Cottonwood Mountains, Death Valley. (U.S. Dept. of the Interior, National Park Service. Photo by George Grant. #WASO-DEVA-106)
##A 02 275633 653
##T Computer Graphics
##A 02 104560 654
##T Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics
Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics
For those who dream of flying not as an airplane flies but as a bird flies, or dream of trekking across alien landscapes, here at last is an exhaustive prescription for making the visual dimension of these dreams concrete.
Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics sketches out the techniques for generating realistic visual images from computer models. It actually shows how to do it. [Programming skills are mandatory — KK.] Hardware, software techniques, actual code (in PASCAL) — it’s all presented with an unusual and refreshing concern for convenient, intuitive user controls.
— Ken Crossen
##A 02 261116 655
##T Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics
The art of making other people’s tools is a high calling. This textbook is for those with the craving to not merely use computer graphic programs, but to create better ones. The fundamental software concepts and examples of code are laid out in abundance.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 02 105178 656
##T Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics
J.D. Foley and A. Van Dam
1982; 664 pp.
ISBN 0201144689
$48.50 postpaid
Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. Inc.
1 Jacob Way
Reading, MA 01867
##A 02 105453 657
##T Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics
Shadow algorithms for point light sources are identical to hidden-surface algorithms! The hidden-surface algorithm determines which surfaces can be seen from the viewpoint, and the shadow algorithm determines which surfaces can be “seen” from the light source. The surfaces that are visible both from the viewpoint and from the light source are not in shadow. Those that are visible from the viewpoint but not from the light source are in shadow. This logic can easily be extended to multiple light sources.
##A 02 105637 658
##T Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics
Mountain scenes created with fractal surfaces.
##A 02 105955 659
##T Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics
A computer-generated strawberry, showing both diffuse and specular reflection
(by J. Blinn, courtesy of University of Utah)
##A 02 106213 660
##T Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics
Polygons added to cube to show parts illuminated by light source.
##A 02 143237 661
##T Microcomputer Graphics
Microcomputer Graphics
I am using Microcomputer Graphics to learn the fundamentals of two- and three-dimensional computer graphics. This book is for beginners. It takes you from programming the computer to drawing a line, to drawing objects that appear solid. Along the way you learn about 2-D and 3-D object scaling, rotation, and translation; line clipping; 3-D projection; and hidden-line and hidden-surface
routines. Each step is short and succinctly explained with lots of illustrations.
— Charlie Richardson
##A 02 143640 662
##T Microcomputer Graphics
Microcomputer Graphics (for the IBM PC)
Roy E. Myers
1984; 268 pp.
ISBN 0201051583
$14.95 ($16.45 postpaid)
Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.
1 Jacob Way
Reading, MA 01867
##A 02 55507 663
##T Microcomputer Graphics
Microcomputer Graphics (for the Apple® Computer)
Roy E. Myers
1982; 282 pp.
ISBN 020105096X
$14.95 ($16.45 postpaid)
Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.
1 Jacob Way
Reading, MA 01867
##A 02 262867 664
##T The Algorithmic Image
The Algorithmic Image
The first (and only) book about computer graphics, in its myriad marvelous forms, which non-technical people can follow — not just to look awestruck at the pictures, but to understand the conceptual underpinnings behind them. Books like this, Programmers at Work, and Computer Lib/Dream Machines are making Microsoft Press the pre-eminent quality computer book publisher.
— Art Kleiner
Ÿ Computer Lib/Dream Machines
##A 02 264237 665
##T The Algorithmic Image
Graphic Visions of the Computer Age
Robert Rivlin
1986; 284 pp.
ISBN 0914845802
$24.95 ($27.45 postpaid)
Microsoft Press
P.O. Box 1532
Hagerstown, MD 21741
##A 02 267689 666
##T The Algorithmic Image
The process of constructing a computer model of an object and then making it appear to be three-dimensional when displayed on the two-dimensional surface of a television screen rests on three basic, well-established laws of perspective first described by Renaissance artists and mathematicians: The farther an object is from the viewer, the smaller it appears to be, and eventually the object becomes so small that it vanishes. (This is known as foreshortening.) Objects in the foreground obscure other objects that are behind them and also hide the back parts of themselves. (This makes hidden-line and hidden-surface removal necessary.) Finally, different parts of three-dimensional objects and different aspects of three-dimensional scenes appear brighter or dimmer depending on their proximity to the viewer and to the light source. (This is known as shading.)
Solids modeling, which is the process of displaying a three-dimensional object in the computer’s database, rests on the same laws of perspective. What made the process so difficult, and why it took the industry several years to find the solution, has to do with
##A 02 187639 667
##T The Algorithmic Image
the gap between art and reality. For the artist, a three-dimensional object or
landscape portrayed on a two-dimensional surface merely has to look real. But a model in the computer database must, for all intents and purposes, actually simulate the properties of a three-dimensional object in nature. The single view of an object in a painting or drawing is not enough for an interactive three-dimensional computer-graphics display, which must allow a view of any part of the object, front or back, top or bottom, from any viewing angle in a 360-degree sphere around the object. For this kind of modeling, far more is involved than just presenting the illusion of dimensionality.
##A 02 269072 668
##T The Algorithmic Image
From the late 1970s to the early 1980s, Information International Inc. (Triple—I) was the United States’ leading producer of high-resolution computer graphics, used for television commercials and feature films alike. One of its best-known creations was “Adam Powers,” a simulated human figure who juggles brightly colored synthetic objects and who introduces the different segments of Triple—I’s demonstration reel. At the end of the reel, Powers does a somersault and disappears into his hat.
##A 02 270156 669
##T The Algorithmic Image
Norm Badler and Stephen Platt produced this series of wire-frame faces, which illustrate the analysis and synthesis of human facial expressions.
##A 02 258492 670
##T The Algorithmic Image
CAD image of the space shuttle “Enterprise” showing its internal construction. The user can manipulate the database interactively, rotating the model in three-dimensional space and viewing it from any angle. (Courtesy Calcomp)
##A 02 279637 671
##T The Algorithmic Image
Entitled “An Experiment in Textures and Colors,” this image was produced by artist Zach Paul on the Quantel Paintbox at Artronix Northwest, an all-digital design service that does work for local as well as national clients. For the image, Paul digitized a video image of a woman and stored it in the Paintbox’s memory. The spheres were generated with the Paintbox’s automatic shape generator, Paul created the reflections in the background by cutting a piece of red chrome, photographing it with a video camera, and digitizing the reflections into the Paintbox, where they were colored and combined with other images.
##A 02 278882 672
##T IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
The on-going technical bulletin where the graphic hackers hang out and show off their latest demos.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 02 279400 673
##T IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
$58/12 issues
(includes membership in the Computer Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.) from:
Computer Society of the IEEE
10662 Los Vaqueros Circle
Los Alamitos, CA 90720-2578
##A 02 281133 674
##T Zen & The Art of the Macintosh
Zen & The Art of the Macintosh
When Gutenberg invented moveable type, he found strong resistance to it among the current publishing experts— medieval monks transcribing the Bible. It seemed that what the monks most objected to was that his innovation removed the cursive strokes that connected letters within one word, breaking up the calligraphy and also separating writing from illustration. What Michael Green has done in this picture book is to pioneer the return to a unified graphic in which the artist creates both the typography and the illustration. The meditating Macintosh is the pen for this electronic manifesto. It promises a change in publication design.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 02 281478 675
##T Zen & The Art of the Macintosh
Michael Green
1986; 236 pp.
ISBN 0894713477
$16.95 ($18.30 postpaid)
Running Press
125 South 22nd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102
##A 02 282207 676
##T Zen & The Art of the Macintosh
MacPaint is so fast and so fun, it just leads you on and on. You don’t want to stop, even when you know you should What to do? I suddenly caught on to the power of command SAVE AS. It was a conceptual safety net.
With it I could “snapshot” and stash away any graphic idea, any time, and continue playing around with a copy of it. With impunity—and without missing a beat.
This had a wonderfully liberating effect.
##A 02 282809 677
##T Zen & The Art of the Macintosh
Once you find the groove of IMAGEWRITING you’re ready for the exotic realm of Serious Special Effects. Start with a graphic as simple as a block of type and discover the amazing results a clever string of commands can produce.
##A 02 200389 678
##T Zen & The Art of the Macintosh
##A 02 236020 679
##T Zen & The Art of the Macintosh
“When I first began to cut up oxen I would see before me the whole ox all in one mass. After three years I no longer saw this mass. I saw distinctions.
“But now, I see nothing with the eye. My whole being apprehends. My senses are idle. The spirit free to work without plan follows its own instinct.
“Guided by natural line, by the secret opening, the hidden space, my cleaver finds its own way. I cut through no joint, chop no bone.”
—Chuang Tzu
##A 02 251535 680
##T Zen & The Art of the Macintosh
The old serpent MAHAKALA herself, Devourer of the Dancing Moment, premier deity of the old Time Religion, promulgator of its triple sacraments: Impatience, Anxiety, Haste. Hurry hurry hurry!
##A 02 283012 681
By Kevin Kelly
There are several low-rent computer graphic special effects methods. The rough and ready way is to hook up a personal computer to VCR. Create the graphics on the computer and have the VCR tape it. The only personal computer that will do that hassle-free is the Amiga computer (about $700). Its claim to fame
(otherwise it’s an okay computer without much software to run on it) is that it is a low-price color computer that generates signals that are NTSC compatible, which means that you can plug it directly into TV equipment.
Because of this unique clean connection, the Amiga is used by small community TV stations to produce very simple special
##A 02 284570 682
effects and captions on the TV screen. The quality of the effects is not up to “network broadcast” but will certainly suffice for
many needs. It’s perfect for do-it-yourself documentaries, and such things as corporate and industrial training videos where information rather than style counts. Its roughness can also be used creatively. The Amiga was employed extensively in the production of Max Headroom, and a few syndicated TV series like Secrets and Mysteries of the Universe, and Amazing Stories.
A main component in this set-up is some nifty software from Electronic Arts called Deluxe Video. It provides elemental animating functions. The results are nothing to marvel at, but are adequate for basic projects.
##A 02 284834 683
Another way to get computer graphics onto video is by purchasing an add-on board for an IBM clone already souped up with a EGA color monitor and card. Called Video Charlie ($750), this hardware generates slightly inferior quality than the Amiga, but many community cable TV stations find it good enough for titles and logos on their programs.
Ÿ Hardware Access
##A 02 283645 684
Amiga 500
For a dealer near you, call:
Commodore Business Machines
##A 02 286295 685
Deluxe Video
$130 ($133 postpaid)
Electronic Arts
P.O. Box 7530
San Mateo, CA 94403
Version 1.2 for the Amiga.
##A 02 293385 686
Video Charlie
$750 ($760 postpaid) from:
Progressive Image Technologies
322 East Bidwell
Folsom, CA 95630
##A 02 47325 687
##T Art Magazines
##A 02 170265 688
##T Leonardo
Most art books and magazines are about the product of art, with lots of four-color pictures to wow you. Leonardo is the opposite.
It’s pure process, pure tool — TECHNIQUE — of the most advanced, most refined, most modern of arts. (The news stays the same in this world; only science and technology change, and art chases them.) I view this publication with the same contemporary fascination as Science or New Scientist. They announce the present (i.e., future).
Not cheap, not for browsing. Lay out the bucks and make the magazine earn it back in your work or settle it all at your library.
— Stewart Brand
Ÿ New Scientist
##A 02 297238 689
##T Leonardo
Artists, as mythmakers, are the first to explain new frontiers. Technological publications tell the “what.” Leonardo, the journal for the union of art, science and technology, tells the “so what.” The authors are artists colonizing technology. They paint and storytell with lasers, hybrid materials, computers, holograms, scanners, experimental musical instruments, indeed with the whole developing communication tissue. There is more of tomorrow here than in any Futurist magazine.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 02 192132 690
##T Leonardo
Roger F. Malina, Editor
$40/year (4 issues)
P.O. Box 75
1442A Walnut
Berkeley, CA 94709
##A 02 295605 691
##T Leonardo
Fig. 5. Harold Cohen, “Untitled,” computer-generated drawing, Indian ink on paper, 1986.
(Photo: Becky Cohen)
##A 02 173960 692
##T Leonardo
Machine Vision: Looking Through Machine Eyes
From the outset of working with the brand-new medium of video, Woody Vasulka, a Czechoslovakian-born film maker who now resides in the United States, was drawn to its material and basic qualities: the electrons that scan the image in a constant, regular pattern. Charged with different voltages, these electrons contain information about color intensities with which they strike the phosphor of the screen momentarily, only to be consumed a few nanoseconds later by the next electronic wave. Woody and his wife and collaborator, a former musician, Steina, soon became obsessed with time/energy as the material for electronic imaging; they started using, then devising and building, special machines explicitly to influence and control the waveforms, the ephemeral substance of the video image. Even though they continued to use the camera for capturing ‘real’ images that later could be modified and deformed, they also devoted many of their experiments to working exclusively with
##A 02 176542 693
##T Leonardo
internally generated oscillations that, after various processing steps, appeared on the picture screen transformed into visual energy. Woody Vasulka recalls: “Our goal was to create reality, a certain reality that would testify to its own electronic complexities.”
##A 02 296027 694
Remember the sort of graphics you fantasized would be possible when you first heard of personal computers? They can finally be done. Artists are grabbing the cursor and spawning a distinct design sense, which this classy journal explores. “It looks like computer art” is the first thing you are cured of.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 02 296475 695
Michael Gosney, Editor
ISSN 08894507
$28/year(4 issues)
Verbum Subscriptions
P. O. Box 15439
San Diego, CA 92115
##A 02 297157 696
—“Guernica” Pablo Picasso, 1937
Martin Speed of Cincinnati, Ohio created a series of bit-mapped classics in homage to modern art masters. The pieces were drawn freehand in MacPaint on a Macintosh 512 (continued on next card).
##A 02 297811 697
“Persistence of Memory” Salvador Dali, 1931 (Martin Speed)
##A 02 214613 698
—from “Masques” (Dominique de Bardonneche-Berglund)
French artist Dominique de Bardonneche-Berglund is a self-taught painter degreed in history and art history with an emphasis in medieval architecture. She began working with the Macintosh in 1985 and describes herself as “not a born artist,” frustrated until she discovered the computer. None of her works begin with scanned images; all are completely mouse drawn, using a Mac Plus, MacPaint, FullPaint, or SuperPaint.
##A 02 356445 699
—“le Don” (Dominque Bardonneche-Berglund)
##A 02 357669 700
—“Cold Eyes” (Paul Reiche) was produced with the AT&T TARGA 16 board and Island Graphics’ TIPS (Truevision Image Processing Software).
##A 02 201388 701
##T Ylem
Along every breaking edge of technology there are a few artists wedged into the nicks figuring out creative mis-uses for new-fangled things, immediately enlarging everyone’s scope. Our culture has bred a gang of artists hanging around Xerox machines, lasers, geodesics, Polaroid devices, video, and, of course, computers. Their art makes technology better, which makes them better artists. Some of their latest ideas and exhibit events can be found in this newsletter compiled by and for “artists using science and technology.”
— Kevin Kelly
##A 02 201544 702
##T Ylem
Fred Stitt, Editor
includes membership
$15 subscription only
P. O. Box 749
Orinda, CA 94563
(afternoons only)
##A 02 165491 703
##T Ylem
Woods explains the Epicyclarium as a structure composed of “simple forms and spaces which house the instruments of an advanced electronics technology, and the staff of creative scientists necessary to gather a vast and diverse body of knowledge.” These highly trained specialists will assess this information and translate it into a two-dimensional “global image.” In the darkness of the inner chamber, a 30-foot disc suspended above the floor continuously flashes fresh data which are gathered and fed to computers programmed to synthesize them into constantly changing configurations of light and color. The resulting data are simultaneously transmitted by microwave and satellite to receivers around the globe, thus creating a state-of-the-planet projection serving a range of cultural purposes. The sum of the information is believed to be so richly diverse that much of it is yet to be fully understood.
Most experimental art is so unsatisfying and pretentious to be around that the last thing in the world I want to do is read about it. Lightworks, an annual labor of love, is the opposite. Here they round up far-ranging explorations of art and communications that make it all great FUN. I like the wooden cut-outs of hitchhikers that are propped up along the road with an address scribbled on their backs, and space to document their journey as they are passed around the country. A whole issue was devoted to Sky Art — from kites, to skywriting, to fireworks and helium balloon sculptures. An upcoming issue is called “Available Resources” and is dedicated to art made from recycled materials and found media. Some of it is weird and strange, but in an invigorating way. This magazine is about the art of possibilities.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 02 298286 707
##T Lightworks
Charlton Burch and Gary S. Vasilash, Editors
ISSN 01614223
$20/4 issues
(about one per year)
P.O. Box 1202
Birmingham, MI 48012
##A 02 298907 708
##T Lightworks
Don’t Step Over The Fence:
The exhibition space is divided by a corrugated fence approximately 6 to 7 inches tall. On one side are the camera, tripod, and monitors. On the other side are the paintings on the wall with corrugated animals, houses, and landscape paraphernalia on the floor. The paintings are related to the landscape. The audience is not allowed to step over the fence but can look at the paintings by pointing the camera at the desired art-object, then viewing the painting on the monitors. If the viewer wishes, the colors can be changed by adjusting the controls on the monitor.
##A 02 276136 709
##T Graphics Software
##A 02 106294 710
##T AutoCAD
Ideal uses for computer graphics: jobs that demand constant alterations, pictures constructed with numerical precision, and designs that make use of repeating patterns.
The best computer aided design (CAD) program for personal computers: AutoCAD.
One typical application for this well-proven program would be to render a manufacturing sketch of a windmill, down to the thousandths of a inch. Or draw a project assembled out of standard components. Then when you are just about finished, amend the whole drawing, re-sizing it where needed, to fit a substituted smaller part. Ughhh. Get me my computer slave.
##A 02 299529 711
##T AutoCAD
Or computer genii. The newest increment of AutoCAD (Release 10) elevates it to the status of Master Draftsman. Fully powered with 3D rotation, it can draw with bewitched perspective. It lets you rapidly depict convoluted objects from various angles at engineer precision, a chore that is tortuous punishment with pencils. Weird machine parts, ornate architecture, complexly layered floor plans. CAD programs in general, and AutoCAD in particular, are so uncannily articulate that I would use them as an imagining tool alone.
AutoCAD has endeared itself to legions of professional engineers and architects because it can be clothed in one of thousands of specialized templates. These guild templates tailor AutoCAD’s talents to a specific task, say plotting the layout of the electrical
##A 02 299824 712
##T AutoCAD
system in a factory, or designing toothed gears. Techies love these “vertical applications” because they short-cut a lot of the grunt work of design, redesign, redesign.
This program ain’t cheap. It’s $3,000 for the Macintosh II, or IBM PC versions (you’ll need a hard disk and supercharging). But it is a true tool. It moves you from can’t to can.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 02 106800 713
##T AutoCAD
Autodesk, Inc.
2320 Marinship Way
Sausalito, CA 94965
##A 02 107377 714
##T AutoCAD
Both these drawings were created using AutoCAD, showing the program’s versatility. Although it looks as if the entire drawing is on one layer, in both cases, various pieces are actually drawn on separate layers.
##A 02 232032 715
##T AutoCAD
##A 02 302007 716
As in most areas of software, computer drawing programs are constantly being made obsolete by competitors or by later updates of themselves. Thus Fullpaint fulfilled MacPaint’s potential, only to be aced out by Superpaint’s wider abilities. All these Macintosh drawing programs have, in turn, been quietly topped by Canvas from Deneba Software. This painting program lets you combine both bit-mapped and object-based art in the same drawing, with able access to laser fonts as well. Because its drawing tools are extensive and basic bezier curves are included in its repertoire,
I’ve often turned to Canvas to crank out simple designs that would take more sweat and tears to produce in Postscript-based drawing programs like Adobe Illustrator or Aldus FreeHand.
On the other hand, if you are a design professional utilizing the
##A 02 303639 717
Mac for high-level design, Canvas is not going to do all the tricks you require. Aldus FreeHand provides sophisticated control over bezier curves and type manipulation (including kerning), up to 200 drawing layers, plus “graduated” and “radial” fills and other special effects, and can save the art produced as an encapsulated Postscript file for use in other programs like PageMaker. Perhaps most notable, it has a “freehand” drawing tool which lets you draw shapes and lines that are then rendered into maneuverable bezier curves, a boon if you are drawing on screen from scratch. Truth to tell, bezier curves are one of the more maddening inventions around — rather like trying to use french curves made out of writhing snakes. Since bezier curves lie at the heart of the Postscript language’s high-resolution capabilities, there’s no escaping them in Mac graphics programs like this. FreeHand has a
##A 02 303966 718
set of drawing tools that embody a relatively smooth approach to the problem, although they are not as much of an advance in ease of use over those of its closest rival Adobe Illustrator as I had originally hoped.
Of course, as I write, a new upgrade of Illustrator has just appeared with some features that top FreeHand, while a powerful new version of Canvas was due to appear in July 1988. In the world of software only one thing is certain: No one stays ahead of the pack for long. As this week’s Mac graphics powerhouses, Canvas and FreeHand are excellent programs. Tomorrow may hold new surprises.
— Jay Kinney
##A 02 302158 719
$195 (list price)
Deneba Software
7855 NW 12th Street,
Suite 202,
Miami, FL 33126
Version 1.0; not copy-protected. Macintosh 512K required. Laserwriter suggested.
##A 02 303243 720
Aldus FreeHand
$495 (list price)
Aldus Corporation
411 First Avenue South
Suite 200
Seattle, WA 98104
Version 1.0; not copy-protected, Macintosh Plus and external drive recommended. Laserwriter suggested.
##A 02 304958 721
Periodicals, not books, are where you keep up with stones rolling downhill as fast as computer assisted design is. As is often the case in truly vanguard fields, the advertisements can be more useful than whimpy editorial filler, which is mostly what is in these two.
CAD/CAM is “For The Macintosh Professional.” That last word will give you an idea of where their heart is — corporations. But the Mac is where you want to be as it takes over the design field, particularly in the small shop. CADENCE is for “Using AutoCAD in the Professional Environment.” There’s that word again. This is the best rendezvous point to meet up with hundreds of specialized AutoCAD applications and user groups thereof. The real power of AutoCAD is in these user-developed templates, and in the
##A 02 306939 722
practical stories of how “professionals” converted to the true-belief of small computer CAD.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 02 305395 723
Dave Baceski, Executive Editor
ISSN 08879141
$34.95/year(12 issues)
Ariel Communications
12710 Research Blvd.,
Suite 250
Austin, TX 78759
##A 02 306196 724
The CAD/CAM Journal
Shawn G. Hopwood, Editor-in-Chief
ISSN 08912815
$20/year(6 issues)
Single copy $5
Koncepts Graphic Images Inc.
16 Beaver Street
New York, NY 10004
##A 02 306152 725
Douglas Electronic’s new package Professional Layout assists electrical engineers design the ever-increasingly complex layouts of printed circuit boards. Wiring the connections is mind-bogglingly complicated. Professional Layout implements an autorouting procedure. This example shows a file that is 85% complete. The autoroute pass will stop when it is 91% complete, about the best a machine can do. The engineer will have to figure out the rest.
— The CAD/CAM Journal
##A 02 307900 726
Left, 3D ruled surface defined by two boundary curves, in this case a B-spline and an arc. Right, 3D Coons surface defined by four boundary curves. All of AutoCAD’s previous drawing commands will now work in 3D with Release 10. This means that arcs, circles, and lines can all be drawn in true 3D.
— Cadence Magazine
##A 02 324419 727
3D Torus
—Cadence Magazine
##A 02 300378 728
##T Boeing Graph
Boeing Graph
Numbers stun; pictures illuminate. If you’ve ever tried to present numerical information visually, you know how difficult it can be.
This program turns tables of data into exquisite three-dimensional graphs. You can choose among 32 different types of three-dimensional graphs, 15 types of two-dimensional graphs, and almost endless points of view. Graphs can be rotated, moved vertically and horizontally, repainted, and labeled as you choose. The program drives plotters and will use dot-matrix and laser printers.
If you present scientific or financial information to people, this is an exquisite tool. It’s also a lot of fun to play with.
— Birrell Walsh
##A 02 300574 729
##T Boeing Graph
$395 from:
Boeing Computer Service
P. O. Box 24346/
Mail Stop 7A-32
Seattle, WA 98124-0346
Version 4.0; IBM compatible, 512K required. Will run on B/W or CGA monitors or with Hercules or EGA graphics adaptor.
##A 02 47863 730
##T Animation
##A 02 307032 731
##T The Animator’s Workbook
The Animator’s Workbook
This is a big book about drawing animation. I think it’s the best book on hand-drawn animation because it stresses the subtleties of natural paths of movement. Subtle and natural equal convincing animation. Animation that isn’t convincing is hard to look at. Convincing may be the key operative in film and in media in general.
— Bill Ritchey
##A 02 307393 732
##T The Animator’s Workbook
Tony White
1986; 160 pp.
ISBN 0823002284
$27.50 ($29.50 postpaid)
Watson-Guptill Publications
1695 Oak Street
Lakewood, NJ 08701
##A 02 308221 733
##T The Animator’s Workbook
##A 02 308314 734
##T The Animator’s Workbook
##A 02 308696 735
##T The Animator’s Workbook
##A 02 213707 736
##T The Animator’s Workbook
When an eye blinks, never draw a straight line in midposition for the breakdown. Either make it curve upward just above the center line, or make it curve downward just below.
##A 02 317195 737
##T The Animator’s Workbook
When contemplating an action, the animator must first ascertain which body part is leading the action and which part is following through. A classic example of this can be seen in the javelin thrower. Experienced javelin coaches always emphasize that there is more to javelin throwing than just running and throwing. Apart from the fast run up, they emphasize that at the end of the run the feet should be planted in a solid, steady position with the hips driven forward and the javelin arm held well back. From this powerful hip position, the throw unwinds from a series of movements, which bear a strong resemblance to the whip action from the center to the upper tip of an archery bow.
##A 02 308810 738
##T VideoWorks II
VideoWorks II
Once upon a time, film animation was a labor-intensive process requiring dozens of worker-elves painting action sequences frame by frame onto acetate “cells.” Modern video technology has changed all that, and the advent of high-powered $500,000 computers dedicated to video animation has made for some breath-taking TV commercials and station IDs. Still, it has mostly been the Macintosh that has brought animation techniques within reach of the artist on the street.
VideoWorks II is the premiere animation program for the Mac. Not only does it enable you to animate short “movies” that run on the Mac’s screen, but it also gives you the ability to set up sequences of MacPaint and PICT documents and animated clips that can be run as “slide shows” for business presentations. Included with the
##A 02 310174 739
##T VideoWorks II
program are some basic animated clips, artwork and sound effects that serve as elements in movies or presentations of your own. VideoWorks II works in both black and white and in color if you have a Mac II with color board and monitor.
Given the complexity of the tasks it sets out to accomplish, VideoWorks II’s interface is reasonably accessible. The 284-page users’ manual is outstanding. If you have a Mac and a desire to create moving pictures, VideoWorks II is the route to take.
— Jay Kinney
##A 02 309043 740
##T VideoWorks II
$195 from:
Brøderbund Software
17 Paul Drive
San Rafael, CA 94903
Version 1.0. Not copy-protected. Macintosh 512K or larger.
##A 02 310464 741
##T Cartoon Colour Co.
Cartoon Colour Co.
This catalog has some tools you’ll need to begin, especially if you plan on building your own stand or if you want to have your animation shot on a professional stand:
1. Heavy mylar 12 field and 16 field.
2. A roll of punched background bristol.
3. Punched tracing paper.
4. Punched 3 field cells and tracing paper.
5. Punched cels.
6. Tap on punched strips.
7. A light box with pin strips (optional).
— Bill Ritchey
##A 02 310768 742
##T Cartoon Colour Co.
Catalog free
Cartoon Colour Co., Inc.
9024 Lindblade Street
Culver City, CA 90230
##A 02 311374 743
##T Cartoon Colour Co.
For your presentation storyboards, these Aquabee pads have video and audio areas framed in gray on white 16 lb. paper, which is strong enough for mounting and thin enough for tracing.
##A 02 290006 744
##T Cartoon Colour Co.
OX SUPERMATION 8 ANIMATION CAMERA STAND — This table top animation stand can be used with most Super-8 cameras having zoom and single frame capabilities. The 12 field compound has hinged glass platen, north-south and east-west calibrated scales for pan movements and a rotary camera mount for 360 degree spins or angle shots.
##A 02 276474 745
##T Drawing and Painting
##A 02 132481 746
##T The Natural Way to Draw
The Natural Way to Draw
This classic work by an outstanding art teacher is not only the best how-to book on drawing, it is one of the best how-to books we’ve seen on any subject.
— Stewart Brand
##A 02 146736 747
##T The Natural Way to Draw
Kimon Nicolaides
1941, 1969; 221 pp.
ISBN 0395205484
$8.95 ($9.95 postpaid)
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Mail Order Dept.
Wayside Road
Burlington, MA 01803
or Whole Earth Access
##A 02 147060 748
##T The Natural Way to Draw
The sooner you make your first five thousand mistakes, the sooner you will be able to correct them.
Learning to draw is really a matter of learning to see — to see correctly — and that means a good deal more than merely looking with the eye. The sort of ‘seeing’ I mean is an observation that utilizes as many of the five senses as can reach through the eye at one time. Although you use your eyes, you do not close up the other senses — rather, the reverse, because all the senses have a part in the sort of observation you are to make.
##A 02 147416 749
##T The Natural Way to Draw
A gesture drawing is like scribbling rather than like printing carefully — think more of the meaning than of the way the thing looks.
##A 02 147670 750
##T The Natural Way to Draw
In contour drawing you touch the edge of the form.
##A 02 148421 751
##T Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
If you’ve always wanted to draw, but lacked the “talent,” Betty Edwards’ simple exercises can help you turn your stick figures into real drawings. Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain gives the basics on how to see and how to put what you see onto paper.
— Kathleen O’Neill
##A 02 148482 752
##T Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
A Course in Enhancing Creativity and Artistic Confidence
Betty Edwards
1979; 207 pp.
ISBN 0874770882
$9.95 ($11.20 postpaid)
St. Martin’s Press
175 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10010
##A 02 151699 753
##T Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
Inverted drawing. Forcing the cognitive shift from the dominant left-hemisphere mode to the subdominant right-hemisphere mode.
##A 02 126326 754
##T Drawing on the Artist Within
Drawing on the Artist Within
Once you’ve learned to draw what you can see you’ll want to draw what you can imagine. Betty Edwards’ new book, Drawing on the Artist Within, helps you add expressiveness and innovation, turning your drawing into art.
— Kathleen O’Neill
##A 02 185287 755
##T Drawing on the Artist Within
Betty Edwards
1986; 240 pp.
ISBN 0671493868
$18.95 postpaid
Simon and Schuster
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 02 194232 756
##T Drawing on the Artist Within
A casual observer viewing R.F.’s three drawings might conclude that he had “learned to draw” in the three weeks. But that wasn’t it at all: R.F. had learned to see differently” — that is, to “see” information which was out there all the time, but which was at first simply rejected because of quick closure and premature, preprogrammed conclusions.
##A 02 194393 757
##T Drawing on the Artist Within
R.F.’s three drawings over a three-week period.
##A 02 205624 758
##T Drawing on the Artist Within
“Sometimes it is actually easier to draw the spaces and let the objects take care of themselves.”
Freehand Drawing Self-Taught, 1933.
##A 02 194814 759
##T Thinking with a Pencil
Thinking with a Pencil
Good title, wonderful book — an inviting pragmatic
introduction to the full range of image-representation. Nelms makes it look easy and great fun.
— Stewart Brand
##A 02 194905 760
##T Thinking with a Pencil
Henning Nelms
1981; 368 pp.
ISBN 00898150523
$8.95 ($9.95 postpaid)
Ten Speed Press
P. O. Box 7123
Berkeley, CA 94707
##A 02 195211 761
##T Thinking with a Pencil
Practical drawings are mental tools. Once you have learned to make them, you will find that they are as useful in solving problems as saws and hammers are useful in carpentry.
Omitting the useless is as important as including the essential. Aristotle stated a fundamental truth when he said that everything which does not add will detract.
##A 02 195515 762
##T Thinking with a Pencil
The short-axis rule applies, no matter which way the axle slants.
##A 02 148048 763
##T Thinking with a Pencil
DISTINGUISHING SEVERAL POSITIONS OF THE SAME OBJECT BY DOTTED LINES. Also note use of a dotted line to indicate the path of the ball.
##A 02 195594 764
##T The Artist’s Handbook of Materials and Techniques
The Artist’s Handbook of Materials and Techniques
Part of becoming a Rembrandt or Da Vinci is creating art work that lasts for several hundred years. Cracking, peeling, fading, or darkening colors are usually the result of poor technique.
This book thoroughly covers traditional media from pigment to finishing (the section on fresco sounds enticingly difficult). The new sections on polymers and synthetic organic pigments rounds it out.
No illustrations — make your own.
— Kathleen O’Neill
##A 02 195921 765
##T The Artist's Handbook of Materials and Techniques
Ralph Mayer
4th Edition 1981; 733 pp.
ISBN 0670136662
$24.95 ($26.20 postpaid)
Viking Penguin
Order Dept.
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0120
201-387-0600 (NJ)
##A 02 196319 766
##T The Artist's Handbook of Materials and Techniques
Handling the Tempera Paint
When painting with egg, plenty of water should be used, and the brush should be dipped into water frequently. When the amount of egg is in proper relation to that of pigment, a large amount of water may be added to the paint; inexperienced painters often have difficulty in handling the tempera medium through not introducing enough water. When too much egg is used, the paint will dry too rapidly and brush out with difficulty; when not enough egg is used in relation to the amount of pigment, the resulting film will be weak and powdery. To test the paint film it should be brushed out and allowed to dry on a sheet of glass. If it can be peeled off in a continuous, tough film with a knife, there is enough egg to bind it; if it powders or flakes off there is not enough. Some pigments, as will be found by experience, require a little more egg than others.
##A 02 138860 767
##T The Artist's Handbook of Materials and Techniques
Red Sable Watercolor Brushes. The one source of hair for the finest brushes is the tail of the kolinsky (known also as Siberian mink or red Tartar marten). No other hair has the same springiness, durability, and combination of desirable properties.
##A 02 311742 768
##T Drawing
About 15 years ago when I was a student at the Boston Museum School, I took an art history class for which this book was required reading. I was thoroughly impressed with this $5.95 book at the time. Unfortunately, I had the hots for this girl who wanted to borrow the book and swore that she’d return it. I’ve been looking to purchase the book ever since, but it’s been out of print.
The second edition is now available for $19.90 and I still think
it’s a good deal for the money. What Rawson does is to define a grammar of drawing, using terms which are unambiguous, and then to discuss drawing in terms of that grammar. I recommend this book because for me as an artist, the book is both an inspiration
to do and an elucidation of what it is that I do. In a time when
##A 02 313014 769
##T Drawing
most discussion about art and the meaning thereof is mumbo
jumbo at best, Drawing by Philip Rawson is a breath of fresh air.
— Jonathan Herbert
##A 02 311991 770
##T Drawing
Philip Rawson
2nd Edition 1987; 322 pp.
ISBN 0812212517
$17.95 ($19.90 postpaid)
University of Pennsylvania Press
418 Service Drive
Blockley Hall
13th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6097
##A 02 312477 771
##T Drawing
We know that Rembrandt used to teach his pupils by getting them to copy, stroke for stroke, his own drawings. In this excellent fashion they would absorb the master’s own way of scanning the world and his own vocabulary of graphic forms. Raphael and Primaticcio copied drawings by Leonardo. On the whole, however, this kind of drawing has not been done nearly so extensively in Europe as in the Far East. In the Far East, however, a greater conscious emphasis was laid on capturing the “spirit of the forms.” Good copies of masterpieces, either close or free, were very highly valued, even when the copyists were not themselves major masters — so long as they captured something of the spirit of the original. It is still very much an open question how many of the much admired drawings attributed to major artists of the Southern Sung dynasty are
“originals” or inspired copies.
##A 02 85596 772
##T Drawing
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), Head of Leda; pen and ink over black chalk, 177 x 147 mm.
##A 02 312669 773
##T Drawing
Aristide Maillol (1861-1944)“Reclining Nude,” c. 1931; red crayon, 28.6 x 77.8 cm.
Maillol drew by means of continuous contours. And he strove for exactly the same kind of plastic integrity in his sculptures.
##A 02 79311 774
##T Drawing
There is one particular use of invisible lines which is especially important for modern art, and is most useful in art education. This is found in one of Klee’s techniques of drawing long mobile lines and subsequently simplifying out of them enclosures, a practice which he may have developed from Islamic example. His technique was to begin by drawing an extended and convoluted line, which curves back upon itself many times. Out of the large number of possible enclosures such a line offers he selects those which express his intention and “fills them in,” perhaps picking out as well short segments of the line for emphasis. All the rest of the original line is then obliterated, and the enclosures and segments are left standing in their own right. There may no longer be much visible linear connection between
them — though there may be some. However, the mind grasps that there is an invisible unity, esoteric or “mystical” perhaps, since it is not openly intelligible, bonding the enclosures together — the obliterated line.
##A 02 73397 775
##T Drawing
Paul Klee, Migrating Fish (1926), pen and ink, Benteli Verlag, Bern.
##A 02 48041 776
##T Printmaking
##A 02 313230 777
##T Printmaking
I was about to say that this is the best book that gathers all of the printmaking media under one cover, but that’s not it. This is the best book on printmaking, period. Printmaking: History and Process includes sections of relief (e.g. woodcuts), intaglio (etching and engraving), silkscreen and lithography; and the treatment of each of these media is better than in any books I’ve seen on just one of them.
I learned many of the basic procedures of printmaking from this book. Now, years later, I am a full-time printmaker and I still use it.
— Turner McGehee
##A 02 313373 778
##T Printmaking
History and Process
Donald Saff and Deli Sacilotto
1978; 436 pp.
ISBN 0030856639
$36 postpaid from:
Holt, Rinehart and Winston
6277 Sea Harbor Drive
Orlando, FL 32887
##A 02 314396 779
##T Printmaking
Four intaglio techniques: Drypoint (a), engraving (b), etching (c), and collagraph (d). Each column shows a plate close-up, detail of a print, and plate cross-section.
##A 02 122080 780
##T Printmaking
Henri Matisse, Study: A Woman’s Back. 1914. Lithograph.
Some of the most sensitive lithographs from 20th-century France were those made by Henri Matisse. Although this artist’s paintings are known for their brilliant color, many of his lithographs, particularly those in the large group of female nudes, depend on simple linear purity for their remarkable effect. Often, the drawing began with transfer paper, and the texture of the paper would be visible on the stone and in the finished print.
##A 02 136400 781
##T Printmaking
Pulling the first proof.
##A 02 313873 782
##T The Artist’s Silkscreen Manual
The Artist’s Silkscreen Manual
With clear line drawings and numerous photos, Mr. Gardner leads the reader step by step from selecting materials and assembling the frame, through stretching and preparing the screen, to choosing a squeegee and deciding upon the method for creating the stencil. There is a complete description of possible inks and chemicals involved and the use of same. Knife-cut stencils and photo stencil techniques are thoroughly explained with ample illustrations and an invaluable troubleshooting guide. Likewise for printing plus a glossary of terms and index. This is the only book on silkscreening that has taught me more than I picked up in a
five-day workshop.
— Susan Edwards
##A 02 314945 783
##T The Artist’s Silkscreen Manual
Andrew B. Gardner
1976; 160 pp.
ISBN 044811593X
$9.95 ($11.45 postpaid)
Putnam Publishing
P.O. Box 506 — Dept. B.
E. Rutherford, NJ 07073
##A 02 315694 784
##T The Artist’s Silkscreen Manual
Use of the swivel knife, showing how the blade rotates as the hand changes direction.
##A 02 101901 785
##T The Artist’s Silkscreen Manual
A screen fabric being tensioned with one hand and stapled with the other.
All fabrics, except steel and bronze, can be stretched by hand without the use of any tensioning device. If the screen fabric is silk, one must remember that it is particularly susceptible to humidity; it stretches on humid days and shrinks on dry days. Whenever possible, stretch silk on damp days; otherwise the screen may become slack enough to cause printing problems.
##A 02 119963 786
##T The Artist’s Silkscreen Manual
Leaning squeegee toward you and pushing to far side for second print.
##A 02 315645 787
##T Gocco
“Gocco” means “child’s play,” accurately descriptive of the level of expertise required to operate this nifty little gadget. And certainly any child in your household would be happy to prove it, if only the adult inhabitants would quit monopolizing it!
Essentially the Gocco is a photo screen printer. You use flash bulbs to make the screen. The original art needs to contain carbon (most inks and all photocopies are carbon-based). There’s a little flash bulb housing that sits on top of the press’s upper half. When you press it shut, flash bulb light passes through a light-transparent film, over the artwork, hits the carbon of the artwork, is re-radiated as infra-red light, which melts the film, thereby making the print master. Lift off the flash bulb housing, and lift up a clear acetate sheet which sits on top of the print master.
##A 02 318024 788
##T Gocco
Squish ink from a tube onto the master, lower the acetate, put a piece of paper on the bed, press down — there’s Print. No. 1.
You can get from 50 to 250 prints from one inking, depending on how fine-lined your original art is. When prints become unacceptably faint, simply lift the acetate sheet and re-ink. And by all means squish different inks on different areas of the master for multi-colored prints.
Lazann Ryle, a piano teacher, showed me a Gocco in action; she was printing a 10-point type logo on envelopes for her students. Each came out clearly with no smudges or featheriness. Quite impressive.
##A 02 318371 789
##T Gocco
You can print on just about anything that will lie flat on the
Gocco’s bed: Lazann showed me napkins, wedding invitations, postcards, tea towels, even a mirror. Although the image area is fairly small, you can feed a larger piece of paper or cloth through and print a bit at a time.
Do get The Gocco Guide with your printer (the original instructions are translated somewhat idiosyncratically from Japanese). Its step-by-step directions are very clear and it’s loaded with tips and hints culled from two experienced users.
— Sarah Satterlee
##A 02 316968 790
##T Gocco
The Gocco Guide
Claire Russell and Mary Worthington
1983; 129 pp.
$10 ($11 postpaid)
Think Ink
1452 NW 185th
Seattle, WA 98177
##A 02 315982 791
##T Gocco
Gocco Printer B-5
$320 ($328 postpaid)
Think Ink
1452 NW 185th
Seattle, WA 98177
Image size 5" x 9". Comes with enough supplies to get started.
##A 02 317566 792
##T Gocco
Gocco Printer B-6
$98 ($103 postpaid)
Think Ink
1452 NW 185th
Seattle, WA 98177
Image size 4" x 5-3/4". Comes with enough supplies to get started.
##A 02 262011 793
##A 02 264830 794
##T Theater
##A 02 22871 795
##T The Small Theatre Handbook
The Small Theatre Handbook
All the practical steps to take in creating a new theater and maintaining it are covered by this good-humored handbook: from budgets, funding, and legal requirements to choosing plays, managing actors, and touring productions. Written with such love of small theatre, it still points out where stresses are sure to arise and tells how to work through them.
Green emphasizes the importance of keeping that critical balance of respect and responsibility between the artistic and administrative staffs.
The book should be a little longer in the fundraising area, but
there’s an excellent bibliography.
— Annette Rose, Antenna Theater
##A 02 23265 796
##T The Small Theatre Handbook
A Guide to Management and Production
Joann Green
1981; 163 pp.
ISBN 0916782204
$8.95 ($10.20 postpaid)
Kampmann and Company
540 Barnum Avenue
Bridgeport, CT 06608
##A 02 23521 797
##T The Small Theatre Handbook
Don’t count on selling tickets. Do your best at publicity, and keep your fingers crossed. The price of a ticket should not be so small that the audience feels that it — and the experience of the theatre itself — is inconsequential. Nor should it be so high that the audience fears that nothing could possibly be worth this much money. You may be tempted not to set a price at all, but to ask for “donations at the door.” Resist. Accept responsibility for setting, if not a value on the two hours you ask someone to spend with you, than at least a monetary metaphor for it.
##A 02 322114 798
##T Audition
Michael Shurtleff, casting director for such hits as The Graduate, Beckett, The Sound of Music, and Pippin, offers a montage of useful observation from a life spent discriminating winners from losers. Not as technique-oriented as Stanislavski, but a well-built compass indicating specific direction, and his tone and bits of show-biz lore are honest as a good comedian and quite in tune with the times.
— Peter Coyote
##A 02 322413 799
##T Audition
Everything an Actor Needs to Know to Get the Part
Michael Shurtleff
1978, 1987; 264 pp.
ISBN 0553254340
$4.95 ($6.95 postpaid)
Bantam Books
414 East Golf Road
Des Plaines, IL 60016
##A 02 322914 800
##T Audition
An actor cannot play boredom or he will be boring. He must find what it is that the character wants instead of the boring condition he’s in, and he must fight for that. I use the word fight because the actor must find the strongest, most positive goal possible. Nothing less will do.
Humor is not being funny. It is the coin of exchange between human beings that makes it possible for us to get through the day . . . . One would sometimes think actors are trying to reverse the life process by what they do onstage. They take humor out instead of put it in. That’s what makes acting unlifelike.
##A 02 319462 801
##T How to Be a Working Actor
How to Be a Working Actor
Acting is, at best, a chancy way to make one’s living. Less than ten percent of professional actors earn a decent wage from acting alone. This book is written for those who aspire to join that ten percent. In their advice to the beginning actor on how to launch a career, the authors are realistic about the chances of success. But never do they lose faith that you, the reader, will be one of the lucky minority who bask in the limelight and get paid for it, too.
— Sarah Vandershaf
##A 02 320640 802
##T How to Be a Working Actor
The Insider’s Guide to Finding Jobs in Theater, Film and Television
Mari Lyn Henry and Lynne Rogers
1986; 302 pp.
ISBN 0871314827
$9.66 ($12.16 postpaid)
Henry Holt & Co.
115 West 18th Street
New York, NY 10011
##A 02 321032 803
##T How to Be a Working Actor
Legitimate talent agents and personal managers do not advertise in the Want Ad section of any newspaper or in the trade papers. An ad that solicits “new faces” for commercials, for modeling, or for films and then implies that experience is unnecessary and suggests that high salaries are waiting to be paid to the first people who answer the ad, is a phony.
Beware of any person who, representing himself or herself as an agent or manager, asks you to read sample copy for a dramatic scene or as a commercial test, who then agrees that you have “talent” but that it needs to be “developed,” and who next suggests that you attend a particular school or study with a particular teacher to whom he or she recommends all of his “clients.” Such a person is either a phony
(getting a kickback from the recommended school or teacher) or a very stupid operator. In either case, such a person is not one who can be of value to your career.
##A 02 321539 804
##T How to Be a Working Actor
Almost every actor in New York has worked in one or more of the productions of Plays for Living, a division of the Family Service of America. These productions are original half-hour dramas that illustrate a particular family stress situation: alcoholism, a child’s inability to read, stealing, lying, and the like. The plays are presented to parents’ associations or similar groups in school auditoriums, churches, or meeting halls throughout New York City. . . . While the payment received is minimal, the experience of adjusting to different theaters and audiences is invaluable. Some of the material is excellent for audition scenes.
To learn more about Plays for Living, contact: Family Service of America, 44 East Twenty-third Street, New York, NY 10016.
##A 02 321318 805
##T How to Be a Working Actor
Both of David Varnay’s photographs illustrate the imaginative use of accessories. The leading man wears a hat. The character prop is a marvelous comic touch.
##A 02 321874 806
##T How to Be a Working Actor
After your initial interview with an agent or casting person, an effective means of follow-up is the photo-postcard. This one by John Zarchen lists times when his work can be seen on television on the back side.
##A 02 318674 807
##T Theatre Crafts
Theatre Crafts
You say you’re not a stage set designer? Well, step right this way anyhow and check out Theater Crafts How-To. This remarkable assortment of clever shop tricks and procedures — you’ll probably be able to put many of them to work offstage.
There are lots of things you won’t find in home-shop magazines: an inexpensive air cylinder with a 20-foot (or less) stroke, for instance, or a simple vacuum-former. How about directions for casting fake stone lions out of foam? Or a method of permanently bending PVC pipe into the frame for a gazebo? As you’d expect, the book is particularly strong on lightweight constructions that can be easily dismounted and rebuilt. It’s a way of thinking about
things that can be very useful — just the opposite of the fortress-
##A 02 144777 808
##T Theatre Crafts
building mentality. The collection is from the respected Theatre Crafts Magazine.
— J. Baldwin
##A 02 318778 809
##T Theatre Crafts
Theatre Crafts How-To (Vol. 1)
Editors of Theatre Crafts Magazine
1984; 165 pp.
ISBN 0916477010
$9.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
Drama Books
P. O. Box 816
Gracie Station
New York, NY 10028
##A 02 319783 810
##T Theatre Crafts
Theatre Crafts Magazine
Patricia MacKay, Editor
ISSN 00405469
$30/year(10 issues)
Theatre Crafts Magazine
P.O. Box 470
Mt. Morris, IL 61054-0470
##A 02 319720 811
##T Theatre Crafts
British artisan Paul Fowler built Maurice Sendak’s “Wild Things” for the opera Where the Wild Things Are. Partnered by his wife Gill, Fowler runs his propbuilding business out of a 2,000 sq. ft. workshop in an old converted brewery in Lewis, East Sussex.
-Theatre Crafts Magazine
##A 02 110715 812
##T Theatre Crafts
Inside the monsters
##A 02 320403 813
##T Theatre Crafts
Fish net woven on a bias (left) does not provide the supportive backing for cut drop sets that square netting does (bottom).
— Theatre Crafts How-To
##A 02 154031 814
##T Theatre Crafts
For a Seattle Repertory Theater production of “A History of American Film,” the endless line principle was applied to fly a character across the stage. The arbor carried her weight and moved her vertically, while the endless line moved her along the pipe batten.
— Theater Crafts How-To
##A 02 155471 815
##T French’s Basic Catalogue of Plays
French’s Basic Catalogue of Plays
America’s giant of play publishers offers a catalog organized by special interest — Chinese plays, Monologues, Black plays, etc. — and indexed by author and title.
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 02 171287 816
##T French's Basic Catalogue of Plays
$2 from:
Samuel French, Inc.
45 West 25th Street
New York, NY 10010
##A 02 93133 817
##T French's Basic Catalogue of Plays
ACCIDENTAL DEATH OF AN ANARCHIST. (Little Theater.) Farce. Dario Fo. Adapted/translated by Richard Nelson. 5 m., 1 f. Int. Dario Fo has scored again with this wicked satire of right-wing bureaucracy, which has had over 100 productions worldwide, including a long run in London’s West End. The central character, known only as The Fool, is a lunatic confidence man right out of a Marx Brothers routine who walks into the police office from which an anarchist has “fallen” to his death. A brilliant “histriomaniac” and quick-change imposter, the Fool impersonates a variety of characters and in so doing tricks the addled police into re-opening the anarchist’s case and revealing all the doctored transcripts and falsified evidence. Needless to say the role of the Fool is one of the great comic parts in contemporary dramatic literature. “A majestically funny event about deadly serious matters.”—NY Daily News. $4.00, (Royalty, $60-$40.) Slightly Restricted. (#3908)
##A 02 155086 818
##T French's Basic Catalogue of Plays
LA TURISTA. (Little Theater.) Drama. Sam Shepard. 6 m., 1 f. Int. Salem and Kent are tourists in Mexico in the play’s first act. Kent becomes ill — and a sinister local witchdoctor is called in. When Kent becomes the victim of a disturbing form of sleeping sickness back in America (the second act) — American rhetoric is offered for his cure, just as magic had been offered in “primitive” Mexico. Neither medicine works. In Sam Shepard, Seven Plays, $7.95. Also in Four Two-Act Plays by Sam Shepard, $9.95 (Royalty, $50-$35.) (#14014)
##A 02 140121 819
##T American Theater
American Theater
This well-produced magazine covers the American theater scene with an editorial eye toward the significant themes in theater today. Looking at the political commitment of the theater in Latin America, and especially in Chile, where actors are receiving death threats to stop their work, an American Theater editorial says, “it’s been a very long time since American theater was the most important expression of political action.” It continues, “the atrocities in Chile — should remind us of strings on our fiddle we too rarely play.” This magazine wants to tune up those old strings.
Besides their excellent articles on theaters, plays, playwrights, various aspects of production and theater management, American
Theater publishes the complete text of a contemporary play in almost every issue.
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 02 141793 820
##T American Theater
Jim O’Quinn, Editor
ISSN 87503255
$27/year (11 issues)
Theater Communications Group
355 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10017
##A 02 61777 821
##T American Theater
In Julie Taymor’s adaptation of The Tempest, Robert Stattel was Prospero and a delicate bunaraku puppet took the role of Ariel.
##A 02 125345 822
##T American Theater
Packing crates. TV antennas. Cotton balls. Old newspapers. Automobile parts. Plastic forks. Paul Zaloom collects the debris of American culture and sculpts it into a theater of trash. He animates the objects he finds with multi-tonal voices — cigars speak in the gruff mutterings of congressmen in caucus; sheets of wrinkled black plastic hiss like acid rain; a tiny black reading lamp takes on the sinister accent of a KGB agent. Zaloom grabs one piece of junk after another, sets it onto his table, gives it a voice, then hurls it onto the floor. His images dissolve into one another with an anarchic velocity. By the time his performances are over, he is standing in a garbage dump of discarded characters like a crazed television gameshow host in the aftermath of a marathon prize give-away.
Zaloom uses the icons of our consumer culture to create a satiric microcosm of the American landscape. His readymade puppets transform society’s waste products into entertaining commentary on society’s wastefulness.
##A 02 125559 823
##T American Theater
— Farmers, played by garden tools, and their dairy herd, played by milk cartons, are pitted against bankers and government agents in the farm crisis sequence from Paul Zaloom’s “In America.”
##A 02 125905 824
##T American Theater
— Paul Zaloom is attacked by students, played by swarming shoes, in the education scene from “In America.”
##A 02 20051 825
##T Theatrical Supplies
##A 02 17299 826
##T Norcosto
Low-cost theater equipment, costumes, makeup, etc. for school-size productions. I can’t imagine opening a new wave nightclub or restaurant without some of these toys.
— Stewart Brand
##A 02 17448 827
##T Norcosto
Catalog for the Performing Arts
$2 from:
3203 North Highway #100
Minneapolis, MN 55422
##A 02 177050 828
##T Mutual Hardware
Mutual Hardware
Low-cost theater equipment, costumes, makeup, etc. for school-size productions. I can’t imagine opening a new wave nightclub or restaurant without some of these toys.
— Stewart Brand
##A 02 177270 829
##T Mutual Hardware
Theatrical Equipment and Supplies
Catalog $2 from:
Mutual Hardware Corp.
5-45 49th Avenue
Long Island City, NY
##A 02 198437 830
##T Mutual Hardware
A pliable soft black wire, woven but not welded, used for making all types of scenery shapes.
Size, width, inch: 36”. Length, feet: 100’. $190
Size, width, inch: 48”. Length, feet: 100’. $260
##A 02 151489 831
##T Mutual Hardware
A. C3 - Miniature Fresnel Spot with 3" lens. (100 watt through 250 watt lamps available) Recommended throw 5'–20'.
##A 02 49386 832
##T Performance Arts
##A 02 323214 833
##T High Performance
High Performance
Provocative quarterly examining the work of artists who, in making their lives their art, cut closer and closer to the bone while extending you the invitation to push your perceptual limits. Lots of photos and lucid, entertaining writing make even the most challenging contemporary art intriguing and accessible.
— Sarah Satterlee
##A 02 323577 834
##T High Performance
A Quarterly Magazine for the New Arts Audience
Steven Durland, Editor
ISSN 01609769
$20/year(4 issues)
High Performance
240 South Broadway, 5th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90012
##A 02 72548 835
##T High Performance
One of Greenpeace’s more potent images was created in England in 1985 where internationally known photographer David Bailey directed a 60-second film showing a glamorous fashion show in which one of the models comes out in a fur coat which suddenly begins spurting blood until the whole audience is splattered. In the final shot the model exits the ramp, dragging her fur coat and leaving a wide swath of blood behind her. The last image has also been produced as a billboard with the caption, “It takes 40 dumb animals to make a fur coat. But only one to wear it.”
— from article entitled “WITNESS: The Guerrilla Theater of Greenpeace.”
##A 02 73096 836
##T High Performance
Greenpeace unfurls a banner on the infamous New York City garbage barge that traveled up and down the East Coast when no one was willing to accept the trash. 1987. Greenpeace often uses banners placed in significant places to focus the public’s attention.
##A 02 72197 837
##T High Performance
Christy Rupp, Social Progress, 1986, New York City.
Afraid that it would set a precedent, a community board in Manhattan vetoed a popular move to have “Social Progress” made a permanent installation on a traffic island within the board’s jurisdiction. After granting a one-month extension to the six months the sculpture was to be on view, the work was removed. Though professing a continuing interest in temporary exhibits of public art works, the board has not contacted any art organizations about the availability of the site Rupp vacated, and which has consequently remained empty for more than a year.
##A 02 324860 838
##T High Performance
Ceremonial artist Vigali as primordial goddess. “Her body was covered with earth and her hair entangled in a branch. Her movements were ponderously slow, as if to the the rhythm of geological time.”
This August, 1988 performance, called “Western Gateway,” is the first of a ring of twelve such environmental sculptures and performances that Vijali intends to create around the world, forming a “World Wheel (medicine wheel) that will be her action/life of healing and connection for the earth for the next few years.
##A 02 325294 839
##T Pranks!
Pranks! is a hilarious book that had me laughing out loud. At the same time it is a manual of cultural subversion that administers a hot-foot to the archetypes of authority and robotic propriety. In a series of over 30 interviews, counterculture figures, performing artists, filmmakers, and other assorted provocateurs describe their favorite pranks and the philosophies that motivated them. From psychedelic revolutionary Tim Leary to raunch-film director John Waters (Pink Flamingos, Hairspray) to the Velvet
Underground’s John Cale, the lineup of interviewees is truly remarkable.
But Pranks! isn’t just a recounting of naughty anecdotes. Many of those interviewed, such as Earth First! environmentalist Mike Roselle, perform their pranks as the most direct way of getting
##A 02 327063 840
##T Pranks!
serious points across. And thanks to the intellectual style Andrea Juno and V. Vale, Pranks! comes off as a statement of avante-garde philosophy — a kind of cosmic wake-up call from an extended underground of surrealist artists.
— Ted Schultz
##A 02 325465 841
##T Pranks!
Andrea Juno and V. Vale, Editors
1987; 239 pp.
ISBN 0940642107
$14.99 ($17 postpaid)
Re/Search Publications
20 Romolo #B
San Francisco, CA 94133
##A 02 326032 842
##T Pranks!
Around 1961 I had inquiries for my biography from “Who’s Who in America”
and “Who’s Who in American Art.” So I listed both of them, but the biographies were different. It seemed to me that a person should be able to control his own autobiography. Secondly, this was an experiment in how far you could push things — whether anybody would ever notice.
When you use the phone don’t ever waste a wrong number. For instance, if someone calls up and says, “Is Jack there?” don’t say, “I’m sorry, you have the wrong number.” Say, “Hang on, I’ll see. Who’s calling?” Then wait a second. “I’m sorry, Jack doesn’t want to talk to you. Jack is still very angry, and he doesn’t want to discuss it.”
##A 02 326567 843
##T Pranks!
Bob Zoell, a graphic designer and artist living in Los Angeles, infiltrated the wide world of parking signs with hundreds of lookalikes bearing quixotic messages.
##A 02 69995 844
##T Pranks!
Jeffrey Vallance and friends with Little Oscar and his giant Weinermobile. 1973.
From earliest childhood Jeffrey had pioneered and documented a host of conceptual art projects examining and undermining the roles of authority, ritual, and sentimentality in “ordinary life.” In oblique and original ways he reveals the tacky underpinnings of power everywhere, while disguising any blatant political point of view.
##A 02 71064 845
##T Pranks!
“I said I had developed a superstrain of cockroaches. I extracted their hormones and made a cockroach vitamin pill which cured arthritis, acne, anemia, menstrual cramps, and makes one invulnerable to nuclear radiation. UPI bought the story hook, line and sinker: ROACH HORMONE HELD AS MIRACLE DRUG.”
—Joey Skaggs
##A 02 71988 846
##T Pranks!
Since the early seventies, Monte Cazazza has been an underground legend among avant-garde performance circles. This photograph of Monte and friend is by Bobby Neel Adams.
##A 02 327245 847
##T Survival Research Laboratories
Survival Research Laboratories
Defining Survival Research Laboratories is not easy. They are performance artists or, rather, the directors of a performance group. The actual performers are machines. Nightmare constructions; bits and pieces of scavenged industrial equipment, the flotsam of a post-industrial society. These found machines are stripped down, rebuilt, given new identities and personalities, then let loose on each other in parking lots and warehouse spaces in performances of mechanical savagery.
But the performances are not just sensational Bread and Circuses destruction. SRL’s shows function as a sophisticated and sinister version of a Fun House mirror: a twisted mixture of familiar images (bizarre cars, destructive construction equipment, ludicrous mechanical men) and highly political satire.
##A 02 329010 848
##T Survival Research Laboratories
Survival Research Laboratories are not to be read about, but experienced. If you can’t get to one of their performances in San Francisco or New York, you can check out the numerous videos of their work. Whether you like them or not, you will be impressed.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 02 327994 849
##T Survival Research Laboratories
Information free from:
Target Video
678 South Van Ness
San Francisco, CA 94110
20 Romolo Street, Suite B
San Francisco, CA 94133
##A 02 328935 850
##T Survival Research Laboratories
SRL’s Walking Machine with Flame Thrower. Look closely at the fuzzy black thing on top. That’s Stu the guinea pig, controlling the machine’s movements with his legs.
##A 02 328557 851
##T Ventriloquism for Fun and Profit
Ventriloquism for Fun and Profit
Before Paul Winchell became the successful inventor of the artificial heart valve, he was very successful in a more “noble” profession — ventriloquism. Here Winchell explores every facet of this entertaining craft. He explains in detail how to create the ventriloquial voice through proper lip and mouth control as well as how to make and manipulate a dummy. (Pop quiz: what’s the name of Winchell’s wooden pal?) There’s a section on performing in public, including several routines.
Most material you’ll find in magic shops or book stores on ventriloquism are just pamphlets of 20 pages or so. This is by far the most comprehensive book I’ve seen and makes learning how fairly easy. (I tried it in a law class last week — the professor
##A 02 330321 852
##T Ventriloquism for Fun and Profit
thought Duffy, a student who sits five seats down from me, had woken up and spoken for the first time all semester.)
— Paul Chandler
##A 02 329306 853
##T Ventriloquism for Fun and Profit
Paul Winchell
1954; 190 pp.
$3.98 $5.49 postpaid)
Hollywood Magic Shop
6614 Hollywood Boulevard
Hollywood, CA 90028
##A 02 329767 854
##T Ventriloquism for Fun and Profit
Ventriloquism is only an illusion; it’s the art of using our keen sense of sight to deceive our often inaccurate sense of hearing.
Close your jaw keeping the lips slightly apart, and the teeth touching lightly together. At no time let the teeth separate. This is vital to the illusion.
You shouldn’t have much trouble making the sound of “w” without moving your lips. But if you should have any trouble, just say the sound of “oo,” as in moon, instead of the “w” sound. In that way “oo-air” would be where; “oo-ott” would be what; “oo-eye” would be why; and “oo-en” would be when.
When you get into dialogue — with you and the dummy alternately doing the talking — you run smack into the first big mental problem confronting the ventriloquist. You are no longer one person. You are now two separate and distinct individuals and personalities. And you now have to think and act for two people.
##A 02 330127 855
##T Ventriloquism for Fun and Profit
a. Route taken by string from mouth through the pole. b. Drill hole in pole for string. c. Make trough for eyes string.
##A 02 330607 856
##T Words on Mime
Words on Mime
I remember seeing Marcel Marceau when I was little and making my friends at recess the next day wriggle and shriek as I performed The Kiss.
Speaking on the art of mime, Decroux, Marceau’s teacher, does with words what a mime does with body: makes manifest in you the reality of what his performance only suggests. Here, you are the mime, with his passion, intellect, spirit, grace.
Had I been a mime in 3rd grade, my friends would have swooned.
— Sarah Satterlee
##A 02 330811 857
##T Words on Mime
Etienne Decroux
1985; 180 pp.
$12 ($13 postpaid)
Mime Journal
Theater Department
Pomona College
Claremont, CA 91711
##A 02 331361 858
##T Words on Mime
I was born to love mime.
The body is a glove whose finger is thought.
“Pensée, pousée, pouce et pincée,” which in French are almost homonyms, are also almost synonyms. (“Thought, pushed, thumb, pinched.”) Our thought pushes our gestures in the same way that the thumb of the sculptor pushes forms; and our body, sculpted from the inside, stretches. Our thought, between its thumb and index-finger, pinches us along the reverse flap of our envelope and our body, sculpted from the inside, folds.
Mime is, at the same time, both sculptor and statue.
##A 02 331820 859
##T Words on Mime
1. When the part of the body has stopped so near the ideal line that the spectator guesses that the actor wanted to reach it; or sees that he should have wanted to.
For if we think of every ideal line as a magnet, the public demands that anything which approaches it should touch it.
2. Can one fix, equidistant between two ideal lines, a permissible route which would remain inside these lines because both of them would exercise an equal power of attraction?
—No, because the public would wonder what the actor was trying to do.
3. To begin is to promise to continue.
Any aberration is thus a mistake. It is possible to change direction, but it must be at such a clear angle that it is obvious it was done deliberately. To deviate is the act either of a cowardly hypocrite or of a groggy mind.
The line has the right to commit suicide, but not the right to die.
##A 02 332199 860
##T Words on Mime
With us, gymnastics are reduced to beautiful movement for a long time. Beautiful movements are difficult. This perhaps arises from the fact that, since the beauty we have in mind is the corporeal expression of civilization, in order to achieve it, we must fight against our nature. Voltaire said: “To do good, you must climb upward; to do evil, you have only to let yourself slide.”
Beauty is to the body as goodness is to the heart.
Everybody is not a musician, or a sculptor, or a poet, or a doctor or a chauffeur. Those who practice these professions do not do so incessantly, whereas everybody does mime, even when asleep. If it is impossible to represent matter without form; it is also impossible to imagine a body without attitude. Being a mime or not being one, does not depend on you, for you are incurably one.
##A 02 277760 861
##T Acting
##A 02 24689 862
IDENTITY IS A FRAME; death is a curtain; we are all actors. Those who “act” the identity of others are directly connected to the lineage of Paleolithic shamans; first transformers; first knowers that identity is mutable.
That their magic is fundamental is proven time and time again by the power available to even the puffiest bourgeois theatrical when it brushes this charged ground.
A study of the following books will put stretch in your sense of self, aid the development of penetrating observation, and do for your human interactions what jogging does for the cardiovascular
system. Become your own transformer. Practice throwing your
##A 02 52106 863
own switches. You’ll be surprised what your little electric train can do.
— Peter Coyote
##A 02 20852 864
##T An Actor Prepares
An Actor Prepares
The Source Text. Stanislavski’s studies of the techniques of the best actors of his day are the basis of all subsequent teachings. His dedication and worship of nature are an inspiration.
— Peter Coyote
##A 02 21027 865
##T An Actor Prepares
Constantin Stanislavski
1964, 1987; 295 pp.
ISBN 0878300015
$18.95 ($20.70 postpaid)
Routledge, Chapman & Hall
29 West 35th Street
New York, NY 10001-2291
##A 02 21471 866
##T An Actor Prepares
Never lose yourself on the stage. Always act in your own person, as an artist. You can never get away from yourself. The moment you lose yourself on the stage marks the departure from truly living your part and the beginning of exaggerated false acting. Therefore, no matter how much you act, how many parts you take, you should never allow yourself any exception to the rule of using your own feelings. To break that rule is the equivalent of killing the person you are portraying, because you deprive him of a palpitating, human soul, which is the real source of life for a part.
When you speak to the person who is playing opposite you, learn to follow through until you are certain your thoughts have penetrated his consciousness. Only after you are convinced of this and have added with your eyes what could not be put into words, should you continue to say the rest of your lines.
##A 02 21968 867
##T Respect for Acting
Respect for Acting
Uta Hagen’s book is an indispensable companion to Stanislavski’s. A consummate actress and teacher, she offers precise methodologies for developing one’s intuitions, perceptions and responses, and coaxing open the doors of the subconscious as reservoir for solutions to acting problems. (Which are real-life problems, no?)
Her style is passionate, and her standards are demandingly high, offered to what is best in world theater.
— Peter Coyote
##A 02 22030 868
##T Respect for Acting
Uta Hagen with Haskel Frankel
1973; 227 pp.
ISBN 0025473905
$14.95 ($15.70 postpaid)
Macmillan Publishing Co.
Order Department
Front and Brown Streets
Riverside, NJ 08075
or Whole Earth Access
##A 02 22396 869
##T Respect for Acting
A great danger is to take the five senses for granted. Most people do. Once you become aware that the sources which move in on you when you truly touch, taste, smell, see and hear are endless, you must also realize that self-involvement deadens the senses, and vanity slaughters them until you end up playing all alone — and meaninglessly.
Overacting, as it is usually thought of, means that the actor is playing to the gallery instead of with the other characters on stage. Or that he is hanging onto his own sensations or wallowing in false emotion. Underacting is primarily an empty imitation of nature, the actor playing in the “manner” of naturalness, unrelated to the roots of the given reality.
##A 02 15771 870
##T Impro
Most theater texts are like books on learning to ride a bike. Only after you have the hang of it are they valuable. This book is a rare peek into genius. Keith Johnstone, associated with George Devine and Tony Richardson of the Royal Court Theatre in London, creator of the Theatre Machine, comes across as a true magician, an inspired innovator of techniques for plugging people into the wellsprings of their own imaginations. One of the most useful and provocative books I have ever read on theater.
— Peter Coyote
##A 02 16048 871
##T Impro
Improvisation and Theatre
Keith Johnstone
1987; 208 pp.
ISBN 0878301631
$14.95 ($16.70 postpaid)
Routledge, Chapman & Hall
29 West 35th Street
New York, NY 10001-2291
##A 02 16343 872
##T Impro
“Try to get your status just a little above or below your partner’s,” I said, and I insisted that the gap should be minimal. The actors seemed to know exactly what I meant and the work was transformed. The scenes became ‘authentic’, and actors seemed marvellously observant. Suddenly we understood that every inflection and movement implies a status, and that no action is due to chance, or really ‘motiveless’. It was hysterically funny, but at the same time very alarming. All our secret manoeuvrings were exposed. If someone asked a question we didn’t bother to answer it, we concentrated on why it had been asked. No one could make an ‘innocuous’ remark without everyone instantly grasping what lay behind it. Normally we are ‘forbidden’ to see status transactions except when there’s a conflict. In reality status transactions continue all the time. In the park we’ll notice the ducks squabbling, but not how carefully they keep their distances when they are not.
##A 02 332741 873
##T Impro
There are people who prefer to say “Yes” and there are people who prefer to say
“No.” Those who say “Yes” are rewarded by the adventures they have, and those who say “No” are rewarded by the safety they attain. There are far more “No” sayers around than “Yes” sayers, but you can train one type to behave like the others. . . . Fred Karno understood this. When he interviewed aspiring actors he’d poke his pen into an empty inkwell and pretend to flick ink at them. If they mimed being hit in the eye, or whatever, he’d engage them. If they looked baffled and “blocked” him, then he wouldn’t.
##A 02 333195 874
##T Improvisation for the Theater
Improvisation for the Theater
Widely considered the best source for getting non-rote life seething on the stage. Take the chances, interact, make it through the lameness into originality that is.
— Stewart Brand
##A 02 333517 875
##T Improvisation for the Theater
Viola Spolin
Updated Edition 1983; 395 pp.
ISBN 0810110008
$10.95 ($11.82 postpaid)
Northwestern University Press
625 Colfax Street
Evanston, IL 60201
##A 02 334517 876
##T Improvisation for the Theater
Hidden Conflict
Two or more players.
Where, Who and What agreed upon. Each player takes a conflict and states it to himself in the first person without letting the other know what it is.
POINT OF CONCENTRATION: never to verbalize the problem (conflict).
EXAMPLE: Where — kitchen. Who — husband and wife. What — breakfast.
Hidden conflict: Husband — I am not going to work. Wife — I want him to leave. I’m expecting a visitor.
##A 02 334982 877
##T Improvisation for the Theater
1. Let audience know each player’s hidden conflict.
2. When the hidden conflict is stated, the scene is over.
3. Variation of this is to write a series of hidden conflicts on slips of paper and let actors pick after they have decided on Where, Who and What.
4. HIDDEN CONFLICT forces use of objects and was one of the early exercises that started the semantic shift from “conflict” to “problem,” thus opening up new doors of inquiry.
##A 02 50653 878
##A 02 278444 879
##T Contemporary Dance
##A 02 100997 880
##T The Dance Workshop
The Dance Workshop
I love to dance. Since the age of five I’ve been moving to music aided and encouraged by my mother, who shares my love. I was hesitant to review books on dance because there is no music and you are sitting on your butt instead of moving about. But I remembered spending hours staring at my mother’s book on ballet
— copying over and over the different positions the stick figures were doing. The Dance Workshop can be used in the same way. It starts off with warm-up exercises (very important if you want to spare yourself lots of pain) and progresses to positions, steps, and movements basic to all forms of dance. Instead of stick figures there are graceful drawings of people doing the movements step by step.
— Susan Erkel Ryan
##A 02 101276 881
##T The Dance Workshop
A Guide to the Fundamentals of Movement
Robert Cohan
1986; 192 pp.
ISBN 0671612808
$10.95 ($12.05 postpaid)
Simon & Schuster
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 02 101600 882
##T The Dance Workshop
The Basic Positions of Dance
In order to exercise well, it is important to know exactly where your body is in a given space. The body positions shown here are basic to dance all over the world, because they are basic to our body shape and function. It is important to learn them well since it is easier to execute any movement with care and precision if you have a formal position to start from and return to. The positions known as 1st and 2nd can be done either with the legs turned out or with the legs parallel.
##A 02 80458 883
##T The Dance Workshop
Breathing in harmony with your steps will give your movement a sense of calmness and fluency. But at first you will find it hard to breathe well while you dance. There are two main problems: how to exercise some control over your breathing without interfering with it; and how to use the ribcage properly, while still holding a high posture in the torso. These simple exercises will help you to become aware of the problems. Take a walk at a fairly quick tempo and see how many steps you are taking to each breath. Is it the same number when you breathe in as when you breathe out? Now change the timing of the breath. If you were breathing in every three or four steps, say, and out every three or four, raise the count to five or six. You can also vary the rate between in- and out-breaths. Breathe in for two steps and out for four. What does it feel like to split your concentration between walking and breathing? It is important to learn how to concentrate on two or three things at the same time, as you will frequently have to divide your attention while dancing.
##A 02 101643 884
##T The Dance Workshop
Like many jazz movements, this travelling step, based on the skip uses fast changes of body angle and quick jumps to put the emphasis on the movement itself.
##A 02 102214 885
##T On the Count of One
On the Count of One
If you know the basics and really want to leap into the subject, modern dance in particular, then On the Count of One: Modern Dance Methods is the book you want. A very thorough and technical look at dance, discussing music, vocabulary, technique, and the teaching of modern dance.
The best thing to do is to take a dance class at your local JC, dance studio, or park recreation department, move with the music and use these books to help you further understand and enjoy this marvelous art.
— Susan Erkel Ryan
##A 02 102571 886
##T On the Count of One
Modern Dance Methods
Elizabeth Sherbon
3rd Edition 1982; 284 pp.
ISBN 0874845416
$19.95 ($21.95 postpaid)
Mayfield Publishing Co.
1240 Villa Street
Mountain View, CA 94041
415-960-3222 (CA)
##A 02 102731 887
##T On the Count of One
All artistic expression is based on craft, the technical control of a given instrument of expression. In dance, the instrument is the human body, and the craft is inseparably connected with science, which, in this case, is a thorough knowledge of anatomical structure and the principles of kinesiology. This science is needed to ensure the dancer’s safety and effectiveness of movement.
##A 02 103368 888
##T Dancing
Dance may not be something to learn from a book, but this book serves as a great introduction to those of us who are beguiled and yet intimidated by the idea of dancing. Addressed both to the hesitant adult beginner who prances around the house when
nobody’s looking and to the young adult considering a career in dance, Dancing cuts through a lot of the mystique and mistaken glamour with practical, specific advice: choosing a style of dance, finding a good teacher and getting the most out of a class, preventing injury, and even viewing dance.
A real aid for parents who want to get their youngsters started off on the right foot — both daughters and sons (plenty of photos
of men dancing, though most of the pronouns are “she”).
##A 02 103456 889
##T Dancing
Competent directory of dance resources around the country, with special emphasis on New York.
Dancing does what no elegant dance picture book can do: makes it plain that you can dance even if you don’t look like a Capezio ad.
— Nancy E. Dunn
##A 02 103729 890
##T Dancing
A Guide for the Dancer You Can Be
Ellen Jacob
1981; 350 pp.
ISBN 0937180009
$11.95 ($13.20 postpaid)
Variety Arts
305 Riverside Drive
Suite 4A
New York, NY 10025
212-316-0399 (NY)
or Whole Earth Access
##A 02 103961 891
##T Dancing
A good class has a thorough warm-up with adequate time to establish alignment and placement. The teacher should be constructive and inspiring, and should push you beyond your limits physically by increasing your range of movement and strength; and mentally, by breaking through barriers of fear. Avoid an inhibiting
atmosphere in which too much discipline prevents you from making mistakes and learning from them; a frustrated, negative teacher; overcrowded classes, and
rushed classes, especially the warm-up.
##A 02 104195 892
##T Dancing
Dancing entails a different kind of focus.
##A 02 152480 893
##T Dancing
Lying in the Constructive Rest Position (CRP) is the best way to relax when not sleeping because no muscle effort is required to maintain it. Developed by Dr. Lulu Sweigard, the CRP relieves muscle strain by using the weight of the body to loosen and open the muscles. It is very effective in easing backache.
##A 02 336132 894
##T Contact Quarterly
Contact Quarterly
Subtitled “a vehicle for moving ideas,” this is a magazine by and for dancers interested in improvisation, movement games, the space between athletics and art. Its patron saints are Simone Forti and Steve Paxton. Has a nice, casual spirit, full of shared energy, serious fun and eccentricity.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 02 336563 895
##T Contact Quarterly
Nancy Stark Smith and Lisa Nelson, Editors
ISSN 01989634
$17/year (4 issues)
Contact Quarterly
P.O. Box 603
Northampton, MA 01061
##A 02 337243 896
##T Contact Quarterly
Be aware of the seven directions in your body:
In, or towards the center of your body,
up, forward,
left, and right.
Open out from center.
Picture each bone in your body
independent of the others,
shifting in all seven directions.
See you in a couple of hours.
—Remy Charlip
##A 02 61139 897
##T Contact Quarterly
Simone Forti and Troupe in “The Foothills,” Yellow Springs Institute, August 1986.
##A 02 62231 898
##T Contact Quarterly
Deborah Hay and Michael Arnold in Hay’s erotic duet, “Snakeskin’s Girl.”
##A 02 278148 899
##T Folk Dance
##A 02 10629 900
##T International Folk Dancing U.S.A.
International Folk Dancing U.S.A.
Betty Casey traveled 25,000 miles while researching inter-national folk dancing as practiced in the United States. Her book covers the folk dance scene better than any I’ve seen. Illustrated with 157 photographs and line diagrams, it contains information about folk dancing history, pioneer leaders in the folk dance movement, guidelines for setting up a group, and descriptions of over 150 dances from 30 different countries and areas worldwide.
The section on folk dance camps and organizations is a helpful guide to finding local folk dance groups. Since most groups tend to stick together for quite a while, chances are that most of those mentioned are still in existence.
— Denise Partida
##A 02 10846 901
##T International Folk Dancing U.S.A.
Betty Casey
1981; 363 pp.
ISBN 0385133081
$11.25 ($13.50 postpaid)
Betty Casey
59 Hilltop Drive
Kerrville, TX 78028
##A 02 11203 902
##T International Folk Dancing U.S.A.
Folk dance enthusiasts sometimes bring back differing choreography or music — from the same country. Also, the same dance taught by one teacher may be presented
differently by another. How can this happen? Who is right? Perhaps everyone
is right.
Dick Crum, noted researcher and choreographer, told of researching dances in a Balkan village where two brothers in the same dance line were doing different steps. How could he write up an instruction sheet? Include both sets of steps and let the dancers decide? Make a selection himself and note that there were also other
authentic steps? . . .
“Improvisation permeates most dance traditions beyond the imagination of most American folk dancers.”
##A 02 11303 903
##T International Folk Dancing U.S.A.
Aman dancers
##A 02 9661 904
##T The Complete Book of Square Dancing
The Complete Book of Square Dancing
Swing your partner just like your grandparents did; square dancing is a uniquely American tradition. In recent years, the 85 basic moves, known as “mainstream,” have been standardized so you can dance without ineptitude anywhere there’s a group squarin’ up. The moves, plus a bit about calling them, are nicely diagrammed, photographed, and explained so you can get a head start on learning or bone up for teaching. Round dancing is explained, too. Yee HAH!
— J. Baldwin
##A 02 9767 905
##T The Complete Book of Square Dancing
The Complete Book of Square Dancing (and Round Dancing)
Betty Casey
1976; 192 pp.
ISBN 0385036035
Doubleday & Company
501 Franklin Avenue
Garden City, NY 11530
##A 02 10174 906
##T The Complete Book of Square Dancing
All to the center, Make a Right-hand Star
Turn it around right where you are
Go all the way around, don’t be slow
Dance full around, then home you go.
*Substitute Ladies, Gents, Sides, and Heads for practice in other uses of the movement.
Substitute Left-hand Star for practice.
##A 02 10482 907
##T The Complete Book of Square Dancing
“Pack saddle” star.
##A 02 11612 908
##T Viltis
Lively and eclectic, Viltis is considered by many to be THE folk dancing magazine. Along with the news and views, you get recipes and travel stories from folks bringing back new dances from afar. Viltis is one of those rare labors of love, and looks it. Editor Vytautas F. Beliajus has been at it since 1942.
— Denise Partida
##A 02 11818 909
##T Viltis
Vytautas F. Beliajus, Editor
ISSN 00426253
$15/year(6 issues)
P. O. Box 1226
Denver, CO 80201
##A 02 6918 910
##T Folkraft Records
Folkraft Records
The catalog for Folkraft Records lists over 700 records (7",
45 rpm) for folk dances from all over the world. Margin notes tell you what each dance is; for example, D’Hammerschmiedsgselln is a Bavarian mixer for two couples or four men, while Szatmari Karikaza is a Hungarian circle dance for women. You get the
idea . . .
Each record is mailed out with accompanying instructions for the dance or dances on it. The Folkraft label also has records for square and contra dances, rhythm studies, and exercise and fitness music. Dance Record Distributors, Ltd., can obtain the recordings of every other record company worldwide for teachers and libraries.
The Nature Conservancy is responsible for preserving over two million acres of land, as well as innumerable rare and endangered plants and animals. For my money, they manage their purchases with the best network of volunteer and professional land stewards. Recently, The Nature Conservancy has gone international because many of the birds we protect here winter south of the border. “To save them here, they must be saved there as well.” A fringe benefit of joining is a 4-color, top-notch quarterly.
— Peter Warshall
##A 01 125292 6
##T The Nature Conservancy
The Nature Conservancy Magazine
Sue Dodge, Editor
ISSN 00280852
Membership $10/year
(includes 6 issues of Nature Conservancy Magazine)
Nature Conservancy Magazine
1800 North Kent Street
Arlington, VA 22209
##A 01 44693 7
##T The Nature Conservancy
Recent speculation about the fate of tropical forests has focused on the rain forest, and much of the public now identifies tropical forest with rain forest. Tropical forests actually embrace a continuum of types classified by ecologists partly on the basis of rainfall, ranging from “dry” forest — which once covered more than half of the tropics — through degrees of “moist” and “wet” forest to the true “rain” and “cloud” forests. In western Meso-america dry forest once enveloped an area the size of France and stretched from northern Mexico to central Panama. Today a scant 2 percent of that area remains in anything approaching its natural state, and less than 0.09 percent has official protection. One of the best opportunities to know and appreciate this endangered ecosystem type is afforded by Guanacaste National Park, which ultimately will protect 280 square miles of rare dry tropical forest.
##A 01 174447 8
##T The Nature Conservancy
The white-winged guan, endemic to humid canyons in the dry forests of northern Peru, was considered extinct for 100 years before its rediscovery in 1977 by ornithologist/artist John P. O’Neill, creator of this painting.
##A 01 127074 9
##T Land Trust Exchange
Land Trust Exchange
Most land preservation groups tend to be small, volunteer, community oriented, and with very specific tasks in mind. Land Trust Exchange serves as a national clearinghouse for all of them. Their National Directory lists more than 500 groups by state. You can also find out if a group exists where you live and learn about other written material they distribute by writing them.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 01 127278 10
##T Land Trust Exchange
National Directory of Land Conservation Organizations
National Directory of Local and Regional Land Conservation Organizations
Updated Edition 1988
$10 ($12 postpaid)
Land Trust Exchange
1017 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
##A 01 128109 11
##T Ducks Unlimited
Ducks Unlimited
This 587,000-member organization has been responsible for the preservation of more waterbird breeding grounds (especially marshlands) than any government or other group. Working internationally (ducks haven’t learned about Canadian, U.S., and Mexican boundaries), Ducks Unlimited restores, manages, and purchases wetlands throughout North American waterfowl flyways.
— Peter Warshall
##A 01 128298 12
##T Ducks Unlimited
Membership $20/year
(includes 6 issues of Ducks Unlimited magazine)
Ducks Unlimited
1 Waterfowl Way
Long Grove, IL 60047
##A 01 186628 13
##T Ducks Unlimited
The fact that Ducks Unlimited’s founders were sportsmen should come as no surprise. Hunters — true hunters — have undeniably proven to be this century’s most effective conservationists.
##A 01 128543 14
##T The Trust for Public Land
The Trust for Public Land
TPL does not hold land permanently and it is not a membership organization. Instead it buys threatened land and then resells it to public agencies for open space. It is designed to represent the public interest in the “here today, gone tomorrow” world of real estate transactions. Open space is where you find or create it, and for TPL this includes inner city lots. 412,000 acres have been transferred nationwide.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 01 128903 15
##T The Trust for Public Land
Information free
The Trust for Public Land
116 New Montgomery Street
Fourth Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
##A 01 130194 16
##T Izaak Walton League of America
Izaak Walton League of America
An old conservation group with a distinct midwestern twang. Rooted morality. Never upstarts. They are hard, persevering workers who maintain, protect, and restore soil, forests, water and air. A wholesome 50,000 members. Publishes Outdoor America and has an endowment fund to purchase unique natural areas.
— Peter Warshall
##A 01 130445 17
##T Izaak Walton League of America
Outdoor America
Carol Dana, Editor
Membership $20/year
(includes 4 issues of Outdoor America) from:
Izaak Walton League
1701 North Fort Myer Drive
Suite 1100
Arlington, VA 22209
##A 01 213199 18
##T Izaak Walton League of America
The move to nontoxic steel shot is being mandated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to reduce the number of waterfowl that die each year after ingesting toxic lead pellets. ... Lead will be progressively phased out in areas with lower waterfowl concentrations until 1991, when a nationwide ban on the use of lead shot for waterfowling goes into effect....
Ingested lead shot kills waterfowl. Steel shot does NOT kill ducks by ingestion.
Steel shot’s opponents claim that it doesn’t kill ducks when fired at them, either. In fact, steel shot will kill waterfowl cleanly, when fired at “steel shot ranges.” It will not kill at longer ranges, where lead may still be deadly in the hands of an expert wingshot....
As an avid goose hunter myself, I can sympathize.... In the hands of a good shot, lead shot, especially in duplex loads, will kill Canadas consistently to 55 yards. Steel shot
##A 01 213506 19
##T Izaak Walton League of America
will not. However, it has been my experience over 15 years of experimenting with steel shot that the right size of steel shot will kill geese very effectively, with almost no crippling at ranges up to 35 yards. The expert goose hunter gets his birds within that range and prides himself on killing cleanly. If the range is too long for steel shot, we must hold our fire.
##A 01 37322 20
##T Environmental Action
##A 01 125659 21
##T Land-Saving Action
Land-Saving Action
The last decade has seen a tremendous expansion of private-sector preservation of open space lands. This book, with chapters by 29 experts, embodies the experience that ten years has produced, and will serve as a bible for anyone who loves a piece of land enough to want to find out how to save it.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 01 125710 22
##T Land-Saving Action
Russell L. Brenneman
and Sarah M. Bates, Editors
1984; 250 pp.
ISBN 093328022X
$24.95 ($27.70 postpaid)
Island Press
P.O. Box 7
Covelo, CA 95428
##A 01 126203 23
##T Land-Saving Action
Most land trusts are actually not trusts at all in the legal sense, but are nonstock corporations organized for charitable purposes. A genuine trust is usually established by an individual transferring property to a trustee and is administered under conditions stated in a trust document. In contrast, the corporate form used by land trusts allows much greater flexibility in involving interested individuals, obtaining contributions, and managing holdings.
##A 01 131176 24
##T Earth First!
Earth First!
Out on the front lines of eco-defense is Earth First!. “No compromise in the defense of Mother Earth!” Direct action against the machinery (not people) and eco-theatre is their modus operandi. Because many environmental groups have become top-heavy with managerial salaries and glossy promotions, Earth First! attracts more youth and makes more efficient use of limited funds.
— Peter Warshall
Ÿ Ecodefense
##A 01 131340 25
##T Earth First!
(The Radical Environmental Journal)
Dave Foreman, Editor
$20/year (8 issues)
Earth First!
P. O. Box 5871
Tucson, AZ 85703
##A 01 117352 26
##T Earth First!
Three hundred years ago, the Connecticut River was a wild, untamed source of life.
For millennia, the river supported huge populations of fish, as was most evident during annual salmon spawning runs up the river. Whereas 40,000 Atlantic Salmon — the largest run in New England — then swam up the Connecticut each year, today only a remnant population survives. The fish have been victims of overfishing, damming, nuclear power plants, agricultural runoff and industrial pollution.
Connecticut Valley EF!ers decided to work on an action to bring the ecology of the Connecticut River to the attention of all New Englanders, and to dramatize the almost forgotten, historic salmon runs up the river. Dressed as salmon, a group of EF!ers will paddle up the river, from the Long Island Sound up through Connecticut and Massachusetts, along the Vermont border and into northern New Hampshire.
##A 01 7147 27
##T Sierra Club
Sierra Club
The Sierra Club has many parts which provide different services. They have integrated their politics with the Big Boys so well that sometimes I think the leadership loses touch. This occurred, for instance when the Sierra Club supported a huge water project in California (the Peripheral Canal) which its membership overwhelmingly hated and its defense fund was essentially trying to halt. The Sierra Club is also the “hated” symbol for those who feel environmentalists are commie extremists. Caught in all these cross-currents, they can use more input and support from their membership. The voice of John Muir needs a 1980s broadcast system.
— Peter Warshall
Ÿ Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund
##A 01 7315 28
##T Sierra Club
Jonathan F. King, Editor-in-Chief
Membership $33/year
(includes 6 issues of Sierra magazine ISSN 01617362)
Sierra Club
730 Polk Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
##A 01 116968 29
##T National Audubon Society
National Audubon Society
The strength of Audubon since 1905 has been its naturalist backbone. More than any other environmental organization, its members actually know the animals and plants they try to conserve. Not only that, they seem to love their knowledge with early naturalist enthusiasm. The educational aspects of Audubon are truly admirable. Their politics vary locally and, if you contribute, it’s good to earmark your contribution for a particular purpose, especially for specific sanctuaries.
— Peter Warshall
Ÿ also see review of Audubon Magazine
##A 01 117078 30
##T National Audubon Society
National Audubon Society
Membership Data Center
P. O. Box 2666
Boulder, CO 80322
(includes 6 issues of Audubon Magazine — see separate review)
##A 01 117931 31
##T The Conservation Foundation
The Conservation Foundation
Runs an eco-mediation “Dispute Resolution Program” to bypass lawyers, courts, and the big bucks (Ÿ see separate review of their book: Resolving Environmental Disputes).
— Peter Warshall
##A 01 7688 32
##T The Conservation Foundation
Information available free
The Conservation Foundation
Dept. QQ
1250 24th Street NW
Washington, CD 20037
##A 01 118216 33
##T The Conservation Foundation
Explores the causes of salinity in the Colorado River, which more than 22 million people in seven states and the Mexicali Valley of Mexico depend on for drinking water, growing crops, and electricity. Examines past responses to the problem. Underscores the range of management options now facing citizens and policy makers in the region, as well as the different strategies for allocating the costs of controlling salt levels.
1986. 103 pp. Map. Tables. Paperbound. $9.50.
##A 01 37557 34
##T Lobbying and Litigating
##A 01 118950 35
These are the organizations in which hardnosed lawyers use the
courts to keep government agencies from slouching and swallowing even more eco-destruction, pollution, and poisoning of the planet. Some of them also lobby legislation before Congress.
— Peter Warshall
##A 01 119358 36
##T Environmental Defense Fund
Environmental Defense Fund
We live in a technical world, and our problems are rarely simple. A big part of the Environmental Defense Fund’s success is due to an ability to analyze the scientific and economic aspects of environmental problems, suggest alternatives, and communicate them effectively to decision-makers and the public.
— Richard Nilsen
Ÿ To Burn or Not to Burn
##A 01 119075 37
##T Environmental Defense Fund
EDF Letter
Norma H. Watson, Editor
Membership $20/year
(includes 6 issues of EDF Letter
ISSN 01632566)
Environmental Defense Fund
257 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10010
##A 01 212533 38
##T Environmental Defense Fund
EDF’s International Project helped to draft and enact pathbreaking legislation that requires the Treasury Department and U.S. members of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) to explore and promote “debt for conservation” swaps. These mechanisms enable developing nations to reduce parts of their foreign debt in exchange for local investments in conservation of tropical forests and other endangered resources.
The bill is a major breakthrough, since it involves in such swaps the only institutions — the World Bank and IMF — capable of dealing simultaneously and on a large scale with the issues of Third World debt and conservation of endangered tropical resources.
“The Third World debt problem, as bleak as it seems, may provide a context large enough to deal with the destruction of rainforests,” said EDF Executive Director Frederic D. Krupp. “Tropical forests serve every nation on earth by helping to
##A 01 223599 39
##T Environmental Defense Fund
maintain the carbon dioxide balance of the atmosphere. It would be fair to ask the developed world to buy rights to these assets through a conditioned write-down of the debt burden.”
— EDF Letter
##A 01 153568 40
##T Natural Resources Defense Council
Natural Resources Defense Council
Since its beginning in 1970, NRDC has chosen its court battles
carefully and been in the thick of many consequential environmental decisions. 70,000 members support the effort; a considerable part of it directed at gaining enforcement of laws and regulations already on the books.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 01 44337 41
##T Natural Resources Defense Council
The Amicus Journal
Peter Borrelli, Editor
Membership $10/year
(includes 4 issues of The Amicus Journal ISSN 02767201
and the NRDC Newsline Newsletter)
Natural Resources Defense Council
122 East 42nd Street
Room 4500
New York, NY 10168
##A 01 182596 42
##T Natural Resources Defense Council
The visitor to Krakow’s ancient inner city enters a world in decay. All too frequently, the sun appears as a pallid orb, its light unable to penetrate the blanket of pollution tossed over the city by nearby smokestack industries. Sometimes even breathing is difficult, and eyes squint through a morning “mist” that is not moisture but a fine fog of dust that hangs in the air, collecting on everything. Obscured by this premature twilight, workers hose down dust-choked streets — a chore they repeat several times a day during the drier summer months....
By 1980, pollution in the region was so bad that a small group of activists banded together to see what could be done to push the government into action. With the express purpose of bringing the despoiling hand of pollution under control, the Polish Ecological Club (PEC) was founded in Krakow in the autumn of 1980. As a non-political organization, it would take on Silesia’s industrial behemoths while at the same time building a better, more livable environment. The PEC quickly spread
##A 01 227356 43
##T Natural Resources Defense Council
nationwide and currently boasts about 6,000 members, consisting of journalists, scientists, shop stewards, academics, doctors, farmers, and students.
##A 01 227299 44
##T Natural Resources Defense Council
Zygmunt Fura, president of the Polish Ecological Club.
##A 01 157743 45
##T Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund
Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund
An independent spin-off of the Sierra Club (Ÿ see separate review), this group of 23 lawyers represent many environmental groups, including the Sierra Club. They spend their time litigating, not lobbying or doing scientific research.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 01 82148 46
##T Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund
In Brief
Quarterly newsletter
free from:
Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund
2044 Fillmore Street
San Francisco, CA 94115
##A 01 206844 47
##T Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund
Legal Defense Fund victories continue to force cleanup of Alaska’s placer mining industry. In November, the federal district court in Anchorage struck down a mining regulation that had allowed scores of commercial placer mines to strip mine for gold in streambeds on public lands in Alaska without approval or environmental review by the Bureau of Land Management.
The ruling promises to have widespread ramifications for an industry that as recently as 1986 caused 80 percent of the water pollution in Alaska, fouling more than 2,000 miles of rivers and streams.
— In Brief
##A 01 37808 48
##T Environmental Politics
##A 01 65321 49
“A man who has a vision is not able to use the power of it until he has performed the vision on Earth for the people to see . . .”
— Black Elk
Many have visions. More blab on. Few do anything until the pesticide planes fly overhead or the robins arrive no more. Here is the spectrum of environmental warriors — all effective and necesssary in different ways — all inspired by the hope that maybe, just maybe, our grandchildren will find a few spots of ancient, untouched planet to hear the sound of creeks, alone and with peaceful minds.
— Peter Warshall
##A 01 34526 50
##T Ecodefense
Inspired by Ed Abbey’s The Monkey Wrench Gang, Ecodefense sports proven techniques of tree spiking, road spiking, disabling heavy equipment, fence cutting, trap clearing, lock jamming, billboard trashing, and sundry skills of propaganda, camouflage, sneaking around, escape and evasion, and the like. Fascinating stuff; best not to skim and try, but really study before trying — for two good reasons. One is that monkeywrenching mostly takes place in country where retribution is not only in the courts but also by direct action: you get the living shit beat out of you. The second is that monkeywrenching the wrong target is grotesquely counterproductive; you have not only to be right every single time, but conspicuously right, or you’re just another random vandal
making everyone else feel sick about being alive. The book
##A 01 34703 51
##T Ecodefense
constantly warns about knowing your target cold before making a move, and if in doubt, don’t.
— Stewart Brand
Ÿ for more information on Earth First!, the people who distribute Ecodefense
##A 01 34927 52
##T Ecodefense
A Field Guide to Monkeywrenching
Dave Foreman, Editor
1985; 197 pp.
ISBN 0933285035
$12 ($13.50 postpaid)
Earth First!
P. O. Box 5871
Tucson, AZ 85703
##A 01 35295 53
##T Ecodefense
Scattered along the back roads of America are countless thousands of privately dumped trash piles blighting the land. Civic-minded and neighborly citizens should consider returning these “lost” items to their rightful owners....
What one sees most often on the backroads is the paper, glass, tin can, plastic variety of trash. Even a moderately enterprising sleuth (moderation in all things) can prowl through this type of refuse and find the identity of the original owner. Discarded envelopes, letters, magazine address labels and assorted junk mail usually point the finger. In the interests of fair play, you should find several such clues before firmly deciding on your target.
To return the material, collect an appropriate number of empty boxes from behind your local supermarket and fill them (not quite to the brim) with the offending matter. Although returning illegally dumped garbage is probably not illegal, you
should take all the usual precautions.... Pick up your grocery store boxes after dark
##A 01 203448 54
##T Ecodefense
(in the early, not suspiciously late, evening) and always wear gloves when handling them and the garbage....
Scout your target thoroughly. Map the neighborhood, and make sure that your wheelman knows every way in and out of it....
Plan your mission for the evening hours. In the wee hours of the morning there’s usually so little traffic that you will stand out and draw the attention of patrolling gendarmes.... If you have a choice of vehicles, a pickup truck is best suited for hasty deliveries. The ideal team consists of one driver and two dumpers....
Just before making your run at the target, have one team member use a canteen of water and a little dirt to make mud to smear on your license plate....
Cruise by the target at least once to make sure the coast is clear. You can drop off a lookout in nearby brush to quietly observe for about ten minutes and make sure no
##A 01 203780 55
##T Ecodefense
witnesses are about. Make your final approach run at normal speeds and brake normally.... If possible, dump the trash while remaining inside the bed of the pickup.
If necessary, one person can hop out and dump the boxes that the other hands to him or her. Usually we leave the boxes at the scene, since they’re clean of fingerprints, anyway. We rarely get them from the same dumpster twice, further impeding any attempts to trace us. Besides, the poor slob who gets his trash back will need something to put it in!
At this point, it’s good to leave the area.
##A 01 36766 56
##T Ambio
Authoritative and glossy. This Sweden-based magazine is the voice of establishment international environmentalism. When
I was working a couple of years ago on an article about
genotoxins — the flood of new chemicals that cause cancer and gene damage — Ambio was my most indispensable source of
up-to-date information.
— Stewart Brand
##A 01 36896 57
##T Ambio
A Journal of the Human Environment
Arno Rosemarin, Editor-in-Chief
ISSN 00447447
$105/year (6 issues)
Pergamon Journals, Inc.
Maxwell House
Fairview Park
Elmsford, NY 10523
##A 01 212809 58
##T Ambio
Coral reefs are unique structures. Created primarily by animals they have a higher biomass productivity and contain a greater number of species than any other marine ecosystem. Symbiosis between corals and unicellular algae living within the polyp tissue is the mechanism for growth of corals and the consequent production of calcium carbonate which leads to the formation of coral reefs.... The detrimental effects on coral reefs and their inhabitants that result from human manipulation of the environment are, for example, construction work in coral regions produces extensive erosion; dredging sand and dragging the ocean floor increase the suspension load and turbidity resulting in loss of light, which is essential for tropical reef-building corals; municipal sewage and agricultural fertilizers cause eutrophication; pesticides and herbicides used in agriculture are transported to the sea by rain and wind and cause mortality in reef organisms; industrial effluent and mineral oils are toxic to coral reef environments; radioactive contamination due to the testing of nuclear weapons is affecting all marine organisms; and trade in marine animals is helping to denude coastal areas and coral reefs.
##A 01 228962 59
##T Ambio
Big and beautiful shells, mainly sea trumpets (Charonia triturus) spider conchs (Lambia sp.) and Nautilus as well as stony corals of different species are imported by the ton to Florida., while the US coral reefs are protected. Photo: D.H.H. Kühlmann.
##A 01 32366 60
The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is one of the most remarkable examples of participatory democracy alive in the United States. Forcing humans to consider the consequences of their acts, it has brought together scientists, citizens, corporate executives, congressmen, and lawyers in an unprecedented manner.
Unfortunately, the EIS has stopped few projects, and it’s currently under attack . But it has slowed a percentage, with the benefit of reducing environmental damage and, at times, development costs. It gives Americans a say in projects that they subsidize with their taxes and must live with long after the developer goes home.
These two books are still the best introduction.
— Peter Warshall
##A 01 32739 61
Environmental Impact Assessment
Patrick H. Heffernan
and Ruthann Corwin, Editors
1975; 277 pp.
ISBN 0877350612
$13.50 ($15.14 postpaid)
Freeman, Cooper & Co.
1736 Stockton Street
San Francisco, CA 94133
##A 01 33705 62
The Environmental Impact Statement Process
A Guide to Citizen Action
Neil Orloff
1978; 242 pp.
ISBN 0878150218
$7.50 ($9.75 postpaid)
Information Resources Press
1700 North Moore St.
Suite 700
Arlington, VA 22209
##A 01 32933 63
54. Does the table of contents list at least the following seven elements required by
CEQA, as distinct sections? (Section 15085(b))
(a) The environmental impact of the proposed action
(b) Any adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided if the proposal is
(c) Mitigation measures proposed to minimize the impact
(d) Alternatives to the proposed action
(e) The relationship between local short-term uses of man’s environment and the
maintenance and enhancement of long-term productivity
(f) Any irreversible environmental changes which would be caused by the proposed
action should it be implemented
(g) The growth-inducing impact of the proposed action
— Environmental Impact Assessment
##A 01 118550 64
If possible, citizens should personally visit the individual responsible for writing the statement to ask about the project’s description and purpose. This meeting can provide a basic understanding of the agency’s conception of the project and an idea of how it plans to approach the EIS. It is also a good idea for citizens to ask for a copy of the agency’s EIS regulations and for a copy of one of their old EISs. Experience shows that agency personnel can be extremely helpful, especially when they do not feel that they are being challenged; so arguments over issues should be avoided at this time. The purpose of the initial meeting is to gain a sense of the lead agency’s view and to develop a good working relationship with those who will write the statement.
— The Environmental Impact Statement Process
##A 01 120067 65
##T Resolving Environmental Disputes
Resolving Environmental Disputes
This survey of a decade of eco-mediation is published by The Conservation Foundation (Ÿ see separate review). It has an interesting appendix of case studies, a reminder that opponents can find common ground underfoot.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 01 124666 66
##T Resolving Environmental Disputes
Gail Bingham
1986; 284 pp.
ISBN 0891640878
$17 postpaid from:
The Conservation Foundation
1250 24th Street NW
Washington, DC 20037
##A 01 21333 67
##A 01 38008 68
##T Community Politics
##A 01 121590 69
##T How Can I Help?
How Can I Help?
Ram Dass and Paul Gorman approach charitable service as a liberation from the prison of self and separateness, and as a solution to the inarticulate loneliness we feel when we lack a connection to others. The anecdotes are the best part here, and the reader wants more of them. Between people’s stories, the authors narrate simple psychology directed to the helping professions.
— Sallie Tisdale
##A 01 121641 70
##T How Can I Help?
(Stories and Reflections on Service)
Ram Dass and Paul Gorman
1985; 243 pp.
ISBN 0394729471
$6.95 ($7.95 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 01 121898 71
##T How Can I Help?
There’s one thing I’ve learned in twenty-five years or so of political organizing: People don’t like to be “should” upon. They’d rather discover than be told.
The basic social institution is the individual human heart. It is the source of the energy from which all social action derives its power and purpose. The more we honor the integrity of that source, the more chance our actions have of reaching and stirring others.
##A 01 174997 72
##T Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR)
Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR)
ILSR’s goal: self-reliant urban communities that can generate income from within rather than suck from the resource tits of rural communities. They’ve established a good reputation in waste-recycling (Ÿ see review of Waste to Wealth) and they’re active in other areas as well.
— Peter Warshall
##A 01 175234 73
##T Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR)
Membership $50/year
Publications list free
Institute for Local Self-Reliance
2425 18th St. NW
Washington, DC 20009
##A 01 176123 74
##T Institute for Community Economics (ICE)
Institute for Community Economics (ICE)
ICE helps local groups form community land trusts. In Dallas, Texas, 11 neighborhood groups have banded together to buy up vacant urban lots. Houses scheduled for demolition are moved onto the lots. The land trust owns the lots; individuals own the houses and lease the land. This keeps the land off of the speculative real estate market so that the only increases in price are from inflation or improvements to the houses. Result: affordable housing for low-income people. The Handbook explains how to do it in your neighborhood.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 01 176241 75
##T Institute for Community Economics (ICE)
Community Land Trust Handbook
1982; 224 pp.
ISBN 0878574395
$6 ($7.05 postpaid);
Information on Community Land Trusts & Community Loan Funds and ICE literature list free
Institute for Community Economics (ICE)
151 Montague City Road
Greenfield, MA 01301
##A 01 176607 76
##T Institute for Community Economics (ICE)
To most people, private is a very attractive word. It is strongly associated with the privacy and security of the home. However, much private land in America is not owned by people who live on it. Most land today is concentrated in the hands of a relatively small part of the population (75 percent of the privately held land in America is owned by 5 percent of the private landholders). And absentee ownership is increasingly common.
##A 01 177223 77
##T Going Co-op
Going Co-op
If my group of 14 aspiring homeowners had read this book before we purchased the seven-unit apartment building we turned into a co-op a few years back, we would have saved a lot of time and energy. Going Co-op is a solid, readable, nuts-and-bolts introduction to creating your own housing cooperative: selecting and financing the building; working out the legalities; keeping things democratic; and setting group policies, for example, the crucial issue of buying in and selling out. It includes a sample set of co-op bylaws (very important) and a sample occupancy agreement (even more important). I just wish the co-authors had placed more emphasis on the fact that even the best of contracts don’t hold co-ops together — friendships do.
— Michael Castleman
##A 01 177603 78
##T Going Co-op
(The Complete Guide to Buying and Owning Your Own Apartment)
William Coughlan, Jr. & Monte Franke
1983; 249 pp.
ISBN 0807008699
$9.95 ($11.45 postpaid)
Harper and Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 01 177691 79
##T Going Co-op
A co-op is assessed property taxes as a single building. In many cities this means co-ops pay lower taxes than condominiums, because condominium units are assessed individually.
Co-op members may also be eligible for the personal income tax deductions enjoyed by other homeowners. They are allowed to take their share of the deductions for the
co-op’s mortgage interest and property taxes. For many co-op members, this may mean a net reduction of 10 to 30 percent of their monthly housing costs.
##A 01 178211 80
##T The Barter Network Handbook
The Barter Network Handbook
Another one of those slightly fusty do-gooder manuals, but the subject is one that, like open-air farmers’ markets and
(sometimes) recycling centers, can do a lot to connect a community. Sometimes you barter goods, but mostly people barter services; either way, you leave the IRS out of it. Village economics in an urban world, self-rewarding.
— Stewart Brand
##A 01 178633 81
##T The Barter Network Handbook
(Building Community Through Organized Trade)
David Tobin and Henry Ware
1983; 69 pp.
$5.95 ($8.45 postpaid)
Volunteer: The National Center for Citizen Involvement
1111 North 19th Street
Suite 500
Arlington, VA 22209
##A 01 178728 82
##T The Barter Network Handbook
Tom Glynn, assistant to the commissioner of the IRS, has conceded that many of the informal barter arrangements that take place between friends and neighbors carry no tax liability, since they fall into the category of “favors.” . . . The IRS has ruled that members of barter “clubs,” who receive credits valued at $1 each for services they perform, must report them as income when they are received, even though they may not make use of them until a later time. Credits possessing no monetary or “time-spent” income, however, have not been covered by any IRS rulings to date.
##A 01 38342 83
##T Communes
##A 01 71114 84
##T Communities
These days communes are not what they used to be. To find out what they are becoming, read this journal, which has been around as long as the oldest ongoing commune has.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 01 71193 85
##T Communities
(Journal of Cooperation)
Charles Betterton, Editor
ISSN 01999346
$16/year (4 issues)
Journal of Cooperation
105 Sun Street
Stelle, IL 60919
##A 01 71644 86
##T Communities
The benefits of collective economies have included not only economic security within the group and insurance in the labor of one’s brothers and sisters against illness, injury and old age. They have been full employment, work lightened by comradery, rotation in jobs to avoid boredom and to learn new skills, and involvement with technology on a human scale.
The Illusion of Utopia: Two thousand years of experimentation have proven communal societies ineffective in the attempt to realize a general utopia. From the Jewish Essene monastic community on the shore of the Dead Sea a century and a half before Christ to the Chinese People’s Communes which were abandoned in 1982, both voluntary and involuntary communitarianism have been frustrating routes to utopia.
##A 01 71822 87
##T Communities
Twin Oaks permits the accumulation of labor credits by individual members. This means that I can work 55 hours one week, say, instead of the required 48, and bank the extra 7 until I want to use them for vacation. I can take my vacation either here on the farm or elsewhere. In either case the vacation time I’ve earned by working “over quota” is in addition to the 2 weeks the community gives every member each year outright. The average Twin Oaker by these means takes 7 weeks of vacation per year. This is literally the average. That means that exceptionally hard workers take 10 to 12 weeks some years, travel across country, or visit Mexico. Who on the outside gets this kind of flexibility?
##A 01 72131 88
##T Communities
This community is Stelle, Illinois. A closer look at Stelle reveals that it is very different from a typical suburban community. It was started in 1973 by Richard Kieninger — a man who rejects traditional religion and says that he was directed to build his city by invisible “Brotherhoods” in preparation for a doomsday in the year 2,000 that would destroy 90 percent of humanity.
##A 01 73570 89
##T Builders of the Dawn
Builders of the Dawn
This comprehensive gathering of interviews, guidelines, and analysis proves that experience more than theory is designing the current evolution of American communes. Pass through this accumulated advice first if you are headed for an intentional community. Dwell here if you intend to manage one.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 01 73779 90
##T Builders of the Dawn
(Community Lifestyles in a Changing World)
Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson
1986; 372 pp.
ISBN 0940267012
$12.95 ($14.70 postpaid)
Sirius Publishing
Baker Road
Shutesbury, MA 01072
##A 01 74454 91
##T Builders of the Dawn
Some comparisons: ’60s Communes/’80s Communities:
• Cooperation with others and “the good of the whole” important; everyone needs to contribute his/her share; erratic behavior less acceptable
• Agreed-upon rules and expectations; fairly structured work and financial requirements• Variation in lifestyle in different communities — ranging from alternative to
middle-class professional
• More restrictive about membership — must be harmonious with group and
committed to group’s purpose
• Visitors usually requested to contribute money and/or labor; more structured guest
• Closeness to nature highly valued, but appropriate technology also welcomed; more
communication links with society (telephone, TV, radio, some computers)
##A 01 74508 92
##T Builders of the Dawn
• Generally more mature and responsible adult attitudes; valuing some balance of
playfulness, although sometimes too serious
• Freedom and “doing your own thing” most important value; “laying a trip” on
someone is a cardinal sin
• Few rules, restrictions, or expectations; largely unstructured; “work only if you
feel like it”; spontaneity highly valued
• Mainly alternative lifestyle and values — drugs, rock and roll, “free sex”
• Non-exclusive; usually anyone with same lifestyle can join
• Visitors not always requested to contribute money or labor; no formal guest
• Return to a romanticized rural past; rejection of technology; few communication
links with society
• Return to innocence of childhood; rejection of responsibility
##A 01 74147 93
##T Builders of the Dawn
Another problem is the astounding amount of bureaucracy needed at Twin Oaks to operate its labor credit system fairly. Its government is more centralized than it needs to be, according to some members. “If you want something here,” member Martha commented, “there are a million committees to go through.”
##A 01 72570 94
##T Community Referral Service
Community Referral Service
A) Communities seeking new members publish their
circumstances in this complete directory. B) Potential
members seeking to join an established commune can shop for a suitable one. C) Those searching for other commune-bent individuals connect up. Friendly service.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 01 72876 95
##T Community Referral Service
New Age Community Guide Book
Bobbi Corcoran, Editor
1988; 128 pp.
ISBN 0938333097
$8 postpaid from:
Community Referral Service
P. O. Box 2672
Eugene, OR 97402
##A 01 38625 96
##T Small Towns
##A 01 132651 97
##T Small Town
Small Town
A little magazine bound to be useful to any community large enough to have a town hall. It’s about character, controlled growth, and planning.
— Stewart Brand
##A 01 179312 98
##T Small Town
Kenneth Munsell, Editor
ISSN 01961683
$30/year (6 issues)
Small Towns Institute
P. O. Box 517
Ellensburg, WA 98926
##A 01 179590 99
##T Small Town
One proposal, funded with a grant through the Wyoming Main Street Program, provided a 50 percent match for design costs incurred by merchants engaged in restorations. This approach gave merchants enough incentive to hire professional assistance, but simultaneously committed them to complete the project. Since the merchants paid 50 percent of the design costs, little public outcry occurred concerning the use of grant funds.
##A 01 180198 100
##T The Small Community
The Small Community
People could probably have very interesting times, lifetimes, even, following the precepts laid out in this good old (vintage 1942) book. There are definite ways and means of developing community, it says — certain things are known, and there are rules to play by.
Author Arthur Morgan wrote forthrightly, with a (now) rare sense of assurance about his values. Indeed, his elegant sense of honor seems quite out of place amid the pragmatisms, corruptions, and complications of our time. But his straightforward aspiration to human greatness, democratic practice, fine culture, and high ideals, coupled with the belief that these aspirations can best be fulfilled in the small community, makes resoundingly good sense.
Because the creation of that context is of such great importance,
##A 01 180270 101
##T The Small Community
Morgan provides a spare but definitive guidebook. He covers a lot of ground, talking about the appropriate scale of communities, economic self-reliance, skills banks, the importance and liabilities of regional planning, and provision for the community welfare, among many other topics. The only problem is that it all adds up to working in groups, which might tear us away from our VCRs and other toys.
— Stephanie Mills
I would call this book a recipe for civilization.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 01 180564 102
##T The Small Community
(Foundation of Democratic Life)
Arthur E. Morgan
1984; 313 pp.
ISBN 0910420289
$10 ($11 postpaid)
Community Service, Inc.
P. O. Box 243
Yellow Springs, OH 45387
##A 01 180909 103
##T The Small Community
Selfishness nearly always is organized in the community. Unless unselfishness and public interest also can be organized, they can have little chance.
Where community life is dissolved and the only remaining sense of social identity is with vast societies, such as great nations, serious-minded young people who wish to be socially effective often measure their small powers against national or world movements, and develop a feeling of frustration and futility. On the other hand, where they are members of small communities they have opportunities to deal with problems within their grasp. They can be realists and can be effective within the community, and so can have a feeling of validity denied them when their primary relations are to vast social aggregations.
##A 01 181164 104
##T The Small Community
Young people look about them, half-consciously wondering what kind of world it is into which they are born. If they see favoritism and political manipulation, with the best people of the community timidly unwilling to expose themselves by vigorous political activity, the young people of the community will have learned their lesson. Their school textbooks may discuss civic righteousness, but they will know that is only make-believe. The realities are before their eyes. They will be convinced that they live in a world of arbitrariness, favoritism, and special interests, and that they must be like the world they are in. On the other hand, whenever young people see integrity and a businesslike attitude in business management, they are likely to decide that the world they live in is like that, and they will act accordingly.
##A 01 39515 105
##T Urban Life
##A 01 100975 106
##T National Trust for Historic Preservation
National Trust for Historic Preservation
It may be ironic, but the best hope for preserving wonderful
old buildings — conservation — is innovation. Imaginative new uses for the aging structures plus creative methods of finance are what it takes. Confrontation and emotional hassling don’t usually work. The sophisticated techniques of preservation are discussed, in color, in the bimonthly Historic Preservation magazine. News from the front lines arrives in the monthly Preservation News. Both come with a membership in the lively National Trust for Historic Preservation.
— J. Baldwin
##A 01 101138 107
##T National Trust for Historic Preservation
Historic Preservation • Preservation News
Membership $15
(includes subscriptions to Historic Preservation and Preservation News)
National Trust for Historic Preservation
1785 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20036
##A 01 120762 108
##T National Trust for Historic Preservation
Willa Cather’s “old house,” the one in which she lived with her family from age 10 through 16, still stands in the Nebraska prairie town of Red Cloud that inspired Cather’s finest novel, My Antonia. . . .
In 1955 eight of the town’s residents formed the Willa Cather Pioneer Memorial and Educational Foundation, dedicated to preserving sites that Cather had immortalized in her works. Mildred Bennett, a foundation member and author of a book on Cather, cited out-of-state visitors’ interest as an argument for preservation.
The foundation eventually acquired six buildings described by Cather: her childhood home, the Farmers’ and Merchants’ Bank, the Burlington railroad depot, the St. Juliana Falconieri Catholic Church, the Grace Episcopal Church and the farmhouse of Annie Pavelka, the model for the title character in My Antonia.
In 1978 the foundation donated the buildings to the Nebraska Historical Society. These
##A 01 231131 109
##T National Trust for Historic Preservation
structures, plus four historic districts that total 16 blocks (about one-third of the entire town), now compose the Willa Cather thematic district, the largest historic district dedicated to an author in the United States.
##A 01 148237 110
##T National Trust for Historic Preservation
Cather recalled her Red Cloud, Neb., home, where she spent her impressionable teenage years, as a refuge from the harsh prairie climate.
##A 01 98497 111
##T Displacement
Few experiences provoke as much frustration, outrage, and even grief as being forced to move. It’s distressingly common — 2.5 million U.S. residents are displaced from their homes and neighborhoods each year. It’s happened to me and many people I know. Written by a nationwide team of community lawyers and organizers, Displacement describes all the methods by which you could be thrown out of your house — evictions, condo conversions, rent hikes, arson, and mortgage foreclosures just for starters — and the (mostly) legal methods for fighting back. (Sometimes the government eventually learns it’s cheaper to give illegal squatters their occupied houses than to keep them empty.) Individuals about to lose their homes should look here, but the book is really about building and maintaining neighborhoods. It will instruct you
##A 01 98775 112
##T Displacement
in the legal hassling which is unfortunately necessary to keep a neighborhood intact.
— Art Kleiner
##A 01 98953 113
##T Displacement
(How to Fight It)
Chester Hartman, Dennis Keating and Richard LeGates
1982; 224 pp.
ISBN 0960609814
$10 postpaid from:
National Housing Law Project
1950 Addison street
Suite 200
Berkeley, CA 94704
##A 01 99118 114
##T Displacement
In places with no or weak laws regulating condo conversions, negotiating with the converter is an important tactic. Concessions won this way are nothing to be sneezed
at. They might include lowering the sales price for all units, paying moving costs and relocation bonuses, extending time for tenants to move, or even reserving
some units for low- and moderate-income tenants.
Negotiating for concessions is actually another term for squeezing the converter’s profits. It’s possible — even though many of the concessions listed above are quite costly to the developer — since speed is one of the important factors in the most lucrative forms of conversion. The converter’s objective is to sell all the units in a building as quickly as possible and move on, tying up borrowed capital as briefly as possible. So substantial concessions often will be made simply to avoid delays.
##A 01 172586 115
##T Displacement
One of Atlantic City’s proposed casinos purchased an entire block for their project. A lone resident refused to sell, even after an offer of over $1 million, plus lifetime free residence in the new hotel. After she turned the offer down, construction went ahead around her.
##A 01 40370 116
##T Livable Cities
##A 01 90953 117
##T Sustainable Communities
Sustainable Communities
“Sustainability implies that the use of energy and materials in an urban area be in balance with what the region can supply continuously through natural processes such as photosynthesis, biological decomposition and the biochemical processes that support life. The immediate implications of this principle are a vastly reduced energy budget for cities, and a smaller, more compact urban pattern interspersed with productive areas to collect energy, grow crops for food, fiber and energy, and recycle wastes.”
How this concept is to be implemented is what this book is about. It isn’t just talk; there are case studies and lots of eminently practical ideas here, complete with the economics. The call to
##A 01 91240 118
##T Sustainable Communities
action is backed philosophically by seven essays from authors such as Paul Hawken and John Todd. Solid and timely, the book is a recipe for what we can and probably must do.
— J. Baldwin
##A 01 91642 119
##T Sustainable Communities
Sim Van der Ryn and Peter Calthorpe
1986; 256 pp.
ISBN 0871568004
$25 ($28 postpaid)
Sierra Club Bookstore
730 Polk Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
##A 01 91815 120
##T Sustainable Communities
The Village Center proposal is a direct descendant of the “neighborhood school planning” dogma which dominated suburban planning a generation ago. Then, the key concept was to locate neighborhoods around a half mile walking radius of the elementary school. Today, education and other key consumer services may form the core for new pedestrian oriented energy efficient communities.
##A 01 66689 121
##T Bioshelters, Ocean Arks, City Farming
Bioshelters, Ocean Arks, City Farming
“If the discoveries of the New Alchemy Institute are so important, why aren’t you rich?” a Famous Person once asked John Todd, cofounder of the Institute. Good question. The answer is that ideas not obviously mainstream take a while to be accepted, no matter how wonderful. Convincing demonstrations don’t necessarily help either; note that there have been practical solar homes for decades, but no solar building boom until builders, buyers, bankers and educators had sufficient incentive. Recent work, imaginatively reported, got things started.
The New Alchemy Institute’s experiments (Next Whole Earth Catalog, p. 177) in aquaculture, bioshelters, small-scale farming and innovative architecture have proven successful, but so far
have not ignited a massive thrust towards an ecologically sound,
##A 01 161931 122
##T Bioshelters, Ocean Arks, City Farming
sustainable economy. Perhaps this has been because citizens haven’t been able to see how these concepts might apply to their lives. This book elucidates an exciting collection of ideas that are a natural extension of New Alchemy thought — things that are now possible. It’s a positive, hopeful view of what we can, and probably must, do.
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ New Alchemy Institute
##A 01 67244 123
##T Bioshelters, Ocean Arks, City Farming
(Ecology as the Basis of Design)
Nancy Jack Todd & John Todd
1984; 210 pp.
ISBN 0871568144
$10.95 ($13.95 postpaid)
Sierra Club Bookstore
730 Polk Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
##A 01 120973 124
##T Bioshelters, Ocean Arks, City Farming
There is a science to working with existing forms and structures. It is comprised of a peculiar mixture of theory, research, and practicality — a science of “found objects.” It does not attempt to build from scratch, but takes what exists and works to transform it to something useful or relevant. The French anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss has described it as bricolage. Practitioners are bricoleurs, which translates rather clumsily as “enlightened tinkers with what is at hand.” In an age of increasing scarcity, such a person is potentially a kind of hero, someone who can see with different eyes and utilize available resources. A lack or problem is not seen only as a burden, but an opportunity. A bricoleur can see what was, is, and can be as a splendid continuum — one that must come full circle. Whereas most developers destroy before rebuilding, restorationists rebuild to recapture former glories, and designers prefer a clean slate, the bricoleur works from the assumption that the true potential of a house, a block, a whole town, or any other existing area, has scarcely been tapped.
##A 01 175476 125
##T Bioshelters, Ocean Arks, City Farming
Neighborhood Sewage Treatment Facility
##A 01 92350 126
##T Livable Cities
Livable Cities
All over the U.S.A., deteriorating neighborhoods and even entire towns are being revitalized. And not necessarily by displacing the people living there either. How is this being done? By people getting together! Lots of successful war stories and the winning tactics and strategies are presented here with a voice in keeping with the subject: positive, tough, competent, and experienced. Good hopeful reading for people who want to get control of their neighborhood’s destiny. This is all easily read, too — a pleasure!
— J. Baldwin
##A 01 92632 127
##T Livable Cities
(A Grass-Roots Guide to Rebuilding Urban America)
Robert Cassidy
1980; 340 pp.
ISBN 0030562910
$8.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
Henry Holt & Co.
115 West 18th Avenue
New York, NY 10011
##A 01 92832 128
##T Livable Cities
Community activists should also beware of constructive alternatives. Sometimes, the enemy, seeing he is about to be defeated, tries to turn the tables on you and says, “All right, if you’re so smart, tell us what to do.” Be careful how you handle this situation. It’s not your role to tell the sanitation department how to pick up the garbage; all you care about is that they pick it up regularly. Don’t fall into the trap of trying to do the enemy’s job. Let the enemy solve his own problems. Concentrate instead on making sure he meets your demands.
The only foolproof way to prevent families from being displaced is to have them own their homes, either individually or through a neighborhood corporation. There are a number of ways this can be done. All the methods described previously in this book to help families obtain low-cost home improvement loans and mortgages — rehabilitation financing schemes, revolving loan funds, homesteading programs, sweat equity, low-down-payment mortgages, rebate programs, and so on — serve
to keep the original residents in their homes at prices they can afford.
##A 01 93396 129
##T Livable Streets
Livable Streets
We all know that “we gotta do something about all these cars,” but what’s to be done? This book is divided into two parts: the first is an exhaustive (so to speak) study of the effects of traffic on the denizens of 21 San Francisco streets; part two chronicles the history of an attempt to change traffic patterns in Berkeley for the better. That politically tumultuous move is compared to a similar effort in England. Theory meets reality in both cases. Interesting, instructive, and fortunately easy to read. Highly recommended for car-haters.
— J.Baldwin
##A 01 93477 130
##T Livable Streets
Donald Appleyard
1981; 364 pp.
ISBN 0520047699
$14.95 ($16.45 postpaid)
University of California Press
2120 Berkeley Way
Berkeley, CA 94720
##A 01 93955 131
##T Livable Streets
Before and after drawings [this card and next] showing the transformation of a conventional street into a woonerf [“residential yard,” where traffic rules afford the pedestrian priority].
##A 01 97201 132
##T Livable Streets
Before and after drawings [this card and previous] showing the transformation of a conventional street into a woonerf [“residential yard,” where traffic rules afford the pedestrian priority].
##A 01 44812 133
##T Gay Community I
##A 01 45518 134
Books by and about gay men and lesbians no longer hide their covers. They range from the personal through the political, touching on history, culture, legal rights, parenting, and literature. Gay and lesbian writing (their worlds do not always overlap) explores community and its ramifications, using specifics of culture to propose universals of human experience.
— Aaron Shurin
##A 01 46438 135
##T Another Mother Tongue
Another Mother Tongue
Poet Judy Grahn traces gay cultural history from the legends and vocabulary of gay life, bringing new meaning and cohesiveness to same-sex experience. Dykes and Faggots (she celebrates these words, revealing their etymology and power) have served as shamans in various cultures throughout history — including our own. They flame; they burn; they change themselves and the world.
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 01 46635 136
##T Another Mother Tongue
(Gay Words, Gay Worlds)
Judy Grahn
1984; 324 pp.
ISBN 0807067172
$9.95 ($11.95 postpaid)
Harper & Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 01 46905 137
##T Another Mother Tongue
That’s literally what dike means — balance, the path. The name of the goddess Dike of Greece, who was old Gaia’s granddaughter, meant “the way, the path.” And her social function was natural balance, the keeping of the balance of forces. With her two sisters Eunomia (“Order”) and Eirene (“Peace”), she was present at the birth of Hermes. The three sisters were known as the Hours and were worshipped in conjunction with Demeter as a foursome, mostly by women.
##A 01 47381 138
##T A Legal Guide for Lesbian and Gay Couples
A Legal Guide for Lesbian and Gay Couples
Anyone who’s entered into a business with a friend without
signing a contract knows what pressure that can put on a personal relationship. This book approaches lesbian/gay relationships with the same concerns — how to deal with money, time, and parental issues before they become problems. And its information on financial agreements, wills, and child custody and support is as useful for unmarried straight couples as it is for gays.
Included are case histories, sample contracts, and established legal precedents (including, for example, what precedents the Marvin vs. Marvin case established). But the book is especially valuable for its simple language and tone of loving concern — it is about how to keep it together.
— Annette Jarvie
##A 01 47637 139
##T A Legal Guide for Lesbian and Gay Couples
Hayden Curry and Denis Clifford
4th Edition 1986; 257 pp.
ISBN 087337021X
$17.95 ($19.45 postpaid)
Nolo Press
950 Parker Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
##A 01 121153 140
##T A Legal Guide for Lesbian and Gay Couples
The legal position of lesbian and gay students has changed dramatically — and for the better — in the past decade. One striking example is the court order which required that a gay high school senior be allowed to attend his school’s senior prom with his male date. The rights of students to speak, form organizations, and sponsor activities, all explicitly lesbian- and gay-oriented, have been firmly established by the court.
##A 01 48466 141
##T Gay Community News
Gay Community News
The best weekly coverage of gay and lesbian current events. Politically progressive.
— Aaron Shurin
##A 01 48792 142
##T Gay Community News
M. Stein, S. Poggi and Jennie McKnight, Editors
ISSN 01470728
$33/year (50 issues)
62 Berkeley Street
Boston, MA 02116
##A 01 212054 143
##T Gay Community News
SYDNEY, Australia — This month marks the 10-year anniversary of Sydney’s Gay Solidarity Group (GSG). . . .
In 1978 a handful of gay people received a request from the San Francisco Freedom Day Committee for solidarity actions in Australia to coincide with San Francisco’s street march on June 24 to commemorate the 1969 Stonewall gay riots in New York.
A Gay Rights march took place on Saturday morning, June 24. The same evening, the properly approved first Gay Mardi Gras took place but the police harassed the parade throughout and commandeered the sound truck.
When the carnival arrived in the Kings Cross area, the police moved against it, brutally and violently arresting 53 people who failed to escape. The year came to a close with approximately 200 gay people facing various police charges . . . for daring to demand gay rights.
##A 01 49576 144
##T The Advocate
The Advocate
Political and cultural reporting with colorful features
and interviews.
— Aaron Shurin
##A 01 49838 145
##T The Advocate
Gerry Knoll, Managing Editor
ISSN 00018996
$39.97/year (26 issues)
The Advocate
P. O. Box 4371
Los Angeles, CA 90078
##A 01 237206 146
##T The Advocate
Across the country political activists are taking a new look at gay couples’ rights. . . .
In Los Angeles, where only about 22% of the households included in the 1980 census were traditional nuclear families, city councilman Michael Woo two years ago created a task force on family diversity to study a variety of alternative family arrangements that included gay and lesbian households.
The group recommended allowing gay employees to take sick time and bereavement leave to assist their domestic partners but didn’t propose full spousal health-care benefits for employees’ domestic partners. . . .
In the courts, meanwhile, the country’s two largest gay legal groups, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund (LLDEF) and National Gay Rights Advocates (NGRA), are devoting more energy to litigation involving gay families. . . .
##A 01 238358 147
##T The Advocate
NGRA recently sued a travel agency, alleging it awarded a California gay man a vacation package and then withdrew the offer, telling him only married or cohabitating heterosexual couples were eligible. LLDEF filed a $1-million suit against the New York City Board of Education for its refusal to allow lesbian and gay employees to add domestic partners to their health and dental benefits.
“It makes sense that . . . domestic partner relationships should be equally compensated,” said LLDEF staff attorney Paula Ettelbrick. “Otherwise, my heterosexual married counterpart is getting paid more than I am.” . . .
“Lesbian and gay family issues are really . . . the next frontier, the next area of focus for this movement,” predicted Sue Hyde, a staff member of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. As the first generation of post-Stoneswall gay activists has aged, “we’re beginning to feel in very personal ways . . . the negative effects of the lack of recognition of our relationships and the totally arbitrary ways that we’re dealt with when we go into custody cases or battles . . .[over] illness or death of our lovers.”
##A 01 201103 148
##T The Quilt: Stories from the NAMES Project
The Quilt: Stories from the NAMES Project
In the wake of the AIDS crisis comes the NAMES Project Quilt, a travelling memorial of patchwork panels dedicated to those who have died of AIDS. Created by friends, families and lovers, the Quilt increases national awareness and preserves the memory of people who have lost their lives to AIDS. Perhaps the most moving photos are of the panels left nameless due to the stigma that may be attached to losing someone to AIDS.
Profits from book sales go to the NAMES Project and will help raise funds for local support groups providing direct services to people with AIDS. For more information about the NAMES Project: P.O. Box 14573, San Francisco, CA 94114
— Lisa Geduldig
##A 01 207096 149
##T The Quilt: Stories from the NAMES Project
Cindy Ruskin
1988; 160 pp.
ISBN 0671665979
$22.95 ($25.25 postpaid)
Simon & Schuster
200 Old Tappan Rd.
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 01 210094 150
##T The Quilt: Stories from the NAMES Project
Ultimately, each quilt panel has its own tale, and it is the richness, humanity and vital nature of these many and varied stories that together compose the greater story of The NAMES Project. These are not stories of an illness. Rather, they are stories of courage, fear, and anger, and mostly, they are stories of love. They tell of people who worked and played, who laughed and fought, and who are finally remembered.
“The Quilt has helped me turn my back on cynicism,” says Cleve. “I used to be constantly aware of the hurt, pain and evil people are capable of. The Quilt has helped me believe that in all of us there really is something that is very good....
“You get this group of people in a room,” he says, “and one is a telephone operator, another a word processor, a ballerina and a waiter, and you tell them that they’ve got to figure out a way to display ten tons of fabric. You leave them alone for an hour and when you come back they’re laughing hysterically but they have a workable plan. It’s just constantly marvelous.
##A 01 213778 151
##T The Quilt: Stories from the NAMES Project
“The Quilt is the best thing I have done in my life,” Cleve says. A quote from Mother Teresa is pinned on the wall of his office cubicle. It reads: “There is a light in this world, a healing spirit more powerful than any darkness we may encounter. We sometimes lose sight of this force when there is suffering, too much pain. Then suddenly, the spirit will emerge through the lives of ordinary people who hear a call and answer in extraordinary ways.”
##A 01 216297 152
##T The Quilt: Stories from the NAMES Project
The Quilt on display
Capitol Mall October 1987
##A 01 225691 153
##T The Quilt: Stories from the NAMES Project
Kim Kubik and his girlfriend made this panel for Jessica Hazard, an infant who contracted AIDS from a contaminated blood transfusion. They were touched by her story, although they did not know the baby, and made this quilt in her memory.
##A 01 63162 154
##T Gay Community II
##A 01 50565 155
##T A Different Light Bookstore
A Different Light Bookstore
A comprehensive catalog of gay and lesbian literature.
— Aaron Shurin
##A 01 50778 156
##T A Different Light Bookstore
Catalog free
from any of these locations:
A Different Light Bookstore
548 Hudson Street
New York, NY 10014
4014 Santa Monica Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90029
489 Castro Street
San Francisco, CA 94114
##A 01 51471 157
##T Jack the Modernist
Jack the Modernist
Robert Glück’s post-modern prose is all a reader could ask for: wryly self-conscious, full of careening rhythms and inventive formal approaches, love-laden, psychologically probing, and politically smart. Glück writes about sex with the unabashedness of Genet and the perceptiveness of Proust. Always before him is the integration of eroticism and the social issues that feed it.
— Aaron Shurin
##A 01 51855 158
##T Jack the Modernist
Robert Glück
1985; 166 pp.
ISBN 091401711X
$7.95 ($9.20 postpaid)
Gay Presses of New York
Box 294
Village Station, NY 10014
##A 01 52515 159
##T The Lesbian Path
The Lesbian Path
This anthology draws on the work of over thirty of America’s
finest lesbian writers, including Judy Grahn, Susan Griffin, Audre Lorde, and Jane Rule. The stories offer a range of always-true tales, exploding the boundaries of traditional autobiography, and proposing a view of lesbianism as more than a sexual or political fact: it’s a way of being in the world.
— Aaron Shurin
##A 01 52842 160
##T The Lesbian Path
Margaret Cruikshank, Editor
Revised Edition 1985; 219 pp.
ISBN 0912516968
$8.95 ($9.95 postpaid)
Subterranean Co.
Box 10233
Eugene, OR 97440
##A 01 122282 161
##T The Lesbian Path
A Loving Friendship
In the lesbian community, most of our talking and writing about love focuses on conventional love relationships in which women think of themselves as lovers or as a couple. But this is only one kind of loving, and there are other love relationships which we seldom talk about and explore. I want to tell the story of me and Corky, two women who have been friends for twenty-five years.
My loving friendship with Corky began in 1954 when we decided to be roommates at the University of Wisconsin. What may seem somewhat unusual about Corky’s importance in my life is the fact that we have never lived in the same place since 1955, and usually we have lived thousands of miles apart. She lived in Boston; I lived in New York. I lived in Massachusetts; she lived in Africa. I lived in Europe; she lived in California. For the past fourteen years I have been in New Jersey and she has been in California. Still, our lives have been touched by one another, and I feel that she has
##A 01 232441 162
##T The Lesbian Path
been a part of major changes and decisions in my life.
In the past five years our lives have become more intertwined than before. I know that feminism and the women’s movement helped us validate the meaningful friendship we already had. On an emotional level, however, what made our increasing closeness
possible was that after twenty years of friendship we were finally able to express to one another the love we felt, and to accept it as a love which did not have the same expectations or boundaries as a conventional love relationship. With some sadness and even shame I look back and realize that I could not freely and openly express my love
to Corky all those years, but when I did, it was a freeing and life-changing event for me.
##A 01 57941 163
##T Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality
Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality
Boswell nails down history with scrupulous scholarship,
using a wide variety of source materials to explore the problematic relationship between the Christian church and homosexuality. Changing, evolving attitudes towards sexuality, from the pre-Christian era through the middle ages, portray homosexuality as a natural expression caught in a social crisis. The introduction and appendices are invaluable historical documents.
— Aaron Shurin
##A 01 58118 164
##T Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality
(Gay People in Western Europe from the Beginning of the Christian Era to the Fourteenth Century)
John Boswell
1980; 424 pp.
ISBN 0226067114
$12.95 postpaid
University of Chicago Press
11030 South Langley Avenue
Chicago, IL 60628
##A 01 58708 165
##T Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality
Antinous (right). Roman, second century A.D. (?). One of the best of many surviving statues of the young man from Bithynia loved by the Emperor Hadrian (left). Antinous was drowned in the Nile in 130 A.D., and the grief-stricken emperor honored his memory by founding cities, establishing games, and erecting statues in his name throughout the empire. (Courtesy of Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Naples.)
##A 01 45103 166
##T Local Politics
##A 01 28595 167
by Tim Redmond
One of my favorite stories about local politics goes back to the late 1970s, when Abbie Hoffman was living under an assumed name in a small town on the St. Lawrence River in upstate New York. The way Abbie tells it, he read in the newspaper one day that the Army Corps of Engineers had plans to blast a new shipping channel right through the section of the river that ran by his home. The project would involve dynamiting several small islands and opening an environmentally sensitive stretch of waterway to major shipping.
Hoffman decided to risk blowing his cover and start fighting the plan. For weeks, he went around and knocked on his neighbors’
##A 01 28821 168
doors and urged them to write letters opposing the project to the
Corps and to their legislators. But time after time, the working-class river folk declined to get involved. “They kept telling me,” Hoffman explained, “that there was nothing they could do — that nobody paid any attention to them.” All they knew was that winter was coming and they needed firewood. All they cared about was their damn chainsaws.
Suddenly an idea came. Hoffman put on a tie, took $20 cash down to the local newspaper and placed a classified ad that read: “FREE CHAINSAWS. The Army Corps of Engineers has unexpectedly amassed a surplus supply of 200 19-inch chainsaws in top condition, and will give them free to the first 200 citizens who
send a suitable self-addressed shipping carton with a request
##A 01 29114 169
letter and postage, to the Army Corps of Engineers, Syracuse, NY.”
Within a week, the Corps office was flooded with hundreds of large shipping crates and letters requesting “surplus chain saws.” Nobody could figure out who had placed the ad, or why, but the event attracted national media attention. It was also a sensation in Hoffman’s tiny community — everywhere people were talking about it.
That week, Hoffman repeated his doorknocking rounds. But this time, he had a different message. “What do you mean, nobody pays attention to you?” he asked. “What about those chainsaws? Look
at the fuss you can make just by writing a few letters.” That, of
course, was the beginning of a potent citizens’ group “Save the
##A 01 29245 170
River” — and the beginning of the end for the Corps channel
widening plans.
There’s a lesson there for everyone: nothing brings a community to life like a tangible demonstration of its own latent power.
Like it or not, if you’re involved in local politics you will have to deal with the press. Whether you want publicity or need secrecy, at some point the newspapers and broadcast media will become a factor in your plans.
In any community with a population of more than about 500 people
situated within a half-day’s drive of a modern metropolis, newspapers and TV will be the dominant means of political
##A 01 30805 171
communication. In most moderate-to-large towns and cities,
events that are not reported in the local papers (or on the local TV news) might as well not have happened — at least as far as most
of the population is concerned.
If you’re working in any sort of community politics, read the local newspapers, watch the local TV news, listen to the radio talk shows. The media may be lousy, but that’s how most people in town learn about their community — and if nothing else, you need
to know what they’re being told. Learn the names and follow the
records of all the local officials. Chances are no matter what your
cause, a few are potential allies.
I can’t stress this last point enough. A lot of my friends can talk
##A 01 65914 172
for hours about “green politics” and “bioregional perspectives,”
but they don’t know the name of their city council members. They can identify every warring faction in Chad (and which superpower
supports each one), but they don’t know where their garbage goes.
I don’t care what you think about electoral politics or mass media — they are part of your community right now, like it or not, and you need to learn how they work.
— Tim Redmond
##A 01 135051 173
##T Rules for Radicals
Rules for Radicals
Toward a science of revolution. Much radical literature is aimed at fighting. This book is aimed, by an expert, at winning.
— Stewart Brand
##A 01 135332 174
##T Rules for Radicals
Saul D. Alinsky
1971; 224 pp.
ISBN 0394717368
$3.95 ($4.95 postpaid)
Random House
Order Dept.
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 01 155914 175
##T Rules for Radicals
Always remember the first rule of power tactics: Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.
The second rule is: Never go outside the experience of your people. When an action or tactic is outside the experience of the people, the result is confusion, fear, and retreat. It also means a collapse of communication, as we have noted.
The third rule is: Wherever possible go outside of the experience of the enemy. Here you want to cause confusion, fear, and retreat . . .
The fourth rule is: Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity.
The fourth rule carries within it the fifth rule: Ridicule is man’s most potent
##A 01 156309 176
##T Rules for Radicals
weapon. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.
The sixth rule is: A good tactic is one that your people enjoy. If your people are not having a ball doing it, there is something very wrong with the tactic.
The seventh rule: A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag . . .
The eighth rule: Keep the pressure on, with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your purpose.
The ninth rule: The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.
The tenth rule: The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.
##A 01 123423 177
##T Women Winning
Women Winning
The advent of women as candidates for elected offices in America began in earnest in the 1970s. This book conveys the excitement of a new group reaching out for elected political power and also includes strategic and organizational advice that candidates of either sex will find valuable. The author is a Democratic Party committeewoman and a seasoned veteran of six years in the Maine state legislature.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 01 123715 178
##T Women Winning
(How to Run for Office)
Barbara M. Trafton
1984; 164 pp.
ISBN 0916782441
$9.95 ($11.20 postpaid)
Harvard Common Press
c/o Kampmann & Company
9 East 40th Street
New York, NY 10016
##A 01 124103 179
##T Women Winning
Over the past decade most women candidates have underemphasized the planning stage of campaigning. . . .You can develop a solid strategy at the outset if you follow these fundamental principles:
1. Know your message.
2. Know the issues.
3. Know the voters.
4. Know the limits of your resources.
Once you’ve determined what your message will be, your brochures, newspaper interviews, radio spots, balloons, door hangers, and all your other campaign materials should be designed to deliver your message to the voters.
##A 01 122394 180
##T How to Make Meetings Work
How to Make Meetings Work
It always amazes me how a group of otherwise pleasant people can go collectively insane as soon as they get in a meeting together. Anyone who suffers through the wrangling and frustration of poorly run meetings will find this book very useful. I particularly like its emphasis on achieving consensus, a worthy goal that lots of people talk about without knowing much of how it can be achieved.
— Linda Williams
##A 01 122786 181
##T How to Make Meetings Work
Michael Doyle and David Straus
1976; 301 pp.
ISBN 0515090484
$3.95 ($4.70 postpaid)
Berkley Publishing Group
Order Dept.
P.O. Box 506
East Rutherford, NJ 07073
##A 01 123165 182
##T How to Make Meetings Work
A clearly legible record of the key ideas of the meeting taped to the walls is called a group memory. The very presence of the group memory has many beneficial effects. It provides a physical focus for the group. Rather than sitting in a closed circle around a conference table, channeling their energies toward each other, the members sit in a semicircle and automatically focus their energies on the problem as represented by the group memory. This simple change can make a tremendous difference.
##A 01 22511 183
##A 01 159019 184
##T The Left — More or Less
##A 01 25740 185
Dividing the political realm up into Left and Right is a legacy of the French Revolution and, like the guillotine, not always applicable to the modern world. Nevertheless, until someone comes up with a better set of pigeonholes, we are stuck with the Left/Right metaphor, and most activities and actors in the political realm end up falling on one side of the fence or the other.
The conceit of this section is that the following selection of magazines serves as a rough introduction to the spectrum of the Left and Right. This is similar to trying to boil the world’s cuisines down into a half-dozen fast food restaurants. It’s both an interesting exercise and an impossible task, and should be read with no illusions about its completeness.
— Jay Kinney
##A 01 17648 186
The Nation and The Progressive are the two best general magazines on the American Left. They are also two of the oldest national magazines — of any political stance — still being published. Long considered "liberal," both magazines have responded to the languishing disintegration of liberalism by broadening their purview to include democratic socialism as a serious option.
In These Times, The Guardian, The Fifth Estate and Open Road are the newer kids on the block.
— Jay Kinney
##A 01 15747 187
##T The Nation
The Nation
The Nation was founded in 1856. As a weekly, it provides timely commentary on late-breaking news. Alexander Cockburn’s slash-and-burn Press criticism column is particularly provocative.
— Jay Kinney
##A 01 16124 188
##T The Nation
Victor Navasky, Editor
ISSN 00278378
$36/year(47 issues);
$64/2 years
The Nation
Box 1953
Marion, OH 43305
##A 01 16841 189
##T The Progressive
The Progressive
The Progressive was founded in 1909. Its forte is longer analytical articles presented with striking black-and-white graphics.
— Jay Kinney
##A 01 17096 190
##T The Progressive
Erwin Knoll, Editor
ISSN 00330736
$16.97/year (12 issues)
The Progressive
409 East Main Street
Madison, WI 53703
##A 01 126279 191
##T The Progressive
I give you the history of just one seat in the Texas Legislature, an Amarillo district. The incumbent, Representative Chip Staniswalis, came to grief in a recent bid for higher office. He was heavily handicapped by having the district attorney call a press conference at the beginning of the campaign to announce that Staniswalis was under investigation for getting kickbacks from a legislative employee.
Staniswalis’s predecessor in the seat was Representative Ben Bynum, who has since been convict of failing to keep track of public monies; Bynum kept cashing checks — at liquor stores around town — intended for a campaign to build a new courthouse. Bynum is currently on probation while he appeals his case.
His predecessor was Representative Walter Knapp, who went to prison for misusing his postal privileges in a major way. Shortly after Knapp got out of Stripe City, he murdered his wife and then himself. Knapp’s predecessor was Representative Hudson Moyers, who went to the hoosegow for an unusual maneuver. He bought a
##A 01 233125 192
##T The Progressive
pickup truck with stamps charged to his legislative expense account. I always did wonder what that car dealer thought Moyers was doing with all those stamps. Gives you the idea of why all the locals refer to Amarillo as Jackass Flats.
##A 01 19824 193
##T In These Times
In These Times
One notch to the left of The Nation and The Progressive is In These Times, the “independent socialist newspaper” published weekly in Chicago. ITT distinguishes itself from the preceding publications through its emphasis on hard news and its overt stumping for socialism. The writing in ITT is intelligent, nonsectarian and nonrhetorical, and includes good coverage of popular culture. If a good case for socialism can be made in the late ’80s, it’ll likely be in In These Times.
— Jay Kinney
##A 01 20058 194
##T In These Times
James Weinstein, Editor
$34.95/year(41 issues)
In These Times
1300 West Belmont Avenue
Chicago, IL 60657
##A 01 129750 195
##T In These Times
Drugs are a serious social problem, but as the Indochina war and the wars in Central America made clear, drug trafficking is so lucrative that it is virtually impossible to control, especially when the interests of the drug runners and covert government operators coincide. The upsurge in cocaine traffic in recent years has created an industry that generates an estimated $60 billion — $120 billion a year in the U.S. And it has led to more widespread corruption within the American criminal justice system than at any time since Prohibition. . . .
The tragedy of drug abuse, especially in the inner cities, is real. But it should be separated from the enormous criminal machine that has developed to supply illicit drugs. Telling a young person to “just say no” is pointless when he can make $5,000 a day as a pusher. If these same drugs were decriminalized and regulated by law in the same way alcohol and tobacco are, the motive for the drug trade would disappear and our efforts could be shifted to the real problems of addiction. If that had happened, the
##A 01 233648 196
##T In These Times
enormous cost to fight drugs, the corruption of our officials and drug-related violence on our streets could be ended.
##A 01 27574 197
##T The Guardian
The Guardian
Though the Guardian’s subtitle, “the independent radical newsweekly,” sounds similar to In These Times’s, the Guardian is a distinctly different entity. Progressive in the '50s, New Left in the ’60s, Marxist-Leninist in the ’70s, the Guardian has tended to reflect the changing tilt of left activists from era to era. These days, the Guardian has cut back on the rhetoric, undergone a much-needed graphic redesign, and tempered its penchant for revolutionary dogmatism. If pinned down under duress, the Guardian would probably still call itself communist, though the word doesn’t surface often in its pages.
— Jay Kinney
##A 01 27788 198
##T The Guardian
William A. Ryan, Editor
ISSN 00175021
$27.50/year (46 issues)
The Institute for Independent Social Journalism, Inc.
33 West 17th Street
New York, NY 10011
##A 01 18701 199
##T The Fifth Estate
The Fifth Estate
On the far-left fringes of the far left is the Fifth Estate. Starting out in Detroit as one of the seminal underground papers of the
’60s, FE evolved into a unique radical publication defying any easy label. Suspicious of any "ism,” despairing of the bitter fruits of industrial civilization, and with grave misgivings about the role of words and numbers themselves in warping human consciousness, FE publishes brilliant, if wordy(!), critiques of nearly everything.
— Jay Kinney
##A 01 18951 200
##T The Fifth Estate
ISSN 00150800
$5/year (4 issues)
$7 foreign
The Fifth Estate Cooperative
4632 Second Avenue
Detroit, MI 48201
##A 01 198424 201
##T The Fifth Estate
Justice—AmeriKKKan style: Ex-boxer Rubin (Hurricane) Carter may finally be free after serving a 19-year prison term for murders he never committed. The U.S. Supreme Court refused in January to reinstate the conviction of the former boxing champion and a companion after it had been reversed by a New Jersey court. Imprisoned since 1966, Ruben was released in 1985 from a racist frame-up which was popularized in the song, “Hurricane” by Bob Dylan on his Desire album (worth listening to again). American justice is a joke once it leaves the tender confines of the upper classes it was designed to protect, and the lower it goes on the social scale the more people are chewed up by it. Travesties such as the continued imprisonment in California of ex-Black Panther, Geronimo Pratt, a victim of an FBI frame-up, makes “respect of the law” a bad joke.
##A 01 17817 202
##T Open Road
Open Road
Even farther to the left of In These Times and the Guardian, we run into the anarchists, who may not like Capitalism but hate governments even more. Open Road is the most accessible, regularly published anarchist paper in North America. Since its inception several years ago, Open Road has reported on a variety of anti-authoritarian activities ranging from anti-nuke demonstrations to Native American struggles to bombings by alleged revolutionaries. With “terrorism” so much in the news, OR is one of the few publications that prints communiques from leftists undertaking armed actions.
— Jay Kinney
##A 01 18121 203
##T Open Road
2 hours’ pay/year
(4 issues) or $50 (sustainer)
The Open Road Collective
P. O. Box 6135, Station G
Vancouver, BC
V6R 4G5
##A 01 35535 204
##T Open Road
WEST GERMANY — On December 18, ’87, West German police flexed their collective muscle against the feminist critics of genetic engineering and State immigration policy. Two hundred federal officers from BKA (German equivalent of FBI), assisted by local police, carried out simultaneous raids on 33 addresses in the characteristically efficient and thorough style of the political police. They claim the sweep was to unearth the activities of “Roten Zora” (Red Zora), a feminist women’s guerrilla network.
In an execution aimed at painting a picture of State omnipotence, the BKA sealed off streets and forced their way, firearms drawn, into women’s and family members’ homes, private workplaces, and research/archive centres. Announcing the grounds for the raid as “Article 129a” (paragraph of the Criminal Code with wide applications concerning “terrorism”), they searched the premises without warrants, seizing radio and video recordings, personal mail, address books, mailing lists, and
##A 01 239325 205
##T Open Road
scientific material relating to human genetics, pre-natal diagnosis, and reproductive technology research. The grounds for the seizure of these documents was their “extreme condemnation” of genetic engineering.
##A 01 47352 206
##T The Right — More or Less
##A 01 66476 207
Suspected of being moribund only ten years ago, conservatism and the GOP have experienced a wave of popularity during the ’80s that has left the Left gasping for air. As indicative of this phenomenon, Human Events and The American Spectator spent much of the ’70s as wistful outsiders, but have increased in influence and prestige in recent years.
— Jay Kinney
##A 01 20569 208
##T Human Events
Human Events
Human Events, “the National Conservative Weekly,” is touted as one of Ronald Reagan’s favorite publications and is a good place to go to gain insight into the perspective he represents. With conservatives in power the tabloid gives particular attention to Capitol affairs, though national and international news and issues are also covered.
— Jay Kinney
##A 01 20808 209
##T Human Events
Thomas S. Winter and Allan Ryskind, Editors
ISSN 00187194
$35/year (52 issues)
Human Events
422 First Street SE
Washington, DC 20003
##A 01 147361 210
##T Human Events
The League of Women Voters won’t be running the presidential debates this year, and that’s a good thing because there isn’t (and never was) anything impartial and unbiased about that organization.
For more than 65 years, it has been masquerading under a nonpartisan image, whereas in truth it was born in internationalism and has pursued an anti-defense, pro-high-tax, liberal agenda ever since. . . .
— Phyllis Schlafly
##A 01 21704 211
##T The American Spectator
The American Spectator
The American Spectator spent the ’70s handcrafting its mix of snide humor, biting opinions, and copious book reviews in Bloomington, Indiana. In recent years it has moved to Arlington, Virginia, as its editor, R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr., has risen from obscurity to become a nationally syndicated columnist.
With a format roughly similar to the New York Review of Books, The American Spectator delivers a wholly conservative assemblage of wit, bile, and criticism.
— Jay Kinney
##A 01 21834 212
##T The American Spectator
R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr.,
ISSN 01488414
$24/year (12 issues);
$28 foreign
The American Spectator
P. O. Box 10448
Arlington, VA 22210
##A 01 181858 213
##T The American Spectator
The American Spectator
Editor-in-Chief: R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr.
Publisher: Ronald E. Burr
Legal Counsel: Solitary, Poor, Nasty, Brutish & Short
The American Spectator was founded in 1924 by George Nathan and Truman Newberry over a cheap domestic ale in McSorley’s Old Ale House. In 1967 the Saturday Evening Club took it over, rechristening it “The Alternative: An American Spectator”; but by November 1977 the word “alternative” had acquired such an esoteric fragrance that in order to discourage unsolicited manuscripts from florists, beauticians, and other creative types the Club reverted to the magazine’s original name.
— from the Masthead
##A 01 201799 214
##T The American Spectator
The Associated Press reports that a Madison, Wisconsin man accused of exposing his private parts to women while posing as an underwear model has been convicted of three counts of lewd and lascivious behavior and four counts of trespassing. The culprit’s name was not included in the report, but Madison is the home of the “Progressive” magazine, and reasonable readers can conclude that one of that magazine’s editorialists has again been up to his old tricks. What is more, there may be a few “Progressive” writers in retirement in Hudson, Florida, for there an outbreak of robberies perpetrated by nude thieves has struck terror among retirees. Most recently a convenience store was robbed of three lottery tickets, cigarettes, and a lighter by a man wearing gray bikini briefs on his head and gray socks on his hands.
##A 01 148634 215
Libertarians prefer to consider their philosophy of minimal government and maximum liberty as being beyond both Left and Right. However, what distinguishes most contemporary libertarians from the anarchists on the left is the libertarians’ enthusiasm for nonregulated “free enterprise” economics. With that in mind, Reason magazine in California and Laissez Faire Books in New York can be arguably included with others on the Right.
— Jay Kinney
##A 01 23598 216
##T Reason
A lot of libertarian publications have come and gone in the last decade, but Reason (subtitled “Free Minds and Free Markets”) has stuck it out. Some good investigative reporting, a selection of columns (including one on investments), and both slick paper and slick design make this a very readable magazine.
— Jay Kinney
##A 01 23962 217
##T Reason
Robert W. Poole, Jr., Editor
ISSN 00486906
$15.95/year (11 issues)
P. O. Box 3724
Escondido, CA 92025
##A 01 181369 218
##T Reason
“Science fiction writer,” said the obituaries. If ever anyone deserved that description, it was Robert Heinlein. In the days when hacks cranked out potboilers about Bug-Eyed Monsters, this engineer-turned-author revolutionized sf with solid stories based on hard science.
But Heinlein was far more than simply an sf writer. He was among this country’s first real futurists. He would take an idea — life extension, nuclear power plants, moon colonization — and work out its possible social and political implications. The point was not to predict the future but to anticipate possible consequences of new developments by thinking them through in advance.
For many of us, discovering Heinlein at an early age served as a kind of lifeline. His strong-minded individualism, his great respect for thinking and competence, and his exciting visions of the future inspired me, as they did millions of others. Heinlein was the first libertarian thinker many of us ever encountered.
##A 01 24648 219
##T Laissez Faire Books
Laissez Faire Books
Laissez Faire Books is a modest bookstore in lower Manhattan with a sizeable mail-order business. It claims to have the
“world’s largest selection of books on Liberty” which is probably an accurate claim if you define Liberty as synonomous with libertarian politics, the Austrian school of (“free market”) economics, and Ayn Rand’s Objectivism.
— Jay Kinney
##A 01 25011 220
##T Laissez Faire Books
Catalog free from:
Laissez Faire Books
532 Broadway
Seventh Floor
New York, NY 10012
##A 01 22775 221
##T The Spotlight
The Spotlight
The Spotlight, published by the Liberty Lobby, is the best place to get a handle on the surge in support of the far right in middle America. By turns populist, anti-Zionist (its critics say anti-semitic), isolationist, and anti-communist, the Spotlight claims a bigger paid circulation than any other publication in this survey. Photo features on paramilitary groups like the White Patriots Party rub elbows with articles on embattled doctors touting alternative cancer cures and investigative pieces on organized crime. It’s an explosive mix you should be aware of.
— Jay Kinney
##A 01 23033 222
##T The Spotlight
Vincent J. Ryan, Editor
ISSN 01916270
$30/year (51 issues)
The Spotlight
300 Independence Avenue SE
Washington, DC 20003
##A 01 150782 223
##T The Spotlight
Information obtained from inside secret meetings of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in New York and Washington show that it is working hard to impose the shadow government’s agenda. That agenda is one of increasing taxes in the United States and sending more American dollars overseas.
The CFR, which has overlapping leadership with the Bilderberg group and the Trilateral Commission (TC), has been holding numerous meetings in this country and in Europe, promoting policies agreed upon by all three groups.
Participating in these secret policy meetings were, among other well-known leaders, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, former Sen. Charles Mathias (R-Md.), a Bilderberger; and former President Jimmy Carter, former Vice President Walter Mondale and former national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, all Trilateralists. David Rockefeller, the CFR’s honorary chairman who founded the TC, shares power with the Rothschilds of Britain and Europe in the Bilderberg group.
##A 01 239625 224
##T The Spotlight
The documents also listed as CFR members Secretary of State George Shultz, columnist George Will, Sen. John (Jay) Rockefeller (D-W. Va.), former Virginia Gov. Charles Robb, former Sen. James Buckley (R-N.Y.) and now a federal district judge and his brother, magazine owner William F. Buckley Jr.
##A 01 24075 225
##A 01 48980 226
##T National Tactics
##A 01 164010 227
##T How to Lobby Congress
How to Lobby Congress
Abundant, detailed savvy on effective use of Washington, DC. Affecting national policy is not impossible, merely difficult.
— Stewart Brand
##A 01 164235 228
##T How to Lobby Congress
(A Guide for the Citizen Lobbyist)
Donald deKieffer
1982; 228 pp.
ISBN 0396079695
$8.95 ($10.45 postpaid)
Dodd, Mead & Co.
6 Ram Ridge Road
Spring Valley, NY 10977
800-237-3255; 914-352-3900(NY)
##A 01 164567 229
##T How to Lobby Congress
The Press Aide also edits the Congressman’s newsletter to his constituents. This so-called newsletter is thinly disguised political propaganda designed to inform the electorate on the Member’s activities in Washington. It is usually a four-to eight-page pamphlet; until recently, it has always been written in the first person singular and the Congressman has been characteristically egotistical about his accomplishments on behalf of his constituency. Usually, these newsletters will consider half a dozen issues and will often have pictures of the Congressman meeting with various groups. An extremely effective way to promote your issue is to have a feature article on it included in a Congressman’s newsletter. It’s free, it reaches over fifty thousand people by first-class mail and it’s the closest thing to a free lunch
you’ll find in Washington.
##A 01 219628 230
##T The Next Hurrah
The Next Hurrah
There’s an art to writing junk-mail seductive enough to get a wary reader to pull out his or her checkbook. Richard Armstrong’s mastery of that mode is put to much better use in this engrossing, wide-ranging look at political applications of new information technologies.
He starts with what he knows best — direct mail fund-raising — then shows how this ties in with voter databases, campaign software, telephone banks, opinion polling, electronic news-releases, broadcast production, cable TV, satellite relays, and computer communications. Neither a utopian nor a cynic, at one point he asserts that the new political technology (particularly
computers) is “amateurizing” campaigns — giving newcomers
capabilities that only entrenched “party machines” had in the past.
##A 01 220681 231
##T The Next Hurrah
But the bulk of the book suggests otherwise, as telemarketing specialists increasingly replace grassroots volunteers, manipulating candidates’ positions to fit statistical models and “geodemographic” game-plans.
Recognizing how rapidly campaign technology is evolving, and how unexpected the synergies have been, Armstrong doesn’t try to peer very far into the future. He doesn’t really have to: just pulling together what’s already happening produces some future shock.
But he does predict a splintering of the two-party system soon, as well as growing difficulty in balancing personal privacy with political involvement.
While not meant as a how-to manual, there are enough tips, models
##A 01 221122 232
##T The Next Hurrah
and pointers to set you thinking how you can adapt some of these already-available techniques to the elections and issues you care about.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 01 219690 233
##T The Next Hurrah
(The Communications Revolution
in American Politics)
Richard Armstrong
1988; 300 pp.
$18.95 ($20.45 postpaid)
William Morrow & Co.
Wilmor Warehouse
39 Plymouth Street
P.O. Box 1219
Fairfield, NJ 07007
##A 01 220237 234
##T The Next Hurrah
It’s been estimated there are approximately five hundred thousand electoral offices in the United States, with roughly 750,000 candidates vying for them. These candidates spend about 1.25 billion dollars more in donated services in their effort to get elected. Congressional, gubernatorial, and senatorial campaigns make up only a tiny fraction of this market. The bulk of it is comprised of local politicians who spend five, ten, or fifteen thousand dollars to get elected to city councils, state legislatures, school boards, and county commissions. In the past, only big campaigns could afford to use computers. In the future, 90 percent of the use of computers in politics will be in the smaller campaigns.
Nowadays, candidates in effect “cover” their own campaign. Staffers are hired to follow the candidate around with cassette recorders and minicams, taping anything that resembles news. These tapes are then delivered to radio stations, television stations, and cable systems by telephone, by satellite, or by hand, where they will
##A 01 221754 235
##T The Next Hurrah
find their way on to the air — often without much editorial comment. In the print media it’s very rare for a press release to be published intact. But with radio and television actualities, it happens all the time. And, for the most part, the press regards it as a service!
I can be very active — extremely active — in politics nowadays without ever leaving my desk. I can watch the candidates carry on their endless punch/counterpunch commercials on my nineteen-inch color television. Contribute to the candidate of my choice by responding to a direct-mail letter or a telemarketing call. Respond to a survey on the phone. Peruse the candidates’ position papers on teletext. Watch a “town meeting” on cable television, or a filmed biography of one of the candidates on my VCR. I can read my persuasion mail or answer my voter-contact calls. I can participate in a political discussion on The Source, or dial my favorite candidate’s BBS and leave a message that I’d like to volunteer. Once I’ve volunteered, I might be assigned to do data-entry via modem, or write speeches I can send in by electronic
##A 01 222004 236
##T The Next Hurrah
mail. Only when it comes time to vote do I have to go out in public. And even then I walk into a tiny booth, pull the curtain closed behind me, and mark a secret ballot.
These technologies are creating a kind of political cocoon where the greatest danger is not that our behavior will be watched by Big Brother but that it is going entirely unobserved by anyone other than ourselves. Not by the press. Not by the government. Not by our fellow citizens. Not by anyone.
Politics always has been a crazy business. Funny hats. Noisemakers. Balloons. But at least in the past, we were looking into each other’s faces, shaking hands, arguing, compromising, kissing babies, touching, feeling.
Nowadays the level of our political dialogue is roughly equivalent to staring at the bathroom mirror and lip-synching to the radio.
##A 01 214386 237
##T Campaigns & Elections
Campaigns & Elections
A slick trade journal for professional campaigners, political consultants, and those running (or interested in running) for public office.
Unabashedly committed to candidate-packaging and -marketing, most of the articles are how-to pieces and interviews with successful practitioners. The ads are intriguing, and each issue’s
“directory of resources” (paid listings for PR firms, mailing-list brokers, fundraisers, computer specialists, etc.) seems like an essential tool. My favorite column is “Politics Across America”: local campaign stories rarely picked up by reporters outside the immediate locale.
C&E has an odd pricing policy: subscriptions cost 50% more than
##A 01 215682 238
##T Campaigns & Elections
the per-issue cover price. Since Washington, DC, is about the only place you can find this publication on newsstands, they appear to be discriminating against the rest of the country — at least in cost. The content, on the other hand, is geographically diverse. They’re particularly attentive to races at the state and district levels.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 01 214674 239
##T Campaigns & Elections
James M. Dwinell, Executive Editor
ISSN 01970771
(7 issues)
or $4.50 per issue
C & E, Inc.
1331 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.
Suite 1200-E
Washington, D.C. 20004
##A 01 215267 240
##T Campaigns & Elections
. . . The race remained close until the campaign’s final week, when Moore’s opponent, three-term Jackson Mayor Dale Danks, aired a controversial TV spot showing Moore in 1975 with long hair. . . with a voice-over: “Who has the experience to be attorney general? Well, when Mike Moore was a law student, Dale Danks was a prosecutor winning 90 percent of his cases. . . .”
A second spot depicted Danks in college with his closely cropped wethead, circa 1963, while the voice-over intoned “. . . Dale Danks worked for the city sanitation department while earning his degree from the Jackson School of Law.”
Danks found himself on the defensive for what many voters described as “a low blow.” He tried to explain the ads as an insight into his opponent’s background and character . . . . Most voters did not agree. As he continued campaigning, Moore sensed the tide turning in his favor. “Everybody’s mad about that hair thing. . . . People walked up to
##A 01 216029 241
##T Campaigns & Elections
me and said, ‘Boy, I was for Danks, but when he came out with that hair ad I decided to be for you.’”
In fact, the entire experience-versus-inexperience approach taken by Danks helped Moore ride the tide of youthful reformers, such as gubernatorial candidate Ray Mabus, who were sweeping the state. By Election Day, Moore’s come-from-behind victory was complete. He won by more than 100,000 votes, and defeated Danks in the Mayor’s home base of Hinds, Madison, and Rankin counties.
##A 01 160479 242
##T League of Women Voters
League of Women Voters
This volunteer organization has come to stand for citizen participation in responsible and responsive government. Its nonpartisan stance allows the League to concentrate on researching the facts about candidates and issues and getting them out to voters. From local to national issues, their publications catalog is a useful first stop in the search for answers.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 01 160643 243
##T League of Women Voters
Catalog free from:
League of Women Voters of the United States
Publication Sales
1730 M Street NW
Tenth Floor
Washington, DC 20036
##A 01 160864 244
##T League of Women Voters
Simplified Parliamentary Procedure. Robert’s Rules of Order condensed and simplified in an easy-to-understand pamphlet. Newly revised. 1979, 12 pp. $.75.
Letting the Sunshine In: Freedom of Information and Open Meetings. Provisions of the federal laws: how citizens can take advantage of them. 1977, 4 pp. $.65.
Know Your Community. Guide to help citizens and organizations interested in change take a good look at the existing structure and functions of their local government. 1972, 48 pp., $1.75.
The Nuclear Waste Primer. New edition. Contains basic information on sources and types of radioactive waste. Outlines past and present government waste management programs and describes future policy options and opportunities for citizen participation in the decision process. 1985, 90 pp., $5.95.
##A 01 159315 245
##T The Almanac of American Politics
The Almanac of American Politics
Who did what, where, when. For each state and congressional district a recent political history; for every Senator and Representative, a profile, ratings by political interest groups
(who their friends and enemies are) and their voting records on key issues; and federal funds spent in each district. Know your representatives in Congress.
— Diana Barich
##A 01 159596 246
##T The Almanac of American Politics
Michael Barone and Grant Ujifusa
1987; 1415 pp.
ISBN 089234038X
$39.95 postpaid
National Journal
1730 M Street NW
Washington, DC 20036
##A 01 222726 247
##T The Almanac of American Politics
Sen. Bill Bradley(D)
Elected 1978, seat up 1990; b. July 28, 1943, Crystal City, MO; home, Denville; Princeton U., B.A. 1965, Rhodes Scholar, Oxford U., M.A. 1968; Protestant; married (Ernestine).
Committee: “Energy and Natural Resources.” Sub-committees: Energy Regulation and Conservation; Public Lands, National Parks and Forests; Water and Power (Chairman). “Finance.” Subcommittees: International Debt (Chairman); International Trade; Health. “Select Committee on Intelligence.” “Special Committee on Aging.”
##A 01 216492 248
##T Congress Stack
Congress Stack
This electronic database is ideal for anyone who wants or needs to “work” Congress. In fact, lobbyists and public-interest groups will soon probably wonder how they ever got along without it.
Built on the versatile HyperCard program, it pulls together information about every member of Congress, their biographies, home districts (including maps and zip-codes), office staff
(names, roles, and phone numbers), and committee assignments. This information is all available on paper, but not from one source, not so conveniently cross-linked and customizable, and not in a
form where it can be so quickly searched and output to other applications. You can, for example, take a zip code and quickly find
what Congressional District it’s in and who represents it. Or take
##A 01 217710 249
##T Congress Stack
a subcommittee and compile a list of all the zip codes of the members’ constituents.
Hardware requirements for Congress Stack are a Macintosh Plus, SE or II, with a hard disk and 800K drive. The current edition is about 10 megabytes: 17,000+ “cards” organized into 19 “stacks.”
It’s now being shipped as a set of ten 3.5" floppies with user-removable copy protection (to prevent accidental data loss while learning how to use and customize it).
Updated editions of Congress Stack will be released every two years. Between editions, you can add and delete notes and graphics on your copy as you wish. The one obvious problem is transferring
##A 01 217942 250
##T Congress Stack
your additions and customizations to a new edition — but that’s a problem with any timebound reference.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 01 216786 251
##T Congress Stack
$159.95 from:
Highlighted Data, Inc.
P.O. Box 17229
Washington, DC 20041
##A 01 161433 252
##T Congress Stack
A sample card from the Congress Stack
##A 01 158297 253
##T National Center for Policy Alternatives (NCPA)
National Center for Policy Alternatives (NCPA)
Formerly known as the Conference on Alternative State and Local Policies, this public policy think-tank and resource center was established in 1977 to provide innovative policy ideas for state, city, county and town governments. The organization produces reports and legislative proposals on farmland preservation, energy conservation, pension fund investment, economic development and more. It also schedules regular national seminars and publishes a quarterly newsletter, Ways and Means.
— Tim Redmond
##A 01 158706 254
##T National Center for Policy Alternatives (NCPA)
Ways and Means
Sandra Martin, Editor
ISSN 02937416
$15/year(4 issues)
Publications list free
National Center for Policy Alternatives (NCPA)
2000 Florida Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20009
##A 01 131717 255
##T National Center for Policy Alternatives (NCPA)
SEVERAL CALIFORNIA CITIES, including Los Angeles, Berkeley, Florence, Santa Monica, and Venice, plus Yosemite National Park, are putting restrictions on the use of Styrofoam. The resilient packaging plastic is neither biodegradable nor photodegradable so it makes enduring litter whether abandoned or buried in solid waste disposal dumps. Worse, ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons are often used in its manufacture. (At press time E.I.DuPont de Nemours & Co., the world’s largest manufacturer of CFC’s, has decided to totally phase out its use of the hazardous chemical. McDonald’s, a major user, plans a chain-wide switch to CFC-free foam packaging by year’s [1988] end.)
##A 01 240092 256
##T National Center for Policy Alternatives (NCPA)
Parental Leave
Minnesota has passed landmark legislation making parental leave available to both women and men who become parents, either through birth or adoption. Mothers and fathers who have been on the job at least a year and who work at least 20 hours a week can take up to six weeks of unpaid leave. Companies with fewer than 21 employees are exempt.
##A 01 162655 257
##T Information U.S.A.
Information U.S.A.
This mammoth directory is dedicated to “all federal bureaucrats” and makes the point that 710,000 members of this much maligned profession are actually information specialists. The premise at the heart of the book is simple: “somewhere in the federal government there is a free source of information on almost any topic you can think of.” A book that opens doors and gives the name, address, phone number and price list behind each one.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 01 163009 258
##T Information U.S.A.
Matthew Lesko
Revised Edition 1986; 1253 pp.
ISBN 0140467459
$22.95 ($25.95 postpaid)
Viking Penguin Books
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0120
##A 01 163197 259
##T Information U.S.A.
Consumer Product Safety Commission Publications
Up to 10 copies of the following publications are available free by writing to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, Washington, DC 20207:
Children’s Sleepwear (Fact Sheet No. 96)
Holiday Safety No. 7T (teacher’s guide on decorations, toys and other gifts)
CPSC Publications List
Wake Up! Smoke Detectors (available also in Spanish)
Wood and Coal Burning Stoves (Fact Sheet No. 92)
Hair Dryers and Stylers (Fact Sheet No. 35)
Urea Formaldehyde Foam Insulation — Information Packet
Hot Tips for Hot Shots on Skateboarding Safety
(illustrated brochure)
##A 01 163508 260
##T Information U.S.A.
Environmental Protection Agency Data Experts
The following experts can be contacted directly concerning the topics under their responsibility.
Bottled Water, Home Purifiers/Frank Bell/202-382-3037
Acid Precipitation/Mike Maxwell/919-541-3091
Asbestos in Buildings/William Cain/202-684-7881
Groundwater Protection/Jack Kelley/405-332-8800
Integrated Pest Management/Darwin Wright/202-426-2407
Watershed Management/Lee Mulkey/404-546-3581
Fishkills/Ed Biernacki/202-382-7008
##A 01 197699 261
##T Freedom of Information
##A 01 14122 262
##T Citizens’ Guide on the Freedom of Information Act
Citizens’ Guide on the Freedom of Information Act
The horse’s mouth. This compact little pamphlet tells you how to request government documents through the Freedom of Information Act and the 1974 Privacy Act (which allows you to see what the government has on you in its records), and also warns you which types of documents you can’t get.
— Sarah Vandershaf
##A 01 116531 263
##T Citizens’ Guide on the Freedom of Information Act
A Citizen’s Guide On Using the Freedom of Information Act
1987; 50 pp.
$1.75 postpaid from:
Superintendent of Documents
United States
Government Printing Office
Washington, DC 20402
(House Report 100-199)
Committee on Government Operations
##A 01 162077 264
##T Citizens’ Guide on the Freedom of Information Act
The FOIA requires agencies to publish or make available some types of information. This includes: (1) Descriptions of agency organization and office addresses; (2) statements of the general course and method of agency operation; (3) rules of procedure and descriptions of forms; (4) substantive rules of general applicability and general policy statements; (5) final options made in the adjudication of cases; and (6) administrative staff manuals that affect the public. This information must either be published or made available for inspection and copying without the formality of an FOIA request.
All other “agency records” may be requested under the FOIA. However, the FOIA does not define “agency record.” Material that is in the possession, custody, or control of an agency is usually considered to be an agency record under the FOIA. Personal notes of agency employees may not be agency records. A record that is not an “agency record” will not be available under the FOIA.
##A 01 163659 265
##T Citizens’ Guide on the Freedom of Information Act
An agency may refuse to disclose an agency record that falls within any of the FOIA’s nine statutory exemptions. The exemptions protect against the disclosure of information that would harm national defense or foreign policy, privacy of individuals, proprietary interests of business, functioning of the government, and other important interests.
The Privacy Act of 1974 provides safeguards against an invasion of privacy through the misuse of records by federal agencies. In general, the Act allows citizens to learn how records are collected, maintained, used, and disseminated by the federal government. The Act also permits individuals to gain access to most personal information maintained by federal agencies and to seek amendment of any incorrect or incomplete information.
##A 01 240404 266
##T Citizens’ Guide on the Freedom of Information Act
At many agencies, FOIA and Privacy Act requests are processed by the same personnel. When there is a backlog of requests, it takes longer to receive a response. As a practical matter, there is little that a requester can do when an agency response is delayed. Requesters should be patient.
##A 01 187130 267
##T Fund for Open Information and Accountability
Fund for Open Information and Accountability
Ever wondered if Big Brother has you in his files? Why not find out? The procedure is simple. Fill out some basic forms and mail them to the government agency of your choice. They should notify you within a month whether or not you exist in their files. If you do they’ll give you a number, and you start waiting. My dealings with the National Security Agency, for example, went on for 7 months before I got a definitive response.
More interesting is the FBI response. After telling me that no new material had been added to my file since my last FOI search, they added coyly that “new references identified during our search were documents that originated with another agency.” Hmm, what does that mean?
##A 01 36085 268
##T Fund for Open Information and Accountability
FOIA, Inc. is a volunteer crew assisting people in their uphill struggle with The State, whether you’re looking for your own files, researching a book, or pressuring OSHA to release environmental records. If you’re not sure where to start, try the FBI first: they’re the all-purpose receptacle for subversion. If you’ve worked with the Sanctuary movement, add Customs, Treasury, and INS to your list. If you misbehaved overseas, try State and the CIA, though the latter is a reticent outfit. In general, I was alternately impressed by the depth of the agencies’ information and astonished by some of their blunders.
The Fund survives on your help. They’ll send you the necessary
forms for $2, but if you enclosed more, it would go towards a good cause. — Dick Fugett
##A 01 191227 269
##T Fund for Open Information and Accountability
Files Kit
$3 postpaid from:
FOIA, Inc.
145 West Fourth Street
New York, NY 10012
##A 01 201516 270
##T Fund for Open Information and Accountability
Our Right to Know
Ellen Ray, Editor
$10/year (2 issues)
FOIA, Inc.
145 West Fourth Street
New York, NY 10012
##A 01 166129 271
##T The Criminal Records Book
The Criminal Records Book
Your bad self has gotten you in trouble. You’ve gone straight. Can your name be cleared? Maybe. If it’s possible to do so in California, this book will tell you how in minute detail. Even shows the forms you must fill out and what to say on them. Though specifically for California folks, the basic steps will work in other states after a bit of imaginative snooping and adapting. If you’re contemplating a life of crime, this peek at the bureaucratic hassles involved might serve as a deterrent!
— J. Baldwin
##A 01 166306 272
##T The Criminal Records Book
Warren Siegel
2nd Edition 1986; 128 pp.
ISBN 0873370325
$14.95 ($16.45 postpaid)
Nolo Press
950 Parker Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
##A 01 25127 273
##A 01 49257 274
##T World Planning
##A 01 38907 275
##T World Game Projects
World Game Projects
“To make the World work
For 100% of Humanity
In the shortest possible time
Through spontaneous cooperation
Without ecological offense
Or the disadvantage of anyone.”
Buckminster Fuller initiated the World Game in 1969 as one means of accomplishing this worthy goal. The idea is that with enough data on world resources and their distribution (including accumulated technology and problem-solving skills), the world’s citizens will do what’s best for all. Fuller assumed that once it was obvious that there was enough of everything to go around,
people would stop fighting wars and get to work making the world
##A 01 39149 276
##T World Game Projects
work — if not as a utopia at least not continuing the current suicidal path. World Game is still developing. Recent sessions use an enormous basketball-court-size map in order to more easily visualize various strategies as they are suggested by participants. A formidable software database called Global Data Manager allows individuals to play with the numbers on their PCs. Universities and the UN are beginning to pay attention to this attempt at manipulating global data. There’s hope for us yet.
— J. Baldwin
##A 01 39180 277
##T World Game Projects
The World Game
(includes World
Game Report newsletter)
World Game Projects, Inc.
University City Science Center
3508 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
##A 01 218847 278
##T World Game Projects
Global Data Manager
$95 postpaid from:
World Game Projects, Inc.
University City Science Center
3508 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
##A 01 39917 279
##T World Game Projects
Residence of the World’s Population Under Age 15
• = 1% of the World’s Population Under Age 15
= 17 Million People
##A 01 211611 280
##T World Game Projects
Residence of the World’s Population Over Age 64
• = 1% of the World’s Population Over Age 64
= 3 Million People
##A 01 106021 281
##T The New State of the World Atlas
The New State of the World Atlas
Put this next to the superb Times Atlas of World History (Ÿ see separate review) as by far the most provocative atlas of contemporary history. Understanding leaps to your eye when you survey a map such as “No. 26; A Sort of Survival,” where arrows and numbers show the torrents of dislodged humans sluicing across continents and oceans (100,000 from Argentina to Spain since 1976? 130,000 from China to Hong Kong in 1979 alone?) Wonder what nations have political prisoners, the death penalty, or routine torture? — check map No. 25. Wonder where the gold is, the unemployment, the nuclear weapons, the nuclear reactors, the jobs, the separatist movements, education, the worst slums, the degrees of inflation, the degrees of population growth, the degrees of pollution?
##A 01 106413 282
##T The New State of the World Atlas
A fascinating hour here, and all the world news you see will begin to make sense.
(Note: Our black-and-white reproduction does no justice to the highly effective color coding in all the maps.)
— Stewart Brand
##A 01 106626 283
##T The New State of the World Atlas
Michael Kidron and Ronald Segal
1984; 172 pp.
ISBN 0671506641
$10.95 $12.20 postpaid)
Simon & Schuster
Mail Order Sales
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 01 190964 284
##T The New State of the World Atlas
A Sort of Survival
The world refugee population at the start of 1981 was conservatively estimated at some 14 million people. About 200 private agencies operate assistance programmes.
##A 01 107265 285
##T Worldwatch Institute
Worldwatch Institute
This is the best single source for understanding the problems that face our planet. Worldwatch Institute examines the kinds of economic and environmental issues that politicians by their very nature have a tough time grappling with, and it suggests solutions in a politically even-handed and unhysterical way. Five to six papers on specific subjects are issued yearly and these become an annual book called State of the World.
— Richard Nilsen
Ÿ Whole Earth Security: A Geopolitics of Peace
##A 01 107608 286
##T Worldwatch Institute
State of the World
(A Worldwatch Institute Report on Progress Toward a Sustainable Society)
Lester R. Brown, et al.
1988; 268 pp.
ISBN 039330440X
$9.95 from:
Worldwatch Institute
1776 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20036
##A 01 190508 287
##T Worldwatch Institute
Worldwatch Papers
Subscription $25/year
(Includes 5-8 papers
and the year’s edition
of State of the World)
Worldwatch Institute
1776 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20036
##A 01 153101 288
##T Worldwatch Institute
The wholesale conversion of tropical ecosystems today was foreshadowed a century ago on the vast grasslands of North America. The nearly 300 million hectares of tallgrass prairies that once blanketed the midwestern United States have now been reduced by farming, grazing, and the invasion of exotic plants to less than one tenth of 1 percent of their original expanse. This tiny remnant provided fertile ground for the first deliberate experiments in ecological restoration.
Wildlife ecologist Aldo Leopold conceived of prairie restoration in 1934. Leopold, then director of the University of Wisconsin Arboretum, sought to recreate the native plant communities that original settlers had encountered in Wisconsin. As he suspected, the process proved far more intricate than simply broadcasting seeds and hoping for the best. Native species have to be reintroduced in a pattern and sequence that sets natural succession in motion. The work is complicated by the presence of
tenacious alien species that have been inadvertently introduced to the United
##A 01 240683 289
##T Worldwatch Institute
States. “You do not get a prairie . . . today by fencing off a piece of land and waiting for the grass to grow back,” writes Walter Truett Anderson in “To Govern Evolution.” “If you do that you get an interesting collection of weeds from all over the world.”
##A 01 53657 290
##T Whole Earth Security: A Geopolitics of Peace
Whole Earth Security: A Geopolitics of Peace
Ninety-three pages. The most original analysis of the nuclear impasse in print, leading to the most realistic and hopeful policy. The new terrain of battle contains the transform of impasse into sight.
A masterpiece.
— Stewart Brand
##A 01 53762 291
##T Whole Earth Security: A Geopolitics of Peace
Daniel Deudney
July 1983; 93 pp.
ISBN 0916468542
$4 postpaid from:
Worldwatch Institute
1776 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20036
(Worldwatch Paper 55)
##A 01 54177 292
##T Whole Earth Security: A Geopolitics of Peace
With the advent of planetary warmaking, security strategy has been based on the militarization of the commons — the ocean depths, the atmosphere and orbital space. With the enclosure of the planet by warmaking systems, security itself has become indivisible, a commons in its own right. Common security has ceased being utopian and unnecessary and become both possible and necessary.
The arms control process has stimulated weapons innovation by encouraging the search for new “bargaining chips” to be traded off at the next round of negotiations.
Less able to express itself with quantitative growth, the military turned with renewed vigor to qualitative growth and to areas of weapons technology beyond the existing restraining treaties. Superpower arms control to date is like treating an infection with just enough antibiotics to make the grosser symptoms disappear, soothing the patient’s worries, but driving the remaining, now strengthened contagions into more vital, less accessible organs.
##A 01 54363 293
##T Whole Earth Security: A Geopolitics of Peace
The next several hundred, if not thousands, of years of human history could be decisively shaped in little more than an hour. The time span of decision making has become shorter at the point of inception and longer at the point of consequence. Only by dismantling the technical apparatus of planetary holocaust can the scale of consequence be brought into line with the responsibility.
##A 01 50110 294
##T International Politics
##A 01 108332 295
##T Amnesty International
Amnesty International
It’s always a shock to learn that God is not interested in your pain. The best you can hope for is the help of other people.
The use of torture is steadily increasing worldwide. It is difficult to find out about and nearly impossible to check. So far the only deterrent is public opinion. That requires a respected international investigative organization. Amnesty International delivers.
Torture is a runaway phenomenon — far from preventing fanaticism, it increases fanaticism, which leads to more torture, and so forth. It will not cease until indeed it becomes as universally unthinkable as slavery.
If we’re going to have an intelligence and espionage establishment,
##A 01 108648 296
##T Amnesty International
let it work on this one.
You can participate in Amnesty International with donations, letterwriting campaigns, and attention to their various publications (Amnesty Action, sundry special reports, and their book Torture in the Eighties)
— Stewart Brand
##A 01 108854 297
##T Amnesty International
Amnesty Action
Membership $25/year
(includes 6 issues of Amnesty Action newsletter)
Publications list free
Amnesty International USA
322 Eighth Avenue
New York, NY 10001
##A 01 134261 298
##T Amnesty International
Torture in the Eighties
1984; 263 pp.
ISBN 0939994062
$5.95 ($7.20 postpaid)
Amnesty International USA
322 Eighth Avenue
New York, NY 10001
##A 01 237819 299
##T Amnesty International
Amnesty International Annual Report
ISBN 0939994275
$10.20 postpaid
Amnesty International USA
322 Eighth Avenue
New York, NY 10001
##A 01 109208 300
##T Amnesty International
A state of siege has been renewed in Paraguay as a matter of routine every three months for the past 29 years, although since 1978 it has been limited to the Central Department. In Amnesty International’s view the state of siege, combined with the wide powers of the police and the inability of the judiciary to achieve independence from the executive, has facilitated the persistent torture and ill-treatment of political prisoners.
The government’s failure to acknowledge arrests promptly and to give information regarding place of detention put prisoners at particular risk of torture during early stages of detention. Amnesty International has received frequent reports of prisoners tortured in unacknowledged detention for days or even weeks before being transferred to official detention and being allowed visits.
##A 01 109393 301
##T Amnesty International
The methods of torture most commonly alleged to have been used were the following: picana electrica (electric cattle prod); pileta, where the victim’s head is plunged into
a tank of water, which is sometimes polluted with excrement, until a sense of asphyxiation is induced; beatings, particularly on soles of feet with truncheons; cajones, prolonged confinement in a box or other restricted place — positions used are: feto, in which the victim is forced to remain for hours at a time in foetal position; the guardia, where the victim is placed upright in a large box with holes to enable him or her to breathe; secadera, in which the victim is wrapped in a plastic sheet and placed in a metal cylinder; and murcielago, suspending the victim by the ankles.
— Torture in the Eighties
##A 01 109990 302
##T Pravda
Pravda, the official newspaper of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, used to be the less-than-informative official version of Soviet reality. Now, in the context of the radical reform movement in the USSR, Pravda, like most of the rest of the Soviet media, is hot stuff — a place where you can follow the latest political battles between reformers and conservatives, read about the latest exposé of corruption among officials, and laugh at satirical political cartoons lampooning bureaucrats. The regular features remain as well: TV and radio program listings (Pushkin’s poetry is prime time fare), highly opinionated and critical letters to the editor (usually criticizing the newspaper for either going too far or not going far enough!) and texts of important speeches and documents. If the English-language daily dose is more than you
##A 01 42176 303
##T Pravda
need, the weekly summary of the most topical items might be your best bet.
— Richard Schauffler
##A 01 110235 304
##T Pravda
$630/year (365 issues)
or $99.50/year (52 issues)
Context Corp.
2233 University Avenue
Suite 225
St. Paul, MN 55114
##A 01 110350 305
##T Pravda
G. Gulyuk, head of the Vologdamelioratsia Association, repeatedly assured the residents that he would meet their basic demands with regard to their living conditions. But he didn’t have time to accomplish this — he was promoted. And this occurred after the province people’s control committee brought him to account for figure padding and unsatisfactory construction work on social, cultural, and other public facilities. I attempted to find out from him why he hadn’t kept the promise he made to the residents of Priluki.
“According to the calculations, there should be enough heat,” G. Gulyuk answered. “I don’t see any particular problems.”
Meanwhile, houses continue to be built in the settlement, and the new leadership of the association, in the person of P. Sery, isn’t racking its brains over where to get heat for them.
— from an article titled “We’re Freezing”
##A 01 112047 306
##T NACLA Report on the Americas
NACLA Report on the Americas
Latin America and the Middle East: two hotspots, one near, one far. Their usual coverage in the media is as running sores of strife and woe. These two magazines take a different tack, attempting to describe the regions with depth and sympathy. The North American Congress on Latin America and the Middle East Research and Information Project (Ÿ see review of MERIP Middle East Report) are nonprofit research groups whose forte is political and economic analysis. NACLA’s reports tend to be journalistic looks at the effect of U.S. foreign policy south of the border, while MERIP’s have a somewhat stiffer academic stamp. Both have moved beyond the “Third Worldism” of the 60s New Left to a more considered approach where the complexities of real world politics are given their due. I recommend both for unexpected insights.
— Jay Kinney
##A 01 112229 307
##T NACLA Report on the Americas
Mark Fried, Editor
ISSN 01491598
$20/year(6 issues)
North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA)
475 Riverside Drive
New York, NY 10015
##A 01 112625 308
##T NACLA Report on the Americas
Before engaging the enemy in the Third World, the advocates of low-intensity conflict must convince the Pentagon bureaucracy, civilian officials and other government agencies of their case. They must win over key decision-makers — both political and military — in the security establishments of their foreign allies. And, increasingly, they must complement this internal debate and diplomacy with a full-scale effort to rally the U.S. public behind the policy.
Low-intensity conflict is also radical, however, in the comprehensiveness of its approach. It draws on a wide-ranging study of the different elements of conflict, few of which are strictly military. Researchers at think tanks and universities attempt to analyze and mimic the politico-military structures of revolutionary movements; others study the “backwards” tactics of guerrilla warfare, which invert traditional military rules of engagement, or delve into anthropology and social psychology;
others still, like Britain’s Brig. Gen. Frank Kitson, dwell on the British and French
##A 01 241300 309
##T NACLA Report on the Americas
colonial experiences, and propose sophisticated police states as the means for preventing insurgencies.
##A 01 113981 310
##T MERIP Middle East Report
MERIP Middle East Report
Latin America and the Middle East: two hotspots, one near, one far. Their usual coverage in the media is as running sores of strife and woe. These two magazines take a different tack, attempting to describe the regions with depth and sympathy. The North American Congress on Latin America (Ÿ see review of NACLA Report on the Americas) and the Middle East Research and Information Project are nonprofit research groups whose forte is political and economic analysis. NACLA’s reports tend to be journalistic looks at the effect of U.S. foreign policy south of the border, while MERIP’s have a somewhat stiffer academic stamp. Both have moved beyond the “Third Worldism” of the 60s New Left to a more considered approach where the complexities of real world politics are given their due. I recommend both for unexpected insights.
— Jay Kinney
##A 01 114431 311
##T MERIP Middle East Report
Joe Stork, Editor
ISSN 00477265
$20/year(6 issues)
475 Riverside Drive
New York, NY 10115
##A 01 114438 312
##T MERIP Middle East Report
In the marketplace in Omdurman, a large bazaar city across the Nile from Khartoum, there is a special section of the market totally controlled and regulated by women. They are often economically autonomous, and they extend this autonomy into the domestic sphere (unlike the market women of Kumasi in Ghana). They are able to do this through the collective power they have built within their various kin networks as an extension of their workplace. Also, many of them live within walking distance of the market and are at their workplace most of the day, turning the work site into a temporary residence replete with a social network. The interface of kin, residential and occupational networks gives the collectivity of the women’s market the potential for mobilization. . . .
Behavior encouraged in the zaar gives women a rare chance for uninhibited entertainment and drama. At the zaar ceremonies I attended, the protagonists entered states of trance and the possessed exhibited bawdy or lewd behavior not acceptable in
##A 01 114887 313
##T MERIP Middle East Report
Sudanese society. These are often occasions for transvestism and sexual role-switching, with male homosexuals often acting as functionaries, and women playing male roles and being erotic toward other women. Those possessed by their spirits may
also insult the males of their family and wear outlandish costumes. But the benefits are even more profound:
There is ample evidence that women actively use this network to form friend-
ship and patron-client relationships, to promote economic transactions, and to
offer and gain services. Moreoever, once established, the network tends to
extend well beyond the actual activities of the cult itself. The reciprocity
principle is quite strongly institutionalized in the Northern Sudan.
##A 01 231188 314
##T MERIP Middle East Report
The uprising might have begun any place but it began in Gaza’s Jabalya refugee camp — whose 50,000 residents now proudly refer to their home as mu’askar al-thawrah, “camp of the revolution.”
Gaza Strip residents fueled the uprising with demonstrations that sometimes numbered tens of thousands, waving flags and carrying symbolic coffins, chanting every variety of nationalist slogan and vowing to revenge the latest martyr. Youths controlled whole neighborhoods in the cities and closed off the entrances to their camps with stone barricades, garbage and burning tires. When soldiers entered, residents pelted them with stones, debris and occasionally petrol bombs. Local shopkeepers closed down and laborers refused to go to jobs in Israel.
Israeli officials refer to the demonstrations as “riots” and defend their repression as necessary to preserve “law and order.” But there was no violence of Palestinian
##A 01 241553 315
##T MERIP Middle East Report
against Palestinian, and there was no sense of mindless abandon. The protests showed restraint and rationality, which stemmed from a Gaza Strip-wide sense of community and of purposeful resistance.
##A 01 192146 316
##T MERIP Middle East Report
Rafah man calls to relatives across the border in Egypt.
##A 01 30690 317
##T News Reporting
##A 01 2471 318
##T The Whole World is Watching
The Whole World is Watching
Todd Gitlin is probably the country’s second-best observer (after Abbie Hoffman) of how media manipulates, shapes, defines, and creates popular political movements — and how those movements can turn the relationship around. Nobody involved with politics at any level should be without this book.
— Tim Redmond
##A 01 26088 319
##T The Whole World is Watching
(Mass Media in the Making & Unmaking of the New Left)
Todd Gitlin
1980; 327 pp.
ISBN 0520040244
$10.95 ($11.45 postpaid)
University of California Press
2120 Berkeley Way
Berkeley, CA 94720
##A 01 26158 320
##T The Whole World is Watching
An opposition movement is caught in a fundamental and inescapable dilemma. If it stands outside the dominant realm of discourse, it is liable to be consigned to marginality and political irrelevance; its issues are domesticated, its deeper challenge to the social order sealed off, trivialized, and contained. If, on the other hand, it plays by conventional political rules in order to acquire an image of credibility — if, that is, its leaders are well-mannered, its actions well-ordered, and its slogans specific and “reasonable” — it is liable to be assimilated into the hegemonic political world view; it comes to be identified with narrow (if important) reform issues, and its oppositional edge is blunted. This is the condition of movements in all the institutions of liberal capitalism; one major site of the difficulty lies within the mass media.
##A 01 26462 321
##T The Whole World is Watching
From the New York Times, Sunday, April 18, 1965, page 1.
A look at the other photos UPI sent out that day to its subscribers, including the Times, throws the Times' choice into especially sharp relief. I retrieved the five other April 17 photos from UPI’s archives. Two show a mass of antiwar pickets carrying signs bearing readable slogans . . . ; one shows a large mass at the antiwar rally at the Washington Monument; and the other two give an accurate sense of the degree to which the antiwar people outnumbered the counterdemonstrators. All five were, in formal terms, printable; the pictures of the picketers with their signs were elegantly composed, with high contrast and good formal balance. But the effect of the photo the Times chose was visually to equate the antiwar and right-wing demonstrations, and to give the impression — since the photographed segment of the two picket lines were identical in length — that they were equally large.
##A 01 26661 322
##T The Reporter’s Handbook
The Reporter’s Handbook
Most good reporting starts when a reporter smells that some- thing’s wrong. But you don’t have to be a professional reporter to follow your nose. Anyone can help stop a local abuse by tracking down the facts, but it often means an extended hunt down a trail of paper and interviews. This manual for following that trail is an encyclopedic directory in itself, listing dozens of documents, agencies, and reports that you might never hear about any other way. Put together by a group of experienced investigative journalists, it’s one of the few college textbooks that’s fun to read.
— Art Kleiner
##A 01 27125 323
##T The Reporter’s Handbook
Investigative Reporters and Editors, Inc.
1983; 504 pp.
ISBN 0312673930
$19.95 ($21.20 postpaid)
St. Martin’s Press
Cash Sales Dept.
175 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10010
##A 01 30232 324
##T The Reporter’s Handbook
You’re methodically researching your project on the ridiculously expensive monorail the county wants to build at the new zoo when your editor starts flailing his arms and hollering at you. The police desk has an update on a bust at a disco last night. It turns out they found in the back room 10 bales of marijuana, 20 kilos of cocaine and 100,000 Quaaludes. A Colombian citizen was among those arrested.
The cops are cooperating with the Drug Enforcement Administration, not with you. They’re giving out nothing beyond the arrest sheets.
There are a hundred unanswered questions: Who owns the disco? What else does this person own — land, buildings, cars, boats, airplanes? What’s the disco owner’s economic background? Has the owner ever been accused of a crime? Does the owner use corporations to hide behind? Is there a limited partnership involved? Who are its investors? How much did they invest? Who’s in business with this person?
Public records will answer every one of those questions for you in a few hours.
##A 01 64424 325
During World War II, the U.S. Government began systematically monitoring foreign radio broadcasts and news publications. The Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) and the Joint Publications Research Service (JPRS) are now run by the CIA. With thousands of print browsers, and listening posts worldwide, much of what they cull from open sources is quickly translated, sorted and republished. Since the sources are public, so is their selection. FBIS and JPRS reports are gold mines — the most concentratedly rich and diverse news sources I’ve ever encountered. And since your tax dollars pay for them, you can read them free at most Government Document Depositories. (There are Government Document Depositories in libraries in most major cities and universities in the U.S. All of them are open to the general public,
##A 01 66277 326
even if housed in a library that limits admission to cardholders.)
These reports enable you to read (in English) African press coverage of the AIDS epidemic; the latest issue of Solidarnosc; transcripts of Iranian radio programs; news of nuclear-free-zone proposals and peace demonstrations (JPRS’s coverage is probably the most extensive published anywhere); editorials about trade policy in the leading Japanese dailies; items from “Vremya,” the
U.S.S.R.’s evening TV news show; and a zillion other things you never even thought to look for.
Originally, FBIS monitored broadcasts and JPRS covered print
media. Their domains aren’t defined by the source medium any
##A 01 67043 327
more, but rather by the time-sensitivity of the information.
FBIS’s throughput is rapid, so their Daily Reports are for short shelf-life news: crises and coups, travels by heads of state, political and economic announcements, military activity, etc. FBIS is essentially an overnight translation service for news from abroad that might affect U.S. foreign policy.
JPRS doesn’t move quite so quickly, but the texts they go after are relevant over a longer time period. Like FBIS, they quote from broadcasts and newspapers; more characteristically, JPRS draws
material from magazines, specialized journals, books and printed ephemera: commentaries, position papers, local-color and
think-pieces, analyses of current trends, scientific and technical
##A 01 67993 328
articles. Instead of following a strict schedule as FBIS does, JPRS publications come out as source material becomes available — as often as several times per week for some serials, as seldom as once a year for others. Some of the more delectable JPRS periodicals are Japan Report; Worldwide Reports (Arms Control; Epidemiology; Nuclear Development & Proliferation; Telecommunications Policy, Research & Development); U.S.S.R. Reports (Cybernetics, Computers & Automation Technology; Military Affairs; Space Biology & Aerospace Medicine).
In addition to the serials, JPRS also publishes one-time reports based on unique documents: Vietnam’s current Five-Year Plan, a
cache of papers captured from a guerrilla group, a Soviet radar
##A 01 68302 329
textbook, etc.
As wondrously vast and eclectic as JPRS and FBIS are, they do pose problems for the user. First, even though they filter and sift for the most significant items, the quantity of text they publish is still staggering — roughly a thousand pages a day. That may be one reason why more people don’t make more use of these collections: it can be like trying to sip from a fire hose.
Another reason may be fear that since it is the CIA which translates and distributes the material, it could be compromised.
This is a legitimate concern. One cannot ignore how easy it would be for the Agency to use these reports to publicize, suppress,
##A 01 68517 330
alter, or even plant stories to suit their own purposes.
A more serious problem is self-deception. In The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence (Knopf/Dell, 1974), Victor Marchetti and John Marks claim that since the Clandestine Services are “reluctant to reveal their propaganda operations” even to FBIS editors, “texts of programs actually originating from the agency’s secret stations” were “frequently” picked up and passed on to CIA, State Department and academic analysts as hard intelligence. Since this assertion was made in the past tense, one hopes the Agency has resolved this problem, for its own analysts, at least.
Having read these reports regularly since 1980, my gut feeling is
##A 01 78384 331
that one can usually count on the translation being accurate, though editorial decisions about which items to include occasionally seem arbitrary or politically influenced. Despite the opportunity to manipulate, the Agency’s primary aim in these services must be to quote real sources accurately and spot potentially important developments long before they’re common knowledge, regardless of how politically inconvenient they might be. This they seem to do quite well. But as with any international news service, readers of JPRS and FBIS reports outside the CIA must judge for themselves the accuracy and authenticity of particular texts.
Many local libraries, and virtually all government document
##A 01 68635 332
depositories, get the FBIS Daily Reports. If you don’t have free access through one of them, but do have a pile of money, subscriptions are available.
Most government document depositories get some of the JPRS publications, but only a few get all of them. If yours doesn’t get the series you want to read (a complete listing can be found in Transdex, reviewed below), you might try to persuade them to start subscribing.
Single copies and back issues of JPRS documents can be ordered
(this is not true of FBIS publications). Subscriptions to JPRS serials vary widely in price, depending on the page count and
##A 01 68901 333
frequency of publication.
University Microfilms International also publishes thick monthly and annual indexes covering all JPRS publications: Transdex. This directory makes it easy to look up tables of contents, specific items, keywords, authors and subjects. Because of the time needed to compile each issue, Transdex lags a few months behind the serials indexed, but it’s absolutely indispensable and stimulating to use. Too bad the FBIS collection has nothing comparable.
Subscriptions to Transdex are prohibitively expensive. Fortunately, most institutions that archive JPRS publications also get
##A 01 69135 334
Transdex, so if you have access to a local collection, this essential, time-saving finding aid will likely be available there, too.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 01 90013 335
Foreign Broadcast Information Service
FBIS Daily Reports $125/year microfiche; $290/ year paper
National Technical Information Service (NTIS)
5285 Port Royal Road
Springfield, VA 22161
Available at most Government
Document Depositories, in major
city and university libraries.
##A 01 155895 336
Joint Publications Research Service
National Technical Information Service
5285 Port Royal Road
Springfield, VA 22161
University Microfilms International
Old Mansfield Road
Wooster, OH 44691-9050
JPRS documents and serial publications available.
##A 01 156617 337
Write for subscription information from:
University Microfilms International
Old Mansfield Road
Wooster, OH 44691-9050
Monthly and annual indices of
all Joint Publications Research
Service (JPRS) publications available at most libraries that
receive JPRS publications.
##A 01 100059 338
Coverage of events outside the U.S. by the U.S. mass media is inadequate at best. Fortunately, you don’t have to settle for what they offer. A shortwave radio gives you direct access to broad-casts from foreign countries, and if it’s of sufficient quality, it can pick up much more than music and voice. With the proper accessories, patience, and practice, you can also use it to tune in and read news-text transmissions from foreign press agencies.
This is NOT as simple as clicking around the TV dial. There are many variables that can reduce a distant station’s signal to gibberish, and you quickly see that English is a minority language.
Even with the best equipment, monitoring radioteletype (RTTY) signals is a challenge, but it’s also the ultimate bypass: world
##A 01 100214 339
news, unfiltered, from a Babel of perspectives.
The major Western agencies distribute their news by wire and satellite now, but many of them also use RTTY in the shortwave band for redundancy and backup. Dozens of smaller agencies, including most that are located in less-developed countries, use RTTY as their primary means of distribution. Under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, these channels are not illegal to
monitor if they are not scrambled. If you’re a news junkie, RTTY is the fastest — often the only — way to get reports straight from the Saudi News Agency, TASS, etc.
Does "teletype" conjure up an image of bulky, clacking machines
##A 01 96193 340
churning out rolls of yellow paper in the back office? Be advised that electronics has transformed it into a medium that’s quiet, compact and computer-compatible.
Any shortwave radio capable of receiving RTTY has that feature indicated on its “mode” selector. By itself, all the radio can do is detect the tones carrying the information. To convert the burbling tones into readable characters, you need one of the following:
1) An old teletype printer. This is the cheapest but least desirable option. They’re getting harder to find, but you can still pick one up
at a hamfest (a flea market for amateur radio operators) for $25-$75, depending on condition. Enough are still in use that, with a
##A 01 100603 341
bit of research, you can find sources for paper, ink, ribbons and replacement parts. (Parts for many mechanical teleprinters are still available from the Teleprinter Corporation). However, note that not all news agencies use the same RTTY tones and data speeds; a mechanical tele-typewriter may or may not be compatible with the specific transmissions you want to receive.
2) An electronic RTTY reader. These vary greatly in design, price and sophistication, from little boxes that display the text as characters shifting along a row of LEDs, to elaborate microprocessor-based units with text buffers, video displays, automatic tone-shift and speed matchers, etc. Prices range from
about $200 to $900, and this is one market where you get pretty
##A 01 100623 342
much what you pay for.
3) A computer interfaced with appropriate software. Since RTTY is similar in concept to the codes used in modem communications, with the appropriate software a personal computer can read RTTY through a moderately priced modem-like interface to a short-wave receiver. Not much “brain” is needed for this task, so rather than tie up their main machine, many monitors buy a used Vic 20 or Commodore 64 just for RTTY.
If you can solder a decent joint, you can build a simple RTTY/computer interface for under $50 (many radio magazines have
published circuit diagrams). Off-the-shelf units are generally
##A 01 101591 343
more expensive, with a “cadillac” model like the CP-100 Computer Patch interface listing for $329.95.
Software to translate the Baudot code used in RTTY into digital code that computers understand is available free or at low cost
(check ham radio-oriented magazines and computer BBSes for leads). The maker of the CP-100 offers a nice Commodore program called SWL TEXT for $99.95; able to read the Cyrillic as well as the Roman alphabet, it comes with ROM cartridge, cable, keyboard overlays and manual.
For a lively, informative, but not-very-technical overview of RTTY as transformed by modern electronics, get RTTY Today by Dave
##A 01 101701 344
Press agencies change their transmission schedules and frequencies fairly often, so no published guide can be completely current. World Press Services Frequencies, compiled and updated every few years by Tom Harrington, covers the basic how-to’s, and gives you an idea what to look for and where.
Finally, send for a copy of The DX-ers Guide to Computing, by George Wood. It’s an excellent collection of tips and pointers for people interested in using computers with their shortwave radios — uses like schedule/frequency databases, RTTY reading, propagation prediction, automated monitoring, etc.
Beware that most computers emit quite a bit of radio noise, and can interfere with signal reception. While this is usually not an
##A 01 104634 345
insurmountable problem, it can lead to grounding and shielding the computer, moving the antenna, or rearranging the office.
Whole Earth Review reader Don Mussell (Whitesbury, KY) suggested some of the items mentioned in this article. Of his RTTY setup he
says: “I don’t like computers much (except for the very practical pocket calculator) and never considered buying one until I saw that you can use one to check out propaganda before it’s edited down for mass consumption. I already had a shortwave radio, so I spent $180 and was ready to go. I used a Vic-20 computer ($40), AEA–SWL TEXT ($85), and an MFJ-1225 interface ($60) hooked up to my shortwave.”
— Robert Horvitz
##A 01 107231 346
Teleprinter Corporation
Teleprinter Corporation
550 Springfield Avenue
Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922
201-464- 5310
##A 01 109593 347
CP-100 Computer Patch Interface
$329.95 from:
Advanced Electronic Applications, Inc.
P. O. Box 2160
Lynnwood, WA 98036
##A 01 218966 348
Commodore SWL TEXT
$99.95 from:
Advanced Electronic Applications, Inc.
P. O. Box 2160
Lynnwood, WA 98036
##A 01 110950 349
RTTY Today
Dave Ingram
$10.95 postpaid
Universal Electronics, Inc.
4555 Groves Road
Suite 13A
Columbus, OH 43232
##A 01 172227 350
World Press Services Frequencies
$10.95 postpaid
Universal Electronics, Inc.
4555 Groves Road
Suite 13A
Columbus, OH 43232
##A 01 112926 351
The DX-ers Guide to Computing
George Wood
$3 postpaid
Radio Sweden
S-105 10
##A 01 124358 352
The Beginner’s Guide to DXing
Free from:
Radio Sweden
S-105 10
##A 01 157251 353
Communications in Space
Free from:
Radio Sweden
S-105 10
##A 01 211021 354
• WHAT IS DXing?
That’s one of the most common questions we receive at Radio Sweden International. Those mysterious letters “DX” may do more to confuse and possibly drive away would-be radio listeners than anything else in the hobby. As it is, sometimes it’s very hard to explain to friends exactly what one’s hobby is. “Radio listening” doesn’t really sound like a hobby, and if you emphasize the technical side they think you’re a ham radio operator or a CBer.
There’s a lot of technical slang used in the radio listening hobby. Some of it is used because an abbreviation is a good way to quickly refer to a complicated technical term. A lot of it is unnecessary, seemingly used more to set radio hobbyists apart. Much of the radio slang today goes back to the days of telegraphy. When the telegraph first started and every letter had to be correctly keyed and sent out, telegraphers introduced many abbreviations, to save time and reduce their work. To abbreviate the
##A 01 241854 355
word “distance” they choose the letters DX. That’s all DX means — “distance”. Some people think the X part stands for “The Unknown” — it doesn’t. By extension when applied to radio, DX means distant radio stations. A person who hunts distant stations is then a DXer.
##A 01 29470 356
##A 01 50328 357
##T Intelligence Books I
##A 01 69526 358
by Robert Horvitz
With information already past the glut stage, we don’t need more information so much as better ways of finding and using what we want and need to know. What we need is more intelligence.
Intelligence can be defined as the means by which information is processed to bring out its use-value. It can also be the product of that process. Intelligence can be as simple as passing on a clipping to someone who might benefit from reading it (connecting a need with a source), or as complex as a team-written study projecting the world 25 years into the future.
The two most common vernacular meanings of the word
##A 01 69915 359
“intelligence” are personal smarts and espionage. This survey
deals mainly with the latter.
Intelligence agencies that operate in secret are politically problematic. Those that operate openly, such as the U.S. Census Bureau, usually are not. Intelligence agencies that seek secrecy often argue that this is necessary either because what they want to find out isn’t public, or because their sources would surely protest, dissemble or dry up if they knew they were being monitored. The problem is that no matter how well-justified, secrecy also makes oversight, external direction, and control difficult. Moreover, a covert network for information-gathering
provides an all too handy infrastructure for carrying out secret interventions: events can not only be reported, they can be caused.
##A 01 70199 360
Whatever your feelings about the ethics of espionage, there can be no doubt that all national leaders look to intelligence agencies for answers and guidance in important matters of state. They are thus quite influential, and in a crisis our fate may hinge on their work. We need to understand them. Plus, even without security
clearances, we can all make use of some of their sources and products, and adapt professional techniques to good noncovert purposes. Government agencies have no monopoly on intelligence.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 01 104833 361
##T The Puzzle Palace
The Puzzle Palace
The Puzzle Palace is a monumental reporting feat on the National
Security Agency, the most secret government agency America has ever had. Organized in 1952 as a codemaking and codebreaking agency, the NSA has also tapped and translated foreign radio, scanned satellite signals, and burglarized offices. It’s gathered intelligence on organized crime and Cuba (for President Kennedy), and Vietnam protesters and drug dealers (for Johnson and Nixon). It has tried to completely avoid public scrutiny and legal constraint; it’s the kind of agency that can only exist in a government that feels it is at war. I got lost sometimes in the book’s voluminous detail, but it’s a necessary book and I’ll forgive some denseness.
It’s our first glimpse of the police that Ivan Illich foresees for the
##A 01 105162 362
##T The Puzzle Palace
electronic highways of the future. I’m grateful that James Bamford stuck with his topic and that Houghton Mifflin (the hardcover publisher) and Penguin fought what must have been considerable pressure to suppress it.
— Art Kleiner
##A 01 105439 363
##T The Puzzle Palace
(A Report on America’s Most Secret Agency)
James Bamford
1982, 1983; 655 pp.
ISBN 0140067485
$9.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
Viking Penguin Books
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0120
##A 01 105603 364
##T The Puzzle Palace
Because of NSA’s vacuum cleaner approach to intelligence collection — whereby it sucks into its system the maximum amount of telecomunications and then filters it through an enormous screen of “trigger words” — analysts end up reviewing telephone calls, telegrams, and telex messages to and from thousands of innocent persons having little or nothing to do with the actual focus of the effort. Thus if an organization is targeted, all its members’ communications may be intercepted; if an individual is listed on a watch list, all communications to, from, or even mentioning that individual are scooped up. Captured in NSA’s net were communications about a peace concert, a communication mentioning the wife of a U.S. senator, a
correspondent’s report from Southeast Asia to his magazine in New York, and a pro-Vietnam War activist’s invitations to speakers for a rally.
##A 01 70592 365
##T Intelligence and Espionage
Intelligence and Espionage
The open literature on covert intelligence is extensive, ranging from declassified documents, memoirs and exposes to histories, case studies and spy fiction. For a broad, expert survey of what’s worth reading, check your library for George Constantinides’ Intelligence and Espionage: An Analytical Bibliography.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 01 70756 366
##T Intelligence and Espionage
(An Analytical Bibliography)
George C. Constantinides
1983; 559 pp.
$71 from:
Westview Publishing Co.
6065 Mission Gorge Road
Suite 425
San Diego, CA 92120
##A 01 72973 367
##T Strategic Intelligence
Strategic Intelligence
Among the “classics,” my favorite is probably Strategic Intelligence by Sherman Kent. Kent’s prose is timelessly lucid, and his three-part analysis (intelligence as knowledge, as organization, as activity) is said to have influenced the development of the U.S. spy agencies. The word “strategic” in the title points the discussion toward ways to identify and acquire “knowledge which is vital for national survival.”
Anyone wanting to understand why nations have intelligence agencies, and how information needs structure their activity, should read it.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 01 73469 368
##T Strategic Intelligence
Princeton University Press
##A 01 75021 369
The U.S. Intelligence Community is uniquely comprehensive in its description of dozens of federal agencies, bureaus and systems presently engaging in this line of work. It is especially valuable for its sketches of lesser-known units like the National Reconnaissance Office, the Foreign Agriculture Service, and the Nuclear Detonation Detection System, as well as cooperative arrangements between the United States and its allies. Richelson has compiled a similar study on the U.S.S.R., Sword and Shield: Soviet Intelligence and Security Apparatus. This may be the best scholarly treatment available, but perhaps not surprisingly, it is less detailed and more speculative than his volume on the U.S. It’s also much drier than the defectors’ accounts that have provided much of what is known about the Soviet agencies.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 01 75419 370
The U.S. Intelligence Community
Jeffrey T. Richelson, Editor
1985; 381 pp.
Ballinger Publishing Co.
54 Church Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
##A 01 75695 371
Sword and Shield
Jeffrey T. Richelson,
1986; 297 pp.
Ballinger Publishing Co.
54 Church Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
##A 01 76070 372
##T KGB Today: The Hidden Hand
KGB Today: The Hidden Hand
Among accounts written about Soviet defectors, John Barron’s KGB Today: The Hidden Hand stands out for its vivid recounting of the careers of Stanislav Levchenko, Rudolph Herrmann, and other recent former Soviet spies.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 01 76461 373
##T KGB Today: The Hidden Hand
John Barron
1983; 257 pp.
$4.95 ($5.95 postpaid)
Berkley Books
Order Dept.
P. O. Box 506
East Rutherford, NJ 07073
##A 01 77097 374
##T Soviet Intelligence and Security Services
Soviet Intelligence and Security Services
For a good annotated guide to books on the subject of spying by the USSR, see the Bibliography on Soviet Intelligence and Security Services.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 01 77411 375
##T Soviet Intelligence and Security Services
Bibliography on Soviet Intelligence and Security Services
Raymond G. Rocca & John J. Dziak
1985; 203 pp.
ISBN 0813370485
$23.50 ($26 postpaid)
Westview Press
5500 Central Avenue
Boulder, CO 80301
##A 01 131897 376
##T Soviet Intelligence and Security Services
140. STRAIGHT, Michael
New York, New York: Norton, 1983, pp. 351
Apologia by the former editor of The New Republic who was recruited and handled for the Soviets by Anthony Blunt at Cambridge in the mid–1930s. Later, Straight admitted to being handled by a “Michael Green”, a Soviet illegal who brought greetings from the “friends” at Cambridge. Straight’s connections to Blunt, Guy Burgess, and the Soviets did not surface until the Kennedy years. When offered a job requiring security screening, he volunteered these connections to the FBI which subsequently asked him to talk to the British security service, MI5.
##A 01 244711 377
##T Intelligence Books II
##A 01 78050 378
##T Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
Exposes of the seamy side of U.S. intelligence by Congressional Committees and disillusioned former agents became an important source of public information in the 1970s. Most don’t concern intelligence-gathering per se, but rather clandestine acts intended to push other societies in directions favorable to U.S interests, or to suppress criticism and dissent in the United States itself.
The record compiled in 1975-6 by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (a.k.a. the Church committee, after former Idaho Senator Frank Church) continues to be a milestone as the most vigorous, authoritative investigation of crimes committed by
U.S. intelligence agencies in the name of national security. Purchasable copies of the testimony and reports released by the
##A 01 118306 379
##T Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
Committee are now quite rare, but they can be read at your local Government Document Depository (Ÿ see the review called Foreign News Monitors for access information).
— Robert Horvitz
##A 01 78277 380
##T Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
1975-6 by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (a.k.a. the Church committee).
At your local Government Document Depository (many libraries in major cities and universities).
##A 01 78908 381
##T Inside the Company: CIA Diary
Inside the Company: CIA Diary
The most illuminating and thought-provoking of the exposes by former agents is still Philip Agee’s Inside the Company: CIA Diary. The naming-names aspect made this book notorious, but far more important is the demythifying insight Agee gives into the bureaucratic details of agentry, as well as the CIA’s entire role in international relations. As he climbs the clandestine career ladder, moving from one Latin American country to another in the 1960s, Agee’s gung-ho patriotism gradually turns to confusion, revulsion, then militant opposition. There’s a deep, tragic irony in that the social assessments he learns to perform in his job eventually turn him against his employer and “American capitalism” generally.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 01 79133 382
##T Inside the Company: CIA Diary
Philip Agee
1975; 660 pp.
ISBN 055326012X
$5.95 ($7.95 postpaid)
Bantam Books
414 East Golf Road
Des Plaines, IL 60016
##A 01 162306 383
##T Inside the Company: CIA Diary
Quito — 30 August 1963
Labor operations always seem to be in turmoil but now and then they produce a redeeming flash of brilliance. Ricardo Vazquez Diaz, one of the labor agents I took over from Gil Saudade, told me the other day that his mistress is the official shorthand transcriber of all the important meetings of the Cabinet and the junta and that she has been giving him copies so that he can be well-informed for his CEOSL work. He gave me samples and after Dean saw them he told me to start paying her a salary through Vazquez. From now on we’ll be getting copies of the record of these meetings even before the participants.
##A 01 79634 384
##T The Clandestine Service of the C.I.A.
The Clandestine Service of the C.I.A.
Offers a brief explanation/defense of covert action. Published by the Association of Former Intelligence Officers, this inexpensive pamphlet is part of a recent effort to counter the flood of harsh criticism unleashed against the Agency in the 1970s.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 01 80083 385
##T The Clandestine Service of the C.I.A.
Hans Moses
1983; 24 pp.
$1.25 postpaid
Association of Former Intelligence Officers
6723 Whittier Avenue
Suite 303A
McLean, VA 22101
##A 01 80422 386
##T Intelligence Requirements for the 1980s
Intelligence Requirements for the 1980s
The centerpiece of the effort to counter the flood of harsh criticism unleashed against the U.S. intelligence community in the 1970s is a most interesting seven-volume series of book-length studies under the collective title: Intelligence Requirements for the 1980s. Based on topical seminars at which former intelligence officials, Congressional staffers, academics and businessmen discuss covert collection, analysis and estimates, counter-intelligence, domestic spying, etc., it is probably the most in-depth, unhostile, unclassified review of the general issues facing U.S. intelligence today. Unfortunately, some volumes predate important policy changes instituted by the Reagan Administration.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 01 80726 387
##T Intelligence Requirements for the 1980s
Roy Godson, Editor
($55/set) postpaid
National Strategy Information Center
Washington, D.C
Call for titles and individual prices.
##A 01 81174 388
##T Tom Davis Books
Tom Davis Books
Mail-order specialist in muckraking political and conspiracy books, many concerning intelligence agencies, bankers, royal families, Masons, organized crime, etc. All points of view, all shades of credibility. Stuff not generally found in bookstores — not even in the National Intelligence Book Center (Ÿ see review).
— Robert Horvitz
##A 01 81408 389
##T Tom Davis Books
Catalog free
Tom Davis Books
P. O. Box 1107
Aptos, CA 95001-1107
##A 01 160175 390
##T Tom Davis Books
Lehrman (Hinckley, Sweeney, Chapman), HC - $18.95
1987 - VEIL: THE SECRET WARS OF THE CIA - Bob Woodward S&S
(Casey & the Secret Gov’t.), HC - $21.95*
BRIGADES & M19 - Adams, S&S, HC - $18.95
##A 01 82322 391
##T National Intelligence Book Center
National Intelligence Book Center
A bookstore and mail-order service for unclassified books and videotapes, apparently aimed at intelligence professionals and amateurs with a yen to know. Many manuals, case studies and histories; extensive selection of books on cryptography, investigative techniques and “comsec” (communications security). Stock is mainly from commercial publishers, but a few government documents are sprinkled in. They also buy and sell out-of-print books. Their current catalog doubles as a 115-page bibliography that’s a pretty good introduction to unclassified intelligence literature, with an emphasis on anti-KGB material and “tradecraft.” “Due to the hectic hours of many of our customers,” the Center has a 24-hour, 7-day-a-week electronic order line at 202-797-1234.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 01 82642 392
##T National Intelligence Book Center
Catalog $6 from:
National Intelligence Book Center
1700 K Street NW
Suite 607
Washington, D.C. 20006
##A 01 115504 393
##T Intelligence Magazines
##A 01 84052 394
by Robert Horvitz
There’s a growing number of periodicals available to the public reporting on intelligence work. They run the gamut from rabidly hostile to sycophantic, from thoroughly researched to merely polemical to just plain fluff. When the stance is critical and the focus is on agencies of the country where the publication is based, an intelligence magazine may be operating at the edge of that society’s tolerance for journalism.
Among the better critical journals, Intelligence/Parapolitics provides a concise monthly overview of recent press reports about covert activities worldwide. Most articles are summarized, others
are reprinted whole. Emphasis is always on facts rather than
##A 01 97722 395
polemics. Published in Paris, it comes in “full” and “summary” editions, both available in either French or English. By all means get the “full” version.
Philip Agee and Norman Mailer helped the Covert Action Information Bulletin get started in 1978. CAIB used to make a point of revealing the names and covers of currently active CIA agents. Since passage of the Intelligence Identities Protection Act in 1982, they’ve shied away from naming names, concentrating instead on more general detective work, piecing together incidents and relationships to adduce U.S.-backed covert operations or disinformation campaigns. Often assembled into theme issues, CAIB articles are opinionated but based on substantial research.
##A 01 84447 396
The National Reporter has similar preoccupations (it used to be called Counterspy), but is not as slick or as well-documented as CAIB.
Germany has a history of state-sponsored domestic surveillance, and is now a major arena for East-West spy-sparring. The West German magazine Geheim (Secret) boldly spotlights this murky
business. It seems especially intent on breaking the covers of American and Soviet agents (they have a “Naming Names” column almost every issue), and is very critical of its own government.
(All articles in German.)
Lobster is a British newsletter on intelligence, “parapolitics” and
“state research,” published somewhat irregularly, with no love for
##A 01 84681 397
British intelligence, the right wing, or international conspiracies. (Content varies quite a bit from issue to issue, so it’s not easy to characterize.)
Big SISter is a little newsletter published by OASIS (Organization to Abolish the Security Intelligence Service), which reports on domestic spying and foreign involvements of New Zealand’s SIS.
The British newsletter Counterpoint and the U.S.-based Nightwatch are likewise specific in their focus: Soviet propaganda and disinformation. But where Counterpoint is analytical, trying
to deduce the goals of specific propaganda projects by close study
of the products (or suspected products), Nightwatch indulges in a lot more free-floating paranoia and Cold War speculation.
##A 01 84922 398
Military Intelligence may be the only periodical published by an intelligence agency about their work that offers subscriptions to the public. MI occasionally has interesting articles, but its main purpose seems to be to disseminate innocuous bureaucratic news and promote careers in Army intelligence. Published by a school that trains soldiers in tactical intelligence for the battlefield, the feature articles tend either to be very general, or case-studies with parable value.
The International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence
reads a bit like an academic journal whose reason for existence is to help its authors inch closer to tenure. In this instance, the authors are mostly either retired from or aspiring to intelligence agency employment. We can only hope the CIA’s classified journal,
##A 01 85188 399
Studies in Intelligence, is more trenchant.
Somewhat livelier, though no less academic, is Intelligence and National Security, published in England. It emphasizes historical scholarship rather than current events, and while many articles concern British activities, its scope is worldwide. Not as rabidly critical as, say, Geheim or CAIB, the editor nonetheless hopes “to lift some of the official veils which still pointlessly conceal the past history of intelligence.”
Livelier still, though much thinner, is the Intelligence Quarterly, edited by Michael Speers and Rupert Allason (a.k.a. Nigel West). Mostly book reviews by writers who are themselves well-known
authors in the field, it includes a set-the-fur-flying column which
##A 01 86099 400
reviews the reviews of intelligence books in other publications —
“a new art-form which might make some small contribution to keeping such reviewers more honest — or at least forcing them to read the book in question all the way through.”
IQ’s chief competitor is the Foreign Intelligence Literary Scene, which, with a change of editorship in 1986, seems to have lost whatever independence it may have had from those running the U.S.
agencies. Book reviews fill most of the page-space; there’s also a
regular listing of recent intelligence-related articles in the establishment press.
First Principles fights the impulse to use the legitimate need for secrecy in intelligence work to conceal illegal activities and
##A 01 86517 401
thwart public oversight. Published by the Center for National Security studies, an active FOIA litigator, it features “op-ed” type opinion essays, policy analyses, and condensed coverage of recent court cases and news articles.
The biweekly Access Reports/FYI may not be affordable by most people, but its detailed coverage of legislative activity, federal regulations and court cases concerning privacy, freedom of
information, and security classification, is without peer.
Last and least, we have Espionage, a relatively new Guccione-backed publication. According to one of their subscription ads,
it’s “the only international espionage magazine in existence!”
Which should give you an idea of the quality of journalism it
##A 01 87886 402
offers. Actually, it’s mainly short fiction pieces and reviews of spy novels, with rehashes of last year’s newspaper spy sensations mixed in for “realism.” Definitely NOT recommended.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 01 35715 403
Access Reports/FYI
Harry Hammitt, Editor
$250/year (24 issues)
Monitor Publishing Co.
1301 Pennsylvania Ave.,
Suite 1000
Washington, D.C. 20004
##A 01 138840 404
Big SISter
$5/4 issues
Box 1666
Wellington, Aotearoa
##A 01 154198 405
Stanislav Levchenko and Peter Deriabin, Editors
$35/year (12 issues)
Ickham Publications Ltd.
Ickham, Canterbury CT3 1QN
##A 01 202627 406
Covert Action Information Bulletin
Louis Wolf, Editor
ISSN 0275309X
$15/year (3 issues)
Covert Action Information Bulletin (CAIB)
P.O. Box 50272
Washington, D.C. 20004
##A 01 204566 407
Jackie Lewis, Editor/Publisher
$21/year (6 issues)
Leo 11 Publications
P.O. Box 1184
Teaneck, NJ 07666
##A 01 205628 408
First Principles
Sally Berman, Editor
$15/year (6 issues)
$10/year for students
Center for National Security Studies
122 Maryland Avenue NE
Washington, D.C. 20002
##A 01 206123 409
Foreign Intelligence Literary Scene
Marjorie W. Cline and David L. Thomas, Editors
$25/year (6 issues)
National Intelligence Study Center
1800 K Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20006
##A 01 207561 410
$90/year (4 issues)
Lutticher Strasse 14
5000 Koln 1
Federal Republic of Germany
##A 01 208025 411
Intelligence and National Security:
Christopher Andrew, Editor
£22/year (3 issues)
Frank Cass & Co. Ltd.
Gainsborough House
11 Gainsborough Road
London E11 1RS,
##A 01 208484 412
Olivier Schmidt, Editor
$25/year (12 issues)
Association pour la Droite
a l’Information
16 rue des Ecoles
75005 Paris
##A 01 209140 413
Intelligence Quarterly
Michael Speers and Nigel West, Editors
$30/year (4 issues)
Michael Speers
P.O. Box 232
Weston, VT 05161
##A 01 209417 414
International Journal of Intelligence . . .
International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence
F. Reese Brown, Editor-in-chief
$10/issue (quarterly)
Intel Publishing Group
P.O. Box 188
Stroudsburg, PA 18360
##A 01 212230 415
Robin Ramsay, Editor
$14/year (4 issues)
17C Pearson Avenue
Hull HU5 2SX
##A 01 216944 416
Military Intelligence
Capt. William A. Purciello, Editor
$14/year (4 issues)
Superintendent of Documents
U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington, D.C. 20402
##A 01 218572 417
The National Reporter
John Kelly, Editor
$13/year(4 issues)
The National Reporter
P.O. Box 21279
Washington, D.C. 20009
##A 01 236505 418
Free (12 issues/year)
Security and Intelligence Foundation
1010 Vermont Avenue
Suite 1020
Washington, D.C. 20005
##A 01 102109 419
##T CovertAction Information Bulletin
CovertAction Information Bulletin
The actions and covert actions of the intelligence agencies of the world affect us every day — usually in ways unknown to us. CovertAction Information Bulletin has been keeping tabs on our own spies since 1978 and has earned a bucketful of criticism from those same spies for its efforts.
I look to CAIB for information running counter to the received truths of our pundits and quiescent press corps. CAIB has its own axes to grind (of a largely leftist variety) but that doesn’t lessen its fundamental value. If you want to begin discerning the difference between information and disinformation, between the aboveboard and the underhanded, CAIB is a good place to start.
— Jay Kinney
##A 01 102304 420
##T CovertAction Information Bulletin
Louis Wolf, Editor
ISSN 0275309X
$15/year (4 issues)
CovertAction Information Bulletin (CAIB)
P.O. Box 50272
Washington, DC 20004
##A 01 102468 421
##T CovertAction Information Bulletin
In an astonishing, eleven-part television series shown on Cuban TV last July and August [1987], nearly 100 U.S. government employees, most of them operating under diplomatic cover from the fifth floor of the United States Interests Section in Havana, or as U.S. diplomats in transit, were shown to have been engaged for years in extensive espionage activities throughout the island. . . .
Unbeknownst to the Washington operatives, the Cuban security service, using hidden TV cameras, had filmed a host of activities including Interests Section personnel testing sophisticated equipment such as the RS-804, a transmitter used for relaying information via the FLTSATCOM satellite to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia. . . .
The testimony, irrefutable proof of espionage, was presented to the Cuban people — not by actors playing spy roles — but by Cuban state security agents who had infiltrated the CIA for a very long time, some for more than ten years, and one for 21 years! They appeared on Cuban TV screens night after night with personal accounts
##A 01 232510 422
##T CovertAction Information Bulletin
and testimony of who they knew, and what they did. . . .
Twenty-seven Cuban double agents told their tales: How CIA officers spent a great deal
of time tracking the movements of Fidel Castro, of his doctors, his bodyguards, his close associates, all in order to pursue their attempts — for thirty years now — to assassinate the Cuban leader. . . .
But perhaps most chilling — given their past murderous actions — were the CIA activities which clearly pointed to ongoing chemical and biological warfare [CBW] activities against Cuba. As documented previously in CAIB, CIA programs of CBW were responsible for Cuban epidemics of swine fever, sugarcane blight, tobacco mould, and hemorrhagic dengue fever, from the 1960s to the 1980s. Constant efforts by the CIA personnel at the Interests Section to learn of the condition of various Cuban crops and of the effects of various diseases suggest that these CBW programs are not dormant.
##A 01 102836 423
##T CovertAction Information Bulletin
This story involves the worldwide propaganda activities of the CIA and the Reader’s Digest, and the secret relationship between them, an informational “black hole”, about which little has been written.
The Reader’s Digest has an annual budget of $1.4 billion. The monthly readership worldwide is over 100 million. . . .
Many senior editors at Reader’s Digest have intelligence backgrounds; the current head of the European bureau had CIA ties, two former directors of Latin American operations reportedly were CIA assets. The Digest has regularly carried stories by CIA officials and undercover CIA agents. Foreign language editions were opened at the request of U.S. intelligence agencies. The magazine has been used as cover by the CIA, shared intelligence with the CIA, and circulated CIA fabrications. A senior writer was given office space at CIA headquarters. The Digest has been given exclusive access to
##A 01 173326 424
##T CovertAction Information Bulletin
CIA and OSS files, CIA agents, and CIA-controlled defectors. . . .
In addition to carrying original stories by CIA officers and CIA agents, if you examine what are now known to have been major CIA covert operations, in every case, the Reader’s Digest printed the CIA’s cover story at that time and place. Whether Italy (1948), Berlin (1949), Guatemala (1954), Cuba (1960-present), Chile (1970-73), attacks against CIA critics in the U.S. (1975) or Nicaragua (1979-present), we shall see that the Reader’s Digest version was the CIA party line.
##A 01 103114 425
##T CovertAction Information Bulletin
Admiral Blandy and friends celebrate “Operation Crossroads,” the U.S. plan to displace hundreds of Bikini islanders and blanket their homes with deadly radiation.
##A 01 103406 426
##T Critique
What Richard Hofstadter characterized in 1965 as the “Paranoid Style” in American politics — the nativist notion that we are being manipulated and subverted by secret conspiracies — dates back to the earliest days of our country when a furor against supposed Illuminati skullduggery exploded in 1798. Since then, popular scapegoats for domestic ills have included Freemasons, Papists, immigrants, and more recently Communists. The penchant for fingering secret enemies is hardly exclusive to the U.S. — the Nazis rode to power in Germany by exploiting fears of Reds and Jews, after all — but it may be only in America that this world view has been able to bloom into its lushest, most mutant
Critique, a small, handsomely typeset biannual subtitled “A
##A 01 200789 427
##T Critique
Journal of Conspiracies and Metaphysics,” is sort of a social Organic Gardening for those who cultivate this realm of suspicious imagining. Recent topics have included Hollow Earth theories, perpetual motion, Nazis and UFOs, the Bilderbergers, the secret Muslim Brotherhood, and of course the ever-popular Illuminati and Freemasons.
What rescues Critique from terminal crankiness and makes it potentially worth your attention is editor Bob Banner’s even-handed objectivity. Throwing the journal’s pages open to competing theories, scenarios, and musings, Banner favors none
over any other. Critique provides a rare forum for hearing out accusations (wild and otherwise) that would probably just fester
##A 01 103527 428
##T Critique
beneath the surface of the American psyche if left to their own devices.
I can’t claim total detachment regarding Critique — it’s printed a couple of my reviews — but I find it a generally delightful antidote to the myopic seriousness of most political fare. You may too.
— Jay Kinney
##A 01 103895 429
##T Critique
(A Journal Questioning Consensus Reality)
Bob Banner, Editor
ISSN 07356501
$15/year(3 issues)
Critique Publishing
P.O. Box 11368
Santa Rosa, CA 95406
##A 01 104150 430
##T Critique
The techniques of psychotherapy, widely practiced and accepted as a means of curing psychological disorders, are also methods of controlling people. They can be used systematically to influence attitudes and behavior. Systematic desensitization is a method used to dissolve anxiety so that the patient (public) is no longer troubled by a specific fear, a fear of violence for example. A progressively more graphic depiction of violence in the movies and on television desensitizes the viewer, especially young people, to real-life violence. . . .
Thus, The Day After and Special Bulletin could leave many viewers so numbed by a sense of hopelessness and helplessness that they could succumb to deep apathy with regard to anything that has anything to do with the prospect of nuclear confrontation.
##A 01 89308 431
##T Monitoring Times
Monitoring Times
This monthly tabloid, aimed at shortwave listeners, hams, scanner enthusiasts and satellite dish owners, tells how to receive virtually any radio signal in the air. Its frequency data, international broadcasting news, and equipment reviews are much fresher than Popular Communications, which covers a similar domain. Lots more simple build-it projects, too.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 01 89403 432
##T Monitoring Times
Bob Grove, Editor
ISSN 08895341fcritique
$16/year(12 issues)
Monitoring Times
P. O. Box 98
Brasstown, NC 28902
##A 01 89060 433
##T Monitoring Times
Shannon Airadio. It’s a vital element in the North Atlantic aero communications network. For shortwave listeners, however, it’s a unique and relatively easy station to hear and one that provides a wide range of fascinating information.
Listeners can tune — in upper sideband and using simple voice communications — such things as communications from pilots flying the transatlantic routes between North America and Europe, and, best of all, regular weather reports for . . . more than 30 of Europe’s main airports.
Perhaps the most familiar to the shortwave utility monitor are the regular aviation weather broadcasts from the Shannon Airadio VOLMET station. Meteorological information covering 33 of the main European airports comes into Ballygirreen constantly. A “live” announcer sits in a glass-enclosed booth and transmits this information in a 25 minute broadcast on the hour and on the half hour over three shortwave frequencies.
##A 01 116204 434
##T Watching the Watchers
##A 01 90190 435
##T U.S. Military Radio Communications
U.S. Military Radio Communications
The most comprehensive, unclassified monitoring guide to U.S. military radio communications, in three softbound volumes. If trouble starts anywhere in the world, and you have a shortwave receiver, a decent antenna, and these books, there’s a chance you won’t have to wait until the evening news to find out what’s happening.
Focusing mainly on voice and radioteletype channels, Volume 1 is organized by both region and service, covering Air Force, Army, and Navy bases worldwide. Volume 2 looks at affiliated agencies, like the Coast Guard, Federal Emergency Management Agency and NASA. A composite frequency-order list of stations starts in Volume 2 and concludes in Volume 3.
##A 01 90552 436
##T U.S. Military Radio Communications
Note that in the U.S. as well as many other countries, it is legal to monitor these channels, so long as you don’t divulge or economically benefit from what you hear. The military is perfectly able to protect any transmissions it needs to, and even on unscrambled channels, they make extensive use of codes and jargon to conceal content. An AWACS plane might radio to ground control, “I’m painting bogeys at 5 o’clock,” when he means his radar is showing unidentified aircraft coming from the east-southeast. Such verbal camouflage is, for some people, part of the allure.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 01 94487 437
##T U.S. Military Radio Communications
Michiel Schaay, Editor
1985; 259 pp.(3 volumes)
$33.95 postpaid
Universal Shortwave Radio
1280 Aida Drive
Reynoldsburg, OH 43068
##A 01 90653 438
##T Power Structure Research Database
Power Structure Research Database
For the past ten years, Daniel Brandt has been compiling a
“power structure research” database with its own easy-to-use, search-and-sort software designed to run on a microcomputer. It presently contains the names of nearly 30,000 individuals and groups identified in 55,000 citations from books and articles about the intelligence community, big business, the U.S. foreign policy establishment, domestic spying and political infiltration, assassination and conspiracy theories, and right-wing organizations.
Each name-entry is linked to as many as 50 published sources.
Names associated with a foreign country at a certain time can be identified by specifying the place and time span of interest. For
##A 01 92082 439
##T Power Structure Research Database
example, if you want a printout of all the names in the database connected with Chile from 1970 to 1973, along with citations of publications describing their activities, a few simple commands will do it.
The database is available as a set of three double-sided floppy disks, with programs on a fourth floppy. The software provides phonetic and leading-letter search capabilities for names whose spelling is uncertain. Purchasers receive update announcements
every quarter, and are entitled to buy later editions at discount prices. The cost of a four-disk set is $35 for individuals and nonprofit organizations, $100 for all others. An outstanding
example of political/infotech activism. Anyone curious or
##A 01 93178 440
##T Power Structure Research Database
concerned about the web of influences operating behind the surface of democracy should have a copy. When ordering, be sure to specify the type of computer it’ll run on. Versions are currently available for devices running CP/M, DOS 2.0 or 3.0.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 01 93862 441
##T Power Structure Research Database
4 floppy disks $35-$100
Micro Associates
P. O. Box 5369
Arlington, VA 22205
##A 01 95347 442
##T The National Security Archive
The National Security Archive
Former Washington Post reporter Scott Armstrong’s initial idea was to create a public depository for documents concerning U.S. national security, foreign policy, military and intelligence activities obtained via Freedom of Information Act requests. Acquiring documents turned out to be just the start. Most of what the National Security Archive does now is assemble and index topical collections from primary sources to provide “as complete a documentary record of recent and contemporary policymaking as possible within the constraints of security classification.”
Current projects range from the history of U.S. military uses of space to the evolution of U.S. policy toward South Africa 1960-87. The Archive sells such collections and their indexes as
##A 01 95677 443
##T The National Security Archive
microforms, primarily to libraries. A quarterly Journal of National Security Documentation will publish especially significant finds, and announce new products and services.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 01 95861 444
##T The National Security Archive
Information from:
The National Security Archive
1755 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Suite 500
Washington, D.C. 20036
##A 01 235993 445
##T The National Security Archive
“The Archive, which will be in full operation by year’s end, collects documents, groups them by subject, microfilms them, and sends them out to libraries, scholars, and journalists across the country. ‘We’ve got wonderful stuff,’ Mr. Armstrong said. ‘I’ve got a tape of a wonderful song prepared by the Army Psychological Operations people, at Fort Bragg . . . it’s the folk song that ‘sprang up spontaneously’ following the invasion of Grenada. The really interesting thing is that the accompanying documentation suggests that it was written in August. And the invasion was in October.’”
— The New Yorker, August 25, 1986 (from a National Security Archives brochure)
##A 01 193717 446
##T The National Security Archive
Unpublished Department of Transportation log of civil aircraft charters, for Southern Air Transport (a former CIA proprietary) in May 1986, showing two Boeing 707 flights from Kelly Air Force Base (SKF) in San Antonio to Tel Aviv (TLV) carrying 90 tons of cargo. These were the TOW missiles and Hawk antiaircraft battery spare parts taken to Iran by former national security advisor Robert McFarlane on May 28, 1986, with the profits from their sale used to finance the Nicaraguan contras.
##A 01 96766 447
##T Search For Security
Search For Security
This fat, spiral-bound guide to philanthropic support is designed to help projects on war prevention and improving national security find and get grants. Over 70 foundations are profiled, including their funding criteria, deadlines and contact addresses, plus lists of grants awarded. Also includes a survey and analysis of groups that succeeded in getting these grants. A well-done, time-saving reference. Nothing else quite like it.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 01 97018 448
##T Search For Security
(A Guide to Grantmaking in International Security and the Prevention of Nuclear War)
1985; 281 pp.
$45 postpaid
1730 M Street NW
Suite 605
Washington, DC 22036
##A 01 204041 449
##T CCS Communication Control, Inc.
CCS Communication Control, Inc.
If you’ve ever watched a spy movie and wondered whether all those odd little gadgets the actors were using were real, this catalog is the place to find out. CCS Communications is a company that keeps a low profile. They deal in surveillance and countersurveillance equipment, everyday essentials in the Lifestyles of the Rich and Paranoid. Their clients range from private individuals to multinational corporations to embassies that want to keep tabs on their rivals without their rivals keeping tabs on them. If you’re in the market for a terrorist-proof limousine, a tear gas pen, a voice scrambler, or a new night vision scope, you need look no further.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 01 204516 450
##T CCS Communication Control, Inc.
Comprehensive catalog $25;
Brochure free from:
CCS Communication Control, Inc.
160 Midland Avenue
Port Chester, NY 10573
##A 01 25567 451
##A 01 51024 452
##T Women’s Politics
##A 01 59711 453
Feminism questions the use of difference to legitimate hierarchy, an arrangement that Starhawk terms “power over.” The idea that there’s no justification for using woman as “the nigger of the world” (Yoko Ono) remains fundamental to the whole cause. For most of the women (and some of the men) who absorb that truth, feminism is a life-changing, irreversible experience: hard to practice day to day, harder not to.
So feminism is a way of being that’s still uphill, not quite a campaign that can be won. Thus it should come as no surprise
that the founding mothers of contemporary feminism are still
hard at it, pushing the understanding forward. Three of them
— Steinem, Friedan, and Morgan — have produced books which
##A 01 59945 454
though by no means of a mind, taken together provide a good introduction to mature mainstream feminist thought. The mainstream is plenty radical as far as it goes, and it goes to the boundary of the human species.
But for profounder consciousness alteration, something that takes in the whole planet, and the problem of hierarchy itself, read Starhawk.
“What’s new in feminism,” I hope, will be the imminent demise of the monkey-see, monkey-do Kirkpatrick/Thatcher/Gandhi syndrome.
##A 01 60177 455
Watching what becomes of women who make it in the patriarchy could finally persuade us that all power really does corrupt.
The magazine Heresies and other ephemera are recommended as charts and visits to emergent feminist culture, the islands for us to swim to. It could be a new world, and certainly a better refuge. And in spite of all the difficulty, this much is certain: there’s no turning the clock back and there’ll be no end of trying.
— Stephanie Mills
##A 01 60504 456
##T Sisterhood is Global
Sisterhood is Global
This book is almost overpowering. A formidable (838 pp.) anthology cum almanac, it presents articles on the conditions of women’s lives and their movements as understood by contributors from seventy different countries. The contributors employ a variety of genres — from rather dry sociological prose, to colloquial accounts of organizing experiences, to impassioned pleas for support of revolutionary movements, to folktales, to bitterly funny political nonsatire.
All these are prefaced by entries sketching the demography, government, economy, “gynography,” “herstory,” and mythography of the countries represented. What emerges is a picture of
ubiquitous injustice being met by widespread awakening and
##A 01 60706 457
##T Sisterhood is Global
activism. Robin Morgan’s powerful introduction brilliantly focuses on the implications of global feminism, a vision of startling possibility.
— Stephanie Mills
##A 01 61499 458
##T Sisterhood is Global
Robin Morgan, Editor
1984; 838 pp.
ISBN 0385177976
$14.95 ($16.95 postpaid)
Doubleday and Company
Direct Mail Order
501 Franklin Avenue
Garden City, NY 11530
##A 01 61717 459
##T Sisterhood is Global
How many women know it is now possible for a women’s group or an individual woman to register a human rights violation complaint (which can include battery, rape, job discrimination, deleterious “cultural” practices, etc.) directly by confidential or standard letter to the Secretariat of the Commission on the Status of Women (in care of the Women’s Unit, United Nations Center, Vienna, Austria) — and that every complaint requires a formal investigation by the Commission, requiring in turn a response from the national government involved?
We must — and can — demystify the channels to power, in order to travel them.
##A 01 85557 460
##T Connexions
A quarterly magazine covering the same unwieldy beat as Sisterhood is Global, Connexions gathers reports from women around the world on one theme (e.g. Media: Getting to Women, or Women and Militarism) for each issue. The diverse voices and concerns of women from both industrial and nonindustrial countries convey the real challenge of an international women’s movement — creating not just common theory, but understanding that spans continents. It’s the best place to begin without having to buy a plane ticket.
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 01 85788 461
##T Connexions
(An International Women’s Quarterly)
Connexions Collective, Editors
ISSN 08867062
$15/year (4 issues)
4228 Telegraph Avenue
Oakland, CA 94609
##A 01 154413 462
##T Connexions
Q: Do these myths of the “brave” macho still reign supreme on the left?
A: No, things have changed a lot from all of the repression. In thirteen years of resistance, people have learned a lot. Even proletarian couples (gente del pueblo) active in the resistance often divide domestic duties between them, so both can go to meetings and do community work. Men in the resistance today are more aware of the need to integrate women into the movement, and they understand that deep change in the system will never occur without women’s active participation. This popular organizing at the grass roots level also includes educating women in the history of patriarchy, communism and socialism. Women are being educated about their own autonomy in the context of the class struggle. Because as women, we must assert our rights against Pinochet’s dictatorship and against the authoritarian attitudes of our husbands at home! So, the motto of the broad based feminist coalition in Chile today is “We demand democracy in our country and in our homes now!”
##A 01 111510 463
##T Not An Easy Choice
Not An Easy Choice
Is it anti-life to be pro-abortion rights? Author Kathleen McDonnell shows how public focus on that question is hindering understanding of abortion — especially of women’s feelings about it. Outstanding book.
— Jeanne Carstensen
Ÿ Test-Tube Women
##A 01 182174 464
##T Not An Easy Choice
(A Feminist Re-Examines Abortion)
Kathleen McDonnell
1984; 157 pp.
ISBN 0896082644
$8 ($9.50 postpaid)
South End Press
300 Raritan Center Parkway
Edison, NJ 08818
##A 01 194912 465
##T Not An Easy Choice
In fact, what abortion inspires more than anything else is a profound ambivalence, which finds a particular expression in women. And when we look at the two poles of the abortion debate, we see also the two poles of our ambivalence expressed in an almost crystallized form. On the one hand, there is the pro-choice position, which is identified with feminism, with women’s right to self-determination. On the other, there is the anti-choice position, which is largely identified with the traditional view of women as vessels, as mothers, as nurturers. In our espousal of abortion rights, feminists have spoken eloquently to the former. Our very rhetoric expresses our belief in our right to “control of our bodies, control of our lives.” We project an image of strength, of self-affirmation. But in doing so, have we left something out? Is there a dimension of women’s experience of abortion that we have not adequately addressed?
It is the hidden face of the abortion issue, this deep-rooted ambivalence, that we must
##A 01 242609 466
##T Not An Easy Choice
look at squarely and integrate into our political stance if it is to reflect women’s actual experience of abortion.
##A 01 211319 467
This essay was in response to the question: What are the consequences of treating the fetus as a human being? The question was posed (and other responses can be found) in the Summer, 1986 issue of Whole Earth Review magazine.
— Richard Nilsen
By Sallie Tisdale
Ah — to imagine a world without killing, a world with peace. What a grand dream it is. Imagine a world in which the unborn child is as cherished as the one held in your arms asleep, a world in which the same arms are open to the unprepared and unhappy and unable,
##A 01 211814 468
worn and the tired and the abused. A world in which each of us, gladly, moves over to make room, give a little, reach out. No killing. Who can argue with such liberation?
This post-liberal fallacy in all its politically correct prose — I can argue with it. This is what Buddhist scholars have long called
“the heresy of love and light,” of being “stuck in heaven.” There is a great hazard in clinging to ideals: hazard that in doing so, we
might turn away from what is, and hazard that we might find it
expedient to try forcing reality to fit the ideal. It is undeniably important to be able to imagine a different world — but it is a terrible mistake to think that imagining it will make it real. That way leads to despair, and that way leads, too, to tyranny, fascism,
and Orwellian twists of experience.
##A 01 215541 469
I find it notable that many of the left-leaning pacifists who are
beginning to speak out about abortion are childless. Childless, too, the writers, editors, and artists of the alternative media, and the political activists who cross the country to speak. Just who, I wonder, will be scooting over to make room? Well, corporations should, of course, and the defense budget, and suburban consumers and the rich everywhere. And if they don’t? Who moves over, buys another bag of groceries, opens the hide-a-bed for a million more poor mouths and their million poor mommies? You, him, her, over there, cough up, fork it over — my own home is cozy enough. I can’t.
Abortion has been carried to an extreme. My research often takes
me to the netherland of medical texts — I see the pictures, blink twice at the research abortion has, in passing, made possible. I
##A 01 217276 470
have no blinders about that. Do we really think a world without abortion will be a world of moderation? Zealousness is so human
a response to believing one is right, after all.
If the fetus, overnight, is declared a human, granted the rights of a human, then we trade one kind of barbarism and murder for another. Women of child-bearing age (that’s you and me, sister) would be prohibited from working in jobs or environments that might harm a fetus — could be prohibited, in fact, from working anywhere that wasn’t proven to be safe. We could not drink alcohol or smoke.
We would be required — at all times — to follow careful diets,
keep our weight down, avoid venereal diseases and prescription medications and certain teratogenic illicit pleasures. For a woman
##A 01 219988 471
to do any of these things would be tantamount to reckless endangerment at best, to negligent homicide or first-degree murder at worst. Oh, and birth control — most methods work by interfering with a fertilized egg (a human now) and so must be abandoned. Back to rhythm — remember rhythm? (Better make that three million babies.) The fetus could sue for property rights, inheritance, product liability, violation of civil rights, and put each of us in jail. If you doubt these possible futures, you do not read the newspaper.
I have another little problem with this vision. What if I do open my
arms, my home, my wallet to some little lost 15-year-old girl, pregnant and afraid, and offer to care for her and her child? What if I do, and she still doesn’t want to carry that baby? She just
##A 01 220432 472
might say no to my offer. What then — do I force her to accept my
gift, my vision? What of peace then?
I ask my liberal abortion-doubting friends why they haven’t adopted an unwanted child, or sheltered a pregnant girl, and they say: I’m single. I can’t afford it. I have work/art/political action to do that takes all my time. I don’t know how. I’m scared. This litany sounds familiar; these are the reasons women seek abortions, seek them sadly, guiltily.
The trouble with imagining a world without killing is that we live in a world full of it. We can be here, or we can lay around the clouds, humming all day. Peace — compassion — begins with a kind word to the bank teller, courtesy in traffic, turning away from the
##A 01 221222 473
meat counter, recycling empty bottles, and stopping to see if the man curled up in the doorway needs your help. If I try each day to do each of these things, then maybe sometime that 15-year-old will ask for my help. If I force it on her, for whatever reason, I’d be killing her.
##A 01 82999 474
##T Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions
Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions
This collection, which is Steinem’s first book — she’s been too busy as an organizer and journalist for the last twenty years to write one before now — is a better place than most to begin to learn what feminism is today.
Gloria Steinem may be one of the finer human beings around, a noble exponent of an epochal cause. Start with her courage: in surviving, without self-pity, an arduous childhood (see “Ruth’s Song”), and the slings and arrows aimed at her as America’s
Best-Known Feminist (“Introduction”). Add to that her unyielding insistence on justice for all, her constant awareness of the contributions and concerns of women and men of color, and her attention to the economic inequity between the dominant minority
##A 01 83267 475
##T Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions
and the diverse majority. Then there’s her intelligence and discernment (evident in “Erotica vs. Pornography”); a generous compassion (which notes the tender, bitter commonalities among women as different as Alice Walker, Pat Nixon, and Linda
Lovelace); and a devastating wit (“If Men Could Menstruate”), and you’ve got yourself a true champion, one who humbly disavows any exceptionality.
Isn’t that just like a woman? Read her.
— Stephanie Mills
##A 01 83666 476
##T Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions
Gloria Steinem
1985; 420 pp.
ISBN 0451155009
$4.95 ($5.95 postpaid)
Pearson, Inc.
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0120
##A 01 83907 477
##T Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions
Men who want children must at least find women willing to bear them. That seems little enough to ask. And governments that want increased rates of population growth must resort to such humane measures as lowering infant mortality rates, improving health care during pregnancy, distributing the work of child rearing through child care and equal parenthood, and lengthening the productive lives of older people.
Obviously, this ultimate bargaining power on the part of women is exactly what male supremacists fear most. That’s why their authoritarian impulse is so clearly against any sexuality not directed toward family-style procreation (that is, against extramarital sex, homosexuality and lesbianism, as well as contraception and abortion). This understanding helped feminists to understand why the adversaries of such apparently contradictory concerns as contraception and homosexuality are almost always the same. It also helped us to stand up publicly on the side of any consenting, freely chosen sexuality as a rightful form of human expression.
##A 01 88269 478
##T Heresies
Produced by a collective, each issue of Heresies is a special: Feminism and Ecology, Third World Women, Women Working Together and Sexuality have been among their subjects. Some of the material is a grind — theoretical, rhetorical stuff on feminism as a subject. Some of it is revelatory, especially that dealing with feminism as a practice or perspective. Everything they publish has consequence, and the art they include is striking — images that hit home.
There are scores of excellent feminist magazines, from stately small-press literary journals to scholarly quarterlies to outraged
tabloids to the rangier, avant-garde offering of Heresies. Its inclusion here as the sole representative of all that rich cultural
##A 01 88476 479
##T Heresies
activity is not to anoint it as the best of the lot (although it is very good), but to advance a personal favorite as exemplary
of a whole realm of riches.
I suggest you prowl for a personal favorite, too.
— Stephanie Mills
##A 01 88615 480
##T Heresies
Heresies Collective, Editors
ISSN 01463411
$17/2 years (4 issues)
P. O. Box 1306
Canal Street Station
New York, NY 10013
##A 01 221461 481
##T Heresies
We wanted to know what it was like to live in Northern Ireland and what the day-to-day lives of the women were about.
This conflict has been dismissed as an ancient battle . . . Amidst all the bombings and killings that are shown, somehow we know that life goes on in this “terrorist state.” Communities are irreconcilably divided along religious lines. But what is the meaning of this conflict?
The fact is that a fundamentalist religious sectarianism implies a social structure of inequality supported by moral edict. This holds true in Belfast as it does in the right-wing pulpits of American religious/political leaders. Thus the religious dimension sanctifies life as it is, implying a spiritual necessity to social, economic, political, and sexual injustice, implying also that this conflict must be indefinitely sustained.
##A 01 194790 482
##T Heresies
JILL POSENER is a British photographer and the author of two books, Louder Than Words (Pandora Press, 1986) and Spray It Loud (RKP, 1982), both documenting billboard graffiti in England and Australia.
##A 01 86610 483
##T The Second Stage
The Second Stage
The Second Stage continues the obdurately fair appraisal of the relationship between the sexes begun twenty years ago in The Feminine Mystique. Fair in that Betty Friedan doesn’t let women off the hook. She foresees a positive synthesis emerging from the women’s movement and proclaims that it is not for women only. So she doesn’t exempt men from the opportunity to change, either.
There’s a lot to quibble with in Friedan — she’s straight, she has odd blind spots around lesbianism, race, culture, and ecology, and she extrapolates from the present in a rather linear way. She is, however, aware of the extent to which the megainstitutions like the State and Capitalism have gone haywire, and that makes for a fairly meaningful larger context.
##A 01 87024 484
##T The Second Stage
Attitudes aside, though, the valuable thing about Friedan is that she exerts herself and derives her conclusions and prescriptions from reality: she reports research on the positive psychological
(and physical!) consequences of feminism; she discusses surveys in which women recount their experience and opinions of their changing working and parenting arrangements. In addition to recounting other peoples’ discoveries, Friedan has traveled widely
and observantly and made some of her own. Her account of what’s going on at West Point now that women are being admitted is an arresting example.
The Second Stage, if not a completely visionary book, is an essential one. It is both forward-looking and cautionary.
##A 01 87225 485
##T The Second Stage
Assessing the moment and the future, Friedan points out that the improved access to opportunity enjoyed by today’s career women (many of whom disclaim feminism) was hard-won by feminists a decade ago, and is now jeopardized by reactionaries. It never hurts to be reminded that eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.
— Stephanie Mills
##A 01 87432 486
##T The Second Stage
Betty Friedan
Revised Edition 1986; 346 pp.
ISBN 0671630644
$8.95 ($9.95 postpaid)
Simon & Schuster
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 01 87656 487
##T The Second Stage
Do they really want to force women to have more children? Do they really want to outlaw abortion? Or do they want to keep pushing it as a diversionary issue, twisting and manipulating the agonizing conflicts people can’t help facing now, about the costs and problems of having children, and their own values of life — diverting the rage away from those who profiteer from inflation, with sexual, “moral” red herrings? But the power of their campaign, and the rage they are able to divert against those who speak openly and honestly about the choices all must make now, comes, at least in part, from the pain and the deep insult to their human core that people may be truly experiencing as they are manipulated deeper and deeper into the depersonalizing material rat race, losing control of their lives. The very rhetoric of the first stage
“pro-abortion” campaign exacerbated or played into that rage.
##A 01 183506 488
##T Dreaming the Dark
Dreaming the Dark
Starhawk is a witch, and Dreaming the Dark is a thoughtful exposition of paganism — the timeless and eternally new “old religion,” witchcraft, which was the religious practice of men and women before god was extricated from immanence, unsurprisingly becoming a patriarch in the process. The politics of male sky-god religion parallel the politics of female oppression, which is why it is no coincidence that a lot of good churchmen once tortured hundreds of wise women (and men) to death in order to confirm spirituality as the franchise of a masculine elite. In spite of all that, magic never died. Dreaming the Dark is convincing propaganda against hierarchy of any sort, religious or temporal, and for high anarchy. It’s also a straightforward introduction to the philosophy and practice of magic.
##A 01 184054 489
##T Dreaming the Dark
Starhawk’s magic is a spiritual path, a tried-and-true method of nonegocentric self-realization and community building; a practice of awakening and acknowledging the divine power immanent within each of us, that awakening not mediated by hierarchy, that power not apart from human beings.
Starhawk synthesizes insights from psychology, sociology, history, and religion, and in her appendix on the witch-burning times of the
“Renaissance” achieves brilliance without resort to detailing the horrors of that era. Dreaming the Dark is the most effective argument I’ve seen that the personal is the political. Hence it points to the way of integrity. On that way, we must dream, not
deny, the dark in life, the dark in us, and hallow the earthly,
##A 01 184177 490
##T Dreaming the Dark
lifegiving powers of sex and gender. If we continue to alienate and project those parts of our being, they will turn on us and we will perish, shattered.
The how of dreaming the dark is simple, interesting, and valuable. During her ten years in a coven, and through her work as a therapist and political activist, Starhawk has developed an organic sense of group and individual psychodynamics. She stresses our mortal need for community, offering what others might term a systems theory or family therapy approach to social change. She relates her understanding in good instruction on fostering the life and work of any group, sharing her experiences
in therapy, in the craft, and in jail for her protest, with unstinting
##A 01 184556 491
##T Dreaming the Dark
self-honesty. Persons of all genders, religions, and politics interested in healing self or planet would do well to avail themselves of this extraordinary text.
— Stephanie Mills
##A 01 184624 492
##T Dreaming the Dark
(Magic, Sex & Politics)
1982; 242 pp.
ISBN 0807010014
$9.95 ($11.95 postpaid)
Harper & Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 01 184926 493
##T Dreaming the Dark
We must demand that our politics serve our sexuality. Too often, we have asked sexuality to serve politics instead. Ironically, the same movements that have criticized sexual repression and bourgeois morality have themselves too often tried to mold their sexual feeling to serve the current political theory. This tradition includes nineteenth century revolutionary asceticism, the New Left’s demand that women practice free love (meaning sex without involvement), the fear of lesbianism in the early women’s movement, and the mandatory separatist line taken by some in the later women’s movement. Too many generations have asked: What do my politics tell me I should feel? The better question is: What do I, at my root, at my core, desire?
##A 01 27251 494
##A 01 52092 495
##T Peace Politics
##A 01 16369 496
##T Peace Corps
Peace Corps
Ivan Illich once commented rather impolitely that righteously inclined Americans would do more good if they worked at local
U.S.A. problems instead of imposing themselves on foreign hosts.
(My own experience abroad agrees; I suspect a contribution of my air fare money would have done more good than I did.) Nonetheless, there are certainly places where spirited yet humble application of expertise can help. If you want to get into this line of work, the Peace Corps is probably your best bet, but there are many other possibilities — especially church groups. “Doing time” is one of the best ways to learn.
— J. Baldwin
##A 01 17209 497
##T Peace Corps
If the Peace Corps were ten percent as effective in saving the world as its ads imply, then the fact that 110,000 volunteers have now returned from overseas would indicate that world salvation was in the bag. However, Peace Corps ads are more effective than the Peace Corps itself. So despite the genuine and highly publicized successes of the rare “super volunteer” — the term we had in Ecuador for the one guy who beat the odds — the third world is more deeply mired in poverty, oppression, and debt than when JFK launched the organization in 1961.
Also, the Peace Corps remains forever aligned with U.S. foreign policy, e.g., it has returned to Grenada, and is long gone from
Nicaragua. So why join an outfit that marches to the same beat as
##A 01 140457 498
##T Peace Corps
the State Department and has no significant effect on lessening the woes of the underprivileged? Because the Peace Corps offers something that isn’t emphasized in their ads, and definitely isn’t available here at home — a close look at under-development, or life at the bottom of the food chain. Understanding how the rest of the world lives can be a mind opener.
Should you take the gamble, realize that the charm of native life will disappear the first day you see the village you’ve been assigned to; but you’ll still receive basic language training, an excellent salary (by your coworkers’ standards), a month’s vacation each year plus travel allowance, access to good medical care ... and finally a $175 readjustment allowance for each month
##A 01 140721 499
##T Peace Corps
of service when you return home.
In other words, you’ll experience the living conditions and poverty that the world’s majority lives in, without having to really eat it.
I know of no other organization that can offer such an opportunity, and anyone interested in languages, politics, and the human condition, or just serious travel (as opposed to tourism) should consider this option.
Don’t plan on changing the world though, just yourself.
— Dick Fugett
##A 01 140804 500
##T Peace Corps
Information free from:
Peace Corps
806 Connecticut Avenue
Room P-301
Washington, DC 20526
800-424-8580 ext. 93
##A 01 56122 501
##T Gandhi on Non-Violence
Gandhi on Non-Violence
You might as well go straight to the fountainhead and listen to the piercing words of the humblest servant of nonviolence, Mahatma Gandhi. No one else’s example in modern times has so radically shifted so many people’s lives (mine included) as this “half-naked” saint. The late Thomas Merton, a Christian monk with his own inspiring life of nonviolence, selected the few statements Gandhi wrote down of his experiment in truth for this slim volume. As Gandhi said, “Nonviolence cannot be preached. It has to be practiced.”
— Kevin Kelly
##A 01 56502 502
##T Gandhi on Non-Violence
Reading Gandhi’s words is scary. They will start something in your mind and break down barriers of “that’s impossible” and then you don’t know what your life will do. New British officials in old India were told, “Stay away from Gandhi. He’ll get you.” Don’t speak to him personally, were the instructions, don’t listen to him
speak from a crowd. Because he said “always ally yourself
with the part of your enemy that knows what is right” and he knew how to do it. He also knew that what is right is inherently possible, and he’ll make you think that, too.
— Anne Herbert
##A 01 56586 503
##T Gandhi on Non-Violence
Thomas Merton, Editor
1965, 1986; 82 pp.
ISBN 0811200973
$4.95 ($5.95 postpaid)
New Directions
80 Eighth Avenue
New York, NY 10011
##A 01 57002 504
##T Gandhi on Non-Violence
To me it is a self-evident truth that if freedom is to be shared equally by all — even physically the weakest, the lame and the halt — they must be able to contribute an equal share in its defense. How that can be possible when reliance is placed on armaments, my plebian mind fails to understand. I therefore swear and shall continue to swear by non-violence, i.e., by satyagraha, or soul force. In it physical incapacity is no handicap, and even a frail woman or a child can pit herself or himself on equal terms against a giant armed with the most powerful weapons.
Merely to refuse military service is not enough. . . . This is [to act] after all the time for combating evil is practically gone.
I do not appreciate any underground activity. Millions cannot go underground. Millions need not.
##A 01 57095 505
##T Gandhi on Non-Violence
Non-Violence in Great Nations?
If they can shed the fear of destruction, if they disarm themselves, they will automatically help the rest to regain their sanity. But then these great powers will have to give up their imperialistic ambitions and their exploitation of the so-called uncivilized or semi-civilized nations of the earth and revise their mode of life. It means a complete revolution.
We have all — rulers and ruled — been living so long in a stifling, unnatural atmosphere that we might well feel in the beginning that we have lost the lungs for breathing the invigorating ozone of freedom.
Under no circumstances can India and England give non-violent resistance a reasonable chance while they are both maintaining full military efficiency.
##A 01 57400 506
##T Gandhi on Non-Violence
Non-violent opposition:
1) It implies not wishing ill.
2) It includes total refusal to cooperate with or participate in activities of the unjust group, even to eating food that comes from them.
3) It is of no avail to those without living faith in the God of love and love for all mankind.
4) He who practices it must be ready to sacrifice everything except his honor.
5) It must pervade everything and not be applied merely to isolated acts.
##A 01 55003 507
##T The Evolution of Cooperation
The Evolution of Cooperation
The “Prisoner’s Dilemma” is a situation where two individuals can choose to cooperate with each other or not cooperate (defect). If they both cooperate they each get three points. If they both defect they each get one point. If one cooperates and one defects, the cooperator gets zero and the defector gets five. Author Robert Axelrod uses this non-zero-sum game to explain the arms race, international relations and the interaction of regulatory agencies with those they regulate.
First the good news: in a population of individuals interested in their own welfare, where no central authority exists, it pays to cooperate. Cooperative rules “won” over noncooperative ones in simulated iterations.
##A 01 55050 508
##T The Evolution of Cooperation
Now the bad: in the same situations it also pays to be provokable
(to defect in retaliation). Rules that were totally cooperative without retaliation did not win.
There is little value for complexity here. The best strategy is simple enough to be readily recognized by another player. No strategy is a winning strategy by itself. It can only be judged by its interaction with other strategies.
— Judith Brophy
The universe in a grain of sand. The grain is a mathematical/socio-logical paradox, much studied, called “Prisoner’s Dilemma.” The
##A 01 45596 509
##T The Evolution of Cooperation
universe is the one we might survive into if these lessons are believed and applied. Scholarly tour-de-force.
— Stewart Brand
##A 01 55429 510
##T The Evolution of Cooperation
Robert Axelrod
1984; 241 pp.
ISBN 0465021212
$8.95 ($9.95 postpaid)
Harper & Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 01 55783 511
##T The Evolution of Cooperation
The foundation of cooperation is not really trust, but the durability of the relationship. . . . Whether the players trust each other or not is less important in the long run than whether the conditions are ripe for them to build a stable pattern of cooperation with each other.
##A 01 165030 512
##T Center for Innovative Diplomacy (CID)
Center for Innovative Diplomacy (CID)
Whether through sister-city relationships, trade agreements, nuclear free zones, cultural exchanges, or sanctuary for Central American refugees, localities are increasingly getting involved in foreign policy.
The Center for Innovative Diplomacy tracks, analyzes, and promotes this encouraging trend in participatory democracy. Their Bulletin of Municipal Foreign Policy reports on international affairs at the local level and debates conservatives who believe foreign policy is strictly a federal matter. The Bulletin is organized by foreign policy topics and regions so it’s easy to find the latest news on arms control, Central America, civil defense, or South Africa (among other topics); organizational contact
##A 01 33976 513
##T Center for Innovative Diplomacy (CID)
addresses are also provided.
Membership in CID gets you the quarterly Bulletin and newsletter CID Report, and connects you to a network of elected officials who are working on foreign policy in their localities.
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 01 165187 514
##T Center for Innovative Diplomacy (CID)
Membership $35/year
(includes quarterly
CID Report and Bulletin of Municipal Foreign Policy)
Information free
with SASE from:
Center for Innovative Diplomacy
17931 F Skypark Circle
Irvine, CA 92714
##A 01 165633 515
##T Center for Innovative Diplomacy (CID)
According to the Logan Act, no U.S. citizen may “directly or indirectly” correspond with or meet with “any foreign government . . . with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government . . . in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States.” Any citizen who violates these rules awaits up to three years in jail and a five thousand dollar fine.
The Logan Act remains a living testament to our government’s resistance to citizen diplomacy and, indeed, all democratic participation in foreign policy. So long as the act exists, it is a potential snakepit that someday can — and will — be used against citizen diplomats. If citizen diplomacy is to become a regular tool for American foreign policy, we should prepare to jettison the Logan Act once and for all.
##A 01 97500 516
##T PeaceNet
This computer messaging service hosts over a hundred online conferences for peace and social activist groups: the National Freeze Campaign, the Christic Institute, the Central America Resource Network, the Center for Innovative Diplomacy, Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space, etc. It’s worth joining not just for the news-postings and calendars of events
(e.g. American Peace Test’s schedule of nuclear blasts at the Nevada test site), but because participating groups often use PeaceNet to administer themselves. It’s a treat to follow discussions of internal issues, goals, strategies and tactics, and most times kibitzers can add their two cents. Openness is an important principle for many of these groups; PeaceNet makes
that ideal both practicable and involving. (The system has
##A 01 97815 517
##T PeaceNet
limited-access sections and electronic mail facilities, too.)
— Robert Horvitz
##A 01 98228 518
##T PeaceNet
Reachable in larger cities through Telenet, after a sign-up fee of $10, the cost is $10 per month, plus $5 per hour (off-peak) and .005 cents per kilobyte for disk storage in excess of 100k. Groups get discounts.
Institute for Global Communications
3228 Sacramento Street
San Francisco, CA 94115
##A 01 52431 519
##T Mediation
##A 01 8071 520
By Jake Warner
These days many people try to avoid our formal court system as they might avoid a rabid skunk, and for the most part, they are right. Taking a dispute to court (small claims court excepted) normally involves a major expenditure of money, a lot of time, at least as much anxiety, and, in the end, usually disappointment.
The hopelessness of resolving any dispute through civil litigation has spawned a considerable industry dedicated to solving disputes in other ways.
Called Alternative Dispute Resolution (or ADR), this movement advocates the private resolution of disputes. One of ADR’s
##A 01 8437 521
principal techniques is mediation (arbitration is another) in
which the disputing parties arrive at their own solution with the help of a mediator who has no power to impose a decision but who plays a considerable role in helping the parties do so.
Today there are over 200 community-based groups formed to mediate disputes. Some deal with landlord-tenant disputes, others with domestic problems, and many, such as the truly creative Community Board Program in San Francisco, focus on the sorts of corrosive neighborhood disputes that have never been handled by the formal court system because there was no profit in doing so.
Mediation’s popularity has grown quickly in the last decade, not
##A 01 8552 522
only because it is quicker and cheaper than going to court, but because for many types of disputes, especially domestic ones, it
also produces better solutions. This is because courts are peculiarly ill-equipped to deal with the emotional freight that accompanies the legal issues in most domestic disputes. For example, when it comes to arguments over child custody and visitation (conflicts where the emotional issues routinely dwarf the legal ones), the court often ignores how people feel in its attempt to impose a legally correct solution. This, of course, misses the point so egregiously that although the principal legal correctness is well served, the parties themselves are typically left angry and bitter, not to mention broke.
##A 01 8931 523
A good mediator, on the other hand, approaches a domestic dispute much differently, often patiently listening to hours of angry recriminations, emotional outbursts, and assorted ill feeling
(none of which would be admissible in court), as an essential first step to helping the disputants focus on fashioning a joint solution. If it turns out that the parties agree to joint custody only if the assets of a jointly owned business are divided 60-40 (instead of the 50-50 that a court might be legally bound to impose under the circumstances), and one spouse agrees to always say ten “Hail Marys” before putting the kids to bed, so be it.
Mediation not only offers disputants a chance to try to resolve their disputes by sitting down with a person skilled in
##A 01 9122 524
encouraging and directing dialogue, it also increases the odds that once the dispute is settled, the disputants will still be on speaking terms. This is because if the mediation of a particular dispute is to succeed, both parties must necessarily agree that their most important concerns have been dealt with. In other words, the disputants almost always complete a successful mediation in a win-win posture — rather than the win-lose one of a contested court case — and the result often serves as a springboard for good future dealings.
The adversary system encourages people to overstate their claims and often results in bitter lying contests. Once people have
testified in open court about how horrible the other party is, not
##A 01 9242 525
to mention having experienced the paranoia and expense of a full-scale trial, there is little likelihood they will ever again have a constructive relationship. Thus, in many domestic, small business, and neighbor law disputes, even the winner ends up losing.
Mediation doesn’t always work because, after all, it relies on the parties to compromise their own dispute. What if they don’t? Unlike a court or arbitration process, there is no authority figure to impose a decision. If the parties can’t agree, they have to start over with another type of dispute resolution, usually either
arbitration (a simplified and quick procedure when compared to court, but still based on the adversary model) or a formal court
##A 01 9590 526
action. Still, the parties haven’t lost anything, except small
amounts of time and money, by trying mediation.
I’m an advocate of using mediation to solve many types of disputes. I routinely include a mediation clause in the contracts I write as part of my business, Nolo Press. The reason is simple. Aside from the fact that I can’t afford the time and expense of going to court, I usually don’t want to jeopardize long-term relationships with people I work with over one, or even a series, of disputes. And even when I think a particular person is such an unreconstructible idiot that I will never again risk a close relationship with him, I have been in the book business long enough to know that it’s sufficiently incestuous that I will inevitably cross this person’s
##A 01 9809 527
path again. In other words, it is in my selfish interest to be open
about participating in a mediation session if for no other reason than to diffuse the wrath of a potential enemy.
Besides small business and domestic disputes, mediation is generally very useful when three factors come together. The first, as discussed, is the need of the disputants to continue to relate to one another; the second is the desirability of keeping the dispute
private; and the third is when the parties to the dispute are relatively equal in terms of power and sophistication. For example, many neighbor arguments over such things as decrepit fences, overgrown trees and wayward pets and kids meet all three of these tests and are naturals for mediation.
##A 01 10043 528
Mediation, for all its virtues, is simply not appropriate to handle David vs. Goliath disputes. This is true whether the power imbalance occurs in a domestic situation (one divorcing spouse is a lawyer and the other a Balinese dancer and recent immigrant), a business dispute or the sort of consumer problem inherent in a dispute with a large drug company over the side effects produced by one of their products.
Okay, suppose you have a problem, or think you might in the future — how do you set up a mediation session? It’s obviously crucial that you locate a mediator both parties have confidence in. I have found that in small business disputes, this isn’t usually difficult; the disputants are usually acquainted with a broad cross-section
##A 01 10446 529
of knowledgeable people who have some mediation experience and who will take on the job at a reasonable fee to be divided by the parties. I should note that, in my experience, while mediation experience is very valuable, it’s usually at least as important that the mediator be knowledgeable about the particular field. Thus, if a software designer and publisher are arguing about the error checking ability of a particular program, it will help greatly if the
mediator knows something about how the software business works as well as having skills in helping people resolve disputes.
When it comes to domestic disputes, it’s obviously crucial to find a mediator who both parties feel is unbiased. Part of the problem here is that the disputants are commonly so angry at each other
##A 01 10534 530
that they find it hard to agree on anything. Finding a good mediator is also complicated by the fact that many of the mediation services listed in the yellow pages and other business and service directories are not trustworthy. Often these people are simply lawyers with little or no mediation training who aggressively handle contested divorce trials in the morning and pretend to be sensitive mediators in the afternoon. Sooner or later the basic
law school training of these people will seep out and they will try to impose a decision on the parties. However, I have found that lawyers who have undergone the rigorous training sessions offered by the Center for Mediation in Law are usually an exception to this general rule.
##A 01 10899 531
Unfortunately, there is also a risk in turning domestic mediation over to psychologists and other nonlawyer mediators. While normally very helpful when it comes to disputes around child custody and visitation, many of these people do not know enough law to flag situations in which an unsophisticated spouse is
willing to give up fundamental rights without sufficient
knowledge of what these rights really are. Probably the best way to find a genuinely good mediator is to talk to people working in the field and then to get and carefully check references. A nonprofit, community-based mediation group in your area is probably a good place to get a referral, even if they don’t handle the type of problem you are concerned with.
##A 01 11182 532
A word of caution: a few years ago, the ADR movement generally, and those advocating mediation in particular, was dominated by idealistic reformers, people who correctly saw the adversary court system as creating more disputes than it solved and charging outrageously for the privilege. These pioneers genuinely
wanted to substitute a more humane and honest approach to conflict resolution to help disputants arrive at their own compromise rather than to rely on an authority figure such as a judge to impose a solution. By 1980, over fifty community-based mediation and conciliation groups were operating in communities in the U.S. In addition, a plethora of individuals and small groups was working in the domestic relations area. Almost all the community-based and domestic relations mediation programs are
##A 01 11270 533
run on a shoestring by dedicated people, many of whom quite sensibly have a strong (sometimes almost religious) conviction that in community and domestic disputes, consensual, conciliatory techniques are a major improvement over the adversarial posturing of lawyers in the courtroom.
But the idealistic roots of the Alternative Dispute Resolution movement are currently being challenged. For better or worse (and it’s not yet completely clear which), the ADR field is fast changing from being a sacred cow for legal reformers to a cash cow for a whole new group of legal entrepreneurs (hustlers is a better name for some of them). In dozens of communities, lawyers and business people are entering what amounts to the private court business.
##A 01 11615 534
From personal injury litigation to disputes with health clubs, from contested divorces to major corporate litigation, these private for-profit groups, with names like “Arbitration Services” and “EnDispute,” sell ADR services as if they were a commodity. Not surprisingly, many of these for-profit ADR corporations are run by lawyers.
While it’s too early to say that turning alternative dispute resolution over to people whose main line is the bottom line will be fatal to the movement, warning flags are definitely flying. One reason for this is the alacrity with which the new ADR entrepreneurs are climbing into bed with large corporations which are frequently sued, such as insurance companies and
##A 01 11852 535
manufacturers of consumer goods. These corporations view mediation as a way to escape million-dollar jury awards in personal injury and product liability cases. It galls me to hear these big business interests, which regularly tout aggressiveness as an effective business technique, suddenly espousing the consensual virtues of mediation and arbitration as a better and cheaper way to resolve disputes.
At the very least, the marriage of ADR and the American business establishment causes one to ask from whose pocket the big savings will come. According to the ADR capitalists, savings result from the fact that ADR techniques vastly reduce attorney fees and court expenses. This makes a certain amount of sense;
##A 01 12238 536
after all, studies have shown that in some types of litigation such as asbestos cases, up to 70 percent of all settlements have ended up in the pockets of lawyers. However, many people, including Ralph Nader and anthropologist Laura Nader, who has written widely about the ADR field, challenge these assertions. They argue that the prime reason business interests are climbing on the ADR bandwagon is that less money will be transferred from corporate
pockets to injured consumers who have given up their right to sue in a regular court in exchange for an inadequate alternative. Or, as Laura Nader recently asked in a public television debate: can a person who is severely injured when their car loses its wheels going 60 mph on the interstate really hope to get a meaningful settlement against the manufacturer in a relatively short,
##A 01 12452 537
informal ADR setting? And even if the injured party’s monetary needs are met, will society as a whole be well served by an essentially private proceeding? Doesn’t society as a whole benefit from a public trial and a large headline-grabbing judgment when it comes to getting a car manufacturer to put the wheels on better?
I think that for all their genuine virtues, mediation and probably most other ADR techniques are not well-suited to handling disputes between consumers and powerful business interests. The danger is that ADR may soon be unfairly discredited if it is oversold as a solution to the current tort law crisis. I would hate to see this happen because for many other disputes, mediation
##A 01 12675 538
really is a wonderfully effective problem-solving technique, especially when compared to the alternative of hiring a lawyer with a fast mouth, a taste for BMWs, and a belief that aggressive presentation in court is a good way to resolve a problem.
##A 01 198829 539
National Association for Community Justice
For a list of community-based groups formed to mediate disputes contact:
National Association for Community Justice
149 Ninth Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
##A 01 199525 540
Center for Mediation in Law
Information from:
Center for Mediation in Law
34 Forrest
Mill Valley, CA 94941
##A 01 134816 541
##T Getting to Yes
Getting to Yes
This book on negotiation comes as a great personal relief to me and may well to you. I’ve always avoided situations that involved bargaining because of all the dishonesty that seemed to be required. When I was forced, by life, to bargain anyway, I usually did poorly, which reinforced my reluctance. All that is now cured by this modest 163 pages of exceptional insight and clarity.
The point is to negotiate on principle, not pressure — on mutual search for mutually discernible objectivity, patiently and firmly putting aside every other gambit. The book is a landmark, already a bible for international negotiators but just as useful for deciding which movie to see tonight or which school to send the family scion to.
##A 01 135667 542
##T Getting to Yes
Getting to Yes is a model in every way of ideal how-to writing.
— Stewart Brand
##A 01 135754 543
##T Getting to Yes
(Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In)
Roger Fisher & William Ury
1981; 163 pp.
ISBN 0395317576
$12.95 ($13.95 postpaid)
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Attn.: Mail Order
Wayside Road
Burlington, MA 01803
##A 01 136185 544
##T Getting to Yes
A good case can be made for changing Woodrow Wilson’s appealing slogan “Open covenants openly arrived at” to “Open covenants privately arrived at.” No matter how many people are involved in a negotiation, important decisions are typically made when no more than two people are in the room.
A variation on the procedure of “one cuts, the other chooses” is for the parties to negotiate what they think is a fair arrangement before they go on to decide their respective roles in it. In a divorce negotiation, for example, before deciding which parent will get custody of the children, the parents might agree on the visiting rights of the other parent. This gives both an incentive to agree on visitation rights each will think fair.
##A 01 136193 545
##T Getting to Yes
A good negotiator rarely makes an important decision on the spot. The psychological pressure to be nice and to give in is too great. A little time and distance help
separate the people from the problem. A good negotiator comes to the table with a credible reason in his pocket for leaving when he wants. Such a reason should not indicate passivity or inability to make a decision.
##A 01 136934 546
##T Community Conflict Resolution Training Manual
Community Conflict Resolution Training Manual
There are hundreds of mediation groups in the U.S. Some specialize in a narrow type of dispute. Others are the quasi-official arms of juvenile or domestic relations courts. (California and several other states require court-sponsored mediation of all contested child custody lawsuits.) Perhaps the group with the broadest vision of the full range of disputes is the Community Board Program, founded and directed by Roy Shonholtz. Headquartered in San Francisco, this organization has helped start similar groups in two dozen other communities. They offer topnotch training sessions (run periodically at different locations around the country), designed for both community people and professionals. These folks also publish a number of newsletters, manuals, and videotapes.
— Jake Warner
##A 01 137119 547
##T Community Conflict Resolution Training Manual
Judith Lynch, Editor
1984; 89 pp.
$25 from:
The Community Board Program, Inc.
149 Ninth Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
415- 552-1250
##A 01 137323 548
##T Community Conflict Resolution Training Manual
More Effective Listening Techniques
• Stop Talking: You can’t listen while you are talking.
• Empathize: Try to put yourself in the other’s place so you can understand what he is trying to communicate and why it matters to him.
• Ask Questions: When you don’t understand, when you need more explanation, when you want to show that you are listening, ask. But don’t ask questions to embarrass or show up the speaker.
• Be Patient: Don’t rush people; give them time to say what they have to say.
##A 01 137619 549
##T Community Conflict Resolution Training Manual
People in Conflict Will Use the Panel Process When:
• The benefits of resolving their dispute through conciliation are apparent.
• They believe that they can resolve their conflicts by using the Panel process.
• They are convinced that their conflict should be resolved, and that neighborhood conciliation is their best alternative.
• They realize that the program will respond to their dispute quickly and at no cost.
##A 01 28191 550
##T The Mediation Process
The Mediation Process
This is the best and most accessible general text in the field. I particularly like it because there is relatively little material on the general wonders of mediation, but lots of specifics on how mediation sessions should be conducted. Although Moore probably overdoes it a bit when he divides a typical mediation into twelve stages (a half dozen would surely serve as well), I found it a real learning experience to follow him through each.
— Jake Warner
##A 01 31678 551
##T The Mediation Process
(Practical Strategies for Resolving Conflict)
Christopher W. Moore
1986; 348 pp.
ISBN 0875896731
$24.95 ($26.95 postpaid)
Jossey-Bass Publishers
350 Sansome Street
San Francisco, CA 94104
##A 01 170162 552
##T The Mediation Process
“Mediation” is an extension and elaboration of the negotiation process. Mediation involves the intervention of an acceptable, impartial, and neutral third party who has no authoritative decision-making power to assist contending parties in voluntarily reaching their own mutually acceptable settlement of issues in dispute. As with negotiation, mediation leaves the decision-making power in the hands of the people in conflict. Mediation is a voluntary process in that the participants must be willing to accept the assistance of the intervenor if the dispute is to be resolved. Mediation is usually initiated when the parties no longer believe that they can handle the conflict on their own and when the only means of resolution appears to involve impartial third-party assistance.
##A 01 40151 553
##T Mediation Quarterly
Mediation Quarterly
There are dozens of local mediation-oriented newsletters popping up, but this is the best.
An effective sense of timing is the essential element that enables the professional mediator to give opposing parties the opportunity to shift their positions with the maximum possible protection of their vital interests. The mediator must feel and know precisely when to recommend that the parties move part way on an issue, all the way, or not at all.
People are not born with a fully developed sense of timing. They learn it, to a greater or lesser degree, through life experiences. Learning a sense of timing begins as an infant, when one cries to have needs satisfied. As the person grows and interfaces with family members, playmates, classmates, teachers, and neighbors, the sense of timing is refined. In every personal interaction where one person asks another for a positive response to a request, the timing of the request can be seemingly instinctive. On closer examination, one sees that a sense of timing really develops out of long experience with the trial-and-error system of asking for things and not receiving
##A 01 243174 556
##T Mediation Quarterly
them for any number of reasons, most of which were because such requests were made at the wrong time.
It is not uncommon for experienced mediators to sense the key to settlement very
early in the process. No matter how correct the mediator’s instincts may be, that solution will not be accepted until the conditions are right. If the move is untimely, the solution can seldom, if ever, be used again, and the entire process may have to be repeated.
##A 01 53076 557
##T War
##A 01 63300 558
##T Soldier of Fortune
Soldier of Fortune
Repulsive, ghoulish, brutal, sickening. That’s war. And that’s often the response to this notorious magazine that serves as a clubhouse for self-avowed mercenaries and gung-ho warriors. The talk is of guns and guns and bigger weapons, strategies, and heroics. Us against them. But war is really the enemy we should be fighting. Know thy enemy, portrayed unflinchingly in these pages.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 01 63652 559
##T Soldier of Fortune
Robert K. Brown, Editor
ISSN 01456784
$26/year(12 issues)
Soldier of Fortune
Subscription Dept.
P. O. Box 348
Mount Morris, IL 61054
##A 01 63973 560
##T Soldier of Fortune
Terrorism Training . . .
The opening of Iran’s new “College of Information and Security” was approved 19 January by Iranian officials in a high-level Tehran meeting. . . . A class of 250 will begin training in April, various SOF sources report, who
say instruction will prepare students for careers in Iranian
intelligence — and terrorism. . . . Fifty and possibly more students will come from Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, sources told the magazine.
There’s little doubt the Warsaw Pact powers will be our opponent should another major conflict occur, and our entire defense doctrine is based upon that premise. How
can we best prepare our troops for that possibility? Simple. Create our own pseudo-Soviet adversary, train him with Soviet doctrine, arm and equip him with Soviet gear, and pit him against our own regular Army forces.
##A 01 61163 561
##T The War Atlas
The War Atlas
The current placement and strength of armies and weapon systems; the fruits of wars already waged; the flow of the arms trade — all these rather dry yet scary statistics are here converted into handsome, multicolored maps which effortlessly make the obscure clear. If, like me, you’ve been questioning whether we really need yet another dozen or two books examining the arms race and nuclear dilemma to the point of utter redundancy, you’ll probably find The War Atlas conveys most of the same information in a much more interesting form.
— Jay Kinney
##A 01 61319 562
##T The War Atlas
(Armed Conflict-Armed Peace)
Michael Kidron and Dan Smith
1983; 120 pp.
ISBN 0671472534
$9.95 ($11.20 postpaid)
Simon & Schuster
Mail Order Sales
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 01 195620 563
##T The War Atlas
Martyred Earth
As fighting forces become more technically sophisticated they damage each other relatively less and nature relatively more.
##A 01 62167 564
##T How to Make War
How to Make War
Did you ever wonder what would really happen if our navy and the Russian navy went to war? Or perhaps you would like to know just how much a war would cost (monetarily). Whatever your interest, if it concerns the implements, components, and probabilities of war, James F. Dunnigan has covered it in How to Make War. I couldn’t put this book down. It makes the defense budget debates much more transparent and infuriating.
— Hal Ham
##A 01 62331 565
##T How to Make War
James F. Dunnigan
Updated Edition 1988; 442 pp.
ISBN 0688019757
$8.95 ($9.95 postpaid)
Morrow Publishing Co.
Wilmor Warehouse
39 Plymouth Street
Fairfield, NJ 07006
##A 01 62692 566
##T How to Make War
Most men do not enter combat thinking they will be killed or injured. In warfare during this century, the odds of serving in the infantry during combat and being uninjured have been less than one in three. If potential recruits knew their chances, it would be much more difficult to get anyone into the infantry.
Indeed, given a choice, many would volunteer for any other branch of the armed forces to avoid the infantry. Most other branches are no more dangerous than civilian life. Even the armor and artillery branches offer a better-than-even chance of seeing a war’s end uninjured.
The cost of fighting a war today will be substantially higher than for peacetime operations. This is largely due to the high cost of ammunition. Currently a ton of conventional ammunition costs about $7000. A ton of missile munitions costs over half a million dollars. Some improved conventional munitions (ICM) cost ten
##A 01 62783 567
##T How to Make War
times more than standard shells and bombs. The high cost of the more expensive munitions represents two things. One is the greater developmental cost. Second, their greater complexity requires much more labor during manufacturing. Under wartime conditions, economies of scale could reduce their cost by five or more times. Still, the price of an average ton of munitions could still be $22,000 or more.
Drones and remotely piloted vehicles (RPVs) are pilotless aircraft. A drone flies a preprogrammed course, sometimes with onboard navigation equipment to correct any flight deviations. An RPV is controlled from the ground. With electronic warfare becoming ever more intense, the advantages of the drones over RPVs have increased. An RPV’s link with its ground controller can be jammed. A drone is impervious to such jamming.
##A 01 111866 568
##T How to Make War
The rationale for such aircraft is simple; you don’t lose a pilot if a drone is shot down. . . . However, there is a major problem. One man’s technological breakthrough is another man’s threat. Drones threaten to take away pilot jobs.
Few people in the air forces will come right out and say this. But halfhearted enthusiasm for drones can be traced back to pilots’ unease over their becoming too effective. This is ironic, as the air forces themselves had to fight similar prejudice in their early years.
##A 01 28136 569
##A 01 56056 570
##T Sustainable Technology
##A 01 193526 571
Gimme some numbers! And that’s just what you get from these folks as they attempt to discover and understand the flow of energy and resources through society. They’re doing our homework for us.
— J. Baldwin
##A 01 40973 572
##T Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI)
Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI)
Since its humble beginnings in 1982, RMI (Amory and Hunter Lovins, props.) has shown the way in energy and resource management research; I’ll let them explain themselves:
“Because the problems of the world cannot be solved by piecemeal thinking, the interdisciplinary staff of 20 emphasizes synthesis. RMI has documented, for example, how least-cost energy strategies can inhibit nuclear proliferation, abate acid rain, save wild rivers, rescue troubled utilities, cut electric rates, forestall the CO2 threat to global climate, make farms and industries more profitable, rebuild distressed local economies, and save enough money to pay off the National Debt by 2000.”
##A 01 41323 573
##T Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI)
Fact is that RMI has actually done much of the above, or at least made a good start. A host of corporations and governments have taken their advice to heart because it’s based on the same information and methodology used by conventional analysts (who have not been paying attention). I recommend the RMI newsletter highly, though it makes many of us sound like lazy bums by comparison. The RMI record is both a marvel and an inspiration.
— J. Baldwin
##A 01 41662 574
##T Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI)
Jon Klusmire, Editor
Publications list free;
Newsletter(4 issues) free
Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI)
1739 Snowmass Creek Road
Old Snowmass, CO 81654-9199
##A 01 41737 575
##T Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI)
A sample “supply curve” from Peter Butler’s recent research shows that installing 1-gallon toilets, faucet aerators, and 2-gallon/minute showerheads without charge would cost Aspen, Colorado minus $5 million in 20-year present value, because the energy savings on hot water would more than pay for the whole program. The actual benefit would be bigger: the city wouldn’t have to expand its water and wastewater systems.
##A 01 42435 576
##T The Regeneration Project
The Regeneration Project
This project is based on a simple truth: if you import products, food, and energy into your area, you export money out of your local economy. Not good. Not efficient. Dumb, even. The Regeneration Project offers the analytic and organizing skills to counter such forces. The idea is to maximize conservation where possible, then minimize imports by making, repairing, or growing what you need locally, locally. The project is increasingly successful because it works — not surprising with the hand of Robert Rodale involved.
— J. Baldwin
##A 01 42615 577
##T The Regeneration Project
Marilyn Stevens, Editor
$15/year (bi-monthly newsletter)
Publications list free
The Regeneration Project
33 East Minor Street
Emmaus, PA 18098
##A 01 119642 578
##T The Regeneration Project
“Little Miss Muffet sat on her tuffet eating her curds and whey, when along came a spider and sat down beside her and frightened Miss Muffet away.”
For some farmers in northern Pennsylvania about 10 years ago, the “spider” was a government agricultural regulation that discouraged small milking operations. It forced farmers to “modernize” by demanding that dairy farms install bulk storage tanks requiring tractor trailer trucks for milk pick-up. To meet these specifications, farmers had to upgrade their equipment.
The spider’s edict threatened disaster for both small farmers who could not afford to upgrade and for Amish farmers who, for religious reasons, were unable to modernize. Discouraged, many farmers sold their herds or turned to veal production instead. But a group of about 10 farmers — Amish and non-Amish — held tight to their tuffets, forming a co-op and beginning their own creamery, producing raw milk cheese from
##A 01 164766 579
##T The Regeneration Project
milk delivered the old-fashioned way — in 10-gallon cans.
Jim Amory, manager of Up Country Cheese House, is adamant that the business not
outgrow its roots. “It is important to us,” says Amory, “that the bulk of our orders continue to come from local buyers. If the demand suddenly outweighs our output, we won’t enlarge. Instead we’ll find another group interested in making raw milk cheese and show them the ropes.”
##A 01 43309 580
##T New Alchemy Institute
New Alchemy Institute
The Alkies have been working on sustainable technology and agriculture for about 17 years now and doing a good job of it too. Recent work includes a composting greenhouse and designs for
eco-righteous housing that’ll appeal to builder/developers as well as owners. They offer lots of classes, consulting services, and a host of publications. The quarterly newsletter always seethes with interesting action, much of it backed by strict scientific methodology — one reason NAI has been so successful.
— J. Baldwin
##A 01 43739 581
##T New Alchemy Institute
Membership $35/year
(includes 4 issues of New Alchemy Quarterly ISSN 08951497
David A. Willis, Managing Editor);
$20 low income
New Alchemy Institute
237 Hatchville Road
East Falmouth, MA 02536
##A 01 202100 582
##T New Alchemy Institute
The cranberry industry in the United States, especially in Massachusetts, is at a crossroads where agricultural success and environmental concerns are at odds....
Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc. is a grower-owned marketing cooperative whose members account for approximately 80 percent of all commercial cranberry growers in North America. As a result, Ocean Spray has close ties with its more than 700 individual grower members....
The University of Massachusetts added cranberries to their existing Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs four years ago and developed field scouting guidelines for justifying insect control action. Ocean Spray has supported the program with grant-in-aid funds and program planning. Pesticide use reduction has averaged about 25 percent, and some growers have reduced as much as 75 percent of their sprays in some years through IPM....
##A 01 243579 583
##T New Alchemy Institute
Years ago, cranberry growers developed cultural practices for pest control which are now being reevaluated. It is obvious that some of the old practices, such as flooding and sanding the cranberry beds, will become more commonplace again.
##A 01 42950 584
##T The Meadowcreek Project
The Meadowcreek Project
In some respects, the Meadowcreek Project is like the New Alchemy Institute (Ÿ see separate review); a demonstration of ecologically sound living technique. Unlike New Alchemy, the crew actually lives there, along with apprentices, conference participants, and visitors, totally immersed in what’s going on.
(The Alkies prefer to live embedded in the local community. Hard to say which works best.) Meadowcreek’s principal thrust is teaching. The 300-acre working farm together with a conference center encourages a high degree of theoretical discussion tempered by hands-on practice. A good way to learn. The best way to learn, probably. The project has earned an enviable reputation for inspiration education.
— J. Baldwin
##A 01 145672 585
##T The Meadowcreek Project
Sample newsletter free Information packet $2 postpaid
Meadowcreek Project, Inc.
Fox, AR 72051
##A 01 161101 586
##T The Meadowcreek Project
##A 01 230724 587
##T The Meadowcreek Project
##A 01 40499 588
##T Third World
##A 01 141634 589
##T Volunteers in Technical Assistance
Volunteers in Technical Assistance
For 25 years, Volunteers in Technical Assistance has been a reliable source of expert advice and an experienced stack of publications. You don’t join VITA as you would the Peace Corps, for instance, but you can make your special knowledge available through them. Their record of action is inspiring; see for yourself in VITA News.
— J. Baldwin
##A 01 142044 590
##T Volunteers in Technical Assistance
Margaret Crouch, Editor
ISSN 08820937
$15/year(4 issues)
Volunteers in Technical Assistance
1815 North Lynn Street
Suite 200
Arlington, VA 22209-2079
##A 01 142467 591
##T Volunteers in Technical Assistance
Five years ago VITA’s Djibouti Energy Initiatives project was approached by the director of the electric utility concerning the possible utilization of about 40 cubic meters of waste motor oil a month that they were paying to have carried away and discarded....
Syad Mohammed set up a small-scale ceramics industry using a waste oil fired kiln. Since that time he has operated a successful and growing business making bricks and tiles for the local market. He also produced the bricks used to construct the project’s demonstration buildings.
##A 01 138084 592
##T Intermediate Technology Development Group
Intermediate Technology Development Group
ITDG stands for Intermediate Technology Development Group, founded by the late E.F. Schumacher of Small Is Beautiful fame
(Ÿ see review). They’ve executed successful projects all over the world, and publish some of the more useful literature available on alternative technologies.
— J. Baldwin
##A 01 138282 593
##T Intermediate Technology Development Group
Information free
Intermediate Technology Development Group of North America, Inc. (ITDG)
777 United Nations Plaza
Suite 9A
New York, NY 10017
##A 01 236073 594
##T Intermediate Technology Development Group
The Low-cost Wooden Duplicator: How to make it; how to use it.
D. Elcock
Construction details for a stencil duplicator that can be built using simple woodworking tools, and which is easy to use and maintain. Includes templates for use in construction. 20pp. Illus. 1984. $7.50.
The Design of Bicycle Trailers
New edition
M. Ayre
An illustrated guide to the use and design of cycle trailers in the urban and rural areas. Contains new material and updates the information in the earlier book. 56pp. Illus. 1986. ISBN 0 946688 97 4. (IT Transport). $11.50.
— from List of Publications
##A 01 142749 595
Networking and information exchange is the name of the game, and TRANET (from TRANsnational NETwork for appropriate/alternative technologies) has done it better and wider for ten years now. Their newsletter has good reviews of pertinent books plus lots of news excerpts. Lively and effective despite a bit of ’70s character, TRANET is the place to look first to see what’s going on globally among people taking control of their own lives. In 1988, Rain
Magazine from Portland, Oregon was merged with TRANET.
— J. Baldwin
##A 01 142994 596
Bill Ellis, Editor
ISSN 07390971
Membership $30/year
(6 issues); also provides membership to a counterpart individual, organization or library in the Third World.
P.O. Box 567
Rangeley, ME 04970
##A 01 124808 597
SUPERBARRIO, Mexico’s Superman, “defender of tenants and bane of landlords,” moves through the streets of Mexico in his bright hooded costume leading marches and appearing at hearings and legislative sessions. His story is told in issue No. 3 of “The Other Side of Mexico” [Apdo. Postal 27-467, Mexico 06760 DF, MEXICO] along with other news of Mexican popular organizations.
##A 01 139080 598
No less than 1000 of the best appropriate tech books and documents — about 140,000 pages — have been microfiched to fit into a small suitcase. A simple 120 AC, 240 AC, or 12-volt
(vehicle battery) fiche reader accompanies this deluge of information. Instant library! Affordable, too; the price of all this is about five percent of the real books, not to mention the cost of shipping and storing them. More than 100 countries have partaken of this so far.
This powerful idea was hatched by Ken Darrow of VIA (Volunteers in Asia). His Appropriate Technology Sourcebook contains sharp reviews of all 1000 of the fiched books.
##A 01 200475 599
Watch for it. If you work overseas, you need this book and the library. Spread the word.
A Series of Articles on the Use of Bamboo in Building Construction, MF 25-658, collected by Dr. Jules J.A. Janssen, 1982, 177 pages, £4.50 from ITDG.
This welcome collection assembles a variety of practical bamboo articles in one place. Preservation techniques are followed by sections on the use of bamboo in housing, bridges, water supply, and concrete reinforcement. One article explains how to calculate the strength of bamboos for construction purposes.
—The Appropriate Technology Sourcebook
##A 01 40888 603
##T How the Other Half Builds
How the Other Half Builds
“Existing informal sector housing, often termed slums, represents a solution rather than a problem.” This is a radical concept to many theoretical low-income housing planners, but not to its author, Witold Rybczynski; he’s well-known for puncturing the ineffectual arguments of self-righteous do-gooders. The basic premise is simple: In order to determine what to plan as housing for the poor, find out what they need; to find out what they need, go see what they’ve done without the aid of planners. You’d think this would go without saying, but planners often are blinded by class differences and elitist educations. This paper should help,
and not just in less-developed areas of the world. The idea that the people can handle a lot of their own needs should be a major premise of any democratic society. — J. Baldwin
Ÿ Bernard Rudofsky on Architecture
##A 01 43040 604
##T How the Other Half Builds
Witold Rybczynski et al.
1984; 89 pp.
$6.00 postpaid
($8.00 Canadian)
Center for Minimum Cost Housing
School of Architecture
McGill University
Macdonald-Harrington Building
815 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, PQ, H3A 2K6
##A 01 178988 605
##T How the Other Half Builds
This street has a uniform width of 1.75m. The plinth extensions in front of each dwelling form a continuous band of seats with varying heights. The street is narrow enough so that people sitting on either side can talk. This public sitting area has given the street the character of an outdoor room.
##A 01 43972 606
##T How the Other Half Builds
The priorities of the slum-dweller are frequently not those of the municipal authorities. Space takes precedence over permanence. A porch may be built before a bathroom; a work place may be more important than a private bedroom. The apparent inversion of values is especially evident in the public spaces. Whereas planned sites and services projects usually incorporate rudimentary, minimal circulation spaces, the public areas of slums are characterized by richness and diversity.
##A 01 57722 607
##T Recycling
##A 01 143936 608
##T Waste to Wealth
Waste to Wealth
This is the most exciting of many publications from the Institute for Local Self-Reliance (Ÿ see separate review). Taxpayers pay $10 billion a year for waste disposal — not counting the costs of cleaning up leaky landfills. Waste to Wealth defends the 100 percent pollution-free alternative of finding ways to re-use garbage. Ground-up old tires (crumb rubber) become rubber products once again; recycled scrap plastic becomes virgin plastic for another loop of consumer use; discarded industrial oils fuel homes.
— Peter Warshall
##A 01 144182 609
##T Waste to Wealth
(A Business Guide for Community Recycling Enterprises)
Neil Seldman and Jon Huls
1985; 109 pp.
ISBN 0917582489
$35 ($38 postpaid)
Institute for Local Self-Reliance
2425 18th Street NW
Washington, DC 20009
##A 01 144429 610
##T Waste to Wealth
Scrap Tire Collection and Transfer
Tires are usually collected for a fee by junk dealers, recappers, and municipal waste collectors and then disposed at the local landfill. Recycling offers savings from disposal costs, but the crumb rubber manufacturing plant (CRMP) must take into account the cost of collection which is a major expense. While any variety of collection schemes can exist, it is probably best to (1) allow generators to collect and tip their scrap rubber at a set cost per tire at the CRMP or (2) levy a larger charge to pay for collection costs. For purposes of calculation, we will assume a charge for tipping at the CRMP; and that the CRMP does not have any collection equipment. Further, local market conditions will determine the charge per accepted tire.
##A 01 144959 611
##T Profit from Pollution Prevention
Profit from Pollution Prevention
Bucky Fuller said for years that pollution is just good stuff in the wrong place at the wrong time. This Canadian book offers hard evidence that not only can many pollutants be controlled but that the control can produce income. Experience has proven over and over that without economic incentive, polluters won’t do much. Turns out that with economic incentive, they won’t be much inclined to do much until convinced. This book examines a host of common industrial polluting materials and practices. Alleviation tactics are discussed. For many nasties, successful case studies are presented. If you need to deal with a polluter, this book should be included in your homework.
— J. Baldwin
##A 01 145327 612
##T Profit from Pollution Prevention
(A Guide to Industrial Waste Reduction & Recycling)
Monica E. Campbell
and William M. Glenn
1982; 404 pp.
ISBN 0920668216
$25 ($26 postpaid)
Firefly Books
3520 Pharmacy Avenue
Unit 1-C
Scarborough, Ontario, M1W 2T8
##A 01 153886 613
##T Profit from Pollution Prevention
Recycling Potential in Photo Processing. Commercially available recycling equipment exists that makes it possible to re-use spent developer, bleach, bleach-fix and fix process solutions. Equipment is also available to recover the dilute amounts of silver present in the washwater after the fix bath.
##A 01 149354 614
##T To Burn or Not to Burn
To Burn or Not to Burn
Modern incineration plants require a guaranteed volume of garbage, squeezing competitive recycling operations out of the market. They also produce toxic gases and a residue ash which must often be buried in hazardous waste landfills. The ILSR (see Waste to Wealth review in this cluster) and the Environmental Defense Fund are the groups most informed. EDF’s To Burn or Not to Burn does a thorough and instructive cost-benefit comparison of garbage burning and recycling for New York City.
— David Finacom
Ÿ Environmental Defense Fund
##A 01 149749 615
##T To Burn or Not to Burn
(The Economic Advantages of Recycling over Garbage Incineration for New York City)
Dan Kirshner and Adam C. Stern
1985; 101 pp.
$20 postpaid from:
Environmental Defense Fund
257 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10016
##A 01 171477 616
##T To Burn or Not to Burn
In addition to avoiding problems of air pollution and potential hazardous waste disposal, recycling is an effective method of conserving natural resources. It therefore makes it possible to avoid the environmental impacts associated with obtaining the same amount of virgin resource. These include the impacts of tree-cutting, mining, smelting, quarrying, and the like. Recycling is also substantially more efficient in terms of net energy use. . . .
Both direct economic factors and other comparative factors indicate that large-scale recycling programs should be New York City’s first priority, in preference to the five-incinerator proposal. The latter, if implemented, would represent a diversion of both capital and effort from what appears, based on present information, to be a preferable course of action to achieve the same goal.
This does not mean, however, that a commitment to a City-wide program equivalent in size to the five incinerators needs to be made immediately. One of recycling’s
##A 01 156763 617
##T To Burn or Not to Burn
advantages is that it can take place in much smaller incremental steps than incineration, and it can benefit from experience learned in the process, without setting back the timetable for achieving targeted goals.
##A 01 59259 618
##T Garbage Reincarnation
Garbage Reincarnation
This classroom manual on garbage recycling is the gem at the bottom of the trash heap and like all great “activity” books for kids, a book every adult will learn tons from. The authors are champions of human energy over the false application of high technology.
— Peter Warshall
##A 01 64653 619
##T Garbage Reincarnation
Updated Edition 1986; 51 pp.
$5.95 from:
Sonoma County Community Recycling Center
P. O. Box 1375
Santa Rosa, CA 95402
##A 01 65096 620
##T Garbage Reincarnation
Making a small scale replica of a sanitary landfill will give you a better understanding of what a sanitary landfill is and how it’s made. You will experience some of the problems that must be dealt with by landfill operators when you see subsidence taking place and leachate being created right in your own mini landfill.
##A 01 58507 621
##T Biohazards
##A 01 150497 622
##T Love Canal
Love Canal
Lois Gibbs describes herself — “before Love Canal” — as a typical “dumb housewife,” preoccupied with raising her children, keeping a tidy house, and pursuing her hobbies. In December 1977, three months after her son started kindergarten, he developed epilepsy and a lowered white blood count. Soon afterward, she read in the local paper that her son’s school had been built on an abandoned chemical dump, where Hooker Chemical and Plastics Corporation had dumped over 43 million pounds of toxic industrial wastes before selling the site to the school board for one dollar. Mrs. Gibbs’ battle to transfer her son to another school grew into all-out war against local, state, and federal governments, resulting in national publicity and — finally — a federal
order to relocate some one thousand families whose homes had
##A 01 151642 623
##T Love Canal
become deathtraps. The Love Canal battle alerted the nation to the hazards of thousands of toxic time bombs hidden across the country by negligent, unscrupulous industries.
— Carol Van Strum
##A 01 152026 624
##T Love Canal
(My Story)
Lois Marie Gibbs, as told to Murray Levine
1982; 174 pp.
ISBN 0394179943
$6.95 ($7.95 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 01 152299 625
##T Love Canal
We went over to the Schroeders’ through the backyard. Bill Wilcox could see the gunk there. Then we cut across the canal to get to Debbie’s house. Debbie and I made him a little paranoid, I think, because we told him to watch where he stepped. “Barrels are erupting. There are holes all over the place. Be careful you don’t step in any goop.” We showed him some of the holes. He got a sinus headache from the walk across the canal. He said he felt it immediately. As we went across the canal, we found one of those black holes that is so deep that you can’t get a stick to the bottom of it. You pull the stick out and see black gunk its entire length.
We showed him the barrel that was coming to the surface right near Debbie Cerrillo’s swimming pool and the hole with the black gunk in her yard. Pete Bulka lived next door to Debbie. Pete had been complaining to the City of Niagara Falls for a long time, but nothing was ever done. Pete explained how his sump pump had to be replaced every few months because it corroded. The county health commissioner wanted to cap
##A 01 152432 626
##T Love Canal
everyone’s sump pump because they were pumping chemicals from the canal into the storm sewers and then into the Niagara River. He acted as if it were the citizens’ fault
that they were pumping poison into the river, that it was better that it just stayed in people’s basements.
##A 01 157061 627
##T Hazardous Waste in America
Hazardous Waste in America
The compendium of information about the particular components of the 80 billion pounds of hazardous waste materials generated annually by American industries — 350 pounds per year for each inhabitant of the U.S. The book includes a directory of 8000 toxic dumps located in all 50 states; a field guide to locating undisclosed waste sites; a selection of case studies of toxic dumps and their tragic human toll; an excellent “citizen’s legal guide to hazardous wastes”; and an intelligent, emphatic discussion of the political, legal, practical, and philosophical solutions to a toxic nightmare that is all too real.
— Carol Van Strum
The cream of the crap, so to speak.
— Peter Warshall
##A 01 158048 628
##T Hazardous Waste in America
Samuel S. Epstein, M.D.,
Lester Brown and Carl Pope
ISBN 0871568071
$12.95 ($15.95 postpaid)
Sierra Club Books
730 Polk Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
##A 01 167264 629
##T Hazardous Waste in America
Some wastes are effectively immortal; their toxic qualities are intrinsic to their elemental structure. The heavy metals are in this category, and, in a different sense, so is asbestos, whose toxicity is a function of its physical structure, which, for practical purposes, is indestructible. Some radioactive wastes, particularly uranium and plutonium, retain their radioactive properties for so long that we should also view them as immortal.
A second group of wastes is semi-mortal. Destruction or degradation occurs in the environment, but very slowly. Chlorinated hydrocarbons, especially complex ones, are semi-mortal in natural environments, but can be destroyed in high-temperature incinerators.
A third group of toxics is very short-lived or mortal, including acids and bases and other strongly reactive materials like cyanides, which are rapidly destroyed or neutralized in the environment.
##A 01 154772 630
##T Citizen’s Clearinghouse for Hazardous Waste
Citizen’s Clearinghouse for Hazardous Waste
Founded by Lois “Love Canal” Gibbs. Assists grassroots struggles about waste dumps. “Organize” is their battle cry and they’re the best. Everyone’s Backyard is their quarterly. CCHW’s Action Bulletin covers the nation. Good reviews and access. A wonderful spirit of hope and rightful action exudes from their clamoring. Just what tons of toxic goop requires.
— Peter Warshall
##A 01 155057 631
##T Citizen’s Clearinghouse for Hazardous Waste
Everyone’s Backyard
Membership $15/year
(includes 4 issues of Everyone’s Backyard and periodic Action Bulletins) from:
Citizens Clearinghouse for Hazardous Waste
P. O. Box 926
Arlington, VA 22216
##A 01 172501 632
##T Citizen’s Clearinghouse for Hazardous Waste
Everyone living near a toxic dump has learned that when state or EPA officials say, “We have everything under control,” or, “There is not imminent health threat,” then that’s the time to worry. The people of Oroville, a rural, northern Californian town, have learned that lesson well. . . .
It took residents doing their own testing to find high levels of pentachlorophenol (a wood preservative) in their water. Technical grade Penta, used at Koppers, is contaminated with dioxins and furans — the most potent of all the toxic chemicals — known to cause cancer, birth defects, liver and nerve damage. Confronted with the findings, the state did its own tests and confirmed that amounts up to 500 times the safe level were indeed in their water. Officials told people not to panic . . . but also not to drink the water, bathe babies, take showers, or eat eggs or beef raised on locally-irrigated land.
##A 01 59072 633
##T Biohazard Action Groups
##A 01 171001 634
##T Environmental Action
Environmental Action
From the national political lobby that created Earth Day. They also coordinated efforts on the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Occupational and Safety Act, Toxic Substances Control Act, etc. Best magazine on this subject.
— Peter Warshall
##A 01 171141 635
##T Environmental Action
Rose Marie L. Audette and Hawley Truax, Editors
ISSN 0013992X
Membership $20/year (6 issues)
Environmental Action
1525 New Hampshire Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20036
##A 01 197409 636
##T Environmental Action
Photo by — NANCY FOOTE Bering Sea, June 1982
In the Bering Sea near Alaska, Greenpeace volunteers in an inflatable boat remove struggling birds from a drift net set by Japanese fishermen the night before. Some birds get further assistance on board the Rainbow Warrior nearby; quite a number are already dead.
##A 01 171900 637
##T National Coalition Against Misuse of Pesticides
National Coalition Against Misuse of Pesticides
Be it insecticide, herbicide, rodenticide, or fungicide, NCAMP has the long and short of it.
A broad-spectrum coalition (farmers, churches, labor, health, homemakers and politicos) who stress less damaging alternatives like Integrated Pest Management (Ÿ see review). Pesticides and You is their most potent newsletter.
— Peter Warshall
##A 01 153653 638
##T National Coalition Against Misuse of Pesticides
Pesticides and You
ISSN 08967253
Membership $20/yr
(includes 5 issues of Pesticides and You) from:
National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides (NCAMP)
530 7th St., S.E.
Washington, DC 20003
##A 01 94453 639
##T National Coalition Against Misuse of Pesticides
While the nation has turned its attention to the removal of lead from drinking water, paint, and gasoline, Florida citrus growers are actually applying a lead and arsenic containing pesticide that is turning up in Florida grapefruit and grapefruit products. Why? because this material allows Florida growers to begin marketing their grapefruit a full two months earlier than would have otherwise be possible. . . .
While the practice of adding lead and arsenic to grapefruit has been under “Special Review” at EPA for ten years, and manufacturers began phasing out production in 1986, recent reports from Florida indicate that growers there have as much as two years’ supply for use while alternatives are being developed. . . . The use of lead arsenate accelerates grapefruit ripening, leading to a reduction in acidity earlier in the season. That allows the marketing of the fruit to begin in early September rather than mid-November. . . .
EPA has taken no steps to warn the public that Florida grapefruits may contain these
##A 01 244248 640
##T National Coalition Against Misuse of Pesticides
hazardous chemicals and instead is continuing a lengthy review proceeding that will not be completed before supplies of lead arsenate are used up sometime next year.
##A 01 172941 641
##T Society for Occupational and Environmental Health
Society for Occupational and Environmental Health
This academic and neutral forum has conferences with papers like
“Sperm Count Suppression in Lead-Exposed Men” and “Spontaneous Abortion and Type of Work.” Mainly for higher income brackets, but their knowledge is a powerful aid to all workers who contract an occupational disease.
— Peter Warshall
##A 01 173256 642
##T Society for Occupational and Environmental Health
The Archives of Environmental Health Journal
Kaye H. Kilburn, M.D.,
ISSN 00039896
Membership $60/year
(includes 6 issues of The Archives of Environmental Health Journal and 3 issues of the SOEH
Letter) from:
Society for Occupational and Environmental Health
P.O. Box 42360
Washington, DC 20015-0360
##A 01 173954 643
##T Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides
Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides
More action. NCAP takes the broadest political overview of pesticides on the planet. Their muckraking is a bit too anxious to get me bloody scared, but they’re here to inform and help and they do it well. Publishes Journal of Pesticide Reform and great infor-
mation on herbicide spraying in forests.
— Peter Warshall
##A 01 200084 644
##T Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides
Journal of Pesticide Reform
Mary O’Brien, Editor
ISSN 0893357X
Membership $25/year
(includes 4 issues of Journal of Pesticide Reform) from:
Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides (NCAP)
P.O. Box 1393
Eugene, OR 97440
##A 01 202254 645
##T Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides
Our understanding of pesticides is abysmally poor. Time and again we are surprised when a pesticide wreaks havoc. Seven hundred Brant geese die after walking and feeding on a New York golf course treated with diazinon. One hundred and fourteen farmworkers experience severe skin reactions when they pick citrus sprayed with a new propargite formulation called Omite-CR. One hundred people poisoned by organophosphate pesticides an average of nine years earlier are found to be suffering from permanent intellectual impairment....
Why do these surprises occur? They occur because organisms and ecosystems are exquisitely complex and the testing of pesticides for environmental and health damage effects and environmental fate is minimal.
##A 01 59412 646
##T Reuse
##A 01 168204 647
##T BioCycle
BioCycle is close to my feces-fertilizer-farm-food-feces revolving vision. It features my favorite Compost Guru, Clarence Golueke. I once thought their bumper sticker should read: “Have You Hugged Your Humus Today?” Herein, the creators of America’s long-term wealth.
— Peter Warshall
##A 01 168458 648
##T BioCycle
Jerome Goldstein, Editor.
ISSN 02785055
$43/year (10 issues)
Box 351
Emmaus, PA 18049
##A 01 150081 649
##T BioCycle
Eastern Oil Company in Alexandria, Virginia is an oil recycling company that has been in business since 1981. . . .
The end product of the [recycling] process is a #4 heating fuel that is sold to a neighboring asphalt plant. This end user is saving 10 to 15 cents/gallon by burning the processed used oil instead of the #2 fuel oil it had been using previously.
Eastern Oil charges its customers $30/year to be in the program. In addition, customers will be paid, charged — or neither — depending upon the current price of #2 fuel oil. For example, if the pegged price of #2 fuel is $ .50/gallon and 300 gallons are collected, no money is exchanged. If it is $ .56/gallon, the customer will receive $6 (or $ .02/gallon). If it drops to $ .47, the customer pays $3.00 (or 4 .01/gallon). Currently, Eastern Oil is picking up the oil at no charge.
##A 01 169374 650
##T Resource Recycling
Resource Recycling
Resource Recycling focuses more on heavy metal; if they could, the editors would probably mine old landfills. For the moment, the magazine works closely with industrial producers exploring ways for the consumer and companies to both profit by reuse and waste reduction.
— Peter Warshall
##A 01 169490 651
##T Resource Recycling
Jerry Powell, Editor
ISSN 07444710
$27/year (7 issues)
Resource Recycling Magazine
P. O. Box 10540
Portland, OR 97210
##A 01 174225 652
##T Resource Recycling
One of the nation’s largest, most ambitious curbside recycling programs has hit the streets in Seattle, Washington. More than 153,000 households are eligible for the citywide, voluntary program. The two contractors hired by the City of Seattle under five-year contracts will collect aluminum and tin cans, newspaper, mixed waste paper and glass bottles. City officials predict curbside collection will divert 96,306 tons of materials from disposal over five years.
The city budgeted $1 million for curbside service in 1988. With the avoided cost of disposal, the program should save the city between $500,000 and $2 million over a 10-year period.
##A 01 146738 653
##T Resource Recycling
Collection vehicles for Seattle’s curbside program are shown.
##A 01 152690 654
##T RecycleNet: Modem
RecycleNet: Modem
A computer network for recyclers.
— Peter Warshall
##A 01 153055 655
##T RecycleNet: Modem
Factsheet $1 with SASE
Association of New Jersey Recyclers (ANJR)
Attn: Fred McCamic, SYSOP
P. O. Box 625
Abescon, NJ 08201
Voice (609) 641-8292
Modem (609) 641-9418
300 or 1200 Baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity
##A 03 36577 3
##A 03 40506 4
##T One Highly Evolved Toolbox
##A 03 159894 5
by J. Baldwin
This toolbox was born inauspiciously in 1949 as a few rusty screwdrivers and a battered adjustable wrench living in a demoted Buster Brown lunch bucket. These days it takes form as a two-and-a-half-ton walk-in van that unfolds into a neighborhood workshop wherever it parks. It’s set up so anyone can use it with minimal instruction; no point letting a ton of tools sleep most of the time. The tools are a diverse lot chosen for versatility, quality, and the ability to work well together. They ENABLE you, literally, to do just about anything short of precision machining.
Folks have used this tool set to build hardwood furniture, boats, bicycles, solar collectors, and even whole houses. We’ve mass-produced 300 looms and thousands of parts for geodesic domes.
##A 03 37679 6
It took about 35 years for our toolbox to evolve into this portable shop. An hour of diddling opens the truck into an efficient 200–square-foot workspace containing
(in addition to about a ton of hand tools) a drill press, band saw, table saw, radial-arm saw, air compressor, grinder, generator, and another ton of supplies.
##A 03 70774 7
Here’s the truck nearly open. Light, insulated wall panels will hinge up to complete the conversion. Large work can be brought in and out by removing a wall, a five-minute job. A built-in generator set permits work at sites without electrical service.
##A 03 160270 8
Innumerable repairs have been made to plumbing, appliances, and vehicles. Best of all, the shop encourages invention. It was intentionally designed to be a three-dimensional sketchpad—a place to make the first physical manifestation of an idea . (That’s something inventors should do themselves in order to maintain control as their ideas develop, just as artists do their own painting.) It’s a teaching shop, too. Hundreds of people have learned to extend their bare-hands abilities by means of these tools and a bit of friendly advice. Women have been especially welcomed, both as instructors and students.
Now let’s take a look at some of our favorite tools:
##A 03 71918 9
POP RIVETS are great for attaching thin stuff to thin stuff such as sheet metal, leather or stiff plastic. They install from one side—no need for access to the back. Sears
#9HT74747 is particularly handy for all-purpose use.
##A 03 37982 10
WHITNEY PUNCH is powerful, makes
neat holes in any punchable material.
We use it a lot to make holes for Pop Rivets. You often see fakes of these that work OK—for awhile. Real ones say Whitney on ’em. (U.S. General)
##A 03 125878 11
Installed from one side of the work rather like a pop rivet, THREADED INSERTS (sometimes
called Rivnuts) put bolt threads in sheet metal or other thin material, making a built-in nut. Here I’m installing them in my car roof to anchor a super strong, yet removable roof rack.
##A 03 114401 12
hands away from the razor-
sharp edge of the metal while
allowing very tight turns without wrinkles. They come in lefts and rights; you need both. (U.S. General)
##A 03 115301 13
DELTA RADIAL DRILL PRESS is the most versatile available at a home shop price. The head tilts at any angle.The arm rotates 360 degrees around the post, and slides in and out to permit drilling objects too big for the table—even things sitting on the floor.
It’s not rigid enough for machine shop use, but is just fine for less demanding tasks.
(Look for Delta or Rockwell in Yellow Pages under
Tools, Electric).
##A 03 117675 14
NAIL YANKER grabs the head or broken-off shank of the nail when you slam down the sliding handle. Rock the tool back and out pops the nail,leaving a reusable board. Caution! Use gloves or get bruised. (U.S. General)
##A 03 117957 15
AUTO PUNCH — Instead of whacking this punch with a hammer, you merely press it. The smite is adjustable so you won’t punch clear through fine work.
##A 03 118617 16
This is our abrader department. Old chair springs keep the files from filing each other. Neatness just short of anal compulsive makes it
easy to choose the right tool and might even suggest a good move on
difficult work. Also makes it easier
for go-phers to find things.
##A 03 130829 17
ESTWING HAND SLEDGE is forged from one handsome piece of steel. The handle won’t break, and the head won’t fly off even in dry weather. The grip is textured, squishy nylon and is drilled for a safety wrist strap. Comes in three weights. (At your local hardware store)
##A 03 130350 18
HAYWIRE KLAMPER is a disconcertingly
simple tool that mercilessly tightens a
14-16 guage wire into a hose clamp affair. What is clamped needn’t be round;
diameter is limited by how much wire you have. Use it for bundling, trellises,
positioning work for welds, splinting or for emergency “baling wire” repairs.
($8.35 postpaid from Woodbern Mfg.
P.O. Box 353, Libby, MT 59923)
##A 03 129921 19
LEVEL LEGS make it safe and easy to use a ladder on uneven ground or even on stairs. Once you’ve tried them, no ladder feels right without ’em. (U.S. General)
##A 03 129475 20
FAT SCREWDRIVERS—Big handle, heavy blade, and compact size make SEARS #41586 our favorite. Square shanks on large screwdrivers permit helping the twist with a wrench. Big driver on the bench is from Garrett Wade.
##A 03 128155 21
IMPACT DRIVERS work like those noisy auto repair air wrenches except that you supply the impact with a hammer. This tool is often the only way to loosen rusted screws and bolts. Usually supplied with screwdriver bits, it can also be used with air wrench sockets. Wear goggles.
##A 03 124832 22
STEEL CABINETS make a good home for tools, art supplies, sewing stuff, medical equipment (hospitals use them a lot), and
anything else that needs orderly, lockable storage. We upholster drawer bottoms with carpet. Sears makes nice ones that often go on sale. We got ours freight damaged for half price (ask!), then fixed
them with a bit of sheet metal-fu.
##A 03 124063 23
VISE-GRIPS come in many sizes and styles, all with the squeeze force adjustable between delicate and prodigious. They lock, increasing the number of hands you have for doing other operations. Buy the genuine
Vise-Grip brand; fakes fail fast. (U.S.General)
##A 03 33900 24
##A 03 41693 25
##T Tool Catalogs
##A 03 25351 26
##T U.S. General
U.S. General
As far as I know, this is the only large-inventory mail-order hardware store left, which is too bad. Also too bad is that this catalog is a lot thinner than it used to be—much less variety. The lack of variety will reduce the apparent demand for less familiar but nonetheless very useful tools, leading their makers to discontinue production. Too bad again. You should note that not everything shown is of top quality, but U.S. General usually doesn’t hide that—they grade the selections “Homeowner’s,”
“Mechanic’s,” and “Industrial.” Prices and service are decent.
- J. Baldwin
##A 03 25719 27
##T U.S. General
Catalog $2
U.S. General
100 Commercial Street
Plainview, NY 11803
##A 03 26517 28
##T Sears Power and Hand Tools
Sears Power and Hand Tools
Sears is the place to look for wrenches, steel cabinets, and reasonably priced power tools. Quality is fine. Warranty is honored without argument (if you’re honorable). They have lots of other stuff too, at average prices. But their sales—ah, their sales—are often remarkable. Decide what you want, and wait to pounce. Patience can save you 40 percent or more. Large stores often have freight-damaged and reconditioned goods too, ask a clerk. Many of Sears’ tools are national bestsellers.
- J. Baldwin
##A 03 26779 29
##T Sears Power and Hand Tools
Catalog free
Sears, Roebuck and Co.
Dept. 609
Sears Tower
Chicago, IL 60607
or check your phone book under Sears
##A 03 91943 30
##T Sears Power and Hand Tools
Professional Mechanics Chests and Roll-a-Ways of strong welded steel are 1 gauge heavier than our Homeowners’ models. Reinforced side covers add strength. Chest tops have flexible rods to hold paperwork. All drawers lock automatically when lid is closed, and top center locks independently. Tote tray has socket compartment.
##A 03 92675 31
##T Sears Power and Hand Tools
10-inch belt-drive table saw
1 HP motor develops maximum 2 HP
Steel extensions provide 40 x 27-inch work surface
Includes deluxe miter gauge and steel leg stand
##A 03 27945 32
##T Brookstone
Ah me, Brookstone has become gentrified. But that hasn’t reduced the quality or selection of interesting tools, many of which are available only here. Prices tend to be high, service good, and the warranty impeccable: if you don’t like it, send it back. My experience with Brookstone has been uniformly pleasant.
- J. Baldwin
##A 03 28297 33
##T Brookstone
Catalog free
Brookstone Company
127 Vose Farm Road
Peterborough, NH 03458
(Hard-to-find tools)
##A 03 28832 34
##T Brookstone
Magnetic Heater Warms Pipes, Engines, Locks
##A 03 93693 35
##T Brookstone
Finally—A Caulking Gun That’s Made To Last!
Most caulking guns bend in heavy use, so the ratchet advance and plunger don’t work properly. Ours has a top-strap to keep it aligned, and it’s driven by a unique friction system that handles tremendous pressure. Easy to clean, too. Made of steel and zinc castings. All parts are plated or painted to resist rust or corrosion. Costs a little more than hardware store types, but you’ll never have to buy another. 20 ozs.
5-11576 Lifetime caulking gun $14.95
##A 03 12114 36
##T Brookstone
Our Thermoplugs Watch The Temperature So You Don’t Have To!
Turning fans and air conditioners on and off is a nuisance, and leaving one on unnecessarily wastes valuable energy. Turn the job of monitoring temperatures over to these clever controllers. They plug into any ordinary 110-volt AC outlet. We offer three controllers for different applications. One controls house fans, coming on at 78 degrees F down to 72 degrees F. The third is for attic fans and turns on at 120 degrees F and off at 100 degrees F. (All temperatures are approximate.) Wattage must not exceed 1800 watts. UL-listed.
A 5-13256 House fan controller $10.95
B 5-13257 Air conditioner controller $14.95
C 5-13258 Attic fan controller $10.95
##A 03 29077 37
##T The Eastwood Company
The Eastwood Company
This catalog is an inspiring assortment of auto body restoration tools, many of which you’ve probably not seen before. By inspiring, I mean that the tools are so well described that even metalworking illiterati can understand enough to see potential uses beyond the automotive. A good bibliography of instruction books accompanies the tools and materials. I heartily recommend this catalog as the beginning of an education in metalworking, particularly if all you know is wood.
- J. Baldwin
##A 03 29237 38
##T The Eastwood Company
(Auto Restoration Tools and Techniques)
Catalog $2 from:
The Eastwood Company
580 Lancaster Ave.
Box 296-WH
Malvern, PA 19355
##A 03 59856 39
##T The Eastwood Company
Rustproof — Avoid Rustout
Rustproofing is essential to keeping out harmful moisture, condensation, and road salt that cause oxidation (rust) in cars.
Thin enough to flow into cracks and crevices, tough enough to resist flowing up to 175° F. Will self-heal if scratched. Just spray on inside of doors, rocker panels, quarter panels, trunks, any interior panel where moisture might accumulate.
11-3/4 oz. Aer. . . . . . .$5.95
Three or more. . . . . . . .$5.45
Anti-Rust Qt . . . . . . . . .$8.00
##A 03 61188 40
##T The Eastwood Company
Shrinker and stretcher
These exceptional metal formers are great for making smooth radius bends in sheet metal without cutting, heating, or hammering the material. Mount them on your workbench or in a vise and use the shrinker to contract metal to inside curves, and use the stretcher to expand the metal for outside curves.
This home shop model comes with a single body and one set each of shrinker and stretcher jaws. You can change jaws in minutes without tools.
7725 Shrinker & Stretcher Combo . . . . . $199.00
##A 03 41829 41
##T Heavy-duty Tools
##A 03 10089 42
by J. Baldwin
Rented tools let you do the job yourself instead of hiring someone whose only attribute may be possession of a tool you don’t own or don’t care to own. Renting is also a good way to try out several brands of something expensive before you buy. A surprising variety of tools can be rented these days. You should shop around; I have found very different prices, policies, and selection at competing rent-its. One thing is common to all though: a damage deposit. Be sure and bring some cash.
Check the tool for proper operation before leaving the store. Write
##A 03 10408 43
down any defects on the rental agreement form or you may lose your damage deposit later. Machines that endure lots of abuse should be checked with extra care. If one machine is in better shape than another, you can reserve “the good one” ahead of time by talking up the friendliest clerk. Get the clerk’s name for future use, and be generous with your thanks if all goes well. Sometimes you can arrange to take a tool home the night before at no extra charge.
Ask for tips on tool use; the instructions (make sure they are supplied) may not tell all. Floor sanders, for instance, rarely come with hints for preventing the dreaded and expensive WHAP-flup-flup-flup of sandpaper ripped on an exposed nailhead.
##A 03 10519 44
(Meticulously pound them in before starting the sander.) Machines that eat material may run up a supply bill that exceeds the rental fee. The clerk should be able to give an estimate.
Get a time estimate too, allowing extra for adventures in learning. You should also allow for time lost to breakdowns of abuseable equipment such as ditchdiggers. The rent-it won’t charge you for time lost due to breakdowns that aren’t your fault, but they won’t pay you for your lost Saturday either.
When renting, a flexible attitude is appropriate. That, with a bit of luck, should get the job done for less money while increasing your independence. That’s a pretty good deal these days.
##A 03 11611 45
##T Moving Heavy Things
Moving Heavy Things
I remember once watching in wonder as a lone man carried a full-size upright piano up a flight of stairs! How did he do it? This marvelous little primer brings to us mere mortals the secrets of manipulating weighty objects—without damaging them or us. Not only are the secrets well explained and illustrated (with Mr. Adkins’ nifty drawings), the proper spirit is attended. The book encourages independence. Every household should have one.
- J. Baldwin
##A 03 11951 46
##T Moving Heavy Things
Jan Adkins
1980; 48 pp.
ISBN 0395292069
$12.95 ($14.45 postpaid)
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Attn.: Order Processing
Wayside Road
Burlington, MA 01803
##A 03 75219 47
##T Moving Heavy Things
Multiply the weight of your load by the factors beside the angle of your cable droop to get the tension in your cable and the pull-out-of-wall force.
< ° Tension Pull-out
90° .5 0
80° .51 .10
70° .53 .18
60° .58 .29
45° .71 .50
30° 1.00 .87
25° 1.18 1.07
20° 1.46 1.37
15° 1.93 1.86
10° 2.88 2.83
5° 5.74 5.72
##A 03 13608 48
##T Come-Along Hoist/Winch/Puller
Come-Along Hoist/Winch/Puller
You can put a half-ton of moxie on anything and lift or drag it 12 feet. If you’ll settle for six feet, the capacity grows to a full ton. Load is released a notch at a time without danger of running amok. I’ve used mine for fence stretching, car unstucking (you can even drag ’em sideways), aligning house framing, lifting engines from vehicles, river rescue work, and hoisting things to rooftops. I’ve had good luck with Masdam brand ($25 or so) from Burden’s or your
local hardware store.
- J. Baldwin
##A 03 12528 49
##T Come-Along Hoist/Winch/Puller
Catalog free from:
Burden’s Surplus Center
P. O. Box 82209
Lincoln, NE 68501-2209
800-228-3407 (24 hours)
or check your local hardware store
##A 03 13956 50
##T Come-Along Hoist/Winch/Puller
1000 lb. Hoist-Winch-Puller
The original U.S. manufactured hoist made to highest safety standards. Has 3/16" x 12' aircraft cable.
ITEM 320 $26.95
• Brand new. Powerful, lightweight, compact. Perform lifting, stretching, pulling, hoisting, load binding jobs easy and fast. Operates in any position. Automatic let-down enables operator to ease load one notch at a time for safe control of load.
• Max. lift 144"
• Leverage 20 to 1
• Automatic let-down
• Cadmium plated
• Drop forged steel frame and hooks
• Shpg. 8 lbs.
##A 03 12718 51
##T Handyman Jack
Handyman Jack
Basically the Handyman Jack is a super-heavy-duty bumper jack, but it bears no resemblance to the inadequate things that Detroit supplies with their inadequate automobiles. It weighs 29 pounds, has a capacity of three and one-half tons, and a lift of three feet.
I’ve used mine for lifting my truck, stretching shrunken plastic water pipe, and a number of odd lifting and spreading jobs, and wouldn’t part with it for anything.
Warning: Beware of the handle, or EAT TEETH.
- Douglas Canning
##A 03 12936 52
##T Handyman Jack
Information free
Harrah Manufacturing Co.
46 West Spring Street
Bloomfield, IN 47424
##A 03 68478 53
##T Handyman Jack
• Three Models available — Deluxe, Premium and Custom in 42", 48" and 60" sizes
• Low pick–up with lifting nose only 4-1/2" from bottom of base plate
• Lifting nose 4" long for safe, positive contact with load
• Base plate of 28 sq. in. for extra stability
• Adjustable top Clamp–Clevis can be moved to any position on the upright steel standard for use in clamping operations
• Exposed working parts for ease in cleaning
• SAFETY Shear Pin which shears when the jack is overloaded to protect the lifting nose from breaking and the load on the jack from dropping
• Automatic operation lowers load step–by–step same as in raising
##A 03 42223 54
##T Surplus
##A 03 27304 55
by Will Baker
This is irrelevant, but good: friend of a friend in San Diego bought
a big steel cabinet-machine at a government surplus place ($50).
Took it home and tried all the knobs and switches; nothing worked. Pried open the back and saw some connectors out of their sockets. Plugged them in. Tried a switch. Machine whined and began to clang — loud. Tried more switches. It wouldn’t shut off. After ten minutes, a siren started — deafening. Tried all the knobs and switches. Wouldn’t stop wailing. He got scared and ran out. His
house blew up. It was a U.S. Navy self-destruct bomb designed to
destroy captain’s cabin and all papers, in case of capture.
##A 03 22065 56
##T Jerryco
This imaginative and often zany catalog describes a melange of surplus from both military and civilian enterprises obsoleted or gone wrong or sometimes merely overdone. I’ve found that the offerings can stimulate my design process. I’ve also bought things just for the hell of it. Service has been exceptionally pleasant, honest, and fast. Highly recommended. By the way, Jerryco is sort of the bargain basement of Edmund Scientific (see review), with whom they are associated.
- J. Baldwin
Ÿ Edmund Scientific
##A 03 22455 57
##T Jerryco
Catalog 50¢
Jerryco, Inc.
601 Linden Place
Evanston, IL 60202
##A 03 73031 58
##T Jerryco
Clear glass insulators of the type found on telephone poles. They’re all the rage at the flea markets, ranging up to $10 in our area. Ours however, are unused and manufactured sometime in the last 20 years. 2–7/8" max dia. by 4" high. Each one weighs a pound, so we’re talking serious glass. Fine for rare antique scams, paperweights, chessboard pawns, salt & pepper shakers (alterations required or the stuff stays on the tablecloth!)or cocktail glasses for guests who have the habit of setting drinks down only to forget where. They’ll either hang onto these or have no difficulty finding the spill!!
4556 Telephone Pole Insulator $1.50/each
##A 03 23272 59
##T Burden’s
There’s not much “war surplus” around these days, so old-time stores like Burden’s have concentrated on hydraulic and pneumatic components, electronic parts, industrial leftovers, and discounted tools. As with all surplus outlets, you are at an advantage if you have some experience with this sort of merchandise; there are few explanations beyond the specifications.
Imaginative use of a catalog like this can lead to unexpected new capabilities; indiscriminate use can lead to an overstuffed garage.
- J. Baldwin
##A 03 23523 60
##T Burden’s
Catalog free
Burden’s Surplus Center
P. O. Box 82209
Lincoln, NE 68501-2209
800-228-3407 (24 hours)
##A 03 69182 61
##T Burden’s
70 CFM,
115 VAC
ITEM 1622
• Used. Quiet muffin fan (21 db below speech interference level).
3 blade, 4" diam. fan, 14 watts.
• 70 CFM • Discharge 4" diam.
• 115 VAC, 50/60 cycles • Blower wheel 3-3/4"
• 16 watts • 4–3/4"x4–3/4"x1–1/2"
• Intake 4" diam. • Shipping 2 lbs.
##A 03 24283 62
If you keep firmly in mind that you get what you pay for, stores like this one can be a good place to shop. Typically, a few name-brand items are featured at attractive prices. If there is no brand name, and the price seems unbelievable, then be sure your needs don’t require top quality. I don’t say that last with a sneer either — there are many times when top quality is silly: the wrenches you keep in the trunk of your car, for instance. (Mine came from Harbor Freight.)
- J. Baldwin
##A 03 24328 63
Harbor Freight Salvage
Catalog free
Harbor Freight Salvage
3491 Mission Oaks Blvd.
Camarillo, CA 93010
##A 03 42400 64
##T Wholesale Tools
##A 03 43170 65
by J. Baldwin
So ya wanna buy it wholesale? Of course! That’s what a retailer does before adding the typical 40 percent to the price tag. If the services and handy-but-high-rent location of the retailer mean little to you, the galling markup can be avoided at your local wholesaler. The problem is getting accepted there; the wholesaler is definitely not interested in small-order, walk-in trade. On the other hand, anyone with stuff for sale wants to sell it. With this in mind, here are some effective ways of penetrating the wholesale barrier.
##A 03 47383 66
The best and straightest way is to obtain a business license and the “resale” or “tax” number that goes with it. Wholesalers assume that anyone with a resale number is a professional and is likely to be a good customer. If you are involved in a major project, the money saved may make up for the hassle and expense of becoming a business. You can also attempt to fake it by printing up your own business letterhead.
A variation on this theme is to find someone with a resale number and borrow it. Architects, designers, contractors and job shops usually have a number. Though it costs them nothing to have you use it, etiquette requires that you offer to pay for the paperwork.
##A 03 47666 67
(Remember them at Christmastime too.) You should not bother folks with small orders or other deals that are barely worth the trouble.
You might also try approaching contractors who are in the process of ordering materials for a job. Adding your order to theirs will increase the volume, and thus the discount, for everyone involved. This works easily and well for building materials. Again, a suitable gratuity such as a sixpack or a bottle of Cutty Sark may be in order, particularly if you want to continue the relationship.
It is also possible to break the wholesale barrier legitimately
##A 03 48117 68
with a big order. If you need $5,000 worth of electrical supplies, not only should you directly approach a wholesaler, you should
shop around for the best deal. The barrier is mainly there to protect the retail network set up to sell small quantities. In fact, a retailer may even give a worthy discount for a big order. You might be pleasantly surprised.
If all else fails, you can attempt to brazen it out by walking in
(appropriately disguised) and making an order at the counter. By the time the order is taken from stock and the paperwork is made out, the resistance is less and the wholesaler might just accept your cash. You should have done your homework: know the terminology, model numbers, types, sizes, and everything else
##A 03 2443 69
that a pro should know. To be treated like a pro, you have to act like one. This will only work if the order is for a respectable amount, say $100 or so. If you get away with it, be sure and get the clerk’s name so you can call in future orders. Be friendly. Do not abuse the privilege with small orders for low-cost items.
The wholesale barrier is part of a sort of game. You win some and lose some. Give it a try. If you’re successful, you’ll save money and, perhaps more satisfying, boost your self-image as an actor. Good luck!
##A 03 49003 70
##T Grainger’s
Here’s some incentive for breaking the wholesale barrier.
Grainger’s fat catalog features tools and shop equipment at good prices, but is most famous for motors, fans, compressors, pumps, and other stuff commonly found under “industrial supplies” in the Yellow Pages. I’ve had very good service from Grainger’s, as both a legitimate and an illegitimate customer. They’re easy to find with 188 stores across the U.S.A. (see their catalog for locations nationwide).
(*) Based on $40.00 lamp cost extended over 6 year life cycle.
##A 03 49673 73
##T Grainger’s
Bandit mini-floodlight
##A 03 42670 74
##T Powertools
##A 03 38940 75
##T Shopsmith
You’ll hear snorts of derision when you mention Shopsmith to a professional woodworker. Next, you can expect nasty comments pertaining to jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none, lightweight, and so forth. While it is true that this machine is not well suited for work with heavy structural lumber, it’ll easily handle most anything a home craftsperson will ask it to do. It is at one time
(with a bit of fiddling) a drill press, lathe, table saw, sander, and boring machine. With attachments it can do more, but it won’t take up more space. And that’s the great advantage of the Shopsmith: it’s not an awful lot bigger than an ironing board. You can have a home shop in an apartment, condo, mobile home, boat, or anywhere else a whole roomful of power tools won’t fit.
##A 03 158808 76
##T Shopsmith
Unlike imported imitations, Shopsmith is backed by a solid dealer network (many of whom run demonstration classes) and what amounts to a cult of users.
Local classified ads often have used machines at substantial savings, but remember that older models may be obsolete in ways
that might hamper your proposed use. I’d talk to experienced owners first.
- J. Baldwin
##A 03 39172 77
##T Shopsmith
Catalog free
Shopsmith, Inc.
3931 Image Drive
Dayton, OH 45414
800-762-7555 (OH)
##A 03 115621 78
##T Shopsmith
##A 03 40014 79
##T Ryobi 10" Planer
Ryobi 10" Planer
At last, a thickness planer that can be carried to the job site by one worker—it only weighs 58 pounds. It’ll handle wood up to five inches thick and ten inches wide, taking off an eighth of an inch at a time under suitable conditions. The price is right too: less than $400.
- J. Baldwin
##A 03 40425 80
##T Ryobi 10" Planer
$400 (approx.)
Information free
Ryobi America Corp.
1433 Hamilton Parkway
Itasca, IL 60143
##A 03 41130 81
##T Cutawl
This relatively unknown tool can be found in virtually every display and exhibit shop. It’s also used to make the layers of architectural landscape contour models, to cut out fancy lettering, and to make slick prototypes of displays that will later be cut out on production machinery.
The thing is a sort of sabersaw combined with a woodpecker. It cuts with a tiny chisel or sawblade, leaving a flawless machined edge. The steering is so accurate that it is feasible to cut lacework out of Masonite, Formica, thin metal, or any other thin, cuttable sheet material. It’s unique; no other tool can match its capabilities. I’ve used one a lot. Used ones can sometimes be found at less cost.
- J. Baldwin
##A 03 41261 82
##T Cutawl
$550 (approx.)
Information free
Blackstone Industries
Route 6
Bethel, CT 06801
##A 03 44164 83
##T Specialized Tools
##A 03 142324 84
##T Victorinox SwissChamp®
Victorinox SwissChamp®
The famous maker of the Swiss Army knives, Victorinox, has given me two golden opportunities at once. I have acquired the ultimate portable toolbox, the new SwissChamp knife, and can become the best-loved uncle of the year by giving away my old Champion model to my 12-year-old nephew.
What does the SwissChamp offer that the Champion doesn’t? Well, pliers combined with a wirecutter (finally), a clever miniature screwdriver that stores inside the corkscrew, a small wood chisel, an extra-small screwdriver, and a high-pressure ball-point pen which stores alongside the toothpick. The chisel means a lot to me, but the pliers made the decision to buy inevitable. This is, however, no longer a pocketknife. Its weight and bulk will wear
##A 03 2613 85
##T Victorinox SwissChamp®
away any pocket short of a leather-reinforced pouch. I wear mine in a self-made leather sheath.
— Michel Bel
This thing seems a bit silly until you’ve made it a part of your normal daily wardrobe—like a wristwatch. Once aboard it gets used a lot, mostly as an annoyance-remover. For example, I once used the hacksaw blade on my knife to cut my way out of a locked parking lot after hours. And the corkscrew makes a wonderful knot-untangler. I’ve had one on me now for about 18 years. No regrets.
By the way, the importer has a spare-parts and repair service.
— J. Baldwin
##A 03 142740 86
##T Victorinox SwissChamp®
Catalog free from:
151 Long Hill Cross Roads
P.O. Box 846
Shelton, CT 06484-0931
203-929-6391 CT
##A 03 178827 87
##T Victorinox SwissChamp®
—The Victorinox SwissChamp®
##A 03 50258 88
##T Woodcraft
A rival of Garrett Wade (see review), Woodcraft has similar but not identical goods, often cheaper but with less selection. When I need something, I shop both catalogs. Service is impeccable.
- J. Baldwin
Ÿ Garrett Wade Woodworking Tools
##A 03 50547 89
##T Woodcraft
Catalog $3
41 Atlantic Avenue
Box 4000
Woburn, MA 01888
##A 03 51120 90
##T Woodcraft
Right Arm Clamp was developed by a woodworker who needed an extra hand in the shop. The multi-purpose shape is so versatile that it can take the place of “C” clamp, bench vise, miter clamp, framing vise and many others, offering you hundreds of uses. Virtually eliminates the need for confusing and unstable multiple-clamp setups. Cast aluminum with steel pivot pins and threads. Clamping capacity 1 5/8" and 2" depending on setup.
##A 03 131346 91
##T Garrett Wade Woodworking Tools
Garrett Wade Woodworking Tools
This catalog of super-quality woodworker’s tools comprises irresistable studio color portraits of each tool, backed by a brief discussion of the tool’s merits and uses so you can be sure you need one. Or all—they really are hard to resist when presented in this way. Garrett Wade also distributes the high-precision Swiss INCA power tools and the Swedish all-purpose professional woodworking machines made by LUNA. A well-stocked book selection tells you how to use all these things. Hide my checkbook!
— J. Baldwin
##A 03 135547 92
##T Garrett Wade Woodworking Tools
ISSN 080696622X
Catalog $4
Garrett Wade Co.
161 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10013
212-807-1757 NY
##A 03 72328 93
##T Garrett Wade Woodworking Tools
Light Weight Dovetail Saws
These small saws (blade length about 10") have 16 tpi. Will cut to a depth of 1 5/8". One has a Fixed Offset Handle, one a Reversible Offset Handle and one a Straight Handle.
19I04.01 Offset Dovetail $ 8.10
19I04.02 Reversible Dovetail $11.95
19I04.03 Straight Dovetail $ 5.75
##A 03 22836 94
##T Gerstner Tool Chests
Gerstner Tool Chests
If you enjoy reading this Catalog you are probably the kind of person who is seized by an irresistible urge to open all those beautifully fitted little drawers in antique cabinets. You can satisfy the urge in your home thanks to H. Gerstner & Sons, Inc.
They make superb wood cases that will hold small interesting things of almost any size and shape: machinist’s chests, medical instrument cases, boxes for artists, photographers, dental hygienists, and so on, ad infinitum. The thing that sets Gerstner apart from their competitors is their concern with quality. You can buy a box from them that will stand with perfect aplomb on
##A 03 28542 95
##T Gerstner Tool Chests
your Chippendale end table. Their cases are made of polished quartersawed oak, American black walnut, or can be covered with black leather or vinyl. Prices range from $260 to $405, and one look will convince you that their products are a rare bargain in
an injection-molded age. Their service is personal and quick; illustrated literature is available. You can get factory seconds at reduced prices (less 20%) too.
— Morton Grosser
##A 03 29923 96
##T Gerstner Tool Chests
Information $1
H. Gerstner & Sons
P. O. Box 517
Dayton, OH 45402
##A 03 31741 97
##T Gerstner Tool Chests
• Our largest, most popular chest
• Lockable front lid
• 4" deep top compartment
• Lockable handbook compartment
• 3 wooden dividers
• 2 fluted trays
• Accommodates 24" scale
##A 03 44722 98
##T Tool Techniques
##A 03 31216 99
##T The Razor Edge Book of Sharpening
The Razor Edge Book of Sharpening
“How do you sharpen this?” No myth or mystery to that question after reading this book. Using his method the first time, I obtained an edge on my Swiss Army knife that would, as Juranitch promised, “shave the hair off the back of my dry arm.” Equally amazing, the edges are durable.
His company (Razor Edge Systems) designs, manufactures, and sells sharpening equipment—everything from hand held hones and sharpening guides up to the sharpening machines in meat packing plants.
- J. D. Adams, M.D.
Ÿ Meat on the Table
##A 03 31246 100
##T The Razor Edge Book of Sharpening
John Juranitch
1985; 145 pp.
ISBN 0446380024
$12.50 ($15.50 postpaid)
Razor Edge Systems, Inc.
P. O. Box 150
Ely, MN 55731
Brochure free
##A 03 31830 101
##T The Razor Edge Book of Sharpening
Notice how the cutting edge is sitting up in the breeze, while the rounded section of side CD is where actual contact is. So many are frustrated because their single bevel blade seems sharp, yet won’t cut. It could even shave easily, but if the cutting edge isn’t the contact point on the material to be cut, you are going nowhere.
##A 03 32254 102
##T Wood Finisher’s Handbook
Wood Finisher’s Handbook
Few do-it-yourself enterprises are as redolent of potential disaster as applying that final finish to wood. Even the more obedient among us — those who read the instructions on the can — often come to grief, gnashing in despair as our paintbrushes with their cargos take on a life of their own quite out of control. How do those creeps in Fine Woodworking do it? They know what’s in this book, is how.
I like the way the author answers your questions just before you ask. I also like the range of techniques shown — everything from
“lost art” procedures to the latest chemical wonders. The
book is easier to read than many of its genre, so our last excuse for imperfect finishing is gone.
- J. Baldwin
##A 03 32506 103
##T Wood Finisher’s Handbook
Sam Allen
1984; 160 pp.
ISBN 0806979143
$10.95 ($12.45 postpaid)
Sterling Publishing
2 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10016
##A 03 32906 104
##T Wood Finisher’s Handbook
Foam brushes are very good for applying stain. In this comparison between a foam brush and an inexpensive nylon brush, notice that the foam brush carries more stain and leaves a smooth application of stain without brush marks.
##A 03 33366 105
##T Welder’s Handbook
Welder’s Handbook
Think of welding as metal glue; lots of interesting possibilities appear when you can stick pieces of metal together in a trustworthy manner. Welding isn’t all that difficult, either. Best bet is an evening welding class at your local high school. Next best, or as a brushup, is this book. It’s just the basics—all you need for most work. The examples are mostly automotive, but the principles hold true whether you’re repairing a farm tractor, welding up a driveway gate, or fixing the kids’ swing set. Don’t forget that you’ll need to practice a bit; books aren’t everything.
- J. Baldwin
##A 03 33585 106
##T Welder’s Handbook
Richard Finch and Tom Monroe
1985; 160 pp.
ISBN 0895862573
$12.95 ($13.95 postpaid)
Price, Stern, Sloan Inc.
P.O Box 21942
Los Angeles, CA 90021
##A 03 34285 107
##T Welder’s Handbook
Sheet metal needs plenty of tacks — about every 1 in. — to reduce warpage. Tack welds are melted into weld bead as final bead is made.
##A 03 34310 108
##T Welder’s Handbook
Basic gas-welding flames: Each has distinctive shape, color and sound. Neutral flame is the most used.
##A 03 34711 109
##T Stationary Power Tool Techniques
Stationary Power Tool Techniques
Wow! Not just a how-to, but a remarkably comprehensive collection of methods of getting your power tools to do everything but sit up and beg. The author has a good reputation, and it’s easy to see why: the only way he could possibly have accumulated all these tricks is by working with the tools many thousands of hours. He’s especially good on jigs and fixtures that expand the tools’ capabilities. And here I thought I knew all there was to know . . .
- J. Baldwin
##A 03 34895 110
##T Stationary Power Tool Techniques
The Complete Book of Stationary Power Tool Techniques
R. J. De Cristoforo
1985; 388 pp.
ISBN 0943822467
$31.95 ($34.90 postpaid)
Popular Science Books
Sherman Turnpike
Danbury, CT 06816
##A 03 161179 111
##T Stationary Power Tool Techniques
Fly cutter is used here for a double cut to create a wooden ring. Be careful at breakthrough for the ring will be free in the hole.
##A 03 120552 112
##T Tools and How To Use Them
Tools and How To Use Them
The best guide to tools a householder or homesteader might need to know and use. There are 1500 drawings of common items as well as forgotten tools. Descriptions include the generic names the tools have been known by, usage, sizes, and care of the tool. The section on brushes alone is worth the price of the book. Even though I trained as an apprentice house painter, not until Jackson and Day’s book did I hear of a washing down brush, a mottler, a flogger, a softener, a pencil overgainer, or a fitch.
— Paul Hawken
##A 03 120795 113
##T Tools and How To Use Them
Albert Jackson and David Day
1978; 352 pp.
ISBN 0394735420
$11.95 ($12.95 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 03 121280 114
##T Tools and How To Use Them
A standard hack saw cannot be used to cut large sheets of material because the depth of the frame limits its reach. A sheet saw has a hack saw blade fitted to a flat metal blade which can pass through the material like a hand saw.
##A 03 43917 115
##T Toolmaking
##A 03 43378 116
##T Pyramid Foundry Sets
Pyramid Foundry Sets
The ability to make castings adds great potential to a workshop or art studio, yet few people get into it. The techniques aren’t difficult, but they are unfamiliar. Pyramid makes it easy to understand and do; their kits set you up with supplies, equipment, and instruction. I’ve seen the sets used for boat restoration, machine repair, and making antique auto parts. The projects were successful, though there was certainly some time spent learning the hard way. Even that wasn’t too bad; you can recast your boo-boos. The sets can handle aluminum, bronze, grey iron, and jewelry metals.
- J. Baldwin
Ÿ Jewelry Techniques
##A 03 43596 117
##T Pyramid Foundry Sets
Information free
Pyramid Products Co.
3736 South Seventh Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85041
##A 03 77195 118
##T Pyramid Foundry Sets
Casting Supplies
##A 03 8153 119
##T The Art of Blacksmithing
The Art of Blacksmithing
Woodworkers are often amazed that metal can be manipulated by simple handmethods. Mysterious! As with wood, it’s just matter of knowing what you are doing . . . and messing up a bunch of material as you learn. All the basics are here, with drawings (that also look hand-forged) helping things along. The emphasis in on making traditional hardware such as hinges and even muzzle-loading weapons. My experience has shown that you’ll need instruction too; books can only take you so far with this sort of thing.
— J. Baldwin
##A 03 8295 120
##T The Art of Blacksmithing
Alex W. Bealer
Third Revised Edition 1984
487 pp.
ISBN 0060152257
$24.45 ($25.95 postpaid)
Harper & Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 03 95321 121
##T The Art of Blacksmithing
Lap welding is easier, though perhaps not quite so neat as butt welding. For this, the end of the rod must be drawn down into a long taper before the eye is formed. This is lapped over the stem of the hook and welded on the edge of the anvil with the eye hanging over the corner.
##A 03 3229 122
##T The Making of Tools
The Making of Tools
Blacksmithing can be a lot more than making horseshoes and barn door hinges. Mr. Weygers’s beautiful book shows techniques of making your own tools by the clever use of scrap metal. His attitude is encouraging (and unusually nonchauvinistic for a blacksmith). He makes clear the many paths that open to a person who develops the skills of a blacksmith. His lucid drawings and obvious love of his work draw you in; you want to try it. The book itself is a model of how good books can get if properly nurtured. Mr. Weygers has written many books—all very fine. Your library can get them.
- J. Baldwin
##A 03 4532 123
##T The Making of Tools
Alexander G. Weygers
1973; 93 pp.
ISBN 0442293607
$11.95 postpaid
Simon and Schuster
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 03 95981 124
##T The Making of Tools
Heat the blank and fold it “hot” over the edge of the anvil. Then, while the tool’s cutting edge is still dark red hot, quench 1/4 inch of it in water. That part of it is now hardened, while the unsubmerged portion, which will not suffer strain in use, remains soft.
##A 03 35317 125
##A 03 44994 126
##T Hardware Suppliers
##A 03 18776 127
##T Classic Hardware
Classic Hardware
Being primarily a “design-as-you-go” craftsperson, I got particularly excited about this hardware catalog from Garrett Wade. The color photographs of their British- and North American-made hardware are reproduced in full scale. That means I can cut out the pictures, place them on my piece of furniture, or whatever, and see exactly what I’ll be getting—no surprises!
— Stephen Seitz
Ÿ Renovation
##A 03 19005 128
##T Classic Hardware
Classic Hardware II
Catalog $1
Garrett Wade
161 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10013
212-807-1757(NY,AK,& HI)
##A 03 164393 129
##T Classic Hardware
Castings with Pressings forming the finger recesses. Used on military or campaign-style chests. Handsome on any chest or large box. You need 1/2" for depth of Handle. Size is overall width of Handle.
##A 03 20013 130
##T C & H Buyer’s Guide
C & H Buyer’s Guide
In a way, this could be considered a shop “furniture” catalog; they carry racks, bins, shelving, office stuff, material handling equipment, safety items, and (oops) pneumatic tools. Much of the stock could be used in hi-tech household interiors too—a bit of thought will doubtless suggest uses that the makers never dreamed of. Distribution is nationwide. $15 minimum order.
- J. Baldwin
##A 03 20361 131
##T C & H Buyer’s Guide
Catalog free
C&H Distributors
P. O. Box 04499
Milwaukee, WI 53204
##A 03 20825 132
##T C & H Buyer’s Guide
Organize and protect valuable small parts easily and inexpensively. With six widths and two depths to choose from, you can store a variety of items in a small area. Heavy-test, corrugated fiberboard binboxes assemble easily without staple or tape—just fold and they hold. Handy index on front promotes accurate stock control. Parts are visible, accessible, and easy to locate. 4 1/2" rear lip is designed to hang from the shelf above for hands-free, slant-out access. Stock up at these thrifty prices and utilize shelf space at maximum efficiency. Sold only in lots of 25—order in multiples of 25.
##A 03 21011 133
##T Allen Specialty Hardware
Allen Specialty Hardware
Several people have asked me to build video cabinets with “Lazy Susan” bases so the TV monitor can be turned toward the viewer. The design problem is how to provide enough clearance to turn a television set without building a cabinet the size of a small outbuilding. One solution is an extension slide with a built-in swivel. This allows the TV to slide out of the cabinet before it is turned, reducing the amount of clearance required (some counterbalancing is usually needed). These extension slides and many other hard-to-find items (concealed hinges, folding leg devices, etc.) are available from this unpretentious catalog.
— Stephen Seitz
##A 03 21363 134
##T Allen Specialty Hardware
Catalog and handbook $1
Allen Specialty Hardware
P.O. Box 10833-W
Pittsburgh, PA 15236
##A 03 21937 135
##T Allen Specialty Hardware
Concealed, self-closing hinge.
##A 03 45132 136
##T Materials
##A 03 14802 137
This system is a well-worked-out system of products that facilitate “cold molding” wood into complex shapes that would otherwise be difficult to accomplish. The completed item is a laminate of thin wood strips or sheets, and epoxy resin; it’s light, strong, and not subject to the bane of conventionally used wood: rot. If you like, the work can be finished “bright” (natural) bringing out the beauty of the wood, but purists insist that the WEST SYSTEM™ is mostly plastic. In truth, the end result is a bit of both plastic and wood — the best of both. A more valid criticism is that the epoxy is dangerously toxic to work with. No two ways about it, you must be careful. Proper procedures are well developed in this literature, and seem to work OK if followed with discipline.
##A 03 15033 138
To me, the most interesting aspect of cold molding is that it need not be used only for boats. I’ve seen car bodies, aircraft, windmill blades, furniture (Fine Woodworking March/April ’86 [p. 74] has a detailed article on cold molding a wonderful cradle), and even parts of houses. The technique is easy to learn and not awfully expensive. Basics are nicely laid out in the booklet, The WEST SYSTEM™ Technical Manual. A hardbound book, The Gougeon Brothers On Boat Construction, is a collection of the brothers’ experience and that of others using the WEST SYSTEM™. Proper detailing of joints and other structural matters is well
Ÿ Health Hazards Manual for Artists
##A 03 15108 139
developed now, and herewith presented in a way that is easily understood and adaptable to other ends. The WEST SYSTEM™ catalog makes the necessary materials and accoutrements available.
I can vouch that it all works.
- J. Baldwin
Ÿ Tool Techniques
##A 03 15385 140
The Gougeon Brothers on Boat Construction
Gougeon Brothers
Revised Edition 1985; 297 pp.
ISBN 0878121668
$27.50 ($29.70 postpaid)
Gougeon Brothers, Inc.
P. O. Box X-908
Bay City, MI 48707
##A 03 19428 141
West Systems™ Products Catalog
Catalog free from:
Gougeon Brothers, Inc.
P. O. Box X-908
Bay City, MI 48707
##A 03 114114 142
West System™ Technical Manual
1988; 32 pp.
$2 postpaid from:
Gougeon Brothers, Inc.
P. O. Box X-908
Bay City, MI 48707
##A 03 16178 143
Tightening wires at keel joint.— The Gougeon Brothers on Boat Construction
##A 03 16386 144
##T Livos Non-Toxic Finishes
Livos Non-Toxic Finishes
Wood finishing is one of those places where nasty chemicals and nice people tend to meet intimately. If this has bothered you, a choice is now available. These finishes have no petroleum distillates, lead, or other carcinogenically suspicious substances— they’re entirely brewed from plantstuffs. They don’t evaporate or otherwise get into your environment even through direct contact. Sounds good to me, though I have not tried any (yet). Obviously it’s a fine idea. German-made.
- J. Baldwin
Ÿ Wood Finisher’s Handbook
##A 03 16736 145
##T Livos Non-Toxic Finishes
Catalog free from:
Livos Plant Chemistry
614 Aqua Fria Street
Santa Fe, NM 87501
##A 03 51993 146
##T Livos Non-Toxic Finishes
Preserves, stains and finishes.
Our most popular oil finish is water resistant for interior and exterior use. This fine product has virtually ‘unlimited’ applications. Basically used on major substances such as WOOD, STONE, and METAL, KALDET provides a satin to semi-flat surface with a subtle depth and intricate shine.
KALDET is excellent for ALL ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK including furniture, cribs, high chairs, tables, and toys. Porches, log houses, greenhouses, and sun decks are among the many items for which we recommend this product. Grayed wood can be revived by using KALDET and oil based Earth Pigments or any of the ready-mix KALDET colors. All ready mix colors may be intermixed or changed by adding LIVOS Earthen & Mineral Stain pastes (oil base).
##A 03 17637 147
##T Devcon
One way to conserve energy and resources is to fix things that break rather than throwing them away. The Devcon Corporation makes a wide variety of products that can solve some very nasty repair problems as well as increasing the life of various hardware. Typical are Plastic Steel and Plastic Aluminum. A far cry from their sissy hardware store counterparts, they are super strong and you can (for instance) repair engine blocks. Devcon makes a paint called “Z” that actually outperforms hot dip galvanizing (Milspec, no less). Devcon Rubber repairs split rubber boots better than anything else I’ve seen. They make a wear-resistant self-lubricating epoxy compound that can be used to make long-wearing bearing surfaces in wood. (It can also be used to build up worn shafts.) The list goes on.
##A 03 17751 148
##T Devcon
I’ve used all this stuff and find it to be at least as good as Devcon says. Not many companies are worthy these days. This one is.
You’ll probably have to get their products from an industrial supply house. The catalog is available there too.
- J. Baldwin
##A 03 18085 149
##T Devcon
Catalog and nearest dealer location free from:
Devcon Corporation
30 Endicott Street
Danvers, MA 01923
or check your local industrial supply dealer
##A 03 18512 150
##T Devcon
Plastic Steel putty for pipe repair.
##A 03 166046 151
##T Devcon
Floor Patch
• Silica-filled epoxy for patching and resurfacing small areas of damaged floors, walls
• Consistency and workability of concrete
• Compression strength three times that of concrete
• Bonds to new and old concrete, brick, wood, and masonry
• Color additive is supplied to achieve color of concrete
##A 03 37172 152
##A 03 45365 153
##T Electronics Know-How
##A 03 42794 154
##T The Art of Electronics
The Art of Electronics
Extremely good book. As a practicing digital-electronics technician with no formal training (my major in college was cultural anthropology), I’ve hunted high and low for good electronics textbooks. This one is the best, bar none. No extraneous math, lots of insider’s information on the peculiarities of circuit design, and a huge range of topics covered clearly and thoroughly. So well written that I’ve had difficulty putting it down! Has a good index and bibliography and works well as a stand-alone reference book. As an introduction and workbook on today’s electronics it has no peer.
— Bud Spurgeon
##A 03 70184 155
##T The Art of Electronics
Paul Horowitz and Winfield Hill
1980; 716 pp.
ISBN 0521298377
$37.50 postpaid from:
Cambridge University Press
510 North Avenue
New Rochelle, NY 10801
##A 03 143892 156
##T The Art of Electronics
Thevenin’s theorem states that any two-terminal network of resistors and voltage sources is equivalent to a single resistor R in series with a single voltage source V. This is remarkable. Any mess of batteries and resistors can be mimicked with one battery and one resistor.
##A 03 139848 157
##T Personal Electronics Book
Personal Electronics Book
This is one of those rarest of books—one that is informative and well written. The Personal Electronics Book is a comprehensive primer on not just what electronics to buy, but how to buy just about anything electrical that costs more than a light bulb. One cautionary note though: with the dollar bobbing around world markets like a demented jellyfish, some of the prices quoted in the book may be incorrect.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 03 159625 158
##T Personal Electronics Book
Peter McWilliams
1987; 331 pp.
ISBN 0136573541
$10.95 ($12.45 postpaid)
Simon & Schuster
200 Old Tappan Rd.
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 03 160035 159
##T Personal Electronics Book
Microwaves work by speeding up the movement of water molecules within foods. The friction of the speeding molecules heats the water, which in turn cooks the food. Everything cooked in the microwave is essentially “steamed in its own juices.”
The power of an amplifier is measured in watts — the more watts, the more volume the amplifier can produce. Actually, you can create ear-damaging volume levels with just a few watts, but the double- and even triple-digit wattage ratings are sometimes necessary for peak power demands.
Let’s say you’re playing a violin solo. Your amplifier might be (depending on your speakers) consuming only four or five watts. Then suddenly, the cymbals crash and the timpani booms. That demands a lot more power, and fast. The total wattage consumption might jump to thirty watts, or more. If you have, say, a twenty-watt amplifier, the violin will sound great, but at the peak of the timpani’s power demand, you will hear distortion.
##A 03 144463 160
These books provide the home-brew tinkerer with a, um, grounding in the basics of micro circuits—with which you can build your own calculators, amplifiers, meters and terminals, and get a start on building your own computer. Each book deals with a different type of component. CMOS circuits are building-block electronic switch circuits out of which computer choice pathways are woven. TTL circuits are simpler, more often used to build clocks, meters, and peripherals. Getting through TTL is a good step towards learning CMOS. Active filters are useful in amplifying or controlling sound frequencies. Lancaster takes pride in teaching you to make things that are more useful and versatile—more artistic, really—than what you can buy commercially. You’ll need some electronics experience, or lots of time, or both.
— Art Kleiner
##A 03 70141 161
Active Filter Cookbook
Don Lancaster
1978; 240 pp.
ISBN 0672211688
$15 ($18.45 postpaid)
Howard W. Sams & Co.
Department DM
4300 West 62nd Street
Indianapolis, IN 46268
##A 03 77482 162
CMOS Cookbook
Don Lancaster
1986; 414 pp.
ISBN 0672213982
$14.95 ($17.45 postpaid)
Howard W. Sams & Co.
Department DM
4300 West 62nd Street
Indianapolis, IN 46268
##A 03 78234 163
TTL Cookbook
Don Lancaster
1977; 416 pp.
ISBN 0672210355
$14.95 ($17.45 postpaid)
Howard W. Sams & Co.
Department DM
4300 West 62nd Street
Indianapolis, IN 46268
##A 03 148233 164
In mid-1972, an electronic revolution took place. For the first time in electronic history, you could go out and buy a logic gate for a nickel, provided you bought four of them at once in a single 20-cent package. This made the logic gate the cheapest available electronic component—cheaper than most quality resistors and far cheaper than any capacitor, transistor, or most other solid-state devices. These gates were made of Transistor-Transistor-Logic (TTL), a very versatile, widely available, and very fast way of performing logic operations.
The extremely low cost did two things. First and foremost, it opened up a fantastic number of still expanding applications for digital circuitry. At long last, doing things digitally was not only better than using traditional analog circuits, but now it was often cheaper as well. — TTL Cookbook
##A 03 148707 165
An active filter is some combination of integrated-circuit operational amplifiers, resistors, and capacitors that does things that normally could be done only with expensive inductor-capacitor passive filter combinations. Active filters are versatile, low-cost items that are easy to design and easy to tune. They have gain and have a number of other benefits. Active filters are well suited for most subaudio, audio, and ultrasonic filtering or equalizing applications. Important areas of use for active filters include communications, electronic music, brainwave research, quadrature art, speech and hearing studies, telephony, psychedelic lighting, medical electronics, seismology, instrumentation, and many other areas.
This book is about active filters. It is user-oriented. It tells you everything you need to know to build active filters, and does so with an absolute minimum of math or obscure theory. — Active-Filter Cookbook
##A 03 146225 166
##T Consumer Reports - Electronics in The Home
Consumer Reports - Electronics in The Home
The more antiquated among us sometimes find it difficult to deal with things electronic. Which devices are useful? Which of those are best? Consumer Reports, at its best here, explains it all as it reviews home computers, TVs, hi-fis, radios, tape decks, phones, and alarms. As is their custom, the Consumers Union folks don’t comment on every model of every brand. They make up for this by educating you in the basics so you can, for instance, make sense out of specification sheets and salesman hype. This is the best general introduction to electronic gadgetry this side of the nearest teenage hacker.
— J. Baldwin
##A 03 146439 167
##T Consumer Reports - Electronics in The Home
Editors of Consumer Reports Books
with Monte Florman
Updated Edition 1988; 320 pp.
ISBN 0890432155
$7 ($10 postpaid)
Consumer Reports Books
540 Barnum Avenue
Bridgeport, CT 06608
##A 03 146770 168
##T Consumer Reports - Electronics in The Home
No matter which brand you choose, look for a model with the extras that can make the VCR convenient to use.
In particular, consider these:
° a tuner that lets you bring in any available channel easily, and that can receive all the channels in your area
° on-screen programming, which lets you set the VCR to record automatically with a
minimum of fuss and frustration
° one-touch recording, which lets you start recording instantly
° auto-index, which makes it quite easy to find programs on a tape
You don’t have to pay a premium to get a VCR with those features.
Don’t assume that you’ll get a better picture by spending more money. What you do get
##A 03 83686 169
##T Consumer Reports - Electronics in The Home
by moving up in price are VCRs with greater versatility, high-quality audio recording, and the ability to receive stereo TV sound. You have to go toward the middle of a line to get a VCR with the tape-editing and dubbing controls some people desire, or a unit that can record a lot of programs.
There’s no extra benefit in using expensive tapes in a portable cassette recorder. It lacks the electronic refinements necessary for getting the best out of a tape. Bargain-priced tapes, however, could increase the risk of an exasperating tape tangle or cassette misfit. You probably won’t go wrong if you follow a middle course and buy the lowest-priced brand-name Type I (ferric) tape available.
##A 03 119779 170
##T Consumer Reports - Electronics in The Home
National Weather Service Radios
Alert system. Models having this ability respond in various ways to a NWS weather-alert tone. Some turn themselves on to sound the broadcast tone and remain on to receive the bulletins that follow. There may be a light that starts blinking. Some sets placed on alert standby can detect the NWS tone and respond with siren wails of varying durations, sometimes with a blinking light as well. However, you must turn the set on to hear what the emergency is all about.
Station selector. The NWS transmits on seven frequencies from 162.400 MHz to 162.550 MHz. Although only one of these frequencies is on the air in a given area, most sets can receive more than one.
Power. Battery operation is very useful because it enables the radio to warn of a weather emergency even in the absence or failure of AC power.
##A 03 133498 171
##T Consumer Reports - Electronics in The Home
Despite use of long-life alkaline batteries (the kind you should use), battery life may be surprisingly short. True, you don’t operate a weather radio continuously, but even if you played it for only a few minutes several times a day, you’d still probably need to change the batteries every month or so.
##A 03 9540 172
##T Using Your Meter
Using Your Meter
I bought several copies of this book recently: a couple for friends and two for myself. For $3.95 I got a complete course in electronics along with various instructions and tips on how to use meters around the house and inside electronic circuitry. I also learned how to buy meters, what features to look for, what kind of meters to use in what applications. So did my friends.
The text is clear although the information is very dense. Evans moves right along in 144 pages, covering all the electronics I studied in all the high school and college physics courses I ever took and also how to use that information practically. This is the kind of book you should read three times. The very basic stuff is in
##A 03 10799 173
##T Using Your Meter
the middle. Tips on troubleshooting washers and dryers, heating and cooling systems, record players, automobile alternators, and other familiar equipment is in the back. Right in the front you learn about types of meters and how they operate. Using Your Meter offers an amazing value of information.
— James Stockford
##A 03 11047 174
##T Using Your Meter
Alvis J. Evans
1985; 128 pp.
$3.95 ($6.45 postpaid)
Radio Shack — 018344
Mail Order Dept.
900 Terminal Road
Ft. Worth, TX 76106
subtitle: VOM and DVM Multitesters
##A 03 11448 175
##T Using Your Meter
When the bell doesn’t ring: Assume that the bell does not operate when the button switch is pushed. The two most common problems are a bad switch or a bad bell. To track down the trouble, measure the voltage across the push button switch. With the switch open, 10 volts should appear across the open switch. There is no current in the circuit and thus no voltage across the bell (M3). When the switch is closed, meter M should read zero. If a voltage appears across the switch even when it is closed, this indicates that the circuit is not operating properly. Check the contacts to see if they are corroded or broken. The switch can possibly be repaired by simply scraping and cleaning the contacts. However, it may have to be replaced. If 10 volts appears across the bell when the button is pushed and the bell does not ring, the bell is probably defective. Disconnect it and check its resistance to see if it has an open coil.
##A 03 9218 176
##T Using Your Meter
A typical doorbell circuit
##A 03 45597 177
##T Electronics Suppliers
##A 03 149168 178
##T Electronic Buyers Club (EBC)
Electronic Buyers Club (EBC)
If over a year’s time you’re buying much in the way of electronic supplies, this place is well worth knowing about. EBC is the only supplier I’ve found that beats Mouser’s prices (next item). The catch is you have to buy a membership for $35. For that you get your own membership number and a thick, very well laid-out catalog. The catalog alone may be worth the membership cost for the search time you can save (no specs, tho’). EBC’s selection of active and passive components, tools, and supplies is fairly broad, though limited to a few manufacturers, a problem if exact replacement is an issue. Their digital IC selection is very broad.
I’m a member.
— James Stockford
##A 03 149334 179
##T Electronic Buyers Club (EBC)
Membership $35
Electronic Buyers Club
1803 NW Lincoln Way
Toledo, OR 97391
Membership includes catalog
and updates
##A 03 74209 180
##T Electronic Buyers Club (EBC)
CM–700 kit consists of a CM–600 solderless neoprene board, 4–1/2" (114 mm) x 6" (152 mm) with 2280 elastic holes on .100" (2.54 mm) centers, mounted in a rigid holder with various mounting holes for ground and voltage locations. The CM–700 has a numbered matrix grid for easy reference and includes 4 binding posts. Ideal for solderless construction of breadboard experimental circuits. Standard components are inserted into the holes and interconnections are made by using 20 or 22 AWG (0.8 mm or 0.65 mm) wire jumpers. Positive contact is insured by the elasticity of the holes. Easy to change circuits, just pull out.
CM-700 Solderless Board Kit
CM-600 Solderless Board only
##A 03 150099 181
##T Mouser Electronics
Mouser Electronics
Mouser Electronics is the best all-purpose supplier of electronic components and supplies I’ve found. Of all the standard mail order sources of electronic passive and active devices, hardware, and tools, Mouser’s prices are lowest, often by 20-30 percent. Their selection is very broad, especially for switches, connectors, LEDs, and capacitors. They even have a good selection of printed circuit board supplies, grommets and stand-offs, computer interface panels, and drafting aids. Perfect for hobbyists, prototype designers, and electronic repair shops.
— James Stockford
##A 03 150458 182
##T Mouser Electronics
Catalog free from:
Mouser Electronics
P. O. Box 699
Mansfield, TX 76063
##A 03 151341 183
##T Mouser Electronics
##A 03 147305 184
##T J & R Music World
J & R Music World
Mail order can offer major savings over local retail. Unlike most mail order consumer electronics stores, J & R offers three comprehensive catalogs—on computers, stereos, and videotapes. Between them you’ll find home security devices, musical keyboards, telephones, blank tapes, copiers, watches, and shavers.
— Saul Feldman
But you should always check local sale prices first !
— J. Baldwin
##A 03 147575 185
##T J & R Music World
Catalog free
J & R Music World
Dept. BS2388
59-50 Queens-Midtown Expressway
Maspeth, NY 11378-9896
718-417-3737 (NY)
##A 03 38257 186
##A 03 46888 187
##T Cold Glass
##A 03 107966 188
ONE OF THE MOST magical moments I experience is what happens in taking a just-completed stained glass window off the workbench and holding it up to the sunlight. The window transforms before my eyes from a cold grouping of pieces of glass into an entity that is almost alive.
There are exciting things happening in glass these days which will shatter any limiting beliefs you may have about this material. For clarity’s sake, glass can be broken into three main subject categories:
##A 03 108215 189
cold glass (includes working with stained glass, sandblasting, etching, etc.), warm glass (includes lampworking and techniques such as fusing, slumping, painting glass between 1100° F and
1650° F in a kiln), and hot glass (working with molten glass—employing a furnace at temperatures usually over 2000° F).
- David Jouris
##A 03 109300 190
##T Stained Glass Primers
Stained Glass Primers
Peter Mollica has put together an excellent pair of books on stained glass. It was from them that I learned the basics when I first began. Volume one teaches the fundamentals of the craft by going step-by-step through the making of a leaded glass window, and using the copperfoil technique. The straightforward instructions are accompanied every step of the way by helpful black-and-white photos. Volume two introduces more advanced techniques including the use of easels, painting on glass, firing in a kiln, and how to reinforce and install a window. An annotated bibliography of books on glass completes this solid introduction to the craft.
- David Jouris
##A 03 109492 191
##T Stained Glass Primers
Stained Glass Primer (Vol. 1)
Peter Mollica
1971; 87 pp.
ISBN 0960130667
$4.95 ($5.95 postpaid)
Mollica Stained Glass Press
10033 Broadway Terrace
Oakland, CA 94611
##A 03 8900 192
##T Stained Glass Primers
Stained Glass Primer (Vol. 2)
Peter Mollica
1977; 207 pp.
ISBN 0960130632
$4.95 ($5.95 postpaid)
Mollica Stained Glass Press
10033 Broadway Terrace
Oakland, CA 94611
##A 03 68162 193
##T Stained Glass Primers
Cutting glass requires the most practice of the basic stained glass techniques. It is a two–step process consisting of making a light scratch (score) on the surface of the glass and breaking the glass along the scored line. The best type of glass cutter for stained glass work is the Fletcher 02 or Red Devil 023 steel wheel cutter.
##A 03 49938 194
##T The Art of Painting on Glass
The Art of Painting on Glass
A marvelous book on vitreous painting by a man who clearly loves his craft. Albinas Elskus gives a personal and comprehensive discourse on paints and how to mix them and explains the necessary tools and equipment a beginner would need. Most of the book is devoted to the techniques involved in painting on glass, including designing, tracing, matting, staining, enameling, etching, and firing. Full of wonderful photographs and drawings.
- David Jouris
##A 03 110542 195
##T The Art of Painting on Glass
(Techniques and Designs for Stained Glass)
Albinas Elskus
1980; 147 pp.
ISBN 0684176432
MacMillan Publishing Co.
##A 03 110896 196
##T The Art of Painting on Glass
Blender’s badger hairs are pressed to the glass as the blending begins.
To assure shading, the pressure on the hairs is released toward the edge of the glass.
##A 03 111168 197
##T The Art of Painting on Glass
Sample of a shaded matt.
##A 03 48220 198
##T Hot Glass
##A 03 110335 199
##T Glass Fusing
Glass Fusing
Here is a beautifully designed manual on the basics of warm glass. It’s loaded with clearly written technical information on kilns, tools, supplies, firing, fusing, annealing, sagging, slumping, molding, and finishing. And there’s an extended appendix which includes a helpful “glassery” for definitions of glassworking terms and a list of suppliers. This book also has some of the best illustrations I’ve seen— with hundreds of color photos. It is practically impossible to look at this work and not be inspired to try it yourself. Wow!
- David Jouris
##A 03 113762 200
##T Glass Fusing
Boyce Lundstrom and Daniel Schwoerer
1983; 137 pp.
ISBN 0961228202
$19.95 ($21.45 postpaid)
Vitreous Publications, Inc.
Camp Colton
Colton, OR 97017
##A 03 114635 201
##T Glass Fusing
Slumping is the downward sinking of glass by its own weight as it is heated, while retaining uniform thickness.
##A 03 114780 202
##T Glassblowing: A Search for Form
Glassblowing: A Search for Form
Glassblowing is out of print but well worth looking for at the library or used book shops, as there is a dearth of well-written, inspiring books on this subject. Littleton begins by discussing the nature of glass and its history, but devotes most of the book to a personal account of his techniques and what he has learned during his years of work with hot glass.
- David Jouris
##A 03 115017 203
##T Glassblowing: A Search for Form
Harvey K. Littleton
ISBN 0442243413
Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.
##A 03 105888 204
##T Glassblowing: A Search for Form
Working molten glass
##A 03 115851 205
##T Glassblowing: A Search for Form
A wet wooden paddle is used to develop bowl from thick blown glass bottle shape.
##A 03 53107 206
##T Glasswork Resources
##A 03 71647 207
Here are some of the best places to learn.
•N.Y. Experimental Glass Workshop
Year-round school offering classes, workshops, and demonstrations in all areas of glass work. Facilities available for rent to independent glass artists.
•Camp Colton Glass Program
A summer school for basic and advanced fusing work.
•Fenton and Gaines Glass Studio
A spring and fall workshop series covering both cold and warm glass, featuring well-known glass workers.
##A 03 142964 208
• Pilchuck School
A summer school with classes in all areas of glass work, featuring many of the best glass workers around.
— David Jouris
Ÿ Apprenticeship in Craft
##A 03 145080 209
N.Y. Experimental Glass Workshop
Catalog free
N.Y. Experimental Glass Workshop
142 Mulberry Street
New York, NY 10013
##A 03 154438 210
Camp Colton Glass Program
Catalog free
Camp Colton
Colton, OR 97017
##A 03 156465 211
Fenton and Gaines Glass Studio
Catalog free
Fenton and Gaines Glass Studio
4001 San Leandro Street No. 8
Oakland, CA 94601
##A 03 157808 212
Pilchuck School
Catalog free
Pilchuck School
107 South Main Street #324
Seattle, WA 98104
##A 03 158212 213
Neon I
Limited to 8. No experience required. A basic course covering design, layout, the principles of operation and the construction of luminous glass tubes. Skills-oriented, with emphasis on bending and splicing. Installation and pumping are covered in lectures.
Tuition $340. Materials $100.
Glass Assemblage
Limited to 8. This course will explore the use of glass and mixed media to create sculptures using a variety of techniques. Students will be introduced to cold techniques including sandblasting, grinding, drilling, and cutting and kiln-fired techniques including fusing and slumping. A final project will be required.
Tuition $340. Materials $100.
— N.Y. Experimental Glass Workshop
##A 03 16029 214
##T Professional Stained Glass Magazine
Professional Stained Glass Magazine
Features articles on stained glass technique, equipment evaluations, and designing. The December issue is devoted to a nationwide listing of suppliers in all areas of glass work.
- David Jouris
##A 03 38442 215
##T Professional Stained Glass Magazine
Albert Lewis, Editor-in-Chief
ISSN 08851808
$25/year (10 issues)
The Edge Publishing Group, Inc.
245 West 29th St.
Room 1303
New York, NY 10001
##A 03 24935 216
##T Professional Stained Glass Magazine
Ray’s Panel Series #3, Jenkyn Powell
This window, measuring 1' x 3', is one of four done as a commission for the residence of Ray Harryhausen. Ray was an animator on the film “The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad” which is the inspiration for two of the windows. The windows were created with Fischer and Desag glasses, which were painted, stained and acid etched. Some pieces in this window were painted and fired as many as seven times! Powell used Reusche paints on the window, firing them in a kiln he built himself. The kiln is barn-shaped, measures 15 square feet, and is equipped with stainless steel shelving.
##A 03 124470 217
##T Whittemore-Durgin Glass Company
Whittemore-Durgin Glass Company
A fat, fascinating catalog of glassworking supplies and tools.
— J. Baldwin
##A 03 158644 218
##T Whittemore-Durgin Glass Company
Information free
Whittemore-Durgin Glass Company
P. O. Box 2065
Hanover, MA 02339
##A 03 5805 219
##T Whittemore-Durgin Glass Company
##A 03 9872 220
##T Whittemore-Durgin Glass Company
##A 03 19896 221
##T Whittemore-Durgin Glass Company
##A 03 118154 222
##T Neues Glas
Neues Glas
This German/English magazine is as sleek and glittery as a gallery showcase—which it sort of is. The work shown is a good representation of the cutting edge of glass artistry.
- J. Baldwin
##A 03 118515 223
##T Neues Glas
Karl Gunter Nicola, Editor
ISSN 07232454
$37.50/year (4 issues)
Verlagsanstalt Handwerk GmbH
Postfach 8120
D4000 Dusseldorf 1
West Germany
##A 03 169441 224
##T Neues Glas
—Work by Kurt Wallstab
##A 03 117098 225
##T New Work
New Work
This quarterly tabloid magazine includes articles, portfolios, news, reviews; plus listings of classes, seminars, fairs, exhibitions and positions open. Published by people who are actively involved in glass work.
- David Jouris
##A 03 117350 226
##T New Work
William Warmus, Editor
$15/year (4 issues)
New York Experimental Glass Workshop, Inc.
647 Fulton Street
Brooklyn, NY 11217
##A 03 59568 227
##T New Work
Michael Taylor’s metaphors of energy and light.
##A 03 116215 228
##T Glass Art Society Journal
Glass Art Society Journal
The Glass Art Society puts out this handsome journal each year after their annual conference. New techniques, controversy, and classy photographs of recent work abound.
— David Jouris
##A 03 116463 229
##T Glass Art Society Journal
Christine Robbins, Editor
ISSN 02789426
$17/year (annual)
Glass Art Society
P.O. Box 1364
Corning, NY 14830
##A 03 36143 230
##T Glass Art Society Journal
Edward McIlvane, “Janus Series,” 1983. Blown, cast, cut and carved sheet glass.
##A 03 3839 231
##A 03 49645 232
##T Jewelry I
##A 03 145639 233
##T Jewelry Concepts and Techniques
Jewelry Concepts and Techniques
“My stars!” is what my grandmother would say when confronted with the need for superlatives but unable to think of any that would fit. That’s what she’d say about this work. Total, comprehensive, magnificent, fascinating—your choice. Quite literally, Mr. Untracht has looked at every style, technique, form, and material (even plastic) used in jewelrymaking in just about every culture, past and present. History, symbolic meaning
(something most jewelers seem to ignore), heretofore-secret methods are all shown in minute detail along with tables of metal characteristics. There’s seemingly no end to it, and it’s all presented in a way that makes it hard to quit reading even when your thing isn’t jewelry. In short, the book itself is a work of art. And obviously a work of love as well. Reading along I’ve also been
struck by how few of us moderns really get into something, in
##A 03 59029 234
##T Jewelry Concepts and Techniques
depth, all the way. I’m amazed that one person could know all this. Physically, the book is well done too. Everything illustrated and diagrammed. All it lacks is wheels and a towbar to haul its massive bulk around.
— J. Baldwin
##A 03 145726 235
##T Jewelry Concepts and Techniques
Oppi Untracht
1982; 864 pp.
ISBN 0385041853
$65.00 ($67.50 postpaid)
Doubleday & Co.
501 Franklin Ave.
Garden City, NJ 11530
##A 03 147924 236
##T Jewelry Concepts and Techniques
This self-made tool is used to bulge small hollow forms, such as tubing, outward from within. Tap the shaft just above the clamped tang end with a small hammer held in the left hand. With each blow of the hammer, the end inserted in the tube vibrates, the ball kicks upward, each time making a bump appear on the tube wall. By watching the position where the bumps appear, and moving the tube accordingly, the bulging can be controlled. The effect of this tool’s action is exactly as if a repousse punch had been used on the open work.
##A 03 162353 237
##T Jewelry Concepts and Techniques
JOHN E. SATTERFIELD, U.S.A. Silver necklace with ivory plaque into which pique point silver wire and tubing has been inserted through holes made completely through the ground (when one-sided patterns are created) or partly through (when two-sided patterns are the aim). Tubes are flared slightly to fix them in place. In addition, epoxy resin mixed with a catalyst and color in powdered form is forced into some holes with a flexible knife. After setting, the entire surface is sanded with 400 or 600 grit wet/dry sandpaper. The process is repeated for another color. The colors used here are red and black. Plastic, nylon, Teflon, Delrin, or wood could also be used as a ground for pique work.
##A 03 71367 238
##T Metal Techniques for Craftsmen
Metal Techniques for Craftsmen
If you read this book, you’ll know more about metalworking than just about anybody you know. International in scope, it covers an incredible collection of techniques from many countries and cultures. The various techniques are presented with a complete set of instructions for each one and are illustrated by excellent photographs, often of native craftsmen doing their thing. Tools are described and illustrated in detail. Everything is described in detail. Reading this book will take you right up to that point where you’ll have to do it awhile yourself to get into it any further. This is a real assembly of diverse information, some of it hard to find, and a metal-crafter-jeweler should be into new things within an hour of getting his hands on it. This is one of those rare and super books written by someone that wanted to lay his trip on others.
##A 03 73776 239
##T Metal Techniques for Craftsmen
Well worth the money. The “definitive text,” as they say.
— J. Baldwin
##A 03 79541 240
##T Metal Techniques for Craftsmen
Oppi Untracht
1968; 509 pp.
ISBN 0385030274
$35 ($37 postpaid.)
Doubleday & Co.
501 Franklin Avenue
Garden City, NY 11531
##A 03 106610 241
##T Metal Techniques for Craftsmen
Tools are generally extensions of the functions of the hands, but in some cultures, of the feet as well. We in the West deprive ourselves of the use of our feet in work for the sake of comfort, immobilizing them in stockings and shoes. Wherever metalsmiths work in India, they use their feet to hold, guide, manipulate, and support large objects under work, as naturally as they use their feet for standing and walking. Shown here is a brass worker (thathera) from Pemberti, Andhra Pradesh, in South India, planishing a brass water pot with hand and hammer, at the same time using one foot to guide its movement over the earth-anchored anvil, and the other to help keep it in position to receive the regular rain of blows over its surface.
##A 03 137475 242
##T Metal Techniques for Craftsmen
Sterling silver necklace utilizing 18-gauge metal, by Mary Ann Scherr. Length: 16–1/2 inches; each unit: 3–1/2 inches by 1/2 inch. The intaglio pattern was created with an etching solution of half nitric acid and half water and was then oxidized.
##A 03 143777 243
##T Design and Creation of Jewelry
Design and Creation of Jewelry
From brooch to buckle, from lapidary to enamelling, filigree,cloisonne, forging, casting, Japanese Kasane Uchi, Renaissance niello, twentieth century photo etching . . . this is your guide to a craft with but one aim: decorative, personal adornment.
— Don Lohr
##A 03 144260 244
##T Design and Creation of Jewelry
Robert von Neumann
Third Edition
1982; 321 pp.
ISBN 0801970679
$18.50 ($22.50 postpd.)
Chilton Book Co.
Chilton Way
Radnor, PA 19089
##A 03 145211 245
##T Design and Creation of Jewelry
##A 03 94505 246
Once you’ve begun to delight in creating jewelry, you’ll probably solder your soul to one particular technique. Here are some of the best for specialized detail. Remember, each author has his/her eye for decorative design. You’ll probably want several books. Some of the techniques go back four thousand or more years.
— Don Lohr
Ÿ Pyramid Foundry Sets
##A 03 141939 247
Creative Casting
Sharr Choate
1986; 213 pp.
ISBN 0517561743
($14.45 postpaid)
Crown Publishers
225 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10003
##A 03 154336 248
Metalwork and Enamelling
Herbert Maryon
Fourth Edition 1971; 335 pp.
ISBN 0486227022
$5.95 ($7.45 postpaid)
Dover Books
31 E. Second Street
Mineola, NY 11501
##A 03 143221 249
Copper may be raised to nearly a white heat before it will melt; brass, however, runs much sooner—at a yellow heat. Silver looks pink when “red-hot” if the flame has been moved away. It will melt before it gives a white glow. Gold changes colour very little before reaching its melting point, but then it collapses very suddenly. So use considerable care and manage your flame so that no thin part gets a sharp blast. Remember to move the flame right off the work for a fraction of a second every now and then. You will thus be able to see when any part is getting too hot.
In soldering a wire on to another part of the work you may have some difficulty in keeping the solder from running on to and thickening the wire. This is a particularly disagreeable habit, for it quite ruins the appearance of a twisted or plaited wire if it is clogged up in this way. To avoid this difficulty you must take care that the heat reaches the wire only through the work—not directly from the blowpipe flame itself.
—Metalwork & Enamelling
##A 03 143557 250
SPICE BOX. Sterling silver and tourmalines. 2" high. Lost wax, hollow core- Creative Casting
##A 03 155044 251
Gold Bowl. Etruscan
- Metalwork & Enamelling
##A 03 140551 252
##T Lapidary Journal
Lapidary Journal
I get an itch in my fingers and groin looking at the pictures in this magazine. More beguiling than jewelry-store jewelry, this solid journal has the fascinating stuff—the finding and working of the GEMS! Gorgeous, tiny, perfect . . . (This isn’t gonna translate into black & white pictures . . .) Look at that sapphire!
— Stewart Brand
##A 03 140852 253
##T Lapidary Journal
Sonia Gilbert, Editor
ISSN 00238457
$20.00/year (12 issues)
Lapidary Journal
Circulation Department
P.O. Box 41094
Nashville, TN 37204
##A 03 141333 254
##T Lapidary Journal
Forty-two and a half pounds of optical quartz cut and polished into a dazzling sculpture by Glenn Lehrer and Lawrence Stoller. The Empress of Lemuria was named by the cutters for its majestic stature and suggestion of antiquity; the myth of Lemuria from the Mu tradition holds that a remarkable civilization developed in ancient times in Polynesia, on an island that later receded into the ocean. Photo copyright by Harold & Erica Van Pelt, Los Angeles.
##A 03 15818 255
##T Jewelry II
##A 03 155213 256
##T Complete Metalsmith
Complete Metalsmith
Let’s say you’re a jewelrymaker and you can’t figure out a way to make a hidden hinge for a box. So you write your uncle, the master goldsmith. He sits down, gets very stoned, and sends you a beautifully descriptive letter, complete with imaginative little drawings, written in a tight, clear hand. Now imagine a whole book on jewelry-making done in this very personal, friendly, and accessible way, and you have The Complete Metalsmith. The title to the contrary, this book won’t tell you much about blacksmithing, titanium, or stainless steel, but it will tell you a lot about goldsmithing, and in a marvelous way. Tim McCreight’s style is light and humorous, as well as technically knowledgeable. The book is visually and factually stimulating enough that I reread it a second time as soon as I finished it once, to try and take more of
##A 03 82682 257
##T Complete Metalsmith
it in. The illustrations are clear, to the point, and homey. The quotes by everyone from Voltaire to W.C. Fields add a bit of far-flung perspective. And I appreciate the safety alert symbols scattered throughout, used when describing a tool or technique that has a hazard potential. A gem of a handmade book.
— David Clarkson
##A 03 155553 258
##T Complete Metalsmith
Tim McCreight
1984; 150 pp.
ISBN 0871921359
$11.95 postpaid
Davis Publications
Printers Building
Worcester, Ma 01608
##A 03 156274 259
##T Complete Metalsmith
STAMPING SURFACES—Work on an anvil, preferably polished. Anneal metal before starting. Use stock thick enough to absorb blow. Hold handle where it is comfortable. A lower grip increases power. You may also create a rich surface by hammering the metal onto a texture, like rusted steel or concrete.
##A 03 148124 260
Here are two of the very best sources of jewelry-making equipage. Quality is high, with prices to match. Selection is inspiring. Some of the tools are adaptable for other work such as modelmaking. I’ll bet you didn’t know that many of the tools even existed! Yum!
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ Tool Catalogs
##A 03 149677 261
Catalog $5 from:
Allcraft Tool & Supply Co.
60 South MacQuesten Parkway
Mount Vernon, NY 10550
##A 03 94780 262
Dixon Precision Tools and Equipment
Catalog $3
William Dixon, Inc.
750 Washington Avenue
Carlstadt, NJ 07072
##A 03 150574 263
Parallel Jaw Pliers- Allcraft
##A 03 170410 264
HAND BENDER — The best value in precise metal bending. Durable enough to multibend 5/16" dia. wire and 1" x 1/8" flat metal, this compact six pound unit is still portable enough to fit most tool kits. Whatever your needs........ clamps, handles, brackets, hooks, coils or other complex shapes.
##A 03 171492 265
SET OF 12 CHASING TOOLS — Contains all designs illustrated.
The impeccable production of this magazine reflects the same spirit and imaginative classy workmanship as the work it shows. Articles are much more detailed than you’d find in a less specialized magazine, yet are written in nontechnical language, and illustrated as if the reader was a beginner. There is no trace whatever of artzy-craftzy.
And we mustn’t forget the advertisements. A good mag attracts quality advertisers. In this case, the ads are an invitation to
fiscal madness. They’re nicely produced too, tending to show the latest innovations just as the editorial content of the magazine does.
##A 03 176264 269
##T Fine Woodworking Magazine
Perhaps the editors should put out a Fine Magazine-Making magazine. (They do put out others equally good: Fine Homebuilding, Threads, and Fine Gardening — see reviews.)
- J. Baldwin
##A 03 52549 270
##T Fine Woodworking
ISSN 03613453
$18/year (6 issues)
$21/year foreign
Single copy $3.75; $4.25 foreign
The Taunton Press
Subscription Dept.
63 South Main Street
Box 355
Newtown, CT 06470
##A 03 78510 271
##T Fine Woodworking On
Fine Woodworking On
Bending wood, chairs and beds, planes and chisels, woodworking machines . . . and a bunch of other subjects. The series is made up of articles (about 30 in each book) from the past twelve years of Fine Woodworking magazine (see previous review), and that means good writing, good illustrations, and lots of different voices and opinions. These books give me a feeling of being a student with lots of teachers.
— J. Baldwin
##A 03 60138 272
##T Fine Woodworking
Paul Bertorelli, Editor
12-book series
$7.95 ea. postpaid
The Taunton Press
63 South Main Street
Box 355
Newtown, CT 06470
##A 03 92344 273
##T Fine Woodworking Techniques
Fine Woodworking Techniques
Another series from the pages of Fine Woodworking (see two previous reviews), this time exclusively concerned with the technical articles they’ve published in past issues. By pros, for pros or those about to be.
— J. Baldwin
##A 03 64317 274
##T Fine Woodworking
Editors of Fine Woodworking magazine
7 book series
$17.95 ea. postpaid
The Taunton Press
63 South Main Street
Box 355
Newtown, CT 06470
##A 03 102929 275
##T Fine Woodworking Video Workshops
Fine Woodworking Video Workshops
Stuff one of these in your Beta or VHS and see how it’s done. Certainly the wave of a how-to future, these video cassettes by the editors of Fine Woodworking (see previous three reviews) lead you by the hand through such subjects as bowl turning, dovetailing, wood finishing, and other subjects that are tricky to address inanimately. I know folks who share the costs, passing the tapes
among friends. You might also recommend that your library get ’em.
— J. Baldwin
##A 03 76924 276
##T Fine Woodworking
$49.95 – $59.95 postpaid Information free
The Taunton Press
63 South Main St.
Box 355
Newtown, CT 06470
##A 03 46340 277
##T Understanding Wood
Understanding Wood
A superb book for wood craftsmen about wood, not woodworking. The author teaches wood technology, contributes to Fine Woodworking magazine, and has been carving the stuff since he was a kid. He has done a painstaking job of making accessible a lot of essential but technical information about what wood is (from cells on up) and why it acts as it does. It’s the difference between knowing that a board can check and warp, and knowing why. The photos, captions, and design are equal to the fine text.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 03 46637 278
##T Understanding Wood
(A Craftsman’s Guide to Wood Technology)
R. Bruce Hoadley
1980; 256 pp.
ISBN 0918804051
$24.95 ($26.45 postpaid )
Taunton Press
63 South Main Street
P. O. Box 355
Newtown, CT 06470
##A 03 152086 279
##T Understanding Wood
When a nail is driven perpendicular to the grain, annular grooves provide added bearing surface for the bent wood fibers, which resist withdrawal of the nail.
##A 03 30135 280
##T Wood Magazine
Wood Magazine
Better Homes and Gardens puts out this friendly, competent
magazine. As you’d expect, the content and presentation are homeowner oriented—more so than the Fine Woodworking publications (see items reviewed in this cluster). Some folks find this atmosphere less intimidating than listening to professional woodworkers who sound more like artists than hobbyists. Wood has plenty of enticing advertisements, too.
- J. Baldwin
##A 03 30320 281
##T Wood Magazine
Larry Clayton, Editor
ISSN 0743894X
$18/year (6 issues)
Locust at 17th
Des Moines, IA 50336
##A 03 102862 282
##T Wood Magazine
Distinctively patterned sides put stave bowls in a class all their own. Not being satisfied with just a stunning bowl wall, we decided to go one step further and create an equally attractive bottom for our 9"-diameter fruit bowl.
##A 03 30603 283
##T Wood Magazine
Too many tools slow you down
Three tools — a large gouge, a small gouge, and a parting tool (direction) — do 99 percent of Bert’s turning. He rarely uses a skew. Instead, his 1"-wide roughing gouge has a flattened side to smooth. “You save time by not using other tools,” he explains.
In this turner’s world of time and precision, handles make a difference, too. Bert has no use for “long and strong” handles: “That means long and stupid. If you turn right, you don’t need the leverage long handles give you.”
Handles must fit your hand or they’re of no use at all in his opinion. “They’re a very personal thing, made to fit you, not someone else.”
##A 03 69660 284
##A 03 48696 285
##T Ceramics
##A 03 63570 286
It’s no coincidence that clay has been in use constantly for at least 9,000 years; what other material can be shaped to almost any form, kept workable (moist) as long as necessary, dried, and then fired until it achieves a rock-hard permanence? Its immediacy makes it one of the most spontaneous of media.
- Mary Law
##A 03 64734 287
##T Hands in Clay
Hands in Clay
This is the most detailed of the general texts that I know. Almost half the book is about historical ceramics, showing the enormous variety of ways clay has been used over the centuries, with lots of good pictures of ancient pots and diagrams of methods and tools used. The second half focuses on your hands in clay, explaining various methods (handbuilding, making sculpture, working on the wheel and casting, surface treatments, glazing, and firing). Glaze chemistry is explained in the Appendix, with a good example of glaze calculation, too.
— Mary Law
##A 03 64855 288
##T Hands in Clay
Charlotte F. Speight
1983; 348 pp.
ISBN 0874846455
$21.95 ($23.95 postpaid)
Mayfield Publishing Co.
1240 Villa St.
Mountain View, CA 94041
##A 03 65253 289
##T Hands in Clay
Clay, like bread, is improved by the action of bacteria. It needs to be left alone for a period of aging after it has been mixed, allowing the water to permeate the particles completely. If the clay is aged for more than a few days, bacteria start to form. These bacteria develop acids and gels and secrete enzymes that help break the clay into smaller particles, increasing its plasticity. Two weeks will probably ripen the clay, although most potters say the longer the better. Legends tell us that ancient Chinese potters prepared clay to be put aside for use by their sons and grandsons.
##A 03 65498 290
##T Hands in Clay
Hands working in moist clay have shaped it into sculpture or pottery for thousands of years.
##A 03 65547 291
##T The Ceramic Spectrum
The Ceramic Spectrum
My absolute favorite on glazes and materials testing. Every time I open it I want to run out to my studio and mix some test glazes.
— Mary Law
##A 03 65875 292
##T The Ceramic Spectrum
Robin Hopper
1984; 224 pp.
ISBN 0801972752
$42 ($46.50 postpaid)
Chilton Book Co.
Cash Sales Dept.
Chilton Way
Radnor, PA 19089
##A 03 66480 293
##T The Ceramic Spectrum
Ulla Viotti (Sweden). Detail of relief. White stoneware, painted with cobalt oxide, which is then rubbed off with steel wool. Once-fired in electric oxidation at cone 9.
##A 03 68652 294
##T The Kiln Book
The Kiln Book
The best book on kilns and kiln building that I’ve seen. It’s well designed, clear, and the information is easy to find when you need it.
— Mary Law
##A 03 68897 295
##T The Kiln Book
Frederick L. Olsen
Second Edition 1983; 291 pp.
ISBN 0801970717
$30 ($34.50 postpaid)
Chilton Book Co.
Cash Sales Dept.
Chilton Way
Radnor, PA 19089
##A 03 69584 296
##T The Kiln Book
Bottle kiln, Segra
Pottery, Breda, Spain.
##A 03 66712 297
##T Studio Potter
Studio Potter
Written by potters for potters, Studio Potter is packed with information about how potters think and operate. They sponsor a program to help people sponsor apprenticeships.
— Mary Law
##A 03 66837 298
##T Studio Potter
Gerry Williams, Editor
$15/year (2 issues)
Studio Potter
P. O. Box 70
Goffstown, NH 03045
##A 03 152870 299
##T Studio Potter
I lay down and dream about the sculpture — about how to fix one of the heads, things like that. I’m liable to dream anything.
I make a face first, then make me a skull. First I shape it up like a regular man’s head. Then I cut it down to a skeleton head. That’s the onliest way you can get a shape. I use corn for teeth because I couldn’t think of nothing else.
##A 03 172014 300
##T Ceramics Monthly
Ceramics Monthly
Ceramics Monthly has lots of pictures of recent work, latest technique, profiles of noted potters, and a listing of upcoming exhibitions. Each April issue features an exhaustive list of summer classes.
— Mary Law
##A 03 172292 301
##T Ceramics Monthly
William Hunt, Editor
ISSN 00090329
$20/year (10 issues)
Ceramics Monthly
P. O. Box 12448
Columbus, OH 43212
##A 03 70452 302
##T Ceramics Monthly
American pine, from boxes used to ship exports to Korea, is scavenged to fire the kiln at Whang San Myun.
##A 03 61982 303
##T Ceramics Monthly
Japanese potter Yukio Yamamoto raking the coals of a noborigama he designed during a workshop for Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff.
##A 03 38791 304
##A 03 50930 305
##T Basketry
##A 03 53673 306
A Kampuchean friend, Meng Sovan, once made several small bamboo baskets for me to take home to my family. They were lovingly crafted—clearly a special gift. I thanked my friend for his kindness, and asked how I could carry them unharmed for the duration of my travels. “No problem,” he said. He sat down and made me a nice big basket to carry them in.
— David Jouris
##A 03 96531 307
##T Basketry Today with Materials from Nature
Basketry Today with Materials from Nature
An inspiring introduction to basketry, with chapters on gathering and dyeing natural materials, weaving, plaiting, twining, coiling, pine needle baskets, and nontraditional freestyle forms. Clear, well-made photos and drawings explain the steps in making the different basket styles.
— David Jouris
##A 03 96773 308
##T Basketry Today with Materials from Nature
Dona Z. Meilach and Dee Menagh
1979; 200 pp.
ISBN 051753135
$8.95 ($11.95 postpaid)
Crown Publishers
225 Park Ave. South
New York, NY 10003
##A 03 105131 309
##T Basketry Today with Materials from Nature
Plaited basket of the Winnebago Indians, with curls around the surface and on the cover.
##A 03 98589 310
##T The News Basket
The News Basket
A spiffy and wholly professionally turned out magazine, rich in enthusiasm for basketry, oriented toward serious professional work. Full of information on what’s happening in basketry and where. Lots of photographs of imaginative work and how it is done.
— David Jouris
##A 03 98951 311
##T The News Basket
Shereen LaPlantz, Editor
ISSN 07426569
$18.50/year (6 issues)
Press de LaPlantz
P.O. Box 220
Bayside, CA 95524
##A 03 153868 312
##T The News Basket
Sometimes you’ll get thick roots, they can be used as is or made thinner. To make the root thinner, split it. Start the split at the trunk end with your knife.
Pull apart with your teeth and hand.
##A 03 97639 313
##T The Nature of Basketry
The Nature of Basketry
This book will cure your narrow mind about baskets. The range of human basketry is awesome, ingenious, gorgeous. You can’t beat it, but you can join it.
— Stewart Brand
##A 03 97872 314
##T The Nature of Basketry
Ed Rossbach
1986; 192 pp.
ISBN 0887400590
$14.95 ($16.95 postpaid)
Schiffer Publishing
P. O. Box E
Exton, PA 19341
##A 03 98351 315
##T The Nature of Basketry
Bamboo basket, Japan. The elements are in a complex organization which combines plaiting, twining, and wickerwork.
##A 03 7306 316
We’ve found these folks to be trustworthy sources:
• The Caning Shop - A reputation for taking a personal interest in customers and giving interesting classes. Carries basketry and caning supplies, tools, and books.
• Tint & Splint Basketry - Full line of basketry supplies, tools, books. Known for really good colored reed. Reputed to have best wholesale rates. Offers classes and workshops.
• H. H. Perkins - Nice folks to deal with, and in the business for over 70 years. Tools, supplies, and books.
— David Jouris
##A 03 13350 317
The Caning Shop
Catalog $1 from:
The Caning Shop
926 Gilman Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
##A 03 14261 318
Tint & Splint Basketry
Catalog free with SASE
Tint & Splint Basketry.
30100 Ford Road
Sheridan Square
Garden City, MI 48135
##A 03 14379 319
H. H. Perkins
Catalog free from:
H.H. Perkins Co.
P. O. Box A.C.
Amity Station
Woodbridge, CT 06525
##A 03 175008 320
Cane Webbing- The Caning Shop
##A 03 176677 321
Gran’s Cotton Basket Kit
• Complete Supplies
• Simple Instructions
Complete Kit $10.50
Approx. Shipping weight—2 lbs. —H. H. Perkins Co.
##A 03 51646 322
##T Fiber Crafts
##A 03 125312 323
##T Threads
The publishers of Fine Woodworking and Fine Home-building
(see reviews) have come out with another beautiful magazine, Threads. With a style and look all its own, Threads is not just another pretty face. It is filled with interesting, well-written articles that cover the gamut of the fiber arts field. It has articles about and by leading textile artists as well as pieces on freestyle embroidery, Gobelins-style tapestry, weft twining, hand-quilting, knitting, dyeing, felting, sewing hand-wovens, and on and on. My particular interests are in embroidery and weaving, but I find that every time an issue of Threads arrives, I read it cover to cover. The piece de resistance is the back cover, which is like a great dessert after a wonderful meal.
— Susan Erkel Ryan
##A 03 125666 324
##T Threads
Betsy Levine, Editor
ISSN 08827370
$18/year (6 issues)
The Taunton Press
Subscription Dept.
P.O. Box 355
Newton, CT 06470
##A 03 63782 325
##T Threads
Ruching is a form of stitching and gathering. To ruche a bias tube with zigzag stitches, mark out points at intervals down the length of the ribbon—roughly twice the ribbon width—and connect them with a disappearing ink pen. Hand-or machine-stitch along the line. Then pull the thread ends as you push the fabric to gather it for a loose or tight effect. Arrange the ruffles so that they lie flat after you have secured the thread.
##A 03 126854 326
##T Fiberarts
A copy of Fiberarts will fill you in on the latest shows, classes, and events in the field. They run lots of color pictures of fiberwork, making the magazine a good source for inspiration.
- Marilyn Green
##A 03 127121 327
##T Fiberarts
Carol Lawrence, Editor
ISSN 0164324X
$18/year (5 issues)
50 College Street
Asheville, NC 28801
##A 03 127547 328
##T Fiberarts
At Play, black-on-white
silk screen print by Harwood
Steiger. His printed fabrics are
produced entirely by hand, from mixing dyes and cutting stencils to the actual printing.
##A 03 60310 329
##T The Fiberworks Source Book
The Fiberworks Source Book
Keep a firm grip on your Visa card when you delve into this succulent catalog—the variety alone will make you greedy.
You’ll find goodies such as rubber stamps (for use with permanent fabric color), the addresses of professional associations and schools, and every sort of stuff to use for knitting, weaving, spinning, papermaking, basketry, and just about everything else that can possibly be construed as fiber. Your library may have it.
— J. Baldwin
##A 03 60553 330
##T The Fiberworks Source Book
Bobbi A. McRae
Betterway Publications
##A 03 60683 331
##T The Fiberworks Source Book
Cerulean Blue, Ltd., P. O. Box 21168, Seattle, WA 98111, Telephone (206)
625-9647: Cerulean Blue is probably the most popular supplier for textile and fiber artists. And it’s really no wonder — they have the most comprehensive catalog of fiber supplies available anywhere. An in-depth educational catalog is $3.25 — includes health and safety tips, periodic “Blue-News” updates with new products, price changes, gallery information, etc.
Straw Into Gold, 3006 San Pablo Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94702. Telephone (415)
548-5241. Mail Order, Retail Shop; V/MC; Established in 1971. Straw Into Gold carries many materials for basketmaking; fiber rush, Fiber Flex, reed, raffia, untreated pigtail raffia, and seagrass in various sizes. Send a SASE for a current catalog and price list.
##A 03 61094 332
##T The Fiberworks Source Book
Deaton Farms’ Angora, 9095 Paddock Road, Eaton, OH 45320, Telephone (513) 456-5630. Manufacturer; Mail Order; Established in 1981. Diane Deaton, of Deaton Farms’ Angora, raises angora rabbits for the special fibers that they provide. She has white angora rabbit wool available. She also is interested in doing custom spinning, as well as teaching workshops on the angora rabbit.
Send $3.00 for Diane’s basic catalog and angora sample.
(By the way, this is no ordinary catalog. It contains extensive information on angora rabbit wool, angora fiber chemistry, spinning angora wool, dyeing the wool, designing angora yarns, and instructions for a French angora beret. Well worth $3.00!)
##A 03 62613 333
##T A Silk Worker’s Handbook
A Silk Worker’s Handbook
Once a precious, handmade book fit for museums (silk fabric samples throughout), this loving treatise about the character of silk has been issued as an affordable trade paperback (no samples, alas). It’s about the practical techniques of using silk, in all its varieties, and how silk’s unusual origins shape the personality of its fabrics. It’s by hands passionately intimate with this queen of fibers.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 03 62857 334
##T A Silk Worker’s Handbook
Cheryl Kolander
1985; 168 pp..
ISBN 0934026181
$12 ($14.50 postpaid)
Interweave Press
306 N. Washington Ave.
Loveland, CO 80537
##A 03 63216 335
##T A Silk Worker’s Handbook
The sound of silk tearing:
A hundred trees rent by a storm
in a moment — gone!
Lye Test: A hot lye solution will dissolve all animal fibers in 10 to 15 minutes. White silk will dissolve very quickly, some wild silks may take longer. Wool will also dissolve quickly, but the cellulose/synthetic fibers will remain, more or less unchanged, although some swell and most turn yellow.
##A 03 63480 336
##T A Silk Worker’s Handbook
An example of good silk yarn for Warp and Knitting
##A 03 55997 337
##T Soft Sculpture
Soft Sculpture
A book to help you turn your wildest fabric fantasies into
sculpture that won’t come apart at the seams. A soft sculpture can be anything from a silk cactus to a velvet dog to a life-size corduroy drum set. Who needs clothes anyway?
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 03 56115 338
##T Soft Sculpture
Carolyn Vosburg Hall
1981; 112 pp.
ISBN 0871921294
$18.95 postpaid
Davis Publications
50 Portland St.
Worcester, MA 01608
##A 03 57070 339
##T Soft Sculpture
Self-Portrait by Lynn DiNino. 5'8" tall, 18" wide, 10" thick. “It’s creepy to have a life-sized stuffed figure of yourself sitting in your living room, but it makes a great burglar deterrent!”
##A 03 51787 340
##T Weaving I
##A 03 134705 341
##T The Key to Weaving
The Key to Weaving
Written by a master weaver, this comprehensive book covers looms, weave structures (with instructions for dozens of new patterns), tapestry techniques, color, and an in-depth chapter on fibers. If you can only have one book on weaving, this is it.
— Rhoda London
##A 03 135110 342
##T The Key to Weaving
Mary E. Black
Second Revised Edition 1980
698 pp.
ISBN 0025111701
$39.95 ($43.15 postpaid )
Macmillan Publishing Co.
Order Dept.
Front and Brown Streets
Riverside, NJ 08075
##A 03 76659 343
##T The Key to Weaving
TYPE Balanced Weaves • PATTERN Plain Weave
These samples show textures achieved through the use of various kinds and sizes of threads
LEFT — Warp: Carpet warp, Weft: Same
CENTER — Warp: Cotton, Egyptian, 30/3, Weft: Same
RIGHT — Warp: Linen, homespun, coarse, single-ply, Weft: Same
##A 03 137007 344
##T Fashions from the Loom
Fashions from the Loom
Clearly-drawn patterns of basic clothing designs: tunics, skirts, scarfs, blouses, vests, capes. Truly handwoven clothing made easy.
— Rhoda London
Ÿ Charmian Watkins’ Clothes Book
##A 03 137418 345
##T Fashions from the Loom
Betty J. Beard
1980; 96 pp.
ISBN 0934026033
$12 ($14.50 postpaid)
Interweave Press
306 North Washington Avenue
Loveland, CO 80537
##A 03 137926 346
##T Fashions from the Loom
Ikat-dyed silk makes an especially dramatic fabric for a Monk’s robe, equally suitable for a man or woman.
##A 03 138095 347
##T Working With the Wool: To Weave a Navajo Rug
Working With the Wool: To Weave a Navajo Rug
The most comprehensive book ever on weaving an authentic Navajo rug.
— Rhoda London
##A 03 138275 348
##T Working With the Wool: To Weave a Navajo Rug
Noel Bennett and Tiana Bighorse
1983; 120 pp.
ISBN 0873580842
$8.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
Northland Publishing Co.
P.O. Box N
Flagstaff, AZ 86002
##A 03 139013 349
##T Techniques of Rug Weaving
Techniques of Rug Weaving
The total rug book.
— Rhoda London
##A 03 139291 350
##T Techniques of Rug Weaving
Peter Collingwood
1987; 527 pp.
ISBN 823052001
$50 ($52 postpaid)
Watson-Guptill Publishers
P. O. Box 2013
1695 Oak St.
Lakewood, NJ 08701
##A 03 39663 351
##T Techniques of Rug Weaving
Soumak or Weft Wrapping
One row of soumak following two picks of plain weave. The soumak weft is white, the ground weft is shaded. As the arrow indicates, the soumak weft is moving to the left. The soumak weft passes forward over two warp ends and then backwards under one, taking a wrapping course around the warp similar to that found in backstitch or stem stitch.
##A 03 84689 352
##T Handwoven
The best weaving journal, with specific focus in each issue on a particular area of weaving — Early American, tapestry, etc.
An “instructions supplement” shows you how to make the items shown in the feature articles.
- Diana Sloat
##A 03 106967 353
##T Handwoven
Jane Patrick, Editor
ISSN 01988212
$18/year (5 issues)
Interweave Press
306 North Washington Ave.
Loveland, CO 80537
##A 03 2979 354
##T Handwoven
Equipment news from Schacht Spindle Co., Inc. is the announcement of the Schacht Spinning Wheel. This new wheel is suitable for beginners or experienced handspinners alike. It has many versatile features including two flyer whorls with drive ratios of 9:1 and 11:1 for either heavy or medium yarns; 13:1 and 16:1 for fine yarns. Optional is a Scotch Tension device. The quick-attach flyer whorls facilitate changing bobbins and two drive wheels come with the wheel. The tension controls for the drive band are positioned for easy use and the treadle is generously sized to allow using either or both feet. The Schacht Spinning Wheel is also portable, designed with a compact shape and its own carrying strap.
##A 03 52874 355
##T Weaving II
##A 03 140276 356
##T Warping All By Yourself
Warping All By Yourself
Everything you ever wanted to know about warping a loom.
— Rhoda London
##A 03 140298 357
##T Warping All By Yourself
Cay Garrett
1974; 192 pp.
ISBN 0930670019
$6 ($8 postpaid)
Interweave Press
306 North Washington Avenue
Loveland, CO 80537
##A 03 85489 358
##T Warping All By Yourself
“Loom waste” is part of the warp length at each end which you do not weave. This waste is used to tie the warp ends on one “apron” in the back and one in the front. Sometimes these aprons are bars or rods attached to the warp beam and the cloth beam, or sometimes they are pieces of canvas. No matter what they actually are, they are called aprons in this text. The amount of loom waste needed is determined by the type of loom you are using.
##A 03 132307 359
##T Spinning and Weaving with Wool
Spinning and Weaving with Wool
How to card and spin, illustrated with excellent photographs. There are specifications and sources (some obsolete) for a wide variety of spinning wheels. Best of all, there are plans for building your own rough but inexpensive hand carder, drum carder, hand-cranked table spinning wheel, counterbalanced loom (well-designed), warping reel, and umbrella swift.
- Diana Sloat
##A 03 4048 360
##T Spinning and Weaving with Wool
Paula Simmons
Updated Edition 1977; 221 pp.
ISBN 0914718231
$14.95 ($16.45 postpaid)
Globe-Pequot Press
Order Dept.
Box Q
Chester, CT 06412
##A 03 132901 361
##T Spinning and Weaving with Wool
Modern spinning wheel designs don’t look like Granny’s but work on the same principle.
##A 03 133232 362
##T Spinning and Weaving with Wool
Another possibility for a homemade spinning device is one in which you use a bicycle wheel for the drive wheel. Although it is shown here with a double belt propelling a flyer and bobbin, it is even simpler to make if it turns a spindle because it then needs only a single belt. With flyer and double belt, keep in mind that the spinning fork (with hooks for yarn guides) is fixed to the spindle shaft and that the bobbin must turn freely on that shaft. The bobbin pulley groove must be smaller than the flyer pulley groove. About a 2:1 pulley ratio is good for medium-size yarn and about a 1.5:1 ratio for finer yarn.
##A 03 61520 363
##T Universal Yarn Finder
Universal Yarn Finder
An invaluable source for choosing the right yarn for each project. One thousand four hundred yarns (fingering, sport, heavy worsted or four-ply, bulky, and specialty) are listed in tabbed sections, with description, specifications, cleaning instructions, and how much of the yarn you’d need to knit a crewneck sweater. You can use the book to determine if the yarn you have at home will work for the project you’ve planned. Included are mail-order addresses.
— Marilyn Green
##A 03 61899 364
##T Universal Yarn Finder
Maggie Righetti
1987; 100 pp.
ISBN 0139400656
$10.95 ($13.22 postpaid)
Simon & Schuster
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 03 64164 365
##T Universal Yarn Finder
In the Universal Yarn Finder I have made an arbitrary division of yarn into five classes. The classes are defined according to weight and knitting stitch gauge. They are:
Class A light weight fingering -- 7 or more stitches per inch
Class B medium weight sport -- approximately 6 stitches per inch
Class C heavy weight worsted -- approximately 4-1/2 to 5 stitches per inch
Class D bulky weight -- less than 4 stitches per inch
Class E super-bulky weight -- approximately 2-1/2 stitches per inch
The actual size photo gives you a visual reference to what kinds of yarns fit into which Classes.
##A 03 53782 366
##T Needlework
##A 03 57329 367
##T Reader’s Digest Complete Guide to Needlework
Reader’s Digest Complete Guide to Needlework
The title of this book should be changed to The Reader’s Digest GOOD Guide to Needlework. Though it is not complete, the skills are covered with an excellence I’ve come to expect from Reader’s Digest how-to books. Tools, basic techniques, and instructions are covered thoroughly, with sample projects. Recommended jumping-off point for a beginning needle worker.
- Evelyn Eldridge-Diaz
##A 03 57486 368
##T Reader’s Digest Complete Guide to Needlework
Virginia Colton, Editor
1979; 504 pp.
ISBN 08957705988
$23.95 ($24.95 postpaid)
Random House
Order Dept.
400 Hahn Rd.
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 03 57963 369
##T Reader’s Digest Complete Guide to Needlework
Rings: These are made separately, then sewed onto the work wherever desired. Wind thread around a pencil 15 times, then buttonhole over all of the strands. (The buttonholing is easier if you push the threads up toward the pencil point.) When ring is complete, remove from pencil, flatten, and sew in place.
##A 03 58348 370
##T Inspiration for Embroidery
Inspiration for Embroidery
If I were to choose one book from all the fiber art books, it would be Inspiration for Embroidery. I always pick it up between projects and it never fails to get me working again.
— Marilyn Green
##A 03 58597 371
##T Inspiration for Embroidery
Constance Howard
1985; 240 pp.
ISBN 0713447680
$15.50 ($16.50 postpaid)
Charles T. Branford Co.
P. O. Box 41
Newton Centre, MA 02159
##A 03 46324 372
##T Inspiration for Embroidery
Two figures—illustrative in treatment, based on Etruscan pottery. The emphasis of head size gives added weight to that of the figures.
##A 03 81717 373
##T The Complete Book of Machine Quilting
The Complete Book of Machine Quilting
Most books on quilting don’t go into much (if any) detail on quilting with a sewing machine. The Complete Book of Machine Quilting makes up for what the other books have skipped. This book has everything—including a very clear and complete explanation of how a sewing machine does what it does, and instructions for projects and cautions/directions for working with unusual materials on the sewing machine. The discussion of finishing the edges of a quilt is the best I have seen. In a section entitled “How NOT to Machine Quilt a Sheet,” The Fannings follow someone else’s instructions and the project doesn’t work. They explain what’s going wrong as they work on it so the same won’t happen to us. The book is clever, comprehensive and useful. It’s a good buy for traditional quilters
as well as for the busy person who wants to make a quilt in one day. — Marilyn Green
##A 03 82167 374
##T The Complete Book of Machine Quilting
Robbie Fanning and Tony Fanning
1980; 334 pp.
ISBN 0801968038
$17.95 ($22.45 postpaid)
Chilton Book Company
Cash Sales Dept.
Chilton Way
Radnor, PA 19089
##A 03 82918 375
##T The Complete Book of Machine Quilting
Cut-up nylons can be free-machine quilted and used for faces on dolls, ornaments, and even quilts. If you can’t draw, use school pictures, advertisements, and the like for guidance, or trace them.
##A 03 83114 376
##T The Complete Book of Machine Quilting
A thread the same size or smaller than the threads of your material slips easily through the fabric.
##A 03 84892 377
##T Patchwork Patterns
Patchwork Patterns
Once you’ve gotten hooked on patchwork, you’ll find Beyer’s book a fascinating discovery. The appeal of the book is her innovative system for drafting geometric patchwork patterns. She uses paperfolding and makes drafting seem easy even to math klutzes like me. Her methods could be used for any craft requiring a geometric design — not just for quiltmaking. Beyer’s quilts are breathtaking in their use of color and intricate technical perfection. Now you can do it, too.
— Marilyn Green
##A 03 85220 378
##T Patchwork Patterns
Jinny Beyer
1979; 200 pp.
ISBN 0914440276
$16.95 ($19.95 postpaid)
EPM Publications
P. O. Box 490
McLean, VA 22101
##A 03 85546 379
##T Patchwork Patterns
##A 03 86071 380
##T Patchwork Patterns
##A 03 59350 381
##T The Textile Booklist
The Textile Booklist
The latest books in textiles, fiber arts, needle arts, costumes, and related subjects are listed (some with expert reviews).
— Marilyn Green
##A 03 17082 382
##T The Textile Booklist
Kaaren Buffington , Editor
$12.50/year (4 issues)
Textile Booklist
P. O. Box 4392
Arcata, CA 95521
##A 03 54260 383
##T Sewing
##A 03 77688 384
##T Reader’s Digest Complete Guide to Sewing
Reader’s Digest Complete Guide to Sewing
Easily the one book I would recommend for any home sewer, whether beginner or accomplished old-timer. Tools, methods, and techniques are covered with thorough and easy-to-follow instructions and every option and variation imaginable. The sewing machine section, compiled with the aid of Singer, is a comprehensive overview of electric sewing machines: how to use, maintain, and understand them. Sections on special techniques for men’s and children’s clothing, and sewing for the home, are included.
— Evelyn Eldridge-Diaz
##A 03 77865 385
##T Reader’s Digest Complete Guide to Sewing
Virginia Colton, Editor
1976; 528 pp.
ISBN 0895770261
$23.95 ($24.95 postpaid)
Random House
Order Dept.
400 Hahn Rd.
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 03 74252 386
##T Reader’s Digest Complete Guide to Sewing
Making garments easy to put on and take off:
Elasticized pull-on pants and skirts can be managed by even young toddlers (sewing is easy, too). If garment front and back are different, mark back with ribbon or tape.
Large buttons are a great incentive for do-it-yourself dressing, because they don’t take much dexterity and are easy for little fingers to grasp. Sew buttons very securely.
##A 03 78740 387
##T Power Sewing
Power Sewing
How to make things fit without having a fit. Unfortunately, the illustrations are crudely printed, but the information is sophisticated, easy to use, and hard to find elsewhere.
— J. Baldwin
##A 03 79069 388
##T Power Sewing
(New Ways to Make Fine Clothes Fast)
Sandra Betzina
1985; 255 pp.
ISBN 0961561408
$20 postpaid
Power Sewing
P. O. Box 2702
San Francisco, CA 94126
##A 03 89880 389
##T Power Sewing
##A 03 90551 390
##T Power Sewing
##A 03 90966 391
##T Power Sewing
##A 03 79637 392
##T Sew Sane
Sew Sane
Sewing machines occasionally take on a recalcitrant character that will drive you batty if you let ’em get away with it. This book unmasks the “gremmies” that cause puckers, missed stitches, and all those maddening stigmata of the amateur sewer. It’s written for the totally unmechanical mind.
— J. Baldwin
##A 03 79906 393
##T Sew Sane
Gale Grigg Hazen
1985; 63 pp.
$12.95 ($14.70 postpaid)
Sewing Place
P. O. Box 4762
San Jose, CA 95150
##A 03 80336 394
##T Sew Sane
Do not use polyester thread on silk, because it is four to seven times stronger than silk. If you do, you will wear a garment that looks as if it were sewn with band saws. In fact, when working on thin fabrics, remember that you are hardly going to play basketball in them. The seams don’t have to be as strong as those in jeans.
After you’ve tried everything you know, including reading your manual and rethreading the machine, you may need to take it into the shop if it in fact isn’t working. Kindly do not strip it before taking it in. Don’t take off the needle, don’t remove the thread. Leave all the knobs in the positions they were in when the problem occurred. Do not remove the bobbin or its casing, and do not clean anything. Some people are embarrassed by taking in a dirty machine, but if you remove all the evidence, chances are the repair persons can’t solve the mystery.
If you were as picky about the clothes you buy as the ones you make, you’d be naked most of the time.
##A 03 83853 395
These mail order companies provide a sewing shop in your mailbox. Sewing Emporium carries a complete line of sewing machines and attachments. Clotilde has unusual, clever sewing notions, and offers videotapes teaching you how to sew. Newark Dressmaker Supply is like an old general store; they carry the basics including some fabrics and even “doll ingredients” (heads and other body parts).
— Marilyn Green
Ÿ The Complete Dollmaker
##A 03 84193 396
Newark Dressmaker Supply
Catalog free
Newark Dressmaker Supply
P.O. Box 2448
Dept. WE
Lehigh Valley, PA 18001
##A 03 7583 397
Clotilde Inc.
Catalog $2.50
Clotilde Inc.
1909 SW First Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315
##A 03 7752 398
Sewing Emporium
Catalog $1.50
Sewing Emporium
1079 3rd Avenue
Chula Vista, CA 92010
##A 03 139621 399
Polyester/acrylic, short pile fabric, specially designed for home sewing. Soft and supple, machine washable. Colors: white, lt. pink, lt. blue, camel and black. 54/60" wide. M75 . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.85 1/2 Yd. (18" x 54")
Create that very special bear. Beautiful 3/4" pile fur, 65% modacrylic, 35% acrylic. Easy to sew, machine washable, non-allergenic and child safe. 58/60" wide. Honeybear color only. M85 . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.25 1/2 Yd. (18" x 58")
A 54" wide brushed fabric with a minimum stretch. A nylon, arnel, polyester blend. Colors: Poppy Bear Dark Brown or Baby Bear Beige.
An easy, step-by-step book for dyeing, explaining dye procedures with tables and formulas for using Cibacron, Procion, and acid dyes. Good coverage of color theory, color mixing, and the chemistry of fiber and dye. Supplier list and glossary of terms. Easy to read and follow. It’s the most exciting book I’ve seen for the serious fiber artist.
— Rhoda London
##A 03 134064 402
##T Synthetic Dyes for Natural Fibers
Linda Knutson
1986; 168 pp.
ISBN 0934026238
$12 ($14.50 postpaid)
Interweave Press
306 North Washington Ave.
Loveland, CO 80537
##A 03 158052 403
##T Synthetic Dyes for Natural Fibers
If light is reflected over a narrow wavelength band (forming a sharp peak) a bright color is seen, while if light is reflected over a broad wavelength band (producing a wide flat curve) then a dull color is seen.
##A 03 44517 404
##T The Weaving, Spinning, and Dyeing Book
The Weaving, Spinning, and Dyeing Book
For the beginning weaver, this is a meaty, provocative, well-formatted introduction to a variety of weaving techniques — card, inkle, backstrap, Navajo — all covered well enough to get you started and keep you inspired with endless project ideas. Its sections on buying a floor loom, synthetic acid dyeing, and suppliers are superb.
— Diana Sloat
##A 03 46015 405
##T The Weaving, Spinning, and Dyeing Book
Rachel Brown
1978; 366 p.
ISBN 0394733835
$18.95 ($19.95 postpaid)
Random House
Order Dept.
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 03 99771 406
##T The Weaving, Spinning, and Dyeing Book
Stretching the warp of a backstrap loom.
##A 03 75446 407
##T The Weaving, Spinning, and Dyeing Book
A short-cut method for tie-dying that I use is to put part of the skein into the dyepot and let the other part hang over the edge of the pot (have it supported in some way so the heat or fire does no damage). After that is dyed, turn the skein around so that a new section hangs in the dye liquor. Actually, some of these yarns, when woven or knitted, are quite hideous, unless a deliberate design is planned, so I would experiment in a small way, if I were you.
##A 04 27017 3
##A 04 52205 4
##T Nutrition
##A 04 3477 5
##T Nutrition and Physical Degeneration
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration
Of all the books written on nutrition, I still find this the most interesting. Dr. Price was a practicing dentist who noticed the marked decline in his young patients’ health and dental condition. In 1930, he began a 150,000-mile trek around the globe seeking out healthy primitive peoples whose teeth (and health) were excellent. In his book 14 tribal diets are completely examined, diets which give their people almost perfect dental and physical health.
Wonderfully, each diet is radically different from the other. What is consistent is not the foods, their proportion or kind, but the fact that each of the diets is completely indigenous and totally derived from a direct relationship to the person’s environment.
##A 04 3703 6
##T Nutrition and Physical Degeneration
The Gaels of the Outer Hebrides ate little but fish, oats, barley, and some seaweed. The Kikuyus of Africa ate primarily sweet potatoes, corn, beans, and bananas, while the Indians of the Pelly mountain country in northwest Canada ate almost solely wild animals.
In contrast to the racial stock that was eating indigenous foods, Price sought out a neighboring tribe or group that had been exposed to foods of western civilization, particularly refined foods such as flour and sugar, as well as canned foods and meats. The comparisons between the “control” and the newly civilized group
##A 04 3994 7
##T Nutrition and Physical Degeneration
invariably showed a rapid deterioration of teeth, malocclusion, a rise in infectious diseases, and even more startling, a rapid change in the skeletal and racial characteristics that are supposedly genetic. Flat-nosed Indians had aquiline noses within two generations, and sinus trouble as well. New Zealand Maori would not only find that their dental arches would narrow, but that their pelvic arches would contract causing pain, injury, and even death at childbirth. Again, Price found these changes within one generation of change in diet.
All of the foods grown and gathered by primitives were taken and analyzed. While diets differed widely, all were high in protein, vitamins, and minerals. Corresponding foods grown by primitives
##A 04 219858 8
##T Nutrition and Physical Degeneration
were in many cases 10-50 times as high in minerals as the similar foods in our own culture. Just as important was the observation that when primitive peoples reverted back to their original diets, their health improved, dental cavities halted, and the physiology of their offspring resembled again their racial origins. He never found a healthy child that wasn’t breast fed. No book written since has as effectively demonstrated the relationship between good health, nutrition, and the environment.
— Paul Hawken
##A 04 220001 9
##T Nutrition and Physical Degeneration
Weston A. Price, D. D. S.
1945, 1970; 526 pp.
ISBN 0916764001
$27.50 ($29.50 postpaid)
Cancer Book House
Cancer Control Society
2043 North Berendo Street
Los Angeles, CA 90027
##A 04 220685 10
##T Nutrition and Physical Degeneration
Polynesians are a beautiful race and physically sturdy. They have straight hair and their color is often that of a sun tanned European. They have perfect dental arches.
##A 04 221187 11
##T Prevention
They put it so homely, have been at it so long (40 years), and have been right so often, that you can’t ignore Prevention when talking about nutrition and health, even though they seem to recycle the same stories over and over again. (“SELENIUM: A Critical Mineral”.)
You’ll have to wade through a tide of vitamin supplement ads to
get to the interesting news, but in recent years, as they explore new medical territory such as diet and the immune system, it’s worth the trip.
— Kevin Kelly
Ÿ Medical Self-Care Magazine
##A 04 221548 12
##T Prevention
Robert Rodale, Editor
ISSN 00328006
(12 issues)
33 East Minor Street
Emmaus, PA 18098
##A 04 221834 13
##T Prevention
Psychologist David McClelland of Harvard has found that when students are shown a film designed to inspire feelings of love and caring, an antibody—salivary IgA—increases, providing major protection against colds and upper respiratory infection. The film they saw was on Mother Teresa, the nun who won a Nobel peace prize for her work in caring for the poor on the streets of Calcutta.
Even those who professed intense dislike for Mother Teresa—some said she was a fake and that her work did no good—showed immune function improvement. Such a finding is consistent with McClelland’s theory that deeper, unconscious beliefs and motives determine people’s bodily reactions and their behavior more than do conscious cognitions . . . .
When the students were shown a film on Attila the Hun, their antibody levels dropped.
##A 04 222415 14
##T Nutrition in Clinical Practice
Nutrition in Clinical Practice
All around, the most levelheaded scientific treatment of nutrition —a field rife with unbalanced theories. Cautious, yet open minded. A good clear summary for students.
— Michael Lerner
##A 04 22253 15
##T Nutrition in Clinical Practice
Marion Nestle, Ph.D.
1985; 328 pp.
ISBN 0930010116
$16.95 ($18.55 postpaid)
Jones Medical Publications
355 Los Cerros Drive
Greenbrae, CA 94904
##A 04 222866 16
##T Nutrition in Clinical Practice
Hair analysis
The idea that minerals are incorporated into growing hair in proportion to their levels in the body has led to the widespread use of high energy emission techniques to evaluate trace mineral status. The proportionality of dietary intake and hair concentration, however, has yet to be established for a single essential nutrient.
##A 04 223304 17
##T Nutrition Action
Nutrition Action
The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), a pro-consumer lobbying group, publishes some of the most useful consumer materials on the subject of food and nutrition. Ask them for a sample copy of their newsletter, Nutrition Action, and their catalog of books and computer programs. My own personal favorite is their Nutrition Scoreboard ($3.95), a kitchen wall poster which lists “health scores” for dozens of different kinds of foods. This is the expert to consult when making out your shopping list. If you are committed to healthy eating, you should consider becoming a member of CSPI.
— Tom Ferguson, MD
##A 04 223710 18
##T Nutrition Action
Michael Jacobson, Editor
ISSN 01995510
(10 issues);
Catalog free
Center for Science in the Public Interest
1501 16th Street NW
Washington, DC 20036
##A 04 160495 19
##T Nutrition Action
When it comes to fat, no one undercuts Benihana’s Lite line. From Shrimp in Spicy Garlic Sauce to Roast Pork and Mushrooms, none of these oriental dishes get more than 25 percent of their calories from fat. Most, in fact, are under 15 percent. With two exceptions, the entrees in Benihana’s Classic line also stay below the 25 percent mark, with most under 20 percent. Only Beef Szechuan and Roast Pork Lo Mein are fattier.
Despite its success in the fat department, Benihana isn’t perfect. Its Achilles’ Heel is sodium, which hovers around the 1200 milligram mark, and in one case — Shrimp and Cashews — hits 2,000 mg! That’s an enormous quantity of sodium for what is really a 300-calorie “mini-meal.” By the time you consume a day’s worth of calories (say 1,600 to 2,400), you’re virtually guaranteed to overshoot the 1,100 to 3,300 mg of sodium recommended for a whole day.
##A 04 163085 20
##T Nutrition Action
Despite the names, Weight Watchers, Lean Cuisine, and Budget Gourmet are among the fattiest in the “light” category.
##A 04 266786 21
##T Nutritive Value of Foods
Nutritive Value of Foods
Since natural food does not come with a list of ingredients on the label, the Department of Agriculture has kindly prepared this authoritative analysis of common foods. If you’re serious about nutrition, it’s a buy.
— Stewart Brand
##A 04 267168 22
##T Nutritive Value of Foods
Susan E. Gebhardt and Ruth H. Matthews
1985; 72 pp.
$2.75 postpaid
Superintendent of Documents
U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington, DC 20402
Stock #001-000-04457-5
##A 04 52228 23
##T Cooking
##A 04 205678 24
##T Joy of Cooking
Joy of Cooking
You really need only one book in the kitchen. This book. Along with everything (!!) else, it is the only cookbook with two handy red ribbons to mark your place. Don’t bother with the paperback editions. They will not survive kitchen duress.
— Stewart Brand
##A 04 206070 25
##T Joy of Cooking
Irma S. Rombauer and Marion Rombauer Becker
1931, 1979; 930 pp.
ISBN 0026045702
$16.95 postpaid
Macmillan Publishing Co.
Order Department
Front and Brown Streets
Riverside, NJ 08075
##A 04 206161 26
##T Joy of Cooking
Nothing is more important in frying than proper temperatures. As that wise old gourmet, Alexandre Dumas, so aptly put it, the food must be “surprised” by the hot fat, to give it the crusty, golden coating so characteristic and so desirable. The proper temperature in most instances is 365, as easy to remember as the number of days in a year.
When adding seasoning, the greatest care must be used to enhance the natural or previously acquired flavor of the food at hand. The role of the seasoner is that of impresario, not actor: to bring out the best in his material, not to stifle it with florid, strident off-key delivery or to smother it with heavy trappings.
##A 04 206820 27
##T Joy of Cooking
Gray squirrels are preferred to red squirrels, which are quite gamy in flavor. Stuff and roast squirrels as for Pigeons, 441, barding them, or as for Braised Chicken, 425, or use them in Brunswick Stew, 427. Season the gravy with Walnut Catsup, 848, and serve with Polenta, 201.
##A 04 207192 28
##T Joy of Cooking
Beating egg whites: Should the yolk shatter during breaking, you can try to remove particles from the white by inserting the corner of a paper towel moistened in cold water and making the yolk adhere to it. Should you fail to clear the yolk entirely from the white, keep that egg for another use, because the slightest fat from the yolk will lessen the volume of the beaten whites and perceptibly change the texture.
##A 04 208630 29
##T Easy Basics for Good Cooking
Easy Basics for Good Cooking
Joy of Cooking and Fannie Farmer are my two favorite references for creating in the kitchen, but if I didn’t already know what is so clearly taught in Easy Basics, they might easily be too advanced. The illustrations and instructions in this book are so clear and logical I would use them to teach a child.
— Evelyn Eldridge-Diaz
##A 04 208644 30
##T Easy Basics for Good Cooking
Sunset Editors
1982; 192 pp.
ISBN 0376020938
$7.95 ($9.70 postpaid)
Lane Publishing Company
Attn: Mail Order Dept.
80 Willow Road
Menlo Park, CA 94025-3691
##A 04 209335 31
##T Easy Basics for Good Cooking
##A 04 207384 32
##T The New Laurel’s Kitchen
The New Laurel’s Kitchen
There are a lot of vegetarian cookbooks around. The big difference here, the one which makes this book superior, is that The New Laurel’s Kitchen has a giant section on nutrition. There are complete descriptions of the different food components, analyses of foods, calorie-computation tables, and a good bibliography. You can cook a recipe from the front of the book, then refer to the back and see how much of which minerals, carbohydrates, etc., you gave your family that day. Tasty recipes, too.
— Evelyn Eldridge-Diaz
##A 04 207722 33
##T The New Laurel’s Kitchen
Laurel Robertson, Carol Flinders
and Brian Ruppenthal
1986; 512 pp.
ISBN 089815166X
$15.95 ($16.95 postpaid)
Ten Speed Press
P. O. Box 7123
Berkeley, CA 94707
##A 04 207999 34
##T The New Laurel’s Kitchen
Raita is an Indian salad, refreshing and low in calories. Two or three spoonfuls makes an ample serving.
1 cup yogurt
1 cup finely chopped raw vegetables
2 teaspoons finely minced fresh ginger
dash cayenne
dash curry powder
Stir vegetables into yogurt, choosing two or more of these: radishes, cucumber, green pepper, green onions, tomatoes, or beets. Season with cayenne, curry powder, and fresh ginger.
##A 04 52562 35
##T Foods
##A 04 267524 36
##T On Food and Cooking
On Food and Cooking
It’s an incredible task to write an encyclopedia, but Harold
McGee carries it off. He has written a summary of what the world knows (well, what the West knows; he only had 684 pages) about the science of food. Each kind of food — plant and animal — is discussed, its history, and all the ways of cooking and brewing that we use. McGee makes complexities comprehensible: he uses technical terms and he explains them simply and lightly. He makes accessible the knowledge about food that our culture has gained in the last several millennia. Cooks cannot stop reading this book; they mutter, red-eyed, “Just one more page!”
— Birrell Walsh
##A 04 267833 37
##T On Food and Cooking
(The Science and Lore of the Kitchen)
Harold McGee
1984; 684 pp.
ISBN 0684181320
$29.95 postpaid
Macmillan Publishing Co.
Order Dept.
Front and Brown Streets
Riverside, NJ 08075
##A 04 268400 38
##T On Food and Cooking
There is very little connective tissue in fish—about 3 percent of its weight, as opposed to 15 percent in land animals—and what there is is very fragile and easily converted into gelatin. The combination of sparse, weak connective tissue and short muscle bundles results in the tenderness of fish, and its troublesome tendency to fall apart altogether during cooking.
The landmark study of bread staling came as early as 1852, when the Frenchman Jean-Baptiste Boussingault, a pioneer in the study of nitrogen fixation (he demonstrated that certain plants increase the nitrogen content of soil and that soil alone—or, as we know today, certain soil bacteria—could do the same), showed that bread could be hermetically sealed to prevent it from losing water, and yet still go stale. He further established that staling could be reversed by reheating the bread to 140F
(60C): the temperature, we now know, at which starch gelatinizes. Subsequent research has shown that the starch phase is indeed the culprit, though gluten is involved in a minor way.
##A 04 268576 39
##T On Food and Cooking
(Top) Yogurt made from unheated milk. Casein micelles form large, coarse clusters when bacteria produce acids. (Bottom) Yogurt made from milk preheated to 185F (85C). At this temperature, whey and casein proteins complex in such a way as to inhibit this clustering. The resulting yogurt has a finer, firmer texture.
##A 04 268866 40
##T Unmentionable Cuisine
Unmentionable Cuisine
This engrossing book of lore and recipes makes a great contribution to eco-cuisine which ain’t of the vegetarian persuasion. Unmentionable Cuisine gives the how and why of eating all the icky parts of conventional livestock, then goes on to suggest that eating surplus dogs, cats, starlings, and giant African snails could be a way for Americans to have protein while muddling towards frugality. I say Americans, because other cultures have been eating weird things for millennia, and with gusto. In fact, most of the recipes Calvin Schwabe presents are traditional, some of them dating way back into Europe’s pagan past, when communicants drank real blood. Eaters of road kills, pet haters, eco-hunters, and truly serious cooks should find this book indispensible. It suggests savory ways to get your goat (or eel
##A 04 269069 41
##T Unmentionable Cuisine
or porcupine), and how to do it sanitarily and in good taste.
— Stephanie Mills
Properly prepared (this is critical) almost any critter, or part of them, is tasty. I had no trouble enjoying the dishes mentioned here. You shouldn’t either with the moral support of this book.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 04 269487 42
##T Unmentionable Cuisine
Calvin W. Schwabe
1987; 423 pp.
ISBN 0813911621
$14.95 ($16.95 postpaid)
University Press of Virginia
Order Dept.
P. O. Box 3608
University Station
Charlottesville, VA 22903
##A 04 269654 43
##T Unmentionable Cuisine
• Stir-Fried Dog (Nan tsao go zo)/China
Eviscerate and clean a puppy. Remove the hair by singeing in a rice-straw fire; continue this heat treatment until the skin is golden brown. Cut the meat into cubes and dry-fry them in a wok. Add oil, ginger, garlic, and dried, salted black beans to another wok and stir-fry for 10 minutes. Add the meat, soy sauce, green onions, and deep-fried bean curd. Stir momentarily.
• Broiled Sparrows (Suzume yaki)/Japan
Broil birds slightly over charcoal; dip in a sauce of equal parts shoyu, sake, and mirin; return to the broiler. Repeat this alternate dipping and broiling several times. Split the bird open but keep in one piece, sprinkle with fresh-ground pepper, and serve.
• Fried Grasshoppers (Jourad)/Arab Countries
Boil prepared locusts and then fry them in oil and butter. Or fry the prepared insects without boiling and serve in a little vinegar.
##A 04 200586 44
##T Food Finds
Food Finds
There’s one in every neck of the woods—a persistent local kitchen that continues to cook up the best food that good ingredients will allow. Because of notoriety or entrepreneurship, some of these finicky cooks sell their vittles by mail—mostly the kinds that ship well: like regional sauces, home-baked goods, cheeses, and preserves. What you’ll get in your mailbox is premium food mindfully prepared in the “old-fashioned” way of small batches begun with fresh ingredients. The manna comes at premium prices
(no free lunches) from family businesses with primarily rural addresses (there are a few monks, too). This catalog has their stories, addresses, and mail order prices.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 04 200954 45
##T Food Finds
Allison and Margaret Engel
Revised Edition1988; 224 pp.
ISBN 006091114X
$12.95 ($14.45 postpaid)
Harper and Row
Trade Dept.
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 04 201354 46
##T Food Finds
Mrs. Murray, who lives on a 150-acre orchard in Duncan, Oklahoma, has been baking the cakes commercially for about nine years in the separate kitchen her husband built for her in the back of their home. Although she ships more than seven hundred cakes annually and has received national acclaim, she still bakes them one by one, weighing all ingredients to achieve consistency, creaming the sugar and shortening in a separate bowl, and folding in the beaten egg whites after the yolks. Each cake weighs three pounds, serves at least ten generously, and costs $10.95 postpaid. Allow two weeks for delivery after receipt of order.
##A 04 229563 47
##T How to Be Your Own Butcher
How to Be Your Own Butcher
A fact-packed book written by fourth-and fifth-generation
professional butchers. Emphasizes independence, health, and saving money as reasons for learning home butchering. Describes the tools you’ll need and how to choose and care for them. Tells how and where to obtain animals. Great advice on how to select animals, transport carcasses, butcher the beasties, and wrap and store the cuts of meat. Lamb, chicken, beef, veal, pork, game birds and variety meats are all covered in detail. Plenty of step-by-step illustrations to inspire confidence and guarantee success. For the price of a good steak, you really can become your own butcher.
— Mary Bowling
Ÿ The Razor Edge Book of Sharpening
##A 04 229813 48
##T How to Be Your Own Butcher
Stanley, Leon and Evan Lobel
1983; 128 pp.
ISBN 0399507558
$9.95 ($11.95 postpaid)
Putnam Publishing
Special Sales
200 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016
##A 04 230049 49
##T How to Be Your Own Butcher
If you are purchasing a section of beef, the outside fat should be milky-white and fresh-looking to the eye. Avoid meat with yellow or deep-yellow outside fat.
##A 04 230587 50
##T How to Be Your Own Butcher
Cutting along natural line of flap to remove top of rib.
##A 04 53245 51
##T Kitchen Supplies
##A 04 202708 52
##T Williams-Sonoma Catalog for Cooks
Williams-Sonoma Catalog for Cooks
A comprehensive selection of the best cooking equipment, from ovenware and serving pieces and stoves to non-skid flooring. Many of their handsomest items they import directly. Like most good tools, these are pricey. They’re worth it in the long run however, for the savings in anguish and scorched dishes.
Local comparison shopping for some of these things might save you a little money, but if you’re outfitting a kitchen by mail, this is the place to begin.
— Stephanie Mills
##A 04 202817 53
##T Williams-Sonoma Catalog for Cooks
Catalog free
Mail Order Dept.
P. O. Box 7456
San Francisco, CA 94120-7456
##A 04 156927 54
##T Williams-Sonoma Catalog for Cooks
It’s almost unbelievable, but the National Bread Bakery not only mixes and kneads bread dough, but also lets it rise for just the right length of time—and then bakes the loaf! All you have to do is measure the ingredients into the non-stick container, put the yeast in the dispenser in the lid and switch it on. Four hours later, you remove a fragrant loaf with a crispy brown crust and a light, moist crumb. You can even set the timer on the machine in the evening so that the kneading and rising is extended, and the baking is done in the morning in time for breakfast.
14" x 9" x 13" high. 120V.
Made in Japan. #20-306985
Regularly $345.00 Special Price $299.00
##A 04 201500 55
##T Jessica’s Biscuit Cookbook Catalog
Jessica’s Biscuit Cookbook Catalog
An excellent selection of cookbooks (over 1,000). These include: ethnic, international, and regional cookbooks; locally published cookbooks; vegetarian and other special diet cookbooks; food commentary and history; professional cooking texts and references; wine books; restaurant guides. If you use cookbooks, you’ll love this catalog.
— Walt Noiseux
##A 04 201735 56
##T Jessica’s Biscuit Cookbook Catalog
Catalog free
Jessica’s Biscuit
Box 301
Newtonville, MA 02160
##A 04 29918 57
##A 04 54213 58
##T Hunting
##A 04 256917 59
##T Meat on the Table
Meat on the Table
If you’re a carnivore, you either hire someone (in effect) to do your killing for you, or you do it yourself. Here’s how to do it yourself— equipment, technique, procedures—all served up in a chatty personal way by a famous hunter of small game.
— J. Baldwin
##A 04 257185 60
##T Meat on the Table
Galen Geer
1985; 206 pp.
ISBN 0873643305
$16.95 ($19.95 postpaid)
Paladin Press
P. O. Box 1307
Boulder, CO 80306
##A 04 257629 61
##T Meat on the Table
Description: Length: 15-19 in.
Weight: 2-3 lbs.
Coloration: Body sides and front and back legs: buff/brown. Back: dark buff to brown. Belly, chest, and rump: buff. Tail: white under tail.
Underfur: off-white to buff.
Distribution: Florida, southern Georgia, and north along the coast to North Carolina.
Preferred habitat: Edge areas near lakes, streams, and swamps. Swims easily and is often found in water.
Table fare: Excellent.
##A 04 258927 62
##T Getting the Most From Your Game and Fish
Getting the Most From Your Game and Fish
Be it for dinner, trophy, or pelt, this friendly book shows you how to treat your kill. The tone is non-macho and respectful of the dead—a rarity in this sort of thing. The illustrations deserve special mention for effectiveness in showing the procedures, oogy parts and all. (Vegetarians may gain a few converts.)
— J. Baldwin
##A 04 259189 63
##T Getting the Most From Your Game and Fish
Robert Candy
1978; 278 pp.
ISBN 091146901X
$12.95 ($14.95 postpaid)
Backcountry Publications
P. O. Box 175
Woodstock, VT 05091
##A 04 150414 64
##T Getting the Most From Your Game and Fish
When the deer is finally hung, some hunters think the immediate work is done, go into camp and call it a day. It is surprising to me how many fail to make use of the delicacies they’ve dragged out.
The heart of a deer makes great sandwiches, and is usually held in high esteem even by those who normally do not eat the heart of other animals. (Boil it for five minutes, then slice it.)
The tenderloins, if not removed when the deer is hung, will be shriveled and dried by the following day. In a couple of days, they will be hard, and later they will have to be trimmed away.
Look inside your hanging deer and you will see two narrow red strips of meat running lengthwise along each side of the backbone. These are the tenderloins. Slip a finger
##A 04 150683 65
##T Getting the Most From Your Game and Fish
under the forward end closest to the ribs. Lift up to pull the meat away, or use a knife judiciously if needed. Once loose, they usually will strip right off the carcass with a steady pull, or cut them off where they build onto the hindquarter meat. Handle these two pieces of meat with loving care, and be sure they are on the menu soon!
The kidneys are next after you have taken care of the tenderloins. Remove the exposed kidneys from their protective fat at each side of the backbone. Prepare them when the rest of the fellows are out trying to get their deer. Boil the kidneys well, changing the water, and serve them sliced without fanfare. Probably everyone will relish them.
##A 04 150833 66
##T Getting the Most From Your Game and Fish
Having a Ball — Skinning!
(Works best on a muley or white-tailed deer.)
1. Pull, or work a knife, between hide and carcass.
2. Drop ball into pocket formed.
3. Hard ball (golf or a wooden one) is squeezed, pushed and rolled over the carcass, lifting and loosening the hide.
##A 04 257988 67
##T Shooting
Just about everything you need to know about rifles, pistols, and shotguns is here—how to choose and how to use. There’s a bit about black powder arms and archery, too. While a bit short of the
cover’s promise of “how to become an expert,” the book is a good overview with less of the author’s personal bias than in many other books; you’re taught enough to make your own decisions.
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ Survival Guns
##A 04 258239 68
##T Shooting
Edward A. Matunas
1986; 438 pp.
ISBN 0943822637
$31.95 ($34.95 postpaid)
Stackpole Books
P. O. Box 1831
Harrisburg, PA 17105
##A 04 258710 69
##T Shooting
When feet are positioned correctly, a line drawn across the toes will point directly at the target. Also, your weight will be evenly distributed between both feet, turning your body into a stable bipod.
##A 04 259926 70
##T The Beginning Bowhunter
The Beginning Bowhunter
The difference between firearms and bow-and-arrow is a bit like the difference between a backhoe and a shovel; doing it by hand may be more work, but the direct contact leads to a more intimate knowledge of the business at hand. A bowhunter must truly understand the habits of the intended quarry (in this case deer) to get close enough to shoot. This book is a personal instruction, rather like having the author at your side as you learn.
— J. Baldwin
##A 04 260189 71
##T The Beginning Bowhunter
Tony Kinton
1985; 122 pp.
ISBN 0934802211
$9.95 ($11.95 postpaid)
Stackpole Books
P. O. Box 1831
Harrisburg, PA 17105
##A 04 260632 72
##T The Beginning Bowhunter
Broadhead styles and types differ. There are the replaceable blade models and those with fixed, you-sharpen-it blades. Whichever type you choose, keep it shaving sharp.
##A 04 261059 73
##T Beeman Precision Airguns
Beeman Precision Airguns
Quiet, extraordinarily accurate, cheap to feed, and legal almost anywhere, modern adult airguns are a worthy substitute for common “.22” firearms. Beeman has been the leading source of airguns for a long time now, and this catalog/guide is a good example why.
— J. Baldwin
##A 04 261182 74
##T Beeman Precision Airguns
Catalog free
Beeman Precision Arms, Inc.
3440-WER Airway Drive
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
##A 04 157528 75
##T Beeman Precision Airguns
Some shooting authorities argue that airguns are not suitable for hunting. Generally these persons are not familiar with the power, penetration and accuracy of the top modern sporting air rifles. With a good scope sight on one of these “magnum” air rifles, you can concentrate on head shots and make clean kills, or clean misses, on such game as squirrels, rabbits, etc. There are just too many shooters, around the world, having good success with potent adult air rifles as hunting tools to deny this as a viable sport. And, most of these shooters are hunting where firearm hunting simply wouldn’t be possible!
##A 04 261798 76
##T Beeman Precision Airguns
Beeman R1: World’s highest velocity precision air rifle.
##A 04 54707 77
##T Fishing
##A 04 14008 78
##T Fly-Fisherman’s Primer
Fly-Fisherman’s Primer
The Fly-Fisherman’s Primer is an excellent basic guide to the gentle art of fly fishing. All the most important topics are covered in the text, including equipment, knots, casting, presentation, insect life, nymphing and wading. A beginning fly fisherman could pick up this book, spend a few evenings with it, then head out to the river and do fairly well. (Of course, that depends on the river. A knowledgeable friend and a little experience help, too.)
The book also contains knowledge useful to more than advanced fly fishermen. Plenty of competent fly fishermen cannot tie a decent nail knot or distinguish a may fly from a caddis fly. The
##A 04 14094 79
##T Fly-Fisherman’s Primer
Fly-Fisherman’s Primer will remedy this. Clear line drawings illustrate the various casting and fly tying techniques. Nice color plates of trout species and fly patterns, too.
— Danielle Toussaint
##A 04 14465 80
##T Fly-Fisherman’s Primer
Paul N. Fling and Donald L. Puterbaugh
1985; 160 pp.
ISBN 0806978902
$8.95 ($10.45 postpaid)
Sterling Publishing Co.
2 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10016
##A 04 14908 81
##T Fly-Fisherman’s Primer
Brook Trout (Char)
##A 04 15127 82
##T Fly-Fisherman’s Primer
The forward rolling loop of the roll cast.
##A 04 15403 83
##T Trout
Above all, this is the one book to buy. It is a window on the entire subject for $125—just about what a top river guide charges for the day. However, no guide will get you through the hard times—the long winter months of the off-season—the way this book will. If there is a college course on fly fishing somewhere, this is the text, for beginners and experts. Unlike a text, each chapter sparkles with fishing tales.
The two volumes of Trout, in an attractive slip case, are divided into six separate books or subjects (1745 pages): The Evolution of Fly-Fishing; American Species of Trout and Grayling; Physiology, Habitat, and Behavior; The Tools of the Trade; Casting, Wading and Other Skills; Trout Strategies, Techniques, and Tactics. Color
##A 04 15654 84
##T Trout
plates, drawings, and diagrams are all done by the author.
Eighty-seven pages are devoted to a primer of modern fly casting. Few books convey fly casting well, because understanding it relies so much upon feel. This section comes as close to imparting feel as a book can.
- Tom Macy
##A 04 16021 85
##T Trout
Ernest Schwiebert
1984; 1800 pp. (2 Vol.)
ISBN 0525242694
$125 postpaid
E. P. Dutton/Viking Penguin Books
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0120
##A 04 16219 86
##T Trout
Stealth and cunning are the primary rules. Your approach must be muffled, and you cannot plunge through the stream-side willows and alders without alarming the fish. Your final presentation must be gentle, placing your fly softly in the current so the trout will not be frightened. Careful fishermen will most often approach from downstream on a small river, behind skittish trout, and usually conceal themselves behind willows and tree trunks and grass. It is valuable to watch the reaction of the fish, either taking the fly readily or refusing it. Such lessons are not easily learned on larger streams, where you seldom see the trout at close range.
There are moods when the cacophony and leg-wearying power of a big river become oppressive. Difficult wading and countless double hauls can erode both body and soul. Big water holds big trout, and there is a period in the maturing in the career of every fisherman when he is addicted to the pursuit of a trophy-size fish. Once you have that fever in your blood, it is a passion that drives you beyond good judgment.
##A 04 19656 87
##T Trout
SIDEARM CAST - The sidearm cast is valuable in working a fly back under overhanging foliage, or for keeping the entire casting stroke low along the water, where the wind velocity is less.
##A 04 17044 88
##T Dan Bailey’s Fly Shop
Dan Bailey’s Fly Shop
Reading Dan Bailey’s Fly Shop mail order catalog during the off-season is sweet torture for anglers of the fly fishing persuasion. The color photographs of fly patterns, rods, reels, fly boxes, and tying supplies can easily intoxicate fly fishermen caught in these painful winter doldrums.
Bailey’s catalog not only offers a good selection of pre-tied dry flies, wet flies, nymphs, and streamers but all the necessary fly-tying accessories and supplies.
- Danielle Toussaint
##A 04 17464 89
##T Dan Bailey’s Fly Shop
Catalog free
Dan Bailey’s Fly Shop
P. O. Box 1019
Livingston, MT 59047
##A 04 163987 90
##T Dan Bailey’s Fly Shop
Dan Bailey Wading Sock
Its 3-piece construction means that this 10" high, closed-cell neoprene sock is shaped like your foot. No seam runs under the bottom of your heel. The sock cushions and insulates your foot, and you can fold down their 10" top to keep sand and gravel out of your wading shoes. Color brown/tan.
Pair $24.50
##A 04 17358 91
##T Cabela’s
Cabela’s doesn’t have quite the variety of Dan Bailey’s Fly Shop
(see review), but the prices are generally lower.
- Danielle Toussaint
##A 04 17681 92
##T Cabela’s
Catalog free
812 13th Avenue
Sidney, NE 69160
##A 04 130651 93
##T Cabela’s
Brown Neoprene Stocking-Foot Waders —
Preferred by anglers who like to wear a separate lace-up style boot over their waders, for maximum comfort and support. All seams are glued, sealed and sewn.
Unisex sizes: (S, 5'5" to 5'8" -002); (M, 5'8" to 5'10" -003); ML, 5'10" to 6' -004); (L, 6' to 6'2" -005); (XL, 6'2" to 6'4" -006). Please specify size number in parentheses.
AJ-82761 — Reg. $99.95............SALE $79.95
##A 04 84377 94
##T The Compleat Angler
The Compleat Angler
This angling classic, originally published in 1654, is the first serious written work about fishing.
— J. Baldwin
##A 04 239407 95
##T The Compleat Angler
The Compleat Angler
Izaak Walton. Edited by Bryan Loughrey
1654, 1985; 160 pp.
ISBN 0140590072
$4.95 ($5.95 postpaid)
Viking Penguin Books
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0120
800-526-0275; 201-387-0600(NJ)
Audio version also available; see card 4 for access info and to hear sound clip.
##A 04 243333 96
##T The Compleat Angler
The Baits good for to catch the “Bream” are many; as namely, young Wasps, and a Paste made of brown bread and honey, or Gentels, or especially a worm, a worm that is not much unlike a Magot, which you will find at the roots of “Docks,” or of “Flags,” or of “Rushes” that grow in the water, or watry places, and a “Grashopper” having his legs nip’d off, or a flye that is in June and July to be found amongst the green Reed, growing by the water side, those are said to bee excellent baits. I doubt not but there be many others that both the “Bream” and the “Carp” also would bite at; but these time and experience will teach you how to find out: And so having according to my promise given you these short Observations concerning the “Bream,” I shall also give you some Observations concerning the “Tench,” and those also very briefly.
Please call for detailed information regarding shipping information and charges.
##A 04 54894 98
##T Wild Edibles
##A 04 24851 99
GARDENING IS STACKING THE DECK against Nature. Foraging wild edibles is a confrontation with Nature in all its glorious fickleness. Sometimes Miner’s Lettuce just can’t be found. Was it deer? A drought? Overharvested last year? A new drainage drying the soil? Insects? Foraging, like hunting, attunes the body, mind, and spirit to life cycles and seasonal change. It’s still the most direct-connect to plant powers.
Foraging is a skill. How much can you harvest without subverting next year’s supply? Is the fruit ripe enough? Is the root large enough? Is it endangered like American ginseng? Is it a poisonous look-alike?
— Peter Warshall
##A 04 23949 100
##T The Mushroom Feast
The Mushroom Feast
I had to choose one in a world of mouth-watering mushroom books. This is it . . . the apex of fungal finesse . . . vraiment francaise.
— Peter Warshall
##A 04 24159 101
##T The Mushroom Feast
Jane Grigson
1975, 1983; 305 pp.
ISBN 0140462732
$5.95 ($6.95 postpaid)
Viking Penguin Books
Box 120
Beregenfield, NJ 07621-0120
800-526-0275; 201-387-0600(NJ)
##A 04 24428 102
##T The Mushroom Feast
Cooking: Morels are usually split down the centre, or sliced, so that all sandy grit and earth can be washed from the intricate convolutions. Put a handful of salt into the washing water, in case there are any ants or other creatures lurking in the crevices. Can be fried, but are best cooked a la creme, or with poultry.
Croutes aux morilles a la normande
Omelette a la provencale
Fish meuniere aux morilles
Ragout de laitances aux morilles
Fillet of beef with morels
Ris de veau (d’agneau) a la creme
Poulet aux morilles
##A 04 24633 103
##T The Mushroom Feast
Morel, Merkel, Sponge Mushroom (Morchella esculenta and Morchella vulgaris)
##A 04 26038 104
##T Field Guide to North American Edible Wild Plants
Field Guide to North American Edible Wild Plants
The best introduction: great photos, clear descriptions of each plant’s favorite spot, range maps, seasonal coverage, harvesting advice, recipes, and a list of poisonous look-alikes for each plant. You’ll love their elderberry blossoms deep fried in batter or their sassafras jelly.
— Peter Warshall
##A 04 26288 105
##T Field Guide to North American Edible Wild Plants
Thomas S. Elias and Peter A. Dykeman
1982; 286 pp.
Van Nostrand Books
7625 Empire Drive
Florence, KY 41042
##A 04 26597 106
##T Field Guide to North American Edible Wild Plants
Habitat: edges of brackish and salt marshes; introduced from Europe and now grows wild. Identification: perennial herb from 0.6 — 1.2m (2 — 4 ft) tall, from thick, large taproot; stems upright, often branched, stout, hairy . . . Flowers: several in cluster at base of upper leaves in summer; each with 5 pink, spreading petals 2 — 3 cm (0.8 — 1.2 in) long. Fruit is dry, flattened disc, divided into 15 — 20 segments. Harvest: leaves in early summer, flower buds in summer, and roots from late summer through winter. Preparation: whole plant contains mucilagelike material; roots are best source. Use young leaves in early summer as okra-like soup thickener or as potherb. Pickle flower buds. Boil thin sliced, peeled roots for 20 min in enough water to cover them. Strain off roots; for candy sweeten the liquid and boil until very thick. Beat and drop spoonfuls on waxed paper to cool. Roll pieces in confectioner’s sugar. For vegetable, fry boiled root slices with butter and chopped onion until browned. Use water from boiling any parts of plant as substitute for egg white in
##A 04 26660 107
##T Field Guide to North American Edible Wild Plants
meringue or chiffon pies. Also used for hand lotion and cough syrup. Use leaves for poultices for infected wounds. Related edible species: other Mallow family species,
. . . especially those of genus Malva. Eat Malva fruits raw or substitute roots for meringue. Poisonous look-alikes: none.
##A 04 203882 108
##T Field Guide to North American Edible Wild Plants
Marsh mallow: flowering stalk (Speas).
##A 04 27262 109
Edible Garden Weeds of Canada and Edible Wild Fruits and Nuts of Canada are the most elegant and informative books on wild edibles. Edible Native Plants of the Rocky Mountains is the best on the Rockies and some more southern species. Peterson’s has a cozy appendix—edibles are clustered by old fields, waste grounds, swamps, thickets, still water, and (like Japanese haiku) by season. Identification remains difficult. Roots digs the deepest into specialty foraging: good drawings, botany, Indian uses, medicinal uses, harvesting, drying, and preparing of roots, tubers, corms, and rhizomes.
— Peter Warshall
##A 04 27573 110
Edible Garden Weeds of Canada
Adam F. Szczawinski and Nancy Turner
1978; 184 pp.
$12.95 postpaid
University of Chicago Press
11030 South Langley
Chicago, IL 60628
##A 04 27721 111
Edible Wild Fruits and Nuts of Canada
Adam F. Szczawinski and Nancy Turner
1979; 212 pp.
$12.95 postpaid
University of Chicago Press
11030 South Langley
Chicago, IL 60628
##A 04 28049 112
Edible Native Plants of the Rocky Mountains
H. D. Harrington
1974; 292 pp.
ISBN 0826303439
$10.95 ($11.95 postpaid)
University of New Mexico Press
Albuquerque, NM 87131
##A 04 29387 113
A Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants
Lee Allen Peterson
1978; 330 pp.
ISBN 039531870X
$12.95 ($13.95 postpaid)
Houghton Mifflin Company
Wayside Road
Burlington, MA 01803
##A 04 28999 114
Roots (An Underground Botany and Forager’s Guide)
Douglas B. Elliott
1976; 128 pp.
ISBN 0856991325
$7.95 ($9.70 postpaid)
The Chatham Press
PO Box A
Greenwich, CT 06870
##A 04 28340 115
Dandelion Wine
1 gallon dandelion petals 4 lbs. sugar
1 gallon boiling water 1 yeast cake (compressed)
4 oranges 1 lb. chopped raisins
1 lemon 1 slice toast
Pick the flowers from the heads, throwing away the hollow stalks and the denuded heads. Place them in a crock or jar and pour the boiling water over them.
Cover and leave for about 5 days, stirring several times during that period if you wish.
Strain out the liquid and add the sugar to it. Peel the oranges and lemon and drop in the peel, then add the juices of these fruits and the chopped raisins. Boil all this for 20 minutes in a preserving kettle and return it to the crock. Cool, place the yeast on the piece of toast and put it in. Cover and leave for about 3 days. Then decant the liquid
##A 04 288538 116
into jars or bottles. Some say that the wine should be aged for at least one year before using.
— Edible Native Plants of the Rocky Mountains
##A 04 28579 117
Apios americana
Leguminosae, Pea family
Indian-potato, Ground-potato,
Potato-pea, Pig-potato, White Apple,
Traveler’s Delight, Wild Bean, Bog Potato
— from Roots
##A 04 324189 118
American crabapple—from A Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants
##A 04 55594 119
##T Foods by Mail I
##A 04 106879 120
THERE’S BEEN A world of change in co-ops and small distributors since we last gathered together this information in 1981. Small companies have gotten bigger; big companies have grown chillier. And a lot of companies have disappeared. Far fewer are willing to do mail-order business with individuals or food-buying clubs. But those who have survived this financial winnowing are still friendly, cheerful, and know each other, and their customers, well.
— Sallie Tisdale
##A 04 79836 121
##T The Simpler Life Food Reserves
The Simpler Life Food Reserves
Specializes in emergency food programs ranging from six days to two years, including water storage capability of all sizes. Uses freeze-dried, pouch foods, and others. Offers an earthquake-preparedness kit complete with optional stove, cookbooks, menu plans. No minimum order.
-Sallie Tisdale
##A 04 79997 122
##T The Simpler Life Food Reserves
Catalog free
Arrowhead Mills
P. O. Box 2059
Hereford, TX 79045
##A 04 82693 123
##T Walnut Acres
Walnut Acres
Walnut Acres is practically a village unto itself, with its own farm, bakery, mill, cannery, and a small processing plant for condiments and dressings. Most of the produce and grains grown at the farm are organic. Also specialty items like jams and small housewares. Will ship anywhere by UPS or common carrier with no minimum order.
-Sallie Tisdale
##A 04 83197 124
##T Walnut Acres
Catalog free
Walnut Acres
Penns Creek, PA 17862
##A 04 83700 125
##T Walnut Acres
Amish Raw Milk Cheddar Cheese. A delicious sharp cheddar cheese made from milk from Amish Farms. Black wax protection coating. Cultured whole raw milk, salt, vegetable enzymes.
72905 . . . . . . . . . . . (4.5 lb. wheel)22.95
##A 04 56365 126
##T Foods by Mail II
##A 04 83732 127
##T Mountain Ark Trading Company
Mountain Ark Trading Company
Lots of the staple macrobiotic foods—whole grains, sea vegetables, and soy products—plus other natural foods. The miso selection includes 28 varieties! You have no idea how plump, well-formed, and tasty brown rice can be until you’ve tried Chico San’s Macrobiotic Quality Short Grain Brown Rice. Really, try some side by side with the typical food co-op variety. The catalog is beautiful and educational; mail order service is quick and accurate.
— Jeffrey Bonar
##A 04 84049 128
##T Mountain Ark Trading Company
Catalog $1
Mountain Ark Trading Co.
120 South East Street
Fayetteville, AR 72701
##A 04 157857 129
##T Mountain Ark Trading Company
Hopi Indian Blue Corn, OG —
A traditional blue corn from an ancient, unhybridized strain. Grown in the southern Colorado Rocky Mountains by the southwest American Indians. Hopi blue corn is very light and sweet tasting, and is excellent for grinding into corn flour, meal or grits.
10543 2 lb. 3.45
10545 5 lb. 6.99
10548 25 lb. 33.99
##A 04 80783 130
##T Coffee Bean International
Coffee Bean International
The owner, Jeff Ferguson, travels to Latin America several times a year and takes along an organic farm certifier annually, to guarantee the integrity of his line of organic coffees. He does all his own roasting and packs in vacuum bags. Also offers coffee from China, East Timor, and Jamaica; a large selection of black and green teas, including several exotics; herbs, spices, and candies. One hundred and fifty-seven varieties of coffee total. Guarantees same day roast and ship.
-Sallie Tisdale
##A 04 81080 131
##T Coffee Bean International
Catalog free
Coffee Bean International
2181 NW Nicolai
Portland, OR 97210
##A 04 81772 132
##T Ozark Cooperative Warehouse
Ozark Cooperative Warehouse
A large, consumer-owned warehouse, doing about three quarters of its business with private food-buying clubs. Minimum order varies depending on location in its 8-state region of the mid-south. Over 1,000 products with an emphasis on organic products and small, local growers. Also staples, teas and coffees, and herbs. Happy to make referrals and answer questions, too.
— Sallie Tisdale
##A 04 82019 133
##T Ozark Cooperative Warehouse
Catalog $4.78
Ozark Cooperative Warehouse
P. O. Box 30
Fayetteville, AR 72702
##A 04 282247 134
##T Ozark Cooperative Warehouse
SWEET CLOUD RICE SYRUP (6/15oz or 12/15oz) - Simple and elegant, rice syrup is made only from rice and organically grown sprouted grain. More delicate than honey or common malt syrup, it is superbly sweet with a rich, natural flavor that tastes good and is good for you. Use Sweet Cloud in place of ordinary sweetener. It is marvelous in hot and cold drinks and adds a delicious flavor to desserts.
##A 04 30877 135
##A 04 56693 136
##T Fermentation
##A 04 76216 137
##T Cheesemaker’s Journal
Cheesemaker’s Journal
Cheesemaking, like home brewing, seems eminently suitable to amateurs. Both are really small-time bacteria farming. A knack for livestock, or something similar, might help because you raise and breed whole populations of little beasties, keeping them fed and sheltered in your kitchen.
Cheesemakers’ Journal is an encouraging bimonthly with just the right mix of how-to tips, recipe swaps, and new improvements in the art.
— Kevin Kelly
Ÿ Small Stock
##A 04 76733 138
##T Cheesemaker’s Journal
Robert Carroll, Editor
(6 issues) from:
New England Cheesemaking Supply Company
P. O. Box 85
Ashfield, MA 01330
##A 04 165793 139
##T Cheesemaker’s Journal
Sainte-Maure is a farmstead goat cheese which is made throughout France. It is made with pure goat milk and has a fat content of 45%. It is a soft goat’s milk cheese shaped in the form of an elongated cylinder or log. The typical Sainte-Maure cheese mould is 8 inches in length and 2-1/4 inches in diameter. The cheese has a soft lactic body and is made by direct moulding. Many times the rind of the cheese is covered with a thin white bloom of Penicillium candidum. The cheese is very similar to a Montrachet. The log shaped cheese will many times have a long straw inserted through the center of it. The addition of the straw into the cheese simply helps in the unmoulding of the cheese which can at times be difficult due to its long shape.
##A 04 77019 140
##T Cheesemaking Made Easy
Cheesemaking Made Easy
Cheesemaking Made Easy is the book to start with. Given an abundant supply of milk you can roll out hard, soft, salty, moldy, quick, or old cheeses.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 04 77217 141
##T Cheesemaking Made Easy
Ricki and Robert Carroll
1982; 143 pp.
ISBN 0882662677
$6.95 ($8.45 postpaid)
New England Cheesemaking Supply Company
P. O. Box 85
Ashfield, MA 01330
##A 04 88799 142
##T Cheesemaking Made Easy
Many of the soft cheeses in this section are often referred to as “bag cheeses.” They are made by coagulating milk or cream with cheese starter culture or an acid such as vinegar. Some recipes call for the addition of a small amount of rennet. The resulting curds are then drained in a “bag” of cheesecloth. Most of these cheeses have the consistency of a soft cheese spread, have a high moisture content, and will keep up to two weeks under refrigeration. These are delicious cheeses which can be varied considerably with the addition of herbs. For the beginner, these cheeses are ideal. They are easy to make, and involve little equipment.
These cheeses should be drained in a kitchen where the temperature stays at 72° F. Too high a temperature, as in the dog days of August, and you will have problems with yeast which can produce a gassy, off-flavored cheese. Too low a temperature and the cheese will not drain properly.
##A 04 55047 143
##T Cheesemaking Made Easy
There’s usually a special mold for each variety of cheese.
##A 04 266460 144
##T Home Dairying
Home Dairying
With well-aged confidence Home Dairying tells how to produce recognizable cheeses as well as their next of kin: cream, yogurt, and butter.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 04 269842 145
##T Home Dairying
Katie Thear
1983; 96 pp.
ISBN 0713438789
$8.95 ($10.45 postpaid)
New England Cheesemaking Supply Company
P. O. Box 85
Ashfield, MA 01330
##A 04 270365 146
##T Home Dairying
White moulds. These develop on the outside of soft cheeses and the most famous are Brie and Camembert. Spores of Penicillium camemberti and Penicillium candidum are available and these are normally sprayed on to the cheeses when they are put out to ripen. . . . — Home Dairying
Blue Moulds. For the home cheesemaker perfectly good results can be obtained by using a piece of shop-bought blue cheese, breaking it up into small particles and mixing with water as a starter. Alternatively, small particles of the mould from a shop cheese can be sprinkled onto the curds at the salting stage. Once the cheese is shaped, the mould must have air in order to grow properly. The easiest way of ensuring this is to make holes in the cheese with a sterilized stainless steel needle; a kebab skewer easily available in most kitchen suppliers is ideal for this. . . .
— Home Dairying
##A 04 128712 147
##T Home Dairying
Making aeration holes in a blue cheese.
##A 04 270848 148
##T Goat Cheese
Goat Cheese
Goat Cheese is the whole story on small-scale goat cheese brewing written by the Nuns of the Benedictine Monastery of Mont-Laurier, France.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 04 271992 149
##T Goat Cheese
(Small-Scale Production)
The Mont-Laurier Benedictine Nuns
1983; 95 pp.
ISBN 0960740414
$7.95 ($8.45 postpaid)
New England Cheesemaking Supply Company
P. O. Box 85
Ashfield, MA 01330
##A 04 146642 150
##T Goat Cheese
Fresh curd consists primarily of casein and fat. If the proper conditions required for each variety of cheese are provided during the ripening process, these substances are changed and broken down into simple compounds which develop the taste, soften the texture and increase the digestibility of the cheese.
In this particular instance, the change occurs primarily from the outside of the cheese to the center and is induced by Penicillium candidum, a mold with white spores belonging to the Ascomycetes family in which the mycelia are septate. This mold or fungus grows wild in the Brie country of France. Particularly active and pure strains have been selected and are now supplied by laboratories that guarantee the quality of the strains.
##A 04 148916 151
##T Goat Cheese
Unused refrigerator converted into an incubator for cultures; heat is provided by an electric bulb; a thermometer has been placed above.
##A 04 6913 152
##T New England Cheesemaking Supply Company
New England Cheesemaking Supply Company
The complete and almost sole source for amateur cheesemaking information and tools is New England Cheesemaking Supply Company. Molds, rennet paste, cultured bacteria—anything you need is stocked.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 04 70210 153
##T New England Cheesemaking Supply Company
Catalog $1
New England Cheesemaking Supply Company
P. O. Box 85
Ashfield, MA 01330
##A 04 155924 154
##T New England Cheesemaking Supply Company
Mozzarella Cheese Kit
Mozzarella is one of the most popular of cheeses, and now this rich flavored, melting cheese can be made at home for pizza, lasagne and all of your cooking needs. Our Mozzarella Cheese Kit comes with an illustrated, easy-to-follow recipe booklet, Italian cheese starter culture, rennet, tablets, citric acid, and 1 yard of reusable cheesecloth. Enough ingredients to make over 40 lbs. of Mozzarella. K2 $9.95
##A 04 57957 155
##T Brewing
##A 04 107889 156
WHERE A DECADE AGO there were perhaps four brewing conglomerates and a double handful of major wineries in New York and California, there are now over 50 microbreweries from coast to coast and commercial wineries in over 40 states. The making of fermented beverages is as old as culture itself and has roots on all continents in all latitudes, with adaptation for local ingredients and climate. Home beer and winemaking can be a bioregional event at a gut level and a reward for all your senses.
— Don Ryan
##A 04 108961 157
##T The Complete Joy of Home Brewing
The Complete Joy of Home Brewing
The joy comes through indeed in this very thorough book by the editor of Zymurgy, and president of the American Homebrewers Association. The book’s logic is quite clever: after an engaging history lesson the beginner is run through a simple recipe and instructions for making five gallons of beer of rewarding quality. There follow chapters of greater depth on processes and ingredients, then a cycle through a more demanding recipe where the brewer can use more complicated techniques and can exercise more choice over ingredients. That is followed by descriptions of the chemistry of malt, yeast, hops, and water, and of techniques and theory so that brewers can create their own recipes. Then a cycle through the process once again. There are 13 appendices, from a glossary to a treatise on siphoning, but no index.
— Don Ryan
##A 04 109184 158
##T The Complete Joy of Home Brewing
Charlie Papazian
1984; 331 pp.
ISBN 0380883694
$8.95 ($9.95 postpaid)
Avon Books
P. O. Box 767
Dresden, TN 38225
##A 04 109359 159
##T The Complete Joy of Home Brewing
Miscellaneous Ingredients
Chocolate — The addition of bitter baker’s chocolate or bittersweet nonmilk chocolate intrigues a growing number of homebrewers. There you are, brewing a batch of dark beer, and perhaps having a few in the process. And there it is just sitting there in the cupboard, staring you in the face . . . a 1 - 6-ounce chunk of chocolate. “I wonder . . .,” you think, and before you know it, in it goes. Wallah, chocolate beer. And it doesn’t turn out badly, in fact you brew one special batch once a year, to celebrate your impulse.
##A 04 112080 160
##T American Brewer
American Brewer
This quarterly is both stylish and competent, with many familiar brewer/writers as regular contributors, such as Bill Moore, author of the classy primer, Home Beermaking.
— Don Ryan
##A 04 112283 161
##T American Brewer
Scott Schoepp, Editor
ISSN 08877416
(4 issues)Sample issue $3
American Brewer
Box 510
Hayward, CA 94541
##A 04 164137 162
##T American Brewer
The ‘Bud’ Factor
I don’t know what it is, but no matter how many premium beers you offer, or if you simply put all your effort into producing one Gods-gift-to-fermentation lager, half of your customers will ask for “Bud.” So you take the time and effort to tell them that you’re a brewery, that you produce only premium unfiltered, unpasteurized select beer.
“Yo, Lumpy! We make our own beer. Naked Nubians roam the forests of Mendocino gathering only the female Cascade hops as they come into estrus. The barley used is grown on private acreage in Virginia where Thomas Jefferson grew the grain to make beer for the party after the signing of the Declaration of Independence. The yeast is from a ‘mother’ gathered originally from Mesopotamians more than eight thousand years ago and brought to us by special couriers of Babylonian albino lesbians . . . and
##A 04 164881 163
##T American Brewer
the water used is from icebergs in Antarctica and flown in daily to ensure that only the finest ingredients are used in strict and unreasonable adherence to the German
‘Purity Law’, the Reinheitsgebot, of 1516.”
“Yeah. Cool, gimme the closest thing ya got to Bud . . . ”
##A 04 113032 164
##T Zymurgy
Zymurgy, the journal of the American Homebrewers Association, offers American Brewer (see separate review) strong competition. A slightly thicker magazine, Zymurgy carries lots of political and convention news and seems, because of relative maturity, to be able to reach higher into the next level of professional beermaking for ideas on techniques and ingredients. Zymurgy also features stories by and about recognized brew experts, such as Byron Burch, author of the classic Quality Brewing, who was the supplier of ingredients and recipes for my first beers a dozen years ago.
— Don Ryan
##A 04 113161 165
##T Zymurgy
Charlie Papazian, Editor-in-Chief
ISSN 01965921
(5 issues)
American Homebrew Association
P. O. Box 287
Boulder, CO 80306-0287
##A 04 163454 166
##T Zymurgy
The city of Denver, Colo., is having difficulty keeping the street signs up along the 50-block thoroughfare of Corona Street. It appears that 90 signs have been taken since March 1987 by fans of Corona Beer. The city has spent $2,800 installing theft-proof replacement signs and has a promotional scheme to recover the losses.
Denver’s Public Works Department now manufacturers “Corona Street” signs for sale to the public. Spokeswoman Amy Lingg said, “We started getting calls from all over, as far away as Boston, from people wanting to find out how to get Corona Street signs. So we got to thinking, if we’ve got something of national interest, maybe we’ve got something of commercial interest.”
Interested buyers should send a S.A.S.E. to Denver Public Works, City-County
Building Room 379, Denver, CO 80202 or call (303) 289-5540.
##A 04 143850 167
Here’s a selection of mail order suppliers of beer and wine-making
equipment. For local sources check your Yellow Pages.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 04 136590 168
Bacchus and Barleycorn
Catalog free
Bacchus and Barleycorn
6110 Johnson Drive
Mission, KS 66202
##A 04 136767 169
Cape Cod Brewers
Catalog free
Cape Cod Brewers
P. O. Box 1139
South Chatham, MA 02659
##A 04 137811 170
The Cellar
Catalog free
The Cellar Home Brew Supplies
P. O. Box 33525
Attn: AW
Seattle, WA 98133
##A 04 211287 171
Great Fermentations
Catalog free
Great Fermentations
87 Larkspur Street
San Rafael, CA 94901
415-459-2520 (CA)
##A 04 251334 172
William’s Brewing
Catalog free
William’s Brewing
P. O. Box 2195
San Leandro, CA 94577
##A 04 322287 173
It’s easy, fun, legal!
##A 04 322958 174
##A 04 58321 175
##T Winemaking
##A 04 109909 176
##T Modern Winemaking
Modern Winemaking
Modern Winemaking fills the need for a book that anticipates the first-time winemakers’ wish to evaluate deficiencies in their first bottling and to approach subsequent efforts with efficiency and sophistication. This book is neither dry nor pretentious. The author is the happy combination of a research chemist, commercial vintner and vineyardist, teacher, and engaging writer. The amateur winemaker could do no better except, perhaps, for From Vines to Wines (next review).
— Don Ryan
##A 04 110087 177
##T Modern Winemaking
Philip Jackisch
1985; 289 pp.
ISBN 0801414555
$25 ($26 postpaid)
Cornell University Press
124 Robert’s Place
Ithaca, NY 14850
##A 04 97717 178
##T Modern Winemaking
A few wines, especially reds, have a skunky odor caused by certain sulfur compounds. Yeasts can reduce various forms of sulfur to hydrogen sulfide (rotten-egg smell). In time hydrogen sulfide in wine is converted to mercapatans (skunk-like smell) and disulfides (sewage smell). Even traces of these odors can ruin a wine.
##A 04 131473 179
##T Modern Winemaking
Mixing in a fining agent with a stirring attachment on an electric drill.
##A 04 110975 180
##T From Vines to Wines
From Vines to Wines
This book is so satisfyingly inclusive it could almost have gone in the Whole Systems section of this catalog. Jeff Cox, an editor at Organic Gardening for about 15 years, may be the John McPhee of winemaking. He talks about wine by detailing the influences on it, then dissects those influences until he has described a huge circle of interrelatedness. The chapters on selecting the site for your vineyard are a pure, sweet ecology lesson. This book is a little thinner than Jackisch’s—with greater scope—so it lacks a tiny bit of the depth, but it’s soooo good. Get ’em both.
— Don Ryan
Ÿ Organic Gardening
##A 04 111145 181
##T From Vines to Wines
(The Complete Step-by-Step Guide to Growing Grapes in Your Backyard and Making Your Own Wine)
Jeff Cox
1985; 253 pp.
ISBN 0060154276
$18.45 ($20.45 postpaid)
Harper & Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 04 111602 182
##T From Vines to Wines
My wife, Marilyn, scrubs her legs and feet until they’re squeaky clean. Then from the shower, making sure all soapy water is rinsed off her feet, into clean socks. These she strips off one by one as she steps into the vat of grapes. Given the size of our vats, the juice and pulp reach above her knee, and she treads in place until the grapes have been crushed and are all off the stems. The sight of her thighs dripping with grape juice never fails to quicken my pulse. This is not a bad time to put your Bo Diddley record on the turntable and pass around some wine that’s good for gulping.
##A 04 151584 183
##T From Vines to Wines
On clear, cool nights, when the earth’s heat is radiated away from the ground quickly, the layer of air near the soil is cooler than the air mass above. Because this air is cooler, it’s denser, and on slopes steeper than 2 percent, it starts to slide downhill. The coolest air collects in pools in the lowest places or behind barriers, and when temperatures on the slopes are hovering just above freezing, vegetation in the pockets can be blackened by frost. Valley floor temperatures run from two to four degrees colder than on slopes at night, but about two degrees warmer during the day, since air movement is less and heat buildup occurs in the low spots.
##A 04 114107 184
Two video cassettes, The Way to Make Wine From Fruit and The Way to Make Beer, taped in a home kitchen, show just how simple it can be to make fruit wine or beer at home, using pots, measuring cups, and strainers you probably already have. No specific recipes, you’ll still need one of the books or magazines reviewed in the Brewing section. Rent one from your retailer or have your club buy the pair.
— Don Ryan
Ÿ Brewing
##A 04 114268 185
The Way To Make Wine From Fruit
Information free
Video $39.95 postpaid
Great Fermentations
87 Larkspur Street
San Rafael, CA 94901
##A 04 144076 186
The Way To Make Beer
Information free
Video $39.95 postpaid
Great Fermentations
87 Larkspur Street
San Rafael, CA 94901
##A 04 58410 187
##T Processing Food
##A 04 226442 188
##T Putting Food By
Putting Food By
Even a tiny garden can grow more than one family can immediately use. Putting Food By is 500 pages of readable instructions on drying, freezing, canning, smoking and root cellar storage. The book is laid out with frequent topic headings and charts, making it handy for quick reference. Freezing is by far the easiest method, and feasible for nearly every type of food, even eggs. Sun drying is ideal for fruit, except where it’s humid; so there are instructions for making an indoor box dryer. With nearly two-thirds of every food dollar going to processing and marketing, it is easy to see that home processing saves money. This book, with suggestions on freezing TV dinners from leftovers and storing pre-cooked meals, even shows how it can save time.
— Rosemary Menninger
##A 04 226571 189
##T Putting Food By
Ruth Hertzberg,
Beatrice Vaughan
and Janet Greene
1984; 533 pp.
($8.95 postpaid) from:
Viking Penguin Books
299 Murray Hill Pkwy.
East Rutherford, NJ 07073
or Whole Earth Access
##A 04 227002 190
##T Putting Food By
The beauty of root-cellaring is that it deals only with whole vegetables and fruits and there are no hidden dangers: If it doesn’t work, we know by looking and touching and smelling that the stuff has spoiled, and we don’t eat it.
##A 04 19300 191
##T Putting Food By
Smoke barrel made from a 55-gallon oil drum.
##A 04 227425 192
##T Garden Way’s Guide to Food Drying
Garden Way’s Guide to Food Drying
Drying is a good way to preserve food if canning and freezing are not viable options. Here is the best overview of preserving food in this fashion. A plan is included for building your own electric dehydrator. Detailed instructions are given for drying many fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy products, grains, herbs, and blossoms
(for potpourris and herbal teas) by sun or oven. Included are storage techniques, recipes, and other uses for the drying equipment such as bread raising and yogurt making.
— Evelyn Eldridge-Diaz
##A 04 227639 193
##T Garden Way’s Guide to Food Drying
Phyllis Hobson
1980; 216 pp.
ISBN 0882661558
$7.95 ($9.95 postpaid)
Garden Way Publishing
Storey Communications
Schoolhouse Road
Pownal, VT 05261
##A 04 227949 194
##T Garden Way’s Guide to Food Drying
Even if you don’t plant a garden, you can still save money by drying foods at home. During the harvest season fruits and vegetables can be purchased cheaply by the bushel at the country markets and roadside stands.
##A 04 228257 195
##T Garden Way’s Guide to Food Drying
Front and two section views of dehydrator construction.
##A 04 228554 196
In addition to an excellent, somewhat funky little book, Dry It—
You’ll Like It! , a group called Living Foods Dehydrators offers a catalog of dehydrators and accessories.
— Dick Fugett
##A 04 228707 197
Dry It — You’ll Like It!
Gen MacManiman
Updated Edition 1983; 75 pp.
ISBN 0961199806
$4.95 postpaid
MacManiman, Inc.
3023 362nd SE
Fall City, WA 98024
##A 04 224181 198
Living Foods Dehydrators
Catalog free
Living Foods Dehydrators
3023 362nd SE
Fall City, WA 98024
##A 04 229247 199
Each tray will dry 4-6 lbs. of produce. This large capacity food dehydrator is handcrafted from the finest grade birch plywood.
— Living Foods Dehydrators
##A 04 32268 200
##A 04 58852 201
##T Exercise
##A 04 41325 202
##T Fit or Fat?
Fit or Fat?
If you want muscle to replace your fat, exercise aerobically, eat low-fat foods, and read this book.
—Art Kleiner
##A 04 42392 203
##T Fit or Fat?
Covert Bailey
1978; 107 pp.
ISBN 0395271622
$5.95 ($6.95 postpaid)
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Mail Order Dept.
Wayside Road
Burlington, MA 01803
Audio version also available; see card 4 for access info and to hear sound clip.
##A 04 146315 204
##T Fit or Fat?
Chair Stepping
I like this better than stair climbing, which doesn’t keep the heart rate steady (it slows down when you descend the stairs). This is also a very versatile exercise in that the more fit you are, the higher the chair should be. If you’re really out of shape, try to find a stool around five inches high. Here is the way you should do it: Step up with the right foot, then bring the left foot up, step down with the right foot, then bring the left foot down. With each additional step up, you should alternate feet. Be sure to keep your back straight. This exercise is especially fun to do to music.
##A 04 177004 205
##T Fit or Fat?
Fit or Fat? (cassette tape)
Covert Bailey
ISBN 0394298187
$9.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 04 237230 206
##T The Aerobics Program for Total Well-Being
The Aerobics Program for Total Well-Being
Kenneth Cooper, the George Washington of the fitness movement, has probably had more positive impact on the lives of more Americans than any other living physician. This is his introduction to aerobic exercise, and it is a good one indeed.
Exercises covered include walking, running, swimming, biking, exercise biking, basketball, tennis, raquetball, badminton, and nearly any other form of activity you can think of. Cooper evaluates them all in terms of “aerobics points” per hour, which you can use to estimate the aerobic value of virtually any athletic activity. Thus unlike many exercise programs, you can pick your
##A 04 264259 207
##T The Aerobics Program for Total Well-Being
activity, or can mix and match several different kinds of exercise. Highly recommended for people who want to start exercising regularly, as well as for ex-exercisers coming back from a sedentary spell.
— Tom Ferguson, M.D.
##A 04 237320 208
##T The Aerobics Program for Total Well-Being
Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper
1982; 320 pp.
ISBN 0553341510
$10.95 ($12.45 postpaid)
Bantam Books
414 East Golf Road
Des Plaines, IL 60016
##A 04 237580 209
##T The Aerobics Program for Total Well-Being
For the purposes of illustrating the way to calculate your target heart rate, let’s assume for the rest of this discussion that you are a 50-year-old man or woman.
Next, use the formula that we use for men: Predicted Maximum Heart Rate (PMHR) =205 minus half your age. (For women use PMHR = 220 minus age.) For example, at 50 years of age, a man’s predicted maximum heart rate would be 205 minus 25 = 180. For women, it would be 220 minus 50 = 170.
The third step is a rather simple calculation: Take 80 percent of 180, and you get 144 beats per minute. If your heart rate exceeds that figure for a minimum of 20 minutes, four times per week, then you will get an aerobic training effect. In fact, combinations of a heart rate of 130 for 30 minutes, or 150 for 10 minutes, four times a week, will in general give you the same results.
##A 04 238063 210
##T The Aerobics Program for Total Well-Being
We are finding that the timing of aerobic exercise can provide an additional benefit in controlling stress. If you exercise at the end of a high pressure day—prior to the evening meal—aerobic activity can help to dissipate the stress you feel, relax you more, and even energize you so that you can continue to work or play much later into the evening than might be possible otherwise. Also, this sort of late afternoon exercise helps to depress the appetite if you are constantly fighting a weight problem.
##A 04 238440 211
##T Listen to Your Pain
Listen to Your Pain
Every blessing has its price, and for the rewards of sport there are injuries. Whether you call them counterblessings, learning experiences, or just agony and frustration depends on your philosophical system. But when it gets down to physiology, all systems are similar, and so is our first question—what’s wrong, and what can I do about it?
Listen to Your Pain explains basic body structure and general causes of injury. Where it excels is in the very practical, how-to-find-it sections. Each section has a label like “Chin-up Pain,”
“Tennis Elbow,” or a generic “Outer Knee Pain, Slightly to the
Front.” After finding the problem, you’re given an explanation, a
do-it-yourself test to confirm the diagnosis, and finally
##A 04 238845 212
##T Listen to Your Pain
treatments that range from ice and aspirin to a trip to the doctor.
This book has become my primary reference for aches and pains and is especially valuable when deciding whether a complaint is an annoyance or serious.
— Dick Fugett
##A 04 239056 213
##T Listen to Your Pain
(The Active Person’s Guide to Understanding, Identifying, and Treating Pain and Injury)
Ben E. Benjamin, Ph.D. with Gale Borden M. D.
1984; 340 pp.
ISBN 014006687X
$10.95 ($11.95 postpaid)
Viking Penguin Books
Box 120
Begenfield, NJ 07621-0120
##A 04 239153 214
##T Listen to Your Pain
“Shin Splints” (Pain on Either Side of the Shin Bone)
You have a lot of trouble kicking people when you have this injury, and running up hills and jumping aren’t fun either. This injury has been with us so long and is so common that it’s acquired a totally nonsensical nickname, “shin splints.”
• Diagnostic Verification
Test 1. If your pain is in the front part of your shin and slightly to the outside, at least one of the following two tests should reproduce your discomfort. The first one is simple. Wearing shoes, raise your toes off the floor and balance on your heels. Be sure to hold onto something so you don’t fall. After doing this for a moment, severely strained shins will begin to hurt.
• Treatment Choice
Self-Treatment. Self-treatment is possible only when fatigue is the major factor in
##A 04 4626 215
##T Listen to Your Pain
your strain. In these cases rest and ice treatment done along with Ankle Flexion, p. 266, are effective. During an ice treatment, exercise by flexing and pointing your foot thirty to fifty times every fifteen minutes. If possible you should stop all the activities that are causing you pain.
##A 04 135049 216
##T Listen to Your Pain
“Shin Splints”
##A 04 236197 217
##T Stretching
A lot of athletes—pro and amateur—are getting into mixing
“hard” sports (football, swimming, running) with “soft” ones
(yoga, stretching, T’ai Chi). P.E. teacher Bob Anderson teaches stretching clinics for professional and college athletic teams. His straight-forward book is a fine introduction to combining tension exercises with relaxation exercises, as U.S. sales of over 400,000 attest. It includes special stretching routines for use before, during, and after running, swimming, cycling, football, tennis, basketball, etc. I’ve been doing his stretching routines before and after running. It makes quite a difference.
— Tom Ferguson, M.D.
##A 04 236306 218
##T Stretching
Bob Anderson
1980; 192 pp.
ISBN 0394738748
$9.95 ($11.45 postpaid)
Home Book Service
P. O. Box 650
Bolinas, CA 94924
##A 04 129774 219
##T Stretching
Here is another stretch you can do while using a chain-linked fence or wall for support and balance.
##A 04 44399 220
##T Stretching
People tend to spend more time on the first leg, arm, or area they stretch, and they usually will stretch their “easy” or more flexible side first. Because of this natural tendency more time is spent on the “good” side and less on the “bad” side. To even out the difference in flexibility in your body, stretch your tight side first. This will help you limber up considerably.
##A 04 241976 221
##T Getting Stronger
Getting Stronger
Until recently, the beginning weightlifter had only a few unenthused manuals to assist in training. But now Bill Pearl, a four-time Mr. Universe, has come out with a book for the beginner and intermediate. It not only introduces weightlifting but goes on to give specific programs for strength training in 19 sports. From running, swimming, and cycling to tennis, skiing, and soccer, there are specific routines designed to increase strength and improve performance.
The book gives a core group of all the basic lifts with
illustrations and explanations, and for each sport there’s a specific series of exercises selected from the core group. The
routines were developed with some impressively qualified
##A 04 264825 222
##T Getting Stronger
coaches, like Doc Councilman on swimming and John Howard on cycling, and the reader benefits from their wisdom.
— Dick Fugett
##A 04 242327 223
##T Getting Stronger
(Weight Training for Men and Women)
Bill Pearl and Gary T. Moran,
Ph. D.
1986; 320 pp.
ISBN 0895864401
$12.95 ($14.45 postpaid)
Home Book Service
P. O. Box 650
Bolinas, CA 94924
##A 04 30504 224
##T Body Skills
##A 04 2091 225
##T The Book of Massage
The Book of Massage
Better than medicine, a caring touch can heal and restore.
Learning how is mere good manners. There are several approaches, some from the East and some from the West (both illustrated well in this soothing book). All begin with a comfortable mat and hands pressing knowingly. Get the knowing from this excellent guide.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 04 33745 226
##T The Book of Massage
(The Complete Step-by-Step Guide to Eastern and Western Techniques)
Lucinda Lidell
1984; 192 pp.
ISBN 0671541390
$9.95 postpaid
Simon & Schuster
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 04 36613 227
##T The Book of Massage
Take the foot halfway back to release the knee. Then bring it over to the opposite buttock, as far as it will comfortably go. Bounce it up and down a little to increase the stretch.
##A 04 199275 228
##T The Book of Massage
Wringing off the Fingers
Enclose the thumb and each of the fingers in turn in your hand and gently pull them, stretch them and twist them as you slide your hand down and off the tip.
##A 04 239868 229
##T Tai Chi — Ten Minutes to Health
Tai Chi — Ten Minutes to Health
As the title promises, this book is less a philosophical tome to this taoist exercise than a handy manual designed to instruct the reader in step-by-step detail. The book employs 590 photographs and 295 diagrams in illustrating Tai Chi’s 44 moves and positions — enough for any beginner to quickly familiarize himself with Tai Chi’s graceful calisthenics.
—Ken Conner
##A 04 272924 230
##T Tai Chi — Ten Minutes to Health
Chia Siew Pang and Goh Ewe Hock
1985; 131 pp.
ISBN 091636030X
$14.95 ($15.85 postpaid)
CRCS Publications
P. O. Box 1460
Sebastopol, CA 95473
##A 04 274316 231
##T Tai Chi — Ten Minutes to Health
Bao hu gui shan — “embrace tiger and return to mountain.”
##A 04 274616 232
##T Dolan’s Sports
Dolan’s Sports
I’ve dealt with many of the martial arts mail order houses and this is the best I’ve seen. Wide range of equipment and books from many different arts. All the equipment I’ve ordered from them
(they manufacture much of what they sell) has been sturdy, well made, and worth its price. There’s some garbage, of course, but far less than the other sources I’ve seen. They have a wonderful and rare (for this field) 30-day no-questions-asked refund/exchange policy.
— John Michael Greer
##A 04 274838 233
##T Dolan’s Sports
Catalog free
Dolan’s Sports
26 Highway 547
P. O. Box 26
Dept. 88-1
Farmingdale, NJ 07727
##A 04 276035 234
##T Dolan’s Sports
Face Guard: A unique combination of maximum protection and visibility. Fits over the head and closes under the chin with a velcro strap for a secure fit.
No. 741 Red...........$32.95
No. 742 Black........$32.95
##A 04 276387 235
##T Dolan’s Sports
Focus Glove: Professional all leather training aid. Firm pad provides a target for kicking and punching. $22.95.
##A 04 235505 236
##T Martial Arts: The Spiritual Dimension
Martial Arts: The Spiritual Dimension
Martial Arts: The Spiritual Dimension helped revive my love for the martial arts—enough so that I resumed my Shaolin kung-fu training again after a five year break. (I had studied kung-fu for seven years before.)
The special strength of this book lies in its clear explanations of the internal—spiritual and psychological—aspects that are at the core of serious training. Peter Payne has a knack for lucidly explaining these essential concepts that are often difficult for a beginner (especially a Westerner) to understand.
Another big plus for the book is Mr. Payne’s non-chauvinistic stance, i.e., nowhere does he proclaim that one system is better
##A 04 236993 237
##T Martial Arts: The Spiritual Dimension
than another, and makes certain that the reader understands that
[it is] “. . .best not to cling to any one position, as sooner or later you’ll be beaten.” (Advice well-taken in general.)
The book also introduces basic techniques such as grappling vs. hitting, hard vs. soft, empty hands vs. weapons. If you’ve ever wondered what the differences and similarities between, say, Jiu-jitsu, Aikido, and Karate are, Mr. Payne’s broad descriptions will help clear your confusion, and help steer you to the discipline most suited to your personality and goals.
Almost one-half of the book is devoted to photos (color, and black
##A 04 23137 238
##T Martial Arts: The Spiritual Dimension
and white) and drawings that further help the uninitiated understand different themes of martial arts, like grounding, ki, weapon use, “no-mind,” and healing.
— Candida Kutz
Ÿ Buddhism
##A 04 6204 239
##T Martial Arts: The Spiritual Dimension
Peter Payne
1981; 96 pp.
ISBN 0500810257
$10.95 ($11.95 postpaid)
Thames & Hudson
500 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10110
##A 04 235996 240
##T Martial Arts: The Spiritual Dimension
The need is for us to regain contact with this central Heart principle, which can restore balance without falling into the trap of over-reaction, counter-reaction, etc. Working with and through the body, as in the martial arts, can be an important step in this direction. Interestingly, the martial arts approach can encourage the relaxation, softness, physical sensitivity and intuition so desperately needed by the Head-oriented person; and they can also help develop the focus, precision, concentration and control needed by the excessively Belly-oriented. One should choose a martial art with this in mind; perhaps the style which appeals most at first may not be of the greatest value in terms of one’s overall development. For instance, an aggressive controlling man may be drawn to a hard, external style which may further foster his imbalance, rather than to a soft, internal style which can help him develop what he is lacking (but which he will find extremely difficult to relate to at first).
##A 04 236581 241
##T Martial Arts: The Spiritual Dimension
Stick fighting between two exponents of Kalari Payat, a little-known art developed in Kerala in the South-west of India. Although India may have been the cradle of the spiritual martial arts, contemporary Indian systems are not widespread, and much knowledge has died out or is taught only secretly. In this picture, the great skill of the fighter on the right shows in his firmly balanced yet freely extended posture.
##A 04 59128 242
##T Fitness Sports
##A 04 240730 243
##T Galloway’s Book on Running
Galloway’s Book on Running
Back in the dark ages of running—twelve years ago—the only way to learn was by making your own mistakes and then attempting to figure out what had gone wrong. Sooner or later the dedicated runner experienced everything from tendonitis and failed knees to orthotics and the high cost of sports medicine. Those who were lucky are still running while those who were not are lame forever.
If books like this had been around there’d be more old runners running and fewer of us sitting around wishing we’d known then what we know now. Galloway, a former Olympic team member, covers everything from training and injuries to physiology and nutrition in an easy to read volume that is as relevant to a casual
##A 04 241072 244
##T Galloway’s Book on Running
jogger as to an experienced marathoner. In addition, he has anecdotes from 25 years of running that give the book both a personal flavor and an inside look at what it’s like at the top.
— Dick Fugett
##A 04 241235 245
##T Galloway’s Book on Running
Jeff Galloway
Revised Edition 1984; 287 pp.
ISBN 0394727096
$9.95 ($11.45 postpaid)
Home Book Service
P. O. Box 650
Bolinas, CA 94924
##A 04 241465 246
##T Galloway’s Book on Running
Stride Length. Believe it or not, a longer stride will not lead to faster running. Experienced competitive runners find that their stride length shortens as they run faster. A key to faster running is stride frequency. If you increase the speed of your footfall and get a good strong pushoff you’ll improve. Most runners I’ve worked with have too long a stride.
##A 04 241834 247
##T Galloway’s Book on Running
The most efficient way to run is to have your head, neck and shoulders erect, as at right. When you run leaning forward, as at left, you’re always fighting gravity.
##A 04 40112 248
##T The Complete Book of Running
The Complete Book of Running
The best known running book.
— Dick Fugett
##A 04 41102 249
##T The Complete Book of Running
James F. Fixx
1977; 314 pp.
$16.95 ($17.95 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 04 245001 250
##T Runner’s World
Runner’s World
Although the bloom has faded along with the publicity, the running boom produced a multitude of converts, from joggers sold on the physical and mental rewards to the hardcore runners who can’t do without that race-day energy. Back in the boom days Runner’s World was the only show in town, but over the years The Runner kept trying harder, and that vitality produced a wider-ranging magazine. Runner’s World, recently purchased by Rodale Publications of Organic Gardening fame, keeps a tight focus on running. Take your choice.
— Dick Fugett
##A 04 245254 251
##T Runner’s World
Amby Burfoot, Executive Editor
ISSN 08971706
(12 issues)
Rodale Press
33 East Minor Street
Emmaus, PA 18098
##A 04 153397 252
##T Runner’s World
Sport psychologist Kay Porter, Ph.D., and her partner, Judy Foster, offer the following quiz to determine if you are a Type A runner:
- Are you frequently injured?
- Are you frequently burned-out? Do you get sick and tired of training?
- Do you feel that you have to run a PR in every race?
- Are you disappointed when you run slower than you think you should?
- Are you frustrated when you don’t meet your goals? Do you then push yourself
even harder?
- When you do achieve your goals, are you still not satisfied?
- Do you run most of your training runs like a race?
- If you miss a day of training or don’t run twice a day, do you feel as if you’re going
to lose your edge or that you’ve somehow failed?
##A 04 78211 253
##T Runner’s World
- Are you running and competing to please or gain the acceptance of others besides
- Do you eat, breathe and sleep running?
##A 04 244022 254
##T The Complete Book of Exercisewalking
The Complete Book of Exercisewalking
Attention joggers: When your joints give out (and they will), keep in mind that walking (quickly) is surpassed only by swimming as a whole body workout. To earn as many aerobic points as you do running, you’ll have to walk up hills or stairs, or carry weights, or spend more time moving. This book tells how. It’s a lifelong exercise.
—Kevin Kelly
##A 04 244373 255
##T The Complete Book of Exercisewalking
Gary D. Yanker
1983; 266 pp.
ISBN 0809255359
$10.95 ($12.95 postpaid)
Contemporary Books
180 North Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60601
##A 04 244534 256
##T The Complete Book of Excercisewalking
While it’s true that the average walking speed of 2-3 miles per hour (60-90 steps per minute) is not sufficient to raise your heart rate into the training zone of 60-85 percent of maximum capacity, there are ways to overcome this. One way, of course, is to increase your pace (more than 3.5 mph). Others include walk climbing or stair climbing. But perhaps the most clever walk-to-work training routine is walking with a weight-loaded backpack.
##A 04 244979 257
##T The Complete Book of Excercisewalking
Edward Payson Weston, 1836-1929, believed that walking could actually make a man “improve with age and never go stale.” And he lived to age 93.
In 1861 at age 22, Weston walked from Boston to Washington in ten days, as part of Lincoln’s inauguration. He missed the ceremony by half a day, but launched a professional career in long-distance walking.
At 70 he walked 512 miles in 12 days, breaking a world record. At 74 he walked 1,500 miles from New York to Minneapolis in 60 days. He also walked across the country in his seventies, breaking no records but thrilling thousands.
##A 04 232214 258
##T Skiing • Jean-Claude Killy
Skiing • Jean-Claude Killy
The more complex the skill, the more a visual demonstration can help. SyberVision’s ski cassette shows the same skiers doing the same turns on the same hill, time after time. The theory is that this neural programming will translate into improved performance, and indeed I found that after watching for an hour, I was unconsciously weighting and unweighting as I mentally made turns.
— Dick Fugett
##A 04 216193 259
##T Skiing • Jean-Claude Killy
60-minute Video and 4 Audiocassettes: $89.95
Video only: $69.95
UPS Shipping fee $3.50
(CA residents add 6.5% sales tax.) Catalog $2
SyberVision Systems, Inc.
6066 Civic Terrace Ave.
Newark, CA 94560-3747
##A 04 110616 260
##T Swimming
##A 04 65572 261
##T Swim for Fitness
Swim for Fitness
The explanations of what to do in the water are brief and to the point, and the diagrams are excellent. Unless you are already an expert swimmer, this book will help you swim more efficiently.
It’s written by an avid competitive swimmer.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 04 74660 262
##T Swim for Fitness
Marianne Brems
1979; 173 pp.
ISBN 0877013586
$7.95 ($9.45 postpaid)
Chronicle Books
275 Fifth Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
##A 04 78921 263
##T Swim for Fitness
Timing of the arms and legs in Butterfly with Breaststroke.
##A 04 20816 264
##T Swim for Fitness
In freestyle, as in the other strokes, you move forward not by moving water backward, as is sometimes thought, but by pushing the arms and legs against the resistance offered by the water. . . . If you can press your hand against water that is not moving, you can push yourself further forward than if you are in water that is already moving backward. . . . Make an elongated “S” pattern with your hands when you swim freestyle. This way your hand will avoid following a column of water that is moving from the moment you begin your pull backwards.
The hand zigzags back and forth so that it may constantly encounter still water, which will offer the greatest resistance. . . . The arm is bent significantly throughout the major portion of the pull. The reason for this is that leverage is greatest with a bent arm.
##A 04 5829 265
##T Swim for Fitness
Make an elongated “S” pattern with your hands when you swim freestyle.
##A 04 85658 266
##T United States Masters Swimming
United States Masters Swimming
Swimming is the easiest way we earthlings can escape the relentless force of gravity. Because water is denser than flesh, the body floats. Moving through water uses all the muscles in the body and avoids continuous jarring contact with terra firma.
That’s why swimming is the single best physical therapy for injured bodies.
It is also an excellent form of lifetime exercise. As an organized activity it is called Masters Swimming. This international body has over 25,000 U.S. members and offers competition within 5-year age brackets from the twenties clear into the nineties. Fully half of the members never compete and swim only for the exercise. Masters Swimming offers access to pools, instruction for
##A 04 106704 267
##T United States Masters Swimming
improvement in stroke techniques, and camaraderie.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 04 107024 268
##T United States Masters Swimming
Information free with SASE
U.S. Masters Swimming
c/o Dorothy Donnelly
P. O. Box 496
Avon, CT 06001
##A 04 107462 269
##T Swim Magazine
Swim Magazine
For adult fitness and competitive swimmers, with specialized
articles (“Chlorine, Asthma and Swimming”) and nontechnical presentation.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 04 107691 270
##T Swim Magazine
Kim A. Hansen, Editor
ISSN 87552027
$12/year (6 issues)
P. O. Box 45497
Los Angeles, CA 90045
##A 04 285319 271
##T Swim Magazine
Pearl Miller (90) and Sig Langner (87) were the oldest competitors at this year’s [1988] Masters Nationals. Sig’s younger brother, Gus (84), is standing to Pearl’s right. Pearl, competing for Humuhumunukunukuapuaa (Hawaii), set three national records in the women’s 90-94 age group, while Sig, swimming for North Florida Masters, competed in the 85-89 group.
##A 04 59412 272
##T Triathalons
##A 04 246068 273
According to legend, the Ironman triathlon was conceived when a group of inebriated navy jocks stationed in Hawaii debated an Ultimate Physical Test, based on what was then available. There was the Waikiki 2.4 mile Rough Water Swim, the Around-Oahu 112 mile bike ride, and of course, the Honolulu Marathon.
“Harhar!” announced one inspired participant just before sliding under the table. “Let’s do ’em all!.” (Or at least that’s my favorite interpretation of the event.) But unlike most beer-assisted schemes, this one actually materialized, and in 1978 15 entrants
did their darndest, with 12 finishing. With only a little imagination, you can picture the blood, sweat, and toil. So could
##A 04 246439 274
the TV executives, and before long the Ironman drama was on the tube, the world was watching, and a new sport was born.
It took off fast, for besides the challenge and reward of dealing with three sports, triathlons offer the benefits of cross-training, as well as fewer injuries than single sport intensity can produce.
The Ironman remains the showcase, but grassroots popularity is based on shorter, more humane events. A 1500-meter swim, 25-mile bike and 10-kilometer run would be typical, with a winning time around two hours. Often called a Tinman in deference to the
##A 04 265412 275
founding event, these shorter races can also feature local variations like cross-country skiing and canoeing. What’s common to all is the challenge, reward, and fun.
— Dick Fugett
##A 04 275612 276
##T Cross Training
Cross Training
If you’re planning your premier triathlon, then look at Cross Training by Katherine Vaz. It will give you basic techniques, training schedules, and equipment needs without smothering you with details. Go do a triathlon and have fun before you decide to make life complex.
— Dick Fugett
##A 04 275912 277
##T Cross Training
(The Complete Book of the Triathlon)
Katherine Vaz
1984; 239 pp.
ISBN 0380879573
$9.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
Avon Books
P. O. Box 767
Dresden, TN 38225
##A 04 134341 278
##T Cross Training
It holds that an organism, muscle, or enzyme system stressed beyond its threshold will recover slightly beyond that level if allowed time to rebuild and repair itself. Overload work is what the phrase implies. You are stressing your body just beyond what it can handle (called demand), essentially breaking the systems down.
The systems will, however, rise to the occasion and reconstruct themselves to the level you insisted on if allowed adequate rest time. If this rest time is either too short or nonexistent, an added overload session on the same systems will only break them down further.
##A 04 134445 279
##T Cross Training
In timing your swim to determine your optimal aerobic training pace, you will need a pace clock and a friend with a lap counter to keep track of the distance you have covered. Immediately after ceasing exercise, count your pulse for 10 seconds and compare with your target rate. By comparing your pulse rate with elapsed exercise time and target rate, you can judge the intensity of your workout. Two minutes later another check of your pulse should show considerable recovery — a 10-second count of less than 20 is desirable.
##A 04 247455 280
##T Dave Scott’s Triathlon Training
Dave Scott’s Triathlon Training
After you’ve tasted the high that comes from a three-sport immersion in physical and mental challenge, you may get serious in your efforts, as well as more advanced in your reading. For the most information, try Dave Scott’s Triathlon Training. His coverage of each sport is as good as you’ll find anywhere, as well as being quite readable. Besides the basics, he discusses everything from heat and altitude training to weights, stretching,
and race psychology, besides having a quality chapter on nutrition.
Scott’s record of five Ironman victories speaks for itself, and
he’s produced a book to match it.
— Dick Fugett
##A 04 248061 281
##T Dave Scott’s Triathlon Training
Dave Scott with Liz Barrett
1986; 224 pp.
ISBN 0671604732
$9.95 postpaid
Simon & Schuster
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 04 248281 282
##T Dave Scott’s Triathlon Training
As a triathlete, you can save yourself a lot of wasted time and energy by learning how to swim properly from the start. Some of the information in this chapter might seem prohibitively technical to beginning swimmers, but don’t let it scare you. When you get in the water and follow the instructions, you’ll see for yourself that little details such as the way your wrist is flexed make a big difference in how efficiently you can swim.
##A 04 134809 283
##T Dave Scott’s Triathlon Training
Jo Anne Ernst rides out of the saddle with her hands on the drops to regain her speed against the wind. This position is also good for short hills.
##A 04 108068 284
##T Triathlete
There’s no longer a struggle to decide which magazine to recommend—they just merged. The new hybrid is Triathlete, combining coverage of training tips with race results, personalities, and schedules. Even a single sport enthusiast would do well to browse through it, for there are good stories on technique for each sport. Beginning swimmers, for whom little exists, will find it especially beneficial.
— Dick Fugett
##A 04 108491 285
##T Triathlete
C. J. Olivares, Jr., Editor
$19.95/year (12 issues)
1127 Hamilton Street
Allentown, PA 18102
##A 04 32939 286
##A 04 59775 287
##T Knowing Our Bodies
##A 04 249409 288
##T Hippocrates
For a magazine that’s only been on the stands for a little over a year and a half [since March 1987], Hippocrates has carved out a nice little niche for itself. With sharp, investigative reporting, extremely colorful illustrations, and a well articulated curiosity over today’s health issues that’s hard to match elsewhere, Hippocrates probes into the hows and whys of our current health environment. How does chocolate affect the nervous system? Why do some people hear voices? Are all natural foods healthy?
Most theories and suppositions made in Hippocrates stem from durable scientific stuff—not to be confused with stuffy, since most material is taken from entertaining, first-hand accounts. Best of all, exploration into the delicate relationships that exist
##A 04 325575 289
##T Hippocrates
between people and their mental or physical conditions isn’t sacrificed in the name of medical journalism, whether the issue is
cancer or a toothache.
— Lori Woolpert
Ÿ Medical Self-Care Magazine
##A 04 262851 290
##T Hippocrates
Eric W. Schrier, Editor
$24.00/year (12 issues)
P.O. Box 56863
Boulder, CO 80322-6863
##A 04 263029 291
##T Hippocrates
Human saliva may contain unidentified substances that help prevent the AIDS virus from infecting white blood cells. Researchers at the National Institute of Dental Research in Bethesda, Maryland, combined saliva from healthy volunteers with blood cells and the virus. None of the cells became infected, a finding that is in keeping with evidence of how AIDS spreads: Though some studies have found minute levels of the virus in the saliva of AIDS patients, there has never been a case reported of a patient who contracted the disease through kissing or through other contact with saliva.
—Sep./Oct. 1988
##A 04 263260 292
##T Hippocrates
The great Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky drew on his own experiences as an epileptic in writing “The Idiot.” In this passage, he describes the “aura,” an unusual sensation that sometimes occurs at the start of a generalized or “grand mal” seizure. Auras come in many forms: an odd smell, a feeling of déjà vu, visual illusions that enlarge or shrink an object’s size, and sudden, intense emotions.
##A 04 250546 293
##T How A Man Ages
How A Man Ages
This is a fast, breezy overview of the aging process in men—what happens to you independent of illness. There’s a lot on how to stay in shape, and there is frank discussion of attempts (such as face-lifts) to hold off the appearance of the inevitable. You could say
it’s a book on how the healthy man ages.
— Michael Castleman
As I wend my way towards old-fartdom, I find this book to be horrifyingly, encouragingly, true.
— J. Baldwin
##A 04 250699 294
##T How A Man Ages
(Growing Older: What to Expect and What You Can Do About It)
Curtis Pesmen and the Editors of Esquire
1984; 226 pp.
ISBN 0345309995
$7.95 ($8.95 postpaid)
Random House
Order Dept.
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 04 251047 295
##T How A Man Ages
Cardiac output (volume of blood pumped per minute) is what you get when you multiply the stroke volume (the amount of blood pumped with each beat) by the heart rate (number of beats per minute). Since heart rates at maximum exercise levels decline with age, you might expect that cardiac output during vigorous exercise would also fall. Not so. Research now shows that, contrary to previous expectations, one’s so-called end-diastolic filling volume increases as one ages. This means that during vigorous exercise the heart fills with more blood between beats, making more blood available to be pumped with the next beat. Again, this is a kind of compensatory gesture that the body seems to make to keep things running smoothly over time.
##A 04 251419 296
##T How A Man Ages
A man who early on gets the habit of regular, vigorous exercise is likely at 60 to have much the same body shape as he had at 30. His shoulders will be narrower and he will have lost upper body mass, but he will have avoided that all-too-common result of age, overeating, and inactivity— potbelly.
##A 04 251748 297
##T The Seasons of a Man’s Life
The Seasons of a Man’s Life
This book was the original inspiration for the popular book Passages. Interviews with a small group of men at various stages of their lives show a fascinating thing: personal and emotional growth doesn’t stop when you become an “adult.” This idea isn’t new, but this book was the first to show the processes involved. Its revelations have stood up over time despite the lack of depth in the sample chosen for study.
— Michael Castleman
##A 04 252055 298
##T The Seasons of a Man’s Life
Daniel J. Levinson
1978; 363 pp.
ISBN 0345324870
$9.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
Random House
Order Dept.
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 04 252325 299
##T The Seasons of a Man’s Life
Men rarely have mentors after about 40. A man may have valued relationships with family, friends, counselors and co-workers, but the mentor relationship in its developed form is rare. It is surrendered, with other things, as part of Becoming
One’s Own Man. One result is a greater ability and interest in being a mentor to others.
##A 04 151230 300
##T The Seasons of a Man’s Life
We have found it useful to distinguish five ways of establishing a second adult life structure and Becoming One’s Own Man. There is nothing absolute about these five categories; they are simply a convenient means of describing variations. But all of our forty men — and others whose lives we have studied — went through one or another of these sequences:
A. Advancement within a stable life structure
B. Serious failure or decline within a stable life structure
C. Breaking out: trying for a new life structure
D. Advancement which itself produces a change in life structure
E. Unstable life structure
##A 04 252791 301
##T Men’s Reproductive Health
Men’s Reproductive Health
This comprehensive book is by far the best on the subject. It’s written by experts for an audience of health professionals, but
it’s easily understood by nonmedical readers willing to work at it. Covers common problems such as prostate, AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and urology.
— Michael Castleman
##A 04 253013 302
##T Men’s Reproductive Health
Janice Swanson, R. N., Ph. D.,
and Katherine Forrest, M. D.,
M. PH., Editors
1984; 398 pp.
ISBN 0826142001
$29.95 ($31.95 postpaid)
Springer Publishing Co.
536 Broadway
New York NY 10012
##A 04 253307 303
##T Men’s Reproductive Health
Benign prostatic hypertrophy, or BPH, is the most common cause of bladder outlet obstruction in males over the age of 50. Autopsy studies have shown that 50-60 percent of men over the age of 50 have significant enlargement of the prostate gland, and this prevalence increases with age. The bladder outlet obstruction is characterized by urinary hesitancy, diminished force and caliber of the stream, and post-void dribbling, as well as urinary frequency and nocturia, that is, getting up at night to urinate. . . .
The only currently available treatment for BPH is prostatectomy. In the future, perhaps, pharmacological therapy to diminish the size of the obstructing gland
may be available. . . .
Prostatectomy should not produce organic erectile impotence; however, psychogenic impotence may follow any genitourinary surgery.
##A 04 151334 304
##T Men’s Reproductive Health
Encouraging the use of condoms, creams, and jellies to young teenagers of all sexual orientations would significantly reduce the risk factors and complications of sexually transmitted disease (STD). These products also provide good contraceptive protection. In addition, teaching good hygiene, examination of self and partners for STD, and recognition of early warning signs and symptoms of STD must be included in adolescent sex education.
Another concern regarding the sexually active adolescent is the use of a contraceptive method. Only 34 percent of females aged 15 to 19 years old who engage in sexual intercourse consistently use any type of contraception, a slight increase over past years; pill use may have declined between 1976 and 1979. Similarly, only 37 percent of males between the ages of 15 and 19 who are engaged in heterosexual intercourse always use a condom. In every race, condom usage increases with age.
##A 04 91627 305
Breathe deeply of this wonderful book. It expands our notions of what it means to be women and stay healthy in our minds, our relationships, our workplaces, and our bodies. Like a perceptive friend, it nurtures and challenges us to take control of our own well-being. The New Our Bodies, Ourselves is itself a model of health; it has the strength of its original convictions and the flexibility to adapt to changes that bear on those convictions. This 1984 edition is two-thirds revised with new chapters on alternative medical care, alcohol and drugs, environmental and occupational health, and new reproductive technologies. I hope this rare book continues to adapt and expand for at least a few
more decades. A Spanish language edition is available directly
##A 04 266122 306
from the Boston Women’s Health Book Collective.
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 04 91802 307
The New Our Bodies, Ourselves
The Boston Women’s Health Book Collective
1985; 647 pp.
ISBN 0671460889
$12.95 ($14.95 postpaid)
Simon & Schuster
Mail Order Sales
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
Bulk discount available ($3.88 plus shipping costs) for clinics and other groups providing health-counseling services.
##A 04 134139 308
Nuestros Cuerpos, Nuestras Vidas
(Spanish Edition of
Our Bodies, Ourselves)
The Boston Women’s Health Book Collective
1979; 383 pp.
$5 ($6 postpaid)
The Boston Women’s Health Book Collective
Spanish Edition
P. O. Box 192
West Somerville, MA 02144
##A 04 92220 309
In expanding the concept of prevention even further, we risk defining more and more aspects of life in terms of health and illness—that is, according to a medical model. We may end up seeing exercise, eating, meditation, fresh air, dance, for example—all pleasures in their own right—simply as measures of our potential health or nonhealth. In this way, ironically, we further medicalize our lives.
##A 04 92490 310
Until recently, the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis was thought to affect only men, causing half of the cases of male nongonococcal urethritis (NGU), while women were silent “carriers.” Now we know that chlamydia can cause very serious problems for women, including urethral infection, cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix), PID and infertility as well as dangerous complications during pregnancy and birth.
##A 04 92926 311
##T My Body, My Health
My Body, My Health
Written by several people long-respected in gynecology and family planning circles, its concise yet surprisingly thorough chapters cover the gamut of women’s most frequently encountered health concerns: pregnancy, birth control, abortion, surviving a pelvic exam, common infections, menstrual problems, abnormal pap smears, breast self-exam, breast lumps, cancer, sexual problems, menopause, surgery, etc. The sections on teenage sexuality, vaginal hygiene, recognition of early signs of pregnancy, facing surgery, and special help in choosing a method of birth control are sensitively written and cover topics not easily found elsewhere. This is a fine piece of work—our first lay gynecology textbook.
##A 04 93055 312
##T My Body, My Health
I’d like to see a copy in every library, every women’s clinic, and every gynecologist’s waiting room.
— Carol Berry, R.N., N.P.
This more medically detailed guide belongs on the shelf next to The New Our Bodies, Our Selves.
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 04 93414 313
##T My Body, My Health
(The Concerned Woman’s Book of Gynecology)
Felicia Stewart, M.D., Felicia Guest, Gary Stewart, M.D.,
and Robert Hatcher, M.D.
1981; 564 pp.
ISBN 0553012991
$11.95 ($13.45 postpaid)
Bantam Books
414 East Gold Road
Des Plaines, IL 60016
##A 04 93695 314
##T My Body, My Health
I’ve examined my breasts each and every month for at least ten years, and I still have to make myself do it every time! I always do it in the morning of a weekday; so I know I can call my doctor immediately if I find anything. I don’t think I could do it at night.
— Woman, 33
##A 04 93942 315
##T My Body, My Health
Use the flat part of your fingertips to feel each area of the breast. Repeat your exam in a standing or sitting position.
##A 04 94207 316
##T Menopause, Naturally
Menopause, Naturally
A guide for women entering the frightening territory of their
40s and 50s. This new phase of life inevitably brings up deep feelings—mostly negative. Most younger women believe that menopause means depression, irritability, unhappiness, and sexual decline. Greenwood gently explains that it means none of these things. She puts a sisterly arm around the worried reader and tells her the facts: hot flashes—a mildly uncomfortable sign of hormonal changes, something like a midlife case of pimples; emotional upsets—no more common than in younger women; the end of sex—no way!
##A 04 94391 317
##T Menopause, Naturally
She goes on to explain in appropriate detail the two primary medical concerns of most midlife women—preventing osteoporosis and considering estrogen replacement therapy.
Like most women, I spent the first half of my life responding to the needs of others. One of the good things about the period ahead is that the world now makes fewer demands on me, leaving me free to pursue my own agenda, to find out who I really am. Greenwood’s warm, sensible guide makes this seem an exciting challenge indeed.
— Neshama Franklin
##A 04 94507 318
##T Menopause, Naturally
(Preparing for the Second Half of Life)
Sadja Greenwood, M.D.
Revised Edition 1988; 201 pp.
ISBN 0912078839
$11.95 ($14.95 postpaid)
Volcano Press
P. O. Box 270
Volcano, CA 95689
##A 04 94846 319
##T Menopause, Naturally
In Western culture, with its strong emphasis on female youth and beauty, the menopause is seen as a time of decline and loss of status for women. . . . Among many non-Western groups, the older woman enjoys increased status in the family and greater freedom in society at large. Menopause and the cessation of childbearing become positive events in a woman’s life, and physical symptoms are given less attention.
##A 04 60765 320
##T Disabilities
##A 04 36485 321
THE BEST SOURCE OF INFORMATION on any particular disability is someone who has had that disability for a few years.
Occupational therapists are another good source, but don’t let “the experts” make decisions for you. Ask questions. Beware of rumors of medical or engineering wonders and never buy anything unless you’ve used it, preferably at home. When dealing with agencies, firmly tell them what you want. Don’t let doctors, salespeople, or the U.S. government intimidate you.
— Mark O’Brien
##A 04 37279 322
##T A Handbook for the Disabled
A Handbook for the Disabled
A comprehensive guide to devices (store-bought and homemade) and agencies for paralyzed and temporarily bedridden people. Lunt thoroughly researched this book and has included manufacturers’ addresses. This is the only book I’ve seen that discusses both equipment and agencies. My only qualm is that she calls disabled people “patients,” an inappropriate word for people who are not living in a hospital.
— Mark O’Brien
Reading this book made me realize how many unsung heroes are working in their basements, inventing new problem-solvers for the disabled.
— Sallie Tisdale
##A 04 37538 323
##T A Handbook for the Disabled
(Ideas and Inventions for Easier Living)
Suzanne Lunt
1984; 276 pp.
ISBN 0684180308
$9.95 postpaid
MacMillan Publishing Co.
Order Dept.
Front and Brown Streets
Riverside, NJ 08075
##A 04 37877 324
##T A Handbook for the Disabled
Automatic fork: 8 inches; handles, when squeezed, cause metal plate to slide down and push food off tines. (About $4, American Foundation for the Blind.)
Side-cutter fork: Adds moderate cutting ability to edge of fork; will not injure mouth; cuts most foods, but not all meats. (About $10, Help Yourself Aids.)
##A 04 37962 325
##T A Handbook for the Disabled
Some tips from a disabled driver:
To lock and unlock passenger door from driver’s seat: Keep a length of wood 24" long and 1" wide, notched at the end.
To hold lid of trunk open on windy days: Keep another stick 50" long and 1" wide in the trunk.
To pull things forward that have slid to back of trunk: Keep a cane in the trunk and use the curved end to pull things forward.
To support your right arm while driving: Pad a small wooden box by gluing sheet foam to it. Place it on the seat at your right side.
##A 04 38538 326
##T The Wheelchair Child
The Wheelchair Child
I wish my parents could have had a book like this when I became disabled in the 50s. Russell, who has a disabled child, speaks from experience and she’s had all the experiences that come with raising a kid who uses a wheelchair. In direct language, she offers advice on the education, clothing, recreation, and socialization that disabled children need. Russell is British, so about half of her practical advice applies only to people in the U.K. Her advice on dealing with problems like sibling jealousy, parent burnout, and sexuality is universally applicable.
— Mark O’Brien
##A 04 38829 327
##T The Wheelchair Child
(How Handicapped Children Can Enjoy Life to Its Fullest)
Philippa Russell
1985; 262 pp.
ISBN 0134560122
$9.95 postpaid
Simon & Schuster
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 04 39072 328
##T The Wheelchair Child
Many handicapped girls are convinced that they will never get pregnant, and are woefully ignorant of the symptoms of pregnancy if it should happen. Some parents might contend that the subject was better left alone, because of embarrassment and because of the relaxation of restrictions on abortion facilities. But this attitude ignores the fact that many handicapped girls will desperately want a child of their own. Childbearing will prove their normality and identity as a woman—a healthy child will to some extent diminish their own feeling of disability and will also be seen as a source of love and attention. Needless to say, agreement to an abortion will be very difficult and filled with emotional problems in a case of this kind.
##A 04 39380 329
##T The Wheelchair Child
Hand-propelled tricycles are popular with children between four and ten years of age. Most can be ridden in braces and have a range of foot and back rests.
##A 04 39625 330
A computer databank listing all commercially available items for disabled people, ABLEDATA includes everything—clothing, wheelchairs, speech synthesizers. It can be searched by computer or you can make voice requests.
—Mark O’Brien
##A 04 39747 331
Information free
8455 Colesville Road
Suite 935
Silver Spring, MD 20910-3319
(TDD and voice)
##A 04 255419 332
##T Cripple Liberation Front Marching Band Blues
Cripple Liberation Front Marching Band Blues
Not a how-to book so much as a what-it’s-like book that describes the author’s experience with polio, hospitals, rehabilitation, and his efforts to live independently. There is a great deal of pain in this book, the pain inherent in the sudden onset of disability. Tough, realistic, and decidedly unsentimental, it is also often tender, wise, and hilarious in its account of disability. Honest to the bone, it is the best written book on how it feels to be disabled.
— Mark O’Brien
##A 04 12330 333
##T Cripple Liberation Front Marching Band Blues
Lorenzo Wilson Milam
1984; 220 pp.
$9.95 ($11.45 postpaid)
Mho & Mho Works
P.O. Box 33135
San Diego, CA 92103
##A 04 255932 334
##T Cripple Liberation Front Marching Band Blues
Roosevelt. President. The rich cripple President. Flew above all handicaps. Rose to the top. But wouldn’t let anyone see how they had to carry him around in a box. Would never let them photograph him in his wheelchair, on crutches. Would never let anyone know about those twenty-four-hour junkets in the second floor of the White House. Him, alone, in his room, alone, all by himself, except for the booze. No one allowed to enter, no one allowed to disturb him, alone with his black mood, the spooks in his head. When I was young and could run pitted against the horrible nightmare thought of Why Me. Why me? . . . .
He was brave, that Roosevelt. O Lordy he was brave. He must have known that he would never be whole, but he was brave. A clear-cut nothing-from-the-waist-down case, and yet he forced himself to walk. With steel and fire, he forced his arms to take him across the room, across the lawn, down the steps. He knew, some part of him knew he would never be walking at the head of the Labor Day Parade again, but he kept on pouring his will into what was left of his muscles, trying to walk that walk again. He
##A 04 77324 335
##T Cripple Liberation Front Marching Band Blues
put on his twenty-pound steel braces, and sweating and puffing, demanded of his body that it produce steps for him. There were none there: yet he created them from somewhere. From his burning will he created them from somewhere. From his burning will he created whole steps where there should have been none.
##A 04 256499 336
##T Disability Rag
Disability Rag
The Rag conveys the opinions and the politics of disabled people with vigor and clarity. It deals with the nitty-gritty of disability—attendants, accessible buses, and employing a reader. The Rag also addresses the fear and anger disabled people feel about living in a world that sees us in stereotypical terms. This is a tough, scrappy, honest magazine, without advertising.
— Mark O’Brien
##A 04 256550 337
##T Disability Rag
Mary Johnson, Editor
ISSN 07499596
$9/year (6 issues)
Disability Rag
Subscription Dept.
Box 6453
Syracuse, NY 13217
##A 04 61471 338
##T Independent Living
##A 04 40680 339
##T Products For People With Vision Problems
Products For People With Vision Problems
Products For People With Vision Problems is a fascinating catalog that features a wide range of useful products for blind and vision-impaired people.
— Mark O’Brien
##A 04 40908 340
##T Products For People With Vision Problems
Catalog free
American Foundation for the Blind
Consumer Products Dept.
15 West 16th Street
New York, NY 10011
##A 04 41487 341
##T Access to the World
Access to the World
Tells disabled people everything they need to know about travel.
—Mark O’Brien
##A 04 41880 342
##T Access to the World
(A Travel Guide for the Handicapped)
Louise Weiss
Revised Edition 1983; 221 pp.
ISBN 0871967871
$16.95 postpaid
Facts on File, Inc.
460 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10016
##A 04 99327 343
##T Access to the World
DISNEYLAND: The following attractions plus all live entertainment areas can accommodate wheelchairs: Main Street Cinema, Mark Twain Steamboat, Shooting Arcade, Mission to Mars, America Sings, the Walt Disney Story featuring Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln, the Golden Horseshoe Revue, and World Premiere Circle-Vision. Several other attractions are accessible to the partially ambulatory. Most restaurants and shops have no steps or are ramped. The Plaza Inn has four steps. Special rest rooms are available in eleven locations. Write for “Handicapped Guest Guide” and other information to Disneyland, Guest Communications, 1313 Harbor Boulevard, Anaheim, California 92803.
##A 04 42658 344
##T Design for Independent Living
Design for Independent Living
Through photos and interviews, this book shows that disabled people can live well outside of hospitals and institutions.
—Mark O’Brien
##A 04 42967 345
##T Design for Independent Living
(The Environment and Physically Disabled People)
Raymond Lifchez and Barbara Winslow
1981; 208 pp.
ISBN 0520044347
$14.95 ($16.45 postpaid)
University of California Press
2120 Berkeley Way
Berkeley, CA 94720
##A 04 99724 346
##T Design for Independent Living
In every household of a physically disabled person who lives an independent life one finds cord, string, wooden sticks, Velcro tape, rubber and plastic tubing, pieces of carpeting and plastics shaped or fashioned to do a specific job. These “tools” make it possible for disabled people to use standard products and with little expense make these products work for them. These humble tools are the interface between user and other equipment—extending one’s reach, the ability to pull, push, or turn, in effect to manipulate the world about one according to one’s abilities.
##A 04 254027 347
##T Sports ’n Spokes
Sports ’n Spokes
Sports from a wheelchair and all sorts of chairs built with racing bicycle technology are what this lively magazine is about.
— Mark O’Brien
##A 04 254593 348
##T Sports ’n Spokes
Cliff Crase, Senior Editor
ISSN 01616706
$12 foreign
Sports ’n Spokes
5201 North 19th Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85015-9986
##A 04 255046 349
##T Sports ’n Spokes
Jim Martinson (center) leads Ed Jones on a downhill section, while Jones’s brother and trainer, Geoff, rides alongside on his bike.
##A 04 43679 350
##T World Institute on Disability
World Institute on Disability
A place to find out about independent living centers near you, either in North America or abroad.
—Mark O’Brien
WID also publishes a free quarterly newsletter providing information on research, and discussion of attendant services.
—Candida Kutz
##A 04 248945 351
##T World Institute on Disability
World Institute on Disability
Information free
World Institute on Disability
1720 Oregon Street
Suite 4
Berkeley, CA 94703
##A 04 240367 352
##T World Institute on Disability
Attendant Services Network
Joan Leon, Executive Editor
Quarterly newsletter free
World Institute on Disability
1720 Oregon Street
Suite 4
Berkeley, CA 94703
##A 04 44689 353
##T Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund
Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund
I was almost kept out of graduate school once because I was disabled. DREDF helped me realize I had a case. A lobbying and litigation group, they are the first place to go if you think you may be a victim of discrimination.
— Mark O’Brien
##A 04 44861 354
##T Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund
Information free
Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund
2212 Sixth Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
##A 04 283952 355
##T Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1988 (S.B. 2345; H.R. 4499) was introduced in April by Senators Lowell Weicker, Jr. (R-Conn), Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), and Congressmen Silvio O. Conte (R-Mass.), Tony Coelho (D-Calif.), and Major R. Owens (D-N.Y.), and over eighty additional bipartisan Congressional co-sponsors. The ADA is the most important piece of legislation protecting the civil rights of children and adults and older Americans with disabilities to be introduced by the United States Congress in the past fifteen years. In addition to bipartisan Congressional support, the bill is also endorsed by over fifty national disability organizations and agencies. DREDF is playing a key role in developing this legislation by providing educational assistance to Members of Congress on the need for comprehensive civil rights legislation for people with disabilities.
The purpose of this bill is to bar discrimination against disabled people in such areas as employment, housing, public accommodation, travel, communications, and activities of state and local government. While such protections are already afforded
##A 04 284562 356
##T Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund
members of racial and ethnic minorities by federal civil rights laws, protections for disabled people are limited to programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance.
##A 04 61819 357
##T Addictions
##A 04 282589 358
##T From Chocolate to Morphine
From Chocolate to Morphine
Drug use and abuse is a complicated subject more often used by politicians and journalists as camouflage for, and diversion from, the real problems of society than given an open, unbiased, and critical look by people who actually know the subject. The other common approach is brain-dead boosterism by stoned philosophers and unscrupulous dealers. Weil and Rosen’s approach is to discuss calmly, objectively, and knowingly, the legal, social, and medical histories of the many drugs, legal and illegal, that are fun, and sometimes not so fun, to use. They cover everything you’re likely to find in the local store, street corner, or neighbor’s living room
##A 04 245903 359
##T From Chocolate to Morphine
—except “crack” which this book pre-dates. They are careful to point out the differences between drug use and abuse. The book includes “Alternatives to Taking Drugs,” “Suggestions and Precautions for the Use of Hallucinogenic Drugs,” and fascinating-to-read tales of woe and tales of joy from those who have taken the practical course instead of just reading the book.
— Jonathan Evelegh
Ÿ Plants of the Gods
##A 04 282728 360
##T From Chocolate to Morphine
(Understanding Mind-Active Drugs)
Andrew Weil, M. D. and Winifred Rosen
1983; 250 pp.
ISBN 0395331900
$9.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Mail Order Dept.
Wayside Road
Burlington, MA 01803
##A 04 282922 361
##T From Chocolate to Morphine
In order to relax while using cocaine so heavily, I had to drink alcohol or take Valium. Even so I would often lie in bed for hours with my heart racing, unable to fall asleep. I was really living in the extremes—either groggy and depressed or speeding. Finally, all that coke made me crazy. It gave me false inspiration and a kind of tunnel vision that hurt my creative efforts. Also, I began to suffer severe depressions. I’d play hide-and-seek games with the coke, locking it away and telling myself I wouldn’t use it today. But as long as I knew it was there, I couldn’t stop thinking about it and finally would give in and use it. Then I’d feel guilty as well.
I finally stopped taking it because the depressions outweighed the highs. After a few months I tried it again but got the same results: depression and no high. I haven’t used cocaine since then—it’s been over a year now. I still miss it and have had to relearn how to work without it. I feel strongly that I have to avoid any contact with that drug from now on.
—thirty-nine-year-old man, artist
##A 04 125670 362
##T From Chocolate to Morphine
Keep in mind that the main reason children experiment with drugs is to experience other states of consciousness. High states appeal to young people as much as they do to adults. Grownups enjoy racing cars and boats, hang-gliding, dancing, drinking, smoking, and many other consciousness-changing activities. Don’t make your child feel it is wrong to get high. If you oppose the use of drugs to do it, be prepared to forego your own drug use as an example to your child. Consistency and honesty are crucial if parents are to gain real credibility with children. Also, be prepared to suggest alternatives if you are opposed to drugs. Alcohol is not an alternative. It, too, is a drug, and the advantage of its legality is more than offset by its many dangers for users of any age.
##A 04 285052 363
##T From Chocolate to Morphine
Old botanical drawing of an opium poppy, showing details of the unripe pods with incisions to permit the flow of opium. (Courtesy of the Harvard College Library)
##A 04 287096 364
##T From Chocolate to Morphine
Pharmaceutical companies have sometimes invented new diseases to sell their products. Manufacturers of the minor tranquilizers were especially creative, as this example from the 1960s shows.
##A 04 279046 365
##T Kicking It
Kicking It
This is a tough but supportive book, discussing the physiological
and emotional dependency on cigarets. Through a series of habit-
breaking techniques, the book teaches you how to conquer your
addiction to smoking. Author David Geisinger also provides a
thoughtful analysis of the sociology of smoking.
— Rochelle Perrine Schmalz
##A 04 280677 366
##T Kicking It
(The New Way to Stop Smoking Permanently)
Dr. David L. Geisinger
1980; 160 pp.
ISBN 0451141423
$3.50 ($4.50 postpaid)
New American Library
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0120
##A 04 281451 367
##T Out of the Shadows
Out of the Shadows
A few years ago we (at PlaneTree Health Resource Center) were asked to research sex addiction and found little information on the subject. Out of the Shadows addresses this issue in a frank, readable, and compassionate manner, and brings into the open the problem of compulsive sexual behavior.
Author Patrick Carnes identifies three levels of sexual addiction and discusses the importance of family relationships in the development of the recovery from this compulsive behavior.
By using the 12 steps program of Alcoholics Anonymous, Carnes
gives hope and understanding to the 6-10 percent of us who suffer from this kind of addiction.
- Rochelle Perrine Schmalz
##A 04 281801 368
##T Out of the Shadows
(Understanding Sexual Addiction)
Patrick Carnes, Ph.D
1983; 173 pp.
ISBN 0896380866
$8.95 ($10.45 postpaid)
CompCare Publications
2415 Annapolis Lane
Minneapolis, MN 55441
##A 04 282061 369
##T Out of the Shadows
When a child’s exploration of sexuality goes beyond discovery to routine self-comforting because of the lack of human care, there is potential for addiction. Sex becomes confused with comforting and nurturing. Moreover, the assumption is made that everyone else feels and acts the same. Therefore, to feel secure means to be sexual.
Consequently, the child’s relationships with people have the potential of being replaced with an addictive relationship with sexuality. Addiction is a relationship—a pathological relationship in which sexual obsession replaces people. And it can start very early. The final core belief of the addict emerges clearly: Sex is my most important need.
##A 04 187549 370
Known to most AA’s as the Big Book, Alcoholics Anonymous is the bible of the program. It explains briefly how AA came into being and how it works. It describes AA’s program for living (and thriving) sober. It also contains accounts by 42 AAs of their alcoholism, from progressive drinking to hitting bottom by entering AA and on to recovery.
In two other AA books, Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, “a co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous tells how members recover and how the society functions.” Living Sober has “some methods AA members have used for not drinking.”
- A member of Alcoholics Anonymous
##A 04 277282 371
The Big Book
Alcoholics Anonymous
Third Edition 1976; 575 pp.
ISBN 0916856003
$5.65 postpaid
Alcoholics Anonymous
World Service Office, Inc.
P.O. Box 459
Grand Central Station
New York, NY 10163
##A 04 18888 372
Living Sober
Alcoholics Anonymous
1975; 87 pp.
ISBN 0916856046
$1.75 postpaid
Alcoholics Anonymous
World Service Office, Inc.
P.O. Box 459
Grand Central Station
New York, NY 10163
##A 04 19741 373
Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions
Alcoholics Anonymous
1953, 1965; 192 pp.
ISBN 0916856062
$4.25 postpaid
Alcoholics Anonymous
World Service Office, Inc.
P.O. Box 459
Grand Central Station
New York, NY 10163
##A 04 278259 374
We have three little mottoes which are apropos.
Here they are:
First Things First
Live and Let Live
Easy Does It
—The Big Book
##A 04 114999 375
Highly competent psychiatrists who have dealt with us have found it sometimes impossible to persuade an alcoholic to discuss his situation without reserve. Strangely enough, wives, parents and intimate friends usually find us even more unapproachable than do the psychiatrist and the doctor.
But the ex-problem drinker who has found this solution, who is properly armed with facts about himself, can generally win the entire confidence of another alcoholic in a few hours. Until such an understanding is reached, little or nothing can be accomplished.
—The Big Book
##A 04 278984 376
Step One
“We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had become unmanageable.”
Step Two
“Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.”
Step Three
“Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.”
Step Four
“Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.”
Step Eight
“Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.”
Step Nine
“Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.”
Step Ten
“Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.”
Step Eleven
“Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.”
Step Twelve
“Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.”
##A 04 290343 377
Step Five
“Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.”
Step Six
“Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.”
Step Seven
“Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.”
Step Eight
“Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.”
##A 04 292903 378
Step Nine
“Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.”
Step Ten
“Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.”
Step Eleven
“Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.”
Step Twelve
“Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.”
##A 04 283475 379
Based on the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous, NA serves the needs of addicts who have decided to quit using drugs. Like AA, NA is not affiliated with other organizations.
They welcome anyone with an honest desire to quit using drugs,
“regardless of age, race, creed, religion or lack of religion.”Approximately 6,200 NA groups currently meet in the U.S.
The book (with the same name as the organization) explains
the method and includes first-person success stories.
- Jeanne Carstensen
##A 04 283743 380
Narcotics Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous
Information free from:
Narcotics Anonymous
World Service Office, Inc.
P.O. Box 9999
Van Nuys, CA 91409
##A 04 186408 381
Narcotics Anonymous (the book)
Fourth Edition 1987
ISBN 0912075023
$8 ($8.64 postpaid)
Narcotics Anonymous
World Service Office, Inc.
P.O. Box 9999
Van Nuys, CA 91409
##A 04 139901 382
Obsessive behavior is a common denominator for addictive people. We have times when we try to fill ourselves up until we are satisfied, only to discover that there is no way to satisfy us. Part of our addictive pattern is that we can never get enough. Sometimes we forget, and we think that if we can just get enough food or enough sex, or enough money we’ll be satisfied, and everything will be all right. Self-will still leads us to make decisions based on manipulation, but loneliness and paranoia quickly return. We find that we cannot really do it alone; when we try, things get worse. We need to be reminded of where we came from and that our disease will get progressively worse if we use.
##A 04 32757 383
— Reprinted with permission of AA World Services, Inc.
To answer this question, ask yourself the following questions and answer them as honestly as you can.
1. Do you lose time from work due to drinking?
2. Is drinking making your home life unhappy?
3. Do you drink because you are shy with other people?
4. Is drinking affecting your reputation?
5. Have you ever felt remorse after drinking?
6. Have you gotten into financial difficulties as a result of
7. Do you turn to lower companions and an inferior environment
when drinking?
8. Does your drinking make you careless of your family’s welfare?
##A 04 34193 384
9. Has your ambition decreased since drinking?
10. Do you crave a drink at a definite time daily?
11. Do you want a drink the next morning?
12. Does drinking cause you to have difficulty in sleeping?
13. Has your efficiency decreased since drinking?
14. Is drinking jeopardizing your job or business?
15. Do you drink to escape from worries or troubles?
16. Do you drink alone?
17. Have you ever had a complete loss of memory as a result of
18. Has your physician ever treated you for drinking?
19. Do you drink to build up your self-confidence?
##A 04 34719 385
20. Have you ever been to a hospital or institution on account
of drinking?
If you have answered YES to any one of the questions, there is a definite warning that you may be an alcoholic.
If you have answered YES to any two, the chances are that you are an alcoholic.
If you have answered YES to three or more, you are definitely an alcoholic.
##A 04 35830 386
ABOUT FIVE YEARS BEFORE I made it to AA, I answered 14 of those
questions yes. Because I didn’t relate drinking to the damage that was already underway, I decided the test must be bullshit. Denial, they tell me, is characteristic of alcoholics.
I had a great life. I didn’t enjoy it much. I had reasons to drink.
(Only alcoholics need reasons to drink, they tell me.) I drank because everyone else did. I drank because I was sensitive.
I was depressed, hung over, and incapacitated a lot. (Not surprising, considering that alcohol is a depressant, and toxic.) After another couple of years of prodigious daily drinking, I began to think that I might have a drinking problem after all.
—A member of Alcoholics Anonymous
##A 04 61963 387
##T Psychology
##A 04 61206 388
SELF-HELP AND HOW-TO BOOKS all have one thing in common: They all help you achieve some kind of result—fixing a car, buying a computer, building a house, or losing weight. Psychology, on the other hand, is about process—the process of being human. A psychological perspective can help you achieve just about any other end, but it is not an end in itself.
— Michael Robertson
Psychology self-help books have to be read at the right time. The psychological insight one person gains from a book leaves other people cold. They’ve already “been there” or they’re not “ready” for it yet.
— Corinne Hawkins
##A 04 6814 389
Here are some guides that may help you find a good therapist.
— J. Baldwin
##A 04 65806 390
##T Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You?
Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You?
Traditional concepts of romantic commitment can no longer sustain relationships. The intimacy that we all seek breaks down in the face of competing demands and conflicting expectations. This book provides a new model, based on personal growth in a committed relationship, to fill the gap created by the collapse of old forms. They supply practical tools for understanding and communicating about the intense feelings that are often provoked by a long-term relationship or marriage. The last part of the book contains exercises that have proved to be valuable to many of the couples I’ve seen in therapy.
— Michael Robertson
##A 04 66087 391
##T Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You?
Jordan Paul, Ph.D., and
Margaret Paul, Ph.D.
1983; 313 pp.
ISBN 0896380645
$9.95 ($11.45 postpaid)
CompCare Publications
Division of Comprehensive Care Corp.
18551 Von Karman Avenue
Irvine, CA 92715
##A 04 66426 392
##T Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You?
It’s hard to believe that we aren’t wrong for actions that upset another; we’ve been told so many times that doing what we want is selfish. But when we do something for ourselves that unintentionally offends another’s sensibilities and/or frightens him or her, have we done wrong? If you believe that you should never do something for yourself if it hurts someone you care for—that is, you should give yourself up if your mate is hurt by something you want to do—then whenever you meet your own needs, you’ll feel guilty. You can’t win. If you don’t do what you want, you lose yourself, and if you do what you want, you’ll feel guilty. You’re caught in a classic Catch-22.
##A 04 67169 393
##T Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You?
The choice is usually hard. Either we can be protected from feelings in an attempt to be safe or we can express feelings and be open to the joy and the pain they create. Since protecting from pain frustrates all intimate possibilities, the sharing of pain is the key to releasing us to Intimate Love.
Although a request may hope to change the other person, it is not an attempt to control if the partner is free to say “No” without disapproval, and free to say “Yes” without feeling a loss of integrity. Often a demand may sound like a request, as in “Honey, would you take out the garbage?” If the response “No, I’m busy right now” gets back a congenial “Okay,” then the question has been a request. But if the retort is a sarcastic “Thanks a lot,” or silent anger, then the question has been an attempt to control.
##A 04 181608 394
##T Children of Alcoholism
Children of Alcoholism
I came from a teetotaling family but lots of my friends didn’t. The kids with alcoholic parents often behaved in ways that I didn’t understand (and they probably didn’t either). This book makes it so clear what was going on, I wish I’d had it then. If you have alcoholic parents in your life (or are an alcoholic parent) you’ll probably learn a lot here.
— J. Baldwin
##A 04 181961 395
##T Children of Alcoholism
(A Survivor’s Manual)
Judith S. Seixas and Geraldine Youcha
1985; 208 pp.
ISBN 0671645277
$14.95 ($16.95 postpaid)
Simon & Schuster
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 04 182023 396
##T Children of Alcoholism
There is so frequently a discrepancy between what they are told is happening and what is actually going on that children of alcoholics are not sure of what they see, what they hear, and what they feel. In other words, they don’t believe their own perceptions.
Betty is one of those young women who won’t trust anyone to be there to catch them if they trip. “I haven’t told my husband about my miscarriage,” she confides. “I don’t want to upset him.” By keeping quiet and choosing to suffer alone with the loss, she has effectively created a gap between herself and the person who should be sharing her sadness. Patterns of dishonesty and withholding information automatically destroy intimacy so that chances of true emotional closeness become slim.
Betty had learned early from her alcoholic mother that anger, joy, love, fear, and all other feelings had to go unacknowledged. So how was she going to talk openly to her husband?
##A 04 62451 397
##T The Road Less Traveled
The Road Less Traveled
A psychological (not pop-psychological) guide to modern living. The first 60 pages are practical descriptions of the type of discipline that is needed to face the problems of life. The remainder of the book deals with love, grace, and spiritual growth. It is simple enough to be used immediately, and also deep enough to work on for a lifetime.
— David Hawkins
##A 04 62465 398
##T The Road Less Traveled
M. Scott Peck, M.D.
1978; 316 pp.
ISBN 0671250671
$9.95 postpaid
Simon & Schuster
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 04 62822 399
##T The Road Less Traveled
Whenever a patient says, “It’s ridiculous, but this silly thought keeps coming to my mind—it doesn’t make any sense, but you’ve told me I have to say these things,” I know that we have hit pay dirt, that the patient has just received an extremely valuable message from the unconscious, a message that will significantly illuminate his or her situation.
Falling in love is not an extension of one’s limits or boundaries; it is a partial and temporary collapse of them. The extension of one’s limits requires effort; falling in love is effortless. Lazy and undisciplined individuals are as likely to fall in love as energetic and dedicated ones. Once the precious moment of falling in love has passed and the boundaries have snapped back into place, the individual may be disillusioned, but is usually none the larger for the experience. When limits are extended or stretched, however, they tend to stay stretched. Real love is a permanently self-enlarging experience. Falling in love is not.
##A 04 63192 400
##T The Road Less Traveled
Ultimately, if they stay in therapy, all couples learn that a true acceptance of their own and each other’s individuality and separateness is the only foundation upon which
a mature marriage can be based and real love can grow.
Some even suggest that the path toward enlightenment or knowledge of the oneness of reality requires that we regress or make ourselves like infants. This can be a dangerously tempting doctrine for certain adolescents and young adults who are not prepared to assume adult responsibilities, which seem frightening and overwhelming and demanding beyond their capacities. “I do not have to go through all this,” such a person may think. “I can give up trying to be an adult and retreat from adult demands into sainthood.” Schizophrenia, however, rather than sainthood, is achieved by acting on this supposition.
##A 04 63386 401
##T The Road Less Traveled
How was it possible to play chess without wanting to win? I had never been comfortable doing things unenthusiastically. How could I conceivably play chess enthusiastically but not seriously? Yet somehow I had to change, for I knew that my enthusiasm, my competitiveness and my seriousness were part of a behavior pattern that was working and would continue to work toward alienating my children from me, and that if I were not able to modify this pattern, there would be other times of unnecessary tears and bitterness.
My depression is over now. I have given up part of my desire to win at games. That part of me is gone now. It died. It had to die. I killed it. I killed it with my desire to win at parenting. When I was a child my desire to win at games served me well. As a parent, I recognized that it got in my way. So it had to go. The times have changed. To move with them I had to give it up. I do not miss it. I thought I would, but I don’t.
##A 04 64710 402
##T Mental Therapy
##A 04 182547 403
##T When the Mental Patient Comes Home
When the Mental Patient Comes Home
Dealing with a mental patient in my life has been like dealing with parts of myself that I’d just as soon avoid. Getting past the guilt and distaste turns out to be part love and part technique, like so many other skills. This nonpreachy, nonsectarian book has helped a lot.
— Art Kleiner
##A 04 182790 404
##T When the Mental Patient Comes Home
George Bennett
1980; 118 pp.
ISBN 0664242952
$7.95 ($8.95 postpaid)
The Westminster Press
925 Chestnut
Philadelphia, PA 19107
##A 04 183155 405
##T When the Mental Patient Comes Home
Psychiatrists on active duty during the war learned that soldiers who “broke down” in combat should not be kept in recovery areas too long. Those who were returned rapidly to active duty did well. Those hospitalized for long periods tended toward further disintegration of personality and ability to function.
Family and friends often wish to protect recovering patients from the full range of human experience. They seek to insulate patients from sorrow, excitement, fear and even joy. They fear that “too much” weeping, thrill, fright, laughter, might cause the patient to regress. Usually this is done out of love for the recovering patient. Patients experience this form of love differently. They experience it as being controlled.
##A 04 68929 406
##T Panic
This author leads the reader through the escalation of anxiety from a garden variety of fear to serious phobia. He talks about the short-term efficacy of drug treatment while noting that it doesn’t address the belief system that maintains anxiety, resulting in possible drug dependency.
— Michael Robertson
##A 04 69313 407
##T Panic
(Facing Fears, Phobias, and Anxiety)
Stewart Agras
1985; 151 pp.
ISBN 071671731X
$12.95 ($14.45 postpaid)
W. H. Freeman & Co.
4419 West 1980 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84104
##A 04 69538 408
##T Panic
Fears conditioned by association tend to be short-lived. Most conditioned reflexes will weaken and disappear after a few exposures to the fear-provoking event, quite unlike the more persistent fear and avoidance behavior that we call a phobia. One important finding may, however, help to resolve this problem and explain how a conditioned fear response could persist and become a phobia. Avoidance of a feared situation blocks the normal process of unlearning the fear response.
##A 04 167363 409
##T Advanced Techniques of Hypnosis and Therapy
Advanced Techniques of Hypnosis and Therapy
Gradually the sciences of the human mind are achieving levels of abstraction and rigor appropriate to the discussion of mental processes. But Milton Erickson has been ahead of the field in this respect for forty years. This big book is a collection of his papers with some commentary by Jay Haley, and it is a most extraordinary collection. Erickson’s method, whether of therapy or research, is the precise use of hypnosis. Under this investigation, the human mind turns out to be as precise in its evolutions and timing as a minuet.
— Gregory Bateson
##A 04 167433 410
##T Advanced Techniques of Hypnosis and Therapy
(Selected Papers of
Milton H. Erickson, M.D.)
Jay Haley, Editor
1967; 557 pp.
ISBN 0808901699
$89 ($94 postpaid)
Grune & Stratton
Ordering Processing
6277 Sea Harbor Drive
Orlando, FL 32821
##A 04 167771 411
##T Advanced Techniques of Hypnosis and Therapy
But utilizing hypnosis as a technique of deliberately and intentionally shifting to the patient his own burden of responsibility for therapeutic results and having him emphatically and repetitiously affirm and confirm in his own thought formulations and his own expressed verbalizations of his own desires, needs and intentions at the level of his own unconscious mentation, forces the therapeutic goals to become the patient’s own goals, not those merely offered to them by the therapist he is visiting.
##A 04 63753 412
##T Women and Psychotherapy
Women and Psychotherapy
This is the best consumer handbook for thinking about psychotherapy I’ve seen. There are chapters on sexism and feminist therapy that are specifically aimed at women, but the rest of it will be as useful to men. It answers the basic questions on deciding if you need therapy, the therapeutic “contract,” guidelines for psychoactive drug use, and grievances.
— Corinne Hawkins
##A 04 64021 413
##T Women and Psychotherapy
National Coalition for Women’s Mental Health
1985; 32 pp.
$3.75 ($5 postpaid)
Federation of Organizations for Professional Women
2437 15th Street NW
Suite 309
Washington, DC 20009
##A 04 64383 414
##T Women and Psychotherapy
Sexism in therapist behavior falls into four general categories:
• promoting traditional sex roles;
• stereotyped expectations, such as believing that women possess certain “feminine”
personality characteristics;
• sexist use of theoretical concepts, such as the view that it is in “women’s nature”
to want to be dominated by men;
• responding to women as sex objects, including seduction of female clients.
##A 04 65345 415
##T Personal Growth
##A 04 183678 416
##T The Love Tapes
The Love Tapes
The personal growth movement has spawned a booming industry in self-hypnosis tapes that promise to do everything from increase your bustline to clean up your karma from past lives. Outrageous claims notwithstanding, such cassettes can be powerful tools for helping to change old habits, and many are used in hospitals for stress management and to accelerate healing. Of the couple dozen brands I’ve sampled, The Love Tapes provide the best combination of strategies in the most easily accessible format.
Despite the name, the tapes are refreshingly neutral about pushing any particular ideological viewpoint. A wide range of topics, from
health and relationships to business, feature messages consistently well-grounded in modern psychological theory. The
##A 04 184016 417
##T The Love Tapes
sound quality is great, with music occasionally blended into the background as a pleasant male voice guides you through several levels of hypnotic induction. Beginning with a relaxing meditation which evokes pleasurable sensations, the suggestions increasingly address themselves to the source of the unwanted behavior and to reprogramming basic self-concepts, vividly imagining the desired end result.
For example, the weight-loss tape “Slim Image II” works on engendering a positive body image and releasing guilt, resentment, and blame, while also making such concrete suggestions as
“Sweets taste too sugary to me,” “I prefer nourishing foods,” and
“I eat only what I choose to eat, and only when I am relaxed.” My
##A 04 184192 418
##T The Love Tapes
personal favorite is “Developing Creativity,” in which quotes from Einstein and Edison are combined with suggestions for merging right-and left-brain activities. Each tape ends with post-hypnotic suggestions of health, vigor, alertness, etc. When I listen to them before bed, no matter what the topic, I tend to sleep more soundly and to awaken fresher in the morning.
All subjects are also available in a subliminal format in which the same messages are masked beneath the sound of ocean waves. Though the jury is still out on the validity of subliminal programming, these can be played during any daily activity and at least serve as a reminder of the desired changes. Consistency of intention is probably the real key to change, and these are tapes I enjoy enough to listen to daily. — Rebecca Wilson
##A 04 184789 419
##T The Love Tapes
Catalog $1
Effective Learning Systems
5221 Edina Industrial Blvd.
Edina, MN 55435
##A 04 326567 420
##T The Love Tapes
Overcoming Procrastination
Nearly everyone procrastinates now and then, but if you do it regularly it can create excessive stress, damage your self-image, and prevent you from enjoying life. This program provides you with the best methods of doing things at the most appropriate time and achieving the success you desire. The best time to overcome procrastination is NOW, so order this tape today.
##A 04 328520 421
##T The Love Tapes
Developing Your Creativity
Have you ever wished you were more creative? Almost everybody has. As a matter of fact, everybody is creative. We all have a creative dimension we can tap, and it
doesn’t take a lot of stress and strain to come up with good ideas or solutions. One of the best ways to develop your creativity is to use one of the techniques presented on this tape and focus on positive results in a relaxed state of mind. You’ll soon find ideas coming to you very easily, and you’ll be enthused, excited and motivated to follow through on those ideas to get the results you desire.
##A 04 177215 422
##T Staying Alive
Staying Alive
Arms race nuttiness is so obvious; why doesn’t somebody do something about it? Dr. Walsh gives us a look at the psychology involved, and suggests what we may do as individuals. It’s gonna be work, but it’s not hopeless (I hope). The book is brief, sharp, and free of airhead cliches—a nonpolitical call to action starting with self-understanding.
“When I do not know who I am I serve you.”
“When I know who I am I am you.”
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ Peace Politics
##A 04 177423 423
##T Staying Alive
(The Psychology of Human Survival)
Roger Walsh, M.D.
1984; 125 pp.
ISBN 0394726901
$7.95 ($8.95 postpaid)
Random House
Order Dept.
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 04 177892 424
##T Staying Alive
The more I reflected on our current crises, the more I recognized that they were all human-caused. To the extent they were human-caused, then to that extent their causes were to be sought in human behavior and in the psychological forces—the desires, defenses, phobias, and fantasies—that motivated that behavior. In other words, the roots of our dilemmas were largely psychological. The dilemmas themselves could therefore be seen as symptoms: global symptoms of our collective psychological disturbances.
##A 04 66788 425
##T Staying Alive
It is important to recognize that doing things out of guilt or “shoulds” is counterproductive. Such motivation spawns anger, tension, and righteousness with which you will infect other people. This is hardly helpful since emotions such as these are part of the problem and our task is to reduce them. That is why it is so
important to learn a little-known secret about contribution and service: it is okay to have a good time. All too often we approach service with grim-faced determination and a hidden assumption that we are not really serious about it if we are not suffering. Yes, it is true the world is in bad shape, but creating more suffering in ourselves is hardly the way to relieve it.
##A 04 179320 426
##T Thou Shalt Not Be Aware
Thou Shalt Not Be Aware
This is a compelling, compassionate book about both childhood and psychoanalysis. Freudian psychology so pervades our thought and language that Alice Miller’s corrections of its errors are necessary for our continued use of its concepts. For all of us who want to understand how childhood affected us, but particularly for those of us who were abused or are tempted to abuse, this is an essential book. It also gives all of us some ideas for thinking about how to prevent the violence and self-destruction that are the adult consequences of abusive and neglectful parenting.
— Michael Robertson
##A 04 179468 427
##T Thou Shalt Not Be Aware
(Society’s Betrayal of the Child)
Alice Miller
1984; 331 pp.
ISBN 0374276463
$16.95 ($18.45 postpaid)
Harper & Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 04 179822 428
##T Thou Shalt Not Be Aware
But who is it actually who is so eager to see that society’s norms are observed, who persecutes and crucifies those with the temerity to think differently—if not people who have had a “proper upbringing”? They are the ones who learned as children to accept the death of their souls and do not notice it until they are confronted with the vitality of their young or adolescent children. Then they must try to stamp out this vitality, so they will not be reminded of their own loss.
##A 04 180012 429
##T Thou Shalt Not Be Aware
The consequences of sexual abuse, however, are not restricted to problems in one’s sexual life; they impair the development of the self and of an autonomous personality. There are several reasons why this is so:
1. To have one’s helplessness and total dependency taken advantage of by the person one loves, by one’s mother or father, at a very early age soon produces an interlinking of love and hate.
2. Because anger toward the loved person cannot be expressed for fear of losing that person and therefore cannot be lived out, ambivalence, the interlinking of love and hate, remains an important characteristic of later object relationships. Many people, for instance, cannot even imagine that love is possible at all without suffering and sacrifice, without fear of being abused, without being hurt and humiliated.
##A 04 178342 430
##T The Right to Feel Bad
The Right to Feel Bad
“Wazza matter? You look depressed.” This upbeat book says that’s natural, just as feeling joyful is natural. You’re not sick. Things will be better (or feel better) later if you just hang in there. Drugs usually won’t help and may hinder progress by masking the natural processes going on, processes that are essential to growth and healing. The book hit me dead center as no other on the subject has. My heart says, “Yeah—this is how it is.”
— J. Baldwin
##A 04 178450 431
##T The Right to Feel Bad
(Coming to Terms with Normal Depression)
Lesley Hazleton
1984; 263 pp.
ISBN 0345324013
$3.50 ($4.50 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 04 178846 432
##T The Right to Feel Bad
The lie of depression as illness is right there in the language. “I’ve got a cold,” we say, or “I’ve got hepatitis.” But we do not say—at any rate, not yet—“I’ve got a depression.” Acknowledging it as a state of being, we say, “I am depressed.”
Creation, after all, is based on emptiness, on the initial existence of nothingness.
One creates from emptiness and returns to it afterward in order to find the space for the next creation to grow. Depression becomes the nothingness in which “something” begins.
Both happiness and depression are fueled by the same source: the capacity to feel, to allow ourselves emotion, and to experience the full range of life. This is vitality. Far from being a waste of time, as so many people still insist, depression is as integral a part of human experience as is happiness.
##A 04 180635 433
##T The Evolving Self
The Evolving Self
Kegan sees our journey as a cyclical process of continuing
growth and loss. He pinpoints the obstacles to growth and suggests how to overcome those obstacles, depending on the cycle of development in which they occur. The result is a very clear and readable book about how people can grow psychologically written with a great deal of respect for the reader’s individual integrity.
— Michael Robertson
##A 04 180782 434
##T The Evolving Self
(Problem and Process in Human Development)
Robert Kegan
1982; 318 pp.
ISBN 0674272307
$7.95 ($9.45 postpaid)
Harvard University Press
79 Garden Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
##A 04 181055 435
##T The Evolving Self
I used to have two sets of clothes—one for my husband and one for my mother who visited often. Two sets of clothes, but none for me. Now I dress in my clothes. Some of them are like what my mother would like me to wear but that’s a totally different thing. How exhausting it’s becoming holding all this together. And until recently I
didn’t even realize I was doing it.
##A 04 209020 436
##T Dreamwork
##A 04 211456 437
DREAMWORK consists of remembering your dreams and seeking to understand them. There’s nothing esoteric or psychologically dangerous about it. It’s simply a matter of taking a look at what’s right in front of your mind’s eye, and using what you see to improve your life. We all know how to turn on televisions, ride elevators and open pop-top cans, but nobody teaches us how to dream. This situation is changing rapidly, however, because the most important “secret” of dreamwork is becoming more and more well-known—anyone who has tried to remember their dreams and understand their meaning has discovered that the ability to obtain valuable knowledge is not a gift or talent but a skill, like tying
##A 04 276702 438
your shoelaces, reading a book, or driving a car.
Your basic tools for dreamwork are a pad of paper and a pen with a small flashlight taped to it, or a tape recorder, to record dream impressions, images, plots, and keywords in the middle of the night; a larger sketchbook or notebook to expand, amplify, and interpret those midnight jottings; and some knowledge of what to do with your dreams once you’ve learned to recall and record them. Fortunately, the secrets of the ages are now out in paperback.
— Howard Rheingold
##A 04 217735 439
##T Creative Dreaming
Creative Dreaming
My first and still one of my favorite introductions to the hows and whys of dreamwork. It gives a compelling, lucid history of dreamwork throughout the centuries and around the world, introduces several different approaches to self-analysis, touches on the highest aspects of dreamwork—lucid dreaming and other methods of altering dreams as they happen—and offers practical advice on keeping dream diaries and developing dream control.
— Howard Rheingold
##A 04 217970 440
##T Creative Dreaming
Patricia Garfield
1976; 256 pp.
ISBN 0345331443
$2.95 ($4.95 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 04 220458 441
##T Living Your Dreams
Living Your Dreams
Learn the “mind movie” approach: dreams are internal scenarios, and we are the producers, directors, and audiences of our own nightly shows. We can learn how to interpret and even consciously direct the action. The author’s orientation toward the more mundane but personally important aspects of dreamwork—what we can learn about our personal and business relationships, for example—can prove the value of dreamwork to people who aren’t interested in creativity or spiritual growth but are very interested in why they aren’t getting along with their spouse or boss.
—Howard Rheingold
##A 04 221007 442
##T Living Your Dreams
Gayle Delany
Revised and expanded edition 1988; 259 pp.
ISBN 0062502018
$10.95 ($11.45 postpaid)
Harper & Row
Keystone Industrial PArk
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 04 222080 443
##T Living Your Dreams
I found that, when I reminded myself that I was the producer of my own dreams and that I had chosen the script, the setting, and the actors, and directed and organized the whole dream show, the lights went on! Almost all my dreams and their meanings became very much more accessible to me. I stopped looking at dreams as something I received and started experiencing them as something I created. When I worked under the assumption that I produced a dream with great care and skill in order to get a message across to my waking self, it was much easier to understand why the dream images acted as they did. I had cast the stars in the Preminger dream to convey a sense of welcome which actors or stars would normally express at the return of their producer. My dream images were welcoming me home. I had forgotten that I was their producer. I had spent several years in Jungian analysis trying to understand my dreams. I had accepted the belief that I needed an expert to help me. What I really needed was a more immediate sense of my role in the creation of my dreams and the belief that, with a few pointers and some practice, I could better appreciate and understand my dreams than anyone else could.
##A 04 223199 444
##T Lucid Dreaming
Lucid Dreaming
An account of the most exciting realm of dreamwork—the ability to awaken in your dreams and control their outcomes as you participate in them! Author Stephen LaBerge is a scientist, long associated with Stanford’s Sleep Laboratory, and an accomplished
“oneironaut” (his word for those of us who explore the dream realm).
—Howard Rheingold
##A 04 223759 445
##T Lucid Dreaming
Stephen LaBerge
1986; 304 pp.
ISBN 0345333551
$3.95 ($4.95 postpaid)
Ballantine Books/Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 04 224335 446
##T Lucid Dreaming
Non-lucid dreamers perceive themselves as being contained within the experiential world of their dreams. Whether they play starring roles or are only pawns in the dream game, they are still contained in a dream that they take for external reality. As long as they perceive themselves contained in this world, they are sentenced to a virtual prison with walls no less impenetrable for the fact that they are made of delusion.
In contrast, lucid dreamers realize that they themselves contain, and thus transcend, the entire dream world and all of its contents, because they know that their imaginations have created the dream. So the transition to lucidity turns dreamers’ worlds upside down. Rather than seeing themselves as a mere part of the whole, they see themselves as the container rather than the contents. Thus they freely pass through dream prison walls that only seemed impenetrable, and venture forth into the larger world of the mind.
##A 04 224998 447
##T Lucidity Letter
Lucidity Letter
Awareness within dreams is not an easy state to achieve, but the experience can be worth the effort. This newsletter (actually a scholarly journal in pamphlet guise) tells you why. In it, researchers, psychotherapists, physicians and other scientists report on their progress uncovering the role lucid dreams can play in physical and mental healing, as well as in everyday problem-solving. Other articles discuss the nature of the lucid dream itself. For the lucidity connoisseur.
—Sarah Vandershaf
##A 04 225131 448
##T Lucidity Letter
Jayne Gackenbach, Ph. D., Editor
$10/year (2 issues)
Lucidity Letter
Department of Psychology
University of Northern Iowa
Cedar Falls, IA 50614
##A 04 225447 449
##T Lucidity Letter
The concept of lucid dream healing is not a new one, and anecdotal reports abound. In my own experience, I have had one lucid dream opportunity to practice adjunctive physical healing. I had some minor surgery and the bleeding would not stop. I decided that this would be an opportunity to try a lucid dream imaged healing. I made the suggestion while awake and in the dream state that I would affirm that area of the body finally heal. In a complex lucid dream I was able to lay my hands on that area and essentially affirm my intention for healing. I awakened with the oozing continuing, but it stopped approximately 10 to 14 hours later. Whether this would have happened without the lucid dream I don’t know.
##A 04 225884 450
##T Dream Network Bulletin
Dream Network Bulletin
This newsletter has a folksier, broader approach to dreaming than does Lucidity Letter. It covers dream interpretation, dream poetry, even the role dreams play in maintaining proper nutrition! Weak on scientific rigor, strong on fascinating first-person accounts.
—Sarah Vandershaf
##A 04 226082 451
##T Dream Network Bulletin
Linda Magallon, Editor
$18/year (6 issues)
Dream Network Bulletin
1083 Harvest Meadow Court
San Jose, CA 95136
##A 04 227220 452
##T Dream Network Bulletin
My first dream on diet and nutrition came in mid-1979. Like many similar dreams to follow it was relatively short, had clearcut symbols and was readily understood.
I go through a cafeteria line and get scrambled eggs and ham which I put on the table. I turn my back for a moment and a waiter takes my plate and throws it in the garbage.
It was obvious that this food combination was not suitable for me and ham was eliminated from my diet.
##A 04 235656 453
##T At a Journal Workshop
At a Journal Workshop
Progoff, a former protege of psychologist Carl Jung, has devised an innovative way of keeping a psychological journal.
Like most Jungian psychologists, Progoff feels that each of us possess self-directing, self-healing capacities which are not always accessible to our day-to-day consciousness. Persons seeking to get in touch with these capabilities have usually required professional guidance. The Intensive Journal method was developed to allow people to use journal-writing to gain entry to those capacities.
My own experiences with the exercises were deep and surprising. When people asked Anaïs Nin how to keep a diary, she referred them to this book. —Tom Ferguson, M.D.
##A 04 22657 454
##T At a Journal Workshop
Progoff and his associates also teach his journal method through a series of weekend and week-long workshops. For information about workshops in your area, write to the following address:
National Intensive Journal Program
80 East Eleventh Street
New York, NY 10003
##A 04 238110 455
##T At a Journal Workshop
(The Basic Text and Guide for Using the Intensive Journal Process)
Ira Progoff
1975; 320 pp.
ISBN 087941006X
$11.95 ($15.45 postpaid)
Dialogue House Library
45 West Tenth Street
New York, NY 10011
##A 04 253668 456
##T At a Journal Workshop
Because time has passed them by, we assume that the choices we rejected or waived are now dead, and that there is no longer any potentiality in them. We have, on the other hand, many indications that projects which we planned but could not carry through at an early point in our life became ripe for fulfillment at a later time. As the author of The Cloud of Unknowing states it, “We grow by delays,” and for this reason the later expressions of our plans are often more productive and meaningful than they could possibly have been at the earlier time.
We remain in the quietness with our eyes closed, now progressively feeling the presence of a person, a being who personifies the inner continuity of the life of our body. We feel the presence of the person within the process of our physical life, and we speak to it. We greet it as a person. We address it, saying what comes to us to be spoken. Whatever we say, we write in the Journal.
##A 04 67431 457
##T Behavior Modification
##A 04 139158 458
##T Pathways: A Success Guide for a Healthy Life
Pathways: A Success Guide for a Healthy Life
Suppose you want to start an exercise program or eat a healthier diet or manage stress more gracefully. Perhaps you’ve tried this before on your own and this time you want some help from a friend. This book is just such a friend. With humor, with compassion, with understanding of how people change, and with a firm hand this book can guide you to a healthier way of living.
Pathways doesn’t flood you with unnecessary information. It is designed around a clever map-like device, a pathfinder, which guides you directly to the information you need and helps you develop a health action plan to maximize your chances of success.
##A 04 139479 459
##T Pathways: A Success Guide for a Healthy Life
For the most part the book is realistic. It doesn’t assume that promoting health is the only thing you have to do in your life, and it doesn’t make you feel guilty for not being a saint. If you only absorb and follow one-hundredth of its good counsel, your life will be measurably enriched.
— David S. Sobel, M.D.
##A 04 139685 460
##T Pathways: A Success Guide for a Healthy Life
Donald W. Kemper, James Giuffre
and Gene Drabinski
Second Edition 1987; 145 pp
ISBN 0961269057
$14.65 ($15.90 postpaid)
P.O. Box 1989
Boise, ID 83701
##A 04 21783 461
##T Pathways: A Success Guide for a Healthy Life
“How often should I exercise?”
Most fitness research has found that aerobic exercise should be done at least three times a week to consistently improve a person’s fitness level. However, the real objective in determining how often you exercise is to form the habit of exercise, and it is often difficult for human beings to form habits on a three-day-a-week schedule. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday can soon become Thursday, Saturday, and “I’ll make it up next week.” Daily activities, or “work week” schedules, are easier to adhere to for many people.
So the minimum is three days per week. Making fitness activities a part of every day, like tooth-brushing and reading the paper, is the easiest in the long run.
##A 04 73276 462
##T Don’t Shoot the Dog!
Don’t Shoot the Dog!
There are two kinds of training. One is the sort I used to do for the infantry—intense imparting of information and skills. An activity far worthier and more interesting than it’s given credit for. But even worthier (and more uncredited) than that is the second kind of training—the shaping of behavior. This new book looks like the very best on the subject—a full-scale mind-changer.
It is customary to apologize whenever saying something favorable about behavior modification and the insights of B.F. Skinner. I now hasten to fail to do that. We all strive to modify the behavior of everyone around us (including ourselves) all the time, usually with
##A 04 273697 463
##T Don’t Shoot the Dog!
monumental ineptitude. Learning to do it well is a service to all. Now that both I and my wife have read Karen Pryor’s book we’re busily training each other, some of it overt, some covert.
In the course of becoming a renowned dolphin trainer Karen Pryor learned that positive reinforcement (the only kind possible with dolphins, who can’t be reached with leashes, bridles, fists, or yells) is even more potent than prior scientific work had suggested. A daughter of novelist Philip Wylie, she is also a fine writer.
— Stewart Brand
##A 04 73734 464
##T Don’t Shoot the Dog!
(The New Art of Teaching and Training)
Karen Pryor
1984; 187 pp.
ISBN 0553253883
$3.95 ($5.45 postpaid)
Bantam Books
414 East Golf Road
Des Plaines, IL 60016
##A 04 74132 465
##T Don’t Shoot the Dog!
There are eight methods of getting rid of a behavior. Only eight. The eight methods are:
Method 1: “Shoot the animal.” (This definitely works. You will never have to deal with that particular behavior in that particular subject again.)
Method 2: Punishment. (Everybody’s favorite, in spite of the fact that it almost never really works.)
Method 3: Negative reinforcement.
Method 4: Extinction; letting the behavior go away by itself.
Method 5: Train an incompatible behavior. (This method is especially useful for athletes and pet owners.)
##A 04 74401 466
##T Don’t Shoot the Dog!
Method 6: Put the behavior on cue. (Then you never give the cue. This is the porpoise trainer’s most elegant method of getting rid of unwanted behavior.)
Method 7: “Shape the absence”; reinforce anything and everything that is not the undesired behavior. (A kindly way to turn disagreeable relatives into agreeable relatives.)
Method 8: Change the motivation. (This is the fundamental and most kindly method of all.)
##A 04 47839 467
##T How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life
How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life
Almost a parody of the self-help genre, this glib book nevertheless can shake your bad time-management habits and start better ones. I’ve used it and wasn’t sorry. Last time I saw author Alan Lakein he was headed for an indefinite vacation at Big Sur—proving something, I would say.
— Stewart Brand
##A 04 47988 468
##T How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life
Alan Lakein
1973; 160 pp.
ISBN 0451134303
$10.95 ($11.95 postpaid)
McKay/Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 04 48342 469
##T How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life
The 80/20 rule suggests that in a list of ten items, doing two of them will yield most
(80 percent) of the value. Find these two, label them A, get them done. Leave most of the other eight undone, because the value you’ll get from them will be significantly less than that of the two highest-value items.
These examples, drawn from everyday life, should enable you to feel more comfortable about concentrating on high-value tasks, even at the cost of ignoring many lower-value tasks:
• 80 percent of sales come from 20 percent of customers
• 80 percent of production is in 20 percent of the product line
• 80 percent of sick leave is taken by 20 percent of employees
• 80 percent of file usage is in 20 percent of files
• 80 percent of dinners repeat 20 percent of recipes
##A 04 74967 470
##T The Relaxation & Stress Reduction Workbook
The Relaxation & Stress Reduction Workbook
Stress, a universal fact of existence, differs in degree and kind from one person to another. The three basic sources of stress— your environment, your body, your thoughts—require different responses. This book offers a wealth of tools for reducing stress and increasing relaxation. It’s mainly instruction with a minimum of theory. An excellent resource for creating a relaxation program that suits you.
— Corinne Hawkins
##A 04 75251 471
##T The Relaxation & Stress Reduction Workbook
Matthew McKay, Martha Davis
and Elizabeth Robbins
Second Edition 1982; 208 pp.
ISBN 09349860405
$12.50 ($13.75 postpaid)
New Harbinger Publications
2200 Adeline
Suite 305
Oakland, CA 94607
Audio version also available; see card 5 for access info and to hear sound clip.
##A 04 75486 472
##T The Relaxation & Stress Reduction Workbook
Insight: It is important to recognize that there are three levels of insight necessary to change:
1. Knowledge that you have a problem, and awareness of some of the events that may have caused the problem.
2. Seeing clearly that the irrational ideas which you acquired early in life are creating the emotional climate you live in now, and that consciously or unconsciously you work fairly hard to perpetuate them.
3. The strong belief that after discovering these two insights, you will still find no way of eliminating the problem other than steadily, persistently and vigorously working to change your irrational ideas.
Without a commitment to this last insight, it will be very difficult to alter your habitual emotional responses. . . .
##A 04 75771 473
##T The Relaxation & Stress Reduction Workbook
Breathing Awareness
1. Lie down on a rug or blanket on the floor in a “dead body” pose—your legs straight, slightly apart, your toes pointed comfortably outwards, your arms at your sides, not touching your body, your palms up, and your eyes closed.
2. Bring your attention to your breathing, and place your hand on the spot that seems to rise and fall the most as you inhale and exhale. Note that if this spot is in your chest, you are not making good use of the lower part of your lungs. People who are nervous tend to breathe many short, shallow breaths in their upper chest. . . .
##A 04 232676 474
##T The Relaxation & Stress Reduction Workbook
Relaxation Tapes
$10.95 (UPS $3 for one tape; 50¢ each additional tape)
New Harbinger Publications
5674 Shattuck Avenue
Oakland, CA 94609
Tape 1. Progressive Relaxation
and Breathing
Tape 2. Body Awareness and Imagination
Tape 3. Autogenics and Meditation
Tape 4. Self Hypnosis
Tape 5. Thought Stopping
##A 04 21097 475
##T Treating Type A Behavior — And Your Heart
Treating Type A Behavior — And Your Heart
The way you live can kill you before your time, but it’s not too late to change. Here’s how.
— Art Kleiner
##A 04 21717 476
##T Treating Type A Behavior — And Your Heart
Meyer Friedman, M. D.
and Diane Ulmer, R. N., M. S.
1984; 308 pp.
ISBN 0449208265
$3.95 ($4.95 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 04 37020 477
##T Treating Type A Behavior — And Your Heart
Until fairly recent times, very few women exhibited Type A behavior. In part, this was due to the fact that human females (like sub-human primate females) do not possess the aggressiveness, typical of males, that is generally associated with the male hormone testosterone. . . .until very recently, an aura of intractable hopelessness attended whatever insecurities women possessed. For every one woman who chose struggle as a means of relieving her insecurities, 99 others submissively and hopelessly accepted their lot. Type A behavior cannot flourish in the absence of struggle. Indeed, an attitude of hopelessness and Type A behavior are antithetical. Beginning in the 1970s, however, women have achieved an ever-increasing number of victories in their fight to attain parity with men in all phases of human activity. They have successfully entered the professions, commerce, and industry. . . . Under the circumstances, it is hardly surprising that many women would begin discarding their former shrouds of hopelessness in favor of a variety of struggles aimed at ridding themselves of their old insecurities and gaining new levels of self-esteem.
##A 04 6532 478
##T Treating Type A Behavior — And Your Heart
Type A behavior has of course followed, and now presents itself as a growing danger.
And, as might be expected, the incidence of coronary heart disease is increasing rapidly among women.
##A 04 2613 479
##T Shyness
Eighty percent of the population feels shy in one situation or another. For some it’s a minor nuisance, for others it’s debilitating. This is the first and only self-help book to thoroughly cover the subject.
— Corinne Hawkins
##A 04 135616 480
##T Shyness
Philip G. Zimbardo
1984; 350pp.
ISBN 0515089192
$3.95 ($4.70 postpaid)
Berkley Publishing Group
390 Murray Hill Parkway
East Rutherford, NJ 07073
##A 04 233808 481
##T Shyness
Shyness can be a mental handicap as crippling as the most severe of handicaps, and its consequences can be devastating:
° Shyness makes it difficult to meet new people, make friends, or enjoy potentially good experiences.
° It prevents you from speaking up for your rights and expressing your own opinions and values.
° Shyness limits positive evaluations by others of your personal strengths.
° It encourages self-consciousness and excessive preoccupation with your own reactions.
° Shyness makes it hard to think clearly and communicate effectively.
° Negative feelings like depression, anxiety, and loneliness typically accompany shyness.
##A 04 232037 482
##T Shyness
The positive side of shyness —
Shyness makes one appear discreet and seriously introspective. It also increases one’s personal privacy and offers pleasures that only solitude can bring. Shy people do not intimidate or hurt others as overbearing, more forceful people may do. Isaac Bashevis Singer, the author, puts it eloquently:
“I don’t think that people should get over being shy. It is a blessing in disguise. The shy person is the opposite of the aggressive person. Shy people are seldom the great sinners. They allow society to remain in peace.”
##A 04 33875 483
##A 04 68678 484
##T Diagnosis
##A 04 158415 485
##T A Guide to Physical Examination
A Guide to Physical Examination
May I please recommend A Guide to Physical Examination? This excellent book is the central core for most courses in physical diagnosis. It is in a large, well-illustrated format with an excellent discussion of the art of interviewing patients so that they give the story. Each system of the body is arranged by chapter, techniques for examination are outlined without jargon, and abnormal findings are noted in red in the margin. It is interesting to note that while M.D. training may spend one to two weeks covering the material outlined in Bates’ book, physician
assistants’ training devotes four to five months on the same . . . .
This book will be useful to anyone interested in any aspect of the
##A 04 158518 486
##T A Guide to Physical Examination
health sciences—imagine studying mechanics without an idea of where to find the car’s motor!
— John Benecki, P.A.
##A 04 159075 487
##T A Guide to Physical Examination
Barbara Bates, M. D.
Third edition 1983; 561 pp.
ISBN 0397543999
$35.95 ($37.45 postpaid)
Harper & Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 04 159654 488
##T A Guide to Physical Examination
Although transillumination is not part of a routine examination, it is often helpful when sinus tenderness or other symptoms suggest sinusitis. The room should be thoroughly darkened. Using a strong, narrow light source, place the light snugly deep under each brow, close to the nose. Shield the light with your hand. Look for a dim red glow as light is transmittted through the air-filled frontal sinus to the forehead. Absence of glow on one or both sides suggests a thickened mucosa or secretions in the frontal sinus, but it may also result from developmental absence of one or both sinuses.
##A 04 159920 489
##T Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment
Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment
Lange’s Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment is an excellent reference, but it must be used in conjunction with a carefully taken medical history and careful physical examination. It’s necesssary to know what you’re treating. When you have the patient’s signs and symptoms in hand, then you go to Lange or any of the numerous other texts.
— John Benecki, P.A.
This is probably the single most useful medical reference book you can own. With it you can do two things: you can begin to understand your illness or injury, and—more important perhaps—you can decide whether your doctor understands it. Is your doctor current? Has she (he) diagnosed and treated your condition according to the
##A 04 160231 490
##T Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment
latest medical research? Here’s where you find out. Being the book doctors use, it’s dense and comprehensive, and takes a little work from the lay reader. It’s absolutely worth the effort. It’s updated every year and offers not just diagnosis of almost every known medical malady from dandruff through toenail atrophy but also prognosis (how long it’ll last), standard treatment, and short bibliographies for further research. It’s the most used book at Planetree Health Resource Center. (Keep in mind, though, that CMD is a standard reference, very much rooted in AMA-style medicine. Hence you’ll find recommended such therapies as shock treatment and tranquilizers.)
— Joe Kane
Ÿ Planetree Health Resource Center
##A 04 160514 491
##T Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment
Steven A. Schroeder, Marcus A. Krupp, and Lawrence M. Tierney Jr., Editors
1988; 1,066 pp.
ISBN 0838513441
$32.50 postpaid
Appleton and Lange
25 Van Zant Street
Norwalk, CT 06855
##A 04 160911 492
##T Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment
Sinus Infection
• History of acute upper respiratory infection, dental infection, or nasal allergy.
• Pain, tenderness, redness, swelling over the involved sinus.
• Nasal congestion and purulent nasal discharge.
• Clouding of sinuses on x-ray or transillumination.
• Fever, chills, malaise, headache.
• Teeth hurt or feel “long” (maxillary sinusitis), or swelling occurs near the nasal
canthus of the eye (ethmoid sinusitis).
General Considerations
Acute sinus infection usually follows an acute upper respiratory infection, swimming or diving, dental abscess or extractions, or nasal allergies, or occurs as an exacerbation of a chronic sinus infection.
##A 04 161339 493
##T Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment
Acute Sinusitis: Place the patient at bed rest and give sedatives, analgesics, a light diet, and fluids. Oral nasal decongestants (eg. phenylpropanolamine, 25-50 mg 3 times daily) and systemic antibiotics frequently produce prompt resolution of the infection. Ampicillin or erythromycin, 1-2 g/d, is most commonly used. Other antibiotics may be used as determined by culture and sensitivity testing. Local heat, topical nasal decongestants (eg 0.25 phenylephrine), and gentle spot suctioning of the nasal discharge are helpful. The sinuses must not be manipulated during the acute infection. Antrum irrigation is of value after the acute inflammation has subsided. Acute frontal sinusitis is treated medically and conservatively; cannulation is rarely warranted. Trephining of the sinus floor may occasionally be indicated in acute fulminating infections. Acute ethmoid infections respond to medical management; if external fluctuation develops, incision and drainage are indicated.
##A 04 161780 494
##T Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment
Acute infections usually respond to medical management and irrigation.
A. Symptoms and Signs: Because the maxillary sinus is the largest of the paranasal sinuses and its drainage into the nose is not fully dependent, it is the most commonly affected sinus. Pain and pressure over the cheek are the usual symptoms. Pain may refer to the upper incisor and canine teeth via branches of the trigeminal nerve, which traverse the floor of the sinus. It is not uncommon for maxillary sinusitis to result from dental infection, and teeth that are tender should be carefully examined for signs of abscess.
In uncomplicated sinusitis with mild symptoms, outpatient management is usually successful. Oral decongestants, nasal decongestant sprays, and oral antibiotics are recommended. If purulent discharge is seen in the nose, it should be cultured. Because amoxicillin has better sinus penetration than ampicillin, it is an appropriate first
##A 04 288363 495
##T Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment
choice. Alternatives are discussed in the section on acute otitis media. Antibiotic treatment for sinusitis should be continued for 2 weeks, with longer courses sometimes required to prevent relapses.
Failure of sinusitis to resolve after an adequate course of oral antibiotics may necessitate hospital admission for intravenous antibiotics and possible surgical drainage. Frontal sinusitis that does not promptly respond to outpatient care should be managed aggressively, because the posterior sinus wall is adjacent to the dura and because undertreated infection may lead to intracranial extension. If intravenous antibiotics fail to ameliorate symptoms, a frontal sinus trephine may be necessary to drain and irrigate the sinus. Persistent maxillary empyema may be cultured and relieved with a needle inserted through the lateral or anterior wall of the nose.
##A 04 35010 496
##T Where There Is No Doctor
Where There Is No Doctor
The best book for Third World medical situations. (Also available in Spanish, Portuguese, and Khmer.)
— J. Baldwin
##A 04 45804 497
##T Where There Is No Doctor
(A Village Health Care Handbook)
David Werner
1977; 403 pp.
ISBN 0942364031
$8 postpaid
The Hesperian Foundation
P. O. Box 1692
Palo Alto, CA 94302
##A 04 132865 498
##T Where There Is No Doctor
HOW TO DRAIN MUCUS FROM THE LUNGS (postural drainage):
When a person who has a bad cough is very old or weak and cannot get rid of the sticky mucus or phlegm in his chest, it will help if he drinks a lot of water. Also do the following:
• First, have him breathe hot water vapors to loosen the mucus.
• Then have him lie partly on the bed, with his head and chest hanging over the edge. Pound him lightly on the back. This will help to bring out the mucus.
##A 04 168204 499
##T Anatomy of an Illness
Anatomy of an Illness
Peerless reading for the hospital bed. Norman Cousins, longtime editor of Saturday Review, acquired a second fame a few years ago with an article in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine chronicling his self-inflicted recovery from a crippling and supposedly irreversible ailment (his spine was disintegrating). With the aid of his unusual doctor Cousins got the hell out of the hospital, took full responsibility for his own treatment, and began trying stuff—massive vitamin C, massive cheerfulness (the famous home-showing of Marx Brothers and Candid Camera films). The miracle of cure plus Cousins’ intellectual and lively
##A 04 161156 500
##T Anatomy of an Illness
presentation have made this one of the most influential
medical documents ever. Patients read it and act differently.
So do doctors. So do hospitals.
— Stewart Brand
##A 04 168645 501
##T Anatomy of an Illness
Anatomy of an Illness as Perceived by the Patient: Reflections on Healing and Regeneration
Norman Cousins
1981; 173 pp.
ISBN 0553343653
$6.95 ($7.95 postpaid)
Bantam Books
414 East Golf Road
Des Plains, IL 60016
Audio version also available; see card 6 for access info and to hear sound clip.
##A 04 168942 502
##T Anatomy of an Illness
I had a fast-growing conviction that a hospital is no place for a person who is seriously ill. The surprising lack of respect for basic sanitation; the rapidity with which staphylococci and other pathogenic organisms can run through an entire hospital; the extensive and sometimes promiscuous use of X-ray equipment; the seemingly indiscriminate administration of tranquilizers and powerful painkillers, sometimes more for the convenience of hospital staff in managing patients than for therapeutic needs; and the regularity with which hospital routine takes precedence over the rest requirements of the patient (slumber, when it comes for an ill person, is an uncommon blessing and is not to be wantonly interrupted) — all these and other practices seemed to me to be critical shortcomings of the modern hospital.
##A 04 169134 503
##T Anatomy of an Illness
I made the joyous discovery that ten minutes of genuine belly laughter had an anesthetic effect and would give me at least two hours of pain-free sleep. When the painkilling effect of the laughter wore off, we would switch on the motion-picture projector again, and, not infrequently, it would lead to another pain-free sleep interval. Sometimes, the nurse read to me out of a trove of humor books. Especially useful were E. B. and Katharine White’s Subtreasury of American Humor and Max Eastman’s The Enjoyment of Laughter.
##A 04 36089 504
##T Anatomy of an Illness
Anatomy of an Illness (Tape Version)
Dan Lazar, Reader
4 1-hour cassettes
Rental $9.50
Purchase $32 ($34.50 postpaid)
Books on Tape
P.O. Box 7900
Newport Beach, CA 92658
##A 04 69704 505
##T First Aid
##A 04 101152 506
##T Emergency Medical Guide
Emergency Medical Guide
No special knowledge or skill is required to use this up-to-date first aid guide, though one might wish for a less academic tone of voice. “Emergency” doesn’t just mean accident, either—there are instructions for treating acute illness and delivering a baby away from medical assistance. An anatomy lesson is included to help you understand what’s going on, and there is a good bit of emergency prevention advice. Everybody should have this sort of knowledge available, preferably in their head.
— J. Baldwin
##A 04 101495 507
##T Emergency Medical Guide
John Henderson, M. D.
Fourth Edition 1978; 681 pp.
ISBN 0070281696
$7.95 postpaid
McGraw Hill Book Co.
Professional Publishing Services
P. O. Box 400
Hightstown, NJ 08520
##A 04 101835 508
##T Emergency Medical Guide
Pavement can get surprisingly hot (up to 172° F or more) even on relatively cool days, and black asphalt surfaces get much hotter than white concrete surfaces since they absorb more and reflect less heat. A person lying unconscious, unable to move, on such a surface can sustain severe burns on exposed areas of the body in a relatively short period of time.
##A 04 102104 509
##T Emergency Medical Guide
The Heimlich maneuver. (A) As quickly as the victim signals distress, the rescuer grasps him from behind. (B) the rescuer’s fist should be pressed into the upper abdomen at the spot marked by the cross. (C) Correct position of rescuer when patient is found lying face up. Note the placement of the hand, which permits a quick upward thrust.
##A 04 73535 510
##T Medicine for Mountaineering
Medicine for Mountaineering
Medicine for Mountaineering provides a detailed discussion of
first aid in situations where there is no doctor around the corner. It accents the psychology involved in boondock emergencies—a critical aspect that is only now being recognized.
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ Mountaineering
##A 04 91337 511
##T Medicine for Mountaineering
J. A. Wilkerson, M. D., Editor
Third Edition 1985; 440 pp.
ISBN 0898860865
$11.95 postpaid
Mountaineer Books
306 Second Avenue West
Seattle, WA 98119
##A 04 9106 512
##T Medicine for Mountaineering
Normal reactions to stress: Reactions to stress may be immediate or delayed. Immediate reactions among rescuers at the accident site—which are normal—include anxiety and apprehension, doubts about their abilities, or hopelessness and despair, which are often mixed with denial or “splitting.” Some rescuers experience cognitive difficulties, forgetting where they put things and finding decisions hard to make. “Rescuers in all types of incidents report nausea, a pounding sensation in their hearts, muscle tremors, cramps, profuse sweating, chills, headaches, and muffled hearing.”
##A 04 10015 513
##T Medicine for Mountaineering
Fingers: Dislocations of the fingers, which occur most commonly at the second joint, may be corrected quite easily immediately after the dislocation by pulling on the injured digit. The injured finger can then be splinted effectively by taping it to an adjacent uninjured finger. Dislocations of the thumb are usually accompanied by a fracture of the bone at the base of the thumb. Such injuries are seldom stable when corrected by manipulation alone and are best treated in the field by total immobilization.
##A 04 289405 514
##T Medicine for Mountaineering
Dislocations of the fingers, which occur most commonly at the second joint, may be corrected quite easily immediately after the dislocation by pulling on the injured digit.
##A 04 11357 515
##T Mountaineering First Aid
Mountaineering First Aid
First aid books tell you what to do ’til the doctor comes. But what if the doctor isn’t coming? Mountaineering First Aid is a brief, light booklet outlining seven steps (including basic first aid) that will help “stabilize the situation.” The steps are intended to help you organize and keep psychologically cool under trying circumstances. First aid is only part of it; you must insure the safety of the other members of the party and get everyone back to safety. Good stuff to know for anyone who ventures beyond the parking lot.
— J. Baldwin
##A 04 102630 516
##T Mountaineering First Aid
Martha J. Lentz, Ph.D., R.N., et al.
Third Edition 1985; 112 pp.
ISBN 089886092X
$4.95 postpaid
Mountaineer Books
306 Second Avenue West
Seattle, WA 98119
##A 04 102679 517
##T Mountaineering First Aid
Seven steps for first aid response:
Step 1. Take charge of the situation
Step 2. Approach the victim safely
Step 3. Perform emergency rescue and urgent first aid
Step 4. Protect the victim
Step 5. Check for other injuries
Step 6. Plan what to do
Step 7. Carry out the plan
##A 04 286283 518
##T Mountaineering First Aid
Scalp wounds can be closed without the aid of butterflies by tying strands of hair together. Use double square knots, however, since hair has a stubborn tendency to untie.
Butterfly bandages can be purchased commercially, or improvised from adhesive tape as shown.
##A 04 103794 519
##T A Sigh of Relief
A Sigh of Relief
This is an ultra-simple first aid handbook for childhood emergencies. Some would say too simple, but it’ll get things started and may greatly decrease unnecessary worry. The large format and bold index make it easy to find what you need fast. Just the thing for babysitters.
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ Parenting
##A 04 104149 520
##T A Sigh of Relief
(The First Aid Handbook for Childhood Emergencies)
Martin I. Green
Updated Edition 1984; 264 pp.
ISBN 0553340905
$12.95 ($14.45 postpaid)
Bantam Books
414 East Golf Road
Des Plaines, IL 60016
##A 04 104463 521
##T A Sigh of Relief
Electric shock: Important: do not touch the child directly while he remains in contact with the current. Stand on something dry—a blanket, rubber mat, newspapers, etc.,—and push away the child or the source of the shock with a dry board or pole.
##A 04 70020 522
##T Dental Care
##A 04 59301 523
##T Guide to Dental Health
Guide to Dental Health
This special issue of The Journal of the American Dental Association shows you how to care for the family fangs.
— J. Baldwin
##A 04 63720 524
##T Guide to Dental Health
Journal of the American Dental Association Guide to Dental Health
William F. Wathen, D. M. D., Editor
52 pp.
ISSN 00028177
$3 postpaid from:
American Dental Association
Subscription Dept. CG-29
211 East Chicago Avenue
Chicago, IL 60611
Special Issue of JADA (The Journal of the American Dental Association)
##A 04 209455 525
##T How to Save Your Teeth
How to Save Your Teeth
It takes implacable discipline to keep those choppers chipper, but it can be done. This book explains how to do it (in case your dentist hasn’t) and explains most of the other dental procedures you’re likely to encounter in this mortal coil.
— J. Baldwin
##A 04 209707 526
##T How to Save Your Teeth
(The Preventative Approach)
Howard B. Marshall, D. D. S.
1980; 334 pp.
ISBN 0140465073
$5.95 ($6.95 postpaid)
Viking Penguin Books
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0120
##A 04 210296 527
##T How to Save Your Teeth
Shifting and Tilting
Basically, what happens when you lose a tooth, particularly a rear tooth, is that the opposing tooth moves toward the space. This is particularly true of the missing lower first molar. The upper tooth drops into the space. Teeth next to the space lean in to try to fill it. There are actually seven teeth affected by the loss of the lower first molar.
##A 04 210493 528
##T How to Save Your Teeth
Flossing the upper teeth — note floss under gum.
##A 04 211744 529
##T Dental Emergency Kit
Dental Emergency Kit
Worst Fears Confirmed Department: You’re about halfway down the Colorado River on that long-dreamed-of (and expensive) ten-day raft trip and a filling falls out, leaving you in attention-demanding pain. The butterfly bandages and iodine in the first aid kit aren’t going to help save the day, but this dental emergency kit likely will; it has everything you need to take care of most unexpected tooth terrors. A booklet tells you what to do.
—J. Baldwin
This was extremely difficult to track down—if there is even a remote chance you could use this I highly recommend ordering as it’s becoming increasingly rare. — Candida Kutz
##A 04 212075 530
##T Dental Emergency Kit
$9.99 ($13.24 postpaid)
Brigade Quartermasters
1025 Cobb International Blvd.
Kennesaw, GA 30144-4349
Kit is manufactured by :
Advanced Bio Systems, Inc.
Dental Care Division 80 East Hawthorne Avenue
Valley Stream, NY 11580
##A 04 210735 531
##T Where There Is No Dentist
Where There Is No Dentist
This is a manual for those with no knowledge of dentistry but who nonetheless have been appointed by the fates to do some. The book is thorough, cautious, and illustrated well enough to upset the squeamish. If you expect to work in less-developed countries or other bush situations, you might need to know all this. The same outfit also publishes Where There Is No Doctor.
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ Where There Is No Doctor
##A 04 211078 532
##T Where There Is No Dentist
Murray Dickson
1983; 195 pp.
ISBN 0942364058
$4.50 postpaid
The Hesperian Foundation
P. O. Box 1692
Palo Alto, CA 94302
##A 04 18505 533
##T Where There Is No Dentist
In India and Guatemala, health workers use a foot treadle to power a drill, the same way they operate a sewing machine. This kind of drill is slower than a compressed-air drill, and the grinding produces a lot of heat, so one must take care not to let the tooth get so hot that it kills the nerves. Still, this is one of the simplest and cheapest ways to place a permanent filling.
##A 04 70985 534
##T Drugs
##A 04 50565 535
##T The People’s Pharmacy Series
The People’s Pharmacy Series
The Graedons’ four volumes are the books on drugs for the general reader. Written by a pharmacologist who knows his stuff and shoots from the hip, The People’s Pharmacy series helped create the current medical consumer revolution and remains the most personable and readable assemblage of self-care information, opinions, and recommendations on prescription and over-the-counter drugs currently available.
The Graedons provide an excellent overview and hit all the high points.
— Tom Ferguson, M.D.
##A 04 50905 536
##T The People’s Pharmacy Series
The People’s Pharmacy: Totally New and Revised
Joe Graedon
ISBN 0312904991
$4.95 ($5.95 postpaid)
St. Martin’s Press
175 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10010
##A 04 233469 537
##T The People’s Pharmacy Series
The People’s Pharmacy-2
Joe and Teresa Graedon
1980; 468 pp.
ISBN 0380760592
$5.95 ($6.95 postpaid)
Avon Books
P. O. Box 767
Dresden, TN 38225
##A 04 51265 538
##T The People’s Pharmacy Series
Joe Graedon’s New People’s Pharmacy #3
(Drug Breakthroughs of the ’80s)
Joe and Teresa Graedon
1985; 427 pp.
ISBN 0553341340
$8.95 ($10.45 postpaid)
Bantam Books
414 East Golf Road
Des Plaines, IL 60016
##A 04 51114 539
##T The People’s Pharmacy Series
Fifty-Plus Graedons’ People’s Pharmacy for Older Adults
Joe and Teresa Graedon
1988; 459 pp.
ISBN 0553344854
$13.95 ($15.45 postpaid)
Bantam Books
414 East Golf Road
Des Plaines, IL 60016
##A 04 289912 540
##T The People’s Pharmacy Series
Most doctors are probably unaware just how common drug-induced depression is. Harvard researcher Dr. Jerry Avorn and his colleagues set out to unravel the mystery by determining how often antidepressants are prescribed to people taking beta blockers (Inderal, Lopressor, and Corgard). What they found was shocking. After examining the medical records of 143,253 Medicaid recipients in Michigan and Minnesota, the researchers discovered that 23 percent (almost one out of four) of those people on beta blockers had also received antidepressant medication.
—50+ The Graedons’ People’s Pharmacy for Older Adults
##A 04 294221 541
##T The People’s Pharmacy Series
Minoxidil, a potent vasodilator used orally in the treatment of hypertension, appears to have “dramatic” hair-growing properties when applied topically to some patients with male pattern baldness or alopecia areata, Dr. Vera Price said at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology.
Although the search for a treatment of male pattern baldness has been rivaled in duration and intensity only by that for the Holy Grail, Dr. Price strongly urged physicians to refrain from the temptation of using minoxidil on their bald patients until after Upjohn’s controlled clinical trials are completed within the next year. . . .
—Joe Graedon’s New People’s Pharmacy #3
##A 04 295582 542
##T The People’s Pharmacy Series
Not waiting for FDA approval is Cambridge Chemists, a drugstore on New York City’s East Side. Pharmacists there make a liquid version of minoxidil for patients of about 20 area physicians, including Dr. Reed. The pharmacy crushes prescription tablets of Loniten (the form in which Upjohn sells the drug for severe high blood pressure), mixes them with an alcohol-based solution and sells them a one-month supply of two ounces for about $75.
—The New People’s Pharmacy
##A 04 60198 543
##T The Essential Guide to Prescription Drugs
The Essential Guide to Prescription Drugs
A drug encyclopedia, my favorite. The Essential Guide to Prescription Drugs is one of the most detailed and easily the most usable of the breed. It contains in-depth listings of the 200+ most frequently prescribed drugs, complete with mode of action, side effects, contraindications, time required for benefit, recommended follow-up exams, interactions with other drugs, and —especially hard to find—use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. No opinions or recommendations here, just the facts.
— Tom Ferguson, M.D.
##A 04 60579 544
##T The Essential Guide to Prescription Drugs
James W. Long, M. D.
1988; 994 pp.
ISBN 006096233X
$10.95 ($12.45 postpaid)
Harper & Row
Kaystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 04 145244 545
##T The Essential Guide to Prescription Drugs
Introduced: 1886 Class: Analgesic, Narcotic . . .
Principal Uses
As a Single Drug Product: Used primarily to (1) relieve moderate to severe pain; (2) control cough; (3) control diarrhea. Its widest use is as an ingredient in analgesic preparations and cough remedies. Its constipating effect is sometimes used to treat diarrhea, though better drugs are now available for this purpose.
How This Drug Works: Acting primarily as a depressant of certain brain functions, this drug suppresses the perception of pain, calms the emotional response to pain, reduces the sensitivity of the cough reflex and inhibits the activity of brain centers that regulate the intestinal tract. . . .
This Drug Should Not Be Taken If:
##A 04 145623 546
##T The Essential Guide to Prescription Drugs
• you have had an allergic reaction to any dosage form of it previously.
• you are having an acute attack of asthma.
1. If you have asthma, chronic bronchitis or emphysema, excessive use of this drug may cause significant respiratory difficulty, thickening of bronchial secretions and suppression of coughing.
2. The concurrent use of this drug with atropinelike drugs can increase the risk of urinary retention and reduced intestinal function.
3. Do not take this drug following acute head injury . . .
Precautions for Use
By Infants and Children: Do not use this drug in children under 2 years of age because of their vulnerability to life-threatening respiratory depression.
Advisability of Use During Pregnancy
Pregnancy Category: C (tentative). See Pregnancy Code inside back cover.
Animal studies: Skull defects reported in hamster studies.
Human studies: Information from adequate studies of pregnant women is not available.
##A 04 145939 547
##T The Essential Guide to Prescription Drugs
Some studies suggest a possible increase in significant birth defects when this drug is taken during the first 6 months of pregnancy. Codeine taken during the last few weeks before delivery can cause withdrawal symptoms in the newborn infant.
Use this drug only if clearly needed and in small, infrequent doses.
Advisability of Use if Breast-Feeding
Presence of this drug in breast milk: Yes, in small amounts.
Avoid drug or refrain from nursing . . .
While Taking This Drug, Observe the Following:
Driving, Hazardous Activities: This drug can impair mental alertness, judgment, reaction time and physical coordination. Avoid hazardous activities accordingly.
Aviation Note: The use of this drug is a disqualification for piloting. Consult a designated Aviation Medical Examiner.
##A 04 22503 548
##T The Essential Guide to Nonprescription Drugs
The Essential Guide to Nonprescription Drugs
Equally as good as The Essential Guide to Prescription Drugs (see previous review) is this massive book, covering over-the-counter
remedies. It’s the perfect antidote to 20-second shampoo commercials — here you get 20 pages on anti-dandruff ingredients — and comparable treatment for scores of other substances.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 04 22785 549
##T The Essential Guide to Nonprescription Drugs
David R. Zimmerman
1987; 886 pp.
ISBN 0060910232
$12.95 ($14.95 postpaid)
Harper & Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 04 280368 550
##T The Essential Guide to Nonprescription Drugs
Seborrheic dermatitis is a disease. Dandruff is mostly a nuisance. Neither condition can be wholly cured, but the reviewing Panel says several nonprescription drugs will safely and effectively control both. The list of worthwhile ingredients in the many shampoos, grooming aids, creams, and lotions available is, however, quite short. The list of dubious or worthless ones is quite long.
The Panel endorsed five different active ingredients as safe and effective for the control of scales.
More than 200,000 nonprescription drug products are offered for sale in the United States. Yet, large as this number is, the really striking fact is that, until the federally sponsored review of nonprescription drugs began — a review described below — information to evaluate these drugs was not available. Now, almost all of the active ingredients in these drugs have been assessed by panels organized by the FDA. Here in this complete and authoritative Guide to nonprescription drugs you can find the information about the active ingredients in over-the-counter drugs.
##A 04 281267 551
##T The Essential Guide to Nonprescription Drugs
Applications for Approved Over-the-Counter Antiscale Drugs
##A 04 73107 552
##T Plant Cures
##A 04 54367 553
PLANTS, OF COURSE, are subject to as much moralizing as anything else. They provide our essential power—the energy to live, the medicines to be cured of diseases, the materials for clothes and shelter, and the relief from ordinary, everyday experience. In preparing this section, we were shocked by how many books on all aspects of plant power had disappeared. It felt like modern humans wished to hide, and in some sense, deny the massive vegetative influences in their lives. So, with respect and rebelliousness, this cluster has mostly out-of-print books. Hopefully, the carrots and the ayahuasca understand.
— Peter Warshall
##A 04 36240 554
Since Peter’s review was written, both books in this cluster have come back into print. Hurrah!
—Candida Kutz
##A 04 55508 555
##T Medicines from the Earth
Medicines from the Earth
Has 250 of the plants most used for complaints and ailments. Cross-referenced by plant, illness, preparation (teas, compresses, etc.); best season to collect; and by chemical constituents discovered by pharmacologists. It’s the best modern “herbal.”
— Peter Warshall
##A 04 55912 556
##T Medicines from the Earth
(A Guide to Healing Plants)
William A. R. Thomson, M.D., Editor
Revised by Richard Evans Schultes
1978; 179 pp.
ISBN 0912383011
$12.95 ($15.95 postpaid)
Harper & Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 04 56187 557
##T Medicines from the Earth
It has been estimated that fewer than 10 percent of the world’s flora has even been superficially examined from a chemical and pharmacological point of view. Thus, the potential for new medicinal agents has hardly been tapped.
##A 04 56958 558
##T Medicines from the Earth
Achillea Millefolium
Yarrow, Milfoil
Contains: Essential oil with cineole and chamazulene, bitter principle achillein, tannin.
Effect: Antiseptic, antispasmodic, expectorant, stimulates secretion of gastric and intestinal glands, choleretic, regulates kidney function, astringent, inhibits inflammation.
Gather whole stalk or blossom when blooming (June-September), free from thick pieces of stem. Dry in shade, not over 40° C.
##A 04 7338 559
##T Plants of the Gods
Plants of the Gods
Richard Evans Schultes has been the nexus of almost everything interesting and supportive concerned with economic and cultural uses of plants. This book gives precise and illuminating portraits of the many peoples of Earth who pay homage and gain insights with the aid of psychedelic plants: an exquisite, thoroughly scholarly book.
— Peter Warshall
##A 04 266742 560
##T Plants of the Gods
(Origins of Hallucinogenic Use)
Richard Evans Schultes
and Albert Hoffmann
1979; 192 pp.
ISBN 091283372
$16.95 ($19.95 postpaid)
Van der Marck Editions
1133 Broadway
Suite 1301
New York, NY 10010
##A 04 231560 561
##T Alternative Body Views
##A 04 246964 562
##T The Body Electric
The Body Electric
This book is almost as annoying as it is astounding. Robert Becker is an orthopedic surgeon who spent most of his career studying bone-healing, tissue regeneration and the biological role of electromagnetic currents and fields. He wanted to find out how and why some animals could regenerate entire limbs and even vital organs and hoped that some of this resilience could be unlocked in the human body. Early on, he read reports from the Soviet Union about “currents of injury” —weak electrical flows in plants and animals that seemed to have something to do with tissue repair. In the West, bioelectricity was regarded as a subject unfit for serious research . . . .
##A 04 265599 563
##T The Body Electric
There’s nothing else like this book in print, and its content is much too important to ignore. The vistas it opens should keep researchers busy for decades—if they’re not put off by the popularized presentation.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 04 247220 564
##T The Body Electric
(Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life)
Robert O. Becker, M. D.
and Gary Selden
1985; 364 pp.
$8.95 ($10.45 postpaid)
William Morrow & Co.
Wilmor Warehouse
39 Plymouth Street
Fairfield, NJ 07006
##A 04 247790 565
##T The Body Electric
Szent-Györgyi pointed out that the molecular structure of many parts of the cell was regular enough to support semiconduction. This idea was almost completely ignored at the time. Even when Szent-Györgyi expanded the concept in his 1960 Introduction to a Submolecular Biology, most scientists (except in Russia!) dismissed it as evidence of his advancing age, but that little book was an inspiration to me. I think it may turn out to be the man’s most important contribution to science. In it he conjectured that protein molecules, each having a sort of slot or way station for mobile electrons, might be joined together in long chains so that electrons could flow in a semiconducting current over long without losing energy, much as in a game of checkers one counter could jump along a row of other pieces across the entire board. Szent-Györgyi suggested that the electron flow would be similar to photosynthesis, another process he helped elucidate, in which a kind of waterfall of electrons cascaded step by step down a staircase of molecules, losing energy with each bounce. The main difference was that in protein semiconduction the electrons’ energy would be conserved and stored in the chemical bonds of food.
##A 04 254260 566
##T The Body Electric
##A 04 259784 567
##T The Web That Has No Weaver
The Web That Has No Weaver
Everyone working with acupuncture and oriental herbs says that this is by far the best introductory book on understanding Chinese medicine. The author anticipates questions that an informed, Western-trained doctor might ask, and gracefully weaves his explanations with these in mind, sewing together Western and Eastern conceptions of the body.
—Kevin Kelly
##A 04 273233 568
##T The Web That Has No Weaver
(Understanding Chinese Medicine)
Ted J. Kaptchuk. O. M. D.
1983; 402 pp.
ISBN 0809229331Z
$11.95 postpaid
Contemporary Books
180 North Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60601
##A 04 273621 569
##T The Web That Has No Weaver
All relevant information, including the symptom as well as the patient’s other general characteristics, is gathered and woven together until it forms what Chinese medicine calls a “pattern of disharmony.” This pattern of disharmony describes a situation of
“imbalance” in a patient’s body. Oriental diagnostic technique does not turn up a specific disease entity or a precise cause, but renders an almost poetic, yet workable, description of a whole person. The question of cause and effect is always secondary to the overall pattern. One does not ask, “What X is causing Y?” but rather, “What is the relationship between X and Y?” The Chinese are interested in discerning the relationships among bodily events occurring at the same time. The logic of Chinese medicine is organismic or synthetic, attempting to organize symptoms and signs into understandable configurations. The total configurations, the patterns of disharmony, provide the framework for treatment. The therapy then attempts to bring the configuration into balance, to restore harmony to the individual.
##A 04 246558 570
##T The Web That Has No Weaver
Dampness is a pattern of qualities and events that relates a person to the natural environment. The person is a microcosm manifesting the same configuration of signs as does the macrocosm. Dampness in the environment is wet, heavy, sodden, and lingering. Dampness in the body makes a person heavy, bloated, and slow. If one’s internal pattern is very “swampy,” one can manifest such bodily signs without ever having been exposed to a drop of external moisture. It is important to note that the Dampness outside the body may precipitate a condition of Dampness within the body, but exposure in a causal sense is unnecessary. One is more likely to have a Damp illness in London, but it is still possible in Arizona. Dampness is recognized by what is going on inside, not by knowledge of external exposure. The condition is not “caused” by Dampness; the condition “is” Dampness. The cause is the effect; the line is a circle. The physician sees the bodily pattern as a miniature form of the more general natural image, and because the patterns of the body and of nature are similar, they share an identity of poetic equivalence.
##A 04 274170 571
##T The Web That Has No Weaver
Pulse Taking Chinese Style—The physician places his or her middle finger parallel to the lower knob on
the posterior side of the radius (radial eminence).The index finger will then naturally fall next to the wrist, and the ring finger will fall next to the index finger. The pulse can thus be felt in three positions on each wrist: The index finger touches the body at the first position, the middle finger touches at the second position, and the ring finger at the third position.
##A 04 75931 572
##T Medical Self-Care
##A 04 136164 573
Our principal reviewer of things medical is Tom Ferguson, M.D. He founded Medical Self-Care magazine twelve years ago when such ideas were considered radical. These days, he’s extended his practice to include Self-Care Productions, based in Austin, Texas.
— J. Baldwin
“Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.”
— Mark Twain
##A 04 137038 574
##T Take Care of Yourself
Take Care of Yourself
One of the most useful tools to come out of the new paramedic training programs is the clinical algorithm—big, detailed flow charts, one for each of the common medical complaints (such as sore throat, dizziness, low back pain) that might bring a person to a medical clinic. They tell you the key questions to ask to decide whether the person needs to see the doctor NOW, needs to see the doctor sometime soon, or if home remedies are indicated.
The heart of this book is the 94 most commonly used clinical algorithms, presented in full-page size with nice graphics. There are additional chapters on skills for the medical consumer such as how to find a physician.
— Tom Ferguson, M.D.
##A 04 137365 575
##T Take Care of Yourself
(The Consumer’s Guide to Medical Care)
Donald M. Vickery, M. D.
and James F. Fries, M. D.
Third Edition 1981; 370 pp.
ISBN 0201080915
$14.38 ($15.32 postpaid)
Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.
1 Jacob Way
Reading, MA 01867
##A 04 137642 576
##T Take Care of Yourself
Stye: Apply warm, moist compresses for ten to fifteen minutes at least three times a day. As with all abscesses, the objective is to drain the abscess. The compresses help the abscess to “point,” which means that the tissue over the abscess becomes quite thin and the pus in the abscess is very close to the surface. After an abscess points, it often will drain spontaneously.
##A 04 140289 577
##T Medical Self-Care Magazine
Medical Self-Care Magazine
This magazine was founded twelve years ago by the very same Tom Ferguson, M.D., whose medical reviews have graced our pages for a like period. As you might guess, the magazine encourages wellness —taking care of yourself to stay healthy. Articles are current, authoritative, and mercifully free of fearmongering, hype, and fad. The issue I have here on my desk has a thorough article on something I recently needed to know about: Are the new Urgent Care Centers—often found in shopping malls—any good, or are they
“Medical McDonalds?” (The article says they’re mostly OK, and cost about half of a hospital emergency room. Turned out to be true.) Useful stuff. The book reviews are particularly good.
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ Hippocrates
##A 04 140575 578
##T Medical Self-Care Magazine
Michael Castleman, Editor
ISSN 01622285
$15/year (6 issues)
Medical Self-Care
P.O. Box 1000
Point Reyes, CA 94956
##A 04 159258 579
##T Medical Self-Care Magazine
“Food irradiation is essentially a nuclear waste disposal plan,” states Dennis Mosgofian, Director of the National Coalition to Stop Food Irradiation in San Francisco. Food irradiation is intimately connected to nuclear weapons production. Cesium-137, the most common radioactive material for food irradiation, is a byproduct of the process used to produce plutonium for nuclear weapons. If a food irradiation industry is established, Mosgofian says, “It would produce a world-wide demand for cesium-137, which would substantially reduce the waste management problem that the Department of Energy has, and in turn allow the arms race to continue unabated.”
##A 04 166393 580
##T National Self-Help Clearinghouse (NSHC)
National Self-Help Clearinghouse (NSHC)
If you have a pressing social or health concern, there’s probably a corresponding self-help group. There are now an estimated 500,000 groups in the U.S. alone—with 20 million members. NSHC is a clearinghouse for all U.S. (and many international) self-help organizations. If you want to find an arthritis support group in San Jose or the chapter of Parents Without Partners nearest to Goshen, Indiana, they’re the ones to ask. They publish a newsletter and a journal (Social Policy) and can provide information on current self-help research, advice on starting your own group, and addresses for the twenty-odd regional self-help clearinghouses that have sprung up around the U.S. within recent years.
— Tom Ferguson, M.D.
##A 04 166450 581
##T National Self-Help Clearinghouse (NSHC)
National Self-Help Clearinghouse (NSHC)
Information free (with SASE)
National Self-Help Clearinghouse
33 West 42nd Street
New York, NY 10036
##A 04 20412 582
##T National Self-Help Clearinghouse (NSHC)
Social Policy
Frank Riessman and Alan Gartner, Editors
ISSN 00377783
$20/year (4 issues)
Social Policy
33 West 42nd Street
Room 1212
New York, NY 10036
##A 04 48880 583
##T National Self-Help Clearinghouse (NSHC)
Surrogacy reinforces the classic Western patriarchal view that the woman is the passive incubator of the man’s sperm. She receives it from him and gives a baby back to him. Judge Harvey Sorkow has said: “At birth, the father does not purchase the child. It is his own biologically genetically related child. He cannot purchase what is already his.” According to this twisted logic, based on the idea of the supremacy of the sperm, Baby M has only one parent, the father, and the mother’s genetic and nurturant contribution and the experience of birth are ruled out of the picture. According to the contract, “Mary Beth Whitehead understands and agrees that in the best interest of the child she will not form or attempt to form a parent-child relationship with any child or children she may conceive.” The mother is reduced to a container to be used for the development of “his” progeny.
It is not a surprise that surrogacy contracts set up an enormous surveillance system for controlling women’s lives. The woman has to agree not to smoke, drink, or use any drugs during pregnancy. She is bound to obey all medical instructions of the
##A 04 328882 584
##T National Self-Help Clearinghouse (NSHC)
physicians involved in the case. She has to agree to avoid any activity that might be against her doctor’s advice. The contract also stipulates, in the search for a perfect baby, that prenatal testing be performed during the pregnancy “to detect genetic and congenital defects” and the woman must “abort the fetus on demand” if these are found. If the woman refuses, the obligations of the sperm donor cease. If the woman does not fulfill all these conditions, she is liable for all expenses and also damages.
— Social Policy
##A 04 90730 585
##T The New Holistic Health Handbook
The New Holistic Health Handbook
For some of us around this office, the very word holistic is usually taken as sufficient cause for rejecting a book as airheaded. Fortunately, this Handbook gets right to work presenting a comprehensive overview of the alternatives to conventional medical practice. Homeopathy, Rolfing, healing with sound, biofeedback, herbs, yoga, acupuncture, and Native American methods are all here. So are a whole bunch of ideas you’ve probably never heard of even if you live in California. You’ll have heard of many of the presenters though; Ph.Ds and M.D.s abound
(including Tom Ferguson, M.D.). The information is solid and informative, enthusiastic but not annoyingly proselytizing. This is probably the best place to learn about alternative ways of healing.
— J. Baldwin
##A 04 138310 586
##T The New Holistic Health Handbook
(Living Well in a New Age)
Shepherd Bliss, Editor
1985; 429 pp
ISBN 0828905614
$14.95 ($15.95 postpaid)
Viking Penguin Books
Box 120
Begenfield, NJ 07621-0120
##A 04 138713 587
##T The New Holistic Health Handbook
“What would you recommend for my asthma?” the woman behind the counter asked.
“I’ll ask my colleagues at the Berkeley Holistic Health Center,” I answered. So I approached our acupuncturist. “Do you treat asthma?” His response: “No, but I do treat people who have asthma.” This distinction between treating the whole person and treating the disease helps define holistic health.
Why Does Reflexology Work?
Reflexology refers primarily to reflex points on the feet and hands, but there are many other usable reflex points throughout the body.
There are several theories on how reflexology works. Some say that each of the 72,000 nerve endings on each foot connects to a different body area; in massaging those nerve endings, we send a stimulation to a corresponding body area. Others say that we are activating energy points along meridian lines as in acupressure.
##A 04 53770 588
##T The New Holistic Health Handbook
##A 04 277724 589
##T Medical Self-Care II
##A 04 53721 590
##T Complete Home Medical Guide
Complete Home Medical Guide
This has become my favorite medical encyclopedia.
Virtually anything you need to know about medicine at home is in here. I now rely mainly on two books: Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine (the classic text used in most medical schools) and this one, which is written for the lay person. For a book written by an Ivy League med school, it is surprisingly supportive of pediatrics for parents and other medical self-care. Four stars.
— Michael Castleman (editor of Medical Self-Care)
##A 04 164584 591
##T Complete Home Medical Guide
The Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons Complete Home Medical Guide
Donald F. Tapley, M. D. et al, Medical Editors
1985; 911 pp.
ISBN 0517558424
$39.95 ($41.95 postpaid) from:
Crown Publishers
225 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10003
##A 04 164674 592
##T Complete Home Medical Guide
Start in the middle years to expand interests and horizons. The greater the number of interests, the larger the circle of potential friends and acquaintances, the greater the opportunity for new learning, the less the chance of becoming bored. Recent studies show that variety of interests may be even more important than family history of longevity as a predictor of life expectancy.
People who travel to areas where there is endemic infection or who contract intestinal infections from contaminated food may develop fever, diarrhea, and intestinal cramps. Many of these appear to be viruses that are self-limited and can be treated symptomatically with a low-fiber diet and such anti-diarrheal medications as kaolin and pectin (Kaeopectate), or bismuth (Pepto-Bismol).
##A 04 91965 593
##T Complete Home Medical Guide
Structures of the mouth and throat.
##A 04 278469 594
##T Headaches: The Drugless Way to Lasting Relief!
Headaches: The Drugless Way to Lasting Relief!
The bookstore I used to work in sold out of its 3 copies of this book in as many days. (Very good for an independent.) Obviously the book succeeds in filling a niche. I myself tried the trapezius muscle massage when suffering from one of my frequent headaches and was blissfully relieved. Some of the theory in this book is hokey; nonetheless the relief techniques described
(including scalp massage with a brush, “facial calisthenics,”
and acupressure) more than make up for Headaches’ shortcomings.
—Candida Kutz
Ÿ Alternative Body Views
##A 04 278695 595
##T Headaches: The Drugless Way to Lasting Relief!
Harry C. Ehrmantraut, Ph. D.
1987; 137 pp.
ISBN 0890874905
$8.95 ($9.95 postpaid)
Celestial Arts
P. O. Box 7327
Berkeley, CA 94707
##A 04 279349 596
##T Headaches: The Drugless Way to Lasting Relief!
Top of the Shoulder Massage: The opposite hand is used. Place the heel of the hand above the collarbone so that the fingers can extend well down the back. Start at the outer edge of the shoulder and work in toward the neck, reaching down past the upper edge of the shoulder blade and digging in the fingertips as if to roll the muscle tissue up toward the shoulder line. Work across the back until you feel the spine, then switch to the other hand and do the other side. As above, use about five or six deep squeezes to a side, then change, and repeat two or three times.
##A 04 162074 597
##T The People’s Book of Medical Tests
The People’s Book of Medical Tests
It’s your choice: a possible disease or a dangerous diagnostic
test—either of which may be detrimental to your health. Before slipping into a hospital gown, I’m going to consult this book. It tallies up the recognized risks of common medical tests (pain, expenses, and complications). It’ll also give the honest details of each procedure, its preparation, and the normal range of results so I can ask the doctor intelligent questions afterwards. It could help me avoid an unnecessary operation or medication, and for that I’ll give it my kiss of eternal gratitude. One quarter of this book addresses medical tests that can be done at home and evaluates them in the same careful manner.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 04 162352 598
##T The People’s Book of Medical Tests
David S. Sobel, M. D.
and Tom Ferguson
1985; 510 pp.
ISBN 0671553771
$12.95 ($14.40 postpaid)
Simon & Schuster
Order Dept.
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 04 162615 599
##T The People’s Book of Medical Tests
The first and most important question should be whether you really need the test at all. Before agreeing to any test you should ask your doctor, “What will we do if the test results are abnormal?” and “what will we do if the results are normal?” If the answer to both questions is the same, you probably do not need the test.
##A 04 162921 600
##T The People’s Book of Medical Tests
During laparoscopy a viewing instrument is inserted into the abdomen and the internal organs are examined.
##A 04 151811 601
##T The People’s Book of Medical Tests
Home Urinalysis.
After dipping the reagent strip into a urine specimen, the color change of the reagent pads on the strip is compared with the standard color blocks on the reagent strip container.
##A 04 185546 602
##T Take This Book to the Hospital With You
Take This Book to the Hospital With You
When hurt, maybe dying, who doesn’t tend to kowtow to someone who offers to make everything OK again? The illness of modern medicine is that it abuses this time of natural deference. It has forgotten that the patient is part of the cure. Take This Book stridently urges all bodies to restore their roles in the healing wards. Take this book to the hospital with you and you’ll make yourself a better patient, your doctor a better doctor, and your hospital a better place to get well.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 04 185639 603
##T Take This Book to the Hospital With You
(A Consumer’s Guide to Surviving Your Hospital Stay)
Charles B. Inlander and Ed Weiner
1985; 221 pp.
ISBN 0878575375
$9.95 postpaid
Rodale Press
33 East Minor Street
Emmaus, PA 18098
##A 04 186109 604
##T Take This Book to the Hospital With You
Don’t allow yourself to be admitted on a nonemergency basis on a Friday afternoon or evening. You will just languish, expensively and in no particular comfort, until Monday. Most of the labs that would be performing your diagnostic workup don’t do those things on weekends. Wait until Monday; better yet, Tuesday, some experts say. By Tuesday, the hospital is back in gear after the weekend, and the end-of-the-week blahs haven’t hit yet.
##A 04 186123 605
##T Take This Book to the Hospital With You
Rosenberg discovered that doctors, many of whom haven’t the foggiest idea of what things cost, end up unwittingly socking it to their patients. For example, a doctor treating a pneumonia caused by gram-negative bacteria might go for the new, state-
of-the-art antibiotic, cefoperazone. A ten-day treatment would cost the ill consumer $1,510. But if the doctor went with the equally effective antibiotic gentamicin instead, the same job would be done at half the price. It’s just that doctors don’t know this. They need to learn, and your questions can help them do that. Ask if there is a
less expensive viable alternative to drugs when a doctor prescribes them. You could save a bundle.
In 1983-84, Atlanta-based Equifax Services, Inc. conducted a 41-state audit of 3,850 hospital bills and found errors in 98.1 percent of them. Not just little errors, either. The average reduction, after the overcharges were eliminated and the bills retallied, was a whopping $1,254.
##A 04 77574 606
##T Medical Self-Care III
##A 04 144476 607
##T Planetree Health Resource Center
Planetree Health Resource Center
Planetree started as a layperson’s medical library. (If you think that’s nothing special, try getting useful health or specific disease information at your local library.) Now with more than two thousand volumes, it’s a model for similar efforts in other cities. In 1986 Planetree opened a Model Hospital Unit in Presbyterian Medical Center in San Francisco. A ward has been transformed into a friendly place where patients can interact with their families, recreating in the lounge, cooperating in treatment, and even preparing healthy meals themselves. Instant success!
##A 04 144681 608
##T Planetree Health Resource Center
Planetree also offers a catalog of useful self-care hardware
and books, bibliographies of readings on specific diseases, in-depth research packets on the disease of your choice, a selection of video tapes, and supporting memberships which include the newsletter Planetalk and discounts on other offerings.
—J. Baldwin
Planetree plans to open a second center at San Jose Hospital in January, 1989. For easier access to local and national resources a new computerized Information and Reference System will be put to use.
—Candida Kutz
##A 04 144905 609
##T Planetree Health Resource Center
Membership $20/year (includes subscription to Planetalk newsletter) from:
Planetree Health Resource Center
2040 Webster Street
San Francisco, CA 94115
Recommended books list free
##A 04 165167 610
##T The People’s Medical Society
The People’s Medical Society
Doctors have the American Medical Association to look after their interests. Hospitals have the American Hospital Association. Now health consumers have the People’s Medical Society (PMS). PMS now has more than 70,000 active members. The group was established in response to the “growing cost and depersonalization of medical care, and the monopolistic excesses of the medical profession.” In addition to pro-consumer lobbying on health issues, PMS provides a newsletter and other publications to help its members: avoid unnecessary medical care; save money on the care they do need; obtain access to the medical information they need; become experts on the health issues which concern them; join together with other local consumers to provide
##A 04 2479 611
##T The People’s Medical Society
support and to encourage reform of local medical institutions; evaluate local doctors. (The PMS national office circulates visit evaluation forms, tabulates the results, and publishes consumer satisfaction ratings of all doctors evaluated.)
A sample newsletter, list of publications, and membership information is available on request. Health workers are invited to send for a copy of the PMS Code of Practice. Names of providers who have subscribed to the Code are made available to PMS members.
- Tom Ferguson, M.D.
##A 04 165603 612
##T The People's Medical Society
Membership $15/year
(includes bimonthly newsletter)
Information free from:
The People’s Medical Society
14 East Minor Street
Emmaus, PA 18049
##A 04 259544 613
##T How to Start a People’s Medical Library
How to Start a People’s Medical Library
This booklet, published by the People’s Medical Society (PMS) in cooperation with Planetree, should help spread the Planetree and PMS philosophy of humanistic healthcare.
— J. Baldwin
##A 04 260367 614
##T How to Start a People’s Medical Library
Ed Weiner, People’s Medical Society with Planetree Health Resource Center
1983; 35 pp.
$2.95 ($4.45 postpaid)
Planetree Health Resource Center
2040 Webster Street
San Francisco, CA 94115
##A 04 261486 615
##T How to Start a People’s Medical Library
The two most horrifying words to hear relating to medical care are “If only.”
“If only I had known that there was a non-drug way of treating my ailment, I would not have taken those pills.”
“If only my doctor had told me how painful the procedure would be and the chances of it being a success so small, I never would have had it done.”
“If only...” is so often heard because most of us know so little about the conditions we have, the procedures and treatments recommended, the potential complications and side effects that might occur and the available alternatives that might exist.
The People’s Medical Society has heard the words “if only” enough. That is why we have developed this Health Action Kit, “How to Start a People’s Medical Library.” We think it is time that you the consumer have access to the knowledge you need to make
##A 04 287656 616
##T How to Start a People’s Medical Library
logical and informed decisions about your own health care.
So much of the medical world is surrounded in myth. This Health Action Kit is the way for you and other members of the People’s Medical Society to “de-mythify” medicine and the way health professionals treat you. It is very simple, and based on the notion that the more information you have, the better off you will be. And, the reason you will be better off is because you will be able to ask logical and informed questions. You will be able to be a major partner in making your health decisions.
##A 04 141391 617
##T The Medical Self-Care Catalog
The Medical Self-Care Catalog
A catalog of self-help medical tools put together by Medical Self-Care publisher Carole Pisarczyk. The catalog carries all kinds of handy gadgets to help you stay in shape and deal with health problems on your own—you can order your own black bag of medical tools, the ultimate back support cushion for your car, a heating pad that supplies moist heat, an otoscope for examining your kid’s ears, a doctor-quality bathroom scale, a child’s stethoscope, a vaginal speculum, an ovulation thermometer, a super-duper first aid kit, a chinning bar that slips into any door frame, and, as they say, much, much more.
— Tom Ferguson, M.D.
##A 04 141652 618
##T The Medical Self-Care Catalog
Catalog free from:
The Medical Self-Care Catalog
P.O. Box 999
Point Reyes, CA 94956
##A 04 141922 619
##T The Medical Self-Care Catalog
Sure Safety From Sulfite Sensitivity.
Many people — particularly asthmatics — are allergic to the sulfite preservatives used on an astonishing variety of foods: beer, gelatins, juices, just to name a few. But Sulfitest allows anyone to eat with confidence. Simply touch a test strip to any food and a color change from white to red indicates sulfites.
#915N. $23 (1.65)
##A 04 157402 620
##T The Medical Self-Care Catalog
Hand-Strengthening Exercise Balls.
The Chinese have used these balls for 800 years to tone the muscles of the fingers and hands, treat arthritis, and stimulate the many acupuncture points below the wrists, which help tone the entire body. Each hollow 2-inch diameter ball is forged from steel, then chrome-plated. Each ball also produces musical tone when rolled. The pairs produce complementary tones, which the Chinese say promote healing and harmony in the user. Silk covered display and storage box. Weight: 14 oz. per ball. #906C. $26 (2.95)
##A 04 34345 621
##A 04 78410 622
##T Growing Older
##A 04 170517 623
If we can let go of the trite image the words evoke, “senior citizen” is actually a lovely and respectful appellation. Alex Comfort wrote, “ ‘Old’ people are people who have lived a certain number of years, and that is all.” I appreciate the sentiment, but that isn’t quite all: old people are people who have had more experience, learned more, seen and felt and, perhaps, understood more than young people. A long life deserves to be capped with the honorific “senior”—may we all achieve it some day.
The marketplace is rapidly filling with advice on how to “be” old. Many of these books repeat each other, dipping into topics in shallow, even patronizing ways. Older people don’t really need different nutrition or exercises merely because of age; common
##A 04 170916 624
sense holds true at all times. But as we age we do run into a number of pragmatic challenges: Medicare, pensions, nursing homes, more frequent chronic illnesses, longer stretches of leisure time. Do your research, but take only your own advice.
— Sallie Tisdale
##A 04 171845 625
##T Sourcebook for Older Americans
Sourcebook for Older Americans
It is unfortunate that the government’s provision of basic financial support for older people requires 250-plus pages to explain, but it does. Given the almost incomprehensible nature of the current Social Security and Medicare system, anyone using it is best equipped with a tour guide. This book, while failing to make a complex system exactly simple, explains it in far simpler and more patient language than you will ever hear on the phone— that is, if you ever get off hold.
— Sallie Tisdale
##A 04 172183 626
##T Sourcebook for Older Americans
Joseph L. Matthews with
Dorothy Matthews Berman
1984; 274 pp.
ISBN 0917316932
$12.95 ($14.45 postpaid)
Nolo Press
950 Parker Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
##A 04 172341 627
##T Sourcebook for Older Americans
If you think some of the rules and regulations we’ve gone over so far are a little confusing, you haven’t seen anything yet! For sheer dizziness, those that follow take the cake. They are best dealt with slowly; read them over several times. If they still seem confusing to you, you are not alone. When you apply for disability benefits, the best way to cut through all these rules is simply to ask the eligibility worker: “When will I actually receive my first check?”
Before Medicare pays anything under Part B medical insurance, you have to pay the first $75 of covered medical bills each year. This is called your deductible. Although Medicare is supposed to keep track of how much of your deductible you have paid in a given year, it’s a good idea for you to keep track, too, so you can make sure you’ve been given accurate credit. Unfortunately, many people have found that the Medicare accounting practices of the private companies that administer the program are not all they should be.
##A 04 132361 628
##T Sourcebook for Older Americans
##A 04 172898 629
##T Elderhostel
Elderhostel offers an international program of classes and seminars for people over 60. (Spouses under 60 and companions over 50 are welcome too.) You can study aborigine culture in Australia, barns of Vermont, dance, religion . . . it’s an impressive and ever-changing list. The prices are low and may include travel fare, room and board. Scholarships are available. The catalog is exuberant, and the people involved seem to share that feeling. We hear 100 percent good news about Elderhostel, both from
“students” and leaders.
— J. Baldwin
##A 04 173273 630
##T Elderhostel
Catalog free from:
80 Boylston Street
Suite 400
Boston, MA 02116
##A 04 173517 631
##T Elderhostel
Bermuda Biological Station
The Bermuda Biological Station is situated on the water’s edge in 15 acres of well-kept tropical park, at the eastern end of Bermuda, a crescent-shaped chain of islands settled by the British in 1609 and located approximately 700 miles from the eastern United States.
The nearby town of St. George is rich in history and contains many fine examples of traditional Bermudian architecture. Participants will be housed in rooms in the main building and in cottages and apartments around the grounds. Access to the main building, dining hall, and lecture hall involves a single lengthy flight of stairs. In winter, daytime temperatures average in the mid 60s, with evenings about 10 cooler. Calm sunny periods alternate with brisk bouts of windy weather. By late April daytime temperatures rise to the low 70s. As is typical of many Bermudian homes, common areas in the main hotel building and in cottages contain space heaters, but
##A 04 173696 632
##T Elderhostel
bedrooms are unheated. All programs begin at 4:30 pm Monday and end at 10:00 am the following Sunday. The cost does not include transportation to and from Bermuda.
• Program Charge $379. $100 deposit required.
Feb. 8 - Feb. 14 #10046-0208
Bermuda’s Delicate Balance — People and the Environment
Introduction to Marine and Environmental Science
##A 04 174260 633
##T The Senior Citizen Handbook
The Senior Citizen Handbook
Written by two retired teachers who have sped up with age, this encyclopedic book touches on many subjects of particular interest to seniors. You’ll find good information (including current addresses and bibliographies) on such disparate matters as pets, spots before your eyes, credit discrimination, swindlers, taxes, and senior citizen discounts. The authors talk as peers, never down, although I could wish for more detail on certain medical points.
— Sallie Tisdale
##A 04 174803 634
##T The Senior Citizen Handbook
Golden Age Passport
Off to visit the national parks this summer? The national government has a bargain for you. If you are over sixty-two, stop at a Forest Service office or the first national park, monument, or federally owned recreation center you come to and get your free Golden Age Passport, good from here to eternity.
The Golden Age Passport will admit you and any family or friends in your vehicle to any or all national parks, monuments, and recreation areas and give you a 50 percent discount on fees charged for federal facilities and services such as camping, boat launching, and parking. (Don’t expect it at privately owned concessions, however.)
##A 04 46457 635
##T Gray Panthers Project Fund, Inc.
Gray Panthers Project Fund, Inc.
A national organization of old (and young) people working for social change related to issues affecting the elderly.
— Sallie Tisdale
##A 04 47600 636
##T Gray Panthers Project Fund
Gray Panthers Project Fund
Membership dues on a graduated scale range from $5 to $25.
Members receive Network, the organization’s quarterly newspaper and local chapter publications.
Information free (with SASE)
Gray Panthers Project Fund
311 South Juniper Street
Suite 601
Philadelphia, PA 19107
##A 04 214389 637
##T Gray Panthers Project Fund
$12/year (4 issues)
Gray Panthers Project Fund
311 South Juniper Street
Suite 601
Philadelphia, PA 19107
##A 04 49809 638
##T Sound Sex and the Aging Heart
Sound Sex and the Aging Heart
Aging needn’t decrease the old libido. Heart problems or the fear of “dying in the saddle” needn’t ruin your sex life.
— J. Baldwin
##A 04 42091 639
##T Sound Sex and the Aging Heart
Lee D. Scheingold and
Nathaniel N. Wagner
1974; 168 pp.
$19.95 postpaid from:
Human Sciences Press
Order Dept.
72 5th Avenue
New York, NY 10011
##A 04 99930 640
##T Sound Sex and the Aging Heart
Thus far, sexual activity and heart disease have been considered separately. Now we will bring them together as they occur in life. Resumption of sexual activity often evokes more concern in the cardiac patient than resumption of other forms of physical activity. It is often regarded as special, and different from such efforts as climbing stairs or taking a brisk walk. We challenge this idea, and demonstrate the essentially groundless basis for the cardiac patient’s sexual fears. Sexual activity, in its effects on the heart, is similar to any other activity.
##A 04 234048 641
##T Dying
##A 04 152551 642
##T Who Dies?
Who Dies?
No Grim Reaper and no sappy platitudes lurk in these pages. The gentle, powerful philosophy is based on love and awareness in the best Buddhist sense. It’s about being. There are few books in this catalog that have been recommended by so many of our readers. Perhaps that’s because Who Dies? is such a good recipe for living.
— J. Baldwin
[Suggested and tested by Peter Rabbit]
##A 04 152774 643
##T Who Dies?
(An Investigation of Conscious Living and Conscious Dying)
Stephen Levine
1982; 317 pp.
ISBN 0385170106
$9.95 postpaid from:
Doubleday and Company
Direct Mail Order
501 Franklin Avenue
Garden City, NY 11530
##A 04 152959 644
##T Who Dies?
The old who live in their body are bent under the strain. The old who live in their hearts are aglow.
Many we have worked with who were not in pain had less of a tendency to investigate, had less motivation to examine and begin to let go of their suffering. Because things weren’t “so bad after all,” they imagined they could somehow hide from death in the same way they had hidden from life.
##A 04 153134 645
##T Who Dies?
When you let go of control of the universe, when you let go of everything, only the truth remains. And like a roshi you start responding from the moment. Your actions come out of the present. There is no force. Your boat is empty. The currents move you to the left, “Ahhh, the left.” They move you to the right, “Ahh, the right.” But you never feel as though you are to the left or to the right, you only feel that you are here now, in the present. Open to all the possibilities and opportunities of the moment. Fully present. Able to respond, not out of personal desire, but out of a sense of the appropriateness of things. You respond from the flow itself, or perhaps better stated, the flow responds to itself. No separation anywhere. Nowhere to go. Nothing to do. No one to be.
##A 04 154842 646
##T On Death and Dying
On Death and Dying
On Death and Dying establishes a psychological fact that most people close to a dying person already know, even if they can’t admit it: one tends to turn away. Even from husbands, even from wives, even from one’s own children. Dying people are casualties of life. Their dying, especially if it is a long, drawn-out affair, is a reminder of how vulnerable we all are, and that’s something most people want to forget. This is a powerful book, because it forces the reader into the point of view of someone dying. Suddenly you’re on the other side of that glass between the living and the dying, and it’s not comfortable. But, as Elisabeth Kubler-Ross points out, the point is not always to “comfort” the healthy. That tendency is a major cause of the intense psychic suffering dying people must endure, in addition to the physical failures that
##A 04 154906 647
##T On Death and Dying
are killing them. This book speaks for the dying in a way they are unable to speak for themselves. It’s disturbing; but then so is all education. I’d say this book is indispensable for all people who are living in the presence of someone else’s gradual death.
— Gurney Norman
What Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring did for pesticides, this book did for the subject of death. Unlike Carson’s book, it hasn’t dated a line, although the author maybe has.
— Stewart Brand
##A 04 155219 648
##T On Death and Dying
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, M. D.
1969; 289 pp.
ISBN 002089130X
$4.95 postpaid from:
Macmillan Publishing Co.
Order Dept.
Front and Brown Streets
Riverside, NJ 08075
##A 04 155515 649
##T On Death and Dying
While the surgeons believed that another surgical procedure could possibly prolong her life, the husband pleaded with them to do everything in their power to “turn the clock back.” It was unacceptable to him to lose his wife. He could not comprehend that she did not have the need to be with him any longer. Her need to detach herself, to make dying easier, was interpreted by him as a rejection which was beyond his comprehension. There was no one there to explain to him that this was a natural process, a progress indeed, a sign perhaps that a dying person has found his peace and is preparing himself to face it alone.
##A 04 155859 650
##T On Death and Dying
First Stage: Denial and Isolation
Second Stage: Anger
Third Stage: Bargaining
Fourth Stage: Depression
Fifth Stage: Acceptance
When we asked our patients how they had been told, we learned that all the patients knew about their terminal illness anyway, whether they were explicitly told or not, but depended greatly on the physician to present the news in an acceptable manner.
##A 04 46072 651
##T How to make your own coffin
How to make your own coffin
Simple, easy-to-follow instructions on making your own pine coffin. Helps your loved ones beat the high cost of dying.
— Mark Faigenbaum
Ÿ Dealing Creatively with Death
##A 04 46206 652
##T How to make your own coffin
Information and plans $3.25 postpaid from:
St. Francis Center
2201 P Street NW
Washington, DC 20037
##A 04 206866 653
##T How to make your own coffin
The Society encourages several interim uses of your coffin such as:
Blanket or quilt storage chest. The coffin is easily adapted for this purpose by adding
two small hinges to the top. Your local hardware store can supply the hinges and a device which will hold the top open for easy access.
Wine rack accommodating up to 20 bottles of wine and accessories. This will require more imagination and some additional carpentry.
Write the Society on ways you use your coffin prior to death.
##A 04 95733 654
##T How to make your own coffin
##A 04 112638 655
##T Survivors
##A 04 156358 656
##T Dealing Creatively with Death
Dealing Creatively with Death
All the details you need to know about simple funeral arrangements and other practical aspects of dealing with death are in this famous book.
— Sallie Tisdale
Ÿ How to make your own coffin
##A 04 156429 657
##T Dealing Creatively with Death
(A Manual of Death Education and Simple Burial)
Ernest Morgan
11th Edition 1988; 192 pp.
ISBN 0914064266
$9 ($10.50 postpaid) from:
The Celo Press
1901 Hannah Branch Road
Burnsville, NC 28714
##A 04 128044 658
##T Dealing Creatively with Death
An example of a simple, nonprofessional burial was the occasion of my wife’s death. The burial committee of the Celo (NC) Friends Meeting quietly functioned. Friends and students at the Arthur Morgan School quickly built a box from materials at hand and cut to size. They dug a grave in the Friends’ Burial Ground, arranged a graveside committal service followed later by a memorial service, and assisted the family in various other ways. The whole thing was beautifully handled, conveying a warm feeling of fellowship and support. My total cash expense was $23 for plywood plus a $2 filing fee.
##A 04 153821 659
##T Recovering From the Loss of a Child
Recovering From the Loss of a Child
Who would argue that there is a worse experience than the sudden loss of a child? It would be a moot argument; for those who have been through it, nothing can compare. Katherine Donnelly begins with the premise that, contrary to our social myths, bereaved parents desperately want to talk about their pain. Silence is their worst enemy. Here she tells, beginning with the death, the stories of many families who have lived this nightmare. She follows them, with sensitive descriptions, to that far-off land of recovery.
— Sallie Tisdale
##A 04 43307 660
##T Recovering From the Loss of a Child
Katherine F. Donnelly
1982; 226 pp.
ISBN 0025321501
$13.94 postpaid from:
Macmillan Publishing Co.
Order Dept.
Front and Brown Streets
Riverside, NJ 08075
##A 04 154187 661
##T Recovering From the Loss of a Child
What you are saying in prolonged grief is: “My world has ended.” That is the message parents are sending if they go on and on with their grief. The surviving child wonders, “Don’t I mean anything to you?” Many times parents tend to idealize the dead child, and for that reason siblings often feel the child who died was the favorite.
Judith says that in surviving, you can’t do everything as you once did. “Everyone has a thing they can’t do—like going to the cemetery, or back to a favorite spot of your child’s, or to a supermarket where your child may have shopped with you, or to any place that stirs painful memories. Although you will go forward in many areas, there are also many areas in which you cannot go back.”
##A 04 43135 662
##T The Executor’s Manual
The Executor’s Manual
Executors and executrixes need to know everything in this thorough book.
— Sallie Tisdale
##A 04 44169 663
##T The Executor’s Manual
Charles K. Plotnick
and Stephan R. Leimberg
1986; 462 pp.
ISBN 0385279485
$17.50 postpaid from:
Doubleday & Company
Direct Mail Order
501 Franklin Avenue
Garden City, NJ 11530
##A 04 86668 664
##T The Executor’s Manual
Assets Insufficient to Satisfy a Bequest
Suppose decedent’s will left “$5,000 to my daughter, AMY.” What happens if assets, after paying administration costs and debts, are insufficient to pay Amy $5,000 and for other gifts and bequests? How can the executor properly apportion decedent’s assets if there is not enough to satisfy all of the estate’s obligations as well as to distribute all of the bequests in the will?
If there are no assets to satisfy the bequests, or if the assets available are insufficient to satisfy all of the gifts in full, then the gifts or bequests are said to “abate,” either entirely or proportionately, according to state law. The executor, therefore, must look to the law of his or her state to determine the order of abatement. This applies when assets are insufficient to pay all claims against the estate as well as to make distribution of the property to the beneficiaries. Each state has its own schedule of
##A 04 87408 665
##T The Executor’s Manual
priorities. Property bequeathed specifically to decedent’s spouse and children usually has top priority. Again, as executor, you must be familiar with the laws of your state and obtain court approval (or at least the approval of all interested parties) before making distribution in the above circumstances.
##A 04 79516 666
##T Hospice
##A 04 145872 667
Hospice is an attitude, not a place or process. It refers to the approach of comfort rather than cure, involvement of the patient and his or her family in all aspects of care, and especially, the meeting of every need the patient expresses, whenever possible. Hospice is the way we used to take care of our elderly and ill fellows, without thinking. A positive step backward.
— Sallie Tisdale
##A 04 146770 668
##T Dying at Home with Hospice
Dying at Home with Hospice
This prosaic overview of hospice care is aimed at families and potential recipients. The book includes an interesting history of care for the dying, basic physical care, and problems unique to dying children. It isn’t just about home care; in-hospital and independent hospices are also discussed. There’s a list of hospices, too.
— Sallie Tisdale
##A 04 147067 669
##T Dying at Home with Hospice
Deborah Chase
1986; 204 pp.
ISBN 0801609593
$15.95 postpaid from:
C.V. Mosby
11830 Westline
Industrial Drive
St. Louis, MO 63146
##A 04 147358 670
##T Dying at Home with Hospice
The heart of the hospice idea is to do away with the terrible alienation that the dying feel because of the regimentation and narrow-mindedness of the medical profession. One dying patient said to a hospice doctor, “Nobody wants to look at me.” Hospice does not look away from death; it faces the unpleasant truth with compassion and love.
One woman who applied to a hospice for care was a 70-year-old cancer patient from a large family. She told the interviewer that she was certain her family would want to take care of her; but the interviewer thought it odd that the patient had come in alone. When he called in the patient’s husband, son, and daughter-in-law, the interviewer got a different perspective on the patient’s personality. All her life she had been a perfectionist and a complainer. . . . Not surprisingly, the family wanted nothing to do with her care.
##A 04 149010 671
##T Hospice: Complete Care for the Terminally Ill
Hospice: Complete Care for the Terminally Ill
The physical experience of dying has long been ignored by writers of medical texts. At last, an accurate, easy-to-read textbook on dying and hospice care, useful for physicians, nurses, and support workers. Covers physical, psychological, spiritual, and ethical issues with an aggressively liberal perspective.
- Sallie Tisdale
Ÿ Who Dies?
##A 04 149317 672
##T Hospice: Complete Care for the Terminally Ill
Jack M. Zimmerman, M.D.
Second Edition 1986; 311 pp.
ISBN 0806722126
$34.50 postpaid from:
Urban and Schwarzenberg
7 East Redwood Street
Baltimore, MD 21202
##A 04 149689 673
##T Hospice: Complete Care for the Terminally Ill
For those dying patients who have pain, it must be controlled before other symptoms can be handled effectively. Almost all patients with advanced malignancy fear both uncontrollable pain and the possibility of being so mentally obtunded from pain relief that they are rendered subhuman. They must be assured from the beginning, and shown thereafter, that it is possible to be kept pain free and alert throughout much of their terminal illness.
Using all that morphine, aren’t patients knocked out and don’t they become addicted?
Addiction is not a problem with the terminally ill. To begin with, the course of most patients is of such a nature that addiction is irrelevant.
##A 04 149957 674
##T Hospice: Complete Care for the Terminally Ill
Do you permit connubial visits?
Yes. In our program, however, this has rarely been a consideration because most patients who are well enough to be sexually active are not on the inpatient unit. For those few exceptions our hospice staff has discreetly demonstrated its imagination, ingenuity, and compassion in arranging connubial visits.
##A 04 147731 675
##T Gramp
A remarkable, difficult book. With starkly beautiful photographs and almost painfully frank narrative, Gramp tells the story of a respected, popular man as he declines into senility and finally dies. His loving family cares for him to the last day, shunning all manner of “help” aimed at masking or prolonging Gramp’s condition. It is a rare and honest story which shows us pictures of an old man naked in a bare room and, later, the same man newly dead; such images are imbued with a palpable affection. A unique and enlightening book.
— Sallie Tisdale
##A 04 148082 676
##T Gramp
Mark and Dan Jury
ISBN 0140045260
Viking Penguin Books
Look for this in your local library
or used bookstore; even better—write the publisher requesting it back in print.
##A 04 148250 677
##T Gramp
My first impression of Gramp was that he smiled a lot and was outgoing and friendly. When I came around more he would tease me and he was affectionate. He talked out of context, but he didn’t do anything strange and at that time I didn’t notice his senility. I heard stories about how he was, but I felt that maybe he was just playing and doing things to tease Nan, because he would turn around and wink and chuckle.
Gramp was as bewildered as anyone at the turn of events. At each recurring accident, he’d react with a startled grunt. During the umpteenth trip to the bathroom (we’d quit counting when he hit nine before noon) Dee said, “Oh no, Gramp, you didn’t go in your pants again, did you?”
“No,” replied Gramp, “that other guy did.”
##A 04 148598 678
##T Gramp
Finally, Gramp slipped into what we guessed was a coma. Dr. Kline came to the house and examined him, finding that his heart and lungs were still functioning all right— which prompted the doctor to comment that the term used to describe a person who was being kept alive by tubes was “a heart and lung case.” Family opinion was resolute: if Gramp had stoically endured his tongue cracking and the roof of his mouth flaking off from lack of liquid, no way were we going to sneak nourishment into him now.
##A 04 189452 679
##T Suicide
##A 04 243738 680
About 30,000 people kill themselves in the United States every year. An estimated ten to forty times that number try to kill themselves but don’t die—either because they don’t really want to die, or because they don’t know how.
Suicide attempters go through ordeals on top of the ordeals that made them want to die in the first place. When I was researching a long article about suicide in 1982, I heard about a woman who jumped from a high building and hit a parked car several stories below, but didn’t die. Instead she was wheeled, conscious, to the local emergency room. She spent the next year in bed, her still-suicidal mind the only functioning part of her body.
##A 04 49060 681
People who swallow chemicals endure inner burns, stomach pumping, brain damage (from drowning in their own vomit) or unpredictable side effects. People who shoot themselves miss surprisingly often and cripple themselves. People who slash their wrists often end up with bruised wrists or damaged nerves. Many suicide attempters have no permanent physical damage; but they all go through some psychiatric “hold” process, which can last anywhere from an hour to 14 days.
I’ve talked to a number of emergency room personnel about suicides; they agree that the most common reason they see is frustrated anger or just wanting to be noticed by a particular
##A 04 49336 682
person. “My husband says he’s too busy to take me out to dinner,” one woman told the emergency room staff at our local hospital.
“But for this he makes time.”
If someone you know is thinking of suicide, or you think they are, and you don’t want them to die, tell them. “Please call me or call suicide prevention before you try anything because I care about you and I don’t want to see you die.” Don’t argue with them about why life is worth living; you can’t win that one in rational
argument. Tell them how you and other people will feel when
they’re gone. If there are mental health services you trust in your neighborhood, suggest them.
##A 04 49551 683
If you are scared that you may commit suicide, and you don’t want to, there may be more options than you realize. Even if, like me, you distrust mental health services, it’s worth calling Suicide Prevention—where anonymous volunteers who have undergone rigorous, compassionate training will talk with you about your problems and possible alternatives to suicide. They’re listed under that name in the phone book white pages, or call the American Association of Suicidology at (303) 692-0985.
— Art Kleiner
##A 04 70463 684
Suicide Prevention Hotline
##A 04 71202 685
##T The Hemlock Society
The Hemlock Society
The Hemlock group counsels people who face terminal illness and would rather die quickly and painlessly first. Their book describes several case histories and techniques. Personally, I believe most people facing painful death would be better served by other options—hospice care, home care, or pain relief centers. However, Hemlock’s newsletter and book (Let Me Die Before I Wake) can guide the people who need it toward a prepared, graceful exit
—that doesn’t emotionally wound the people left behind. Reading about voluntary euthanasia makes suicide seem less like a romantic escape and more like a tedious chore.
— Art Kleiner
##A 04 71508 686
##T The Hemlock Society
The Hemlock Society
Membership $20/year
(Includes Hemlock Quarterly Newsletter)
Information free from:
Hemlock Society
P. O. Box 66218
Los Angeles, CA 90066
##A 04 33426 687
##T The Hemlock Society
Let Me Die Before I Wake
Derek Humphry
1984; 132 pp.
ISBN 0394620224
$10 ($12 postpaid) from:
Hemlock Society
P. O. Box 66218
Los Angeles, CA 90066
##A 04 71807 688
##T The Hemlock Society
It’s an obvious point—but one often overlooked for whatever reasons—that people who have decided to die alone because illness has made their life unbearable must decide to act before becoming absolutely dependent on others. It is necessary to decide in advance on the method and secure the means, and then act when there is no risk of interference. The means must therefore be fairly fast-acting and, as our stories have indicated, with drugs this is not always so. (Of course, if a person has decided to use a gun, these difficulties do not arise. But I have probably talked to more people intending voluntary euthanasia than most and have yet to meet one who plans their eventual death by shooting. A very few have decided on the car exhaust method.)
— Let Me Die Before I Wake
##A 04 72211 689
##T After Suicide
After Suicide
How to recover from the devastating fact that someone you love has committed a suicide at you. This book has what you might not expect from a series called Christian Care Books: lots of insight, some solid taboo-busting, no rejection of non-Christians and hardly any preaching.
— Art Kleiner
##A 04 72474 690
##T After Suicide
John H. Hewett
1980; 119 pp.
ISBN 0664242960
$7.95 ($8.95 postpaid) from:
The Westminster Press
925 Chestnut
Philadelphia, PA 19107
##A 04 72730 691
##T After Suicide
You are going to feel a constant temptation to take a short backward look. Take a long one instead. People have been purposely taking their lives for thousands of years. Suicide shows up in all kinds of societies and throughout every historical epoch. It is as ancient as humanity itself. It occurred among the ancient Hebrews. The Greeks and Romans also were plagued with the problem of self-destruction. They held a hard-line position opposing it, except for the Stoics and Epicureans, who adopted a softer approach. The early Christian church was forced to take stern measures to deal with the epidemic of suicides that took place. So many believers were eager to gain heavenly glory that martyrdoms became commonplace. Augustine, and later Thomas Aquinas, labeled suicide a mortal sin equivalent to murder. With a few exceptions, they gave the church’s sanction to the civil laws against the act.
##A 04 48460 692
##A 04 80357 693
##T Pleasure
##A 04 85942 694
Three recent trends make access to good information about sex more important than ever. First, the highly visible controversies about pornography and abortion (which have the effect, in my opinion, of obscuring useful personal information). Second, the rise of the VCR’s popularity and the growing number of sexual videotapes. Third, the proliferation of sexually transmitted diseases. Here are the essentials.
—Art Kleiner
##A 04 263612 695
##T The Sexuality Library
The Sexuality Library
One of the most delicate and potentially embarrassing situations I dealt with as a long time bookseller was that of helping a customer choose appropriate books on sexuality.
Acutely aware of this, and of the need for access to better sex education for all—children to older adults, gays, straights, and bisexuals—sex educator Joani Blank (owner of Good Vibrations; see review this section) has come up with a simple solution.
The Sexuality Library offers a mail-order service of sexual self-help books thoughtfully (and with obvious love) selected by a panel of sex educators, and Good Vibrations customers and staff. You won’t find books specifically on AIDS or other sexually
##A 04 200137 696
##T The Sexuality Library
transmitted diseases, contraception, sexual abuse, or reproduction. (Though many books do cover these issues in part.) And this for reasons they freely admit. One, they didn’t want to “. . .bite off more than [they] could chew,” and two, “Although we understand the problems, turmoil and pain that are associated with sex for so many today, we still see the pleasure, joy and happiness that our sexuality holds. Therefore, we have dedicated The Sexuality Library to the positive side of sex.”
They have succeeded marvelously in this first effort. The catalog is a joy to peruse, and educates merely by exposing one to different aspects of sexuality.
— Candida Kutz
##A 04 263826 697
##T The Sexuality Library
Catalog $1.00 from:
The Sexuality Library
3385 22nd Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
##A 04 264079 698
##T The Sexuality Library
° The right to separate sex and reproduction.
° The right to seek love and sexual relations.
° The right to experience arousal and orgasm.
° The right to seek sexual satisfaction in intimate relations.
° The right to control our reproduction.
° The right to enjoy respect as persons with inherent worth and dignity.
° The right to engage in sex regardless of marital status, or the gender of our
chosen partners.
° The right to enjoy sex without intercourse.
° The right to say no to sex.
adapted from a text by:
Maria Ladi Londoño
Bogota, Columbia
—from The Sexuality Library catalog
##A 04 265193 699
##T The Sexuality Library
Growing Up Feeling Good
Stephanie Waxman
A very matter-of-fact discussion of the differences between boys’ and girls’ bodies, arousal, conception and birth. We love the candid photos of children and adults which appear on virtually every page and think this book should be in every home where there are children.
#236, $6.95, 1979, 63 pages
A Young Woman’s Guide to Sex
Jaqueline Voss, PhD & Jay Gale, PhD
Young Man’s Guide to Sex
Jay Gale, PhD
Excellent companion volumes, these new books demonstrate a keen insight and sincere understanding of teenagers’ concerns. Besides learning a lot about biology, reproduction, birth control and STDs, teenagers will undoubtedly benefit from the
##A 04 285822 700
##T The Sexuality Library
discussions of sexual differences, body image, peer pressure and masturbation. in addition to the useful national listings of referral numbers, agencies and hotlines, the authors present the most informative and matter-of-fact discussion of AIDS that
we’ve come across in a book for teens.
Woman’s: #504, $7.95, 1986, 214 pages
Man’s: #503, $7.95, (1984) 1988, 298 pages
##A 04 293984 701
##T The Sexuality Library
Erotic Art of the Masters
The 18th, 19th and 20th Centuries
Bradley Smith
The preface states that this book is “neither an art book masquerading as a sex book, nor a sex book masquerading as an art book.” An attractive blending of both, this coffee-table volume of beautiful color photographs focuses on the works of great painters and artists, spanning a period of three centuries. Works range from sensual to crude to shocking, while brief historical notes help ground each work. A collector’s gem.
#441, $25.00, cloth, 207 pages
##A 04 301710 702
##T The Sexuality Library
Anal Pleasure and Health
Jack Morin, PhD
This is the only work ever published on anal sexuality. Drawing from his experience as a sex researcher, therapist and educator, the author offers guidance to men and women who want to eliminate anal tension and enjoy anal stimulation. Includes both theoretical and practical discussions of such issues as the anal taboo, the anatomy and physiology of the anal area, anal relaxation, and the maintenance of anal health. An excellent book with current information on AIDS and guidelines for safe sex.
#134, $9.50, (1981) 1986, 270 pages
##A 04 322494 703
##T The Sexuality Library
A Book of Erotic Games for the Adult Couple
Rolf Milonas
Looking for adventure and experimentation in your lovemaking? These provocative games are non-competitive and non-adversarial, with uninhibited pleasure as the only goal. Suggestive line drawings highlight the text.
#553, $5.95, (1975) 1983, 106 pages
##A 04 324379 704
##T The Sexuality Library
Love Around the World
Lailan Young
“In the Trobriand Islands a man’s virility is judged by the size of the yams he grows.”
There’s a lot to enjoy in this fascinating collection of facts and folktales about love and sex from over 100 countries. The author, a journalist and seasoned world traveler, shares her cross-cultural findings on fetishes, mating rituals, aphrodisiacs, eroticized body parts and a variety of intriguing sexual customs. Not a serious
anthropological work, but fast-moving and fun-to-read, with some very unusual photographs.
#608, $9.95, cloth, 1985, 216 pages
##A 04 190615 705
If a book is judged on how profoundly it affects people’s lives, and how many lives it reaches, this book is one of the all-time greats. You can’t read it without trying some of the ideas in it, and those lead to others, and human relationships grow steadily warmer. In the writing, the content, and the illustrations, warmth is what the book is about. And imagination, and variety. Contact. Health.
— Stewart Brand
More Joy of Sex has been updated and revised to include information on AIDS. It is a joy!
— Salli Rasberry
##A 04 25690 706
Anything positive that one can say about The Joy of Sex is applicable to The Joy of Lesbian Sex and The Joy of Gay Sex also. Unfortunately, the former is now out of print and nothing has come along to replace it; the latter has yet to be revised since the identification of the HIV virus.
— Candida Kutz
Ÿ Safer Sex
##A 04 190889 707
The Joy of Sex
Alex Comfort
1972; 253 pp.
ISBN 0671626922
$14.95 postpaid from:
Simon & Schuster
Mail Order Sales
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 04 195472 708
More Joy of Sex
Alex Comfort
1987; 215 pp.
ISBN 0517566907
$17.95 ($20.45 postpaid)
Crown Publishers
225 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10003
##A 04 70759 709
Joy of Lesbian Sex
Dr. Emily Sisley
and Bertha Harris
1977; 191 pp.
##A 04 196472 710
The Joy of Gay Sex
Dr. Charles Silverstein
and Edmund White
1977; 207 pp.
ISBN 067124079X
$14.95 ($15.95 postpaid)
Simon & Schuster
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 04 191108 711
. . . The quickie is the equivalent of inspiration, and you should let it strike lightning fashion, any time and almost anywhere, from bed in the middle of the night to halfway
up a spiral stair: anywhere that you’re suddenly alone and the inspiration is bilateral. Not that one or the other won’t sometimes specifically ask, but the inspirational quickie is mutual, and half the fun is that the preliminary communication is wordless between real lovers. The rule is never to resist this linkup if it’s at all possible— with quickness, wit and skill it usually is. This means proficiency in handling sitting, standing and other postures, and making love without undressing. The ideal quickie position, the nude matrimonial, will often be out. This may mean on a chair, against a tree, in a washroom. If you have to wait and can go straight home, it will keep up to half an hour. Longer than that and it’s a new occasion. Around the house, try not to block, even if you are busy.
—The Joy of Sex
##A 04 222698 712
-from More Joy of Sex
##A 04 194788 713
By female and male acclaim these are the horniest books in print. They are made of letters to Nancy Friday by innumerable women telling their sexual fantasies in vivid detail. They’re liberating and a turn-on for women—completely defusing any lingering guilt about having such fantasies—and enlightening and a turn-on for men, dissolving what was long thought to be a major difference and barrier between the sexes (also tangentially educating males on how to be a sensitive and imaginative lover rather than a narrow-minded clod).
The second book, Forbidden Flowers, is even more explicit since the women are responding to the excitement of My Secret Garden.
##A 04 16553 714
A number of the correspondents announce gleefully that they are masturbating as they write. Nice books to read alone, or aloud with a good friend.
— Stewart Brand
A third book of letters on sexual fantasies edited by Nancy Friday, this time from men. It, too, is erotic as all getout, though somehow the men don’t seem as imaginative as the women in the other books.
— J. Baldwin
##A 04 194923 715
My Secret Garden
Nancy Friday
1983; 352 pp.
ISBN 0671617575
$4.50 ($5.50 postpaid )from:
Simon & Schuster
Mail Order Sales
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 04 43858 716
Forbidden Flowers
Nancy Friday
1982; 336 pp.
ISBN 0671622250
$4.50 ($5.50 postpaid)
Simon & Schuster
Mail Order Sales
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 04 208140 717
Men in Love
Nancy Friday
1980; 542 pp.
ISBN 0440159032
$4.95 ($5.95 postpaid)
Dell Books
P. O. Box 5057
Des Plaines, IL 60017-5057
##A 04 195215 718
To reach out for the man you want is to be aggressive, and to reach out for the way you want him in bed isn’t just aggressive, it’s unfeminine. The fact that he might enjoy what follows her first move isn’t what’s at issue; the point is that it isn’t done, hasn’t been done, and won’t be done until men and women are convinced that changing the traditional sexual roles doesn’t constitute a threat.
Meanwhile, if he’s too shy to telephone, or perhaps less imaginative or worn out in bed than she (might be, given the chance), then two people who’d like to never do get started and the sheets barely get rumpled. He never knows what he’s missed; she does, but only in her fantasies. And if in those fantasies, as in so many in this book, she comes on like a tiger, in a startlingly aggressive role—she tying him down on the bed, etc.—don’t hastily put the little lady down as a secret dominating sexual sadist: Sometimes you have to shout just to be heard.
— From My Secret Garden
##A 04 233685 719
Given the male-oriented rules under which we live, it is usually the man who gets the action going when he’s ready. Almost conspiratorially, women go along with this idea, perpetuating the myth of man as the lusty beast who must half-coax, half-wrestle his powerless, shy maiden into bed. In her heart, every woman knows how incomplete this picture is.
It doesn’t take into account the times when she’s lusty as hell, and he’s a hundred miles away, or times when he’s panting like a bull, and she has a roast in the oven, the children to pick up in an hour, or simply her mind on other things . . . .
The problem is further complicated by the medically documented fact that physiologically men usually reach climax sooner than women. So not only is he mentally ready for sex long before he’s made you aware of his intentions but his
##A 04 235086 720
glands and nerve endings are physically geared to race ahead of yours too. The result is that many of the most loving women often finish their sexual experiences feeling a little rushed, unsatisfied, even left out. Callie is lucky enough to have a husband who is aware of these problems. He uses sexual fantasies as a form of foreplay to ensure that his wife always reaches orgasm.
— From Forbidden Flowers
How many sexually adventurous women have told me that after a night’s total abandon—when they allowed their consuming pleasure in sex to be seen—they never heard from the man again. The answer, of course, is that this is a book about what men want in fantasy. To say they would be wholeheartedly ready for the same thing if they got it in real life is naive.
— From Men in Love
##A 04 285618 721
##T Sex for One
Sex for One
In Sex For One, Dodson takes the reader on an autobiographical journey through her discovery and celebration of masturbation. It’s filled with helpful and lucid information and spirited writing, illustrated with Dodson’s fine and erotic drawings.
— Susie Bright and Joani Blank
For the ultimate in safe sex, learn some new techniques for the most primary form of sexual expresion. A refreshingly positive book.
— Salli Rasberry
##A 04 290598 722
##T Sex for One
(The Joy of Selfloving)
Betty Dodson
1987; 192 pp.
ISBN 0517566761
$15.95 ($17.45 postpaid)
Crown Publishers, Inc.
225 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10003
##A 04 87699 723
##T Sex for One
Our cultural denial of masturbation sustains sexual repression. From childhood through adulthood, we feel guilt and shame over masturbation. Deprived of a sexual relationship with ourselves, we are easier to manipulate and more accepting of the status quo. I believe masturbation holds the key to reversing sexual repression, especially for women who think they’re “frigid” or aren’t sure whether they’re having orgasms in partnersex. The same is true for men who are “premature ejaculators” or for those men who can’t get enough stimulation to have an orgasm from intercourse.
##A 04 291371 724
##T For Yourself • For Each Other
For Yourself • For Each Other
For Yourself is an important women’s source book. Masturbation and orgasmic potential are discussed. Specific exercises and pleasure-oriented “homework” are given to help the woman who has never had an orgasm or who is dissatisfied with her sexual responsiveness.
For Each Other, also by Lonnie Barbach, is written for women about sexual intimacy with the men in their lives. Discusses orgasm, increasing sexual desire, communicating about sex, changing sexual patterns, and other similar concerns.
-Susie Bright and Joani Blank
Ÿ The Sexuality Library
##A 04 140900 725
##T For Yourself • For Each Other
For Yourself
(The Fulfillment of Female Sexuality)
Lonnie Garfield Barbach
1975; 191 pp.
ISBN 0451139828
$3.50 ($4.50 postpaid)
New American Library
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621
201-387-0600 (NJ)
##A 04 239905 726
##T For Yourself • For Each Other
For Each Other
Lonnie Garfield Barbach
1984; 316 pp.
$4.50 ($5.50 postpaid)
New American Library
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621
201-387-0600 (NJ)
##A 04 291907 727
##T For Yourself • For Each Other
Effective stimulation can be anything that arouses you. If it doesn’t arouse you, it is obviously not effective for you. Consequently, you may be very turned on by manual or oral stimulation before intercourse and feel very close to having an orgasm, but once intercourse starts, and the focus shifts to vaginal stimulation by the penis, you may experience a drop in your level of arousal. Although you may enjoy the physical and psychological experience of intercourse, you may not be able to reach orgasm. Again, this experience does not hold for all women, but a drop in excitement can occur because the kind of stimulation that was arousing you before intercourse was replaced by another kind when intercourse began.
- For Yourself
##A 04 198012 728
##T Sexual Solutions
Sexual Solutions
Finally—a book written by a man for men, which says what we women have been trying to tell them lo these many years—it’s not how long you make it, it’s how you make it long. Castleman, a medical journalist, uses humor, sensitivity, and thoroughness in describing how to do sex. He covers obstacles to problem-free lovemaking, ejaculation and erection problems, what turns women on and off, what to do if the woman you love gets raped, and how to develop or enhance your sensuality.
Once or twice I’ve had the pleasure of a lover who understood that sex wasn’t a job to get done, but rather a game to play. The lover always laughed at my suggestion he give courses on lovemaking to
##A 04 198207 729
##T Sexual Solutions
other men. Well, Castleman’s done it between the covers of his book. I pray for wide, wide distribution!
— Carolyn Reuben, M.D
##A 04 198471 730
##T Sexual Solutions
Michael Castleman
1983; 288 pp.
ISBN 0671447564
$8.95 postpaid
Simon & Schuster
Mail Order Sales
200 Old Tappan
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 04 198900 731
##T Sexual Solutions
A widely held notion about lovemaking is that it is divided into three distinct stages: foreplay, intercourse, and afterglow. The very word “foreplay” suggests that it happens before the “real thing.” However, the idea that foreplay precedes actually
“doing it” is an indirect cause of many men’s sexual difficulties.
There are no such things as foreplay and afterglow. There is only loveplay.
Few men—and fewer women—understand that men also fake orgasm and for the same reasons. Nonejaculatory men may fake orgasm to avoid being considered
abnormal, since “everyone knows” there’s only one thing on a man’s mind—getting his rocks off. Some men fake it to reassure their lovers about this sexual attractiveness. Some fake orgasm simply to get sex over with.
##A 04 290098 732
##T Safer Sex
##A 04 291007 733
By Salli Rasberry
As we all know, condoms have a bad reputation. There are two major reasons for our aversion to condoms. Years ago, they tended to be thick, smelled of rubber and tasted terrible. If that wasn’t awful enough, they often broke due to the old-time manufacturing conditions. Times have changed. There are condoms on the market, particularly the Japanese imports, that are thinner, more sensuous and without taste or smell.
Modern day condoms seldom break . . . . “The production tolerance for defective condoms is 0.25 percent. The best estimate of present-day failure rate due to manufacturer’s error is one in every 1,000 good-quality condoms. The shelf life of condoms is
##A 04 291212 734
about five years in a cool environment, and even after two and one-half years condoms far exceed FDA standards. Thus today, condom failure is due primarily to human error. However, because studies
seldom differentiate between breakage due to manufacture and rupture resulting from incorrect use, people often underestimate the dependability of condoms and the role individual knowledge
and responsibility play in making condoms work.”
Condoms, then, are very dependable. Every condom is fitted over a metal rod and immersed in an electronically charged water bath to test for breakage. According to FDA standards a condom has to withstand 4,000 pounds of pressure per square inch and hold eight ounces of ejaculate, which is obviously far, far more than the
##A 04 291820 735
average ejaculation.
. . . According to the San Francisco-based National Sex Forum: “It is not sex that causes AIDS, but the migration of the virus from one person to another. If you do not come into contact with your partner’s bodily fluids, you will not come in contact with the disease.” With this in mind, you can relax in the knowledge that if you engage in heterosexual intercourse, latex condoms are very effective in providing a physical barrier against genital transmission of AIDS and other STDs. For gays and heterosexuals who enjoy anal sex, however, even wearing a condom is no guarantee. The best advice is to avoid anal sex altogether unless you are 100 percent positive that you and your partner are safe.
##A 04 298770 736
Always put on the condom before vaginal, oral or anal sex. The San Francisco AIDS Foundation warns that unprotected anal sex is the chief cause of AIDS transmission in America. Remember: if you engage in any penetration, always wear a rubber.
What if the unlikely happens, and a condom breaks? First of all,
it’s important to learn what a condom feels like when it tears by masturbating with the intention of breaking one (don’t use lubrication, for instance). After a few times, you will learn what it feels like, so if it should break during intercourse and the man has not come yet or the tear is near the base, he can immediately withdraw his penis, urinate, clean up and replace the condom. Do not douche as this can cause small tears which promote infection.
##A 04 299068 737
Keep a can of spermicidal foam (nonoxynol-9) nearby; if the man has ejaculated, insert this foam into the anus or vagina where it should remain for four or five hours after intercourse.
Some people don’t want to take the chance of a condom breaking and always use a spermicide which kills sperm (and germs) on contact. Nonoxynol-9 and oral sex are not a pleasant combination in my experience, as it tastes pretty terrible. I therefore have my partner use a different condom for oral sex, and then use the one with nonoxynol-9 for penetration.
Open the condom wrapper when you know you are going to have sex, since being turned on does nothing for manual dexterity. . . .It’s
##A 04 299425 738
really prudent to open the pouch before you start and to have the condom close by.
Always use water-based lubricants with your condom (ForPlay, Probe [both of which contain nonoxynol-9], Astroglide, or K-Y Jelly; oil-based ones cause latex to disintegrate). . . .Oil-based lubricants are a no-no when combined with the use of a condom, as the latex can become porous, which negates the whole idea. To help you remember this important point, keep in mind that oil was once the agent employed to dissolve the crude rubber in order to vulcanize it. . . .
Choosing a condom is like choosing a car: you have to test drive a lot of them to see what suits you. . . .As with anything, once you
##A 04 299688 739
get over your initial resistance you can learn to enjoy them. And if you are sexually active you might as well enjoy condoms. After a while the feel of rubber can become associated with the good feelings of sex. Of course it’s too early to tell, but eventually sex without a rubber might well be considered weird.
I’d like to discuss some general recommendations. Ninety-five percent of condoms are made of latex (liquid rubber, hence the name “rubbers”). The other five percent are lambskin. Many men prefer lambskin because they give them more room and are
“natural.” Lambskin condoms are wider than any of the other
condoms and some men feel they are more comfortable. Nonetheless they cannot be recommended, as they leak, tend to
##A 04 299933 740
break and crack and do not protect from Hepatitis B virus, which is currently rampant in the heterosexual community. And what seems particularly icky to me is that they are packed with a small
amount of formaldehyde, which acts as a preservative.
Plain-end condoms do not have a reservoir tip, which makes them more susceptible to leakage and breakage. Since there are plenty of good reservoir condoms around I suggest using them instead.
For oral sex an unlubricated condom is preferable. Sheik (Schmid Lab) non-lubed is my favorite. It’s bigger and very stretchy, and
inexpensive. Textured and ribbed condoms massage the sensitive vaginal tissues in the first third of the vaginal barrel where most
##A 04 300051 741
of the feeling is. I highly recommend this type for variety.
Mentor condoms are especially good if you are concerned about them coming off. There is an adhesive on the inside that seals to the skin and shrinks and stretches with the penis. They are rather expensive but are of good quality and very sensitive. Be sure and read the instructions as there is an applicator that people occasionally mistake for the condom itself, a mistake that can be painful and temporarily disrupt some good sex.
The main active ingredient in spermicides is a mild detergent. It
is safe, according to the FDA, when “eaten in small quantities.”
Nonoxynol-9 kills the herpes and AIDS virus on contact. Used
##A 04 300394 742
without a condom, however, it does not provide adequate protection. Spermicides do not prevent the AIDS virus from entering the body of your partner. Nonoxynol-9 has been used for years in contraceptive foam and gels and is currently approved for
both oral and vaginal sex. It is, however, still being tested for anal sex.
##A 04 292306 743
##T How to Persuade Your Lover to Use a Condom . . .
How to Persuade Your Lover to Use a Condom . . .
This book stresses the importance of establishing good communication with your partner about safe sex.
—Salli Rasberry
##A 04 292540 744
##T How to Persuade Your Lover to Use a Condom . . .
How to Persuade Your Lover to Use a Condom . . . and Why You Should
Patti Breitman, Kim Knutson,
and Paul Reed
1987; 84 pp.
ISBN 0914629433
$4.95 ($6.20 postpaid)
St. Martin’s Press
175 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10010
##A 04 292703 745
##T How to Persuade Your Lover to Use a Condom . . .
The San Francisco Bay Area Physicians for Human Rights classifies sexual activities as follows:
Massage, hugging
Mutual masturbation
Social kissing (dry)
Body-to-body rubbing
Fantasy, voyeurism, exhibitionism
French kissing (wet)
Anal intercourse with condom
##A 04 264587 746
##T How to Persuade Your Lover to Use a Condom . . .
(POSSIBLY SAFE continued)
Vaginal intercourse with condom
Fellatio (oral sex on a man)—stop before climax
Cunnilingus (oral sex on a woman)
Watersports (sexual activity involving urine)—external only
Rimming (oral-anal contact)
Blood contact
Sharing sex toys or needles
Semen or urine in mouth
Anal intercourse without condom
Vaginal intercourse without condom
##A 04 293161 747
##T Safe Sex: The Ultimate Erotic Guide
Safe Sex: The Ultimate Erotic Guide
A first-hand account of erotic yet safe sex.
—Salli Rasberry
##A 04 293881 748
##T Safe Sex: The Ultimate Erotic Guide
John Preston and Glenn Swann
1987; 202 pp.
ISBN 0452258960
$8.95 ($10.45 postpaid)
New American Library
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0120
##A 04 143367 749
##T Safe Sex: The Ultimate Erotic Guide
We had to reach homosexually active men who saw their genital activity as only a sexual component of their lives, not as a social or political identity.
How could we do it? Well, one of the most effective means that I found was to do precisely what the right-wing moralists were accusing us of doing: produce pornography.
Most of the original warnings given to sexually active people concentrated on a list of proscriptions, of don’ts absolute and so rigid that they were dismissed by all but the most panic-stricken and defeatist people who read them. The inability to create a new, positive approach to sexuality meant that people just couldn’t live with it at all.
The first step, then, was to create a positive image for safe-sex acts. Those of us who could write erotica and get it published suddenly found ourselves as interested in making it desirable as we were in communicating its disease-preventative need.
##A 04 295881 750
##T Complete Guide to Safe Sex
Complete Guide to Safe Sex
Editor Ted McIlvenna assembled an “AIDS task force” to write the most complete and positive book I have seen on the subject. Lots of suggestions on how to enjoy a healthy, playful, and safe sexual life. Up-to-date information about the AIDS virus, safe sex techniques for all lifestyles, and a special section on how to talk to your children.
—Salli Rasberry
##A 04 296064 751
##T Complete Guide to Safe Sex
Ted McIlvenna, M. Div., Ph. D.
1987; 218 pp.
ISBN 0930846052
$8.95 postpaid
Exodus Trust
1523 Franklin Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
##A 04 296393 752
##T Complete Guide to Safe Sex
It is possible to regain the spontaneity and much of the freedom that existed before AIDS by practicing safe sex techniques until they become automatic. People mourning the loss of spontaneity which results from having to think and act carefully at first, should remember this fact. It is also good to remember that while we think we are spontaneous, many of us are in a rut. Many people have sex at the same time of day or night, using the same activities, taking the same positions, making the same sounds, and using the same sexual toys and products. Thus, instead of feeling a loss of spontaneity many of us are experiencing loss of familiar behavior and reluctance to changing familiar patterns.
In our practices and workshops we come across many people who have overcome such initial reactions, made significant changes in their sex lives and are once more enjoying their sexuality. Many report their lifestyles are much more satisfying than before the Age of AIDS. There is a central theme which runs through the experience of such people:
##A 04 265762 753
##T Complete Guide to Safe Sex
“When we view safe sex as an opportunity to explore and play, to be truly spontaneous, it becomes an adventure—one which continues to bring new zest and
thrill to our love lives.”
##A 04 296825 754
In the video “Norma and Tony,” two friends experiment with condoms, dental dams, lotions and other protective products. Provides good role model illustrating open communication skills as well as sexual hygiene techniques. Thirty-minute video.
Made by Michael Castelman for high-school students, Common Sense is also good for the older set. Very funny, very popular, it has appeared on cable TV and will soon be shown theatrically on the midnight movie circuit.
—Salli Rasberry
##A 04 297051 755
Norma and Tony: Following Safer Sex Guidelines
National Sex Forum
1985; 30 minutes
Rental $25.00
Purchase $150.00
Multi-Focus, Inc.
1525 Franklin Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
##A 04 256094 756
Common Sense
Rental $45.00
Purchase $451 postpd.
Perennial Education, Inc.
930 Pitner Avenue
Evanston, IL 606202
##A 04 297840 757
##T Personal Safe Sex Sampler Kit
Personal Safe Sex Sampler Kit
Exodus Trust offers the Personal Safe Sex Sampler Kit, a fun way to try some of the best condoms available , as well as dental dams, lotions, lubricants, and latex gloves. The excellent sex education brochure that comes with the kit contains risk reduction guidelines ands ways to discuss and enjoy safe sex products.
—Salli Rasberry
##A 04 298205 758
##T Personal Safe Sex Sampler Kit
$22.45 postpaid
Exodus Trust
1523 Franklin Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
##A 04 30098 759
##T The Rubber Tree
The Rubber Tree
All kinds of condoms (over 50 varieties), sponges and creams. A non-profit service.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 04 30449 760
##T The Rubber Tree
Catalog free (with SASE)
ZPG — Seattle
4426 Burke Avenue North
Seattle, WA 98103
##A 04 152111 761
##T The Rubber Tree
(contain one of each brand of condom listed)
No. 8 — THE JAPANESE SAMPLER — includes nine condoms (all lubricated): Kimono, Wrinkle Chapeau Blacky, Wrinkle Chapeau Hard, Wrinkle Zero-0, Wrinkle Zero-0 2000, Wrinkle Zero-0 3000, Yamabuki No. 1, Yamabuki No. 2, Yamabuki No. 3. $4.75.
In many places mail order is the only way to buy vibrators,
lingerie, and sex toys. The companies here send catalogs discreetly (usually in plain envelopes) and don’t release your name without permission. As Stephanie Mills once wrote, “If all the electric pleasuring devices available herein were plugged in simultaneously, both coasts would be browned out. So much the better.”
— Art Kleiner and Joani Blank
##A 04 197092 764
##T Eve’s Garden
Eve’s Garden
A classy, comparatively mainstream source for lingerie and toys.
—J. Baldwin
##A 04 197184 765
##T Eve’s Garden
Catalog $2 from:
Eve’s Garden
119 West 57th Street
Suite 1406
New York, NY 10019
##A 04 192677 766
##T Good Vibrations
Good Vibrations
Joani Blank’s store. Her publications describe vibrators
in variety, without embarrassment and with consumer-oriented
—J. Baldwin
Ÿ The Sexuality Library
##A 04 192795 767
##T Good Vibrations
Catalog $1
($6 includes a guidebook to vibrators)
Good Vibrations
3492-A 22nd Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
##A 04 82424 768
##T Sexual Diseases
##A 04 293392 769
Sex is still fun, but it’s getting riskier too. The epidemic of STDs has changed the very nature of our intimate lives. With ten million new cases of STDs annually, caution is a more common sexual milieu. The best cure is still prevention. Read on.
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 04 89938 770
AIDS is here and we all have to learn about it. Undeniably. According to our medical consultants at Whole Earth there isn’t a book yet that’s accurate, up to date, and unbiased. The monthly newsletter AIDS Alert will give you the news from inside the medical profession on AIDS research and treatment, plus talk on health care workers and AIDS. I learned more from reading the May 1986 issue than from months of news in the national media. It’s a bit expensive; you might try the nearest university library. If you want to talk to a human being about AIDS, contact the San Francisco AIDS Foundation (800-863-2437 in northern California,
415-863-2437 nationwide) or the national AIDS Hotline (800-342
-AIDS). The S.F. AIDS Foundation also sends out free information
##A 04 53252 771
pamphlets on request.
— Jeanne Carstensen
Ron Baker at the S.F. AIDS Foundation has confirmed what Jeanne
reported in 1986—that there are yet no really good books on AIDS for the general public. What he recommends, in fact, for sensible, straightforward, pertinent info is the Surgeon General’s Report on AIDS, a 40-page brochure free for the asking (not to be confused with the 8-page pamphlet recently mailed out by the Center for
Disease Control). Two other sources of up-to-the-minute information on AIDS are AIDS Treatment News (recommended by
Kevin Kelly) and BETA, the Bulletin of Experimental Treatments
##A 04 243505 772
for AIDS, a free newsletter published by the SF AIDS Foundation.
For professionals, Ron highly recommends AIDS Targeted Information, a monthly containing abstracts from the scientific literature, a clinical section, treatment section, and a section discussing current public policy. He says this is his primary source of information.
—Candida Kutz
The AIDS Information Resources Directory is a comprehensive guide to over 1000 AIDS (and AIDS-related illnesses) educational
materials, including books, pamphlets, videos, posters, and
Ÿ The Quilt: Stories from the NAMES Project
##A 04 84825 773
curricula for all age levels. Several resources are also available in languages other than English, mostly Spanish. Materials have been reviewed by a panel of AIDS and educational experts. The Directory lists producers’ and distributors’ addresses and phone numbers, hotlines, and national and state AIDS organizations. The AIDS/HIV Experimental Treatment Directory is a quarterly manual geared toward physicians, researchers, and patients. The Directory’s information comes from published literature, US Public Health Service reports, pharmaceutical companies, and individuals.
— Lisa Geduldig
##A 04 5231 774
AIDS Alert
Theresa Waldron, Editor
$149/year (12 issues)
American Health Consultants
67 Peach Tree Park Dr. NE
Atlanta, GA 30309
##A 04 240598 775
San Francisco AIDS Foundation
Information free from:
San Francisco
AIDS Foundation
333 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
415-863-2437 in Northern California
##A 04 242582 776
National Aids Hotline
##A 04 250326 777
Surgeon General’s Report on AIDS
Free from:
P.O. Box 1452
Washington, DC 20044
##A 04 252551 778
AIDS Treatment News
John S. James, Editor
$100/year (26 issues)
($32 for persons with AIDS or ARC)
ATN Publications
P.O. Box 411256
San Francisco, CA 94141
##A 04 245670 779
BETA Bulletin of Experimental Treatment for AIDS
Free from:
San Francisco AIDS Foundation
P.O. Box 6182
San Francisco, CA 94101-6182
##A 04 104864 780
AIDS Targeted Information
$125/year (12 issues)
$275 institutions
Williams & Wilkins
PO Box 23291
Baltimore, MD 21203
##A 04 89648 781
AIDS Information Resources Directory
Trish A. Halleron, MPH
and Janet I. Pisaneschi, PhD, Senior Editors
1988; 192 pp.
ISBN 0962036307
$10 postpaid
American Foundation for AIDS Research (AmFAR)
1515 Broadway, Suite 3601
New York, NY 10036-8901
Fax: 212-719-1712
##A 04 141218 782
AIDS/HIV Experimental Treatment Directory
Donald Abrams, M. D. et al, Medical Editors
ISBN 08985030
$30/year (4 issues) USA
$50 overseas. Single copy $10 USA; $15 overseas
Free to people with AIDS and ARC.
American Foundation for AIDS Research (AmFAR)
1515 Broadway, Suite 3601
New York, NY 10036-8901
Fax: 212-719-1712
##A 04 248522 783
Many “AIDS deaths” are in fact unnecessary. For example, even in San Francisco many people known to be at risk for pneumocystis die of it without having had any preventive treatment—despite an editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine
(October 15, 1987) that persons at risk should receive such treatment. And an article in the same issue of the Journal showed that a “salvage” therapy with two experimental drugs (trimetrexate and leucovorin) saved the lives of over two thirds of the patients for whom the standard drugs had failed. This new treatment has almost no side effects. Yet how many persons with pneumocystis have access to it?
Apparently two thirds or more of the deaths from pneumocystis could now be prevented if safe, effective (though officially experimental) treatments were used when appropriate. The basic problem is the lack of uniform standards of care. And there has been almost no advocacy from gay political organizations (or AIDS service groups or even gay physicians’ organizations) on such matters.
— AIDS Treatment News, Feb. 26, 1988
##A 04 286902 784
° AZT is not a cure for AIDS.
° AZT slows down disease progression for some people with AIDS and ARC.
° AZT crosses the blood-brain barrier.
° AZT may work better for people at earlier stages of HIV infection.
Asymptomatic Seropositives
° Physicians disagree about whether to use AZT for people at earlier stages of HIV infection.
° A recent study of 18 HIV-infected men on AZT found no disease progression in any of the subjects.
° Long-term studies on AZT for HIV antibody positive individuals are still underway.
° Some physicians use certain tests to help them decide whether to recommend treatment with AZT (e.g., T-helper cell counts, the p24 antigen test, and the beta-2 microglobulin test). — BETA, June 1988
##A 04 262592 785
It is important to understand that, at this time, there is no therapy that has been proven to be an effective means of halting or reversing the underlying disease process that causes AIDS or ARC. The time-tested scientific procedures that are normally followed to positively establish the value of any new drug, agent or treatment may take many years. The fact that medical science offers an incomplete understanding of how this illness “works” makes the process of treatment evaluation more complex and time consuming.
As this article goes to press, azidothymidine (AZT) is the only drug or agent that has been approved or licensed in the United States as a treatment for AIDS. This approval
##A 04 284705 786
is limited to a specified group of patients who have had one episode of documented pneumocystis carinii pneumonia or individuals with ARC with less than 200 T-cells.
If you are a person with HIV-related illness, or the friend of someone who is contemplating experimental treatment for HIV-related illness, there are a few common sense guidelines that should be kept in mind:
#1. Beware of extravagant claims or promises of miraculous results. When and if a drug, agent or technique is developed that produces proven results, it will not remain a secret for very long.
#2. If an experimental treatment or therapy is offered to you for a price, be cautious. Except in special circumstances, federal law prohibits the sale of experimental drugs or agents. While a drug is being tested, the manufacturer or developer is generally
##A 04 286083 787
obligated to produce and supply it to trial centers free of charge. In some drug trials, the drug manufacturer or trial sponsor will also pay for all testing and medical monitoring that is required. When the testing may have been required even without the experimental treatment, the patient may be charged for certain limited costs.
Ethical practitioners do not seek to profit from a treatment that is experimental. If you are requested to pay extravagant fees or “expenses” to be enrolled in a treatment program, you should consider carefully before agreeing.
In the United States, it is illegal to administer a drug that has not been licensed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
In order to allow medical investigators and drug companies to test an experimental treatment in human beings, the FDA issues an exemption known as an IND (which
##A 04 294451 788
stands for Investigational New Drug). An IND is only issued after a new drug’s developer has conducted laboratory tests and trials in animals that demonstrate that the agent is not unacceptably toxic. In addition, the manufacturer provides the FDA with its evidence for believing that the treatment is going to be useful in a particular disease or condition.
The evaluation of a new drug in the lab or in animals is known as pre-clinical testing. Ideally, in developing a new drug, scientists try to identify an animal disease that is similar to a particular human illness and first test the drug in animals. One of the complications of AIDS/ARC/HIV infection drug development is that nobody has identified an animal model for the syndrome that provides a reliable testing system, at least not in small animals that would make extensive laboratory-based experimentation possible. As a result, the rationale for experimentation with most drugs being considered for AIDS/ARC has come from “test-tube” type research. Scientists refer to this as in vitro testing, from the Latin meaning “in the glass”; tests in animals or people is called in vivo, meaning “in the living.”
##A 04 294801 789
Chemical Name: 1-beta-D-ribofuranosyl-1, 2, 4-triazole-3-carboxamide
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Ribavirin is a synthetic nucleoside derivative of the antibiotic pyrazomycin. It shows broad spectrum antiviral activity against DNA and RNA viruses and is licensed by the FDA for its use in aerosol form for the treatment of respiratory syncytial viral (RSV) infections.
TRIAL RESULTS: Spector et al. reported on a placebo-controlled study of ARC patients. 18 subjects were treated with 60mg/d ribavirin, 19 were treated with 800mg/d and 18 received placebo. At the conclusion of the 16 week trial, no difference in HIV isolation, time to positive culture or HIV p24 Ag were detected in the treated versus
##A 04 295048 790
the placebo groups.
TOXICITY/SIDE EFFECTS: Treatment with ribavirin has been associated with mild anemia, elevated bilirubin, insomnia, headache and irritability. Crumpacker reports
that treatment was well tolerated by both AIDS and ARC subjects. The only significant
adverse effect reported in AIDS patients treated for 8 weeks was a decrease in hematocrit, requiring transfusion in 1 of 10 subjects.
—AIDS/HIV Experimental Treatment Directory
°Disease Does Not Discriminate - You Don’t Have to be White or Gay to Get AIDS
Good Samaritan Project
folded size 3-3/4" x 8-1/2", 3-panel, 1-color, illustrated; free; June 1987; English.
This brochure attempts to warn blacks and Latinos about AIDS. It advocates safer sex
##A 04 295344 791
practices and warns against sharing needles if using drugs. The clear, concise
language communicates to individuals with low to medium reading skills.
°How to Talk to Your Teens and Children About AIDS
National Parents and Teachers Association, The
folded size 3-7/8" x 8-1/2", 6-panel, 2-color; 20 per copy; January 1988; English.
Designed to help parents talk to their children about AIDS, this brochure provides information about AIDS, answers common questions, and has separate sections advising parents how to discuss AIDS with children in different age groups (pre-school, young children, preteens, and teenagers).
This publication presents current guidelines on AIDS prevention for educated English and Spanish speaking women. In addition to basic AIDS information and means of infection, the brochure describes specific circumstances when women risk infection and ways they can protect themselves. Pregnancy, breastfeeding and artificial insemination are also addressed. Both the English and Spanish versions meet the minimum screening criteria.
Chuck Solomon: Coming of Age
Outsider Productions
time 57:16, color; cost not specified, VHS; 1986; English.
This documentary-style videotape features Chuck Solomon, a well known gay member of the San Francisco Theater Community. It also focuses on his community and their collective strength in living with the disease. Using his 40th birthday as a backdrop,
For ordering information see Chapter 2, organization 159.
##A 04 297453 793
the film alternates party scenes with interviews and reminiscences with Solomon, his loved ones, and friends. The film describes the pain and personal trials of having AIDS
or watching it claim a loved one. It also emphasizes the sense of community, unity, love, and strength that the AIDS crisis could engender. There is no discussion guide available. Reviewers’ Comments: This is a good gay community-empowerment video appropriate for gay support service providers or families of persons with AIDS. It is a documentary, rather than an educational film.
AIDS: The Equal Opportunity Syndrome
Oak Lawn Counseling Center
18" x 24", photograph; cost not specified; publication date not specified; English.
This poster shows a photograph of a black woman’s hand clasping a white man’s hand. Above this, the message reads: “AIDS – The Equal Opportunity Syndrome.” The
##A 04 297630 794
remaining text reads “Get the Facts” and lists a local hotline number.
Reviewers’ Comments: The bi-racial handshake speaks to the multi-ethnicity of AIDS, but might also appear to be addressing bi-racial brotherhood.
Some People Think You Can Catch AIDS From a Glass
San Francisco AIDS Foundation
8-1/2" x 17", 2-color, photograph; bulk quantities free only in California; 1986; English.
This poster, suitable for general display, shows a drinking glass. The brief text explains how AIDS is and is not transmitted. The poster can be personalized with any local hotline number for out-of-state orders.
Reviewers’ Comments: Forceful and unequivocal, this poster is excellent for dispelling myths about AIDS transmission through casual contact.
##A 04 298338 795
Alabama Dept. of Health
AIDS Program
State Office Building, Room 662
434 Monroe St.
Montgomery, AL 36130
Alaska Dept. of Health
AIDS Health Program
3601 C St.
Anchorage, AK 99524
##A 04 298508 796
California Dept. of Health
Office of AIDS
P.O. Box 160146
Sacramento, CA 95816
800-367-2437 (Northern Cal)
Hawaii Dept. of Health
Public Health Education
3627 Kilauea Ave.
Honolulu, HI 96816
— AIDS Information Resources Directory
##A 04 86908 797
A sexually transmitted disease information supermarket. Michael Castleman, editor of Medical Self-Care, called ASHA “THE place to find out about STDs.” Free pamphlets are available on herpes, chlamydia, AIDS, pelvic inflammatory disease, and other forms of VD. Their VD National Hotline (800-227-8922; 800-982-5883 in California) can make local referrals to clinics and doctors, as well as answer questions about all STDs. The people and publications are uniformly knowledgable and friendly.
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 04 87195 798
Sexually Transmitted Disease Pamphlets
free with 45¢ SASE
P. O. Box 13827
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
##A 04 132175 799
VD National Hotline
800-982-5883 (CA)
##A 04 67969 800
Q: What Are Genital Warts?
A: Genital warts are growths that appear on the vagina or penis, near the anus, and sometimes in the throat. They are caused by viruses, and they are spread through sexual contact. The viruses are often called human papilloma virus (HPV).
The warts might look harmless, but they should be treated as soon as possible. They tend to multiply and spread, so the longer you wait, the harder it is to get rid of them. Many public health centers and STD clinics, as well as private doctors, can treat this condition.
Q: How Do You Get Genital Warts?
A: The viruses that cause genital warts are spread by vaginal or anal intercourse and
##A 04 165947 801
by oral sex. Warts might appear a few weeks after sex with an infected person, or they might take months to appear. But whether you can see the warts or not, the virus that causes them might be active. A person can be infected and pass on the virus without knowing it.
[from “Some Questions and Answers About Genital Warts”]
##A 04 89033 802
Learning I had herpes was a painful discovery. Plugging into the resources of the HRC, especially their newsletter, The Helper, provided sorely needed emotional support and medical information. It’s well-written and intelligent, with a sense of humor; I felt among friends. Part of ASHA, the HRC also publishes pamphlets and funds research.
— Cindy Fugett
##A 04 89250 803
The Herpes Resource Center (HRC)
Herpes Information Pamphlets free with 45¢ SASE
P. O. Box 13827
Research Triangle Park, NC
##A 04 68111 804
The Helper
Charles Ebel, Editor
$20/year (4 issues)
P. O. Box 13827
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
##A 04 89393 805
All of our knowledge about herpes is useless unless couples are able to communicate. For many folks sex is somehow easier to do than to talk about. With herpes in the picture it may be even more difficult to discuss, but talking is essential. A partner who shares knowledge is a teammate. Talking about genital herpes may seem difficult if not down right impossible. Practicing with friends or in a support group can be invaluable. Getting clear on the facts about herpes and hearing about other people’s successes and duds can give you practical knowledge and help you feel more confident and relaxed. Don’t underestimate yourself or your partner. For most people and their partners, genital herpes is no big deal. If it is a problem for you, there’s help available.
##A 04 87986 806
##T The Truth About Herpes
The Truth About Herpes
If you’ve got herpes, you’ve got questions. Whether you just got herpes or have had it a long time, this book can help alleviate that sense of unease that comes from not knowing. Stephen Sacks does an admirable job of not preaching, which means some questions
(“should I tell my partner?”) are left for you to decide. Recommended by the Herpes Resource Center (see previous review).
— Cindy Fugett
##A 04 88165 807
##T The Truth About Herpes
Stephen L. Sacks, M.D.
Third Edition 1987; 216 pp.
ISBN 0901574580
$13 postpaid from:
Herpes Resource Center
P. O. Box 13827
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
##A 04 88337 808
##T The Truth About Herpes
Prior to discussing your herpes with your partner, you have a relationship that closely parallels that of the doctor and the patient. Indeed there may be legal parallels as well. You are holding information in your head about you that may influence how your partner feels or how your partner may act. You have a kind of power over your partner, in the sense that knowledge is power. If you avoid sharing the information, you alter the equal balance in your partnership. Any secret between lovers will change that delicate balance.
On the other hand, your relationship with this person may not be at the stage where you wish to establish that balance or equality. For example, if you are involved in a casual relationship, you may feel that this person is not close enough to share such information with. The risk of transmitting herpes during one encounter in an inactive phase is certainly quite low. Furthermore, any two people in a casual encounter take certain risks in terms of transmitting and receiving infections. If you have a short-
##A 04 150232 809
##T The Truth About Herpes
term encounter, you generally know that you are taking risks. Nowadays, whether you
have herpes or you don’t, you are well-advised to avoid casual sexual encounters.
##A 04 31607 810
##T And the Band Played On
And the Band Played On
One of the great detective stories — a detailed, riveting account of the rise of AIDS. Shilts is a San Francisco Chronicle reporter, himself gay, who was in the midst of the emergency from its very beginnings and established a reputation as the best-informed reporter in the country.
The subject is organizational failure-to-learn on an epic scale, a sort of “War and Peace” of institutional blindness. Everybody knew early about AIDS, and nearly everybody pretended not to know— doctors, gays, media, scientists, the public, government in general and the Reagan administration in particular. In the details of the denial amid the relentlessly emerging horror are shadowy
Ÿ The Quilt: Stories from the NAMES Project
##A 04 32125 811
##T And the Band Played On
glimpses of the structure of debacle, an all-time classic study.
It’s also suspenseful, anguishing, shocking, insightful, revelatory—a book that will keep you up late and then infect your dreams.
— Stewart Brand
Ÿ Gay Community I
##A 04 46988 812
##T And the Band Played On
(Politics, People and the AIDS Epidemic)
Randy Shilts
Revised 1988; 640 pp.
ISBN 014011369X
$12.95 ($13.95 postpaid)
Viking Penguin Books
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0120
201-387-0600 (NJ)
##A 04 47111 813
##T And the Band Played On
[Doctor Michael Gottlieb] called the nation’s most prestigious journal, the “New England Journal of Medicine,” and talked to an associate editor.
“I’ve got something here that’s bigger than Legionnaire’s,” he said. “What’s the shortest time between submission and publication?”
The editor explained it would take three months to send the story around to a panel of expert readers who would make sure that it was scientifically sound. There would be another delay between the time the review was finished and the publication date, he said. He didn’t need to tell Gottlieb about the ironclad rule that the journal, like virtually all major scientific publications, maintained about the secrecy of material about to be published. If there was any leak whatsoever to the popular press about the research, the journal would pull the story from its pages.
##A 04 60026 814
##T And the Band Played On
“We’d like to see it,” the editor concluded. “Sounds interesting, but there’s no way we can guarantee that it will be published.”
But this is an emergency, Gottlieb thought as he hung up the phone in frustration. You don’t just run business as usual in an emergency.
It was an observation Gottlieb would recite almost daily in the difficult years ahead. For this young doctor, about to be credited with the discovery of the public health threat of the century, the thought became a grim mantra for the AIDS epidemic.
##A 04 82604 815
##T Contraception
##A 04 96415 816
##T Contraceptive Technology
Contraceptive Technology
Current books on birth control are harder to find now that they’re not the hot sellers they were during the 60s and 70s. Yet most of us, even baby boomers, continue to need birth control in the 80s. Contraceptive Technology is written for physicians, but it’s still the best, most current source of birth control information for the layperson. It contains almost anything you could ask about birth control use, safety and effectiveness. I count on the biennial editions to keep me posted on any new methods and to nourish my hope that a perfect “no risk, no mess” contraceptive will be discovered.
— Janna Katz
##A 04 96569 817
##T Contraceptive Technology
Robert A. Hatcher, M.D., et al.
14th Edition
1988-89; 437 pp.
ISBN 0829018182
$16.95 ($18.95 postpaid)
Irvington Publishers
740 Broadway
Suite 905
New York, NY 10003
##A 04 96921 818
##T Contraceptive Technology
The following options are available to women and men in the United States:
° Abstinence from and alternatives to sexual intercourse
° Condoms
° Combined birth control Pills
° Progestin-only Pills or Mini-Pills
° Morning-after Pills or IUD insertion
° Inert IUD’s
° IUD’s that are medicated with copper
° IUD’s that elaborate progesterone
° Diaphragms
° Cervical caps (an option in some communities)
° Spermicidal sponges and suppositories
° Contraceptive foam
##A 04 97218 819
##T Contraceptive Technology
° Natural family planning approaches
° Tubal ligation and hysterectomy
° Vasectomy
° Therapeutic abortion
##A 04 97514 820
##T Contraceptive Technology
Unlike condoms or diaphragms, oral contraceptives (OC’s) provide no physical barrier to the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s). OC’s have, in fact, been linked by some to increasing STD rates by (1) causing abandonment of barrier methods and (2) leading to increased sexual activity. Clinicians caring for women using OC’s should have a heightened index of suspicion for lower genital tract infections, especially if symptoms or signs of cervicitis are present.
##A 04 98043 821
##T The New No-Pill, No-Risk Birth Control
The New No-Pill, No-Risk Birth Control
At first glance, natural family planning sounds like my idea of the
“perfect contraceptive”: it’s safe; completely natural, and nearly 100 percent effective. So why isn’t everyone using it? Maybe because they haven’t read Nona Aguilar’s recently-updated book. To be sure, natural family planning isn’t for everyone. For all the benefits described in this book, not everyone is ready for the required periods of sexual abstinence and meticulous charting of daily fertility signs. But for couples in search of an ideal birth control method, this guide has a lot to offer. There is excellent instruction on every aspect of the method, sensitive advice, resources, and a lot of encouragement. Interviews with couples using the method give real motivation and even show the
##A 04 98266 822
##T The New No-Pill, No-Risk Birth Control
positive side of abstinence. And for those of us not quite ready to relinquish our pills, IUD, or barrier method, the techniques
of charting described in this book can give clues to our hidden fertility.
— Janna Katz
##A 04 98422 823
##T The New No-Pill, No-Risk Birth Control
Nona Aguilar
1986; 240 pp.
ISBN 0892563001
$9.95 postpaid
Macmillan Publishing Co.
Order Dept.
Front and Brown Streets
Riverside, NJ 08075
##A 04 98738 824
##T The New No-Pill, No-Risk Birth Control
The event of ovulation occurs during a very narrow time frame—twenty-four hours or less—and sperm cells survive less than five days in the woman’s reproductive tract. When the sperm’s estimated (maximum) survival time of five days is combined with the woman’s single day of fertility, then there are six days out of every cycle that lovemaking can cause pregnancy. Six days—barely 20 percent of the average cycle—that’s all!
##A 04 3023 825
##T The New No-Pill, No-Risk Birth Control
The top row shows the dimplelike appearence of your cervix if you have not delivered a child vaginally. The bottom row shows its slitlike appearence if you have had a vaginal delivery. The cervices on the extreme left indicate infertility because they are closed; those on the extreme right are open and so indicate fertility.
##A 04 129292 826
##T The New No-Pill, No-Risk Birth Control
When you are infertile, your finger can easily touch your cervix, which is low in the vagina. The os (“mouth”) is also closed, and the cervix feels firm to the touch. As you enter your fertile phase, your cervix will rise progressively higher in the vagina and will also open and soften to your touch. Sometimes during the fertile time the cervix rises so high that it becomes impossible to reach. If you can’t reach your cervix, you are fertile!
##A 04 18991 827
##T Family Planning Perspectives
Family Planning Perspectives
“Facts” about population and reproduction activities on a large scale are a quagmire of conflicting numbers that will grab both your legs and suck you down, babbling like a fool. The Alan Guttmacher Institute publishes this journal as a small spot of firm ground. It runs the most recent research, some in academic style, about what can be said on the topic with any solidness. Occasionally, it’ll tackle ethical issues.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 04 31014 828
##T Family Planning Perspectives
Denise Kafka, Editor
ISBN 00147354
$26/year (6 issues)
The Alan Guttmacher Institute
111 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10003
##A 04 154442 829
##T Family Planning Perspectives
The controversy over abortion has chilled contraceptive research, particularly research on methods that work after fertilization, such as vaccines and antiprogestational agents. The Agency for International Development is prohibited by law, and the National Institutes of Health are barred by policy, from funding research into any method that may be used to induce abortion or to improve abortion techniques. The Upjohn Company, once a major actor in the field of contraceptive development, has pulled out of reproductive research altogether, reportedly in part because of a boycott of its other products by antiabortion groups. Were the pill or the IUD in an early stage of research today, such opposition might well prevent them from becoming marketable or from even being developed at all.
##A 04 50125 830
##A 04 83324 831
##T Fertility
##A 04 10375 832
##T You Can Have a Baby
You Can Have a Baby
With an estimated one out of ten Americans suffering from infertility, chances are you know someone trying to get pregnant and failing month by month. Give them You Can Have a Baby and they might name the kid after you! A great source of basic information about what infertility is and how to overcome it. In a factual, not frightening, way, it tells you when to seek medical help and what to expect at the office of your local infertility specialist.
Surprisingly, a lot of infertility is caused by popular misconceptions about the best way to get pregnant. If this is your problem, the facts in this book will set you straight and let
##A 04 10583 833
##T You Can Have a Baby
mother nature get back on course. If your problem is more serious, there are clear explanations to prepare you for different medical tests and treatments. As a complete guide, this book will be especially valuable to couples who are just starting to realize they need help conceiving.
— Janna Katz
Fifty percent of the time the problem is the male’s. This covers male infertility nicely.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 04 10764 834
##T You Can Have a Baby
Joseph H. Bellina, M.D.
and Josleen Wilson
1985; 427 pp.
ISBN 0517556197
Crown Publishers
##A 04 11244 835
##T You Can Have a Baby
Women who smoke have a 25 percent greater chance of aborting than nonsmokers. Chronic smoke inhalation prevents oxygen from getting from the lungs through the blood and to the baby. As a result, the fetus is deprived of oxygen during its critical growth phase.
The length of time a woman stays on the pill doesn’t seem to affect the recovery of the hormonal axis. But erratic use does. A woman can take the pill indefinitely with little risk to her fertility if she uses it consistently, stopping only when she wants to get pregnant. When a woman initially takes the pill, the brain control center is shocked. Stopping and starting the pill repeatedly jerks the system on and off, until it loses its buoyancy. After such a series of shocks, treatment with fertility drugs can usually help the ovulatory system start up again.
##A 04 309224 836
##T You Can Have a Baby
##A 04 11657 837
##T New Conceptions
New Conceptions
Making babies by any method other than the usual way is the immense subject of this book. It is not surprising that when procreation is moved from the bedroom to the lab bench, confusion is born. This author does an admirable job in weaning the confusion away from the tools so you can decide if you want to use them. I came away from her compassionate reporting with the distinct sense that new-fangled conceptions are a long lever bending our culture profoundly.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 04 12012 838
##T New Conceptions
Lori B. Andrews, J. D.
1984; 326 pp.
ISBN 0312566107
$14.95 ($16.45 postpaid)
St. Martin’s Press
Cash Sales
175 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10010
##A 04 12114 839
##T New Conceptions
For the woman who can provide the uterus for a child but not the egg, one answer in the future will be an egg donation. Already the use of the procedure is being explored by scientists in Italy. They call it TDO, the transfer of donor oocytes (eggs). Through a laparoscopy they extract an egg from the ovary of a woman donor. They use another laparoscopy to place the donated egg in the lower part of the fallopian tube of the recipient. The woman who receives the egg can then have sex with her husband or be artificially inseminated with his sperm in the hope that the sperm will fertilize the egg in her body and the pregnancy will develop normally.
Dr. Cecil Jacobsen of George Washington University Medical School fertilized a chimpanzee egg in vitro with chimpanzee sperm, implanted it in the abdomen of a male chimpanzee, later delivering a healthy baby chimp through a Caesarean section. Australian researchers predict that the technique could be adapted to male humans, leaving open the possibility of surrogate fathers.
##A 04 12960 840
##T Test-Tube Women
Test-Tube Women
Needles, tubes, and speculums are probing ever deeper into
women’s bodies, seeking a scientific understanding of the mystery of creation. Test-Tube Women is a feminist map to this new and largely foreign world of motherhood in the age of in vitro fertilization, sex selection, amniocentesis, surrogate mothering, and other rapidly expanding reproductive technologies. In 35 essays, studies, and first-person accounts, the authors collectively argue that the new reproductive technologies are an extension of men’s attempts to control women’s bodies and, further, are biased toward white upper-class eugenics.
This is important and insightful reading for anyone interested in how these technologies are changing our lives—which they are—
##A 04 67017 841
##T Test-Tube Women
even if you don’t completely agree with the book’s position.
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 04 13205 842
##T Test-Tube Women
(What Future for Motherhood?)
Rita Arditti, Renate Duelli Klein and Shelley Minden, Editors
1984; 482 pp.
ISBN 0863580300
$9.95 ($11.45 postpaid)
Methuen, Inc.
29 West 35th Street
New York, NY 10001
##A 04 13446 843
##T Test-Tube Women
Why are they splitting the functions of motherhood into smaller parts? Does that reduce the power of the mother and her claim to the child? (“I only gave the egg. I am not the real mother.” “I only loaned my uterus. I am not the real mother.” “I only raised the child. I am not the real mother.”)
The advantages that egg farming offers women within a patriarchal context must be seen in light of our losses. Through egg farming, women can be divided into two groups: egg donors and embryo recipients. In an entire society, all women could be engaged in reproduction, either as egg layers or egg hatchers. Both egg layers and egg hatchers would be controlled in terms of food, travel, work, and stress to ensure optimal conditions for the embryo. Women as egg layers are already in demand. I. D. Cooke announces the need for female ovum donors in the next decade. Women as egg layers and egg hatchers would be seen by patriarchy as the means to a vital commodity—eggs.
##A 04 85307 844
##T Pregnancy
##A 04 213605 845
##T The Tentative Pregnancy
The Tentative Pregnancy
Dramatic advances in medical technology now allow doctors to detect birth defects in a child before it is born. What effect does this have on pregnant women? This difficult subject is tackled by The Tentative Pregnancy. This is not an insensitive consumer guide. It is a deeply caring look at the powerful emotions and ethics of
“amniocentesis,” a test that determines whether an unborn baby is deformed. Until now the feelings of the expectant mother have been rarely heard on this subject. Anyone considering amniocentesis will want to hear what over 120 women said and felt about the procedure. The lessons of this book will become even more important as amniocentesis and other fetal tests become routine.
— Janna Katz
##A 04 213834 846
##T The Tentative Pregnancy
(Prenatal Diagnosis and the Future of Motherhood)
Barbara Katz Rothman
1986; 274 pp.
ISBN 0670808415
$6.95 ($7.95 postpaid)
Viking Penguin Books
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0120
201-387-0600 (NJ)
##A 04 214114 847
##T The Tentative Pregnancy
New research is beginning to indicate that it is possible to discover chromosomal abnormalities in placental material which are not to be found in the fetus: That is, the cells of the placenta may develop with missing or with extra chromosomes while the fetus itself has normal chromosomes. Thus some women will abort a normal fetus because of an abnormal placenta.
##A 04 215735 848
The title says it all—300-plus pages about birth. A true panoply executed in the Whole Earth Catalog format, The Whole Birth Catalog is the best source for everything on the topic I have seen. This book is advocacy as well as education for alternative and innovative birthing options.
— Andrea Sharp
Janet Isaacs Ashford also edits Childbirth Alternatives Quarterly,
“the on-going Whole Birth Catalog.”
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 04 23517 849
The ever-energetic Ms. Ashford has just written and published Mothers and Midwives, a short history of traditional childbirth:that involving assistance by caring others. A positive book rich in anecdotes and illustrations.
—Candida Kutz
##A 04 143065 850
The Whole Birth Catalog
(A Sourcebook for Choices in Childbirth)
Janet Isaacs Ashford, Editor
ISBN 0895941074
The Crossing Press
Look for it at your local library.
##A 04 249757 851
Childbirth Alternatives Quarterly
Janet Isaacs Ashford, Editor
ISSN 02726319
$20/year (4 issues)
Janet Ashford
327 North Glenmont Drive
Solano Beach, CA 92075
##A 04 249990 852
Mothers and Midwives
(A History of Traditional Childbirth)
Janet Isaacs Ashford
1988; 20 pp
ISBN 0961996811
$7.95 postpaid from:
Janet Isaacs Ashford
327 North Glenmont Drive
Solano Beach, CA 92075
##A 04 216405 853
Sherri Nance, with the help of other members of her organization, Premature, Inc., has written a desperately needed book and has done an excellent job of it. The book is the only one we know of that is specifically designed for the parent of a premature baby. Because it is written by other parents of prematures, the book focuses on exactly what a parent needs to know. In the first half of the book, Nance deals with the hospital experience after the birth of a premature child. She discusses some causes and effects of prematurity, and parents’ role in the care of their baby. She gives detailed descriptions of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, its equipment, and staff— explaining everything briefly but clearly. She also provides a list of steps that can be taken to cope financially with the child’s care. Nance recommends asking questions of the staff and giving the baby as much love and stimulation as possible (and/or permissable). In short, she tries to help parents feel as comfortable with the situation as possible through preparation and knowledge. The second half of the book focuses on parenting the premature infant. She discusses the reactions of
##A 04 216634 854
friends and families and the emotional state of the parents, including their fears. A large portion is devoted to feeding the child, with information on breast pumping, care of the breast, and switching from bottle to breast when the baby comes home. She does include information on formulas and instances when formula use would be indicated.
PREMATURE BABIES (A Handbook for Parents): Sherri Nance, 1982; 322 pages. $15.95 from Arbor House Publishing Company, 235 East 45th Street, New York, NY 10017.
— Whole Birth Catalog
##A 04 217046 855
THE CROWNING, by Judy Chicago; poster, 25" x 38"
from JC/WIN.
— Whole Birth Catalog
##A 04 217107 856
Ixcuina, the Aztec goddess of childbirth, in the physiological squatting position for birth.
— Whole Birth Catalog
##A 04 248679 857
Birth custom of the Sioux people of North America. The mother gives birth standing up, facing her male helper, while the midwife receives the baby from behind. From Witkowski, 1887.
— Mothers and Midwives
##A 04 86238 858
##T Birthing
##A 04 188712 859
##T Special Delivery
Special Delivery
Special Delivery affirms that birth is normal and that all births are different. It covers homebirth, hospital birth, and birth center birth, with information on the physical, emotional, and spiritual elements of birth; tools for handling labor nutrition and exercises; preparation for birth and labor; emergencies and complications; care of the newborn; and post-delivery care of the mother. This is an easy to read book, full of pictures, illustrations, and personal stories balanced by the advice and suggestions of the author who is a midwife, childbirth educator, mother, teacher, and founder and head of the national organization Informed Birth and Parenting.
— Peggy O’Mara McMahon
##A 04 189013 860
##T Special Delivery
Rahima Baldwin
Updated Edition 1986; 192 pp.
ISBN 0890879346
$12.95 ($13.95 postpaid)
Celestial Arts
P. O. Box 7327
Berkeley, CA 94707
##A 04 189292 861
##T Special Delivery
There are several things that your birth attendants can do to help you deliver without tearing. One is to apply hot compresses to your lower belly, vulva and perineum during the early part of second stage to keep the tissues supple and aid relaxation. Then once the head starts to be visible at the vaginal opening, your attendant or husband should begin to massage the perineum (the area between the vagina and anus) in between contractions. You can also massage the area yourself, both during pregnancy and during labor.
##A 04 200323 862
##T Special Delivery
Early labor: 2 cm dilation; 80 percent effaced.
##A 04 212437 863
##T Special Delivery
Transition: 8 cm dilated; the mother should be at about a 45-degree angle; the hardest part of labor, but the shortest.
##A 04 212548 864
##T Special Delivery
Descent: dilation is complete and the baby’s head passes through the cervix and down the birth canal; the waters have usually broken; the head turns down.
##A 04 212911 865
##T Special Delivery
Continued descent: with each contraction, the baby’s head travels further down the birth canal; the rectum becomes compressed, causing strong pushing urges.
##A 04 213133 866
##T Special Delivery
Crowning: as the head crowns at the opening, the mother should stop pushing to prevent tearing of the perineum, which covers the baby’s face as it “sweeps the perineum.”
##A 04 213476 867
##T Special Delivery
Restitution: the head turns back toward the side and then the shoulders are born one at a time and the body slides out.
##A 04 187367 868
##T Special Delivery
Breech birth: keeping head flexed, if necessary, by inserting a finger in the baby’s mouth.
##A 04 214693 869
##T A Good Birth, A Safe Birth
A Good Birth, A Safe Birth
A Good Birth, A Safe Birth assumes that pregnant women must know their options before they can determine their birthing preferences; this book tells you your options by analyzing scientific data supporting the safety and normalcy of birth in various settings.
Based on interviews with 2,000 women and the best of the childbirth books of the last few years, it’s a consumer’s guide for finding “Dr. Right,” for avoiding unnecessary cesareans, for evaluating high-tech interventions, for choosing a pediatrician, for successfully breastfeeding, and for accepting the roller coaster emotions of new motherhood. Also included is an
##A 04 262275 870
##T A Good Birth, A Safe Birth
extensive list of resources and an impressive bibliography.
— Peggy O’Mara McMahon
##A 04 214931 871
##T A Good Birth, A Safe Birth
Diana Korte and Roberta Scaer
1984; 336 pp.
ISBN 0553340689
$7.95 ($9.45 postpaid)
Bantam Books
414 East Golf Road
Des Plaines, IL 60016
##A 04 215075 872
##T A Good Birth, A Safe Birth
One way of evaluating where to have your baby is to look at the likelihood of intervention for each place of birth. The fewer interventions there are the less risk there is to mother and baby. With fewer interventions there will be fewer problems as a result of intervention, fewer c-sections, and, we believe, a safer birth for the normal mother and baby. . . .
With less intervention, mother, baby, and father are more likely to have a strong attachment to each other, and this fragile new family will have the mutual loving start they need. The pleasure principle, the full expression of a woman’s sensuality in birth, operates best with the least intervention. And finally, with less intervention, a woman feels more that she has “given birth” rather than that she has been
“delivered.” Her enhanced self-esteem from this achievement helps the woman in her new role as a mother.
##A 04 35321 873
##T Childbirth Graphics
Childbirth Graphics
Amazing 3-D models and graphic posters for teaching (or learning about) the hard to imagine exit of a baby from the womb.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 04 35474 874
##T Childbirth Graphics
Catalog free from:
Childbirth Graphics
1210 Culver Road
Rochester, NY 14609
##A 04 158920 875
##T Childbirth Graphics
We would like you to meet our newborn babies Wendy and Scott. These anatomically correct dolls are the most lifelike that we have seen, complete with newborn shaped heads, wrinkled skin, and I.D. bracelets.
Each doll is 21" long, fully jointed, and made of vinyl that is almost as soft as a real newborn’s skin. Notice the umbilical stump and the Plantar toe reflex on the left foot!
They are ideal for parent or sibling classes or postpartum floor teaching.
FMGIRL Newborn Wendy $45.00 postage paid
FMBOY Newborn Derrick $45.00 postage paid
##A 04 217510 876
To find out about childbirth classes, midwives, and birth options in your area, write to any or all of the following organizations.
— Peggy O’Mara McMahon
##A 04 95054 877
Informed Birth and Parenting
Catalog free from:
Informed Birth and Parenting
P. O. Box 3675
Ann Arbor, MI 48106
##A 04 95342 878
National Association of Parents and Professionals for Safe Alternatives in Childbirth
Membership $15/year
(includes NAPSAC News Quarterly ISSN 01921223)
Information free from:
NAPSAC International
P. O. Box 646
Marble Hill, MO 63764
##A 04 95861 879
International Childbirth Education Association
Catalog free from:
International Childbirth Education Association
P. O. Box 20048
Minneapolis, MN 55420
##A 04 218455 880
##T Circumcision
It isn’t often one has an option with surgery. Circumcision, often done routinely, is one of those times. My husband and I used this book to help make our decision (further complicated by our both being Jewish) not to circumcise if we had a son. All aspects of the question are fully covered, including a description of the operation and before and after diagrams. The decision to not circumcise is reversible, but circumcision is irrevocable.
— Andrea Sharp
##A 04 218698 881
##T Circumcision
(An American Health Fallacy)
Edward Wallerstein
1980; 281 pp.
ISBN 0826132413
$18.95 ($21.45 postpaid)
Springer Publishing Co.
536 Broadway
New York, NY 10012
##A 04 218934 882
##T Circumcision
According to many American physicians, the uncircumcised penis is a difficult organ to keep clean; in fact, so difficult that preventive surgery is urged for the sake of cleanliness. No other body organ is dealt with so summarily for supposed hygienic purposes. If the penis is actually such an unhygienic organ, then it should follow that about 75% of the world’s male population, i.e., those who remain uncircumcised throughout life, must be paying a dreadful price in pain and disease as a result. There is no evidence that this is true. If the world’s uncircumcised male population had severe foreskin problems, physicians in other countries would have adopted either newborn or adult circumcision practices. They have done neither.
##A 04 219320 883
##T Circumcision
Diagrammatic Representation of Circumcision with the Gomco Clamp.
##A 04 194050 884
##T Adoption
##A 04 3119 885
##T How It Feels to be Adopted
How It Feels to be Adopted
Jill Krementz has created a wonderful book in this collection of revealing portraits of nineteen adopted children. Ranging from eight to sixteen years in age, the children talk candidly about their experiences and feelings. Some were adopted at birth, some first lived in foster homes, some have single parents, some are in transracial homes, and some have made the journey from other countries. This book offers prospective adoptive parents the valuable opportunity to look down the road and anticipate at least some of the feelings their child(ren) will encounter. An excellent book to give an adopted child who will discover that other adopted children share the same yearnings, fears and joys.
##A 04 261998 886
##T How It Feels to be Adopted
The photographs of the children and their families tell stories of relationships touched with tenderness and pride. The images linger long afterward.
— David and Mary Lee Cole
##A 04 4357 887
##T How It Feels to be Adopted
Jill Krementz
1982; 107 pp.
ISBN 0394528514
$12.95 ($13.95 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 04 7564 888
##T How It Feels to be Adopted
I guess the hardest thing for me in the first year was when I had to go back to the agency for follow-up visits. I was always terrified that I would see my other mother there and she would want to take me home with her again. That’s because when I was in foster care we had monthly visits—my mother and I—in the playroom at the agency.
Sometimes I think about my first mother—like I wonder if she’s lonely and if she’s worked out all her problems. I hope she has a better life. It must be hard for her not to have her kids and it would be nice if the agency people told her what a happy life Lauren and I have now. Now that the adoption is final, I’d like to see her again. I still remember what she looks like—she has short brown hair and brown eyes and she looks just like me.
##A 04 7929 889
##T How It Feels to be Adopted
Melinda, age 10, and her adoptive parents.
##A 04 8117 890
##T The Adoption Resource Book
The Adoption Resource Book
Written by a librarian and an adoptive parent, this is a thoroughly detailed introduction to the “hows” of adoption. Gilman explains how agencies work, how intercountry adoptions are arranged, how to find a child independently, and how to answer the inevitable questions from parents, friends, and your adopted child once you have adopted. She explains the requirements, procedures, and paperwork involved in the alternative methods of adopting, and illustrates each method with brief anecdotes. The book includes both an extensive annotated bibliography and a directory of agencies and services. Those looking for basic information will find it here, plus some perspective on how adoption has changed in the last fifteen years.
— David and Mary Lee Cole
##A 04 8408 891
##T The Adoption Resource Book
Lois Gilman
Updated Edition 1987; 318 pp.
ISBN 0060962097
$8.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
Harper & Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 04 8603 892
##T The Adoption Resource Book
If you legally adopted your child abroad, the adoption is valid. Still, most adoption authorities recommend as an additional safeguard that you readopt your child in the United States under the laws of your state. This will also give you readily available evidence of the validity of your child’s adoption. Some states may not permit readoption, so check locally to see if this can be done. If your child left his or her country of birth under a guardianship, not a final adoption, then you must adopt in the U.S.
##A 04 8813 893
##T The Adoption Resource Book
Maternity leaves and adoption leaves are clearly treated differently by employers. The parent group FACE turned up some basic facts about leaves in a survey they conducted. FACE found that 95 percent of the employers surveyed had a policy allowing biological maternity leave, while only 39 percent had an adoption leave. Three-fourths of the employers provided paid maternity leaves, while less than a quarter offered paid adoption leaves. The rationale for offering paid leave for maternity and unpaid leave for adoption rested on the premise that pregnancy created a physical disability, while adoption did not. Most employers had health-insurance programs covering pregnancy expenses; only two employers provided adoption benefits.
##A 04 9346 894
##T The Adoption Triangle
The Adoption Triangle
Written in something of an academic style, The Adoption Triangle nevertheless provides important insights into the process of adoption and how it affects all those involved: the triangle of children, birth-parents, and adoptive parents. Unlike other books listed here, this one was written by professionals in the field of social work and adoption with the intention of affecting public policy and private practice. The author’s advocacy of open adoption, radical at the time of the book’s first edition in 1978, is now widely supported. Readers will continue to find the book useful for its exploration of the strong and complex emotions felt by everyone involved in adoption.
— David and Mary Lee Cole
##A 04 9504 895
##T The Adoption Triangle
(Sealed or Opened Records: How They Affect Adoptees, Birth Parents, and Adoptive Parents)
Arthur D. Sorosky, M. D.,
Annette Baran, M. S. W.
and Reuben Pannor, M. S. W.
1984; 237 pp.
ISBN 0385197020
$9.95 postpaid
Doubleday & Co.
501 Franklin Avenue
Garden City, NY 11530
##A 04 9961 896
##T The Adoption Triangle
Very few adoptees are provided with enough background information to incorporate into their developing ego and sense of identity. The adoptive parents are reluctant to impart known information, especially any of a negative nature, that might hurt the child. The adoptees in turn are often reluctant to ask genealogical questions because
they sense their parents’ insecurities in these areas. Information given to adoptive couples at the time of adoption is scanty and usually describes immature, confused, adolescent unwed mothers and fathers.
##A 05 35372 3
##A 05 39453 4
##T Home
##A 05 6669 5
##T Redesigning the American Dream
Redesigning the American Dream
Do you dream of living in a single-family home? Do you live in one? You might find this eloquent argument against the idea provocative. Architect Dolores Hayden shows that the traditional home is often inappropriate for the rising number of single-parent families, families with more than one adult wage earner, and the elderly. Much better would be further development of the housing we already have by means of “mother-in-law” apartments and cleverly refurbished neighborhoods. The role (some would say plight) of women is discussed with unusual sensitivity—rare in books addressing planning—with women’s needs incorporated
centrally into every proposed design. I found the level of research to be deeper than other books on the subject, and mercifully free
of simplistic analysis. Easy to read too; no academic poopadoodle at all. — J. Baldwin
##A 05 13205 6
##T Redesigning the American Dream
Dolores Hayden
1984; 270 pp.
ISBN 0393017796
$6.95 ($8.95 postpaid)
W. W. Norton
500 5th Avenue
New York, NY 10110
##A 05 13365 7
##T Redesigning the American Dream
San Diego estimated overall costs to the city of one new detached suburban house at $13,500 and began billing this infrastructure charge to startled developers. Fairfield, California, estimated that total tax revenues from new housing development would cover half the cost of police services and nothing more. Most of the towns and cities of the United States simply cannot afford this kind of new development: not the infrastructure cost, or the service cost, or the energy cost.
Access to the public domain is especially difficult for older women. After age sixty-five, many women reap the results of a lifetime of low earnings, limited mobility, and self-sacrifice. In a study of 82,000 widows in Chicago, Helena Lopata found that over half of them did not go to public places, and over a fifth did not even go visiting.
While 82 percent were not in a position to offer transportation to others, 45 percent had no one, of any age, to rely on for transportation.
##A 05 3486 8
##T House
Like the needle of the acupuncturist, this book is accurately,
painfully, exquisitely right. On the surface it chronicles the building of a home from conception to move-in. But what it’s really about is the subtle class struggles that go on between people who are “professionals” and those “in the professions”
— in this case the owners are a lawyer and a Ph.D educator confronting equally educated carpenters. Ego trips abound. Misunderstandings worthy of a tempestuous-yet-loving marriage illuminate the scene with snarls, huffs, laughs, and compromises. Just like real life.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 4071 9
##T House
Tracy Kidder
1986; 352 pp.
ISBN 0380701766
$4.50 ($5.50 postpaid)
Avon Books
Route 2
P.O. Box 767
Dresden, TN 38225
##A 05 105966 10
##T House
“Actually, I wanted it August first,” says Jonathan. “But I guess that’s impossible. Why four months?”
“Our labor is four and a half months of solid time,” Jim repeats. “And there are a couple of vacations in there.”
“Why a couple of vacations in there?” says Jonathan, tilting his head. “The farmers I know, the builders I know, take their vacations in the winter.”
“Okay,” says Jim. He’s raised his chin. He purses his lips now and stares at the wall to Jonathan’s right.
“Hey, it’s none of my business. But it affects me.”
##A 05 2443 11
##T House
“If you’ve got money,” says Jim, turning back to Jonathan, whose face still bears the tan he got on his late-winter vacation in Florida, “you take time off in the winter. If you don’t have money, you take time off in the summer.”
##A 05 40653 12
##T Realty
##A 05 4619 13
##T Finding and Buying Your Place In the Country
Finding and Buying Your Place In the Country
I’m glad somebody wrote this book and did it so thoroughly. Scher is a lawyer who manages to wade with you through the waters of easements, zoning, taxes, contracts, deeds of trust, mortgages, and escrow without muddying them up. Also advice on evaluating property—soil, water, structures, and on bargaining strategies. If you study this book, there’s no excuse for being “taken.” And it’s
been updated at last!
— Richard Nilsen
##A 05 124622 14
##T Finding and Buying Your Place In the Country
Les Scher
Revised Edition 1988; 393 pp.
ISBN 0020084005
$14.95 ($16.15 postpaid)
Macmillan Publishing Co.
Front and Brown Streets
Riverside, NJ 08370
##A 05 125022 15
##T Finding and Buying Your Place In the Country
“The land has frontage on county road”
You will frequently see the above phrase in real estate advertisements. Don’t make the assumption that road frontage necessarily means direct road access. The side of the property that borders the county road might be a cliff or a ravine. In such cases, entrance must be gained by crossing a neighbor’s land. The illustration shows road frontage with easement access required.
##A 05 125379 16
##T How to Avoid the 10 Biggest Home-Buying Traps
How to Avoid the 10 Biggest Home-Buying Traps
Here they are folks, and history shows that people like yourselves blow it over and over again on these not-necessarily-obvious matters: The house with too high a price; The unforseen expenses; The tight mortgage; The gyp builder; The no-design house; The garbled floor plan; The old-house lemon; The marginal house
(where everything about it just gets by); The energy guzzler; The gimmick house. The author shows how subtle the traps can be and gives a great lesson in avoiding them. The book ends with a handy checklist, an antidote to naivete.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 125608 17
##T How to Avoid the 10 Biggest Home-Buying Traps
A. M. Watkins
Revised Edition 1987; 200 pp.
ISBN 0884627101
$10.95 ($12.95 postpaid)
Longman Trade
520 N. Dearborn St.
Chicago, IL 60610
##A 05 125812 18
##T How to Avoid the 10 Biggest Home-Buying Traps
It’s also important to check on the local zoning rules, assuming you don’t want to see those lovely woods across the street invaded by bulldozers someday to make way for a new shopping center or chemical factory. Your best protection is an area that is strictly zoned chiefly for residential use, permitting little or no other kind of development. If there are commercial and industrial zones nearby, watch out.
There is so much marginal quality because nearly everything that goes into a house — the flooring, wall products, roofing, siding, heating, wiring, paint, and virtually every other product — can be had in more than one grade or in some cases more than one weight or thickness. . . . The lowest-grade economy materials are used widely in house construction to keep down costs. They are designed to meet certain minimum standards. What’s more, marginal quality is not limited to low-priced houses. It’s also prevalent to a degree in many high-priced houses including luxury houses.
##A 05 2614 19
##T How to Inspect a House
How to Inspect a House
Hopes and lies get put to the test when a prepurchase house inspection is performed. You can have it done for you, but best is to have at the task yourself; that way you’ll learn more about the place. This manual shows you how to check all the things that must be right if you are to live without regret. Termites! Rot! There’s a lot to it, but there’s also a lot to a 30-year mortgage. The book is a handy guide to keeping an eye on the house after you buy it, too.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 157870 20
##T How to Inspect a House
George Hoffman
Revised Edition 1987; 186 pp.
ISBN 0201110725
$8.95 postpaid
Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.
1 Jacob Way
Reading, MA 01867
##A 05 158211 21
##T How to Inspect a House
While inspecting the foundation, check the corners, which are the weak areas. Without sufficient steel in the concrete, the corners could break. Steel helps make the foundation act as one firm unit. This illustration shows two cracks in a level perimeter foundation. These are V cracks, wider at the top than at the bottom. Undoubtedly the corner of the whole structure has settled. You might find hairline cracks anywhere. I wouldn’t worry about them. It’s the V cracks that give cause for alarm.
##A 05 159191 22
##T Strout Realty
Strout Realty
Strout Realty has more than 14,000 associates all over the world, all hooked together by a computer net. They’re one of the better places to find the house or land of your dreams. (Or, for that matter, to get rid of a house or land that turns out to be not of your dreams.) The illustrated catalog will get you drooling, especially over some of the prices in less popular states.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 159246 23
##T Strout Realty
Catalog free
Strout Realty
P.O. Box 4528
Springfield, MO 65808
##A 05 159953 24
##T Strout Realty
No. 690 - 40 ACRES. Fine young home exhibits bath, 2 bedrooms, basement, 35-ft porch, 20 x18 living room, wood stove, spring water. Garage. Level to rolling land has creek, some fencing. 30 acres hardwood trees, 10 acres pasture. Just 6 miles to town. Scenic setting! Owner financing. $43,000. STROUT, Marshall, Ark.
##A 05 41569 25
##T Design
##A 05 8973 26
##T The Plan of St. Gall in Brief
The Plan of St. Gall in Brief
One of the most thrilling publications in years, the three-volume Plan of St. Gall also had a thrilling price — $450. (It’s now out of print, and it’s worth over $1,000!) This condensed version leaves a surprising amount of the thrill intact. The richness of the color, the wealth of models, drawings, diagrams, and maps, leads you into the heart of deeply civilized intelligence circa 800 A.D. St. Gall is the smartest intentional community (monastery in this case) ever designed.
— Stewart Brand
##A 05 9360 27
##T The Plan of St. Gall in Brief
Lorna Price
1982; 104 pp.
ISBN 0520043340
$35 ($36.50 postpaid)
University of California Press
2120 Berkeley Way
Berkeley, CA 94720
##A 05 9716 28
##T The Plan of St. Gall in Brief
Proximity to the gardens was a boon for both birds and their keepers — garden clippings might provide the chickens and geese with additional food, while in the beds and orchard manure from the pens could quickly be distributed, enhancing sanitation. In all facilities housing animals on the Plan of St. Gall, the herdsmen and keepers lived in close contact with beasts; the fowlkeepers’ house is separated by only ten feet from the two poultry enclosures.
##A 05 9977 29
##T The Plan of St. Gall in Brief
Henhouse, House for Fowlkeepers, Goosehouse: Dormitory 3; Privy 4; Laundry 5; Gardener’s House 20; Goosehouse 21; Fowlkeepers’ House 22; Henhouse 23; Granary 24; Vegetable Garden X; Cemetery & Orchard Y.
##A 05 142349 30
##T Traditional Islamic Craft in Moroccan Architecture
Traditional Islamic Craft in Moroccan Architecture
The good news that Andre Paccard conveys in these books
is that the masterful artisans of Islamic architecture and design are alive and well, producing exquisite work of a quality we might associate only with earlier centuries. Paccard was able to obtain permission to photograph many Moroccan buildings (palaces in particular) that are normally closed to visitors or the camera, and the splendid results are shown, in color, on over 1,000 pages. Paccard was also privy to the traditionally secret craft techniques passed down orally from master to apprentice, and some of these are presented here in text, diagrams, and photos.
— Jay Kinney
##A 05 142817 31
##T Traditional Islamic Craft in Moroccan Architecture
Andre Paccard
1980; 508 pp. 582 pp.
(2 vol.)
ISBN 2864860031
State Mutual Book & Periodical Service Ltd.
##A 05 143030 32
##T Traditional Islamic Craft in Moroccan Architecture
In a famous hadith, Al Bukhari said: On the day of Resurrection, the most terrible of punishments shall be meted out to the painter who has imitated beings created by God, for God shall say to him: “Now endow these creatures with life.”
Thus we find in pictures figures whose necks have a black line drawn through them, to show that they could not possibly be alive, or others with shapes so monstrous and tormented that they could not possibly be resurrected.
These problems were such that Moslem thought became oriented toward the geometric. It became little by little the major art form of Islam, for the infinite lines reflect the indivisibility of God, the basis of the Moslem faith, and the complexity of the pattern conforms to the idea of the atomic structure of the universe.
##A 05 143428 33
##T Traditional Islamic Craft in Moroccan Architecture
On the work site of the Royal Palace of Marrakesh: tile-setting, in reverse, a motif surrounding a twenty-four-pointed star.
##A 05 177404 34
##T Finland: Living Design
Finland: Living Design
Elegant is a word not often used to describe design in our country, but in Finland it’s hard to avoid: Finnish designers seem incapable of producing anything tacky.
Perhaps more than in any other country, designers and architects combine the ultra-modern with traditional materials, color, and light. The resulting aesthetic has a subtle beauty that stands as an antidote to sleaze. So does this well-crafted book.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 177534 35
##T Finland: Living Design
Elizabeth Gaynor
1984; 250 pp.
ISBN 084780545X
$35 ($37 postpaid)
Rizzoli International Publications, Inc.
597 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10017
##A 05 178128 36
##T Finland: Living Design
The Kukkapuro house sits in a forested community fifteen minutes outside Helsinki. The fine-lined window grid and
bright exterior panels contrast crisply with blanketing snow and call to mind the
color composition of a Mondrian painting.
##A 05 178269 37
##T Finland: Living Design
Warm welcomes are given by a
host of doorways with pleasing proportions.
##A 05 178622 38
##T Japanese Homes and Their Surroundings
Japanese Homes and Their Surroundings
One of the most wonderful books in print. In 1877 the American, Morse — curator of the Peabody Museum in Salem, Massachusetts and an early solar inventor — travelled to Japan, fell in love with the culture, and opened the West to it (Fenollosa and Ezra Pound followed his lead). Lovingly perceived, understood, and illustrated, the detailed genius of Japanese home life comes across intact.
— Stewart Brand
##A 05 178799 39
##T Japanese Homes and Their Surroundings
Edward S. Morse
1972; 372 pp.
ISBN 0804809984
$8.50 ($10.50 postpaid)
Charles E. Tuttle Co., Inc.
28 South Main Street
Rutland, VT 05701-0410
##A 05 88555 40
##T Japanese Homes and Their Surroundings
In the Japanese house, there are two or more sides that have no permanent walls. Within, also, there are but few partitions which have similar stability; in their stead are slight sliding screens which run in appropriate grooves in the floor and overhead. These grooves mark the limit of each room. The screens may be opened by sliding them back, or they may be entirely removed, thus throwing a number of rooms into one great apartment. In the same way the whole side of a house may be flung open to sunlight and air. For communication between the rooms, therefore, swinging doors are not necessary.
##A 05 55707 41
##T The Japanese House
The Japanese House
Japanese architects are concerned with subtleties so different
than ours, it can be most instructive to understand what they are
trying to accomplish. This book explains what’s what, which may
not be at all what a Westerner would expect.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 60931 42
##T The Japanese House
A Tradition for Contemporary Architecture
Heinrich Engel
1964; 495 pp.
ISBN 0804803048
$89.95 ($92.50 postpaid )
Charles E. Tuttle Company, Inc.
28 South Main Street
P.O. Box 410
Rutland, VT 05701-0410
##A 05 236482 43
##T The Japanese House
At certain spots, the irregular flagstones may widen to a platform where inevitably the guest is tempted to interrupt his slow walk for a break and an all-around view; and it is from here that he will experience surprising and significant views of the garden or the teahouse. One of these places may also uncover a small water basin, tsuku-bai, which has been hidden from view up until this time. It is furnished with a bamboo dipper to wet mouth and hands as a symbolic gesture of purification. To reach dipper and water, the guest has to crouch down and as he brings the first dipper of water to his lips, he may catch, through a small opening in the thicket, a view of a hidden pond or even a faraway lake—the water in his pitcher, the water of the lake, ... for a moment man may grasp the universe in his hands.
##A 05 236023 44
##T The Japanese House
Tearoom entrance. It symbolizes complete separation of man from worldly standards and concerns.
##A 05 39771 45
These books utterly changed my basic ideas of shelter and building. The variety, ingenuity, art, and wit of folks building without restrictions or architectural training can be both inspiring and shocking to a citizen of a major industrialized nation.
Architecture Without Architects is mostly photographs. Mr. Rudofsky adds extensive, erudite commentary to his photographs
in The Prodigious Builders, based on his many years of observing
vernacular architecture. His analyses show up most modern architecture as limp or effete.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 160064 46
Architecture Without Architects
Bernard Rudofsky
Revised Edition 1987; 128 pp.
ISBN 0826310044
$14.95 ($16.45 postpaid)
University of New Mexico Press
Journalism Building
Room 220
Albuquerque, NM 87131
##A 05 40249 47
The Prodigious Builders
Bernard Rudofsky
1977; 383
ISBN 0156746255
##A 05 221736 48
Could anybody conceive of a termite so forward as to say of the late Andre Bloc’s hermitages at Meudon, “one would never think that they were not the works of termites.” It knows better than that; if anything M. Bloc’s excellent improvisations are comparable to the domicile of formica rufa, the red ant.
— The Prodigious Builders
##A 05 211326 49
This interior, reminiscent of Piranesi’s fantasies, consists of shorings in the eleventh-century salt mine of Wieliczka in Poland. This underground labyrinth extends over sixty miles and reaches a depth of 980 feet. The seven levels, one below the other, are connected by flights of steps.
— Architecture
Without Architects
##A 05 6483 50
One of several free-wheeling structures which the late architect Andre Bloc built at Meudon near Paris (Courtesy Mme. A. Bloc).
— The Prodigious Builders
##A 05 40772 51
##T Commonsense Architecture
Commonsense Architecture
Hundreds of expert sketches with captions show us how clever folks can be designing their buildings. No text, and it’s not missed. Many of the ideas, all taken from real construction, are so smart that you wonder what all the talk these days is concerning energy efficiency and other problems that seem to have been well solved centuries ago. Embarrassing and humbling and a real mind-stirrer.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 41079 52
##T Commonsense Architecture
John S. Taylor
1983; 160 pp.
ISBN 0393016471
$5.95 postpaid
W. W. Norton
Order Dept.
500 5th Avenue
New York, NY 10110
##A 05 86029 53
##T Commonsense Architecture
##A 05 45496 54
##T Design Masters
##A 05 179457 55
##T A Pattern Language
A Pattern Language
This project is overwhelmingly ambitious — to establish a language for talking about what people really need from buildings and communities, drawing from many epochs and cultures but focusing on our own. The genius of Alexander et al. is that they simply ignore the stylistic fad-mongering that passes for architectural thought, and get on with sensible, useful, highly distilled wisdom about what works and what doesn’t. They’re not shy about laying down rules of thumb (“Balconies and porches which are less than six feet deep are hardly ever used”) — often with research citations to back them up, and charming, pointed illustrations.
The most important book in architecture and planning for many
##A 05 179926 56
##T A Pattern Language
decades, a landmark whose clarity and humanity give hope that our private and public spaces can yet be made gracefully habitable.
— Ernest Callenbach
##A 05 180099 57
##T A Pattern Language
Towns, Buildings, Construction
Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa, and Murray Silverstein
1977; 1,169pp.
ISBN 0195019199
$49.95 postpaid
Oxford University Press
16-00 Pollitt Drive
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
##A 05 182991 58
##T A Pattern Language
A first principle of construction: on no account allow the engineering to dictate the building’s form. Place the load bearing elements — the columns and the walls and floors — according to the social spaces of the building; never modify the social spaces to conform to the engineering structure of the building.
##A 05 230977 59
##T A Pattern Language
In principle, any window with a reasonably pleasant view can be a window place, provided that it is taken seriously as a space, a volume, not merely treated as a hole in the wall. Any room that people use often should have a window place. And window places should even be considered for waiting rooms or as special places along the length of hallways.
##A 05 183423 60
##T The Linz Cafe
The Linz Cafe
Christopher Alexander’s books, especially A Pattern Language
(see previous review), ask for demonstration of the ideas presented. The enlightened sponsors of a design exposition offered him a chance to show his stuff in the summer of 1980. He responded with a deceptively simple and subtle cafe. This modest book shares that same spirit with quiet, lucid explanations of what he was trying to achieve, and photographs for those unlucky enough to be unable to stop in for a beer. Judging by this book only
(I have not seen the cafe), I’d say the cafe has that charm one finds now and then in a building designed by somebody who has not been messed up by an education in architecture. The designer’s love and regard for the people who will use the building shows. It’s appalling that this is considered unusual or difficult to achieve, but we live in strange times. — J. Baldwin
##A 05 183868 61
##T The Linz Cafe
Das Linz Cafe
Christopher Alexander
1982; 94 pp.
ISBN 0195202635
$35 postpaid
Oxford University Press
16-00 Pollitt Drive
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
##A 05 184077 62
##T The Linz Cafe
In order to get each detail to work just right, within the framework of these rough visions, it was of course necessary to work each detail out, very exactly, by trial and error, using full scale mockups to get size and shape and proportion just exactly right. For example, in the case of the alcoves, I spent several hours in the office, playing with chairs, tables, and pieces of plywood, until I had the dimensions of the alcove exactly right. I knew I had it right when it felt so comfortable that everyone in the office clustered round, sat in the simulated alcove drinking brandy, and refused to leave.
##A 05 184353 63
##T The Linz Cafe
The Linz cafe.
##A 05 181683 64
##T The Production of Houses
The Production of Houses
This records the successful completion of a housing project done according to architect Christopher Alexander’s unorthodox theories. The project was set in Mexico, mostly to avoid American building codes which conspire to keep design and construction in the hands of architects and builders. Alexander requires that the end users of a building can and must participate in its construction from start to finish — not merely in an advisory capacity. If necessary, the project is guided by a “master builder”
(in this case Alexander) who acts as coordinator, inspiration, and source of critical information.
I find this book inspiring, essentially “right,” and certainly one to read before building anything. My only qualm is that the ideas are
##A 05 181967 65
##T The Production of Houses
offered as THE way to build — an extreme claim. But this may be the only way to effectively emphasize a position that is, regrettably, seen by many people as radical. Too bad. In this case,
“radical” is just good sense.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 68188 66
##T The Production of Houses
Christopher Alexander
1985; 381 pp.
ISBN 0195032233
$42.50 postpaid
Oxford University Press
16-00 Pollitt Drive
Fairlawn, NJ 07410
##A 05 182342 67
##T The Production of Houses
In the Mexicali project, it was, above all, a very human thing that happened on the site. For in the end, the reality of the process — quite apart from the principles of the architect-builder, and the house cluster, and cost accounting, and all that — is what people dealt with day by day, and what now remains in everyone’s memory even after the construction has stopped.
The night watchman walking by the window at sunrise on his way home, the dusty sun already beginning to bake our rooms . . . The men who deliver the sand and gravel coming by every couple of days, the great piles of gravel slipping out of the truck; writing a bill; giving them a check every week . . . Driving across town to buy electrical supplies; waiting in the supply house with the electricians, drinking cool water; loading the tubing and fittings into the truck.
##A 05 10078 68
Arcosanti is the name of the first “arcology,” a compact city that will someday shelter 5,000 people, their art, and their work. Arcosanti will temper its own climate and make its own energy. Huge built-in greenhouses will grow the food and heat the entire complex in winter. The work goes slowly — in 19 years only about three percent of the project has been completed, but what’s there is wonderful to see. It’s been built mostly by volunteers who have paid to work with master architect Paolo Soleri. Workers I’ve talked to agree that the experience was worth it, though not without controversy. The Cosanti Foundation also supports itself by giving workshops on a variety of related subjects, publishing books by and about Mr. Soleri (the drawings are terrific) and by casting bells in bronze and stoneware. Visitors are welcome.
##A 05 10287 69
I consider Arcosanti to be an affair of the spirit; it’s good to know that people are putting their time and effort into attempts of this sort. Beats complaining about the state of the world any time.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 10751 70
Cosanti Foundation
Information on educational
programs, bells, and Soleri
books free from:
Cosanti Foundation
6433 Doubletree Road
Scottsdale, AZ 85253
##A 05 51152 71
Arcosanti Workshops
Write for information on workshops from:
Cosanti Foundation
6433 Doubletree Road
Scottsdale, AZ 85253
##A 05 117327 72
The five week Arcosanti workshop begins with a one week seminar “Arcosanti: An Urban Laboratory?” followed by four weeks of hands-on construction work. The seminar week, an intensive introduction to Arcosanti, Arcology and Paolo Soleri, includes Arcosanti site tours, slideshows documenting design development and construction history, silt work, nature walks and a field trip to Cosanti and Taliesin. Several meetings are devoted to discussions with Paolo Soleri of the 63 topics in Arcosanti: An Urban Laboratory? Construction workshop participants in 1988 will help construct La Loggia, a four story, residential complex below the swimming pool, phase one of the mesa side greenhouse. Arcosanti Workshops begin with the seminar week the first Sunday of each Month March through December. Alternative schedules can be considered.
##A 05 227944 73
May 1 June 5 July 3 Aug 7
Sept 4 Oct 2 Nov 6 Dec 4
Registration (non-refundable) $ 60.00
Room and Board (5 weeks) 375.00
Seminar Program fees 125.00
TOTAL $560.00
##A 05 11256 74
Arcosanti under construction near Prescott, AZ.
##A 05 41803 75
##T The Jersey Devil Design/Build Book
The Jersey Devil Design/Build Book
Architects usually “have it built,” preferring to act only as designers. (Well, maybe they don’t prefer to act only as designers, but that’s how things usually go.) The Jersey Devil crew contracts and builds their own designs, thus maintaining complete and doubtless scary control of their creations. No excuses. Result: highly unusual buildings with a sassy spirit not often seen. Nice book too.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 42218 76
##T The Jersey Devil Design/Build Book
Michael J. Crosbie
1985; 96 pp.
ISBN 0879051906
$19.95 ($21.45 postpaid)
Gibbs M. Smith, Inc.
P. O. Box 667
Layton, UT 84041
##A 05 137091 77
##T The Jersey Devil Design/Build Book
Our first thought is, “How do you build it?” I’d like to think all architects do that. My father taught me never design something you can’t build. I may have to learn how to build it, but I’m sure I can build it before it’s finished.
##A 05 45591 78
##T House Design
##A 05 106421 79
##T Designing Houses
Designing Houses
Though not billed as such, Designing Houses is a thing-maker’s dream book! Even if designing and building your own “big house” is not within your current reach, you cannot help being caught up in the enthusiasm generated within. Modelmaking is stressed throughout, starting with the setting up of your own “architect’s office,” obtaining the instruments and tools of the trade and quite an ample course on cardboard construction. Best of all are the drawings: neat, simple, funky, their inevitable influence
on your own sketches makes this handsome volume underpriced . . . now where did I lay my X-acto . . .
— Joe Eddy Brown
##A 05 107002 80
##T Designing Houses
I agree with Joe Eddy Brown that this is an exceptionally fine book. My only reservation is that the presentation subtly tends to keep you traditional, which for many will do just fine anyway.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 107070 81
##T Designing Houses
Les Walker and Jeff Milstein
1976; 153 pp.
ISBN 087951096X
$10.95 ($13.40 postpaid)
The Overlook Press
RR 1, Box 496
Woodstock, NY 12498
##A 05 107573 82
##T Designing Houses
The model is placed on a large piece of white paper and the site is sketched at an appropriate size so that views, sun, shade, and breezes can be checked.
##A 05 104854 83
##T Right Where You Live
Right Where You Live
House buyers or renters are the intended readership of this book, but it serves equally well as a primer for house designers and remodelers. Good features and bad are examined in an easy going conversational style that makes the information easily readable even to kids — a nice way to get them into the process. For practice, try testing your present digs against the criteria presented here. (You might want to move.) The kitchen chapter is especially good. Note that this is just the basics; you’ll have to supply the imagination.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 104971 84
##T Right Where You Live
Constance Brady, A.I.A.
1979; 188 pp.
ISBN 0890872422
$9.95 ($10.84 postpaid)
P. O. Box 339
Bethel Island, CA 94511
##A 05 27267 85
##T Right Where You Live
##A 05 89315 86
##T The Complete Guide to Factory-Made Houses
The Complete Guide to Factory-Made Houses
If you buy a factory-made house, you won’t be doing anything unusual; about 50 percent of new housing is now made somewhere other than where it ends up. We’re talking kits — panelized, precut and modular: log houses, domes, mobile homes (that hardly ever hit the road again once they’re delivered), and factory-made rooms such as kitchens and bathrooms. We are no longer talking cheap junk — factory-made homes are often better made than on-site building because quality control is easier. Statistics show that many, if not most, owner-built homes are kits.
This book gives you the advantages and disadvantages of the options, useful buying tips, and a list of manufacturers.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 89438 87
##T The Complete Guide to Factory-Made Houses
A. M. Watkins
Revised Edition 1987; 200 pp.
ISBN 0884627098
$10.95 ($12.95 postpaid)
Longman Trade
520 North Dearborn Street
Chicago, IL 60610
##A 05 89665 88
##T The Complete Guide to Factory-Made Houses
Here are a few tips when you inspect a used mobile home for sale. Take along a rubber ball and place it in the center of the kitchen and bathroom floors. If it rolls to a corner, the mobile may need leveling, or the chassis may be sagging which could lead to painful plumbing problems. Also take a small light lamp to check all wall sockets. Test all appliances, including the smoke detectors. Don’t worry that the dealer may think you’re too cautious. Look at it this way: he’ll know that he’s not dealing with an amateur!
##A 05 96529 89
##T The Complete Guide to Factory-Made Houses
Manufacturers clearly can turn out authentic traditional houses. Bow roof increases head room and sheds snow.
##A 05 107950 90
##T Design Works Kits
Design Works Kits
Design Works offers a series of kits to help you visualize your ideas before taking action. The Architect’s Drawing Kit consists of grids drawn in perspective. You tape these under tracing paper, then draw your heart’s desire to scale in three dimensions, just as real architects do. (Many of them use grids just like these.) It’s easier than you think. Interior Design Kits are available too; one each for kitchen and bath, home furniture, office furniture, and architectural components such as windows and doors. You don’t draw these. Instead, you cut out little perspective pictures of the items and stick them on a slick perspective-chart sheet. They
don’t stick permanently, so you can try different configurations by
shuffling them around. Design Works also sells a House Building Kit containing everything you need to make models as described in
##A 05 108106 91
##T Design Works Kits
Designing Houses (see review in this cluster). The kits even include scale people.
I consider all these kits a boon, but remember that this sort of thing tends to channel your ideas toward the interests of the kits’ author, or at least toward what’s easy to model, e.g. you’d be unlikely to come up with designs like those of the Jersey Devil design group. Watch it.
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ The Jersey Devil Design/Build Book
##A 05 108353 92
##T Design Works Kits
Daniel K. Reif
$14.95 -$26.95
brochure free from:
Design Works, Inc.
11 Hitching Post Road
Amherst, MA 01002
##A 05 109292 93
##T Structures
Guess who stayed up all night reading a structure book? That’s extreme behavior even for a technotwit! What fascinates me about this book is the way it illuminates a traditionally difficult subject. Most other books challenge the reader not so much with the task of understanding the subject matter, as with comprehending the writing. No problem here; this must be one of the all-time great examples of clear presentation combined with an interest-holding writing style. (What good are clear explanations if you fall out of your chair with boredom?) Such matters as stress, strain, Young’s Modulus, cantilevers, shear, and torsion are discussed as theory nicely tied to real-life examples. Simple illustrations and competent photographs reinforce the often witty text. The Secrets Are Revealed.
##A 05 111425 94
##T Structures
Now if Mr. Gordon would only write on elementary physics and chemistry. In these days when an exclusive knowledge of technology can be used to exploit a populace, such books as this one have a particular importance. I recommend it highly both as a means of understanding the structures around you and as an example of how good a technical book can be.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 111816 95
##T Structures
J. E. Gordon
1978; 395 pp.
ISBN 0306801515
$11.95 postpaid
Da Capo Press, Inc.
233 Spring Street
New York, NY 10013
##A 05 111952 96
##T Structures
What makes the arch dramatically different from a mere plebeian wall is that, whereas the wall falls down, the arch does not. No fewer than three hinge-points can develop in an arch without anything very dramatic happening. In fact a good many modern arch bridges are deliberately built with three hinged joints so as to allow for thermal expansion.
If we really want the bridge to fall down then we shall need four hinge-points so that the arch can become in effect a three-linked chain or “mechanism” which is now at liberty to fold itself up and collapse.
All this means that arches are extraordinarily stable and are not unduly sensitive to the movements of their foundations. If there is any appreciable movement in the foundation a wall will probably collapse; arches do not much mind, and some sort of distortion is quite common.
##A 05 92333 97
##T Structures
An arch needs to develop four hinge-points before it can collapse.
##A 05 160388 98
##T Reducing Home Building Costs with OVE
Reducing Home Building Costs with OVE
You’d think that the basic ideas of OVE (Optimum Value Engineering) would be common practice, but that’s the building trades for you—technologically about a century behind the rest of society. Nonetheless, the suggestions shown here will cut costs, especially if you’re an owner-builder. The suggestions also tend to cut innovation and delight—they’re a true challenge to an architect with fancy designs. In any case, this booklet will show you overbuilding is not necessarily a requirement of good quality, it’s usually just stupid.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 161540 99
##T Reducing Home Building Costs with OVE
NAHB Research Foundation
Manual $7 from:
NAHB Research Foundation
627 Southlawn Lane
Rockville, MD 20850
##A 05 162366 100
##T Reducing Home Building Costs with OVE
Exterior Wall Corners
Conventional practice generally employs a 3-stud “corner post” at exterior wall corners. This practice is not dictated by structural considerations. The third member serves only as a backer for the interior wall facing, usually 1/2-inch-thick gypsum drywall.
Since the maximum load on the corner studs is one half or less than the load on a regular stud, two stud corners are adequate structurally. The corner may be formed from the end studs in each of the two wall panels which meet at the corner. They are simply nailed together in conventional fashion as the wall panels are erected. No other special means of attachment is required at the typical corner.
##A 05 163468 101
##T Reducing Home Building Costs with OVE
Special metal clips spaced up to 2 feet apart are preferred for ease of installation with limited accessibility. They are now widely available at building hardware suppliers.
It should be noted that gypsumboard is not actually fastened to the metal clips. The sheet resting against the backers is installed first so that the second sheet, which is nailed to the stud, will lock the first in place. This provides a “floating joint,” which is recommended practice to reduce stresses and cracks at the corners. The 2 stud corner is also an energy saver since the wall insulation can fill the space normally occupied by the third stud.
##A 05 110483 102
##T Drafting
When I first got this book, I kept mumbling “Arrgh . . . I wish I’d had this book last year,” or some such remark born of unhappy memories of a past disaster. Mr. Syvanen has a good knack for explaining things you don’t see explained elsewhere. Follow his lucid instructions and you’ll soon be drawing up your own house plans. Your beginnership is assumed.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 110660 103
##T Drafting
Bob Syvanen
1982; 112 pp.
ISBN 0914788485
$8.95 ($10.45 postpaid)
Globe Pequot Press
Box Q
Chester, CT 06412
##A 05 92767 104
##T Drafting
Always twirl the pencil with the fingers when drawing horizontal and vertical lines. This will keep the wear even on the point and the line will be a consistent thickness. It takes a little getting used to, but is a must.
##A 05 46399 105
##T Owner-Built
##A 05 112577 106
##T The Owner-Builder and the Code
The Owner-Builder and the Code
Whether you’re a complier or defier, you’re going to have to deal with the building code sooner or later. Well, ‘the’ code isn’t correct . . . there are hundreds. Worse, the interpretation of whatever codes apply to you is up to your inspector, who may not be friendly for a variety of reasons, including political. With the exception of obvious safety regulations, inspectors and codes generally work against innovation, art, good sense, and the democratic process. This book presents some horror stories and some field-proven tactics for getting the inspector to see things your way. The examples are from a largely bygone era of California “funkadelic” building, but the principles certainly apply to the present. Did you know that the sheriff can force you to leave your new home if the bedroom isn’t the right size?
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 112641 107
##T The Owner-Builder and the Code
Ken Kern, Ted Kogon,
and Rob Thallon
1976; 173 pp.
ISBN 0686312236
$10 ($11.50 postpaid)
Owner-Builder Publications
Box 817
North Fork, CA 93643
##A 05 113394 108
##T The Owner-Builder and the Code
O.C. Helton, a third-generation log cabin builder, attempted to get a permit to build a log house for himself, his wife, and five children. When he realized that the required architect’s drawings and engineer’s stamp would cost him more than $1,000, he decided to go ahead without the permit. The county issued a stop-work-order and charged Helton with building without a permit. O.C. fought the charge claiming that the requirements for a building permit were, in his case, unreasonable. A jury of five men and a woman eventually found him innocent. “If you don’t get this government slowed down and back to the people,” he later said, “by the time my children want to build their home, they’ll be surrounded by rules.”
Building departments must consider the expense of bringing offenders to court and the effect that confrontation will have on its bureaucratic routine. In cases where the proposed construction will not comply with the codes, it is generally advisable for the home builder to take the initiative to build first and face possible legal repercussions later.
##A 05 114841 109
##T The Owner Built Home
The Owner Built Home
Ken Kern’s first book has been around just about as long as the original Whole Earth Catalog, and is written in a similar spirit. Ken seemed unwilling to take anyone’s word for anything. He liked to think for himself, working against government meddling in his life, challenging conventional wisdom. This book is full of wise decisions and clever details. Philosophy is mixed with experience — both getting richer with time. My guess is that thousands of interesting people have been encouraged to act by Ken’s books, lectures, and workshops. He practiced what he preached more than anyone I’ve ever met (except perhaps for monks).
Ironically, he was killed in February of 1986 when a partially
##A 05 115166 110
##T The Owner Built Home
completed experimental structure collapsed during a violent storm.
At the time of his death, he was at work on The Owner Built Home Revisited, which he intended to self-publish. His wife and co-conspirator, Barbara, is in the process of finishing the work. Meantime you can partake of his wisdom and spirit by reading
from his many books, not all of which are reviewed here. (See
access card for more information.) I reckon his work won’t go out of date for a long time.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 115311 111
##T The Owner Built Home
Ken Kern
Revised Edition 1975; 374 pp.
ISBN 0686312201
$10 ($11.50 postpaid)
Owner-Builder Publications
Box 817
North Fork, CA 93643-0817
Other titles available; send SASE for information and price list
##A 05 67068 112
##T The Owner Built Home
Other Titles: Send S.A.S.E. for list of
available titles and prices.
The Earth Sheltered Owner-Built Home
The Owner-Built Pole Frame House
The Work Book
Ken Kern’s Masonry Stove
The Owner-Built Homestead
The Owner-Builder and The Code
Stone Masonry
Local Materials
Owner-Builder Publications
Box 817
North Fork, CA 93643
##A 05 44615 113
##T The Owner Built Home
Ken Kern
##A 05 77354 114
##T The Owner Built Home
##A 05 113760 115
##T Ken Kern’s Homestead Workshop
Ken Kern’s Homestead Workshop
Well . . . Ken’s shop is so different from mine, yet I gotta agree with just about everything he’s showing in this uniquely personal book. He and his wife Barbara cover the entire shop bit — from construction of the actual structure to the use of the tools. Hand tools. Nonelectric hand tools, especially. They end the book with a case history of how they invented, made, and refined an all-purpose cart as an example of how their shop and themselves interact so well. It isn’t often I say “I wish I’d written that,” but I’m saying it now. This book is certainly the most informative and proper-attitude-inducing I’ve ever seen on this subject. It should be very helpful to anyone designing a shop.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 113947 116
##T Ken Kern’s Homestead Workshop
Barbara and Ken Kern
1981; 166 pp.
ISBN 068417846X
Send SASE for information and price list from:
Owner-Builder Publications
Box 817
North Fork, CA 93643
##A 05 93581 117
##T Ken Kern’s Homestead Workshop
Work space is organized according to the various functions taking place in each annex: woodworking, metalworking, and automotive repair. A large, unobstructed paved area in the center of the workshop, partially indoors and partially outdoors, is used as a work space in which to build sizeable projects or to repair bulky equipment. This area, located at the intersection of the other areas, provides the worker with convenient access to all tools and resources of the shop.
##A 05 116168 118
##T The Owner Builder
The Owner Builder
Some of the best news in years is the success of the Owner
Builder Center in Berkeley, California. It’s one of the first, and certainly the biggest of such enterprises—they’ve taught more than 10,000 people how to build or remodel their own place while saving up to 40 percent. The “OBC” has also spawned about 20 other centers and doubtless inspired many more. They are strongly nonsexist.
What the OBC staff has learned from all that teaching has been gathered into a series of books. First is Before You Build. Next, you’ll need to read Building Your Own House.
OBC also puts out a newsletter, The Owner Builder. It features
##A 05 5187 119
##T The Owner Builder
schedules of classes, descriptions of new projects (such as an owner builder condo), friendly consulting services and suppliers, and articles on a variety of suitable subjects.
Owner-building is certainly going to grow as families get priced out of the market. I’m glad that OBC has given the movement such a great start.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 116790 120
##T The Owner Builder
Patrick Lynch, Editor
$8/year (4 issues);
$15/2 years (8 issues)
Owner Builder Center
1250 Addison Street
Suite 209
Berkeley, CA 94702
##A 05 116302 121
##T Before You Build
Before You Build
Begin your homework with this book. Everything you need to know is explained in chronological order. Equally important, the author wisely insists you be realistic about your desires, needs, competence, attitude, time and finances. The psychological effects of the project—often ignored until too late—are discussed in experienced detail. This book is by far the best of its kind. It’s by the OBC (Ÿ The Owner Builder, see separate review).
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 76130 122
##T Before You Build
Robert Roskind
1983; 240 pp.
ISBN 0898150361
$8.95 ($9.95 postpaid)
Ten Speed Press
P. O. Box 7123
Berkeley, CA 94707
##A 05 112274 123
##T Before You Build
Trees are a wonderful asset to a site both for beauty and shade, but they are alive and therefore, like all of us, vulnerable to change.
The distance materials have to be carried may seem like a small matter, but it can tremendously influence the building process. If supply trucks cannot get close to the site, all of the materials will have to be carried in, which adds hours to each work week. Few people really understand the amount of time, energy, and persistence it takes to build a house unless they have already built one. If materials have to be carried in to the building site, it does not mean that the project is not feasible, only be sure that you understand that you are adding another element of time and labor to an already immense task.
##A 05 141220 124
##T Before You Build
Even though knowing the depths of the neighbors’ wells is of value, do not place too much weight on this information. A friend dug a well in North Carolina 130 feet deep and the church across the road had to go down 450 feet. Information about others’ wells is most valuable in ascertaining if your area has problems with locating water at reasonable depths.
##A 05 163758 125
##T Building Your Own House
Building Your Own House
Watching many students make the same mistakes over and over has led the author to accent the tricky parts. In addition to the expected instruction, he answers the questions he knows you will ask: “How accurate do I have to be here?” “What will the inspector want to see, and when?” “What if a board has a curve in it?” The book gets the foundation in and frame up. Later books will guide you to move-in day. The information is complete, jargon-free, well illustrated, liberally festooned with sample worksheets,
schedules and worksheets. Really good. Another goodie from OBC
(Ÿ The Owner Builder, see separate review).
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 14305 126
##T Building Your Own House
Robert Roskind
1984; 448 pp.
ISBN 0898151848
$17.95 ($18.95 postpaid)
Ten Speed Press
P. O. Box 7123
Berkeley, CA 94707
##A 05 207548 127
##T Building Your Own House
Nail on the Cap Plates
Margin of Error: Exactly flush with top plate.
Most Common Mistakes: Bowed stock; nails not over studs; falling off the wall; splinters in your rear end.
Use good, straight stock for these plates. Secure the 2 plates together with two 16d CC sinkers over each stud. By placing the nails over the studs, they will never be in the way of drill bits when you have to drill holes for plumbing and electricity later. Be sure that the edges are flush with the edges of the top plate, and that the cap plates fit tightly to make a strong interlocking joint.
##A 05 11587 128
##T Fine Homebuilding
Fine Homebuilding
Fine is the word for this attractively produced magazine. The articles are about building, as you’d expect, and are unusually complete. They’re aimed at anyone who is interested in building, but the attitude of professionalism together with a proper spirit is what makes the magazine different. Whether the subject is modern or (more likely) traditional, you’ll find an emphasis on excellence, quality, and refinement lacking in other publications. A pleasure! The same folks also publish Fine Woodworking and Threads—equally good. (See those reviews in Crafts section.)
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ Fine Woodworking
##A 05 11854 129
##T Fine Homebuilding
Mark Feirer, Managing Editor
ISSN 02731398
$24/year (7 issues)
The Taunton Press
P. O. Box 355
Newtown, CT 06470
##A 05 93781 130
##T Fine Homebuilding
A Swedish prefab.
Contemporary Swedish prefabricated houses are often simple forms, such as this gabled house on a rectangular foundation. But their pleasing proportions, richly textured tile roofs and intricate fences and porches add color and complexity.
##A 05 96467 131
##T Fine Homebuilding
With less than 400 sq. ft., the master bedroom needed a cathedral ceiling to lend an air of spaciousness. Crisscrossed 4 x 10s keep the walls from spreading.
##A 05 223787 132
##T New England Builder
New England Builder
Perhaps the most savvy builder’s periodical around, this paper has the very latest from the builders themselves. You’ll find totally detailed drawings of nifty solutions to nasty carpentry problems, lots of tool using tips, and even straight talk about using computers on the job. What regionalism there is in the articles will still be useful in similar climates. (Anywhere it snows, you get ice dams in the roofing, right?) A subscription to this paper will give a real education to an owner-builder.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 224400 133
##T New England Builder
(The Journal of Light Construction)
Steven Bliss, Editor
$22/year (12 issues)
New England Builder
P.O. Box 278
Montpelier, VT 05602
##A 05 46648 134
##T Living Space
##A 05 120997 135
##T The Moveable Nest
The Moveable Nest
One of our favorites in past Whole Earth Catalogs, this book is an inspiring array of ideas for making a rented place into your own personal home—without losing the damage deposit. The suggestions are imaginative, and the instructions are the most lucid I’ve ever seen for anything. The whole thing is done in a friendly, nonchauvinist, encouraging manner that should lure even the most chickenhearted novice into action. Give a copy to someone you like.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 121157 136
##T The Moveable Nest
Tom Schneider
Revised Edition 1984; 191 pp.
ISBN 0898151228
$8.95 ($9.95 postpaid)
Ten Speed Press
P. O. Box 7123
Berkeley, CA 94707
##A 05 121720 137
##T The Moveable Nest
Removing walls may be a no-no. But who’s to say we can’t add some. Hollow-core doors are light-weight, stable, and inexpensive — quite inexpensive if you find your way to the lumberyard’s damaged-door department. Doors become partitions, strictly speaking, rather than walls, because they’re only 6'8" tall. But this is enough for visual privacy, as in a bedroom shared by two kids. Illustration 1 shows four doors bracketed together as a free-standing unit that separates two beds.
##A 05 121865 138
##T The Moveable Nest
Doors are fastened, top and bottom, with metal “corner irons” and wood screws .
##A 05 122275 139
##T The Moveable Nest
For hanging really heavy objects on masonry: The way these hangers work is a bit like the trick my dad used for getting a brad to go into concrete. He formed a collar of support for the nail with the tight grip of his fingers. This kept the nail from bending. In a similar way, the solid plastic surrounding the nails in these fasteners provides a collar of support that directs all the force of the hammer blows straight to each steel point. This, plus the extreme sharpness of the points, allows penetration of hard surfaces without the nails bending or the wall cracking.
##A 05 164212 140
##T Conran’s Living in Small Spaces
Conran’s Living in Small Spaces
Must a small house mean small amenity and a drop in your standard of living? Of course not, but that glib answer must be tempered with imagination and elan, as this book demonstrates so well.
Here’s a rousing collection of clever and mostly affordable interior schemes. The password is elegance. All nicely shown in professionally done photographs. All proven. All proof that we don’t need huge houses. Inspiring and appropriate as we learn to live more lightly on the land.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 173960 141
##T Conran’s Living in Small Spaces
Lorrie Mack
1988; 143 pp.
ISBN 0316543837
$24.95 ($26.45 postpaid)
Little, Brown & Co.
200 West Street
Walthan, MA 02254
##A 05 175833 142
##T Conran’s Living in Small Spaces
With typical small-space ingenuity, the barge’s owners have made sure that no surface around the bed has been wasted: a shelf above holds books, a wall-fixed spot provides light, and large lockers underneath offer valuable storage. Housed in an airing cupboard, the hot-water tank at its foot makes this curtained-off retreat especially cosy.
##A 05 122467 143
##T High-Tech
I have no doubt that if I were acquisitive I would be equipping my life with high-tech house gear and decor. The stuff is sturdy, highly practical, often cheap, and — except for right now — outside of fashionability. The fashion is understandable — the clarity of the high-tech approach is often quite beautiful. But then I think sewer manhole covers and military architecture are beautiful and Regency furniture is strictly for unfrequented museums.
This well-made book lavishly covers the range of high-tech possibilities, with a generous, if unannotated, directory of suppliers — over 2000!
— Stewart Brand
##A 05 122760 144
##T High-Tech
Joan Kron and Suzanne Slesin
1978; 286 pp.
ISBN 051753262X
$29.95 ($32.55 postpaid)
Crown Publishers
225 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10003
##A 05 123201 145
##T High-Tech
Jim and Penny Hull, of Culver City, California, designed the Toobline furniture system using fiber tubes, but Sonotubes can be used to make similar beds.
##A 05 123817 146
##T High-Tech
Good Mixer. Large cement trough on wheels that can be turned to face the light holds a mini-jungle in Ward Bennett’s Long Island House.
##A 05 123946 147
##T High-Tech
Ash canoe seat with caned back and seat folds for easy storage, from L. L. Bean.
##A 05 49914 148
##T Home Security
##A 05 67597 149
##T The Complete Guide to Home and Auto Burglar Alarms
The Complete Guide to Home and Auto Burglar Alarms
Yipe! In some parts of the country the chances of having your house burglarized this year are one in ten or even worse. Your best defense is a cohesive neighborhood full of people you know. Next best is some appropriate hardware correctly installed. How to choose the hardware is what this book is about. Everything is explained in lay language with lots of tips for proper false-alarm-free installation, though if you’re not handy with tools, you’ll need Home Security (Ÿ see separate review).
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 67887 150
##T The Complete Guide to Home and Auto Burglar Alarms
Doug Kirkpatrick
Revised Edition 1986; 192 pp.
ISBN 091319302X
$12.95 ($13.95 postpaid)
Baker Publishing
16245 Armstead St. Suite 125
Granada Hills, CA 91344
##A 05 68588 151
##T The Complete Guide to Home and Auto Burglar Alarms
Typical microwave detector pattern (view from above).Microwave detectors use high frequency radio waves to detect intrusion. A transceiver sends and receives radio waves while the detector monitors the reflected energy. An alarm is initiated when the waves sent out have been distorted by someone or something moving in the protected area.
##A 05 68724 152
##T Home Security
Home Security
You won’t find much electronic wizardry here, but you will find clear writing and brilliantly done illustrations showing how to install security equipment. The book covers the installation of lights, door and window locks, grilles, safes, alarms, and all the detailing that goes with them. The chapter on fishing wires through walls is the best I’ve ever seen on this tricky procedure. Fire safety, fencing, and a good discussion of accident-proofing your place completes the book. It’s all done in that well-turned-out Time-Life manner.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 68992 153
##T Home Security
Editors of Time-Life Books
1979; 136 pp.
ISBN 0809424207
$10.99 ($14.22 postpaid)
Time-Life Books
1450 E. Parham Rd.
Richmond, VA 23280-9985
##A 05 69403 154
##T Home Security
Putting in screws for keeps. A nonretractable screw (left) has a special head, making the screw impossible to remove without destroying the screw or framing. Before tightening such screws, be certain that the lock you are fastening is positioned correctly. If nonretractable screws are not readily available, use the tip of a conical grinder in an electric drill to erase the screw slot (right). Grind only along the sides of the slot; excessive grinding can weaken the screw.
##A 05 69645 155
##T Home Security
Fishing wires through a wall.
##A 05 70065 156
##T Mountain West Security Catalog and Reference Manual
Mountain West Security Catalog and Reference Manual
This fascinating catalog is where you find the hardware to use with the instructions in the previous two books . The selection is comprehensive, sophisticated (though not CIA level), and useful. Educational too; each item’s purpose is explained briefly.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 70627 157
##T Mountain West Security Catalog and Reference Manual
Catalog $2 from:
Mountain West
4215 N. 16th St.
P. O. Box 10780
Phoenix, AZ 85064
##A 05 214411 158
##T Mountain West Security Catalog and Reference Manual
Passive Infrared (PIR)
Unique design looks like a normal wall outlet, yet protects hallways, rooms and aisles where security must be concealed. Unit is immune to radio frequencies (one cause of false alarms) and is not affected by pressurized outside walls caused by storms and high winds. Protection pattern is only 4.5' at the limit of 75', so this is perfect for those long, narrow hallways and corridors.
SPECIFICATIONS: Power In: 6-14 VDC, 25 mA Alarm Output: SPDT relay, 125mA Measures: 4.25" H x 2.45" W x 2.91" D.
67D6-087 Disguised PIR ...$169
##A 05 74921 159
##T Peace of Mind in Earthquake Country
Peace of Mind in Earthquake Country
Fascinating. There’s no better book on earthquakes, and no other
book at all that tells you what to do about them: where to locate,
evaluating sites and buildings, insurance, design, and where to run.
— Stewart Brand
By the way, did you know that the worst earthquake known in United States history hit near St Louis in 1811? It’s called
the New Madrid quake, and it was so strong that the Mississippi ran north for a few days! Look it up in the library . Paranoia lives!
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 75483 160
##T Peace of Mind in Earthquake Country
Peter Yanev
1988; 304 pp.
ISBN 0877012164
$8.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
Chronicle Books
275 Fifth Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
##A 05 96826 161
##T Peace of Mind in Earthquake Country
Unreinforced chimneys, such as this stone structure on an older home in San Fernando, are, of course, almost certain to collapse or at least be severely damaged in any moderate earthquake. In this case, the falling chimney took much of the building with it.
##A 05 175874 162
##T Indoor Air Quality and Human Health
Indoor Air Quality and Human Health
Here is a non-technical distillation of what’s been learned about indoor air pollution since the late 1970s when airtight energy-efficient measures slowed the renewal rate of fresh air in houses. If you have been following this subject in magazines or technical journals, there won’t be much news here; if you haven’t been, this is a nicely laid-out introduction to what’s been discovered so far
(mainly radiation and carcinogens). The mathematical equations are tucked away in one appendix, and there is a glossary and a list of manufacturers for things like heat exchangers and a gadget you leave in your basement that measures problems (if you have any) with radiation from radon gases seeping into your house from the soil.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 05 176788 163
##T Indoor Air Quality and Human Health
Isaac Turiel
1985; 173 pp.
ISBN 0804712557
$24.95 postpaid
Stanford University Press
Stanford, CA 94305
##A 05 177671 164
##T Indoor Air Quality and Human Health
Three contaminants deserve the most intense study: (1) radon, a natural radioactive gas, (2) formaldehyde, a widely used chemical that emanates from many household items, and (3) tobacco smoke.
Stones, concrete, and brick emit radon, some more than others. A building’s foundation type, by isolating the building from the underlying soil, may influence indoor radon concentrations: vented crawl spaces provide better ventilation than concrete slabs on grade or unvented basements, and thus may allow for more rapid dispersal of radon. Well water tends to have more dissolved radon than water from surface reservoirs. Finally, the ventilation rate is an important influence on the concentration of radon in a residence. All other things being equal, halving the ventilation rate will approximately double the radon concentration.
##A 05 179165 165
##T Indoor Air Quality and Human Health
The primary pathways for radon entry into buildings are through openings and cracks in foundations and by diffusion through the foundation walls and basement floor. Source: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
##A 05 37310 166
##A 05 50164 167
##T Carpentry
##A 05 204054 168
##T Carpentry
“How do I get outta this mess?” If you’d read this book first, you probably wouldn’t be IN a mess. If you’re already in a mess, the answer is probably in here; tricks of the carpentry trade is what this book is about. It’s a very useful addition to any general carpentry text. The 400 drawings by architect Malcolm Wells make things especially clear.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 204718 169
##T Carpentry
Bob Syvanen
2nd Edition 1988; 112 pp.
ISBN 0871067838
$9.95 ($11.45 postpaid)
The Globe Pequot Press
Box Q
Chester, CT 06412
##A 05 215074 170
##T Carpentry
##A 05 215742 171
##T Carpentry
##A 05 13675 172
##T Interior Finish
Interior Finish
By the same author as Carpentry (see previous review), Interior Finish has tips and tricks of the trade for those inside jobs. It’s equally good at keeping you out of trouble, especially of the
sort that makes you feel and possibly even look like a fool. Such
as having all that installed plumbing end up outside the wall that
is supposed to contain it. You wouldn’t do anything like that,
would you?
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ Living Space
##A 05 13843 173
##T Interior Finish
Bob Syvanen
1988; 128 pp.
ISBN 0914788566
$9.95 ($11.45 postpaid)
The Globe Pequot Press
Box Q
Chester, CT 06412
##A 05 216434 174
##T Interior Finish
If the panels are to be painted or stained dark, it is a good idea to paint the tongues so they won’t show when the boards shrink.
##A 05 14691 175
##T Residential Carpentry
Residential Carpentry
You can tell that this is a vocational-ed. textbook; it’s utterly competent and utterly coldblooded. Has test questions at the ends of chapters too. The instructions are given as “procedures” (e.g. Procedure for Framing a Dormer) that are divided into steps detailed right down to which size nail to use. The nails themselves, and even the hammer, are explained in the introductory chapters. If you’re smart enough to read, you’re not likely to screw things up. I can see why the Berkeley Owner-Builder Center (see review) recommends this book.
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ The Owner-Builder Center
##A 05 15001 176
##T Residential Carpentry
Mortimer P. Reed
2nd Edition 1980; 705 pp.
ISBN 0471815446
$17.95 postpaid
John Wiley & Sons
Order Dept.
1 Wiley Drive
Somerset, NJ 08875
##A 05 127945 177
##T Residential Carpentry
In order to determine the best direction to run ceiling panels, you may have to plan the layout both ways. Suppose that the room to be finished is a bedroom 12' wide and 14' long. If you use 3 panels 12' long, you have 36' of joint to finish (top). If you use three 14' panels
(below), you have only 28' of joint to finish. Obviously, the longer panels are better.
##A 05 15463 178
##T Residential Carpentry
Where and how to nail beveled wood siding. A spacer block notched to the correct exposure assures proper alignment of siding courses.
##A 05 24201 179
##T Modern Carpentry
Modern Carpentry
If I had to choose just one house carpentry book, this would be it. Carpenter unions use it to teach apprentices, and it gets updated frequently. It contains a wealth of information well presented— the pictures and illustrations are understandable and are nicely integrated into the text.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 05 12522 180
##T Modern Carpentry
Willis H. Wagner
1987; 592 pp.
ISBN 087006648X
$23 postpaid
123 West Taft Drive
South Holland, IL 60473
##A 05 97304 181
##T Modern Carpentry
In modern residential construction, walls and ceiling joists form one structural system. The walls support the joists which form the ceiling or the next floor level. Ceiling joists or trusses are supported by the walls. The walls are stiffened and held plumb by the addition of the joists.
Here, a carpenter places trusses along outside wall of a two-story house. Note metal bracing.
##A 05 50923 182
##T Utilities
##A 05 16679 183
##T Wiring Simplified
Wiring Simplified
Not only is this book a most useful tool for the home electrician, it also has a hole punched all the way through it, for hanging over a nail. That is a kind of practicality that all American publishers should learn. Everything you’ll need to wire your home yourself.
— J. D. Smith
##A 05 17027 184
##T Wiring Simplified
H. P. Richter and W.C. Schwan
35th Edition 1987; 160 pp.
ISBN 0960329439
$3.50 ($5.25 postpaid)
Park Publishing, Inc.
123 North Second Street
Stillwater, MN 55082
##A 05 233637 185
##T Wiring Simplified
This service head is for cable; it prevents water from entering the cut end of the cable. A service head for conduit is supported by the conduit.
##A 05 17566 186
##T Wiring Simplified
If the service head cannot be located higher than the insulators, provide drip loops. Splice at bottom of loop, and insulate. This keeps water from flowing into the cable.
##A 05 15750 187
##T Do-It-Yourself Plumbing
Do-It-Yourself Plumbing
There are many books that adequately handle this subject, but this one is special: in addition to being commendably clear on repairs, both graphically and in the text, it has a really fine section on designing your own plumbing system. I especially like the
author’s insistence on explaining the basic reasons underlying his instructions, as well as the building codes. That way you really learn something. This is another of the excellent Popular Science books.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 16086 188
##T Do-It-Yourself Plumbing
Max Alth
1975; 301 pp.
ISBN 0943822904
$19.95 ($22.90 postpaid)
Popular Science Books
Sherman Turnpike
Danbury, CT 06816
##A 05 16370 189
##T Do-It-Yourself Plumbing
It has been found by means of a series of noxious tests that soil flows best in a pipe pitched at 1/4 inch to the foot. A pitch greater than 1/2 inch to the foot causes the liquids to run off and leave the solids behind. In time the drain will plug up. Pipes pitched at less than 1/8 inch to the foot do not provide sufficient water velocity and the solids tend to settle and clog and there is insufficient scouring action.
##A 05 16607 190
##T Do-It-Yourself Plumbing
If you have to pitch any drainpipe more than 1/2 inch to the foot to reach a stack, run a section of the pipe at 45 or more degrees and the balance at 1/2 or 1/4 inch to the foot.
##A 05 17770 191
##T Builders Booksource
Builders Booksource
Oh boy, a bookstore just for people who build things. The catalog is very comprehensive, covering every aspect of building with at least one good book, and usually with several — each with a review. The store carries many more titles than are in the catalog
(lucky Bay Area residents can visit). If you have special needs, ask them for a reference. Bet they have it.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 18094 192
##T Builders Booksource
Catalog free from:
Builders Booksource
1801 Fourth Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
##A 05 18422 193
##T Builders Booksource
Beyond the Kitchen: A Dreamer’s Guide -Cowan
The kitchen is one of the most commonly remodeled rooms in a house. Many childhood memories are often attached to the kitchen, and most people want this to be the room where they feel most at home. This book provides many ideas to help create the ideal kitchen, from country style to modern minimalism; from loft kitchens to media centers. Learn to consider often-neglected details such as lighting, cupboards and work surfaces, pantries and nooks, and much more. 1985. Running Press. 127 pp., over 150 color illus. $9.95 (pb).
##A 05 15311 194
##T Builders Booksource
Tiny, Tiny Houses: Or How to Get Away From it All
Walker, Viking, $19.95 (hc). Walker, author of four other popular titles, including Designing Houses, takes us on a tour of 40 different “tiny” houses. Ranging from Thomas Jefferson’s honeymoon cottage to an entire community of shanties built on a frozen lake, all of these charming, fantastical houses are under 350 square feet in size. Each description includes floor plans, furniture lay-out, plumbing and heating systems, construction details, and design and measurement specs.
##A 05 22119 195
##T Reader’s Digest Fix-It-Yourself Manual
Reader’s Digest Fix-It-Yourself Manual
Say what you will about Reader’s Digest magazine, you’re going to have to admit they do a great manual. With this one at your side, you can undertake the repair of just about anything found in a typical household. If you don’t know about tools or how things work, the book tells you what you need to know—and without any trace of chauvinism. The range of subjects covered is huge, everything from tightening the rungs in the kitchen stool to whipping that rusty Coleman stove back into shape. The Dreaded Oversimplification only appears briefly in the auto section. A superior book in every way, especially in clarity. Cheaper than a repair person’s housecall too.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 22360 196
##T Reader’s Digest Fix-It-Yourself Manual
Reader’s Digest
1978; 480 pp.
ISBN 0895770407
$21.95 ($22.95 postpaid)
Reader’s Digest
Attn.: Order Entry
Pleasantville, NY 10570
##A 05 91185 197
##T Reader’s Digest Fix-It-Yourself Manual
Hidden Screws and Trick Connections
Screws are often concealed under decorative metal facings. Press facing with finger to locate screws, then pry facing up with knife. Work carefully to minimize creasing. Use strong contact cement to reglue.
Natural springiness permits plastic parts to be connected by simple tab and notch arrangements. Illustration shows housing of can opener. Posts on one half of housing are being pried from holes in other half.
##A 05 91999 198
##T Reader’s Digest Fix-It-Yourself Manual
To separate parts held together by keyhole and bolt method, slide one part horizontally with respect to the other, then pull the two apart. Sharp rap may help if parts are stuck. Bolts are adjustable for tighter fit.
Plastic plug in housing of appliance is almost sure to have assembly screw beneath it. Pry plug out with strong, sharp instrument. Some marring of finish is inevitable no matter how carefully you work.
##A 05 93995 199
##T Reader’s Digest Fix-It-Yourself Manual
Top of clothes dryer may be held by hidden spring clips. To release top, insert putty knife under it, push knife against clip, and pull up on top. Pair of clips 2 in. from each end are usually used.
Metal cap must be pried off to reach both main assembly nut and thermostat adjustment screw of this fryer control. Nut can be removed with hollow shank nut driver. Adjustment screw is in center of control shaft.
##A 05 51891 200
##T Earth Building
##A 05 48483 201
Fire an adobe house as if it were a huge ceramic pot. It would then be weatherproof, earthquake-resistant, and about as permanent as a building can get. You could even glaze it. What a wonderful, simple idea! Think of the possibilities, particularly in places where modern building materials are expensive, inappropriate
(which is often), or unavailable. Architect Nader Khalili first wrote of his attempts at actually doing this in a book with the unlikely name Racing Alone. It was inspiring, but for some inexplicable reason it was published without illustrations. Ceramic Houses is equally inspiring and is loaded with drawings, whole chapters on Middle East adobe building techniques and aesthetics, structural theory made easy enough to use, and, at last, photographs. The how-to is experienced and presented in enough
##A 05 158164 202
detail to enable you to actually give it a try.
A whole new way of looking at architecture is a rare event, but that is what we have here, folks. The technique is called
“geltaftan” from the Persian “gel”—clay, and “taftan”—firing, baking or weaving. The book carries not only the details, but the spirit. It’s just plain super in every way. It gets my highest, most enthusiastic recommendation.
— J. Baldwin
(You can help this work along and keep up with the latest news by joining the Geltaftan Foundation.—JB)
##A 05 49092 203
Racing Alone
Nader Khalili
1983; 241 pp.
ISBN 0062504452
$14.95 ($16.45 postpaid)
Harper & Row Publishers
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 05 71374 204
##T Ceramic Houses
Ceramic Houses
How to Build Your Own
Nader Khalili
1986; 221 pp.
ISBN 0062504460
$19.95 ($21.45 postpaid)
Harper & Row Publishers
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 05 73444 205
Geltaflan Foundation
Information from:
Geltaftan Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 145
Claremont, CA 91711
##A 05 248627 206
Children climb all over the roof and the walls.
“What was this building used for before?” I ask the old man of the village aloud, while everyone is trying to guess.
“It was a kaval kiln. In my childhood time I saw it fired,” says the old man.
“Amoo, why have all your houses collapsed but this roof hasn’t collapsed? Yet you all plaster your roofs every year and you say that this roof is just left under the rain and snow for thirty years.”
“Not thirty but fifty years,” he says.
“Okay, fifty years. Why is it still standing?” I ask.
A middle-aged peasant answers in a loud voice from behind: “Don’t you understand? This is fired and baked to a rocklike brick. Even a cannonball can’t break it.”
— Racing Alone
##A 05 248942 207
All of a sudden a huge flame backs out of the torch pit. Ali Aga backs out with it and hides his face behind his arms.
But he is neither afraid nor panicky. He walks away from the pit to the middle of the courtyard, where rain and snow have made a puddle of water. He sits next to the water and with both hands digs into it and collects as much mud as he can carry with him. Returning to the pit he squats on the ground and rubs the mud all over his hands and wrists, almost to his elbows. He then steps down into the firepit and tries to shut the valves. Another storm creates another giant flame engulfing the pit and attacking Ali Aga. With his hands and wrists covered with mud, he roars, “Get back, get back! You must stay inside. I will lock you in there.” He is talking to the fire.
—Racing Alone
##A 05 249508 208
To a ceramic bowl, which includes three elements (earth, air, and fire) water is a welcome addition. Each element enhances the other, none destroys the other. —Ceramic Houses
In a word, what we lack in our earth architecture may be the fourth element, fire. Fire can bring about an equilibrium with the earth, water, and air. And that thought led me to search for an answer.
— Ceramic Houses
It is amazing how blind specialists and government advisors are to seeing that every time a large quake hits, all their “modern” buildings are leveled as well, and all that is left, if there is anything, are domed clay or brick traditional buildings, more of which will last if some improvements are made on their materials and techniques.
— Ceramic Houses
##A 05 213066 209
Steam rises from the old adobe structure for many hours as the fire continues to burn inside. The firing process also makes the vermin infested house hygienic.
— From Ceramic Houses
##A 05 25311 210
##T Adobe
A very thorough book on many aspects of adobe construction. Mientras que descansas has adobes (while you’re resting, make some adobes).
— Lloyd Kahn
Well, making adobe isn’t particularly restful, but sooner or later you have made enough to raise a house. This revised edition includes the modern with the ancient; energy efficiency and code-meeting along with the traditional techniques and aesthetic considerations.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 25598 211
##T Adobe
Build it Yourself
Paul Graham McHenry, Jr.
Revised Edition 1985; 158 pp.
ISBN 081650948
$18.50 ($19.85 postpaid)
University of Arizona Press
1230 North Park #102
Tucson, AZ 85719
##A 05 26245 212
##T Adobe
Earthquake treatment for adobe walls.
##A 05 88089 213
##T Adobe
Stacking of the finished bricks must be done to get them out of the way and make room for more manufacturing. Strangely enough, there is a special way that seems superior to any other.
Handling of finished adobe bricks should now be discussed. It costs almost as much to move a stack of adobe bricks 100 feet as it does to move it across town on a truck. Plan your stacking very carefully! I estimate that it costs me about $50 per thousand (5¢ each) for each move. If the bricks can be made and stacked exactly where they will be used, it will save surprising amounts of time (and money).
##A 05 27717 214
##T Earth Sheltered Housing Design
Earth Sheltered Housing Design
Clearly not the last word, and just as clearly not the first, this second edition presents the state of the art in earth sheltered building technique. It’s illustrated with a wonderfully varied collection of real, lived-in houses with examples from virtually all feasible climates. Critics have been claiming that earth sheltering has no future, but you’d never know it from this book. As experience has been gathered — sometimes painfully — the advantages and efficiencies of earth sheltered houses are becoming harder to ignore.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 28001 215
##T Earth Sheltered Housing Design
Underground Space Center
2nd Edition 1985; 350 pp.
ISBN 442287461
$20.95 postpaid
Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.
Mail Order Service
7625 Empire Drive
Florence, KY 41042-0668
##A 05 28535 216
##T Earth Sheltered Housing Design
The main objective in building below grade was to preserve the low profile of the beachfront property from the street side. Approaching from this side, one can see the ocean over the dunelike forms of the house. A small penetration in the center for the entrance is the only indication of a structure below.
##A 05 28677 217
##T Earth Sheltered Housing Design
Dune house, looking out.
##A 05 197201 218
##T Earth Sheltered Housing Design
Lovins Research Center Bioshelter/House Project
Old Snowmass, Colorado
##A 05 232727 219
##T Earth Sheltered Housing Design
This [see previous card] experimental multipurpose structure in Old Snowmass, Colorado houses the nonprofit Rocky Mountain Institute and also is the home of Amory and Hunter Lovins. Some of the major concerns of the institute which include energy, water, and agriculture, are demonstrated in the innovative design of the project. The earth sheltered, passive solar building includes an indoor farm and a number of other experiments related to energy and resource conservation.
Set into a gentle slope in a mountain valley, the 4,100-square foot structure extends along an east-west axis to provide maximum exposure to solar radiation in all spaces. With the entire north wall below grade and the roof covered with earth, the building appears to blend into the natural landscape. A large greenhouse structure extends above the flat roof in the center of the exposed south wall. Curved windows set into the undulating south wall permit sunlight from a variety of angles to penetrate more deeply into the rooms. The linear plan is divided into four major segments—a bedroom area on the east end, a living area, the greenhouse growing area, and a
##A 05 233139 220
##T Earth Sheltered Housing Design
library/research center on the west end with a sleeping loft above for visitors.
The earth-covered roof structure consists of cedar decking supported by 6- by 12-inch joists and 12- by 6-inch oak beams. This is supported on the interior by one-foot-diameter red spruce columns still covered with bark. The exposed south wall, which was slipformed, consists of 4 inches of insulation sandwiched between two 6-inch concrete walls faced with lichened Dakota sandstone from a nearby hillside. The massive concrete walls, adobe floor, and water columns serve as storage for direct passive solar gain while the effective R-value of the roof is 60 and the walls is 40. Windows are made with argon-filled Heat Mirror, which as an R-value of 5.3. It is anticipated that this tight, well-insulated, earth sheltered structure will require no heating energy in this 8,500-heating-degree-day climate and that interior temperatures will remain in the 70 degree F to 75 degree F range. Two wood-burning stoves are included only for aesthetic reasons.
In addition to reducing or eliminating the need for space heating and cooling, this structure is intended to demonstrate reduced energy use in other areas as well as
##A 05 233398 221
##T Earth Sheltered Housing Design
water and land resource conservation. Electrical requirements for the building are
80 to 90 percent below normal because of efficient lighting and appliances as well as a number of innovative devices. An icebox is cooled year-round by a passive night radiator, solar heat is used in a clothes-drying closet, and cooking will eventually be done with biogas or solar-generated steam. Domestic hot water is supplied by an active solar system, and no backup is required because of efficient water use and graywater heat recovery. The greenhouse, which is one of the major aesthetic amenities of the building, will provide occupants with fruit, vegetables, and fish year-round. A waterfall in the greenhouse serves to aerate water from the fishtank and also provides a noise buffer between working and living spaces.
Energy Use: No heating or cooling required, electrical use for all other purposes is 0.2 Watt per square foot
##A 05 53171 222
##T Tensile Structures
##A 05 35838 223
##T Tensile Structures
Tensile Structures
Tensile structures (air buildings are included in this category) are one of the most economical and daring ways of covering a space with minimum material. As materials and techniques improve, ambitious projects are becoming more common; the main airport terminal at Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, for instance, is a “tent” several thousand feet long. Closer to home, we are beginning to see tensile-structure shopping malls, greenhouses, and warehouses. There’s talk of hotels and dormitories.
This book is a tantalizing visual introduction with lots of photos of models and real buildings. The theory chapters are for engineers who are not intimidated by calculations, but you don’t need the intricate math to try your ideas in model form.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 36042 224
##T Tensile Structures
Frei Otto, Editor
1973; 491 pp.
ISBN 0262650053
$25 ($26.25 postpaid)
MIT Press
55 Hayward Street
Cambridge, MA 02142
##A 05 148165 225
##T Tensile Structures
A very simple and quickly erected silo. Costs can be considerably reduced in comparison with concrete or steel silos of equal capacity, and erection can be effected in the shortest possible time. This is of great importance during sudden accumulations of valuable bulk goods, when losses in storage must kept to a minimum.
##A 05 85564 226
##T Tensile Structures
##A 05 36815 227
##T Moss Fabric Structures
Moss Fabric Structures
The same Moss that makes the especially fine camping tents also makes larger structures for shelter and exhibit purposes. I know of at least one code-meeting home that’s a group of Moss’s larger, double-walled structures. It’s nice; I may live in one myself someday. Bill Moss advocates his designs as an answer to the ridiculous costs of conventional building. It’s an idea that might just work.
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ Moss Tents
##A 05 36905 228
##T Moss Fabric Structures
Moss Backpacking Tents, Fabric Exhibits, and Outdoor Structures
Information free from:
Moss Inc.
Marketing Dept.
Box 309
Camden, ME 04843
##A 05 217047 229
##T Moss Fabric Structures
Moss Optimum Series
##A 05 217314 230
##T Moss Fabric Structures
Moss OP350
##A 05 37854 231
##T The Yurt Foundation
The Yurt Foundation
In the 70s, yurts earned respect for being simple, cheap, and charming. A hippie image gained at the same time seems a disadvantage today, but that hasn’t stopped progress — they’re now highly developed permanent structures. These folks are the experts on this side of the pond. They sell plans for models up to 54 feet in diameter and three stories high. Nice people to work with, too.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 37892 232
##T The Yurt Foundation
Information free
The Yurt Foundation
Bucks Harbor, ME 04618
##A 05 218190 233
##T The Yurt Foundation
A Modern Yurt Hard at Work
##A 05 179339 234
##T The Indian Tipi
The Indian Tipi
Tipis are cheap and portable. To live in one involves intimate familiarity with fire, earth, sky and roundness. The canvas is a shadow-play of branches by day, people by night. Depending on your body’s attitude about weather, a tipi as dwelling is either a delight or a nuisance. Whichever, you can appreciate the elegant design of a tipi and the culture that produced it.
The Laubin’s book is the only one on tipis, but it is very good. All the information you need, technical or traditional, is here, and the Laubins are interesting people.
— Stewart Brand
##A 05 180854 235
##T The Indian Tipi
Its History, Construction and Use
Reginald and Gladys Laubin
1985; 288 pp.
ISBN 0345335546
$3.95 ($4.95 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Rd.
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 05 181389 236
##T The Indian Tipi
This is the most striking and fantastic design of all and must have made a person blink on seeing it in an old Cheyenne camp. The black stripes may represent the thirteen moons of the year, or they may be war trails. A war record and buffalo tracks are on the other side. Some tipis have war records all over the outside, just as they are often found on the linings inside. One of the Kiowa tipis had a design quite similar to this one, except that it had fifteen black stripes, outlined with white on a yellow background.
##A 05 221071 237
##T The Indian Tipi
First four poles in place (east).
Second group, all in the same crotch (east).
##A 05 114559 238
##T The Indian Tipi
Erecting the Sioux Tipi
##A 05 53265 239
##T Timber Frame
##A 05 44878 240
##T Log Home Guide for Builders & Buyers
Log Home Guide for Builders & Buyers
A magazine devoted to (guess what) log building. A typical issue has extensive, well illustrated articles on building technique, problem-solving, and encouraging examples of finished homes.
The winter issue is a massive directory of logsmiths and kits.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 45224 241
##T Log Home Guide for Builders & Buyers
Allan T. Muir, Editor
ISSN 07075006
$18/year (5 issues)
Muir Publishing Co., Inc.
Highway 32 & 321
Cosby, TN 37722
##A 05 97649 242
##T Log Home Guide for Builders & Buyers
The fact that the logs are fixed in position does not change the log’s natural tendency to shrink. The result is that each log shrinks in girth and the gaps between each course of logs naturally widen. When this occurs, maintenance measures must be taken such as the insertion of backer rod or the application of caulk to seal the opening in the wall.
##A 05 14552 243
##T The Joiners’ Quarterly
The Joiners’ Quarterly
Timber framers get together for a chat in this newsletter. The ads are instructive too. There’s a lot going on these days as this
ancient building method is reborn utilizing modern materials
for energy efficiency.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 17287 244
##T The Joiners’ Quarterly
Steve Chappell, Editor
$7.50/year (4 issues) US;
$12.50/year foreign
Fox Maple Press
Snowville Road
RR1 Box 583
West Brownfield, ME 04010
##A 05 98283 245
##T The Joiners’ Quarterly
King Post Truss
A) principal rafter; B) bottom chord or tie beam; C) brace; D) ridge purlin; E) king post.
The king post is relatively simple in approach and in design. It is best used where a clear span is desired. The purpose of the king post is to support the bottom chord at its mid-point. For this reason the bottom chord or tie is best to be a continuous one piece member.
##A 05 42992 246
##T Building the Alaska Log Home
Building the Alaska Log Home
Why should an Alaska log home be any different? Maybe it’s the fierce individualism that seems to permeate anything that has to do with Alaska - folks go there to do things their way. Maybe it’s the irrefutable climate - you have to be right or you freeze. The homes shown here, in enticing color, are masterpieces of the logsmith’s art. No funky miner’s cabins for these folks. The book isn’t funky either; it’s surprisingly slick and includes lots of Alaska bush-living lore mixed in with the competent instruction. Yet the author carefully avoids the usual log home fantasy hype. He makes it sound like the hard work it most assuredly is.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 43187 247
##T Building the Alaska Log Home
Tom Walker
1984; 178 pp.
ISBN 0882402331
$19.95 ($21.45 postpaid)
Alaska Northwest Publishing Company
130 2nd Avenue South
Edmonds, WA 98020
##A 05 43467 248
##T Building the Alaska Log Home
The whole idea of scribe-fitting is to match the upper log to the shape of the lower log. The scribe, one with a double level attachment, becomes an important, almost indispensable tool here. With it, the logsmith transfers the shape and contour of the bottom log onto the upper log. Thus, the quality of the scribe has a great deal to do with the efficiency and speed with which this work can be done. In essence, we are making a log-long notch, with the top log being notched to fit not only at the corners, but to the entire length of the log below. The log obviously cannot be hewn any better than it is marked.
##A 05 43601 249
##T Building the Alaska Log Home
Expertly scribed logs are a tight fit both visually and structurally. They stay tight as logs shrink over time.
##A 05 96102 250
##T Log House Publishing
Log House Publishing
Perhaps the best-known master log builder is Canadian B. Allan Mackie. He’s authored many respected books, and runs the B. Allan Mackie School of Log Building, which lots of people think is the best around. It’s certainly one of the oldest. His catalog lists the available publications and classes.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 118159 251
##T Log House Publishing
Information free
Log House Publishing Company, Ltd.
R.R. 1
Pender Island, B.C.
##A 05 43976 252
##T Timber Frame Construction
Timber Frame Construction
If you live where big wood is available, timber frame construction
(also called post-and-beam) offers an interesting alternative to the usual 2x4 stick building. Done right, timber frame buildings are charming, strong, and not necessarily more expensive than more common construction. The weight of the parts, as well as tradition, makes a congenial crew a necessity, which can be fun. This handsome and experienced book will get you started. It covers the whole bit from history to how to hold the chisels. The complete procedure for making a simple garden shed is presented as a practice project - a fine idea.
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ Tools and How To Use Them
##A 05 44264 253
##T Timber Frame Construction
Jack Sobon and Roger Schroeder
1984; 204 pp.
ISBN 0882663658
$12.95 ($14.95 postpaid)
Garden Way Publishing
Storey Communications
Pownal, VT 05261
##A 05 98515 254
##T Timber Frame Construction
A bent is lifted to vertical position. Protruding oak pegs will be driven farther after the frame is erect and sawed off flush where necessary.
##A 05 45895 255
##T Practical Pole Building Construction
Practical Pole Building Construction
Why hang a house up in the air on a bunch of poles? The biggest advantage of this building method is adaptability to otherwise unbuildable sites. Hillsides, unstable soils, and flood plains are no problem. In most cases, poles are much cheaper than a normal foundation, and since the poles, instead of the walls, carry the structural loads, dramatic open plans can be accommodated. This book tells you how to do it, including calculations.
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ The Owner Built Home
##A 05 46115 256
##T Practical Pole Building Construction
Leigh Seddon
1985; 183 pp.
ISBN 0913589160
$9.95 ($11.20 postpaid)
Williamson Publishing Company
P. O. Box 185
Charlotte, VT 05445
##A 05 83246 257
##T Practical Pole Building Construction
Pole Construction lends itself to passive solar heating since the walls are non-loadbearing.
##A 05 54099 258
##T Logwork
##A 05 46976 259
##T Chainsaw Savvy
Chainsaw Savvy
How to tame, train, and feed a chainsaw, done in enough detail to keep you safe yet efficient. First you cut the tree down. Then you cut it up.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 47309 260
##T Chainsaw Savvy
A Complete Guide
Neil Soderstrom
1982; 144 pp.
ISBN 087100187X
$10.95 ($12.45 postpaid)
Morgan & Morgan
145 Palisade Street
Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522
##A 05 47462 261
##T Chainsaw Savvy
Firewood cutters often mistakenly cut off whole limbs near the trunk and then chase around after them on the ground — letting the chain torment the dirt a bit. With hundreds of chain cutters passing any one point on the bar per second, it takes only a fraction of a second to thoroughly dull a chain. It’s better to trim limbs back with loppers or bowsaws until they are stable enough not to chatter under a chainsaw. Then saw stove lengths right back to the trunk.
##A 05 229897 262
##T Chainsaw Savvy
To relieve kerf pinch from a large log, try to force a limb, log, or wedge-shaped disc underneath. Then drive felling wedges, if necessary, to open the kerf.
##A 05 48003 263
##T Chainsaw Lumbermaking
Chainsaw Lumbermaking
It takes nerves of steel and good ear protectors, but it’s otherwise entirely feasible to turn trees into boards with a chainsaw. This book escorts you through the entire process, commencing with tree selection. The critical and delicate business of sharpening chains for lumbermaking purposes is covered in practiced detail, as are plans for constructing your own lumbering device. Exceptionally well illustrated.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 48334 264
##T Chainsaw Lumbermaking
Will Malloff
1982; 212 pp.
ISBN 0918804124
$23.95 ($25.45 postpaid)
The Taunton Press
63 South Main Street
Newtown, CT 06470
##A 05 48839 265
##T Chainsaw Lumbermaking
One of the simplest forms of chainsaw lumbermaking is straight slabbing. The boards are left unedged and are easily stacked and stickered for air-drying. The yield is a full assortment of flat-grain and edge-grain cuts.
##A 05 49259 266
##T Bailey’s
Saws, accessories, calk boots, sharpeners, safety equipment, and everything else loggers need, at a discount. They’re nice people
to deal with, too.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 49454 267
##T Bailey’s
Catalog $2 from:
44650 Highway 101
P. O. Box 550
Laytonville, CA 95454
##A 05 147817 268
##T Bailey’s
We found a quality suspender that offers more support and better wearability! Heavy elastic, 2" wide with black anodized hardware and strong leather fittings. Clip or button with leather ends. Red color, fully adjustable. Available in Reg., Lg., and X-Lg. (Reg. size fits to 5 ft. 9 in.,
Lg. size fits to 6 ft. 1 in. and X-Lg. fits to 6 ft. 1 in. and taller.)
Item No. 13900 Clip Suspenders $6.00
Item No. 13905 Button suspenders $6.00
##A 05 54966 269
##T Renovation
##A 05 30441 270
##T Renovation
If I owned a hardware store or ran the local lumberyard, I’d buy a desk copy of this book for do-it-yourself customers to paw through. The ones who should have done some homework before they walked in can here learn the names of the things they need. Those with questions about the best way to do something will find the explanation of methods well-integrated in text, line illustration, and photographs. Both groups will return to the sales desk informed and encouraged.
In an age when people write books on subjects they have scarcely mastered, and publishers back them, what makes Renovation shine is experience and teamwork. The illustrator used to be a
contractor. The photographer had previously remodeled a loft and
##A 05 30715 271
##T Renovation
wasn’t afraid to lug her camera into grungy buildings. The author renovated three houses and had a hand in the beginnings of Fine Homebuilding magazine (see review). What was supposed to be a year-long project ended up taking four, and several copy editors got burned out along the way, but the result is a book that probably won’t have any serious competition for years to come.
— Richard Nilsen
Ÿ Fine Homebuilding
##A 05 30975 272
##T Renovation
Michael Litchfield
1983; 571 pp.
ISBN 0471049034
$35.95 postpaid
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
1 Wiley Drive
Somerset, NJ 08875
##A 05 31255 273
##T Renovation
The Davenport house interior, before and after.
##A 05 31581 274
##T Renovation
Plywood, used as a flitch plate between two joists or, as shown here, as “sisters,” is very rigid when used on edge. It is most effective when glued and screwed to the tired joist or joists.
##A 05 31956 275
##T The Old-House Journal
The Old-House Journal
Fix up an old house and “you will have made a home while cherishing a piece of history — all without destroying the beauty of your old house or compromising the unique story it has to tell. Rather, you will have enriched that story and made it part of your own.” So say the editors of this monthly that is obviously as much a labor of love as the restorations they champion. Articles are likely to deal with such matters as authentic architectural styling details, restoration of windows, and rewiring. The tone is do-it-yourself, and generally inspiring. A lively letters department lets readers trade information easily. The ads are probably worth the price of the subscription.
Since 1976, Old-House Journal has printed compendiums of each
##A 05 32208 276
##T The Old-House Journal
year’s editorial content. The Restoration Manuals are available individually or in sets at great savings.
The real goodie from these folks is the massive OHJ Buyer’s
Guide Catalog. It lists hard-to-find sources of materials, ornaments, recycled house parts, columns, staircases, tin ceilings, fixtures, and all the other stuff you’ll need to make your place right.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 32318 277
##T The Old-House Journal
Patricia Poore, Editor
ISSN 00940178
$21/year (6 issues).
The OHJ Yearbook (1985): $18. The 1980s Set: $69.
The 1986 Buyer’s Guide Catalog: $10.95 to OHJ subscribers; $13.95 to nonsubscribers.
The Old-House Journal
69A Seventh Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11217
##A 05 108942 278
##T The Old-House Journal
Extravaganza in glass: a storefront suited to the Roaring ’20s. An elegant store facade made
entirely of glass. Worth restoring, but parts will be
hard to find.
##A 05 182199 279
##T Renovator’s Supply
Renovator’s Supply
If you’re considering a renovation project, you’ll soon run into a problem: how to replace the missing hardware with authentic copies or the real thing? Start your search in this yummy catalog of old time lighting, plumbing, general hardware and even some furniture.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 184677 280
##T Renovator’s Supply
Catalog free from:
Renovator’s Supply, Inc.
Renovator’s Old Mill
Millers Falls, MA 01349
##A 05 185212 281
##T Renovator’s Supply
A-F. Lincrusta Friezes First manufactured over 100 years ago, Lincrusta friezes will add grace and elegance to almost any decor. They are crafted of ingredients similar to linoleum, making them durable -- wallcoverings which resist water, wear-and-tear. Lincrusta wallcovering can be seen in hundreds of prominent Victorian buildings, including Carnegie Mansion (now part of the Smithsonian) and the Sacramento State Capitol. Lincrusta can be painted or stained, and special effects can be achieved depending on methods used. For instance, to achieve the look of hand-tooled leather, apply stain to the painted surface, then wipe it with a cloth while it is still wet. Create the look of pressed copper by applying glazes, lacquer, and enamel. Use your creative imagination to add a touch of yesteryear to your walls. Full hanging instructions included. Each frieze is 33' long. Weight 25 lbs. Width in parentheses below.
“Hm . . . bet we could fix up this hovel with a little work. Wonder if we could handle the job ourselves?” With this weighty tome in your grasp, you probably can, assuming you have conquered initial fears and are thus able to start, and even that’ll be easier because of the color pictures of the results you may expect. It’s so comprehensive that the table of contents takes up the entire back cover in fine print; if what you need isn’t there, you probably don’t need to know it. It covers house and grounds, adding and repairing.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 29462 284
##T Ortho’s Home Improvement Encyclopedia
Karin Shakery, Editor
1985; 512 pp.
ISBN 0897210662
$24.95 ($25.95 postpaid)
Ortho Books
6001 Bollinger Canyon Road
Room TB-120
San Ramon, CA 94583
##A 05 30036 285
##T Ortho’s Home Improvement Encyclopedia
To stretch the screen:
Bend the door frame slightly by placing sticks under each end of the door and clamping the middle down to the sawhorse planks. Staple the top of the screen in place, release the tension slowly, then staple both sides. Do not staple the center rail until last. Trim the excess screen with a sharp knife and replace the molding.
##A 05 198397 286
##T Ortho’s Home Improvement Encyclopedia
Installing Baseboards
Baseboards can be made from one to three separate pieces of molding. Ideally, molding should not protrude farther than a door casing. If you are installing a base shoe along the bottom edge, nail the baseboard to the wall 1/4 inch above the level of the finished floor. Then position the base shoe against the baseboard, not to the floor.
##A 05 33741 287
##T The Straight Poop
The Straight Poop
This charming home-published book takes a chatty personal approach rather than a scary authoritarian one, but it’s professional nevertheless. A special section dubbed “The Dirty Dozen” will get you through most emergencies without calling a plumber. Other repairs are discussed with unusual realism, especially concerning the yukkiness likely to be encountered.
(Things are rarely as neat as other books would have you believe.) A boon: old-style plumbing such as Victorian commodes that sound like dragon burps are addressed with an expertise I’ve never seen anywhere else.
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ Do-It-Yourself Plumbing
##A 05 34020 288
##T The Straight Poop
A Plumber’s Tattler
Peter A. Hemp
1986; 176 pp.
ISBN 0898151465
$9.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
Ten Speed Press
P. O. Box 7123
Berkeley, CA 94707
##A 05 34234 289
##T The Straight Poop
If your wet sag or drip from the ceiling is below a tub or shower, discovering whether you have a pressure leak or a gravity leak can sometimes be quite exasperating. At least 70 percent of these complaints that I look at end up being a gravity leak. . . .
If you can remove the shower head from the shower arm and find exposed pipe threads, then go to the hardware store and purchase a 1/2-inch female pipe by male hose adapter. Thread it onto the shower arm and then thread a garden hose onto the adaptor. Now run the hose out a convenient window or door and then turn the shower on full
(hot and cold) and let it run for a good ten minutes or more.
With the water going out the hose and not the tub drain, if you do not have any more leakage, then you can assume that you do have a drain related gravity leak.
##A 05 23142 290
##T Home Renovation
Home Renovation
Fix up that old dog, is what this book is about. Historical significance isn’t very significant here, but making the old place better is. Convert your garage into a family room, for instance. Zillions of little details are laid out in plain order-your-breakfast lingo and good drawings. The hard-work part isn’t glossed over either, so you can get a realistic idea of what you’re up against. Recommended by the Owner Builder Center (see review).
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ The Owner Builder Center
##A 05 23536 291
##T Home Renovation
Francis D. K. Ching
and Dale E. Miller
1983; 338 pp.
ISBN 0442215924
$20.95 postpaid
Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.
Mail Order Service
7625 Empire Drive
Florence, KY 41042
##A 05 225161 292
##T Masonry
Mountains slowly get smaller, and so do stone and brick buildings. Little by little—a crack here and a chip there, spalling, freeze and thaw, acid rain—the surface and ornaments wear away. The whole business sort of reminds me of the frustration and rewards experienced by those who care for wooden boats; essentially a lost cause, but worth the effort in order to enjoy the wonderful and often irreplaceable handiwork a bit longer.
This book is not a do-it-yourself manual. Its main purpose is to familiarize you with the procedures used by skilled experts to diagnose, prevent and treat problems. If a stone or brick building is part of your responsibilities, your homework starts here.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 225492 293
##T Masonry
(How to Care for Old and Historic Brick and Stone)
Mark London
1988; 208 pp.
ISBN 0891331255
$12.95 ($15.95 postpaid)
Preservation Press
National Trust for Historic Preservation
1600 H Street NW
Washington, DC 20006
##A 05 226006 294
##T Masonry
Poultices, or leaching packs, involve spreading a chemical paste on the masonry to loosen the dirt or stain. The packs then draw out the dirt as they dry, thus avoiding the reabsorption of dissolved material into the masonry. This technique is used to remove stains from porous masonry and for more general cleaning problems inside buildings where it is impossible to use water.
Poultices may be applied successfully to remove stains such as oil, tar, plant materials (lichens and algae), graffiti (including spray paint), metallic stains such as iron and copper and occasionally some types of salt deposits (efflorescence).
##A 05 229737 295
##T Masonry
Weathering is particularly pronounced on sharp corners and highly carved or projecting architectural details, where it results in granular and rounded surfaces. With sandstone, the grains of sand stand above the surface and can be rubbed off when touched, indicating that the cementing material has been lost. Acid rain can increase natural weathering rates, resulting in noticeable softening or loss of masonry details, particularly with acid-soluble, carbonate stone. Weathering can show a uniform pattern across the surface or can produce varied patterns.
##A 05 226163 296
##T Masonry
Poultice. Absorbent material is applied to a stain; the area is covered; the poultice is scraped off with a wooden spatula and the surface is rinsed with water.
##A 05 229151 297
##T Masonry
Weathering of marble.
(John H. Myers)
##A 05 38379 298
##A 05 55130 299
##T Energy and Climate
##A 05 72222 300
When Whole Earth publications started in 1968, there was much glib talk of “free energy” from the sun, wind, and methane digesters. Some folks (not us) even thought that this free energy would by itself cause extensive political decentralization, a naive, or at least premature, view. But we have learned a few things:
• Funky hardware gives funky results, regardless of the righteousness of the maker.
• Reliable hardware is hard to produce and costs more than one would hope.
• Reduction of demand (conservation) is not very exciting but is
the cheapest energy strategy and certainly is Step One.
• Household-size methane digesters don’t work.
##A 05 72469 301
We were right about one thing: There is nothing alternative about solar energy. ’Twas ever thus . . . .
But the decade has produced some reliable knowledge and hardware — much of it from the minds and hands of experimenters. We now know that superinsulated houses are the most economical way to go, whether passively solar heated or otherwise; and photovoltaics are the simplest, most economical way to make electricity on-site if you live where there’s sun.
Sounds easy. It wasn’t. Still isn’t. More later. Keep working.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 3614 302
##T Climatic Design
Climatic Design
Climatic Design is attaining nearly biblical status among energy-conscious designers and architects. It’s valuable as a reliable and comprehensive reference to the layperson as well, but it’s not bedtime reading.
Much of the book is organized as a series of specific maxims, replete with text and drawings, that form parts of broad bioclimatic strategies such as “promote earth cooling” and
“minimize infiltration.” Some of the theory is abstruse and hard to use, but the bulk of the book is excellent background for those thinking about a new house in the broadest terms: site, orientation, and rough floor plans.
— David Godolphin
##A 05 112933 303
##T Climatic Design
Donald Watson, FAIA,
and Kenneth Labs
1985; 280 pp.
ISBN 0070684782
$42.50 postpaid
McGraw-Hill Book Co.
Order Services
13955 Manchester Road,
Manchester, MO 63011
##A 05 131433 304
##T Climatic Design
Comparison of different types of weatherstripping for doors and windows. These are listed in order of estimated overall durability.
##A 05 131620 305
##T Climatic Design
A house can be made more energy efficient simply by designing the plan so that the order of rooms in which the normal daily sequence of activities occurs “follows” the path of the sun.
##A 05 129902 306
##T The Superinsulated Home Book
The Superinsulated Home Book
If you want a house that uses very little energy, you should probably make it superinsulated and relatively airtight. Amply illustrated and very current, this book covers the principles and practice that apply to every square foot of a low-energy house, from the tapered foundation insulation to the continuous ridge vent. On the way it thoroughly treats key subjects like the air/vapor barrier, ventilation systems, and energy efficient appliances.
Just as The Passive Solar Energy Book (Ÿ see separate review) ignores superinsulation, this one doesn’t know what to make of solar. The reading is slow going in parts, but it’s worth it; the authors have done their homework heroically. All the information is there.
— David Godolphin
##A 05 130149 307
##T The Superinsulated Home Book
J. D. Ned Nisson
and Gautam Dutt
1985; 316 pp.
ISBN 047188734X
$20.90 postpaid
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Order Dept.
1 Wiley Drive
Somerset, NY 08875
##A 05 130806 308
##T The Superinsulated Home Book
Two possible thermal envelope boundary configurations.
A. Insulated knee-walls. This configuration is difficult to insulate and seal at the “trouble spots.” B. Insulated roof. This is the preferred configuration, even though it encloses more heated space, because the insulation system is less likely to have defects.
##A 05 26399 309
##T Passive Annual Heat Storage
Passive Annual Heat Storage
Insulate the Earth? Uh huh. Sure. At first that’s what this book seems to be saying, and it sounds outrageous. It’s against everything we’ve been taught. But it works. Until now, earth sheltered housing has had to be carefully waterproofed and insulated to protect against dampness. The alleged benefits of using the surrounding earth as a heat source in winter and a heat absorber in summer can’t work if the house is insulated against the earth surrounding it. But what if the surrounding earth is kept dry and is itself insulated? This book is a complete exposition of that radical idea. The few places built using this concept have worked, absorbing and storing summer heat for use in winter, just as the designers hoped. This may be the break earth sheltered housing has needed.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 26853 310
##T Passive Annual Heat Storage
John Hait and the Rocky Mountain Research Center
1983; 152 pp.
ISBN 0915207001
$14.95 postpaid
Rocky Mountain Research Center
P. O. Box 4694
Missoula, MT 59806
##A 05 140829 311
##T Home Power Magazine
Home Power Magazine
This magazine is surprisingly sassy for a freebie. There are advertisers involved, so I guess you couldn’t call the contents unbiased, yet I don’t see anything that could be called conflict of interest. The letters to the editor are particularly interesting because they reflect actual users at work, the best “horse’s
mouth.” As with any new field, it is a good idea to read up from as many standpoints as possible. You’ll find lots to gnaw on here.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 149515 312
##T Home Power Magazine
Free in U.S.
Home Power Magazine
P.O. Box 130
Hornbrook, CA 96044-0130
##A 05 154555 313
##T Home Power Magazine
Several manufacturers are now marketing devices that promise to triple output from a photovoltaic (PV) panel. These; linear current boosters (LCBs) help eliminate the need for storage batteries or oversize arrays when running electric motors directly from the panels. Is this magic or simply a lot of hype? Actually, it’s neither.
Power, or Watts is the product of Volts times Amps. Whether we have 40 Volts at one Amp or 40 Amps at one Volt the power is still 40 Watts. The boosters we are talking about do basically two things. First, they “fool” the panel into thinking that the load it is supplying, in this case a motor, is really smaller than it is. This allows the output current and voltage from the panel to remain at maximum, thus delivering full available power to the booster.
The second function, and really the “magic” that these devices perform, is their ability to convert Volts into Amps.
##A 05 55347 314
##T Solar Energy
##A 05 187095 315
##T A Golden Thread
A Golden Thread
The past gives permission to the future, vaulting hysterias of Nowness. It’s the difference between some kid intoning solar slogans and granddad remarking that yeah, well, why in hell do you think he built the family’s Cape Cod salt box with the main rooms on the south side?
Whole Earth has been party to the making of this book—we ran Butti & Perlin’s surprising history of solar water heaters in California around 1900 in Fall ’77, solar water heaters in Florida around 1930 in Spring ’78, and a stroll past 2500 years of solar invention in Winter ’79. It’s wonderful stuff, not only for the permission and fascinations in it, but also as a peerless source of design ideas.
— Stewart Brand
##A 05 187437 316
##T A Golden Thread
(2500 Years of Solar Architecture and Technology)
1980; 289 pp.
ISBN 0917352076
$19.95 ($21.95 postpaid)
Cheshire Books
514 Bryant Street
Palo Alto, CA 94301
##A 05 187846 317
##T A Golden Thread
Some of the technical lessons of solar energy found in A Golden Thread are still being relearned today. The drawbacks of high-temperature solar concentrators for driving heat engines were discovered almost a century ago. These same drawbacks are today leading many of our best analysts to turn from solar “power towers” to low-technology, low-temperature systems like solar ponds with Rankine cycle engines. Likewise, it is today the conventional wisdom to advocate extensive use of some of the more expensive solar technologies in remote rural areas and in the Third World—where conventional energy costs are prohibitively high. Exactly the same logic led to the pioneering early work in solar irrigation pumping in the American Southwest and in the French and British colonies of North Africa. Once again we have come full circle.
-- Amory Lovins (foreword)
##A 05 187906 318
##T A Golden Thread
A conservatory in Victorian England. Early in the nineteenth century, these glassed-in plant showcases became popular additions to many upper-class homes.
##A 05 205448 319
##T A Golden Thread
This Pomona Valley, California, family had a Day and Night solar water heater on the roof of their house in 1911.
##A 05 126451 320
##T The Passive Solar Energy Book
The Passive Solar Energy Book
Despite advanced age in a fast-changing field, Mazria’s book remains the single best guide to passive solar house design. Its basic information on solar energy, orientation, and the arrangement of rooms is current. Organization, illustration, assemblage of tools, and use of patterns (based on Christopher Alexander’s A Pattern Language) are first-rate. Use the book with confidence but consider these warnings: Mazria works in the sunny Southwest and shows a slight bias towards that climate. The book recommends far too much south glass per square foot of floor area given today’s tight, well-insulated houses.
High-performance glazings threaten to replace moveable
##A 05 126659 321
##T The Passive Solar Energy Book
insulation but weren’t around in 1979 and aren’t mentioned here. And, finally, you won’t find discussion of such current issues as radiant floors, vapor barriers, back-up heating systems, phase-change materials, and the anomalous heat leaks that can rob insulation of its value.
The professional edition adds several hundred pages of useful climate data and performance calculations for fine-tuning designs.
— David Godolphin
Ÿ A Pattern Language
##A 05 126899 322
##T The Passive Solar Energy Book
Edward Mazria
1979; 687 pp.
ISBN 0878572384
$29.95 postpaid
Rodale Press
33 East Minor Street
Emmaus, PA 18098
##A 05 98967 323
##T The Passive Solar Energy Book
The most effective method for shading south-facing glass in summer is with an overhang. This shading device is simply a solid horizontal projection located at the top exterior of a window. The optimum projection of the overhang from the face of the building is dependent upon window height, latitude and climate. For example, the larger the opening (height) the longer the overhang.
##A 05 188209 324
##T New Solar Home Book
New Solar Home Book
One of the most popular solar home books ever is back in updated form. The writing and illustrations are easily understood, making this book a good place to start if you don’t know much about the principles involved.
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ The New Solar Electric Home
##A 05 188636 325
##T New Solar Home Book
Bruce Anderson with Michael Riordan
Revised Edition 1987; 204 pp.
ISBN 0931790700
$16.95 ($19.45 postpaid)
Brick House Publishing Co.
3 Main Street
P.O. Box 512
Andover, MA 01810
##A 05 189784 326
##T New Solar Home Book
In a pumped system the collector can be located above the storage tank.
##A 05 128966 327
##T Custom Builder
Custom Builder
Custom Builder (formerly called Solar Age; then Progressive
Builder) is still a solar architecture magazine, as it has been for more than ten years. It’s a good example of a two-way publication; ideas are argued theoretically first and again when enough field experience becomes available. It’s all served up in lay language,
so you can keep up with things without being a pro.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 129045 328
##T Custom Builder
William D’Alessandro,
ISBN 08952493
$23.97/year (12 issues)
Custom Builder
Subscription Services
P.O. Box 985
Farmingdale, NY 11737
##A 05 78061 329
The Renew America Project (used to be called Solar Lobby) is in there hammering away at legislators who still think there’s no energy problem. Denis Hayes, an old hand at this, is at the helm. The Fund for Renewable Energy and the Environment is the educational arm of the outfit. They publish attractive booklets
(the recent State of the States, for instance) full of disquieting facts and figures on current environmental topics, particularly useful for teachers. Their Renew America Catalog features a tempting selection of environmentally sensitive items such as energy-efficient light bulbs, radon test kits and recycled paper products. All well done and effective.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 78189 330
Renew America Project
$25/year membership
Renew America Project
1001 Connecticut Ave. NW
Suite 719
Washington, DC 20036
Members receive quarterly newsletter, annual State of the States Reports and the Renew America Catalog.
##A 05 228497 331
Fund for Renewable Energy and the Environment
Information from:
Renew America Project
1001 Connecticut Ave. NW
Suite 719
Washington, DC 20036
##A 05 226540 332
Renew America Catalog
Catalog $2
Renew America Project
128 Intervale Rd.
Burlington, VT 05401
##A 05 226803 333
The State of the States
$15 Individuals
$20 Bus./Gov.
Renew America Project
1001 Connecticut Ave.
Suite 719
Washington, DC 20036
##A 05 204401 334
EFFICIENT FLOODS. To replace incandescent floods, adapt with the Miniwatt Floodlight which fits snugly over the bulb. Can be used outdoors in protected areas or in weatherproof fixtures. 5 and 7–watt rated to 0 degrees F, 9–watt to 25 degrees F. Not for use in dimming circuits. Overall flood length is 6–1/4" for the 5 and 7-watt, 7–1/2" for 9–watt. 5–watt flood replaces regular 40–watt incandescent, and 7–watt replaces 60–70–watt. 5–watt #352, 7–watt #353, $22.85 ea. ($2.00). 9–watt #354 replaces up to 100–watt, $23.65 ($2.00).—Renew America Catalog
##A 05 235751 335
1988 State Winners in Each Category
* First Place—Massachusetts and Wisconsin
* Surface Water Protection—North Carolina
* Reducing Pesticide Contamination—California
* Land Use Planning—Oregon
* Eliminating Indoor Pollution—New Jersey
* Highway Safety—Maryland
* Energy Pollution Control—Massachusetts
—State of the States
##A 05 58069 336
##T Solar Supplies
##A 05 50416 337
##T Solar Catalog
Solar Catalog
This juicy catalog features a good selection of hardware needed for solar heating. It’s where you order products made of Sun-Lite — the best fiberglass-reinforced plastic glazing. It can be had in rolls, or in prefabricated panels ready to install. The roll stock can be used to make solar heated water tanks for thermal storage and aquaculture. It works well for greenhouses. Note that this catalog, like most others, doesn’t criticize or otherwise comment on suitability of items shown. It pays to read up on prospective purchases, and to discuss them with folks who have some experience.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 50458 338
##T Solar Catalog
Catalog $3
Solar Components Corp.
88 Pine Street
Manchester, NH 03103
##A 05 229052 339
##T Solar Catalog
Recent studies have shown water to be the superior direct gain storage medium in passive solar systems. Water stores more Btu’s per unit volume and will actually absorb more total Btu’s in a day’s time than an equal square footage of similarly colored rock or masonry. Until recently, “water walls” were deemed unacceptable due to the lack of appropriate containers. Storage tubes have solved many of the problems encountered when using everything from pop bottles and plastic milk jugs to 55 gallon drums and steel culverts.
##A 05 228260 340
##T Solar Catalog
##A 05 51233 341
##T Zomeworks
In a business rife with doubtful quality and broken promises,
Zomeworks has attained a reputation for reliable products. Their formula for success: Clever, simple products that perform like the advertisements say they will. Founder Steve Baer has a knack for whipping things down to essentials, and the products show that. No government largesse has been involved either; perhaps that’s one reason for the lean, no-nonsense designs. Look at their catalog for a lesson in clarity.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 51488 342
##T Zomeworks
Information free
Zomeworks Corp.
P. O. Box 25805
Albuquerque, NM 87125
##A 05 52018 343
##T Zomeworks
SKYLID self-operating insulating louvers are sets of panels that open beneath a skylight to allow the sun to enter during the day and close to seal against heat loss at night. They are self-operating: The sun controls their responsive weight shifting system. SKYLIDS are available for maximum direct gain and sunlighting or for indirect gain and daylighting. A manual override allows the louvers to be held in a closed or partially closed position to prevent overheating or to control light levels.
##A 05 52432 344
##T Zomeworks
The Sunbender Reflector/Shade is designed to fit any well built, sturdy curb mount skylight. During the heating season, it reflects from 100,000 to 200,000 extra Btu’s per square foot of skylight into the building below. In the lowered summer position, it shades the skylight and greatly reduces heat gain, while still allowing light to enter.
##A 05 52638 345
##T Solar Card
Solar Card
Is the neighbor’s tree gonna shade your solar hot water heater in February? Will your proposed garden get enough sun for tomatoes? You can find out easily by viewing your surroundings through the lines printed on a Solar Card. It’s a bit awkward to use but it’s cheap and it works. Tell them your city and state when ordering.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 52750 346
##T Solar Card
$14.95 from:
Design Works, Inc.
11 Hitching Post Road
Amherst, MA 01002
##A 05 99492 347
##T Solar Card
The Solar Card in use
##A 05 53678 348
##T The Spec Guide
The Spec Guide
Like a showroom without sales pressure, this guide lists more than one thousand energy related products and their specifications. You’ll find side-by-side comparison of such things as hot water heating systems, collectors, controls, instruments, thermal storage hardware, and wind energy sets. You won’t find judgment though; that’s up to you. Note that performance claims are the manufacturer’s. If the Guide’s price seems high, think of what it would take you in time and postage to round up all this stuff. Be grateful.
Heat Mirror(TM )transparent window insulation is factory mounted in the air space of a sealed, double pane unit by leading window manufacturers throughout the world. It dramatically increases the insulating properties of the window by reflecting the long-wave infrared energy (“heat”) and transmitting solar energy. Heat Mirror equipped windows reject most of the damaging ultra-violet energy, transmit light without color distortion, and have R-values from 4 to 4.3.
##A 05 56763 351
One of our favorite purveyors of alternative-energy stuff is back, complete with their fat (the fattest anywhere), annotated catalog dubbed Alternative Energy Sourcebook. “Sourcebook” refers to the basic education presented along with the merchandise — a valuable service for a customer without enough knowledge to make a good choice of equipment. The company also publishes Real Good News, with sale prices, updates to the Sourcebook, and letters from users in the field. That feedback brings new meaning to the term
“real” in the company name. I’ve bought lots of items from these folks. No complaints. Quite the reverse, in fact; this store is a real gem.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 154725 352
Alternative Energy Sourcebook
Catalog $5 ($6.50 postpaid)
Real Goods Trading Co.
3041 Guidiville Road
Ukiah, CA 95482
##A 05 12641 353
Real Good News
Free (4 issues/year)
with Sourcebook order
Real Goods Trading Co.
3041 Guidiville Road
Ukiah, CA 95482
##A 05 173120 354
We were extremely pleased with the 35 light string 12 Volt Christmas tree lights that we imported from Taiwan this last fall. We discovered by accident while testing out the lights in a car that they make an incredibly exciting addition to the interior of any car. You can simply string the lights around the interior of the car over the windows with electrical tape and plug them into the cigarette lighter. The effect at night is astounding. It wasn’t long before our entire staff had cars laden with lights! Nancy was driving her Cadillac through downtown Ukiah just before Christmas with two strings of 12 V lights encircling her windows, when she got sirened off the street by THREE highway patrolmen. After 15 minutes of poring through copious code sections in their Motor Vehicle primers and several radio phone calls later to enforcement central, they had to let her go because they couldn’t figure out where interior lights were illegal in the California code!!
We’re discounting these lights from $19.00 to $9.00 for the off season.
##A 05 223674 355
Believe it or not this is one of the fastest selling items in the entire catalog. It adapts a standard edison base to an auto brake light type bulb. The bulbs are available at your local auto parts store or in the lighting section of this Sourcebook. Available in single (model 2033) bayonet and double bayonet (M-431) base.
Shipping Wt. 1/4# Price 5.00
Specify either 2003 (single bayonet)
or M-431 (double bayonet)
I use these in my girls’ room with standard AC fixtures. They provide a great light for bedtime stories, are extremely easy to install, and look great.
##A 05 230608 356
Solar “Casablanca” Ceiling Fan 12V
Here is a proven practical way to cut those high cost cooling and heating bills by as much as 50% if you’re on public utility power. The Solar Ceiling fan needs no batteries as its power comes from a small photovoltaic module placed on the roof and wired directly to the fan. The brighter the sun, the hotter the day, the more the fan works to move as much as 2200 CFM of air. By recirculating stratified air into the living area in the summer before it gets too hot and in the winter warm air from traditional or wood heating, a more uniform temperature is maintained.
Equipped with brass fittings and (3) 44 inch mahogany finished wood blades, the power consumption is about 1/2 to 3/4 of an amp. (6 to 9 watts). The 12 inch long base fastens to a ceiling with regular butterfly fasteners or may be screwed to wood beams. Base size 10" x 8-1/2". Shp. wt. 10 lb.
WL-ABS 41" Blades Brass Base Brown Wooden Blades
Brown Plastic Base - $150.00 W-BRS = 1.6A Draw $195.00
##A 05 57616 357
##T Photovoltaics
##A 05 54722 358
Photovoltaic (PV) panels make electricity when the sun shines on them. They do it quietly, simply, reliably (at last!), and if not cheaply, at least for less money than last year. They’re already competitive with all other non-utility sources of electricity. The price has been steadily dropping, if you take inflation into consideration, and will drop further as production rises, which it is. Watch a billion dollar industry being born, folks—PV is coming on line fast.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 61243 359
##T Practical Photovoltaics
Practical Photovoltaics
Practical Photovoltaics presents the theory and practice of photovoltaics in a nontechnical manner; read it and you’ll have good reason to claim you know what you’re doing. There are complete instructions for assembling your own panels from individual cells (which are often available at a discount)—a great way to save money.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 61586 360
##T Practical Photovoltaics
Richard J. Komp, Ph.D.
Second Edition 1984; 1916 pp.
ISBN 0937948063
$16.95 ($18.45 postpaid)
AATEC Publications
P. O. Box 7119
Ann Arbor, MI 48107
##A 05 61886 361
##T Practical Photovoltaics
A cell can be permanently damaged if a large reverse voltage is applied to the electrodes. There is one circumstance under which this reverse voltage condition can occur: when one cell is shaded while the rest of the cells in a series string are in sunlight. The current through the string immediately stops, and the sum of all the open-circuit voltages of all the other cells shows up across the shaded cell. The resistance heating effect of the current can make a cell hot enough to melt the solder connections.
##A 05 59214 362
##T The New Solar Electric Home
The New Solar Electric Home
The New Solar Electric Home is an update of one of our favorite PV books. The new version concentrates on the design of complete household PV systems, especially the equipment that “inverts” the low voltage DC power into the 110-volt AC power you and your appliances are used to. (The author recommends the Heart Interface, a device available from most of the suppliers shown in this cluster’s PHOTOVOLTAIC SUPPLIERS Ÿ.) Recent developments make photovoltaic homes truly practical for the first time.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 59619 363
##T The New Solar Electric Home
The Photovoltaics How-To Handbook
Joel Davidson
1987; 408 pp.
ISBN 0937948098
$18.95 ($20.45 postpaid)
AATEC Publications
P. O. Box 7119
Ann Arbor, MI 48107
##A 05 60284 364
##T RVers’ Guide to Solar Battery Charging
RVers’ Guide to Solar Battery Charging
RVers’ Guide to Solar Battery Charging is a finely detailed
guide to installing PV systems in your motorhome, trailer, boat, or cabin. I’ve lived PV-powered for six years now and can vouch that this book is what you need to know. Wish I’d had it in 1980.
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ Trailers and RVs
##A 05 60485 365
##T RVers’ Guide to Solar Battery Charging
Noel and Barbara Kirkby
1987; 164 pp.
ISBN 093794808X
$12.95 ($14.45 postpaid)
AATEC Publications
P. O. Box 7119
Ann Arbor, MI 48107
##A 05 60682 366
##T RVers’ Guide to Solar Battery Charging
The Sun Frost refrigerator/freezer, very popular with homeowners, has now been discovered by RVers because of innovations which achieve exceptionally low power consumption. The Sun Frost is superinsulated with 3-4 inches of polyurethane foam. A top-mounted, hermetically sealed compressor runs cool and prevents heat from entering the cabinet. A high level of efficiency is developed in a “low differential” evaporator coil. . . .
Its superinsulation allows 24-hour shut-off without spoilage.
Technically, this unit could run on the output of only two standard PV panels; however, this would not allow any reserve for bad weather. We allow three panels full output just for refrigeration.
##A 05 58173 367
##T The PV Network News
The PV Network News
This quarterly newsletter continues to serve as a clearinghouse for PV knowhow developed by folks using photovoltaics in their daily lives. The product reviews and field-proven tips are often way ahead of more formal publications not so intimately involved with reality. A feature, “Solar Works,” is an up-to-date bibliography and source list — itself worth the price of the subscription.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 58403 368
##T The PV Network News
A.D. Paul Wilkins, Editor
$15/year (4 issues)
The PV Network News
Route 10
Box 86PV/W
Santa Fe, NM 87501
##A 05 99672 369
##T The PV Network News
I can walk around with 5 volt meters and get 5 different readings. My digital this morning said I had 21 volts on my battery terminals. 2 analog and another digital said that I have 13.1, 14, and 12.8. I have 2 EQUIS digitals that are a 10th of a volt different, I am not being picky, just paying attention to details.
##A 05 99906 370
##T The PV Network News
When you buy new batteries, if at all possible, have them delivered to your dealer DRY. Then the dealer adds acid, charges the battery and delivers or you pick up. If you pick up, or before the driver goes away, YOU CHECK YOUR BATTERIES WITH YOUR OWN TEMPERATURE COMPENSATING HYDROMETER, and be very certain THE CELLS ARE ALL THE SAME. If not, back they go.
##A 05 56307 371
There are now many competent suppliers of trustable equipment. These are a few that I or friends have found to be pleasant to work with. Prices vary; you should shop around.
• Photocomm hawks their wares in a comprehensive and educational catalog. They offer complete packaged systems for residential power and water pumping, among other things. These
folks are on the way to being the largest supplier of photovoltaics.
• Solar Electric Systems specializes in photovoltaic equipment for recreational vehicles (RVs). Prices are good. They have a book too: RVer’s Guide To Solar Battery Charging and Inverters (Ÿ see separate review). Obviously, such equipment is useful for other than RV use.
##A 05 56528 372
• Flowlight Solar Power. One of the most experienced
supplier/experimenters, Windy Dankoff offers this catalog /handbook of photovoltaic electricity- making and using hardware.
• Talmage Engineering is one of the first Eastern suppliers. They have lots of experience with New England weather conditions.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 56922 373
Catalog $5.95
Photocomm, Inc.
Catalog and Mail Order Division
P. O. Box 649
North San Juan, CA 95960
##A 05 2090 374
William Lamb Solar Electric Specialties
Information free
William Lamb Corp.
10615 Chandler Blvd.
North Hollywood, CA 91601
##A 05 57091 375
Windlight Workshop
Catalog/Handbook $6 postpaid
Flowlight Solar Power
P. O. Box 548H
Santa Cruz, NM 87567
##A 05 18670 376
Talmage Energy Systems
Catalog $3
Talmage Engineering
P. O. Box 497A
Kennebunkport, ME 04046
##A 05 57349 377
Solar Electric Specialties Co.
Information free
Solar Electric Specialties Co.
P. O. Box 537
Willits, CA 95490
##A 05 20327 378
Solar Electric Systems
Update newsletter free
Solar Electric Systems
P. O. Box 1562
Cave Creek, AZ 85331
##A 05 58805 379
##T Wood Heat
##A 05 34793 380
##T Solid Fuels Encyclopedia
Solid Fuels Encyclopedia
The name Jay Shelton is often heard when wood heat is being discussed. His research has developed a trustworthy body of information on wood and coal burning for household heating. This book covers every aspect of the subject: stoves, fireplaces, chimneys, furnaces, air circulation, safety, and proper operation. It’s done in plain language with excellent illustrations.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 34951 381
##T Solid Fuels Encyclopedia
Jay W. Shelton
1983; 268 pp.
ISBN 0882663070
$12.95 ($15.95 postpaid)
Shelton Research, Inc.
P.O. Box 5235
Santa Fe, NM 87502
##A 05 84275 382
##T Solid Fuels Encyclopedia
An installed water-heating heat exchanger in a stove. The size of the plumbing is exaggerated.
##A 05 199087 383
##T Solid Fuels Encyclopedia
The space between 2 wood slabs affects the possibility of sustained combustion on the facing surfaces.
##A 05 191240 384
##T Wood Heat Safety
Wood Heat Safety
Fire inspectors, code writers, and insurance companies are all getting tougher about standards for wood heating appliances. They have good reason too; the statistics show the sad results of inexpert or careless wood heating practices. This book probably has your exact situation and what to do about it, illustrated and discussed down to the last tiny detail. Particular attention is given to problems found in older houses, a subject not often dealt with in other books. Of course, the information you’ll need for a new place is there, too, equally detailed. The calm and competent presentation is mercifully free of horror stories and especially easy to use.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 191875 385
##T Wood Heat Safety
Jay W. Shelton
1979; 165 pp.
ISBN 0882661604
$9.95 ($12.95 postpaid)
Shelton Research, Inc.
P.O. Box 5235
Santa Fe, NM 87502
##A 05 192655 386
##T Shelton Research, Inc.
Shelton Research, Inc.
Jay Shelton’s own lab publishes results of their research, in pamphlet form, usually well before it appears elsewhere.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 192777 387
##T Shelton Research, Inc.
For information send a
S.A.S.E. to:
Shelton Research, Inc.
P.O. Box 5235
Santa Fe, NM 87502
##A 05 3128 388
##T How To Get Parts Cast For Your Antique Stove
How To Get Parts Cast For Your Antique Stove
This booklet tells you how to get or make the parts you need to keep that old beast cookin’. They have other old-stove information too. Send S.A.S.E. for list.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 4433 389
##T How To Get Parts Cast For Your Antique Stove
Clifford Boram
1982; 52 pp.
ISBN 0961220406
$5 postpaid
Autonomy House Publications
417 North Main Street
Monticello, IN 47960
##A 05 7858 390
##T How To Get Parts Cast For Your Antique Stove
This grate is duplex in that it is composed of two bars and in that it has two positions — one for coal and one for wood. Most other grates are intended for one fuel only.
##A 05 19789 391
##T Drying Wood with the Sun
Drying Wood with the Sun
Remember those government “Energy Grants” a few years back? Not all turned out to produce worthy designs, but these well-proven solar firewood dryer plans are fine. Several basically similar ideas are presented in easily understood drawings accompanied by the expected explanations and materials lists. The rig will work just about anywhere, greatly speeding the drying process of any wood, or whatever else you put in there. Vegetables, even. Looks good to me. Be sure and pay attention to their warning not to attach the dryer to your house; the damp heat and wood-loving insects could damage it.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 20020 392
##T Drying Wood with the Sun
1983; 24 pp.
$5 postpaid
National Center for Appropriate Technology
P. O. Box 4000
Butte, MT 59702
##A 05 20487 393
##T Drying Wood with the Sun
Wood dryer used as a cold frame.
##A 05 20853 394
##T Finnish Fireplace Construction Manual 1984
Finnish Fireplace Construction Manual 1984
Nice books extolling the virtues of massive masonry woodstoves head you in the right direction, but don’t lead you by the hand past the potential disasters. Building one of these monsters is tricky business — you must allow for expansion, and must not build pockets that could trap explosive or noxious gases. This book, by an acknowledged master of the art, is a minutely detailed, illustrated and genuine manual. It really does get down to the tiniest moves, and that’s hard to do when one is psychologically involved with tons of material. I expect this manual will have the desired effect: lots of Finnish fireplaces will now be built, and they’ll be good ones.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 21072 395
##T Finnish Fireplace Construction Manual 1984
Albert A. Barden, III
1984; 65 pp.
$17 postpaid from:
Maine Wood Heat Company
RFD 1, Box 640
Norridgewock, ME 04957
##A 05 21414 396
##T Finnish Fireplace Construction Manual 1984
Modern cement mortars are not appropriate for masonry heater inner core construction and are never used in Europe. Traditionally, European masonry heaters have always been constructed with clay-based mortars. The mortar we have found is a high quality, clay-based mortar called Uunilaasti, made in Finland. With care, we find it possible to build our standard heater in such a way that only a single bag of the special mortar, at an approximate cost of $30, is required. For those working with the mortar for the first time we recommend that they buy two in order not to run out at some critical point and have to delay work while waiting for supply.
##A 05 21946 397
##T Finnish Fireplace Construction Manual 1984
Modern double brick construction with ceramic tile facade.
##A 05 77601 398
##T Finnish Fireplace Construction Manual 1984
Once the burn is completed, dampers in the chimney flue are shut and the entire mass radiates heat for the next 12-24 hours. While the gas flow in the heater moves in a downdraft past the heat exchange surface of the heater, room air outside the heater moves in an updraft pattern along the vertical faces of the heater setting up a circulating flow of warmed air in the living space. It is from the opposing flows of warming heater gases and warmed room air that the name contraflow heater is derived.
##A 05 18802 399
##T Be Your Own Chimney Sweep
Be Your Own Chimney Sweep
Few enterprises are so ripe for messy disaster as sweeping the creosote and the potential fire hazard thereof out of your chimney. This clearly written book tells you how to do it right, and appears to be realistic about the difficulties. YOU should be realistic about
the dangers of creosote— that chimney needs cleaning at least
once a year.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 19159 400
##T Be Your Own Chimney Sweep
Christopher Curtis
and Donald Post
1979; 101 pp.
ISBN 0882661574
Garden Way Publishing
##A 05 19553 401
##T Be Your Own Chimney Sweep
Brushing clean the entire stove inside — including cooking plates and all removable parts.
Creosote is undesirable, not only because it is fuel for chimney fires, but for several other reasons. It decreases the effective flue diameter of the stack. This reduction is most dramatic in smaller stacks. For example, a six-inch pipe with a one-half-inch buildup of creosote loses 30 percent of its area.
##A 05 38904 402
##T The August West System
The August West System
Need a job? If there’s no tough competition nearby, you could get into the chimney sweeping business. This outfit will outfit you, teach you the trade, and help you set up the business, for about
two grand. Their reputation as professionals will rub off on you, allaying customer fears. I know several folks who have done very well with August West as their start. Alas, you’ll have to do your own chimney free.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 39144 403
##T The August West System
Information kit free
August West Systems, Inc.
38 Austin Street
P. O. Box 658,
Worcester, MA 01601
##A 05 59867 404
##T Wind and Water Energy
##A 05 73557 405
##T Alternative Sources of Energy
Alternative Sources of Energy
ASE (Alternative Sources of Energy) started long ago as a funky publication serving experimenters and has matured along with the technology it serves. No more homemade windmill articles; sad but realistic. Instead we read the industry news and latest developments in commercially available hardware, all slickly presented as befits the serious business at hand. Each issue concentrates on a specific subject such as cogeneration or wind power. ASE is one of the best ways to keep up with ASE. It’s
thoroughly professional in every way.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 73798 406
##T Alternative Sources of Energy
Larry Stoiaken, Editor
ISSN 01461001
$58/year(10 issues)
Alternative Sources of Energy
107 South Central Avenue
Milaca, MN 56353
##A 05 74252 407
##T Alternative Sources of Energy
The City of Dixon [California] recently dedicated this 20kW. photovoltaic energy system on top of the roof of their City Hall.
##A 05 77044 408
##T National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT)
National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT)
“En-Cat” (National Center for Appropriate Technology) publishes the findings of their research as inexpensive booklets (most less than $5). The subject matter is aimed at ordinary folks who wish to know more about subjects common to the appropriate tech field: solar water heaters, composting toilets, biogas, weatherizing a mobile home . . . lots more. Their publications tend to summarize the baffling amount of information available elsewhere — a very useful service. They also have a free consulting service (Ÿ NATAS, see separate review).
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 127411 409
##T National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT)
Publications catalog free
National Center for Appropriate Technology
3040 Continental Drive
P. O. Box 3838
Butte, MT 59702
##A 05 76023 410
The National Appropriate Technology Assistance Service is associated with NCAT, (see previous card) but does business in a different way: when you need technical advice on energy matters, you call their 800 number. You will be connected with an expert who will get you the best information available. Right then. Call 1-800-428-2525 (1-800-428-1718 in Montana) 9am-6pm Central Time on weekdays. They’ll take on anything from a homeowner’s simple solar water heater dilemma to municipal energy policy. Free! In this case, our gummint is doing something right.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 118695 411
Energy Information free
U.S. Department of Energy
P. O. Box 2525
Butte, MT 59702
800-428-1718 (MT)
##A 05 78972 412
##T Common Sense Wind Energy
Common Sense Wind Energy
Read about commercial scale wind energy in ASE magazine. Read up on residential scale wind energy in this remarkably clear, mercifully brief roundup of the basics. In contrast to most other wind power books, this one is realistic — a very essential ingredient for success in this oft overhyped field.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 79205 413
##T Common Sense Wind Energy
California Office of Appropriate Technology
1983; 83 pp.
ISBN 0931790387
$8.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
Brick House Publishing Co.
3 Main Street
Andover, MA 01810
##A 05 79520 414
##T Common Sense Wind Energy
Congress claims to be worried about the trade deficit, and has begun erecting barriers to protect us against myriad imports. But it steadfastly ignores the one that really counts. Foreign oil is the largest item, by far, in our negative balance of trade. Oil caused a net drain of $51 billion dollars last year — nearly half of our $123 billion trade deficit. . . .
Nuclear power, which provides less than 2 percent of the nation’s delivered energy and for which there have been no new orders since 1978, receives 34 percent of all federal energy subsidies. — CRR
##A 05 90149 415
##T Common Sense Wind Energy
The numbers in this graph are only estimates based on general assumptions about machine performance and wind behavior. Actual performance may vary depending on specific wind machines and sites. The use of this graph is suitable for situations where little additional information is available about the wind resource or about the performance of the windmill. If you know more detail about the wind characteristics at your site and about your machine, then take a closer look at the method of bins below.
##A 05 79911 416
##T The Residential Hydro Power Book
The Residential Hydro Power Book
You can put that nearby stream to work making electricity, maybe. Individual experimenters have been messing around for years with small hydro generator sets that are well within most budgets. As is common with such enterprises, a body of reliable information together with acceptable hardware has slowly developed — everything learned the hard way. Here’s the first good book on the subject. It’s informal, subjective, and real: what has worked so far and what hasn’t. What isn’t known reliably yet is admitted and discussed as far as is possible. (That’s called honesty.) Alas, our lawsuit-happy society has necessitated the censoring of certain
procedures known to work but at some risk.
Too bad. Nonetheless, you’ll learn enough to set up a working
##A 05 144683 417
##T The Residential Hydro Power Book
system from dam to end use. A list of suppliers makes the book commendably useful and complete.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 80233 418
##T The Residential Hydro Power Book
Keith Ritter
1986; 150 pp.
$10 postpaid from:
Homestead Engineering
P.O. Box 7
20312 Highway 36
Bridgeville, CA 95526
##A 05 80543 419
##T The Residential Hydro Power Book
Virtually every DC hydro system manufacturer in the world contributed information and first hand accounts of good (and bad) system installations. So read this book, then go with confidence to install your own hydro system. As you start your turbine for the first time, you too, can feel the quiet satisfaction of true energy independence.
At the turbine, install a gate valve, union, and pressure gauge. Don’t install a fast-closing valve like a ball valve or butterfly valve. You could accidentally close it too fast, causing the moving water in the pipe to slam suddenly into the valve. This slamming action can cause enormous pressures, rupturing pipes or valves.
##A 05 38518 420
##A 05 60086 421
##T Water Management
##A 05 132566 422
Water conservation has entered the mainstream. It is as common as small cars. Utilities now understand: Citizens would rather cut use by half than pay for bonds and new taxes to double supply. River lovers have been an effective lobby: Save water at home; you save trout streams in the hills. Even the tortoise-like plumbing industry has accepted low-flush toilets as the sound of the future. This is a success story. But don’t forget to insist that your plumbing supply store sell water-saving shower heads. And flow reducers for toilets (should be less than 2 gallons per flush). Don’t forget to vote against unnecessary bonds when conservation can do the job. Hats off to water savers. Relish it next time you swim or fish or float downstream. There is no longer any single book in
##A 05 144956 423
print that sums up home water conservation. Captain Hydro is to teach the kids. We All Live Downstream (best equipment access) and Septic Tank Practices (see reviews under Used Water) both have good chapters on water saving.
— Peter Warshall
Ÿ We All Live Downstream
##A 05 32591 424
##T Captain Hydro Water Conservation Workbook
Captain Hydro Water Conservation Workbook
A great book for teaching kids about water conservation.
— Peter Warshall
Seems to me that adults could probably learn a few things here too. (I did). This program has proven to be effective.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 76414 425
##T Captain Hydro Water Conservation Workbook
East Bay Municipal Utility District
1982; 39 pp.
50 cents
Teacher’s Guide $2
Innovative Communications
207 Coggins Drive
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
##A 05 165567 426
##T Captain Hydro Water Conservation Workbook
Cut the bottom out of a one quart plastic bottle. Invert the bottle and put a piece of wire screen on the bottom, inside the neck. Place layers of clean filtering material as indicated in the drawing. Run some tap water through the filter to make sure that the filter is clean. Slowly pour off half of the water from the sedimentation jar into the filter bottle. Compare the resulting filtered water with the quart of muddy water, and with the remaining floc water. Describe the differences in appearance.
(The filtered water should be clearer. Floc water will appear quite clear, but sediment will be visible on the bottom of the jar. The filtered water will have practically no sediment or noticeable particles in it.)
##A 05 186504 427
##T Planning for an Individual Water System
Planning for an Individual Water System
The system you want will depend on the volume of water you need
(enough for washing dishes or for fire protection), the possible source (well, pond, or roof collector), the quality of the water
(potable or possibly polluted), the conveyance mechanism
(electricity or gravity feed) and trade-offs between how much money you have and how much time you can spend operating and maintaining your water supply (hand pumps, backwash filter or automatic chlorinator). This book is the best, no-fooling-around American-style do-it-yourself manual. The best for electric pumps and wiring your water supply system. Gorgeously illustrated with lots of great safety tips.
— Peter Warshall
##A 05 186643 428
##T Planning for an Individual Water System
American Assoc. for Vocational Instructional Materials
Fourth Edition 1982; 160 pp.
ISBN 0896060977
$12 ($14 postpaid)
American Association for Vocational Instructional Materials
120 Driftmier
Engineering Center
Athens, GA 30602
##A 05 100101 429
##T Planning for an Individual Water System
The diaphragm or bladder type pressure storage tank uses a mechanical locked-in flexible separator which completely isolates the air from the water. The tank is precharged at the factory. An air charging valve allows the installer to change the pressure if it’s desired. Only one water connection is required which serves as both inlet and outlet for the tank.
The diaphragm and bladder type designs are factory precharged to the low pressure switch setting
(pump cut-in) allowing all the water that enters to be usable. This is the main reason why a diaphragm / bladder precharge design, in most cases, can be from 2 to 3.5 times smaller in total volume than the plain steel tank and deliver an equal amount of water.
##A 05 190084 430
##T Troubled Water
Troubled Water
“Till taught by pain, man knows not water’s worth.” — Byron
The question I have been most asked by readers is: “Is my water safe?” The news in this book is not easily swallowed: plastic pipes leach carcinogens into drinking water; the Clean Water Act has not been effective; in-house water treatment like activated carbon helps, but far from ensures, clean water; bottled water may be just as polluted as tap water.
The quick-flowing prose, muckraking style, and good advice make this the best access to household water safety and aquatic politics. In general, if we forget cost, distillers and reverse osmosis filters are better than activated charcoal (AC). Under-the-sink AC is better than tap-installed. Don’t ever use powdered AC
##A 05 190461 431
##T Troubled Water
filters (only granulated or solid block). All filters need attentive maintenance. Replace or clean 25 percent earlier than manufacturer’s claims.
— Peter Warshall
##A 05 190639 432
##T Troubled Water
Jonathan King
1985; 235 pp.
ISBN 0878575715
Rodale Press
##A 05 190771 433
##T Troubled Water
Quick fixes: Here are a few short-term measures for reducing the concentrations of pollutants in your water. They are simple, but limited in the protection they provide.
Let your water run at full force for two or three minutes first thing in the morning. This will clear out relatively high levels of lead, cadmium, and copper that may
have built up in the water sitting overnight in the pipes.
You can eliminate bacteria and some organic chemicals from your water by boiling it at least 20 minutes. Experiments conducted by the EPA have shown that boiling removes only volatile organic chemicals — or those that evaporate easily. The chemicals escape into the air, so try not to breathe the air directly over the boiling water. Boiling is time-consuming and energy intensive and may concentrate the nonvolatile organics, heavy metals, and nitrates left behind in the water.
##A 05 191218 434
##T Troubled Water
Whipping your water in an electric blender can remove some volatile chemicals. You should blend the water for about 15 minutes, with the top off.
Mineral water may be any water that contains minerals, because the federal government has declined to define the term. A product calling itself a mineral water may actually contain fewer minerals than tap water. The state of California requires a product sold as mineral water to contain either more than 500 ppm of total dissolved solids or at least one mineral in excess of federal drinking water standards; if the product is labeled “natural” mineral water, the manufacturer is not supposed to alter the mineral content of the original water.
##A 05 76698 435
##T Used Water
##A 05 185598 436
##T We All Live Downstream
We All Live Downstream
From the karst (limestone) watersheds of Eureka Springs comes the most radical support for waterless toilets. Plagued by underground pollution, The Water Center has produced the only in-print book surveying dry toilets — from commercial varieties to home-grown; from incolets to moulder (cold, slow compost) varieties. I would like more about dry toilet headaches: flies, shock loading, maintenance, installation, quality of final compost. But there is no better access.
Downstream also surveys greywater systems and community water politics, knowing full well that water connects and our feces are but fine fertilizers for future food. An impressive, populist production.
— Peter Warshall
##A 05 185736 437
##T We All Live Downstream
A Guide to Waste Treatment that Stops Water Pollution
Pat Costner with Holly Gettings
and Glenna Booth
1986; 92 pp.
ISBN 0962003409
$6.95 ($8 postpaid)
The National Water Center
P. O. Box 264
Eureka Springs, AR 72632
##A 05 77120 438
##T We All Live Downstream
Ultra-One/G-Eljer: Concept: Uses one gallon of water to flush without any additional systems. Permanently installed reservoir meters one gallon of water from the tank to the bowl and maintains a high static head of water.
Requirements: Standard plumbing. Fast, easy installation. Operation: Same as conventional toilet. Models: Contemporary look; fashion colors. Cost: Same as any top-of-the-line conventional two-piece toilet. Available: From any Eljer dealer or plumbing supply store.
##A 05 189166 439
##T Septic Tank Practices
Septic Tank Practices
A modest title for a book that clearly lays out aspects of various types of on-site sewage treatment and their relationship to soil, water use, construction, maintenance, and politics. Written by a brilliant biologist who has integrated theory with a practical hands-on approach.
— Sim Van der Ryn
This book is wonderful — outrageous and authoritative
— Stewart Brand
Ÿ The Straight Poop
##A 05 189270 440
##T Septic Tank Practices
Peter Warshall
1979; 177 pp.
ISBN 0385127642
$4.95 ($6.95 postpaid)
Whole Earth Access
2990 Seventh Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
##A 05 189537 441
##T Septic Tank Practices
Finally, the Big Sewer works against American freedom of choice. If a sewer runs by your house, you must hook up to it and pay the costs. In other words, you are not allowed to keep your home-site system, with all its advantages — even if it’s working beautifully. This loss of option is killing the old American sense of self-reliance and responsibility. Undoubtedly, some backwoods Benjamin Franklin, unimpressed by the language of city-educated sewage experts, will soon stand up and say, “I won’t.” It will be a fine American court battle.
##A 05 100964 442
##T Septic Tank Practices
The septic-tank system has two distinct sections: the septic tank itself and the drainfield. The tank is a box that eliminates at least half the excrement by allowing time for solids to settle and be eaten by microbes. . . . The wastewater then passes into a hole in the ground. The hole can be of almost any shape and depth. The most common shape is a linear trench usually between three and six feet deep. This trench design is called the drainfield (or leachfield, filterfield, absorption bed, disposal or subirrigation field).
The wastewater from the septic tank receives further treatment in the drainfield. The soil absorbs viruses, strains out bacteria, filters large wastes, and chemically renovates them into nutrients that can be used by plants. . . . Treatment is reliable for the lifespan of the drainfield.
##A 05 23599 443
This is a basic textbook containing what you need to know in order
to design and construct privies and other relatively crude waste
disposal systems commonly used in Third World countries. The
World Health Organization(WHO) is continually updating this
information in publications briefly described in their latest catalog .
— Peter Warshall
##A 05 23865 444
Excreta Disposal for Rural Areas and Small Communities
E. G. Wagner and J. N. Lanoix
1958; 187 pp.
ISBN 9241400390
$16.80 ($18.80 postpaid)
WHO Publications Center USA
49 Sheridan Avenue
Albany, NY 12210
##A 05 36363 445
WHO List of Publications & Documents
Catalog free from:
WHO Publication Center USA
49 Sheridan Avenue
Albany, NY 12210
##A 05 101313 446
A = Squatting slab. Note sides sloping towards hole
B = Impervious clay-tile lining
C = Woven-bamboo lining
D = Earth mound, well tamped
##A 05 59134 447
Guidelines for planning community participation in water supply and sanitation projects
by Anne Whyte
WHO Offset publication, No. 96, 1986; 60 p. (E, F in preparation) 10
In water supply and sanitation programmes, planners have come to realize that community participation is an essential ingredient for projects to be successful. The guidelines lead the planner through the “what, when, where, why, how and who” questions associated with the community participation process.
##A 05 64106 448
Women, Water and Sanitation
1985, 39 pages (E,F)
This booklet is intended to persuade women and women’s organizations to take an active part in programmes that will ultimately make water and sanitation available to all: children, women and men alike.
Institutional development in community water supply and sanitation: case studies and issue papers
1985, 120 pages (E, F)
This document contains a fictitious case study (The Republic of Terrania), an analysis of the issues which it illustrates and summaries of real country cases showing the importance and relevance of these constraints and methods which have been used to
overcome them. —WHO LIst of Publications & Documents
##A 05 62144 449
##T Water Use Supplies
##A 05 201335 450
You can pump water with the sun, utilizing photovoltaic panels and matching pumps available from most of the stores listed in
Photovoltaic Suppliers.
Some models can mate with windmills, such as the traditional models from Heller-Aller and Dempster.
Then there’s the old standby, the hand pump. They’re available from Baker. Some hand pumps can be mated to windmills and electric motors too.
— Peter Warshall
And hand pumping tends to reduce water use, sez J. Baldwin.
Ÿ Wind and Water Energy
##A 05 201832 451
Dempster Industries
Catalog free from:
Dempster Industries, Inc.
Box 848
Beatrice, NE 68310
##A 05 24927 452
Information $1.50
P.O. Box 29
Corner — Perry and Oakwood
Napoleon, OH 43545.
##A 05 26080 453
Baker Manufacturing
Catalog free
Baker Manufacturing
Evansville, WI 53536
##A 05 206183 454
Hand Lift Pump Stands are recommended for shallow well installations. This Hand Lift Pump comes with an angle iron brace, multiposition cap and siphon spout. — Baker
##A 05 71596 455
When so ordered any Baker Power Pump can be equipped with this 4-Foot Set Length Anti-Freeze Attachment. A false well or dug pit is necessary for installation. The pump head is placed on platform above the well pit. This Anti-Freeze Attachment carries all pipe connections down below the frost line and there is no danger from freezing. The set-length is quickly adjustable (shorter) so as to make installation easy and connect to line pipe.
##A 05 201165 456
##T Rife Hydraulic Engines
Rife Hydraulic Engines
If you want to raise water from a moving stream, a ram will do the job, incessantly (and noisily), without any power source other than the stream itself. Rams are simple, relatively cheap, and
reliable under suitable conditions, but water sources with wide fluctuations in volume may require you to retune it now and then,
which can be a hassle. They come in various sizes so you can match the machine to your local requirements. For a more sophisticated (and expensive) device that does pretty much the same thing, see separate review of High Lifter Water Systems Ÿ.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 208099 457
##T Rife Hydraulic Engines
Catalog $3
Rife Hydraulic Engine Manufacturing Co.
Box 790
Norristown, PA 19404
##A 05 101740 458
##T Rife Hydraulic Engines
Usual method of installing a Rife hydraulic ram. This may be varied, depending on local conditions.
##A 05 208837 459
##T High Lifter Water Systems
High Lifter Water Systems
High Lifter’s silent water-powered water pump will lift efficiently from a water source flowing as little as one quart a minute. Under ideal conditions, it can lift as high as 1000 feet.
Unlike the hydraulic ram, (see previous item), it is easy to start and not subject to tuning problems.
— Peter Warshall
##A 05 209078 460
##T High Lifter Water Systems
Information free
High Lifter Water Systems
P.O. Box 29829
Oakland, CA 94604
##A 05 39311 461
##A 05 62944 462
##T Living Simply
##A 05 157141 463
##T Voluntary Simplicity
Voluntary Simplicity
The theory of improving everything by simplifying one’s life — save the Earth, save your civilization, save yourself. I figure, if it feels good, it’ll happen. Fortunately it feels good. This book gives context and motivation, not how-to.
— Stewart Brand
##A 05 157545 464
##T Voluntary Simplicity
Toward A Way of Life that Is Outwardly Simple, Inwardly Rich
Duane Elgin
1981; 312 pp.
ISBN 0688003222
$6.95 ($8.45 postpaid)
William Morrow Publishing Co.
Wilmor Warehouse
39 Plymouth Street
Fairfield, NJ 07006
##A 05 161310 465
##T Voluntary Simplicity
Satisfactions: Life is a lot simpler — I no longer spend twenty-four hours a month shaving legs and curling hair and god knows how long driving back and forth to the Safeway. Life is infinitely cheaper — releasing money for the real luxuries of life. Dissatisfactions: outward appearances suggest poverty, and this culture is very discriminatory toward the poor. . .
— (woman, twenty-eight, married, rural, west)
##A 05 82066 466
##T Voluntary Simplicity
A self-reinforcing spiral of growth begins to unfold for those who choose to participate in the world in a life-sensing and life-serving manner. As we live more voluntarily — more consciously — we feel less identified with our material possessions and thereby are enabled to live more simply. As we live more simply, our lives become less filled with unnecessary distractions, we find it easier to bring our undivided attention into our passage through life, and thereby are enabled to live more consciously.
##A 05 106593 467
##T Amish Society
Amish Society
The Amish are a religious community that originated in Europe during the Reformation and is now concentrated in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Indiana. They are one of the most resilient subcultures in America and also some of our best farmers. Sociologists keep waiting for them to die out or otherwise homogenize into the goo of the American melting pot, but this they refuse to do. This definitive study, by an Amishman turned college professor, is a fascinating history and provides a detailed look inside the Amish character. Their way of life, which from the outside may look hard or dull or quaint or boring, turns out to be a model for the necessary values embodied in the concepts of community and local politics.
— Richard Nilsen
Ÿ Gohn Brothers
##A 05 133513 468
##T Amish Society
John A. Hostetler
1980; 432 pp.
ISBN 080182334X
$9.95 ($11.95 postpaid)
Johns Hopkins University Press
701 West 40th Street
Suite 275
Baltimore, MD 21211
##A 05 135600 469
##T Amish Society
Amish communities are not relics of a bygone era. Rather, they are demonstrations of a different form of modernity.
The Amish people maintain a human rather than an organizational scale in their daily lives. They resisted the large, consolidated school and the proposition that big schools
(or farms) were better than small ones. A bureaucracy that places pupils together within narrow age limits and emphasizes science and technology to the exclusion of sharing values and personal responsibility is not tolerated. The Amish appreciate thinking that makes the world, and their own lives, intelligible to them. When human groups and units of work become too large for them, a sense of estrangement sets in. When this happens the world becomes unintelligible to them and they cease participating in what is meaningless.
##A 05 135784 470
##T Amish Society
The traditional barn-raising, a form of economic sharing in times of need, symbolizes the concern Amish members have for one another’s welfare.
##A 05 136023 471
##T The Simple Life
The Simple Life
Those of us who would like to see the simple life become a norm in this great land of ours may find this a distressing book. Since Colonial times, numerous ideologies of and attempts at simple living have flamed briefly, only to be overwhelmed by the indomitable spirit of materialism and privatism that seems far more native to the American character than material simplicity. Nevertheless, plain living is an idea that can’t be conquered, and in chronicling it Shi relates a considerable sweep of this nation’s history and higher yearnings.
— Stephanie Mills
##A 05 136258 472
##T The Simple Life
David E. Shi
1985; 332 pp.
ISBN 0195040139
$8.95 postpaid
Oxford University Press
16-00 Pollitt Drive
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
##A 05 139098 473
##T The Simple Life
Essentially, it seems, the much-ballyhooed “frugality phenomenon” of the 1970s was limited to middle- and upper-middle-class activists. Students, professors, environmentalists, consumer advocates, and idealists of various kinds were its most prominent and serious participants, and the predictions of a massive shift to simpler ways of living among the larger public were overstated.
The weaknesses seem clear. Proponents of the simple life have frequently been overly nostalgic about the quality of life in olden times, narrowly anti-urban in outlook, and too disdainful of the benefits of prosperity and technology. . . .The radical critics of capitalism and promoters of spartan rusticity among the advocates of the simple life would be well advised to acknowledge that material progress and urban life can frequently be compatible with spiritual, moral, or intellectual concerns. As Lewis Mumford, one of the sanest of all the simplifiers, stressed in The Conduct of Life: “It is not enough to say, as Rousseau once did, that one has only to reverse all the current
##A 05 139437 474
##T The Simple Life
practices to be right . . . If our new philosophy is well-grounded we shall not merely react against the ‘air-conditioned nightmare’ of our present culture; we shall also carry into the future many elements of quality that this culture actually embraces.”
##A 05 136674 475
Like the Amish community it serves, Lehman’s is gentle, bucolic, and competent. Not a trace of tourist-fake-nostalgia in the farm-kitchen gear: gas refrigerators, wood cookstoves, and 50-gallon iron “cannibal” cauldrons. You can still get real Flexible Flyer sleds here! Cumberland General Store has similar country stuff, plus a wonderful selection of horse drawn buggies and wagons. The Vermont Country Store specializes in old-style cotton clothes and household goodies. They still make ’em like they used to.
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ Community Playthings
##A 05 136950 476
Cumberland General Store
Catalog $3.75 from:
Cumberland General Store
Route 3
Crossville, TN 38555
615-484-8481 (TN)
##A 05 7650 477
Catalog $2 from:
Lehman Hardware and Appliances, Inc.
P. O. Box 41
4779 Kidron Road
Kidron, OH 4463
##A 05 8772 478
The Vermont Country Store
Catalog free from:
The Vermont Country Store
Mail Order Office
P. O. Box 3000
Manchester Center, VT 05255
##A 05 236648 479
It has been a number of years since anyone has made a cotton chenille bedspread in this country. This long-time favorite is now back in a lightweight version ideal for warm weather and for those who do not care for a heavy bedspread. Made with traditional twisted fringe, this spread has 100% cotton tufts in an open-weave, lightweight backing of 50% cotton and 50% polyester.
No. 17068 Twin (78 x 108) Chenille Spread $35.00.
No. 17069 Full (96 x 108) Chenille Spread $45.00.
No. 17070 Queen (102 x 118) Chenille Spread $55.00.
—Vermont Country Store catalog
##A 05 138475 480
Oranges, lemons, pears, apples, most other firm, round fruits and vegetables up to 3 1/2" long. No spike to pierce fruit. Spindle is quickly and easily locked for varying lengths. Doesn’t require resettling to start new peeling cycle. 5 3/4" H x 8" L. Clamps to any surface up to 1 7/8" thick. $39.75 Postpaid.
— Lehman’s
##A 05 138084 481
Cumberland’s General Purpose Buggy. Model H1 with top. With rubber tires.
7041. $3025.00.
— Cumberland General Store
##A 05 237237 482
The same fine tradition of quality and craftsmanship that made Flexible Flyer the best sled on the market in 1889 makes it the best sled on the market today! For five generations, Flexible Flyers have been made from the highest quality hardwoods and toughest tempered steel. The heavy chrome bumper and built-to-take-it construction held together by tough steel rivets and screws (not staples and glue) make it the “king of the hill.”
No. F748-2 48" long overall $58.95 Postpaid
No. F754-2 54" long overall $69.96 Postpaid
—Lehman’s catalog
##A 05 78838 483
##T Vintage Clothing Newsletter
Vintage Clothing Newsletter
A newsletter of support, inspiration, and resources for vintage clothing enthusiasts.
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 05 80646 484
##T Vintage Clothing Newsletter
Terry McCormick, Editor
$12/year (6 issues)
Sample copy $2
Vintage Clothing Newsletter
P. O. Box 1422
Corvallis, OR 97339
##A 05 102155 485
##T Vintage Clothing Newsletter
Ann Landers isn’t the only one who gets asked for advice, the editor of VCN also gets calls on her expertise. One question I’ve been asked a few times is: Can you cover up stains by dying the garment? The answer is no. Stained fabric will take the dye differently from the rest of the garment, and the result will be a garment that is another color, but still looks pie-bald. This is true even if you have bleached out a stain before dying. Bleaching doesn’t remove stains, it just removes the color from the stains. For stains or fading in fabrics that shouldn’t be bleached (rayon, silk, wool) your only recourse is to cover them up with appliques, beads or braid.
##A 05 166083 486
##T Consumer’s Guide to Vintage Clothing
Consumer’s Guide to Vintage Clothing
Years of experience as the editor of the Vintage Clothing Newsletter (see previous review) has enabled the author of this book to claim expert status. She takes you along through the various stylistic periods (alas, without illustrations) in a chatty, humourous way, encouraging you to be imaginative. Materials,
accessories, care and renovation, imitation and even how to start your own vintage clothing shop are discussed . This is the sort of information that takes years to develop. It’s yours for the reading.
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ Sewing
##A 05 170416 487
##T Consumer’s Guide to Vintage Clothing
Terry McCormick
1987; 248 pp.
ISBN 0934878919
$11.95 ($13.95 postpaid)
Vintage Clothing Newsletter
P.O. Box 1422
Corvallis, OR 97339
##A 05 172562 488
##T Consumer’s Guide to Vintage Clothing
Getting right down to the nitty gritty, the enchantment one feels while shopping for vintgage clothing can fade when you get home and find yourself looking for excuses to wear it. After all, vintage clothing, no matter from what era, LOOKS different. When it comes down to walking out of the house wearing a dress, suit, or fur from a different period, you may decide that the better part of wisdom is to take it off and put on your old reliable jeans.
The first and most important thing to put on with your vintage clothing is your sense of humour. If you catch yourself halfway out the door all dolled up in beads and feathers without it, return, and put it right on. Vintage clothing is fun, and you’ll ruin the whole effect if you’re too serious.
##A 05 63039 489
##T Survival
##A 05 140003 490
##T Loompanics Unlimited
Loompanics Unlimited
“We are the lunatic fringe of the libertarian movement,” announces the introduction to this remarkable catalog. “We don’t care about anything except your right to find out anything you want to know.” “Anything” includes various heresy, instruction ranging from practical to nefarious, (some of the books are illegal in Canada), libertarian philosophy, tactics and strategy for living outside Mainstream America, hardware recommendations, and a host of other information of interest to survivalists and those with a strong individualistic bent. There’s an overtone of paranoia in the eclectic mixture, and why not? Don’t you worry, just a little, about what you’d do if the Bomb dropped or Big Brother got a bit too big? Be warned that just about anyone will find something offensive or otherwise controversial in this catalog, and that
##A 05 109544 491
##T Loompanics Unlimited
there is a persistent rumor that the FBI keeps track of folk who order from it. I find it ironically comforting that our country allows Loompanics to exist.
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ Big Brother
##A 05 140170 492
##T Loompanics Unlimited
Catalog $3 from:
Loompanics Unlimited
P. O. Box 1197
Port Townsend, WA 98368
##A 05 149902 493
##T Loompanics Unlimited
Muzzled Media: How to Get the News You’ve Been Missing!
By Gerry L. Dexter
Dan Rather doesn’t tell it all. And “all the news that’s fit to print...” isn’t! Hundreds of new events take place every day in the life of Planet Earth which never “make it” in the U.S. news media.
How does someone with a strong news interest circumvent the normal sources and get a fuller view of what’s happening? Gerry L. Dexter’s exciting new book Muzzled Media: How To Get The News You’ve Been Missing shows the news junkie how international radio broadcasts can fill the holes left by domestic reporting.
The book explains international radio and how it is different from ordinary radio. A large number of international broadcasters are listed with their English language
##A 05 157253 494
##T Loompanics Unlimited
broadcast hours, frequencies, addresses and main news programs. Sources of radios featuring international coverage are given as are publications which keep the user up-to-date on time and frequency changes.
An unusual feature of the book is the news broadcasts of some two dozen international broadcasters compared with the items carried on the CBS-TV Evening News on the same date.
International radio is being rediscovered by hundreds of thousands of people, thanks to new “high-tech” radios that are smaller and easier to use, as well as the clearer, stronger signals many international stations are now providing.
Muzzled Media shows you how to get world news unreported in the U.S., local news from foreign countries, foreign press opinions, other viewpoints on important issues,
financial news, business news, scientific developments, travel and tourist notes,
##A 05 163992 495
##T Loompanics Unlimited
cultural events, feature stories, and much more.
1986, 100 pp. illustrated, soft cover
(Order Number 94103)
##A 05 140493 496
##T U.S. Cavalry
U.S. Cavalry
These folks stock a variety of genuine, not-surplus, military and law enforcement equipment. You probably won’t be interested in official United States Army dress uniforms, but the field uniforms, packs, and boots may be just what you want if you’re looking for brute function to government specs.
— J. Baldwin
One of the more fascinating catalogs you can get. It’s designed for people in, around, and after the tanks part of the U.S. Army — a bizarre mix of wonderful military boots and clothing, grotesque military memorabilia and decorations, kid’s stuff, and oddments findable nowhere else.
— Stewart Brand
Ÿ Intelligence Magazines
##A 05 140658 497
##T U.S. Cavalry
Catalog $3 from:
U.S. Cavalry
2855 Centennial Ave.
Radcliff, KY 40160-9002
##A 05 102640 498
##T U.S. Cavalry
The Solution: When You Need More Than A Knife
The Solution functions superbly as a knife, axe, game hook, saw, or bayonet. 3/16" thick Type 1095 High Carbon Tool Steel (Rockwell C 54–56) 5" cutting edge. Zytel Resin handle. Overall length 12–1/2". Rotate handle up and over to expose a weighted, balanced axe 3–1/2" of 3/16" steel. Game hook will slit the abdominal cavity without disturbing the animal’s inner organs.
The Solution is currently being evaluated by both the U.S. Army and U.S.M.C. Comes with a 9 oz. top-grain cowhide sheath with rawhide tie-downs.
A good place to get military and other long-term-storage rations. They have lots of other survival gear too. You might just need a
food stash someday (perish the thought).
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 7420 500
##T SI Outdoor Food and Equipment
Catalog $1 from:
SI Equipment Ltd.
P.O. Box 3796
Gardena, CA 90247
213-324-8855 (CA)
##A 05 103086 501
##T SI Outdoor Food and Equipment
7 Day Supply for a Family of 4
Each family should be able to take care of itself for a minimum of seven days. Therefore, I am offering a Seven Day Emergency Supply for a family of four for about what it would usually cost for three individual Seven Day Supplies. There are some modifications — that is, we only give you two stoves with fuel, two 2-man tube tents, 16 candles, and two first aid kits. But we include two 5-gallon collapsible water containers, a cooking kit, and, of course, all of the other important products listed in the individual kits. I feel this will provide a family of four a good basic emergency supply of food, water, shelter, light and heat for a minimum of seven days. All of this comes packed in two easy-to-store cartons that will go in the trunk of a car or in a motor home easily. #0593
Family Supply (retail value $620.00) $165.00 + 24.00 S&H
##A 05 193601 502
##T Survival Guns
Survival Guns
I have about a yard of various gun books on my book shelves and this one unquestionably gives the reader more reliable information for less money than any others that I have seen.
The emphasis of the book is on the practical selection and use of all types of firearms for both defense and securing food. The information is intended for the person who has either a “retreat” or a homestead.
Of equal value are the sections which cover the related fields of accessories, ammunition, maintenance, and non-firearm weapons. Whether for mundane items such as lubricants or exotic volume
##A 05 66511 503
##T Survival Guns
accoutrements such as cartridge converters and sub-caliber devices (for, say, firing a .22 rimfire from a 12-gauge shotgun), Tapan has produced a book that is as close to being a good one-volume reference as I have seen.
— John C. McPherson
Ÿ Shooting
##A 05 194162 504
##T Survival Guns
Mel Tappan
1987; 458 pp.
ISBN 0916172007
$14.95 ($16.45 postpaid)
The Janus Press
P.O. Box 1050
Rogue River, OR 97537
##A 05 194567 505
##T Survival Guns
The Charter Arms AR-7 is one of the most useful of all .22 survival guns. It weighs only 2–3/4 lbs. and stows away in its own waterproof stock. Shown here assembled, taken down and packed for transport or storage.
##A 05 64494 506
##T Clothing Supplies
##A 05 160661 507
##T Chi Pants
Chi Pants
Chi pants are amazingly comfortable. What makes Chi pants different is that they have a gusset, a panel of fabric that goes across the crotch instead of a seam going up and down the crotch.
This makes a couple of differences. For people like me who sit a long time it means the seam doesn’t ride tight on your genitals and hurt. For active people, it means you can do things like squatting and karate kicking with no danger of ripping out your pants. For everyone it means a lot more looseness around the loins.
For me Chi pants make the same kind of difference my first pair of running shoes did—a whole new category of comfort. The kind I have look like jeans—the design difference doesn’t show.
##A 05 160981 508
##T Chi Pants
Non-denim styles are available.
The shorts are supposed to be especially good for guys because the gusset cradles your balls so they don’t hang out.
— Anne Herbert
(And for those who care about such things, you can get these pants with a tiny, real crystal sewn in. Egad! ).
—J. Baldwin
##A 05 161259 509
##T Chi Pants
$20-$40 (approx.)
Catalog free
Chi Pants
120-W Pearl Alley
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
##A 05 103331 510
##T Chi Pants
He Chi: A pleated pant for men — the first ChiPants with no elastic in the waist. We’ve gotten dressier, a little snazzier. This design is our first answer to all of our customers who have been asking for a slack that they can wear to work, with or without tie.
Two pleats on each side in the front, two internal pockets off the side seam, two patch pockets in back. Belt loops. Durable brass YKK zipper and sturdy copper button. Prewashed and shrunk. Unhemmed 37" legs. Fixed waist-band in even sizes 28" to 38" plus 31" & 33".
$38. Style 220 available only in:
(8.5–oz Twill) Khaki, Navy, Black.
(Brushed 8.5–oz Twill) Spruce Green, Dusty Purple
(7–oz Twill) Grey.
##A 05 163005 511
##T Gohn Brothers
Gohn Brothers
Gohn Brothers supplies chiefly the stricter Mennonite orders and the various orders of the Amish Mennonite people all over the country. Since the Amish have managed communal living successfully for about 350 years, I figure at least some of their practices must be valid. Their clothing in particular is comfortable, durable and of low price. I can recommend from experience their broadfall work pants (no fly: broad button flap like lederhosen in front), overshirts (plain jacket with two roomy pockets on the inside) and overcoats (heavy dark wool, with
cape). Many hard-to-find practical items listed, as well as a broad selection of rather plain yard goods. Service is fast and courteous.
You need a shop apron? Coveralls with Chester, Vince, or, say, Lisa embroidered on the pocket in script? Or how about Industrial rainwear? Postman’s shoes? Here’s where a lot of such items come from.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 162237 516
##T Wear-Guard Work Clothes
Catalog free from:
Wear-Guard Work Clothes
P. O. Box 400
Hingham, MA 02043
##A 05 162644 517
##T Wear-Guard Work Clothes
Ladies’ Coveralls
Complete protection for active women who require comfort, style
and durabilty in their workwear. Breathable, lightweight and long-lasting Dacron polyester/cotton is reinforced throughout. Trim, elasticized waist provides a stylish and flattering fit. Six strong pockets, two-way zipper. No shrinkage. USA made.
Colors: NV—Navy, RD—Red, TN—Tan,
BL—Royal Blue.
Sizes: S(6-8), M(10-12), L(14-16), XL(18-20)
Style 372—Short Sleeve
Our Price $26.99
Style 375—Long Sleeve
Our Price $27.99
##A 05 167943 518
##T Filson Outdoor Clothes
Filson Outdoor Clothes
Cars are tinny, silverware is stainless steel, and fiberboard boxes are palmed off as houses. Contemporary economics seem designed to diminish standards of excellence. Even the durability and construction of clothing has deteriorated: Levi’s will not stand four months of normal work; “Can’t-bust-ems” have disappeared, and except for Ben Davis’ polyester gorillas, there’s hardly a tough, trim line of clothing available at all, especially in natural fibers.
Hardly, but the C. C. Filson Co, of Seattle is an exceptional line of clothing and outerwear for loggers, game wardens and outdoor workers. Filson is to work clothes what White is to workboots (see review). Their all-wool shipcords will survive four or five Levi’s. Filson canvas or “tin” pants and coats are waterproof and
##A 05 223103 519
##T Filson Outdoor Clothes
extremely resistant to wear.
Their top of the line is the Filson “Cruiser,” an all-wool, water-repellent coat with nine pockets, in a rich forest green. It is tough enough for the woods but elegant enough for town — warm as a toaster and handsome as a Douglas Fir.
The company responds promptly to requests for their free catalog.
— Peter Coyote
Ÿ White’s Handmade Boots
##A 05 168203 520
##T Filson Outdoor Clothes
Catalog free from:
C. C. Filson Co.
P. O. Box 34020
Seattle, WA 98124
##A 05 168888 521
##T Filson Outdoor Clothes
100% Virgin Wool • 26 oz. Mackinaw Cloth
The “Original & Genuine Cruiser.” Under any other label it is simply an imitation. The most versatile of all outer garments. Renowned for its warmth, beauty and durability. A useful lifespan that on occasion will approach unbelievable. Special mountain grown wool plus special weaving techniques produce a fabric that has become world famous for its exceptional characteristics. Combine this superior fabric with Filson craftsmanship and the Filson cruiser design to effect the versatility needed whenever warmth, utility and protection is required; casual wear -- hunting -- spectator sports -- fishing -- hiking -- an everyday coat for the farmer, the logger, the miner, the engineer, the geologist, etc. . . .
Colors: Plaids: Red/Black, Blue/Black, Gray/Black
Solids: Forest Green, Navy Blue, Scarlet, Gray
##A 05 165107 522
##T David Morgan
David Morgan
This unusual catalog is hard to pin down: it carries the traditional English waxed cotton rainwear (Britton brand), Welsh woolens, Pacific Northwest Indian style jewelry (I have some; it’s nice), Australian Akubra hats, and kangaroo hide bullwhips. A strange combination. I’ve had good service from these people.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 165189 523
##T David Morgan
Catalog free from:
David Morgan
11812 Northcreek Parkway North
Suite 103
Bothell, WA 98011
##A 05 165834 524
##T David Morgan
Richmond Jacket: The traditional belted English fishing and shooting jacket. It is made from heavyweight waxed cotton, with a pure cotton lining and nylon drip strip. It has a double storm fly over the zipper, and three storm-flapped outer pockets. Inside there are two large nylon-lined pockets and a zippered wallet pocket. The corduroy collar has a throat flap for greater protection. The underarm ventilation
eyelets are caged to prevent rain from trickling in when your arms are raised. No. 7302 Richmond Jacket: $155.00. No. 7303 Richmond Lined Overtrousers: $70.00.
##A 05 202091 525
##T David Morgan
The penannular Welsh brooches were used in older times both as ornaments and to hold garments in place, much as the Scottish shoulder brooches and kilt pins. They came in a variety of sizes, from one to several inches in diameter. The designs ranged from plainly simple to highly ornamental, from primitive to sophisticated. The constant factor in the Welsh brooches is that they are functional and enduring, as attractive and useful today as they were through that long period when Celtic culture flourished throughout Europe.
##A 05 81647 526
##T Deva
Deva, a cottage industry, sells mail order clothes crafted of the finest natural fibers that allow the body to move more freely. Beautiful fabrics and colors. Wonderful clothes.
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 05 83555 527
##T Deva
Catalog $1 (includes fabric swatches)
Box FF
Burkittsville, MD 21718
##A 05 103454 528
##T Deva
Fiesta Skirt!
Three tiers of prettily cascading flounces in softly “bloomed” cotton Deva Cloth that whoosh and whirl with the abandon of Fiesta! We’ve enclosed the elastic waist band so that only pure cotton touches your skin. An inset drawcord allows you to adjust the waist perfectly for any figure. Add a sash for sparkle, your favorite blouse and your own sense of the joy in life and you’ll dance, wonderfully, to music of your own making. Olé!
One size fits all (up to 45" hip). 30" long.
Available in Deva Cloth: Navy, Plum, Russet, Turquoise.
Fiesta Skirt: $28 postpaid
##A 05 65400 529
##T Clothing Design
##A 05 168985 530
##T New Fashion Japan
New Fashion Japan
A Kimono: three kinds of fabric sewn together, two rectangles overlapping, a simple covering of the human form. Then she lifts her arms. An open square appears under each—windows into another dimension. Japanese design has always taken paradox into its folds, combining blue cotton fabric with ornate embroidery, or many different fabrics into a basic work garment: simple yet complex.
The designers in this exquisite book of photography and brief quotes on Japanese fashion speak like fashion monks—with deep understanding and respect for their thousands of years of fashion heritage. For them, fashion isn’t something you put on in the
##A 05 185081 531
##T New Fashion Japan
morning; it’s you and it’s your culture. Worldviews are built into
fashion design.
— Jerri Linn and Jeanne Carstensen
##A 05 169313 532
##T New Fashion Japan
Leonard Koren
1984; 173 pp.
ISBN 0870116762
$24.95 ($25.95 postpaid)
Harper & Row Publishers
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 05 169635 533
##T New Fashion Japan
“Clothes must be comfortable, enhance one’s beauty, be chic, express one’s personality, and so on. But most importantly clothes should be something to improve human beings.” — Shinji Fujiwara, Writer
##A 05 169949 534
##T New Fashion Japan
“Traditional Japanese clothes have ‘water nature.’ The kimono adjusts itself to your body whether you have a fat stomach or are very skinny. The same size clothing fits everyone by adjusting the cloth that wraps around your waist.”
— Katsuhiro Serizawa,
Kyoto Zen Center Press
##A 05 167205 535
##T New Fashion Japan
“If you want a well-designed pattern and good sewing, you don’t need a fashion designer.” —Rei Kawakubo In the pursuit of new clothes forms, Kawakubo sometimes pushes fashion imagery to comic absurdity. Her design mentality is basically that of a clothes stylist so her clothes are in a sense always conceived to create interesting photographs. Here photographer Hans Feurer plays with a Kawakubo outfit on the streets of Paris for a 1983 Comme des Garçons promotional booklet.
##A 05 172129 536
##T Klader!
Fun, fun, fun! Everything in this colorful book of fashion draws from the imagination. Try designing and making clothing for yourself that you’ve never seen before. Design your own image. Some pattern instructions are included to get you started on transferring your ideas into cloth — you’ll need knowledge of sewing. But Klader! won’t dissuade you from trying anything.
— Jerri Linn
##A 05 172386 537
##T Klader!
Nina Ericson
1983; 175 pp.
ISBN 0937274135
$17.95 ($19.20 postpaid)
Lark Books
50 College Street
Asheville, NC 28801
##A 05 172911 538
##T Klader!
Personal ties are hard to find — but easy to make.
##A 05 195055 539
##T Charmian Watkins’ Clothes Book
Charmian Watkins’ Clothes Book
For experienced home sewers who haven’t yet taken the step to pattern design, here is a fun, inspiring introduction to an intermediate stage: pattern making. This book takes you from making your own pattern following the templates included, to putting the finishing touches on your garment.
—Candida Kutz
##A 05 195389 540
##T Charmian Watkins’ Clothes Book
Charmian Watkins
1984; 160 pp.
ISBN 0345318706
$9.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
Ballantine Books
Random House, Inc.
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 05 195939 541
##T Charmian Watkins’ Clothes Book
Template for a tailored jacket
##A 05 66061 542
##T Consumerism
##A 05 62461 543
##T Consumers’ Union
Consumers’ Union
No advertisements sully the pages of Consumer Reports;
consequently no bias sullies their tests and analyses of consumer goods and services. CU (as they refer to themselves) best gathers information that’s outright impossible to gather yourself, such as the opinions of 250,000 auto owners as to which cars are most reliable and which are awful. CU is less convincing when being more subjective about such matters as the taste of tomato soup, but somewhere in each report is what you want and need to know. CU sums up the year’s work in their annual Buying Guide Issue printed (so typically) in pocket size so you can take it shopping with you. It’s free with a subscription. Twice each month Consumers’ Union News Digest brings you the latest consumer information as it breaks. Peerless.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 62532 544
##T Consumers’ Union
Consumer Reports
Irwin Landau, Editorial Director
ISSN 00107174
$18/year (11 issues plus the Buying Guide issue)
Consumer Reports
P. O. Box 2886
Boulder, CO 80322
##A 05 196230 545
##T Consumers’ Union
Consumer Reports Buying Guide
Consumers Union Staff, Editors
1988; 397 pp.
ISSN 00107174
$5.95 postpaid
Consumer Reports
P. O. Box 2886
Boulder, CO 80322
##A 05 40053 546
##T Consumers’ Union
Consumers’ Union News Digest
Consumer Reports Magazine Library Staff
ISSN 02795353
$48/year(24 issues)
Consumers Union
256 Washington Street
Mount Vernon, NY 10553
##A 05 28279 547
##T Consumers’ Index
Consumers’ Index
Wanna read up on a product or service? This index tells you all the magazine articles that have appeared on the subject this year.
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ Research Tools
##A 05 28954 548
##T Consumers’ Index
C. Edward Wall, Editor
ISSN 00940534
$98/year (4 issues)
Consumers’ Index
PO Box 1808
Ann Arbor, MI 48106
##A 05 80947 549
Buying lights or devices that feed upon electricity? Better read Saving Energy and Money with Home Appliances. Which ones to buy are listed in The Most Energy-Efficient Appliances. It’s updated semiannually. Energy efficient appliances may cost a bit more, but in many cases you’ll not only save the extra cost in the long run,
you’ll save the entire cost of the item !
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 81192 550
Saving Energy and Money with Home Appliances
Steven Nadel and Howard Geller
1985; 34 pp.
$2 postpaid from:
American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy
1001 Connecticut Ave. NW
Suite 535
Washington DC 20036
##A 05 156138 551
The Most Energy-Efficient Appliances
American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy
1986; 18 pp. $2 postpaid.
100 Connecticut Ave. NW
Washington DC 20036
##A 05 234879 552
There are two basic freezer styles -- chest (top loading) and upright (front loading). Chest freezers are typically 10-15% more efficient than upright freezers because they are better insulated and because cold air doesn’t spill out when chest freezers are opened.—Saving Money and Energy with Home Appliances
##A 05 64669 553
##T Satisfaction Guaranteed
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Ever feel like you’ve been had? How to prevent that sorry state and what to do if it’s too late is the subject of this breezy book. Tactics are laid out move by move, but you’ll have to supply the chutzpah. If you’re willing to do that, you have reason to expect a happy ending. The author’s expertise is wider than seems possible for one lifetime, but apparently he’s successfully dealt with doctors, lawyers, mechanics, brokers, realtors and mail order companies. I’d hate to be on his wrong side; his motto must be
“reasonable but deadly.”
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 64800 554
##T Satisfaction Guaranteed
The Ultimate Guide to Consumer Self-Defense
Ralph Charell
1986; 272 pp.
ISBN 0671498045
$14.95 ($16.45 postpaid)
Simon & Schuster
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
##A 05 65158 555
##T Satisfaction Guaranteed
When Big picks up the call, never rub it in by saying “I thought the secretary said you weren’t in.” The idea is for Big to want to help you but not to bludgeon him or her and thus induce resistance or, equally unproductive, have him/her give you apparent agreement followed by nonperformance.
The test was taken and the results duly printed out, at a cost to my friend of about $200. The doctor then discussed the results and cautioned my friend to avoid the foods and substances to which he had been “found” allergic. “How can I avoid things like household dust? It’s everywhere. What about a cure?” The doctor was not optimistic.
“How accurate is this test?” my friend belatedly asked.
“About 50 percent.”
“I wish I had known that I could have gotten equally valid ‘information’ by tossing a coin before I took the test.”
##A 05 65647 556
##T The Consumer Protection Manual
The Consumer Protection Manual
Stand up for your rights! The whole complex mess of consumer protection laws is presented here along with operating
instructions — fully (but dully).
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 65934 557
##T The Consumer Protection Manual
Andrew Eiler
1984; 658 pp.
ISBN 0871963108
$35 postpaid from:
Facts On File Publications
460 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10016
##A 05 67515 558
##T Interesting Mail Order
##A 05 6197 559
##T The Nature Company
The Nature Company
Lots of good quality stuff that encourages an interest and
appreciation of nature: telescopes, toys, maps, T-shirts, all manner of eco-chic doodads, plus a nifty selection of books (many of which are reviewed on this disc). I Christmas shop here a lot, if I can get in the door of the store. You can do it more easily by mail from this handsome catalog.
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ Nasco Science
##A 05 10938 560
##T The Nature Company
Catalog free from:
The Nature Company
P.O. Box 2310
Berkeley, CA 94702
##A 05 70954 561
##T The Nature Company
The Nature Company’s incredible Iguana inflates to six feet! Giant among today’s lizards, and living symbol of the great Age of Dinosaurs, the Iguana is harmless to other animals and lives in and among tropical trees in Central America (other, smaller species of Iguana come within 100 miles of the United States/Mexico border and are popular among children). We’ve created a spectacularly detailed inflatable model of this great lizard, taking care to reproduce each feature as accurately as possible. Each is printed in four colors, and measures a grand 14" x 74" (we’ve also added grommets to the underside for easy attachment to walls, if desired). Patch kits are included for accidental puncturing. $19.95
##A 05 93063 562
##T Amazing Reprints
Amazing Reprints
This catalog offers 300 booklets of reprinted how-to information that first appeared in 1910-1948. Some are useful: Human-Powered Tools & Machinery. Some are a trifle strange: plans for a tiny real airplane, the Santos-Dumont “Demoiselle” of 1910. All are interesting. If you’re one of those folks whose idea of what’s
“traditional” and desirable refers to this time period, you’ll find lots to love. A bit o’ the past is still with us.
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ A. Brill’s Bible of Building Plans
##A 05 93262 563
##T Amazing Reprints
For catalog send two first class stamps to:
S & S Press
P. O. Box 5931
Austin, TX 78763
##A 05 103926 564
##T Amazing Reprints
Windshield Wiper Converted Into Steam Engine
Old windshield-wiper motors work fine as drivers for toys and models. They’ll run vigorously on 3 to 8 lb. from a low-pressure steam boiler, an air compressor, or even a tire pump.
##A 05 71897 565
##T Archie McPhee & Company
Archie McPhee & Company
This is where you get those pink plastic flamingos and other bizarre, often awful, amusing items, sometimes referred to as
“novelties.” Much fun!
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 71955 566
##T Archie McPhee & Company
Catalog free from:
Archie McPhee & Company
P. O. Box 30852
Seattle, WA 98103
##A 05 104340 567
##T Archie McPhee & Company
Nearly 3 feet tall. Boxed pair/$9.50. Buy five pair for $43.87 and save! ! !
(For a great article on “our need to dink up the environment with folksy imagery,” see “Down East Housedressing and Lawn Ornamentation” by Bryce and Margaret Muir in the Spring 1988 Whole Earth Review.)
##A 05 104478 568
##T Archie McPhee & Company
Fantastic! Ingenious! Amazing! This has delighted children and adults for decades
(not to mention Idaho potato farmers). You place the tip of the barrel into a potato
(or a zucchini). Withdraw and fire! Shoots harmless spud pellets! Safe and sane! Classic design in plastic, black and red color. Each in illustrated, full color box with complete instructions for use and care. This is the deluxe, boxed edition. Note: potato not included.
$2.95 each. SPUD GUN GALLERY SPECIAL: 10 for $26.63.
##A 05 158653 569
##T The American Historical Supply Catalog
The American Historical Supply Catalog
Good old stuff, some of it great old stuff from all manner of mail order suppliers. Nineteenth-century furniture, clothing, kitchenware, building fixtures, clocks, stoves, tools, food, books, musical instruments, nautical instruments, toys, bathroom items, and even tours. A nice selection sumptuously illustrated. God, what a relief from the like of “The Sharper Image” and other purveyors of ephemeral high-tech glitz.
— Stewart Brand
Ÿ Renovation
##A 05 158917 570
##T The American Historical Supply Catalog
Alan Wellikoff
1984; 240 pp.
ISBN 0805207759
$16.95 ($17.95 postpaid)
Schocken Books
Random House, Inc.
400 Hahn Rd.
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 05 24504 571
##T The American Historical Supply Catalog
“A sensible vehicle of the type built fifty years ago,” Mark and Elmo maintain, “but with such modern improvements as Timken bearings and a stronger fifth wheel.” All heavy-duty material and quality construction. Available with steel or rubber tires.
Price: $1,500.
##A 05 72919 572
##T Lefthander’s Catalog
Lefthander’s Catalog
A modest selection here of household gadgets and tools designed for southpaws, including a few for the ambidextrous. Ever try
to use righthanded scissors with your left hand?
— Kevin Kelly
##A 05 73044 573
##T Lefthander’s Catalog
Catalog $2 from:
Lefthanders International
P. O. Box 8249
Topeka, KS 66608
##A 05 103939 574
##T Lefthander’s Catalog
These unbreakable metal scissors are made with comfortable cushion grip for maximum control. The blunt edge makes them ideal for preschool and lower elementary grades.
#206 5-inch Standard School Scissors......................$2.50
##A 05 173559 575
##T Abbeon
If you can get through this big, fat 448-page catalog without reaching for the order blank, you are made of very stern stuff indeed. A mind-boggling array of goodies that spans from the electronic lab to the homestead. Run by a self-confessed
“garrulous old man,” the outfit reeks of integrity. Service on my smallish order was very good. The price of the catalog is refundable with your first order.
— Gerald E. Meyers
This is one of the most eclectic assortments I’ve ever seen. Scalpels; clocks’ wheels (make your own wagon); lab, graphic, optical, and measuring supplies; you-name-it, etc., plus a few, are
##A 05 203941 576
##T Abbeon
all in there. This is a great example of a catalog that can give you ideas you might not have gotten otherwise. One of my favorites.
— J. Baldwin
##A 05 173762 577
##T Abbeon
Catalog $4.50 from:
Abbeon Cal, Inc.
123 Gray Avenue
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
##A 05 180575 578
##T Abbeon
Easy to use-push the button and read-no complicated analysis. . .very sensitive. . .40 to 110 dB across 6 measuring ranges. . .ribbon suspended meter network. . .“A” weighting network-simulates human ear response . . .electric condensor microphone. . .31.5 KHz frequency range. . .9 V battery-150 hours battery life in continuous operation. . .1.5 x 2.5 x 4". . .5.4-ounces including battery. . .1.0 dB graduations. . .earphone attachment — so you can hear what the meter is measuring. . .battery check provision. . .
Model #SL-87 Sound Level Meter
$172.50 Delivered Price
##A 05 174534 579
These catalogs ain’t much to look at, but they sure are a lot to send for. There’s little duplication between these rivals, and I’d say they are about equal as Pied Pipers of the Pocketbook. The variety is more than we have room to list here. Some of the items in our Catalog came from these catalogs of catalogs.
— J. Baldwin
(Remember, don’t order from the samples here — get the catalog first and order from that.)
##A 05 174688 580
The 3rd Underground Shopper
Sue Goldstein
1985; 375 pp.
ISBN 0836279379
$8.95 ($9.95 postpaid)
Andrews and McMeel Inc.
4900 Main Street
Kansas City, MO 64112
##A 05 176148 581
The Wholesale by Mail Catalog
The Print Project
1988; 464 pp.
ISBN 0312015321
$10.95 ($12.45 postpaid)
St. Martin’s Press
Cash Sales
175 5th Avenue
New York, NY 10010
##A 05 174956 582
The King Size Company
24 Forest St.
Brockton, MA 02402
(800) 343-9678
(617) 580-0500: MA residents
The kingpin of King Size, James Kelley, stands tall when he professes his motto: “A 6'8" man should not have to pay a penalty for being tall.” They try to position their prices within 10 percent of what a 5'8" man would pay for the same clothing. They also have clothing to outfit large men (pants sized from 44 to 60; shirts from 17 to 22). They have their own label as well as Jockey, Haggar, Botany 500, Palm Beach, Hush Puppies, and London Fog. Shipping via UPS costs 10% of the order up to $3.75 maximum; there’s an unconditional guarantee. Their free catalog comes out 10 times a year; January and June are sale issues. —The 3rd Underground Shopper
##A 05 175324 583
Paradise Products
P. O. Box 568
El Cerrito, CA 94530
(415) 524-8300
We thought Paradise Products consisted of apples, fig leaves, and serpents until we looked through their catalog and discovered nothing was lost. They’ve got party goods for 23 international and nine seasonal themes with tempting discounts of 25% on an assortment of favors, posters, crepe paper, hats, banners, flags, and masks (in their Party Host line). Say “Aloha!” to Hawaiian orchids and packets of beach sand or
“How!” to an Indian peace pipe. You can even save a fortune, cookie, on fortune cookies for your next Chinese party. Finding the proper decorations to set the mood for a fifties or sixties party is no problem when you flip through this company’s 72-page catalog. — The 3rd Underground Shopper
##A 05 84026 584
Sultan’s Delight Inc.; P. O. Box 253; Staten Island, NY 10314-0253 (718) 720-1557/Cat.: free (1 & 7)/Save: to 50/Pay: C, MO, MC, V Sells: Middle Eastern foods, gifts/Mail Order only.
Comment: Middle Eastern food specialities are sold here at excellent prices — to 50% below comparable goods in gourmet food stores. Est. in 1980.
Sample Goods: Near East and Sahadi products; canned tahini, cous cous, tabouleh, fig and quince jams, stuffed grapevine leaves, bulghur, semolina, green wheat, orzo, fava beans, Turkish figs, pickled okra, stuffed eggplant, olives, herbs and spices, jumbo pistachios and other nuts, roasted chick peas, halvah, Turkish delight, marzipan paste, olive oil, Turkish coffee, fruit leather, filo, feta cheese, Syrian breads, etc. Cookbooks for Greek, Lebanese, Syrian, and Middle Eastern cuisine offered, and gifts, belly-dancing clothing, musical instruments, cookware, and related items.
There’s a $30 minimum order — if you order less than this amount enclose $3 as a
##A 05 175410 585
service charge. All items are guaranteed to be as represented in the catalog with shipments guaranteed to arrive on time (not fashionably late) for the party and in perfect condition or they’ll cheerfully refund your money. Catalog $2.
— The 3rd Underground Shopper
##A 05 167537 586
--------------- Save: up to 35%
P.O. Box 546 Pay: check, MO, MC, V
Tallman, NY 10982 Sells: dinosaur toys, collectibles, and books
(914) 634-7579 Shop: mail order only
Assembled by true aficionados, this beautifully produced catalog showcases a delightful collection of dinosaurana. Although many of the prices are at list or comparable retail, some are up to 35% below those charged by other catalog firms and museum gift shops. The Dinosaur Catalog began doing business in 1983.
Your favorite extinct species are captured here in every form. Dinosaur models, rubber stamps, posters, stationery, T-shirts, mobiles, books, and many other celebrations of prehistoric beasts are offered. There are exact-scale replicas from the British Museum, glow-in-the-dark dinosaurs, wooden assembly models, German
##A 05 221542 587
skeleton kits, hand-finished pewter models, porcelain dinosaur families, wood and board jigsaw puzzles, dinosaur cookie cutters, ties, jewelry, demitasse spoons, and much more. If you’re overwhelmed by the choices and can’t decide what to give your favorite dinophile, consider a copy of the catalog — with a gift certificate.
Special factor: Orders are shipped worldwide.
— The Wholesale by Mail Catalog 1988
##A 05 222327 588
ST. ANDREWS WOOLEN MILL -------------------------
Save: up to 50% Brochure free
The Golf Links Pay: check, IMO, V, MC, AE, Access
St. Andrews, Fife KY16 9BR Sells: yarns, fabrics, and clothing
Phone # 011-44-334-72366
Shop: same address --------------------------
“We have lots and lots of lovely goodies at the Mill,” reads the stock list from St. Andrews. And it does — yarns, hand-knitted Aran sweaters, and even cashmere throws may be found here at substantial savings over U.S. prices.
St. Andrews offers Shetland, Aran, acrylic, and Lopi-type yarns in hanks and on the cone. (The coned yarn is quite inexpensive, costing as little as 26¢ an ounce for
##A 05 222525 589
Shetland wool.) There is no general yarn card with the price list; you must write and send a sample of the color you wish matched, and St. Andrews will write back with availability and price information. Our mailing did include yarn samples showing the color range for the “Instant Fair Isle Sweater Packs,” which are kits that include the hand-knitted yoke (already made), buttons, Shetland wool, and patterns for pullover and cardigan styles.
The finished apparel runs from fine cashmere sweaters for men and women to kilts and tartan trousers, lambswool pullovers, oiled “whaler” sweaters, and pullovers in Norwegian patterns. For the home, you can buy Bothy blankets, mohair and tartan throws (called “rugs” here), and sheepskins.
With the exception of the cashmere sweaters, which are shown in brochures, the goods are not pictured. You should write to St. Andrews to ask about the items that interest you. If you wish to buy yarn, send a sample for color matching and note the
##A 05 222955 590
ply desired, fiber, and intended project (hand or machine knitting, for example).
Special factors: Satisfaction is guaranteed; returns are accepted for exchange, refund, or credit.
— The Wholesale by Mail Catalog 1988
##A 12 64901 3
##A 12 8560 4
##T Genesis and Purpose
##A 12 17724 5
##T The Whole Earth Catalog
The Whole Earth Catalog
The classic handbook of the “small is beautiful” revolution and the grand-daddy of do-it-yourself publishing.
Started in 1968, the Whole Earth Catalog was the first general publication to review personal computers, leading up to the Whole
Earth Software Catalog in 1984.
For our latest advice, use the most recent version, the portable Essential Whole Earth Catalog (Doubleday, 1986).
— Kevin Kelly
##A 12 2461 6
We are as gods and might as well get good at it. So far remotely done power and glory — as via government, big business, formal education, church — has succeeded to the point where gross defects obscure actual gains. In response to this dilemma and to these gains, a realm of intimate, personal power is developing — the power of individuals to conduct their own education, find their own inspiration, shape their own environment, and share the adventure with whoever is interested. Tools that aid this process are sought and promoted by the Whole Earth Catalogs.
##A 12 16098 7
The Electronic Whole Earth Catalog is an evaluation and access device. It can help a user discover what is worth getting and how to get it. We’re here to point, not to sell. Text and graphics excerpted here are provided for the reader to aid in evaluating what’s being reviewed. We have no financial obligation or connection to any of the suppliers listed. We only review stuff we think is great. Why waste your time with anything else?
An item is listed in this Catalog if it is deemed:
1. Useful as a tool,
2. Relevant to independent education,
3. High quality or low cost,
4. Easily available by mail.
##A 12 16183 8
The listings are continually revised and updated according to the
experience and suggestions of Catalog users and staff. Information here is accurate as of mid to late 1988. Latest news can be found in our magazine, the Whole Earth Review (Ÿ see review).
##A 12 5154 9
Order items from the Electronic Whole Earth Catalog directly from the supplier or publisher. Do not order from us. We sell nothing but information.
Consider these points of mail order etiquette; they’ll make shopping by mail more pleasant for you and for the companies you are dealing with.
1. Write legibly. Say what you want on the outside of the envelope. Writing “mail order” or “subscription order” will speed your transaction. You can usually request free information with an inexpensive postcard.
##A 12 21935 10
2. Expect prices to rise. The prices shown here are accurate as of mid to late 1988. Prices will be greater if you are ordering outside of the U.S.
3. Don’t order from the excerpts of the catalogs we’ve reviewed. Catalog prices go out of date quickly. Request their latest brochure to get the latest specifications and prices.
4. Include sales tax if the supplier is in the state you are ordering from.
5. Use the phone. Most companies will be happy to bill your credit card if you need something quickly. Even if you aren’t in a hurry
##A 12 36675 11
it’s worth a phone call to check prices or to make sure what you want is in stock. Don’t be shy to make use of a company’s 800 toll-free number; they have bought one because it increases their business.
6. Use International Money Orders (IMO’s) to send money abroad. You can get them at the post office. Don’t send a personal check.
7. Be patient. It takes at least two weeks for your goods to arrive; four to six weeks is normal. Make a photocopy of your order before you send it.
8. Be gentle. If you need to complain, remember your goal is
##A 12 36384 12
resolution, not revenge. If you are polite and specific, the person at the other end will likely deal with your problem sooner. Include
your name and full address (with zip code) every time you write or call.
9. Be considerate. Don’t send away for stuff just to keep your mailbox full. If something free is worth your writing for, it’s probably worth including a stamped, self-addressed envelope (SASE). It guarantees a fast response.
10. You don’t have to buy it. Don’t forget libraries, user groups, and schools. Libraries can get you most any book in the world if you are willing to wait for the inter-library loan network to do its
##A 12 37480 13
magic. They also have growing collections of videos, CD’s, and tape cassettes. User groups have massive libraries of public domain software. Many schools have inexpensive adult education classes that afford you a chance to use and try out expensive equipment. And then there are friends . . . .
##A 12 20722 14
by Stewart Brand
The Whole Earth Catalog got started in a plane over Nebraska in March 1968. I was on the way back to California from burying my father in my hometown in Illinois — a man who loved shopping in mail order catalogs. The sun had set ahead of the plane while I sat reading Spaceship Earth by Barbara Ward. Between chapters, I gazed out the window into dark nothing and slipped into a reverie about how I could help my friends who were starting their own civilization hither and yon with communes in the sticks. The L.L. Bean Catalog of outdoor stuff came to mind, and I pondered upon Mr. Bean’s service to humanity over the years. So many of the problems I could identify came down to a matter of access: where
##A 12 21357 15
to buy a windmill; where to get good information on beekeeping; where to lay hands on a computer (in those days no easy task).
Shortly, I was fantasizing an access service. A truck store, maybe, traveling around with information and samples of what was worth getting and advice on how to use it and where to get it. And a catalog, continuously updated — in part by the users. A catalog that owed nothing to the suppliers and everything to the users. It would be something that I could put some years into. Amid the fever I was in by this time, I remembered Buckminster Fuller’s admonition that you have about ten minutes to act on an idea before it recedes back into dreamland, so I started writing up the scheme in the end papers of Barbara Ward’s book (never did finish reading it).
##A 12 21527 16
One of the main things that drove me into business was ignorance.
A liberally educated young man, I hadn’t the faintest how the world worked. Bargaining, distribution, mark-up, profit, bankruptcy, lease, invoice, fiscal year, inventory — they were all a mystery to me and were usually depicted as sordid. That was then; tastes have changed, perhaps too far the other way. At the time, in fact, finances were not particularly on my mind. How To Make Money was not the design problem. (I’d heard and bought Ken Kesey’s advice that you don’t make money by making money: you have that in mind early on, but then you forget it and concentrate entirely on good product; the money comes to pass. Michael Phillips later stated it: Do what you love; the money will come.) The problem was How to Generate a Low-Maintenance, High-Yield, Self-Sustaining, Critical Information Service.
##A 12 6167 17
Easy. You name what you know is good stuff and indicate exactly where to get it. You do this on newsprint, which costs half of the next-higher paper stock. Low overhead at every step. Employ stone amateurs with energy and enthusiasm. Build furniture out of scrap doors, light tables out of scrap plywood, work in whatever space you have. Pay your pros $5/hour (no raises) and the beginners $2/hour with $.25/hour raises every couple months — in 1968 that was good money. Employees fill out their own time sheets. If they get dishonest about that — or anything that hurts service — fire them. Spread responsibility as far as it will go, credit too.
What you’re trying to do is nourish and design an organism that can learn and stay alive while it’s learning. Once that process hits its stride, don’t tinker with it; work for it, let it work for you. Make interesting demands on each other.
##A 12 7101 18
By June 1969, we were being mentioned in underground papers such as the East Village Other. And then Nicholas von Hoffman wrote a full column on the Whole Earth Catalog that got syndicated all over the U.S. We were caught. We were famous. Of all the press notices we eventually got, from Time and Vogue to Hotcha! in Germany to a big article in Esquire, nothing had the business impact of one tiny mention in “Uncle Ben Sez” in the Detroit Free Press, where some reader asked, “How do we start a farm?” and Uncle Ben printed our address. We got hundreds and hundreds of subscriptions from that. We hired more people. Deposits at the bank were more frequent. The bank officers got more polite.
In September 1969, as I was driving up the hill from Menlo Park to
##A 12 7175 19
work (Catalog production was in a garage in the hills), it suddenly hit me that I didn’t want to. Instead of golden opportunity, the publication was becoming a grim chore. I considered the alternatives of taking my medicine like a good boy or setting about passing my job to somebody else. I’m sure I sighed unhappily. And then this other notion glimmered. Keep the job, finish the original assignment, and then stop. Stop a success, and see what happens. Experiment going as well as coming. We printed in the September 1969 Supplement that we would cease publication with a big Catalog, The Last Whole Earth Catalog, in Spring of 1971.
Meanwhile, business was still growing. The morning mail was a daily, heavy Santa Claus bag.
Our stopping was primarily an economic experiment. Rather than
##A 12 23069 20
do the usual succession things, we preferred to just cease supply and let demand create its own sources. Our hope was that those sources would be more diverse and better than we had been, or could have been if we had continued.
So, in June 1971, we had the Demise Party celebrating the self-termination of the Whole Earth Catalog, and all in all it was a rout. Fifteen hundred people showed up. San Francisco’s Exploratorium staff had their museum weirding around us full steam. At midnight, Scott Beach announced from the stage that these here two hundred $100 bills, yes, $20,000, were now the property of the party-goers, just as soon as they could decide what to do with them.
“Flush them down the toilet!” “No, don’t!” “Give it to the Indians!” “Bangladesh!” “Our commune needs a pump or we’ll all get
##A 12 23570 21
hepatitis!” And so on. The debate lasted till nine o’clock the next morning, when a dozen remaining hardcore party-goers turned the remaining $15,000 ($5,000 had been distributed to the crowd at one wild point) over to Fred Moore, dishwasher. He later gathered people for other group decidings over what to do with the money. Most of the story, Rolling Stone’s account, is in The Seven Laws of Money, by Michael Phillips.
After burning our bridges, we reported before the Throne to announce, “We’re here for our next terrific idea.” The Throne said, “That Was It.”
In 1971 we had ceased making Whole Earth Catalogs forever, sincerely expecting that someone would quickly come along and
##A 12 23856 22
fill the niche better than we did. Well, they didn’t. The Last Whole Earth Catalog won the National Book Award in 1972 and continued to sell 5,000 copies a week with increasingly outdated information. (It also made about $1.5 million, against zero overhead. So I set up Point Foundation, and we gave the money away to assorted effective individuals.) We half-heartedly updated the “last” Catalog in 1973 and 1975 and added what amounted to Volume II in 1974: The Whole Earth Epilog .
Simultaneously we began a journal called the CoEvolution Quarterly (CQ). I had been wanting to call it “The Never Piss Against The Wind Newsletter,” or perhaps “Making Circuit.” I did have a formula in mind: we would print long technical pieces on whatever interested us — the opposite of the predigested pap in,
##A 12 24126 23
say, Intellectual Digest. So the Spring 1974 CQ had Paul Ehrlich on coevolution, Roy Rappaport and Howard Odum on energy and culture, Sam Keen on spiritual tyranny, and a nice reception from readers. We had printed 5,000 copies of the 96-page Spring CQ and sold them all. The Summer CQ sold out 10,000 copies immediately; we had another 7,000 printed.
By Winter 1979, we had put out 24 issues of CQ. For years we resisted the standing temptation to do a new version of the Catalog because of the sheer labor involved. Then Art Kleiner, University of California/Berkeley journalism graduate, indicated that he would like to work with us. In the brutal/apologetic tones you would use asking someone to scrub the toilets, I said, “Art, how would you like to handle the compiling of a new Whole Earth
##A 12 24561 24
Catalog? That includes working on the distribution deal and production and printing, as well as contacting all of the old listees for their recent information and making final sense out of the doubtless-conflicting evaluation messages from the editors.”
“Sure,” he said.
If Art was that brave, I guessed we could be. Then began the sift through everything in the Whole Earth Catalog, the Whole Earth Epilog, and 24 issues of CoEvolution Quarterly to identify, update, and assemble the best. New prices, new addresses, new covers, new excerpts (from catalogs and magazines), and often new reviews. Called The Next Whole Earth Catalog, it had 608
##A 12 24664 25
folio-size pages, reviewed 3,907 items, and weighed 5 1/2 pounds. Before the ink was dry on the first 1980 edition, work began on a second edition that appeared in 1981.
By 1983 the personal computer market was booming. John Brockman, our literary agent in New York, suggested we ought to do a Whole Earth Catalog of software. A few months later an eight-page proposal netted Point the biggest advance for a nonfiction paperback book in history — $1.3 million. That project saved a struggling Whole Earth operation, and also nearly destroyed it. To meet the size and schedule of the project, Whole Earth staff more than doubled, and a raft of new people brought with them from the computer business different salary expectations than we were used to in the humble magazine business. Software turned out to
##A 12 25040 26
be vastly more difficult to review than books — everything important is deeply hidden. Then I made the mistake — the biggest in our history — of assuming that a computer magazine would be the way to work into the book, the way CoEvolution had always served the Catalogs.
The Whole Earth Software Review (“The Magazine of Fine Computing”) came out in Spring 1984 in full color and Readers’ Digest size, with no ads (as usual), and expensive promotion. It died ignominiously with the third issue in the midst of a personal computer market bust. Meanwhile, editor Barbara Robertson assembled an innovative and eclectic, masterly book in the Whole Earth Software Catalog. It got great reviews, and it sold some 150,000 copies, which is outstanding in usual terms but poor in
##A 12 25210 27
terms of its advance. In 1985 we brought out a wholly revised and updated Version 2.0 of the Software Catalog, and quit. We had spent the $1.3 million advance making the book, and no more money would come in from sales.
Right idea, wrong medium. Personal computer software moves much too quickly to be reviewed usefully in books.
Wrenching as it was, the Software Catalog venture carried Whole Earth into a new and fruitful watershed. It brought us computer technology early and deep. It brought us Kevin Kelly, an information addict who was hired to edit CoEvolution while the rest of us wrestled with the computers. It encouraged me to take the hell off on sabbatical (to Africa, MIT, and Royal Dutch/Shell in
##A 12 25396 28
London) and only come part way back. Kevin sharpened the editorial
edge of CoEvolution (by then renamed Whole Earth Review) and restored Point’s ravaged finances.
By 1986 Kevin and crew were ready to try a new version of the old Catalog. The Essential Whole Earth Catalog was a wonder of close-packed information, edited by the same J. Baldwin who was the senior editor of this CD. It was solid proof that Whole Earth was healthy and ready to take on a new generation of tool evaluation, in new directions, with new textures.
By 1987 Kevin and Apple Computer were discussing a possible collaboration, using Whole Earth material as a demonstration of the capabilities of a new kind of software that had been developed
##A 12 25714 29
by one Bill Atkinson. Bill called it “Wild Card”; it would soon hit the market as “HyperCard” — the lauded New Thing in personal computers that year. Not apparent at first was that HyperCard could be a splendid front end and authoring system for the vast reaches of data storable in CD–ROMs, but that was Apple’s plot all along, and we were becoming part of it. With money and the loan of people such as Tim Oren from Apple, parts of The Essential Whole Earth Catalog were rendered into ROM and demoed to the public with the announcement of Apple’s CD–ROM machine.
At this point Doug Carlston bought in. Doug had been on Point’s Board of Directors for years, and he had been considering how to get his software company, Brøderbund, into the CD–ROM business. With luck, The Electronic Whole Earth Catalog might be the first in
##A 12 27004 30
a long list of electronic titles from his shop.
For us at Whole Earth the attractions of CD–ROM were multiplying. First was the lure of exploring a new medium. We had pioneered “desktop publishing” fifteen years before most of the world, and we yearned for the old freedom of working in a form not yet burdened by accepted practices. Then came the size problems. That 5 1/2 pound Next Whole Earth Catalog showed us we couldn’t get any larger in print. It made a dent in your chest to read in bed. But cutting out good stuff — good products, good quotes from books and magazines, intriguing side issues — grieved us constantly. In CD–ROM we found a medium which was both larger and smaller in just the right ways. We could jam in all the good stuff, and the “book” would fit in a jacket pocket.
##A 12 27227 31
Because our books had always been self-produced, we were accustomed to a level of cross-reference not possible in most books. With HyperCard we could at last pursue cross-referencing a whole dimension further: all the related pieces of information on the disk could know about each other. Best of all, many of those pieces of information could be sound! Being able to randomly access and sample sound was not only new to books, it was new to the audio industry. We would be first out with a catalog that let you shop with your ears. Our inability to cover music well had always frustrated us.
With CD–ROM, the Whole Earth Catalog, was getting to become more of the tool it had wanted to be since 1968. It’s a significant step toward . . . Well, how about an electronic Whole Earth Truck
##A 12 33339 32
Store that drives up in front of your virtual door with every great tool in the world in it, ready to be tried, borrowed, purchased, learned from?
##A 12 57549 33
##T Staff and Business
##A 12 44130 34
Senior Editor:
J. Baldwin
Jeanne Carstensen
Jonathan Evelegh
Richard Kadrey
Candida Kutz
Richard Nilsen
Production Editors:
Keith Jordan
Candida Kutz
Hank Roberts
##A 12 44421 35
Project Manager:
Keith Jordan
Product Manager:
Joanne Bealy (Brøderbund Software)
Mike Coffey (Brøderbund Software)
Tim Oren (Apple Computer)
Jack Trainor (Brøderbund Software)
Graphic Design:
Kathleen O’Neill
Mark Faigenbaum
##A 12 34762 36
Sound Digitizing:
Jonathan Evelegh
Graphic Digitizing:
Laura Benne
Mark Faigenbaum
Dick Fugett
Access Updating:
Lisa Geduldig
James Donnelly
Christel Sweet
##A 12 36308 37
Ruth Friedman (Brøderbund Software)
Richard Schauffler
Software Testing
Brøderbund Quality Assurance Department
Special thanks to:
Mark Zimmerman for the Texas Search Engine
Whole Earth Booklet:
J. Baldwin
Kathleen O’Neill
Keith Jordan
##A 12 37033 38
Stewart Brand
Kevin Kelly
Mike Liebhold (Apple Computer)
Tim Oren (Apple Computer)
Original Design:
Kevin Kelly
Kathleen O’Neill
Tim Oren (Apple Computer)
##A 12 37329 39
Additional help from:
Paul Blankinship Ramon Sender Barayon
David Burnor Lori Woolpert
Paul Davis The WELL
Richard Ditzler
Cindy Craig Fugett
Katherine Gall
Art Kleiner
Pat Oren
Robin Gail Ramsey
Elaine Richards
Susan Rosberg
Don Ryan
Susan Erkel Ryan
##A 12 44712 40
Thanks to Brøderbund Software:
Doug Carlston
Richard Whittaker
Harry Wilker
And thanks to the folks from Apple:
Steve Cisler
Fabrice Florin
Ted Kaehler
Carol Kaehler
Alan Kay
Sioux Lacey
and especially to Bill Atkinson
##A 12 18482 41
This product is the joint project of three organizations: Point Foundation, Brøderbund Software, and Apple Computer. The content, that is all the words, pictures, and sounds on this compact disk, is the responsibility of Point Foundation.
Point Foundation is a nonprofit organization mandated to encourage educational innovation, and to conjure up cultural inventions. PointUs primary activities are community-based electronic journalism (The WELL), and consumer-driven publishing
(The Whole Earth Catalogs and Review). Revealing the process of how things happen, including how our own projects happen, is part of our educational program.
To further its goal of making process transparent, Point regularly
##A 12 22316 42
publishes an open accounting of pertinent money matters. We do this because most businesses don’t. Without such a disclosure, the reality of a project’s deeper life and limitations remain hidden.
(No project has ever had enough time or money allotted to it). Following the money in others’ endeavors is a crash course in getting one’s new thing done. To that education, here’s a back-of-the-napkin sketch of the financial biography of The Electronic Whole Earth Catalog.
It was birthed in two general phases of funding. Apple Computer financed the first half, itself done in two phases -- a medium scale test of a fledgling HyperCard, and then later a large scale prototype version to premiere Apple’s CD-ROM drive. Apple got a product they could demonstrate at shows, which not only worked,
##A 12 22645 43
but wowed. Point cleared $34,729 in total, after deducting expenses from $107,000 income.
The second phase was funded by Brøderbund Software. Brøderbund, a software publisher firmly established in the educational market for personal computers, was willing to bet that their future would involve CD-ROM. We had a half-finished product they respected. They gulped, put money where their dreams were, and signed over a $100,000 advance to complete the Electronic Catalog. “Advance” means that they paid us (in installments as work was completed)
in advance of the royalties we could expect to earn from sales of this disc. If the Electronic Catalog was successful and sold more than about 8,000 discs then we would earn royalties beyond our
##A 12 22789 44
But, on the other hand, if the disc doesn’t sell (or if Apple’s CD-ROM drive doesn’t sell), we’d still keep our advance and Brøderbund would be out one of the largest advances they have offered anyone, not to mention about an equal amount they invested into managing and packaging the product.
Despite the large amounts in this second phase of development, both Brøderbund and Point went into the red by it. Brøderbund agreed to pay an additional $10,000 for our part, and delayed other of their projects in order to give the kind of attention we were demanding on this one. On Point’s side, we spent $10,000 more on
it (even deducting the additional $10,000) than we took in, because of obsessive addictions to doing things right. We
re-recorded portions of the music many times, re-scanned
##A 12 29653 45
one-quarter of the pictures when a better process came along midway, and re-checked addresses and prices for EVERYTHING in this version despite their maddening ephemeral nature. We’re in the hole ten grand. Brøderbund is out on a limb for a hundred grand. Paying attention to money doesn’t mean you let it write all the rules. A favorite game we’re playing says: do what you love, as well as you can, and the money (just enough) will follow.
Here’s to Just Enough.
— Kevin Kelly
A brief financial statement is next, followed by additional notes.
##A 12 47024 46
Apple Phase Brøderbund Phase
Payments Received 107,000 110,000 (Note 1)
Payroll (2) 41,504 99,445
Payroll Taxes 5,395 12,928
Direct Expenses (3) 1,965 6,871
Contributors (4) 0 1,318
Toward Gen’l Overhead (5) 23,407 0
------ ------
Total Expenses 72,271 120,562
Profit (Loss) 34,729 (10,562)
##A 12 37638 47
(1) Payroll was obviously our biggest single expense. Point’s contribution alone represents approximately 12,500 hours work — and this does not include the hours of the people provided by Apple Computer and Brøderbund Software.
(2) “Direct Expenses” is for phone, postage, additional rent for this project, blank diskettes, etc. It includes some hardware expenses, though most of our hardware was provided by Apple and Brøderbund.
(3) “Contributors” is money paid to authors of reviews and articles — a small amount for this project since nearly all the
##A 12 38070 48
material was either reprinted from recent Catalogs or written by editors working on this project on an hourly basis.
(4) What keeps Point Foundation afloat is that all its various projects together contribute enough toward “General Overhead” to pay for rent, heat, bookkeeping, phone answering, etc. A zero next
to this item for phase two means we really did lose money.
— Keith Jordan
##A 12 48259 49
The large volume of useful news in this disc is a result of our on-going publishing efforts. Beside this hi-density CD-ROM, we also publish a quarterly magazine, occasional books, a weekly newspaper column, and operate a 24-hour electronic meeting house, called the WELL (Whole Earth ’Lectronic Link).
Our magazine, the Whole Earth Review, is 144 pages of unusual news, personal recommendations, unorthodox technical reports, and hard-to-find information. Much of what appears on your screen surfaced first in WER. Much of what will appear in future issues will come from people like you. We are a reader supported magazine: we carry no display advertising, and so are beholden to no one except our readers. We pay for anything we publish,
##A 12 48602 50
including suggestions. Subscriptions are $20 per year (four issues). Send to: Whole Earth Review, 27 Gate Five Road, Sausalito, CA 94965. Electronic mail can be sent to kk on the WELL, or Art Kleiner on Compuserve.
The WELL is a regional teleconferencing system operating in the San Francisco Bay Area. It is an on-line community, accessible from anywhere in the country, that meets for discussion on more than 100 different topics ranging from drugs, politics and parenting to computers, music and philosophy. You need a modem to log on. Call 415/332-4335 to talk to a human for more information, or call 415/332-6106 to link your computer with ours.
##A 12 48777 51
Material that has run in our magazine has a good chance of making its way into our cumulative Catalogs or our weekly column in the San Francisco Chronicle.
Our two newest books were/will be published by Harmony Books, a division of Crown Books in late 1988 and early 1989. The first is called “SIGNAL — A Whole Earth Catalog: Communication Tools for the Information Age.” The second is a full book treatment of our best selling issue, “The Fringes of Reason,” which dealt with strange beliefs and eccentric science. SIGNAL is $16.95 and FRINGES will be $14.95.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 12 63588 52
##A 12 63823 53
##T First Time Help
##A 12 26630 54
This section will explain how to get around in the Electronic Whole Earth Catalog. Don’t be afraid to play around with the different buttons and explore — there’s no way to harm the contents of the disc.
If at any time you feel completely lost just click on the WHOLE EARTH button and you will be returned to the TABLE OF CONTENTS at the beginning of the disc. Think of it as your escape hatch.
##A 12 3715 55
The disc is organized in a hierarchy as shown by this pyramid.
##A 12 10157 56
There are four ways to get into the disc, all accessed through the
##A 12 10731 57
This is the Whole Earth TABLE OF CONTENTS. Each name on the card represents a general area of interest called a Domain. A click on the Domain name takes you to that Domain.
##A 12 11206 58
This is the DOMAIN card. Clicking on any Section title on the Domain card will take you to that Section.
##A 12 11713 59
This is a SECTION card. Clicking on any of the names takes you
to a Cluster of articles related to the topic you’ve chosen.
##A 12 12137 60
This is a CLUSTER card. It lists individual Articles on a specific subject. Cluster cards also feature CROSS REFERENCES to related information in other Domains, Sections and Clusters. Clicking on any Article or Cross Reference will take you there.
##A 12 12583 61
What follows is a representative ARTICLE. Articles are at the bottom level of the pyramid, and they consist of four kinds of cards. This is a REVIEW card. Clicking the PAGE TURNER at the bottom of the page takes you to the next card of this Article . . . .
##A 12 13134 62
This is an ACCESS card. It is the part of the Article that provides
ordering information. Click on the Page Turner to go to the next
card in this Article . . . .
##A 12 13711 63
This is an EXCERPT card. Most, but not all articles have them. It
will contain text excerpted from the reviewed item. Click on the Page Turner to go to the next card in this Article . . . .
##A 12 16809 64
This is a PICTURE card. Most, but not all articles will have one or
more Picture cards. If this is the last card in an article, when the
forward Page Turner is clicked you will be looped around to the first card of this Article.
##A 12 23551 65
After you have looked at an Article, you have several options as to
where you may go. Clicking on the FORWARD button will take you to the next Article in this Cluster.
##A 12 14547 66
Clicking on the REVERSE button will take you to the previous Article. The Forward and Reverse Buttons work in the same manner on each level of the pyramid — to the next Cluster when you are on a Cluster card, to the next Section when on a Section card, etc.
##A 12 26216 67
Clicking the CARD button takes you back up a level to the Cluster card which contains this Article.
##A 12 27874 68
Once back on the Cluster card you might choose another Article or Cross Reference, or as shown here you might click the Card button to move back up a level to the Section card.
##A 12 28246 69
Once back on the Section card you might choose another Cluster to browse or, as shown here, move back up another level to the Domain card.
##A 12 28888 70
Once back on the Domain card you can choose another Section to look at or, as shown here, click the WHOLE EARTH button and move back to the top of the pyramid, the Whole Earth Table of Contents.
##A 12 29354 71
From the Table of Contents another way to get into the disc is to click on the picture next to a Domain name. This will take you directly to a card with an outline listing of the contents of that Domain.
##A 12 30166 72
From this Domain Contents card you may go to another Domain’s Contents by clicking one of the Domain Name buttons on the right of the card, or as shown here you may go directly to a Section, Cluster or Article by clicking its title.
##A 12 30495 73
So here we are at the sample Article selected. If we were really in the Domain you could now read the Article, but for now we’ll click on the Whole Earth button to go back to the Table of Contents.
##A 12 31103 74
The third way to get into the disc is through the Index. A click on the picture or word “Index,” will take you directly to an alphabetic listing of the entire disc’s contents.
##A 12 31780 75
Once in the Index, click on the letter corresponding to the alphabetic listing you want to see. These letters are shown on the right of the card. Use the scrolling field to find what you are looking for, click on the title and you will be taken to that item.
##A 12 32372 76
If you were really in the Domain you could now peruse the Article that you had chosen, but instead we’ll click on the Whole Earth button to go back to the Table of Contents.
##A 12 33037 77
The fourth way to get into the disc is by using the Quick Search feature from the Table of Contents. It is also an option available from the Pull-Down Menu which is explained later in this section.
##A 12 33789 78
Once in Quick Search, type in a word you are looking for and all occurrences of that word will be at your disposal. By clicking the Find First button you will be taken to the first occurrence of that word.
##A 12 34213 79
This card shows the word in context. The top of the card tells you the word you were searching for, the Domain of this particular occurrence, the total number of occurrences and the title of the Article in which this occurrence was found. To see the next
occurrence of the word
click the Go Next button.
##A 12 34320 80
From here you may go to the next occurrence, if there is any, or go directly to the card whose content is shown by clicking on the Go To That Card Button.
##A 12 34953 81
At the end of this help section there is a more detailed explanation of the Whole Earth Quick Search.
##A 12 40838 82
There are over 4000 digitized pictures in the Electronic Whole Earth Catalog and over 500 Sound buttons.
Here are a few things about these cards and buttons that you should know.
##A 12 41291 83
The picture card shows an illustration from the subject of the Article that you are looking at. If the caption is in the way of your viewing, then click anywhere on the picture to make it disappear. Click again to make it return. Try it here.
##A 12 41700 84
This is a full screen graphic. Minimum controls will be shown as well as a caption most of the time. The same clicking procedure will make these disappear and reappear along with the caption. After trying this click the page turner for information on sound.
##A 12 40971 85
The musical note at the bottom of the page is a Sound button. When it is clicked a sound sample of up to sixty-seconds will be heard. A click again on the button will interrupt the sound. If there is more than one button, then there is more than one sound sample to choose from. Now click on the button to hear the sound.
##A 12 51937 86
All cards below the domain level have a PULL-
DOWN MENU presenting you with many options.
Click on “Menu” to see the Pull-Down Menu; then
choose the function you need and release the
mouse. (Any greyed-out functions aren’t
available for the particular card you have on
##A 12 15755 87
The top area of the Pull-Down Menu locates your
present position in the levels of the Catalog, in
this case the “Toolmaking” Cluster in the
“Tools” Section in the “CRAFT” Domain. Choose
any level to go there.
##A 12 3869 88
“Help” brings you an on-screen description of
the card you are looking at, as well as access
to more in-depth Whole Earth Help and Hyper-
card Help.
##A 12 38461 89
“Contents” takes you to an outline listing of
the contents of your current Domain.
##A 12 38669 90
“Index” takes you to the alphabetical index of
the entire disc.
##A 12 38984 91
“Print Article” will print all the cards of
whichever Article you are currently viewing
(this choice is greyed-out when you are not
actually in an Article).
##A 12 39381 92
“Print Order Form” allows you to create and
print an order for the product described on an
Access card (the choice is greyed-out on all
other types of cards).
##A 12 39634 93
“Quick Search” activates that function, just
as you’d expect.
##A 12 15234 94
“Quit” will quit the Electronic Whole Earth
Catalog and the Hypercard program.
##A 12 31654 95
Congratulations! You’ve now finished First Time Help. Now you can go back to the Section card and try moving around in the practice Articles, or click on the Whole Earth button to go back to the Whole Earth Table of Contents.
##A 12 17998 96
With Quick Search you can find any single word in the entire text of the catalog and go to the particular card that contains it.
To Use:
Go to the Quick Search stack by clicking on “Quick Search” from the Whole Earth Table of Contents, or selecting “Quick Search” from the Pull-Down Menu.
The Search Card:
Type the word you want to find in the “Search For:” window, then press the “Find First” button. If Quick Search finds your word, it then goes to the Occurrence Card of Quick Search and shows the first occurrence.
##A 12 18188 97
Index List:
However, if Quick Search cannot find your word, it displays the fifteen words alphabetically closest to your choice in the word list. The number to the left of each word is the total number of occurrences of that word under the current Quick Search settings. You can also use the scroll bar to change the contents of the word list.
Any time you see a word in the list that you would like to search for, just click on the word. Quick Search will center that word between the lines, and then show its first occurrence in the Occurrence Card.
##A 12 19305 98
The Occurrence Card:
After Quick Search has found your word, it displays the text containing it with a Find box on your word. From there you can click on “Go to that Card” which will take you to that particular card in the Catalog.
To examine further occurrences of your word, click on “Go Next,” or use the scroll bar beside it. To return to the Search Card, click the return arrow button in the lower left card.
Quick Search Settings:
By default, Quick Search is set to search the “Full Text” in the
“Whole Catalog.” If the word you want is in the Catalog, you can find it this way. However, the total number of occurrences
##A 12 20148 99
for many words is quite large, and you will likely have to check many occurrences before finding the particular one you want. So if possible, it pays to limit your search to Titles or Author names, or to a particular Domain.
Search By “Title” or “Author”: You can limit your search to just the titles of all Articles or all author names by clicking the radio button for “Title” or “Author.”
Search By “Subject”: Each article in the Catalog has two or three subject names associated with it. If you click the radio button
“Subject,” Quick Search will use the search word as a subject name and find articles that correspond to that subject. Since the
##A 12 20771 100
subject names are somewhat arbitrary it is often easier to use the scroll bar to look through the index listing for subject names close to what you want.
Search In: When “Whole Catalog” is selected, Quick Search can locate your word in any of the Catalog Domains. To limit your search to a specific Domain, just click on the “Whole Catalog” button next to “Search In” and choose a Domain.
- Jack Trainor
##A 12 65919 101
##T Practice Navigating
##A 12 39834 102
This is the first article within the practice Cluster. There are three cards here, all of which are Review cards. Use the Page Turners to move through them. Notice how it wraps around from card 1 to card 3 when going forward, and from card 3 to card 1 when going backward.
##A 12 40162 103
While you are in this article, try out some other controls as
well. Click on the CARD button to go back to the Cluster card, then come back here again.
##A 12 40264 104
Try clicking the Menu as well. You can choose any of the choices available from the Menu.
When you are done practicing in this article, click the Forward button to go to the second practice Article. (Actually, since there are only two articles in this cluster, both the Forward and Reverse buttons will get there because of wrap-around.)
##A 12 40507 105
This Article has four cards, one of each standard type. This is the Review card.
##A 12 79807 106
This is an Access card. It normally follows the Review card(s).
It has information on how to order the book or product reviewed and usually a picture of it.
##A 12 79888 107
This is an Excerpt card. When Excerpt cards are present, they will usually follow the Access card(s).
##A 12 80329 108
This is a Picture card. Picture cards usually follow the Access information, and may be interleaved with Excerpt cards. Click away from this caption to make is disappear. Click again to bring it back.
##A 06 11106 3
##A 06 46901 4
##T Newborns
##A 06 194372 5
##T The Amazing Newborn
The Amazing Newborn
Become immersed in the world of the newborn. All the photographs in this book are of babies less than ten days old and illustrate well “each of the special and often newly discovered capacities with which human beings begin life.”
I am troubled by the idea of experimentation with newborns and some of the text is based on it. But this is mostly overshadowed by observations of infant behavior in real life. The Amazing Newborn is sensitive, revealing, inspirational, and transforming in adding appreciation and understanding of the newborn as real humans.
— Peggy O’Mara McMahon
##A 06 31795 6
##T The Amazing Newborn
Marshall H. Klaus, M. D., and
Phyllis H. Klaus, M. Ed., C. S. W.
1985; 145 pp.
ISBN 0201116723
$10.95 ($12.45 postpaid)
Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.
1 Jacob Way
Reading, MA 01867
##A 06 31204 7
##T The Amazing Newborn
Right after birth, within the first hour of life, normal infants have a prolonged period of quiet alertness, averaging forty minutes, during which they look directly at their mother’s and father’s face and eyes and can respond to voices. It is as though newborns had rehearsed the perfect approach to the first meeting with their parents. In this state, motor activity is suppressed and all the baby’s energy seems to be channeled into seeing and hearing.
##A 06 31518 8
##T The Amazing Newborn
A young infant imitating Professor Meltzoff protrudes his tongue, opens his mouth, and purses his lips. Each gesture was done at a different time.
##A 06 119369 9
##T The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding
We have La Leche League International to thank for reversing the trend away from breastfeeding that was prevalent 25 years ago; today over 50 percent of women choose breastfeeding (90 percent in some areas). Thirteen years ago, when I was pregnant with my first child, I kept this book in the bathroom and read it over and over again and again to gain the confidence to breastfeed. The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding reassures you that everyone can breastfeed and tells you everything you need to know for success. A traditional view of mothering is emphasized because the authors — seven founding mothers of La Leche League — have found that many traditional values help insure the physical closeness and contact necessary for breastfeeding.
##A 06 6667 10
##T The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding
First published in 1958 and updated over the years, this book has become the breastfeeding bible.
— Peggy O’Mara McMahon
##A 06 119770 11
##T The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding
La Leche League® International
1983; 384 pp.
ISBN 0452259738
$8.95 ($10.45 postpaid)
New American Library
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0120
201-387-0600 (NJ)
##A 06 119999 12
##T The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding while sitting up is basically the same as when lying down. Baby should be held facing your breast with head up close, yet tilted back slightly. Baby should be looking up at you. Cup your breast in your hand and press down on the areola with your thumb. This should point your nipple out and upward. Again, baby should get your nipple and part of the areola well into his mouth. He will be able to grasp the nipple well if you hold him close to you. If baby chews only on the end of the nipple, he may develop a style of nursing described by one mother as the “cliff-hanger.” Baby won’t get as much milk, and mother is likely to get sore nipples. As your baby grows older and holds his head well, you won’t have to take such careful notice of angle and position; he’ll get where he wants to go, all on his own.
##A 06 120528 13
##T The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding
Becky Herbin holds her son Michael close with his body
facing her, and uses her fingers to shape her nipple so he can grasp it properly.
##A 06 195740 14
##T Crying Baby, Sleepless Nights
Crying Baby, Sleepless Nights
One of the adjustments of new parenthood is the reality of nighttime parenting. New babies don’t know about day and night right away, and they need frequent feedings and close contact. Sandy Jones gives you many suggestions on how to determine if baby’s night waking is normal night waking, or if there really is something you can do about it. Mothers with babies with colic will love this book and be reassured by it. It’s also good for expectant parents wanting to know what to expect from a new baby. The book includes 100 tips for the “less-than-perfect” mother, a directory of support groups for parents, and information on finding the right pediatrician.
— Peggy O’Mara McMahon
##A 06 196021 15
##T Crying Baby, Sleepless Nights
Sandy Jones
1983; 293 pp.
ISBN 0446382612
$7.95 ($8.95 postpaid)
Warner Books/Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 06 196346 16
##T Crying Baby, Sleepless Nights
What’s the secret of knowing one baby cry from the other? Most mothers use their inner sense of their babies’ daily schedule to help them, along with observing baby behavior in its everyday context.
If the baby’s been asleep for three and a half hours and he wakes up crying, he’s probably hungry. If the baby’s been up for three hours and he seems fitful and keeps batting at his ear and mildly fussing, he’s probably ready to nurse off to sleep. If he wakes up in the middle of the night with a loud, piercing scream, he’s probably in pain from a diaper pin pressing into his side, a string from his sleeper wrapped around his toe, a bubble of gas trapped in his stomach, or some other inner or outer pain.
##A 06 184403 17
##T The Affordable Baby
The Affordable Baby
Having a baby costs money. Some expenses are inevitable (like diapers). Others are optional. What you spend depends on knowing what your choices are and how to shop around. Bundy provides a complete consumer guide to costs and comparisons for parents-to-be, from health care (what does yours cover?) to writing a will. She also tells you the advantages and disadvantages of various options (disposable diapers are convenient but costly; cloth are economical but time-consuming) that allow you to make decisions based on your own values, needs, and lifestyle. A good book to get if you’re even thinking about having a baby.
— Cindy Craig
##A 06 184609 18
##T The Affordable Baby
Darcie Bundy
1985; 289 pp.
ISBN 0060912634
$6.95 ($8.45 postpaid)
Harper and Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 06 185026 19
##T The Affordable Baby
How to Care for Cloth Diapers
This section could equally be titled “disadvantages of cloth diapers.” Yes, cloth diapers will save you money — some estimates are savings of $800 or more over two and a half years of diapering — but they cost time and effort. If you’re considering cloth, be sure you know what’s involved in caring for them. Diaper stains are difficult to remove, so to help prevent permanent staining, soiled diapers must be rinsed in the toilet as soon as they’re taken off. Then they must be wrung out and put in a pail containing water with a teaspoonful of Borax to deodorize and kill ammonia-producing bacteria. Before laundering, the water must be wrung out. Diapers must be washed within a day or two of being soiled and they must be washed separately from the rest of the laundry. Wash them in a good-quality detergent, using the hottest cycle on your washing machine. As detergent residue can cause diaper rash, it’s best to put diapers through two rinse cycles. Diapers must be thoroughly dried — in the sun is best. Then they must be folded and stored.
##A 06 196748 20
##T Birth & Life Bookstore
Birth & Life Bookstore
Hundreds, no thousands, of in-print books on children, birthing, adoption, toilet training, and so on. They stock nine books alone on the topic of twins. Longish, detailed reviews fill the front of their newsletter/catalog evaluating the latest mothering/fathering/babying books. They are far more up to date than we could ever be.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 06 197022 21
##T Birth & Life Bookstore
Review newsletter/catalog free
Birth & Life Bookstore
7001 Alonzo Avenue NW
P. O. Box 70625
Seattle, WA 98107-0625
##A 06 55942 22
##T Birth & Life Bookstore
In the heart of “Easing Labor Pain,” Lieberman thoroughly explores every way imaginable to cope with labor pain, including:
• choosing a suitable caregiver, childbirth class, setting for birth, and labor companions,
• relaxation, patterned breathing, breath awareness and yoga breathing exercises,
• nourishment, vitamins, and herbs before and during labor,
• acupuncture and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation,
• various massage techniques, including counterpressure and acupressure,
• use of heat, cold, showers and baths,
• positions and activity,
• biofeedback,
• visualization, hypnosis, and therapeutic touch,
• music,
• emotional support,
• medications.
##A 06 182765 23
You really don’t need as much paraphernalia for a new baby as some would make you think. Here are the only things I have found really necessary with four babies: • Four or five dozen 100 percent cotton diapers. Can be found easily at local department stores. Prefolded Curity diapers are my favorite. Disposable diapers are expensive, ecologically unsound, and rough and uncomfortable on baby’s skin; • natural fiber cotton or wool diaper covers (3 or 4 pair). They’re cool and breathable for baby’s skin. Try Happy Baby Bunz; babies love 100 percent cotton, versatile, long-wearing clothing. Check used clothing stores and catalogs, but Hanna Andersson and Biobottoms are a sure bet; • a Snugli. My second child needed a lot of physical contact and he practically lived in his Snugli baby carrier for his first six months.
##A 06 182925 24
Being able to put him happily in the Snugli meant that I could do some work around the house while he slept peacefully—a plus for us both.
— Peggy O’Mara McMahon
##A 06 183056 25
Nikky Diaper Covers
Information free
Baby Bunz & Co.
P. O. Box 1717
Sebastopol, CA 95473
##A 06 21232 26
Hanna Andersson
Catalog $2 from:
Hanna Andersson
1010 NW Flanders
Dept WER
Portland, OR 97209.
##A 06 24994 27
Catalog free from:
P. O. Box 6009
Petaluma, CA 94953
##A 06 26203 28
##T Baby Supplies
Snugli Baby Carrier
Brochure and dealer list free from:
Snugli, Inc.
12980 West Cedar Drive
Lakewood, CO 80228-1903.
##A 06 183829 29
Hanna Andersson
Cotton coverups with hood.
This little snuggler fits from infant to eighteen months and often a bit longer. Comes with a hood and drawstring at the hem to keep you cozy. Four-button front makes it easy to slip over the head. Flatlock seams and ribbknit cuffs for a comfortable fit. The yarn-dyed stripes keep their fresh bright looks wash after wash. You will be amazed at how long my clothes last. Quality really counts. 100% cotton.
Size 70 cm. $24
##A 06 184265 30
If babies had their way, they’d wear nothing but fresh air. Biobottoms are the next best thing!
##A 06 26974 31
##T Parenting
##A 06 197702 32
##T Whole Child, Whole Parent
Whole Child, Whole Parent
I read the original version of this classic spiritual and practical guide to parenting during a panic period when my first child was one year old. It helped me regain the larger purpose of my mothering and gave me practical ways for putting my ideals into practice. I’ve been dipping into it ever since. I especially love the book suggestions; this book alone helped me choose books for my first child.
— Peggy O’Mara McMahon
##A 06 198037 33
##T Whole Child, Whole Parent
Polly Berrien Berends
1983; 360 pp.
ISBN 0060909498
$10.95 ($12.45 postpaid)
Harper & Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 06 198265 34
##T Whole Child, Whole Parent
Choosing what toys to buy is a small matter compared with the overall task of discerning from moment to moment how to respond to our children in an intelligently loving way. When buying a toy seems called for, here are some things to consider: . . .
Toys to avoid.
Terrific but too temporary. Some beautiful, well-made, and educationally sound toys that are valuable in a preschool may be almost worthless at home because the child learns what they offer in a few minutes. At least in the beginning, children are not interested in the having of toys (possessiveness is acquired), but in what they can learn from them. As soon as the child has learned all he can from a toy, he will lose interest in it. If he can learn everything in one sitting, he will be through in one sitting. Glenn Doman estimates that the average toy designed for the average eighteen-month-old holds interest for about 90 seconds.
##A 06 198841 35
##T Creative Parenting
Creative Parenting
I usually don’t recommend comprehensive “baby books” because reading the book can imply a tacit agreement that the author is the expert and the parent is not. Since I believe that the parents are the experts, it is good to have the welcome voice of Dr. Sears, who is a father of five and brings his personal experience to the ideas he discusses in the book. Topics covered are thorough: pregnancy, birth, early time of parenting, the newborn, father feelings, infant feeding and nutrition, fussy baby, sleep habits, mother-baby separation, developmental stages, common childhood illnesses, child safety and first aid, and special situations. Creative Parenting will help you regain your perspective as parents with wisdom and practicality.
— Peggy O’Mara McMahon
##A 06 199017 36
##T Creative Parenting
William Sears, M. D.
1982; 512 pp.
ISBN 0396082645
$10.95 ($12.45 postpaid)
Dodd, Mead & Co.
6 Ram Ridge Road
Spring Valley, NY 10977
##A 06 199253 37
##T Creative Parenting
Adolescents are themselves going through an identity crisis, and are particularly vulnerable to the effects of a divorce. The adolescent can think abstractly and is even more prone to fantasize about marriage in general. The adolescent may become very judgmental about who is at fault and may wonder what kind of people his parents are. The behavioral problems of the adolescent are more likely to involve his peer relationships and minor delinquencies. Sexual gratification and sudden love affairs may occur. Adolescents are particularly judgmental about the possible sexual activities of the parents, and both the mother and the visiting father should exercise some discretion about their sexual pursuits. Do not count upon your adolescents to welcome a household free of marriage conflicts and tensions because, unless there has been excessive physical violence during the marriage, children do not usually view divorce as something which improves the family situation.
##A 06 203548 38
##T Creative Parenting
Taking a child’s rectal temperature.
##A 06 199997 39
##T How To Talk So Kids Will Listen . . .
How To Talk So Kids Will Listen . . .
Reading Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish’s first book (Liberated Parents/Liberated Children) changed my life. It was the first time I read about accepting and speaking from feelings. It took the idea of personal responsibility and translated it into action. How to Talk makes the information about accepting feelings, talking about feelings, engaging cooperation, alternatives to punishment, encouraging autonomy, praise, and freeing children from playing roles accessible through its liberal use of cartoons, and realistic dialogue. All of these ideas do much to help our children attain a positive self-image and to reduce disharmony in the home. This is tangible stuff you can read and use.
— Peggy O’Mara McMahon
##A 06 200276 40
##T How To Talk So Kids Will Listen . . .
How To Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk
Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish
1980; 242 pp.
ISBN 0380570009
$5.95 ($6.95 postpaid)
Avon Books
P. O. Box 767
Dresden, TN 38225
##A 06 200756 41
##T How To Talk So Kids Will Listen . . .
Information is a lot easier to take than accusation.
##A 06 201126 42
##T Mothering
I’ve watched Mothering evolve from a warm, visually attractive, down-home and relatively unsophisticated new publication to a warm, visually attractive, down-home, broader and more professional alternative “family” magazine. While the mechanical quality has improved, Mothering has retained a special feeling of intimate communication with and between its readers. Mothering is a quarterly publication about the “art of nurturing.” Regular feature sections include: The Art of Mothering, Family Health, A Child’s World, Pregnancy and Birth, Midwifery, Choices in Education, and Family Living. Each issue also offers articles on home cooking, fathering, breastfeeding and family centered
business, as well as an ongoing dialogue between readers,
##A 06 20549 43
##T Mothering
comprehensive reviews of related books, and unique black and white photography throughout.
— Katy Addison-Peet
##A 06 201423 44
##T Mothering
Peggy O’Mara McMahon,
ISSN 07333013
$15/year(4 issues)
P. O. Box 1690
Santa Fe, NM 87504
##A 06 201715 45
##T Mothering
War toy sales have increased 600 percent over the past three years. The typical war cartoon averages 41 acts of violence per hour with an attempted murder every two minutes.
An attempted murder is a standard act of violence in cartoon monitoring and is, by far, the most common act of violence. The average American child will see 800 advertisements promoting war toys on TV this year and about 250 episodes of war cartoons produced to sell these toys. This is the equivalent of 22 days of classroom instruction.
##A 06 201810 46
##T Taking Care of Your Child
Taking Care of Your Child
A companion volume to Vickery and Fries’ Take Care of Yourself:
A Consumer’s Guide to Medical Care, (see review by clicking on rabbit below). Taking Care of Your Child includes decision charts — clinical algorithms — for the 96 most common childhood medical problems. Additional brief, solid chapters on pregnancy, birth, physical and psychological development, school problems, and immunizations. Includes a log for recording your child’s immunization records.
The best available home medical guide for parents.
— Tom Ferguson, M.D.
Ÿ Take Care of Yourself
##A 06 202447 47
##T Taking Care of Your Child
Robert H. Pantell, M. D., James F. Fries, M. D. and Donald M. Vickery, M. D.
Revised Edition 1984; 444 pp.
ISBN 0201082780
$12.95 ($14.95 postpaid)
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
1 Jacob Way
Reading, MA 01867
##A 06 2981 48
##T Taking Care of Your Child
Decision chart for nausea/vomiting (top half)
##A 06 23179 49
##T Taking Care of Your Child
Decision chart for nausea/vomiting
(second half)
##A 06 202596 50
##T Taking Care of Your Child
Nausea/Vomiting Home Treatment
Avoid solid foods. Frequent, small feedings of clear liquids should be given instead. A tablespoon of clear fluid every few minutes will usually stay down. Often, Popsicles or iced fruit bars will work if nothing else will stay down. As the condition improves, larger amounts of fluids and then jello and applesauce may be given. Sometimes, sucking on hard candy or chewing ice chips helps. In younger children you may wish to give commercially available electrolyte solutions (Pedialyte, Lytren). These are effective in keeping children from becoming dehydrated but are of very little caloric value.
##A 06 28424 51
##T Single Parenting
##A 06 161100 52
##T Parents Without Partners Sourcebook
Parents Without Partners Sourcebook
A good place to begin when you are still picking up the pieces. Covers everything from holidays and school conferences to gay parents, starting to date, and recovering as a widow or widower. The book offers an appendix of referral sources for specific needs, and bibliographies under several subjects.
— Sallie Tisdale
##A 06 161409 53
##T Parents Without Partners Sourcebook
Stephen L. Atlas
1984; 192 pp.
ISBN 0894712691
$8.95 ($9.95 postpaid)
Running Press Book Publishers
125 South 22nd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
##A 06 161625 54
##T Parents Without Partners Sourcebook
It’s easy for a single parent to become defensive and anticipate rejection by a minister or by church members. “I often wonder,” Dr. Manning muses, “if we singles let ourselves feel too alienated — almost paranoid — if we’re not welcomed specifically as singles. We will probably be welcomed if we put ourselves forward as individuals who can help in real ways — participate on committees, for instance — and thus gain credibility when we propose programs for single people and their children.
For children from divorced homes, the public schools of Andover, Massachusetts, have developed a peer support program that has the cooperation and endorsement of the superintendent and assistant superintendent of schools. The heart of the Andover program consists of support groups, run by mental health personnel and trained Peer Counselors, motivated and caring teenagers who devote time and energy to helping others. Groups are limited to youngsters from stepfamilies or single-parent homes.
##A 06 161940 55
##T Parents Without Partners Sourcebook
Thus, children hear about the program through announcements in the school newspaper, newsletters, and sometimes letters to parents. Children sometimes recruit their friends, though parental permission is always required for a child to participate.
##A 06 72684 56
##T Parents Without Partners Sourcebook
Coalition of Free Men
P. O. Box 129, Manhasset, NY 11030. (516) 482-6378.
° This nonprofit clearinghouse for men’s rights and fathers’ rights organizations can recommend groups and other resources for single fathers in all areas of the United States.
A national clearinghouse for resources and organizations for unmarried fathers is being coordinated by:
Fathering Support Services
3248 North Racine
Chicago, IL 60657
(312) 327-3752
##A 06 162517 57
##T The Difficult Child
The Difficult Child
I wish I’d had this book five years ago; I might have been able to spare both my son and me many painful arguments. Turecki, a child psychiatrist, asserts that more than 10 percent of children are born “difficult” by temperament: highly sensitive, poorly adaptable, negative in mood, or disorganized. Such children can be extremely frustrating to rear. Turecki speaks from experience; he began the research that led to this book after years of trouble with one of his own children. This is a straight-forward, practical approach to understanding your child and regaining your authority as a parent, free of guilt.
- Sallie Tisdale
##A 06 162720 58
##T The Difficult Child
Stanley Turecki, M. D.
and Leslie Tonner
1987; 240 pp.
ISBN 0553344463
$15.95 ($17.45 postpaid)
Bantam Books
414 East Golf Road
Des Plaines, IL 60016
##A 06 162997 59
##T The Difficult Child
The problem is that difficult children provoke ineffective discipline. Their behavior is often bewildering to the parents, who then become more and more tentative in their response. What should the parent do? The messages the child is giving out are ambiguous; there seems to be no reason for the child’s behavior. The parent then looks for motives in an effort to understand what is going on. Often this leads to a descent to the child’s level, to a power struggle that no one wins. The parent ends up feeling victimized, exhausted, and incapable of coping. On to the next round.
You are trying here to interfere with your customary gut responses to your child. Therefore, stop to think, and hold back from your previous automatic responses to his behavior: the immediate “no,” the threats, the screaming. Try to disengage your feelings from this process and replace them with the attitude of a professor studying his subject. Aim for as cool an attitude of detachment as you can manage.
##A 06 163485 60
##T On Being Father
On Being Father
At last, an unapologetic, middle-of-the-road male perspective on divorce and giving up custody of the children. Ferrara freely shares not only his own experiences, mistakes, and solutions, but the residual anger he still struggles to control. He makes no attempt to be a “new age” man or father — Ferrara settles for being a good man and father. The book covers living arrangements, visits, changes in parent-child relationships as the child grows, and issues of sex and remarriage.
— Sallie Tisdale
##A 06 163612 61
##T On Being Father
(A Divorced Man Talks About Sharing the Responsibilities of Parenthood)
Frank Ferrara
1985; 175 pp.
ISBN 0385191286
$7.95 postpaid
Doubleday and Company
Direct Mail Order
501 Franklin Avenue
Garden City, NY 11530
##A 06 163982 62
##T On Being Father
Competitiveness arises when you have a need to “prove” that the divorce wasn’t your
fault, that she was the one really to blame for the failure of the marriage. So you try
to show — to her, to the children, to your friends, and most of all to yourself — that you’re a better person and a better parent than she is. You try to be both a better father and a better mother than your ex-wife. You’re always comparing yourself to her, using her as a sort of measuring rod for yourself as you play your game of one-upmanship.
To put it bluntly, being a parent showed me my failings. Or rather, being a single parent showed me. I never would have learned this lesson if my wife and I had stayed together and gone on as we were. It was only in becoming a single parent that I saw how much I had to learn and was kicked into trying to improve myself. It was painful. And frightening.
##A 06 30540 63
##T Family
##A 06 203295 64
##T Festivals, Family and Food
Festivals, Family and Food
We can spend so much time thinking about our children and our parenting. This book helps us find new and meaningful ways to be with our children and our loved ones. Festivals, Family and Food contains poems, inspirational sayings, recipes, activities, and historical perspective for celebrating lots of new holidays and adding meaning to the “regulars.” The authors of the book are British and the holidays mentioned reflect this, and some recipes will have to be adapted by those using whole wheat flour and minimizing sweeteners, and only Christian holidays are included. But used intelligently, we can begin to create new, vibrant and personal traditions in our families.
— Peggy O’Mara McMahon
##A 06 69020 65
##T Festivals, Family and Food
Diana Carey and Judy Large
1982; 216 pp.
ISBN 095070623X
$13.95 ($15.95 postpaid)
P. O. Box B
Sebastopol, CA 95473
##A 06 32511 66
##T Festivals, Family and Food
Shropshire Soul Cakes
3 lbs plain flour
8 oz softened butter
8 oz sugar
1 oz yeast
2 eggs
1 teaspoon allspice
Sift the flour and work in the slightly softened butter. Cream the yeast with a teaspoon of the sugar. Mix flour with the eggs, yeast and enough milk to make a light dough. Leave to rise, covered, in a warm place for about thirty minutes. Then work in the sugar and spice and form into flat bun shapes. Let rise for fifteen minutes, then bake at 425F (Reg 7) for fifteen minutes.
##A 06 69550 67
##T Festivals, Family and Food
All Souls’ Day
November 2 is by tradition the Day of All Souls, and it was long believed that the unhappy souls of the dead would return to their former homes. On the eve of All Souls it was customary to keep kitchens warm and leave food on the table overnight for the visiting spirits. Until 1850 the following ‘Shropshire Soul Cakes’ were distributed on All Souls’ Day, and there is a similar ‘souls cake’ tradition in Belgium, Bavaria and the Tyrol.
##A 06 140577 68
##T Chase’s Annual Events
Chase’s Annual Events
This rather strange reference book includes birthdays of famous people, all sorts of anniversaries (the anniversary of the invention of pizza, for instance), and a remarkably enticing listing of annual
events such as the Albuquerque International Balloon Festival. Sounds like a great place to work up a vacation schedule. Lists
events worldwide, though most comprehensively in the U.S. (A new
version appears annually, though they don’t say on what date. Readers are invited to submit items).
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ Americas
##A 06 418264 69
##T Chase’s Annual Events
William D. Chase
and Helen M. Chase
Annual; 224 pp.
ISBN 0809246678
$24.95 postpaid
Contemporary Books
180 North Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60601
##A 06 175377 70
##T Chase’s Annual Events
July 3 — Sunday
185th Day — Remaining, 181
Compliment-Your-Mirror Day. July 3. Participation consists of complimenting your mirror on having such a wonderful owner and keeping track of whether other mirrors you meet during the day smile at you. Annually, July third. Sponsor: Puns Corps, c/o Bob Birch, Grand Punscorpion, Box 2364, Falls Church, VA 22042
Disobedience Day. July 3. Purpose: To protest bad laws and to champion good ones. Annually, July third. Sponsor: Tolerant Majority, Robert Bakhaus, Dir., Box 4394, Santa Barbara, Ca 93140
Dog Days. July 3-Aug 15. Hottest days of the year in Northern Hemisphere. Usually about 40 days, but variously reckoned at 30-54 days. Popularly believed to be an evil time “when the sea boiled, wine turned sour, dogs grew mad, and all creatures became languid, causing to man burning fevers, hysterics, and phrensies” (from
##A 06 289244 71
##T Chase’s Annual Events
Brady’s Clavis Calendarium, 1813). Originally the days when Sirius, the Dog Star, rose just before or at about the same time as sunrise (no longer true owing to precession of the equinoxes). Ancients sacrificed a brown dog at beginning of Dog Days to appease the rage of Sirius, believing that star was the cause of hot, sultry weather.
##A 06 185513 72
##T The Family Bed
The Family Bed
Just mention the family bed concept and you encourage heated discussion. Even in a society such as ours where co-family sleeping is discouraged strongly, large numbers of people find that it beautifully fulfills their parenting needs. Tine Thevenin contends that babies need to sleep with their parents, that this arrangement assures the type of physical closeness so crucial to bonding and human development. As a veteran of twelve years of various arrangements of co-family sleeping, I have suggested this book to many new parents and every one has thanked me profusely.
Even if you have not contemplated the family bed, or you fear it will ruin your sex life, spoil your children, and scandalize your
##A 06 21300 73
##T The Family Bed
relatives, you too deserve to gain a perspective on nighttime parenting and broaden your understanding of what really is
— Peggy O’Mara McMahon
##A 06 185978 74
##T The Family Bed
Tine Thevenin
Updated Edition 1987; 201 pp.
ISBN 0895293579
$7.95 ($9.95 postpaid)
Avery Publishing Group
350 Thorens Avenue
Garden City, NY 11040
##A 06 76291 75
##T The Family Bed
The baby who is carried around a lot by his mother, and who takes naps in his
mother’s arms, is known to sleep well almost anywhere. These babies don’t need a crib to nap. As long as they are close to someone, they will sleep when tired. They have learned to associate the human body with comfort, warmth, and a state of relaxation that easily lulls them to sleep when they are tired. Carrying an infant even while he is napping really doesn’t deprive him of some necessary human need, which is, supposedly, to lie flat in bed while sleeping. However, this was apparently the feeling of one concerned lady upon seeing a child of eight months sleeping peacefully on his mother’s lap. “That poor child,” she remarked disgustedly to her friend. “He should be in his crib.”
##A 06 12040 76
##A 06 9662 77
##T Playthings
##A 06 170839 78
##T Creative Publications
Creative Publications
This catalog is intended for math and science teachers, but is a fantastic resource for home-schoolers and a really interesting catalog for others, too. They have a unique selection of books, workbooks, software, and materials — all of very high quality.
I’ve used their materials with my own children and also in a month-long exhibit at a children’s museum where over 1,200 children played with them. The children loved everything we ordered from Creative Publications, notably the Pattern Blocks and the Rubber Stamps. The nicest thing is that they believe that children (yes, even children) deserve nice graphics, beautiful photographs, and quality materials. This catalog is a treat.
— Jeanne Finan
##A 06 171105 79
##T Creative Publications
Catalog free from:
Creative Publications
788 Palomar Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
800-435-5843 (IL)
##A 06 68312 80
##T Creative Publications
Math Balance with Masses. Sturdy 8” high balance allows the child to deal with abstract mathematical ideas by manipulating a physical model. Encourages exploration of the fundamental operations, solves simple algebraic equations, and demonstrates the commutative and associative laws. $20.95
##A 06 171959 81
##T Child Life Play Specialties
Child Life Play Specialties
Beautiful, institutional-quality outdoor play equipment for
children! The whole gamut from baby swings to a fantastic
“super chief” swing set with enough stuff on it to be a playground in itself. They have a 60-day return policy and a good warranty. Spare parts and hardware are available. The stuff isn’t cheap, but it looks like you get what you pay for.
— Andrea Sharp
##A 06 172100 82
##T Child Life Play Specialties
Catalog free from:
Child Life Play Specialties,
55 Whitney Street
P. O. Box 527
Holliston, MA 01746
508-429-4639 (MA)
##A 06 103301 83
##T Child Life Play Specialties
Fireman’s Gym Complete, with frame in Kit form: $350.
The optional 8 ft. Slide can be attached to any of the four sides. It has a durable plastic bonded surface that is cool in the sun. All structural frames are constructed of pressure treated (Wolmanized) Douglas fir, western hemlock and Sitka spruce or Alaskan yellow cedar.
Kits are sold unpainted but always include a proper supply of lead free paint for customer application. The special non-slip surface on our ladder rungs gives a secure and safe climbing grip.
##A 06 172619 84
##T Child Life Play Specialties
##A 06 172919 85
##T Community Playthings
Community Playthings
Solid, long-lasting, great-looking toys — quality goods. The catalog includes a variety of furniture and toys for disabled kids. Everything has a one-year warranty. These toys are the products and income of the Rifton, New York, Bruderhof Community. It shows.
— Stewart Brand
Ÿ Lehman’s
##A 06 173094 86
##T Community Playthings
Catalog $1 from:
Community Playthings
Route 213
Rifton, NY 12471
##A 06 173776 87
##T Community Playthings
Two big wheels give stability and balance to Community’s generous-sized Wheelbarrow. It’s suited for either work or play, and will carry a playmate just as easily as a pile of stones.
Now—a ONE WHEEL wheelbarrow just like Daddy’s. Sturdy maple construction with solid rubber wheel. This wheelbarrow is a greater challenge to balance and coordination than our standard two-wheeled model. C151 is same dimensions as C150.
35" x 15" x 4".
8" diam. rubber-tired wheels on 1/2" diam. steel axle.
##A 06 173915 88
##T Constructive Playthings
Constructive Playthings
Lotsa toys, nursery gear, and learning stuff for younger children. Especially handy for home teaching or stocking a neighborhood day care center.
— Stewart Brand
##A 06 174197 89
##T Constructive Playthings
Catalog $3 from:
Constructive Playthings
1227 East 119th Street
Grandview, MO 64030
##A 06 79787 90
##T Constructive Playthings
These exceptionally durable supersize balls are made of a non-tearing plastic that is washable with a non-slip surface. Perfect for indoor use or outside on grass, they are lightweight enough for preschoolers to handle.
LED-57 16–1/2" Diameter $15.95
LED-56 21" Diameter 18.95
LED-58 26" Diameter 24.75
LED-59 38" Diameter 37.95
##A 06 175068 91
##T Educational Teaching Aids
Educational Teaching Aids
Fat catalog of institutional-strength classroom materials. Impressive range of self-directed and Montessori-type learning aids. I’d go here if I was outfitting a primary school.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 06 175335 92
##T Educational Teaching Aids
Catalog $1 from:
199 West Carpenter Avenue
Wheeling, IL 60090
##A 06 75621 93
##T Educational Teaching Aids
Big, smooth blocks in 4 sizes and 5 colors can be used to build walls, houses, platforms and corrals. Joints overlap for solid structures. 12 single, 30 double, 8 triple, and 4 six-section blocks.
Set, $369.00
##A 06 46626 94
##T Games
##A 06 186740 95
##T Games Magazine
Games Magazine
By games they mean brain games — puzzles and pencil games and board games that require cogitation. Some of the magazine is about games — a report on the Fourth National Wargaming Convention and a play-by-play analysis of a championship Scrabble game. But mostly it is games — good games that you can play alone or with others. A crossword puzzle with two sets of
clues — very hard and very easy, non-math logic puzzles, a 554-
dot connect the dot puzzle, endless mindboggling word games and on and on. Also reader participation contests that make the ones in other magazines seem tame, and detailed reviews of new board games.
The super slick, super graphic presentation seems appropriate in
##A 06 21995 96
##T Games Magazine
this case — hooks you right into playing as you leaf through.
The games are consistently original and fun and funny.
— Anne Herbert
##A 06 186946 97
##T Games Magazine
R. Wayne Schmittberger, Editor
ISSN 01999788
$11.97/year (6 issues)
Games Magazine
P. O. Box 10147
Des Moines, IA 50340
##A 06 187510 98
##T Games Magazine
Where in the Whorl?
If you find prints charming, you’ll enjoy this maze. Start
at the arrow on the left, then journey to the center of the whorl by the shortest possible path. Your route may not go outside the
##A 06 188064 99
##T Children’s Games in Street and Playground
Children’s Games in Street and Playground
Suppose you were trying to replace war. Would you be interested in “games in which children may deliberately scare each other, ritually hurt each other, take foolish risks, promote fights, play ten against one, and yet in which they consistently observe their own sense of fair play” (dust jacket blurb)? The games are not learned from adults but passed on through the generations of children. This study comes from England, which looks to have a much richer game cycle than American kids usually experience. A product of ten years’ research, the book thoroughly describes the rules of play and the popularity of more than a thousand fascinating games.
— Stewart Brand
##A 06 188393 100
##T Children’s Games in Street and Playground
Iona and Peter Opie
1969; 371 pp.
ISBN 0192814893
$9.95 postpaid
Oxford University Press
16-00 Pollitt Drive
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
##A 06 188532 101
##T Children’s Games in Street and Playground
• Sardines
“Sardines,” played indoors or out, is the most popular of the games consisting purely of hiding and finding. One person goes off to hide while the others shut their eyes and count to the agreed number. The seekers split up, and search independently of each other. Indeed, if one of the seekers finds the hider he is careful not to let the others know, but slips into the hiding-place when they are not looking. Ideally the hiding-place should be somewhere that will accommodate all the players; but it seldom is, and as further players find it, and crowd in, the silent squeeze becomes tighter and more suffocating, players sometimes having to lie on top of each other. Those who are still searching gradually become aware that their fellow searchers are disappearing, and rush to the places where they were last seen, thinking they will be near the hidy-hole. When the last person arrives he is sometimes chased back to the starting-place, but more often than not there are just sighs of relief as the sardines extract themselves from their cramped positions, and complain of their stiffness and the length of time they have been waiting.
##A 06 189031 102
##T Games
Some fun old games (and some new) that work well for groups playing inside in a gymnasium-sized room. You’re It!
— Kevin Kelly
##A 06 189323 103
##T Games
Frank W. Harris
1982; 84 pp.
ISBN 0961045809
$6.95 ($8.20 postpaid)
Frank W. Harris
2129 Rose Street
Berkeley, CA 94709
##A 06 189847 104
##T Games
Johnny on the Pony (Buck, Buck)
The first player in the standing team runs, places both hands on the back of one of the players bent over and jumps on top. Each succeeding player does the same until all players are astride the bent-over team. If any player sitting astride touches the ground in any way the other team stands and takes their turn. If all players of the second team succeed in staying astride without touching the ground they then call out in unison “Johnny on the pony, one, two, three” and simultaneously bounce up and down. If any of them slip off while doing this, or touch the ground, the other team goes. If anyone on the bent-over team buckles or caves in the first team goes again.
##A 06 191192 105
##T New Games
New Games
The ideas of New Games, back when we were involved in starting them at the First New Games Tournament in 1973, was to encourage the meta-game of always inventing new and more interesting rules, livelier and more interesting games. The New Games Foundation carried on that scheme through innumerable workshops, crystalizing into these two books. Together they describe 126 wild and wooly new contact sports — Hunker Hawser, Slaughter, Earthball, The Mating Game, Prui, Snake-in-the-Grass, etc. The reader-player is given encouragement and guidance to invent further.
Another part of the original idea was to help get people so used to improving rules all the time that changing the rules of war to
##A 06 22333 106
##T New Games
something manageable would seem natural to do. More new games, please.
— Stewart Brand
##A 06 191483 107
##T New Games
Andrew Fluegelman, Editor
1976; 193 pp.
ISBN 038512516X
$7.95 postpaid from:
Doubleday and Company
Direct Mail Order
501 Franklin Avenue
Garden City, NY 11530
More New Games
1981; 190 pp.
ISBN 0385175140
$7.95 postpaid
##A 06 191546 108
##T New Games
You’ll need two burlap sacks filled with straw and a wooden rail perched high enough to keep your feet from touching the ground. The area beneath the rail should be generously cushioned — a minor haystack will do. You and your partner straddle the rail, face-to-face, and have a go at “whopping” each other with the sacks until one
(and frequently both) fall off.
Keep an eye out for spectators. Most people who stand around watching a game really want to be playing with you. Invite them.
##A 06 192109 109
##T New Games
“Earthball” volleyball:
get it over the net without letting it hit the ground.
##A 06 193458 110
##T Playfair
Two rules: no competition and no equipment. When you get a crowd of people involved in these imaginative body routines, EVERYBODY has fun. (Try Octopus Massage or Amoeba Tag.) Because the goal is to laugh and holler your way to cooperation, they’re great for warming up a large group project — or a memorable party. Blows grumpiness and boredom right out of the water. Never fails.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 06 193669 111
##T Playfair
Matt Weinstein and Joel Goodman
1980; 249 pp.
ISBN 091516650X
$9.95 ($11.45 postpaid)
Impact Publishers
P. O. Box 1094
San Luis Obispo, CA 93406
##A 06 43260 112
##T Playfair
Going out dancing is wonderful, but there’s one thing wrong with it — you always have to keep your eyes on your partner, and you never get to check out all the other people who are whirling around you on the dance floor. So we’re going to do a dance now that is the opposite of that — this time you’re going to get to look at everybody but your own partner!
##A 06 55680 113
##T Serious Games
##A 06 89971 114
##T Serious Games
Serious Games
Serious games are games designed to teach a skill, or to accomplish a complicated goal. Military war games are serious games. So are the management games played in university business schools. Serious games can be fun.
At the same time, games designed entirely for fun can be used for serious purposes, such as helping kids learn how to survive and thrive in real life. Games are often the best way to teach them strategy, cooperation, and intellectual skills. For the past ten years I have been devising new games that really work in schools.
Serious Games is a classic book about games which simulate life’s complex rules. The author was inspired by games as a doctoral
##A 06 90320 115
##T Serious Games
student in Henry Kissinger’s Harvard class on arms control. Long out of print, it’s back again. I wish every teacher would read it.
— Bob Albrecht
##A 06 91570 116
##T Serious Games
Clark C. Abt
1970, 1987; 176 pp.
ISBN 0819161489
$19.95 ($11.20 postpaid)
University Press of America, Inc.
4720 Boston Way
Lanham, MD 20706
##A 06 91744 117
##T Serious Games
The central idea of teaching with games, both in and out of the classroom, is to use the time spent in the classroom or doing homework to create a laboratory environment — an environment in which experiments can be made, hypotheses formulated, and new and better experiments planned. Games help to create this laboratory feeling by providing objectives and procedures. They also encourage imaginative freedom to experiment with alternative solutions, while at the same time offering a realistic set of constraints on less practical responses to problems. The students can learn not only by observing the results of games, but also by playing and indeed by designing them.
##A 06 102344 118
##T Homo Ludens
Homo Ludens
Huizinga contends that civilization owes its existence to the play element—to special rituals apart from the daily grind which are joyful, contained in time, space, and rule structure, uncertain in outcome, requiring of fair play, participated in by all. To the roster of convivial tools that Ivan Illich fosters I would add widespread renewal of convivial gaming—play rituals at every level from family to planet. The more frivolous, the more essential to homo ludens.
— Stewart Brand
##A 06 255204 119
##T Homo Ludens
(A Study of the Play Element in Culture)
Johan Huizinga
1950; 220 pp.
ISBN 0807046817
$4.95 postpaid
Beacon Press
Harper and Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 06 256592 120
##T Homo Ludens
The hazy border-line between play and seriousness is illustrated very tellingly by the use of the words “playing” or “gambling” for the machinations on the Stock Exchange. The gambler at the roulette table will readily concede that he is playing; the stock-jobber will not. He will maintain that buying and selling on the off-chance of prices rising or falling is part of the serious business of life, at least of business life, and that it is an economic function of society. In both cases the operative factor is the hope of gain; but whereas in the former the pure fortuitousness of the thing is generally admitted (all “systems” notwithstanding), in the latter the player deludes himself with the fancy that he can calculate the future trends of the market. At any rate the difference of mentality is exceedingly small.
##A 06 54608 121
##T Play-By-Mail Games
##A 06 17160 122
These were my instructions:
“You are a religious fanatic. Your purpose is to convert the entire galaxy to your particular point of view. Each of your converts has a 10-percent chance of converting the whole of that planet. Other players may win back your converts by unloading consumer goods on them.” There were 200 other characters battling for the same worlds I was, and I had to have my next move in the mail, postmarked by tomorrow.
Play-by-mail games are widespread, but hidden by the privacy of
##A 06 28812 123
first class envelopes. The first play-by-mail games were probably unfinished games of Chess or Go extended by messages between
two players. Then as other strategy games came along, ones which demanded careful moves that could be easily relayed on paper, it was natural to try them by post. By the seventies, entire stores were devoted to room-size strategy board games, a few of which might be played by mail. The stores were also incubators for the peculiarly teenage phenomenon of role-playing games, like Dungeons and Dragons.
A young generation of kids obsessed with role-playing games grew up and found a place for multiplayer, multilevel games in computerland. The elaborate complexity of spells, weaponry, rules,
##A 06 113771 124
and plot was perfectly suited to the arcane logic and aloof fairness of the computer. Early computer adventure games carried the vocabulary of role-playing games onto the screen, awarding players for finding a way through the maze, but not encouraging creative pretending.
Games-by-mail today combine the logical challenge of the computer with the intrigue of role playing. They are amazingly detailed scenarios played out by an army of long-distant gamers submitting their turns to a central game-master computer, to be weighed and calculated, then tabulated into a printout sent by return mail. It’s a little bit of bureaucratic warfare. By the middle of the game I have to keep in mind that before I leave a planet I
##A 06 35200 125
must have on board at least 35 crew members of rank 7 or higher, they have to be paid in Celestran Credit (Form CC), and they can only be hired at a designated colonial base, as per starfleet manual. Rick Loomis, who invented this genre of game-by-mail in 1970 and now runs Flying Buffalo, the most reliable play-by-mail commercial service, describes the general procedure:
“The concept is simple: you send written instructions for each turn to the game company. The company processes and plots out the results. It reports back your new position, and acts as moderator and referee. Your role in the game will vary according to the game setting. Thus, you might be a feudal baron, a chieftain of a nomadic tribe, or — in the case of Illuminati — the wise and
##A 06 39079 126
crafty leader of a great conspiracy to take over the world. For $2 or so, you get a rulebook, background materials, and instructions for filling out your turn sheets. At this point, games begin to differ in what they demand of you. There are games where you have to remember lots of codes to enter on your turn-sheet, and games where you write out long essays detailing what you want your character to do.
“After processing your turn, the game company will send you between one-half and ten pages of information about your turn. Most likely it will come back as a computer printout that will tell you what happened, either in code, in English, or something in
between. Then you fill out another turnsheet based on these
##A 06 42864 127
results, and send it back to the game company for another round. The usual cycle is every two weeks, or every month if you live overseas. (You also can request slow or fast modes of the games.) The company charges about $3 for each turn. Many have a credit accounting system, and debit you each play. You can also buy a lifetime “play” for about $500, which allows you to keep scheming forever.
“Games vary a great deal in terms of the amount of interplayer communication. Players in “no-diplomacy” (or “anonymous”) games compete, but are not allowed to communicate or make deals with each other outside the game. At the other extreme, the biggest “full-diplomacy” games have elaborate alliances,
##A 06 45068 128
player-run organizations, and often their own newsletters. Many play-by-mail alliances span continents, and occasionally generations, and last for years. The games have their own histories as well. StarWeb, one of the most successful play-by-mail games, has completed over a thousand cycles of its interstellar contest.
“There are about 10,000 players involved in games at the moment. Although there has been a big push for the last five years urging
people to send their turns via computer networks like CompuServe or MCI Mail, only about 10 percent do so. The computers which run the games are invisible, and don’t interest players. Play-by-mail gamers like mail. They can forward a message to other players
##A 06 46494 129
with their move, swapping addresses. Pretty soon they have a mailbox full of personal, passionate mail.
“One of the fascinating things about play-by-mail games is that the backgrounds of the players are so diverse. Your allies may include a student, a county sheriff, a physicist, and a Shakespearean actor, but you won’t often know, or care.
“The hardest thing to describe about play-by-mail gaming is the
intensity of the experience. You start out wondering why any sensible person would pay three dollars to play a game, but within weeks you are haunting your mailbox, waiting for your next turn. When you are under attack, or you have just sent off a tricky
##A 06 49894 130
maneuver, and you are waiting to see what happened, the suspense is tremendous. Will you survive? Will your plan work? Where’s that lazy postman?”
Role-playing games by mail are everything television is not. Rather than making you a passive spectator, they make you the central actor in an ongoing fantasy. You are the hero.
Games-by-mail can be competitive and at the same time extremely cooperative. Players work together to overcome adversity, solve problems, and explore the world created and controlled by a more-or-less-neutral game master.
##A 06 53625 131
They are interactive. Players are offered a chance to be creative and clever. Game masters create challenges and players must think their way through.
They are shared group experiences. The players engage in a creative endeavor to which all individuals contribute, making a well-played session like a shared dream.
They are empowering. In a role-playing game your actions are significant and make a difference in the world.
They are mythic. Most games engage our hidden archetypes. The most common themes and forms reflect forgotten archetypes
##A 06 53960 132
involving rites of passage.
It takes a long time to play a PBM game: months, years. I have played in three games, each very different from one another, and recommend all of them.
— Bob Albrecht
##A 06 113963 133
##T Feudal Lords
Feudal Lords
Feudal Lords is a game of economic development, diplomatic intrigue, and military adventuring set in a medieval society, England in A.D. 801. You begin as a Baron of one of 46 fiefdoms and as one of 15 players. The computer controls the other 31 fiefs. Your job is to build up your fief and acquire control over other fiefs. Each fiefdom has basic economic resources consisting of gold, food, peasants, and townsmen, and you may invest in other economic activities such as agriculture, livestock, forestry, mining, fishing, and foreign trade. You must carefully develop your economy while building your military and political strength.
Diplomacy is essential if you want to survive and thrive in this excellent simulation of a feudal society. Cost: rules $2.50. Setup
##A 06 118431 134
##T Feudal Lords
$10 (includes three turns). Turn fee $3. Turn frequency every three weeks.
— Bob Albrecht
##A 06 117247 135
##T Feudal Lords
Information free from:
Graaf Simulations
27530 Harper
St. Clair Shores, MI 48081
##A 06 119195 136
##T Heroic Fantasy
Heroic Fantasy
Design a team of adventurers and send them into the labyrinth. Guide them as they explore, overcome adversity, contend with the labyrinthian guardians, search for fame, glory, and treasure, treasure, treasure. HF has a little of the flavor of a “kill and loot” role-playing game, but without the social interaction. Turn frequency every two weeks, once a month, or once a week
(electronic mail).
— Bob Albrecht
##A 06 121681 137
##T Heroic Fantasy
Rules $2.50. Set up $5.
Turn fee $2.50.
Flying Buffalo, Inc.
P. O. Box 1467
Scottsdale, AZ 85252-1467
##A 06 55106 138
##T StarWeb
This is the classic play-by-mail game. StarWeb is a strategic space game in a network of 255 star systems. You begin knowing only one, build spaceship fleets, explore connecting systems, capture worlds, locate other players and negotiate with them. Try a slow game and you will probably meet people worldwide. Turn frequency every three weeks, once a month (slow game), or once a week (electronic mail).
— Bob Albrecht
##A 06 55451 139
##T StarWeb
Rules $2. Set up $5. Deposit $5. Turn fee $4.
Flying Buffalo, Inc.
P. O. Box 1467
Scottsdale, AZ 85252-1467
##A 06 367821 140
##T StarWeb
A. The Empire Builder. Your people believe in manifest destiny. It is our goal to control as much of the universe as possible. You get one point per turn for each 10 population you control (except for converts — see “Apostle”; and robots — see
E. The Berserker. You are a computer in charge of a race of robots. Your prime directive is to kill all life wherever you find it. (You have no idea who gave you that directive, or why, but you never question it.) You are allowed to make temporary alliances with living beings (people who help Berserkers are called “Goodlife”) if it will further your prime directive (i.e. allow you to kill even more living beings).
—Character types described in rule book
##A 06 366605 141
##T StarWeb
There are any number of maps we use for StarWeb. Each StarWeb game has a specific map. [This map] is only a sample; it shows the universe of game SW-555 as the player TERRAN sees it on Turn 6. Note that this is not necessarily the map for your game; many games cannot be mapped this neatly.
##A 06 54170 142
##T Play-By-Mail Association
Play-By-Mail Association
Play-by-mail game masters come and go with great irregularity. For a list of reliable companies, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to Play-By-Mail Association (PBMA).
— Bob Albrecht
##A 06 54276 143
##T Play-By-Mail Association
Information free from:
Play-By-Mail Association
8149 E. Thomas Road
Scottsdale, AZ 85252
Be sure to send a stamped, self-addressed envelope when requesting information.
##A 06 87092 144
##T Play-By-Mail Association
Clemens & Associates
P. O. Box 4539
San Clemente, CA 92672
Palace Simulations
P. O. Box 743
Madison, NJ 07940
Superior Simulations
P. O. Box 505
Fairfield, ID 83327
##A 06 57013 145
I am in the midst of a play-by-mail Diplomacy game; in fact I just got my current update today. Diplomacy is an old board game; it’s been around since 1953. It’s a recreation of pre-World War I Europe. Each player leads one of seven different countries competing for control of most of the continent — England, France, Russia, Austria-Hungary, Italy, Turkey, and Germany. Everyone starts out in their home country and tries to expand and acquire other stuff. This is a very difficult game to play, because you have to continually negotiate with your neighbors for peace while attempting to stab somebody in the back to gain your footholds elsewhere. Every month of play time corresponds to a three-month
season in which a move takes place. There’s often a lot of telephone conversations and negotiations with other players
##A 06 88044 146
before a move deadline, and sometimes face-to-face meetings with people if they live locally. One guy coordinates all of the moves by mail, and sends out little packages with maps that compile everyone’s most recent move. It’s a very elegant, simple system for playing lots of hard-core political military negotiations. Our current game will probably take two years to play out. There are magazines and books devoted to reporting the results and strategies of postal Diplomacy games. I’d start with these.
— David Shaw
##A 06 88155 147
(the game): $22 postpaid
Avalon Hill Game Company
4517 Hartford Road
Baltimore, MD 21214
##A 06 139208 148
The Gamer’s Guide to Diplomacy
(has all the tactics)
$5.50 postpaid from:
Avalon Hill Game Company
4517 Hartford Road
Baltimore, MD 21214
##A 06 89341 149
Diplomacy World Magazine
$15/year (4 issues)
Diplomacy World Magazine
P. O. Box 8416
San Diego, CA 92102
##A 06 47179 150
##T Game Supplies
##A 06 192387 151
##T Boffers
You can hit each other endlessly with Boffers and it never hurts, but it does make a very loud, cracking sound (known as a boff). It’s a safe way to vent your hostility, with shades of Errol Flynn.
Sword-play games, from Three Musketeers to Star Wars, are what Boffers are all about. They are not for clubbing, but for dueling and also swatting (as in Swat Tag).
Boffers are white styrofoam swords. They come in a set containing two swords and two eye-and-ear guards.
— New Games Foundation
##A 06 192708 152
##T Boffers
Information free
$20 postpaid from:
Grand Dance Boffer Company
P. O. Box 02301
Portland, OR 97202
##A 06 193144 153
##T Boffers
“The fine art of Boffing is ‘soft-war’ at its fighting best. Here you can really slash away at your favorite (or least favorite) opponent without fear of damaging anything but his pride.”
— Games Magazine
##A 06 176610 154
##T World Wide Games
World Wide Games
This small woodworking company makes and sells games: mostly wooden; some expensive ones (up to $465.); mostly inexpensive ($5 to $35). About half of their games are American (old and new); the others originated overseas. For the games they make, they sell replacement parts. The woodworking is clean, smooth, and solid.
Our family has been buying these inexpensive games for several years. Their mail-order service is fast. Their catalog is free.
— R. W. Radl
Ÿ Animal Town Game Company
##A 06 176690 155
##T World Wide Games
Catalog free from:
World Wide Games
Norwich Avenue
Colchester, CT 06415
##A 06 177273 156
##T World Wide Games
Table Cricket provides lots of action and fun for all ages. Each team tries to hit the ball through goal to the left. This game, for 2-8 players, has solid oak sides and ends, hardwood plywood bottom, birch rods with red plastic grips, cloth goal bags, 2 wooden balls and rules. Size 18” x 40” — 25 lbs.
##A 06 189999 157
##T According to Hoyle
According to Hoyle
The Hoyle that folks want everything to be according to is this official rule book for most card, dice and other gambling games
(e.g., Mah Jongg); board games such as Chess and Backgammon; plus a selection of parlor games. No more arguments.
— J. Baldwin
##A 06 190306 158
##T According to Hoyle
Richard L. Frey
Revised Edition 1978; 285 pp.
ISBN 0449236528
$3.50 ($4.50 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 06 47777 159
##T Toymaking
##A 06 180558 160
##T The Modelmaker’s Handbook
The Modelmaker’s Handbook
An inspiring book that revels in those added touches of finesse — the highlighted rivet, the shadowed canopy, the flattened wheel with realistic bulge. The authors have obviously dribbled enough glue to not let it mar their realistic weathered finishes. They are able to pass on their persnickety ways in a clear, well-drawn manner.
— David Wills
There are utilitarian applications here (making a model of a landscape you’re designing, for instance), but the real purpose of this craft is love of country — the imaginary miniature country you give life to with these methods. Also covers ships, planes, trains, and cars.
— Art Kleiner
##A 06 180939 161
##T The Modelmaker’s Handbook
Albert Jackson and David Day
1981; 352 pp.
ISBN 0394507886
$21.95 ($22.95 postpaid)
Random House
Order Dept.
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 06 227861 162
##T The Modelmaker’s Handbook
Diorama of ruined building
##A 06 256949 163
##T Micro Mark
Micro Mark
One of the best suppliers of modeler’s tools is Micro Mark.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 06 175746 164
##T Micro Mark
catalog free
Micro Mark
Box 5112-215-24
24 East Main Street
Clinton, NJ 08809
##A 06 257316 165
##T Micro Mark
Our Jigsaw cuts intricate fretwork patterns and model parts in softwood, hardwood, plastic, fiberglass and thin plywood and non-ferrous metal. Can be used freehand or converted quickly to a table top scroll saw using stationary table accessory sold below. Can also be used for micro-filing with our diamond coated blade. Includes 10 coarse saw blades for wood and Allen wrench.
Weight, 9.2 oz.; length, 3-1/2"; speed, 1,800 to 6,900 rpm; motor, 12 volt, DC 1.0 amp.; max. cutting thickness, 9/32". Use with variable speed transformer
#15232 or cables #15233 and 15234.
#15226 Jigsaw/Scroll Saw....$34.95.
##A 06 318125 166
##T Micro Mark
If you’ve ever needed a wood dowel under 1/16" diameter for a miniature or scale model project you know they just are not available. (Ship modelers: remember those Tree Nails you couldn’t find?) The only way you can get them is to make them yourself with our Jeweler’s draw plate. It will also size and smooth other size dowels as well. How it works: the steel plate has 72 tapered holes which range from .0135" dia. to .088" dia. To get a 1/32" dia. dowel, for example, start with a 1/16" dowel or a 1/16" x 1/16" square strip. Insert the end into the smallest hole the dowel or strip will fit into and pull from the opposite side. As you pull, the steel edge of the hole shaves the wood. Then go to the next smaller hole and repeat. Continue like this until you have the size you need. You can also size wire the same way. But instead of shaving the wire the draw plate compresses it into a new diameter. Made of steel, approx. 6-1/2" x 1-1/8"x1/8".
Though by no means complete, these instructions will get you going on a variety of homemade dolls, both stuffed ones (soft) and the sculptured kind (hard, as in porcelain or wax).
— Kevin Kelly
##A 06 73475 168
##T The Complete Dollmaker
Alice D. Weiner
1985; 192 pp.
ISBN 0806962240
$12.95 ($14.45 postpaid)
Sterling Publishing Co.
2 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10016
##A 06 74659 169
##T The Complete Dollmaker
A combination of polyester and sawdust makes a hard stuffing if it is tightly compressed. Whatever the material, a doll is not properly stuffed unless it is as firm as it can be without the seams bursting. Most stuffed dolls benefit from the insertion of a dowel or wire in the neck area to maintain the position of the head.
##A 06 169757 170
##T Making Things
Making Things
A few ideas on how to turn odds and ends into instructive toys. Perfect if you need to mind a gang of young’uns and you’ve forgotten what you did at that age.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 06 170197 171
##T Making Things
(The Hand Book of Creative Discovery)
Ann Wiseman
1973; 164 pp.
ISBN 0316948497
$8.95 ($10.45 postpaid)
Little, Brown & Company
Order Dept.
200 West Street
Waltham, MA 02254
##A 06 170751 172
##T Making Things
But best of all and biggest are bubbles made with glycerine & soap on a plastic straw and string frame.
Gather a film across the strings, pull the straws apart to stretch the film open. Pull upwards filling the film with air gently. Relax the contraption and snap the bubble free of the frame. FANTASTIC!
##A 06 167485 173
##T Steve Caney’s Toy Book
Steve Caney’s Toy Book
Want to make a waterscope and magnifier, or a hexaflexagon, or a rope machine (that makes real rope)? Here’s simple instructions for these and 48 other toys and games, with plenty of photos and diagrams. Make your own discovery toys, pretending toys, games, building toys, action toys and design toys without spending much
(if any) money. All the toys were designed and tested on a whole herd of children by a professional designer and toy consultant who helped design the Boston Children’s Museum. For kids age 1 through 11 and parents of all descriptions.
— Sylvia Jacobs
##A 06 167801 174
##T Steve Caney’s Toy Book
Steven Caney
1972; 175 pp.
ISBN 0911104178
$6.95 ($8.95 postpaid)
Workman Publishing
1 West 39th Street
New York, NY 10018
##A 06 168293 175
##T Steve Caney’s Toy Book
Building Circles is a modular construction toy. The pieces fit together in any direction, and there are no rules as to what you can make. With a batch of folded paper plates and some rubber bands, you can build hundreds of different forms and patterns — towers, gloves, hats, mobiles, or whatever. The circles are easily connected with rubber bands, and they come apart easily to be used over and over again.
##A 06 168597 176
##T Cherry Tree Toys
Cherry Tree Toys
Old-timey hardwood parts for making wooden toys and wind-powered whirligigs. Plans and kits too.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 06 168901 177
##T Cherry Tree Toys
Catalog $1 from:
Cherry Tree Toys
P. O. Box 369
408 South Jefferson
Belmont, OH 43718
##A 06 121983 178
##T Cherry Tree Toys
This truck is ready for action! It’s fully equipped with over 5 ft. of hose, brass connections, two ladders and space for equipment — plus 2 extinguishers.
Size: 31" long
Plan: $7.50
Hardware Package includes brass pipe fittings and 5 ft. of fire hose: $12.50
##A 06 166564 179
##T Woodworking with Kids
Woodworking with Kids
I haven’t found a more inspiring book about teaching kids in general or about learning woodworking in particular. That it does both well is a surprise, but no accident. It is clear, inventive, and extremely wise. A book like this in sewing, cooking, and all the sciences would make a school that worked.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 06 166821 180
##T Woodworking with Kids
Richard Starr
1982; 205 pp.
ISBN 0918804140
$19.95 postpaid from:
W.W. Norton
500 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10110
##A 06 166978 181
##T Woodworking with Kids
When kids think about woodworking, they often imagine boxes or boxlike objects, such as birdhouses, benches and cabinets. Here’s an easy way for young children to make boxes using only a square, pencil, saw and hammer. The trick is to build the box from the bottom up. The bottom determines the size of the first side, the bottom and first side determine the size of the second side, and so on; this method is forgiving of the inaccuracies likely to occur when young kids use a saw. It’s also a good way to help children understand right angles and rectangles, without having to resort to geometry.
Expect some surprising answers when you ask a child “What do you want to make?” Little kids commonly ask for a horse, dog or man, projects that make us think of
sculpture rather than woodworking. But don’t discourage a child who has these ideas, because almost anything can be expressed in wood once you know the basic woodworking language.
##A 06 79105 182
##T Woodworking with Kids
Here Angus marks out the first side. He placed one end of the box against the end of the board and lined up the tops of the ends with the adjacent edge. Angus didn’t hold the saw perpendicular to the board when he cut out the bottom, so one of the ends of his box tilted outward. He placed the end that didn’t tilt flush with the end of the board and traced around the box. If neither end of the box is perpendicular to the bottom, just make sure the tops of the box ends are flush with one edge of the board and trace the other three sides. Label this piece so it’s sure to go on the correct side of the box. After tracing, saw out the side.
##A 06 48121 183
##T Toy Supplies
##A 06 165551 184
##T Animal Town Game Company
Animal Town Game Company
Friendly, organic, educational, enjoyable board games about small farms, whales, bees, beavers, chickens, etc. Cooperation wins.
— Stewart Brand
Ÿ World Wide Games
##A 06 165822 185
##T Animal Town Game Company
Catalog free from:
Animal Town Game Company
P. O. Box 2002
Santa Barbara, CA 93120
##A 06 166232 186
##T Animal Town Game Company
Nectar Collector. The object is to move your bee (marker)
around the board and gather “nectar” (beads), fill your honeycomb and enter the Queen Bee’s Royal Chamber.
Players collect nectar — and sometimes lose it, by landing
on spaces depicting possible events in a bee’s life cycle. A player might even land on spaces like “Bee-In-Need,” which enables him/her to help another bee. Although there is a single winner, winning is not the main object, but rather learning how important cooperation is among bees and, on a larger scale, among all creatures. You will gain a sense of unity and sharing playing the game. Two to four players, ages 8 on up. Younger ones will enjoy playing if they have help. Board (19" x 19"), bee markers, “honey drops,” magic ring, die, community apiary, beekeeper button, rules, information booklet and muslin bag. One game provides 20 to 30 minutes of fun. Beekeepers love it.
##A 06 177648 187
##T The Johnson Smith Catalog
The Johnson Smith Catalog
If you were ever a kid, you remember Johnson Smith. But you may have forgotten just how relevant Johnson Smith could be to your present happiness, not to mention your spiritual development.
They’ve been around for 72 years. Remember the lists you used to make of all the things you wanted? Well, surprise! You’ll still want the same things: secret agent pen radio, juggling kits, X-ray Spex, Magic Money Maker, joy buzzers and, of course, VENTRILO
(“BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! Learn Ventriloquism and Apparently THROW YOUR VOICE! Into a trunk, under the bed, under a table, back of the door, into a desk at school, or anywhere”). Yes, Johnson Smith is alive and well, and unchanged. But what about you? Get with it, kids! — Robert Goldman
Ÿ Archie McPhee & Company
##A 06 177725 188
##T The Johnson Smith Catalog
Catalog free from:
Johnson Smith
4514 19th Court East
Bradenton, FL 34203-3794
##A 06 113247 189
##T The Johnson Smith Catalog
50-Gallon Cowboy Hat
Howdy Podnah! Guaranteed to get you noticed.
Sure fire way to look like the biggest shot to ever come outta Texas. Even J. R. Ewing would be green with envy. Huge 30" foam rubber hat with expandable band to fit any head. Comes in bright colors.
9271 . . . . $12.95
##A 06 118064 190
##T The Johnson Smith Catalog
Blood Capsules
Realistic looking phony blood oozes from your mouth. Adds grotesque touch to costumes, gags. Just comment that you think you bit your tongue — and watch people’s reactions. Nontoxic, tasteless. As seen in movies & TV. Set of several capsules.
2 sets for $2.50.
2747 Blood Capsules . . . . $1.49
##A 06 178583 191
For those of us who like to celebrate year-round events like birthdays, New Year’s Eve, or the end of a wonderful day with fireworks, here are three mail-order sources offering some really great Chinese- and U.S.-made fireworks. Blue Angel is generally the cheapest, though Neptune and Olde Glory undersell them on particular items. Olde Glory has a small selection, but they’re geared toward smaller lots on individual items. Shop around — the full-color catalogs are nearly as dazzling as silver sparklers.
— Ted Schultz
Note: It is illegal to send fireworks to California and several other
states. You won’t get the catalogs in California either. — CK
##A 06 178797 192
Blue Angel Fireworks
Catalog free from:
Blue Angel Co.
P. O. Box 26
12900 Canfield Road
Columbiana, OH 44408
800-362-1034 (OH)
##A 06 60696 193
Neptune Fireworks
Catalog free from:
Neptune Fireworks Co.
P. O. Box 398
Stirling Road #3A
Dania, FL 33004
305-920-6770 (FL)
##A 06 61243 194
Olde Glory Fireworks
Catalog free from:
Olde Glory Fireworks
P. O. Box 2863
Rapid City, SD 57709
##A 06 179397 195
Neptune Fireworks Missiles
##A 06 179691 196
##T America’s Hobby Center
America’s Hobby Center
A legendary outfit. They have to publish a separate catalog for each type of ware they stock (model trains, planes, boats, and
cars), because their inventory is overwhelmingly huge. Making models can involve the same kind of destiny-controlling creativity as writing a good story. My own obsession once was model trains; now I cry out with nostalgia and sheer covetousness when I look through their train catalog. Prices are low, sale prices are amazingly low, and service is always good.
— Art Kleiner
##A 06 179875 197
##T America’s Hobby Center
Model Airplanes Catalog
$2.50 from:
America’s Hobby Center
146 West 22nd Street
New York, NY 10011
##A 06 276601 198
##T America’s Hobby Center
HO and N Gauge Model Railroads Catalog
Catalog $2 from:
America’s Hobby Center
146 West 22nd Street
New York, NY 10011
##A 06 277245 199
##T America’s Hobby Center
Model Wood and Plastic Ships Catalog
Catalog $1.50 from:
America’s Hobby Center
146 West 22nd Street
New York, NY 10011
##A 06 277354 200
##T America’s Hobby Center
Model Cars Catalog
Catalog $1.50 from:
America’s Hobby Center
146 West 22nd Street
New York, NY 10011
##A 06 48498 201
##T Flying Objects
##A 06 211014 202
##T Boomerang
Undocumented observation confirms that there is a little latent boomeranger in all of us, but it won’t be latent long if this book crosses your path; being a closet boomeranger just isn’t practical. Boomerang tells you how to throw and catch, gives a bit of history of the sport, and presents very good plans for making your own, which you don’t have to do because an excellent boomerang is included with the book.
— J. Baldwin
##A 06 211396 203
##T Boomerang
(How to Throw, Catch and Make It)
Benjamin Ruhe and Eric Darnell
1985; 95 pp.
ISBN 0894809350
$9.95 ($11.95 postpaid)
Workman Publishing
1 West 39th Street
New York, NY 10018
##A 06 211806 204
##T Boomerang
Barnaby Ruhe’s headlining William Tell stunt.
##A 06 212184 205
##T Boomerang
a) Lead wing grip.
b) Trailing wing grip.
c) Full grip.
d) Pinch grip.
##A 06 212379 206
##T Many Happy Returns
Many Happy Returns
Boomerangers keep up with things in Many Happy Returns,
the newsletter that comes with membership in the U. S. Boomerang Association. Interest in ’rangs is spreading fast; there’s probably a competition near you soon.
— J. Baldwin
##A 06 212530 207
##T Many Happy Returns
$10/year (4 issues, membership included)
U. S. Boomerang Association
P. O. Box 182
Delaware, OH 43015
##A 06 213448 208
##T The Penguin Book of Kites
The Penguin Book of Kites
When somebody says go fly a kite, ask “what kind?” and whip out this total kite book. There are plans for more than 100 different kites from all over the world, complete with very detailed construction instruction. Perhaps more interesting is the historical section (kites go back 2500 years) showing an astounding variety of designs: passenger carrying models from Alexander Graham Bell and Buffalo Bill, Japanese kite club monsters 48 x 36 feet, and a host of other models amazing and bizarre.
— J. Baldwin
##A 06 213735 209
##T The Penguin Book of Kites
David Pelham
1976; 224 pp.
ISBN 0140041176
$9.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
Viking Penguin Books
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0120
201-387-0600 (NJ)
##A 06 214170 210
##T The Penguin Book of Kites
The kite used to raise the aerial for Marconi’s first transatlantic wireless reception.
##A 06 214381 211
##T KiteLines
The nicely produced Kitelines magazine will keep you up with the
latest ideas, contest dates, and purveyors of kitish products.
— J. Baldwin
##A 06 214641 212
##T KiteLines
Valerie Govig, Editor
ISSN 01923439
$12/year(4 issues)
P. O. Box 466
Randallstown, MD 21133
##A 06 215221 213
##T KiteLines
Peter Lynn’s Dragonfly.
##A 06 215389 214
##T Paper Flight
Paper Flight
Take one sheet of paper and make your choice of 48 different designs of aircraft, flying saucers, helicopters, reproductions of real aircraft, birds, and insects.
My favorites are the flies and the French Mirage. Flypaper at its best!
Note to libraries: The plans are shown in a way that does not invite tearing out the pages.
— Joe Eddy Brown
##A 06 215763 215
##T Paper Flight
(Forty-Eight Models Ready for Take-off)
Jack Botermans. Translated by Deborah Ogle
1984; 120 pp.
ISBN 0030705061
$9.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
Henry Holt & Co.
521 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10175
##A 06 216449 216
##T Paper Flight
Sherlock Special
##A 06 257784 217
##T The Flying Apparatus Klutz Catalogue
The Flying Apparatus Klutz Catalogue
This slim catalog may be a limited selection but it’s a good one. Lots of juggling stuff, HackySacks, boomerangs. Live with unrelated items such as a fine book on how to play the harmonica. Yummy yum.
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ Playthings
##A 06 258450 218
##T The Flying Apparatus Klutz Catalogue
The Unbelievable Bubble Book $9.95
Stand back. You are about to be confronted by an 8-foot bubble attached to a book.
Last year, we introduced David Stein’s Bubble Thing in our catalogue to an overwhelming response. We soon found ourselves immersed in bubble-mania. It wasn’t long before a collaboration with David was started and now, after 12 months of intense research into the spirit, science and practice of the gentle soap bubble, we offer THE UNBELIEVABLE BUBBLE BOOK written by John Cassidy and David Stein, and packaged with David’s patented Bubble Thing.
Yet another volume from the Klutz library of marginal competence.
Available Separately: David Stein’s Bubble Thing $8.00
##A 06 320758 219
##T The Flying Apparatus Klutz Catalogue
And Just Plain Aerobies
Standard 13" model $10.00
NEW! 10" Aerobie $8.00
Three inches smaller in diameter, these new Aerobies travel about 80% as far as the standard size (you’ll have to settle for 2-1/2 football fields) but since they’re a tad lighter, they’re easier to catch.
##A 06 49028 220
##T Magic and Clowns
##A 06 31323 221
##T Dube Juggling Equipment
Dube Juggling Equipment
Most jugglers recommend Dube. Their “airflite” clubs are the classic affordable, high-quality clubs. Unicycles, top hats, balls, rings, torches, etc.
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 06 36690 222
##T Dube Juggling Equipment
Catalog free from:
Brian Dube, Inc.
25 Park Place
New York, NY 10007
##A 06 122796 223
##T Dube Juggling Equipment
Known for fine craftsmanship and state-of-the-art technology since 1890. High quality components. Ariake nylon saddle with unique plastic seat guards front and back. Blue white-wall tires.
24" models are recommended for any distance/outdoor work.
20" models are recommended for working “tight” spaces/stages. All models come with 32-page instruction book.
##A 06 235550 224
##T Clown for Circus & Stage
Clown for Circus & Stage
This is the most accessible book I’ve found for the closet clown. It has sections on make-up, movements, and prop building, and sequence photos of six (count ’em) six classic routines that even a kid can comprehend. Time-tested at Camp Winna Rainbow. Yes, you too can learn to slap, take, slow burn, blow off and add a little laughter to this sometimes weary world.
— Wavy Gravy
Ÿ Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College
##A 06 235958 225
##T Clown for Circus & Stage
Mark Stolzenberg
1981; 160 pp.
ISBN 0806970340
$18.95 ($20.45 postpaid)
Sterling Publishing
2 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10016
##A 06 236362 226
##T Clown for Circus & Stage
Remember: all your slaps and falls should have a comic feeling, and you always need to let the audience know that you haven’t been hurt.
When you do a fall, always land facing the audience, if possible. If you want to land in profile, or at an angle to the audience, make sure you let the audience see your face and your reaction.
Staying in Character
It’s important to perform your slaps and falls as your character would do them. One character might get angry after a fall. Another might cry or laugh. One clown might get up slowly; another might jump right back up to his feet. Your slapstick skills should not stand out awkwardly from your character.
##A 06 236609 227
##T Clown for Circus & Stage
The clown who is getting slapped should clap his hands and throw his head abruptly to the side in the upstage direction — or away from the hand that is slapping. This staccato movement of the head gives the illusion of impact. If you clap your hands exactly when the slapper’s hand arrives, it will look and sound as though you’ve really been hit.
##A 06 236859 228
Louis Tannen has the biggest magic catalog around, with all manner of tricks, equipment, and work plans for larger gear.
Tannen also publishes a bimonthly magazine: Tannen’s Magic
Manuscript . It keeps you up to date with the latest tricks, events
and apparatus.
— Stewart Brand
##A 06 237174 229
Louis Tannen’s Catalog of Magic
1985; 828 pp.
$8 postpaid from:
Louis Tannen, Inc.
6 West 32nd Street
4th Floor
New York, NY 10001
##A 06 289864 230
Tannen’s Magic Manuscript
Jennifer Spina, Editor
ISSN 07464800
$18/year (6 issues)
Single copy $3.50
Louis Tannen Inc.
6 West 32nd Street
4th Floor
New York, NY 10001
##A 06 124853 231
Fred Baumann
Written by Karl Fulves
Over 40 Photos by Art Manfredi
On rare occasions a trick comes along that is so stunning, it is destined to become a classic of magic. Such a trick is METALOGIC, a true lesson in magic.
In this brilliant close-up routine, an ordinary teaspoon, examined and marked by the audience, bends and then breaks. The magician then does something that no spoon-bender, psychic or otherwise, can do — he RESTORES the spoon visibly. The restored spoon is then handed out for examination, and the marks may be verified.
Now comes the sensational finish. The magician takes back the spoon, holds it in one hand, and without cover causes the spoon to visibly bend. Then, still with no cover, he causes the spoon to straighten. The spoon is immediately tossed out for examination.—Catalog of Magic
Remember that this incredible routine is done openly and visibly. The audience sees the spoon bend and break, and they see the magician restore the spoon. What sets this trick apart is the brilliant handling. It can be done standing or seated, with spectators on all sides, because there is no lapping or angles to worry about. In developing this routine, inventor Fred Baumann has brought to magic a brilliant new close-up illusion. $8.50
##A 06 237855 232
##T Hank Lee’s Catalog of Magic
Hank Lee’s Catalog of Magic
Hank Lee has nice stuff (and lots of it) for young magicians and parties.
— Stewart Brand
##A 06 238197 233
##T Hank Lee’s Catalog of Magic
Catalog $6 from:
Hank Lee’s Magic Factory
125 Lincoln Street
P. O. Box 1359
Boston, MA 02205
617-482-8749 (MA)
##A 06 125043 234
##T Hank Lee’s Catalog of Magic
Ultimate Sword Through Neck — one of the most exciting illusions to come around in a long time! “Perfect” is the word for this piece of apparatus!
Show a large sword. The sword is nearly 3 feet long, is really sharp and is not a toy. You can show the sword to be absolutely solid. Thrust it through a head of cabbage. Bang it on the stage. Solid.
Next, place a massive metal collar around the neck of an assistant from the audience! Instantly push the solid sword right through the neck of your assistant! The audience can see the sword penetrating the victim’s neck! In one side and out the other! What an effect!
Naturally, the girl is unharmed at the end of the effect! . . .
The perfect illusion for all professionals. It fits in a small suitcase. You can perform it under all conditions, even surrounded. Complete with heavy chromed sword; leather covered sheath; and metal neck collar.
An effect you must see to believe! The price is not low. But, this is truly a professional piece of apparatus. Imported from Italy. $1200.00 (60.466)
##A 06 316250 235
##T A. Brill’s Bible of Building Plans
A. Brill’s Bible of Building Plans
Amuse your cows with a 43-whistle circus calliope? Join a carnival as a knife thrower or “shake-em-up” ride owner?
What A.K. Brill sells is methods of making fantasy less
improbable. His Bible is part book, part catalog. The catalog offers for sale all the plans and info required to entirely recreate the midway of a sleazy county fair: scary rides, fair games of skill, and curious concessions.
The building plans he sells are uncommon. They convey the old builder’s art of scrounging up the parts needed from what’s lying around. It’s kind of like hunkering down with the old builder and
##A 06 317523 236
##T A. Brill’s Bible of Building Plans
hearing: “Now you can build this out of a surplus gear box or this way out of an old truck differential . . .” A typical twenty-buck building plan might be twenty dittoed legal size pages. Ten pages of single-spaced monologue, the rest sketches, plans and drawings. You learn the cheapest ways of building it in Muncie or Micronesia.
On top of some 200 building plans there are offered for sale tricks of the trade—the Magic Horseshoe (No. 719, $5) actually enables anyone to letter large signs easily.
— Alan Kalker
Note: As we go to press, Brill’s is for sale. Ask ’em about it.
Ÿ Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College
##A 06 316724 237
##T A. Brill’s Bible of Building Plans
Catalog $3 from:
A. B. Enterprises
P. O. Box 856
Peoria, IL 61601
##A 06 36411 238
##A 06 49342 239
##T Adventure Learning
##A 06 153965 240
##T Outward Bound
Outward Bound
Now 25 years old, Outward Bound continues to offer challenging courses in such skills as rock climbing and whitewater running. If you’re a chickenheart (or think you are), the instruction is just what you need — emphasis is on building self-confidence and leadership. Special courses are arranged for executives, folks with substance-abuse problems, cancer patients unwilling to give up, and victims of domestic violence (and even the perpetrators thereof!). I personally know a number of people who returned from Outward Bound courses noticeably changed for the better.
— J. Baldwin
##A 06 154257 241
##T Outward Bound
Courses $500-$3000
Information free
Outward Bound USA
348 Field Point Road
Greenwich, CT 06830
203-661-0797 (CT)
##A 06 27816 242
##T Outward Bound
Outward Bound is learning to strive for excellence in everything you do. It is finding new confidence in your ability to face whatever challenges lie ahead. It is self-discovery and acceptance of others.
You won’t be asked to climb a mountain or navigate difficult whitewater rapids the first day of the course. However, as your confidence grows, you’ll work with others in your team to complete a final expedition, with a minimum of guidance from your instructors. —from Fall ’88 Catalog
##A 06 278994 243
##T Outward Bound
Outward Bound courses for younger teenagers are similar to our standard courses; however, they are geared to the energy and developing abilities of younger students looking for a unique challenge. Our staff are specially chosen and trained to work with this age group. Acting as more than counselors or coaches, they set a disciplined, sensitive and supportive example for young people who are at an age of exploration and experimentation.
Depending on course selection, students will backpack, canoe, rock climb, sail or raft on the same terrain as our standard courses. They’ll learn the same skills of low-impact camping, route finding, outdoor nutrition and cooking, shelter construction, navigation, first aid and search and rescue techniques—skills that will last a lifetime. And, as with all other Outward Bound courses, they’ll be participating in group expeditions, a solo period and a mini-marathon.
##A 06 400629 244
##T Outward Bound
“In the wilderness, challenges are clear and very real. It is a place to learn and understand the process of problem solving.”
##A 06 156185 245
##T The National Outdoor Leadership School
The National Outdoor Leadership School
In simple terms, the NOLS goal is this: to teach you the skills necessary to survive in the wilderness — whether it’s kayaking in Alaska, mountain climbing in the Rockies, or backpacking in Africa — and to pass through that wilderness without leaving any trace of your having been there. Unlike Outward Bound, (previous item) NOLS is not into character development or proving yourself, except
perhaps for encouraging useful leadership qualities. Instead, it teaches only those skills directly related to the wilderness experience and cooperative group effort.
Both styles have their merits. The fundamental difference, I think, is between self-command and harmony. Me, I’ll take harmony.
— Joe Kane
##A 06 156603 246
##T The National Outdoor Leadership School
Courses $1400-$4700
Catalog free from:
National Outdoor Leadership School
P. O. Box AA, Dept. W. E.
Lander, WY 82520
##A 06 222534 247
##T The National Outdoor Leadership School
Tyrolean traverse — another method of stream crossing.
##A 06 169224 248
##T The National Outdoor Leadership School
AGE: 14-15 only
DURATION: 31 days
LOCATION: Ranges in Wyoming, Utah and Montana
Are you 14-years-old? Or 15? And looking for something different to do this summer?
A NOLS Adventure Course is something different. It’s not summer camp. You’ll be learning how to live outdoors for an extended period of time. Your mind and your body will have to work hard as you hike, climb and figure out what to cook for dinner or where to set up camp. You’ll be living with people from around the country—learning how to get along with them even if they’re very different from you. You’ll be given a lot of responsibility when you’re their leader for a day.
##A 06 412531 249
##T The National Outdoor Leadership School
And you’ll really be learning. . .to read maps and use a compass, to find your way on—and even off—a trail, to identify plants and animals, rocks and clouds. . .to climb and
fish and a hundred other things you’ll remember for the rest of your life.
The course will take place in an isolated mountain range in Wyoming, Utah or Montana. You’ll hike, camp, cook and climb in all kinds of terrain and all kinds of weather. . . maybe even snow.
There are a lot of NOLS graduates and instructors who started out by taking an Adventure Course. They had a great time. Learned a lot. Made good friends.
You can, too.
##A 06 155121 250
##T Directory of Sail Training Ships and Programs
Directory of Sail Training Ships and Programs
For anyone who yearns for the sailing life, for the romance and adventure of “a tall ship and a star to steer her by,” this is a directory full of photos and statistics about a number of ships still sailing in the traditional way. What’s traditional? you may ask. When the captain shouts “All hands on deck!” and you’re asked to go aloft, up the ratlines in the rigging to the yards to furl the topsails, and you’re balanced up there 50 feet high, hung out over the yard gathering in sail — that’s traditional. (Working aloft is not mandatory, however.) Traditional sailing is also an attitude about the sea and the tall ships who grace her waters. It is an understanding of the natural ways of travelling through the water; the combination of wind, waves, and manpower that keep a ship moving.
##A 06 155139 251
##T Directory of Sail Training Ships and Programs
The American Sail Training Association, founded in 1973, is an organization devoted to three purposes: promoting sail training as an educational and character-building experience for young people, bringing together the sail training ships of the world in a spirit of friendship and international goodwill, and educating our young people in the values of our maritime traditions.
While many of the ships in the directory offer sail training only for young people, there is still a large number of them who offer cruising opportunities in East Coast waters and the Pacific for those with a free spirit and time to travel.
— Merlyn Storm
Ÿ Sailing I
##A 06 155560 252
##T Directory of Sail Training Ships and Programs
Catalog $8 from:
American Sail Training Association
365 Thames Street
Newport, RI 02840
##A 06 126287 253
##T Directory of Sail Training Ships and Programs
Gaff Topsail Schooner
LOA: 93'6" LWL: 86'2"
Beam: 24'3" Draft: 8'4"
Tons: 98 Sail Area: 7,400 sq. ft.
Rig Height: 106'
Homeport: Sacramento, California, U.S.A.
Waters: Coastal California, Pacific Ocean
Season: Year Round Cost: Inquire
Contact: Nautical Heritage Society
24532 Del Prado
Dana Point, California 92629, U.S.A.
(714) 661-1001
##A 06 220889 254
##T National Audubon Society Expedition Institute
National Audubon Society Expedition Institute
One of the more tempting education opportunities around is this school-bus load of students that travels all around the country each year from September through May. The bus stops at such diverse locations as wilderness areas, Native American communities, and my own turf until recently, The New Alchemy Institute. Students don’t stay in the bus, either. They hike, ski, bike, boat, and participate in the action of the areas they study, for graduate, undergraduate or even high school credit. Praise for this school is high and I can see why: There’s that indefinable feeling of reality that is missing from so much classroom instruction. They have scholarships, summer expeditions, and a degree program through Lesley College.
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ New Alchemy Institute —
##A 06 221418 255
##T National Audubon Society Expedition Institute
Audubon Expedition School
Information free
$6800/year (Sept.-May)
National Audubon Society Expedition Institute
Northeast Audubon Center
Route 4
Sharon, CT 06069
##A 06 278490 256
##T National Audubon Society Expedition Institute
Lesley College
Catalog free from:
Lesley College
National Audubon Society
Attn.: Outreach
29 Everett Street
Cambridge, MA 02238
##A 06 252540 257
##T Helping Out in the Outdoors
Helping Out in the Outdoors
When people volunteer everybody is winning. Needed jobs get done
(cheerfully!), and the volunteers go home with more than they gave. Like to partake? Our parks could use your help. Wanted are fire lookouts, craft instructors, trail crews, campground hosts, surveyors, and tree planters. Experience accepted, willingness preferred. Some jobs pay no money, others furnish groceries or lodging or gas money, or work clothes, and some even pay meagerly. Look over this quarterly directory, decide who to give your love to, and write to them early.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 06 269032 258
##T Helping Out in the Outdoors
(A Volunteer Directory to American Parks & Forests)
ISSN 8756310X
$3/issue or
$12/2 years (4 issues)
American Hiking Society
1015 31st Street, NW
Washington, DC 20007
Published in February and August
##A 06 285437 259
##T Helping Out in the Outdoors
Timber technician: Do you want to get into the tall timber? If you like the odor of pine, you will like this position. Three hardy men or women are needed to use forestry tools to fell trees, buck logs, and spread seed-bearing branches so that a new forest can be created. Your efforts will be seen for 150 years. We will give you the know-how. Dates: June through October. Benefits: Work days and hours are negotiable, housing, transportation to the work site. Requirements, 18 or older.
##A 06 49582 260
##T Apprenticeships
##A 06 71457 261
##T Getting Skilled
Getting Skilled
One of the encouraging signs I see in our society these days is that there are many young people NOT going to college, nor planning to. Having made that decision, many just diddle around waiting for something to happen, which it often doesn’t. There is a hunger to be good at something. A so-called “trade-school” can be a good answer, and it fortunately is an answer that is rapidly losing a second-best reputation. OK. How do you find out about trade schools? Getting Skilled is the best I’ve seen on the subject by far. If you counsel students it will help you a lot. It also lists many schools in a huge appendix. The authors are well in tune with coming trends, too; this isn’t a rehashed 1938 text.
— J. Baldwin
##A 06 61564 262
##T Getting Skilled
(A Guide to Private Trade and Technical Schools)
Tom Hebert and John Coyne
2nd Edition 1982; 145 pp.
ISBN 0942426002
$1.50 postpaid
2251 Wisconsin Avenue NW
Room 200
Washington, DC 20007
##A 06 75805 263
##T Getting Skilled
1. What kinds of people would I find in classes with me?
2. What would be my total cost to complete training— expenses in addition to tuition?
3. How do students pay the costs of attending this institution?
4. How does the institution compare with the expectations of those who enroll?
5. How do present students evaluate the institution?
6. What proportion of students complete their training at this institution?
7. What proportion of students find employment upon leaving this institution?
8. What kinds of employment do graduates find?
9. Does the institution effectively help graduates find jobs?
10. How much money do graduates make on their job after training?
11. Does this training help graduates find and advance on jobs?
…Those are the questions on your mind. You might carry the list with you as you make your way around each school. As you investigate the equipment, the teaching, the placement, dropout rate, and other areas discussed below, you will find those questions are being answered.
##A 06 72051 264
##T Handbook of Trade and Technical Careers
Handbook of Trade and Technical Careers
A very useful Handbook of Trade and Technical Careers and Training indicates the range of skills that trade schools teach, which schools, and how to reach them. NATTS (National Association of Trade and Technical Schools) has other career training booklets too. The price is right: free.
— Stewart Brand
##A 06 72229 265
##T Handbook of Trade and Technical Careers
Handbook of Trade and Technical Careers and Training
National Assoc. of Trade and Technical Schools (NATTS)
1988; 80 pp.
Free from:
2251 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
Room 200
Washington, DC 20007
##A 06 409641 266
##T Handbook of Trade and Technical Careers
The first rule in planning your career is simple— take some time and do it! Most people never get around to learning about careers. They fall into a job and lifetime career patterns follow—and most people spend an average of 25 to 45 years on the job.
Career planning takes thought and enough information to make a sound decision. Just a few hours of investigation will pay off many times.
New technologies are creating a demand for a highly skilled work force. As a result, employers are putting a premium on specific skills. In fact, the Labor Department estimates that the majority of jobs through 1995 will require trade or technical training.
Labor also predicts that “tremendous growth” and good career opportunities will be
##A 06 410127 267
##T Handbook of Trade and Technical Careers
typical of the service-producing industries. The service-producing industries will account for 7 of every 10 workers. Health care, data processing, repair and
maintenance, and legal assistant/paralegal careers are all expected to be good bets for steady, upward employment.
YOUR INTERESTS. Do you enjoy helping people, working with your hands, working with numbers, creating, designing, being outdoors? Identify your likes and translate them into career possibilities: mechanics, dress design, allied health, electronic technology, advertising, computer programming. Probably the most important factor in career satisfaction is liking what you do.
##A 06 410467 268
##T Handbook of Trade and Technical Careers
Guide to Skill Training at NATTS-Accredited Schools
Both craftspeople considering taking on apprentices and those thinking of apprenticing themselves to a master craftsperson to learn a craft should read this thoughtful book before taking another step. It will give you a sense of all that is involved in the apprentice-master relationship. Detailed information is given on the pros and cons of apprenticeships as well as on contracts, payments, work arrangements, evaluation, termination, and other facets of apprenticeships. The book is a series of musings by 45 craftspeople, administrators, and educators who have been personally involved in apprenticeships. It sounds like the truth.
— Marilyn Green
##A 06 207881 270
##T Apprenticeship in Craft
Gerry Williams, Editor
1981; 215 pp.
ISBN 0930640020
$9.50 postpaid
Studio Potter Books
Box 70
Goffstown, NH 03045
##A 06 208255 271
##T Apprenticeship in Craft
I am direct about what I have to offer in the way of studio time and materials. In fact, I once wrote lists of “what I expect” and “what I offer,” to clarify these areas for myself. I now show these lists to prospective apprentices. I’ve lost a few promising people by using such a direct approach, but I’m convinced it was for the best.
During the interview, I look for maturity (which seems to have little correlation with age), a sense of commitment to clay, and motivation. I also look for some kind of positive chemistry. An apprentice becomes an important part of my life. I have to feel free to be myself and to work with someone who will fit into my lifestyle.
Perhaps more important, I look for the ability to take initiative and solve problems. The apprentice should have the ability to function independently and add to the workings of the studio. He should be able to institute better ways of doing things. I always hope to learn as I teach, and I consider any new idea a “payoff.”
##A 06 49969 272
##T Unconventional Schools
##A 06 208684 273
##T The Tracker
The Tracker
Tom Brown, Jr., grew up in the desolate New Jersey Pine Barrens. He was schooled mercilessly but compassionately in woodlore and survival by his best-friend’s father, a Navajo tracker named Stalking Wolf. With a consummate storyteller’s skill (perhaps that of his coauthor) he entices the rest of us by telling how he exchanged his small-town-boy’s self-centeredness for the cunning, observant care, and sheer goodheartedness of a tracker. The result is a masterpiece of lore about how to see and how to learn. The Tracker was his first book. The Search is its sequel. It includes the thoughts that led to the founding of The Tracker School. The school emphasizes the increasing of your sensitivity to what’s going on around you. It is claimed that an apt student will be able to sneak up to deer close enough to touch one. From what we’ve
##A 06 209071 274
##T The Tracker
heard, the course work is a good antidote to our lack of education in the ways of nature.
Mr. Brown prolifically continued his writing with a series of field guides not reviewed here. His newest book, The Vision, is an intimate look at the Native American ritual of the Vision Quest in which young men attend to their spiritual development.
— Art Kleiner, Becca Herber, and J. Baldwin
##A 06 209351 275
##T The Tracker
The Tracker School
Courses $515-$565
Catalog free from:
The Tracker, Inc.
P. O. Box 173
Ashbury, NJ 08802
##A 06 210264 276
##T The Tracker
The Tracker
Tom Brown, Jr. as told to William Jon Watkins
1978; 229 pp.
ISBN 0425101339
$3.95 ($4.95 postpaid)
Berkley Publishing Group
Order Dept.
P. O. Box 506
East Rutherford, NJ 07073
##A 06 56539 277
##T The Tracker
The Search
Tom Brown, Jr. with William Owen
1980; 219 pp.
ISBN 0425102513
$7.95 ($8.95 postpaid)
Berkley Publishing Group
Order Dept.
P. O. Box 506
East Rutherford, NJ 07073
##A 06 341282 278
##T The Tracker
The Vision
Tom Brown, Jr.
1988; 241 pp.
ISBN 0425107035
$7.95 ($8.95 postpaid)
Berkley Publishing Group
Order Dept.
P. O. Box 506
East Rutherford, NJ 07073
##A 06 69960 279
##T The Tracker
He was so light and frail that I could hardly feel him. The remaining blood that dripped from his neck felt hot and heavy as it ran down my chest and back. I hated Grandfather and I felt bitter.
I wandered back to camp, my mind twisted with rage, and I knew what I had to do. I was going to walk back into camp, drop the little deer at Grandfather’s feet, and walk out of the woods forever. If this was what survival, what being a man, and what the doorway to the spiritual world were all about, then I wanted nothing to do with them. As I approached the camp, I noticed Grandfather leaning against a tree and watching me. A wry smile was held motionless on his face and penetrated my soul, causing me to despise him even more. As I neared him, he lost the smile and his face went blank, except for his piercing eyes. His look made me feel like he had been where I was once before, and his words shook my foundations and broke the back of my hatred. Before I could utter a word, he pointed that old gnarled finger at me and spoke. “Grandson,
##A 06 96860 280
##T The Tracker
when you can feel the same way about a blade of grass plucked from the ground as you do for that little deer, then and only then will you be ‘one’ with all things.”
—The Vision
##A 06 290898 281
##T WoodenBoat School
WoodenBoat School
If messing about in boats is good for the soul, think of the salutary effects of making a boat, from wood, yourself, from scratch. Boatbuilding is a bit different from other crafts in that the penalty for unskilled or even uninspired praxis tends to include unintended swimming. Nature as art critic. There are a number of woodenboat-making schools. This one has a good reputation with people we know well. For other equally worthy schools, see the advertisements in WoodenBoat magazine (see review in Craft section by clicking below).
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ WoodenBoat magazine
##A 06 291302 282
##T WoodenBoat School
Information free from:
WoodenBoat School
P. O. Box 78
Brooklin, ME 04616
##A 06 127282 283
##T WoodenBoat School
The Nutshell Pram for Teachers
Learning to manufacture, assemble, and teach the Nutshell
Eric Dow — July 24–30
Several times a year, we get a request that goes something like this:
“Couldn’t WoodenBoat School run a Nutshell Pram course in my
hometown? There are a lot of people here who would love to put together one of these kits but have neither the experience to tackle it themselves nor the time to go up to Brooklin and take the course.”
As much as WoodenBoat would like to see people all over the country building and enjoying these great little boats, we are deterred by the logistics of finding shop space and getting an instructor and materials to the site. It occurred to us that there are many high school, vocational school, and college woodworking teachers who have the basic skills and access to the right facilities, and we certainly have the knowledge and teaching aids to help them set up a very professional and effective course.
##A 06 38892 284
##T Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College
Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College
Run away and join the circus. No kidding. Free tuition; you pay for room, board, and makeup. (The makeup runs about $600, but you
get to keep it. Some financial help is available.) Nine-week course runs August-October; applications have to be in by July 15. You
have to be at least 17. Experience not necessary .
— Stewart Brand
Ÿ Clown
##A 06 39385 285
##T Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College
Information free from:
Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College
P.O. Box 1528
Venice, FL 34284-1528
##A 06 39536 286
##T Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College
Q. What subjects are taught at clown college?
A. Clowning, Clown Makeup, Comedy Acrobatics, Fundamental Gymnastics, Acrobatableaux, Juggling, Equilibrium (unicycle riding, rolling cylinder, stilt walking), Mime, Comedic Movement, Pantomime, Arenaction, Elephant Riding, Web-sitting, Clown Props Building, Clown Costuming (Design, Cutting and Draping). Lectures on: Famous Clowns of the Past; Origins of Clowning; The Mechanics of Visual Comedy; History of the Big Tops; Arena Circuses; Circus Jargon; Transportation and Logistics; Production Clowning; Engagement and Performance Direction; Circus Promotion, Publicity and Public Relations; Animal Training and Care; Circus Bands and Music; Thrill Acts.
##A 06 50328 287
##T Lifelong Learning
##A 06 70405 288
FORMULA for an interesting life: acquire skills and use them. The more skills, the more interesting.
— Stewart Brand
##A 06 66202 289
##T The Lifelong Learner
The Lifelong Learner
I went to school for 18 years, which was at least four years too many. Ronald Gross has written a book I could have used in about 1972 that says the way to learn things is to pick something you’re interested in and follow it where it takes you — to libraries, free universities, art centers, churches, groups of people interested in the same thing, wise people in your neighborhood, and even, sometimes, school.
The best part is the stories of particular lifelong learners like Ted Marchi, who learned to build roads because his part of Nebraska needed some; Helen Baker, who became a leading expert on juvenile rights with persistence and without a law degree or college education; and Malcolm X, who taught himself a lot of what he
##A 06 372089 290
##T The Lifelong Learner
knew in the prison library. The key, as Helen Baker said, is, “When I want to know something, I go and find out.” That’s a faster and simpler process than wanting to know something and figuring out how to get accredited as an expert in it — a process that takes much time and money and doesn’t necessarily teach you what you wanted to know in the first place.
That’s the message of this book. When I read it I thought, “Yeah, I know that.” Then I remembered it took me 18 years of schooling to figure it out. If you think that you’re only a serious learner when you’re in school and that you have to stay there or go back to be serious, read this book. It might save you some boredom and wasted effort and yield you some fun and good work.
— Anne Herbert
##A 06 97974 291
##T The Lifelong Learner
Ronald Gross
1977; 190 pp.
ISBN 0671249487
Simon & Schuster
Get this book back in print!
##A 06 108823 292
##T The Lifelong Learner
“With a shock I realized the way I ran my business was anti-learning. I had no tolerance for mistakes. I wanted everything done right the first time — including the solutions to problems nobody had faced before.”
The most important tool of free learning is a log — or journal, diary, notebook, whatever you choose to call it. Always have a pad and pencil on hand for jotting down ideas, thoughts, feelings, and even dreams. (It’s also useful for keeping track of reminders and random information.)
##A 06 206729 293
##T The Naropa Institute
The Naropa Institute
In Boulder, Colorado, a robust and innovative school has grown up around Chogyam Trungpa. Theater, music, dance, science, martial arts, poetry, calligraphy, and psychology are some of the courses. Leading artists, philosophers, and spiritual teachers regularly hold forth. Impressive operation.
— Stewart Brand
##A 06 206861 294
##T The Naropa Institute
Catalog $4 donation
The Naropa Institute
2130 Arapahoe Avenue
Boulder, CO 80302
##A 06 205618 295
##T The Esalen Catalog
The Esalen Catalog
Though you can’t get a seminar at the Esalen Institute hot springs on the California Big Sur coast through the mail, you can get their catalog, survey the offerings along several dimensions of humanistic psychology, and go to Big Sur for one hell of a weekend. Since 1962 Esalen has been the stage where new acts and new actors try out the Human Potential big time.
— Stewart Brand
##A 06 205895 296
##T The Esalen Catalog
Catalog free
Subscription $12
(3 issues plus other mailings)
Esalen Institute
Big Sur, CA 93920
##A 06 206085 297
##T The Esalen Catalog
Approaches to Christian Mysticism
Brother David Steindl-Rast
Awareness of Eastern mysticism makes many people ask: what of the mystical tradition in the West? Is it still alive? Can one find meaning in it today? Brother David has spent more than 30 years in both Eastern and Western monasteries exploring the roots of mysticism in the human heart. He will lead participants in discovering these roots in their own life experience. We shall ask what the pursuit of the path of the heart demands from each one personally, and how it can be practiced in one’s daily life.
Like Thomas Merton, his late fellow monk and friend, Brother David is a bridge-builder between East and West. The focus of this weekend, however, will be on the Christian tradition and on our need to wrestle with it. Input and question periods will alternate with silent time for guided experience.
##A 06 33370 298
##T Wishcraft
The obstacles which held up my life always seemed to be mysterious, invisible things — ghosts. The spell for release is in two parts: 1) The wish. Trying to change yourself and trying to deny yourself are equally futile. The only power that will ever make you really go comes from your own deep wishes, interests, and desires. 2) The craft. If you don’t have practical techniques: for problem-solving, planning, getting your hands on information and contacts; for coping with human feelings that aren’t going to go away; for getting the emotional support risk-taking requires; and for figuring out what your wishes really are, your desires will dissipate like steam without an engine. So, with the lessons of Wishcraft, no more ghosts. Real wishes. Real problems. Real solutions. Real changes. — David Finacom
Ÿ The Independent Scholar’s Handbook
##A 06 33752 299
##T Wishcraft
(How to Get What You Really Want)
Barbara Sher with Anne Gottlieb
1979; 278 pp.
ISBN 0670776084
$9.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
New American Library
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0120
201-387-0600 (NJ)
##A 06 33943 300
##T Wishcraft
It’s a common assumption that if you really try your hardest to get something and
don’t get it, you’ll be shattered — so it’s safer not to risk going all out. That is totally false. The exact opposite is true. . . . You never feel really bad when you’ve given something your best shot. You may be disappointed, but you don’t blame yourself. But if you haven’t given it your best shot, you feel terrible. Because you never really know whether you could have done better . . . but you do know you could have done more. Win or lose, all-out efforts leave you feeling clean and good about yourself.
##A 06 351883 301
##T Cultural Exchange
##A 06 349777 302
##T Transitions Abroad
Transitions Abroad
A guide to independent and educational travel that consists almost entirely of articles and travel tips sent in by its
traveling readers. It’s usually about 60 pages long, printed on newsprint. The format and the writing are generally unpolished, but the articles are interesting, informative, and very timely. There are lots of specific addresses to help the traveller find work, classes, or any number of other situations all over the world. A number of inexpensive charter flights and other groups providing cheap transportation also advertise regularly. Transitions’ articles are often about Africa, Asia, and a lot of the less-touristed parts of the world as well as Europe and the more popular tourist spots.
— Steve Dunnington
##A 06 350065 303
##T Transitions Abroad
(The Magazine of Overseas Opportunities)
Clayton A. Hubbs, Editor
ISSN 02764717
$15/year(5 issues) from:
Transitions Abroad
P. O. Box 344
Amherst, MA 01004
They also publish Traveler’s Directory, an annual issue of information sources on work, study and socially responsible international travel.
##A 06 350585 304
##T Transitions Abroad
Studying Chinese in Taiwan
On Taiwan foreign students don’t have to live in dorms, tuition is cheap and when money runs low one can drop out of class for a month or two without changing visa status. In addition, there are several schools to choose from. The only disadvantage is that the Chinese on Taiwan speak heavily accented Mandarin. Would you study Oxford English in Joisy City? . . .
Unquestionably, the best school on the island is the Inter-University Program for Chinese Studies in Taipei. The other Mandarin centers on the island fall short of
the standards set by IUP. Shop around. Even after carefully choosing one of them, getting a teacher that suits one’s needs is a bit like playing Russian roulette.
##A 06 350940 305
##T Transitions Abroad
The problem may lie in the Chinese concept of education. The Chinese don’t study, they shou jyau-yu, literally “receive learning.” Foreign students often end up in a small room with an instructor who wants him to blindly recite from a book, hardly a method for developing active language skills. Students also complain that teachers
give few corrections. If you find yourself in either situation ask for a new teacher.
##A 06 351280 306
##T Transitions Abroad
Today English plays a part in most tests. Parents start their children’s language training early. Children’s English buysyibans are scattered all over Taipei and pay English teachers quite well, as much as NT$400 (US $10) an hour, plus providing a Chinese teaching assistant to keep the kids in line.
##A 06 349182 307
##T Culturgram
“Culturgrams are briefings to aid understanding of, feeling for, and communication with other people.” They succeed admirably.
Each Culturgram contains much of the sort of information usually left out of guidebooks: how to act when invited into someone’s home, how to avoid being unintentionally obnoxious or frightening.
The price is right: $1.25 postpaid, for each four-page,
8 x 11 inch pamphlet. There are currently 90 Culturgrams
available. Other publications to encourage international communications are also available.
— Walt Noiseux
##A 06 349281 308
##T Culturgram
1988 edition
For information and sample Culturgram send SASE.
$23 postpaid for complete set of 90. Single copies also available.
Brigham Young University
KCIS Publications
280 HRCB
Provo, UT 84602
##A 06 349608 309
##T Culturgram
Visiting: Shoes should be removed before stepping from the enclosed porch (genkan) into a Japanese-style home.
However, Western-style buildings may be entered with shoes on. After removing the shoes, place them together pointing toward the outdoors. Slippers are usually worn inside Japanese-style homes and buildings but should be removed before one enters rooms with the immaculate straw mat floors (tatami).
Japanese traditionally emphasize reserve and modesty. When offered something, one should express a slight hesitation to accept it. Guests should avoid excessive compliments on items of decor; otherwise the host may feel obligated to give the items as gifts. It is customary for guests to take a gift (usually fruit or cakes) to their host. Gifts are given and accepted with both hands and a slight bow. Deny all compliments graciously.
##A 06 347855 310
##T Living in the U.S.A.
Living in the U.S.A.
An astonishing book. Though it’s written for foreigners planning to travel or work in the U.S. — and serves that purpose splendidly — I would recommend it most strongly to Americans who are planning to travel elsewhere or are expecting to deal routinely with foreign visitors. Americans are very odd. Everybody else is expending considerable effort to treat us as if we were human beings. It is well to know the details of what they are putting up with and, by implication, what is normal for the rest of humanity.
— Stewart Brand
##A 06 347970 311
##T Living in the U.S.A.
Alison R. Lanier
4th Edition 1988; 230 pp.
ISBN 0933662696
$10.95 ($12.45 postpaid)
Intercultural Press
P. O. Box 768
Yarmouth, ME 04096
##A 06 348420 312
##T Living in the U.S.A.
Although American informality is well known, many interpret it as a lack of respect when they first encounter it, especially in the business world. The almost immediate use of first names, for example, jars on nerves long accustomed to deference or respect from men of lower rank.
Don’t be surprised if Americans do not shake hands. They often just nod or smile instead. A casual “Hi” or “How are you doing?” or “Hello” often takes the place of a formal handshake, but it means the same thing. Nor will you find Americans circulating about a group in the office or at a party giving each one a personal farewell. Instead — again the different sense of timing and pace — they will just wave a cheery “good-by” or say something informal to the whole group such as
“Well, see you tomorrow” or “So long everybody.” Then they will disappear. No handshakes.
##A 06 348726 313
##T Living in the U.S.A.
Often you will see men working at office desks in shirt-sleeves, sometimes without their ties. They may lean far back in their chairs and even put their feet on the radiator or desk while they talk on the telephone. This also is not meant to be rude. Once we get out of the tense, hurried city streets, we are a loose-jointed, informal, relaxed people.
Our pace is total — either totally hurried, intense, work-absorbed, and competitive
(in play as well as work), or else totally at ease, relaxed, “laid back” and informal, our manner breezy. We tend to swing between these extremes. This is the pendulum you need to understand if you are to understand America and its people.
##A 06 346624 314
##T International Workcamps
International Workcamps
For more than 70 years, since WWI ended, International Workcamps have provided a way for people to think globally and act locally. Last summer there were more than 2,000 of these two-to-four week camps in Europe alone, not counting those in the Soviet Union, Turkey and Nicaragua. In fact, the catalog says they are the “only sizable medium of citizen exchange across the Iron Curtain.” The camps run in the summer only and do good-works type projects — you’ll exercise your muscles a lot. The rules are: you donate your labor, pay for your own travel, and you don’t have to speak a foreign language. They take care of everything else.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 06 346921 315
##T International Workcamps
Annual membership
(includes current Directory); Newsletter free (ISSN 0945617003)
Volunteers For Peace
43 Tiffany Road
Belmont, VT 05730
##A 06 347631 316
##T International Workcamps
Zbroslawice Riding Camp, Poland. 10 volunteers
Work on the student horseback riding center doing carpentry, cleaning and grooming the horses. Volunteers will be able to horseback ride daily. The camp is located in the Upper Silesia Region, near Tarnowskie Gory in the countryside.
Ecological camp, Finland. 15 - 17 volunteers
Karttula, near Kuopio. There is an ecological project started some years ago in Karttula municipality in the village of Syvanniemi. The authorities support experiments which try to use products of nature, for example, herbs and plants, honey, birch sap. The volunteers will build a structure to dry herbs and to gather different kinds of herbs. Some time will be used for cleaning and repairing the houses where the campers dwell.
##A 06 336884 317
##T Kibbutz Aliya Desk
Kibbutz Aliya Desk
If you’re between the ages of 15 and 35, this outfit can arrange an involvement with a kibbutz. You should be Jewish and ready for hard work. Some programs require that you study Hebrew while at the kibbutz. There are programs for temporary workers, summer stays, University semesters, and even permanent residence. I know several people who have participated in this sort of thing, and they say it’s a combination of inspiring and disillusioning. Real, in other words, and very much worth the time and money.
- J. Baldwin
##A 06 341523 318
##T Kibbutz Aliya Desk
Information and Kibbutz Journal free from:
Kibbutz Aliya Desk
27 West 20th Street
New York, NY 10011
##A 06 346117 319
##T Kibbutz Aliya Desk
Project Discovery
This is a unique program, co-sponsored by Kibbutz Aliya Desk and the archaeologist Dr. Adam Zertal. It includes three weeks on a kibbutz, one week of participation in archaeological excavations, and a week of a “follow the Bible” tour.
DATES: Mid-June, 1986COST: $1680
The program cost includes round-trip airfare (New York — Tel Aviv — New York); registration fee; airport transfer; kibbutz residence (includes meals and laundry); the excavation; the 7-day tour; and an insurance policy.
##A 06 327056 320
##T International Youth Exchange
International Youth Exchange
You go there and stay with a family, or they come here and stay with a host family. Our government is encouraging (with grants) the many private organizations that carry out such programs. This booklet tells you how to be student or host, and provides a list of the organizations involved — plus a bit of chat that will enable you to make a good choice. Looks like the bureaucrats have done it right this time.
- J. Baldwin
##A 06 330126 321
##T International Youth Exchange
Catalog free
International Youth Exchange
Pueblo, CO 81009
##A 06 332270 322
##T International Youth Exchange
Should I become an exchange student?
To help you decide whether or not you want to become an exchange student, ask yourself questions such as these:
Do I want to learn to speak another language? Can I keep up in a school that may make unfamiliar academic demands on me?
Can I handle day-to-day challenges and frustrations? Cope with occasional loneliness? Tolerate attitudes, ideas and values that are different from my own?
Am I willing to compromise? Make more decisions on my own? Laugh at myself when I do or say something others may think is silly or inapproriate?
##A 06 335648 323
##T International Youth Exchange
Can I be a friend and a part of a host family without acting like a “guest” in a foreign country?
To help you decide if hosting is right for your family, an experienced exchange organization may ask you the following questions:
• Do you enjoy having people in your home?
• Do you like the intensity, spontaneity and unpredictability of teenagers?
• Are you prepared for the expenses related to hosting?
• Can your family’s values, attitudes and behavior stand up to questioning by a student eager to learn more about American culture?
• Would you have the time and patience to talk to someone learning your language?
##A 06 293236 324
##T Experiment in International Living
Experiment in International Living
Over 100,000 young people have participated in the programs of the Experiment in International Living since the action commenced in 1932. “Homestay” — living with a family and engaging in whatever it is that they do in normal life — is the backbone of this enterprise. It’s probably the best way to learn about folks different than yourself. There are adult programs, too.
School For International Training is their academic division,
offering coursework in subjects chosen to enhance intercultural relationships. Credit can usually be arranged at your base college or university. When you hear people say “my semester abroad,” it’s often this program.
##A 06 318662 325
##T Experiment in International Living
One reason that this outfit has been in business for so many years is that it is always experimenting with new programs. There are, for instance, cooperative programs with Elderhostel [click on bunny to see review], many language studies, and programs intended to train folks to run various international enterprises. In fact there is such a variety of programs offered that it is silly to try and list them all here. Send for their catalog and see what’s there. I’ll bet there’s a program that’s just about what you need. I’m tempted myself.
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ Elderhostel
##A 06 320864 326
##T Experiment in International Living
Information free from:
Experiment in International Living
Kipling Road
Brattleboro, VT 05301-0676
800-451-4465 ext. 6
The school awards both bachelor’s and master’s degrees; both programs offer international internships.
##A 06 321647 327
##T Experiment in International Living
Can I go with a friend?
This often-asked question gets a positive “no.” The reason? It is a drawback to making new friends and getting to know your host country. By the end of the first day you will have made many new friends.
How can my parents and friends contact me while I’m abroad?
Your family and friends may write to you in care of the local Experiment representative who knows your whereabouts at all times. To insure your total immersion in the culture, we strongly discourage visits and phone calls from family and friends.
##A 06 289705 328
##T Home Exchanging
Home Exchanging
Home exchanging can be a great idea for traveling if you don’t want to be a tourist. You trade residences on an even-swap basis, getting to live in a home belonging to someone who, at the same time, gets to live in your house. If you’re looking for something different than staying in expensive hotels that brand you as a
“tourist” and tend to separate you from the majority of people who live in another state or country, or perhaps for an economically feasible way to make an extended stay away from home, this book is a good place to start your research. Lots of details on all variations of house swapping, from straight exchanges between two parties, to multiple exchanges involving more than two residences, to simple hospitality exchanges in which a person or group stays with a family and agrees to put them up at their home at a later date. Plenty of nuts and bolts
******** New review needed ? Is this replacing international home exchanges (which follows this review?) *********
##A 06 418884 329
##T Home Exchanging
details on how to arrange swaps, as well as advice from experienced house-swappers for easing any anxiety you might have about staying in a stranger’s home and vice versa, all aimed at maximizing your potential to arrange a mutually beneficial house swap. This is the only sourcebook I’ve seen with this information.
— Steve Cohen
##A 06 175976 330
##T Home Exchanging
James Dearing
1986; 192 pp.
$9.95 ($11.45 postpaid)
Globe Pequot Press
Box Q
Chester, CT 06412
##A 06 292668 331
##T Home Exchanging
Former neighbors John and Linda, avid scuba divers for many years, have long dreamt of exploring Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, but the air fare, coupled with rooms, food, scuba and boat fees were always enough to scare them away. After contacting a family in Townsville, Queensland, however, their dream suddenly looked plausible. The Aussies had always wanted to visit the U.S., and not only were they willing to exchange their house and car, they also had a fishing boat. By using the craft as a dive boat “we saved a fortune,” said John. “Those commercial boats charge over $100 a day per diver.” Their total expenditure was $2,400 for three months of diving, with plane tickets and all expenses included.
Home exchanging is not a spur of the moment travel idea for the unprepared. Experienced swappers can arrange a deal quickly, but only because they’ve learned how to provide for their exchange partners. And even then it takes time.
##A 06 292968 332
##T Home Exchanging
As a rule, standard homeowner’s insurance policies will insure your partners in your home since they are your guests and are staying for free.
I’ve had exchangers comment that their pets seemed healthy and at ease after being left at their normal home under the charge of exchange guests, whereas the pets are emotional wrecks if they are left in unfamiliar surroundings with friends or relatives. Especially if your partners are bringing children, they probably won’t mind caring for your pets. (The children may whine if they don’t get to care for your pets.)
Don’t hesitate to suggest that care for something of your partner’s (the dog, cat, and chickens) be traded for duties at your home (watering the indoor plants, gardens, and lawns). That’s a good way to save money.
##A 06 50511 333
##T College Equivalents
##A 06 7143 334
##T The Independent Scholar’s Handbook
The Independent Scholar’s Handbook
Ever talk about Plato at four in the morning in a doughnut shop with a well-read blue-collar stranger? That’s the feeling this book evokes. The author doesn’t describe the ways to get accreditation, academic legitimacy, or even intellectual power. He tells how to find out the things that would change your life if you took the trouble to learn them, how to tell other people about them, and how to support yourself meanwhile. The methods include reporting and cultivating experts, but mainly forming the kind of relationship with libraries that master chefs have with their food suppliers. The book is full of anecdotes about independent researchers like Eric Hoffer that make you want to follow up everything they ever wrote; but more important, it’s full of solid advice, the kind that will be news even to people who have
##A 06 7389 335
##T The Independent Scholar’s Handbook
pursued this particular path with a heart for years. This catalog’s best contributors always seem to work this way.
— Art Kleiner
##A 06 70307 336
##T The Independent Scholar’s Handbook
Ronald Gross
1982; 261 pp.
ISBN 0201105152
Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.
1 Jacob Way
Reading, MA 01867
##A 06 116613 337
##T The Independent Scholar’s Handbook
As your interests, feelings, curiosity, enthusiasm, and concerns begin to converge on a particular topic, it will be well to draft, purely for your own use at first, a brief statement of your plans. I have never known an independent scholar who did not discover, at the end of an hour or two of work on such a one-page statement, that he or she had sharper goals.
By making the process of browsing a bit more self-conscious, you can conduct your own informal “reconnaissance” of the terrain of learning. All you have to do is follow these three rules:
1. Pick the best places.
2. Keep moving.
3. Keep a list.
##A 06 116827 338
##T The Independent Scholar’s Handbook
Eric Hoffer said: Listen, suppose you come to San Francisco looking for a person whose address you don’t know. You can trace him by research. You look in the telephone directory, you go to City Hall; if he’s a workman, you go to the unions; if
he’s a doctor, you go to the medical associations, and so on. This is not my way! My way is to stand on the corner of Powell and Market and wait for him to come by. And if you have all the time in the world and you are interested in the passing scene, this is as good a way as any; and if you don’t meet him, you are going to meet someone else. That’s how I do research. I go to the library, I pick up the things that interest me, I use whatever comes my way. And I believe that if you have a good theory, the things you need will come your way. You’ll be lucky. You know what Pasteur said: Chance favors the prepared mind.
##A 06 135716 339
##T Bear’s Guide to Finding Money For College
Bear’s Guide to Finding Money For College
We have two major self-esteem rites-of-passage in our culture, and a good book for each. What the indispensable What Color Is Your Parachute (see review) does for landing a job, this does for landing an education.
It’s about how to approach the financing of your learning as creatively as you choose what to learn. The book wisely counsels not paying so much in the first place (even Ivy League schools will bargain on tuition if you don’t call it that), and provides excellent, clever, unconventional means of digging up what money you do need. Use these strategies for any kind of degree.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 06 136202 340
##T Bear’s Guide to Finding Money For College
John Bear, Ph. D.
1984; 168 pp.
ISBN 0898151260
$5.95 ($6.95 postpaid)
Ten Speed Press
P. O. Box 7123
Berkeley, CA 94707
##A 06 153020 341
##T Bear’s Guide to Finding Money For College
Thousands of corporations have programs in which they will pay for all or part of their employees’ school expenses. Based on what the corporations say they would have done, over six billion dollars in tuition and fee reimbursement goes unclaimed each year, simply because no one asked for it. This is partly because school-attending employees were unaware of the reimbursement plan, and partly because not enough employees chose to attend school in their spare time.
Some schools encourage currently enrolled students or alumni to help promote the school to others in their community, business, etc. For each student who enrolls as a result of their efforts, they are paid a fee or commission, which can range from just a few dollars to many hundreds of dollars. Many students have been able to reduce their own tuitions to zero by this method.
##A 06 157698 342
##T Bear’s Guide to Earning Non-Traditional College Degrees
Bear’s Guide to Earning Non-Traditional College Degrees
Education and accreditation have parted ways. For job opportunity, get some easy degrees. For an interesting life, get some hard education. I can see good argument for getting them separately — you don’t cross your purposes or narrow your possibilities so much. This intelligent, practical book will tutor you in the non-traditional course.
— Stewart Brand
##A 06 158142 343
##T Bear’s Guide to Earning Non-Traditional College Degrees
John Bear, Ph. D.
10th Edition 1985; 272 pp.
ISBN 0898152488
$11.95 ($12.95 postpaid)
Ten Speed Press
P. O. Box 7123
Berkeley, CA 94707
##A 06 158421 344
##T Bear’s Guide to Earning Non-Traditional College Degrees
The philosophy behind “credit for life experience” can be expressed very simply: Academic credit is given for what you know, without regard for how, when, or where the learning was acquired. . . .
The most common error people make when thinking about getting credit for life experience is to confuse time spent with learning. Being a regular church-goer for thirty years is not worth any college credit, in and of itself. But the regular church-goer who can document that he or she has taught Sunday school classes, worked with youth groups, participated in leadership programs, organized community drives, studied Latin or Greek, taken tours to the Holy Land, or engaged in lengthy philosophical discussions with a clergyman, is likely to get credit for those experiences.
##A 06 158567 345
##T Bear’s Guide to Earning Non-Traditional College Degrees
In my counseling practice, I regularly hear from people who are distressed, often devastated, to have discovered that some project on which they have been working for many months was really not what their faculty advisor or school had in mind, so they are getting little or no credit for it.
Indeed, I went through a similar sort of event myself. After I had worked nearly two years on my Doctorate, one key member of my faculty guidance committee died, and a second transferred to another school. No one else on the faculty seemed interested in working with me, and without a binding agreement of any sort, there was no way I could make it happen. I simply dropped out.
##A 06 34472 346
##T Young Person’s Guide To Military Service
Young Person’s Guide To Military Service
Historically, a stint in the military has held fascination for brute and poet alike. To serve or not isn’t an easy question and never has been. This book won’t help you much with the moral aspects, but it does a fair job of helping you decide which service branch to join and what life will be like there. It’s not like in the movies.
— J. Baldwin
##A 06 34680 347
##T Young Person’s Guide To Military Service
Jeff Bradley
1983; 175 pp.
ISBN 0916782832
$9.95 ($11.20 postpaid)
Harvard Common Press
c/o Kampmann & Co.
9 East 40th Street
New York, NY 10016
##A 06 34913 348
##T Young Person’s Guide To Military Service
Unlike in the Navy, where women are barred from serving on combat vessels, it is possible for women in the Coast Guard to serve on or even command the largest ships.
If the recruiter promises you specific training or any of the various options, have him write it into the enlistment agreement. Spoken promises are worthless. If he refuses to do this, then you should be highly suspicious of what you have heard.
How do you feel about nuclear weapons? Would you be comfortable working in a missile silo or servicing a B-52 that carries nuclear bombs? You might be willing to defend the United States, but how would you feel about fighting insurgents in Central America? If you served in a National Guard unit, would you have any objection to halting a riot in an American city? Or protecting strikebreakers in a labor dispute?
##A 06 50977 349
##T Radical Education
##A 06 89397 350
##T Liberated Parents, Liberated Children
Liberated Parents, Liberated Children
This book has become something of a classic for harried parents
who can’t understand why their best efforts at child rearing go
awry. Worse, the kids aren’t happy either. Lots of all too familiar
situations are portrayed here, with solutions that might just help.
I must admit that I wish my parents had had this book. (The book
I needed for my parenting hasn’t been written yet.)
— J. Baldwin
##A 06 89707 351
##T Liberated Parents, Liberated Children
Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish
1974; 237 pp.
ISBN 0380004666
$3.95 ($4.95 postpaid)
Avon Books
P. O. Box 767
Dresden, TN 38225
##A 06 36162 352
##T Liberated Parents, Liberated Children
I remembered an incident many winters ago. It was snowing and David asked me to drive him five blocks to kindergarten. But it was just too hard to pack up the two younger ones, so I told him he’d have to manage on his own.
The second he left, the wind began to howl and I felt sick with guilt. It was a long afternoon for me. The first thing he said when he returned home was, “Why didn’t you drive me, Mommy? I was late. The wind pushed me back. I kept stopping and leaning against the trees.”
I nearly died when I heard that. I wanted to gather him up in my arms and say, “Oh you poor baby! What a horrible mother you have.”
But I didn’t. I said, “Wow! What a walk you’ve had! All those long blocks in that bitter wind. That took endurance! That’s the kind of thing you’d expect from Abe Lincoln, not a six-year old boy!”
##A 06 160206 353
##T Liberated Parents, Liberated Children
At that time I was delighted with myself because David seemed so proud. Looking back
now, I got a new insight into what had taken place. Had I given him my guilt, he would have felt weak, sorry for himself, and in control of me. Instead, I gave him my admiration for his struggle, and that told him he was strong; that he could withstand hardship.
##A 06 97263 354
##T How Children Fail • How Children Learn
How Children Fail • How Children Learn
What makes John Holt’s contributions to learning and educational reform so useful is that his whole approach was grounded in humility. He was a keen observer — always watching the action on at least two levels — and he constantly experimented and learned from his failures. But it was humility that allowed him to see that small children learn naturally and that teaching that talks down to them will inevitably make them stupid.
These two books have been changing educators since they appeared in the 1960s. Each was significantly expanded in a revised edition in the 1980s. The additions are set off in indented type and provide a gloss on the original text that amplifies and deepens the insights.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 06 97495 355
##T How Children Fail • How Children Learn
How Children Fail
John Holt
Revised Edition 1982; 298 pp.
ISBN 0385284233
$7.95 ($8.95 postpaid)
Dell Publishing Co.
501 Franklin Avenue
Garden City, NY 11530
##A 06 75074 356
##T How Children Fail • How Children Learn
How Children Learn
John Holt
Revised Edition 1986; 192 pp.
ISBN 038528425X
$8.95 ($9.95 postpaid)
Dell Publishing Co.
501 Franklin Avenue
Garden City, NY 11530
##A 06 97790 357
##T How Children Fail • How Children Learn
It took me a long time to learn, as a classroom teacher, that on the days when I came to class just bursting with some great teaching idea, good things rarely happened. The children, with their great quickness and keenness of perception, would sense that there was something “funny,” wrong, about me. Instead of being a forty-year-old human being in a room full of ten-year-old human beings, I was now a “scientist” in a room full of laboratory animals. . . . In no time at all they fell back into their old defensive and evasive strategies, began to give me sneaky looks, to ask for hints, to say “I don’t get it.” I could see them growing stupid in front of my eyes.
— How Children Fail
All I am saying in this book can be summed up in two words — Trust Children. Nothing could be more simple — or more difficult. Difficult, because to trust children we must trust ourselves — and most of us were taught as children that we could not be trusted.
— How Children Learn
##A 06 99199 358
##T The Paideia Proposal
The Paideia Proposal
This is a brief and serious attempt to make the big American educational system actually work. Not abolish it, not home schooling, not start our own school, but how to change public schooling so that the system of universal education produces citizens capable of maintaining democracy.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 06 99353 359
##T The Paideia Proposal
Mortimer J. Adler
1982; 96 pp.
ISBN 0020641001
$3.25 postpaid
MacMillan Publishing Co.
Front and Brown Streets
Riverside, NJ 08075
##A 06 99819 360
##T The Paideia Proposal
At the very heart of a multitrack system of public schooling lies an abominable discrimination. The system aims at different goals for different groups of children. . . .
The one-track system of public schooling that The Paideia Proposal advocates has the same objectives for all without exception.
These objectives are not now aimed at in any degree by the lower tracks onto which a large number of our underprivileged children are shunted — an educational dead end. It is a dead end because these tracks do not lead to the result that the public schools of a democratic society should seek, first and foremost, for all its children — preparation to go on learning, either at advanced levels of schooling, or in adult life, or both.
##A 06 51378 361
##T Home Schooling
##A 06 94681 362
##T The New Big Book of Home Learning
The New Big Book of Home Learning
Kids will learn wherever they are.
Teaching at home means: be prepared to learn at home, quicker than your kids. To stay ahead, I recommend this enormous treasurehouse of tools for home learners and home teachers. It evaluates home-style curricula, goes deep into computer software, considers graduate testing, points to ongoing home school magazines, recommends books, and closes with advice for starting up your own minischool. It deserves kudos for honorable work. This big book supersedes the four others we were going to recommend.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 06 94763 363
##T The New Big Book of Home Learning
Mary Pride
Revised Edition 1988; 382 pp.
ISBN 0891074562
$17.50 ($18.50 postpaid)
Good News Publishers
9825 West Roosevelt Road
Westchester, IL 60153
##A 06 95216 364
##T The New Big Book of Home Learning
Palmer Method Handwriting is based on the so-true idea that handwriting practice should be handwriting practice, not poetry-composing time or puzzle-solving time.
If the learner has to concentrate on language arts at the same time as practicing his handwriting, obviously his task will be complicated. As they say, “Handwriting class should be to teach ‘how’ to write so the rest of the day may be used to teach ‘what’ to write.” The method is over a hundred years old, and is still the company’s only product. The handwriting produced is a very lovely cursive hand. Students are encouraged to cleave to the norm rather than to invent their own style. Workbooks are less than $3 in all grades, and teacher’s editions are under $10.
##A 06 95234 365
##T The New Big Book of Home Learning
Along with traditional and classic schooling, “unschooling” is one of the most popular home school formats. To avoid confusion, I should mention that the word “unschooling” is used for two separate things. Some people refer to the act of removing one’s children from the schools, or refusing to enroll them, as “unschooling.” But
“unschooling” also describes a very popular home schooling philosophy: that children learn better from doing real things than made-up exercises.
Coming at you directly from the People’s Republic of Nebraska, this “Magazine of Christian Conviction” is a folksy, grass-roots effort. Written by real, live home schoolers, it’s a cut above the usual state newsletter, but not on a par (professionally) with the best national magazines except for the legal reporting, which is the best I’ve seen. Straight from the trenches, the Journal is a war journal of little folk against the Establishment, of Christians versus lions, full of fighting spirit, and thus not as spiffy and manicured as a peacetime production.
##A 06 98190 366
##T Deschooling Society
Deschooling Society
Illich gives a devastating analysis of the ways in which educational institutions act to minimize learning and maximize conformity and social stratification. Are his solutions practical, or in fact real, given the current state of education? Deschooling Society clarifies many of the problems, but if readers are anxiously looking for ready answers, they should look elsewhere.
— Diane and Eddie Grayson
##A 06 98542 367
##T Deschooling Society
Deschooling Society
Ivan Illich
1971, 1983; 192 pp.
ISBN 0060910461
$6.95 ($8.45 postpaid)
Harper & Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
Mr. Illich discusses his ideas in the audio cassette “Deschooled Society”; card 4 contains a sound clip and access info.
##A 06 98576 368
##T Deschooling Society
School teaches us that instruction produces learning. The existence of schools produces the demand for schooling. Once we have learned to need school, all our activities tend to take the shape of client relationships to other specialized institutions. Once the self-taught man or woman has been discredited, all nonprofessional activity is rendered suspect.
##A 06 180374 369
##T Deschooling Society
Deschooled Society
Ivan Illich
33 min.
$10.95 ($12.95 postpaid)
Audio Forum
Suite PD81
96 Broad Street
Guilford, CT 06437
(CT 1-453-9794)
This is a discussion by Mr. Illich of the ideas presented in his book, rather than a reading of it.
##A 06 96074 370
##T Better Than School
Better Than School
After watching their lively, intelligent son wither in the class-
room for over a year, Nancy and Bob Wallace took him out of school to teach him at home. Better Than School is one family’s experience with home schooling. It is as much a tale about bureaucratic oppression as it is a chronicle of constant experimentation, excitement, mistakes, and triumphs as the entire family is caught up in the adventure of learning.
This is not an instruction manual for home teaching, but a book of inspiration and encouragement to parents wishing to educate their children — and themselves — in their own unique ways.
For educators and other “experts,” it offers a rare glimpse of the
##A 06 21724 371
##T Better Than School
extraordinary capabilities lurking in the most ordinary — or even learning disabled — child.
— Carol Van Strum
##A 06 96508 372
##T Better Than School
(One Family’s Declaration of Independence)
Nancy Wallace
1983; 256 pp.
ISBN 0943914051
$10.95 ($12.45 postpaid)
Larson Publications
4936 Route 414
Burdett, NY 14818
##A 06 96521 373
##T Better Than School
As usual, the school board ranted. They seemed primarily to be disgusted that Ishmael was doing so well. “You must push Ishmael too hard,” one board member accused, and others seemed to be outraged that we allowed Ishmael to make choices about what he wanted to learn. We just sat there.
They did finally grant us permission to teach Ishmael at home for another year. They knew they had no other choice. It wouldn’t have looked good to say, “Ishmael has been learning so much and appears to be so happy at home that we have decided to deny him permission to learn at home again next year.”
##A 06 92495 374
##T Growing Without Schooling
Growing Without Schooling
Growing Without Schooling is a newsletter begun by John Holt about not sending children to school. Letters from people who are doing it, advice about what to do and not do with kids at home, the latest legal news, and a directory of unschoolers.
— Anne Herbert
##A 06 92823 375
##T Growing Without Schooling
Susannah Sheffer, Editor
ISSN 07455305
(6 issues)
Growing Without Schooling
729 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02116
##A 06 93012 376
##T Growing Without Schooling
“You had a late reader, didn’t you?”
“Yes, my oldest son didn’t start reading until he was 8.”
“How did he do the last time he was tested?”
“His reading level was 11th grade, plus.” He was 10 at the time. “It’s the most reassuring thing that ever could have happened.”
He likes to read the Wall Street Journal and other financial news, and is writing to mining companies about stock. The TinTin comic books were responsible for Ronnie’s sudden interest in reading.
##A 06 93466 377
##T John Holt’s Book and Music Store
John Holt’s Book and Music Store
The Book and Music Store is a mail order catalog of books and tools for younger and older children, parents, and educators.
— Anne Herbert
##A 06 93734 378
##T John Holt’s Book and Music Store
Catalog free with SASE
John Holt’s Book and Music Store
729 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02116
##A 06 220151 379
##T John Holt’s Book and Music Store
JOHN HOLT’S 1983 INTERVIEW. Covers much ground, including: how JH came to his ideas about children and learning; why the free school movement wasn’t more successful; how can schools cooperate with homeschoolers; etc. 60 min. cassette,
#398 $6.00
##A 06 94054 380
##T John Holt’s Book and Music Store
By Herge: Popular cartoon adventures of a resourceful boy detective. Great mixture of slapstick and suspense. More actual reading than many children’s books.
Black Island $5.95
The Calculus Affair $5.25
The Castafiore Emerald $5.95
Cigars of the Pharaohs $5.25
The Crab with the Golden Claws $5.25
King Ottokar’s Sceptre $5.25
Prisoners of the Sun $5.25
Red Rackham’s Treasure $5.95
The Seven Crystal Balls $5.95
Tintin in Tibet $5.95
##A 06 39966 381
##A 06 51459 382
##T Reference Books I
##A 06 111819 383
RESEARCH NEED NOT BE DULL. Any of these reference books is grist for hours of dreamy browsing—and they can provide surprisingly simple shortcuts to answering tough questions. You probably need not buy them—even small libraries have most of them.
— Art Kleiner and Steve Cisler
##A 06 132108 384
##T The World Almanac
The World Almanac
When I was ten I remember being given two thick paperbacks: the Johnson Smith Novelty Catalog (see review) and the 1952 World Almanac. I spent a long time leafing through each of them, but the World Almanac had more staying power. Now, as a librarian, I find it one of the most useful reference works available. The print is a bit small, and the maps are just so-so. Published each November, current through October. Use the detailed index in the front, or the one-page Quick Reference index in the back.
As a librarian, I am frequently asked “Which encyclopedia should I buy?” by parents who want to ensure that their children will do well in school. (Like computers, many encyclopedias are bought by anxious parents for kids who end up not using them.) If you need an encyclopedia, I recommend The World Book. It has the kinds of questions kids ask, the price is fair, the indexing is simple, and at our library we could not live without it. I use it way more than any other set. Even reference librarians reluctantly agree that it is more useful than academic encyclopedias, especially as a starting point. As one librarian said, “Here’s where you find the answers for real questions that real people ask!”
— Steve Cisler
##A 06 120246 389
##T World Book Encyclopedia
A. Richard Harmet, Executive Editor
Annual; 14,000 pp.
ISBN 0716600889
($578-$828 postpaid)
World Book, Inc.
Customer Service
Merchandise Mart Plaza
Chicago, IL 60654
##A 06 122226 390
##T The Oxford-Duden Pictorial English Dictionary
The Oxford-Duden Pictorial English Dictionary
A useful book that proceeds from the premise that you may
not know the name of something but you can certainly know what
it looks like. If you are wondering what to call those pointy
shoes Renaissance men wore, you look up a page illustrating
costumes and find that the name is crackowes. That a hat
with brim turned up to form three sides is a tricorn. That an
aglet is the plastic tip of a shoelace.
— Joseph Hold
##A 06 122584 391
##T The Oxford-Duden Pictorial English Dictionary
John Pheby, Editor
Revised Edition 1984; 824 pp.
ISBN 0198641559
$12.95 postpaid
Oxford University Press
16-00 Pollitt Drive
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
##A 06 122925 392
##T The Oxford-Duden Pictorial English Dictionary
38. woman of
[ca. 1500]
39. shoulder cape
40. Burgundian
[15th Cent.]
41. short doublet
42. piked shoes
(peaked shoes,
copped shoes
##A 06 258650 393
##T What’s What • Facts on File Visual Dictionary
What’s What • Facts on File Visual Dictionary
In 1981, the Oxford-Duden Pictorial English Dictionary created a new type of reference book. If you couldn’t think of the name of a commonplace or technical object, but knew what it looked like, you could look up its picture and get its name — sort of like a field guide to modern life. Now there are two superior predators in this literary niche. Where the original Oxford-Duden uses an unwieldy numbering system to link its words and pictures, these two, Facts on File and What’s What, use direct pointer-type labels.
Which to get? Facts on File is the most inviting overall, with a great index and broad range (about 800 pages that cover science
##A 06 261261 394
##T What’s What • Facts on File Visual Dictionary
and technology well), but it’s expensive ($30, or three times more than What’s What). Have your library order this heavy-duty version. If you find yourself constantly needing words you can’t think of,
I’d buy What’s What. It’s glib, cheaper, and focuses more on the things of contemporary everyday life.
— Art Kleiner
##A 06 259100 395
##T What’s What • Facts on File Visual Dictionary
What’s What
Reginald Bragonier, Jr.
and David Fisher
1981; 565 pp.
ISBN 0345303024
$9.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 06 260888 396
##T What’s What • Facts on File Visual Dictionary
Facts on File Visual Dictionary
Jean-Claude Corbeil
1986; 797 pp.
ISBN 0816015449
$29.95 ($31.45 postpaid)
Facts on File
460 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10016
##A 06 259446 397
##T What’s What • Facts on File Visual Dictionary
—from What’s What
##A 06 261559 398
##T What’s What • Facts on File Visual Dictionary
—Facts on File Visual Dictionary
##A 06 261973 399
by Kevin Kelly
Just as footnotes and a bibliography trace an idea’s ancestors, citation indexing traces an idea’s offspring.
Where did an idea come from? By weaving back through a chain of footnotes, one can get a pretty good notion of all the sources that were the origin of a particular idea. Citation indexing answers a converse question: What are the ideas afterward that this particular idea influenced? As an example, with traditional references you can track all the influences on Richard Dawkin’s writings about “memes.” Citation indexing would allow you to
##A 06 328446 400
track all later papers that then cite Dawkin’s writings, or in other words, all the other writers who found Dawkin’s ideas important. For some ideas, the number of citations will dwindle with every year; for others it will increase . . . .
Citation indexing has proved so useful in pinpointing erupting activity in science that it is used many times as a measure to decide where to fund research. Just pour your money into the hub of an expanding cluster. It also quickly became evident that it could be used to measure the significance of a scientist’s work . . . Citation levels as a factor in academic promotions is a very touchy subject.
##A 06 370313 401
The same can be said of counting citations of various scholarly journals. Some journal’s papers are cited more often than others, and citation indexing easily ranks them from the most often
“quoted” to the least. Like other measurements (circulation, number of pages) numbers aren’t everything. Nonetheless, information trackers who know which journals are consistently producing articles that other people find noteworthy can quickly narrow the scope of a search in an impossibly wide thicket of data. In fact, a small core of about 200 journals out of the 80,000 published produce the majority of cited articles.
You’ll find this tracking in the Journal Citation Reports published by the Institute of Scientific Information, available wherever the
##A 06 370707 402
Science Citation Index is [click on rabbit for info]. They have developed two measurements to evaluate optimum publications: 1) The Immediacy Index — a measure of how quickly the average article in a particular journal is cited; 2) Impact Factor — a measure of the frequency with which the average article in a particular journal has been cited in a particular year. As in citation indexing for authors, citation analysis of journals can depict the flow of information and indicate areas of particular restlessness.
This peculiar brand of investigation is able to map the structure of investigative information. The father of this information mirror,
Ÿ Science Citation Index
##A 06 370672 403
Eugene Garfield, reports his experiments and conclusions with citation index in his very readable text Citation Indexing — Its Theory and Application in Science, Technology, and Humanities. Since it measures what has so long been only hunched at, Garfield rightly sees it as the science of science, at best, and the science of scientific information, at least.
##A 06 262526 404
Citation Indexing
Eugene Garfield
1979; 274pp.
ISBN 0894950258
$18.95 ($20.95 postpaid)
Institute for Scientific Information
3501 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
##A 06 262854 405
Journal Citation Reports
Information free
Institute for Scientific Information
3501 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Check your local research library.
##A 06 329843 406
Figure 8.23 Contour map of 1974 collagen cluster.—Citation
##A 06 51845 407
##T Reference Books II
##A 06 137511 408
##T Encyclopedia of Associations
Encyclopedia of Associations
First stop for finding any organization or group. These are, by and large, accessible groups willing to help you research thousands of fast-moving topics that books can’t keep up with. Plus hilariously obscure pursuits like barbed wire collecting.
— Art Kleiner and Steve Cisler
##A 06 137968 409
##T Encyclopedia of Associations
(National Organizations
of the United States, Vol. I)
Karin Koek & Susan Boyles Martin, Editors
Annual (Vol. I is in three books); 2,632 pp.
ISBN 0810326906
$230 postpaid
Gale Research, Inc.
Penobscot Building
Detroit, MI 48226
##A 06 138708 410
##T Statistical Abstract of the United States
Statistical Abstract of the United States
Tells how many of who’s doing what where this year. How many unemployed teachers, National Park visitors, or new housing projects. Exhaustive and inexpensive.
— Art Kleiner and Steve Cisler
##A 06 138753 411
##T Statistical Abstract of the United States
(National Data Book and Guide to Sources)
Annual; 1,019 pp.
$25 postpaid
Superintendent of Documents
U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington, D.C. 20402
(Stock #003-024-067072))
##A 06 139731 412
##T Statesman’s Year-Book
Statesman’s Year-Book
Descriptions and great bibliography about every country on the planet. Compiled in Britain.
— Art Kleiner and Steve Cisler
##A 06 139826 413
##T Statesman’s Year-Book
John Paxton, Editor
Annual; 1,749 pp.
ISBN 031276099X
$55 ($56.50 postpaid )
St. Martin’s Press
175 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10010
##A 06 375929 414
##T Statesman’s Year-Book
Capital: Kábul
Population: 17.15m (1984)
GNP per capita: US$168 (1982)
De Afghanistan
Democrateek, Jamhuriat
AREA AND POPULATION. Afghanistan is bounded north by the USSR, east and south by Pakistan and west by Iran.
The area is 251,773 sq. miles (652,090 sq. km). Population, according to the
(1979) census, is 15,551,358, of which some 2.5m. are nomadic tribes. Estimate
(1984) 17.15m. of whom 3m. are living in Pakistan and 1m. in Iran as refugees.
##A 06 376406 415
##T Statesman’s Year-Book
The 1984 population estimate is doubted and 13m. is considered more accurate.
Annual population growth rate (1981) 2.6%; infant mortality rate (1979) 182 per 1,000 live births.
The main ethnic group are the Pathans. Other ethnic groups include the Tajiks, the
Hazaras, the Turkomans and the Uzbeks.
CLIMATE. The climate is arid, with a big annual range of temperature and very little rain, apart from the period Jan. to April. Winters are very cold, with considerable snowfall, which may last the year round on mountain summits. Kabul. Jan. 27°F
(-2.8°C), July 76°F (24.4°C). Annual rainfall 13" (338 mm).
##A 06 410911 416
##T Statesman’s Year-Book
Capital: Kigali
Population: 5.65 m (1984)
GNP per capita: US$250 (1981)
Republika y’u Rwanda
HISTORY. From the 16th century to 1959 the Tutsi kingdom of Rwanda shared the history of Burundi (see p. 256). In 1959 an uprising of the Hutu destroyed the Tutsi feudal hierarchy and led to the departure of the Mwami Kigeri V. Elections and a referendum under the auspices of the United Nations in Sept. 1961 resulted in an overwhelming majority for the republican party, the Parmehutu (Parti du Mouvement de l’Emancipation du Bahutu), and the rejection of the institution of the Mwami. The republic proclaimed by the Parmehutu on 28 Jan. 1961 was recognized by the Belgian administration (but not by the United Nations) in Oct. 1961. Internal
##A 06 411638 417
##T Statesman’s Year-Book
self-government was granted on 1 Jan. 1962, and by decision of the General Assembly of the UN the Republic of Rwanda became independent on 1 July 1962. An agreement, signed with Burundi under United Nations auspices at Addis Ababa in April 1962, provided for a monetary and customs union. These and other common organizations came to an end by 1 Oct. 1964. The first President, Gregoire Kayibanda, was deposed in a coup on 5 July 1973.
##A 06 194042 418
##T Current Biography Yearbook
Current Biography Yearbook
They rewrite news stories into biographical sketches of anyone who’s been important in the news. Especially good for historical biographies, back to 1940.
— Art Kleiner
##A 06 198508 419
##T Current Biography Yearbook
Use at your local public library.
##A 06 265129 420
##T Personal Name Index
Personal Name Index
In two volumes, here’s the easiest way to begin a search for contemporary accounts of a notable person. The listings will lead you to every New York Times’ mention of a person, grouped into a single entry under that person’s name, instead of under multiple entries for every year. Note that the listings refer to references in the NYT Index, and not to the pages of the paper itself, so you need to use this in conjunction with the NYT Index. Nonetheless, it beats hunting through a whole century of indices to find references to a by-gone person of note.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 06 265315 421
##T Personal Name Index
Personal Name Index (to the New York Times Index)
Volume 1 (1851-1974)
Volume 2 (1975-1984, but is completed only up to the E’s)
Don’t buy these; use at a library.
##A 06 52267 422
##T Reference Books III
##A 06 143659 423
##T Whole Again Resource Guide
Whole Again Resource Guide
Listings and descriptions of the vast alternative press. Includes independent newsletters and magazines you won’t see in most mainstream directories. The selection is generally thought of as
Wholistic or New Age, but the 3200 entries are tough to pin down
with one word. “No effort has been made to cover fiction, poetry,
or dogmatic politics.”
— Art Kleiner
##A 06 143937 424
##T Whole Again Resource Guide
Tim Ryan
1986/7; 360 pp.
ISBN 091505101X
$26.95 postpaid
Box 6767
Santa Barbara, CA 93160
Use this at your library.
##A 06 127953 425
##T Whole Again Resource Guide
2030 M St NW Florence Graves
Washington, DC 20036 (202) 833-1200
6/yr, $12, 64 pp, photos, slick color cover, 8-1/2 x 11
Citizens lobbying for better government
Representing over 200,000 members, COMMON CAUSE lobbies for government accountability and improved performance. Extensive public interest news reports, and analysis, plus investigative articles based on studies identifying problem areas make up a significant portion of the magazine. Subject areas include campaign financing reform, conflicts of interest, mandatory reviews of government agencies, financial disclosures, and the FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT.
##A 06 144815 426
##T National Five-Digit Zip Code and Post Office Directory
National Five-Digit Zip Code and Post Office Directory
Tells how to get in touch with that corporation that you know is
“somewhere in the Midwest . . .”
— Art Kleiner and Steve Cisler
##A 06 144919 427
##T National Five-Digit Zip Code and Post Office Directory
United States Postal Service
Annual; 2,310 pp.
$13 postpaid
Superintendent of Documents
U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington, DC 20402-1575
Stock # 039000002744
##A 06 266143 428
##T National Directory of Addresses & Telephone Nos.
National Directory of Addresses & Telephone Nos.
The only one-volume, inexpensive, handy desktop directory of national addresses and phone numbers I know of. It’s for those daily small hassles like when you want to look up the address for the Quaker Oats Company and you have no idea where they are headquartered. Or you need the department of tourism in New Mexico, and don’t know what city it’s in. They’re all here with 150,000 other significant address numbers. If you research by phone a lot you’ll save its price in directory assistance charges.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 06 266350 429
##T National Directory of Addresses & Telephone Nos.
Geri Hardy, Editor
$45 ($49.50 postpaid)
General Information
401 Park Place
Kirkland, WA 98033
##A 06 136580 430
##T Yellow Pages
Yellow Pages
No reference book matches the practical currency of the
Yellow Pages in your local telephone directory. On any
subject you can browse, call, inquire, ask who else would
have information, and proceed to the heart of the matter.
— Stewart Brand
Once a year I check out a Manhattan Yellow Pages (now available
in two flavors: Business-to-Business, or Consumer) from the
local university library. They contain whole categories not
found in local Yellow Pages.
— J. Baldwin
##A 06 371719 431
##T Yellow Pages
I’m not sure how often you’ll need this, but it’s great to know that you can find the yellow pages for major cities throughout the world in some large libraries. I looked up Pizzerias in the Rome
(Italy) Yellow Pages. There were nearly 600 listed. I called il Boscaiolo Pizzeria, on Via degli Artisti to see if they delivered. . . . “Click.” Oh, well, someday I know that just what I need will be listed in one of these international directories, perhaps the Hong Kong Yellow Pages (it’s half in English).
— Kevin Kelly
##A 06 136929 432
##T Yellow Pages
Manhattan Consumer Yellow Pages
$11.60 postpaid
Order by phone from
your local telephone
company business office.
##A 06 317045 433
##T Yellow Pages
New York County Business-to-Business Directory
$12.95 postpaid
Order by phone from
your local telephone
company business office.
##A 06 317351 434
##T Yellow Pages
International Yellow Pages
At large metropolitan libraries
##A 06 267976 435
##T Thomas’ Register of American Manufacturers
Thomas’ Register of American Manufacturers
Who manufactures those odd things (like watch springs, egg packers, or cement burial vaults) you never see for sale in the Sears catalog, and where do you get the parts and equipment to make them? Thomas’ tells you where to locate any and all. Twenty-one volumes, 30,000 pages of fine print, zillions of products and tools, it’s the great American catalog of everyday technology and production.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 06 269366 436
##T Thomas’ Register of American Manufacturers
Use at your local public library
##A 06 145719 437
Who’s influencing whom in science and academia. If you’ve ever been published, find the articles that footnoted you. Trace the path of an idea down its paper trail of citations. In Kevin Kelly’s words:
“Information is a communicable disease.”
— Art Kleiner and Steve Cisler
Ÿ Citation Indexing
##A 06 146029 438
Social Science Citation Index
Information free from:
Institute for Scientific Information/Fulfillment Services
3501 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Use at your local library.
##A 06 67458 439
Science Citation Index
Information free from:
Institute for Scientific Information/Fulfillment Services
3501 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
##A 06 146928 440
##T Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups
Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups
Where we all came from and how we got here. Erudite, fascinating, candid. Includes some surprising enclaves, like the Kalmyks — Mongolian Buddhists in Pennsylvania.
— Art Kleiner
##A 06 147000 441
##T Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups
Stephan Thernstrom, Editor
1980; 1,102 pp.
ISBN 0674375122
$72 postpaid
Harvard University Press
79 Garden Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
##A 06 128365 442
##T Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups
Types of Ethnic Treatment
Central to ethnic health beliefs and practices is the set of home remedies used before, during, and after a professional or folk practitioner is consulted. Although such cures are numerous and varied, similarities can be found among them, often because of the common use of American folk remedies and the easy availability of patent medicines. Even when the same substance is used, however, beliefs about its efficacy may vary. One product common in descriptions of popular treatments among many ethnic groups is Vicks VapoRub. Among European groups, this pungent ointment is used because it supplies heat to the chest and because the vapor helps clear nasal passages. Latin American ethnic groups, however, have categorized it as “hot” in their “hot-cold” system, and other groups use it in conjunction with prayer, ritual, or such culturally specified materials as red flannel. The same easily accessible substance is used in different ways according to the health perspectives of its users.
##A 06 52546 443
##T Dictionaries
##A 06 270360 444
##T Word Finder: Phonic Key to the Dictionary
Word Finder: Phonic Key to the Dictionary
Forever solves the problem “How can I look it up when I don’t know how to spell it?” An ingenious book, well-conceived and executed. Arranged phonetically, and easy to use with a little getting used to. Great for writers and those with literacy problems.
— Cliff Martin
Also forever solves the maddeningly persistent problem of deciphering other people’s personalized license plates.
— Sarah Satterlee
##A 06 270676 445
##T Word Finder: Phonic Key to the Dictionary
Marvin Morrison
1987; 408 pp.
ISBN 0960837612
$11.95 ($13.45 postpaid)
Pilot Light
P.O. Box 305
Stone Mountain, GA 30086-0305
##A 06 3465 446
##T American Heritage Dictionary
American Heritage Dictionary
Eight years ago, Stewart Brand researched dictionaries with the help of a meta-dictionary called the Dictionary Buyer’s Guide. His conclusion: American Heritage is, “the most interesting and usable English dictionary in print.” We still agree, only more so. Perhaps best known for its inviting line-drawn illustrations in the margins, the American Heritage dictionary is complete and intelligent enough to impress even librarians, who’d say “Webster’s has a place in our hearts.”
Dictionaries may well be the most essential books in this whole Catalog; they make all the other books accessible.
— Art Kleiner
##A 06 3699 447
##T American Heritage Dictionary
1983; 896 pp.
ISBN 0440100682
$9.95 ($10.70 postpaid)
Dell Books
P. O. Box 1000
Pinebrook, NJ 07058-1000
##A 06 306119 448
##T American Heritage Dictionary
Sample illustration:
##A 06 115440 449
##T Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
A dangerously seductive encyclopedic reference to the maddeningly obscure phrase, the curiously opaque line, and the abstruse story. Brewer’s is a necessity for reading books your grandfather read, explaining the vernacular that was part of his language but is, alas, lost to us poor solemn birds. This book, taken with an infusion of Bret Harte’s and Damon Runyon’s filigreed stories, is guaranteed to bring color to your language and whimsy to your correspondence.
— Jan Adkins
Ÿ Nat’l Assoc. for the Preservation and Perpetuation of Storytelling
##A 06 115570 450
##T Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
Ivor H. Evans, Editor
1981; 1,248 pp.
ISBN 0060149035
$26.45 ($27.95 postpaid)
Harper & Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 06 115748 451
##T Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
Mayonnaise. A sauce made with pepper, salt, oil, vinegar, the yolk of egg, etc., beaten up together. When the Duc de Richelieu captured Port Mahon, Minorca, in 1756, he demanded food on landing; in the absence of a prepared meal, he took whatever he could find and beat it up together — hence the original form mahonnaise.
##A 06 123202 452
##T Scott, Foresman Beginning Dictionary
Scott, Foresman Beginning Dictionary
This children’s dictionary stands out for its conceptual grace, graphic liveliness, and wit.
— Stewart Brand
##A 06 123613 453
##T Scott, Foresman Beginning Dictionary
E. L. Thorndike and Clarence L. Barnhart, Editors
1988; 718 pp.
ISBN 0673123804
$22 ($24 postpaid)
Scott, Foresman & Co.
1900 East Lake Avenue
Glenview, IL 60025
##A 06 123767 454
##T Scott, Foresman Beginning Dictionary
nerve (nerv), 1 fiber or bundle of fibers connecting the brain or spinal cord with the eyes, ears, muscles, and glands. 2 mental strength; courage. See picture. 3 rude boldness. They had a lot of nerve to say that we were talking too loud. noun.
##A 06 124273 455
##T Scott, Foresman Beginning Dictionary
nerve (definition 2) — It takes great nerve to hang by one hand from an airplane.
##A 06 120858 456
##T Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations
Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations
Endlessly and instantly entertaining. Its chronological format gives it an order of contemporaries, and its brief entries remind a writer of the power in the short, terse statement. It has a truly useful index and the best cast of characters in publishing.
— Jan Adkins
##A 06 121126 457
##T Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations
John Bartlett
15th Edition 1980; 1,540 pp.
ISBN 0316082759
$29.45 ($30.95 postpaid)
Little, Brown and Company
200 West Street
Waltham, MA 02154
##A 06 121593 458
##T Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations
I like a bit of a mongrel myself, whether it’s a man or a dog; they’re the best for every day. — Misalliance [1910] episode by George Bernard Shaw
If parents would only realize how they bore their children!
A good marriage is that in which each appoints the other guardian of his solitude.
— Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters
##A 06 125524 459
##T The Synonym Finder
The Synonym Finder
The word you have in your head is usually not the word you need on the page. A thesaurus takes you from here to there. Ideally every dictionary would incorporate a thesaurus, but since they don’t, the best we’ve seen (thousands of entries, 1.5 million synonyms, organized alphabetically, easiest to use) is not Roget’s, not Webster’s, not even Random House’s, but Rodale’s.
— n. 2. fundamental, rudiment, cornerstone; indispensable, element, chief point, main ingredient, primary constituent, vital part; crux, Sl. nitty-gritty, brass tacks, bare bones, bottom line; quality, attribute, characteristic, peculiarity, trait, feature, mark.
##A 06 126574 462
##T Origins
This classic dictionary of word origins is so standard a text among professional and amateur wordcrafters that it is usually referred to personally — “Partridge.”
— Stewart Brand
Ÿ They Have A Word for It
##A 06 126772 463
##T Origins
(A Short Etymological Dictionary of Modern English)
1. The n whole derives from the adj whole, ME hole (hoole), earlier hale, OE hal, sound (complete), healthy: cf OFris hel, OS hel, OHG-MHG-G heil, Go hails, MD hiel, MD-D heel, ON heill, syn OSI celu, OP kailustikan, health, Gr koilu, the beautiful
(prop, neu adj). The OG mcetym is *khailaz; the IE, *koilos; the IE r, *kail-, *koil-.
2. From whole cloth, a (large) uncut piece of cloth, derives (of a story, a lie) “made out of whole cloth” — a sheer fabrication; whole meal=meal (grain coarsely ground) of entire-wheat; wholesale, goods sold in large quantities, hence the corresp adj, whence the sense “both extensive and undiscriminating or indiscriminate. . . .”
##A 06 52875 465
##T News
##A 06 147938 466
by J. Baldwin
SEVERAL TIMES A YEAR, I reserve an entire day to peruse the stock of a large magazine store. I snoop into everything from Modern Hair Styles to Supermarket Manager’s Monthly, Battles of World War II, CB, Kung-fu, Jack & Jill, People, Motor Trend, Four Wheel Drive, Orchid Raising, Consumer Reports, Playboy and Playgirl, Woman’s Day, Art News, Modern Camera, Ski, Vogue Patterns, Field & Stream, Dogs, Cats, Horses . . . egad! Snoop-reading gives me a cross-section of what is going on in this vast country. Perhaps
it’s a bizarre idea, but I have found over the years that the habit really does seem to reveal trends. I usually make peace with the magazine store by buying one now and then as the day progresses. I am limited, finally, by curvature of the spine, clatter from the
##A 06 4073 467
mental storage-retrieval system, and squint.
This game can also be played in the periodical room of a big library. If it is a university library, you will soon be into things you have never even heard of, let alone suspected that there were enough people interested in to make possible a specialized magazine. Most universities admit anyone at all to the periodical room without an ID, and furnish you with good light and a nice chair too. Whenever I get to feeling provincial, I hie me to the nearest one and settle in for a spell. I’ve found that a significant number of the successful ideas and good times of my life have come rather directly from being able to say, “I remember reading about some people that were . . .”
##A 06 148114 468
Specialist periodicals are also the best place to establish access to further knowledge in that field, not so much from facts given in the feature articles, but in the ads. Advertising indicates that theory has been reduced to practical usefulness, if that’s what you need. That’s where I find new catalogs, too. Good hunting!
Ÿ Magazine Index (on Microfilm)
##A 06 149301 469
##T Wall Street Journal
Wall Street Journal
The only daily NEWSpaper. Perhaps because it’s harnessed to real events (namely price changes, the relatively uncontrollable democracy of the market), The Wall Street Journal has an honesty. Having an honesty it has an originality (maybe those qualities are not separable). I know that if I were restricted to two periodicals for all my news, I would take Science and The Wall Street Journal.
— Stewart Brand
Ÿ Science Magazine
##A 06 149577 470
##T Wall Street Journal
Robert Bartley, Editor
$119/year(260 issues)
Wall Street Journal
200 Burnett Road
Chicopee, MA 01020
##A 06 149918 471
##T Wall Street Journal
One procedure that has long disturbed animal activists is the LD50 test. Widely used since the 1920s, the test involves force-feeding products to 40 or more animals, usually rodents, until half of them die. The lethal dose for 50% of the population establishes the product’s ranking in an index of acute toxicity. Over the years, rats at P&G have been force-fed the ingredients of Tide detergent, Prell shampoo and Downy fabric softener, among others.
Why is a truly accurate artificial chocolate flavor so hard to come up with?
“Chocolate is one of Mother Nature’s best-kept secrets,” says James F. Echeandia, a candy consultant in Orlando, Fla. Only the flavors of coffee and sizzling meat are harder to reproduce.
##A 06 150199 472
##T Wall Street Journal
Man himself has become a limiting factor in jet-fighter technology. “In terms of performance, I’d say the plane right now is ahead of its human pilot,” says William Lowe, a test pilot at McDonnell Douglas Corp. “It can dish out more than we can take, both physically and mentally.”
In fact, when General Dynamics Corp. designed the F-16, now the military’s principal attack jet, it engineered the plane right up to the pilot’s usual physical limits for enduring G-forces, a measure of acceleration defined by gravity. . .
One result of all this is a widening debate within the military concerning the design of future jets. If pilots can’t endure much more abuse than current jets require, one argument goes, then perhaps combat fighters, as now used, will soon become obsolete.
##A 06 150566 473
##T Utne Reader
Utne Reader
Handy idea, handy result. A magazine offering “The best of the alternative press” — A Reader’s Digest for New Age types. The press represented varies in its alternativity from Esquire, Savvy, and Harper’s, to In These Times, ChurchWorld, The Progressive
(some good stuff, makes me want to check out the source publication), The Guardian, and Dissent. (Those and more are in one issue.) There’re full articles, edited articles, glosses, and magazine reviews by subject area (a bunch on renewable energy, a bunch on American Indians).
By and large any issue is bound to stop scanners and force them to read two to six times — that’s better than Esquire or New Age
Journal are managing these days. If you’re cutting back on your
##A 06 150902 474
##T Utne Reader
magazine exposure, probably a healthy practice in the excessively pop culture going on, the Utne Reader might be a good tool for tapering off.
— Stewart Brand
##A 06 151269 475
##T Utne Reader
Eric Utne, Editor
ISSN 87500256
$18/year(6 issues)
Utne Reader
P. O. Box 1974
Marion, OH 43305
##A 06 151395 476
##T Utne Reader
When the male lodge takes the form of a men’s talk-group, it can become a context for the naming of male wounds — wounds that often fester because men don’t talk about them. Another power of the male lodge — whether as actual physical place, mythic motif, mode of conversation and presence, or simple pleasures of friendship — is that it allows men to develop feeling judgments and values of their own, and to establish patterns of relationship unconstrained by the notion that women are the rightful arbiters of what constitutes feeling.
##A 06 263618 477
##T Pacific News Service
Pacific News Service
This international news service reported about El Salvador four or five months before any American news people. Their reporters were the only Americans to ask Iranian students why they were rioting. They consistently asked the brutal questions about topical issues like the Miami riots, housing shortages, low quality in public schools, effects of microelectronics on the workplace — issues that normal news services like AP/UPI cover in People magazine style or not at all.
When I was a typesetter at a community newspaper, we used to fight over who got to do the PNS stories. As a freelance science writer I was treated by PNS with an editorial grace I’ve experienced nowhere else (low pay, though; they’re struggling). Now they’re making their weekly reports (about six stories a week)
##A 06 375410 478
##T Pacific News Service
available to individuals at $100 a year. Expensive but worth it, especially if your local paper doesn’t carry them. I’m planning on finding some friends to share a subscription with.
— Art Kleiner
##A 06 263807 479
##T Pacific News Service
Sandy Close, Editor
$100/year (52 packets)
Pacific News Service
604 Mission Street
Suite 800
San Francisco, CA 94105
##A 06 375649 480
##T Pacific News Service
WORLD’S SIXTH DIVIDED COUNTRY? — BEHIND-THE-SCENES TALK OF AFGHAN PARTITION, By Batuk Vora. Smoke from inside the diplomatic volcano indicates that one of the options being considered for Afghanistan’s future is partition. While some argue that this would enable the anti-Soviet rebels to set up a provisional government and eventually secure control over the entire country, they are underestimating the ability of the Kabul government to survive.
##A 06 352150 481
##T Manas
An anonymously produced philosophical humanist journal. A weekly thoughtful delight, these are the good thoughts that lead to and emerge from good actions. It’s also one of the few places you hear about old books used in renewed ways — Gandhi, Ortega y Gasset, Tolstoy — and new and promising activities and publications.
— Stewart Brand
Ÿ Phenomenon of Man
##A 06 352312 482
##T Manas
ISSN 00251976
$10/year(41 issues)
Manas Publishing Company
P. O. Box 32112
El Sereno Station
Los Angeles, CA 90032
##A 06 353047 483
##T Manas
In short, some arguments with some people cannot be won, even by the most skilled and devoted of advocates. Socrates lost in his attempt to persuade the Athenians to interest themselves in his ideas about education, although he went on arguing to his dying breath. So with his imitators and followers, of whom E.F. Schumacher was one. He said:
“There is no doubt . . . the need to transmit know-how, but this must take second place, for it is obviously somewhat foolhardy to put great powers into the hands of people without making sure that they have a reasonable idea of what to do with them. At present, there can be little doubt that the whole of mankind is in mortal danger, not because we are short of scientific and technological know-how, but because we tend to use it destructively, without wisdom. More education can help us only if it produces more wisdom.”
##A 06 20359 484
##T The Sun
The Sun
The Sun tries to print the truth. Not the news or the latest, but the truth, Mr. Truth, the Queen of All Our Dreams.
And it does. Not, for me, with every word or every story, but in every issue my mind is truly boggled by something in a way it was hungry for. The means used are interviews with people poetic and spiritual, stories about the mundane and exhilarating details of trying to live a good (not hedonistic—good) life, and the best quotations page I’ve ever seen.
— Anne Herbert
##A 06 76911 485
##T The Sun
Sy Safransky, Editor
ISSN 07449666
$28/year(12 issues)
The Sun
412 West Rosemary Street
Chapel Hill, NC 27516
##A 06 220640 486
##T The Sun
Transcendence or detachment, leaving the body, pure love, lack of jealousy — that’s the vision we are given in our culture, generally, when we think of the highest thing . . . . Another way to look at it is that the aim of the person is not to be detached, but to be more attached — to be attached to working; to be attached to making chairs or something that helps everyone; to be attached to beauty; to be attached to music.
—Robert Bly
The community stagnates without the impulse of the individual. The impulse dies away without the sympathy of the community.
—William James
Take away love and our earth is a tomb.
—Robert Browning
##A 06 377972 487
##T The Sun
The actual presence of a chronic, disabling, possibly life-threatening disease is a relentless and vivid reminder of death. It wonderfully accelerates your spiritual journey.
##A 06 151955 488
##T Whole Earth Review
Whole Earth Review
Much of what you see in this Electronic Catalog has been taken from our magazine, Whole Earth Review. We’re one of the few magazines that doesn’t carry advertising. Consequently, we can freely examine and report on cultural and technical phenomena that interest us, without having to pull our punches to satisfy advertisers’ prejudices and fears. We invite reader contributions
and comments. Have at us!
— J. Baldwin and the Whole Earth crew
##A 06 152158 489
##T Whole Earth Review
Kevin Kelly, Editor
ISSN 07495056
$20/year (4 issues)
Whole Earth Review
27 Gate 5 Road
Sausalito, CA 94965
##A 06 345150 490
##T Whole Earth Review
Advertising in the Yellow Pages
This is a helpful book if you are considering advertising in the Yellow Pages (and for some businesses it’s essential), or if your Yellow Pages advertising has not been successful. One message of this book seems to be that the Yellow Pages work in spite of the Yellow Pages. There are pitfalls galore, not the least being the disreputable and/or incompetent salespeople who sell Yellow Pages advertising. Mr. Wagner has made a career of this small but important area, and his book covers just about everything on the subject.
— Bernard Kamoroff
##A 06 100087 491
##T Whole Earth Review
[The following rules appeared in WER as excerpted from Advertising in the Yellow Pages]
Rule #1 Use as few words and lines of text as possible. This will permit you to double the type size and make it bolder. The result is a more eye-catching, readable message
Rule #2 Vary type sizes and styles and lengths of lines.
Rule #3 Use bullets or asterisks to set off different ideas.
##A 06 74031 492
##T Whole Earth Review
OLD AD(right) ... it pulled many calls, but few jobs.
NEW AD(left) ... it pulled fewer calls, but most of them became jobs.
##A 06 53354 493
##T Research Tools
##A 06 128929 494
##T Finding Facts Fast
Finding Facts Fast
A basic handbook for laypeople. It has beautiful two-and three-page descriptions of how to treat hundreds of problems in research from very elemental to very advanced levels. From
“finding the right library” to “government as an information source” to “oral history collections” and “obtaining out-of-print books.” Every time I get lost in the world of information I use Todd to ground me.
— Richard Green
Yup. Still unsurpassed after 14 years. This is where you learn research common sense.
— Art Kleiner
Ÿ The Independent Scholar’s Handbook
##A 06 129276 495
##T Finding Facts Fast
Alden Todd
1979; 160 pp.
ISBN 0898150124
$3.95 ($4.95 postpaid)
Ten Speed Press
P. O. Box 7123
Berkeley, CA 94707
##A 06 129387 496
##T Finding Facts Fast
Another starting point is with companies, organizations and associations, through which you can find the specialists who would know their own trade press. The researcher can then go directly to his target by asking the specialized craftsman, or professional, or businessman:
“What trade journals do you read? Which ones do your colleagues read? Which are your best printed sources of information?” and, “Do you have copies of them?”
##A 06 264167 497
##T Knowing Where To Look
Knowing Where To Look
Information is everywhere—in public libraries, universities, government organizations, the memories of experts, historical societies, museums, computer databases, churches, etc., etc. The problem is knowing how to access the specific information you need. That’s called research, and here’s a well-organized manual for conducting all kinds of information searches, written by Lois Horowitz, a University of California/San Diego reference librarian and newspaper columnist. She points us wisely to a wide range of reference tools, well-known and obscure directories, indexes, bibliographies, microfilm subject sets, and registers. And she introduces research strategies.
##A 06 373389 498
##T Knowing Where To Look
Dry and boring? Nope, because the pointers are illustrated with scores of fun examples for the author’s newspaper column, “The Reference Librarian,” helping plain folks with research problems about everything from movie stars to missing persons to UFOs.
— Ted Schultz
This is the book to use after Finding Facts Fast.
— Art Kleiner
##A 06 264388 499
##T Knowing Where To Look
(The Ultimate Guide to Research)
Lois Horowitz
1984, 1988; 440 pp.
ISBN 0898791596
$19.95 ($22.45 postpaid)
Writer’s Digest Books
1507 Dana Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45207
##A 06 264521 500
##T Knowing Where To Look
Let’s say you’re not an expert in criminology, but you want either to write a detective novel or to find out more about your legal rights. How can you learn the techniques of police interrogation, the tricks used in questioning to get the truth, the things a police officer can and cannot legally do, the procedure for a polygraph test, or the components of a written report? Spending time with a police department representative might be one way to find out. But what happens if you doubt the objectivity of his information? Must you visit the local police station for many weeks and take copious notes on police routines? That’s another possibility — if you have weeks to spend.
You don’t have to abandon your research, or as a novelist, avoid certain episodes at the expense of realism. You might try textbooks. Check Subject Guide to Books in Print where you’ll find an inventory of police officers’ textbooks.
##A 06 271528 501
##T Prompt
(Predicasts Overview of Markets and Technology)
Beneath the feathery glamor of newsstand magazines and newspapers there is a larger substrata world of dreary, factual industry and trade journals. They form the bulk of all magazines printed, but are ignored by anyone outside their specialty (and are difficult to find). Prompt tracks thousands of these technical journals, presenting the news of industry and commerce in digestible abstracts, indexed by field, and referenced to original sources. And what sources! There’s no other way I would run into: Armor: the Magazine of Mobile Warfare; American Dyestuff Reporter; Yugoslavian Electric Power Systems; Drug Store News;
##A 06 308597 502
##T Prompt
Meat Outlook; Middle East & African Economist; Experimental Vehicle Newsletter; World Oil; and so on. Without having to read any of them, one gets an informed world view of material use and trade by scanning Prompt.
—Kevin Kelly
Ÿ Magazine Index (on Microfilm)
##A 06 98990 503
by Richard Kadrey
Press clipping services have been around for almost as long as the press itself, and like the press, they’ve had to change with the times. Luce and Burrelle’s, two of the biggest and oldest services, still call themselves “press clipping” companies, but both offer far more than that. As basic services, they use topics or key words that you provide to pull clips from thousands of daily newspapers, magazines, the Dow Jones News Service, AP, UPI, and Reuters wire services. The cost of these services isn’t cheap. Both companies work on three month-minimum contracts, with Luce starting at $179 a month, and Burrelle’s at $181 (Burrelle’s does have a special one-month contract available for $260). Besides the price of the service, each clip will cost you between 95 and 97 cents.
##A 06 372892 504
Burrelle’s has other options that can effect the total price: for instance, monitoring periodicals east or west of the Mississippi exclusively is cheaper than nationwide coverage; they also have special magazine-only, wire service-only, and Black Press-only options. Both companies mail clippings to you twice a week, so you can expect them from 10 to 14 days after publication. Luce’s IMPACT service compiles information from periodicals and puts them in management reports that can cover any topic or region of the country, and can even check your publicity costs by comparing the ad prices on a publication-by-publication basis. Burrelle’s has a service called NewsExpress, which pulls stories from the morning editions of 24 major city daily newspapers, and promises to have the stories on your desk by 9 A.M. that same morning.
##A 06 373070 505
One service that was not available in the early days of clipping services is video monitoring. Both Luce and Burrelle’s offer a variety of video information, from videotapes of shows and topics ($75 each from Luce in Beta, VHS, and U-MATIC formats) to transcripts of specific television shows (Burrelle’s also offers radio transcription services at $40 a month).
If you need national periodical clipping or video monitoring, these are the big kids on the block. But if you check your local Yellow Pages, you can usually find local clipping services that can handle
regional news much cheaper than either of these companies.
##A 06 179998 506
Luce Press Clippings
Information free from:
Luce Press Clippings
420 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10170
##A 06 181112 507
Burrelle’s Press Clippings
Information free from:
Burrelle’s Press Clippings
75 East Northfield Road
Livingston, NJ 07039
##A 06 133158 508
##T NewsNet
Imagine over 300 full-text newsletters combined with three hard news wire services delivered to your door step every day and you’ve got a good image of NewsNet. This is an information junkie’s paradise.
This is not the place to log on and while away a few hours; it’s the place you go to for up-to-the-minute information on several hundred topics. The specialized newsletters often carry news stories well before the newspapers.
The specialized “news clipping” service allows you to define 10 sets of “keywords” of particular interest to you; a kind of personalized electronic research assistant. For example, you can
##A 06 373679 509
##T NewsNet
specify “biotechnology” and anytime a new piece of information is stored on NewsNet, the service scans it for the word
“biotechnology.” If that word appears anywhere in the article, it is automatically clipped to your special “news flash” section. When you log on, it’s waiting for you to download. No hunting, no searching. Just open your copy buffer and save it to disk.
However, if you decide you need to search through “old issues” of the newsletters, NewsNet allows you to search through all its back issues. NewsNet claims that 75 percent of its information is unavailable anywhere else online.
##A 06 373761 510
##T NewsNet
The service is expensive, but it beats toiling away for hours in a library, searching through the stacks, only to find the article you need was “clipped” by an unthinking individual.
— Brock N. Meeks
##A 06 133560 511
##T NewsNet
Rates start at $24/hour (8 A.M. to 8 P.M. Eastern time) 300 bps
News Net, Inc.
945 Haverford Road
Bryn Mawr, PA 19019
215-527-8030 (PA)
##A 06 181340 512
##T Executive News Service
Executive News Service
If you use CompuServe a minimum of $10 per month you can sign up for their ENS, Executive News Service. It allows you to have
“file folders” with key words. You then have your choice of news services to do the search from. I get news all the time about the Grateful Dead and their members culled from local, state and national news services, keyed to their names, the Dead, etc. It’s a neat way to just have your key words, check in a few times a week and download all the info. Very case specific. For instance, I have
“Jerry Garcia” as one of my key words. I got back a listing of high school all-state football players in some state in the Northeast, one of which was Jerry Garcia.
— Bernie Bildman
Ÿ CompuServe • The Source • GEnie
##A 06 181637 513
##T Executive News Service
Information free from:
CompuServe Information Service
5000 Arlington Centre Boulevard
Columbus, OH 43220
614-457-8650 (OH)
##A 06 183507 514
##T Automatic Subject Citation Alert
Automatic Subject Citation Alert
The company behind the Science Citation Index and Current Contents service, the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), uses citations to provide personal information filtering. Let’s say you have an ongoing research project. You provide ISI with a list of specific papers you have already found to be invaluable, along with names of authors whose work is generally useful to you, as well as key words you are always on the lookout for. They will construct an “information profile” which they apply across the ceaseless river of scientific information surging through their computers. Each week they mail you the abstracts or titles of what they caught. You can go hunt for the full article in a research library, or if you’re far from one, you can check off the papers you
Ÿ Citation Indices
##A 06 188741 515
##T Automatic Subject Citation Alert
want them to send you. A customized service goes for about $225 per year. Less tailored, but less expensive ($195/year), are one of the 300 pre-modeled filters that will deliver that week’s absolute latest scientific abstracts on hot topics such as AIDS ,superconductors, solar energy, Biofeedback, or artificial intelligence. They even offer a 90-day free trial.
Finally, for those independent scholars working in remote electronic cottages, or under rapid time pressure, ISI offers a service which will fax a copy of any scientific article in the world to you within 30 minutes of your phone request. My goodness! I
can’t wait for the rest of the world information economy to begin.
— Kevin Kelly
Ÿ Current Contents
##A 06 185261 516
##T Automatic Subject Citation Alert
Information free from:
3501 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
800-523-1850 ext. 1585
Customized service about $225 per year. Less expensive ($195/year) are one of the 300 pre-modeled filters that will deliver that week’s absolute latest scientific abstracts.
90-day free trial
##A 06 274220 517
##T Research Centers Directory
Research Centers Directory
In your quest for information you are not alone. A hundred to one, whatever you are looking for has a specialist dedicated to it or its domain. Here are contacts to 9700 university-related and non-profit centers that conduct on-going research programs on nearly everything under the sun. By and large, they have excellent specialized libraries and information specialists on hand. Without exception, I have found these experts anxious to share their fascination and love of subject.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 06 274867 518
##T Research Centers Directory
Peter D. Dresser, Editor
1988; 1741 pp.
ISBN 0810304724
$365 ($379.60 postpaid)
Gale Research
Book Tower
Department 77748
Detroit, MI 48227-0748
(2 Volume Set)
##A 06 252896 519
##T On Line Databases
##A 06 185712 520
##T Online • Database
Online • Database
Unlike the other publications about information brokering [in this section], this pair of professional journals tells you how and where to find information. Online is the more general, discussing developments in hardware and on-line information services. Database delves into the minute particulars of specific databanks. Both are the stomping grounds for the new breed of electronic librarians.
— Kevin Kelly
Ÿ Notable Networks
##A 06 186281 521
##T Online • Database
Helen Gordon, Editor
$85/year (6 issues)
Online, Inc.
11 Tannery Lane
Weston, CT 06883
##A 06 111520 522
##T Online • Database
Nancy Garman, Editor
ISSN 01624105
$85/year(6 issues)
Online, Inc.
11 Tannery Lane
Weston, CT 06883
##A 06 187223 523
##T Online • Database
The power of the single terminal user to acquire and manipulate information will be increased to an astonishing degree. The mere ability to do it will be far overshadowed by the skill needed to sift, condense, organize, and ultimately to present information in ways that add value to it without diminishing its impact.
— Online
##A 06 91391 524
##T How To Look It Up Online
How To Look It Up Online
There’s a slippery ocean of online information services out there. We recommend that you hire Sir Alfred, the wisest old salt sailing on the sea of information, to guide you to fruit-laden islands. He knows all the shortcuts for navigating through the invisible realm of databases, what you’ll find when you land, how to set your course, and how to unravel the knotty question of how much it costs. He has earned his medals (previous books of his we’ve recommended: How to Buy Software, The Complete Handbook of Personal Computer Communications), and is uncommonly trustworthy.
— Kevin Kelly
Ÿ How to Buy Software
##A 06 113642 525
##T How To Look It Up Online
(Get the Information Edge With Your Personal Computeer)
Alfred Glossbrenner
1987; 486 pp.
ISBN 0312001320
$14.95 ($16.45 postpaid)
St. Martin’s Press
Cash Sales Dept.
175 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10010
##A 06 156995 526
##T How To Look It Up Online
“Document delivery” is the industry’s term for the service of sending you a photocopy, facsimile, or actual copy of the source document from which an online abstract or bibcite was derived. It is no exaggeration to say that if you are willing to pay for it, you can obtain a copy of anything that is referenced online. That includes magazine articles, conference papers and proceedings, video and audio tapes, patents, complete books, chapters from books, maps, monographs, charts, architectural diagrams — if it exists anywhere in North America, you can have it in your hands tomorrow morning.
Step 7. Set your computer to capture incoming information.
This is so important that it’s worth the emphasis of making it a separate step. Generally it doesn’t pay to keep your printer toggled on during an online session.
##A 06 159338 527
##T How To Look It Up Online
Printers slow things down and thus eat up connect time. During your search you may want to dump a screen to the printer for easy reference. So leave it on and enabled, but don’t toggle the printer echo on from within your communications program.
Floppy disks are cheap and erasable, however, so it definitely makes good sense to capture your entire online session. Open your capture buffer or set your communications program to dump to disk or do whatever else is necessary to put the machine in “record” mode. You can always go back into the file and delete the portions you don’t want with a word processor. In addition, a record of a complete online session can be a wonderful self-teaching tool, since you can review it to see where you went wrong, the number of hits on a term that you did not follow up on, etc. If you have a hard disk, tell your system to capture to it, since less time is required to write to a hard disk than to a floppy.
##A 06 178040 528
##T How To Look It Up Online
Dunn & Bradstreet credit reports may not be available from the database vendors just yet, but reports from TRW are. The TRW Business ProfilesTM database is available via NewsNet, and it is remarkable in that it represents the first time business credit information has been available “on demand.” TRW has been offering credit reports online since 1975, but an annual subscription fee of between $1,000 and $2,000 has usually been required.
The cost per report is $29, plus the applicable NewsNet connect-hour rate. Reports typically include 30-, 60-, and 90-day payment histories, public report data (UCC filings, tax liens, judgments, bankruptcies, etc.), and company background and business information supplied by Standard & Poor’s, Trinet, and Harris Publishing.
Over eight million businesses are covered. The database dates from 1976 to the present.
##A 06 189456 529
The Congressional Record is probably the single most useful tool for monitoring Congress’ activities. With only a few days’ lag, it provides the full text of bills and amendments, transcripts of floor debates, tabulations of votes, conference reports, notice of
committee and subcommittee meetings, and the upcoming legislative calendar. Congressmembers can also add “extensions of remarks” — things they want on the public record even though they weren’t said in Congress. While often pretty trivial, there are some surprising gems in those pages. The Record also regularly lists the office addresses and phone numbers of all Senators and Representatives, as well as their current committee assignments.
##A 06 374063 530
The big problem with the Record is finding something in particular. The sequence of topics dealt with is apparently arbitrary: a debate on military funding can be interrupted for a proclamation on Cholesterol Awareness Week, votes on shoe import duties and an obscure water project, followed by a speech countering something the President said the previous day. For help in locating the particular page where a subject was discussed, check the CR Index ($1 per issue from the Government Printing Office). These “semi-monthly” indices are consolidated at the end of each Congressional session, then published as hardbound references. For things too recent to have found their way into the Index, you can call 202/275-9009, and ask the people compiling it for help.
##A 06 374371 531
The Federal Register is where you find out about new federal regulations, Executive Orders and proclamations, announcements of public meetings, project authorizations, licensing decisions, etc.
Twice each year, in April and October, the “Unified Agenda of Federal Regulations” is published in the Register. This is to inform people about significant rule-making proceedings underway, or scheduled for coming months, at all federal agencies. There’s also a Cumulative Monthly Index to the Federal Register. Subscriptions are $22/year from the Superintendent of Documents, and I highly recommend getting it — in preference to subscribing to the Register itself. Most libraries get the Register, so if you read
##A 06 374679 532
about something in the index that you want to look up, you should have no trouble finding a copy. Meanwhile, the daily issues fill up the library’s shelves, not yours.
Or, if you’re familiar with the structure of the Code of Federal Regulations or need to track changes in particular rule-parts, you can subscribe to the List of CFR Sections Affected. This is $24/year for 12 cumulative monthly issues, from the GPO.
It used to be that any agency decision with legal effect had to be published in the Register. However, under the Reagan Administration, agencies have been given some discretion in what
##A 06 374807 533
they can withhold. The rationale — ostensibly — is to save money, staff-time and paperwork; the effect is to keep the public uninformed about bureaucratic decisions. Any Presidential candidate who’ll change this anti-public policy gets my vote.
The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is the official record of Presidential statements: transcripts of speeches and press conferences, nominations and appointments, proclamations, etc. Also includes some details about the President’s daily schedule, and a cumulative index of topics addressed in his public statements (very handy).
— Robert Horvitz
##A 06 375124 534
Did you know there are thousands of computerized databases of government information, some of them free? If you didn’t, it’s not surprising; the government spends billions on maintaining the databases, and practically nothing on advertising them. The Federal Database Finder lists 4200 of these information sources and tells you how to use them (you don’t need to have a computer yourself). Matthew Lesko, who wrote Information U.S.A. , is also responsible for this book, which shares his philosophy that government information should be accessible to all — that is, all who can afford The Federal Database Finder’s steep price.
— Sarah Vandershaf
##A 06 190581 535
Congressional Record
Published each day either House or Senate is in session. $1.50 per issue at US Government Bookstores. $225/year
($112.50/six months) on paper or $118/year on microfiche
Superintendent of Documents
Government Printing Office
Washington, DC 20402
##A 06 190910 536
Federal Register
$1.50 per issue at US Government Bookstores. Subscriptions $340/year ($170/six months) on paper or $188/year or ($94/six months) on microfiche
Superintendent of Documents
Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.
Published Monday-Friday (except Federal holidays).
##A 06 192980 537
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents
$1.75 per issue at US Government Bookstores. Subscriptions $64/year domestic
($105/year by first-class mail) or $80/year foreign
Superintendent of Documents
Government Printing Office
Washington, DC 20402
Published each Monday.
##A 06 194303 538
Federal Database Finder
(A Directory of Free & Fee-Based Databases & Files Available from the Federal Government)
$125 postpaid from:
Information USA
P.O. Box 15700
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
##A 06 34283 539
##T Libraries
##A 06 110264 540
“Libraries will get you through times of no money better
than money will get you through times of no libraries.”
— Anne Herbert
Just as churches can be sanctuaries for live human bodies, libraries should be revered as sanctuaries for live human thoughts and feelings. Libraries also provide a free way to read any book in this Catalog—if it isn’t in that branch, most libraries have excellent inter-library loan methods for finding just about anything (given enough time). As Anne Herbert wrote, “I’ve known people who would call 17 bookstores to find a book and never go down the street to the library. At the library, it doesn’t matter if the books are out of print. They’re there, and the price is right.”
##A 06 110618 541
Three librarians helped us gather these pages on libraries, research and reference: Steve Cisler (Pinole Valley), Mary Richardson (Sausalito), and Kay Roberts (Bay Area Reference Center).
— Art Kleiner
##A 06 277608 542
by Steve Cisler, Librarian
Your local library is your main link to a tax-paid information network. Here’s what you should do when you visit or call the library. First, ask if there is a reference desk. The people working in this area have great experience dealing with complex questions. A librarian can especially help you when you are not sure what information you need, or even what questions to ask. Librarians are professionals at clarifying unsure questions.
Assuming that there are not five or six people waiting to be helped, you will be asked a number of questions about your request. If you have thought about these beforehand, let the librarian know the
##A 06 48647 543
following, even if he or she does not ask you:
1. Your deadline. Some questions, even seemingly difficult ones, can be answered in a minute. Many libraries have a “tickler file” of requests and queries that have been answered over the years. A surprising number of people request the comedy routine “Who’s on First?” so we have it handy for quoting or copying. Some libraries even have the audio cassette version available. Other questions may take hours, days, weeks, or months to answer. The more time you have, the more information can be gathered.
2. The reason you need the information. A few times a month someone will approach my desk and blurt out, “Birds” or “Egypt” or “AIDS” and figure that the keyword is enough for me to read
##A 06 262355 544
their mind. Give us a hint. When someone asks, “Where are your bird books?” they really want to know something else. So I ask them a series of questions to find out what they really want: material on endangered condors, how to raise parakeets, or how to identify a hummingbird that has used a neighbor’s birdfeeder. We aren’t being nosy (though a good librarian is always curious yet discreet); we just want to focus on your needs and not just give you the first thing on the shelf.
3. How technical can the material be? Some can use language in foreign languages; others have a good understanding of the subject and don’t need introductory texts.
##A 06 371090 545
4. How much you will be willing to pay for the information? There may be a charge for reproducing magazine articles, for borrowing some books or microforms, for requesting books that are not on the shelf, or for conducting an online information search in your behalf. Ask what the library policy is, but try to gauge what your own financial limits are. The problem of paying for services has never been resolved in many public libraries. Because we usually refer to public libraries as “free” instead of tax-supported, many libraries will not provide some services if they have to charge. Thus, you may not be able to have online searches of expensive databases in those systems where all services are free but whose tax support is minimal.
##A 06 371264 546
In short, if you can state your needs clearly, you are a lot more likely to get better service. We don’t think there is such a thing as a stupid question.
##A 06 134366 547
##T Magazine Index (on Microfilm)
Magazine Index (on Microfilm)
By far the best index for finding magazine articles is this self-contained microfilm display available for use in most libraries.
It’s the size of a regular microfiche reader but with only one filmstrip roll, which the libraries update monthly or bimonthly. Unlike the Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature, it’s a one-stop magazine index — you don’t have to keep going from volume to volume. It indexes 400 magazines back six years, with supplements on fiche going back to 1977.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 06 134434 548
##T Magazine Index (on Microfilm)
Information free from:
Information Access Co.
362 Lakeside Drive
Foster City, CA 94404
Don’t buy this; use at local library.
##A 06 279882 549
##T Directory of Special Libraries . . .
Directory of Special Libraries . . .
You’ll find this two-volume work in larger public and academic libraries. It serves as a guide to more than 18,500 “special libraries, research libraries, information centers, archives, and data centers maintained by government agencies, business, industry, newspapers, educational institutions, nonprofit organizations, and societies” in various fields. Of particular interest to information junkies is the 80-page subject index which lists 6 sources for fairytale research; 7 sites that house information on propaganda; 6 libraries on terrorism. Each entry lists the name, address, phone, chief librarian, and information about the staff, subjects, size of collection, the actual holdings, the number of subscriptions, and any special services such as reference service for the public—which the U.S. National Oceanic &
##A 06 382869 550
##T Directory of Special Libraries . . .
Atmospheric Administration National Hurricane Center Library offer. Because of the expense few individuals will consider buying this work, but if you are making a telephone inquiry to find more information on a particular subject, ask the reference librarian if
she or he has access to this work. It can save a lot of time. If there are numerous references, you’ll do best if you search through it yourself. Most librarians I know don’t use it a great deal, but it is invaluable when you do need it.
— Steve Cisler
##A 06 282662 551
##T Directory of Special Libraries . . .
Directory of Special Libraries and Information Centers
Brigitte T. Darnay, Editor
11th Edition; 1974 pp.
ISBN 0810302586
$350 postpaid from:
Gale Research Company
Book Tower
Department 77748
Detroit, MI 48277-0748
(2 Volume Set)
##A 06 129910 552
##T Library Journal
Library Journal
Simply the best periodical for books in America. Best reviews, widest coverage, least nonsense. To stay current in any field I’d call it essential.
— Stewart Brand
##A 06 130139 553
##T Library Journal
John N. Berry III, Editor
ISSN 03630277
$69/year(20 issues)
R. R. Bowker Company
Subscription Department
P. O. Box 762
New York, NY 10011
##A 06 130379 554
##T Library Journal
Van Doren, Charles: The Joy of Reading.
Veteran critic and editor Van Doren offers the fruits of decades as a constant reader. Speaking directly to general readers, he aims to bestow the same gift he received from his father, poet Mark Van Doren: “to be acquainted with all kinds of books and not to be afraid of or reluctant to try to read any particular kind.” His 210 selections for discussion are unabashedly personal, ranging across centuries, subjects, and genres. All, from the Orestia to Charlotte’s Web, are books he loves and rereads, in which
“the author has something important to say about something important.”
— Starr E. Smith, Georgetown Univ. Lib., Washington, D.C.
##A 06 130965 555
##T Current Contents
Current Contents
For keeping up with the flow of scientific verbiage. Current Contents is, in Kevin Kelly’s words, “Nothing more than the reproduced tables of contents from the several thousand best scientific journals. The scientists I know use it for connecting with the 200 papers that will do them any good, while weeding out the thousands of redundant ones and the other million or so that have nothing to do with them.”
— Art Kleiner
Ÿ Citation Indices
##A 06 131303 556
##T Current Contents
Beverly Bartolomeo, Editor
ISSN 00113409
$272/year (52 issues)
Institute for Scientific Information
3501 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
##A 06 62618 557
##T Science Books & Films
Science Books & Films
Science Books & Films, from the publishers of Science (see
review), reviews new science-oriented books and films, right on down to a kindergarten age level, with high standards and gritty detail.
— Art Kleiner
Ÿ Science
##A 06 64937 558
##T Science Books & Films
Kathleen S. Johnston, Editor
ISSN 0098342X
$28/year(5 issues)
American Association for the Advancement of Science
P. O. Box 465
Hanover, PA 17331
##A 06 131795 559
##T Science Books & Films
de DUVE, CHRISTIAN. A Guided Tour of the Living Cell, Vols. 1 & 2. (Illus. by Neil O. Hardy.) NY: Scientific American Books (dist. by Freeman), 1985.
. . . Although somewhat expensive, the contents of this two-volume set make it a bargain. If public and academic libraries can purchase only one cell biology book for the year, they could not make a better choice. — James C. McDonald, Wake Forest
Univ., Winston-Salem, NC
##A 06 147438 560
##T Science Books & Films
MILANI, JEAN P., et al.
Biological Science: An Ecological Approach, 6th ed. (BSCS Green Version). (Illus.) Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt, 1987. 1,104 pp. $25.90. ISBN 0-8403-4181-4. Glossary; Index.
Level of Difficulty: [T] — 10th–12th grade; college bound, science or general studies and non-college bound, general education. [E] — 9th grade (honors students), 10th grade; college bound, science studies or general studies. [B] — 9th–11th grade; college bound, science studies.
##A 06 128728 561
##T Science Books & Films
T — Teacher
E — Educator
B — Biologist
N/C — Not Covered
##A 06 37482 562
##T Daedalus Books
Daedalus Books
A catalog of the best remaindered books at discount prices.
— Art Kleiner
“We hope that the quality of remainders in this catalog demonstrates that they are not ‘books that didn’t sell,’ but
books (whether best-seller, classic, or disappointment)
whose remaining stock at publishers’ warehouses was larger
than the projected future sale.”
##A 06 38058 563
##T Daedalus Books
Catalog free from:
Daedalus Books
P. O. Box 9132
Hyattsville, MD 20781-9132
##A 06 130758 564
##T Daedalus Books
Edward Gorey is the author and illustrator of more than forty morbid, macabre, depressing, sadistic, sick, paranoid and absolutely wonderful books. If you’ve been vacationing on the moon for the last ten years and haven’t come across his work, it could be described as moral fables for the jaded. The blurb copy for each book is Gorey’s own.
Edward Gorey. Dodd, Mead. (5.95) 3.98
An undiluted tragedy
With a generous population
Of foul Small Creatures
And a wickedly pleasurable Surprise
For non-admirers of Miss Burnett. (unpage/80)
##A 06 42699 565
##A 06 282368 566
##T Creativity
##A 06 2115 567
##T Oblique Strategies
Oblique Strategies
The philosopher P.D. Ouspensky once referred to the Tarot as a
“philosophical machine,” meaning that the power of the deck has nothing to do with predicting the future and everything to do with stimulating higher thought processes. Brian Eno and Peter
Schmidt’s Oblique Strategies is a Tarot deck for creativity, an oracle waiting to kick you loose from old thinking patterns. Zeroing straight in on your unconscious, the seat of the imagination, the cards offer you advice applicable to any creative act, from washing your car to making love to writing a book.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 06 110887 568
##T Oblique Strategies
Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt
$18 postpaid from:
Opal Information
Box 141
##A 06 221118 569
##T Oblique Strategies
Not building a wall but making a brick
##A 06 240818 570
##T Oblique Strategies
In total darkness, or in a very large room, very quietly
##A 06 241600 571
##T Oblique Strategies
• nothing
• the most important thing
##A 06 242296 572
##T Oblique Strategies
Breathe more deeply
##A 06 243076 573
##T Oblique Strategies
Look closely at the most embarrassing
details and amplify them
##A 06 243802 574
##T Oblique Strategies
Honour thy error as a hidden intention
##A 06 278234 575
##T Oblique Strategies
You don’t have to be ashamed of using your own ideas
##A 06 344245 576
##T Oblique Strategies
Take away the elements in
order of apparent non-importance
##A 06 358997 577
##T Oblique Strategies
Emphasize the flaws
##A 06 361500 578
##T Oblique Strategies
Do nothing for as long as possible
##A 06 362185 579
##T Oblique Strategies
A line has two sides
##A 06 362554 580
##T Oblique Strategies
What would your closest friend do?
##A 06 363153 581
##T Oblique Strategies
Always first steps
##A 06 363941 582
##T Oblique Strategies
Take a break
##A 06 364543 583
##T Oblique Strategies
Use “unqualified” people
##A 06 364959 584
##T Oblique Strategies
Repetition is a form of change
##A 06 365382 585
##T Oblique Strategies
Ask your body
##A 06 194690 586
##T A Whack on the Side of the Head
A Whack on the Side of the Head
What I liked most about this book was that it was peppered with anecdotes, puzzles, fascinating facts, silliness, and science. Its premise: “Here’s this mental lock; now here’s how to unlock it.” Its method: a whole raft of pinpricks, seductions, strategies, and whacks ranging from the minute to the mystic to engage your mind and set it on any course other than its usual one. It’s aimed at men in suits and ties, judging from the illustrations, but what it teaches — to think something different than you would ordinarily and take advantage of that new thinking — is a boon to anyone.
— Sarah Satterlee
##A 06 194899 587
##T A Whack on the Side of the Head
(How to Unlock Your Mind
for Innovation)
Roger von Oech, Ph. D.
1983; 141 pp.
ISBN 0446382752
$10.95 ($11.95 postpaid)
Random House, Inc.
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 06 197226 588
##T A Whack on the Side of the Head
An aerospace manager told me that several years ago he took up the hobby of designing and constructing backyard waterfalls for himself and his friends. “I don’t know why,” he said, “but designing waterfalls has made me a better manager. It has brought me a lot closer in touch with ideas such as ‘flow,’ ‘movement,’ and ‘vibration’ which are difficult to put into words, but which are important in the communication between two people.”
I think one of life’s great thrills is falling out of love with a previously cherished idea. When that happens, you’re free to look for new ones.
Soft thinking is metaphorical, approximate, diffuse, humorous, playful, and capable of dealing with contradiction. Hard thinking tends to be more logical, precise, exact, specific, and consistent.
##A 06 326779 589
##T A Whack on the Side of the Head
Soft thinking tries to find similarities and connections among things, while hard thinking focuses on their differences. For example, a soft thinker might say that a cat and a refrigerator have a lot in common, and then proceed to point out their similarities (“they both have a place to put fish”; “they both have tails”; “they both come in a variety of colors”; etc.). The hard thinker would establish the cat and the refrigerator as being members of two different sets.
##A 06 195119 590
##T Playful Perception
Playful Perception
Here are the tools you’ll need to see in new ways—the essence of creative thinking. No more dead time waiting for water to boil, the bus to come, Godot to show up. Instead, make your mind a kaleidoscope, jar loose your mental constructs, and shift around the patterns of reality. Perceptual play changes routine into adventure.
The photographs poked me visually and the exercises (ugly word) pushed my mind down an infinite progression of new possibilities — into channels, tunnels, streams, corridors I’d never explored before. The old mind-set will never be the same.
— Corinne Cullen Hawkins
##A 06 195478 591
##T Playful Perception
(Choosing How to Experience Your World)
Herbert L. Leff, Ph. D.
1984; 161 pp.
ISBN 091452500X
$9.95 ($11.95 postpaid)
Waterfront Books
98 Brookes Avenue
Burlington, VT 05401
##A 06 196560 592
##T Playful Perception
So often in our culture we seem to think of arguing as if it were a kind of war. What if we shifted to viewing disagreements as if they were celebrations or parties of idea? What if we thought of ourselves as living in a shared pool of thoughts rather than as
“possessing” or originating ideas? What if we also thought of error or being wrong as simply an opportunity to learn rather than as a weakness to be attacked? And, most of all, what if we could think of our own goals or proposals as invitations to explore for even better ideas?
Regard whatever you’re doing, thinking, or feeling as if it were your hobby. Imagine that washing dishes is really a hobby, something you look forward to, take pride in, savor, know the fine points of, do for recreation, and so on?
##A 06 4618 593
##T The Act of Creation
The Act of Creation
Koestler takes his notion of “bisociation” to be the root of humor, discovery, and art. I take it to be one of the roots of learning, subject to applications of method (on yourself or whomever).
Koestler is a scientist of some reputation by now. He’s made contributions beyond the work of others that he’s generalized from. This is the book—on how discovery of every kind really occurs in the mind—that gave him the reputation. His most lasting contribution.
— Stewart Brand
##A 06 197510 594
##T The Act of Creation
Arthur Koestler
1964; 750 pp.
MacMillan Publishing Co.
Get this book back in print!!!
##A 06 199528 595
##T The Act of Creation
When two independent matrices of perception or reasoning interact with each other the result (as I hope to show) is either a collision ending in laughter, or their fusion in a new intellectual synthesis, or their confrontation in an aesthetic experience. The bisociative patterns found in any domain of creative activity are tri-valent: that is to say, the same pair of matrices can produce comic, tragic, or intellectually challenging effects.
In the popular imagination men of science appear as ice-cold logicians, electronic brains mounted on dry sticks. But if one were shown an anthology of typical extracts from their letters and autobiographies with no names mentioned, and then asked to guess their profession, the likeliest answer would be: a bunch of poets or musicians of a rather romantically naive kind.
##A 06 363323 596
##T The Act of Creation
I have coined the term “bisociation” in order to make a distinction between the routine skills of thinking on a single “plane,” as it were, and the creative act, which, as I shall try to show, always operates on more than one plane. The former may be called single-minded, the latter a double-minded, transitory state of unstable equilibrium where the balance of both emotion and thought is disturbed.
##A 06 14230 597
##T Books on Tape I
##A 06 288215 598
BOOKS RECORDED ON TAPE are a kind of jiu-jitsu. In one swift motion they flip a wasted half-hour car commute over into an eagerly awaited 30 minutes with a great novelist, thinker, or storyteller. Cheap Walkman-like gadgets bestow the same powers to bus and train commuters. Mowing the front lawn, doing piecework on an assembly line, or jogging all become somewhat bearable while listening to Ray Bradbury read his science fiction classic The Martian Chronicles, or while immersed in 70 hours of War and Peace. An unexpected bonus is that books heard are often remembered far more vividly than books read. Generally cassettes are rented for 30 days. But you shouldn’t have to buy or rent these; demand that your local public library stock a shelf-full (many do already).
— Kevin Kelly
##A 06 286896 599
##T Books on Tape
Books on Tape
The pioneer source is Books on Tape, now sporting over 1,000 titles. They issue 20 new ones a month. Their wide, pleasing selection is particularly strong in biographies, sea adventures, journals of early travelers, mysteries, contemporary nonfiction, and those acclaimed, long historical works by the likes of Churchill, Theodore White, etc. that you always wanted to get to. These books are read in their full length by trained, easy-to-hear narrators. For rent or sale.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 06 287000 600
##T Books on Tape
Catalog $5 from:
Books on Tape
P. O. Box 7900
Newport Beach, CA 92660
##A 06 253898 601
##T Books on Tape
By Norman Cousins
(1319) 4 - 1 hour cassettes
Rental—$9.50 Purchase—$32.00
Read by Dan Lazar
This is the best-selling story of recovery from a crippling and supposedly irreversible disease, of a partnership between physician and patient who team to beat back the odds. Norman Cousins is a senior lecturer at the School of Medicine, University of California at Los Angeles, and for almost all of his professional life was affiliated with The Saturday Review of Literature. ANATOMY OF AN ILLNESS is his personal story.
##A 06 306247 602
##T Books on Tape
By C.S. Forester
(1347-A) 7 - 1 1/2 hour cassettes
Rental—$15.50 Purchase—$56.00
Read by Richard Green
Hornblower returns in command of a small but powerful squadron. His mission is so delicate that the fate of Europe hangs on the outcome. Often outgunned and outmanned, but never outfought or outsailed, Hornblower takes his squadron north to Russia. There he wins the Czar’s resistance against Napoleon. As with all Hornblower sagas, this one receives high marks for technical accuracy as well as excitement.
##A 06 311160 603
##T Books on Tape
By Alan Moorehead
(1599) 6 - 1 hour cassettes
Rental—$12.50 Purchase—$48.00
Read by Michael Prichard
When the H.M.S. Beagle sailed in 1831, she carried a young naturalist, Charles Darwin, at age 22 still unknown. Destined for the church, Darwin was cozily at ease with creation as explained in Genesis.
But everything he encountered on the voyage—from the primitive people of Tierra del Fuego to the finches of the Galapagos Islands, from earthquakes and eruptions to fossil seashells gathered at 12,000 feet in the Andes—challenged biblical assumptions and led finally to The Origin of Species.
“Mr. Moorehead’s admirable prose style, his entrancing narrative . . . are beyond praise.” (The London Times Literary Supplement)
##A 06 343336 604
##T Books on Tape
By Stephen Jay Gould
(2107) 10 - 1 1/2 hour cassettes
Rental—$16.50 Purchase—$80.00
Read by Grover Gardner
“The Flamingo’s Smile is about history,” writes the author in this volume of essays,
“. . . and about what it means to say that life is the product of a contingent past, not the inevitable and predictable result of simple, timeless laws of nature. Quirkiness and meaning are my two not-so-contradictory themes.”
Flamingos that feed upside down; flowers and snails that change from male to female; the probability that an errant asteroid sounded the death knell of dinosaurs and
##A 06 344949 605
##T Books on Tape
ushered in the evolution of mankind . . . these are only a few of the things that open
our eyes to the endless delights of Gould’s subject . . . evolutionary theory.
HEN’S TEETH AND HORSE’S TOES is another treatise from Stephen Jay Gould recorded by Books on Tape.
##A 06 356118 606
##T Books on Tape
By Tracy Kidder
(1739) 10 - 1 1/2 hour cassettes
Rental—$16.50 Purchase—$80.00
Read by Larry McKeever
To build a house. It is one of those nearly universal dreams, like falling love. And like falling in love, it is fraught with complication.
In this luminous book, Tracy Kidder follows the construction of a new house from gleam-in-the-eye to moving day. We get to know the ambitious owners, the architect who gives form to their dreams, the carpenters who pound the nails. Kidder delves into their lives and weaves their stories together in this portrait of a project that is the modern expression of an age-old ritual.
##A 06 370054 607
##T Books on Tape
“The stuff of real drama . . . . In the way that a well-told story of a marriage or a love affair or of a child’s coming of age fills you with a sense that you are reading about a fundamental human experience for the first time, so it is with HOUSE. Tracy Kidder
makes us feel with a splendid intensity the complex web of relationships and emotions that comes into play in the act of bringing a work of architecture to fruition.” (The New York Times Book Review)
##A 06 366303 608
##T Books on Tape
By Mark Twain
(1069) 8 - 1 1/2 hour cassettes
Rental—$13.50 Purchase—$64.00
Read by Michael Prichard
LIFE ON THE MISSISSIPPI was first published when Mark Twain was nearly 50 years old. He wrote it originally as a series of articles titled “Old Times on the Mississippi.” It is fresh with enthusiasm for his early life on the river. On hearing it today who can fail to respond to its message of freedom, independent existence and expanding horizons?
##A 06 367394 609
##T Books on Tape
By C.S. Lewis
(2080) 8 - 1 hour cassettes
Rental—$16.50 Purchase—$64.00
Read by Michael York
A Christopher Enterprises Recording
C.S. Lewis was professor of Medieval and Renaissance English at Cambridge and a Fellow at Oxford. He earned his spurs with scholarly exactitude.
But his interests were so broad that he defies labelling. If his science fiction tended toward the philosophical, then his philosophy embraced humanism, just as humanism was lit with a strong sense of ethics and morality. (See next card)
##A 06 135659 610
##T Books on Tape
MERE CHRISTIANITY was published in 1952 and incorporates the author’s thoughts about the Christian faith. But what really commends the book, at least to this reviewer, is the strong current of warmth and affection that runs through it.
##A 06 369346 611
##T Books on Tape
By Gerald M. Weinberg
(2161) 8 - 1 hour cassettes
Rental—$14.50 Purchase—$64.00
Read by Paul Shay
Gerald M. Weinberg draws on his 25 years of experience as author, lecturer and consultant to share his secrets about the often irrational world of consulting. “The irrationality can drive consultants crazy but if consultants can cope with it, it can also drive them rich.”
Using memorable rules, laws and principles to make his points, Gerald M. Weinberg offers guidance on how to succeed in this highly competitive profession. Among the
##A 06 377175 612
##T Books on Tape
topics are pricing and marketing your services, measuring your effectiveness and dealing with client resistance.
“ . . . an irreverent, funny but true look at those thousands of professionals, as well as con men, who call themselves consultants.” —Martin A. Goetz, President, Applied Data Research, Inc.
##A 06 376296 613
##T Books on Tape
By Henry David Thoreau
(1023) 8 - 1 1/2 hour cassettes
Rental—$15.50 Purchase—$64.00
Read by Dan Lazar
WALDEN grew from a journal Thoreau kept while he lived in a simple hut by Walden Pond from July 1845 to September 1847. His journal not only describes the seasons and natural inhabitants at Walden, but also the illusions permeating civilized life, and the conflict between the ideals of the living and the methods of making a living. WALDEN contains an intimate, beautiful tribute to nature, and Thoreau’s treatment of the concepts of self-reliance and common sense is a classic expression of a philosophy that is uniquely American.
##A 06 273225 614
##T Listen for Pleasure
Listen for Pleasure
About 100 popular (mostly recent) books read by famous British and American actors, some reading stories that became movies they starred in: for instance Tom Courtenay narrating The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner. A couple of tapes feature famous authors reading their own: John le Carre retelling his Smiley’s People, which is outstanding. Every book is abridged Reader’s Digest style to fit onto two cassettes—two to three hours listening time. The voices are vigorous and of superb quality. For sale only ($14 each).
— Kevin Kelly
##A 06 274538 615
##T Listen for Pleasure
Catalog free from:
Listen for Pleasure
1 Columba Drive
Niagara Falls, NY 14305
800-252-1144 (NY)
##A 06 286345 616
##T Listen for Pleasure
Author: Douglas Adams
Read by: Stephen Moore
ISBN 0-88646-104-9
This lunatic space extravaganza tells of the worst Thursday ever, when Earth was demolished to make way for a new hyperspatial expressway. Only Arthur Dent is saved from destruction, and so begins his great hitch-hike through space. Approx. 2 1/2 hrs.
##A 06 286622 617
##T Listen for Pleasure
Author: Mark Twain
Read by: Dick Cavett
ISBN 0-88646-114-6
A children’s favorite and a great classic by America’s foremost humorist. Young Huck fakes his own death and, with runaway slave Jim, escapes to freedom and adventure on a raft down the Mississippi. Huck faces the world’s cruelty and greed with simple honesty, and faith in right and wrong.
Approx. 2 hrs.
##A 06 379033 618
##T Listen for Pleasure
Authors: Isaac Asimov and Frederik Pohl
ISBN 0-88646-184-7
Three stories, including two by Asimov, stretch the imagination: “Strikebreaker,” tells of a caste system on a distant planet; “It’s Such A Beautiful Day,” tells of a child who wanders outside when everyone must live indoors; and “Sitting Around The Pool, Soaking Up The Rays,” is about young minds captured by aliens. Approx. 3 hrs.
##A 06 264911 619
##T Recorded Books
Recorded Books
Slim but well-chosen collection of old favorites, new non-fiction, and (thank you) some overlooked minor classics. These are word-for-word recordings by expert narrators. For rent or sale.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 06 270047 620
##T Recorded Books
Catalog free from:
Recorded Books
P. O. Box 409
Charlotte Hall, MD 20622
##A 06 404691 621
##T Recorded Books
Unabridged narration by Frank Muller
From the forest came the call, a long-drawn howl. Its sound strikes an elemental chord in each one of us. “We were riveted. The reader sounded like an American Richard Burton,” New Yorker.
80110 (3 cassettes/4.5 hours)
Purchase: $19.95
30-day rental: $9.50
##A 06 405193 622
##T Recorded Books
THE COMPLEAT ANGLER: A contemplative man’s recreation
A.D. 1653 by Izaak Walton
Unabridged narration by Nelson Runger
So disarming is Mr. Walton’s quiet enthusiasm for the countryside and all the various delights that it contains that even if you never have nor ever will pick up a fishing rod you will benefit from a little time spent in the genial company of the author and his friends. “It would sweeten a man’s temper at any time to read it,” Charles Lamb.
86920 (6 cassettes/7.5 hours)
Purchase: $37.95
Rental: $12.50
##A 06 405531 623
##T Recorded Books
PRACTICING HISTORY: Collected essays by Barbara Tuchman
Unabridged narration by Aviva Skell
“Whether these essays,” writes the author, “offer any philosophy of history is a question I hesitate to answer. Yet I do not suppose one can practice the writing of history over a long period without arriving at certain principles.” Tuchman’s clear sight and sharp pen are turned on everything from Vietnam, Israel, and the Great War to writing history and its meaning. “A book to celebrate. A delight to read,” New York Times.
“Persuades and enthrals. I can think of no better primer for the non-expert who wishes to learn
history,” Chicago Sun-Times. With these essays: When Does History Happen, Is History a Guide to the Future? America’s an Idea, How We Entered World War I, Mankind’s Better Moments, & more.
87510 (7 cassettes/9.75 hours)
Purchase: $39.95
30-day rental: $13.5
##A 06 405851 624
##T Recorded Books
WALDEN: An American classic
by Henry David Thoreau
Unabridged narration by James Hamilton
“Hearing Hamilton read WALDEN is a remarkable experience. To hear Thoreau means forgetting WALDEN dates from another century, for the spoken narration conveys his ideas with immediacy and relevancy. Thoreau’s singular spirit reaches the thoughtful individual better than ever,” Booklist.
81300 (8 cassettes/12 hours)
Purchase: $39.95
30-day rental: $14.50
##A 06 382130 625
##T Brilliance Corporation
Brilliance Corporation
Brilliance have a selection of classier action and mystery novels with several exciting Ken Follett and Mario Puzo titles. They also have Erica Jong reading her own “Serenissima” and all three titles of Jean M. Auel’s Earth’s Children series, “The Clan Of The Cave Bear,” “The Valley Of The Horses,” and “The Mammoth Hunters.” Many of their titles are multivoiced, which really adds to the atmosphere in a dramatic scene. All books are complete, no condensations. The catalog is rounded out with the HealthTalk series which deals with all sorts of health topics, among them aging, depression, diabetes, drug abuse, headaches, high blood pressure, sex, and childcare. For sale only.
— Jonathan Evelegh
##A 06 382361 626
##T Brilliance Corporation
Catalog free from:
Brilliance Corporation
235 Fulton
Suite 207
P.O. Box 114
Grand Haven, MI 49417
616-846-5256 (MI)
##A 06 390252 627
##T Brilliance Corporation
Solve the Mystery of Corporate Life . . .
By Robert Townsend
Robert Townsend, a legend as a successful manager (he turned tiny, unknown AVIS Rent-A-Car into the nation’s best-known No. 2), has written the strongest, funniest, most outrageous and constructive business book ever. Single voice, 4 hours.
Adult Nonfiction Cat. #35-01
##A 06 384827 628
##T Caedmon
The fountainhead of poetry on tape. Originally founded 30 years ago to record modern poets on 78-RPM records.
An illustrious pantheon of great poets and novelists perform their own masterpieces, or those of their mentors. Other great and fascinating literature is memorably recorded by spoken-word artists.
Unfortunately most of the offerings are selections and abridgements. Tape quality varies due to the age of some of the recordings. For sale only.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 06 241300 629
##T Caedmon
Catalog free from:
c/o Harper & Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 06 242445 630
##T Caedmon
Performance by Ed Begley
Mark Twain’s childhood dream was to become a Mississippi riverboat pilot. But in the process of mastering the river, he found it losing its grace, beauty and poetry. This irony is revealed as clearly as the unexpected turns of the river and the recession of a past era in this reading from Twain’s LIFE ON THE MISSISSIPPI. EJ.
Selections from “Cub” Wants To Be a Pilot • A “Cub” Pilot’s experience; or Learning the River • The Continued Perplexities of “Cub” Piloting
SWC 1234 1 cassette $12.95 LC R68-3709
##A 06 245843 631
##T Caedmon
Performance by Archibald MacLeish
WALDEN is indeed an American classic, for now as well as then. The iron agony as well as the continuing hope and beauty of America are in it. If Thoreau, in his CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE, wrote a tract as much for our time as for his, the soul he searches in his WALDEN could be ours as well.
SWC 1261 1 cassette $12.95 LC R68-3538
##A 06 251075 632
##T Caedmon
Performance by J.R.R. TOLKIEN
Tolkien’s delightful world of Hobbit creatures celebrates its 50th anniversary. J.R.R. Tolkien’s exceptional poetic imagination is beautifully demonstrated in these passages from THE HOBBIT and THE LORD OF THE RINGS. As the author reads his work, he provides the timing and imitative sound effects that delight both children and adults.
The Hobbit and The Fellowship of the Ring
4 3/8" x 7"; plastic case included.
Excerpted; 1 css./C-60/CPN 1477
ISBN 0-89845-222-8 $9.95
The Lord of the Rings
4 3/8" x 7"; plastic case included.
Excerpted; 1 css./C-60/CPN 1478
ISBN 0-89845-223-6 $9.95
Sound excerpt from “The Hobbit”
##A 06 251188 633
##T Caedmon
No. 1017
e.e. cummings Reads e.e. cummings/Author $9.95
Sound excerpt from “HIM the acrobat passage”
##A 06 357605 634
##T Books on Tape II
##A 06 178294 635
##T The Mind’s Eye
The Mind’s Eye
This audience is children, all ears, wide-eyed. Some 150 fairy tales, ghost stories, vintage Dickens, and books your mother read to you on her lap. The stories are frisky, hearty dramatizations with sound effects and a cast of hundreds when needed. All this commotion is crammed onto one or two cassettes each (with exceptions: the breathless Lord of the Rings on twelve tapes). For sale only.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 06 223949 636
##T The Mind’s Eye
Catalog free from:
The Mind’s Eye
P. O. Box 6727
San Francisco, CA 94101
415-883-7701 (CA, AK & HI)
##A 06 401846 637
##T The Mind’s Eye
Open the enchanted door to Middle-Earth
THE HOBBIT (6 Cassettes)
This set is probably our most popular recording. Thousands of people have bought this collection, and literally hundreds have written to say how much they enjoyed our superb cast and vivid dramatization of J.R.R. Tolkien’s fantasy.
And what a WONDERFUL GIFT in our handsome wood-branded box!
THE LORD OF THE RINGS (12 Cassettes)
From the wonderful landscapes of the Shire and Lothlorien to the stark and sunless land of Mordor, the courageous Hobbits pursue their quest—bearing the awesome Ring of Sauron, the Dark Lord!
J.R.R. Tolkien’s great epic of Middle-Earth takes up where THE HOBBIT ends, tracing the legend of the One Ring, found by Bilbo in the Goblin’s cave, to its final destruction in the Crack of Doom!
##A 06 402330 638
##T The Mind’s Eye
WATERSHIP DOWN (4 Cassettes)This is one of our finest recordings—a splendid DRAMATIZATION of Richard Adam’s best-selling novel.
Performed by the Australian Broadcasting Company’s Renaissance Players, WATERSHIP DOWN brings vividly to life Hazel, Fiver, Kehaar, Bigwig, and all of the wonderful characters in this exciting adventure fantasy.
This fascinating story superbly done will delight and entertain the whole family.
WATERSHIP DOWN (Four 60-minute Cassettes)
559-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . $24.95
##A 06 403153 639
##T The Mind’s Eye
A Trilogy of 3 Stories/6 Cassettes
This zany account of earthlings adrift in the infinities of space will keep you thoroughly entertained. Author Douglas Adams begins his cosmic jest as the Vogons prepare to demolish earth to make way for a new hyperspace detour. Arthur Dent escapes, in the nick of time, and starts his long and hilarious pilgrimage through intergalactic space. Oh, my, what an adventure!
The complete series is read by Stephen Moore.
The first part of the Hitch-Hiker story begins on the worst Thursday ever. Arthur Dent escapes from earth and begins his wild space adventures.
620-2 (approx. 2 hrs. 30 min.) . . . . . $14.95
##A 06 301433 640
##T The Audio Press
The Audio Press
The Audio Press specializes in books and works of literature on tape from Colorado and surrounding states. Why books-on-tape?
“In Colorado, it is almost always a long way from here to there. More and more people are trying to better utilize this travel time. Books-on-tape are one way to accomplish that.” Authors Edward Abbey and Lee Wulff read from their books of outdoors adventures. Ernest Schwiebert reads classic trout fishing stories. There are several tapes of regional literature for young people. A natural history series is in the works. The objective is to present stories and essays about the principle asset in the West, the land, with the authors reading their own works when possible. They also distribute a couple of music tapes.
— Jonathan Evelegh
##A 06 301780 641
##T The Audio Press
Catalog free from:
The Audio Press
930 Sherman Street
Suite 101
Denver, CO 80203
##A 06 257109 642
##T The Audio Press
Edward Abbey - Freedom And Wilderness
Edward Abbey’s writings are well known, yet too few of his fans have heard him speak. Here is a remarkable opportunity to experience his crusty eloquence up close as he reads from his books, Desert Solitaire, The Journey Home, Abbey’s Road, and Down the River. Abbey’s voice brings his passionately felt prose to life.
“Abbey is one of our very best writers about wilderness country, especially the desert. He is a gadfly with a stinger like a scorpion, the most effective publicist of the West’s curious desire to rape itself since Bernard DeVoto died in 1955.”
— Wallace Stegner
Selection: “Fire Lookout” from Abbey’s Road
##A 06 258972 643
##T The Audio Press
Joseph Poshek with Marianne Whitmyer - Encore Noel
Based on the overwhelming response to L’Age Noel, classical guitarist Joe Poshek has released a second recording for your holiday musical menu. Encore Noel, which highlights Mr. Poshek on the guitar, offers ten new arrangements of Christmas classics. Marianne Whitmyer, flutist, joins Mr. Poshek on selected works. Encore Noel conveys the warmth and true spirit of the December season.
Selection: “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”
##A 06 293575 644
##T American Audio Prose Library
American Audio Prose Library
Since 1980 the American Audio Prose Library has been dedicated to recording contemporary American prose artists reading and discussing their own works. Their current catalog lists over 400 tapes, and reads like a Who’s Who of contemporary American literature. Whether your interest runs to Vladimir Nabokov reading excerpts from Lolita or Toni Morrison reading and answering questions about Tar Baby, you’re sure to find something surprising and exciting here.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 06 293660 645
##T American Audio Prose Library
Catalog free from:
American Audio Prose Library
1015 East Broadway
Columbia, MO 65205
##A 06 303884 646
##T American Audio Prose Library
ANAYA, RUDOLFO — Reads BLESS ME ULTIMA and LA TORTUGA (excerpts). 41 minutes.
LC: 83-740035 Producer: AAPL
ISBN: 1-55644-034-0 ORDER #: 2011 $21.95
Sound excerpt from “Bless Me Ultima”
##A 06 92318 647
##T American Audio Prose Library
LOPEZ, BARRY — “Winter Count,” (short story), “Trying the Land,” “Searching for Ancestors,” “A Short Manifesto,” (non-fiction). “Lopez’s writing is a haunting blend of fact and fiction, landscape and imagination, and the prose pieces selected here demonstrate his range and deepest concerns with language, landscape, human tolerance, and peace. His voice is full of passion, wit, and drama . . . His words and voice cut into our consciousness like a sharp expressionistic etching.” (Choice) 56 minutes.
LC: 85-740008 Producer: AAPL
ISBN: 1-55644-124-X ORDER #: 5012 $12.95
Sound excerpt from “Trying The Land”
##A 06 147568 648
##T American Audio Prose Library
LOPEZ, BARRY — Interview. “This is pleasant and informed talk at its best as author Barry Lopez comments on where, how, and why he writes. His approach for writer and readers is simple and direct, ‘you’ve got to pay attention, start from scratch, and cultivate in your own mind a sense of wonder to the world . . . I listen.’ The interview touches on topics of commercialism, the value of good editing, the essential link of literature to light (natural and spiritual), and Lopez’s special blend of fact and fiction, rational and intuitive thought.” (Choice) 67 minutes.
LC: 85-740009 Producer: AAPL
ISBN: 1-55644-125-8 ORDER #: 5022 $12.95
LOPEZ, BARRY — Reading (5021) and Interview (5022) as a set.
ISBN: 1-55644-245-9 ORDER #: 5023 $23.00
Sound excerpt from the interview.
##A 06 279052 649
##T American Audio Prose Library
STEGNER, WALLACE — Marvelous reading performance by 1972 Pulitzer Prize winner. Stegner reads from his new novel, CROSSING TO SAFETY, which chronicles a life-long friendship between two couples, one poor, the other rich, one husband a successful writer, the other a failed academic. He also reads from his 1977 National Book Award winner, THE SPECTATOR BIRD. At his wittiest and most sardonic here, narrator Joe Allston relates the story of his stormy ocean crossing to Denmark and his introduction to the twisted and arrogant Lord of the Manor whom he and his wife encounter on a visit to Allston’s mother’s home village. Approximately 60 minutes.
LC: 87-740033 Producer: AAPL
ISBN: 1-55644-198-3 ORDER #: 7081 $12.95
Sound excerpt from “The Spectator Bird”
##A 06 288619 650
##T American Audio Prose Library
STEGNER, WALLACE — In this wide-ranging and fascinating Interview, Stegner reflects on the evolution of his highly distinguished career, which spans more than a half-century and includes publication of 29 books of fiction, history, biography, criticism, and essays. In addition to talking about his craft, the creative process as he sees it, his social vision, the autobiographical impulse, and the shaping force of place upon his work, Stegner also touches on his friendship as a young man from the West with poet Robert Frost, and his career as founder and director of Stanford
University’s highly prestigious creative writing program, which has produced some of our finest contemporary writers, among them Robert Stone, Ken Kesey, Tobias Wolff, and Tom McGuane.
LC: 87-740034 Producer: AAPL
ISBN: 1-55644-199-1 ORDER #: 7082 $12.95
STEGNER, WALLACE — Reading (7081) and Interview (7082) as a set.
ISBN: 1-55644-200-9 ORDER #: 7083 $23.00
##A 06 294063 651
##T American Audio Prose Library
ABBEY, EDWARD — Freedom and Wilderness. Though Abbey’s writings are well known, too few of his fans have heard him speak. Experience Abbey’s crusty eloquence up close as he reads selections from DESERT SOLITAIRE, JOURNEY HOME, ABBEY’S ROAD and DOWN THE RIVER. 2 cassettes. 172 minutes.
ISBN: 0-87905-287-2
Producer: The Audio Press
ORDER #: AP-1 $16.95
Sound excerpt from “Fire Lookout” from ABBEY’S ROAD.
##A 06 287546 652
##T Audio Forum
Audio Forum
Audio Forum is the largest tape producer in the country, and was one of the pioneers in the mid-seventies. They are perhaps best known for their wide range of language tapes. Many different learning levels are catered to, and they offer some fairly esoteric languages. However, they also have many self-help, cultural, religious and philosophical tapes in quite a variety of categories from many well known names, Alan Watts, Idries Shah, Doris Lessing, and Laurens Van Der Post on one page alone. You can get the Bible from them in eleven languages. They are also the US agents for the BBC archive series. If you are looking for serious audio presentation of ideas and theories, this is the place to look.
— Jonathan Evelegh
##A 06 379271 653
##T Audio Forum
Catalog free from:
Audio Forum
96 Broad Street
Suite PD 81
Guilford, CT 06437
203-453-9794 (CT)
##A 06 379640 654
##T Audio Forum
Jack London: THE CALL OF THE WILD. At the center of this story is the relationship between John Thornton and his dog Buck, during the Yukon gold-rush of 1897. Buck has to learn to adapt to a new life as part of a dog team pulling the prospector’s sledge over the frozen wastes. Both man and dog learn how to survive in this inhospitable and dangerous land until death ends their partnership. This exciting and touching adventure, abridged by Neville Teller, is read by Peter Marinker. 2 cassettes, Order
#SCN189, $14.95
##A 06 379776 655
##T Audio Forum
Peter Shaffer: EQUUS. The skillful use of sound creates a world outside everyday experience and enables the listener to share with the boy Alan Strang his intense and all-pervasive relationship with this “Godslave” Equus. The audience experiences with him the freedom and ecstasy of his naked nightrides on the back of the horse Nugget and the agony of the blinding of the horses. The nature of passion and imagination runs as a continuous thread through EQUUS. This version of Shaffer’s play has been called “one of the finest radio productions ever.” 2 cassettes, Order
#SCN209, $14.95
##A 06 379985 656
##T Audio Forum
The Future of Humankind
In one of her last public appearances before her death, Margaret Mead discusses the importance of culture on human development. She explains how we can preserve life on this planet by learning more about the relationship between culture, learning, and human capabilities. 47 min.
##A 06 380238 657
##T Audio Forum
There’s a difference on hearing new ideas rather than simply reading them. The author is able to provide his or her unique emphases in ways impossible to accomplish in print. Pauses and tonal changes become meaning and create insights and increased understanding.
And audio cassettes provide a medium for learning experiences that can be shared simultaneously with someone else, thus encouraging immediate discussion and interaction.
BUCKMINSTER FULLER: A Twentieth Century Renaissance — Buckminster Fuller, author of “Synergetics,” a distillation of his life work, and a man universally acclaimed as one of the most influential, metaphorical, and original minds of our time, describes some of his discoveries about the structure of what he calls Spaceship Earth.
##A 06 380428 658
##T Audio Forum
The Deschooled Society
Illich argues that the function of modern education is simply to produce consumers and workers for an industrial society. In the process, individual autonomy is sacrificed. He challenges the concept that true learning can occur only within schools, and suggests that there are ways of educating people more effective than today’s school system. 33 min. $10.95.
##A 06 380856 659
##T Audio Forum
In this dialog Huxley probes the possibilities of man responding with awareness to the various worlds being experienced at any given moment within his particular culture and expressing himself in terms of his relationships to the whole human setting. We must discover how to “take in” as a prelude to wisely “giving out.” Then, he suggests we can shift our attention from the insoluble problems of power politics to the possibly soluble problems of man upon the earth.
##A 06 381039 660
##T Audio Forum
Evolution and the Origin of Life
The development of evolutionary thought is traced and life is explained as having originated on earth more than 3 billion years ago as the result of a long process of chemical evolution. 22 min.
##A 06 381268 661
##T Audio Forum
The Concept of God
A thought-provoking presentation focusing on the view that belief in God is an error that implies and requires the invalidation of man’s consciousness. Reason is the means by which man acquires knowledge of reality and reason and faith are irreconcilable opposites. 88 min.
##A 06 381483 662
##T Audio Forum
Learning to Read Music
This innovative program will give you all the basics of reading music in a format designed to make it easy to learn on your own.
It’s ideal for anyone who never had the chance to learn musical notation or read the music for the non-melody parts. This program teaches all the basics of reading notes, musical staff, time signatures, sharps and flats, and repeat signs. Includes an 80-minute cassette and a booklet containing 90 helpful diagrams.
#S17065 $14.95
##A 06 381778 663
##T Audio Forum
Teenagers’ Guide for Rearing Their Parents
Author Harriet Fisher creates a humorous and creative approach for teenagers on how to be more effective in dealing with their parents. The author lists 12 “no-no’s” that should not be used with one’s parents, such as sweeping put-downs, dire predictions, sarcasm, to name a few. Most teenagers will appreciate this humorous and creative approach. Order #AF1903, $10.95.
##A 06 275061 664
##T On Cassette
On Cassette
Bingo! What a gold mine! This handy reference lists every non-music audio cassette known to be around (about 11,500 of them). In it you can find out if that wonderful book you wish they had on tape is made or not. It’ll tell you its price and who to order it from. You can look it up by title, author, or subject. It covers plays and poetry, too. And interviews, radio shows, seminars, speeches, and language instruction. I’d be flabbergasted if you had trouble convincing your library to buy this book.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 06 384309 665
##T On Cassette
(A Comprehensive Bibliography of Spoken Word Audio Cassettes)
Ernest Lee, Editor
1987; 750 pp.
ISBN 0835223833
$85 postpaid
R. R. Bowker
Order Dept.
P. O. Box 762
New York, NY 10011
##A 06 36962 666
##T Memory
##A 06 77266 667
##T Super-Learning
A gee-whiz tour through some of the most innovative methods for accelerated learning becoming available, including suggestology. The data supports the author’s contention that it is possible for normal people to learn mental and physical skills five to ten times faster, with better retention and with less effort using the techniques described.
Lots of exercises, lots of cheery confidence. Feels like one of the steps to overcoming our determination to maintain an educational system geared to work as slowly as possible. Read it and upgrade the schools in your town.
— Jim Fadiman
##A 06 77328 668
##T Super-Learning
Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder with Nancy Ostrander
1985; 342 pp.
ISBN 0440384249
$4.50 ($5.25 postpaid)
Dell Publishing Co.
501 Franklin Avenue
Garden City, NY 11530
Audio version also available; page forward for access info and sound clip.
##A 06 77644 669
##T Super-Learning
As the class members shuffled through pages of material, the teacher started reading French phrases in different intonations. Then, stately classical music began in the
background. The fifteen men and women leaned back, closed their eyes, and embarked on developing hypermnesia, more easily called supermemory. The teacher kept reciting. Sometimes her voice was businesslike as if ordering work to be done, sometimes it sounded soft, whispering, then unexpectedly hard and commanding.
Shadows began to darken in the room, it was sunset, yet the teacher kept on, repeating in a special rhythm French words, idioms, translations. Finally, she stopped. They weren’t through yet; they still had to take a test. At least the class members weren’t as keyed up. Somehow during the session their anxiety had been smoothed, the usual kinks relaxed. But they still didn’t hold much hope for decent test scores.
Finally the teacher told them, “The class average is ninety-seven percent. You learned one thousand words in a day!”
##A 06 390555 670
##T Super-Learning
Super-Learning Tape Version
ISBN 0394298241
$9.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
This tape is not a reading of the book, but a presentation of some of its techniques.
##A 06 290768 671
##T Mind Food and Smart Pills
Mind Food and Smart Pills
Could be another crackpot vitamin book, but looks to me like there is enough intriguing studies cited here to be worth a glance. Subtitled “Nutrients and Drugs that Increase Intelligence and Prevent Brain Aging,” it parallels the information presented by
R. U. Sirius in Reality Hackers. Needless to say, this is outlaw territory.
— Kevin Kelly
Ÿ Reality Hackers
##A 06 291721 672
##T Mind Food and Smart Pills
Ross Pelton, R. Ph., Ph. D.
1986; 207 pp.
ISBN 0936809000
$9.95 ($11.45 postpaid)
T & R Publishers
12922 Cree Drive
Poway, CA 92064
##A 06 71900 673
##T Mind Food and Smart Pills
Lucidril is one of the most promising new drugs in the areas of brain research and anti-aging. It was widely used throughout Europe to prevent biological aging and reverse the aging process (Kent, 1982a). Studies have shown that it removes age pigment deposits from brain cells (Nandy, 1968). This is actually reversing the aging process. Human clinical trials with Lucidril have demonstrated improvements in memory and mental functioning (Gedye, 1972; Marcer, 1977).
##A 06 291898 674
##T Mind Food and Smart Pills
They designed a study to look at the effects of Lucidril on synaptic deterioration. This study was published in 1980 in Mechanisms of Aging and Development. The results of this study are extremely exciting. They found that treatment with Lucidril restored the synaptic contact zones in brain cells of old rats to the values found in young animals (Guili, 1980).
The effects of Lucidril on memory performance was studied in a double-blind study with 76 elderly subjects who were all in good physical health but suffered from a measurable amount of intellectual deterioration. The tests revealed that centrophenoxine appears to increase the storage of new information into long term memory. Many of the subjects also reported an increased level of mental alertness
(Marcer, 1977).
##A 06 257931 675
##T Mind Food and Smart Pills
The usual dosage of Lucidril administered in both animal and human clinical trials has been 80 mg/kg of body weight. That translates to 9 tablets per day for a 120-lb. person up to 16 tablets per day for a 220-lb. person.
##A 06 292324 676
##T Mind Food and Smart Pills
(Left) Normal large cortical motor neuron in a young adult. Note the healthy dentritic system.
(Right) The same type of cell in a 75 year old individual. The massive change in the dendritic system is obvious. (Stained by Golgi method, X450)
Courtesy of Dr. Arnold Scheibel, Dept. of Anatomy, Univ. of California, Los Angeles
##A 06 40783 677
##T The Memory Book
The Memory Book
I almost forgot to mention this compact paperback which concisely outlines methods to improve your recall. They truly work. My dad taught me these when I was a kid and I still rely on them. At first the methods seem to be gimmicky, but soon become habit. One of the authors is the guy who memorizes phone book listings as a stunt on late night talk shows. The techniques are well proven (a couple are thousands of years old) and will benefit anyone. Imagine how much more efficient you’d be if your memory was just five percent better, and how much easier your life would be if everyone else’s improved.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 06 41141 678
##T The Memory Book
Harry Lorayne and Jerry Lucas
1986; 206 pp.
ISBN 0345337581
$3.95 ($4.95 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 06 41316 679
##T The Memory Book
Here’s a basic memory rule: You Can Remember Any New Piece of Information if It Is Associated to Something You Already Know or Remember. . . .
Very few people can easily remember the shape of Russia, or Greece, or any other country — except Italy, that is. That’s because most people have been told, or have read, that Italy’s shaped like a boot. There’s that rule again — the shape of a boot was the something already known, and the shape of Italy could not be forgotten once that association was made.
As you reach for the phone, you place the pencil behind your ear, or in your hair. The phone call is finished—that took only a few minutes—but now you waste time searching for the pencil that’s perched behind your ear. Would you like to avoid that aggravation? All right, then; the next time the phone rings and you start to place the
##A 06 41645 680
##T The Memory Book
pencil behind your ear, make a fast mental picture in your mind. Actually “see” the pencil going into your ear—all the way.
The idea may make you shudder, but when you think of that pencil, you’ll know where it is. That silly association of seeing the pencil go into your ear forced you to think of two things in a fraction of a second: 1) the pencil, and 2) where you were putting it. Problem solved!
##A 06 202816 681
##T The Mind of a Mnemonist
The Mind of a Mnemonist
In pre-Revolutionary Russia there lived a boy with an ability that made him unique among his peers: he had a perfect memory. As he grew up, he found that he couldn’t forget anything—any conversation, any experience — unless he made a conscious effort to erase it from his mind.
But his gift was also a curse. Since he remembered everything as concrete, visual images, it was difficult for him to comprehend abstractions, such as the meaning of a Pasternak poem. Unable to hold down his job as a journalist, he became a professional mnemonist, amazing audiences with feats of memory.
##A 06 278536 682
##T The Mind of a Mnemonist
Mind of a Mnemonist is Soviet psychologist A.R. Luria’s account of how this man’s amazing memory affected his life. Luria initially planned simply to measure the memory capacity of his subject, who the psychologist refers to only as “S.” After it became apparent that S.’s memory had no limit, Luria switched to studying his psychological makeup instead. The result is a sensitive, insightful account of a man who never grew up emotionally, simply because he retained a child’s visual way of reasoning for his entire life.
— Sarah Vandershaf
##A 06 204310 683
##T The Mind of a Mnemonist
(A Little Book About A Vast Memory)
A. R. Luria
1986, 1987; 160 pp.
ISBN 0674576225
$7.95 ($9.45 postpaid)
Harvard University Press
79 Garden Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
##A 06 220286 684
##T The Mind of a Mnemonist
It appeared that there was no limit either to the capacity of S.’s memory or to the durability of the traces he retained. Experiments indicated that he had no difficulty reproducing any lengthy series of words whatever, even though these had originally been presented to him a week, a month, a year, or even many years earlier. In fact, some of these experiments designed to test his retention were performed (without his being given any warning) fifteen or sixteen years after the session in which he had originally recalled the words. Yet invariably they were successful. During these test sessions S. would sit with his eyes closed, pause, then comment: “Yes, yes . . . This was a series you gave me once when we were in your apartment . . . You were sitting at the table and I in the rocking chair . . . You were wearing a gray suit and you looked at me like this . . . Now, then, I can see you saying . . .” And with that he would reel off the series precisely as I had given it to him at the earlier session.
##A 06 279559 685
##T The Mind of a Mnemonist
We presented S. with a table of letters written either on a blackboard or on a sheet of paper. . . . He told us that he continued to see the table . . . that he merely had to “read it off,” successively enumerating the numbers or letters it contained. Hence, it generally made no difference to him whether he “read” the table from the beginning or the end, whether he listed the elements that formed the vertical or the diagonal groups, or “read off” numbers that formed the horizontal rows. The task of converting the individual numbers into a single, multi-digit number appeared to be no more difficult for him than it would be for others of us were we asked to perform this operation visually and given a considerably longer time to study the table.
##A 06 281358 686
##T The Mind of a Mnemonist
His problem is familiar to us now: each word he read produced images that distracted him and blocked the meaning of a sentence. When it came to texts that contained descriptions of complex relationships, formulations of rules, or explanations of causal connections, S. fared even worse.
For example, I read him a simple rule such as the following, which any schoolboy could easily understand: “If carbon dioxide is present above a vessel, the greater its pressure, the faster it dissolves in water.” Consider the obstacles this abstract, yet nonetheless uncomplicated, statement presented.
“When you gave me this sentence I immediately saw the vessel. As for that above that is mentioned, it’s here . . . I see a line (a). Above the vessel a small cloud that’s moving in an upward direction. That’s the gas (b). I read further: ‘the greater the pressure’ — so the gas rises . . . Then there’s something dense here — the pressure
(c). But the pressure is greater — it rises higher . . . As for the phrase ‘the faster it
##A 06 271227 687
##T The Mind of a Mnemonist
dissolves in water’ — the water has become heavy (d) . . . And the gas — you say ‘the higher the pressure’ — it’s moved steadily higher . . . So what does it all mean? If the pressure is higher, how can it dissolve in water?”
##A 06 78281 688
##T Rules of Thumb
Rules of Thumb
Accumulated knowledge, dehydrated for storage. Author-
editor-illustrator Tom Parker collected this bunch from his readers. It’s a varied lot, presented in no particular order, but indexed by subject. In an earlier day, many of these would have been part of an oral tradition passed down by elders and storytellers.
— J. Baldwin
##A 06 78460 689
##T Rules of Thumb
Rules of Thumb
Tom Parker
1983; 148 pp.
ISBN 0395046428
$6.95 ($7.95 postpaid)
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Mail Order Dept.
Wayside Road
Burlington, MA 01803
##A 06 202001 690
##T Rules of Thumb
Rules of Thumb 2
Tom Parker
1987; 160 pp.
ISBN 0395429552
$6.95 ($7.95 postpaid)
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Mail Order Dept.
Wayside Road
Burlington, MA 01803
##A 06 78791 691
##T Rules of Thumb
Erecting a telephone pole: One fifth of the length of a telephone pole should be planted in the ground. — Ron Bean, mechanics of materials student, Madison, Wisconsin.
Digging a grave: When digging a grave by hand, haul away seventeen wheelbarrow loads of dirt and pile the rest by the hole. You will have just the right amount to backfill. — Randall Lacey, wind-power engineer.
Choosing a woodstove: If you are trying to decide what size woodstove you need you can start by figuring 2.5 cubic feet of firebox per 1000 square feet of living space.
— Dan Hoffman, city council alderman.
Ann Landers’ pencil test: To determine whether you need to wear a bra, place a pencil under your breast. If the pencil falls to the floor, you don’t need to wear a bra; if it stays, you need one. — Ann Landers, advice columnist
##A 06 37209 692
##T Folklore
##A 06 15405 693
This lady came in from the rain, and her miniature poodle was wet and shivering. So she put him into the microwave to dry him off. He exploded. She was so horrified she had a heart attack and died.
I’ve told that one. I thought it was true. It is, but a different kind of true. It’s a modern urban legend, a gripping, bizarre, often moralistic tale that goes the rounds as a factual account— “It happened to a friend of a friend of mine”; “I read it in the newspaper.” Hundreds are in circulation at any time, and many do get picked up in newspapers. Vanishingly few have factual origins.
But they are wonderful stories, living for decades and often reappearing after centuries in new guises.
##A 06 15761 694
A major collector of these modern folk tales is Jan Harold Brunvand in three riveting books, The Vanishing Hitchhiker (1981), The Choking Doberman (1984) and The Mexican Pet (1988). He collects, tells, compares versions, tests factuality, and interprets. How many can you recognize just from his titles? . . . “The Death Car,” “The Killer in the Back Seat,” “The Kentucky Fried Rat,”
“Alligators in the Sewers,” “The Solid Cement Cadillac,” “The Economical Car,” “Cruise Control,” “The Bump in the Rug,” “The Stuck Couple,” “Superglue Revenge,” “The Image on Glass,” and scores more. Many have to do with new technologies, many have to do with racism (the doberman is choking on black fingers) and fear of foreigners . . . .
##A 06 16023 695
Any of the three books will give you a new angle on your civilization, but I’d get them all. The stories ring in your mind for years. That’s what keeps them alive.
— Stewart Brand
##A 06 16273 696
The Vanishing Hitchhiker
(American Urban Legends and their Meanings)
Jan Harold Brunvand
1981; 208 pp.
ISBN 0393951693
$6.95 ($7.65 postpaid)
W. W. Norton
500 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10110
##A 06 283063 697
The Choking Doberman
(and Other “New” Urban Legends)
Jan Harold Brunvand
1984; 240 pp.
ISBN 039301844X
$13.95 ($14.95 postpaid)
W. W. Norton
500 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10110
##A 06 283467 698
The Mexican Pet
(More “New” Urban Legends and Some Old Favorites)
Jan Harold Brunvand
ISBN 0393023249
$13.95 ($14.05 postpaid)
W. W. Norton
500 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10110
##A 06 16396 699
##T Urban Legends
A girl managed to wrap her hair into a perfect beehive. Proud of her accomplishment, she kept spraying it and spraying it, never bothering to wash it again. Bugs began to live in her hair. After about six months, they ate through to her brain and killed her.
— The Vanishing Hitchhiker
The lady came home from the grocery store, and she saw her husband working under the car. All that was exposed were his legs, so in passing she reached down, unzipped his zipper, chuckled to herself, and went into the house. Immediately she saw her husband sitting in the easy chair reading a newspaper. She cried, “Who is that under the car?” and her husband replied, “My mechanic.” She told her husband what she’d done, and they went outside to find the mechanic lying unconscious, in a pool of blood, because when the lady unzipped his pants he was so startled he sat up and clobbered his head under the car.
— The Vanishing Hitchhiker
##A 06 16695 700
##T Urban Legends
Her true story was about a jogger in Central Park in New York City. He had been running along early one morning at his customary pace and surrounded by streams of others out getting their prework exercise, when suddenly another jogger passed by him on the path and bumped him rather hard. Checking quickly, the jogger discovered that his billfold was missing from his pocket, and he thought, “This can’t happen to me; I’m not going to let it happen.” So he upped his speed a bit, caught up to the other jogger, and confronted him.
“Give me that billfold,” he snarled, trying to sound as menacing as possible, and hoping for the best. The other jogger quickly handed it over, and our hero turned back toward his apartment for a shower and a quick change of clothes. But when he got home, there was his own billfold on the dresser, and the one he had in his pocket belonged to someone else.
I hated to tell her that this was just a new aerobic variation on an old commuter
##A 06 17060 701
##T Urban Legends
How old? For starters, here’s a version from the “My Favorite Jokes” section of Parade magazine, 3 September 1972, as told by comic Gus Christie:
This is supposed to be a true story. A man, we’ll call him Mr. Jones, is riding to work on the subway in New York City and there’s a guy who keeps bumping into him. After a while Jones gets apprehensive and thinks, “This can’t be what I think it is!” He checks his wallet — and it’s gone. “That’s it! Nine o’clock in the morning and I get mugged in the subway. Things are really getting bad.” He grabs the guy, shakes him hard, and says, “All right, cough up, give me that wallet!” The guy is petrified and he hands over a wallet. So Jones goes off to work and when he gets to his office his wife calls and says, “Honey, you left your wallet on the bureau this morning.”
— The Choking Doberman
##A 06 294431 702
##T Rumor!
For a somewhat more trivial perspective — “Here’s a popular wild story; is it true or false?” — Rumor! is an enjoyable exercise. Did Roy Rogers really stuff his horse, Trigger? (Yes.) Do green M & Ms really make you horny? (No.) Is the stuff in the middle of golf balls really explosive (No.) Was President Cleveland’s upper jaw secretly removed while he was in office? (Yes.) With details. Fun, brief.
— Stewart Brand
##A 06 295672 703
##T Rumor!
Hal Morgan and Kerry Tucker
1984; 159 pp.
ISBN 0140100296
$3.50 ($4.50 postpaid)
Viking Penguin Books
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0120
##A 06 295714 704
##T Rumor!
Orange Fiesta Ware is radioactive. (1940s)
Partly true. Fiesta Ware, a line of brightly colored dishes first produced in 1936 by the Homer-Laughlin China Company, originally came in five colors, one of them a vivid orange. The color was taken off the market in the forties, and a rumor spread that the orange dishes were radioactive.
In 1981 that rumor was substantiated when the New York State Department of Health warned against eating regularly from the orange dishes because the glaze contains lead and uranium compounds, both of which tend to be absorbed by acidic foods. Ingested lead may, over a long period of time, cause stomach disorders and worse, and ingested uranium may cause kidney dysfunction. The uranium also emits low levels of radiation. However, it is not dangerous to use the dishes as decorative objects.
##A 06 283977 705
##T Rumor!
There are full-grown alligators in the sewers of New York City. They were pets brought back from vacations in Florida, then flushed down toilets when their owners grew tired of keeping them. (1960s)
Possibly true. . . . Between 1932 and 1938 the New York Times printed several reports of alligators caught around the city — in the Bronx River, in New Jersey, in the East River, and even in a Brooklyn subway station. On August 16, 1938, the paper told of a sudden bonanza in alligator fishing in Huguenot Lake in New Rochelle, just to the north of the city. Five of the reptiles had been caught by fishermen over the weekend. Major Elvin L. Barr managed to land two, using ordinary bass flies. He theorized that the creatures “had been put there by some resident who had bought them in Florida as pets and then tired of them.” Did we see those wondering eyebrows go up? But wait. A story even more crucial to the rumor appeared on February 10, 1935, under the headline “Alligator Found in Uptown Sewer.” According to the Times reporter, several boys on East 123rd Street were shoveling snow into a manhole
##A 06 331685 706
##T Rumor!
when they spotted an alligator in the sewer below. They lassoed it with a clothesline
and dragged it out onto the street, where it was found to be “seven and a half or eight feet” long. . . . In May 1982, the New York Times quoted John Flaherty, Chief of Design for the New York City Bureau of Sewers, as stating that “There are no alligators in the New York City sewer system.” We don’t believe him. Do you?
##A 06 296555 707
##T Rumor!
A UFO crashed during the Eisenhower administration, and the bodies of the occupants are on ice at Wright-Patterson Air force Base in Ohio. (1955) Unsubstantiated.
##A 06 13822 708
##T Pantheon Fairy Tale and Folklore Library
Pantheon Fairy Tale and Folklore Library
This series of books offers attractively designed and illustrated collections of folktales, myths, and fairytales from around the world. African, Irish, Norse, Italian, Russian, Chinese tales, and more, provide insights into different cultures and genuine entertainment.
— Jay Kinney
Ÿ The World Treasury of Children’s Literature
##A 06 13935 709
##T Pantheon Fairy Tale and Folklore Library
Catalog free from:
Pantheon Books/
Random House
Order Dept.
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
See next card for list of titles.
##A 06 283745 710
##T Pantheon Fairy Tale and Folklore Library
Titles include:
African Folktales $10.95
American Indian Myths & Legends $11.95
Irish Folktales $19.95
Afro-American Folktales $11.95
Russian Fairy Tales $8.95
Eighty Fairy Tales: Hans Christian Anderson $7.95
Norwegian Folk Tales $6.95
British Folktales $7.95
Folktales from the British Isles $11.95
An Encyclopedia of Fairies $8.95
Italian Folktales $10.95
The Norse Myths $7.95
Arab Folktales $19.95
Favorite Folktales from Around the World $193.95
##A 06 14688 711
##T Pantheon Fairy Tale and Folklore Library
• The Four Champions
The Horny Head champion, the Penis champion, the Farting champion, and the Testicles champion set off on a journey together. They came to a town, where they lodged in the compound of the chief. Bundles of corn were sent to feed them from the chief’s storehouse — but the town had nowhere to thresh it!
Then the Horny Head said, “May the chief’s life be prolonged! Here we are and yet they’re looking for a place to thresh. Let them come and do it on my head!” So they came and undid the bundles on Horny Head’s noggin.
But then they had to find a piece of wood with which to thresh the corn so Penis said,
“May the chief’s life be prolonged! Here we are now, and yet they’re looking for something to thresh with! Just give me a bit of room and you’ll see!” And pulling out his penis, he began threshing, and presently the corn was threshed.
##A 06 15088 712
##T Pantheon Fairy Tale and Folklore Library
But there was no wind, and word was brought to the chief that, though the corn was
threshed, there was no wind and so could be no winnowing. Then said the Wind Breaker, “May the chief’s life be prolonged! Here are we, and in spite of that they’re still looking for wind!” And he unveiled his anus, and let rip. And all the chaff was blown away, leaving just the grain.
But they had no bag to put the grain in. So Testicles said, “May the chief’s life be prolonged! Here are we, and in spite of what we’ve done, they’re still looking for a sack to catch the grain!” And opening his scrotum, he said, “Bring me the grain and pour it in here.” And they did it, and he carried the corn home.
All right, among the four of them that exercised his special gift, who was the champion?
— Hausa, African Folktales
##A 06 372284 713
##T Pantheon Fairy Tale and Folklore Library
In the beginning there was only blackness, and nobody could see anything. People kept bumping into each other and groping blindly. They said: “What this world needs is light.”
Fox said he knew some people on the other side of the world who had plenty of light, but they were too greedy to share it with others. Possum said he would be glad to steal a little of it. “I have a bushy tail,” he said. “I can hide the light inside all that fur.” Then he set out for the other side of the world. There he found the sun hanging in a tree and lighting everything up. He sneaked over to the sun, picked out a tiny piece of light, and stuffed it into his tail. But the light was hot and burned all the fur off. The people discovered his theft and took back the light, and ever since, Possum’s tail has been bald.
##A 06 372547 714
##T Pantheon Fairy Tale and Folklore Library
“Let me try,” said Buzzard. “I know better than to hide a piece of stolen light in my tail. I’ll put it on my head.” He flew to the other side of the world and, diving straight into the sun, seized it in his claws. He put it on his head, but it burned his head feathers off. The people grabbed the sun away from him, and ever since that time
Buzzard’s head has remained bald.
Then Grandmother Spider said, “Let me try!” First she made a thickwalled pot out of clay. Next she spun a web reaching all the way to the other side of the world. She was
so small that none of the people there noticed her coming. Quickly Grandmother Spider snatched up the sun, put it in the bowl of clay, and scrambled back home along one of the strands of her web. Now her side of the world had light, and everyone rejoiced.
Spider Woman brought not only the sun to the Cherokee, but fire with it. And besides that, she taught the Cherokee people the art of pottery making.
—from American Indian Myths
##A 06 27962 715
##T Paddle-to-the-Sea
Holling Clancy Holling has written many adventure stories laced with nature lore and anthropology. They’ve been hard to put down since 1941. Paddle-to-the-Sea — the voyage of a tiny handcarved canoe — is my favorite.
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ Man In Nature
##A 06 28353 716
##T Paddle-to-the-Sea
Holling Clancy Holling
1969; 58 pp.
ISBN 0395292034
$5.70 ($6.40 postpaid)
Houghton Mifflin Company
Mail Order Dept.
Wayside Road
Burlington, MA 01803
##A 06 229915 717
##T Paddle-to-the-Sea
Somewhere off the Grand Banks, a French boat with full cargo of fish was under sail for home. The Captain noticed an odd little something near the bow. A boy ran down the deck crying, ‘I’ll get it, Papa.’ He waved an old dip-net lashed to a pole. And so, in the foggy gray dawn, up came Paddle-to-the-Sea.
##A 06 355745 718
##T Storytelling
##A 06 355306 719
##T Preservation and Perpetuation of Storytelling
Preservation and Perpetuation of Storytelling
The best single resource for storytellers. Yearly $25 dues include subscriptions to the National Storytelling Journal, a quarterly magazine dealing with issues in the story-telling movement, and the Yarnspinner, a monthly national calendar of storytelling performances, workshops and festivals. You also get a national Directory of Storytelling which gives access to storytellers across the country, and a free Catalog of Storytelling which offers books, recordings, and videos. They also sponsor a festival, a conference, and an ongoing school of storytelling.
— Robin Moore
Ÿ Folk-Legacy Records
##A 06 355505 720
##T Preservation and Perpetuation of Storytelling
National Assoc. for the Preservation and Perpetuation . . .
National Association for the Preservation and Perpetuation of Storytelling (NAPPS)
Membership $25/year
(includes 4 issues of The National Storytelling Journal);
Information free
National Association for the Preservation and Perpetuation of Storytelling
P. O. Box 309
Jonesborough, TN 37659
##A 06 265675 721
##T Preservation and Perpetuation of Storytelling
The National Storytelling Journal
Greta Talton, Editor
ISSN 07431104
Subscription included as part of NAPPS membership dues of $25 yearly (4 issues). Single copy $4.00.
National Association for the Preservation and Perpetuation of Storytelling
P. O. Box 309
Jonesborough, TN 37659
##A 06 355886 722
##T Preservation and Perpetuation of Storytelling
The literary interpretation by the storyteller can include the role of the teller as a
“theatre director” who plans blocking, scenes and casting. The teller needs to be aware that a published text may use several paragraphs to describe or explain a character—how he regards the world and how others feel about him. The teller may transmit this same information through portrayal of the characters and their actions, or by condensing and relaying descriptive passages in dialogue. Furthermore, reading is a private transaction between the reader and printed page. You can put a book down and ponder a passage or put it aside for a day or two. The impact of an oral performance, on the other hand, is direct and immediate. There is also a difference in the intensity of the response when a group of people share an experience together. Laughter is contagious, as our “folk” saying goes . . . .
It is very difficult to discern the psychological meanings, effect on, or function of,
##A 06 377843 723
##T Preservation and Perpetuation of Storytelling
stories for people from a different society; however, by undertaking a personal psychological analysis of the story, the teller can increase his/her understanding of possible interpretations and meanings, and the story’s relationship to human
experience. I like to employ a technique used in Jungian dream interpretation, examining each character in the story as a facet of my own personality. Another
important consideration is the psychological response of the storyteller toward that particular story. By analyzing the story, the teller may discover its personal attraction.
— The National Storytelling Journal
##A 06 230151 724
##T Preservation and Perpetuation of Storytelling
A special double record album that captures the magic of the National Storytelling Festival, featuring stories told by 20 of America’s most-loved storytellers.
Album N122A or Cassette N122C $15.95 each.
Selection from “Elvira and Henry”
told by Jackie Torrence.
##A 06 238450 725
##T Preservation and Perpetuation of Storytelling
A special collection of country-flavored tales, including Donald Davis’ “Aunt Laura,” and Jackie Torrence’s “Wiley and the Hairy Man.” Also features The Folktellers, Doc McConnell, Elizabeth Ellis, and Kathryn Windham. For all ages.
Album N124A or Cassette N124C $8.95 each.
Selection from “The Foolish Bet”
told by The Folktellers —
Barbara Freeman and Connie Regan.
##A 06 245372 726
##T Preservation and Perpetuation of Storytelling
Six haunting stories of the supernatural told with all the chill of a live performance at the Old Jonesborough Cemetery during the National Storytelling Festival. Featuring Gayle Ross, The Folktellers, Kathryn Windham, Mary Carter Smith, Laura Simms, and Jackie Torrence.
Album N120A or Cassette N120C $8.95 each.
Selection: “The Skeleton Woman”
told by Gayle Ross.
##A 06 357748 727
##T World Tales
World Tales
This is a rare and magical book, beautiful to look at and impossible to put down. Each story is more wondrous than the last, embellished — adorned, really — with extravagant pictures by a variety of artists in the tradition of the illustrated book or illuminated manuscript. Idries Shah’s tales about each tale, showing where and when each story has unaccountably occurred in widely diverse cultures over vast reaches of time, are as mysterious and wonderful as the tales themselves.
— Carol Van Strum
Ÿ Pantheon Fairy Tale and Folklore Library
##A 06 357934 728
##T World Tales
Collected by Idries Shah
Harcourt Brace Jovanovitch
##A 06 358477 729
##T World Tales
Juan Rivas let the five mules pass, then, as the last one came by him, he seized it, and handed it over to Carlos, who was hidden behind the hedge. “Take this mule and sell it in the market,” he whispered, “Give me the money later when we all meet at the cafe.” So saying, he placed the mule’s saddle-cloth over his back, and followed the other mules as if he in fact was one of them.
The day was very warm and the muleteer was half-aslep, sitting cross-legged on the biggest animal. Nothing worried him for about half an hour, when he became aware that all the mules had come to a halt . . . .The creatures could not start, as Juan Rivas was holding on to the reins of the fourth mule, so the muleteer got off his animal, and saw a human being, saddled and bridled, at the back.
“What in the world are you doing there, young man?” he bellowed with many a curse, as muleteers, owing to the nature of their calling, are extremely bad-tempered.
##A 06 273429 730
##T World Tales
“It is no freak you see, my friend, ” said Juan Rivas, sadly. But reality. I am no longer your fifth mule, whom you have beaten so unmercifully in the past, but have now returned to my own shape.”
—The Man Turned Into A Mule
##A 06 358838 731
##T World Tales
—The Man Turned Into A Mule
##A 06 359348 732
##T The World Treasury of Children’s Literature
The World Treasury of Children’s Literature
Now in his early eighties, Clifton Fadiman adds a nice turn to a distinguished career and considers children’s literature.
“Grandparents and grandchildren, the enders and the beginners, are not rivals but natural friends,” says he. Volumes I and II are for kids aged four to eight and are in fact one book divided in two to give small hands a better chance at holding on. Volume III is for ages nine through fourteen, but with Fadiman’s interesting commentaries and catholic taste it makes little sense to put age brackets on these selections. He is also careful to refer young readers to the full length versions of the books he chooses from. Here are Jonathan Swift, A.A. Milne and Maurice Sendak, but also Sylvia Plath, Lennon-McCartney and Yevgeny Yevtushenko.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 06 359524 733
##T The World Treasury of Children’s Literature
Clifton Fadiman, Editor
1985; 1,263 pp.
ISBN 0316273023
$40 ($42 postpaid)
Little, Brown & Company
Attn.: Order Dept.
200 West Street
Waltham, MA 02254
2 Volume set.
##A 06 359824 734
##T The World Treasury of Children’s Literature
• The Panther
The panther is like a leopard,
Except it hasn’t been peppered.
Should you behold a panther crouch,
Prepare to say Ouch.
Better yet, if called by a panther,
Don’t anther.
• The Eel
I don’t mind eels
Except as meals
And the way they feels.
— Ogden Nash
##A 06 368017 735
##T Lord of the Rings, etc.
Lord of the Rings, etc.
I think no other fictional world matches the depth of Tolkien’s. This children’s tale (The Hobbit) seized the Oxford mythologist and ancient languages scholar Tolkien and hurled him and us into a saga so vast that he never did encompass it all. The three-volumed Lord of the Rings is the central masterpiece—the journey of the hobbits, men and elves, and wizard Gandalf to destroy the Ring of Power of the dark Lord Sauron. It is a tale of surprising invention, subtlety, and insight.
— Stewart Brand
It’s worth remembering that Tolkien told these tales orally to his children before writing them down.
— Jonathan Evelegh
##A 06 368522 736
##T Lord of the Rings, etc.
The Hobbit
J.R.R. Tolkien
1937, 1966
ISBN 0345339681
$4.95 ($5.95 postpaid)
Ballantine Books/
Random House
400 Hahn
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 06 252980 737
##T Lord of the Rings, etc.
The Lord of the Rings
J.R.R. Tolkien
ISBN 0317124986
$13.75 from:
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Mail Order Dept.
Wayside Road
Burlington, MA 01803
3 Volume paperback boxed set.
##A 06 277964 738
##T Lord of the Rings, etc.
The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings
J.R.R. Tolkien
ISBN 0395282632
$24.95 ($28.45 postpaid)
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Mail Order Dept.
Wayside Road
Burlington, MA 01803
4 volume paperback boxed set.
##A 06 279467 739
##T Lord of the Rings, etc.
Lord of the Rings Tape Version
12 1-hour cassettes
$59.95 ($66.45 postpaid)
Mind’s Eye
Box 6727
San Francisco, CA 94101
415-883-7701 CA,HI,AK
##A 06 301102 740
##T Lord of the Rings, etc.
The Hobbit and The Fellowship of the Ring Tape Version
J.R.R Tolkien, Performer
ISBN 0898452228
To order add your state tax plus $1.50 s/h
1995 Broadway
New York, NY 10023
Selection from “The Hobbit”
##A 06 383888 741
##T Lord of the Rings, etc.
The Hobbit Tape Version
6 cassettes
$29.95 ($34.95 postpaid)
The Mind’s Eye
Box 6727
San Francisco, CA 94101
415-883-7701 CA,HI,AK
##A 06 368649 742
##T Lord of the Rings, etc.
‘Hold it up!’ said Gandalf. ‘And look closely!’
As Frodo did so, he now saw fine lines, finer than the finest penstrokes, running along the ring, outside and inside: lines of fire that seemed to form the letters of a flowing script. They shone piercingly bright, and yet remote, as if out of a great depth.
‘I cannot read the fiery letters,’ said Frodo in a quavering voice.
‘No,’ said Gandalf, ‘but I can. The letters are Elvish, of an ancient mode, but the language is that of Mordor, which I will not utter here. But this in the Common Tongue is what is said, close enough:
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
##A 06 417475 743
##T Lord of the Rings, etc.
It is only two lines of a verse long known in Elven-lore:
Three rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne.
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
He paused, and then said slowly in a deep voice: ‘This is the Master-ring, the One Ring to rule them all. This is the One Ring that he lost many years ago, to the great weakening of his power. He greatly desires it—but he must not get it.’
##A 06 417952 744
##T Lord of the Rings, etc.
Frodo sat silent and motionless. Fear seemed to stretch out a vast hand, like a dark cloud rising in the East and looming up to engulf him. ‘This ring!’ he stammered.
‘How, how on earth did it come to me?’
— The Fellowship of the Ring
##A 06 360065 745
##T The Horn Book Magazine
The Horn Book Magazine
This is where librarians learn what’s new, and particularly what’s good in the world of children’s literature. It is also where publishers advertise their children’s books. Although articles are included in this very literate journal, the heart of each issue is the dozens of detailed reviews of new children’s books.
— Richard Nilsen
Ÿ Library Journal
##A 06 360404 746
##T The Horn Book Magazine
Anita Silvey, Editor
ISSN 00185078
$32/year (6 issues)
Single copy $5.50
The Horn Book, Inc.
Park Square Building
31 St. James Avenue
Boston, MA 02116-4167
##A 06 140957 747
##T The Horn Book Magazine
The sketchy drawings, combining the quick economy of cartoons with carefully chosen layers of color washes, effectively depict John Patrick Norman McHennessy’s outrageous adventures. He becomes a king of student/pilgrim, innocent and guileless in the face of both natural disasters and adult irrationality. Although the meek little boy does not inherit the earth, he does exact a delightful and richly deserved revenge on his dreaded and dreadful instructor. E.R.T. (Partial review of John Patrick Norman McHennessy—The Boy Who Was Always Late)
##A 06 296917 748
##T Family Storytelling Handbook
Family Storytelling Handbook
For years I’ve wanted a book about family storytelling to recommend to my storytelling audiences and classes. Now it’s here and the right person has written it. Anne Pellowski knows a heap about storytelling around the world, and she also had lots of little nieces and nephews with big ears. She goes beyond bedtime to talk about storytelling for holidays, birthdays, family reunions, car trips. She gives hints for adapting folktales to particular kids and suggestions for holding interest with stories about family incidents, traditions, names, places. The stories included involve little tricks or props that work particularly well with intimate audiences. She ends with lists of books, stories, festivals, and even contacts for finding storytelling in England, France, Denmark, Australia, and Japan. A wise and useful book.
— Nancy Schimmel
##A 06 297603 749
##T Family Storytelling Handbook
Anne Pellowski
1987; 150 pp.
ISBN 0027706109
$15.95 postpaid
Macmillan Publishing Co.
Mail Order Department
Front and Brown Streets
Riverside, N.J. 08075
or Whole Earth Access
##A 06 298702 750
##T Family Storytelling Handbook
I am convinced that the single most important story that each child hears is his or her birth story. The sense of being wanted or unwanted, of being an individual with interesting characteristics or just another statistic with no personality, of knowing who one is and one’s place in the world or of feeling lost — all of this is conveyed most deeply in the way in which parents tell a child he or she arrived in the world (or the way in which they avoid the subject altogether).
So many stories focus on the oldest or youngest child in a family. Since I was a middle child myself, I made sure, when telling stories to my nieces and nephews, that I concocted some tales in which it was the middle son, or the second or third daughter, not the youngest, who triumphed over difficult odds.
##A 06 369635 751
##T Family Storytelling Handbook
The Professor
If the whole world of dried fish was,
and every tree a gas,
if sea and lake and creek,
of only salted herring was—
With what could we quench our thirst?
About this important problem
seven professors have spent
seven long days
scratching behind their ears.
—Rhyme for a bedtime session.
##A 06 299846 752
##T Just Enough to Make a Story
Just Enough to Make a Story
This slim volume offers much more than sources, although there are these — story and song books; storytellers on record, book, and film; books about folklore and fairy tales. My favorite resource lists are the index to “active heroines” and “stories in service to peace.”
Even more valuable is the insightful, experience-derived advice Schimmel offers. Never preachy, she speaks to the value of storytelling — motivating kids to read — with warmth and sagacious enthusiasm, and helps you choose, learn, and tell a story gratifying to teller and told.
— Sarah Satterlee
##A 06 300690 753
##T Just Enough to Make a Story
Nancy Schimmel
2nd Edition 1982; 56 pp.
ISBN 0932164021
$9.75 ($10.75 postpaid)
Sisters’ Choice Press
1450 Sixth Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
##A 06 300950 754
##T Just Enough to Make a Story
People tend to remember liking certain stories at a younger age than they actually did, and consequently try myths, fairy tales, and Alice in Wonderland on children too young for them. . . . The more complicated fairy tales require an audience much older than five, as do the myths, whose power and strangeness is lost in simplified versions intended for younger children.
I usually warn the audience if I am going to tell a scary or bloody story; then they can brace themselves, and say “That wasn’t so scary” afterwards. And it wasn’t so scary, listening in a group, but it might be, thinking about it alone later. Kathryn Windham, who tells ghost stories most convincingly, also passes on a few beliefs about how to keep ghosts away at night; the simplest being to place your shoes with one pointing toward your bed and one pointing away.
##A 06 250084 755
##T Just Enough to Make a Story
There is no rule that says a teller must meet the eye of each listener during the course of a story, but if you look mostly at the floor or ceiling, the audience could get the idea that you are afraid of them or not interested in them. I look around a lot at different faces, because I feel that looking at just a few people puts a burden on them to look interested.
When I tell a story, I usually try to sound not like somebody else, but like me at my best, without the “uhs” and “you knows” that spatter everyday conversation, and without the bright cheerfulness that comes over even the most sensible people when they talk to the very young.
##A 06 42121 756
##T News from Lake Wobegon
News from Lake Wobegon
Many consider Garrison Keillor to be the state-of-the-art contemporary storyteller. “A Prairie Home Companion,” his weekly radio show, airs on some 260 PBS affiliate stations nationwide.
— Robin Moore
Since the review above was written, Mr. Keillor saddened many loyal listeners by performing his last live broadcast of “A Prairie Home Companion” on June 13,1987. Fortunately, it’s in
“reruns” now on many PBS stations — check your local listings. Or buy some of the “A Prairie Home Companion” tapes available from Wireless, such as the popular four-cassette set, “News from Lake Wobegon.”
— Candida Kutz
##A 06 42342 757
##T News from Lake Wobegon
Garrison Keillor
$30.00 ($33.75 postpaid)
Minnesota Public Radio
274 Fillmore Avenue East
Dept. 405
St. Paul, MN 55101
800-328-5252 ext. 405
Ask for a free catalog from Wireless at the address above; catalog includes information on other Prairie Home Companion cassettes produced by Minnesota Public Radio.
##A 06 228276 758
##T News from Lake Wobegon
The “News From Lake Wobegon” Cassettes
The staff of “A Prairie Home Companion” went through their entire tape archive of Garrison Keillor monologues, selecting favorite stories appropriate to each of the four seasons. The result is a timeless collection of original radio broadcasts that brings you right into the theater as Garrison reveals the humorous, occasionally poignant moments in the everyday life of Lake Wobegon’s citizens. Four hours on four cassettes
[Entitled “Spring,” “Summer,” “Fall,” and “Winter.”]
Selection: from “Me And Choir” on the Spring cassette.
##A 06 37864 759
##T Myths
##A 06 17646 760
##T Parabola
Underground rivers of juice flow in this magazine of myth. The major players in the subject play here, with a graphic excitement never seen in academic publications.
— Stewart Brand
##A 06 17863 761
##T Parabola
Rob Baker, Editor
ISSN 03621596
$18/year (4 issues)
656 Broadway
New York, NY 10012
##A 06 17921 762
##T Parabola
It is not by chance that we speak of a “pride of lions,” for those old collective words often expressed a salient quality in the beasts or birds they described. The lion is felt by man to be a king among beasts. His pride is very different from the human sin of usurping a merit not his own; it is a natural pride which is the quality of being absolutely true to oneself. A lion who turns man-eating when unable through injury to catch his natural prey becomes a pariah, cast out of his pride, for he is untrue to his lion nature, no longer a proud king among beasts. It is interesting to remember how Laurens van der Post writes in The Heart of the Hunter of the Bushman’s feeling for the lion, and of his own observations. He says the lion is by far the most individual of the wild animals in Africa. Every lion you encounter will act in a different way and you can never predict his behavior as you can with almost all the other species.
##A 06 335430 763
##T Parabola
The Achomawi Indians of California saw the beginning in another way. The two are all alone together at the beginning of the world. They become persons. Then they think; they think a canoe and float around the water in it until they tire of that. Silver Fox puts Coyote to sleep, and while Coyote sleeps, Silver Fox combs Coyote’s hair. From the combings, rolling, flattening, stretching them out, he makes the earth, and weighs it down with stones. He goes on with this work of creation until the canoe floats up to the edge of the earth. Then he wakes Coyote who, in time, wonders where this new place has come from.
“I do not know,” replies Silver Fox. “We are just here.”
##A 06 18481 764
##T Primal Myths
Primal Myths
Any extensive exploration of mythology will reveal how incredibly heterogeneous human culture is. I know of no book that shows this better than Barbara C. Sproul’s Primal Myths. Sproul has collected the creation myths of every corner of the world. From the Yao of northern Mozambique we learn how “. . .the gods were driven off the face of the earth by the cruelty of man.” The Jains and Buddhists of India give us rarified discussions of why there are no creators at all. The Maidu of California tell us that the world was created from the dirt under turtles’ fingernails.
Rich with plot and character, they can be read as beguiling stories,
or pondered as philosophical verities.
##A 06 18786 765
##T Primal Myths
Each myth is preceded by a concise paragraph or two that helps explain it, and places the people in geographical context. There is enough charm and truth in this book to allow you to fall in love with humanity again.
— David Kennedy
##A 06 19854 766
##T Primal Myths
(Creating the World)
Barbara C. Sproul
1979; 352 pp.
ISBN 0060675012
$9.95 ($11.45 postpaid)
Harper & Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 06 20107 767
##T Primal Myths
Mundurucu: The People Climbed Out
Karusakaibo had made the world but had not created men. One day Dairru, the armadillo, offended the creator and was forced to take refuge in a hole in the ground. Karusakaibo blew into the hole and stamped his foot on the earth. Daiiru was blown out of the hole by the rush of air. He reported that people were living in the earth. He and Karusakaibo made a cotton rope and lowered it into the hole. The people began to climb out. When half of them had emerged, the rope broke and half remained underground, where they still live. The sun passes through their country from west to east when it is night on the earth; the moon shines there when the earth has moonless nights.
— Donald Horton, “The Mundurucu.” U. S. Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 143 (Handbook of South American Indians) Vol. 3, The Tropical Forest Tribes. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1948, p. 281.
##A 06 60583 768
##T Dreams
##A 06 284228 769
##T Memories, Dreams, Reflections
Memories, Dreams, Reflections
I think there is no more remarkable autobiography in this century. Dream power and intellectual power collided in Jung’s life, merged finally, and carried him pilot-and-passenger on a psychic Gulf Stream, far and strange. He took 20th Century science with him.
— Stewart Brand
##A 06 284564 770
##T Memories, Dreams, Reflections
C.G. Jung
1963; 430 pp.
ISBN 0394702689
$6.95 ($7.95 postpaid)
Random House
Order Dept.
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 06 284794 771
##T Memories, Dreams, Reflections
At the beginning of 1944, I broke my foot, and this mis-adventure was followed by a heart attack. In a state of unconsciousness I experienced deliriums and visions which must have begun when I hung on the edge of death and was being given oxygen and camphor injections. The images were so tremendous that I myself concluded that I was close to death. My nurse afterward told me, “It was as if you were surrounded by a bright glow.” That was a phenomenon she had sometimes observed in the dying, she added. I had reached the outermost limit, and do not know whether I was in a dream or an ecstasy. At any rate, extremely strange things began to happen to me.
It seemed to me that I was high up in space. Far below I saw the globe of the earth, bathed in a gloriously blue light. I saw the deep blue seas and the continents. Far below my feet lay Ceylon, and in the distance ahead of me the subcontinent of India. My field of vision did not include the whole earth, but its global shape was plainly
distinguishable and its outlines shone with a slivery gleam through that wonderful
blue light. In many places the globe seemed colored or spotted dark green like oxidized
##A 06 285120 772
##T Memories, Dreams, Reflections
silver. Far away to the left lay a broad expanse — the reddish-yellow desert of Arabia; it was as though the silver of the earth had there assumed a reddish-gold hue. Then came the Red Sea, and far, far back — as if in the upper left of a map — I could just make out a bit of the Mediterranean. My gaze was chiefly directed toward that. Everything else appeared indistinct. I could also see the snow-covered Himalayas, but in that direction it was foggy or cloudy. I did not look to the right at all. I knew that I was on the point of departing from the earth.
Later I discovered how high in space one would have to be to have so extensive a view — approximately a thousand miles! The sight of the earth from this height was the most glorious thing I had ever seen.
##A 06 259659 773
##T C.G. Jung: Word and Image
C.G. Jung: Word and Image
If not nothing, then Jung is surely image. This collection by an old collaborator of his takes his lifelong caterpillar-crawl of thought and gives it colorful flight and new life. Jung’s biography is visible, as well as the things he saw that moved him, the archetypal images he recognized, and his own bizarre beautiful paintings, carvings, buildings. He lived with beautiful care. The book is bright and clear and not the slightest bit slick.
— Stewart Brand
Ÿ At a Journal Workshop
##A 06 259949 774
##T C.G. Jung: Word and Image
Aniela Jaffe, Editor
1979; 238 pp.
ISBN 0691018472
$16.50 postpaid
Princeton University Press
3175 Princeton Pike
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
##A 06 260422 775
##T C.G. Jung: Word and Image
Symbol of the sacred in a ring of flames floating above
the world of war and technology. Painted in 1920, it was inspired by a dream Jung had had on 22 January 1914,
anticipating the outbreak of war in August 1914.
##A 06 260650 776
##T C.G. Jung: Word and Image
Tree-man, by a thirty-five-year-old woman. Image of neurotically delayed development caused by psychic disturbances in childhood. Difficulties centered around developing a will of her own.
##A 06 253617 777
##T Symbols of Transformation in Dreams
Symbols of Transformation in Dreams
The best short, nontechnical account of Jungian ideas about dream symbols as harbingers of psychological and spiritual transformation. Jung saw dreams as snapshots of the psyches, and he and his followers have combined knowledge from the world’s collection of mystical symbology (such as alchemical texts) with the experiences of thousands of analysands, and have shown how those people who don’t have gurus or who aren’t initiates of one spiritual tradition or another can use their dreams as a guide to inner growth.
— Howard Rheingold
##A 06 254134 778
##T Symbols of Transformation in Dreams
Jean Dalby Clift
and Wallace B. Clift
1986; 159 pp.
ISBN 0824507274
$9.95 ($11.95 postpaid)
Crossroad Publishing Co.
P.O. Box 1535
Hagerstown, MD 21741
##A 06 254376 779
##T Symbols of Transformation in Dreams
The best time to begin developing skill in dream recall is during an unpressured time in the morning when you awaken naturally (it will be from a REM period). If you have trouble recalling your dreams, plan a time when you can spontaneously awaken and be unhurried.
When you awaken from a dream, lie still and allow the dream images to flow back into your mind. If no images come, let yourself run through the important people in your life; visualizing them may trigger association to your recent dream.
When dream recall is complete in one body position, move gently into other sleeping positions to see whether you have additional dream recall in these positions. Always move gently into any recording position.
Record your dreams whenever they come to you, immediately, later in the day, or several days later.
##A 06 254709 780
##T Symbols of Transformation in Dreams
When the symbols themselves are allowed to live, their meaning can continue, and Jung says they have strong power to do so:
Luckily for us, symbols mean very much more than can be known at first glance. Their meaning resides in the fact that they compensate an unadapted attitude of consciousness, an attitude that does not fulfill its purpose, and that they would enable it to do this if they were understood. But it becomes impossible to interpret their meaning if they were reduced to something else.
##A 06 315301 781
##T Dreams, Visions of the Night
Dreams, Visions of the Night
Besides containing marvelous information about the ancient and esoteric history of oneirology, this book has marvelous illustrations, gathered from the art of every culture, illustrating key points about dreams.
— Howard Rheingold
##A 06 315469 782
##T Dreams, Visions of the Night
David Coxhead and Susan Hiller
1976; 96 pp.
ISBN 0824500695
$9.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
Harper & Row
Keystone Industrial PArk
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 06 316064 783
##T Dreams, Visions of the Night
Among the Aztecs, dream interpretation and divination by dreams were the prerogative of the priestly class teopexqui, the Masters of the Secret Things; and, among the Maya, of the cocome, the Listeners. (Itzcoliuhqui makes offering before the House of Darkness, from the Codex Cospiano, Bologna.)
##A 06 314051 784
##T Dreams, Illusion and Other Realities
Dreams, Illusion and Other Realities
A thick book, quite readable, about the central role of dreams in the mythology, epistemology, and theology of the Hindu and Buddhist religions. Since both the Hindu and Buddhist doctrines contend that the waking conscious state is an illusion, and that the goal of life is to awaken from the illusion, the idea of learning to control your dreams has particular importance in these spiritual disciplines.
— Howard Rheingold
##A 06 314540 785
##T Dreams, Illusion and Other Realities
Wendy Doniger O’Flaherty
1984; 382 pp.
ISBN 0226618552
$13.95 ($15.20 postpaid)
University of Chicago Press
11030 South Langley Avenue
Chicago, IL 60628
##A 06 314789 786
##T Dreams, Illusion and Other Realities
Do all cultures make the same radical distinction between “appearance” and “reality” which ours has inherited from Plato? Are their hierarchies the same? In other words, do they necessarily accept the demand that contradictions must be ironed out and that all perceptions that clash with beliefs must force us either to change our views of the “objective world” or declare the perception to have been a subjective experience—an illusion? Even in our rationalist culture we don’t often live up to this logical precept. We try to evade it, especially when our emotions are involved.
—Sir Ernst Gombrich
##A 06 314948 787
##T Dreams, Illusion and Other Realities
A Möbius Snake/Rope. Painting by R. Williams
##A 06 101921 788
##T Dreams and Spiritual Growth
Dreams and Spiritual Growth
The authors take a Christian approach to dreamwork, but the book is a resource for anyone who is interested in the spiritual aspects of dreamwork. One of the nice ecumenical aspects of dreamwork is the fact that you can find it endorsed by the scriptures of the Jewish, Christian, Moslem, Hindu, Buddhist, Pagan, and Animist religions! The authors include 37 dreamwork techniques for spiritual growth.
— Howard Rheingold
##A 06 102590 789
##T Dreams and Spiritual Growth
(A Christian Approach to Dreamwork)
Louis M. Savary, Patricia H. Berne and Strephon Kaplan Williams
1984; 252 pp.
ISBN 080912629X
$9.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
Paulist Press
997 MacArthur Blvd.
Mahwah, NJ 07430
##A 06 254956 790
##T Dreams and Spiritual Growth
Establishing relationship to God is a keynote of the Western spiritual tradition. In doing dreamwork we are acknowledging the Source of our healing and wholeness, and we are also building a relationship to that Source. In dreamwork, as in meditation and contemplation, we are strengthening our relationship to God.
Who is willing and able to look God straight in the eye, and for how long? And yet to be seen by God is to begin really to see ourselves. We must be seen in order to see. We are invited to look into the dark night and remember what we have seen. The dream is the potential, the beginning. In our devotion, we can make the eyes of God more real for ourselves and the world.
And still all is mystery!
##A 06 280102 791
##T The Hero with a Thousand Faces
The Hero with a Thousand Faces
Myths and man’s dreamworld have, for the past fifty years or so, been the objects of various alchemical attempts at synthesis. The hero with a thousand faces is one of those syntheses. It’s about the mono-myth. Campbell traces his hero right out into the void.
— J.D. Smith
Ÿ The Way of the Animal Powers
##A 06 280524 792
##T The Hero with a Thousand Faces
Joseph Campbell
Revised Edition 1968; 416 pp.
ISBN 0691017840
$9.95 postpaid
Princeton University Press
3175 Princeton Pike
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
##A 06 280740 793
##T The Hero with a Thousand Faces
The Chinese tell of a crossing of the Fairy Bridge under guidance of the Jade Maiden and the Golden Youth. The Hindus picture a towering firmament of heavens and a many-leveled underworld of hells. The soul gravitates after death to the story appropriate to its relative density, there to digest and assimilate the whole meaning of its past life. When the lesson has been learned, it returns to the world, to prepare itself for the next level of experience. Thus gradually it makes its way through all the levels of life-value until it has broken past the confines of the cosmic egg. Dante’s Divina Commedia is an exhaustive review of the stages: “Inferno,” the misery of the spirit bound to the prides and actions of the flesh; “Purgatorio,” the process of transmuting fleshly into spiritual experience; “Paradiso,” the degrees of spiritual realization.
##A 06 280849 794
##T The Hero with a Thousand Faces
Bodhisattva (Tibet).
##A 06 281173 795
##T The Hero with a Thousand Faces
Isis Giving Bread and Water to the Soul.
##A 06 43839 796
##A 06 40291 797
##T How to Learn
##A 06 76195 798
by Anne Herbert
If you’re starting to learn about a field that you know nothing about, go to the children’s library and get some fifth, sixth, seventh grade books about it before you go into grownup books. Basic books for grownups tend to be aimed at college freshmen taking required courses—and everybody knows that they’re supposed to suffer, including the people who write the books. Basic books for kids are aimed at kids browsing in libraries who don’t have to be there and could leave anytime. The books have colors and pictures and a will to sell the subject; the good ones assume you know nothing without being condescending. You can get some vocabulary and feel for the shape of the subject before you
##A 06 91975 799
get into the stuck-up real books.
Kids’ books can also help you if you are one of those freshmen in one of those required courses.
##A 06 80281 800
##T Foxfire
Foxfire is a quarterly publication concerned with researching, recording and preserving Appalachian folk art, crafts and traditions. A typical issue contains articles on quilting, chairmaking, soap making, home remedies, mountain recipes, feather beds and home-made hominy, plus regional poetry and book reviews. One issue was devoted entirely to log cabin building. These are not superficial “feature” articles, but definitive, detailed treatments of traditional skills and crafts that have come close to dying out of our culture.
Foxfire would be a credit to a group of professional folklorists. But when you consider that it is edited and published by high school kids at the Rabun County High School in Clayton, Georgia, it
##A 06 80559 801
##T Foxfire
becomes impressive indeed. The thing I like most about it is the way these kids are looking immediately around them for their inspiration, instead of taking cues from New York and California. In their own way, these people are as hip and sophisticated as any young people putting out a magazine on either coast. More so, even. They’re cooler, more adult. Foxfire’s editors and writers (and some excellent photographers) seem to me as aware of what’s wrong with the world as anyone. The thing that distinguishes them from their shrill counterparts in the cities is the absence of fad, slogan and cliche as they set out to improve the world. These kids in Georgia are living in a real world, studying real things, and in consequence they are creating a wonderfully real publication in Foxfire.
— Gurney Norman
##A 06 80650 802
##T Foxfire
Since Gurney wrote this review in 1969 Foxfire has grown and deepened with the years into a flat-out landmark of American education and folklore technique. It’s been widely copied, always to good effect. Try it in your area. The old-timers tell things to youngsters they wouldn’t say to anybody else.
— Stewart Brand
##A 06 80964 803
##T Foxfire
Foxfire-the magazine
$8/year (4 issues)
The Foxfire Fund, Inc.
P. O. Box B
Rabun Gap, GA 30568
Page forward to card 6 for listing of titles available as of this writing.
##A 06 376611 804
##T Foxfire
Sometimes A Shining Moment
(The Foxfire Experiment)
Eliot Wigginton
1985; 438 pp.
ISBN 0385133596
$10.95 ($11.95 postpaid)
Anchor Press
Doubleday & Co.
501 Franklin Avenue
Garden City, NY 11530
##A 06 81388 805
##T Foxfire
The Foxfire Book — Hog dressing, log cabin building, mountain crafts and foods, planting by the signs, snake lore, hunting tales, faith healing, moonshining, and other affairs of plain living. 1972. $12.95 postpaid.
Foxfire 2 — Ghost stories, spring wild plant foods, spinning and weaving, midwifing, burial customs, corn shuckin’s, wagon making and more affairs of plain living. 1973. $12.95 postpaid.
Foxfire 3 — Animal care, banjos and dulcimers, hide tanning, summer and fall wild plant foods, butter churns, ginseng, and still more affairs of plain living. 1975. $12.95 postpaid.
Foxfire 4 — Fiddle making, spring houses, horse trading, sassafras tea, berry buckets, gardening, and further affairs of plain living. 1977. $12.95 postpaid.
##A 06 81600 806
##T Foxfire
Foxfire 5 — Ironmaking, blacksmithing, flintlock rifles, bear hunting, and other affairs of plain living. 1979. $12.95 postpaid.
Foxfire 6 — Shoemaking, 100 toys and games, gourd banjos and songbows, wooden locks, a water-powered sawmill and other affairs of just plain living. 1980.
$12.95 postpaid.
Foxfire 7 — Southern Appalachian religious heritage: baptizing, camp meetings, faith healing, snake handling. 1982. $12.95 postpaid.
Foxfire 8 — Southern folk pottery from pug mills, ash glazes, and groundhog kilns to face jugs, churns, and roosters; mule swapping and chicken fighting. 1984. $10.95 postpaid.
##A 06 101151 807
##T Foxfire
Foxfire 9 — Topics include wagon-making, general stores, a Catawba Indian potter, the reconstruction of a fifty-ft. long, two-story dogtrot house, and new material on quilting and home remedies. 1986. $12.95 postpaid
##A 06 24493 808
##T Golden Guides
Golden Guides
Competence, color, intelligent editing, and a reasonable price make any one of the Golden Guide series a good — perhaps the best — place to start. Handy pocket size makes them easy to tote along on your explorations. The variety is commendable.
— J. Baldwin
##A 06 24820 809
##T Golden Guides
$3.95 each ($4.95 postpaid)
Western Publishing Co.
Attn: Dept. M
1220 Mound Avenue
Racine, WI 53404
Series of 23 books. See next card for list of all available titles.
##A 06 356522 810
##T Golden Guides
The Sky Observer’s Guide Weeds
Mushrooms Tropical Fish
Insect Pests Seashells of the World
Pond Life Fossils
Spiders and Their Kin Stars
Fishing Seashores
Weather Rocks and Minerals
Butterflies and Moths Fishes
Geology Mammals
Reptiles and Amphibians
##A 06 25281 811
##T Golden Guides
— from A Golden Guide to Fossils
##A 06 365882 812
##T Golden Guides
BLIND SALAMANDERS are unusual animals found only in deep wells and underground streams of caves. They are a pale yellowish in color, with eyes reduced in size or completely undeveloped. The larvae of the Ozark Blind Salamander (adults 3–3/4 in.), found in open streams, have dark-colored skins and normal eyes. The young of the Texas species (adults 4 in.) resemble the pale adults. Another rare Blind Salamander has been found in Georgia.
—from Reptiles and Amphibians
##A 06 303268 813
##T Family Guide to Educational Software
Family Guide to Educational Software
A complete (80 pages), illustrated, informative, wholesome, up-to-date mail order catalog for games and learning programs. Updated quarterly.
— Art Kleiner
Ÿ Software Access
##A 06 303810 814
##T Family Guide to Educational Software
$5/year(2 issues)
P. O. Box 1717
Middletown, CT 06457
##A 06 112320 815
##T Drawing With Children
Drawing With Children
My mother, a lifelong art teacher (now a children’s docent at San Francisco’s Museum of Modern Art: Hi Mom!) heartily endorses Drawing With Children: A Creative Teaching and Learning Method That Works for Adults, Too. She’s been reading it and playing with my three-year-old daughter Mamie, and they are both having a high old time. It isn’t one of those books on how to turn your infant into a genius. Just a lot of fun with a system for helping you notice things. The before-and-after drawings in black and white and color do a great job of showing the reader exactly what the book is talking about: after as little as an hour of exercises taken from the book, children as young as four create compositions of astonishing sophistication.
— Howard Rheingold
##A 06 112928 816
##T Drawing With Children
Mona Brookes
1986; 211 pp.
ISBN 0874773962
$10.95 ($12.20 postpaid)
St. Martin’s Press
175 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10010
##A 06 87331 817
##T Drawing With Children
The method involves training children to perceive visual data with an alphabet of five elements of shape, demonstrating how the general shape of an object is composed of those elements, and giving them the freedom to create their own compositions and detail interpretations. The language is geared toward creating a noncompetitive and nonjudgmental environment in which the child learns that there is no wrong way to draw and that everybody can be successful.
##A 06 352757 818
##T Drawing With Children
Done on the same day after receiving the instructions... on how to draw faces.
##A 06 352776 819
##T Drawing With Children
MAKING ADJUSTMENTS BY TRANSFORMING. Children can come up with unbelievable ways to transform an object they don’t like into something else.
##A 06 112619 820
##T Visual Thinking
Visual Thinking
Rudolf Arnheim’s classic used examples from art and psychology to demonstrate that we derive our ideas and language itself from our perceptual responses. Then new knowledge about the mind’s use of visual thinking emerged from the work with interhemispheric differences in the brain — the “right-brain/left-brain” dichotomy we’ve heard too much about. Despite the hype and hoopla about “right-brained” this and that, it does appear to be true that all of use several different modes of thinking in our daily tasks, depending on what task we are tackling, and which part of the task we are involved in.
— Howard Rheingold
##A 06 112797 821
##T Visual Thinking
Rudolf Arnheim
ISBN 0520018710
$12.95 ($14.45 postpaid)
University of California Press
Order Dept.
2120 Berkeley Way
Berkeley, CA 94720
##A 06 324182 822
##T Visual Thinking
A good modern trademark interprets the character of its wearer by associating it with sharply defined patterns of visual forces. The well-known emblem of the Chase Manhattan Bank designed by Chermayeff and Geismar may serve as an example. The inner square and the outer octagon produce a centrically symmetrical figure, conveying the sense of repose, compactness, solidity. Closed like a fortress against interference and untouched by the changes and vicissitudes of time, the little monument is built of sturdy blocks defined by parallel straight edges and simple angles.
##A 06 353382 823
##T Exhibits for the Small Museum
Exhibits for the Small Museum
I used to work in exhibit design and can affirm that this is a right handy little book for the friendly task of making stuff visible, interesting, understandable, and protected. Great primer for a first-time museum. (Don’t tear down that old building. Do this book to it.)
— Stewart Brand
##A 06 353758 824
##T Exhibits for the Small Museum
Arminta Neal
1976; 169 pp.
ISBN 0910050236
$13.95 ($15.95 postpaid)
American Association
for State and Local History
172 Second Avenue N
Suite 102
Nashville, TN 37201
##A 06 354120 825
##T Exhibits for the Small Museum
Full case showing use of panel across left side, case furniture, and window cut through back of case.
yourself to be a part of nature. Taking joy in it. That’s what this extraordinary book is about. It’s a far cry from the obedient line of kids marching along to the chirping of a bored teacher on a “nature walk.” This is absolutely the best awareness-of-nature book I’ve ever seen. It works for adults, too.
— J. Baldwin
The 40 activities in this book are easy to use—for family or class outings. Kids actually like them. Sharing Nature with Children was the most helpful book I found when doing research for a bioregional curriculum guide — Joseph Cornell knows how to talk about nature to kids without talking down to them.
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 06 25757 829
##T Sharing Nature with Children
Joseph Bharat Cornell
1979; 143 pp.
ISBN 0916124142
$6.95 ($8.95 postpaid)
Ananda Publications
14618 Tyler Foote Road
Nevada City, CA 95959
##A 06 25935 830
##T Sharing Nature with Children
A tree is a living creature. It eats, rests, breathes and circulates its “blood” much as we do. The heartbeat of a tree is a wonderful crackling, gurgling flow of life. The best time to hear the forest heartbeat is in early spring, when the trees send first surges of sap upward to their branches, preparing them for another season of growth.
Choose a tree that is at least six inches in diameter and has thin bark. Deciduous trees are generally better for listening to than conifers, and certain individuals of a species may have a louder heartbeat than others. Press a stethoscope firmly against the tree, keeping it motionless so as not to make interfering noises. You may have to try several different places on the tree trunk before you find a good listening spot.
Children will want to hear their own heartbeat. Listen also to the heartbeats of mammals and birds — the variety in sounds and rhythms is fascinating.
##A 06 26401 831
Gorgeous pictures of animals, good articles on wildlife and ecology, good magazine for parents and teachers and kids to have around. Aimed at people 6 to 12 years old — direct without being condescending.
— Anne Herbert
The same publishers also present an ultra-basic magazine for
little kids: Your Big Backyard, and two for adults: National
Wildlife, and International Wildlife. All very fine.
— J. Baldwin
##A 06 26835 832
Ranger Rick
Trudy Farrand, Editor
ISSN 07386656
$14/year(12 issues)
$22 foreign
National Wildlife Federation
1412 16th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036-2266
##A 06 321840 833
Your Big Backyard
Leah Bendavid-Val, Editor
$10/year(12 issues)
$18 foreign
National Wildlife Federation
1412 16th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036-2266
##A 06 321334 834
International Wildlife
John Strohm, Editor
ISBN 00209112
$15/year(6 issues)
$19 foreign
National Wildlife Federation
1412 16th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036-2266
Both National and International Wildlife Magazines, 12 issues in all, $20 a year/$28 foreign.
##A 06 322114 835
National Wildlife
John Strohm, Editor
ISBN 00209112
$15/year (6 issues)
$19 foreign
National Wildlife Federation
1412 16th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036-2266
Both National and International Wildlife Magazines, 12 issues in all, $20 a year/$28 foreign.
##A 06 273930 836
Killing just one meerkat would have been no problem for the jackal. So he charged at the group again and again, trying to push out one meerkat. But the hissing giant would not split up. And it would not stop surging toward the jackal.
At last the jackal ran away. The giant chased him for a few minutes. Then the giant separated into 15 meerkats, which headed back toward their den.
—Ranger Rick
##A 06 27273 837
Dr. Macdonald has been working with meerkats for so long that they aren’t afraid of him at all! Scar Shoulder “peeps” and “trills” into his microphone just as though he were a foot-tall rock star singing at a concert.—from Ranger Rick
##A 06 322370 838
Rather then abandon her eggs, the pygmy marsupial frog carries them on her back in pouchlike slits that she opens when the tadpoles are ready to emerge and swim away.
—from International Wildlife
##A 06 67065 839
##T Zoobooks
Zoobooks are aimed at an audience a little more sophisticated than Ranger Rick’s (see previous review); it’s all super photographs and easy reading but without cute stories for the little kids. Hard to
say which of these two magazines is best — but I’ll bet your kids
can decide easily .
— J. Baldwin
##A 06 67101 840
##T Zoobooks
John Bonnett Wexo, Editor
$14/year (10 issues)
Single issue $1.95
Wildlife Education, Ltd.
930 West Washington Street
San Diego, CA 92103
##A 06 242004 841
##T Zoobooks
A polar bear’s front paws are its most dangerous weapons. Each one is like a 25-pound sledge hammer (11 kilograms) that the bear can swing with deadly force. The paw is also a “handy” tool. The large rough pad keeps the bear from slipping on the ice. And the short, sharp claws are just right for holding on to slippery prey.
##A 06 23504 842
##T Care of the Wild Feathered and Furred
Care of the Wild Feathered and Furred
A good way to graduate from bunny love to rabbit understanding is to take care of one that is injured. It takes more than a good heart and regard for God’s creatures; it takes knowledge and skill.
Here’s where to get plenty of both; how to feed ’em, house ’em and make repairs.
— J. Baldwin
##A 06 23643 843
##T Care of the Wild Feathered and Furred
Mae Hickman and Maxine Guy
Revised Edition1978; 160 pp.
ISBN 093557607X
$10.95 ($12.95 postpaid)
Michael Kesend Publishing, Ltd.
1025 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10028
##A 06 24003 844
##T Care of the Wild Feathered and Furred
A helpful feeding device is a 25-watt night light placed 6 inches from the floor of the pen. The light attracts many insects needed for food by healing or growing birds.
##A 06 24211 845
##T Care of the Wild Feathered and Furred
Bind the gauze over the sutured area with two long strips of tape, continuing the tape around the bird’s body so the gauze will remain firmly in place.
##A 06 30088 846
##T Nature at Work
Nature at Work
The subtle connections, cycles, and energy flows of ecology are wonderfully elucidated in this superior primer. Students and teachers will revel in it.
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ Ecology
##A 06 30337 847
##T Nature at Work
1978; 84 pp.
ISBN 052129469X
$9.95 postpaid
Cambridge University Press
Attn: Order Dept.
510 North Avenue
New Rochelle, NY 10801
##A 06 30852 848
##T Nature at Work
We can study an ecosystem in terms of trophic levels and pyramids. If we measure the amount of energy stored at each trophic level over a year, we can build up a pyramid of energy.
##A 06 29129 849
##T Man In Nature
Man In Nature
This book is exactly as subtitled: “America Before the Days of the White Man,” and “A First Book on Geography.” No other book (for kids or adults) spells out North American bioregional life like Man in Nature. It creates “locale” like Thoreau or John Muir. Read it to a child for your own pleasure.
— Peter Warshall
##A 06 29401 850
##T Man In Nature
(America Before the Days of the White Man)
Carl Sauer
1975; 285 pp.
$9.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
Turtle Island Foundation
2845 Buena Vista Way
Berkeley, CA 94708
##A 06 29509 851
##T Man In Nature
Making a new field was a good deal of work. These people had no plows, no animals for pulling, and no good tools for cutting wood. But they had a very good way of making a new field.
The men took their stone axes and cut or broke the bark around green trees. Captain Smith calls it bruising the bark. Actually, nothing more was necessary than to beat the bark to pieces, so that the sap could no longer flow to the branches and leaves.
If this was done in summer the trees usually died over winter. The next spring they stood bare and leafless.
That was all that was necessary for the first planting. The sun then could shine through the dead tree trunks on the ground. The ground was rich with dead and rotten leaves. Such ground was fine for corn and beans and pumpkins.
##A 06 29785 852
##T Man In Nature
Girdling trees.
##A 06 41876 853
##T Physics
##A 06 65818 854
To have no understanding of basic physics in an industrial society is to be ignorant in a debilitating way; even if you don’t like science and technology, there’s no point in being blind. But learning physics is tough if you aren’t adept at calculus. Until now. The following three books, Conceptual Physics, Thinking Physics, Relativity Visualized, are marvels of clarity — entirely free of author ego-brandishing that so often clouds explanatory writing.
Conceptual Physics is the whole bit right up to a nibble at quantum physics. Thinking Physics is a set of fun and maddening questions that force you to use your noodle (and what you’ve learned in the first book). Relativity Visualized is just that, and a good job of it, too.
— J. Baldwin
##A 06 276772 855
Conceptual Physics
Paul G. Hewitt
5th Edition 1985; 650 pp.
ISBN 0673395413
$32.80 ($34.30 postpaid)
Little, Brown & Co.
Order Dept.
200 West Street
Waltham, MA 02254
Teacher’s manual also available.
##A 06 75463 856
Thinking Physics
Thinking Physics is Gedanken Physics
Lewis C. Epstein
1987; 565 pp.
ISBN 0935218068
$17.95 ($19.95 postpaid)
Insight Press
614 Vermont Street
San Francisco, CA 94107
##A 06 384024 857
Relativity Visualized
Lewis Carroll Epstein
1987; 210 pp.
ISBN 093521805X
$15.95 ($16.95 postpaid)
Insight Press
614 Vermont Street
San Francisco, CA 94107
##A 06 74883 858
For a given body, the center of mass is the average position of all the particles of mass that constitute the body. For example, a symmetrical object such as a ball can be thought of as having all its mass concentrated at its center; by contrast, an irregularly shaped body such as a baseball bat has more of its mass toward one end. A cone has its center of mass exactly one-fourth of the way up from its base.
—Conceptual Physics
##A 06 77935 859
Battleship floating in a bathtub
Can a battleship float in a bathtub?(see card 8) Of course, you have to imagine a very big bathtub or a very small battleship. In either case, there is just a bit of water all around and under the ship. Specifically, suppose the ship weighs 100 tons (a very small ship) and the water in the tub weighs 100 pounds. Will it float or touch bottom?
a) It will float if there is enough water to go all around it
b) It will touch bottom because the ship’s weight exceeds the water’s weight
The answer is: a. There are a lot of ways to show why. This way was suggested by a student. Consider the ship floating in the ocean (sketch I). Next, surround the ship with a big plastic baggie — this is actually done sometimes with oil tankers —
(sketch II). Next, let the ocean freeze except for the water in the baggie next to the ship (sketch III). Finally, get an ice sculptor to cut a bathtub out of the solid ice and you have it (sketch IV).
##A 06 83357 860
This question points out the danger of thinking in words, rather than thinking in pictures and ideas. If you just think in words you might reason: “To float, the battleship must displace its own weight in water. Its own weight is 100 tons, but there is only 100 pounds of water available — so it cannot float.” But if you picture the idea you will see the displacement refers to the water that would fill the ship’s hull if the inside of the ship’s hull were filled to the water-line. And this displacement is 100 tons.
Don’t rely on words, or equations, until you can picture the idea they represent.
— Thinking Physics
##A 06 83848 861
Consider the ship floating in the ocean (sketch I). Next, surround the ship with a big plastic baggie — this is actually done some-times with oil tankers — (sketch II). Next, let the ocean freeze except for the water in the baggie next to the ship (sketch III). Finally, get an ice sculptor to cut a bathtub out of the solid ice and you have it (sketch IV).
—Thinking Physics
##A 06 84454 862
—Thinking Physics
##A 06 88911 863
Galileo’s explanation: The following is Galileo’s explanation of why large and small masses (disregarding air resistance) fall at the same rate.
The acceleration of a large falling rock is the same as the acceleration of a small falling rock because a large rock is just a bunch of small rocks falling together.
This explanation is occasionally reinvented by people who think about these things. Though not the first to think this way, they walk in the footprints of the old master!
—Relativity Visualized
##A 06 218494 864
##T The Exploratorium
The Exploratorium
In San Francisco, you don’t say, “Let’s go to the science museum,” you say, “Let’s spend the day at the Exploratorium.” It’s a place of discovery where you learn about light and sound and physics and biology and computers and whatever is being shown at the time of your visit, and whatever is being built for future shows (the workshop is visible so you can watch exhibits being made). Visitors are encouraged to poke, grab, and wiggle as they explore the amazing variety of fascinating stuff in the enormous space.
It’s what a “museum” should be. Even the store is wonderful. And you can book parties there if you’re a member!
The Exploratorium publishes nifty items too: Posters, exhibit catalogs, What’s Going On newsletter, and The Exploratorium
##A 06 297107 865
##T The Exploratorium
Quarterly. Most interesting: three Exploratorium Cookbooks that tell you how to make your own exhibits. The whole bit is carried off with imagination, sass and humor in a way that makes most other museums of any sort seem sort of sad by comparison.
— J. Baldwin
##A 06 297394 866
##T The Exploratorium
Exploratorium Membership
Publications list free
The Exploratorium
3601 Lyon Street
San Francisco, CA 94123
##A 06 107972 867
##T The Exploratorium
Exploratorium Cookbook I
1980; 254 pp.
The Exploratorium
3601 Lyon Street
San Francisco, CA 94123
##A 06 109753 868
##T The Exploratorium
Exploratorium Cookbook II
1980; 180 pp. $60
The Exploratorium
3601 Lyon Street
San Francisco, CA 94123
##A 06 366336 869
##T The Exploratorium
Exploratorium Cookbook III
1988; 316 pp.
The Exploratorium
3601 Lyon Street
San Francisco, CA 94123
##A 06 367082 870
##T The Exploratorium
Individual Exploratorium Cookbook Recipes
The Exploratorium
3601 Lyon Street
San Francisco, CA 94123
##A 06 367132 871
##T The Exploratorium
Exploratorium Quarterly
Pat Murphy, Editor
$12/year(4 issues)
$18 institutions; $25 foreign
The Exploratorium
3601 Lyon Street
San Francisco, CA 94123
##A 06 297883 872
##T The Exploratorium
Magnetic lines of force can be seen and felt using a large magnet and several pounds of black sand
(magnetite) or iron filings. The sand follows the magnetic lines of force and can be made to form images of the magnetic field. The sand,
(without dirtying one’s hands) provides a very pleasant and unusual tactile sensation because of its attraction to the magnet. Magnetic
“castles of sand” can also be built.—from Exploratorium Cookbook I
##A 06 369709 873
##T The Exploratorium
Given a complex pattern, your visual system sometimes leaps to a simple conclusion. Most people see the Exploratorium logo
(above) as a curved triangle that partially obscures three black circles. The imaginary triangle unifies the broken circles.
—from Exploratorium Quarterly
##A 06 371676 874
##T The Exploratorium
Isolated collagen fibers (magnified 48,000 times) look like wrapped steel cables and, like steel cables, have both strength and flexibility. These fibers are from human skin.
—from Exploratorium Quarterly
##A 06 44104 875
##T Learning Math
##A 06 298199 876
##T Mathematics A Human Endeavor
Mathematics A Human Endeavor
Is numberwork your nemesis? Mathematics A Human Endeavor is an utterly crap-free and glittery-clear math textbook that makes the work fun and interesting. Not a stamp or coin problem in sight.
This book requires discipline, but at least it isn’t boring or creepy.
— J. Baldwin
##A 06 298255 877
##T Mathematics A Human Endeavor
Harold R. Jacobs
2nd Edition 1982; 649 pp.
ISBN 0716713268
$23.95 ($25.95 postpaid)
W. H. Freeman & Co.
4419 West 1980 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84104
##A 06 298994 878
##T Mathematics A Human Endeavor
Three golfers named Tom, Dick, and Harry are walking to the clubhouse. Tom, the best golfer of the three, always tells the truth. Dick sometimes tells the truth, while Harry, the worst golfer, never does. Use deductive reasoning to figure out who is who and explain how you know.
##A 06 307689 879
##T Survival Mathematics
Survival Mathematics
Somebody you know might need some help in basic arithmetic. Have them try this exercise book which employs figures from everyday life for practicing math. Adding up a bill, determining if you’re gonna save money on a sale, calculating what kind of insurance costs less. Just as the title says: survival mathematics.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 06 308367 880
##T Survival Mathematics
(Basic Math to Help You Cope)
Edward Williams
1983; 364 pp.
ISBN 081202012X
$9.95 ($11.55 postpaid)
Barron’s Educational Series
250 Wireless Boulevard
Hauppauge, NY 11788
##A 06 308874 881
##T Survival Mathematics
##A 06 299250 882
##T Here’s Looking at Euclid
Here’s Looking at Euclid
Here’s Looking at Euclid does a great job of explaining geometry, particularly the spherical kind that has been the downfall of so many of us. It’s in comic book form, and it does the deed—even geodesics are served in a way that should present no problem for a 12-year-old, let alone an adult.
— J. Baldwin
##A 06 299398 883
##T Here’s Looking at Euclid
(and Not Looking at Euclid)
Jean-Pierre Petit, translated by Ian Stewart
1985; 63 pp.
ISBN 0865760926
$7.95 ($9.45 postpaid)
William Kaufmann, Inc.
95 First Street
Los Altos, CA 94022
##A 06 237472 884
##T Here’s Looking at Euclid
This explains how you can get “into” or “out of” a circle on the sphere, without crossing it. Just think of the circle as being made of elastic, sliding about like a rubber band on a billiard ball.
##A 06 300076 885
##T Prof. E. McSquared’s Calculus Primer
Prof. E. McSquared’s Calculus Primer
Uses comics to teach calculus. If the intricacies of that subject
have eluded you or filled you with paralyzing hatred, you might give this sugar-coated text a look.
— J. Baldwin
##A 06 300363 886
##T Prof. E. McSquared’s Calculus Primer
Howard Swann and John Johnson
1977; 214 pp.
ISBN 0913232475
$12.50 ($14 postpaid)
William Kaufmann, Inc.
95 First Street
Los Altos, CA 94022
##A 06 239300 887
##T Prof. E. McSquared’s Calculus Primer
##A 06 309102 888
##T Understanding Calculator Math
Understanding Calculator Math
This book explains the basic keys and then takes you through some common business, home and scientific problems that make you itchy to work out your own problems. It’s the only good introduction to calculator use we’ve seen. Though originally published by electronics manufacturer Texas Instruments, you can use it with anybody’s calculator. T.I. published a whole series of such books, on the sly premise that if you give people well-crafted, enthusiastic introductory manuals to calculator/computer/communications technology, they’ll get hooked.
— Art Kleiner
##A 06 309771 889
##T Understanding Calculator Math
Texas Instruments Learning Center
1976, 1978; 224 pp.
ISBN 089512016X
$4.95 ($7.95 postpaid)
Texas Instruments
Attn: Accessories Department
P.O. Box 53
Lubbock, TX 79408
or Whole Earth Access
##A 06 310152 890
##T Understanding Calculator Math
Balancing Your Checkbook.
Here’s a trick to help find mistakes — if your checkbook balance and statement balance differ by an amount that is evenly divisible by 9, chances are that your error is one of transposing two numbers (i.e., recording 54 instead of 45, or 329 instead of 239).
##A 06 310631 891
##T Math Aids
Math Aids
Looking through this catalog of books and sundries, you would
think that mathematics was something that anyone could enjoy.
— Kevin Kelly
Ÿ Edmund Scientific
##A 06 310859 892
##T Math Aids
Catalog free from:
Math Aids
P. O. Box 64
San Carlos, CA 94070
##A 06 311401 893
##T Math Aids
THE TANGRAM in wood $5.00
•made from stained wood 1" thick
•assembles to the traditional tangram square measuring
•for classroom, desk, or coffee table
•discover how to form over 1000 tangram figures
##A 06 44745 894
##T Science
##A 06 181904 895
##T The Science Book
The Science Book
Lots of interesting, various science experiments that invite willing participation by avoiding the sappy condescension usually found in books of this sort. The examples are taken from everyday life, making it all much more real than lab simulations do.
— J. Baldwin
##A 06 182340 896
##T The Science Book
Sara Stein
1980; 288 pp.
ISBN 0894801201
$7.95 ($9.95 postpaid)
Workman Publishing Co.
1 West 39th Street
New York, NY 10018
##A 06 227568 897
##T The Science Book
This photograph shows where such meat as chops, spareribs, bacon, and ham would come from on you.
Your own anatomy is not so different from a lamb, cow or pig. Here you can see the same cuts of meat outlined and labelled.
##A 06 82123 898
##T The Brown Paper School Books
The Brown Paper School Books
Appealing exploration of omnipresent subjects — body, weather, thinking, games, stars, local history. There is approximately no way to read these books and just sit there. Try this, notice that, well what about the other.
— Stewart Brand
##A 06 82329 899
##T The Brown Paper School Books
$7.95 each ($8.55 postpaid)
Little, Brown & Co.
200 West Street
Waltham, MA 02254
See next card for a list of available titles.
##A 06 82619 900
##T The Brown Paper School Books
My Backyard History Book
The I Hate Mathematics Book
The Reason for Seasons (The Great Cosmic Megagalactic Trip,
Without Moving from Your Chair)
Blood and Guts (A Working Guide to your Own Insides)
The Book of Think (Or How to Solve a Problem Twice Your Size)
Everybody’s a Winner (A Kid’s Guide to New Sports and Fitness)
The Night Sky Book (An Everyday Guide to Every Night)
I Am Not a Short Adult (Getting Good at Being)
This Book Is About Time
Good for Me (All About Food in 32 Bites)
Beastly Neighbors (All About Wild Things in the City or
Why Earwigs Make Good Mothers)
Make Mine Music!
The Book of Where (How to Be Naturally Geographic)
Gee, Wiz! (or How to Mix Art and Science or the Art of Thinking Scientifically)
##A 06 414160 901
##T The Brown Paper School Books
Math for Smarty Pants
Only Human (Why We Are the Way We Are)
Word Works (Why the Alphabet Is a Kid’s Best Friend)
##A 06 82804 902
##T The Brown Paper School Books
Get old inner tubes from a company that sells truck tires. (Car tires are mostly tubeless these days.) Stage a tube race by having contestants sit on the tubes and try to make them move. Touching the ground directly with feet or hands is not allowed.
Get a 10-by-20-foot sheet of plastic from a hardware or builder’s supply store
(about $4.50). Unroll it on the ground, flood it with water from a garden hose, and
you’ve got a dandy Super Slide.
— Everybody’s a Winner
##A 06 368149 903
##T The Brown Paper School Books
All humans have about the same number of melanin-producing cells in their skin. Skin color differs among groups because of differences in their genes. Some populations (races) have genes that direct their cells to produce many large granules of melanin pigment. Others have genes that cause their cells to make only a few smaller granules.
—from Only Human
##A 06 369126 904
##T The Brown Paper School Books
Make yourself a form like this and find out what your weekly violence intake is. Keep it near the TV so it will be handy to use. Everytime there’s a situation that fits one of the categories, make a tally mark.
—from I Am Not A Short Adult!
##A 06 311609 905
##T Cartoon Guide to Genetics
Cartoon Guide to Genetics
The stickiest, most wrenching paradoxes we have known are being handed to us by the science of genetics (it’s now possible to have five parents).
There’s no better way to quickly come to grips with things like recombinant DNA than to chortle your way through this cartoon book. It makes genetics hilariously simple. Starts out uncovering the basic territory of chromosomes and hybrids, and ends up in the most current research on protein folding and genetic surgery. Dumb jokes and brilliant cartooning make it easy all the way — MAD magazine style.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 06 312055 906
##T Cartoon Guide to Genetics
Larry Gonick and Mark Wheelis
1983; 214 pp.
ISBN 0064604160
$6.95 ($7.30 postpaid)
Harper & Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 06 44940 907
##T Supplies
##A 06 295134 908
##T Edmund Scientific
Edmund Scientific
Wondrous goodies abound in this catalog. Edmund’s, fully recovered from an unseemly dalliance with New Age gadgets, is back to their best thing: optical stuff (including a great selection of lasers) and a huge selection of equipment and hardware aimed at the intelligent amateur, including kids. (Their bargain basement is an associated company, Jerryco; see review in Crafts by clicking below). I’ve had very good service from these folks, including free product-selecting advice given over the phone.
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ Jerryco
##A 06 295370 909
##T Edmund Scientific
Catalog $5 from:
Edmund Scientific
101 East Gloucester Pike
Barrington, NJ 08007-1380
##A 06 336459 910
##T Edmund Scientific
• Disassembles For Storage
•1.33X Magnification In Water
• Right-Angle Or Straight-Thru View
• Waterproof System
Edmund Scientific’s new deluxe hydroscope offers you extended range underwater (submersible up to 6 feet) and larger optics for more light-gathering ability. . . . Construction is all aluminum tube with baked enamel finish and precision all-glass coated optics. Despite its mass the unit is very lightweight (7 pounds approx.) and easy to handle. A bracket at the upper end allows for safety cable attachment or custom mounting. The large knurled focus ring allows for quick focus and adjustment. . .
Power: 1X on ground, 1.33X in water
Length: 7 feet (2.2 meters)
Tube Diameter: 2–1/4" (55mm)
Weight: 7 pounds (3kg)
Focusing: Adjustable from 0 to infinity
Image: Erecting right and left reversed (upright mirror image)
Field of View: 26 degrees (20 degrees in water)
Underwater Scope & Case N37,754 $1,295.00
##A 06 336952 911
##T Edmund Scientific
Our famous jumping discs jump to 3 feet high! They work on thermodynamic principle. Available with our ES logo or try “Jumping Quarters” (equal heads and tails).
ES Logo: 12 Jumping Discs N41,150 $3.95
ES Logo: 100 Jumping Discs N41,180 $15.95
Jumping Quarters: 12 Discs N42,099 $3.95
Jumping Quarters: 100 Discs N42,278 $19.95
##A 06 296064 912
##T Nasco Science
Nasco Science
Nasco is a professional lab supply company. To get their extensive
catalog of science teaching aids, you may need to use a school letterhead. (As with many professional supply houses, Nasco will do business with individuals, but only serious ones). That’s easily arranged, and well worth the trouble. They stock everything from pig embryos to solar energy experiments, and the books and charts to go with it all. Nasco is probably where your school got their science stuff.
— J. Baldwin
##A 06 296233 913
##T Nasco Science
Catalog free from:
Nasco Science
Fort Atkinson, WI 53538
##A 06 44534 914
##A 06 67960 915
##T Science Magazines
##A 06 56644 916
##T Scientific American
Scientific American
The patriarch of science magazines is more into explanation
and less into news. Article difficulty is about max for a nonprofessional reader in whatever subject (almost anything!) is being discussed. Book reviews and drawings are exceptional.
— J. Baldwin
##A 06 57268 917
##T Scientific American
Jonathan Piel, Editor
ISSN 00368733
$24/year (12 issues)
Scientific American
P. O. Box 5919
New York, NY 10164-0411
##A 06 57729 918
##T Scientific American
Smelting in Tall Furnaces of the Early Iron Age has been reconstructed by the authors. The shaft was plastered and wrapped with vines to hold it together (1). Tuyeres were places radially around the base. The shaft was loaded with layers of charcoal and iron ore.
##A 06 57909 919
##T New Scientist
New Scientist
My primary source of scientific and technical information is the wide-ranging reporting in this weekly. It’s very British: droll wit abounds, and the criticism (some of it rather nasty) spares nobody, including the U.S.A., giving an unusual political aspect not found in other science magazines. You should have heard the shrieks around this office when it was suggested we cut our subscription as an economy measure.
— J. Baldwin
##A 06 58158 920
##T New Scientist
Michael Kenward, Editor
$99/year (52 issues)
New Scientist
Publications Expediting, Inc.
200 Meacham Avenue
Elmont, NY 11003
##A 06 58607 921
##T New Scientist
Although the seed of most crops has already been sown worldwide, wild and exotic species provide insurance and new genes to regenerate cultivars. Commercial crops are many times as vulnerable to pests and disease as their wild brethren, and plant biologists are ever watchful for new species that confer resistance, higher productivity, or useful traits such as tolerance to high salinity in water.
Jack Kloppenburg, assistant professor of rural sociology at the University of Wisconsin, has enlightened the North-South debate with an analysis of where plant species originated. In general, the North is indeed “gene-poor” and the South “gene-rich”. But no region is genetically independent, and no region can afford to isolate itself through a “genetic OPEC”, an option some gene-rich counties are considering.
##A 06 58838 922
##T New Scientist
Home-grown potatoes at Cuzco market: Peru’s harvest is among the world’s most diverse.
##A 06 58962 923
##T Science News
Science News
A highly palatable digest of current top stories in science. The least demanding in terms of technical background, it’s a quick read —only about ten pages of editorial material per issue, with adequate pictures. Sometimes it has by far the best coverage of fast-breaking stories.
— Stewart Brand
##A 06 59995 924
##T Science News
Patrick Young, Editor
ISSN 00368423
$34.50/year (52 issues)
Science News
231 West Center Street
Marion, OH 43305
##A 06 60943 925
##T Science News
The unresolved issue of dependency is made even more worrisome, several researchers told Science News, by tobacco’s availability, its low cost relative to illegal drugs and its social acceptability. “You can say nicotine is in the category of heroin and stimulants,” Henningfield notes, “but there are very few offices where you can shoot heroin.”
##A 06 376891 926
##T Science News
Smoking out ‘dirts’ and ‘hotshots’
If you want to prevent and reduce cigarette smoking among junior high school students, say two psychologists at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, target the “dirts” and the “hotshots.” These unflattering labels refer to adolescent peer groups with a surfeit of smokers.
Peter Mosbach and Howard Leventhal directed interviews of 341 seventh-and eighth-graders in a rural community. The students identified four peer groups at school.
“Dirtballs” or “freaks” (shortened to “dirts” by the researchers) were mainly boys who smoked, used other drugs, were poor students and engaged in a variety of problem behaviors. “Hotshots” were popular and academically successful, “jocks” had a strong interest in organized sports, and “regulars” were described as not belonging to any group and typical of junior-high students. These categories closely match those recently identified by other researchers in a big-city junior high school.
##A 06 377417 927
##T Science News
Smoking prevention programs, as well as research into new antismoking strategies in the schools, should focus on dirts and hotshots, assert Mosbach and Leventhal.
Dirts and hotshots made up 15 percent of the sample but accounted for 56 percent of the smokers, report Mosbach and Leventhal in the May JOURNAL OF ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY. Smoking is one of several behaviors that attract dirts to one another and helps satisfy a need for risk-taking and excitement, say the researchers. Dirts
usually begin smoking before junior high, and are relatively self-confident and unconcerned about smoking’s health dangers. Hotshots, on the other hand, are mainly females who seek excitement and achievement but are uncertain of their acceptance by others. Social pressures at school are likely to generate smoking among hotshots, who nevertheless believe that smoking is harmful.
##A 06 245192 928
##T Science News
Unlike the peripatetic hopper, the landing craft of the Phobos mission is equipped with a
“penetrator” both to hold the lander down in the extremely weak gravitational field and to measure the physical properties of the surface material.
##A 06 68597 929
##T Science
Top of the line. Possibly the best science magazine in the world
(the major challenge would be from England’s Nature). This is where you can really watch news taking shape. Often pretty technical, but it’s the real goods.
— Stewart Brand
##A 06 68698 930
##T Science
Daniel E. Koshland, Jr., Editor
ISSN 00368075
$70/year (51 issues)
1333 H Street NW
Washington, DC 20005
##A 06 131394 931
##T Science
Chinese food can tell us a lot about the relationship of diet and disease, a relationship that, in countless countries, has proved slippery to pin down. So says T. Colin Campbell of Cornell University, who, with three colleagues from China and England, is now completing a 6-year study of Chinese dietary patterns. . . .
What drew the investigators to China is that country’s enormous variation in cancer incidence, which became apparent with the 1981 publication of the Cancer Atlas of China by the Chinese Cancer Institute. The atlas revealed that in China cancer is very much a local disease, with mortality rates varying from several dozen-fold to 300-fold among regions. And in most regions, diet and life-style also vary tremendously: people usually live their entire lives in the county where they were born, eating locally grown foods. . . .
• Cholesterol. Plasma cholesterol levels range from 90 to 175 milligrams per deciliter, which puts the Chinese high near the U.S. low. Cardiovascular disease
##A 06 148279 932
##T Science
continues to decrease as cholesterol levels drop below 180, Campbell reported. Moreover, the incidence of colon cancer also decreases along with cholesterol levels, in contrast to a few studies that have suggested the reverse. . . .
• Fat. Fat intake ranges from a low of 6% of total calories to a high of 25%, with an average of 15%, compared with a U.S. average of 40%. There is no evidence, Campbell says, that health is compromised by such low-fat diets, but further investigation is necessary.
• Total calories. Although Chinese consume 20% more calories, per body weight, than do Americans, there is very little obesity. The Chinese are considerably more active than Americans, on average, says Campbell, “but I think that is only part of the
story.” He suspects it may be related to the type of calories consumed and how they
##A 06 414259 933
##T Science
are utilized. What this finding does imply, according to Campbell, is that caloric intake is not necessarily a determinant of obesity, nor is it necessarily a determinant of chronic disease risk, though obesity itself certainly is.
##A 06 45655 934
##T Philosophy
##A 06 85791 935
##T The Don Juan Books of Carlos Castaneda
The Don Juan Books of Carlos Castaneda
Astounding books exploring the mind’s perception of reality using the methods of a Mexican Indian sorcerer, “don Juan.” Harsh, humorous, told with shocking adroitness, the truths here have been confirmed by others who have worked with native shamans or explored the nether reaches of sundry mystical paths.
Unfortunately Castaneda’s later books (there are now 6 total), though they are interesting, fictionalize ever farther away from his extraordinary field experience in the mountains of Mexico. The ideas in these two books have entered the American language to stay.
— Stewart Brand
Ÿ The Way of the Animal Powers
##A 06 86206 936
##T The Don Juan Books of Carlos Castaneda
The Teachings of Don Juan
(A Yaqui Way of Knowledge)
Carlos Castaneda
1968; 196 pp.
ISBN 0520022580
$8.95 ($10.45 postpaid)
University of California Press
2120 Berkeley Way
Berkeley, CA 94720
##A 06 87762 937
##T The Don Juan Books of Carlos Castaneda
A Separate Reality
Carlos Castaneda
1971; 263 pp.
ISBN 0671831321
$4.95 postpaid from:
Simon & Schuster
Mail Order Sales
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 06 86338 938
##T The Don Juan Books of Carlos Castaneda
There was a question I wanted to ask him. I knew he was going to evade it, so I waited for him to mention the subject; I waited all day. Finally, before I left that evening, I had to ask him, “Did I really fly, don Juan?”
“That is what you told me. Didn’t you?”
“I know, don Juan. I mean, did my body fly? Did I take off like a bird?”
“You always ask me questions I cannot answer. You flew. That is what the second portion of the devil’s weed is for. As you take more of it, you will learn how to fly perfectly. It is not a simple matter. A man flies with the help of the second portion of the devil’s weed. That is all I can tell you. What you want to know makes no sense. Birds fly like birds and a man who has taken the devil’s weed flies as such [el enyerbado vuela asi].”
##A 06 86565 939
##T The Don Juan Books of Carlos Castaneda
“As birds do? [Asi como los pajaros?].”
“No, he flies as a man who has taken the weed [No, asi como los enyerbados].”
— The Teachings of Don Juan
##A 06 86808 940
##T The Don Juan Books of Carlos Castaneda
“I say it is useless to waste your life on one path, especially if that path has no heart.”
“But how do you know when a path has no heart, don Juan?”
“Before you embark on it you ask the question: Does this path have a heart? If the answer is no, you will know it, and then you must choose another path.”
“But how will I know for sure whether a path has a heart or not?”
“Anybody would know that. The trouble is nobody asks the question; and when a man
finally realizes that he has taken a path without a heart, the path is ready to kill him.
Very few men can stop to deliberate, and leave the path.”
“How should I proceed to ask the question properly, don Juan?”
##A 06 19241 941
##T The Don Juan Books of Carlos Castaneda
“Just ask it.”
“I mean, is there a proper method, so I would not lie to myself and believe the answer is yes when it really is no?”
“Why would you lie?”
“Perhaps because at the moment the path is pleasant and enjoyable.”
“That is nonsense. A path without a heart is never enjoyable. You have to work hard even to take it. On the other hand, a path with heart is easy; it does not make you work at liking it.”
— The Teachings of Don Juan
##A 06 72898 942
##T The Don Juan Books of Carlos Castaneda
“You abandoned yourself. You willed to abandon yourself. That was wrong. I have told you this already and I will repeat it again. You can survive in the world of a brujo only if you are a warrior. A warrior treats everything with respect and does not trample on anything unless he has to. You did not treat the water with respect yesterday. Usually you behave very well. However, yesterday you abandoned yourself to your death, like a god-damned fool. A warrior does not abandon himself to anything, not even his death. A warrior is not a willing partner; a warrior is not available, and if he involves himself with something, you can be sure that he is aware of what he is doing.”
“All I can say to you,” don Juan said, “is that a warrior is never available; never is he standing on the road waiting to be clobbered. Thus he cuts to a minimum his chances of the unforeseen. What you call accidents are, most of the time, very easy to avoid, except for fools who are living helter–skelter.”
— A Separate Reality
##A 06 2445 943
##T Wizard of the Upper Amazon
Wizard of the Upper Amazon
This is one of the best books I have encountered while reviewing for Whole Earth. It is far superior to anything Castaneda has attempted. The Huni Kui have pleasant and important communal visions much more astounding and connected-to-life than the individualistic “fearful” visions of Castaneda.
Plunged into the middle of a jungle foodweb, only visions, plant narcotics, hunting skills, and an incredible intimacy with the natural world sustain the wizard Cordova-Rios. In no other book have I felt the mixing of human and animal and dream worlds to be so clear and direct.
— Peter Warshall
##A 06 56216 944
##T Wizard of the Upper Amazon
(The Story of Manuel Córdova-Rios)
F. Bruce Lamb
1974; 295 pp.
ISBN 0938190806
$10.95 postpaid from:
North Atlantic Books
2320 Blake Street
Berkeley, CA 94704
##A 06 343620 945
##T Wizard of the Upper Amazon
I was still kept on a strict diet, and it turned out that this was to be a period of intensive training for me. Once every eight days I would have a session of visions with the chief. These included examination of plants and their various uses both as food and as medicine, as well as further study of the animals. During the time between sessions I was taken often to the forest on both day and night trips with small groups of hunters. On these excursions I found to my delight that the intensified sense of perception and increased awareness of my surroundings originating in the sessions with the chief stayed with me. In the forest my companions would point out origins of sound and smell and continually test my progress in becoming completely one with the forest environment.
##A 06 62788 946
##T Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Philosophical practicality. Practical philosophy. Harsh realism. Lofty aspiring. With Pirsig on the motorcycle road with his disturbed son Chris, the apparent contradictions kick each other into robust life. A kickstart of a book for anyone.
— Stewart Brand
Ÿ Meditation in Action
##A 06 63006 947
##T Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Robert M. Pirsig
1974, 1979; 412 pp.
ISBN 0688052304
$8.95 ($9.45 postpaid)
William Morrow Publishing Co.
Wilmor Warehouse
39 Plymouth Street
Fairfield, NJ 07006
##A 06 63289 948
##T Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
When he brought his motorcycle over I got my wrenches out but then noticed that no amount of tightening would stop the slippage, because the ends of the collars were pinched shut. “You’re going to have to shim those out,” I said.
“What’s shim?”
“It’s a thin, flat strip of metal. You just slip it around the handlebar under the collar there and it will open up the collar to where you can tighten it again. You use shims like that to make adjustments in all kinds of machines.”
“Oh,” he said. He was getting interested. “Good. Where do you buy them?”
“I’ve got some right here,” I said gleefully, holding up a can of beer in my hand.
##A 06 63570 949
##T Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
He didn’t understand for a moment. Then he said, “What, the can?”
“Sure,” I said, “best shim stock in the world.”
I thought this was pretty clever myself. Save him a trip to God knows where to get shim stock. Save him time. Save him money.
But to my surprise he didn’t see the cleverness of this at all. In fact he got noticeably haughty about the whole thing. Pretty soon he was dodging and filling with all kinds of excuses and, before I realized what his real attitude was, we had decided not to fix the
handlebars after all.
As far as I know those handlebars are still loose. And I believe now that he was actually offended at the time. I had had the nerve to propose repair of his new eighteen-hundred-dollar BMW, the pride of a half-century of German mechanical finesse, with a piece of old beer can!
##A 06 64199 950
##T Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
The purpose of scientific method is to select a single truth from among many hypothetical truths. That, more than anything else, is what science is all about. But historically science has done exactly the opposite. Through multiplication upon multiplication of facts, information, theories and hypotheses, it is science itself that is leading mankind from single absolute truths to multiple, indeterminate, relative ones. The major producer of the social chaos, the indeterminacy of thought and values that rational knowledge is supposed to eliminate, is none other than science itself. And what Phaedrus saw in the isolation of his own laboratory work years ago is now seen everywhere in the technological world today. Scientifically produced antiscience — chaos.
I tell him getting stuck is the commonest trouble of all. Usually, I say, your mind gets stuck when you’re trying to do too many things at once. What you have to do is try not to force words to come. That just gets you more stuck. What you have to do now is
##A 06 64481 951
##T Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
separate out the things and do them one at a time. You’re trying to think of what to say and what to say first at the same time and that’s too hard. So separate them out. Just make a list of all the things you want to say in any old order. Then later we’ll figure out the right order.
“Like what things?” he asks.
“Well, what do you want to tell her?”
“About the trip.”
“What things about the trip?”
He thinks for a while. “About the mountain we climbed.”
“Okay, write that down,” I say.
##A 06 64761 952
##T Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
He does.
Then I see him write down another item, then another, while I finish my cigarette and coffee. He goes through three sheets of paper, listing things he wants to say.
“Save those,” I tell him, “and we’ll work on them later.”
“I’ll never get all this into one letter,” he says.
He sees me laugh and frowns.
I say, “Just pick out the best things.” Then we head outside and onto the motorcycle again.
##A 06 312592 953
##T Phenomenon of Man
Phenomenon of Man
Written in 1955 by a mystical Catholic priest and noted amateur anthropologist (who also perpetrated a serious anthropological hoax) this is the primeval “cosmic” book.
Teilhard de Chardin provides a metaphysical understanding to the ascending global communications network and the modern expansion of information. He views human culture as the evolutionary advancement from non-life to the “deployment of the noosphere” —Teilhard’s coinage for the materialization of a human thought membrane around the earth. His is the ontogeny of a planetary circuit, now in progress.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 06 313115 954
##T Phenomenon of Man
Teilhard de Chardin
1955; 352 pp.
ISBN 0006248365
$8.95 ($10.45 postpaid)
J.B. Lippincott
Route 3, Box 20B
Hagerstown, MD 21740
##A 06 313509 955
##T Phenomenon of Man
Noogenesis rises upwards in us and through us unceasingly. We have pointed to the principal characteristics of that movement: the closer association of the grains of thought; the synthesis of individuals and of nations or races; the need of an autonomous and supreme personal focus to bind elementary personalities together, without deforming them, in an atmosphere of active sympathy. And once again: all this results from the combined action of two curvatures — the roundness of the earth and the cosmic convergence of the mind — in conformity with the law of complexity and consciousness.
The development of the human Layer. The figures on the left indicate thousands of years. They are a minimum estimate and should probably be at least doubled. The hypothetical zone of coverage on the point Omega is obviously not to scale. By analogy with other living layers, its duration should certainly run into thousands of years.
##A 06 65127 956
Against Method • The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
These two books aren’t new, but they remain among the best papers examining what constitutes scientific “truth.” Mr. Feyerabend argues that science is but one ideology out of many, and that truth is most likely to be found in an intellectual environment that encourages the proliferation of many theories and ideologies.
Fortunately, both books are easily read, though you’ll probably have to stop and ponder now and then as your logic base is assailed.
— J. Baldwin
##A 06 65289 957
Against Method
Paul Feyerabend
Schocken Books, Inc.
##A 06 45395 958
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
Thomas S. Kuhn
1970; 210 pp.
$6.95 ($7.45 postpaid)
University of Chicago Press
11030 South Langley
Chicago, IL 60628
##A 06 65656 959
The consistency condition which demands that new hypotheses agree with accepted theories is unreasonable because it preserves the older theory, and not the better theory. Hypotheses contradicting well-confirmed theories give us evidence that cannot be obtained in any other way. Proliferation of theories is beneficial for science, while uniformity impairs its critical power. Uniformity also endangers the free development of the individual.
There is no idea, however ancient and absurd, that is not capable of improving our knowledge. The whole history of thought is absorbed into science and is used for improving every single theory. Nor is political interference rejected. It may be needed to overcome the chauvinism of science that resists alternatives to the status quo.
— Against Method
##A 06 73409 960
No theory ever agrees with all the facts in its domain, yet it is not always the theory that is to blame. Facts are constituted by older ideologies, and a clash between facts and theories may be proof of progress. It is also a first step in our attempt to find the principles implicit in familiar observational notions.
— Against Method
##A 06 111351 961
Aristotle’s Physica, Ptolemy’s Almagest, Newton’s Principia and Opticks, Franklin’s Electricity, Lavoisier’s Chemistry, and Lyell’s Geology — these and many other works served for a time implicitly to define the legitimate problems and methods of a research field for succeeding generations of practitioners. They were able to do so because they shared two essential characteristics. Their achievement was sufficiently unprecedented to attract an enduring group of adherents away from competing modes of scientific activity. Simultaneously, it was sufficiently open-ended to leave all sorts of problems for the redefined group of practitioners to resolve.
Achievements that share these two characteristics I shall henceforth refer to as
“paradigms,” a term that relates closely to “normal science.”
— The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
##A 06 45875 962
##T Skepticism
##A 06 275233 963
##T Science and the Paranormal
Science and the Paranormal
If you just wanted to read one book skeptical of the paranormal, this would have to be it. Twenty experts, most of them scientists, take the time to study the evidence for various paranormal claims within their areas of expertise. Botanist Arthur Galston discusses the failures to replicate “plant consciousness” research published in the sensationalistic Secret Life of Plants. Astronomer Carl Sagan examines the Biblically-inspired catastrophist reinterpretation of solar system history proposed in Immanuel Velikovsky’s Worlds in Collision. Surgeon William Nolen reports on his extensive investigation of psychic healing. The magician James “The Amazing” Randi demonstrates his duplications of psychic
“miracles.” The lyrical closing chapter by M.I.T. physicist Philip Morrison redirects the reader to the genuine fountains of wonder
##A 06 275687 964
##T Science and the Paranormal
that are the basis of all great science. This book is an intelligent, informed analysis of some of the most widely held paranormal beliefs, and a lesson in critical thinking to boot.
— Ted Schultz
##A 06 275962 965
##T Science and the Paranormal
George O. Abell and Barry Singer, Editors
1981, 1986; 432 pp.
ISBN 0684178206
$12.95 postpaid
Macmillan Publishing Co.
Order Dept.
Front and Brown Streets
Riverside, NJ 08075
##A 06 276196 966
##T Science and the Paranormal
As an experienced surgeon I immediately recognized what I had previously suspected from viewing the films: These so-called operations were simply feats of legerdemain. I managed to persuade Joe Mercado, one of the best-known psychic surgeons, to operate on me, explaining that I had high blood pressure (true) and that high blood pressure might be caused by kidney disease (also true). He operated on me while I stood by the side of the altar in his church (at six foot one I was too tall to lie down on the altar on which he operated on most of his patients). Looking down on his hands, I could easily see as he began the “operation” that he had palmed the intestines and fat of a small animal. I watched him carefully as he pushed against me and it was apparent, both visually and from the way his hands felt as they pressed on my abdominal musculature, that he had not penetrated my abdominal wall. When he
“removed” the fatty tissue, he held it up for all the spectators to see and said, “Evil tissue.” He immediately tossed it into a can of flaming alcohol kept behind the altar.
##A 06 276298 967
##T Science and the Paranormal
James Randi simulates a psychic healer removing
a supposed tumor.
##A 06 182186 968
##T The Skeptical Inquirer
The Skeptical Inquirer
For years paranormalists complained: “Why don’t scientists investigate this?” Scientists do, and their reports regularly take up the challenge in the pages of the Skeptical Inquirer. For a decade, this journal of the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal has been a lone voice in a sea of irrationality. High-quality articles with plenty of references thoroughly survey and analyze all kinds of paranormal claims. Sure, there’s plenty of debunking—usually right on target. Anyone who reads from the extensive literature of the paranormal has to read the Skeptical Inquirer, if only for balance. I recently purchased a complete set of back issues; you can’t get this information anywhere else.
— Ted Schultz
##A 06 204010 969
##T The Skeptical Inquirer
Kendrick Frazier, Editor
ISSN 01946730
$22.50/year (4 issues)
The Skeptical Inquirer
Box 229
Buffalo, NY 14215-0229
##A 06 204198 970
##T The Skeptical Inquirer
When UFO commentator and gadfly James Moseley shocked and upset many readers of his newsletter, Saucer Smear, by announcing that he was “losing the faith,” the well-known UFO and Fortean researcher Jerome Clark suggested that he might regain some of his lost “faith” if he were to look into a really excellent UFO case, such as Rendlesham. Moseley did, and the result eroded his confidence in UFOlogy even further. He found that two British researchers from the Swindon Centre for UFO Research and Investigation made a brief preliminary investigation and found five major discrepancies in the published reports.
##A 06 204770 971
##T The Skeptical Inquirer
Event No. 8, Charles Berlitz version: “Oct. 1978: (No exact date.) Three people on a 40-foot cabin cruiser disappear in clear weather and calm seas during a short trip between Bimini and Miami.”
This case is, as Berlitz might describe it, a classic Bermuda Triangle disappearance. It has all the hallmarks of such an occurrence; namely, an unidentified vessel, with three unnamed people on board, vanishes on an unspecified date. The local newspapers carried no report of this incident and the Coast Guard was unable to confirm that a vessel matching this description had been lost in October.
##A 06 267023 972
##T Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science
Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science
Martin Gardner is a well-known science writer who for years authored the “Mathematical Games” column in Scientific American. First published in 1952, this volume is THE classic of skeptical literature. Gardner displays some of the best qualities of a skeptical author: good writing, good research in an area fraught with obscurity, and genuine fascination for pseudoscience and crankery of all kinds. His book is a parade of eccentric people and eccentric theories: hollow and flat Earth, bizarre physics, Lysenkoism, the Bates vision-correction system, Reich’s orgonomy, general semantics, parapsychology, medical quackery (always a fertile field). You’d have to spend years haunting libraries and
writing away for pamphlets to assemble half of the histories and
biographies that Gardner presents here in a thoroughly sane, good-humored style. — Ted Schultz
##A 06 267513 973
##T Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science
Martin Gardner
Revised Edition 1957; 363 pp.
ISBN 0486203948
$6.50 ($7.35 postpaid)
Dover Publications
31 East Second Street
Mineola, NY 11501
##A 06 267660 974
##T Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science
Nor is Henry [the dowser] likely to try the blindfold test with which he was once challenged by a wise professor at the University of Massachusetts. This test is even simpler. Let Henry find a spot where his rod dips strongly. Then let him be blindfolded securely and led about over the area to see if his stick dips repeatedly when he walks across the same spot. Could anything be fairer?
When Henry’s rod failed in some of the tests mentioned above, Roberts’ reaction was typical. Did it suggest that he should endeavor to set up other tests which might yet place Henry’s ability on some sort of scientific footing? It did not. Instead Roberts writes, “If the . . . experiments proved nothing to the scientists, they proved a good deal to me. They proved above all else that I should have as little as possible to do with dubious skeptics or geologists in any future dowsing experiments on which I might venture. . .”
##A 06 399986 975
##T Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science
The Great Pyramid of Egypt was involved in many medieval and Renaissance cults, especially in the Rosicrucian and other occult traditions, but it was not until 1859 that modern Pyramidology was born. This was the year that John Taylor, an eccentric painter in a London publishing firm, issued his The Great Pyramid: Why was it Built? And Who Built it?
Taylor never visited the Pyramid, but the more he studied its structure, the more he became convinced that its architect was not an Egyptian, but an Israelite acting under divine orders. Perhaps it was Noah himself.
##A 06 268065 976
##T Fortean Times
Fortean Times
This quarterly exudes a delightful sense of humor and a healthy excitement for all things strange and wonderful. It carries on in the tradition of Charles Fort, an eccentric American writer who in the ’20s and ’30s produced four books of mysterious occurrences combined with whimsical cosmic philosophy. Highlighted by entertaining editorial commentary, FT features mind-boggling surveys of weird events culled from the newspapers of the world, in categories like rains of frogs, sea serpents, strange fires, religious miracles, out-of-place animals, ice meteors, phantom cats, etc. In addition, FT offers eccentric columnists, odd comic strips, and elegant shoestring design. Great fun to read, and a continuing testament to the strangeness of our world.
— Ted Schultz
##A 06 268293 977
##T Fortean Times
Richard J. M. Rickard
and Paul R. A. de G.Sieveking, Editors
ISSN 03035899
$14/year (4 issues)
BM-Fortean Times
96 Mansfield Road
London NW3 2HX
##A 06 268783 978
##T Fortean Times
The Death of a Wolf Boy
According to the United News of India (UNI), a wolf boy called Ramu died in Prem Nivas, Mother Theresa’s Home for the Destitute and Dying in Lucknow on 18 (or 20?) February 1985. He had developed cramps two weeks earlier and had not responded to treatment. The report said that he had been captured in a forest in 1976, aged about 10, in the company of three wolf cubs. He was on all fours, had matted hair, nails like claws, and his palms, elbows and knees were calloused like the pads of a wolf’s paws. He ate raw meat, and after his capture he would sneak out and attack chickens. He learned to wash and wear clothes, but never to speak.
(AP) Houston (TX) Chronicle, 23+27 Feb. . . .
##A 06 271871 979
##T Mysteries of the Unexplained
Mysteries of the Unexplained
Thank God not everything in the universe is explained. The wonder of not knowing for sure is what is celebrated in this Reader’s Digest compendium of curious and spooky marvels. It’s given me the dubious pleasure of being perplexed by mysteries I wasn’t even aware of, like spontaneous human combustion (a human bursts into flames unaccountably and consumes itself by its own heat), or stigmata (an affliction that causes people to bleed in the manner of Christ’s wounds on certain holy days). Not to mention UFOs and ball lightning and the oddities of everyday life.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 06 271950 980
##T Mysteries of the Unexplained
A peerless browse, this collection of fascinating photos and sufficiently brief accounts of still-half-understood goings-on will give any reader an itchy mind.
— Stewart Brand
##A 06 272337 981
##T Mysteries of the Unexplained
The Editors of Reader’s Digest
1982; 320 pp.
ISBN 0895771462
$22.95 ($23.95 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 06 272473 982
##T Mysteries of the Unexplained
The Prophecies of Nostradamus
The most famous of all nonbiblical prophets, Michel de Nostredame, or Nostradamus, was born at St. Remy in the south of France in 1503. . . . Like most prophets, Nostradamus seems to have had a particular talent for predicting disasters and falls from power. He is held to have described the fate of Napoleon, whose rule over the French Empire ended with his imprisonment on the tiny island of S. Helena in 1815, and to have predicted the abdication of King Edward VIII of Great Britain in 1936.
In two quatrains Nostradamus came close to naming Adolf Hitler and described his calamitous activities with some accuracy. According to the first one:
Liberty shall not be recovered, a black, fierce, villainous, evil man shall occupy it, when the ties of his alliance are wrought. Venice shall be vexed by Hister.
##A 06 272718 983
##T Mysteries of the Unexplained
The second quatrain was even more vivid:
Beasts wild with hunger will cross the rivers, the greater part of the battlefield will be against Hister. He will drag the leader in a cage of iron, when the child of Germany observes no law.
An eight-inch globe of ball lightning — about as bright as a 10-watt bulb, and giving off no perceptible heat — emerged from the pilot’s cabin and floated down the aisle of an airliner on a New York-to-Washington flight on March 19, 1963, just after lightning had struck the plane. Passenger R. C. Jennison was especially struck by its perfect symmetry and “almost solid appearance.”
(Nature, 224:895, November 29, 1969)
##A 06 273135 984
##T Mysteries of the Unexplained
John Ridgway and Chay Blyth, who rowed across the Atlantic in the summer of 1966, were threatened by a sea serpent almost twice the length of their open boat, as depicted in the artist’s rendition of the encounter.
##A 06 114431 985
##T The Sourcebook Project
The Sourcebook Project
The Sourcebooks are the “Encyclopedia Britannica” of the unexplained. For over 13 years, physicist and science writer William R. Corliss has systematically searched the pages of a century’s backlog of scientific journals, extracting every report of the bizarre or inexplicable in an exhaustive effort to “catalog what is not known.” His ever-expanding database currently encompasses over 30,000 items, some of which he’s managed to catalog in his 13-volume Sourcebook series; over 20 more volumes are planned. The volumes bear titles like Rare Halos, Mirages, Anomalous Rainbows, and Related Electromagnetic Phenomena; Tornados, Dark Days, Anomalous Precipitation, and Related Weather Phenomena; and The Sun and Solar System Debris. The
##A 06 110358 986
##T The Sourcebook Project
books are subdivided into a very well-planned categorization scheme that is the first cross-referenced taxonomy of anomalies. Individual anomaly types are rated in two ways: once for reliability of the reports, and once for “anomalousness,” the extent to which the phenomenon, if real, violates currently accepted scientific theory. Clearly, the Sourcebooks are the ultimate reference tool for the strange-phenomena connoisseur.
The tireless Mr. Corliss also publishes a newsletter, Science
Frontiers, sent free for the asking.
— Ted Schultz
##A 06 114537 987
##T The Sourcebook Project
William R. Corliss, Editor
Information free
$11.95- $18.95 postpaid
The Sourcebook Project
P. O. Box 107
Glen Arm, MD 21057
##A 06 114784 988
##T The Sourcebook Project
Ice Falls or Hydrometeors
Description. Chunks of ice that fall from the sky that are substantially larger than the largest recognized hailstones; that is, more than five inches in diameter or weighing more than 2 pounds. The ice pieces may fall from a clear sky or they may descend after a powerful stroke of lightning. The chunks may be clear ice, or layered structures, or aggregations of small hailstones. This diversity of structure and meteorological conditions suggests that ice falls may have several different origins.
Background. Today, the fall of large ice chunks is usually blamed on aircraft passing overhead. Certainly, aircraft constitute a likely source, but there are many pre-Wright examples of this phenomenon. Furthermore, aircraft can be ruled out in some modern cases. Nevertheless, it seems that most people are satisfied with the aircraft explanation — perhaps because other origins are difficult to imagine.
— Tornados, Dark Days
##A 06 115051 989
##T The Sourcebook Project
Waterspout with a long
horizontal section.
–Tornados, Dark Days
##A 06 46152 990
##A 06 48375 991
##T Animism and Paganism
##A 06 12500 992
##T The Way of the Animal Powers
The Way of the Animal Powers
This formidable work of art and scholarship concerns the myths of the first peoples—the hunter-gatherers of our ancestry and of today. Their images, their beliefs, are deeply sophisticated and as troubling and inspiring as the reader will let them be. The medium, arch-mythologist Joseph Campbell, is welcoming you to a long night’s journey. This is Volume I of an Historical Atlas of World Mythology. Maps abound, along with some of the best reproductions yet of mythic creatures both famous and heretofore little known.
— Stewart Brand
Ÿ The Hero with a Thousand Faces
##A 06 12745 993
##T The Way of the Animal Powers
(Historical Atlas of World Mythology)
Joseph Campbell
1983; 304 pp.
ISBN 0912383003
$75 ($78 postpaid)
Alfred Van Der Marck Editions
Harper & Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 06 12977 994
##T The Way of the Animal Powers
In the beginning of all things, wisdom and knowledge were with the animals; for Tirawa, the One Above, did not speak directly to man. He sent certain animals to tell men that he showed himself through the beasts, and that from them, and from the stars and the sun and the moon, man should learn. Tirawa spoke to man through his works. — Chief Letakots-Lesa of the Pawnee tribe to Natalie Curtis, c. 1904.
##A 06 13294 995
##T The Way of the Animal Powers
The male initiation rites of the Ona were conducted in a special lodge of the men’s society, the kloketen, from which women were excluded; and associated with the mystifications of this institution were a number of such Hallowe’en spooks as we see here. These apparitions would appear from time to time, ranging through the bush of areas about the men’s house, and any woman or child seeing one or more of them was to suppose that they were the inhabitants of the kloketen with whom the men held converse in their meetings. An important moment in the initiations of a boy took place when he was compelled to get up and wrestle with one of these characters, who would let the youngster put him down, after which the masquerade was uncovered, and the boy turned into a man. There was a legend of the kloketen having been originally of the women, but taken and kept from them by the men. (Cont’d on next card.)
##A 06 13349 996
##T The Way of the Animal Powers
. . . An important moment in the initiations of a boy took place when he was compelled to get up and wrestle with one of these characters, who would let the youngster put him down, after which the masquerade was uncovered, and the boy turned into a man.
##A 06 224099 997
##T Drawing Down the Moon
Drawing Down the Moon
Drawing Down the Moon is an intelligent, sensitive, well-researched, thorough, critical study of the modern witchcraft scene. It does an excellent job of dealing with subjects which are often misunderstood and misrepresented.
— Martha Burning
##A 06 224454 998
##T Drawing Down the Moon
(Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America Today)
Margot Adler
1986; 608 pp.
ISBN 0807032530
$14.95 ($16.95 postpaid)
Beacon Press
Attn: Order Dept.
25 Beacon Street
Boston, MA 02108
##A 06 224668 999
##T Drawing Down the Moon
So perhaps the best way to begin to understand the power behind the simple word witch is to enter that circle in the same spirit in which C. G. Jung consulted the I Ching before writing his famous introduction to the Wilhelm-Baynes translation. Do it, perhaps, on a full moon, in a park or in the clearing of a wood. You don’t need any of the tools you will read about in books on the Craft. You need no special clothes, or lack of them. Perhaps you might make up a chant, a string of names of gods and goddesses who were loved and familiar to you from childhood myths, a simple string of names for earth and moon and stars, easily repeatable like mantra.
##A 06 224982 1000
##T Drawing Down the Moon
Drawing down the moon: one of the few known depictions of this ancient ritual, from a Greek vase probably of the second century B.C.
##A 06 225157 1001
##T Circle Network News
Circle Network News
There is a new generation of practicing pagans attempting to identify a spiritual tradition linked to their continuing personal and social concerns. Circle is the best way to contact them.
— Martha Burning
##A 06 225446 1002
##T Circle Network News
Dennis Carpenter, Editor
$9/year (4 issues)
P. O. Box 219
Mount Horeb, WI 53572
##A 06 79444 1003
##T Circle Network News
Law Enforcement & Pagan PR
Pagans everywhere should be aware of two disturbing trends connected with the area of law enforcement that have been growing in the last year in the United States. First of all, a number of fundamentalist Christians doing education for law enforcement personnel have been spreading false information about Paganism. Many have falsely linked Neo-Paganism with criminal Satanic activity in seminars they present and in written materials they have been circulating among police departments. Several national cult crime networks have carried misinformation about Paganism in their publications . . . .
We at Circle Sanctuary have so far addressed this problem situation in several ways. First of all, we have met with the County Sheriff and other local law enforcement officials in this area to introduce ourselves and to make sure that they understand that the Wiccan religion is not connected with Satanism or Satanic crime.
##A 06 50825 1004
##T Buddhism
##A 06 19691 1005
Buddhism is a nontheistic world view and meditative endeavor which has helped millions of individuals and dozens of societies live in clarity and peacefulness. According to Nancy Wilson Ross, nearly one-fourth of the people on earth are followers of this way of life and thought.
The main teachings of Buddhism are interdependence, that nothing exists separate of everything else; nonduality, that correct perception requires becoming one with the object; nonviolence, which springs from this empathetic understanding; and joy, which arises from maintaining awareness of what is actually happening, even as it changes. The root “buddh” means to be awake, or aware,
and the most important practice in Buddhism is awareness of
##A 06 22774 1006
what is going on: in your body, your mind, your feelings, and the world around. The many schools and sects of Buddhism—including Zen (meditation), Tibetan, Vipassana (insight), and Shin
(devotion)—all derive from these fundamental teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha, who lived 2,500 years ago in northern India.
For the past century, and particularly the past 30 years, Asian teachers have brought these meditation practices and understandings to Westerners, and a generation of Western
Buddhist practitioners is now making these teachings available
throughout the U.S., Canada, Europe, and Australia. In addition, many universities now have programs in Buddhist studies. A complete directory of Buddhist centers is available from Snow
##A 06 32111 1007
Lion Publications.
There are many excellent books, journals, newsletters, and tapes on Buddhism in English. The three books I recommend most highly are The Miracle of Mindfulness, by Thich Nhat Hanh, Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind, by Shunryu Suzuki, and Meditation in Action, by Chogyam Trungpa. They all speak clearly, simply, and directly about Buddhist understanding from within the tradition. A fourth book, Taking the Path of Zen, by Robert Aitken, provides an excellent how-to manual for someone entering Zen practice.
For further reading, see the bibliography in Nancy Wilson Ross’s book. For further information or meditation instruction, contact
##A 06 94456 1008
one of the centers listed in the International Buddhist Directory.
— Arnold Kotler
##A 06 33261 1009
The three books I recommend most highly are The Miracle of Mindfulness, by Thich Nhat Hanh, Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind, by Shunryu Suzuki, and Meditation in Action, by Chogyam Trungpa. They all speak clearly, simply, and directly about Buddhist understanding from within the tradition.
— Arnold Kotler
##A 06 39721 1010
Meditation in Action
Chögyam Trungpa
1969; 74 pp.
ISBN 0394730259
$4.95 ($6.95 postpaid)
Shambhala Publications
P. O. Box 308
Boston, MA 02117
##A 06 88566 1011
Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind
(Informal Talks on Zen Meditation and Practice)
Shunryu Suzuki
1970; 138 pp.
ISBN 0834800799
$5.95 ($7.95 postpaid)
Charles E. Tuttle Co., Inc.
28 South Main Street
Rutland, VT 05701
##A 06 408900 1012
The Miracle of Mindfulness
Thich Nhat Hanh
2nd Edition 1988; 140 pp.
ISBN 0807012017
$7.95 ($9.95 postpaid)
Beacon Press Order Dept.
25 Beacon Street
Boston, MA 02108
##A 06 36015 1013
Buddha never claimed that he was an Incarnation of God, or any kind of Divine Being. He was just a simple human being who had gone through certain things and had achieved the awakened state of mind. It is possible, partially at least, for any of us to have such an experience.
—Meditation in Action
##A 06 133731 1014
Sometimes, of course, one can change the situation with certain people — perhaps by going through a series of painful steps, like complaining to the person or going to great lengths to explain that so-and-so disturbs one, or such-and-such a thing is not acceptable. But by the time one has gone through this rather long process, the very aim one was trying to achieve — namely peace and quiet — has long ago disappeared, and one hasn’t achieved anything. So the whole thing becomes a continual rat race. Therefore patience is the way to set the example of peace. If one would like to create a quiet atmosphere somewhere, then one has to develop patience — not just bearing pain, but seeing the amusing side of that situation where one finds oneself irritated. And if one is able to see that particular aspect, the ironical aspect (which is also an interesting aspect), then somehow the situation is no longer irritating and no longer intrudes on our property of silence. If one is able to accept it in a relaxed way, a quiet way, that is already the first step in producing a climate of peace and an atmosphere of quiet, and then somebody might feel that, even without saying it.
—Meditation in Action
##A 06 88584 1015
The purpose of studying Buddhism is not to study Buddhism, but to study ourselves. It is impossible to study ourselves without some teaching. If you want to know what water is you need science, and the scientist needs a laboratory. In the laboratory there are various ways in which to study what water is. Thus it is possible to know what kind of elements water has, the various forms it takes, and its nature. But it is impossible thereby to know water in itself. It is the same thing with us. We need some teaching, but just by studying the teaching alone, it is impossible to know what “I”
in myself am. Through the teaching we may understand our human nature. But the teaching is not we ourselves; it is some explanation of ourselves. So if you are attached to the teaching, or to the teacher, that is a big mistake.
—Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind
##A 06 119029 1016
Consider the example of a table. The table’s existence is possible due to the existence of things which we might call “the non-table world”: the forest where the wood grew and was cut, the carpenter, the iron ore which became the nails and screws, and countless other things which have relation to the table, the parents and ancestors of the carpenter, the sun and rain which made it possible for the trees to grow.
If you grasp the table’s reality then you see that in the table itself are present all those things which we normally think of as the non-table world. If you took away any of those non-table elements and returned them to their sources — the nails back to the iron ore, the wood to the forest, the carpenter to his parents — the table would no longer exist.
A person who looks at the table and can see the universe is a person who can see the way. —The Miracle of Mindfulness
##A 06 43448 1017
##T International Buddhist Directory
International Buddhist Directory
For further information or meditation instruction, contact one of the centers listed in the International Buddhist Directory.
— Arnold Kotler
##A 06 43664 1018
##T International Buddhist Directory
Compiled by Tushita Meditation Centre
1985; 120 pp.
ISBN 0861710258
$8.95 ($10.45 postpaid)
Snow Lion Publications
P. O. Box 6483
Ithaca, NY 14850
##A 06 62073 1019
Buddhism: A Way of Life and Thought, by Nancy Wilson Ross, and What the Buddha Taught, by Walpole Rahula, elucidate Buddhist philosophy and history in clear, nonacademic terms.
— Arnold Kotler
##A 06 62317 1020
What the Buddha Taught
Walpola Rahula
Revised Edition 1987; 151 pp.
ISBN 0802130313
postpaid ($10.45 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 06 67652 1021
Buddhism: A Way of Life and Thought
Nancy Wilson Ross
1981; 208 pp.
ISBN 00394747542
$9.95 ($11.45 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 06 38343 1022
The conception of dukkha may be viewed from three aspects: (1) dukkha as ordinary suffering (dukkha-dukkha), (2) dukkha as produced by change (viparinama-dukkha) and (3) dukkha as conditioned states (samkhara-dukkha).
All kinds of suffering in life like birth, old age, sickness, death, association with unpleasant persons and conditions, separation from beloved ones and pleasant conditions, not getting what one desires, grief, lamentation, distress - all such forms of physical and mental suffering, which are universally accepted as suffering or pain, are included in dukkha as ordinary suffering (dukkha-dukkha).
— What the Buddha Taught
##A 06 35591 1023
During its long centuries of quiet pilgrimage by land and sea, much of Buddhism’s powerful influence may have had its source in the deliberate avoidance of claims to exclusive Truth, adherence to inflexible dogma, or the authority of any final, sacrosanct, theocratic hierarchy. The “Come and see for yourself” attitude of the original Great Teacher, Siddhartha Gautama, who became the Buddha, the Enlightened One, his pragmatic insistence on “Don’t take my word for it. Try it yourself!” the unswerving challenge of his famous aphorism, “Look within, thou art the Buddha” — all this served to lower the resistance that so often attends the arrival of a new and unfamiliar faith.
—Buddhism: A Way of Life and Thought
##A 06 69748 1024
##T Taking the Path of Zen
Taking the Path of Zen
Taking the Path of Zen, by Robert Aitken, provides an excellent how-to manual for someone entering Zen practice.
— Arnold Kotler
##A 06 85240 1025
##T Taking the Path of Zen
Robert Aitken
1982; 149 pp.
ISBN 0865470804
$9.50 ($11 postpaid)
North Point Press
850 Talbot Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94706
##A 06 35377 1026
##T Taking the Path of Zen
Breath counting: Zazen is a matter of just doing it. However, even for the advanced Zen student, work on the meditation cushions is always being refined. It is like learning to drive a car. At first everything is mechanical and awkward. You consciously depress the clutch and shift into low, then release the clutch gradually while depressing the gas pedal, steering to stay within the white lines and to avoid other cars. There are so many things to remember and to do all at once, that at first you make mistakes and perhaps even have an accident. But when you become one with the car, you are more confident. And you become a better and better driver with experience.
##A 06 53078 1027
##T Yoga
##A 06 9755 1028
Ask someone what yoga is all about and the most likely response will have to do with headstands and other physical stuff. It’s an interesting case of the tail wagging the dog, for way back when it all began the physical postures, or asanas, were only a small part of the main affair. Some two millennia ago Patanjali, whose work marks the first clear beginning of what is known today as yoga, produced the yogic sutras, a series of short aphorisms which formulate ashtanga, or eight limbed yoga. The asanas, or hatha yoga, are just one limb, and not one that received much of the founder’s attention.
Patanjali’s sparse aphorisms were intended to be memorized and handed down verbally by teachers who would then amplify with
##A 06 10074 1029
their own comments; thus, in a book they are always accompanied by an interpretation.
The word “yoga” comes from the same Sanskrit base that gives us our word “yoke,” and implies a union or harnessing of energies, in this case a discipline or technique for investigating and developing the Self. A look at the literature reveals a fully developed philosophy, a way of explaining the world around us
and why we’re here. You might say it’s similar to the Buddhist
approach, but a bit less ethereal. Or it could be compared to some of the basic tenets of Hindu thinking, but since pinning down Hinduism with words and logic is like trying to put a puffy white cloud into a plain brown wrapper with a small plastic fork, we are
##A 06 10455 1030
left with our curiosity, a few source documents like Patanjali,
and whatever conclusions we reach on our own after going through the commentary and collating it with personal experience.
Interesting, you say, but perhaps you’re hot to do headstands and perfect that lotus. Let’s get on with it.
— Dick Fugett
##A 06 38616 1031
##T How to Know God
How to Know God
This is the most available volume of aphorisms (with a commentary), and it’s a good introduction to what yoga is all about, which is much more than headstands.
— Dick Fugett
##A 06 4538 1032
##T How to Know God
(The Yoga Aphorisms
of Patanjali)
Swami Prabhavananda
and Christopher Isherwood, Translators
1981; 224 pp.
ISBN 0874810418
$7.95 ($9.95 postpaid)
Vedanta Press
1946 Vedanta Place
Hollywood, CA 90068-3996
##A 06 134808 1033
##T How to Know God
Basically, “yoga” means “union.” It is the Sanskrit ancestor of the English word
“yoke.” Hence, it comes to mean a method of spiritual union. A yoga is a method—any one of many—by which an individual may become united with the Godhead, the Reality which underlies this apparent, ephemeral universe. To achieve such union is to reach the state of perfect yoga. Christianity has a corresponding term, “the mystic union,” which expresses a similar idea.
##A 06 142902 1034
##T How to Know God
It is fairly easy to reason all this out in a calm moment. But our non-attachment is put to the test when the mind is suddenly swept by a huge wave of anger or lust or greed. Then it is only by a determined effort of will that we can remember what our reason already knows — that this wave, and the sense-object which raised it, and the ego-sense which identifies the experience with itself, are all alike transient and superficial — that they are not the underlying Reality.
Non-attachment may come very slowly. But even its earliest stages are rewarded by a new sense of freedom and peace. It should never be thought of as an austerity, a kind of self-torture, something grim and painful. The practice of non-attachment gives value and significance to even the most ordinary incidents of the dullest day. It eliminates boredom from our lives.
##A 06 11358 1035
##T Yoga Journal
Yoga Journal
Yoga Journal began 14 years ago as a small, regional magazine devoted completely to hatha yoga, but its growth and diversification have made it the best known voice of the movement. YJ still emphasizes hatha, but articles can range from body work and acupuncture to nutrition and martial arts.
There are also good interviews with people making the news, book reviews, and event announcements—which are interesting for anyone looking for new directions.
— Dick Fugett
##A 06 11709 1036
##T Yoga Journal
Stephan Bodian, Editor
ISSN 01910965
$15/year (6 issues)
Yoga Journal
2054 University Avenue #604
Berkeley, CA 94704
##A 06 143113 1037
##T Yoga Journal
The connection between the Tibetans and the American Indians is apparently more far-reaching than most Americans could ever have imagined. The encounter of Dhyani Ywahoo and Chetsang Rinpoche, for instance, was preceded in 1979 by the visit of the Dalai Lama, spiritual leader of six million Tibetans, who met with elders of the Hopi tribe and then with elders of the Iroquois Confederacy. These meetings were historic not just for their cultural import, but also because, according to those who were involved, they were the culmination of ancient prophecies. . . .
[Journalist Marcia] Keegan also notes some striking correspondences between the two cultures. Geographically, Hopi country is located directly opposite Tibet. In Hopi language, the word nyima means “moon”; in Tibetan, the same word means “sun.” Conversely, the word dawa means “moon” in Tibetan, “sun” in Hopi. For both peoples, the purpose of their religion is to help maintain the natural harmony of the universe by living in balance with it.
##A 06 143583 1038
##T Yoga Journal
By integrating the lengthening action of the psoas into our stretches and movements, we are helping the other bodily structures to assume their proper form and function.
##A 06 8175 1039
##T Integral Yoga Hatha
Integral Yoga Hatha
The practice of hatha yoga acquaints us with our bodies in a slow, precise manner that no sport can offer. Diligent pursuit will reward us with a new physical well-being, a clearer mind, and most importantly, an inner calm unknown before. Hatha is an invaluable tool for developing ourselves, one that we can take with us wherever we go, like meditation.
Because it can become more than just an exploration of the physical package, a teacher, especially at the beginning, can give insights that the purely self-taught person may miss. A few classes or a retreat can produce rewards that more than justify the money spent.
##A 06 8366 1040
##T Integral Yoga Hatha
When it comes to books on the topic there’s a bushel, but two could be said to be standards: this one and Light On Yoga (see next item). Integral Yoga Hatha has probably started more people then any other, it’s simple, clear and well illustrated, and each asana, or posture, is also described in writing. If you’d like a closer look, there are numerous Integral Yoga institutes around the country offering classes in hatha and related topics.
— Dick Fugett
##A 06 8727 1041
##T Integral Yoga Hatha
Yogiraj Sri Swami Satchidananda
1970; 189 pp.
ISBN 0030850894
$9.95 ($11.95 postpaid)
Henry Holt & Co.
115 West 18th Street
New York, NY 10011
##A 06 144296 1042
##T Integral Yoga Hatha
This pose builds up a healthy brain and tones the entire nervous system. It favorably influences all the endocrine glands, particularly the pineal, pituitary, thyroid, and parathyroids. It aids in the relief of almost all nervous ailments, improves memory power, and is useful in ridding oneself of seminal weaknesses such as premature ejaculation and nocturnal emissions. It helps in the maintaining of celibacy. It helps to relieve nervous and hepatic types of asthma, as well as diseases of the lungs, digestive, and genitourinary system. Uterine and ovarian diseases are relieved. This pose benefits the body overall and helps to relieve many diseases.
##A 06 144554 1043
##T Integral Yoga Hatha
##A 06 8569 1044
##T Light on Yoga
Light on Yoga
If you’ve reached advanced levels and enjoy new challenge (Beware of Egofeed—hey look, I did a Lotus!) then check out Light on Yoga. Iyengar is a master of the art, and the pictures in the book illustrate his talent. They could also be discouraging for the beginner, so don’t worry about whether you’ll ever be that loose, just appreciate the incredible possibilities inherent in the human structure, and wonder why the rest of us don’t develop them. The book also has a superior introduction to the entire yogic philosophy.
— Dick Fugett
##A 06 9098 1045
##T Light on Yoga
B. K. S. Iyengar
1976; 544 pp.
ISBN 0805206108
$12.95 ($13.95 postpaid)
Schocken Books
c/o Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 06 263385 1046
##T Light on Yoga
Vatayanasana Eleven
Vatayana means a horse. The pose resembles a
horse’s face hence the name.
In the beginning, it will be difficult to balance and the knees will be painful. With practice the pain disappears and the balance is achieved.
In this pose the hip joints receive proper circulation of the blood and minor deformity in the hips and thighs is corrected. The pose is also good for stiffness in the sacroiliac region.
##A 06 59319 1047
##T Judaism and Islam
##A 06 101514 1048
The Qur’an is The Book revealed from Allah (God) through His prophet Muhammad (on whom be blessings and peace!) over a period of 23 years. Unlike the Torah, the Psalms, or the Gospels, it has been handed down unchanged since the time of its revelation. Consequently, its text has not been “improved,” “clarified” or
“interpreted.” It remains exactly what Muhammad (who was illiterate) recited to the early Muslims.
As the Qur’an itself states, it is a book of guidance “to those who guard against evil, who believe in the Unseen” and like any book of guidance, it must be approached with respect and openness. This
##A 06 101831 1049
can be difficult for non-Muslims since the Qur’an abounds with
images and thoughts that are both sublime, inspiring, and beautiful, as well as (often simultaneously) mystifying, violent, and terrifying. On first reading, it may strike you as a very peculiar and upsetting—yet compelling—book. Second readings and beyond get even more interesting.
Ideally, the Qur’an should be read or listened to in the original Arabic , as it was revealed, for there is much
beauty and even greater emotional and spiritual power in its
##A 06 417206 1050
sounds. However, Arabic is a difficult language to learn, so most of us will have to settle, initially at least, for translations.
— Latifa and Micha 'Abd al-Hayy Weinman
The sound used here is from the Folkways record, Islamic Liturgy — Koran: Call To Prayer, Odes, Litany .
Ÿ Folkways Records • Smithsonian Institution
##A 06 102847 1051
##T The Holy Qur’an
The Holy Qur’an
The Holy Qur’an, translated by A. Yusuf Ali, a Pakistani Muslim, has language which tends to be stilted, flowery, and archaic. However, it also includes extensive footnotes and commentary which are quite helpful and insightful.
— Latifa and Micha ’Abd al-Hayy Weinman
##A 06 103153 1052
##T The Holy Qur'an
Abdullah Yusuf Ali
1983; 1,862 pp.
ISBN 0866851674
$20 ($21 postpaid)
International Book Centre
P. O. Box 295
Troy, MI 48099
##A 06 148574 1053
##T The Holy Qur'an
Sura LV.
Rahman, or (God) Most Gracious.
In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
1. (God) Most Gracious!
2. It is He Who has
Taught the Qur-an.
3. He has created man:
4. He has taught him speech
(And Intelligence).
##A 06 145196 1054
##T The Holy Qur'an
5. The sun and the moon
Follow courses (exactly) computed;
6. And the herbs and the trees —
Both (alike) bow in adoration.
7. And the Firmament has He
Raised high, and He has set up
The Balance (of Justice) . . .
##A 06 100298 1055
##T Back to the Sources
Back to the Sources
This book is an ambitious introduction and guide to the process of Jewish study. There are sections in this 448-page anthology covering Bible narratives and Bible law, Rabbinic folklore and Rabbinic law, medieval philosophy and mysticism, the teachings of the Hasidic Masters and the Hebrew prayerbook itself. Through it all is a sense of tradition as something organic and growing, an art which invites us to participate and make our own contribution once we have grasped the fundamentals.
Back to the Sources comes out of an informal “school” of people who have been privately involved for years in Jewish spiritual renewal, but professionally have been part of the university community.
##A 06 100581 1056
##T Back to the Sources
The authors go to great lengths to supply the background information and give the reader choices of interpretation. There is warmth in this book, and the kind of wry humor that comes of an intelligence aware of its own limitations.
— Ya’qub ibn Yusuf
##A 06 100776 1057
##T Back to the Sources
(Reading the Classic Jewish Texts)
Barry W. Holtz, Editor
1984; 448 pp.
ISBN 0671454676
$19.95 ($21.45 postpaid )
Simon and Schuster
Mail Order Sales
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 06 101035 1058
##T Back to the Sources
We tend nowadays to think of the Jewish sermon as a modern invention, something borrowed perhaps from our Protestant neighbors. But in fact, sermons have been preached throughout much of Jewish history. In rabbinic times, sermons were so popular that people would flock from miles around to hear the Sabbath or Festival address of some renowned preacher.
The preacher would enter dramatically after his assistants had “warmed up” the audience, and as he spoke, an underling — acting as a kind of primitive “living loudspeaker” — would repeat his words so that all could hear. We do not have an actual transcript of an ancient sermon in its entirety, but fragments of these ancient sermons, reworked and polished by later editors, form the core of one major type of midrashic literature. Reasonably enough, this body of literature is called homiletical Midrash, since it is based, as least in essence, on the homilies preached by the ancient sages.
##A 06 103909 1059
##T The Koran Interpreted
The Koran Interpreted
The Koran Interpreted comes from Arthur J. Arberry, a great Orientalist, but not — at least publicly — a Muslim. This translation has several shortcomings, including a puny index and no footnotes, yet Arberry conveys some of the poetry, cadence and grandeur of the Arabic. He has captured something ineffable from the original that no other translation has even touched.
— Latifa and Micha ’Abd al-Hayy Weinman
##A 06 103980 1060
##T The Koran Interpreted
Arthur J. Arberry
1955, 1964; 358 pp.
ISBN 0020832605
$13.95 postpaid
MacMillan Publishing Co.
Order Dept.
Front and Brown Streets
Riverside, NJ 08075
##A 06 76567 1061
##T The Koran Interpreted
In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
The All-merciful has taught the Koran.
He created man
and He has taught him the Explanation.
The sun and the moon to a reckoning,
and the stars and the trees bow themselves;
and heaven — He raised it up, and set
the Balance.
(Transgress not in the Balance,
and weight with justice, and skimp not in the Balance.)
##A 06 146265 1062
##T The Koran Interpreted
In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
Hast thou seen him who cries to the Doom?
That is he who repulses the orphan
and urges not the feeding of the needy.
So woe to those that pray
and are heedless of their prayers,
to those who make display
and refuse charity.
##A 06 414499 1063
##T The Koran Interpreted
In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
Surely We have given thee abundance;
so pray unto thy Lord and sacrifice.
Surely he that hates thee, he is the one cut off.
##A 06 104732 1064
##T Ideals and Realities of Islam
Ideals and Realities of Islam
A very clear presentation of the doctrines and beliefs of Islam by one of the most distinguished Muslim thinkers in the West. Includes a glossary and listings of additional readings the reader can investigate.
— Jay Kinney
##A 06 105106 1065
##T Ideals and Realities of Islam
Seyyed Hossein Nasr
1988; 192 pp.
ISBN 0042970490
$14.95 ($15.95 postpaid)
Unwin Hyman, Inc.
8 Winchester Place
Winchester, MA 01890
##A 06 105271 1066
##T Ideals and Realities of Islam
For nearly fourteen hundred years Muslims have tried to awaken in the morning as the Prophet awakened, to eat as he ate, to wash as he washed himself, even to cut their nails as he did. There has been no greater force for the unification of the Muslim peoples than the presence of this common model for the minutest acts of daily life. A Chinese Muslim, although racially a Chinese, has a countenance, behaviour, manner of walking and acting that resembles in certain ways those of a Muslim on the coast of the Atlantic. That is because both have for centuries copied the same model. Something of the soul of the Prophet is to be seen in both places. It is this essential unifying factor, a common Sunnah or way of living as a model, that makes a bazaar in Morocco have a “feeling” or ambiance of a bazaar in Persia, although the people in the two
places speak a different language and dress differently.
There is something in the air which an intelligent foreign observer will immediately detect as belonging to the same religious and spiritual climate. And this sameness is
##A 06 5326 1067
##T Ideals and Realities of Islam
brought about firstly through the presence of the Quran and secondly, and in a more immediate and tangible way, through the “presence” of the Prophet in his community by virtue of his Hadith [sayings] and Sunnah.
##A 06 59584 1068
##T Gnosticism
##A 06 231562 1069
##T The Other Bible
The Other Bible
For my money this is the most significant sourcebook for exploring an alternative Western spirituality since the English translations of the gnostic Nag Hammadi Library were published. The ancient texts presented here—selections from the Dead Sea Scrolls, apocryphal scriptures, kabbalistic and hermetic texts, and some of the Nag Hammadi scriptures themselves—have been previously scattered in at least a dozen books of varying degrees of availability. In collecting these together and writing short introductions for each of the 88 subsections of material, editor Willis Barnstone has made it immeasurably easier to obtain an overview of the diverse spiritual currents at play in the days before orthodox Christianity took hold in the West.
##A 06 231817 1070
##T The Other Bible
Possession of a mere fraction of the 742 pages of material collected here would have led to burning at the stake during the Inquisition. It is one of the ironic blessings of our secular age that books like this are now freely available in inexpensive, paperback editions.
— Jay Kinney
##A 06 232007 1071
##T The Other Bible
Willis Barnstone, Editor
1984; 742 pp.
ISBN 0062500309
$14.95 ($16.45 postpaid)
Harper & Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 06 232330 1072
##T The Other Bible
The Gospel of Thomas
These are the secret sayings which the living Jesus spoke and which Didymos Judas Thomas wrote down.
(1) And he said, “Whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings will not experience death.”
(2) Jesus said, “Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All.”
##A 06 234329 1073
##T The Classics of Western Spirituality
The Classics of Western Spirituality
I can’t praise this series of books too highly. In an ecumenical move transcending that of any other religious publisher I can think of, Paulist Press has committed itself to publish the most important writings of the key figures of western religion. They’ve made it an ongoing series that will ultimately comprise as many as eighty volumes. These classics include both the famous and the relatively obscure, not only in Christian spirituality, but in Jewish, Islamic, and Native spiritualities as well. The authors’ writings are each preceded by a knowledgeable introduction giving some biographical information and placing the texts in the context of the writers’ times and other works.
As might be expected with an encyclopedic project such as this,
##A 06 234677 1074
##T The Classics of Western Spirituality
each volume is not going to be of equal interest to everyone.
What’s important is that Origen, Julian of Norwich, Sharafuddin Maneri, Menahem Nahum, and several dozen other mystics and spiritual masters are now easily accessible and accorded equal stature. The books are all attractively designed, nicely printed, and modestly priced, and available individually or by subscription. The series, which is now up to fifty volumes, has been going for several years at the pace of approximately one book a month. If your local library isn’t already acquiring the series as they appear, I’d suggest they catch up: books such as these are what libraries are for.
— Jay Kinney
##A 06 234769 1075
##T The Classics of Western Spirituality
John Farina, Editor-in-Chief
$11.95 average
($13.45 postpaid)
Paulist Press
997 MacArthur Blvd.
Malwah, NJ 07430
59 volumes
##A 06 146588 1076
##T The Classics of Western Spirituality
Early Kabbalah, The.
Edited and translated with an introduction by Joseph Dan and Ronald C. Kiener, preface by Moshe Idel.
Previously unavailable texts, including THE BOOK BAHIR and the writings of the Iyyum circle, that were written during the first one hundred years of this movement that was to become the most important current in Jewish mysticism.
Cloth 0373-7 $13.95; 2769-5 $10.95
Emanuel Swedenborg:
The Universal Human and Soul-Body Interaction
Edited and translated by George F. Dole, introduction by Stephen Larsen.
Writings from the eighteenth-century Swedish scientist and visionary whose works are among the most influential in the Western esoteric tradition.
Cloth 0344-3 $12.95; 2554-4 $7.95
##A 06 232785 1077
##T Gnosis
Gnosis is the kind of knowledge you get when you meet God. Truth. Western spiritual traditions are full of mystics who sought this gnosis, this direct experience of the divine. But their teachings— Alchemy, Gnosticism, the Kabbalah, Mysticism, Magic, Sufism, to name but a few—aren’t widely known due to frequent persecution by orthodox religious authorities. What is known tends to make these traditions seem like strange, primitive islands.
Former Whole Earth Review editor Jay Kinney has founded a magazine called Gnosis to help bring western inner traditions back into the light. Westerners in search of spiritual growth and
illumination need not borrow the path from other cultures; we can look in our own back yard. Each issue of Gnosis roots expertly
##A 06 232994 1078
##T Gnosis
through one theme (e.g. Gnosticism, Magic and Tradition) with academic and ecstatic voices speaking side by side. I love the feeling of guided ferment on these pages; the reader is prodded into complex learning as the variations and controversies within each tradition are allowed to educate about its essence. The letters section is packed with impassioned and erudite debate. These 50-page texts are meaning in the making.
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 06 233426 1079
##T Gnosis
(A Journal of the Western Inner Traditions)
Jay Kinney, Editor
ISSN 08946159
$15/year (4 issues)
Gnosis Magazine
P. O. Box 14217
San Francisco, CA 94114
##A 06 233531 1080
##T Gnosis
Given that most aspects of the magical mythos are quite unprovable to the skeptical inquirer, there is a strong temptation to write off the whole worldview as a swamp of delusion, and some historians of the occult, such as James Webb and Ellic Howe, have taken this approach.
At least two factors lead me to suggest that readers withhold judgement until engaging in further study themselves. First, the worldview and symbolic universe of Western Magic is fundamentally the same as that of other forms of Western esotericism: Hermeticism, Alchemy, esoteric Freemasonry, Theosophy, and Rosicrucianism. While details and metaphors may differ from system to system, they share the same teachings far more often than not. If the reader has a working familiarity with one of those disciplines — and sees value in it — chances are that further investigations of High Magic will find value there as well.
##A 06 233959 1081
##T Gnosis
Second, as we have come to learn more about Eastern paths in recent decades, it has become apparent that the same general worldview — including notions of planes of consciousness, four (or five) basic elements, discarnate teachers, and so on — applies there as well. Indeed, the main difference in Eastern and Western esoteric approaches may not be one of details so much as one of attitude: the East tends to consider such inner realms as distractions on the way to Enlightenment, while Western esoteric traditions are devoted to their exploration and utilization as an integral part of the same spiritual journey.
##A 06 59679 1082
##T Christianity
##A 06 106841 1083
##T Good News Bible
Good News Bible
The Bible doesn’t say what you think it says no matter what you think. It’s older, stranger, and longer than will fit into anyone’s second hand summaries—and that’s all most of us have of it since most editions preserve 16th century book design as well as language and are very hard for modern eyes to read.
This edition of the Bible is actually easy to read so you can get right to the strangeness of the stories. The things it has that most Bibles don’t have are a clear typeface, well-placed white space, lots of headings to tell you when a new story starts, lots of pictures integrated into the text, readable maps, and an easy-to-use index (done by page number, not chapter and verse).
##A 06 107154 1084
##T Good News Bible
The translation itself is clear conversational English. It was originally done by the American Bible Society for people
in other countries who speak English as a second language.
If you’ve ever tried to read the Bible cover to cover, be advised
it’s a bad idea. The Bible was written by a lot of different people at a lot of different times, so it should be read more like a magazine than a book. Flip around, see what looks interesting, skip the boring parts. The individual stories are tightly written and short so it really isn’t a big deal to read any one of them. And the way the Good News Bible is set up makes it easy to tell where one story stops and another begins. (Some good easy short stories to start on are Ruth, Esther, and Jonah.)
— Anne Herbert
##A 06 107433 1085
##T Good News Bible
American Bible Society
1976; 1,452 pp.
$4 ($4.50 postpaid)
American Bible Society
P. O. Box 5656
Grand Central Station
New York, NY 10164
##A 06 107718 1086
##T Good News Bible
Elijah and Elisha stopped by the river, and the fifty prophets stood a short distance away. Then Elijah took off his cloak, rolled it up, and struck the water with it; the water divided, and he and Elisha crossed to the other side on dry ground. There, Elijah said to Elisha, “Tell me what you want me to do for you before I am taken away.”
“Let me receive the share of your power that will make me your successor,” Elisha answered.
“That is a difficult request to grant,” Elijah replied. “But you will receive it if you see me as I am being taken away from you; if you don’t see me, you won’t receive it.”
They kept talking as they walked on; then suddenly a chariot of fire pulled by horses of fire came between them, and Elijah was taken up to heaven by a whirlwind. Elisha saw it and cried out to Elijah, “My father, my father! Mighty defender of Israel! You are gone!” And he never saw Elijah again.
##A 06 105958 1087
##T Mere Christianity
Mere Christianity
Read this book for an idea of the intellectual arguments in
favor of Christianity. It’s written for the modern skeptic by
the Cambridge don of Middle English who also wrote the
classic Chronicles of Narnia. In presenting the case for
Christianity, C. S. Lewis avoids religious jargon. He deserves
sainthood for that.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 06 105999 1088
##T Mere Christianity
Mere Christianity
C. S. Lewis
1952, 1986; 180 pp.
ISBN 0020869401
$4.95 postpaid
Macmillan Publishing Co.
Order Department
Front and Brown Streets
Riverside, NJ 08075
Audio version also available; page forward to card 4 for access info and sound clip.
##A 06 106354 1089
##T Mere Christianity
Christianity asserts that every individual human being is going to live for ever, and this must be either true or false. Now there are a good many things which would not be worth bothering about if I were going to live only seventy years, but which I had better bother about very seriously if I am going to live for ever. Perhaps my bad temper or my jealousy are gradually getting worse — so gradually that the increase in seventy years will not be very noticeable. But it might be absolute hell in a million years: in fact, if Christianity is true, Hell is the precisely correct technical term for what it would be.
The first thing to get clear about Christian morality between man and man is that in this department Christ did not come to preach any brand new morality. The Golden Rule of the New Testament (Do as you would be done by) is a summing up of what everyone, at bottom, had always known to be right. Really great moral teachers never do introduce new moralities: it is quacks and cranks who do that.
##A 06 416629 1090
##T Mere Christianity
Mere Christianity Tape Version
Michael York, Reader
8 1-hr. cassettes
$64.00 (CA residents add 6% sales tax; $5.00 1st class delivery, $3.50 4th class)
Rental $16.50 from:
Books on Tape
P.O. Box 7900
Newport Beach, CA 92658
##A 06 108269 1091
##T The Living Testament
The Living Testament
Christianity as we know it is much more than just the Bible and millions of believers. It is also the product of several dozen key theologians, saints, and renegades who exerted unusual influence on both their own and subsequent generations. The Living Testament gathers together the writings of many of these church leaders, such as St. Jerome, St. Bernard, St. Augustine, Martin Luther, John Wesley, Mother Teresa, and even Billy Graham in one big compendium. John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress is here as is Jonathan Edwards’ seminal “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.” There’s plenty in this book to both inspire and horrify anyone.
— Jay Kinney
##A 06 108360 1092
##T The Living Testament
(The Essential Writings of Christianity Since the Bible)
M. Basil Pennington, Alan Jones and Mark Booth
1985; 382 pp.
ISBN 0060664983
$14.95 ($16.45 postpaid)
Harper & Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 06 108765 1093
##T The Living Testament
St. Francis of Assisi: from The Canticle of the Sun
1 Most high, most great and good Lord, to You belong praises, glory and every blessing; to You alone do they belong, most high, and no one is worthy to name You.
2 Bless You, my Lord, for the gift of all Your creatures and especially for our brother sun, by whom the day is enlightened. He is radiant and bright, of great splendour, bearing witness to You, O my God.
3 Bless You, Lord, for our sister the moon and the stars; you have formed them in the heavens, fair and clear.
##A 06 109154 1094
##T Sojourners
One of the surprises about the peace movement of the ’80s has been the presence (and central organizing significance) of evangelical Christians—a category usually pigeonholed as diehard conservative. One of the most influential such groups has been the Sojourners Fellowship, a Washington, D.C., religious community which is active in peace actions and publishes Sojourners magazine monthly. This is a handsome, intelligent journal whose coverage extends from the sanctuary movement to Christian feminism to South Africa. Sojourners is decidedly ecumenical, drawing upon a multi-denominational pool of contributors, including Catholic priest Henri Nouwen, writer Gary Wills, and even economist Gar Alperovitz. This is a vital representation of Christianity active in the “real world.”
— Jay Kinney
##A 06 109441 1095
##T Sojourners
Jim Wallis, Editor
ISSN 03642097
$21/year (11 issues)
Subscription Manager
P. O. Box 29272
Washington, DC 20017
##A 06 249790 1096
##T Sojourners
Many times when we are so afflicted, we are so worried. What worries us so much is what seems like the triumph of evil. It seems like God isn’t listening to us. It seems like God has abandoned us because we suffer so much. But if we look at history, we see that at the very end evil does not win out. The struggle of good continues and goes on again. —Medardo Gomez, Lutheran Bishop El Salvador
##A 06 60186 1097
##T Mysticism
##A 06 221900 1098
##T Mysticism
The mystical event is to occupy ONE. Every time it happens it is a life enhancer and a history enhancer. Evelyn Underhill wrote this classic to gather and map the full range of Western mystical experience—Greek, Catholic, Protestant—and yours if you care to follow the steps. Each of those ONEs is unique. Each is the same. That seems pat, but this book approximately proves it.
— Stewart Brand
##A 06 222013 1099
##T Mysticism
Evelyn Underhill
1911, 1983; 519 pp.
ISBN 0452008409
$12.95 ($14.45 postpaid)
New American Library
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0120
201-387-0600 (NJ)
##A 06 222316 1100
##T Mysticism
Where the philosopher guesses and argues, the mystic lives and looks; and speaks, consequently, the disconcerting language of first-hand experience, not the neat dialectic of the schools. Hence whilst the Absolute of the metaphysicians remains a diagram—impersonal and unattainable—the Absolute of the mystics is lovable, attainable, alive.
“All mystics,” said Saint-Martin, “speak the same language, for they come from the same country.” The deep undying life within us came from that country too: and it recognizes the accents of home, though it cannot always understand what they would say.
To go up alone into the mountain and come back as an ambassador to the world, has ever been the method of humanity’s best friends.
##A 06 222918 1101
##T Breakthrough
At first glance Meister Eckhart, the great Dominican mystic of the thirteenth century, seems an unlikely resource for anyone immersed in current struggles for social justice. The sermons of Eckhart which have survived the centuries are absolutely giddy with a sense of unity with the divine; moreover, it’s a contagious giddiness that can leave the reader swooning. But behind that ecstasy was a disciplined mind which had some important points to make.
With these new translations of 37 sermons and accompanying commentaries, Dominican author Matthew Fox does a yeoman’s job of making Eckhart accessible. Fox makes clear Eckhart’s love for
##A 06 223029 1102
##T Breakthrough
the world and shows how it culminates in a compassionate concern for justice. This is a polemical reading of Eckhart to be sure—Nazi ideologue Alfred Rosenberg liked to cite Eckhart in support of wholly different notions—but Fox’s reading seems both fair and true to Eckhart’s own intentions.
Meister Eckhart was branded a heretic by his own church shortly after he died and he slipped into historical obscurity until fairly recently. This book is a significant attempt to reclaim him for our own time.
— Jay Kinney
##A 06 223255 1103
##T Breakthrough
(Meister Eckhart’s Creation Spirituality in New Translation)
Matthew Fox
1980; 579 pp.
ISBN 0385170343
$9.95 postpaid
Doubleday and Company
Direct Mail Order
501 Franklin Avenue
Garden City, NY 11530
##A 06 223589 1104
##T Breakthrough
The just person does not seek anything with his work, for every single person who seeks anything or even something with his or her works is working for a why and is a servant and a mercenary. Therefore, if you wish to be conformed and transformed into justice, do not intend anything in your work and strive for no why, either in time or in eternity. Do not aim at reward or blessedness, neither this nor that. For such works are truly fully dead. Indeed, I say that even if you take God as your goal, all such works which you do with this intention are dead and you will spoil good works.
— Meister Eckhart
##A 06 90571 1105
##T The Light Beyond
The Light Beyond
Truth is qualitative but proving something requires numbers. The author has investigated the experience of over 1000 people who clinically died and then recovered. They all had a similar experience, and none had further fears of death. That may be sufficient proof for you to relax now about dying. Or you can wait for the truth. (This book is the updated version of the famous,
1975 Life After Life by the same author.)
— Stewart Brand
##A 06 90816 1106
##T The Light Beyond
Raymond A. Moody, Jr., M. D. with Paul Perry
1988; 187 pp.
ISBN 0553052853
$15.95 ($17.95 postpaid)
Bantam Books
414 East Golf Road
Des Plaines, IL 60016
##A 06 91032 1107
##T The Light Beyond
Pollster George Gallup, Jr., found that eight million adults in the United States have had an NDE (Near Death Experience). That equals one person in twenty.
He was further able to analyze the content of the NDEs by polling for their elements. Here is what he found:
Out of body 26
Accurate visual perception 23
Audible sounds or voices 17
Feelings of peace, painlessness 32
Light phenomena 14
Life review 32
Being in another world 32
Encountering other beings 23
##A 06 18986 1108
##T The Light Beyond
Tunnel experience 9
Precognition 6
Such a poll clearly showed that NDEs are much more common in society than any of the NDE researchers ever thought.
Another thing that happens to NDEers is that they almost long for the blissful state of existence that they discovered in their NDE. When they come back to this realm, they miss the other place. They have to learn to deal with this longing.
When NDEers say they have lost their fear of death, they most often mean that they no longer fear the obliteration of consciousness or self. That isn’t to say that they want to die anytime soon. What they say is that the experience makes life richer and fuller
##A 06 415081 1109
##T The Light Beyond
than ever before. The ones I know want more than ever to continue living. In fact, many feel they are living for the first time.
##A 06 255481 1110
##T The I Ching
The I Ching
Gregory Bateson remarked once to his secretary, Judy Van Slooten, “I am going to build a church some day. It will have a holy of holies and a holy of holies of holies, and in that ultimate box will be a random number table.” Check Bateson’s Mind and Nature
(see review by clicking rabbit on next card). All originality, he says, whether in evolution or in human learning, comes from
“raids on the random.”
The ancient Chinese Taoists who made this oracle may have had a similar idea, or they may have stumbled on it or coevolved into it, but obviously it served them. And it serves us. It profoundly served the generation that emitted the original Whole Earth
Catalog. Ending [the print version of the Catalog] with this review is a piece of homage to that time and those people, both passing
##A 06 255552 1111
##T The I Ching
rapidly, both remembered too easily for superficial and dismissable things rather than for the real risks taken with real clarity in the face of overwhelming opposition.
Clink clink go the tossed pennies. How about a statement for the end of the Electronic Whole Earth Catalog, ancient random number table . . . Hm, 51, The Arousing.
— Stewart Brand
Ÿ Mind and Nature
##A 06 255805 1112
##T The I Ching
(or Book of Changes)
Richard Wilhelm and Cary F. Baynes, Translators
1977; 740 pp.
ISBN 069109750X
$17.50 postpaid
Princeton University Press
3175 Princeton Pike
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
##A 06 256129 1113
##T The I Ching
The Judgment
Shock brings success.
Shock comes — oh, oh!
Laughing words - ha, ha!
The shock terrifies for a hundred miles,
And he does not let fall the sacrificial spoon
and chalice.
The shock that comes from the manifestation of God within the depths of the earth makes man afraid, but this fear of God is good, for joy and merriment can follow upon it.
##A 06 205328 1114
##T The I Ching
When a man has learned within his heart what fear and trembling mean, he is safeguarded against any terror produced by outside influences. Let the thunder roll and spread terror a hundred miles around: he remains so composed and reverent in spirit that the sacrificial rite is not interrupted. This is the spirit that must animate leaders and rulers of men — a profound inner seriousness from which all outer terrors glance off harmlessly.
##A 06 256494 1115
##T The I Ching
The hexagram Chen represents the eldest son, who seizes rule with energy and power. A yang line develops below two yin lines and presses upward forcibly. This movement is so violent that it arouses terror. It is symbolized by thunder, which bursts forth from the earth and by its shock causes fear and trembling.
##A 07 60512 3
##A 07 92470 4
##T Economy
##A 07 40560 5
The biological parallel of “livelihood” is niche — the position by which an organism, or a community of organisms, supports itself. Livelihood is about managing the position of survival, about doing useful work. All the talk about money on the following pages is meant to impart the lesson that money, like sunlight, is free, but that managing, storing, and passing money on costs something. Those who handle this efficiently flourish in their main purpose.
Another way of saying that is: Livelihood success, whether of an individual or nation, depends on ignoring the pursuit of wealth, and paying horrific attention to the mighty details of money’s pattern. These tools are for that.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 07 7230 6
##T The Zero-Sum Society
The Zero-Sum Society
“Zero-Sum” is a crack at the no-free-lunch dilemma America finds itself in after three decades of tumultuous prosperity. Whatever we do, whatever we want, whomever we listen to economically, there are real and unavoidable trade-offs. But rather than simply analyzing the downside, Thurow provides a long and articulate series of proposals to get us off dead center. He points out that it’s not for the lack of solutions that we stand aside from true economic change — it’s due to the fact that few of us will tolerate the possibility of redistributing our nation’s wealth. Read Thurow for lack of cant and for richness and originality of thought.
— Paul Hawken
##A 07 46025 7
##T The Zero-Sum Society
Lester C. Thurow
1980; 230 pp.
ISBN 0140058079
$6.95 ($8.95 postpaid)
Viking Penguin Books
Order Dept.
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0120
##A 07 46309 8
##T The Zero-Sum Society
The problem with zero-sum games is that the essence of problem solving is loss allocation. But this is precisely what our political process is least capable of doing. When there are economic gains to be allocated, our political process can allocate them. When there are large economic losses to be allocated, our political process is paralyzed. And with political paralysis comes economic paralysis.
Since economic gains are relatively easy to allocate, the basic problem comes down to one of allocating economic losses. Whose income “ought” to go down?
Historically we have used economic growth to avoid having to make this judgment. If we just have more growth, we can have more good jobs for everyone, and we won’t have to worry about taking jobs away from whites and giving them to blacks. If we
##A 07 46473 9
##T The Zero-Sum Society
just have more economic growth, we won’t have to worry about government collecting taxes in the Northeast and spending them in the Southwest. More is obviously better than less, and economic growth has been seen as the social lubricant that can keep different groups working together.
As they say in Colorado, a conservationist is a person who built his mountain cabin last year, while a developer is someone who wants to build his mountain cabin this year.
##A 07 41673 10
##T The Next Economy
The Next Economy
Economic civilization is going around a corner the like of which
it’s never seen before. This is the only guidebook so far. Customers and citizens and adaptive businesses are leading the way. Governments and major corporations are following. Where we come out is better. The now waning Mass Economy amassed fabulous wealth. The emerging Information Economy may not be so opulent, but it presents greater opportunity for wholeness and happiness.
Because Hawken is a businessman — the only economist who is (Smith and Hawken tools, see review Ÿ) — his writing has a street savvy you find nowhere else (except Peter Drucker). His economics is rooted in the individual. It speaks clearly to individual understanding and gives good counsel for individual
##A 07 41757 11
##T The Next Economy
behavior — “how to invest your life” — which in turn benefits the commonweal as well as the individual.
— Stewart Brand
Ÿ see also our review of Paul Hawken’s book Growing a Business
##A 07 42216 12
##T The Next Economy
Paul Hawken
1983; 215 pp.
ISBN 0345313925
$3.95 ($4.19 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 07 42300 13
##T The Next Economy
Thus the amount of energy embodied in products has become a large component of our costs. This has become especially evident as the price of oil has gone up. What has not been so evident is the effect the cost of energy has on the level of information contained within our goods and services. Since using more energy, whether directly or indirectly, makes goods more expensive and therefore less available, we will have to use less energy to produce the same or better goods if we are to maintain our standard of living. To do this, the amount of information per unit of production must increase correspondingly. Remember that we are defining information here as design, utility, and durability or, to put it another way, the application of the knowledge of how to best make or accomplish something. The manufacturer must seek ways to make his product a better product, using fewer resources as well as less energy and work. Doing this means finding a better material, redesigning the product, or employing new manufacturing techniques. It may mean using computers to process information,
monitor the flow of work, or design components. It may mean using robots to do
##A 07 42585 14
##T The Next Economy
repetitive mechanical tasks. It may mean changing the way the product is distributed.
Whatever methods of improvement are chosen, the goal is the same: to produce more using less. The critical difference between now and twenty years ago is that the manufacturer can no longer just use more energy to increase productivity. It’s too expensive. Instead, the manufacturer has to become smarter at what he does.
In an informative economy, we change from an affluent to an influent society. If you are affluent, goods and services flow toward you; if you are influent, the information contained within goods flows into you. An affluent society may possess an opulent and abundant amount of goods, but that does not mean it will be able to utilize, appreciate, and maintain them. An influent society will have less, but its relationship to what it
has will be more involved and concerned; people will take care of what they have, and what they have will mean more to them. In other words, an affluent society amasses goods, while an influent society processes the information within goods.
##A 07 42797 15
##T The Next Economy
The informative economy requires more intelligence from everyone — management, labor, consumers, governments. Those who do not become learners again, regardless or age or rank, will find themselves at an increasing disadvantage as the informative economy takes root.
##A 07 43201 16
##T The Next Economy
The Wall Street Journal showed two different energy forecasts. The first was the Exxon/Shell/CIA model used in the mid-to-late seventies that projected inelastic energy demand clashing with limited supply, a forecast that would result in soaring energy prices (this card). The second model (next card) was a simple supply-and-demand curve, in which the rising price of a commodity lowers demand while simultaneously drawing forth more supplies.
The Journal cited an editorial printed five years earlier that said the free market would solve the energy problem if left to its own workings. And so it has.
##A 07 12269 17
##T The Next Economy
(See previous card for caption)
##A 07 39423 18
##T Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
There is an entrepreneurial zest and ferment now unlike any in history, and it’s being built into the society. The old-time master of management, Peter Drucker, has written his handbook of entrepreneurial “practice and principles.” There’s a lot of such books these days. He blows them away.
— Stewart Brand
Ÿ The Effective Executive (also by Peter Drucker)
##A 07 39614 19
##T Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Peter F. Drucker
1985; 277 pp
ISBN 0060154284
$19.45 ($20.95 postpaid)
Harper and Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 07 39895 20
##T Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Three hundred years of technology came to an end after World War II. During those three centuries the model for technology was a mechanical one: the events that go on inside a star such as the sun. This period began when an otherwise almost unknown French physicist, Denis Papin, envisaged the steam engine around 1680. They ended when we replicated in the nuclear explosion the events inside a star. For these three centuries advance in technology meant — as it does in mechanical processes — more speed, higher temperatures, higher pressures. Since the end of Word War II, however, the model of technology has become the biological process, the events inside an organism. And in an organism, processes are not organized around energy in the physicist’s meaning of the term. They are organized around information.
##A 07 40169 21
##T Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship rests on a theory of economy and society. The theory sees change as normal and indeed as healthy. And it sees the major task in society — and especially in the economy — as doing something different rather than doing better what is already being done.... This is basically what Say meant, two hundred years ago, when he coined the term entrepreneur. It was intended as a manifesto and as a declaration of dissent: the entrepreneur upsets and disorganizes. As Joseph Schumpeter formulated it, his task is “creative destruction.”
##A 07 59862 22
##T Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Specifically, systematic innovation means monitoring seven sources for innovative
• The unexpected — the unexpected success, the unexpected failure;
• The incongruity — between reality as it actually is and reality as it is assumed to
be or as it “ought to be”;
• Innovation based on process need;
• Changes in industry structure or market structure that catch everyone unawares;
• Demographics (population changes);
• Changes in perception, mood, and meaning;
• New knowledge, both scientific and nonscientific.
##A 07 43296 23
##T Small is Beautiful
Small is Beautiful
I doubt if Americans have been so influenced by printed eloquence since Thomas Paine’s Common Sense helped focus our founding independence. Schumacher is fighting a similar oppression, only this time we colonized ourselves, as he reveals by sub-titling his book “Economics as if People Mattered.”
The wonder of Schumacher’s work is his eminent practicality, based on his years with the British Coal Board.
With good sense and a mature spirituality, Schumacher comes on like John Henry against the mega-machine, sure that he will win, and he is.
— Stewart Brand
Ÿ Intermediate Technology Development Group
##A 07 43753 24
##T Small is Beautiful
E.F. Schumacher
1975; 305 pp.
ISBN 060803525
$4.95 ($6.45 postpaid)
Harper and Row Publishers
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 07 43937 25
##T Small is Beautiful
As Gandhi said, the poor of the world cannot be helped by mass production, only by production by the masses. The system of mass production, based on sophisticated, highly capital-intensive, high energy-input dependent, and human labour-saving technology, presupposes that you are already rich, for a great deal of capital investment is needed to establish one single workplace. The system of production by the masses mobilises the priceless resources which are possessed by all human beings, their clever brains and skillful hands, and supports them with first-class tools. The technology of mass production is inherently violent, ecologically damaging, self-defeating in terms of non-renewable resources, and stultifying for the human person. The technology of production by the masses, making use of the best of modern knowledge and experience, is conducive to decentralisation, compatible with the laws of ecology, gentle in its use of scarce resources, and designed to serve the human
##A 07 44099 26
##T Small is Beautiful
person instead of making him the servant of machines. I have named it intermediate technology to signify that it is vastly superior to the primitive technology of bygone ages but at the same time much simpler, cheaper, and freer than the supertechnology
of the rich . One can also call it self-help technology, or democratic or people’s technology — a technology to which everybody can gain admittance and which is not reserved to those already rich and powerful.
##A 07 96492 27
##T Money Skills
##A 07 15479 28
by Michael Phillips, Salli Rasberry, and Andorra Freeman
(Condensed from the book Honest Business Ÿ)
Why do people work at jobs they don’t like? Why do they say their goal in life is to “make a lot of money?”
“A lot of money will let me be free to do what I want.”
“People with a lot of money command more respect from others.”
“I need more money for my family.”
##A 07 3544 29
“Money is necessary for security in old age.”
These statements are illusions — inaccurate perceptions of the world we live in.
Nearly all high school students seek “a lot of money” as a lifetime goal. Less than 5 percent of them will become wealthy. The remaining 95 percent will shape their lives around these inappropriate values.
“A lot of money will let me be free to do what I want.”
You can feel this way when you work at a job you dislike, or when
##A 07 15740 30
you desperately want to buy some object, experience, or service. Instead, deal with these feelings directly and positively. Write down your specific goals — the things you need (experiences, knowledge, skills, talents) to shape the kind of person you want to be. Make sure your list doesn’t include money itself.
You may find from your list that having a lot of money will help you achieve goals a little sooner. But that effect is not worth the time spent, nor vigor and joy lost, earning money. Most accomplishments require, instead of money, that you actively pursue them and learn in the process. If you want to travel the world, join the crew of a sailing ship. Later you’ll be useful as a sailor and have the necessary great story about hitting sharks on
##A 07 16068 31
the nose in the Bahamas.
Check your list again and see how many possessions are listed there. The possessions unrelated to your livelihood are often amassed to help you feel better about yourself. Many of them can be borrowed from friends who are willing to share — everything from a ski condominium in Snowmass to an Aston-Martin race car. Or consider renting pieces of equipment you are unable to locate among your friends. Find and restore “discards,” or trade your existing possessions or skills to a friend or neighbor in exchange for something you want.
In examining your values it’s helpful to talk to someone who is
##A 07 16139 32
wise. The goal of amassing money is traditionally called “greed” and regardless of your motive (freedom, charity, etc.), the results will not be what you hope for. Instead, the teachers of tradition tell us to become good at the things we want to do. In that lies our freedom.
“People with a lot of money command more respect from others.”
We often believe that the owners of the big cars and houses can do much more than we can. If indeed they can, then it probably isn’t their money. It’s other qualities such as knowledge, experience, and friends.
##A 07 16594 33
It helps to make a list of the qualities that lead others to respect us — qualities we want our children or friends to have. Do words such as loyal, honest, and generous occur on your list? Each of these qualities has to do with how we conduct our daily lives, not how much money we have.
Now list the people you love. See if they’re ranked in order of wealth. There is probably no relationship. Money isn’t a reason for friendship or respect.
“I need more money for my family.”
When someone works at a job that they find unpleasant,
##A 07 16778 34
monotonous, stressful, or frustrating, and say they do it for their family, they’re talking nonsense.
Stop and ask your family what they want. Would your children rather have a Winnebago camper or would they rather have time to spend with you and go on a camping trip with ordinary sleeping bags and tents? Give your family the choice between those possessions and the time and peace of mind you divert from them to earn the possessions.
Look at a picture of two houses — a glamorous mansion, and a modest home with a bicycle near the front door. Which one has a happier family? Most people would say “I can’t tell,” because we
##A 07 16915 35
know in our hearts money and possessions have nothing to do with happiness.
“Money is necessary for security in old age.”
Michael is blessed with a father who is a living contradiction of this. When he was 65, his father retired from teaching anthropology and social sciences with a modest pension and Social Security income of $300 a month. He sold his home and belongings, bought a van in England, and drove East with his wife (Michael’s parents were divorced 15 years earlier). He got teaching jobs along the way and stopped anywhere he found interesting.
##A 07 17158 36
They ended up in Malaysia where they bought part of an island near Singapore for $2,000. They now live with a sandy beach, coconut trees, fresh fish, and lots of friends, for less than $100 a month. They save their money for numerous trips to all parts of the world and the U.S. Surprisingly, they see many of their old friends regularly; everyone wants to visit their tropical paradise for a vacation.
In the seven years since Michael’s father retired he hasn’t touched his savings. How about health care? One of his closest friends is chief of a nearby first-class research hospital. Friendship is better than money.
##A 07 17627 37
People who are happy in their old age have the same qualities as Michael’s father: being friendly and flexible. Money makes no difference. With friends, especially ones of all ages, you can solve problems that other people can’t handle. Friends also provide vitality, emotional support, and new friends — especially valuable after age 75 when one out of ten old friends dies each year.
Flexibility is essential as your body becomes less reliable. We all know old people who say, “I can’t sleep in that bed, it’s too soft,” and “I don’t like to be around those kinds of people.” With that attitude, who wants to be around them?
##A 07 17808 38
Michael’s mother has lived on her own for 20 years — always gregarious and flexible. Even past seventy, she’s involved in city politics, art-related projects, and the ACLU. When she visits Michael, his friends insist on spending time with her. She travels regularly, often invited on global trips for her company and knowledge. You don’t hear her complaining about discomfort or how terrible the world is today.
How do you prepare for old age and uncertainty? By being the kind of person other people want to be around. Competent, helpful, flexible, curious, generous, and experienced in dealing with the world.
##A 07 107878 39
If you have friends and make an effort to be an interesting person, money is irrelevant. However, if you are a loner, rather selfish, with narrow interests, then making a lot of money may be your only way to make it through life.
##A 07 44637 40
##T Walden
The prime document of America’s 3rd Revolution, now in progress. This edition is the one, I believe, that Thoreau would have bought.
— Stewart Brand
##A 07 45001 41
##T Walden
Walden and “Civil Disobedience”
Henry David Thoreau
1983; 255 pp.
ISBN 0140390448
$2.95 ($3.95 postpaid)
Viking Penguin Books
Order Dept., Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0120
There are at least three different tape versions available; see last three cards of this review for access info and to compare sound excerpts.
##A 07 45238 42
##T Walden
I see young men, my townsmen, whose misfortune it is to have inherited farms, houses, barns, cattle, and farming tools; for these are more easily acquired than got rid of.
Near the end of March, 1845, I borrowed an axe and went down to the woods by Walden Pond, nearest to where I intended to build my house, and began to cut down some tall, arrowy white pines, still in their youth, for timber. It is difficult to begin without borrowing, but perhaps it is the most generous course thus to permit your fellow-men to have an interest in your enterprise. The owner of the axe, as he released his hold on it, said that it was the apple of his eye; but I returned it sharper than I received it.
##A 07 45459 43
##T Walden
For more than five years I maintained myself thus solely by the labor of my hands, and I found that, by working about six weeks in a year, I could meet all the expenses of living. The whole of my winters, as well as most of my summers, I had free and clear
for study. I have thoroughly tried school-keeping, and found that my expenses were in proportion, or rather out of proportion, to my income, for I was obliged to dress and train, not to say think and believe, accordingly, and I lost my time into the bargain. As I did not teach for the good of my fellow-men, but simply for a livelihood, this was a failure.
I learned this, at least, by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.
The great hippie money book. Written in 1973 (and full of Whole Earth lore from that time), it taught a lot of people about how to live with money without letting it take over their lives. The advice still resonates.
— Art Kleiner
This wise and original book has made a lot of people cheeky enough to try stuff, and it’s helped them get away with it.
— Stewart Brand
##A 07 49564 48
##T The Seven Laws of Money
Michael Phillips
1974; 194 pp.
ISBN 0394706862
$5 ($6 postpaid)
Random House
Order Dept.
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 07 58855 49
##T The Seven Laws of Money
Not too long ago a group came to me and wanted to buy a gigantic piece of land. It was a group oriented around an Eastern religion and they naturally wanted to raise money for the gigantic piece of land. I said “You don’t want money, you want supporters. You can go out and look for supporters and in the process ask for money, but don’t forget what you’re really after. Supporters.” They did this. They contacted countless people, always asking for a small amount of money but in the process realizing that the commitment of a small amount of money was a commitment of support. And, of course, it was the support that built the institution and helped it grow. The institution is still growing. If this religious group had gotten a grant in the beginning it probably would have blown their whole future. Where would their supporters and friends and energy have come from, especially when the grants and funds began to run out in two or three years?
##A 07 58925 50
##T The Seven Laws of Money
The First Law: Do it! Money Will Come When You Are Doing the Right Thing.
The Second Law: Money Has its Own Rules: Records, Budgets, Saving, Borrowing.
The Third Law: Money is a Dream: A Fantasy As Alluring As the Pied Piper.
The Fourth Law: Money is a Nightmare: In Jail, Robbery, Fears of Poverty.
The Fifth Law: You Can Never Really Give Money Away.
The Sixth Law: You Can Never Really Receive Money As A Gift.
The Seventh Law: There Are Worlds Without Money.
When you’re asleep and dreaming, that’s a world without money.
##A 07 99198 51
##T Funding
##A 07 61118 52
##T The Grass Roots Fundraising Book
The Grass Roots Fundraising Book
Joan Flanagan tells how to put some power in your organization’s purse, without worrying about strings that may be attached to government or foundation grants. The book methodically outlines the planning process for fundraising events of all sizes, from a neighborhood book sale to a $50-a-plate dinner; and it offers suggestions for year-round fundraising, like membership dues or setting your group up in business. As treasurer of an organization struggling to meet a $55,000-a-year budget, I referred to
Flanagan’s book for both inspiration and nuts-and-bolts advice.
— Nancy E. Dunn
##A 07 61575 53
##T The Grass Roots Fundraising Book
Joan Flanagan for The Youth Project
1982; 219 pp.
ISBN 0809257467
$11.95 ($13.95 postpaid)
Contemporary Books
180 North Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60601
##A 07 88304 54
##T The Grass Roots Fundraising Book
Grass roots fundraising can be a magnet to bring in new members. People are naturally more eager to join a group of people they have met at a party or pot luck dinner. After they have had a chance to meet the folks they will feel more comfortable at a business meeting or an action. Everyone feels shy in a new group and afraid of being different from the old members. The more controversial your program is, the more timid potential members may be about joining unless they know a current member. The hoopla and fun of fundraising events give the new people a chance to learn who you really are in the most pleasant surroundings.
##A 07 60180 55
##T The Grass Roots Fundraising Book
Always consider which fundraising events will be most economical in terms of the volunteers’ time. It is much easier and quicker to ask for one $100 donation than it is to sell twenty $5 dance tickets or four hundred raffle chances for a quarter each. The time of your skilled members is your most valuable asset — don’t waste it. . . . It takes thorough research to calculate what will be the highest amount you can get from
each giver, and it takes real courage to ask for it. Boldness pays off. The more money you can get from each meeting, the more time you will have left to prepare your testimony for the city housing committee.
##A 07 88648 56
##T Grassroots Fundraising Journal
Grassroots Fundraising Journal
The journal follows in the footsteps of The Grass Roots
Fundraising Book (see separate review Ÿ), giving concrete examples and always relating them back to the basic issues: your supporters are the best source of funds, and they need to know what you’re doing and that you have a role for them that is interesting and useful. Details to carry this out range from good mailing-list maintenance to imaginative events and persistence.
— Michael Phillips
##A 07 88951 57
##T Grassroots Fundraising Journal
Kim Klein and Lisa Honig, Editors
ISSN 07404832
$20/year(6 issues)
Grassroots Fundraising Journal
517 Union Avenue #206
Knoxville, TN 37902
##A 07 89234 58
##T Grassroots Fundraising Journal
Make your income and expenses public information. Print your budget, and your list of donors in your newsletter, and have a financial report at your office available to anyone who wants to see it. (Don’t worry about being swamped with requests — people generally figure if you are willing to be public, you have nothing to hide.)
If you’re looking for a profitable and fun way to raise money, staging your own (legal) kidnapping may be the answer. In this “kidnapping” you put one or more people, one at a time, in a “cage,” holding them there for “ransom.”
Your “victims” should be well known and respected people with a good sense of humor who will cheerfully go along with your plans. For a church fundraiser, the pastor and his wife are good choices, or a church council member, a deacon, the associate pastor, etc. (For other groups, choose a city council member, TV personality, local music celebrity — the list is endless.)
##A 07 89780 59
##T The Foundation Directory
The Foundation Directory
The method that works for 95 percent of all successful grant applications is to apply to an appropriate agency every year for three years. Why three years? They don’t trust you until they know you’re established. This reference book, along with the National Directory of Corporate Charity (see separate review Ÿ) will tell you how to find the right agencies for your project.
— Michael Phillips
##A 07 89867 60
##T The Foundation Directory
Loren Renz, Editor
11th Edition 1987; 1001 pp.
ISBN 0879541997
$65 ($67 postpaid)
Foundation Center
79 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10003
##A 07 98442 61
##T The Foundation Directory
New Haven Foundation, The
One State St., New Haven 06510 (203) 777-2386
Community foundation established in 1928 in CT by resolution and declaration of trust.
Financial data (yr. ended 12/31/86): Assets, $73,674,319 (M); gifts received, $3,352,895; expenditures, $4,194,789 including $3,567,309 for 317 grants (high: $300,000; low: $1,000; average: $10,000-$30,000).
Purpose and activities: Emphasis on youth and welfare agencies, hospitals and health agencies, educational institutions, community funds, and the arts.
Types of support: Operating budgets, continuing support, seed money, emergency funds, building funds, equipment, matching funds, consulting services, technical assistance, special projects, loans.
Limitations: Giving limited to south central CT. No grants to individuals, or for annual campaigns, deficit financing, endowment funds, research, scholarships, fellowships.
##A 07 10398 62
##T National Directory of Corporate Charity
National Directory of Corporate Charity
This reference book, along with The Foundation Directory (see separate review Ÿ), will tell you how to find the right agencies for your project.
— Michael Phillips
##A 07 29431 63
##T National Directory of Corporate Charity
Sam Sternberg
1984; 613 pp.
ISBN 0960619828
$80 ($82 postpaid)
Foundation Center
79 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10003
##A 07 90717 64
##T How to Read a Financial Report
How to Read a Financial Report
This is not an accounting book. It is a hard-nosed and clear analysis of what accounting information can tell you about your business, or any business. This understanding is vital when considering your needs for a loan or new capital, when selling a business or buying one, or when trying to cope with business problems. This is the best book on this subject, and the only book aimed at intelligent people with no academic accounting background.
— Michael Phillips
##A 07 91008 65
##T How to Read a Financial Report
John A. Tracy
1983; 161 pp.
ISBN 0471834467
$9.95 postpaid
John Wiley & Sons
Order Department
1 Wiley Drive
Somerset, NJ 08873
##A 07 91173 66
##T How to Read a Financial Report
Behind all the numbers is a simple, vital concept you must never lose sight of — cash flow. Business is run by keeping money moving. Financial statements report where the money came from, where it’s invested for the time being, and, most important, how often it has turned over.
##A 07 101602 67
##T Personal Finance
##A 07 61857 68
##T Sylvia Porter’s New Money Book for the 80’s
Sylvia Porter’s New Money Book for the 80’s
Sylvia Porter is not kidding. This is about money, not so much how to make it, but how to keep, save, and judiciously spend it. There is advice and information on every purchasing decision, and it is usually good advice.
— Paul Hawken
##A 07 62134 69
##T Sylvia Porter’s New Money Book for the 80’s
1979; 1305 pp.
($11.95 postpaid) from:
Avon Books
P. O. Box 767
Dresden, TN 38225
or Whole Earth Access
##A 07 62217 70
##T Sylvia Porter’s New Money Book for the 80’s
The key to a good system of money management lies in spreading your big expenses and your savings so that each month bears a share of them. When you put aside $20 every month to meet a $240 yearly insurance premium, for instance, you will not risk spending that insurance money on an unnecessary luxury. . . . Include in your savings total an emergency fund equal to at least two months’ income, to cover you should you be hit by big unforeseen expenses such as illness, unexpected home repairs, moving expenses. Note: the emergency part of your savings fund should be kept in a readily accessible (“liquid”) form — for instance, a savings account. As a starter, earmark 5 per cent of your total monthly income for savings, and boost the percentage from there if you can swing it.
##A 07 62662 71
##T Sylvia Porter’s New Money Book for the 80’s
I do not find the modern attitudes toward debt any cause for alarm. I see nothing wrong with paying money to use “someone else’s money.” I approve of “planned debt,” which really is a kind of thrift. And, to an important degree, payments on an installment loan are merely replacing many old-time cash payments — like the money Americans used to dole out to the iceman or the cash we paid to the corner laundry.
If you are paying higher than standard rates for your life insurance because of medical considerations, and if your health has improved since your policy was issued, call your insurance agent, tell him you want your policies reviewed, and then apply to your insurance company for a reduction or elimination of the extra-risk premiums. Even if your health hasn’t improved, you might be able to get a lower risk rating.
##A 07 64485 72
##T The Only Investment Guide You’ll Ever Need
The Only Investment Guide You’ll Ever Need
There are a lot of problems with personal investing that don’t meet the greedy eye but can clutter up your life. Andrew Tobias cuts through all of that. This book is a brisk, cheery compendium of highly sophisticated common sense. The most efficient way to make money, he reminds right at the start, is not to spend it. As for investing itself, he preaches a bare-bones, conservative line — discount brokers, no-load mutual funds, a healthy IRA account, and very little action. He’s got good detailed tricks and tips (save money in your children’s names and it’ll mount tax free), but the basic strategy is simple, slow, wise — freeing.
— Stewart Brand
##A 07 64517 73
##T The Only Investment Guide You’ll Ever Need
Andrew Tobias
1983; 192 pp.
ISBN 0553262513
$4.50 ($6.50 postpaid)
Bantam Books
414 East Golf Road
Des Plaines, IL 60016
##A 07 64903 74
##T The Only Investment Guide You’ll Ever Need
Simple insulation may be the best “investment” you can make, returning as much as 35% or more, tax-free, in annual savings on heating and cooling. Why put $1,500 into the stock of some utility and earn $150 in annual taxable dividends if you can put the same money into insulation and save $150 tax-free on your utility bill? (Check also the federal and state tax credits that may be available to encourage such energy-saving investment.)
OK. You have some money in a savings bank; you have set up an Individual Retirement Account — and a Keogh Plan, if possible — and are contributing to them at the maximum rate allowed; you have equity in a home, if you want it; you’ve tied up $1,000 in bulk purchases of tunafish and shaving cream; you have lowered your auto and homeowner’s insurance premiums by increasing your deductibles; you have adequate term life insurance; you’ve paid off all your 18% installment loans; there is
##A 07 65243 75
##T The Only Investment Guide You’ll Ever Need
a little solar water heater sitting on your roof above your well-insulated attic; and you own enough IBM (or some other solid common, or even preferred, stock) to take full advantage of the $100 ($200) dividend tax exclusion. In short, you have done all the things that scream to be done. You have made the easy decisions.
Now what?
There are three compelling reasons to invest a portion of your funds in stocks.
1. Over the long run — and it may be very long — stocks should outperform
bonds. . . .
2. Unlike bonds, stocks offer at least the potential of keeping up with inflation. . . .
3. If all goes well, stocks can act as a tax shelter.
##A 07 67736 76
##T Catalyst
Resources for giving away or investing your money to good end. Catalyst is three good newsletters in one, devoted to three purposes:
1. helping socially-conscious investors;
2. helping progressive organizations and businesses that need loans or investors;
3. linking 1 and 2.
— Art Kleiner
##A 07 67944 77
##T Catalyst
Investing in Social Change
Susan Meeker-Lowry, Editor
ISSN 07426534
$20/year (4 issues)
64 Main Street, 2nd Floor
Montpelier, VT 05602
##A 07 68145 78
##T Catalyst
What is a fair return?
One of the first lessons I learned in business school was that for every risk there should be a corresponding rate of return. The greater the risk, the higher the return. Thus, one expects to earn more in the stock market than in a money market fund because of the higher risk.
This formula is somewhat modified for alternative investing. Here, the investor is sometimes willing to accept a lower return to advance the social goals of the project. Call this a “social subsidy.” The amount of this subsidy is a personal decision of each socially conscious investor. Generally, if your return on a loan is more than 3% below what a similar traditional investment would pay, your “subsidy” is bordering on a charitable gift.
##A 07 71634 79
##A 07 101690 80
##T Personal Legalities
##A 07 19254 81
Supposedly, lawyers hate and fear self-help law books because they encroach on our sacred turf. But as a lawyer myself, I think self-help law books are a wonderful idea.
Why? Think of a toothbrush. Think of dental floss. Does your dentist scoff at them? Imagine what your teeth would look like to the dentist if you never brushed or flossed. That is typically how a lawyer finds the legal affairs of a client who has never practiced simple legal self-care. With awareness and thoughtful action, you can avoid major legal disasters that can be as costly and as painful as a root canal.
Caution: Just as you would not attempt to wire your child’s braces,
##A 07 19457 82
you should be wary of initiating or defending your own lawsuit. These legal self-care books will help you determine when to have a professional by your side. Even if you do hire an attorney after reading legal self-care books, you will be better off — you will have avoided legal mistakes that can cost pain, time, and money.
— Donna Hall
##A 07 65555 83
##T WillMaker
A fertile hybrid that I expect to see more of: can-do software that lives inside a how-to book. In this case, the book itself is one of the better ones on preparing your own will. The will-making procedures have been made precisely methodical in order to please the vaguely dumb logic of the computer. At the same time, the software has an articulate book to introduce and speak for it. It’s quick enough to think differently depending on what state you say you live in. The combination makes it quite painless to write or update a will.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 07 65817 84
##T WillMaker
1988; 202 pp.
Book and software: Apple, IBM compatible & Mac $59.95;
Commodore $39.95 (Software: Apple, IBM compatible & Mac $62.45 postpaid;
Commodore $42.45 postpaid)
Nolo Press
950 Parker Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
800-445-NOLO (CA)
(specify software for Apple, IBM compatible [5.25 inch or 3.5 inch diskettes], Macintosh or Commodore)
##A 07 27720 85
##T Redress for Success
Redress for Success
In order to know “how-to-do-it” you sometimes have to know what has gone before. I have never read a more complete overview of the current state of the legal rights of women. Complete and completely fascinating reading. If you’re a woman you need this book.
— Donna Hall
##A 07 27935 86
##T Redress for Success
Using the Law to Enforce Your Rights as a Woman
Dana Shilling
1985; 325 pp.
ISBN 0140084193
$8.95 ($9.95 postpaid)
Viking Penguin Books
Order Dept.
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0120
##A 07 28216 87
##T Redress for Success
People who defend themselves against property crimes tend to be exonerated, if not commended, by the legal system and by juries (if it gets that far). Women who defend themselves against rape may face more difficulties. Judges, who no doubt thought they were being adorable, have been quoted calling rape “assault with a friendly weapon” and “assault with failure to please” (Har-har). It is usually accepted that burglars and muggers pose a real threat, and have not dropped over to get subway directions, but sometimes women are treated as if they solicited, desired, or enjoyed the attentions of rapists and would-be rapists.
##A 07 101911 88
##T Legal Research
##A 07 25125 89
##T Legal Research
Legal Research
This is the simplest, most comprehensive book I have found on legal research. It tells you everything except how to find the county law library. Take it there with you. Research skills come in handy whenever you have a problem that involves finding out about a particular law — problems ranging from fighting a ticket to figuring out how to get the neighborhood bird lover to refrain from feeding pigeons on top of your new car.
— Donna Hall
##A 07 25346 90
##T Legal Research
Steven Elias
2nd Edition 1988; 262 pp.
ISBN 0873370201
$14.95 ($17.45 postpaid)
Nolo Press
950 Parker Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
800-445-NOLO (CA)
##A 07 25629 91
##T Legal Research
In the Land of the Law judges are master. Thus, to properly interpret a statute you usually need to know how courts have previously interpreted one or more of the specialized words and phrases (i.e., jargon) it contains. One tool to help you do this is Words and Phrases (West Publishing Co.), a multi-volume set of one-sentence interpretations of common words and phrases that have been pulled from cases and organized alphabetically according to words and phrases that are commonly found in statutory and case law. In essence, this publication allows you to find out whether courts have interpreted or used any particular word or phrase you are interested in, and if so, how.
##A 07 26095 92
##T Legal Research
After you review the appropriate background resources, you will want to proceed to the law itself. Other things being equal, you should hunt for statutory law first. Why do we direct you first to statutory law instead of case law? Because in most instances the law starts with legislative or administrative enactments and ends with court decisions that interpret them. It therefore usually makes sense to deal with the statutory material first and the cases second.
##A 07 22242 93
##T Nolo Press
Nolo Press
Nolo has been producing high quality self-help law books since 1971 and has set the standard for understandable and comprehensive volumes. They are to law what Chilton’s is to automotive repair. All of Nolo’s books are updated as the law changes. As their newsletter, Nolo News, remarks, out of date equals dangerous! To ensure that your volume is up to date they print a number you can call in each book, and they give substantial discounts to individuals who want to update older editions.
— Donna Hall
##A 07 22375 94
##T Nolo Press
$7/year(4 issues)
Publications list free
Nolo Press
950 Parker Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
800-445-NOLO (CA)
##A 07 126061 95
##T Nolo Press
Lawmakers, making political hay out of Americans’ fear of crime, have gone on a legislating binge in recent years, mandating tougher, stricter and longer sentences for criminals. But it’s taxpayers who are beginning to feel the hangover.
Citizens are asked to fork over billions of dollars each year to construct more and more prisons to handle the flood of new detainees, despite mounting evidence that longer jail terms don’t do much to reduce crime. And projections show that the new prisons will be just as crowded the day they open.
The United States already jails a greater share of its population than any other country in the Western world. In 1970, one out of every 1,042 Americans was behind bars. By 1987, that figure had risen to one person out of every 438 persons. In California alone, prison population has nearly tripled since 1980. Experts predict another 21% increase nationwide by 1992.
##A 07 126332 96
##T Nolo Press
The cost of keeping a criminal in jail ranges from $12,000 to $24,000 a year — about the same as sending him to Harvard.
— Nolo News
##A 07 57413 97
##T Nolo Press
— Nolo News
##A 07 23190 98
##T ACLU Handbooks
ACLU Handbooks
As Andrew Fluegelman wrote when we first reviewed this series many years ago, “Knowing what your rights are won’t keep you from having them violated, but you’ll stand a much better chance of protecting yourself when someone tries.” These essential handbooks, published by the American Civil Liberties Union, are, deplorably, going out of print; but we still heartily recommend the ones remaining.
— Art Kleiner
##A 07 23430 99
##T ACLU Handbooks
Publications price list
free from:
ACLU Books
Literature Department
132 West 43rd St.
New York, NY 10036
##A 07 127420 100
##T ACLU Handbooks
The Rights of
Authors & Artists (1984)
Candidates & Voters (1980)
Crime Victims (1985)
Critically Ill (1983)
Employees (1984)
Gay People (1983)
Indians & Tribes (1983)
Mentally Retarded Persons (1976)
Parents (1980)
Prisoners (1988)
Single People (1985)
##A 07 127613 101
##T ACLU Handbooks
Students (1988)
Teachers (1984)
Tenants (1978)
Union Members (1978)
Veterans (1978)
Women (1983)
Young People (1985)
Your Right to Government Information (1985)
##A 07 24179 102
##T Americans for Legal Reform
Americans for Legal Reform
This magazine is a good way to follow developments in legal reform.
— Donna Hall
##A 07 24431 103
##T Americans for Legal Reform
Richard Hebert, Editor
ISSN 07396813
$15/year (4 issues) including membership
HALT — An Organization of Americans for Legal Reform
1319 F Street N.W.
Suite 300
Washington, DC 20004
##A 07 125620 104
##T Americans for Legal Reform
Lawyers get away with routinely overcharging their clients because they are protected from competition. Every state limits the “practice of law” to licensed lawyers, thus creating a cozy little cartel. As a result, consumers have no choice but to do a legal task themselves or hire a lawyer.
Sometimes, a “legal” task really does need the skill of a person who has had lawyers’ training, but disturbingly often, consumers must pay a lawyer top dollar to accomplish routine tasks that they could easily accomplish with a little help from a trained nonlawyer, or “independent paralegal.”
For a dozen years, Harry Unger, a retired real estate lawyer, has volunteered his legal services at six senior citizen centers in Queens, New York. He helps people who have little or no financial resources or legal expertise of their own to draw on. He helps them resolve landlord-tenant disputes, secure social security payments, draft wills and handle other legal problems.
##A 07 125945 105
##T Americans for Legal Reform
His “clients,” he says, are the people who are often the last in line for social services. They wait for hours at overcrowded legal aid clinics. They are sent on wild goose chases through the bureaucracy to track down government checks. At a time in their lives when they should be able to sit back and relax, they are anxious, humiliated and harassed . . . .
“I wanted to help out senior citizens because it’s a segment of society that people care least about,” he says. “If a child walks down the aisle, everyone will want to smile at him. But if it’s an old man, they turn away.
“Society needs a system where old persons could walk into an office and have their questions answered without having to pay a lot of money or wait for hours.”
##A 07 12788 106
##T Business Law
##A 07 20540 107
##T Everybody’s Guide to Small Claims Court
Everybody’s Guide to Small Claims Court
This is a superb book, flawless! No small business should be without it. If you like to sue other people and businesses, then
you’ll also find it helpful.
— Michael Phillips
##A 07 20824 108
##T Everybody’s Guide to Small Claims Court
Ralph Warner
3rd Edition 1988; 263 pp.
ISBN 0873370074
$14.95 ($17.45 postpaid)
Nolo Press
950 Parker Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
800-445-NOLO (CA)
##A 07 21061 109
##T Everybody’s Guide to Small Claims Court
Litigation should be a last, not a first, resort. Suing is not as bad as shooting, but neither is it as much fun as a good back rub. Rarely does anyone have a high time in court. In addition to being time consuming and emotionally draining, lawsuits tend to polarize disagreements into win-all or lose-all propositions in which face-saving (and pocketbook saving) compromise is difficult.
This doesn’t mean that I don’t think you should pursue your case to court if necessary. What I am suggesting is this: before you file your case, ask yourself whether you have done everything reasonably possible (and then a little more) to try to settle the case.
##A 07 21432 110
##T Everybody’s Guide to Small Claims Court
Here is a one-sentence definition. If, as a result of another person’s conduct, your property is injured and that person didn’t act with reasonable care in the circumstances, you have a case based on his or her negligence. It’s as simple — or complex — as that.
There are three great advantages of Small Claims Court.
First, you get to prepare and present your own case without having to pay a lawyer more than your claim is worth.
The second great advantage is simplicity. The gobbledygook of complicated legal forms and language is kept to a minimum. To start your case, you need only fill out a few lines on a simple form (e.g., “Honest Al’s Used Chariots owes me $1,000 because the 1977 Chevette they sold me in supposedly "excellent condition’ died less than a mile
##A 07 21652 111
##T Everybody’s Guide to Small Claims Court
from the car lot”). When you get to court, you can talk to the judge without a whole lot of “res ipsa loquiturs” and “pendente lites.” If you have documents or witnesses, you may present them for what they are worth, with no requirement that you comply with the thousand years’ accumulation of fusty, musty procedures, habits and so-called rules of evidence of which the legal profession is so proud.
Third, and perhaps most important, Small Claims Court doesn’t take long.
##A 07 21867 112
##T Everybody’s Guide to Small Claims Court
In most states it is possible to have someone from the sheriff or marshal’s office sent to the business of a person who owes you money to collect it from the cash on hand. . . . A deputy goes to the business one time and picks up all the money in the till. The fee for this service normally varies from $15-$50.
##A 07 26498 113
##T Media Law
Media Law
Whenever you write you are exposing yourself to lawsuits and possible jail sentences. Galvin’s book helps writers do their job without legal troubles.
— Donna Hall
##A 07 26866 114
##T Media Law
Katherine M. Galvin
1984; 224 pp.
ISBN 0917316754
Nolo Press
800-445-NOLO (CA)
##A 07 26887 115
##T Media Law
Avoiding Misappropriation Claims:
Here are some do’s and don’t’s you may find helpful when dealing with another
person’s name or likeness:
• Photos and descriptions of people in public places are protected as long as used in a “news” or “feature” context.
• Photos and descriptions of public people (those who routinely trade commercially on their own name or likeness) used for advertising or other commercial purposes are not protected and may well give rise to a successful lawsuit.
• If you are in doubt as to whether you are infringing on another’s commercial privacy, arrange for his or her consent.
##A 07 27294 116
##T Media Law
Novelists’ Note: If any character in a story is based, even loosely, on a real person, you will be wise to change enough facts so that the connection is not apparent. Further, it is wise to take reasonable care to be sure that you have not accidentally used the names of real people. For example, if you write a mystery story in which a New York police inspector is cast in unfavorable light, you would do well to check to be sure that there is not a real inspector with the same name. This is even more necessary if you are writing about a singer or performer who lives by exploiting the value of her name.
##A 07 57953 117
For amateur lawyer types. Succinct expositions of the current law in compact books. It’s helpful to have the Intellectual Property Law Dictionary at your side while burrowing into Intellectual Property.
— Kevin Kelly
Ÿ see also two reviews of books on copyrights
##A 07 86809 118
Intellectual Property
(Patents, Trademarks, and
Copyright in a Nutshell)
Arthur R. Miller
and Michael H. Davis
1983; 428 pp.
ISBN 0314745246
$8.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
West Publishing
Telemarketing Department
P.O. Box 64833
St. Paul, MN 55164-1804
##A 07 109068 119
Intellectual Property Law Dictionary
1988; 222 pp.
$17.95 ($20.45 postpaid)
Nolo Press
950 Parker Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
800-445-NOLO (CA)
##A 07 87911 120
A process is a way of doing something. If it is a patentable process, it must be a new, useful, and nonobvious way of doing something. If the process is patentable, the result of that process—the something getting done—need not of itself be new, useful, nor nonobvious....
Thus, the patentability of the result or product of a process is not relevant to the patentability of the process. Clearly, pressed pants, the product of the process, could not be patented. Pressed pants, though useful, are neither novel nor nonobvious. But an ingenious way of producing creases certainly might qualify if it were novel, useful, and nonobvious.
— Intellectual Property
##A 07 127745 121
One rule beyond dispute is that a law of nature, including its mathematical manifestations, is not patentable. This prohibition proceeds from the notion that such laws are the fundamental building blocks of science and should not be monopolized. The recent proliferation of computer software has forced the courts to define more precisely which inventions involving the use of computers or mathematical formulas (or “algorithms”) are disqualified under section 101 of the Patent Act.
— Intellectual Property
##A 07 93862 122
head start rule: A type of judicial relief sometimes granted in trade secret infringement actions wherein the infringer is prevented from using a trade secret for as long a period of time as it would have taken him independently to develop the information that comprise the secret. In other words, the rightful trade secret owner is provided with a commercial “head start” in the information’s use. This “head start” remedy shows recognition that the essential value of a trade secret is the competitive advantage it affords its owner. Related terms: “trade secret infringement action.”
— Intellectual Property Law Dictionary
##A 07 91462 123
senior users and junior users: When a dispute exists over ownership of a mark, the person (or entity) who first used the mark is called the “senior user” and the second person or entity to use the mark is termed the “junior user”. Although the senior user is generally considered the owner of the mark in dispute, this may not be so in situations where the junior user did not know of the senior user’s use, and is first to register the mark under the Lanham Act, or under state laws. Related terms: “exclusive right to use mark” and “ownership of a mark”.
— Intellectual Property Law Dictionary
##A 07 64239 124
##T Intellectual Property Rights
Intellectual Property Rights
A prime document of the revolution now in progress. What is property and therefore due government protection? This report tips the balance of the arguments toward the commonwealth side by virtue that the report itself, a GPO publication, is copyright free.
(It is published by that rare entity, a government agency that works: the noble Office of Technology Assessment. Check out their other remarkably well-researched reports too.)
— Kevin Kelly
Ÿ How To Copyright Software
##A 07 67387 125
##T Intellectual Property Rights
(In an Age of Electronics and Information)
1986; 299 pp.
$32.95 ($35.95 postpaid)
5285 Port Royal Road
Springfield, VA 22161
NTIS Stock #PB87-100301
##A 07 90333 126
##T Intellectual Property Rights
The emergence of new information and communication technologies is placing new demands on governmental institutions responsible for the administration of intellectual property rights. The question arises, therefore, of whether existing Federal institutional arrangements for administering intellectual property rights, as initially designed, can adequately cope with the new technological developments and the new responsibilities that may be placed on them.
##A 07 77750 127
##A 07 102300 128
##T Careers
##A 07 61281 129
##T The Damn Good Resume Guide
The Damn Good Resume Guide
This useful book advocates a short, precisely tailored resume as the best aid in a job search. Yana Parker developed her resume models based on her own years working for a state employment office, her more recent experiences running a resume service, and extensive feedback from employers. It’s all summed up here in 60 highly readable pages which include 14 sample resumes illustrating how different individuals with varied skills put their best feet forward. At least one person I know got her present job by using this book. Recommended.
— Jay Kinney
##A 07 68781 130
##T The Damn Good Resume Guide
Yana Parker
1986; 80 pp.
ISBN 0898151120
$5.95 ($6.95 postpaid)
Ten Speed Press
P. O. Box 7123
Berkeley, CA 94707
##A 07 68979 131
##T The Damn Good Resume Guide
Quantify — Tell HOW MANY, HOW OFTEN, describe tangible products and results. Examples: “supervised 10 people,” “produced 24 consecutive issues of a 16-page newsletter,” “sold a million dollars of real estate the first year as an agent.”
Create Pictures in the reader’s mind — Quantifying is one way (you can SEE the 10 people above, and the 16-page newsletter and the million dollars). Being very explicit is another; avoid vagueness. Generalizations do NOT create mental pictures and so they don’t “register” with the reader.
Clearly stating your Objective serves to FOCUS you, not to box you in. It’s critically important to KNOW WHAT YOUR OBJECTIVE IS, as explicitly as possible, and to state it, and then to have everything else on your resume directly related to it. THAT’S what makes it a DAMN GOOD RESUME.
##A 07 18281 132
##T What Color Is Your Parachute?
What Color Is Your Parachute?
In a domain positively viscous with lame books, this perennially best-selling guide to job-seeking has no competition. It is updated annually (that’s impressive), it is cheery for a reader who could probably use some cheer, and it has sound, detailed advice for an all-important task that is well-served with a bit of skill.
— Stewart Brand
##A 07 18622 133
##T The 1988 What Color Is Your Parachute?
Richard Nelson Bolles
Revised Edition 1988; 364 pp.
ISBN 0898151570
$8.95 ($9.95 postpaid)
Ten Speed Press
P. O. Box 7123
Berkeley, CA 94707
##A 07 18831 134
##T What Color Is Your Parachute?
Just because the opportunities for higher level jobs or careers are harder to uncover, the higher you aim the fewer people you will have to compete with — for that job. In fact, if you uncover a need which your skills can help solve, that organization may well create a brand new job for you. This means you will be competing with no one, since you will be the sole applicant.
The importance of sending a thank you letter to everyone is one of the most essential steps in the entire job-hunt. Yet it is the most overlooked step in the entire process. We know of one woman who was told she was hired because she was the only interviewee, out of 39, who sent a thank you letter after the interview.
That’s right, the thank you letter may actually get you the job. You cannot afford to think of this as simply an optional exercise. It is critical to your getting hired.
##A 07 19730 135
##T What Color Is Your Parachute?
If you come into the employer’s office, having done your homework first - knowing
a lot about yourself, and knowing a lot about this organization, any employer that you would want to work for, anyway - will be impressed. You will stand out from the other jobhunters or career-changers, as one who is better at solving problems than
the others. Because, obviously, you went about solving this problem (the job-hunt)
in such a thorough and professional way.
You can’t decide what you want from a job until you’re clear on what you want from life.
##A 07 69430 136
##T The American Almanac of Jobs and Salaries
The American Almanac of Jobs and Salaries
An amazingly complete and comprehensive survey of what people do for work here in America and what they get paid for it. Useful if you want to find out what is ahead of you in your job, or if you are surveying different professions, or if you just want to learn something about the social fabric as it applies to power, prestige, and money in the workplace.
— Bruce E. Coughran
##A 07 69758 137
##T The American Almanac of Jobs and Salaries
John W. Wright
Revised Edition 1984; 779 pp.
ISBN 0380856883
$12.95 ($13.95 postpaid)
Avon Books
P. O. Box 767
Dresden, TN 38225
##A 07 69912 138
##T The American Almanac of Jobs and Salaries
In towns and cities, both large and small, from coast to coast, starting salaries for teachers are usually between $12,000 and $14,000, with maximums after twenty years (with an M.A.) hovering between $24,000 and $27,000. Exceptions to these figures can usually be found (especially for high maximums) in large cities such as Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C., where local wage rates are high and where teaching conditions are often horrendous. Still, even in these areas a teacher rarely earns over $30,000.
##A 07 102542 139
##T Corporations
##A 07 70830 140
##T The Rights of Employees
The Rights of Employees
Surprise: American employees don’t have many rights. This book from the American Civil Liberties Union explains the murkiness of labor law in a relatively clear question-and-answer format. It includes discrimination, occupational safety, privacy on the job, sexual harassment, pensions, overtime, and unions. If you earn wages, you probably need it — even if you don’t realize why until after you read it.
— Art Kleiner
##A 07 71108 141
##T The Rights of Employees
Wayne N. Outten with Noah A. Kinigstein
1983; 369 pp.
ISBN 0553236563
$3.95 ($4.95 postpaid)
American Civil Liberties Union
Literature Dept.
132 West 43rd Street
New York, NY 10036
##A 07 71908 142
##T The 100 Best Companies To Work For In America
The 100 Best Companies To Work For In America
This is the best book on management for working managers. It has one clear lesson. Among these 100 companies, of all sizes and in a wide range of businesses, there are at least 50 different management styles. They all lead to profitability and satisfied employees. It’s a great antidote for fads that continually sweep management theory, and it’s reassuring for the innovative manager who wants to try something new.
— Michael Phillips
##A 07 72085 143
##T The 100 Best Companies To Work For In America
Robert Levering, Milton Moskowitz and Michael Katz
1985; 396 pp.
ISBN 0452256577
$8.95 ($10.45 postpaid)
New American Library
Order Dept.
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0120
##A 07 72240 144
##T The 100 Best Companies To Work For In America
Weyerhaeuser Company
This is the class act in the timber industry. If you wanted to work in wood products, which can range anywhere from planting and taking care of trees to cutting them down and then processing them into salable products of all kinds (logs, lumber, plywood, shipping cartons, newsprint, disposable diapers), then Weyerhaeuser would have to be the company to look at first. It’s one of the biggest, fattest cats in its industry but has a well-developed sense of responsibility to go with that size, so much so that an Audubon magazine article on the company was once titled “Best of the S.O.B.’s.”
##A 07 33300 145
##T The 100 Best Companies To Work For In America
Apple Computer
The Most Personal Computer Company
Because they feel they invented the personal computer, Apple people think they are the ideal leaders of the movement. Implicit in the Apple cosmology is a “We’ll show the bastards” mentality. By “bastards,” Apple people mean IBM and other large corporations. Though Apple is growing at a rate enviable to the most hard-bitten Wall Street analyst, a subtle 1960s-style youth culture is pervasive. The average age of employees is 30. Jeans are acceptable attire for corporate vice-presidents.
Besides egalitarianism, another strong part of the Apple belief system is sharing the wealth. An estimated 300 Apple employees (almost all of whom are less than 40 years old) have become millionaires. The company regularly distributes a percentage of quarterly profits to employees. For the first quarter of 1983, this bonus augmented salaries by 12 percent.
##A 07 54961 146
##T The 100 Best Companies To Work For In America
The company is also one of the few firms in America to offer stock options to all employees. That means the company gives employees the right to purchase a specified number of shares of Apple stock in the future at the same price the stock is selling for when the option is initially granted. Assembly-line workers receive options to buy 200 shares (50 a year for four years), while middle managers get options to buy from 5,000 to 20,000 shares.
##A 07 74203 147
##T Intrapreneuring
This book is aimed at the corporation that wants to keep its entrepreneurs happy and creative, and at those entrepreneurs who need strategy for being effective within a corporation. Both sides of the coin are explored with many examples of people who developed significant new products within the confines of corporate life.
— Michael Phillips
##A 07 74483 148
##T Intrapreneuring
Gifford Pinchot III
1985; 368 pp.
ISBN 0060913355
$8.95 ($10.45 postpaid)
Harper and Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 07 74746 149
##T Intrapreneuring
In the beginning, no one else understands the intrapreneur’s ideas well enough to make them work. As a result, others say it can’t work. Intrapreneurs thus find themselves crossing organizational boundaries to do what are officially other people’s jobs. When intrapreneur Art Fry, the inventor of Post-it Notes (those now familiar yellow pads with the gently adhesive backs), was told by the marketing division his idea wasn’t wanted by customers, he did his own market research. When manufacturing told him Post-it Notes were impossible to make, he worked out the production technology himself. No problem, no matter how far from his supposed area of expertise as a lab person, fell outside his responsibility, because Art was an intrapreneur.
##A 07 74827 150
##T Intrapreneuring
In almost every corporation, there exist large numbers of hard-boiled characters who no longer believe the platitudes that emanate from the corporate staff. They know the system backward and forward and know how to acquire what they need to get the job done, regardless of what the official system dictates. Whether he knows it or not, the CEO has turned large chunks of the corporation’s assets over to these people and their informal network of swapping favors and equipment. All he can do under the current system is hope the corporation has chosen the right people.
##A 07 72868 151
##T Further Up the Organization
Further Up the Organization
This book has an amazing amount of truth, some of it pretty radical truth, about how to run an enterprise.
— Stewart Brand
##A 07 73194 152
##T Further Up the Organization
Further Up the Organization
Robert Townsend
1984; 254 pp.
ISBN 0394535782
$15.95 ($16.95 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
There is a tape version available, see last card of this review for access info and to play an excerpted sound.
##A 07 73330 153
##T Further Up the Organization
When you’re off on a business trip or a vacation, pretend you’re a customer. Telephone some part of your organization and ask for help. You’ll run into some real horror shows. Don’t blow up and ask for name, rank, and serial number — you’re trying to correct, not punish. If it happens on a call to the Dubuque office, just suggest to the manager (through channels, dummy) that he make a few test calls himself. Then try calling yourself up and see what indignities you’ve built into your own defenses.
A lesson very few have learned: If you want to approach the head of XYZ Corporation, call him cold. Tell him who you are and why you want to talk to him. A direct and uncomplicated relationship will follow. The common mistake is to look for a mutual friend — or a friend’s friend on his board, in his bank or investment bank or law firm — to introduce you. This starts all sorts of vibrations and usually results in a half-assed prologue by the intermediary, who is apt to grind both edges of his own ax.
##A 07 73485 154
##T Further Up the Organization
Freedom from a secretary
For years I had the standard executive equipment — a secretary. Most of them are very good. Then I used the Man from Mars approach. Then I didn’t have a secretary. Here’s my analysis:
Before: One of my close associates had a great secretary. Whenever he called in from out of town to get or leave messages, she was “away from her desk.” And when he came back, she would have all the mail and memos and appointments spread out so he couldn’t find his desk for two days.
After: When I called in, the telephone operators had my messages. The mailroom also had a rubber stamp: “I’m away. Please handle this in your own style and don’t tell me what you did. Thanks. R.C.T.” They’d open the mail, stamp it, route it appropriately. When I got back — clean desk.
##A 07 11802 155
##T Further Up the Organization
Further Up the Organization - Tape Version
Robert Townsend
Write for free catalog
Brilliance Corporation
235 Fulton
Suite 207
P.O. Box 114
Grand Haven, MI 49417
800-222-3225; 616-846-5256(MI)
Single voice, 4 hours.
Adult Nonfiction Cat. #35-01
##A 07 37853 156
##T Games Mother Never Taught You
Games Mother Never Taught You
Corporations are modelled after the military and women must understand this model to function in any large business. Betty Garragan explains the jargon and system of the corporate world. Why didn’t we have this book fifteen years ago? It would have saved me and my women business colleagues from reinventing the wheel. Read it now, and you’ll have the opportunity to invent a new game or at least succeed at the old one.
- Anne Kent Rush
##A 07 75580 157
##T Games Mother Never Taught You
Betty Lehan Harragan
1977; 399 pp.
ISBN 0446936855
$4.95 ($5.95 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 07 75795 158
##T Games Mother Never Taught You
While you’re at your salary research, if you discover that a man who held your job previously got paid more than you or that a man doing substantially the same work as you (never mind his title, the job functions are the key) is getting paid more, don’t go home in fury and frustration. Pick up the phone book, look under U.S. Government, Department of Labor, Wage and House Division. Call up and ask about the simple process to file an Equal Pay Complaint. No one will ever find out because this agency, which enforces the Equal Pay Act, operates in secrecy and confidentiality.
##A 07 37439 159
##A 07 102661 160
##T Working At Home
##A 07 54298 161
Why One-Person Businesses?
The one-person business is the most rapidly growing form of new business in the U.S. They have the potential for great efficiency, as we have found in the hundreds we have consulted as clients. Five well-run one-person businesses can produce more for the same amount of money than one business with eight employees — and they can do the same amount of work for two-thirds the cost (as long as real overhead costs are calculated for the employees). Every one-person businessperson should have two books:
1. Ÿ How to Get Control of Your Time and Life, and
##A 07 34487 162
2. Ÿ Small-Time Operator
— Claude Whitmyer and Michael Phillips
##A 07 55493 163
##T Working From Home
Working From Home
Best of the books we’ve seen on this subject, but there’s not enough detail. For instance, the authors mention health insurance, a major knot to untangle, but don’t really point you toward sources. But the table of contents lists almost everything that you need to think about if you are going to work from home.
— Art Kleiner
##A 07 55804 164
##T Working From Home
Paul and Sarah Edwards
1985; 420 pp.
ISBN 0874772400
$11.95 ($13.20 postpaid)
St. Martin’s Press
Cash Sales
175 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10010
##A 07 56026 165
##T Working From Home
Tips for Keeping Your Home and Work Separate:
1. Clearly define your workspace.
2. Set definite work hours.
3. Have a way to signal that you’re working; for example, keeping the office
door closed or putting up a Do Not Disturb sign.
4. Learn how to firmly, but nicely, say, “No, I’m working now.”
5. Use a separate business telephone line and an answering machine or
answering service.
6. Soundproof your office.
##A 07 56278 166
##T Working From Home
7. Dress in a certain way when you’re working.
8. Keep work materials, paper, and equipment in your office space.
9. Have a door or other barrier to your office. Close it while you’re working
and after you’ve finished working.
##A 07 59188 167
##T Home Business Advisor
Home Business Advisor
The quote on the front page says it all: “Helping parents work at home.” Each issue has helpful articles on how to arrange your schedule and workspace with a toddler around, how to deal with the stress of being a work-at-home parent, and the good and bad points of bringing children along on business trips. Good general articles on selecting a computer and establishing small business networks makes this a valuable tool for anyone thinking about starting a home business.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 07 92242 168
##T Home Business Advisor
Charlie & Jan Fletcher, Editors
$16/year (6 issues)
NextStep Publications
P.O. Box 41108
Fayetteville, NC 28309
##A 07 109717 169
##T Home Business Advisor
No matter how small your living space, set boundaries between home and work, and keep them. Whether you have a room, closet, or a drawer, you need to have a place where your business things can remain undisturbed. In addition, you’ll escape the stresses of the business more easily if you can put the traces away and turn your attention fully to home life. Your family also needs room to maintain a normal family life. Your kids will be more supportive of your work if they are not constantly confronting and adapting to it.
The bottom line to a home business isn’t just financial. Pursuing a home business allows you to do what’s really important to you as both a parent and an individual. A home business can help you live the way you think you should, while letting you follow your dreams . . . and isn’t that what success is all about?
##A 07 56810 170
##T Entrepreneurial Mothers
Entrepreneurial Mothers
A rare book in that it skillfully combines “you can do it” inspiration with common sense. Mothers looking to start a business have more considerations and obstacles to deal with
(kids, family, lack of encouragement) and these issues permeate the text. But anyone starting a home business — woman or man — will benefit from the well-chosen advice.
— Bernard Kamoroff
The book also offers what amounts to a course in bargaining techniques — some of the best advice I’ve seen.
— J. Baldwin
##A 07 57021 171
##T Entrepreneurial Mothers
Phyllis Gillis
1984; 374 pp.
ISBN 0892562560
$9.95 postpaid
Macmillan Publishing Co.
Order Dept.
Front and Brown Streets
Riverside, NJ 08075
##A 07 57184 172
##T Entrepreneurial Mothers
Creative buying: Get together with other entrepreneurial mothers and buy in bulk or make a pitch to a wholesaler who normally deals only in large quantities. Place ads in your local newspaper if you think area residents might have the supplies you need.
“Call me. I want to buy your backyard produce,” was the ad placed by the
enterprising owner of a California crepe and salad house.
There is a vast difference between a mate who is a sounding board and one who is actually involved in your venture. You may make mistakes, but they will be your mistakes, and you will learn from them. Make sure he knows that you welcome his support and advice but that you make the decisions. Your business is not his success; it is your success. You are his success.
Sometimes couples do go into business together. When it works, it can become the basis of a mutually satisfying relationship.
##A 07 81023 173
##A 07 103472 174
##T Start-up
##A 07 91901 175
Do you wanna start your own small business? A half-million people do just that every year, and a hefty majority of those people go bankrupt within a year. Why? For businesses started by novices, the Number One reason is probably lack of foresight. The people just don’t think their ideas through very well. They don’t do any “market research,” which is just a fancy term for “look before you leap.”
It’s a real shame, too, because a few nights reading with these few well-chosen books would save a lot of these failed businesses.
— Bernard Kamoroff
##A 07 108276 176
##T Growing a Business
Growing a Business
I’ve changed our business practices at Whole Earth since reading this book (and seeing the accompanying public-TV shows based on it). Paul Hawken’s central theme is that businesses are extensions of people, and that “successful” ones, like successful people, are valued by what they ARE, not by what they do, and certainly not by how much money they have in the bank. If you ARE a good company, you’ll BE a good person: helpful, interesting, honest, rewarded, and probably unstoppable. That’s success.
Hawken champions an economy powered by Service. His advice and anecdotes lead you to a means of imaginatively serving both customers and employees. It’s an inspirational tour of how good
##A 07 14104 177
##T Growing a Business
folks at small companies make money while BEING themselves.
— Kevin Kelly
Ÿ Also see review of Paul Hawken’s book The Next Economy
##A 07 108784 178
##T Growing a Business
Paul Hawken
1987; 251 pp.
ISBN 0671644572
$16.95 ($18.45 postpaid)
Simon & Schuster
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 07 108808 179
##T Growing a Business
Remember that big companies are only that—big. They are not more efficient, productive, or innovative. In study after study, large businesses score a poor second to small ones in these categories.
“How long should a man’s legs be? Long enough to reach the ground,” Lincoln said. How much money does a business need? You need enough money to get to market. A bootstrap operation places you in the heart of the market sooner than any other business structure. Without capital, you will have to sell something immediately in order to establish a cash flow. To attract this quick acceptance, your product or service will have to be good and practical—like a pint of Ben & Jerry’s Heath Bar Crunch ice cream. Bootstrapping gives you a tremendous advantage, revealing the strengths and weaknesses in your business better than a thousand preliminary studies and surveys could do. Just as hunger will make you alert, so lack of capital will make you keenly aware of the business environment.
##A 07 14438 180
##T Growing a Business
A good business is almost organic in the way it comprises redundant systems and backups to handle the unexpected. In staffing, you should cross-train so the business is not dependent on any one person, particularly yourself. In finance, you should avoid any strategy that could bring the company down with just a single misstep. Early Winters, a Seattle-based outdoor clothing and equipment company, grew to $14 million in sales under the tutelage of its three founders. But they were stretched so thin financially that one bad season sent them into bankruptcy. Twelve years of hard work were lost in a matter of months simply because they had not sufficiently capitalized the business earlier.
At this writing I am adding bulbs from Holland, Israel, Oregon, and Japan to Smith & Hawken’s line. Two hundred varieties, and I don’t have a clue as to which bulbs will be favored by our customers. In this branch of the business I am as wet and green as I can be, and we will make serious mistakes in inventory projections. On the other hand, we’re sure the business is there; we have sold bulbs every year in our retail stores.
##A 07 14729 181
##T Growing a Business
So how do we balance the requirement of having enough bulbs with the risk of having far too many? Unlike our tools, the bulbs don’t last forever in the warehouse.
For each of the past five years we have had one or two “seconds sales” at our warehouse, attended by thousands who benefit from great bargains and discounts, the horticultural equivalent of Filene’s Basement. My plan on the bulbs is to over order. If we order way too many, we can hold a seconds sale featuring bulbs at virtually the lowest prices in California, since we will be a direct importer. We won’t lose money
(We won’t make any, either), our customers will have had a fantastic sale, our mail order customers will have received what they wanted, and we will have learned what we need to know to order intelligently the next season.
Our risks are minimized.
##A 07 92681 182
##T Small-Time Operator
Small-Time Operator
Small-Time Operator is most of the financial record-keeping information you need for a small business, plus the lined paper for one year with excellent instructions on how to use it, along with good advice on key issues (such as when the IRS is likely to consider someone your employee).
Kamoroff (the author) lives the advice in the book. You can order a copy directly from him in Laytonville. He will package and ship it to you after he feeds the chickens and tends the garden.
— Michael Phillips
##A 07 93099 183
##T Small-Time Operator
Bernard Kamoroff
Revised Edition 1988; 190 pp.
ISBN 0917510062
$10.95 ($11.95 postpaid)
Bell Springs Publishing Co.
Box 640
Bell Springs Road
Laytonville, CA 95454
##A 07 93430 184
##T Small-Time Operator
The most important lesson to learn, I feel, is that you can start out easily and simply. You don’t have to make the Big Plunge, selling everything you own and going into debt. Start slowly, try it out and learn as you go. You’ll get there.
I’ve known a lot of people in business — some who made it, some who didn’t. And while nobody has a guaranteed secret for success in business, I believe that there are a few basic characteristics that you’ve got to have or be willing to develop if you’re going to start a business, any business.
The first and most important characteristic, I feel, is a clear head and the ability to organize your mind and your life. The “absent-minded professor” may be a genius, but he will never keep a business together. In running a small business, you are going to have to deal with many different people, keep schedules, meet deadlines, organize
##A 07 93615 185
##T Small-Time Operator
paperwork, pay bills, and the list goes on. It’s all part of every business. So if balancing your checkbook is too much for you, or you just burned up your car engine because you forgot the oil, maybe you’re not cut out for business. The work in a small business is rarely complicated, but it has to be done and done on time. Remember, this is going to be your business. It’s all up to you.
The best definition of an entrepreneur is someone who spends 16 hours a day working for himself so that he doesn’t have to work 8 hours a day for someone else.
— Mark Stevens, “Profit Secrets For Small Business”
##A 07 8343 186
##T The Partnership Book
The Partnership Book
The second most commonly needed book in small business (after bookkeeping) is a book to help people understand partnerships and set up a partnership agreement. This book is perfect, complete, wise, and miraculous. If potential partners can write an agreement themselves using this book, they have a 70 percent greater chance of succeeding than if they use a lawyer, and a 300 percent greater chance than if they have no written agreement.
— Michael Phillips
##A 07 8656 187
##T The Partnership Book
Denis Clifford and Ralph Warner
3rd Edition 1987; 221 pp.
ISBN 0873370414
$18.95 ($21.45 postpaid)
Nolo Press
950 Parker Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
800-445-NOLO (CA)
##A 07 8867 188
##T The Partnership Book
Partnership agreements are simply contracts that express your understanding, your decisions, regarding how you want your business relationship to work. There is a body of law — primarily the Uniform Partnership Act (the U.P.A.) — which establishes most basic legal rules applicable to partnerships, such as the date a partnership commences. However, almost all these rules can be varied — if you decide to do so — by an express statement in the partnership agreement. As we proceed, we discuss not only what the standard rules are, but how you can alter them if you wish.
Subjects often covered in partnership agreements:
• Name of the partnership (and names of individual partners);
• Term of the partnership (indefinite, or for a set, limited time) and date started;
• Purpose of the partnership (the type of business to be conducted);
• Personal business goals of the partners and partnership; • Cash and property contributed to start the business;
##A 07 9016 189
##T The Partnership Book
• What happens if more cash is needed;
• Skills to be contributed (hours to be worked, work duties of partners,
management roles, possible other business activities, etc.);
• Distribution of profits;
• Losses (how divided);
• Salaries, guarantees, or drawing accounts;
• Disputes (rule by majority voting, provision for arbitration or mediation, etc.);
• Sale, assignment, etc. of a partnership interest;
• Admission of new partners;
• Expulsion of a partner;
• Continuing business if a partner withdraws, dies, becomes disabled, or retires;
• Determining value of a departing partner’s interest, provisions for payment of
that interest;
• Dissolution, winding up, and termination.
##A 07 104572 190
##T The Partnership Book
##A 07 3123 191
##T Honest Business
Honest Business
Innovative and practical are not contradictory, merely seldom met with together. The reason this book is full of small business advice which is both innovative and practical is that it is primarily reporting — anecdotal material from the Briarpatch, an entrepreneurial network in the San Francisco Bay area with a wealth of gentle success behind it. Michael Phillips has been in the thick of it since the beginning in the early 70s. Here is the full body of what he has learned and been teaching.
— Stewart Brand
Honest Business is unique in its combination of simple truths and business moxie. — Bernard Kamoroff
Ÿ The Four Illusions of Money (excerpted from Honest Business)
##A 07 4375 192
##T Honest Business
Michael Phillips
and Salli Rasberry
1981; 209 pp.
ISBN 0394748301
Random House
##A 07 7643 193
##T Honest Business
What are the things we can learn about our businesses from studying the books? Two good things are: what days off you can take, and when you can take a vacation.
Sherry had bought Skin Zone, a small bath and scents business, which she had previously managed for a period of six months. Now that she was the owner she had to work seven days a week to cover the costs of the loan she had gotten to buy the business. After a few months of working seven days a week she looked pretty bad and couldn’t shake off her constant cold. With just a tiny amount of surplus cash, how could she afford to take even one day off?
We took a look at her daily sales record and found that Sunday sales were generally quite low, with most of the transactions in the mid-afternoon. Instead of keeping the store open seven hours on Sunday, Sherry decided to open it from 1:00 to 4:00 and hire a friend, who agreed to work for $3 an hour during those times. We knew from
the books that even if she lost all of her Sunday business it would not significantly
##A 07 7779 194
##T Honest Business
affect the net income.
The result: Sherry regained her health, which helped to improve the overall business climate, and the Sunday sales remained about the same.
The opportunities for fun in business are endless. They are the natural consequence of running an honest business.
##A 07 79394 195
##T We Own It
We Own It
Nitty-gritty how-to for starting and running employee-owned
(collective) businesses — plus purchasing co-ops (like food
co-ops) and cooperatives to market your wares together.
— Art Kleiner
##A 07 79805 196
##T We Own It
(Starting and Managing Coops, Collectives, & Employee-Owned Ventures)
Peter Jan Honigsberg, Bernard Kamoroff and Jim Beatty
1982; 165 pp.
ISBN 0917510038
$9 ($10 postpaid)
Bell Springs Publishing
Box 640
Bell Springs Road
Laytonville, CA 95454
##A 07 80123 197
##T We Own It
Naturally, we occasionally ponder the reasons for our success thus far, given the high mortality rate of small businesses and especially businesses in new industries where the markets are small and difficult to penetrate. The main factors seem to be these:
1. Hard work;
2. Moderate pay (about $800 per month till now);
3. Careful husbanding of capital (we’ve learned to get by with low inventory and used
4. Friendly investors;
5. Satisfied customers (of course we worked hard to satisfy them);
6. The idealism that got us into the business in the first place;
7. The togetherness that comes from shared ownership, equal pay, collective
decision-making, and mutual concern for everyone’s growth and job satisfaction.
##A 07 10089 198
##T In Business
In Business
The most essential magazine a small business can get is the main trade journal for that particular type of business. Inquire of other business owners, or consult Gale’s Small Business Sourcebook
(see separate review Ÿ) for the best one.
The most helpful general business magazine I’ve found for the small-time operator is In Business, a friendly, low-key bimonthly. It runs feature articles about unusual success stories: it recently featured a family-run dairy, a short-line railroad, and a backwoods bed and breakfast. The magazine has regular how-to
advice on advertising, marketing and the like. I find it a bit too tame, reluctant to be blunt or controversial, but it’s valuable.
- Bernard Kamoroff
##A 07 12400 199
##T In Business
Jerome Goldstein, Editor
ISSN 01902458
$21/year(6 issues);
$36/2 years
The JG Press
P. O. Box 323
18 South Seventh Street
Emmaus, PA 18049
##A 07 12998 200
##T In Business
10 tips for beginning couples:
Janet and Dick Strombeck, owners of Sun Designs in Delafield, Wisconsin, say the following tips are helpful for couples who are just breaking into business together:
1. Be honest with yourself about your egos, emotions, capabilities and motivation. Discuss feelings with your partner. You cannot shortcut on these things.
2. Have 100 percent faith in each other.
3. Understand that all people have individual needs. Be prepared to bite your tongue and overlook unimportant gaffs in the relationship. It may be your day tomorrow. Keep your eyes on the major goals and overall performance.
4. Make a list of what you will be giving up personally (time, money, social life, etc.) and make a conscious decision.
##A 07 13221 201
##T In Business
5. If you have children at home, talk to them. Tell them what you want to do and why, and how it will affect them.
6. Evaluate personal finances. Can you afford this? Are you willing to sell equity in a pinch?
7. Is your health good enough to stand the work load?
8. Prepare for a commitment of time, thoughts and finances.
9. Decide you will have quality in whatever you do and make employees understand this.
l0. Believe in yourself and your spouse. Be patient. Train yourselves to be positive in overcoming adversity. Take a day at a time and it will soon develop into a habit and a way of life.
##A 07 126729 202
##T In Business
Vending machine owners in Indianapolis used to remove unsold but still edible food from their machines and throw it away. Although they realized there were needy people who could benefit from the leftovers, liability factors restricted a giveaway program.
Then the vendors discovered Indiana’s Good Samaritan law. Now they donate about 2,000 sandwiches, salads and desserts a day to the Gleaners Foodbank of Indiana, Inc. This warehouse facility then distributes food to missions, shelters and other agencies.
“Vendors felt their hands were tied because of potential liability. Most of us weren’t aware of the law, and I’ve been in the business for 50 years,” says Merrill Cohen, industrial caterer and organizer of the city-wide effort to collect leftover food. Indiana’s Attorney General told Cohen that the Good Samaritan Statute “should aid your efforts as a volunteer to collect food for the needy. It grants immunity from civil suit to individuals or businesses who make gifts of food in good faith to tax-exempt
##A 07 127030 203
##T In Business
charitable organizations.”
Armed with the Attorney General’s letter, Cohen again pitched the idea to five major vendors — all of whom cooperated. According to state regulations, vendors must refrigerate all perishable food and remove it from their machines after about 48 hours. “The produce we get (as a donation) is exactly the equivalent to one-day-old bakery outlets,” says Cohen. “It’s still perfectly satisfactory (for consumption).”
##A 07 97577 204
Good cheap office gear — cardboard filing drawers, inexpensive business forms, address labels, and discounted prices on tape, pens, etc. We used to use Quill. They are fast, and easy to work with. Now we use Reliable because their prices are often a tad cheaper. Nicely serving all one-person-one-computer businesses is NEBS, supplier of every conceivable kind of tractor-fed stationery and microcomputer need (daisy wheels, ribbons, disks and so on). All three provide excellent quick service and allow you to order by phone, toll free.
— Kevin Kelly
Ÿ Minnesota Western, Inc.
##A 07 2615 205
NEBS Computer Forms and NEBS Business Forms
Catalog free from:
500 Main Street
Groton, MA 01471
##A 07 107000 206
The Reliable Corporation
Catalog free from:
The Reliable Corporation
1001 West Van Buren Street
Chicago, IL 60607
##A 07 107215 207
Catalog free
P. O. Box 4700
Lincolnshire, IL 60197-4700
##A 07 105008 208
##T Funding a Business
##A 07 94712 209
##T Starting on a Shoestring
Starting on a Shoestring
I’ve known for a long time that starting a business with little or no money is not only possible, it happens all the time. I started two businesses that way; and many of my tax clients are small businesses whose start-up capital borders on zero. This book spells out how it’s done better than any other I’ve seen, and is equally useful for people who have a lot of money to start with. Business success really has little to do with how much money you do or don’t have; it has more to do with common sense.
— Bernard Kamoroff
##A 07 94791 210
##T Starting on a Shoestring
Arnold S. Goldstein
1984; 286 pp.
ISBN 0471884391
$12.95 ($13.95 postpaid)
John Wiley & Sons
Order Department
1 Wiley Drive
Somerset, NJ 08873
##A 07 95178 211
##T Starting on a Shoestring
You can start a business with one-tenth the capital normally required (or even no cash at all), but in return you must work ten times as hard to make it succeed.
Most people think money is the number one priority in selecting a business. Put it on the bottom of your list. The psychic rewards — enjoyment — head the list. When you enjoy your business, the success and money are bound to follow, but it never quite works in reverse. And if you happen to make serious money in a business you don’t enjoy, I’ll guarantee you’d make twice the money in a business — any business — that does get your adrenalin flowing.
##A 07 95447 212
##T Starting on a Shoestring
MBA students at Suffolk University Business School surveyed start-ups to determine the relationship of rent and equipment costs to profits and success. The most successful businesses had the lowest rent and capital equipment costs. The study went further: 92 percent of the businesses examined could have started on an appreciably less expensive scale, with no anticipated drop in sales but with a healthy jump in profits. The big spenders were everywhere. With a tighter purse string they would now have a fatter purse.
##A 07 9582 213
##T Franchise Investigation and Contract Negotiation
Franchise Investigation and Contract Negotiation
Personally, I would discourage anybody from buying a franchise business. You pay someone else money — sometimes a large sum of money — to use their business name, to do business according to their rules, and to sell what they tell you to sell. After a while you begin to wonder whether you are starting a business or paying a whole lot of money to be ordered around. Obviously, franchises are profitable — there are more McDonalds than there are slugs after a spring rain. But franchises can be trouble, too, especially if you hook up with an unsound or unstable company. You will need quality professional help.
This is an important little book on the subject. If its 40-some
pages don’t scare you away from franchises, probably nothing will. Don’t do anything until you read it. — Bernard Kamoroff
##A 07 9895 214
##T Franchise Investigation and Contract Negotiation
Harry Gross and Robert S. Levy
1985; 48 pp.
ISBN 0875761186
$3.95 ($4.95 postpaid)
Pilot Books
103 Cooper Street
Babylon, NY 11702
##A 07 118213 215
##T Patenting
##A 07 51551 216
##T Patent It Yourself
Patent It Yourself
Other patent-it-yourself books seem like mere abstracts compared to this detailed gem of a book. Every step of the patent process is presented in order, complete with official forms to practice upon. The language is free of legalese except where readers are trained to sling a bit of it themselves for effect. The book is especially helpful in making tough tactical decisions, such as whether or not to patent at all. The copyright process is covered too.
— J. Baldwin
##A 07 51862 217
##T Patent It Yourself
David Pressman
1985; 421 pp.
ISBN 0917316940
$29.95 ($32.45 postpaid)
Nolo Press
950 Parker Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
800-445-NOLO (CA)
##A 07 124863 218
##T Patent It Yourself
Common Misconception: A patent will protect the invention of an inventor.
Fact: While many people speak of a patent as a form of “protection,” to be strictly correct, and to understand the nature of the patent right fully, it’s important to realize that a patent is an offensive weapon, rather than a defensive shield. To use a patent, as we’ll see in Chapter 14, the patent owner must sue or threaten to sue any trespasser on the right. The patent doesn’t provide any “protection” in its own right. Nevertheless, since the word “protection” is in common usage for all types of intellectual property, and since I can’t find a better one, I’ll be using it a lot. Just remember that “to protect,” as applied to intangible property, really means to acquire a tool with which you can enforce a monopoly on your creation: this usually means the right to sue and win a lawsuit against an infringer.
##A 07 125365 219
##T Patent It Yourself
Trademarks are very useful in conjunction with inventions, whether patentable or not. A clever TM can be used with even an unpatentable invention to provide it with a unique aspect in the marketplace so that purchasers will tend to buy the trademarked product over a generic one. For example, consider the Crock Pot slow cooker and the Hula Hoop exercise device. These trademarks helped make both of these unpatentable products successful. In short, a trademark provides brand name recognition to the product and a patent provides a tool to enforce a monopoly on its utilitarian function. Since trademark rights can be kept forever (so long as the TM continues to be used), a TM can be a powerful means of effectively extending a patent monopoly.
##A 07 52559 220
##T A Handbook for Inventors
A Handbook for Inventors
So you have a good idea. What next? For 90% of the folks with a good idea for a product, what’s next is failure - usually attributable to ineptitude. (I can vouch from sad experience that the sharks are many.) This savvy book is a useful guide for those who dare to bring their brainchild to market. The author concentrates on the strategies and tactics necessary for dealing with the realities of business, not rah-rah success stories that don’t tell you what the protagonists really DID.
- J. Baldwin
##A 07 8006 221
##T A Handbook for Inventors
Calvin D. MacCracken
1983; 211 pp.
ISBN 0684179067
$18.95 postpaid
Macmillan Publishing Co.
Order Dept.
Front and Brown Streets
Riverside, NJ 08075
##A 07 53013 222
##T A Handbook for Inventors
Generally, the people involved in certification are fair and honest citizens trying to protect the public. However, as most have been burned before by products they’d accepted that subsequently created hazards, they tend to be extremely cautious; therefore you may have to devote a great deal of time to educating them before they’ll move. This is a cost for which most innovators and entrepreneurs never budget properly, and many a new product has not bridged this last hurdle.
In selecting a licensee, it is often wise to pick a company that would like to get into your product’s general field but is not yet involved in it. When I had invented a blanket that worked by circulating warm water in tubes the size of wires, I made the mistake of licensing it to Fieldcrest Mills, who were number one in electric blankets
selling over 2 million blankets a year. They told me their electric blanket business wasn’t as profitable as they would like it to be and that the more even comfort of the “water blanket" would bring a higher price and give them something new over the
##A 07 53330 223
##T A Handbook for Inventors
competition. Unfortunately, the water blanket’s biggest selling point was that electric blankets cause fires and that a large number of people are afraid of having electric wires covering them at night. Fieldcrest would never say that for fear of hurting their major business.
Licensing professionals like Robert Goldscheider of the International Licensing Network, Ltd. in New York City go to great lengths to find a potential licensee whose business will benefit in every way from the license and who will make it part of the company’s long-range planning. Here is Goldscheider’s plan as he gave it to me in a recent interview:
1. Search out a licensee in terms of its ability to sell, not to engineer or to manufacture. (For example, stick to those that advertise heavily.)
2. Avoid internal conflicts of interest. (For example, if your product is a plastic
##A 07 53650 224
##T A Handbook for Inventors
chain, avoid chain manufacturers and find plastics marketers.)
3. Get through to a decision maker. (Call the president’s office at 9 a.m., and someone
will put you in touch with the person who can give the project the presidential seal of approval.)
4. Prepare a licensing memo of seven or eight pages containing:
• The history of the innovation
• Background on the inventors (their qualifications)
• A rundown of the market and economics of the invention
• The package of intellectual property (patent, trademark, lawyer’s opinion and reputation, etc.)
• What deal you want (for example, a three-month option for $20,000 with right to renew at the same fee, with half of option fees credited against final license down payment).
##A 07 53873 225
##T A Handbook for Inventors
5. Try to connect your invention to a scholarly article.
6. Find out what is a must for the licensee’s side, and agree to it only after many concessions on their part.
7. Make yourself look successful. (Pay attention to shoes, fingernails, clothes.)
8. Rehearse negotiations, getting someone to play the role of prospective licensee.
9. Offer five days free consulting (to give the licensee time to get the reaction of his key thinkers).
10. Use your license form for discussion, not theirs.
##A 07 103695 226
##T Managing
##A 07 10619 227
##T The Effective Executive
The Effective Executive
Wherever there’s a bunch of people doing something, somebody is bearing executive relation to the group, usually badly, therefore unhappily for everyone, and nothing much is going on besides frustration. But some leaders are good, and with them a lot happens and everybody feels good. This book takes a deep look into how “good” executives behave in common. The generalizations that emerge are useful to anybody with responsibility, from the honcho of a commune to the Pope.
— Stewart Brand
Ÿ Innovation and Entrepreneurship (also by Peter Drucker)
##A 07 10992 228
##T The Effective Executive
Peter F. Drucker
1985; 192 pp.
ISBN 0060318252
$8.95 ($10.45 postpaid)
Harper and Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 07 11012 229
##T The Effective Executive
The people who get nothing done often work a great deal harder. In the first place, they underestimate the time for any one task. They always expect that everything will go right. Yet, as every executive knows, nothing ever goes right. The unexpected always happens — the unexpected is indeed the only thing one can confidently expect. And almost never is it a pleasant surprise. Effective executives therefore allow a fair margin of time beyond what is actually needed. In the second place, the typical (that is, the more or less ineffectual) executive tries to hurry — and that only puts him further behind. Effective executives do not race. They set an easy pace but keep going steadily. Finally, the typical executive tries to do several things at once. Therefore, he never has the minimum time quantum for any of the tasks in his program. If any one of them runs into trouble, his entire program collapses.
##A 07 11275 230
##T The Effective Executive
Alfred P. Sloan is reported to have said at a meeting of one of his top committees:
“Gentlemen, I take it we are all in complete agreement on the decision here.” Everyone around the table nodded assent. “Then,” continued Mr. Sloan, “I propose we postpone further discussion of this matter until our next meeting to give ourselves time to develop disagreement and perhaps gain some understanding of what the decision is all about.”
The President who understood best the need for organized disagreement was probably Franklin D. Roosevelt. Whenever anything of importance came up, he would take aside one of his aides and say to him, “I want you to work on this for me — but keep it a secret.” (This made sure, as Roosevelt know perfectly well, that everybody in Washington heard about it immediately.) Then Roosevelt would take aside a few other men, known to differ from the first and would give them the same assignment, again “in the strictest confidence.” As a result, he could be reasonably certain that all
##A 07 11574 231
##T The Effective Executive
important aspects of every matter were being thought through and presented to him. He could be certain that he would not become the prisoner of somebody’s preconceived conclusions.
This practice was severely criticized as execrable administration by the one “professional manager” in Roosevelt’s Cabinet, his secretary of the Interior, Harold Ickes, whose diaries are full of diatribes against the President’s “sloppiness,”
“indiscretions,” and “treachery.” But Roosevelt knew that the main task of an American President is not administration. It is the making of policy, the making of the right decisions.
##A 07 28626 232
##T The Small Business Sourcebook
The Small Business Sourcebook
An amazingly comprehensive listing of thousands of resources for small business. Want to know the names, addresses and details about the trade associations, trade journals, trade shows, sources of supply, education programs, and statistical studies for dry cleaning businesses? Or hobby shops? Or jewelry stores? Or a hundred other businesses? It’s all here. I know of no other single source with so much small business information. It’s very expensive — check your library.
— Bernard Kamoroff
##A 07 30698 233
##T The Small Business Sourcebook
John Ganly, Diane Sciattara,
and Andrea Pedolsky, Editors
2nd Edition 1986; 1837 pp.
(2 volumes)
ISBN 0810315971
$185/set postpaid
Gale Research Inc.
Penobscot Bldg.
Detroit, MI 48226.
##A 07 33824 234
##T The Small Business Sourcebook
910 17 St., N.W.
Washington, DC 20006
Purpose: Serves as information source and lobbying group for ice cream manufacturers. Keeps members informed on legislative activities; offers technical advice; compiles industry data. Participates in industry trade shows. Co-owner of the Dairy Training and Merchandising Institute, which offers courses on sales, merchandising, distribution and regulatory programs.
Publications: “Latest Scoop: Facts and Figures on Ice Cream and Related Products;” “Frozen Dessert Facts: Flavors, Packages, Novelties;” “Up-to-Date Newsletter;” “Alert;” “THRUST;” “Milk Order Round-Up.”
##A 07 32207 235
##T Meetings, Bloody Meetings
Meetings, Bloody Meetings
And another bloody meeting. Except this meeting is to watch a life-changing twenty minute video by John Cleese, of wacky Monty Python fame. Funny, clever, sobering, and above all, supremely effective, this video will leave you with the indelible five fundamental principles of running a productive meeting. Cleese plays a harried manager who is put on trial in a dream for his crimes of wasting others’ time with his ineffective staff meetings. The court is run by his own haphazard rules to hilarious and memorable results. Send your whole organization through this video (and its equally worthwhile follow up, More Bloody Meetings), and come out liberated from congregation incompetence.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 07 32370 236
##T Meetings, Bloody Meetings
Meetings; More Bloody Meetings
Each $155/3-day rental;
$200/4-to-7-day rental.
Both $260/3-day rental;
$340/4-to-7-day rental
Video Arts, Inc.
Northbrook Tech Center
4088 Commercial Avenue
Northbrook, IL 60062
##A 07 115360 237
##T PC-File Plus
PC-File Plus
You’re not still keeping that mailing list on filing cards, are you? PC-File Plus is database software for keeping mailing lists and for many other uses. This long-available software champion is inexpensive and it WORKS (when I was first learning my way around an IBM-PC, this was the one program I easily learned how to use). Once you have PC-File Plus keeping your list up to date you’ll think of many other uses for it. It can easily handle thousands and thousands of names, making such things as conference invitations, workshop announcements, membership newsletters, or other mailings a relatively sane job. And when you start to push the program’s limits, you’ll be glad for Buttonware’s efficient phone support.
— Keith Jordan
##A 07 115457 238
##T PC-File Plus
$69.95 ($74.95 postpaid)
ButtonWare, Inc.
P..O. Box 96058
Bellevue, WA 98009-4469
Shareware; IBM-PC, 384 Mb RAM.
##A 07 116416 239
##T Project Management Using Microcomputers
Project Management Using Microcomputers
Staging a large happening means keeping all the different parts of the projects alive without letting them eat each other. As ringmaster, you need to herd the competing schedules through the center of a “critical path” — the specific series of events that forms the backbone upon which the other events hang. Get the critical path done and the project happens.
Project management software assists sorting out this fluid ecology of needs. A sophisticated package will handle the side currents of a large event’s sub-projects, and will calculate the metabolism of the parts — the man-hours needed or available, or the rate of other critical resources. The benefit of this kind of tool is felt most on on-going or repeating projects. It’s probably
##A 07 116644 240
##T Project Management Using Microcomputers
overkill for a one time conference. It’s probably necessary if
you’re running a factory.
But we have used a simpler project management software package
(it was a free review copy) for clarifying the work flow on several of our large one-time projects. We probably didn’t need heavy duty scheduling power, but its ability to print out PERT charts of critical chores helped to visualize what seemed a wild and improbable task. We wouldn’t have bought one if we had had to pay for it.
##A 07 116952 241
##T Project Management Using Microcomputers
Is it worthwhile for your event? If you have more than one to do, or have real need for computerized advice, I would suggest reading Project Management Using Microcomputers for an understandable introduction to the mechanics, and (dis)advantages of project management software in general and most of the better packages in particular.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 07 117262 242
##T Project Management Using Microcomputers
Harvey Levine
1986; 416 pp.
ISBN 0078812216
$21.95 postpaid
Princeton Road
Hightstown, NJ 08520
##A 07 103942 243
##T Marketing
##A 07 96625 244
##T P.R.
What people haven’t heard about they can’t take action about. Uncommunicated issues DON’T EXIST. For local promotion on the quick and dirty and cheap, here’s a quick, dirty, and cheap pamphlet of how-to.
— Stewart Brand
This was written for community organizations but the tricks work for community businesses as well.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 07 96902 245
##T P.R.
A Guide to Low Cost Use of Media for Community Organizations
Michelle Cauble
1986; 22 pp.
Publications list free ($3.50 postpaid)
Do It Now Publications
P.O. Box 21126
Phoenix, AZ 85036
##A 07 97241 246
##T P.R.
In the beginning at least, one person, preferably with previous experience in media relations, should be the MAIN MEDIA CONTACT, rather than different people contacting the media on different occasions. This allows a personal relationship to develop, rather than haphazard or impersonal — “just another group trying to get publicity” — relations.
##A 07 97485 247
##T P.R.
Always remember, “the sexiest item for local press is a local name.” That rule holds with one minor qualification: the more you can relate the local name to the issue, the better. Mr. & Mrs. Middle America want desperately to be reassured that people THEY know, people who live in THEIR town, actively support your issue.
##A 07 110217 248
##T Marketing Without Advertising
Marketing Without Advertising
The first two chapters of this startling book argue convincingly, and with documented proof, that almost all advertising is totally ineffective and an utter waste of money; and that most business owners, including top executives of large corporations, have been successfully duped into believing advertising is both necessary and productive in spite of obvious evidence to the contrary. The evidence presented — the at-times hilarious ads themselves, the statistics, the quotes from advertising executives, the Wall Street Journal articles — will actually make you laugh, or if you’re a buyer of advertising, maybe make you cry. Next time you see or hear an advertisement, think about it a minute. Would you buy what they’re trying to sell you? When was the last time an ad convinced you to buy anything? If you run a business, how successful have
##A 07 119546 249
##T Marketing Without Advertising
your ads been? Read the beginning of this book, and I guarantee
you’ll have an entirely new perspective on advertising.
The rest of the book, the bulk of the writing, explains clearly and in detail how you can promote your business without advertising, primarily by encouraging personal recommendations. The ideas are useful and well presented, of value to any business. But it’s those first two chapters. . . .
— Bernard Kamoroff
##A 07 114462 250
##T Marketing Without Advertising
Michael Phillips & Salli Rasberry
1986; 200 pp.
ISBN 0873370198
$14 ($16.50 postpaid)
Nolo Press
950 Parker Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
800-445-NOLO (CA)
##A 07 117238 251
##T Marketing Without Advertising
There are about 4.5 million non-farm businesses in the United States. Of these, about one million are involved in construction; another million deal with wholesaling, manufacturing, trucking, or mining. Virtually none of them (45% of the total) generate customers by advertising. Instead, they rely on personally knowing their customers, on their reputations, and sometimes on sales people or commissioned representatives. Of the remaining 2.5 million businesses, 30% are run by one person. It’s very rare for the self-employed to find advertising useful; the single-person business, whether that of a lawyer, doctor or computer consultant, relies almost exclusively on personal recommendations. That leaves the percentage of businesses who might even consider advertising useful at less than 30%. We think most of them don’t need it either.
##A 07 119201 252
##T Marketing Without Advertising
##A 07 94074 253
##T Guerrilla Marketing
Guerrilla Marketing
It’s a rare business that will survive without successful, ongoing marketing. Marketing means promotion, and Guerrilla Marketing offers up a couple dozen creative, inexpensive promotion ideas. I’m still not sure what “guerrilla” means except that it is a good example of what’s in the book: the title is a marketing device itself — it catches your eye, makes you a little curious about it, costs nothing. The bulk of the book deals with advertising, which I view with great skepticism since reading Marketing Without Advertising (see separate review Ÿ). But I personally got several good ideas from the book, a couple of very good ideas, and one business-saving idea. What more could you want for nine dollars?
— Bernard Kamoroff
##A 07 94395 254
##T Guerrilla Marketing
Jay Conrad Levinson
1985; 226 pp.
ISBN 0395383145
$8.95 ($9.95 postpaid)
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Mail Order Dept.
Wayside Road
Burlington, MA 01803
##A 07 95823 255
##T Guerrilla Marketing
A business card can double as a brochure, a circular, a wallet-sized advertisement. The cost to produce such a card is not much more than one pays for a standard card. . . . A business card can be more than a mere listing of one’s name, address, and phone number; it can be an advertising medium. . . .
That is what guerrilla marketing is all about.
It is possible to generate word-of-mouth advertising. There are several ways to accomplish this. The first, of course, is to be so good at what you do, or to offer products that are so obviously wonderful, that your customers will want to pass on the good word about you. Another way to get the ball rolling is to give brochures or circulars to your customers. This reminds them why they patronized you in the first place and spurs word-of-mouth endorsements. A third way to obtain positive recommendations is literally to ask for them.
##A 07 96148 256
##T Guerrilla Marketing
Tell your customers: “If you’re really satisfied with my service (or products), I’d sure appreciate it if you’d tell your friends.” Finally, you can bribe your customers. Tell them, “If I get any customers who mention your name, I’ll send you a free gift
(or give you a ten percent discount next time you’re in).” Which of these methods should you employ? As a guerrilla, you should use all of them.
George then distributed his circulars by several methods: He mailed 1000; he placed 1000 on auto windshields (he had a high school student do some of this for him); he distributed 1000 more at a home show in his area; he handed out 1000 more at a local flea market; and he held on to 1000 to give to satisfied customers to pass on to their friends and neighbors. Being bright as a penny when it comes to saving money, the enterprising George also asked each of his customers where they had heard of him. When they said, “I saw your flier,” George asked where they got it. This way, he learned which of the five methods of circular distribution were most effective.
Now that’s guerrilla marketing. Not expensive whatsoever. But very effective.
##A 07 119663 257
##T Positioning (The Battle for Your Mind)
Positioning (The Battle for Your Mind)
Howls from the wolves of the marketplace.
“Positioning” caught on about 13 years ago as a marketing trend. To make your (probably undistinguished) product seem more distinct and unique, you aim at your competitor, not at your public. The classic positioning campaign was from Avis: “We’re only #2, we try harder.” But that campaign had substance — it forced Avis to shape up its service. More often, positioning is an image game in which the business competitors seek the chinks in each other’s armor, while the public is the turf they trample on. In mainstream advertising, the positioning trend seems about to decline, but not before it influenced the methods of all types of business — and the way business is seen. You could accuse Smith and Hawken of
positioning, for instance; by importing a small line of garden tools,
##A 07 120340 258
##T Positioning (The Battle for Your Mind)
they created an image “position” as the highest-quality importers of their kind. By contrast, you could say that the Whole Earth Catalog has advanced despite a lack of positioning — the Catalog has consistently refused to hone in on one particular audience or point of view (to its credit, in my opinion).
— Art Kleiner
##A 07 119888 259
##T Positioning (The Battle for Your Mind)
Al Ries & Jack Trout
1981; 213 pp.
ISBN 0446328979
$4.95 ($6.45 postpaid)
Warner Books/Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 07 120111 260
##T Positioning (The Battle for Your Mind)
The classic mistake made by the leader is the illusion that the power of the product is derived from the power of the organization.
It’s just the reverse. The power of the organization is derived from the power of the product. The position that the product owns is in the prospect’s mind.
Coca-Cola has power. The Coca-Cola Company is merely a reflection of that power.
##A 07 86177 261
##T You’re Gonna Love It!
You’re Gonna Love It!
How to be effective at selling while remaining a (mostly) decent
human being.
— Art Kleiner
##A 07 86323 262
##T You’re Gonna Love It!
Chuck Lewis
1985; 190 pp
ISBN 0898151422
$7.95 ($8.95 postpaid)
Ten Speed Press
P. O. Box 7123,
Berkeley, CA 94707
##A 07 86733 263
##T You’re Gonna Love It!
The secret to a decent transaction is one simple question. Did everyone involved walk away from it smiling?
The first tool in the system for figuring things out is to doubt.
Doubt all you hear, see, think and feel if it feels comfortable to doubt it. Don’t attack it. Just doubt it and relax and feel comfortable with your doubting process. Don’t judge it or condemn it, for this is simply the extreme reverse of blindly following without doubt. Extremes are never comfortable. Above all, do not be angry with the supplier of the fact you are doubting, or with yourself for doubting.
Do not utilize the doubt in forming a position or too hastily reaching a decision.
Doubt is not a negative, but simply the step preceding either knowledge or acceptance.
##A 07 109554 264
##A 07 105655 265
##T Retail
##A 07 76294 266
##T How to Start and Operate a Mail-Order Business
How to Start and Operate a Mail-Order Business
If you want to start a mail-order business, don’t do anything until you read this 553-page book. It’s been selling steadily for years. It is a thorough, in-depth study of mail-order. It is, in my opinion, the best book on the subject, period.
— Bernard Kamoroff
I started a successful (still growing) mail order business using this book as my text. It’s the wisest investment of $30 a mail-order hopeful could make.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 07 76551 267
##T How to Start and Operate a Mail-Order Business
Julian L. Simon
4th Edition 1987; 576 pp.
ISBN 0070575312
$34.95 ($36.95 postpaid)
Order Dept.
Princeton Road
Hightstown, NJ 08520
##A 07 76958 268
##T How to Start and Operate a Mail-Order Business
Most mail-order businesses that are successful for a long time sell a product that the customer buys again and again: cigars, uniforms, office supplies, etc. Invariably, they “lose money” on the first order from the ad, but they make their profit on the second or tenth sale to the customer. The strength and weakness of a repeat-line mail-order business is that it requires more capital and more courage to get started. It takes more time and money before you can tell whether or not you’re going to make a success. You can’t cut your losses as quickly in a repeat-line business as you can with one-shot items.
##A 07 84112 269
##T How to Open Your Own Shop or Gallery
How to Open Your Own Shop or Gallery
A good, detailed book on retail business, with step-by-step examples. The advice is based on experience; the motives are very American.
— Michael Phillips
##A 07 84404 270
##T How to Open Your Own Shop or Gallery
Leta W. Clark
1980; 229 pp.
ISBN 0140464093
$6.95 ($7.95 postpaid)
Viking Penguin Books
Order Dept.
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0120
##A 07 84505 271
##T How to Open Your Own Shop or Gallery
Set foot in Tiffany’s and you know by subtle inference that you will spend Money. Stroll into Woolworth’s and you know you’ll spend a lot less. The messages you get from the decor are carefully planned out; nothing happens by accident.
In a very real sense, personal service is the main thing a small shop has to offer. True, you might be making much of your own inventory and carefully hand-picking the rest to offer your customers a merchandise mix the likes of which they’ve never seen. But the retailing giants who are your competitors are offering the same customers a gigantic selection of wares, often with vast price cuts and revolving credit plans, layaway arrangements, and periodic clearaways. As long as you compete against them with the magic of personal service, you’ll stand to win every time.
##A 07 106114 272
##T Service
##A 07 81599 273
##T So . . . You Want to Be an Innkeeper
So . . . You Want to Be an Innkeeper
I have owned and operated a bed and breakfast inn for nearly three years now. I wish this book would have been available when I started. Fortunately, my inn has accomplished all the suggestions and tips listed in the book, but not without a lot of trial and error. This book is by far the best on the market.
— Hugh A. Daniels
##A 07 81827 274
##T So . . . You Want to Be an Innkeeper
Mary E. Davies, Pat Hardy, JoAnn M. Bell and Susan Brown
1985; 218 pp.
ISBN 0892862521
$10.95 ($11.95 postpaid)
MacMillan Publishing Company
Order Dept.
Front and Brown Streets
Riverside, NJ 08075
##A 07 82159 275
##T So . . . You Want to Be an Innkeeper
The longer an inn is in business, the more likely the innkeepers will hire staff, take vacations, and even move off the premises. This is important for the innkeepers, but guests often don’t like it; they tend to want to see the owner.
Hauling home the perfect armoire only to discover that it doesn’t quite fit any of your guest rooms is a disaster. But you can easily avoid it with some careful planning. Since you’ll have to keep all this information somewhere (and keeping it all in your head will result in a great deal of crowding), follow the plan below for making the whole purchase and decoration operation run smoothly and economically.
Develop a folder for each room that includes:
• A scaled floor plan for placing furniture (see sample below).
• Swatches of fabric for drapes, upholstery, quilts.
• Carpet swatches.
##A 07 46770 276
##T So . . . You Want to Be an Innkeeper
• Photos of furniture owned or purchased; use a Polaroid camera. This is especially important when you order furniture to be delivered sometimes months in the future.
• A list of measurements of furniture acquired for the room.
• Paint chips.
• Wallpaper samples.
• Photos from magazines that convey something of what you want for the look of the room.
• A room planning sheet.
##A 07 82351 277
##T So . . . You Want to Be an Innkeeper
A scaled floor plan of each room
##A 07 87072 278
##T Landlording
The advice is clear, concise, and based on experience in Berkeley, California — a tough town for landlords.
— Michael Phillips
##A 07 87298 279
##T Landlording
Leigh Robinson
5th Edition 1988; 366pp.
ISBN 0932956114
$19.95 ($21.95 postpaid)
Express Publications
P. O. Box 1639,
El Cerrito, CA
##A 07 126695 280
##T Landlording
Ask a sampling of small claims court judges about the landlord-tenant cases they hear, and they will tell you that almost all such cases involve disputes which arise when tenants move out. Sometimes the landlord or landlady is bringing the case, and sometimes it’s the tenants, but almost always the cases are related to the tenants moving out. Either the deposits weren’t refunded as they should have been or the deposits were insufficient to cover the charges owed for damages and cleaning or there were misunderstandings about the condition of the dwelling before the tenants moved in as compared to its condition after they moved out or there were misunderstandings about the meaning of the expressions “reasonably clean and undamaged” and “normal wear and tear” or there were misunderstandings about the ownership of certain contents of the dwelling or there were misunderstandings about whether the deposits could be used for last month’s rent. That’s altogether too much misunderstanding, if you ask me, and even though it cannot all be avoided, much of it can be with some preparation and some pointed communication.
##A 07 79209 281
##T Landlording
##A 07 80512 282
##T Word Processing Profits at Home
Word Processing Profits at Home
You can do what typists do faster with a word processor. This book tells you how to make a business out of it — from your home or nearby office.
— Jeanne Carstensen
Ÿ Paths to Computer Purchases
##A 07 80850 283
##T Word Processing Profits at Home
Peggy Glenn
1984; 213 pp.
ISBN 0936930845
$14.95 ($15.95 postpaid)
Aames-Allen Publishing Co.
1106 Main Street
Huntington Beach, CA 92648
##A 07 78049 284
##T Word Processing Profits at Home
If the power distribution within your home or apartment is insufficient to handle the load, call an electrician FIRST for an estimate on how much it will cost to wire the word processor’s area with its own dedicated circuit. You may not need a dedicated power line from the pole. You may well be able to do the job with simply a single circuit serving the word processor’s needs. In my office, . . . there are 18 electrical . . . outlets. Each of them has something plugged into it.
When my microwave oven is running, when the refrigerator turns on, or when the clothes dryer kicks over, the word processor doesn’t burp from loss of food. All of its needs are served by one dedicated circuit within my home. All other appliances have their own circuits (or shared circuits) so no one fights for power. The electrician’s work cost approximately $250.
##A 07 82517 285
##T Word Processing Profits at Home
Is the handwriting as easy to read as typed copy? If not, if it’s so difficult to read that you have to slow down to type from it, then forget the per/page rate and charge by the hour. This is an example of why sometimes it doesn’t matter if you type 50 words-per-minute or 100 words-per-minute. If you can’t read the job, you can’t type it very fast.
Typing is an almost constant isometric exercise. Too much of it is disastrous. . ..
Hours and hours of this motion every day with no break, with no conditioning, can set you up for pain, discomfort, and very real injury.
In addition to planned exercise, take a break from the keyboard — at least 10 minutes out of every hour. Stand up from the chair, take some deep breaths, walk around, do a few neck rolls, wave your arms as if you were trying to kill a swarm of moths, do some slow stretching exercises, and maybe do a couple of jumping jacks.
##A 07 47067 286
##T The Secrets of Consulting
The Secrets of Consulting
If Machiavelli were alive today, he would be a consultant. This is the book he’d write.
— Art Kleiner
##A 07 70286 287
##T The Secrets of Consulting
The Secrets of Consulting
(A Guide to Giving & Getting Advice Successfuly)
Gerald M. Weinberg
1985; 228 pp.
ISBN 0932633013
$25 ($26.50 postpaid)
Dorset House Publishing
353 West 12th Street
New York, NY 10014
212-620-4053 (NY)
There is a tape version available, see card last card of this review for access info and to play an excerpted sound.
##A 07 77334 288
##T The Secrets of Consulting
In order for a consultant to get credit, the client would have to admit there had been a solution. To admit there was a solution, the client would have to admit there was a problem, which is unthinkable. As a result, the only consultants who get invited back are those who never seem to accomplish anything.
##A 07 49758 289
##T The Secrets of Consulting
Many years ago, Sir Ronald Fisher noted that every biological system had to face the problem of present versus future, and that the future was always less certain than the present. To survive, a species had to do well today, but not so well that it didn’t allow for possible change tomorrow. His fundamental Theorem of Natural Selection said that the more adapted an organism was to present conditions, the less adaptable it tended to be to unknown future conditions.
We can apply the theorem to individuals, small groups of people, large organizations, organizations of people and machines, and even complex systems of machinery, and can generalize it as follows: The better adapted you are, the less adaptable you tend to be.
##A 07 49991 290
##T The Secrets of Consulting
Little by little, as you keep solving your worst problem, the percent of trouble caused by your worst problem will diminish, and your remaining problems will tend to become relatively equal in percentage. That’s why The Level Law holds:
Effective problem-solvers may have many problems, but rarely have a single, dominant problem.
To the extent that The Level Law holds true, a consultant can learn quite a bit about a client by observing the distribution of trouble across the existing problems. If you as a consultant find a relatively even distribution of problems, you may hypothesize that your clients are not seeing one major problem, but it is more likely that they have been keeping up with their problems without letting any one problem get out of control.
##A 07 49235 291
##T The Secrets of Consulting
If they don’t like your work, don’t take their money.
— The Sixth Law of Pricing
##A 07 23923 292
##T The Secrets of Consulting
The Secrets of Consulting - Tape Version
(A Guide to Giving & Getting Advice Successfuly)
Gerald M. Weinberg
8 - 1 hour cassettes
ISBN 0932633013
Purchase—$64.00 ($66.50 postpaid) from:
Books on Tape
P. O. Box 7900
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Catalog number 2161
Read by Paul Shay
##A 07 82704 293
##T Starting a Small Restaurant
Starting a Small Restaurant
A tough hands-on guide for people who think their own cooking is great and that they should do it in their own restaurant.
— Michael Phillips
##A 07 83042 294
##T Starting a Small Restaurant
Daniel Miller
1983; 224 pp.
ISBN 0916782379
$9.95 ($12.95 postpaid)
The Harvard Common Press
535 Albany Street
Boston, MA 02118
##A 07 83230 295
##T Starting a Small Restaurant
Restaurant is theater. If you view your dining room operation with this perspective, you will work from the right starting point. From the moment the customers first make contact with the players — whether this is on the telephone, in person, or even by letter — the tone of the response they get is essential to their dining pleasure. As in theater, both the voice and the body must convey your message. The message a small restaurant gives is friendship, calm and graceful service, and artfully prepared food of the highest quality. The mood and demeanor of the dining room staff bespeaks this message in the subtlest ways.
##A 07 78525 296
##T Freelance Foodcrafting
Freelance Foodcrafting
Covers every possible way to make money from food except starting a restaurant.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 07 78793 297
##T Freelance Foodcrafting
How to Become Profitably Self-Employed in Your Own Creative Cooking Business
Janet Shown
1983; 172 pp.
ISBN 0911781005
$9.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
Liberty Publishing Company, Inc.
440 South Federal Highway
Suite B-3
Deerfield Beach, FL 33441
##A 07 79060 298
##T Freelance Foodcrafting
Profits from pushcart vending largely depend on the nature of your product and the location of your cart, as well as the season of the year. An average day’s sales in Boulder, Colorado, in 1982 ran about $150, with a good day bringing in over $300 for some. With low overhead and minimal supply costs, most of that is profit, but pushcart vending will never make you rich. If you’re planning on making your primary income from pushcart vending, you’ll probably need to place several carts around town.
##A 07 92056 299
##T Workshops and Seminars
##A 07 60076 300
##T A Conference and Workshop Planner’s Manual
A Conference and Workshop Planner’s Manual
The best conferences are on new subjects by new people. The worst conferences are by new people who don’t know what
they’re doing. This straightforward text — it’s basically a
well-experienced checklist — can make the difference.
— Stewart Brand
##A 07 104911 301
##T A Conference and Workshop Planner’s Manual
Lois B. Hart and Gordon Scheicher
1979; 150 pp.
ISBN 0911777113
$16.95 postpaid
Leadership Dynamics
3775 Iris Avenue, Suite 3B
Boulder CO 80301
##A 07 105383 302
##T A Conference and Workshop Planner’s Manual
After the resource person [speaker] has confirmed his or her willingness to participate according to the terms of the contract, you should send a follow-up letter. In this letter, you will provide the resource person with the following:
— A current agenda, including names of other speakers and their topics
— Information on housing, meals, airport pickup arrangements, directions, and maps
— Information on the design of the assigned meeting room
— Feedback from the planning committee on information the resource person sent regarding the design, required materials, or other requests
— Information on any pre-event or post-event activities
— Any required registration procedures
— Information on whether a member of program committee or a facilitator has been assigned to him or her and how contact will be made.
##A 07 118543 303
##T A Conference and Workshop Planner’s Manual
Decide on when the exhibits will be open, keeping in mind the following:
— Exhibit hours should be the equivalent of from one-third to one-half of the total conference time.
— At least one-third of the time schedule for exhibits should not compete with other conference or workshop programs.
##A 07 29755 304
We’re talking Serious Meeting here, generally big ones in rented spaces, where logistics are at least as important as content. The larger the meeting, the more harrowing the logistics, the greater the need for careful preparation. Nothing will prevent burst water pipes, a no-show speaker, or bomb scare, but these books will spare you the catastrophes and embarrassment of poor planning.
How to Plan and Book Meetings and Seminars is a good introduction to planning tactics, from booking hotel rooms to scheduling coffee breaks. The Book of Meeting Checklists is just that — items addressing every conceivable contingency are included, many of which you’ll probably never need, many more you never would have thought of and are glad they’re listed here.
##A 07 30878 305
Although the orientation is corporate, both books offer valuable
information for planning problem-free meetings of any sort.
— Sarah Satterlee
##A 07 85619 306
How to Plan and Book Meetings and Seminars
Judy Williams
1987; 146 pp.
ISBN 0894960040
$7.95 ($8.95 postpaid)
Ross Books
P.O. Box 4340
Berkeley, CA 94704
800-537-3338 (CA)
##A 07 31044 307
The Book of Meeting Checklists
Helen Adam
1985; 37 pp.
ISBN 0934707016
$9.95 ($11.95 postpaid)
Helen Adam & Associates, Inc.
Benjamin Fox Pavilion
Jenkintown, PA 19046
##A 07 31401 308
Hotels will look at the total picture when making a decision on meeting room rental. They will consider revenue from sleeping rooms, planned food and beverages functions, profit from audio-visual equipment rental, incidental income from your attendees, future bookings and referrals from your company. A reduction or complete removal might be possible.
Coffee is sold by the gallon. Sound like an enormous amount? Guess again . . . one gallon of coffee serves approximately eighteen to twenty cups. For a group of ten that’s two cups to last two or three hours.
If your group has met all day in a U-shape put them at rounds for their meals.
— How To Plan and Book Meetings and Seminars
##A 07 110436 309
##T Minnesota Western, Inc.
Minnesota Western, Inc.
If you want what you say to stick, don’t just say it — display it. As retention rates are five times greater for verbal information accompanied by visual reinforcement, anything important enough to convene a meeting for calls for spiffy presentation technique and products. Generous dollops of both are contained in this audio-visual catalog: staples (overhead projectors, chalkboards) and
high-tech innovations (computer projectors, electronic copyboards) are backed up by a 30-page section on how to hold an effective meeting. Good solid advice applicable to workshops and conferences as well, and yours for a toll-free phone call.
— Sarah Satterlee
Ÿ Office Supplies
##A 07 110907 310
##T Minnesota Western, Inc.
(Visual Presentation Systems)
Free catalog from:
800-682-2424 in southern CA
##A 07 111213 311
##T Minnesota Western, Inc.
If you are creating originals for projected visuals, there are three rules that will serve as guidelines for choosing the correct type size.
A. The smallest image seen on the screen should be one inch high for every thirty feet of viewing distance.
B. The smallest lettering on a visual should be at least one-quarter inch or 18 point.
C. If an overhead transparency is readable by the naked eye at ten feet, it will be able to be read when projected.
##A 07 112593 312
##T Organizing . . . Profitable Workshop Classes
Organizing . . . Profitable Workshop Classes
It’s sort of shocking that ALL you need to know to turn your skill into a class can be compressed into so small and blithe a booklet.
— Stewart Brand
##A 07 112688 313
##T Organizing . . . Profitable Workshop Classes
Organizing and Operating Profitable Workshop Classes
Janet Ruhe-Schoen
1981; 31 pp.
ISBN 0875760929
$2.50 ($3.50 postpaid)
Pilot Books
103 Cooper Street
Babylon, NY 11702
##A 07 113052 314
##T Organizing . . . Profitable Workshop Classes
Don’t just chat and have coffee at the first class, and assume you are getting acquainted. Your students want to learn; put them to work.
If you explain something, a student may see your point, but if you have the students DO something, they will understand and remember your point.
People generally dislike being part of a very small class; they prefer a class of about 10 participants. Don’t let the class become too large either. If there is that much interest, form two units.
##A 07 113198 315
##T Organizing . . . Profitable Workshop Classes
It’s better not to have the students pay at each session. That means if they are absent, they don’t pay. Such a payment policy is unfair to you. You are using your time to prepare and teach classes and you should be paid for your time.
Don’t give all the details on the poster, people don’t read fine print or cramped copy. A successful poster arouses curiosity, but does not satisfy it.
##A 07 113719 316
##T Workshops & Seminars
Workshops & Seminars
You’ve done one seminar as a favor, and the attendees kept asking for more. It feels great. Here’s how to proceed to hone your workshop-running skills and join the podium circuit.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 07 114039 317
##T Workshops & Seminars
(Planning, Promoting, Producing, Profiting)
Pat Roessle Materka
1986; 167 pp.
$10.95 ($12.05 postpaid)
Simon & Schuster
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 07 114316 318
##T Workshops & Seminars
Short written exercises provide a good change of pace from the highly verbal lecture/discussion format. They give participants a chance to process what has been said, to turn their thoughts inward and see how the topic applies to them.
Should you do freebies? Should you charge lower rates for some groups than for others? Absolutely. Especially when you’re just starting out in the business.
The tone you set at the beginning of the workshop will cue people on how to conduct themselves. If you allow a steady stream of chatter to go on as you are introducing the subject, the audience will presume talking during the presentation is acceptable. If you pause and wait in silence for the conversation to die down, they’ll get the message. If it’s a particularly rowdy group, be as aggressive as they are. Say cheerfully, “Hey!
##A 07 114750 319
##T Workshops & Seminars
I have a lot of important things to share with you, but I can’t get started until I have everybody’s attention!”
Time-honored advice for organizing any oral presentation:
Tell them what you’re going to say.
Say it.
Tell them what you said.
Many workshops take place in restaurants or hotels where the meeting rooms are set up with round tables, each seating about eight people. This can be conducive to a good learning climate, since the audience is already seated in circles. The disadvantage is that if the tables are full, two or three people have to twist around in their chairs to see you. So if you’re planning on this seating arrangement, allow for five people at each table, not eight, so that everyone has an equal vantage point.
##A 07 103287 320
##T Craft Business
##A 07 32824 321
Money is not contradictory to craftwork. Your main inspiration for starting a business may have been your love of your craft rather than money, but to succeed with your crafts business you’ll need to make both well. Once you do, it will seem like the best of all possible worlds — doing what you love and getting paid for it.
— David Jouris
##A 07 34847 322
##T The Crafts Business Encyclopedia
The Crafts Business Encyclopedia
Its big advantage over the other crafts business guides is that entries are organized in convenient dictionary form. It’s a good general reference guide which will either tell you what you want to know about the crafts business or, if not, where to find out.
— Marilyn Green
##A 07 35122 323
##T The Crafts Business Encyclopedia
Michael Scott
1977; 286 pp.
ISBN 0156227258
$5.95 ($6.95 postpaid)
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
1250 6th Avenue, 4th floor
San Diego, CA 92101
##A 07 35537 324
##T The Crafts Business Encyclopedia
You may want to ask yourself (and the gallery owner) a few other questions: do you have any say in the manner in which your work is displayed, or what is shown near yours; what happens if you and the gallery owner don’t see eye to eye; how are you protected if the gallery goes bankrupt; does the gallery have the right to put your work out on loan; does the gallery’s sales contract with its customer include a clause that gives you a share in any increased value if the work is later resold by the customer at a higher price; does the gallery want your work exclusively or can you sell to and through anyone; when and how does the gallery pay you, and what kind of records does it keep?
##A 07 35789 325
##T The Crafts Business Encyclopedia
Another situation arises in which craftspeople may not even consider that they are cutting the price. This happens when you take a booth at a craft show and sell your work at prices below those that are charged by nearby retail stores which stock your craft objects. Undermining the retailer’s established price for your work when you are, in effect, in direct competition with him, is ill advised. You’re in town for only a few days. The retail store (you hope) will sell your work all year long and reorder from you in the future.
Price is another factor. The higher the price, the greater the public’s perception of quality (and vice versa). The story is told of a supermarket which installed carpeting. The public stayed away in droves. Carpeting was associated in the public’s mind with high priced stores. Not a single price had been changed in the supermarket, but the image had changed.
##A 07 36261 326
##T Health Hazards Manual for Artists
Health Hazards Manual for Artists
Who would expect to be poisoned by sawing a red cedar board? (The sawdust causes severe asthma.) Back when we didn’t know any better such things were common, and many folks, including nonartists, are still needlessly hurt. No excuse though — this book briefly discusses known hazards by specific art or craft. There’s an especially good chapter on protecting children. Wintergreen-flavored library paste isn’t mentioned. I suppose if it were toxic we’d have lost an entire generation.
— J. Baldwin
##A 07 36533 327
##T Health Hazards Manual for Artists
Michael McCann, Ph.d.
1985; 100 pp.
ISBN 094113006
Foundation for the Community of Artists
280 Broadway, Suite 412
New York, NY 10007
##A 07 36942 328
##T Health Hazards Manual for Artists
In many cases, powders can be mixed in a simple, enclosed glove box as shown. The box can be made of cardboard and sealed inside with shellac or a similar sealant to make it easier to clean. The purpose of the glove box is to prevent dust from escaping.
##A 07 33136 329
Two magazines for craft business news. American Craft comes with membership in the American Craft Council.
— J. Baldwin
##A 07 36042 330
##T Craft Business Magazines
American Craft
Lois Moran, Editor
ISSN 01948008
$40/year(6 issues)
$46/year foreign
includes membership
American Craft Council
Membership Dept.
P.O. Box 1308-CL
Fort Lee, NJ 07024-9990
##A 07 37131 331
##T Craft Business Magazines
The Crafts Report
Michael Scott, Editor
ISSN 01607650
$17.50/year (11 issues)
The Crafts Report Publishing Co., Inc.
700 Orange Street
Wilmington, DE 19801
##A 07 62735 332
Pink Sea Form Group with Gold Braun Wraps, 1984, blown glass, 9–1/2" x 21" x 18", by Dale Chihuly.
— American Craft
##A 08 123336 3
##A 08 126523 4
##T Media Culture I
##A 08 43292 5
##T Technologies of Freedom
Technologies of Freedom
This book sums up a lifetime of reflection on the impact of electronic media. Until his death, author Pool was head of the MIT Program on Communications Policy Research. The focus of this book is easy to state: our tradition of free speech and free press has not been fully extended to electronic media for a variety of reasons, some still convincing, others not. As the center of cultural “gravity” shifts toward electronic publishing and electronic speech, will we lose that pre-electronic First Amendment tradition?
Pool answers the question by media: broadcasting publishing, mail, cable television, telephony, etc. For each he reviews its evolution from the perspective of conflicts between freedom of expression
and regulation of access and use. The language is simple, clear and
##A 08 95638 6
##T Technologies of Freedom
largely non-technical. Since I am a believer in the need for some kinds of regulation of electronic media, I was all set to hate this book, but it won me over completely. There is a good case for minimizing regulation, and this is its strongest presentation to date.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 08 70194 7
##T Technologies of Freedom
Ithiel de Sola Pool
1983; 299 pp.
ISBN 0674872339
$8.95 ($10.45 postpaid)
Belknap Press/Harvard University Press
79 Garden Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
##A 08 70538 8
##T Technologies of Freedom
The paperless office or paperless society is probably a fantasy. Though for both storage and transmission, paper is likely to become a rarity because of its cost, the use of paper for display, reading, and current work may grow, partly because it will not be economical to retain the paper copies. The paper industry has cause for optimism. Experience shows that when word processors are introduced into offices, paper consumption increases, since with a word processor it is easier, when minor corrections are made, to run a whole new version of a document than tediously to correct old copies.
While networks and mass storage devices are the main technologies for the transmission and retention under computer control of electronically published information, there must also be devices to translate the data to a form that human beings can read or hear. These output technologies either print words and pictures on paper, display them on a screen, or reproduce speech. In the primitive technologies
##A 08 369620 9
##T Technologies of Freedom
of the past, methods for transmission, storage, and display were closely linked. Text or pictures stored on paper were displayed on paper. For words to come out of a loudspeaker, words had to be spoken into a microphone. This is decreasingly true. What is stored in digital memory can be put out in whatever form is most convenient. The choice to have the output oral or visual, on paper or screen, is independent of the mode chosen for transmission or storage; it is a choice based on purpose and cost.
##A 08 3984 10
##T Understanding Media
Understanding Media
That media are extensions of our senses — telephones for ears, computers for mind — and that these new media are forces in themselves, the main event, regardless of what they bother to say
(“the medium is the message”), are insights originating from McLuhan. That the media immediately engulfed McLuhan’s ideas, and made them at once obvious and degrees more consequential, is part of his message. — Kevin Kelly
Everybody talks about McLuhan, and everybody does something about him, and that makes it subjectively harder to get at him.
He’s got other insights than what you hear about, so it’s worth the trouble to track him down. The primest McLuhan is Understanding Media. — Stewart Brand
##A 08 7989 11
##T Understanding Media
Marshall McLuhan
1964; 320 pp.
$4.95 ($5.95 postpaid)
New American Library
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621
##A 08 8287 12
##T Understanding Media
The electric light ended the regime of night and day, of indoors and out-of-doors. But it is when the light encounters already existing patterns of human organization that the hybrid energy is released. Cars can travel all night, ball players can play all night, and windows can be left out of buildings. In a word, the message of the electric light is total change. It is pure information without any content to restrict its transforming and informing power.
Everybody experiences far more than he understands. Yet it is experience, rather than understanding, that influences behavior, especially in collective matters of media and technology, where the individual is almost inevitably unaware of their effect upon him.
##A 08 8492 13
##T Understanding Media
Man the food-gatherer reappears incongruously as information-gatherer. In this
role, electronic man is no less a nomad than his paleolithic ancestors.
It is a principal aspect of the electric age that it establishes a global network that has much of the character of our central nervous system. Our central nervous system is not merely an electric network, but it constitutes a single unified field of experience. As biologists point out, the brain is the interacting place where all kinds of impressions and experiences can be exchanged and translated, enabling us to react to the world as a whole.
##A 08 98429 14
##T Turing’s Man
Turing’s Man
Bolter is a professor of classics and his book is about how technology effects the way people think about themselves and their society. He notes that the Greeks lived with a technology based on craft and they likened man to a clay vessel. The advent of mechanical clocks brought in the idea of the mind as a clock work and the body as an engine. This is beginning to be supplanted by the idea of human beings as computers. We talk blithely about burn out, about information overload, and about the system crashing as ways that our minds and bodies work. His subject is therefore not artificial machine intelligence but artificialized humans. The book is a little uneven and to my mind doesn’t go far enough in its exploration of the modern metaphors. For example he makes no note that the metaphors of the computer are largely drawn from
##A 08 112151 15
##T Turing’s Man
usages which were originally military—systems crashing, commands, core dumps, etc. Nor does he address the effects of the structure of computer logics and linguistics which I believe will profoundly affect the way we think about how people think. Still he has made a start.
— Elin Whitney Smith
##A 08 109665 16
##T Turing’s Man
(Western Culture in
the Computer Age)
J. David Bolter
1984; 264 pp.
ISBN 0807841080
$8.95 ($10.45 postpaid)
The University of
North Carolina Press
P.O. Box 2288
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
##A 08 109850 17
##T Turing’s Man
Turing set out the nature and theoretical limitations of logic machines before a single fully programmable computer had been built. What Turing provided was a symbolic description, revealing only the logical structure and saying nothing about the realization of that structure (in relays, vacuum tubes, or transistors). A Turing machine, as his description came to be called, exists only on paper as a set of specifications, but no computer built in the intervening half century has surpassed these specifications; all have at most the computing power of Turing Machines.
By promising (or threatening) to replace man, the computer is giving us a new definition of man, as an “information processor,” and of nature, as “information to be processed.”
##A 08 298184 18
##T Turing’s Man
There is no apparent way to atomize, say, the text of Shakespeare, but most functioning data bases deal with inventory, billing, or bibliographies, not with literature. Let me illustrate with a data base of the emperors of Rome from Augustus to Romulus Augustulus. The information about each emperor has been atomized: what we have is not an organic account of the life of each man but instead a set of discrete facts about each. Indeed, the need to fit the information into discrete categories forces us to be rigid and arbitrary. This is true in business data bases as well; for any category, there are exceptions that must be distorted or dropped from consideration.
##A 08 9185 19
##T Culture Is Our Business
Culture Is Our Business
McLuhan’s best format. Each pair of pages has a reprint of an ad on the right, and fresh McLuhan aphorisms, quotes, and misquotes on the left. The resulting energy across the spread is economic and multi-directional — i.e., you make it.
This book should be restored to print. His news stays news.
— Stewart Brand
##A 08 9239 20
##T Culture Is Our Business
Marshall McLuhan
ISBN 007045437X
McGraw Hill Book Co.
##A 08 9551 21
##T Culture Is Our Business
One of the many flips of our time is that the electric information environment returns man to the condition of the most primitive prober and hunter. Privacy invasion is now one of our biggest knowledge industries.
The great corporations are new tribal families. It was the tribal and feudal family form that was dissolved by “nationalism.”
In the sixteenth century religion went inward and private with Gutenberg hardware. Liturgy collapsed. Bureaucracy boomed. Today liturgy returns. Bureaucracy fades.
Invention is the mother of necessity.
##A 08 324628 22
##T Culture Is Our Business
This ad raises a multitude of structural questions. The mouth is the all-aggressive organ. Teeth are the most menacing of all human appointments because of their inner order.
##A 08 82186 23
##T The Media Monopoly
The Media Monopoly
Why is local news coverage so poor? Because it’s expensive
(especially for chain newspapers), because advertisers prefer the lifestyle-type coverage that’s taken over most papers, and because many newspapers have monopolies and don’t need local reporting to hook readers. Living with a lousy newspaper is like sleeping in a room with a cat litter box; after a while you don’t notice. This book tells how newspapers got so bad, and why magazines take so few chances. Like other professional gadflies, Ben Bagdikian oversimplifies his case somewhat, but the stories he tells are themselves fascinating. It’s not a book to read unless you care passionately about periodicals, in which case it may spur you to create your own. There’s no other remedy in most places. Good luck.
— Art Kleiner
##A 08 111923 24
##T The Media Monopoly
Ben H. Bagdikian
1983; 282 pp.
ISBN 0807061638
$10.95 ($11.83 postpaid)
Harper & Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 08 112412 25
##T The Media Monopoly
An important element is missing in the standard newspaper histories of the late nineteenth century. Most stories of “yellow journalism” and the wild circulation wars of Hearst and Pulitzer in New York and the newspaper gangs in Chicago are true. But they are mistakenly presented as the main reason newspapers became popular with ordinary citizens. Before mass advertising, however, papers succeeded solely because they pleased their readers. Readers were clustered in terms of their serious political and social ideas — some were conservative, some liberal, some radical — and they had religious or regional loyalties. Each paper tended to focus a great deal of its information on the preferences of its readers. Because papers were physically smaller, lacking mass advertising, they were cheaper to print. And because they appealed to the strong interests of their readers, subscribers paid more for newspapers as a percentage of average wages than they otherwise might have done. Because newspapers were cheaper to print, newspaper businesses could be started more easily, either when new communities arose or when existing papers did not satisfy the interests of some significant group in the community. The result was a
##A 08 115177 26
##T The Media Monopoly
wider spectrum of political and social ideas than the public gets from contemporary newspapers. The frequent excess among adversarial papers of the past is a normal social cost of rigorous debate in a democracy.
No town hall or church could possibly hold all the voters. Each citizen’s fate is shaped by powerful forces in distant places. The individual now depends on great machines of information and imagery that inform and instruct. The modern systems of news, information, and popular culture are not marginal artifacts of technology. They shape the consensus of society.
It is a truism among political scientists that while it is not possible for the media to tell the population what to think, they do tell the public what to think about. What is reported enters the public agenda. What is not reported may not be lost forever, but it may be lost at a time when it is most needed. More than any other single private
##A 08 371084 27
##T The Media Monopoly
source and often more than any governmental source, the fifty dominant media corporations can set the national agenda.
Media power is political power. The formal American political system is designed as though in response to Lord Acton’s aphorism that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Media power is no exception. When fifty men and women, chiefs of their corporations, control more than half the information and ideas that reach 220 million Americans, it is time for Americans to examine the institutions from which they receive their daily picture of the world.
##A 08 10009 28
##T No Sense of Place
No Sense of Place
TV, telephones, and movies explode. The Earth shrinks. Social behavior alters. Childhood, a recent invention, disappears again. All heroes die. Places become events. The rest of this show, hinted at early by McLuhan, is rehearsed here in this analytical book. The news is not new; the comprehensible and comprehensive evidence is.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 10267 29
##T No Sense of Place
(The Impact of Electronic Media on Social Behavior)
Joshua Meyrowitz
1986; 512 pp.
ISBN 019504231X
$9.95 ($11.95 postpaid)
Oxford University Press
16-00 Pollitt Drive
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
##A 08 10692 30
##T No Sense of Place
In contrast to print, television does not allow control over what is “expressed” along with what is “communicated.” Television news programs, for example, cannot escape presenting a wide range of personal expressions in addition to “objective facts.” Rather than attempting to fight this aspect of television news, producers have taken the parts of the back region that are difficult to hide and thrust them into the show itself. This is especially true of local news programs. Backstage expressiveness, personal feelings, informal interaction, and ad-libbed jokes have become an important aspect of the performance. Similarly, many television quiz and talk shows have abandoned attempts to hide microphones, camera operators, “applause” signs, and cue cards.
We cannot select uses for new media that advance old goals without often altering the social systems out of which the goals developed. We cannot, for example, “buy the wife” a television set to ease her boredom with housework without changing her sense
##A 08 11002 31
##T No Sense of Place
of place in the world. We cannot use television to “educate” our children without
simultaneously altering the functions of reading and the structure of the family and the school. . . .We cannot have mediated intimacy with our political leaders, in the hope of getting closer to greatness, without losing a belief in heroes. And if we use media to teach many different groups about each other, we also change the lines of social association and the perimeters of group identities.
##A 08 113818 32
##T The Geopolitics of Information
The Geopolitics of Information
News stories about Africa, Asia, or South America rarely match what filters back through friends and acquaintances who have been there. It’s not so much deliberate censorship as it is the Western way of noticing and reporting, which makes non-Western cultures seem to disappear — even to themselves. The already slim chance for a developing nation to evolve its own identity in media is further complicated by new computer and broadcast technologies which by their nature ignore national and cultural boundaries. Even getting trained in programming or radio production usually means going to a developed country and picking up methods which clash with many of the world’s diverse communication customs. Here’s a well-written book of political analysis, spurred by recent U.N. debates about ownership and control of the world airwaves and data links. While tackling the problems of the Third World in the
##A 08 128695 33
##T The Geopolitics of Information
information age, the author also made me look freshly at my Western assumptions about what media should be like here.
— Art Kleiner
##A 08 115953 34
##T The Geopolitics of Information
Anthony Smith
1980; 192 pp.
$7.95 ($9.45 postpaid)
Oxford University Press
16-00 Pollitt Drive
Fairlawn, NJ 07410
##A 08 121389 35
##T The Geopolitics of Information
When a European or American reporter goes to Asia or Africa and discovers
“shortages,” “instability,” “corruption,” “crisis,” he is often seeing the society in the light of the prior images of his own society. A shortage of spare parts which prevents the Westerner from driving about is not necessarily an abnormal deficiency in a society which is used to having to walk for twenty miles. A different aspect of this process can be discerned in the famous agency reporter who always counts the Mercedes-Benzes at meetings of African political leaders as a per se sign of corruption; if, however, he were at a gathering called by the World Bank, the same reporter would probably not consider the numbers of Rolls-Royces or Mercedes a significant fact worthy of mention. The same conflicts of perception work in the reporting of politics. Any African country is vulnerable to a coup d’état committed by a small number of armed men; does this in itself constitute “instability,” or is it rather the common condition of governments which are attempting to construct new national entities out of territories which have been crudely carved from the geography of a defunct empire? When does a government become merely a “regime,”
##A 08 131166 36
##T The Geopolitics of Information
and by what criteria may it earn reclassification by Western journalists? What commodities have to be subject to scarcity — and in what geographical regions of a society — before they constitute a famine or economic dislocation? Scotch whiskey? Chanel No. 5? Petrol? Bread? Rice? Bananas?
##A 08 65092 37
##T Media Culture II
##A 08 11278 38
##T Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television
Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television
Former adman Jerry Mander denounces the inherent dangers of a system where information is controlled by commercial interests and distorts our perception of reality. Food for thought if you’re trying to kick the TV habit.
— Fabrice Florin
##A 08 11661 39
##T Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television
Jerry Mander
1978; 371 pp.
ISBN 0988082742
$7.95 ($9.45 postpaid)
William Morrow Publishing Co.
6 Henderson Drive
West Caldwell, NJ 07006
##A 08 12020 40
##T Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television
A majority of adults, nearly as high a percentage as children, use television to learn how to handle specific life problems: family routines; relationships with fellow workers; hierarchical values; how to deal with rebellious children; how to understand deviations from the social norm, sexually, politically, socially and interpersonally. The overall fare of television situation-comedies and dramatic programs is taken as valid, useful, informative, and, in the words of the report, “true to life.”
Most viewers of television programming give the programming concrete validity, as though it were not fictional. When solving subsequent, similar problems in their own families, people report recalling how the problem was solved in a television version of that situation. They often make similar choices.
##A 08 12141 41
##T Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television
Even if a given subtle emotion can be conveyed from time to time on TV, you could never build an entire program on it as you could on violent emotions. In signal-to-noise terms the entire program would become indistinct in comparison with the background of more aggressive, expressive and efficient action shows.
##A 08 59155 42
##T Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television
##A 08 68519 43
##T Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television
##A 08 69655 44
##T Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television
##A 08 89214 45
##T Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television
##A 08 102182 46
##T Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television
##A 08 140489 47
##T Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television
##A 08 19587 48
##T The Media Lab
The Media Lab
As we speak, the once-separate galaxies of computers, publishing, and broadcasting are melding into each other with a great deal of muttering, armwaving, and hustling of new hardware. At the confluence is MIT’s radical technology department, the Media Lab, which is betting multimillions that it can steer the collision into a cohesive whole: perhaps a mega-combo of telephone/video/
audio/simulation/newspaper that is uniquely tailored to each individual. The goal, as the Media Lab sees it, is to let the audience take over. At stake is the major source of wealth in the future — entertainment/news.
Sounds like an exciting place to visit. Trouble is, the Media Lab’s work is spread vexingly thin since its range is so wide. When I
##A 08 71617 49
##T The Media Lab
was there I came away with unfocussed glimmers of vague, half-understood somethings. Stewart Brand, founder of the Whole Earth Catalog, spent a year hanging out there, writing the ultimate tour of the Lab that everyone would like, but can never get. As you might expect from Stewart, there is a meta-level to the book: the media laboratory that our world has become. He envisions supremely individualized connections with appliances that would
“know the user so intimately that the dialogue between machine and human would bring about ideas unrealizable by either partner alone.” Stewart’s astute and rigorously researched insights are the only aerial view of this uncertain landscape so far.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 31798 50
##T The Media Lab
(Inventing the Future at MIT)
Stewart Brand
1987; 285 pp.
ISBN 0670814423
$20 ($22 postpaid)
Viking Penguin Books
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0120
##A 08 35087 51
##T The Media Lab
Students and professors at the Media Laboratory write papers and books and publish them, but the byword of this grove of academe is not “Publish or Perish.” In Lab parlance it’s “Demo or Die” — make the case for your idea with an unfaked performance of it working at least once, or let somebody else at the equipment.
Want to know where the action in a culture is? Watch where new language is turning up and where lawyers collect, usually in that sequence.
If, as alleged, the only real freedom of the press is to own one, the fullest realization of the First Amendment is being accomplished by technology, not politics.
Me: “Do you have a standard timeline for when machine intelligence catches up with
##A 08 95376 52
##T The Media Lab
human intelligence and goes rolling past?”
Minsky: “Yeah. Between 100 and 300 years. Intelligent evolution is unprecedented. Nobody’s ever seen one. So in a few hundred years it could do trillions of years of ordinary slow evolution.”
Me: “And make enormous mistakes.”
Minsky: “That’s the trouble. There’s no time to iron out the bugs. It might fill up the universe with styrofoam or something because it had some wrong theory about how the cosmos needs a shock absorber.”
Suddenly I saw a Vivarium as a swell place to work out some of these problems, rather than in the world.
##A 08 120936 53
##T The Media Lab
While computers probe and imitate the “society of mind,” they are also shaping the mind of society. Computers and communications have already blended so far that they are one activity, still without a verb to express what it does. We don’t even have a word for nervous activity in the body — it’s not “thinking,” “sensing,” or “talking.” All the chemical and energy activities in a body (or a society) have a word for their sum action — “metabolism” — but there is no equivalent word for the sum of communications in a system. The lack of a word signals a deeper ignorance. We don’t know what constitutes healthy communications.
When I mentioned to Jerome Wiesner that I was shifting my work environment from one kind of personal computer to another, he commiserated, “I think that nobody should have to learn a new machine after the age of twenty-seven.” It’s not just what you have to learn, it’s what you have to teach the machine. More powerful machines require more teaching. That’s something the Media Lab would like to reverse: more powerful machines should be able to learn from you on their own.
##A 08 69979 54
##T The Media Lab
The first creatures created for the Vivarium were radio- and computer-controlled blimps that pretended to be fish, swimming around in the Media Lab’s atrium. The blimps had rudimentary sensors that helped them orient in relation to walls, each other, and “food” (electricity). With the help of some blue lights a classroom was spectacularly transformed into an ocean where child and “fish” become collaborators in a shared experiment.
##A 08 130384 55
##T The Media Lab
The original “Talking Head,” circa 1979, had gimbals to replicate head movement. It would enable five people, in widely separated locations, to meet around a highly intimate “virtual” conference table. At each of the five locations there would be one real person and four video faces representing real people, glancing at each other, nodding or shaking their head, able to converse with a high degree of nuance.
##A 08 160604 56
##T The Media Lab
The counter-intuitive use of blurring, called anti-aliasing or Fuzzy Fonts, makes text more readable on computer screens. The technique was pioneered in 1972 at the Architecture Machine Group (a predecessor of the Media Lab) but ignored by industry until 1987. You lose sharpness by introducing shades of grey instead of sticking with strict black & white, but you gain resolution. It is dramatically less tiring to read Fuzzy Font text.
##A 08 86167 57
##T Reality Hackers
Reality Hackers
Hacking as in: life extension, cryogenics, hallucinogenics, biofeedback, new age consciousness, artificial intelligence and anything else on the brink of understanding. This is the most electrifying periodical I read. Funky, home-brewed, refreshingly unpredictable in content and format, they’ll try out anything.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 88035 58
##T Reality Hackers
(Information Technologies & Entertainment for Those on the Brink)
R. U. Sirius, Editor-in-Chief
$30/year (10 issues)
Single issue $5 postpaid
Haile Unlikely Communications
P. O. Box 40271
Berkeley, CA 94704
##A 08 493173 59
##T Reality Hackers
There are many ways to stimulate the brain. New experiences and more interesting environments work. Psychoactive chemicals can certainly change consciousness. The chemical model of the brain, dominant in neuroscience since the 1950s, led the way to the many advances in psychopharmacology and neurochemistry we’ve seen since then. Influencing the brain with chemicals is a tricky business, though. Chemicals are hard to synthesize, tend to be hard to control, have unwanted side effects, decrease in effect with continued use, and are mostly illegal. By the 1970s, many researchers were sidestepping these difficulties by studying and modifying brain activity using lights, sound, or direct electrical signals. Thus, today’s mind-altering machines use these safer and more controllable routes to the brain. Compared to chemicals, electrical signals are much easier to create, modify, send to the brain, and turn off. Research is safer and faster, and requires fewer hassles with existing bureaucracies.
One now-legendary story about the delightful Dr. Smith and his elegant cyber
##A 08 493769 60
##T Reality Hackers
pranking is as follows: Xerox Palo Alto Research Center is equipped with a realtime video link from Palo Alto to a Xerox site in Oregon. With cameras, sound systems, and display equipment at both sites continuously transmitting and receiving, the link is a virtual corridor a thousand miles long, one end of it in each state and the middle of it in cyberspace.
One day, Smith was giving a demo of his system to some people at PARC over the video link. That is, the audience was in Palo Alto, watching him demonstrate on the screen from Oregon. Concluding his demo, Smith produces a metallic button-like object resembling the buttons in the interface of ARK, labelled “teleport.” He positions it in front of his chest, and presses it with his other hand. Instantly, he vanishes from the screen and the button clatters to the chair where he was sitting a moment before. A second later, he appears, live, in front of the stunned audience in Palo Alto.
As a prank involving a simple video effect and a masterful manipulation of human expectation, it was supreme.
##A 08 88289 61
##T Reality Hackers
I’m very nervous right now because I have no backups of myself. I back up my disks quite often but I’ve never once had a backup of myself. So I’m very interested in any technologies that might emerge in the future that will allow backing up the essence of a human. Therefore, I’m interested in life extension and computer-human interface.
##A 08 88831 62
##T Reality Hackers
"Spacebuddhababies" by Phoenix & Arabeth; "Expanding Heads" by Qalbi
##A 08 160942 63
##T In the Age of the Smart Machine
In the Age of the Smart Machine
This book is a truly comprehensive look at the emergence of the information economy, from its origins in the 19th Century to its infiltration of modern American industry. Shoshana Zuboff, a Harvard Business School professor and industry consultant, focuses on several computerized firms — pulp mills, a telecommunications company, a pharmaceutical business, a bank — for a preview of the problems and solutions that are likely to arise in this next economy.
— Sarah Vandershaf
[Suggested by Howard Rheingold]
##A 08 161264 64
##T In the Age of the Smart Machine
(The Future of Work and Power)
Shoshana Zuboff
1988; 468 pp.
ISBN 0465032125
$19.45 ($20.43 postpaid)
Basic Books/Harper & Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 08 161343 65
##T In the Age of the Smart Machine
In one area of Piney Wood, where a computer system automatically controlled the pulp-drying process, operators had taken to calling the computer Otto (for automatic). They spoke about Otto according to their mood and estimation of its current level of performance. “Otto is the person who does all the thinking.” “Otto won’t speed up fast enough.” “Otto just isn’t making any sense.” In another control room, a large axe was mounted on a wall, and underneath it was a sign that read, “IN CASE OF COMPUTER FAILURE, USE FIRE AXE.” The crew leader told me that the axe had been presented to him by his co-workers — a sympathetic gesture toward his frequent frustration with the automatic controls.
The most striking feature of the operators’ behavior was the dependency they had developed on the computer system. Because of the relative simplicity of automating this part of the pulping process, the digesting module was the first in the plant to have a high level of computer control in the early 1970s. By 1982, there was wide
##A 08 161992 66
##T In the Age of the Smart Machine
agreement that it had become impossible to achieve a high-quality cook without the computer system. Management purchased an expensive backup computer when a systems failure revealed that the operators had lost their manual cooking skills. The operators freely admitted their dependency:
“We would be lost without the screen. Sometimes when it goes down, we sit and stare at it; we don’t know what to do, we just sit and stare. Our job now really is to observe the screen. You may not be thinking exactly, but you sure have to pay attention.”
“Before I started working in the control room, I would walk through here and think that everyone was crazy because they were just sitting in here all day long staring up at the screen. Now I do the same.”
When the plant manager asks, “Are we all going to be working for a smart machine, or will we have smart people around the machine?” he portrays two divergent
##A 08 162071 67
##T In the Age of the Smart Machine
scenarios. In the former, the line that separates worker from managers is sharply drawn. Workers are treated as laboring bodies, though in fact there is less that their bodies can contribute in effort or skill. As workers become more resentful and dependent, managers react by sinking more resources into automation. In the alternative scenario, both groups work together to forge the terms of a new covenant, one that recasts the sources and purposes of managerial authority. The choice to automate will strike many as the easier and more expedient of the two.
##A 08 162385 68
##T The Second Self
The Second Self
Get this book back in print!
As a psychologist who has taught at MIT since 1976, Sherry Turkle was well-placed to do the extensive field work that produced The Second Self. And what field work! Six years of it — interviews with hundreds of children, video game addicts, college students, hackers, personal computer hackers, and the cream of Artificial Intelligence academia. To her credit, the result of all this is not a droning statistical regurgitation of her encounters, but a well-reasoned treatise centered around her contention that the computer offers us humans a new and powerful way to see ourselves. Turkle calls it a Rorschach.
She starts by showing us that the computer stimulates little kids
##A 08 163519 69
##T The Second Self
to talk philosophy and ends with a non-alarmist view of how Artificial Intelligence advances will bring a human-as-machine metaphor into common usage. Her perceptions, backed with long chunks of speech from her subjects (first names only given here), are provocative, reasonable, and sometimes witty. I was particularly pleased with her chapter on hackers, because here classical ethnographic approach led her to some conclusions that I had reached through a classical journalistic approach while researching my own book, Hackers.
— Steven Levy
##A 08 162723 70
##T The Second Self
(Computers and the Human Spirit)
Sherry Turkle
ISBN 0671606026
Simon & Schuster
##A 08 162999 71
##T The Second Self
The hackers illustrate another facet of our emerging relationships with machines. Their response to the computer is artistic, even romantic. They want their programs to be beautiful and elegant expressions of their uniqueness and genius. They recognize one another not because they belong to the same “profession,” but because they share an urgency to create in their medium. They relate to one another not just as technical experts, but as creative artists. The Romantics wanted to escape rationalist egoism by becoming one with nature. The hackers find soul in the machine — they lose themselves in the idea of mind building mind and in the sense of merging their minds with a universal system. When nineteenth-century Romantics looked for an alternative to the mechanism and competition of society, they looked to a perfect society of two, “perfect friendship,” or “perfect love.” This desire for fusion has its echo today, although in a new and troubling form. Instead of a quest for an idealized person, now there is the computer as second self.
##A 08 163772 72
##T The Second Self
Children use a psychological discourse to talk about other things than computers.
One five-year-old told me that a cloud is alive “because it gets sad. It cries when it rains.” Another five-year-old said, “The sun is alive because it has smiles. People paint smiles on the sun.” But if an eight-year-old argues that clouds or the sun are alive, the reasons given are almost always related to their motion — their way of moving across the sky and the fact that they seem to do so of their own accord. By contrast, as children become older and more sophisticated their arguments about the computer’s aliveness become focused on increasingly refined psychological distinctions. . . . The computer provokes children to find ways either to deny it the status of a living being or to grant it a special kind of life. In the process it forces them to think about how machine minds and human minds are different and so enters into the development of psychological reasoning. It enters into thinking about mind: about computers’ minds, other people’s minds, and one’s own mind.
##A 08 164047 73
##T The Second Self
Itself seemingly perfect, the computer evokes anxiety about one’s own perfectibility. There is pressure from a machine that leaves no one and no other being to blame. It is hard to walk away from the perfect mirror, from the perfect test. It is hard to walk away from a video game on which you could do better next time. . . .
##A 08 163222 74
##T Smart Cards
Smart Cards
Automated teller machine cards are only a first step. Combine those with card-sized calculators and computer network connections, and you get — what? At the very least, electronic i.d. cards that pay your bills, punch your time clocks, and keep track of your daily progress through the world. At the most, pocket-sized windows for you to know about the world — and the world to know about you.
The author, apparently an electronics engineer, considers smart cards A) a good thing and B) inevitable. I look at this book as you might look at a new power-plant proposal for your city. It’s a necessary document, but what we need to see — before these
things are instituted, please — is an independent environmental impact report. — Art Kleiner
##A 08 164296 75
##T Smart Cards
(The Ultimate Personal Computer)
Jerome Svigals
1985; 204 pp.
ISBN 0029489008
$24.95 postpaid
Macmillan Publishing Company
Front and Brown Streets
Riverside, NJ 08075
##A 08 164426 76
##T Smart Cards
The Smart Card will be used to provide a much less expensive and much easier alternative to using a conventional computer. Chips are reaching a level of information processing capability matching that of a complete personal computer, except for the peripheral devices. . . . Hence, it will be less expensive to provide and use several Smart Cards. Each of these Smart Cards, when used with an appropriate information processing appliance, will compete economically with a general purpose computer or work station with its prorated support and dedicated line costs. Each Smart Card, which might cost a few dollars, would contain the equivalent of a fully tailored information processing and application capability.
Tomorrow’s ultimate personal computer is a hand-held package. The package has been prepared so that each one provides a specific application result. We will carry a set of
these ultimate personal computers. There will be a library at home, in the office, and
##A 08 166589 77
##T Smart Cards
at our work location. Like a pocketbook, the cover will be immediately identifiable as to its application area and expected results. In more complex applications, several Smart Cards will be used.
##A 08 164779 78
##T Smart Cards
The VISA electron card anti-crime features.
##A 08 166725 79
##T Smart Cards
The datakey Smart Card
##A 08 354744 80
##T Crow
At first glance, Crow looks like just another expensive magazine devoted to artsy too-hip-to-live media critiques and self-conscious cynicism. But look again — Crow isn’t just another posture rag; it is, in fact, the real thing: a thoughtful, irreverent, and thoroughly subversive journal of media culture. Crow’s strongest points are its movie and book reviews. Not only are these interesting and informative, but they dare to betray a critical point of view. The downside of this is that sometimes you feel mugged by certain critics obsessions. Crow’s music reviews are their weakest point, falling into the obvious trap of praising their current underground idols while slandering everyone that’s ever cracked the Top 100. Still, at its weakest, Crow beats 90% of what’s on the newsstand today.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 08 369880 81
##T Crow
Bill Dale, Editor
ISSN 01937782
$19.95/year (6 issues)
Crow Magazine
P. O. Box A
Wharton, NJ 07885
##A 08 370548 82
##T Crow
Blue Velvet has been called a “weird artfilm” or “sleazy cultfilm”; The Fly has been dismissed as “just a horror film” or “remake”; neither critics nor audiences acknowledged either film’s obvious AIDS subtext. Predictably, the most loathsome, women-hating and popular of these films, Fatal Attraction, was the first AIDS movie actually described as such by mainstream media hacks. AIDS horror movies are not new: Their sexual frankness or sensual grossness may be a recent development, but they are an expression of the zeitgeist since the late Seventies, when people first began to be panicked by the supposed sexual revolution. In reactionary early Eighties horror films like the Friday the 13th series (and Carpenter’s Halloween, the genre’s seminal work), teens are punished in the most obvious Skinnerian way for having sex: they get hacked up immediately thereafter. The innocent and most sexless couple or the “sisterly” lone female survives. In After Hours, Paul Hackett asks a mocking god,
“I just wanted to leave my apartment, meet a nice girl; do I have to DIE for it?”
##A 08 468028 83
##T Crow
James T. Kirk is still grabbing women by the shoulders after all these years.
The first time I heard this expression with regard to Captain Kirk (or Admiral Kirk, which refers to the first four films), I thought it was just that: an expression. But the next several episodes I watched (which included “Requiem for Methuselah” and
“The Mark of Gideon”) bore it out: he actually does grab a woman by the shoulders first, and usually has managed to plant one within fifteen seconds.
On the subject of kissing, incidentally, Stephen Whitfield, in “The Making of Star Trek,” records with amusement the conservative admonishments of NBC’s B.S.
(Broadcast Standards) department, and “a constant request” was one like the following, for “City on the Edge of Forever”: General caution here and later as Kirk and Edith embrace. Caution also as Kirk kisses her hard and she returns the kiss with equal decisiveness; avoid the open-mouthed kiss. One shudders to think what Kirk would have done with Joan Collins if not duly warned.
##A 08 372185 84
##T Crow
The Supreme Court’s interpretation of obscenity is that a work has to have some intrinsic social or educational value. I propose using one of the points that the editors of the book “Caught Looking” point to as the main reason conservatives and those women from traditional backgrounds hate porn: it portrays an alternative way of dealing with sex and human relationships. Polygamy, group sex, homosexuality, fetishes, role playing, teenagers openly having any sex life at all, and most of all, people talking openly about the subject are all taboo as much as they are practiced in the world. While there is much about commercial porn that can be criticized, the potential is there for creating something truly radical and to question the notion fed to us from birth that the traditional family and sex roles within society must be preserved at all costs.
##A 08 371383 85
##T Crow
##A 08 373840 86
##T Crow
Layne (Crispin Glover, left) says hello to Feck (Dennis Hopper, right) in Tim Hunter’s River’s Edge.
Crispin Glover turns in an out of control, flamboyant tour de force
job, as a clownlike take on a Valley Boy. But this isn’t a trendy affectation, like it was with the actors in Valley Girl or endless subsequent films. Glover’s performance is far more volatile and frightening. He shouts/sings his lines, wears eye shadow and gestures like he was trying out for a New York Dolls cover band.
##A 08 76699 87
##T Big Brother
##A 08 167164 88
##T Privacy Journal
Privacy Journal
From Washington, DC, the Privacy Journal tracks issues like confidentiality of records, lie detector testing, electronic surveillance, inaccurate credit reporting, invasion of privacy suits, and suppression of free speech. This is the only newsletter on privacy issues, and it’s as thoughtful and comprehensive as a newsletter can be. There is a question column, too; if you feel
you’ve been harassed or spied on, you can raise your case. The only drawback is its absurdly high price, annoying in any newsletter but downright distressing here since Smith is a champion of privacy rights for the poor. Maybe a local college library would go for it.
— Art Kleiner
##A 08 167173 89
##T Privacy Journal
(An Independent Monthly on Privacy in a Computer Age)
Robert Ellis Smith, Editor
$98/year (12 issues)
Privacy Journal
P. O. Box 15300
Washington, D.C. 20003
##A 08 167465 90
##T Privacy Journal
“Mailing lists don’t hurt anyone. No one gets hurt by mailing lists!” says Robert Sherman, attorney for the Direct Marketing Association, reflecting the position of his association that mail advertising does not create an invasion of privacy.
The American public had evidence to the contrary this month, with the national circulation of a story by The New York Times’ David Burnham that the Internal Revenue Service plans to experiment with “lifestyle” demographic mailing lists to detect persons paying inadequate taxes.
##A 08 168163 91
##T The Rise of the Computer State
The Rise of the Computer State
New York Times reporter David Burnham has written a very scary book about the surveillance potentials of a computerized society. Computers make possible what the author says is likely, in fact, already underway: a very high degree of Orwellian tracking of each of us. Justified as effective for fighting criminals and terrorists, the FBI, CIA, NSA, local police and private security agencies have already created vast interlocked computer networks. You and your organization are probably to be found somewhere in them. What’s more, these networks are only half a step (and one or two remaining laws) from being able to interlock their data with your social security file, your telephone, your zip code, your IRS records, your employer, your bank accounts, your insurance
company, your charge cards and someday, perhaps, your own dear
##A 08 167927 92
##T The Rise of the Computer State
home computer, the one that makes you “free.” Thus far, as the author describes, civil libertarians have held the line against the meshing of all identification into one all-knowing central computer. But technology has a way of fulfilling itself.
— Jerry Mander
##A 08 168574 93
##T The Rise of the Computer State
David Burnham
1984; 282 pp.
ISBN 0394723759
$6.95 ($7.95 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 08 168903 94
##T The Rise of the Computer State
Consider the small but sophisticated computer General Motors has installed in the V8-6-4 model Cadillac automobile. “Your Cadillac,” the 181 owner’s manual boasts, “is equipped with a digital fuel injection system which monitors the exhaust stream with an oxygen sensor. The oxygen sensor signals the control unit to adjust the air-fuel ratio as necessary.”
The manual further notes that the “check Engine” light in the instrument panel “is designed to warn you if the system has detected any faults. If the light comes on and stays on while driving, the car should be taken to a Cadillac Dealer as soon as possible for system inspection and maintenance. If the light comes on and goes off, it is an indication that a temporary problem has cleared itself. While it is not as critical that the vehicle be brought in to a dealer for inspection immediately, the dealer may at a later date be able to determine what trouble had occurred and if any maintenance is necessary.”
##A 08 169395 95
##T The Rise of the Computer State
But Electronics Engineering News, a trade publication, discerned another possible motive in the tiny onboard electronic spy: to ascertain owner negligence over warranty claims. The publication noted that the computer allowed the dealer to determine how many times the car has been driven faster than 85 miles an hour and also how many times the engine was started after the “Check Engine” message first lit up on the dashboard.
The 1980 Office of Technology Assessment sent a questionnaire to the fifty states about how they managed their criminal- history records. One question was whether they checked the accuracy of the records in their files. Four out of five of the forty-nine states answering this question responded that they had never conducted record quality audits. . . .
The astounding finding that only one out of five of the states has ever sought to audit and purge information in their criminal-history files may explain why so many of the records are inaccurate or incomplete.
##A 08 190927 96
Privacy is a more important issue than ever as computers take over data storage for the government. By linking databases, it would be possible to trace virtually all of the movements of anybody in the country. These two books, written in a clear, non-technical style, give you the government’s own words on topics such as the vulnerability of communications systems, federal interpretations of the Privacy Act of 1974, as well as trends in policy relating to data protection. If you’re interested in how the government views information, these books are a good place to start.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 08 214987 97
Defending Secrets, Sharing Data
(New Locks and Keys
for Electronic Information)
Charles K. Wilk, Project Director
1987; 187 pp.
$8.50 postpaid
Superintendent of Documents,
Government Printing Office,
Washington, D.C. 20402-9325
##A 08 84092 98
Electronic Record Systems and Individual Privacy
Fred B. Wood, Project Director
1986; 152 pp.
$7.50 postpaid
Superintendent of Documents
Government Printing Office
Washington, D.C. 20402-9325
##A 08 168971 99
##T Processed World
Processed World
Sick & tired of living a life of quiet desperation? Try some noisy desperation instead — from Processed World, the unofficial mouthpiece of disgruntled and alienated employees everywhere! Each issue contains devilishly entertaining articles on ways low-level white-collar workers can jazz up their work life — for instance, by diverting corporate information channels to their own use. Stuffing envelopes today? Add copies of radical leaflets
(preferably xeroxed at the boss’ expense) to the mailings! Emulating such manoeuvres is sure to get you fired eventually — but if you share Processed World’s opinion of wage slavery, you’ll be glad to shuck that crummy job, anyway.
— Sarah Vandershaf
##A 08 169718 100
##T Processed World
ISSN 07359381
(4 issues)
Processed World
41 Sutter Street #1829
San Francisco, CA 94104
##A 08 169730 101
##T Processed World
My stint at the Downtown Community College at 4th and Mission in San Francisco lasted a mere three months. But it was a turning point for a couple of reasons. For one thing I learned word processing there, which catapulted me from $5-$6/hr. jobs up to $10-$12/hr. ones. It also made me aware that most people worked in offices, especially in SF, and I wanted to address this fact, since I too was suddenly an
“information handler.” As an information clerk I sat right inside the front door and spent seven hours a day telling people where the bathroom was, when and where classes met, and about English as a second language. The school provided two basic services, both primarily for the benefit of the downtown office world: basic training in office skills and English classes for newly arrived immigrants and refugees that prepared them for rudimentary data entry jobs at very low wages. . . .
I had never planned to stay long, despite the two-year minimum I promised in the interview. Instead I was going east for a nice, long, summer vacation. About six weeks before I planned to quit, I composed a fake advertisement for the DCCC and had it
##A 08 170469 102
##T Processed World
printed up. This ad summarized all my jaded views of the purpose of this “training institute for the clerical working-class” after a few months of being there 40 hours a week. About ten days before I had planned to quit, I began surreptitiously placing them inside the Fall schedules of SF City College, which I distributed at the front desk. A few days later the shit hit the fan. A coworker came running up to me when I came to work in the morning and asked if I had done a yellow leaflet that had the entire school in an uproar. Apparently a Bechtel executive had turned it in to the administration the night before. I smiled and told her “No, never heard of it.” It was nonetheless obvious to my coworkers, who knew of my bad attitude, that I was the culprit.
I was absent from my work station when the snooty director, Dr. B, came in, oblivious to my “crime.” She gave me a dark look as I scurried back to my position. Five minutes later the phone rang, and I was told to come to her office. She looked rather pale as I entered. She was boiling but tried to act calm. From beneath a 16-inch pile of papers she pulled out a copy of the leaflet — she had only seen it moments
##A 08 170750 103
##T Processed World
ago and had already hidden it — and thrust it at me, saying “What can you tell me about this?!”
I said, “Oh, is that the yellow leaflet I was told about? Can I see it?” I took it and sat down and slowly read it as if I had never seen it before. I chuckled at the funny parts, dragging out my feigned surprise until she finally exploded:
“You are SICK! You must be deranged to do something like this; it’s damaging to our institute, YOU’RE FIRED!!” I denied responsibility just in case some kind of lawsuit resulted (I had put her name and the school’s actual logo on it) and protested that I wanted to complete my final week, but she told me to go. I left feeling quite satisfied with the extra days off before my vacation. . .
##A 08 91579 104
##T Advertising
##A 08 170150 105
by Salli Raspberry
Advertising is offensive, expensive, and takes advantage of the vulnerable members of our society. Advertising in America is more intrusive than in any other industrialized country. Yet, in spite of the fact that most Americans are exposed to an estimated 1,000 advertising messages every day, the majority of us are hardly influenced, at least not in the sense that it induces us to buy anything.
Advertising as a means to sell a product or service is simply not effective. People know that advertising is propaganda and don’t trust it, nor do they remember it. According to market research
##A 08 171594 106
studies, only 9 percent of television viewers can name the brand or even the product category they saw advertised a moment before.
If we as consumers have personal experience and a network of friends and relatives whom we can trust to recommend products and services, this is most likely to influence us. When survey research studies of the final sales influence are conducted, rarely is advertising credited by the survey respondents as a reason for choosing a product or service.
We seem politically and morally blind to the fact that so many ads are dishonest. The victims of this self-serving industry are children, the economically poor, tourists, the elderly, and the
##A 08 171897 107
educationally disadvantaged. Pre-school children, for instance, have not yet learned to be defensive and wary of commercials as have their older siblings and cannot distinguish between television programming and advertisements.
This is not to imply that the majority of advertising agencies or their employees are evil and calculating, attempting to make our lives miserable for a profit. Ad agencies exist to serve their clients and are extremely vulnerable to their every whim. There is little loyalty in this industry. And we, the buying public, are equally guilty, as to a large extent we use advertisers to support our media. Regardless of how tasteless an ad or how corrupt the business supporting that ad might be, by our silence we give them
##A 08 172213 108
the power over our media.
Those of us who would prefer to use our dollars wisely might consider more actively supporting public television and radio as well as journals and general-interest magazines without advertising. They can stay in business only if their community wants the information they have to offer badly enough to pay for it.
— Salli Raspberry
##A 08 172764 109
##T Advertising Pure and Simple
Advertising Pure and Simple
First, read “Advertising Doesn’t Work.” Then, if you decide you still must write ads for your own small business, start here. Written by “one of the few ad men who enjoys helping young people get started in advertising,” this is also recommended for people seeking jobs as copywriters. Author Hank Seiden began his ad career before television, and implies that advertising should have stayed there. That print-oriented approach makes this a good book for learning how to persuade in writing with taste and skill. Seiden pretty much leaves the ethical dilemmas for you to resolve for yourself, except for two: he says cigarette and liquor companies should be allowed to advertise on television, but political candidates should not.
##A 08 173576 110
##T Advertising Pure and Simple
If you like to read advertising “confessions” by insiders (as I do), the annotated bibliography is worth the price of this book.
— Art Kleiner
##A 08 172934 111
##T Advertising Pure and Simple
Hank Seiden
1976; 197 pp.
ISBN 0814475108
$9.95 postpaid
American Management Association
P.O. Box 1026
Saranac Lake, NY 12983
##A 08 173257 112
##T Advertising Pure and Simple
The first step, when creating any ad or commercial, is the most critical: Jot down, as two guidepoints, what you’re trying to say and the audience you’re trying to say it to. If you can’t compose one or at most two sentences summing up the key point of your
ad, then you’re simply not going to be an ad writer. Go to bartender school.
At one time all commercial tuna fish was pink. A new company came on the scene with a white tuna — a tremendous disadvantage, wouldn’t you say? — in a market used to pink tuna. The white tuna people didn’t think so, and advertised their tuna as guaranteed not to turn pink, thereby implying that something was wrong with pink tuna. They made all the other guys see red. How’s that for turning a disadvantage into an advantage? They did it so well that all tuna marketed since then is white.
##A 08 173512 113
##T Advertising, The Uneasy Persuasion
Advertising, The Uneasy Persuasion
Many people passionately hate advertising and marketing, without really knowing why. They should read Advertising, The Uneasy Persuasion. It subtly debunks all the foofaraw about advertisers as conspiratorial manipulators of the public — and then it tells what’s really going on: “Advertising is capitalism’s way of saying
‘I love you’ to itself.” No wonder advertising feels so icky to those of us who aren’t similarly infatuated.
— Art Kleiner
##A 08 173867 114
##T Advertising, The Uneasy Persuasion
(Its Dubious Impact
on American Society)
Michael Schudson
1984, 1986; 288 pp.
ISBN 0465000797
$8.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
Basic Books/Harper & Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 08 174108 115
##T Advertising, The Uneasy Persuasion
To the extent that there is an answer to the problem of whether, in the aggregate, advertising causes sales, the answer seems to be no, sales cause advertising. And business practice ensures that this will be so. Field experiments varying the amount of advertising and measuring the results on sales have been relatively rare. Especially rare are experiments that dare to lower advertising expenditures below current rates. In a number of these cases, including a celebrated set of experiments
at Anheuser-Busch for Budweiser beer, reducing advertising expenses actually led
to increases in sales. It is very likely that many firms spend more on advertising than, for their own best interests, they should.
##A 08 71009 116
##T Advertising Age
Advertising Age
Is it any wonder that advertising’s biggest news weekly looks like a cross between a glossy beer commercial and a personals ad? These are advertising’s insiders talking to themselves and to each other. Like the best trade magazines, Advertising Age is the place to find out how the biz really works — a place where the participants can kick off those Gucci loafers and communicate with the initiated. Read this magazine for a quick education in the buying and selling of the American brain.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 08 75723 117
##T Advertising Age
ISSN 00018899
$64/year (50 issues);
Single copy $2
Advertising Age
Circulation Dept.
965 East Jefferson
Detroit, MI 48207
##A 08 121929 118
##T Advertising Age
Center for Science in the Public Interest last week singled out 10 advertisers for what the group called “misleading, unfair or irresponsible” campaigns in the past year. The advertisers were Continental Airlines, Beef Industry Council, Western Union Telegraph Co., Buckingham Wile Co., Hasbro, Contour Chair Lounge Co., Volkswagen of America, Dannon Co., U.S. Council for Energy Awareness and tobacco advertisers as a group.
Advertising’s Samurai war
Suzuki Motor Co.’s bare-knuckled defense of its Samurai utility vehicle was never fully executed as planned, and Suzuki partisans are pointing an accusing finger at the Big 3 TV networks.
We’ll stand with the networks on this one.
##A 08 494299 119
##T Advertising Age
Scrambling to immediately counter a Consumer Reports attack on the Samurai, damning the vehicle as unacceptably prone to rollovers, Suzuki tried to place a commercial in that evening’s network newscasts, the same newscasts that reported on the CR charges. We can imagine Suzuki’s crisis managers congratulating themselves for fast action.
But, the networks balked. ABC carried the spot, well after the Samurai news segment, but refused to carry it on the “Night Line” telecast—focusing on the Samurai story—
later that night. NBC, after airing it on the first feed of its nightly news, yanked it from the second after the news division found it inappropriate. The CBS sales department did not carry it at all in that night’s news program. Afterward, Suzuki’s public relations advisers likened the refusal of the spot to the networks’ saying they had “indicted” the vehicle. Under cooler circumstances—when a client’s vital product is not under fire—we doubt that professionals familiar with the ways and policies of news media would have that reaction.
##A 08 493959 120
##T Advertising Age
As much as public relations professionals would like to control the “spin” on important news stories, mixing paid corporate messages with news accounts on the same subject is risky business for both the media and the advertiser. Such commercials would blur the distinction between news and advertising that TV news programs, and newspapers, try to maintain for the benefit of viewers, readers and advertisers.
And they would run the risk of the advertiser looking foolish—or worse—if the tone of his message is dramatically one-sided or starkly different than the news account that has just been seen or read. That kind of blow to the credibility of advertising messages no one in the ad business needs.
Suzuki’s crisis managers will learn that the nets did them—and all of advertising—a favor.
##A 08 145008 121
##T Advertising Age
Many copywriters are unaware of this, but it’s permissible to write a bug-type headline without a pun in it. Here the writer has used a comically misleading promise that makes the product the butt of the joke. The body copy then gets serious with a strong selling message. — Bob Garfield
##A 08 146690 122
##T Advertising Age
Volkswagen Carat takes on its biggest competitor and Argentine market leader Renault in this TV campaign, via David Ratto/BBDO, Buenos Aires. While the French are good at making champagne, the ad claims, the Germans are good at making cars. The ad encourages consumers to indulge in the best of both, telling the buyers of new German cars to celebrate with French champagne.
##A 08 91710 123
##T Cyberpunk
##A 08 174625 124
##T Mirrorshades
Cyberpunk is a form of science fiction steeped in the philosophy of the Information Age, the age of the global village, the personal computer, Chernobyl, and SDI. Cyberpunk is important because it accepts the technological changes of the last quarter-century and attempts to put them into some kind of perspective. Cyberpunk
isn’t interested in predicting the future; it’s an attempt to find out how we can live there. And the stories in Mirrorshades offer a few fine examples of what living there might be like.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 08 174999 125
##T Mirrorshades
(The Cyberpunk Anthology)
Bruce Sterling, Editor
ISBN 0441533825
$3.50 ($4.50 postpaid)
Ace Books
Berkeley Publishing Group
200 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016
##A 08 175249 126
##T Mirrorshades
Science fiction — at least according to its official dogma — has always been about the impact of technology. But times have changed since the comfortable era of Hugo Gernsback, when Science was safely enshrined — and confined — in an ivory tower. The careless technophilia of those days belongs to a vanished, sluggish era, when authority still had a comfortable margin of control.
For the cyberpunks, by stark contrast, technology is visceral. It is not the genie of remote Big Science boffins; it is pervasive, utterly intimate. Not outside us, but next to us. Under our skin; often, inside our minds.
Technology itself has changed. Not for us the giant steam-snorting wonders of the past: the Hoover Dam, the Empire State building, the nuclear power plant. Eighties tech sticks to the skin, responds to the touch: the personal computer, the Sony Walkman, the portable telephone, the soft contact lens.
##A 08 175890 127
##T Mirrorshades
Certain central themes spring up repeatedly in cyberpunk. The theme of body invasion: prosthetic limbs, implanted circuitry, cosmetic surgery, genetic alteration. The even more powerful theme of mind invasion: brain-computer interfaces, artificial intelligence, neurochemistry — techniques radically redefining the nature of humanity, the nature of the self.
— From the Introduction
##A 08 175458 128
by Pat Murphy
For a quick intro to cyberpunk, read the Mirrorshades anthology
(reviewed in this cluster). If you’re willing to invest more time, check the novels listed here. Cyberpunk, like most successful art movements, has spawned a second generation of practitioners. This list includes many of the folks who helped create and define the movement, as well as some relative newcomers.
##A 08 177097 129
Count Zero
Mona Lisa Overdrive
all by William Gibson
Highly recommended. Neuromancer, Gibson’s first novel captured the attention of the science fiction community, winning the Hugo, Nebula, and Philip K. Dick awards. In it, Gibson introduces the Matrix, a graphic representation of data culled from all the computer banks in the human system. Every user who jacks into this “consensual hallucination” projects his disembodied consciousness into an abstract world of data where battles of life
##A 08 177357 130
and death are fought. Gibson’s second and third books, linked to Neuromancer but capable of standing alone, have fulfilled the promise of the first book and continue the story of the evolution of the Matrix and how it affects those who enter it. Read any one or read them all.
— Pat Murphy
##A 08 23603 131
“The matrix has its roots in primitive arcade games,” said the voice-over, “in early graphics programs and military experimentation with cranial jacks.” On the Sony, a two-dimensional space war faded behind a forest of mathematically generated ferns, demonstrating the spacial possibilities of logarithmic spirals’ cold blue military footage burned through, lab animals wired into test systems, helmets feeding into fire control circuits of tanks and war planes. “Cyberspace. A consensual hallucination experienced daily by billions of legitimate operators, in every nation, by children being taught mathematical concepts ... A graphic representation of data abstracted from the banks of every computer in the human system. Unthinkable complexity. Lines of light ranged in the nonspace of the mind, clusters and constellations of data. Like city lights, receding....”
“What’s that?” Molly asked, as he flipped the channel selector.
“Kid’s show.” A discontinuous flood of images as the selector cycled. “Off,” he said to
##A 08 444572 132
the Hosaka.
“You want to try now, Case?”
Wednesday. Eight days from waking in Cheap Hotel with Molly beside him. “You want me to go out, Case? Maybe easier for you, alone....” He shook his head.
“No. Stay, doesn’t matter.” He settled the black terry sweatband across his forehead, careful not to disturb the flat Sendai dermatrodes. He stared at the deck on his lap, not really seeing it, seeing instead the shop window on Ninsei, the chromed shuriken burning with reflected neon. He glanced up; on the wall, just above the Sony, he’d hung her gift, tacking it there with a yellow-headed drawing pin through the hole at its center.
He closed his eyes.
##A 08 468247 133
Found the ridged face of the power stud.
And in the bloodlit dark behind his eyes, silver phosphenes boiling in from the edge of space, hypnagogic images jerking past like film compiled from random frames. Symbols, figures, faces, a blurred, fragmented mandala of visual information.
Please, he prayed, now—
A gray disk, the color of Chiba sky.
Disk beginning to rotate, faster, becoming a sphere of paler gray. Expanding—
And flowed, flowered for him, fluid neon origami trick, the unfolding of his distanceless home, his country, a transparent 3D chessboard extending to infinity.
##A 08 48042 134
Inner eye opening to the stepped scarlet pyramid of the Eastern Seaboard Fission Authority burning beyond the green cubes of Mitsubishi Bank of America, and high and very far away he saw the spiral arms of military systems, forever beyond his reach.
And somewhere he was laughing, in a white-painted loft, distant fingers caressing the deck, tears of release streaking his face.
##A 08 178128 135
by Pat Cadigan
A first novel by one of the hottest new science fiction short story writers. Mindplayers follows the training of “Deadpan” Allie, a mindplayer who goes “mind to mind” with her clients, exploring the inner reaches of their delusions.
— Pat Murphy
##A 08 17863 136
“Caught for what?”
Jerry winced. “Bootlegging.”
I almost didn’t need to ask. “Bootlegging what.”
I had to try not to laugh. “Oh, chrissakes—”
“Hey, I’ve got to eat,” Jerry said plaintively. “I wasn’t seeing anything from Power People, I could hardly get any work, for a while I had to sleep in a parking space, not even a flop but a parking space, and once I got towed off when the meter ran out—and I didn’t even have a vehicle. You try living that way sometime. Then when somebody offers you a deal that’ll make you a little more than sub-subsistence, you’ll jump for
##A 08 19444 137
it without a second thought, too.”
I stared at the disassembled system so I wouldn’t have to look at Jerry. “That’s great. Who are they, the same people you used to fence stolen memories to?”
There was a long pause. “How’d you know about that?”
“Did you think I wouldn’t have been told?”
“Well, what do you care? I never got any of yours.”
“I never gave you a chance at them. Lucky for me.”
“I wouldn’t have done that to you, Allie. We’re old war buddies.”
“What war?”
##A 08 20013 138
“The war of life.”
I wiped my hands over my face. “I don’t think I can handle philosophy from you, Jerry, so just tell me what it is you think I can do for you and let me get out of here before your girlfriend decides to beat me up a little along with you.”
Giggle. “You got any money?”
“Not much. Not enough to buy you out of either contract.”
“It wouldn’t be for that.”
“Jesus, Jerry, why? Bootleggers usually clone their goods off one of the enfranchised people. Why couldn’t you just let them work from one of your copies —”
##A 08 192169 139
“Well, they were. But then they found me, and everyone knows you get better results from the original template.”
“Is that what you are to yourself now — an original template?”
Jerry shrugged. “You think differently when something like Power People gets through with you.”
##A 08 177611 140
When Gravity Fails
by George Alec Effinger
A fast-paced novel of murder and intrigue set in the decadent Arab ghetto known as the Budayeen. An interesting example of second-generation cyberpunk.
— Pat Murphy
##A 08 177858 141
by Richard Kadrey
Vivid, imaginative writing with flashes of brilliance. A gutter-level view of the future city of Los Angeles — which authorities have abandoned to smugglers, gangs and a new plague. For reasons he does not understand, Jonny Qabbala is pursued by an anarchist-surrealist gang, by smuggler lords, by the paramilitary, and even by the extraterrestrials who have a base on the moon.
— Pat Murphy
##A 08 56982 142
It was an impossible psychic leap. He was a kid again, seeing Little Tokyo for the first time, nailed in his tracks by the light, the air, the impossible wealth and beauty of the place, the blatant and cherished waste of energy. Little Tokyo was a transcultural phenomenon, its name having long since been rendered meaningless, indicating a city geosector and giving hints to the place’s history, but little else. It was a Japanese and European chic filtered through American sleaze, through generations of exported television, video and Link images, visions of Hollywood and Las Vegas, the cheap gangster dreams of the Good Life, haven and playground for the privileged employees of the multinationals. Little Tokyo was loud and it cost the corporations dearly, but they loved it and, in the end, came to need it. What had once been their plaything now defined them.
There were clubs offering all varieties of sexual encounters. Death-fetish clubs, where controlled doses of euphoria-inducing poisons had replaced drugs as the high of choice. It was in one of these clubs, when he was seventeen, that Jonny had first tried
##A 08 57189 143
Mad Love. Right now, he thought, he would kill for a hit. There were the computer-simulation clubs, offering those with skull-plugs close encounters with violence, madness, and death. A block ahead was the Onnogata, where members of various cartels gambled time in the regeneration tanks for data on next year’s computers, synth-fuels, and pharmaceuticals.
Other clubs offered similar opportunities, and anyone could play. Hit a losing streak, and you could leave parts of your body scattered all over the boulevard. Organ removal and installation were all part of the standard hotel services. Those who lost badly enough were put on life-support systems, sometimes gambling away even those before the company jet could arrive to take them home. No one had died in Little Tokyo for over a century. Not permanently.
##A 08 178292 144
by Rudy Rucker
More ideas per chapter than most authors use in an entire novel. Sentient robots (called “boppers”) find a way to incorporate their software with human DNA, creating Manchile, the first “meatbop” combination.
— Pat Murphy
##A 08 58817 145
Yukawa’s soft thin head and arms rose up out of a plastic tub mounted on four long legs. The rest of him was a yellow-pink puddle in the tub. Stahn gagged and took a step back.
“Don’t be alarmed, Mr. Mooney. I was a little upset, so I took some merge. It’s just now wearing off.”
Merge ... he’d heard of it. Very synthetic, very illegal. I don’t do drugs, man, I’m high on life. People took merge to sort of melt their bodies for a while. Stuzzadelic and very tempting. If Stahn hadn’t been so desperate for work he might have left right then. Instead he came on nonchalant.
“What kind of lab is this, Mr. Yukawa?”
“I’m a molecular biologist.” Yukawa put his hands on the tub’s sides and pushed up. Slowly his belly solidified, his hips and his legs. He stepped over to the desk and
##A 08 54888 146
began pulling his clothes back on. Over the vizzy, Stahn had taken him for Japanese, but he was too tall and pale for that. “Of course the Gimmie would view this as an illegal drug laboratory. Which is why I don’t dare call them in. The problem is that something has happened to my assistant, a young lady named Della Taze. You advertise yourself as a Searcher, so ...”
“I’ll take the case, don’t worry. I already checked you on my data-base, by the way. A blank. That’s kind of unusual, Mr. Yukawa.” He was fully dressed now, gray pants and a white coat, quite the scientist. Stahn could hardly believe he’d seen him puddled in that tub. How good did it feel?
“I used to be a man named Gibson. I invented gene-invasion?”
“You were that mad scientist who ... uh ... turned himself Japanese?”
“Not so mad.” A smile flickered across Yukawa’s sagging face. “I had cancer. I found
##A 08 60124 147
a way to replace some of my genes with those of a ninety-eight-year-old Japanese man. The cancer went into remission, and as my cells replaced themselves, I took on more and more of the Japanese man’s somatotype. A body geared for long life. There was talk of a Nobel Prize, but ...”
“The California dog-people. The Anti-Chimera Act of 2027. I remember. You were exiled here. Well, so was I. And now I’m a straight rent-a-pig and you’re a dope wizard.”
##A 08 178432 148
Eclipse Penumbra
Total Eclipse
all by John Shirley
The most political cyberpunk yet, written in a fast-paced, hallucinatory style. In the not too distant future, a neo-fascist movement sweeps across Europe, threatening the world with all-out war.
— Pat Murphy
##A 08 178941 149
Islands in the Net
by Bruce Sterling
A thoughtful extrapolation of a future in which nuclear weapons have been banned and information is the most valuable commodity.
— Pat Murphy
##A 08 67824 150
They argued for two solid days. Laura sat in on the meetings as Debra Emerson’s second, and she realized quickly that Rizome was a barely tolerated middleman. The data pirates had no interest whatsoever in taking up new careers as right-thinking postindustrialists. They had met to confront a threat.
All three pirate groups were being blackmailed.
The blackmailers, whoever they were, showed a firm grasp of data-haven dynamics. They had played cleverly on the divisions and rivalries among the havens; threatening one bank, then depositing the shakedown money in another. The havens, who naturally loathed publicity, had covered up the attacks. They were deliberately vague about the nature of the depredations. They feared publicizing their weaknesses. It was clear, too, that they suspected one another.
Laura had never known the true nature and extent of haven operations, but she sat
##A 08 70697 151
quietly, listened and watched, and learned in a hurry.
The pirates dubbed commercial videotapes by the hundreds of thousands, selling them in poorly policed Third World markets. And their teams of software cracksters found a ready market for programs stripped of their copy protection. This brand of piracy was nothing new; it dated back to the early days of the information industry.
But Laura had never realized the profit to be gained by evading the developed world’s privacy laws. Thousands of legitimate companies maintained dossiers on individuals: employee records, medical histories, credit transactions. In the Net economy, business was impossible without such information. In the legitimate world, companies purged this data periodically, as required by law.
But not all of it was purged. Reams of it ended up in the data havens, passed on through bribery of clerks, through taps of datalines, and by outright commercial espionage. Straight companies operated with specialized slivers of knowledge. But the
##A 08 422958 152
havens made a business of collecting it, offshore. Memory was cheap, and their databanks were huge, and growing.
And they had no shortage of clients. Credit companies, for instance, needed to avoid bad risks and pursue their debtors. Insurers had similar problems. Market researchers hungered after precise data on individuals. So did fund raisers. Specialized address lists found a thriving market. Journalists would pay for subscription lists, and a quick sneak call to a databank could dredge up painful rumors that governments and companies suppressed.
Private security agencies were at home in the data demimonde. Since the collapse of the Cold War intelligence apparatus, there were legions of aging, demobilized spooks scrabbling out a living in the private sector. A shielded phone line to the havens was a boon for a private investigator.
Even computer-dating services kicked in their bit.
##A 08 72113 153
The havens were bootstrapping their way up to Big Brother status, trading for scattered bits of information, then collating it and selling it back—as a new and sinister whole.
##A 08 175866 154
William Gibson
1984; 271 pp.
ISBN 0441569595
$2.95 ($3.95 postpaid)
Ace Books
Berkley Publishing Group
200 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016
##A 08 179044 155
Count Zero
William Gibson
1984; 246 pp.
$2.95 ($3.95)
Ace Books
Berkley Publishing Group
200 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016
##A 08 179266 156
Mona Lisa Overdrive
William Gibson
1988; 260 pp.
$18.95 ($20.95 postpaid)
Bantam Books
414 East Golf Road
Des Plaines, IL 60016
##A 08 179561 157
Pat Cadigan
1987; 288 pp.
ISBN 0553265857
Bantam Books
501 Franklin Avenue
Garden City, NY 11530
##A 08 179887 158
When Gravity Fails
George Alec Effinger
1987; 290 pp.
$2.95 ($3.95 postpaid)
Ace Books
Berkley Publishing Group
200 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016
##A 08 180070 159
Richard Kadrey
1988; 240 pp.
ISBN 0441528139
$2.95 ($3.95 postpaid)
Ace Books
Berkley Publishing Group
200 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016
##A 08 180259 160
Rudy Rucker
1988; 183 pp.
ISBN 0380701782
$2.95 ($3.95 postpaid)
Avon Books
P. O. Box 767
Dresden, TN 38225
##A 08 180605 161
Eclipse, Eclipse Penumbra, Total Eclipse
John Shirley
$2.95 each
Warner Books
##A 08 180800 162
Islands in the Net
Bruce Sterling
1988; 352 pp.
ISBN 0877959528
Arbor House/
William Morrow & Co.
Wilmor Warehouse
39 Plymouth Street
Fairfield, NJ 07006
##A 08 181059 163
Science fiction is changing fast in the Eighties. The following publications will keep you up on all that’s interesting and important in the field. Science Fiction Eye is the best of the bunch, specializing in fine feature articles and exhaustive interviews with authors; Locus gives you the latest publishing news from New York; and Science Fiction Guide provides an outlet for authors and editors to critique the field themselves.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 08 181341 164
Science Fiction Eye
Stephen P. Brown & Daniel J. Steffan, Editors
$7/year (3 issues)
Science Fiction Eye
P.O. Box 43244
Washington, D.C. 20010-9244
##A 08 182388 165
Science Fiction Guide
Charles Platt, Editor
$6/year (4 issues)
Science Fiction Guide
594 Broadway, Rm. 1208
New York, NY 10012
##A 08 182258 166
Charles Brown, Editor
ISSN 00474959
$28/year (12 issues)
Locus Publications
P. O. Box 13305
Oakland, CA 94661
##A 08 181929 167
Stelarc’s "Event For Amplified Body, Laser Eyes And Third Hand" from Science Fiction Eye
##A 08 176531 168
##T Mark V. Ziesing, Bookseller
Mark V. Ziesing, Bookseller
All of the books mentioned in Cyberpunk 101, plus many other science fiction, fantasy, art, and small press books are available by mail order from this excellent company.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 08 176866 169
##T Mark V. Ziesing, Bookseller
Catalog free
Mark V. Ziesing
P. O. Box 806
762 Main Street (2nd Level)
Willimantic, CT 06226
##A 08 124691 170
##A 08 127008 171
##T Satellite TV
##A 08 12560 172
##T The World of Satellite Television
The World of Satellite Television
The big dummy’s guide to installing, operating and maintaining a backyard satellite dish. A basic, sensible, essential initiation to a precision tool.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 13026 173
##T The World of Satellite Television
Mark Long & Jeffrey Keating
1983; 224 pp.
ISBN 0913990469
$10.95 ($12.95 postpaid)
Quantum Publishing, Inc.
P. O. Box 310
Mendocino, CA 95460
##A 08 181550 174
##T The World of Satellite Television
Satellite signals are microwaves that exhibit most of the characteristics of light, except visibility. Like Visible light, they travel in a straight path along the line of sight. Since all geostationary satellites are positioned over the equator, if you want to receive them from the northern hemisphere, your antennae must have an unobstructed view of the southern sky. So, before you go running out and spending several thousand dollars for an earth station, you should be sure there are no tall buildings, trees, powerpoles, or other substantial obstacles to prevent signals from reaching your dish.
Symptom 11. Picture looks fuzzy, with the ghost of another picture on top of the channel you want.
What To Check. You LNA polarizer is not completely tuning into the correct polarity. This could be caused by a bad power connection between the mechanical rotator and its indoor control mechanism. If electronic polarization is used, a bad cable connection or improper initial setup of the LNA/feedhorn could be the cause.
##A 08 13322 175
##T The World of Satellite Television
The Clarke Belt describes an arc running from east to west along which you will find communications satellites in geosynchronous orbit — each appears to stay in its assigned spot in your sky.
##A 08 182917 176
##T The Hidden Signals on Satellite TV
The Hidden Signals on Satellite TV
With more satellite-relayed TV programs being scrambled, backyard satellite dish promoters are starting to publicize the fact that your dish enables you to monitor other types of satellite-relayed signals, too. This book tells most of what you need to know to monitor long-distance phone calls, news agency teletype, stock and commodity prices, corporate data communications, audio services, etc. I’m not recommending you use your satellite dish that way; the importance of this book is in showing that it’s relatively easy to do, using off-the-shelf equipment.
The book has lots of pictures and charts, but is badly copy-edited with many typos. Spelling errors can be seen and discounted at a glance; numerical typos are much harder to pick out, and this book
##A 08 184294 177
##T The Hidden Signals on Satellite TV
has a lot of numbers. I’d be leery of taking them as gospel, but it’s the descriptive passages that really matter, and there is no more explicit and detailed how-to manual currently available.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 08 183095 178
##T The Hidden Signals on Satellite TV
Thomas P. Harrington
1984; 179 pp.
ISBN 0916661040
$14.95 ($16.70 postpaid)
Universal Electronics, Inc.
4555 Groves Road, Suite 3
Columbus, OH 43232
##A 08 183508 179
##T The Hidden Signals on Satellite TV
On some pure data and telephone transponders (non-video), you may hear something that sounds like a buzz saw, or something that sounds like musical chimes, or you may hear a telephone circuit ringing or a busy signal. On the active phone channels, you will hear telephone conversations, some radio feeds, communications circuits between satellite control operators, hotel and motel reservation sections, auto rental companies; at any given moment you could find between 600 to 1200 separate carriers in place!
##A 08 307552 180
##T The Hidden Signals on Satellite TV
ICOM R—71A general coverage SSB receiver.
##A 08 308439 181
##T The Hidden Signals on Satellite TV
Basic hook up of SSB receiver to TVRO for telephone reception.
##A 08 183623 182
##T The Spaceage Electronics Corp.
The Spaceage Electronics Corp.
Simply the lowest prices on satellite dishes and receivers. Depending on where you live, their hours aren’t the most convenient for calling: Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM Central time, but you can get a complete system package for between $1200 and $1800. The usual mail-order trade-off is in effect — some bargains, some risk. We have no experience with them. It looks dangerous if you have no idea what to buy.
— Kevin Kelly & Richard Kadrey
##A 08 183895 183
##T The Spaceage Electronics Corp.
Catalog free
The Spaceage Electronics Corp.
P. O. Box 15730
New Orleans, LA 70175
504-891-7210 (LA)
##A 08 14717 184
##T Home Satellite TV
Home Satellite TV
There’s more of a sense of honest revolution here than in the other dozen home-satellite periodicals in print. Sign up and get involved with grassroots crankiness (kidnapping commercial satellites) and hands-on inventiveness that pushes the technological limits of back-yard dishes.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 14870 185
##T Home Satellite TV
Bob Wolenik, Editor
$12/year (6 issues)
Miller Magazines
2660 East Main Street
Ventura, CA 93003
##A 08 15233 186
##T Home Satellite TV
It is imperative that your dealer check for interference and reception before the actual installation. Microwave interference can come from nearby telephone relay equipment or airport radar, and the result on your set can range from mild to total obstruction of your picture. The cost for filtering out the interference can be prohibitive, so be sure that if, for some unknown reason, your dealer does not check for interference, he gives you a written guarantee that your system will not suffer from this problem.
##A 08 15523 187
##T Home Satellite TV
In the heart of the city: A tiny 2-foot Ku band antenna peers through a plate glass window and just over Manhattan’s Chrysler building skyline to see football from across the country. The owner successfully switched to the Ku band system when his apartment house demanded a $100 million insurance policy to allow a C-band dish on the roof.
##A 08 15792 188
##T Satellite TV Week
Satellite TV Week
Decidedly the best listings for figuring out which program to watch when there are 18 satellites, each delivering three channels on average, in four time zones, beaming down 24 hours a day. Many other contenders’ listings are muddled and unwieldy (they come out monthly or fortnightly; this arrives weekly). It has the neatest movie index, which notes every place and every time a particular movie will show. Can’t miss it.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 16038 189
##T Satellite TV Week
Richard Acello, Editor
ISSN 07447841
$48/year (52 issues)
Satellite TV Week
P. O. Box 308
Fortuna, CA 95540
##A 08 16636 190
##T Satellite TV Week
A sample from Satellite TV Week’s movie index.
##A 08 64816 191
##T Satellite TV Week
Broadcast subscription information from Satellite TV Week
##A 08 95019 192
##T Alternative Television
##A 08 255258 193
by Lorenzo W. Milam
In 1980, the FCC opened the door for “low power” television station (LPTV) applications. The rules permitted new television stations in most markets. The Commission was deluged with applications, and has only recently cleared away most of them. Periodically, they open doors — called, naturally, “windows” — for further applications. These are announced in the trade magazines like Broadcasting (which is too expensive to subscribe to, but which you can find at your local public or university library).
Channel 2-13 (VHF) LPTV is really low power (ten watts maximum, which might not carry more than half a mile). For UHF (Channels
##A 08 190518 194
14-69), you are allowed transmitter output power up to 1,000 watts. With a clever antenna system, and multiple transmitters, you might be able to cover a fairly major service area.
The VHS stations are cheap, but the UHF transmitters can cost at least $25,000, and the antennas another $10,000. The rules on the programming and operation are quite lax — the FCC gives you enormous latitude on what you can program.
(We thought of getting an LPTV station on the air, running continuous slides of the kid’s birthday party from last summer, footage from NASA [all space shots are public domain], and home movies collected from all the neighbors. We’d play some bizarre
##A 08 202686 195
and wonderful music on the sound channel — gagaku from Japan, Balkan folk singing, songs of Henry Purcell, Blind Lemon Jefferson. What a way to spend an evening, no? Launching into space with the Monkey Chant, landing on the moon to “Sound of the Trumpets,” walking on the Mare Incognito with “The A-to-Z Blues.” Under the LPTV programming rules of the FCC, it’s all legal.)
What I have told you about Low Power Television is worth a mere pickle. The real kicker is how you can get close to going on the air with little or no effort on your part:
Because of the first application rush, the FCC was forced to set up a lottery system so they could process them all. In the last three
##A 08 268665 196
years, the Commission has made over 4,000 grants of LPTV stations all over the country, including Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and Micronesia. However, many of the people who got permits aren’t building. There are no more than 250 LPTV stations on the air right now.
The commission doesn’t take kindly to grantees who hold onto the permits and never build. Unless they have very good excuses, they are forced to surrender them a year from the date of the grant. This can be a bonanza for you. What you have to do is to find out what permits have been granted for your area, or the city or cities you’re interested in. From this information, you can make contact with the permit holders. If they have lost their permit, you can
##A 08 272867 197
perhaps pick up the transmitter site option, and file your own application, using some of the information from their (successful) application. If they still have the permit, but are running into difficulties building the station, you might be able to negotiate with them. In return for your helping to get the station on the air, you might be able to share the ownership. At worst, you can learn a great deal by talking with the people involved, and reading over the applications that have been filed, gone onto lottery, and been granted. Even those that have lost out will teach you what is available in the way of equipment and sites. This is basic FCC form school; how to put an application in the hopper and (perhaps) how to win.
(To do all this, you need a copying service in Washington, D.C. that
##A 08 276897 198
specializes in FCC Releases. A good one is Berry’s Best, Washington, D.C. You can hire them to dig up any filing at the FCC that you might want to see. I would ask for copies of the winners’ names from the last two years’ worth of lotteries.)
— Lorenzo Milam
##A 08 255581 199
Berry’s Best
Berry’s Best
1705 DeSales Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20036
##A 08 185144 200
##T Lo-Power Community TV
Lo-Power Community TV
Editor Harlan Jacobsen appears to be a sort of populist hero in
low-power TV circles. His no-frills magazine is a good source of detailed, practical advice on running a low-power TV station. Sample copies are $5.
— Sarah Vandershaf
##A 08 185389 201
##T Lo-Power Community TV
Harlan L. Jacobsen, Editor
$50/year (12 issues)
Lo-Power Community Television Publishing
7432 West Diamond
Scottsdale, AZ 85257
##A 08 205721 202
##T Lo-Power Community TV
Recently I read an article in a TV engineering magazine about a full power UHF station that increased their number of viewers and improved their rating considerably by going to a low gain antenna from a high gain antenna.
They noted that the theoretical power in the fringes would be way lower, but noted they lost very few viewers in the outlying areas.
The theory behind this is that the high gain antenna has such a narrow beam width that the 80% of their viewers, who were nearby in town, were being overshot in order to put a higher power signal out in the country. With the low gain antenna and wider beam width, they were putting more of the signal in the ground nearby.
##A 08 186093 203
##T The LPTV Report
The LPTV Report
Slicker than Lo-Power Community TV, this magazine, “the official information channel of the Community Broadcasters Association,” will give you the legal and business angles on low-power TV, as well as some technical insights.
— Sarah Vandershaf
##A 08 186276 204
##T The LPTV Report
Jacquelyn Biel, Editor
ISSN 08925585
$25/year (12 issues)
LPTV Report
P.O. Box 25510
Milwaukee, WI 53225-0510
##A 08 186463 205
##T The LPTV Report
In the rush to apply for LPTV permits, some early applications were not engineered very well, the thought being that they could be easily modified after grant. Also, sites that were available four years ago may no longer be available. Thus, some new CP holders are finding that they need to locate a new antenna site. . . . The new site must be very close to the old one, and the new proposal must not serve any people that the old one didn’t. This usually means that you’ll need a new site that is less than a mile away from the old one.
##A 08 303513 206
##T The LPTV Report
The Panasonic Pro Series post-production system.
##A 08 306534 207
##T The LPTV Report
##A 08 89011 208
##T Deep Dish TV
Deep Dish TV
These folks are the first to coordinate distribution of public-access television via satellite, and their excellent Deep Dish Directory is the best resource guide available for grassroots television producers, programmers, and activists. The listings of access centers, cable systems, and producers can be xeroxed directly onto mailing labels and are in zip-code order; if you’ve ever worked for a small nonprofit organization you know what a practical gift that is.
You can see Deep Dish programming by tuning in to Satcom 3R-Tr.7 for their broadcasts of independent videos on provocative topics like AIDS, housing, Central America, aging, labor, and war. Their first 18-week series was distributed in 350 television systems around the country and they’re planning expanded programming to
##A 08 485111 209
##T Deep Dish TV
begin in Spring of 1989. Call your local cable programmers and ask when they’re showing Deep Dish TV or contact Deep Dish directly to find the downlink nearest you.
“We really don’t need another pissy rock station leaking down on our heads, do we?” asks community radio maverick Lorenzo Milam. No, and we don’t need more TV broadcasts of golf tournaments, either. Deep Dish TV is helping to do for television what Lorenzo helped to do for radio: keeping it community-based and diverse and fun.
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 08 89574 210
##T Deep Dish TV
Paper Tiger Television and the Boston Film & Video Foundation
1986; 96 pp.
$5 postpaid
339 Lafayette Street
New York, NY 10012
##A 08 485448 211
##T Deep Dish TV
Maxine Headroom is your host for the INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY VIDEO FESTIVAL seen across the nation only on DEEP DISH TV, the first public access satellite network transmitting on Satcom 3R/7 at 3:00 pm every Tuesday through August 16th.
##A 08 485734 212
##T Deep Dish TV
See FEARLESS TELEVISION on the DEEP DISH TV Network transmitting on Satcom 3R/7 every Tuesday through August 16th 3:00 to 4:00 pm. Here, a scene from the ADS EPIDEMIC (Acquired Dread of Sex). John Greyson featured in AIDS: Angry Initiatives/Defiant Strategies program.
##A 08 127533 213
##T Shortwave Radio
##A 08 47217 214
A short-wave radio receiver gives you direct access to broadcasts from around the world: news and opinion, musics too diverse to catalog, a front-row-center seat on international affairs. Channels in this band can be noisy and variable in loudness, so you have to concentrate (earphones really help), but the content of short-wave transmissions amply rewards the extra effort.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 08 13205 215
##T Icom IC-R71A
Icom IC-R71A
The Icom is for the serious explorer, someone who wants to hear as many different stations as he can. Its tuning system is wonderfully flexible: you can use the digital keypad, if you know the frequency you want to listen to; the rotary knob, if you want to browse; or the 32-channel programmable memory, if you’ve entered the sought frequency ahead of time. A variable pass-band filter, as well as impulse and notch filters, clean away noise, and the overall sound quality (through headphones) is superior. The Icom is compact enough to carry around, though it isn’t a true portable.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 08 14256 216
##T Icom IC-R71A
Information free
Icom America
2380 116th Avenue NE
Bellevue, WA 98004
##A 08 277871 217
##T Icom IC-R71A
The Icom IC-R71A general coverage SSB receiver
##A 08 132322 218
##T The Sony ICF-SW1
The Sony ICF-SW1
During the past 10 years, Sony has revolutionized shortwave radio design, putting superior performance into ever-smaller and easier-to-use packages. Considering how much circuitry is needed to pluck weak signals out of the overcrowded bands for international broadcasting, their latest entry, the ICF-SW1, seems almost miraculous.
About the size of an audio cassette, it has a digital frequency display, keypad tuning, 10 programmable channel pre-selects and a 24-hour clock/timer. In addition to shortwave, the SW1 offers AM, stereo FM, and longwave coverage (longwave is used for broadcasting in Europe). There’s a built-in speaker, but the ear pieces supplied with the set provide better sound. An “active”
(amplifying) antenna comes with the SW1, as does a power-supply
##A 08 139001 219
##T The Sony ICF-SW1
that automatically adapts to whatever voltage comes out of the wall-socket. The set can also operate from two internal AA batteries.
Because of the SW1’s extreme compactness, some compromises had to be made. You can only tune through the shortwave band in 5 kHz steps, for example. Since most SW stations are 5 kHz apart, that’s usually OK — but stations on offset or oddball frequencies won’t be heard as well. It also lacks single-sideband capability, so you can’t listen to the aircraft, ships, and ham radio operators that communicate in the bands between the ones used for shortwave broadcasting.
For travellers who need an ultra-small, lightweight radio, there’s
##A 08 140003 220
##T The Sony ICF-SW1
nothing else in its class. For those who want a good portable, the SW1 should be considered — although larger portables are available that are comparable in performance, and quite a bit cheaper.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 08 37109 221
##T The Sony ICF-SW1
Sony Corp
Call 800/222-7669
for dealer nearest you
##A 08 312837 222
##T The Sony ICF-SW1
##A 08 141654 223
##T Monitoring Times
Monitoring Times
This monthly, aimed at shortwave listeners, scanner enthusiasts, ham operators and satellite dish owners, tells how to tune in virtually any radio signal in the air. (Since no help is needed with local AM and FM broadcasts, those are ignored in favor of more exotic fare.)
MT’s core is a current worldwide schedule of English-language shortwave broadcasts. Reviews of new receivers and radio publications, interviews with on-air personalities, and simple do-it-yourself projects fill most of the rest of the page-space. Even if you don’t own the kinds of receivers that enable you to tune in hurricane-hunting aircraft, Mississippi barges, or Radio Havana, a subscription to Monitoring Times is a cheap way to preview what’s
##A 08 138430 224
##T Monitoring Times
available, and make a more informed decision when you do decide to take the plunge.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 08 142962 225
##T Monitoring Times
Larry Miller, Editor
ISSN 08895341
$18/year (12 issues)
Monitoring Times
P. O. Box 98
Brasstown, NC 28902
##A 08 156604 226
##T Monitoring Times
Do you remember the old civil rights hymn “We Shall Overcome,” made famous by the followers of the Rev. Martin Luther King? Recently it was heard in English on the shortwaves, on the 6220 kHz domestic service of Radio Iran! Apparently, the song has taken on a new meaning for the followers of the Ayatollah: overcoming Iraqis.
##A 08 158763 227
##T Monitoring Times
Broadcast log from Monitoring Times
##A 08 16656 228
##T The ARRL 1989 Handbook
The ARRL 1989 Handbook
The largest and oldest national organization of ham radio operators, the American Radio Relay League, publishes a wide variety of excellent books, learning aids, and how-to guides, designed to serve absolute beginners as well as advanced experimenters. Their annual Handbook is a comprehensive reference, finely honed over the years to explain radio theory and practice in the clearest, most accurate, hands-on terms. Includes many construction projects. Don’t order it without asking about their other goodies.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 08 16952 229
##T The ARRL 1989 Handbook
Mark Wilson, Editor
1989; 1,170 pp.
$18 postpaid
American Radio Relay League
225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111
##A 08 17544 230
##T The ARRL 1989 Handbook
Bill Christian, K41KR (left) and Tim Dionne, KB4BDG, operate in the 1983 Field Day. During this annual, two-day event, thousands of radio amateurs around the U.S. set up and operate portable, emergency-powered stations.
##A 08 325716 231
##T The ARRL 1989 Handbook
It is possible to make a custom outlet strip for your station. Space the outlets at convenient intervals for your operating position.
##A 08 138542 232
Although radio equipment is more widely available than it used to be, you may not have a store nearby that carries a good selection. Mail order is still a convenient way to shop, and the prices are generally less than you’d pay in a store. These are some of the leading mail order suppliers of short-wave equipment.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 08 160363 233
Catalog $1
14803 Build America Drive, Building B
Woodbridge, VA 22191
or 800/444-4799
(catalog orders only)
##A 08 165829 234
Universal Shortwave Radio
Catalog $1
Universal Shortwave Radio
1280 Aida Drive
Reynoldsburg, OH 43068
##A 08 165570 235
Electronic Equipment Bank
Catalog free
Electronic Equipment Bank
516 Mill Street, NE
Vienna, VA 22180
or 800/368-3270
(catalog orders only)
##A 08 165350 236
Grove Enterprises
Catalog free
Grove Enterprises
P.O. Box 98
140 Dog Branch Road
Brasstown, NC 28902
or 800/438-8155
(catalog orders only)
##A 08 164999 237
SONY ICF-SW1S Compact Receiver
— from Universal Shortwave Radio
##A 08 17195 238
##T Community Radio
##A 08 256258 239
##T The Original Sex and Broadcasting
The Original Sex and Broadcasting
Some people go to church. Others work in ramshackle community radio stations. Lorenzo Milam is of the latter persuasion. His 1974 book, Sex and Broadcasting, recently reissued but not updated, is Lorenzo’s great Book, his manual of airwave passion. By now, most of the how-to information is totally obsolete (it’s pointed out in the introduction that “a lot of it never worked all that well anyway”), but its call to bizarre and creative radio programming reverberates louder than ever through the present drone of 1988 commercial radio.
Besides the invaluable inspiration to broadcast your wildest dreams (in any medium, really), Sex and Broadcasting is crammed full of interesting anecdotes. Through Lorenzo’s well-written and always irreverent essays; station correspondence from the FCC,
##A 08 284120 240
##T The Original Sex and Broadcasting
disgruntled listeners, and the like; and documentation of many kinds of radio programs from many stations, the reader learns of the frantic daily battles just to stay on the air.
This book reminds me that the delirious are the happiest, most productive people on earth.
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 08 256761 241
##T The Original Sex and Broadcasting
(A Handbook on Starting a Radio Station for the Community)
Lorenzo Wilson Milam
1988; 348 pp.
ISBN 0917320018
$12.95 ($14.45 postpaid)
Mho & Mho Works
P. O. Box 33135
San Diego, CA 92103
##A 08 256898 242
##T The Original Sex and Broadcasting
Broadcasting as it exists now in the United States is a pitiful, unmitigated whore. At some stage in its history, there was a chance to turn it into a creative, artful, caring medium; but then all the toads came along, realizing the power of radio and television to hawk their awful wares. The saga of broadcasting in America is littered with the bodies of those who wanted to do something significant — and who were driven out (or more correctly, sold out) by the pimps and thieves who now run the media.
Broadcasting does not have to be so vile and boorish. The Canadians best of all have shown that it is possible to have a superb blending of commercial and non-commercial radio and television; and Canadian communications are alive and alert and funny and meaningful. They do not have to bore people to death (as the “educational” broad-casters in this country so obviously need to do); nor do they view the listener as some sort of dumb animal to be fed acres of pap — solely for the purpose of prying money from him. The art of radio can be used for artistic means; the radio-soul does not have to be made into a strumpet for soap and politicians.
##A 08 287012 243
##T The Original Sex and Broadcasting
Because we never have enough money — you have to be selective about the bills you pay. Landlords and utilities require instant payment: else they will cut you off and put you in the street. Mortgages can often be delayed for months — until actual judgement proceedings — but these can be expensive because of the late charge penalties which amount to 20 or 30% fees. Late charges on non-contract bills (regular bills from stores and suppliers) are illegal under California law and do not have to be paid. People who work for you usually need their checks desperately on pay day, but will often take two week’s worth temporarily if you are strapped. The KTAO bills are paid in the following order:
1) Studio rent
2) Mortgage on the transmitter site
3) Salaries to Cese, Doug, John and David
4) Line charges to the transmitter
5) Telephone bill
6) PG&E bill
##A 08 491665 244
##T The Original Sex and Broadcasting
7) Stores & suppliers
8) Cream & fruit-juice fund (Grocery store)
9) Printing bills
10) Legal fees
11) Equipment, repair & maintenance
12) Typing supplies, stationery
13) Bill for pens I ordered from Trenton when I was drunk
Sex-and-dollars, Dollars-and-sex. Honest: it is as if they were the most important part of living. It is as if there were a gland secreted in men’s bodies, called the Financial Gland, which creates these vital bodily fluids which drive us to unnatural acts, to ridiculous extremes of thought and movement. It is as if this hidden, unknown gland comes up with the vile sickness - like $ickle-cell anemia - which force people to become listless, droopy, a collection of singular dullards. And I guess this is what got us in the first year of stewardship of KTAO. . . .
##A 08 75232 245
##T The Radio Papers
The Radio Papers
A collection of reflective essays taken mostly from his fertile years of station-spawning, The Radio Papers expresses Lorenzo Milam’s worship of “The Great Aether God,” the alchemical, disembodied medium which holds him — and us — in its thrall. By turns bemused, polemical, and absurdist, the essays are at root the prayers of an idealist who sought not only to revolutionize broadcasting but also to awaken a culture from its brutalizing sleep. That he didn’t completely succeed explains the exhaustion and bittersweetness of the last few pieces; but by reissuing these musings, Milam seems to be proclaiming anew his faith in the idea that human-centered electronic media is not only worth doing, but doable.
— Phil Catalfo
##A 08 81944 246
##T The Radio Papers
(From KRAB to KCHU: Essays on the Art and Practice of Radio Transmission)
Lorenzo Wilson Milam
1986; 166 pp.
ISBN 0917320190
$9.95 ($11.45 postpaid)
Mho & Mho Works
P. O. Box 33135
San Diego, CA 92103
##A 08 85922 247
##T The Radio Papers
We see radio as a means to the old democratic concept of the right to dissent: the right to argue, and differ, and be heard.
As long as this country has existed, this right has been more or less accepted. The only problem is the difficulty of circulation of these different opinions.
We see our function at KRAB as one of filling the gaps. . . . In other words, we play the material that would be suicide on the commercial stations but which is sheer delight for us.
We have always been convinced of the ability of radio to create a picture far exceeding that of television. In the latter, one’s vision is only 21 inches across. Everything is laid out for the senses, and there’s no chance for the game of unreality to creep in. We like to remember that good radio, with a word or an effect, can create a world in the imagination that is at once unreal and yet intensely personal.
##A 08 218420 248
##T The Radio Papers
Eskimos listening to a Zenith, 1926
##A 08 26168 249
##T AudioCraft
Last winter I began producing occasional news features for Radio Netherlands’ Media Network program. This book has been a tremendous help. Clearly written and presuming no technical expertise, it gives good basic advice on how to do broadcast-quality audio production on a limited budget, without putting a lot of you-can’t-do-that cramps on your creativity. Covers situations relevant to newsgathering, concert “remotes,” radio dramas, interviews, documentaries, recording sessions, promotional
“spots,” etc. Intended primarily for community radio stations and sound artists, it should also benefit film- and video-makers
(author Thom won an Oscar for his sound work on The Right Stuff).
— Robert Horvitz
Ÿ Sound Archives
##A 08 26376 250
##T AudioCraft
Randy Thom
1982; 183 pp.
ISBN 0941209008
$15 ($17 postpaid)
National Federation of Community Broadcasters
1314 14th Street NW
Washington, DC 20005
##A 08 26858 251
##T AudioCraft
Whenever possible, monitor the “PLAYBACK” (“REPRODUCE”) signal while recording, instead of the “INPUT” (“SOURCE”) signal. Remember that with the meter-and-output switch in the “PLAYBACK” position you will hear the actual signal that has been put on the tape, so that you can hear any technical problems, such as dropout, improperly threaded tape, or electronic problems as they occur, rather than later (when it may be too late). . . .
During recording, the technician should occasionally switch back and forth between the “INPUT” and “REPRODUCE” positions. If the “REPRODUCE” signal sounds significantly different from the “INPUT” signal, something is wrong.
A problem occurs when two microphones are positioned so that a single sound causes the element of one mike to vibrate out of phase with the element of the other. For this
##A 08 2202 252
##T AudioCraft
reason, it is a good idea to mix into one channel the outputs of all the mikes in a multi-mike setup (sum the mikes) one by one and listen for a drop in level or change in frequency response (tone quality) as each mike is added. If such a change occurs, you know that the last mike is significantly out of phase with at least one of the others.
##A 08 26929 253
##T AudioCraft
Since most tape recorders transport the tape from left to right, this is actually the way the sounds get put on the tape itself. Think about it. Most tape editing is simply a matter of physically cutting out un-wanted words or phrases, and joining the remaining pieces with adhesive tape.
##A 08 137949 254
##T AudioCraft
Good recording is a complex craft that requires total concentration. This person is a lot more likely to end up with a technically-good program than someone who doesn’t pay attention!
##A 08 92682 255
##T Go Public!
Go Public!
The most comprehensive, informative, downright useful guide to noncommercial radio in the U.S. I’ve seen. Author McClendon profiles more than 1,100 stations that are “non-commercial, controlled by nonprofit organizations or government agencies, and are funded by the public, either through taxes, direct listener donations, or private donations.” (She excludes religious non-commercial stations.) Spiral-bound for handy glove-compartment stashing, and organized by geographical regions, Go Public! details each station’s frequency, wattage, signal radius, format (by daypart), and even indexes many of the most nationally popular programs, such as “All Things Considered,” “MonitoRadio,” and
“New Dimensions.” Perhaps most useful is the plotting of each station’s signal area on state maps.
##A 08 92982 256
##T Go Public!
Need a hit of “spacemusic” in Johnson City, Tennessee? How about “Dr. Demento” in Manhattan, Kansas? Or a program in Laramie “for the shortwave radio hobbyist”? (My current favorites are the “Bad Film Update” and “Unexplained Phenomena” programs on KZUM-FM, Lincoln, Nebraska.) Go Public! is the place to look.
— Phil Catalfo
##A 08 93277 257
##T Go Public!
(The Traveler’s Guide to Non-Commercial Radio)
Natalie McClendon
1987; 219 pp.
ISBN 0961798904
$12.95 includes free annual updates ($14.95 postpaid)
Signal distribution of public radio stations in Montana
##A 08 12363 260
##T Pirate Radio
##A 08 89834 261
##T The Complete Manual of Pirate Radio
The Complete Manual of Pirate Radio
A cynic once said that freedom of the press belongs to those who are rich enough to own one. The author of this booklet, who goes by the nomme d’aire of Zeke Teflon, feels the same way about freedom of broadcast and the transmitters required for the operation. His refreshingly anarchistic attitude is that the air belongs to everyone, and he gives us a formula for reclaiming it from the media conglomerates.
The fact that most of Zeke’s schemes are illegal and could land you in the pokey must be kept in mind, but that very risk adds to Zeke’s zest for the venture. He gives us an overview of the possibilities — AM, FM, shortwave, availability of used equipment,
antenna needs, the pros and cons of fixed, remote and mobile
##A 08 90029 262
##T The Complete Manual of Pirate Radio
operations, plus cost estimates, which are surprisingly low. A few hundred dollars could launch a small outfit.
— Dick Fugett
##A 08 90184 263
##T The Complete Manual of Pirate Radio
Zeke Teflon
25 pp.
$2.25 postpaid
Bound Together Book Collective
1369 Haight Street
San Francisco, CA 94117
##A 08 90511 264
##T The Complete Manual of Pirate Radio
Piracy is illegal. If you’re busted the government can seize your equipment, drag you through the courts, fine you hundreds or even thousands of dollars, and theoretically, throw you in jail, although I’ve never heard of that happening to anyone. So, it makes sense to take every possible precaution to avoid The Knock (on your door from the
The ideal situation — in terms of maximizing listenership — for a radio station is to broadcast 24 hours a day, on a set frequency, with high power, from a fixed location. Attempting such operations as a pirate, however, would be suicidal.
On the other extreme, you could go on the air with an extremely low power (under 100mw) transmitter which would be legal under FCC rules and regulations. If you would be satisfied with a broadcasting radius of a couple of blocks, that would be the route to go. In fact, in cities with high population densities such as San Francisco and New York, such an approach makes a lot of sense.
##A 08 92246 265
##T The Complete Manual of Pirate Radio
Mobile operation is basically pretty simple — it consists of broadcasting from a moving vehicle. That vehicle can be a car, van, truck, or even a bicycle or motorcycle. Because of antenna size considerations, mobile operation is most practical at lower frequencies.
##A 08 92539 266
##T The Complete Manual of Pirate Radio
When designing a studio you need to keep one thing in mind: operator convenience. Everything should be within easy reach of the operator. A typical design would look something like this one.
##A 08 161636 267
##T A*C*E
The Association of Clandestine radio Enthusiasts (A*C*E) is for people interested in pirate and clandestine broadcasting.
“Clandestine” in this context means unlicensed stations trying to undermine the political order in a target area. Most are covertly sponsored by governments, or overtly identified with insurgent groups. Radio Venceremos, “official voice of the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front,” is a well-known example in Central America. A less well-known example, closer to home, is “La Voz de Alpha 66,” an anti-Castro station based in or near Miami that broadcasts three nights a week in Spanish to Cuba. A*C*E’s monthly newsletter publishes reports about such stations, though the primary focus is on “pirates.”
##A 08 171221 268
##T A*C*E
Pirates aren’t trying to overthrow a government; they generally just want to offer an alternative to what licensed stations carry. In Western Europe, where broadcasting has traditionally been monopolized by national governments, pirates went on the air to provide local, ethnic, and commercial programming. Their popularity proved the need for such programming and in many cases led to liberalization of broadcasting controls. The pirate scene in North America is quite different. Here it’s more in the nature of a prank or a sport, with public service not a typical motive. There are some genuinely bizarre and creative pirates
(“The Crooked Man” and “Radio Angeline” are my two favorites), but the majority are lame parodies of legal stations. The FCC cracked down on U.S. pirates last fall, just as the scene was
##A 08 176286 269
##T A*C*E
starting to snowball. Since then, only a few stations have made brief appearances (usually on Saturday night around 7425 kHz shortwave).
But A*C*E continues to be the best way to track this sort of activity. Membership gets you their monthly newsletter, with loggings, reports of busts, interviews with pirates, technical tips, etc. Also included are extensive listings of recent “numbers” broadcasts — mysterious coded messages believed to be instructions beamed to spies. Some people make a hobby of trying to figure out the codes or locating the transmitters. Most of this work goes on behind the scenes, but the listings in A*C*E will at least help you find the broadcasts.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 08 166027 270
##T A*C*E
Keith J. Thibodeaux, Editor
$12/year (12 issues)
P.O. Box 1744
Wilmington, DE 19899
##A 08 168333 271
##T A*C*E
The Crooked Man: 3433, 3/24, 0005-0015*, SIO=454. Rock mx, w/ “telephonic” voice over mx “When I was in S. Carolina he gave me a haircut,” “he’s afraid of me,” “he’s on speed,” claimed to have invented the ultra violet light, much talk revolved around blue and purple. Sounded like he was either tripping or psychotic. Must be a good actor. Nobody could be that wasted and put such a decent signal, exactly on freq a year after last being reported here and sound just as strange! (Provance, OH)
Voice of Bob: 7435, 2/15, *2042-2053*, SIO=211-222. Featured “Mr. Science Lecture Series” The Neutron. Some mx and several different air personalities. Hilo address. (Mendyk, IL)
This month we begin with some QSL address information. Recent QSL reports from
##A 08 182530 272
##T A*C*E
several sources indicate that a few addresses have produced verifications from some commonly heard Latin American clandestines. Among these is La Voz de Alpha 66 at P.O. Box 420067, Miami, Florida 33142. In addition, both Radio Miscut and Radio Monimbo have reportedly been verifying and/or quasi-verifying through the UDC-FDN United States office, which is located at 1000 Thomas Jefferson Street, Suite 607, Washington, DC 20007. It is highly recommended that detailed, polite reports, as well as prepared QSL cards, be utilized when corresponding with these addresses. Otherwise, your odds of a reply will go down significantly, and the QSL sources themselves may dry up for other DX-ers in the future.
##A 08 128265 273
##T Radio Publications
##A 08 21192 274
##T International Listening Guide
International Listening Guide
A short-wave radio without schedule and frequency information is sort of like a computer without software: a waste of capability. With thousands of stations on the air, and channel assignments changing seasonally, the International Listening Guide, issued four times a year, is indispensable for anyone interested in English-language programming. Over 800 broadcasts beamed to all parts of the globe are listed by time and frequency. At-a-glance inserts focus on news programs in English, schedules of the major “world services” (BBC, VOA, Radio Moscow, Radio Australia), and where to find “DX” programs that give additional tuning guidance.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 08 21358 275
##T International Listening Guide
Bernd Friedewald, Editor
ISSN 01789287
$20/year (4 issues)
or $35 (8 issues)
International Listening Guide
P. O. Box 1112
D-3588 Homberg
West Germany
##A 08 21789 276
##T International Listening Guide
Sample broadcast listing from International Listening Guide
##A 08 22066 277
##T World Radio TV Handbook
World Radio TV Handbook
The World Radio TV Handbook is an annual directory of broadcasting stations worldwide. Loaded with technical details, maps, addresses, callsigns and format notes, serious short-wave listeners find it very useful.
3) L570 600 12 R. Insurreccion, Matagalpa: 1000-0600
4) A620 620 10 La Voz de Nicaragua, Managua: 24h
4) 640 (r: HTA620), Managua
##A 08 185822 280
##T World Radio TV Handbook
After short wave broadcasting started in the 1920s it was discovered that the propagation of signals was dependent on the Sun’s 11 year cycle. In the years of high sunspot activity around 1928 and 1938 broadcasters found that the whole of the short wave spectrum between 3 and 30 MHz was useable, whereas around 1933 and 1944, which were sunspot minimum periods, only half of the spectrum was available.
##A 08 23284 281
##T Association of North American Radio Clubs
Association of North American Radio Clubs
Radio club newsletters are one of the best — and cheapest — ways to get current information about shortwave schedules and frequencies, reviews of new products, tutorials on how to improve reception, and share the fun of probing the radio spectrum. If you want to meet others who share that interest, save money buying used equipment, or get help in identifying a mysterious station or noise-source, that’s exactly what clubs are for.
The Association of North American Radio Clubs (ANARC) is the umbrella organization for groups whose radio activities don’t require a license (as distinguished from ham radio, which does require a license). Some ANARC clubs specialize in shortwave listening, others in scanners, AM, FM, catching TV broadcasts
##A 08 184559 282
##T Association of North American Radio Clubs
from distant sites, etc. Some clubs are local (the Michigan Area Radio Enthusiasts, for instance); others are international (e.g., the North American Shortwave Association). To find one that fits your needs, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to ANARC Publications and ask for their Club list, which gives the addresses, membership fees and interests. For a good overview of the whole club scene, write to the same address for a subscription to the ANARC Newsletter. (In the post-Watergate spirit of Full Disclosure, I’m the current head of ANARC, and edit the
— Robert Horvitz
##A 08 23339 283
##T Association of North American Radio Clubs
ANARC Club Listing
Information free with
legal-size SASE
ANARC Publications
P. O. Box 462
Northfield, MN 55057
##A 08 184990 284
##T Association of North American Radio Clubs
ANARC Newsletter
Robert Horvitz, Editor
$7.50/year (12 issues)
ANARC Publications
P.O. Box 462
Northfield, MN 55057
##A 08 81488 285
News, technical data, product reviews, and broadcast listings for the dedicated amateur radio operator.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 08 81877 286
Paul L. Rinaldo, Editor
$25/year (12 issues)
American Radio Relay League
225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111
##A 08 49859 287
What’s malicious interference? Here’s an example. If two hams, or group of hams, find themselves on the same frequency pursuing mutually exclusive objectives, that’s happenstance, not malicious interference. On the other hand, if one moves to another frequency and the other follows, for the purpose of continuing to cause QRM to the first, the second has crossed the line. Do it enough, and he’ll put his license in jeopardy.
##A 08 50313 288
Phase 3C, a new amateur radio satellite, circles the earth in a semi-synchronous orbit called Molniya. The Molniya orbit is elliptical and has an orbital period of about 11 hours.
##A 08 246133 289
Van Flynn’s burglar-alarm tape antenna for use in any window, anywhere.
##A 08 127318 290
##A 08 129060 291
##T Cassette Culture
##A 08 93475 292
Electronic music, acoustic music, industrial noise, poetry, audio plays, religious and political propaganda, found sounds, and strange unclassifiable combinations of the above: it’s all hearable by mail order on independently produced cassettes.
The best survey we found on this cassette underground came from John Pareles, writer for the not-so-underground New York Times. We reprint it in Whole Earth Review #57. But for the story on ordering tapes, we went to insider David Ciaffardini, editor of the independent music magazine Sound Choice.
Here come the sounds.
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 08 93965 293
TAPPING into the cassette scene requires activism. You’ll have to write letters if nothing else. Try to explain your interests or at least where you obtained their contact address and request more information about what they have to offer. Although some cassette artists will barter for their work, don’t expect to get anything for free. Include a stamped, self-addressed envelope or an international reply coupon if nothing else. And be patient. Most of these people work for the love of it and don’t have legions of office help to answer the mail. But when you do get your reply, it is liable to be thoughtful and personal.
Because the cassette scene is so individualized and multifaceted, it would be impossible to list every source for independent cassettes. In compiling the following contact list, I picked
##A 08 94616 294
contacts that offer good starting places to begin exploring the many tunnels of the cassette network. All of the names below will lead to addresses of other important cassette-culture participants. It will be up to you to sift through them to track down the particular aspects of cassette culture you are most interested in. Send a letter and SASE to every address below and the next month is bound to bring some very interesting mail — and that will be just the beginning.
— David Ciaffardini
##A 08 95995 295
Sound of Pig
Possibly the most prolific cassette label in the world, SOP releases approximately one new cassette a week from musicians throughout the world exploring the extreme reaches of musicality. Nothing fancy but done in the networking spirit and made available from two to four dollars each.
Artist: Big City Orchestra. Tape: Mile After Mile.
A small, energetic label, nearly a vanity press for the various projects of musicians Brian Ladd and Julie Frith. But they branch out by offering nicely packaged, powerful and edgy electronic-oriented compilations and releases from others around the world.
The Subelecktrick Institute
Unusual songs and musical approaches from several groups and individuals.
Radio Art Foundation
This is a great source for some of those mind-bending radio plays
as well as many other avant-garde approaches to the cassette. Offers very inspiring, thought- and action-oriented newsletters.
##A 08 96182 298
Each bimonthly Tellus cassette covers a particular audio theme — ranging from the Tango, to Radio, to Power Electronics — made up of submissions from a variety of contemporary new-music artists. Don’t let the slick packaging fool you — always lots of adventure inside.
Artist: Jerri Allyn. Title: Queer Revolution.
from Tellus #18 — Experimental Theater.
Artist: Ji Gong. Title: Nan Wu A Mi Tou Fo (Hit TV theme).
from Tellus #19 — New Music China.
— David Ciaffardini
##A 08 96427 299
And don’t forget these other great cassette sources:
Catastrophe Theory
An excellent new-music outfit releasing finely produced cassettes from Toronto; their best pieces would not suffer from comparison to the likes of Steve Reich or Brian Eno.
Artist: Catastrophe Theory. Tape: Dog Rides A Tiger.
Title: Dog Rides A Tiger.
M&M Music
A label featuring the solo and collaborative works of Michael Chocholak, one of the best of a group of “Northwestern” electronic
##A 08 27766 300
musicians. M&M’s music ranges from riveting neural trips to ancient Japan and the heart of a dying rain forest, to mutant search-and-destroy rock & roll. An added bonus is that their tapes often feature original cover art by the likes of Matt Howarth and Ferret. Get some.
Artist: Leather Smile. Tape: Insect Hands.
Title: Flak Jacket.
Artist: All Fires The Fire. Tape: All Fires The Fire.
Title: All Fires The Fire.
##A 08 73353 301
Presence Sound Productions
Over a range of half a dozen tapes, David Myers has proven himself to be one of the most intelligent and exciting electronic musicians around. His experiments with various “sound-loop” systems for guitar and synthesizers have led him to his most recent and daring recordings — The Feedback Music, recordings of exquisitely controlled electronic feedback.
processing and “loop” experiments characterize these solo and collaborative releases. Music to watch glaciers by — heavy on the drones.
Underwhich Editions
Classy Canadian distributor of tape works from all over North America. For the literate, they also distribute an excellent line of poetry and experimental prose books.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 08 50792 303
Sound of Pig
c/o Al Margolis
28 Bellingham Lane
Great Neck, NY 11023
Send SASE for “contact list” — catalog describing each cassette distributed and how to order
##A 08 51914 304
P. O. Box 967
Eureka, CA 95502
Send SASE for “contact list” — catalog describing each cassette distributed and how to order
##A 08 52189 305
The Subelecktrick Institute
Subelecktrick Institute
475 21st Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94121
Send SASE for “contact list” — catalog describing each cassette distributed and how to order
##A 08 52326 306
c/o the Harvest Works
596 Broadway 609
New York, NY 10012
Send SASE for “contact list” — catalog describing each cassette distributed and how to order
##A 08 52604 307
Radio Art Foundation
Radio Art Foundation
Alexander Boersstraat 30
telephone [0]20 792 620
Send SASE for “contact list” — catalog describing each cassette distributed and how to order
##A 08 73533 308
Catastrophe Theory
Catastrophe Theory
7 Jackes Avenue, #102
Canada M4T 1E3
Send SASE for “contact list” — catalog describing each cassette distributed and how to order
##A 08 74143 309
M&M Music
M&M Music
Route 1, Box 55
Cove, OR 97824
Send SASE for “contact list” — catalog describing each cassette distributed and how to order
##A 08 77194 310
Presence Sound Productions
Presence Sound Productions
228 Bleecker Street, Box 8
New York, NY 10014
Send SASE for “contact list” — catalog describing each cassette distributed and how to order
##A 08 104481 311
Radio Stigmata
Bondage & Sabotage, Ent.
1325 Lincoln Way, Suite #6
San Francisco, CA 94122
Send SASE for “contact list” — catalog describing each cassette distributed and how to order
##A 08 111634 312
Underwhich Editions
Underwhich Editions
P. O. Box 262
Adelaide Street Station
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M5C 2J4
Send SASE for “contact list” — catalog describing each cassette distributed and how to order
##A 08 94897 313
Mail art and cassette culture embrace warmly in this high-spirited quarterly networking primer guided by the love-it-and-live-it dynamic duo of Liz Was and Miekel And.
Cassette Mythos Audio Digest
Robin James guides this international cassette networking project, which will eventually produce an encyclopedic book on cassette culture called Cassette Mythos. In the meantime, there is the Audio Digest, an irregularly published postal handshake welcoming your further involvement with the book and many other aspects of
the cassette lifestyle, networking and progressive, peace-loving uses for the cassette.
##A 08 96549 314
CLEM stands for Contact List of Electronic Musicians, and these days that leaves a lot of room for lots of eclecticism. This is updated semiannually or so and is always thick with enthusiastic commentary and contact addresses.
A list of names and addresses that will lead you to a brotherhood of basement-taping musicians who are engaging in most of the activities described in the accompanying article.
Inspired by Lang Thompson’s Funhouse, this is another straight-
##A 08 151214 315
forward networking list introducing the names, addresses and current projects of various audio-artists.
Subtitled The Canadian Journal of Sound Exploration, it lives up to its title as a serious, polished but adventurous tri-annual magazine available with a cassette of audio examples of the sounds discussed in print.
Excerpt from Musicworks 24 — Maritimes & Newfoundland.
Another UFO Story by Wilfred Prosper, cut to Roaming
Scott — Welcome To The Holiday Inn (continued): fiddle
and feet by Emile Benoit (CAPAC)
##A 08 3400 316
Excerpt from Musicworks 35 — A Listening That’s Outside
Of You That Hears You Back.
The Pre-Natal Sound Environment (Dr. Alfred Tomatis)
A simulation prepared and narrated (in French) by Dr.
Alfred Tomatis with the assistance of Paul Madaule.
Montage and voice-over by Tim Wilson.
Excerpt from Musicworks 36 — Rocks & Water.
Excerpt from MARCH, kay-oh-nee, a song for voices and
kalimba during which the friends arrive, midwive, and
seek to attract a favourable spirit.
— David Ciaffardini
##A 08 246664 317
The best and most consistent fanzine covering the electronic end of cassette music. Electrogenesis features interviews with musicians willing to push the envelope of acceptable sounds, as well as technical info on how to get the most out of cheap and/or inexpensive musical equipment. Their reviews of related media
(books, etc.) are pretty impressive all on their own.
— Richard Kadrey
And see reviews of Option and Sound Choice in the Music domain.
Ÿ Rock Music Magazines
##A 08 53815 318
Xexoxial Editions
1341 Williamson Street
Madison, WI 53703
Send SASE for information
##A 08 54138 319
Cassette Mythos Audio Digest
Catalog free
Cassette Mythos Audio Digest
P. O. Box 2391
Olympia, WA 98507
##A 08 54713 320
Alex Douglas
c/o Alex Douglas
P. O. Box 86010
North Vancouver, BC
Canada V7L 4J5
Send SASE for information
##A 08 56220 321
Lang Thompson
c/o Lang Thompson
2111 University Blvd. East,
Apt. 33
Tuscaloosa, AL 35404
Send SASE for information
##A 08 56595 322
Richard Franecki
c/o Richard Franecki
P. O. Box 27421
Milwaukee, WI 53227
Send SASE for information
##A 08 73119 323
(The Canadian Journal of Sound Exploration)
Tina Pearson, Managing Editor
ISSN 0225686X
$14/year (4 issues)
Music Gallery
1087 Queen Street West
Toronto, Ontario M6J 1H3
##A 08 249800 324
1940 Ginjer Street, Suite 40
Oxnard, CA 93030
Send SASE for information
##A 08 142421 325
##T Radio Archives
##A 08 96812 326
##T New Dimensions Radio
New Dimensions Radio
New Dimensions Radio bounces its programs off a satellite to 140 stations in 30 states, and features excellent interviews with everyone from Bucky Fuller and Paul Hawken to Wendell Berry and Ram Dass. For a counter-culture first, they’ve begun broadcasting on short-wave to the entire danged hemisphere via a transmitter in Costa Rica. A postcard will bring you programming info as well as a catalog of 1,000 cassettes that are available. For $35 a year you can become a member of the foundation and receive their bi-monthly magazine, Network News, full of stories about New Dimensions projects and upcoming events, as well as a 15% discount on all New Dimensions cassettes.
— Dick Fugett
##A 08 97030 327
##T New Dimensions Radio
Justine Toms, Editor
$35/year (4 issues)
Sample issue/catalog free
New Dimensions Foundation
P. O. Box 410510
San Francisco, CA 94141
##A 08 85571 328
##T New Dimensions Radio
RAM DASS — Three Jewels In The Lotus I
Ram Dass delivers a riveting experience through his poignant stories, unfettered honesty and historical insight which is both fearless and timeless. He challenges us with statements like, “Everytime we suffer, we grow — what to do?” And he cuts through to the personal core: “Until we are straight with death, righteousness and power, and have died into our being, we are only limited vehicles for healing.” The dialogue is a paradoxical and provocative account of the quest for freedom by a courageous man. (Tape #1330, 1-1/2 hrs., $12.00)
##A 08 129839 329
##T New Dimensions Radio
Paying heed to the call of the ultimate adventure, following one’s personal destiny, provides the underlying theme for this wisdom packed dialogue with Joseph Campbell, the world’s leading popularizer of mythology. “Follow your bliss,” says Campbell, and a world of magic and fulfillment will open up to you. This is the call of the spirit, the journey of the hero with a thousand faces. An extraordinary search unfolds down mythological pathways, as relevant to our lives today as to those ancient voices, which gave them birth. (Tape #1901, 1 hr., $9.95)
##A 08 133089 330
##T New Dimensions Radio
PATRICIA SUN — From The Heart
In her clear and magical style, Patricia reflects upon the times we live in and the planetary shift taking place. She gently reminds us of the personal power everyone has to manifest transformation. The seeds of planetary peace begin with each person creating inner peace, and then this energy can produce a new world of harmony, cooperation and love. Highlights include Patricia’s original view of Jesus and the meaning of his life plus her challenging perspectives on “being Christian.” Patricia has a natural ability to spark intuitive wisdom in others and her philosophy of wholeness is both inspiring and practical. (Tape #1918, 1 hr., $9.95)
##A 08 193264 331
##T National Public Radio Cassettes
National Public Radio Cassettes
National Public Radio makes more than 800 of its shows available on cassette tape. Their catalog includes comedy shows, a wide range of music, storytelling, the “Visit New Grimson, Anyway” series, famous people talking to groups expounding on their lives and ideas, and a special series on family life. Gift certificates are available if you want to give but don’t know what.
— Jonathan Evelegh
##A 08 192314 332
##T National Public Radio Cassettes
Catalog free
National Public Radio Cassette Publishing
2025 M Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20036
##A 08 166248 333
##T National Public Radio Cassettes
Courage To Create
Jeanne Moreau, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Jean-Pierre Rampal, George Shearing and others explore the fine edge between madness and creative inspiration, how to contain and use creative impulses, and the ideas of psychologist Rollo May.
##A 08 286778 334
##T National Public Radio Cassettes
Taj Mahal: Makin’ People Happy
Taj Mahal — singer, songwriter, musician — has preserved and promoted the diversity of black music around the world. Here, he performs and tells of his dedication to “makin’ people happy and sendin’ them home satisfied.”
##A 08 305307 335
##T National Public Radio Cassettes
Drums: Rhythm of the Heartbeat
Saying the Great Spirit gave them the drum, Cree and Lahata drummers explain what the drum means to the American Indian and why it is played to the rhythm of the heartbeat.
##A 08 206003 336
##T National Public Radio Cassettes
Route 66: The Mother Road
Constructed fifty years ago, Route 66 was America’s first east-west highway. This series traces the history of the legendary road through sound, music, and stories told by people who lived, travelled, and worked along it — Woody Guthrie, Studs Terkel, Mickey Mantle — painting a picture of a road once known as “the main street of America.”
##A 08 97427 337
##T Pacifica Radio Archive
Pacifica Radio Archive
Pacifica radio, a community-sponsored radio network based in Los Angeles, brings us programs we’d never hear on commercial radio. Poetry, international issues, voices of minorities and live history confront us over the airwaves. If you missed the original broadcast, Pacifica National Archive probably has it on cassette. The current catalog lists over 300 recordings that date back to 1949. (A complete listing of material is available on microfiche, as well.)
Their recent affiliation with the National Federation of Community Broadcasters has swelled their collection to 30,000 recordings. You can call or write Pacifica yourself to request a
tape on a specific topic, and you can have them make custom
cassettes from almost anything in their archives. So if you’re
##A 08 193008 338
##T Pacifica Radio Archive
curious about what Marcel Duchamp has to say about Cubism, or would like to expand your horizons with Dr. James Pickering’s history of Astronomy, it’s there for the hearing.
— Kathleen O’Neill
##A 08 97674 339
##T Pacifica Radio Archive
Catalog free
Microfiche $26 postpaid
Pacifica Radio Archive Educational Service
5316 Venice Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90019
##A 08 5191 340
##T Pacifica Radio Archive
Kingston talks about “China Men” and “Woman Warrior,” the difficulty of adjusting to life in America, the Exclusion Laws of the early 20th Century, growing up Chinese in America; and the problems of writing ethnic literature in this country. Helen Michiewicz, 1980. Catalogue No. AZ0469, 31 minutes, $11.
##A 08 71728 341
##T Pacifica Radio Archive
AIDS: Coming to Terms With Death
For many, AIDS has turned into an abstract problem, e.g., searching for a medical cure or writing warnings about safe sex. Too many people overlook the human face of AIDS and the individuals who must cope with their impending death. In this documentary, Casey Kelso interviews patients at the San Francisco hospice and their families, friends, and lovers about how they are dealing with impending death. Hospice volunteers and nurses also share their experiences. Catalogue No. AZ0817, 27 minutes, $11.
##A 08 14380 342
##T Sound Archives
##A 08 193882 343
##T Sound Idea Sound Effects Library
Sound Idea Sound Effects Library
Rocking chair creaks. Dentist drilling. Bottle smashes. Whooshes. Giggles. Children screaming. Windshield wipers. Booms, barrack bugles, and butcher knives sharpening. Harps, applause, and my favorite: Dog, terrier — sneezing. Three thousand human-life-on-earth sounds trapped into a tidy set of 28 compact discs (or 22 discs in digital).
To find a sound, you look it up in the accompanying 431 page catalog. For instance: “207-21-01 Weather, TV Broadcast — Generic Summer Forecast, Wet.” The set is expensive, complete, and the ultimate sound effects source. Perfect for a musician’s or filmmaker’s co-op.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 194250 344
##T Sound Idea Sound Effects Library
Series 1000 Library
Sound Ideas
86 McGill Street
Toronto, Ontario
M5B 1H2
416/977-0512 (Canada)
##A 08 194519 345
##T Sound Idea Sound Effects Library
Series 2000 Library
Sound Ideas
86 McGill Street
Toronto, Ontario
M5B 1H2
416/977-0512 (Canada)
##A 08 313587 346
##T Sound Idea Sound Effects Library
Sound Ideas’ Series 1000 and Series 2000 sound effects libraries
Excerpt from
Sound Effects
Excerpt from
Sampler Library
##A 08 194731 347
##T The New CBS “Audio-File” Sound Effects Library
The New CBS “Audio-File” Sound Effects Library
Killer noise for the sound effects fan on a budget. Volume I contains 90 separate sounds on three discs; Volume II holds another 90, from airport lobbies to artillery fire, tropical birds to a NASA countdown. These are all analog recordings and the quality of the individual sounds varies greatly. Many sounds you can pull straight off the discs, but some you’re going to have to modify with a graphic equalizer. Still, for the money, these sets can’t be beat.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 08 194940 348
##T The New CBS “Audio-File” Sound Effects Library
Volume I
$18.98 postpaid
Collectors Series
51 West 52nd Street,
Room 861
New York, NY 10019
##A 08 484160 349
##T The New CBS “Audio-File” Sound Effects Library
Volume II
$18.98 postpaid
Collectors Series
51 West 52nd Street,
Room 861
New York, NY 10019
##A 08 142653 350
##T The New CBS “Audio-File” Sound Effects Library
Airplane Police: Prisons
Automobiles ABM Silo
Farm Gambling Center
All these excerpts are from Volume 1.
##A 08 143930 351
##T The New CBS “Audio-File” Sound Effects Library
Tennis Pet Shop
Arcade Games Aboard Ship
San Francisco Cable Car Bells
Bathroom Lion
Hospital All these excerpts are from Volume 2.
##A 08 127960 352
##A 08 82832 353
##T Interactive Video
##A 08 56427 354
by Fabrice Florin
Interactive video will give you a good reason to turn your TV back on. Rather than watching passively, slumped in an armchair, you drive this video software like a computer program. At the touch of buttons you scan through a storehouse of images and sounds much as you would flip through the pages of a book. With the help of a microcomputer you can rearrange the display of sound and images in a new order, or have it branch in alternative paths for guided tours, lessons or games. Like a good book, it encourages multiple viewings.
The heart of the new machine is a videodisc, the same glimmering
##A 08 184809 355
plastic laser videodiscs that play popular movies and, in compact size, music. Each disc becomes an extremely durable visual encyclopedia with up to 54,000 color pages per disc side. A slide collection that large would cost four or five times the price of the disc. It can also contain the equivalent of several 16mm films, which could justify the purchase of both a player and a disc. Some of the better discs have dual sound tracks. The initial one is for beginners; then you graduate and go through the same images with the advanced sound track. The largest drawback so far is that you cannot record images or sounds—unless you produce your own videodisc.
##A 08 76885 356
by Fabrice Florin
Producing an interactive videodisc is easier than it sounds. A disc is essentially a half-hour video program containing short clips and still images arranged so that users can find them quickly. Pressing a disc requires special equipment, but it’s a pretty straightforward operation. With programs like HyperCard, the cost of making your videodisc interactive is mainly a function of how much of your own time you want to invest in creating the links. The most common method involves editing a re-master videotape of up to 30 minutes that will contain both clips and stills.
You edit the clips as you would any other video or TV program, using a 3/4" or 1" videotape editing system. Although professional
##A 08 186883 357
producers prefer to use high-quality 1" videotape editing facilities ($100-400/hour), it is also possible to rent cheaper
3/4" editing systems for as low as $20/hour. For most in-house uses, a Sony series 5800 3/4" editing system should do, as long as you know what you’re doing. The editing system lets you assemble separate clips from various sources onto a single master videotape, as well as insert new audio or video materials into it.
Recording still pictures one frame at a time is trickier. The most effective way is to send your images to a specialized image transfer facility such as Stokes or Image Pre-Mastering and
they’ll do the job for you, generally recording it onto 1" tape. If your material is easy to transfer (such as a couple of slide carousels with all slides horizontally oriented), figure between $1
##A 08 187304 358
and $2 per picture (under $1 for volume deals), plus incidental costs ($300-500 minimum for set-up fees). You could also have a local video facility shoot all pictures with a professional video camera connected to a Sony 2500 1" videotape recorder that can record single frames (depending on volume, $100-200/hour). Alternatives include buying (or renting from specialized vendors at $500/day) a write-once disc recorder such as the Panasonic
TQ-2026F, then transferring the series of frames to your 3/4" or 1" final edited master.
Finally, when you have all your stills and clips on a single edited tape re-master, you send it out to a pressing facility, which will make one or more discs for you. For about $2000, companies such
as 3M will press a disc master from which you can order
##A 08 187642 359
additional copies for around $10/disc. If you only need one or two copies for in-house use, you could also order plastic or glass
“check discs” from such companies as Crawford Communications, pressed overnight for about $300-500 per disc.
— Fabrice Florin
##A 08 126940 360
Crawford Communications
Crawford Communications
506 Plasters Avenue
Atlanta, GA 30324
Instant “check discs” — 48-hour turn-around.
##A 08 189031 361
American Technology Resources
Catalog free
American Technology Resources
1245 Providence Road
Media, PA 19063
Discount Videodisc Players
Although this dealer specializes in industrial videodisc equipment, consumers can find some pretty good deals on reconditioned players or brand new models at wholesale prices. Ask for referrals if they don’t have what you need.
##A 08 188747 362
Image Pre-Mastering
Image Pre-Mastering
1781 Prior Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55113
Transfer 35mm slides directly to 1" tape.
##A 08 188548 363
Panasonic Industrial Corp.
Panasonic Industrial Corp.
2 Panasonic Way
Secaucus, NJ 07094
Write-once disc recorders.
##A 08 188338 364
Pioneer Communications
Pioneer Communications
600 East Crescent Avenue
Upper River, NJ 07458
Leading manufacturer of consumer and industrial videodisc players.
##A 08 187905 365
7000 Cameron Road
Austin, TX 78752
Transfer 35mm slides to 35mm film, then film to 1" tape.
##A 08 187690 366
Optical Recording Department
223-5S 3M Center
St. Paul, MN 55144
Leading videodisc pressing facility.
##A 08 174359 367
##T Voyager Company
Voyager Company
Publisher of the Criterion Collection, including such cinematic milestones as King Kong and Citizen Kane, and other videodiscs, reproduced from the finest prints, with production stills, storyboards and rare outtakes, as well as informative text and audio commentaries. Hypercard stacks also available.
— Fabrice Florin
##A 08 186675 368
##T Voyager Company
Catalog free
Voyager Company
2139 Manning Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90025
##A 08 189237 369
##T Voyager Company
King Kong
##A 08 189607 370
##T Optical Data Corporation
Optical Data Corporation
Publisher of videodiscs such as Space Archives (NASA Space
Discs): Highlights of the Apollo and Space Shuttle missions, with breathtaking spacewalks, spectacular lunar landscapes and some really gorgeous pictures of the Earth from outer space. Half a dozen different discs are available. $45 each postpaid. Optical Data also offers outstanding videodiscs on HyperCard stacks also available for educational applications.
— Fabrice Florin
##A 08 189807 371
##T Optical Data Corporation
Catalog free
Optical Data Corporation
66 Hanover Road
Box 97
Florham Park, NJ 07932
##A 08 319057 372
##T Optical Data Corporation
LIFE SCIENCE Sides 1 and 2: Molecular, cell and human biology
LIFE SCIENCE Sides 3 and 4: Plant and animal biology
Keypad controller
##A 08 18476 373
##T Interactive Sources
##A 08 28153 374
##T NASA Space Discs from Optical Data Corporation
NASA Space Discs from Optical Data Corporation
NASA Space Discs: Highlights of the Apollo and Space Shuttle missions, with breathtaking spacewalks, spectacular lunar landscapes and some really gorgeous pictures of the Earth from outer space. Half a dozen different discs are available.
— Fabrice Florin
##A 08 28355 375
##T NASA Space Discs from Optical Data Corporation
$45.50 each postpaid
Optical Data Corporation
66 Hanover Road
P. O. Box 97
Florham Park, NJ 07932-0097
##A 08 50647 376
A fine laserdisc mail-order house, with thousands of movie titles in stock, as well as dozens of interactive video programs, many at discount prices. Be sure to ask for their useful quarterly newsletter The Laser Beam and catalog.
— Fabrice Florin
##A 08 51365 377
The Laser Beam
Newsletter and catalog free
Starship Industries
605 Utterback Store Rd. Great Falls, VA 22066
##A 08 390219 378
##A 08 295734 379
##A 08 69031 380
##T U. S. Video Source
U. S. Video Source
Here’s a mail supply for video laser discs. Like the commotion in video tapes, there is a pell-mell rush of new titles released each month. They have an 800 phone number.
— Fabrice Florin
##A 08 69205 381
##T U. S. Video Source
Catalog free
U. S. Video Source
50 Leyland Drive
Leonia, NJ 07605
##A 08 156685 382
##T U. S. Video Source
Isaac Stern in China Mao to Mozart 39.95
This thought provoking documentary chronicles Isaac Stern’s 1979 trip to china where we watch one of the world’s greatest violinists perform concerts, and more importantly, give a series of master classes to China’s most promising young musicians. The visually stunning sequences of China highlight the journey of this remarkable man in an equally remarkable country. Stereo/Digital/CX.
Threepenny Opera, The 29.95
This classic gangster musical teams a mob leader, a beggar and the police in a battle to gain control of their city. In German with English subtitles, this film is a favorite satire from Bertolt Brecht. Stars Rudolf Forster, Lotte Lenya and Carola Neher. Considered one of the masterworks of German cinema. Mono B/W
##A 08 492401 383
##T U. S. Video Source
Prick Up Your Ears 36.95
Vanessa Redgrave and Gary Oldman (“Sid & Nancy”) star in this witty and moving account of Britain’s most lascivious playwright, Joe Orton. Set against the background of the psychedelic sixties, we follow the rise of Orton’s career from an obscure writer to his collaboration with the Beatles. Oldman splendidly portrays Orton’s personal life and the sexual antics that inevitably lead to jealousy.
##A 08 133627 384
##T Video Production
##A 08 62785 385
##T The Home Video Handbook
The Home Video Handbook
An excellent overview of consumer cameras and recorders (VHS and Beta), how to hook them up and how to use them to shoot your own home videos. Well illustrated, as up-to-date as can be, and full of useful tips for beginners.
— Fabrice Florin
##A 08 63174 386
##T The Home Video Handbook
Charles Bensinger
3rd Edition 1982; 392 pp.
ISBN 0672220520
$13.95 ($16.45 postpaid)
Howard W. Sams & Co.
Department DM
4300 West 62nd Street
Indianapolis, IN 46268
##A 08 63272 387
##T The Home Video Handbook
Poor quality tape or heavily used or damaged tape can completely clog one or both video heads. Half the picture may disappear or perhaps the whole picture may disappear, but sometimes these symptoms will soon clear up as the tape continues to play.
The camera, in particular must never be pointed at the sun or any unusually bright light source. Otherwise, the camera tube will immediately be burned. A burn means that excessive amounts of light have destroyed the photosensitive surface of the tube and eliminated its ability to respond to changes in light. A black spot or streak will appear in the picture which, in the case of a severe burn, will remain there permanently.
##A 08 63652 388
##T The Home Video Handbook
Good lighting
##A 08 117558 389
##T The Home Video Handbook
##A 08 118085 390
##T The Home Video Handbook
Use of External Microphone
##A 08 32151 391
##T The Video Production Guide
The Video Production Guide
If you’re serious about getting involved in the technical side of video production, here is the most up-to-date and comprehensive introduction to the field from the people who brought you the more consumer-oriented Video Guide. This thorough overview of the production process gets down to the nuts and bolts of planning, shooting, and editing a videotape or television program. The book outlines most of what you need to know about video, from how professional equipment works to how to get a job. A definitive textbook of the video craft.
— Fabrice Florin
##A 08 32364 392
##T The Video Production Guide
Lon McQuillin
1983; 382 pp.
ISBN 0672220539
$28.95 ($31.45 postpaid)
Howard W. Sams & Co.
4300 West 62nd Street
Indianapolis, IN 46268
##A 08 32543 393
##T The Video Production Guide
Study commercials with the sound turned off, and you’ll be better able to examine the camera and lighting techniques used without the distraction of the audio. If you have a video tape recorder (VTR) available to you, record some commercials and study them with and without the sound.
McQ’s Rule No. 3: Always figure you’ll spend more than you figured!
Another matter of importance is lighting continuity. Just as continuity of action and camera perspective are crucial, so is lighting. The lighting director must understand the scene and design lighting that is optimal to create the desired dramatic effect for each camera angle. When these shots are cut together they should appear to have the same lighting throughout the entire scene. This is not an easy job.
##A 08 33035 394
##T The Video Production Guide
The complete audio/video man.
##A 08 33597 395
##T The Video Production Guide
Good subject slightly off-center looking into frame.
##A 08 98667 396
##T The Bare Bones Camera Course • Video Goals
The Bare Bones Camera Course • Video Goals
Oh simplicity. Tom Schroeppel’s two clearly written and clearly illustrated books tell you everything you need to know to get started. No fat. Just like a good video.
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 08 99295 397
##T The Bare Bones Camera Course • Video Goals
The Bare Bones Camera Course
(For Film and Video)
Tom Schroeppel
1982; 89 pp.
$6.95 ($7.70 postpaid)
Tom Schroeppel
4705 Bayview Avenue
Tampa, FL 33611
##A 08 112982 398
##T The Bare Bones Camera Course • Video Goals
Video Goals
(Getting Results with Pictures and Sound)
Tom Schroeppel
1987; 116 pp.
$6.95 ($7.70 postpaid)
Tom Schroeppel
4705 Bayview Avenue
Tampa, FL 33611
##A 08 99408 399
##T The Bare Bones Camera Course • Video Goals
The “public” space of access is particularly important in a nation, that unlike most nations, provides very little state or government support for television production or distribution. The little support the Corporation for Public Broadcasting gives the independent video maker is quickly being eroded. PBS is loathe to program tapes that reflect points of view that are inimical to the Reagan Administration and the corporate sponsors who underwrite PBS programming. MEANWHILE AT THE GRASSROOTS LEVEL people continue to make provocative videotapes about issues that the networks dare not touch. Public Access is an important outlet for this work.
Some access coordinators have expressed the concern that a satellite network in some way undermines the purpose of public access, which is to provide community television programming. But as access pioneer George Stoney points out, “Access is aimed at functioning on a community level, but in this culture, our sense of community is not limited to geographical areas. The idea of community also extends into broader areas of interest.”
##A 08 99774 400
##T Working With Video
Working With Video
“The illusion is total,” the authors say. “We confuse the realism of the image with reality.” And so begins a book-length lesson on the century-old language of moving pictures.
All the important aspects of video production are covered — planning, equipment, actors, budget, shooting and lighting techniques, editing, promotion and distribution — always through principles designed to help you understand the medium, not rigid rules. This guide to visual literacy will help you make better videos, and also understand the visual language of our culture.
A superb beginner’s manual.
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 08 99943 401
##T Working With Video
Brian Winston & Julia Keydel
1986; 256 pp.
ISBN 0817464344
$19.95 ($21.95 postpaid)
Watson-Guptil Publications
P. O. Box 2013
Lakewood, NJ 08701
##A 08 100482 402
##T Working With Video
It can be argued that, because there are so many choices involved in the video process, objectivity in practice becomes a fairly meaningless term. You decide, for instance, who shall be filmed and who shall not; what shall be asked and what left unsaid. You decide on the lens and the camera angles. Even the lighting can affect how a person appears to the audience, and it is you, the producer of the message, who decides on that, too. You decide where the material is to be cut. The sum total of these decisions is that your intellect is molding and manipulating the material. As a result, the finished tape enshrines your point of view.
A sense of flow
A good way to get a fairly clear idea of what the final mainstream product should be like can be gained by running an episode of a well-made television program, such as
M.A.S.H., through a VCR at a fast scan speed.
##A 08 100714 403
##T Working With Video
Notice how the shots move from long to close and back again in a varied way, but, at the same time, always maintaining an even pace. Also take note of the way that the action of the characters and the movement of the camera aid the sense of flow. You will also be able to see that the actions carried over a cut from one shot to another are without irritating jumps or gaps. Finally, you will observe that the action is punctuated by deliberate visual pauses.
##A 08 100864 404
##T Working With Video
A community-video group records a demonstration in London. Access to video becomes an extension of basic civil rights.
##A 08 327814 405
##T Working With Video
In less-well-equipped situations, think economically; too many lights, even if you have access to them, will probably blow up domestic lighting circuits. Wherever possible, arrange an action (even if it is an interview situation, as here) so that one character’s fill light is another character’s key light, and so on.
##A 08 329536 406
##T Working With Video
In this scene taken from French director Alain Resnais’s Hiroshima Mon Amour, its composition relies almost entirely on the contrasting eyeline of the two actors. The fact that they are both looking into the middle distance emphasizes the mood of sadness and isolation of the scene. The lighting, with its highlights and deep shadow, and the dark, blurred background also serve to strengthen the prevailing atmosphere. In addition, the direction and nature of an actor’s gaze can establish spatial relationships in the mind of the audience from shot to shot.
##A 08 101189 407
##T Television Production Handbook
Television Production Handbook
THE textbook on professional television production since 1961 has been completely revised to reflect advances in broadcast equipment. Still the best comprehensive technical guide available. With 900 illustrations.
— Fabrice Florin
##A 08 101581 408
##T Television Production Handbook
Herbert Zettl
4th Edition 1984; 614 pp.
ISBN 053401464X
$46.75 postpaid
Wadsworth, Inc.
Attn: Order Dept.
7625 Empire Drive
Florence, KY 41042
##A 08 392056 409
##T Television Production Handbook
There are four basic transition devices: (1) the cut, (2) the dissolve, (3) the fade, and (4) the wipe. All four have the same basic purpose: to provide an acceptable link from shot to shot. However, each one differs somewhat from the others in its function; that is, how we are to perceive the transition in a shot sequence.
The cut is an instantaneous change from one image (shot) to another. It is the most common and least obtrusive transition device. The cut itself is not visible; all you see are the preceding and following shots. It resembles most closely the changing field of the human eye. Try to look from one object to another, one located some distance from the other. Notice that you do not look at things in between (as you would in a pan) but that your eyes jump from one place to the other, as in a cut.
##A 08 101805 410
##T Television Production Handbook
Use of reflector when shooting against the sun: When shooting against the sun, go to an extreme close-up (ECU) and reflect sunlight back to talent with a simple reflector.
##A 08 190987 411
##T CNN News Hound
CNN News Hound
An amateur photographer once won the Pulitzer Prize for a photograph taken with a Brownie camera. The photographer just happened to be at the scene of an accident when it happened. Right place plus right time equals instant fame.
Amateur videomakers who run across a breaking news story can parlay their luck into a little cash via Cable News Network’s
“News Hound” program. Call their toll-free number to submit your video of any newsworthy event — rocket explosions, assassinations, acts of war — in your neighborhood or in your travels. Good luck and good shooting!
— Sarah Vandershaf
##A 08 191469 412
##T CNN News Hound
Cable News Network
Cable News Network pays $25-$125 for news footage
##A 08 191533 413
##T Videomaker
A slick yet friendly how-to magazine for amateur videomakers. Tells you what to buy and how to use it. Camcorders, VCRs, home editing units, plus some access to programming sources.
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 08 191798 414
##T Videomaker
Bradley Kent, Editor
ISSN 08894973
$15/year (6 issues)
P. O. Box 4591
Chico, CA 95927
##A 08 369999 415
##T Videomaker
Here’s a quick and easy way to create a “star” or “cross” filter—inexpensive and fun to experiment with. You need some clear acetate, plastic wrap, cardboard, and a rubber band.
Cut two rings of cardboard about five-eighths of an inch wide with a center hole just smaller than your camera’s lens hood opening.
Cut a piece of acetate as large as the outside of the cardboard rings. Next, cut a hole in the plastic wrap so it doesn’t overlap into the inside opening of the rings. But it should have plenty of overhang all around the outside edge. You can staple or sew the rings together.
Use a razor-bladed knife (or sharp kitchen knife) and a ruler to make scratches evenly spaced in two directions. Be careful not to cut through the acetate; make only
##A 08 370715 416
##T Videomaker
noticeable marks in the surface. Where the marks cross, the star effect will show.
Mount the filter on your camera using the rubber band, secured around the plastic wrap wrapped around the camera lens. You can rotate the filter for the best effects.
The filter also can be made with an extra-clear “real” filter if you have one lying around. It can help you determine if you want to invest in the real thing.
##A 08 200813 417
##T Videomaker
The ultimate camcorder: many of the features exist already in various models offered under a variety of brand names. Other features are available only on professional camcorders used by TV stations, but could easily be added to a consumer model.
##A 08 133818 418
##T Video Sources
##A 08 193585 419
##T Discount Video Tapes
Discount Video Tapes
If you’re looking for a novelty video, you’re likely to find it here. Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, Assassin of Youth, (1935 killer weed propaganda flick), and The Secret Life of Adolf Hitler
(including rare footage from der Fuhrer’s personal film library) are all here, along with hundreds of classics from the golden age of television, dozens of Saturday matinee serials, and every grade B western you can think of. Better yet, Discount Video Tapes has an amazing collection of films from the short-lived black filmmaking industry of the 30’s and 40’s. A real find. Sale prices range from $20 to $60; rentals cost $35 for five titles for two weeks. This includes shipping to you. Return shipping is at your own expense. Tapes are formatted in both VHS and Beta.
— Corinne Cullen Hawkins
##A 08 200988 420
##T Discount Video Tapes
Catalog free
Discount Video Tapes, Inc.
P.O. Box 7122
Burbank, CA 91510
##A 08 320337 421
##T Discount Video Tapes
##A 08 321264 422
##T Discount Video Tapes
##A 08 3134 423
##T The Knowledge Collection
The Knowledge Collection
How-to books, even the best, only guide you so far. At some point a how-to video tape, even a mediocre one, will open up better visual understanding (oh, so that’s how it goes!) so that the skill moves from your head to your hand quicker. The Knowledge Collection has rounded up 1,500 of the best how-to video tapes into a fat mail order catalog. They seem to include everything, poor to fair to excellent: sports coaching, health care material, dancing lessons, and the brightest of the Saturday morning TV do-it-yourself instruction. Self-education rewinds.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 4589 424
##T The Knowledge Collection
Catalog $8.95
Video Schoolhouse
167 Central Avenue
Pacific Grove, CA 93950
408/375-4474 (AK & HI)
##A 08 7658 425
##T The Knowledge Collection
How to Rebuild Your VW Engine: Video documentary, includes how to check for cracks, check case, warpage, align 40 hp rods, check cam and lifters, check deck height, do end play, assemble crank, assemble “bottom end,” how to use a torque wrench, proper ring and piston placement, and much more. (120 min.) AM022 $49.95
Tai Chi Ch’uan with Nancy Kwan: The health enhancing “meditation in motion” of Tai Chi, a centuries-old Chinese spiritual exercise, is adapted from the classic maneuvers of the martial arts. Learn this fatigue-free, yet energizing exercise to develop breathing, and a balanced, relaxed posture. (75 min.) EX076 $59.95
Quick Dog Training: Barbara Woodhouse demonstrates and explains techniques she uses in her wildly successful dog training classes. (90 min.) PA022 $59.95
##A 08 201425 426
##T Facets
Hop into a foreign filmmaker’s mind — see the world in a new way. Seventeen countries are represented in this catalog of 3000 videos, which has a hefty section on independent and classic U.S. films as well. I looked for every off-beat and art film I could think of — and found them all here. This is the catalog for film buffs and anyone else who enjoys films of substance, artistry, and peculiarity of vision. Prices range from $19.95 to $79.95. Both VHS and Beta are for sale; rentals are VHS only and cost $10 per tape.
— Corinne Cullen Hawkins
##A 08 201663 427
##T Facets
Catalog $4
Facets Multimedia Center
1517 West Fullerton Avenue
Chicago, IL 60614
##A 08 133159 428
##T Facets
Subtitled “A New Musical-Comedy-Horror Show,” “Killer Tomatoes” delivers furious action and comedy at a non-stop pace from the opening scene in which an average homemaker is confronted by a blood-thirsty tomato crawling out of her garbage disposal. $19.95.
USA 1981 87 mins.
The legend of Orpheus and Eurydice is brought into vivid being against the colorful background of carnival in Rio de Janeiro. From the French director Marcel Camus, winner of the Academy Award for Best Foreign Film. Music by Antonio Carlos Jobim. Portuguese dialog with English subtitles. Not available for sale.
Marcel Camus Brazil 1959 98 mins.
##A 08 387020 429
##T Facets
15 monumental hours of love, betrayal, decadence, seduction, murder, innocence, suspense in Fassbinder’s epic portrait of Germany on the brink of the apocalypse. Based on the famous novel by Alfred Doblin, considered by many critics to be one of the high achievements not only of Fassbinder’s oeuvre, but of cinema in general. Mesmerizing, a Mount Everest of modern cinema. German dialog with English subtitles. $400.
R.W. Fassbinder West Germany 1982 900 mins.
##A 08 101966 430
##T Target Video
Target Video
Founded by award-winning video artist and director Joe Rees, Target Video is a great source for video recordings of punk bands and underground artists. One of Target’s most recent assaults on what it calls “gibbering disco complacency” is a stunning and violently beautiful video documentary of five machine performances by Survival Research Laboratories called Virtues of Negative Fascination. Other Target recordings include shows by Diamanda Galas, Iggy Pop, Throbbing Gristle, the Sex Pistols, Black Flag, Joanna Went, and the Dead Kennedys, some taped live in Target’s own performance space. Many of the tapes in Target’s catalog are intercut by Rees with existing documentary and industrial footage to create images that are as funny and brutal as they are politically charged. In all, Target has some five hundred hours of video tapes to choose from. — Richard Kadrey
##A 08 102607 431
##T Target Video
Catalog $2
Target Video
678 South Van Ness
San Francisco, CA 94110
##A 08 6677 432
##T Video Guides
##A 08 257303 433
##T Parents’ Guide to Children’s Videos
Parents’ Guide to Children’s Videos
The premiere edition of this magazine is a valuable resource for parents — a buyer’s guide to children’s videos. It’s the most inclusive listing of quality kidvid I’ve seen. It includes little-known educational and religious videos, shorts (both foreign and domestic), as well as feature films. I disagreed with some of the reviews — you probably will too — but they are informative and detailed.
This issue sets a high standard. If later issues live up to it the magazine will provide an important service: helping parents monitor and guide their children’s media absorption. I hope it succeeds.
— Corinne Cullen Hawkins
##A 08 257652 434
##T Parents’ Guide to Children’s Videos
Martha Dewing, Editor-in- Chief
$14.97/year (6 issues)
Children’s Video
389 Fourth Street
Brooklyn, NY 11215
##A 08 257942 435
##T Parents’ Guide to Children’s Videos
Walt Disney Home Video
Walt Disney, 50 minutes each, ages 6 and up, live action.
This is a massive international series of fables, folktales and fiction in 19 volumes originally shot on film and ultimately transferred to videotape. Each tape consists of two complete stories that are well-acted and beautifully narrated (the actors do not ever speak but complement the narrative in a simple and clear manner). . .
This series may be a well kept secret on a back shelf at your neighborhood home video store or library, but ask for it and try out a couple. The less jaded you and your children are, the better you’ll like it. It resembles home cooking — nothing too fancy, just good, honest fare.
##A 08 258189 436
##T Parents’ Guide to Children’s Videos
Stories and Fables
##A 08 201954 437
##T Video Review
Video Review
Where can the home viewer go for insight into the video market? Well, you might try Video Review. A combo trade journal and
critic’s corner, this magazine covers both new product technology and new movie releases with the same wry sensibility.
— Sarah Vandershaf
##A 08 202014 438
##T Video Review
Meigs, James B., Editor
ISSN 01968793
$12/year (12 issues)
Video Review
P.O. Box 919
Farmingdale, NY 11737-0001
##A 08 202808 439
##T Video Review
Carol Burnett Show sketches featuring Nora Desmond, Burnett’s takeoff of the Gloria Swanson role in Sunset Boulevard, are among the best candidates for home taping.
##A 08 322311 440
##T Video Review
Visitors gawk at 3-D video at Consumer Electronics Show.
##A 08 109036 441
##T The Complete Guide to Videocassette Movies
The Complete Guide to Videocassette Movies
I’ve rented my share of video dogs — predictable suspense, flat comedies, fizzled action movies. Video rental store catalogs hype all their movies equally — no help there in deciding what movie to take your chances on. And with the staggering array of videos to choose from, a good videocassette guide will save you money and disappointment.
In a survey of six videocassette guides, I found this one to be the definitive consumer guide. The others either gave long, in-depth, witty and wonderful reviews of only a few movies or short, dull or unimaginative reviews of thousands of films.
This guide, with over 5000 reviews, includes every theatrical and
##A 08 125159 442
##T The Complete Guide to Videocassette Movies
made-for-TV film available by fall 1987 (except for pornography). Reviews include the right kind of honest detail to help decision making and are fun to browse. Movies are listed alphabetically, with icons identifying the genre, and are indexed by genre in the back. The only thing missing is an index by actors and directors.
— Corinne Cullen Hawkins
##A 08 258576 443
##T The Complete Guide to Videocassette Movies
Steven H. Scheuer, Editor
1987; 671 pp.
ISBN 0805001107
$19.95 ($22.95 postpaid)
Henry Holt & Co.
521 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10175
##A 08 259092 444
##T The Complete Guide to Videocassette Movies
Review from the Complete Guide to Video Cassette Movies
##A 08 144609 445
##T The Complete Guide to Videocassette Movies
Review from the Complete Guide to Video Cassette Movies
##A 08 143413 446
##T Video Equipment
##A 08 102688 447
##T Sony Camcorders
Sony Camcorders
Continuing the trend to close the gap between professional and hobbyist tools, we now have technology for home-made TV. High-quality, low-cost videos can be taped with a camcorder, a combination of CAMera and video cassette reCORDER bundled into a lightweight unit small enough to wield with one hand. It uses new 8mm cassettes (which, by the way, can also record 24 hours of digital music). The model we have been using is the Sony Pro 8
CCD-V110, not the cheapest one on the shelf, but one with all the features (autofocus, mike options, built-in rechargeable battery) that you’d need to make a respectable documentary or art video.
I found the quality of resolution startling. Like Kodachrome film, it seems to enhance the vibrancy of colors. There were very few
##A 08 103090 448
##T Sony Camcorders
lighting situations (fluorescent mall light, dim overhead bulb, gray overcast day) where the camcorder didn’t perform excellently without auxiliary floodlights. Stewart, who is using one to document his conferences on learning, says he finds the quality better than broadcast TV. I know of one filmmaker who sneaks short segments made with the Sony Pro 8 into nationally syndicated TV programs. Viewers don’t notice the difference.
You don’t need a VCR to play back the videos you make. There’s a wire that connects the camcorder to your TV so the camcorder itself becomes a VCR. Unfortunately it’s no good for editing. Worse still, there’s nothing currently made that will let you edit a
camcorder video gracefully and cheaply. Simple on-site editing
##A 08 103205 449
##T Sony Camcorders
can be done with the camcorder’s fade and dissolve features. But until a reasonable editing machine comes into the consumer market, there will be no commercial desktop 8mm films.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 103987 450
##T Sony Camcorders
Sony Pro 8 Camcorder (CCD-V110)
List price $1995;
street price approx. $1395
Full-featured professional model.
Sony dealers are everywhere, and prices vary considerably. Check the Yellow Pages.
##A 08 143182 451
##T Sony Camcorders
Sony Auto Handycam (CCD-V3)
List price $1500;
street price approx. $799
Low-end version; more compact, with fewer features.
Sony dealers are everywhere, and prices vary considerably. Check the Yellow Pages.
##A 08 67858 452
##T Universal Video
Universal Video
This impressive catalog of video accessories, supplies, and equipment offers a whole range of useful products, from cable adaptors to VCR cleaning kits. Professionals and amateurs alike will find some nifty gizmos that would be hard to get in a store.
— Fabrice Florin
##A 08 68255 453
##T Universal Video
Catalog free
Universal Video
195 Bonhomme Street
P. O. Box 488
Hackensack, NJ 07602
201/487-6340 (NJ)
##A 08 305862 454
##T Universal Video
DLP-250G $59.95
Designed to mount on any video camera shoe, the DLP-250 is a compact 250 watt flood unit featuring a broad, even beam pattern. Light-weight and equipped with an extra long 15-foot cord, the light can be adjusted to a variety of angles to fill a host of camera situations. Use to enhance colors and eliminate undesirable shadows. Complete with 250 watt (EYH) 3200 degrees K, 50 hour quartz lamp, camera shoe mount bracket and a light stand adaptor mount.
##A 08 306270 455
##T Universal Video
VCG-50XSG $1719.00
• Includes all of the features presented plus: Title Window which automatically displays text as a single line in the lower third of the screen • Crawl mode lets you put title window text in motion, moving from right to left . . . from page to page • Automatic Page Sequencer lets you present the pages in memory in order at the time rate of change you set.
##A 08 303977 456
##A 08 354824 457
##T Still Photography
##A 08 443479 458
##T The Photographer’s Handbook
The Photographer’s Handbook
I was a photogger before I was a catalogger, and long I’ve deplored the dearth of practical/comprehensive books on photography. The one book I long relied on, Feininger’s Total Picture Control, has now been surpassed by this beautiful, newly revised book. It’s quite wonderful to use, rewarding the browser as well as the photographer who has a special problem. I went to sleep on the subject of photography years ago. This book makes me think about waking up and trying some of its myriad ideas and techniques.
The book replaces about eight others I might have reviewed.
— Stewart Brand
##A 08 443865 459
##T The Photographer's Handbook
John Hedgecoe
2nd Edition 1984; 352 pp.
ISBN 0394527399
$19.95 ($21.45 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 08 444905 460
##T The Photographer's Handbook
An excessively fast shutter speed may sometimes destroy the feeling and excitement of speed events. . . . The picture simulates a spectator’s impression as the participants flash past. It was shot at a relatively slow shutter speed, panning and zooming.
##A 08 445387 461
##T The Photographer's Handbook
This picture was made by applying developer to the paper before exposure. The picture had developer squeezed on to it from a sponge held 1 ft (30 cm) above the baseboard.
##A 08 202371 462
##T Photography
The old Life magazine wrote the book on the experience called photography. Every week it conjured up new possibilities of using the silver eye. The editors of Life have taken a half century of this talent, put it into a 15-volume set last decade, and recently distilled the whole spirit down to an hearty, eye-popping, mind-stuffing single tome.
It’s an education in one volume, the text-book of choice in most college photography courses. I learned easily three-quarters of my technical skills as a professional photographer from the step-by-step pictures outlined here.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 203087 463
##T Photography
Barbara London Upton
with John Upton
3rd Edition 1985; 426 pp.
ISBN 0316887528
$25.95 ($26.95 postpaid)
Little, Brown & Co.
200 West Street
Waltham, MA 02254
##A 08 203740 464
##T Photography
Grains of silver, enlarged about 2,500 x in this cross section of film emulsion, get denser as development is extended. Grains near the surface (top) form first and grow in size. As developer soaks down, subsurface grains form.
##A 08 203873 465
##T Photography
Arnold Newman is famous for portraits that use graphic and symbolic elements to suggest what a person does. One of his best-known photographs is of the composer Igor Stravinsky, a portrait that Newman cropped to its essentials. Newman knew what he wanted to do, but, just starting out at the time, he didn’t have the focal length lens he needed. He moved back until he had what he wanted in the frame, then cropped the photograph later. Newman says that the image “echoed my feelings about Stravinsky’s music: strong, harsh, but with a stark beauty of its own.”
##A 08 203509 466
##T Photo Art Processes
Photo Art Processes
How to put an image made with light on pumpkins, t-shirts, glass, old wood, decals, pottery, paper-mache, wallpaper, painted over with colors, pasted into collages, mixed with other media, on anything other than a boring square piece of white paper.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 204061 467
##T Photo Art Processes
Nancy Howell-Koehler
1980; 127 pp.
ISBN 0871921170
$18.95 postpaid
Davis Publications
50 Portland Street
Worcester, MA 01608
##A 08 204780 468
##T Photo Art Processes
The clay-base papers that hold printed magazine images act as an intermediate support from which the image, coated with polymer gel, can be transferred. Images suspended on an acrylic “skin” can be removed from their paper backing and applied to any surface that will bond with an acrylic medium.
##A 08 204826 469
##T Photo Art Processes
The illusionary view seen from the Window was printed on presensitized photo linen. Artist, Cindy Sagen.
##A 08 205104 470
##T Photo Art Processes
A free-form image area, produced by brushing on sensitizer, is used as a background for the printed portrait of Victorian ladies.
##A 08 439482 471
##T The New Zone System Manual
The New Zone System Manual
The manual for highest quality black and white photos, with details in the black and in the white areas. The key is previsuali-zation, which is looking at reality through an accurately imagined photographic print, then knowing how to make the calculations and mechanical and chemical adjustments so the print has what you saw, plus any divine grace that happened by.
— Stewart Brand
##A 08 439566 472
##T The New Zone System Manual
Minor White, Richard D. Zakin & Peter Lorenz
Revised Edition 1987; 140 pp.
$18.95 ($20.95 postpaid)
Morgan & Morgan, Inc.
145 Palisade Street
Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522
##A 08 440074 473
##T The New Zone System Manual
“What zone values do I want to render the cloth in?” That is the question! The essence of that question underlies all photography whether the photographer knows how to get it into the print or doesn’t. The snapshooter is satisfied with anything the camera gives; the professional only with what he or she can make it yield. In between stands the student who thinks he is “supposed” to want something, and wonders what.
##A 08 440567 474
##T The New Zone System Manual
If we could slide the scale around on the print it would be obvious to the eye which picture areas match what scale tones.
— The New Zone System Manual
##A 08 204468 475
##T Photography for Student Publications
Photography for Student Publications
The essential foundations of conveying an editorial message through photographs. Put together to cure the dreadful look of most high school yearbooks, this friendly book is also the best introduction there is for anyone shooting, printing, or selecting photographs for publication. Unintimidating straight-talk about how to inform the reader with a camera.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 205487 476
##T Photography for Student Publications
Carl Vandermeulen
1979; 159 pp.
ISBN 093194001X
$12.95 postpaid
Middleburg Press
Box 166
Orange City, IA 51041
##A 08 206218 477
##T Photography for Student Publications
One budget-stretcher is distilled water from home dehumidifiers, but it has to be filtered before you can use it.
##A 08 206384 478
##T Photography for Student Publications
When you photograph people in their natural surroundings watch for ways that you can include something in the background to add information about the subject.
##A 08 438215 479
##T Pinhole Journal
Pinhole Journal
Photography minus equipment. Looks like fun.
— Stewart Brand
##A 08 438336 480
##T Pinhole Journal
Eric Renner, Editor
ISSN 08851476
$32.50/year (3 issues)
Pinhole Resource
Star Route 15
Box 1655
San Lorenzo, NM 88057
##A 08 350283 481
##T Pinhole Journal
Pinhole Journal: How do you do pinhole video?
Jay Bender: Well, you unscrew the lens and the problem with doing pinhole video is the speed of pinholes. They’re too slow for video unless you can get the pinhole very very close to the little exciter tube in the camera. There’s a number of cameras you wouldn’t be able to do it with, because there’s too much junk out in front that you’d have to saw away. But the one that I have you can unscrew the lens—and then I’ve got a little plastic piece which is actually off an old Datsun. It fits in there just perfectly; it’s actually recessed in about 1/2" and I’ve got the pinhole mounted in that little plastic piece. The pinhole is about 1/16th inch away from the exciter tube—which is pretty close. The area that senses light is so small; even at that close distance it’s about a normal focal length. When I first did it I thought it would be real wide angle because I was getting so very close to the little glass plate in there. When I looked at the first images on the TV, it was very close to the angle you’d see with a normal 50 mm lens—which kind of disappointed me. But it was fast enough—getting the pinhole close enough, keeps the F number low enough.
##A 08 438966 482
##T Pinhole Journal
David Pugh “Pig on Manhole Cover,” November 1982 PinZip photo f/110, 4 sec. Newark, Del. of a 3" high brass piggy bank standing on a manhole cover which is on a 4 foot high concrete structure on the edge of a swamp. The PinZip was placed directly on the manhole cover. The raised letters (part of the word “SALISBURY”) are about
1/8"high; the square bumps are about 1/4" high. 6" x 8"
##A 08 436379 483
##T The Hole Thing
The Hole Thing
A manual of Pinhole Photography tools and techniques — photographs made with the simplest methods.
— Stewart Brand
##A 08 436551 484
##T The Hole Thing
(A Manual of Pinhole Fotografy)
Jim Shull
1974; 64 pp.
ISBN 0871000474
$9.95 ($11.45 postpaid)
Morgan & Morgan
145 Palisade Street
Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522
##A 08 437722 485
##T The Hole Thing
— from The Hole Thing
##A 08 355313 486
##T Fine Photography
##A 08 441328 487
##T American Photographer
American Photographer
A photography magazine that doesn’t pander to the unquenchable greed for bright, ever-new gadgets with ever-more-amazing bells and whistles. Rather, it focuses on developing practical techniques for dedicated amateurs and creative professionals. It generously gives lots of full-page space to inspirational photo essays. I find that it’s the only photo mag that teaches me something with each issue.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 441466 488
##T American Photographer
Sean Callahan, Editor
ISSN 01616854
$17.90/year (12 issues)
American Photographer
P. O. Box 51033
Boulder, CO 80321-1033
##A 08 442511 489
##T American Photographer
“Afganistand,” 1987, by William Wegman.
Wegman’s understanding of his canine partners is acute. But one look at Fay in wig and shoes shows that the understanding works both ways — and maybe that’s the secret for any model-photographer combination.
##A 08 442885 490
##T American Photographer
As they say, you should have seen the one that got away. Compliments of Dawn Gleffe of Walker, Michigan.
##A 08 206854 491
##T Zoom
Zoom calls itself “The Image Magazine,” and easily lives up to that claim. Printed in an oversized format with an interior design that is simultaneously functional and flashy, it features an enormous variety of black & white and color photos, ranging from nudes to portraits, fashion layouts to photojournalism, archival material to travel shots. Produced in France, the magazine has the semi-familiar feel of many European cities, where people and places seem ordinary, but are just different enough that you’re forced to pay attention to things you might have overlooked before. Zoom is a loud magazine, and not always subtle, but its contents are a constant reminder of why good photography is so exciting.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 08 207335 492
##T Zoom
Joel Laroche, Editor
$35/year (5 issues)
Charles Treves
European Publishers
P. O. Box 2000
Long Island City, NY 11101
##A 08 207725 493
##T Zoom
One of Don Weinstein’s “recomposed and treated” movie poster series, where he tries to bring a new awareness of the images that surround us by altering familiar movie images.
##A 08 207467 494
##T Visual Symphony
Visual Symphony
For me, this is the best photo book in over 20 years. I haven’t been so excited by a collection of photographs since 1960’s This Is the American Earth, which launched Sierra Club’s exhibit-format series of books that became an engine of the ecology movement.
Bruce Barnbaum’s photos imprint themselves instantly on your mind and become part of your memory, and yet they reward constant return and reinspection. The book is organized into four
“movements” — following a musical metaphor that works throughout the volume — The Landscape; The Cathedrals of England; Urban Geometrics; The Slit Canyons. The slit canyons are little-known geological marvels of the American west, sometimes only an arm’s length wide; Barnbaum now owns them photographically.
##A 08 208693 495
##T Visual Symphony
Likewise no one has ever photographed cathedrals better; he restores their original soaring impulse perfectly. And his mad-math views of urban highrise buildings and his intense psychoanalysis of rural landscapes can change how you see both.
Barnbaum has matched or surpassed Edward Weston’s extra-ordinary novelty of composition and Ansel Adams’s technical perfectionism (lucidly carried by the jewel-like quality of reproduction in the book). And he has an eye for full-field complexity that is uniquely his own. I add him to my short list of photographers who can show me something new every time I let
them: Eugene Atget, Edward Weston, and now Barnbaum.
— Stewart Brand
##A 08 207986 496
##T Visual Symphony
(A Visual Photographic Work in Four Movements)
Bruce Barnbaum
1986; 128 pp.
ISBN 0912383305
$50 ($52.50 postpaid)
Alfred van der Marck Editions
1133 Broadway
Suite 1301
New York, NY 10010
##A 08 208478 497
##T Visual Symphony
Burnt Oak Silhouettes, Santa Monica Mountains, 1978
##A 08 486135 498
##T Visual Symphony
Choir columns, Rievaulx Abbey, 1980
##A 08 486325 499
##T Visual Symphony
Houston, 1986
##A 08 486494 500
##T Visual Symphony
Phantom Arch, Lower Antelope Canyon, 1984
##A 08 259520 501
##T Second View
Second View
A book that justifies having a coffee table, a book that will grow in value with the decades. The subject is time. The method is
“rephotography” — the exact reshooting of historic photographs with modern research and camera work. The effect: you learn to feel and observe like a mountainside.
At first I was disappointed that the modern photographers chose 120 government survey photographs of the 1870s and 1880s to work with — Timothy O’Sullivan, William Henry Jackson, etc. — since their images were so dominantly, and magnificently, geological. I thought more ephemeral subjects would be more revealing — cityscapes, farmland, and such. But in a century obsessed with change, it is lovely to see change put in its place.
##A 08 104958 502
##T Second View
Second View teaches respect for rocks, disrespect for human projects.
And it introduces rephotography as an astonishing technique for insight into place. Try it in your place.
— Stewart Brand
##A 08 260024 503
##T Second View
(The Rephotographic
Survey Project)
Mark Klett et al
1984; 221 pp.
ISBN 0826307515
$65 ($66.50 postpaid)
University of New Mexico Press
220 Journalism Building
Albuquerque, NM 87131
##A 08 260523 504
##T Second View
(Left) William Henry Jackson, ca. 1880. Devil’s Slide, Weber Canyon, Utah (Amon Carter Museum). (Right) Mark Klett for the Rephotographic Survey Project 1978, Devil’s Slide, Weber Canyon, Utah.
##A 08 9796 505
##T Second View
A mathematical technique for checking the accuracy of a new vantage point. Timothy
O’Sullivan, 1867. Rock formations, Pyramid Lake, Nev.
##A 08 466080 506
##T Second View
Mark Klett for the Rephotographic Survey Project, 1979. Pyramid Isle, Pyramid Lake, Nev.
##A 08 355507 507
##T Digital Retouching
##A 08 208236 508
by Stewart Brand
Time magazine does it. USA Today does it. National Geographic does it and has caught some flak about it. Very soon nearly everyone will do it, and the culture will be different as a result.
They all use high-tech page makeup processes that involve turning photographs into computer data, where it is so easy to fiddle with the images that the temptation is overwhelming. This new capability comes from the merging of laser technology, used to scan the original photographs and convert them into digital data, and computer technology, whose increasing power at decreasing cost allows sophisticated manipulation of the no-longer-
##A 08 209915 509
photographic image.
National Geographic moved one of the pyramids of Giza to suit their cover design. Popular Science put an airplane from one photo onto the background of another photo on one of their covers and then bragged about how they did it inside the magazine. In a book of photographs of France, the photographer moved unsightly telephone poles from the picture of a Basque shepherd. The Whole Earth Review, in questionable taste, appealed to mass credulity with a completely phony “photograph” of flying saucers on its cover.
##A 08 209518 510
These two famous athletes didn’t really meet back to back. To convey the competition between tennis champions Bjorn Borg and John McEnroe, World Tennis magazine arranged to portray them in an eighteenth-century duel on the magazine’s March 1981 cover. Susan B. Adams, explaining on the editor’s page of that issue how the cover was shot, said, “Finding a simultaneous hour in the hectic lives of the world’s best tennis players. . . proved the most frustrating detail. As it turned out, we failed. With deadlines staring us bleakly in the face, we’d have to put them together photographically.” The two cooperating tennis pros were photographed in separate places, three days apart. The editors relied on image manipulation to impart the sense of intimate rivalry.
##A 08 210158 511
This is a total fake. This particular can of Comet was never photographed. It was never in a studio. It never existed. Taking digital retouching to the extreme, Alan Green and C. Robert Hoffman III, two animators for Digital Effects in New York City, added tinselly gleams and reflections to a computer-generated image fabricated from equations. Retouching a phantom, starting from nothing.
##A 08 210218 512
Two things not apparent in this promotional demonstration for Pacific Lithographic: First, this set is one photograph, not two in sequence; and second, the magic is not a disappearing show, but a reappearing act. The camera’s film captured the intricate grain of the scene: four hikers against distant mountains. It was then digitized. Clicking on the cloning option on the Chromacom machine, two cursors appear in the picture about an inch apart. The operator can vary that distance, and slide the duo anywhere on the photograph. One cursor will copy the color of the point it rests on over to the nearby cursor. Waving the cursor copies a patch of color. Identical in color and brightness, the texture of the adjacent area is replicated point by point in a new spot. Distinctive patterns are copied exactly. Thus the people standing in the picture were not beamed out of the scene; rather they were washed over with sky and mountain paint, stolen nearby. Closing the distance between cursors results in ever-finer degrees of seamlessness. Done with skill (it is almost a routine operation; the main thing to watch for is incestuously cloning what has already been cloned once), the phoniness is completely convincing.
##A 08 210498 513
It’s advertising that has paid for computer digitizing machines. Color catalogs use them all the time to alter a product’s color, enhance its shininess, tone down its shininess, remove blemishes. Art directors use them to accomplish what photographers couldn’t or didn’t do. And, according to an operator of the Chromacom, who has sat through more than one quarrel, ad agencies use the imaging computers as arenas for battling out their visual fantasies. Bausch & Lomb Sunglasses used the Scitex to insert models into an old WWII photo and alter a few other details to their liking.
##A 08 210932 514
by Barbara Robertson
In 1985, AT&T’s EPICenter (Electronic Picture and Imaging Center) introduced the first graphics board in its price range for a microcomputer that 1) captures and digitizes video images in real time; 2) displays images with enough colors to simulate a video picture in video resolution; 3) generates a standard NTSC video signal (which means TARGA pictures can be transferred to videotape and broadcast on American television); and 4) allows an incoming analog signal to be mixed onscreen with the digital picture (genlock).
AT&T also sells a painting package, TIPS, developed by Island
Graphics specifically for ths board. Although other software
##A 08 211826 515
companies offer painting packages for the TARGA 16, TIPS is still the lowest priced and the best value.
With the TARGA 16 and TIPS system, live video can be mixed with an onscreen digital image and the composite digitized; brushes can paint with any pattern selected from the screen; selected areas on the screen can be instantly filled with color and patterns, cut and pasted, or flipped and rotated. Yet the system is remarkably easy to use.
Artists who can afford the system would find it a good conceptual tool and may find the images acceptable for some purposes. But
the system’s primary application is for people who want to quickly modify reality to show how things would look “if” —
##A 08 211970 516
architects, landscapers, interior designers, plastic surgeons, etc. The output is not photographic quality, but to create the same altered, yet nearly photographic, view of reality using any other means would be tedious if not impossible.
##A 08 211091 517
Targa 16
512 x 512 resolution, 32,768 simultaneous colors, frame grabber and buffer, captures video in 1/60th second, NTSC and Analog RGB output, $1995
AT&T’s EPICenter
2002 Wellesley Boulevard
Indianapolis, IN 46219
##A 08 209068 518
TIPS software
$795. Requires IBM PC/XT/AT or compatible; TV set, composite video or analog RGB monitor; TIPS requires Summagraphic digitizing tablet, MS-DOS 2.0 or higher
AT&T’s EPICenter
2002 Wellesley Boulevard
Indianapolis, IN 46219
##A 08 484413 519
“Brownie 20,” by Ian Allen. A robot made entirely of camera part images. Plastic parts were digitally tinted metallic to reproduce the texture of copper.
##A 08 446628 520
##T Cinema
##A 08 432847 521
##T Cinefex
It is evidence of film’s magic that what happens behind the scenes has always been as entertaining as the show up front, and sometimes more.
When monsters slobber and spaceships hurtle across the screen, I believe it. But when the scene is flipped and I’m shown how the most convincing special effects are done, I find it unbelievable, yet altogether spellbinding. Hundreds of people work years to construct incredibly elaborate illusions out of latex, tiny models and winking computers — each a secret of fine craftsmanship waiting to be told. This amazing magazine (scads of color pictures, no advertising) is what some folks around here sneak off to a corner with and read for hours.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 433142 522
##T Cinefex
Don Shay, Editor
ISSN 01981056
$17/year (4 issues)
P. O. Box 20027
Riverside, CA 92516
##A 08 433576 523
##T Cinefex
For maximum control, Dream Quest dismissed the possibility of using actual cloud footage in favor of creating their own on stage. Experimentation led to the employment of polyester fiber fill glued onto pieces of plexiglass. . . An inverted camera and snorkel lens were used to obtain cloud imagery that appeared to be whizzing by on either side of the thermopod cockpit. Gioffre makes minor adjustments to the simulated cloud formations.
##A 08 434076 524
##T Cinefex
To produce the alien husks, full head casts and sectional body casts were taken of the three Antarean-portraying actors, eventually resulting in one-piece fiberglass molds. Skinflex was then injected to create the basic husk shapes.
##A 08 435211 525
##T Cinefex
One of the more ingenious innovations in the film Temple of Doom was the employment of a modified Nikon — only slightly larger than a standard 35mm camera — to photograph the mine car chase. Without the Nikon, the miniature cave sets would have had to have been twice as large, just to accommodate ILM’s smallest VistaVision camera. Mounted on a specially designed car, the camera had full pan and tilt capability.
##A 08 435936 526
##T Cinefex
The Little Big Man makeup was divided into eight separate pieces. After delineation on the first stage sculpture, each section was cut apart and treated individually.
##A 08 431031 527
##T The Dark Side of Genius
The Dark Side of Genius
There are plenty of powerful directors whose lives and work are documented and worth studying: Huston, Ford, Kurosawa, Truffaut. The advantages of examining Hitchcock are that so much is known about him; that most of his films are available for rental on video cassette, and that his methods are rather obvious. It’s no detraction from his genius to observe that Hitchcock was only a few steps ahead of the state of the art; consequently, the world was ready for his innovations and took to them immediately. When you look at one of his films now (try watching it two or three times to get past being taken in by the story), it’s like a textbook demonstration of how to create suspense, develop a story, reveal a character’s inner thoughts, etc.
Dark as some of his themes were, and much of his life, the man
##A 08 431296 528
##T The Dark Side of Genius
sure knew how to tell a good story.
His life would have made one of his most macabre films.
— Tom Schneider
##A 08 431581 529
##T The Dark Side of Genius
(The Life of Alfred Hitchcock)
Donald Spoto
1984; 665 pp.
ISBN 034531462X
$4.95 ($5.95 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 08 432103 530
##T The Dark Side of Genius
The fantasies Hitchcock spun and that his screenwriters gave structure to were always geared to cinematic realization. His films depended on the emergence, from deep within him, of mysterious images — images that were often violent, at times tender. From his own secret longings and vivid imagination there came the small germs of stories — sometimes fearful and erotic, sometimes quietly comic or dreamlike. But the plots and the characters would always be subordinate to the power of the images — just as in dreams, the narrative is never quite logical or clear and is always subordinate to the images. Similarly, the residue of feelings left by dreams, like the impression left by Hitchcock’s images, is more important than any half-remembered “plot.”
##A 08 432242 531
##T The Dark Side of Genius
Directing Janet Leigh in the shower sequence from Psycho, 1959.
##A 08 429686 532
##T When the Shooting Stops . . . the Cutting Begins
When the Shooting Stops . . . the Cutting Begins
Here is an engaging history of film editing told by Ralph Rosenblum, an editor who seems to have been in many historically important editing rooms. He started in the forties, assisting Helen Van Dongen, the stoic cutter who (this book reveals) took director Robert Flaherty’s stream-of-consciousness cinematography and carved it into cogent films like The Louisiana Story.
The tale is spiced by eavesdropping on privileged conversations. Behind the editing room door famous directors confess their secret insecurities. In exchange for this confidence, the editor/father/analyst accepts an unspoken contract: No matter how much
the footage is reworked and “saved in the editing room,” all the credit will remain with the director.
##A 08 429968 533
##T When the Shooting Stops . . . the Cutting Begins
We are a fly on the wall as Woody Allen and Marshall Brickman learn that the most brilliant comic writing (Annie Hall) sometimes falls flat on the screen, and that the biggest laugh comes at the most unexpected point. Even a director as experienced as Sydney Lumet (The Pawnbroker) turns to Rosenblum to solve problems never foreseen in the shooting script.
Every film craft should have a book this good written about it.
— Tom Schneider
##A 08 430258 534
##T When the Shooting Stops . . . the Cutting Begins
Ralph Rosenblum & Robert Karen
1988; 310 pp.
ISBN 0306802724
$10.95 ($12.45 postpaid)
Da Capo Press
233 Spring Street
New York, NY 10003
##A 08 430756 535
##T When the Shooting Stops . . . the Cutting Begins
As a director of live TV shows Sidney [Lumet] had to make fast editorial choices, pushing buttons in his booth to select the best camera angle from those available on his monitor screens. As a filmmaker, the editing impulse has remained. He is the only director I’ve worked with who could tell me cut-for-cut what he wanted in a scene and even come up with tricks I had never considered. An example arose during the editing of Long Day’s Journey. I had always cut dialogue scenes by carefully choosing whether to focus on the speaker or the listener. Lumet came up with an alternative approach, “mathematical cutting,” in which we cut back and forth from one actor to the other in evenly matched but progressively shorter snippets of film, totally ignoring who was talking and who was listening, and markedly increasing the tension. Clearly, if a picture needed astute editorial consideration, Sidney was the director to handle it.
##A 08 122993 536
##T When the Shooting Stops . . . the Cutting Begins
Herb Gardner and Ralph Rosenblum during the cutting of A THOUSAND CLOWNS.
##A 08 429013 537
##T Leonard Maltin’s TV Movies
Leonard Maltin’s TV Movies
The boom in home video has spawned its own guidebook industry. Everyone from Pauline Kael to Roger Ebert has a book of reviews designed to help the viewer find his way through the video marketplace. The standby in my house has always been Leonard Maltin’s TV Movies. This $5 volume lists over 16,000 films, making it the most comprehensive guide available. Videophiles, late-night TV addicts, 8mm and 16mm collectors, and those lucky enough to have a neighborhood repertory house will find Maltin’s capsule reviews and 4-star rating system right on target.
— David Burnor
##A 08 429496 538
##T Leonard Maltin’s TV Movies
Leonard Maltin
ISBN 0451150228
$5.95 ($7.45 postpaid)
Viking Penguin Books
Order Dept.
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0120
201/387-0600 (NJ)
##A 08 426852 539
##T Canyon Cinema
Canyon Cinema
I can think of no better antidote for another season of Jaws IV and Rambo XVII than the independent movie fare offered by Canyon Cinema. Their selection of over 2,000 movies is as diverse and unorthodox as most Hollywood blockbusters are formulaic and commercial.
Any filmmaker can list films with Canyon Cinema; filmmakers write their own film descriptions, set the rental price, and receive 65 percent of the rental fees (Canyon only gets 35
percent). Not only is their catalog reeling with filmmakers you’ve never heard of, but the more well-known (such as Les Blank and James Broughton) seem to list all the films they’ve ever made. It’s a virtual textbook of the history of independent film, written by the filmmakers themselves.
##A 08 427068 540
##T Canyon Cinema
Canyon distributes nationally. Rental rates run from $10 for a ten-minute film to $175 for Les Blank’s color feature, Burden of Dreams. Most are between $30 and $70. The catalog is worth the price.
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 08 427519 541
##T Canyon Cinema
Catalog $13 (donation)
Canyon Cinema
2325 Third Street
Suite 338
San Francisco, CA 94107
##A 08 427897 542
##T Canyon Cinema
Dennis Banks in “The Bell Rang To An Empty Sky” by William Farley
##A 08 428489 543
##T Canyon Cinema
SEVEN PORTRAITS is a series of richly poetic impressions exploring multi-perceptual relationships between image and sound. Shot with informality and intimacy, the film penetrates artist-viewer distance with astonishing immediacy, revealing a powerful complex vision of subjects: Williem de Kooning, Leonard Bernstein, Robert Rauschenberg, Tennessee Williams, Andy Warhol, John Cage, and Liv Ullman.
1983, 16mm, color/so, 22m, $40
##A 08 46783 544
##T The Criterion Collection
The Criterion Collection
Laser discs have a number of advantages over video tape. Discs generally have better picture and sound quality, and digital storage on a disc leaves room for lots of extra information. The Criterion Collection makes good use of the laser disc’s storage properties by including along with their full-screen and sound versions of classic films, bonuses like production stills and story boards. Many of their releases also contain a second audio track with a discussion about the film’s production. You can listen to this separate soundtrack while watching the film, and gain new insight into how some the world’s greatest movies were made.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 08 47488 545
##T The Criterion Collection
Voyager Company
2139 Manning Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90025
800/443-2001 (CA)
##A 08 290620 546
##T The Criterion Collection
“A Night At The Opera presents the Marx Brothers at the peak of their powers . . . [it] remains a joy to watch after half a century.”—Leonard Maltin
Featuring audio commentary by Leonard Maltin, theatrical trailers and rare film footage
A uniquely bittersweet comedy-drama that has touched people’s hearts in a way few films have managed to do. A bilingual disc, Italian is on “Audio 1” and English on “Audio 2.”
Academy Award winner for Best Foreign Film.
Starring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anthony Quinn and Guilietta Masina
You’ll have to wade through gossipy movie star profiles and graphic design that looks like it wandered off the pages of Cosmo to get to the good stuff — unflinching reviews of new film releases and articles that give an insiders-eye-view of the eternally fascinating (if occasionally repellent) Hollywood movie machine.
— Sarah Vandershaf
##A 08 212880 549
##T Premiere
Susan Lyne, Editor
$18/year (12 issues)
P.O. Box 11395
Des Moines, IA 50347
##A 08 213124 550
##T Premiere
Though Cry Freedom is often a chore to watch, it has a cumulative effect that is unexpectedly involving. Attenborough could have made a soft, conciliatory film, the cinematic equivalent of the song “We Are the World.” Instead, his film is a testament to the futility of the liberal position on South Africa. It bluntly demonstrates that there is no reasoning with the proponents of apartheid, no appealing to their finer instincts, no sense in waiting for gradual change. The Woods family became part of the struggle by giving up first its freedom and then its worldly goods. The film offers no less painful alternatives and refuses to let right-minded spectators feel good about themselves. Cry Freedom has the lumpish gracelessness of a political pamphlet, and that is part of its power, conveying urgency and the need for commitment. It is neither art nor entertainment, but a call to arms.
##A 08 446816 551
##T Filmmaking — How To
##A 08 260848 552
##T Seeing the Light
Seeing the Light
I wish everyone would do a book like this, made of the things they say to themselves to keep themselves doing what they do well. Embarrassing stuff — bombastic, personal, and wholly invaluable to anyone else trying to do something well. The relevant here is avant-garde filmmaker James Broughton.
— Stewart Brand
##A 08 260897 553
##T Seeing the Light
James Broughton
1977; 80 pp.
$3.50 ($5 postpaid)
City Lights Books
261 Columbus
San Francisco, CA 94133
##A 08 261315 554
##T Seeing the Light
Oz is run by witches and little girls. Its queen is a 10-year-old named Ozma. No one in Oz can get sick or grow old or die. No one earns a living, puts on weight, or thinks deeply. In short, Oz is everything the U.S. would secretly like to be. The surest way of getting there: go to the very heart of America. That should be Kansas. There get yourself into the cockpit of a cyclone. Off you go! However, the landing fields in Oz are unpredictable. Sensibly there is no airport near the capitol. You are bound to come down in the middle of an adventure, not a predicament.
Unless you have some Oz in you, you will go along with President Holdfast and General Apathy. You will believe in doctors, insurance companies, statistics, national defense, pensions, retirement communities, and a thoroughly safe dwindle. You will garner some fringe benefits but miss out on the central Benefit.
##A 08 2617 555
##T Seeing the Light
I love going to the editing table. It is an altar of mysteries. Dust it off devotedly. Let us consecrate. At any moment a temporal ecstasy may occur.
You may be reeking of talent, but real art comes from knowledge. No work can be greater than the man who made it.
When I was 30 my greatest consolation was the thought of suicide. But that was three years before I began to make films. What lot of vicissitude, ecstasy and ennui I would have missed!
##A 08 424804 556
##T Independent Filmmaking
Independent Filmmaking
My quick survey of film schools shows Lipton’s book still the favorite how-to. After more than ten years in print and some 110,000 copies sold, it’s become a kind of institution. Video freaks may find Lipton’s views condescending, but he has added a useful section called “Video for the Filmmaker.” This book remains technically astute and entertaining to read.
— Tom Schneider
##A 08 425159 557
##T Independent Filmmaking
Lenny Lipton
Updated Edition 1983; 445 pp.
ISBN 067146258X
$9.95 postpaid
Simon & Schuster
Mail Order Sales
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 08 425675 558
##T Independent Filmmaking
It’s usually quite easy to produce smooth motion on the screen hand-holding a camera with a lens half the normal focal length, say 5 to 7 millimeters for 8mm and super 8, or 10 millimeters for 16mm. Short focal lengths also help to take the place of a tripod you’re trying to hold steady, with no intended motion. With practice, it’s very nearly possible to reproduce the steadiness of a dolly or tripod mounted camera. Accomplishing this is really no great feat. To help hold a motionless shot steady, you can lean against anything available, a wall for example, but really, this isn’t necessary.
Why use a tripod, if it doesn’t matter? The traditional advice for filmmaking is to use a tripod whenever possible. My practice is to avoid using a tripod whenever possible.
##A 08 425955 559
##T Independent Filmmaking
Spliced optical track often makes a popping sound at the splice point. The way to eliminate this is called blooping. You make a small oval or wedge shape over the splice with ink. This makes an inaudible sound that covers the sound of the splice. You can use especially formulated blooping ink, or you can try metallic blooping tape, cut to the shape of a flat parallelogram, and pressed directly over the splice.
##A 08 426272 560
##T Independent Filmmaking
The Steadicam. Expensive and cumbersome, it is the last word in smooth hand-held cinematography, and has been used to good effect on many features.
(Cinema Products)
((Cinema Products)
##A 08 422577 561
##T Directing for Film and Television
Directing for Film and Television
You can’t learn directing from a book. The author makes this clear from the start, then goes on to bring a remarkable amount of his considerable experience into nearly proving himself wrong. This is not just for beginners. Open the book anywhere and find a generous serving of truth from a working director who has passion, wit, and a rare talent for teaching.
Put this on your shelf next to When the Shooting Stops . . . you’ll have the core of a very good library on film craft.
— Tom Schneider
##A 08 422672 562
##T Directing for Film and Television
Christopher Lukas
1985; 193 pp.
$11.95 postpaid
Doubleday & Company
Direct Mail Order
501 Franklin Avenue
Garden City, NY 11530
##A 08 423458 563
##T Directing for Film and Television
One of the most exciting kinds of script writing is the kind that places us right in the midst of a scene. We see the lovers quarreling, but we don’t know why — yet. The scene has reached a point of tension; we have to fight to keep up; they know so much more than we do, but it’s exciting precisely because the scene has momentum. Conversely, a script in which dialogue starts as we dissolve to the scene, though we know that the characters have been with each other for two hours, limps along. A script in which every scene crackles with accepted facts that we perceive rather than receive, is a good script. A script that crackles, in general, that leads us from scene to scene, enticing us to want to see more, is a good script.
##A 08 423764 564
##T Directing for Film and Television
##A 08 424270 565
##T Directing for Film and Television
##A 08 420273 566
##T American Cinematographer
American Cinematographer
You can be an insider for the price of a subscription. American Cinematographer is where you’ll find out how it’s done when you can hire ten experts and all the equipment you need to produce three perfect minutes on screen. Cinematographer has taken more interest lately in the history of American filmmaking, besides front-line reports on the latest marriages of film and video.
— Tom Schneider
##A 08 420599 567
##T American Cinematographer
George Turner, Editor
ISSN 00027928
$22/year (12 issues)
1782 North Orange Drive
Hollywood, CA 90028
##A 08 336403 568
##T American Cinematographer
Bo Welch, Production Designer for “Beetlejuice”:
“If you envision purgatory as being a never ending visit to the department of motor vehicles to renew your license, it gives you some idea of what we were going for! It was not intended to be scary except in unconventional ways. The main set in the afterlife is a vast secretarial pool where the desks go on and on, into the deep background, lost in a sea of computer printout paper and other kind of flotsam. Corpses are shown being conveyed through the secretarial complex by means of overhead pulley systems. Basically, this is the place where the newly dead go for their assignments to resolve whatever they left unresolved at the time of their demise.
“How does one go about fashioning the look for this kind of thing? Our choice was to make it drab and institutional. The two colors that predominate in this part of the afterlife are a rather sickly green and yellow as seen through a corrugated plastic patio roof. We went for the unappetizing rather than the frightful.”
##A 08 420946 569
##T American Cinematographer
The glowing face of a murderer, Boris Karloff, is reflected in the victim’s eye in “The Invisible Ray” (1936).
##A 08 421485 570
##T American Cinematographer
The Victorian house exterior for “Beetlejuice” under construction in Vermont.
##A 08 421943 571
##T American Cinematographer
To Baldwin’s discomfiture, the Charman (Douglas Turner) can’t stop smoking in the afterlife even after being burnt to a crisp in real life.
##A 08 418981 572
##T Millimeter
Millimeter, “The Magazine of the Motion Picture and Television Production Industries,” is the journal that’s making the marriage work. Its attitude is let’s get on with it: Film or tape, television or cinema, what’s the difference, as long as there’s money to be made. Sometimes it’s hard to tell the ads from the editorial material, but to take the pulse of the film industry, East Coast, West Coast, and in between, this is the one.
— Tom Schneider
##A 08 419245 573
##T Millimeter
Alison Johns, Editor
ISSN 01649655
$45/year (12 issues);
Single copy $7
826 Broadway
New York, NY 10003
##A 08 297304 574
##T Millimeter
Television station automation traces its roots to cart machines, the basic robotics-based tool for spot playing, which has been around since Quad. Cart machines shown this year by Sony, Ampex, Panasonic, Odetics, Asaca Shibasoku, the Lakart Division of Lake Systems, and BTS offer a variety of features from standard spot-playback to on-air program applications—available in a la carte choices of tape formats.
Automation is making inroads into news and talk-show sets. Wariness on the part of U.S. television stations to automate production studios is beginning to wane, and manufacturers are ready with control-board-operated robotic cameras and motorized lighting systems. “Generally, the TV industry is going through a change,” said Anthony Magliocco, BTS product sales manager, noting the transition of radio stations from live shows to totally automated operation with skeleton crews. “The television industry is following the same steps, and automation is going to play an important part.”
##A 08 419664 575
##T Millimeter
Percussionist David Van Teighem plays the World Trade Center in John Sanborn and Mary Perillo’s “Cause and Effect,” a high-definition piece created in collaboration with Rebo High Definition Studios, New York. Sanborn hooked a Steadicam to a Sony high-definition camera and posted with three high-def VTRs in order to lay in several clean passes of performance around a moving camera master.
##A 08 24406 576
##T Feature Filmmaking at Used-Car Prices
Feature Filmmaking at Used-Car Prices
A painfully honest autobiographical account of the art and emotional adventure of putting out low-budget feature films for about $6000. Surviving his fourth film, author Rick Schmidt eagerly reels off his sobering, trench-hardened advice for the naive hopeful. It’s a path for a warrior.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 129716 577
##T Feature Filmmaking at Used-Car Prices
Rick Schmidt
1988; 256 pp.
ISBN 0140105255
$8.95 ($11.95 postpaid)
Viking Penguin Books
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0120
201/387-0600 (NJ)
##A 08 437480 578
##T Feature Filmmaking at Used-Car Prices
My friends and I had discovered early in our filmmaking careers that it seemed as difficult to make a five-minute film as a seventy-minute film, and it was often just as hard to get $200 as $2,000. The difference was that with a feature you had at least a chance to sell it somewhere and make some money back.
If you are still hesitant about trying to write your film, one possible way to break the “block” is to speak about your film into a recorder. Once you have described your concept and talked about the characters, location(s) you envision, and mood you’d like to achieve, remembering to give your story a beginning, middle, and end, spend $50 to have a typist transcribe your words on paper. When the typist hands you twenty pages of rough “scripting,” you will realize that you can create a recipe for your feature film.
##A 08 468941 579
##T Feature Filmmaking at Used-Car Prices
The benefits of showing your film at in-person shows greatly outweigh the difficulties. You are able to show your film to an interested audience and then hear their feedback during the in-person discussion following the screening.
##A 08 417582 580
##T Off-Hollywood
Nearly everyone who read the original script for El Norte said the film could not be made. After two years of unsuccessful fundraising, filmmakers Anna Thomas and Greg Nava became totally discouraged and decided their project would never be completed. Weeks later American Playhouse producers opted to back the film. El Norte went on to be the most successful foreign-language film produced and directed by American filmmakers, grossing $5.5 million.
Off-Hollywood tells the stories behind the making of eleven American independent features, with an emphasis on distribution and marketing. Compiled by the Sundance Institute and the Independent Feature Project, it’s designed to increase filmmakers’ savvy in promoting their films.
##A 08 417803 581
##T Off-Hollywood
The documentation of the financing, production, distribution, marketing, and promotion of the films is thorough and specific. Filmmakers tell what worked, what didn’t, and why.
The logistics of making a feature film are daunting. Off-Hollywood wants independent filmmakers not just to succeed, but to excel. The quality of American filmmaking is at stake.
— Jeanne Carstensen
[Suggested by Gail Silva]
##A 08 418189 582
##T Off-Hollywood
David Rosen
1987; 298 pp.
$30 postpaid
Independent Feature Project
21 W. 86th Street
New York, NY 10024
##A 08 418614 583
##T Off-Hollywood
Andre succeeded despite the minimum amount of predetermination of its future audience. It is an example of a concept which drove its creators and its producer to complete a work because of the power of the idea, rather than of any supposed fit between the idea and the audience. Yet, in a general sense, its expected audience was the art-film moviegoer, particularly one who would be attracted to a work directed by Louis Malle.
The success of Andre invites a consideration of the relationship between the great influence of the major critics and the functioning of word-of-mouth. Most of the principals agree that without an accolade from Ebert and Siskel, My Dinner With Andre would have failed to attract enough of an audience at its New York opening run to allow word-of-mouth to develop.
##A 08 446993 584
##T Photographic Supplies
##A 08 415311 585
##T Competitive Camera
Competitive Camera
The best discount mail order prices on the full spectrum of photo and related gear that we’ve been able to find. Far surpasses prices at your local camera shop. Usually, but not always, beats the discount competition (which you should check anyway: 47th Street Photo, Catalog $2, 36 East 19th St., NY, NY 10003).
— Stewart Brand
You’ll find the absolute rock-bottomest prices for extremely popular 35mm cameras in crowded ads in photo magazines. Shop at Competitive Camera for a far greater range of goods: top quality low-cost cameras, lenses, tape recorders, binoculars, projectors, tripods, flash gear, darkroom supplies, etc.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 415815 586
##T Competitive Camera
Catalog free
Competitive Camera
363 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10001
##A 08 416437 587
##T Competitive Camera
— Competitive Camera
##A 08 416869 588
##T Competitive Camera
— Competitive Camera
##A 08 414038 589
##T Light Impressions
Light Impressions
One company with two excellent catalogs. Light Impressions book catalog is one of the best photo book sources around. Surveys of famous photographers’ works, technical books on studio and printing techniques, photo criticism, graphic design, etc. Their supply catalog lists a full-line of mounting and preserving materials for people who want to store/display their prints and slides in the best possible conditions.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 08 414440 590
##T Light Impressions
Catalog free
Light Impressions
439 Monroe Avenue
P. O. Box 940
Rochester, NY 14603-0940
716/271-8960 (NY)
##A 08 414725 591
##T Light Impressions
Slide transparency viewer from Light Impressions
##A 08 213257 592
by Kevin Kelly
My experience in ordering photo equipment by mail leans toward satisfaction. The favored procedure: Know exactly what you want, down to the minutiae of model numbers; know what you don’t want; call in on the 800 number; confirm that they have it in stock right then; and order with a credit card (do NOT pay by check). I’ve tried other ways, but this one is the most successful.
##A 08 214762 593
Full of gizmos, most useful, some frivolous, all inexpensive. Good source for make-your-own gear.
##A 08 215421 594
Maine Photographic Resource
Materials and supplies for the creative process of Photography, with a capital “P”. Their specialty is large format field photography, a la the old masters.
##A 08 215603 595
Zone VI
Strictly for the followers of Ansel Adams and Edward Weston. High priced, highly-refined apparatus and accessories for big-negative landscape photography.
##A 08 216000 596
Has everything for the hardware world of commercial and professional photographers. They service medium and large cameras, anything beyond the ordinary 35mm format. You probably couldn’t build a pro studio without consulting this catalog. Prices range from moderate to sky high.
##A 08 216357 597
Not a catalog, but a pudgy, oversized tabloid monthly crammed with tiny dense ads for used and new cameras, camera parts, repair manuals, and a bewildering display of camera accessories. Some articles on how-to build it yourself. Photo scavenger’s paradise.
##A 08 213534 598
Catalog $1.50
Spiratone, Inc.
135-06 Northern Blvd.
Flushing, NY 11354-4063
##A 08 217728 599
Maine Photographic Resource
Catalog free
Maine Photographic Resource
2 Central Street
Rockport, ME 04856
##A 08 217532 600
Zone VI
Catalog free
Zone VI Studios, Inc.
Newfane, VT 05345-0219
##A 08 217224 601
Catalog $5
890 Supreme Drive
Bensenville, IL 60106
##A 08 216817 602
Christi Ashby, Editor
ISSN 0895321X
$15/year (12 issues)
5211 South Washington Avenue
P.O. Box F
Titusville, FL 32781
##A 08 447539 603
##T Holography
##A 08 412345 604
##T Holography Handbook
Holography Handbook
How to make holograms in your basement. You’ll need a basement to hold the one-ton plywood sandbox that serves as a vibration-free table. It’s got to be dark, too. The sand allows you to stick in and adjust optical components glued to sharpened plastic pipes. About as low-rent high-tech as you’ll ever see. Making holograms is modern alchemy. Use the formulas in this great, masterful book.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 412615 605
##T Holography Handbook
Fred Unterseher,
Jeannene Hansen,
and Bob Schlesinger
1982; 408 pp.
$16.95 ($17.95 postpaid)
Ross Books
P. O. Box 4340
Berkeley, CA 94704
##A 08 413167 606
##T Holography Handbook
Dichromate hologram by Fred Unterseher and Bob Schlesinger, 1980.
##A 08 413622 607
##T Holography Handbook
Here I am making an innertube sandwich using plenty of carpet pieces for bread. There is carpet between the concrete floor and the concrete blocks, between the blocks and the wood base, between the wood and the inner tubes, and on top of the tubes. I used 6 inch size inner tubes, the type used in forklift tires.
##A 08 213799 608
##T Laser Holography
Laser Holography
Written originally for students (junior high through college level) this slim booklet tells you, with a minimum of technical language, how to make 7 types of holograms. Helpful diagrams and a
straight-forward writing style make this an excellent book for the beginning holographer.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 08 219960 609
##T Laser Holography
(Experiments You Can Do . . . From Edison)
Tung H. Jeong , Ph. D.
& Albert EB Dick
1987; 32 pp.
$2 postpaid
Thomas Alva Edison Foundation
21000 West Ten Mile Road
Southfield, MI 48075
##A 08 220308 610
##T Laser Holography
Below is a list of essential equipment for holography:
* helium-neon laser with output of 1-5 mW
* small concave mirror, glued to a rod
* front surface mirror (10 cm by 12.5 cm approximately)
* double concave lens, 5 cm diameter
* smallest automobile inner tube available
* steel plate (or wood board with sheet steel top)
* steel paper clamps (3)
* black cardboard
* white cardboard
* glass trays (3)
* 1 liter glass bottles (3)
* 100 cc beakers (2)
* rubber gloves
##A 08 220709 611
##T Laser Holography
* night light (green color preferred)
* windshield wiper (or photographic squeegee)
* box of holographic plates (or a roll of film)
* developing chemicals
##A 08 312112 612
##T Laser Holography
White light reflection hologram set-up.
##A 08 220652 613
##T The Holo-Gram
The Holo-Gram
The Holo-Gram is a free quarterly with the no-frills look and energy of the best fanzines. It features news on the international holo scene, as well as information on books and magazines that write about and use holograms.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 08 221009 614
##T The Holo-Gram
Frank DeFreitas, Publisher
ISSN 0890152X
The Holo-Gram
P. O. Box 9035
Allentown, PA 18105
##A 08 221288 615
##T The Holo-Gram
With the interest in holography continuing at an ever-accelerating pace, and individuals who began their interest in holography several years ago now becoming more sophisticated in their appreciation of the medium — the time is right for a blossoming of interest in collecting works of holography.
However, while the most prominent artists in the field are beginning to find a clientele willing to make substantial investments in their work — the majority of these works are priced beyond the means of the average enthusiast.
This leaves an area completely void which is waiting to participate in collecting holograms.
It is believed that we may begin to fill that void by suggesting that a would-be collector begin by concentrating his or her efforts on building a collection of low-cost (and in many cases no-cost) readily available embossed holograms.
##A 08 353599 616
##T The Holo-Gram
Now, one may immediately remark that if embossed holograms are low-cost and readily available — what would the collecting interest be? To answer this, it must be pointed out that although many embossed holograms are low in cost, there are many that are difficult to find.
Also, since several holographic artists have created works that were limited-edition embossed holograms, it is possible to own a work (with only a modest investment) by such artists as Harriet Casdin-Silver, John Kaufman, Dan Schweitzer among others.
There are a few embossed holograms that are becoming harder and harder to find. They are becoming rare. However, once located, an older out-of-print, limited run embossed hologram is a treasure to own and view. It is truly a collector’s piece.
##A 08 221781 617
##T L.A.S.E.R. News
L.A.S.E.R. News
Published by the non-profit Laser Arts Society for Education & Research, L.A.S.E.R. News is more of a hands-on journal than The Holo-Gram (Ÿ see separate review in this cluster), featuring articles on hologram-making and interviews with holographers. Whether you’re an experienced laser jock or just getting started, both of these magazines will have something to excite you.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 08 222074 618
##T L.A.S.E.R. News
Louis M. Brill, Editor
$15/year (4 issues)
L.A.S.E.R. News
P. O. Box 42083
San Francisco, CA 94101
##A 08 222229 619
##T L.A.S.E.R. News
In 1977, I was interested in using a pulsed ruby laser for multiple exposure reflection holograms on film and had the opportunity to use the Apollo laser in Inglewood, California. I rented the facility for a day complete with a laser technician. One subject was a double exposure (not a double pulse). First, I put my face up to the plate and then for the second exposure, I placed a large sheet of bubble packing material in the same space. The hologram was developed, and it was rather interesting, I’m there within that scene, but you can hardly see me in the bubble plastic.
In the 70’s another image that I developed was double exposing a reflection hologram to be hung and viewed simultaneously from both sides as you walked around it. The first hologram of this concept was called “InOut.” On one side you saw the word “In” pseudoscopically in your space. As you walked around to the other side of the plate, you saw the word “Out” as a virtual image (which was in the same space as the word “In”).
##A 08 222586 620
##T L.A.S.E.R. News
Reflection hologram set up from L.A.S.E.R. News
##A 08 222934 621
##T The Holography Information Center
The Holography Information Center
For general information on sources and prices for holographic film, plates, chemicals and how-to instructions, send the Holography Information Center a self-addressed stamped envelope.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 08 223061 622
##T The Holography Information Center
Holography Information Center
P. O. Box 586
Lake Forest, IL 60045
##A 08 122780 623
##A 08 133966 624
##T Small Press
##A 08 19918 625
##T Small Press
Small Press
New York is not publishing. Small presses are. Most of the hundreds of thousands of books published each year are put out by thriving small-time publishers, not by Madison Avenue. Most of these folks are new and specialized. They produce technical books, how-to manuals, slim volumes of poetry, large gorgeous handmade tomes, corporate reports, or regional guides and cookbooks. Small Press is for them. Done with the graphic care a fine book would be, this magazine profiles successful small presses, and it stresses both fine bookmaking and fine bookkeeping — the technical details of publishing as a small business and craft. Computers make small-time publishing sensible and powerful, and this journal wisely tracks that gigantic revolution.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 37491 626
##T Small Press
(The Magazine & Book Review of Independent Publishing)
Michael Coffey, Editor
ISSN 00000485
$29.95/year (6 issues)
Meckler Publishing
11 Ferry Lane West
Westport, CT 06880
##A 08 223861 627
##T Small Press
About Books, Inc. (PO Box 538, Saguache, CO 81149) is accepting applications for a year-round internship program. Those selected will receive hands-on experience in all phases of consumer book publishing and marketing with this well-known writing, publishing, and marketing firm. Internships run from three to six months at About Books’ headquarters, a 320-acre horse ranch in the Colorado Rockies. Those invited receive room, board, and a stipend. Bright, eager, non-smokers are invited to apply.
As a small publisher, you may want to hire an agent for Frankfurt. The agent finds a publisher for your book, does the footwork and research, and has the advantage of already knowing a lot of the publishers. Usually the agent takes care of the negotiations for contracts, and a good agent gets the advance money for you and does the ongoing accounting.
##A 08 118561 628
##T The Pushcart Prize
The Pushcart Prize
Printing good (and bad) writing is easy and cheap these days, but getting it to where people can buy it is still complicated and expensive. That hurts small, worthy presses, and it also hurts
you since you’re missing a lot, no matter how many bookstores
you go to.
Here is a way to miss less of what’s being published by groups smaller than Time, Inc. and Mother Jones. The Pushcart Prize is a collection of good writing nominated annually from hundreds of small press publications. Strange good things by people you
wouldn’t otherwise see. And it lists where the pieces were originally published so you can use it as a guide to small magazines you might be interested in.
— Anne Herbert
##A 08 122337 629
##T The Pushcart Prize
Pushcart Prize XII: Best of the Small Presses
Bill Henderson, Editor
1987; 559 pp.
ISBN 0916366456
$28 ($29.60 postpaid)
W. W. Norton
500 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10110
##A 08 126049 630
##T The Pushcart Prize
Would you like to sin
with Elinor Glyn
on a tiger skin?
Or would you prefer
to err
with her
on some other fur?
From Paper Tigers by Eliot Weinberger, from “Sulfur”
##A 08 494506 631
##T The Pushcart Prize
One shot and the killing was over, quickly as trimming a thumbnail. Morgan walked away from the alfalfa field toward the dead goat. It was early evening and the sun had long ago loosened its hold on the canyon.
Angel came running from behind the house. She wore a loose white shirt and was barefooted and soil crept up her ankles like socks. Her braids flew behind her.
“Why the hell did you do that?” she said.
Morgan stood near the dead gray nanny goat and with one hand he absently thinned green apples from the dwarf tree. He held the .22 in the other hand, the barrel at an angle to the ground.
“Told her I would if she didn’t keep it penned,” he said. “Here. You take this back to the house.” He handed her the rifle and lifted the goat in his arms and began walking
##A 08 377724 632
##T The Pushcart Prize
toward the country road, toward the goat woman herself who had heard the shot and was waiting in the middle of the gravel road, but near her house, a quarter mile farther toward the lake. Morgan could see her waiting, arms akimbo, in a long skirt and a big picture hat. The pine woods behind her were blackening and the goat was still warm in his arms.
— From THE BIRTHING by Patricia Henley
##A 08 18430 633
##T Getting Published
##A 08 225511 634
##T University Press of America, Inc.
University Press of America, Inc.
Several months ago I received the letter that many authors recognize: “Due to shitty sales, we ain’t gonna publish your book anymore.” Mine was a textbook and it had a long run and two editions so I can’t complain. Yesterday, I received this letter from an outfit called University Press of America:
“It has come to our attention that your book, Life Styles, will no longer be available from Little, Brown and Company. If you are interested in having your book reprinted, we would encourage you to send us a copy for our consideration according to the following scale:
##A 08 226710 635
##T University Press of America, Inc.
0-500 copies: 5%
501-1000: 7 1/2%
1001-1500: 10%
1501-2000: 12 1/2%
The UPA reprint is a facsimile reproduction of the original volume with a new cover, title page, and copyright page indicating both the original and the current copyright holder. Our contract specifies a five year reprint arrangement with royalties paid on net sales. Our marketing efforts include an extensive direct mail program, book exhibits at 45 annual meetings, review copies, and
‘on approval’ copies to prospective adopters.”
I called them today and was expecting that they wanted me to pay
##A 08 227194 636
##T University Press of America, Inc.
some reprint fee. Instead I discovered that they pay all fees and even pay a “small” advance. It’s found money for me; however, Life Styles includes readings from other sources and would involve seeking permissions again. It’s not worth it but they may be interested in reprinting another book.
This is vulture publishing in many respects but one which is a good idea.
— Saul Feldman
UPA publishes about 600 titles a year, mainly social science graduate and undergraduate texts and references, 45 of them
reprints. They consider books from three sources: interested third
##A 08 227571 637
##T University Press of America, Inc.
parties, authors, and out-of-print lists from publishers. I begged their reprint person to consider Peter Stevens’ Patterns in
Nature — she said they probably wouldn’t do it because of the photos. (No permissions, no photos.)
— Sarah Satterlee
##A 08 225536 638
##T University Press of America, Inc.
University Press of America, Inc.
4720 Boston Way
Lanham, MD 20706
##A 08 225987 639
##T How to Get Happily Published
How to Get Happily Published
The most human and truthful book on the good, bad and ugly of being commercially published. Written by a couple of “insiders”
(who now run a very successful New York marketing firm). The sections on working with an editor (and its effect on the success of your published book) are outstanding, as are the “getting yours” portion—contractual obligations, full royalty disclosures, etc. Recently revised and updated.
— Cliff Martin
##A 08 226231 640
##T How to Get Happily Published
Judith Applebaum & Nancy Evans
Revised Edition 1982; 271 pp.
ISBN 0452261252
$8.95 ($10.45 postpaid)
New American Library
P.O. Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621
201/387-0600 (NJ)
##A 08 226429 641
##T How to Get Happily Published
Remembering that a query must do double duty — by selling your idea to the editor
it’s addressed to and then by helping him sell his colleagues — makes it easier to compose a good one.
1. State your specifics.
2. Explain your approach.
3. Cite your sources.
4. Estimate length.
5. Provide a tentative delivery date for your manuscript.
6. Mention your connections and qualifications.
7. Convey some sense of your enthusiasm for the project.
##A 08 351511 642
##T How to Get Happily Published
Browsing through the directories that list grants available to struggling writers should prove heartening, both because you’ll see how many people and groups are trying to help, and because you’ll find at least one program, and probably more, for which you’re eligible. Even first-time authors have grants earmarked especially for them; a number of New York publishing houses, for instance, sponsor fellowships for unpublished writers that consist of outright prize money plus advances, and some university presses offer similar programs.
You can find out who’s giving what by sending for “Grants and Awards Available to Writers,” which is put out by the writers’ group known as P.E.N. and which is the only annual list complied exclusively for writers. In addition, see the general directories of grants listed in “Resources”; read the writers’ magazine “Coda” for announcements of new awards (and reminders about deadline dates for old ones); look
##A 08 352191 643
##T How to Get Happily Published
at preface and acknowledgments sections of books in your field to see whether one foundation or another is especially receptive to your kind of project; and write your state council for the arts and the National Endowment for the Arts to ask for information about financial aid.
##A 08 411262 644
##T Writer’s Market
Writer’s Market
When I was beginning a career as a free-lancer, I thumbed
the hell out of Writer’s Market. It has the addresses, editors’ names, story requirements, and payment fees for almost anywhere you’d want to sell your work, and a lot of places you wouldn’t care to. Don’t make the mistake, though, of using it as an exclusive reference — before you send anything out, you must get hold of the actual publication to see if it’s right for your idea. But for addresses alone, it’s worth its price.
— Steven Levy
##A 08 411658 645
##T Writer’s Market
Glenda Tennant Neff, Editor
1989; 1,056 pp.
ISBN 089879330
$22.95 ($24.95 postpaid)
Writer’s Digest Books
1507 Dana Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45207
513/531-2222 (OH)
##A 08 495268 646
##T Writer’s Market
CHICAGO READER, Box 11101, Chicago Il 60611. (312) 828-0350.
Editor: Robert A. Roth. 80% freelance written. "The Reader is distributed free in Chicago’s lakefront neighborhoods. Generally speaking, these are Chicago’s best educated, most affluent neighborhoods — and they have an unusually high concentration of young adults." Weekly tabloid; 128 pages. Circ. 117,000. Pays “by 15th of month following publication.” Buys all rights. Byline given. Phone queries OK. Photocopied submissions OK. Computer printout submissions acceptable; prefers letter-quality to dot-matrix. SASE.
Reports “very slow,” up to 1 year or more.
Nonfiction: “We want magazine features on Chicago topics. Will also consider
reviews.” Buys 500 mss/year. Submit complete ms.
Length: "Whatever’s appropriate to the story.” Pays $50-$675.
Photos: By assignment only.
Columns/Departments: By assignment only.
##A 08 410376 647
##T Int’l Directory of Little Magazines and Small Presses
Int’l Directory of Little Magazines and Small Presses
The International Directory of Little Magazines and Small Presses, covering the small press world, does an even better job than Writer’s Market. A great resource for placing fiction and poetry,
it’s also a spiritual road map of the independent publishing movement. And since it clues you in on thousands of fascinating publications you never heard of, it’s almost as valuable for readers as it is for writers.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 410850 648
##T Int’l Directory of Little Magazines and Small Presses
International Directory of Little Magazines and Small Presses
Len Fulton, Editor
23rd Edition 1987; 800 pp.
ISBN 091668525X
$72/4 year subscription
($26.95 postpaid)
P.O. Box 100
Paradise, CA 95969
##A 08 304422 649
##T Complete Guide to Self-Publishing
Complete Guide to Self-Publishing
For once the title doesn’t lie. This one will stand long after a dozen other books have come and gone. The hard-won experience
(including failures) of their own self-publishing comes through in this practical and intelligent book. Holds no secrets about the full-time job it becomes (mail clerk, accountant, collection agency, shipping department, editor, and janitor). Helps make the self-publishing process profitable and fun.
— Cliff Martin
##A 08 304643 650
##T Complete Guide to Self-Publishing
(Everything You Need to Know to Write, Publish, Promote, and Sell Your Own Book)
Tom & Marilyn Ross
1985; 399 pp.
ISBN 08898791677
$19.95 ($21.95 postpaid)
Writer’s Digest Books
1507 Dana Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45207
800/551-0884 (OH)
##A 08 304899 651
##T Complete Guide to Self-Publishing
Not every book is suitable for a one-title mail-order campaign. Bookstore shoppers go browsing with the idea that they’ll buy a book when they find the right one. The mail-order buyer typically has no thought of buying until motivated by your ad. Whereas the browser may shop for several minutes, the mail-order counterpart is usually won or lost in seconds.
##A 08 80168 652
##T Complete Guide to Self-Publishing
$300 Three months’ overhead expenses
0 Manuscript typing (you typed it, so your labor is included in overhead figure)
100 Editing
200 Design
600 Typesetting
2,800 Printing
$4,000 TOTAL
The $4,000 divided by two thousand books equals $2 per book. Multiplying by five yields a $10 suggested retail sales price. Take a tip from major retailers and set the price at $9.95.
##A 08 38151 653
##T The Self-Publishing Manual
The Self-Publishing Manual
No other book tells you how to print, copyright and sell your own book with as much practical experience as this one. Heed what it says. Heed what it does as well — it is profitably self-published, along with another ten books, by the author.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 38641 654
##T The Self-Publishing Manual
(How to Write, Print & Sell Your Own Book)
Dan Poynter
Revised Edition 1986; 352 pp.
ISBN 0915516373
$14.95 ($15.95 postpaid)
Para Publishing
P.O. Box 4232
Santa Barbara, CA 93140-4232
##A 08 38884 655
##T The Self-Publishing Manual
Initial press runs should normally be limited to the number of books one can reasonably estimate will be sold in the first year. Unless you have a substantial number of prepublication sales, it is a good idea to limit the first printing to no more than 5,000. No matter how diligently you proofread, some errors will not surface until they appear in ink. Also, once you see the book in its final state, you will wish you had done some things differently. By printing a smaller number, you can use the next few months to catch your errors and make some design changes. Then you will be much happier about the revised second edition.
As a small publisher, it makes more sense to market your book like breakfast food or soap. Develop your product, pour on the promotion, carve a niche in the market and then continue to sell at the same level for years. This can be done with a non-fiction book which is revised at each printing.
##A 08 224477 656
##T The Self-Publishing Manual
If you receive an inquiry from a market you never thought would be interested in your book, draft a letter to similar groups saying “this group ordered the book and we thought you might be interested too.” The mailing may be just 100 pieces — no great investment — and there is a good chance of a payoff.
Before you go to press, obtain your resale permit so you won’t have to pay sales taxes on your books when you pick them up from the printer. Check the posted resale permit at a nearby store, the name of the controlling agency will be on it.
Don’t hesitate to stop an ad that isn’t paying its own way. Advertise only in the best months. Books sell best in February through April because people are confined to their homes by the weather.
##A 08 39101 657
##T The Self-Publishing Manual
Your sales chart Typical big firm individual book sales chart.
##A 08 24755 658
##T Distribution
##A 08 227585 659
##T How To Be Your Own Literary Agent
How To Be Your Own Literary Agent
A goldmine of information and mostly inside advice (from a successful literary agent) on the structure of publisher’s contracts.
— Cliff Martin
##A 08 228029 660
##T How To Be Your Own Literary Agent
(The Business of Getting Your Book Published)
Richard Curtis
Expanded Edition 1984; 257 pp.
ISBN 0395361427
$8.95 ($9.95 postpaid)
Houghton Mifflin Company
Wayside Road
Burlington, MA 01803
##A 08 228272 661
##T How To Be Your Own Literary Agent
Suppose you have a contract with a mass-market publisher that calls for a 6 percent royalty on your $3.00 book, or $0.18 per copy, but the contract says that if your book is sold at more than 50 percent discount your royalty will be reduced by half, to 3 percent, or $0.09 per copy. Well, a few years ago such a reduction was only a marginal possibility. Today, however, it’s more like a probability. You may therefore find yourself getting $0.09 a copy when you were expecting twice that amount! That’s a loss of $9000 for every 100,000 copies sold.
There is an odd and perverse species of author who says, “Hell, I hope I am sued! Think of the publicity that’ll create for my book!” . . . The book sales thus stimulated seldom do the author much good, for by virtue of the warranty and indemnity provisions of the publisher’s contract with the author, the publisher has the right to freeze all those royalties and use them to defray legal expenses and/or pay damages or settlements.
##A 08 354253 662
##T How To Be Your Own Literary Agent
Publishers kill authors by creative bookkeeping. By depriving authors of vital information about book sales, delaying disbursements interminably, obscuring the meaning of figures, manipulating collection dates of subsidiary income, and withholding excessive royalties as a cushion against returns, many publishers figuratively strangle writers and literally poison their good will.
What information goes into a royalty statement? There is no statute, uniform code, or tradition defining the form and content of royalty statements. Every company has its own idea of what and how information should appear, or not appear, on its statements. Just about the only thing they all have in common—and I state this categorically— is that they do not adequately report what the author needs to know. None of them. Not a single publisher.
There are eight categories of information that together form a complete picture of a
##A 08 354384 663
##T How To Be Your Own Literary Agent
book’s financial activity. Without any single one of these, you will be as much in the dark as you are when you try to calculate a baseball batting average without knowing the number of at-bats or hits. The components are as follows:
* Number of copies printed
* Number of copies shipped or distributed
* Number of copies sold
* Type of royalty: regular, special discount, Canadian, foreign export, etc.
* Royalty rate, in terms of a percentage and/or a dollars-and-cents amount
* Number of copies returned
* Reserve against returns, usually expressed in dollars
* Details of subsidiary sales and contracts and of subsidiary income.
##A 08 228573 664
##T Literary Agents of North America
Literary Agents of North America
Much more comprehensive than the listing in Literary Market Place and more meaty entries. Wonderful cross-indexes by subject specialty, policies, size of agency, geographic listing and listing by names. Not seen at many libraries. Please recommend that they own a copy!
— Cliff Martin
##A 08 228689 665
##T Literary Agents of North America
Author Aid/Research Associates
3rd Edition 1988; 204 pp.
ISBN 0911085041
$19.95 ($22.45 postpaid)
Author Aid/Research Associates
340 East 52nd Street
New York, NY 10022
##A 08 352980 666
##T Literary Agents of North America
Why will you need an agent? Bill Adler says that 75% of books brought to publishers are now agented, and that 90% of all successful books are handled by agents. Literary agents represent most big-name authors and most blockbuster books, as well as virtually all screen and TV properties. Publishers, at least the bigger ones (and via mergers they’re getting bigger all the time), aren’t reading material that doesn’t come to them from agents. As the recession deepened, publishers felt they couldn’t afford to pay first readers to find that one–in–a–thousand unsolicited manuscript they could publish at a profit and decided they’d use agents to eliminate poor quality material that had no chance in the ever more highly selective marketplace. Here, they were following the long–standing practice of film and TV producers, who flatly refuse to look at unagented material. Now increasing numbers of publishers are requiring not only that material be submitted by an agent, but also that that agent already be known to an editor there. The ante’s still rising.
##A 08 353197 667
##T Literary Agents of North America
Elaine Markson Literary Agency
44 Greenwich Avenue
New York, NY 10011
Tel: (212) 243-8480
Year Established: 1972
President: Elaine Markson.
Vice-President: Geri Thoma.
Agents: Joslyn Pine; Michael Davidovits; Christi Phillips.
Agency Commission: 10%.
Foreign Representatives: Abner Stein, U.K.
Agency Policies: Does read unsolicited queries; unsolicited MSS (“with SASE”); encourage new writers; return material without SASE; read material from unpublished/unproduced authors; supply ghostwriters/collaborators. Does not provide editorial services; charge a reading fee. Agency is a WGA signatory.
##A 08 353450 668
##T Literary Agents of North America
Professional membership: ILAA.
MS Categories: novel-length fiction; gay and/or Lesbian fiction (books); novelettes; short story collections; short stories; trade nonfiction; gay and/or Lesbian nonfiction; articles; poetry collections; how-to books; juveniles; stage plays; screenplays; translations.
Comments: “We just like good books (well written) on any subject by authors with interesting minds.”
Professional Listings: LMP, CB, FWM, DASJA.
##A 08 229101 669
##T Book Marketing Made Easier
Book Marketing Made Easier
A do-it-yourself kit for new publishers. Biggest selling points are its excellent planning forms—how to figure a budget for book production, promotion, marketing. Plus great sample letters, forms, charts and a whole host of other goodies. I particularly like the “Publisher’s Marketing Timetable” — a well thought out and invaluable checklist from the manuscript stage to post-publication sales. Essential.
— Cliff Martin
##A 08 229269 670
##T Book Marketing Made Easier
John Kremer
1986; 156 pp.
ISBN 0912411112
$14.95 ($16.95 postpaid)
Ad-Lib Publications
P.O. Box 1102
Fairfield, IA 52556-1102
##A 08 229532 671
##T Book Marketing Made Easier
As part of your financial calculations, you will want to calculate the breakeven point for each book. The breakeven point is the number of copies you have to sell in order to cover your basic costs in publishing a particular book. The formula for calculating breakeven is as follows:
production + promotional + miscellaneous costs
net price minus unit royalty costs
##A 08 352263 672
##T Book Marketing Made Easier
You can save plenty of time and expense by sending review copies of your books only to the most important and most likely reviewers. To marginal media, you will be better off sending just a news release and brochure along with a Request Copy Reply Card. The bottom of the news release should have a short note saying that a review copy is available upon request.
If reviews are important to your marketing plans, the Request Copy Reply Card should be a postpaid business reply card addressed to your company. The extra expense will be worth it: you’ll get more responses from interested book reviewers. The easier you make it for the reviewers, the more likely they are to 1) request a review copy of the book, 2) read the book, and 3) review the book. And it is those reviews that count.
Mail order catalogs can sell a lot of books for you if you can get them to carry your books in the first place. Two points to remember when submitting to catalog houses:
##A 08 352613 673
##T Book Marketing Made Easier
1) They require a larger discount than bookstores because of their high cost of advertising (most won’t even consider a book with a discount less than 50%). 2) You must convince them that you are prepared to meet their demand; in other words, you must have enough stock on hand to meet not only their initial order but also any future orders they might place — and be able to ship quickly.
##A 08 229704 674
##T 101 Ways to Market Your Books
101 Ways to Market Your Books
I have personally worn out two copies of this superlative book! I wish this was required reading for any small publisher — it would put the big New York publishers out of business. Insights into the obvious markets (libraries, bookstores, reviews) plus great advice on the weird markets (premium sales, mail order catalogs, foreign markets, spinoffs for more income) — the list is endless.
— Cliff Martin
Some of the specifics are outdated — for instance, Armed Forces Radio Network no longer interviews interesting authors over the phone, the “free” listing in Broadcast Interview Source is now $135, there have been some personnel and phone number changes —
but there are still more valuable suggestions per square inch of
##A 08 231242 675
##T 101 Ways to Market Your Books
type than I’ve seen elsewhere. Besides, if you get the Update,
you’ll get these changes as they happen as well as up-to-the-minute marketing info.
— Sarah Satterlee
##A 08 230062 676
##T 101 Ways to Market Your Books
101 Ways to Market Your Books
(For Publishers and Authors)
John Kremer
1986; 303 pp.
ISBN 0912411090
$14.95 ($16.95 postpaid)
Ad-Lib Publications
P. O. Box 1102
Fairfield, IA 52556-1102
515/472-6617 (IA)
##A 08 230931 677
##T 101 Ways to Market Your Books
Book Marketing Update
John Kremer, Editor
ISSN 08918813
$48/year (6 issues)
Ad-Lib Publications
P.O. Box 1102
Fairfield, IA 52556-1102
##A 08 230570 678
##T 101 Ways to Market Your Books
SPOTTING NEW MARKETS: 90% of all teenage girls have bought something by mail. 70% have bought magazines, 25% books and records. Their average annual spendable income is $900.
Dan Poynter, author/publisher of The Self-Publishing Manual, has just started a new co-op mailing service to 800 of the top radio stations which do telephone interviews. This mailing currently goes out twice a year. For more information, write to Radio Interviews Mailing, Para Publishing, P.O. Box 4232, Santa Barbara, CA 93140-4232; (805) 968-7277.
Many readers will buy a book despite a bad review—if for no other reason than to prove the reviewer wrong. Others buy out of curiosity. Still others buy because they remember reading about the book but do not remember whether the review was good or bad.
##A 08 230686 679
##T Book Marketing Opportunities Database
Book Marketing Opportunities Database
Easy-to-use database program with thousands of marketing and media contacts: wholesalers, chains, specialty booksellers, syndicated columnists, editors and reviewers, etc.; updated every 3 months; does labels, customized reports; interfaces with word processors to create personalized form letters; includes a promotional cycle database to help you keep track of who you sent what about which. I’ve only played with the demo disk and it looks like an an incredibly useful tool for the self- or small publisher.
— Sarah Satterlee
##A 08 231707 680
##T Book Marketing Opportunities Database
Book Marketing Opportunities Database Full Database
Ad-Lib Publications
P.O. Box 1102
Fairfield IA 52556-1102
Specify IBM PC or Macintosh
##A 08 232694 681
##T Book Marketing Opportunities Database
Book Marketing Opportunities Database PR-Flash
Ad-Lib Publications
P.O. Box 1102
Fairfield IA 52556-1102
Specify IBM PC or Macintosh
##A 08 232792 682
##T Book Marketing Opportunities Database
Book Marketing Opportunities Database Demo Disk
Ad-Lib Publications
P.O. Box 1102
Fairfield IA 52556-1102
Specify IBM PC or Macintosh
##A 08 27389 683
##T Newsletters and Newspapers
##A 08 40255 684
##T How to Produce a Small Newspaper
How to Produce a Small Newspaper
I can’t imagine why anyone would dream of starting a small restaurant or a small bookstore when it’s possible to start or take over or work for a small newspaper. As art and news media go, nothing else can give you as much freedom, creativity, responsibility, effectiveness, contact, and home-town audience.
— Stewart Brand
##A 08 40536 685
##T How to Produce a Small Newspaper
(A Guide for Independent Journalists)
Editors of the Harvard Post
1984; 158 pp.
ISBN 0916782395
$9.95 ($11.20 postpaid)
Harvard Common Press
c/o Kampmann and Company
9 East 40th Street
New York, NY 10016
##A 08 40934 686
##T How to Produce a Small Newspaper
“Experts” may tell you that no newspaper averaging less than 65 percent advertising can survive, but the Harvard Post has been doing quite well enough with about 40 percent. When we go over a certain amount of advertising dollars in an issue, we prefer to add four more pages rather than to crowd the paper with ads.
##A 08 41080 687
##T How to Produce a Small Newspaper
The newspaper at left chooses a large, bold headline style, and breaks up the type page by use of subheads and excerpts from the article set in a smaller display type. This is a useful alternative when pictures are lacking. At right, a good example of how to use one traditional type style imaginatively in headlines to keep a varied but unified appearance.
##A 08 41455 688
##T How to Do Leaflets, Newsletters and Newspapers
How to Do Leaflets, Newsletters and Newspapers
There’s no leverage like local publishing — it’s cheap, fast, relatively easy, and outrageously effective if done well. In this manual are all the instructions you need to do it well.
(Technically, at least; the rest is character.) The book is its own best demonstration. I wish I’d had it when we started.
— Stewart Brand
##A 08 41681 689
##T How to Do Leaflets, Newsletters and Newspapers
Nancy Brigham with Ann Raszmann & Dick Cluster
1982; 144 pp.
ISBN 0803830629
$14.95 ($15.95 postpaid)
Hastings House
c/o Kampmann and Company
9 East 40th Street
New York, NY 10016
##A 08 41796 690
##T How to Do Leaflets, Newsletters and Newspapers
What makes a good headline? . . . Make it active, not passive. Tell what’s happening, not just what is. Instead of “Dental Plan Highlights,” say something like: “You Have New Dental Benefits” or “We Won Free Dental Visits!”
Granted, the substitutes for sexist grammar aren’t as natural-sounding as the original version. But when inequality is built into our language, speaking naturally takes a back seat to speaking so that large groups in your audience won’t be offended
or left out.
Using photos: Whoever’s looking at you will end up looking into the eyes of the reader browsing through your paper. Suppose you snap a furious tenant ranting and shouting about how his rent is too high and his landlord is terrible. If the tenant’s looking right at the camera, he’ll be ranting at the reader. Instead of sympathizing with him, your reader will feel threatened and unjustly accused.
##A 08 35675 691
##T How to Do Leaflets, Newsletters and Newspapers
##A 08 259801 692
##T How to Do Leaflets, Newsletters and Newspapers
##A 08 296390 693
##T How to Do Leaflets, Newsletters and Newspapers
##A 08 233356 694
##T The Newsletter on Newsletters
The Newsletter on Newsletters
The hard-nose approach to making a high-priced high value newsletter your livelihood. Delivered to you in a high-priced newsletter format, of course. As Ivan Levison, a newsletter producer himself, said, “In a world of broadcasting, newsletters represent the victory of narrow-casting.” Yep.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 233504 695
##T The Newsletter on Newsletters
$96/year (bi-weekly)
Newsletter on Newsletters
44 West Market Street
P.O. Box 311
Rhinebeck, NY 12572
##A 08 233831 696
##T Editing Your Newsletter
Editing Your Newsletter
Now in its third, revised edition, this book has no competitors. Beach is a perfectionist, and his recommendations are contagious. Major selling points: its visual approach — short on preaching,
long on actual examples; a superb glossary; forms that can be photocopied and used; wonderful examples of photo processes and how they compare.
— Cliff Martin
##A 08 234146 697
##T Editing Your Newsletter
(How to Produce an Effective Publication Using Traditional
Tools and Computers)
Mark Beach
1988; 169 pp.
ISBN 0943381010
$18.50 ($20.50 postpaid)
Coast to Coast Books
2934 NE 16th Avenue
Portland, OR 97212
##A 08 234555 698
##T Editing Your Newsletter
Some of the elements of a newsletter. Control over cost, quality, and schedule requires clear communication among every one responsible for the production process. Precise language for newsletter elements reduces mistakes caused by confusion. This book uses the basic terms shown above with their meanings illustrated. These meanings are standard among graphic arts professionals.
##A 08 234423 699
##T Publishing Newsletters
Publishing Newsletters
The best book to cover the whole business of starting, managing, and succeeding at newsletter publishing. From a legend in the newsletter world (founder of the Newsletter Association and publisher of the “Newsletter on Newsletters”). Best selling point is his effort to show how hard it is to succeed at newsletter publishing, to get renewals and keep costs to a minimum. No one should think about doing a newsletter without consulting this book!
— Cliff Martin
##A 08 234810 700
##T Publishing Newsletters
Howard Hudson
Revised Edition 1988; 224 pp.
ISBN 0684189542
$12.95 ($14.45 postpaid)
Macmillan Publishing Co.
Order Department
Front and Brown Streets
Riverside, N.J. 08075
##A 08 235228 701
##T Publishing Newsletters
Whatever their physical appearance, there is one unifying characteristic of newsletters: they provide specialized information. They are informal publications, created to service designated audiences or universes rather than a mass audience.
Much government material is written in infuriating gobbledygook. As one Washington newsletter publisher said, “Our position is secure until the government learns to write in English. But that will not happen in our lifetime, if ever.”
As I have stressed, even if you can afford it, don’t make your decision to use type rather than typewriter composition on the basis of printing appearance. . . . I’ve noted that often the most expensive newsletters in printing quality are put out by
nonprofit groups or sell for $5 a year, while the $300 and up subscription letters
##A 08 235688 702
##T Publishing Newsletters
are typewriter composition. Whatever the sponsorship of the newsletter, it’s the content that comes first.
The selection of the right lists is the single most important effort in direct mail advertising. The most amateurish sales letter to the right list will do better that a beautiful presentation to the wrong list. Naturally, you want to be expert in all aspects of direct mail — the list, the offer, and the direct mail package. But the list
is where you start.
##A 08 115666 703
##T Publishing Newsletters
This is the most important design element in your newsletter. Your logotype will appear issue after issue, to bring the favorable recognition or to haunt you.
There are two elements involved. The first is the name of the newsletter, which must be drawn in a distinctive typeface that will identify your newsletter forevermore. The second element is a suitable design that symbolizes your subject matter or your organization to your reader.
Some logos that produce an instant visual play on title and content are shown here.
##A 08 27601 704
##T Printing and Design
##A 08 46290 705
##T Fine Print
Fine Print
It’s probably a sign of advancing age, but I am coming to honor the well made book. If you’re a similar anachronism, this precise publication on “the Arts of the Book” will hone your intolerance fine.
— Stewart Brand
##A 08 46455 706
##T Fine Print
Sandra Kirshenbaum, Editor
ISSN 03613881
$48/year (4 issues);
$58 institutions
Fine Print
P. O. Box 3394
San Francisco, CA 94119
##A 08 46915 707
##T Fine Print
Drawing of Wang Chen’s wooden movable type printing process, ca. 1300. At right, typesetting with characters in compartments arranged by rhymes; and left, printing by brushing on the back of paper from the type frames.
##A 08 31012 708
##T Pocket Pal
Pocket Pal
This tasty book has been around since 1934 and has been continually revised as the printing biz evolved. Pocket Pal will teach you the language you need to know to keep your local printer from bullshitting you overmuch. You will also learn a healthy respect for his art and the myriad events which transpire in a complicated printing job.
— E. Todd Ellison
##A 08 31240 709
##T Pocket Pal
(A Graphic Arts Production Handbook)
International Paper
13th Edition 1988; 216 pp.
$4.25 postpaid
International Paper Co.
6400 Poplar Avenue
Memphis, TN 38197
##A 08 60579 710
##T Pocket Pal
Halftone dots enlarged.
##A 08 326512 711
##T Pocket Pal
Proofreaders’ deletion and insertion marks.
##A 08 233047 712
##T Getting It Printed
Getting It Printed
Hard to imagine we ever got by for so long without this book! A landmark both in content and design, a great combination of a nice book to look at, plus every page has useful information. From the
“idiot” stage to fairly advanced technical printing information. Like getting a $300 course for thirty bucks! A must for any book publisher.
— Cliff Martin
##A 08 235291 713
##T Getting It Printed
(How to Work with Printers and Graphic Arts Services to Assure
Quality, Stay on Schedule,
and Control Costs)
Mark Beach, Steve Shepro
& Ken Russon
1986; 236 pp.
ISBN 096026647X
$29.50 ($31.50 postpaid)
Coast to Coast Books
2934 NE 16th Avenue
Portland, OR 97212
##A 08 236172 714
##T Getting It Printed
Line copy, such as type and clip art, is photographed in a process camera to make either a quick printing plate or a line negative for commercial printing. Continuous-tone copy, such as photographs and watercolor illustrations, is exposed through a screen in contact with the film to make halftone negatives.
##A 08 236368 715
##T Getting It Printed
The ball and background are coarsely screened at 40 lines per inch. Even these large dots create the illusion of the original continuous-tone image.
##A 08 236006 716
##T Perma-Bound Binding
Perma-Bound Binding
A library bindery, this company will “Perma-Bound” your paperbacks for as little as $3.00 apiece ($25 minimum order). After removing the original paper cover, they reinforce the binding and then rebind, sandwiching the paper cover between binder board and clear polyester film. Voila! Cheaper than hardbound (Lake Wobegon Days by Garrison Keillor is $17.95 in hard cover, $4.95 in paper, and $8.40 Perma-Bound), more durable than paperback, and a great way to save that treasured book whose pages are beginning to fall out and whose cover is getting ratty. (If too ratty, the pages can still be rebound but with a solid-color cover imprinted with title and author.) Your favorite might be bound already — call for their catalog of over 6,000 titles.
— Sarah Satterlee
##A 08 236601 717
##T Perma-Bound Binding
information free
Hertzberg-New Method, Inc.
Vandalia Road
Jacksonville, IL 62650
217/243-5451 (IL)
##A 08 360146 718
##T Perma-Bound Binding
Frog And Toad Are Friends — Lobel, A. A Caldecott Honor book about the friendship of Frog and Toad and their adventures in the woods. Reading Rainbow Book. NCTE Adventuring with Books. RL 2 IL K-3 (HA) RR, TE-1
110754 6.40
Gulag Archipelago (Parts 1-2) — Solzhenitsyn, A. The investigation of Soviet life in and out of the penal institutions from the Revolution through the mid 1950s. ALA Outstanding Books for the College Bound. RL 10 IL 10+ (HA)
129000 8.40
Middle East — Bucher, H. Thematic volume in the THIRD WORLD SERIES, written by an author who has taught courses related to the region and spent considerable time there. RL 9 IL 9+ (DUS)
196282 9.70
##A 08 39280 719
##T Editing by Design
Editing by Design
Outstanding book on design — using the image and images of the page to carry a message with pure clarity. This one book, heeded, could cure the rotten design of most amateur publishing.
— Stewart Brand
##A 08 39601 720
##T Editing by Design
Jan V. White
1982; 248 pp.
ISBN 0835215083
$34.95 ($38.45 postpaid)
R.R. Bowker Company
Order Department
P. O. Box 762
New York, NY 10011
##A 08 39903 721
##T Editing by Design
Very few pictures are so clearly focused on a subject that words become superfluous. It is very risky to run pictures without them. Pictures are not the universal panacea; having a good shot or two does not mean that the problems of presentation have been solved for that story.
##A 08 88501 722
##T Editing by Design
Two-page spreads
##A 08 232118 723
##T Editing by Design
Repeating the space or size of a number of pictures, so that the common element of shape or size becomes the unifying force.
##A 08 34472 724
##T Editing by Design
There can be no question in anyone’s mind about which picture the editors deemed most important: Not only does the spread communicate more clearly and faster, but it looks better and more dynamic.
##A 08 261637 725
##T The Alternative Printing Handbook
The Alternative Printing Handbook
This book is not for lovers of the printing craft, but for “people with something to say” — which is anyone involved in community projects that need flyers for telephone poles, a brief newsletter for organization members, or invitations to a fundraiser. Learn when and how to use stencil duplicating, screen printing, and offset-litho printing, the three methods the authors consider best for non-commercial groups. And being activists themselves, the authors also include all-important tips on distribution.
There are two big drawbacks to this book, however. It’s from England and it was published in 1983. The authors try and explain the processes in American and English printing terms, but it still
##A 08 78591 726
##T The Alternative Printing Handbook
leans toward England. And some of the information is out-of-date since 1983. But even so, it’s a quick, encouraging, useful guide.
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 08 262001 727
##T The Alternative Printing Handbook
Chris Treweek
1983; 110 pp.
£7 (about $13) postpaid
Islington Bus Co.
Palmer Place
London N7 8DH
##A 08 262607 728
##T The Alternative Printing Handbook
Simple shapes can be cut into a potato with a sharp knife, but the edges of the shape tend to go soft quite quickly once you start printing, and a potato block will not, of course, keep for future use. More complicated shapes can be cut into balsa wood or polystyrene (styrofoam) with a sharp knife.
##A 08 117245 729
##T The Alternative Printing Handbook
Equipment and materials for pasting up
##A 08 28777 730
##T Typography
##A 08 237011 731
##T Designing with Type
Designing with Type
Whether it’s a poster or a book, designers have to work with words. Letters come in all shapes and sizes, each with its own personality and charm. But they all have the same purpose — transferring ideas and information.
Legibility and impact are not accidental. Starting with alphabetical history, families of type and units of measurements, and finishing up with leading and copy fitting, the clear examples in this book will add new meaning to the words you see.
— Kathleen O’Neill
##A 08 237228 732
##T Designing with Type
(A Basic Course in Typography)
James Craig
1971, 1980; 175 pp.
ISBN 0823013200
$24.95 ($26.95 postpaid)
Watson-Guptill Publications
1695 Oak Street
Lakewood, NJ 08701
##A 08 320722 733
##T Designing with Type
Study the words “Rome,” “steel,” and “circus”. You will notice that they are set in three different display faces. Decide which face you feel is the most appropriate for each word. You will probably find that most people agree with your choice.
##A 08 336929 734
##T Designing with Type
It has been found that in reading blocks of type, the reader prefers reading lowercase letters to all caps. Which do you read more easily?
##A 08 237467 735
##T Twentieth Century Type Designers
Twentieth Century Type Designers
Typography is as invisible to most readers as molecules are in daily life. Yet it’s subtly crucial to the underlying structure of anything we read. As a writer, typesetter, magazine editor, design dabbler, and (recently) desktop publishing aficionado, I sought to understand typography for years: why did the same page change so much just from changing between Century, say, and Helvetica? Why did Palatino feel so regal, and Souvenir so clunky? I leafed through dozens of dreary type spec books in vain, never finding the soul of this intensely personal craft form. Finally, Sebastian Carter’s tribal history educated me — partly about letterforms, partly about the dedicated madmen who designed them, and mostly about the sense of civilization which letterforms evoke.
##A 08 238425 736
##T Twentieth Century Type Designers
For anyone who uses type — designers, desktop publishers, typesetters, maybe even readers — this otherwise readable group biography becomes magnificently practical.
— Art Kleiner
##A 08 237741 737
##T Twentieth Century Type Designers
Sebastian Carter
1987; 168 pp.
$24.95 ($26.20 postpaid)
Taplinger Publishing Co., Inc.
132 West 32nd Street
New York, NY 10011
##A 08 237939 738
##T PosterMaker Plus
PosterMaker Plus
For bending type as if it were rubber, this neat program for the Macintosh can’t be passed over. You can enlarge the text to any size when you print it on a Laserwriter, which means that it can later be reduced for reproduction with impeccable resolution. And you can print out both type and graphics in sheets to assemble it as a gigantic poster.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 239689 739
##T PosterMaker Plus
$59.95 ($63.45 postpaid)
Brøderbund Software
P.O. Box 12947
San Rafael, CA 94913
Version 2.5, not copy-protected, Macintosh.
##A 08 337576 740
##T PosterMaker Plus
Experimenting with the logo for Whole Earth’s new book, Signal, using PosterMaker Plus
##A 08 338321 741
##T PosterMaker Plus
Experimenting with the logo for Whole Earth’s new book, Signal, using PosterMaker Plus
##A 08 239995 742
##T Postscript Type Sampler
Postscript Type Sampler
“Good reference tool for desktop typesetters,” says Kathleen O’Neill, Whole Earth’s design mogul. Catalog of over 800 type samples from 17 manufacturers of Postscript fonts.
— Sarah Satterlee
##A 08 240208 743
##T Postscript Type Sampler
1988; 300+ pp.
(more as new fonts added)
$49.95 ($53.95 postpaid)
702 Twinbrook Parkway
Rockville, MD 20851
##A 08 338721 744
##T Postscript Type Sampler
Two versions of the Los Angeles Bold typeface:
(Top) Fat Los Angeles Bold
Bold-Modified PostScript Face
(Middle) Los Angeles Bold
10/12 Left Justified
Bold-Macintosh Text Style
(Bottom) Currently available point sizes
##A 08 134427 745
##T Desktop Publishing
##A 08 42436 746
DESKTOP PUBLISHING — using a personal computer to write, typeset, design and publish a newsletter, magazine, or book — represents a tremendous advance for small publishers. Tasks that used to take a handful of specialists days have been compressed into page-makeup programs that enable a jack-of-all trades publisher to directly control the whole process. For the megalomaniacs among us this is indeed good news. However, it is a mixed blessing for everyone else. For example, desktop publishing plays havoc with clearcut job descriptions. Once you have a single software program that lets you specify page layout formats, choose typefaces and point sizes, “pour in” word processed copy, and manipulate illustrations in quick succession, you have a program which practically begs for a new breed of multi-talented publishing workers. Where does this leave the editor who can’t
##A 08 42750 747
design, the art director who can’t spell, or the typesetter who merely wants to typeset? Good question.
In the last year or so, the tools for desktop publishing have matured to the point where many small (and not so small) magazine and book publishers depend on them almost exclusively. Graphic designers are rapidly becoming addicted to the power that desktop publishing gives them. These are remarkable times we live in — just as long as someone doesn’t pull the plug!
— Jay Kinney
Ÿ Paths to Computer Purchases: Graphics and Publishing Path
##A 08 43773 748
##T PageMaker
This software program used in conjunction with a Macintosh has my vote for the best hardware/software combo for desktop publishing. While there are several other competing programs available (some geared for the IBM PC), there are none with the intuitive design and ease of use that PageMaker provides. If you are considering publishing you should investigate PageMaker.
— Jay Kinney
The current version of PageMaker is available both for Macintosh and 80286-based DOS systems, with provision for transferring files between them. A hard disk is all but essential.
— Hank Roberts
##A 08 44026 749
##T PageMaker
Information free
Aldus Corporation
411 First Avenue
Suite 200
Seattle, WA 98104
Version 3.0. Not copy-protected. Macintosh external disk drive required; hard disk recommended.
##A 08 160154 750
##T PageMaker
What a page looks like while you’re designing with PageMaker. This is the Full Screen view. The overall design is visible, but not the details like typeface, etc. Three other viewing levels let you see each page at 75% of actual size, actual size, and blown up to 200%. PageMaker 3.0 also lets you wrap text around graphics.
##A 08 241640 751
by Ted Nace
Using cheap IBM clones as the starting point, tens of thousands of people have set up desktop publishing systems that cost about half as much and in many ways outperform their Macintosh counterparts.
The overall hardware and software budget for such a system runs to about $4000 (about the same as a good used car). The bare hardware essentials are an AT clone with a hard disk (around $1200 in late 1988), an HP LaserJet II printer (around $1650), a mouse, and software. Software means PageMaker (easiest to
learn), or Xerox Ventura Publisher (faster than PageMaker and
##A 08 242638 752
more popular), or WordPerfect 5.0 (the first word processor with enough graphic and typographic capabilities to compete against PageMaker and Ventura).
The main ingredient is type. Previously, you needed a $5000 PostScript laser printer if you wanted access to commercial quality fonts in a wide range of sizes. Now, a medley of hardware and software products are available that generate equally good fonts for the cheaper HP LaserJet. The most widely used of these new type generators is Fontware from Bitstream, which is now being given away with WordPerfect, PageMaker, and many other products.
Desktop publishing systems built around IBM clones have two
##A 08 242850 753
drawbacks. The first is the quality of graphics software, which still lags behind the Macintosh. The second is the fact that it takes more time and effort to find and assemble the parts of such a system, sort out incompatibilities among components, and master programs which — unlike those for the Macintosh — don’t conform to a single consistent design. But for those on a tight budget, the clone route is the obvious choice.
Two useful books for Desktop Publishing on the IBM:
LaserJet Unlimited, by Ted Nace and Michael Gardner
Ventura Tips and Tricks by Ted Nace
##A 08 241895 754
LaserJet Unlimited, Edition II
Ted Nace & Michael Gardner
1988; 212 pp.
ISBN 0938151002
$24.95 ($28.45 postpaid)
Peachpit Press
1085 Keith Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94708
##A 08 243123 755
Ventura Tips and Tricks
Ted Nace
2nd Edition, 1988; 286 pp.
ISBN 0938151010
$26.45 postpaid
Peachpit Press
1085 Keith Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94708
##A 08 339609 756
A music score created with Alexander
— LaserJet Unlimited, Edition II
##A 08 340017 757
LaserImage screen
— LaserJet Unlimited, Edition II
##A 08 242114 758
Having published many issues of a 48-page professional magazine that was produced entirely on a Macintosh computer, I can state with assurance that it can be done and it can even be fun. But it is also a staggering task that dumps the work of three individuals into the lap of one overworked person. Sometimes empowerment is hard to distinguish from embattlement. Two magazines keep things in perspective.
Personal Publishing is the better of the two, devoted to helping low-end do-it-yourselfers. It’s put out by three people in a Chicago suburb, and is itself a Macintosh and Laserwriter
production — one of the better-looking such publications I’ve seen. It’s geared to those who are just starting out in personal
##A 08 243913 759
publishing and is strong on explaining and illustrating the fundamentals of the field. Almost entirely staff-written, the magazine is opinionated, partisan (it favors the Mac over any other PC), and inspirational.
Publish! comes from the publishers of MacWorld and PC World and follows in their successfully slick footsteps. I almost let my subscription lapse recently because it is very geared to individuals who are responsible for publications and presentations in corporate settings, and are far more IBM-oriented than I am. But on my last issue they revamped its design, and there was enough valuable information peppered throughout that I renewed.
Ÿ Other Computer Magazines — Jay Kinney
##A 08 242179 760
Personal Publishing
Terry Ulick, Publisher
ISSN 0884951X
$24/year (12 issues)
Hitchcock Publishing Company
25W550 Geneva Road
Wheaton, IL 60188-2292
##A 08 244439 761
David Bunnell, Editor-in -Chief
ISSN 08976007
$39.39/year (12 issues)
Subscriber Services
P. O. Box 55400
Boulder, Co 80322
##A 08 243560 762
Even if you’re only armed with WordStar and a Laserjet printer, you could create this newsletter page containing a variety of type sizes, two columns, and a shaded box by conveniently selecting Lasermate printing options.
— from Publish!
##A 08 244658 763
##T Illustrated Hndbk of Desktop Pub & Typesetting
Illustrated Hndbk of Desktop Pub & Typesetting
What is erroneously called desktop publishing is actually desktop typesetting. Much of traditional publishing has always been done at a desk, and much of the rest still can not be. The only new aspect of publishing now taking place at table height is the job of formatting text into tiny hard-edged letters. It’s an ancient craft with timeless principles. For that reason an old-fashioned encyclopedic tome like this one continues to be useful in a field that outdates books so fast that normally anything this big and heavy would be a dinosaur the day it was printed. There’s probably more here than the average reader wants to know.
I’d guess the book’s niche is as a library reference for the typesetting regular who needs to know how to encapsulate
##A 08 245689 764
##T Illustrated Hndbk of Desktop Pub & Typesetting
typesetting technology into the vernacular of desktop appliances. Not for the uninitiated.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 244813 765
##T Illustrated Hndbk of Desktop Pub & Typesetting
Michael L. Kleper
1987; 770 pp.
ISBN 0830627006
$29.95 ($33.95 postpaid)
Graphic Dimensions
134 Caversham Woods
Pittsford, NY 14534-2834
##A 08 245435 766
##T Illustrated Hndbk of Desktop Pub & Typesetting
A diagram of the inner workings of the HP LaserJet printer. In many respects, it resembles a tabletop plain paper copier.
##A 08 22555 767
##T Out-of-Print Books
##A 08 245026 768
by Kevin Kelly
The average lifespan of a book these days is about 18 months, and decreasing yearly. Because of a new tax law, publishers are penalized for keeping books in stock, and so they don’t print more than they think will sell in a year or so. After the second year most books, even truly great ones, go out of print, which means that you or your bookstore cannot order it from the publisher.
Where can you buy a book that’s gone out of print? (If all you want to do is borrow it, you need go no further than your library.) Your local used-book bookstore can usually list the book you are searching for in the professional journal of book collectors,
##A 08 246842 769
A B Bookman’s Weekly. It’ll cost a one-time fee of $1 per book. Collectors read the magazine and contact the bookstore owner if they have the title you want; the bookstore owner then notifies you. It can take several months to hear a nibble.
A little quicker way is to employ one of several out-of-print book finders. You notify them (by phone or letter) of the title you want, and they will notify their own private network of collectors, who then report back to the finder, who then sends you a price quote for the book. If you agree to the price/condition, the finder will request physical delivery of the book and inspect it before shipping to you.
It costs you nothing to have them send a query out for you; in order
##A 08 247537 770
to pay their bills, finders add a percentage to the cost of the book. Most finders won’t deal with a book selling for less than $15. The average cost of an out-of-print book they find is about $20 — the same that an average new hardcover book goes for. The whole transaction from query to book-in-hand takes about a full month.
As an example, I simultaneously notified the five services below that I was searching for three books: a volume of photographic natural history, a short story anthology, and an obscure early novel by the now-popular British science fiction author J.G. Ballard. Three weeks later, Out-of-State Book Service notified me that they found the photographic book. My cost: $30 for a hard bound copy “in excellent condition.” The last time it was in print, it
was as a $28 paperback, so it was a good buy. One week after that
##A 08 247624 771
I got a computerized postcard from Culpin’s saying that they found the novel I was after. Their source wanted $73 for it, I guess because of Ballard’s new-found popularity. I never heard anything about the other book. No guarantees, but since it costs me nothing to search, it’s worth it for the hit now and then.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 245767 772
Out-of-State Book Service
Out of State Book Service
Box 3253
San Clemente, CA 92672-1053
##A 08 248705 773
Culpin’s Booksearch
Culpin’s Booksearch
3827 West 32nd Avenue
Denver, CO 80211
##A 08 248518 774
Avonlea Books
Avonlea Books
Box 74 Main Station
White Plains, NY 10602
##A 08 248197 775
Box 1178A
Culpepper, VA 22701-7324
##A 08 248003 776
Continental Book Service
Continental Book Service
Box 1163-B
New York, NY 10009
##A 08 248868 777
##T The Buckley-Little Book Catalogue
The Buckley-Little Book Catalogue
However you feel about William F. Buckley, Jr.’s opinions, you gotta admit he had a good idea when he and Stuart Little formed a company to distribute those out-of-print books that authors hoard in their basements, attics, and garages. Although many of the titles are now stored in a central warehouse, some books are still available directly from authors, who often will autograph copies before sending them out.
The catalog’s standards are more egalitarian than you might expect — for $50, any author with “a serious commitment to authorship” can list any OOP title, giving any description he or
she likes. But what the catalog may lack in objectivity it more
than makes up in offering books, from the famous to the obscure, that you can’t get anyplace else. — Sarah Vandershaf
##A 08 249195 778
##T The Buckley-Little Book Catalogue
1987; 87 pp.
ISBN 0916667049
Catalog $15
Buckley-Little Book
Catalogue Co., Inc.
Kraus Building
Route 100
Millwood, NY 10546
##A 08 249424 779
##T The Buckley-Little Book Catalogue
Ehrlichman, John—Sketches and Notes, Washington, 1969-1975, Cerro Gordo Publications, 1987. 175 p. Illus. History.
Pen and ink sketches of people, places and events during the time of the Nixon White House years and the Watergate trial, with captions and frank commentary.
Send orders to Cerro Gordo Communications, 1678 Cerro Gordo, Santa Fe, NM 87501. $10.95, paper.
##A 08 372391 780
##T The Buckley-Little Book Catalogue
Kael, Pauline—When the Lights Go Down, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1980, 592 p. Theater & Film.
Collected film criticism 1975-1979.
Author will autograph copies. Send orders to Pauline Kael, The New Yorker, 25 West 43rd St., New York, NY 10036. $18.95
##A 08 371884 781
##T The Buckley-Little Book Catalogue
Schor, Lynda—True Love and Real Romance, Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1979. 293 p. Fiction; Humor.
Described in a review as “erotic, obscene, funny, cynical, sinister, compassionate, eccentric and horribly universal” these short stories are mostly about modern relationships. By the author of “Appetites.”
Author will autograph copies. Send orders to Lynda Schor, 463 West St., #610C, New York, NY 10014. #9.95.
##A 08 250172 782
##T UMI Author Guide to Out-of-Print Books
UMI Author Guide to Out-of-Print Books
I once spent several frustrating hours searching for a copy of The Realm of the Nebulæ, astronomer Edwin Hubble’s 1924 proof that galaxies exist beyond our own. I finally found the thing after collaring a librarian to help me. And that was at the Library of Congress! Imagine the difficulty of finding such important-but-obscure historical works at your local library.
If you are in this position and are willing to buy the book, the UMI Guide might be able to help. Over 100,000 out-of-print books and dissertations — including the elusive Nebulæ — are indexed on 12 microfiche slides. UMI reprints the books on order and delivers them within 30 days. Out-of-print books cost 26¢ per page, with a minimum price of $20 per book and a maximum of $150;
##A 08 251158 783
##T UMI Author Guide to Out-of-Print Books
dissertation prices vary. Some of the books are seriously out-of-print (i.e., since the 19th Century), and the collection as a whole leans towards academic and historical publications — for those times in life when only the primary source will do.
— Sarah Vandershaf
##A 08 250549 784
##T UMI Author Guide to Out-of-Print Books
Catalog on microfiche free
Univ Microfilms Inc
P.O. Box 1467
Ann Arbor, MI 48106
##A 08 251426 785
Both these reference volumes list stores and dealers who sell out-of-print books. Total sources, Specialized: 3000; Buy Books Where: 2100. But gross body count isn’t a fair comparison, since each volume includes sources the other doesn’t. Between the two, you stand a good chance of finding someone who sells the book you’re looking for.
— Sarah Vandershaf
##A 08 251741 786
Directory of Specialized American Bookdealers
The Staff of American Book Collector
1987; 520 pp.
$47.50 ($49.50 postpaid)
Moretus Press, Inc.
P.O. Box 1080
Ossining, NY 10562
##A 08 252640 787
Buy Books Where, Sell Books Where
(A Directory of Out of Print
Booksellers and their
Author-Subject Specialties)
Ruth E. Robinson
& Daryush Farudi
6th Edition 1988; 274 pp.
ISBN 0960355677
$29.75 postpaid
Ruth E. Robinson Books
Route 7
P.O. Box 162A
Morgantown, WV 26505
##A 08 252072 788
Abraham Lincoln Book Shop, 18 E. Chestnut St., Chicago, IL 60611
Janet Babcock, 86 College Av., Poughkeepsie, NY 12603
Mason’s Rare & Used Books, 261 S. Wabash St., Wabash, IN 46992
Amaranth Books, Taos Sq., Box 293, Georgetown, CO 80444
Paulette Rose Ltd., 360 East 72nd St., New York, NY 10021
Wayside Books, Box 501, RR3, Langworthy Rd., Westerly, RI 02891
— from Buy Books Where, Sell Books Where
##A 08 85012 789
J. A. Baumhofer
P. O. Box 65943
St. Paul, Minn. 55615
(612) 224-3210
By mail only
Catalogues issued
James A. Baumhofer
Zane Grey; Civil War & Confederacy; General Stratton Porter
— from Directory of Specialized American Bookdealers
##A 08 252835 790
##T Daedalus Books
Daedalus Books
Here’s a new and welcome twist on “remaindered” books (the heavily discounted hardbacks often found at bookstores). As Daedalus’ owners point out, “remainders are not books that don’t sell, but simply books (whether bestseller, classic, or disappointment) whose remaining stock at publishers’ warehouses is larger than their projected sales.” That often happens to good books.
Daedalus selects what it considers the best of the lot, with an eye towards literary bargains, then sells them via mail order at tremendous savings. Prices average $3 — $5 a book, which means you can buy a hardcover that is cheaper than the paperback.
— Joe Kane
##A 08 253017 791
##T Daedalus Books
Catalog free
Daedalus Books
2260 25th Place, NE
Washington, D.C. 20018
##A 08 29032 792
##T Copyright
##A 08 253285 793
##T The Copyright Book
The Copyright Book
Not a mere legalistic regurgitation of rules and regulations, this is the best book on copyright principles for my money. With clear insight, imaginative examples, and hardly a Latin word in sight, the author pierces the thicket of riddles we call copyright. He’s the only one I’ve read willing to tackle thorny issues like parody, private copying, and “librarying” — archiving copies for research.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 253556 794
##T The Copyright Book
William S. Strong
2nd Edition 1984; 223 pp.
ISBN 0262691043
$6.95 ($9.45 postpaid)
MIT Press
28 Carleton Street
Cambridge, MA 02142
##A 08 253944 795
##T The Copyright Book
If copyright is like property in land, infringement is like moving onto someone’s land without permission, chopping down trees, mining coal, and stealing water from the well. But, unlike boundaries in land, the boundaries of a copyright are never clearly defined and frequently are not known until the end of a lawsuit.
Where lies the boundary between copyright and freedom of speech, both of which derive from the Constitution? One’s first answer is to say that although a citizen may be free to speak, he is not entitled to speak his mind in the same words as his neighbor. He is free to speak the idea, if you will, but not the expression. However, when you consider that “expression” can mean an arrangement of ideas this answer wears a bit thin. In the end, discussions on this subject are generally reduced to
“Well, we know what we mean by free speech, even if we can’t put it into words.”
##A 08 254412 796
##T The Copyright Book
So, in full knowledge of the risks, I will undertake to put into words a rule for drawing the line between the First Amendment and copyright. My suggestion is this: use of copyright work is fair to the extent that the user could not otherwise convey or demonstrate his ideas in exercise of his freedom of speech.
##A 08 254082 797
##T How to Register A Copyright
How to Register A Copyright
Which hoops to jump through in the great paperchase. All the forms are covered, steps one, two, three, four. . . .
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 254465 798
##T How to Register A Copyright
Robert B. Chickering
& Susan Hartman
Updated Edition 1987; 230 pp.
ISBN 0684188783
$10.95 postpaid
Macmillan Publishing Co.
Mail Order Department
Front & Brown Streets
Riverside, NJ 08075
##A 08 254853 799
##T How to Register A Copyright
When you convert your idea into a fixed form, it is your form of expression — not your concept — that is protected. If it seems unfair that someone can use your ideas, a simple explanation of the reasoning behind the law is that copyright is designed to stimulate, not limit, the development of original works.
Your work is automatically protected by the copyright law from the moment it is created — fixed in a tangible medium — even though you have not registered it with the Copyright Office. You do not have to register a claim to copyright in your work in order to reproduce, distribute, market, transfer ownership, or license your work.
##A 08 128050 800
##A 08 135054 801
##T Telephones
##A 08 53073 802
BEGINNING 100 YEARS AGO, the telephone industry changed a nation of remote outposts into a vast interwoven network of sense, nonsense, business, motion, and emotion. The 1982 divestiture decision prompted a flood of change in telephones and telephone services. When the waters subside, the entire infrastructure of our culture will be new.
Meanwhile: Answering machines have revamped our habits of courtesy. New models let you retrieve messages from any faraway touchtone phone, or even forward messages to another phone. The consumer electronics catalogs (see reviews) carry them. Panasonic is the most consistently reliable brand. Cellular phones
(“car phones”) are revamping the morning commute. They vary so much locally that you should shop locally — don’t rely on national gossip sources. — Art Kleiner
##A 08 55269 803
##T Installing Your Own Telephones
Installing Your Own Telephones
If you want a phone extension — for home or business — you should probably install it yourself. This how-to guide is excellent — full of diagrams, written clearly, and organized for scanning.
— Art Kleiner
##A 08 55423 804
##T Installing Your Own Telephones
Master Publishing, Inc.
2nd Edition 1986; 170 pp.
ISBN 0835932923
$9.95 postpaid
Simon & Schuster
Mail Order Sales
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 08 55685 805
##T Installing Your Own Telephones
Your local telephone company only guarantees to supply a finite amount of ringing power — usually for five telephones. Each standard ringing power unit is a REN. If the telephones that you install add to more than 5 REN, then the amount guaranteed by the telephone company has been exceeded, and your telephone may not ring. It will depend on how far you are from the central office. Standard telephones take 1 REN to ring. Many electronic telephones take much less than 1 REN so more of them can be connected to the line.
##A 08 56037 806
##T Installing Your Own Telephones
One of the neatest ways to run the cable without exposing it is to run it along the baseboard under the carpet. The carpet is pulled up with a long nose pliers without pulling the carpet away from the tack strip. At the doorway, the cable runs under the metal strip that finishes the carpet in the doorway.
##A 08 301970 807
##T Installing Your Own Telephones
Installing a phone line along the baseboard, and doorframe or under the carpet.
##A 08 66831 808
##T Teleconnect • Which Phone System Should I Buy?
Teleconnect • Which Phone System Should I Buy?
One of the most viciously smart and unpretentious trade magazines around — covering telephones and the telephone industry. They also publish books. If you run a small business, their bi-annual Which Phone System Should I Buy? answers exactly that question. No one else will, not even high-priced consultants.
— Art Kleiner
##A 08 67076 809
##T Teleconnect • Which Phone System Should I Buy?
Andy Moore, Editor
$15/year (12 issues)
12 West 21st Street
New York, NY 10010
##A 08 190031 810
##T Teleconnect • Which Phone System Should I Buy?
Which Phone System Should I Buy?
1987; 316 pp.
$39.95 ($43.95 postpaid)
Telecom Library, Inc.
12 West 21st Street
New York, NY 10010
##A 08 67496 811
##T Teleconnect • Which Phone System Should I Buy?
To save money, the White House has changed the Moscow Hot Line to a low-cost long distance carrier.
The White House has discovered an extra benefit. There’ll never be another War. The superpowers are spending their lives bitching at each other about the quality of the line and whose fault it is.
— from Teleconnect
##A 08 72573 812
##T Teleconnect • Which Phone System Should I Buy?
From answering machine to “personal call management system.” Sony’s IT-A600 is tops. Especially check out “message transfer:” the machine calls you to tell you there’s a message. Around $230 - $260.
— Teleconnect
##A 08 72910 813
##T Teleconnect • Which Phone System Should I Buy?
Probably the oldest continuously made phone, the “500” single line rotary (dial) telephone set. This is the classic electro-mechanical telephone. It will work fine behind most PBXs. It will last a zillion years. The wall-phone version is called the 554.
— Which Phone System Should I Buy?
##A 08 195149 814
Neither of these two books are definitive, but there’s not much else reliable. Cellular Telephones introduces nicely with lots of diagrams. It will help you determine if you need one. Cellular Mobile figures you’re already sold on the idea but need to demonstrate the cost/benefit ratio to feel good about it. It then helps you choose one to actually install in your car (all cellular radio is car-bound so far). I doubt that anything can save you from the sharks selling the gear.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 195515 815
Cellular Telephones
(A Layman’s Guide)
Stuart Crump, Jr.
1985; 146 pp.
ISBN 0830619658
$9.95 postpaid
TAB Books, Inc.
Blue Ridge Summit, PA
##A 08 196252 816
Cellular Mobile Telephone Guide
Andrew M. Seybold
& Mel A. Samples
1986; 202 pp.
ISBN 067222416X
$9.95 ($13.45 postpaid)
Howard Sams & Co.
4300 West 62nd Street
Indianapolis, IN 46268
##A 08 343430 817
HOW CELLULAR WORKS. Cellular depends on a network of “cells” (indicated on this diagram by the hexagon-shaped segments) that cover a city. A low-powered radio transmitter and control equipment is located near the center of each cell. This cell-site equipment is connected to the “mobile telephone switching office” (MTSO), which is the gateway to the regular landline telephone network. When you place a car-phone call, the MTSO monitors the strength of your phone’s signal at each of the cell sites near you. The closest site handles your call. As you move from one cell to another, your signal is automatically “handed off” to the next cell, giving you a clear, strong signal.
—from Cellular Telephones
##A 08 195766 818
In addition to radio energy being absorbed by trees and walls, it also “bounces” around or is reflected by metals, certain types of rock, and even dirt and water. Because of these bouncing, reflecting, and absorbing effects on radio signals, it is not possible to design a system that will provide 100% coverage in any given area. If your vehicle is parked and you find you cannot access the system, perhaps moving the car just a foot or so will make a great difference. When pulling up to a stop light or moving slowly in traffic, you might notice some “fading” or loss of signal.
The carriers have estimated that the average cellular telephone bill will be in the neighborhood of $125 to $150 per month.
As a general rule, you should remember one thing: Whatever you say on a cellular phone can be heard by other people.
— Cellular Mobile Telephone Guide
##A 08 30179 819
##T The Complete Guide to Lower Phone Costs
The Complete Guide to Lower Phone Costs
Most of us will be victims, not consumers, of long-distance phone companies (AT&T, Allnet, MCI, etc.) — the options are too complex and change too rapidly. For $10 - $75, depending on your monthly bill, Consumer’s Checkbook will computer-analyze your phone bill and suggest the best long-distance carriers. A great service — priced low enough to save you back its cost in a couple of months. You can also get their more general, masterful Complete Guide which evaluates in print amenities like sound quality, as well as rates.
Q. Which is the best company if I expect to place a lot of calls when traveling?
A. GTE Sprint is a good bet. It charges the same for calls originating away from your home city as for calls you make from your home phone. Also, GTE Sprint allows you to originate calls from a relatively large number of locations (over 350 cities). If you find a lower-cost company for calls from your home phone but that company does not have a good travel feature, you may want to sign up for GTE Sprint as a backup service to be used when traveling — so long as you’ll call enough each month to meet GTE Sprint’s $5 minimum usage requirement.
— The Complete Guide to Lower Phone Costs
##A 08 66673 822
##T The Complete Guide to Lower Phone Costs
Percent of calls rated "moderately" or "severely" defective on any aspect of quality by our test callers or called parties
— The Complete Guide to Lower Phone Costs
##A 08 196413 823
##T Hello Direct
Hello Direct
A complete business phone catalog. Everything from padded phone rests ($5.95) to call forwarding devices ($335) to portable teleconferencing systems ($1565). Hello Direct says that “We ship over 90% of our orders in 24 hours or less.” They offer a 30 day exchange or refund on their equipment, and all their products are guaranteed for one year, parts and labor. We haven’t purchased anything from them ourselves, so we can’t confirm their claims, but if you’re in the market for phone equipment, you’d have to look a long time to find this much quality stuff in one place.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 08 196780 824
##T Hello Direct
Catalog free
Hello Direct
2346 Bering Drive
San Jose, CA 95131-1121
##A 08 344401 825
##T Hello Direct
Tele-Recorder automatically records all of your incoming and outgoing calls.
##A 08 345209 826
##T Hello Direct
Surge/noise protector for your FAX line.
##A 08 29674 827
##A 08 197825 828
Fax (facsimile machines) send copies of documents across town, or around the world, the same way you would make a regular phone call. Because they send a copy of whatever is on the page
(including text, graphics, and signatures), fax machines have replaced much of the worldwide Telex and some of the overnight express traffic. Fax has become increasingly common and is now a reasonable product for most businesses (large and small) to consider.
To meet this need, several manufacturers are making desktop fax machines for under $2000 which include telephones, autodialers, and auto-answer features. These machines are capable of sending a page in 20 seconds to a compatible machine on the other end.
##A 08 199306 829
There are many available, including the FAX 110 from Canon (about $2000 list price, under $1700 from discounters).
— Michael J. Kleeman
In Hong Kong, fax machines are so hot they are putting bicycle messenger services out of business. They have the highest per-capita use of fax anywhere in the world. Hong Kong Telephone says there is more fax traffic between Hong Kong and the USA than voice traffic. Wave of the future? I’m so tired of trying to figure out problems with my computer modem, fax may be the answer. Good resolution, and some of the machines can even be used as copiers!
— Dave Brook
##A 08 199522 830
A corporate chairman I know refuses to deal with computers, yet enjoys the benefits of computer telecommunications. Whenever he travels he carries a portable fax machine. To communicate he writes his notes on legal pads, flops the notes down on his fax machine and lets it dial headquarters. They’ll get his handwritten messages and send back whatever documents he needs to his machine in a matter of hours. It’s like putting a telephone into the heart of a Xerox machine, which is almost what faxes are.
I talked to Whole Earth Access, who keep up with practical electronic gear at discount prices. Here are what they are selling:
Northwestern Bell Fax — has built-in phone with speed dialing,
##A 08 199861 831
stores five documents, has autoreceiving.
Panasonic Fax — Superlative quality, also has a built-in answering machine for voice messages. The one Whole Earth Access uses between their stores.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 197889 832
Northwestern Bell Fax
$1399, plus UPS shipping
Northwestern Bell Fax
##A 08 200011 833
Panasonic Fax
$1699, plus UPS shipping
Panasonic Co.
One Panasonic Way
Secaucus, NJ 07094
##A 08 199036 834
The Panasonic fax model 115
##A 08 148996 835
by Rob Horn
Recent events in Panama have shown that facsimile equipment
(fax) has become an important part of the free press. When the Panamanian government closed the opposition press, the local and international business community organized an independent free press. Overseas offices will fax important news clippings to a list of Panamanian businesses. The overseas offices are coordinated to avoid duplication so that within minutes dozens of Panamanian offices get each article. The local offices then use office copiers and distribute the news locally. The estimated equivalent print run is somewhere between 30,000 and 50,000 issues.
The government cannot disable facsimile equipment and copiers
without effectively severing their ties to the Western economy.
##A 08 155123 836
This would destroy the country, too high a price for the government to pay. Since virtually all international businesses have the needed equipment, selective confiscation or monitoring is also impossible.
Printing presses and copiers have long been restricted by totalitarian dictatorships. Now fax machines must be added to their lists. People have conjectured in the past about the impact of computer communications, but have not mentioned facsimile. With an estimated 500,000 machines installed in the United States, they are significantly less common than computers. But fax can handle both computer generated and handwritten, printed or photographic material. Most importantly, they can distribute international news.
##A 08 30289 837
##T Toshiba 30100 Phone/Copier/Fax Machine
Toshiba 30100 Phone/Copier/Fax Machine
An amazing bit of hardware for any large or small business. The Toshiba 30100 is not only a fully-decked business phone featuring a 50 telephone number memory (with 10 single-touch numbers), last number redial, on-hook dialing, and message receiving capability, but a fax machine (with a separate 50 number fax memory) and copier as well. A liquid crystal display shows you the time and date, the name and number you’re calling, the feature activated, the length of your call, and a warning if it detects a error in your fax transmission.
This phone is the way of the future — each employee can now be his or her own mini-data center and not have to depend on other departments getting information to them.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 08 104236 838
##T Toshiba 30100 Phone/Copier/Fax Machine
Information free from your local Toshiba copier dealer;
$1,795 (retail)
Toshiba America
9740 Irvine Boulevard
Irvine, CA 92718
##A 08 137626 839
##T Toshiba 30100 Phone/Copier/Fax Machine
The Toshiba 30100 Phone/Copier/Fax Machine
##A 08 200326 840
##T Public Fax Directory
Public Fax Directory
Fax for plain folks. Like copy machines before them, fax machines are now flourishing in quick-print shops, mailbox rental outlets, and other such places. When you want to send a document, and either you or the receiver doesn’t have access to a fax machine, this quarterly directory will tell you the location of the public fax nearest to you.
— Sarah Vandershaf
##A 08 200614 841
##T Public Fax Directory
$40/year (4 issues)
Public Fax
2811 East Katella Avenue,
Suite 200
Orange, CA 92667
##A 08 34001 842
##T Voice Mail
##A 08 206737 843
##T The Practical Guide to Voice Mail
The Practical Guide to Voice Mail
Voice mail begins as a glorified answering machine. The message you hear on your machine is, in a sense, a “voice letter” sent to a particular phone address. The “letter box” for this audio mail quickly developed into the interactive recording you get when you call hot-lines: “If you would like more information, dial a 2, if
you would like....” Your voice is “mailed” to the right department.
Voice mail is now exemplified by the marriage of keyboard to phone. In one kind of system, you’ll see the titles of messages left for you displayed on a screen which you select visually, and then hear audibly. In another you can make a copy of your phone message to forward onto a colleague, or save in a file, or command that acknowledgement of receipt be announced next time the sender
##A 08 230248 844
##T The Practical Guide to Voice Mail
calls. The sender also has the choice of hearing his message to edit it before it is “sealed” and sent.
In the future, all forms interbreed and hybridize. Currently voice mail is seen primarily in elephantine systems. This book expertly tracks the rapid evolution of voice mail toward rodent-like ubiquitousness, compactness, and domestication.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 214453 845
##T The Practical Guide to Voice Mail
Martin F. Parker
1987; 306 pp.
ISBN 0078812437
$24.95 ($25.95 postpaid)
McGraw Hill, Inc.
13955 Manchester Road
Manchester, MO 63011
##A 08 224200 846
##T The Practical Guide to Voice Mail
Some Voice Mail users check their messages at regular, convenient times; others prefer to have Voice Mail notify them whenever one or more new messages have been sent to their Voice Mail mailbox. In either case, the first step in doing your mail will be to enter your personal password from the touch-tone keys of your telephone. (You can change this password at any time, so that you will always be sure your messages are confidential.) You can then listen to your Voice Mail messages and handle them much as you handle letters in an in-basket. One at a time, you listen to a message, review it if necessary, and then decided what action to take. You can throw the message away; answer it; send it to someone else for action or information; or save it for future action, reference, or reminder. If you are looking for a certain message, you can scan through your Voice Mail without completely listening to each message.
##A 08 232392 847
##T The Practical Guide to Voice Mail
A Voice Mail service bureau makes it possible to have a Voice Mail mailbox without buying a Voice Mail system or installing the system in your company’s facilities. A Voice Mail service bureau is a service company that installs a medium-to-large-sized Voice Mail system with the capacity to provide many mailboxes and then rents these mailboxes to subscribers for a monthly fee.
##A 08 239054 848
by Blair Newman
Over 6 million pagers (aka “beepers”) are now in use, because
they’re the cheapest and most convenient way of “keeping in
There are 4 different kinds of pagers, but all share a common characteristic: every pager is linked by radio to a unique telephone number.
Tone Only: These pagers simply beep or vibrate when someone dials their phone number. To get the message you have to call your office, answering service, or answering machine.
##A 08 263051 849
Digital: When a digital pager’s phone number is dialed a computer answers with a beep, and waits for the caller to touch tone dial a phone number, which then appears on the digital pager’s LCD display. Digital pagers are the most popular type, and typically rent for $17 to $24 a month.
Voice: When you call a voice pager’s number the computer answers with a beep and then records a 7 to 10 second voice message. A few moments later the voice pager beeps and plays the voice message. Voice pager rentals run from $25 to $32 a month.
Alphanumeric: Alphanumeric pagers, the newest technology, are like digital pagers except their display shows both letters and
##A 08 263396 850
numbers — so you get the entire message instantly. They’re priced at $35 to $40 a month, but calling the alphanumeric pager’s number requires a modem equipped computer to communicate the text message.
The most advanced pager service (the one I use) is provided by Metagram Corp. They’ve combined a 24 hour answering service with full text paging. Put your phone on call forwarding to your Metagram number and a live operator answers in your name, keyboards the message, and it shows up instantly on your pager. The Metagram pager has a 1,500 character capacity, and remembers messages until you explicitly erase them — it’s the electronic equivalent of a stack of pink “While You Were Out”
##A 08 263516 851
slips. Metagram is now available in many major cities, and they’re rapidly expanding nationwide. Pricing is $60 a month, which is less than the combination of an answering service and digital
(number only) paging.
For more information check under Paging in your Yellow Pages.
— Blair Newman
##A 08 246273 852
To find out if Metagram is available in your area, call
##A 08 262861 853
The Metagram pager forwards messages to you via a 24 character LCD display. It has a total memory of 1,500 characters, and remembers messages until you erase them.
##A 08 247232 854
##T Watson
Watson is a board that fits into your IBM PC or PC-compatible computer and turns it into a flexible voice mail center. Watson’s basic function is to answer calls and record messages, but you can also program it to give messages to specific callers when they enter an ID code. If you want to deliver a series of messages to callers (for instance, a list of possible extensions they can dial) Watson can do it, and even change the sequence of messages in response to touch-tone signals from the caller. Watson also has the ability to make stock calls for you, dialing a pre-programmed series of numbers, delivering the message, and recording a voice or touch-tone response. If a number is busy, Watson will automatically call back later. Sort of like having a tiny phone operator in a box.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 08 263839 855
##T Watson
Version 6.2; $199
Natural Microsystems
8 Erie Drive
Natick, MA 01760
##A 08 34121 856
##T Packet Radio
##A 08 264013 857
by Benn Kobb, KC5CW, and Howard Goldstein
Packet radio is a technique for distributing electronic mail and messages to specific terminals using radio channels. Its significance is that it offers computer users complete bypass of the wired telephone network and their high costs. You can therefore communicate long distances, dependably, without technical knowledge, for free.
The basic elements of a packet station are a cheap computer, a small radio transceiver, and a “terminal node controller (TNC),” the packet equivalent of a modem. A $200 hand-held radio and a $100 Commodore 64 computer work as well as anything.
##A 08 265124 858
The distance range of packet radio is around eight miles line-of-sight on open terrain, with an antenna up 30 feet and about 10 watts of power. Devices called digital repeaters (digipeaters) can extend the range of any station by retransmitting the packets. There’s a protocol that lets you string up to eight of these digipeater hops together to reach another person. Plus, every TNC including your own is also a potential digipeater (you don’t notice if someone “uses you”).
Many local and regional ham groups operate digipeaters, collecting dues from their members for upkeep; some are designated
“gateways” to local or wide-area networks, or to long-distance paths via satellite or shortwave.
##A 08 265293 859
Radio amateurs have been quick to grasp the potential of packet, as it offers a much faster and more efficient way to handle messages than anything they had previously. It’s also better suited to an urban environment than shortwave voice communication, the traditional mainstay of amateur traffic distribution. In cities, very little power and antennas that are just inches long are enough to get a packet signal to the next node in the network.
The future of packet radio lies in the heavens, on satellites. The first to be launched is PACSAT, a joint project between radio amateur groups AMSAT in Washington, D.C., and VITA, a 25-year-old organization that provides technical assistance to Third World
countries. The idea is to set up an orbiting public mailbox. The satellite’s orbit will bring it in view of any point in the world
##A 08 265690 860
four times a day for several minutes at a time. During each pass it will dump whatever messages it has to packet radio listeners and pick up any new messages and hold them until it can post them. Japanese amateurs are also launching a similar low-orbiting computer mailbox called JAS-1. Both are inexpensive devices built by volunteers and donations.
The ground equipment needed to get satellite mail fits into a briefcase — including the antenna. It runs on batteries. The initial cost is estimated at $1000. However, to use packet radio (via digipeaters or satellites), you need to have a ham license, and
your messages cannot be for commercial use.
##A 08 265926 861
To hook into the packet radio network we suggest you read Gateway, a newsletter published by the American Radio Relay League. If a “packeteer” could only get one magazine this is the one, and it’s not overly technical.
CompuServe’s HamNet SIG (GO HAMNET):
HamNet has a section and data library devoted to packet, with at least one introductory on-line document on the subject, and an on-line version of Gateway, edited by ARRL, that reports significant, fast-breaking news and announcements every two weeks.
— Benn Kobb, KC5CW, and Howard Goldstein
##A 08 264267 862
Stan Horzepa, Editor
$6/25 issues
225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111
##A 08 266354 863
CompuServe’s HamNet SIG
P.O. Box 20212
Columbus, OH 43220
800/848-8199 or
Call or write for information on joining
##A 08 264472 864
Each of these companies sells packet radio equipment. Send for their catalogs.
— Benn Kobb and Howard Goldstein
##A 08 264747 865
Advanced Electronic Applications, Inc.
Catalog free
Advanced Electronic Applications, Inc.
P.O. Box C-2160
Lynwood, WA 98036
##A 08 267295 866
Catalog free
1202 E. 23rd Street
Lawrence, KS 66046
##A 08 267247 867
Heath Company
Catalog free
Heath Company
Benton Harbor, MI 49022
##A 08 266143 868
Talk about dinosaurs! You still need to pass a Morse Code proficiency test to send radio messages via an amateur radio network. A few radio hackers have a better idea: cheap computers hooked up to their ham gear. Instead of a human radio operator laboriously transmitting a rapid series of dots and dashes into the scattered atmosphere to be deciphered by trained human listeners far away (if they can hear it), packet radio hams use computers to do all the coding and relaying. While they are at it, the computers also direct messages to particular areas of the globe depending on the destination address affixed to the message “packet”, thus significantly increasing the range and usefulness of ham radio. With this system, shortwave radio messages (they must carry only personal and non-commercial content) become a sort of free
radio mail.
##A 08 267839 869
The good ole boy network of ham radio fans is being revolutionized by these radio hackers. Here’s the two books that will bring you up to speed. Packet Radio Handbook is a good introduction; Your Gateway to Packet Radio gives a thorough grounding in the technical methods.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 266630 870
The Packet Radio Handbook
Jonathan L. Mayo, KR3T
1987; 217 pp.
ISBN 0830627227
$14.95 postpaid
TAB Books, Inc.
Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17294-0550
##A 08 268479 871
Your Gateway to Packet Radio
Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU
1987; 239 pp.
ISBN 0872592030
$10 ($12.50 postpaid)
American Radio Relay League
225 Main Street
Newington, CN 06111
##A 08 266877 872
In the simplest case, a packet network consists of a few stations within direct communications range from each other on a single frequency. A more complex network involves digipeating (simplex packet repeaters) to extend a station’s communication range and gateways for accessing stations with different capabilities
(such as those on another frequency or using another modem configuration). This is the stage of networking that present day amateur packet radio has reached in the United States.
— The Packet Radio Handbook
##A 08 268148 873
As the Computer Age dawned in Amateur Radio, radio hackers had to be very resourceful. Here, a young radio hacker built a wall of aluminum cylinders to contain the RF generated by his TRS-80 Model 1 computer. (WA1LOU photo)
— Your Gateway to Packet Radio
##A 08 268973 874
by Blair Newman
Amateur (“ham”) radio can be a low cost alternative to cellular phones. With a $250 “handie-talkie” you can make virtually unlimited local telephone calls at an annual cost of about $30.
There are, however, a few catches:
(1) You can only make outgoing calls, and not receive incoming ones.
(2) Only “personal” calls are legal. Business conversations, even ordering a pizza to go, are prohibited by FCC regulations.
##A 08 269903 875
(3) You have to join a “repeater club” (a repeater is a base station linked to the phone lines) and pay their dues (the $30/yr).
(4) You have to get a Technician class ham license from the federal government, which means passing a two part test. The first part has multiple choice questions about electronics and FCC regulations. It’s pretty easy because the entire “pool” of possible questions, and their answers, are published. The second part requires being able to understand Morse code at 5 words per minute. Think of it as learning a foreign language — a language with only 40 “words”: the 26 letters of the alphabet, the 10
digits, and 4 punctuation symbols. The easiest way to learn is listening to Morse code practice tapes. It takes 10 to 20 hours.
##A 08 270238 876
For more info check your local library for introduction-to-ham-radio- books, check the Yellow pages under Radio for your local ham retailer, or call Ham Radio Outlet and order the Technician/General License Manual, plus either The 21 day Novice Course or Tune in the World. The latter two include practice tapes.
A final note: The vast majority of activity on the ham radio bands are recreational discussions, not phone calls. It’s kind of the audio equivalent of computer conference, similar to telephone “chat lines” except free. Different groups “hang out” on different frequencies: In San Francisco one channel is mainly Grateful Deadheads, another is mainly computer hobbyists, etc.
##A 08 269060 877
Technician/General License Manual (ARRL)
Ham Radio Outlet
415/342-5757 (CA)
##A 08 270825 878
21 day Novice Course (West)
Ham Radio Outlet
415/342-5757 (CA)
##A 08 270866 879
Tune in the World (ARRL)
Ham Radio Outlet
415/342-5757 (CA)
##A 08 269479 880
by Benn Kobb
Instantaneous, two-way mobile voice communication can save a lot of time and trouble in daily life, and be very useful in managing group activities.
In the mid-1970s, when truck drivers set up rolling radio networks to warn of speed-traps and help each other find fuel during the oil embargo, Citizens Band (CB) radio boomed. Though still somewhat useful for monitoring traffic conditions and reporting emergencies, CB today is plagued by interference, technical shortcomings, and a subculture of recreational users. CB is not suitable for many personal communications needs.
##A 08 271467 881
However, the General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS), CB’s predecessor, offers professional quality, noise-free, two-way communications on frequencies that make smaller hand-held radios practical. GMRS is making a comeback among folks who need radio to coordinate their daily personal, business and family activities.
Unlike amateur, commercial and governmental radio services, where only certain types of information may legally be transmitted, GMRS licensees can use their channels to discuss
any personal or business matter, so long as proper station identification is used and messages are relatively brief.
An FCC license is required, but you don’t have to learn Morse Code,
##A 08 271869 882
pass a technical exam, or be a business to get one. You simply have to fill out a license form correctly and be at least 18 years old. The license costs $30 and is good for 5 years. It permits you to operate on one or two of GMRS’s eight channels. License forms and instruction guides are available from your local FCC office, or from the Personal Radio Steering Group (see below).
If you own or have access to a scanner, (a radio receiver often used to listen to police and fire communications), program it to scan 462.550 - 462.725 MHz. That will reveal what GMRS activity already exists in your area. You’ll want to know who your airwave
“neighbors” are before you begin the licensing process, so you can
sign up for the least-crowded channels.
##A 08 272014 883
A repeater is a relay station located on a tower or tall building. Its purpose is to expand the range of hand-held or vehicular radios, so you can communicate with a family member or friend on the other side of town, even though your small radio cannot reach that distance by itself. Repeaters aren’t allowed in CB, and cannot be used by unlicensed “walkie-talkies,” either. However, they are one of GMRS’s major advantages. Repeaters are usually set up and operated by local user cooperatives or public-service teams
(volunteers who provide radio communications in emergencies). They are often open to anyone in the area who obeys GMRS regulations and pays a small usage fee.
GMRS radios are identical to those manufactured for the ultra-high-frequency (UHF) “business” bands. The only difference is that the
##A 08 272243 884
radio is tuned specifically for GMRS. Look in the Yellow Pages under “Radio” for dealers in your area. Expect to pay $500-$2000 for a brand new handheld or vehicle-mounted transceiver. Many GMRS users buy used equipment, which is plentiful and usually cheaper than new. Local GMRS user groups are often able to recommend good sources of equipment.
Even though GMRS is classed by federal law as a “personal radio service,” the FCC has allowed large commercial operations to usurp channels in many areas. These fleet-dispatchers, factories, and package-delivery services are often intolerant of nonbusiness
users of GMRS. Fortunately, the FCC has proposed major revisions to the rules of GMRS which are expected to take effect in 1989.
These should enhance access to the service for everybody.
##A 08 272406 885
The not-for-profit Personal Radio Steering Group, Inc. (PRSG), was established in 1982 to encourage and assist individuals in getting licensed for and using GMRS, and to fight against further commercial usurpation of GMRS channels. They publish the GMRS National Repeater Guide; a booklet titled “What is the GMRS?”; and an informative monthly newsletter called the Personal Radio Exchange. All are recommended if you think GMRS may be appropriate for your needs.
That’s what GMRS offers. While it does have limitations, it’s one of the most accessible and functional of all the services that utilize the public airwaves.
— Benn Kobb
##A 08 269759 886
Personal Radio Steering Group, Inc.
Personal Radio Steering Group
P.O. Box 2851
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Compuserve: 73016, 163
##A 08 273319 887
GMRS National Repeater Guide
62 pp.
Personal Radio Steering Group, Inc.
P.O. Box 2851
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
##A 08 273646 888
“What is the GMRS?”
12 pp.
Free for 45-cent SASE
Personal Radio Steering Group, Inc.
P.O. Box 2851
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
##A 08 273915 889
Personal Radio Exchange
$20/year (12 issues)
Personal Radio Steering Group, Inc.
P.O. Box 2851
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
##A 08 34698 890
##T Video Teleconferencing
##A 08 270464 891
##T How to Produce Your Own Videoconference
How to Produce Your Own Videoconference
What a delicious treat a video-teleconference would be if it worked. But, so far it only kind of works.
What you want is two-way video and audio, that is, equal communication for any participant. What you get in practice is
one-way video via satellite, and two-way voice via phone lines. That means one side sees nothing (in seminars that blind side is the speaker, and in TV news it’s the person being interviewed
live). Just as bad, both sides share the technical handicap of having one conversation split between a high road/low road transmission.
Despite these grim flaws, a videoconference can liberate a far-
##A 08 274554 892
##T How to Produce Your Own Videoconference
flung project from stagnation in airport waiting rooms, and enliven a undertaking that depends on the personality of a few people, such as politics. This book is the most concrete and useful one out of a whole lot of theoretical books on the topic.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 271314 893
##T How to Produce Your Own Videoconference
Georgia A. Mathis
1987; 165 pp.
ISBN 0867292164
$36.95 ($39.95 postpaid)
Knowledge Industry Publications, Inc.
701 Westchester Avenue
White Plains, NY 10604
##A 08 274124 894
##T How to Produce Your Own Videoconference
Hotel sites are most often chosen for videoconference networks. This is true for several reasons:
1. Hotels are equipped with meeting space.
2. Some hotel chains (e.g., Holiday Inns, Inc. and Marriott Corp.) have a great deal of experience with videoconferencing and may even have all the technical equipment you need on site.
There are some things to watch out for, though, when dealing with hotels for your videoconference. In most cases, a videoconference is not an extremely important piece of business for them. They place videoconferencing in the same category as weddings and local club dinners because you will probably use only a limited amount of their space, your attendees will be in and out quickly, and it is unlikely that you will use many overnight rooms or need much food service.
##A 08 274888 895
##T How to Produce Your Own Videoconference
Public television stations, through the PBS system, made up the first real network of videoconference receive sites. This is because the PBS system itself was the first TV network to be delivered by satellite... Here are some positive aspects of using public television stations:
1. The price is often lower than at hotels. You can expect to pay from $500 to $2000 a day to use their facilities.
2. The equipment you need, and qualified technicians to run it, are already at the site.
3. The PBS system has a department in Alexandria, VA called ConferSat (part of PBS Enterprises) to help you book suitable space at stations, thus saving you a lot of legwork.
##A 08 274322 896
##T How to Produce Your Own Videoconference
Phone room set up to receive questions from remote sites in an area removed from the studio to assure quiet for the operators. A monitor is provided so that the operators can watch the program.
##A 08 275003 897
by Richard Kadrey
US Sprint’s “The Meeting Channel” provides video tele-conferencing facilities in over 300 locations in 25 countries
(including mainland China), and the number of locations is growing all the time. When this kind of conferencing was introduced a few years ago, the first people to take advantage of it were big companies wanting to save on travel expenses — Atlantic Richfield, Xerox, JC Penny, Citibank, etc.; they used corporate
“private rooms” hooked right into The Meeting Channels’ fiber optic lines. Now, anyone can book time on The Meeting Channel using one of Sprint’s “public rooms.” Depending on the quality of the transmission you need (e.g., the speed of the transmission
##A 08 276207 898
over the lines), your location, and the location you want to talk to, you can have a video teleconference for as little as $60 or as much as $2,400 an hour. Rates for three or more locations tied together start at $120 an hour. However, video conferencing is still primitive enough that hooking up more than 2 locations at once may require you to make some big compromises.
Let’s say you want to hold a video conference between 4 locations: San Francisco, Houston, Chicago, and New York. First, you should book this type of conference as early as possible, at least a week in advance. And since each Sprint public room is different, you will want to ask what kind of equipment is available at each location. Most sites have color video cameras, but some also have
##A 08 276284 899
VCR’s and graphics terminals plugged into The Meeting Channel’s lines.
When you make a reservation for a multipoint conference, you will have to designate one of the locations as the Master Site, in this example San Francisco; this location can send audio and video to all the other rooms; another location, say New York, is called the Primary Site. All four locations can hear this site, but the Primary can speak and reply only to the Master Site. The other two sites, Houston and Chicago, cannot broadcast, but only receive sound and images from the Master and Primary sites.
Broadcasting at Sprint’s lowest recommended speed (768 kbps),
##A 08 276702 900
your video conference will cost you $450 per half hour for the transmission, plus $150 per hour for room rental at each site, coming to a total of $3,100 for your 3 hour conference.
A new player in the video teleconferencing industry, and one that promises to make this kind of meeting commonplace, is Holiday Inn. They now provide “receiving rooms” for video conferences, rooms that can only receive signals, not send one. Prices start at $200 for a half-day (4 hours) room rental, a $100 set-up fee, and $400 - $600 equipment rental (video monitors are cheaper to rent than video projectors, etc.). You can book rooms on relatively short notice, and since you can hardly throw a rock without hitting a Holiday Inn, setting up a video conference is easier than
##A 08 277176 901
ever. Now if they can only figure out a way for us to see AND talk to each location, you’d have the hottest thing in communications since pink princess phones.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 08 275289 902
The Meeting Channel
Further information free
The Meeting Channel
US Sprint
1815 Century Boulevard
Atlanta, GA 30345
##A 08 277360 903
Holiday Inn
For Holiday Inn information, contact the location nearest you
##A 08 275579 904
Video teleconferencing is a new enough phenomenon that useful publications about it are still rare. And the ones that are useful tend to be expensive. The following short list of magazines will keep you up to date on what’s happening on the video teleconferencing front. Two of them are well over $150 a year, so you might try talking your company or local library (or a nearby business library) into stocking them.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 08 275843 905
Shirley Singletany, Editor
$207/year (12 issues)
TeleSpan, Inc.
50 West Palm Street
Altadena, CA 91001
##A 08 278511 906
Telecommunications Policy
Susan Hunter, Editor
$141/year (4 issues)
Butterworth Publishers
80 Montvale Avenue
Stoneham, MA 02180
##A 08 278111 907
Patty Portway, Editor
$60/year (6 issues)
Applied Business Communications Inc.
P. O. Box 5106
San Ramon, CA 94583-0906
##A 08 135242 908
##T Teleconferences
##A 08 57701 909
##T Handbook of Personal Computer Communications
Handbook of Personal Computer Communications
Only book you need. All the lore on how to set up your computer for networking, find the particular networks you need, and connect your computer to someone else’s typesetting equipment or directly to another computer. Now in its extensively revised second edition, this book resounds with enthusiasm and clarity.
— Art Kleiner
##A 08 58084 910
##T Handbook of Personal Computer Communications
The Complete Handbook of Personal Computer Communications
Alfred Glossbrenner
1985; 512 pp.
ISBN 0312157606
$14.95 ($16.45 postpaid)
St. Martin’s Press
175 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10010
##A 08 58304 911
##T Handbook of Personal Computer Communications
Industry newsletters of the sort found on NewsNet are really more like private, expert consultations. Most contain “the inside dope” on what’s going on in a particular field. And most can tell you what’s likely to take place six months from now, what your competition is doing, how national and world events are likely to affect the industry as a whole, and so on. In many cases there will also be commentary and analysis, interviews with key people, advice, tips, and other information — all of it gathered, selected, and filtered through the expertise and experience of the newsletter’s creator or editor.
This is the kind of information the general press will never carry. . . . More than 80 percent of all newsletters on the NewsNet system are transmitted directly to the company’s Prime computers from the personal computers and communicating word processors of their creators. As a result, you can be reading a newsletter within hours of the time it left its creator’s floppy disk.
##A 08 58590 912
##T Handbook of Personal Computer Communications
One of the important features offered by a system like MCI Mail is the option to have your message printed out and delivered by U. S. mail. This is important because it lets you send letters to people who do not have access to a personal computer.
##A 08 60747 913
##T Link-Up
A tabloid with personal writing that keeps track of new computer networks, information services, terminal software, and anything else you need to telecommunicate effectively via personal computer. Some articles pick a topic (investing, psychology, detective work, religion) and describe everything online that’s related. Link-Up is also beginning to cover some of the legal and social ramifications of the new telecom technology.
— Art Kleiner
##A 08 61063 914
##T Link-Up
Joseph A. Webb, Editor
ISSN 0739988X
$22/year (11 issues)
Learned Information, Inc.
143 Old Marlton Pike
Medford, NJ 08055
##A 08 65519 915
##T Link-Up
The University of the Pacific’s School of Pharmacy offers doctors and psychiatrists drug information via a private service, Drug.Info, on Source Telecomputing. The University’s staff reviews most major publications to provide an up-to-the-minute digest of important drug developments. You can quickly scan articles and choose those that appear most significant to your practice. You can then forward the article to your associates via electronic mail.
Before you decide to meet a CompuServer or attend a CompuServe CB party in some faraway city, check out the pix in the CB database. If you are using CompuServe’s Vidtex communications software, you can download and print digitized pictures of other CompuServers. To get into the database, you send CompuServe a good, sharp
5" x 7" or 8" x 10" black and white photo of your head and shoulders.
##A 08 277558 916
##T Link-Up
For under $2,200, Tandy’s LP1000 Laser Printer is a self-contained publishing system which can comfortably occupy a desktop alongside your current microcomputer system.
— Link-Up
##A 08 105039 917
by Kevin Kelly
A VOLUNTEER PROLETARIAT MAINTAINS ONE OF the most invisible communication undergrounds going. Linked by phone lines, a web of computer bulletin board systems (BBSs) work night-duty collating messages and electronic mail for free. Regulars patronize small-time BBSs because they can feast on immediate gossip about very specialized subjects. Name a topic and there is almost certainly a BBS dedicated to it somewhere.
To get onto a BBS, you dial a phone number with your computer, and after reading the welcome message, you follow a menu of choices until you arrive at a topic you like. You can then read
##A 08 106223 918
messages left by others (the bulletin board aspect) and post some of your own by typing them in.
The result is a public answering machine, on which anyone can read all messages. Comments are served to you intelligently so that you read only the ones posted since you last checked in, no matter how long that’s been. If you’ve been gone two weeks, you read two weeks’ worth, and then you’re caught up to the center of what is being said. It’ll seem to the other callers that you were there all along, keeping quiet. The sum is a collective conversation that continues for weeks or months, and which happens at your convenience. In theory they stick to one topic. In practice there’s enough continuity to keep it informative, and
##A 08 106385 919
enough diversity to keep it alive.
Any old computer will let you in. You fit it out with a telephone adapter, called a modem (about $100), and plug it into the phone jack. You’ll find listings of public BBSs in the back of Computer Shopper (Ÿ see separate review), in regional tabloids like California’s Computer Currents and Microtimes, and at user-group meetings. Once you find one, it’ll lead you to many others, board hopping as long-distance as you care to. Pirate boards, the truly underground BBSs where teenage hackers boast of their exploits, appear and disappear so fast they can only be found by hopping.
Propelling much of the drive in regular use of BBSs is the
##A 08 107019 920
superhighway of PC Pursuit. Run by Telenet, PC Pursuit lets anyone call BBSs located in major cities for a flat $25/month fee, unlimited time as long as it’s in the evening. Without it many notable BBSs would be out of reach of most folks.
No one knows exactly how many bulletin board systems there are. The best guess is that there are about 7,000 operating at one particular time. They come and go with the irregularity of phone line static. Immensely easy to start, a BBS usually becomes a hassle to maintain over the long stretch. While it’s up and running, though, it’s promoting a new brand of conversation. BBS sysops
(system operators) keep them going because of the unsurpassed
advantages of having people from all over the country calling in at
##A 08 107341 921
their own expense to post amazing messages on the very subject one cares about.
BBSs are a gathering medium, not a broadcasting channel. The ones that work sculpt a comfortable visiting space to welcome comments. Dave Hughes, the pioneer telecommunications visionary, says the acid test for a BBS is if it averages one posted message for every two calls in. Any fewer messages and it will fade rapidly.
To start your own home-based BBS, you’ll need a computer, modem, and one of these recommended software packages. For the Apple,
we suggest GBBS. It’s easy to set up in less than an hour, takes
##A 08 108237 922
customized modifications superbly, and tends to be crash-proof.
Consensus in the Macintosh world is that Red Ryder Host is the ticket for a home-based Mac BBS. Since it doesn’t matter too much
what computer you use, the most efficient way is to run your BBS on an IBM clone. The choice for IBM and compatible is TBBS. It’s programmable by amateurs, and has been around a long time. Release 2.1 comes in three flavors. Single phone line (still about $300); Eight and sixteen line, which will take up to eight and sixteen phone lines, respectively ($895 for 8 lines; $1495 for 16 lines). Another option allows you to send mail to the free-forwarding FIDO service linking up BBSs at night ($100). With both
FIDO mail and 8 or 16 lines in, a souped-up BBS approaches the
##A 08 279902 923
capabilities of a local tele-conferencing system like the WELL. In fact, having both public and private access to your personal
answering machine is the innovation brewing here. A BBS may be part of the household furniture someday.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 108447 924
$300 for single line
$895 for 8 line
$1495 for 16 line
$100 for FIDO mail
4100 South Parker Road,
Box 305
Aurora, CO 80014
Version 2.0. For IBM and compatibles; needs 384K and hard disk for single line. Not copy-protected.
##A 08 109266 925
$128 postpaid
L & L Productions
P. O. Box 5354
Avada, CO 80005
Version 1.3. For Apple family; needs two drives.
Not copy-protected.
##A 08 109318 926
Red Ryder Host
$60 postpaid
150 Hickory Drive
Beaver Falls, PA 15010
Red Ryder Host: Version 1.4A.
For Macintosh, Mac Plus, and Macintosh SE; needs 512K.
Not copy-protected.
##A 08 278777 927
PC Pursuit
For information call
##A 08 110090 928
##T Information Highways
Information Highways
We know shamefully little about the nature of information. Try to buy a map that shows how information flows in all its varieties around the world. Bet you won’t find one.
One small corner has been done. Compiled by astute librarians in Oregon, this self-published monograph traces the regional information paths in the Pacific Northwest. The overlapping networks of electronic, transportation, and paper information delivery routes are collated into an atlas of communications. Wisely, the writers include airlines and overnight couriers as communication channels. Emphasis is given to the remarkable freeways of interlibrary loans. (Libraries pass books among themselves, so that patrons can borrow books that a small branch
##A 08 110552 929
##T Information Highways
doesn’t have on its shelf. In effect you can get nearly any book you want, if you’re willing to wait for it.) The larger theme of the book is the cartography of intangibles.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 111199 930
##T Information Highways
Lawrence E. Murr, James B. Williams & Ruth-Ellen Miller
1985; 78 pp.
$25 postpaid
P. O. Box 23452
Portland, OR 97223
##A 08 171418 931
##T Information Highways
If it is true that the industrial age is undergoing a metamorphosis toward an information age, then the transportation planning and mapping which facilitated the industrial era in the United States and elsewhere will most certainly evolve into information and telecommunication system planning and mapping. This process will not be a radical departure from the format of maps and charts which have continued to evolve over the past centuries. Indeed there must be a symbiotic element which will thread this process since for the immediate future, transportation and communication systems will continue to be closely linked; even physically linked.
##A 08 314788 932
##T Information Highways
Graphics/pictures, etc., can be scanned and converted to electrical signals, transmitted and upon reception recomposed to produce a likeness (facsimile) or copy. It can be considered to be equivalent to single-frame television transmission except the output is reproduced on paper. In a sense it is a form of remote photocopying. The process has been used for years to transmit news wire photos, etc. using standard telephone wires (hence telefacsimile) and a coupler
(or modem).
##A 08 325515 933
##T Information Highways
Railroad connections in the Pacific Northwest
##A 08 354011 934
##T Information Highways
Major overnight regional express carriers serving the Pacific Northwest: Federal Express, Emery World Wide, Purolator Courier, Airborne Express
##A 08 278984 935
##T Minitel Report
Minitel Report
by Robert Horvitz
When the French Government said it intended to set up an electronic text and graphical information system accessible nationwide through phonelines by giving a free terminal to anyone willing to do without a yearly paper phonebook, experts snickered. The French had a reputation for art, topless beaches, formal gardens, and poodles — not for high-tech innovation. Attempts to mass-market such systems in more “advanced” countries had all gone sour, and the data format France adopted was incompatible with those used elsewhere. It looked like a sure fiasco.
But now that Le Minitel has grown into the most successful
##A 08 280270 936
##T Minitel Report
videotex system anywhere, the snickering’s stopped: everyone’s too busy trying to figure out how to adapt its winning ways.
The free terminals, the handiness of a free electronic “phonebook” with automated search and list capabilities, and the convenience of centralized billing for all Minitel services that aren’t free, led to quick and wide acceptance, even by those with no taste for technology. The fact that the first-generation terminals had virtually no memory encouraged news sources and businesses to put information online, because users had to call back each time they needed to look something up, getting billed each time.
Then, sexy-chat “messageries” caught on in a big way, with
##A 08 280519 937
##T Minitel Report
strangers flirting pseudonymously with each other in the privacy of their own homes. These are still popular, but they really just paved the way for more diverse and practical services, such as teleconferencing, electronic publishing and banking, teleshopping, electronic mail, travel reservations, etc. Over 5,000 services are now available, with more being added every day. More sophisticated (and costly) terminals with memory and color screens, and Minitel emulation packages for personal computers, are rapidly replacing the little freebies that primed the pump. With over 3 million registered users in France, Minitel is now spreading to other countries — though nearly all the services offered still assume fluency in French.
For information on access from the US and Canada, call MinitelNet
##A 08 280753 938
##T Minitel Report
Service. As of mid-1988, six hours of access from the US costs $150 ($25/hour). MinitelNet also sells terminal emulation software for Macintosh and PC-type computers ($49 - $99).
##A 08 279053 939
##T Minitel Report
MinitelNet Service
For information on access from the US, call MinitelNet Service at 800/822-6638; from Canada, call 212/307-5510
##A 08 35048 940
##T Notable Networks
##A 08 279401 941
##T The Electronic Landscape
The Electronic Landscape
by Brock N. Meeks
With over 3,000 electronic services available to anyone with a modem, personal computer and telephone line, the question of
“which one do I use?” often narrows down to “which service most appeals to me on a personal level?”
The rest of this cluster is a “personality sketch,” if you will, of several different online services; the sketch is done with a broad brush rather than a detailed pen and ink rendering. You’ll find some of these services resemble a large metropolitan city. Others can be likened to a country club atmosphere, and some are strictly business resources.
##A 08 279642 942
##T CompuServe • The Source • GEnie
CompuServe • The Source • GEnie
CompuServe is the biggest online service in the nation. With more than 500 different services and forums, and more than 250,000 subscribers, CompuServe is like New York City complete with its ethnic barrios, eclectic culture, and high brow tastes. It is Manhattan, the Bronx and Central Park all rolled into one, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Special Interest Groups (SIGs) draw like minded people together in an electronic meeting place to discuss their personal common denominator, be that Rock Music, Telecommunications, or Assembly Language programming. Each SIG contains a database
with a wealth of information and computer programs focusing on the particular special interest.
##A 08 281756 943
##T CompuServe • The Source • GEnie
The most popular service on CompuServe is the “CB Simulator” where hundreds of people “type talk” at each other via their keyboards, from all corners of the world. Participation here is like being in the midst of one giant cocktail party; you can be
“vocal” or simply “listen in” by watching the lines of conversation scroll past your screen.
If you’re into big cities, CompuServe offers you just that: an impersonal metropolis where you have to ferret out your own comfortable niche.
##A 08 282233 944
##T CompuServe • The Source • GEnie
The Source
If CompuServe is the Hertz of online services, The Source is Avis; they’re number two, but they try harder. The Source has SIGs, like CompuServe, but they’ve never attained the popularity of those on CompuServe. The big drawing point for The Source is the conferencing system structure itself, called Participate, or simply Parti.
Parti allows users to create their own conferences, and here
you’ll find conferences on every subject imaginable. Because these conferences are run by the users, their stability is often quirky; one week they’re flourishing with activity, the next they are
silent. At any particular time, Parti is like fraternity party on a Friday night.
##A 08 282499 945
##T CompuServe • The Source • GEnie
The Source also offers organizations the opportunity to set up private conferences for their own private use. This combination of
a party-like atmosphere and a serious business use gives The Source a “split personality.” Because of this, The Source has struggled to really define itself, and may be why, after all these years, they’re still “trying harder.”
##A 08 282856 946
##T CompuServe • The Source • GEnie
The youngest of the systems noted here, GEnie is quickly emerging as a sophisticated and well respected online service. It contains a well-rounded offering of services, including SIGs, online news services, and a CB Simulator like CompuServe’s. Because the system is still relatively new, the system has a more friendly feel to it than either The Source or CompuServe. You won’t be overwhelmed by esoteric commands needed to navigate the system. The SIGs are small enough so that members know each other and discussions are lively and well attended.
If you’re looking for a lot of features, and still want a friendly atmosphere, at a good price, GEnie is a good choice. You won’t find
##A 08 196067 947
##T CompuServe • The Source • GEnie
the personal level of interaction found on a system like the WELL, but the range of features may draw you into GEnie over a system like the WELL.
##T Delphi • Byte Information Exchange • Quantum Link
Delphi • Byte Information Exchange • Quantum Link
Delphi, for a long time, was the only “alternative” online service for those disenchanted with both The Source and CompuServe; a kind of online refugee’s retreat. As a result, Delphi developed a very close and loyal following. You either love or hate Delphi, there’s not much middle ground.
Delphi’s user base has never grown much, topping out at less than 10,000. You’ll find SIGs here, but because the user base is smaller, there’s definitely more of a “home town” feel to the system.
Easy to use, easy to get used to. You won’t find an overwhelming
list of services here; but you might just find your electronic home.
— Brock N. Meeks
##A 08 285166 952
##T Delphi • Byte Information Exchange • Quantum Link
Byte Information Exchange
This service is a direct outgrowth from one of the computer industry’s most popular publications, BYTE magazine. Byte Information Exchange, or BIX for short, is high tech stomping ground that boasts some of the nation’s most brilliant (and outspoken) computer personalities. It is also the home of an award winning online news service called Microbytes Daily, a daily news wire focusing on the computer industry.
If you’ve got a technical question — about anything — you’ll find the answer in any of BIX’s freewheeling conferences. This is the computer industry as it used to be: people sharing ideas and
solutions without the greed and grit associated with today’s corporate driven, litigation-laced industry.
##A 08 285379 953
##T Delphi • Byte Information Exchange • Quantum Link
Despite the technical prowess displayed online, the feel of BIX is more like an informal gathering rather than the stuffy academic air that is usually associated with technical discussions.
In addition, BIX has perhaps the largest active group of international users. And BIX isn’t just all technical bits and bytes. Like the quirky personalities that made the emerging computer industry one of the most colorful groups around, you’ll find conferences here dedicated to anything from cats to current events.
— Brock N. Meeks
##A 08 285668 954
##T Delphi • Byte Information Exchange • Quantum Link
Quantum Link
Quantum Link is somewhat narrow in scope: you have to have a Commodore 64 or 128 computer to log on here. Other machines are locked out due to the way the software is set up. Given that, the system draws from the largest group of Commodore owners: kids. This gives Quantum Link the personality of eternal youth, complete with youth’s zest for life, and its accompanying foibles and follies.
Online game playing, both solitary and interactive with other members, is a big draw here. Although it’s a good source of information for the Commodore computer, it’s not much use to
anyone over the age of 18.
— Brock N. Meeks
##A 08 281459 955
##T Delphi • Byte Information Exchange • Quantum Link
direct dial-in after 6 P.M.
Cambridge, Massachusetts
##A 08 284346 956
##T Delphi • Byte Information Exchange • Quantum Link
Byte Information Exchange
direct dial-in after 6 P.M.
Byte Information Exchange
Peterborough, New Hampshire
##A 08 284583 957
##T Delphi • Byte Information Exchange • Quantum Link
Quantum Link
$9.95/month for basic services
Quantum Link
Vienna, Virginia
##A 08 286214 958
##T WELL • Chariot • People/Link
WELL • Chariot • People/Link
Whole Earth ’Lectronic Link
Established as an outgrowth of the Whole Earth Catalog, the WELL is a mirror image of the iconoclastic publication.
The WELL’s personality is “people first, technology a distant third or fourth.” Just how “people-like” is the WELL? A good example are the WELL parties held at regular intervals where members get together face-to-face and carry on the discussions and relationships cultivated online.
WELL users are affectionately referred to as “Wellbeings”;
conference moderators are “Fair Witnesses.” The system is
heavily infused with intellect and compassion; ideology and idealism.
##A 08 287311 959
##T WELL • Chariot • People/Link
Authors, artists, Silicon Valley hi-tech experts, political activists, all gather here in a passionate give and take of daily debate that makes the WELL one of the most unique systems available.
If you’re looking for a stimulating conversation, among an extremely accepting and intelligent populace, this is the place. If you’re looking for online shopping, computer programs, or online game playing, you’ll have to look elsewhere.
— Brock N. Meeks
##A 08 287544 960
##T WELL • Chariot • People/Link
Like the WELL, Chariot is a regional-type of system, reflecting the atmosphere of its surrounding area. Based in Old Colorado Springs, CO, this system was spearheaded by one of the legends in the electronic community, Dave Hughes.
Hughes’ longstanding passion for the potential of online communications has led to Chariot being the focus of everything from local government to a segment on the McNeil-Lehrer News Hour.
Like the WELL, Chariot has a personality of “home folks”
passionately involved in life; the fact that they happen to own a modem is almost an afterthought.
##A 08 287784 961
##T WELL • Chariot • People/Link
If Chariot is known for anything, it must be the several avenues of “leading edge” applications supported on the system. Packet Radio communications, electronic democracy, and NAPLPS, a sophisticated computer graphics standard that enables the combination of text and graphics on the same screen, are just a few of the applications promoted. For these applications, and others like them, Chariot is a virtual nationwide clearinghouse of information.
— Brock N. Meeks
##A 08 288214 962
##T WELL • Chariot • People/Link
“Love at first byte” is the motto of People/Link, or Plink, as it is known among its loyal users. It’s been called the electronic version of New York’s famous Studio 54; on any one night you might find Tom Selleck, Robert Redford, Madonna and Whitney Houston online--all electronic alter-egos, of course.
The system promotes an atmosphere of mirth and myth; advertisements for the system have depicted a nerdy looking accountant transforming himself into an electronic version of Indiana Jones for a foray into Plink’s Partyline CB simulator-type service.
There’s not much substance here, SIGs are called Club-Links and
##A 08 288467 963
##T WELL • Chariot • People/Link
tend to be superficial, at best, superfluous at worst. However, the system doesn’t attempt to camouflage this image. This system is strictly for fun; don’t log on here expecting to enter into a serious dialog on SDI.
I work at the WELL, Whole Earth’s online computer conferencing network. The WELL itself sits in an air-conditioned closet at the Whole Earth office. A bunch of phone lines come into the building. There’s a modem for each phone line. These modems in turn are wired up to a Vax computer. The Vax is about the size of a large dishwasher. When you see the lights on the modems flickering you know that conversations are happening. Minds are meeting.
Personal computers are amazing communication tools. Put a computer together with a modem and you can converse simultaneously with several people, collaborate on writing projects, find work, gather and refine ideas, get technical updates,
##A 08 479739 968
##T The WELL
swap some stories, argue politics, and get a recommendation on a good restaurant and movie without getting up from your desk. Online conferencing networks can be both a place where you meet people — like a neighborhood pub — and a tool for gathering and storing information.
As I sit at my desk in the WELL office shuttling between conferences, doing mail, writing pieces like this one, and talking online as well as on the phone to new users, I check to see who is logged in every few minutes. I know most of the names. Because we have had a lot of social gatherings, I know many faces to go along with the names. Many have become my good friends.
Sometimes when I’m working I feel like I’m in the wheelhouse of a
##A 08 479895 969
##T The WELL
big Mississippi riverboat. On the decks people are strolling and talking as they lean against the rail. There’s a casino and parlors and places to eat. Way down below they’re talking shop with the machinists. There are regulars and newcomers. Everyone has a unique point of view. Sometimes it’s choppy, but usually it’s steady as she goes.
WELL stands for Whole Earth ’Lectronic Link. It’s the collaborative brainchild of Whole Earth’s Stewart Brand and Larry Brilliant, best known for his work with the SEVA Foundation and head of Network Technologies (NETI).
Although there is a lot of useful information stored on the WELL like in a library, it is through conversing in conferences,
##A 08 482047 970
##T The WELL
electronic mail (email) and real-time that the fabric of the community is knit.
There are over ninety WELL conferences. Some are computer specific, some are technical, and some consist of people throwing out their ideas, telling their stories or arguing social and political issues. After talking with people about all kinds of different things over time you get the feeling that you know that person even if you have never met face to face.
So you cruise around to different conferences and you find out what people think about things. The information moves
“horizontally” among the peer group of the participants. Anyone can start a discussion topic in a conference. Topics can be linked
##A 08 483429 971
##T The WELL
between different conferences. After awhile I think the word
“community” begins to describe what goes on better than does
“network.” In a community, the interactions are ongoing. You run into some of the same people every day. Over time, professional and personal interaction can overlap. There becomes a sense of place to it.
Online conferencing is talking by writing. You set up your context, get to the point, and get out. Because it’s a conversation between sometimes fairly large groups, you don’t want to “dominate the rap” and you don’t want to be repetitive. You have to remember that people are looking at computer screens, which seem to put unique demands on people’s ability to focus on long-winded pieces.
##A 08 411610 972
##T The WELL
The flip side of that, though, is if you have a good story to tell or enjoy quality repartee, or can lay out and quickly back up an argument or insight, then the chemistry can be there for a kind of ad hoc think tank that has soul and is fun. We talk about everything from war and law, music, work, birth, death, where this “info age” is going, and AIDS to online talk shows, tales of past experiences and exploits, online gift notifications (better known as Pokeybux), your thoughts on human relationships, bugs in the latest version of PageMaker, reports of WELL weather, the Maddog Improvement Society, and critiques of the latest Grateful Dead show.
I think if the WELL establishes one thing it is that meeting through computers doesn’t have to be a step in some inexorable march toward an Orwellian society with people droning away at isolated
##A 08 478707 973
##T The WELL
terminals. There is a kind of magic to the fact that real human emotions, “vibes” if you will, can carry through the chips and wires.
If you can get your computer and modem to dial a phone number, you can log in to the WELL. Usually the default settings that come with the communications program work fine. The WELL does cost money to use, but at $8/month + $3/hour the rates are among the lowest in the country for comparable facilities.
Actually, the phone company makes more on this than we do. But we have ways of tipping the balance sheet more in your favor on the cost of the phone call. If you live outside of the San Francisco Bay Area you can save substantial money on the phone call by
##A 08 478946 974
##T The WELL
reaching the WELL via the CompuServe packet network (for voice info. call 800-848-0890). If you live in the Bay Area call us and we’ll give you tips on cheaper phone access through special local lines. In addition, the WELL is one of the few places where an individual account has full access the worldwide UNIX community through USENET and UUCP mail.
— John Coate
(Ÿ For information on joining the WELL see separate review in this cluster.)
##A 08 35512 975
##T Postal Networks
##A 08 289150 976
A Conferencing System Without Computers
by Ann Weiser
Discussion groups that meet by mail are a cheap, accessible means of group communication. They’re computer conferences without the computer, available for the price of a postage stamp. We call them many-to-manys (or M2Ms). The simple recipe goes like this: a many-to-many usually has from twenty to fifty members. One person is the “Organizing Editor.” By a given deadline, each person writes a letter about the same topic and sends it to the editor. The editor adds his/her own letter and a cover page listing the members and setting the next deadline, copies the letters, and sends a set to each member.
##A 08 285833 977
Now comes the fun part: by the next deadline, each member writes another letter that includes comments and responses to the letters people wrote before. So it becomes an ongoing, participatory, interactive group conversation by mail. And each person appears in their own typeface — even in their own handwriting if they want — because the pages are copied as is, no editing. It’s easy to add pictures, sketches, diagrams.
Who pays for this? Each person sends the editor a deposit, usually $5 at a time, to be used for their own postage and copying costs. The editor keeps track of the money and lets the participants know when they need to send more. Depending on the number of people who write each time, and how cheaply the editor can get copying done where he or she lives, many-to-manys can range in cost from
##A 08 340674 978
50¢ to $1.50 per person per issue. A lot cheaper than computer conferences!
Other advantages of a many-to-many compared to a computer: it’s easier to send “right brain stuff”: pictures, diagrams, sketches, handwriting. Not everyone’s page looks alike. You can even pick up a sense of personality from typewriter styles!
One thing I love about many-to-manys is their variety. They come in all kinds and sizes, with all kinds of social structures, almost like miniature societies. In one, the editor sets a question each time for the members to respond to the next time. In another, the editor spends two or three pages at the beginning of every issue summarizing the contents, which gives a sense of orientation. The
##A 08 355617 979
editor also writes personal notes in red ink on each person’s copy, another way of encouraging involvement.
We even have a Computer Many-to-Many, showing that computers and M2Ms can coexist peaceably. Many of the participants are involved in computer conferencing elsewhere, but contribute to the Computer M2M for the benefit of those who want to talk about the impact of computers on society, but don’t yet have computers and modems. We also have The M2M on M2Ms, which discusses ways to improve the M2M form. There are lots of ideas for improving the ability of M2M groups to focus on tasks together, develop topics, and create consensus on issues. And we’re just beginning.
Altogether, Action Linkage has about fourteen M2Ms. I’ve heard
##A 08 360965 980
that at the time of the American Revolution there were Committees of Correspondence, which operated through the mail in round-robin letter format. I’d like to think of us as their communicational heirs.
— Ann Weiser
##A 08 289321 981
Action Linkage
$5 for booklet listing letter groups
Action Linkage
5825 Telegraph Ave. #45
Oakland, CA 94609
##A 08 290382 982
Letter Groups
Ann Weiser
booklet $5 postpaid
Action Linkage
5825 Telegraph Ave. #45
Oakland, CA 94609
##A 08 290962 983
by Rhoda Weber Mack
The circle letter is a traveling salon, a soft-tech conference session, a recall of a lost art form — the well-written letter. It is useful for keeping community with scattered friends and colleagues, for keeping lives current, or for playing mental handball with ideas. We use this one for our eight-sibling family, to keep the common conversation intact, and to take the heat off the homeplace as bulletin board.
Here’s the starter: write your own letter, and mail it with a list of mail stops to the next in line, who inserts his/her own letter along with yours, to the next stop. Etcetera all the way back to
##A 08 292054 984
you. Now, read the fat contents with relish, withdraw your old letter, add a new one, and mail it on. Full circle.
My old circle letters add up to a diary of our days, forgotten moments with our children, moods of summer afternoons or wintry mornings long ago when I sat down to add my commentary to the family circle letter.
##A 08 291231 985
##T The Letter Exchange
The Letter Exchange
by Jay Kinney
If you thought letter-writing was a dying art in these post-literate days of telephones, computer networks, and quickie postcards, here’s a charming little publication determined to prove you wrong. The Letter Exchange’s raison d’etre is to encourage the honorable art of correspondence. It does this through a simple device: short listings are printed from people who want to correspond on specific subjects, such as classical music, Lionel Trilling’s essays, androgyny, or freighter travel. Readers can initiate letter exchanges with any listing, though the respondents’ initial letters are forwarded through the directory to the listees, to protect the listees’ privacy. Once the listee replies directly, the correspondence is on its own. The cost of
##A 08 292489 986
##T The Letter Exchange
subscription to The Letter Exchange is the only fee.
Editor Stephen Sikora notes how The Letter Exchange and its users differ from the more familiar “personals” columns around: “You will find a wide range of interests in this directory. The one thing we letter-writers do share in this diversity of political, religious, and cultural viewpoints is a taste for the simple pleasure of letter-writing itself. We seek in these pages no other social contact or personal encounter.” Sample issues are $4.50 each.
##A 08 291499 987
##T The Letter Exchange
Stephen Sikora, Editor
ISSN 08823804
$12/year (3 issues)
The Letter Exchange
P.O. Box 6218
Albany, CA 94706
##A 08 350851 988
##T The Letter Exchange
I remember the letters my friend Michel and I used to write each other. We’d been friends painting at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris, true compatible hearts of the late teen-age variety. We were both shamelessly childlike and filled with romantic idealism and the poetry of life and art. When I returned to the United States, the letters started to flow. His were sheer poetry, enlivened with a drawing here and there. Sometimes he wrote three or four to my one; other times it was just the reverse. Never at any time did I fail to feel his response at the very time I was writing the letter, because I already knew his heart. In fact, I had to know his response intuitively, because his letters to me were rarely “answers.”
Our letters were simply a special sharing, more of a response, in fact, to what seems to be an inextinguishable demand within us to give, to be incapable of withholding the beauty we feel and the ideas we discern.
Of course, our friends have to take us at our word when we say we need no literal
##A 08 351378 989
##T The Letter Exchange
response, if what we share in our letters isn’t to become a burden for them. A few months ago I was visiting out of state and ran into a friend who didn’t know I was in town. After a hug that said everything that needed saying, I looked at his face and saw it was (forgive me) “guilt-edged.” “I haven’t answered your last three letters,” he said with some embarrassment. He looked so sad, I almost wished I hadn’t run into him. “But you don’t have to answer them,” I said. “I’m just writing because I have things to say to you.” He looked so relieved, I felt as though I’d given him a present.
##A 08 36001 990
##T Global Communications
##A 08 291653 991
##T Worldwide Telecomm. Guide for the Business Mgr.
Worldwide Telecomm. Guide for the Business Mgr.
The wired planet. Expanding subject, shrinking comprehension. Start here for the important very small detail, very big picture. International corporations (not governments) are quickest to grasp this pulse, and therefore are the audience of this technical book. Anyone else plugging in?
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 292108 992
##T Worldwide Telecomm. Guide for the Business Mgr.
Walter L. Vignault
1987; 417 pp.
ISBN 0471858285
$49.95 postpaid
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Order Department
1 Wiley Drive
Somerset, N.J. 08875
##A 08 292666 993
##T Worldwide Telecomm. Guide for the Business Mgr.
Chapter 3: Worldwide Environment. Can you connect both ends of a telephone line with compatible equipment to any country? No. Some line attachment products may not be allowed in some countries due to telephone company restrictions. How do you get around telephone company restrictions? The key is negotiating. Suggestions will be offered to improve your chances of obtaining the facilities you need.
Chapter 10: International Traffic. Consistent services are important for worldwide communications to simplify the management and control of moving information. New networks and services are available for communicating to other countries. Telex gets your message to more countries than any other means. What are the other alternatives? Private lines and data and packet switched data networks may offer an alternative solution for international data and message exchange.
##A 08 293308 994
##T Worldwide Telecomm. Guide for the Business Mgr.
In many European countries the profits generated by the telephone and telegraph activities subsidize the post office branch. In some countries, such as France, the PTT revenue is used to support social programs (officials believe that raising a telephone bill is more palatable to voters than raising taxes).
##A 08 292897 995
##T Worldwide Telecomm. Guide for the Business Mgr.
Local area network transmission media choices.
##A 08 293512 996
##T DHL Worldwide Express
DHL Worldwide Express
Mail is still the sleepy giant of communications — wide but slow. When your package must absolutely positively get there quick, and “there” is Timbuktoo, Katmandu, the Congo, or any of those other far away places that are now manufacturing our goods, snail mail won’t do. You should know about DHL Worldwide Express. DHL has offices in 180 countries (more than the UN does) so it can deliver documents and packages door-to-door to most cities in the world. Sort of like a global Federal Express.
For instance, say you live in Blue Eyes, Arkansas. You can have DHL pick up the urgent small package at your door and they’ll get it to your partner sweating it out in Moukoundo, Congo (or any of its other 34 large towns) within three days. That’ll cost $78 if its
##A 08 294410 997
##T DHL Worldwide Express
contents resemble documents, and $118 otherwise. They’ll bill you.
Naturally in this complex world, there are footnotes. Packages other than documents to most communist countries have to be picked up at the airport. DHL will charge $20 extra if you want something delivered in the boonies beyond the main cities of most developing countries. Europe gets your stuff in one day, Hong Kong and India the day after, but the Himalayan kingdom of Nepal won’t get it till the fifth day. DHL is supremely helpful sorting all this out by phone on their 800 number.
Delivered door-to-door, DHL will cost at least 10 times as much
##A 08 294699 998
##T DHL Worldwide Express
as the post office, but they’ll get it there 10 times faster.
You’ll need their current Worldwide Express Guide which lists destinations with content guidelines, and you’ll need their Quick Reference Guide which gives transit times and prices. Both are free.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 293638 999
##T DHL Worldwide Express
Information free
DHL Worldwide Express
##A 08 349679 1000
##T DHL Worldwide Express
The DHL worldwide delivery network
##A 08 74603 1001
##A 08 74871 1002
##T Computer Literacy
##A 08 149490 1003
by Richard Kadrey
What follows is a list of computer language books that we think will help you in that eternal quest for tight code. We’ve listed two books, one beginner and one advanced, for the most popular languages currently in use (and one book for QuickBASIC, a new, more powerful form of BASIC). This list is by no means comprehensive, but is just something to get you started. If you have questions about books we didn’t list or languages we didn’t mention, try calling your public library or Computer Literacy Bookshops (All of these books are available mail order from Computer Literacy Bookshops; Ÿ see separate review in this cluster); this list was put together with the help of Laurie Hahn from Computer Literacy’s San Jose store.
##A 08 149802 1004
Basic: Getting Started
William S. Davis
1981; 69 pp.
$7.95 ($8.75 postpaid)
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
Jacob Way
Reading, MA 01867
##A 08 147866 1005
Basic Handbook
(Encyclopedia of the BASIC Computer Language, 3rd edition)
David A. Lien
1986; 826 pp.
##A 08 379578 1006
Using QuickBASIC
Don Inman and Bob Albrecht
1988; 436 pp.
$19.95 ($20.95 postpaid)
Princeton Road
Hightstown, NJ 08520
##A 08 380095 1007
Proficient C
(The Microsoft Guide to Advanced C Programming)
Augie Hansen
1987; 512 pp.
$22.95 ($24.95 postpaid)
Microsoft Press
10700 Northup Way
Box 97200
Bellevue, WA 98009
##A 08 380209 1008
C Programming Language, Second Edition
Brian W. Kernighan and
Dennis M. Ritchie
1978; 272 pp.
$28.00 postpaid
Prentice Hall
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 08 380442 1009
Oh! Pascal
Second Edition
1985; 607 pp.
$24.95 ($25.95 postpaid)
W.W. Norton
500 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10110
##A 08 380774 1010
Mastering Turbo Pascal Files
Tom Swan
1987; 327 pp.
$18.95 ($19.95 postpaid)
W.W. Norton
500 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10110
##A 08 148103 1011
##T Numerical Recipes
Numerical Recipes
Numerical algorithms are the tools used for “number-crunching.” Unfortunately, they’re under-utilized because they have an aura of magic to many programmers.
Numerical Recipes is a cookbook for when you want to get a job done, not wade through abstract discussions. When you need to find out how to do a Fast Fourier Transform for the job due yesterday, you’ll get a basic grounding in the topic, discussion of the alternative techniques, and best of all, tested source code you can adapt for your own use. The authors’ frequent opinions on when and where to use each technique are mostly right on the mark.
The original Numerical Recipes had examples in Fortran and Pascal,
##A 08 137344 1012
##T Numerical Recipes
and thanks to demand, there’s now a C version as well. You can also buy all the example code on IBM PC or Macintosh-compatible disks.
— Bob Murphy
[Suggested by James Guilbeau]
##A 08 148437 1013
##T Numerical Recipes
(The Art of Scientific Computing)
William Press et al.
1986; 700 pp.
$44.50 postpaid
Cambridge University Press
510 North Avenue
New Rochelle, NY 10801
##A 08 148955 1014
##T Numerical Recipes
Hamming’s motto, “the purpose of computing is insight, not numbers,” is particularly apt in the area of finding roots. You should say this motto aloud whenever your program converges, with ten digit accuracy, to the wrong root of a problem, or whenever it fails to converge because there is actually no root, or because there is a root but your initial estimate was not sufficiently close to it.
Where would any book on numerical analysis be without Mr. Simpson and his
“rule” ? The classical formulas for integrating a function whose value is known at equally-spaced steps have a certain elegance about them, and they are redolent with historical association. Through them, the modern numerical analyst communes with the spirits of his or her predecessors back across the centuries, as far as the time of Newton, if not farther. Alas, times do change; with the exception of two of the most modest formulas. . . the classical formulas are almost entirely useless. They are museum pieces, but beautiful ones.
##A 08 147042 1015
##T Programming Pearls & More Programming Pearls
Programming Pearls & More Programming Pearls
Two of the keys to good programming are creativity and a playful approach to problem-solving. Bentley’s collections of brief essays and magazine columns encourage these traits in a mildly mind-bending manner.
I expected to skim through these books, snag a few flashy new insights about programming, and be on my way. Bentley, however, draws you in like a fly fisherman. He proposes a simple problem, and encourages you to approach it in a workmanlike manner. When you return with your answer, he replies, “Did you consider this?” No, you took the obvious approach, so you go back and work on it some more. Little that he says is profound by itself, but as you
keep returning and being corrected, suddenly. . . enlightenment!
— Bob Murphy
##A 08 147417 1016
##T Programming Pearls & More Programming Pearls
Programming Pearls
Jon Bentley
1986; 200 pp.
$16.25 ($17.88 postpaid)
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
1 Jacob Way
Reading, MA 01867
##A 08 379019 1017
##T Programming Pearls & More Programming Pearls
More Programming Pearls
Jon Bentley
1988; 200 pp.
$16.25 ($17.88 postpaid)
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
1 Jacob Way
Reading, MA 01867
##A 08 147466 1018
##T Programming Pearls & More Programming Pearls
The moral of each of the stories is the same: don’t write a big program when a little one will do. Most of the structures exemplify what Polya calls the Inventor’s Paradox in his How To Solve It: “the more general problem may be easier to solve”. In programming this means that it may be harder to solve a 73-case problem directly than to write a general program to handle the N-case version, and then apply it to the case that N=73.
In the late 1970’s Stu Feldman built a FORTRAN 77 compiler that barely fit in a
64-kilobyte code space. To reduce space he had packed the elements of several kinds
of records into four-bit fields. When he unpacked the records by storing the fields in eight-bit bytes, he found that although the data space had increased by a few hundred bytes, the overall size of the program went down by several thousand bytes.
##A 08 145669 1019
##T Using Structured Techniques
Using Structured Techniques
This book will help you build software that you won’t later regret. Structured program design, and the design of structured code, are taught in schools all over the world today. If you’re unfamiliar with these concepts, this book is an invaluable introduction; if
you’ve studied these in courses, this manual will show you how to actually put them into practice.
The author brings information modeling to life as we follow Alan, a young programmer at International Telewidgets Corporation through every step of a project from conception to maintenance. At each juncture, Alan applied the techniques from structured design, making clear thinking almost automatic.
##A 08 379668 1020
##T Using Structured Techniques
We learn best by doing, and watching Alan break a complex problem into manageable parts gives us a much richer understanding of structured programming than a mere exposition of technique. We have the comfortable illusion of watching real people figure out how to use the techniques to solve real problems, and it’s almost as good as solving them ourselves. I highly recommend this book, and wish I had read it many years ago when I started writing programs.
— Matthew McClure
##A 08 146154 1021
##T Using Structured Techniques
(A Case Study)
Audrey M. Weaver
1987; 247 pp.
$27 postpaid
Prentice Hall
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 08 146270 1022
##T Using Structured Techniques
The only thing that mattered in those earlier days was to write programs that worked correctly and did not “bomb” too often in the middle of the night. Just getting the input cards through the card reader was a major accomplishment. It wasn’t until several generations of programmers made changes to these programs that we realized we also had to write systems that minimized maintenance. Somehow we needed to get some order, some structure, into the software development process.
The solution was to design systems so that each section of code contained one and only one function, each section was as independent as possible from other sections, and sections were small enough so that the programmer could comprehend the entire section at once. Redundant code was eliminated and the sections were organized in levels much like an organization chart. Structured design was born.
##A 08 141441 1023
##T Elements of Programming Style
Elements of Programming Style
For programmers, this is the one book to have if you’re only having one. Like its namesake, Strunk and White’s Elements of Style, the book concentrates on the essential practical aspects of style by example.
Collected into chapters under such names as “Expression,”
“Control Structure,” “Common Blunders,” and “Efficiency and Instrumentation” are real programs, not toys made up to illustrate a point. These bad examples serve as springboards for incisive discussions of the best ways to write correct and readable programs. Sad to say, these programs come primarily from programming textbooks, where our next generation of programmers is turning for guidance. Each of the examples gets
rewritten, sometimes in more than one way, to illustrate the
##A 08 378594 1024
##T Elements of Programming Style
principles the authors espouse. The examples are in FORTRAN or
PL/I, but are nonetheless valuable in BASIC, COBOL, Pascal or any other common language. As the authors prove, “The principles of style are applicable in all languages, including assembly codes.”
Each example is followed by an aphorism that captures the point:
“Write clearly — don’t be too clever”; “Choose a data representation that makes your program simple”; “Make it right before you make it faster”; The rules are listed together at the end of the book. A programmer could do worse than paste the list on the wall.
This book could be used as a textbook for a programming course, yet the examples are sufficiently self-contained to allow you to
##A 08 378695 1025
##T Elements of Programming Style
open the book at random, read a few pages, and come away a better programmer. In fact, that’s not a bad way to work with the book on your second or third reading.
One of the strongest messages in the book is that programming is a holistic task. The error in the sine function is not with the formula or the numerical analysis — the first place many programmers would look — but arises from the simplest of all blunders, an uninitialized variable. Time and again, using subtle or surprising examples, Kernighan and Plauger lead us to sharpen both our reading and writing skills by discussing what is wrong in a
given instance, how to correct it, and, most important, how to avoid it.
— Dennis Geller
##A 08 144745 1026
##T Elements of Programming Style
Brian W. Kernighan
and Dennis Plauger
1978; 160 pp.
$22.50 postpaid
McGraw-Hill Book Company
Princeton Road
Hightstown, NJ 08520
##A 08 145366 1027
##T Elements of Programming Style
Write clearly — don’t be too clever.
Avoid temporary variables.
Write clearly — don’t sacrifice clarity for efficiency.
Let the machine do the dirty work.
Use uniform input formats.
Use the good features of a language; avoid the bad ones.
##A 08 378147 1028
##T Elements of Programming Style
Make your programs read from top to bottom.
Don’t stop with your first draft.
Let the data structure the program.
Each module should do one thing well.
Make input easy and output self-explanatory.
##A 08 76039 1029
##T Mythical Man Month
Mythical Man Month
Frederick Brooks is described just inside the front cover as the
"father of the IBM System/360." Now the 360 is among the largest computers, and the software, known as OS/360, occupies a small library. Hardly what you would call a personal computer. And yet, Brooks comes across not as a paragon of gigantism, but as a perceptive analyst and an engaging writer. There is a sense of responsiveness to the larger context beyond the gates of industry and the walls of academia. For this reason this unified collection of essays has a utility independent of scale. This book explores the human aspects in the creation of artifacts. It is an argument for conceptual integrity, which is ultimately an argument for a sense of style.
— Marc Le Brun
##A 08 76513 1030
##T Mythical Man Month
Frederick Brooks
1974; 188 pp.
$17.95 ($19.75 postpaid)
Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.
Jacob Way
Reading, MA 01867
##A 08 136199 1031
##T Mythical Man Month
There is the delight of working in such a tractable medium. The programmer, like a poet, works only slightly removed from pure thought-stuff. He builds his castles in the air, from air, creating by exertion of the imagination. Few media of creation are so flexible, so easy to polish and rework, so readily capable of realizing grand conceptual structures.
For some years I have been successfully using the following rule of thumb for scheduling a software task:
1/3 planning
1/6 coding
1/4 component test and early system test
1/4 system test, all components in hand.
This differs from conventional scheduling in several important ways:
##A 08 145452 1032
##T Mythical Man Month
1. The fraction devoted to planning is larger than normal. Even so, it is barely enough to produce a detailed and solid specification, and not enough to include
research or exploration of totally new techniques.
2. The half of the schedule devoted to debugging of completed code is much larger than normal.
3. The part that is easy to estimate, i.e., coding, is given only one-sixth of the schedule.
##A 08 87404 1033
##T Computer Literacy Bookshops, Inc.
Computer Literacy Bookshops, Inc.
All of the computer and software publications mentioned in the Electronic Whole Earth Catalog are available through the Computer Literacy Bookshops. They carry just about every computer book currently in print (over 20,000 titles), as well as 150 different computer and computer-related magazines. If you aren’t sure of the book or magazine you want, they can research the subject and suggest the one that might be best for you. And they’re willing to ship your merchandise anywhere in the world. Their quarterly newsletter is free.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 08 30797 1034
##T Computer Literacy Bookshops, Inc.
Quarterly newsletter free
Computer Literacy Bookshops, Inc.
2590 North First Street
San Jose, CA 95131
##A 08 135739 1035
##T Software Access
##A 08 80804 1036
##T How to Get Free Software
How to Get Free Software
No one we know of has a more comprehensive knowledge of software then Alfred Glossbrenner. His book, How to Get Free Software, has chapter and verse on the subject. The major problem with public domain programs is finding out about them and finding where to get them. He takes care of both.
(The minor problems are dealing with the sheer volume of choices and working without manuals.)
— Stewart Brand
##A 08 80909 1037
##T How to Get Free Software
Alfred Glossbrenner
1984; 432 pp.
ISBN 0312395639
$16.20 postpaid
St. Martin’s Press
Cash Sales
175 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10010
##A 08 81184 1038
##T How to Get Free Software
Indeed, if you are interested in programming, free software can provide a wonderful learning experience. Unlike most commercial software, the vast majority of public domain programs are “listable.” That means you can print out and review the program itself and see how its author accomplished (or failed to accomplish) a particular goal. This can alert you to interesting techniques or save you from making similar mistakes. And in some cases it can teach you more about BASIC, Pascal, assembler, and other languages than many textbooks can.
Once you get “plugged in,” you’ll discover that there is an informal network of users groups across the continent. Many groups regularly exchange newsletters and information, and many share their member-contributed free software.
In almost all users groups there will be a “software librarian” who has taken the responsibility for organizing, building, and maintaining the group’s free software
##A 08 82656 1039
##T How to Get Free Software
collection. Frequently, the librarian and assisting members will bring the entire library to the group’s monthly meeting. And either before, after, or during the meeting, members will be free to pick up any programs they want. If you bring your own blank disks, there will usually be a copying charge of about $1 to help maintain the library. But often a club will be able to provide you with a disk at a discounted price. (If you do bring your own floppies, try to format them beforehand.)
##A 08 131370 1040
##T How to Buy Software
How to Buy Software
Glossbrenner’s amazing book has the best explanation I’ve seen anywhere of how personal computers work, put strictly in terms of a shopper’s perspective. Dense with good information, the book is big and comprehensive but never heavy. Its rich sprinkling of tidbits and tips keeps you turning the pages looking for more. The book is divided into chapters on each kind of software. The shopping advice is sound enough and general enough that it’s surprisingly up to date for an early 1984 book.
— Stewart Brand
##A 08 132397 1041
##T How to Buy Software
Alfred Glossbrenner
1984; 648 pp.
ISBN 0312395515
$14.95 ($16.20 postpaid)
St. Martin’s Press
Attn: Cash Sales
175 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10010
##A 08 132658 1042
##T How to Buy Software
There is no clean solution to getting a copy-protected program onto a hard disk, though in the computer industry, few things are truly impossible. The question is always whether the game is worth the candle. If you have a good relationship with the retailer who sold you the hard disk or the hard-disk-equipped computer, and if you are purchasing the applications program from him, then he may be able to arrange to install the program for you.
In addition, it is not unheard of for a customer to ship a hard disk unit to a software house, along with a purchase order for the program. The software company can then install the program and then send back the disk unit. Obviously, detailed arrangements must be made beforehand. And, since hard disk units are rather delicate, they must be carefully packed and insured.
##A 08 363251 1043
##T How to Buy Software
Most mail order houses will sell the same products at prices that are within about $10 of each other. You can take a nickel and dime approach if you like and always reorder from the firm with the absolute lowest price, but once you have found a mail
order firm that you like, it is much more sensible to stay with it, as long as its prices are generally in line.
##A 08 134312 1044
##T Software Digest
Software Digest
The closest thing to Consumer Reports that exists for software. If you buy software at all professionally, it’s certain to be worth the substantial price. Nobody does as thorough a job of comparing programs feature by feature, virtue by virtue, in painstaking fashion. Each major application program for MS-DOS (only) machines is tested by new users, bench-tested (for speed primarily), compared to its competition, and rated.
— Stewart Brand
##A 08 135676 1045
##T Software Digest
Michael D. Stern, Editor/Publisher
Software Digest
One Winding Drive
Philadelphia, PA 19131
##A 08 22989 1046
Substantial deals here. 800-SOFTWARE offers free help after the sale — sometimes better than what you get from the software manufacturer. They have a crack team of advisors, and a really good newsletter. You pay a little more money for this.
— Saul Feldman
##A 08 44737 1047
##A 08 138069 1048
##T CP/M Times
CP/M Times
CP/M may be “dead,” but there are 2 million orphans out there, doggedly clinging to their Kaypros. One of the last sources of CP/M software (and hardware) is CP/M Times, a newsletter/catalog lifeline-by-mail.
— Sarah Vandershaf
##A 08 139026 1049
##T CP/M Times
Catalog $3
Central Computer Products
330 Central Avenue
Fillmore, CA 93015
800/624-5628 (CA)
##A 08 456698 1050
##T CP/M Times
CP/M Public Domain Fun
If you watch the public domain like a hawk, then the CP/M Public Domain Fun Pak probably doesn’t hold anything new. But, if you’re new to CP/M and the public domain—the CP/M Fun Pak is a great introduction to the public domain gold mine.
Ten Diskettes Chock Full
Public domain programs are free. They’re out there for the asking. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of junk in PD. The CP/M Fun Pak saves you the trouble and expense of sifting through a diskette jungle to find solid gold public domain programs.
You could spend a year of your life and hundreds of dollars finding the programs in the CP/M Public Domain Fun Pak. Most organizations charge $8 to $13 per disk for
CP/M public domain programs. The CP/M Fun Pak includes 10 diskettes chock full of
##A 08 139402 1051
##T CP/M Times
the best in the public domain.
There’s no room here to list the programs in the CP/M Fun Pak. You’ll find utilities, entertainment, adventure, and helpful programs of all kinds. Here’s Central’s promise concerning this collection: if you’re new to CP/M and the public domain, the CP/M Fun Pak will tickle your fancy. Don’t buy this package unless you want to have hours of fun with public domain programs. The CP/M Public Domain Fun Pak includes 10 diskettes chock full of PD programs and comes complete with easy to read short annotations about each program. No junk. $49. Order today. Order # 02 CPPD
Indexing Monster
If you’ve got a book, manual, catalog, or legal documents and records you want indexed, this indexing monster can do it at the touch of a button. Saves the work of manually indexing and reindexing.
##A 08 467461 1052
##T CP/M Times
Index is easy to use too. All you do is put its simple reference commands into your document. Note the words and phrase you want indexed. Tell the program to index or build a table of contents. Index does it fast. Change something in your book, manual, or other document, move whole paragraphs and chapters around if you want to. Use Index again, and it builds you a brand new index and table of contents in seconds. All references are automatically repaginated. Your index will contain every reference, including “see” and “see also” references, and list all the pages on which they occur. Your table of contents is made the same way. You select the format you like and up to 16 levels of subheads are automatically and perfectly arranged by page number. List price is $99. Central’s regular low price is $59. Order today. Order # 02 INDE
Electronic Word Finder Thesaurus
Word Finder was compiled by a team of lexicographers. It is extremely fast and works within WordStar, so you never have to leave your file. It’s guaranteed to make you and your WordStar a precise and powerful on line writing machine.
##A 08 467749 1053
##T CP/M Times
It’s so easy to use that after one or two searches there’s no turning back. Not only will your prose take on a new dimension, your speaking and writing vocabulary will improve dramatically as you use this program to display and study a rich variety of words at the push of a key. $69
##A 08 139661 1054
##T CP/M Times
— from CP/M Times
##A 08 51703 1055
LOGIC-SOFT discounts software deeply — they offer to beat any cheaper price you find by $10. I and others have had good luck with them. They ship every order over $100 by Purolator Courier, free.
— Saul Feldman
##A 08 53287 1056
##A 08 140120 1057
##T The PC-SIG Library
The PC-SIG Library
For years PC-SIG, largest shareware vendor in the known universe, has published The PC-SIG Library, a catalog of hundreds of IBM-PC programs to be had for free or for a “suggested donation” to the program’s author. The 750 programs reviewed in the latest edition are available directly from PC-SIG, Inc. (order forms are printed in the back of the book). Or you can skip this step and get thousands of shareware and public domain programs on The PC-SIG Library on CD-ROM (Ÿ see separate review).
— Sarah Vandershaf
##A 08 140762 1058
##T The PC-SIG Library
(Public Domain and User-Supported Software for the IBM-PC, PCjr, and Compatibles)
4th Edition 1987; 424 pp.
ISBN 0915835053
$12.95 ($16.95 postpaid)
PC-SIG, Inc.
1030 East Duane Avenue
Suite D
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
800/222-2996 (CA)
##A 08 141000 1059
##T The PC-SIG Library
Unlike copyrighted material, public domain material was originated by authors who chose not to seek formal rights or royalties; the work is free to be used or altered with few or no restrictions. Our library contains hundreds of such public domain programs.
The user-supported software in our library falls under a different legal category. Rather than sell their programs on the retail market like other copyrighted programs, authors of user-supported programs have elected to market their works directly. You, the buyer, deal directly with the author of a particular program that you decide has lasting value and suits your computing profile. Marketing software in this manner allows you to purchase quality software at a fraction of the price from normal retail channels.
Authors of user-supported programs often request a contribution from satisfied, regular users of their programs. In return for this contribution, such “registered
##A 08 141090 1060
##T The PC-SIG Library
users” are entitled to a wide variety of support, for example, full documentation from the author, telephone-based technical support and notification of updates and upgrades are common means authors use to support their registered users. Your direct contributions compensate the author for his completed work and provide a real incentive to produce further original, quality programs for this unique type of software marketing.
This BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BUSINESS ETHICS AND BUSINESS MORAL VALUES (third edition) contains a list of periodical references, texts, books, syllabi collections, and audiovisual materials compiled by Dr. Kenneth Bond of Creighton University. To give you an idea of how comprehensive it is, if a complete copy of this bibliography is loaded into WORDSTAR and printed, the document would be 142 pages in length. Some subjects: energy, environmental issues (strip mining, toxic chemicals and water pollution), worker issues (discrimination, sexual harassment, whistleblowing, etc.), privacy, distribution of wealth, third world issues. AN INCREDIBLE RESOURCE!
##A 08 381220 1061
##T The PC-SIG Library
Bowling League Secretary
The Bowling League Secretary is comprised of twelve programs that cover everything needed to run a league. This highly generalized system handles: League Name, Team, Configuration, Handicap basis, and Schedule. As distributed, the system can handle 24 teams, up to 9 bowlers per team, and up to a 50 week season. Programs are provided to initialize all master files, enter scores and print standings (weekly), as well as prepare Book average listings, final team/bowler standings, and display or print individual team/bowler record sheets.
Usage: TOTAL documentation for your Bowling League!
##A 08 71260 1062
##T Apple Programmers and Developers Association (APDA)
Apple Programmers and Developers Association (APDA)
This is Apple’s back door — the way it distributes all those Macintosh and Apple II development tools and technical documents that your local dealer has never heard of and can barely pronounce. The APDA was formed by the Apple Puget Sound Program Library Exchange with Apple’s cooperation and, for a modest annual membership fee, gives cut rate mail-order access to essential and powerful tools such as the Mac Programmer’s Workshop. APDA also distributes some Apple developer’s kits and programmer’s tools as works in progress. Be warned that this means exactly what it
says — “beta” versions of documentation may arrive xeroxed and without figures, and pre-release software is prone to annoying and occasionally damaging bugs. But if you want or need to be up on the latest, this is the place.
— Tim Oren
##A 08 124010 1063
##T Apple Programmers and Developers Association
Membership $20/year
(includes quarterly newsletter APDAlog)
290 SW 43rd Street
Renton, WA 98055
##A 08 20507 1064
##T Hardware Access
##A 08 154179 1065
There is no need to buy a brand-name computer (IBM, Compaq, Commodore, Tandy, etc.) — unless you get a good deal. The best approach is to find, by word of mouth, a local retailer who is trustworthy and offers good prices. Many of these shops are too small to advertise in the Yellow Pages; check ads in your local newspaper with the best computer section (in New York, that means the Tuesday New York Times; in California, it means two small tabloids called MicroTimes and Computer Currents, see separate reviews). To help you shop, the IBM-XT & IBM-AT Clone Buyer’s Guides (Ÿ see reviews) are still invaluable.
Buy a PC clone locally if at all possible, so you benefit from local servicing on problems. If you need to shop by mail, one of the best
##A 08 85299 1066
buys is from the burgeoning computer company, Whole Earth Access. They assemble their own line of clones from cut-rate parts, and guarantee the result. Their XT clone, with
built-in 20-meg hard disk and monitor, goes for $895(!) postage paid. This is a small-business bargain. Edwin Rutsch, author of The IBM XT Clone Buyer’s Guide (see review), examined Whole Earth’s
IBM AT clone, which is a generation better and about twice as expensive as their XT. His comments follow.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 154554 1067
The Whole Earth Computer Systems 286 (AT clone) is a close copy of the IBM AT, mimicking not only its power, but also its plainness. A lot of the other clones sport “bells and whistles” which this lacks. However, it is reliable and operates 30 percent faster than IBM’s newest computer, the Personal System 2 (PS/2), Models 50 and 60. It is a good-quality product for a clone, at a reasonable, competitive price. A main advantage is that unlike some clone packagers, the company will probably be around for a while to honor their one-year parts and labor warranty.
— Edwin Rutsch
(The Whole Earth Access Company has no financial relationship to the Whole Earth Catalog or this publication.)
##A 08 154802 1068
Whole Earth Access Company Computers
$879 postpaid
Whole Earth Access Company
2950 Seventh Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
415/845-3000 (CA)
Whole Earth Turbo XT-20: IBM compatible; 640K; 20MB hard disk plus single floppy disk drive; Amber monochrome monitor.
##A 08 75462 1069
##T Apple Macintosh
Apple Macintosh
Apple’s Macintosh was the first popularly priced computer to meet human beings halfway. It engages us — it presents a visual
“desktop” on the screen, a mental landscape where you travel by moving an electronic “mouse” across the surface of your real desk. The Mac’s smaller “stiff disks” have more capacity and durability than the IBM PC-compatible “floppy disks.”
Macintosh software usually feels intuitively correct, with images built into the fabric of nearly everything you see onscreen. And it
all works together. You can draw pictures on your spreadsheet
image, or fit a piece of text into a “wine cellar” drawing in your graphic file cabinet. The Mac has been a magnet for creative designers; often the most interesting new software appears here first — especially true for desktop publishing. Disadvantages: It’s
##A 08 53671 1070
##T Apple Macintosh
expensive. Accessories, like hard disks, are particularly high-priced. It can only produce black-and-white images (until you reach the Mac II level). We recommend getting the Plus or SE; if you want to run HyperCard applications, you will quickly want to add memory above the basic one megabyte. We both own DOS systems, because they were in our price range for computer tools; we wish we owned Macintoshes.
— Art Kleiner and Hank Roberts
##A 08 28604 1071
##T Apple Macintosh
How quickly this cubelet became the center of my working world
(and thereby, of my life). With Hypercard, the Macintosh suits my multifarious pursuits nicely, because I can be working on my data, get an idea for improving the way it’s done and INSTANTLY switch to working on the system just by pulling down a menu. The Macintosh enables me to do many things at once, and to keep track of them all very conveniently. All the skills I learned in the 33 years leading up to this day have come to fruition here. I’ll
never have to specify type nor roll wax again, for one thing.
— David Gans
##A 08 48641 1072
##T Apple Macintosh
A friend describes the Mac as the first computer with sex appeal. As a programmer, it’s the first computer I could write sexy programs on that anybody other than another programmer would appreciate. The combination of power and usefulness and fun make the Mac a joy to sit down in front of. As a result, Macintosh users are generally more productive at computer tasks than users of other computers with similar power (unless they take their extra time to play all the great games or log on to the WELL like I do) .
— Bob Murphy
##A 08 155590 1073
##T Apple Macintosh
for information call:
Apple Computer, Inc.
##A 08 84348 1074
##T Through the MicroMaze
Through the MicroMaze
This is the introductory computer book I’ve been waiting for. Its subject is the setting up of your personal computer scene — that two-week obstacle that keeps the almost-ready-to-jump from jumping. How to lay out your work area, how to hook everything up, how to get fluent in the fundamentals of your computer’s operating system. With color pictures, clear diagrams, and really sensible advice, this book is a comfort and a blessing.
— Stewart Brand
##A 08 84505 1075
##T Through the MicroMaze
(A Visual Guide to Telecommunications)
Patrick Kincaid
with Marlin Ouverson
1985; 64 pp.2
ISBN 0912677554
$9.95 ($11.95 postpaid)
Ashton-Tate/Publication Group
20101 Hamilton Avenue
Torrance, CA 90502
##A 08 115224 1076
##T Through the MicroMaze
With most computers today, there is a serious problem when it comes to exchanging programs and data. The storage media, most often disks, created on one computer usually cannot be used by another brand, or even model, of computer. In such situations, data can be sent between computers via communication programs and the serial ports of the computers.
Most computers have RS-232 ports for various devices, including printers and modems. In addition to being able to connect two computers via modems and the telephone system, two computers can be directly connected with an RS-232 cable. When this is done, files can be transferred at very high speeds. Because use of a communication program and cable permits each computer to use its own disks, incompatible media is not a problem. It should be noted, though, that software may not run when transferred between machines by any method, because of differences in how the computers were designed, but data is almost always compatible. In fact, the authors frequently traded sections of this book electronically while writing it . . . .
##A 08 296814 1077
##T Through the MicroMaze
Inside the computer, data is stored in bits — like miniature electrical switches that can be turned on and off.
##A 08 21737 1078
##T The IBM-XT & IBM-AT Clone Buyer’s Guides
The IBM-XT & IBM-AT Clone Buyer’s Guides
The cheapest computers that you can buy which might help you get some work done are instruments known as IBM clones. They are manufactured by the largest corporations in the country and by some of the very smallest. The clones vary widely in reliability and cost. The cheapest method to find a clone that won’t become expensive in the long run is to immerse oneself in one of these remarkably clear, remarkably current self-published books.
The XT is the minimum machine, the AT is the preferred muscle-bound workhorse, and the 386 is the coming "must have." These guidebooks have a similar layered structure. The AT book tells how
to upgrade an XT clone, and the forthcoming 386 book ($33.45 postpaid, also from Modular Information Systems) shows how to
##A 08 381480 1079
##T The IBM-XT & IBM-AT Clone Buyer’s Guides
upgrade an AT. Any of them will tell you all you need to know on what to purchase, and why.
Beyond buying advice, these books are the most crystalline introduction to MS-DOS computers you can find. You should probably read one of them (I’d choose the AT book) before you buy any kind of computer.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 45470 1080
##T The IBM-XT & IBM-AT Clone Buyer’s Guides
IBM XT Clone Buyer’s Guide and Handbook
Edwin Rutsch
1988; 79 pp.
$19.95 ($23.45 postpaid)
Modular Information Systems
431 Ashbury Street
San Francisco, CA 94117
##A 08 150359 1081
##T The IBM-XT & IBM-AT Clone Buyer’s Guides
IBM AT Clone Buyer’s Guide and Handbook
Edwin Rutsch
1988; 406 pp.
ISBN 0939325187
$22.50 postpaid
Modular Information Systems
431 Ashbury Street
San Francisco, CA 94117
##A 08 72249 1082
##T The IBM-XT & IBM-AT Clone Buyer's Guides
Leading Edge’s new microcomputer is called the Model D. A very nice machine, the Model D is similar to the Epson Equity 1, and it has the same limited expansion capabilities. Not all Model D hardware can be exchanged with the XT standard, so if Leading Edge goes out of business it may be hard to get repairs.
— The IBM-XT Clone Buyer’s Guide
##A 08 409262 1083
##T The IBM-XT & IBM-AT Clone Buyer's Guides
Prepare the mother board
1. Insert any memory chips with the half-moon orientation circles facing the same way as other previously-installed chips. The memory chips should all be facing the same way on the mother board.
2. If the BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) chip has not been installed yet, install it now.
3. Check all pins on the chips to make sure they’re firmly into their sockets, and not bent or folded under the chips.
4. Set the DIP switches according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The DIP switch settings should be in the manual that came with the mother board.
— The IBM-XT Clone Buyer’s Guide
##A 08 152624 1084
##T Build Your Own IBM Compatible
Build Your Own IBM Compatible
You may be ready to save a bundle, but are you ready for an adventure? The scheme is to take cheap parts from Asian manufacturers which are advertised in the backs of computer magazines and assemble them into an IBM knockoff. A lot can go wrong in an instant. I recommend that you read this book first.
It’ll either convince you that you don’t have the needed electronic common sense, or else if you do, it will provide you the key tips for successful construction. Besides becoming the proud owner/builder of a cheap, versatile machine, you’ll probably use it more effectively since you know how it works. Your warranty, though, is your fix-it abilities.
An equally wise (though less exciting) choice is to consider the
ever-blossoming varieties of already assembled clones for sale at
##A 08 152969 1085
##T Build Your Own IBM Compatible
very cheap prices. They are often sold by hobbyists who successfully put together an IBM compatible for themselves and then, seeing a market, charge a minimal amount to assemble another. You pay for the few tricks that they learned the painful way. That’s the way I’d go.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 153313 1086
##T Build Your Own IBM Compatible
Aubrey Pilgrim
1987; 224 pp.
ISBN 0830628312
$14.95 postpaid
TAB Books, Inc.
Blue Ridge Summit, PA
717/794-2191 (PA & AK)
##A 08 313688 1087
##T Build Your Own IBM Compatible
The floppy drive spins a diskette much like a record player. The floppy diskette is made from a type of plastic that is coated with an iron oxide material. It is very similar to the tape that is used in cassette tape recorders. The disk drive uses a head that records (writes) or plays back (reads) the diskette much like the record/playback head in a cassette recorder. When the head writes on the iron oxide surface, a pulse of electricity causes the the head to magnetize that portion of track beneath the head. A spot on the track that is magnetized can represent a 1. If the same spot on the next track is not magentized, it can represent a 0. When the tracks are read, the head detects whether each portion of the track is magnetized or not and outputs a series of 1s and 0s accordingly.
##A 08 153567 1088
##T Build Your Own IBM Compatible And Save A Bundle
Tools needed to build an XT.
##A 08 153867 1089
##T Build Your Own IBM Compatible And Save A Bundle
Parts and components needed to build an XT:
1. A case, flip top or slide on.
2. A mother board with components installed (would recommend a turbo board with 640 K of memory).
3. A power supply, 130 watt minimum.
4. A floppy disk drive controller card
(or board).
5. One or two floppy disk drives.
6. A monitor card (or adaptor), should be monochrome or color, depending on the type of monitor you buy.
7. A monitor.
8. A keyboard.
##A 08 105663 1090
Computers don’t wear out or break easily. They obsolesce. Thus, though it may not run the latest techno-status software, a used 1983 machine will still process your words fine and could be the best way to break into computering. After all, prices drop fast, and someone else has already gone through the grief of setting the thing up. Anyone buying a used computer will have three basic questions: What should I get? What should I avoid? Where do I look?
To answer the first two questions, read The Skeptical Consumer’s Guide. It walks you down the list of computer companies as if they were dealers on auto row and interprets each one’s carnival spiel for you. A beginner could avoid some serious errors here — the CompuPro or the Workslate, for instance (for different reasons).
This is that rare beast, a charming computer book, but it
##A 08 303204 1091
unfortunately skimps on the section on where to look after you narrow your list. Hence you also need Before You Buy a Used Computer. Skip to page 55 (“Finding Sources for Used Merchandise”) and read to the back. It’s all search strategies. The chapter on auctions alone could save you hundreds of dollars. This is obviously a much more hurried, less painstaking book.
Sorry, I must recommend both. But once you buy your used computer, you can always sell these books to someone else, right? As a used-computer owner, you’ll need Henry Beechhold’s Plain
English Repair and Maintenance Guides For Home Computers (Ÿ see
separate reviews in this section), since you won’t be getting a warranty.
— Art Kleiner
##A 08 105729 1092
The Skeptical Consumer’s Guide to Used Computers
Ed Kahn & Charles Seiter
1985; 200 pp.
ISBN 0898151414
$9.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
Ten Speed Press
P. O. Box 7123
Berkeley, CA 94707
##A 08 307426 1093
Before You Buy a Used Computer
Dona Z. Meilach
1985; 150 pp.
ISSN 0517555441
$10.95 ($12.95 postpaid)
Crown Publishers
225 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10003
##A 08 331109 1094
The biggest fear of the first-time computer buyer is really the most easily set aside. The usual service problems don’t concern chips — which are easily replaced, not repaired — but mechanical parts (the physical cabinet and housing for the computer, disk drives, and peripherals). It is much like the situation with older cars. If you set out to restore a rare automobile, you will find that it is not the engine that will give you grief so much as the accessories like the cigarette lighter knob.
— The Skeptical Consumer’s Guide to Used Computers
Don’t think that every swap meet has only good buys. Many dealers discover they can sell new merchandise at the regular price; sometimes over the regular price because people are conditioned to think that swap meets spell bargains.
— Before You Buy a Used Computer
##A 08 366175 1095
At a computer auction, the items may not be plugged in and working, especially if this poses electrical and potential power problems. Neither should you expect people on the auctioneer’s staff to know about or offer advice on the merchandise. If you persist, and bring along your own power cord, you can usually get permission to plug in an item and try it. (Take along compatible software, too,) If it performs as it is supposed to, you are within safe boundaries. On large equipment, some provisions may be available for testing.
— Before You Buy a Used Computer
##A 08 408443 1096
Used magazines for sale at a swap meet may give you an idea of the price range on an older item.
— Before You Buy a Used Computer
##A 08 408646 1097
Computer swap meets are growing in popularity and sophistication. Merchandise will be varied and include anything from back copies of magazines to complete computer systems.
— Before You Buy a Used Computer
##A 08 86381 1098
##T Plain English Repair Guides for Home Computers
Plain English Repair Guides for Home Computers
For fiddling with your hardware, get this cheerful, excellent guide. Detecting a problem in your mysterious computer and fixing it is a coming-of-age, a departure from helplessness.
— Stewart Brand
IBM PC-compatible owners should get the special edition targeted for them.
— Art Kleiner
##A 08 86624 1099
##T Plain English Repair Guides for Home Computers
Plain English Repair & Maintenance for Home Computers
Henry F. Beechhold
1984; 265 pp.
ISBN 0671492934
$14.95 postpaid
Simon & Schuster
Mail Order Sales
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 08 374363 1100
##T Plain English Repair Guides for Home Computers
Plain English Maintenance & Repair Guide for IBM PCs
Henry F. Beechhold
1985; 258 pp.
ISBN 0671528645
$14.95 postpaid
Simon & Schuster
Mail Order Sales
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 08 87137 1101
##T Plain English Repair Guides for Home Computers
Substitution of ICs without removing originals.
If you suspect that a chip is defective, you can simply press another of the same type over it. This is called
“piggybacking” (big surprise!) and is a handy trouble-shooting technique if you have a stock of chips on hand. Here’s how to do it:
a. Turn off power.
b. Carefully bend the new chip leads in slightly so that each will contact its mate on the original chip.
##A 08 120329 1102
##T Plain English Repair Guides for Home Computers
##A 08 47683 1103
##T Plain English Repair Guides for Home Computers
##A 08 2340 1104
##T Godfather’s
Their name sounds like they should be selling pizzas, but really this outfit sells used IBM PCs and peripherals at (naturally) a price you can’t refuse.
— Sarah Vandershaf
##A 08 103645 1105
##T Godfather’s
Catalog free
Godfather’s Used Computers
P.O. Box 3037
851 West State Road 436,
Suite 1015
Altamonte Springs, FL 32714
##A 08 136624 1106
##T Hardware Magazines
##A 08 106680 1107
##T PC Magazine
PC Magazine
As always the place to turn for information on IBM and clones of IBM— see the past year’s issues which will cover, exhaustively, the whole gamut of available equipment. The reviews are laid out in vast charts comparing features, prices, and prospects. Each issue concentrates on a particular item — printers, modems,
hard drives, tape drives, particular kinds of software. The ads keep you apprised of what the manufacturers hope to have available by press time.
— Hank Roberts
##A 08 106760 1108
##T PC Magazine
Bill Machrone, Editor
ISSN 08888507
$39.97/year (22 issues)
PC Magazine
P. O. Box 2445
Boulder, CO 80321
##A 08 325958 1109
##T PC Magazine
The chip industry is divided into two very different businesses: designing chips and building them.
The U.S. remains way ahead in chip design. Motorola’s 68030, now sampling, and Intel’s 80486, now in specs, provide evidence of that. IBM and AT&T have made fundamental improvements in high-density memory chips; the one-megabit chip and its successor grew directly from that work. And the specialty-chip houses, led by Chips and Technologies, routinely design chip sets functionally equivalent or superior to system designs from the likes of IBM.
But we do an absolutely awful job of making those chips.
An obvious answer is to design chips here but produce them “offshore.” Many find that idea unacceptable both from a strategic-industries perspective and from a competitive stance: Ship your design off to a foundry in the Far East, the story goes,
##A 08 328512 1110
##T PC Magazine
and by the time you get sample quantities back, your design will have been pirated all over Asia.
Has there ever been an operating system that provided adequate technical documentation? Perhaps not, but that’s hardly an excuse for the overpriced and deficient documentation that IBM is now selling for OS/2 1.0.
What’s more disturbing is that IBM’s documentation is largely derived directly from that earlier documentation distributed by Microsoft. It may be the best we can hope for. That’s discouraging. Regardless of the merits of OS/2, its success depends in part on the availability of good documentation and reasonably priced programming tools. What I see from IBM is not it.
##A 08 327586 1111
##T PC Magazine
PC Magazine Fact File boxes give you helpful mini-reviews of new PC-based software products.
##A 08 328752 1112
##T PC Magazine
PC Magazine Fact File boxes give you helpful mini-reviews of new PC-based software products.
##A 08 110734 1113
##T MacWorld
The flagship of the Macintosh trade press, MacWorld is slick, colorful, and aimed at the end user market. Technical articles and product surveys and reviews are well written and thorough. Pay attention to positive recommendations, but don’t rely on them for the bad news. MacWorld is not the place for technical depth or those clever tidbits of Mac programming lore, however. For that, take a look at MacUser or MacGuide (see reviews).
— Hank Roberts and Tim Oren
##A 08 110868 1114
##T MacWorld
Jerry Borrell, Editor
ISSN 07418647
$18/year (12 issues)
Subscription Dept.
P. O. Box 54515
Boulder, CO 80321
303/447-9330 (CO)
##A 08 240736 1115
##T MacWorld
What advantages does a buffer offer? It doesn’t devour disk space and memory as do spoolers; it doesn’t modify the Mac’s printing routine, so compatibility problems are rare; and it gives each Mac on a network the same fast spooling performance, whether or not it has a hard disk. Most significantly, a spooler doesn’t tax the Mac’s already hard-working microprocessor and thus eliminates the slowdown in overall performance that spoolers can cause.
##A 08 240918 1116
##T MacWorld
Frames from a MicroChem “movie” of a DNA molecule rotating in space. Chemists use this view to look for “pockets” and “bulges” in the structure.
##A 08 241158 1117
##T MacWorld
Tracing a Template
Adobe’s Illustrator software lets you view one document in several different ways. The right window shows a reduced view of the Mona Lisa template. When drawing the path, you would probably work in an enlarged view, such as the one on the left. The curve of the chin has been selected, so its direction points are visible.
##A 08 107692 1118
##T MacUser
MacUser and MacWorld are the two essential magazines if you own or use a Macintosh. MacUser is a bit more willing to warn you of the inevitable little difficulties. As everywhere in the computer business, the writers may have some prior experience with whatever they’re reviewing, but they may not. If you’re not already an experienced user, reading between the lines may be difficult.
But the basics are there, every month, repeated and updated often enough that catching up on the past year will let you wade into your first Mac and succeed in using it right off the mark. Look here for the handholding you will want, and the promises of soon-to-be-available improvements that will keep you dreaming.
— Hank Roberts
##A 08 107973 1119
##T MacUser
Frederic E. Davis,
ISSN 08840997
$27/year (12 issues)
29 Haviland Street South
Norwalk, CT 06854
##A 08 114037 1120
##T MacUser
To understand the program of a HyperCard stack, you need to know four things:
the entry points for messages that represent input (mouse actions, keyboard activity, etc.)
the object hierarchy of the stack (how the messages normally trickle through the stack)
which messages are in fact intercepted by the scripts of each of the objects in the stack, plus any deviations from the normal flow; and
what commands the objects’ handlers will perform on receipt of the messages, that is, the contents of all the scripts.
##A 08 117358 1121
##T MacUser
And all this time we thought the Mac was user-friendly. Little did we know that Don Rickles was moonlighting writing dialog boxes.
This zinger came to us courtesy of Will Cate, who had it pop up while he was working in IMI Software’s shareware program LaunchMaker.
##A 08 120172 1122
##T PC Week & MacWeek
PC Week & MacWeek
Yeah, sure, you want to learn about personal computers, but everything changes so fast, how will you ever keep up? These two sources are free (as long as you fill in the proper qualification cards), up-to-date, and comprehensive — between them, you get a weekly education in what’s available in Personal Computing. PC Week’s extra bonus is corporate iconoclast Jim Seymour, probably the most cogent computer writer in print.
I have found these far superior to their competitors — including InfoWorld and Macintosh Today.
— Art Kleiner
##A 08 123476 1123
##T PC Week & MacWeek
PC Week
Sam Whitmore, Editor
$160/year or free to qualified
subscribers (51 issues)
PC Week
P.O. Box 5970
Cherry Hill, NJ, 08034
##A 08 103824 1124
##T PC Week & MacWeek
Daniel J. Ruby, Editor
ISSN 08928118
or free to qualified
(50 issues)
Circulation Department
5211 South Washington Avenue
Titusville, FL 32780
##A 08 123829 1125
##T PC Week & MacWeek
Programs that claim to do an enormous range of functions (and their number is increasing) should be viewed with skepticism. How can the drawing features embedded in a page-layout program be as good as those in a dedicated drawing program? And if they are roughly comparable, will the drawing function occupy so much memory that it seriously cripples other features in the page-layout program?
There’s a fine line between adding a few hot features and bogging down a program with useless encumbrances. And if the additional features are not cleverly separated from the main code of the program, such programs become nightmares to maintain.
Aristotle was founded in 1982 by John Phillips, who used an Apple II in a bid for Congress that year in Connecticut. Phillips won the primary, lost the general election, but found there was tremendous interest in his campaign software.
##A 08 24086 1126
##T PC Week & MacWeek
Aristotle’s campaign software for the Mac will have a special feature not found in the company’s PC product, according to Phillips: using the Mac’s graphic strengths to plan for the 1990s.
Legislative districts throughout the country are scheduled to be redrawn following the 1990 census, and Aristotle’s software “will allow a candidate, with the mouse, to redraw the district lines to optimize the districts for a Democratic or Republican candidate,” said Phillips, “and to project how the districts will perform when the districts are redrawn.”
##A 08 17947 1127
##T PC Week & MacWeek
The Suffolk County Legislature has passed a bill that would require businesses to provide eye care, flexible work breaks and adjustable furniture for regular VDT users — including those who work on Macs and other personal computers.
##A 08 19158 1128
##T PC Week & MacWeek
Charles Gallistel, professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, is conducting time-series analyses on animal learning responses. To better illustrate his findings he moves data from SYSTAT into Adobe Illustrator. In this illustration, Gallistel imported a sine curve into Illustrator, where he used the duplicate and horizontal move tools to make the cosine curve. Gallistel then used the rescale and scissors tools to size and trim the curves.
##A 08 126227 1129
##T Personal Computing
Personal Computing
Only a couple of years ago this was a contemptible piece of advertising-driven fluff. Now it’s a reliable and (mirabile!) interestingly written general-interest computer magazine. The only one left, in fact, that covers Apple, IBM, and other computers together without getting lost in trivia, vagueness, or industry in-groupiness. To find that such a magazine could still exist after the Balkanization of computerdom was downright refreshing — and I find myself WANTING to read Personal Computing more than any other computer magazine.
— Art Kleiner
##A 08 128827 1130
##T Personal Computing
Fred Abatemarco, Editor
ISSN 01925490
$18/year (12 issues)
Hayden Publishing
10 Mulholland Drive
Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604
##A 08 130588 1131
##T Personal Computing
How can a manager know if fax, and PC fax specifically, is appropriate technology for his office? “If they send out three or four overnight mail packages every day, they probably should look at fax,” says Stanley R. Greenburg, a New York publisher who has compiled a directory of fax telephone numbers, “The Official Facsimile Users’ Directory,” (published by F.D.P. Associates).
Q: What can I do about an employee who has become so enamored with his personal computer that he neglects his assigned duties in favor of helping others in the department with their personal computer problems?
A: Cherish him! In addition, change his assignment from whatever it was before so he only has to do half of that, but add on top of that the formal duty to help the other klutzes who work for you. You may pull your supervisory rank and put helping you out on top of his priority list.
##A 08 132020 1132
##T Personal Computing
— from Personal Computing
##A 08 373365 1133
##T Personal Computing
— from Personal Computing
##A 08 374171 1134
##T Personal Computing
— from Personal Computing
##A 08 79731 1135
##T Computer Currents
Computer Currents
Computer Currents started as a Bay Area regional tabloid, written for the serious microcomputer user and hobbyist. It has branched out into several different editions, available now (or soon) in your nearest megalopolis. Computer Currents carries a wide range of topics usually passed over by the general computer press, such as CP/M, older Apple IIs, and telecommunications. An up-to-date (and reasonably accurate) gossip and news column and, of course, the local advertisements make Computer Currents the first read in the week’s pile of trade press.
— Tim Oren
##A 08 79882 1136
##T Computer Currents
David Needle, Editor
$24.95/year (25 issues)
Computer Currents
5720 Hollis Street
Emeryville, CA 94608
##A 08 409769 1137
##T Computer Currents
Bulletin board listings from Computer Currents
##A 08 409487 1138
##T Computer Currents
Bulletin board listings from Computer Currents
##A 08 409953 1139
##T Computer Currents
Bulletin board listings from Computer Currents
##A 08 78747 1140
##T MicroTimes
From the WELL, in their own words:
Item 17 (Thu, Jan 28, 1988 (12:41)) MicroTimes (microx)
About MicroTimes and its conference
MicroTimes is a free monthly tabloid which covers a broad range of microcomputer types and applications. Most of our coverage is
business-oriented and deals with UNIX and Macintosh; we also have columns on UNIX, Amiga, Atari, Apple II, and CP/M, as well as columns dedicated to special interests like PC business systems and Telecommunications.
Subscriptions are $24 per year (US — third class), $50 per year
##A 08 125586 1141
##T MicroTimes
(US — first class). We distribute 135,000 copies monthly in San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Los Angeles, and Orange Counties, with limited distribution in Santa Cruz and Sacramento. Call our distribution department at
(415) 652-3810 if you’re in these areas and would like to have bundles of issues (25 or 50, depending on size) dropped off for your user group or organization, or if you just want to know the distribution site nearest you.
If you live out of our distribution area, you’re welcome to subscribe. If you’d like bundles delivered to your business,
meeting site, home, etc., but you live outside our distribution area, it’s usually possible to send you issues if you pay the UPS charges.
##A 08 36126 1142
##T MicroTimes
Call Johnny Erokan in the distribution department to make arrangements.
And, of course, if you’d like to buy an ad, which is what keeps us in business, feel free to call Chuck Stanley, also at (415) 652-3810.
— Microtimes’ self-description from
the WELL Microx conference
Quite a few Microtimes writers are also WELLbeings. The news goes both ways.
— Hank Roberts
##A 08 78993 1143
##T MicroTimes
Dennis Erokan, Editor
$24/year (12 issues)
BAM Publications, Inc.
5951 Canning Street
Oakland, CA 94609
##A 08 408911 1144
##T MicroTimes
In March of this year (1988), a BBS user filed a lawsuit in Indiana Federal court under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Linda Thompson, a third year law student (and sysop) filed her suit against Bob Predaina, the sysop of the Professional’s Choice BBS. Thompsom alleges that Predaina took several of her private messages — which she had deleted from the system — and “opened” them to public viewing.
The ECPA, which went into effect January 1, 1987, provides federal protection of computer communications, both in transmission and while in storage on a remote
host’s disk. This was an important statute because it set the ground rules for protecting your private electronic communications; your electronic communications do not have any federal constitutional privacy protection. Why? Because there is no “objective reasonable expectation of privacy” when a third party (in this case, a sysop) has access to those communications.
##A 08 330017 1145
##T MicroTimes
Serious questions that you might not have asked yourself when ironing out that contract are made evident when you use the Art of Negotiating
negotiating software.
— from MicroTimes
##A 08 407741 1146
##T MicroTimes
Face icons can be used as buttons in a simple polling application by using Apple’s new HyperTalk language.
— from MicroTimes
##A 08 136859 1147
##T Other Computer Magazines
##A 08 77505 1148
##T Computer Shopper
Computer Shopper
Computer Shopper is like hunkering down at a computer swap meet — gritty, technical, hacker-ish, and full of tiny ads. It lists all the known active user groups and computer bulletin boards in each
state. It’s about the only place that talks about “orphaned” computers, discontinued models that are still being widely used.
— Art Kleiner
##A 08 77816 1149
##T Computer Shopper
Stan Veit, Editor-in-Chief
ISSN 08860556
$21/year (12 issues)
Patch Publishing Co., Inc.
P. O. Box F
Titusville, FL 32781-9990
##A 08 77977 1150
##T Computer Shopper
Several Tucson cave divers have put me onto the ultimate mouse working surface. Besides being cheap and easy to get, it beats just about all the commercial products whiskers down.
So, run down to your friendly neighborhood divers supply or scuba shop, and get yourself some 1/8 inch or 1/4 inch nylon wetsuit material.
Cost is around a dollar per square foot, and you use it fuzzy side up. It even comes in decorator colors. You can cut it with plain old scissors.
There’s lots of styles available. The best one I have found so far is a inch thick material with a bright blue working surface. The back side has a no-skid “fish scale” pattern on it.
DICK DAVIN REALTY Iowa City, IA 319-338-3947; 300/1200 Baud *24
IBM PC Cedar Rapids, IA 319-363-3314 *24
SUNSHINE BBS/EXCHANGE, Dubuque, IA 319-557-9659 *24
##A 08 124426 1152
##T Computer Shopper
##A 08 380968 1153
##T Computer Shopper
— from Computer Shopper
##A 08 240401 1154
##T Computer Shopper
— from Computer Shopper
##A 08 158178 1155
##T MacGuide
We’re big on Macintoshes around here. Computer virgins love ’em because the Mac is gentle and understanding. Computer veterans love ’em because the Mac is ambitious and elegant. We use ’em because the Mac is a graphic beast and takes kindly to the tremendous visual component of our work. It’s become a chore to keep up with all the programs written for it, a chore blessedly relieved by this weighty directory. It catalogs all 3100 Macintosh programs and accessories together with specifications, ordering info, and in some cases, a “reader rating” from MacGuide Magazine for the more popular programs. We find it handy.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 158212 1156
##T MacGuide
Patricia Bensky, Editor
$14.85/year (4 issues)
The Delta Group, Inc.
818 17th Street
Suite 210
Denver, CO 80202
##A 08 156959 1157
##T Shareware Magazine
Shareware Magazine
This magazine reviews new shareware/public domain/user-supported programs and reports on the shareware industry. Use it to update The PC-SIG Library.
— Sarah Vandershaf
##A 08 157378 1158
##T Shareware Magazine
M. Palmer Barnes,
$20/year (6 issues)
PC-SIG, Inc.
1030 East Duane Avenue
Suite D
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
800/245-6717; 800/222-2996 (CA)
##A 08 157603 1159
##T Shareware Magazine
A number of software companies and individual programmers have been marketing PC versions of the popular MONOPOLY® game, claiming that the game is public domain.
Parker Brothers wants to set the record straight. The MONOPOLY® game, including board graphics, instructions, playing cards, Title Deed cards, and all other distinctive elements of the MONOPOLY® game are fully protected under the Federal Copyright Act and the Federal Trademark Act. . . .
Parker Brothers has licensed the MONOPOLY® property to Sega for the Sega Master Systems and Virgin Games for home computers.
Other than these two licensees, none of the software versions of MONOPOLY® now on the market have been authorized by Parker Brothers.
##A 08 157918 1160
##T Shareware Magazine
— from Shareware Magazine
##A 08 376263 1161
##T Shareware Magazine
— from Shareware Magazine
##A 08 376823 1162
##T Shareware Magazine
— from Shareware Magazine
##A 08 155285 1163
##T MacTutor
This journal is recommended for programmers interested in learning how to program for the Macintosh. It’s better than pretty good, especially for the intermediate programmer. As a professional Mac programmer, I still pick up some tips here. I enjoy the rumors and gossip that the magazine picks up from their bulletin board. For the best in Mac programming tips, get their Complete MacTutor, Volume II, which was published at the peak of their being the center for Macintosh information.
— Mike Coffey
[Suggested by Bob Murphy]
##A 08 155721 1164
##T MacTutor
David E. Smith, Editor
$30/year (12 issues)
P. O. Box 400
Placentia, CA 92670
##A 08 156122 1165
##T MacTutor
As most of you know, the Mac II has six expansion slots. Each of these slots can have something really neat plugged into it, like additional processors, data acquisition boards, and other stuff like that. But, if you don’t have a video card and monitor plugged in, you won’t be able to see what’s going on. I ought to know. My monitor took about a month longer to arrive than my CPU did. The Mac made a nice sound when I turned it on, but that really got boring after the first couple of hundred times. Anyway, with six slots available, enterprising (and loaded) people can plug in six video cards to use with many monitors of various shapes and sizes.
So, with lots of screens putting quite a load on your table, what would you expect to see? Several identical copies of your desktop? Sounds interesting, but not very practical. Quickdraw treats all the video devices collectively as a single, possibly irregular, display. Windows may be placed anywhere on the desktop, and as a result a single window can extend over several monitors. The effect is especially impressive
##A 08 151962 1166
##T MacTutor
when adjacent monitors have different color environments, or one is color and the
other b/w. This spectacular feat is accomplished through careful management of
graphics devices.
##A 08 390465 1167
##T Dr. Dobb’s Journal
Dr. Dobb’s Journal
Where InfoWorld is my meat and potatoes, I find Dr. Dobb’s Journal is my monthly visit to a trade show “hospitality suite.” Some months it is chips and dip and a Coke while other months it is cracked crab, caviar, and champagne.
Dr. Dobb’s is very much a “hacker’s” magazine and makes no bones about it. Until recently contributors were not paid for their efforts. Even now submitted articles and programs are placed into the public domain.
Dr. Dobb’s seems to have its finger on the pulse of the proletariat of the computer world. This steady-handed approach in a computer magazine is welcome relief from the blowin’-in-the-wind feeling
##A 08 390714 1168
##T Dr. Dobb’s Journal
I get from most other mags every time a new computer comes onto the market.
I will probably never trash-can my Dr. Dobb’s back issues, because they make excellent reference materials. Being that I am a programmer (software engineer?) by trade, I find back issues invaluable for finding tricks-of-the-trade subroutines.
— Thomas Spence
##A 08 152300 1169
##T Dr. Dobb’s Journal
(of Software Tools for the
Professional Programmer)
$25/year (12 issues)
Dr. Dobb’s Journal
P. O. Box 27809
San Diego, CA 92128
##A 08 390987 1170
##T Release 1.0
Release 1.0
The most literate and informed writing on the technology of thinking comes on the gray, typewritten pages of this very expensive newsletter. For many of its subscribers, it’s an unbelievable bargain. Instead of tramping to the computer industry’s most tantalizing conferences, they can read Esther Dyson’s personable reports and soak up more than they would by being there. Dyson deciphers esoteric technical issues into oh-I-get-it! language, further refined by an impenetrable filter against PR hype. Moreover, she has an unerring nose for the significant consequence. Talk a library into subscribing.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 391361 1171
##T Release 1.0
My favorite computer read is Release 1.0, a pricey monthly from Esther Dyson, who writes with more intelligence per column than
anyone else in the business — and with a high quaint humor. This sharp-eyed daughter of physicist Freeman Dyson treats the biz like a good field biologist might. She observes acutely, notes trends early, predicts boldly, and retains a wicked remote fondness for her obligingly complex subject.
— Stewart Brand
##A 08 150912 1172
##T Release 1.0
Esther Dyson, Editor
$395/year (12 issues)
EDventure Holdings, Inc.
375 Park Avenue
Suite 2503
New York, NY 10152
##A 08 151354 1173
##T Release 1.0
Ed Tufte teaches at Yale, where he is Professor of Political Science and Statistics, Senior Critic in Graphic Design, and Lecturer in Law. Despite all that, he is best known as the creator of The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, a stunning book that explains with illustrations how graphics can be used to elucidate rather than merely decorate or, at worst, obfuscate, quantitative data. Tufte is an ardent foe of
“chart junk, simple data tricked up with three dimensions and six colors.” Asked to comment on USA Today, he says politely that the weather map’s not bad and then points out, “People think it’s so successful, but what’s the best-selling paper in the country? The Wall Street Journal. It’s absolutely full of information, and no chart junk.”
He is currently working for IBM as the corporate consultant on information design.
“If you want the right skills to design a computer interface, don’t go to a programmer, or a psychologist, or a graphic designer. Go to a mapmaker! Mapmakers are a magnificent combination of engineer and designer. They have a 5000-year history
of visual craft. The map is an ideal model for interface design.”
##A 08 150757 1174
##T Release 1.0
If we’re going to give business people a way to build models that approximate the complexity of reality, the software will have to do a lot more work for them than your standard spreadsheet (even one with wizard graphics) without taking away their flexibility. EFS’s Compete! is a good start. Best but still inadequately described as a five-dimensional spreadsheet that can read 1-2-3 and Excel worksheets, it is closer to being a set of models with cross-dependencies already instantiated. It covers a company’s financials, product line analysis, market analysis (customers and sales), and competitive analysis (pricing and market share), all over time. It was conceived by a group of former Boston Consulting Group consultants who found that their spreadsheets still left a lot of work to do and fostered two-dimensional thinking:
“This versus that,” rather than, “this modifies that which reduces that other thing and also lowers this fourth thing while increasing . . . .”
##A 08 68639 1175
##T Family and Home Office Computing
Family and Home Office Computing
The best general computers-for-learning magazine. The tiredest question of the business is, “What use do computers have in the home?” Every month this magazine comes up with 80 pages of answers.
— Art Kleiner
##A 08 135970 1176
##T Family and Home Office Computing
Claudia Cohl, Editor
$19.97/year (12 issues)
Family Computing
P. O. Box 2511
Boulder, CO 80302
##A 08 153688 1177
##T Computers & Nonprofits
##A 08 330365 1178
by Steve Johnson
Five years ago fewer than 10 percent of nonprofit organizations owned computers; now it is estimated that over 50 percent of the organizations have access to small computers. Small computers have brought on a new era for nonprofit work in this country.
The computerization of the nonprofit sector has not come without some disappointments and disasters. People have learned the hard way that computer technology — unlike the other office technology of typewriters and copier machines — doesn’t always come easy or cheap.
It is estimated that a $5,000 computer investment will, in five
##A 08 357500 1179
years, represent as much as a $30,000 investment: there are many hidden costs in buying a computer, including insurance (theft, transit, medical/ liability), depreciation, supplies, software, hardware and software upgrades, security, repair, and staff training.
Before you buy, you might want to try a needs assessment or requirement analysis. The Information Technology Resource Center in Chicago (Ÿ see separate review) has developed a good model for this with their 300 nonprofit member organizations.
Volume I describes client-services software for tracking client costs, client demographics, client history, events software, food services, job matching, library management, public housing management, and survey software. Volume II describes computer related-giving programs of 200 corporations, foundations, and government agencies. There is extensive coverage of fund accounting and membership management software.
Computerization Needs Analysis
Provides the information one needs to conduct a needs analysis —
##A 08 401592 1181
a systematic examination of the functions an organization wishes to computerize, and the identification of needs within each function. Plenty of worksheets make the book more than worth the price.
The Women’s Computer Literacy Handbook.
This excellent handbook covers history, basic computer concepts, ethical choices, and much more.
Computer Use in Social Services Network Newsletter.
I always look forward to the CUSS Newsletter: with its reader-based contribution format one can find out about unusual and
useful applications of computer technology to the social services.
##A 08 401685 1182
A real gem, full of information about grass-roots and public-interest computing that you can’t find out about anywhere else.
Managing With Computers.
Each issue of this small but handy newsletter for nonprofit managers covers a special topic such as desktop publishing, nonprofit fund accounting, etc.
Communicating in the ’80s: New Options for the Nonprofit Community.
Communicating Today: Serving Nonprofit Needs with Technology.
These are reports summarizing the activities of the Benton
##A 08 402057 1183
Foundation in exploring how nonprofit organizations are using new electronic communication and information technology.
— Steve Johnson
Personal Computers and the Disabled
Personal Computers and the Disabled has lots of technical information, including detailed critiques of every personal computer, printer, and electronic typewriter I’ve ever heard of
(and many I haven’t heard of). McWilliams is learning-disabled (he
never mastered multiplication tables), so he sympathizes with disabled people while avoiding sentimentality.
Southern California Center for Nonprofit Management
315 West 9th Street, Suite 1100
Los Angeles, CA 90015
##A 08 402573 1186
The Women’s Computer Literacy Handbook
Deborah L. Brecher
1985; 254 pp.
ISBN 0452255651
$9.95 ($11.45 postpaid)
Plume/ New American Library
P. O. Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621
201/387 0600 (NJ)
##A 08 402735 1187
Computer Use in Social Services Network Newsletter
Dick Schoech
P. O. Box 19129
Arlington, TX 76019
##A 08 403261 1188
90 East 7th Street/ 3A
New York, NY 10009
##A 08 403484 1189
Managing With Computers
$24/year (6 issues)
Lodestar Management/Research, Inc.
1052 West 6th Street, Suite 714
Los Angeles, CA 90017
##A 08 403803 1190
Communicating in the ’80s
(New Options for the Nonprofit Community)
$3 postpaid
The Benton Foundation
1776 K Street N.W., Suite 605
Washington, D.C. 20006
##A 08 330548 1191
Communicating Today
(Serving Nonprofit Needs with Technology)
$3 postpaid
The Benton Foundation
1776 K Street, N.W., Suite 605, Washington, D.C. 20006
##A 08 404130 1192
Personal Computers for the Disabled
Peter A. McWilliams
1984; 416 pp.
ISBN 0385196857
$9.95 ($11.95 postpaid)
Cash Sales
P.O. Box 5071
Des Plaines, IL 60017-5071
##A 08 329902 1193
People with the use of neither arms nor legs — but who have full use of head and
neck — have several options for computer input. One is the sip and puff straw or the head switch. Others are spoken input and joysticks that operate by tongue or head movement.
— Personal Computers and the Disabled
##A 08 84764 1194
Internal memory (RAM) only needs to be large enough to hold the part of the data file that is being acted on. The rest of the data file, like the rest of the manuscript, is stored elsewhere (on disk). Just as with a typewriter, only one page is being written or edited at a time. That page is automatically sent into RAM and replaced when another is to be used.
— The Women’s Computer Literacy Handbook
##A 08 328107 1195
In 1983, nonprofit information technology resource centers began to appear in response to the education and technical assistance needs of nonprofits. Currently there are centers in Washington,
D.C., Chicago, Los Angeles, Dallas, Portland, Oregon, and New York City. Together they form the Technology Resources Consortium. Their primary services are education, a wide range of classes, and training opportunities; access, availability of a computer-lab environment for testing and using computer equipment; and technical assistance, providing inexpensive assistance for nonprofits in purchasing equipment or further developing their computer systems. Recently the TRC evaluated membership management software; the compiled reviews are available from
the Public Interest Computer Association for $25.
— Steve Johnson
##A 08 328377 1196
Public Interest Computer Association
Reviews $25
Public Interest Computer Association
2001 O Street N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
##A 08 404286 1197
Members of the Technology Resources Consortium
Southern California Center for Nonprofit Management
315 W. 9th Street, Suite 1100
Los Angeles, CA 90015
##A 08 404519 1198
Information Technology Institute Ctr. for Urban Education
Center for Urban Education
1135 S.E. Salmon
Portland, OR 97214
##A 08 404885 1199
Information Technology Resource Center
Information Technology Resource Center
57th Street and
S. Lake Shore Drive
Chicago, IL 60637
##A 08 405023 1200
Nonprofit Computer Exchange
Nonprofit Computer Exchange
419 Park Avenue S., 16th Floor
New York, NY 10016
##A 08 405315 1201
Technology Learning Center for Nonprofit Management
Center for Nonprofit Management
2820 Swiss Avenue
Dallas, TX 75204
##A 08 327019 1202
Apple has done more than any other corporation to support the automation of nonprofit work, providing grants to nonprofit organizations with an emphasis on using computer communication to build networks; support to the nonprofit computer resource centers; computers to larger nonprofits to distribute to their constituencies; computer grants to schools and colleges; and assistance to the disabled and groups which support the disabled.
With the exception of Apple, the computer industry has not gone out of its way to provide assistance to nonprofit organizations.
Kaypro has been fairly generous in its support of nonprofit organizations and has a strong interest in international development uses of computers.
##A 08 406299 1203
Lotus Corporation has a loaned executive program and other support for nonprofit organizations (currently, Boston area only).
— Steve Johnson
##A 08 327169 1204
Apple Computer Co., Corporate Grants Program
Apple Computer
20525 Mariani Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
##A 08 405577 1205
Digital Equipment Corporation, Corporate Contributions
Digital Equipment Corporation
111 Powdermill Road
Maynard, MA 01754
##A 08 405996 1206
Kaypro, Dept. of Public Relations
533 Stevens Avenue
Solana Beach, CA 92075
##A 08 406163 1207
Lotus Corporation, The Philanthropic Committee
Lotus Corporation
55 Cambridge Parkway
Cambridge, MA 02142
##A 08 307782 1208
If you want to find out more about nonprofit software, contact the nonprofit computer resource center in your area, get hold of one of the periodicals or books reviewed in this section, or write to one of the following:
— Steve Johnson
##A 08 308978 1209
Directory of Fund Accounting Software
Donald Will
$24.95 postpaid
Center for Local and Community Research
P. O. Box 5309, Elmwood Station, Berkeley, CA 94705
##A 08 406663 1210
Directory of Microcomputer Software in Human Services
Joseph A. Doucette
$26.50 postpaid
Computer Consulting and Programming Associates
7553 Canal Plaza
Portland, ME 04112
##A 08 406945 1211
Donor & Membership Software Review
$25 postpaid
Technology Resources Consortium
2001 O Street N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
##A 08 407169 1212
Guide to Software for Nonprofits
$79 postpaid
NPO Resource Review
Box A-6 Cathedral Station
New York, NY 10025
##A 08 407340 1213
Fund Accounting Software Review
Fund Accounting Software Review
1031 3rd Street
Santa Rosa, CA 95405
##A 08 300185 1214
##T Communication Outlook
Communication Outlook
Enabling the disabled must be a personal computer’s proudest moment. Read this capable newsletter for reports on sophisticated and home-brewed experiments to extend the body’s senses into hardware for the benefit of the disabled. The whole domain is more pragmatic and service oriented, and therefore more successful, than similar robotic research.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 300514 1215
##T Communication Outlook
(Focusing on Communication
Aids and Techniques)
Luis Wassman, Editor
ISSN 01614126
$15/year (4 issues)
Artificial Language Laboratory
Michigan State University
405 Computer Center
East Lansing, MI 48824-1042
##A 08 302322 1216
##T Communication Outlook
The LOCT (light operated computer terminal) system uses a low powered infrared light source mounted on the nose bridge of spectacle frames to activate a receiver terminal
(or keyboard). The user looks directly at the receiver and by small head movements can direct the light beam to activate whichever key or function they choose.
##A 08 258990 1217
##T Closing the Gap
Closing the Gap
For special education and rehabilitation professionals, a comprehensive newsletter offering evaluations of new products, listings of service organizations, synopses of pending legislation, and a calendar of conferences and events. This year’s resource directory focuses on microcomputer products that can assist people with disabilities.
When I asked two people, 2000 miles apart, for their recommendations, they both said, “Of course, there’s Closing the Gap.”
— Sarah Satterlee
[Suggested by Jim Vagnoni
and Luis Wassman]
##A 08 260279 1218
##T Closing the Gap
Budd Hagen, Editor
$21/year (6 issues)
(One of these issues is the
annual Resource Directory
available separately for
$14.95 postpaid)
Closing the Gap
P.O. Box 68
Henderson, MN 56044
##A 08 262320 1219
##T Closing the Gap
LD children do not necessarily need “special” software. They can use virtually any well designed program that contains specific characteristics suited to their needs. Here are some things to look for when choosing software for LD children:
1. Clear, uncluttered screen display with easy to read text and clearly drawn graphics — this is vital
2. Ease of use
3. Clear instructions on screen
4. Incorrect answers result in:
—less interesting responses than given to correct answers
—respectful responses — no harsh buzzers, x-ed out answers, etc.
—helpful feedback leading to correct answers
5. Incorrect answers stay on the screen until users choose to remove them —this allows children and teachers to analyze mistakes and try to correct them.
6. Users control of as many options as possible — ability to control speed, content, sound, exit and entry points, amount of repetition, length of presentations, etc. . . .
##A 08 377361 1220
##T Rehab/Education Technology ResourceBook Series
Rehab/Education Technology ResourceBook Series
ResourceBook 1 — Communication Aids.
Services and equipment for vocally impaired people.
ResourceBook 2 — Switches and Environmental Controls.
Also includes section on call, monitoring and memory systems. (I found this volume to be the most intriguing and informative of the scope of needs and abilities of disabled people.)
ResourceBook 3 — Hardware and Software.
Sources of hardware and software to make computers useful to disabled people.
##A 08 396365 1221
##T Rehab/Education Technology ResourceBook Series
ResourceBook 4 — Update.
Update to ResourceBooks 1, 2, and 3.
Believing you’d rather spend your time and energy in using or learning something rather than trying to find it or determine if it even exists, the editors have designed a many-tentacled tool for therapists, educators, parents, and disabled consumers to deal with a rapidly expanding technological sea of augmentative and rehab products and devices.
The bulk of these books are product descriptions and access information. Although you don’t get told what’s more hype than performance — descriptions are supplied by producers — you do get
##A 08 159325 1222
##T Rehab/Education Technology ResourceBook Series
led to newsletters, databases, and service organizations who evaluate and make public their reviews.
Particularly impressive are the cross-referencing indexes, allowing you to match up particular needs and capabilities with specific availability.
— Sarah Satterlee
[Suggested by Mark O’Brien]
##A 08 159600 1223
##T Rehab/Education Technology ResourceBook Series
Communication Aids
Sara Brandenburg & Gregg Vanderheiden, Editors
1987; 239 pp.
ISBN 0316896136
$24.50 postpaid
University of Wisconsin
Trace R & D Center
Reprint Service
S-151 Waisman Center
1500 Highland Avenue
Madison, WS 53705-2280
##A 08 371629 1224
##T Rehab/Education Technology ResourceBook Series
Switches and Environmental Controls
Sara Brandenburg & Gregg Vanderheiden, Editors
1987; 227 pp.
ISBN 0316896152
$24.50 postpaid
University of Wisconsin
Trace R & D Center
Reprint Service
S-151 Waisman Center
1500 Highland Avenue
Madison, WS 53705-2280
##A 08 376913 1225
##T Rehab/Education Technology ResourceBook Series
Hardware and Software
Sara Brandenburg & Gregg Vanderheiden, Editors
1987; 491 pp.
ISBN 0316896144
$29.50 postpaid
Set of Communication Aids, Switches and Environmental Controls, and Hardware and Software: $69.50 postpaid.
University of Wisconsin
Trace R & D Center
Reprint Service
S-151 Waisman Center
1500 Highland Avenue
Madison, WS 53705-2280
Set of Communication Aids, Switches and Environmental Controls, and Hardware and Software: $69.50 postpaid.
##A 08 377143 1226
##T Rehab/Education Technology ResourceBook Series
Peter A. Borden, M. A. & Gregg C. Vanderheiden, Ph. D., Editors
1988; 380 pp.
ISBN 0945459009
$18.50 postpaid
University of Wisconsin
Trace R & D Center
Reprint Service
S-151 Waisman Center
1500 Highland Avenue
Madison, WS 53705-2280
##A 08 258421 1227
##T Rehab/Education Technology ResourceBook Series
Gewa Page Turner is an automatic page turning system that can accommodate most textbooks, paperbacks, magazines, and smaller newspapers. A rubber roller manipulates pages forward and backward, singly or continuously, with no adjustments necessary for size, texture or style of document.
— Switches and Environmental Controls
##A 08 375250 1228
##T Rehab/Education Technology ResourceBook Series
Flexcom is a scanning communication aid with a grid array. A single switch is used to activate an infrared transmitter which then remotely operates Flexcom, at a distance of up to 15 ft. Flexcom’s grid has 48 positions (6 x 8), but the positions can be grouped in twos or threes allowing for 24- or 16-position scanning. Scanning may be automatic or row-and-column. The surface is designed to have overlays applied and removed. Various educational and game programs can also be executed with Flexcom. Output from Flexcom can be simply a “beep” when a selection is made, or an alarm (alarm can be deactivated if desired). Scanning speed and beeping time are adjustable. With proper interfaces, output can be made to a printer or a computer. With optional control devices (extra), Flexcom can be used to turn on or off up to eight electrical appliances.
##A 08 375415 1229
##T Rehab/Education Technology ResourceBook Series
Octima Chord Keyboard is a computer keyboard designed to be controlled with one hand. The Octima uses a system of chords (groups of keys) that represent all the keys on the standard keyboard. The user presses a group of keys, and the appropriate character (letter, number,
command, etc.) is sent to the computer just as if it had come from the standard computer keyboard. A small pull-out keypad is built into the Octima. It contains a set of keys for users who choose not to memorize all available chords. It includes number and function keys. Seven auxiliary keys are also provided on top of the Octima, for special commands.
##A 08 136969 1230
##T Hackers & Phreakers
##A 08 83038 1231
##T Hackers
Steven Levy is to computer history what Barbara Tuchman is to the 14th Century. He tells how programming changes people, how programmers created a subculture, and how that subculture changed the whole culture.
— Art Kleiner
##A 08 83423 1232
##T Hackers
Steven Levy
1984; 448 pp.
ISBN 0440134056
$4.50 ($5.25 postpaid)
Dell Books
P. O. Box 1000
Pinebrook, NJ 07058-1000
##A 08 83582 1233
##T Hackers
Something new was coalescing around the TX-10: a new way of life, with a philosophy, an ethic, and a dream.
The Hacker Ethic:
Access to computers — and anything which might teach you something about the way the world works — should be unlimited and total. Always yield to the Hands-On Imperative!
Hackers believe that essential lessons can be learned about the systems — about the world — from taking things apart, seeing how they work, and using this knowledge to create new and even more interesting things. They resent any person, physical barrier, or law that tries to keep them from doing this.
##A 08 83719 1234
##T Hackers
Mistrust Authority — Promote Decentralization.
The best way to promote this free exchange of information is to have an open system, something which presents no boundaries between a hacker and a piece of information or an item of equipment that he needs in his quest for knowledge, improvement, and time on-line. The last thing you need is a bureaucracy.
Hackers should be judged by their hacking, not bogus criteria such as degrees, age, race, or position.
You can create art and beauty on a computer.
##A 08 343612 1235
##T 2600
My favorite newsletter is 2600, which bills itself as “the hacker quarterly.” With concrete information and delightful detail, its editors explain the intricacies of the phone system, the VMS operating system, satellite jamming, and other subjects of interest to those who believe information should be free and flow without barrier. Some of the most interesting features are the news roundups whose descriptions are quite inspiring. If you’re a phone phreak or a potential hacker, this newsletter is definitely for you. I love it.
— Matthew McClure
##A 08 344814 1236
##T 2600
Emmanuel Goldstein, editor
$15/year (four issues)
Subscription Department
P.O. Box 752
Middle Island, NY 11953-0752
##A 08 349716 1237
##T 2600
AUTOVON is an acronym for “AUTOmatic VOice Network,” and is a single system with DCS (Defense Communications System). It is presently mostly based on electro-mechanical switches, and is a world-wide network for “unsecure” voice communication for the DOD and several related agencies. . . .
How to Participate: You can easily alter your touch tone phone to make it have the extra column that utilizes the 1633 Hz tone. Standard Bell phones have two tone generating coils, each of which can generate four tones. This gives you sixteen possibilities of which you only use twelve. This leaves you with access to the four unexplored tones. A standard way to modify the touch tone phone is to install a switch to tell it whether to use the silver box tones or not. When the switch is in one position, you will get normal tones, in the other you’ll get 1633 Hz tones. Bell calls these buttons A, B, C, and D, while the Army named them, from highest to lowest, Flash Override, Flash, Immediate, and Priority. All other calls are called Routine if no precedence button is pushed. . . .
##A 08 150131 1238
##T 2600
When you enter an authorization code to access a long distance company’s network there are a few things that happen. The authorization code number you enter is cross-referenced in a list of codes. When an unassigned code is received the switch will print a report consisting of the authorization code, the date and time, and the incoming trunk number (if known) along with other miscellaneous information.
When an authorization code is found at the end of a billing cycle to have been abused, one of two things is done. Most of the time the code is removed from the database and a new code is assigned. But there are times when the code is flagged “abused” in the switch. This is very dangerous. Your call still goes through, but there is a bad code report printed. (This is similar to an unassigned code report, but it also prints out the number being called.) You have no way to know that this is happening but the IC has plenty of time to have the call traced. This just goes to show that you should switch codes on a regular basis and not use one until it dies.
##A 08 381856 1239
##T 2600
A couple of years ago while listening to the local voice-paging channel on my scanner, I figured that anybody could just call one of those phone numbers and get their message on the air. So after calling some numbers above and below my friend’s voice pager number I found that this was true — I heard myself on the scanner. Problem was, you had to listen to everyone else’s messages, too. Some kind of selective tone decoder for the scanner was in order — the cheaper the better. Also, some kind of tone-encoding system was needed that anyone had access to, so why not use the touch tones? After some experimenting, I found that a touch tone decoder chip with two 2N2222 transistors and a few resistors and capacitors (about $10 total at Radio Shack) could be used to decode the * (or any other) touch tone from the scanner’s audio section and switch the audio onto the speaker. It all fit quite nicely into a matchbox-sized container taped to the back of my portable scanner, and could be powered by the scanner batteries.
##A 08 382113 1240
##T 2600
There is one trick which comes in handy. To get free directory assistance (DA) from a Customer Owned Coin Operated Telephone (COCOT), you dial 0-NPA-555-1212. If the NPA is within the New York City area (212, 516, 718), the call speeds straight through to DA. (Note: the caller must also be within that area.) Most COCOTs let you dial 0+ without asking for money, so your DA call would be free. Similar variations of this trick probably work in other parts of the country.
This command creates a file in your account which will subsequently capture all the activity occurring at your terminal. Any keystrokes, any commands, all the actions done at the keyboard will be logged in the file as well as going on at the terminal as normal.
##A 08 335830 1241
One of the best ways to get your hands on shareware is to find other people who use your type of computer. User groups often have shareware libraries for members to browse through. To find out about user groups in your area, you can call 800/538-9696 for Apple or Macintosh computers; 800/IBM-3333 for IBM PCs; and 408/745-2367 or 408/745-5759 if you have an Atari.
Even if the nearest user group is too far away for regular visits, some groups offer shareware by mail. The Berkeley Macintosh User Group maintains a fine collection of Mac shareware for members near or far. Or you can join The Boston Computer Society, which has shareware compatible with many computer types — Mac, Apple,
IBM PC, Atari, Amiga, CP/M. Each shareware disk costs about $4-
$5. — Sarah Vandershaf
##A 08 335980 1242
Berkeley Macintosh User Group
Membership $40/year
1442A Walnut Street, #62
Berkeley, CA 94709
##A 08 302816 1243
The Boston Computer Society
Membership $35/year
Boston Computer Society
One Center Plaza
Boston, MA 02108
##A 08 383710 1244
by Corinne Cullen Hawkins
Computer viruses, like their biological counterparts, trick the host into reproducing copies of the invading organism. They spread from computer to computer through electronic bulletin boards, telecommunication systems, and shared floppy disks. Viruses are created by human programmers, for fun or malice, but once they begin to spread, they take on a life of their own, creating disruption, dismay, and paranoia in their wake. As viruses have proliferated, so have vaccines, disinfectants, and other remedies.
Protec — A system of programs that includes Vaccinate — a virus, itself, which infects the host via the Syringe program. It warns the user if a virus infection has occurred. It also includes
##A 08 384037 1245
Canary — a quarantine program. When new files are imported from an unknown source, a user places the Canary program on a diskette with the suspect files. If the Canary dies, a virus program is present.
Ferret — created by Larry Nedry and Scott Winders. Notifies an infected user of the date that the Scores virus installed itself.
It’s helpful in determining where/how the virus was picked up. Ferret is available on electronic bulletin boards such as CompuServe and MacNET.
Vaccine — by Don Brown at CE Software. It enables your
computer’s operating system to detect alterations to the code of your system files and applications. Warning: If your system is
##A 08 384272 1246
already infected when you install Vaccine, there will be no warning from Vaccine of the virus’ existence. If Vaccine is installed on a sterile system and the Scores virus is introduced later, Vaccine will warn of the virus attack but it will not prevent infection. Vaccine is available on electronic bulletin boards.
Interferon — written by Robert Woodhead. A shareware program that detects and claims to recognize “signals” that viruses give off when they are present, Interferon was intended to complement the Vaccine program. Interferon is available on electronic bulletin boards.
Data Physician — the grandaddy of virus remedies. It detects and in
some cases eliminates viruses. It includes: Data MD — creates a
##A 08 384678 1247
list of computer data files to be protected and watches them while the computer is in operation; Antigen — attaches itself to an individual computer program and checks it for viruses each time it’s used. Padlock — prevents anything from being written on a storage disk unless the computer operator pushes a button to give permission; Data Physician works on IBM PC and UNIX systems.
Disk Defender — This is a product which write protects in hardware all or part of a personal computer hard disk. This protects the operating system and commonly used programs from viruses.
Virus RX — developed by Apple, this is a detection tool to determine whether a system has been infected by the Scores virus,
##A 08 385058 1248
and if so, which applications have been affected. It lists damaged applications, invisible files, altered system files, and altered applications. Virus Rx reports different levels of concern from simple comments to “dangerous,” and finally to “fatal.” This program is available through Apple dealers, AppleLink, and through some users-group bulletin boards.
— Corinne Cullen Hawkins
##A 08 334911 1249
Sophco. Inc.
P. O. Box 7430
Boulder, CO 80306-7430
##A 08 334730 1250
Larry Nedry
Available from electronic bulletin boards such as CompuServe and MacNET
##A 08 385464 1251
Don Brown
CE Software
Available on electronic bulletin boards
##A 08 385674 1252
Robert Woodhead
Available on electronic bulletin boards
##A 08 385828 1253
Data Physician
Digital Dispatch
1580 Rice Creek Road
Minneapolis, MN 55432
##A 08 386074 1254
Disk Defender
Director Technologies Inc
6557 N. Lincoln Avenue
Chicago, IL 60645
##A 08 386502 1255
Virus RX
Available from Apple dealers, AppleLink, and through some users-group bulletin boards
##A 08 333603 1256
##T Out of the Inner Circle
Out of the Inner Circle
The intent of this book is to give an introduction to how crackers
(hackers who crack into systems) work. I thoroughly enjoyed it, but since it is not a step-by-step tutorial, it left me wanting more details on nearly everything it covers. But if you’re interested in what makes hackers crack, and want a very useful glimpse into the subculture that makes almost everyone in the Establishment nervous, Out of the Inner Circle is excellent.
Among the specific methods Landreth outlines are the “hack-
hack”; the decoy; direct access to memory; rapid-fire attacking the computer to trick it into thinking you have legitimate access; becoming a remote sysop; using a trapdoor; the Trojan horse; logic bombs; and worm programs. Anyone with more than a passing
##A 08 382565 1257
##T Out of the Inner Circle
interest in computer security should be familiar with all these techniques, and Landreth’s explanations are quite clear, general descriptions of how they work.
— Matthew McClure
##A 08 334039 1258
##T Out of the Inner Circle
(A Hacker’s Guide to
Computer Security)
Bill Landreth
with Howard Rheingold
1985; 230 pp.
$9.95 ($11.95 postpaid)
Microsoft Press
10700 Northup Way
Box 97200
Bellevue, WA 98009
##A 08 334097 1259
##T Out of the Inner Circle
Very few people, from the designers and operators of large systems to the investigators and law-enforcement officers who deal with hackers, understand what hackers are trying to do, much less why they’re trying to do it. During my own trial, for example, the judge decided to postpone sentence until after I had undergone psychiatric evaluation.
What makes hackers hack? Why are they so dedicated? Why do they spend so much of their own time on other people’s computer systems? And just what do they think they are trying to accomplish? It is not rare for a hacker to put in a sixty- or seventy-hour work week (without getting paid, of course). And these are not empty hours, filled by staring out the window. Hacking is a challenge and a game of wits, and during their work sessions, hackers are using all the skills and ingenuity they have developed. Hackers enjoy what they do.
##A 08 382364 1260
##T Out of the Inner Circle
Normally, two steps are involved in the basic methods hackers use to gain unauthorized access to computers: First the hacker obtains an account. That’s the easy part — sometimes it’s as easy as calling and asking for one (posing as a university student, perhaps); more usually, it means getting account names from bulletin boards, company phone lists, or trash bins. . . maybe using a friend’s or relative’s account on The Source. . . .
It is the password that is a secret. Therefore, a hacker’s second step involves ways of faking or discovering passwords. This is one of the areas in which lax security makes the hacker’s job easier than it need be: Well-chosen passwords that are easy to remember, but difficult for a hacker to guess (yes, there are such things), and educated users who keep their secret passwords secret are a very effective defense at this level of security.
##A 08 332758 1261
##T Programmers at Work
Programmers at Work
One of the most impressive things about computer hackers is that, in their drive to get more out of their hardware, they exploit fresh ways of viewing problems. This outlook is frequently enlightening on subjects that have nothing to do with computers. So in a sense, each of the 19 interviews that Susan Lammers has conducted with some of the major pioneers in microcomputing is more than just a story of how code-hackers actually program. Each is like a kind of Crackerjack box — the Utterly Disarming, Frequently Astonishing Insight is the prize. There’s also a fascinating appendix where we see actual code, worksheets, etc. of these wizards.
— Steven Levy
##A 08 332848 1262
##T Programmers at Work
Susan Lammers
1986; 385 pp.
ISBN 0914845713
$14.95 ($16.95 postpaid)
Microsoft Press
Attn: Consumer Sales
16011 NE 36th Way
Box 97017
Redmond, WA 98073-9717
##A 08 333169 1263
##T Programmers at Work
Interviewer: What do you perceive as aesthetically beautiful or pleasing in either the listing or the structure of the algorithms when you look at a particular program?
Simonyi: I think the listing gives the same pleasure that you get from a clean home. You can just tell with a glance if things are messy — if garbage and unwashed dishes are lying about — or if things are really clean. It may not mean much. Just because a house is clean, it might still be a den of iniquity! But it is an important first impression and does say something about the program. I’ll bet you that from ten feet away I can tell if a program is bad. I might not guarantee that it is good, but if it looks bad from ten feet, I can guarantee that it wasn’t written with care. And if it wasn’t written with care, it’s probably not beautiful in the logical sense.
Interviewer: What did you intend the character of Pac Man to be like?
##A 08 382775 1264
##T Programmers at Work
Itwani: Pac Man’s character is difficult to explain even to the Japanese — he is an innocent character. He hasn’t been educated to discern between good and evil. He acts more like a small child than a grown-up person. Think of him as a child learning in the course of his daily activities. If someone tells him guns are evil, he would be the type to rush out and eat guns, even the pistols of policemen who need them. He’s indiscriminate because he’s naive. But he learns from experience that some people, like policemen, should have pistols and he can’t eat just any pistols in sight.
Interviewer: What goals and work rules did you set when you were working on Framework?
Carr: One piece of advice I had been given was to hold off programming for as long as possible. Once you’ve got a corpus of code building up, it’s hard to change direction. It sets like concrete. So I held off for as long as I could, but I couldn’t hold the design in my head forever.
##A 08 383181 1265
##T Programmers at Work
Simonyi: The first step in programming is imagining. Just making it crystal clear in my own mind what is going to happen. In this initial stage, I use paper and pencil. I just doodle, I don’t write code. I might draw a few boxes or a few arrows, but it’s just mostly doodles, because the real picture is in my mind. I like to imagine the structures that represent the reality I want to code.
Once I have the structure fairly firm and clear in my mind, then I write the code. I sit down at my terminal — or with a piece of paper in the old days — and write it.
Interviewer: You seem to scorn complexity. When you design a system, do you strive
for simplicity?
Lampson: Right. Right everything should be made as simple as possible. But to do that
##A 08 383302 1266
##T Programmers at Work
you have to master complexity.
Interviewer: In practical terms, how do you achieve that?
Lampson: There are some basic techniques to control complexity. Fundamentally, I divide and conquer, break things down, and try to write reasonably precise descriptions of what each piece is supposed to do. That becomes a sketch of how to proceed. When you can’t figure out how to write a spec, it’s because you don’t understand what’s going on. Then you have two choices: Either back off to some other program you do understand, or think harder.
Also, the description of the system shouldn’t be too big. You may have to think about a big system in smaller pieces. It’s somewhat like solving problems in mathematics: You can write books that are full of useful hints, but you can’t give an algorithm.
##A 08 383883 1267
##T Programmers at Work
These layered circles represent Carr’s “very early groping towards structure” during development of Framework.
##A 08 16321 1268
##T Programmers at Work
During the course of the interview Iwatani drew these sketches and diagrams in his calendar notebook. They illustrate how the shape of Pac Man evolved and how the ghosts move in relation to Pac Man.
##A 08 25538 1269
##T How To Copyright Software
How To Copyright Software
Laid out in the structured logic of a computer program, this expert how-to knowledge will unfailingly lead you through the current copyright maze, a hall of mirrors in large part created by the paradoxical nature of software (I can give away a thousand dollar item and still have it). With engineer precision it even covers an all too common error: “Correcting a Defective Copyright Notice.” This manual is a smart investment.
— Kevin Kelly
Ÿ Copyright
##A 08 30618 1270
##T How To Copyright Software
(Everything You Need To Know To Copyright All Types of Computer
Programs and Output)
M. J. Salone
1984; 232 pp.
ISBN 0917316797
$24.95 ($27.45 postpaid)
Nolo Press
950 Parker Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
##A 08 40171 1271
##T How To Copyright Software
If your code makes perfect sense when separated from the existing work, it may qualify as an independent work which you can copyright, even if you don’t own the original program. This is particularly likely to be true if you treat it as an independent work. However, in some circumstances, it might still be a derivative work and thus not entitled to independent protection. This is because the Copyright Act says that one work is derivative of another if it is “based” on it. What the term “based on” means has been left to the courts to define, and they have done so case by case, without establishing any clear guidelines.
Place a copyright notice on your work and register it, depositing object code. Object code is probably immune from reverse engineering at the Copyright Office because that office only allows the examination, not the copying, of deposits. In other words, to reverse engineer your object code, a pirate would have to be able to do it in his head while standing in the Copyright Office.
##A 08 45142 1272
##T How To Copyright Software
Another “Not-Getting-It-Right-Copyright-Fright” Night, from
How To Copyright Software
##A 08 335329 1273
##T Computer Lib/Dream Machines
Computer Lib/Dream Machines
Ted Nelson started the entire genre of mainstream computer books in 1974 with a Whole Earth Catalog-sized polemic called Computer Lib/Dream Machines. Like an Ace pulp science-fiction novel, it came in two halves, bound upside-down together. The “Lib” side was a tourist guide to available computers and the corporate policies behind them; the “Dream” side showed up evanescent innovations that (Nelson knew) would reshape everyone’s lives.
(One of these nascent innovations was “Hypertext” — in which text or pictures contain “links,” or passages through which people can metaphorically leap to other information important to them. Nelson is the most prominent popularizer of this idea, which he has devoted much of his working life to developing, and which is now itself linked with various suddenly prominent programs like
##A 08 386680 1274
##T Computer Lib/Dream Machines
HyperCard and Lotus Agenda.)
Now Nelson has voraciously updated both halves of his old book. The format is (a bit too much) old stuff updated copiously with brilliant new stuff. Amidst viciously well-targeted assessments of machines, metaphors, and manufacturers, you will be guided through hacker in-jokes and skilled pithy judgements. Nelson is sometimes justly criticized for quirkiness and self-indulgence; but he has an innate ability to judge the significance of particular technologies, shared by few other writers. He has, in this edition, also recreated what was then and is still the most fun-to-read computer book of all time.
— Art Kleiner
##A 08 331720 1275
##T Computer Lib/Dream Machines
Ted Nelson
1987; 330 pp.
ISBN 0914845497
$18.95 ($20.95 postpaid)
Microsoft Press
Attn: Consumer Sales
16011 36th Way
P.O. Box 97017
Redmond, WA 98073-9717
##A 08 331877 1276
##T Computer Lib/Dream Machines
The PC is authoritarian, the Macintosh is bumpkinly and obtuse.
Using the PC may be compared to juggling wih straight razors. Using the Macintosh is like shaving with a bowling pin.
The problem is not software "friendliness." It is conceptual clarity. A globe does not say "good morning." It is simple and clear, not "friendly."
##A 08 491835 1277
##T Computer Lib/Dream Machines
Computers are COMPLETELY GENERAL, with no fixed purpose or style of operation. In spite of this, the strange myth has evolved that computers are somehow “mathematical.”
Actually von Neumann, who got the general idea about as soon as anybody (1940s), called the computer
(Indeed, the first backer of computers after World War II was a maker of multi-lightbulb signs. It is an interesting possibility that if he had not been killed in an airplane crash, computers would have been seen first as text-handling and picture-making machines, and only later developed for mathematics and business.)
##A 08 492749 1278
##T Computer Lib/Dream Machines
We would call it the All-Purpose Machine here, except that for historical reasons it has been slapped with the other name.
But that doesn’t mean it has a fixed way of operating. On the contrary.
save that which has been put into them by whoever is creating the program for a particular purpose. Computers are, unlike any other piece of equipment, perfectly BLANK. And that is how we have projected on it so many different faces.
##A 08 332137 1279
##T Computer Lib/Dream Machines
(Left) A famous converted picture. The painting was divided into 100,000 brightness-measured spots by H. Philip Peterson of Control Data Corporation; then each dot was made into a square of overprinted letters on the printing device. The program allowed 100 levels of grey. (Right) A cut down version of the image that often turns up. (From the original flat 2D artwork by Len da Vinci of Medici Associates.)
##A 08 148727 1280
##T Hyperware
##A 08 358999 1281
##T HyperCard
by Kevin Kelly
The model for HyperCard is the 3-by-5 card. A card is represented by a Macintosh screen. As you flip through screens (cards), you read them one after another, as if they were in a stack. Cards can hold any kind of information you want, in any format you designed, including pictures. Rather than rest inertly, as on a Rolodex, information on a HyperCard can be actively linked to any other point on any other card. Those linking spots can be a word, a bunch of words, or a picture. When your cursor touches that spot, it brings forth the card (screen) that it is linked to. The links form a thread through a “stack” of cards. You weave through a stack, jumping from card to card, idea to idea, choosing your own path by
##A 08 387516 1282
##T HyperCard
touching on the items you are interested in, endlessly discovering new levels, or deliberately aiming toward a desired card.
Your HyperCard Rolodex, for instance, might have one card for every individual. You could link their telephone number so that it dials the number. You could link their address to a small map on another card to show how to get to their house. And that map of the town might be linked to several other names as well. You would then have an interactive Rolodex giving you as much information as you wanted each time.
HyperCard will be a medium of communication. Within a week after it was introduced in 1987, the WELL had a raging conference
##A 08 387645 1283
##T HyperCard
on the topic. A prime function there is the Stackware Exchange where user written stacks of cards are swapped, showcased, and improved upon. Early stackware will have some of the untamed innovation that early BASIC computer programs had. The WELL confronts the possibilities with a topic called “What can you do with HyperCard?”
Some of the things I imagine are: incredibly complex adventure games, self-directed classroom courseware, interactive shopping catalogs, pictorial spreadsheets, and ultimate clip art files. Enough, anyway, to get going.
Skinny Macs, even Fat Macs, won’t quite do for this muscle-bound
##A 08 387989 1284
##T HyperCard
program. You’ll need a Hunk Mac (a Plus or better), with at least
1 meg RAM to run things smoothly. Very best is a set up with a hard disc. There are two official sources for HyperCard. It’s bundled free with all new Macintoshes, or it can be bought for $49 from a local Apple dealer.
##A 08 360345 1285
##T Windoid/Open Stack
Windoid/Open Stack
Two useful newsletters from Silicon Valley, both with roots in the Apple community and local user groups. Each carries essential information, hot tips, and chatty gossip about HyperCard mania. A courteous SASE will get you a copy of either. Windoid Numbers 1-5 are available in stack form with all the scripts implemented by Team Hackinslash. Amusing and well thought-out! Ask for BMUG Disk Hyper 32, $3 postpaid from BMUG, Inc. 1442A Walnut Street, Berkeley, CA 94709.
— Ramon Sender Barayon
##A 08 360692 1286
##T Windoid/Open Stack
Daniel J. Ruby, Editor
Sample copy for SASE
Apple Computer
M/S 27AQ
20525 Mariani Boulevard
Cupertino, CA 95014
##A 08 361420 1287
##T Windoid/Open Stack
Open Stack
Sample copy for SASE
Walking Shadow Press
P.O. Box 2092
Saratoga, CA 95071
##A 08 360726 1288
##T Windoid/Open Stack
HyperCard is uniquely suited for activist causes. It goes without saying that its great ease of use and flexibility favors the underdog. Activist groups have often relied on people power and maneuverability to counteract the brute economic and political force of various Powers-That-Be; HyperCard can enhance both of these advantages.
Aside from its inherent qualities, the way in which HyperCard made its entrance marked it as a paradigm of practical idealism. Bill Atkinson wanted to give HyperCard away because he wanted to make the world a better place. Apple is consenting because they want to sell more computers. The result: a free application that may eventually empower millions of people to use computers who may never
have done so otherwise.
The near future will no doubt bring everything Ted Nelson has described, at least as far as education is concerned. It will probably bring much more. Media labs around
##A 08 361644 1289
##T Windoid/Open Stack
the world are experimenting with new ways to “connect” people to computers. For instance, tactile gloves are being developed that allow a person to “feel” objects that appear on CRT’s. Masks are being developed that enable a person to see a computer-generated environment. When combined, these new developments point to an age not far off when a person will be able to submerge into an entirely computerized environment and “commune" with information.
You may ask what all this has to do with hypertext, but it is obvious that to drive these new “environments,” information will have to be organized in highly interconnected, non-hierarchical, and versatile ways. The databases of the future
will all be “hypertext” or “hypermedia,” or what have you. In fact, information of
the future will have to be so connected and layered that it will have a fractal-like quality. It will be viewable on many levels, deep or shallow, each seeming to have as much content as the next. Future databases will reflect reality, and they will share the physical and mathematical characteristics of the real world.
— Open Stack
##A 08 331446 1290
##T Complete HyperCard Handbook
Complete HyperCard Handbook
Some software programs have all the luck. On the day HyperCard was released, an equally groundbreaking guidebook to it was published in tandem. Like HyperCard itself, it is thorough and deep. It’s a massive, hefty tome of 700 pages, completely fluff-free.
It exhaustively treats the mechanics of making cards; assembling them into “stackware;” creating links; and writing instructions in HyperTalk. Even if you don’t usually use paint programs, you’ll find yourself creating graphics in HyperCard regularly. The paint options are therefore covered in depth. As we worked on the Electronic Whole Earth Catalog, we picked up a number of tips from the Handbook we hadn’t known about. Not a reference book per se, the Handbook does its best job illustrating the conceptual
##A 08 387315 1291
##T Complete HyperCard Handbook
innovations introduced by HyperCard. Notions like “stackware”
(stacks of cards that are exchanged), “buttons” (linking hot spots), and “backgrounds” (the layers of information on a card) are all illuminated into clarity.
I primarily use those Macintosh programs which stick with me if I don’t ever open the manual. But HyperCard, with its tools-for-making-tools structure, is simply one Macintosh program that you won’t be able to unfold fully without a supplemental help book. For the immediate future, this is the book to get.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 359268 1292
##T Complete HyperCard Handbook
Danny Goodman
1987; 695 pp.
ISBN 0553343912
$29.95 ($31.95 postpaid)
Bantam Books
414 East Golf Road
Des Plaines, IL 60016
##A 08 359748 1293
##T Complete HyperCard Handbook
Each object has its own layer, which is like a transparent acetate sheet laid atop the background. Here, two buttons are added to the card’s background domain.
##A 08 372874 1294
##T Complete HyperCard Handbook
All cards have a card picture layer (the nearer heavily-outlined card in the illustration), which may or may not contain graphics. Other object layers may also reside in the card domain, like the Map button in the illustration. No other card in the stack will have the button.
##A 08 358105 1295
##T Heizer Software
Heizer Software
There are two sources for low cost non-commercial stackware: informal regional Macintosh user groups and Heizer Software. The former have them for nearly free and in overwhelming quantity; the latter for modest cost with more selectivity and annotation of content. They deal by mail and have a sensible catalog. Also, their authors offer phone support during certain hours.
— Ramon Sender Barayon
##A 08 358196 1296
##T Heizer Software
Catalog and sample disk $4
Heizer Software
1941 Oak Park Boulevard
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
415/943-7667 (CA)
##A 08 358563 1297
##T Heizer Software
HyperBook Maker
This utility brings desktop publishing to HyperCard! Prints your HyperCard stack as a collated, ready-to-staple book. Also lets you create a new stack from any cards in other stacks or append cards you select to any other stack. Automatically calculate signatures, and works with either the LaserWriter or ImageWriter printers.
(#30114) $59.00
My Place Button
Never lose your place again! With My Place two mouse clicks will mark your place in any stack. Shutdown and later reopen the stack, finding your place with two more mouse clicks. A detailed analysis of this button’s script is included. My Place is to HyperCard stack as bookmarks are to books.
(#30096) $8.00
##A 08 358758 1298
##T Heizer Software
Flash Card Spanish
A stack of 1500 vocabulary words suitable for students, tourists, and businessmen. Can be used in three different ways: Spanish to English, English to Spanish, or as a dictionary for meaning. Cards can be accessed randomly as flash cards or sequentially to look up words. An excellent way to improve your Spanish vocabulary.
(#30120) $15.00
##A 08 373155 1299
##T Heizer Software
System Installation Tracker
If you maintain a computer network then this stack is for you! Allows you to quickly create a schematic of your network with each device represented by a button. Click on any device and you are taken to a card about that device with information such as: service contract, serial number, user access, software, service history, and more. Adding or removing devices is a snap and general notes about the whole network can be maintained. This is a real time-saver for consultants, technical support, system administrators, technicians, and anyone who maintains a network of computers.
(#30126) $25.00
##A 08 211524 1300
##T HyperMedia
Hypermedia is still a young field of human endeavor. We have yet to see much of it in place; most of what we’ve seen has been the large amounts of attention lavished upon it by various publications. This publication addresses the two big questions: the theory of what is it going to look and feel like when we get it , and the practice of how are we going to produce it. It ranges from the higher-end industrial workstations down to relatively straightforward Mac applications, such as HyperCard, without getting bogged down in any great detail or specific techniques. There’s interesting coverage of hypermedia projects around the world. Obviously, a lot of decisions have already been made in the back rooms and media labs about the look and feel, but HyperMedia makes it clear that there’s still a lot of room for innovation. I particularly like their design of supplying definitions in the
##A 08 172512 1301
##T HyperMedia
margins, linked to the defined word highlighted in the body of the text. Hypermedia is what you make it, and need not be high tech. Ideas and design are the real keys.
— Jonathan E.
##A 08 309747 1302
##T HyperMedia
The Guide To Interactive Media Production
##A 08 159149 1303
##T HyperMedia
As John Naisbitt states in “Meagatrends,” “We are drowning in information, but starved for knowledge.” One look around a contemporary audio control room may convince many of that statement’s truth. Surely a dwindling number of professional users, even based exclusively in one room, can recall all the programs and routines, embedded in even a “simple” room. Given the addition of console automation, synthesis and direct-to-disk systems, and programmable peripherals, even the most devoted user probably cannot profess familiarity with all the programs and options presented. In most cases, the user learns a menu and method of generating the preferred sounds and effects, and uses them almost exclusively for most projects. In that respect, the vast utility of modern audio equipment largely goes unused.
Products evolve. Evolution takes several forms: compatible or incompatible; functional, cosmetic or price differentiation. Dramatic increases in functionality for equivalent cost signal a “next generation” product. Most companies’ strategies are
##A 08 170974 1304
##T HyperMedia
based on creating proprietary product, incompatible with other vendors, to lock customers into buying only from them. This strategy will not work with hypermedia; its value depends on the ability to reference any information from anywhere, and this demands compatibility. The question is: What can we do to make sure that successive generations of hypermedia products remain compatible?
##A 08 355900 1305
##T HyperAge
I like this magazine because it avoids the creepy mystique and glamour that usually shrouds technical expertise. The premier issue (the only one we’ve seen) ran lots of good stuff by prominent innovators in the HyperCard field, such as a special feature on interactive sound and HyperCard by Tim Oren at Apple, who did the lion’s share of the original programming design for this Electronic Whole Earth Catalog.
— Ramon Sender Barayon
Ÿ Other Computer Magazines (also see HARDWARE MAGAZINES)
##A 08 356235 1306
##T HyperAge
Jan Lewis, Editor
$19.95/year (6 issues)
5793 Tyndall Avenue
Riverdale, NY 10471
##A 08 87789 1307
##T HyperAge
Focal Point’s Daily Appointment cards offer hidden fields under each hour’s listing for details you don’t have to see all the time.
##A 08 119477 1308
##T HyperAge
Mac sound is produced with a technique called digitizing or sampling. It’s the same method used in compact discs and sampling keyboard instruments. In the digitizing process, the original sound waveform is examined many times per second (see Figure 1). Each time the amplitude of the sound wave is recorded and stored in the computer, producing a data file. Later, the digitized sound is played back by fetching the data from the file at the same rate at which it was recorded, driving a loudspeaker to the recorded amplitude for each instant. This will recreate a facsimile of the original sound waveform.
##A 08 149732 1309
##T Next Wave
##A 08 367673 1310
##T AI Expert
AI Expert
In current computer patois, an “expert system” is one that can perform complex tasks in a single-minded and efficient manner. All of the system’s actions are predictable because they have been pre-programmed; in other words, the system’s knowledge of any given task is deep, but its understanding of the task is shallow. That’s why you need other expert systems that can perform other specific tasks. The current theory in AI circles is that if you hook up enough expert systems, you might be able to create something that is able to model human intelligence.
AI Expert is not a magazine devoted to the theory of AI, but to its business and commercial applications. Mostly this takes the forms of various expert systems. While I’m not a programmer and have
##A 08 361898 1311
##T AI Expert
only a passing interest in big business, I find the magazine interesting precisely because it reports on how AI is being used in the real world. With all the fascination and banality that that implies.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 08 368034 1312
##T AI Expert
(The Magazine of Artificial
Intelligence in Practice)
Philip Chapnick, Editor
$37/year (12 issues)
AI Expert
P.O. Box 11328
Des Moines, IA 50340-1328
##A 08 366818 1313
##T AI Using C
AI Using C
This could serve as a base for a home-brew expert system — an AI system that mimics the complex knowledge of an expert. These simple programs, written in a very clear coding style, include such sophisticated features as heuristic search strategies, natural language processing, pattern recognition, backtracking, and machine learning. Schildt shows how to build the programs step-by-step, each part gradually adding to the techniques just developed.
If you’re a programmer and wonder how people can implement uncertainty and “fuzzy logic” in clean, tight C code, read this book. And order the diskette with the program listings. Not a bad way to learn C, either.
— Matthew McClure
##A 08 367009 1314
##T AI Using C
Herbert Schildt
1987; 360 pp.
$21.95 ($25.95 postpaid)
McGraw Hill
13955 Manchester Road
Manchester, MO 63011
##A 08 407930 1315
##T Tomorrow Makers
Tomorrow Makers
Deep robotics, deep shivers.
Fjermedal has done the formidable footwork of staying up countless nights working, scheming and speculating with most of the cutting-edge robot fanatics in the labs at Carnegie-Mellon,
MIT, Stanford, Thinking Machines Corp., and on and on — a fine comprehensive sweep. His report on work in Japan is a scoop and fittingly closes the book, since it proves that some of the wilder speculation he begins with is already stalking about in Japan, like some ominous, humorous Transformer toy, just barely still a plaything.
For grasping what technology is rapidly bringing by way of
##A 08 365549 1316
##T Tomorrow Makers
exploding human bodies and minds into new configurations, The Tomorrow Makers blends nicely with Eric Drexler’s Engines of Creation and my own The Media Lab. This stuff is even more interesting than gene-splicing, and more thrilling, both for promise and menace. For example: serious immortality, soon.
— Stewart Brand
Ÿ Robotics
##A 08 365581 1317
##T Tomorrow Makers
Grant Fjermedal
1986; 272 pp.
$8.95 ($11.45 postpaid)
Microsoft Press
Attn.: Consumer Sales
16011 NE 36th Way,
Box 97017
Redmond, WA 98073-9717
##A 08 365879 1318
##T Tomorrow Makers
Will the robots recall that we were their creators?
And if they do, how much will we be able to trade on this? Will there be a sentimentality about this sense of origin? Initially we could program this in, but later, as the robots begin propelling their own evolution, will this be a memory deemed worthy of retention? Will they not remember who taught them to play, who blessed them with the need to frolic?
Tachi has succeeded with his vision system. It truly gives you the feeling that you are inside the robot, looking at the world from within its body, not your own. This is possible because the operator isn’t just looking at a television monitor; his head is encased in a black-velvet-lined box. Within this box are two television receivers, one for each eye. The receivers are gauged so that the image that is reflected against the
retina of each eye is exactly the same as if you were looking at the world unaided.
##A 08 408155 1319
##T Tomorrow Makers
Further, every movement of your head is duplicated on the robot, where two precisely
placed video cameras transmit a human range of what is seen.
The result of this is that when I went into the laboratory and strapped my head inside the black box, it was as if I were seeing with my own eyes. The depth and scope of human vision was so completely reproduced, and the color was so clear, that it was at first unsettling and then a wild visual delight. . . .
Someone in the laboratory went over to the robot-mounted cameras and swung them around so that they focused on me. The walls spun during the maneuver, and then when the motion stopped and I was looking at myself, the out-of-body experience began. It was as if I were standing a few feet away in another body looking at myself. I moved my head to look up and down and even to look away. And when I looked away from that person who was me, it was as if that body were just another passerby. . . .
“Are you here?” Tachi laughed. “Or are you there? Where is your body?”
##A 08 388957 1320
Here comes privileged advance warning of new techniques for storing everything — pictures, text, video, programs — on the same kinds of compact discs (CDs) that have reshaped the audio industry during the last few years. You’ll be able to fit a library into a shoebox and to summon any part of it instantly. Whether or not the world wants this new medium is uncertain, but it threatens to go ahead and reshape publishing and libraries anyway. These three high-quality anthologies tell how.
— Art Kleiner
The third volume in this series is the most revolutionary. Its goal is not merely to reshape how we store books, films, and music, but
to reshape how we think of them. How do you scan a movie? What
##A 08 389471 1321
happens if it doesn’t have just a single ending? Can you make a book that learns as quickly as you do? Recent experiments are reported here.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 364716 1322
CD ROM: The New Papyrus (Vol. 1)
Steve Lambert & Suzanne Ropiequet, Editors
1986; 619 pp.
ISBN 0914845748
$21.95 ($23.95 postpaid)
Harper & Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 08 388291 1323
Optical Publishing (Vol. 2)
Suzanne Ropiequet with John Einberger & Bill Zoellick, Editors
1987; 358 pp.
ISBN 1556150008
$22.95 ($26.42 postpaid)
Harper & Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 08 388492 1324
Interactive Multimedia (Vol. 3)
(Visions of Multimedia for Developers, Educators & Information Providers)
Sueann Ambron & Kristina Hooper, Editors
1988; 352 pp.
ISBN 1556151241
$24.95 ($28.42 postpaid)
Harper & Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 08 365027 1325
If you have a lot of text to distribute, such as a law library, one CD ROM disc, costing $10 or less from the disc maker, stores as much material as microfiche costing $150 to make or books costing $1000 to print.
— The New Papyrus
Data Base Search Keys from Life
Well, Hillary had certainly caught one this time. It was a large bug, over an inch long, with yellow and orange stripes around its body, and two pairs of wings. Unfortunately for it, one of its wings was broken, which is how Hillary had caught up with it on the windowsill.
“What is it, Mom?”
##A 08 364291 1326
“I don’t know, dear, but please don’t wave it in my face. You should go look it up in the encyclopedia.”
“OK,” said Hillary, and she ran to the family room and inserted the encyclopedia disc into the reader. Holding her prize tightly in one hand, she zipped through the index until she came to the “I” section, and then slowly homed in, first on “insects,” then on the “insect identification” section. She had been there many times before to use the
“build-an-insect” classification table.
Hillary selected parts from the table that matched her new prey, and as she did so, the encyclopedia assembled, on screen, a reasonable likeness of the creature in her hand.
“This is a member of the sawfly family,” the encyclopedia said, just as the assembled illustration of the creature began to crawl around on a green, leafy background. “A primitive relative to the ant, bee, and wasp. Some species are considered pests because their larvae bore into the trunks of weakened or dead deciduous tree.”
##A 08 389775 1327
“Oh-oh, better tell Dad about that,” Hillary thought, and paused long enough to print out a picture of the sawfly and its caterpillar-like larva and a paragraph about its feeding habits. Her father had been wondering lately about the elm in the backyard.
— Interactive Multimedia
The Director’s Kit. The student has chosen the desired costume and will transfer it to the stage area. When all the design elements are selected, the students can animate the scene.
— Interactive Multimedia
##A 08 365252 1328
Cross-section of a compact disc
##A 08 441899 1329
The optical head of a CD-ROM drive
##A 08 363335 1330
##T CD-ROM Review
CD-ROM Review
The most readable of the many technical trade journals surfacing to cover this hardware intensive business.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 08 363707 1331
##T CD-ROM Review
Roger Strukhoff, Editor
$34.97/year (12 issues)
IDG Communications/Peterborough
80 Elm Street
Peterborough, NH 03458
##A 08 364125 1332
##T CD-ROM Review
To access a database on CD-ROM, end-users need a microcomputer, CD-ROM drive, CD-ROM disc, and retrieval software.
##A 08 403104 1333
##T CD-ROM Review
A recent addition to Reference Technology Inc.’s hardware line is the Docusystem, an integrated workstation. The unit comprises an IBM PC AT-class microcomputer, CD-ROM drive, image management controller, high-resolution monitor, and laser printer. It is priced at $11,750.
##A 08 434366 1334
##T CD-ROM Review
CD-ROM Atlas
DeLorme Mapping Systems has created a demonstration disc, DeLorme’s World Atlas, with a zoom feature designed to allow users to start with a view of the entire world then quickly find most towns and even streets of major cities. The demo disc’s features include political boundaries, roads, rivers, lakes, islands, and it contains three-dimensional elements such as land elevations and ocean depths.
DeLorme Mapping Systems, Lower Main St., PO Box 298, Freeport, Me. 04032, (207) 865-4171.
##A 08 362354 1335
For years PC-SIG, the largest shareware vendor in the known universe, has published The PC-SIG Library, a catalog of hundreds of IBM-PC programs to be had for free or for a “suggested donation” to the program’s author. The 750 programs reviewed in the latest edition are available directly from PC-SIG, Inc. (order forms are printed in the back of the book). You can get thousands of shareware and public domain programs on The PC-SIG Library on CD-ROM.
— Sarah Vandershaf
Ÿ The PC-SIG Library
##A 08 362678 1336
$295 ($300 postpaid)
1030 East Duane Avenue, Suite
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
IBM PC/XT/AT or compatible computer and CD-ROM player with Microsoft MS-DOS extensions.
##A 08 362822 1337
Is it Shareware, User-Supported or Public Domain?
Public domain software is created by authors who choose not to seek formal rights or royalties. Such work is free to be used by all with few or no restrictions.
This type of software can be found on the numerous electronic Bulletin Boards around the country and in the PC-SIG library.
Shareware and User-Supported software paint a slightly different picture. Some of these programs are copyrighted, some are not. . . . You are purchasing your software directly from the author, thereby eliminating costly marketing, promotion and packaging — allowing you to obtain sophisticated software at a fraction of the cost.
— The PC-SIG Library on CD-ROM User Manual
##A 08 368860 1338
##A 08 369007 1339
##T Paths to Computer Purchases
##A 08 369369 1340
by Art Kleiner
The news about personal computers begins with shopping news. For between $1,500 and $2,500, including software, you can buy an “XT Clone” or “AT Clone” — imitations of IBM computers which provide many — but far from all — of the clerical, creative, and communicative tools that a personal computer can offer. You can use such a clone to automate the drudgery of routine clerical work; to manipulate the fine-grained grids of probabilities and statistics; to write in a facile, intuitively correct way; and to seek out computer-based information and textual conversations on a broad variety of topics through the phone lines. But you can’t use this sort of clone without devoting a few months to learning its arcane peculiarities, and it can’t (without difficulty) deal with
##A 08 392552 1341
such niceties as typefaces and graphics.
To get a more “intuitively correct” system that meets you halfway, you’ll need between $2,500 and $3,500; that gets you a Macintosh, with the ability to manipulate sounds and black-and-white images, and investigate the burgeoning arena of “infor- mation navigating” via Apple’s HyperCard program. For $5,000 or more, you can “desktop publish.” In other words, you can produce publishable-quality page layouts and typesetting on your own laser printer, which is a photocopier body controlled by a computer brain. Beyond $6,000 and you’re in the realm of intensely fast, intensely capable personal computers that can store, say, complexly interwoven data banks of text, numbers, and pictures, which even room-sized computers couldn’t have handled a
##A 08 392811 1342
decade ago.
But no matter what you use them for, at root personal computers are tools for understanding the self. Even the most straightforwardly businesslike program conducts you into a miniature world, which is not physically real, but which you often experience as if it were. A word processor, for instance, starts as someone’s idealized idea of a typewriter, but eventually becomes what computer people call a “virtual” typewriting universe — with extra capabilities that couldn’t exist in the real world, and hidden shortcuts that you continue learning about long after you begin using it. “Playing” the word processor effectively, and customizing it to your own taste, is often a matter of figuring out the right strategies within the oh-so-complex, but nonetheless
##A 08 395864 1343
finite and controllable, rules of the game.
Apple’s Macintosh family of computers has lately gained enough popularity (among corporations, at least, which are the largest and thus most influential computer purchasers) to inspire a host of new software and add-ons. Apple itself keeps upgrading and improving its computer line; most recently with an operating system called MultiFinder which allows you to work in several programs at once, switching back and forth between them.
Then there’s the advent of laser printers, which raised many people’s standards of what a computer-printed page should look like, and of compact discs feeding into computers (called CD-ROMs in the trade), which may make possible the decades-old dream of
##A 08 396262 1344
keeping an entire library in a shoebox.
Macintoshes are easier than most other computers to learn to use, but even on the Mac, data management and desktop publishing are prodigious endeavors. As for IBM, it is indeed easy to send electronic mail on their new computers, as long as someone has already set up the system for you. Lord help the novices who set it up for themselves.
Even if you don’t give your life over to learning to use a computer, it will change your life irrevocably. Here, organized along paths for different people and different uses, are the tools for making sure that those changes happen the way you want them to.
— Art Kleiner
##A 08 4809 1345
NOTE: We have provided some Cross-References to other areas of the Catalog for Access information on specific products — but personal computers are a particularly fast-changing field, so for more information on what you read here please visit local computer dealers, read the trade publications, talk with people who are already using computers to do what you would like to do, etc.
##A 08 372642 1346
For independent work (writing, small-scale organizing, tele-communicating, research, etc.) at minimum cost: XT Clone with hard disk.
The XT “clone” is the Gallo wine of computers. Its major advantages: low cost and high adaptability. So many people own the things that there’s a wide range of available software and accessories that work together. (This is also true of the far-less-capable Apple II and Commodore 64 computers.)
The clone’s main disadvantage is its operating system, MS-DOS;
it’s too hard to learn and use, much too hard to set up, too prone to crisis points where different programs don’t work together and
##A 08 392303 1347
freeze the machine, and too easy to make typing errors that destroy your work.
Several hundred manufacturers — including Compaq, Tandy, Leading Edge, and Hyundai — make XT clones, but there is no need to buy a brand-name computer unless you get a good deal. The best approach is to find, by word of mouth, a local computer retailer who is trustworthy and offers good prices. Shop locally; computer chips and disk drives often develop flaws, and local dealers are quicker to reach (and often more responsible).
Buying a clone means confronting an overwhelming array of choices. I recommend 640 kilobytes (“640K”) of “Random Access
##A 08 375945 1348
Memory (RAM)” — the computer’s internal “attention span” for programs and documents that it is working on at the moment. You should also have a built-in clock, printer (“parallel”) port, communications (“serial”) port, and at least one 20-megabyte (or larger) hard disk drive, for storing programs and documents.
— Art Kleiner
Ÿ Cheap IBM Clones
##A 08 395053 1349
For independent work (writing, small-scale organizing, telecommunicating, research, etc.) without having to think too much about the computer, or for anyone who needs black-and-white graphics, at minimum cost: Macintosh SE with built-in hard disk and Imagewriter.
The Mac operating system employs a “desktop” metaphor where every program and document is represented by a small image (an
“icon”) superimposed on a rectangle (the “desk”). You use the mouse (it comes with the Mac), to point at different parts of the screen, to click on different onscreen “buttons” with commands attached, and to grab hold of an onscreen image and move it somewhere else. To delete a file, for instance, you don’t type
##A 08 395313 1350
DELETE; you grab its onscreen icon and move it over to a little picture of a trashcan.
Even the Mac’s floppy disks are better. Small enough to fit in a shirt pocket and encased in a plastic covering, they’re far less fragile and hold more than twice as much as an IBM floppy.
But consistency is the real Macintosh boon. No matter what type of program you use, you know that its menus will appear at the top of the screen, and that the first menu, invariably marked File, will open and close documents. Moving text from one part of a document to another works the same way in nearly every program. Desk accessories, which conflict chaotically on XTs, work together on
##A 08 395663 1351
the Mac. Even printers, the traditional gremlin of compatibility, fall into line; if one program works with a printer, so does every program. Thus, not only are most Mac programs easier to learn, but Mac users avoid most of the setup hassles endemic to XT clones.
Is all this worth the extra $1000 or so to get equivalent computing power on a Mac? If you use black-and-white graphics regularly, at this moment you have no choice: graphics programs exist for XTs and ATs, but they either require thousands of dollars worth of special hardware, or dozens of hours of special setup. If you’re new to personal computing, or employ novices, you could save $1000 in training and setup costs (though not for Desktop
Publishing or Data Base Management).
##A 08 374950 1352
Macs also have a more intangible appeal: they represent the future. Interesting new software seems to show up there first.
— Art Kleiner
Ÿ Apple Macintosh
##A 08 393110 1353
Option 1: For independent work (particularly writing and number-shuffling) with high-quality printing: XT Clone with hard disk and HP-compatible laser printer.
Unlike the abominable “tractor feeds” of regular printers, laser printers feed paper like photocopiers; you dunk a bunch of paper in a paper tray and the printer handles it. But the main difference is the text of your printed page. It’s as readable as the page of a book, far more readable than even the best typewriter.
This path contains everything in Independent Work Path 1 except the need for a superior word processor. Only a few writing programs can master the niceties of laser printing. Those that do
##A 08 393264 1354
include MICROSOFT WORD (if you like using a mouse) and XYWRITE III (if you telecommunicate your text as well as laser-print it).
Option 2: For heavy-duty dealing with text: an AT-compatible with extra memory and Framework II software.
People are just beginning to realize the potentials of manipulating text on microcomputers. It goes far beyond writing as most people think of it now. The computer-based writer to come is really a text navigator, pulling reams of incoming material off tele-communications networks, sorting and sifting them so that they make thematic sense, and then using those as grist for his or her own writing. This sort of writing requires the ability to mix
##A 08 373663 1355
and match hundreds of text files at once and sort between them. That capability is available right now on FRAMEWORK II, a masterpiece of programming, combining an extremely-easy-to-use spreadsheet, a data manager, a word processor, and an adept telecommunications program in one package.
Framework requires extra memory; otherwise, after you call up two or three frames’ worth of text, you’ll be told you hit your limit. You need to add a $750-$1000 accessory to your computer — the Intel Above Board (or equivalent “L.I.M. 4.0-compatible extended/expanded memory” cards made by other manufacturers).
— Art Kleiner
##A 08 391567 1356
Option 1: For desktop publishing and black-and-white graphics: Macintosh with Postscript compatible Laser Printer.
This path includes everything in Independent Work Path 2 plus page layout programs that take text from word processing programs, graphics from graphic programs, and additional graphic elements which you type in yourself, and arrange them all on the screen. Then the laser prints out a (more-or-less accurate) replica of your screen.
Postscript-compatible laser printers cost $4,000 and up. For that price, you get images of 300 dots per inch — not comparable to a professional typesetting shop, but fairly professional-looking to
##A 08 391685 1357
the untrained eye. Some graphics and typesetting shops accept Macintosh-based files for running out on their higher-quality
1200-dot-per-inch Linotronic laser printers.
— Art Kleiner
##A 08 393609 1358
Heavy-duty bookkeeping and small-business use: an AT-compatible with extra memory and Lotus 1-2-3.
The AT-compatible is a minimum; you might be better off with a 386-based computer, because you’ll probably want to migrate to the Keeping Up With The Joneses Path later on, when your data bases overflow your current work. And if you’re adapting a small business on personal computers, it’s probably worthwhile to ask a reliable consultant about choosing software.
So many people have grown to use the spreadsheet Lotus 1-2-3 that it has, for some people, replaced the operating system. You can now buy writing, accounting, spelling, graph-making, and data
##A 08 393781 1359
managing programs that fit within 1-2-3’s confines. To use them, you cordon off a section of the spreadsheet’s grid, bring up the
“Add-In,” as these programs are called, and use it.
— Art Kleiner
##A 08 394084 1360
Option 1: For keeping up with the Joneses: OS/2 machines and 386 machines.
Released in December 1987, OS/2 is an infant operating system. It only runs MS-DOS software, so far. None of the new OS/2 software really exists yet, except for a few cobbled-together versions of existing programs.
OS/2 has intriguing advantages over MS-DOS and even the Mac. Like the Mac, it uses the better 3 1/2” disks and permits virtually unlimited memory (meaning more complex programs and bigger documents). Like the Mac, it can run several programs at one time, switching back and forth between them. It also can run several
##A 08 394422 1361
parts of one program at one time, a first in personal computing. This means that while waiting for a data manager to print out a list of everyone in your college graduating class, you could add names to the same list, and have those names show up at the end of the same printout.
OS/2’s disadvantages: It’s expensive — both the program itself and
(more importantly) the hardware required to use it (2 megabytes of memory for starters, about four times as much as an MS-DOS computer). It’s cumbersome, retaining a few of MS-DOS’ most irritating features (like file names that can be no longer than 11 characters long). Finally, perhaps most importantly, not many people who aren’t programmers need all that heavy-duty power or
##A 08 370290 1362
can understand it yet.
Option 2: For keeping up with the Joneses’ Joneses: The Macintosh II.
A wonderful, speedy, intuitively correct, large-screened, incredibly adaptable, fully-featured — $9,000 — computer (if you count the cost of the laser printer which would logically go with it). Because it’s “open” — compatible with a variety of monitors and other accessories — it’s more complex to set up.
— Art Kleiner
##A 08 394742 1363
The simplest, cheapest path: Apple IIe with Swyftcard or Canon Cat.
If all the other paths seem unnecessarily expensive and Byzantinely overcomplicated to you, there’s at least one plain, inexpensive solution. Buy an Apple IIe, an otherwise antiquated and frustrating computer (in my opinion) and fit it with Swyftcard/Swyftdisk, a $39.95 writing, calculating, and telecommunications tool of unusual simplicity.
The Canon Cat is an extended adaptation of the Swyftcard, with a box and monitor. You can set up the Cat easily as a bulletin board for other people to call, but the Swyftcard has the advantage of
##A 08 394765 1364
allowing you to use that cumbersome, old-fashioned Apple IIe for other things — like exploring the many games and educational programs still available for it.
— Art Kleiner
##A 14 267220 3
##A 14 278889 4
##T Music Theory
##A 14 188142 5
##T Basic Concepts in Music
Basic Concepts in Music
An interesting and useful programmed text designed to accommodate both the absolute ignoramus and the person with any degree of musical experience. Covers basic components of music notation; notational components of rhythm and melody; harmonic structure of basic intervals and chords; major and minor scales, chords and keys; and the basic structure of music. The child who can read can progress through the book at his own rate; the parent with a piano or penny-whistle and some sheet music at his disposal can learn much to pass on to the children.
— Carol Van Strum
##A 14 188380 6
##T Basic Concepts in Music
Gary M. Martin
2nd Edition 1980; 288 pp.
ISBN 0534007619
$24.50 postpaid
Wadsworth Publishing Co.
7625 Empire Drive
Florence, KY 41042
##A 14 104619 7
##T Basic Concepts in Music
Look at the note C in the example. The nearest key to the right of C is the black key C-sharp. Therefore, the distance from C to C-sharp is one half step. From the black key C-sharp to its nearest neighbor (D) is also one half step. Thus, there are two half steps from C to D — or one whole step.
We can conclude the following: If there is one key between any two given keys, the two given keys are one whole step apart. If there is no key between them, the keys are one half step apart. For example, from C to D is a whole step because there is a black key between them. G to A-flat is a half step because there is no note between them.
##A 14 106182 8
##T Basic Concepts in Music
You were asked if an incomplete measure is acceptable in the first measure, anywhere in the middle, or at the end of a piece.
Incomplete measures are acceptable only at the beginning of a piece of music, and at the end of a piece that begins with an incomplete measure. The notes in those incomplete measures that begin a piece are called “pickup notes.” Many well-known songs have pickup notes in them. Look at “Dixie” for example:
##A 14 184552 9
##T Introducing Music
Introducing Music
Limpidly clear introduction to reading and understanding music.
— Stewart Brand
##A 14 184612 10
##T Introducing Music
Ottó Károlyi
1965; 175 pp.
$4.95 ($5.95 postpaid)
Viking Penguin Books
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0120
(800) 526-0275; (201) 387-0600(NJ)
##A 14 104939 11
##T Introducing Music
If only
the whole
world could
feel the power
of harmony . . .
— Mozart
##A 14 114626 12
##T Introducing Music
Perfect intervals are the unison, fourth, fifth, and octave. The remaining intervals such as the second, third, sixth, and seventh are major intervals. If a major interval is reduced by a semitone we get a minor interval; thus C to E is a major third, but C to Eb is a minor third; C to D is a major second, but C to Db is a minor second; and so on. We have seen that the ratio between the frequencies of the two notes of any octave was 1:2. The ratios between the frequencies of other intervals can also be calculated: for the fifth, 2:3; the fourth, 3:4; the major third, 4:5; the minor third, 5:6; the whole tone, 8:9, and so on. Note that the perfect intervals are characterized by the simpler fractions.
##A 14 301297 13
##T Uncle Van’s Chord Book
Uncle Van’s Chord Book
A beginner’s introduction to jazz chords on the guitar, ability to read music unnecessary. In fact, there’s not a note on any page until you reach an appendix on theory. After discussing particular chords demonstrated on normal guitar diagrams, chord names are listed above the words of a given song. It might have made more sense to stay with the chord diagrams, but otherwise a good start-up book for anyone previously terrified by the guitar.
— Ramon Sender Barayon
##A 14 301632 14
##T Uncle Van’s Chord Book
Van Rozay
1987; 46 pp.
$10.95 postpaid
Canyon Books
Room 200R
1000 Redwood Highway
Canyon, CA 94516
##A 14 68341 15
##T Uncle Van’s Chord Book
Now, to prove that jazz can be easy and fun, here’s a nifty trick, using a three-note version of a ninth chord — the sliding ninth. In blues songs, or pop, folk or country tunes which go from the I to I7 to IV and later the V, this trick can be used to enhance all those sections. You probably know the country standard “Your Cheatin’ Heart” by Hank Williams. If not, you’re culturally deprived and should learn it immediately. Playing it in Uncle Van’s favorite key, C, we first play a plain old C chord, as we sing (or mutter, or say) “your cheatin’ heart. . .” Now, here, just after “heart,” play the notes shown here in the fifth fret, and slide the position down, first to the fourth, then to the third fret. Neat, huh?
##A 14 189120 16
##T Composing Music
Composing Music
This takes a pragmatic approach to teaching composition. It begins with no rules and few instructions, assumes you can read and write a tiny bit, and hands you a very simple composition assignment. Gently, by chapters, it presents traditional composing concepts, including easy work on harmony, melody structure, use of motifs, and so on. The beauty of this approach is that there is no right or wrong, no correct results — it is for you to try your wings.
The second half of the book deals with writing for instruments available to you, with techniques in popular music, and with a
##A 14 14170 17
##T Composing Music
few concepts from modern “serious” music. This is a wonderful book for anyone who is developing improvising skills or who would like a fun way to explore music.
— Jim Stockford
##A 14 189413 18
##T Composing Music
William Russo with Jeffrey Ainis
and David Stevenson
1983; 230 pp.
ISBN 0131647563
$12.95 postpaid
Prentice-Hall/Simon & Schuster
Mail Order Sales
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 14 189667 19
##T Composing Music
Get in touch with your voice and your ear. Sing as you compose and find the tones through what you sing. Playing the piano (or some other instrument) will, of course, help develop your ear, but your main aim should be to get the music in your ear and voice as well as in your mind and fingers. Learn to sing, tone by tone, what you compose, while you are composing it. You should also be able to sing the completed series of tones.
##A 14 4566 20
##T Composing Music
Picture music includes all music that is written without actual tones. Sometimes this type of music looks more like a drawing than a piece of music (see next card).
Picture music offers an opportunity to rethink the entire process of music. You will get a new perspective through the visualization that picture music offers, and thus your conventional music making will be improved.
It must be admitted that picture music is inadequately notated, but I should like to point out that conventional notation is very limited itself and owes more to the performance than is generally realized; a good piece often sounds entirely unlike what the composer had in mind.
##A 14 189758 21
##T Composing Music
When writing two or more simultaneous melodies, make sure that they do not have identical curves.
Try to have melodies that have different shapes — that reach their peaks at different points.
##A 14 12213 22
##T Musical Applications of Microprocessors
Musical Applications of Microprocessors
This technical tome explains how electronic music works. In spite of its title, it includes information about all sorts of electronic music systems. The 174-page “Background” section gives the basics of acoustics and classifies the various electronic methods of producing and modifying sound. The 190-page second section is dedicated to computer-controlled analog synthesis. In it you’ll find a careful explanation of the world of analog synthesizers with lots of schematic diagrams and frequency response graphs. The third section, 340 pages on digital synthesis and sound modification, is the real core of the book. Here, Hal shows how sound can be converted into and out of digital form and how a computer can be programmed to analyze and synthesize musical
##A 14 117789 23
##T Musical Applications of Microprocessors
sounds. Section 4, “Product Applications and the Future”, is a
slightly fuzzy snapshot of the electronic music field of the mid 1980’s.
The first edition of this book helped me a great deal when I was starting to think seriously about writing musical software a few years ago. I recommend it to people who want to understand or develop musical hardware or software. I couldn’t read the whole thing, parts of it were too hardware-tech oriented. Other parts were very valuable to me, especially the parts about digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital conversion.
— Michael Coffey
##A 14 168311 24
##T Musical Applications of Microprocessors
Hal Chamberlin
2nd Edition 1985; 802 pp.
ISBN 0810457687
Hayden Books/Howard W. Sams & Co.
4300 West 62nd Street
Indianapolis, IN 46268
##A 14 168793 25
##T Musical Applications of Microprocessors
Computers deal with numbers and sound consists of continuously varying electrical signals. Somehow the two have to be accurately linked together in order for direct computer sound synthesis to work at all. Fortunately, this is possible with fewer limitations than might be expected.
Elementary tone generation by table scanning is just what the terms imply: a simple loop programmed to fetch the table entries one at a time and send them to the DAC. When the end of the table is reached, scanning should continue uninterrupted at the beginning. Each time through the table is one cycle of the waveform.
##A 14 140794 26
##T Musical Applications of Microprocessors
A block diagram of a complete computerized audio-to-digital and back to audio again conversion system. If the two low-pass filters are matched and have infinite attenuation beyond one-half of the sample rate, the waveforms at points A and B are exactly alike! Since the waveform at point A is not audibly different from the input, this is truly a high-fidelity system. The computer could also be programmed to supply its own stream of numbers to the DAC, and it therefore follows that the computer can produce any sound.
##A 14 141509 27
##T Musical Applications of Microprocessors
Of course, frequency response is not the only measure of sound quality. Background noise is actually a much worse problem with standard analog audio equipment.... However, when the samples are in numerical form, only a finite number of digits is available to represent them, and this limitation does indeed introduce noise. Such roundoff error is termed quantization error because a sample pulse, which can be any amplitude whatsoever, has been quantized to the nearest available numerical representation. Background noise due to quantization error is termed quantization noise.
##A 14 187716 28
##T Musical Culture
##A 14 164385 29
##T The Art of Noises
The Art of Noises
Noise as art. Noise as music. Music as the art of noises.
From 1916 comes this essential work of modern music and sound theory, the first work that asks the question “if music is sound, why not use all the sounds available?” Italian Futurist, Luigi Russolo wanted to create music that would incorporate the full spectrum of the twentieth century soundscape — cars, trains, animal sounds, industrial machinery, the roar of crowds. His ideas, dismissed at the time, anticipated the work of composers such as John Cage, Karlheinz Stockhausen, and Pierre Boulez by decades. Russolo was also active in designing some of the first musical
##A 14 150568 30
##T The Art of Noises
“synthesizers,” instruments that could reproduce the sounds of
the machinery and street noises that he loved. After reading The Art of Noises you may never hear the world in the same way again.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 14 166797 31
##T The Art of Noises
Luigi Russolo
1986; 87 pp.
ISBN 0918728576
$24 postpaid
Pendragon Press
R. R. 1, Box 159
Stuyvesant, NY 12173-9720
(518) 828-3008
##A 14 172104 32
##T The Art of Noises
Ancient life was all silence. In the 19th Century, with the invention of machines, Noise was born. Today Noise is triumphant and reigns sovereign over the sensibility of men. Through many centuries life unfolded silently, or at least quietly. The loudest of noises that interrupted this silence was neither intense, nor prolonged, nor varied. After all, if we overlook the exceptional movements of the earth’s crust, hurricanes, storms, avalanches, and waterfalls, nature is silent.
In this scarcity of noises, the first sounds that men were able to draw from a pierced reed or a taut string were stupefying, something new and wonderful. Among primitive peoples, sound was attributed to the gods. It was considered sacred and reserved for priests, who used it to enrich their rites with mystery. Thus was born the idea of sound as something in itself, as different from and independent of life. And from it resulted music, a fantastic world superimposed on the real one, an inviolable and sacred world.
##A 14 173653 33
##T The Art of Noises
The noise instrument laboratory in Milan, Luigi Russolo on the left, Ugo Piatti on the right.
##A 14 6682 34
##T The Tuning of the World
The Tuning of the World
One of the most remarkable books on sound around. The
author charts the geography and history of our sonic environment
— our soundscape. No type of noise, roar, clatter, hiss, twang, vibration, or audible rhythm escapes his notice. For instance, he discovered European towns hum at harmonies of G sharp (50 hertz power supply), while America drones at B natural (60 hertz). He divides our surroundings into dominant tonal patterns, mapping out the evolution of sound on Earth. Other topics discussed: Sacred sounds, the concert hall as a substitute for outdoor life, the intent of Muzak, sounds of water creatures, sound imperialism, ceremonies about silence, and taboo sounds. A marvelous, awakening book.
— Charlie Bremer
##A 14 115006 35
##T The Tuning of the World
(Toward a Theory of Soundscape Design)
R. Murray Schafer
1977; 301 pp.
ISBN 081221109X
University of Pennsylvania Press
##A 14 116287 36
##T The Tuning of the World
A three-dimensional representation of a simple sound object.
##A 14 116065 37
##T The Tuning of the World
The rhythms of all poetry and recited literature bear a relationship to breathing patterns. When the sentence is long and natural, a relaxed breathing style is expected; when irregular or jumpy, an erratic breath pattern is suggested. Compare the jabbing style of twentieth-century verse with the more relaxed lines of that which preceded it. Something has happened between Pope and Pound, and that something is very likely the accumulation of syncopations and offbeats in the soundscape. And the perceptible jitteriness in Pound’s verse begins after he has moved from rural life in America to the big city of London. Just as human conversational style is abbreviated by the telephone bell, contemporary verse bears the marks of having dodged the acoustic shrapnel of modern life. Car horns punctuate modern verse, not bubbling brooks.
##A 14 115447 38
##T The Tuning of the World
Since the advent of the singing commercial on North American radio, popular music and advertising have formed the main material of the radio montage, so that today, by means of quick cross-fades, direct cuts or “music under” techniques, songs and commercials follow one another in quick and smooth succession, producing a commercial life style that is entertaining (“buy baubles for your bippy”) and musical entertainment that is profitable (“five million sold”).
Radio introduced the surrealistic soundscape, but other electroacoustical devices have had an influence in rendering it acceptable. The record collection, which one may observe in almost every house of the civilized world, is often equally eclectic and bizarre, containing stray items from different periods or countries, all of which may nevertheless be stacked on the same phonograph for successive replay.
##A 14 174577 39
##T New Sounds
New Sounds
Not new as in this week’s Top Forty mega-single, but new as in new ideas, from Glenn Branca’s thrash guitar symphonies to Brian Eno’s “Ambient Music;” from the pointillism of Philip Glass to the vocal experiments of Meredith Monk and David Hykes. New Sounds also thoroughly explains the contributions of early sonic pioneers such as John Cage and Harry Partch, as well as providing excellent introductions to the traditional musics of the U.S., Europe, India, Indonesia and West Africa. The extensive record and tape guides at the end of each chapter make navigating through this world of new sounds exciting and fun.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 14 174657 40
##T New Sounds
(A Listener’s Guide to New Music)
John Schaefer
1987; 296 pp.
ISBN 0060970812
$10.95 ($14.45 postpaid)
Harper & Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
(800) 242-7737
##A 14 175367 41
##T New Sounds
Strictly speaking, all recorded music for the past sixty years has been electronic. Inherent to the recording medium is the reproduction of sound by electronic means — whether by a hand-cranked 78-rpm phonograph, a radio, or a laser-decoding compact disc player. But the term “electronic music” has come to mean music composed with specific electronic media in mind: synthesizers, electronically altered instruments, tape, and modern studio processes.
##A 14 116888 42
##T New Sounds
African music is often considered to be essentially percussive music, with the interplay of rhythms as its most fundamental feature. This is, however, an overstatement: Although it’s more difficult for Western ears to pick out, melody is just as important an element as rhythm. We don’t normally think of drums or other percussion instruments as carrying melodies, but in parts of Africa the relationship between music and speech is so close that drums are often used as melodic, almost
“singing” instruments. Since many of the languages in West Africa are based on the inflection or pitch of the voice as well as on the particular configuration of vowels and consonants, a drum can “talk” by imitating the speech patterns of the language. When one pitch pattern can apply to several words, the drummer will add another phrase to clarify which word is being imitated. As Ghanaian melodies are also based on these speech inflections, the pattern of the talking drum can serve both as rhythm and melody.
##A 14 307187 43
##T The Art of Electronic Music
The Art of Electronic Music
Anyone who wants to get involved in electronic music should both research its roots, and locate the leading edge. You’ll get a brief history of the development of equipment in this book, and interviews with pioneer synthesizer designers (Moog and onward) and current major artists (Jan Hammer, Vangelis, Brian Eno, etc.). The field is in such healthy ferment, it’s good to hear how key performers actually do things.
— Ramon Sender Barayon
##A 14 307239 44
##T The Art of Electronic Music
Tom Darter & Greg Armbruster, Editors
1983; 315 pp.
ISBN 0688031064
$15.95 ($17.45 postpaid)
QUILL/William Morrow
105 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016
(800) 843-9389
##A 14 116642 45
##T The Art of Electronic Music
Theremin virtuoso Clara Rockmore, c. 1945.
##A 14 132989 46
##T The Art of Electronic Music
“It’s a dangerous business because voltage isn’t particularly reliable.”
— Thomas Dolby
##A 14 307725 47
##T The Art of Electronic Music
Dominic Milano: What kind of sounds did you collect?
Ben Burtt, Star Wars sound-effects specialist: I searched continually for material to use. I went through factories and listened to motors. I went to places where they test jet engines. I went to missile testing sites. I was looking for things that people
wouldn’t recognize, things that weren’t readily identifiable. But I wanted things with real power. They had to be visceral sounds, sounds with dramatic impact. There had to be an emotional response to the sounds. . . . We rented animals — bears, walruses, things of that sort — and recorded them to use for the alien voices. Then we had to catalogue the sounds by emotional content — this is an angry sound, this is an unhappy noise, this is pathetic — to build a library of phonemes, the basic elements of speech. In one file were Artoo Detoo phonemes; in another were Sand People phonemes. I had to have a consistent list to draw on for each particular creature. And all those sounds
##A 14 307993 48
##T The Art of Electronic Music
were orchestrated to obtain a “voice.” I’d cut them together, and by speeding the
tape up or slowing it down you could get different inflections from the same sound. That meant that you could take the same bit of sound, record it at various speeds, splice the bits together, and get a rhythmic pattern that would sound like speech. That’s how you can imply emotional content in alien voices. . . . I have a tape version of the movie with no sound effects or music, just the original out-of-the-camera sound. What was said on the sets is all you hear. It’s hilarious, Threepio’s voice was like a hmm-hmm-hmmm from behind the plastic mask, Darth Vader’s was completely different, all the floors sounded like wood, the stormtroopers were crinkling like big bags of cellophane because they were in plastic suits, Artoo was making no sound at all, and there was an occasional stage direction like, “Okay, turn your head to the left.” It’s really funny. Sound effects really do contribute a lot to making a film come alive.
##A 14 185769 49
##T Musics of Many Cultures
Musics of Many Cultures
As much as can be put down on paper, here is the music springing from human life on Earth. This book speaks about structure, role in culture, and history of ethnic musics around the world, and gives a thoroughly handy film bibliography and album discography so you can dip to one corner of the world, get comfortable, and become lost in the stirring songs others make. Comes with three floppy records to get you started.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 14 185980 50
##T Musics of Many Cultures
Elizabeth May, Editor
1980; 434 pp.
ISBN 0520047788
$19.95 ($21.45 postpaid)
University of California Press
2120 Berkeley Way
Berkeley, CA 94720
##A 14 186373 51
##T Musics of Many Cultures
The character Gathotkaca as played in Javanese wayang orang theater.
##A 14 110290 52
##T Musics of Many Cultures
Chikunda — A likishi in mask from a mukanda
(circumcision camp) entering a Luchazi village, Zambia; women meet the likishi, believed to be one of several spirit characters which attend circumcision ritual and celebrations, with songs. This character is also known among the Chokwe as Chikuta where it is believed to have originated.
(Photographed by Dr. Gerhard Kubik)
##A 14 169502 53
##T Musics of Many Cultures
Didjeridu player and songman with clapping sticks. Goulburn Island, western Arnhem Island, 1963.
(Copyright Ronald M. Berndt)
##A 14 155739 54
##T Musics of Many Cultures
Djerag: didjeridu and sticks accompaniment only (northeastern Arnhem Land). 1 of 2.
##A 14 170165 55
##T Musics of Many Cultures
Djerag: didjeridu and sticks accompaniment only (northeastern Arnhem Land). 2 of 2.
##A 14 181466 56
##T African Music — A People’s Art
African Music — A People’s Art
Francis Bebey is a writer/musician from the Cameroon who worked as a musicologist for UNESCO. This good translation (by Josephine Bennett) of his 1969 book on traditional African music is a gentle intro to the consciousness of African music as collective art, communal property, and spiritual medicine.
Bebey’s account of his field work and discussion of folk instruments lays a solid foundation for understanding where
Afro-pop comes from.
— Stephen Davis
##A 14 181600 57
##T African Music — A People’s Art
Francis Bebey. Translated by Josephine Bennett
1975; 184 pp.
ISBN 0882080504
$10.95 postpaid
Lawrence Hill & Co.
520 Riverside Avenue
Westport, CT 06880
##A 14 182248 58
##T African Music — A People’s Art
The objective of African music is not necessarily to produce sounds agreeable to the ear, but to translate everyday experiences into living sound . . . .
Consequently, African voices adapt themselves to their musical context — a mellow tone to welcome a new bride; a husky voice to recount an indiscreet adventure; a satirical inflection for a teasing tone, with laughter bubbling up to compensate for the mockery — they may be soft or harsh as circumstances demand. Any individual who has the urge to make his voice heard is given the liberty to do so; singing is not a specialized affair. Anyone can sing and, in practice, everyone does.
This is the essence of the collective aspect of African music; no one is ruled out because he is technically below par. Vocal music is vitally important in this respect because it gives the people who perform it every day of their lives a confirmation of the social significance of their art.
##A 14 182446 59
##T African Music — A People’s Art
“I came to play my drum for the dancing, not to deliver a slave into bondage.”
##A 14 174068 60
##T African Music — A People’s Art
What is music? It is the total expression of life shared by all the senses.
##A 14 174110 61
##T African Music — A People’s Art
Another feature that is common to all types of music in black Africa is rhythm. It is easy to recognize but hard to define. Some people regard it as a purely mechanical thing — the periodic repetition of downbeats and upbeats that mark given musical phrases. Others believe it is a kind of magic that is exclusive to Negroes who employ it in order to render their music “bewitching” or “satanic.” The truth lies somewhere between these two viewpoints. Rhythm is an invisible covering that envelops each note or melodic phrase that is destined to speak of the soul or to the soul; it is the reflection of the constant presence of music. It is the element that infuses music with a biological force that brings forth a psychological fruit. Rhythm is a support or catalyst and not a musical form in its own right. Furthermore, “it is no longer possible to uphold the theory that African music is essentially rhythmic and that melody is reduced to short, endlessly repeated phrases. It does in fact frequently contain a high degree of melodic development and the use of polyphony is more widespread in Africa than it is in Europe.”
##A 14 176752 62
##T Black Music of Two Worlds
Black Music of Two Worlds
John Storm Roberts’ book is the principal work on trans-Atlantic black culture, detailing the African origins of American music and American influences on postwar African music. Its last section, on the urban pop music of post-colonial Africa is the best overview of the subject.
— Stephen Davis
##A 14 177105 63
##T Black Music of Two Worlds
John Storm Roberts
1972; 282 pp.
ISBN 0688052789
$7.05 postpaid
Original Music
R. D. 1, Box 190
Lasher Road
Tivoli, NY 12583
##A 14 178203 64
##T Black Music of Two Worlds
Naturally, work songs take on the qualities of the work they accompany. In Africa, for example, collective work songs are not all that common in the rain forest belt, which includes the Yoruba, Ewe, Ibo, and other tribes and corresponds roughly to the main drumming area. Forest crops generally need less communal labor than field crops. As a result, the more open savanna belt of West Africa has more group work songs than do the forests. But even in the savannas work songs often are supplied by professionals who play music to encourage, rather than direct, the labor. These musicians or singers do not take part in the work — or, rather their part in the work is their music.
##A 14 178709 65
##T Black Music of Two Worlds
The adoption of the guitar by musicians all over Africa led to one of two main generic styles of modern pop music. The first was typically played by a group consisting of one or two guitars and some sort of percussion, almost always a bottle tapped with a knife to give a high chinking note, which filled the role of the “gankogui” in Ewe music or the “claves” in Cuban; by a single guitar; or by a guitar with another instrument, usually African, with or without percussion. The second style came about through the addition of European instruments (usually, at first, guitar) to a traditional percussion dance ensemble. In so far as such categories have any significance in African music, the first was a “song” or “listening” style, in which the words were important, and the second a dance style.
##A 14 180061 66
##T Da Capo Guide to Contemporary African Music
Da Capo Guide to Contemporary African Music
This is THE book for the Africanphile vinyl addict. Covering the huge range of musical styles, traditional and contemporary/modern/popular, from all of sub-Saharan Black Africa it is astonishingly complete. Each country’s music is discussed by style in relation to the political, economic, and social history of the country, bringing to life the many non-musical considerations that influence the artistic expression and development. The trade factors that affect the availability of the recordings here in the North/West are explained. Individual major artists’ life stories are covered in reasonable depth, and many lesser-knowns are noted. The discographies that follow make me squirm with the vinyl jones. Comes complete with bibliography and index.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 180453 67
##T Da Capo Guide to Contemporary African Music
Ronnie Graham
1988; 315 pp.
ISBN 0306803259
$13.95 ($14.95 postpaid)
Da Capo Press
233 Spring Street
New York, NY 10013
##A 14 119198 68
##T Da Capo Guide to Contemporary African Music
##A 14 180769 69
##T Da Capo Guide to Contemporary African Music
For the majority of Europeans, African music remains ‘jungle’ music, repetitive, boring and primitive. Christian missionaries did their best to stamp it out and the same uninformed and often racist views sadly still prevail today. In the same way, we have seen how western capital, in the form of music multinationals, has attempted to coopt or at least to profit from the current wave of popularity enjoyed by Africa’s electric guitar bands. To a lesser extent, we have seen how several western pop musicians have attempted to incorporate African rhythms and styles into their career development. While many observers consider these phenomena to be positive developments in the promotion of African music, we would beg to differ and instead argue that the efforts of Paul McCartney, Brian Eno, David Byrne, Peter Gabriel and Paul Simon are largely meaningless (and often selfish) in terms of the overall development of African music. We only have to consider the fact that over 90 per cent of Africans remain in close articulation to pre-capitalist economic and social
##A 14 117060 70
##T Da Capo Guide to Contemporary African Music
formations and it is they who provide the great strength and vitality of contemporary African popular music. For the majority of Africans, music remains live and closely tied to their daily lives. The fact that this existence is now under threat from war,
famine, invasion and western cultural imperialism in no way diminishes the continuing contribution which Africa makes to the enrichment of our daily lives.
Music in Independent Africa, 1950-75
In terms of performance, these years witnessed the almost universal introduction of amplification and electric instruments, substantially changing the sound if not the structure of African music. In this respect, this volume defines ‘contemporary’
African music as basically the electrified popular music which first appeared in the
mid-1950s. As far as production was concerned, these years witnessed several
##A 14 144687 71
##T Da Capo Guide to Contemporary African Music
contradictory tendencies. In some countries, encouraged by nationalist legislation, local entrepreneurs were able to seize the initiative and even replace the European companies. Thus in countries like Ghana, Nigeria and Zaire, the music industry was steadily brought under national control — albeit in private hands. Other countries, most notably Tanzania and Guinea, opted for socialism and in time brought the music sector under direct state control, paying musicians and owning the recording facilities. However, in other countries, like Kenya, South Africa and Côte d’Ivoire, the music multinationals were able to strengthen their grip, hindering the growth of a local industry and limiting the development of an authentic national sound. More money could be made importing western music; local music suffered accordingly. Finally, there were several countries where civil war or natural disaster completely destroyed the fragile infrastructure which had been established during colonialism. Thus in Chad and Uganda, and even for a time in Ghana, the industry collapsed entirely as studios broke down, the supply of vinyl dried up and instruments proved beyond the means of most musicians.
##A 14 204821 72
##T How To Play
##A 14 34945 73
##T Homespun Tapes
Homespun Tapes
You’ve had your fiddle long enough to play a few songs, but you really wonder how those Irish players get that certain sound. Well, Irish fiddle master Kevin Burke might not be available for private lessons, but you can get the next best thing — his lessons on tape. You choose the time and place, and you will never be embarrassed by not having practiced enough at your next lesson.
Six 60-minute tapes and accompanying sheet music take you from simple hornpipe tunes to elaborate reels with ornamenting grace notes and rolls. The tapes play each song slowly, naming notes and repeating sections, so even if you don’t read music you can follow along.
##A 14 14401 74
##T Homespun Tapes
In addition to songs there are lots of helpful playing hints, encouragement, and information on where to hear other versions of the material.
— Kathleen O’Neill
Homespun also offer tape and video lessons on a wide range of other instruments in many different styles. They’re particularly strong on guitar, but if pennywhistle is your thing they’ve got that covered too. Records, books, equipment and accessories round out their wares.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 35191 75
##T Homespun Tapes
Catalog $1 from:
Homespun Tapes
PO Box 694
Woodstock, NY 12498
(800) 33-TAPES
(914) 679-7832(NY)
##A 14 35398 76
##T Homespun Tapes
Learn the Real Cajun Fiddle
taught by Michael Doucet
Level 2
Michael Doucet is an internationally-known fiddler and authority on the Cajun, Creole, Zydeco, and old-time music of Southwest Louisiana. His six tapes make up a fascinating series of lessons, chock full of Cajun fiddle technique, tips on style, information on the great players, and more than 20 great instrumentals. In addition, Michael provides back-up fiddle or accordian parts for each tune (with stereo separation for practice purposes), and a guitar/fiddle rhythm section (with Beausoleil guitarist/bassist Tommy Comeaux) for practicing the tunes at the end of the series. (See next card)
##A 14 248989 77
##T Homespun Tapes
TAPE 1 — Introduction to Cajun fiddle: “DeVillier Two Step/Entere Moi Pas;” Dennis McGee style; “Love Bridge Waltz.”
TAPE 2 — “Les Flames D’Enfer,” “Adieu Rosa;” “La Valse Du Grand Bois;” “Two-Step De Mama (Lacassine Special).”
PRICE: $12.95 each. $65.00 for the entire series of six, plus postage. Cat.#F-305
Sample from Tape One
##A 14 35793 78
##T Homespun Tapes
New Orleans Piano and The Roots of Rock
taught by Dr. John
Level 4
Here are five solid hours of Dr. John “The Night Tripper” playing, singing, and teaching, imparting his vast knowledge of music in a way that will make it valuable to all musicians. Although it is the keyboard player who will benefit most from these tapes, this is more than a series of piano lessons — it is an oral documentary of American popular music, and will be of great interest to everyone who hears it.
On these cassettes, Dr. John guides the player through lead and rhythm styles, right hand improvisation, walking basses, turnarounds, and the styles of great pianists such as Professor Longhair, Huey Smith, Fats Domino, Lloyd
##A 14 257346 79
##T Homespun Tapes
Glenn, Ray Charles, James Booker, Charles Brown, and many others. More importantly, you’ll learn the feel of the New Orleans and Mississippi Delta style, as well as numerous tips such as how to play with a drummer, making a band swing, song accompaniment, and much, much more.
These tapes are highly recommended for those musicians who already play some blues or other popular piano styles, but want to delve deeply and intensively into the heart of this great music. We suggest that beginning blues pianists first get their basics down with David Cohen’s excellent “Blues/Rock Piano.”
TAPE 1 — Breakdown of “Texas Boogie;” “Walk-up to IV Chord” as done by Prof. Longhair and Huey Smith; 2/4 Boogie with Walking Bass; Turnarounds; 8-bar blues.
TAPE 2 — Arrangements of “Big Chief” and “Gumbo;” Butterfly Stride style; Huey Smith “Turnaround Song”; Charles Brown-style major/minor blues; Arrangement of
“St. James Infirmary.” (See next card)
##A 14 249365 80
##T Homespun Tapes
TAPE 3 — Pop/Jazz Ballad; “Waltz for Mom;” “Saints” in minor blues and romp versions; Blues with raised 9th chord; Piano pop/gospel style.
TAPE 4 — “Famous Licks;” Albert Ammons Style Boogie; Styles of Fats Domino, Alan Toussaint, and James Booker; Chord progressions; Arrangements of “Motor Junket Blues” and “Big Mac.”
TAPE 5 — “Louisiana Lullaby;” “Qualify” vamp study; “Box Car Boogie” in three keys; “Wade in The Water.”
This package can also be ordered with a cassette of Dr. John’s critically acclaimed solo album, “Dr. John Plays Mac Rebennack,” at a special low price.
Five one-hour lessons include 84-page book of music transcriptions: $65.00; $14.95 each. With cassette album: $69.95. Cat.#P-603
Sample from Lesson Three
##A 14 80942 81
##T Homespun Tapes
The Guitar According To Gatemouth
taught by Clarence Gatemouth Brown
Level 3/4
“I learned to play without the benefits of books and tapes. Now, of course, we have all of this. But the best machine you have is your own mind. No one will ever invent a better machine.”
— Clarence Gatemouth Brown
Gatemouth calls it Texas Swing, but it’s his very own brand of music, fusing blues, country and western, Cajun, bebop, and big band jazz. On this three tape series, Gatemouth leads you through the techniques that have made his guitar playing intensely exciting and original. (See next card)
##A 14 258326 82
##T Homespun Tapes
TAPE 1 — Acoustic “raw” blues: “Monday Morning Blues;” chasing the voice; the forward whip; “Mistreated;” “Baby Let Me Hold Your Hand;” boogie-woogie styles; the quick shift; “Dollar Got The Blues.”
TAPE 2 — Electric blues: “Dollar Got The Blues” (cont’d); “The Chicken Shift;”
“Here Am I;” “St. James Infirmary;” “Alright Again;” blues riffs; 3/4 times blues;
“Alligator Boogaloo.”
TAPE 3 — “Okie Dokie Stomp;” chords, solos and band arrangements; “Tippin’ In;”
“Pressure Cooker;” “Honey In The Be-Bo;” double-stop picking and strumming; slow blues; “Watermelon Man.” Gate’s amazing Bossa Nova tricks.
PRICE: $12.95 each, $32.50 for series of three, plus postage. Cat.#3G-127
Sample from Lesson Two
##A 14 302561 83
##T Homegrown Music
Homegrown Music
Music without computers. This is the backwoods approach to music on the cheap. Folksy directions for getting music out of odd things like bamboo-root oboes and wild-oat-straw shepherd’s pipes. I like their holy mission of rescuing instruments out of people’s attics and garage sales.
— Ramon Sender Barayon
##A 14 302959 84
##T Homegrown Music
Marc Bristol
1982; 129 pp.
ISBN 0914842919
$8.95 ($9.95 postpaid)
Madrona Publishers, Inc.
PO Box 22667
Seattle, WA 98122
##A 14 303758 85
##T Homegrown Music
Larry “Mr. Jug” Van Over demonstrates the proper technique for playing the jug.
##A 14 304039 86
##T Homegrown Music
Tod Parks of Snohomish, Washington. Notice the thimbles glued to the ends of the glove fingers.
##A 14 146388 87
##T Homegrown Music
That’s why I took up playing the washboard, mandolin, banjo, bongos, pocket change, and washtub bass. Not only do I find the music at one of our pickup sessions more pleasing when a percussion instrument (or anything that has a different tonal range from a guitar) is added to the blend, but I also avoid the sinking feeling one gets wondering whether there’s really room for yet another guitar in a six-guitar band. The problem of competition and redundancy of sound need never arise if everyone who arrives brings along an extra instrument or two or three. And if they all do, you’ll reap another bonus too: There’ll always be something handy for the musicians who drop in unexpectedly, or the folks who’ve never tried to make music before, to pick up and play. You’ll be surprised at the amount of entertainment, satisfaction, and downright fun such unexpected additions can add to your hoedown.
##A 14 190195 88
##T Traditional American Folk Songs
Traditional American Folk Songs
For 40 years, starting in 1938, Anne and Frank Warner collected folk songs along the rural backroads of the Eastern Seaboard. Frank was a folk singer himself and so was able to win the confidence of wary mountain folk like Frank Proffitt, who first sang them “Tom Dooley.” The Warners did angelic work. For the 200 songs they transcribed in this bountiful book, they record the players’ own story of how they learnt the song and where they think it came from. The Warners reprint personal, fascinating correspondence with the artists and often a snapshot of the scene. They clearly portray the songs they received as gifts from the makers to the listeners. What we are given: music as community.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 14 190316 89
##T Traditional American Folk Songs
(from the Anne & Frank Warner Collection)
Anne Warner
1984; 501 pp.
ISBN 0815601859
$25.95 ($27.95 postpaid)
Syracuse University Press
1600 Jamesville Avenue
Syracuse, NY 13244-5160
##A 14 315007 90
##T Traditional American Folk Songs
Anne Warner recording Frank Proffitt on the steps of the cabin he built when he and Bessie Hicks were married in Pick Britches Valley, Watauga County, North Carolina, 1941. The battery-powered recording machine was made for us by Philco.
##A 14 315698 91
##T Traditional American Folk Songs
Ray Hicks clogging while Frank Proffitt and Aunt Buna Hicks play a dance tune, 1959. Ray’s mother Rena and a couple of grandchildren are in the background.
##A 14 316034 92
##T Traditional American Folk Songs
“Father, father, much harm have you done,
Four long years have passed since I was twenty-one.
A lover of twelve years is surely much too young,
Only just a school boy a-growing.”
“Daughter, dear daughter, no harm have I done,
I have promised you to a rich lord’s son.
He will make a bed for you to rock upon,
He is young, but daily a-growing.”
##A 14 290439 93
##T Traditional American Folk Songs
One time when we visited Beech Mountain we decided to take enough beef and onions and carrots and potatoes to make a really good beef stew for everybody. We thought it would be a treat, knowing how seldom meat was available, and forgetting that people like what they are used to.
Rena was polite about our plans, but she went ahead with her own preparations for the meal: fried eggs — in two inches of grease — cabbage, boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, rice, biscuits, and cornbread.
So I made the stew, and we put it on the table. Most everybody tried some, and most everybody was polite. Nobody had ever had any before. Lewis said, “I reckon I could eat this every day!” (It was Lewis who once said, when told there were eight million people in New York, “I reckon if that many folks tuck out after you, they’d shore catch you!”)
##A 14 172408 94
##T African Rhythm and African Sensibility
African Rhythm and African Sensibility
J.M. Chernoff spent more than a decade as a drum student in West Africa. This is his masterwork, part African adventure story, part sociological dissertation. Its obsession with drumming as history and its passion for rhythm as style is credited with pushing Western pop musicians like Brian Eno and David Byrne to introduce Africanisms to Anglo-American pop (Talking Heads member Byrne claims to have read the thing twice). As a writer, Chernoff is obsessed with getting every nuance on the page, and descriptions of polyrhythmic structures occasionally read like watchmaking manuals. It’s that precise. For an additional $15, a 90-minute cassette illustrating the various rhythms is also available, and very worthwhile.
— Stephen Davis
##A 14 172681 95
##T African Rhythm and African Sensibility
John Miller Chernoff
1979; 261 pp.
ISBN 0226103455
$10.95 postpaid from:
University Of Chicago Press
11030 South Langley
Chicago, Il 60628
##A 14 173160 96
##T African Rhythm and African Sensibility
Whether or not one is looking from the point of view of a social scientist, one of the most noticeable features of African cultures is that many activities — paddling a canoe, chopping a tree, pounding grain, smashing up the yams for dinner, or simply moving — seem set within a rhythmic framework which can and often does serve as the basis for music and songs. On one of my first afternoons in Accra I went to the airport to fill out the many forms I needed to clear my tape recorder, which had been sent as unaccompanied baggage . . . . The clerk began typing. I flipped. Using the capitalization shift key with his little fingers to pop in accents between words, he beat out fantastic rhythms. Even when he looked at the rough copies to find his next sentence, he continued his rhythms on the shift key. He finished up each form with a splendid flourish on the date and port of entry. I thanked him for his display, and though I regretted having to leave the customs office, I was eager to go out and begin my work, for I realized that I was in a good country to study drumming.
##A 14 173534 97
##T African Rhythm and African Sensibility
Dagomba child playing a toy drum
##A 14 114767 98
##T African Rhythm and African Sensibility
Holding a Dagomba dondon
##A 14 75686 99
##T African Rhythm and African Sensibility
A Dagomba dance called Zhem offers another good illustration. Zhem is one of the most important of the Dagomba dances, for it is played during the installation or funeral of high chiefs. I knew Ibrahim Abdulai for four years before he told me the significance of Zhem, and my instruction was accompanied not only by the observance of several ritual obligations, including the sacrifice of a sheep, but also by long lectures on morality and correct living. In Zhem, a lead dondon and any number of supporting dondons play two independent rhythms which are interlocked with great precision to make a tight and intriguing combination. Again, one could not try to play either rhythm by counting the music in a single meter: the rhythms do not meet at any point, and the lead dondon gives a feeling of 3/4 time, while the supporting dondons play to a count of four.
##A 14 188914 100
##T African Rhythm and African Sensibility
The African dancer may pick up and respond to the rhythms of one or more drums, depending on his skill, but in the best dancing, the dancer, like the drummer, adds another rhythm, one that is not there. He tunes his ear to hidden rhythms, and he dances to the gaps in the music. Thompson has described African religions as “danced faiths,” in which worship becomes a style of movement that manifests one’s relatedness for all to see. As the dance gives visible form to the music, so too does the dance give full and visible articulation to the ethical qualities which work through the music, balance in the disciplined expression of power in relationship . . . . A brief survey of the music which Westerners consider to be religious would make evident why Westerners have had difficulty perceiving the religious and philosophical sentiments in African dance: if you tried to dance to Handel’s “Messiah,” you would end up marching.
##A 14 171204 101
##T The Complete Yamaha DX7II Book
The Complete Yamaha DX7II Book
For those who want to get the most out of their Yamaha DX7II, Howard Massey’s book “The Complete DX7II” may be just the thing. With 400 pages and three plastic soundsheets, it really lives up to it’s name. No knowledge of DX synthesizers is assumed, so the book is great for the beginner. It’s a programmed text with a series of exercises which often involve recreating the sounds on the soundsheets. If the text is followed methodically, cover to cover, you should be able to program your DX7II to produce whatever sound you have in mind quickly and easily.
— Paul Blankinship
Ÿ Yamaha DX-7 II
##A 14 171347 102
##T The Complete Yamaha DX7II Book
Howard Massey
1987; 400pp.
ISBN 0825611199
$29.95 ($31.45 postpaid)
Music Sales Corporation
Mail Order Music
PO Box 572
Chester, NY 10918
##A 14 141183 103
##T The Complete Yamaha DX7II Book
Press the left cursor switch once again in order to position the cursor over the Wave parameter and press the “yes” button once to hear the effect of a saw down LFO wave (Audio Cue 55D). Note that the pitch now instantly rises and slowly drops, as equivalent to the wave shape.
##A 14 76732 104
##T The Complete Yamaha DX7II Book
Press the “yes” button once again to hear the effect of a saw up LFO wave (Audio Cue 55E). Note that the pitch now changes in the opposite manner, slowly rising and quickly dropping, as equivalent to the wave shape.
##A 14 40362 105
##T The Complete Yamaha DX7II Book
Press the “yes” button once again to hear the effect of a square LFO wave (Audio Cue 55F). Note that the pitch now instantly rises, followed by an instant fall, as equivalent to the wave shape. Note that this produces a trill effect to the sound.
##A 14 138680 106
##T The Complete Yamaha DX7II Book
Position the cursor over the Pmd parameter and use the data entry slider to slowly change this value to its minimum of 0, holding down a key and listening as you do so (Audio Cue 55G). Note that changing the Pmd value has the effect of changing the two notes you hear; so that varying the depth of the pitch modulation effectively changes the higher and lower points of the modulating square wave.
##A 14 154707 107
##T The Complete Yamaha DX7II Book
Restore the Pmd value to 99. Position the cursor back over the Wave parameter and then press the “yes” button once again to hear the effect of a sine LFO wave (Audio Cue 55H). Note that the pitch now gently rises and falls, in a manner equivalent to the wave shape and similar to the effect of the triangle wave, but more gently, since the sine wave has a more rounded shape.
##A 14 30574 108
##T The Complete Yamaha DX7II Book
Press the “yes” button one last time to hear the effect of a S/hold LFO wave (Audio Cue 55I). Note that you now hear a random pitch change, since the DX7II is now periodically sampling from a stream of random numbers, and holding the number just long enough to send the data to the pitch inputs of the six operators.
##A 14 171873 109
##T The Complete Yamaha DX7II Book
Now let’s get back to some programming! As you work through this book, or as you work on your own, you should continually save your work by writing it to memory — internal, cartridge, or disk memory — your choice. Your most recent edit work will, of course, continually be held in the edit recall buffer, but remember, it will only hold the most recent work. Sometimes, you will need to recall data that wasn’t recently changed. Unless you saved that data to memory, you’re out of luck. As every session programmer knows, the saddest words in the world are, “you know, I liked it better the way you had it two minutes ago.” Those two minutes could be an eternity if you’ve changed several parameters and neglected to save as you went along.
Or at least that’s the way things used to be B.D. (Before DX7 — the Stone Age of synthesis). Will wonders never cease? The DX7II actually provides us with yet another amazing piece of memory, called compare mode, which allows us to do real-time comparisons between a modified sound and the original!
##A 14 169395 110
You should consider buying one of these books before investing in an expensive sampling keyboard. The Sampling Book acquaints you with sampling techniques and demystifies arcane terminology. If the manual that comes with the sampler scares you, this will ease your learning curve. It helped me do some things I wanted to but couldn’t figure out from the manual. A final chapter on test driving a sampler could be useful when you are ready to make a purchase.
If your sampler (to be) is a Casio FZ-1 or FZ-10M (the rack-mount version of the FZ-1), then the second book has specific exercises
##A 14 129154 111
for those machines. Both books explain how to splice sounds, loop sounds and mix them together. Producing your own studio-quality
samples need not always be a time-consuming, trial-and-error process as the authors make clear. They succeed in coaxing the determined user to keep trying. It took me about an hour to set levels, record a few takes and then play a cloned chorus of my voice on the keys. (These books both need indexing).
— Ramon Sender Barayon
##A 14 118145 112
The Sampling Book
Steve De Furia
and Joe Scacciaferro
1987; 150 pp.
ISBN 0881889660
$17.95 ($19.95 postpaid)
Hal Leonard Books
PO Box 13810
Milwaukee, WI 53213
##A 14 141818 113
Casio FZ-1 & FZ-10M
(Digital Sampling Synthesizer)
Joe Scacciaferro
and Steve De Furia
1988; 143 pp.
ISBN 0881889679
$14.95 ($16.95 postpaid)
Hal Leonard Books
PO Box 13810
Milwaukee, WI 53213
##A 14 170247 114
In tracing the roots of sampling, we should start somewhere around the time when great pipe organs began popping up with brass and wind instrument stops (switches) on them. This is where musicians first started experimenting with the idea of recreating the sound of other instruments and performing these sounds from a single keyboard. As time and technology progressed, the idea of adding sounds to keyboards became more popular. At the beginning of this century, wind, steam, and later on electrically powered theater organs were all the rage. Remember, these instruments didn’t have sophisticated electronic sound sources. They had to rely on a maze of air pumps, brass tubes, levers, wires, and springs. So when someone wanted a key to sound like a snare drum or play a string part, there had to be some mechanical gizmo that would actually hit a real snare drum or draw a real bow across a violin’s strings. Consequently, they were at least as much fun to watch as they were to listen to!
— The Sampling Book
##A 14 131269 115
Typical ways of altering a sampled sound — A: Playing different keys speeds up or slows down the rate the sample is played back, changing its pitch and length. B: Samples can be played forwards or backwards. C: An LFO can also vary the sample’s pitch.
D: Synthesis functions can transform the sonic character of the sample.
— The Sampling Book
##A 14 144947 116
For most of the experiments in this book, all you need is your FZ, a mic, and an amp (or headphones). A tape recorder will also come in handy if you have one.
— Casio FZ-1 & FZ-10M
##A 14 170782 117
Here’s what you would hear with the Loop Time settings shown in this example. When a key is pressed, Loops 1 through 4 will each repeat three times. Next, Loop 5 (the Sustain Loop) will repeat for as long as the key is held. After the key is released, Loops 6 and 7 will each repeat three times. Finally, Loop 8 (the End Loop) will repeat continuously until the sound fades away. The portion of the sample after the end Loop will not be heard. (A Loop Time value of one causes a loop to repeat three times.)
— Casio FZ-1 & FZ-10M
##A 14 204496 118
##T Mix Bookshelf
Mix Bookshelf
Musicians at every level of expertise will find items of use to them in this mail-order catalog. A wide range of books, music software, MIDI gear, audio and videocassette lessons, sound libraries (both samples and sound effects), and desktop video software are offered. The descriptions of the products sold are fair and informative. New catalogs come out about every six months, but newer products are available as they are released.
— Jonathan E.
(Suggested by Ramon Sender Barayon)
Ÿ Music Software
##A 14 204700 119
##T Mix Bookshelf
Catalog free
Mix Bookshelf
2608 Ninth Street,
Berkeley, CA 94710
##A 14 205488 120
##T Mix Bookshelf
1599C) THE AUDIO DICTIONARY, Glenn White. An accurate, up-to-date dictionary is an essential tool in the rapidly growing field of audio engineering, and Glenn White has written what amounts to a mini-encyclopedia. He covers the terminology and basic concepts in the fields of sound recording, sound reinforcement and musical acoustics, and goes beyond pure definition to offer in-depth discussion on many of the topics. A much-needed book.
292 pp.(P) $14.95
1600C) DICTIONARY OF CREATIVE AUDIO TERMS, CAMEO. The first comprehensive dictionary of creative audio terminology containing over 1,000 definitions for those
without much technical training. Focuses on creative audio/musical equipment,
techniques, systems and practices. Illustrated to give a quick and comprehensive grasp of meanings.
100 pp.(P) $4.95
##A 14 186351 121
##T Mix Bookshelf
1400B) SOUND SYSTEM ENGINEERING, Don & Carolyn Davis. The revised 1986 edition of this excellent text focuses on the problems that might occur in a sound system as it evolves through design, installation, equalization, operation and maintenance. The authors outline the functional parameters that enable the user to determine the type, size and arrangement of loudspeaker array, design of the power amplifier system, component testing for individual and system operation, and functional constraints and acoustic requirements.
668 pp.(H) $39.95
1405B) THE SOUND REINFORCEMENT HANDBOOK, Gary Davis and Ralph Jones.
This is the definitive guide for everyone who works with sound in performance. Consisting of 384 pages with 256 illustrations, the handbook is divided into three
##A 14 248012 122
##T Mix Bookshelf
main sections: Theory and General Explanations — the decibel, sound level and related items, dynamic range, sound outdoors, sound indoors, and how to read and interpret specs; Sound Equipment and Systems — microphones, preamplifiers, small mixers and mixing consoles, power amps, signal processing sound system test equipment, etc.;and Putting It All Together — the electronics and the loudspeakers.
384 pp.(P) $29.95
1410) PRACTICAL GUIDE FOR CONCERT SOUND, Bob Heil. Covers the fundamentals of pro sound reinforcement, efficient speaker enclosures, mixers and equalizers, digital delays, compressors, limiters, microphones, hardware and construction tips.
141 pp. (P) $10.00
##A 14 185474 123
##T How To Make Some Money
##A 14 234246 124
THE MAINSTREAM MUSIC INDUSTRY is a modern-day Siren of dreams of wealth and fame. The rocky shores that will tear your musical vessel apart are the accountants, lawyers, and marketing directors who run the business and make their decisions based on market research. Today’s Golden Fleece is the lowest common denominator of musical taste. Happily, you can keep your own dreams and make music by putting the music first and muzzling the desire for mass acclaim. These books will help you retain control over your fate and spread your music. You can be your own Orpheus.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 234813 125
##T This Business Of Music
This Business Of Music
The legal nuts and bolts of the music industry. It’s all the same whatever style of music you’re into. Nitty-gritty discussions of what seem like minutiae until you multiply out thousands of units tinkling their way into the world’s eardrums. If you’re serious about communicating on a wide scale with your, or anyone else’s, music, there’s no way around this book. Not light reading but there is an index.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 241851 126
##T This Business Of Music
Sidney Shemel and M. William Krasilovsky
5th Edition 1985; 640 pp.
ISBN 0823077543
$22.95 ($24.45 postpaid)
Watson-Guptill Publications
1695 Oak Street
Lakewood, NJ 08701
##A 14 242360 127
##T This Business Of Music
No license is required to become a music publisher. The Constitution of the United States provides for freedom of the press, which is not limited to newspaper or book publications. Anyone can publish in the printed sense. However, in the music industry a “publisher” is more likely to be interested in other and more profitable aspects of music publishing such as collecting broadcast and other performance fees through ASCAP or BMI and foreign performing-right societies and granting mechanical-right licenses for phonograph records. Both ASCAP and BMI are under consent decrees which tend to encourage qualifying as publishers. ASCAP is required to advertise in music trade journals that anyone can become a publisher member upon proof that he is actively engaged in the music publishing business and that his musical compositions have been used or distributed for at least one year. The BMI consent
decree requires acceptance of any publisher engaged in the music publishing business
##A 14 228322 128
##T This Business Of Music
whose musical publications have been commercially published or recorded and publicly promoted or distributed for at least one year. In fact, ASCAP and BMI move promptly to grant publisher membership to persons active as publishers, without insisting on any set prerequisite time period or operations. Writer membership in ASCAP or BMI is available to any composer or lyricist who has had at least one work published or recorded.
In the initial enthusiasm of starting a new business, a music publisher or record company will frequently be annoyed by the rejection of names by a Secretary of State who passes on proposed incorporation documents for a new company. Each of the 50 states has its own corporate registration procedures. Particularly in the music
oriented states of New York, California, and Tennessee, the Secretary of State will
##A 14 248667 129
##T This Business Of Music
often refuse to accept a name regarded as unduly similar to other names. This should be appreciated as an early warning which aids in starting a new company on the right track. . . .
Record company names and labels may be conveniently checked in the front pages of the publication known as Phonolog, where all current records are listed and where label abbreviations are identified. If not readily available in libraries or music business offices, this publication is frequently to be found in retail record outlets. The annual editions issued by music trade papers, such as the Billboard Buyers Guide and the Cash Box Annual Worldwide Directory, also list publishers and record company labels and names.
##A 14 235551 130
##T Making Money Making Music
Making Money Making Music
While you wait for that big break, don’t forget that you can still earn a decent living as a musician working locally. This book details a multitude of ways you can turn your talent into cash from performance gigs, teaching, studio work, renting your equipment, and selling your songs. It also deals with other musicianly concerns such as who drives the van, how to manage drink, drugs, and smoky barrooms, and how to avoid being ripped off by shady business characters. The chapters on how to organize and run a band explain how to deal with the personalities (you’re going to have to do a lot of that), the finances, and the logistics. If you want to reach for the stars, this book will help you build a solid launch pad.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 235865 131
##T Making Money Making Music
(No Matter Where You Live)
James W. Dearing
1982; 305 pp.
ISBN 0898791014
$12.95 ($14.95 postpaid)
Writer’s Digest Books
1507 Dana Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45207
##A 14 236648 132
##T Making Money Making Music
Any price you’re quoted is the least that person or organization can afford. Here’s what one nightclub owner told me: “My auditor keeps me posted on how I’m doing, and how much I can afford. If she tells me I can afford $6,000 a month for entertainment, I’ll only budget about $4,500, and plow the other $1,500 back into the business.” If your band is making $1,200 a week, chances are good that your employer can pay you $1,400-$1,600 without needing to draw more customers. That’s the amount he budgeted for you, but you didn’t negotiate for it! You accepted his first offer, the $1,200.
Is it really an audition? This is an infamous employer excuse for getting good entertainment cheap. Exhaust all options before agreeing to a free audition: Has she heard the tape? Can she come out to see the act perform somewhere else? Go ahead and pay their expense money to come see you perform at a job. This is cheaper than the whole group driving, setting up, playing, tearing down, and not getting paid.
##A 14 237011 133
##T Making Money Making Music
You don’t need to travel to New York, Los Angeles, or Nashville anymore to find a quality recording studio. And since demo business has fallen off, you can book time in a 24-track studio such as this one (Heavenly Recording Studios, Sacramento, California) for under $50 per hour.
##A 14 237081 134
##T How To Make And Sell Your Own Record
How To Make And Sell Your Own Record
Still the indispensable guide for those who wish to go vinyl on their own behalf. Gets in the groove of the independent recording business and stays there from early planning of promotion right through to tax returns. The work sheets will help you stay in the financial groove, as well. There’s an appendix on cassette-only releases, a discussion of new technologies such as CD, and a bit on foreign licensing. Read it before you book your studio time.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 237510 135
##T How To Make And Sell Your Own Record
Diane Sward Rapaport
3rd Edition 1988; 183 pp.
ISBN 0399514309
$14.95 ($17 postpaid)
Jerome Headlands Press
PO Box N
Jerome, AZ 86331
##A 14 238616 136
##T How To Make And Sell Your Own Record
Selling in stores: Placing your record for sale in record stores should be one of your main sales goals. Once you have persuaded an audience that your record is worth buying, it will be important that stores in the area carry it. . . . You will probably find that the most receptive stores are the small, individually owned ones, especially those specializing in particular kinds of music, such as jazz, bluegrass, or reggae. The owners of these stores are often sympathetic to individual business efforts, which in many ways resemble their own. Like independent labels, they are attempting to provide customers with records they might not find in the larger chain stores.
Keep in mind the following two points. First, success at getting your records into a store does not guarantee sales. No matter how good your records are, they won’t sell until you create a demand for them. Customers generally know what they are looking for when they go to a store; they are unlikely to find and buy your record by some
##A 14 477027 137
##T How To Make And Sell Your Own Record
happy accident. Even the smallest record stores carry as many as 500 titles; the largest ‘super stores’, up to 16,000.
Second, initial sales in stores will be slow. It can take up to six months of steady work in both promotion and performances to convince interested fans to spend money on your record rather than on one of the top hits attracting their attention as they enter a store. Recognizing this early will spare you the frustration which often follows unrealistic expectations. In smaller stores, sales may average only a few records a month; in the larger ones, perhaps as many as five a month.
We chose to do an EP in accordance with our budget ($2000, which ended up $2500 plus) — not wishing to have such an important step to us result in only a two-song single, but not being able to afford an LP. Also, the record was an experiment to see whether our established audience would come through for record sales, as well as the already proven aspect of ticket sales. Fortunately, we found success.
##A 14 477715 138
##T How To Make And Sell Your Own Record
CD mastering is begun by converting your music to the universal standard used by CD manufacturers: a 3/4" U-Matic video tape, prepared in Sony PCM 1610 or 1630 format with a sampling frequency of 44.1 KHz . . . .
For the best conversion to digital audio video tape use the same master from which you recorded and edited your final mixes, not a second or third generation copy. Producers preparing master tapes for cassettes or records may prefer to remix the master tape for CD conversion because of the greater dynamic range available in CD format.
Music recorded with a different sampling rate than 44.1 KHz, must be converted to that standard. The preferred method for converting differing sampling rates is to use
##A 14 478116 139
##T How To Make And Sell Your Own Record
a transcoder (such as a Studer SFC-16), a signal processor that translates from one sampling rate to another, while the signal is in the digital domain. Degradation generating methods that first convert the music back to an analog master before making another conversion to video tape should be avoided.
##A 14 239069 140
##T How To Make And Sell Your Own Record
Compact discs receive their reflective metal coating in a cleanroom, 1000 times cleaner than a hospital operating room, at LaserVideo, Inc., Anaheim, California.
##A 14 239131 141
##T Making Music
Making Music
All too often the sound of music is lost in the labyrinth of the music industry, where bank notes are as important as musical notes (I’m being charitable). Making Music strikes a balance between the business and the music by acting as a guide to how the industry is structured and operates and to how music is actually made. Through interviews and articles by 65 industry insiders (with names most music fans will recognize) these successful individuals let you in on their secrets in a way that manages to integrate art and commerce, throwing light on both.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 239421 142
##T Making Music
(The Guide to Writing, Performing & Recording)
George Martin, Editor
1983; 352 pp.
ISBN 0688014658
$12.95 ($14.45 postpaid)
William Morrow Publishing Co.
Order Dept.
39 Plymouth Street
Fairfield, NJ 07006
##A 14 478303 143
##T Making Music
Home Studio: an area about the size of a garage can be turned into a workable studio in a short space of time. Judicious use of screens can reduce spillage, and the same area can be used as both a studio and control room.
##A 14 240095 144
##T Making Music
In 1822 in Berlin, Friedrich Buschmann developed a portable bellows organ, named the handäoline. In 1829 Cyril Damian of Vienna improved upon this and called his instrument the akkordion . . . .
Like the pedal steel guitar and the dobro, the accordion came to be used in popular music through the merging of cultures. When the French settlers in Nova Scotia, who were known as Acadians, were deported to Louisiana at the turn of the century, they took their folk music — which was similar to Irish jigs and other European folk dance styles — with them. The word “cajun” is a southern corruption of Acadian. The merging of the blues sound, prevalent in the south at that time, with Cajun music produced an R & B style of playing (with flattened thirds and sevenths) known as zydeco . . . .
##A 14 241941 145
##T Making Music
The piano accordion is controlled by: a keyboard, 1; treble registers, 2, and bass registers, 3, which change the tonal quality; bellows, 4; and bass buttons, 5, which produce either bass notes or chords.
##A 14 105944 146
##A 14 16390 147
##T Building Instruments
##A 14 39367 148
##T The Luthier’s Mercantile
The Luthier’s Mercantile
Materials, tools, supplies, and advice for the lofty craft of building traditional stringed instruments. Slightly more than a catalog, this publication also has articles on workshop tips and luthier tool techniques.
— Doug Roomian
##A 14 39470 149
##T The Luthier’s Mercantile
Catalog $3 from:
The Luthier’s Mercantile
PO Box 774
412 Moore Lane
Healdsburg, CA 95448
##A 14 40129 150
##T The Luthier’s Mercantile
Rosette: black, white, brown, red. Largest ring width of any rosette we carry. Inside diameter 93mm. Ring width 24mm.
##A 14 16776 151
##T The Luthier’s Mercantile
European classic style machine heads — Mechanically identical to EMG but brass hand engraving on “gun metal” black background. Pearloid buttons, plastic rollers, with lyre. Post hole spacing 70mm.
##A 14 199122 152
##T Vibrations
Subtitled “making unorthodox musical instruments,” Vibrations clearly shows you how to make a variety of fun-to-play instruments from the cheapest and simplest materials. There are a few more complicated-looking instruments for the ambitious or brave. Many of these are not so unorthodox in the Third World, and some of the design details here might help you develop ideas that come to you while looking at Musical Instruments Of The World.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 199257 153
##T Vibrations
(Making Unorthodox Musical Instruments)
David Sawyer
1977; 102 pp.
ISBN 0521208122
$12.95 postpaid
Cambridge University Press
510 North Avenue
New Rochelle, NY 10801
##A 14 436444 154
##T Vibrations
Tin fiddle components
##A 14 449941 155
##T Vibrations
Finished tin fiddle
##A 14 41487 156
##T Sound Designs
Sound Designs
“That’s not REAL music,” whispered an elderly woman to her companion as they watched my friend play exotic drums. “He’s just making it up.”
Not only that, ladies, he made up the instruments. They were slit drums — oblong wooden boxes with slits on top that formed tuned bars. You’ll find slit drum designs, and other fanciful instruments, in this book. Musical instruments can be created out of almost anything, and making them up is the most exemplary music education there is, especially for kids. Many of the designs discussed here started out as simple folk instruments somewhere
##A 14 41872 157
##T Sound Designs
else in the world. They are adapted, improved, and presented with directions for constructing them out of modern materials, store-bought or scrap. They make real music.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 14 42124 158
##T Sound Designs
(A Handbook of Musical Instrument Building)
Reinhold Banek & Jon Scoville
1980; 224 pp.
ISBN 0898150116
$8.95 ($9.95 postpaid)
Ten Speed Press
PO Box 7123
Berkeley, CA 94707
##A 14 421887 159
##T Sound Designs
Anyone could show up on a Thursday evening and play any instrument in any way they wanted. Both professional musicians and novices played regularly. One described a typical session during which Max suggested that they play a blues in F. The musicians who knew how to play the blues in the key of F launched off into the tune. And everyone else who didn’t know how to play anything but Perfect Music played along the way they felt it. Including the kid who had brought along his harmonica tuned to the key of G, and the person who was beating on some metal space sculptures, and someone else who had just picked up a saxophone for the first time and was honking away on it. The person who described it to us said, “It’s as if the people who could actually play the blues in F became a big ship on the sonic ocean of Perfect Music
##A 14 422223 160
##T Sound Designs
(a blend of monotone and cacophony). They could always jump into the ocean and swim around for a while knowing that the blues-in-F-ship was still there as a means of returning to port.”
Which is what Perfect Music is about. It’s an attitude towards making music which permits anything. One does not have to be labeled a “musician” to enjoy the
experience of playing with sound for its own sake.
##A 14 308801 161
##T Sound Designs
The African thumb piano — also known as the sanza, kalimba, or mbira — creates some of the world’s most beautiful and innocent sounds. Simple and pure, it has a timelessness that less repetitive, more complex instruments can never duplicate. And it is fairly easy to build and even easier to play. In fact, anyone playing it can make Perfect Music.
##A 14 310503 162
##T Sound Designs
All you need is a small piece of wood say 3 by 12 by 3/8 inches thick, a long piece of sturdy string — use a coreless braid nylon to be extra safe — and a metal swivel available wherever fishing gear is sold. Cut or carve your wood into the general shape of the illustration, attach screw eye, swivel, string (do use a secure knot), and you are ready to swing. If the sound doesn’t appear immediately, try reversing the direction or speed, and check to see that the cord hasn’t gotten tangled. The board should spin around its axis while moving around your head. Varying the speed will also change the sound. For added beauty you may wish to carve decorations in the wood as is the custom in the South Sea islands where this instrument is often used as part of the fertility and puberty ceremonies.
##A 14 121037 163
##T Musical Instruments of the World
Musical Instruments of the World
With sufficient cleverness I daresay you could cobble together some damned interesting instruments just by close attention to the illustrations, profuse (4,000) and detailed as they are, in this absorbing survey of the world’s sound-makers.
— Stewart Brand
##A 14 121258 164
##T Musical Instruments of the World
(An Illustrated Encyclopedia)
The Diagram Group
1980; 320 pp.
ISBN 0816013098
$14.95 postpaid
Facts on File
460 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10016
##A 14 121760 165
##T Musical Instruments of the World
A Kenyan musician playing the obukano, a large bowl-shaped lyre that has been described as “the double bass of East Africa.” This instrument has eight strings, tuned by adjusting the rings on the crossbar. It is played with the fingers. Smaller lyres are also widely found in Kenya.
##A 14 121960 166
##T Musical Instruments of the World
Bellows-blown and mouth-blown bagpipes. The bellows-blown bagpipe (a) has a small skin bag inflated by bellows strapped to the right arm. The large bag of the mouth-blown bagpipes (b) is inflated through a short mouth pipe fixed in one of the skin’s forelegs.
##A 14 478885 167
##T Musical Instruments of the World
Membranophones are instruments in which the sound is made by the vibration of a stretched membrane, or skin. There are two basic types — drums and, much less important, mirlitons [such as kazoos]. Evidence from art proves the existence of drums at least 4000 years ago in Mesopotamia and Egypt, but the perishable nature of the materials from which drums are made has meant that few ancient examples survive. Today, drums are enormously popular throughout the world, and are made in a great variety of styles. Many peoples consider drums to have magical and ritual significance, using them to ward off evil and to appeal to good spirits. Drums are also important signaling and battle instruments, as well as being popular for accompanying singing and dancing. Since the 1700s drums have been
included in the Western orchestra.
##A 14 192927 168
##T Buying Instruments
##A 14 31655 169
##T Elderly Instruments
Elderly Instruments
Elderly Instruments have grown over the years to become a full-scale musical emporium. They have expanded from their original acoustic stringed instrument base to offering musical instruments of every variety from all corners of the world, from Irish whistles to Indian hand percussion dholaks to Japanese drum machines and mixers. In addition to complete new instruments, they also offer used instruments, spare parts, accessories, and a useful selection of books. Their service is legendary and there are those who say that if they had to choose the only surviving music store it would have to be Elderly Instruments.
— Jonathan E.
(Suggested by Jim Stockford)
##A 14 31897 170
##T Elderly Instruments
Instrument Catalog, Book Catalog, Record Catalog, & Electric Guitars and Accessories Catalog free. International requests $2 each.
Elderly Instruments
1100 North Washington
PO Box 14210
Lansing, MI 48901
##A 14 32284 171
##T Elderly Instruments
ANGLO (or GERMAN) CONCERTINAS produce 2 different notes on the same button (push-pull). The Anglo is used often by singers and to play Morris dance tunes.
##A 14 305157 172
##T Elderly Instruments
DAMRU (MONKEY DRUM) This hourglass-shaped little drum is associated with the god Shiva, the Hindu destroyer and progenitor of universes. Played also by bear trainers, snake charmers and fakirs, it is simply swivelled by the wrist, allowing the string knot to alternately strike the 2 heads, while the straps are squeezed to change its pitch. Since the old adage “It’s all in the wrist” applies to nearly every musical instrument there is, the damru is great training to keep those wrists loose and coordinated.
UDAKKA This large version of the damru is nearly identical to the central African talking drums, though it comes from the extreme south of India, and is used for folk music. The left elbow squeezes the loose straps, changing the pitch of the head, which is struck by a curved stick or the fingers of the right hand. Intriguing sound. 20 cm. head
##A 14 123330 173
##T The Guitar Owner’s Manual
The Guitar Owner’s Manual
This John Muir publication tells you what to look for and what to avoid when buying an acoustic guitar. It then tells you how to maintain it when it’s yours. There’s a chapter on various tuning methods. Simple repairs and adjustments are also covered along with basic PA amplification. Electric guitars are given a brief overview.
Will Martin has pitched this book at the absolute beginner as well as those with some background. His tone is sympathetic and relaxed and he assumes you may know nothing. But as for himself,
he’s obviously seen, heard and touched a lot of guitars, inside and out, in his lifetime.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 123410 174
##T The Guitar Owner’s Manual
(Buying, Repairing & Maintaining an Acoustic Guitar)
Will Martin
1983; 107 pp.
ISBN 0912528303
$6.95 ($7.95 postpaid)
W. W. Norton
500 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10110
(800) 223-4830
##A 14 74757 175
##T The Guitar Owner’s Manual
##A 14 154616 176
##T The Guitar Owner’s Manual
A softshell case is fine if you never intend to take the instrument out of your room. Otherwise, a hardshell case is worth the investment if you’ve got any value at all in the guitar.
You know that little key they give you to lock your case? Throw it away. Anybody who would steal your guitar will steal the case and break the lock. The lock is good only against toddlers who are old enough to open regular latches, but not inventive enough yet to use a fingernail file.
Cases with locks are like driveways with Private — Keep Out signs. If you didn’t intend to trespass, you wouldn’t need to see the sign. If you did intend to trespass, the sign wouldn’t stop you.
##A 14 215700 177
##T The Guitar Owner’s Manual
If the guitar you’ve got is a used one, check for fret wear. If there’s a little dent on the fret under each string, it probably needs new frets. That’s not usually an owner repair. It’s best to get a luthier to do it. It costs money and often requires a lengthy separation from the instrument. Repairpersons and luthiers tend to shelve such a task, meditate on it, and wait for an inspiration to strike before they pick up your instrument to fix it. And don’t bug a luthier. If he’s got your guitar and hasn’t fixed it yet and you rush him, you’ll get it back fixed by a person who was pissed. That’s bad Karma.
##A 14 220013 178
##T The Guitar Owner’s Manual
If you buy a new guitar and the action is too high, you may be disappointed; but if the guitar buzzes, you’ll be irate and probably take it back to the store. Manufacturers know this. They also know that to accurately adjust the action of each guitar takes more time than they want to take, so they intentionally make the action too high. Because no single action height is right for every player, they figure that anyone bothered by a high action should be able to find a way to lower it to individual taste.
Some stores will tell you that they have someone who really knows his stuff, who individually adjusts every guitar they sell. Usually they still leave the action too high, for the same reasons. Better to have pain than buzzes.
##A 14 304163 179
The standing rule of thumb in electronic music is that having many really cheap synthesizers is better than having a single expensive one. Richness and diversity in sound comes by the different ways in which each synthesizer computes a signal. Yamaha uses FM —Frequency Modulation — for its synthesizing function. Casio uses PD —Phase Distortion. Others use an “additive” algorithm. Take a multitude of sources, blend them together, and you’ll get sound textured in the way real-life sounds are — impure, uneven, rich.
Combining sound generators, there’s no reason to have a keyboard on each, so the cheapest synthesizer module doesn’t. It is the multi-timbral Yamaha FB-01 (about $350), roughly the size of a hardback book. Some music stores that cater to electronic
##A 14 304418 180
musicians have these keyboardless units stacked on the floor. Composers walk out with three or four of them. Each one they add is another layer of grain in their music fabric.
To use them you’ll need at least one keyboard. You can use either a computer with MIDI software and interface or a synth board. Consider a used Yamaha DX-7(about $1,000), the old music industry workhorse. A less expensive alternative option for a semi-professional tool is to find an old CZ-101, put it together with the nifty FB-01 box. You get two flavors of sound generation
(FM and PD) for more variety.
— Kevin Kelly and Ramon Sender Barayon
##A 14 304996 181
Yamaha FB-01
Information free
Yamaha Music Corporation USA
Digital Musical Instrument Division
Orangethorpe Avenue
Buena Park, CA 90620
Prices quoted in review are approximate.
##A 14 221359 182
Casio Synthesizers
Information free
EMP Inc.
Casio Distribution
2915 South 160th Street
New Berlin, WI 53151
Prices quoted in review are approximate.
##A 14 279761 183
##T Instruments
##A 14 40698 184
##T Musical Saw
Musical Saw
I play saw. It’s the easiest instrument to learn except maybe for kazoo — you can get into it in a week or two well enough to show off. People generally eat it up: “Hey look . . . he’s playing a SAW!” What I like best is being able to sit in on some good bluegrass (the slow numbers). Hank Williams tunes are just right. You can get together with other saw-ers and do barbershop harmony too. Yes, you can probably play the saw you have hanging in the garage, but even the best of them (Sandvik or Disston) will only give you an octave or so. This professional saw gets a good two octaves and sounds fine wailing along as harmony with a fiddle. No particular skill needed except you have to be able to carry a tune.
— J. Baldwin
##A 14 40940 185
##T Musical Saw
Tenor Musical Saw
$38.45 postpaid;
Complete package
(includes Saw, Instructions, Mallet, Bows, Case, and Tape):
$63 postpaid
Information free
Mussehl & Westphal
1537 Beech Drive
East Troy, WI 53120
##A 14 224741 186
##T Musical Saw
More fun than computers!
— Dr. Anne L. Hoihjelle
##A 14 191685 187
##T The Stick
The Stick
Imagine an electric guitar; now, lose the body; widen the neck to accommodate a set of bass strings, and stretch the whole thing out to 5 1/2 octaves. What you have is The Stick, the brainchild of jazz musician and inventor Emmett Chapman. You play the Stick by tapping the strings against the instrument’s neck, piano-style, to produce an amazing variety of tones and sound textures. A great advantage of the Stick’s two-handed playing technique is that it gives you complete freedom to play both the melody and bass parts simultaneously. Chapman’s most recent innovations are 2 MIDI-compatible versions of the Stick, a 5 MIDI string model, and a full 10 MIDI string version. Older models can be retrofitted by Stick Enterprises with MIDI pick-ups.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 14 191979 188
##T The Stick
Suggested retail $1041.
The new hybrid system with 5 MIDI strings is $1891;
10 MIDI string version $2491. Brochure free from:
Stick Enterprises
8320 Yucca Trail
Los Angeles, CA 90046
##A 14 192534 189
##T The Stick
Tony Levin on tour with the Stick
##A 14 192274 190
##T The Stick
A lesson book entitled “Free Hands,” by Emmett Chapman, is filled with fingering diagrams for chords, scales, bass lines, rudiments and patterns for each hand. The book teaches applied music theory by way of photos, illustrations, song arrangements, and Emmett’s specialized tablature for the fingers.
For those who want demonstrations or lessons, Stick Enterprises can refer advanced players and teachers almost anywhere in the world. A discography of records with The Stick is also available.
“My Favorite Things” “Voices” “Waltzing Matilda”
##A 14 188476 191
##T Roland D-50
Roland D-50
Roland must have asked musicians exactly what they wanted in a synthesizer because the D-50 just about has it all: the ability to create new and different sounds, the realism of a sampler, built-in effects like Chorus, EQ and reverb, and a responsive keyboard. The D-50 uses an innovative Linear Arithmetic (LA) synthesizer to produce warm, analog-like tones; the D-50 also carries 100 sampled sounds in its memory; you can combine these with your synthesized sounds, or use them to construct realistic-sounding samples. The D-50 is also easy to use (although you might not know it from looking at the owner’s manual). Unlike FM synthesis, as on Yamaha’s DX-7, the D-50’s LA synthesis allows you to create
##A 14 119452 192
##T Roland D-50
the sounds you have in mind, quickly and predictably. If you’re looking for a performance synthesizer that sounds good, is easy to use, and offers a wealth of resources for programming new sounds, the D-50 may be just the right instrument for you.
— Paul Blankinship
##A 14 190650 193
##T Roland D-50
Suggested retail $2095
(but available for much less at many independent music stores)
Catalog free from:
Roland Corp US
7200 Dominion Circle
Los Angeles, CA 90040
##A 14 42644 194
##T Roland D-50
##A 14 377261 195
##T Roland D-50
Select a voice, click on the keyboard
##A 14 190987 196
##T Roland D-50
Ushering in a new era in digital synthesis, the D-50 is surprisingly simple to operate, providing musicians an unsurpassed performance with almost limitless powers of expression. This is immediately apparent to anyone even slightly familiar with a synthesizer. The D-50 has been designed to enable you to take full advantage of your knowledge of analog synthesizers for the creation of sounds digitally. For example, by simply substituting the D-50’s WG, TVF, and TVA for the conventional concepts of DCO, VCF, and VCA, you can immediately begin to explore the exciting possibilities of digital sound synthesis. An optional PG-1000 programmer (sold separately) will have you creating your own sounds just as spontaneously as you would with the switches and sliders on the panel of an analog synth. The D-50 is also equipped with new features for easier editing, such as a back-lit LCD display showing two lines of forty characters, and a handy joy stick which enables you to alter the partial balance and various parameter values, either individually or several at once, while programming a sound.
##A 14 183153 197
##T Yamaha DX-7 II
Yamaha DX-7 II
The DX7II is Yamaha’s answer to its own immensely successful DX7. The most successful synthesizer in history, the DX7 put high quality sounds into a user affordable package. This high quality/low cost combination was made possible by the use of FM synthesis. The DX7II’s sounds are produced in the same way, but with 6 operators and 32 algorithms. The DX7II will play the Original DX7 sounds, as well as the richer, more complex 6 operator sounds. It has a 16 note polyphonic output and single, dual and split keyboard modes. With the addition of the cost and quality which made the original DX7 such a great keyboard to the DX7II’s new features and better sounds, Yamaha may have created another classic.
Ÿ The Complete Yamaha DX7II Book — Paul Blankinship
##A 14 183400 198
##T Yamaha DX-7 II
Information free
Yamaha Music Corporation, USA
6600 Orangethorpe Avenue
Buena Park, CA 90620
Two models available:
DX—7II D and
##A 14 184188 199
##T Yamaha DX-7 II
##A 14 184053 200
##T Yamaha DX-7 II
Select a voice, click on the keyboard
##A 14 286305 201
##T Yamaha DX-7 II
Random Pitch
Every time the same note is played on a violin, trumpet or a number of other acoustic instruments, it is produced at a slightly different pitch — this is one of the factors that contribute to the “warmth” of acoustic music, and gives the listener a feel for the number of players in an ensemble.
The DX7IIFD and DX7IID give you this same warmth with the new Random Pitch feature. The pitch of each note is varied randomly, dramatically adding to the fullness and life of the sound. The range of random pitch variation can be changed in 7 steps to suit different types of voice. (Continued on next card)
##A 14 262580 202
##T Yamaha DX-7 II
Aftertouch Pitch Control
Pitch bend effects on acoustic instruments are totally integrated with the playing of the note — a change in embrochure or the position of a finger — and thus are easily introduced as an expressive extension of the music. In synthesizers, however, the
application of pitch bend generally depends on the operation of a separate control wheel or lever. This not only means that a separate control has to be coordinated with the playing of the note, but one hand is entirely occupied with pitch bend rather than playing. The DX7IIFD and DX7IID bring pitch bend back to the realm of touch with aftertouch-controlled pitch. Increased pressure on a key can cause an increase or
decrease in pitch over a specified range, so you can actually “feel” pitch bends like never before. Maximum aftertouch pitch bend range is +/- 4 octaves.
##A 14 169031 203
One of the most astonishing musical innovations in decades is the digital sampler. A sampler records any sound — say, a clang of pots, or a cough, or a guitar strum on an old 78 — and lets you play that sound across a keyboard in several octaves. You can walk around the house recording what you find, or take stuff off TV commercials. You probably wouldn’t want to, but it’s possible to play Bach on the cough. Other fun things you can do include looping the sound so it plays back continuously (until you’re loopy yourself) or reversing it to make your own back-masked Satanic messages. Depending on your sampler, you can tweak the sound in the usual ways synthesizers do, by adding harmonics, or distorting
Ÿ Music Software
##A 14 458480 204
frequencies, until it’s hardly recognizable. Great for phone answering machine messages. With a sampler anything — streetcars, insects, the whish of the wind — can become an instrument, so that, in a sense, one can now play the whole Earth.
Those who listen to current hip-hop and who are familiar with the funk and soul of the sixties and seventies knows that sampling is what’s happening in that particular recording scene. It is also used in a much more discrete fashion in any number of other recent recordings to get that certain bass or drum sound. There are huge libraries of premade samples for those who need them,
Ÿ Technical Music Mags
##A 14 305436 205
but the streetwise take the riffs straight off the old records, lay them over their latest drum machine rhythm, scratch and rap a bit, and next thing you know, there’s a hit record. Of course, you’ve gotta use your imagination too.
What’s the best way to get into the fray? The cheapest route is Casio’s SK-10 which lists for about $99. It has an adequate built-in microphone and a combined RCA mic/line input for prerecorded sounds. It’ll capture a second and a half’s worth of signal at about AM-radio quality. Then you play the miniature keys up and down across two and a half octaves, and it squeaks out the “notes”
##A 14 306023 206
through the built-in speakers. Casio have two more budget samplers, the SK-5 and the SK-8, listing at about $170 each. Both offer pre-set sounds and rhythms to play along with. The major difference is that the SK-5 has rhythm pads that will trigger your samples, while the SK-8 has a slot for pre-made ROM packs of sounds. Both have a built-in mic or can accept input from either an external 1/4" mic or line source.
A more serious model like the Casio FZ-1 (about $1,800) will digitize and store up to 64 sounds on a built-in 3–1/2” floppy disk, and play them back over five octaves on a full-scale keyboard.
##A 14 191296 207
Sound segments up to 14 seconds long can be captured. Most importantly, it sends the signals out in MIDI standard, which allows the sound to be reproduced by any piece of professional electronic recording equipment or music-processing instrument.
Affordable music samplers like these are dismantling the boundaries of sound.
— Kevin Kelly & Jonathan E.
(Suggested by Richard Kadrey)
##A 14 306311 208
Casio Digital Samplers
Information free
EMP Inc.
Casio Distribution
2915 South 160th St.
New Berlin, WI 53151
##A 14 306877 209
The FZ-1 features an 8-stage Loop function which allows the insertion of up to 8 loops in the sampled sound. These loops can be inserted at any point in the sampled sound’s waveform, using loop “Start” and “End” parameters.
In addition, a Cross Fade Time parameter allows smooth transition from the end of one section into the beginning of another. Trace and Skip parameters allow tracing of one specified loop pattern or skipping to the next specified loop. . . .
##A 14 106261 210
##A 14 280146 211
##A 14 227721 212
by Rob Griffith
Electronic technology has given musicians powerful tools: among them synthesizers, sound samplers (devices which store sounds as digital information), sequencers, and editors (devices which store sequences of sounds and give the musician the ability to delete or add notes or parts, to play passages at various speeds, to change the order of parts, and to write compositions in step time and then play them back in real time). However, in the early years each manufacturer had a different standard. A Yamaha sequencer, for example, might not work properly to sequence a part played on a Roland synthesizer. In order to allow various musical instruments
##A 14 233510 213
and computers to work with each other regardless of the manufacturer, a standard interface format was developed called MIDI, Musical Instrument Digital Interface.
In order to implement MIDI, at least two devices are needed, a TRIGGER (or a MASTER) and a SLAVE. The most common master device is a keyboard. The most common slave is a sound module, for example a synthesizer or a sound sampler. MIDI can also be used to attach musical devices to a computer so that compositions can be recorded, edited, and scored.
##A 14 118623 214
Keyboards are the most common trigger devices, but MIDI events can also be triggered by other devices. The MIDI guitar is played very much like an electric guitar. Some triggers are activated by hitting them with drumsticks, for example Octapads. Another common trigger is the wind synthesizer, which is played much like a reed instrument. Information stored in a computer can also act as a triggering device. There are a variety of triggers already available, and more in the wings.
##A 14 151331 215
When a MIDI signal is triggered, it is sent to a sound module, which transforms the MIDI signal into an electronic wave. This wave is then amplified and sent to a speaker system where it becomes a sound wave. The most common slave modules are synthesizers and sample players. A synthesizer generates new wave forms using electronic oscillators, filters, etc. A sample is simply a digital recording of an actual sound, for example, a drum beat. MIDI can also be used to trigger non-musical devices, for example, stage lights.
##A 14 225082 216
MIDI devices communicate with each other through MIDI PORTS and CABLES. There are three types of ports, IN, OUT, and THRU. MIDI cables are made of shielded twisted-pair cable and must be less than 50 feet long. MIDI cables are attached to MIDI ports using a 5 pin DIN connector. The OUT port of one device is connected to the IN or THRU port of another device. MIDI data is sent OUT of the trigger device, IN to a slave device, and possibly THRU that slave device and IN to another slave device. Networks of devices may be set up in three basic configurations: a DAISY CHAIN, a STAR, or a RING.
##A 14 225531 217
The trigger device sends MIDI messages, which are simply instructions telling the slave what to do. For example, when a key is pressed on a keyboard, a message is sent telling the module to turn a note on. When the key is let up, a message is sent to turn the note off. There are two types of messages, called CHANNEL MESSAGES and SYSTEM MESSAGES. Channel messages can only be received by devices set to receive on that channel, while system messages can be received by all devices in the system.
##A 14 226063 218
Up to 16 independent simultaneous messages can be sent over one MIDI cable on different MIDI CHANNELS. This means that one sequencer can send independent sequences to up to 16 independent sound modules at the same time. For example, a DRUM MACHINE (a module which plays drum sounds) could be assigned to MIDI CHANNEL 1, a synth bass sound module could be assigned to MIDI CHANNEL 2, and a synth piano could be assigned to MIDI CHANNEL 3. The sequencer could then store a piano, bass and drum composition, and send the data for this composition OUT through one MIDI
##A 14 226555 219
cable. This MIDI cable could be attached to the IN MIDI PORT on one of the sound modules. The data will pass THRU that module, where it can be sent to the other 2 modules. MIDI CHANNELS are similar to cable TV where several channels are broadcast simultaneously through one cable.
##A 14 226735 220
There are four selectable MIDI MODES that determine how a device listens to messages and plays notes:
1. OMNI ON/POLY — Messages are received on all channels, and polyphonic (more than one note at a time) voice messages are played.
2. OMNI ON/MONO — Messages are received on all channels, but only monophonic (one note at a time) voice messages are played.
3. OMNI OFF/POLY — Messages are received on only one channel at a time. Polyphonic voice messages are played.
4. OMNI OFF/MONO — Messages are received on one channel at a time, and notes are played monophonically.
##A 14 227054 221
MIDI messages can be recorded in real time, and then played back at the same tempo, faster, or slower. A device called a MIDI CLOCK is used to time the recording, and a device called a SEQUENCER is used to record the sequence of MIDI events. The MIDI CLOCK sends messages to START, CONTINUE, or STOP a sequence. When a clock is started, the sequencer will record or play MIDI events until it is told to stop. It can start the sequence from the beginning or continue the sequence from the point where it stopped. MIDI TIME CODE consists of 24 ppq (pulses per quarter note). A slave sequencer can be SYNCHRONIZED to start, stop or continue at the same time and tempo as a master sequencer if they are both using the same clock.
##A 14 227323 222
Computers can be used to record sequences of MIDI data in real time or in step time (i.e. hunting and pecking one note at a time). These sequences can then be edited. For example, notes can be changed, or timing can be quantized (moved so that all the notes in a sequence begin right on the beat) or randomized (moved so that all the notes fall slightly off the beat to make the sequence sound less stiff and mechanical). Computers can also be used to create special effects, like echo effects. Synth patches can be stored on disk using system-exclusive messages. In fact, the uses of computers and MIDI are constantly evolving and expanding. In order to use MIDI with your computer, you will need a MIDI INTERFACE (unless your computer has a built in MIDI port).
##A 14 227541 223
There are various devices which can help you manage your MIDI system. A THRU BOX can split the signal from one master device and send it to several slaves. A MIDI MERGER can take the signals from several masters and send them to one slave. A MIDI SWITCH BOX can route MIDI messages to various devices. And finally, if you want current information about MIDI, join The International MIDI Association (see next card for the address).
##A 14 193415 224
The International MIDI Association
The International MIDI Association
11857 Hartsook Street
North Hollywood, CA 91607
##A 14 167327 225
##T MIDI for Musicians
MIDI for Musicians
This is the first, and still one of the best general introductions to MIDI technology. It gives a brief history of electronic music technology, and explains why MIDI was needed. If you were stranded on a desert island with a complete MIDI studio and could only have one book, this one would be a good choice. The author is one of the most respected gurus of music technology, is the editor of Electronic Musician, and has written numerous books. His style is clear and informative without being condescending.
— Rob Griffith
##A 14 167879 226
##T MIDI for Musicians
Craig Anderton
1986; 105 pp.
ISBN 082562214X
$14.95 ($16.45 postpaid)
Music Sales Corp.
Distribution Center
PO Box 572
Chester, NY 10918
##A 14 168155 227
##T MIDI for Musicians
Due to the rapid rate of technological change, instruments often became obsolete within a few months after their introduction. Eventually keyboard players were almost afraid to buy anything because they felt that a newer, better version would be introduced soon. Although MIDI hasn’t put an end to this problem, it has certainly helped extend the useful life of a piece of equipment by making it compatible with newer devices.
##A 14 167661 228
##T MIDI for Musicians
##A 14 261144 229
##T MIDI for Musicians
Why Send Data Serially?
When MIDI was in its infancy, there was much debate over whether to adopt parallel transmission, which is far faster than serial transmission. However, parallel transmission requires more interconnecting wires between instruments, which leads to much more expensive connectors and can also create ground loop and hum problems. Using parallel transmission would have priced MIDI out of the market for low-cost gear, thus defeating the whole purpose of MIDI as a “universal language.” Another reason is that the computers inside most instruments are incapable of handling superfast data rates anyway; they are pretty preoccupied with scanning keyboards, generating envelopes, running displays, and so on.
##A 14 194364 230
##T The MIDI Book
The MIDI Book
The thing that sets this introductory MIDI book apart from the other similar books is that it contains exercises so that you can learn not just the theory, but also get some hands on experience. As anyone who’s worked with computers or music technology knows, one of the stumbling blocks to learning how to use equipment is that the manuals and literature are often very difficult to translate into understandable English. This book is user friendly. There are lots of clear diagrams, and the print is large and easy to read.
— Rob Griffith
##A 14 194627 231
##T The MIDI Book
(Using MIDI and Related Interfaces)
Steve De Furia and Joe Scacciaferro
1986; 5 pp.
ISBN 081885142
Hal Leonard Books
8112 West Bluemound Road
PO Box 13819
Milwaukee, WI 53213
##A 14 195142 232
##T The MIDI Book
Simply put, interfacing means establishing a flow of information between two or more parts of a system. The interface is the pathway through which information flows. With synthesizers, the interface serves as a conduit between the performer’s actions and the sound-generating components of the instrument itself. Without interfacing, playing music with synthesizers would be impossible.
In an acoustic piano, the interface between the performer and the sound-generating strings is the mechanical system of keys, levers and hammers linked to specific strings. Similarly, in the first monophonic synthesizers (like Mini Moogs and ARP Odysseys), each key, knob, or other control is wired directly to a specific synthesizer circuit, creating the interface between the performer and the sound-generating hardware.
##A 14 195405 233
##T The MIDI Book
Messages arriving at an instrument’s MIDI IN port are routed to the internal voices. The instrument will respond to these messages as though they originated from its own controls.
The THRU port transmits an exact duplicate of all messages arriving via the IN port. This makes it possible to pass the messages on to additional instruments. The THRU port does not carry messages originating from the instrument’s own controls.
##A 14 195038 234
##T The MIDI Book
MIDI Message Flow
An instrument can be controlled simultaneously by its own keyboard and by messages arriving via the IN port.
Notice that the THRU and OUT ports do NOT carry the same messages.
##A 14 212409 235
##T The MIDI Book
In the “Star Network” configuration, a MIDI THRU Box is used to route messages from the OUT port of Synth A to the IN ports of synths B, C, and D. Using a THRU Box minimizes data distortion, which can cause problems in a daisy chain configuration.
##A 14 200605 236
##T Computer Literacy for Musicians
Computer Literacy for Musicians
When I bought my first computer and started to play with MIDI, I made a lot of mistakes and lost hours of work because I didn’t understand certain things about computers. I wish this book had been available back then. It covers all the general topics of MIDI and also reviews products and contains information about well known musicians who use computers in music.
— Rob Griffith
##A 14 200827 237
##T Computer Literacy for Musicians
Fred T. Hofstetter
1988; 400 pp.
ISBN 0131644777
$32 postpaid
Prentice Hall
200 Old Tappan Rd.
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 14 198777 238
##T Music Through MIDI
Music Through MIDI
This excellent introduction gives detailed descriptions of various aspects of the MIDI standard and how to use it. It is more text and less diagram oriented than some of the other books, although there are plenty of illustrations. The book also reviews a variety of MIDI products including computer systems.
— Rob Griffith
This book covers more background and a wider range than the other books. It also profiles the MIDI setups of four professionals: on stage, in the studio, at Mills College, and a relatively low cost home system. There’s a handy list of manufacturers’ addresses and their products.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 199443 239
##T Music Through MIDI
Michael Boom
1987; 320 pp.
ISBN 1556150261
$19.95 ($21.95 postpaid)
Microsoft Press
16011 N.E. 36th
Box 97017
Redmond, WA 98073-9717
##A 14 200046 240
##T Music Through MIDI
Setting Up Patch Libraries
A computer can store much more information than the simple MIDI messages that are sent during music performance. It can also store the system exclusive messages that MIDI devices use to transmit patch data. By storing this data, the computer can serve as a “patch librarian.” A musician can design new and unique sound qualities on the synthesizer, store them as patches in the computer, and then recall them as they are called for. Because a computer usually has a much larger memory for patch storage than a synthesizer (capable of storing thousands of patches instead of 20 or 30), a computer patch library substantially increases the number of patches you can work with on a synthesizer.
##A 14 200215 241
##T Music Through MIDI
An envelope shown using attack, decay, sustain, and release stages. The figures under the envelope show how the envelope is tied to the beginning and ending of a note played on a keyboard.
##A 14 234195 242
##T Music Through MIDI
One of Polansky’s major frustrations with MIDI is that it was designed to accommodate traditional music and doesn’t do many of the things he needs to do in the experimental music he writes. “The basic problem is that any time you try to define a standard,” he says, “you close out a lot of people’s ideas. After all, one connotation of ‘standard’ is ‘flag’ — MIDI becomes a flag that people wave. I hate to see musicians adopting any standard. I think if you adopt a standard in music, you’re dead. You’ve basically eliminated experimentation.”
One of the specific MIDI concepts that Polansky finds objectionable involves the rigid definitions of the MIDI messages. “MIDI has all these words — Note On, Note Off, Aftertouch — and they’re not just words,” he says. “They’re actually defined. They restrict information significantly.” As another example, he points out that MIDI
##A 14 384664 243
##T Music Through MIDI
doesn’t pass any information about envelopes. It assumes that each synthesizer sets its own envelopes; MIDI doesn’t let you control the envelopes individually from a computer. He also points out that MIDI is locked into one type of tuning, the standard,
12-tone scale, and won’t allow experimental tunings or non-standard scales with more than 12 tones in an octave. These limitations, along with a slow data transfer rate and a lack of substantial control of timbre and other musical parameters, make MIDI unsuitable for much of the music created at Mills College.
##A 14 196307 244
##T The MIDI Reference Series
The MIDI Reference Series
MIDI is designed to connect different pieces of equipment together in a relatively straightforward manner. However, once you’re into complex systems it’s not quite as simple as just sticking one end of the cable in the in port and the other in the out port. This series presents technical information for advanced MIDI users.
The MIDI Resource Book is the core of the series, containing the MIDI 1.0 Specification, a general overview of MIDI technical considerations, sample dump standards, and manufacturer’s system exclusive formats. It also tells you how to use this information so you can push MIDI to the limits.
Not all MIDI devices offer all the features offered in the MIDI Specification. The MIDI Implementation Book shows how MIDI is
##A 14 178492 245
##T The MIDI Reference Series
implemented in various devices. It is useful both for the MIDI software developer and for the person who wants to know what features are offered in various devices before making an expensive purchase.
The MIDI Standard provides for MIDI devices to transmit information which is unique to particular devices, so that, for example, a computer could be used as an editor or librarian for synthesizer patches. This information is called SYSTEM EXCLUSIVE data. The MIDI System Exclusive Book is for developers who want to develop sysex software. It contains system exclusive data for most of the common MIDI modules. The books are cross-referenced.
— Rob Griffith
##A 14 198515 246
##T The MIDI Reference Series
The MIDI Resource Book
Steve De Furia and Joe Scacciaferro
1987; 148 pp.
ISBN 0881885878
$17.95 ($19.95 postpaid)
Hal Leonard Books
8112 West Bluemound Road
PO Box 13819
Milwaukee, WI 53213
##A 14 196419 247
##T The MIDI Reference Series
The MIDI Implementation Book
Steve De Furia & Joe Scacciaferro
1986; 216 pp.
ISBN 0881885584
$19.95 ($21.95 postpaid)
Hal Leonard Books
8112 West Bluemound Road
PO Box 13819
Milwaukee, WI 53213
##A 14 194088 248
##T The MIDI Reference Series
The MIDI System Exclusive Book
Steve De Furia and Joe Scacciaferro
1986; 360 pp.
ISBN 088188586X
$29.95 ($31.95 postpaid)
Hal Leonard Books
8112 West Bluemound Road
PO Box 13819
Milwaukee, WI 53213
##A 14 193229 249
##T The MIDI Reference Series
Here is a list of instrument parameters that may be accessible via System Exclusive messages on many instruments that don’t provide means of controlling them via Channel Voice messages.
• Filter Cut-Off
• Amplifier Gain
• Envelope Parameters
• Modulator/Carrier Tuning Ratios
• Chorus Rate and Speed
• Oscillator Level
• Waveform Select
• LFO Rate
— The MIDI Resource Book
##A 14 197059 250
##T The MIDI Reference Series
The MIDI Implementation Chart was an attempt on the part of the Japanese manufacturers (members of the Japanese MIDI Standards Committee, or JMSC) to provide, in a unified way, information concerning the way that MIDI is implemented on a synthesizer, drum machine, sequencer, accessory box, or indeed, any unit that has a MIDI connector. What commands does the unit send; what commands does it respond to? Does it send Velocity with its notes? What does it do with Program Change commands outside its normal range? How about a range of Note Commands? Systems Exclusive? Song Position Pointer? What Modes does it go into?
— Jim Cooper from the Introduction
— The MIDI Implementation Book
##A 14 227992 251
##T The MIDI Reference Series
In this book, there are over 200 complete Implementation Charts from over 30 makers of MIDI devices. These charts (collected with assistance of the MMA, JMSC, IMA, and many independent MIDI manufacturers) represent virtually every type of MIDI product on the market today. We’ve provided a unique double-listing system that allows you to locate any Implementation Chart within the book by two different methods. Use the “Product Listing” when you want to locate a specific product and the “Application Listing” when you are looking for a device that meets particular MIDI criteria, or if you want to compare MIDI implementations of similar devices.
— The MIDI Implementation Book.
##A 14 198210 252
##T The MIDI Reference Series
System Exclusive was originally designed to be a MIDI catch-all. There were specific commands set aside for “universal” concepts, such as Note On, Pitch Bend, and Program Change. But what about not so universal usages? There was no way that the original drafters of the MIDI Specification could foresee all the possible directions that the design of a synthesizer might go in. And beyond that, it was clear from the beginning that the actual bits and bytes that comprised a data dump from one model of synthesizer would have no meaning for a different model or brand.
So System Exclusive was invented to allow each manufacturer to have its own set of customized commands that would in no way interfere with other brands or even different models of his own. He could set aside a set of commands to indicate a data
dump of memory, a command for each push of a front panel button, and even a
##A 14 197142 253
##T The MIDI Reference Series
command to adjust the temperature of the room. As long as the command starts with the byte F0h, has the manufacturer’s I.D. next, and ends with the byte F7h, any string of bytes can go in between, with the meaning set by the manufacturer.
— Jim Cooper from the introduction to The MIDI System Exclusive Book
System Exclusive Data Formats
This information details the actual codes used by the device to transmit or recognize
“System Exclusive Messages.” With this information and a computer or the proper programmable MIDI controller, you can access instrument functions and performance parameters that are not covered by MIDI Channel Mode, Channel Voice, System Common, and System Real Time messages. Many of these listings also contain
“Parameter Tables” and “Bit-Maps” that reveal how voice, sequence, parameter
(etc.) data is structured for the unit in question.
##A 14 378037 254
##T The MIDI Reference Series
Communication Protocols
For many devices, information detailing two-way communication (“handshaking protocols”) accompanies the System Exclusive codes. You’ll find this information extremely useful, particularly if you plan on transmitting System Exclusive messages between devices made by different manufacturers.
Implementation Details
Important “operational details” are not covered in a standard implementation chart, such as the use of MIDI related front-panel controls, control number assignments, changing power-up defaults, or what MIDI note numbers are mapped to particular sounds on a drum machine, are examples of the types of additional data contained in many of these listings in this book. (Standard implementation data for each device is listed separately in “The MIDI Implementation Book.”)
— The MIDI System Exclusive Book.
##A 14 208735 255
##T Studios
##A 14 313619 256
##T Modern Recording Techniques
Modern Recording Techniques
Arcane technical knowledge is not easily accessible when you start out trying to record something in high fidelity. You can wade through the wisdom in this manual and come out with a stretched understanding of recording principles. The book helps you do live recordings, or set up a studio. I learned how to correctly place mikes for a live recording, and how discs are “cut” and “pressed.”
— Ramon Sender Barayon
For those with a serious interest in professional studio techniques and equipment. Much discussion of hardware. Disc manufacturing is well covered.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 313962 257
##T Modern Recording Techniques
Robert E. Runstein
and David Miles Huber
1986; 362 pp.
ISBN 0672224518
$24.95 ($27.45 postpaid)
Howard W. Sams & Co.
4300 West 62nd Street
Indianapolis, IN 46268
##A 14 179439 258
##T Modern Recording Techniques
Acoustic Environment
Acoustic environment makes use of the natural reverberation present in a concert hall or a “live” room. Under certain circumstances, the actual environment will give the most exciting and natural sound. The best example of this would be the sound of a concert hall. This environment was designed to give a natural reverberation to specific forms of music. When recording, the environment could figure very strongly in the overall sound placed on tape. Other environments can be just as important, such as the natural sound of a live recording studio in the recording of drums, or guitars used for overdubs. One studio has actually built a totally stainless-steel-lined room for modern music production.
##A 14 314460 259
##T Modern Recording Techniques
Isolating an instrument
amplifier by covering it with a sound-absorbing blanket.
##A 14 314838 260
##T Modern Recording Techniques
Preventing leakage from getting into a piano mike.
##A 14 179017 261
##T Modern Recording Techniques
Mixes should be made at consistent listening levels because the variation in the frequency response of the ear at different sound-pressure levels results in a mix sounding quite different at different monitoring levels. The level used should ideally be the same as that at which the listener will hear the record. Since most people listen to music at moderate volume, moderate monitoring levels (80- to 90-dB spl) should be used.
The mix should be tested for mono/stereo compatibility to see what changes in instrumental balances will occur when the material is played in these different formats. If the changes are drastic, the original mix may have to be modified to make, for example, an acceptable mono video mix of a stereo LP mix. A mono mix should also be monitored over a car radio type of monitor, such as the Auratone speakers to see how it will sound on a system with limited frequency response. If the mix is for a single rather than for an LP, the entire mixdown session may be done at low volume over the car radio speakers.
##A 14 315144 262
##T How To Build A Small Budget Recording Studio
How To Build A Small Budget Recording Studio
Frequently a home-based composer forgets to consider the environmental impact of his art until the neighbors begin pounding on the walls. If you need complete acoustical isolation, this detailed manual covers everything you need to construct a recording studio. Good discussion of preferred acoustical characteristics, although the writing style is that of a stiff, elderly English gent. Designs for a home studio, garage multitrack, control room servicing two studios, and many more. Even if you live in a rented space, this information could prove useful for isolating your studio from the neighbors’ ears.
— Ramon Sender Barayon
Includes equations for acoustical calculations, and has strong coverage of materials. — Jonathan E.
##A 14 315424 263
##T How To Build A Small Budget Recording Studio
F. Alton Everest and Mike Shea
2nd Edition 1988; 310 pp.
ISBN 0830629661
$14.95 postpaid
Tab Books
PO Box 40
Blue Ridge Summit, PA
717-794-2191 (PA & AK)
##A 14 316598 264
##T How To Build A Small Budget Recording Studio
Non-destructive and inexpensive window plug designed to protect the studio from exterior noise.
##A 14 179909 265
##T How To Build A Small Budget Recording Studio
The reverberation time of the garage multitrack studio is far shorter than that for more traditional recording.
##A 14 176425 266
##T How To Build A Small Budget Recording Studio
After seeing and hearing of numerous horror stories concerning attempts to treat studios acoustically at minimum cost (egg cartons come to mind), the importance of truly budget absorbing modules is emphasized. . . .
The molded plastic trays nurseries use for small bedding plants offer some promise.
. . . The large holes in the bottom give a perforation percentage of about 55 percent; that is 55 percent of its bottom is in holes. These could be fitted with pads of glass fiber of 3 pounds per cubic foot density, 1–1/2 inches thick and mounted to wall or ceiling surface with a few screws in the lip. The high perforation percentage means that this 1.7 square foot module would give the same absorption as 1–1/2 inches of glass fiber without the plastic support. Any perforation percentage above about 15 percent or 20 percent would have essentially no acoustical effect. For much lower perforation percentages a Helmholtz resonator effect takes place.
##A 14 179500 267
##T How To Build A Small Budget Recording Studio
What a tremendous difference a little thing like the type of paint used on the concrete block walls makes! This is a primary lesson to be learned from this chapter. Unless one has the resources to set up to test a concrete block wall and to measure the absorption coefficients of the specific blocks to be used, it is better to paint the stuff with a heavy paint and depend on known materials. If your heart is set on using the absorption of a particular local concrete block with its natural surface, another approach would be to approach the treatment of the room in increments, measuring reverberation time step by step as materials are added until the desired characteristics are achieved. Most of us do not have the means, the patience, or the love for certain concrete blocks to justify this.
##A 14 225963 268
##T Fostex X-30
Fostex X-30
The two big names in cassette 4-tracks, the Tascam Porta One and the Fostex X-30, are pretty close in reliability, ease of use, and overall sound quality. Since both recorders are about the same price, the significant differences are that, one, on the Fostex you can only record two tracks at a time (the Tascam lets you record four), and two, the Tascam uses DBX noise reduction, while Fostex uses Dolby (the X-30 has both Dolby B and C).
Because of this noise reduction distinction, I prefer Fostex. The gripes over loss of sound quality with Dolby have been wildly exaggerated. The biggest advantage to Dolby is that it is nearly
##A 14 203001 269
##T Fostex X-30
ubiquitous in modern stereos. You can record a piece of music on your Fostex using Dolby and hear the results accurately on almost any cassette player. Best of all, you can send out tapes straight off the recorder, to listeners and potential collaborators.
Most people recording on 4-track equipment don’t have the flashiest gear in the world, so it’s nice to have a set-up that let’s you worry as little as possible about the technical end of things. Using the Fostex X-30 with Dolby is another way to leave your brain with more time to worry about the music itself.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 14 203202 270
##T Fostex X-30
Information free
15431 Blackburn Avenue
Norwalk , CA 90650
##A 14 297405 271
##T Fostex X-30
##A 14 203525 272
##T Fostex X-30
The X-30 personal multitracker is like a personal computer in two respects. First, it may be used for business or pleasure, or both; second, and most important, what you get out of it depends on what you put into it.
4-track cassette recorder/mixers have been available for some time now. Popular records, commercial jingles and even soundtracks have been produced with these devices.
You won’t have to become an engineer in order to make good tapes with the X-30. You will have to learn a few fundamentals about recording (if you don’t know), which controls to use, and in what sequence.
The importance of good microphones can’t be stressed hard enough. The “garbage in, garbage out” computer axiom applies here as well.
##A 14 316851 273
##T TEAC Tascam PortaOne
TEAC Tascam PortaOne
The heart of home recording is an inexpensive mixing and editing setup. There is an increasing number of mixers for sale that are based on cassettes. I recommend the TEAC Tascam Porta One (for $450 street price; $549 list).
You can record 4-tracks at once onto one normal cassette tape. Or by systematically sweeping and mixing tracks, you get a poor
man’s 10-track mix with only two generations of recording on any one track. Perfect for adding orchestration to a one-person band. All micro-multitrack equipment is more awkward to operate than the large pro machines, but, hey, you can do it all with cassettes.
— Ramon Sender Barayon
(Suggested by Ethan Gold)
##A 14 317109 274
##T TEAC Tascam PortaOne
Information free
7733 Telegraph Road
Montebello, CA 90640
##A 14 252270 275
##T TEAC Tascam PortaOne
##A 14 207972 276
##T Music Software
##A 14 311365 277
An extraordinarily comprehensive mail-order source for music software. Every conceivable program, interface, or electronic music package I’ve heard of, they have. Don’t know about their service. The catalog is a visual knockout — coffee-table quality — and a steal for the price. Order two because you will give one away.
— Ramon Sender Barayon
They say they’ll beat any advertised price on any product they feature. New releases that didn’t make it into this annually produced catalog will be available as released. Call their 800 number for details.
— Jonathan E.
Ÿ Mix Bookshelf
##A 14 311760 278
(The New Music
Software Catalog)
$4 from:
Wenger Corporation
Music Learning Division
PO Box 448
Owatonna, MN 55060
##A 14 246630 279
But what about being musical? Can a piece of software substitute for talent? You know the answer to that. A music program can’t “make” someone a musician any more than a Stradivarius can transform a tone-deaf fiddle player into Pinchas Zukerman. It can, however, give you the best opportunity you’ll ever have to discover if you have talent. And if you do, it will release it in ways you never thought possible.
A good software program literally pulls all the stops. It takes the lid off your brain. It frees your fingers, your thoughts, your time and energy for the art of composing and the craft of editing what you write. Imagine what Beethoven or Mozart might have done with a Mac, a mouse, and a synthesizer. How many more masterpieces might they have created if they hadn’t been forced to write by hand, copy, and recopy? How many ideas were lost when they had to pause in the heat of a thought to scribble a phrase? And what if they had had hundreds of instruments at their command — not to mention the new ones they would have invented?
##A 14 247415 280
MACVOICE. How did composers in the 17th and 18th centuries write 4-voice
chorales? This interactive program helps students find out. While they try their hand at writing 4-part music, the computer stands by to give instructive criticism based on 18th-century principles of good voice leading and preferred doubling. Correct and incorrect musical examples can be played and printed for students to hear, study, and compare. Designed primarily for students of traditional music theory, but fascinating for others, too. (From Carnegie-Mellon.) What you need to run MacVoice: Any Macintosh computer. Optional: printer. #3A11602 $25.50
##A 14 206046 281
##T Listen!
One of the hardest things about learning to read and play music is to take ideas like “F Sharp” or “Flatted Fifth” and turn them into sounds in your head. Listen! software is designed to help you do just that with a series of simple exercises that help you learn to recognize basic chords, intervals and melodies. To keep from getting bored, you can change the level of difficulty on any of the exercises at any time. Listen! will play through the sound chip built into your Macintosh, and since it’s MIDI-compatible you can use it to trigger an external sound-source to create a terrific music learning lab.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 14 206165 282
##T Listen!
Version 2.0; copy-protected.
$99 from:
PO Box 996
Menlo Park, CA 94026
##A 14 312096 283
##T Jam Session • Studio Session
Jam Session • Studio Session
I became a photographer because I was fascinated by painting yet never had the disciplined drawing skill that a good painter requires. I discovered that photography gave me the technical means to do what painters do — play around with compositions, moods, visual details, and paint with light. I could do the same with a little black box.
Undisciplined fingers have kept me from mastering any musical instrument as well. Yet recently, for the first time in my life, I played something that actually sounded like improvised music. I owe my glory to Jam Session, a remarkable computer-assisted
##A 14 312569 284
##T Jam Session • Studio Session
instrument run on the Macintosh. This kind of little black box lets me enjoy the emotion of creating and releasing sounds that are truly pleasing to the ear. I can easily imagine a better device that would follow my lead more accurately and pour forth angelic choirs of sound, but Jam Session is a fun place to start.
Jam Session sets up a basic rhythm. You can choose from 19 country, rock, jazz, classical, or “miscellaneous” songs. When you depress a key, though, instead of getting a single note, it sends you a quick riff of notes that are perfectly syncopated to the beat, even if your touch wasn’t. Even more liberating, the program’s
##A 14 312660 285
##T Jam Session • Studio Session
logic reaches for the nearest notes that would be in key, bringing a harmony that would ordinarily come from many years of practice. It plays a rapid sequence of the right keys at the right time, freeing music-playing from strict handwork. Someone like me, who is all big toes on most instruments, can use Jam Session to improvise lyrical music that is immensely satisfying for long periods. I think of it as a set of training wheels: I can steer, but I won’t fall flat on my face.
One can define the riffs a certain key will play, giving further personalization. If you are particularly impressed with your
##A 14 311194 286
##T Jam Session • Studio Session
jamming, you can save the file to its companion piece, Studio Session, and have it printed out as a score for real musicians to play from.
I suspect that computer-assisted musical instruments will redefine music, as the demanding manual dexterity for playing an instrument is taken up more and more by thinking machines.
What’s left for the musician to do? Vision, framing, sequence,
and form — the familiar domain of artists.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 14 313065 287
##T Jam Session • Studio Session
Jam Session
Copyprotected; Macintosh
$49.95 from:
P.O. Box 12947
San Rafael, Ca 94913-2947
##A 14 246828 288
##T Jam Session • Studio Session
Studio Session
Version 1.2U
Not copy-protected
Macintosh 512 K, Plus, Se
$89.95 from:
Bogas Productions
##A 14 308680 289
##T Professional Composer • Performer
Professional Composer • Performer
Wouldn’t it be lovely to noodle around on a keyboard and, when you had a little tune you liked, capture it into a musical score which could be altered or printed out? Or maybe do it the other way around. Noodle around with notes on a score, and then have it played out in sound, perhaps with a full choir of instruments?
Two software pieces, working in tandem, make this a home job.
Composer lets you write out a score, modify it, store it, and print it out via your Macintosh. You can also “monitor” a piece you composed as the Mac will play a simplified version of the melody.
##A 14 118305 290
##T Professional Composer • Performer
Performer lets you capture the digital footprint of sounds from any MIDI-standard synthesizer and send it to Composer to be scored or stored. Working in reverse, it takes a score from Composer and directs it through the MIDI inlets of any synthesizer module, to be played, amplified, or transfigured.
In short, if you’re into serious music-making, this is simply the best music-processing software for any computer.
— Ramon Sender Barayon
##A 14 309017 291
##T Professional Composer • Performer
Professional Composer
Version 2.0
$495 from:
Mark of the Unicorn
(Call 617-576-2760 to find local dealer information)
##A 14 166009 292
##T Professional Composer • Performer
Version 2;
$395 from:
Mark of the Unicorn
(Call 617-576-2760 to find local dealer information)
##A 14 210068 293
##T Alchemy
Alchemy allows your sampler to cut, copy, paste, insert, reverse, and mix samples and sample fragments, and its looping feature is more powerful and easier to use than any other piece of software
I’ve worked with. Alchemy also allows you to edit waveforms by reducing samples to their harmonic components. Or you can start from scratch and synthesize a whole new sound by creating your own harmonic series. If you have more than one sampler, Alchemy can act as a central library for samples and allow you to play all of your sounds on all of the supported samplers. Another nice feature of this program is the ability to create stereo sound files, which may consist of either actual stereo sampled sounds, or hand-built stereo images. Alchemy’s power, combined with its fast and easy-to-use resynthesis features, makes it almost essential for anyone with a sampler and a Macintosh! — Paul Blankinship
##A 14 210254 294
##T Alchemy
Macintosh 512K, Plus, SE.
$495 from:
Blank Software
1477 Folsom Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
##A 14 274895 295
##T Alchemy
Following this card is a series of cards showing some of the features of Alchemy. These cards are Alchemy screen shots and they display the Alchemy environment. They also contain three sounds to give an idea of what Alchemy can do. Because these are just screen shots, the Alchemy menus at the top of the screen are not functional. The other standard Macintosh features such as the grey scroll bar will not work either. The features that do work are described in the caption boxes. All the Hypercard functions and navigational devices for full-screen graphics cards work as normal.
##A 14 285161 296
##T Alchemy
This is a screen shot of Alchemy’s sample manipulation environment. In the program, clicking in a window selects the sound, and then clicking on the speaker icon (the highlighted icon in the palette) plays it. Now select either the “Pluck” or the
“Slow Attack Brass” window (not the title bar).
##A 14 295716 297
##T Alchemy
Now clicking on the highlighted speaker icon in the palette will play the “Pluck” sound. Clicking on the “Slow Attack Brass” window will select that sound.
##A 14 430016 298
##T Alchemy
Now clicking on the highlighted speaker icon in the palette will play the “Slow Attack Brass” sound. Clicking on the “Pluck” window will select that sound again. To hear the two sounds mixed together, go to the next card.
##A 14 482556 299
##T Alchemy
Alchemy can take your samples and manipulate them in a variety of ways. Here’s an example of the “Pluck” sound mixed with the “Slow Attack Brass.” If you want to hear what it sounds like, click in the “Pluck brass” window.
##A 14 210836 300
##T Alchemy
One of Alchemy’s most interesting features is the ability to perform frequency analysis of a sound. Note the highlighted window in lower center of the palette. Within the program, the harmonic material can be manipulated and the sound re-synthesized.
##A 14 479959 301
##T Alchemy
Alchemy puts your Mac at the hub of a multi-sampler network. This allows you to keep a central library of sounds which can be sent to any of your supported samplers.
##A 14 211058 302
##T Alchemy
Alchemy’s Network program not only sets interface type, port, and speed, it can even control your MIDI patcher!
##A 14 122425 303
##T MacRecorder
Snag a fleeting sound and turn it into digits. Handy Macintosh flavored digits. The advantages of capturing sounds on the Mac is the ease with which they can be edited and shuffled into sound tracks.
MacRecorder is a little gizmo that lets you take a sound from a live or prerecorded source and put it into a Macintosh file to fiddle with. The software part displays what you’ve captured as a soundgram. You edit by manipulating the visual pattern, which is easy to learn, accurate to control, and tremendously satisfying to do. What’s hard to hear, you can see. It’s one way to own your own digital sound archive.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 14 208156 304
##T MacRecorder
$199 retail at most computer software stores
Information free from:
Farallon Computing, Inc.,
2150 Kittredge Street
Berkeley, CA 94704
##A 14 472969 305
##A 14 282888 306
##T Rock Magazines
##A 14 214388 307
##T New Musical Express
New Musical Express
After all these years NME still rules as the essential weekly international guide to youth and pop culture. Irreverent and world-weary coverage of music, music news, video, books, ideas, and politics alternates with blind enthusiasm for the latest thing just so long as it is the latest thing. Gasbag letters and catty gossip bring up the rear. Don’t forget your hype detector, but there’s nothing else even close.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 214684 308
##T New Musical Express
$97/year (52 issues)
Publications Expediting Inc.
200 Meacham Avenue
Elmont, NY 11003
##A 14 159814 309
##T New Musical Express
Songs have become fragile. The things that held them together — the value of the individual voice, the neat edges of recorded product — are being radically questioned.
Pop groups are so many interchangeable lumpish collections of nobodies. Singers, from crooners to belters, melt into a vast depersonalised soup of gentle anguish, showroom passion, naked sameness. Rappers pile up, their names suddenly alphabetically indistinguishable.
Songs fall apart. Because DJs — the last authority in the sound world — are only interested in fragments and snatches of songs. The industry still pops out singles and LPs for one buzz-track, and only needs singles for some unique reworkable phrase.
(Continued on next card)
##A 14 215158 310
##T New Musical Express
They’re ripping up songs to get at the meat — this bass-line, that chorus, those grunts — to rebuild something out of the mounting shiny piles.
There are too many names and too many songs for any meaning still to be found — because no one can hunt through it all. And rappers belong with singers, and raps belong with songs. Only DJs are cutting their way through the babble, cutting through to the bone of sound.
“Hybrids are the most interesting mutant off-spring. Different sets of genes and qualities giving rise to something that’s more than the sum of its parents. Its myriad parents. Ahem. Scratch the myriad.”
##A 14 215379 311
##T New Musical Express
Morris Gould (front) and Des De Moor: And to think it all started with Rolf Harris and his stylophone. (Picture by Emily Anderson)
##A 14 244557 312
##T New Musical Express
##A 14 14047 313
No longer funky, OPTION’s eclectic adventurousness in covering music from just about anywhere, alternative or mainstream, is stimulating. A slight college radio rock bias is evident more in the ads than the editorial, which does a pretty good job of being color blind. Beefy features and many mid-length reviews of both independent and major-label releases make OPTION the up-and-coming contender to be the successor to Rolling Stone. As major labels buy more and more into the so-called alternative, this might yet be the wave of the future. Deja vu, anyone?
— Jonathan E. & Richard Kadrey
##A 14 16939 314
Richie Unterberger, Editor
ISSN 0882178X
$15/year(6 issues)
Sonic Options Network, Inc.
2345 Westwood Blvd.
Suite 2
Los Angeles, CA 90064
213- 474-2600
##A 14 18764 315
Wailing expedition: Fred Frith and John Zorn
##A 14 400926 316
At the request of the major record companies, the design of the consumer DAT recording machines also includes another characteristic aimed at preventing direct digital-to-digital copying of CDs and prerecorded digital audio tapes. This is the use of 32 kHz and 48 kHz sampling frequencies, neither of which is compatible with the 44.1 kHz sampling frequency used for CDs and prerecorded digital audio tapes. Therefore, direct digital-to-digital copies of prerecorded software could not be done without the use of a separate “black box” or sampling converter.
##A 14 476027 317
Despite the relatively inexpensive costs of operating a small-power radio station, it remains prohibitive to do so. To this day the FCC remains commercially oriented. Outgoing Chairperson Mark Fowler is notorious for stating that radios are no different than toasters, both being merely appliances which should not be subject to government regulations. Which means that whoever has the most money should be free to own all of radio, and most local not-for-profits can hardly outbid Ted Turner, well-financed churches, or Lady Bird Johnson for their city’s remaining frequencies.
##A 14 85270 318
##T Puncture
Puncture has about the most complete U.S. coverage of the Australian and New Zealand rock scenes, but also reports on interesting non-mainstream musical goings on up here in an intelligent, selective, and distinctive way. The coverage has lately expanded to include artistic endeavours beyond the field of music, such as photography and books (not just music books). There are still plenty of record and show reviews of the rock underground with a sprinkling of reggae and African. I like the way it has managed to combine fanzine spirit with high production standards.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 85750 319
##T Puncture
Katherine Spielmann, Editor
$12/year (6 issues)
1674 Filbert Street #3
San Francisco, CA 94123
##A 14 460840 320
##T Puncture
I recently experienced one of those confluences of ideas that feminists like to call a
“click.” I figure it’s more like bashing full tilt into a brick wall. Perception shifts, as it must when you’re flat on your back with a bruiser comin’ up. A couple of years ago, another record sales clerk and I noted the dearth of new female bands expressing badness, sadness, and madness. We’d go through Frightwig and the occasional Kim Gordon [Sonic Youth] number. . . and pull up short. Then we realized how few
women’s bands there were, period. After moving into the record company side of the business, I was struck by the large number of women in the “industry”—inversely proportional to the tiny group of woman artists . . . . Women are to be found as bolts and levers in every part of the music machine: they are heads of record companies, receptionists, bookers, promotion managers, photographers, retail and wholesale buyers and salespeople, owners of distribution companies, band managers, accountants, graphic designers, even engineers. All this effort on behalf of
##A 14 143337 321
##T Puncture
predominantly male bands. As a reward, women get the rock & roll equivalents of new kitchen appliances—thanks on a record, a postcard or two, maybe your name gets remembered, you feel part of some “scene.” An incredible amount of female energy put towards the end of male artists’ security and satisfaction.
Pouring forth to a Sounds interviewer recently, Robert Smith said, “I’m worried about us losing our edge. One of the things that’s depressing me is the type of people that like The Cure now. Like say in California.” Well, gee. Your label did send us the new double LP.... like they actually wanted to reach some California type people.... But it’s okay: we sensed the duo-album was a little overweight (like unto most of the members of the band). So do we get credit for sensitivity to your worries by not reviewing it?
##A 14 122716 322
##T Puncture
A minority sentiment, on the west wall of Graceland.
##A 14 78299 323
##T Maximum Rock’n’Roll
Maximum Rock’n’Roll
Politically aware punk. There’s an enormous amount of energy in this magazine. Their coverage of the punk scene is thorough and enthusiastic. Most articles, reviews, and scene reports come direct from the readers. The letters page is a forum for mass debate. Topics of concern for the young and alienated, such as AIDS and police harrassment, are discussed in a no-holds-barred fashion. Music coverage is pure punk with no tolerance for bands promoting racial hate or other social evils. This magazine really lives and believes what it writes about.
— Richard Kadrey & Jonathan E.
##A 14 78504 324
##T Maximum Rock’n’Roll
$9 (6 issues)
Single issue $1.50
Maximum Rock’n’Roll
PO Box 288
Berkeley, CA 94701
##A 14 323497 325
##T Maximum Rock’n’Roll
The Spermbirds (right)
Abused Entrails (left)
##A 14 81196 326
##T Rock and Roll Confidential
Rock and Roll Confidential
An eight-page newsletter somewhere between a trade and a consumer publication for those who believe that rock is the cultural climax of Western civilization. Attempts to provide some social conscience for the mainstream rock’n’roll industry, and those who wish they were in it, but who are still calling themselves “alternative” this year. Spends a lot of time dealing with the race and the censorship issues in rock, with good grassroots information. Comes complete with insider news, philosophical considerations of new technologies, brief reviews of selected current releases, reading tips, and (re)considerations of the careers of rock’s greats.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 81476 327
##T Rock and Roll Confidential
Dave Marsh, Editor.
ISSN 08919372
$21/year (12 issues)
Rock and Roll Confidential
PO Box 1073
Maywood , NJ 07607
##A 14 477307 328
##T Rock and Roll Confidential
Atlantic and its parent, Warner Communications, agreed to provide more than $1.5 million to the Rhythm and Blues Foundation, which will make yearly, tax-free grants to R&B pioneers. The foundation, brainchild of Washington attorney Howell Begle, should put an end to musical geniuses like Big Joe Turner and Jackie Wilson dying without enough money to pay for funerals or headstones for their graves.
Although the Atlantic royalty settlement initially provides only $250,000, that’s still meaningful when you consider that Ruth Brown hadn’t gotten a check in 27 years. And its implication is more far-reaching, because it represents acknowledgment by Atlantic that performers have never been paid adequately for their work. In fact, all of the artists in question had been receiving statements implying that they had negative balances with the label, even though their work has been widely reissued and is in several respects the original source of the millions Ahmet Ertegun, Jerry Wexler, and the label’s other owners continue to earn.
##A 14 476685 329
##T Rock and Roll Confidential
AOR isn’t going to die; its numbers are still strong. But just as AOR developed in the late sixties from haphazard programming by college and alternative stations, we’re probably going to see the development within the next few months of some systematic format that uses the current college/alternative base, cashing in on the musical loyalties developed there with stronger signals, more programming research, and bigger promotional budgets.
Just how successful such a format will be remains to be seen. The present musical environment is so fluid that all sorts of budding “movements” are afoot, from the cutting edges of rap and hiphop to the singer-songwriter revival bannered by the Tracy Chapman and Toni Childs LPs. None of that music is adequately represented on today’s playlists.
##A 14 82276 330
##T Goldmine
Not quite as packed with eye-straining ads as in previous years
(the type is bigger!), Goldmine is still the place for serious vinyl collectors, record junkies, and rock’n’roll memorabilia hounds. The editorial is beefed up with pieces on music greats and not-so-greats, vintage and contemporary. There are reviews of some current releases and musical news.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 82441 331
##T Goldmine
Jeff Tamarkin, Editor
ISSN 87502577
$35/year (26 issues)
Krause Publications
700 East State Street
Iola, WI 54990
##A 14 158515 332
##T Goldmine
A genuine copy of Sun 209 (left) and a counterfeit (right). Note the push marks (indicated by arrows) on the original.
##A 14 245238 333
##T Goldmine
While record companies might sound like big affairs, in Sar’s case this was not so. The offices of Sar Records, at 6425 Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles, was a small affair: just two desks and a piano. Session work was done at various independent studios around town. Experienced bandleader and arranger Rene Hall, who had worked extensively for Specialty throughout the ’50s, was the “house” arranger. He had an office around the corner and put most of the sessions together.
Many of the records have a strong Sam Cooke sound; if you’re a Cooke fan, they’ll very likely appeal to you. Very little material from Sar has been reissued, and all Sar and Derby records remain very collectible, though not particularly expensive. Hopefully, someday someone will plot out sensible compilation LPs of most of the issued cuts and the best of what may remain unissued.
##A 14 22588 334
##T Sound Choice
Sound Choice
To quote from a reader’s letter to the editor: “Keep up your rantings, ravings and diatribes. I like it. A publication with balls and an editor to scratch ’em. Only radicals (even if they’re marxist-oriented cassette-mongers) make a difference.”
Another letter: “If I haven’t advertised in your magazine it’s because I think you’re not interested in even basic standards of writing and/or production. I don’t owe you a living.”
Sound Choice has reviews of independently produced cassettes and records in a wide range of genres from Vassar Clements thru’ Creedence Clearwater Revival to Controlled Bleeding.
(Warning: their publication schedule is pretty erratic.)
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 23587 335
##T Sound Choice
David Ciaffardini, Editor
ISSN 87568176
$10/year(4 issues)
Audio Evolution Network
PO Box 1251
Ojai, CA 93023
##A 14 24454 336
##T Sound Choice
Cassettes are a whole new kind of garage sale, old sounds often very carefully produced and elaborately displayed. Cassettes are variously scrapbooks, operas, entertaining companions, books, manifestos, noise experiments, all kinds of rock and roll, lots of eccentricity, practice tapes and finely lacquered years-in-the-making treasures. Audio wild cards. They can be almost anything.
Literate people presuppose that most of us are the lonely crowd in our alienated society; and the Walkman, according to this view, should be a sign, an ikon, for self-enclosure. Instead, it’s an instrument for effecting visible historical change, and absolute collective, for the simple reason that sound unifies. Sight isolates, sound incorporates. Whereas sight situates the observer outside what he views, at a distance, sounds pour into the hearer. By contrast with vision, the dissecting sense, the auditory ideal is harmony, a putting together.
##A 14 25692 337
##T Sound Choice
The Flipper boys in their heyday. Would you rather do smack or be in a band? Yeah, me too. Or maybe just listen to the new Flipper retrospective. It’s great.
##A 14 25329 338
##T Sound Choice
Clone the Drone: Here’s a cheap and clever way for a band to make backing tapes.
Step 1: Buy a 10-second endless loop cassette — the type you use in answering machines. Now record a snippet or two of sound in your 10 seconds. Steal less than three bars from the radio and you’re safe. It’s even legal. Or perhaps put a mike to your neighborhood. You now have a repetitious loop of 10 seconds of activity — hopefully musical or percussive.
Step 2: Place it in the playback unit of the type of deck that can copy from one cassette to another. Stick an everyday blank cassette in the recording unit of the deck. Copy the repeating loop for as long as you want. Vary the volume or pan the effect from side to side if possible. Perhaps quick-copy part of it. It might slip or slide. You have finished step 2. (Continued on next card)
##A 14 25376 339
##T Sound Choice
Now for the final step. Put this creation into your walkman. Connect the output of the walkman to the input of the deck. As you play the walkman, also play the original loop that should still be sitting in the deck. Record a mix of these on another blank cassette. The slippage of the loop should create some true phlanging effects. You’re done.
##A 14 58403 340
##T Other Music Mags
##A 14 212528 341
##T Pulse!
Anything megastore Tower sells, Pulse! will cover. That means new releases in just about every genre, including country, opera, contemporary Christian, and schlock pop crooning — even avant-garde and rock’n’roll. Reviews tend to be informational rather than critical. Also short news sections from towns and genres, and features on both well-established and up-and-coming artists. Good surveys of the best recordings in different genres from Tower’s buyers. The most entertaining part, however, is their on-going readers’ letters describing their Desert Island Discs. It’ll teach you to be real careful about who you get stranded with.
— Jonathan E.
Ÿ Musical Culture
##A 14 216170 342
##T Pulse!
Mike Farrace, Editor
$29.95/year (12 issues)
$19.95/year for Third Class
Tower Records’ Pulse!
2500 Del Monte Street
Bldg. ‘C’
West Sacramento, CA 95691
##A 14 3886 343
##T Pulse!
Mel Torme and George Shearing
##A 14 480009 344
##T Pulse!
Explaining why most Russian rock is political rather than sexual, Grebenshikov said,
“In the West, young people are mostly oppressed by the Catholic church. So people revolt against it in simple ways, and all rock’n’roll is based on sex. In Russia all young people are oppressed by the government.” He says he’s lost count of the number of times he got arrested at concerts. “Not every day, maybe every second week. Artists should be arrested, I think.”
The best laugh we got all week was a brilliant flub when someone from the Cable News Network, speaking on a censorship panel, mentioned certain band names he couldn’t allow on the air. “For example,” he said, “I have a real problem with Hard-Ons.” The rest of the panel revolved around the usual issues — another PMRC film for everyone to boo at — with the addition of Luther Campbell from the rap group 2 Live
##A 14 216589 345
##T Pulse!
Crew, whose record “We Want Some Pussy” is the latest target for rock censors. “I thought this was the United States,” was his response. “People say they can’t understand the record, but if you’re an adult and you don’t understand ‘We Want Some Pussy,’ you’ve got a problem. If these people get their way, we’ll be left with no music we’ll actually want to listen to.”
Java Jive, a nightclub with a tropical motif which plays mostly danceable Third World music, recently opened in Roppongi, Tokyo’s party district. The new niterie
is popular with locals and visiting foreign musicians.
##A 14 26356 346
##T Ear
Nothing even comes close to covering the progressive New Music scene the way Ear does. Whether it’s the Hub’s musical computer interface or Nicholas Collins’ improvisational sabotage of found radio signals Ear is there. Most issues have a focus such as World Beat, accordions, or revolutionary song. Regular articles on New Music pioneers as well as varied record reviews round out this excellent magazine. They also collaborate with The New Music Distribution Service to produce an annual review/catalog.
— Richard Kadrey
Ÿ New Music Distribution Service
##A 14 29138 347
##T Ear
(Magazine of New Music)
Carol Tuynman, Editor and Publisher
ISSN 07342128
$20/year(10 issues)
$40 institutions and foreign.
Ear Magazine
325 Spring Street
Room 208
New York, NY 10013
##A 14 29277 348
##T Ear
The Duke of Denmark scratching at the Amazon
##A 14 421919 349
##T Ear
The party kicked off with the Jets, MCA’s answer to the Jacksons. I wonder what Tippy Gore would say to 14-year-olds strutting around in low-cut spandex and fishnet stockings. The old guard was in evidence, trying to mold talent into formula acts that could be predigested and controlled from the top. The talent in the act is undeniable, yet the outcome almost tragic.
Walter Yetnikoff and Sony’s Norio Ohga introduced the three-inch CD as the new answer to the single, and the industry’s latest effort to reach down into the pockets of teenagers. At the same time they defended the high price of CDs as the only way to underwrite the tours of name acts and to find new talent. Both had missed the point. Price remains a critical issue for the business, yet the fact remains that the biggies no longer lead the taste of much of the young music buying public. Rap is no longer
##A 14 32050 350
##T Ear
confined to the urban streets. Local acts are selling from the back of station wagons
and making a clean profit. Even musicians on the street are producing a competent product in their home studios and taking it right to the public. Industry research has shown that the prime buyers of CDs are baby boomers replacing their aging album collections.
Taboos about women and instruments exist in mythology and in a ritual context, as well as in contemporary performance practices in many cultures throughout the world. As a link with the spirit world, the drum and flute serve as a bridge to a trance state and the supernatural in many societies. The magician or shaman calls upon these instruments to enhance his power. This is usually a male role. Men’s control over flutes and drums and their access to the spirit world suggests a power and dominance in many cultures that reach far beyond the musical-ritual context.
##A 14 201420 351
##T Ear
##A 14 67723 352
##T The Reggae and African Beat
The Reggae and African Beat
Committed to the spirit behind the music as well as to the musical style. Heavy on features and comment. Their reviews have become much more reliable. They have branched out to cover other forms of Afro-Caribbean music such as Zouk and Haitian, while Jimmy Hori’s “Land Of A Thousand Dances” column stretches to hip-hop. Their recent airing of the problems behind the scenes in reggae was a welcome and long-needed blast of truth in a genre often dominated by self-serving, hypocritical falsehoods. In a field notorious for its low standards The Reggae And African Beat stands out as a constantly striving and improving leader.
— Jonathan E.
Ÿ World Beat and Reggae
##A 14 67968 353
##T The Reggae and African Beat
C. C. Smith, Editor
$9.95/year (6 issues)
Bongo Productions
PO Box 29820
Los Angeles, CA 90029
##A 14 306469 354
##T The Reggae and African Beat
Different music-carrying formats exist to answer different needs. Throughout Africa the cassette tape is king due to bootlegging problems with lps, and because the lack of dependable electric power argues in favor of battery-operated cassette machines. In Zaire . . . a proliferation of hand-crank record players using elbow grease for energy has resulted in dance tracks being issued on 78s, a format dead to the rest of the world.
So cd won’t come to Africa — or India or Indonesia — anytime soon. It’s not needed, and it isn’t appropriate. And I’m the last person to advocate a one-world, one-format system. But the potential for stratification worries me . . . .
A recent phenomenon in America is the affordable 4-track cassette recorder, which has resulted in an avalanche of original home-brewed music. On the surface it looks like democracy in action. But though an underground tape exchange is beginning to
##A 14 353353 355
##T The Reggae and African Beat
blossom, you can bet that’s where it’s going to stay. Like A.J. Leibling’s statement about freedom of the press belonging to those who own one, the democracy of the tape exchange is illusory. Few people will ever hear them. Their packaging, format and distribution keeps them from the hands of most retailers, robbing such tapes of the impact on mainstream pop that radical indie labels like Stiff and SST have occasionally achieved.
As cd replaces vinyl, the visibility — and so the influence — of lps will decline too. The mere existence of African imports as specialty or mail-order items will not guarantee them meaningful life in the West. We can hope for a continuation of what Rounder, GlobeStyle and others have accomplished, yet it’s worth noting that few of THE BEAT’s African “Best ofs. . .” have been released domestically in any format.
(Bob Tarte)
##A 14 379571 356
##T The Reggae and African Beat
Hip-hop is one of the more popular world beats. Two Eric B & Rakim remixes underscore this. “Paid in Full (Seven Minutes of Madness — Coldcut Mix)” (Island/4th & Broadway 12") meanders along with Ofra Haza’s distinctive and rich Yemeni tones mixed in liberally. “I Know You Got Soul (Six Minutes of Soul)” (Cooltempo
12") by Double Trouble (one of whom is Housemartin (yeah!) Norman Cook) uses the Jackson 5’s “The Love You Save,” Public Enemy and Kool and the Gang to boot the original into another dimension.
Aside from Public Enemy, perhaps the most radical hip-hop noise comes from the superdef Boogie Down Productions. Their “Man & His Music” (B Boy lp) is so hard-wired and original, I say if some other people was doin’ it, they’d call it “New Music” and give these cats foundation grants and write-ups in “Vogue.” As it is, the brains behind Boogie Down, the legendary Scott La Rock, was gunned down last year, leaving his homeys to carry on in their own arrogant, slack and dubwise way. This then is their redemption — a brilliant, dangerous invention of the dispossessed. (Jimmy Hori)
##A 14 399577 357
##T The Reggae and African Beat
I’ve always been branded as a political singer. I never set out to sing politics; I just happen to come from a country that is oppressing my people. And I grew up under that oppression. And so I sing about my own life and the lives of my people. It still hasn’t stopped, and I cannot stop. Because it is difficult for me to forget where I came from. If I did that, I wouldn’t know where I am, and I would not know where I am going.
So, the strength I get is from my people. And I get it from my mother, my ancestors. Because, to us, even those who have died are still with us. They live among us. We talk to them. When I’m in deep trouble I kneel down, I say to my mother and my father and my grandmother: “You’ve gone to the other side. Wherever you are, ask the Superior Being to help me. And help me to be strong.”
— Miriam Makeba
##A 14 83284 358
##T JazzTimes
News and reviews from the jazz world. This is a magazine with a nice grass-roots feel. It’s clearly put together by people who know and love jazz. Full of information from jazz scenes around the country.
— Jonathan E.
Ÿ Blues and Jazz
##A 14 83679 359
##T JazzTimes
David Zych, Editor
$10/year (12 issues)
JazzTimes Magazine
8055 13th Street
Suite 312
Silver Spring, MD 20910-4803
##A 14 3462 360
##T JazzTimes
Thus, from the very beginning, there was a sense that the group was there not just to shine individually, but to celebrate the feeling that happened when they all were listening hard to one another and riding that groove.
“It is not only the sound of the band, but the content,” says Sample. “When I used to go play with other musicians, I would detect a sense of selfishness among so many musicians that when I got back I would feel, ‘Boy am I glad to be back.’”
For the Crusaders, this intermingling of personality, sensitivity and musical talent is the essence of good musicianship. Jazz is the name not so much for a musical category as for what happens when musicians communicate as they play together.
##A 14 252493 361
##T JazzTimes
And when you listen to Tommy Chase thrashing a drum kit within an inch of its life—there is something belligerent, almost vengeful, about his style—you can appreciate that he likes doing things his way.
He is totally dedicated to his chosen segment of the jazz spectrum and savagely critical of what he regards as dishonest music. “All I want out of life, and out of music,” he says, “is honesty.”
He consistently upsets the British jazz establishment, who are suspicious of his popularity. After all, how can a British jazz musician build such a big following? The man must be doing something shameful or heretical.
He also finds no welcome among the new self-appointed prophets of the music—the devout lovers of the perpendicular pronoun whose task is to raise jazz to such a high intellectual level as to make it a worthy subject for them to write about.
##A 14 79146 362
##T down beat
down beat
Now in its 55th year, this jazz-based glossy covers an interesting range of progressive and rootsy contemporary musics. A good blend of well-established and up-and-coming artists. Their full-length record reviews are detailed, knowledgeable, and include extensive player credits. There are also many briefer reviews, some coverage of professional products, and a “Blindfold Test” column where a musician gets to pass comment on his peers’ recordings.
— Jonathan E.
Ÿ Black Music of Two Worlds
##A 14 79400 363
##T down beat
John Ephland, Managing Editor
ISSN 00125768
$18/year (12 issues)
down beat
180 West Park Avenue
Elmhurst, IL 60126
##A 14 216894 364
##T down beat
The ghost of John Coltrane slips in through the back door of New York’s showcase performance venue, the Bottom Line. It’s been years since he visited this town. His arrival is, of course, unexpected.
Trane looks curious—intense, eyes on some distant prize—just like that classic Chuck Stewart photo adorning the inside liner of Live At The Village Vanguard Again! He carries his tenor with him.
Discreetly, he moves through the darkness, stationing himself stageside to hear Courtney Pine, a no-nonsense, baby-faced Brit whose saxophonic “sheets of sound” are stirring critics throughout the jazz community. Pine launches a torrid attack, the ferocity of which humbles the house and shakes loose a calendar from the wall, its pages fluttering about and landing in the shadows at Coltrane’s feet. Trane smiles, cradling his horn as Courtney blows.
##A 14 8043 365
##T down beat
One of the funniest press releases I ever got from a major label extolled the flavor of the month in the usual superlatives, but with a twist so striking I’ve forgotten the band’s name and remembered the wrap-up. It went, more or less, “Would we—a giant entertainment conglomerate—lie?”
Now, part of the game music folks play revolves around public/press relations. The record labels that make up part of the multi-billion dollar entertainment industry want to share their “product,” preferably with massed armies of consumers rattling spendable cash. One way to do that is to blitz people who write about music with lots of stuff—released records and CDs, advance tapes of records not yet released, parcels of p.r. materials, invites to parties, shows, schmooze sessions.
The funny thing is that all this allows you to hear a lot of music. Fact is, if you’re doing what I do, several assumptions can be made about you, besides the obvious one
##A 14 250007 366
##T down beat
that you’re missing the essential brain lobe given only to MBAs. You probably got immersed in music fairly early on, play at least one instrument, listen voraciously to most anything passing your way (often to the utter horror of whoever you’re living with), and have developed a personal way of sifting through the sound sluicing at you.
That’s called a point of view, and it’s exactly what the editor of down beat looks for when he’s eyeing the names on the masthead for an assignment or considering unsolicited submissions.
##A 14 84263 367
##T Living Blues
Living Blues
Strictly blues. Lots of record reviews, interviews with blues survivors, and obituaries of bygone bluesmen. This publication reflects an era when the bedrock of modern pop was laid down by musicians and poets expressing the hard facts about black life. A time when blacks moved from rural sharecropping poverty to industrial servitude in the factories of the North.
Much of what we take for granted today in pop music has a basis in that major shift of population. This shift is also responsible for many of the changes seen in American society over the past 25 years. Living Blues shows the human faces behind these phenomena as well as providing current news on blues artists.
Ÿ Blues and Jazz — Jonathan E.
##A 14 84681 368
##T Living Blues
Peter Lee, Editor
ISSN 00245232
$18/year (6 issues)
Living Blues Magazine
University of Mississippi
Center for the Study of Southern Culture University, MS 38677
##A 14 476334 369
##T Living Blues
Washington, D.C., never supported the blues in the manner of Kansas City, St. Louis or Chicago. On the one hand, local blacks considered themselves too sophisticated for blues, opting instead for Duke Ellington and other sophisticated jazz and popular music sounds. On the other hand, the blues tradition that did survive in an informal or even underground manner was more an acoustic country style brought in by Carolina- or Virginia-born musicians who came to D.C. looking for better job opportunities. They kept the music alive at house parties or as home entertainment, but it never competed with black popular music trends and it remained relatively invisible until it became popular with the white folk revival audience, inspired in part by the local success of Mississippi John Hurt, who had been rediscovered in Mississippi and brought to Washington.
##A 14 76053 370
##T Living Blues
“Actually, I like the oldtimers. They got more feeling in it. You see, blues is a thing that’ll never go out of style. Blues will never die.”
— Wilbert “Big Chief” Ellis
##A 14 31174 371
##T Unsound
In their own words: “Unsound is focused onto the hard edge of experimental art and music — the edge that most consider subversive.” Unfortunately, this dangerous little magazine isn’t published anymore, but you can get copies of individual back issues for from $1 to $3 each, or a complete set for $60. Write for a list of available issues.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 14 74636 372
##T Unsound
William Davenport, Editor
Back issues $1 and $3
PO Box 883202
San Francisco, CA 94188-3202
##A 14 400671 373
##T Unsound
I used to try to musically vent the anxiety and frustration that would build, and still builds in daily life. The material five years ago was a combination of hardcore and progressive avant-garde; somewhere between the Ramones and Henry Cow. I found it very frustrating because I could never really communicate the feelings, the anger. Often times the results would be reflected in broken equipment, bloody hands, and a lot of inner band strife — the songs were constantly being ripped apart and restructured. It was a shame the material was misunderstood, we would play Long Island Bars and city dumbs like CBGB’s and people would completely ignore our presence — meanwhile we would be pouring our hearts into the music, thinking that somehow it mattered. After a while the band became a constant state of struggle, and some members wanted to develop a more commercially viable sound and others like myself just lost the desire to continue.
— Paul Lemos of Controlled Bleeding
##A 14 289372 374
##T Unsound
Personal taste is a strange phenomenon and it is especially exemplified within the art and music realm. Although broad in scope, Unsound caters to an alternative way of thinking, where the focus lies within what is unusual and unique. We are also attempting to reject the premise of creating cliques in an attempt to cover a wide spectrum. We see one of the major problems today as being the ‘clique,’ it is a hindrance that has probably always jilted creative intentions — it is something that is inherent in mainstream society, something that you would think would be eliminated in a so-called alternative way of thinking. It is simplistic and creates unnecessary situations: “me and my group versus you and your group.”
We also believe that even within alternative cultures there is a star system which perpetrates and exploits the very nature of what most of us are striving for. Within
##A 14 80188 375
##T Unsound
a community where things are supposed to be new and interesting, the mundane is acknowledged while the truly interesting is often ignored. One of the major problems in the alternative music scene today is the pretension of experimentation and the latching onto trends. Is the alternative audience really interested in new ways of thinking, or do they merely follow trends set by a standard way of thinking?
##A 14 80612 376
##T Unsound
Kristine working with computer graphics, Spinning Sigil, 1985
(Photo: Bobby Neel
##A 14 224311 377
##T Technical Music Mags
##A 14 33775 378
##T Experimental Musical Instruments
Experimental Musical Instruments
EMI is subtitled “Newsletter For The Design, Construction And Enjoyment Of New Sound Sources” and that is exactly the ground it covers. The emphasis is on acoustic and electro-acoustic musical instruments, including older unfamiliar musical devices as well as new creations, rather than sound synthesis or found-sound experimentation. Every issue concentrates on several ingenious and fascinating instruments with close attention to construction details and the sounds produced. So you can really get the idea, EMI annually produces a cassette tape featuring the instruments covered in the previous year. The music is wildly diverse:
“raucous, peaceful, beautiful, ugly, weird & familiar by turns and sometimes all at once.”
— Jonathan E.
Ÿ Building Instruments (Suggested by Roger Hoffman)
##A 14 33815 379
##T Experimental Musical Instruments
Bart Hopkin, Editor
ISSN 08830754
$20/year(6 issues)
Tapes $6 each to subscribers, $8.50 to non-subscribers.
Experimental Musical Instruments
PO Box 784
Nicasio, CA 94946
##A 14 34801 380
##T Experimental Musical Instruments
Ellen Fullman plays the Long String Instrument. The most recent manifestation of the instrument has fourteen strings in two groups of seven. Their full length (as opposed to their sounding length) is ninety feet. . . At one end the strings are attached to some stable surface, such as a wall. At the opposite end the strings are secured to a rectangular soundboard, eight inches by fifty-nine inches, made of spruce. Each string passes through a hole in the soundboard and then through a damper of felt, and is tied to a guitar peg on the far side. The tension on the string pulls the peg fast against the soundboard, and the damper prevents buzzing.
##A 14 76810 381
##T Experimental Musical Instruments
The Semi-Civilised Tree designed and built by Nazim Ozel. The strings are attached in several ways. Guitar machine pegs, singly and in sets of six, are affixed to the wood by screws. Harp tuning pins set in holes drilled in the wood are also used. At the ends opposite the tuning peg the strings pass through the branches via holes that have been drilled, to be held in place by stoppers on the far side. Many either run through holes or over bridges formed by parts of the branch, to continue in another vibrating segment on the other side.
##A 14 222826 382
##T Keyboard
Keyboard is the most comprehensive magazine dealing with keyboards and music. It contains tutorials in classical, jazz, rock and other piano and keyboard styles as well as articles about music technology, interviews with musicians and music technicians, and product reviews. Every issue also has a
“Soundpage,” a record of a virtuoso keyboardist with copious notes to help you analyze the performance.
— Rob Griffith
Of course, much MIDI coverage these days.
Ÿ MIDI — Jonathan E.
##A 14 223085 383
##T Keyboard
Dominic Milano, Editor
ISSN 07300158
$23.95/year (12 issues)
Keyboard Magazine
Subscription Dept.
20085 Stevens Creek
Cupertino, CA 95014-9967
##A 14 223586 384
##T Keyboard
Sample Rates. There are a few rules you can use in selecting the correct bandwidth for a sample. First of all, the sample rate is 2.5 times the bandwidth. Thus, if you enter a bandwidth of 10,000Hz, you are sampling at 25,000 samples per second.
Use as high a bandwidth as you can. Bigger is almost always better. If a sound has absolutely no high end or if you need a lot of samples in memory at one time, then you can save space by sampling at a lower bandwidth. You will sacrifice high end and you definitely add some noise at lower sample rates. Personally, I rarely go below 10,000Hz bandwidth, unless it is a dullish sound to begin with, or will not be very loud in the mix.
##A 14 241462 385
##T Keyboard
Adequate ventilation is a must, even if your rack synths
don’t get hot enough to fry an egg on. If the rack is enclosed, mount fans as shown.
##A 14 34515 386
##T Keyboard
“The old rebellion thing is just so redundant in rock music now,” says [Calvin] Hayes [of the band Johnny Hates Jazz]. “In 1988, if a band thinks that they can stick out and annoy people by being rebellious, then that’s exactly what they’re doing —annoying people. It’s just such a childish attitude. To me, the most revolutionary thing you can do in 1988 is be in a band and be somewhere as a group and have someone come up to you and say, ‘What do you do?’ That is brilliant. When you drive past [L.A. rock club] the Whiskey and see all the rock groups unloading their Marshall stacks with the long hair, the tight trousers, the boots, and the pink leopard skin, it’s pretty obvious what they do. They think they’re being outlandish. Of course, they’re not, because there are so many millions of them, all looking the same. They’re just doing what everybody expects. The attitude is to smash the hotel rooms and take lots and lots of drugs. We’re not the straightest people in the world, but we’re not into that mentality.”
##A 14 2084 387
##T Keyboard
There’s emptiness, a sense of danger, and a worrisome surreality in both the music and the mentality of China Lake. “It’s definitely not a ‘have a nice day’ kind of thing,” O’Hearn agrees. “It’s more foreboding than that, but sad too, just like that whole attitude of military superiority and the whole fucking arms race. That’s what I had in mind as I started.
“I tried to set up something with open fifths or triads on the PPGs. The choir is from an S900 sample, and the timpani roll is a sample that I took from a piece of sheet metal. There are a few simple bass notes, and a haunting sad melody played on the PPG. The [Roland] MKS-70 comes in with a high square-wave type of part up there in the stratosphere, doubling the low register melody, and there are some horn stabs done on the PPG too.”
Stark percussion episodes contribute powerfully to the forlorn feeling of “China Lake.” “There are shakers and a cowbell being played on an E-mu Drumulator, of all things, from Digidesign’s original Drumulator chips. . .”
##A 14 221492 388
##T Music Technology
Music Technology
Don’t let the famous faces on the cover of each issue fool you. This is a magazine about the theory and technologies that helped to create the music the face on the cover is famous for, whether it’s Brian Eno talking about destablizing his DX7 or Steve Reich talking about his new-found respect for samplers. Informative product reviews and a lively letters column round out this fine magazine.
— Richard Kadrey
Rather than focusing on music itself, this magazine is oriented towards the new technology that is being developed to create and
##A 14 155023 389
##T Music Technology
record music. Most of the magazine is dedicated to reviewing products, but there are also articles about well known musicians with an emphasis on what kind of hardware they use. Every time I read this magazine, my credit card starts to itch.
— Rob Griffith
Includes special sections on computer music products and sampling.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 221899 390
##T Music Technology
Bob O’Donnell, Editor
ISSN 08962480
$34.50/year (12 issues)
Music Maker Publications, Inc.
22024 Lassen Street
Suite 118
Chatsworth, CA 91311
##A 14 222240 391
##T Music Technology
Recently Marley’s sound has gone through some notable changes, especially evident since Warner Brothers purchase of Cold Chillin’ Records. “Well, we’re starting to get national exposure, so we’re keeping the hip hop sound but adding other elements that the grown-ups may like. But I’ll always keep the hip hop drum sound and just add to that.”
Marley’s drum sound (as well as Hurby’s and Jason’s) comes from an SP1200 and an S900, but he uses the SP1200 for most of the sampling. “But I don’t like using records to sample from for the kick and the snare,” he says, “I like to recreate that myself.” His synthesizer line-up includes a number of Yamaha and Casio keyboards, as well as the Roland Juno 106.
##A 14 158813 392
##T Music Technology
Another criteria to ponder is size and portability. Let’s face it, most computers were designed to be set up once and stay where they were put. Leave it to musicians to want to drag the things all over the country (especially to bars). There are quite a few laptop IBM compatibles out there, but most lack the necessary expansion slots, etc., required for the MPU-401 or similar MIDI interface. The recently announced WonUnder (see MT August ’88 Computer Newsdesk) can solve that problem and Yamaha’s new CI MS-DOS computer makes the whole point moot. Along those lines, I just heard two fairly substantiated rumors today — that both Atari and Apple may be releasing laptops of their own quite soon. Hooray! Having one of these babies might just be the ticket for most people. You could just carry it on the plane or bus or whatever and not have to worry too much about it. Easy to take to the room for some late night computing, too.
Surprisingly, there are several full-blown rackmount PCs to be found, and even a rackmountable Mac Plus or Mac II and retrofit rack mod kits available from Julian
##A 14 249780 393
##T Music Technology
Systems of Concord, CA. Current Music Technology of Malvern, PA also makes a Mac Plus in a rack or will retrofit an existing Mac and throw in Opcode’s Studio Plus Two MIDI interface and a 20Meg hard disk as well. If your computer is used for predominantly music-related applications, a rackmount might be a sensible solution to the ‘Where do I put the monitor?’ dilemma and the resultant ‘Who the devil tripped over the cords?’ mishaps you might wish to avoid; although the fact of rack-mounting may make it inconvenient for other uses. Being that these guys run anywhere from $1200-$6000, that’s an inconvenience many of us just can’t afford.
##A 14 219666 394
##T Electronic Musician
Electronic Musician
You want to know what Prince wore to the Grammys? Look somewhere else. The emphasis here is on equipment. What’s new in MIDI. What’s good; what’s not. Lots of useful information on recording, performing and instrument modifications for the working musician.
— Richard Kadrey
Like other magazines dedicated to electronic music, this magazine contains informative articles and hardware and software reviews, but the thing I especially like about it is the Do-It-Yourself
Ÿ The Art of Electronic Music
##A 14 159162 395
##T Electronic Musician
column. Every month there are new projects. I built a MIDI Switch Box using the schematic I got from this column, and learned a lot about how MIDI, microchips, and electronic hardware work in the process.
— Rob Griffith
Ÿ Electronics Know-How
##A 14 220199 396
##T Electronic Musician
Craig Anderton, Editor-in-Chief
ISSN 08844720
$22/year (12 issues)
Electronic Musician
PO Box 3747
Escondido, CA 92025-9860
800-255-3302 (CA)
##A 14 220898 397
##T Electronic Musician
If you’re about to put out a CD, stop. Adding graphics and MIDI data is not all that difficult, and if you’re planning to sell a reasonable number of CDs over which you can amortize the costs, it’s not all that expensive either.
If you have camera-ready artwork and MIDI files ready to go, Warner New Media will work with you to get those onto CD (WNM can also help create graphics, should that be required). Even though WNM is part of the Warner Communications family, CD+G+ M’s importance transcends corporate borders, and WNM is already working with many labels. The basic cost to integrate graphics into the master CD starts at around $5,000, with turnaround times dependent on the nature of the project. If you’re serious about CD graphics and MIDI and want to take advantage of the potential of these new media, contact WNM at (818) 955-9999 or write Warner New Media, 3500 Olive Ave., Burbank, CA 91505.
##A 14 159327 398
##T Electronic Musician
If “real” musicians want to look out for their own self-interest and be really appreciated, they should encourage anyone who wants to get into music to do so. Why? First of all, the more that people play with music, the more they’ll understand and appreciate the work that goes into creating a composition. Musicians who make uncommercial records are often accused by the industry of making music for musicians, not the public; but if the public plays music, then it seems to follow that there would be a more educated appetite for original and technically proficient music. Those who don’t know a thing about music are happy with two or three chords. After a while, though, those chords start to get old, and people will tend to look for something a little more interesting. The idea of having a musically literate mass market boggles the mind, and the possibility of that coming to pass should be enough to make any musician jump for joy.
##A 14 218523 399
##T Home and Studio Recording
Home and Studio Recording
Aimed squarely at the budget-minded home recordist, this magazine has a great approach to equipment reviews. Honest opinions on quality, application and comparative value; not just a rehash of the manufacturer’s press release. They review the gear that’s roughly in my price range and always include the list price.
Realistic how-to articles including studio construction, recording techniques and equipment maintenance are also included. A regular column gives technical and artistic reviews of readers’ tapes, and there are features on the home studios of famous musicians and producers.
##A 14 159685 400
##T Home and Studio Recording
A relatively new venture, it’s been fun to watch their writing and visual presentation improve with each issue.
— Tim Ennis
If you have equipment to sell H &SR are offering free classified ads up to 18 words. Can’t beat an offer like that.
— Jonathan E.
Ÿ Studios
##A 14 218647 401
##T Home and Studio Recording
Amy Ziffer, Editor
ISSN 08967172
$35.40/year (12 issues)
Music Maker Publications, Inc.
22024 Lassen Street
Suite 118
Chatsworth, CA 91311
##A 14 219228 402
##T Home and Studio Recording
TAPE FORMATS HAVE come and gone. While all kinds have been tried, few have become industry standards. Twenty-four tracks on two-inch is one format that has gained lasting acceptance, as is the older but slightly better sounding 16 tracks on two-inch. A few years back, someone even tried 32 tracks on three-inch tape, running at 20ips, and a small US company called Stephens actually sold a 40-track two-inch machine, some of which can still be found in service. Probably for reasons of incompatibility between different studios, these more exotic tape formats never caught on. After all, no major studio is going to adopt a format that will discourage business.
The home recording market, however, is less restricted in which formats it can use, which is why the narrow gauge Fostex machines were so readily accepted once they’d proved they could deliver the sound quality. The semi-pro commercial or home studio can be equipped with non-standard tape formats because clients (and owners) are unlikely to want to go elsewhere to mix. However, standards, no matter how de facto,
##A 14 249308 403
##T Home and Studio Recording
are nice, and it looks like eight tracks on a normal Phillips cassette is the next one
we’re being blessed with.
Many of you, I’m sure, would argue against complicated construction projects because electronics isn’t your hobby: music is. Well, that’s fair enough, but it’s still useful to become sufficiently adept at the art of soldering to be able to make or repair cables, wire patchbays, and possibly build the odd simple interface box. To those who have tried soldering and failed, it may seem more like a black art than a fine art, but that really isn’t true — it requires only understanding a few simple rules. If you spend just a few dollars on the right equipment and practice for as little as one hour, you should be able to cope with any soldering job in the studio, and that could save you a lot, both in terms of time and money.
##A 14 217265 404
##T Music, Computers and Software
Music, Computers and Software
If you’re interested in playing music with synthesizers or samplers, but still think that MIDI is just an ugly dress from the 60’s, then you need this magazine. Music, Computers & Software is a glossy monthly (recently upgraded from their old bi-monthly schedule) devoted to exploring the interface of music and computers, concentrating on how “musicians have embraced technology and made it a very human thing.”
Each issue of Music, Computers & Software contains practical information on using MIDI technology, as well as reviews of new electronic music software and hardware. Recent issues have
##A 14 119014 405
##T Music, Computers and Software
featured detailed surveys of digital samplers, suggestions on how to select a PC-compatible music computer and the joys and sorrows of alternate MIDI controllers, such as electric violins and woodwinds. One new benefit to subscribing to Music, Computers &
Software is a free membership to CompuServe’s computer bulletin board, where the magazine sponsors an ongoing MIDI conference.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 14 217431 406
##T Music, Computers and Software
Bill Stephen, Editor
ISSN 08866228
$21/year (12 issues)
Music, Computers & Software
PO Box 625
Northport, NY 11768
##A 14 217883 407
##T Music, Computers and Software
All of the literature and hyperbole about sampling seems to center around bit resolution and there’s a simple way to understand it. Imagine the screen of a television set. A close look at the screen will show that it’s made up of small dots
(pixels). If the dots were twice as big on the same screen, the picture would still be legible, but it’s clarity would be greatly reduced. Conversely, twice the amount of dots as the original would result in a picture of stunning detail. In sampling, instead of pixels we are dealing with computer data; more specifically, bit words. One bit word of information can be 8, 12, 16, or 18 bits long, hence the higher the bit resolution, the more accurate the reproduction of the sound sampled.
##A 14 3831 408
##T Music, Computers and Software
The Media Lab and Stewart Brand were made for each other; The Lab’s a corporately-funded playpen for the electronic lunatic fringe and Brand is its Great Explainer. He’s been fulfilling this role for other Big Ideas for decades and he’s very good at it. As creator of the Whole Earth Catalog, the Whole Earth Software Catalog, and as chief proselytizer for the L 5 Society (an organization that advocates the colonization of space), his forte has always been the ability to take a Zen macro-dynamic view of the world and make it so reasonable and palatable that one’s reaction can only be an exuberant “Yes! This is how it is, and this is how it’s going to be!” But anything to do with the future is always equal parts wonder, self-interest, humanism and snake oil, and Brand’s thorough description of The Lab’s innovative projects, its cast of crackpots and visionaries, and its fund raising operations is as clear-eyed as it is ecstatic. He makes a titanic effort to contain his enthusiasm in order to objectively cover the day-to-day workings of The Lab and doesn’t shrink from discussing the darker, privacy-invading aspects of a Brave New Computer World.
##A 14 309848 409
##T Computers & Music Quarterly
Computers & Music Quarterly
Industry news and gossip in an ad-free, opinionated, desktop-published environment. Detailed hints on software and hardware testing and purchasing followed by short, straight-forward reviews of new software for all major brands. Use as a supplement to the other publications.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 310196 410
##T Computers & Music Quarterly
Joe West, Editor
$20/year(4 issues)
Computers & Music
1989 Junipero Serra Blvd.
Daly City, CA 94014
##A 14 310780 411
##T Computers & Music Quarterly
System 1 Price: $3,000
IBM Clone w/640k 2 disk drives
Voyetra OP-4001 interface
Sequencer Plus
Casio CZ-1 synthesizer
Yamaha FB-01 module
Roland TR505 drum machine
This system is awesome compared to what was available in our last issue. The CZ and FB give you 16 Multi-timbral voices and they both sound great. The CZ keyboard has velocity and aftertouch to send to the FB and the Roland TR505 has both straight and latin percussion. You have about 100 bucks left over to buy cables with. . . .
##A 14 310997 412
##T Computers & Music Quarterly
System 2 Price: $5,000
Macintosh 512k w/Ext Drive
Austin Development interface
Oberheim Matrix 6 synthesizer
Yamaha TX-7 module
Roland JX8 module
Yamaha FB-01 module
Roland TR707 or Yamaha RX-11 drum machine
Casio TB-1 MIDI thru box
This is closer to $5500 but I couldn’t help myself. This was designed for composition, but could be used quite effectively in a performance environment also. The whole system was selected for the ability to take care of just about all sonic requirements. You could score most movies with this system easily.
##A 14 162969 413
##T Computer Music Journal
Computer Music Journal
The international experts cover serious computer music in this quarterly. Upcoming symposiums and scholarly dialogue on the latest systems and techniques. Good reviews of the newest products and publications. Sometimes includes a special soundsheet or flexi-disc with examples of some wonderful music. There is no more authoritative place to get information on the subject.
— Tim Ennis
This magazine takes the advanced and theoretical approach to computer music.
— Rob Griffith
##A 14 163081 414
##T Computer Music Journal
Curtis Roads, Editor
ISSN 01489267
$26/year(4 issues)
MIT Press Journals Dept.
28 Carleton Street
Cambridge, MA 02142
##A 14 113538 415
##T Computer Music Journal
Psychoacoustics is a young discipline, only beginning to ask the kinds of questions that are of interest to musicians. However, all musicians constantly make working assumptions about their own and other people’s hearing. It seems reasonable to base these assumptions on experimental data, where such data is available. Where it is not yet available, one can at least hypothesize about how musical perception works, based on one’s own experience. While this may seem scientifically precarious, composers have, in effect, been doing this for centuries: every successful work testifies to some understanding about how to organize sounds so as to produce particular perceptual effects. What is new today is only the subtlety of control of sound made possible by the computer, which easily can go to or beyond the limits of human perception. For computer musicians, it has become even more important to know the principles and boundaries of musical hearing.
##A 14 163595 416
##T Computer Music Journal
Escher’s waterfall in perpetual motion. I have synthesized tones behaving similarly to the flow of water, e.g., going up the scale but getting lower in pitch.
— Jean-Claude Risset
##A 14 164027 417
##T Computer Music Journal
Excerpt from the score of Çogluotobüsisletmesi by Clarence Barlow.
##A 14 473224 418
##A 14 247804 419
##T Multi-faceted Distributors
##A 14 484084 420
— Taj Mahal.
We are living in an exciting age for musical listening pleasure. The currents of contemporary cultural trade bring us a greater choice of music in recorded form than ever before; from all sorts of American roots-based music to newly created genres and hybrids to traditional and modern styles from virtually every corner of the world. But only a tiny percentage of it can be found in your local neighborhood record store, or even in a large metropolitan mega-store. Mail-order companies are, as usual,
the solution. There are record labels who sell only their own
##A 14 443791 421
recordings, specialists in one musical style, record labels who sell their own releases and also those from other companies working in a similar vein, and then there are suppliers of a broad range of styles and labels.
These two Recordings By Mail sections are an attempt to navigate some of the more interesting channels as charted in the mail order catalogs of the leading independent labels and distributors. This is the world of music away from the Hollywood mainstream of mega-hits and the swirling eddies of “alternative” flotsam and jetsam trends. Instead, we are exploring the quieter backwaters where the real nutrient-rich life of a river is, rather than its
##A 14 437191 422
swift-flowing, and passing, excitement. These are companies who pay as much attention to the musical line as to the bottom line.
Despite what Taj Mahal says, there is a human tendency to categorize music by style. This is one reason why these two sections are broadly grouped into eleven clusters. (It is also necessary from our design standpoint, so that you, the user, can find your way about.) It also leads us to a consideration of personal taste. Music is an art that produces extremely personal responses in individuals, and everyone, or almost everyone, thinks
they’re a living expert. I believe that the only truth in this field is
that one man’s meat is another man’s poison. Sometimes this fact
##A 14 437434 423
leads to stimulating discussion, but more often, I have observed, it leads to profane language and derogatory remarks about the intelligence and family life of the opposing point of view. As far as we’re concerned here, this means that you are unlikely to like every catalog excerpt in these two sections. You may even find some offensive. I do — and I’ll bet that some that are offensive to me are the very ones you’ll like. This may appear to fly in the face of the stated Whole Earth ethic of only reviewing what we like, but whether or not I like every esthetic displayed here, they are all valued cultural signposts for some subculture of our society,
and the point of these excerpts is to provide a more comprehensive picture of this terrain, using this new medium, than would have
##A 14 440611 424
been possible with the traditional Whole Earth approach using old fashioned paper and printing ink.
It’s time to make some fine distinctions. What follows are not Whole Earth reviews of any records. They are Whole Earth reviews of particular record labels and distributors with retail mail-order service, followed in the usual Whole Earth way by access information and excerpts from the reviewed supplier’s catalog —
i.e. their own words. With this medium, we are able to, in effect, expand their written words to include sound so that it is possible
to get a fuller sense of what is being described. This is what we have done. It is absolutely no substitute for purchase of the full
##A 14 440871 425
length recording with its higher fidelity sound and visually complete packaging. If you like the brief sample heard here, equivalent to a paragraph from a book, we urge you to immediately contact the reviewed source and enrich your life culturally and their life financially by purchasing the full recording.
Which makes it necessary to warn you that the music business, being the music business, is full of changes. This is especially true of international trade. What was available one week at a certain price may not be available the next week at any price,
or then again, the price may simply be higher. Domestic labels have managed to keep their prices relatively stable, but there is
##A 14 441291 426
no substitute for a current catalog. Besides any price changes, you will be able to check out all the new releases since we closed on this project, not to mention everything we did not excerpt. One of the major services of the larger distributors is, in fact, their catalogs, which, for those of you who don’t hang out in record stores or spend all your time chatting with other vinyl junkies, are about the best way to keep current on new releases in these fields, which are still inadequately covered by the somewhat anemic U.S. music consumer press.
As well as the musical ferment being brought on by the improved availability of sounds from all over the world, there is great
##A 14 8703 427
market agitation in the independent record business due to the introduction of CDs — Compact Discs. I would say that over the course of this project (1988), the tide turned in favor of CDs for consumers, meaning that finally enough of the type of non-pop-mainstream titles we consider in these two sections became available on CD to make it worthwhile for the musical purist to consider purchase of a CD player. Plenty of these titles, however, are still not available on CD and some probably never will be. It will also be true that an increasing amount of music will never be available on vinyl. Many new releases contain extra tracks on the CD version not found on the vinyl. The tradeoff comes in such things as the superior graphics found on LP sleeves, and of course,
##A 14 442349 428
the higher prices commanded by CDs. I think that the consumer will end up paying more one way or the other.
A few words about the sound quality: these samples were made using MacRecorder and SoundEdit at a sampling rate of11K per second. This means that frequencies over 5.5kHz were lost, but the alternative would have been to have a maximum sample length half of what we have. From an editorial point of view we chose to take the length, at the sonic expense. That covers the “recording” end of the topic. At the “playback” end, it was then necessary to chop the sound files into short pieces so that there is enough room in memory to play them back; otherwise, the maximum length
Ÿ MacRecorder
##A 14 442507 429
would be only about eighteen seconds, and on some systems even that would have produced a message box saying, “Not enough memory to play snd.” The theory is that while one piece is playing, another is being loaded, and then the two are “seamlessly” joined together. The drawback is that this process is not perfect for all models of Macintosh due to their different sound handling routines, and so depending on which model you’re using you may hear a slight click every so often.
In the two Recordings By Mail sections, many of the excerpted catalog descriptions run over more than one card. Unfortunately, the sound will not keep playing as you go from one card to the next.
##A 14 41093 430
Special thanks to:
Frank Scott of Down Home Music, Inc.
Stephen Swartz of New Music Distribution Service
John Storm Roberts of Original Music
Archie Patterson of Eurock
Stephen Hill of Hearts Of Space
Bob Haddad of Music Of the World
Tom Foremski for the loan of his Mac Plus when it was needed
Farallon Computing for MacRecorder and SoundEdit.
Enjoy the music.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 41387 431
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
Down Home Music, Inc.
Down Home present a wide range of records from just about all over the world; they are especially strong in vintage American music re-releases but wherever your home is they probably have something from there.
Their quarterly newsletter has an abundance of knowledgeable and honest reviews as well as short listings of new releases in these categories: Blues & Gospel; Rhythm & Blues, Soul & Doo-Wop; Vintage Rock’n’Roll & Rockabilly; Country & Western; Bluegrass & Old Timey; American Folk Music; British, Irish & European Folk; Ethnic Music; Dance Bands, Vocalists & Personalities; and Jazz. Every issue has a number of well-chosen special offers that allow
##A 14 42247 432
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
one to try an outstanding album without too much financial exposure. They also have an interesting selection of Holiday Specialties from many genres for the Christmas season. Videos, books and magazines are offered as well as an increasing number of CDs.
In addition, Down Home publish a Vintage Rock’n’Roll Catalog, a Blues & Gospel Catalog, and a Country Catalog; all full of reviews and information on older and harder to find record releases in those musically vital fields. They are also working on catalogs of jazz, folk and ethnic music. This dedication to cultural preservation makes them much more than just a commercial enterprise.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 42869 433
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
$4 requested for 1 year
Blues & Gospel Catalog: $5
Vintage Rock’n Roll Catalog: $5
Country Music Catalog: $5
Down Home Music
10341 San Pablo Avenue
El Cerrito , CA 94530
##A 14 45480 434
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
Click on a button to choose a
subsection of the
Down Home catalog.
Blues & Gospel
##A 14 46588 435
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
ELMORE JAMES — Let’s Cut It :
The Very Best Of Elmore James.
Ace CH 192
A wonderful collection of18 Flair and Modern tracks that is being issued simultaneously on record, cassette & compact disc. The sound is superb (particularly on the CD) with a tough, gritty sound and lots of presence and an almost total
##A 14 257234 436
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
absence of tape hiss — which is remarkable considering the condition of the original tapes. No real surprises here but there are a few previously unissued alternate takes. Tracks include “Dust My Blues/No Love In My Heart/Standing At the Crossroads/Sunnyland/Happy Home/Long Tall Woman/Hawaiian Boogie/Dark & Dreary/I Believe ” etc. Lots of great intense singing and playing from Elmore and top-flight backup from his band. (Review by Frank Scott) Record & Cassette — $10.98. Compact Disc — $19.50
Selection : “Dust My Blues”
##A 14 46642 437
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
CHRISTINE KITTRELL — Nashville R&B, Vol 2. Krazy Kat 7432
A superb collection of 15 sides by this outstanding Nashville singer whose comparative lack of success was no reflection on her talents — perhaps she had too many rough edges to be really commercial. She was a lovely singer with a powerful and expressive vocal style and this collection - mostly dating from the early 50s — finds her in the company of some outstanding bands though,
##A 14 318139 438
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
unfortunately, there are no detailed session files to identify all the excellent musicians. The album features her three minor hits from 1952 & ’53 — the lovely
“Sittin’ & Drinking” which includes “Buddy” Hagens and Wendell Duconge from Fats Domino’s band, the hard driving “Every Night In the Week” (mistitled here as
“Every Day In The Week!”) and the intense “I’ll Help You Baby” which includes a nice piece of double timing from Christine and the band. “Lord Have Mercy” from 1953 almost certainly features Little Richard on piano. The only late-50s cut included here is the splendid “I’m Just What You’re Looking For” with the Jimmy Beck Orchestra and includes a shattering guitar solo. It’s all urban blues at its best with excellent sound and informative notes by Bruce Bastin. Highly recommended.
(Review by Frank Scott) — $10.50
Selection: “L & N Special”
##A 14 47002 439
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
TED HAWKINS — Happy Hour.
Rounder 2033
Venice Beach, Cal. songster Hawkins has delivered a superlative set of 12 tunes (10 originals) which embrace a multitude of genres — folk, blues,
R&B & country. For the most part Hawkins carries the album solely by his simplistic approach to acoustic guitar coupled with an honest, no-nonsense vocal delivery. On three tunes — “My Last Goodbye/California Song” & the Hank Williams-flavored title track — Ted is joined by a
##A 14 284041 440
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
backing quartet, the Angry Old Men. The other cover tune is the Curtis Mayfield classic “Gypsy Woman.” Joining Ted on this gem & “You Pushed My Head Away” is guitarist “Night Train” Clemons, who sounds a lot like Robert Cray. Ted is also joined by his wife Elizabeth, who adds sweet harmony. When I hear Ted’s music, I think about Woody Guthrie’s trains, Mance Lipscomb’s sharecropping, Gram Parson’s honkytonks & all those marvelous soul singers like Otis Redding. The beauty of Hawkins’ artistry is its universality, funky & down to earth. Simple treasures like Ted Hawkins are very rare these days. (Review by Scott Glasscoe) — $8.98
Selection: “Don’t Make Me Explain It”
##A 14 47196 441
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
CLIFTON CHENIER — 60 Minutes With The King Of Zydeco. Arhoolie CD 301. Compact disc-only release.
Well, Chris’s first CD is out and it is a winner. 15 great tunes from the one and only King of Zydeco, the late and truly great Clifton Chenier. Essentially, it is “Classic Clifton”(Arhoolie 1082) with 3 added tunes — “You’re Fussing Too Much/You’re My Mule/Colinda,” all killer
##A 14 257739 442
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
tunes, being dance-till-you-drop zydeco, propelled by brother Cleveland’s washboard — “Zydeco Cha-Cha,” down and dirty blues — “Black Gal/I’m On The Wonder,” or spirited waltzes — “Big Mamou.” And the sound! Close your eyes and you’re in St. Marks Hall in Richmond or some funky club in Lafayette, La. stomping your feet, dancing up a storm and partying down to the zydeco. No party should be without one and no one should miss this hour with Clifton at his best.
(Review by John McCord) — $17.50
Selection: “Sa M’appelle Fou”
##A 14 47818 443
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
VARIOUS ARTISTS — San Francisco Bay Gospel. Heritage HT 314
Another utterly superb collection of gospel from the late 40s and early 50s in Heritage’s series of regional gospel anthologies. This one features six groups from the vital Bay Area
##A 14 258012 444
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
gospel scene. It includes five tracks by one of the most popular groups, The Rising Stars — a marvelous group which featured, among others, Paul Foster (who later went on to the Soul Stirrers). There are three tracks by The Paramount Singers, a powerful group featuring the Archie Brownlee- flavored, intense lead vocals of Vance
“Tiny” Powell, who later had some success as a blues singer. There are two tracks by the female quartet The Golden Stars. There are also fine performances by The Golden West singers of Richmond, the Spartonaires from Vallejo and The Swanee River Singers. It’s all classic quartet gospel at its best with superb sound and excellent notes by the untiring Ray Funk. (Review by Frank Scott) — $10.50
Selection: “You’ve Got To Bow Down” by The Paramount Singers
##A 14 58757 445
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
JOHNNY B. MOORE — Hard Times
B.L.U.E.S. R&B 3604
Stunning debut album by a young Chicago singer/guitarist who worked with Koko Taylor a few years ago. He is a rich and expressive singer and an imaginative guitarist who relies upon carefully constructed lines rather than excessive pyrotechnics. On a couple of cuts Johnny plays some lovely melodic slide guitar. As you might gather I like this record a lot and think we’re going to be hearing much more from this talented performer. (Review by Frank Scott) — $8.98
Selection: “Hard Times.”
##A 14 134879 446
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
DAN PICKETT: 1949 Country Blues.
Krazy Kat 811.
What a masterpiece! Back in the 60s some of the most highly prized 78s among blues collectors were the rare Gotham records of
##A 14 260854 447
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
Dan Pickett. These were valued not only for their rarity but for the fact that they were among the finest commercial recordings of country blues in the postwar era. Pickett was a stunning performer with a remarkable vocal technique in which he sometimes compressed an amazing amount of syllables into one line. He was also a remarkable guitar player with a lovely melodic slide style. The album has excellent sound and informative notes.
(Review by Frank Scott) — $9.98
Selection: “Baby How Long.”
##A 14 224880 448
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
Rhythm & Blues
##A 14 48152 449
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
RCA (UK) NL 89965 (c)
8 tunes by each, it’s hard to tell what’s more exciting. Richard is heard on his eight RCA sides from 1951 & 1952, his very first recordings, done with Billy Wright’s Band and until now impossible to get with the exception of a recent, very limited-edition and very expensive
##A 14 258234 450
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
Japanese reissue — “Taxi Blues/Every Hour/Get Rich Quick” + 5. “Boots Brown & His Blockbusters” is a pseudonym for those cool white jazzers The Lighthouse Allstars, including Gerry Mulligan, Bud Shank, Shorty Rogers & Shelly Manne, playing some of the hottest, wildest, most hopped-up sax riffing I’ve heard in a while! “Block Buster/Dynamite/Double Clutch/Hip Boots” + 4. Originally issued on Groove in 1953. (Review by Gary Mollica) — $8.98
Selection: “Ain’t Nothin’ Happenin’”
##A 14 48520 451
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
VARIOUS ARTISTS — A History Of New Orleans Rhythm & Blues Vol. 1 — 1950 –58.
Rhino RNLP 70076
14 tunes covering the roots of 2nd-line boogie. Though for some odd reason there’s no Fats Domino or Little Richard, all the important early hits are
##A 14 258642 452
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
here. From Ace comes Huey Piano Smith — “Rockin’ Pneumonia & The Boogie Woogie Flu/Don’t You Just Know It,” Earl King — “Those Lonely Lonely Nights,” Chess/Checker/Argo gives us The Hawkette’s classic “Mardi Gras Mambo,” Clarence Frogman Henry’s “Ain’t Got No Home,” Sugar Boy Crawford’s “Jockamo” & Bobby Charles’ “Later Alligator,” plus Professor Longhair’s 1950 Mercury version of
“Bald Head,” Lloyd Price’s “Lawdy Miss Clawdy” & “Just Because,” + hits by Shirley & Lee, Lee Allen & Guitar Slim. (Review by Gary Mollica) — $8.98
Selection: “Rockin’ Pneumonia & The Boogie Woogie Flu”
by Huey “Piano” Smith & The Clowns
##A 14 48838 453
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
THE MOONGLOWS — Look! It’s The Moonglows. Chess 9193 (c)
Reissue of The Moonglows’ first, originally Chess 1430 from 1959. 12 tunes recorded between early ’56 & late ’58, mostly beautiful ballads with lead vocals by Bobby Lester & Harvey Fuqua. All tunes are originals except a gorgeous “Blue Velvet.” Includes the smash “Ten Commandments Of Love,” an alternate take of the hit “I’ll Never Stop Wanting You,” called “I’ll Stop Wanting You,” plus “Penny Arcade/Sweeter Than Words/Love Is A River,” etc.
(Review by Gary Mollica) — $4.98
Selection: “Blue Velvet”
##A 14 145454 454
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
JAMES CARR — At The Dark End Of The Street.
Blue Side BL 60008-1
It’s finally here, the first-ever compilation of what many people call “The World’s Greatest Soul Singer.” 14 incredible Goldwax recordings from 1964-69 recorded in Memphis with Tommy Cogbill, Reggie Young, et al., at Sam Phillips studios. Carr’s original version of the title song has never been equalled.
(Review by Gary Mollica) — $9.50
Selection: “At The Dark End Of The Street.”
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##T Down Home Music, Inc.
Vintage Rock & Roll
##A 14 49759 456
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
CARL PERKINS — Up Through the Years, 1954-57. Bear Family BCD 15246 Compact disc-only release.
Rockabilly as it was meant to be heard — 24 Sun classics by one of the fathers of rockabilly with tremendous punch, presence and clarity that
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shows just what can be done with compact discs if you try. We can really hear the vibrancy of Carl’s vocals, the jangle of his guitar and the thundering slapped bass of Clayton Perkins. Tracks are featured in chronological order and include “Honky Tonk Gal/Turn Around/Let The Jukebox Keep On Playing/Blue Suede Shoes/Tennessee/
All Mama’s Children/Dixie Fried/You Can Do No Wrong/Your True Love/Put Your Cat Clothes On” (with great piano by a certain Mr J. L. Lewis)/“Pink Pedal Pushers/Lend Me Your Comb/Right String Baby” and all the other gems. (Review by Frank Scott) — $18.50
Selection: “Matchbox”
##A 14 50062 458
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
LONNIE MACK — The Wham Of That Memphis Man. Alligator AL 3903
From Fraternity to Elektra to Edsel to here
— you can’t keep a great album down. Originally issued in 1963 as Fraternity 1014 to capitalize on the two title hit instrumentals, “Wham” & that great version of Chuck Berry’s “Memphis.” Seven fine instrumentals plus six of Lonnie singing the blues. This new pressing has the original front cover with new liner notes. “Suzie Q/Babe What’s Wrong/Down In The Dumps/Why,” etc. (Review by Gary
Mollica) — $8.98
Selection: “Wham”
##A 14 50348 459
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VARIOUS ARTISTS — Memphis Rock ’n Roll Capitol Of The World, Vol 4. White Label 8916
16 recordings from Buford Cody’s Memphis & Co+Wi labels. Only two tunes were originally issued — Les Sabres: “Rising Mercury” and Lloyd Arnold’s
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“Sugaree.” Of the other 14 cuts, 10 are previously unissued alternates including Charlie Feather’s “Today & Tomorrow,” Lloyd Arnold’s “Tennessee Twist”/“Go Go Go” and 2 instrumentals by The Rebel Rousers — “Night Surfing”/“You Don’t Know What To Do” and four songs never issued before, including Thomas Ingle’s “Rockin At The Y” and three by Jim Shaw & The Starlighters. (Review by Gary Mollica) — $9.98
Selection: “Rockin’ At The Y” by Thomas Ingle
##A 14 50681 461
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ESQUERITA — Vintage Voola. Norton 202
An essential purchase! Eskew Reeder Jr. taught Little Richard the voola. Reeder taught Richard piano and phrasing and, even more important, flamboyance
(Richard stole his hairstyle!) before
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being put off as a mere Richard imitator and dying an unknown cult star in 1986. These tracks oughta win some kind of Grammy. The Magnificent Malochi was
“rediscovered” by Blue Cap guitarist Paul Peek and toured with Gene Vincent, who got him a Capitol contract. This nine-track LP includes an incredible Paul Peek single recorded for NRC in 1958 — “Sweet Skinny Jenny/The Rock-A-Round” which besides being Esquerita’s first recording also features Jerry Reed, Ray Stevens and some frantic sax. The other seven tunes are from Esquerita’s demo session from ’58, never before issued (sounds a bit rough in places) with absolutely devastating versions of “Rockin’ The Joint/Oh Baby/Please Come Home” and four songs not recorded elsewhere! (Review by Gary Mollica) — $7.98
Selection: “Rockin’ The Joint”
##A 14 50868 463
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
GENE VINCENT & THE BLUECAPS — The Capitol Years, 1956-63. Charly BOX 108
This long-awaited package presents the definitive collection of this great rock ’n roll artist. It consists of nine LPs and a 12" 45 including
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all 131 of Gene’s recordings for Capitol including an alternative stereo take of
“Darlene,” two live tracks from an Alan Freed show and an interview from the 60s. Each album is individually sleeved in its own photo cover with detailed annotation, and the set is rounded out by a 36-page illustrated biography of Gene. At last you can throw out all those LPs that duplicate the same songs again and again.
(Review by Frank Scott )— $75.00
Selection: “Who Slapped John”
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Country and
American Folk
##A 14 52338 466
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
VARIOUS ARTISTS — The Sun Country Years, 1950-1959. Bear Family BFX 15211(11)
Another remarkable boxed set from Germany’s ambitious Bear Family label. This beautiful ten-LP set features a survey of the recordings made in Sam Phillips’s famed Sun studios in Memphis between 1950 and 1959. The set features 193 tracks including many previously unissued songs and alternate takes. Like Phillips’s blues and rockabilly recordings, he had an iconoclastic vision of recording country and western which, coupled with the freedom he gave his artists, resulted in music that had a looser, rawer feel than many of the commercial country recordings coming out of Nashville at the time. His two most successful
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country artists, Johnny Cash and Jerry Lee Lewis, are represented by some prime, previously unissued alternate takes. There is a whole LP’s worth of recordings by the fine Slim Rhodes, whose recordings are the closest to mainstream country. Demonstrating the uniqueness of Phillips’s recordings are four beautiful sides by Howard Seratt of country gospel with simple guitar and harmonica accompaniment. Also featured on harmonica is the superb Harmonica Frank, whose unique brand of blues and novelty songs harkens back to the 20s and 30s. There are some previously unissued alternate takes by Carl Perkins plus two previously unknown songs by him - a couple of tender country ballads. The set even includes a rehearsal session featuring Elvis Presley and Scotty Moore working on “How Do You Think I Feel.” There are nine fine sides by Charlie Feathers who recorded mostly country for Sun before moving on to become a rockabilly legend. There is an album and a half’s worth of recordings by the brilliant Warren Smith, showing him to be equally at home with country or rockabilly. There are two rare tracks by Doug Poindexter & The Starlite Wranglers, the group that Scotty Moore and Bill Black left to join Elvis. There are six
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tracks featuring the remarkable Smokey Joe Baugh, a fine and distinctive vocalist and boogie piano player. Included is his fabulous duet with Bill Taylor on the amazing “Split Personality.” There are many other treasures to be found on this set that would take too long to enumerate here. The first 1000 copies of the set include a bonus 11th LP featuring three previously unissued alternate takes by Carl Perkins, four by Johnny Cash, five by Jerry Lee Lewis and three previously unissued songs by Onie Wheeler. Sound quality on the set is superb, courtesy of mastering genius Bob Jones. Each album comes in its own picture sleeve, most in color with rare photos and a discussion of every song. Complementing the set is a 128-page book with a discussion of the country music scene in Memphis in the 50s, an interview with Sam Phillips about his country recordings, a chronology of Sun Records and biographies of most of the artists on the set with numerous photos, ads, clippings, etc plus a detailed discography of all the recordings. (Review by Frank Scott) — $145.00
Selection: “Split Personality” by Bill Taylor & Smokey Joe
##A 14 53576 469
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
PATTY LOVELESS — Patty Loveless. MCA 5915
Another bright new star on the country-music horizon. She is a splendid, powerful singer with a marvelous collection of songs - a couple of originals, three by Karen Staley and others by Guy Clark, Joe-El Sonnier, Jimbeau Hinson and Steve Earle. She is accompanied by a hard-driving group of musicians who
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perfectly complement her stirring vocals. On the Steve Earle song
“Some Blue Moons Ago” she is joined on electric guitar by Earle’s guitarist Richard Bennett, who contributes some of those wonderful bass-string runs which contributed so significantly to Earle’s album. Production is by Earle’s production team of Emery Gordy Jr. and Tony Brown, who get a sound that is rich, full and complex though, on the surface, deceptively simple. It’s hard to pick favorites here — I particularly like the moving “Slow Healing Heart” by Jim Rushing and the powerful “Sounds Of Loneliness” by Patty herself. An outstanding debut from an artist we’re going to be hearing a lot more of. (Review by Frank Scott) — $8.98
Selection: “Some Blue Moons Ago”
##A 14 54570 471
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
CHARLIE RICH — Charlie Rich. RCA (UK) NL 89999 (c)
Reissue of Groove 1000 from 1964. Charlie’s first and only LP for this RCA subsidiary, where he spent a year in between Phillips International & Smash. Includes his hit version of “Big Boss Man” plus “Mountain Dew/She Loved Everybody But Me/River Stay Away From My Door,” etc. Full of Charlie’s jazzy piano, but, though Billy Sherrill was still a year away, hampered by occasional string & chorus arrangements by Bill Justis and Anita Kerr. (Review by Gary Mollica) — $8.98
Selection: “She Loved Everybody But Me”
##A 14 55451 472
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
JOE ELY — Lord Of The Highway. Hightone 8008
Joe Ely is back with a great new album that highlights his brand of Texas hard-rocking country, turf that newcomers like Steve Earle and Ricky Van Shelton have been crowding in on and that Joe reclaims as his own. Backed by a hot band with Bobby Keyes
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(ex-Stones saxman) and David Grissom on guitar, he romps through a couple of Butch Hancock tunes including the freewheeling title cut and the defiant “Row Of Dominos.” But better still are his own new tunes from the Dylanish “Me And Billy The Kid
(Never Got Along)” and the touching “Silver City” to the sober “Letter To L.A.” and the levity of “My Baby Thinks She’s French” with lines like “She’s A Texas doll, she likes shopping malls” and “With a Southern drawl that says come back y’all and they never even flinch/Cause my baby thinks she’s French”. The compact-disc version has a bonus track — “Screamin’ Blue Jillions.” A welcome return of a talented singer/songwriter and performer. (Review by John McCord) Record & cassette — $8.98. Compact Disc — $17.50
Selection: “Silver City”
##A 14 260322 474
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
BILL BROWNING — Bill Browning. RR Esoldun 2019
A marvelous album of rockabilly, country boogies and straight country by this excellent singer from Virginia accompanied by his excellent band, The Echo Valley Boys. Most of these tracks seem to be from the Ohio-based Island and about half of these have previously appeared on White Label. The album includes his classic “Wash Machine Boogie” along with other fine boppers like “Sinful Women,” the tremendously exciting “Don’t Push, Don’t Shove” and “Gonna Be Fire.” In a more straight country vein there is the fine “Ramblin Man” with an old time mountain ballad flavor, the honkytonk “Breaking Hearts” and the traditional “Dark Hollow.” None of the Echo Valley Boys are identified, which is a shame since there are some great musicians here on steel guitar, electric guitar, fiddle and occasional mandolin. This one is getting a lot of play on the Down Home turntable. Highly recommended.
(Review by Frank Scott) — $11.98
Selection: “Wash Machine Boogie”
##A 14 56392 475
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
ROSIE FLORES — Rosie Flores. Reprise 25626 (c)
This one is a real hit on the Down Home turntable. Rosie Flores, who made a brief appearance on the fine “Town South Of Bakersfield” collection, is an outstanding addition to the ranks of new young country singers. She has a marvelous voice which has the soulful sincerity of Loretta Lynn and the rockabilly urgency of
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Wanda Jackson. The songs are a mixture of new songs by Rosie and band member James Intveld, other new songs and some covers. The originals are not memorable though the Latin-flavored “Midnight To Moonlight” with accordion by David Hidalgo is most engaging. There is also a fine version of Patsy Cline’s “Lovin’ In Vain” and Carl Perkins’ “Turn Around” plus a version of the Wanda Jackson rockabilly song “I Gotta Know” and a remake of the lively “Heartbreak Train” which was originally on the Bakersfield collection. Highlight of the album however is the incredible honkytonk ballad “God May Forgive You (But I Won’t)” written by the brilliant Harlan Howard. The arrangements, at times, are a little thin but, all in all, this is a great debut. (Review by Frank Scott) — $8.98
Selection: “God May Forgive You (But I Won’t)”
##A 14 60499 477
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
UNCLE DAVE MACON — Volume 2 : 1935-38 Over the Mountain. Old Homestead OHCS 183
A delightful selection of 17 sides by this wonderful performer including ten from his final session in January, 1938. The first three tracks, recorded in January, 1935, include the lovely title song, and the delightful minstrel song “One More River To Cross” features vocal accompaniment by The Delmore Brothers. There are four fine songs from an August, 1937 session including the
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whimsical “Two-In-One Chewing Gum.” The tracks from 1938 have guitar accompaniment by Glenn Stagner and include the funny “He Won The Heart Of My Sarah Jane” about a banjo player who lost his love to a trombone player, the fine spiritual “Working For My Lord” and the hard-driving “Railroadin’ And Gamblin’.” (Review by Frank Scott) — $7.98
Selection: “She’s Got The Money Too”
##A 14 60887 479
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
WOODY GUTHRIE — Columbia River Collection. Rounder 1036
In 1941 Woody Guthrie was commissioned by the Bonneville Power Administration to write songs for a film to promote public power and the Columbia River development. As part of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the BPA, this album has been compiled, featuring 17 songs Woody wrote at that time — many
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of them from previously unissued acetates along with songs from his commercial Folkways Recordings. Songs include “Oregon Trail/New Found Land/Roll Columbia, Roll/Ramblin’ Blues/Hard Travelin’/Jackhammer Blues/Grand Coulee Dam/Ramblin’ Round/End Of My Line,” etc. Although Woody recorded many of the songs elsewhere, some of these versions are different from the familiar ones. A valuable addition to the available recordings of this important artist.
(Review by Frank Scott) — $8.98
Selection: “Roll On Columbia”
##A 14 148824 481
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
JIMMY ROGERS — Never No Mo’ Blues. RCA (UK) NL90009
Very welcome reissue of an album first released in 1956 and long out of print domestically, containing some of the Singing Brakeman’s very best efforts. His easygoing vocal style and simple accompaniments are engaging and spellbinding. (Review by Rich Kienzle) — $8.98
Selection: “Waiting For A Train.”
##A 14 170589 482
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
BILL MONROE & HIS BLUE GRASS BOYS — The Father of Blue Grass Music. RCA (UK) NL90008
This is currently the only available LP with most of Monroe’s 1940-41 recordings for Bluebird, which catapulted him to fame on the Grand Ole Opry. This is truly where bluegrass started. (Review by Rich Kienzle) — $8.98
This cut: “Dog House Blues.”
##A 14 484444 483
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European Folk
##A 14 63776 484
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
THE OYSTER BAND —Step Outside.
Varrick 034 (c)
I’ve always enjoyed The Oyster Band but have often felt that their performances were a little restrained. On this album they have pulled out all the stops and have produced not only their best album by far but probably the best English electric folk album for a long time. The group have added an excellent drummer Russel Lax and have brought
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in a new producer Clive Gregson. Lead vocalist John Jones is singing with more power and authority than ever and Alan Prosser has taken a giant step forward in his electric guitar playing - there are certainly elements of Richard Thompson in his style but that’s all to the good - it is always appropriate and imaginative. The songs are a mixture of traditional and originals and are a masterly bunch. The old favorite “Hal-an-Tow” gets a new lease of life with an almost rockabilly approach. The other traditional songs are equally stunning. The closing “Bold Riley,” almost unaccompanied, is a truly beautiful performance with superb lead by Jones and virtually doowop harmonies from the rest of the group.
The original songs are the band’s best yet continuing their cynical view of England in the 80s. All are good with “Another Quiet Night In England” being exceptional with one of those catchy melodies that is so memorable. This album is a must.
(Review by Frank Scott) — $9.98
Selection: “Hal-An-Tow”
##A 14 65346 486
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
BILLY BRAGG — Back To Basics. Elektra 60726
A great two LP collection of Billy’s early recordings featuring tracks from his first two LPs ‘Life’s A Riot With Spy vs Spy’, ‘Brewing Up With Billy Bragg’ and the ‘Between The Wars’ EP. Unlike his most recent album which features several accompanying musicians this one is almost all Billy alone with his electric guitar. His singing and
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playing are direct and powerful with not a lot of subtlety by a great deal of feeling and imagination. He is one of the best songwriters of the decade and this set includes such gems as “A New England/To Have And Have Not/The Man In The Iron Mask/It Says Here/Myth Of Trust/Like Soldiers Do.” It also includes his superb updating of the union song “Which Side Are You On” and one of his finest originals “Between the Wars.” The songs range in sentiment from tenderly romantic to bitingly political but always have intelligence and imagination. If you don’t already have the original albums now’s your chance to get them all in one budget priced set.
(Review by Frank Scott) Record & cassette — $9.98 Compact Disc — $17.50
Selection: “Which Side Are You On”
##A 14 66915 488
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
Fellside 053
Scottish singer Iain MacGillivray has been around a while but this is, I believe, his first album and it’s a stunner. He is a rich and expressive singer whose vocals bring to mind
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Archie Fisher or Bobby Eaglesham at their best. He accompanies himself with a flowing melodic guitar style with the occasional addition of second guitar, fiddle or cello and occasional second vocal. The songs include traditional items like “Mary & the Soldier/Rolling Home/The Bleacher Lassie Of Kelvinaugh/Red Is The Rose,” etc. There are also some more recent songs - most with a decided traditional flavor like the wonderful mining song “Anthony Reilly,” Dave Goulder’s moving “January Man” and Brian McNeil’s “Lads O’ The Fair.” Recommended.
(Review by Frank Scott) — $10.98
Selection: “Anthony Riley”
##A 14 68629 490
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
FIVE HAND REEL — Five Hand Reel. Black Crow 211 (c)
If you missed out on this album when it first came out in the late 70s now is an opportunity to get this marvelous example of Scottish folk rock. Five Hand Reel were a Scottish band featuring the lead vocals and
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guitars of Dick Gaughan & Bobby Eaglesham aided by Tom Hickland on fiddle and keyboards, Barry Lyons/bass & keyboards and Dave Tulloch/percussion. The singing throughout is superb - Gaughan is possibly Scotland’s finest singer and a stupendous guitarist and although Eaglesham isn’t as impressive he can certainly hold his own as on the chilling ballad “The Death Of Argyll” and the moving “Slieve Gallion Braes.” Dick takes lead on the tongue twisting “McGinty’s Mule and Me,” the powerful “The Knight And Shepherd’s Daughter” and the exquisite “When A Man’s In Love.” Instrumental work is outstanding - the electric and acoustic guitars of Bob & Dick merge with the lyrical fiddle of Hickland and are complemented by the bass and drums and occasional effective keyboards. This is one that should have never been out of print.
(Review by Frank Scott) — $9.98
Selection: “Both Sides Of The Forth — McGinty’s Meal and Ale”
##A 14 70078 492
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
DONAL LUNNY — Donal Lunny.
Gael Linn CEF 133 (c)
Donal Lunny is a seminal figure in the contemporary Irish folk scene having been a founding member of such important groups as Planxty, The Bothy Band and Moving Hearts. This first album under his own name was
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recorded live in Dublin in April, 1987 and like his previous work is very much a team effort with Donal joined by brother Manus on bouzouki, Arty McGlynn on guitar, a bodhran player & congas player to provide a Celtic wall of sound behind piper Sean Og Potts, fiddler Nollaig Ni Chathasaig and flute player Cormac Breathnach on a collection of traditional or original instrumental pieces. The musicianship is first class and the music has much of the drive and energy that distinguished Donal’s work with The Bothy Band. (Review by Frank Scott) — $11.98
Selection: “Polcai: Denis Doody’s”
##A 14 72550 494
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
MALICORNE — Alamanach.
Hexagone 239210
I have been waiting with baited breath for this classic recording to appear on compact disc. Well here it is and what a joy it is to listen to. Malicorne were probably the best folk rock band ever and this 1976 recording was their best. It consists of a series of 12
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traditional songs, one for each month of the year, most of them with a magical theme. The singing led by Gabriel Yacoub and his powerful distinctive baritone is complemented by Marie Yacoub’s fragile soprano. When the rest of the group join in for a group vocal the result is spine chilling. The instrumental work is outstanding using acoustic and electric instruments and weaving them together in a complex interplay of textures to create powerful and tremendously beautiful music. All this comes over with crystal clarity on this CD. On “Les Tristes Noces” when the electric bass comes in to join Gabriel & Marie’s unaccompanied vocals the sound reverberated through my spine! As a bonus the CD features an extra track “La Fiancee Du Timbalier” from their fourth album. An all time classic! (Review by Frank Scott)
Record (Hexagone 883 007) — $12.50
Compact Disc (Hexagone 239 210) — $22.50
Selection: “Quand J’Etais Chez Mon Pere”
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##T Down Home Music, Inc.
Ethnic selections
follow this
##A 14 74167 497
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
VARIOUS — Madagasikara One — Current Traditional Music of Madagascar. Globestyle ORBD 012
VARIOUS — Madagasikara Two — Current Popular Music of Madagascar. Globestyle ORBD 013
Once again, Globestyle’s Ben Mandelson has brought us some charming, rarely-heard music from, in this case, Madagascar, an island off the east coast of
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Africa. The traditional tunes have a gentle, lilting quality deriving perhaps from the simple but catchy melodies on the valiha, the national instrument. The valiha sounds like a cora and has 22 strings on either an oblong box (coastal style) or a tube
(highlands style). There are several examples of both on the traditional LP (012), along with haunting accordion melodies, sometimes in duet with the fine flutist Rakotofra, backed with syncopated rattles, as well as some fine vocals. Volume 2 exhibits many young bands, who, while influenced by Zairean, South African, and even French popular music, have kept their native sound, most still using the valiha or accordion in danceable, gently syncopated songs. Such groups as Tarika Sammy Zeze et Georges “Son” and Rossy are keeping alive this lovely and contemporary music.
(Review by John McCord) — each $10.50
Selection: “Bonne Annee Amin Ny Tanana”
by Georges Norbert & L. Honore Rosa
from Madagasikara One(Globestyle ORBD 012)
##A 14 75238 499
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
E.T. MENSAH — All For You — Classic Highlife Recordings from the 1950s.
Retroafric RETRO 1
Excellent reissue of the king of Ghana’s highlife music, sax and trumpet player E.T. Mensah. Combining the influences of European brass band, swing, palm wine music, and calypso,
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Mensah created a gentle, shuffling dance music that could swing like mad, provide space for jazzy solos, and allow him to comment on matters of topical and romantic interest. Included here, with great sound, are 18 fine tunes, some, as the charming All For You and Inflation Calypso, in English, some instrumentals, some in African, but all classic examples of Mensah’s influential style.
(Review by John McCord) — $11.50
Selection : “Don’t Mind Your Wife” by E.T. Mensah
##A 14 75336 501
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
Africa-The Gambia
From Gambia comes this nice LP of 2 wonderful kora players, Dembo Konte, son of the late
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Alhaji Konte, and Kausu, actually from the Casamance region of Senegal. Recorded by Folk Root’s Ian Anderson & Lucy Duran, the two mesh together effortlessly, with Dembo the more lyrical and Kausu the more driving. Especially nice are the lively uptempo songs like “Tiramakhan” & “Solo” with their almost Latin beat. The songs are the usual praise and historical songs so important to the Griots of West Africa, aided by the delicate beauty of the harp-like koras.
(Review by John McCord) — $9.98
Selection: “Tiramakhan”
##A 14 77781 503
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
Africa-South Africa
VARIOUS ARTISTS — Mbube Root - Zulu Choral Music From South Africa: 1930s - 1960s. Rounder 5025
At last, an LP reissue of the wonderful historic choral music from South Africa, made so popular lately by Ladysmith Black Mambazo. This mostly acapella singing tradition goes back nearly 100 years to the Isikhunzi music of Reuben Caluza and Nimrod Makhanya’s Bantu Glee Singers. In the late 30’s, Solomon Linda and His
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Evening Birds crystallized the Mbube style by emphasizing the strong bass lines, soft falsetto solos and “ngoma,” or various striking dances, and gave it a name with his hit “Mbube,” or “The Lion Sleeps Tonight,” included here with two others. After the war, such fine groups as The Shooting Stars, The Morning Light Choir and The Natal Champions created more stunning examples of this style, culminating in the
“isicathamiya” or stalking style of Black Mambazo, recorded here in 1967. Fine pictures, and notes by Veit Erlmann.
(Review by John McCord) — $8.98
Selection: “Mbube” by Solomon Linda’s Original Evening Birds
##A 14 79943 505
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
The Caribbean
VARIOUS ARTISTS — Port Of Spain Shuffle: Black Music In Britain In The Early 1950s - Vol. 1. New Cross 005
VARIOUS ARTISTS — Caribbean Connections: Black Music In Britain In The Early 1950s - Vol. 2.
New Cross 006
Two wonderful collections of exciting Caribbean music recorded in England, as compiled and annotated by the tireless John Cowley. Starting in 1950, with Lord Kitchener — “Nora/The Underground Train,” and Lord Beginner —“Rum, More Rum/The Dollar & The
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Pound,” many calypsonians from Trinidad were recorded for the indigenous and export market. Most were backed by Cyril Blake’s Calypso Serenaders or Freddy Grant from Guyana and his various fine bands. Following their success, Jamaica and other islands got their chance. Vol. 1 includes such classics as “Man Smart, Woman Smarter” and “Iere” by George Brown, “(Marry An) Ugly Woman” and “Tick! Tick!” by The Lion, “Daddy Gone To Cove & John” by Bill Rogers and “Linstead Market” by Tony Johnson, as well as some fine Jazz pieces by Grant and British clarinettist, Humphrey Lyttleton. Vol. 2 has the hilarious but affectionate put-down of Be-bop,
“Calypso Be” by Tiger (“Can’t make heads or tails of Dizzy Gillespie and his Oo-Blop-Blee-Dah,”) “Mary Ann Calypso” and “Kalenda March” by The Lion, “Fire, Fire,”
“Mattie Rag” and others, showing the bonds between Black musics around the world. Fine sound and notes. (Review by John McCord) — $8.50 each
Selection : “Calypso Be” by Young Tiger
from Caribbean Connections (Vol. 2)
##A 14 285212 507
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
VARIOUS ARTISTS — Balkana - The Music Of Bulgaria. Hannibal 1335
Soulful and touching music recorded by Joe Boyd in July of 1987 that shows that musical traditions can indeed survive the onslaught of modernity. Featuring the soloist of Radio Sofia, the music includes 4 lovely female acapella songs by the Trio Bulgarka, along with several splendid vocals by Yanka Rupkina from the trio Trakiiskata Troika (Tracian Trio) on gaida (bagpipes), gadulka (a 12-string bowed instrument), kaval (flute) and drums, contribute some lively instrumentals and fine accompaniments to Yanka and male singer Roumea Rodopski, rounding out a fine record of traditional Bulgarian music (Review by John McCord) — $9.98
Selection: “Tri Bulbula Peiat” by Trio Bulgarka
##A 14 157623 508
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
Cajun Music
NATHAN ABSHIRE — The Best Of Nathan Abshire.
Swallow 6061
Great collection of the legendary Cajun accordianist Nathan Abshire backed by the equally great Balfa Brothers on some of his best tunes from the 50s and 60s. Though these have all been out before on Swallow 6014 & 6023, this has a booklet with lyric
##A 14 80738 509
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
translations of such songs as La Valse De Holly Beach — “The mosquitoes ate all my sweetheart/They left only her large toes/That I can use as corks/To stop up my half-pint bottles.” Also included are “Pinegrove Blues/Bayou Teche/Service Blues.”
(Review by John McCord) — $8.98
Selection: “Belisaire Waltz”
##A 14 283666 510
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
ISMAEL LO — Xiif. Celluloid 8725
Ismael was previously a singer with Super Diamono. He has done two solo albums of which this is the most recent. Probably the top songwriter from Senegal, he also plays acoustic guitar and harmonica. Utilizing Paris-based African
##A 14 455503 511
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musicians leads of course to Caribbean/Zouk touches and again there is a fantastic guitarist (Addmd Faye — I wonder if he is Lamine Faye’s brother?). Electronic touches are judiciously used and combined with an equal amount of folk touches like the harmonica and the distinctive talking drums of Senegal, to create a very interesting record. “Dioumaa” utilizes the zouk rhythm from the Antilles crossed with mbalax to make a dance floor jam with a great percussion break in the middle part. The title track “Xiif” is about the great drought affecting Ethiopia and the Sahelian regions of Africa. “Marie Lo” features acoustic guitar and harmonica and, of course, vocals from Senegal’s finest songwriter.
(Review by Fred Hill) — $12.98
Selection: “Dioumaa”
##A 14 284362 512
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
Cajun Music
MICHAEL DOUCET & BEAUSOLEIL — Hot Chili Mama. Arhoolie 5040
Sterling Album, probably their best, from Mike, his inventive fiddle and Beausoleil. They extend and deepen the boundaries of cajun music, ranging from the lovely archaic ballad style of “Chanson De
##A 14 462230 513
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
Sagesse (Ballad Of Wisdom)” and “Belle” to their humorous addition to the Joe Pitre song cycle “Joe Pitre’s So Bad” and the rollicking “Hot Chili Mama.” In between they render a fine latin-flavored version of the “Chanson De Cinquante Sous (The 50 Cent Song),” a rave-up of “Mosquito That Ate Up My Sweetheart Polka,” Lawrence
Walker’s lovely “Les Bons Temps Rouler Waltz” and lively versions of “Arcadian Two-Step” and Canray Fontenot’s “Grande Mallet,” among other. Michael sings and plays his violin like a man possessed, aided by brother David on guitar and vocals, new-comer Pat Breaux (grandson of Amadee Breaux) on expressive accordion and wailing sax, along with Tommy Alesi on drums, Billy Ware on congas, and Beth Weil on bass. A triumph for the band and hopefully a breakthrough LP for cajun music, reaching those that aren’t aware of its infectious joyousness.
(Review by John McCord) —$7.98
Selection: “Joe Pitre’s So Bad”
##A 14 299090 514
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
3 MUSTAPHAS 3 — Shopping. Globestyle ORB 022
I still don’t know what to make of these guys, a mid-eastern(?) Ramones all with the last name Mustapha, not to forget guest Uncle Mustapha Bin Mustapha, who plays
“expensive trumpet with tassel” and the fact that they have a full-blown rap tune
“Xamenh Evtexia/Fiz’n,” which is translated to “Lost Fortune/Lost Refrigeration,” isn’t helping matters. However, The Mustaphas’ brand of Moroccan, Nigerian & Lebanese music is some of the most enjoyable music I’ve heard in quite a while.
(Review by Gary Mollica) — $10.50
Selection: “Xamenh Evtexia/Fiz’n”
##A 14 284810 515
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
SOLIMAN GAMIL — The Egyptian Music. Touch TO:7
Lovely, intriguing music performed by 63 year old Gamil, composer and musicologist, and his Egyptian Folkloric Music Orchestra with the aim of recreating the music of Egypt, from
##A 14 284421 516
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
earliest antiquity to more recent folk traditions. Playing kanoun, flutes, various rababas, oud & various drums, they succeed admirably with a series of instrumental tone-poems that captures the sublimity and passion for beauty that informs the long history of Egyptian music. (Review by John McCord) — $11.50
Selection: “The New Nubia”
##A 14 293484 517
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
VARIOUS ARTISTS — We Got Latin Soul. Caliente HOT 100
Fun collection of 60’s Latin soul hits, which, while the sentiments of boogaloo taking over and good feeling’s sockin’ to me are a little dated, the music is as hot as ever and as fun to dance to. Taken from N.Y.’s Musica
##A 14 472812 518
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
Latina Catalogue, there are 3 cuts each from Ray Barretto — “El Watusi”/“Soul Drummer”/“Boogaloo Co Soul” and Joe Cuba — “Bang Bang”/“Oh Yeah”/“Sock It To Me”, 2 from Tito Puente, his psychedelic “TP Treat” and Miriam Makeba’s “Pata Pata,” as well as Joe Bataan’s “It’s A Good Feeling (Riot),” The Fania All Stars sizzling “Son Cuero Y Boogaloo” and Ralph Robles, “Taking Over.” This will bring back some great memories for some and puzzled looks from others, but hopefully dancing feet from all, as well as an insight into the roots of Salsa in the 70s & 80s.
(Review by John McCord) — $8.50 (SPECIAL SALE PRICE = $7.00. Sale Price Good Through December 31st, 1987 only)
Selection: “Soul Drummers” by Ray Barretto
##A 14 175657 519
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
Hannibal 1341
An absolutely superb album of Hungarian music featuring this talented group who have been together since 1973 but, on this album, soar to new heights. Their
##A 14 476527 520
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
previous albums have featured them performing in a very traditional style popular at the folk dance houses. On this album they have spread their wings and embraced elements of Celtic folk and blues into their arrangements and include such instruments as bouzouki and bass guitar. The result is spell-binding — rich and varied arrangements which are contemporary but fit in perfectly with tradition. As if this were not enough they have a trump card in the form of vocalist Marta Sebestyen who is one of the finest European singers on record today. . . .Beautifully recorded, this is one of those records that you will return to again and again. It’s only March but this is sure to be one of my favorites of the year.
(Review by Frank Scott) — $10.98
Selection: “Repulj Madar, Repulj” (Fly bird, fly)
##A 14 176095 521
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
CHEB MAMI — Le Prince Du Rai.
Horizon HM 014
Another amazing Algerian singer of Rai music, from the Bedouin culture of Western Algeria. Combining electric guitars and violins, synthesizers, snappy drums & bongos with the
##A 14 301944 522
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
traditional songs, Cheb Mami, who first hit in 1982 at age 17, has two powerful albums to back up his claim to rai royalty. Both albums are from 1986 and are excellent, with Ouach Elsalini absolutely relentless in its undulating rhythm, urged on by the farlisa-like synthesizer. Le Prince Du Rai is more varied with the fine electric violin of Benyelles D. replacing the synthesizer, giving it a bluesier sound and at times recreating that distinctive Algerian whoop on the fiddle. Throughout, Cheb Mami’s vocals are powerful and expressive. Some eye-opening music that is well worth your attention.
(Review by John McCord) — $10.98
Selection: “Dertfik Confiance (Nakara)” from Le Prince Du Rai
##A 14 176200 523
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
KING BENNIE NAWAHI — Hot Hawaiian Guitar 1928 to ca. 1949. Yazoo 1074
This LP chronicles the career of one of the finer Hawaiian guitarists of the 20’s and 30’s, whose playing influenced and
##A 14 320341 524
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
changed so much of American music. Bennie Nawahi started as a teenager working with Sol Hoopil, graduated as a ukelele virtuoso to the mainland Vaudeville circuit and went on to record prolifically with jazz, country (he worked in 1932 with Roy Rogers) and Hawaiian bands. Lovingly produced and annotated by Roberty Armstrong, the 16 cuts feature Bennie’s dexterous staccato attack and amazing string bending technique on guitar on such great tunes as “Singing in the Bathtub”, “My Little A-1 Brownie” (with the other King Bennie, Goodman on clarinet), “Manua Kea” and “May Day is Lei Day” in Hawaii. Great stuff.
15 tunes from 1929 with side one covering April & May and side two, after a long California sabbatical, covering Sept. & Oct. The bad news is that the May tunes mark the last Whiteman recordings by Bix. The
##A 14 324023 527
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
good news is that the May recordings mark the 1st Whiteman recordings by Joe Venuti and Bing’s new roommate Eddie Lang. 11 tunes are Whiteman Columbias, 3 from May 24, backed by a trio of Lang, Roy Bargy (p) & Matty Matlock (viola) plus 3 from Sept. 27 backed by a quintet including Bargy & Charlie Margulis (t) - “S’posin/Little Pal/Gay Love/Without A Song,” etc .
(Review by Gary Mollica) — $12.98
Selection: “Without A Song”
##A 14 328208 528
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
BIX BEIDERBECKE — Jazz Classics In Digital Stereo. Great Original Performances 1924–1930. BBC REB 601
16 tunes from the BBC’s incredible reissue
##A 14 328051 529
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
series. Bix is always fabulous, but recordings are usually hard to listen to. The performances here are positively breathtaking, from The Wolverine Orchestra’s
“Copenhagen” from 1924 to “Deep Harlem” by The Hotsy Totsy Gang from 1930, plus great tunes by Bix & His Gang - “Royal Garden Blues/Wa Da Da/Since My Best Girl Turned Me Down” + 5, Frankie Trumbauer Orch. - “I Like That” + 2, Paul Whiteman Orch. - “Mississippi Mud” & Hoagy Carmichael Orch. - “Rockin’ Chair/Barnacle Bill The Sailor.”
(Review by Gary Mollica)
Records & Cassettes — $12.50.
Compact Disc — $20.00
Selection: “Copenhagen”
##A 14 329125 530
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
VARIOUS ARTISTS — Jazz & Hot Dance In Spain 1919 - 1947. Harlequin 2026
During WW II, Spain was a neutral haven for people stranded in Europe, or for French refugees. 8 of the 16 tunes were recorded in
##A 14 356039 531
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
Barcelona during Wartime, mostly in big bands with unidentified musicians recording with locals inc. Orquesta Planticion, Orquesta Sigrido Ribera, Ramon Vives Y Sus Muchachos & Jose Puertas Y Su Quinteto De Hot, all with a very apparent American influence. The earliest material is Charleston & cakewalk music which was prevalent until the 1st arriving US Jazz band, Sam Wooding’s Chocolate Kiddies with Doc Cheatum, Willie Lewis & Gene Cedric, heard here in an unissued test pressing of
Blake’s Blues from 1929. The last tune here has expatriate Don Byas jamming with local musicians on Byas Jump from 1947.
(Review by Gary Mollica) — $10.50
Selection: “Mama! lo He Vuelto A Hacer”
by Orquesta Martin De La Rosa
##A 14 329315 532
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
JOE VENUTI & EDDIE LANG — Jazz Classics in Digital Stereo — Great Original Performances, 1926-1933. BBC REB 644 (c)
16 classics of jazz violin and
guitar beautifully remastered in digital stereo - “Stringing The Blues/
Four String Joe/Sensation/The Wild Dog/Shivery Stomp/Hot Heels/Oh!
Peter/Vibraphonia,” etc. (Review by Frank Scott) Record & Cassette —$12.50 Compact Disc —$20.00
Selection: “Stringing The Blues”
##A 14 177496 533
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
ANN MARGRET —The Many Moods of Ann-Margret. RAVEN 1009
This gatefold LP has 10 color photos on the front and back covers and over a dozen more on the inside, along with complete
##A 14 368688 534
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
filmography and LP discography. In the grooves are 24 (!) RCA recordings, featuring tunes from movies, such as “My Rival” from “Viva Las Vegas” and title tunes from “Bye Bye Birdie”, “The Swinger,” and “The Pleasure Seekers.” Most songs are in real stereo.(Review by Gary Mollica) — $11.50
Selection: “I Just Don’t Understand”
##A 14 178151 535
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
MAE WEST — 16 Sultry Songs Sung of Mae West — “Queen of Sex.” Rosetta 1315
16 tunes taken from 78s and film soundtracks, mostly
##A 14 372263 536
##T Down Home Music, Inc.
1933-36, along with “My Daddy Rocks Me,” “They Call Me Sister Honky Tonk,” “ A Guy What Takes His Time” done in ’55 with The Sy Oliver Orchestra. “Easy Rider,”recorded for Brunswick in ’33 with an all star studio band led by Victor Young and including the Dorsey Brothers and Joe Venuti. Includes 3 tunes from 1934’s “Belle Of The 90’s” with backing by Duke Ellington — “Memphis Blues”, “My Old Flame”,
“St. Louis Woman”. Beautiful gatefold package loaded with photos and extensive liner notes — “Come Up And See Me Sometime”, “Slow Down”, “Pardon Me For Loving And Running.” (Review by Gary Mollica) $9.95
Selection: “Come Up & See Me Sometime”
##A 14 330596 537
##T Ladyslipper
The contributions women have made to music have often been shuffled aside or under-rated in the past. The full range of their abilities has not been recognized. To add to the insult the mainstream music industry has still not figured out how to promote and sell music made by women without all too often making them into sex-bimbos. Ladyslipper have taken the situation in hand with their ear-opening service.
There are Comedy, New Age, Holiday, Classical, Reggae, Calypso, Punk, New Wave, Rock, Girl Groups, Soul, R & B, Disco, Blues, Jazz, Gospel, Folk, Traditional, African, Arabic, Middle Eastern, Asian, Pacific, European, Latin American, New Song, Native American,
##A 14 330830 538
##T Ladyslipper
Jewish, Spoken Word, and Children’s recordings all made by women in this 80 page catalog. Of course there are also recordings in Women’s Music, Feminist Music, and Women’s Spirituality categories. There’s even a “Mehn’s Music” section. There are
a lot of releases that you won’t find in any other catalogs.
Videos, with a special kids’ section, Songbooks, Posters, Books, Calendars, Cards, and a Resources list complete the offerings. The descriptions of the items are entertaining and educational.
There’s something for every one here. Yes, there are even two records from Mae West.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 331244 539
##T Ladyslipper
Catalog free from:
PO Box 3130
Durham, NC 27705
##A 14 331541 540
##T Ladyslipper
Click on a button to choose
a subsection of the
Rock and Punk
##A 14 332429 541
##T Ladyslipper
BONNIE HAYES — Good Clean Fun
Of special interest to all Teresa Trull fans who have seen her touring with Bonnie Hayes; here’s Bonnie in the lead, with the Wild Combo, and wild she is! Very spirited rock’n roll, with Bonnie on vocals and keyboards on her originals such as “Girls Like Me,” “Raylene,”
“Joyride;” you’ll feel 19 again (if
you’re well past that). LP only.
(Slash 112) $6.95.
Selection: “Girls Like Me”
##A 14 333554 542
##T Ladyslipper
POISON GIRLS — Songs Of Praise
This band is fronted by the infamous Vi Subvers, who writes all the lyrics here, and plays guitar. She’s joined by Cynth Ethics, Richard Famous and Agent Orange on percussion, bass, synth, harmonica and keyboards in a freewheeling, highly rhythmic and danceable mix of sarcasm, social commentary and punk feminism, all from a British working class perspective. Includes
“Real Woman,” “No More Lies,” “Too Proud,” “Voodoo Pappadollar,” “Riot In My Mind.” Recommended. LP only. (CD 033) $8.95
Selection: “Real Woman”
##A 14 13324 543
##T Ladyslipper
FRIGHTWIG — Cat Farm Faboo
Wild raunch ’n roll from a 4-woman band which gets across an anti-sexist message, in a manner quite unlike your average feminist music: this is loud, rough, funny, sarcastic and pissed off! As one reviewer said, “Frightwig never protests; it celebrates macho’s impending downfall.” They sing about sexual politics in such songs as “My Crotch Does Not Say Go” and
“Take This And Fuck Yer Head” commentary in “Tomorrow Never Comes” (“I see your habit-it’s dressing for suckcess”) and
“Somethin’s Gotta Change.” Try this at your next party, and I don’t mean tea party. LP only.
(Subterranean 46) $8.95
Selection: “My Crotch Does Not Say Go”
##A 14 333796 544
##T Ladyslipper
The Raincoats are one of the few punk-influenced British women’s bands who have recorded an entire album on an independent label. Their music is political in the way that characterizes much of this movement: anarchistic, reflective of the alienated mood of the young adult population of working-class England. Toured with the Clash in ’78. This LP is more professional than their first, which is available in the US as an import. LP only. (Rough Trade 13) $9.95
Selection: “Shouting Out Loud”
##A 14 334239 545
##T Ladyslipper
BRONSKI BEAT — Age Of Consent
A mainstream, very gay-identified group, who have no qualms about coming out on MTV! Songs include
“Why,” “Smalltown Boy,” “Need A Man Blues,” “No More War.” Heavy synth, highly danceable. Specify LP
(MCA 25052) or cassette (MCA
C-25052). $6.95
Selection: “Smalltown Boy”
##A 14 46109 546
##T Ladyslipper
Reggae and Calypso
##A 14 334595 547
##T Ladyslipper
The liner notes say it all: “This album is inimitably Calypso Rose at her best. It is the happy music of the Caribbean fusing with the beautiful music of the universe. It is the frenzied madness of Carnival,
##A 14 232856 548
##T Ladyslipper
deliriously rising to create a universal dance fever.” Includes “Cosmic Music” which joins Calypso, Soca, Progressive Jazz, Haitian, Latin, Soul and Disco, and “Don’t Touch Me,” which will electrically hypnotize the entire world, Caribbeans, Europeans, Africans, Americans, Asians and Indians, will all be dancing to the hottest Dance tune of 1984. Musically, we are in for “Double Trouble!” LP only.
(Straker’s 2252) $9.95
Selection : “Cosmic Music”
##A 14 335433 549
##T Ladyslipper
If you are a Judy Mowatt fan, try this! This bright young star on the reggae scene has been touring with Rita Marley and the I Threes, and has gained a sizeable following. She has a warm expressive voice and a good strong delivery; production is sharp and clean; material is snappy, rhythmic with upbeat messages. Includes “Music Is Positive Vibration,” “In The Ghetto,” “Best Of Me,” “Reach For Your Goal.” Specify LP (Meadowlark 405) or cassette Meadowlark (C-405). $9.95
Selection: “Music Is Positive Vibration”
##A 14 335996 550
##T Ladyslipper
RANKING ANNE — Kill The Police Bill (12" EP)
A highly political, highly incredible recording in the DJ dub style, or “toasting.” This is when a DJ raps or talks, often about current issues over a “dub riddim” track — the “B side” instrumental track which has been remixed utilizing special effects, echo, reverb, and a lot of creativity. Ranking Anne is communicating the need to revise a bill which is turning England into a police state by allowing the arrest and detention, without charge of any “suspicious-looking” i.e. unemployed or minority person. The sounds and rhythms here create an eerie, frightening atmosphere, suggestive of brutality, with a clear call for resistance. Lyrics included — recommended! EP only. (Rough Justice 001) $5.95
Selection: “Kill The Police Bill”
##A 14 336360 551
##T Ladyslipper
SISTER CAROL — Black Cinderella
“Excuse me all, I’d like to say/ I’m the woman DJ rappin’ at your way!” Sister Carol thus refers to herself in several of her original songs, and she delivers her commentary about politics, poverty, culture and the world for a very personal perspective, always with strong presence and vitality. For instance, “Down In The Ghetto” is about her experience growing up in Western Kingston. Includes “Dedicated To Bob Marley,” “Free Food Ticket,” “International Style” (with lyrics in Spanish, French and Swahili)
“Reggae Gone International,” and title. Recommended! Specify LP (Jah Life 17) or cassette (Jah Life C-17). $9.95
Selection: “International Style”
##A 14 48986 552
##T Ladyslipper
##A 14 336674 553
##T Ladyslipper
PAUL WINTER CONSORT with SUSAN OSBORN — Missa Gaia/ Earth Mass (Double Album)
Recorded live in the Cathedral of St. John the Divine (with the pipe organ of the world’s largest Gothic Cathedral) and in the Grand Canyon. Along with the voices of wolf, whale and loon and the rhythms of Africa and Brazil, it creates a joyous, contemporary celebration of Mother Earth. Specify double-LP
(Living Music 005) or cassette
(Living Music C-0005) $18.95.
Selection: “The Blue Green Hills Of Earth”
##A 14 337046 554
##T Ladyslipper
LAURIE ANDERSON — Mister Heartbreak
Oh, Missus Lady! This album will put you under Laurie Anderson’s magical spell, as she takes you on a journey through lush, surreal musical landscapes. The high level of structural
##A 14 422613 555
##T Ladyslipper
and emotional diversity seems impossible to attain, but the universal result will reach into the tender depths of any listener’s soul. Gorgeous instrumentation (Korean kayagum, synclavier, electronic conches, shekere, violin, bells, wood blocks, guitars, bass, bamboo, to name a few) with help from such talents as Roma Baran, Peter Gabriel, Bill Laswell, Anton Fier, William Burroughs, Phoebe Snow... Songs include:
“Gravity’s Angel.” Highly recommended, if you hadn’t already guessed. Specify LP
(Warner Brothers 25077) or cassette (Warner Brothers C-25077). $9.95
Selection: “KoKoKu”
##A 14 337324 556
##T Ladyslipper
JULIA LEE — Tonight’s The Night
1940’s and early 1950’s recordings of absolutely risque “songs her mother never taught her,” like
“Don’t Come Too Soon,” “All This Beef And Big Ripe Tomatoes,” “Snatch And Grab It,” “I Didn’t Like It The First Time.” She plays a fantastic boogie piano, her vocals are warm and rhythmic, her inflection humorous and even a bit sarcastic at times. U.K. import. Specify LP (Charly 1039) or cassette (Charly C-1039). $10.95
Selection: “Mama Don’t Allow”
##A 14 63626 557
##T Ladyslipper
##A 14 338263 558
##T Ladyslipper
TANIA MARIA —Love Explosion
In the artist’s own words: “The time I felt an explosion of musical love, was when through the hands and sounds of my favorite Brazilian pianist Luis Eca, I saw, heard and felt a colored flash of beauty, harmonious, sensual, loving, sweet, bitter, irritating. We discovered that music was a woman: assertive, urgent, possessive, dominant, explosive, but always bringing an explosive, powerful discovery...” All original material, with lyrics and translations. Hot stuff! Specify LP
(Concord 230) or cassette
(Concord C-230). $9.95
Selection: “Funky Tamborim”
##A 14 339026 559
##T Ladyslipper
LILLY TCHIUMBA — Angola: Songs Of My People
This LP is a treasure, even if you
don’t speak Kimbundo. The liner notes speak of how Lilly harmonizes beauty and passion, transmits love and defiance — and she does. Accompanied by viola, ungo, n’goma-dikanza, kabaca-piuta, which create excellent music and percussion. Includes a song translated “Women of Angola” about their right to fight for their position in society and to be given respect always. LP only. (Monitor 767) $9.95
Selection: “N’Zambi”
##A 14 339232 560
##T Ladyslipper
OFRA HAZA — Yemenite Songs
If you can buy only a couple of albums this year, absolutely make this one of them! Of Yemenite Jewish parentage, Ofra may be Israel’s biggest star; winning awards year after year, successfully combining her indescribable voice with traditional songs (up to 2500 years old!) and contemporary rhythms...resulting in a sound so compelling, so driving, so haunting, so moving, that language ceases to be such a barrier. This album features Yemenite Jewish music from one of the oldest communities in the world, performed in Hebrew, Aramaic and Arabic. The secular songs are traditionally sung only by women; some of the devotional material descends from poetry of complex medieval meter and rhyme written by Rabbi Shalom Shabazi (1616-1670). Very, very highly recommended. LP only. (GlobeStyle 006) $9.95
Selection: “Galbi”
##A 14 339581 561
##T Ladyslipper
OFRA HAZA — Galbi (Dance Mix: 12" 45 rpm)
For all you Ofra Haza fans as well as DJs on the lookout for the world’s greatest dance music — look no farther. Contagious beat, high-tech production, digital delay, global array of percussive delight, this EP comes almost as highly recommended as her LP! Contains long and short versions of Galbi, and a special mix of “Im Nin’alu.” Will transform any dance floor into a more exciting, energizing, tantalizing environment instantly! EP only.
(GlobeStyle 117) $6.95
Selection: “Galbi” (Dance Mix)
##A 14 351217 562
##T Roundup Records
Roundup Records
Rounder Records is one of the leading labels in the continuing availability and new release of roots-based musics. However, they can’t do the job on their own and so Roundup Records, their mail-order operation, makes other labels available. The Roundup Records 1987 Artist Catalog and Supplement between them list over 16,000 titles from the full range of vernacular musics on over 350 independent labels, both domestic and imported.
The Record Roundup, their bimonthly update contains lengthy, unflinching reviews and updates on new releases. They also have a particularly good selection of cut-outs at attractive prices.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 351333 563
##T Roundup Records
By Third Class Mail
Free to customers
$5/year for non-customers
By First Class Mail
$6/year to all
1987 Artist Catalog and Supplement $2
Roundup Records
PO Box 154
North Cambridge, MA 02140
##A 14 351777 564
##T Roundup Records
Click on a button to choose
a subsection of the
##A 14 352059 565
##T Roundup Records
North American
##A 14 352431 566
##T Roundup Records
JASS8 (LP or ca:$7.75)
Santa comes a cropper here with 15 seasonal raves in a fundamentally jazz/blues groove, with a few pop forays for good measure. Spanning 30 years from
##A 14 64980 567
##T Roundup Records
1925-55, this set covers wide stylistic ground and shows that, while Christmas pretties tend to be novelty trifles, master musicians wail with authority in all wrappings. Louis Armstrong, Count Basie and Jimmy Rushing, Benny Carter, Lionel Hampton, and Louis Prima are among the heavyweights who throw their full tonnage behind such songs as “Christmas Night in Harlem,” “Good Morning Blues (I Want To See Santa Claus),” and “Boogie Woogie Santa Claus” — not the stuff of which legends are made, but fine performances nonetheless. While bands dominate the festivities, there are a couple of nice small outings, not the least Victoria Spivey’s “Christmas Mornin’ Blue” from 1927, with Porter Granger’s piano and the crisp, doleful guitar of Lonnie Johnson. Jack Teagarden gives a moving reading of “The Christmas Song,” and Benny Carter’s Swing Quartet romps merrily through “Jingle Bells.”
Devotees of jazz greats with an ear for their out-of-the-way waxings are in for a treat, as are fans of the bizarre: “Be-Bop Santa Claus” by Babs Gonzalez is the
##A 14 153620 568
##T Roundup Records
“Night Before Christmas” recited in 50s jive. Mom ’n’ pops may likewise get a glow from this set, what with big band gam shakers from Bob Crosby, Dick Robertson, Al Bowlly, and Woody Herman. With the exception of the fundamentalists and head-bangers on your shopping list, you could use this bountiful LP as an all-purpose stocking stuffer.
— Mark Humphrey
Selection: “What Will Santa Claus Say? (When He Finds Everybody Swingin’)”
by Louis Prima and His New Orleans Gang
##A 14 352822 569
##T Roundup Records
MAMOU11 ($7.00)
From Barrence’s opening screams on
“Bip Bop Bip,” you know you’re in for a treat when you slap this on the platter. The Savages rip through R&B/Rockabilly
##A 14 70847 570
##T Roundup Records
covers of Big Al Downing’s “Georgia Slop” (Barrence often joins Los Lobos on stage for this), Big T. Tyler’s “King Kong,” and one of the wildest tracks ever committed to wax, Bobby Peterson’s “Mama Get the Hammer (A Fly’s On My Baby’s Head).” This was the first lineup of the Savages, and is a lot rawer than “Dig Yourself” (Rounder 9007). Barrence now has a new group of Savages, with an album due in October on Rounder, and while I enjoy the greater breadth of material handled by the new Savages, the Mamou debut will never be equaled for sheer all-out screamin’ and burnin’. The few originals hit as hard as the obscure covers, and this record nearly captures the excitement of Barrence’s live show. A record destined to become a collector’s item — it’s a one-off label, and I believe Barrence’s live shows are a legend in the making — catch ’em if you can.
— Dennis MacDonald
Selection: “Bip Bop Bip”
##A 14 353163 571
##T Roundup Records
SLIM HARPO — The Best of the Original King Bee.
RHINO 106 ($7.75)
Harpo is one of my favorite blues musicians of all time, and this collection shows just how influential he was. “Baby Scratch My Back” was covered by artists as diverse as Otis
##A 14 466085 572
##T Roundup Records
Redding and the Fabulous Thunderbirds, not to mention hundreds of bar bands everywhere that include it in their repertoire. Harpo’s tremolo guitar style was to resurface in Creedence’s “Born on the Bayou.” Mick Jagger put it best — “What’s the point in listening to us doing ‘I’m A King Bee’ when you can hear Slim Harpo do
it?” Also included: “Got Love If You Want It,” “Shake Your Hips,” “Raining In My Heart,” and “Tip On In.” All of his Excello albums are out of print, and the Flyright collections use many alternate takes. This Rhino package is done right, complete with good liner notes. Essential listening.
— Dennis MacDonald
Selection: “I’m A King Bee”
##A 14 353714 573
##T Roundup Records
MARCIA BALL — Hot Tamale Baby. ROUNDER 3095 (LP or ca:$7.00; CD:$13.00)
Marcia Ball’s best Rounder album hits all the notes that make the Texan pianist-singer so popular on the Texas-Louisiana circuit. Hot Tamale Baby covers
##A 14 466275 574
##T Roundup Records
the same musical territory that Ball travels geographically, with New Orleans
rock ’n’ roll, Southern soul, Texas shuffles, and zydeco (the title cut is a Clifton Chenier raveup). Her piano playing and singing are first-rate, and her band — guitarist David Murray, bassist Don Bennett, and drummer/singer Doyle Bramhall
(author of some of Stevie Ray Vaughan’s best tunes) — gets some sympathetic help from Bill Samuels’ horn charts and tenor solos by New Orleans master Red Tyler.
— Tom Smith
Selection: “That’s Enough Of That Stuff”
##A 14 24017 575
##T Roundup Records
Alligator 4718 (LP or ca: $7.00; CD, $14.50)
Alligator Records’ finest hour. Longhair was criminally neglected from the late fifties to mid-seventies — neglect so severe that he probably would have lived ten or twenty years longer were it not
##A 14 466787 576
##T Roundup Records
for the severe malnutrition he suffered during those years. But if you think that this record has anything to do with tragedy, you can forget that right now — it’s a total infectious joy from beginning to end. When Longhair was rediscovered, he was ready, willing, and able to make up for lost time, and his rolling piano gets support from a talented band that follows his every tricky, syncopated move like no band he’d ever had before. The granddaddy of New Orleans R&B finally got the production and recording quality he deserved all along. I have yet to meet anyone with the least interest in blues or R&B who doesn’t like this LP.
— Bill Morrison
Selection: “In The Wee Wee Hours”
##A 14 13747 577
##T Roundup Records
BUCKWHEAT ZYDECO — Waitin’ For My Ya-Ya. ROUNDER 2051($7.00)
Stanley “Buckwheat” Dural simply is the cutting edge of zydeco music. This LP adds still more ingredients to the Zydeco gumbo, with “Warm & Tender Love”— the first
##A 14 467014 578
##T Roundup Records
zydeco/reggae fusion. The title tune shows something of a ska influence, too. A lot of these musical influences have made the round trip to Jamaica and back — there is a strong New Orleans/Louisiana influence on early reggae and ska (Archibald’s 1950 hit, “Stack-A-Lee” has a rhythm guitar part that was a model for early ska groups), so what seems new may just be the old coming around. But to find out how the Cajun/Latin/R&B stew of Louisiana Zydeco and R&B has made it into the eighties,
Buckwheat’s the man to hear.
Selection: “My Feet Can’t Fail Me Now”
##A 14 15365 579
##T Roundup Records
BUCKWHEAT ZYDECO — On a Night Like This. ISLAND 90622 (LP $8; CD $14)
The aim of zydeco music — mainly, that it should make you feel good enough to dance — is simple enough so that maybe you should
##A 14 19012 580
##T Roundup Records
only demand that it cook and is played well. On A Night Like This succeeds on both counts. Their heavily soul-influenced approach makes Buckwheat & The II Sont Partis Band the most powerful zydeco band around, pounding it out, yet capable of stopping on a dime. Past that, and because of the contemporary audience that Buckwheat is actively courting, there are a lot of minor pros and cons to think about. The horns from the Dirty Dozen Brass Band appear, but stick to backing the II Sont Partis Band, which is in typically good form.
There are a few traditional zydeco raveups, but Buckwheat’s habit of fishing unpredictable covers from outside traditional boundaries still stands. Bob Dylan’s
“On a Night Like This” and Booker T. and the M.G.’s “Time Is Tight” sound good in their new zydeco suit, but the Blasters’ “Marie Marie” doesn’t benefit much by comparison with the original. “Zydeco Honky Tonk” has a looser groove and a heavier
##A 14 467368 581
##T Roundup Records
funk backbeat than the bluesy shuffle arrangement it had on the One for the Road LP
in 1979. In fact, the production seems like a step back toward such earlier records. The instruments sound smaller and more distant in comparison to Buckwheat’s Rounder efforts, and for a band that relies on the punch of its rhythm and brass sections, it’s not a welcome change.
Still, the musicianship and songs like the title cut and the southern soul instrumental ballad “People’s Choice” are so good that you soon tend to forget about the minuses. This may not be the commercial breakthrough Buckwheat’s looking for, but it’s still very good.
—Tom Smith
Selection: “Buckwheat’s Special”
##A 14 28109 582
##T Roundup Records
BRUCE COCKBURN — Waiting for a Miracle: Singles 1970-87.
Gold Castle 171 005. (2 LPs: $12.25)
“Waiting for a Miracle” is one of the best career retrospectives for a living, active, and creative musician that this reviewer has come across. Double albums that are this well-executed don’t usually appear
##A 14 467663 583
##T Roundup Records
until after an artist has either stopped recording, or worse, stopped living.
Arranged chronologically, “Miracle” makes apparent all of Cockburn’s shifts in instrumentation and songwriting through the years. It is also a fine primer for Cockburn’s career. Except for 1984’s “Stealing Fire” (three songs) and 1986’s
“World of Wonders” (two songs), all previous albums are represented by one song only. I suspect his entire back catalog of LPs will benefit greatly from the exposure they receive here. At least three-fourths of “Miracle” is excellent, and except for an occasional forgettable tune, even the remaining fourth of the album is very good.
— David Dodge Clapp
Selection: “The Trouble With Normal”
##A 14 28646 584
##T Roundup Records
Alligator 4752. (LP or ca. $7.00. CD $14.25)
Though the blues’ rising guard of talented youngsters are monopolizing press headlines, many respected blues veterans are doing the
##A 14 467895 585
##T Roundup Records
best work of their long-lived careers. One of these is guitarist/singer Albert Collins, whose stock has risen greatly over the past two years with appearances at Live Aid, Texas’ 150th Birthday Bash and NBC Radio’s “Live at the Hard Rock With Paul Schaffer,” and a W.C. Handy Award-winning LP. His newest release, “Cold Snap,” is possibly the best of his thirteen-record career.
Collins opens and closes the album with swinging jump blues numbers, romps through funk R&B cuts, and ventures into more traditional Texas blues formats with the kind of white hot solos that have earned him the nickname “Master of the Telecaster.” The record’s high point, though, is a hilarious cover of Jimmy Liggins’
“I Ain’t Drunk.” Blues is alive in 1988.
— David Wykoff
Selection: “I Ain’t Drunk”
##A 14 353888 586
##T Roundup Records
##A 14 354052 587
##T Roundup Records
VIRGILIO MARTI — Saludando A Los Rumberos. GLOBESTYLE 016 ($7.75)
This would be an excellent present for the salsa and Afro-Cuban fans in your house. Cuban-born veteran rumba singer Virgilio Marti, who starred with Ruben Blades in the film Crossover
##A 14 468623 588
##T Roundup Records
Dreams, has worked with many of the greats of Latino music during his career. Here he’s joined by a dozen greats from the New York scene, including faces familiar from Blades’ band, the Fania All-Stars, Kip Hanrahan’s projects, and Conjunto Libre. The guitar, piano, and vocal chorus are exquisite, the horns and drumming are perfect, and rumbero Marti’s singing is a joy. The songs and arrangements are interesting too, which makes this a very satisfying marriage of musicianship and soul.
—Tom Smith
Selection: “Mucho Cante”
##A 14 354887 589
##T Roundup Records
VARIOUS ARTISTS — Womad Talking Book, Vol. 1: An Introduction.
WOMAD 002 ($11.50)
Womad (World of Music, Arts, and Dance) is a polycultural foundation based in Bristol, England, which remains at the forefront of the recent boom in ethnic
##A 14 156213 590
##T Roundup Records
music. Each of these Talking Books (thanks, Stevie!) is a fifty-minute compilation record with a twenty-page booklet stapled in the gatefold. Subsequent issues to this introductory survey focus on a region apiece (see listings). The nine researchers who put these things together have done a good job at mixing styles here. So what if African styles are most prevalent or that there are ads in the booklet?
Side one opens with a striking tune from the Penguin Cafe Orchestra, followed by a kora piece by Amandu Jobareth, Sasono Mulyo’s Balinese Gamelan excerpt, a carnival calypso by Explainer, a Tanzanian dance tune by Orchestra Super Matimila, and finally a brilliant memorial cumbia by Tot La Moposina to the victims of a Colombian massacre. Side two opens with some powerful Aborigine selections by David Blanatji and Tjoli Lauwangka. African tracks follow by Mzee Mindu of Tanzania, the Ghanian British ensemble Orchestra Jazira, and Kpanglo drummer Ben Baddoo respectively. Irish piper Willie Clancy contributes a sprightly “Rakish Paddy.” The record closes
##A 14 468879 591
##T Roundup Records
with a soulful, ear-splitting sample of Pakistani sufi Qawwali chanting by Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan and Party. I’m already a fan of ethno-goulash such as this, to a certain extent. This compilation taught me several things I didn’t know before. The notes are copious and deal often with ethical and political issues not often discussed in mainstream ethnic recordings. If you’re familiar with Womad and their annual festival, rest assured that the Talking Books are up to snuff. If you’re a novice to ethnic music, you’ll find this album by and large quite enjoyable and well worth the higher-than-average price.
—Dan Kahn
Selection: “Gun-Ngwaral (The White Cloud)”
by David Blanatji & Tjoli Laiwangka
##A 14 355377 592
##T Roundup Records
PUSELETSO SEEMA & TAU EA LINARE — He O Oe Oe! — Music from Lesotho.
VARIOUS COLUMBIAN ARTISTS —Fiesta Vallenata con GlobeStyle Records! GLOBESTYLE ORB011($7.75)
These two likeable albums of pop music from GlobeStyle’s “Accordions That Shook the World” series are about as dissimilar as you would
##A 14 49333 593
##T Roundup Records
expect music from the mountains of southern Africa and the coastal towns of Columbia to be. He O Oe Oe! may be of interest to fans of South African accordion jive music, while Fiesta Vallanata pairs Latin American poly-rhythms with the kind of fancy ornamental playing that fans of Tex-Mex conjunto artists will enjoy. The closest Western pop music comes to resembling the bobbing, weaving grooves of He O Oe Oe! is Paul Simon’s Sotho-influenced “The Boy in the
##A 14 175270 594
##T Roundup Records
Bubble.” Instead of the guy from New York, however, this album features vocalist Puseletso Seema singing in Sesotho in an exclamatory style sometimes punctuated by whistling and yipping which imitate herdboys’ calls.
In spite of the “Accordions...World” tag, it’s arguable that the bassists are the real stars of these albums. Tau Ea Linare’s bassist pushes their songs with such overwhelming force that the language barrier becomes secondary (you might get a similar reaction by playing a J.B.’s record for a Lesotho audience who had no idea that Fred Wesley is chanting “Pass the peas!”). Unless you speak Sesotho, rhythm is the whole message. The bass players on the eight Columbian conjuntos on Fiesta Vallenata are even more astonishing. Each group features a singer, with percussionists playing a small hand drum, a scraper, and sometimes a cowbell. The florid melodies played on a button accordian raise the accordionists to a more central position in the music,
##A 14 470368 595
##T Roundup Records
allowing some solo space. The tense jittery bass lines, however, are the most distinctive thing about the rhythms, and according to the liner notes’ claims, give this popular dance music from the northern Columbian seacoast an edge found nowhere else. Both of these releases are nicely packaged and include a great deal of information about traditional music, work habits, cultural life, and recording scenes in each country. Details about the musicians are listed and only brief descriptions of what the lyrics address are given. The sound quality is good and both are musically interesting enough to reward continued listening.
— Tom Smith
Selections: 1) Puseletso Seema & Tau Ea Linare: “Thaba Tsepe”
2) Jimmy Pedrozo & Franklin Ariza (from Fiesta Vallenata):
“Los Mas Sabroso”
##A 14 356542 596
##T Roundup Records
KIP HANRAHAN — Conjure: Music for the Texts of Ishmael Reed.
Texts by Reed, music by Allen Toussaint, David Murray, Carla Bley, Lester Bowie, Jamaaladeen Tacuma.
Imagine, if you will, a blues band consisting of Taj Mahal on vocals,
##A 14 177908 597
##T Roundup Records
a horn section of David Murray and Olu Dara, Allen Toussaint banging out triplets on the piano, and Steve Swallow, Jamaaladen Tacuma, and Billy Hart holding down the bottom. Look no further than side two, cut one. Side one opens with a David Murray piece that sounds like an Allan Toussaint production number, complete with background vocals and honking tenor solo, while Toussaint himself contributes a remarkably understated setting for Reed’s “Skydivers,” an extended metaphor ends
“Things don’t always open up for you — learn how to fall.” No one but Kip Hanrahan could put together this many unlikely bedfellows and make it work so well.
Selection: “The Wardrobe Master Of Paradise”
##A 14 357421 598
##T Roundup Records
DISSIDENTEN — Life At The Pyramids
Shanachie 64001 ($8.25)
Dissidenten are three young German musicians who come across as being very serious about making heavily North African-influenced dance and trance music by allying modern Western
##A 14 470663 599
##T Roundup Records
rhythms and instruments (the odd heavy guitar track, for example) with traditional tools like the oud, mbira, gimbri, and Arabic vocal styles. It works.
“Pyramiden” is a very catchy, multilayered dance record, most of which kicks like a camel (?). The production is clean and solid, although just for fun one is tempted to wonder what this would sound like if a go-go or rap producer got ahold of it and beefed up the rhythm tracks even further. It’s not an outlandish idea, since Dissidenten are clearly aiming for the Euro-disco dance crowd instead of the more academic “world music” audience.
— Tom Smith
Selection: “Telephone Arab”
##A 14 358058 600
##T Roundup Records
Heartbeat 37 ($7.00)
Almost every song on “Some of the Best” is making its American debut. If you wanted to own any of this stuff before, you had to wade through dozens of reggae hit collections or somehow
##A 14 237685 601
##T Roundup Records
get ahold of the original Jamaican releases. The sound quality on this record is infinitely superior to any of the British collections currently available. Side one proves the point by kicking off with a restored classic, “People Funny Boy.” Perry accentuates his musical slashing of his ex-boss Coxsone Dodd with a tape-loop of a whining baby, recorded way back in 1968. The inclusion of two of Perry’s “slash songs” on the album is significant because it illustrates Perry’s keen sense of “conceptual continuity” as Frank Zappa calls it. Perry is able to convey a body of information just by referring to his old songs. There is an abundance of fun on “Some of the Best.” Lee Perry collections usually take themselves far too seriously by focusing on only one period in Perry’s long and varied career. Heartbeat’s wider scope has produced a highly entertaining record released with the Upsetters’ blessing.
— Jim Whalen
Selection: “People Funny Boy”
##A 14 425963 602
##T Alcazar
Alcazar is a ten-year-old company specializing in independent label recordings. Folk is their prime emphasis, but they also carry Celtic, reggae, blues, Cajun, new age, gospel, international, and classical records. They have an especially healthy children’s selection, including videos. Whilst they have a strong commitment to good old fashioned vinyl, they also recognize new developments such as CDs and have an extensive selection. Books on folk music are a strong department. Being from Vermont, there’s also a special Made In Vermont section.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 425990 603
##T Alcazar
Alcazar Review
$8/year(12 issues)
Alcazar Records
PO Box 429
Dept. 418
Waterbury, VT 05676
##A 14 426896 604
##T Alcazar
BRAVE COMBO —Polkatharsis
RDR 9009(LP & Ca).
Polka band (a la Lawrence Welk) meets garage band (a la Zappa), and the result is a slightly warped but always exhilarating collection of “eleven polkas, two waltzes and a schottische, performed in a variety of styles” as the deadpan liner notes proclaim. The key phrase here is “performed in a variety of styles”--and sly humor permeates the playful interaction of tuba, washboard, accordion, clarinets, didjeridu, saxophones, bass, drums, flute, guitar, and vocals produced by this Texas band. Insanity captured on vinyl. Highly recommended.
Selection: “Happy Wanderer”
##A 14 427234 605
##T Alcazar
WOODY GUTHRIE — Columbia River Collection RDR1036(LP & Ca).
Partly from original 1947 acetate discs, as well as other donated original discs, this album represents as complete an edition of Woody singing his Columbia River songs as could be assembled, including a rare recording of “Roll on Columbia.” Contains full liner notes on each song, as well as a little Woody Guthrie history. The album is in celebration of the 50th Anniversary of The Bonneville Power Administration. Most of these BPA archival recordings have never been released to the public. Seventeen songs in all, this is really more than simply an incredible collection of Woody’s music, it is an American treasure.
Selection: “Roll On Columbia”
##A 14 30118 606
##T Alcazar
NICHOLSON & McFERRIN — How The Rhinoceros Got His Skin & How The Camel Got His Hump
WH 0704 (LP, Ca, CD)
Windham Hill’s adventurous new line of children’s recordings received a major splash from consumers and media alike when the notorious Jack Nicholson teamed with vocal magician Bobby McFerrin to bring fresh life to Rudyard Kipling’s “The Elephant Child.” Now that same duo reunite for two more classics from Kipling’s “Just So” stories, and the partnership is every bit as delicious.
Selection: from “How The Camel Got His Hump”
##A 14 329521 607
##T Express Music Catalog
Express Music Catalog
Quite simply Express offers everything in print in the U.S. in any format that is available. You can order by mail, use their 800 number, use your television and touch-tone phone if you subscribe to Teleaction in the Chicago area, or order through CompuServe, Comp-U-Mall, or the Quantum Link Network. Their catalog and monthly updates will help keep you up to date with reviews and listings of new releases, although they are not strong on non-mainstream coverage. You can order new releases on the day of release. They have lots of special offers and also carry videos, blank tapes, and playback equipment.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 329837 608
##T Express Music Catalog
(refundable with first purchase)
Express Music Catalog
50 West 17th Street
New York, NY 10011
##A 14 339889 609
##T New Music Distribution Service
New Music Distribution Service
“The New Music Distribution Service distributes all independently produced recordings of new music regardless of commercial potential or personal taste. A wealth of new music is being created in the areas of jazz, classical, and rock, as well as outside of any clearly delineated experimental categories. Because of its generally uncommercial nature, this music has had minimal representation in the music industry. Independent record production and distribution may be the only way for musicians to maintain artistic and economic control of their work.” All true. Their catalog is full of recordings from hundreds of independent labels, all with an informative description. NMDS is an extremely important resource in the alternative world.
Ÿ Ear — Jonathan E.
##A 14 340215 610
##T New Music Distribution Service
Catalog free from:
Jazz Composer’s Orchestra Association
500 Broadway
New York, NY 10012
##A 14 53486 611
##T New Music Distribution Service
Click on a button to choose
a subsection of the
New Music Distribution
Service catalog.
New Music Classics
selections follow
this card.
##A 14 340673 612
##T New Music Distribution Service
(Opus One 22)
Works by John Cage, Mario Bertoncini, William Albright, Peter Garland and Lou Harrison.
Selection: from “Fugue ”(1941)
by Lou Harrison
##A 14 340904 613
##T New Music Distribution Service
COLUMBINE CHAMBER PLAYERS — Play Xenakis, Toensing, Kasinskas, Effinger, Eakin
(Owl 26)
“Nothing too unusual here. The five pieces were written between ’68 and ’79. Two pieces stand above the crowd. ‘Charisma’, by Xenakis, portrays the death of a gifted young composer through the successful juxtaposition of clarinet and violincello. This piece tends to grab your gutstrings and twist and yank. ‘Phoenix Wind’ by Kasinskas uses live clarinet with two taped clarinets to present an overall sound not achievable by three live clarinets. A real head-spinner, this one.”
—Stephen Smith, OP.
Selection: from “Charisma” by Iannis Xenakis
##A 14 341064 614
##T New Music Distribution Service
FREDERIC RZEWSKI — Coming Together & Attica (Opus One 20)
The Village Voice gave “Coming Together” an A Minus and called it one of the most moving pieces of politics and music. Adapted from a letter by Sam Melville, a prisoner at Attica from shortly before the 1971 revolt. With Karl Berger, Alvin Curran, Garrett List, Jon Gibson, Joan Kalisch and Frederic Rzewski. Also “Les Moutons de Panurge” by the Blackearth Percussion Group.
Selection: “Coming Together”
##A 14 341369 615
##T New Music Distribution Service
JOHN ADAMS — Shaker Loops
(New Albion 7)
John Adams was the new boy on the new music block when this record came out on Arch Records in 1980, hailed by some as the logical extension of Phil Glass, LaMonte Young, et al., though his compositions are slightly more ornate than those two. Tim Page said at the time, “This is one of the more promising records I have heard in a long time. John Adams has put together a blend of minimalism that owes at least as much to Bela Bartok as to Terry Riley.”
Selection: “Shaker Loops”
##A 14 341549 616
##T New Music Distribution Service
Kondo’s compositional development is documented here from an earlier piece employing random elements to a recent composition which transforms melodic lines to rhythmic cells. “Standing” was written for and performed by the Japanese new music ensemble ARK: Aki Takahashi (piano), Hiroshi Koizimi (flute), Yasunori Yamaguchi (percussion). “Slight Rhythmics For Piano” with Aki Takahashi. “Under The Umbrella” with the percussion sextet Nexus.
Selection: “Standing”
##A 14 325583 617
##T New Music Distribution Service
Current New Music
selections follow
this card.
##A 14 342149 618
##T New Music Distribution Service
Space music improvised on electric guitar, cornet and trombone/electronics, respectively (with a little piano and hand drum added for some earthiness). A soundtrack for intergalactic travel. But these extraterrestrials sound peaceful, friendly, even funny. And they know their earth music too. At times sounding like Bill Dixon’s
“Intents & Purposes” or Miles’ “Pangea.”
Selection: “Sebastian’s Dilemma”
##A 14 342452 619
##T New Music Distribution Service
JOHN ZORN — Locus Solus
(Rift 7)
John has been playing with a lot of musicians from different disciplines as of late. These four trios feature John with: Arto Lindsay (vocals & guitar) and
##A 14 423348 620
##T New Music Distribution Service
Anton Fier (drums); Ikue Mori (drums) and Wayne Horvitz (keyboards and tapes); Peter Blegvad (guitar & voice) and Christian Marclay (turntables); Whiz Kid
(scratch turntable) and Mark Miller (drums) — and take him into a rock-ier era albeit still quite an avant-garde one. Even rap turntable flash, Whiz Kid, fits in to such a degree that you feel he’d be quite at home on a Stockhausen piece or hanging out at the basement of the Pompidou Center. All in all, a quite successful series of conceptual experiments that may be much easier to digest than John’s major pieces.
(Double 12" EP)
Selection: “Don’t Switch”
##A 14 342579 621
##T New Music Distribution Service
JOHN GIBSON — Two Solo Pieces
(Chatham Square 24)
The two improvisations on this record are “Cycles” and
This is the sound-tape to Ashley’s videotape synopsis of his video opera, PERFECT LIVES (PRIVATE PARTS), and one of his more rockish pieces. With Peter Gordon, Jill Kroesen, “Blue” Gene Tyranny, and David Van Tieghem. Almost a Lovely Music all-star session. Electronic new music with a backbeat.
Selection: “Raoul de Noget (No-zhay)”
##A 14 343136 623
##T New Music Distribution Service
JOAN LA BARBARA — As Lightning Comes, In Flashes (Wizard 2283)
Joan La Barbara presents three compositions for layered natural voice, although it’s hard to believe no electronics or tape manipulation were used to produce these unearthly sounds. The record opens with “Erin” (1980), a fantasy for happy, bubbly, round-vowelly sounds. “Twelvesong” (1977) features circular singing to produce a drone over which other sounds are painted. The side-long title piece is a very structured composition which juxtaposes many sounds/episodes to complete a sort of circular journey.
Selection: “Twelvesong”
##A 14 343418 624
##T New Music Distribution Service
(Opus One 99)
Alvarado’s “124 East 107th Street” performed by University of Buffalo Percussion Ensemble (Jan Williams, Director). “Amor, Crital y Piedra” performed by Frederic Hellwitz, guitar; Suzanne M. Thomas, harp;
Carol Wade, harpsichord.
Selection: from “124 East 107th Street”
##A 14 343766 625
##T New Music Distribution Service
DANIEL LENTZ — On The Leopard Altar (Icon 5502)
West Coast composer Daniel Lentz is in a pickle. His music sounds like other composers we all know and love. It has the technical variety and sonic intensity of Phil Glass, for one. If you listen closely, though, you’ll see that what on the
##A 14 423801 626
##T New Music Distribution Service
surface appears to fit into the Minimalist school is, in fact, what he calls “the new Maximalism.” Intricate multiple keyboard and vocal lines (16 layers at times) submerge and emerge to find and evolve meanings. So, what ever you call it, be it Maximal, Minimal, New Romantic, or as Boulez is fond of saying, “the same old American enthusiasm,” this is music that is euphoric, emotional, and fun to hear.
We’re not prejudiced. Music for synthesizers, voice, and wineglasses.
Selection: “Lascaux”
##A 14 343890 627
##T New Music Distribution Service
Galasso/ECM 1245
If you were interested in dance in the 70s, you were no doubt familiar with Andy DeGroat, who used very human, next-door-neighbor-like dancers to dance very human, next-door-neighbor-like movements. Underpinning all this musically was fantastic minimal violin music that was quite similar, in some ways, to the violin parts in “Einstein.” That music was made by Michael Galazzo. This is his only record, and it is a great one, pretty much ignored by everyone when ECM issued it in 1983.
Selection: “Scene III”
##A 14 334590 628
##T New Music Distribution Service
Jazz selections
follow this
##A 14 344312 629
##T New Music Distribution Service
HENRY THREADGILL SEXTET — Just About The Facts and Pass the Bucket (About Time 1005)
This has to be Louis Armstrong’s and Jelly Roll Morton’s favorite record of the decade. Threadgill has reincarnated the sound and spirit of the New Orleans funeral band with a very modern sound. He is certainly one of the premier new jazz composers, and extracts an orchestral sound from this small band with the best brass section in town. New Old Music (?) New New Music! With: Henry Threadgill, flute, clarinet, alto & baritone saxophones; Craig Harris, trombone; Olu Dara, cornet; Deirdre Murray, cello; Fred Hopkins, bass; Pheeroan Aklaff, John Betsch, percussion.
Selection: “Black Blues”
##A 14 344433 630
##T New Music Distribution Service
ROSCOE MITCHELL — Snurdy McGurdy and Her Dancin’ Shoes (Nessa 20)
Many of us have been waiting for a hot, swinging Roscoe Mitchell LP, one that is representative of what his group does in concert. The concise and powerful compositions, balanced between traditional and conceptual jazz, illuminate the formidable talents of the members of the group. With: Roscoe Mitchell
The irrepressible Carla Bley continues her wild forays into “Reactionary Tangos”. Prez Prado watch out! She also does “Copyright Royalties”,
“Utviklingssang”, “Walking Batterie-Woman”, and others. With: Michael Mantler, trumpet; Carlos Ward, soprano and alto saxophones; Tony Dagradi, tenor saxophone, clarinet; Gary Valente, trombone; Joe Daley, euphonium; Earl McIntyre, tuba; Carla Bley, organ, piano; Steve Swallow,
bass; D. Sharpe, drums.
Selection: “Reactionary Tangos”
##A 14 344897 632
##T New Music Distribution Service
KIP HANRAHAN — A Few Short Notes From the End Run
(American Clave 1011)
For some reason Kip does not like the analogy that this 12" EP equals scenes left out of a movie. None the less, though Kip sings on one track (that also features Alan Toussaint, Jack Bruce, etc.), if you’ve heard his other projects, this is music you will be familiar with. Lots of percussion and odd song structures, of course.
Selection: “Two (Still in Half Light)”
##A 14 345106 633
##T New Music Distribution Service
AMINA CLAUDINE MYERS — Salute to Bessie Smith (Leo 103)
This album highlights Amina in a format that may be her most popular: “Amina, the Blues to Gospel to Free Vocalist.” If you loved the piano and organ playing on her first two albums (Leo 100, Sweet Earth 1005), then you’re sure to flip over her great vocals on this one. What better subject than Bessie Smith’s low down blues? Amina (organ, piano and voices), Cecil McBee (bass), and Jimmy Lovelace
Selection: “Wasted Life Blues”
##A 14 345517 634
##T New Music Distribution Service
(New Note 1006)
Bobby Watson, Ed Jackson, Rich Rothenberg and Jim Hartog make up the band that stole the show during the day-long “Music is an Open Sky” Festival (sez the New York Times, and we agree). Combining original James Brown/Motown dance rhythms with sophisticated harmonics and fire of bebop they succeed at the difficult task of creating music that is interesting and popular, free and swinging without a rhythm section. Daring arrangements pay tribute to the masters — Monk (“I Mean You”), Bud (“Un Poco Loco”), and Bird (“Conformation”), invoking their spirits without imitating, and introduce new originals.
Selection: “I Mean You”
##A 14 345746 635
##T New Music Distribution Service
SHADOW VIGNETTES — Birth of a Notion
(Sessoms 0001)
AACM member Wilkinson has been touted by his Chicago brethren as the next Threadgill/Mitchell/Murray, all rolled into one. Imagine our surprise when this record arrived and we found these claims were no exaggeration. This LP contains 25
(!) musicians in an array of tight, well-composed and recorded musical scenarios. “So there was this wonderful incongruity — foot-tapping big band swing rhythm section meets ear-shattering screeching, honking, bleating and blaring free jazz or avant-garde jazz horns.” — St. Paul Dispatch. Great string writing on some pieces also.
Selection: “Quiet Resolution”
##A 14 345874 636
##T New Music Distribution Service
ART ENSEMBLE OF CHICAGO — Live at Mandel Hall (Delmark 432/433)
Recorded in 1972, this double album documents the music that made this the most interesting and popular small band of the 70s’ avant garde. Listening to it over 15 years later it may lack some of the polish of the band’s more recent recordings, but it more than makes up for it in intensity and intrigue.
Selection: “Duffvipels”
##A 14 336554 637
##T New Music Distribution Service
Electronic selections
follow this card.
##A 14 346140 638
##T New Music Distribution Service
DAVID BEHRMAN — Leapday Night
(Lovely 1042)
Behrman has been doing these interactive electro-computer pieces for quite some time now. His last album featured a less refined system that was quite lulling and pretty. This one is a bit more dynamic but manages to retain the lyrical lulling qualities that in some ways remind one of early Terry Riley
(in feeling if not in style). An album of rare beauty that manages to avoid triteness.
Selection: “Scene 1”
##A 14 346413 639
##T New Music Distribution Service
LAURIE SPIEGEL — The Expanding Universe
(Spiegel 9003)
Laurie Spiegel is well-known for her work in computers, video and electronic music. This is her first album, composed specifically for record players and made on a computer. The music, however, owes more to pattern studies than the type of seemingly random sounds we tend to associate with computer music.
Selection: “Patchwork”
##A 14 346664 640
##T New Music Distribution Service
SLAP — Pratique (Duo 5)
Stephen Nester gets better and better. This mixture of synthesizers, electronic percussion, hand drums and tenor saxophone continues where the last record left off and arrives at what he calls “a state of organized intensity.” Instrumental, ethnic, electronic music that’s beyond dance.
Selection: “Weapons Of Romance”
##A 14 347100 641
##T New Music Distribution Service
ALVIN LUCIER — I Am Sitting in a Room
(Lovely 1013)
Alvin Lucier continues his experiments in acoustical harmonics with this piece. Recording his voice in a room, he replays the tape and records his taped voice over and over until the audio image is broken down into pure room harmonics and resultant tones. While certainly a “process” piece, the resulting music is exceptional.
Selection: “I Am Sitting in a Room”
##A 14 347319 642
##T New Music Distribution Service
JOEL CHADABE — Rhythms (Lovely 1301
“Chadabe’s proud of this, and he ought to be.
‘Easy lyricism and wit’ is his own description; I’d add ‘intelligent, tender and less simple than it sounds.’ Percussionist Jan Williams improvises to music generated by Chadabe’s computer, which shifts gears when its master claps his hands. Improvisor and computer make music with an African/Caribbean/gamelan lilt, just as Chadabe says, and if you think it doesn’t change much you’re not listening to the fanciful detail. Who still thinks computer music has to be cold?” — Gregory Sandow, Village Voice
Selection: “Hot Sauce”
##A 14 347493 643
##T New Music Distribution Service
DAVID LINTON — Orchesography
(Neutral Fourteen)
This is a very good record of drum-triggered orchestral (and other) sounds. Drummer Linton has played with Glenn Branca, Rhys Chatham, Elliott Sharp. This music was composed for dancer Karole Armitage and was produced by Roli Mosimann, whose name you will recognize if that information means anything to you.
Selection: “Sacre Pas”
##A 14 446127 644
##T New Music Distribution Service
Experimental selections
follow this card.
##A 14 347652 645
##T New Music Distribution Service
JEFFREY LOHN — Music From Paradise
(Daisy 1)
This is the type of album that defines what NMDS is all about. It’s people like Henry Threadgill and Jeffrey Lohn, highly individual composers who make this organization a sort of musical shockwave. Jeffrey was originally
##A 14 424591 646
##T New Music Distribution Service
in a group with Glenn Branca called the Theoretical Girls, and Glenn owes Jeffrey quite a bit for developing many of the ideas used in Glenn’s music. This record, a soundtrack for a dance piece by Karole Armitage and dedicated to Steven Biko, does in part sound like a Branca piece. Overall, though, there is much more diversity in texture, volume and style, especially on the second side with “Duck Dance” for plucked guitars and, in places, duo pianos.
Selection: from “Duck Dance”
##A 14 348002 647
##T New Music Distribution Service
WAYNE HORVITZ — The President
(Dossier 7528)
The President is the name of Wayne’s group featuring Bill Frisell, Elliott Sharp, Bobby Previte, Dave Hofstra and Kamikaze Ground Crew member Doug Wieselman. This is one of those records that every member of the staff was into, and we feel Wayne will be the next member of the downtown NY community to reach a larger audience. The President is one of the most exciting bands in our neighborhood, and sounds like intellectuals playing the repertoire of the Meters.
Selection: “Please Take That Train
From My Door”
##A 14 348192 648
##T New Music Distribution Service
KAHONDO STYLE — Green Tea and Crocodiles (Nato 1279)
Idiosyncratic, poetic, eclectic, funny
— a true meeting of sensibilities eastern and western. Uses mostly western instruments to create an unstrained yet exotic sound. Much more song-oriented than their first one but no less original.
It’s a great record.
Selection: “Werewolf Woman”
##A 14 348718 649
##T New Music Distribution Service
BOSHO — Chop Socky
(Dossier 7531)
East Village, minimalist, instrumental skrunk. Three drummer/percussionists
(including Samm Bennett) and Hahn Rowe on guitar and violin.
Selection: “The Box”
##A 14 349183 650
##T New Music Distribution Service
OTHER MUSIC — Incidents Out Of Context
(Other Music 302)
“Folks at cocktail parties inevitably ask, ‘Just what sort of music does your group play, anyway?’ And there you are.” — Other Music. Well, we say, a wildly successful marriage of 21st century gamelan and electronics. With this release, Other Music proves to be one of the few groups that is able to borrow from world music and not be overshadowed by it. The five members play synthesizers, metalphones, dumbeg, marimbas, hammer dulcimer, cello, saxophone, drums, electric guitars and horns, to make this group sound, as you can tell from the instrumentation, like no other.
Selection: “It Is It, Part II”
##A 14 349190 651
##T New Music Distribution Service
AUDIO LETTER — It Is This It Is Not This
(Cityzens For Non-Linear Futures 1)
Featuring Don Cherry (the real father of this east-meets-west kind of thing) and Dennis Charles. From the artists: “Audio Letter’s LP IT IS THIS IT IS NOT THIS is composed of six constructive improvisational pieces featuring lyrical vocals, achieving a world jazz cohesion pulled from the spontaneity of free improv. The instrumentation consists of indigenous instruments: D’oossn Gouni, Berimbau, Sarengi, steel drums, African Lyre. . .” (plus some western instruments).
Selection: “Neti-Neti”
##A 14 451512 652
##T New Music Distribution Service
“People You Have Never
Heard Of” selections
follow this card.
##A 14 349636 653
##T New Music Distribution Service
DOUG SNYDER — The Conversation
(New Frontier 2)
By the artist’s own description: “Though this is only Doug Snyder’s second LP, he is by any standards an old pro in the area of ‘new music.’” On Doug’s new LP, he goes solo playing guitar, keyboards, and drumboxes. A veteran of the New York rock club scene as well as the “downtown music” scene, Doug’s music for dancer Cydney Wilkes was called by The New York Times
“slyly understated.” That would probably fit his new recording “The Conversation” as well. A thoughtful yet stimulating disk.
Selection: “After The Light Turns”
##A 14 349714 654
##T New Music Distribution Service
COWBOY JUNKIES — Whites Off Earth Now! (Latex 4)
This Canadian band is a mixture of Lightnin’ Hopkins osterized with Young Marble Giants, nice brew. An incredibly droll and minimal reading of Texas/Delta blues by this quartet that is neither as bluesy nor minimal as we may have described.
Selection: “Forgive Me”
##A 14 349974 655
##T New Music Distribution Service
DANIEL MOTT — Electric Jungle (Hamagi 1009)
What is going on here is that a group of jazz/new music types, some of whom have their own records with us (Baird Hersey, guitar and David Mott, sax), put together a range of source material. Eno + Miles is sure a refreshing mix. Hard to take this one off. Also with Daniel Mott, acoustic and electric trumpet; Bobby Eldridge, flute, alto, and baritone sax; Len Detlor, tenor and soprano sax; Ric Martinez, synthesizer; Luico Hopper, electric bass; Roger Squitero, congas and percussion; and Bobby Wiener, drums.
Selection: “The Return of the Jade Horse”
##A 14 350346 656
##T New Music Distribution Service
(GL Productions 1)
It’s important for us to create movements, groups of people who can be linked by region and/or style. Critics like it, you the reader are more comfortable trying new material this way and we find it
##A 14 426535 657
##T New Music Distribution Service
much easier to generate interest in what is heretofore unknown. So here we have Gretchen Langheld and her (relatively) large ensemble from the East Village playing and melange-ing a wide range of source material, from the usual jazz and rock foundations to all kinds of less formal new music conventions. She has in effect
created a new and very listenable music for new music big band, kind of like the Ordinaires, who are also from her neighborhood. How about the “East Village Multi-Sourced New Music Big Band Movement?”
Selection: “Scratching The Itch”
##A 14 350666 658
##T New Music Distribution Service
(Delmark 424)
Yeah! OK, so you’ve never heard of this guy. Well, he is related to Chico and Von (who is on this record) and he plays a mean and unusual guitar on this hot organ combo outing. A favorite on the turntable around here that also features Maurice McIntyre.
Selection: “Hoss”
##A 14 350758 659
##T New Music Distribution Service
B.A.L.L. — period (another american lie) (Shimmydisk 6)
Great title. A bit political, a bit self-mocking; a fucked-up noise band for kiddies of all ages. Meant to gnaw mercilessly at the sugar/THC-coated innards of every suburbanite Led Zep/Black Sabbath fan till they finally concede that it’s Kramer, not Ozzy Osbourne, who’s the real rock and roll antichrist. Play it backwards and you just might discover some groovy hidden reference to J.F.K. lurking among the feedback.
Selection: “All Is Sought In Progress”
##A 14 485635 660
##T New Music Distribution Service
World Music
##A 14 298847 661
##T New Music Distribution Service
MAHMOUD AHMED — Ere Mela Mela (Crammed 47)
“Ere Mela Mela is one of those rare albums that unveils a remarkably vital pop-music style from a little-known corner of the world. The band that backs these intensely emotional, Arab-inflected and somewhat blueslike vocals uses standard Western instrumentation — two saxophones, organ, guitar, bass and drums. But the music is neither standard nor Western. These 6/8 modal tunes are examples of a truly non-tempered popular music. It has no chord changes in the Western sense and employs the microtonal melodic language of traditional Arab and African cultures. This is as hypnotic as pop music gets.”
— Robert Palmer, NY Times.
Selection: “Sidetegnash Negn/Samiraye”
##A 14 477483 662
##T New Music Distribution Service
HLENGANI THOMAS MALULEKA — Minga Kayeli (Drum Rock 121)
Great guitar with inappropriate keyboard in the background, lead male singer with backing female voices all come together on this record of Shangaan music. There are seven major black cultures inside the borders of South Africa, each with their own music. Shangaan music is great dancing music and exciting listening all around. All creative minimalists should try this one.
All over Southern Africa one can see musicians (mostly Zulu) walking in ones and twos playing music. They are “walking their instruments.” It is considered disrespectful to carry an instrument without playing it, so you walk it home by playing it. Most often the musicians one sees are a guitarist, a violinist and a accordionist, the instruments Fihlamahlazo and his friends are playing here. This record is music you can hear on the backroads of S.A., with the addition of a little bass and drums.
Selection: “Ziphansi Izinsizwa”
##A 14 243712 664
##T New Music Distribution Service
PHILIP TABANE — Malombo (Kaya 300)
Malombo is the Venda (another great South African culture) word for spirit. The central area of the Venda people is in one of the most beautiful parts of South Africa, partly lush rain forest and partly scrub-covered mountains and hills. It is very isolated country, close to the Zimbabwe border. Philip Tabane is a Venda and very close to his tradition. He is a great musical genius of South Africa; as an exceptional guitarist and composer he has been making music for over thirty years, but has recorded very rarely. This is an excellent record of his music, a superb synthesis of traditional Venda music with the innumerable other musics he has absorbed over the years.
Selection: “Motshile”
##A 14 140512 665
##T Multi-faceted Labels
##A 14 429079 666
##T Carthage Records
Carthage Records
Carthage and its sister label, Hannibal, are two of the most adventurous and eclectic independent labels around.
As well as re-releasing pretty much all the Fairport Convention and all their off-shoots’ recordings, they have made forays into Jazz, African, Kate and Anna McGarrigle, Legendary Greats, Gospel, Nick Drake, the Incredible String Band, Tex-Mex Punk, and whatever you’d call the Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy.
Their South African and Zimbabwean selection is particularly good. They also have naughty sounding children’s records, probably the
##A 14 44670 667
##T Carthage Records
ones the kids will really like. Every single one of their releases has some sort of a strong and unique personality transcending whatever genre they may superficially appear to be in.
— Jonathan E.
Ÿ Children’s
##A 14 429476 668
##T Carthage Records
Catalog free from:
Carthage Records
PO Box 667
Rocky Hill, NJ 08553
##A 14 34067 669
##T Carthage Records
(HNBL 1329)
While Fairport Convention are known as the premier exponents of English folk rock, their early inspiration and repertoire was filled with the music of the Americans they admired and was relegated to live shows and radio performances. Hannibal Records and BBC Enterprises are here issuing
##A 14 6468 670
##T Carthage Records
a 12-song collection of the best of these old favorites. Featuring the classic line-up of the “What We Did On Our Holidays” and “Unhalfbricking” LPs (with Richard Thompson, Simon Nichol and Ashley Hutchings), most of the songs are heretofore unreleased. The fine singing of Sandy Denny and Ian Matthews shines on songs like Johnny Cash’s “I Still Miss Someone,” Joni Mitchell’s “ I Don’t Know Where I Stand,” Leonard Cohen’s “Suzanne” and Bob Dylan’s “Percy’s Song.” Here it is, Fairport Convention in their HEYDAY! (All previously unreleased material!)
[Available in cassette]
Selection: “If It Feels Good, You Know It Can’t Be Wrong”
##A 14 7111 671
##T Carthage Records
(Live in L.A.) (HNBL 1319)
In 1970, shortly after the release of “Full House”, the Thompson/Swarbick/Pegg/Nicol/Mattacks version of Fairport played a week at the Troubadour in Los Angeles. There was a mobile recording van parked outside for three
##A 14 7417 672
##T Carthage Records
days and the resulting recording was shelved, due mostly to Thompson’s departure from the group. It ‘escaped’ briefly on a budget label from Island in the mid-seventies, suffering from the worst album cover in the history of that label.
Now it is back to delight Fairport fans. It contains a great version of “Sloth,” the fastest jigs and reels in captivity and the most outrageous Thompson solos. For audiophiles who love this sort of thing, it has been re-edited and re-mixed so that it bares only a passing resemblance to the budget label original. Some tracks have been added; some deleted. The result is simply all-round better than the original and a treat for the ears.
Selection: “Matty Groves”
##A 14 430729 673
##T Carthage Records
RICHARD THOMPSON — Strict Tempo!(CGLP4409)
Rockabilly meets Jimmy Shand meets North Africa meets Irish jigs and reels meets Richard Thompson. A Richard Thompson solo instrumental recording
(with some help). A tour de force. Issued in 1981 in England on Richard’s own label, Elixir. Don’t miss this one.
Selection: “New-Fangled
Flogging Reel”
##A 14 430913 674
##T Carthage Records
BUY THIS RECORD! ! For anyone who has even the remotest affection for folk-rock and English dance music of the Fairport/Hutchings/Thompson ilk, this record is an unqualified must; English dance music (and some readings, which, surprisingly, only make the recording better) from various eras and styles, all delivered with consummate, rocking authenticity and that occasional touch of electrification which was the signature of the participants.
Selection: Bernard Hepton as the Puritan William Prynne (reading from “Histriomastix”)
##A 14 431258 675
##T Carthage Records
JOSEPH SPENCE — Happy All the Time
Spence played guitar so hard that one night at a gig in Cambridge, Mass. in the late sixties, he broke one of his own strings, asked for another guitar, took Jim Kweskin’s and popped three of them on the first shot. When not busting wires, however, he played the most complete and beautiful Bahamian guitar music ever heard. In his words, “In dem days I play everything y’know. I play reel, capalka, waltz, tup, jazz, Bach, heel-and-toe polka, clubs, long meter, short meter, hymn and anthem. All dem ting I play.” And he did. You won’t believe this stuff.
Selection: “How I Love Jesus”
##A 14 431435 676
##T Carthage Records
NICK DRAKE — Time of No Reply (HNBL1318)
This is the single LP of the fourth record in the recently released “Fruit Tree” set on Hannibal. Includes ten newly found tracks along with the four
“last session” cuts. Among the ten cuts are six previously unheard songs as well as demo versions of two songs from Bryter Layter and an alternate recording of “Thoughts of Mary Jane” featuring Richard Thompson. A must for those who have the original Island Fruit Tree three-record set and just need the new material, or for those not quite ready to spring for the full Hannibal four-record set. A Joe Boyd/Frank Kornelussen production.
Selection: “Time of No Reply”
##A 14 431802 677
##T Carthage Records
The New Orchestra draws upon a wide variety of influences and sources for their music: jazz, classical, blues, afro-cuban, electronic, and ethnic musics of all kinds. Austin and Gallivan are practitioners of new age music but the intensity of these two talents gives this record more than its share of raw power. Charles
##A 14 65721 678
##T Carthage Records
Austin is one of America’s foremost reed players, with a driving lyrical style. He has been a shining member of such bands as Dizzy Gillespie, Stevie Wonder, James Brown, Cannonball Adderley, Lionel Hampton, and Marvin Gaye. His co-leader, Joe Gallivan, is a pioneer in the use of electronics in jazz; particularly synthesized drums and other percussion. His background is as diverse as Austin’s: Gil Evans, Larry Young, Ira Sullivan, and Wilson Pickett to name a few. This is the New Orchestra’s first LP. In addition to Austin and Gallivan, it features guitar player Ryo Kawasaki, reed player Clive Stevens and three Cuban bata players.
Selection: “Space Monkeys”
##A 14 432008 679
##T Carthage Records
LENNY PICKETT — Lenny Pickett with the Borneo Horns (CGLP7001)
The Tower of Power and Saturday Night Live tenor man in an album of funky avant garde Jazz. Very strange. Produced by Geoff Muldaur and Hal Willner for Carthage. Also on cassette and CD.
Selection: “Dance Music for
Borneo Horns #4”
##A 14 432323 680
##T Carthage Records
VARIOUS ARTISTS — Amarcord Nino Rota
This is a very special record from the Hannibal catalog. Nino Rota composed the music for all of Frederico Fellini’s films from 1951 to 1978. This LP is a tribute to those Rota/Fellini classics interpreted and notable jazz musicians recording today. These include Carla Bley, Jaki Byard and David Amram. It would be against the wishes of certain large record companies if we were to mention that Wynton Marsalis and Deborah Harry perform on this wonderful album, so we won’t. Note: Because of the special gatefold jacket on this album, the price is $9.95.
Selection: “8 1/2” by The Carla Bley Band
##A 14 432423 681
##T Carthage Records
The definitive, first McGarrigles LP. Contains the original “Heart Like A Wheel” and “Talk to Me of Mendocino” (also Kiss and Say Goodbye/My Town/Blues in D/Foolish You/Complainte Pour Ste-Catherine/Tell My Sister/Swimming Song/Jigsaw Puzzle of Life/Go Leave/Traveling on for
Selection: “Complainte Pour
##A 14 432648 682
##T Carthage Records
VARIOUS BULGARIAN ARTISTS — Balkana: The Music of Bulgaria
Ever since he heard the Nonesuch
“Music of Bulgaria” record in the mid-60s, Joe Boyd has wanted to go there and hear the music for himself. His trip last summer [1987] has led to a remarkable album by the leading
##A 14 4627 683
##T Carthage Records
instrumentalists and singers from that mysterious country. The most striking aspect of the music is the harmony singing of the women of Trio Bulgarka (Bulgaria’s leading vocal harmony group) and Yanka Rupkina (once described as “Bulgaria’s Percy
Sledge” because of her heart-rending versions of anthemic ballads). Balkana
toured Britain this summer, astounding packed houses in London and at the
Edinburgh Festival. (Not available on cassette)
Selection: “Tri Bulbula Peiat” by Trio Bulgarka
##A 14 433000 684
##T Carthage Records
Mapfumo is a virtual hero in his native Zimbabwe, where his songs became rallying cries for resistance during pre-independence years. His music is strong, dark, rocking. “Ndangariro is sublime, whirling magic, which seizes you quite unhurriedly and without fuss or fanfare and catches you up to step and sway...will leave you breathless. Guarantee it!”
— New Musical Express (England’s
leading music magazine)
Selection: “Nyarara Mukadzi Wangu”
##A 14 433300 685
##T Carthage Records
VARIOUS ARTISTS — Viva! Zimbabwe (CGLP4411)
One of the best of the recent wave of African pop. (“More wonderful dance music from around the corner and down the block to remind us that maybe our neighbors are on to something that beats the local yokels. This is peppy, guitar and bass dominated pop from newly independent Zimbabwe, played with an uncalculated sincerity and rocking beat. All nine groups on this compilation are terrific. . .” — L.A. Reader) Buy this record!
Selection: “Monica”
by Super Sounds
##A 14 433551 686
##T Carthage Records
A wonderful African pop record. This sampler of South African dance records has received raves from every reviewer who has paid any attention at all, including the New York Times, L.A. Reader, Musician Magazine (“. . . rollicking stomp-on-the-fours drums, finger picked guitars, a wheezy accordian or penny-whistle, and bluesy, insistent vocals in front of the funky harmony. . . it’s great, gutbucket music to dance your blues away”
— Musician Magazine)
Selection: “Sisi Nomdi”
by Joshua Sithole
##A 14 433751 687
##T Carthage Records
This is not the easiest record in the world to listen to. The impression often is the Raelettes gone mad, joined by an almost frightening, growling lead. If you’re already addicted to African pop, you’ll love it.
Selection: “Umoya” by The Mahotella Queens
##A 14 197714 688
##T Carthage Records
SHIRATI JAZZ — Benga Beat (CGLP4433)
East Africa’s Benga music with its incessant rhythm is the newest of the leading pop styles in Africa. It originated in Kenya on the shores of Lake Victoria as a reaction against the colonization of the African musical scene by Congolese music. Benga’s tour de force is its vocal harmonies and fingerpicked guitar lines with intricate bass line underpinnings. The Shirati Jazz group is the greatest exponent of Benga and this, the combo’s first American release, serves as a showcase for the music which can be heard pouring out from speakers on every street corner and club in Kenya.
(Available on cassette)
Selection: “Augustin Opiyo”
##A 14 441519 689
##T Folkways Records • Smithsonian Institution
Folkways Records • Smithsonian Institution
Folkways was an American recording legend even while Moses Asch, the founder and owner, was alive. He recorded virtually everything and everybody including Pete Seeger, Woody Guthrie, Leadbelly doing children’s songs, a vast array of traditional ethnic musics from around the world, some modern ethnic musics, classical, language instruction, a science series, ragtime, electronic music, Americana, jazz, and high school bands. He built a collection of 2,153 titles and never let any go out of print, however few they might have sold.
The Smithsonian became responsible for Moses Asch’s archives after his death while the Birch Tree Group took over the
##A 14 441737 690
##T Folkways Records • Smithsonian Institution
manufacturing and distribution side. They intend to keep all titles in print as record albums as long as economically possible. When the economics of album pressing turn against them, cassettes will replace them. For now all titles are still obtainable with the original distinctive heavy sleeves. If you want a little piece of American recording history in your living room, this is a deal.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 442040 691
##T Folkways Records • Smithsonian Institution
Catalog free
Folkways Records • Smithsonian Institution
Division of Birch Tree Group Ltd.
180 Alexander Street
Princeton, NJ 08540
##A 14 13279 692
##T Folkways Records • Smithsonian Institution
Islamic Liturgy —
Koran: Call To Prayer, Odes, Litany
(FR 8943)
Selection: “Suratu ’R-Rahman”
(Qoran Ch. LV vv 1-16)
##A 14 54495 693
##T Folkways Records • Smithsonian Institution
This Land Is My Land —
South African Freedom Songs
Selection: “Nkosi Sikeleli Afrika”
##A 14 5805 694
##T Folkways Records • Smithsonian Institution
Sounds Of North American Frogs —
The Biological Significance of Voice in Frogs (FX6166)
Selection: “Diversity In Mating Calls”
##A 14 402016 695
##T Gold Castle
Gold Castle
Gold Castle release new recordings from musicians whose careers have been derailed by the mainstream industry’s obsession with newer, younger, flashier stars, and their gotta-sell-20%-more-with-every-release money fever. They have found an effective way to keep producing new music from such favorites as Peter, Paul & Mary and Joan Baez who still have plenty of musical mileage in them but don’t play the Hollywood games required by the night crawlers of major labels. New folk-rock artists such as The Washington Squares and Eliza Gilkyson, as well as the highly committed song-writer Bruce Cockburn, are also featured.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 402416 696
##T Gold Castle
Brochure free
Gold Castle Records
PO Box 2568N
Hollywood, CA 90078
##A 14 403148 697
##T Gold Castle
JOAN BAEZ — Recently
First studio LP in 10 years plus unique interpretations of contemporary songs of love and politics.
“...‘Recently’ is an invigorating and rewarding return to form.”
— Los Angeles Times
Selection: “Biko”
##A 14 403387 698
##T Gold Castle
— No Easy Walk to Freedom
All new songs, all digital recording, Grammy nominee.
Selection: “Light One Candle”
##A 14 403518 699
##T Gold Castle
JUDY COLLINS — Trust Your Heart
New recordings of original compositions, Broadway selections along with some old classics.
“Collins’ crystal clear pristine soprano hasn’t sounded this good in years...” — Cashbox Magazine
Selection: “Day By Day”
##A 14 403938 700
##T Gold Castle
— Waiting for a Miracle: Singles 1970-1987 (double-record set)
A collection of Canada’s highly rated singer-songwriter’s top singles spanning the last 17 years plus
2 new songs.
“...a superb collection of singles cut between 1970 and 1987.
Cockburn’s slow-burning bluesiness and deep social concern shine brightly on this generous package.”
— Billboard Magazine
Selection: “The Trouble with Normal”
##A 14 404168 701
##T Gold Castle
A new generation of folk-rock from young New York based trio.
Selection: “You Can’t Kill Me”
##A 14 404233 702
##T Gold Castle
Powerful collection of ballads by contemporary folk-rock singer/songwriter.
“With a strong voice and a delicate touch, Eliza Gilkyson enters Jennifer Warnes’ and Joan Baez’s turf...”
— The Gavin Report
Selection: “Material Man”
##A 14 404684 703
##T Gold Castle
Intervals in Sunlight
Adventurous classical, folk, new age, acoustic guitar instrumentals by former Animals lead guitarist and veteran studio musician.
Selection: “Poca Favilla”
##A 14 2612 704
##T Redwood Records
Redwood Records
Redwood began life fifteen years ago as a mail-order distributor for Holly Near’s records. Over the years, it has become a much larger concern without ever losing sight of its important social, political, and cultural roles. All of Redwood’s artists could be described as socially progressive, and many are explicitly feminist. Their styles are quite varied, with particular strength in folk/rock and Central American styles. Here is a record company that believes strongly that music should be used to effect positive change, both in the hearts of the listeners and in society at large.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 119610 705
##T Redwood Records
Catalog free
Redwood Records
6400 Hollis Street
Emeryville, CA 94608
##A 14 113701 706
##T Redwood Records
THE REDWOOD COLLECTION — Selected Music From Redwood Records
(RR411, 1986)
A sampling of some of the finest from Redwood’s catalog, this LP includes selections from Holly Near and Ronnie Gilbert’s award winning album LIFELINE, Ferron’s SHADOWS ON A DIME and TESTIMONY, Inti-Illimani’s IMAGINATION, Linda Tillery’s SECRETS, Connie Kaldor’s MOONLIGHT GROCERY, HARP (Holly Near, Arlo Guthrie, Ronnie Gilbert, Pete Seeger) and many more. The perfect introduction to the diverse blend of music unique to Redwood Records.
Selection: “I Suppose” by Linda Tillery
##A 14 120458 707
##T Redwood Records
HOLLY NEAR — Don’t Hold Back
(RR413, 1987)
Pop/Rock Love Songs
“Holly Near is a riveting performer with an amazing voice, but most of all she manages to move people while singing about what she believes in. She is the only person I know who has successfully combined music and politics.” — Bonnie Raitt
Selection: “Boney Jaw Baby”
##A 14 114236 708
##T Redwood Records
INTI-ILLIMANI — Imagination
(RR8505, 1985)
Guitars, panpipes, Andean flute, mandolin, violin, harp and the Argentine bombo drum are among the 16 wind, string and percussion instruments that blend together on this award-winning digital instrumental LP.
Selection: “Alturas”
##A 14 335672 709
##T Redwood Records
(RR8801, 1988)
Exquisite Nueva Cancion/New Song; an all-instrumental album which beautifully mixes traditional and contemporary Latin American musical styles.
Selection: “Pajaro Loco”
##A 14 337785 710
##T Redwood Records
(RR412, 1986)
Teresa Trull steps out with a driving pop rock sound on her fourth album. Lively, upbeat, serious rock’n’roll sounds make for a good time especially on “Rosalie” written by Bonnie Hayes. A STEP AWAY features a line-up of players which includes Andy Narell, Marc Russo, Michael Landau and Peter Michael. Background vocals are by Linda Tillery, Vicki Randle and Annie Stocking.
Selection: “Rosalie”
##A 14 120724 711
##T Windham Hill Records
Windham Hill Records
Don’t call them NEW AGE! They may have pioneered that genre, but they have continually developed in ways that make it unfair to pigeonhole them that way. Their series of recordings and videos for children are particularly adventurous with ingenious pairings of performers collaborating on childhood classics: Robin Williams with Ry Cooder, Cher with Patrick Ball, Jack Nicholson with Bobby McFerrin, Meryl Streep with George Winston, and others. Jazz is an increasingly strong line for them, while their Dancing Cat series is an assorted collection of idiosyncratic recordings that defies easy categorization, ranging from Bola Sete’s Brazilian flavorings to one of Professor Longhair’s best records. And you don’t get more rock’n’roll than that!
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 121438 712
##T Windham Hill Records
Newsletter and catalog free
Windham Hill Records
PO Box 9388
Stanford, CA 94309
##A 14 124345 713
##T Windham Hill Records
Windham Hill Jazz kicks off 1988 with the bold and inventive debut release from the Turtle Island String Quartet. What!? A string quartet on Windham Hill Jazz? Right! Turtle Island is not your traditional string quartet, and on their hot self-titled debut album they cook up string music that swings!
TISQ is David Balakrishnan (lead violin), Mark Summer (cello),
##A 14 465019 714
##T Windham Hill Records
Irene Sazer (viola), and Montreux’s moonlighting Darol Anger (violin). Included in the individual member’s impressive musical resumes is time spent in major symphony orchestras and stints with legendary violinist Stephane Grapelli and the David Grisman Quartet.
One half of the new album offers fresh new arrangements of classic jazz compositions penned by Oliver Nelson (“Stolen Moments”), Dizzy Gillespie (“A Night In Tunisia”), Miles Davis (“Milestones”), and Bud Powell (“Tempus Fugit”). The Turtle Islanders make these tunes their own by refocusing the pieces through the lens of a string quartet.
Side two is devoted to an adventuresome original piece written by David Balakrishnan, “String Quartet No. 1: Balapadem,” that reveals the potential of a string quartet to
##A 14 465326 715
##T Windham Hill Records
perform many different styles of music. (The CD version contains additional original material.) Turtle Island String Quartet is full of challenging music from the string swing of the cover tunes to the avant garde stylings of the original compositions. The recording is a success on many levels, and is sure to delight and surprise listeners drawn to its unique sound.
— The Windham Hill Occasional Vol. IV, No. 1 (Newsletter)
Selection: “A Night In Tunisia”
##A 14 20533 716
##T Windham Hill Records
Selection: “Beata Viscera”
##A 14 73927 717
##T Windham Hill Records
FRED SIMON — Usually/Always
Chicago-based composer/performer Fred Simon joins the Windham Hill roster after a string of acoustic and electronic fusion projects stretching back to the late 70’s, including three
albums on Flying Fish (with Simon & Bard) and two solo albums on Quaver. Windham
Hill fans may have discovered Simon via the haunting “Time and The River,” which appears
##A 14 143499 718
##T Windham Hill Records
on last year’s sampler of new electronic music, Soul Of The Machine.
Simon credits his parents’ unflagging support as an inspiration, especially his
father’s eclectic musical tastes. While Fred studied classical piano and attended concerts by Rubenstein and Horowitz, it was his father who brought Dylan and Zappa to the family stereo — and who later took Fred to Chicago’s Jazz Showcase to hear legendary jazz performers like Coleman Hawkins, Elvin Jones, and Gene Ammons.
Usually/Always features musical guests including Pat Metheny’s rhythm section, Steve Rodby (bass), and Paul Wertico (drums), soprano saxophonist, Oregon member and new Windham Hill solo artist, Paul McCandless, and guitarists Ross Traut and David Onderdonk.
— The Windham Hill Occasional Vol. IV, No. 1 (Newsletter)
Selection: “Zola”
##A 14 240629 719
##T Windham Hill Records
TIM STORY — Untitled
Ohio-based composer/keyboardist Tim Story was previously known to international audiences from a series of albums released on Europe’s Uniton label. Story now has a variety of credits on Windham Hill and growing recognition in the American market. He was first introduced to Windham Hill fans via the Piano Sampler and was next featured on last year’s sampler of
##A 14 461374 720
##T Windham Hill Records
new electronic music, Soul Of The Machine, and his self-produced label debut recording, Glass Green. Tim Story’s latest release, Untitled, is on the Lost Lake Arts label. Fans may recognize “In This Small Spot” as his selection on the Piano Sampler. Like his other albums, Untitled is the result of solitary work in a local recording studio in his native town outside of Toledo, Ohio. Undisturbed and unrushed, he savors this approach for the freedom to experiment, which he cites as the key to fusing his engineering skills with various synthesizers, sampling devices and acoustic piano.
As an earlier work, Story distinguishes Untitled as a recording that’s “more lyrical — the pieces more structured and song-oriented. There’s a lot more grand piano.”
Story is currently working on the music for Washington Irving’s “The Legend Of
##A 14 465427 721
##T Windham Hill Records
Sleepy Hollow,” an upcoming release from our label of recordings for children, Rabbit Ears “Storybook Classics.”
— The Windham Hill Occasional Vol. IV, No. 1 (Newsletter)
Selection: “November’s Eve”
##A 14 245422 722
##T Windham Hill Records
The legend of Pecos Bill has been kicking around cowboys’ campfires since the first cattle drives more than a hundred years ago. Robin Williams’ narration seizes the spirit of Pecos Bill with all the wit of a regular buckeroo. Brian Gleesons’ version of the Pecos Bill tale and Ry Cooder’s guitar licks put the listener smack dab on the lonely range, whence the lore of the Wild West sprang.
Selection: “Pecos Bill Pt. 1”
##A 14 245748 723
##T Windham Hill Records
JACK NICHOLSON/BOBBY McFERRIN — How The Rhinoceros Got His Skin/How The Camel Got His Hump
Windham Hill’s adventurous new line of children’s recordings received a major splash from consumers and media alike when the notorious Jack Nicholson teamed with vocal magician Bobby McFerrin to bring fresh life to Rudyard Kipling’s “The Elephant Child.” Now that same duo reunite for two more
##A 14 461579 724
##T Windham Hill Records
classics from Kipling’s “Just So” stories, and the partnership is every bit as delicious.
As before, Nicholson brings a special relish to these droll fables of creation, adding the right spin to Kipling’s fanciful use of language while creating richly funny characterizations for the stylized animals featured in each of these two classics. As for the Grammy-winning McFerrin, his contributions here easily rival, if not eclipse, the atmospheric sonic effects heard on the previous collaboration.
It’s a unique pairing of indelible talents that exemplifies the Rabbit Ears series’ unique appeal to child and parent alike, an approach at once timeless in its storytelling tradition and fresh in its delivery.
Selection: “How The Camel Got His Hump”
##A 14 245763 725
##T Windham Hill Records
The Tale Of Peter Rabbit, Mr. Jeremy Fisher and Two Bad Mice
(Video does not contain Two Bad Mice)
Selection: “The Tale Of Peter
##A 14 246097 726
##T Windham Hill Records
Rock’N’Roll Gumbo
Piano, vocals, ensemble.
Selection: “(They Call Me) Dr.
Professor Longhair”
##A 14 140978 727
##T Children’s
##A 14 124509 728
##T Educational Activities
Educational Activities
Educational Activities produce their own materials, and carry a large range of children’s recordings from other sources. They have a special catalog for the early childhood years with plenty of records, cassettes, videos, filmstrips, books, and software designed to help children learn perceptual motor skills, how to deal with difficult social situations, such as being followed by a stranger, or how to recognize danger around the home from drugs or poisons left about.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 124900 729
##T Educational Activities
Catalog free
Educational Activities, Inc.
PO Box 87
Baldwin, NY 11510
##A 14 125534 730
##T Educational Activities
By Catherine Slonecki, M.Ed. Music Education
Grades K-3
This dynamic live action video teaches your students about the world we live in through
##A 14 471341 731
##T Educational Activities
songs and actual in-country video footage showing each land, its costumes, and customs. Lively on-camera discussions with American schoolchildren help increase your students’ understanding of other cultures.
Your class can sing along with songs from Australia, India, Africa, Israel, Canada,
Switzerland, and many others, while they learn about the similarities and differences of our diverse and exciting planet.
The fun and learning goes on as your class enjoys the accompanying recording (your choice of record or cassette) which includes the same songs as the videocassette plus some additional ones for related activities and singing. (Continued on next card.)
##A 14 125326 732
##T Educational Activities
The teacher’s guide provides interesting facts about all the countries, student activity
sheets, and the English words for the songs, plus the words for several songs in foreign languages.
Songs include “Waltzing Matilda” (Australia), “Taffta Hindi” (Arabia), “Cuckoo”
(Austria), “Hava Nagilah” (Israel), “Zulu Warrior” (Africa), “Bon Soir Mes Amis/Good Night My Friends” (Canada) and a spirited medley from Mexico: “La Cucaracha,” “El Rancho Grande,” and “Jarabe Tapatio.”
Selection: “Taffta Hindi” (Arabia)
##A 14 285599 733
##T Educational Activities
From The Hap Palmer Library
Contagious, happy songs, modern musical treatment, catchy lyrics
##A 14 77911 734
##T Educational Activities
teach cleanliness, balanced diet, exercise, safety rules and thoughtfulness — plus the reasons behind them.
Selection: “Buckle Your Seat Belt”
##A 14 113060 735
##T Educational Activities
By Hap Palmer
Imaginative songs help children develop basic movement skills and encourage their potential for creative movement while increasing English language comprehension. A companion to WALTER THE WALTZING WORM, these songs
##A 14 112832 736
##T Educational Activities
also enhance movement vocabulary. Vocabulary includes body parts, actions, spatial concepts, qualities, and relationships.
Children learn through active participation and are encouraged to sing along, use their bodies or optional manipulatives.
(Not included in The Hap Palmer Library)
Selection: “Sally The Swinging Snake”
##A 14 285771 737
##T Educational Activities
by Marcia Berman and Patty Zeitlin
Gaining confidence, feeling good about yourself, sharing feelings, and having a sense of belonging are the objectives
##A 14 51520 738
##T Educational Activities
of this carefully thought out and tested album. Both music and lyrics are used to create an atmosphere of understanding and respect for each other.
Selection: “Everybody Says”
##A 14 185270 739
##T Educational Record Center
Educational Record Center
On long car and plane trips with our kids, I’ve found nothing beats a pair of headphones and a cassette player loaded with tapes from a source like this. The Educational Record Center covers the world of children’s literature with records and cassettes, readalongs
(book plus recordings), filmstrips and videos.
— Andrea Sharp
##A 14 187001 740
##T Educational Record Center
Catalog free
Educational Record Center, Inc.
Building 400, Suite 400
1575 Northside Dr., N.W.
Atlanta, GA 30318
##A 14 193896 741
##T Educational Record Center
These albums capture 3 of Dr. King’s famous speeches:
Detroit Freedom Rally 6/23/63
I Have a Dream . . . 8/28/63
FREE AT LAST (Memphis) 2MC 929
I’ve been to the mountaintop!
Selection: “Drum Major Instinct
Sermon” from Free At Last
##A 14 150040 742
##T Educational Record Center
(4EA 526 LP or Cassette/Guide)
Cleanliness, balanced diet, exercise, safety rules and thoughtfulness are taught through original songs. Includes Alice’s Restaurant.
Selection: “Buckle Your Seat Belt”
##A 14 165043 743
##T Educational Record Center
(4 EA 617 LP or Cass/Guide)
A companion album to WALTER THE WALTZING WORM. Features more catchy new songs: Everything Has a Shape — Percival the Parrot — Muddy Water Puddle — Watch Me — more activity songs.
Selection: “Sally The Swinging Snake”
##A 14 125739 744
##T Kimbo
Kimbo have lots of recordings to help children learn movement, dance, and music, with special emphasis placed on other cultures and older forms like square and circle dances. Some of these exercise albums are also suggested for seniors. Much of their material is produced by themselves, but they also carry other educational and recreational children’s recordings, including videos, filmstrips, and readalongs.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 126086 745
##T Kimbo
Catalog free
Kimbo Educational
PO Box 477F
Long Branch, NJ 07740
##A 14 126605 746
##T Kimbo
This magical, musical experience will help youngsters learn about shapes, colors, counting and more. Dragon Achoo, Dinosaurs, Boogie Man Boogie, Monstery ABC’s and more. LP or Cass & Guide. (KUB 003 or 003C)
Selection: “Dragon Achoo”
##A 14 71755 747
##T Kimbo
Musical Play Activities For Infants & Toddlers
Children enjoy hours of fun and music with their all time favorite — the Teddy Bear. Familiar melodies and simple actions especially structured to help the very young become aware of objects and spatial relationships and develop coordination and listening skills. Ideal for use with parents, siblings, baby-sitters, preschools, day care settings and more. Tickle, Tickle, Teddy, Nosey Bear, Tiptoe Teddy Bear, Teddy Leads The Band and more. LP or Cass & Guide. (KIM 7039 or 7039C)
Selection: “Me And My Teddy Bear”
##A 14 72214 748
##T Kimbo
By Jane Murphy
For millions of years weird and wonderful creatures we call dinosaurs roamed the prehistoric earth. Now they live in our imaginations. Go back in time with these songs of fact and fun, including My Pet Tyrannosaurus, The Dinosaur Dance, The Plant Eaters and more. LP or Cass & Guide. (KIM 9083 or 9083C)
Selection: “Fossil Rock”
##A 14 117363 749
##T Kimbo
By Jane Murphy
Youngsters learn about various emotions and explore acceptable and unacceptable ways of expressing them. Feelings include jealousy, anger, fear, honesty and more. Babies Are People, Pass The Pickles, Monsters Are Only Make Believe, Can We Be Friends? and others. LP or Cass & Guide. (KIM 8085 or 8085C)
Selection: “Pass The Pickles”
##A 14 250959 750
##T New Music & New Age
##A 14 416208 751
##T Global Pacific Records
Global Pacific Records
Global Pacific releases varied New Age/Neo-Classical material, available directly from the label as well as through Backroads. There is a double-length sampler, The Fruits Of Our Labor, available on LP, cassette, or CD to help acquaint you at full musical length with the melody.
All LPs and cassettes $9.98 plus $1 P&H. CDs $15.98.
— Jonathan E.
Ÿ Backroads Distributors
##A 14 416280 752
##T Global Pacific Records
Catalog free
Global Pacific Records
80 East Napa Street
Sonoma, CA 95476
##A 14 417267 753
##T Global Pacific Records
TOR DIETRICHSON — Global Village
Produced by Steven Kindler
Percussionist Dietrichson’s “Global Village” is a provocative fusion of Latin, Caribbean, African, Eastern and New Age songs and rhythms. Joined by Paul Horn, Zakir Hussain, David Friesen, Scott Cossu, Dallas Smith, Joaquin Lievano and Steven Kindler,
“Global Village” is best described as
“Third World Jazz / New Age” and comes just as the world-fusion sound is exploding. Tor Dietrichson is sure to be known as one of its greatest proponents.
Selection: “Global Village”
##A 14 417338 754
##T Global Pacific Records
BEN TAVERA KING — Desert Dreams
Produced by Ben Taverna King and Dubby Hawkins
“Desert Dreams,” a sonic tour of the Southwest, and Ben Tavera King are best described by the critics: “King could well become one of the major jazz artists of the decade.” — J.D. Considine, Washington Post; “King represents the new sound in Hispanic music being pursued by other young Hispanics such as Los Lobos and Ruben Blades.” — All Things Considered, National Public Radio; “King isn’t afraid to take chances, but at the same time his music is very listenable and bears repeated listenings.”
— Tom Schnabel, KCRW-FM, Los Angeles.
Selection: “Cactus Blossom”
##A 14 417664 755
##T Global Pacific Records
Produce by Joaquin Lievano and Steven Kindler
Joaquin Lievano (pronounced Wa-keen Lee-eh-van-o), former guitarist with Jean-Luc Ponty, showcases his exciting electric and acoustic guitar style and an incredible lineup of contributing musicians — former Journey and current Vital Information drummer Steve Smith; former Journey bassist Randy Jackson; Columbia Records keyboard artist Rodney Franklin; The Dreggs bassist Andy West; and fellow Global Pacific label mate and co-producer, violinist Steve Kindler. “One Mind” crosses over from hot latin jazz-fusion to melodic New Age bridging the gap between the genres and expanding the boundaries of both.
Selection: “The Art Of Bowing”
##A 14 417953 756
##T Global Pacific Records
Produced by Georgia Kelly and Steven Kindler
“Fresh Impressions” is a contemporary interpretation of classical compositions from the great Impressionist period composers Fauré, Satie, Debussy and Honneger, as well as an original piece each from Kelly and Kindler in the Impressionist style. Building on a proven formula for crossover success by such artists as Bolling and Rampal, harpist Kelly and violinist Kingler’s “Fresh Impressions” is a major New Age / Classical masterpiece.
Selection: “Sicilienne”
##A 14 418050 757
##T Global Pacific Records
Produced by Steven Kindler & Teja Bell
Billboard and R&R chartbusting
“Dolphin Smiles” is establishing former Mahavishnu Orchestra, Jeff Beck, Jan Hammer, and Kitaro violinist Steven Kindler and guitarist extraordinaire Teja Bell as New Age/Jazz hit makers. “Dolphin Smiles,” with its exquisite cover art, is a New Age Pop masterpiece that instantly catches one’s eyes and ears and stops them in your tracks.
Selection: “Kaimana”
##A 14 397993 758
##T Eurock
Eurock offers a fascinating array of mostly European, mostly unfamiliar, and mostly (dread phrase) progressive rock. There are interesting offerings in an advanced electronic vein from such unfamiliar places as Mexico and Chile. Many of the names are not seen elsewhere, and they provide a refreshing and different view from the American one on such genres as New Age. The magazine contains interviews with musicians as well as lots of reviews and trenchant political commentary. Editor Archie Patterson manages to breathe life back into what had seemed a moribund musical field. Everything is put together with style, personality and vision, and the magazine cover is graced with Dore woodcuts.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 398253 759
##T Eurock
Archie Patterson, Editor
$8/year (4 issues)
$12 foreign
Information free
PO Box 13718
Portland, OR 97213
##A 14 471779 760
##T Eurock
VICTOR DE BROS — Kulu Hatha Mamnua (SUISSE LP $10)
Records like this one come along once in a blue moon, the title itself might give you a hint that you’re in for something unique. Translated from the Arabic, it means
“everything that’s fun is forbidden.” In fact listening to this album is not only fun, but at times literally astounding. You might call this electronic music as the sound is indeed a synthesization of many elements. Electronics serve as coloration and in addition Victor employs a large variety of home made creations which he sonically treats to create a very spatial effect. As well exotic percussives mix with altered wind instruments and ethereal effects to create something absolutely fresh and
##A 14 472410 761
##T Eurock
musically special. He does “cover versions” (?) of tracks by Lars Hollmar and Marc Hollander and that might give a hint as to the territory he works in. Perhaps the spirit of Hollander’s ONZE DANSES POUR COMBATTRE LE MIGRAINE lurks in the grooves here. In any case this record is guaranteed to please anyone who truly appreciates original music, be it electronic or otherwise. Limited edition of 300.
Selection: “Derive”
##A 14 472217 762
##T Eurock
GONDWANALAND — Let The Dog Out ($10 LP)
Talk about different, the second album by Australia’s Gondwanaland (they’ve dropped the Project), stands out as one of the most unique discs I’ve heard in the electronic genre. Take the Aboriginal instrument Didgeridu, mix it with equal parts of synthesizer and percussion, record it live in concert and you have an essential experience in 20th Century ritualistic musical orgasm. Side 1 has five shorter rhythmic incantations that literally pulse with acoustic/electric energy. Side 2 consists of two longer tracks featuring luxurious floating waves of electronics spiced up by spatial percussive effects and primal Didgeridu rhythms. Combined the two sides make for an absolutely extraordinary record.
Selection: “Highway”
##A 14 473588 763
##T Eurock
EMBRYO — Africa (GER LP $12)
The new Embryo LP, recorded in Lagos, Nigeria, released in Italy, consolidates their position as the leading practitioner of ethnic fusion in Europe. Continuing on from the sound of their previous YORUBA album, AFRICA adds a bit more jazz/rock to the mix this time and as a result the album is much more dynamic. The four-piece Embryo band is augmented here by the four-piece Yoruba percussion/vocal group, plus the
“Afro Linkage Ensemble” which is a six-piece full band. The combined musical result is a multi-cultural rave up that allows both the patented Embryo sound and the ethnic music influences to integrate into a rich black and white fusion.
Selection: “Djangedi”
##A 14 473764 764
##T Eurock
The first two Reyes albums, EL TUNKUL and A LA IZQUIERDA hardly prepared me for this new record. I’ll go way out on a limb with this one and say it’s the best fusion of new technology — electric guitar/synthesizer, with the spirits of old — ethnic percussion and ancient ritual — I’ve heard. A heavy primal beat opens it up, leading into a phased chorus of synthetics and voice, an effect that reappears throughout. Even though percussionist extraordinaire Antonio Zepeda is missing this time out, he has been replaced by an Indian percussive group who are now working with Reyes in live concerts. Their contribution is in spirit as well for the entire affair takes on the atmosphere of a Mayan ceremony held to usher in the harmonic convergence. Forget all of the new age world music attempts, this is the real thing.
Selection: “Comala”
##A 14 473900 765
##T Eurock
Robert Julian Horky is the main creative impulse behind these two records and they fuse the primal sounds of native ritual with space age technology to stunning effect. Synthesizer, bass, wind sounds and natural effects are interwoven into a tapestry of multi-toned Eastern themes. “Journey” is “music as trance and meditation” using a variety of winds, fretless bass, strings, Tibetan temple bells and voice. “Tales” is a voyage into electronic/acoustic emotion — modern classical music in a totally new form. Both albums are unique and adventurous listening quite different from your standard new age/world music formula productions.
Selection: “Dance For A Warrior” from Tales Of Power
##A 14 474245 766
##T Eurock
CLAUDE LARSON — When The Cranes Migrate (GER LP $12)
Over the span of his ten releases to date C.L. has done some very nice music, but none of it compares to this new album however. The bulk of the material here is composed of two long “Suites,” the six part lp title track and the three part JOURNEY TO THE HEART. These two pieces demonstrate the full extent of Larsen’s creative abilities as well as the infinite range of possibilities that are present when synthesizers are used to their fullest potential. He creates a series of elaborate melodies, laced with delicate sequential rhythms and filled out by lush orchestrations. The result is a sound that’s breathtaking and which soars majestically from one passage to the next. Without doubt this is his best work to date.
Selection: “Dimension Of Light”
##A 14 474384 767
##T Eurock
CAMERA OBSCURA — Camera Obscura (LP $10.00)
Though this is not a new album, it remains to this day one of my favorite records of the 80s. Camera Obscura is a German group that features guitar and multi-synthesizers that could be described perhaps as a hybrid of Fripp/Eno/Vangelis without any of their egocentricity. Side 1 starts with delicate acoustic guitar and synth that effortlessly melts into a floating bed of electronics and electric guitar. Midway through it completely transforms into a pulsing soundscape of percussion and firey lead guitar that is absolutely breathtaking. As this middle section winds down a gregorian-inspired choral track closes things out. Side 2 is one long piece that literally defines the genre of “heavenly music.” Synthesizer and guitar intertwine gracefully into a myriad of tones that subtly weave a flowing tapestry of light and dark sound. The result is surreal and magical as is the entire album.
Selection: “ A L’Horizon Clervant”
##A 14 474817 768
##T Eurock
DAVID MINGYUE LIANG — Dialogue With The Ocean (GER LP$15)
This is one of those special albums that reaches down inside and lifts your spirits high, away from the frenetic swirl of today’s lifestyle. Subtitled “Chinesische Meditation Musik,” Liang combines ethnic Chinese percussion and winds with synthesizer in a way that’s totally unique. It reminds me of the musical magic that was Kitaro on his first couple of records. “Mood Dance,” “Land of Illusion” and “Winds of a Thousand Li” are a few titles that only hint at the delights contained within this record. DIALOGUE WITH THE OCEAN is simply wonderful music.
Selection: “White Cloud”
##A 14 474907 769
##T Eurock
GANDALF — More Than Just A Seagull (AUS LP)
This record, the soundtrack for a stage performance, was inspired by the story of
“Jonathan Livingston Seagull” and is perhaps the most purely celestial work Gandalf has done to date. The album’s three extended tracks create a floating atmosphere filled with rhythmic pulsations and undulating melodic currents as guitars, keyboards, exotic percussives and natural sounds weave an entrancing spell filled with mysterious vibrations. When added to the body of his other work you have ample evidence that Gandalf is one of the most imaginative and creative neo-classical composers working today.
Selection: “Beyond The Material World”
##A 14 475339 770
##T Eurock
GANDALF — More Than Just A Seagull (AUS LP)
Q: If you were to try to describe your sound, what would you say to a new listener?
A: To say something about my sound, well, I’m trying to create a most harmonic mixture of sounds by acoustic instruments, natural sounds — wind, water, birds, and sounds from electronic instruments. You could call it acoustic paintings or music for imaginary films, taking place in your heads. Each song represents a specific mood. I want people to feel peaceful and happy when hearing my music, to forget all bad things and love all of God’s Creation as one big thing that we are all a small part of.
Selection: “Spiritual Dawn”
##A 14 475475 771
##T Eurock
STRAWBS — Don’t Say Goodbye (U.K. LP)
Back from the void are Dave Cousins, Tony Hooper, Richard Hudson, Brian Willoughby and friends. This is a brand new 1987 LP and will bring a tear to the eye of any Strawbs fan who has a warm spot in their heart for their classic GRAVE NEW WORLD/HERO HEROINE works. Cousins’ compositions and voice are magnificent and the instrumental work is filled with delicate acoustic guitar, fiery electric solos and cascades of mellotron/piano. I could rave forever about this one, but will instead stop here and go put it on for another listen myself for the umpteenth time. It’s a beauty, for all who appreciate great music.
Selection: “Let It Rain”
##A 14 421270 772
##T New Albion Records
New Albion Records
On the new music side of the fence, New Albion has a small but impressive roster of releases. John Adams, Daniel Lentz, and Morton Subotnik are their best known artists. The music tends toward the slow and serious, but at least it has some depth instead of just a glistening sheen of shiny surfaces. Their sampler, Portraits, is a good way to check out a half-dozen of their artists.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 421548 773
##T New Albion Records
Brochure free
New Albion Records
584 Castro #463
San Francisco, CA 94114
##A 14 75864 774
##T New Albion Records
INGRAM MARSHALL — Fog Tropes: Gradual Requiem
With synthesizer, piano, voice, Indonesian flute; I. Marshall; Mandolin; Foster Reed; fog horns, ambient sounds.
“This is an extraordinarily mellow piece: The four-channel and eight-channel tape delay effects turn the stereo field into a seemingly vast three-dimensional expanse, and the sensuousness of the sound is always kept in balance with the music’s basically sober and reflective mood.”
— James Wierzbicki, HIGH FIDELITY
Selection: “Gradual Requiem”
##A 14 233048 775
##T New Albion Records
With Margaret Leng Tan, piano; Lise Messier, soprano; Frank Almond, violin; Michael Pugliese, percussion.
“Somei Satoh is an appealing Japanese composer of minimalist inclinations who finds concrete joy in sound, color and repetition . . . Mr. Satoh’s ‘The Heavenly Spheres are Illuminated by Lights’ was a gorgeous, Wagnerian exultation of a seventh chord scored for soprano, percussion and echo chamber.” — THE NEW YORK TIMES
Selection: “Birds In Warped Time”
##A 14 233310 776
##T New Albion Records
PAUL DRESHER — Channels Passing: Night Songs
With New Performance Group of the Cornish Inst.; Thomasa Eckert, soprano; Rinde Eckert, John Duykers, tenor.
“A single repeated note grows arms and legs, becomes a perky, multi-layered melody, which then liquefies into a short but satisfyingly langourous slow movement.”
— Gregory Sandau, THE VILLAGE VOICE
Selection: “Channels Passing”
##A 14 233880 777
##T New Albion Records
STEPHEN SCOTT — New Music For Bowed Piano
For grand piano with twenty hands.
“ . . . a lidless piano is surrounded by ten players who activate the strings with nylon threads and specially coated sticks. The resulting oscillating timbres are arrestingly eerie, and not at all pianistic.” — Joseph Horowitz, NEW YORK TIMES
Selection: “Rainbows, Part 1”
##A 14 240255 778
##T New Albion Records
DANIEL LENTZ — Missa Umbrarum
For chorus with wineglasses, drums, bells, rasps.
“One of . . . two discs of superior material, Missa Umbrarum (Mass of Shadows) achieves a totally original blending of live singing and echoing of wine glasses struck, rubbed and tapped. Lentz draws from his exotic forces and overall sound at once contemporary and evocative of ancient voices under some imagined Gothic roof.”
— Alan Rich, NEWSWEEK
Selection: “O-KE-WA”
##A 14 242632 779
##T New Albion Records
JOHN ADAMS — Light Over Water
For synthesizer with brass sextet — John Adams, conductor, synthesizers.
“Light Over Water . . . Adams’ most dramatic piece to date . . . is significant both for the boldness of its vision, which is dark and Brucknerian, and for the fact that it marks a return (for Adams) to electronic music.”
Selection: “Light Over Water, Part III”
##A 14 243033 780
##T New Albion Records
JOHN ADAMS — Shaker Loops; Phrygian Gates
For string septet. Ridge Quartet plus three players; Mack McCray, piano (reissue).
“The creator of a flexible new language capable of producing large scale works that are both attractive and strongly fashioned. His is a music whose highly polished, resonant sound is wonderful.”
— Andrew Porter, THE NEW YORKER
Selection: “Shaker Loops”
##A 14 411570 781
##T Backroads Distributors
Backroads Distributors
Backroads is one of the leaders in the New Age field and it’s easy to see why from their well produced and informative catalog. They took over the Hearts Of Space mail-order business and now offer that label as well as virtually all the other biggies in this field such as Global Pacific, Private Music, Living Music, Lifestyles, and, of course, Windham Hill. The Environments and Solitudes series are also both carried for a total of 1700 titles. It is obvious though that they have a special place in their hearts for Hearts Of Space. Many of their titles are cassette only, and they also have over 400 on CD. New Age videos are also offered.
(All record reviews excerpted here are by Lloyd Barde.)
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 411659 782
##T Backroads Distributors
Catalog $5.50/year
(3 issues)
includes Hearts Of Space Information packet
Backroads Distributors
200 Tamal Plaza
Corte Madera, CA 94925
##A 14 122305 783
##T Backroads Distributors
A beautiful deep space electronics program that’s like falling into a dream. This is the first in a select series of high quality 59-minute music tracks from the master tapes of HEARTS OF SPACE programs. STARFLIGHT 1 was first heard as Program #93, with music from Michael Amerlan, Tim Clark, and a rich duet by Steve Roach and Kevin Brahney. Cassette only $11.98
Selections: 1) “Carillon” by Michael Amerlan
2) “Invisible Universe” by Tim Clark
##A 14 157351 784
##T Backroads Distributors
CONSTANCE DEMBY — Novus Magnificat / Through The Stargate
A magnificent symphonic sacred choral work for digital orchestra and voices, with special electronic effects by Michael Stearns. Constance Demby sets a new standard for New Age classical music, with this reverent and jubilant experience. “Novus Magnificat” is the all-time best-selling HEARTS OF SPACE title, purely defining sacred spacemusic as a contemporary music form. Stay tuned for a CD release later this year. Cassette only, $9.98
Selection: “Novus Magnificat, Part 2”
##A 14 158238 785
##T Backroads Distributors
DAVID LANGE — The Return Of The Comet
Warm floating electronic harmonies and transstellar processions. Music for stargazing, comet tracking, and other celestial pursuits. LP or Cassette $9.98.
Selection: “Star Rains”
##A 14 184930 786
##T Backroads Distributors
Refined, serene, beautiful synthesizer music. “The Way Home” speaks for inner peace, while “Perelandra” evokes the lush, floating atmosphere of the celestial paradise depicted in C.S. Lewis’s famous novel. Music to play over and over. Also available: “Lullaby for the Hearts of Space.” Cassette only, $9.98
Selection: “The Way Home”
##A 14 9133 787
##T Backroads Distributors
SUZANNE CIANI — “Neverland”
Suzanne Ciani has earned herself a place as one of the premier space musicians around. For her third record, she has recorded for Private Music, with themes befitting both her style of musical expression and the progressive label she has signed with.
Her themes on “The Velocity of Love” were recently revisited on the Private Music release “Piano Two;” rather than a return to the simplicity of pure piano, we find
##A 14 9619 788
##T Backroads Distributors
on “Neverland” a more dynamic, full exploration of the technical capabilities of
today’s music making all offered through the emotional expansiveness of her deep feeling for composition. As before, the voice/synthesizer effects stand out above the layered themes, and her own statement of gentle strength comes through even more clearly.
Along with Yanni, Chris Spheeris, and Ray Lynch, Ciani is making major contributions to both mass acceptance of this “Pop/Classical” side of New Age music, and creating lasting works that are full of life, with a timeless, endearing quality.
LP or CASS $11.98, CD $17.98
Selection: “Mosaic”
##A 14 9739 789
##T Backroads Distributors
Emanating from the classical tradition, New Albion is an independent label in San Francisco. Their vision is in presenting the poetic sensibility of this moment in time, as it and we approach the next century. This music is generally regarded as serious listening music, composed to engage the listener’s complete attention. It is, by turn, both easy and difficult, strange and familiar.
As an introduction, try “Portraits”, selections from the New Albion catalog. You’ll move through
the mysterious brass overlays of Ingram
##A 14 10222 790
##T Backroads Distributors
Marshall, lyrical ruminations for piano and violin of Somei Satoh from Japan, the mind and time stretching of Paul Dresher’s chamber ensemble, the ‘bowed piano’ of Stephen Scott, an elegant Seneca lament for chorus and drums by Daniel Lentz, and conclude with an heroic synthesizer and brass excerpt by John Adams. Highly recommended.
CASS $8.98, CD $14.98
Selection: “Rainbows, Part 1” by Stephen Scott
##A 14 413441 791
##T Backroads Distributors
PAUL WINTER — Earthbeat
New from one of the world’s most adventurous musical talents. With the Dimitri Pokrovsky Singers from the USSR, recorded in Moscow, this is the first ever album of original music recorded by Russians and Americans. From the ancient circle songs and dances of the Russian villages grew these companion compositions featuring the soaring soprano sax of Paul Winter and the Afro-Brazilian percussion, cello, guitar and keyboards of the Paul Winter consort. “Earthbeat” establishes a new inter-national common ground of truly harmonizing together. LP or Cassette $9.98; CD $17.98.
Selection: “The Horse Walked In The Grass”
##A 14 413733 792
##T Backroads Distributors
Combining the talents of these two composers and musicians has been a long time coming, and proves to be worth the wait. Steve plays electric and acoustic violins, plus synthesizers and percussion, while Teja plays a variety of guitars and synthesizers, and they share the songwriting for this tropical tribute to the creatures and freedoms of the sea. Joined by Kim Atkinson on various percussion, the music shines and sparkles as it sways and sails through ethnic rhythms, light jazz, and classical meditations with amazing versatility. LP or Cassette $9.98, CD $17.98
Selection: “Kaimana”
##A 14 414115 793
##T Backroads Distributors
Fresh Impressions
Newest release on this excellent and well-established label. Georgia Kelly is the most respected of all New Age harpists, with a wealth of her own compositions and records. Here, in collaboration with violinist Steve Kindler, fresh from the recent Kitaro tour, the sweetness of improv and interplay with a classical foundation really penetrates. Patient, lyrical versions and interpretations of the music of the French impressionists is shared in ways that express the qualities of beauty, longing and playfulness.
Selection: “Sicilienne”
##A 14 414362 794
##T Backroads Distributors
TOR DIETRICHSON — Global Village
Here we find an “ace percussionist” at the center of a truly all-star lineup. Ranges from East Indian tablas to various Afro-Cuban percussions, with Steve Kindler, Paul Horn, David Friesen, Zakir Hussain, Scott Cossu, Dallas Smith, and more. From the ancient and primitive to exciting, contemporary compositions — a good time was had by all. LP or Cassette $9.98, CD $17.98.
Selection: “Global Village”
##A 14 414523 795
##T Backroads Distributors
Many global influences are heard on this release, which has a more hard-edged sound. Joaquin’s flashy guitar with Kindler’s violin play together in some definite “Mahavishnu” styles. Reveals much depth of composition with repeated listenings. LP or Cassette $9.98, CD $19.98.
Selection: “The Art Of Bowing”
##A 14 414790 796
##T Backroads Distributors
BEN TAVERA KING — Desert Dreams
Intriguing sonic tour of the grandeur and mysteries of the Southwest region, performed on nylon-string guitar, saxophone, percussion, and bass in a Hispanic-jazz setting. Has multifaceted appeal while breaking new ground in world-fusion music. LP or Cassette $9.98, CD $19.98.
Selection: “Cactus Blossom”
##A 14 415202 797
##T Backroads Distributors
Specific natural sounds in a variety of state-of-the-art recordings. For a wide variety of applications.
Selections: 1) “Pacific Ocean”
from LP #9
2) “Caribbean Lagoon”
from LP #9
3) “English Meadow”
from LP #10
##A 14 415612 798
##T Backroads Distributors
Well recorded series offering the best of Dan
Gibson’s nature soundtracks. This is panoramic music of the elements, featuring a wide variety of North American wildlife species. The listener is transported to the site of the recordings, ranging from Niagara Falls to a Southern Swamp, from Loon Lake to the Tradewinds Islands. Now with a sampler and 13 volumes, plus 5 CDs and two videos. For the nature lover in all of us.
Selections: 1) “By Canoe To Loon Lake”
from Vol. 1
2) “Yellowstone National Park”
from Vol. 11
##A 14 418407 799
##T The Moss Music Group, Inc.
The Moss Music Group, Inc.
Moss Music Group is another of the leading distributors in the New Age genre. Paul Winter’s Living Music label is one of their most important lines, but they also carry the Golden Voyage and Solitudes series. Classical and jazz recordings are also available. One of their most amusing items is The Complete Conductor Kit which comes complete with a cassette of baroque hits from Mouret, Pachelbel, Bach, Handel, and Vivaldi, a Paper Doll Symphony Orchestra and Big Band, and a Master’s Degree. Of course there’s a baton.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 418662 800
##T The Moss Music Group, Inc.
Catalog free
The Moss Music Group, Inc.
Dept. WEA
200 Varick Street
New York, NY 10014
##A 14 419470 801
##T The Moss Music Group, Inc.
Alive with percussion and the bright vocals of Moscow’s Dimitri Pokrovsky Singers, this upbeat album blends the beauty of many cultures. Paul Winter and so many musicians arrange new music, traditional chants and Russian folk melodies.
Selection: “The Horse Walked In The Grass”
##A 14 419976 802
##T The Moss Music Group, Inc.
Greatest hits captured live at the United Nations.
Selection: “Wolf Cry”
##A 14 8370 803
##T The Moss Music Group, Inc.
PAUL WINTER — Callings
Living Music’s classic first album. A celebration of the voices of the sea. Double LP or cassette.
Selection: “Lullaby from the
Great Mother Whale
for the
Baby Seal Pups”
##A 14 420223 804
##T The Moss Music Group, Inc.
The Golden Voyage
An extraordinary experience. Transcending the boundaries of traditional music, it has been designed to create a state of tranquility and relaxation. The music has been found to actually reduce stress and is of therapeutic value in health-care settings as well as in the home. It has been used for years by a number of hospitals, surgeons, hypnotists, learning centers, media personalities and private individuals.
Selection: “Sanctuary of Timeless Dreams”
from Vol. 3
##A 14 420437 805
##T The Moss Music Group, Inc.
These Sounds of Nature fill you with a sense of inner tranquility and relaxation. That’s why therapists recommend Solitudes recordings to reduce tension and promote sleep. These remarkable 60-minute state-of-the-art albums by Dan Gibson, the world-famous naturalist, are like taking a vacation without leaving home. They envelop you with the song of birds in flight, ocean surf in hidden coves, rain falling in a forest, spring morning on the prairie, sounds of our National Parks . . . and so much more. You’ll cherish each of these Solitudes environmental sound experiences — LPs, cassettes, CDs, and now video tapes.
Selection: “By Canoe To Loon Lake”
from Solitudes Vol. 1
##A 14 420862 806
##T The Moss Music Group, Inc.
Selection: “Yellowstone National Park”
from Solitudes Vol. 11
##A 14 421020 807
##T The Moss Music Group, Inc.
Do you know a secret conductor? You probably do, and maybe it’s you. Secret conductors look for a pencil, pen, chopstick — even a finger — with which to take charge of musicians. (Continued on next card)
##A 14 412846 808
##T The Moss Music Group, Inc.
Recognizing this vast need the faculty of the North American School of the Artsy and Somewhat Musically Inclined have put together this complete kit to fulfill this long-felt urge in a competent manner.
The kit contains a concert-quality, cork-handled wood baton, illustrated instructions, special cassette of Baroque music for practice, and a Master’s Degree in Conducting
(Magna cum Loud) as well as a surprise or two.
Selection: Philip Brunelle (b. 1944) and Nicolas Nash (b. 1939)
discuss the important preparatory steps for conducting.
##A 14 423955 809
##T Syntonic Research, Inc.
Syntonic Research, Inc.
Syntonic Research is the originator of the ambient, noise-masking, environmental sounds concept, and have taken the most scientific approach to their work. Different sounds are recommended for different purposes such as stress reduction, concentration, social interaction, isolation, comfort of newborns, or lovemaking. When you’ve found a sound that works for you, it’s suggested that you consistently use that sound for that purpose. Their catalog now offers 17 different environmental sounds on LPs, cassettes, and CDs.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 424435 810
##T Syntonic Research, Inc.
Brochure free
Syntonic Research, Inc.
PO Box 18626
Austin, TX 78760
##A 14 425214 811
##T Syntonic Research, Inc.
Eternal thunder of the tide, rolling wave against shore, spraying surf upon sand. This is the improved version of the famous original ENVIRONMENTS ocean and it’s guaranteed to send your soul to the beach. Perfect for relaxation, concentration, sleep and meditation.
##A 14 425332 812
##T Syntonic Research, Inc.
Gently lapping water of the lagoon and a chorus of tropical insects are an exquisitely peaceful blend. Water sounds are traditionally popular and this is no exception. Excellent background for conversation, sleep and relaxation.
##A 14 425569 813
##T Syntonic Research, Inc.
Melodious birdsongs, a rippling stream, the sunny warmth of an English meadow is a little bit of paradise.
You’ll love the cheer it brings to the gloomiest days. Very mood-elevating, seems to add space and light to a dull room.
##A 14 440013 814
##T Composers Recordings, Inc. (CRI)
Composers Recordings, Inc. (CRI)
CRI is a non-profit organization devoted exclusively to “serious” compositions by twentieth century Americans. Their reputation is to remain impartial in stylistic matters, and their catalog has works from conservative to radical names, from well known figures to the secrets of the cognoscenti. And here is one of the difficulties with the catalog. It consists solely of composer name, title of work, and performers — no descriptive material. If you’re not one of the cognoscenti, good luck knowing what you’re reading about. Perhaps next time they’ll see fit to send some samples for inclusion here, so we might all approach cognoscentiism.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 440139 815
##T Composers Recordings, Inc. (CRI)
Catalog free
Composers Recordings, Inc. (CRI)
170 West 74th Street
New York, NY 10023
##A 14 132228 816
##T Heartsong Review
Heartsong Review
Not a record company, not a distributor, but rather similar to the Whole Earth Catalog in its approach. Heartsong Review has lots of reviews of “rare & beautiful music,” and then gives the price and address of the supplier, usually the label. The material covered ranges right across the new age spectrum. The reviews are explicit about the artistic, spiritual, and technical aspects of the recording, and are written by quite a lot of people. Seems like about the best avenue into the new age underground.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 132440 817
##T Heartsong Review
$6/year(2 issues)
Heartsong Review
PO Box 1084
Cottage Grove, OR 97424
##A 14 267567 818
##T Folk
##A 14 427467 819
##T Andy’s Front Hall
Andy’s Front Hall
Andy’s Front Hall is the store, Front Hall Records is the label. The store has all sorts of folk music necessities like tunebooks, songbooks, books on folk dancing, lots of different instruments like autoharps, banjos, bodhrans, bones, celtic harps, concertinas
(Anglo and English), fiddles, guitars, harmonicas, hammered dulcimers, and many more. Of course there are records too; domestic and imported, American and foreign folk musics, along with recommendations and reviews. The Front Hall label concentrates on traditional music with about 35 releases. There is also the Front Hall Back Porch series of books with cassettes, an instructional series on how to play some of the instruments found in the store.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 427623 820
##T Andy’s Front Hall
Catalog $1
Andy’s Front Hall
PO Box 307
Voorheesville, NY 12186
##A 14 428300 821
##T Andy’s Front Hall
The Hammered Dulcimer
The definitive hammered dulcimer recording, featuring 29 great country dance tunes with fiddle by Tom McCreesh, John Pedersen on banjo, and John Pelton on piano. Many folks feel that this is the best good-time record they own. The “Gaspe Reel” is the theme music for
##A 14 413095 822
##T Andy’s Front Hall
PBS TV’s Victory Garden program. Titles: The Boys of Wexford, Scotland the Brave, Come Dance and Sing, Ragtime Annie, Sandy River Belle, The Black Nag, Childgrove, Smash the Windows, Coleraine, Haste to the Wedding, Flowers of Edinburgh, Temperance Reel, Times Are Gettin’ Hard, Gaspe Reel, Fiddle Head Reel, Don
Tremaine’s Reel, Dubuque, Galway Hornpipe, Rights of Man, Harvest Home, Fisherman’s Favorite, Colored Aristocracy, Over the Waterfall, Prince William, Huntsman’s Chorus, Golden Slippers, Old Joe Clark, Mississippi Sawyer, Cabri Waltz, and Midnight on the Water.
Selection: “Colored Aristocracy”
##A 14 428553 823
##T Andy’s Front Hall
JOHN MCCUTCHEON — Barefoot Boy with Boots On
Good songs and virtuoso instrumental playing on hammered dulcimer, mountain dulcimer, fiddle, banjo, guitar, and autoharp from this ever popular performer. John is joined on two cuts by
##A 14 422961 824
##T Andy’s Front Hall
traditional hammered dulcimer player Paul Van Arsdale. Titles: Loggerman’s Breakdown, Dulcimer Reel, Barefoot Boy with Boots On, Little Pink, Laurel Branch, Ways of the World, Sugar in the Gourd, Pay Day, Deep Settled Peace, Under the Double Eagle, Forked Deer, Unst Wedding March, Fanny Poer, Planxty Irwin, Little Moses, Free Little Bird, West Virginia Mining Disaster, Which Side Are You On?, Peekaboo Waltz, Niskayuna Ramble, and Ninety Years Old.
Selection: “Sugar in the Gourd”
##A 14 428986 825
##T Andy’s Front Hall
Nowell Sing We Clear celebrates Christmas as it was known for centuries in Britain and North America. The songs come from an age when the midwinter season was a time for joyous celebration and vigorous expression of older, perhaps pagan religious ideas. Many of these ancient customs are the basis of today’s holiday
##A 14 423642 826
##T Andy’s Front Hall
traditions, such as caroling from door-to-door and the adorning of houses and churches with garlands of evergreen. You’ll find yourself making these familiar and not so familiar songs part of your Christmas tradition. Nowell, Nowell, Nowell!
Titles: The Cutty Wren, Six Jolly Miners, Sword Tunes from the Villages of Grenoside and Ampleforth, Milford, A Child This Day Is Born, While Shepherds Watched, Lord of the Dance, The Praise of Christmas, Green Grow the Rushes O!, Gloucestershire Wassail, Sherburne, Apple Tree Wassail, The Derby Ram, and The Wren.
Selection: “Lord of the Dance”
##A 14 436694 827
##T Green Linnet Music
Green Linnet Music
A linnet is an Old World songbird having a brownish plumage, so it makes sense that Green Linnet concentrates on Irish singers and music. They also delve into other Celtic folk musics, but the emphasis is definitely on traditional. Accordions, fiddles and pipes predominate. Their catalog is now approaching 100 releases, and there is quite a bit of variety within the tradition. Some of their better known artists include Silly Wizard, the Bothy Band, and the Tannahill Weavers. Tipped for international stardom singer, Mary Coughlan is also on Green Linnet.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 436838 828
##T Green Linnet Music
Catalog free
Green Linnet Music
70 Turner Hill Raod
New Canaan, CT 06840
##A 14 12806 829
##T Green Linnet Music
A carefully selected group of some of the finest Green Linnet tracks – a great introduction to the label for yourself or a friend. This wonderful collection contains music and songs from the likes of Kevin Burke, Mick Moloney, Robbie O’Connell, Touchstone, Phil Cunningham, Triona Ni Dhomhnaill, Matt Molloy, The Irish Tradition. All tracks are proven favorites – and the sampler is specially budget-priced at $5.00.
(All the following Green Linnet selections come from this sampler.)
##A 14 437738 830
##T Green Linnet Music
KEVIN BURKE — Up Close (CS) SIF1052
“...lyric, fluid, and precisely as tricky as he needs to be...probably the greatest Irish fiddler living.” So said New York’s VILLAGE VOICE of Kevin Burke. Well, wait ’til they hear this one! There are many Kevin Burkes--the meticulous traditional player, the bold experimenter, the consummate soloist, the complete session man--and they’re all here, playing better than ever. Kevin is joined by such luminaries as Matt Molloy, Joe Burke, producer Gerry O’Beirne on guitar and synthesizer, and, on two astonishing tracks, Ireland’s answer to the Harmonicats, the amazing Murphy family from County Wexford.
Selection: “Three Polkas”
##A 14 438221 831
##T Green Linnet Music
TOUCHSTONE — The New Land (CS) SIF1040
Four superb musicians. Triona Ni Dhomhnaill
(clavinet, synthesizer), fondly recalled from her days with the Bothy Band, is the best known here. Her voice, with its piercingly clear edge, blends effortlessly with the strong singing of Claudine Langille, a mighty tenor banjo and mandolin player. Mark Roberts
(flute, whistle, 5-string banjo, bodhran) and Zan McLeod (bouzouki, mandocello, guitars) round out the group with their high level of musicianship. Touchstone weaves threads of American bluegrass and old-timey music into a predominant pattern of Irish traditional music.
Selection: “Casadh Cam Na Feadarnaighe”
##A 14 438283 832
##T Green Linnet Music
Buttons & Bows (CS) SIF1051
Take the shining light of the Munster accordian/concertina tradition; combine with two of Ireland’s most elegant fiddlers; and blend in a rake of delightful tunes, representing the dance and listening musics of not only their native counties but of Galway, the Shetland Islands, Scandinavia and Canada as well. For texture, add two of Ireland’s most capable accompanists — Charlie Lennon on piano and Garry O’Brian on mandocello. The harmonies and arrangements are impeccable, and the whole package soars in the hands of one of the best sound engineers going, Philip Begley. BUTTONS & BOWS is an album that can best be described as joyous.
Selection: “The Old Resting Chair”
##A 14 438593 833
##T Green Linnet Music
(CS) SIF1041
Michael’s strong guitar rhythm and Kevin’s sweet soaring fiddle achieve a new and powerful punch in this unique collection of reels, jigs, and a set of hauntingly beautiful gavottes from Brittany. Michael shines as a vocalist in three exquisite songs in his native Irish (words enclosed!) and a piece of Scots Gaelic mouth music within a tour de force track of splendid driving reels. It is no wonder the arts editor of the Kansas City Star wrote recently, “...the pair’s music is contagiously toe-tapping...the best of both worlds--dedication to tradition and subtle innovation...stupendous talent.”
Selection: “Breton Gavottes”
##A 14 438851 834
##T Green Linnet Music
RELATIVITY, our best selling record of all time, brings together four musical giants in a pan-Celtic triumph. Silly Wizard meets Bothy Band, as wit, drive, risk-taking and mesmeric skill grace the four instrumental and five vocal tracks. A virtuoso fiddler, an unmatchable accordian/keyboard innovator, and perhaps the two finest singers in Irish music come together in a summit session that not only makes recording history--but is great fun. Not to be missed.
Selection: “An Seanduine Doite”
##A 14 439168 835
##T Green Linnet Music
MATT MOLLOY & SEAN KEANE with ARTY MCGLYNN — Contentment Is Wealth
(CS) SIF1058
A duet album long-dreamed of is now a reality. A collaboration in the grand scale, it brings together the two premier instrumentalists from the Chieftains, Matt Molloy and Sean Keane. Sean’s expressive fiddle style gets full rein here, and Matt’s flute never sounded more flowing, more flowery. The two seem to propel each other like a well-oiled jet engine
(with the added fuel of the great Arty McGlynn on guitar).
Selection: “Kitty in the Lane/Captain Kelly/
The Green Mountain”
##A 14 439397 836
##T Green Linnet Music
(CS) SIF1063
The Irish Tradition play music with pizazz, passion, and pleasure. Their sound is as new and refreshing as anything you’ll ever hear, yet they are infused with a sense of history and a singular commitment to the music they love to play. All this is joyously clear on their newest LP which Green Linnet is proud to present in conjunction with the band’s 10th anniversary. The album includes four powerful songs from Andy O’Brien, dazzling solos from Brendan Mulvihill and Billy McComiskey and, of course, more of the ensemble sound which is the group’s trademark.
Selection: “The Yellow Tinker/
The Sally Gardens”
##A 14 437908 837
##T Green Linnet Music
There Were Roses (CS) SIF1057
Hot on the heels of his already classic 1984 release UNCOMMON BONDS, Mick Moloney joins Robbie O’Connell, Jimmy Keane, and brilliant fiddler Liz Carroll for an eagerly awaited follow-up. Robbie’s singing and songwriting are fast becoming legend; Jimmy is a young Chicagoan whose piano accordian playing is staggeringly virtuosic. Here are songs which dig at the very roots of the Irish experience, and which tug at your heartstrings from the first note.
Selection: “There Were Roses”
##A 14 439670 838
##T Green Linnet Music
TOUCHSTONE — Jealousy (CS) SIF1050
The addition of fiddler Skip Parente makes the group’s music fuller, richer, and even more impressive than ever. Jigs, reels, flings, and Breton tunes are all here, all marvels of tight, seasoned musicianship. There’s even a lazy hill-country tune that bolts into a blue-grass pace with 5-string banjo, guitar, mandolin and fiddle playing off and with each other flawlessly. The singing has never been better. Claudine
Langille’s smoky lead on the title track, her own composition, makes you feel the green-fire refusal in the lyric. Triona Ni Dhomhnaill sings three of her own songs.
Selection: “Jealousy
(You Better Keep Your Distance)”
##A 14 434167 839
##T Folk-Legacy Records
Folk-Legacy Records
Folk-Legacy seem to be very serious about the tradition. Certainly all the records I’ve heard from them have been well produced and serious expositions of various styles of traditional folk music . This is not to say that they don’t have a certain humor and life to them. They do. Being folk music, how could they not? And, I suppose not surprisingly, quite a number of the songs seem to have something to do with drinking — but they don’t mess around with synthesizers. They do, however, have some Traditional Tales and Yarns, as well as Children’s records, and a quiet obsession with dulcimers.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 434187 840
##T Folk-Legacy Records
Catalog free from:
Folk-Legacy Records
PO Box 1148
Sharon , CT 06069
##A 14 435184 841
##T Folk-Legacy Records
New Harmony
The directors of Folk-Legacy, who spend most of their time recording other people, have finally come out with a new album of their own, assisted by Cathy Barton, Dave Para, Ed Trickett, Gordon Bok, Ann Mayo Muir, David Paton and Robin Paton. We can’t say much about it, but we can assure you that it contains some wonderful harmonies and a dozen really fine songs.
Selection: “Rowdy Soul”
##A 14 435336 842
##T Folk-Legacy Records
Recorded “live” at the Coffeehouse Extempore in Minneapolis, this new album offers the vitality and delight of a Bok, Muir and Trickett concert, with the added richness of a full 400-voice choir on some of the choruses.
Selection: “The Gin And Raspberry”
##A 14 435541 843
##T Folk-Legacy Records
’Tis Our Sailing Time
The best group of shanty singers we’ve heard in many years, The Boarding Party is made up of five men from the Washington area, two of whom are English, three American. Many of the songs are here recorded for the first time. Shanties and fo’c’sle ballads of England, America, and the West Indies, including rare gems from the group’s Chesapeake Bay “home waters”. To listen to The Boarding Party is to live again, if only in your heart, the days of the great square-rigged sailing ships.
Selection: “Sailor’s Alphabet”
##A 14 435958 844
##T Folk-Legacy Records
FRANK PROFITT — Reese, North Carolina
Accompanying himself on his own home-made fretless banjo, one of the truly significant traditional folk artists of the Appalachians sings ballads and songs of his family and region. “A superb singer in the Anglo-American tradition.” (The Reporter)
This was Folk-Legacy’s first field recording.
Selection: “Cluck Old Hen”
##A 14 436060 845
##T Folk-Legacy Records
Life’s Trolley Ride
Jonathan is the most versatile singer of folksongs we’ve heard in years. He can belt out a shanty, rasp out a blues, soften down to a gentle rumble for a tender love song, or enunciate a complex text with the precision of an auctioneer trained in the art of Gilbert and Sullivan.
Selection: “The Winnie
The Pooh Rag”
##A 14 10495 846
##T Folk-Legacy Records
PAUL VAN ARSDALE — Dulcimer Heritage
The incomparable hammered dulcimer artistry of Mr. Van Arsdale (a heritage from his maternal grandfather) is now available in a boxed book-and-record set. The forty-page booklet contains transcriptions of all the tunes, an analysis of Paul’s playing style, and the history of his unique dulcimer heritage. With Bill Van Arsdale, Ruth Rappaport, and John McCutcheon. Produced by Nick Hawes with the help of a grant from the NEA.
Selection: “Fireman’s Dance”
##A 14 340375 847
##T Ethnic and Classical
##A 14 136231 848
##T Seven Arrows
Seven Arrows
Seven Arrows has a large selection of Native American music in many different styles, traditional and contemporary. Informative descriptions of varied recordings encourage and educate the neophyte.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 136452 849
##T Seven Arrows
Catalog free from:
Seven Arrows Music
PO Box 4904
Taos, NM 87571
##A 14 137218 850
##T Seven Arrows
Rare and unique is this first publicly released record of an actual performance of the Butterfly Dance at the Hopi Village of Hoteville. The intermission background sounds capture the flavor of the occasion.
##A 14 107221 851
##T Seven Arrows
Our best selling flute tape. Recorded at Taos Pueblo, New Mexico. A mixture of soft, haunting flute melodies combined with angelic background chants.
Selection: “Sioux Traditional Song”
##A 14 204039 852
##T Seven Arrows
CYCLES, Vol. 2 — R. C. Nakai
This second volume of R. Carlos Nakai evokes the vastness of the American West and the feelings of Native Americans about their traditions and the land. Eight melodies for Native American flute against a background of synthesizer music composed and performed by Nakai. The synthesizer provides the sounds of the wind, water, rattles and other sounds of nature. Includes “Ritual,” “Future/Past,” and “Elements.”
Selection: “Ritual”
##A 14 36706 853
##T Seven Arrows
JACKALOPE — R. Carlos Nakai & Larry Yanez
Selection: “Roadkill”
##A 14 209583 854
##T Seven Arrows
Together on one album — Santan, The Blood Brothers, The Molinas, Elvin Kelly y Los Reyes, El Conjunto Murietta, and The American Indians. This album is a perfect showcase for the diverse styles of music and performance that characterize the happy sound of chicken scratch music!
Selection: “Oh, Suzannah”
by The American Indians
##A 14 445609 855
##T Lyrichord Discs, Inc.
Lyrichord Discs, Inc.
Lyrichord has outstanding ethnic musics from all over the world with the obvious exception of Antarctica. They are particularly strong in Moroccan, Chinese, Indian, Tibetan, Nepalese, and Japanese selections. All their albums have detailed notes about the music and culture featured. Definitely one of the leaders in the field.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 445706 856
##T Lyrichord Discs, Inc.
Catalog free from:
Lyrichord Discs, Inc.
141 Perry Street
New York, NY 10014
##A 14 446629 857
##T Lyrichord Discs, Inc.
Chanted and played by 76 Lamas and Monks with long trumpets, shawms, cymbals, drums and other Tibetan instruments in sacred temples. Recorded by Peter Crosley-Holland.
(LLST 7181)
Selection: “Offering to the
Savior Gompo”
##A 14 446848 858
##T Lyrichord Discs, Inc.
Recorded in northeast Congo’s Ituri Forest by Colin M. Turnbull, anthropologist and author. Elephant-hunting Song, Leaf-carrying, Bones-gathering, Funeral and many other “in the round” songs with native instruments, also their most sacred song which Westerners will instantly recognize.
(LLST 7157)
Selection: “Marriage
Celebration Song”
##A 14 447206 859
##T Lyrichord Discs, Inc.
Sufi believers use music to achieve mystical union with God. An oboe (ghaita), drums, flutes, chanting, dance and litanies promote a trance state. Sufi Brotherhoods survived in the Arab World only in Morocco.
(LLST 7238)
Selection: “Haidous Gharbaoui”
(Gharbaoua Wedding Song)
##A 14 443283 860
##T Global Village Music
Global Village Music
Global Village has a strong selection of Klezmer and other Jewish musics, many of them vintage, but they also offer quite a range of black American music from the 20s and later, both in the gospel vein and the bluesier country secular sort. In addition, they have several recordings of Italian musics from all over that country, a couple of oud outings, and various new and old, original and revival, Balkan, jazz, brass band, and Irish releases. There’s also one of historical recordings of carnival, circus, and medicine show pitchmen from the 40s and 50s. And naturally Yiddish language instruction tapes.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 443582 861
##T Global Village Music
Catalog free from:
Global Village Music
PO Box 2051
Cathedral Station
New York , NY 10025
##A 14 444224 862
##T Global Village Music
Chesta E La Voci Ca Canuscite (This Is the Voice You Know). Southern Italian mountain music from Calabaria, Campania, Basilicata, and Abruzzi.
20 page book included. “. . . all of it is fascinating. More power to those documenting the old music and song styles before they are homogenized out of existence by the melting pot they call America.”
“The music is, without exception, incredibly powerful and emotional.” — SING OUT.
Selection: “Mazurka a Fisarmonica e Organetto”
##A 14 444561 863
##T Global Village Music
Rimpianto: Italian Music in America, 1915-1929
Survey reissue of Italian American containing marching tunes and popular love songs, an unaccompanied lullaby, a comedy skit, and poignant mandolin melodies. “More than entertaining, the music reflects the values, concerns and diversions of pre-Depression era Italian Americans.” — ATTENZIONE.
“Utterly charming tape showing the richness of this overlooked musical heritage . . . Great stuff.” — DOWN HOME MUSIC.
“Ten (maybe eleven) cheers to Global Village for another landmark release . . . the music is exciting , surprising, and moving. . . . This cassette is essential to any world music collection . . .” — OPTION
Selection: Eduardo Migliaccio (Farfariello) —
“Il Rei dei Bootleggers”
##A 14 444888 864
##T Global Village Music
The New Shtetl Band — Jewish & Balkan Dance Music featuring Stewart Mennin on clarinet.
Hot dance music from the Great Southwest.
“. . . much to recommend it to the eclectic lover of ethnic music.” — PAKNTREGER
Selection: “Garsona (The Waitress)”
##A 14 445097 865
##T Global Village Music
Jakie, Jazz ’em Up — Old-Time Klezmer Music 1912-1926
Cited by Library of Congress American Folklife Center as one of the best folk music recordings released in 1985. Extensive notes. “Features some of the finest exponents of klezmer music in its ‘golden age’.” — DOWN HOME MUSIC.
“This is a welcome addition to the slim klezmer catalog, and one that illustrates the adaptions of an old world ethnic music to a new world setting.” — RECORD ROUNDUP.
“Totally recommended.” — SOUND CHOICE.
Selection: “Sheyne Yugend Vals
(Beautiful Youth Waltz)”
— Abe Schwartz Orchestra, New York, 1925
##A 14 445338 866
##T Global Village Music
The Gospel Christian Singers From Charlotte, North Carolina — A Capella Since 1929.
“... four men, no longer young, singing timeless songs of young joy with the kind of inner light that warms from the inside.” — CHARLOTTE OBSERVER
Selection: “Time Winding Up”
##A 14 447349 867
##T Musical Heritage Society
Musical Heritage Society
The Musical Heritage Society is a subscription service offering over 3,000 recordings of a wide array of classical and some other musics, including jazz, spoken word, period instruments, and ethnic. They offer LPs, cassettes and, for many releases, CDs. Their 1988 Master Catalog is a fat book of composers, works, titles and musicians. Membership will bring you a free subscription to the Musical Heritage Review. Each issue offers several selections from the Master Catalog along with many brand new Society releases.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 447558 868
##T Musical Heritage Society
Master Catalog $5
Musical Heritage Society
1710 Highway 35
Ocean, NJ 07712
##A 14 448506 869
##T Musical Heritage Society
Leigh Howard Stevens - Bach On Marimba
(MMD 20124K)
Selection: “Chorale: Christ lag in Todesbanden”
##A 14 448551 870
##T Musical Heritage Society
Richard Peaslee — Music for Martha Clarke’s The Garden Of Earthly Delights; Vienna:Lusthaus (MHS 912098Z)
Selection: “Love Duet”
— from Vienna:Lusthaus
##A 14 448954 871
##T Musical Heritage Society
Eliot Fisk — The Latin American Guitar
(MM 20008)
Sagreras: El Colibre; Barrios-Mangore: Danza Paraguay; Aire de Zamba; Maxixe; Lauro: Seis Por Derecho; Angostura; Cartora; El Nino, El Marabino; El Totuma de Guarenas; Sojo: Aguinaldo; Mi Teresa - Estrella del Mar; Anon.: Merengue; Ponce: Variations on “Folias de la Espana.”
“Welcome to a new talent among guitar performers, and all of you, beware!”
— Fanfare
Selection: “El Colibri”
composed by Julio Sagreras
##A 14 139063 872
##T International Book and Records
International Book and Records
Mostly classical recordings, but IBR also carry quite a bit of imported jazz, nostalgia, Brazilian, and varied esoteric music at good prices. Plenty of hard-to-find CDs are in their catalog.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 139293 873
##T International Book and Records
Catalog free
International Book and Records
40-11 24th Street
Long Island City, NY 11101
##A 14 106547 874
##A 14 248346 875
##T World Beat and Reggae
##A 14 370773 876
##T Original Music
Original Music
For devotees of world music, Original Music is the Holy Grail; a catalog of mouth-watering descriptions of hard-to-find music from all over. And they take the word “original” seriously. They do not carry revivalist folk material, but equally no artificial lines are drawn between “classical,” “popular,” or “ethnic” music.
What they do carry is a staggering variety of styles from around the world: relatively familiar ones such as soukous, makossa, salsa, zouk, and soca; but they don’t rest there. John Storm Roberts, Original’s co-owner and author of “Black Music Of Two Worlds,” is a dedicated seeker-out of the varied styles to be found
Ÿ Black Music of Two Worlds
##A 14 371055 877
##T Original Music
in even the most far flung corners of the world: ch’in, koto, khayals, qasid, gagaku, mbaqanga, tarabu, hardingfele, caf’conc’, pibroch, and forro.
The catalog is constantly expanding into new areas of interest, currently offering more Asian music, but maintains strength in areas closer to home, the Caribbean and several different Latin styles. This is the only mail order source for many of these recordings. They also carry books and videos.
Their own label releases of African musics are one of the best introductions to the field.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 371307 878
##T Original Music
Catalog free from:
Original Music
R. D. 1, Box 190
Lasher Road
Tivoli, NY 12583
##A 14 371845 879
##T Original Music
Click on a button to choose
a subsection of the
Original Music
African selections
follow this card.
##A 14 372662 880
##T Original Music
(Crammed Discs) LP: CRAM047 $9.98
Until now the only available example of Ethiopia’s extraordinary contemporary music has been one track on our own “Africa Dances” anthology. This splendid album (remastered from late 1970s recordings) brings the story up to date. Ahmed, Ethiopia’s leading singer, is backed by a very punchy group, the Roha Band, whose idiosyncratic mix of jazz and funk works with local ingredients to produce something outstanding even for Africa’s endless creativity.
Selection: “Atawurulign Lela”
##A 14 372871 881
##T Original Music
(Esperance) LP: ESP8418; Cs: C1011 $9.98
Formed in 1961, Bembeya Jazz dates back to the first great flowering of the contemporary francophone African sound. The current version of the band mostly sticks to the classic Afro-Islamic Sahelian sound, female chorus and all. The instrumental work is authentically and sometimes quirkily Guinean: guitar out of the classic Zairian era (even a pedal-steel on one track), Cuban cuaarteto-style trumpet, slightly Caribbean sax - to which is added a due attention to contemporary rhythmic fashion without the ubiquitous disco-bomp.
Selection: “Telegramme”
##A 14 373088 882
##T Original Music
(Bolibana) LP: BP13 $9.98
One of the great Sahelian bands, recorded under conditions that don’t sound like a Quonset hut in a rainstorm...The Malian sound arguably remains the noblest in contemporary Africa, with its melodies that trace in a more or less direct line back through the griot tradition, its guitar lines out of a fine traditional/modern marriage, its spiky, jazz-tinged horns, its general refusal to be deflected by Syndrums, synthesizers and other ephemera. An instant contender for Best of 1987.
Selection: “Dongari”
##A 14 373366 883
##T Original Music
SORRY BAMBA — Le Tonnerre Dogon
(Bolibana) LP: BP15 $9.98
Percussionist Bamba’s roots in the Dogon people have led him over the past 30 years toward a version of those long, Islamic Malian melody lines different from that of bands like Les Ambassadeurs and Super Biton. In this brand-new release he blends traditional melody and percussion, jazz/funk, salsa, and reggae touches - but to very personal and often original effect.
Selection: “Mayel”
##A 14 373702 884
##T Original Music
(Phil’One Records) LP: 8011 $11.98
By the late 1970s Super Diamono was duking it out with Youssou Ndour’s Super Etoile for Top Band of Dakar. This wonderful album, recorded live at a gig in Paris, was their European breakthrough. Cutting alto sax, keyboards blending Afro-Islam and contempo-funk, afro-rock guitar, Sahelian vocals: the elements are familiar. What is done with them is exceptional.
Selection: “Yoon Wi”
##A 14 373946 885
##T Original Music
(World Circuit) LP: WCB003 $9.98
After many nameless years, the mainstream Kenyan sound finally found a label: benga. It also underwent a major change. While the familiar Congo-derived instrumental work remains, bands like Shirati have replaced the old upcountry Swahili idiom with the less bland near-falsetto singing and the melodic and harmonic flavor of the western Kenyan (mostly Luo) substyle.
Selection: “Augustine Opiyo”
##A 14 374248 886
##T Original Music
THOMAS MAPFUMO — Gwindingwi Rine Shumba (Earthworks)
LP: EMW5506 $9.98
What makes Mapfumo special is his skill in blending traditional with contemporary Zimbabwean elements. This album with Blacks Unlimited, issued in Harare in 1980 to mark his country’s independence, and in Britain last year, expands on the earlier Chimurenga singles without the references to reggae and other overseas black music of later albums.
Selection: “Chitima Cherusununguko”
##A 14 85920 887
##T Original Music
CHEB KHALED — Hada Raykoum
(Triple Earth) LP: TR102 $9.98
Algeria’s “new sound,” rai is a mix of Berber roots, the urban experience of the casbahs, and the impact of electronic instruments. It’s largely a music of the disaffected young, viewed with concern (as always) by the respectable - and they don’t come more disaffected than Khaled. The title track of this album went to Number One in Algeria, and the album itself turned rai into one of the big stories of Afrophile Europe. Not to be missed.
Selection: “Hada Raykoum”
##A 14 144447 888
##T Original Music
DAHMANE BEN ACHOUR — Algerian Classical Music
(CDDA) Cs: MC723 $9.98
Almost all North African classical music, and much of the popular idiom as well, is based on the tradition that refugees brought from the great Cordoba music school at the collapse of Muslim Spain, and which is still called “andalus” (Andalucian). Here one of the great Algerian classical singers performs extracts from several nawbaat
(vocal suites) in characteristically simple and subtle North African style, backed by traditional string and percussion orchestra.
##A 14 305888 889
##T Original Music
(CDDA) Cs: MC861 $9.98
Aures, who comes from the Aures mountains in eastern Algeria, is a member of a New Wave of young first- and second-generation Algerian immigrants in France. Her performances of traditional Berber songs represent a Franco-Algerian fusion parallel with, but separate and very different from, ra’i. Above all she has a coolly supple style and a wonderful voice.
Selection: “Taslit”
##A 14 65874 890
##T Original Music
Caribbean selections
follow this card.
##A 14 375516 891
##T Original Music
THE ETHIOPIANS — The Original Reggae Hitsound (Trojan) LP: TRLS228; Cs: ZTRL228 $9.98
Now here’s depth! The Ethiopians were a major part of reggae’s turn away from the pop ethos, even though they had some mighty hits - “Everything Crash” for example. Here, in embryo or fully developed, are most of the strands that gradually interwove to create the Rasta/dub minimalism that has so long dominated reggae. A basic document, in fact.
Selection: “The Word Is Love”
##A 14 375717 892
##T Original Music
TIGER — Me Name Tiger
(RAS Records) LP: RAS3021 $8.98
In a first album that has shot smartly into the reggae and lovers’ rock charts, Tiger hews to a minimalist DJ line with notable success: the hypnotically batty “No Wanga Gut” launches an album reminiscent of such past greats as the Ethiopians in general ethos though in no particular specifics — above all in the insistent throb without which all comes to naught.
Selection: “No Wanga Gut”
##A 14 376042 893
##T Original Music
(GD Productions) LP: GD36 $9.98
For a couple of years Beroard sang chorus with Kassav. Then came
“Siwo,” a runaway hit, and she jumped from backup to star virtually instantly. For our taste this album, like Kassav, has too many Americo-hip elements. But it’s one of the biggest recent sellers in zouk, and not to be ignored on that ground alone.
Selection: “Son La Ri”
##A 14 376091 894
##T Original Music
(Debs Productions)LP: HDD2423 $9.98
A heavy of roots gwo ka groups, Aurelien Celeste allows only a bass and solo sax to intrude into the voices and percussion. The results are, in a word, wonderful: classic Antilles, including sax playing of purely Caribbean inspiration, African referents, French shadings, melodic and rhythmic links with sister styles like Trinidad’s kalinda.
Selection: “Edikasyon”
##A 14 376550 895
##T Original Music
(Debs) LP: HDD2435 $9.98
Let others fool with the electronics and buy heavily into US funk, Les Aiglons’ newest album stays with a no-frills horns and percussion sound that’s become classic. Over time they’ve transmuted its salsa and r&b roots into something of their own that enhances, rather than swamps, the Guadeloupian melodies and rhythms. The results are unbeatable for tightness, for drive, for joie-de-vivre, for a straight-ahead zouk that doesn’t let up.
Selection: “Waka”
##A 14 376608 896
##T Original Music
(GD Productions) Cs: C505 $9.98
Golden Oldies time... Back in 1985, we weren’t used to the fact that Kassav’ kept recreating itself under the names of its various musicians. This album lead by guitarist/vocalist Desvarieux was one of the first, if not the first, batch of releases headed by the various individual group members. In the mix, of course, a strongish guitar element.
Selection: “Oh Madiana”
##A 14 377417 897
##T Original Music
SPARROW — The Greatest
(Charlie’s) LP: JAF1007 $8.98
It’s our firm view that this 1983 album is Sparrow’s best of the decade, by far. “Capitalism Gone Mad” and “The Prophet Of Doom” are the most telling political lyrics we’ve heard in years;
“Marajin Sister” is a particularly charming take on the classic “Hindu calypso” sub genre. And for effrontery, check out his comments on the burglary at Buckingham Palace!
Selection: “Phillip My Dear”
##A 14 377723 898
##T Original Music
(Charlie’s) LP: GR005 $8.98
We can’t figure out why David Rudder, Roots’s lead singer, isn’t a name to bandy around, like several lesser men. This album in particular is a very strong candidate for a place in the Top Three of the 1980s, Kitch or no Kitch, Sparrow or no Sparrow. “Bahia Gyal” made him Calypso king, and rightly so. But the title track is one of soca’s greatest songs: if the style went in for “standards,” this would be one of them. An absolute must for any Caribbean collection.
Selection: “The Hammer”
##A 14 281321 899
##T Original Music
Latin Continuum
##A 14 16241 900
##T Original Music
VIVA EL RITMO — Cuba Baila
(Earthworks) LP: EMW5501 $9.98
An ideal introduction to Cuban music today. The names are a roll-call of the best: Son 14 (“Bayamo en Coche”); Irakere (“El Tata”); Van Van (“Por Encima del Nivel”); Carlos Embales
(“Dulce Habanera”); Los Karachi (“La Hora Marina”); Caridad Cuervo
(“Marchante”); Los Papines (“Si
No”); Los Tainos (“Bobine”). Admirable notes explicate music that would sear steak.
Selection: “Dulce Habanera”
by Carlos Embales
##A 14 84068 901
##T Original Music
(Caliente)LP: HOT100 $10.98
This album mixes bugalu and Latin soul, omits most key recordings and some key figures of both (Johnny Colon for bugalu, Rafi Pagan for Latin soul), hypes Puente and Barretto, both marginal to the subject. So why buy it? For some long-deleted cuts that belong on any collector’s shelf, including Barretto’s “El Watusi”
(even though it has little to do with the context).
Selection: “Soul Drummers”
by Ray Barretto
##A 14 17569 902
##T Original Music
EDDIE PALMIERI —La Verdad/The Truth (Fania)LP: FA24; Cs: CFA24 $8.98
In this Grammy-winning album, Palmieri reverts to the long series of introspective explorations – by Debussy out of McCoy Tyner – that he began two decades ago. As always, he mixes these “experimental” forays cannily with street-smart hard-driving salsa. Despite a certain self-consciousness, this is by far
Palmieri’s most interesting album in a long while.
Selection: “El Cuarto”
##A 14 17756 903
##T Original Music
STEVE JORDAN — Las Coronelas
(Arhoolie) LP: A3023 $9.98
Jordan has been called the Jimi Hendrix of the accordion – a dumb analogy, but it gives you an idea of his rep. He combines a blisteringly brilliant instrumental style with a typically tejano ability to play both polka and classic rock’n’roll. But Jordan fuses, confuses and infuses them till they roll over and become his own. And then he launches into squeezebox salsa!
Selection: “Las Coronelas”
##A 14 85124 904
##T Original Music
(Hacienda) Cs: H7000 $8.98
No avant-garde stretching here, just straight tejano conjunto from a bunch of recordings covering the past seven years. Whichever of Los Dos plays accordion, he has a nice crisp, sharp style and nifty long runs with a neat pensive edge. Nice taut drumming, too - and the guitarist specializes in the greatest sweet-sour offbeat we’ve heard in a long while.
Selection: “Palabra de Hombre”
##A 14 282249 905
##T Original Music
Fusion selections
follow this card.
##A 14 378394 906
##T Original Music
DISSIDENTEN — Life At The Pyramids
(Shanachie) LP: SHAN-64001;
Cs : CSHAN64001 $9.98
Dumb album title, dumber track notes are the bad news. The good news is that this West Berlin band and their North African (and on one cut, southern African) colleagues have learned a whole lot about cross-cultural fusion since their GlobeStyle album. We doubt that it’s the wave of the future, but it’s certainly a very pleasing present ripple.
Selection: “Telephone Arab”
##A 14 378753 907
##T Original Music
BONGA — Marika
(Playa Sound) LP: PS609 $11.98
Bonga, a longterm expatriate (and originally political refugee) has mixed Angolan and Brazilian musicians in a powerful series of recordings inspired by both Angolan and Brazilian idioms. A dramatic singer and highly conscious artist, Bonga is at several removes from the street-popular music of Angola, but also more successful than many such
Selection: “N’Guvulu”
##A 14 374962 908
##T Original Music
(Jackman) LP: S208 $11.98
The pleasure of Sega lies partly in its version of the Afro-French mix and a beat that can come on like an inside-out waltz, partly in its general creole charm and verve, but above all in its amazing variety and inspired battiness, as in a couple of weird Franco-reggaes more original than any other reggae borrowings we’ve yet heard. These people will stick at nothing!
Selection: “Dis Merci Ton Papa” by Ray Grammont
##A 14 282867 909
##T Original Music
Asia and the Pacific
selections follow
this card.
##A 14 379238 910
##T Original Music
(Music India) Cs: BBSC013 $8.98
Ghazals, the love lyrics that stretch back to early Islamic Arabia, have made a remarkable comeback in contemporary Indian pop music, until recently totally dominated by the rich anarchy of film music. Masani is one of our favorites among the young singers of today’s ghazals, with their relaxed attitude to tradition and wide-ranging instrumental backings.
Selection: “Dhadkan”
##A 14 380338 911
##T Original Music
QUI SIA LAN — Don’t Waste Your Youth/Beautiful Hong Kong
(Fung Hang) Cs: FHC816 $8.98
Qui Siu Lan sings in Mandarin, is based in Taiwan, and has been very famous for 20 years. The first cassette here was copyrighted in 1981, and the second in 1983. That sounds about right given the soft-rock-tinged pop backings. With the exception of a couple of tracks these have the efficiently impersonal steakhouse internationalism typical of much Hong Kong pop, even when the Chinese elements start making themselves felt. But the singing is much more interesting. The tone is far more soprano in the old sense than any current western pop singer, while sharing all sorts of turns and inflections (of tone as well as melody) with other artists in the same vein. As so often, the ways in which Chinese mass-pop artists adapt their borrowings are subtle and become clearer with repeated listening.
##A 14 380465 912
##T Original Music
(Auvidis) CD: CDA6507 $23.98
We are not alone in the view that the 40-year-old Sridhar has claims to be called the finest of the younger sarod players. He draws from early training in both Carnatic and Hindustani classical music, and was influenced by Islamic Sufi teachings as well as the great sitar and sarod players of an early generation. As his performance of this night-time raga confirms, his rhythmic skill and the sweetness and clarity of his melodic phrasing are both outstanding.
Selection: “Raga Kaushik Kanada”
##A 14 380751 913
##T Original Music
(Hula) LP: H513 $9.98
Ukulele virtuoso and composer Kamae was a cofounder of the famous Sons of Hawaii with Gabby Pahinui. He was also a stylistic innovator on the ukulele, to which he brought a wide musical experience. On this early album, one of the most popular he has made, he plays several forms of ukulele including the rare ten-string version. Good notes.
Selection: “E Kiss Kaua”
##A 14 291553 914
##T Original Music
Europe selections
follow this card.
##A 14 381060 915
##T Original Music
SEAMUS ENNIS — The Wandering Minstrel
(Topic) LP: 12TS250 $9.98
For the austere grandeur of the Scots pipes, Ireland’s uillean pipes substitute intimacy and charm. Ennis is to them what Burgess is to their Gaelic cousins — the acknowledged master of the current generation.
Selection: “The Wandering Minstrel”
##A 14 381652 916
##T Original Music
IOTA LIDIA — Unforgotten Favorites
(EMI) LP: EMI70780 $8.98
Iota Lidia sang many types of material, but she was at her best in the urban popular music, usually called laika, of the 1950s and ’60s — an idiom in which anything could happen, but rooted in a mix of rembetika and other older forms. Bouzouki and percussion were basic, but accordion, organ, and country clarinet all played their part.
Selection: “Nichtose Choris Megalis”
##A 14 381922 917
##T Original Music
TEGERNSEER ALPENQUINTETT — Die Schonsten Jodler der Berge (Koche)
The Jodlerlieder, brass band music, accordion groups and other popular music of the European Alps has suffered badly from a tourist image. But the mountain styles of southern Germany , Austria and Switzerland are still strong (a surprisingly large number of these groups play only or largely their own compositions) and strongly regional. Even at their most commercial (Alpo, so to speak), they have a strong regional flavor. At their best they can, in a light-hearted sort of way, be wonderful, even though it’s an idiom without an improvising tradition (at least till after the paying customers have gone home).
Aside from its intrinsic charm, and its interest as one of the stronger remaining local popular traditions in western Europe, this music is a descendant of the idioms said to lie at the basis of a strong local US idiom, the accordion conjunto music of Hispanic Texas.
##A 14 486005 918
##T Original Music
Original Music
##A 14 229105 919
##T Original Music
LP: OMA103; Cs: OMA103C $8.98
The only available album of the music of the East African coast. With Indian film music and the occasional rock and salsa influences grafted onto its basic Afro-Arab stock, this is a totally unexpected monument to the diversity of the black experience. In the words of the College Radio Report, “as fresh as flowers.”
Selection: “Huba” by Zein L. Abdin Ahmed
##A 14 229750 920
##T Original Music
LP: OMA102; Cs: OMA102C $8.98
Classics of the Zairian sound, one of the most exhilarating of all African styles and certainly the most influential. This album traces its growth from acoustic birth to electric maturity two decades later. A
“magnificent musical sampler...essential for those who can appreciate sublime music-making in less than ideal circumstances,” said Musician magazine.
Selection: “Kiri Kiri Mabina ya Sika”
by Dr. Nico with Orchestra African Fiesta
##A 14 230380 921
##T Original Music
CS: ARM601C $8.98
The guitar-based styles of 11 Black African nations, including Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Zaire. This classic was the first anthology of modern African dance music to be issued in the US. As time goes by, this survey of the style’s golden age becomes ever more valuable (it remains our best selling record, for good reason).
Selection: “Toomus Meremereh”
by S. E. Rogers
##A 14 382192 922
##T Original Music
LP: OMA106 $8.98
Like so many other African countries, 1950s Tanzania began developing its own blend of local, Afro-Cuban and later Congolese ingredients into a new dance style. Here are the 1960s classics of that sound, compiled and annotated by John Storm Roberts from the cream of his collection. As far as we know, the only available album of the classic 1960s Tanzanian sound.
Selection: “Lipa Kodi ya Nyumba”
##A 14 230827 923
##T Original Music
JAMIILA: Songs of a Somali City
LP:OMA107 $8.98
Somali popular music has virtually never been recorded. Yet this is a rich musical culture to whose Afro-Islamic basis is added Swahili, Italian and Indian garnishes. These delightful performances from the port of Baraaye include songs to a range of instruments: ud; ud and flute; acoustic guitar; and guitar and electronic organ
(replacing the portable harmonium).
Selection: “Jamiila”
##A 14 231351 924
##T Original Music
OML 401 $8.98
Panamanian music – the voices-and-drums tamborito, the voice, fiddle and percussion cumbia and the guitar-backed mejorana – is one of the most exciting in the whole Afro-Latin area. Street Music Of Panama is the real thing, taped before the tradition began to fade. It also appears to be the only album in existence devoted to this wonderful idiom.
Selection: Cumbia. Recorded in a casa bruja
(sorcerer’s hut) in Panama City and played on retuned bazaar-bought ukuleles backed by maraccas and percussion.
##A 14 390114 925
##T Shanachie Records
Shanachie Records
As a label, Shanachie specializes in Celtic folk, reggae, and increasingly in African music. They have also launched a World Beat/Ethno-Pop series to give exposure to the new styles of ethnically conscious but boogie-backed music popping up all over the globe.
As a mail-order service, Shanachie specializes in the same styles, but they include releases from other labels. They offer virtually all American released LPs in those genres plus some traditional ethnic recordings from labels such as Folkways. Their reviews are enthusiastic if positive but they also run rather tart ones, if the recording is on another label and not too well received.
Ÿ Folkways Records — Jonathan E.
##A 14 390249 926
##T Shanachie Records
Catalog and newsletter free
Shanachie Records
37 East Clinton
Newton, NJ 07860
##A 14 54078 927
##T Shanachie Records
Click on a button to choose
a subsection of the
Folk and Ethno Pop
selections follow
this card.
##A 14 391048 928
##T Shanachie Records
SEAMUS EGAN — Traditional Music Of Ireland. (SH29020)
The word prodigy should be used sparingly, like once every 10 or 12 years. For Seamus Egan it should be unhesitatingly employed, with 2 or 3 exclamation marks following it. At the tender age of 16 he is a master of many instruments, displaying an amazing grasp of all the intricacies of traditional Irish music. He is well on a par with Matt Molloy as a flute player, and is quite simply the best Irish banjo player ever! On this
##A 14 280969 929
##T Shanachie Records
brilliant album he also plays, with total command, tin whistle, mandolin, tres, and Irish pipes. Besides being a showcase for Seamus’ rare talents, this is a finely conceived album with a wonderfully varied array of fresh, carefully chosen tunes — exciting hard-driving pieces interspersed with delightful easy-going numbers. Seamus is joined on many tracks by his sisters, Siobhan on fiddle and Rory Ann on accordion. Mick Moloney, who did a fine job as the album’s producer, adds outstanding guitar backup throughout. The first work of a young man who will be one of the major figures in Irish music for the next half century. (Available in LP or cassette)
Selection: “Get Up Old Woman and Shake Yourself/What Ails You?” (single jigs)
##A 14 391423 930
##T Shanachie Records
Elementary Level of Faith. (SH96003)
Gabriel has won a loyal American following with his intimate and innovative guitar playing and singing, his longtime leadership of France’s greatest folk-rock group, Malicorne, and his heavy duty touring of the U.S. His evocative musicianship and ever-more adventurous music as a solo artist, is evidenced on this exciting new LP which advances the meeting ground between rock and experimental music into provocative new directions. He is joined here by Ivan Lantos and Nikki Matheson, two formidable talents in their own right!
Selection: “Seduction”
##A 14 135023 931
##T Shanachie Records
DISSIDENTEN — Life At The Pyramids.
Arab Rock Comes To America!
Juju, Heavy Metal, Reggae, Punk Rock ... only occasionally does an entirely new musical sound hit the world music scene. The newest sound scoring hits abroad and bubbling up from clubs in America is Arab rock —
##A 14 92334 932
##T Shanachie Records
electrified fusion dance music bringing together funk, rock and Arabic rhythms and sounds. Foremost among players of Arabic Rock are DISSIDENTEN (the dissidents), a group comprised of German and North African musicians who together create an uncannily mesmerizing sound and score hits with it! Indeed “Fata Morgana” became a hit single for DISSIDENTEN in Canada and Europe. Similar records have been on dance club charts in the U.S. for months! In short, DISSIDENTEN does for Arabic music what SUNNY ADE did for African music.
Selection: “Telephone Arab”
##A 14 209110 933
##T Shanachie Records
Reggae selections
follow this
##A 14 391503 934
##T Shanachie Records
LINTON KWESI JOHNSON — In Concert with the Dub Band. (SH43034/5)
Linton Kwesi Johnson, political activist, poet, and reggae artist, singlehandedly started the whole “dub poetry” movement when his powerful “Dread Beat and Blood” LP mixed political commentary, poetry and progressive reggae arrangements to great effect in 1979. The reggae music behind his poems became even more sophisticated and powerful as he
##A 14 24282 935
##T Shanachie Records
intensified his collaboration with top-ranking producer/arranger DENNIS BOVELL, leader of MATUMBI and also THE DUB BAND, who backed JOHNSON’s most recent recordings. This stunning two-record set, Johnson’s latest LP, is a wonderful document of LKJ’s tour with THE DUB BAND in 1984-5. Even though all the material exists in studio versions, this LP is worth having to hear Johnson and the Dub Band stretch out in spontaneous interaction. One of the year’s best.
Selection: “Reality Poem”
##A 14 391743 936
##T Shanachie Records
Producer, dub-master, singer and mystic LEE PERRY has since the Sixties been one of reggae’s most unique, trail-blazing artists. After his initial work with Coxsone’s “Studio One,” he launched his independent work with a series of rhythmically innovative singles, such as “People Funny Boy.” His instrumental recordings with The Upsetters band (later to become the
##A 14 64549 937
##T Shanachie Records
Wailers band) featured catchy rhythms, bizarre sound-effects and original production ideas that made them among reggae’s biggest-selling records. Soon he was working with BOB MARLEY, PETER TOSH, and BUNNY WAILER — THE WAILERS — and produced some of their greatest work. During the Seventies he created some of the greatest dub music and produced top-ranking material by Max Romeo, Jr. Byles, The Meditations and more. This LP collects some of his finest instrumental tracks with THE UPSETTERS.
Selection: “People Funny Boy”
##A 14 392340 938
##T Shanachie Records
Dennis Bovell, top ranking UK reggae producer and erstwhile leader of Matumbi, has recently won acclaim for his outstanding arranging, playing and bandleading of The Dub Band on Linton Kwesi Johnson’s recent recording.
“Audio Active” features The Dub Band on Bovell’s first solo LP since “Brain Damage” a few years
##A 14 108878 939
##T Shanachie Records
back; it’s a very pleasing, varied set of progressive reggae which mixes lovers rock, dee jay dance hall toasts, texturally-stimulating instrumentals and straight ahead vocal rockers. The compositions may not be outstanding and Bovell’s singing is only fair but it’s an extremely listenable set.
(LP only)
Selection: “Dub Master”
##A 14 117741 940
##T Shanachie Records
Eighteen-year-old Nadine Sutherland has been one of the most promising teen Tuff Gong prodigies ever since her recording debut at fourteen; she recently delighted audiences on the Hey World tour and at Sunsplash. She’s a strong-voiced singer who delivers a very listenable debut LP that rises and falls with the material which mixes lovers rock with gentle message material like “Teach The Children.”
Selection: “Music Is Positive Vibration”
##A 14 137820 941
##T Shanachie Records
JOE HIGGS — Triumph.
Joe Higgs’ twenty-five year recording career stretches back to the earliest days of Jamaican recording; he was vocal mentor to both THE WAILERS and THE WAILING SOULS, among many, and has long been one of Jamaica’s greatest songwriters. Amazingly, “Triumph” is only his third LP ever, but it’s a jewel — great songs, varied arrangements and fine singing. Produced in conjunction with High Times.
Selection: “So It Goes”
##A 14 92578 942
##T Shanachie Records
The Ethiopian, a/k/a Leonard Dillon, is one of the most important figures of Jamaican roots music. Along with his late partner, he created the seminal roots duo THE ETHIOPIANS which began recording for Studio One in the mid-Sixties and scored many hits through the early Seventies. Since the death of
##A 14 140253 943
##T Shanachie Records
his partner, he’s made three fine LP’s but this mini-LP (Four vocal tracks, four dub versions) is his first in three years. Backed by THE GLADIATORS, The Ethiopian delivers his rough-hewn, but charming vocals over classic one-drop reggae to great effect. They don’t make reggae like this much anymore.
(LP only)
Selection: “Dread Prophecy”
##A 14 157160 944
##T Shanachie Records
VARIOUS ARTISTS — Rockers All-Star Explosion.
AUGUSTUS PABLO has always been interested in developing young talent but most of his productions on other artists have been hard-to-get singles. This excellent LP collects ten of these singles, including fine instrumental tracks by PABLO himself and vocal cuts by DELROY WILLIAMS, RICKY GRANT, NORRIS REID and others.
Selection: “Jah In The Hills” by Augustus Pablo
##A 14 134121 945
##T Shanachie Records
FREDDIE McGREGOR — All In The Same Boat.(RAS 3014)
Freddie has one of the most pleasant voices in all of reggae and an equal facility for mellow romantic material and more driving message-oriented tunes. When matched with top-notch material he can be a delight as on his “Big Ship” and “Come On Over” LP’s. On this all new LP, the material is unfortunately hit-and-miss so the results are uneven. Fans will find three or so highly enjoyable cuts. (LP or Cass)
Selection: “All In The Same Boat”
##A 14 186840 946
##T Shanachie Records
THE ETHIOPIANS — The Original Reggae Hitsound (TROJAN 228)
Considering how important The Ethiopians have been to reggae roots music, it’s a shame that so little of their ten-year recording career (1964-1974) is available on record; this fantastic retrospective will help fill the void. Features such essential Ethiopians tracks as “Engine 54,” “Train To Skaville,” “What A Fire,” “Selah,”
“Hong Kong Flu,” “Everything Crash,”
“Woman Capture Man” and more. Essential! (LP only)
Selection: “The Word Is Love”
##A 14 371997 947
##T Shanachie Records
African selections
follow this
##A 14 392604 948
##T Shanachie Records
This is the third outstanding LP by the masters of Zulu acapella mbube singing from South Africa — certainly one of the most beautiful sounds on earth (they’re featured on Paul Simon’s “Graceland” LP). For the first time a couple of English-language tracks are included — a kind of Zulu doo wop. Recommended. (LP or cass)
Selection: “Ngothandaza Njalo”
##A 14 135689 949
##T Shanachie Records
VARIOUS ARTISTS — The Indestructible Beat of Soweto
This collection of hot, jumping
“Zulu Jive” from South Africa is universally acclaimed as one of the year’s [1987] best LPs in any genre. “Jive,” with its skittering guitars, offbeat percussion and swooping bass has a remarkably similar feel to late-Sixties,
##A 14 136062 950
##T Shanachie Records
early-Seventies reggae — both genres are “Sufferer’s music” created in the ghetto. It’s no accident that Paul Simon, a lover of reggae, featured several “Zulu Jive” styled tracks on his “Graceland” LP and used South African musicians. The singing is joyous and the beat is infectious; highly recommended.
(LP or cass)
Selection: “Indoda Yejazi Elimnyama” by Amaswazi Emvelo
##A 14 465906 951
##T Shanachie Records
VARIOUS ARTISTS — Soweto Never Sleeps.
Spotlight on the sisters! This collection of great jive tracks by female singing groups is a delight. Originally issued as
“Duck Food,” an ironic reminder that Malcom McLaren appropriated some of this music for his “Duck Rock” hit, this set includes cuts by THE MAHOTELLA QUEENS, THE MGABABA QUEENS, THE DARK CITY SISTERS, THE SWEET MELODIANS and others. (LP or cass)
Selection: “Jive Mabone”
by The Mahotella Queens
##A 14 92870 952
##T Shanachie Records
Zimbabwe’s Thomas Mapfumo has rapidly emerged as the leading light of Zimbabwean music and is one of the most unique artists in African pop. Influenced by reggae and often strongly political in its lyrics, Mapfumo captures the energy of new music being born on this, his debut LP -- a cross between Congolese music, mbaqanga and Zimbabwean traditional music. (LP only)
Selection: “Nyarara Mukdadzi Wangu”
##A 14 201738 953
##T Shanachie Records
VARIOUS ARTISTS — Viva Zimbabwe.
Since Independence, Zimbabwe’s music scene has really taken off, emerging from the shadow of Congolese and South African styles to forge a unique, sprightly guitar-based sound which blends those styles with the local rhythms. This LP, featuring Thomas Mapfumo, Devera Ngwena Jazz Band, The Four Brothers and others is the cream of the crop and a perfect introduction to the music.
(LP only)
Selection: “Monica” by Super Sounds
##A 14 393329 954
##T Shanachie Records
FELA ANIKULAPO-KUTI — Greatest Hits. (NEMI0680)
Nigeria’s FELA ANIKULAPO-KUTI is the most unique African pop artist. Afrobeat, his invention, combines highlife, funk, and jazz with wickedly-comic, deadly-serious pidgin English lyrics which attack the evils of
“the system.” As a result he has
##A 14 129853 955
##T Shanachie Records
suffered attacks from government forces. Most Fela records feature just two cuts, running ten-fifteen minutes long. But this import LP collects eight of his greatest early tracks in specially-edited single versions, which focus on his vocals rather than instrumental solos. It’s a great introduction to his music; features “Unknown Soldier,” “Kalakuta Show,” “Gentleman,” “Don’t Gag Me,” “Lady,” “Black Man’s Cry” and others. (LP or cass)
Selection: “Unknown Soldier”
##A 14 393601 956
##T Shanachie Records
SUNNY ADE — The Original Synchro System Movement. (AS26)
Sunny Ade, the best known juju musician from Nigeria, helped pave the way for African pop music in America with magnificent U.S. performances and scintillating interplay of electric guitars, steel guitar, talking drums and lush vocal harmony on his U.S. releases from 1981-1984. But of course,
##A 14 131800 957
##T Shanachie Records
Sunny had been making innovative juju since 1970 — he was the first juju musician to release non-stop side-long juju performances on LP. “The Original Synchro System,” recorded in 1974, is a ground-breaking musical excursion, slinky and hypnotic, that sounds nothing like the recent re-working of the title track.
(LP or cass)
Selection: “Synchro System Movement”
##A 14 393931 958
##T Shanachie Records
TOURE KUNDA — Natalia.
Casamance Au Claire De Lune 4.
TOURE KUNDA — Live in Paris.
Toure Kunde occupies the same place in the world of African pop as Third World does in the realm of reggae. They’re an eclectic pop oriented fusion band blending reggae, highlife, Congolese sounds, Afrobeat, and
##A 14 133387 959
##T Shanachie Records
Senegalese styles. “Natalia” is a solid presentation of their pop side with the emphasis on funk-inflections and reggae. “Casamance” is an all-acoustic rendering of traditional Sengambian styles to very pleasant effect. “Live” offers the whole spectrum of Toure Kunda’s sound with the extra charge of energy that comes with live performance. (LP only)
Selection: “Ne Nam 1” from Casamance Au Clair De Lune 4
##A 14 108660 960
##T Shanachie Records
Omona Wapi. ( SH43024)
Franco and Rochereau, the two biggest-selling names in African popular music, pioneered the Congolese style of pop which has dominated the continent for the last twenty-five years. Franco as the master guitarist and
##A 14 133815 961
##T Shanachie Records
Rochereau as vocalist supreme have each made countless hits as the music evolved from its derivative Cuban style through the classic Congolese guitar-dominated style to the modern Europop-influenced music. On this LP, Franco & Rochereau sing together, trading off vocal lines, while Franco adds his George Benson-influenced guitar solos.
(LP or cass)
Selection: “Lisanga Ya Ba Nganga”
##A 14 396366 962
##T World Music Institute
World Music Institute
This non-profit organization mostly presents live concerts of various ethnic musics in New York, but they also have a mail-order operation offering a wide selection of records from Ocora, Lyrichord, Green Linnet, Shanachie, and other labels specializing in recordings from around the world. They have a good selection of CDs.
Recently they have also begun issuing the Voices of the Americas Cassette Series of their 1986 live concerts in association with Music Of The World. The series embraces a wide range of sacred and secular music from the New World.
Ÿ Music of the World — Jonathan E.
##A 14 396758 963
##T World Music Institute
Record listing free
World Music Institute
109 West 27th Street
Room 9C
New York, NY 10001
##A 14 397522 964
##T World Music Institute
CAJUN & CREOLE MUSIC — Dennis McGee & Sandy Courville with Michael Doucet; Alphonse ‘Bois-Sec’ Ardoin, Canray Fontenot, and Billy Ware; Beausoleil.
Representing Louisiana’s Cajun country are 93-year old Dennis McGee ‘the Godfather of Cajun music,’ the inimitable Canray Fontenot, hailed as the greatest Black Louisiana fiddler of our time with his long-time partner, National Heritage award winning accordionist Alphonse ‘Bois-Sec’ Ardoin and the leading Cajun revival band, Beausoleil.
Selection: “2-Step des Acadians” by Beausoleil
##A 14 397806 965
##T World Music Institute
MUSIC OF CUBA & PUERTO RICO — Orlando Puntilla Rios y Nueva Generacion; Israel Berrios y Su Sexto Criollo; Los Pleneros de la 21.
The celebrated Cuban singer and bata drummer Orlando ‘Puntilla’ Rios, Israel Berrios with his musica jibara group from Puerto Rico, and Juan Gutierrez’s masters of the bomba and plena.
Selection: “Aichara Icha”
by Orlando ‘Puntilla’ Rios
y Nueva Generacion
##A 14 382221 966
##T ras
The most dedicated supplier, both wholesale and mail-order, of reggae music in the U.S., and probably the most complete. Their catalog is a virtual history of Jamaican music. As well as LPs, they handle 12" and 7" singles, CDs, and cassettes, imported from Jamaica and England, and domestic releases. They have frequent updates and new release sheets. Many items are close to impossible to find anywhere else. They also have a smattering of African and soca releases.
Their own label is one of the major contenders for prolific reggae releases.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 382491 967
##T ras
Catalog free
ras Records
PO Box 42517
Washington, D.C. 20015
##A 14 62524 968
##T ras
Augustus Pablo is one of reggae’s great renaissance men, a vital creative force involved in all the aspects of his music: musician, arranger, producer, and record label owner. Pablo began his recording career in various studio bands playing keyboards. Learning to play on a loaned melodica, Pablo developed his distinctive Far East sound played
##A 14 93229 969
##T ras
in minor keys. For a while Pablo found it difficult to get his music through to producers, but eventually he succeeded. His early solo recordings, produced by Clive and Pat Chin of Randy’s Studio and subsequent work with King Tubby established
Pablo’s “Far East Sound” as a force to be reckoned with. His self-produced “East Of The River Nile” and “Africa Must Be Free - Dub” are classics. Additionally, Pablo has produced numerous singers including Hugh Mundell and Tetrack.
Original Rockers (Greensleeves) c/a
King Tubby Meets The Rockers Uptown (Shanachie) c/a
Ital Dub (Trojan)
East Of The River Nile (Message) c/a
Rockers Meets King Tubby In A Firehouse (Shanachie) c/a
(Continued next card)
##A 14 93564 970
##T ras
Dubbing Ina Africa (Abraham)
Earth’s Rightful Ruler (Shanachie) c/a
Africa Must Be Free In 1983 - Dub (RAS) c/a
King David’s Melody (Alligator) c/a
Rising Sun (Shanachie) c/a
This Is Augustus Pablo (Heartbeat) c/a
Selection: “Unity Dub” from Africa Must Be Free By 1983 - Dub
##A 14 383463 971
##T ras
LP Records:
Apartheid Is Nazism (Shanachie) c/a
Jerusalem (Sterns)
Selection: “Apartheid Is Nazism”
(from the album of the same name)
##A 14 383613 972
##T ras
Strongly influenced by U-Roy, Big Youth entered the musical scene in the early 1970’s, establishing himself with a respectable string of hits for various producers. “Isaiah - First Prophet of Old” is Big Youth’s first LP release on his own label Negusa Negast. That album also marks a change in style for Big
##A 14 237979 973
##T ras
Youth. From the Isaiah album on, Big Youth has done more singing than toasting and deals more frequently with Rastafari themes.
LP Records by BIG YOUTH:
Screaming Target (Dynamic)
Dread Locks Dread (Virgin)
A Luta Continua (Heartbeat) c/a
Everyday Skank (Trojan)
Chanting Dread Ina Fine Style (Heartbeat) c/a
Natty Cultural Dread (Trojan)
Hit The Road Jack (Trojan)
Selection: “A Luta Continua” (from the album of the same name)
##A 14 221109 974
##T ras
Since the beginning of his musical
career, Winston Rodney (otherwise known as Burning Spear) has demonstrated a strong commitment to the African chant style which Spear combines with one of the most heavy, penetrating roots reggae rhythms around. His style is unique and easily recognizable in all of his works. A star of international fame, Burning Spear is a brilliant singer and songwriter.(See next card)
##A 14 228416 975
##T ras
Presenting Burning Spear (Studio One)
Rocking Time (Studio One)
Marcus Garvey (Mango)
Garvey’s Ghost (Mango)
Man In The Hills (Mango)
Dry And Heavy (Tuff Gong)
Burning Spear Live (Tuff Gong)
Hail H.I.M. (Tuff Gong)
Far Over (Heartbeat) c/a
Resistance (Heartbeat) c/a
Fittest Of The Fittest (Heartbeat) c/a
Selection: “Resistance” (from album of the same name)
##A 14 384065 976
##T ras
Long active in roots music, Ras Michael and the Sons of Negus continue to be the most visible exponent of Niyabinghi music. Some of Ras Michael and the Sons of Negus’ albums are strictly hand drumming and chanting, while on other albums, the Sons of Negus are accompanied by some of the best “electric” musicians from Jamaica: Earl "China" Smith, Robbie Shakespeare, Peter Tosh, Puma, and Geoffrey Chung among others. A reggae record collection is not complete without a selection from Ras Michael and the Sons of Negus.
##A 14 238505 977
##T ras
Tribute To The Emperor (Trojan)
Rastafari (Tuff Gong)
Love Thy Neighbor (Jah Life)
Kibir Am Lak (Rastafari)
Movements (Dynamic)
Niyabinghi (Trojan)
Disarmament (Trojan)
Freedom Sounds (Dynamic)
Revelation (Trojan)
Rally Round (Shanachie) c/a
Selection: “Numbered Days” from Rally Round
##A 14 228657 978
##T ras
These collections provide a great wealth of music from the rock steady era. As very few LP’s were produced during this time, much of this material was only available as 45 RPM singles. The following LP’s group together some of these hard to find 45s according to their respective label: Sonia Pottinger’s Treasure Isle, Clement Dodd’s Studio One or Leslie Kong’s Beverly’s Records.
Selection: “Freedom Street” by Ken Boothe from The King Kong Collection.
(The next card has the list of LP’s.)
##A 14 229631 979
##T ras
LP collections by various artists:
Hottest Hits: Vol. 1 (Treasure Isle)
Hottest Hits: Vol. 2 (Treasure Isle)
Rock Steady Coxsone Style (Studio One)
Get Ready Rock Steady (Studio One)
Ride Me Donkey (Studio One)
Pirate’s Choice (Studio One)
The Best Of Beverly’s Records or
Masterpieces from the Works of Leslie Kong (Trojan)
Gems From Treasure Isle (Trojan)
The King Kong Collection (Island)
Sounds Of Young Jamaica (Studio One)
Jamaica Today The Seventies (Studio One)
Duke Reid’s Greatest Hits (Treasure Isle)
##A 14 386185 980
##T ras
LP Records:
The Original Reggae Hitsound
(Trojan) c/a
Selection: “The Word Is Love”
##A 14 386491 981
##T ras
LP Records:
Dread Prophecy (Nighthawk)
Selection: “Dread Prophecy”
##A 14 387148 982
##T ras
The Gladiators are truly one of the foundation groups of reggae whose early works have earned them pioneer status. Led by singer/composer Albert Griffiths, the Gladiator’s first recorded in 1966 and in 1968 had their first hit for Studio One, “Hello Carol.” The Gladiators’ contribution to Studio One from that time through the early 1970’s was immense. Albert Griffiths and his collaborator Clinton Fearon are responsible for
##A 14 241016 983
##T ras
many classics - the rhythms of which have been used countless times since. Playing their own instruments, the Gladiators have done much session work as well as their own recording. The bulk of their available LPs are produced by Prince Tony. In 1981 they began work with the US-based Nighthawk Records.
Symbol Of Reality (Nighthawk)
Vital Selection (Virgin)
Sweet So Till (TR International)
Serious Thing (Nighthawk) c/a
Country Living (Heartbeat) c/a
Selection: “ Symbol Of Reality” from the album of the same name
##A 14 389529 984
##T ras
Freddie has been turning out soothing hard core rhythms for quite some time, having begun his career as a youth at Sir Coxsone’s Studio One. With his “Showcase” album, Freddie McGregor emerged as one of Jamaica’s most loved vocalists. In 1982 Freddie scored with “Big Ship,” reaching the top of everyone’s reggae charts. His 1983 release, “Come On Over,” has won Freddie new fans internationally. 1986 saw Freddie reach new heights with the release of his “All In The Same Boat” LP.
##A 14 250438 985
##T ras
Love At First Sight (Vista)
Come On Over (RAS) c/a
Big Ship (Dynamic/Greensleeves) c/a
Bobby Babylon (Studio One)
Freddie McGregor (Tuff Gong)
I Am Ready (Studio One)
Across The Border (RAS) c/a
All In The Same Boat (RAS) c/a
12" 45 RPM:
Guantanamara (RAS)
Push Come To Shove (RAS)
Across The Border (RAS)
Selection: “All In The Same Boat” from the album of the same name
##A 14 367629 986
##T Nighthawk Records
Nighthawk Records
Nighthawk have a small but classy selection of releases primarily in two areas: blues collections of mostly lesser known artists, but with some big names in there too, and reggae records of the most roots-conscious artists. All their records are of the highest production standards, especially given the often less than ideal original recording conditions, with good sleeve notes and attractive design. Their reggae releases include several well done compilations of various artists as well as new recordings of less fashionable, but more meaningful, veterans. Some are mini-albums with mini-prices to match. They also have a catalog of
out-of-print collector‘s items with collector‘s prices.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 367969 987
##T Nighthawk Records
Brochure free
Nighthawk Records
PO Box 15856
St. Louis, MO 63114
##A 14 115558 988
##T Nighthawk Records
THE GLADIATORS — Symbol of Reality.
The Gladiators are Albert Griffiths, Clinton Fearon, Galimore Sutherland, Stanley Bryan, Audley Taylor & Clinton Rufus - Bumping & Boring, Mr. Goose, Watch Out, Streets Of Gold, Righteous Man, Not Afraid To Fight, Symbol of Reality, Small Axe, Cheater, Stand Alone.
Selection: “Symbol Of Reality”
##A 14 107501 989
##T Nighthawk Records
ETHIOPIAN & GLADIATORS — Dread Prophecy.(NHM7492)
Dread Prophecy/Dub, The Whip/Dub, No Bad Woman/Dub, I’m Ready/Dub.
Selection: “Dread Prophecy”
##A 14 109322 990
##T Nighthawk Records
JUSTIN HINDS & THE DOMINOES — Travel With Love. (NH309)
Get Ready, Miss Wendell, Book Of History, Travel With Love, The Rainbow, Weeping Eyes, Sweet Lorraine, Meditation.
Selection: “Travel With Love”
##A 14 369022 991
##T Nighthawk Records
JUNIOR BYLES — Rasta No Pickpocket. (NHM7493 )
Thanks & Praise, Rasta No Pickpocket, Press Along, I No Got It, Cally Weed, I Don’t Know.
Selection: “Rasta No Pickpocket”
##A 14 78634 992
##T Nighthawk Records
PROFESSOR LONGHAIR — Mardi Gras In New Orleans 1949-1957.
Bye Bye Baby, She Ain’t Got No Hair, Mardi Gras In New Orleans, Professor Longhair’s Boogie, Her Mind Is Gone, Hadacol Bounch, Oh Well, Rockin’ With Fes, Curly Haired Baby, Gone So Long, East St. Louis Baby, Boyd’s Bounce, Tipitina, No Buts No Maybes, Baby Let Me Hold Your Hand, Misery.
Selection: “Mardi Gras In New
##A 14 142591 993
##T Stern’s
Stern’s are the best international source for the widest range of African records. They offer wholesale service as well as mail order for individuals. Take only what you can really afford to spend if you visit their store in London.
Their own label has released a steady stream of top quality records from all over Africa. Many of the best of them have been licensed domestically by Rounder which helps to bring down the high cost of international trade.
— Jonathan E.
Ÿ Roundup Records
##A 14 142599 994
##T Stern’s
For catalog send
3 international reply coupons
116 Whitfield Street
London, W1P 5RW
##A 14 143760 995
##T Bow Wow
Bow Wow
Bow Wow have a nice color catalog and a well chosen selection of new and old classics, or at least contenders, in The World Beat And Allies Hall Of Fame: Border Music, Cajun, Euro-Folk, Afro-Beat, and Miscela. Prices are a touch high. If we weren’t so pressed for time, I’d have taken some excerpts from their catalog. They have many of the same titles as other suppliers in this neighborhood, so please, if you would just use your imagination. Thanks. Remember the catalog is in color.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 143888 996
##T Bow Wow
Catalog free
Bow Wow
3103 Central Ave. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87106
##A 14 248285 997
##T Blues and Jazz
##A 14 358507 998
##T Alligator Records
Alligator Records
Alligator continues to release the most vital modern blues, concentrating on the Chicago area, but expanding into musicians from Texas, Louisiana, and the Bay Area, playing a variety of blues styles. Several excellent samplers help put the picture together. They have also launched their Rockback series with important and much-needed rereleases from Dr. John, Lonnie Mack, and Delbert McClinton. Their reggae catalog is small but impressive with several essential titles. Many of their releases are now available as CDs. They also offer T-shirts, posters, and videos.
— Jonathan E.
Ÿ Living Blues
##A 14 358671 999
##T Alligator Records
Catalog free
Alligator Records
PO Box 60234
Chicago, IL 60660
##A 14 359343 1000
##T Alligator Records
Click on a button to choose
a subsection of the
Blues selections
follow this card.
##A 14 359809 1001
##T Alligator Records
A classic of no-holds-barred Chicago slide guitar boogie by the city’s toughest party trio. This was our first album, it’s still our best-seller ever, and there’s a reason. It’s a slice of joyous energy, rocking rhythms and reeling good times. Includes “Give Me Back My Wig,” “I Just Can’t Make It,”“Wild About You, Baby.” “Live wire exuberance and hard-as-nails force” — ROLLING STONE
Selection: “Give Me Back My Wig”
##A 14 360042 1002
##T Alligator Records
PROFESSOR LONGHAIR — Crawfish Fiesta (AL4718)
The last LP by the man who virtually invented New Orleans rock’n’roll piano, backed by his own touring band with guest Dr. John on guitar. A magnificent, joyous album of completely original music by the master. One of our best LPs. Winner of the W.C. Handy Award as best Blues Album of the Year. Also available on cassette. “A masterpiece.” — VILLAGE VOICE
Selection: “In The Wee Wee Hours”
##A 14 360218 1003
##T Alligator Records
DR. JOHN — Gris-Gris (AL3904)
The classic album that introduced the world to the mysterious New Orleans voodoo music of The Night Tripper. Haunting and funky, combining Dr. John’s insidious voice with eerie percussion, strange lyrics, and Harold Battiste’s great arrangements. Includes “Walk On Gilded Splinters,” “Gris Gris Gumbo Ya Ya.” Also available on cassette.“A wild celebration of Magnolia Street mayhem.”
Selection: “Gris-Gris Gumbo Ya Ya”
##A 14 360542 1004
##T Alligator Records
LONNIE BROOKS — Wound Up Tight (AL4751)
The Louisiana bayou’s greatest contribution to Chicago blues is back! Lonnie and his rockin’ road band tear into ten new songs, two with special guest JOHNNY WINTER, Lonnie’s old East Texas pal. Eight Brooks originals, featuring his swamp rhythms and soaring voice. Tunes range from the raw blues of
“Wound Up Tight” to the all-out joyous rock of “Got Lucky Last Night” (inspired by Lonnie’s Louisiana classic, “The Crawl”) to the soulful “End of the Rope.” Also available on cassette. “The most exciting new talent in blues.” — WASHINGTON POST
Selection: “Boomerang”
##A 14 360812 1005
##T Alligator Records
JOHNNY WINTER — Third Degree
Johnny returns with a hot and heavy batch of blues, featuring special guests Dr. John and Tommy Shannon and Uncle John Turner (the original Johnny Winter trio from Texas) plus two solo songs with Johnny on National Steel guitar! Johnny’s most varied album, from pure Delta blues to rockin’ boogies. A real scorcher — third degree indeed! Also available on cassette.
Selection: “Love, Life and Money”
##A 14 361075 1006
##T Alligator Records
LIL’ ED & THE BLUES IMPERIALS — Roughhousin’ (AL4749)
The sensational debut of a great, young bottleneck boogie band from the West Side of Chicago. Cut in just over three hours, with no second takes and not a lick overdubbed! Powered by Ed’s rawer-than-life slide, these guys just tear into their songs like no one since Hound Dog, J.B. Hutto and George Thorogood. A complete houserockin’ treat. Also available on cassette. “Raw-boned old-fashioned Chicago blues has a new young master.” — N.Y. TIMES
Selection: “Midnight Rider”
##A 14 361275 1007
##T Alligator Records
ALBERT COLLINS — Cold Snap (AL4752)
The Master of the Telecaster’s hot follow-up to the Grammy-winning SHOWDOWN! is perhaps his most powerful studio LP ever. He’s sparked by fantastic sidemen like Jimmy McGriff on organ, Mel Brown on guitar, and the amazing Uptown Horns. Includes the hilarious “I Ain’t Drunk,”
“Too Many Dirty Dishes,” plus the funky
“Snatchin’ It Back” and “Hooked On You, But Nobody’s Home.” Also available on cassette and CD. “Razor sharp attack...funky, slow-burning intensity.” — WASHINGTON POST
Selection: “I Ain’t Drunk”
##A 14 361618 1008
##T Alligator Records
KOKO TAYLOR — Queen Of The Blues
The latest from the greatest. Koko tears through ten killers, with a little help from her monster band and guests Son Seals, Albert Collins, Lonnie Brooks and James Cotton! Plus the amazing Criss Johnson back again on rhythm guitar. They don’t come any tougher than this--if you had any doubts, this one really proves Koko’s the Queen. Includes
“Beer Bottle Boogie,” “Evil,” “Something Inside Me,” “I Cried Like A Baby.” Also available on cassette. “That voice is in superb form...a powerful album that goes straight to the heart.” — CHICAGO MAGAZINE
Selection: “Beer Bottle Boogie”
##A 14 361843 1009
##T Alligator Records
CLARENCE “GATEMOUTH” BROWN — Pressure Cooker (AL4745)
The lean, mean Texas guitarmeister lets it rip in his swinging-est, bluesy-est LP ever! These are the cream of sessions that “Gate” cut in the mid-70’s in France, and they’ve never been available here before. Joining him are jazz/blues greats
##A 14 106976 1010
##T Alligator Records
like Jay McShann, Arnett Cobb and Milt Buckner, who inspires some of Gate’s finest guitar work on tunes like “Pressure Cooker,” “Cold Strings” and “She Winked Her Eye.” Gate also pays tribute to the wry humor of Louis Jordan on three of Jordan’s funniest tunes. If you like Texas blues guitar, swinging rhythm sections and great lyrics, this one’s for you! Also available on cassette.
Selection: “Slow Down”
##A 14 14878 1011
##T Alligator Records
Reggae selections
follow this card.
##A 14 362372 1012
##T Alligator Records
THE ABYSSINIANS — Forward (AL8305)
Eerie harmonies, hypnotic rhythms, and intense rasta faith power this first American release by one of reggae’s legendary groups. Includes powerful new songs like “Forward Jah” as well as a handful of rare classics, including
“Mabrak” (the first “toasting” record ever!) and the great “Satta Massagana.” With Robbie Shakespeare and Horsemouth Wallace. “A must for any reggae fan.”
Selection: “Mabrak”
##A 14 362707 1013
##T Alligator Records
Produced and presented by the legendary Augustus Pablo. He arranged and played on all these sides, including two of his finest singles never before available outside Jamaica. Other tracks feature Pablo accompanying the cream of young JA talent, including Junior Delgado, Norris Reid, Tetrack, Delroy Williams & Sister Frica, singing and toasting over eerie Pablo rhythms. Also available on cassette. “Reggae album of the year.”
Selection: “Jah In the Hills”
by Augustus Pablo
##A 14 362764 1014
##T Alligator Records
THE SKATALITES — Scattered Lights
Ska music in its finest form--from the group that created the Sound! This is Skatalites 1964, never released in album form, with the greats Don Drummond, Roland Alphonso, Tommy McCook & Jackie Mitoo. Includes “Confucius,” “Reburial,” and “Ringo.” The ska album. Also available on cassette. “Captures the group at its creative peak...high-powered intensity. Should not be passed up by those who take their reggae seriously.” — THE RECORD
Selection: “China Clipper”
##A 14 363080 1015
##T Alligator Records
JOE HIGGS — Triumph! (AL8313)
The first U.S. album ever by the legendary “Father of Reggae.” Joe Higgs is famous in Jamaica as a singer, writer, producer and the guiding force behind the original Wailers. He’s toured with Jimmy Cliff, Peter Tosh and as a Wailer, and written classics like “Stepping
Razor” and “Sons of Garvey.” These all-new recordings team Joe with the great Earl “China” Smith and the High Times Players. This is a landmark LP by a major figure in reggae. Includes the JA hit “So It Go.” Also available on cassette.
Selection: “So It Go”
##A 14 363436 1016
##T Alligator Records
PABLO MOSES — Tension (AL8311)
Daring production and very contemporary reggae sounds surround Pablo’s passionate and haunting vocals. Fervently political lyrics, surprising humor, and intense reggae experience. Pablo toured nationally with UB40 and stole the shows. You can hear why. Also available on cassette.
“First rate.” — MUSICIAN “Fierce intensity...his voice has never sounded more menacing.” — SOUND CHOICE
Selection: “In The Streets”
##A 14 146495 1017
##T Blind Pig Records
Blind Pig Records
Modern blues with quite a range of styles represented from straight ahead Chicago blues boogie to country and rock flavorings. Especially strong on bringing classic sidemen out into the spotlight with a solo album in their own right.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 146889 1018
##T Blind Pig Records
Catalog free
Blind Pig Records
PO Box 2344
San Francisco, CA 94126
##A 14 147578 1019
##T Blind Pig Records
Take Me Back (BP-2587)
Legendary harmonica master James Cotton, who played for years with Howlin’ Wolf and Muddy Waters, returns to his roots on this self-produced album of
##A 14 337485 1020
##T Blind Pig Records
blues standards, accompanied by blues luminaries Pinetop Perkins, Sam Lay, and Sammy Lawhorn.
“A tasty set of modern Chicago harmonica blues.”
“This is easily one of the best blues albums in years.”
Selection: “My Babe”
##A 14 354521 1021
##T Blind Pig Records
“Raw urban blues spiced with rock and soul. One of the most versatile
##A 14 338461 1022
##T Blind Pig Records
artists playing the blues, Allison displays his full musical arsenal and a depth and sophistication rarely found in road-weary bluesmen.”
“Luther balances rough, impassioned vocals with smooth, sinewy licks.
Great party music.”
Selection: “Reaching Out”
##A 14 147803 1023
##T Hightone Records
Hightone Records
Hightone have had great success with Robert Cray’s recognition as a blues superstar, but that is just the tip of the iceberg. The rest of their catalog is a connoisseur’s collection of contemporary blues releases, along with some soul, gospel, rock, and country influenced albums.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 148084 1024
##T Hightone Records
Catalog free from:
Hightone Records
PO Box 326
Alameda, CA 94501
##A 14 149094 1025
##T Hightone Records
False Accusations
The classic LP containing “Porch Light” and “Playing in the Dirt” — a turning point in modern blues.
Selection: “Payin’ For It Now”
##A 14 327709 1026
##T Hightone Records
Selection: “Singing The Blues”
##A 14 328655 1027
##T Hightone Records
Selection: “One Time Around”
##A 14 363594 1028
##T Back Forty Records
Back Forty Records
This catalog from Oxford, MS has an eclectic range of blues records from many different labels. They also carry back issues of Living Blues, as well a small selection of Afro-Beat and Reggae. There are a few reviews and recommendations, but mostly this catalog is simply artist, album title, and catalog number.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 363829 1029
##T Back Forty Records
Catalog free from:
Back Forty Records
Box 1745
Oxford, MS 38655
##A 14 149477 1030
##T Stash Records
Stash Records
Stash have a large catalog of both reissued vintage blues, jazz, and swing and newly recorded jazz albums. They have produced some well regarded specialty compilations on their Jass and Stash subsidiaries covering those two topics usually found at the beginning of that well-known phrase ending with “and rock ’n’ roll.” This is cultural archaeology that should enlighten those who thought that kind of fun began in the sixties. However, they also have plenty of other titles that will not offend those with delicate ears and sensibilities, how about some Bobby Darin or Mel Torme? Many of their titles are available on CD with extra tracks not found on the vinyl versions, and they also have an interesting selection of videos.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 149749 1031
##T Stash Records
Catalog free
Stash Records
611 Broadway
Suite 411
New York, NY 10012
212- 477-6277(NY)
##A 14 150507 1032
##T Stash Records
The original cast of the classic movie participating in a special promotional tribute broadcast immediately prior to the release of the film in 1939. A miraculous collection (preserved for nearly
##A 14 147216 1033
##T Stash Records
five decades by none other than Harold Arlen) of songs; sketches and comedy, released to commemorate the film’s 50th anniversary in 1989 (not to be confused with the recreation from 1950, this album consists of the complete Maxwell House Good News broadcast of June 29, 1939). Highlights include HAROLD ARLEN teaching JUDY GARLAND how to sing “Over the Rainbow,” BABY SNOOKS (FANNY BRICE) and DADDY going “Off to See the Wizard” and immortal BERT LAHR as the “King of the Forest.”
Selection: Frank Morgan and Fred Stone kvell some more about the 1904 show.
##A 14 396130 1034
##T Stash Records
STEVE TURRE — “Fire and Ice” (ST275 )
The primary directive, says Steve, is to swing. And you can swing whether your basic texture is fire—the red-hot rhythm section of CEDAR WALTON, BUSTER WILLIAMS and BILLY HIGGINS—or whether it’s ice—the string group QUARTET INDIGO starring JOHN BLAKE. The newest and greatest album by this master trombonist/arranger/shell-player continues to combine original music with rewritten adaptations of jazz (Duke Ellington, Benny Carter) and pop (Jimmy Van Heusen, Stevie Wonder) standards.
Selection: “Mood Indigo”
##A 14 397176 1035
##T Stash Records
Is this jazz-oriented dance music or dance-oriented jazz? I can only tell you it serves both purposes, uncompromising in either its improvisational aesthetic or its rhythmic verities. And what a band! Bobby Watson, Idress Muhammed, Rahn Burton, James Spaulding and others, lead by the visionary trumpeter Kamal Abdul Alim, who, according to THE NEW YORK DAILY NEWS, “has one of the most beautiful tones and concepts in jazz.”
Selection: “Al Nafs”
##A 14 398466 1036
##T Stash Records
“Volumes One and Two” (ST109 )
A specially-priced double album featuring such female jazz greats as Lovie Austin, Ma Rainey, Mary Lou Williams, Lil Armstrong, Marian McPartland, Valaida Snow, Mary Osbourne, Melba Liston, side by side with Dizzy Gillespie, Fletcher Henderson, Woody Herman, Joe Marsala and others. ONLY $12.98 for both albums (34 tracks) complete.
Selection: “Wild Party”
by Ina Ray Hutton And Her Melodears
##A 14 398597 1037
##T Stash Records
— The Thirties (ST115)
15 tracks by the legendary Alberta backed by Charle Shavers, Buster Bailey, Lil Armstrong, Eddie Heywood and others.
Selection: “Boogie-Woogie Swing”
##A 14 399358 1038
##T Stash Records
Forty years of a capella Gospel by the Golden Gate Jubilee Quartet, Marion Williams, The Soul Stirrers, The Blue Jay Singers, Marion Williams and many more. 15 spirituals.
Selection: “I’ll Make It Somehow”
by The Golden Harps
##A 14 409873 1039
##T Stash Records
(jass eight — album & cassette)
Recipe for the tastiest dish of Christmas Music you ever had: Start with some small combo jazz (Benny Carter, Bobby Hackett), mix in some blues (Victoria Spivey, Johnny Otis, Jimmy Rushing), and a few swinging big bands (Count Basie, Woody Herman, Bob Crosby), stir with some “black” humor (Babs Gonzales, Louis Prima), add a ballad or two (Jack Teagarden, Al Bowlly) then top it off with the uncategorizable (Louis Armstrong) and tie it all together with seasonal ribbons and wrapping paper.
Selection: “What Will Santa Claus Say?”
by Louis Prima
##A 14 150963 1040
##T Caravan of Dreams
Caravan of Dreams
Based around an innovative live performance center, Caravan Of Dreams release distinctive recordings from jazz artists of the caliber of Ornette Coleman and Ronald Shannon Jackson, as well
as somewhat weird, sometimes wonderful, albums and films from the fringes of the jazz/poetry/gospel/African worlds.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 151047 1041
##T Caravan of Dreams
Information free
Caravan of Dreams
312 Houston Street
Fort Worth, TX 76102
817- 877-3332
##A 14 152240 1042
##T Caravan of Dreams
A 30 year retrospective of “probably the most important composer of our time.” (Village Voice). Featuring both the original quartet of 1957 and Coleman’s present electric ensemble PRIME TIME, this double album won the album of the year across the music world including best of Rolling Stone, People, New York Times, Downbeat, Musician, NPR and an Oscar in France.
Selection: “Music News”
##A 14 394674 1043
##T Caravan of Dreams
This dynamic composer, bandleader and drummer represents the cutting edge of music today. Texas, produced by Bill Laswell, is not enslaved to any one musical form and uses powerful rhythms and floating melodies to paint a portrait of Shannon’s Texas roots.
Selection: “Psychic Greeting”
##A 14 394980 1044
##T Caravan of Dreams
Slang In Trance
Nigerian singer-composer-visual artist Twins Seven Seven creates multilayered melodic and rhythmic panoramas with his 14 member band of singers and musicians. Sensational world music.
Selection: “Shandoroko”
##A 14 395030 1045
##T Caravan of Dreams
EARTHA KITT — My Way: A Musical Tribute To Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Eartha Kitt’s first recording for an American label in over 20 years, this gospel tribute featuring a 150 voice choir sends your heart singing with tracks such as AMERICA and MARY DON’T YOU WEEP.
Selection; “My Way”
##A 14 365680 1046
##T Jaybee Jazz
Jaybee Jazz
This 17-year-old operation has a great selection of jazz classics at fantastically low prices. There are many Japanese reissue imports of such labels as Verve, Mercury, Riverside, and Atlantic. They also offer a lot of Prestige titles. The only drawback is that the catalog consists only of catalog numbers, title, number and names of musicians, and tracks, so you’d better know what you like. However, at these prices you should be able to take a chance and discover something new and wonderfully jazzy!
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 365955 1047
##T Jaybee Jazz
Record listings free
Jaybee Jazz
PO Box 24504
Creve Coeur, MO 63141
##A 14 250318 1048
##T Rock
##A 14 406105 1049
##T Rhino Records
Rhino Records
Rhino’s main strength is their great “The Best Of” series of just about every artist or group from the 50s and 60s who ever mattered, even for a minute, and even a few who maybe didn’t. If an artist doesn’t have enough material for their own album, there are compilations of various genres, eras, and areas. Rhino is also strong in novelty, picture, and shaped discs. They are not totally wrapped up in the past, however, as they have released contemporary artists such as The Roches, Phranc, and The Runaways. They also have an important and hard-hitting spoken word series. Videos, CDs and a collection of 10-inch 78rpm records round out their catalog.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 406335 1050
##T Rhino Records
Catalog free
Rhino Records
1201 Olympic Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90404
##A 14 18156 1051
##T Rhino Records
VARIOUS ARTISTS — A History Of New Orleans Rhythm & Blues
“A History Of New Orleans R&B” is the first series to chronicle comprehensively one of the richest and most influential periods in the history of American popular music. Each volume includes major recordings by seminal New Orleans artists and features extensive historical notes and rare photos.
Selection: “Rocking Pneumonia And
The Boogie Woogie Flu”
by Huey ‘Piano’ Smith
& The Clowns
from Vol. 1 (1950-1958)
##A 14 407182 1052
##T Rhino Records
THE NEVILLE BROTHERS — Treacherous: A History Of The Neville Brothers 1955-1985
As New Orleans’ first family of soul, the Nevilles, individually and collectively, have been a major force in American music for the past three decades. This excellent 2-record set chronicles the Nevilles from the early solo recordings by Art and Aaron Neville to group recordings by The Wild Tchoupitoulas and The Neville Brothers.
Rolling Stones Critic’s Poll — “Reissue of the year!” — Village Voice Critics’s Poll
Selection: “Fire On The Bayou”
##A 14 20410 1053
##T Rhino Records
SLIM HARPO — The Best Of Slim Harpo, The Original King Bee
The best of the classic early recordings from this influential blues artist featuring original versions of songs later made famous by The Rolling Stones, Them, The Pretty Things, and others.
Selection: “I’m A King Bee”
##A 14 407388 1054
##T Rhino Records
“Live” poetry album from X singer/songwriter Exene Cervenka and renowned urban poet Wanda Coleman.
Selection: “Cousin Mary”
by Wanda Coleman
##A 14 408138 1055
SST boasts an ever-increasing catalog of over 125 releases at the alternative rock end of the musical spectrum. Within that category there is a wide variation of sounds and styles, from the early thrash and punk of Black Flag, Husker Du, and The Minutemen to their spiritual descendants such as Divine Horsemen and Firehose, who incorporate a larger sound palette into their music, to the anything-goes-with-the-kitchen-sink approach of bands like Sonic Youth, Blind Idiot God, and Paper Bag. They have lots of sampler albums to help you get acquainted. None of this is quiet background music. It’s designed to blast your concept, or at least your eardrums!
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 408529 1056
Catalog free from:
PO Box 1
Lawndale, CA 90260
##A 14 409183 1057
Snake Handler.
For introspective lyricism, poetic forcefulness, and sheer bone-rattling power, few bands on the
L.A. music scene can rival the impact of the Divine Horsemen. The five members come from a diversity of musical backgrounds; their wide range of styles and sounds gel in exciting and off-beat ways on this, their latest album.
SST 140 (LP/CA $7.50 CD $15.00)
Selection: “Snake Handler”
##A 14 20738 1058
BLACK FLAG — Annihilate This Week.
The ultimate party anthem of all time is backed with “Best One Yet” and “Sinking” on this smoking twelve-inch by Black Flag. These three are available only on this disc and the cassette (SST 060) SST 081
With Henry Kaiser (avant guitar god), a Swedish rock star that sings in Russian, the former bass player for the Dixie Dregs (Andy West) and John “Drumbo” French, the legendary thumper for Captain Beefheart, what else could you expect? ZZ Top’s “La Grange” sung in Russian. Power blues, exotic outings on ten songs. SST 110 (LP/CA $7.50)
Selection: “The Book of Joel”
##A 14 409828 1060
BLIND IDIOT GOD — Blind Idiot God.
The sound of Blind Idiot God is BIG! Orchestral hardcore, the sound Stravinsky would make if he was a kid growing up in the eighties. More than that though, BIG also throw some freaky style dub into their inimitable stew and come up with one of the coolest instrumental guitar albums ever. Can you handle
it? SST 104 (LP/CA $7.50)
Selection: “Dark & Bright”
##A 14 410697 1061
15 instrumentals from the whole stylistic range of SST artists. But this ain’t no new age sap — this double LP pushes the hot tub off the deck! A special treat for those mellowed out beyond vocal comprehension. Buy or be rebirthed. SST 102 (LP/CA $7.50 CD $15.00)
Selection: “Priests On Drugs”
by Paper Bag
##A 14 411371 1062
Violent Femme, Brian has blended up some great Middle Eastern sounds, Sun Ra’s “Nuclear War” and “Alphabet” soup to produce a
“Feast Of Fools.” Adventurous, mysterious and fascinating, this will save you airfare home for the holidays or even further afield. SST 141 (LP/CA $7.50 CD $15.00)
Selection: “John The Revelator”
##A 14 129642 1063
##T Enigma Mailorder
Enigma Mailorder
Enigma are one of the most successful American indie labels, so successful that they now have major label distribution for many of their releases. However, they’re well aware that a lot of their acts are too freaky fringe for the retail chains, and so they have developed a mail order catalog for all those fans of underground rock who live in such places as Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Grunge and metal form much of their catalog; the balance is a variety of college radio type rock, soundtracks to youth cult movies, and assorted musical misfits ranging from Wire to Maynard Ferguson, with a bit of an emphasis on musicians from Southern California.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 130294 1064
##T Enigma Mailorder
Catalog free
Enigma Mail Order
1750 East Holly Avenue
PO Box 2428
El Segundo, CA 90245-2428
##A 14 222588 1065
##T Enigma Mailorder
The Enigma everything-but-metal, cheapo double-album compilation. Specially priced sampling of Enigma artists. Bargain of the year! 26 songs by 26 artists on two albums (or one high-quality, double-play cassette) for only $6.98!!! The slightly edited compact disc version is only $10.98!! SSQ’s “Playback” is not available elsewhere (even though their last album was entitled PLAYBACK, “Playback” the song didn’t make it onto the album). TSOL’s “Flowers By The Door” is a re-recorded version not available elsewhere (the original version is available on the CHANGE TODAY? album). And Green on Red’s “Sixteen Ways II” is an alternate version not appearing on their GAS FOOD LODGING album.
(More on next card.)
##A 14 130618 1066
##T Enigma Mailorder
“The most important record label for American music today is Enigma Records. Enigma has presented the consumers with a two-for-the-price-of-one showcase of its best artists, ranging from groups that play hardcore trash to paisley psychedelia to cowpunk. Each side is dedicated to a growing musical form, [and] if you want a sampler of what’s coming up, or just need a great party album, it’s all here.”
— St. George Bryan, Wavelength [New Orleans]
“If you’re looking for a sampling of some of the best American artists who have eluded the major labels, then look no more.”
— Mark de la Vina, Fresno Bee
“The album is an instant time capsule that perfectly captures the 1980s texture of LA new music.”
— Daily Breeze [Los Angeles]
Selection: “Insurance From God” by 45 Grave
##A 14 410413 1067
##T Enigma Mailorder
Gimme brains! The original soundtrack album for this classic horror movie and directorial debut of Dan O’Bannon (who also wrote the screenplay for TROTLD as well as the screenplays for Alien, Blue Thunder and John Carpenter’s Dark Star). Includes songs written and recorded especially for the film by The Cramps, The Damned, The Tall Boys and SSQ along with tracks by TSOL, 45 Grave, The Jet Black Berries, Roky Erickson and The Flesheaters. The picture disc version of the original soundtrack for THE RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD also contains dialogue excerpts from the movie between the songs.
(More on next card)
##A 14 260954 1068
##T Enigma Mailorder
“This is music to eat prefab popcorn drowned in liquid margarine by, music to watch blood-crazed zombies devour corn-fed middle American families by, music that aims for a cultural level one notch below that of the Munsters. This is some bad shit.”
— John Leland, Spin
“THE RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD is all set to be this summer’s Grade A blockbuster B-movie. It’s prime trash—and the soundtrack holds to the same high standards. The Cramps kick it off with “Surfin’ Dead,” a raving surf send-up with hit radio possibilities (gasp!). And there’s unreleased material by The Damned, Jet Black Berries, Flesheaters, Roky Erickson, SSQ, plus a killer TSOL track too. THE RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD might just well be Enigma Records’ Breakfast Club.”
— CMJ New Music Report
“Cheap! Noxious! Tasteless! If the film is one half as potent as this gurgling vortex of screamin’ pit demons and garbage-brained Visigoths, then watch out!”
— Craig Lee, Los Angeles Weekly (More on next card.)
##A 14 148515 1069
##T Enigma Mailorder
“The music is as gross as the film, a round-up of some of the sleaziest of the sci-fi
and monster punk bands including The Cramps, TSOL, Roky Erickson, 45 Grave and The Damned. Perfect party music for Zombies.”
— Larry Kelp, Oakland Tribune
“Amidst the recent deluge of mediocre soundtracks, there is finally one with more than two decent songs on it and seems to complement the storyline of the film. Enigma Records has culled some of the finest and creepiest bands to play out the horror/spoof scenario for THE RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD. The Cramps have lent out their first studio track in nearly two years . . . Roky Erickson . . . has a few minutes to live out his hellish reality on the bleak “Burn The Flames” . . . and no horror soundtrack would be complete without the one band who most succinctly represent the living dead, The Damned.”
— Pam Wolf, Vox
Selection: “Surfing Dead” by The Cramps
##A 14 153071 1070
##T Subterranean Records
Subterranean Records
Subterranean emerged from the maelstrom of San Francisco’s 1980 punk scene. Over the years they have enlarged their focus to become a rather more adventurous label by releasing jazz, folk, industrial, electronic, and rock in a variety of mutations, permutations, and hyphenizations. Throughout it all they have kept a low profile, but in fact their releases are the equal of any of those from concerns who trumpet their hipness more stridently. As well as their own label releases they have a catalog of other labels toiling in the same veins of punk, experimental, industrial, just plain disaffected from the mainstream, and even gamelan. Videos and publications too, and low prices on everything.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 153297 1071
##T Subterranean Records
Catalog free
Subterranean Records
PO Box 2530
Berkeley, CA 94702
##A 14 154013 1072
##T Subterranean Records
LIVE AT TARGET — An LP featuring 4 of 1980’s most challenging west coast groups: FLIPPER, NERVOUS GENDER, FACTRIX and UNS. Highlights of one concert, recorded live on Feb. 24, 1980. Not for the musically timid!
(SUB 3)
Selection: Factrix — “Night To
##A 14 387830 1073
##T Subterranean Records
FLIPPER — “Album — Generic Flipper.” The great acid hope of San Francisco, inspiring the most graffiti & the most abuse of any cultural phenomenon this side of Tom Snyder’s face. Melts in your mind, not in your ear.
(SUB 35 )
Selection: “Nothing”
##A 14 387878 1074
##T Subterranean Records
FRIGHTWIG — “Cat Farm Faboo.” The infamous first album, showing the band at its rowdiest and raunchiest; wild women that rock as hard as you can get. Funny, funky, furious and Flipperesque. Produced by Snakefinger. (SUB 46)
Selection: “My Crotch Does Not
Say Go”
##A 14 388297 1075
##T Subterranean Records
LONGSHOREMEN — “Walk the Plank.” This one topped college radio charts across the country. Image-laden beat poetry with minimalist sound accompaniment; songs of love and death, automania & B movies. Incredibly wacky!
(SUB 54 )
Selection: “Canning Factory”
##A 14 388600 1076
##T Subterranean Records
THE MUSKRATS — “Rock is Dead.” Washboard and acoustic guitar are the main weapons here as these Omaha transplants give a rousing, blistering kickoff to the new San Francisco folk scene.
(SUB 51)
Selection: “30 Days In The
##A 14 389243 1077
##T Subterranean Records
LOW FLYING AIRCRAFT — An all-instrumental LP that crosses the boundaries of jazz, rock & space music. Features ex-members of King Crimson and other avant-Eurorock outfits. Superb digital recording. (SUB 60)
Selection: “Baptism By Fire”
##A 14 154278 1078
##T Alternative Tentacles
Alternative Tentacles
Alternative Tentacles and their bands, such as the Dead Kennedys, the Looters, and the Beatnigs, have plenty to say about the hypocrisy of society’s powerful, and are pretty good at getting up the pharisees’ noses. The Parents’ Music Resource Center (PMRC) responded by attacking Alternative Tentacles, Mordam Records, their distributor, and their pressing plant in an outrageous and blatant attempt to restrict freedom of speech and the press. Luckily for us all the PMRC lost that battle and AT have survived, although the Dead Kennedys are no more. It never has been easy being on the front line, and casualties are to be expected. Let us hope that Alternative Tentacles keep up the fight. I think they will.
— Jonathan E.
Ÿ Mordam
##A 14 155329 1079
##T Alternative Tentacles
Catalog free
Alternative Tentacles Records
PO Box 11458
San Francisco, CA 94101
##A 14 156647 1080
##T Alternative Tentacles
11 song LP
Selection: “Television”
##A 14 384335 1081
##T Alternative Tentacles
“No More Cocoons” (VIRUS 59)
Spoken word double LP
Selection: from “May All Your
Dreams Be Wonderful:
Act One — Response To Recent
Accusations By
Back In Control Center”
##A 14 384795 1082
##T Alternative Tentacles
“Frankenchrist” (VIRUS 45)
10 song LP or cassette
Selection: “M.T.V. — Get Off
The Air”
##A 14 385065 1083
##T Alternative Tentacles
4 song 12' EP. U.K. pressing
Selection: “Being Human”
##A 14 385425 1084
##T Alternative Tentacles
DICKS — “These People”
(VIRUS 43)
12 song LP
Selection: “Doctor Daddy”
##A 14 156676 1085
##T Mordam
Mordam have a catalog of modern rock records at the punky, politically committed end of the spectrum. Not a large catalog, but if this stuff is your cuppa tea, Mordam have the goods. Extra credit to them for living up to their principles and releasing the two benefit albums for Umkhonto we Sizwe.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 157797 1086
##T Mordam
Catalog free
Mordam Records Mail Order
PO Box 988
San Francisco, CA 94101
##A 14 379927 1087
##T Mordam
SOWETO 76-86 (Bullets Won’t Stop Us Now) LP
This is a beautifully packaged benefit compilation for Umkhonto we Sizwe
(the military arm of the African National Congress in S. Africa) featuring a live side, a studio side and a diverse collection of African, punk, and noise music (including Z’ev) All proceeds are donated to the Umkhonto we Sizwe and an extensive booklet about Soweto, Namibia and the ANC is included.
Selection: “Alarm” by Neuroot
##A 14 160164 1088
##T Mordam
The second or follow up benefit compilation to “Remember Soweto” featuring: SCREAM, BGK, THE EX, SOCIAL UNREST, RHYTHM PIGS, 76% UNCERTAIN, DEPRAVED, MORZELPRONK, VICTIMS FAMILY, KAFKA PROCESS, SCA, EVERYTHING FALLS APART, AND CHALLENGER CREW. Lots of literature and proceeds being sent to Umkhonto we Sizwe.
Selection: “Funeral Of A Friend”
by Rhythm Pigs
##A 14 261830 1089
##T Mordam
These San Francisco homeboys have perfected their funk, rock, psychedelic, wall of noise sound on their debut LP. Strong rhythm section, guitar work and weaving keyboards. Diverse material and lots of talent.
Selection: “Greed”
##A 14 160730 1090
##T Blacklist Mailorder
Blacklist Mailorder
Blacklist are a non-profit collective of volunteer fans whose aim is to provide better distribution for independent music and press. They operate on a fixed 20% markup, which they hope to lower in the future. Most of their stock is of the indy rock persuasion and includes both large and small labels, imports and domestic, much of it next-to-impossible to find anywhere else. Seems to me that this is about the best single source for this stuff. And isn’t it nice to know that idealism is still alive and doing something in the music biz? I wish ’em luck.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 160771 1091
##T Blacklist Mailorder
SASE for weekly updates.
Blacklist Mailorder
181 Shipley St.
San Francisco, CA 94107
##A 14 161289 1092
##T Blacklist Mailorder
Beatnigs — Beatnigs — LP — USA — tribal industrial political punk-funk — $6.00
Selection: “Television”
##A 14 457290 1093
##T Blacklist Mailorder
Biafra, Jello — No More Cocoons — 2Lp, Cass. — USA — spoken word album, funny and sardonic — $8.00
Selection: “Response To Recent Accusations By Back In Control Center”
##A 14 161598 1094
##T Blacklist Mailorder
Faith No More — We Care A Lot — LP, Cass. — USA — Funk, rock, psychedelic, wall of noise — $6.00
Selection: “Greed”
##A 14 205191 1095
##T Blacklist Mailorder
Flipper — Generic Flipper — LP — USA — 1st Lp from legendary San Francisco band — $5.10
Selection: “Nothing”
##A 14 288679 1096
##T Blacklist Mailorder
Looters — Looters — 12' EP — USA — SF World Beat band — $4.20
Selection: “Being Human”
##A 14 388909 1097
##T Blacklist Mailorder
V/A — Remember Soweto 76-86 — LP — Int’l — hearing this LP you’ll wish you’d been there — $6.00
Selection: “Alarm” by Neuroot
##A 14 404943 1098
##T Midnight Records
Midnight Records
This catalog is heaven for the serious rock collector, but hell for the rock collector’s fiscally responsible spouse. It’s packed with listings of thousands of records, new and old, obscure and famous, American and imports, original releases and reissues, in-print and out-of-print, fixed prices and auction. There are also reviews, interviews, news, opinions, and critical reassessments of bygone artists. Current underground rock is featured on their own label of LP and 45rpm releases (no CDs, yet, for these purists). They also operate a retail outlet at 255 W. 23rd St. in Manhattan, but it’s suggested that you go elsewhere if you’re looking for the new Lionel Ritchie or Phil Collins. These people take their rock seriously and you might not get out alive if you asked for that
pap. Imagine being ridiculed to death!
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 405206 1099
##T Midnight Records
Catalog $1
Midnight Records
PO Box 390
Old Chelsea Station
New York, NY 10011
##A 14 382957 1100
##T Exotically Modern
##A 14 449179 1101
##T CellulOid Records
CellulOid Records
CellulOid have consistently explored the exciting edges of various musical worlds and have provided much needed re-releases of early works from important artists, such as Fela Kuti, The Last Poets, and Kassav’. They have been in the forefront of such movements as the early 80s rap/funk crossover into white society, the electro-African explosion of the mid ’80s, and various other progressive multi-cultural musical experiments. They have now begun to release Brazilian music in the U.S.
Their adventures are well chronicled in their “Trilogy” sampler; check “Brazil Is Back” for the Brazilian story. At their best CellulOid are unchallenged for cutting edge musical combinations.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 449374 1102
##T CellulOid Records
Catalog free
CellulOid Records
330 Hudson Street
New York, NY 10013
##A 14 450230 1103
##T CellulOid Records
“... the home of mixing the weird and the wonderful with the baddest and the best.” — Black Beat Magazine.
“CellulOid and its sister label OAO are detonating all the barriers and raining the lucky public with all the music in the world...It’s the healthiest record label I ever heard. Now “this” is what I call music.”
— Zig Zag
(CELL 80808) $17.98
Selection: “World Destruction”
by Time Zone
(Industrial remix —
previously unissued)
##A 14 450413 1104
##T CellulOid Records
“Fela Anikulapo Kuti is not only one of Africa’s most fiery musicians; he has also mixed politics and pop music as they have never been mixed before. Through his recordings and exultant live performances, the 46 year old singer and saxophonist has popularised his own blend of Western funk and African rhythms, along with his own tribal religion and incendiary brand of radicalism.” — Newsweek
(CELL 6116) $8.98
Selection: “Zombie”
##A 14 450687 1105
##T CellulOid Records
DEADLINE — Down By Law
“You’ll want to own this record: it’s great for barbeques, driving and laying on the beach; it’s fine for scrubbing warehouses or plowing fields; and you can dance to it, think your own thoughts, be suggested a few and, if necessary, reach the highest spiritual plane while boogieing to this.” — Andy Warhol’s Interview
(CELL 6111) $8.98
Selection: “Makossa Rock”
##A 14 450838 1106
##T CellulOid Records
SHANGO — Shango Funk Theology
“The street sensibility of Afrika Bambaataa with the instrumental and production savvy of Material . . . impressive density and depth.”
— New York Times
(CELL 6100) $8.98
Selection: “Shango Message”
##A 14 451168 1107
##T CellulOid Records
PRAXIS — Praxis
“With one foot in the studio and one on the street Mr. Laswell has created an interesting cacophony that is quite danceable. Check it!”
— Dance Music Report
(CEL 168) $4.98
Selection: “1984”
##A 14 451778 1108
##T CellulOid Records
DANIEL PONCE — New York Now!
The most modern recording of Afro-Cuban music, featuring the masterful conga player Ponce, a native Cuban, joined by bata drummers, singers, and Material.
(CELL 5005) $8.98
Selection: “Africa
##A 14 451927 1109
##T CellulOid Records
MANU DIBANGO — Electric Africa
This LP features the “Soul Makossa” man and production by Bill Laswell/Material. Recorded in Paris in early 1985, guests include Herbie Hancock, Bernie Worrell, Nicky Skopelitis, Aiyb Dieng and Wally Badarou.
“Memories on the dance floor stretch back a long way when it comes to classics, and this will be welcomed with arms akimbo.”
— Music Week
(CELL 6114) $8.98
Selection: “Echos Beti”
##A 14 452131 1110
##T CellulOid Records
TOURE KUNDA — Live Paris-Ziguinchor
Recorded on their historic tour of West Africa, this LP chronicles Toure Kunda’s return to their homeland of Senegal. Included are versions of some of their most popular songs.
“As I enter, the joint is jumping. The band on stage is Toure Kunda, a cultural export from Senegal by way of Paris, led by three blood brothers who six years ago sojourned from West Africa to France. The band is a joyous interracial spectacle ... Drums palaver with synthesizers and traps, while falsetto voices are pitched in and warbled high above, conjuring flocks of whistling tropical birds in a bewitched rain forest.” — Spin (CELL 6106) $8.98
Selection: “Baounane”
##A 14 2955 1111
##T CellulOid Records
With nineteen albums, most of them gold or platinum, singer-composer Martinho da Vila is one of the most important sambistas in Brazil, and a major figure of the Rio Carnival. Batuqueiro illustrates the evolution of the
“Pagode” ritual of drinking, singing, playing and dancing to the “Batuque,” the typical drum-beat of samba. (BR4004 ) $8.98
Selection: “Batuca No Chao”
##A 14 18333 1112
##T CellulOid Records
OBINA SHOK — Obina Shok
Obina Shok plays contemporary black music, in a joyous fusion of rhythms: reggae, funk, juju music, jive, afrobeat, soca and samba inspired by the cosmopolitan origins of these young musicians, Their message of racial unity has granted them Gilberto Gil’s and Gal Costa’s special participation to this healthy Afro-Brazilian cocktail. (BR4001) $8.98
Selection: “Vida”
##A 14 18673 1113
##T CellulOid Records
PAULO MOURA —Confusao Urbana, Subrana E Rural
Paulo Moura has created an exceptional music, nourished from Brazilian popular rhythms, classical music in the richness of its compositions and contemporary jazz for its instrumental sound. Composer, excellent improvisor and remarkable clarinetist, he gives in Confusao Urbana, Subrana E Rural a very joyous and sharp dimension to pure instrumental delight. (BR4013) $8.98
Selection: “Carimbo Do Moura”
##A 14 452436 1114
##T Crammed Discs US
Crammed Discs US
Crammed is one of the most multi-ethnic experimental labels around. Their specialty is the culture clash of two or more musicians from different parts of the world collaborating, or the musical mutation produced by strangers in even stranger lands. Most recordings tend to be electronic and ethereal in flavor, but there are rockers in there too. Their Made To Measure series caters for the ambient/classical/meditative/instrumental/experimental elements of the cultural cocktail shaker. Some observers have called it “the intelligent alternative to New Age.” Their Cramboy subsidiary label is dedicated to releasing all of Tuxedo Moon’s material.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 452816 1115
##T Crammed Discs US
Brochure free
Crammed Discs US
PO Box 1702
Canal Street Station
New York, NY 10013
##A 14 453404 1116
##T Crammed Discs US
VARIOUS ARTISTS — It’s A Crammed, Crammed World! 2 (CRAM 053)
Selection: “Atlantis” by Tuxedo Moon
##A 14 453745 1117
##T Crammed Discs US
Desert Equations: Azax Attra. Made To Measure Vol. 8 (MTM 8)
Selection: “I’m A Man”
##A 14 453913 1118
##T Crammed Discs US
(CRAM 047)
Selection: “Atawurulign Lela”
##A 14 454395 1119
##T Crammed Discs US
HECTOR ZAZOU — Reivax Au Bongo. Made To Measure Vol. 2 (MTM 2)
Selection: “Que Le Bongo Est Beau”
(How Beautiful Bongo Is)
##A 14 454559 1120
##T Crammed Discs US
ZAZOU>BIKAYE>CY1 — M’Pasi Ya M’Pamba (ILL 4712)
Selection: “Dju Ya Feza”
##A 14 454696 1121
##T Crammed Discs US
MINIMAL COMPACT — The Figure One Cuts (CRAM 055)
Selection: “Everything Is Wonder”
##A 14 457681 1122
##T Ralph Records
Ralph Records
Ralph Records is the home of The Residents and assorted other musical wanderers and refugees from the outside world, mostly based somewhere between the West Coast and outer space. The label definitely has an advanced, progressive, and mutant house style, even with the great diversity of their recordings. Everything displays the highest levels of creativity and a complete disregard for commercial considerations. That hasn’t stopped many of the releases becoming collector’s items and the catalog includes an auction section for those really rare items. Of course they have videos, posters, T-shirts, and CDs.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 457840 1123
##T Ralph Records
Catalog free
Ralph Records
109 Minna Street #391
San Francisco, CA 94105
##A 14 458654 1124
##T Ralph Records
RH87991(LP), RH87994(Ca).
A lot of people who make a pretty big sound. CFO will capture you with their wild blends of classical, jazz, and easy listening styles. Kidnapped will not let go of you, from the start of “Entrance” to the final bars of “Neolithic Love Goddess.” Hear Stravinsky like you’ve never heard him before. An indispensable record.
$6.97 (LP/Ca)
Selection: “Take It To Mars”
##A 14 458851 1125
##T Ralph Records
VARIOUS ARTISTS — Potatoes: A Collection of Modern Popular Folk Songs RH8717(LP), RH87174(Ca).
This is the critically acclaimed collection of folk songs as interpreted by The Residents, Mark Mothersbaugh, Voice Farm, Renaldo & the Loaf, Snakefinger, Blitzoids, Unknown, Clubfoot Orchestra, Frank Harris & Maria Marquez, Terra Incognita, Rhythm & Noise, and others.
“...modern music with heart, this is one of the most moving records you’re likely to hear this year.” — LOS ANGELES TIMES $6.97(LP/Ca)
Selection: “Perfect Scrambled Eggs”
by Negativland
##A 14 459222 1126
##T Ralph Records
RH7906(LP), RH79062(CD),RH79064(Ca).
Eskimo tells legends and adventures entirely through usage of sound. It is a moody piece of abstract music punctuated by primitive vocals and rhythms. Without a doubt, one of the most original records ever recorded. An important record that is impossible to describe. A necessity for a complete record collection no matter what your taste.
$6.97(LP, Ca), $14.97(CD)
Selection: “The Festival of Death”
##A 14 459265 1127
##T Ralph Records
RH87551(LP), RH87554(Ca).
These home-town disco scene favorites are well known for their syntho-pop, lyrically charged show tunes and minimalist, Fellinesque stage extravaganzas. They have appeared convincingly as a Vegas lounge act, housewives, drugged hippies, television celebrities, and ski instructors. This LP takes the pop-rock medium and strains it to its limits in a thoroughly postmodern way. Call it electro-pop, call it syntho-mobeat, one thing is certain: they still own the best wigs in town. $6.97(LP/Ca)
Selection: “Hey Freethinker”
##A 14 459764 1128
##T Ralph Records
Frank Harris’ earthy electronic treatment of the Venezuelan folk song
“Canto del Pilon” was a favorite on POTATOES. Vocalist Maria Marquez again collaborates on this eclectic sampling of Frank’s multifaceted talent. His vocals, guitar, and piano layered with innovative computer synthesis create richly compelling hard-driving rock, sensual jazz, and Latin piece $5.97(4-song 12" EP)
Selection: “Loveroom”
##A 14 459977 1129
##T Ralph Records
Night of Desirable Objects
RH87031(LP), RH87034(Ca).
This is the late Snakefinger’s fourth studio album. On this LP he lent his guitar virtuosity to styles ranging from Nino Rota to jazz standards and traditional Bulgarian folk music. An inspired effort from the master.
“ inspired, unpredictable LP”
Selection: “There’s No Justice
In Life”
##A 14 460253 1130
##T Ralph Records
THE RESIDENTS The American Composer Series Vol. II – Stars & Hank Forever!
The long-awaited volume II of the American Composers Series brings us the music of Hank Williams and John Phillip Sousa. Ramble to the sounds of Hank with HEY GOOD LOOKIN’, KAW-LIGA, SIX MORE MILES TO THE GRAVEYARD, and RAMBLING MAN. The other side presents Sousa as he’s never been heard before. The Residents have created a parade format to present STARS & STRIPES FOREVER and other marches.
$6.97(LP/Ca) $18.97(CD)
Selection: “Six More Miles
(to the Graveyard)”
##A 14 49448 1131
##T Reckless Records
Reckless Records
Reckless is a new label with its roots in the English retail trade. Their first series of releases is a promising collection of
“uncompromisingly esoteric” music from cult heroes of the eccentric rock fringe. A very reasonable price of $7.50 per LP includes postage and packing. The Soft Machine CD is $15.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 127689 1132
##T Reckless Records
Catalog free
Reckless Records
1401 Haight Street
San Francisco, CA 94117
##A 14 128293 1133
##T Reckless Records
(RECK 6)
Fronted by innovative guitarist Jesus Acedo. A unique fusion of ethnic music, rock & jazz. “A challenging, mesmerizing record”
— Record Collector.
“Jesus’ playing is awesome. Undoubtedly one of the best records to be released this year.” — Outlet.
Selection: “ XYZ ”
##A 14 53923 1134
##T Reckless Records
Featuring Merrell Fankhauser & Jeff Cotton, aka Antennae Jimmy Semens of Captain Beefheart’s Magic Band. “Album of the Month” — Record Collector. “Acid surf music, quite remarkable.” — Bucketful of Brains.
Selection: “Eternal Thirst ”
##A 14 79018 1135
##T Reckless Records
The lost second album.
“Powerfully weird stuff” — Bucketfull of Brains. “Absolutely bizarre, English psychedelia at its wildest and most acidic. Indispensable.” — TOP
Selection: “The Lord Doesn’t
Want You”
##A 14 87820 1136
##T Reckless Records
Live At The Proms 1970
(RECK 5)
Featuring Mike Ratledge,
Robert Wyatt, Hugh Hopper, &
Elton Dean. Available on album &CD.
Selection: “Out-Bloody-Rageous”
##A 14 355660 1137
##T Nu-Tone Records
Nu-Tone Records
On the afternoon of my last night to digitize from vinyl, my friends, Akal and Jim, came by with their first batch of three four-track EPs. I admired their matching sleeves, but I never listen to people’s music for the first time in front of them. Well, what should I do? Of course, I said I’d put them in the ROM. Really, I view their releases as representative of a much larger number of people across the land who are busy putting out their musical, and other artistic, self-expression on at least a semi-commercial basis. OPTION has plenty more in its ads and reviews. Realistically, they’re unlikely to ever grab the Western Hemisphere by its collective pop ear, but so what?
Ÿ OPTION — Jonathan E.
##A 14 356322 1138
##T Nu-Tone Records
Information free
Nu-Tone Records
208 Rose Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
##A 14 357302 1139
##T Nu-Tone Records
Selection: “Didn’t Have To Hide”
##A 14 357106 1140
##T Nu-Tone Records
Selection: “Runaway Girl”
##A 14 357877 1141
##T Nu-Tone Records
Selection: “Single Detail”
##A 14 455033 1142
##T Giorno Poetry Systems
Giorno Poetry Systems
Giorno Poetry Systems grew out of the Dial-A-Poem project. Most of their releases are compilations of the avant-garde artists of New York, although out-of-towners like the Butthole Surfers, Einsturzende Neubaten, Husker Du, and Frank Zappa are also to be found. David Johansen, now better known as Buster Poindexter, is on several. Spoken word and music are combined. The tone tends to be harsh, abrasive, and alienated; you know, aware, modern, and intelligent. That’s not to say they’re negative and uninvolved. Many of the artists have given their royalties to organizations helping people with AIDS. They also have videos, including
“Burroughs — The Movie.”
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 455379 1143
##T Giorno Poetry Systems
Catalog free
Giorno Poetry Systems
222 Bowery
New York , NY 10012
##A 14 456055 1144
##T Giorno Poetry Systems
SIDE ONE: DAVID JOHANSEN – Imaginatin’ Cocktail, 2:42; JOHN GIORNO BAND – Exiled In Domestic Life, 4:06; WILLIAM S. BURROUGHS – Dinosaurs, 5;50; PSYCHIC TV – Unclean, 5:50; LYDIA LUNCH – What Is it,
SIDE TWO: MEREDITH MONK – Candy Bullets and Moon, 4:09; JIM CARROLL – A Peculiar-Looking Girl, 6:20; ANNE WALDMAN – Uh-Oh Plutonium, 3:35; RICHARD HELL – The Rev. Hell Gets Confused, 2:22; ARTO LINDSAY – Alisa, 2:28.
Selection: “Dinosaurs”
by William S. Burroughs
##A 14 10743 1145
##T Giorno Poetry Systems
SIDE ONE: HUSKER DU – Won’t Change, 1:59; DAVID JOHANSEN – Johnsonius, 5:20; JOHN GIORNO BAND – Scum & Slime, 4:04; WILLIAM S. BURROUGHS – The President, Colonel Bradford, Every Man A God, 5:36; SONIC YOUTH – Halloween, 5:02.
SIDE TWO: CABARET VOLTAIRE – Dead Man’s Shoes, 6:05; DIAMANDAS GALAS – Excerpt; Eyes Without Blood, 2:42; COIL – Neither His Nor Yours, 2:48; MICHAEL GIRA – Game, 1:55; DAVID VAN TIEGHEM – Out Of The Frying Pan...., 2:15; JESSICA HAGEDORN & THE GANGSTER CHOIR – Tenement Lover, 6:45.
Selection: “Scum & Slime”
by John Giorno Band
##A 14 434572 1146
##T Tapes
##A 14 462004 1147
##T Music of the World
Music of the World
Music Of The World is a tape-only company with three types of releases: traditional world music, contemporary world music, and a series called Horizons: World-influenced Music. Everything I’ve heard from them has been well produced, interesting, and distinctive. The artists are among the best in their fields.
Recently they have collaborated with the World Music Institute on the Voices Of The Americas series. This is definitely a catalog to investigate if you have any interest in world music. They may soon expand to releasing CDs.
— Jonathan E.
Ÿ World Beat and Reggae
##A 14 462497 1148
##T Music of the World
Catalog free
Music of the World
PO Box 258
Brooklyn, NY 11209-0005
##A 14 463181 1149
##T Music of the World
JIM BOWIE — Banjoman (C205)
This recording features some of the most remarkable banjo music ever recorded. With his innovative techniques and eclectic stylings, Jim Bowie takes the banjo beyond his native American folk tradition, and into a new and exciting music form. “The most original and refreshing banjo music I’ve heard since Earl Scruggs.”
— Erik Darling, musician
Selection: “Bluegrass Jam”
##A 14 463513 1150
##T Music of the World
Original music by Peter Griggs (guitar, lute, computer synthesizer) with Iris Brooks (flute) and Glen Velez (percussion). The performers draw upon a number of unusual techniques such as multiphonics, harmonic singing and hand drumming styles from around the world. “His music sometimes shimmers along like Debussy.”
— Village Voice “Beautiful and accessible...a distinct recording of world music.” — John Schaefer (New Sounds, National Public Radio)
Selection: “Drum Dance”
##A 14 463788 1151
##T Music of the World
Peruvian Harp and Mandolin (T105)
This fine selection of traditional Peruvian folk songs was recorded in the ancient Incan city of Cuzco. The artists, blind street musicians, play the 33 string harp and 10 string armadillo-shell mandolin. Vocalizations are rendered in Quechua
(a native language) and in Spanish. These beautiful love songs and haunting melodies represent the strongest musical tradition in the Americas.
Selection: “Orgullosa Compapatanita”
##A 14 463907 1152
##T Music of the World
Cuban & Puerto Rican Music (T111)
On side one, Orlando Puntilla Rios and Nueva Generacion perform sacred Yoruba santeria music sung and played on Afro-Cuban drums and percussion. Side two boasts traditional Puerto Rican jibaro music by Israel Berrios and El Sexteto Criollo, and bomba and plena by Los Pleneros de la 21. Extended digital recording.
Selection: “Aichara Icha”
by Nueva Generacion
##A 14 464378 1153
##T Music of the World
VARIOUS ARTISTS — Cajun & Creole Music
These artists are among the best known living exponents of their music: Michael Doucel and Beausoleil, Dennis McGee, Sady Courville, Canray Fontenot and Bois-Sec Ardoin. Instruments featured: fiddle, guitar, accordion, mandolin, dobro, triangle, percussion and vocals. Extended digital recording.
Selection: “2-Step des Acadian”
by Beausoleil
##A 14 464483 1154
##T Music of the World
CARLOS LOMAS — From Malaga to Cairo (H304)
Carlos Lomas is a masterful interpreter of the flamenco guitar and an exciting composer. Together with his friends who play instruments such as Indian sitar, Middle-Eastern drums, flutes, banjo, and violin, he creates a very special type of world music with a flamenco flavor.
Selection: “Fiestas en Nuevo Mexico”
##A 14 464680 1155
##T Music of the World
Handdance: Frame Drum Music (H301)
Glen Velez is a master musician who is internationally recognized as an authority on tambourine history and playing techniques from around the world. On this recording he plays tambourines, mbira (African thumb piano) and utilizes harmonic singing.“...a multi-fingered rain forest of percussion.” — Washington Post
“Magic happens when he begins to play.” — Village Voice
Selection: “Handdance”
##A 14 10993 1156
##T Music of the World
Haitian Suite (C202)
Frantz Casseus, the genius of contemporary Haitian guitar music, became the first classical composer of his generation to draw inspiration from the African-derived traditional music of his homeland. Marc Ribot, a highly accomplished guitarist in his own right, interprets here the timeless and hauntingly beautiful melodies of his mentor and close friend.
Selection: “Simbi”
##A 14 162695 1157
Actually ROM have at least one release on vinyl (Rotondi) and everything is also available on CD, but they first came to my attention as a tape outfit, and this is where they fit best. Their first two All-Ears Reviews are wonderful compilations of music from independent labels; what so-called college or non-formatted radio stations would sound like if they lived up to their promises, instead of selling their souls to Hollywood’s version of progress and prostituting themselves for the music director’s post-college career. ROM’s other releases are an interesting collection of high quality musical gems that are too distinctive for major label homogenization processing.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 163425 1158
Catalog free
ROM Records
PO Box 491212
Los Angeles, CA 90049
##A 14 165648 1159
The Hottest New Sounds from African to Jazz to Rock to Zydeco
Bobs: Please Let Me Be Your Third World Country, Boyoyo Boys: Back in Town, Crazy Backwards Alphabet: Sarayushka-(La Grange), Downy Mildew: Frown Song, Hugo Largo: Grow Wild, Zakir Hussain, Hariprasad Chaurasia, John McLaughlin & Jan Garbarek: Water, Mekons: I Can’t Find My Money, Pianosaurus: (A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the) Toystore, Rockin’ Dopsie: Zyde-Cool, Rotondi: Poolside Polka, Tetes Noires: Pour More Water on Her, George, Ben Vaughn Combo: Jerry Lewis in France, Washington Squares: You Can’t Kill Me, Zasu Pitts Memorial Orchestra: I’ve Got to Use My Imagination
Selection: The Mekons: “I Can’t Find My Money”
##A 14 368289 1160
More of the Hottest New Sounds from African to Blues to Cajun to Rock
Balancing Act: We’re Not Lost, Blood on the Saddle: Born With a Hole in My Pocket, Bluesbusters: Holiday, Dissidenten: Telephone Arab, Fibonaccis: March to Heaven, Filé: Chanson de Mardi Gras, Game Theory: Chardonnay, Miracle Legion: Little Man, Oyster Band: Hal-an-Tow, Philemon Zulu: Woza Uzongibona Ekhaya, Silos: All Falls Away, Squalls: Night Train, Timbuk 3: Facts About Cats, Barrence Whitfield and the Savages: Apology Line, Wrens: Like Before
Selection: The Balancing Act: “We’re Not Lost”
##A 14 401746 1161
This marvelously witty and wacky L.A. band in a collection of self-written songs that define a new sound—accordion rock!
(Cassette and Compact Disk contain three Bonus Tracks from their first EP)
Selection: “Crime (Criminal)”
##A 14 369449 1162
Singing Out—Songwriters for the 90’s
Greg Brown, Lui Collins, Jon Gailmor, Eliza Gilkyson, Jane Gillman, John Gorka, Ted Hawkins, Patty Larkin, Christine Lavin, John McCutcheon, Bill Morrisey, Claudia Schmidt, Michael Smith, Jonathan Stevens, Cheryl Wheeler and Cathy Winter
Selection: John Gorka: “B.B. King Was Wrong”
##A 14 369852 1163
SANDY BULL — Jukebox School of Music
The legendary guitarist and instrumentalist has just completed recording original compositions as well as instrumental versions of songs by Stonewall Jackson, The Isley Brothers, Hank Cochran, Luis Bonfa, and J.S. Bach. Digitally recorded.
Selection: “Moodswing Salsa”
##A 14 469583 1164
ROIR throws into relief much of the music of the past ten years with its impressive collection of cassettes. There are compilations of otherwise long-lost punk singles, seminal live performances by important bands in the punk/New York world, some great reggae releases, especially strong in the dub department, and other curiosities of this subculture. Because of the original recording conditions not all of them sound like they just came out of a digital 48 track studio, but the tape is of excellent quality and the production is top of the line. All are at least full album length (35 to 96 minutes), the liner notes are by top critics, there’s four color graphics, colored cassette shells, and multi-panelled inserts chockfull of interesting information.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 469996 1165
Catalog free
611 Broadway
Suite 725
New York, NY 10012
##A 14 11459 1166
DURUTTI COLUMN — Live At The Bottom Line
[ROIR A–152]
Recorded live at the Bottom Line in New York City, October, 1986. Almost sixty minutes of superb Durutti Column with Vini Reilly, Bruce Mitchell and John Metcalfe. Sardonic liner notes by Tony Wilson of Factory Records. Songs are: Prayer, Arpeggiator, Our Lady Of The Angels, Pol in B, Miss Haynes, For Mother, Requiem, Jacqueline, Elevator Sequence, Missing Boy, Tomorrow.
“This is breathtaking and superbly enthralling music of world class caliber!!” – Neil Cooper, ROIR
Selection: “Our Lady Of The Angels”
##A 14 471004 1167
DUB SYNDICATE — One Way System [ROIR A–121]
Produced by U.K. dubmaster Adrian Sherwood for exclusive cassette release on ROIR. Michael Shore in his liner notes says, “Sherwood produces some of the world’s best dub music — funky, fun, scary and avant garde.” Sherwood has produced Pinski Zoo, Mothmen, Prince Far I, Vivian Goldman, New Age Steppers, and has been involved with top U.K. and Jamaican reggae, jazz and African performers. A first-class roster of eminent instrumentalists was assembled for Sherwood’s “One Way System” including Style Scott, Bingi Bunny, George Oban
(Aswad), Steely (Roots Radics), Vin Gordon and others. This is killer dub — play it loud!
Selection: “Soca”
##A 14 11977 1168
BUSH TETRAS — Wild Things [ROIR A–119]
NYC’s hottest funkiest “downtown band” with an immense devoted following. An urban erosion with the best rhythm section in America – jangling guitars, heavy dub bass sound and funk/reggae/disco rhythms. After successful singles and a Stiff EP, this is their very first album. Songs include Cowboys In Africa, Making A Mistake, Stare, Boom, Rituals, Enemies, Wild Thing, Submerging Nations, Two Many Creeps, and 5 more. Recorded live late 1982, and engineered by Joe Blaney (American engineer for the Clash!). Liner notes by Jeffrey Lee Pierce (Gun Club). Music & Sound Output called this tape “Funky and fiercely, teeth-grittingly danceable.”
Selection: “Too Many Creeps”
##A 14 12385 1169
THE MEKONS — Mekons New York [ROIR A–154 ]
Recorded in 86/87 during the band’s cross country tours. This is a very hot band with fans, critics, and radio. Compiled and edited by Jon Langford, the project from start to finish was a fun exercise. Band members are Jon Langford, Tom Green, Kevin Lycett, Sally Timms, Susie Honeyman, Robert Worby, Steve Goulding, Rico Bell. Songs and spoken/musical interludes are: Chicago Introduction, Big Zombi, Trouble
##A 14 12693 1170
Down South, My Body J.F.K. Part One, Slightly South Of The Border, The Story Of Nothing, Tex Rico, Flitcraft At The Iron Horse, Moby Dick/Shallow Bourgeois Smile, Dadaist Rhetoric In Boston, Prince Of Darkness with Michelle Shocked, My Body J.F.K. Part Two, Abernant 84/87, Tommy, San Francisco D.J./Audience Participation, I
Can’t Find My Money, Robert and Steven at the Heartbreak Hotel, The Shape I’m In, Hard To Be Human, Beaten and Broken at Garage D’Or, Not Long Ago, My Body J.F.K. Part Three, Shanty, My Body In Chicago, Revenge, Sophie, Chivalry. Running time:
60 minutes. Liner notes by Chuck Eddy.
“In the last four years the Mekons have released three albums and two EP’s that are among the finest records of the 80’s, fusing country and folk idioms into the energetic punk rock that they helped create, to express a sharp, individual view of the world we all have to live in.” — Puncture Magazine, Fall ’87.
Selection: “I Can’t Find My Money”
##A 14 8848 1171
Funk/Motown/Carnival high energy excursion into “down-home” gritty post-Stax/Memphis soul. Leader/bassist/vocalist Alonzo Gardner introduces a new gospel-tent thick-bottomed musical step forward! Liner notes by Greg “Ironman” Tate.
Tough, raw, brutal harmolodic funk a la James Brown mixed with Ornette Coleman/Jimi Hendrix. Liner notes by Gil Evans, producer of many Miles Davis albums. Tigers are eight pieces including trumpets/horns. This cooks, wails and jumps and is very danceable! Tims, 26, died three weeks before this cassette was released. Billboard: “built on a solid base of R&B, plus rock, reggae, and jazz – vibrant with energy.” Cashbox: “no precedent for this 8-song legacy of unbridled energy – seamier side of punk/R&B.” You must get this one!
Selection: “Poppa Got Bagged”
##A 14 9321 1173
The Negril Chill [ROIR A–155]
This is one of the greatest reggae party tapes to come out of Jamaica. Recorded at a live dancehall concert in Negril February 1987 on a 24 track mobile unit, Yellowman & Charlie Chaplin perform before a S.R.O. crowd of their core fans and “let loose” with no concern for major label crossover. This classic performance includes the
##A 14 19860 1174
songs: The Arrival, Feeling Sexy, Don’t Sell Yourself, Nuff Punany, Naw Breed Again, Under Gal Frock, Blueberry Hill, Reason With Entertainers, Gone A South Africa, Africa, Jah Mi Fear, Trouble Rosie, Old Lady, Listen Charlie, Same Way It Taste, Calypso Jam, Don’t Drop Yu Pants, Rent A Dread. Running time: 40 minutes. Liner notes by Amy Wachtel (The Night Nurse).
Selection: “Gone A South Africa/Jah Mi Fear”
##A 14 19314 1175
Rhythm Collision Dub Volume 1 [ROIR A–151]
“Ruts DC and the Mad Professor” is an exceptional collaboration between the band and one of the world’s great dub masters Neil Fraser
(“The Mad Professor”). It is the result of the band’s strong affinity to reggae, particularly dub.
“...The Ruts DC were naturals to produce a record as good as this. They’d been involved in Rock Against Racism, toured with Southall’s Misty In Roots, and even provided backup for ska/reggae hero Laurel represents the cross-fertilization in England between punk rock and Jamaican culture that occurred during the
mid-to-late 70s.” — Peter Wright (liner notes)
Selection: “Accusation”
##A 14 21119 1176
Often referred to as the East Coast Residents, the Sci-Ams were described by Billboard as “American post-Devo with dub reggae effects.” Electronic, humorous, danceable, giddy, melodic, crisp-quirky-intelligent. Boston Rock calls them
“a bathtub PiL with jive humor.” The Scientific Americans are skillful purveyors of punked-up dub, full of fury and lean and jerky. They never let go of the beat!
Selection: “Ball of Confusion”
##A 14 21645 1177
TELEVISION — The Blow Up [ROIR A–114]
At long last! Tom Verlaine and the historic crew (Billy Ficca, Fred Smith, Richard Lloyd) in one of the legendary bands of all time! 85 minutes of live performances
(1978) selected personally by Verlaine. Including over 15-minute versions of Marquee Moon and Little Johnny Jewel plus Satisfaction, Blow Up, See No Evil, Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Friction, Elevation, Prove It, I Don’t Care, Venus de Milo, Foxhole, Ain’t That Nothin’. Liner notes by Robert Christgau and John Piccarella. A double album length performance at our regular price! The Los Angeles Times says of this tape: “Leader Tom Verlaine spins some breathtaking, explosive guitar solos...and his interaction with guitarist Richard Lloyd is often spellbinding and electrifying.”
Selection: “Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door”
##A 14 128017 1178
SUICIDE — Half-Alive [ROIR A–103]
Half live, half studio, dating from 1974-79 with vocals by Alan Vega. Reprocessed from live and studio tapes by Martin Rev. Liner notes by Lester Bangs. The definitive Suicide with many songs recorded at Suicide’s Home Studio. Includes: Harlem II, Johnny Dance, Cool As Ice, Goin’ to Las Vegas, and more. “*****(five stars). Suicide are real, tough, disturbing, dance pulse, brilliantly unique.” — Zig Zag. Boston Rock says “There is nothing lulling and safe here. Exploration is the key. Unadulterated passion. Suicide is religion.” They paved the way for today’s synthesizer bands!
Selection: “Sister Ray Says”
##A 14 11580 1179
•THE RAINCOATS — The Kitchen Tapes [ROIR A–120]
A real score for ROIR! One of the U.K.’s most eminent/seminal “new wave” bands has selected ROIR and the cassette-only format to present their hottest album length material, recorded live at NYC’s prestigious avant garde Kitchen Center for the Performing Arts. Formed in 1977 and initially inspired by the Slits, the Raincoats have released two LPs on Rough Trade that were cult hits in the U.K., Europe and U.S.A. The band includes Vicky Aspinall, Gina Birch, Ana Da Silva, Richard Dudanski, Derek Godard, Paddy O’Connell. Songs include No One’s Little Girl, Balloonacy, Oh La La, Only Loved At NIght, I Saw a Hill, Mouth of a Story, The Boy, Shouting Out Loud, Rainstorm, Dance of Hopping Mad, Animal Rhapsody, Puberty Song, No Side to Fall In, Honey Mad Woman. Liner notes by Greil Marcus: “They seize the prosaic and fling it back with the intensity of a terrible quarrel.” Sounds UK described their music as a
“contradictory con(fusion) of glamour, feminism, personal politics, funk, sex, love and heartache.”
Selection: “No One’s Little Girl”
##A 14 135528 1180
BROTHER D AND SILVER FOX — Up Against the Beast [ROIR A–130]
A dynamic rapping/reggae excursion into roots street life by Brother D, the militant Bronx school teacher whose “How We Gonna Make the Black Nation Rise?” was a ghetto hit, and Silver Fox, an Afro-Chinese Rastfarian who is the most popular
“underground” DJ in New York’s Jamaican community. Very controversial Grenada War lyrics and very “rootsy.” Unlike anything you’ve heard before!
Selection: “How We Gonna Make the Black Nation Rise?”
##A 14 232040 1181
Live performances performed at the Peppermint Lounge and the 80’s. Mixed by Chance with liner notes by Glenn O’Brien. Includes: White Cannibal, That Old Black Magic, Money to Burn, King Heroin, Sophisticated Cancer and more. Great raw funk/punk/new wave by one of the greats who invented it. NME says: “The playing is great — whiplash hot, sax-playing brashly authoritative.” Boston Rock says: “This is how Chance is meant to be heard, live without studio perfection...the best Contortions release.” Joseph Bowie of DEFUNKT is on trombone. ROIR’s very first release and a classic new wave no-holds-barred funk transitional masterpiece!
Selection: “I Got You, I Feel Good”
##A 14 69886 1182
•THE DICTATORS — Fuck ’Em If They Can’t Take A Joke [ROIR A–102]
Early New York “heavy metal”! Probably the very best they have ever done. Wild and hairy. New York’s earliest great hope for punk supremacy recorded live at the Left Bank in February 1981. Reprocessed from live tapes by Adny Shernoff. Liner notes by Richard Meltzer. With “Handsome Dick” Manitoba, vocals, Ross the Boss (now with Manowar) on lead guitar, Adny Shernoff on bass and vocals. “Top Ten” Scott Kempner (now with Del-Lords) on rhythm guitar, Richie Teeter on drums and vocals. Includes: Next Big Thing, Science Gone Too Far, Weekend, Two-Tub Man, Borneo Jimmy, Minnesota Strip and more. Trouser Press chose it as one of the ten-best releases that year and said: “Pure relief. The bottom line here is hardness (as in any confrontation with NY’s first great hope for Punk Supremacy) and this cassette captures that.”
Selection: “Search & Destroy”
##A 14 468069 1183
##T Off Centaur Inc.
Off Centaur Inc.
Filk music is “the particular and peculiar music of science fiction fans” and that is what Off Centaur offers. This is not spacey electronic stuff; almost all of it is acoustic guitar, maybe some wind instruments, and singers singing of the wonders of intergalactic travel. Many of the artists are also science fiction writers. Cassettes are all they release because the length limitations of vinyl LPs were too restrictive. They also have some other items for sale such as bronze sculptures by Arlin Robins on science fiction themes, posters, songbooks, and a large selection of harp music. They have a couple of interesting sampler tapes to ease neophytes into the field.
— Jonathan E.
##A 14 468315 1184
##T Off Centaur Inc.
Catalog free
Off Centaur Inc.
PO Box 424
El Cerrito, CA 94530
##A 14 469242 1185
##T Off Centaur Inc.
Various Artists — Quarks & Quests (OCP 84)
Some of Off Centaur’s tapes feature the work of a single performer or songwriter, some are “theme” tapes assembled around a common topic. Finity’s End is a “universe” tape, containing songs based on the universe(s) invented by a single SF author — in this case, Hugo winner C.J. Cherryh. C.J. herself is a filksinger (she can often be
##A 14 66610 1186
##T Off Centaur Inc.
seen behind a guitar at conventions), she wrote four of the songs on the tape herself. Her tales of jump points and stations, of interstellar commerce and conflict, have also inspired other songwriters, including Leslie Fish, Mercedes Lackey, and Cynthia McQuillin.
“Pride of Chanur,” of course, is from the novel of the same name. Downbelow Station inspired the songs “Mazianni” and “Signy Mallory.” Other songs on the tape are
“Forty Thousand in Gehenna,” “Sam Jones” (a ballad by C.J. herself, not based on published work, of disaster on a high-vee starship), companion songs “Merchanter’s Luck” and “Luck of the Rileys” and the chilling “Serpent’s Reach.”
Selection: “Pride of Chanur” by Leslie Fish from Finity’s End
##A 14 469333 1187
##T Off Centaur Inc.
Various Artists — Free Fall & Other Delights (OCP 93)
Science fiction songs of love in space and other amusements, from the poignant to the absurd, the bawdy to the sublime. With performances
##A 14 11040 1188
##T Off Centaur Inc.
by Kristoph Klover, Cecilia Eng, Leslie Fish, Cynthia McQuillin, and Frank Hayes.
S.T.L. / Rocket Rider’s Prayer / Phantom Lover of the Stardrive / Molecular Clouds / Dawson’s Christian / Good Ship Manatee / Spaceman’s Dilemma / Luck is a Jade / Free Fall and Other Delights / Carmen Miranda’s Ghost / A Reconsideration ... (Zero-G Sex) / Another Brief Encounter / Unreal Estate / New Sins For Old / Space Station Annie / Golden Dream / Helva’s Song / Stuck Here.
Selection: “A Reconsideration of Anatomical Docking Maneuvers in a Zero-Gravity Environment (Zero-G Sex)” by Kristoph Klover & Ernie Mansfield
##A 09 8001 3
##A 09 31127 4
##T Traveling
##A 09 193673 5
I can’t think of anything more sure to change minds than traveling. Some advice about what to take: very little. Baggage is what you are supposed to leave behind. Take as little money as your wealth of time will let you afford. I’ve noticed that time-rich travelers come back more satisfied than money-rich travelers.
Ideal time to go: right now. Where: as far away as you can imagine
(hardly costs any more these days). How to prepare: I start with old National Geographics at the library, and then go hire out the new guidebooks on the shelf. I tell EVERYONE I meet what I’m doing, save any addresses I collect, and then actually startle the hosts by showing up.
##A 09 193918 6
I bring a small pocket album of pictures of my home and friends. I smile all the time. Everyone smiles back and then stares politely at my ignorance. Slowly they change my mind.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 09 98879 7
##T Lonely Planet Update Newsletter
Lonely Planet Update Newsletter
Inferior travel guides tend to dwell on architecture styles and the merits of larger hotels because these artifacts change slowly and information about them can be recycled with confidence. Not so with loose personal traveling. The former Tuesday open-air market is now on Friday. To keep alive and useful, the superior guidebooks published by Lonely Planet rely on mail from a legion of readers on the road to revamp each guide every other year. One year, print information out. Next year, information floods in, revised by users/readers on site. Third year, information edited by staff goes out again. That’s an uncommonly healthy respiration rate for a travel book. The result is a series of indispensable guides for remote and exotic places like Burma, Tibet, Papua New Guinea, Kashmir, Turkey, and Africa, to name a few.
##A 09 99255 8
##T Lonely Planet Update Newsletter
In between breaths, Lonely Planet funnels the best hundred or so update letters mailed in by traveling readers into a quarterly newsletter. This is the place to check for the latest gossip on border crossings, the el-cheapo hotels of choice, and a feel for current prices in Asia, Africa or South America. The latest issues have been overflowing with red-hot advice from independent travelers in Tibet.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 09 99338 9
##T Lonely Planet Update Newsletter
Sue Tan, Editor
(4 editions);$3.95 single issue. Catalog free from:
Lonely Planet Publications
112 Linden Street
Oakland, CA 94607
##A 09 99648 10
##T Lonely Planet Update Newsletter
There are plenty of other good restaurants in Lhasa, especially the Muslim places behind the mosque. Tibetan specialties are available everywhere in Lhasa — curd is 50 fen for half a kilo, sold in a glass jam pot. It’s delicious, incredibly creamy, just consider the green pastures all over the country! Tsampa (barley flour that you mix yourself with water, or if you are well-off, with butter-tea), tastes no worse than porridge. Most Tibetans live on it — it’s hard to find it in restaurants. Tchang is the local barley beer. At 10 fen a glass, you find it in open-air tents in the street. Excellent donuts can be found in the CAAC street, a few metres north of the office.
Jane Le Roux — France
##A 09 99972 11
##T Lonely Planet Update Newsletter
I spent a day in Paraguay. I got a visa OK but at the border they turned me back because I have a couple of Nicaraguan visas in my passport! Bastards! I returned to Port Stroessner and went to Asuncion anyway because no one seems to check your passport. Asuncion now has a long distance bus terminal for all long distance buses.
##A 09 105054 12
##T Lonely Planet Update Newsletter
Upper Volta
On our way back to Ouagadougou we stopped in the village of Nobili where the village chief allowed us to pitch our tent and we were offered food and millet beer in a friendly and pleasant atmosphere.
The second trip we took (recommended by the tourist bureau) was a tourist trap and should be avoided by anyone not interested in wasting time and money. I’m referring to Sabou and the ‘sacred crocodile lake.’ You’ll find one or two miserable, pacific crocodiles tormented by the local bastards for the pleasure of idiotic tourists. Moreover, you’ll be assaulted by a number of ‘guides’ asking for unbelievable amounts of money, and, you’ll have to pay for the crocodiles’ food plus a ‘tourist fee.’
##A 09 102908 13
##T The New York Times Practical Traveler
The New York Times Practical Traveler
When I have a travel question this is the expert I reach for. It’s a reference collection by the only decent newspaper travel columnist in the country, Paul Grimes at the New York Times. I use it when I want to find out how to charter a bus, or rent a car in Europe, or scare up some legitimate tricks for buying an around-the-world airline ticket. His conception of travel is admirably broad, and his facts well researched. To keep current you might check your local Sunday paper; his column is syndicated in many of them.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 09 103084 14
##T The New York Times Practical Traveler
Paul Grimes
1985; 412 pp.
ISBN 0812911520
$10.95 ($11.95 postpaid) from:
Random House
Order Dept.
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 09 103217 15
##T The New York Times Practical Traveler
A more common way to save money on domestic flights is to take advantage of what the trade calls flyover, point-beyond or hidden-city ticketing. For example, not long ago the normal one-way coach fare between San Francisco and Atlanta was $420 on nonstop flights of Delta or Eastern. But Delta was selling seats on the same flight to Tampa, Florida — a point beyond Atlanta — for $179. Thus, a San Franciscan bound for Atlanta could have saved $241 by buying a ticket to Tampa and simply leaving the plane at its first stop.
In the New York area, a forty-six-passenger bus equipped with a rest room will probably rent for $500 to $700 a day for transportation alone, depending on distance. Elsewhere the rates are probably cheaper.
##A 09 103564 16
##T The New York Times Practical Traveler
Contrary to what seems to be popular opinion, American embassies and consulates are not travel agencies, law offices, Red Cross stations, banks, or hostels for the weary of foot and empty of pocket. Their staffs will not change hotel reservations, post bail, tend the sick, lend money, or provide sleeping bags to ease the discomfort of sleeping on their foyer floors. American travelers’ expectations of what consuls can do can be extraordinarily high.
##A 09 197795 17
##T Globe
The drifters of Europe in the ’60s invented a contemporary form of education: extended world travel. At about $3000 per year, all adventures included, it is still the cheapest college there is. As a guide to what is offered, Globe, the newsletter of the Globetrotters Club, is consistently the best tutor for long-term travel. Ramblers just back from around-the-world-tours file meaty debriefings on conditions and prices in, say, Timbuktu, or Norway. Globe prints them quickly before they decay. Unlike Lonely Planet Newsletter they also review books, supply a place to advertise for travel-mates, and cover tripping in Europe and the
U.S. (exotic if you don’t live here). With genuine club spirit, you can contact other members overseas for on-the-spot inquiries. Gather no moss (or ivy). — Kevin Kelly
Ÿ Cultural Exchange
##A 09 197931 18
##T Globe
Barbara Macanas, Editor
(6 issues) from:
The Globetrotters Club
London, WC1N 3XX UK
##A 09 198463 19
##T Globe
Campmobile Around the World
Tom and Beverly Tarnow (California) have recently completed a four-year around the world trip covering 102 countries. They drove their campmobile through Europe, Africa, South America, North America, Australia (Asia by airplane). They say they are willing to offer supporting correspondence about overland experience with a VW campmobile through the less developed areas of South America and Africa: Algeria, Nigeria, Zaire, Kenya, South Africa.
##A 09 107167 20
##T Globe
Beside me a woman scooped a repulsive mixture from an unemptyable mammoth bowl into the half dozen plastic dishes which made up her customers’ tableware. Her clientele squatted, their feet in the filth and debris like mine, on low wooden benches. Between their legs one of thousands of itinerant moped repairmen tinkered with a rattley engine, occasionally firing it to noisy unsilenced life to add to the throat-rasping fumes that enveloped us all. In this inventive economy I needn’t worry: if anything broke on the BMW I could soon find someone to mend or copy or improvise.
##A 09 168209 21
##T Multinewspapers
Before leaving town on extended travel or moving to a new home, check out your destination by reading its local newspaper. Local newspapers fill in details like no other travel reading can, and you can get an idea of the most current prices for things from the ads. This service has great rates and a global selection. Their random selection service would be one way to spice up your mailbox.
— Bud Spurgeon
##A 09 168656 22
##T Multinewspapers
Brochure free from:
Box DE
Dana Point, CA 92629
##A 09 2613 23
##T The Pocket Doctor
The Pocket Doctor
Covering everything from jet lag to animal confrontations while on safari, Steven Bezruchka, an emergency room doctor and author of A Guide to Trekking in Nepal, has put together a nifty little handbook jammed with practical medical information for travellers. At the price, this booklet should be as indispensible as your phrase books.
—Candida Kutz
Ÿ Where There Is No Doctor
##A 09 6463 24
##T The Pocket Doctor
(Your Ticket to Good Health While Traveling)
Stephen Bezruchka, M. D.
1988; 96 pp.
ISBN 0898861659
$2.95 postpaid
The Mountaineers
306 Second Avenue West
Seattle, WA 98119
##A 09 159013 25
##T The Pocket Doctor
Even the most vigilant traveler may encounter loose and frequent stools . . . . When you first encounter this problem, note whether you have a fever, severe cramps, or blood or mucous in the stools. If these more serious signs are NOT present, then it is likely you have so-called traveler’s diarrhea. Attending to hydration alone will usually take care of the problem in three to five days, or even sooner . . . The oral hydration fluids, especially Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) recommended by the World Health Organization, are best . . . In many third-world countries it can be purchased in powder packets to be made fresh . . . Individuals could also purchase the ingredients and mix it themselves if they have access to a scale to weigh out the quantities. Or a pharmacist could do it. The recipe is: glucose 20 g., sodium chloride
(table salt) 3.5 g., sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) 2.5 g., and potassium chloride 1.5 g., all mixed together in a packet. Add one of these packets to a liter of drinking water and you have the magic potion.
##A 09 17748 26
##T Traveling Light
##A 09 155497 27
##T Easy Going
Easy Going
Hard-to-find travel guides to offbeat places in the world. Budget travel, exploring on your own, and going by various modes— bicycle, foot, train. Easy Going offers a supplemental catalog of travel maps. Check with them for getting hold of maps of particularly obscure foreign locations.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 09 155988 28
##T Easy Going
Catalog $2 from:
Easy Going
Mail Order Dept.
1400 Shattuck Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94709
##A 09 156336 29
##T Easy Going
Sanyo Rechargeable Shaver—Recharges on 110v and 220v. Small and lightweight. If fully charged, will perform for about seven 3-minute shaves. Comes with sideburn trimmer, cleaning brush and carrying case. Requires adapter plugs for foreign travel
(see section on Converters & Adapters.) $39.95
Holland—Is apparently the best place to buy a vehicle in Europe. Change of ownership is easy, and there are plenty for sale. An old VW van can still be had for $400; or $800 will get you a good one.
##A 09 108476 30
##T Easy Going
Do’s And Taboos Around The World
Avoid the cultural blunders and misunderstandings that plague the uninitiated. Just about every faux pas the well-meaning traveler might make is anticipated and handled —everything from gift-giving to body language. $10.95.
##A 09 107411 31
##T Easy Going
Expandable Tote.
Featherweight nylon shoulder bag folds quickly and easily into its own pouch. Opens to 21" x 15" x 8". Absolutely essential! $9.95.
##A 09 119128 32
##T The Tropical Traveller
The Tropical Traveller
For lack of a better book on traveling in the tropics, I suggest this one. It’s a little short on the effects of hot climate, equatorial terrain, and tropical disease, but it’s long on the difficulties of zipping through materially poor societies, which, unfortunately, most tropical countries are these days. You get an honest picture of on-the-road life in an underdeveloped country.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 09 119503 33
##T The Tropical Traveller
John Hatt
Updated Edition 1985; 267 pp.
ISBN 0330288512
£2.95 ( £3.30 postpaid) from:
Pan Books, Ltd.
CS Department
P. O. Box 40
Basingstoke, Hants,
##A 09 119601 34
##T The Tropical Traveller
Travellers should take an antiseptic cream. I would never travel without a tub of Savlon (which contains cetrimide). It is safe, soothing, cleansing, and non-greasy and is useful for a wide variety of skin ailments and sores, as well as the usual cuts and scratches. Even a sore anus, which is often caused by bad attacks of diarrhoea, is soothed by this versatile cream. It is a good idea to take a few sachets of antiseptic wipes. You may have to cope with cuts (say on a bus trip in the Indian desert) when you can’t find clean water.
In my earlier years of travelling, I wasted far too much time and money on shopping-sprees: hoovering up “antiques,” clothes, knick-knacks—almost anything. Somehow, buying was part of being abroad. I then reacted against this, and always returned home empty-handed. Now, it amuses me to search for just one object which captures best the spirit of the country I’ve visited.
##A 09 35452 35
##T Let’s Go: Europe
Let’s Go: Europe
Each summer a select band of Harvard students tramps Europe rewriting the next edition of this reliable classic. It’s a two-decade-old tradition that requires them to completely revise and dazzingly outdo the previous edition. Even if you are not intending to zoom around the entire continent, buy this rotund book and razor-blade out the sections you won’t get to, keeping what you need.
You’ll still have the most economical guide to economical hotels and eating places in Europe you can get. Lively and accurate. They did their homework well. A-plus job. The Harvard students have an expanding line of country-specific guides (Italy, Greece, etc.), equally dependable.
— Kevin Kelly
Ÿ Bicycle Touring
##A 09 35589 36
##T Let’s Go: Europe
(The Budget Guide to Europe)
Harvard Student Agencies
1988; 841 pp.
ISBN 0312014554
$11.95 ($13.45 postpaid) from:
St. Martin’s Press
175 Fifth Avenue
17th Floor
New York, NY 10010
##A 09 37758 37
##T Let’s Go: Europe
Finding a place to sleep in Segovia [Spain] is seldom a problem, even in August, since so many travelers mistakenly limit Segovia to a daytrip. The area surrounding Plaza Mayor has the highest concentration of places.
Albergue Juvenil, Paseo Conde de Sepulveda (tel. 42 00 27). An unofficial hostel. A great place to stay—quiet, uncrowded, close to town, few rules, and no lockout. 325 ptas [about $2.50]. Open July-Aug.
Casa de Huespedes Velarde, Pl. de Guevara, 3 (tel. 43 16 99), near the Trinidad Church. Flowers on the windowsills and the cheapest in town—arrive early. Singles 500 ptas [about $4.50], doubles 900 ptas. Showers 125 ptas.
##A 09 172178 38
##T Traveling Cheap
##A 09 144671 39
by Peter Moree, at Sea (Mediterranean)
I live aboard my steel 36-foot ketch and sailed around the world of late, hence my story: There’s an easy way to hitch rides on yachts from ocean to ocean.
Every year about 700 yachts sail from Europe to the Caribbean and approximately 300 sail from the U.S. west coast to Tahiti, etc. Generally these yachts go away for a year but a small percentage
continue around the world. About 60 to 80 yachts cross the Indian Ocean each year.
Yachts are almost always crewed by couples or men only and are
##A 09 145018 40
short of crew for the longer passages. No experience is necessary, just taking turns in keeping lookout for big ships (call your skipper when in doubt).
I’ve sailed from Europe via Panama to such places as Easter Island, Tonga, Australia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Jakarta, Sudan, etc. To get to some places the only way is by private boat.
Yachts travel with the trade winds preferably and also in warm climates. This means they go west. Most land travelers go via Boeing 747 and go east. Here might be a conflict.
How to find yachts: Cruising yachts generally have the following
##A 09 145404 41
characteristics (nice when you’re looking around in Los Angeles): foreign flags, wind-vane steering gear, generally sturdy appearance, laundry of the people who live on board hung out to dry.
Cost: Share food costs. This seems normal. I charged $50 a week for food and lodging and took care of all harbor dues, oil, propane, etc. Some people still think this is expensive. (Nobody realizes
that with depreciation, insurance, maintenance, and operating expenses, my boat ends up costing $50 a day.)
The best way to approach a skipper is to state that you’re not the seasick type (check this out) and have money to share food and
money to travel home in case of emergency. Show your proof in
##A 09 145582 42
traveler’s checks. Generally be helpful with work, cooking, etc. on board. With a bit of luck, a good skipper will teach you the ropes as well as navigation. Go for a week’s trial if the route and time permit.
Leave the boat at the appointed end of your joyride. The ship is also the skipper’s home and, as you will experience, affords little privacy. Boating is the last freedom left, but hassles with official permits, paperwork, visas, etc. are getting worse, especially in the so-called “free world.” Still, it is beautiful to share the experience.
Ÿ Directory of Sail Training Ships and Programs
##A 09 143672 43
by Stewart Brand
Use a sign.
Have a map.
Look like who you want to pick you up.
Wait where it’s easy for drivers to see you and stop.
Be of use to the driver, or at least no bother.
Don’t take it personally when they don’t pick you up. See it
as their problem.
Stay on the curb, and off freeways. Don’t rob or murder or
rape anybody; it makes it hard for the rest of us.
##A 09 169350 44
##T Vagabonding in the USA
Vagabonding in the USA
Without hyperbole, there is no country in the world better suited to vagabonding than the USA. We are, in a real sense, a nation of vagabonds, without roots. This book is a nonstop encyclopedia of vagabonding visions, methods and tips by a master gypsy. It’s about finding a shower along the way, hopping small airplanes, travelling back roads, being free, and looking at America like you never lived here before (and if you haven’t, this book is perfect for foreign visitors). It’s about possibilities.
— Kevin Kelly
Ÿ Living in the U.S.A.
##A 09 169716 45
##T Vagabonding in the USA
Ed Buryn
Revised Edition 1983; 424 pp.
ISBN 091680402X
$10.95 ($12 postpaid) from:
Ed Buryn
P. O. Box 31123
San Francisco, CA 94131
##A 09 169769 46
##T Vagabonding in the USA
If you don’t know where you’re going, you’re there.
— Anonymous
The thesis of this book is that traveling on the loose and on the cheap is about the least boring way to spend your time. Not knowing where you’re going, you pay more attention to where you are, wherever that is. This time it’s the U.S.A., a place you’d better pay attention to.
Time Versus Money: We say that time is money, meaning both are valuable. Both are a form of power. Usually there is a reciprocal relationship between them; that is, abundance of money seems to go along with shortage of time, and abundance of time with shortage of money. Money is the wealth of the materialist, and works miracles in the realm of the physical. Time is the wealth of the pilgrim, and works miracles in all realms.
##A 09 170043 47
##T Vagabonding in the USA
Stop and ask someone if they know of an inexpensive place to stay. The key to doing this successfully is in picking the right person to ask. If you’re a student or young person, ask someone who looks like you. Frequently, another good person to ask is a policeman. Often he’ll be familiar with the worst places, and can steer you away from those, at least. Ask him about bunking in the city jail for a night; this often works, especially in small towns. Cab drivers are also good sources.
Credit cards, the sure sign of being middle class, are more useful to vagabonds than anyone else. They may brand you as being bourgeois, but look at it this way: you probably are. Vagabonds sometimes sport an air of irresponsibility; they sometimes need to prove their respectability, or bail themselves out of a jam. For this, a credit card is a sure winner. Moreover, simply owning one doesn’t cost you anything. No matter how I travel, I always bring at least one of the three major kinds of credit
cards: oil-company card, bank card, and executive card.
##A 09 172634 48
##T International Youth Hostels
International Youth Hostels
A membership in the American Youth Hostels lets you stay at more than 200 inexpensive hostels in the U.S. and something like 5,000 more around the world. You’ll meet all sorts of other travellers, exchange lies, make alliances, and perhaps modify your plans after hearing of some more interesting option from someone who’s just been there. The two international handbooks have some mediocre general tips on trip planning and travel; their main use will be the comprehensive listing and descriptions of all the hostels in each country and their associated customs. I can tell you from considerable experience that hosteling can be a good way to go, especially if it’s your first time out. You only need to be young at heart; all ages are welcome.
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ International Workcamps
##A 09 172881 49
##T International Youth Hostels
(listed on next card) available from:
American Youth Hostels/National Office
P. O. Box 37613
Washington, DC 20013
202-783-6161 or call your local AYH Council/Agency/Hostel
##A 09 173132 50
##T International Youth Hostels
American Youth Hostels Handbook
255 pages; $5 ($7 postpaid)
free with AYH membership.
International Youth Hostel Handbook
(Volume 1: Europe and Mediterranean)
1986; 325 pp.
(Volume 2: Africa, America, Asia, Australasia)
1986; 186 pp.
$6.95 each ($8.95 postpaid).
##A 09 160319 51
##T Freighthopper’s Manual
Freighthopper’s Manual
Making a big comeback with college age. “Yeah Ma, I’ll be home for Thanksgiving. Uh, no I don’t know when I’ll be getting in.” Cheap travel, real adventures, often good company. Some lines and yards are still too hot, but many a railroad is operated largely by aging hippies these days, who will help you. A fine little book, all you need.
—Stewart Brand
##A 09 162091 52
##T Freighthopper’s Manual
Daniel Leen
1981; 95 pp.
ISBN 0902743198
$6.95 ($7.95 postpaid) from:
Daniel Leen
P.O. Box 191
Seattle, WA 98111
##A 09 164989 53
##T Freighthopper’s Manual
“When you’re running on the ground you’re in one frame of reference, and when
you’re in the boxcar you’re in another. But when you’re leaving one and not yet in the other—that’s reality!”
##A 09 172477 54
##T Freighthopper’s Manual
A fringe benefit of freighthopping: aesthetic enjoyment
##A 09 175990 55
##T Work Your Way Around the World
Work Your Way Around the World
This book should help you find work overseas if what you have in mind is odd jobs or seasonal work. The lucrative gigs are landed in Europe and North America. There’s little that can be predicted about more exotic corners like Africa and Asia, but what is known has been rounded up here. What you really want to know, of course, is how much you can make. This is nicely covered together with
working conditions, seasons, and addresses when possible.
Usual employers that hire travelers are described in much detail— all you need to know about picking apples in Australia, for instance. Honest first-hand accounts by other workers who have survived overseas employment keep the Ultimate Romance strapped into reality.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 09 176265 56
##T Work Your Way Around the World
Susan Griffith
Third Edition 1987; 383 pp.
ISBN 090763897X
$10.95 ($12.95 postpaid) from:
Writers’ Digest Books
1507 Dana Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45207
##A 09 176393 57
##T Work Your Way Around the World
Apple-picking is notoriously unrewarding for the beginner. Claire Mansfield picked apples for one day in March near Myrtleford, Victoria, Australia. After working with a partner for six hours, three bins of apples had been filled. The piece rate was $7.50 for one bin. Neither room nor board was provided so they gave it up as hopeless though if they had stayed longer their speed could certainly have increased. . . .
Rob Kay did much better in the apple harvest around Donnybrook and Manjimup in Western Australia. By his seventh week of apple-picking (early May) he was able to fill 28 bins at $9 per bin, in 7 hard days of work. He stayed with the harvest for a full ten weeks and easily earned enough for his air fare to London. He doubled
his speed between the first and last days, so his perseverance was rewarded.
##A 09 177030 58
##T International Employment Hotline
International Employment Hotline
There are two ways to work your way around the world. One is to travel until you meet a job you like, then stick with it until
you’re rich enough to breeze across the border to the next one.
(See Work Your Way Around the World.) The other, more sure, is to bank on a skill you have and sign yourself up before you leave. Inflexible employees picture overseas “assignments” as hardship; should you have an opposite view check out this newsletter—a monthly summary of international opportunities. It’s an honest, up-to-date bulletin board of employers with specific needs for people or bunches of people. The jobs are real. You contact the potential boss yourself from the address and phone number printed in the newsletter. Any skill you have is needed somewhere, including the remarkable ability to speak English. Most overseas jobs of this
##A 09 177262 59
##T International Employment Hotline
type require you to stay two years. That’s just enough time to stash away a comfortable pile of dough, exhaust the local pleasures, and be ready to move on.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 09 177547 60
##T International Employment Hotline
Will Cantrell, Editor
ISSN 07488890
(12 issues) from:
International Employment Hotline
P. O. Box 6170
McLean, VA 22106
##A 09 177846 61
##T International Employment Hotline
EGYPT Publications Director—for divisions of the American University in Cairo Press, including AUC publications, AUC printshop, the University bookstore and duplicating center. Applicants should have broad management experience in publishing, good administrative abilities and an entrepreneurial spirit.
The AUC, 866 United Nations Plaza Rm. 517, New York, NY 10017.
INDONESIA Specify the job title and job number, and send your resume to: Mr. Leo Michael, c/o Resources Management International, Inc., 2000 L Street NW, Suite 200, Washington, D.C. 20036.
Electrical Design Engineer — with BSCE and strong background in AC/DC control, circuits, materials and class, pertaining to petroleum industry installations. Experience in instrumentation control and design applicable to petroleum production and shipping operations is also required. Job #851216
##A 09 177999 62
##T International Employment Hotline
JAPAN English Teacher—to set up curriculum and teach conversational English to employees of leading hi-tech firm. Applicants must be state certified. Will be based in Japan for 2 year contract. Send resume to: Sumitomo Electric USA, Inc., 551 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10022.
##A 09 178577 63
##T How to Be an Importer and Pay for Your World Travel
How to Be an Importer and Pay for Your World Travel
Just what the title says. The whole story is in this readable and wise book.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 09 178885 64
##T How to Be an Importer and Pay for Your World Travel
Mary Green and Stanley Gillmar
1979; 192 pp.
ISBN 0898151805
$6.95 ($8.20 postpaid) from:
Ten Speed Press
P. O. Box 7123
Berkeley, CA 94707
##A 09 179060 65
##T How to Be an Importer and Pay for Your World Travel
Many small museums have shops attached to them with items for sale from all over the world. You may be able to interest them in some of your purchases. The people working there most frequently are easy to approach as they are often there in a volunteer capacity. We find such people often have a real interest in the store
and its merchandise.
##A 09 47625 66
##T Adventure Travel
##A 09 118026 67
##T World Status Map
World Status Map
It’s always been unwise (though often possible) for international travelers to ignore political and economic difficulties in countries they visit; nowadays, increasingly volatile situations suggest that a little extra pre-trip research may be in order. The World Status Map uses information from the State Department, World Health Organization, the National Center for Disease Control, and news services to produce a monthly report of travel advisories, warnings, war zones, and danger areas for travelers. Included along with a war-zone map is updated information on passport, visa, health, and other requirements around the world, which has never before been available from a single source.
— Steve Cohen
##A 09 118374 68
##T World Status Map
Earl May, Editor
Latest copy $4.50 from:
World Status Map
Box 466
Merrifield, VA 22116
Also available electronically.
##A 09 138878 69
##T Earthwatch Research Expeditions
Earthwatch Research Expeditions
Want to participate in a real scientific expedition? You can by joining one sponsored by this group. Yeah, you have to pay instead of them paying you, but many agree that the money is well spent— you’ll learn a lot (including how to do an expedition). Looks interesting! You have to be between 16 and 75 years old.
- J. Baldwin
Ÿ Adventure Learning
##A 09 139157 70
##T Earthwatch Research Expeditions
Membership $25/year
(includes 7 issues
of Earthwatch Magazine,
ISSN 87500183)
Information free from:
680 Mount Auburn Street
P. O. Box 403
Watertown, MA 02272
##A 09 139314 71
##T Earthwatch Research Expeditions
Field conditions: Sturdy volunteers will dig in the cut and around the unexplained building, carefully brush skeletons clean, draw finds, and wash pottery. The team will live and eat in a Spartan 17th-century hall at the Repton School, a two-minute walk from the site (rooms for married couples are available). The school’s staff will prepare all meals. The hard work this summer will pay off in tangible and potentially very exciting finds about early monastic, royal, and Viking life at Repton. Related interests: European history, anatomy, pottery, mapmaking.
##A 09 109479 72
##T Earthwatch Research Expeditions
Field Conditions:
Avoiding the worst heat of the day, volunteers will alternate work outside under a shelter with sorting, cataloguing, drawing, photographing, and fitting fragments together in a variety of locations. Patience and a strong visual sense are essential, as is a strong back. Photography or drawing skills will be appreciated. The 2,000-foot altitude keeps humidity low; hot days and cooler nights make for a near ideal climate. A hotel in Copan, one mile from the site, provides lodging and a local restaurant serves Central American fare. Puzzling out Maya history will prove totally absorbing.
Related interests: puzzles, social history, iconography, photography, drawing. Share of costs: $1,295.
##A 09 109000 73
##T Earthwatch Research Expeditions
The head of a crocodile lies next to one of his feet at the base of a stairway in Copan’s acropolis. The significance of crocodiles to the Maya lay in their connection to Water, which represented the underworld; humans lived in the middle world, between the underworld and the heavens, on the back of a crocodile floating in a pond.
##A 09 139823 74
##T Mountain Travel
Mountain Travel
An unusually wide range of trips and unusually inviting catalog distinguish Mountain Travel among the many new adventure-brokers. Their mouth-watering catalog has swelled into a fat informative book. You go on a couple of these organized trips and pretty soon you’re organizing your own.
— Stewart Brand
I study this thoroughly as I plan my own trips because I figure their leaders have scouted the area for the most interesting routes and if they can move a dozen desk-bound tourists with luggage along it, I can do it myself with a backpack.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 09 140335 75
##T Mountain Travel
Catalog $5 from:
Mountain Travel
1398 Solano Avenue
Albany, CA 94706
##A 09 141357 76
##T Mountain Travel
After a three-day visit to Lhasa, capital of Tibet, we drive for two days by truck to southeastern Tibet, arriving by road at Namche Barwa Base Camp at 9,000 feet.
##A 09 101097 77
##T Mountain Travel
Peru: Vendor in Cuzco’s marketplace/Pam Shandrick
##A 09 142708 78
##T A Connoisseur’s Guide
A Connoisseur’s Guide
Although I’ve never joined a hired adventure tour, I have many friends who’ve gone to some of my favorite exotic places that way, and they had nearly as good a time as I did. The adventures you can buy are quite sophisticated—very small groups, highly informed guides, experienced schedules, and lots of choices. To aid shopping among these choices, check out this paper database of 2,000 unusual trips led by pro guides. You select a journey by place, by mode (bicycle, canoe, hiking, etc.) and by the date it all happens. Say, for example, you dream of cruising in a four-wheel-drive through the Sahara in January. Well, you’ve got a couple of possibilities here. Though it needs updating , the information is
still enough to get you going.
—Kevin Kelly
##A 09 97421 79
##T A Connoisseur’s Guide
(Unusual Trips for the Discriminating Traveler)
Suzi Kobrin
1985; 325 pp.
ISBN 0934545502
$19.95 ($21.95 postpaid) from:
ZapoDel Inc.
P. O. Box 1049
Del Mar, CA 92014
##A 09 32425 80
##T Americas
##A 09 161713 81
##T The Hot Springs Gazette
The Hot Springs Gazette
“Stalking the Wild Hot Springs” might be an appropriate subtitle for these funky periodic booklets. The game is to find out and get into one of the thousands of undeveloped wild hot springs that hide in yonder hinterlands (look for a plume of steam on the horizon).
It’s not as easy as it sounds and that makes for good adventure.
These booklets are directories to known hot spots, complete with
reports from sundry hotspringers who have actually dipped in, on where the waters are, how to get there from your car, what the bottom is like, what the temperature is, is anybody around?
There’s also lots of questing stories and poolside yarns about stalking the Ultimate Wild Bath. Occasionally there are testimonies of soaks in extra-national hot springs but, in the
##A 09 147175 82
##T The Hot Springs Gazette
main, access is to North American hot baths.
The editor of Hot Springs Gazette chattily comments on the bathable springs.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 09 161823 83
##T The Hot Springs Gazette
Roger Phillips, Editor
ISSN 09836507X
(4 issues) from:
The Hot Springs Gazette
12 South Benton Avenue
Helena, MT 59601
##A 09 108781 84
##T The Hot Springs Gazette
Take Idaho 22 out of Cascade on 25 miles of good paved road with gentle grade toward Warm Lake (sound good?). Crossing the South Fork of the Salmon River, turn right on Forest Road 474 (ed. note: closed in winter). About 1.2 miles south notice a pulloff and a sign about fishing. A little trail leads to the river and Molly’s Hot Spring. A little soaking pool by the river is supplemented by a pair of bathtubs and a plastic hose stuck in the water vents. There is also a bucket, which you will realize the need for if you jump into the uncooled water from the tap. Deluxe camping right there on a little island. A truly pristine site — please take care of this one. 5 stars.
##A 09 162600 85
##T The New Improved Good Book of Hot Springs
The New Improved Good Book of Hot Springs
For rediscovering the many untamed hot springs not mentioned by other sources, you’ll need The Good Book, a geological listing of all known hot springs west of Kansas. The data was compiled by George Berry et al., and printed by the government. Not to be confused with an earlier, less comprehensive list by Gerald Ashley Waring, also printed by the government and warmly known as the Good Book, now out of print. Berry’s list gives the map coordinates and topo map name where each spring is found (they are still remarkably arduous to locate). Many of the entries are merely boiling trickles.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 09 163067 86
##T The New Improved Good Book of Hot Springs
(or Thermal Springs List for the Western United States)
____________________________________________________________6 Downata Hot Springs. Commercial warm swims and hot soaks. No nudes. 4 miles
Southeast of Downey.
7 Woodruff Hot Springs. South end of Malad. Commercial but funky hot soaks.
Gazette #3-1/2.
8 Miracle Hot Springs. 10 miles Northwest of Buhl. Outdoor hot swims and soaks.
Nudity in private areas.
##A 09 97685 88
##T The People’s Guide to Mexico
The People’s Guide to Mexico
The best 360° coverage of traveling and short term living in Mexico going. Reading the book is almost like being there and going through the problems, pleasures and wonders of dealing with a new environment, new people and new ways of doing things. But by golly, every page, every step of the way you’re learning something. Carl is candid, and leaves few, if any, questions unanswered in telling you how to handle just about everything: border crossing, driving in Mexico, public transportation, hitching, camping, indigenous living (living on the beach, building a hut, stove, digging a well, etc.) and scrounging for food, renting a house, legal hassles, communication services, car repairs, the language and customs, cantinas and whorehouses, buying things, and so forth. A fantastic book and well written.
— Al Perrin
##A 09 97905 89
##T The People’s Guide to Mexico
This book has probably compelled more people to visit Mexico than all the travel agents in the world combined. Although updated recently, you won’t find the usual menu of prices, hotel names, and places to see; you’ll need a different kind of guidebook for that.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 09 98059 90
##T The People’s Guide to Mexico
Carl Franz
Revised Edition 1988; 656 pp.
ISBN 0912528990
$13.95 ($16.70 postpaid) from:
John Muir Publications
P. O. Box 613
Santa Fe, NM 87504
##A 09 98509 91
##T The People’s Guide to Mexico
The Mexican custom of packing up the entire family for a Christmas or Easter vacation at the beach has created a large number of rental houses and apartments designed for groups. These are generally known as bungalos and cabanas. Because most are fully equipped, from linen to kitchen utensils, they can be ideal for the foreign tourist. This is especially true for people with children, who don’t want to be cooped up with them in a hotel room or forced to rent two rooms to get a little privacy.
##A 09 43735 92
##T The South American Handbook
The South American Handbook
This small, hardbound, fine print book is absolutely packed with information on South and Central America, the Caribbean, and Mexico. For each country there are maps, information on climate, geography, history, food, holidays, and best of all, city by city and town by town— how to get around, what to see, and where to stay and eat. Furthermore, the Handbook isn’t just for ricos. It includes listings for good 50-cent meals and two-dollar-a-night hotels with hot water. For most of us, the “how to get around”information is most valuable: what bus lines to take (and which to avoid), which border crossings are easiest, what to expect on long train rides (pack food), and which little airlines go where.
— Lynn Meisch
##A 09 43941 93
##T The South American Handbook
John Brooks, Editor
Sixty-fourth Edition 1988 13541pp.
ISBN 0900751266
$28.95 ($30.95 postpaid) from:
Simon & Schuster
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan NJ 07675
##A 09 45048 94
##T The South American Handbook
Travel in Bogota, Colombia: Flag buses down; no stops to speak of. Bus fares are US$0.15, busetas charge US $0.30. Green buses saying TSS (i.e. unsubsidized) are more expensive. Urban buses are not good for sightseeing because if standing—as likely as not —you can’t see out. Most scenic route, is 149 “Capilla — via La Calera,” which starts on Cra 14 (Av. Caracas) with Calle 68 and goes up into the mountains to the east of the city. A metro is under consideration.
##A 09 47574 95
##T Africa and Asia
##A 09 120139 96
##T Africa on a Shoestring
Africa on a Shoestring
The best guides to Africa. On a shoestring, on foot, and on wheels
(by VW van) across the Sahara.
— Kevin Kelly
Ÿ Lonely Planet Update Newsletter
##A 09 120775 97
##T Africa on a Shoestring
Geoff Crowther
1983; 368 pp.
ISBN 090808689X
$14.95 ($15.95 postpaid) from:
Lonely Planet Publications
112 Linden Street
Oakland, CA 94607
##A 09 33529 98
##T A Guide to Trekking in Nepal
A Guide to Trekking in Nepal
You can hike in the Himalayas on your own, without porters, without a tent, without carrying food, for less than $5 per day with this book as your only guide. Wearing dumpy running shoes, I used it to walk to the base camp of Mt. Everest and beyond to rarely visited valleys, without getting lost.
— Kevin Kelly
Ÿ By the same author: The Pocket Doctor
##A 09 33787 99
##T A Guide to Trekking in Nepal
Stephen Bezruchka
Fifth Edition 1985; 352 pp.
ISBN 0898860946
$10.95 postpaid
The Mountaineers
306 Second Avenue West
Seattle, WA 98119
##A 09 72356 100
##T A Guide to Trekking in Nepal
During the day’s walk, you may pass through several villages and farming areas, cross major rivers, climb to the crest of one or more ridges, and descend down into the valleys again. When trekking without a guide, it is necessary to constantly ask the name of the current village and the way to the next village. There are few trail signs in Nepal, and finding the route is a matter of asking the way as the Nepalis do. Indeed, Nepali people traveling in unknown areas are constantly asking the way and exchanging news.
##A 09 34455 101
##T A Guide to Trekking in Nepal
Getting a haircut in Tatopani.
##A 09 34723 102
##T A Guide to Trekking in Nepal
Swings are set up around
the festival of DasAAI.
##A 09 38647 103
##T China
Now that China’s leaders have adopted a new “open door” policy towards the outside world, travel possibilities have loosened up in the People’s Republic. Individuals can simply go to Hong Kong, pick up their own visas, and slip across the border. The main problem involved with this kind of solo travel has been that without a guide it is often difficult to find one’s way around the country, since few people speak fluent English. Here’s 800 pages of help for anyone who wants to know how to take buses, boats, and trains on their own, where to find inexpensive lodging, and how to get outside the deep ruts left by the juggernaut of tours now swamping China. The guide’s two Australian authors have written a witty, up-to-date, and enormously informative guide for adventuresome people (like themselves) who want to travel about
##A 09 2090 104
##T China
China and Tibet as the spirit moves them.
— Orville Schell
Ÿ Audio-Forum (Languages)
##A 09 39405 105
##T China
(A Travel Survival Kit)
Alan Samagalski, Michael Buckley
& Robert Strauss
Second Edition 1988; 819 pp.
ISBN 086442003X
$17.95 ($18.95 postpaid) from:
Lonely Planet Publications
112 Linden Street
Oakland, CA 94607
##A 09 39695 106
##T China
It’s worth hanging onto cheap room or dormitory hotel receipts—the fact that
you’ve been allowed to stay cheaply at some other hotel will weigh in your favour at the next place you’re trying to get cheap accommodation. Likewise, hang on to any Chinese-price tickets you happen to buy.
##A 09 40304 107
##T China
Deciphering a train ticket: This tourist-price rail ticket is for a hard seat on train No. 143 from Wuhan to Yeuyang. The train travels a total distance of 238 railway KM and the ticket is valid for two days. Total price is Y8.60, of which Y1.40 is the express train supplement. The triangular-bottomed stamp in the bottom right-hand corner of the ticket shows the train number and the time of departure.
##A 09 40742 108
##T South Pacific Handbook • Indonesia Handbook
South Pacific Handbook • Indonesia Handbook
A sumptuous feast of detail. On one page, a map of the routes of Fiji passenger ships; on another, the stamps of the Solomon Islands; on another, the cost of the hot dogs in Honiara. Essentials, bonuses: all here, all extraordinarily accurate and up-to-date. In American Samoa, where I live, South Pacific Handbook has scooped even the most inventive island travelers. The best guidebook this road junkie has seen anywhere.
Even more than for its accuracy or its graphics, I value this book for its ethics. On the first page, Dalton and Stanley stress that theirs is a book for the traveler, not the tourist. They decry the tourism that debases, distorts, and leeches upon the traditional island cultures.
##A 09 41568 109
##T South Pacific Handbook • Indonesia Handbook
They list in the book the basic facilities used by the people themselves. They urge open exchange between traveler and host:
“You not only learn more and spend less but you actually become part of the country while you’re there.” I only wish more guides were as sensitive to the impact of their words.
There is a companion guide called the Indonesia Handbook—worth checking into if you’re headed that way.
— Robert Brock
##A 09 42662 110
##T South Pacific Handbook • Indonesia Handbook
South Pacific Handbook
David Stanley
1986; 578 pp.
ISBN 0918373050
$13.95 ($16.95 postpaid) from:
Moon Publications
722 Wall Street
Chico, CA 95928
##A 09 73566 111
##T South Pacific Handbook • Indonesia Handbook
Indonesia Handbook
Bill Dalton
Fourth Edition 1988; 1,100 pp.
ISBN 0918373123
$14.95 ($16.45 postpaid) from:
2929 Fifth Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
##A 09 42910 112
##T South Pacific Handbook • Indonesia Handbook
Mauke: There’s a good beach on the E side at Arapaea landing, but the best beaches are on the S side of the island. Especially inviting is the beach at Anaokae, where a long stretch of clean white sand rings a green lagoon. This piece of paradise is flanked by rugged limestone cliffs, and backed by palm, pine, and pandanus. A short track leads down to the beach. No one lives on the S or E sides of Mauke, so these fine secluded beaches are ideal for those who want to be completely alone. There’s good reef walking at low tide on the W side of Mauke.
##A 09 74200 113
##T South Pacific Handbook • Indonesia Handbook
The zebra or lionfish (Pterois volitans) is among the most toxic in the Pacific. Its striking red coloration and long spines may be nature’s warning.
##A 09 21155 114
##A 09 51424 115
##T Bicycle Technology
##A 09 15965 116
Long stagnated by a tradition of being traditional, bicycle designers and makers have awakened at last. The results are encouraging: new ideas are being tried, excellent steeds can now be had for a reasonable price, and bikes in general have become more competent. About time.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 18384 117
##T Bicycling Science
Bicycling Science
For 16 years this book has been the best place to learn the engineering principles of bicycle design. The information is solidly backed by extensive lab and field testing, yet is presented in a jargon-free, easily understood manner. All aspects of the bicycle are covered, including the rider and bike/rider relationship (the
“ergonomics”). If you’re considering the construction of a bike or HPV( Human Powered Vehicle), or are just curious about your mount, this is lesson one. To keep up with bicycle technology, see Bike Tech (next item).
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 18677 118
##T Bicycling Science
Frank Rowland Whitt & David Gordon Wilson
Second Edition 1982; 364 pp.
ISBN 026273060X
$10.95 ($12.20 postpaid) from:
The MIT Press
Attn: Ordering Dept.
55 Hayward Street
Cambridge, MA 02142
##A 09 19063 119
##T Bicycling Science
Calderazzo feed back brake system. When handbrake is operated, rear brake is carried forward on slider against spring, actuating front brake simultaneously. If bicycle starts to pitch forward, rear wheel is no longer rotated by road surface, and front brake is released.
##A 09 20423 120
##T Bike Tech
Bike Tech
Technical articles, innovation, and a vigorous reader response make this thin-but-lively magazine a good place to keep up with what’s coming next.
- J. Baldwin
##A 09 20602 121
##T Bike Tech
Bruce Feldman, Managing Editor
ISSN 07345992
(6 issues) from:
Bike Tech
33 East Minor Street
Emmaus, PA 18098
##A 09 20844 122
##T Bike Tech
DuPont’s New Twist in Composite Fibers: The DuPont Company, well-known to cyclists as the maker of Kevlar high-tensile fabrics and Nomex honeycomb, announced plans to become a full service supplier of all the components needed to produce fiber-composite structures. This includes adhesives, resins, yarns, woven fabrics, and design/testing services, according to Mike Bowman, director of DuPont’s composites group. DuPont recently purchased the carbon-fiber production facilities of Exxon Enterprises (source of the ill-fated Graftek G1 bikes of the mid-’70s), and is now developing several low-cost Kevlar and carbon hybrids. If you are designing bicycle frames or other components that use structural composites, you should probably be in touch with DuPont. For a copy of DuPont’s “Access Guide” to composite materials, or a subscription to the KEVLAR UPDATE newsletter, contact Jim Mondo, Recreation Products Group, DuPont Composites Venture, Center Road, Wilmington, DE 19898.
##A 09 101453 123
##T Bike Tech
Place grease fittings for pedals on the dust cap or the middle of the pedal body at one of the arrow points.
##A 09 19352 124
Join the International Human Powered Vehicle Association, and you automatically get a subscription to two outstanding publications devoted to people-as-engines. HPV News covers the latest developments and competitions; the quarterly Human Power hits the technical aspects. These are lively journals with an air of pioneering about them. The people involved are trying everything imaginable in the search for more efficient transportation. Controversy abounds. Innovation abounds. Hot-blooded spirit abounds. Just what you’d expect on a frontier. And it’s not only bicycles; there are many boats and even a few aircraft. By the way, did you know that a human on a bicycle moves from place to place more efficiently than any other animal ?
- J. Baldwin
##A 09 19645 125
David Gordon Wilson, Editor
ISSN 08986908
Membership $18/year (US)
(includes 4 issues of HPV News and Human Power);$20 Canada and Mexico; $25 elsewhere.
International Human Powered Vehicle Association (IHPVA)
P.O. Box 51255
Indianapolis, IN 46251
##A 09 19840 126
##T Human Power
Prior to designing my first recumbent, I measured myself. (Married people, or those with steady “opposites” have an advantage in this process.) I then made a scale cutout of each portion of my body (head, torso, upper and lower leg, feet, upper and lower arm, and hands), with an overlap at each end. The parts were then fastened with straight pins at the pivot points. Then by drawing potential designs to the same scale
(1-to-8 was the one I used), I could trace the outline of my body in various positions on the bike.
##A 09 19971 127
##T Human Power
Spex for the UTE
Wheelbase 72.0"
Track 39.5"
Height 48.5"
Width 46.5"
Length 122.0"
Transmission 21 speed
Low gear 8"
High gear 88"
Empty weight 95 lbs
##A 09 13769 128
##T The All New Complete Book of Bicycling
The All New Complete Book of Bicycling
Well, it’s not quite all new, but it is extensively updated from
the previous (and good) editions. This isn’t just a repair book— virtually everything likely to affect bike and rider is covered.
It even gets into elementary frame straightening and painting.
If you’re going to have just one bike book around to help, this one
is it.
- J. Baldwin
##A 09 13949 129
##T The All New Complete Book of Bicycling
Eugene A. Sloane
Revised Edition 1988; 736 pp.
$14.95 ($16.40 postpaid) from:
Simon and Schuster
Order Dept.
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 09 14233 130
##T The All New Complete Book of Bicycling
Various tests have been made pedaling with and without toe straps and toe clips. Most of the test results show that with toe clips and straps you increase pedaling efficiency about 40 percent. My own experience bears this out. But just because you have toe clips and straps, and even cleats on your shoes (which you must have to achieve this added efficiency) you are by no means guaranteed this improved efficiency. Clips and straps alone, even with cleats, will do little for you unless you learn to pedal correctly, so that you pull up with one foot as you press down with the other.
##A 09 222207 131
##T The All New Complete Book of Bicycling
Bicycle racing in the 1890s—an unusual action shot (The Bettman Archive).
##A 09 213329 132
##T Bicycle Forum
Bicycle Forum
John Williams, the editor of this little magazine has long been the loudest and most credible voice of bicycle safety in the U.S. He has a lot to say about the rights of cyclists in general, too. His ideas are not without controversy, but I note that over the years he has turned out to be right, and his proposals accepted. This is also where you get the (proven) instructions on how to set up a bike safety program in your community. Good , provocative necessary stuff, especially for planners.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 213998 133
##T Bicycle Forum
John Williams, Editor
(4 issues) from:
Bicycle Forum
P.O. Box 8308
Missoula, MT 59807
##A 09 214510 134
##T Bicycle Forum
John Williams: Hand signals do seem to be particularly important to people who are interested in bicycle safety, but not terribly knowledgable.
John Forester: Right. And, while I’m not seriously against signalling, I’m against bad signalling. For example, if the road surface and the traffic situation are bad enough that you really have to keep your hands on the handlebars, I’m against sticking your arm out a second at a time, pulling it back in for three and sticking it out again. I think that misleads motorists about what you intend to do.
But I make a point of not teaching signalling simply because it has been overdone. If you start teaching it, people insist on believing that it has magical properties. I want to teach cyclists to look and be sure they know what they’re going to do and know whether it’s safe to do it. I can leave it up to somebody else to talk about signalling because everybody else does. I’ll teach them what is necessary for their own safety, for proper operation.
##A 09 21828 135
##T Bicycle Sources
##A 09 21254 136
##T Sutherland’s Handbook for Bicycle Mechanics
Sutherland’s Handbook for Bicycle Mechanics
If you have your bike shop do the work, you don’t need Sutherland’s. But they do. This is the only place where you can find out which parts will interchange with other brands, models, and years. Or what spoke length you need to build a particular wheel. Or how to deal with the innards of intricate mechanisms. Just what you need if you’re working up a human-powered vehicle (HPV) or custom job. The book is a model of clarity.
- J. Baldwin
Ÿ Anybody’s Bike Book • The Bike Bag Book
##A 09 21536 137
##T Sutherland’s Handbook for Bicycle Mechanics
Howard Sutherland, et al.
Fourth Edition 1985; 308 pp.
ISBN 0914578065
$49.50 postpaid from:
Sutherland’s Bicycle Shop Aids, Inc.
P. O. Box 9061
Berkeley, CA 94709
##A 09 230031 138
##T Sutherland’s Handbook for Bicycle Mechanics
##A 09 214953 139
##T Third Hand Cycle Tools
Third Hand Cycle Tools
If these folks don’t have the bike tool you want, you probably don’t need it. That includes all the fancy specialized stuff used by professional builders and repair shops. There are lots of books offered too. The nicely illustrated catalog is a rarity—it explains the use of most items so you can decide what you need without bluffing. The Third Hand crew enjoys a reputation for humor and fast service. They have a Ski Tool catalog too, by the way . . .
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 215256 140
##T Third Hand Cycle Tools
Catalog free from:
The Third Hand
P. O. Box 212
Mount Shasta, CA 96067
##A 09 215640 141
##T Third Hand Cycle Tools
##A 09 251060 142
##T Third Hand Cycle Tools
##A 09 17014 143
by J. Baldwin
The best place to buy a bicycle is at your local dealer where a good fit can be assured. But if you know what you want, buying by mail can save you money—sometimes lots. Here are three outfitters
we’ve come to trust:
Bike Nashbar and Performance Bicycle Shop both stock an astounding variety of bicycles and associated items, including clothing, but not necessarily the same brands. I’d look at both catalogs. Our experience with their mail-order service has been good.
##A 09 17256 144
For those of you that don’t have access to a high-class, knowledgable mountain bike shop, Mountain Bike Specialists carries a tasty mail order selection of the best mountain bikes and associated equipment, all tested locally under bad conditions by some of the sport’s hardest riders. The store even stocks snow tires! Their product choices and advice closely match my experience.
##A 09 17519 145
Bike Nashbar
Quarterly catalog $2
Bike Nashbar
4111 Simon Road
Youngstown, OH 44512
##A 09 200708 146
Performance Bicycle Shop
Catalog free from:
Performance Bicycle Shop
P.O. Box 2741
One Performance Way
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
##A 09 201314 147
Mountain Bike Specialists
Catalog $3 from:
Mountain Bike Specialists
340 South Camino Del Rio
Durango, CO 81301
##A 09 31694 148
-Mountain Bike Specialists
##A 09 87302 149
##T Terry Precision Bicycles for Women
Terry Precision Bicycles for Women
One reason you don’t see more women on bicycles is that the typical men’s bike doesn’t fit the typical woman very well—most
women’s bikes are derived from men’s-bike geometry. Georgena Terry to the rescue, with a line of nicely made machines appropriately proportioned for women of various sizes and shapes.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 88697 150
##T Terry Precision Bicycles for Women
Catalog and dealer list
$2 from:
Terry Precision Bicycles for Women, Inc.
140 Despatch Drive,
East Rochester, NY 14445.
##A 09 216295 151
##T Burley Lite Bicycle Trailer
Burley Lite Bicycle Trailer
You can tow 100 pounds of kid or cargo in the Burley Lite bicycle trailer. Axle hitch makes it more stable than others.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 218220 152
##T Burley Lite Bicycle Trailer
Catalog free from:
Burley Design Cooperative
4080 Stewart Road
Eugene, OR 97402
##A 09 249427 153
##T Burley Lite Bicycle Trailer
##A 09 52137 154
##T Bicycle Touring
##A 09 23351 155
##T Freewheeling
Touring on the open road is different from going to the supermarket. This book will get you started just fine, both with advice and encouragement. The advice covers what you’d expect— equipment, weather, safety, and where to stay at night. The encouragement is enhanced by the book’s readability. There’s not a trace of racing snobbery here. It’s just what you need to know.
- J. Baldwin
##A 09 23739 156
##T Freewheeling
(Bicycling the Open Road)
Gary Ferguson
1984; 204 pp.
ISBN 0898860474
$8.95 postpaid
The Mountaineers Books
306 Second Avenue West
Seattle, WA 98119
##A 09 23918 157
##T Freewheeling
No matter what the manufacturer may claim about his panniers, assume they will leak in the rain! Treating the seams of new panniers is of course recommended, but protection of your equipment from inclement weather should go much further.
To begin with, line each pannier with a heavy-duty garbage bag (the 13-gallon size will do nicely). It’s not a bad idea to then load clothes and delicate equipment into separate smaller bags, just in case the large one should get torn.
##A 09 24125 158
##T Freewheeling
Rain Factoring
There’s a fairly simple technique the cyclist can employ to make a rough estimate of the influence that rain may have on a particular trip. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration publishes a list of cities and their average number of days with precipitation for each month of the year. October in Seattle, for instance, has an average of 13 rain days, or nearly one-half of the month. If a cyclist is determined not to ride in the rain at all, he would have to allow at least three or four layover periods for every week of Seattle-area riding. October in San Francisco, on the other hand, averages five days of rain, or roughly one-sixth of the month. Here, you could reasonably hope to keep layover days down to one or two a week.
##A 09 24730 159
##T Bikecentennial
Born ten years ago, Bikecentennial has become a sponsor of
organized bike tours, a lobbying force, and the best source of bicycle touring maps. It’s the maps that are special; they’re drawn with the biker in mind as they indicate the best routes through both country and urban tangle.
- J. Baldwin
##A 09 24971 160
##T Bikecentennial
Catalog free from:
P. O. Box 8308
Missoula, MT 59807
##A 09 25354 161
##T Bikecentennial
Bikecentennial prints detailed maps for these routes as well as many more modest tours.
##A 09 25685 162
##T Anybody’s Bike Book • The Bike Bag Book
Anybody’s Bike Book • The Bike Bag Book
This friendly beginner’s fix-it book remains the best of its kind for the average nonmechanic rider. It’s like having a kindly uncle at your side urging you to be brave and clever. The Bike Bag Book is a physically smaller version you can take with you on the road.
- J. Baldwin
Ÿ Sutherland’s Handbook for Bicycle Mechanics
##A 09 26088 163
##T Anybody’s Bike Book • The Bike Bag Book
Anybody’s Bike Book
(An Original Manual of Bicycle Repairs)
Tom Cuthbertson
Third edition 1984; 215 pp.
ISBN 0898151244
$7.95 ($8.95 postpaid) from:
Ten Speed Press
P. O. Box 7123
Berkeley, CA 94707
800-841-2665; 415-845-8414(CA)
##A 09 201556 164
##T Anybody’s Bike Book • The Bike Bag Book
The Bike Bag Book
(A Manual for Emergency Roadside Bicycle Repair)
Tom Cuthbertson and Rick Morrall
1981; 129 pp.
ISBN 0898150396
$2.95 ($3.95 postpaid) from:
Ten Speed Press
P. O. Box 7123
Berkeley, CA 94707
800-841-2665; 415-845-8414(CA)
##A 09 26802 165
##T Anybody’s Bike Book • The Bike Bag Book
Hub, exploded view.
— Anybody’s Bike Book
##A 09 27100 166
##T Anybody’s Bike Book • The Bike Bag Book
Last ditch wheel straightening.
— The Bike Bag Book
##A 09 14738 167
##T Bicycle Guide
Bicycle Guide
It has a masthead that reads like a Who’s Who of bicycling. It has articles covering a wide range of bicycling matters—not just racing and body building. The writing has a personal taste to it.
- J. Baldwin
##A 09 14972 168
##T Bicycle Guide
Theodore Costantino, Editor
ISSN 0889289X
$14.90/year (9 issues)
Bicycle Guide
P. O. Box 55729
Boulder, CO 80322-5729
##A 09 15251 169
##T Bicycle Guide
The Browning Automatic Transmission will soon be available for mountain bikes. The firearms maker recently showed a triple chainwheel (28, 38, 48 tooth) version of their system. It uses multiple front chainwheels like a derailleur system, but instead of a derailleur shoving the chain sideways, the chainwheels hinge to divert it, much like a railroad switch. Since the system is constantly engaged, you are actually in two gears at one time when you shift, so the chain can carry a full load at all times. Our man John Schubert comments that the Browning shifts effortlessly even under heavy load. A two-speed BMX version is currently available, and the mountain bike version should be out in 1986. Contact Browning at 105 West 2950 South, Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 for more details.
##A 09 97031 170
##T Bicycle Guide
A taste, perhaps, of things to come: The Stephan and Sharp Monocoque presents a narrow edge to knife through the wall of air. Its admirable aero shape resembles little that has come before, yet the continuum of the bicycle is evident in its every curve.
##A 09 98754 171
##T Bicycle Guide
A last few strokes in the big chain ring and I fold myself onto the top tube, pedals horizontal, knees gripping the top tube, hands far from the brake levers. Even coasting, my bike gains speed.
##A 09 53140 172
##T Unusual Bikes
##A 09 219349 173
##T Dahon Bicycles
Dahon Bicycles
Why a folding bike? Two main reasons: they store compactly out of reach of thieves, and they can be with you under circumstances where a fullsize bike can’t, such as in the trunk of a subcompact car, on a bus, airplane or yacht. I’ve taken mine (not a Dahon) canoeing downriver and ridden it back to get the car. Despite tiny wheels, good folders whiz right along just like a big bike. (Dahons have been successfully raced). Dahon has grabbed the market for folding bikes, and deservedly so; it exemplifies the trend towards easy folding, good road manners, and cleverness. It folds smallest of any. It’s available in stainless steel for use around saltwater. The price is reasonable. I’ve only one gripe: the 30 lb. weight is a bit much.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 219857 174
##T Dahon Bicycles
$190- $359;
Information free
DaHon California, Inc.
2949 Whipple Road
Union City, CA 94587
##A 09 220164 175
##T Dahon Bicycles
Dahon E205 five speed
folded size 10.3"x18"x 28"
unfolding time 9.4 seconds
weight 31.7 lbs.
adjusts to fit nearly any child or adult
##A 09 235805 176
##T Dahon Bicycles
Dahon E205 folded
##A 09 52711 177
##T Alex Moulton Bicycles
Alex Moulton Bicycles
Probably the state of the art in bicycles, the AM utilizes a supple suspension to enhance roadholding and ride comfort. Small wheels permit a low center of gravity for stable load carrying, and combine with a clever take-apart feature to give compact storage. Models available for touring, racing and commuting. One model has a wind-cheating fairing. You have to ride one to believe how good it is.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 52880 178
##T Alex Moulton Bicycles
Price range $1029- $1800
Alex Moulton Ltd.
Bradford on Avon
Wiltshire BA15 1AH
U.S. dealer: 2-Wheel Transit Authority
401 Main Street
Huntington Beach, CA 92648 714-848-2004
##A 09 53281 179
##T Alex Moulton Bicycles
Moulton’s windshield cuts air drag 20%. Low racks give stable ride with load.
##A 09 54808 180
##T Worksman Cycles
Worksman Cycles
Getcha Good Humor vending tricycle with cold-box here, folks! You can also find a wide range of other heavy-duty (heavy is the word)commercial trikes and bikes . Most of the ones you see on the job come from here. This company has made ’em like they used to since 1898.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 55172 181
##T Worksman Cycles
Catalog $2
Worksman Trading Corporation
94-15 100th Street
Ozone Park, NY 11416
##A 09 55603 182
##T Worksman Cycles
The Worksman Standard Platform Tricycle can truck up to 500 lbs., plus rider, (on level territory).
##A 09 22114 183
##A 09 55394 184
##T Cars
##A 09 87557 185
by J. Baldwin
Like it or not, most of us need a car. We rent, hire, borrow, ride in, or buy them—new and used. A used car can be a good deal. A thorough overhaul typically costs less than the INTEREST on the payments of a new one. That goes for old, unfashionably fat jobs too. They can be had cheap, and will often cost less to own than new models that get better gasoline mileage. If you’re on a budget, miles per dollar counts more than miles per gallon.
If a new car is what you need, I recommend a front-wheel-drive machine whose characteristics have been deemed desirable by Consumer Reports. If you need lots of room, a Dodge or Plymouth
##A 09 87991 186
minivan is worth a look. This front wheel drive vanlet vehicle behaves more like a car than a truck, gets decent gas mileage, and makes efficient use of its modest exterior dimensions. You can buy one as an empty , one-passenger “tin bin’’ or in various gussied-up versions seating as many as eight. The other minivans are merely small trucks and drive that way.
Four wheel drive is another interesting development, not in its usual heavy-duty boulder-crawling form, but as an accessory on an otherwise normal passenger car or station wagon. The 4x4 option gives a reassuring sure-footedness on slick roads, and a remarkable ability to hustle through snow and mud. There’s a small penalty in gas mileage, and they do cost more to buy and service. Worth it if you live where things get slick. Such machines
##A 09 88074 187
are available in all price ranges—from Honda Civic wagon to Audi
If you buy a sensible car (and note that these days such a car need
not be a boring dullard), order a wagon or a model with folding rear seats and a hatchback—that layout uses the limited space most efficiently. Get a light color; a white car will be about 35 degrees cooler than a black one on a hot day, and thus may make expensive air conditioning unnecessary. If low-cost transport is your goal, I’d bypass the recent mini-cars and go for a base model of a common small hatchback such as Honda Civic or Toyota Tercel. They’re surprisingly good these days. In fact, most cars are significantly better in all respects (except being easy to work on at home) than they have ever been.
##A 09 205826 188
The surprisingly sophisticated Honda Civic wagon is typical of better modern small cars: lively, quiet, and well-behaved. It’s the same length as the famed VW Beetle, but has about 40 percent more space inside. Gets about twice the gas mileage too. Also available as 4x4.(About $9000-$11,000.)
##A 09 90675 189
##T Drive It ’Till It Drops
Drive It ’Till It Drops
If bottom-line costs are your main concern, then an older model makes a lot of sense; keeping the oldie going can often save you thousands of dollars. This chatty book is full of good information that remains true in principle despite being a bit out-of-date with prices.
- J. Baldwin
##A 09 91029 190
##T Drive It ’Till It Drops
(How to Keep Your Car Running Forever)
Joe Troise
1980; 117 pp.
ISBN 0897080246
$6.95 postpaid
and books
702 South Michigan Street
South Bend, IN 46618
##A 09 91168 191
##T Drive It ’Till It Drops
When a schedule says to install a “new” something or other, that means new and not rebuilt. Some automotive components, like alternators and starters, can be rebuilt with a high degree of success, but others, such as carburetors and water pumps, are much more likely to last if they are installed as brand-new units. This is the voice of experience talking.
##A 09 95649 192
##T Drive It ’Till It Drops
The year of your car is a very important consideration in deciding whether or not to restore it. As far as I’m concerned, the very best automobiles were manufactured between 1955 and around 1970, give or take a few years. Now when I say best, I mean reliable on a day to day basis. Cars made before 1955 are usually a little overweight, running on a feeble 6 volt electrical system, and powered by an inefficient flathead engine. While these characteristics are charming in some respects, they don’t fit well in the world of the 1980’s. Cars made after 1970 or so tend to be severely burdened with assembly defects, loss of quality control and very complex emissions controls. Many domestic cars built in the mid 1970’s also enjoy eating rather large amounts of gasoline.
##A 09 111250 193
##T Drive It ’Till It Drops
What’s In A Name?
Answer: Plenty. The make of car you are considering for restoration is very important, not only because of reputation (and hence value in the used car market) but also for spare parts availability. Therefore, a General Motors product in the domestic category, or a Big Two Japanese automobile in the foreign division (Toyota, Datsun) are the most desirable manufacturers, keeping in mind of course that even these makes have created some “lemons.” Ford, Chrysler, Jeep, Volkswagen and Volvo are also acceptable. Makes other than these are risky to restore. For instance, in the year 1985, spare parts for a 1968 Saab or a 1968 AMC product will be difficult to find, and no doubt expensive as well.
##A 09 86644 194
##T The Car Buyer’s Art
The Car Buyer’s Art
Would you be willing to work hard as an actor for $500 an hour? That’s about what you’ll “make,’’ tax free, if you follow the advice given here the next time you buy a car or other high-ticket item. This is definitely not just another boring How-To-Buy-A-Car effort. It is no less than a military manual on assault of a dealership. The instructions are very explicit, right down to a minute-by-minute script in some cases. When we bought a car recently, we used most of the strategies given here and took it for about $2,000 less than anyone else we know, so we can vouch that the suggestions work. It’s rare to see insider’s information available in so useful a form and I recommend this book highly. It even has an exam at the back (with answers) so you can practice.
- J. Baldwin
##A 09 86955 195
##T The Car Buyer’s Art
(...How to Beat the Salesman at His Own Game)
Darrell Parrish
Revised Edition 1985; 183 pp.
ISBN 096123220X
$7.95 postpaid from:
Book Express
P. O. Box 1249
Bellflower, CA 90706
Companion audio tape free with book purchase from publisher.
##A 09 87269 196
##T The Car Buyer’s Art
Turnover in the car selling profession is high. Because of this, a young salesman is very likely to be a new salesman, which is exactly what you want. Here’s why. Being new in the business, he will lack the hardened “take ’em to the cleaners at all cost’’ attitude of the more experienced veteran. Along the same lines, his persuasive skills will probably not be fully developed. And finally, remember, he is keenly aware that in order to remain employed he must sell cars. In order to accomplish this and gain an initial foothold in the profession, there’s a good chance he’ll work his heart out for you and settle for a sale “on the books’’ even if the commission is small.
##A 09 221405 197
##T Consumer Reports Guide to Used Cars
Consumer Reports Guide to Used Cars
There are several decent how-to-buy-a-used-car books on the market, but none can compare to this one. Here’s why: Consumer
Reports polls thousands of readers to assess their real-life
experience with various car models and years. The result is a
trustable list of goodies and baddies, year by year, and what you should expect to pay. Brief road tests of recent models help you decide what you need. It’s another truly useful service from the unbiased (though tending to be a bit straight-laced) crew at Consumer Reports. Heed their advice, and your chances of getting a good deal are greatly increased.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 240917 198
##T Consumer Reports Guide to Used Cars
Editors of Consumer Reports Books with Alex Markovich
1988; 534 pp.
ISBN 0890432228
$8 ($11 postpaid) from:
Consumer Reports Books
540 Barnum Avenue
Bridgeport, CT 06608
##A 09 51886 199
##T Hemmings Motor News
Hemmings Motor News
This meaty monthly is one of the best places to buy or sell cars and parts from the past. Everything from completely restored
(expensive!) machines to unhappy piles of rusty artifacts is offered. Lots of books and parts stashes too, plus a calendar of auctions and shows. Today’s complex and unfixable cars have made working up an oldie more attractive. Here’s where you can get a good start.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 220571 200
##T Hemmings Motor News
Dave Brownell, Editor
$19.95/yr (12 issues) from:
Hemmings Motor News (HMN)
Box 100
Bennington, VT 05201
##A 09 221148 201
##T Hemmings Motor News
##A 09 100450 202
##T Classic Motorbooks
Classic Motorbooks
You need a reprint of the factory shop manual for ’57 Chevy pickups? Or would you like to find some decent books on converting your vehicles to alcohol? Or how about a place which carries Bentley, Haynes, Clymer, Chilton, and Autobook workshop manuals for popular models? All of this, and a lot more you never thought about, is available from Classic Motorbooks. They claim to have the world’s largest selection of automotive literature; if you don’t believe it, take a look at their catalog. I’ve been doing business with Classic Motorbooks for quite a number of years now, and service has been excellent.
— Jim Baker
##A 09 100729 203
##T Classic Motorbooks
Catalog $2.95 postpaid
Classic Motorbooks
P. O. Box 1
Osceola, WI 54020
##A 09 89263 204
No, this isn’t the usual statistically ineffective Driver’s Ed. This is what you really need to know when things go awry on the road. Under the watchful eye of a race driver, you learn skid prevention and control, controlled stops from high speed, and just plain control. Classes are held on a track and on a very slick “skid pad’’ where ineptitude is not punished as you gyrate—there’s nothing to hit. I owe my life to this sort of training received nearly a million miles ago. It’s been better insurance than insurance. Give a course to one you love.
Here are three reputable schools. There may be others near you, usually at a race track. Classes cost about the same as a year’s insurance.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 89364 205
Bertil Roos School of High Performance Driving
Course $695
Catalog free from:
Bertil Roos School of High Performance Driving
P. O. Box 221A
Blakeslee, PA 18610
##A 09 89627 206
Bob Bondurant School of High Performance Driving
Courses $295 - $1800
Catalog free from:
Bob Bondurant School of High Performance Driving
c/o Sears Point International Raceway
Highways 37 & 121
Sonoma, CA 95476
##A 09 89962 207
Skip Barber Racing School
Courses $400 - $7900
Catalog free from:
Skip Barber Racing School
Route 7
Canaan, CT 06018
##A 09 22926 208
##T Car Repair
##A 09 199706 209
##T How To Keep Your Volkswagen Alive
How To Keep Your Volkswagen Alive
In the classic How To Keep Your Volkswagen Alive, the late John Muir advised mechanically naive VW owners to “come to kindly terms with your ass, for it bears you.” Unusually encouraging and free of jargon, this book has enabled countless fumblefingers to keep their Beetles buzzing. Lucky owners of Hondas, Datsun/Nissans and Rabbits can now partake of similar fare in more recent books by the same publisher. Would that all repair manuals were like these!
- J. Baldwin
(Also available in German and Spanish editions. —CK)
##A 09 200209 210
##T How To Keep Your Volkswagen Alive
John Muir
1986; 408 pp.
ISBN 0945465122
$17.95 ($20.70 postpaid) from:
John Muir Publications
P. O. Box 613
Santa Fe, NM 87504
See next card for list of
other automotive titles
available from JMP.
##A 09 130253 211
##T How To Keep Your Volkswagen Alive
Other Automotive Books from
John Muir Publications:
Hot To Keep Your Datsun/Nissan Alive
How To Keep Your Honda ATC Alive
How To Keep Your Honda Car Alive
How To Keep Your Subaru Alive
How To Keep Your Toyota Pickup Alive
How To Keep Your VW Rabbit Alive
Road & Track’s Used Car Classics
##A 09 111538 212
##T How To Keep Your Volkswagen Alive
Liberally apply Liquid Wrench to the large axle nut. Never loosen or tighten either of these large rear axle nuts unless all four wheels are on the ground and blocked. Find the large socket (usually 36mm), the big breaker and the pipe cheater. Fit the socket over the axle nut with the breaker bar (flex handle) on the socket and the pipe cheater on the breaker, then lean, counterclockwise for both wheels. If this doesn’t crack the axle nut loose, get a longer cheater bar. The further away from the nut you can get, the more force you can apply.
##A 09 164332 213
##T Chilton’s Easy Car Care
Chilton’s Easy Car Care
Car maintenance is one place do-it-yourself really pays; taking care of your machine will probably take less time than it would take you to earn the mechanic’s fee. You also get the job done at your convenience and at high quality. Assuming you know how. With this weighty tome at your side, you can confidently take on virtually all maintenance and minor repair of any common car or small truck. The book is written for the utterly naive: there are even illustrated instructions for pumping your own self-serve gas!
The information is pretty general, but surprisingly detailed and useful because it’s supported by simple explanations of how basic auto systems work. (There are specifics for a selection of common models, but for complex repairs you’ll need a shop manual for your particular car.) A great book for beginners.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 164552 214
##T Chilton’s Easy Car Care
Chilton Book Company
Second Edition 1985; 567 pp.
ISBN 0801975530
$13.95 ($15.20 postpaid) from:
Chilton Book Co.
Chilton Way
Radnor, PA 19089
##A 09 252208 215
##T Chilton’s Easy Car Care
To replace a turn signal, stop light or back-up light bulb, push down on the bulb while turning it counterclockwise. When installing the new bulb be sure the indexing lugs match the socket; the bulb will only fit one way.
##A 09 200974 216
##T 2 Wheelin’
##A 09 121115 217
by J. Baldwin
They get you there, sweatless, faster than a bicycle. They cost far less to own and run than a car, are more agile, and park easily. Part machine and part animal, even the less inspired designs give an invigorating feeling of oneness with the mechanism. They’re fun!
Statistically, two-wheeled transport, whether powered or not,
isn’t encouragingly safe. But the statistics also show that most of the accidents happen to young, inexperienced riders during the first few months of ownership, and that the fault is usually rider error. Use good sense, resist challenging the laws of physics, wear your helmet, and don’t ride when the roads are slick.
##A 09 121568 218
The machines shown are only a few examples of the breed;
choosing and fitting a bike to your needs is a very personal thing. You should read a lot, talk to riders and dealers, and ride as many different brands as you can before buying. For keeping up with the motorcycling world try Cycle magazine , or Cycle World. As with the machines they feature, which is best is a matter of personal taste.
##A 09 121620 219
Honda Scooters
$500 -$2,648
Call 800-447-4700
for your nearest dealer.
##A 09 145911 220
Honda Helix Scooter
Suggested retail price:
Information free from any Honda dealer.
##A 09 123077 221
Honda NX Series
Suggested retail price for
250cc bike: $2995
Honda calls these “Street legal trail bikes”; info free from any Honda dealer.
##A 09 94565 222
Cycle Magazine
Phil Schilling, Editor
ISSN 05748135
$15.94/year (12 issues)
Cycle Magazine
P. O. Box 2886
Boulder, CO 80322-2886
##A 09 2372 223
Cycle World
Paul Dean, Editor
ISSN 00114286
$15.94/year (12 issues)
Cycle World
P. O. Box 2886
Boulder, CO 80322-2886
##A 09 122441 224
SCOOTERS are pretty slick these days. Fancy new designs are quiet, quick, and perhaps most important, chic. Electric starting, automatic transmissions, splash guards, and windshields make the modern scooter as easy to use as a car on smooth urban roads. Some scooters are fast enough to be freeway legal, though they really don’t belong there or on roads rough enough to challenge the pudgy little tires. Think of the scooter as a small second car — in good weather.
##A 09 122716 225
MOTORCYCLES — believe it or not, this motorcycle has about the same size engine and price tag as the scooter shown earlier. Besides the obvious difference in ambience (which may work for or against your cause, depending), you’ll find the motorcycle to be much more at home on the open road. The supple suspension, big wheels, powerful brakes, and brisk performance enable even this modest machine to easily keep up with auto traffic on all sorts of roads. There is a motorcycle to fit every proposed use and whim, if not budget. Plan on spending some time choosing one that fits you well, just as you would developing any intimate relationship.
##A 09 56459 226
##T Trailers and RVs
##A 09 122107 227
##T Home Is Where You Park It
Home Is Where You Park It
Everything you’ll need to know if you’re considering living in a trailer or RV. From postal service and legal matters to sewerage, water and electricity—all these things have been well worked out, through experience, by the author of this most useful book. Read this one and Survival of the Snowbirds, (next review), you’ll be glad you did.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 207526 228
##T Home Is Where You Park It
Kay Peterson
Revised Edition 1982; 199 pp.
ISBN 0910449007
$7.95 ($8.95 postpaid) from:
Roving Press Publications
Route 5, Box 310
Livingston, TX 77351
##A 09 207787 229
##T Home Is Where You Park It
Every motor requires repairs from time to time. Since it is the motor that wears out first, the trailerist can trade his tow rig for a new one and still keep the same RV. The motor-home owner usually ends up buying an entire new rig.
Nomadic children are exposed to a variety of cultural backgrounds. They learn that there are many different ways of doing things. As their views widen, they are more apt to become complete individuals. I believe that what nomadic children lose in social roots, they gain in the development of their inner resources. And because they are so often among strangers, they also learn to be independent.
##A 09 208973 230
##T Home Is Where You Park It
Since it is difficult to get credit cards once you become a transient, be sure to apply for the credit you want before you give up your permanent residence. Even if you’ve always been dead set against using credit, you may change your mind after you start full-timing. If you don’t, you haven’t lost anything; having credit cards does not mean you have to use them!
##A 09 92057 231
##T Home Is Where You Park It
J. Baldwin’s 21 foot Airstream trailer.
##A 09 104126 232
##T Survival of the Snowbirds
Survival of the Snowbirds
Me, live in a trailer or RV? As my permanent home? Well, yes. Matter of fact, I’ve done just that for about 13 years now in a small Airstream trailer—the “Silver Turd.” You can be a
“boomer,” following work as it becomes available. (That’s pretty much what I’ve done.) Or you can be a “snowbird,” following the good weather. Thousands of people (some say millions) are doing this right now. But there are problems: how do you license your vehicle year after year? What about banking, taxes, medical care, postal service, insurance, and legal matters? Where do you park? What about electricity, sewage, and water? My experience says the author of this book (and its companion, Home is Where You Park It, previous review) is right on the mark.
- J. Baldwin
##A 09 104347 233
##T Survival of the Snowbirds
Kay Peterson
1982; 222 pp.
$7.95 ($8.95 postpaid) from:
Roving Press Publications
Route 5, Box 310
Livingston, TX 77351
##A 09 104947 234
##T Survival of the Snowbirds
All too often I hear someone complain, “I wish I could travel the way you do, but . . .” Then there follows a list of reasons that boil down to these two things: LACK OF COURAGE and LACK OF MONEY.
I can do nothing to give you courage for that must come from within. But I can assure you that “lack of money” is not a reason to give up your place at the feeding tray of life. Lack of money is an EXCUSE—but never a REASON for giving up on your travel dreams.
##A 09 111647 235
##T Survival of the Snowbirds
Chart shows average annual frequency of tornadoes in each state.
* Less than one.
A travel trailer can be a death trap if a tornado touches down. The RV can be rolled over and over until all the objects inside, including people, are crushed. Get into a shelter as fast as you can to protect yourself from getting blown away or struck by flying objects.
##A 09 5332 236
##T Encyclopedia for RVers
Encyclopedia for RVers
Joe and Kay Peterson exemplify the sort of folks who live on the road. Their previous books, Home Is Where You Park It and
Survival of the Snowbirds are considered classics by RV nomads. Those books attend to such things as can-you-do-it and what’s-it-like and what-are-the-tricks. Read ’em and stash ’em on your bookshelf for later lending to beginners. This book is the one you keep in the glovebox. It’s replete with the latest information you need to keep your rig (and yourself) running well. But mostly, it’s a sort of Yellow Pages for hardware and information that you’ll need for a successful life without a home base. Mail-order pharmacies, message services, parts dealers, museum locations,
##A 09 49930 237
##T Encyclopedia for RVers
correspondence schools, free parking spots—just about anything you’ll likely need is in here with addresses and phone numbers.
Your RV isn’t complete without this.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 6331 238
##T Encyclopedia for RVers
Joe and Kay Peterson
1988; 192 pp.
ISBN 0910449061
$5.95 ($6.95 postpaid) from:
Roving Press Publications
Route 5, Box 310
Livingston, TX 77351
##A 09 37403 239
##T Encyclopedia for RVers
Foremost Insurance:
5800 Foremost Drive, Southeast
Grand Rapids, MI 49501. (800) 237-2060 or (616) 942-3000.
Covers motorhomes and travel trailers with special policy at lower rate for stationary trailers. You purchase special “trip insurance” when you move it.
FMCA (Family Motor Coach Assn.):
8291 Clough Pike
P.O. Box 44209
Cincinnati, OH 45244. (800) 543-3622 or (513) 474-3622.
Free mail forwarding on weekly basis. You pay postage only. No charge for handling and packing supplies. FMCA membership ($25/year) is limited to owners of motorhomes. Also provides a free message service for members.
##A 09 105680 240
##T Fredson RV, Van, Truck & Boat Supplies
Fredson RV, Van, Truck & Boat Supplies
This fat catalog is full-to-bustin’ with equipment and supplies
that pertain to living in vehicles, boats, or any other minimal digs. There’s lots of 12-volt stuff: appliances, lights, pumps, fans, and repair parts for them. There are propane refrigerators, RV toilets, tanks, vents, water heaters, stoves, aerials, awnings, jacks, mirrors, and just about anything else you can think of. It’s the biggest assortment I’ve ever seen. Prices are good—far better than those of many RV stores that offer half the selection.
- J. Baldwin
##A 09 105929 241
##T Fredson RV, Van, Truck & Boat Supplies
Catalog $3 from:
Fredson RV Supply
815 North Harbor Blvd.
Santa Ana, CA 92703
##A 09 112836 242
##T Fredson RV, Van, Truck & Boat Supplies
##A 09 106707 243
##T Woodall’s Campground Directory
Woodall’s Campground Directory
More than 600 pages of campsites—with maps, descriptions, and a brief description of what there is to do around there. Private campgrounds are rated by Woodall’s staff, based on personal visits. Lots of other useful information is included, along with advertisements. A classic, as they say. I’ve found the information to be reasonably accurate—it’s updated annually. Mexico and Canada are included. Also available in Eastern and Western editions and by some individual states—less cumbersome than the mighty all-in-one biggie.
- J. Baldwin
##A 09 106991 244
##T Woodall’s Campground Directory
(Complete Guide for New & Experienced RVers & Campers/ North American Edition)
Annual; 1,800 pp.
ISBN 0671647369
$13.95 ($15.30 postpaid) from:
Woodall Publishing Co.
100 Corporate North
Suite 100
Bannockburn, IL 60015
Also available:
Eastern Edition $8.95/$10.20 postpaid
Western Edition $8.95/$10.20 postpaid
State Editions $3.95/$5 postpaid
##A 09 184014 245
##T Woodall’s Campground Directory
##A 09 107613 246
##T Don Wright’s Guide to Free Campgrounds USA
Don Wright’s Guide to Free Campgrounds USA
Six thousand of ’em no less, briefly described and located with reference to the nearest town. By states. Don’t expect deluxe accommodations. Checking my own favorite locations, I find this listing to be trustable.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 107792 247
##T Don Wright’s Guide to Free Campgrounds USA
Don Wright
Fifth Edition 1988; 634 pp.
ISBN 0937877026
$14.95 ($16.95 postpaid) from:
Cottage Publications
24396 Pleasant View Drive
Elkhart, IN 46517
##A 09 30434 248
##T Don Wright’s Guide to Free Campgrounds USA
Wildcat Group Camp
Point Reyes National Seashore
Directions: Half mi NW of Olema on Bear Valley Rd. to park headquarters. 7 mi by foot to campground from trailhead.
Season: All year; 2-day limit. Total stay in back-country limited to 4 days.
Facilities: 12 tent sites, each for 9-25 persons on Saturday; other times, both groups and small parties may use sites. Tbls. toilets, cfga, drkg wtr.
Activities: Hiking, horseback riding, swimming (in ocean), picnicking, fishing.
##A 09 85548 249
##T Don Wright’s Guide to Free Campgrounds USA
Miscellaneous: Only gas stoves, charcoal in grills provided or canned heat may be used for cooking. Wood fires prohibited except for driftwood fires on the beach. Organized juvenile groups must have one adult supervisor for each eight juveniles. Camp is in a grassy meadow near a small stream that flows into the sea. No tres.; easy beach access. Hitchrail for horses. No motorbikes. Free camping permit required; available at park headquarters. Reservations recommended. Nature trails. No pets.
##A 09 93551 250
##T Escapees
“Escapees” is a club serving the needs of those who live on the road. Membership includes free parking at a number of sites, and a useful newspaper. The club also operates the S-K-P Mail & Message Service, which gives you an official address and phone— both with forwarding capability—for about a dollar a week.
- J. Baldwin
##A 09 93826 251
##T Escapees
$40/year membership plus $5 enrollment fee
(includes 6 newsletters, mail and message service, non profit co-op RV parks, and other membership services)
Escapees Club
Route 5, Box 310
Livingston, TX 77351
##A 09 23087 252
##A 09 56732 253
##T Camping Skills
##A 09 184414 254
##T The Complete Walker III
The Complete Walker III
This venerable book has been around just about as long as the Whole Earth Catalogs, and like them, has been updated from time to time in order to keep current. The III version is a genuine revised edition; the editors claim it’s 75 percent new. The latest in techno-twitics are considered in detail after being subjected to Mr. Fletcher’s traditional field testing. Material he has found worthy over the years remains intact, complete with a laconic humor sorely missing from most Deadly Serious Hiker writing. Usefulness is aided by a remarkable cross-referencing in the text that makes the overall logic of the author’s trail philosophy seem irrefutable without being dogmatic. It’s a good way to do a book of this sort; after 16 years, it’s still the best around.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 184614 255
##T The Complete Walker III
Colin Fletcher
Third Edition 1984; 668 pp.
ISBN 0394722647
$12.95 ($13.95 postpaid) from:
Random House
Order Dept.
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 09 184859 256
##T The Complete Walker III
The actual speed at which you walk is a personal and idiosyncratic matter. Settle for whatever seems to suit you best. It is really a question of finding out what you can keep up hour after hour in various kinds of terrain carrying various loads. Until you know your own limits, aim for a slow, rhythmic, almost effortless pace. You’ll be surprised, I think, at the ground you cover. The miles will come to meet you. In time you’ll learn that, generally speaking, the way to hurry is not to hurry but to keep going. To this end I have two walking speeds: slow and slower.
For some time the trend in the best packs has been toward broad, contoured or
“curvilinear” belts designed to fit snugly on the hips. But practical difficulties have emerged. The new belts look magnificent. They feel fine too—in the store. Yet I have found, in common with many people, that under a heavy load most of them tend, after a while, to slide downward in a way their contouring is specifically designed to prevent. The result is crampingly uncomfortable. At first I thought the trouble might lie in my shape. Everybody’s hips and arse are idiosyncratic. (Women, with their broader hips
##A 09 185244 257
##T The Complete Walker III
have the belt advantage, statistically, over us straighter-up-and-down men.) It seems, though, that I am far from alone. And some kind of consensus on the reason is now building.
After years of doubt, two fundamental facts of belt design now seem to be generally, though still not universally, accepted. First, a fully encircling belt works better than sidestraps from the base of frame or bag. Second, the essential element in a fully effective encircling belt is a continuous, unbroken base of some semistiff material such as webbing.
##A 09 185487 258
##T The Complete Walker III
An Illinois reader has made a simple but interesting modification to the Sierra Club cup handle. “The extra bend,” he writes, “affords a secure grip and counterbalance that I have not found in any other cup. If you fill the cup with liquid you will get the full impact of its practicality.”
##A 09 185825 259
##T The Complete Walker III
I had a 5-by-6-inch pocket sewn onto the front of my yoke of shoulder strap, roughly where the shirt pocket comes. Into it go notebook and map, and sunglasses when not in use. Pen, pencil and thermometer clip onto the rear, between pocket and strap, where they are very securely held — not, as they used to, in front, where removing map or notebook can flip them out unnoticed. I cannot imagine how I ever got along without such a pocket. Mine is made of ordinary blue-jean material, but anything stout will do.
##A 09 185879 260
##T Land Navigation
Land Navigation
We’ve run reviews of many “Where are we?” books over the years, but this one is easily the most clear and easy to use. Absolutely everything is explained in a way that does not subtly assume that you have a degree (so to speak) in advanced trigonometry. All those little symbols you see on maps are discussed, and after 25 years of trail experience I finally found out what those yellow square markers you see along trails are for. The author even gets into navigation with an altimeter! And there’s a good chapter on finding your way by the stars—including the Southern Hemisphere in case you end up in New Zealand. All this stuff is presented in a commendably relaxed way that makes it easy to remember without the book.
Ÿ REI for compasses
##A 09 207144 261
##T Land Navigation
A sample topo map is included so you can try things in the safety of your own home. It’ll be a long time before someone does this subject better.
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ Celestial Navigation Step By Step
##A 09 186119 262
##T Land Navigation
(The Sierra Club Guide to Map and Compass)
W. S. Kals
1983; 230 pp.
ISBN 0871563312
$8.95 ($11.95 postpaid) from:
Sierra Club Bookstore
730 Polk Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
##A 09 186672 263
##T Land Navigation
You can approach the peak from any direction and be certain to avoid the swamp as long as the peak bears less than 60 or more than 110 from you. You can see from this drawing that you’d pass South of the marsh when the bearing of the peak is less than 60. You’d pass North of the swamp when the bearing is more than 110.
##A 09 191337 264
##T Wilderness Search and Rescue
Wilderness Search and Rescue
Walking through the woods hollering isn’t the best way to find a lost kid. In fact, search turns out to be much more calculating than you might think. What to do when you find ’em can be even more complex. This professional’s textbook presents the state of the art. It’s a state that’s changing too. I worked as an Arctic-based rescuer 25 years ago, and I note with some alarm that nearly all the techniques we used have been supplanted by much more sophistication. Much higher rate of success too. This process isn’t hidden by the author either—he boldly gives examples of failures in order to show the sense behind currently approved procedures. Thankfully, detailed shots of flat climbers are minimized as is the other evidence of macho-hero stuff that one sees all too often
##A 09 204115 265
##T Wilderness Search and Rescue
in other books of this sort. You’ll still need field training, of course, but this book is your homework.
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ First Aid
##A 09 191554 266
##T Wilderness Search and Rescue
Tim J. Setnicka
1980; 656 pp.
ISBN 0910146217
$19.95 ($21.95 postpaid) from:
Appalachian Mountain Club Books
5 Joy Street
Boston, MA 02108
##A 09 191925 267
##T Wilderness Search and Rescue
Amazingly, one trained search dog can patrol a tract in six hours that it would take 106 workers 370 man-hours to comb with the same probability of detection.
How low is the probability that the subject is still alive? The U.S. Coast Guard’s data, for example, have shown that people have repeatedly survived far longer than was thought possible. A general rule of thumb for predicting survival is to multiply the time frame felt realistic for survival of a particular person in specific conditions times three.
##A 09 192004 268
##T Wilderness Search and Rescue
Tensionless anchor. Rope is wrapped around tree until there is no tension on the knot.
##A 09 192472 269
##T Wilderness Search and Rescue
Rigging a litter for a Tyrolean. The haul rope may be
attached to the lead pulley, helpful when the main
Tyrolean rope is very slack.
##A 09 151647 270
##T Packin’ In On Mules and Horses
Packin’ In On Mules and Horses
Sometimes you can go farther, easier, using pack horses. Here’s how. Those who will be hiring a guide service (which is
most of us probably) for pack trips can learn enough here to avoid
seeming laughably citified. It’s always smart to know what you’re doing. Folks running pack trips might learn a few tricks too.
- J. Baldwin
##A 09 152020 271
##T Packin’ In On Mules and Horses
Smoke Elser and Bill Brown
1980; 158 pp.
ISBN 0878421270
$12.95 ($13.95 postpaid) from:
Mountain Press Publishing Co.
P. O. Box 2399
Missoula, MT 59806
##A 09 144637 272
##T Packin’ In On Mules and Horses
- Packin’ In
##A 09 96912 273
##T Packin’ In On Mules and Horses
Hobbles are probably the most popular restraint, but they are far from foolproof. Animals quickly get used to moving around in hobbles. They develop a peculiar hopping gait, rearing slightly to advance their front feet then walking with their hind feet to catch up. Some very coordinated horses can actually canter while hobbled, and nearly any horse will eventually learn to move well enough to cover many miles while you sleep.
##A 09 102594 274
##T How to Get to the Wilderness Without a Car
How to Get to the Wilderness Without a Car
Did it ever bother you to drive 700 miles so you could walk 20? It should. It bothered Lee Cooper enough that he did something about it. Found out where buses would come within three miles of a wilderness trail head, disembarked, and glided into the bush. Kept track of his travels, researched some others, and now offers a bookful. He shows you rough sketches of the connections, but no fares or time schedules because they change. He’s covered the popular parks of the West, leaving the part east of the Rockies undone for us to fill in on our own. This is the start of something awfully healthy.
— Kevin Kelly
Ÿ Traveling Light
##A 09 129430 275
##T How to Get to the Wilderness Without a Car
Lee W. Cooper
Second Edition 1986; 213 pp.
ISBN 0960711619
$9.95 ($10.95 postpaid) from:
Frosty Peak Books
P. O. Box 4073
Malibu, CA 90265-1373
##A 09 129591 276
##T How to Get to the Wilderness Without a Car
Close to Albuquerque, the Sandia Mountains rise abruptly
out of the New Mexico landscape . . . .
To get to the Embudito Trail, take Albuquerque Sun Tran Route 5 to the end of the line or Route 7 to the corner of Glenwood Hills Drive and Montgomery (peak hour service only). Route 7 operates weekdays only while Route 5 provides service on Saturdays also. The trail begins at the end of Glenwood Hills Drive and climbs 3200 feet in five and a half miles to the Sandia Crest Trail, itself a twenty-seven mile backpack. Water and a shelter are available at Oso Spring before reaching the Crest Trail.
##A 09 186985 277
##T Starting Small in the Wilderness
Starting Small in the Wilderness
The grim possibility of having to drag a squalling brat down the trail to a rejected dinner and a soggy bed has kept many families from enjoying the beauties of wilderness adventure. Many unexpected problems can arise with the kiddies along, but with this long-needed book you’ll likely be able to handle things OK. Common problems such as where to get child-size equipment and what to do about picky eaters are discussed with a convincing knowledge that can only have been gained from the field experience of what must have been hundreds of families. The book deals with bike, canoe, and ski trips too. The tone is encouraging. The quality is high in the expected Sierra Club manner.
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ Sharing Nature with Children
##A 09 187177 278
##T Starting Small in the Wilderness
(The Sierra Club Outdoors Guide for Families)
Marilyn Doan
1979; 273 pp.
ISBN 0871562537
$8.95 ($11.95 postpaid) from:
Sierra Club Bookstore
730 Polk Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
##A 09 187442 279
##T Starting Small in the Wilderness
Getting children to enjoy carrying a loaded frame pack requires some parental ingenuity. Toting gear is work. Parents must somehow disguise or soften that fact for youngsters.
A good principle is to begin small, both with pack size and weight, and to start young children with some kind of soft, frameless pack (see Chapter 4, “Frameless Packs”). If youngsters carry something every time the family hikes, they will grow up thinking that pack toting is perfectly natural.
Occasionally you can find a trail that actually leads downhill to a choice location. Children delight in the ease of a descent. Getting them back up the trail again will be harder, but generally the lure of home provides good motivation.
##A 09 105236 280
##T The Well-Fed Backpacker
The Well-Fed Backpacker
A big sack of Twinkies will get you through an easy weekend hike, assuming the weather is mild and the altitude low. Otherwise
you’re going to need real food. The trail food found in camp supply stores is expensive and may not be to everyone’s taste. What to do? This nifty book abounds in tasty recipes made up from
commonly available ingredients. There’s a discussion of nutrition, advice on how to estimate how much to take with you, and a very useful chapter on the tricky business of winter cooking. I’ve used the book for many years. It works.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 189393 281
##T The Well-Fed Backpacker
June Fleming
Revised Edition 1985; 181 pp.
ISBN 0394738047
$6.95 ($7.95 postpaid) from:
Random House
Order Dept.
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 09 189470 282
##T The Well-Fed Backpacker
Logan Bread
This makes a huge batch of sixty 2-inch squares, high in protein, vitamins, iron and calcium. Keeps weeks on the trail, longer in the refrigerator, indefinitely in the freezer.
Preheat oven to 300 F. To blended dry ingredients add water, then honey, molasses, shortening and fruit. Pour batter about an inch thick into greased pans and bake for 1 hour. Reduce oven to 200 F, leave door open slightly and continue to dry the bread for several
hours. The drier it is, the longer it will keep.
##A 09 189740 283
##T The Well-Fed Backpacker
• 1 cups melted shortening
• 2 cups chopped dried fruit
Preheat oven to 300° F. To blended dry ingredients add water, then honey, molasses, shortening and fruit. Pour batter about an inch thick into greased pans and bake for 1 hour. Reduce oven to 200° F, leave door open slightly and continue to dry the bread for several hours. The drier it is, the longer it will keep.
##A 09 190247 284
##T Supermarket Backpacker
Supermarket Backpacker
Choose recipes from this book.
Stock up on ingredients (by brand name) from local super.
Eat well for cheap.
- J. Baldwin
We lived on the Appalachian Trail using this method.
- Kevin Kelly
##A 09 190616 285
##T Supermarket Backpacker
Harriett Barker
1977; 194 pp.
ISBN 0809273071
$10.95 ($12.95 postpaid) from:
Contemporary Books
180 North Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60601
##A 09 190798 286
##T Supermarket Backpacker
“One good snack food that can be thrown together right outside the store is: equal parts honey, peanut butter and oatmeal or granola. Vary it with raisins or chopped dates. Really a tasty concoction!”
Lipton’s Mushroom Cup-O-Soup — To two cups boiling water add two pkgs. soup, cup instant rice, tsp. rosemary, small jar of chipped beef, cup dried frozen peas. Simmer 7-10 minutes. Serves 2.
Top Ramen Stew — Serves 3-4. To four cups boiling water, add one cup dried mixed vegetables (peas, carrots, chard, celery slices, etc.) one tbls. dry onion flakes, 1/4 cup broken dried mushroom pieces, 1/4 cup chopped dry salami. Cover and remove from heat for 10 minutes to rehydrate dry vegetables. Return to a boil. Add Ramen noodles. Cook 3-5 minutes. Add soup packet and simmer 2-3 minutes more.
##A 09 57424 287
##T Camping Gear
##A 09 77449 288
How can you choose a parka, for instance, from an entirely excessive number of available models? You can’t just ask, “What’s the best parka?” You have to ask “best for my use” and be honest or you might end up with an expedition model suitable for your dream trip to Nepal instead of your shopping trip in Des Moines. The adage “you get what you pay for” doesn’t apply unless you include stylishness—an increasingly important aspect of outdoor-wear marketing.
As usual, your best bet is to buy from a reputable dealer. We present a few of them here, but just a few—there are many more good ones. The ones on these pages are folks we’ve learned to trust
through good personal experience with their wares and service.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 209280 289
##T Lowe Packs
Lowe Packs
Lowe packs aren’t the only good ones around, but their unique suspension makes the usually maddening strap adjustments easy . Lowe’s traveler packs retract their harness to become chic luggage. Nice. Perhaps the most important feature of Lowe equipment is the corporate attitude that results in high quality stuff able to meet the most severe test. Must be because the brothers Lowe use their own wares.
- J. Baldwin
##A 09 209428 290
##T Lowe Packs
Information free from:
Lowe Alpine Systems
P. O. Box 1449
Broomfield, CO 80020
##A 09 113829 291
##T Lowe Packs
The wedge adjustment system, featured on all our internal-frame packs except the Contour Alpine, is the lightest and easiest-to-adjust harness system available. The system permits rapid adjustment of the harness to fit people of different heights. Pulling up on the wedge releases the slider attached to the shoulder yoke. After moving the slider to its new position, you release the wedge, which locks the slider and shoulder yoke into place. The Wedge Adjustment System is quick, requires no tools, and holds securely, resulting in the most elegant harness adjustment system yet.
##A 09 78397 292
##T The North Face
The North Face
The North Face is one of the biggest outfitters now, and still one of the best. Their dramatic catalog goes beyond mere description by offering a short course in how to choose and care for equipment (not necessarily theirs).
- J. Baldwin
##A 09 78602 293
##T The North Face
Catalog free from:
The North Face
999 Harrison Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
##A 09 79002 294
##T The North Face
Use a Vapor Barrier Liner (VBL) and the Waterproof Bivouac Cover in conjunction with polypropylene underwear, a sleeping bag and an insulated pad and you’ve got a flexible, layered sleeping system designed to handle everything from extremely cold-weather camping to lightweight summit assaults. Field and lab tests show that this layered sleeping system boosts the thermal efficiency of the sleeping bag by 15 to 30 percent.
##A 09 79377 295
REI is the supermarket—their catalog is huge and includes many brands besides their own, at several levels of quality. There is little explanation; you have to know what you need. Mail order service and warranty claims seem to be handled well. REI is a co-op offering members a dividend each December. I’m a member.
- J. Baldwin
##A 09 79791 296
Outdoor Gear and Clothing Catalog free from:
Recreational Equipment, Inc. (REI)
P. O. Box C-88126
Seattle, WA 98188
##A 09 114501 297
IMPROVED! The First Need® Deluxe Water Purifier now has a T-shaped pump handle for easier use by one person. The replaceable filter strains out Giardia, pathogenic flukes, tapeworm, cysts and protozoa larger than 0.4 microns. The charcoal-based filter also screens out pesticides and many other chemicals. Purifies 1 quart of water in about 90 seconds. Pump and canister are bracketed together for convenient operation. Includes pump, replacement filter canister, 14" suction hose and instructions. Canister size: 3 3/4" x 3"
Wt.: 12 oz.
Item #M407-189 . . . . . . . . . .$42
##A 09 57655 298
##T More Camping Gear
##A 09 80554 299
##T Stephenson’s Warmlite
Stephenson’s Warmlite
Engineer Jack Stephenson’s Warmlite designs are radical, controversial, and widely copied without credit. His catalog is a design treatise as radical as the equipment it shows. My Warmlite sleeping bag ( adjustable to an unusually wide temperature range) and tent(less than half the weight of most tents of similar size) have served me well for 18 years under a wide variety of conditions .
- J. Baldwin
##A 09 80864 300
##T Stephenson’s Warmlite
Catalog $3 from:
Stephenson’s Warmlite Equipment
R.F.D. 4
Hook Road
Gilford, NH 03246
##A 09 81239 301
##T Stephenson’s Warmlite
Stephenson model 5 sleeps 6 adults, weighs less than 5 lbs., rolls up to 15'' x 8''.
##A 09 81627 302
##T L. L. Bean
L. L. Bean
L. L. Bean continues as a bastion of traditional New England trail equipage, mixed now with more modern stuff as they cater a bit to current tastes. Their reputation is deservedly impeccable; their store (open 24 hours) is a sight to behold if you can jam your way in. I’ve personally had very good service from Bean’s for many years.
- J. Baldwin
Ÿ Clothing Supplies
##A 09 81705 303
##T L. L. Bean
Catalog free from:
L. L. Bean, Inc.
Freeport, ME 04033
##A 09 104533 304
##T L. L. Bean
Bean’s Maine Hunting Shoe Uppers are of supple, long-wearing full-grain cowhide, organically treated in the tanning process to resist water. Will not stiffen with wetting and drying. Tan or Brown finish. Bottoms are made on a swing last of tough, ozone-resistant rubber compounded especially for us to provide longer wear. Cushioned innersole. Outersole of durable crepe is permanently vulcanized to the vamp and features Bean’s famous Chain Tread.
Made by us in Freeport, Maine.
##A 09 82678 305
##T Moss Tents
Moss Tents
Bill Moss’s tents have “inspired’’ nearly every other supplier of modern tents, but Bill’s are still the best in nearly every way. They feature subtle shapes and colors that seem as natural as the landscape around them. I regularly use two Moss models—both superb.
- J. Baldwin
Ÿ Moss Fabric Structures
##A 09 82864 306
##T Moss Tents
Catalog free from:
Moss Tents
P. O. Box 309
Camden, ME 04843
##A 09 83267 307
##T Moss Tents
Moss Solet is just the thing for solo hiking and biking.
3 lb, 2 oz.
##A 09 83458 308
##T Patagonia
First with pile garments that are notably warm under wet conditions, Patagonia continues to show competitors the way with their new Synchilla pile that resists pilling and Capilene polyester that doesn’t hold body smells or lose its sweat-wicking ability. Add wild colors, snappy styling, and good workmanship, and, uh, what are the disadvantages? The only one I can see is that it’s hard not to order one of each item. I regard Patagonia’s corporate attitude as especially fine; their products are just what is claimed. You see a lot of their stuff around our office.
- J. Baldwin
##A 09 83758 309
##T Patagonia
Catalog free from:
Mail Order
P.O. Box 86
Ventura, CA 93002
##A 09 84185 310
##T Patagonia
Synchilla is a fine denier Dacron polyester from Dupont with a very soft hand that won’t ever pill. It has unequaled stretch, but always recovers its shape to the millimeter. Because it absorbs so little water, it dries really fast and has great applications for activities around water.
##A 09 84334 311
##T Patagonia
##A 09 203957 312
##T Patagonia
This is a profoundly simple, lined jacket that’s incredibly light for the protection it offers. The Capilene crepe lining, a mere whisper of a fabric, wicks moisture off the skin, making this an ideal jacket for cool weather exertion. The outer fabric is the traditional Featherweight ripstop coated with H2No Light. Nothing on the jacket will retain moisture.
##A 09 60853 313
##T Brigade Quartermasters
Brigade Quartermasters
Brigade Quartermasters have a military thrust to all they sell. The Ramboness may or may not be to your taste, but the goods are military tough and free of stylistic fripperies.
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ U.S. Cavalry
##A 09 222273 314
##T Brigade Quartermasters
Catalog $3 from:
Brigade Quartermasters, Inc.
1025 Cobb International Blvd.
Kennesaw, GA 30144-4349
##A 09 222896 315
##T Brigade Quartermasters
Design your own personally equipped load bearing vest to suit any special situation. Our unique “build your own” vest system is a perfect answer for survival packs, fishing gear, hunting needs and police work. Special nylon knit fabric body has 2-1/4" nylon webbing sewn front and back to attach all pouches and gear that use ALICE attaching clips. Select pouches from Page 55 to make any design. The great versatility is limited only by your imagination. Features: comfortable padded collar and yoke, adjustable Fastex slide buckles on each side, durable front zipper for quick donning and Brigade quality. (Pouches and accessories not included.) Colors: (1) Camo, (3) Black. [10 oz]
ALV025 () $39.95
##A 09 229714 316
##T Brigade Quartermasters
##A 09 58518 317
##T Boots
##A 09 84724 318
Custom boots are like having leather feet. No ready-made boots
can compare, especially if your feet are of unusual contour. My boots are Limmers (see review). They’re still in good shape after 18 years of trail abuse. My feet are still in good shape after 18 years of trail abuse, too. Here are a few custom bootmakers we’ve learned to trust. The fit is guaranteed. No jogging shoe clones for these folks!
- J. Baldwin
##A 09 85086 319
##T Peter Limmer & Sons
Peter Limmer & Sons
Peter Limmer & Sons make custom-fit, handcrafted hiking boots. They’re distinctive enough to be recognizable; I’ve had many folks come up (wearing Limmers) and say, “Hey, I see you got Limmers too!’’ These boots are unfashionably heavy duty these days,(about 5 lbs/pair) but I’ve yet to hear a complaint. You certainly won’t hear one from me, mine are among my most prized possessions.
- J. Baldwin
##A 09 85289 320
##T Peter Limmer & Sons
Limmer Custom-Made Hiking Boots: $200 and up
Peter Limmer & Sons
P. O. Box 88
Intervale, NH 03845
(11-12 month wait)
##A 09 156731 321
##T Peter Limmer & Sons
18-year-old Limmers.
##A 09 189116 322
##T Russell Moccasin Boots and Shoes
Russell Moccasin Boots and Shoes
Russell is where you get real moccasins and moccasin boots. They have a bunch of styles. They’ll make ’em to fit, including your bunions. Tradition lives.
- J. Baldwin
##A 09 198936 323
##T Russell Moccasin Boots and Shoes
Russell Moccasin Boots and Shoes: $65-$220. Information free from:
The W. C. Russell Moccasin Co.
285 SW Franklin
Berlin, WI 54923-0309
##A 09 233807 324
##T Russell Moccasin Boots and Shoes
One of our biggest sellers. Perfect for Fishing, Boating, Camping, driving or loafing. It’s a lightweight moccasin loaded with comfort. Uppers of Full Grained, oil tanned leather and are hand lasted and hand sewn with overlap toe seam. Russell Oneidas feature the only triple sole construction available on the market and are the only ones that are easily factory resoleable. The outer soles are cut from heavy bull-hide Sole Leather Bends especially tanned for superior wear and hand molded for a better fit. Only Russell gives you a moccasin with the fit and support of a shoe. (Outwears typical Soft Sole 2-1) Costs more but cheaper in the long run!!
##A 09 157222 325
##T White’s Handmade Boots
White’s Handmade Boots
White’s Handmade Boots come in a wide variety of styles sold
off-the-shelf, but they’ll custom-fit you for an extra fifty bucks. You see their work adorning the feet of loggers, linemen, farmers and the like. Heaviest of the heavy-duty, they might outlast
your feet.
- J. Baldwin
##A 09 157498 326
##T White’s Handmade Boots
Information free from:
White’s Boots
North 6116 Freya Street
Spokane, WA 99207
##A 09 158013 327
##T White’s Handmade Boots
##A 09 58765 328
##T Mountaineering
##A 09 39154 329
You just gotta be right, is what it boils down to. No appeals prepared by your lawyer if you make a bad move. No excuses. Mind and body working together harmoniously (if not comfortably) in a way that can’t be faked. There’s a scary ultimate reality to it all, a beauty that is hard to find in a protective and often posh society. Books and magazines just give an inkling. Catalogs of esoteric and often expensive hardware tempt the beginner to think that you can buy your way into the game. Nothing beats getting out there with a skilled teacher—except getting out there by yourself when you’ve learned enough to be as safe as you’re ever going to be.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 37918 330
##T Climbing
Bloodboiling (and bloodcurdling) stories, rousing controversy, and lots of awesome photographs elicit Wows from nonclimbers, and satisfied smirks from those who actually do such deeds. As is usual with this sort of magazine, the ads show the latest equipage more completely than do many catalogs.
- J. Baldwin
##A 09 38306 331
##T Climbing
Michael Kennedy, Editor
ISSN 00457159
(6 issues) from:
Climbing Magazine
P. O. Box E
Aspen, CO 81612
##A 09 36039 332
##T Ascent
It’s hard to tell fact from fiction in this collection of unusual mountain tales, but then aesthetics have always been an important part of climbing. The seventeen stories and two photo essays are sufficiently intense and clear-eyed to satisfy both ascender and ass-ender.
- J. Baldwin
##A 09 36142 333
##T Ascent
(The Mountaineering Experience in Word and Image)
Steve Roper and Allen Steck, Editors
1984; 175 pp.
ISBN 0871568268
$25 ($28 postpaid) from:
Sierra Club Bookstore
730 Polk Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
##A 09 36563 334
##T Ascent
Metilkja suffered none of my neurotic ambivalence. He understood function much better than I. He knew that the doing was the important part and that the outcome would either reward or penalize our boldness. One acted out of strength without hesitation or consorting with hope. One suffered the consequences to the extent he was capable of influencing them. Everything else was either magic or religion. Metilkja threaded the rope through a carabiner and prepared to back off. The ends of the rope waved above us like tentacles, blown straight up into the night by the surging wind and illuminated by our headlamps. And again, for an instant, our eyes met. Then he was gone.
##A 09 36944 335
##T Mountaineering (The Freedom of the Hills)
Mountaineering (The Freedom of the Hills)
By far the most sensitive and complete treatment of mountaineering available. Oriented around Pacific Northwest mountaineering, where trails often end miles before the peaks begin, it is particularly relevant to wilderness camping and travel. It is much more than a book on how to climb; it reflects several generations of a respectful relationship with mountains. If you move (or sit) where there are trees, rocks, snow and brush, it speaks to your terrain.
— Michael Templeton
Ÿ Camping Skills
##A 09 37175 336
##T Mountaineering (The Freedom of the Hills)
Ed Peters, Editor
Fourth Edition 1982; 560 pp.
ISBN 0898860016
$17 postpaid from:
The Mountaineers/Books
306 Second Avenue West
Seattle, WA 98119
##A 09 86496 337
##T Mountaineering (The Freedom of the Hills)
Good self-arrest form may be aesthetically satisfying, but, in practice, instantaneous application may be absolutely critical. A sloppy but fast arrest may be all that is needed to stop. Excessive concern for good form that results in a slower application may allow the climber to accelerate to a speed that even perfect form will not check. The emphasis is on driving in the pick as hard and as quickly as possible.
##A 09 219445 338
##T Learning to Rock Climb
Learning to Rock Climb
It’s a few years since I last climbed but this book makes me want to get a new pair of EBs and head for the cliffs. The feel and exhilaration of climbing well are captured so faithfully as to almost overshadow the excellent photographs, diagrams, and descriptions of vital techniques. Safety and use of equipment are covered in fine detail. Climbing ethics are given the attention they deserve (prominent). This book is for all climbers, not just learners. I doubt it will be bettered for a long time, if ever.
— Jonathan Evelegh
##A 09 223843 339
##T Learning to Rock Climb
Michael Loughman
New Edition 1988; 192 pp.
ISBN 0871562812
$10.95 ($13.95 postpaid) from:
Sierra Club Books
730 Polk Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
##A 09 225791 340
##T Learning to Rock Climb
The difference between a good climber and a great one is the ability to stop in a tough place to rest, to work out the next moves, to place the needed protection. In part, this ability results from physical and mental conditioning. Knowledge of the techniques for resting and sheer ingenuity also come into play....
In recent years I have adopted a somewhat unusual form of training. I do boulder problems as slowly as possible I test how many places I can put one or both hands down at my sides. I lean far to the right and far to the left, stretch high, and crouch low on every hand- and foothold. It is a strange kind of adagio dance, but extraordinary conditioning and very instructive.
##A 09 229197 341
##T Learning to Rock Climb
A heel hook used on an overhang. Heel hooks and toe hooks, rarely employed to move upward, are useful when you must reach or lie out far to the side.
##A 09 3924 342
Here are two purveyors of assorted mountaineering equipment. They’ve been highly recommended by climbers we know. There are many other stores. Choosing the stuff and the dealer who sells it is more a matter of experience and personal choice then is the case when you buy equipment for less demanding use. Your life depends on it.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 18734 343
International Mountain Equipment
Catalog free from:
International Mountain Equipment
P.O. Box 494
Main Street
North Conway, NH 03860
##A 09 124384 344
Mountain Tools
Catalog free from:
Mountain Tools
P.O. Box 22788
Carmel, CA 93922
##A 09 61681 345
Latok Footfangs. Six flat-stamped chrome-moly steel bars bolted together form the body of the Footfangs, with a Rislan nylon sole plate to shed wet snow and slush. There are two toothed front points (like axe picks) and four “lobster claw” front points to support and ease leg fatigue. A step-in binding that’s fast puts no pressure on the foot. A snow-point between the front points eliminates flex and shearing. One size.
3 lb. 2 oz. #LKFF 99.50
-International Mountain Equipment
##A 09 158682 346
Wild Country ROCKS
ROCKS have been re-designed for ’88! Their widest dimension has been narrowed to create a more functional overlap of sizes. When slotting a ROCK if it’s too small, you now can just turn it 90 degrees and have the next size! Narrower profile also offers greater stability in shallow placements. Color coded.
strength: #1 - 700 kg, #2-9 - 1200 kg
wt: 260 gm, 9.2 oz set price: $49 (save $4)
-Mountain Tools
##A 09 59472 347
##T Caving
##A 09 40099 348
Caving combines the sport of exploring caves with the science of speleology. Those who overcome claustrophobia and fear of the dark to master the skills of climbing, crawling, and finding one’s way underground are well rewarded. Besides the sensual delight in rounded rock forms, in tiny hidden rooms and passage mazes far from the outside world, and in the discovery of secret places where few or no people have ever been before, cavers also find satisfaction in mapping caves and in learning about cave geology and biology.
— Richard A. Watson
##A 09 40983 349
##T Speleology
This is the only short introduction in English to the science of speleology. It shows that caving can be an intellectual activity of the highest rank. There are still many unsolved problems in cave science.
- Richard A. Watson
##A 09 41386 350
##T Speleology
(The Study of Caves)
George W. Moore and G. Nicholas Sullivan
1978; 150 pp.
ISBN 0914264222
$5.95 ($6.95 postpaid) from:
Cave Books
756 Harvard Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63130
##A 09 41845 351
##T Speleology
A stalactite begins growing as a small ring of calcite where the surface of a water drop intersects the ceiling of a cave. This ring grows into a tube, which often acquires a tapering shape when water flows down its outer surface.
##A 09 42169 352
##T National Speleological Society
National Speleological Society
You must be trained in safety techniques, and especially in conservation methods for the protection of caves, which
are relatively rare on Earth and which contain endangered
animal species and fragile rock formations. Anyone who wants to explore a cave should write for information to the only caving organization in the United States, The National Speleological Society. NSS will get you in touch with cavers near you.
- Richard A. Watson
##A 09 42376 353
##T National Speleological Society
Information free; Membership $25/year includes the monthly NSS News (available separately for $15; ISSN 00277010) and their biannual scientific journal, NSS Bulletin (ISSN 01469517; not available separately)
The National Speleological Society
Cave Avenue
Huntsville, AL 35810
##A 09 43143 354
##T Caving
A good general guide to caving. When you are experienced you may disagree with the Larsons on some points, but they do provide an unambiguous standard for beginners.
- Richard A. Watson
##A 09 43481 355
##T Caving
Lane and Peggy Larson
1982; 311 pp.
($13.45 postpaid) from:
Sierra Club Bookstore
730 Polk Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
or Whole Earth Access
##A 09 119923 356
##T Caving
Carbide lamps tend to possess their own personalities and are often temperamental. For this reason many cavers prefer to use electric lamps, which are more straightforward to operate. However, most carbide lamp malfunctions are due to poor maintenance. If you know your lamp as you should and carry the proper spare parts, almost all problems can be avoided or remedied.
Carbide lamps do have one unique quality not shared by electric lamps—the flame itself. The carbide delivers heat and has the ability to arrest caver hypothermia. A space blanket over a cold caver used in conjunction with a carbide lamp has saved cavers’ lives. A carbide can also be used for fusing rope ends together to arrest unraveling, for cooking, and for heating water for drinks. Conversely, the flame may also pose problems, having the potential to cause fires or damage ropes.
##A 09 44085 357
##T The Longest Cave
The Longest Cave
This is the dramatic story of several generations of cavers whose exciting and dangerous explorations in Kentucky’s limestone labyrinths culminated in the big connection between the Flint Ridge cave system and Mammoth Cave, forming the longest cave in the world (144 miles plus). Here is the romance and adventure of big time caving, told by two of the participants.
- Richard A. Watson
##A 09 44497 358
##T The Longest Cave
Roger W. Brucker and Richard A. Watson
1976, 1987; 316 pp.
ISBN 0809313227
$13.95 postpaid from:
Southern Illinois University Press
P. O. Box 3697
Carbondale, IL 62901
##A 09 44614 359
##T The Longest Cave
His chest stuck.
For a few moments, Roger allowed himself to enjoy the horrible fantasy of being stuck there until Tom and Richard returned, his lamp out of reach, slowly dimming and then going out. Blackness. And then what if they could not pull him out or push him through?
Actually, neither the lamp nor the bag was out of reach. Roger suddenly exhaled all his breath, pushed hard with his feet, and ground his way through the tightest part
of the Chest Compressor.
##A 09 202825 360
##T The Longest Cave
They were on hands and knees in water a foot deep. The ceiling looked solid, but was covered deceptively with a layer of mud three-quarters of an inch thick. They were down close to the source of that mud. Obviously, the Green River flooded back into these passages frequently.
##A 09 218530 361
##T Speleobooks
Cave books and maps may be had from this source.
— Richard A. Watson
##A 09 146360 362
##T Speleobooks
Catalog free from:
P. O. Box 10
Schoharie, NY 12157
##A 09 61038 363
##T Snow Travel
##A 09 76298 364
##T Teaching Children to Ski
Teaching Children to Ski
Ever notice how there are a lot of kids skiing in pictures of Scandinavian ski slopes? For the most part, skiing there is still a low-glitz, family activity. If you want to start your young’uns early, read this book, which is based on the accumulated experience of its Scandinavian authors.
- Richard Schauffler
Ÿ (teaching children about) Nature
##A 09 76647 365
##T Teaching Children to Ski
Asbjörn Flemmen and Olav Grosvold, translated by Michael Brady
1983; 176 pp.
ISBN 0880111658
$9.95 ($10.70 postpaid ) from:
Leisure Press/Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc.
P. O. Box 5076
Champaign, IL 61820
##A 09 120889 366
##T Teaching Children to Ski
Many children glide on skis easily while they are developing balance. Sometimes they need help, both for support on downhills and for motive power back uphill.
If longer assist poles are used, several kids can be supported or towed at the same time.
##A 09 65726 367
##T Cross-Country Skiing
Cross-Country Skiing
This book accents technique and the learning thereof (kids are included too). The photographs are very fine; it must have been lots of work to get them all so clear. Most of the instruction is aimed at what backcountry skiers sometimes refer to as “slot-car” skiing—doing your thing on prepared tracks and on groomed slopes. Nothing wrong with that though. It’s good to learn where there are fewer problems. That’s where the racing action is too, another subject this book covers.
- J. Baldwin
##A 09 65853 368
##T Cross-Country Skiing
Ned Gillette and John Dostal
Second Edition 1984; 234 pp.
ISBN 0898860792
$9.95 ($10.95 postpaid) from:
The Mountaineers Books
306 Second Avenue West
Seattle, WA 98119
##A 09 123970 369
##T Cross-Country Skiing
##A 09 53919 370
##T Cross-Country Skiing
Stepping to initiate a turn.
##A 09 75270 371
##T Mountain Skiing
Mountain Skiing
Another ski book. This one, however, concerns cross-country and Nordic skiing where the penalties tend to be more severe than on the groomed and patrolled slopes of Happy Valley. Back in the boonies you need to know more than you are likely to get from a few hours with a handsome instructor. Lots of quite exceptional photographs show what you should look like out there, including detailed recovery from mistakes. The accompanying advice is the most experienced I’ve seen—I wish I’d been able to read it before spending time in Uncle Sam’s Ski Infantry. The point of view is state-of-the-art rather than traditional. The attitude is friendly, jargon-free, and competent. The effect is to encourage you to greater things.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 75559 372
##T Mountain Skiing
Vic Bein
1982; 192 pp.
ISBN 0898860342
$9.95 postpaid from:
The Mountaineers/Books
306 Second Avenue West
Seattle, WA 98119
##A 09 75878 373
##T Mountain Skiing
The Ski Glissade
Even the most wacky skiers will stop and think twice before attempting a slope that seems to be too dangerous for turning. Such a slope doesn’t necessarily have to be an almost vertical wall. The combination of blue ice, 20% chute, and cliffs or crevasses below, for example, can be much more threatening than a 50% open slope filled with soft corn snow.
The technique for such situations is the ski glissade, basically sideslipping with one pole acting as a brake and outrigger. Place the poles together, basket to grip, and hold them with one hand close to the braking basket, the other a bit higher. Dig the point of one pole into the slope, and lean on it. By distributing the weight evenly over the two skis and the pole tip, you should be able to sideslip on very bad breakable crust.
##A 09 76076 374
##T Mountain Skiing
The ski glissade.
##A 09 69928 375
##T ABC of Avalanche Safety
ABC of Avalanche Safety
The best, clearest and most practical explanation of avalanches and avalanche safety I’ve read. Stresses understanding mountain weather, topography, and snow structure leading to avalanches so one can learn to avoid hazardous areas and travel safely on snow-covered mountains. It goes on to cover rescue and first aid procedures in detail and has a fine section on the use of avalanche rescue beacons. Dramatic photographs and excellent diagrams make this sometimes complex subject easy to understand. Frequent anecdotes make for interesting reading. Read it before heading out next winter; it could save your life.
- Lance Alexander
##A 09 70451 376
##T ABC of Avalanche Safety
E. R. La Chapelle
Second edition 1985; 112 pp.
ISBN 0898861039
$3.95 postpaid from:
The Mountaineers
306 Second Avenue West
Seattle, WA 98119
##A 09 70856 377
##T ABC of Avalanche Safety
What to do if avalanched:
Shout out so your companions know you are in trouble.
Throw away your ski poles; you should already be free of the wrist loops.
Kick off your skis.
Grab at trees or rocks.
Wriggle free of your pack.
Shut your mouth.
##A 09 71108 378
##T ABC of Avalanche Safety
Get into a sitting position facing downhill, with your legs out in front and together.
Make a last desperate effort to pop yourself out if you’re below the surface when the slide starts to slow down.
Make a breathing space in front of your nose and mouth with one hand and push the other one towards where you think the surface is.
##A 09 64633 379
##T Movin’ On
Movin’ On
When someone asks me to recommend a book on winter camping and hiking this is the one I tell ’em about. It’s the one I use. It’s a good memory-refresher for the experienced folks too. Be warned that winter camping is not easily faked—you really need to know this stuff before you go.
- J. Baldwin
##A 09 64824 380
##T Movin’ On
(Equipment & Techniques for Winter Hikers)
Harry Roberts
1977; 135 pp.
ISBN 0913276243
$8.95 ($10.95 postpaid) from:
Stone Wall Press, Inc.
1241 30th Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20007
##A 09 65048 381
##T Movin’ On
A winter stove is a gasoline stove. Accept that as gospel. Gasoline is a fluid that can be supercooled. Its freezing point is savagely low. If you’re filling a stove on a -20°F day, that fuel is at -20°F. To spill it on your hands is to invite instant frostbite. Don’t handle gasoline on a cold day without hand protection. Period. Don’t even grab the container without hand protection.
If there’s a “secret” to pitching a tent on snow, it’s this — start with a firm platform. Truck around on your skis or your snowshoes, pack out the kitchen and the tent area and pack out a trail to the area you’ll use as a latrine. Be meticulous; be thorough — which means, get to camp on time! . . . If you start with semi-fluff,
you’ll find that the heavier parts of your body settle very deeply indeed into the snow and the rest of you “floats.” If you don’t pack down the snow under your tent, you’ll end up like a jackknife.
##A 09 66650 382
##T Snowshoeing
Bigfooting gracelessly along on snowshoes seems mighty slow at first, especially when compared to swoopy skiing. Matter of fact, snowshoeing is even slower than dry-ground hiking. But then again you’re unlikely to lose control on a steep slope, and you can plod your way through terrain and brush that would entangle or otherwise dismay a skier. You can snowshoe right over tough stuff that would stop a summer hiker. You can stay afloat in all but the fluffiest deep snow—silently, privately, and inexorably. This compleat book tells you how.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 66881 383
##T Snowshoeing
Gene Prater
Second Edition 1980; 176 pp.
ISBN 0916890988
$8.95 postpaid from:
The Mountaineers/Books
306 Second Avenue West
Seattle, WA 98119
##A 09 122356 384
##T Snowshoeing
Traversing usually develops two trails, one above the other. (left)
Short snowshoes allow a single-file traverse. (below)
##A 09 69118 385
##T Sherpa Snow-Claw Snowshoes
Sherpa Snow-Claw Snowshoes
These designs in aluminum and neoprene may not look right if you love the traditional wood and rawhide, but they sure do work well. They work well in summer too: no rot, no porcupine damage, and no need to varnish. A built-in claw for slick conditions is a boon in the boondocks. The slim style and light weight reduces the dreaded mal d’raquette, the severe pain caused by walking with legs a-spraddle. After a few miles, you’ll consider their looks as functional elegance.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 69176 386
##T Sherpa Snow-Claw Snowshoes
Information free
Sherpa, Inc.
2222 Diversey
Chicago, IL 60647
##A 09 25172 387
##A 09 63072 388
##T Portable Boats
##A 09 67946 389
Think of kayaking one of those pristine rivers you see in Alaska magazines. Nice, but how do you get a boat there? Or, more prosaically, wouldn’t it be nice to have a boat with you on your vacation? Except you have to worry about it being stolen from your roof rack. The answer is a portable boat. They come in three basic types: skeleton-with-skin, sectional take-apart, and inflatable. I can tell you from happy experience that a portable will expand your horizons. They’ll store in a closet, too. The next five items are examples of the breed.
—J. Baldwin
##A 09 56057 390
##T Nimbus kayaks
Nimbus kayaks
Certain conventional hard-shell models of the excellent Nimbus line of kayaks can be special ordered broken down into two, three, or more (as required) screw-together watertight sections. They’re expensive (about $3000) but not nearly as expensive as other options if you need to airlift a boat.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 56077 391
##T Nimbus kayaks
Dealer list free from:
Nimbus Kayak Specialists
2330 Tyner Street, Unit 6
Port Coquitlam, BC
V3C 2Z1
##A 09 5699 392
##T Nimbus kayaks
##A 09 56866 393
##T Klepper Aerius
Klepper Aerius
Heavy-duty and tough enough for an Atlantic crossing (someone did it!), the Klepper nonetheless stows in a pair of dufflebags. Assembly of the elegantly crafted parts is easy, but it takes patience and discipline . The frame might well win a prize in a sculpture exhibit. You can sail and row Kleppers too. They’re the
original, elegant, classic folding boat.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 57201 394
##T Klepper Aerius
$2,000 (approx.)
Information free from:
Klepper America
35 Union Square West
New York, NY 10003
##A 09 235637 395
##T Klepper Aerius
Expedition Model “BLUE/BLACK” OF THE “AERIUS II” Researched and requested by professional groups for HARD SERVICE, OFF-SHORE USE, NORTHERN NEEDS. There the typical Klepper properties (superior insulation, heavy load capacity, outstanding stability and seaworthiness) are vital. There heavy water, hard landings and ice conditions are daily fare.
Shown: Blue/black government hull with 3 extra keelstrips, with special handloops, paddle holder, fittings for stern deckloads.
##A 09 57954 396
##T Feathercraft
More bird than boat: the Feathercraft weighs less than 40 pounds, making it the lightest of its size available. The aluminum-tubing frame is shock-corded together in the manner often seen in backpacking tents. The unassembled boat fits into one carrying bag equipped with padded shoulder straps. That’s about as portable as you can get.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 58168 397
##T Feathercraft
Information free
Feathercraft Kayaks Ltd.
1244 Cartwright Street #4
Vancouver, BC
V6H 3R8
##A 09 242410 398
##T Feathercraft
##A 09 59000 399
##T Folbot
These well-proven domestic craft look a tad crude compared to a Klepper, but they work well enough. Most come in kit form, bringing the already low price within reach of just about anyone. The folding/unfolding procedure doesn’t seem to be particularly finicky, but I notice that most Folbots I’ve seen are on roof racks, assembled.
There are non-foldable Folbots too.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 59257 400
##T Folbot
Catalog $2
Folbot, Inc.
P. O. Box 70877
Charleston, SC 29415
##A 09 59851 401
##T Folbot
Folbot SUPER Specifications:
17 feet length
37 inches width
18 inches maximum height
10 inches side height
79 lbs. net weight
720 lbs. safe capacity
Cockpit size: 96" long,
(Space for 2 to 4 people)
23” wide
##A 09 48805 402
##T Metzeler Inflatables
Metzeler Inflatables
These inflatables are more rigid than most others and are famous for taking a beating that would trash a folding kayak. Pull the plug, and they whup down to a 2'x2'x1' wad that’s tidy but no lighter than a kayak. Payloads can be as much as 900 pounds! Inflatables tend to be annoyingly or even impossibly skittish on windy, open water.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 61418 403
##T Metzeler Inflatables
Information free from:
Zodiac Group
6651 East 26th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90040
##A 09 61925 404
##T Metzeler Inflatables
##A 09 64234 405
##T Sea Kayaks
##A 09 47061 406
After years of obscure cult status, sea kayaking is fast becoming mainstream (so to speak). With a sea ’yak you can go where no other boat dares venture—fjords, narrow inlets, tiny islands, or estuaries—yet you can confidently scoot across open sea. The low windage and center of gravity make them far more seaworthy than more imposing craft. As with any relatively new sport, there’s an unruly variety of equipment available, accompanied by rousing controversy. Right now there are two basic types of sea kayak: pointy, English, high-performance designs that are fast and maneuverable but lacking in cargo space; and large volume, stable American designs that carry a lot and cope with conditions found along North American shores. Test-paddling before you buy is highly recommended. A firm grip on your wallet is also
##A 09 47278 407
recommended when you’re looking at those enticing photographs of sea kayakers cavorting amongst the whales in Baja or silently navigating among the icebergs at the foot of an Alaskan glacier.
Confession: I’m going to buy one soon. There’s a kind of purity to sea kayaking that’s irresistible.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 48155 408
##T Guides to Sea Kayaking
Guides to Sea Kayaking
Why note two books on the same subject? Both authors are among the most experienced sea kayakers in the world. Both want you to join them, to gain the skills, to be safe, and to share the adventure. But they disagree on equipment and technique, sometimes taking opposing views (I was about to say opposite tacks) on critical matters such as self-rescue. Sea kayaking is a young sport. It’s hard to say who is right—perhaps both are. In any case, it’s you who is going to be out there braving the elements. I’d read everything available.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 48420 409
##T Guides to Sea Kayaking
Derek C. Hutchinson’s Guide to Sea Kayaking
Derek C. Hutchinson
1985; 122 pp.
ISBN 0931397006
$12.95 ($14.45 postpaid) from:
Pacific Search Press
222 Dexter Avenue North
Seattle, WA 98109
##A 09 13329 410
##T Guides to Sea Kayaking
Sea Kayaking
(A Manual for Long-Distance Touring)
John Dowd
1983; 240 pp.
ISBN 0295966300
$9.95 $11.45 postpaid
University of Washington Press
P.O. Box 50096
Seattle, WA 98145-5096
##A 09 125510 411
##T Guides to Sea Kayaking
The twelfths rule help the paddler understand the variation in the rate of rise and fall of tides.
##A 09 49454 412
##T Sea Kayaker
Sea Kayaker
Equipment, adventures, latest techniques (usually discovered the hard way), safety, and the wonder of it all are well served in this quarterly. The magazine is unusually well done aesthetically, in keeping with the subjects attended. Even non-kayakers will find it intriguing.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 49780 413
##T Sea Kayaker
John Dowd, Editor
ISSN 08293279
(4 issues) from:
Sea Kayaker
6327 Seaview Avenue NW
Seattle, WA 98107
##A 09 50360 414
##T Sea Kayaker
A lot of icebergs look like giant bowls with a part of one side melted down to water level. This leaves a pool of Bahamas blue fresh meltwater in the middle and a sort of icy beach to drive up into. Others have holes which you would love to paddle through. I watched this one for 10 minutes, noting the wave patterns, and was just getting up boat speed when a big lop crashed in, filling and flooding my path. Icebergs are dangerous beauties and it is wisest to leave a respectful distance between them and you. Of course, if they’re grounded . . .
##A 09 50674 415
By J. Baldwin
We used to list some dealers back when there were only a few.
Now that sea kayaking and rowing is getting mainstream (so to
speak) there are many dealers all over this country and Canada.
Look for them in Sea Kayaking magazine (see previous review), or your local Yellow Pages if you live near where the action is.
##A 09 34989 416
##T Yakima Roof Racks
Yakima Roof Racks
Lemme see . . . an ideal rack would be sturdy, lockable, adaptable to any load (boats, bikes, skis, luggage, plywood), and fit any car, including the new ones without rain gutters. You got it! Note that this rack’s round-tube design permits it to accommodate oddly
shaped rooflines better than most of its competition. Costs about the same as most “factory racks” car dealers try to sell you, but is stronger and more versatile than nearly all of them. And the Yakima can be removed when you don’t need it, reducing wind drag and howl, and obstacles to the washrag. Flaws? Well, the parts can be awkward to store on board a small car, and the roof clamps can damage trim on some cars . Nobody’s perfect.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 35326 417
##T Yakima Roof Racks
Catalog $1
Brochure free from:
Yakima Racks
P. O. Drawer 4899
Arcata, CA 95521
##A 09 116708 418
##T Yakima Roof Racks
22' rowing shell on Dodge Shadow, SST Rack, TLC Saddles and Straps
##A 09 65347 419
##T Canoes
##A 09 27346 420
It’s just you and the water and a simple, silent, responsive craft. That’s not news: people have been paddling for thousands of years. The news is imaginative designs made possible by modern materials. Kayaks weigh half what they did ten years ago. Same for canoes, and the better brands—Mad River is a good one—have adapted sophisticated shapes that have finally left the birchbark look behind. Whitewater canoes are now nearly indestructible; I’ve criminally abused my Blue Hole 16-footer for years and it still works fine. Rowing boats used to be so fragile that only a few specially-trained people could use them. Now anyone can join the fun. We’re not showing a bunch of boats here, because there are
##A 09 27419 421
literally hundreds of ’em, each adapted to certain uses. Check Canoe magazine (next item) or your local dealer for advice. I’d advise against buying by mail unless you are pretty sure of what you want. It’s best to paddle first.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 27751 422
Mad River Canoes
Catalog $1 from:
Mad River Canoes
P. O. Box 610W,
Waitsfield, VT 05673.
##A 09 71268 423
Blue Hole Canoes
Information free from:
The Blue Hole Canoe Co.
Sunbright, TN 37872.
##A 09 28658 424
##T Canoe
After a bit of struggle, this magazine now serves all canoers and kayakers, and quite nicely too. Canoe’s December issue features a Buyer’s Guide that’s the only place you can compare (on paper) all available brands.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 28750 425
##T Canoe
Dave Harrison, Editor-in-Chief
ISSN 03607496f
(6 issues) from:
P. O. Box 3146
Kirkland, WA 98083
##A 09 114749 426
##T Canoe
The extreme lean not only lifts the ends out of the water, making the canoe very maneuverable and, therefore, fun to paddle, but also narrows the waterline width from 36 inches to as little as 20 because of the tumblehome (shown here). This is about the same width as most of the long skinny canoes.
##A 09 29570 427
##T Canoeing Handbook
Canoeing Handbook
Paddle power is what this book is about: canoes and kayaks of every sort used for touring, racing, and frolic. What makes the book special is the inclusion of lesser-known subjects such as sea and surf kayaks, sailing canoes, and instruction for disabled folks. If your arms work OK, you can probably go boating. Design, equipment choice, technique, and training are all discussed for the many kinds of boats and water conditions. “Comprehensive” would be a fair description here. The British viewpoint and word use is useful and not a hindrance.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 29846 428
##T Canoeing Handbook
Geoff Good, Editor
1983; 349 pp.
$18.75 postpaid from:
Sea Trek
Schoonmaker Point
Foot of Spring Street
Sausalito, CA 94965
##A 09 32788 429
##T Small Craft Inc.
Small Craft Inc.
Needlecraft are a far cry from the traditional seaworthy workboats that have graced our shores for centuries. You can still get the older styles, some in modern materials. But lately there has been a great surge of creativity in long, thin shells that practically fly over the water. Rowing is great aerobic training too, incomparably more aesthetic than (ugh) rowing machines. Small Craft carries a variety of equipment. Their expertise is boundless.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 33211 430
##T Small Craft Inc.
Brochure free from:
Small Craft Inc.
59 Brunswick Avenue
Moosup, CT 06354
##A 09 30661 431
##T The Entry-Level Guide to Canoeing & Kayaking
The Entry-Level Guide to Canoeing & Kayaking
The editors of Canoe magazine publish this guide once a year. It’s especially good for helping you decide what equipment you need
(the ads are pure catnip) and encouraging you to use it well. There are articles on elementary technique, renting, and places to learn. But it’s the adventure stories, tantalizingly illustrated with calendar photographs, that are gonna getcha . . .
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 30913 432
##T The Entry-Level Guide to Canoeing & Kayaking
Dave Harrison, Editor-in-Chief
ISSN 03607496
(annual) from:
P. O. Box 3146
Kirkland, WA 98083
##A 09 115677 433
##T The Entry-Level Guide to Canoeing & Kayaking
A century ago, five- to six-inch paddles were the rule. By the 1960s, 10- to 12-inch “banjo” paddles were most popular, the theory being that wide blades are more efficient in shallow water where you can’t submerge the whole blade. But wide blades are heavy, noisy (they push a vacuum) and awkward. Modern canoeists now prefer 7 1/2-to-nine-inch blades, with eight inches being the standard.
##A 09 31992 434
##T Canoecraft
A person of modest means and skills can actually build one of these “stripper” canoes by following the extraordinarily complete procedures in this book. The authors lead you through the scary parts, never assuming you already know how to “trim the remaining tips flush with the inner stem.” There’s none of the subtle snobbery found in so many boatbuilding books. Complete parts lists and sources are provided along with the advice. Who can resist the cover shot? Next winter’s work awaits you . . . .
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 32021 435
##T Canoecraft
(A Harrowsmith Illustrated Guide to Fine Woodstrip Construction)
Ted Moores and Merilyn Mohr
1983; 145 pp.
ISBN 0920656242
$14.95 ($15.95 postpaid)
The Creamery
Charlotte, VT 05445
##A 09 32661 436
##T Canoecraft
##A 09 33831 437
##T Canoe Poling
Canoe Poling
Canoe UPstream for a change, even in whitewater. Edge your way down streams that would be impossible to paddle. Sneak along through mangrove swamps. That’s what poling technique can make possible. This book is scruffily produced, but it has everything you need to know and is well illustrated. The same folks will sell you a fine aluminum pole. I have one and it works better than you’d believe.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 34126 438
##T Canoe Poling
Al, Syl and Frank Beletz
1974; 148 pp.
$6.95 postpaid from:
A. C. Mackenzie River Press
P. O. Box 9301
Richmond Heights Station
Richmond Heights, MO 63117
##A 09 130982 439
##T Canoe Poling
##A 09 67141 440
##T Sailing I
##A 09 131325 441
Boats, I’m abundantly convinced, are better for building competence and mental health than any other toy—skis, airplanes, performance cars, or interactive graphic computers. It has something to do with operating on the wildly various interface between the two fluids, water and air. It takes balance
—whether you’re in a kayak or a 75-foot sailboat—and real or threatened dunkings drive the lessons of balance into your fibre.
And beyond that, if they’re lived with, boats teach aesthetics. They can’t help it.
— Stewart Brand
##A 09 132187 442
##T The Handbook of Sailing
The Handbook of Sailing
“This is the hull” is where the instruction starts; utterly Level One. But you won’t stay there long, because it goes on to include the underlying logic of the moves, encouraging you to make them part of your thought process. Basic sailing technique is illustrated with small open boats (including catamarans) of the sort most often used by learners. The drawings and photographs are exceptionally good, detailed enough to show such fine points as preferred body English. More advanced technique is presented applied to ocean-going craft. Comprehensive and free of jargon, the information is easily available to the most lubberly of landlubbers.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 132491 443
##T The Handbook of Sailing
Bob Bond
1980; 352 pp.
ISBN 0394508386
$22.50 ($23.50 postpaid) from:
Random House
Order Dept.
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 09 54708 444
##T The Handbook of Sailing
Crew Trapped
Now and again, as the result of a capsize, the crew gets trapped either under the sail or in the inverted hull. Neither situation is dangerous although it can be alarming if you do not know the correct procedure to deal with it.
Crew beneath sail
Push your hand up and make an air pocket in the sail. Then, keeping one hand above your head to push the sail, work your way, using a seamline to guide you, to the outside edge.
Crew under hull
There is plenty of air inside the hull. Swim to an outer edge and push yourself under the side decking to get out.
##A 09 134356 445
##T Chapman Piloting
Chapman Piloting
For reference on board stick by “Chapman’s.” In print since 1922, now in its 58th edition, this is the only available one-volume complete introduction to running a boat—from its excellent intro to nautical terminology through navigation, rules of the road, flag bloody etiquette, weather, electronics, boat trailering, the whole wet gamut. That it is not at all restricted to sailboats helps broaden and inform the otherwise narrow windblown mind.
— Stewart Brand
##A 09 134635 446
##T Chapman Piloting
(Seamanship & Small Boat Handling)
Elbert S. Maloney
58th Edition 1987; 624 pp.
ISBN 0688058906
$25 ($27 postpaid) from:
William Morrow Publishing Company
6 Henderson Drive
West Caldwell, NJ 07006
##A 09 135130 447
##T Chapman Piloting
Sailboats have special right-of-way rules amongst themselves, whether racing or not. In this photograph of a race, the boat in the foreground has the right of way because she is on the starboard tack, and the two boats ahead of her must stay clear or else be protested out of the race.
##A 09 154204 448
##T Celestial Navigation Step By Step
Celestial Navigation Step By Step
There are scores of navigation books in print today. They can be divided into two neat categories—those that teach both theory and practice and those that try to simplify things by teaching practice alone. Being a person who believes that understanding the why is as important as understanding the how, I don’t think much of the simplified books. What I do like are books that teach me to think my way through a problem. One that does that is Celestial Navigation Step By Step. It’s filled with examples and problems, with solutions, and is written with style, which is unusual for this type of book.
— Peter Spectre
Ÿ Land Navigation
##A 09 154387 449
##T Celestial Navigation Step By Step
Warren Norville
Second Edition 1984; 250 pp.
ISBN 0877421773
$22.50 ($25.50 postpaid) from:
International Marine Publishing Co.
Route 1
P.O. Box 220
Camden, ME 04843
##A 09 154869 450
##T Celestial Navigation Step By Step
Finding Greenwich time and date can be a real brain twister if you let it. Yet the problem is quite simple if you keep in mind that in east longitude you subtract the zone description from the local time, and in west longitude you add the zone description to the local time to get Greenwich time. If the time change at Greenwich passes through midnight, the Greenwich date will change too. We can sum the problem up with a memory aid that will appear frequently in different ways as long as you study celestial navigation:
When longitude is east
Greenwich time is least
When longitude is west
Greenwich time is best
##A 09 142188 451
##T One Day Celestial Navigation
One Day Celestial Navigation
What if you miss Hawaii? It’s just that sort of fear that drives folks to involve themselves with the traditional weighty volumes and complex worksheets that make Hegel seem simple by comparison. But you needn’t fret. This skinny book gives you what you need to know to fetch Diamond Head, though you may have to do a bit of unprofessional dog-legging to do so. You’ll be successful, which is more than you can be sure of using more complex techniques you don’t fully understand. The methods shown here are simple enough, but you will have to make that “one day” a disciplined one. Two people learning together will help, and that’ll give you the advantage of having more than one person aboard with navigation skills—a useful safety factor. The author also takes you through the steps for checking the accuracy of the ship’s
##A 09 150028 452
##T One Day Celestial Navigation
compass . . . and what to do if your clock stops. If you’re going out of sight of land, all this is stuff you need to know. This book is about as simple a course as you’re likely to find.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 150324 453
##T One Day Celestial Navigation
(For Offshore Sailing)
Otis S. Brown
Fourth Edition 1988; 133 pp.
ISBN 0897091329
$9.95 ($10.95 postpaid) from:
Liberty Publishing Company, Inc.
440 South Federal Highway
Suite B-3
Deerfield Beach, FL 33441
##A 09 150630 454
##T One Day Celestial Navigation
Strategy: If you can only obtain an accurate latitude, you must modify the approach to your island. You sail down (or up) to the latitude of the island. You intentionally miss it to the west (or east) by sixty miles. This is a dog leg, or “landfall” technique. Upon arrival at the island’s latitude you will know in which direction to turn to arrive at the island. You will not know exactly how far you are from the island, but you will be certain to hit the island.
##A 09 100163 455
##T One Day Celestial Navigation
“Intentional Miss”
This assures you that Bermuda will be to the east of you.
##A 09 195542 456
##T Weather for the Mariner
Weather for the Mariner
I’ve been watching weather books since I was an obsessive teen. This one surpasses all the others as far as I’m concerned. It’s sufficiently and fascinatingly technical without interrupting the comprehensive clarity that makes it so unique. It is a working text for people who live or die by the weather. No reason to limit its use to mariners.
— Stewart Brand
Ÿ Weather
##A 09 195820 457
##T Weather for the Mariner
William J. Kotsch
Third Edition 1983; 315 pp.
ISBN 0870217569
$17.95 ($20.95 postpaid) from:
U. S. Naval Institute Press
Attn: Customer Service
2062 Generals Highway
Annapolis, MD 21401-6780
##A 09 195992 458
##T Weather for the Mariner
No weather is ill
If the wind be still.
— W. Camden, 1623
When the wind backs
And the weatherglass falls,
Then be on your guard
Against gales and squalls.
— Source unknown
##A 09 196144 459
##T Weather for the Mariner
Wind speed 48-55 kt, mean 52 kt.
Sea criterion: Very high waves with long overhanging crests. The resulting foam, in great patches, is blown in dense white streaks along the direction of the wind. On the whole, the surface of the sea takes on a white appearance. The tumbling of the sea becomes heavy and shocklike.
Visibility affected.
##A 09 3559 460
##T Sailing II
##A 09 224335 461
##T Hornblower Saga
Hornblower Saga
One of the all-time great nautical adventures is the Hornblower series depicting British Empire naval action at its best. There’s cutlasses and muskets aplenty, just as you’d expect. Less expected, but very welcome is a highly detailed account of life aboard ships-of-the-line, complete with the deck operations necessary for sailing the huge square riggers. Hot-blooded! Salty! Avast there . . . .(The same author wrote the African Queen.)
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ Reading
##A 09 224638 462
##T Hornblower Saga
Hornblower Saga
C. S. Forester
1966-1978; 300 pp.
$7.95 each ($9.45 each postpaid) from:
Little, Brown & Co.
200 West Street
Waltham, MA 02254
Fourteen volumes. Audio version of Commodore Hornblower available; go to last card of this review for access info and sound clip.
##A 09 59989 463
##T Hornblower Saga
The Hornblower Saga includes the following titles:
Mr. Midshipman Hornblower
Lieutenant Hornblower
Hornblower and the Hotspur
Hornblower and the Atropos
Beat to Quarters
Ship of the Line
Flying Colours
Commodore Hornblower
Lord Hornblower
Admiral Hornblower in the West Indies
Hornblower During the Crisis
Young Hornblower
Captain Horatio Hornblower
The Indomitable Hornblower
##A 09 225205 464
##T Hornblower Saga
The procession of bearers with the glowing shot came up the ramp again—frightfully hot shot; the heat as each one went by, twenty four pounds of white-hot iron, was like the passage of a wave. The routine of rolling the fiendish things into the gun muzzles proceeded. There were some loud remarks from the men at the guns, and one of the shot fell with a thump on the stone floor of the battery, and lay there glowing. Two other guns were still not loaded.
“What’s wrong there?” demanded Hornblower.
“Please, sir—”
Hornblower was already striding over to see for himself. From the muzzle of one of the three loaded guns there was a curl of steam; in all three there was a wild hissing as the hot shot rested on the wet wads.
##A 09 3780 465
##T Hornblower Saga
“Run up, train, and fire,” ordered Hornblower. “Now what’s the matter with you others? Roll that thing out of the way.”
“Shot won’t fit, sir,” said more than one voice as someone with a wad-hook awkwardly rolled the fallen shot up against the parapet. The bearers of the other two stood by, sweating. Anything Hornblower could say in reply was drowned for the moment by the roar of one of the guns—the men were still at the tackles, and the gun had gone off on its own volition as they ran it up. A man sat crying out with pain, for the carriage had recoiled over his foot and blood was already pouring from it onto the stone floor.
Just the knots you’re likely to actually need; diagrammed,
photographed, and untangled. This is the knot book you’ll keep on board.
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ Moving Heavy Things
##A 09 116310 468
##T The Essential Knot Book
Colin Jarman
1984; 85 pp.
ISBN 0877421919
$8.95 ($10.95 postpaid) from:
International Marine Publishing Company
Route 1
P.O. Box 220
Camden, ME 04843
##A 09 116933 469
##T The Essential Knot Book
Carrick Bend:
This is an excellent knot for joining two lines together whatever their material or relative diameters.
When drawn tight the knot capsizes leaving the bitter ends together and parallel.
##A 09 223140 470
##T Ashley Book of Knots
Ashley Book of Knots
Nearly four thousand knots are presented, complete with instructions, uses, diagrams and associated lore in this classic. Amazing!
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 223498 471
##T Ashley Book of Knots
Clifford W. Ashley
1944; 620 pp.
ISBN 0385040253
$27.95 ($29.95 postpaid) from:
Doubleday & Co.
501 Franklin Avenue
Garden City, NY 11530
##A 09 36796 472
##T Ashley Book of Knots
2064. Latching is an old method of attaching a drabbler to a jib, or a bonnet to a fore and aft sail. Nowadays it is the method employed by circuses in assembling the canvas sections of the tents. A series of eyelets in the upper section of the sail are opposite a series of loops, termed “keys,” in the headrope of the bonnet. Starting at one side, a key is rove through the opposite eyelet and hauled to the next eye. The next key is rove through its opposite eye and through the key that was first led. This process is continued until the center is reached. The process is then repeated, beginning at the other edge of the sail. The two center loops, being twice as long as the rest, are reef knotted together. Captain John Smith described them in 1627, calling them “latchets.”
2065. The Chinese windlass is the grandfather of the present-day differential chain hoist. One end winds, while the other unwinds, and the right end of the barrel, being larger than the left, winds or unwinds a greater length of rope than the left end, with each revolution of the crank.
##A 09 224208 473
##T Ashley Book of Knots
LATCHING (below)
##A 09 54159 474
##T Ashley Book of Knots
The Porter’s Knot consists of a loosely twisted grommet made of a large bandanna or other cloth. It dissipates the weight of a burden carried on the head so that even a novice can bear a difficult load with assurance and without the need of a steadying hand. First make a long left twist of the bandanna, and tie a large RIGHT-HANDED DOUBLE or THREEFOLD OVERHAND KNOT somewhat larger than the completed knot is to be. Continue to lay the material around the knot, parallel with the established strands and constantly imparting twist to the strand. Finally bury the ends between two leads, which secures them.
##A 09 114965 475
##T Boardsailing
Unlike other high-speed sports that intimately pit you against the laws of physics, boardsailing (windsurfing) carries little threat of death or maiming. But you still have to know what you’re doing or no thrills—just disconsolate swimming. The authors of this book remember what it feels like to be a beginner. The pictures and instructions are just what you need to get started. Figure on getting wet.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 115246 476
##T Boardsailing
(A Beginner’s Manual)
Charles Wand-Tetley and John Heath
1986; 48 pp.
ISBN 0877422192
$6.95 ($8.95 postpaid) from:
International Marine Publishing Company
Route 1
P.O. Box 220
Camden, ME 04843
##A 09 117068 477
##T Boardsailing
##A 09 91465 478
##T WindRider
Advanced technique, competition, product tests, interesting ads, and, oh MY, stunning color photographs of people doing exuberantly drastic maneuvers. YUM!
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 92309 479
##T WindRider
Terry Snow, Publisher
ISSN 02794659
$11.97/year (8 issues)
P. O. Box 183
Mt. Morris, IL 61054
##A 09 94333 480
##T WindRider
Dave Kalama looks for a soft spot to land an explosive aerial off the lip.
##A 09 68531 481
##T Cruising
##A 09 136557 482
##T Bare-Boating
Put your bathing suit back on; this is about how to go sailing without owning a boat (or having it own you). There are a lot of sailors who’d like to spend their once-a-year vacation at sea, but can’t afford to keep a boat the rest of the time. Bare-boat charters are for them (us). At first, the prices asked seem outrageous, but they’re not if you are honest about what it really costs to keep a boat in the family. Moreover, if you have some friends (they’d better be good ones), you can share the costs down to a more reasonable size. This very complete book will help you decide what sort of boat you need, how to get it, how to get familiar with it, and where to sail it. Reading this is the first step to that Bahamas dream.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 136803 483
##T Bare-Boating
Brian M. Fagan
1985; 276 pp.
ISBN 0877421730
$17.95 ($20.95 postpaid) from:
International Marine Publishing Company
Route 1
P.O. Box 220
Camden, ME 04843
##A 09 204886 484
##T Bare-Boating
There is one golden rule for the beginning charterer: Be honest about your sailing experience both with yourself and the charter company. It is only fair for both of you. Self-deception is bound to catch up with you.
##A 09 137688 485
##T Living Aboard
Living Aboard
If you want to keep your simplicity voluntary, there’s nothing like a small mobile home on a large mobile environment to enforce it. This is a dense practical guide to boat living, the best of its kind.
— Stewart Brand
Ÿ Trailers and RVs
##A 09 137763 486
##T Living Aboard
(The Cruising Sailboat as a Home)
Jan and Bill Moeller
1977; 305 pp.
ISBN 0877420793
International Marine Publishing Company
21 Elm Street
Camden, ME 04843
##A 09 138170 487
##T Living Aboard
In Florida and California, it is common to see sailboats with air conditioners. In the North, our air conditioner has always attracted attention when we have used it. Most of our other luxuries and comforts can be tolerated by the sailboat purists, whose usual attitude is: they can have it on their boat, but I wouldn’t have it on mine. Use of the air conditioner, however, seems to infuriate some of these purists, and they speak curtly to us—that is, if they speak to us at all. They seem to feel that by installing an air conditioner in a sailboat we have done something to besmirch the grand old tradition of yachting. Too bad. Anyone who isn’t a stuffed shirt about sailboats realizes how sensible it really is.
##A 09 138287 488
##T Living Aboard
Since we want our boat to be just as much a sailboat as any weekender’s boat, we arrange her so that we can go for a sail whenever the mood strikes us. When we are at dockside, everything below deck is always stowed where it would be stowed if we were under sail. Unless we are taking the engine apart or painting, we can be underway in 15 minutes, no matter how long we have been tied up—and can encounter gale-force winds with nothing falling out of place. It has taken us nearly three years to achieve this state. We don’t ever want to be like the live-aboard couple who had been in a marina for over a month and said, “We need a couple of days to get everything stowed, then we will be on our way again.”
##A 09 135478 489
##T Cruising Under Sail
Cruising Under Sail
The hardcore Whole Earth readership must chafe whenever they see a book called essential or “must reading,” but dammit you
can’t know too much about a boat at sea if you’re going to be on one. Hiscock has spent his entire adult life on them (three boats of his own named Wanderer), sailed all seas, and kept his eyes, mind, and friendship open the whole while. His books are technically complete, redolent with examples, and filled with the blood of shared experiences—at least half his wisdom comes from the next boat over. Which is another thing: there is a kind of fifth world out there sailing, a populous, mobile society making the world its neighborhood and with the self-consciousness and gossip (from the German for God’s family) to cover it all.
— George Putz
##A 09 135876 490
##T Cruising Under Sail
Eric Hiscock
1981; 551 pp.
ISBN 087742215X
$19.95 ($22.95 postpaid) from:
International Marine Publishing Company
Route 1
P.O. Box 220
Camden, ME 04843
##A 09 136246 491
##T Cruising Under Sail
Landfall on San Miguel, Azores. “. . . as we approached it took shape, the volcanic peaks, the dark green areas of trees, a patchwork of tiny fields . . . gathered colour and substance.”
##A 09 133365 492
##T Sailing on a Micro-Budget
Sailing on a Micro-Budget
Yachtsmen may blanch at the very title of this book, but statistics don’t lie; there is a ratio between boat size and how often it gets used—the bigger, the lesser. What’s available in smaller (mostly trailerable) boats and what one may expect from them is examined here in sprightly fashion—enough to make you think mad thoughts. If you can’t sail that $300,000 dreamboat to Bora Bora, then perhaps you might consider a weekend at Lake Tehatchapoocoo? Indeed! Hold on a minute while I get my sneakers and suntan oil.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 133525 493
##T Sailing on a Micro-Budget
Larry Brown
1984; 163 pp.
ISBN 0915160803
$14.95 postpaid from:
Simon & Schuster
Mail Order Sales
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 09 133668 494
##T Sailing on a Micro-Budget
The Dovekie by Edey & Duff boatbuilders, Mattapoisett, Massachusetts is a 21-foot vessel. Leeboards are simple, efficient, and they open up the cabin interior where a centerboard trunk would be a major nuisance. The Dovekie draws only four inches with leeboards raised and so it will go anywhere. The cockpit melts into a partially enclosed “cabin” that has several generous molded in skylights. Canvas panels close up the “cabin” and cockpit at night into a spacious sheltered area. The whole boat weighs only 600 pounds.
##A 09 133899 495
##T Sailing on a Micro-Budget
The enormous interior of the Dovekie 21.
##A 09 69439 496
##T Marine Supplies
##A 09 196547 497
##T WoodenBoat
It’s easy to use the phrase “lovingly crafted” when looking at a wooden boat in good shape. This magazine is done in the same spirit. It celebrates wooden-boat building and the mindwork that applies thereto. Technique, attitude, inspiration, humor (and occasionally lying) are all attended to in traditional-yet-not-stodgy articles adorned with classy photos and drawings. The advertisements are classy too—they’re a great source of rare tools and materials.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 196686 498
##T WoodenBoat
Jonathan Wilson, Editor
ISSN 0095067X
(6 issues) from:
P. O. Box 956
Farmingdale, NY 11737
##A 09 117864 499
##T WoodenBoat
Metal handles and ring pulls are designed to be let in flush with the surface — which requires patient work with a sharp chisel.
##A 09 7031 500
##T Small Boat Journal
Small Boat Journal
This pleasing magazine deals with all small craft and isn’t fussy about what they’re made of. The many how-to articles are well-researched and mercifully free of jargon and snobbery. Product
tests appear to be done without suspicious adulations of major
Zebcraft is a traditional design crafted using latest materials and techniques.
##A 09 226005 503
##T International Marine Publishing Company
International Marine Publishing Company
This outfit is the best place to find quality books concerning things boatish, be it history, nostalgia, humour, buying, fixing, restoring, or just reproductions of pretty nautical paintings. Everything really well done. This is a catalog you can trust.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 226359 504
##T International Marine Publishing Company
Catalog free from:
International Marine Publishing Co.
Route 1
P. O. Box 220
Camden, ME 04843
##A 09 224897 505
The arch-rivals of the mail-order marine supply houses are Goldbergs’ and Defender. Goldbergs’ has the fancier catalog and the largest variety if you count the clothing section. Defender’s more modest publication has few clothes but stocks extensive fiberglass supplies not found with its competitor. Prices and sales fluctuate; I shop both when I want something.
Note that these catalogs are a lode of hardware not found in local stores or even Sears. With a bit of imagination, marine hardware can be adapted to uses undreamed of by the manufacturer. Lots of 12-volt stuff; lots of kerosene lamps; lots of nifty fittings, skylights, vents, and tools. I shop here often and I don’t own a boat.
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ Hardware Suppliers
##A 09 225462 506
Defender Industries
Catalog $2 from:
Defender Industries, Inc.
P.O. Box 820
255 Main Street
New Rochelle, NY 10802-0820
##A 09 159701 507
Goldbergs’ Marine
Catalog $2 from:
Goldbergs’ Marine
330 Oregon Avenue
P.O. Box 2597
Philadelphia, PA 19147-0597
##A 09 118732 508
Keeps batteries charged for offshore and cruising use.
Output up to 7 amperes!
LVM-25 List $579.95 Net $369.95
LVM-50 List $769.95 Net $579.95
A fair breeze is all that is required to keep refrigerator or running lights or batteries operating.
— Defender Industries
##A 09 208206 509
Foot operated galley pump
— Goldbergs’ Marine
##A 09 69874 510
##T Boatbuilding
##A 09 124818 511
One of life’s true pleasures is the moment when you first step aboard a boat you’ve made. As with most such victories, there is a price: an enervating time delay between start and launch, a worrisome drain on finances, and a statistically high probability that the project will take so much time that your friends and even your mate will turn to more interesting companionship. Nonetheless the temptation is hard to resist.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 127846 512
##T Build the New Instant Boats • Instant Boat Plans
Build the New Instant Boats • Instant Boat Plans
Boatbuilder “Dynamite” Payson and naval architect Philip Bolger— a resourceful and clever cahoots if there ever was one—would have us believe that you can make a perfectly good boat without lofting, jigs, or exotic technique, out of lumberyard wood, quickly. The actual time involved depends on how much experience you have and which of the 11 designs you choose, but several can reasonably be completed in one weekend. Cheap, too; a nifty little sailboat just right for beginners and kids can be had for about $50 and two days’ work. That’s about as instant as you are likely to get. I can vouch that it can be done. Mr. Payson sells plans, too.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 128116 513
##T Build the New Instant Boats • Instant Boat Plans
Build the New Instant Boats
Harold H. Payson
1984; 144 pp.
ISBN 0877421870
$19.95 ($22.95 postpaid) from:
International Marine Publishing Co.
Route 1
P. O. Box 220
Camden, ME 04843
##A 09 94191 514
##T Build the New Instant Boats • Instant Boat Plans
Instant Boat Plans
Harold H. Payson
Catalog $3 from:
Harold H. Payson
Pleasant Beach Road
South Thomaston, ME 04858
##A 09 128572 515
##T Build the New Instant Boats • Instant Boat Plans
Basically, Tack-and-Tape begins with the cutting out of plywood panels, like the planks in plank-on-frame building. These are shaped to fit together, edge to edge, and are temporarily fastened in place with tacks — which, for my choice, are light 18-gauge nails. The outside seams are filled with glass putty. The nails are then easily removed and replaced by long strips of fiberglass tape, which function as the chine logs. So far you’ve been working bottom up, but once this assembly is stiff enough you turn it right side up and fill and tape the interior seams.
— Build the New Instant Boats
##A 09 109267 516
##T Build the New Instant Boats • Instant Boat Plans
Tacking on the bottom panel. The stern transom is stiffened temporarily with a a batten, and an oar holds up the forward end of the bottom panel while the after end is tacked.
##A 09 79330 517
##T Build the New Instant Boats • Instant Boat Plans
DIABLO 15'0"x5'0" (25 max. H.P.)
Tack and Tape construction
Plywood: 4 sheets 1/4" x 4'x8'
AC or Marine Grade Plywood
3 sheets 1/2" x 4'x8'
Fiberglass: 2 1/2 lbs. 3" Glass Tape
2 gallons resin. 25 yards 38" cloth
5 lbs. Fillite powder
—Instant Boat Plans
##A 09 126973 518
##T Building Classic Small Craft
Building Classic Small Craft
For those who wish to build in the smaller size—rowing boats, small daysailers, utilities—Building Classic Small Craft by John Gardner is the book. The author is an experienced builder with a solid reputation for skill and the ability to make all processes easy to understand. Though he favors boats of traditional design, he has the good sense to adapt today’s materials and techniques where applicable. One is able to have, with a clear conscience,
one’s cake and eat it too. There’s now a Volume 2; more of same.
— Peter Spectre
##A 09 127164 519
##T Building Classic Small Craft
John Gardner
1977 (vol. 1; 300 pp.)
1984 (vol. 2; 241 pp.)
ISBN 0877420653/1579
$30 (vol. 1;$34 postpaid); $35
(vol. 2;$39 postpaid) from:
International Marine Publishing Co.
Route 1
P. O. Box 220
Camden, ME 04843
##A 09 238192 520
##T Building Classic Small Craft
Nail one end securely, and then use the length of the board as a lever to spring the board down in place gradually, nailing securely as you proceed, both through the cross cleats of the bottom and through the side edges. Boards several feet longer than the bottom should be used in order to gain leverage and to get the other end down into place. When the planks are securely nailed, the excess is sawed off.
##A 09 125872 521
##T The Boat Repair Manual
The Boat Repair Manual
Every imaginable sort of damage to every imaginable sort of boat
made from every imaginable sort of material is considered in this
intricately detailed book. Though the author and his consulting
experts assume that you have some experience with tools, the
book is not intimidating; most anyone with some sense can use it to advantage. Even if you’re not into making your own repairs,
you’ll want a copy along with you on a long voyage just in case.
It’ll help you make good decisions at the boatyard too. This book is exceptionally well done in every respect, definitely the one to buy.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 126103 522
##T The Boat Repair Manual
George Buchanan
1984; 312 pp.
ISBN 0668061677
$29.95 ($31.45 postpaid) from:
Arco/Simon & Schuster
Order Dept.
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 09 173928 523
##T The Boat Repair Manual
Hull and deck mouldings are often held together with bolts before they are bonded with fibreglass. In some cases, however, the bolts form the only bond, apart from a weak and brittle fillet of epoxy putty that is forced into the spaces between the mouldings to seal any remaining gaps.
##A 09 200006 524
##T Practical Yacht Joinery
Where there is evidence that the keel bolts are being weakened by corrosion, there are specialist firms who can be engaged to x-ray the keel and ballast keel area, and who will be able to assess the condition of the bolts without disturbing them. The value of the x-ray is that it can tell you not only which bolts are corroded, but also which have been replaced recently and do not need to be withdrawn.
##A 09 227261 525
##T Practical Yacht Joinery
Practical Yacht Joinery
How to put that yacht together so it stays together and looks nice whilst doing so. It is assumed that you are reasonably smart, and that you have some skill, and that you speak a bit of yacht-talk. The whole yacht-builder’s toolbox is discussed in great detail before getting to actual woodworking. The woodworking is discussed in such detail that anyone, including a longtime professional, is likely to find many useful tricks of the trade. Some of the details will be useful to landlubbing greenhouse builders who wish to delay Dreaded Rot by clever water-shedding joints, something not covered in carpentry books. The text is terse and encourages one to appreciate the finer things in yacht-construction subtleties. As you’d expect, illustrations and photos make things easier to see. Much more of this and pros will be a dime a dozen! — J. Baldwin
##A 09 227506 526
##T Practical Yacht Joinery
(Tools, Techniques, Tips)
Fred P. Bingham
1983; 274 pp.
ISBN 0877421404
$35 ($39 postpaid) from:
International Marine Publishing Co.
Route 1
P.O. Box 220
Camden, ME 04843
##A 09 227619 527
##T Practical Yacht Joinery
After a plug has been tapped in lightly with a small mallet (never to the bottom of the hole, for it may expand and then protrude), it must be cut off carefully after the binder has set. Use a slick or a fairly heavy chisel. Hold the tool blade bevel down with the cutting edge 1/16 to 1/8 inch above the surface, as shown in [next card]. Now slide the blade along or tap it with a block or small mallet. This will slice the plugs off at a safe distance above the work surface. Go back and notice which way the grain runs. Take one or two slices with the grain so it does not crack off below the surface and ruin the appearance of the job. I used to cut off plugs in planking by walking along the hull quite rapidly. Then they were just sanded off flush with coarse paper on a block. Inserting plugs does not have to be a painstaking or time-consuming chore if you use your noodle.
##A 09 227865 528
##T Practical Yacht Joinery
##A 09 166377 529
##T Glen-L Boat Plans
Glen-L Boat Plans
Glen-L is a good source of plans for all sorts of boats, including ski and house. Patterns are full size like a gift from heaven.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 166494 530
##T Glen-L Boat Plans
Catalog $3 from:
Glen-L Marine Designs
9152 Rosecrans
Bellflower, CA 90706
##A 09 119029 531
##T Glen-L Boat Plans
For quick and easy assembly use a FRAME KIT that includes:
• Each of the forms machined to shape.
• Mahogany stem.
• Mahogany transom knee.
• Framed and bevelled transom.
• Complete PLANS with instructions, Bill of Materials, and Fastening Schedule. Shipping Weight . . . . . Approx. 35 lbs.
##A 09 167325 532
##T Luger Boat Kits
Luger Boat Kits
Luger makes boat kits—by far the easiest way to build your own craft, and probably the cheapest if you are not experienced.
These kits are fiberglass-hulled, everything premolded for you.
Your job is assembling and finishing the various parts. How fancy
you get with the interior is up to you. If you do a good job and
keep a cool head ordering goodies, you’ll save about 50% over the
cost of a factory finished boat. My experience around the water- front suggests that just about anyone can execute a good kit boat
if they are realistic about the frustration and time involved;
working when you want to be sailing takes nerves of steel.
— J. Baldwin
##A 09 167573 533
##T Luger Boat Kits
Catalog free from:
Luger Boats, Inc.
P. O. Box 1398
St. Joseph, MO 64502
##A 09 209984 534
##T Luger Boat Kits
26' SPORT FISHERMAN has a self-bailing cockpit, self-bailing motorwell, forward casting platform and a huge walk-around cockpit. the center console and sport fisherman seat have huge storage space for fuel tanks, batteries and other gear.
##A 09 26554 535
##A 09 72647 536
##T Scuba Diving
##A 09 110795 537
AT FIRST GLANCE, a scuba diver must seem like some kind of masochist: swathed in neoprene; harnessed to a cylinder of compressed gases; festooned with hoses, regulators and gauges; 20-some-odd pounds of lead strapped around the waist, like middle-age spread gone wild.
Dip below the surface of the water, though, and that encumbrance melts into the background. Diving is as close as most of us will ever come to the weightlessness of space, in an environment as alien as can be found on this planet.
People today are diving in just about any body of water that happens to be handy: from the warm tropics to the frigid north, in
##A 09 111033 538
lakes, rivers, caverns, and quarries. All that’s necessary is reasonably good health and physical ability, completion of a course of instruction by one of the recognized certification agencies, and a collection of the above mentioned equipment. Although equipment can be easily rented, you’ll eventually want to buy your own. Get on the mailing lists of several dive shops in your area. Most offer reasonable sale prices, and you should be able to try out some of the gear in their pool before you buy.
— David Burnor
##A 09 109648 539
##T Open Water Sport Diver Manual
Open Water Sport Diver Manual
Of the courses available, I’m most impressed with Jeppesen’s. It is currently taught by the YMCA, NAUI, SSI, PDIC, NASE, and many PADI instructors, and meets the requirements of all other diving certification agencies. They have a good manual that emphasizes the development of safe diving habits, a thorough understanding of diving principles, and a respect for the underwater environment. They’re also on top of the latest research. Using the findings from recent ultrasound bubble detection tests, they’ve revised their dive tables to show much more conservative no-decompression limits than the U.S. Navy tables in common use.
— David Burnor
##A 09 109851 540
##T Open Water Sport Diver Manual
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
1984; 289 pp.
ISBN 0884871045
$10.35 postpaid from:
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
55 Inverness Drive East
Englewood, CO 80112
##A 09 110334 541
##T Open Water Sport Diver Manual
It is important to note that even though the No-Decompression Limits Table indicates that you can dive as long as you wish at depths of 30 feet or less, it is best to avoid extreme exposures even at shallow depths and, as a general rule, to be more conservative than the table, especially if you fall into any of the categories listed.
After a dive like this, your “bottom time” is 30 minutes at 50 feet, even though you actually spend only 15 minutes at 50 feet. Bottom time, in other words, refers to the total time of the dive from the beginning of the descent to the beginning of the direct ascent. The depth of the dive always refers to the deepest point of the dive, no matter how briefly you stay at that depth.
##A 09 112074 542
##T Undercurrent
There are a number of slick diving magazines available, but each month I look forward to a slim newsletter called Undercurrent.
It’s like a Consumer Reports of the diving industry. With no paid ads, they’re not beholden to anyone. Like restaurant reviewers, their critics visit diving resorts anonymously—getting the same treatment that you will—and present a full report, warts and all. Unbiased equipment evaluations, practical consumer advice, and sound safety tips round out each issue.
— David Burnor
##A 09 112265 543
##T Undercurrent
(The Private, Exclusive Guide for Serious Divers)
Ben Davison, Editor
ISSN 01920871
(11 issues) from:
Atcom Building
2312 Broadway
New York, NY 10024-4397
##A 09 112405 544
##T Undercurrent
Not only must all gear be in good working order, but the diver must also be familiar with the specific gear to be used. New or unfamiliar gear should be tried first in a swimming pool, not in open water. All scuba equipment should be overhauled or serviced by a certified scuba specialist at least once a year. Additionally, divers should understand the basic mechanical principles of the scuba equipment.
Perhaps the most important area of responsibility is the physical and psychological well-being of the diver about to enter the water. To avoid excessive stress the diver should maintain physical fitness, overlearn skills through practice and repetition, know his physical limitations and practice buddymanship.
##A 09 113132 545
##T DAN - Divers’ Alert Network
DAN - Divers’ Alert Network
Given good instruction and equipment, and a clear head, diving is a safe sport. However, there are certain dangers not found on dry land. Air embolism and decompression sickness are the most severe problems and immediate recompression treatment may be necessary to prevent serious, permanent injury. DAN, the Divers’ Alert Network, maintains a 24-hour emergency telephone line
(919/684-8111) staffed by physicians trained in all aspects of diving medicine. They, and their network of regional coordinators, work with the injured diver and the physician on the scene to insure the proper diagnosis and treatment of dive-related problems. Their Alert Diver newsletter, available to members, reports on the latest findings in diving medicine and safety.
There’s an insurance program too.
— David Burnor
##A 09 113292 546
##T DAN - Divers' Alert Network
Regular membership $15/year (Includes Safe Diver Information Kit containing Underwater Diving Accident Manual, Alert Diver newsletter, and membership card and tank decals showing DAN emergency phone number)
DAN - Divers’ Alert Network
P. O. Box 3823
Duke University Medical Center
Durham, NC 27710
Divers’ Alert Network: 24-hour emergency help
##A 09 113484 547
##T DAN - Divers' Alert Network
Do not attempt in-water recompression! In-water recompression of the diver usually ends with the diver forced to the surface by cold or inadequate air supply. This causes incomplete treatment and further nitrogen uptake by the diver. If a victim has mild signs and symptoms of decompression sickness, the usual result is a much more seriously injured diver. If the initial symptoms are serious, the result is usually disastrous. In-water recompression should never be attempted.
— Underwater Diving Accident Manual
##A 09 28296 548
##A 09 28946 549
##T Small Planes
##A 09 3112 550
FOR THOSE WHO’VE NEVER TRIED IT, flying may seem one of those unreachables that only “other people” do. Hogplop! The idea of learning to fly may seem bigger than your ability, but it’s a self-imposed limitation. The truth is that most folks who drive a car could learn to fly a plane.
Learning to fly is an excellent opportunity to take charge of your own life and to acquire a skill that’s enjoyable and practical. From the air, the endless drudgery of highway driving changes to an amazing, mile-high view of Nature’s creation. And you get to your destination in half the time.
Altho’ the sky, like the sea and the mountains, doesn’t come easy,
##A 09 4567 551
mastering flight gives a reward that equals the challenge. Where does one begin?
The orthodox method is to head for the airport, find a dealer
offering flight instruction, and take off. With reasonable skill and
at least $2000 you’ll end up with a private license after about 50
hours of flight time. A little initiative can open more interesting
paths though. Flying clubs are worth looking into. You buy in, pay
monthly dues, and have a relatively cheap plane available. Check the bulletin boards at nearby airports, talk to local pilots, and watch the Aircraft section of the classified ads. Put up your own notice if necessary, and they’ll find you.
Another route is to buy an old plane, find a low-cost instructor,
##A 09 101915 552
and eliminate the middlemen. Because the FAA requires an annual
inspection of everything that flies, old planes can be just as safe
as new ones. A ’47 Cessna is still held together by the correct
number of nuts and bolts, unlike many Chevies and Fords made
that year.
Low cost instructors are not found at the local Beechcraft dealer,
but circumstances make them numerous nonetheless. Large numbers of certified flight instructors, more than can find jobs,
are hovering at that stage of existence for no other reason than
to log enough hours to qualify for an airline job. Head for the airport bulletin boards again, write “Have Plane, Need Instructor”
on a lot of 3 x 5 cards, and see if you don’t get some calls. But
##A 09 103839 553
keep one thing in mind - you’re starting off on a major learning
experience, and neither the cheapest instructor nor the hottest
pilot is the guy you want. Get the best teacher.
As for the plane, flyable old Cessna 150’s start around $5000 and
deliver 100 mph at 5 gph. Besides, they’ve quit depreciating. Go
halves with a friend, get your license cheap, then sell the 150 for
$4995 and make a down payment on a radio for that $3 million,
bottom-of-the-line Learjet of your dreams.
- Dick Fugett
##A 09 129204 554
The Student Pilot’s Flight Manual
William K. Kershner
Fifth Edition 1979; 281 pp.
ISBN 0813816106
$17.95 ($19.45 postpaid) from:
Iowa State University Press
2121 South State Avenue
Ames, IA 50010
Best would-be pilot’s book learning.
##A 09 8345 555
##T The Aviation Consumer Used Aircraft Guide
The Aviation Consumer Used Aircraft Guide
When I consider how much learning went into this book, not to mention parts and labor, I’m staggered as well as gratified that it wasn’t me who had to pay the bills for all the experience.
The amount of information is incredible, and far surpasses those glossy, surface-level summaries of factory specs and marketing department photos that are normally passed off as “The Compleat Airplane Review.” Aviation Consumer tells that happy stuff, but also gets down to the guts of the matter and will as soon produce a scoop on Bonanza airframe failures as go into detail regarding Cessna Cardinal RG landing gear problems. Everything is culled from somebody’s real flying experience, and by the time you’ve finished reading the five-page rap on each of 47 airplanes, from
##A 09 8509 556
##T The Aviation Consumer Used Aircraft Guide
J-3 Cub to Citation jet, you’ll be closer to understanding the machines than many of the owners are.
— Dick Fugett
##A 09 8944 557
##T The Aviation Consumer Used Aircraft Guide
Richard B. Weeghman, Editor
1985; 279 pp.
ISBN 0961519657
$21.95 postpaid from:
The Aviation Consumer (Books)
1111 East Putnam Avenue
Riverside, CT 06878
##A 09 9470 558
##T The Aviation Consumer Used Aircraft Guide
Optional cargo pod increases luggage capacity.
##A 09 82398 559
##T Trade-A-Plane
This tabloid-sized newspaper has been around longer than most pilots. Its fat, traditionally yellow newsprint pages contain ads for thousands of used airplanes, everything from J-3 Cubs that need rebuilding to P-51 Mustangs going for a mere half million. In addition there are invaluable listings of products and services.
If you’re shopping for a plane it’s an absolute necessity; if
you’re still in the dreaming stage it’s good for hours of reading.
-Dick Fugett
##A 09 214242 560
##T Trade-A-Plane
$14/6 months
(18 issues) from:
Box 929
Crossville, TN 38557
##A 09 163973 561
##T Trade-A-Plane
##A 09 9600 562
##T Aviation Consumer
Aviation Consumer
There may come a time when one of those flying machines is yours, and when you finally own the sky you’ll meet many of the realities of flight. You won’t need help with the fun ones, but there are harsh realities too, based on the universal principle about free lunches. You’ll run into them when that scratchy old radio packs up and dies, and the guy in the shop starts quoting replacement prices, or when your mechanic strokes his chin and calmly announces that it’s time to major your engine, and you faint.
There’s a relatively unknown magazine called The Aviation Consumer. It is to pilots what Consumer Reports is to the rest of the world. They evaluate products, conduct reader surveys to find out the owners’ opinions, and have used airplane guides that range
##A 09 9763 563
##T Aviation Consumer
from Cubs to jets. Since they carry no advertising they are able to step on a lot of toes that other publications avoid. If you have any major expenses coming up, this little journal could save you a bundle.
-Dick Fugett
##A 09 10375 564
##T Aviation Consumer
Richard B. Weeghman, Editor
ISSN 01479911
(24 issues) from:
Aviation Consumer
P.O. Box 359007
Palm Coast, FL 32035
##A 09 10802 565
##T Aviation Consumer
Cessna Skyhawk, the universal Everyman’s airplane, reigns
as the safest of the four-seaters. Like the 150, it has low landing speed, gentle stall, strut-braced wing and simple fuel system.
##A 09 73055 566
##T Homebuilts & Ultralights
##A 09 71642 567
ULTRALIGHTS WERE SPAWNED when a flatland, midwestern hang glider pilot, desperate for lack of launch sites, attached a snowmobile engine to his kite and took off under power. Being airborne without dependency on thermals was a delight, and as news of the feat spread, others began making similar devices. They were not always as airworthy as they were creative.
The FAA had watched hang gliding develop and found it to be a self-disciplined group that knew its place and presented no major menace to the public, so no seriously restrictive regulations were imposed. Ultralights, at first indistinguishable from hang gliders, benefited from this freedom and rediscovered what had been lost
##A 09 71891 568
back in the primeval 1920s—powered flight without legal restraints.
The sky was available to Everyman, and the considerable discipline and effort required to master hang gliding or earn a private pilot’s license were unnecessary. Free wine on skid row would have had no warmer welcome, and as demand skyrocketed backyard builders became manufacturing tycoons. Glorious optimism and the future of ultralights were synonomous.
But alas, that movement is now better compared to the Bataan death march, for booming sales and effervescent predictions have
been reduced to disappearing customers and bankrupt factories.
##A 09 72152 569
Rapacious manufacturers, scofflaw pilots, and too many dingbats falling out of the sky are bringing this form of aerial joy to a painful transition. Perhaps flight that hasn’t been earned with effort is too easy. Too bad, for ultralights generated some of the most creative ideas in aviation design.
The FAA issued serious regulations that resulted in the demise of ultralights as unlicensed, powered hang gliders. Small, licensed aircraft known as ARVs (Aerial Recreation Vehicles) will be the
next step. Unregulated flight will conclude, leaving behind nought but a few old-timers telling war stories about that time the engine in their Weedhopper quit and . . .
— Dick Fugett
##A 09 10175 570
##T Ultralight Flying
Ultralight Flying
The shifting fortunes of the ultralight movement are best reflected in the oldest magazine, Ultralight Flying, known for years as Glider Rider.
— Dick Fugett
##A 09 215971 571
##T Ultralight Flying
Sharon Hill, Editor
ISSN 08837937
$36/year(12 issues)
$3.45 postpaid for individual issues from:
Ultralight Flying!
P. O. Box 6009
Chattanooga, TN 37401
##A 09 216533 572
##T Ultralight Flying
BRS rocket-deployed emergence parachute system with a Cessna 150 under canopy.
##A 09 217688 573
##T Ultralight Flying
##A 09 216634 574
##T Ultralight Airmanship
Ultralight Airmanship
Jack Lambie continually puts out the best books on ultralight flight, and his Ultralight Airmanship is worthwhile reading for any aviation enthusiast.
— Dick Fugett
##A 09 216842 575
##T Ultralight Airmanship
(How to Master the Air in an Ultralight)
Jack Lambie
Revised Edition 1984; 144 pp.
ISBN 0938716026
$10.95 ($13.90 postpaid) from:
Ultralight Publications, Inc.
P.O. Box 234
Hummelstown, PA 17036
##A 09 72796 576
##T Ultralight Airmanship
If very high in a thermal, perhaps over 14,000 feet, you will find it is almost impossible to tell the effect of oxygen starvation because the brain is the first organ to be affected. How can you comprehend what’s going on if you can’t think? Some experts say, “Look at your fingertips to see if the color under the nails is turning bluish, to indicate lack of air.” This sounds fine except you can’t think well enough to decide whether they are blue or not and to what degree.
The effects of altitude vary between people. I get an uneasy feeling of impending doom called “Dreads” while others have the same symptoms as being “Drunk.” I notice my peripheral vision pulls in about 30 degrees so it seems as if I can only see clearly straight ahead. The sound of the wind becomes very quiet and the cold of high altitude is not so noticeable. I see little “blips,” like the stars you see if you bump your head. Little dots pop up in front of my eyes and disappear.
##A 09 217088 577
##T Ultralight Airmanship
A good way to check your condition is by doing what the Navy calls “Grunt Breathing.” Take a deep breath, holding your mouth closed, and grunt to pressurize your lungs. You will immediately hear better and the vision out of the corner of your eyes will clear. The effect lasts only a few seconds but by grunt breathing you can see how much you change immediately after pressurizing your lungs.
##A 09 217353 578
##T Ultralight Airmanship
An example of wind with no lift.
##A 09 45224 579
Although the general aviation manufacturers back in Wichita, Kansas (which is to airplane manufacturers what Detroit is to carmakers) are in danger of withering away, another segment of the flying population is quite robust—those who make their own machines. Initially, building your own plane might mean acquiring a $100 set of plans or thousands of dollars worth of boxes just unloaded in your workshop.
There are some 11,000 registered homebuilts now, and the boom is understandable: superior speed, better economy, and a lower price tag are hard to beat. Early homebuilts were constructed of either steel tubing and aluminum or of wood and fabric. But ever since Bert Rutan introduced his epochal EZ, composite construction
##A 09 45552 580
utilizing foam and fiberglass has been most popular.
These new machines are strong and light and cruise in the 200-mph range at nearly 30 mpg—all for an outlay of $20,000 or thereabouts, half the price and twice the speed of a plodding, new Cessna 152. The current favorite designs include the Glassair and Lancair.
Of course, one extra input is required—effort. Building your own plane is a project for those who have overcome that mental block that announces itself with the thought, “I couldn’t possibly . . .”
But if that barrier is behind you, and you’ve previously
##A 09 45659 581
demonstrated staying power during periods of long-term challenge, consider a highly rewarding project that will take perhaps 2,000 hours of work—some two to three years of your spare time.
There’s a bundle of designs to choose from. Investigate by joining the Experimental Aircraft Association, which includes a subscription to their magazine, Sport Aviation. It’s loaded with real-life experience, as well as occasional excesses of optimism, for some of the stories are written by people pushing their products.
— Dick Fugett
##A 09 46068 582
Sport Aviation
Jack Cox, Editor-in-Chief
ISSN 00387835
$30/year (12 issues) from:
Experimental Aircraft Association
Wittman Airfield
Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086
##A 09 46479 583
Lance Neibauer’s prototype Lancair 235 with 250 MPH
##A 09 46767 584
Lancair instrument panel
##A 09 74370 585
##T Aircraft Spruce & Specialty Company
Aircraft Spruce & Specialty Company
When you get past the fantasy level and decide it’s time for nuts and bolts (or epoxy and foam), then you’ll make acquaintances with AS & S; they’ve been supplying home builders for nearly three decades. Their hefty catalog gives pictures, prices, and descriptions of everything from the materials and tools required to build a plane, to the instruments and engine you’ll have to buy before the project finally takes off.
What lifts this volume above the competition is the descriptive commentary. Window shopping changes into education, and what began as a simple catalog ends up as a reference book.
— Dick Fugett
Ÿ Materials
##A 09 74513 586
##T Aircraft Spruce & Specialty Company
Catalog $5 from:
Aircraft Spruce & Specialty Company
P. O. Box 424
Fullerton, CA 92632
##A 09 74941 587
##T Aircraft Spruce & Specialty Company
Aeroquip Firesleeve was specially developed to meet the fire resistance requirements of FAA TSO-C53a or TSO-C75. It may be used for all fuel, oil, hydraulic, fire extinguisher and propeller feathering lines.
“Fire-proof” hose lines as defined by FAA must withstand a direct flame for fifteen minutes under specified flow conditions without failure. “Fire-resistant” lines must withstand a five minute exposure under these conditions. “Fire-proof” hose lines are obtained when the proper size Aeroquip Firesleeve is selected and properly assembled.
##A 09 89063 588
##T Aircraft Spruce & Specialty Company
Sound and Vibration Damping Tape
Designed for damping resonant vibrations of thin sheet metal, this tape is a pressure sensitive, specially compounded polyurethane damping foam with an aluminum foil backing. The adhesive on the foam is protected by a peel-off paper covering. It is an excellent insulator for conducted heat and is an excellent heat reflector. Fire-resistant and self-extinguishing per FAA test procedure. Excellent moisture resistance. Resistant to most solvents. Easily applied with only hand pressure for a permanent bond even on rough, irregular surfaces. Used extensively in commercial aircraft and highly recommended for metal home-builts. Apply to firewall, fuselage - anywhere a vibration problem exists. Wt. 4 oz./sq. ft., 1/4" thick.
[prices next card]
##A 09 90544 589
##T Aircraft Spruce & Specialty Company
(Sound and Vibration Damping Tape)
Quantity Piece Size Stk. # Pc.
-------- ------------------ ---------- -------
1 Pc. 6"x48" (2 Sq. Ft.) 0910-0001 $14.12
6 Pcs. 6"x48" (12 Sq. Ft.) 0910-0002 $12.94
12 Pcs. 6"x48" (24 Sq. Ft.) 0910-0003 $12.07
50 Pcs. 6"x48" (100 Sq. Ft.) 0910-0004 $10.59
##A 09 228292 590
##T Airparts Catalog
Airparts Catalog
Anyone who wants to build something with the same characteristics as an airplane—light, strong, dependable, immune to vibration, round—should check out Airparts’ catalog.
— Dick Fugett
##A 09 228677 591
##T Airparts Catalog
Catalog $1 from:
Airparts, Inc.
301 North Seventh Street
Kansas City, KS 66101
##A 09 73349 592
##T Flight Alternatives
##A 09 11013 593
##T Hang Gliding
Hang Gliding
They don’t get you there as fast as powered flight, and the rush is a shade less than parachuting, but if you truly love the sky, then hang gliders do it best. The hang glider people gave birth to the ultralight movement, and have watched it self-destruct. Meanwhile, they keep concentrating on doing just what the hawks and eagles do—catching thermals. Effective self-regulation has kept the FAA off their backs, the machines are debugged and certified now, and the gradual self-elimination of the crazies is producing a healthy sport. Training sites that offer one-day intros can be found, along with all the current happenings, in Hang Gliding magazine.
— Dick Fugett
##A 09 11326 594
##T Hang Gliding
Gil Dodgen, Editor
(12 issues)
*Full membership($39/year) in USHGA includes magazine.
United States Hang Gliding Association, Inc.
P. O. Box 500
Pearblossom, CA 93553
##A 09 96423 595
##T Hang Gliding
Slow flight and easy landings are Super Dream strong points.
##A 09 11556 596
##T Hang Gliding According to Pfeiffer
Hang Gliding According to Pfeiffer
If you’re getting serious, the most readable book is Hang Gliding According to Pfeiffer.
— Dick Fugett
##A 09 73843 597
##T Hang Gliding According to Pfeiffer
(Skills for the Advancing Pilot)
Rich Pfeiffer
1984; 238 pp.
ISBN 091358102X
$9.95 ($11.20 postpaid) from:
Publitec Editions
P. O. Box 4342
Laguna Beach, CA 92652
##A 09 218051 598
##T Hang Gliding According to Pfeiffer
When a thermal encounters a wind shear, it either leans or drifts with the newly-encountered wind or becomes disrupted, depending on the relative strength of the shear and the thermal. In general, a shear involving a wind speed difference of 3-4 mph is sufficient to totally disrupt a thermal, at least in terms of supporting a hang glider.
##A 09 12329 599
##T Ballooning
There’s yet another way to get airborne. It’s big, fat, slow, and fragile, as well as the oldest form of human flight. Altho’ a gas balloon recently crossed the Pacific, the sample cruise you’ll have
(for about $100) in a hot air balloon will be noticeably calmer. If the high-energy extremes of other forms of flight are a bit more than you need, consider meandering thru the skies with the clouds, your destination decided by the winds.
The traditional champagne bottle that awaits your landing dates back centuries to the earliest French flights; it was originally brought along to reassure potentially excitable peasants that the creatures from the sky were friendly. Or so say traditionalists.
##A 09 12656 600
##T Ballooning
Another theory goes that balloonists just like to get snockered now and then, so who knows?
Ballooning covers all the events, and the Balloon Federation of America is in charge.
— Dick Fugett
##A 09 12985 601
##T Ballooning
Mary Woodhouse, Editor
(BFA membership includes 4 issues) from:
Balloon Federation of America
P. O. Box 400
Indianola, IA 50125
##A 09 231843 602
##T Ballooning
The Santa Fe Ballooning
##A 09 63321 603
For maximum pucker factor there’s skydiving, which has undergone major changes in the last decade. No more heavy boots, bulky 50-pound gear, or even round canopies. Jumpers now wear a compact harness and container, light shoes, and come down gently under a steerable, ram-air, square canopy that’s actually an airfoil. The old, ankle-busting, 16-foot-per-second descent rate is gone, along with the need for traditional, high jump boots of paratroop legend.
The latest advance, tandem skydiving, has opened the sport to those who’d prefer some experienced company while going out the door. The student and jumpmaster are basically wearing a single harness. After exiting, they freefall together under the
jumpmaster’s control until he opens the canopy, which the
##A 09 63491 604
student then guides down. Whether you choose tandem, or the traditional static line first jump, the day’s activities including basic instruction will run about $100. Should you get serious and go for the student training program, plan on spending about $1,000, plus at least that much more for equipment. The days when you could go out to a jump site, borrow someone’s chute, and pay $7 for a lift in a Cessna 172 to begin teaching yourself skydiving are long gone.
— Jane Ferrell
##A 09 200554 605
##T Parachutist
For more information on skydiving and the location of your nearest jump center, try the United States Parachute Association’s magazine, Parachutist.
— Jane Ferrell
##A 09 63924 606
##T Parachutist
Kevin Gibson, Editor
ISSN 00311588
$21.50/year (12 issues)
United States Parachute Association
1440 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
##A 09 64460 607
##T Parachutist
USA Team. 1987 World Meet, Brazil
##A 09 62082 608
##T Sailplanes
You may question the serenity of sailplanes if the thermals are cooking and your pilot, after coring one with endless, tight 360s, asks if you’re gonna barf. But that’s how it is with most rewarding, high-energy situations—there’s always a price.
To sample their silent flight all you need is a rural airport with a sign out by the highway that says “GLIDER RIDES.” For roughly the same painful price you’ll pay for a one-day introduction to anything these days, you can sample the freedom of unpowered flight.
A glider rating can be added to a private pilot’s license for maybe $500. If you’ve never flown at all, then legal flight could run four
##A 09 62432 609
##T Sailplanes
times that amount. Decent used machines start around $5,000. The
long-time journal of record is Soaring Magazine, put out by the Soaring Society of America. They also market a nice book on soaring basics, The Joy of Soaring.
— Dick Fugett
##A 09 62572 610
##T Sailplanes
Mark Kennedy, Publications Manager
(12 issues included in
SSoA membership) from:
Soaring Society of America
Box E
Hobbs, NM 88241-1308
##A 09 218821 611
##T Sailplanes
The Joy of Soaring
(A Training Manual)
Carle Conway
1969; 134 pp.
ISBN 0911720545
$19.95 ($21.55 postpaid) from:
Aviation Book Company
1640 Victory Blvd.
Glendale, CA 91201
##A 09 211957 612
##T Sailplanes
— The Joy of Soaring
##A 09 212772 613
##T Sailplanes
— The Joy of Soaring
##A 09 243920 614
##T Sailplanes
A “SLHPS,” (Self-Launching High-Performance Sailplane)
##A 10 67468 3
##A 10 71453 4
##T Rainforests and Mountains
##A 10 70287 5
##T Jungles
An extravagantly illustrated, yet solid introduction to the fastest disappearing bioregion of the planet.
— Peter Warshall
##A 10 86261 6
##T Jungles
Edward S. Ayensu, Editor
1980; 200 pp.
ISBN 051754136X
Crown Publishers
##A 10 93305 7
##T Jungles
Leaves of the giant water-lily, Victoria regia, float on a jungle backwater in Brazil. These enormous leaves are up to 7 ft
(2m) across. The pale, cream flowers of the lily open at night and some of the flower parts heat up through biochemical reactions. This distills a strong scent which attracts beetles to pollinate the flowers. Indians gather the pea-sized water-lily seeds and grind them into flour.
##A 10 221327 8
##T Jungles
Camayura people of South Amazonia, dancing.
##A 10 121789 9
##T The Forest People
The Forest People
The Forest People is the most affectionate portrayal of peoples evolved into rainforest life. A study of the BaMbuti Pygmies of the Congo, it is and will remain a classic of anthropology.
— Peter Warshall
##A 10 121962 10
##T The Forest People
Colin M. Turnbull
1961; 295 pp.
ISBN 0671640992
$9.95 postpaid
Simon & Schuster
Mail Order Sales
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 10 164637 11
##T The Forest People
Whereas the other tribes are relatively recent arrivals, the Pygmies have been in the forest for many thousands of years. It is their world, and in return for their affection and trust it supplies them with all their needs. They do not have to cut the forest down to build plantations, for they know how to hunt the game of the region and gather the wild fruits that grow in abundance there, though hidden to outsiders. They know how to distinguish the innocent-looking itaba vine from the many others it resembles so closely, and they know how to follow it until it leads them to a cache of nutritious, sweet-tasting roots. They know the tiny sounds that tell where the bees have hidden their honey; they recognize the kind of weather that brings a multitude of different kinds of mushrooms springing to the surface; and they know what kinds of wood and leaves often disguise this food. The exact moment when termites swarm, at which they must be caught to provide an important delicacy, is a mystery to any but the people of the forest. They know the secret language that is denied all outsiders and without which life in the forest is an impossibility.
##A 10 165483 12
##T In the Rainforest
In the Rainforest
This is a literate and concerned contemporary view of rainforest
— Peter Warshall
##A 10 165674 13
##T In the Rainforest
Catherine Caufield
1985; 304 pp.
ISBN 0226097862
$11.95 ($12.95 postpaid)
Random House Order Dept.
11030 South Langley
Chicago, IL 60628
##A 10 165939 14
##T In the Rainforest
Tropical rainforests are being destroyed faster than any other natural community. A United Nations study from 1976 offers the most optimistic assessment of forest loss. It found that, of the 2.4 billion acres of rainforest left in the world, 14 million are completely and permanently destroyed each year. That is almost 30 acres every minute of every day. In 1980 the U.S. National Academy of Sciences announced an even worse figure. It said that over 50 million acres of rainforest — an area the size of England, Scotland, and Wales — are destroyed or seriously degraded each year. The most comprehensive study to date, published in 1981 by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, says that at present rates almost one fifth of the world’s remaining tropical rainforest will be completely destroyed or severely degraded by the end of the century.
##A 10 166214 15
##T In the Rainforest
Between 40 and 50 percent of all types of living things — as many as five million species of plants, animals, and insects — live in tropical rainforests, though they cover less than 2 percent of the globe. . . .
A typical four-square-mile patch of rainforest, according to a report by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, contains up to 1,500 species of flowering plants, as many as 750 species of tree, 125 species of mammal, 400 species of bird, 100 of reptile, 60 of amphibian, and 150 of butterfly, though some sites have more. Insects in tropical rainforests are so abundant and so little known that it is difficult to establish an average density. The same report cites a recent estimate that 2.5 acres might contain 42,000 species. Ten square feet of leaf litter, when analyzed, turned up 50 species of ant alone.
##A 10 166945 16
##T The Mountain People
The Mountain People
The Mountain People describes what happens during famine better than any book I know. The fabric rips and we see the Ik (a tribal people of northern Kenya) possessed by a dark humor and seemingly cruel betrayal of even their closest kin.
— Peter Warshall
##A 10 167310 17
##T The Mountain People
Colin M. Turnbull
1987; 309 pp.
ISBN 0671640984
$9.95 ($10.95 postpaid )
Simon & Schuster
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 10 273741 18
##T The Mountain People
Most of us are unlikely to admit readily that we can sink as low as the Ik, but many of us do, and with far less cause. However, that is left for the reader to decide for himself; this story concerns the Ik, the Mountain People, and their struggle for survival. Although the experience was far from pleasant, and involved both physical and mental suffering, I am grateful for it. In spite of it all, and contrary to the first tidal wave of disillusionment, it has added to my respect for humanity and my hope that we who have been civilized into such empty beliefs as the essential beauty and goodness of humanity may discover ourselves before it is too late.
##A 10 167714 19
##T The Mountain People
Blind Logwara
. . . when he tried to reach a dead hyena for a share of the putrid meat, his fellow Ik trampled him underfoot. He thought it quite funny.
##A 10 69386 20
##A 10 71827 21
##T Bioregionalism
##A 10 168433 22
by Peter Warshall
Bioregionalism is a recent revisioning of North America. It passionately opposes the homogenization and pasteurization of regional culture and natural landscape. Bioregionalists despise the you-could-be-anywhere motel room, Muzak, fast food, and highway strip as both gross and harsh on the human spirit. They encourage our uprooted, super-mobile citizenry to stop and look and feel the bios — the life of the natural and human world immediately surrounding them — a life, so to speak, that needs to be walked and talked to be loved.
Bioregionalism places great emphasis on time-depth. Its vision of
##A 10 163882 23
the future is solidly enmeshed in a respect for the “ancient ones” — the long-term residents — be they rocks, bristlecone pine, creeks,
kachinas, zithers, or gumbo. It celebrates a more personal and organic sense of beauty. Gifts, homes, poetry, pottery and painting connect directly to local materials — crafted by human hands — not the quick-and-easy purchase of prefabricated doodads from I. Magnin or the Seven-Eleven. In this sense, it is a quest to radically decentralized notions of beauty and values . . . from the Commodity Big Boys and National Television to homey, grassroots pride in local stuff. Self-reliance, even for entertainment.
Bioregionalism is also a knee-jerk kick to the recent hammering of American democracy. Who can feel part of America when their
##A 10 164981 24
senator represents five million citizens and the Congress is packed with 50 percent lawyers? Today’s democracy is a long way
from Jacksonian times when a Senator might be the voice of 10,000 voters and Davy Crockett could actually make it to Congress. In other words, “representative democracy” is getting stretched thin. There is a yearning for more “direct democracy” — the New England town meeting or the tribal council — in which individual action has more weight. Imagine, come November, Americans going to the polling booth and voting directly on how their tax money should be divvied up: how much to military,
to welfare, to preserve open spaces, to fight toxics and water pollution, to fund retirement, health, education and welfare. Could direct democracy really be any worse than electing a lawyer
##A 10 166624 25
beholden to special interest groups to go to Washington to bargain with other lawyers?
Bioregionalism (bios, life; regere, rule or govern) is, in part, a desire to establish a more direct democracy by encompassing a larger sense of community in a more ecological sense of space: by the eco-culture, for the eco-culture, and of the land and waters. It is still embryonic, defining its shape and goals. But both a stronger voice for all minorities, including nonhuman creatures, and a switch from alienated voters to citizens who feel rewarded and happy participating in governing (self-determination) are two strong currents in the bioregionalist river.
##A 10 166800 26
The reviews here introduce North American bioregionalism with
the broadest brushstrokes. In fact, too broad. But, space restrictions [of the paper Catalog, which text has been expanded
somewhat in this electronic version] limited us to the “spirit” rather than the details of bioregionalism. For instance, the deserts are more properly five deserts; the broadleaf forests more properly seven or eight forest types; all the mountain zones are a patchwork of complex ecological inter-fingerings. You will have to refine each sense of bioregion by overlaying your own sense of cultural and biological boundaries with regional topographic wonders like the Ozarks or Great Lakes or Snake River Plateau. We emphasize the regional bards — the poets, novelists, historians, musicians — to help celebrate each region’s joie de vivre.
##A 10 167585 27
Simultaneously, bioregionalism continues to resist the Hostess Twinkie syndrome and to pray for the preservation of the continent’s natural integrity. From song, spirit; from spirit, muscle; muscle, the common earth.
This introduction owes a lot to Jim Dodge’s much more extensive intro in the special bioregional issue of the CoEvolution Quarterly
(No. 32, 1981), edited by Peter Berg and Stephanie Mills. Thanks to them and Kelly Kindscher; Destiny, M.D.; Joe Browder; Diana Hadley; Tony Burgess; Rosey Woolridge; Joanne Kyger; and Jim Katz.
##A 10 165288 28
1. When you turn on your faucet, where does the water come
from? (Can you trace it back to local storm system?)
2. When you flush the toilet, where does the water go? (not just
the treatment plant, but the final river or lake).
3. What soil series are you standing on?
4. How long is the growing season?
5. What are the major geological events that shaped your
This quiz is adapted from "Where You At?" from the special bio-
regional issue of CoEvolution Quarterly (Number 32, 1981). The original authors were Leonard Charles, Jim Dodge, Lynn Milliman
and Victoria Stockley.
##A 10 172286 31
Reinhabitation means learning to live-in-place in an area that has been disrupted and injured through past exploitation. It involves becoming native to a place through becoming aware of the particular ecological relationships that operate within and around it. It means understanding activities and evolving social behavior that will enrich the life of that place, restore its life-supporting systems, and establish an ecologically and socially sustainable pattern of existence within it. Simply stated, it involves becoming fully alive in and with a place. It involves applying for membership in a biotic community and ceasing to be its exploiter.
— Peter Berg, Reinhabiting a Separate Country
##A 10 173394 32
##T Planet Drum Foundation • Raise the Stakes
Planet Drum Foundation • Raise the Stakes
The originators of Reinhabiting a Separate Country and of the term “reinhabitation” (Ÿ for definition). A membership with Planet Drum gets you two yearly issues of their newsletter, Raise the Stakes. A back-issue provides access to the names and whereabouts of bioregional groups in North America. Raise the Stakes excels at integrating urban life and bioregional perspective. It comes from San Francisco (at the mouth of the great northern and central California watershed) and generally has the best reviews of regional art, music, and food. It’s also THE place to get bioregional news from around North America and Europe.
— Stewart Brand
##A 10 173791 33
##T Planet Drum Foundation • Raise the Stakes
Beryl Magilavy, Editor
ISBN 02787016
Membership $15/year
includes Raise the Stakes
(2 issues); Information free with SASE
Issue #12, index of North American bio-regional
groups, $3;Reinhabiting a Separate Country (book) $8
Planet Drum Foundation
P. O. Box 31251
San Francisco, CA 94131
##A 10 73522 34
##T Boreal Forests
##A 10 174738 35
From polar bear to caribou, the far north is a land of wanderers. Sometimes seal, after fishing, wander onto ice floes and meet wandering bears. The frozen Arctic, at times like these, is hardly connected to the land. But a bit south of the permanent ice and snow, where maybe eight inches of soil thaw each year, the first lichens and mosses, then sedges and grasses beneficiently feed the caribou. This is the tundra. It always has permafrost, and when it freezes to the surface or gets covered in snow, the caribou head inland and south to the first scraggy trees (the taiga) and, in extreme years, to the thick forests (the boreal forest of spruce and hemlock). As they travel, the wolves go with them. When they reach their southern limit, they encounter their first close relative, the moose. Today, meat-eating remains; snowmobiles
##A 10 174977 36
replace sleds; and oil drilling and cash replace starvation. TV, story-telling, and carving still fill the long night.
Audubon’s Eastern Forests (see separate review) is the best introductory field guide to the forests of the far north. Volumes five and six (Arctic, Subarctic) of the Smithsonian series Handbook of North American Indians (see separate review) present the most encyclopedic and complete bioregional understanding.
— Peter Warshall
##A 10 177605 37
##T Arctic Dreams
Arctic Dreams
Arctic Dreams is the first lyric, philosophical reflection on the far north and its history of human visions. It is a quest for essences in a frozen, beautiful land.
— Peter Warshall
##A 10 177914 38
##T Arctic Dreams
(Imagination and Desire in a Northern Landscape)
Barry Lopez
1986; 464 pp.
ISBN 055326396X
$4.95 ($6.95
postpaid) from:
Macmillan Publishing Co.
Order Dept.
414 East Golf Road
Des Plaines, IL 60016
##A 10 178264 39
##T Arctic Dreams
The spring silence is broken by pistol reports of cracking on the river, and then the sound of breaking branches and the whining pop of a falling tree as the careening blocks of ice gouge the riverbanks. A related but far eerier phenomenon occurs in the coastal ice. Suddenly in the middle of winter and without warning a huge piece of sea ice surges hundreds of feet inland, like something alive. The Eskimo call it ivu. The silent arrival of caribou in an otherwise empty landscape is another example. The long wait at a seal hole for prey to surface. Waiting for a lead to close. The Eskimo have a word for this kind of long waiting, prepared for a sudden event; quinuituq. Deep patience.
##A 10 75877 40
##T Western Forests
##A 10 178999 41
It is difficult to encapsulate this immense bioregional province, which includes the northwest coastal (Oregonian) rain forest; the Sierra Nevada, Cascade, and Siskiyou Mountains; and a ribbon of oak-chaparral woodlands in the semi-arid regions below the needle-leaf forests. The cone-shaped pines, spruce, and firs shade the forest floor, filter the light, and scent the air. The water ouzels, mountain thrushes, tree squirrels, and warblers speak the chit-chat of these forest homes. In the higher elevations, a short growing season and the rise and fall of the snowline frame the rhythm of the year.
These western forests harbor the last significant virgin forests of the United States. They are pressured in a manner that John Muir
##A 10 179235 42
could only faintly envision — bioregional battles rage over gold and ores, timber, and more recently, recreational access and use.
— Peter Warshall
##A 10 181578 43
##T Western Forests
Western Forests
Stephen Whitney has the monopoly on good introductory books. Western Forests broadly sweeps through all the forests of this region.
— Peter Warshall
##A 10 181897 44
##T Western Forests
Stephen Whitney
1985; 672 pp.
ISBN 0394731271
$14.95 ($15.85 postpaid)
Random House Order Dept.
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 10 182200 45
##T Western Forests
Across western North America, from the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Ocean, successive mountain ranges and intervening lowlands form a deeply corrugated landscape characterized by extremes of elevation, climate, and vegetation. Trending north and south, the mountains intercept moist air masses as they move eastward from the Pacific Ocean. This not only increases the moisture on the slopes, but also reduces the precipitation that hits the lowlands and other ranges located downwind. As a result, the cool, moist mountainous areas of western North America stand as climatic islands in a region that is generally characterized by drought. The Rocky Mountains, the Sierra Nevada, the Cascade Range, and most other high ranges in the region bear conifer forests on their flanks, while most of the valley and basins that lie between them are largely covered by grasslands or desert scrub.
##A 10 52442 46
##T Western Forests
Forest conifers receive plenty of light simply by reaching above lesser plants. The pronounced tapering of the crowns of firs, hemlocks, spruces, and other trees not only aids in the shedding of snow but also permits light to penetrate to the lower branches, where flattened sprays are arranged in overlapping whorls around the central trunk. Among conifers growing in open situations, those found in areas of little snow rarely show the classic Christmas-tree shape. For example, the Digger Pine of California’s oak woodland has an open, rounded crown not unlike that of a deciduous hardwood. The same is true of pinyons, junipers, and various pines and cypresses occurring in open, droughty woodlands.
##A 10 182335 47
##T Western Forests
Pinyon-juniper woodlands.
Scipio, Utah
##A 10 183428 48
##T The Sierra Nevada
The Sierra Nevada
Stephen Whitney has the monopoly on good introductory
books: The Sierra Nevada is a superb introduction to complex zonation and ecology in California’s largest mountain range.
— Peter Warshall
##A 10 183755 49
##T The Sierra Nevada
Sierra Club Naturalist’s Guide to the Sierra Nevada
Stephen Whitney
1979; 526 pp.
ISBN 0871562162
$10.95 ($13.95 postpaid)
Sierra Club Bookstore
730 Polk Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
##A 10 21437 50
##T The Sierra Nevada
Alone among foothill plants, those of the riparian woodland do not have to contend with summer drought because they occur only on soils where the water table remains high throughout the year. Consequently, they show few of the specialized adaptations — such as small, leathery leaves, deep roots, and summer dormancy — exhibited by various chaparral and woodland plants. All of the trees and several of the shrubs are winter-deciduous. Assured of moisture during the summer, they have little need to brave the rigors of winters even as comparatively mild as those of the foothills.
##A 10 138349 51
##T The Sierra Nevada
Snow Plant, Sarcodes sanguinea. Flowers reddish, small; leaves and stem bright red; 6 to 12 inches. The snowplant lacks chlorophyll and is therefore incapable of photosynthesis. Instead, it obtains nutrients from decayed matter in the forest soil. The bizarre red spike of this plant pokes through the forest litter shortly after snowmelt; the small red flowers bloom May-August. It occurs on shady sites, 4000 to 8000 ft.
##A 10 184819 52
##T A Field Guide to the Cascades and Olympics
A Field Guide to the Cascades and Olympics
Stephen Whitney has the monopoly on good introductory books. A Field Guide to the Cascades and Olympics is a good bioregional overview, giving a feel for the similarities that all forest dwellers experience. It includes a good bibliography for going deeper.
— Peter Warshall
##A 10 184983 53
##T A Field Guide to the Cascades and Olympics
Stephen Whitney
1983; 288 pp.
ISBN 0898860776
$14.95 postpaid
The Mountaineers Books
306 Second Avenue West
Seattle, WA 98119
##A 10 274241 54
##T A Field Guide to the Cascades and Olympics
The area covered by this guidebook includes all of the Cascade Range—from southern British Columbia to northern California—the Coast Mountains of British Columbia north to the Bella Coola River, the Vancouver Island Range, and the Olympic Mountains. Along the eastern flank of the Coast Mountains and Cascade Range, the area extends to the lower limit of the continuous forest. The book will also prove useful in the forested lowlands of southwestern British Columbia and western Washington and in the Oregon-Washington coast ranges (which should be distinguished from the Coast Mountains of British Columbia). Plants and animals of Oregon’s drier interior valleys—the Willamette, Umpqua, and Rogue—are not included unless they also occur in the Cascades.
##A 10 69752 55
##T A Field Guide to the Cascades and Olympics
DOUGLAS-FIR, Pseudotsuga menziesii. Evergreen conifer to 290' tall, 2' - 8' diam, with compact conical crown. . . . Cones 2"—3–1/2" long, pale brown, with 3-pointed bracts extending beyond scales. . . . In all but highest forest zones, BCs in all our mtns to Cal, e to RM.
##A 10 186064 56
Tossed around by mountain uplifting and glaciation, pushed further and further from the benign influence of the sea, the northern needle-leaf forests diversified into a rich, highly mixed and complex series of ecological zones. Along the northern coasts, the redwoods, rain, fog, and soggy, mossy earth created North America’s most luxuriant temperate rain forest, with its teller of tales, Ken Kesey. Inland and further south, the montane Sierra Nevadas and oak woodlands are drier, but have equally rooted a spare and bare rock poet, Gary Snyder. Still further south, the original mountain bard, John Muir, paced the grass-lined valleys to the Sierran timberline spewing forth elegant prose. Almost half-way across the continent, the Rockies, North America’s tectonic backbone, cornucopia of plains and Colorado River soils as well as
##A 10 3029 57
desert irrigation, have no singular voice — perhaps because of their sheer immensity and height.
A Lady’s Life in the Rocky Mountains (written in 1873) by Isabella Bird and One Day at Teton Marsh by Sally Carrighar celebrate nature and pioneer life. Lew Welch (Ring of Bone) and Jaime DeAngulo (The Jaime DeAngulo Reader) are two bards of the transition between forests and woodlands, bioregion and city. Both write of coastal and Sierran landscapes.
- Peter Warshall
##A 10 120447 58
Sometimes a Great Notion
Ken Kesey
1963; 1988; 628 pp.
ISBN 0140045295
$8.95 ($9.95 postpaid)
Viking Penguin Books
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0120
201-387-0600 (NJ)
##A 10 124513 59
Turtle Island
Gary Snyder
1974; 114 pp.
ISBN 0811205460
$4.95 ($5.95 postpaid)
New Directions
80 Eighth Avenue
New York, NY 10011
##A 10 130617 60
The Mountains of California
John Muir
1894, 1985; 264 pp.
ISBN 0140390383
$5.95 ($6.95 postpaid)
Viking Penguin Books
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0120
##A 10 157734 61
A Lady’s Life in the Rocky Mountains
Isabella Bird
1987; 256 pp.
ISBN 0891740252
$3.95 ($4.95 postpaid)
Comstock Editions
3030 Bridgeway
Sausalito, CA 94965
##A 10 158430 62
One Day at Teton Marsh
Sally Carrighar
1979; 239 pp.
ISBN 0803263023
$7.95 ($8.95 postpaid)
University of Nebraska Press
901 North 17th Street
Lincoln, NE 68588
##A 10 159058 63
Ring of Bone
(Collected Poems: 1950-1971)
Lew Welch
Revised Edition 1979; 233 pp.
ISBN 0912516038
$6 postpaid from:
Subterranean Co.
P.O. Box 10233
Eugene, OR 97440
##A 10 159394 64
The Jaime De Angulo Reader
Jaime De Angulo
1979; 254 pp.
##A 10 162956 65
We stop walking right near where Andy’s starting his chain saw. The saw chokes and barks and dies and barks again with a rising snarl. Andy grins over at us and hollers, “Commencin’!” cocks an eye up above for widow-makers, then touches the saw’s blurred teeth against the flank of a big fir. A fountain of white fir sparks spew against the sun. We stand and watch him make his undercut and sight the tree. He’s made it a little too much sloped, so he cuts him a dutchman and slides it in to account for the extra inch or so, and goes around to the other side and goes at it with the saw again. When the tree creaks and tips and goes whooshing down I glance over to check the boy and see he’s impressed by it. That makes me feel better. I’d begun to wonder if it’s possible at all to talk with him; I’d begun to wonder if maybe what a man learns over twelve years in a world so different is like a foreign language that uses some of the words from our world but not enough to be familiar to us, not enough so we can talk. But when I see him watch that tree come down I think, There’s that; just like any man I ever knew, he likes to see a tree felled. There is that, by Christ.
— from Sometimes a Great Notion
##A 10 164196 66
In the high seat, before-dawn dark,
Polished hubs gleam
And the shiny diesel stack
Warms and flutters
Up the Tyler Road grade
To the logging on Poorman creek.
Thirty miles of dust.
There is no other life.
— from Turtle Island
##A 10 164464 67
This general order of distribution, with reference to climate dependent on elevation, is perceived at once, but there are other harmonies, as far-reaching in this connection, that become manifest only after patient observation and study. Perhaps the most interesting of these is the arrangement of the forests in long, curving bands, braided together into lace-like patterns, and outspread in charming variety. The key to this beautiful harmony is the ancient glaciers; where they flowed the trees followed, tracing their wavering courses along cañons, over ridges, and over high, rolling plateaus. . . . All the forests of the Sierra rare growing upon moraines. . . .
The Sierra forests in general indicate the extent and positions of the ancient moraines as well as they do lines of climate. For forests, properly speaking, cannot exist without soil; and, since the moraines have been deposited upon the solid rock, and only upon elected places, leaving a considerable portion of the old glacial surface bare, we find luxuriant forests of pine and fir abruptly terminated by scored and polished
##A 10 274907 68
pavements on which not even a moss is growing, though soil alone is required to fit them for the growth of trees 200 feet in height.
— from The Mountains of California
##A 10 168533 69
From my bed I look on Mirror Lake, and with the very earliest dawn, when objects are not discernible, it lies there absolutely still, a purplish lead color. Then suddenly into its mirror flash inverted peaks, at first a dawn darker all round. This is a new sight, each morning new. Then the peaks fade, and when morning is no longer “spread upon the mountains,” the pines are mirrored in my lake almost as solid objects, and the glory steals downwards, and a red flush warms the clear atmosphere of the park, and the hoar-frost sparkles and the crested blue-jays step forth daintily on the jewelled grass. The majesty and beauty grow on me daily.
— from A Lady’s Life in the Rocky Mountains
##A 10 170326 70
If the Scud could have known that day was to be his last, he would have lived it just as he did. . . .
When he began the day, the only light was the moon’s. It did no more than loosen the blackness in the cove. No matter; he never seemed to care where he was going. He flung himself back, forward, up, down, level, sidewise; the fun was in the wildness of the motion. When he landed with a bump, the water cushioned it. He jerked his tail up under his chin now, arching his back so quickly that he jetted out the water from between his fifteen pairs of legs. The spurt had sent him flying. With a little bounce he stopped against the surface film and let himself drift slowly down . . . but snapped together again, with a somersaulting, and the next jet threw him up to the top at a different angle. He thumped on something solid: food? Turned over with a flip, he reached and sniffed with his antennae. It was a tactile question—answered by “no,” for he found that he had hit a piece of driftwood.
— from One Day At Teton Marsh
##A 10 170594 71
Ant Lion traps in the trail dust.
—thumbs under pack straps
I can only look down—
thousands upon thousands of them!
perfect cones (quivering at the bottom)
Are Ant Lion traps worse than how we dammed Hetch Hetchy?
“forgive SF housewives
all their washing”
Scarring it, all of us, in our fashion.
. . .
##A 10 274608 72
huge clumsy birds,
crash around in the pine trees
breaking branches
—from “Hiking Poem/High Sierra”
Ring of Bone
##A 10 78167 73
##T Eastern Forests
##A 10 187580 74
In winter, the leafless open forest, grey and dormant. In spring, pale green leafing and explosive flowering. In summer, through the five-layered canopy, a random spot of forest floor sunlight galvanizes the eye. In fall, colors peak red, orange, yellow; on a scale of one to ten, a ten. Oak, maple, beech or basswood are always present. The life/death/rebirth cycles are so dramatic that these forests have always magnetized poets, philosophers, and writers who exploit seasonal metaphor endlessly.
To me, the flowering dogwood establishes the sense of place.
— Peter Warshall
##A 10 188811 75
##T Eastern Forests
Eastern Forests
For a general pretty-photos field guide with a broadbrush overview of the leaf-sheddding, cold-resistant forests, read Audubon’s Eastern Forests.
— Peter Warshall
##A 10 189071 76
##T Eastern Forests
Ann and Myron Sutton
1985; 638 pp.
ISBN 0394731263
$14.95 ($15.85 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 10 189322 77
##T Eastern Forests
Flowering Dogwood is one of the most beautiful eastern North American trees with showy early spring flowers, red fruit, and scarlet autumn foliage. The hard wood is extremely shock-resistant and useful for making weaving-shuttles. It is also made into spools, small pulleys, mallet heads, and jeweler’s blocks. Indians used the aromatic bark and roots as a remedy for malaria and extracted a red dye from the roots.
##A 10 189515 78
##T Eastern Forests
Wood Thrush,
Hylocichla mustelina.
All eastern forests
except Boreal
##A 10 59221 79
##T Eastern Forests
Flowering Dogwood Cornus florida
Transitional, Mixed Deciduous, and Oak-hickory forests; Southern Appalachians; and Southern Pinelands
##A 10 190131 80
##T The North Woods of Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota
The North Woods of Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota
The North Woods — the transition between boreal and deciduous forest — is the land Hemingway cherished, harboring the East’s last great wolf sanctuary. This guide is a must for citizens of Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota.
— Peter Warshall
##A 10 190399 81
##T The North Woods of Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota
Glenda Daniel and Jerry Sullivan
1981; 408 pp.
ISBN 0871562774
$10.95 ($13.95 postpaid)
Sierra Club Bookstore
730 Polk Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
##A 10 100794 82
##T The North Woods of Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota
The North Woods
##A 10 242740 83
##T The North Woods of Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota
Basswood stands may have an unusual growth form—a perfect circle. Mature trees produce what are called root crown sprouts around the central trunk. When the old tree dies, the young sprouts are left growing in a circle. Each of these offspring will be capable of creating a circle of its own when it gets big enough.
##A 10 191383 84
The South was completely different from the North. The eco-culture of pine woods and hickory/beech, slavery, and hillbilly Caribe-French and Elizabethan roots graced the United States with its most popular bioregional music: the blues, bluegrass, country western, cajun zydeco, cross-over rock. (Ÿ See and listen to mail order music sources reviewed separately.)
Perhaps because poetry is so close to music, the South generated fewer poets. Because of the intensity of the slave-based economy, human drama has overridden concern for the land; there is no more fertile ground for a poetic prose of humanized landscape. Joel Chandler Harris (Uncle Remus), William Faulkner, Tennessee Williams, Flannery O’Connor, and Carson McCullers are some of
##A 10 6590 85
the greats. The preeminent voice of the culture in agriculture is Wendell Berry, the South’s main bioregional bard (Ÿ see separate review of his The Unsettling of America).
— Peter Warshall
##A 10 191648 86
A Good Man Is Hard to Find (and Other Stories)
Flannery O’Connor
1953, 1977; 251 pp.
ISBN 0156364654
$4.95 ($5.95 postpaid)
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
1250 Sixth Avenue
San Diego, CA 92101
##A 10 64024 87
Collected Poems (1957-1982)
Wendell Berry
1984; 268 pp.
ISBN 0865471975
$8.50 ($10 postpaid)
North Point Press
850 Talbot Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94706
##A 10 191985 88
They stopped at The Tower for barbecued sandwiches. The Tower was a part stucco and part wood filling station and dance hall set in a clearing outside of Timothy. A fat man named Red Sammy Butts ran it and there were signs stuck here and there on the building and for miles up and down the highway saying, TRY RED SAMMY’S FAMOUS BARBECUE. NONE LIKE FAMOUS RED SAMMY’S! RED SAM! THE FAT BOY WITH THE HAPPY LAUGH. A VETERAN! RED SAMMY’S YOUR MAN!
Red Sam came in and told his wife to quit lounging on the counter and hurry up with these people’s order. His khaki trousers reached just to his hip bones and his stomach hung over them like a sack of meal swaying under his shirt. He came over and sat down at a table nearby and let out a combination sigh and yodel. “You can’t win,” he said.
“You can’t win,” and he wiped his sweating red face off with a gray handkerchief.
“These days you don’t know who to trust,” he said. “Ain’t that the truth?”
— A Good Man Is Hard to Find
##A 10 192057 89
from “The Clearing”
February. A cloudy day
foretelling spring by its warmth
though snow will follow.
You are at work in the worn field
returning now to thought.
The sorrel mare eager
to the burden, you are dragging
cut brush to the pile,
moving in ancestral motions
of axe-stroke, bending to log chain and trace, speaking
immemorial bidding and praise
to the mare’s fine ears.
. . .
##A 10 63716 90
And you pause to rest
in the quiet day while the mare’s
sweated flanks steam.
You stand in a clearing whose cost
you know in tendon and bone.
A kingfisher utters
his harsh cry, rising
from the leafless river.
Again, again, the old
is newly come.
— Wendell Berry, Collected Poems
##A 10 192809 91
Virgin forest is nearly impossible to find; the forests of the northeast have been settled longest, and with settlement has come a strong voice of love. “I have travelled a good deal in Concord . . .” is Thoreau’s famous line, and it had many followers. Here God and Nature became inextricably tangled. In second growth forest, the Mind remained pioneer: Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Emily Dickinson, Charles Olson, William Carlos Williams, Robert Creeley, Robert Frost. It’s a bioregion of beautifully crafted poetry and very moral prose (e.g. Hawthorne, Melville). Thoreau’s Journals (Ÿ see also a separate review of Walden) — part of the great quest to give transcendental truth to each act of Nature — contain the most loving attention to seasonal change ever recorded in North America. Ernest
##A 10 193208 92
Hemingway’s The Nick Adams Stories tells of Nick growing up in the north woods of Michigan with prose as direct and simple as a single white pine in winter snow.
— Peter Warshall
##A 10 214614 93
The Nick Adams Stories
Ernest Hemingway
1927, 1972; 268 pp.
ISBN 0684169401
$8.95 postpaid from:
Macmillan Publishing Co.
Order Dept.
Front and Brown Streets
Riverside, NJ 08075
##A 10 238200 94
The Journal of Henry D. Thoreau
Bradford Torrey and F. H. Allen
1906; 1,804 pp.
ISBN 0486203123/31
$40 each ($41 each postpaid)
Dover Publications, Inc.
31 East Second Street
Mineola, NY 11501
(14 volumes, bound as 2 volumes)
##A 10 238342 95
Selected Journals of Henry David Thoreau
Carl Bode, Editor
ISBN 0452007496
$3.95 ($5.45 postpaid)
New American Library
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0120
##A 10 193589 96
They came from the hot sun of the slashings into the shade of the great trees. The slashings had run up to the top of a ridge and over and then the forest began. They were walking on the brown forest floor now and it was springy and cool under their feet. There was no underbrush and the trunks of the trees rose sixty feet high before there were any branches. It was cool in the shade of the trees and high up in them Nick could hear the breeze that was rising. No sun came through as they walked and Nick knew there would be no sun through the high top branches until nearly noon. His sister put her hand in his and walked close to him.
“I’m not scared, Nickie. But it makes me feel very strange.”
“Me, too,” Nick said. “Always.”
“I never was in woods like these.”
“This is all the virgin timber left around here.”
“Do we go through it very long?”
“Quite a way.”
“I’d be afraid if I were alone.”
##A 10 193885 97
“It makes me feel strange. But I’m not afraid.”
“I said that first.”
“I know. Maybe we say it because we are afraid.”
“No. I’m not afraid because I’m with you. But I know I’d be afraid alone. Did you ever come here with anyone else?”
“No. Only by myself.”
“And you weren’t afraid?”
“No. But I always feel strange. Like the way I ought to feel in church.”
— The Nick Adams Stories
##A 10 194348 98
Those sparrows, too, are thoughts I have. They come and go; they flit by quickly on their migrations, uttering only a faint chip, I know not whither or why exactly. One will not rest upon its twig for me to scrutinize it. The whole copse will be alive with my rambling thoughts, bewildering me by their very multitude, but they will be all gone directly without leaving me a feather. My loftiest thought is somewhat like an eagle that suddenly comes into the field of view, suggesting great things and thrilling the beholder, as if it were bound hitherward with a message for me; but it comes no nearer, but circles and soars away, growing dimmer, disappointing me, till it is lost behind a cliff or a cloud. — The Journal of Henry D. Thoreau
##A 10 194869 99
This is one of those ambrosial, white, ever-memorable fogs presaging fair weather. It produces the most picturesque and grandest effects as it rises, and travels hither and thither, enveloping and concealing trees and forests and hills. It is lifted up now into quite a little white mountain over Fair Haven Bay, and, even on its skirts, only the tops of the highest pines are seen above it, and all down the river it has an uneven outline like a rugged mountain ridge; in one place some rainbow tints, and far, far in the south horizon, near the further verge of the sea (over Saxonville?) it is heaved up into great waves, as if there were breakers there. In the meanwhile the wood thrush and the jay and the robin sing around me here, and birds are heard singing from the midst of the fog. And in one short hour this sea will all evaporate and the sun be reflected from farm windows on its green bottom.
— The Journal of Henry D. Thoreau
##A 10 83121 100
##T Grasslands
##A 10 195587 101
Divided East to West into the tall- and shortgrass prairies, the temperate grasslands have been the most productive and heavily used of all North America’s soils. Deep in the Great Prairie earth grew the “totemic” grasses of the bioregion: bluestem, needle, and grama grasses. Here the pronghorn, prairie wolf and buffalo migrated. Badgers, prairie dogs, and prairie chicken were most at home. Fear struck in the north as ground blizzards; in the midriff as hail; and in the south as tornadoes. Fast moving fires blew everywhere. This is an inland bioregion with the heavens both battling and nurturing the earth. It is an earth in which roots go deep. It is where the dust bowl sat the longest and with most weight. It is the source of more human nutrition than any other area in North America. Corn, wheat, and soybeans replace the native grasses. — Peter Warshall
##A 10 198338 102
The land went so fast. The plains Indians had hardly created a new horse culture and the strongest spiritual vision quest in North America when the buffalo disappeared and the Indian people were scattered like the wolves. Singers of the grassland sing of the past. John Madson’s Where the Sky Began traces the prairie’s bioregional history with rooted humor and obvious love. Willa Cather, tough romantic of sod and soil, is the first-rate bard of the plains. John C. Ewer’s The Horse in Blackfoot Culture and Mari Sandoz’s Crazy Horse, The Strange Man of the Oglalas document the great flowering of plains Indian culture.
— Peter Warshall
Ÿ Native American Life
##A 10 198482 103
Where the Sky Began
John Madson
1982; 321 pp.
ISBN 0871568365
$8.95 ($11.95 postpaid)
Sierra Club Bookstore
730 Polk Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
##A 10 194210 104
My Antonia
Willa Cather
1973; 371 pp.
ISBN 0395083567
$5.95 ($6.95 postpaid)
Houghton Mifflin Company
Mail Order Dept.
Wayside Road
Burlington, MA 01803
(or Whole Earth Access)
##A 10 238746 105
The Horse in Blackfoot Indian Culture
John C. Ewers
1980; 374 pp.
ISBN 074744199P
$16.50 ($18.25 postpaid)
Smithsonian Institution Press
Dept. 900
Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17294-0900
##A 10 238979 106
Crazy Horse, The Strange Man of the Oglalas
Mari Sandoz
1961; 429 pp.
ISBN 0803251718
$6.95 ($7.45 postpaid)
University of Nebraska Press
901 North 17th Street
327 Nebraska Hall
Lincoln, NE 68588-0520
##A 10 198956 107
July came on with that breathless, brilliant heat which makes the plains of Kansas and Nebraska the best corn country in the world. It seemed as if we could hear the corn growing in the night; under the stars one caught a faint crackling in the dewy, heavy-odoured cornfields where the feathered stalks stood so juicy and green. If all the great plain from the Missouri to the Rocky Mountains had been under glass, and the heat regulated by a thermometer, it could not have been better for the yellow tassels that were ripening and fertilizing the silk day by day . . . . The burning sun of those few weeks, with occasional rains at night, secured the corn. After the milky ears were once formed, we had little to fear from dry weather.
— My Antonia
##A 10 199321 108
Some farmers still speak of native grass as “horse hay” with the inference that it’s not respectable cattle feed. They forget that their grandfathers who fed cattle a simple fattening ration of clean water, salt, yellow corn, and prairie hay found that individual gains were seldom less than three pounds per day. We’ve come a long way since then. Now, with protein supplements, chopped clovers and bromes, mixed commercial feeds and expensive minerals and supplements, gains often range from 1 to 2 pounds per day. Maybe, as dad used to say, we’ve been educated beyond our intelligence.
— Where the Sky Began
##A 10 200026 109
For an overview of the continent’s grasslands — California,
intermountain, desert, tallgrass, mixed, and shortgrass — get Audubon’s Grasslands.
Donald Worster’s Dust Bowl chronicles the 1930s devastation of the great plains with respect and awe for the region and condemnation of the ecological values taught by the capitalist ethos.
Sacred Cows at the Public Trough by Denzel and Nancy Ferguson
bitterly reveals how livestock ruined the public’s open range.
— Peter Warshall
##A 10 200254 110
Lauren Brown
1985; 606 pp.
ISBN 0394731212
$14.95 ($15.95 postpaid)
Random House
Order Dept.
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
or Whole Earth Access
##A 10 198684 111
Dust Bowl
Donald Worster
1979; 277 pp.
$9.95 postpaid
Oxford University Press
16-00 Pollitt Drive
Fairlawn, NJ 07410
##A 10 239296 112
Sacred Cows At The Public Trough
Denzel and Nancy Ferguson
1983; 260 pp.
ISBN 0892880910
$8.95 ($9.95 postpaid)
Maverick Publications
Drawer 5007
Bend, OR 97708
##A 10 86879 113
##T Deserts
##A 10 200817 114
This is a bioregion defined by what it lacks: no blizzards, no fog, no tornados, no regular rainfall. What it has got is solar heat. The light is intense. The rare clouds become instantly sacred. Rain is loved like nowhere else. The visual arts flourish: Pueblo pottery, Navajo weaving, outdoor ritual, Georgia O’Keefe. A common pride in survival connects humans, sidewinders, road runners and cacti. This is the most diverse cultural region (not counting cities). Native peoples still speak their languages and practice their blessings. A regional sense of spirit has been slowly fused together from Native American, Spanish, and Anglo-European influences. Mormons, followers of a religion native to the U.S., flex much moral and financial muscle. Sunbelt cities eat up the desert
and suck the once lush rivers dry. It was all foretold by Hopi
##A 10 201080 115
prophets and John Wesley Powell and fueled by a web of powerlines: there is no turning back.
— Peter Warshall
##A 10 204806 116
Audubon’s Deserts is a broad natural history of the four major North American deserts: the cold Great Basin, the lush Sonoran, the winter-rain Mojave, and the summer-rain Chihuahuan. Van Dyke’s The Desert is the most painterly prose and (still) the best on the Sonoran. The strongest celebration comes from the residents: Simon Ortiz of Acoma is the poet; Native Americans no longer have to depend on anglo interpretations, thanks to Larry Evers’ editing of The South Corner of Time; Rudolph Anaya’s Bless Me, Ultima places desert powers in the heart of a great bruja. Norman Mailer confronts Great Basin Mormonism in The Executioner’s Song.
— Peter Warshall
##A 10 205213 117
James A. MacMahon
1985; 638 pp.
ISBN 0394731395
$14.95 ($15.95 postpaid)
Random House
Order Dept.
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, OH 21157
##A 10 28821 118
The Desert
John C. Van Dyke
1980; 233 pp.
ISBN 087905073X
$4.95 postpaid
Gibbs M. Smith
P. O. Box 667
Layton, UT 84041
##A 10 129686 119
The South Corner of Time
Larry Evers
1981; 240 pp.
ISBN 0816507317
$17.50 ($18.50 postpaid)
University of Arizona Press
1230 North Park, #102
Tucson, AZ 85719
##A 10 129864 120
Bless Me, Ultima
Rudolfo A. Anaya
1972; 249 pp.
ISBN 0892290021
$12 ($13 postpaid)
Tonatiuh-Quinto Sol International, Inc.
P. O. Box 9275
Berkeley, CA 94709
For a tape version, see next card of this review for access info and to play an excerpted sound.
##A 10 7440 121
Bless Me, Ultima — Tape Version
Rudolfo A. Anaya
41 minutes
$21.95 ($22.45 postpaid)
American Audio Prose Library
1015 East Broadway
Columbia, MO 65205
The author reads BLESS ME ULTIMA and LA TORTUGA
ORDER #: 2011
Sound excerpt from “Bless Me Ultima”
##A 10 237117 122
The Executioner’s Song
Norman Mailer
ISBN 04466345210
$5.95 ($6.95 postpaid)
Little, Brown and Company
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 10 237512 123
Georgia O’Keefe
Georgia O’Keefe
ISBN 0140046771
$29.95 ($31.45 postpaid)
Viking Penguin Books
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0120
##A 10 237579 124
A Good Journey
Simon Ortiz
1984; 165 pp.
ISBN 0816508836
$8.95 ($9.95 postpaid)
University of Arizona Press
1230 North Park, #102
Tucson, AZ 85719
##A 10 205990 125
The dust-particle in itself is sufficient to account for the warmth of coloring in the desert air — sufficient in itself to produce the pink, yellow, and lilac hazes. And yet I am tempted to suggest some other causes. It is not easy to prove that a reflection may be thrown upward upon the air by the yellow face of the desert beneath it — a reflection similar to that produced by a fire upon a night sky — yet I believe there is something of the desert’s air-coloring derived from that source. Nor is it easy to prove that a reflection is cast by blue, pink, and yellow skies, upon the lower air-strata, yet certain effects shown in the mirage (the water illusion, for instance, which seems only the reflection of the sky from heated air) seem to suggest it. And if we put together other casual observations they will make argument toward the same goal. For instance, the common blue haze that we may see any day in the mountains, is always deepest in the early morning when the blue sky over it is deepest. At noon when the sky turns gray-blue the haze turns gray-blue also. The yellow haze of the desert is seen at its best when there is a yellow sunset, and the pink haze when there
##A 10 109552 126
is a red sunset, indicating that at least the sky has some part in coloring by reflection the lower layers of desert air.
Whatever the cause, there can be no doubt about the effect. The desert air is practically colored air.
— The Desert
##A 10 206413 127
Black-collared Lizard
— Deserts
##A 10 206852 128
— Deserts
##A 10 207377 129
Upper bajada, Sonoran
— Deserts
##A 10 14385 130
##T Gathering the Desert
Gathering the Desert
Not a guide, but a philosophical history, telling the stories of selected wild edibles once widely used as staples, now morassed in the confusion of supermarkets and the destroyed values of Indian cultures. The most readable and beautifully illustrated wild edibles book, sadly singing a world on the wane.
— Peter Warshall
Ÿ Wild Edibles
##A 10 14628 131
##T Gathering the Desert
Gary Paul Nabhan
1985; 240 pp.
ISBN 0816509352
$19.95 ($20.45 postpaid)
University of Arizona Press
1615 East Speedway
Tucson, AZ 85716
##A 10 231048 132
##T Gathering the Desert
Wild chiltepines must have more of what makes chiles holy than your normal, average, everyday farm-dwelling green or red pepper. This spiritual essence of chile is an odorless, colorless, flavorless non-nutrient that a chemist named Thresh first crystallized and described as capsaicin late in the nineteenth century. Thresh correctly guessed that this fat-soluble compound is structurally similar to vanilla. By the 1920s, when Nelson first artificially synthesized capsaicin, chemists realized that any of a number of acid amines with basic vanillylamine units could stimulate pain receptors in the human mouth. Wild chiltepines have as much as four times this pungency principle per unit weight than do larger, domesticated chile varieties. In the definitive survey of the most pungent varieties of the chile genus, wild Mexican chiltepines topped even the Japanese santaka, the fire-breathing dragon of the introduced Asian chiles. Human senses can detect capsaicin in dilutions of one part in 15 million, and chiltepines have as much as 2,600 parts capsaicin per million of them. From a quick calculation, you can project that a bite into a chiltepin is 39,000
##A 10 243865 133
##T Gathering the Desert
times more powerful than what it needs to be for your taste buds to tell you that you are eating a chile! In short, the chiltepin, as progenitor to most cultivated chile varieties, is the hottest mother around.
##A 10 7820 134
##T Inland Waters
##A 10 4468 135
Each bioregion has its own: cienaga, tanque, branch, creek, swamp, marsh, bog, glade, slough, swale, wallow, bottoms, bayou, oxbow, pool, pond, brook, run, kill. Wetlands define bioregion personality, create the intimacy with the local lore and the local pacing of nature. Sources and springs used to be held in the highest regard; a few hot springs still remain associated with healing and a few springs have been given a second lease on life by the bottled water business. But water is so precious to commodity production
(irrigated crops, cattle forage, land-filling and channelization for real estate, cooling power plants, etc.) that wetlands are our number one endangered ecological and cultural region. Riverlife, duck hunting, trout fishing, swimming, boating — many of the
areas Americans use for escape are disappearing, just as the desire for open water floods our hearts. - Peter Warshall
##A 10 200644 136
To help save rivers contact American Rivers and Friends of the River.
- Peter Warshall
##A 10 239450 137
American Rivers
Information free
American Rivers
801 Pennsylvania Avenue
SE #303
Washington, DC 20003
##A 10 241176 138
Friends of the River
Information free
Friends of the River
Fort Mason Center
Building C
San Francisco, CA 94123
##A 10 240342 139
##T Rolling Rivers
Rolling Rivers
A pro-development but excellent basic river reference with river by river bibliography.
- Peter Warshall
##A 10 240563 140
##T Rolling Rivers
An Encyclopedia of America’s Rivers
Richard Bartlett
1984; 298 pp.
ISBN 0070039100
$29.95 postpaid
McGraw-Hill Inc.
Order Dept.
Princeton Road
Hightstown, NJ 08520
##A 10 240805 141
##T Rolling Rivers
The Bear River
Source: Near Hayden Peak in Uinta Mountains of northern Utah.
Length: About 500 miles
Tributaries: Smith’s Fork, Thomas Fork, Cub River, Malad River, Little Bear River
Mouth: Flows into Bear River Bay of Great Salt Lake
The Bear River is the largest tributary to the Great Salt Lake, running as much as 1.4 million acre-feet of water into the sterile inland sea. The Bear is also the largest stream in North America that does not reach the ocean. While it is a river virtually unknown to most people, for the residents of its 6,900-square mile drainage area it is of life-giving importance. At first a rushing, boulder-strewn young stream
##A 10 273464 142
##T Rolling Rivers
swelled by the melting snow water, it soon becomes a characteristically mature river, . . . and . . . eventually it flows into Bear River Bay of the Great Salt Lake. This is just ninety miles west of the river’s place of origin; in its journey it has crossed state boundaries five times.
##A 10 240899 143
##T Rolling Rivers
Rivers in arid lands are heavily used. Utah’s Bear River produces hydroelectric power as in this scene west of Cache Canyon; it also furnishes water for irrigation.
##A 10 211205 144
Audubon’s Wetlands is the best of the Audubon survey guides,
written by one of the finest ecologists to immerse himself in the subject. Appropriately, there is no one fluvial bard, but many, each pouring forth the mysterious solution of water and words. Here are some of my favorites.
— Peter Warshall
##A 10 211496 145
Round River
From the Journals of Aldo Leopold
Luna B. Leopold
1953, 1972; 173 pp.
ISBN 0195015630
$3.95 postpaid
Oxford University Press
16-00 Pollitt Drive
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
##A 10 210116 146
Life on the Mississippi
Mark Twain
1961, 1985; 384 pp.
ISBN 0140390502
$4.95 ($5.95 postpaid)
New American Library
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0120
For two tape versions, see next next two cards of this review for access info and to play excerpted sounds.
##A 10 16982 147
Life on the Mississippi — Tape Version 1
Mark Twain
8 - 1 1/2 hour cassettes
Purchase—$64.00 ($66.50 postpaid) from:
Books on Tape
P. O. Box 7900
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Read by Michael Prichard
Catalog number 1069
##A 10 260023 148
Life on the Mississippi — Tape Version 2
Mark Twain
1 cassette
$12.95 ($14.45 postpaid)
c/o Harper & Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
Selections performed by Ed Begley
Catalog number SWC 1234
##A 10 239711 149
A River Runs Through It
Norman MacLean
1979; 217 pp.
ISBN 026500578
$7.95 postpaid
University of Chicago
11030 South Langley
Chicago, IL 60628
##A 10 239934 150
William A. Niering
1985; 638 pp.
ISBN 0394731476
$14.95 ($15.95 postpaid)
Random House/Order Dept.
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 10 88006 151
##T Coastal Edge
##A 10 212899 152
Rocks, sand dunes, bays, marshes, and protected wharves — all lapped and slapped by the seas. More people live on coastal edges than anywhere else on the planet.
— Peter Warshall
##A 10 214153 153
Rachel Carson — the woman who first traced the path of DDT from the sea to the soul, awakening the world to toxic karmic feedback — loved the tangled ways of Nature. She wrote a much imitated, never quite duplicated naturalist prose in which language and knowledge meld like foam, waves, and the patterns of a sandy beach. The Edge of the Sea is this bioregion’s bible.
North America’s grandest Atlantic and Pacific coast bays have their seaward scribes. John Steinbeck’s The Log from the Sea of Cortez is his journey with primo coastal naturalist Ed Ricketts. It is one of his finest, widening works, as happens at the sea’s edge. Chesapeake Bay is a clamshell: top lid is William Warners’s Beautiful Swimmers on crabs, men and estuaries; the bottom lid is
##A 10 66784 154
Life in the Chesapeake Bay, the single best field guide available.
— Peter Warshall
##A 10 214355 155
The Edge of the Sea
Rachel Carson
1955; 276 pp.
ISBN 039507505X
$7.95 postpaid
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Mail Order Dept.
Wayside Road
Burlington, MA 01803
(or Whole Earth Access)
##A 10 205364 156
The Log from the Sea of Cortez
John Steinbeck
1951, 1977; 336 pp.
ISBN 014004261X
$4.95 ($5.95 postpaid)
Viking Penguin Books
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0120
##A 10 205739 157
Beautiful Swimmers
William W. Warner
1976, 1987; 304 pp.
ISBN 0140170049
$6.95 ($7.95 postpaid)
Viking Penguin Books
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0120
##A 10 237965 158
Life in the Chesapeake Bay
Alice J. Lippson and Robert L. Lippson
1984; 229 pp.
ISBN 0801830133
$12.95 ($14.95 postpaid)
Johns Hopkins University Press
701 West 40th Street
Suite 275
Baltimore, MD 21211
##A 10 215529 159
##T The Intertidal Wilderness
The Intertidal Wilderness
Exquisite color photographs of life in the intertidal zone with clear text on the underlying ecological processes at work.
— Peter Warshall
##A 10 215728 160
##T The Intertidal Wilderness
Anne Wertheim
1984; 156 pp.
ISBN 0871568314
$14.95 ($17.95 postpaid)
Sierra Club Bookstore
730 Polk Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
##A 10 209862 161
##T The Intertidal Wilderness
Wave Action
The ocean’s surge is an integral part of the daily lives of intertidal organisms. All these organisms require water and waves to keep them moist, supply oxygen, bring food, and remove wastes. But while they are dependent on the ocean, many eventually succumb to it: mussels may die from being swept away, and other organisms may be buried in water-borne sediment.
##A 10 216714 162
##T The Underwater Naturalist
The Underwater Naturalist
The best access to coastline protection and news.
— Peter Warshall
Ÿ Environmental Action
##A 10 217042 163
##T The Underwater Naturalist
D. W. Bennett, Editor
$20/year (4 issues)
$10 students, $25 libraries
and institutions
The American Littoral Society
Sandy Hook
Highlands, NJ 07732
##A 10 150938 164
##T The Underwater Naturalist
Rookery Bay is a high-salinity estuarine system on the southwest coast of Florida....
The estuary is a nutrient trap as well, supporting abundant phytoplankton populations, sub-tidal seagrass beds, Spartina marshes, and mangroves....
Mangroves are especially important in southern Florida where, protected from the cold, they provide food, substrate, and shelter to a host of animals in and out of the water. Three species, red, white, and black mangrove produce detritus from their fallen leaves that supports large numbers of scavengers like sheepshead minnows and shrimp, predators like speckled sea trout, fish eating birds, and ultimately humans. Like other wetlands, these “forests of the sea” support over 70 percent of the local fish and shellfishes. Mangroves are also crucial as buffers against erosion, and in many instances, even build up new land. Over 150 species of birds have been reported here. Many require the unique environment for nesting—hence the name—Rookery Bay.
##A 10 15331 165
##T The Underwater Naturalist
Rookery Bay, Florida
##A 10 217885 166
Once again, Audubon has put out the best overview of a diverse region. Pacific Coast covers seashells, mammals, fish, seaweed, algae, invertebrates, and birds: it suffers, however, from non-seasonal bird plumages and unuseable views of whales. For a closer look I like this more detailed local guide: Seashore Life of the Northern Pacific Coast.
The Atlantic coast equivalent to the above Audubon guide is Peterson’s A Field Guide to the Atlantic Seashore. For home reading and car travel, Sierra Club’s The North Atlantic Coast
(Cape Cod to Newfoundland) and The Middle Atlantic Coast (Cape Hatteras to Cape Cod) serve as introductory ecology textbooks and great location guides for seeing the action.
— Peter Warshall
##A 10 218207 167
Pacific Coast
Bayard H. and Evelyn McConnaughey
1985; 633 pp.
$14.95 ($15.95 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 10 173020 168
Seashore Life of the Northern Pacific Coast
Eugene N. Kozloff
1973, 1983; 370 pp.
$19.95 ($21.45 postpaid)
University of Washington Press
P. O. Box 50096
Seattle, WA 98145
##A 10 173132 169
Field Guide to the Atlantic Seashore
Kenneth L. Gosner
1982; 329 pp.
ISBN 0395318289
$12.95 ($13.95 postpaid)
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Mail Order Dept.
Wayside Road
Burlington, MA 01803
(or Whole Earth Access)
##A 10 202601 170
The North Atlantic Coast
Michael and Deborah Berrill
1981; 464 pp.
$10.95 ($13.45 postpaid)
Sierra Club Bookstore
730 Polk St.
San Francisco, CA 94109
(or Whole Earth Access)
##A 10 213566 171
The Middle Atlantic Coast
Sierra Club Naturalist’s Guide to the Middle Atlantic Coast
Bill Perry
ISBN 0871568160
$9.95 ($12.45 postpaid)
Sierra Club Bookstore
730 Polk Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
##A 10 88948 172
##T Bioregional Publications
##A 10 219311 173
##T Katúah
From the southern Appalachian Mountains (North and South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, and Virginia). Folksy and informative articles on Native American traditions and American pioneer
know-how as important parts of the ongoing health of the region.
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 10 13719 174
##T Katúah
Marnie Muller, David Wheeler,
et al., Editors
$10/year (4 issues)
P. O. Box 638
Leicester, NC
Katúah Province 28748
##A 10 129181 175
##T Katúah
104 miles of eleven rivers in Katúah are among 35 rivers and 98,000 acres of riparian land in the southeast that are at least temporarily protected by agreements with US National Forest supervisors.
“Binding commitments” by the US Forest Service (USFS) provide for evaluation of portions of these rivers to be included into the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System and five to ten years of protection while the study is being carried out. Only the parts of the rivers on National Forest land are presently under consideration.
The agreement was negotiated by the American Rivers organization with the assistance of the Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund. Highly pleased with the results of their talks, American Rivers withdrew motions of appeal the group had filed against the forest management plans for the National Forests involved.
##A 10 220543 176
##T High Country News
High Country News
Intelligent and unique economic, political and bureaucratic
(as in federal and state agencies) reporting for the Rocky
Mountains, Great Basin, Colorado Plateau and northern
Great Plains.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 221048 177
##T High Country News
Betsy Marston, Editor
ISSN 01915657
$20/year(24 issues)
individuals;$28 institutions
High Country News
Box 1090
Paonia, CO 81428
##A 10 75170 178
##T High Country News
If you find or photograph an endangered black-footed ferret, you can win $5,000! No, it’s not a sweepstakes offer, it’s a life and death search with a real payoff. The $5,000 is offered by the New York Zoological Society and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which have distributed 10,000 “ferret wanted” posters. . . . With only 24 ferrets alive in captivity and none known in the wild, more animals are needed to decrease inbreeding. The reward is offered through Sept. 30, 1988, and will not be paid to anyone who was on private land illegally or who harassed, trapped or killed the found ferret.
##A 10 221989 179
##T Akwesasne Notes
Akwesasne Notes
The largest and most thorough American Indian newspaper, Akwesasne Notes is the best way to follow the ongoing Indian struggles over their sacred homelands. News from first peoples
on other continents, as well.
— Jeanne Carstensen
##A 10 222272 180
##T Akwesasne Notes
Douglas George, Editor
$15/year (6 issues)
Mohawk Nation
P. O. Box 196
Rooseveltown, NY
##A 10 259682 181
##T Akwesasne Notes
ALEXANDER, Alberta—In the early morning chill here, buffalo roam, shooting big bursts of steam into the still air.
Inside an Indian school, a dozen Grade 2 students sit silently in a circle and pass a braid of smoldering sweetgrass around in a bowl. They aren’t smoking it. Instead they’re “cleansing” themselves with it, carefully wafting its smoke over their bodies. Afterwards, they shake hands, move to the next room and charge the keyboards of a dozen Apple computers.
“The elders here told us our children must have a gentle awakening,” says Allen Murray, the school’s planning director, “but they also said they must master today’s technology—otherwise they will remain captives of other people’s dreams.”
At a time when Indian communities are calling for greater control over their own
##A 10 260272 182
##T Akwesasne Notes
lives, Indian leaders say Alexander’s school—the Kipohtakaw Education Centre—is a good example of what Indians can do when given control.
Indians here took the school from nightmare conditions under federal government control and, against enormous odds, turned it into a dream. . . .
##A 10 40348 183
##A 10 90019 184
##T Soil Care
##A 10 6939 185
##T Soil and Civilization
Soil and Civilization
Edward Hyams writes the first and best “watershed history” of ancient and present civilizations. Rather than focusing on the genius of Pericles or the naval talents of Themistocles, he focuses on the ultimate, long-term strength of Greece or any nation: its soil. He elegantly chronicles, for instance, how oak forest cutting led to topsoil erosion creating a subsoil economy (olives and vineyards) which made Athens dependent on naval trade to get topsoil crops (wheat). Includes the Euphrates and America’s dustbowl. If one book on history should be read by everyone, I would choose Soil and Civilization.
— Peter Warshall
##A 10 50868 186
##T Soil and Civilization
Edward Hyams
1976; 312 pp.
ISBN 0060904585
$21.95 ($23 postpaid)
State Mutual Books
521 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10017
##A 10 51731 187
##T Soil and Civilization
The Egyptians were not obliged to discover manuring before settling, not obliged to advance from soil/parasitism to soil-making in order to found cities. The Nile replaced every year what the Egyptians took out of it.
Many advantages of the Egyptian and of Mesopotamian environment have been put forward to explain the precocious rise of their urban civilizations, while the peoples of other regions were still held back in the simpler ways of Neolithic culture. But the attribute of the Nile valley, which it shared with the Euphrates-Tigris delta, and which assured to the Egyptian and Mesopotamian peoples their long lead in the progress towards civilization, was surely the one which enabled them to settle down and exploit the soils of their countries as soon as they had learnt to till them, and without having to find a way of re-making the soil every year.
##A 10 122302 188
##T Soil Erosion
Soil Erosion
No moralizing. No righteous insinuations that farmers or corporations are out to starve future generations by mining the nation’s soils. Instead, the political nitty-gritty: how terribly difficult it is to harmonize cash-flow problems (farm debt, land prices, fluctuating markets, federal subsidies, equipment purchases) and soil conservation practices. Learn how “targeting” erosion-control funds to the worst situations can slip into pork-barrel funding; how cross-compliance policies (e.g., the feds insure crops against weather disasters in exchange for farmers’ following good erosion-control guidelines) lose control in times of high crop demand; how punishing farmers for sloppy land use
##A 10 122600 189
##T Soil Erosion
practices has never worked; how incentives for farmers who rent
must be different from those for farmers who own.
This book competently fills a vacant niche, the niche of America’s most important politics — saving its topsoil.
— Peter Warshall
##A 10 122643 190
##T Soil Erosion
(Crisis in America’s Croplands?)
Sandra S. Batie
1983; 136 pp.
ISBN 0891640681
$8.50 ($10.50 postpaid)
The Conservation Foundation
1250 24th Street NW
Suite 500
Washington, DC 20037
##A 10 123029 191
##T Soil Erosion
Erosion not only robs farmland of its fertility, it also seriously pollutes the nation’s waterways. . . . Ironically, most Americans believe our soil erosion problem was resolved during the 1930s when severe droughts and dust storms swept across the prairies and midwestern soil accumulated on windowsills of the Capitol in Washington, D.C. . . . If Americans do not take seriously the accumulating evidence about the extent and consequences of erosion, the country’s agricultural future may be undermined, perhaps not this decade or next, but sometime early in the twenty-first century.
Erosion is a natural process. When lands are covered by vegetation, the rate of erosion is slow, approximately 1 inch every 100 to 250 years, and is offset by the creation of new soil. But on lands devoid of vegetation . . . erosion rates increase by magnitudes.
##A 10 26772 192
##T Soil Erosion
Sediment pollution from the drainage area of the Loosahatchie River entering the Mississippi River (lower right)1 mile north of Memphis, Tennessee, April 1968.
##A 10 56552 193
##T LaMotte Soil Test Kits
LaMotte Soil Test Kits
Some soils need fertilizer or minerals before they’ll grow crops. A soil test kit can tell you if your soil needs help. LaMotte’s Model EL Soil Test Kit is designed for home gardeners, and includes a 59 page Soil Handbook. If you need fancier kits for soil testing, or test equipment for hydroponics, plant tissue analysis, aquaculture, water quality and more, it’s here.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 60292 194
##T LaMotte Soil Test Kits
Information free
LaMotte Chemical Products Co.
P. O. Box 329
Chestertown, MD 21620
##A 10 246257 195
##T LaMotte Soil Test Kits
##A 10 246830 196
##T LaMotte Soil Test Kits
##A 10 114213 197
##T Ecology of Compost
Ecology of Compost
Backyard composting, brief and simple. Whether you have a window box or a whole farm, the principle is the same — take care of your soil and your soil will take care of you. Soils need
to be fed just like people.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 57177 198
##T Ecology of Compost
Daniel L. Dindal
1976; 12 pp.
25 cents postpaid
State University of New York
College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Syracuse, NY 13210
##A 10 132122 199
##T Ecology of Compost
Organisms that do not need gaseous oxygen are called anaerobic, whereas, plants and animals requiring oxygen are known as aerobic. Since complete composting is caused by aerobic forms, adequate circulation of air is essential. Proper moisture levels and turning maintain and promote an aerobic micro-environment within the pile. Remember also, to make openings in compost containers or bins for air circulation and drainage. Another method is to stack your organic debris around and on top of wooden poles which are pulled out later providing aeration channels through the heap. The lack of oxygen is usually caused by packed or matted materials and too much water. Anaerobic organisms grow well under these conditions. They produce putrid odors from gases such as ammonia and hydrogen sulphide, and decomposition is incomplete.
##A 10 130360 200
##T Ecology of Compost
Components of a compost pile.
##A 10 73426 201
##T Seaweed in Agriculture and Horticulture
Seaweed in Agriculture and Horticulture
Unlike most fertilizers, seaweed is a renewable resource. Either sprayed on the leaves of plants (foliar feeding) or added to the soil, it can often be a single solution to many soil deficiencies, including trace elements. This British book has all the details.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 114491 202
##T Seaweed in Agriculture and Horticulture
W. A. Stephenson
ISBN 0854098488
$13 ($15 postpaid)
The Rateavers
9049 Covina Street
San Diego, CA 92126
##A 10 133461 203
##T Seaweed in Agriculture and Horticulture
The fact that seaweed meal cannot become fully effective in the soil until broken down by soil bacteria is of importance for one reason: that during this period of breaking-down, the bacteria rob the soil of nitrogen in order to carry on their work. Although they return it with interest later, the amount of nitrogen immediately available for plant growth is reduced. That is why seaweed meal should never be used uncomposted in plant pots, or unless other arrangements have been made to reduce its impact on soil nitrogen there. The danger of nitrogen robbing is reduced in the open, but even here seaweed meal should be used with care near seedlings, and as a long-term, not a short-term, fertilizer.
##A 10 132584 204
##T Seaweed in Agriculture and Horticulture
John Cooke of Funtington, Sussex, with his prize-winning potato plant. He soaked the chitted seed in seaweed extract before planting.
##A 10 91008 205
##T Farming Philosophy
##A 10 115250 206
##T The Unsettling of America
The Unsettling of America
Our land is more undone by our agriculture than by any other mischief. Farmer, poet, essayist Wendell Berry speaks to the matter with plain speech — it rasps the brain, leaves a memory of the thought. Don’t say it is no longer possible to do our
farming right. Berry is.
— Stewart Brand
Ÿ Also by Wendell Berry: Standing by Words
##A 10 115499 207
##T The Unsettling of America
Wendell Berry
1986; 240 pp.
ISBN 0871567725
$7.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
Sierra Club Bookstore
730 Polk Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
##A 10 115958 208
##T The Unsettling of America
We need wilderness as a standard of civilization and as a cultural model. Only by preserving areas where nature’s processes are undisturbed can we preserve an accurate sense of the impact of civilization upon its natural sources. Only if we
know how the land was can we tell how it is.
A part of the health of a farm is the farmer’s wish to remain there. His long-term good intention toward the place is signified by the presence of trees. A family is married to a farm more by their planting and protecting of trees than by their memories or their knowledge, for the trees stand for their fidelity and kindness to what they do not know. The most revealing sign of the ill health of industrial agriculture — its greed, its short-term ambitions — is its inclination to see
trees as obstructions and to strip the land bare of them.
##A 10 116237 209
##T The One-Straw Revolution
The One-Straw Revolution
By changing one of the grasses in his rice fields to another variety, Fukuoka started a process that brought his part of the ecosystem into a natural balance. On his farm in Japan he gets yields comparable to traditional farms’ but without plowing; he lets nature do the work. He simply plants and harvests — pretty revolutionary. The book describes his method.
— Rosemary Menninger
##A 10 116692 210
##T The One-Straw Revolution
(An Introduction to Natural Farming)
Masanobu Fukuoka
1978; 181 pp.
ISBN 0878572201
$9.95 postpaid
Rodale Press
33 East Minor Street
Emmaus, PA 18098
##A 10 116882 211
##T The One-Straw Revolution
Make your way carefully through these fields. Dragonflies and moths fly up in a flurry. Honeybees buzz from blossom to blossom. Part the leaves and you will see insects, spiders, frogs, lizards and many other small animals bustling about in the cool shade. Moles and earthworms burrow beneath the surface.
This is a balanced rice field ecosystem. Insect and plant communities maintain a stable relationship here. It is not uncommon for a plant disease to sweep through this area, leaving the crops in these fields unaffected.
And now look over at the neighbor’s field for a moment. The weeds have all been wiped out by herbicides and cultivation. The soil animals and insects have been exterminated by poison. The soil has been burned clean of organic matter and microorganisms by chemical fertilizers. In the summer you see farmers at work in the fields, wearing gas masks and long rubber gloves. These rice fields, which have been farmed
##A 10 92438 212
##T The One-Straw Revolution
continuously for over 1,500 years, have now been laid waste by the exploitive farming practices of a single generation.
##A 10 117120 213
##T The One-Straw Revolution
In a patch of mustard and wild turnips.
##A 10 223890 214
##T The One-Straw Revolution
“There is no time in modern agriculture for a farmer to write a poem or compose a song.”
##A 10 117331 215
##T Meeting the Expectations of the Land
Meeting the Expectations of the Land
The title of this collection of essays about sustainable agriculture conveys an apt reversal. A line from Robert Frost might help: “The land was ours before we were the land’s.” The ideas here are visionary in that they look both forward and backward in time, but lest you think the book advocates a retreat to agricultural animism, it is worth emphasizing that these ideas are also very practical. You won’t find them in use on most American farms today because there the emphasis has been on productivity and profits.
Profits? Even if your news from the farm comes via TV, you know the difficulty many farmers are having making “profits” farming. And productivity? Sure, that’s there, but it is too often the same
##A 10 117735 216
##T Meeting the Expectations of the Land
kind you find in a coal mine. When the coal is gone, you shut it down and move on. When the topsoil is gone, or the soil is salted out from irrigation, where do you go?
You go to a kind of agriculture that can sustain; not only the land, but also the life on it and in it, as well as the people who work it and those who depend on them for food. This book is full of clues to how that kind of agriculture will work, by people like Gene Logsdon, John Todd and Gary Snyder.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 117803 217
##T Meeting the Expectations of the Land
(Essays in Sustainable Agriculture and Stewardship)
Wes Jackson, Wendell Berry
and Bruce Colman, Editors
1985; 272 pp.
ISBN 086547172X
$12.50 ($14 postpaid)
North Point Press
850 Talbot Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94706
##A 10 118027 218
##T Meeting the Expectations of the Land
I once asked an Amish farmer who had only twenty-six acres why he didn’t acquire
a bit more land. He looked around at his ten fine cows, his sons hoeing the corn with him, his spring water running continuously by gravity through house and barn, his few fat hogs, his sturdy buildings, his good wife heaping the table with food, his fine flock of hens, his plot of tobacco and acre of strawberries, his handmade hickory chairs (which he sold for all the extra cash he really needed), and he said, “Well,
I’m just not smart enough to farm any more than this well.” I have a hunch no one could. — Gene Logsdon
##A 10 95018 219
##T The Farming Game
The Farming Game
Farms and farmers have been disappearing in large numbers in America since the 1950s. The Farming Game explains the arithmetic that has greased this economic slide, and also suggests strategies for people interested in surviving this trend and farming in the 1990s. Bryan Jones has a style reminiscent of Will Rogers — an ear for ironic humor, political savvy, and a simmering contempt for bureaucratic institutions (big banks, government, universities). His lectures on profit and advice on diversification are the perfect antidote for romantic agrarian notions. This is a book that any beginner will need and anyone with experience will nod at knowingly.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 95277 220
##T The Farming Game
Bryan Jones
1982; 221 pp.
ISBN 0803225598
$17.95 ($19.45 postpaid)
University of Nebraska Press
901 North 17th Street
318 Nebraska Hall
Lincoln, NE 68588-0520
##A 10 95613 221
##T The Farming Game
“Hell, Ed, who ya tryin’ to kid? You’d be the first dumb bastard plantin’ corn if it was worth ten cents a bushel. Ya got the habit bad as anyone I know. The few birds you ain’t killed yet start chirpin’ in the spring, an’ you’ll wax that tractor a coupla times, fire ’er up, an’ go plant corn. It ain’t your fault. It’s just like heroin, or overeatin’, or any other kind of bad habit, is what it is.”
##A 10 93641 222
##T New Roots for Agriculture
New Roots for Agriculture
This book takes conventional agricultural wisdom and stands it on its head. The problem is not organic versus chemical methods, but rather the plow versus sod: plow and your soil will erode; leave the earth’s vegetative skin undisturbed and the soil stays in place.
By way of illustration, Wes Jackson begins by describing a rainy Sunday drive through the Mennonite country of south-central Kansas. These are among the best ecological farmers in business — land stewardship is even a basic tenet of their religion — yet the streams run black with soil from their freshly seeded fields.
It’s an image that percolates through the rest of the book, because if these are our “best” farmers, then how much mud is in every-
##A 10 93796 223
##T New Roots for Agriculture
body else’s streams?
Jackson’s solution is to imitate nature, and in this his method resembles Fukuoka’s (Ÿ see review of The One-Straw Revolution). Instead of raising annuals and churning up the soil every year, plant perennials and let the plant roots hold the soil where it belongs. Instead of monocultures like wheat, plant polycultures that mimic the native prairie flora. With perennial polycultures the trick is to get the yield high enough to make this method feasible.
Will it work? Nobody knows, because most all the research so far
has gone toward perfecting annual crops. For now, New Roots for
##A 10 72042 224
##T New Roots for Agriculture
Agriculture is an eloquent and disturbing book. (Ÿ See also the review of The Land Institute.)
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 94373 225
##T New Roots for Agriculture
Wes Jackson
New Edition 1985; 150 pp.
ISBN 0803275625
$6.95 ($8.45 postpaid)
Univ. of Nebraska Press
901 North 17th Street
Lincoln, NE 68588
##A 10 94555 226
##T New Roots for Agriculture
I think we must acknowledge that humans can be expected to be wicked and stupid for a long time to come. And though there is no reason the land should not be punishing our evil and error, there is also no reason why the land should be the principal loser as
it has been since till agriculture began. The task before us, therefore, is to build an agriculture that is resilient to human folly, an agriculture that rewards wisdom and patience, an agriculture in which the land remains resilient but not silent during those excursions toward some dangerous unknown, dangerous because we have become too enamored with our own cleverness and enterprise.
##A 10 91445 227
##T The Land Report
The Land Report
At the Land Institute outside Salina, Kansas, Wes Jackson and
his wife Dana and staff are busy testing perennial native grasses. Follow their developments through The Land Report. From their tiny test plots may come grains for the future.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 91693 228
##T The Land Report
Dana Jackson, Editor
$5/year (3 issues)
The Land Institute
2440 East Water Road
Salina, KS 67401
##A 10 39598 229
##T The New Farm
The New Farm
This magazine is “dedicated to putting people, profit and biological permanence back into farming by giving farmers the information they need to take charge of their farms and their futures.” It is run by a non-profit organization and is the best single source for economically sound alternative techniques for commercial farmers.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 73843 230
##T The New Farm
George DeVault, Editor
ISSN 01630369
$15/year (7 issues)
Regenerative Agriculture Association
222 Main Street
Emmaus, PA 18098
##A 10 171858 231
##T The New Farm
HOLLANDALE, Wis.—On Friday afternoons, when John Carr is making the rounds delivering his farm-grown chickens, he’ll often break into a pugnacious grin and say to himself, “Take that, ConAgra, Tyson, Perdue and the rest of you poultry giants.”
“It’s tantalizing to me to think we could make a major dent in the corporate poultry structure,” he explains. . . .
John and Mary Carr’s all-natural chickens, some 3,000 of which they sell annually to a growing list of customers, earn an average profit of $2 to $3 per bird. . . .
Millions of Americans will never think of chicken in quite the same way, after viewing last year’s “60 Minutes” documentary about widespread salmonella bacteria contamination in poultry-processing plants. According to the report, these high-speed assembly lines process up to 100 birds a minute. Eviscerating machines cut
##A 10 261713 232
##T The New Farm
the birds’ intestines, scattering bacteria-infested feces throughout the carcasses. Water in soaking tanks turns into foul, fecal soup.
Changing these methods would cost millions, says the National Broiler Council. Besides, the group feels today’s poultry is safer and more wholesome than ever before. . . .
The Carrs’ entry into the poultry business began quite accidentally, in 1986. They had sold their 25-cow dairy herd in USDA’s herd buyout, and were looking for other ways to put their 171 acres to use.
Mary, who had always raised about 50 birds a year for home consumption, raised about 100 birds that year. But having freezer space for only half that many, she put a classified ad in a local newspaper. The response far exceeded the Carrs’ limited supply, and hasn’t diminished since.
##A 10 247433 233
##T The New Farm
John Carr (left) delivers one of his drug-free chickens to Beth King, deli manager of the Williamson Street Co-Op in Madison, Wis. The co-op sells 15 to 20 of Carr’s chickens a week, at $1.69 a pound.
##A 10 53378 234
##A 10 91341 235
##T Gardening Philosophy
##A 10 23815 236
##T Gardening
Every vegetable has a cultural requirement or two that practiced gardeners know. Lettuce wants shade, moisture, and a thick mulch in summer. Bell peppers like it hot. Tomatoes are either determinate or indeterminate, and you can’t really call yourself a tomato grower unless you know the difference. The non-profit National Gardening Association (Ÿ see separate review) has distilled, from its 250,000 members, knowledge about most of the important requirements of America’s favorite vegetables and fruits, and laid out superbly detailed instructions for growing them in this big, beautiful book.
— Jeff Cox
##A 10 24219 237
##T Gardening
National Gardening Association
1986; 431 pp.
ISBN 0201108550
$19.95 ($22.45 postpaid)
The National Gardening Association
180 Flynn Avenue
Burlington, VT 05401
##A 10 24810 238
##T Gardening
A slanted fence is a good way to keep deer out of the garden since their instinct is to try to crawl under a fence before jumping it, and they are less likely to jump a fence that is wide. A slanted fence can be 4 to 5 feet high, while a vertical fence must be at least 8 feet high to keep deer from jumping over it. Deer are also repelled by bags of human hair hung along the edge of the garden, or dried blood sprinkled on the ground, although both need to be renewed frequently.
##A 10 25064 239
##T Gardening
A soil thermometer can indicate precisely the optimum time to set out peppers. The soil 4 inches below the surface of the planting bed should measure 65F or higher at 8 a.m. If set out too early, peppers will produce poorly all season.
##A 10 74796 240
##T Garden Way’s Joy of Gardening
Garden Way’s Joy of Gardening
When I first thumbed through this fat, glossy paperback it
looked a little strange, or at least unorthodox. The traditional
garden-book format of dense pages and crowded layout was missing, all the illustrations were in color, there was white space to relieve the eye, and it was so slick I wondered if maybe it was a sales brochure for Toyotas and the cabbages were just there for background. Not to mention the huge, dramatic headings that introduced sections, like “My 12-point system for fewer and fewer weeds each year” or “Celery — How I grow this challenging vegetable.”
Was it a garden book or another self-improvement plan?
##A 10 84877 241
##T Garden Way’s Joy of Gardening
I settled down for a more serious look and before long I was getting hooked on all kinds of stuff, like composting with alfalfa meal, “tunnel growing” — wire reinforced plastic formed into tunnels to make instant hot houses — and Raymond’s weed theory, which states that weed seeds sprout only in the top quarter inch of soil, so shallow cultivating zaps them but deep tilling just churns more up to the surface. Along the way I found a thorough grounding in garden basics with well-illustrated details on growing just about any veggie you’ve got desires for, from the
traditionals like corn and tomatoes to the experiments that the seed catalogs induce in all of us, experiments that generally flop. There are basic truths along with new insights and tips, and bygawd if he can grow peanuts and okra in Vermont then I’m going
##A 10 85226 242
##T Garden Way’s Joy of Gardening
to try them again. So what if it looks like a Toyota sales brochure? Raymond has been working the soil for 40 years and his natural wisdoms are nice to have.
— Dick Fugett
##A 10 85301 243
##T Garden Way’s Joy of Gardening
Dick Raymond
1983; 365 pp.
ISBN 0882663194
$17.95 ($19.95 postpaid)
Garden Way Publishing
Storey Communications
Schoolhouse Road
Pownal, VT 05261
##A 10 85681 244
##T Garden Way’s Joy of Gardening
All my wide row crops planted from seed (except peas and beans) must be thinned out when they’re quite small — about 1/4 to 1/2 inch high. This is true for most methods of planting, but I consider it essential with wide rows because the plants are so numerous.
When the plants are 1/4 to 1/2 inch high, I drag the rake across the width of the row so that the teeth dig into the soil only about 1/4 to 1/2 inch. The teeth in an iron garden rake catch just enough seedlings, and pull them from the row.
##A 10 86007 245
##T Garden Way’s Joy of Gardening
I’ve found alfalfa meal to be about the cheapest, quickest-acting activator for a compost pile. If you can’t find any at your garden or feed store, look in the super-market for “Litter Green,” a kitty litter product that’s 100 percent alfalfa meal.
Every time I add new material to the compost pile, I dust it thoroughly with alfalfa meal and moisten the pile a little. Alfalfa meal is an excellent source of nitrogen and protein. It is made from alfalfa hay and is usually 14 to 16 percent protein.
##A 10 131907 246
##T Garden Way’s Joy of Gardening
Thinning vegetable seedlings with a garden rake.
##A 10 21793 247
##T Country Wisdom Bulletins
Country Wisdom Bulletins
Garden Way Publishing has a series of 32-page booklets that are worth knowing about. There are nearly a hundred of them now, mostly on specific aspects of gardening, cooking, and householding. Sample titles include “What Every Gardener Should Know About Earthworms,” “Grow the Best Tomatoes,” “Curing Smoky Fire-places,” and “Attracting Birds.” They are great for people who like their information short and sweet, for kids, for teaching situations, and for nosing around a subject that’s new to you.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 22043 248
##T Country Wisdom Bulletins
32 pp.
$1.95 ($3.95 postpaid)
List of titles free
Garden Way Publishing
Storey Communications
Schoolhouse Road
Pownal, VT 05261
##A 10 152870 249
##T Country Wisdom Bulletins
Your flower arrangement is in good proportion when it appears to be the right size for its container. In a tall vase, a general rule of thumb is to have the height of the arrangement equal to 1–1/2 — 2 times the height of the vase. This rule also holds for wide, horizontal containers, in which the tallest stem should be 1–1/2 — 2 times the width or diameter of the bowl. This rule, of course, may be broken, but following it when beginning to make flower arrangements can simplify the task.
— The Flower Arranger’s Garden
##A 10 22558 250
##T Country Wisdom Bulletins
Circular. This popular shape is satisfying to use and admire. Many round flowers, such as asters and zinnias, work well in this kind of arrangement. One way to avoid a too-round look is to use contrasting foliage with the round flowers.
##A 10 174336 251
##T Country Wisdom Bulletins
Triangular. This is a basic shape for many symmetrical arrangements. It can be used with many different variations of height and width and works well with low and wide or tall and narrow containers. The first step is to establish lines of height and width, usually with taller branches of a long-stemmed flower or foliage. Select ones that are paler in color or more delicate in form. Then make a focal point with a large bloom or a group of flowers at the center and just above the rim of the container. Fill in with flowers of different lengths, grouping colors together rather than placing them randomly in the arrangement.
##A 10 15451 252
##T Living with Plants
Living with Plants
This botany professor has taken all of the how-to’s printed in current gardening books and woven them together with threads of why. It’s an incredibly complete and clear botanical textbook on gardening, landscaping, and houseplants.
— Rosemary Menninger
Ÿ Biology of Plants
##A 10 15722 253
##T Living with Plants
Donna N. Schumann
1980; 325 pp.
ISBN 0916422208
$16.95 ($18.20 postpaid)
Mad River Press
141 Carter Lane
Eureka, CA 95501
##A 10 15907 254
##T Living with Plants
Overwatering: Plants are much less obvious about having been overwatered than about being underwatered. Oversaturation usually occurs in pots without drainage holes or when water is allowed to accumulate in the saucer beneath the pot. The results are slow, insidious, and usually fatal.
The roots begin to suffer from lack of oxygen as the excessive water forces the air out of the soil and occupies all of the pores between soil particles. This lack of oxygen leads to metabolic breakdown similar to salt poisoning. Root hairs die and decay begins. The decomposition process uses the little remaining soil oxygen and produces excessive carbon dioxide, thereby increasing respiration failure by the roots, and more root tissues die.
##A 10 16179 255
##T Living with Plants
Root-bound plants fill the pots so tightly with roots that adequate water absorption by the soil cannot occur.
##A 10 106368 256
##T Right Plant, Right Place
Right Plant, Right Place
This is a very diligent book of lists, 27 in all, with categories that are either types of garden plants (“Plants with aromatic leaves”), or locations in the garden where they are to grow (“Plants suitable for crevices in paving”). Plants in each list
are divided into sections running from sun tolerant to shade tolerant, and within each section they are presented in order
of decreasing height. There is also extensive cross-indexing between the lists, and each of the more than 1500 plants has
its own 2-inch-square color photograph.
The lady who did all this lives in Scotland and says in her intro-
duction that she got into this when she acquired a garden needing
an overhaul and couldn’t find a book like this to help her. I don’t
##A 10 106717 257
##T Right Plant, Right Place
think I’d like to do her grocery shopping, but she has produced an extremely useful book. The American editor is Fred McGourty, who has spent 15 years editing the “Handbook” series for the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 106903 258
##T Right Plant, Right Place
Nicola Ferguson
1984; 292 pp.
ISBN 0671523961
$14.95 ($16.20 postpaid)
Simon and Schuster
Mail Order Sales
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 10 62488 259
##T Right Plant, Right Place
SENECIO cineraria
‘White Diamond’
If a very pale grey leaf is wanted, either in the garden or for cutting, this sub-shrub is well worth considering. . . . When treated as a perennial, it makes a bushy, spreading hummock which can be kept dense by hard pruning in late spring. It should be given a soil that drains freely.
##A 10 92109 260
##T Gardening Materials
##A 10 13508 261
##T Gardening by Mail 2
Gardening by Mail 2
Take one reference librarian with green thumbs, add one personal computer and four years of work and — lucky for us — comes this amazing book. More than 2,000 mail order sources are ingeniously listed. Separate alphabetical lists of seed companies and nurseries are followed by a plant index, so that if you are looking for, say, Siberian Irises, you go to that heading and there are all the sources that sell them. Then comes a geographical index of the same sources, providing traveling gardeners with a ready-made tour guide. This same detailed attention is also given to garden supply companies, societies, libraries, magazines, and even one hundred gardening books.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 70579 262
##T Gardening by Mail 2
Barbara J. Barton
New Edition 1987; 336 pp.
ISBN 093763302X
$16 ($19 postpaid)
Tusker Press
P. O. Box 1338
Sebastopol, CA 95473
##A 10 135908 263
##T Gardening by Mail 2
Dear Gardener:
I don’t know how you fell in love with growing things, but I came home from work one day and found a Wayside Gardens catalog in the mail. It was as fatal and irresistable as Cupid’s dart — soon I was carrying seed catalogs to read on the bus, rushing to second-hand book stores in my lunch hour, always trying to learn more.
As this insatiable habit was developing, one of my greatest frustrations was that there seemed to be no easy way to find out everything I wanted to know. . . .
When suddenly I had the time and the opportunity, I decided to “whip together” the ideal reference book for people like me — one full of sources of seeds, plants and supplies, societies to join, libraries to haunt, magazines to curl up with, and a list of good introductory books on plants and practical gardening, some “good reads,” and books of inspiring pictures to feast the imagination.
##A 10 64684 264
##T Drip Irrigation Catalog
Drip Irrigation Catalog
Anything that saves a person time and money is bound to be popular; drip irrigation does both. Plastic tubing delivers water to each plant in a slow, steady drip. Timers can further control how often you irrigate. The small army of drip irrigation manufacturers and products can be confusing. One solution is to shop at a store where you know and trust the salespeople. Or shop by mail order with the Urban Farmer. They specialize in drip irrigation and carefully select what they sell from more than 40 manufacturers. Their catalog lists components and also explains the basics of design and installation.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 64797 265
##T Drip Irrigation Catalog
Catalog $1
Urban Farmer Store
2833 Vicente Street
San Francisco, CA 94116
##A 10 65202 266
##T Drip Irrigation Catalog
• Landscaping
While drip irrigation was designed with commercial agriculture in mind, many have discovered that the advantages of this type of irrigation apply equally to landscaping and ornamental applications. Accurate amounts of water can be applied to the root zone of each plant. Weed problems are reduced, water is kept off windows and sidewalks and individual plants receive the type of watering they need to flourish.
• Advantages
A drip system gives healthy, fast-growing plants, and is very efficient in its use of water. Little is lost to evaporation, and walkways and areas between rows remain dry. This also reduces weed growth, and makes cultivation possible during and immediately after an irrigation cycle. Drip irrigation allows a large area to be watered from a small water source, since it uses water more slowly than other methods. The biggest savings for most home gardeners is time: they can now garden more ambitiously, and with an automatic system, travel and admire the gardens of the world.
##A 10 177246 267
##T Drip Irrigation Catalog
Because of their size and the porous nature of potting soils, containers require frequent watering. Sprinklers are inappropriate, since most containers are located on porches or decks. Most people have resorted to hand watering, which if done well, can enslave the owner, and if not, can threaten the plant. With drip irrigation installed, all one need do is turn on the water for a specified period of time. If even more freedom from scheduled watering is desired, a drip system can be easily automated, insuring consistent watering of all the plants, and offering the owner the luxury of time away.
##A 10 70067 268
##T Peaceful Valley Farm Supply
Peaceful Valley Farm Supply
If I had to do all my agricultural shopping with just one catalog, Peaceful Valley Farm Supply would be the one. With it I could buy a BSC tiller, Speedling Transplant Flats or beneficial insects for pest control. Or Fawn fescue grass seed (by the pound or the sack), earthworm castings or a bristlecone pine tree. More than 475 varieties of plants are for sale in the current catalog, including the Floyd Zaiger line of genetically dwarfing fruit and nut trees. The emphasis is on ecologically sound products and the service is friendly.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 57498 269
##T Peaceful Valley Farm Supply
Catalog $2
Peaceful Valley Farm Supply
11173 Peaceful Valley Road
Nevada City, CA 95959
##A 10 136433 270
##T Peaceful Valley Farm Supply
An extremely useful and handy tool for tying up vines, trees or plants quickly and efficiently. One squeeze of the handle stretches the flexible vinyl tape between the jaws, ready to wrap around the plant stem and support. Second squeeze staples the tape firmly around plant and support and cuts the tape off neatly and quickly. Makes quick work of a tedious job. Uses 1/2" Miracle tie or similar vinyl tapes. 2" jaw opening. . . . $35.50
##A 10 3436 271
##T agAccess
This is a very useful service, long needed. The agAccess folks offer to supply "any agricultural or horticultural book in print, as well as many that are out of print”, and to find you a reference on virtually any agricultural subject. The catalog consists of expert reviews of various publications and computer software programs useful to farmers. Though accenting the organic and generally eco-righteous, the service covers all sorts of cultivation — even turf for golf courses. It’s run by nice people too.
— J. Baldwin
##A 10 3727 272
##T agAccess
Catalog free
P. O. Box 2008
Davis, CA 95617
##A 10 3901 273
##T agAccess
Pick-Your-Own Farming
R.J. Wampler and J.E. Motes 1985
This book covers all aspects of a specific farming and marketing approach: from parking to insurance to labor needs to advertising, and the advice is based on the practical experience of many operations which the authors have observed. The main drawback to the book is the tone of over-enthusiasm about the profits to be made on a small acreage, which may encourage newcomers, but tends to make most hard-headed farmers think the projections are exaggerated and the sales pitch is too hard. For instance, some locations may not support a pick-your-own okra planting! Tree fruits are quickly dismissed, because they take up space and require ladders to pick: both weak arguments which can be easily overcome. This is a valuable tool for all who are interested. 194 pages, hardcover. — Z.S. $16.95
##A 10 94933 274
##T Gardening Tools
##A 10 60438 275
##T Gardener’s Supply Co.
Gardener’s Supply Co.
Gardener’s Supply Co. grew out of the National Gardening Association, which publishes the magazine National Gardening
(Ÿ see separate reviews of the Association and the magazine). This catalog is aimed squarely at home vegetable gardeners, and in addition to tools, features home canning equipment and organic pest controls.
- Richard Nilsen
##A 10 60836 276
##T Gardener’s Supply Co.
Catalog free
Gardener’s Supply Company
128 Intervale Road
Burlington, VT 05401
##A 10 61234 277
##T Gardener’s Supply Co.
These unique season extenders perform an important double function — they protect young plants from the cold by night and shield them from excess heat by day. How they work is fascinating. During the day, the water absorbs heat, moderating temperatures inside the tepee. As the water cools down by night, it releases its heat slowly (as much as 900,000 calories of heat!). Even if the water begins to freeze, it releases more and more heat for better protection. Wall O' Water protects plants from temperatures as low as 10F!
— Gardener’s Supply Co.
##A 10 61618 278
##T Smith & Hawken
Smith & Hawken
Smith & Hawken introduced American gardeners to the Bulldog line of English forks and spades, tools so well made they are likely to end up as items in wills. The catalog is aimed primarily at suburban horticulturists and also offers a fine selection of Japanese garden and flower arranging tools.
- Richard Nilsen
Ÿ Growing a Business
##A 10 61892 279
##T Smith & Hawken
Catalog free
Smith & Hawken
25 Corte Madera
Mill Valley, CA 94941
##A 10 62808 280
##T Smith & Hawken
FARMER’S WEEDER. I first saw this tool strapped to a farmer’s waist and thought it was a knife. Upon inspection, it turned out to be a knife-shaped weeder. This is a true grubber, a tool that can remove any rooted weed in the ground. It pulls, pierces, cuts and pries. Not a bad item for a camping trip either. Comes with case with belt loop. Weight: 10 oz. Blade length: 6 1/2”
#2700 $14.75
##A 10 179941 281
##T Smith & Hawken
40" Garden Fork #5720 $42.50
44" Garden Fork #5700 $44.50
64" Garden Fork #4703 $46.80
Spading Fork #5707 $42.50
##A 10 66996 282
##T Troy-Bilt Tillers
Troy-Bilt Tillers
Troy-Bilt tillers have a personality of their own - they’re built solid as a Russian dump truck for starters, besides coming with a well-written 200-page manual covering everything from tilling techniques to tune-ups and transmission tinkering. For good measure, the factory service department has a toll-free 800 number. When I’ve had to use it there has always been a competent and courteous response. They range from three to eight horse-power, and the larger models now have a power take-off which allows use of accessories — generator, log splitter, and shredder. Tiller prices go from $569 to $1,599, and there’s a unique pricing system in which hefty discounts are available in off season.
- Dick Fugett
##A 10 67090 283
##T Troy-Bilt Tillers
$569 - $1,599
Information free
Garden Way Mfg. Co.
102nd Street & 9th Avenue
Troy, NY 12180
##A 10 67760 284
##T Troy-Bilt Tillers
The 6 HP Econo Horse
##A 10 92876 285
##T Garden Way Carts
Garden Way Carts
Garden Way carts are made by Garden Way Manufacturing Co., also known for their Troy-Bilt tillers. I’ve had mine for years and have lugged everything from bags of concrete to a full-sized refrigerator in it. Their success has spawned other big-wheeled carts. You won’t go wrong with a Garden Way cart, but you might save money by checking out the competition.
— Dick Fugett
##A 10 93183 286
##T Garden Way Carts
$149 & $179;
Information free
Garden Way Manufacturing Co.
102nd Street & Ninth Avenue
Troy, NY 12180
##A 10 94149 287
##T Garden Way Carts
##A 10 67947 288
##T Mainline Rotary Tillers
Mainline Rotary Tillers
Market gardeners, landscapers, or anyone who makes a living with a tiller will want to know about Mainline. This American company sells two kinds of high-quality Italian tillers made by S.E.P. and Goldoni. Thirty-three models are offered, ranging in horsepower from 5.7 to 18 and in price from $1,500 to $5,000. Some of the larger sizes are available in diesel. A key feature provides great versatility: the tiller comes off, revealing the power take-off spline; the handles and controls pivot 180 degrees so the power take-off is pointed forward, and attachments hook on. They include rotary lawn mowers, sickle-bar mowers, snow throwers, sprayer pumps, and log splitters.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 68101 289
##T Mainline Rotary Tillers
Information free
Mainline North America
Box 348
London, OH 43140
##A 10 96615 290
##T Gardening Publications
##A 10 68926 291
##T Harrowsmith
Harrowsmith from Canada established itself early on as the best of the new magazines dealing with country living. Beautifully designed and intelligently written, it has now spawned an American edition. Both cover cold-climate gardening, plus architecture, cooking, and environmental politics.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 39909 292
##T Harrowsmith
Harrowsmith — Canadian Edition
William Grady, Editor
ISSN 08840296
$19/year (6 issues)
($15 in Canada)
Harrowsmith Magazine
7 Queen Victoria Road
Camden East, Ontario K0K 1J0
##A 10 261938 293
##T Harrowsmith
Harrowsmith — U.S. Edition
Thomas H. Rawls, Editor
ISSN 08840296
$24/year (6 issues)
Harrowsmith Magazine
The Creamery
Charlotte, VT 05445
##A 10 137186 294
##T Harrowsmith
Speaking mycologically, we suffer in this country from our heritage. The British, the Irish, the Dutch are all famous mycophobes, mushroom haters to the man. As a result, Americans eat a pathetic one pound of mushrooms per capita a year. And by and large, they eat just one mushroom, the supermarket button mushroom, Agaricus brunnescens or bisporus.
The Chinese annually eat 22 pounds of mushrooms per capita. At last count there were something like 1 billion Chinese. In a single meal in a vegetarian restaurant in China, the experienced mycologist can easily identify a half-dozen different mushroom species. Some are used for flavor, some for color, some for texture, some to stimulate the immune system.
##A 10 72424 295
##T HortIdeas
HortIdeas is a monthly newsletter gleaned from reading mostly technical bulletins at an agricultural library — in this case the University of Kentucky’s. Articles are capsulized for easy digestion and referenced for further investigation. It’s an extremely fertile source of new gardening ideas.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 72551 296
##T HortIdeas
Gregory and Patricia Y. Williams, Editors
ISSN 07428219
$15/year (12 issues)
Route 1, Box 302
Gravel Switch, KY 40328.
##A 10 242404 297
##T HortIdeas
Israeli scientists have succeeded in producing tomatoes with improved taste and color, without yield reductions, by irrigating the plants with diluted seawater. If you think this sounds fishy (pun intended only slightly), well, we were skeptical too when we first heard about the scheme. But it turns out that it has been known for several years that season-long saline irrigation consistently improves tomato fruit quality—the problem is that it also reduces yields, mainly due to small fruit size. This problem was solved by the Israelis by limiting saline irrigation to the later stages of plant development, after many of the fruits had already formed.
Trees from Seed to Six Feet High in Just Seven Months
And we’re not talking about black locusts (for which this feat isn’t all that exceptional), but red oaks, red maples, and other usually rather slow growing ornamental trees (shrubs, too). Dan Struve, a horticulturist with the Ohio State
##A 10 259296 298
##T HortIdeas
University Cooperative Extension Service, has been able to accelerate tree growth tremendously. The secret is copper. That’s right, copper—added to latex paint covering the insides of the trees’ pots. But that’s not all; the trees are grown under optimal conditions, with supplementary carbon dioxide, growth hormones, and 16 hours (or more) of light per day.
Many amateur and commercial growers can’t duplicate all of Struve’s techniques for producing large “whips” in a few months, but they can easily treat pots with copper. About 3.5 ounces of copper carbonate should be added per quart of latex paint. And what is the result? When roots reach the paint, they stop their elongation and start branching, thus forming a dense, fibrous root system. No root pruning at transplant time is necessary. The trauma of replanting is minimized.
##A 10 74493 299
##T Horticulture, The Magazine of American Gardening
Horticulture, The Magazine of American Gardening
Horticulture is a venerable general-interest gardening magazine; it is occasionally a bit stodgy but has consistently good color photography. Because it is aimed at an affluent audience it is an excellent place to keep up with what’s new via the advertisements.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 74650 300
##T Horticulture, The Magazine of American Gardening
Thomas C. Cooper, Editor
ISSN 00185329
$20/year (12 issues);
$26 foreign from:
The Magazine of American Gardening
Subscription Department
P. O. Box 53879
Boulder, CO 80321
##A 10 261438 301
##T Horticulture, The Magazine of American Gardening
The scent of nicotiana bears no resemblance to any other fragrance in my garden. It is dense and tropical with a faint whiff of tobacco underlying its heavy sweetness. The discernible hint of nicotine is not surprising. The leaves of more than one member of the genus Nicotiana have been smoked for centuries. Less wholesome but more American than apple pie, N. tabacum was being grown by the Indians of North and South America long before the voyages of Columbus and is still the most important commercial species. . . .
Approximately 70 species—of which only a handful have been brought into cultivation — make up the genus Nicotiana. Horticulturally, the most important is N. alata (otherwise known as N. affinis), which was introduced into the United States from Brazil around the turn of the century. This fragrant, white-flowered species is the ancestor of all our modern hybrids.
##A 10 184272 302
##T Horticulture, The Magazine of American Gardening
Garden varieties of Nicotiana alata lend summer-long color to a cottage garden.
##A 10 75318 303
##T National Gardening
National Gardening
The National Gardening Association (Ÿ see separate review) has an excellent magazine called National Gardening. Backyard vegetable gardening is the primary subject, and readers furnish a good supply of new ideas and techniques. In a healthy attempt to live up to its name, there is steady coverage of solutions to problems caused by regional climates.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 75711 304
##T National Gardening
Kit Anderson, Editor-in-Chief
ISSN 08878447
$18/year (12 issues)
includes National Gardening Assoc.
membership; from:
The National Gardening Association
180 Flynn Avenue
Burlington, VT 05401
##A 10 272588 305
##T National Gardening
Trenches rilled with gravel don’t get photo spreads in fancy, coffee-table gardening books. But the lack of attention doesn’t lessen their usefulness in your landscape. French drains are one of those out-of-sight, out-of-mind workhorses that quietly protect your investment in your home and garden, diverting and draining away potentially damaging water. . . .
Once the trench is dug, you’re ready to add the drainage fabric. This new product, a polypropylene or polyester material resembling felt or thin glass wool insulation, is up to 95% air but sturdy enough to resist tearing and some compaction. Its construction allows water to flow through and within the material but keeps out silt. Without drainage fabric, French drains can easily silt up and require cleaning or replacement. The sandier the soil, the more important the fabric is. Most jobs can be done with a 3.5 ounce/square yard weight of fabric; sandier soils may need
##A 10 272865 306
##T National Gardening
4 ounce/square yard material.
There are many trade names for these “geotextiles,” as they’re called — Earth Blanket, Mirafi, Geotec Mat and Trevira are a few.
##A 10 76239 307
##T National Gardening
French Drain Cross Section
##A 10 76395 308
##T Organic Gardening
Organic Gardening
Organic Gardening, the venerable publication from Rodale Press, has watched the mainstream creep ever closer to its once isolated position as the proponent of natural gardening techniques. Keeping backyard fruits and vegetables healthy without synthetic chemicals is the main idea. Most of the articles are about things you can eat, although horticultural subjects are included, as is an ongoing discussion of sustainable or regenerative gardening and economics.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 76557 309
##T Organic Gardening
Robert Rodale, Editor
ISSN 08973792
$13.97/year (12 issues)
Rodale Press
33 East Minor Street
Emmaus, PA 18098
##A 10 77124 310
##T Rodale's Organic Gardening
##A 10 96795 311
##T Indoor Gardening
##A 10 40481 312
##T The Food and Heat Producing Solar Greenhouse
The Food and Heat Producing Solar Greenhouse
In the years this book has been available, it has become the one where you look first. For good reason too — somebody or other has actually done what’s shown, and there’s a lot shown. More than shown, really, because there’s also lots of how and why too. And a good bibliography with comment. And good photographs of proven details. And step-by-step instruction on both building and operating. In fact, the book is a marvel. Lots of love in it.
— J. Baldwin
##A 10 40814 313
##T The Food and Heat Producing Solar Greenhouse
Bill Yanda and Rick Fisher
1980; 208 pp.
ISBN 0912528206
$8 $10.75 postpaid)
John Muir Publications
P. O. Box 613
Santa Fe, NM 87501
##A 10 41088 314
##T The Food and Heat Producing Solar Greenhouse
Since the first edition of this book, the Solar Room has proven itself to be one of the best buys in “BTUs for the buck.” Literally millions of American homes could save heating dollars immediately by the installation of a Solar Room. . . .
Here is Steve Kenin’s explanation of his product: “The Solar Room is a device that turns the southern side of a home into a solar heater. Made of a special plastic, a Solar Room can supply 35 to 65% of home space heating needs. With heat storage and insulation options, its heating capacity is greatly increased. The Solar Room is available in kit form and is designed to be an exterior room, seven feet wide and as long as space permits; 20, 30 or 40 feet. The longer the Solar Room, the more heat is collected.
##A 10 41477 315
##T The Food and Heat Producing Solar Greenhouse
The Solar Room.
##A 10 46409 316
##T The Bountiful Solar Greenhouse
The Bountiful Solar Greenhouse
Books on designing and building solar greenhouses abound, but
the scarce commodity until now has been an explanation of how
to keep the plants inside them healthy and productive. Shane Smith helped start and has run the first large-scale solar greenhouse in America (Cheyenne, Wyoming’s Community Solar Greenhouse, 5,000 square feet and 100 percent passively solar-heated). He has a wealth of experience and a knack for straight-forward explanation. Consider a major niche well filled.
- Richard Nilsen
##A 10 46739 317
##T The Bountiful Solar Greenhouse
(A Guide to Year-Round Food Production)
Shane Smith
1982; 221 pp.
ISBN 0912528087
John Muir Publications
##A 10 47070 318
##T The Bountiful Solar Greenhouse
Plants use so much of the CO2 in the air that in sealed environments like a greenhouse, the level of CO2 may be depleted from 300 PPM to 100 PPM by noon. This can easily slow plant growth by 60 percent — not a pleasant thought. This phenomenon occurs only in winter greenhouses where there is no outside ventilation and the structure is sealed to the outside. CO2 depletion is also less in greenhouses with soils high in organic matter, due to the billions of microbes breathing in that rich, black, pulsing-with-life, humus-laden soil.
I recommend use of an organic mulch to bring CO2 levels to at least 1000 PPM — if not more. This enhanced level will help compensate for lower light and lower temperatures. It would be hard to find any other single low-cost thing you could do to make such a difference in food yield.
##A 10 47149 319
##T The Bountiful Solar Greenhouse
As the watermelons begin to develop on the vines, they will need support. The fruits can get so heavy they will rip the whole vine off the trellis. When a fruit is about tennis-ball size, slip it into an old nylon stocking and tie it securely to the trellis.
##A 10 48735 320
##T Success with House Plants
Success with House Plants
The heart of this book is its most useful part — an A-Z guide to 600 house plants. Color illustrations accompany suggestions of varieties and instructions on care and propagation. Since this book was published, some safer and less toxic remedies for house plant pests have come on the market (Ÿ see separate review of Insecticidal Soap). Otherwise this is a very comprehensive and useful book.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 49079 321
##T Success with House Plants
Anthony Huxley, Editor
1979; 480 pp.
ISBN 0895770520
$23.95 ($24.95 postpaid)
Reader’s Digest/
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 10 49401 322
##T Success with House Plants
The genus Begonia includes more than 2,000 species and hybrids, and they are as varied in appearance and habit as these numbers suggest. . . . Begonias range in size from tiny, ground-hugging creepers to stout-stemmed specimens 8-10 feet tall. Because the genus is so large, it is generally divided into groups based on the differing storage organs or root structures of these plants. Some have fibrous roots (as most plants do). A second group consists of species in which roots grow down from a thick creeping rhizome. A third group includes tuberous species that have a fleshy, swollen storage organ at the base of the stem.
##A 10 49656 323
##T Success with House Plants
Eyelash begonia
B. boweri variety
##A 10 97043 324
##T Community Gardens
##A 10 80564 325
##T The Community Garden Book
The Community Garden Book
This is like a yearbook on the current status of community gardening in the U.S. Many of the major programs are featured along with an overview of what’s been learned about preventing vandalism, setting up irrigation and composting systems, fundraising, and more. A neighborhood group could start a
garden with this.
— Rosemary Menninger
##A 10 80781 326
##T The Community Garden Book
Larry Sommers
1984; 121 pp.
ISBN 091587301X
$8.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
Gardens for All
180 Flynn Avenue
Burlington, VT 05401
##A 10 81071 327
##T The Community Garden Book
A group that is high on enthusiasm, but low on budget, can make ends meet through creative scrounging. The items below are being used today in gardens across the country:
Item Possible Uses
Used tires Planting containers,
fencing, swings
Plastic gallon jugs Scoops, watering cans, hot caps
Some community gardening fanatics proved the point that almost anything can be used for gardening!
##A 10 78513 329
##T American Community Gardening Association
American Community Gardening Association
The American Community Gardening Association and its publication, the Journal of Community Gardening, are in the business of promoting the practice of community gardening nationwide. Most of the people who got the Association rolling actually manage or operate community agriculture projects in major cities. They know firsthand how a community garden can transform the mood of a neighborhood, change lives for the better and instill pride in the residents.
— Shane Smith
##A 10 78775 330
##T American Community Gardening Association
Journal of Community Gardening
Sally McCabe, Editor
Membership $15/year
(includes 4 issues of Journal);
Information free
American Community Gardening Association
2615 South Grand Avenue
Suite 400
Los Angeles, CA 90007
##A 10 78950 331
##T American Community Gardening Association
Most organizations have a small core of dependable, but vastly overworked volunteers who have assumed many responsibilities. This core group usually remains small due to a winnowing out of volunteers who lack staying power and a pervasive belief that it is more effective and efficient to do it yourself. Teaching new volunteers can be time consuming and frustrating but the rewards can be profound and long term. Give others the chance to share greater responsibility and to experience the inner workings of your organization. Make this a top priority.
##A 10 79451 332
##T The Youth Gardening Book
The Youth Gardening Book
Everyone knows that kids and gardens are a natural match-up, right? Wrong. I found out the first time I tried. Somehow gardens didn’t have as much pizazz as video games and all the other diversions. It became a challenge that I’m still working on. I wish I’d had this book at the beginning to help out: it covers everything from motivation to garden design and is especially strong in stressing the fun of gardens with 25 pages of experiments, tests and special activities. Whether your garden partner is your own child or a horde of school kids you’ll find it a genuine ally.
— Dick Fugett
##A 10 79797 333
##T The Youth Gardening Book
(A Complete Guide for Teachers, Parents and Youth Leaders)
Lynn Ocone
1983; 145 pp.
ISBN 0915873001
$8.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
Gardens for All
180 Flynn Avenue
Burlington, VT 05401
##A 10 79925 334
##T The Youth Gardening Book
Don’t impose your expectations on the gardeners. Kids don’t care too much about total yields. The experience of growing a radish is as important as the end product. A single radish is cherished by the child if she grew it herself.
##A 10 80272 335
##T The Youth Gardening Book
Child with carrots
##A 10 87551 336
##T The National Gardening Association
The National Gardening Association
The NGA began in 1972 by sponsoring community gardens in Burlington, Vermont. Today it is a 250,000-member national non-profit organization with many useful and even unique publications. (See review of their book, Gardening, plus two of the books reviewed in this cluster.) Although they rode to popularity on the high food prices of the 1970s, the NGA has always understood that gardening is more than vegetables. It is therapeutic, and when done by a community it is political. In addition to publishing a magazine (Ÿ see separate review of National Gardening), they also offer a catalog of enabling hand tools for handicapped gardeners, a booklet on employee gardens for businesses, and a book on gardening for people in prison.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 87626 337
##T The National Gardening Association
Publications list free
The National Gardening Association
180 Flynn Avenue
Burlington, VT 05401
##A 10 64299 338
##T Gardening Guides
##A 10 16403 339
##T Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Brooklyn Botanic Garden
The Brooklyn Botanic Garden is an outstanding source of information on nearly everything useful relating to plants, greenhouse, vines, bonsai, pruning, the lot. In their fine periodical, Plants and Gardens, each issue is devoted to one subject.
— Stewart Brand
##A 10 16784 340
##T Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Plants and Gardens
Barbara Pesch, Editor
ISBN 03625850
$20/year (4 issues)
includes membership;
Publications list free
Brooklyn Botanic Garden
1000 Washington Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11225
718-622-4433 ext. 371
##A 10 272090 341
##T Brooklyn Botanic Garden
America, long an advocate of wildlife plantings to attract birds and small animals, is now discovering plant management to encourage the fluttering gems of the insect world. Planting a butterfly garden is not a matter of sowing seeds which produce butterflies, but seeds whose plants will attract butterflies. Color, copious nectar and an “easy feed” are the three crucial requirements. Purple will catch a butterfly’s attention first; yellow, pink and white are other favorites. Remember, too, butterflies need flowers with flat surfaces, clustered florets or large-lipped petals where they can perch comfortably while dining.
##A 10 212190 342
##T Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Monarch butterfly feed on Joe-Pye Weed.
— Plants and Gardens
##A 10 19957 343
##T Sunset New Western Garden Book
Sunset New Western Garden Book
This continues to be the essential book for gardeners in the 11 western states. The 344-page “Western Plant Encyclopedia” illustrates each entry and keys it to 24 very specific climate zones. By acknowledging and incorporating the amazing diversity of western climates, Sunset has created a book that gets used.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 20184 344
##T Sunset New Western Garden Book
Editors of Sunset Books and Sunset Magazine
5th Edition 1979; 512 pp.
ISBN 037603890X
$16.95 ($19.95
postpaid) from:
Sunset Books / Lane Publishing Co.
80 Willow Road
Menlo Park, CA 94025-3691
##A 10 20302 345
##T Sunset New Western Garden Book
Plants with low fuel volume: No plant will stop a fire, but homeowners can lower the risk by removing highly combustible brush from around the home, introducing low-growing plants with potentially high water content and low fuel volume, irrigating new plantings as needed, and grooming to prevent build-up of potential fuel.
E. caffra (E. constantiana). Kaffirboom Coral Tree. Briefly deciduous tree. Zones 21-24. Native to South Africa. Grows 24-40 ft. high, spreads to 40-60 ft. wide. Drops leaves in January; then angular bare branches produce big clusters of deep red orange, tubular flowers that drip honey. In March or earlier, flowers give way to fresh, light green, often dense foliage. Magnificent shade tree in summer. Wicked thorns disappear as wood matures.
##A 10 20513 346
##T Sunset New Western Garden Book
Cormel. While one to several big new corms are forming, smaller ones (cormels) are also being produced from the axillary buds on top of the old corm. The cormels will take two to three years to bloom, while larger corms will blossom the following year.
##A 10 17723 347
##T Reader’s Digest Illustrated Guide to Gardening
Reader’s Digest Illustrated Guide to Gardening
Reader’s Digest has trained its vast resources on gardening and produced an impressive book. The illustrations alone involved the work of 44 different artists. With captions providing step by step directions, they are frequently all that is needed for numerous how-to garden chores. And the oblong shape of the book keeps it flat and open while your hands are busy. The text explains more details than most people would have time for in a lifetime of gardening. My one reservation is the heavy reliance placed on synthetic pesticides and weedkillers — watch out here, or they will have you out there spraying everything from methoxychlor to paraquat. (Ÿ For safer alternatives consult the Pest Control reviews in the Horticulture Section.)
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 18119 348
##T Reader’s Digest Illustrated Guide to Gardening
Carroll C. Calkins, Editor
1978; 672 pp.
ISBN 0895770466
$25.50 ($26.50 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 10 227703 349
##T Reader’s Digest Illustrated Guide to Gardening
A lilac (Syringa) will eventually become scraggly, its flowers sparse and discolored. Suckers will arise from the rootstock and will sap its energy. Prune the suckers in winter to renew.
##A 10 62034 350
##T HP Books
HP Books
Trying to keep a young orange tree alive during a string of twenty degree nights and serious bug attacks had me looking for help, and when I asked my main nurseryman what to do, he reached back into the compact library behind the counter and pulled out his central citrus authority. It looked to me like another of the ORTHO series so I was anticipating a once-over-lightly approach, but instead there was a complete and thorough reference. The book was put out by HP Publishing in Arizona and was a most readable and informative volume, and led to my discovery of the wide range of their other gardening books.
The ORTHO similarity is genetic, for both operations were directly influenced by the Sunset garden book series that began in the ’50s.
##A 10 63059 351
##T HP Books
But HP tried harder and surpassed the competition. Their books have more pages, more information, more color photos, and a middle-of-the-road approach to the chemical vs. organic philosophy. (Ÿ For a closer look at one title in this series, see the separate review of the book called Pruning.)
— Dick Fugett
##A 10 63253 352
##T HP Books
Postpaid HP booklist free;
Titles $8.95-$20.98
P. O. Box 5367
Tucson, AZ 85703
##A 10 63935 353
##T HP Books
HP titles include:
Home Landscaping in the Northeast and Midwest
Southern Home Landscaping
Western Home Landscaping
Plants for Dry Climates
How to Grow Fruit, Berries & Nuts in the Midwest and East
Western Fruit, Berries & Nuts
Trees & Shrubs
##A 10 55079 354
##A 10 97487 355
##T Herbs
##A 10 30553 356
##T Herbal Bounty
Herbal Bounty
Long on information and short on hype, this book details how to grow, dry, and use 124 herbs. This is an excellent choice for beginners, and since the author has spent time in his library and
in his garden, it is also a book that will not offend a botanist.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 30726 357
##T Herbal Bounty
(The Gentle Art of Herb Culture)
Steven Foster
1984; 200 pp.
ISBN 0879051566
$11.95 ($13.45 postpaid)
Peregrine Smith Books
P. O. Box 667
Layton, UT 84041
##A 10 30978 358
##T Herbal Bounty
The family, genus, species, and subgroups of species serve as the most useful reference points for herb gardeners.
The family can be likened to a broad group of motorized vehicles known as automobiles. There are several genera in the family automobile including Chevrolets, Fords, Cadillacs, and Toyotas. In the genus Toyota, indigenous to Japan and naturalized throughout North America, is the species corolla. Thus for a specific organism in our hypothetical automobile family we have the binomial Toyota corolla.
##A 10 31271 359
##T Herbal Bounty
Herbs should be dried in the shade. Direct sunlight will cause leaves to turn dark brown or black. . . . Rapid evaporation of the essential oil or changes in its chemical constituents may occur if an herb is dried at temperatures exceeding 90°F. If heat is forced too quickly over the outer cells of a leaf, those cells may harden before they can be replaced by moisture from the leaf’s inner tissue, thereby sealing moisture in the leaf and causing it to mold in storage. Air temperature should be kept relatively low at first (80° to 85° F.) then increased when the plant material is almost dry.
##A 10 14046 360
##T Herbal Bounty
A blueberry rake works well for harvesting camomile blossoms.
##A 10 29397 361
##T The Herb Gardener’s Resource Guide
The Herb Gardener’s Resource Guide
Praise be to catalogers, those diligent people who take cardboard boxes full of envelopes, brochures, and addresses and transform them into neatly alphabetized booklets. Paula Oliver is such a person, and her Resource Guide contains over 500 entries, from nurseries and seed houses to botanicals and florist supplies. And for each listing the details are nicely tended to (wholesale/retail, mail orders, visitors, foreign orders). For anyone interested in herbs, I’d call it essential.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 29605 362
##T The Herb Gardener’s Resource Guide
Paula Oliver
1985; 82 pp.
$7.95 postpaid
Northwind Farm
Route 2, Box 246
Shevlin, MN 56676
##A 10 29902 363
##T The Herb Gardener’s Resource Guide
Borchelt Herb Gardens: 474 Carriage Shop Rd., East Falmouth, MA 02536.
(617) 548-4571. Seeds only. They offer more than 100 varieties of herb seeds. All are organically grown and hand-collected to insure viability and increase germination percentage. Detailed instruction sheet provided with each order. The seed list is quite informative and is available for a business-size SASE. Retail mail order only.
The Herb Quarterly: P. O. Box 275, Newfane, VT 05345. (802) 365-4392.
A beautifully designed quarterly magazine for herb fanciers. HQ covers cultivation, cooking, herbal legend and lore, historical pieces, garden design, plant profiles, herb crafting, as well as offering excellent recipes and book reviews. Sample copy is $5. Brochure is free on request. Foreign subscribers welcome, but must add $2.50 to domestic rate. This elegant publication will be of interest to herb gardeners everywhere!
##A 10 29966 364
##T The Herb Gardener’s Resource Guide
Well-Sweep Herb Farm: 317 Mt. Bethel Rd., Port Murray, NJ 07865.
(201) 852-5390.
Plants, seeds, everlastings, wreaths, potpourri, books, and herbal gift items. One of the largest herb collections in the country, they offer 20 basils, 26 lavenders, 30 rosemaries, and 58 different thymes! Of special interest: violets from both Korea and Australia. A large display garden is open to visitors and they offer group garden tours by appointment. In addition, they offer lectures on herb gardening and everlastings during the fall and winter months. They host an annual spring and fall open house featuring crafts demonstrations, displays, tours, refreshments, etc. Retail sales, domestic only, by mail and from the farm. Catalog is $1 on request.
##A 10 31915 365
##T Folklore Herb Company • Sanctuary Seeds
Folklore Herb Company • Sanctuary Seeds
Folklore sells bulk spices and botanical herbs, also teas, oils,
food items, and books. Sanctuary sells culinary and medicinal
herb seeds as well as non-hybrid vegetable seed.
- Richard Nilsen
##A 10 32144 366
##T Folklore Herb Company • Sanctuary Seeds
Catalog from:
Folklore Herb Company/Sanctuary Seeds
2388 West Fourth Avenue
Vancouver, B.C.
##A 10 32905 367
##T Meadowbrook Herb Garden
Meadowbrook Herb Garden
Culinary herbs, teas, cosmetics, seeds and books.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 33026 368
##T Meadowbrook Herb Garden
Catalog $1
Meadowbrook Herb Garden
Route 138
Wyoming, RI 02898
##A 10 33984 369
##T Richters
An extensive selection of herbs, alpine and wildflowers, and dye plants. Plants and seeds.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 34207 370
##T Richters
Catalog $2 .50
P. O. Box 26
Goodwood, Ontario
##A 10 34931 371
##T Taylor’s Herb Garden
Taylor’s Herb Garden
Herbs for cooking, smelling and healing sold as plants and seeds. Good selection includes scented geraniums.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 35327 372
##T Taylor’s Herb Garden
Catalog $1 from:
Taylor’s Herb Gardens
1535 Lone Oak Road
Vista, CA 92084
##A 10 49750 373
##T Sinsemilla Tips
Sinsemilla Tips
Smoking and then growing marijuana once introduced a generation of Americans to gardening. There is still only one state (Alaska) where it is legal to grow and possess marijuana for personal consumption. Between drug law enforcement and the neighbor kid down the block, growers today are becoming experts at high-tech indoor cultivation. High-intensity discharge lights, hydroponic cultivation and even computer-controlled indoor environments are all available. Companies selling this equipment advertise in Sinsemilla Tips, which covers political news and the latest in cultivation techniques.
Commercial marijuana growing tends to be armed, dangerous, and locked in a symbiotic bear-hug with government. There but for the
##A 10 50155 374
##T Sinsemilla Tips
police would go the price and market share to the likes of Philip Morris, R. J. Reynolds, and individual growers. There but for the illegal growers would go the need for an entire paramilitary bureaucracy fighting a war it can never win. Meanwhile the Fourth Amendment continues to get whittled away at, and nobody gets the tax revenues from a multibillion-dollar industry.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 50298 375
##T Sinsemilla Tips
Don Parker, Editor
ISSN 08848858
$20/year(4 issues);
$35 foreign
Sinsemilla Tips
P. O. Box 3004-155
Corvallis, OR 97339
503-757-TIPS (8477)
##A 10 50455 376
##T Indoor Marijuana Horticulture
Indoor Marijuana Horticulture
Indoor Marijuana Horticulture is the best introduction to the wonderful world of electricity that makes total indoor growing possible — fans, lights, timers, moisture meters, and CO2 enrichment systems.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 100213 377
##T Indoor Marijuana Horticulture
Jorge Cervantes
1984; 288 pp.
ISBN 0932331017
$16.95 ($19.95 postpaid)
Jorge Cervantes
P.O. Box 02009
Portland, OR 97202
##A 10 100576 378
##T Indoor Marijuana Horticulture
Technological breakthroughs and scientific research have shed bright light on
indoor horticulture, by producing the 1000 watt metal halide and 1000 watt High Pressure (HP) sodium, High Intensity Discharge (HID) lamps. Now, a reasonably priced artificial light source, providing the color spectrum and intensity necessary for marijuana growth, is on the market. With the HID lamps, a gardener may totally control the indoor environment. The 1000 watt metal halide HID lamp provides sufficient intensity, of the proper colors in the spectrum, to grow incredibly
potent marijuana.
##A 10 100043 379
##T Mushrooms
##A 10 47380 380
##T The Mushroom Cultivator
The Mushroom Cultivator
This is simply the best single manual ever published about each phase of home mushroom cultivation. Other books cover some of the more essential aspects of mushroom growing, like compost preparation, growing room construction, and maintenance of environmental conditions for optimum yield, but The Mushroom Cultivator takes you further, into a deeper understanding of mushroom life. It includes a full course on the intricacies of
“kitchen microbiology,” essential for isolating and maintaining your own strains of mushroom cultures and for turning them into spawn — the “seed” for your mushroom garden. You’ll appreciate
the chapters on common microbial “weeds” and insect pests, and how to deal with them. Unlike many other writers on the subject, the authors are down on insecticides and fungicides.
##A 10 47680 381
##T The Mushroom Cultivator
Whether you want to grow agaricus, the common grocery-store mushroom, or exotica like shiitake, psilocybe, or the oyster mushroom, either as a weekend hobbyist or a small-business farmer, this is the manual you want.
— Ted Schultz
##A 10 47873 382
##T The Mushroom Cultivator
Paul Stamets and J. S. Chilton
1983; 415 pp.
ISBN 0961079800
$25 postpaid
Homestead Book Co.
6101 22nd Avenue NW
Seattle, WA 98107
##A 10 48166 383
##T The Mushroom Cultivator
In general, too much fresh air is preferable to insufficient air supply. However, fresh air displaces the existing room air which is then exhausted from the room. Unless this fresh air is preconditioned to meet the requirements of the species, one will be constantly disrupting the growing environment and thereby overworking the heating and humidification systems. For this reason the air circulation system should be designed to recirculate the room air. This is accomplished by a mixing box with an adjustable damper that proportions fresh and circulated air. In this regard CO2-tolerant species give the grower a distinct advantage in maintaining the correct environment because they need less fresh air for growth.
##A 10 48502 384
##T The Mushroom Cultivator
Wild strain of Agaricus brunnescens fruiting in bag of cased compost.
##A 10 51335 385
##T Mushroompeople
Mushroompeople is the best place for a grower and mushroom lover to begin. Mushroompeople are super-competent and have a computer help-line for their customers. They specialize in shiitake, sell specialized strains for greenhouses or outdoors and give mushroom tours to Japan. Costs are lower than equipment described in The Mushroom Cultivator (see separate review Ÿ). The catalog has all the best books for mushroom growing, hunting in the wild, feasting and cooking.
— Peter Warshall
##A 10 51622 386
##T Mushroompeople
Catalog free
P. O. Box 159
Inverness, CA 94937
##A 10 190846 387
##T Mushroompeople
Fruiting Shiitake logs stacked outdoors in a Japanese conifer forest.
##A 10 100940 388
##T Vegetables
##A 10 57969 389
##T Designing and Maintaining Your Edible Landscape
Designing and Maintaining Your Edible Landscape
Edible landscaping is a new term for an old idea. It is a reaction to the lawns and shrubs that make many suburban yards look so boring. Its goal is to integrate food plants into the landscape: specifically to liberate fruits and vegetables from rectangular prisons often hidden out at the back of the lot. Bring those salad herbs up and put them right outside the kitchen door where they will be tended and used. And put the peaches (dwarf) under a south-facing eave of the roof where they can enjoy maximum frost protection and warmth.
What used to be common sense was lost when people stopped
growing any of their own food and ran out of time even to be in
their gardens, let alone work them. That is changing, and this book
##A 10 58236 390
##T Designing and Maintaining Your Edible Landscape
suggests that vegetable gardening can also be aesthetic.
Robert Kourik has produced a classic homemade book in the best sense of the term. His mind works referentially and fortunately
by publishing his own book he didn’t have to meet up with a
linear-minded editor eager to streamline his work. The book is massive, detailed, and totally indexed. It is full of charts and graphs that allow the kind of comparing and decision-making that landscape designing is all about. There is extensive information on selecting fruit tree varieties and appropriate rootstocks.
Best of all, he is not dogmatic. If there are two schools of thought, say till versus no-till gardening, he will explain the advantages
##A 10 58507 391
##T Designing and Maintaining Your Edible Landscape
and disadvantages of each in different situations. Like all gardening books, this one is written with a sense of place in mind
(northern California), but Kourik is aware that your garden, right down to its microclimates, is unique.
— Richard Nilsen
Ÿ Wild Edibles
##A 10 58707 392
##T Designing and Maintaining Your Edible Landscape
Designing and Maintaining Your Edible Landscape Naturally
Robert Kourik
1986; 400 pp.
ISBN 0961584807
$16.95 ($18.95 postpaid)
The Edible Landscape Book Project
P. O. Box 1841
Santa Rosa, CA 95402
##A 10 59013 393
##T Designing and Maintaining Your Edible Landscape
The amount of effort needed to sustain a landscape or garden is, perhaps, the single most important design consideration. Planting happens quickly, at the peak of the gardener’s enthusiasm. Maintenance usually ends up being crammed into busy, everyday life.
Another way to understand the sunlight patterns and the microclimates of your yard is simply to grow vegetables. Instead of designing a landscape just after moving into your new home, wait and observe the yard through a complete cycle of seasons. For at least a year, grow edibles in a number of spots that seem to have beneficial sunlight and climate. You will probably get a very good feel for the nuances of sunshine patterns, frost pockets, windy spots, wet soils, rocky soils, and other important information before designing your edible landscape. The placement of your first edibles may turn out to be ill-advised or just right.
##A 10 81637 394
##T How to Grow More Vegetables
How to Grow More Vegetables
John Jeavons did not invent the biodynamic/French intensive method of gardening, but he clearly qualifies as its chief popularizer, and this book boils the technique down to its simplest terms. It is organic gardening using hand labor, raised beds, close spacing between plants to eliminate weeds and conserve soil moisture, and heavy feeding and composting. It can produce very large yields in very small spaces, and is therefore applicable to many diverse situations.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 81907 395
##T How to Grow More Vegetables
John Jeavons
1982; 160 pp.
ISBN 0898150736
$8.95 ($9.95 postpaid)
Ten Speed Press
P. O. Box 7123
Berkeley, CA 94707
##A 10 82016 396
##T How to Grow More Vegetables
A good growing bed will be 4 to 12 inches higher than the original surface of the soil. A good soil contains 50% air space. (In fact, adequate air is one of the missing ingredients in most soil preparation processes.) The increased air space allows for an increase in the diffusion of oxygen (which the roots and microbes depend on) into the soil, and the diffusion of carbon dioxide (which the leaves depend on) out of the soil. This increased "breathing” ability of a double-dug bed is a key to improved plant health.
##A 10 82208 397
##T How to Grow More Vegetables
Soil in path is subject to compaction; soil in bed remains loose.
##A 10 101183 398
##T Flowers
##A 10 38457 399
Two excellent sources of ornamental plants. Wayside Gardens has a larger selection (including flowering trees) and White Flower Farm calls its catalog “The Garden Book” because it includes very chatty and detailed cultural information on the plant varieties that are sold. Both catalogs are worth having.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 38822 400
White Flower Farm
The Garden Book (catalog) $5
White Flower Farm
Litchfield, CT 06759-0050
##A 10 14260 401
Wayside Gardens
Catalog free
Wayside Gardens
Hodges, SC 29695-0001
##A 10 18690 402
##T Complete Guide to Plants and Flowers
Complete Guide to Plants and Flowers
A flower gardener’s encyclopedia, a seed catalogue’s companion, and a visual delight. Five hundred half-page color photos with graphic cultivation tips for common varieties of flowers, cactus, houseplants, and other ornamentals.
— Rosemary Menninger
##A 10 19090 403
##T Complete Guide to Plants and Flowers
Simon & Schuster’s Complete Guide to Plants and Flowers
Frances Perry, Editor
1976; 522 pp.
ISBN 0671222473
$11.95 ($13.20 postpaid)
Simon & Schuster
Order Dept.
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 10 77703 404
##T Trees
##A 10 65712 405
##T Hugh Johnson’s Encyclopedia of Trees
Hugh Johnson’s Encyclopedia of Trees
If the quest is for one volume on trees, this is the choice. Ace popularizer Hugh Johnson is a great organizer with a wonderfully personal writing style. Well captioned color photographs are included and there are 65 pages of A-Z tree species encyclopedia as well. A bargain of a book.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 66481 406
##T Hugh Johnson’s Encyclopedia of Trees
Dian Taylor, Editor
2nd edition 1984; 336 pp.
ISBN 0831748176
W. H. Smith, Publishers
##A 10 228834 407
##T Hugh Johnson’s Encyclopedia of Trees
• The Swamp Cypress Family/Taxodiaceae
A pretty mixed bunch of trees are grouped under the family heading Taxodiaceae. No single feature proclaims them: it is rather a combination of the symptoms they have with those they lack. Conifer naming is much more confident with the nuts and bolts of varieties and cultivars than with the bafflingly broad horizons of families that have been in existence 100 million years or more. One might say that the big divisions into families and orders are provisional. But a pigeon-hole is a pigeon-hole, whether it has the right label or not. The species would be much harder to remember if they were not organized at all.
One thing the swamp cypress (Taxodium) and its class-mates have in common is great age. Another is colossal size. To this group belong the redwood and the giant sequoia, the Japanese ‘cedar’ and Chinese ‘fir’ (the biggest timber-trees of their respective countries) and the biggest conifer of the eastern United States, the swamp or, as it is known in America, bald cypress.
##A 10 68412 408
##T Hugh Johnson’s Encyclopedia of Trees
The trunks of swamp cypress in Cypress Gardens, Charleston, S. Carolina, show the fluted, flaring base of a tree adapted to wet, unstable ground. The ‘knees’ (right of big trunk) may be a way of supplying the roots with oxygen.
##A 10 71186 409
##T International Green Front Report
International Green Front Report
The Friends of the Trees International Green Front Report is a rich source of information about planting trees and saving forests. It’s is an excellent way to follow the news and the players in the international alternative forestry and sustainable agriculture movements. Hundreds of groups are reviewed.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 77373 410
##T International Green Front Report
Friends of the Trees 1988 International Green Front Report
Michael Pilarski, Editor
1988; 196 pp.
$8 postpaid from:
Friends of the Trees Society
P. O. Box 1466
Chelan, WA 98816
##A 10 209318 411
##T International Green Front Report
Long, long ago, when the world was new, God and the baobab tree had a disagreement. In a fit of rage, God plucked the baobab tree from the ground and hurled it down again, where it landed upside down, its branches buried in the earth and its roots uppermost. This, people say, is the reason for baobab tree’s peculiar appearance, and some people truly believe that the baobab grows with its roots in the air.
Baobabs are found in Africa at low altitudes (below 900 meters) in open savanas on loamy or sandy soils, where the climate is hot and where there is little rainfall. The species is one of the most extraordinary trees in the world, and it rivals Africa’s big game animals in symbolizing all that is wild and beautiful — and, to the visitor, strange — on this vast continent. . . . It has extraordinary vitality. Unlike most trees, it does not die if its bark is removed; it simply grows more bark. Nor does it seem to be particularly bothered if it falls down; so long as a few roots remain in contact with soil, the tree grows perfectly well lying down on its side.
##A 10 250263 412
##T International Green Front Report
Baobab Tree
##A 10 59968 413
##A 10 101607 414
##T Seed Directories
##A 10 17182 415
Seeds are envelopes made for traveling, and seed catalogs aid and organize the process. Regional seed companies are worthy of support because their locally adapted varieties will often do best in your garden. The catalogs reviewed in this section are included because they offer either a good selection for one climatic region, a very comprehensive selection, or exotic or unique varieties.
- Richard Nilsen
##A 10 73169 416
##T Sources of Native Seeds and Plants
Sources of Native Seeds and Plants
Over 200 sources of wildflower, native grass, tree and shrub seed are in this 36-page pamphlet, as well as sources for native plant
material and nursery stock.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 73987 417
##T Sources of Native Seeds and Plants
$3 postpaid
Soil Conservation Society of America
7515 Northeast Ankeny Road
Ankeny, IA 50021-9764
##A 10 76865 418
##T Directory of Seed and Nursery Catalogs
Directory of Seed and Nursery Catalogs
Close to 400 U.S. and Canadian mail-order sources are included in this 14-page pamphlet. Updated annually.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 79219 419
##T Directory of Seed and Nursery Catalogs
$3 members
$4 non-members
National Gardening
180 Flynn Avenue
Burlington, VT 05401
##A 10 88224 420
##T Seed, Bulb, and Nursery Supplies
Seed, Bulb, and Nursery Supplies
This 12-page list of U.S. and Canadian sources is updated annually.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 92224 421
##T Seed, Bulb, and Nursery Supplies
Seed list free (with 45 cent SASE)
Rodale’s Organic Gardening
Reader Service
Attn: Seed List
33 East Minor Street
Emmaus, PA 18049
##A 10 17456 422
##T Garden Seed Inventory
Garden Seed Inventory
The Inventory is a piece of cataloging heroics: an alphabetical listing of each and every variety of nonhybrid vegetable seed for sale by seed houses in the U.S. and Canada. That’s 5,291 varieties from 215 wholesale and retail seed companies. So if you’re a gardener used to buying your favorite chili pepper seed from the same source for years — only this year it’s NOT THERE — you look that variety up and find out who else sells it. If you’re a northern gardener faced with a short growing season, you scan the
listings of days to maturity for each variety of a kind of vegetable, and come up with whatever is quickest and best for your situation.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 18676 423
##T Garden Seed Inventory
Kent Whealy, Editor
2nd Edition 1988; 422 pp.
ISBN 0961397748
$17.50 postpaid
Seeds Savers Exchange
Rural Route 3, Box 239
Decorah, IA 52101
##A 10 121144 424
##T Garden Seed Inventory
This inventory represents your heritage as a vegetable gardener and provides access to every non-hybrid variety being offered by the U.S. and Canadian garden seed industries. Gardeners living today are blessed with a vast array of the finest vegetable varieties ever developed. It is quite possible, however, that half of the varieties in this book could be lost within the next decade. The major forces threatening this diversity include: takeovers and consolidation within the seed industry; plant breeding for mechanized commercial producers, instead of for gardeners; and the profit-motivated hybrid bias of most seed companies. These forces are transforming the seed industry and threatening to destroy the majority of the vegetable varieties available to gardeners.
More than 60 North American seed companies have recently been taken over, and more than 50 others went out of business between 1984 and 1987. Large corporations, mostly agrichemical conglomerates, are buying out family-owned seed companies and replacing their regionally adapted collections with more profitable
##A 10 130067 425
##T Garden Seed Inventory
hybrids and patented varieties. The new corporate owners usually switch to generalized varieties that grow reasonably well in all areas, assuring the greatest sales in the company’s new nationwide market. Irreplaceable genetic resources are being destroyed by marketing decisions to maximize the short-term profits of corporations that may not own those seed companies the following year.
Anyone can figure out “how ” to buy seeds using this inventory. For those of you who are interested in genetic preservation and helping to save our vegetable heritage, let’s discuss “which” seeds you should buy.
This inventory was designed as a preservation tool to salvage endangered commercial varieties being dropped from seed catalogs. The most exciting feature of this second edition is the new data on the number of sources per year. That data shows how many companies offered that variety in 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, and 1987. The flow of gains and losses is perfectly clear. You can see at a glance which varieties are going down fast. Buy them!
##A 10 101654 426
##T Seed Sources A — I
##A 10 97778 427
##T Abundant Life Seed Foundation
Abundant Life Seed Foundation
Nonprofit source of vegetable, native, and endangered seed for the Pacific Northwest.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 97905 428
##T Abundant Life Seed Foundation
Catalog $1
Abundant Life Seed Foundation
P. O. Box 772
Port Townsend, WA 98368
##A 10 126858 429
##T Bountiful Gardens — Ecology Action
Bountiful Gardens — Ecology Action
Organically grown heirloom vegetable seed; also herb, flower, and cover-crop seed.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 127121 430
##T Bountiful Gardens — Ecology Action
Catalog free
Bountiful Gardens Ecology Action
5798 Ridgewood Road
Willits, CA 95490
##A 10 136087 431
##T Butterbrooke Farm
Butterbrooke Farm
This co-op has the cheapest prices for a basic selection of vegetable seed of anybody — 45 cents per packet.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 141883 432
##T Butterbrooke Farm
Catalog free
with SASE from:
Butterbrooke Farm
78 Barry Road
Oxford, CT 06483
##A 10 142762 433
##T Good Seed
Good Seed
Open-pollinated vegetable seed, plus herb, flower, and cover-crop seed, all selected for the intermountain region east of the Cascades and west of the Rockies.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 143245 434
##T Good Seed
Catalog $1
Good Seed
Box 702
Tonasket, WA 98855
##A 10 143895 435
##T High Altitude Gardens
High Altitude Gardens
Short-season vegetable and herb varieties for the western mountains. Their seed testing and production are done from 5,000 to 7,000 foot elevation.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 144305 436
##T High Altitude Gardens
Catalog $2
High Altitude Gardens
P. O. Box 4238
Ketchum, ID 83340
##A 10 159740 437
##T J. L. Hudson, Seedsman
J. L. Hudson, Seedsman
Rare seed from all over the world. As much an encyclopedia as a source of seeds, this catalog has tiny print and is a botanical gold mine.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 159769 438
##T J. L. Hudson, Seedsman
Catalog $1
J. L. Hudson, Seedsman
P. O. Box 1058
Redwood City, CA 94064
##A 10 101905 439
##T Seed Sources J — Q
##A 10 145129 440
##T Johnny’s Selected Seeds
Johnny’s Selected Seeds
Well-designed catalog of vegetable seed adapted ideally for a cool 145-day-average frost-free season. Good germination and cultural directions, also recipes.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 145276 441
##T Johnny’s Selected Seeds
Catalog free
Johnny’s Selected Seeds
299 Foss Hill Road
Albion, ME 04910
##A 10 146001 442
##T Larner Seeds
Larner Seeds
Native plant seed of California, wildflower mixes and native grasses; much of it rarely collected.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 146205 443
##T Larner Seeds
Catalog $1
Larner Seeds
P. O. Box 407
235 Fern Road
Bolinas, CA 94924
##A 10 150143 444
##T Le Marché Seeds International
Le Marché Seeds International
Best source for baby vegetable varieties used in nouvelle cuisine restaurants. What’s new (to American gardeners) is here.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 150520 445
##T Le Marché Seeds International
Catalog $2
Le Marche Seeds International
P. O. Box 190
Dixon, CA 95620
##A 10 151121 446
##T Nichols Garden Nursery
Nichols Garden Nursery
Herb seed and plants, vegetable seed (large selection), some flower seed, plus beer and winemaking supplies and dried herbs and spices.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 151363 447
##T Nichols Garden Nursery
Catalog free
Nichols Garden Nursery
1190 North Pacific Highway
Albany, OR 97321
##A 10 152169 448
##T Park Seed Company
Park Seed Company
Full-color catalog of flower and vegetable seed from an old and respected seed house. (Ÿ See separate reviews of three books they publish: Park’s Success With Seeds, Park’s Success With Herbs, and Park’s Success With Bulbs.)
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 152458 449
##T Park Seed Company
Catalog free
Park Seed Company
Greenwood, SC 29647-0001
##A 10 153238 450
##T Plants of the Southwest
Plants of the Southwest
Vegetable, flower, shrub and tree seed; also native grass and wildflower mixes. From and for the high southwest American deserts.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 153499 451
##T Plants of the Southwest
Catalog $1.50
Plants of the Southwest
1812 Second Street
Santa Fe, NM 87501
##A 10 102371 452
##T Seeds Sources R — Z
##A 10 154284 453
##T Redwood City Seed Company
Redwood City Seed Company
Heirloom open-pollinated vegetable seed. Also herbs, tree seed, and books. Tiny print and dense with information.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 154614 454
##T Redwood City Seed Company
Catalog $1
Redwood City Seed Co.
P. O. Box 361
Redwood City, CA 94064
##A 10 155358 455
##T Southern Exposure Seed Exchange
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange
Regional source for heirloom vegetable varieties adapted to the
mid-Atlantic region. Good cultural instructions.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 155482 456
##T Southern Exposure Seed Exchange
Catalog $3
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange
P. O. Box 158
North Garden, VA 22959
##A 10 156390 457
##T Stock Seed Farms
Stock Seed Farms
Native American prairie grasses and perennial and annual wildflower seed for preserving and duplicating the tall-grass prairie.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 156468 458
##T Stock Seed Farms
Price list free
Stock Seed Farms
RR #1, Box 112
Murdock, NE 68407
##A 10 157315 459
##T Stokes Seeds
Stokes Seeds
Bulk vegetable and flower seed for commercial growers. Huge selections, and they also sell small packets of seed to home gardeners.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 157518 460
##T Stokes Seeds
Catalog free
Stokes Seeds
P. O. Box 548
Buffalo, NY 14240
##A 10 158714 461
##T Thompson & Morgan
Thompson & Morgan
Full-color catalog of an enormous selection of flower seed,
plus vegetables. American branch of one of the oldest British
seed houses.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 158852 462
##T Thompson & Morgan
Catalog free
Thompson & Morgan
P. O. Box 1308
Jackson, NJ 08527
##A 10 22291 463
##T Vesey’s Seeds Ltd
Vesey’s Seeds Ltd
Vegetable and flower seed adapted to the short-season requirements of Canada’s Maritime Provinces and New England.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 30228 464
##T Vesey’s Seeds Ltd
Catalog free
Vesey’s Seeds Ltd.
P.O. Box 9000
Houlton, ME 04930-0814
##A 10 102731 465
##T Seed Saving
##A 10 104241 466
##T Seed Savers Exchange
Seed Savers Exchange
Seed Savers Exchange is the kind of good-works nonprofit outfit that people ought to leave money to in their wills. Run on a shoestring by Kent Whealy, it is the place where gardeners raising unique or endangered vegetables swap seeds. Many of the varieties have been passed down within families for generations. Here seeds are passed from the old to the young via the mailman. If you raise vegetables, consider joining in and adopting a variety or two.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 104691 467
##T Seed Savers Exchange
$15/year(3 issues)
Information free with a long SASE
Seeds Savers Exchange
Rural Route 3, Box 239
Decorah, IA 52101
##A 10 104718 468
##T Seed Savers Exchange
CORN/POP Zea mays
Andrew Wilson: ME BO W — HAS — heirloom Maine var. from Pownal area; Bear Paw: CA SO X — HAS — early, adapted to short growing season of Pacific Northwest, distinctive flattened tips of ears resembling bears’ paws, from Forest Shomer; Black: NM HO G — HAS — medium to small ears with large (for popcorn) seed, grown by Chester Aquino, SJP, O..S. Gurney; Blue Seeded: IL PL E — HAS — good taste, small kernels; Brown: IA DR G — HAS — 132 days, 6’ stalks, 14 or more rows of pale to dark-brown kernels on 6” ears, CV Gurney (no longer available); Butter Boy: IL PL E — HAS — med-size kernel, great taste, plant falls over easily, didn’t pollinate well in 1985, bugs ate tassel; Butter Flavored: IA MA L — HAS — 085 days, 3-4 ears per 6’ stalk, large cream-colored seed; OH SI T — L.Q. — 090-100 days, creamy-white 5-6” ears, 5-6’ stalks withstood high winds & drought, fat kernels pop big & tasty, O.S. 83 MI FE J who got it from PA farmer, in his family 100+ years.
— Seed Savers Exchange
##A 10 137748 469
##T Growing and Saving Vegetable Seeds
Growing and Saving Vegetable Seeds
This is a book for beginners with a completely self-descriptive title.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 19222 470
##T Growing and Saving Vegetable Seeds
Marc Rogers
1978; 140 pp.
ISBN 0882661329
$7.95 ($9.95 postpaid)
Garden Way Publishing/
Storey Communications
Schoolhouse Road
Pownal, VT 05261
##A 10 143524 471
##T Growing and Saving Vegetable Seeds
SPINACH (Spinacia oleracea). Annual. Cross-pollinated. Pollen carried by wind.
The varied curiosities found in the reproductive patterns of plants are well illustrated in the spinach plant. Within one row in your garden may be found four distinct types of plants. The one most desired for both harvesting and seed production is the monoecious plant, having both male and female flowers. Satisfactory, too, are the female plant, having only pistillate flowers, and with foliage that is fine for harvesting, and the vegetative male, with staminate flowers and edible foliage. Unwanted and discarded as soon as they are recognized are the extreme male plants, smaller than the others and having staminate flowers and few or no leaves.
The tendency to produce seed early, a desired characteristic in many vegetables, is not wanted in spinach, since the emergence of the seed stalk marks the end of the crop as a desired food plant. Thus the early bolters in your rows should be eliminated, in an attempt to harvest seed that doesn’t have this characteristic. Seed should be harvested from among the plants that were the last to bolt.
##A 10 138501 472
##T Growing and Saving Vegetable Seeds
The late-bolting
spinach plants should
be saved for seed.
##A 10 139957 473
##T Native Seeds/SEARCH
Native Seeds/SEARCH
Native Seeds/SEARCH is a nonprofit rescue mission for the food plants of native peoples in southwestern North America. The turf extends roughly north/south from Durango, Colorado, to Durango, Mexico, and west/east from Las Vegas, Nevada, to Las Vegas, New Mexico. The ethnobotany involved in searching out the survivors is as remarkable as the fact that so many varieties (several hundred
are for sale in the catalog) are still clinging to mostly marginal existences. For those interested in the work there is a newsletter, The Seedhead News.
The Tarahumara Indians occupy remote slopes and deep canyons of the Sierra Madre of Chihuahua and Durango, Mexico, where they have retreated from the oppression of the modern world. This isolation has allowed them to maintain one of the most intact traditional agricultural systems in the world. Because of the variety of elevations utilized, their crops include amazing diversity. Over 25 varieties each of Tarahumara beans and corn are offered in this catalogue. In addition to at least 10 races of corn, scarlet runner beans and numerous common beans, they have given us chiltepines, gourds, greens, herbs, peas, squash, tomatillos, sunflowers, tobacco, and wild onions. The men are noted long distance endurance runners and although the women also run we are more familiar with their beautiful and utilitarian baskets.
##A 10 19633 476
##A 10 103663 477
##T Permaculture
##A 10 130959 478
##T Permaculture Institute of North America
Permaculture Institute of North America
Permaculture Institute of North America (PINA) is expanding on the work begun in Australia by Bill Mollison. It was he who coined the term permaculture, a contraction of “permanent agriculture,”for a kind of ecosystem design that recognizes that sustainable land use is only possible within the context of sustainable and humane culture. Whether in a backyard or an entire watershed, the goal is the same: to produce food and energy in ways that mimic the conserving stability and resiliency of natural ecosystems. There is a great emphasis on tree crops here, but fundamentally permaculture is asking many of the same basic design questions being raised at The Land Institute (Ÿ see separate review). Membership includes a subscription to their magazine, The Permaculture Activist.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 131152 479
##T Permaculture Institute of North America
The Permaculture Activist
Membership $16/year
includes a subscription to The Permaculture Activist (quarterly)from:
Permaculture Institute of North America
4649 Sunnyside Avenue North
Seattle, WA 98103
##A 10 273095 480
##T Permaculture Institute of North America
Village Development
The primary strategy for people wanting to develop more self-reliant lifestyles is to come together in regions, thus allowing better cooperation and enabling group services to be developed.
An intentional village should have a group ethic acceptable to all who come there. Our own is simple, distilled from many ethical group statements. Ethics should be ecumenical (not in conflict with other beliefs), achievable, realistic, and non-proscriptive. They should indicate a way to go rather than lay down rules. We try to hold to:
1. Care of the Earth — Earth stewardship; relates to waste, pollution, conservation, erosion, treescapes, and organic or natural foods.
##A 10 273212 481
##T Permaculture Institute of North America
2. Care of People — humane acts; relates to non-exploitive relationships, ecumenical attitudes, and non-material attitudes.
3. Disposal of Surplus — principle of “enough”; relates to outreach and help, gifts, assistance, and teaching; also to not becoming thoughtlessly affluent.
— Bill Mollison
##A 10 135149 482
##T Woodland Ecology
Woodland Ecology
Seventy-three percent of the forest land in the eastern United States is held by private, nonindustrial owners, according to the author. He considers the eastern hardwood forest types and explains very basic woodland ecology and discusses the options a small owner has in deciding how to maintain and use his woods.
The book includes an extensive appendix of references, well annotated, and a section on growing and using wood for fuel.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 140119 483
##T Woodland Ecology
(Environmental Forestry for the Small Owner)
Leon S. Minckler
2nd Edition 1980; 241 pp.
ISBN 0815601549
$14.95 ($16.95 postpaid)
Syracuse University Press
1600 Jamesville Avenue
Syracuse, NY 13244-5160
##A 10 150581 484
##T Woodland Ecology
It seems clear that no significant progress in saving and improving the rural and suburban environment can occur unless the whole country participates. We cannot save open space and enhance uses of the forest community if this community is constantly under the threat of being eradicated by the works of Man or destroyed by erosion and pollution. The whole people — city, suburban, and rural — must want the open space and work together to maintain it. This, of course, must involve a quiet revolution in thinking and life styles in order to succeed. . . .
Consider the present movement to the country, the continuing expansion of urban sprawl. People move to rural-type areas because they like it there. In the absence of controls, a program to make rural areas more attractive would increase the flow of
people to those areas; the more improvement the more people. Thus, rural beautification is self-defeating, unless accompanied by controls which consider population, industrialization, pollution of all forms, roads, power lines, and all things which help determine the quality of life. If people have a beautiful lake, or a
##A 10 55707 485
##T Woodland Ecology
serene wooded countryside, they will “love it to death” unless constrained by some sort of government or community action. Your tactics to improve and beautify your woodland may not suffice in the long run without great cooperation from the whole human community.
##A 10 138831 486
##T BriefBook: Biotechnology and Genetic Diversity
BriefBook: Biotechnology and Genetic Diversity
Genes are Earth’s most important resource. Genetic diversity is a prerequisite for abundant food and it is the ultimate reason for having confidence there will be food tomorrow and the day after.
That this is news to most people makes this an important book. Strategically designed for maximum impact, it is aimed at news writers and contains plain English, a good glossary, and an uncanny ability to demystify.
— Richard Nilsen
Ÿ Seed Saving
##A 10 139085 487
##T BriefBook: Biotechnology and Genetic Diversity
Steven C. Witt
1985; 145 pp.
ISBN 0912005033
$12.50 ($14.50 postpaid)
California Agricultural Lands Project
4244 20th Street
San Francisco, CA 94114
##A 10 208828 488
##T BriefBook: Biotechnology and Genetic Diversity
“Genetic diversity” is also frequently mentioned in discussions of the loss or extinction of primitive cultivars and their wild and weedy relatives.
To the extent that biotech speeds the release of new and better crop varieties, and if these varieties are eagerly accepted by farmers all over the world, then biotech could indeed speed up the loss of important germplasm.
. . . To be sure, unlike most U.S. farmers, if Third World farmers do use new seeds and don’t keep their old ones, then valuable germplasm can be lost. Yet this speaks far more forcefully for the need to collect and preserve the old than it does against patenting the new. Iver Cooper avers, “The argument that patents decrease genetic diversity is a complete non sequitur. If you want diversity you make sure every wild strain is in a repository.”
##A 10 53052 489
##T Plants, Man and Life
Plants, Man and Life
The classic on the domestication of plants, by a damned interesting man. Bless him, he annotates his bibliography.
— Stewart Brand
##A 10 113844 490
##T Plants, Man and Life
Edgar Anderson
1952; 251 pp.
ISBN 0520000196
$6.50 ($8 postpaid)
University of California Press
2120 Berkeley Way
Berkeley, CA 94720
##A 10 154029 491
##T Plants, Man and Life
Few Americans realize how completely our American meadow plants came along with us from the Old World. In our June meadows, timothy, redtop, and bluegrass, Old World grasses all three, are started with Old World daisies, yarrow, buttercup and hawkweeds. The clovers too, alsike and red and Dutch, all came from the Old World. Only the black-eyed Susans are indigenous. An informed botanist viewing such a June meadow may sometimes find it hard to point out a single species of plant which grew here in pre-Columbian times.
##A 10 142931 492
##T Plants, Man and Life
Amaranths are a dump-heap plant par excellence, and are common in barnyards, middens, and refuse dumps throughout the world. The ancient Aztecs in a sort of pagan communion ceremony mixed the popped seeds with human blood, molding the mess into the shape of a god which was sacrificed on the altars and then passed around to be eaten.
##A 10 105759 493
##T Orcharding
##A 10 129509 494
Chestnut Hill Nursery: Home of the Dunstan Hybrid Chestnut, highly resistant to the bark fungus that wiped out the American Chestnut early this century. Chestnuts used to be the dominant species of the eastern hardwood forest, and their comeback is underway here.
Lawson’s Nursery: Owner James Lawson describes his business as
“just a hobby that has gotten a little out of hand.” He specializes in over one hundred old variety apples on dwarfing rootstocks.
Southmeadow Fruit Gardens: Two hundred thirty-nine (!) rare and old apple varieties; also pears, peaches, apricots, plums, cherries, berries, and grapes. The catalog is a treasure-house of varietal information.
##A 10 96357 495
New York State Fruit Testing Cooperative Association: This cooperative exists primarily to evaluate and introduce new varieties of fruit, but they also sell some older apple varieties. Geared to serve commercial growers, but membership is open to all. Reasonable prices, even for individual trees.
Stark Bros.’ Nurseries and Orchards: One of the oldest and largest fruit nurseries in the country. They also sell nut, shade and ornamental trees and shrubs.
Miller Nurseries: Family owned operation offering fruits, nuts, berries, and some ornamental trees. Strong on winter-hardy
varieties, especially grapes.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 119545 496
Chestnut Hill Nursery
Catalog free
Chestnut Hill Nursery
Rural Route 1, Box 341
Alachua, FL 32615
##A 10 120173 497
Lawson’s Nursery
Catalog free
Lawson’s Nursery
Route 1, Box 492
Ball Ground, GA 30107
##A 10 218993 498
Southmeadow Fruit Gardens
Catalog $8;
Price list free
Southmeadow Fruit Gardens Lakeside, MI 49116
##A 10 218605 499
New York State Fruit Testing Cooperative Association
Catalog $5
New York State Fruit Testing Cooperative Association
Geneva, NY 14456
##A 10 218684 500
Stark Bros.’ Nurseries and Orchards
Catalog free
Stark Bros.’ Nurseries and Orchards
P. O. Box V9406H
Louisiana, MO 63353-0010
##A 10 213958 501
Miller Nurseries
Catalog free
J. E. Miller Nurseries
5060 West Lake Road
Canandaigua, NY 14424
##A 10 128273 502
##T North American Fruit Explorers (NAFEX)
North American Fruit Explorers (NAFEX)
These folks are backyard orchardists, many with a lifetime of experience to share on everything having to do with fruit orchards. Their quarterly, Pomona, exchanges member information that is priceless. They exchange plant materials, have a lending library, and stay together by refusing to argue over the finer points of organic vs. nonorganic orcharding. This policy of sunny noncontroversy is occasionally disrupted by a delightful downpour of disagreement, but there is no scientific snobbery. Anyone with some experience is urged to share it and they will let it stand on its own merit.
— Peter Beckstrand
##A 10 128761 503
##T North American Fruit Explorers (NAFEX)
Victor A. Triola, Editor
Membership $8/year
(includes quarterly Pomona
ISSN 07486510)
North American Fruit Explorers
Route 1, Box 94
Chapin, IL 62628
##A 10 259413 504
##T North American Fruit Explorers (NAFEX)
Never has there been such an unsung hero in the fruit world as the Muscadine. It seems always to be relegated to the bottom corner of most fruit and seed catalogs. What a loss to fruit growers, who are not aware of its potential.
The Muscadine is referred to as the “Grape of the South” . . . best adapted to the Southern tier of states and thrives best in the hot, humid conditions that occur here.
I became acquainted with the Muscadine some 8 years ago, and have seen over the years, that one could want for little more in a fruit. The Muscadine is practically insect free, and requires little to no spraying to produce a crop of fruit. As for cold hardiness, my vines have even withstood a freak cold spell in which the temperature plunged to 2° with no damage. Muscadines usually bloom out late enough to avoid those devastating late frosts. Unlike grapes, the Muscadine will bear a hefty crop even after being killed back by a late frost, such as occurred here on April Fool’s Day 1987.
— Marvin W. Lewis, III. Converse, Louisiana
##A 10 125064 505
##T Ecological Fruit Production in the North
Ecological Fruit Production in the North
Do you live so high up or so far north that every time you look something up in a gardening book you’re right off the edge of the charts? If you are trying to raise fruit, this book should rank as a minor miracle. It is a self-published gem by two fruit farmers from Quebec who define “the North” as what’s above a line running from New York City through St. Louis to Santa Fe, and then up the spine of the Rockies and over to Vancouver. In addition, author Jean Richard explains a method of restorative pruning for mature trees that he learned as a kid in Switzerland in the 1930s. It apparently works wonders on old standard apple trees and is about as different as you can get from the open-center pruning most books describe.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 125188 506
##T Ecological Fruit Production in the North
Bart Hall-Beyer and Jean Richard
1983; 270 pp.
ISBN 0969141408
$11.50 ($12.75 postpaid)
Bart Hall-Beyer
Rural Route 3, Box 149
Scotstown, Quebec
##A 10 125664 507
##T Ecological Fruit Production in the North
In temperate and boreal climates the ultimate factor controlling a plant’s suitability is whether or not it will survive the winters. Is it hardy? . . . Far too many northerners, on both sides of the border, have planted trees which having come from milder climate are simply not suitable for their area. . . . Furthermore, it is an infrequent but regular occurrence to have an extraordinarily cold winter which rigorously eliminates all the trees which are marginally hardy in an area. In northeastern North America, the winters of 1904, 1917, 1934, and 1981 were especially cold, and fit into this category of “Test Winters” — winters that test the real hardiness of a tree. In the Northeast, trees which have survived one or more of these onslaughts can be assumed to be fully hardy.
##A 10 181158 508
##T Ecological Fruit Production in the North
In 1934, Hans Spreng, then a professor at the Oeschberg Horticulture School in Bern had recently developed a revolutionary new pruning system with such striking success that most progressive fruit farmers adopted it quickly. All through Europe, this became known as Oeschberg pruning. . .
Full of enthusiasm for the Oeschberg method, I returned home and straightaway began to transform my parents’ orchard. This action engendered a fairly lively reaction on the part of the villagers, to the extent that passers-by often stopped to insult me. They also tried to get my parents to stop me from any further pruning in their orchard. After awhile everybody calmed down, and within three years ours became a model orchard. The neighbours, having changed their minds, asked me to come and prune their orchards in the same manner. In this way did the new system of restorative pruning spread throughout my home district.
##A 10 251503 509
##T Ecological Fruit Production in the North
Schematic representation of a tree’s productive zone before and after restorative pruning.
##A 10 252048 510
##T Ecological Fruit Production in the North
Restorative pruning, step-by-step. [see this and next two cards]
##A 10 252925 511
##T Ecological Fruit Production in the North
##A 10 253064 512
##T Ecological Fruit Production in the North
##A 10 132874 513
##T Pruning
This book neatly combines what you need to do with why it needs doing. Since beginners often equate pruning with vegetative barbarism, these explanations are most helpful. Fruit trees are covered as well as grapes, berries, roses, hedges, and other ornamentals. (Ÿ For a look at other gardening titles by this publisher, see separate review of HP Books.)
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 133279 514
##T Pruning
(How-to Guide for Gardeners)
Robert L. Stebbins
and Michael MacCaskey
1983; 160 pp.
ISBN 0895861887
$9.95 ($11.90 postpaid)
P. O. Box 5367
Tucson, AZ 85703
##A 10 183204 515
##T Pruning
Productivity of a tree is affected by pruning. A fruit tree that has never been pruned begins to produce at an earlier age. The tree also produces more fruit in its early years. But production of fruit decreases dramatically after several years and the quality of fruit is not as good. In addition, heavy fruit loads in early years of growth may cause limbs to develop poorly. This over-abundance of fruit could result in weak or damaged branches susceptible to breakage.
A tree that has been carefully pruned produces more and better fruit over a longer period with no injury to the tree.
##A 10 133700 516
##T Pruning
One of the easiest ways to train young trees to develop wider crotches is to use spring-type clothespins. Install clothespins when shoots are 6 to 8 inches long and still flexible.
##A 10 229761 517
##T Pruning
A hedge or fence of apples is an efficient, space-saving training method. Pruning, spraying and harvesting require no ladder. Training is simple, but requires constant attention.
##A 10 106057 518
##T Landscaping
##A 10 88568 519
##T Nature’s Design
Nature’s Design
If you are intent on landscaping without professional assistance, this is a great book to own. The emphasis here on using native plants can make sense for today’s gardens, since natives are both low maintenance and drought tolerant. The plants are divided into 12 ecological regions covering the continental U.S.
Smyser is a landscape architect and she manages to be both straightforward and patient with her explanations. The coverage of all the steps that go into making a landscape plan is especially well done. Additional sections cover plant selection, construction techniques, planting, and maintenance.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 54450 520
##T Nature’s Design
(A Practical Guide to Natural Landscaping)
Carol A. Smyser and The Editors of Rodale Press Books
1982; 390 pp.
ISBN 0878573437
$22.95 postpaid
Rodale Press
33 East Minor Street
Emmaus, PA 18098
##A 10 154646 521
##T Nature’s Design
An ideal landscape is one that is practical as well as beautiful. Very few sites are perfect, and too often we sacrifice practicality for assumed beauty. But what initially seems beautiful may quickly become an eyesore if it conflicts with your family’s life-style. Taking care of that large expanse of lush green grass that you once wanted so badly may take up so much of your family’s free time that no one wants to look at it anymore.
##A 10 89104 522
##T Nature’s Design
The grade around a tree can be lowered only if the roots of the tree are protected. This is done by maintaining the grade within the circumference of the drip line. When the excavation is completed, build a retaining wall around the tree at the drip line.
##A 10 82658 523
##T The House of Boughs
The House of Boughs
This book describes practically everything that has ever been put into a garden that is not a plant. From ancient Egypt, Persia, and China, through Europe, Japan, and into the contemporary American backyard, a common theme emerges: a garden is an attempt to construct an earthly paradise.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 82844 524
##T The House of Boughs
Elizabeth Wilkinson and Marjorie Henderson
1985; 226 pp.
ISBN 0670380199
$35 ($36 postpaid)
Viking Penguin Books
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0120
##A 10 83237 525
##T The House of Boughs
Tree Houses: A tree house may be anything from a few boards nailed together by ambitious children after reading Swiss Family Robinson to a guest house designed by an architect. They have been called arbors, bowers, crow’s-nests, roosting places, tree seats, and tree rooms. The common factor is that all are made above ground level and in or around a tree.
##A 10 23002 526
##T Color In Your Garden
Color In Your Garden
Have you ever watched somebody do something they were really good at and then asked them to explain how they did it? Words often fail. Arranging color in a garden is like that because it involves positioning plants both in space and in time, through changes of bloom and season. Penelope Hobhouse succeeds at sharing years of gardening experience and at explaining the whys of her very refined sense of what goes with what. She begins with a color wheel and basic theory and moves on to chapters with titles like “Clear Yellows,” “Pinks and Mauves,” and “Hot Colors.” Each chapter has a plant catalog arranged by season. The color photography is exceptional.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 23239 527
##T Color In Your Garden
Penelope Hobhouse
1985; 239 pp.
ISBN 0316367486
$40 ($42 postpaid)
Little, Brown & Company
Attn.: Order Dept.
200 West Street
Waltham, MA 02254
##A 10 23678 528
##T Color In Your Garden
This close-up shows how surface texture affects colors. The dark leaves in this picture are intrinsically the same purple shade. The matt perilla leaves, furrowed with deep veining, are low-toned and mysterious, contrasting with the dramatic shiny leaves of Beta vulgaris. In a predominantly single-color composition, such textural contrasts maintain background interest. Here flowers and leaves of Sedum maximum ‘Atropurpureum’ subtly continue the muted purple theme, while scarlet Phlox drummondii adds vital warmth.
##A 10 107657 529
##T Propagation
##A 10 36039 530
##T Plant Propagation
Plant Propagation
Plant Propagation clearly presents the tricks of the trade that make the difference between success and frustration. It is my basic reference for “how to” horticultural questions. Straight-forward, nontechnical text and very helpful illustrations dispel the mystique surrounding plant propagation. Each procedure occupies facing pages.
I qualify my praise with a caution against the book’s excessive recommendations of fungicide use. Many commercial growers face
serious problems with resistant strains of fungi that have developed from just such practices. A concerted sanitation program and observation schedule are better strategies for many reasons besides being ultimately more effective. Otherwise, this
##A 10 36262 531
##T Plant Propagation
is the best practical guide to plant propagation available.
— Edward Goodell
##A 10 36528 532
##T Plant Propagation
Philip McMillan Browse
1988; 96 pp.
ISBN 0671658409
$9.95 postpaid
Simon & Schuster
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 10 36976 533
##T Plant Propagation
Division for herbaceous plants with fibrous crowns (e.g. Aster, Chrysanthemum, Geranium, Hemerocallis, Lupine, Rudbeckia).
##A 10 45265 534
##T Plant Propagation
Division for herbaceous plants with fibrous crowns (e.g. Aster, Chrysanthemum, Geranium, Hemerocallis, Lupine, Rudbeckia).
##A 10 37159 535
##T Park’s Success With Seeds
Park’s Success With Seeds
From the venerable George W. Park Seed Company of South Carolina comes this handy book for propagating. (See separate reviews in this cluster of two other books in the series.) To a normal encyclopedic format of each ornamental or vegetable species — with a color picture of the bloom or fruit - has been added a second color picture showing how each plant looks when small. Taken just after the appearance of the first true leaves, these photos will end all confusion between what is a baby plant and what is a baby weed. Also included is a description of what each plant looks like, what it is used for, where it can be grown, and how it is propagated.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 37530 536
##T Park’s Success With Seeds
Ann Reilly
1978; 364 pp.
$12.95 ($13.95 postpaid)
George W. Park Seed Co.
P. O. Box 31
Greenwood, SC 29647-0001
##A 10 37776 537
##T Park’s Success With Seeds
Green Bean
Germination: Sow outdoors 1-2” deep where plants are to grow after all danger of frost has passed. Sow bush varieties 2-3” apart in rows 18-24” apart and pole varieties 6-8” apart in rows 36” apart. Innoculate with a nitrogen fixing bacteria prior to sowing. Germination takes 6-10 days. Seeds may also be started indoors in individual pots 3 weeks before planting outside, maintaining a temperature within the medium of 70F during germination. Plant bush varieties successively every 2 weeks until 2 months before frost for a continuous crop.
##A 10 241680 538
##T Park’s Success With Seeds
Phaseolus vulgaris GREEN BEAN
Leguminosae, native to tropical America
##A 10 2480 539
##T Park’s Success With Herbs
Park’s Success With Herbs
Like the other two titles in this series, (see separate reviews in this cluster) this is a well-executed and very useable book. Photos of each herb — both as a young sprout and a mature plant — aid the propagator. In addition to where and how to grow each variety, the text includes information on how to harvest and use each herb, right down to favorite recipes.
— Richard Nilsen
Ÿ Herbs
##A 10 35759 540
##T Park’s Success With Herbs
Gertrude B. Foster and Rosemary F. Louden
1980; 192 pp.
$9.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
George W. Park Seed Co.
P. O. Box 31
Greenwood, SC 29647-0001
##A 10 141577 541
##T Park’s Success With Herbs
When growing Caper for the garden, it is well to remember that the plant is tender. Its companion plants in its native area are the Rosemary and Marjorams of the Greek islands such as Crete. This gives a clue as to the plant’s need for good drainage and dry soil. Keeping Caper Bush plants in pots in the North means bringing them into the greenhouse in winter. The buds may not develop the first summer. . . .
If you take the buds for pickling for use in Tartar Sauce you will miss the large and pretty flowers.
##A 10 144477 542
##T Park’s Success With Herbs
Capparis spinosa
Capparaceae, native to dry Mediterranean regions
##A 10 146615 543
##T Park’s Success With Bulbs
Park’s Success With Bulbs
Park’s Success With Bulbs covers close to 200 plants grown from
bulbs. A color photo of the bloom or foliage is accompanied by
a picture of each bulb; so if the gladioluses get mixed up with the ranunculuses, they can be identified and sorted. Instructions on where and how to grow each variety are included. As with the other books in this series, (see two separate reviews in this cluster) the information is succinct and the quality of the color photography is high.
— Richard Nilsen
Ÿ Flowers
##A 10 147918 544
##T Park’s Success With Bulbs
Alfred F. Scheider
1981; 173 pp.
$9.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
George W. Park Seed Co.
P. O. Box 31
Greenwood, SC 29647-0001
##A 10 152040 545
##T Park’s Success With Bulbs
Culture: Crocus do best in cool areas. Plant 2-4 inches deep and 4 inches apart in a well-drained soil of low fertility, in full sun or very light shade. . . . Spring blooming crocus may also be forced in pots. Set 5-6 to a 5 inch pot, using a well-drained medium and covering the corms 1 inch deep. Pre-cool in the cold frame for about 6 weeks, then bring indoors and grow in a sunny situation with a night temperature of about 50F. Note: One species of fall-blooming crocus, C. sativus, is now, and was in the past even more so, of commercial importance as the source of saffron. Derived saffron. Derived from the dried stigmas, saffron is used to dye and flavor foods, and in olden times for medicinal purposes.
##A 10 154921 546
##T Park’s Success With Bulbs
Crocus species and hybrids
Iridaceae, Mediterranean Europe and Africa, Near East
##A 10 108924 547
##T Pest Control
##A 10 26296 548
##T Rodale’s Color Handbook of Garden Insects
Rodale’s Color Handbook of Garden Insects
More than 300 pests and beneficial insects leap from these pages in close-up color photographs. While your own worst enemy may not appear (because the insect world is far more varied than a single book can cover), a similar species is probably listed — along with organic controls, geographic range and life cycle data.
— Rosemary Menninger
Ÿ A Field Guide to Insects of America North of Mexico
##A 10 88813 549
##T Rodale’s Color Handbook of Garden Insects
Anna Carr
1979; 241 pp.
ISBN 0878574603
$12.95 postpaid
Rodale Press
33 East Minor Street
Emmaus, PA 18098
##A 10 156772 550
##T Rodale’s Color Handbook of Garden Insects
Insects do not have lungs. In almost all species, the blood contains no hemoglobin and is not used to carry oxygen. Instead, insects breathe through tiny holes, or spiracles, in the thorax and abdomen. Oxygen passes through a system of branching tubes to all parts of the body. Sometimes the insect pumps its abdominal muscles in order to encourage circulation.
Circulating the blood:
Insect blood is a yellowish green or clear, thick fluid. It carries food to body organs, stores proteins and water, and picks up waste materials for excretion. It is pumped by a simple, tubular heart located in the middle of the back, just beneath the body wall. Since there are no arteries or veins, the blood sloshes through the insect’s body cavity, percolating back and forth from the head to the abdomen, bathing every organ. It moves into the wings through rigid tubes.
##A 10 155709 551
##T Rodale’s Color Handbook of Garden Insects
Adult Lady Beetle feeding on aphid.
##A 10 41760 552
##T Identifying Diseases of Vegetables
Identifying Diseases of Vegetables
This book gives brief and nontechnical descriptions of the major diseases of common garden vegetables and illustrates each one with a high-quality color photograph. It does not prescribe cures of any kind, although from the explanations of environmental conditions that some diseases prefer — such as cool, wet weather or poorly drained soils — you may get clues as to what went wrong in your case. If this book needed a subtitle it would be “Keeping Ahead of the Fungi.”
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 26445 553
##T Identifying Diseases of Vegetables
A. A. MacNab, A. F. Sherf
and S. K. Springer
1983; 62 pp.
$8 postpaid from:
Agricultural Publications Department
Dept. of Special Publications
214 Agriculture Administration Building
University Park, PA 16802
##A 10 157124 554
##T Identifying Diseases of Vegetables
Cucumber mosaic is caused by a virus that affects hundreds of unrelated plant species. Infected tomato plants are stunted, have short internodes, and may have extremely distorted and malformed leaves. Very narrow leaves are referred to as the “shoestring” symptom. Cucumber mosaic virus is not persistent in refuse, is more difficult than tobacco mosaic virus to transmit by rubbing, and usually is spread by aphids. Since aphids are responsible for most spread, infected plants may be widely separated within a field.
##A 10 42285 555
##T Identifying Diseases of Vegetables
Viruses and herbicides often cause leaf deformation that is most severe on new growth. Tobacco mosaic, cucumber mosaic, and 2,4-D are three common causes of these symptoms.
Tobacco Mosaic is caused by a virus that affects tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, and related plants. Symptoms on tomato foliage include light- and dark-green mottling with curling and slight malformation of leaflets. Sometimes green fruit are mottled. Affected plants may be stunted. The virus is very persistent and infectious, and can be spread by merely brushing against plants. The virus is not spread by aphids.
##A 10 42671 556
##T Identifying Diseases of Vegetables
Tobacco Mosaic of tomato.
##A 10 42823 557
##T Introduction to Integrated Pest Management
Introduction to Integrated Pest Management
Integrated pest management (IPM) has come into its own in the last 15 years as the shortcomings of reliance on synthetic chemical pesticides have become glaringly apparent — the bugs become immune to the sprays, which are oil based and expensive; natural checks and balances get wiped out, groundwater becomes contaminated, birds die, and people eat foods laced with carcinogens. This is an easy reading introduction to a system based on looking at pests in their total environmental setting via careful monitoring in the field and use of computer-built predictive mathematical models of insect behavior. Compared to using only chemical pesticides, IPM is gentle on the earth, and frequently cheaper.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 42034 558
##T Introduction to Integrated Pest Management
Mary Louise Flint
and Robert van den Bosch
1981; 240 pp.
ISBN 0306406829
$24.50 postpaid
U.S. and Canada
$29.40 elsewhere
Plenum Press
233 Spring Street
New York, NY 10013
##A 10 172367 559
##T Introduction to Integrated Pest Management
Grape growers in California have learned that blackberry bushes have their beneficial aspects, especially in the control of an important insect pest — the grape leafhopper. Insecticides have often failed to provide effective control of the leafhopper, or their use has aggravated other pest problems such as spider mites. Entomologists had known that a tiny natural enemy, the parasitic wasp Anagrus epos, which lays its eggs in the eggs of the grape leafhopper, kept the pest under control in some vineyards — but not in others. Nobody knew why.
The riddle was solved when it was realized that the wasp spent its winters parasitizing a different insect on a different plant host. Since the leaves fall off grapevines in the winter and the grape leafhopper retreats to the edge of the vineyard
##A 10 26007 560
##T Introduction to Integrated Pest Management
and becomes inactive, the nonhibernating parasitic wasp has no shelter, food, or means of survival in this environment. Nearby blackberry bushes, however, keep their leaves during winter and host their own leafhopper species all year round. Thus, the weedy blackberry patches were providing a winter home for this important natural enemy of the key grape pest.
##A 10 158054 561
##T Introduction to Integrated Pest Management
The 1890s saw an incredible succession of breakthroughs in medical entomology. It was during this period that arthropods were proven to be carriers (or “vectors”) of disease organisms. . . .
Accordingly, it became apparent for the first time that many serious diseases could be contained through the control of their arthropod vectors. The control of these disease-transmitting animals grew into a whole new area of pest management. The building of the Panama Canal (completed in 1915) represented the first large-scale success in controlling a medically important insect vector. The failure of the French in their attempt to build the canal in the last quarter of the nineteenth century can be at least partially credited to their inability to control malaria and yellow fever — due primarily to their ignorance of the role of mosquitoes as vectors. Mosquito control in the early 1900s focused on destruction of breeding sites by draining, filling, impounding, and periodic flushing and occasionally involved the use of a larvicide such as kerosene.
##A 10 43924 562
##T Bio-Integral Resource Center
Bio-Integral Resource Center
Integrated pest management (Ÿ see separate review) isn’t just for farmers and gardeners. It works on cockroaches, rats and clothes moths too. Plenty of techniques are known, and getting them to people who can use them are what these two newsletters from Bio-Integral Resource Center are all about. The Common Sense Pest Control Quarterly is for a general audience and the subscription price includes one written consultation about a pest problem you may have of your own. Reprints of programs for safe and economical control of an amazing variety of pests are also sold — everything from mosquitos and head lice to poison ivy and lawn pests. The Practitioner is read by professional pest managers who serve the growing market of people demanding safe alternatives to chemical poisons.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 44083 563
##T Bio-Integral Resource Center
Common Sense Pest Control Quarterly
William Olkowski, Helga Olkowski and Sheila Daar, Editors
ISSN 87567881
$30/year (4 issues)
BIRC (Bio-Integral Resource Center)
P. O. Box 7414
Berkeley, CA 94707
##A 10 170828 564
##T Bio-Integral Resource Center
The IPM Practitioner
William Olkowski, Helga Olkowski and Sheila Daar, Editors
ISSN 0738968X
$25/year (10 issues)
BIRC (Bio-Integral Resource Center)
P. O. Box 7414
Berkeley, CA 94707
##A 10 172569 565
##T Bio-Integral Resource Center
BIRC Publications Catalog
$1 from:
BIRC (Bio-Integral Resource Center)
P. O. Box 7414
Berkeley, CA 94707
##A 10 44419 566
##T Bio-Integral Resource Center
For many years following the Second World War . . . sheep were commonly dipped with dieldrin and related materials to protect them from skin parasites such as blow flies. Dieldrin has a natural affinity for wool, chemically bonding to the fiber. The result was moth protection that lasted the life of any woolen garment. . . . Because of food-chain contamination, many pesticides such as dieldrin and its relatives have been banned. . . . The result has been the recurrence of fabric-eating insects as major residential problems.
— Common Sense Pest Control
Chickens were used successfully as biological controls against grasshoppers in the Siskiyou National Forest in Oregon, where forest officials, rather than applying insecticide against an unusually large hatch of grasshoppers, fenced in a five-acre area containing valuable tree seedlings and stocked it with 175 chickens. At the start of the project, 200 to 600 grasshoppers per square yard were counted, but within
##A 10 44727 567
##T Bio-Integral Resource Center
a short time, the chickens had so reduced the grasshopper population that chicken feed had to be purchased.
— IPM Practitioner
Clothes moths and other pests that damage fabrics sometimes make their homes in the abandoned nests of birds, rodents, bats, bees or wasps and in the carcasses of dead animals. These sources of moths need to be found and removed. Trapping, rather than poisoning, should be used to eliminate rodents. Poisoned rats or mice are too likely to die in inaccessible places in the walls of the dwelling, and these carcasses can feed fabric pests as well as flesh flies, which may then become pests within the house.
— Common Sense Pest Control
##A 10 27328 568
##T Insecticidal Soap
Insecticidal Soap
Soaps are made of fatty acids from plants and animals. There are hundreds of these fatty acids, and while most will get dirt off your hands, a select few will also kill insect pests yet not harm people, beneficial insects, or the plants themselves. Safer, Inc. has built an innovative line of products around these special soaps — the one for use against fruit and vegetable pests is safe to use right up to the day of harvest. Others kill moss and algae, powdery mildew, and fleas on pets.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 27539 569
##T Insecticidal Soap
Information free
Safer, Inc.
60 William Street
Wellesley, MA 02181
or at your local garden supply store.
##A 10 271557 570
##T Insecticidal Soap
At last, there’s a safe and effective way to control unwanted grass and weeds. Safer’s new TOPGUN Weed & Grass Killer was developed with the consumer in mind. And it’s the safest herbicide available today.
• Works faster than any other herbicide—results visible within hours.
• A broad spectrum vegetation killer made from naturally occurring, selected blend of fatty acids.
• Non-toxic to people, pets and wildlife, so there’s no need to stay out of treated areas.
• Bio-degradable—does not leave poisonous residue.
• Does not contaminate the soil, allowing early reseeding.
• Begins killing vegetation on contact—respraying after rain is unnecessary.
• Easy to mix and has a pleasant odor.
##A 10 45512 571
##T Reuter “Attack” Natural Pest Controls
Reuter “Attack” Natural Pest Controls
Don’t insects ever get sick? Yes, if they eat the right bacteria. Scientists have discovered naturally occurring microbial insecticides for many garden pests like tomato worms and grasshoppers, and even one for mosquitoes. And since they are specific as to what they infect, they do not harm fish, honeybees, chickens that eat grasshoppers, your ripe tomatoes, or you. Reuter Labs sells an entire line of these products under the brand name
“Attack.” They also sell naturally occurring pesticides like pyrethrum — which comes from a flower. It kills a wide range of critters, but is safer to use than many synthetic chemical pesticides.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 45817 572
##T Reuter “Attack” Natural Pest Controls
Catalog free
Reuter Laboratories
8450 Natural Way
Manassas Park, VA 22111
At your garden supply store
##A 10 25157 573
##T Rincon-Vitova Insectaries
Rincon-Vitova Insectaries
Mail-order bugs that eat bugs. They’re called beneficial insects, and ladybugs are best known. Also for sale here are bugs to control aphids, greenhouse whiteflies, and even a parasite to attack common flies that breed in livestock manure.
Rincon-Vitova is the oldest and largest commercial insectary in the world.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 25518 574
##T Rincon-Vitova Insectaries
Catalog free
Rincon-Vitova Insectaries
P. O. Box 95
Oak View, CA 93022
##A 10 160190 575
##T Rincon-Vitova Insectaries
Good Bugs That Eat Bad Bugs
The beneficial insects that we sell are natural enemies to a number of pest insects. This type of pest control is referred to as “biological control” and would include not only beneficial insects, but insect diseases such as bacteria, viruses, and microscopic parasites — all of these attack only specific species or groups of insects and do not harm humans, plants or animals.
Beneficial insects are either predators or parasites. The predators, such as a ladybug, would attack and consume the pest directly. A parasite (usually a small wasp) uses the pest (or host) as a vehicle to reproduce. The parasite would lay an egg in, on or near the host, and the offspring of the beneficial parasite would attack the host.
Biological control is not a new concept. It has been used for a few thousand years —
##A 10 56206 576
##T Rincon-Vitova Insectaries
perhaps first by the Chinese. Biological control methods may be used as the only type of pest control, or they may be part of a larger pest management program, using combinations of cultural, mechanical or chemical controls. This type of program is
usually referred to as “integrated pest management” or IPM.
Regardless of the type of program, beneficial insects work the same way — by attacking pests and reducing their populations below a damaging level. It is important to note that the total elimination of a pest is usually not necessary to prevent economic losses. Most plants can easily tolerate small numbers of pests without sustaining significant damage. This is a key concept in using beneficial insects in a pest management system.
##A 10 160394 577
##T Rincon-Vitova Insectaries
The green Lacewing is a truly voracious predator, attacking almost any soft-bodied insect that crosses its path. Although it is best known for eating aphids, it also feeds upon small worms, insect eggs, mites, immature whitefly, etc. The Lacewing can be found in almost any plant, and the eggs can easily be identified as they are oval, pale green in color, and are attached to the end of a hair-like stem. The larvae have been described as looking like a "little alligator," being green-gray in color. The adults are a delicate light green and are about 3/4 of an inch long.
##A 10 149205 578
##T Rincon-Vitova Insectaries
Fly parasite stinging housefly pupae. In a few weeks, a new parasite will hatch and there will be one less housefly in the world!
##A 10 84351 579
##T Urban Horticulture
##A 10 77980 580
##T A Planters’ Guide to the Urban Forest
A Planters’ Guide to the Urban Forest
TreePeople rallied the citizens of Los Angeles to plant one million trees in time for the 1984 Olympic Games. The city estimated it would take 20 years and $200 million to accomplish. TreePeople did it with volunteers in three years for less than $100,000. Out of that came this book, perfect for those interested in more greenery in any sized city, any place.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 83937 581
##T A Planters’ Guide to the Urban Forest
1983; 96 pp.
$10 ($12 postpaid)
12601 Mulholland Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90210-9990
##A 10 84013 582
##T A Planters’ Guide to the Urban Forest
Land Spandrel: a space between buildings, improvements, and pavement that occurs, sometimes by accident, or oversight, because of the structure of urban land use rather than by design.
• railroad rights-of-way that are currently not being used to their fullest potential
• vacant lots
• land that abuts freeways, cloverleaves, and ramps
• abandoned alleys
• public school frontages or school yards
• areas adjacent to flood control channels
• side yards adjacent to public or private buildings
• steep slopes between roads or lots
• corner or triangular spaces in parking lots or areas between slots that are not used for parking
• areas under transmission lines in utility rights-of-way
• shopping malls or public plazas
##A 10 57711 583
##T The Complete Shade Gardener
The Complete Shade Gardener
Shade seems a function of modern urban life. Scarce land is expensive, and architects who get to cram square interior feet onto tiny lots often have little time or inclination to consider what that does to the space outside. This author has the additional consideration of climate, since he gardens in Seattle, Washington. He says it got so bad one drippy August that toadstools sprouted on the carpet in his car. He takes all of these sufficient reasons not to garden and turns them into a wonderfully opinionated, and even humorous, display of all that shady sites can offer.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 59525 584
##T The Complete Shade Gardener
George Schenk
1984; 278 pp.
ISBN 0395365643
$14.95 ($15.95 postpaid)
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Mail Order Dept.
Wayside Road
Burlington, MA 01803
##A 10 59892 585
##T The Complete Shade Gardener
Aesculus Hippocastanum (Common Horse Chestnut). Heavy shade, invasive roots. The fallen leaves cake together in a slippery mass. And yet, I know of a perfectly successful shade garden composed of a small maple, rhododendrons, and woodland perennials in new soil beneath an old Horse Chestnut. The lesson here is an
extendable one: almost any “bad” tree can be pressed into service as a shade garden canopy if you plant in fresh soil and provide sufficient moisture.
##A 10 65485 586
##A 10 112792 587
##T Animal Rights
##A 10 121385 588
Our growing understanding of evolution has eroded much of the artificial separation between “human” and “animal,” making
it increasingly difficult to ignore the suffering of non-humans bent to human purpose in agribusiness “animal factories” and
bio-medical research labs. Today the moral philosophers of our nation’s universities regularly debate the animal rights question in an abundance of books and journals devoted to the topic, while less patient activists break into animal experimentation labs to free the victims and publicize their abusive treatment. Opinions
may vary on where to draw the line in considering the needs and rights of nonhuman animals, but the growing number of animal rights activists agree that we must extend some degree of compassion to our fellow inhabitants of planet Earth.
— Ted Schultz
##A 10 124721 589
##T The Animals’ Agenda
The Animals’ Agenda
The Animals’ Agenda is a must for anyone interested in keeping up to date on animal rights. Independent of any particular animal organization, the magazine freely explores the issues and controversies behind the headlines, and offers a unique and open forum for participation to all parties concerned.
— Bradley Miller
##A 10 260896 590
##T The Animals’ Agenda
Doug Moss, Publisher
ISSN 07415044
$18/year (10 issues)
Animals’ Agenda
P. O. Box 5234
Westport, CT 06881
##A 10 162205 591
##T The Animals’ Agenda
No matter how good the education, alternatives must exist for people who want to act on what they have learned. For example, we tell people to sterilize their animals. But what does that mean if they cannot find a place where such surgery is available and affordable? To paraphrase Robert Frost, it’s fine to tear down fences, but you’ve got to know where the bull is standing. In the animal rights movement, I see a vast move to tear down fences, but little effort to rebuild structures. We put a structure together that lets the education be more than words. And to paraphrase Hobbes, you don’t change human nature, you change the parameters under which it operates.
— David Wills, Executive Director, Michigan Humane Society
##A 10 161586 592
##T The Animals’ Agenda
The British government is preparing to impose new labeling rules designed to discourage commerce in imported furs from animals caught in steel traps.
The new regulations call for prominent warning labels — such as those carried by cigarette packages — to be stitched to the linings of many fashionable coats. The labels stipulate clearly that the coats were made with furs from animals caught in “steel-jaw leghold traps,” thereby helping to deter prospective buyers.
##A 10 126400 593
##T The Animals’ Agenda
Karen, 38, a health care worker in a large eastern city, is one of the members of the Animal Liberation Front who broke into the Head Injury Clinical Research Center at the University of Pennsylvania in May 1984. In the most widely-publicized break-in of its kind, the AFL stole more than 60 hours of videotapes of experiments and initiated an exhaustive campaign that led ultimately to the Center’s closing.
##A 10 127800 594
##T Animal Liberation
Animal Liberation
This powerful and meticulously reasoned book is credited with sparking the recent animal rights movement in America. Not simply a documentation of ill treatment, it is also a skillfully presented case for animal protection.
All of the chemical products we use, from cosmetics to oven cleaner, are tested on living animals. Death for these animals comes after days, weeks, or even months of pain. Factory farms are equally bad; millions of calves, chickens, and other animals spend their lives in tiny cages just larger than their bodies. The
factory farms and laboratory horrors Singer exposed ten years ago remain prevalent.
##A 10 128181 595
##T Animal Liberation
Copies of Animal Liberation are being left inside laboratories — not on the bookshelves, but in empty cages, replacing animals liberated by raiders in the night.
— Bradley Miller
##A 10 133990 596
##T Animal Liberation
Peter Singer
1975; 297 pp.
ISBN 0380017822
$4.95 ($5.95 postpaid)
Avon Books
P. O. Box 767
Dresden, TN 38225
##A 10 134331 597
##T Animal Liberation
The core of this book is the claim that to discriminate against beings solely on account of their species is a form of prejudice, immoral and indefensible in the same way that discrimination on the basis of race is immoral and indefensible. . . . Unless you can refute the central argument of this book, you must now recognize that speciesism is wrong, and this means that, if you take morality seriously, you must try to eliminate speciesist practices from your own life, and oppose them elsewhere. Otherwise no basis remains from which you can, without hypocrisy, criticize racism or sexism.
##A 10 112944 598
##T Animal Rights Action
##A 10 134829 599
##T People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
The vanguard of the animal rights movement. These gutsy and articulate activists have made the name PETA synonymous with
“landmark victory.” In five short years this group has developed a track record which puts most older and wealthier organizations to shame. Saving laboratory animals has been their focus. PETA is directly responsible for halting numerous government-funded animal experiments.
— Bradley Miller
##A 10 136568 600
##T People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
Information free
Membership $20
(includes quarterly newsletter)
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals-PETA
P.O. Box 42516
Washington, DC 20015
##A 10 140978 601
##T People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals-PETA
Remarkably curious, intelligent, sensitive and gentle — both to humans and to one another — rodents feel as much pain and fear as any dog or guinea pig. Their friends are few however, and no laws protect them from abuse.
##A 10 141097 602
##T Humane Farming Association (HFA)
Humane Farming Association (HFA)
Expanding the boundaries of animal protection, HFA is spear-heading a campaign against the intense confinement and brutal treatment of farm animals.
— Bradley Miller
(Miller is currently the
Director of the HFA)
Ÿ Farming Philosophy
##A 10 125984 603
##T Humane Farming Association (HFA)
Information free;
Membership $10 (includes periodic newsletter)
1550 California Street
Suite 6
San Francisco, CA 94102
##A 10 162497 604
##T Humane Farming Association (HFA)
In early March a Wisconsin dairy farmer contacted our Milwaukee HFA Chapter with a problem. He had enrolled in the federal government’s “Dairy Termination Program” (DTP) and had just heard a rumor that he would have to brand his animals in the face with a hot iron. . . . The national USDA office confirmed our worst fears.
Most dairy farmers do not brand their animals at all, let alone in the face, and they were shocked and outraged by the news.
The face is among the most sensitive parts of a cow’s body, containing more than 62 different nerve endings. The face is also a very difficult part of the body to immobilize and the cow can see the hot iron coming at her. Not only would adults be branded, but baby calves as well. . . .
“It will be a really hard day when that truck pulls up to get the animals,” said
##A 10 24364 605
##T Humane Farming Association (HFA)
Wisconsin dairywoman Karen Schoonover, “And now we have to burn them first. It’s just so cruel.” This was the sentiment for the majority of dairy farmers with whom we spoke.
On April 16, after two days of hearings, Judge Michael Telesca granted a preliminary
injunction. The injunction means that USDA cannot force farmers to hot face brand until and unless there is a full trial on the merits of the action. It is up to USDA to request such a trial, which they have not done as yet.
##A 10 146977 606
##T The Fund for Animals
The Fund for Animals
If someone is threatening to make dog food out of wild horses in Nevada . . . call the Fund for Animals.
— Bradley Miller
##A 10 147335 607
##T The Fund for Animals
Information free
Membership $20
(includes quarterly newsletter)
The Fund for Animals
200 West 57th Street
New York, NY 10019
##A 10 208946 608
##T The Fund for Animals
As anyone who knows the New York City carriage horse situation is well-aware, the industry is, in the words of Fund legislative consultant Esther Dukes, “an embarrassment not only to New Yorkers but also to any sensitive tourist.” For over ten years the Fund has actively worked with concerned individuals and other animal groups to get legislation which has a chance of passage. . . .
A bill, supported by a committee of 40 celebrities . . . would reduce the horses’ workday to 8 hours and prohibit driving of all carriages between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. on weekdays, and between 2 a.m. and 9 a.m. at all times. The bill would add minimum cold weather working temperatures (20°). (Currently there is only a maximum temperature for hot weather - 90°.) Also, it restricts the horses to Central Park on weekdays during business hours. . . . Said actress Barbara Feldon, one of the celebrity supporters, “I’ve been pained for so long watching these wonderfully obedient animals driven into grid-lock traffic and witnessing their confusion and terror.”
##A 10 254447 609
##T The Fund for Animals
Carriage horse in traffic — an all too typical New York City scene.
##A 10 148054 610
##T International Primate Protection League (IPPL)
International Primate Protection League (IPPL)
The murder of IPPL advisor Dian Fossey in Rwanda in 1985 is but one tragic example of the risks primate protectors face. Harassed by lawsuits from chimpanzee dealers and threats of violence from black market smugglers, IPPL continues its valiant struggle to protect the Earth’s primate species. They also run a sanctuary for primates rescued from abusive institutions.
— Bradley Miller
##A 10 141521 611
##T International Primate Protection League (IPPL)
Information free;
membership $20
(includes quarterly newsletter)
P. O. Box 766
Summerville, SC 29484
##A 10 149490 612
##T Buddhists Concerned for Animals
Buddhists Concerned for Animals
If you hang around Buddhists all day, by and by you hear yourself making an interesting pair of statements:
“Sentient beings are numberless.”
“I vow to save them.”
— Stewart Brand
Ÿ Buddhism
##A 10 148693 613
##T Buddhists Concerned for Animals
Information free Membership $10 (includes periodic
newsletter) from:
Buddhists Concerned for Animals
300 Page Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
##A 10 163611 614
##T Buddhists Concerned for Animals
Many people and all religions want world peace, but what is world peace? World peace only for human beings? There are all kinds of world peace: dog world peace, cat world peace, tree world peace. Human beings want world peace just for human beings, so this means their world is very limited. . . .
Human beings kill the strong animals, eat their meat, sell their skins for money. Human beings do many things like that: fishing, hunting, nuclear weapons, bombs that kill many other human beings. They make pollution and destroy the natural cycles. Other animals do not make as many problems in this world as human beings. So the animals all say, “If all human beings would die, then world peace would be possible.”
— Zen Master Seung Sahn
##A 10 210704 615
##T Buddhists Concerned for Animals
##A 10 118545 616
##T Bees
##A 10 3200 617
Bees don’t need much room. You can keep them in a back yard, on a city rooftop, or in your neighbor’s empty lot. I’ve put mine in all three places over the years. I offer bees my clean and sturdy shelters more for the joy of having their fascination nearby than for the several gallons of honey a year they pay me as rent. They don’t bark, or need milking twice a day, either.
— Kevin Kelly
Capturing a swarm of bees can bring genuine adventure into your life, making it unnecessary to watch TV that day.
— Dick Fugett
##A 10 7995 618
##T The Beekeeper’s Handbook
The Beekeeper’s Handbook
Here’s a book I wish had been around when I started working bees. The Beekeeper’s Handbook is a well-illustrated introduction covering most of the basics, from site location and equipment to the installation of package bees to basic management techniques.
It’s the best beginner’s book I’ve seen, and most readable, so I
won’t quibble about small stuff like the authors’ hang-up on mandatory chemotherapy.
With this book and some equipment you’ll be on your way. If you’re beginning, you’d do well to find a local beekeeper and thus benefit from someone else’s experience. More fun is to make contact with two local beekeepers. You’ll soon discover that they disagree with
each other half the time — that beekeeping is an art, not a science.
##A 10 8440 619
##T The Beekeeper’s Handbook
With this understanding, you’ll move forward with a more flexible mind.
— Dick Fugett
##A 10 8654 620
##T The Beekeeper’s Handbook
Diana Sammataro
and Alphonse Avitabile
2nd Edition 1986; 150 pp.
ISBN 0020814100
$17.95 postpaid
Macmillan Order Dept.
Order Dept.
Front and Brown Streets
Riverside, NJ 08075
##A 10 208129 621
##T The Beekeeper’s Handbook
The amount of bending and lifting that a beekeeper must do while working a hive can be minimized when the hive is placed on a stand about eighteen inches above the ground. Such a stand, in addition to saving the beekeeper’s back, will keep the hive dry, extend the life of the bottom board, and help keep the entrance clear of weeds and will discourage animal pests. . . .
Wood that is continuously wet or damp will quickly rot. Pests such as carpenter ants and termites are likely to nest in the bottom board when it is in contact with the damp ground. . . . Other pests, such as skunks and mice, have less easy access to hives that are placed on some sort of hive stand.
##A 10 232565 622
##T The Beekeeper’s Handbook
##A 10 233103 623
##T The Beekeeper’s Handbook
##A 10 9282 624
##T The Hive and the Honey Bee
The Hive and the Honey Bee
Since the major technical breakthroughs in beekeeping — movable frames, wax foundations, and the honey extractor — were all
made over 100 years ago, beekeepers today can devote their efforts to improving technique rather than trying to keep up with state-of-the-art equipment advances. So when it comes to bee books, it follows that the old can be as useful as the new, and sometimes more so.
The Hive and the Honey Bee is still going strong after 40 years, now in a 7th printing of a 3rd edition which was in fact inspired by a book published in 1853. It’s passed the test of time; if any
single volume could be said to present the topic, this would be it.
— Dick Fugett
##A 10 9657 625
##T The Hive and the Honey Bee
Dadant & Sons, Editors
8th edition 1976; 740 pp.
ISBN 0684147904
$19.95 ($22.45 postpaid)
Dadant & Sons, Inc.
Front and Brown Streets
Riverside, NJ 08370
##A 10 9788 626
##T The Hive and the Honey Bee
The first consideration in choosing the location of an apiary is whether or not there are sufficient sources of nectar and pollen near. Bear in mind that honey bees obtain most of their nectar and pollen within a half-mile radius, but can gather at distances of 1 to 2 miles, depending on the ruggedness of the country and to some extent on the prevailing winds. Even in the heart of large cities, there are often sufficient sources of nectar and pollen to provide for a limited number of colonies, and even to produce surplus honey. A city lawn, a back yard, a flat roof, a pasture on a farm, a grove of trees — all will be satisfactory locations as the occasion demands.
##A 10 10015 627
##T The Hive and the Honey Bee
##A 10 10305 628
##T Gleanings in Bee Culture
Gleanings in Bee Culture
Gleanings in Bee Culture has been published monthly for 113 years and appears to be permanent. It has current information on every-thing of interest to the hobbyist — from techniques, research and disease to books and equipment.
— Dick Fugett
##A 10 10537 629
##T Gleanings in Bee Culture
Kim Flottum, Managing Editor
ISSN 0017114X
$12.49/year (12 issues)
A. I. Root Company
P. O. Box 706
Medina, OH 44256
##A 10 10895 630
##T Gleanings in Bee Culture
Can you describe the taste and aroma of your honey or honey from your state or region? Our language lacks unique words to convey an accurate sensation of taste. A few years ago Arthur Strang and I attempted to begin a description of some of the mid-Atlantic region honey sources. Here are some honey sources for you to ponder and perhaps confirm for yourself:
— Water White Alfalfa Blossom Honey: Very sweet, smooth, faintly fruity flavor with a pleasing sugary bouquet.
— Basswood Honey: Sweet, slightly astringent flavor with a pleasing blossomy bouquet.
— Dark Buckwheat Honey: Sweet, smooth, nut-like flavor with a satisfactory fruity, nutty bouquet. . . .
##A 10 11339 631
Since bee supply stores are few and far between, mail order becomes a necessity. Each of the following dealers will send a free catalog on request.
— Dick Fugett
##A 10 11557 632
Walter T. Kelley Company
Catalog free
Walter T. Kelley Company
Clarkson, KY 42726
##A 10 21566 633
Dadant Bee Supplies
Catalog free
Dadant & Sons, Inc.
Hamilton, IL 62341
##A 10 102524 634
Root Bee Supplies
Catalog free
A. I. Root Co.
P. O. Box 706
623 West Liberty Street
Medina, OH 44256
##A 10 11833 635
Unit #1, the “Honey-of-a-Hobby” kit, contains everything necessary for the beginner to start that first colony of bees except the bees themselves. This complete beekeeping kit contains: one standard beehive with a unique reversible entrance reducer, 10 frames, 10 sheets of Dadant’s Duragilt Foundation, protective bee veil, all-purpose hive tool, bee smoker to calm the bees, sting-resistant gloves, entrance feeder, “First Lessons in Beekeeping” book and assembly instructions. Additional equipment, necessary as the colony grows, is available in Units #2 and #3. Unassembled. $89.90
— Dadant Bee Supplies
##A 10 119771 636
##T Poultry
##A 10 108342 637
##T Stromberg’s Chicks & Pets Unlimited
Stromberg’s Chicks & Pets Unlimited
For non-killed protein nothing beats milk and eggs. For ordinary chickens go to local sources. For particular chickens, fancy ones, and geese, ducks, pigeons, turkeys, peacocks — plus everything to house and care for them — Stromberg’s.
— Stewart Brand
##A 10 108554 638
##T Stromberg’s Chicks & Pets Unlimited
Catalog $1
Stromberg’s Chicks & Pets
Box 400
Pine River, MN 56474
##A 10 111525 639
##T Stromberg’s Chicks & Pets Unlimited
Khaki Campbells
15 Ducklings $27.95; 15 Eggs $16.95.
##A 10 27907 640
##T Stromberg’s Chicks & Pets Unlimited
White Crested Ducks
$50.00 Pair; 15 Ducklings $65.00; 15 Eggs $16.95.
##A 10 34606 641
##T Stromberg’s Chicks & Pets Unlimited
Giant White Pekins
25 Ducklings $31.25; $37.50 Trio
##A 10 86329 642
##T Murray McMurray Hatchery
Murray McMurray Hatchery
Many kinds of chicks both plain and fancy, great service, a catalog that’s an education in itself, and good prices. They also respond quickly to questions — we got an individual reply to ours in less than a week.
— Daryl Ann Kyle
##A 10 86573 643
##T Murray McMurray Hatchery
Catalog free
Murray McMurray
P. O. Box 458
Webster City, IA 50595
515-832-3280 (IA)
##A 10 87130 644
##T Murray McMurray Hatchery
The Barred Rock is one of the all-time popular favorites in this country. Developed in New England in the early 1800s by crossing Dominiques and Black Javas, it has spread to every part of the U.S. and is an ideal American
chicken. Prolific layers of brown eggs, the hens are not discouraged by cold weather. Their solid plumpness and yellow skin make a beautiful heavy roasting fowl. Our strain has the narrow, clean barring so desirable in appearance. Their bodies are long, broad, and deep with bred-in strength and vitality. These chickens are often called Plymouth Rocks, but this title correctly belongs to the entire breed, not just the Barred variety. Whatever you call them, you can’t beat them for steady, reliable chickens. Baby chicks are dark gray to black with some white patches on head and body.
##A 10 119983 645
##T Small Stock
##A 10 109919 646
##T Raising Small Meat Animals
Raising Small Meat Animals
If your average country vet doesn’t know too much about sick rabbits and chickens, that’s because he spends most of his time doctoring horses and cattle. Dr. Giammattei helps fill the void with this excellent book. There are 39 pages of diagnostic keys for various animal diseases, plus instructions on how to doctor your own flocks. Details on nutrition, housing, breeding, management, and butchering are equally well presented.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 110303 647
##T Raising Small Meat Animals
Victor M. Giammattei, D.V.M.
1976; 433 pp.
Interstate Printers and Publishers
##A 10 110565 648
##T Raising Small Meat Animals
If you want to produce 20 pounds of rabbit fryer meat per month, you must maintain one buck rabbit and five does the year around. Routine care for this number will
take only minutes per day and will require very little work. It will require more work and be more time-consuming, however, than producing an equivalent amount of broiler chicken meat, but probably less than for producing an equivalent amount of squab meat.
##A 10 110788 649
##T Raising Small Meat Animals
Analysis of Savings on Home-Grown Small Meat Animals
Type of animal 1. 2. 3.
Chicken broiler $ .45 $ .55 18.4%
Turkey roaster $ .56 $ .61 8.2%
Cornish game hen $ .70 $ .89 19.2%
Rabbit fryer $ .75 $ 1.60 53.0%
Squab $1.00 $ 2.35 57.5%
1. Approx. cost of home production per lb. of dressed carcass
2. Approx. retail price per lb. of dressed carcass
3. Savings on home-grown carcasses (%)
##A 10 90371 650
##T Garden Way Livestock Books
Garden Way Livestock Books
Garden Way is the best single source for introductory books on raising back-yard animals. The size of your back yard determines which critter(s). A book each on poultry, rabbits, ducks, turkeys, goats, sheep, pigs, and cattle.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 90647 651
##T Garden Way Livestock Books
Raising Poultry the Modern Way
Leonard S. Mercia
1975; 220 pp.
ISBN 0882660586
$8.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
Publications list free
Garden Way Publishing
Storey Communications
Schoolhouse Road
Pownal, VT 05261
##A 10 13023 652
##T Garden Way Livestock Books
Raising Rabbits the Modern Way
Bob Bennett
Updated Edition 1988; 178 pp.
ISBN 0882664794
$8.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
Publications list free
Garden Way Publishing
Storey Communications
Schoolhouse Road
Pownal, VT 05261
##A 10 266751 653
##T Garden Way Livestock Books
Simply method of killing a rabbit with a quick snap of its neck.
— Raising Rabbits the Modern Way
##A 10 20955 654
##T The Freshwater Aquaculture Book
The Freshwater Aquaculture Book
This book deals with just about anything that moves in fresh
water and is big enough to bite — fish species plus frogs, crayfish, shrimp, and clams. Normally, to get the kind of comprehensive information this book contains you would have to go to several books, and most of them would be aimed at the fellow who wants to know how to go about raising 30 acres of catfish in ponds. But as with agriculture so with aquaculture: a small pond provides
“the best combination of productivity and manageability.”
— Richard Nilsen
Ÿ Getting the Most From Your Game and Fish
##A 10 149742 655
##T The Freshwater Aquaculture Book
William McLarney
1988; 583 pp.
ISBN 0881790184
$24.95 ($25.95 postpaid)
Hartley & Marks, Inc.
P. O. Box 147
Point Roberts, WA 98281
##A 10 168776 656
##T The Freshwater Aquaculture Book
Institutions involved in aquaculture receive more inquiries about trout than any other type of fish. Trout are popular for good reason; they are excellent table fish, and esthetically perhaps the most satisfying of all food fish to grow. . . .
Certain environmental conditions must be met before you can consider raising trout. The most critical of these is a suitable water temperature. A body of water used for raising trout should be between 50 and 68°F as much of the time as possible; 64°F is considered ideal. Lower temperatures are permissible some of the time (indeed they are unavoidable in standing water in the northern United States and Canada), but growth is very slow at such temperatures. The same growth-inhibiting effect will be observed between 68° and 76°F, while sustained temperatures above 74-77°F may be lethal.
##A 10 146739 657
##T The Freshwater Aquaculture Book
“Will-o-the-Wisp” bug light fish feeder installed on a farm pond in Wisconsin. Nocturnal flying insects are attracted to the u-v light tube, sucked in by an impeller fan and blown down through the chute at the back of the unit and into the water.
##A 10 53628 658
##T Earthworm Buyer’s Guide
Earthworm Buyer’s Guide
Earthworms are far more than fish bait. They help organic matter decompose into soil, and will improve the qualities of any soil they inhabit. Get some and they’ll do it for you.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 53767 659
##T Earthworm Buyer’s Guide
1988-89 (A Directory of Earthworm Hatcheries in the U.S.A. and Canada)
Robert F. Shields
1988; 64 pp.
ISSN 0914116258
$3 ($4 postpaid)
Shields Publications
P.O. Box 669
Eagle River WI 54521
##A 10 112098 660
##T Worms Eat My Garbage
Worms Eat My Garbage
Worms Eat My Garbage tells how to keep worms in a box to transform kitchen organic garbage into humus for the garden.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 10 21109 661
##T Worms Eat My Garbage
Mary Appelhof
1982; 100 pp.
ISBN 0942256034
$7.95 postpaid
Flower Press
10332 Shaver Road
Kalamazoo, MI 49002
##A 10 169307 662
##T Worms Eat My Garbage
If a worm is cut in half, will both parts grow back?
Worms do have a remarkable capacity to regenerate lost or injured parts, but this capacity is limited. Depending upon where the worm was cut, the anterior end can grow a new tail. The tail, however, cannot regenerate a new head.
##A 10 169164 663
##T Worms Eat My Garbage
Tender loving care for worms means basically to provide them with the proper environment, check them occasionally, and leave them alone. The less you disturb them, the better off they are.
Burial of garbage, whether it is done weekly or more often, consists merely of pushing bedding aside to create a large enough pocket to contain the garbage, depositing the garbage, and covering it with an inch or so of bedding.
##A 10 123465 664
##T Horses
##A 10 99261 665
##T The Whole Horse Catalog
The Whole Horse Catalog
As a newcomer to the equestrian scene, I found this book particularly helpful. It covers everything but the riding: selecting a horse, choosing a stable, horse health, tack, apparel, events, and organizations. In the Whole Earth Catalog genre, it’s an excellent resource for books, magazines, and all sorts of products for both English and Western riders.
— Patricia Phelan
##A 10 99353 666
##T The Whole Horse Catalog
Steven D. Price, Editor
1985; 287 pp.
ISBN 067154196X
$12.95 postpaid
Simon & Schuster
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 10 98297 667
##T The Manual of Horsemanship
The Manual of Horsemanship
This is the classic book of English riding — on the flat and jumping fences. The first third of the book is devoted to riding skills
(equitation). The rest is “horsemastership” — the care of the horse and the equipment involved. The text and illustrations are good for young or novice riders.
— Pamela Cowtan
##A 10 112215 668
##T The Manual of Horsemanship
Marabel Hadfield, Editor
8th Edition 1983; 320 pp.
ISBN 0812056132
$10.95 ($12.45 postpaid)
Barron’s Educational Series
250 Wireless Boulevard
Hauppauge, NY 11788
##A 10 169865 669
##T The Manual of Horsemanship
Never drop a saddle or allow it to fall to the ground. Not only will the leather be damaged but the tree may be broken, in which case you may not be able to use the saddle again. When not in use, saddlery should be ‘put up’ or stowed in a safe place. It is easily damaged if left lying about.
When you leave the horse in his box or stall with saddlery on always tie him up. If you do not, he may:
• Damage the saddle by lying down and rolling.
• Rub his bit or bridle against the door or manger.
• Get his reins over his head and tread in them.
##A 10 169544 670
##T The Manual of Horsemanship
• Gymnastic exercises should not be attempted unless the rider has sufficient knowledge and experience. Without this, the result will be a disaster, especially if distances are wrong.
• Training must be progressive.
• Beware of short cuts. Never plunge in half-way through the stages. Start each exercise from the beginning until training has become advanced and all the exercises are fully established, with no mistakes being made.
• When in trouble seek advice and assistance.
• When training is interrupted, or things go seriously wrong, it is vital to return to the early stages. Reintroduce the trotting-poles; reduce and simplify the fences.
• Jumping shortened distances will teach a horse to round, bend and use himself, but it is important that the approach should be at the correct pace for his stage of training. Distances that are too long tend to make a horse jump flat.
##A 10 98957 671
##T The Manual of Horsemanship
The five phases of the jump showing the correct position of the horse and rider at each phase.
##A 10 28204 672
##T The Western Horseman
The Western Horseman
This is the horse magazine of the American Cowboy, probably second only to Reader’s Digest in subscriptions in ranchland. Includes a little of everything, from rodeo fashions and
twelve-year-old horsegirls looking for penpals, to new product evaluations and general coverage of all important national horse shows. It is quarter horse biased because the cattle industry is too, but every October it prints a special “All Breeds Issue” in which access information is published for all the various registries in this country. If you own a pleasure horse, here is your mag. If you plan on getting a horse someday, you can do some nice picture-shopping while you wait. If you are scared of horses but like boots and hats, here is your mail-order marketplace.
— J. D. Smith
##A 10 28582 673
##T The Western Horseman
Randy Witte, Editor
ISSN 00433837
$15/year (12 issues)
Western Horseman, Inc.
P. O. Box 289004
San Diego, CA 92128-9004
800-331-4164 (CA)
##A 10 260390 674
##T The Western Horseman
THE COLORADO Trail is dream that has become reality. The trail is a combination of many existing trails joined to create a trail of almost 500 miles, with its northerly trail head at Chatfield Reservoir, outside Denver, and its southerly trail head at Junction Creek just west of Durango. The trail was started in 1974 and was designed to be a multiuser network of already existing trails. With the help of more than 1,500 volunteers it was finished in the fall of 1987. The trail was designed to accommodate all types of users — backpackers, llama packers, horse people, and even mountain bikers.
##A 10 215912 675
##T The Western Horseman
Mark Jungen at Pole Creek where the official Colorado Trail intersects.
##A 10 105318 676
##T Practical Horseman
Practical Horseman
For those who ride English. There’s lots about proper form, the hunt, and other activities associated with East Coast equitation.
— Patricia Phelan and Pamela Cowtan
##A 10 105520 677
##T Practical Horseman
Pamela Goold, Editor-in-Chief
ISSN 00908762
$19.95/year(12 issues)
Practical Horseman
Subscription Service Dept.
P. O. Box 927
Farmingdale, NY 11737-0927
##A 10 243677 678
##T Practical Horseman
It seems obvious that whatever your competition goal is, you need to allow enough time to reach it. But a surprising number of riders underestimate the amount of time they’ll need and rush their horses in training—and when a horse is brought along too rapidly and overfaced, either a training or a soundness problem is almost certain to result.
To a degree, the amount of time you’ll need depends again on the distance between the horse’s current level of fitness and training and the goal you want to reach. But there are other factors, too. At the risk of personifying the animal, horses are a little like people when it comes to learning—some learn faster, and can handle new situations and adapt better, than others. The time you allow for training must allow for mental as well as physical development, and it must take into account your horse’s individual characteristics.
##A 10 243331 679
##T Practical Horseman
My vet recently prescribed a cold pack to help my horse’s swollen hock come down. First I tried using an ice pack, but it was too bulky to stay in place under leg wraps. Next I tried a blue coolant pack but it didn’t hold the cold for the required fifteen minutes. Finally I found the solution: plastic bags of frozen green peas. They take the shape of the area being cooled, they hold the cold, they don’t cost much, and they can be refrozen and reused. (Be careful, though, to mark them clearly as not for eating before you put them back in the freezer.)
— Felicity Van Runkle, Burbank, CA
##A 10 123997 680
##T Horse Supplies
##A 10 56623 681
##T King’s Saddlery
King’s Saddlery
The best catalog for the working cowboy and all Western riders. They manufacture ropes and saddles and have a large selection of bits.
— Patricia Phelan and Pamela Cowtan
##A 10 56900 682
##T King’s Saddlery
Catalog free
King’s Saddlery
184 North Main
Sheridan, WY 82801
##A 10 170022 683
##T King’s Saddlery
A. 5/8" Lead
Heavy duty German-made bullsnap. Length: 10' braided.
B. 3-Strand Nylon Lead
Cotton-like texture with German-made bullsnap spliced in. Length: 10'. Diameters: 1/2", 5/8", 3/4".
C. 3-Strand Poly Pro
Heavy duty German-made snap spliced in. Length: 10'. Diameters: 1/2", 5/8".
##A 10 54605 684
##T Miller’s
This classy catalog offers tack and accoutrements for those riders of English persuasion. Lots of handsome apparel.
— Patricia Phelan and Pamela Cowtan
##A 10 54970 685
##T Miller’s
Catalog $2
235 Murray Hill Parkway
East Rutherford, NJ 07073
##A 10 55338 686
##T Miller’s
Jumping Hackamore. For most effective yet humane control. Superbly balanced, with padded leather noseband ending in rings for your reins. Extremely popular for training young horses and polo ponies as well as for schooling and jumping. $64.95
##A 10 52597 687
##T Libertyville Saddle Shop
Libertyville Saddle Shop
Such an overwhelming selection of everything for all sorts of riding (both English and Western) that it’s difficult to order unless you already know what you want.
— Patricia Phelan and Pamela Cowtan
##A 10 52761 688
##T Libertyville Saddle Shop
Catalog $3
Libertyville Saddle Shop
P. O. Box M
Libertyville, IL 60048-4913
##A 10 148334 689
##T Libertyville Saddle Shop
The Storm King blanket is made with a 420 denier nylon outer shell, insulated with 12 oz. of high loft polyester filler and lined with tough rip-stop nylon taffeta. Conformation design to fit perfectly with deep side panels for maximum protection. Cut back at neck to protect the mane.
Maroon or navy. $89.50.
##A 10 171383 690
##T Phelan’s
“Phelan’s” is a beautiful catalog of great riding gear. They don’t offer one (or hundreds) of everything, and they don’t direct themselves to veterinary items or show apparel; but they do offer indispensable, carefully designed and as carefully made items for the competitive (and not-yet-competitive) equestrian sportsperson. I have acquired only a pair of denim riding pants from them, while I save my pennies for the other have-to-haves, but I am unwilling to approach a horse wearing anything else anymore. They are more durable, more washable, more comfortable, better-looking, than my initial purchase of nylon breeches from my local tack shop. AND they have pockets—one of the great ideas of Western man. Maybe THE great idea of Western man. The other items in the catalog are of equal quality.
— Kate Gowen
##A 10 242012 691
##T Phelan’s
Catalog free
184 Schoonmaker Point
Sausalito, CA 94965
##A 10 242627 692
##T Phelan’s
Twill Riding Skirt
Our finely-stitched skirt has two distinctly different looks depending on which way you button the front flap. Buttoned to one side, it has a conventional skirt-like appearance. Buttoning the flap the other way turns it into a pair of full culottes and allows you to ride comfortably astride, the skirt draping beautifully in the saddle. The all-cotton twill is sturdy yet soft, cool for summery riding, and machine washable. The partially elasticized waistband is comfortable and gives the waist a fitted look.
Riding Skirt $130
##A 10 124344 693
##T Pets
##A 10 103418 694
##T How to Be Your Dog’s Best Friend
How to Be Your Dog’s Best Friend
This is an exceptional book not only on training, but also on canine behavior. I was surprised to discover the breadth and depth of understanding and knowledge shown by the authors. This is not a religious book, except in the devotedness shared by these monks with their dogs. The dogs are with their handlers nearly 24 hours a day, even during the monks' lengthy periods of silence, with which the dogs must cooperate. One of the most amazing photographs in the book is of the monks at a meal, with all their dogs lying down silently, in the dining room, with no friction among the dogs.
This book covers basic obedience training, but more importantly it attempts to teach you how to develop a real closeness with your
##A 10 104034 695
##T How to Be Your Dog’s Best Friend
dog. It does not shrink from the unpleasant aspects of training either — correcting deep-seated problems. The Brothers are famous for de-tuning or de-training attack dogs “gone bad,” which is no simple task.
— Jill Bryson
Aeroglen Irish Wolfhounds
##A 10 107241 696
##T How to Be Your Dog’s Best Friend
(A Training Manual for Dog Owners)
The Monks of New Skete
1978, 1987; 202 pp.
ISBN 0316604917
$16.95 ($18.45 postpaid)
Little Brown & Co.
Attn.: Order Dept.
200 West Street
Waltham, MA 02254
##A 10 107317 697
##T How to Be Your Dog’s Best Friend
One of the biggest obstacles to healthy pet-owner relationships is pet loneliness. Dog owners, busy with their own activities, may never suspect that their friend suffers from isolation. A case in point: Sassy, an Airedale terrier, spent the hours between eight and five at home, alone. . . . After a week’s observation, we noticed that Sassy responded well to four- or five-hour periods of isolation, entertaining herself with toys, napping, and looking out windows. She was not tense or anxious, but became so after six or seven hours. We were able to observe the dog through a one-way window. While her owners had complained of Sassy’s lack of pizazz and spirit, on our turf she was exuberant and playful.
##A 10 180027 698
##T How to Be Your Dog’s Best Friend
Within every wolf pack there is a leader, or Alpha-wolf. This wolf keeps order within the pack. The Alpha settles disputes between other wolves and may run interference for younger members of the pack. Depending on the individual pack, the Alpha’s role might be one of dictator or guide, or he might adopt either of those roles at different times. All subordinate wolves look to the Alpha-wolf for direction. Domestication has not completely nullified in the domestic dog this desire to lead or be led. The problem comes when an individual dog does not receive proper guidance, through training, and fancies itself to be the leader, or Alpha. For a dog, there should be no question about who is the Alpha-figure in its life — you are. The owner must act as the leader, not because the owner wants to boss around a subordinate creature, but because the dog is looking for direction and it is the dog’s just due.
##A 10 107967 699
##T How to Be Your Dog’s Best Friend
##A 10 108124 700
##T How to Be Your Dog’s Best Friend
The pup will follow your hand down . . .
##A 10 255809 701
##T How to Be Your Dog’s Best Friend
. . . as it does, say the word “down,” and praise it.
##A 10 109110 702
##T House Rabbit Handbook
House Rabbit Handbook
Rabbits make great pets. This book introduces you to 20 pet rabbits and their owners, revealing personalities, offering advice, and exposing humor and bad habits. Having a pet rabbit requires a certain degree of bunny-proofing, for instance, or your furniture could end up in shreds. Harriman, who has lived with rabbits, shares a sensible, realistic knowledge that will enable you to appreciate the difficulties and joys of owning an urban rabbit.
— Beverly Lowe
##A 10 109644 703
##T House Rabbit Handbook
(How to Live with an Urban Rabbit)
Marinell Harriman
1985; 108 pp.
ISBN 0940920050
$5.95 postpaid
Drollery Press
1615 Encinal Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
##A 10 111654 704
##T House Rabbit Handbook
If you want to add a pet without the complications of mating or fighting, a good choice is a companion of another species. There are a number of combinations that work well, but the most common mix is a rabbit with a cat. You can raise them together or introduce a youngster later. It doesn’t matter which comes first. You can give a kitten to a fully grown rabbit or a baby bunny to a fully grown cat. Obviously, this last choice would take more caution and would be impossible if your cat hunts larger game than mice.
##A 10 217138 705
##T House Rabbit Handbook
##A 10 113389 706
##T Dog Owner’s Home Veterinary Handbook
Dog Owner’s Home Veterinary Handbook
Comprehensive and comprehensible, this is a first rate extension of the medical self-care literature. Instead of anguished un-certainty about what’s wrong with your friend, you get confident diagnosis and prompt treatment. Lotta tricks of the trade in here, too.
— Stewart Brand
##A 10 113538 707
##T Dog Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook
Delbert G. Carlson D.V.M.,
and James M. Giffin, M.D.
1980; 364 pp.
ISBN 0876057644
$18.95 postpaid
Howell Book House
230 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10169
##A 10 113989 708
##T Dog Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook
A magazine makes a good temporary splint for fractures of the front leg below the elbow.
##A 10 114816 709
##T The Book of the Cat
The Book of the Cat
Whether you own four blue ribbon Abyssinians or a freebie street orphan (as I do), this book answers every possible question about cats. It is graphically a joy to look at, with abundant images of kitties in all their charismatic postures. The chapter on breeds is particularly impressive; sophisticated charts clearly indicate how, for example, Siamese genotypes are combined to produce twenty different varieties of point colors. There are superb illustrations and diagrams describing feline anatomy, behavior patterns
(including hunting, dreaming, mating, grooming), and health (diet, geriatrics, first aid). Instead of immediately urging you to “see your vet” should your puss have a problem, this book thoroughly examines common and uncommon disorders, outlines care and
remedy procedures, and offers a section on choosing and using a
##A 10 116148 710
##T The Book of the Cat
vet. No pet store or cat lover should be without this excellent book.
— Rosanne Kramer
##A 10 118394 711
##T The Book of the Cat
Michael Wright and Sally Waters
1981; 256 pp.
ISBN 0671416243
$15.95 postpaid
Simon & Schuster
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 10 119246 712
##T The Book of the Cat
Cat Mummy 2000 BC, dedicated to Goddess Pasht, from whom we get the name Pussy.
##A 10 235505 713
##T The Book of the Cat
Swinging a drowned cat drains water from its lungs and is such a safe and good way to stimulate breathing that many vets advise its use as a routine method of artificial respiration. Hold the hind legs of the cat — one leg in each hand — above and around the hock (ankle), with the cat’s belly facing towards you. Stand with your legs apart. Swing the cat forward and then, with a slight jerk at the end of the upward swing, bring the cat down and between your straddled legs. Swing it back to the front of you again, ending each swing with the cat horizontal. Repeat about six times before trying other methods. It is surprising how much space is needed to ‘swing a cat’!
##A 10 120986 714
##T The Natural Cat
The Natural Cat
Sensitive, interesting, natural, well written. A great reference book.
— Susan Erkel Ryan
##A 10 98472 715
##T The Natural Cat
(A Holistic Guide for
Finicky Owners)
Anitra Frazier with Norma Eckroate
Revised Edition 1983; 216 pp.
ISBN 0942294122
$9.95 ($11.20 postpaid)
Kampmann & Co.
90 East 40th Street
New York, NY 10016
##A 10 171679 716
##T The Natural Cat
No canned food is perfect, because every canned food is processed by heat, and many vitamins are destroyed by heat. Cats who hunt and kill in the wild consume the whole mouse, right down to the whiskers. They will eat some hair and probably get a little dirt off the ground in the process. Nature has a purpose in letting the cat ingest these little extras that are not present in our nice, clean cans of food. Hair is roughage, minerals, and protein. Dust is full of minerals. The contents of the mouse’s stomach is predigested grain full of B vitamins and enzymes. And the mouse was alive a moment before. . . .
To supplement the contents of the mouse’s stomach, we will use bran. To supply the minerals and roughage of the mouse’s hair, we will use bran, again, and kelp. To supply something living, something still alive when your cat eats it: yeast. The yeast will also raise the quality of the protein in the entire meal and replace those B vitamins that were destroyed by heat during the processing of the can.
##A 10 160576 717
##T The Natural Cat
To comb the inner thigh, slip the stroking hand under the outside foot and gently lift it up. DON’T LIFT TOO HIGH because your cat must balance on three legs.
##A 10 160868 718
##T The Care of Exotic Birds
The Care of Exotic Birds
A commonsense and informative booklet that touches on the ethical considerations of owning an exotic bird. If, after reading this, you still decide to get one, this booklet will tell you how to take care of it.
— Beverly Lowe
##A 10 161222 719
##T The Care of Exotic Birds
Roberta Lee
54 pp.
$2 postpaid from:
San Francisco SPCA
Education Department
2500 16th Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
##A 10 161360 720
##T The Care of Exotic Birds
For every parrot that makes it into a pet shop, many others have died — estimates
run as high as 10 for each one that survives. It is probably even higher for illegal
birds. Considering all a bird goes through before it reaches someone’s home and how
many others died along the way, why do people still buy parrots? Dr. Donald Bruning, curator of birds at the Bronx Zoo, N.Y., thinks that, “if people knew, most of them
wouldn’t want parrots as pets.”
##A 10 162726 721
The best resource for pet supplies is your local retailer. Establishing rapport with them is your quickest reference for information on new and quality supplies. They can probably special order for you, too. Several companies offer pet supplies by mail and phone. Animal Veterinary Products (AVP) is strictly for cats and dogs; Animal City includes products for birds, fish, hamsters and gerbils as well. Both supply everything from books and brushes to shampoos and vaccines and some nonchemical alternatives for flea control.
— Beverly Lowe
##A 10 163243 722
Animal City
Catalog free
Animal City
P. O. Box 269024
San Diego, CA 92126-9024
##A 10 12775 723
Animal Veterinary Products
Catalog free
AVP, Inc.
P. O. Box 1326
Galesburg, IL 61402
##A 11 43926 3
##A 11 49009 4
##T Astronomy
##A 11 221671 5
##T Powers of Ten
Powers of Ten
Like the famous film of the same name by Ray and Charles Eames, Powers of Ten takes you on a photographic journey from quasars to quarks — 10 to the 25th power to 10 to the –16th power
— in 42 incremental steps, each one ten times the next. The changes in scale are provocative and truly mind-expanding, because you can’t comprehend such matters without the aid of sensitive instrumentation (and some imagination). It’s both jarring and inspiring to see how much of what is really going on is invisible to our five senses.
— J. Baldwin
##A 11 221863 6
##T Powers of Ten
(About the Relative Size of Things in the Universe)
Philip and Phylis Morrison and The Office of Charles and Ray Eames
1982; 150 pp.
ISBN 0716760037
$19.95 ($21.45 postpaid)
W. H. Freeman & Co.
4419 West 1980 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84104
##A 11 144791 7
##T Powers of Ten
The metropolitan area of Chicago nestles at the south end of the lake. On a day like this, someone walking along the street might have looked up to a blue sky; but the camera plane was flying so high it would have been hard to pick out. The lattice visible among so many blurred streets is the mile-square grid of wide Chicago boulevards.
##A 11 148387 8
##T Powers of Ten
The heart of the city appears, place of home and work for a million people. The whole structure shown here—city districts, parks, harbor—is familiar to them. The conflagration of 1871 burned the city of wooden houses which then lay within this square. Most of the detail shown is newer, though the street and railroad layout survived the fire, as in the future they will outlive most of the individual buildings.
##A 11 167480 9
##T Powers of Ten
Now we look at a view that is not a maplike tracery of symbols, but a scene of familiar places within the city: Lake Shore Drive, Soldiers’ Field, an airstrip, boat docks, museums.
##A 11 180250 10
##T Powers of Ten
The picnic in the park is not far from the roaring highway and the boats at their docks. The picnickers can enjoy a sense of privacy all the same, for no one else is near. Were people evenly spread over all the world’s land area, these two could lay claim to six times the area of this whole square. To raise their own grain, they would need to cultivate only this grassy plot.
##A 11 180791 11
##T Powers of Ten
A man and a woman are at a picnic in the park. This picnic is the center of every picture outward to the view among the galaxies.
##A 11 192012 12
##T Powers of Ten
This is the scale of human companionship, conversation, touch: A man is asleep on a warm October day. Around him are necessities and pleasures for mind and body. Between this image and the next frame inward, the size of the image would for once match the size of what it represents. “Of all things man is the measure,” wrote Protagoras, the Sophist.
##A 11 227978 13
##T Powers of Ten
The scale is now intimate. This is the look of the back of your hand, a little enlarged. That animate structure, guided by eye and mind, joined over time by many another in the human endeavor, has fashioned all the representations we have of the world, including this of the hand itself.
##A 11 228643 14
##T Powers of Ten
A searching look at the skin as if through a strong magnifier. The creasing is both the sign and the means of the skin’s flexibility.
##A 11 226519 15
##T Cosmos
Human knowledge used to be divided into: 1) our people; 2) every-thing else. In the last decade or so, it’s started to divide differently: 1) Earth; 2) everything else. This new book is now the best introduction to understanding everything in the context of Earth, and Earth in the context of everything else. It’s a personal view — Carl Sagan’s — derived from his public television series of the same name. I liked those programs far less than this book, but clearly the necessarily graphic research for video yielded a rich inventory of images for the book. (They are mostly new and mostly highly illuminating and knowledgeably captioned. That’s rare in the field of popular astronomy, where half-decent images
are recycled forever.) Carl is opinionated as well as insightful;
##A 11 226649 16
##T Cosmos
both characteristics give the book its life. Both are invigorating. You might well wind up on another planet just to refute his preference for robots in space.
— Stewart Brand
##A 11 226978 17
##T Cosmos
Carl Sagan
1980, 1985; 365 pp.
ISBN 0345331354
$4.95 ($5.95 postpaid)
Random House
Order Dept.
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 11 227252 18
##T Cosmos
Neutron star matter weighs about the same as an ordinary mountain per teaspoonful — so much that if you had a piece of it and let it go (you could hardly do otherwise), it might pass effortlessly through the Earth like a falling stone through air, carving a hole for itself completely through our planet and emerging out the other side — perhaps in China. People there might be out for a stroll, minding their own business, when a tiny lump of neutron star plummets out of the ground, hovers for a moment, and then returns beneath the Earth, providing at least a diversion from the routine of the day. If a piece of neutron star matter were dropped from nearby space, it would plunge repeatedly through the rotating Earth, punching hundreds of thousands of holes before friction with the interior of our planet stopped the motion.
##A 11 181690 19
##T Cosmos
Computer-generated images of the Big Dipper as it would have been seen on Earth one million years ago and half a million years ago. Its present appearance is shown at bottom.
##A 11 223577 20
##T The New Astronomy
The New Astronomy
Astronomers don’t look through telescopes. (The eye isn’t very good at star-watching.) Moreover, a lot of what is going on out there is happening “invisibly.” Infrared, ultraviolet, x-ray, radio and gamma radiation can be detected and the images captured on film. This book explains how it’s done and shows what has been found in startling color images of cosmic activity. The author fortunately speaks normal English and makes the phenomena comprehensible without recourse to intricate math. The book gives new meaning to the word fascinating.
— J. Baldwin
##A 11 223866 21
##T The New Astronomy
Nigel Henbest and Michael Marten
1983; 240 pp.
ISBN 0521310571
$17.95 postpaid
Cambridge University Press
510 North Avenue
New Rochelle, NY 10801
##A 11 42828 22
##T The New Astronomy
In an America hit by the Depression of the early 1930s, scientists achieved a major breakthrough in the study of the Universe. They acquired the first view of the skies at wavelengths of invisible radiation. The new instrument was strange by any standard, and it was certainly a far cry from anyone’s idea of a ‘telescope’. Sited in the midst of the potato fields of New Jersey, the first radio telescope consisted of eight large metal hoops, supported on a wooden frame which rotated slowly on a set of Model T Ford wheels. It was as important a step forward as Galileo’s first optical telescope of three centuries earlier.
##A 11 224299 23
##T The New Astronomy
Optical, 501 nm oxygen line, negative print,
1.2 m UK Schmidt Telescope.
Straggly wisps of gas, stretching over several degrees of sky — almost ten Moon widths — mark the site of a supernova which exploded long before human records were written down. . . . these delicate traceries are thin sheets of glowing gas, draped in folds across the sky. . . . where it bends around in a fold, we are seeing the sheet edge-on and its light is concentrated into a narrow bright filament. The thin sheets mark where the shock wave from the explosion is driving outwards through the interstellar gases, and lighting them up as it passes.
The Vela supernova remnant is one of the closest we know, lying only 1500 light years away.
##A 11 224560 24
##T The New Astronomy
Radio, 11 cm,
64 m Parkes Telescope.
Like other supernova remnants, the Vela remnant is far more striking when observed at radio and X-ray wavelengths. At radio wavelengths it is one of the brightest sources in the sky, as strong as the Crab Nebula. The radio picture covers the same area of sky as the optical photograph (previous card) , and is color coded so that the faintest outer regions are pink, with successively brighter parts in shades of blue, green, orange and red. (The pulsar is too weak to show up here; its position is shown by the black spot.) The radio picture shows the total extent of the gases and shockwaves from the explosion much more clearly. The radio-emitting remnant is about 100 light years across. . . .
The appearance of detailed maps has led radio astronomers to dub Vela X, Y, Z the Donald Duck Nebula.
##A 11 213544 25
Buying a good telescope is similar to buying a good camera or car: it’s worth doing some research. There are many different types of telescopes and even within the same type, quality and price can vary widely. The November 1985 issue of Consumer Reports had an excellent evaluation of amateur telescopes, giving specific brand names (check your library).
Another helpful source with more information about what each type of telescope does best is the nontechnical pamphlet Selecting Your First Telescope.
— Andrew Fraknoi
##A 11 22161 26
Selecting Your First Telescope
Sherwood Harrington
1982; 12 pp.
$2 donation from:
A.S.P./Info Packets Dept.
1290 24th Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94122
##A 11 210763 27
Learning the identity of those uncountable twinkling points in the night sky can be a daunting task without a guide. Books are a good place to start. That’s where you’ll find out the names of the constellations (and how they got them), where and when to look, and what you’re really looking at (e.g., that “star” is actually an enormous galaxy comprising billions of stars). Skyguide is a good one, done in the usual Golden Field Guide manner. It’s concentrated in northern midlatitudes but is useable south of the equator, too. The charts are big enough to see at night by flashlight.
Guidebooks are a bit awkward when you’re actually outdoors looking; there are a number of adjustable charts that can help.
##A 11 210997 28
The Night Sky Star Dial has won praise from astronomy buffs because its two-sided design manages to reduce distortion and look more like the real sky. Sky Challenger is a star finder with six interchangeable dials designed to interest children: an introduction, “Binocular Treasure Hunt,” “Where Are The Planets?,” “Native American Constellations,” and “Star Clock.” NightStar is an eight-inch flexible plastic dome that can be set to your exact location anywhere on earth. Minimal distortion and the accompanying booklet make it exceptionally easy to use.
If you’d like a zoo-guide voice in your Walkman telling you what you’re looking at, try Tapes Of The Night Sky. The two cassettes
##A 11 211213 29
give four 25-minute tours of the sky — one for each season — with pauses built in to give you a chance to follow the instructions. Comes with maps. This sound excerpt
is taken from the Spring tape.
And there is software. TellStar II is the most popular one. It gives you a planetarium view without having to look at the real thing — an advantage if the weather is bad or you wish to investigate the skies over where you aren’t. Good for beginners. You can get a four-page annotated list of astronomy software for the most popular home computers from Astronomical Society of the Pacific.
##A 11 211531 30
So what’s happening in the sky this month? The constellations change seasonally, but there are events such as meteor showers and comets that aren’t shown on charts. A good way to keep current is with the Abrams Planetarium Sky Calendar or with the calendar published monthly in the excellent Sky & Telescope magazine.
Stunning slides and posters of celestial objects are available from Hansen Planetarium and the Astronomical Society of the Pacific.
— J. Baldwin
[All the above suggested by Andrew Fraknoi, Executive Officer of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific]
##A 11 211950 31
Skyguide (A Golden Field Guide)
(A Field Guide for Amateur Astronomers)
Mark R. Chartrand III
1982; 280 pp.
ISBN 0307136671
$9.95 postpaid
Western Publishing Company
Dept. M
P. O. Box 700
Racine, WI 53401
##A 11 30420 32
The Night Sky Star Dial
$5.95 postpaid
David Chandler Company
P. O. Box 309
LaVerne, CA 91750
##A 11 30653 33
Sky Challenger
$8.95 postpaid
Discovery Corner
Lawrence Hall of Science
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720
##A 11 30964 34
The NightStar “Classic”
$39 postpaid from:
NightStar Company
1334 Brommer Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95062
##A 11 31117 35
Tapes Of The Night Sky
Two cassettes $15.45
(information free) from:
Astronomical Society of the Pacific
Catalogue Dept.
390 Ashton Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94112
This sound excerpt is taken from the Spring tape.
##A 11 31255 36
TellStar II
IBM and Apple II versions each
Macintosh version $19.95
Information free
Spectrum HoloByte
2061 Challenger Drive
Alameda, CA 94501
##A 11 31488 37
Abrams Planetarium Sky Calendar
(12 monthly calendars,
mailed 3/ quarter year)
Sky Calendar
Abrams Planetarium
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
##A 11 32499 38
Sky & Telescope
Leif J. Robinson, Editor
$21.95/year (12 issues)
Sky Publishing Corp.
P.O. Box 9111
Belmont, MA 02178
##A 11 32676 39
Hansen Planetarium
Catalog free
Hansen Planetarium
1098 South 200 West
Salt Lake City, UT 84104
##A 11 35155 40
Astronomical Society of the Pacific
Astronomy Software, Annotated List and Bibliography $2.00
Information free from:
Astronomical Society of the Pacific
390 Ashton Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94112
##A 11 212545 41
Along Moscow’s Avenue of Peace . . . [is] an enormous “theme park” called the Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy. Known more commonly as VDNKh, its Russian acronym, this sprawling 553-acre tract contains some 80 Smithsonian-like pavilions. . . .
In an apparently unprecedented move, a full-scale model recently appeared among the VDNKh’s displays before the real spacecraft was launched. The Phobos orbiter . . .represents the latest design in Soviet interplanetary craft. This July [1988], two of them will head into space for visits next spring to Mars and its moons. The large spherical tanks contain fuel for the rocket that will slow the craft upon arrival. Once they begin circling Mars, the orbiters will be maneuvered to skim roughly 160 feet above the surface of Phobos (one may go to Deimos instead). Besides carrying a large and sophisticated collection of experiments, each spacecraft has small probes (not shown) that will drop onto a moon’s surface and relay their analyses directly to receiving antennas on Earth. — Sky & Telescope
##A 11 213488 42
NightStar 8 inch flexible
dome-shaped sky map
##A 11 49299 43
##T Earth’s Sky
##A 11 225152 44
##T Echoes of the Ancient Skies
Echoes of the Ancient Skies
A great work of connection is done here. The Earth’s sky is connected to the Earth’s dwellings, temples, and cities. The present, in this perspective sadly impoverished, is connected to our deepest past at its most perceptive and intelligent. Here are the sun daggers striking to the middle of labyrinths on certain days, the horizon points that connect the whole world to the whole year to the whole life, the lines drawn on the land to match the lines found between the sky and the passage of time. Richly told, richly illustrated.
How have our modern architects remained so blissfully ignorant of these findings? All we seem to know in our constructions these
days is the crudities of north, east, south, west. The solar energy
##A 11 225445 45
##T Echoes of the Ancient Skies
crowd also appears devoid of art, subtlety, or science compared to our primitive ancestors.
— Stewart Brand
##A 11 225717 46
##T Echoes of the Ancient Skies
(The Astronomy of Lost Civilizations)
Dr. E. C. Krupp
1983; 380 pp.
ISBN 0060151013
$19.45 ($20.95 postpaid)
Harper & Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 11 226066 47
##T Echoes of the Ancient Skies
The pyramid was carefully oriented and proportioned to let the profile of its northwest corner create first one inverted triangle of light and then another below it in a descending image of a diamondback serpent. At the bottom are serpent heads. The serpent heads argue well that the alignment and effect were intended. It seems reasonable that the display played a dramatic part in a ceremony timed by the equinox. This serpent of sunlight matches the markings of the indigenous rattlesnake of Yucatan, and the many sculptured feathered serpents of Chichen Itza can be identified, by their rattles, as rattlesnakes, too. This links the equinox serpent to rattlesnake symbolism that involves the year, the passage of time, and the idea of renewal.
##A 11 209909 48
##T Sunsets, Twilights, and Evening Skies
Sunsets, Twilights, and Evening Skies
Is it intimations of a gorgeous death, or revelling in the seamless gradation of blazing horizon to a starry dark, or the lifelong scout for the green flash that keeps us going and gazing on sunsets? Part of the attraction surely is the spectacular variety. This book’s color photos and clear explanations can serve as a sort of field guide of twilight special effects — green flashes, noctilucent clouds, zodiacal light, volcanic dust leading to Bishop’s rings and blue suns, and the Earth’s own shadow climbing the fading eastern sky. Is there a more universal ceremony of planethood than watching the sun set and, by profound implication, rise?
— Stewart Brand
##A 11 210148 49
##T Sunsets, Twilights, and Evening Skies
Aden and Marjorie Meinel
1983; 163 pp.
ISBN 0521252202
$39.50 postpaid from:
Cambridge University Press
510 North Avenue
New Rochelle, NY 10801
##A 11 210471 50
##T Sunsets, Twilights, and Evening Skies
Convoluted rocket trail seen from El Centro, California.
##A 11 258005 51
##T Sunsets, Twilights, and Evening Skies
Moonrise photographed from Skylab, showing the extreme flattening caused by the density gradient of the earth’s atmosphere (NASA-JSC)
##A 11 49456 52
##T Reaching Space
##A 11 214660 53
##T Entering Space
Entering Space
This book is quite simply the best and most attractive introduction to manned space exploration that I have seen. Written by one of the Space Shuttle astronauts (before the Challenger tragedy), it is an upbeat, behind-the-scenes look at the U. S. space program. Over 215 dramatic color illustrations, many unique to the book, provide a visual feast for the space enthusiast.
— Andrew Fraknoi
##A 11 214948 54
##T Entering Space
(An Astronaut’s Odyssey)
Joseph P. Allen with Russell Martin
Revised Edition 1985; 240 pp.
ISBN 0941434745
$16.95 ($18.10 postpaid)
Stewart, Tabori & Chang/
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 11 147632 55
##T Entering Space
Story Musgrave floats along handrails in Challenger’s cargo bay en route to the hatch that connects the bay with the pressurized crew quarters.
##A 11 215637 56
##T Planetary Landscapes
Planetary Landscapes
Access to planets! Pictures and text show and explain radically different geological processes in a way that makes other planetary bodies more familiar and our own more fantastic. This is exciting stuff. It’s a lot like anthropological archaeology, where a mix of careful observation and creative detective work is needed. What’s presented is both the what (discovered) and the how (it was discovered). Greeley is contagiously fascinated with his subject. Everything is explained with an attention to a type of detail necessary for scientists but often neglected for lay people — such as an explanation of “things that go wrong with pictures sent from space.” The mountains of Mars to the moons of Jupiter — come alive.
— David Finacom
##A 11 215997 57
##T Planetary Landscapes
Ronald Greeley
Revised Edition 1987; 288 pp.
ISBN 0045510814
$29.95 ($31.95 postpaid)
Unwin Hyman, Inc.
8 Winchester Place
Winchester, MA 01890
##A 11 121000 58
##T Planetary Landscapes
Tharsis Tholus, on Mars, measuring 110 by 170 km, has steep flanks and is classified as a dome volcano.
##A 11 216599 59
##T The Greening of Mars
The Greening of Mars
British scientist James Lovelock, the co-author of the Gaia Hypothesis — which suggests how Earth’s life uses the atmosphere to regulate the planet — has co-authored a novel on how to do something similar with Mars. Lovelock’s credentials to devise such a scheme are impressive. Back before the Viking probe of Mars’ surface, he was hired by NASA to analyze the chances for life on Mars by studying the Martian atmosphere. His conclusion — no life on Mars because its atmosphere is so chemically stable it shows nothing is fiddling with it — was hushed up by NASA, but there was a nice byproduct: because Earth’s atmosphere is so chemically unstable that the presence of life is required to
explain it, Lovelock’s Mars research led directly to the Gaia Hypothesis (Ÿ see separate review). What is particularly
##A 11 217117 60
##T The Greening of Mars
appealing about his plan to green Mars is its low-cost, nongovernmental, realistic, unromantic, even somewhat tawdry approach. He would gather up the world’s obsolete solid-fuel missile rockets (available to anyone who can reasonably dispose of them), lash them together, and fire them in the general direction of Mars. For pay-load they carry the world’s warehoused and outlawed chlorofluorocarbons (remember how spray deodorant threatens our precious ozone?), which are released on collision with Mars. As a greenhouse gas, the chlorofluorocarbons are 100 times more potent than the CO2 that worries us on Earth — frozen Mars starts rapidly warming toward livability. Throw in a few
Antarctic lichens to multiply and darken Mars’ albedo (reflectivity). Within 11 years humans can begin to arrive in
##A 11 216843 61
##T The Greening of Mars
semi-comfort and accelerate the process.
I find the book mildly interesting as a novel but riveting as a proposal. A number of young scientists have been intrigued enough by the British edition of this book to call a meeting in Canada to discuss the implications of its ideas. One term that came out of that meeting I just love — “ecopoiesis” — “the process of a system making a home for itself.”
— Stewart Brand
##A 11 217420 62
##T The Greening of Mars
James Lovelock
and Michael Allaby
1984; 215 pp.
ISBN 0446329673
$3.50 ($4.50 postpaid)
Random House
Order Dept.
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 11 217672 63
##T The Greening of Mars
On Earth, the weight of the organisms living in the top few centimetres of a field of grass is much greater than the weight of the cows feeding on that grass. You might stock five cows, weighing say 2.5 tonnes, on one hectare of very good pasture. Depending on the soil, the population in the top few centimetres may weigh between 11 and about 22 tonnes per hectare, or around 1.6 kg per cubic metre, and of that total, more than 1.4 kg consists of nothing but bacteria, fungi, and protozoa. On Earth, the total weight of all the organisms that are too small to be seen by the unaided human eye exceeds by a huge margin the weight of those you can see.
When you add together the effect on the environment of each of these tiny organisms it amounts to a major alteration in the chemistry of the entire planet. It is this alteration that allows us to distinguish between a planet that supports life and one that does not.
##A 11 11335 64
##A 11 23975 65
##T Gaia Hypothesis
##A 11 7221 66
Understanding whole systems means looking both larger and smaller than where our daily habits live and seeing clear through our cycles. The result is responsibility, but the process is filled with the constant delight of surprise. Neither the Earth nor our lives are flat. What happened in the 20th century? The idea of self — the thing to be kept alive — expanded from the individual human to the whole earth.
— Stewart Brand
##A 11 182489 67
##T Gaia
This may turn out to be one of the epochal insights of this
century: that the entire life of Earth, through its atmosphere
and ocean, functions effectively as one self-regulated organism: Gaia (after the Greek Earth goddess).
Free-lance British scientist James Lovelock writes a winning
prose. This is a brief, personal, convincing performance.
It even overcomes my lifelong aversion to chemistry, making
fascinating sense of the difference between the chemical equilibrium of a dead planet and the chemical steady state of a live one.
Along the way, he notes that from Gaian perspective we are
over-concerned with industrial pollution and under-concerned
##A 11 182776 68
##T Gaia
with protecting the integrity of the all-important tropical jungles and continental shelves of the sea.
As science and as poetry, Gaia (pronounced “guy - a”) is a major planetary self-discovery. It’s likely that all our thinking will be reoriented to accommodate the goddess.
— Stewart Brand
##A 11 182928 69
##T Gaia
(A New Look at Life on Earth)
J. E. Lovelock
1979; 176 pp.
ISBN 0192860305
$7.95 postpaid
Oxford University Press
16-00 Pollitt Drive
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
##A 11 183065 70
##T Gaia
If we are a part of Gaia it becomes interesting to ask: “To what extent is our collective intelligence also a part of Gaia? Do we as a species constitute a Gaian nervous system and a brain which can consciously anticipate environmental changes?”
By now a planet-sized entity, albeit hypothetical, had been born, with properties which could not be predicted from the sum of its parts. It needed a name. Fortunately the author William Golding was a fellow-villager. Without hesitation he recommended that this creature be called Gaia, after the Greek Earth goddess also known as Ge, from which root the sciences of geography and geology derive their names. In spite of my ignorance of the classics, the suitability of this choice was obvious. It was a real four-lettered word and would thus forestall the creation of barbarous acronyms, such as Biocybernetic Universal System Tendency/Homeostasis. I felt also that in the days of Ancient Greece the concept itself was probably a familiar aspect of life, even if not formally expressed. Scientists are usually condemned to lead urban lives, but I find
##A 11 183504 71
##T Gaia
that country people still living close to the earth often seem puzzled that anyone should need to make a formal proposition of anything as obvious as the Gaia hypothesis. For them it is true and always has been.
##A 11 185943 72
##T Biosphere Catalogue
Biosphere Catalogue
A wide-ranging book of adventurous intellect. You can find everything from the best botanical gardens to shields against cosmic particles. From the Gaian point of view, this is the only publication to consider all aspects of materially closed, energetically opened systems — from hermetically sealed test tubes to “bio-regenerative life support systems” that might be used for space colonization. The cutting edge of the world as it is.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 186259 73
##T Biosphere Catalogue
Tango Parrish Snyder, Editor-in-Chief
1985; 240 pp.
ISBN 0907791123
$12.95 ($14.95 postpaid )
Synergetic Press
P. O. Box 689
Oracle, AZ 85623
##A 11 312154 74
##T Biosphere Catalogue
Abundant animal studies since 1935 have shown that caloric restriction, to 50-60% of ad libitum intake, and provided that the food actually consumed is of high nutritional value (hence the catchphrase, “undernutrition without malnutrition”), will extend maximum life span of rodents and other species by 20 to 80% (Walford, 1983). There is reason to believe that with a high order of probability the method would work in humans; beginning with restriction in early childhood, this would mean at the outside a maximum life span of 180-190 years.... Life extension by caloric restriction does not add old years onto old, but extends the period of youth and middle age, and, of additional importance for space colonization, the period of fertility. However, a life span of 180 years refers to the last survivor, the tail of the curve, not a working population. From a practical standpoint, the extension of useful working life possible by caloric restriction would be 20 to possibly 40 years.
##A 11 185048 75
##T The Living Planet
The Living Planet
In the Attenborough style of a long anecdote and a short but pithy summary conclusion, The Living Planet introduces the larger biological communities (biomes or biogeographical regions): tundra, jungles, grasslands, oceans, deserts, sweet waters, etc. A breezy book with gripping color photographs that will entice the reader into more appreciation of how this little spinning sphere got to have so much happening.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 185259 76
##T The Living Planet
David Attenborough
1985; 320 pp.
ISBN 0316057495
$17.45 ($18 postpaid)
Little, Brown & Co.
200 West Street
Waltham, MA 02254
##A 11 185362 77
##T The Living Planet
So the wounds inflicted on the land by volcanoes eventually heal. Although volcanoes may seem, on the short scale by which man experiences time, the most terrifyingly destructive aspect of the natural world, in the longer view they are the great creators. They have constructed new islands, like Iceland, Hawaii and the Galapagos, and built mountains like Mount St. Helens and the Andes.
##A 11 185831 78
##T The Living Planet
Fire-weed, Mount St. Helens
##A 11 49979 79
##T World Maps
##A 11 14402 80
##T Goode’s World Atlas
Goode’s World Atlas
Per buck, this atlas has the most and best — 372 pages of locational maps (from continent right down to city), landforms, climate, weather, vegetation, soil, population, agriculture, trade, language, resources, ocean floor, topped off with a fine pronouncing index. When something in the newspaper puzzles you, check here. Well, well: about ten languages are spoken in different regions of the Soviet Union.
— Stewart Brand
##A 11 14839 81
##T Goode's World Atlas
Edward B. Espenshade, Jr.,
17th Edition 1986; 384 pp.
ISBN 0528831275
$22.95 from:
Rand McNally Map Store
23 East Madison Street
Chicago, IL 60602
Single copies are not available by mail; check your local bookstore.
##A 11 122991 82
##T Goode's World Atlas
Mercator Projection (right), based upon the projection of the globe onto a cylinder.
##A 11 17833 83
##T World Biogeographical Provinces Map
World Biogeographical Provinces Map
This map is the gem of 15 years of thought and work on the Whole Earth Catalog. It is the map of how the Earth itself has simultaneously produced variety and parallels during its long evolution . . . how water, soils, plants, animals, and locations near or far from the oceans create provinces of similar life. Besides its beauty, it’s being used to insure that every biogeographic region of the planet will have at least one representative ecological community preserved. It is a meditative map.
By scanning similar provinces I understand why Australian eucalyptus do so well in California; why the “Mediterranean” regions have similar heritages and can look to each other for
advice on wine, sunlight in art, fire, grasses, and erosion management. — Peter Warshall
##A 11 18143 84
##T World Biogeographical Provinces Map
Miklos D. F. Udvardy, S. Brand
and T. Oberlander
$5 postpaid
Whole Earth Access
2950 Seventh Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
##A 11 288742 85
##T World Biogeographical Provinces Map
1. Sitkan
2. Oregonian
3. Yukon Taiga
4. Canadian Taiga
5. Eastern Forest
6. Austroriparian
7. Californian
8. Sonoran
9. Chihuahuan
10. Tamaulipan
11. Great Basin
12. Aleutian Islands
13. Alaskan Tundra
14. Canadian Tundra
15. Arctic Archipelago
16. Greenland Tundra
17. Arctic Desert and Icecap
18. Grasslands
19. Rocky Mountains
20. Sierra-Cascade
21. Madrean-Cordilleran
22. Great Lakes
##A 11 18754 86
##T World Political Map
World Political Map
Like it or not, this is how the Earth has been subdivided. From Burkina Faso to Tasmania, each political bloc is displayed in full color on heavy paper. A best buy. Index available for an extra buck and a half.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 18997 87
##T World Political Map
(order #02690) $6 ($8.40 postpaid) from:
National Geographic Society
17th and M Streets NW
Washington, D.C. 20036
World Map Index
$1.50 ($2.75 postpaid)
order #02395
Many other regional maps and atlases also available
##A 11 15915 88
##T World Ocean Floor Panorama
World Ocean Floor Panorama
The great explorers of the twentieth century have been the oceanographers. Their maps have confirmed the theory of floating continents, exposed mountain ranges taller than the Himalayas, located the deepest communities of living creatures, opened the last great caches of Earth’s resources, and made me feel, once again, reverent toward our birthplace. The World Ocean Floor Panorama wall map cheaply and beautifully displays the earth surface of the planet for the first time in history.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 16519 89
##T World Ocean Floor Panorama
Bruce C. Heezen and Marie Tharp
$18.50 postpaid
(24" x 38") from:
Marie Tharp
1 Washington Avenue
South Nyack, NY 10960
##A 11 17321 90
##T World Ocean Floor Panorama
Section shown full size. Map size 24" x 38".
##A 11 50468 91
##T Regional Maps
##A 11 7605 92
##T The Times Atlas of the Oceans
The Times Atlas of the Oceans
The Times Atlas of the Oceans is a pure joy to behold. A comprehensive understanding of the ocean environment has become critical as we learn more about the limits of the once-boundless sea. The Times Atlas is well-written, graphically pleasing, and logically organized — it includes weather patterns, fisheries and resource exploitation, ship-borne commerce, shoreline development, pollution sources, military strategy and sea law.
— David Burnor
##A 11 364377 93
##T The Times Atlas of the Oceans
Alastair Couper, Editor
1983; 268 pp.
ISBN 0442216610
Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.
##A 11 365488 94
##T The Times Atlas of the Oceans
Iron ore is the most important dry cargo in world seaborne trade. In 1980 about 314 million tonnes were transported, representing around 35 per cent of world production.
##A 11 159189 95
##T The Times Atlas of the Oceans
Squid, Histioteuthis.
Squid are found at all depths from the epipelagic zone to more than 5000m where finned octopods have been photographed in midwater just above the sea-bed. Several of the mesopelagic forms, like Histioteuthis, possess cells which can change color and emit light.
##A 11 245181 96
##T Atlas of North America
Atlas of North America
With a level of quality readers have come to expect from National Geographic, this book is a wondrous display of what must be the quintessence of space-based photography. Set in a context of text, maps, and illustrations, it is the color photographs — from satellites, shuttle crews, and aircraft — that make this atlas unique. Though nominally North American, the coverage slights Canada to the benefit of Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. This book may be the forerunner of a more mature exploitation of space imagery at work.
— Don Ryan
##A 11 245390 97
##T Atlas of North America
Wilbur E. Garrett
1985; 264 pp.
$39.95 ($44.20 postpaid)
National Geographic Society
Washington, DC 20036
##A 11 245829 98
##T Atlas of North America
Valleys and ridges northwest of Roanoke, Virginia, stand out in sharp relief in this enhanced false-color Landsat image. To sharpen the relief, a computer has exaggerated tonal contrasts between eastern, illuminated slopes and the shaded western sides.
##A 11 243720 99
##T Interpretation of Aerial Photographs
Interpretation of Aerial Photographs
Learn how to read aerial and satellite photos for tree species, geological trends, camouflaged missile sites, industrial pollution, and the peculiar configuration of your yard. The best book.
— Stewart Brand
##A 11 243995 100
##T Interpretation of Aerial Photographs
Thomas Eugene Avery
and Graydon Lennis Berlin
1985; 554 pp.
ISBN 0808700960
Burgess Publishing Co.
##A 11 122807 101
##T Interpretation of Aerial Photographs
The archeologist who relies on ground reconnaissance for the detection of archeological sites is limited to sites that are (1) small enough to be comprehended on the ground from visible remains, (2) accessible within practical and economical limits, (3) still visible in spite of modern-day cultivation and construction, and (4) recognizable, even though the erosional effects of nature may have been operating over a long time.
Fortunately, aerial discovery techniques are not as severely limited by the foregoing conditions. Remains of past landscapes that are too large to be comprehended from the ground, or which may have been incorporated into the present landscape and thus have gone unrecognized, are often detectable on some form of aerial imagery.
##A 11 130292 102
##T Interpretation of Aerial Photographs
Remnants of Maori fortifications can be seen at the upper left and lower center of this vertical view taken near Maketu, New Zealand. Maketu was once the headquarters of the Arawa tribe; the ancestors of this tribe arrived from Hawaii about A.D. 1350.
##A 11 74159 103
##T The Times Atlas of World History
The Times Atlas of World History
Most engrossing new reference book in decades. Six hundred color maps ingeniously present historical periods from the perspective of the time and people involved. Praise be, the volume corrects generations of Europe-centered versions of history.
— Stewart Brand
##A 11 74426 104
##T The Times Atlas of World History
Geoffrey Barraclough
Revised Edition 1985; 360 pp
ISBN 0843711299
$85 ($88 postpaid) from:
Hammond, Inc.
Sales Dept.
515 Valley Street
Maplewood, NJ 07040-1396
##A 11 157830 105
##T The Times Atlas of World History
Indonesia and the Malay peninsula were converted to Islam by a gradual process of proselytisation, beginning in all probability with Muslim traders from Gujerat in India, who had acquired a permanent foothold at Perlak on the northern tip of Sumatra by 1290. From there they spread to Malaya (c. 1400), where the new religion quickly took hold, and also to Java and the Moluccas (c. 1430-90). By the end of the 16th century most of the islands in the archipelago had accepted Islam, notably Mindanao and the Sulu archipelago in the Philippines. This process continued despite successive waves of Spanish, Portuguese and Dutch colonisation and conquest.
##A 11 158838 106
##T The Times Atlas of World History
The spread of Islam, 15th and 16th centuries.
##A 11 20159 107
##T Map Use
Map Use
If I had to limit myself to one book about mapmaking and map use, this would be it. The illustrations show cartographic concepts very well. The authors do an excellent job, reminding the reader that the map is not the territory, and that maps can be used to abuse as well as to enlighten.
— Ron Hendricks
##A 11 20285 108
##T Map Use
(Reading, Analysis, and Interpretation)
Phillip C. Muehrcke
2nd Edition 1986; 512 pp.
ISBN 0960297820
$25 ($28 postpaid) from:
J. P. Publications
P. O. Box 4173
Madison, WI 53711
##A 11 50737 109
##T Local Maps
##A 11 31902 110
NO ONE HAS EVER TALLIED the types of watersheds in North America. There are probably about 75 basic “species.” Here’s access to the nitty-gritty of your watershed . . . its drainage pattern and density; its bedrock and soils; its channels and floodplains; its slopes and orientation to the sun. The best
“dictionary” is Terrain Analysis which can also direct you to the best maps — U.S. Geological Survey topographics — and low-altitude photos.
To find maps, start with an “outdoors” store or look up
“Photographers — Aerial” in the closest town or city’s Yellow Pages. You can call the County and ask if they have a map room
(especially if you need property boundaries). Many local and all
##A 11 32013 111
university libraries have map rooms. If you’re near the State capitol, it’s easy. They usually have a staff cartographer. If still stuck, the USGS is the friendliest and easiest big government office to work with.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 33030 112
##T Terrain Analysis
Terrain Analysis
Covers remote sensing; landforms and interpreting aerial photographs. Also development issues — highways, septic tanks, groundwater — plus access to maps and photos, and case studies. Salt of the Earth.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 33384 113
##T Terrain Analysis
Douglas S. Way
2nd edition 1978; 438 pp.
ISBN 0879333189
Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.
##A 11 154028 114
##T Terrain Analysis
The upper slopes of volcanic cones are visually sensitive, owing to their elevated position above the lowlands. Construction of roads on these slopes requires cuts which potentially could have a high visual impact. Many cinder cones and volcanic structures are regionally significant in size and scale and provide a regional identity, for example, Mt. Shasta in California or Mt. Fujiyama in Japan.
##A 11 34573 115
##T Agricultural Stabilization Conservation Service
Agricultural Stabilization Conservation Service
The Agricultural Stabilization Conservation Service (ASCS) has black-and-white photos for many seasons, with scales as large as 1"= 400'. It’s a branch of the Department of Agriculture with local offices in almost every county. (If you have no ASCS office near you, then contact your local State Forester or your County Extension Agent.) Request a photo by sending a map of the area
(with the specific part you want clearly outlined) or the exact latitude and longitude. Ask for the scale you’d prefer or just the largest scale available.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 34883 116
##T Agricultural Stabilization Conservation Service
Information free
10" x 10" $3;
24" x 24" $12;
38" x 38" $25
(all prices postpaid).
USDA-ASCS Aerial Photography
Field Office
2222 West, 2300 South
P. O. Box 30010
Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0010
ASCS Aerial Maps
##A 11 35673 117
##T USGS Topo Maps and Low-Altitude Aerial Photos
USGS Topo Maps and Low-Altitude Aerial Photos
THE basic maps. Contour-lined for elevations, they come in two basic scales (one inch equals 2,000 feet, and one inch equals about one mile).
For maps by mail, write to the USGS in Denver. They’ll also send you a list of USGS regional offices.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 36045 118
##T USGS Topo Maps and Low-Altitude Aerial Photos
Information free
Map Distribution/U.S. Geological Survey
P. O. Box 25286
Federal Center Building 41
Denver, CO 80225
##A 11 280856 119
##T USGS Topo Maps and Low-Altitude Aerial Photos
Standard Quadrangle Maps cover systematically subdivided areas of latitude and longitude, and are published at various scales depending on the size of the area mapped.
Standard quadrangle formats range from 7.5x7.5 minutes covering geographical areas of 49 to 71 square miles to 1x2 degrees covering areas of 4580 to 8669 square miles.
The amount of detail shown on a map is proportionate to the scale of the map; the larger the map scale, the more detail that is shown. For example, individual houses are shown on 1:24 000–scale 7.5–minute maps, whereas only landmark buildings are shown on 1:100 000–scale 30x60–minute maps.
##A 11 278958 120
##T USGS Topo Maps and Low-Altitude Aerial Photos
To locate general area of interest
Refer to the State location map which is shown divided into 1 degree blocks of latitude and longitude, with each block identified with its origin at the southeast corner.
##A 11 279364 121
##T USGS Topo Maps and Low-Altitude Aerial Photos
Topographic map symbols
##A 11 8106 122
##T Mapmaking
##A 11 258793 123
A measure of the difficulty of progress in cartography is the out-of-printness of two of these texts. Their market is limited to academe and a small interface with commerce and government. The costs of production are disproportionate: High quality reproduction of already printed maps is technically difficult, therefore costly; the generation of hundreds of entirely new illustrations is even more so. Slow, conservative evolution within a proven market has kept the third book alive. What has suffered is the growth of knowledge and advancement of the art.
Find these books in a large public or university library.
— Don Ryan
##A 11 241765 124
##T Elements of Cartography
Elements of Cartography
The great, grey tome of my college years has grown greater through many editions but is still not the single sufficient source I’d like it to be.
The book first appeared in 1953, concentrating on history, design, and time-proven technique. Since then it has grown by accretion — like a hailstone — picking up layers here and there: remote sensing in the 60s and layers of computer applications in the 70s and early 1980s. Unfortunately, the busy layout of the book emphasizes the diversity of its origins rather than the cohesiveness of its theme. It is, frankly, uninspiring. A book about a visual craft or science just ought to look better.
##A 11 248874 125
##T Elements of Cartography
Too much space has been devoted to ephemeral technology. Large sections have been made obsolete by evolution in the printing industry or the ongoing revolution in micro-computing. This coverage should have been left to the books and magazines in those areas to which, by the way, no reference is made.
Despite the shortness of art and deficiencies of organization, however, the scope of academic cartography is adequately served. I would wish for some influence from outside that circle and eventually a total revision of illustration and layout.
— Don Ryan
##A 11 246371 126
##T Elements of Cartography
Arthur Robinson
1984; 448 pp.
$45.45 ($47.40 postpaid)
John Wiley & Sons
1 Wiley Drive
Somerset, NJ 08875
##A 11 233449 127
##T Semiology of Graphics
Semiology of Graphics
“Semiology” means the “language of signs,” and it’s significant that semiology originated within the same circle of French sociologists to which this book’s author, Jacques Bertin, belongs.
This book is mother-lode of the theory of technical graphics. But it is written in the tone of one artist speaking to another. That is, technical graphics are treated as a legitimate art-form, to which standards of clarity, form, and balance are to be applied. Every
mapmaker and computer graphics jockey will find useful material in this book.
— Robert G. Flower
A monumental work, essential in its theory. A visual feast, full of
##A 11 234831 128
##T Semiology of Graphics
transparent layers of beautifully-defined content. Ultimately desirable. Too bad it’s out of print.
— Don Ryan
Ÿ Symbols
##A 11 233558 129
##T Semiology of Graphics
(Diagrams, Networks, Maps)
Jacques Bertin. Translated by William J. Berg
1983; 415 pp.
ISBN 0299090604
University of Wisconsin Press
##A 11 234494 130
##T Semiology of Graphics
Examples of Several Oblique Planispheres
15—split projection with regional compromise (J. Bertin, 1952);
16—projection with regional compromise achieved by juxtaposition of azimuthals (J. Bertin, 1954).
##A 11 235151 131
##T Mapping Information
Mapping Information
This is the book for one entering thematic cartography in a serious way (this subset of the field excludes maps of general interest such as topographic maps or road maps, to deal with special subjects such as economic or scientific data, including non-physical events and totally abstract or hypothetical matters).
By assuming that the beginning cartographer already knows several ways to make a mark on a piece of paper — including via computer, if his or her pencil is broken (Fisher founded the pioneering Harvard Laboratory of Computer Graphics) the author frees the book of the necessity of describing penpoints and typesetters and reproduction technology which will be obsolete by
the time the book enters its second printing. In essence, the book
##A 11 236862 132
##T Mapping Information
becomes timeless.
The chapter on using color is the only case I have ever seen where the verbal and diagrammatic description — in black and white — is sufficiently lucid that color is not needed on the pages. The rest of the book is as clear.
An engagingly written and clearly illustrated, very valuable book. A companion volume, covering general reference maps would make a world-beating set. I want them both. Please?
— Don Ryan
##A 11 235824 133
##T Mapping Information
Abt Books
##A 11 253386 134
##T The Map Catalog
The Map Catalog
A guide to over 50 kinds of maps and atlases from commercial sources and governments, both foreign and domestic, of land, sky, and water. Appendixed with addresses of agencies, map libraries, and selected map stores; glossaried and copiously indexed.
— Don Ryan
##A 11 253649 135
##T The Map Catalog
(Every Kind of Map and Chart on Earth and Even Some Above It)
Joel Makower, Editor
1986; 252 pp.
ISBN 0394746147
$14.95 ($15.95 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 11 253775 136
##T The Map Catalog
U.S. Geological Survey. USGS has several world maps available, most popular being the “International Map of the World” ($3.60), a basic multicolored reference map showing borders, capitol cities, and other key features to delineate the nations of the world. Another popular USGS world map is the “Relief Edition of the International Map of the World,” which has been created in three scales: the 1:20,000,000-scale map ($3.90), a single sheet measuring 42" x 56"; the 1:22,000,000-scale map
($9.90), consisting of three sheets, each measuring 34" x 57"; and the
1:14,000,000-scale map ($33.30), consisting of six sheets, each measuring
42" x 56".
##A 11 258384 137
##T The Map Catalog
Portion of a 1:25,000-scale sheet from the Swiss Federal Office of Topography’s National Map series, illustrating the basic features of the Swiss countryside, including roads, railroads, cities, towns, and bodies of water.
##A 11 243014 138
##T Map Data Catalog
Map Data Catalog
Between the covers of this thin booklet from the National Cartographic Information Center is everything you need to know about how to order a topographic map, geological survey map, aerial photograph, or any other kind of cartographic information from the vast archives of the U.S. Government. It gives explicit step by step instructions for identifying and ordering the particular part of the world you want, including procedures for securing copies of out-of-print maps for historical research. You can also order the components of U.S. Topo maps in order to construct your own maps, and even get advance “proofs” of maps in the making. For instance you can get the latest street maps of an area by requesting only the “cultural” overlay for the chosen area, which may be completed years before the rest of the map is.
##A 11 8481 139
##T Map Data Catalog
These are hard-to-find secrets; since it is currently out of print from the government, it’s worth tracking down this booklet at a library and photocopying it.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 11 244256 140
##T Map Data Catalog
1984; 30 pp.
U. S. Government Printing Office
##A 11 255905 141
##T Map Data Catalog
Top: Land-use and land-cover, 1972.
Bottom: Census county subdivisions, 1970.
##A 11 249868 142
##T Electronic Map Cabinet
Electronic Map Cabinet
The outline of a country (or state or city) doesn’t change much from year to year. No need then to redraw its profile each time you need a base map if you could pull out a blank one to the size you wanted. Stockpiling all the thousands of blank ones into a tidy and manageable place has been the obstacle to this great idea. Even most map libraries don’t have that kind of room.
The Electronic Map Cabinet solves this problem by storing a continuous map of the U.S. on a Macintosh-readable CD-ROM disc. You can then enlarge the lines to the scale you desire. It will zoom in from an overview of the United States down to the level of counties and further down to a close up of city streets in all the SMSA (Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas — fair size cities
##A 11 253027 143
##T Electronic Map Cabinet
and environs). It does this in “vector graphics” which means that it will hold its resolution sufficiently to be printed out in clean crisp ink-like lines on a laserprinter. The image can be manipulated later by the usual Mac paint tools — words, tints, or additional lines added — and filled out into a real custom made map.
The underlying cartography is based on public domain government data. The maps you see now in newspapers and weekly magazines are almost all constructed in this manner. You’ll need a Mac, HyperCard, CD-ROM driver, and a Laserwriter to make this work.
It’s not a toy.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 11 251324 144
##T Electronic Map Cabinet
$200 from:
Highlighted Data
P. O. Box 17229
Washington Dulles International Airport
Washington, D.C. 20041
##A 11 259911 145
##T MapMaster
MapMaster is a mass-market mapping program from Ashton-Tate
(formerly Decision Resources). For a mapping program, it is easy to learn and use (all menu-driven) and produces good-looking maps. It lacks some of the sophistication that hard-core cartographers like, but outputs nicely to both dot-matrix printers and plotters, something the others don’t do.
The software comes with boundaries for the U.S. by state and some population data items.
— Diane Crispell
##A 11 260291 146
##T MapMaster
$395 from:
25 Sylvan Road South
Westport, CT 0680
##A 11 36855 147
##T Raisz Landform Maps
Raisz Landform Maps
Erwin Raisz was perhaps the last great artist-cartographer.
He invented little images of all the Earth’s landforms and then drew delicate lines with an understanding eye and a hand for utmost clarity.
To place your watershed within the large context of its river basin, upstream and downstream neighbors, or bioregion, these maps are as fertile loam.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 101367 148
##T Raisz Landform Maps
Information free with SASE
Raisz Landform Maps
130 Charles Street
Boston, MA 02114
##A 11 46016 149
##T Earth Imaging
##A 11 220185 150
##T Below From Above
Below From Above
The best book of aerial photographs ever (133 — in color). What is unique is the captioning — Gerster knows what he is floating over, or he studies it until he does. He knows the history of places, and why the farmers do odd things, and what the tribe is after, and how to keep sand dunes from covering the oasis. The book is a tour de force of form and content.
The range is so worldwide and culturally rich that no reader-flier can escape wanting to try things differently. That’s the yield of perspective. I’ve seen no other book — not even the space satellite ones — with perspective like this.
— Stewart Brand
##A 11 220486 151
##T Below From Above
Georg Gerster
1986; 133 plates
$39.95 ($41.95 postpaid)
Abbeville Press
488 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10022
##A 11 248263 152
##T EOSAT/Landsat
In 1984, the U.S. Congress decided to turn the Landsat program over to the private sector. The still-functioning Landsat 4 and 5 satellites, and the huge archive of data accumulated since 1972, have been transferred to the Earth Observation Satellite Company
Prices range from $50 for a black and white photo on paper with 80-meter ground resolution (image size 7.3 inches on an edge, showing approximately 115 miles square), up to $3,300 for a computer-compatible tape of a scene from the Thematic Mapper
(TM) on Landsat 5. TM scenes have a ground resolution of 30 meters — less than SPOT (Ÿ see separate review) provides, but the TM’s primary sensor has seven spectral filters, compared with
##A 11 248473 153
##T EOSAT/Landsat
SPOT’s three. This finer spectral discrimination makes it possible to identify different plant species or types of rock by detecting subtle differences in the color of the sunlight they reflect, even when they’re not identifiable by shape or texture.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 11 248794 154
##T EOSAT/Landsat
Information free
4300 Forbes Boulevard
Lanham, MD 20706
EOSAT Satellite Images
##A 11 249184 155
##T EOSAT/Landsat
Los Angeles, California
##A 11 250435 156
##T SPOT 1
On February 21, 1986, the French space agency launched the first satellite specifically designed for remote sensing on a commercial basis: SPOT 1. Its high-resolution images are marketed through an international network of subsidiaries and affiliates. Because of SPOT’s sidelooking capability, it can view a site without passing directly overhead. Thus, it can re-view ground areas more often than Landsat, every few days, if necessary (Ÿ see separate EOSAT/Landsat review).
Prices for a scene showing 60 x 60-85 km of surface range from $370 for a 19" x 19" color transparency (20 meters ground resolution), to $2550 for a computer-compatible tape with geometric corrections. “Panchromatic” images can attain a ground
##A 11 250753 157
##T SPOT 1
resolution of ten meters — three times finer than Landsat’s
best — with prices starting at $400 for a photoprint on paper.
But the boost in clarity comes with a loss of color: panchromatic images are only available in black and white.
Thus, the two systems have different strengths that make them suited to somewhat different purposes. SPOT’s sharper images make it more useful for investigations where human activity and constructions are the focus, while Landsat’s superior spectral filtering gives it advantages in resource identification and surveys.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 11 251022 158
##T SPOT 1
Information free
SPOT Image Corporation
1897 Preston White Drive
Reston, VA 22091
SPOTLIGHT is a quarterly news-letter published by SPOT Image Corporation (ISSN 08885850)
##A 11 289466 159
##T SPOT 1
Deforestation and agriculture in the Rift Valley, Kenya – one of the many scenes available in SPOT’s educational slide sets.
##A 11 29657 160
##T SPOT 1
Washington, D.C. as seen from the SPOT I Satellite.
##A 11 251850 161
For now at least, oceanographic and meteorological satellites continue to be operated by the U.S. Government as a public service. The Satellite Data Services Division of NOAA’s National Environmental Satellite Service maintains an archive of over 8 million images from some 30 satellites going back more than 20 years, and their prices are still lower than their commercial cousins’. Prices start at $44 for a black and white print from a negative (plus $5 handling per order), and range upwards.
Call for a price quote. Orders are taken by telephone, MCI Mail, GTE Telenet, and direct modem calls into NOAA’s Electronic Catalog.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 11 252107 162
Satellite Data Services Division
Information free from:
World Weather Building
Room 100
Washington, DC 20233
##A 11 258154 163
On a rental basis (for one week only) the following movies can be loaned for a charge ot $35.00 (not including handling )
WAB456: The Importance of Thunderstorm Outflow Boundaries in the Development of Deep Convection (sound film 29 minutes)
WAB 467: El Chichon/Volcanic Eruption (silent film 10 minutes)
Computer Compatible [9-track]Tape (CCT) at 1600-6250 BPI density. All overhead west coast (daytime and nighttime) passes will be retrieved and archived in a Level 1B ten bit full precision format with all five channels available. . . . $75 per data set.
##A 11 264652 164
Once connected to the Electronic Catalog System, the user will be free to interrogate one or more inventories of satellite data. These inventories will contain information pertaining to the digital data, such as satellite name, data type, data set name, aerial coverage, and time. The system will return this information to the user, along with a size estimate for the order, such as the number of tapes required to store the data.
##A 11 247057 165
##T Data from Earth Imaging Satellites
Data from Earth Imaging Satellites
This handsome booklet is a useful guide to five research collections managed by federal agencies, including Seasat,
Nimbus-7, and the Shuttle Imaging Radar-A.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 11 247348 166
##T Data from Earth Imaging Satellites
C. Scott Southworth
1985; 102 pp.
$6.50 postpaid
U. S. Geological Survey
Public Inquiries
169 Federal Building
Denver, CO 80294
Bulletin 1631
##A 11 248021 167
##T Data from Earth Imaging Satellites
General coverage of Seasat synthetic aperture radar over the North American continent from the June 26, 1978, launch until the October 10, 1978, termination of the mission. United States coverage portrays ascending (southeast to northwest) and descending (northeast to southwest) satellite tracks.
##A 11 237941 168
##T The Photogrammetric Coyote
The Photogrammetric Coyote
Your one-stop aerial surveying shop. The Photogrammetric Coyote has it all: new and used aerial photography and remote sensing equipment, profiles of famous pilots, and news from the world of aerial surveying. Before I read the Coyote, I didn’t even know what a photo interpretation instrument was, and now I want one.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 11 239135 169
##T The Photogrammetric Coyote
Marilyn M. O’Cuilinn, Editor
Free from:
E. Coyote Enterprises
P. O. Box 1119
Mineral Wells, TX 76067
##A 11 240135 170
##T The Photogrammetric Coyote
For several issues of the “Coyote,” we ran a special feature called “Cultivated Art.” ...
Olympus Aerial Surveys took this photo of “the finger” artistically plowed in an Idaho field — one farmer’s salute, perhaps, to USDA, the weather, the bank, or the cosmos in general...
It was first published in the December 1978 issue, and it inspired readers to search their photo files for similar unexpected subjects snapped from the air.
##A 11 46843 171
##A 11 46395 172
##T Natural History
##A 11 96479 173
MOST STUDIES OF EVOLUTION are “just so” stories: how the mastodon got to South America; how the baboon became social; how the forest-dwelling antelope-goat evolved into all today’s goats and sheep. The evolutionary historian interviews (fieldwork) and visits the archives (the fossil record). Here are some of the best natural historians: Charles Darwin and Konrad Lorenz doing their homework; Niko Tinbergen with his ingenious and wily ways of confusing and then revealing the lives of animals by outdoor experiments; George Schaller, the tireless note-taker of lions, tigers, and takins; and George Gaylord Simpson who trudges through geological time with careful steps and an eye to the present.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 238689 174
##T Natural History
Natural History
I use it two ways: The monthly column “This View of Life” by Stephen Jay Gould, who teaches Biology, Geology and History of Science at Harvard, regularly contributes to (or at least soundly reaffirms) my understanding of how the world works. He explains fundamental issues clearly and always sets them against a background of why anyone ever thought differently. Second, it is written and edited in such a way that my children seem to get as much out of it as we do. It is one of the few publications we’ve found that has this quality. A good magazine at a good price from a great institution.
— George Putz
Ÿ The Flamingo’s Smile (by Stephen Jay Gould)
##A 11 238903 175
##T Natural History
Alan Ternes, Editor
ISSN 00280712
$22/year (12 issues)
Natural History
P. O. Box 5000
Harlan, IA 51537
##A 11 124149 176
##T Natural History
Veterinary students and zookeepers carry Florida panther male No. 20 out of the operating room after a bandage change and a root canal procedure.
##A 11 97435 177
##T Curious Naturalists
Curious Naturalists
The best outdoor experiments on camouflage, finding “home,” searching images for food, recognizing your own nest, and scaring your neighbors.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 97693 178
##T Curious Naturalists
Niko Tinbergen
Revised Edition 1984; 269 pp.
ISBN 0870234560
$13.95 postpaid
University of Massachusetts Press
P. O. Box 429
Amherst, MA 01004
##A 11 121639 179
##T A Sand County Almanac
A Sand County Almanac
The most important book on ethics ever written on American
soil — honest, clear, graceful, superbly crafted. It begins: “There are some who can live without wild things, and some who cannot. These essays are the delights and dilemmas of one who cannot.” For Leopold, like Thoreau, human nature and nature’s nature are inseparable natures and anything worth saying must be born from both. So The Almanac exposes, reflects on, and strays into “values” that humans might cherish but it never strays too far from wildness, that teacher of many minds. In short, this is the bible of “oikos-logos” — the governing principle of our communal home — “ecology.”
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 122094 180
##T A Sand County Almanac
Aldo Leopold
Special Commemorative Edition 1987; 226 pp.
ISBN 0195053052
$17.95 postpaid
Oxford University Press
16-00 Pollitt Drive
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
##A 11 122208 181
##T A Sand County Almanac
Thinking Like a Mountain
A deep chesty bawl echoes from rimrock to rimrock, rolls down the mountain, and fades into the far blackness of the night. It is an outburst of wild defiant sorrow, and of contempt for all the adversities of the world.
Every living thing (and perhaps many a dead one as well) pays heed to that call. To the deer it is a reminder of the way of all flesh, to the pine a forecast of midnight scuffles and of blood upon the snow, to the coyote a promise of gleanings to come, to the cowman a threat of red ink at the bank, to the hunter a challenge of fang against bullet. Yet behind these obvious and immediate hopes and fears there lies a deeper meaning, known only to the mountain itself. Only the mountain has lived long enough to listen objectively to the howl of a wolf.
##A 11 122557 182
##T A Sand County Almanac
The Ethical Sequence
This extension of ethics, so far studied only by philosophers, is actually a process in ecological evolution. Its sequences may be described in ecological as well as in philosophical terms. An ethic, ecologically, is a limitation on freedom of action in the struggle for existence. An ethic, philosophically, is a differentiation of social from anti-social conduct. These are two definitions of one thing. The thing has its origin in the tendency of interdependent individuals or groups to evolve modes of co-operation. The ecologist calls these symbioses. Politics and economics are advanced symbioses in which the original free-for-all competition has been replaced, in part, by co-operative mechanisms with an ethical content.
##A 11 19224 183
##T A Sand County Almanac
The complexity of co-operative mechanisms has increased with population density, and the efficiency of tools. It was simpler, for example, to define the anti-social uses of sticks and stones in the days of the mastodons than of bullets and billboards in the age of motors.
##A 11 37475 184
##T A Sand County Almanac
A March morning is only as drab as he who walks in it without a glance skyward, ear cocked for geese. I once knew an educated lady, banded by Phi Beta Kappa, who told me that she had never heard or seen the geese that twice a year proclaim the revolving seasons to her well-insulated roof. Is education possibly a process of trading awareness for things of lesser worth? The goose who trades his is soon a pile of feathers.
##A 11 227792 185
##T Microcosmos
The prose is at times raucous, joyful, teasing, even catty; the tone of friends out to the local bar on Friday and living it up. But as one reads it becomes clear that this book is also brilliant science.
This is by far the best book written on human prejudice and evolutionary history. It carefully tracks the evolution of life on earth from one-celled life into today’s mind-boggling variety of cell conglomerates. This book makes clear the importance of symbiosis, mutual dependence, cooperation, and cohabitation in evolution, thus delightfully shoving “species competition” and Spencerian “survival of the fittest” into the back seat ashtray.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 188120 186
##T Microcosmos
Lynn Margulis and Dorion Sagan
1986; 301 pp.
ISBN 0671441698
$17.95 ($18.95 postpaid)
Simon & Schuster
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 11 228370 187
##T Microcosmos
So significant are bacteria and their evolution that the fundamental division in forms of life on earth is not that between plants and animals, as is commonly assumed, but between prokaryotes — organisms composed of cells with no nucleus, that is, bacteria — and eukaryotes — all the other life forms. In their first two billion years on earth, prokaryotes continuously transformed the earth’s surface and atmosphere. They invented all of life’s essential, miniaturized chemical systems — achievements that so far humanity has not approached. This ancient high biotechnology led to the development of fermentation, photosynthesis, oxygen breathing, and the removal of nitrogen gas from the air. It also led to worldwide crises of starvation, pollution, and extinction long before the dawn of larger forms of life.
##A 11 290567 188
##T Microcosmos
##A 11 291188 189
##T Microcosmos
##A 11 292883 190
##T Microcosmos
##A 11 67321 191
##T Evolutionary Biology
##A 11 229111 192
##T The Flamingo’s Smile
The Flamingo’s Smile
The most ingratiating of all evolution writers has to be Stephen Jay Gould, whose monthly column in Natural History (Ÿ see separate review) has been a beacon of scientific essay style for some ten years now. The cash crop of those columns is a sequence of books — Ever Since Darwin, The Panda’s Thumb, Hen’s Teeth and Horse’s Toes, and this new one, The Flamingo’s Smile. This book is particularly thrilling since we get to watch Gould’s major scientific contribution, the idea of “punctuated equilibrium”
(evolution by spurts), dealing with the emerging evidence of periodic mass extinctions, which apparently deal a whole different kind of articulation to the text of time (sort of like paragraph breaks, come to think of it; think I’ll take one now . . .).
##A 11 229305 193
##T The Flamingo’s Smile
The appeal of Gould is also his application. He finds illustrations of evolutionary themes absolutely everywhere — in comics (the infantilization of Mickey Mouse’s face), in baseball batting averages (the extremes narrow with time), in Alfred Kinsey (his landmark sex research followed landmark wasp research). The reader acquires an evolutionary eye constantly rewarded because one theory fits all.
— Stewart Brand
##A 11 229536 194
##T The Flamingo’s Smile
The Flamingo’s Smile
(Reflections in Natural History)
Stephen Jay Gould
1987; 480 pp.
ISBN 0393303756
$8.95 ($9.95 postpaid)
W. W. Norton
500 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10110
For tape version, see last card of this review for access info and to play an excerpted sound.
##A 11 229653 195
##T The Flamingo’s Smile
But another overarching, yet often forgotten, evolutionary principle usually intervenes and prevents any optimal match between organism and immediate environment — the curious, tortuous, constraining pathways of history. Organisms are not putty before a molding environment or billiard balls before the pool cue of natural selection. Their inherited forms and behaviors constrain and push back; they cannot be quickly transformed to new optimality every time the environment alters.
##A 11 229948 196
##T The Flamingo's Smile
Nehemiah Grew’s flamingo, 1681. The illustration accompanying the first important proposal that flamingos feed by moving their upper jaw up and down against their lower. Look at this figure upside down as well.
##A 11 2985 197
##T The Flamingo’s Smile
The Flamingo’s Smile — Tape Version
Stephen Jay Gould
10 - 1 1/2 hour cassettes
($82.50 postpaid)
Books on Tape
P. O. Box 7900
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Read by Grover Gardner
Catalog number 2107
##A 11 279282 198
Darwin and the Beagle is the story of Darwin’s five-year circumnavigation, his revelation on the shores of Chile and confirmation on the isles of Galapagos; the story of how humans always fret about life as timeless-design vs. life as fluid-forming. From here, it is one easy step to Darwin’s story in his own words, the Illustrated Origin of Species.
— Peter Warshall
Ÿ Also see review of Darwin’s Expression of The Emotions in Man and Animals
##A 11 279862 199
Darwin and the Beagle
Alan Moorehead
1969; 224 pp.
$10.95 ($11.95 postpaid)
Viking Penguin Books
Box 120
Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0120
For tape version, see last card of this review for access info and to play an excerpted sound.
##A 11 280229 200
Illustrated Origin of Species
Charles Darwin
1979; 240 pp.
ISBN 0809013975
$7.95 ($8.95 postpaid)
Hill and Wang, Inc.
19 Union Square West
New York, NY 10003
##A 11 280565 201
The fame of the Galapagos was founded upon one thing: they were infinitely strange, unlike any other islands in the world. No one who went there ever forgot them. For the Beagle this was just another port of call in a very long voyage, but for Darwin it was much more than that, for it was here, in the most unexpected way — just as a man might have a sudden inspiration while he is travelling in a car or a train — that he began to form a coherent view of the evolution of life on this planet.
— Darwin and the Beagle
##A 11 281777 202
##A 11 2625 203
Darwin and the Beagle — Tape Version
Alan Moorehead
6 - 1 hour cassettes
($50.50 postpaid)
Books on Tape
P. O. Box 7900
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Read by Michael Prichard
Catalog number 1599
##A 11 99435 204
##T King Solomon’s Ring
King Solomon’s Ring
The classic by the father of modern thoughts on animal behavior.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 99595 205
##T King Solomon's Ring
Konrad Z. Lorenz
1952, 1979; 202 pp.
$6.95 ($7.95 postpaid)
Harper and Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 11 99981 206
##T King Solomon's Ring
My friend Dr. Kramer had the following experience with these birds: he earned a bad reputation among the crow population in the neighborhood of his house, by repeatedly exposing himself to view with a tame crow on his shoulder. In contrast to my jackdaws who never resented it if one of their number perched on my person, these crows evidently regarded the tame crow sitting on my friend’s shoulder as being
“carried by an enemy,” though it perched there of its own free will. After a short time, my friend was known to all crows far and wide, and was pursued over long distances by his scolding assailants, whether or not he was accompanied by his tame bird. Even in different clothing he was recognized by the crows. These observations show vividly that corvines make a sharp distinction between hunters and “harmless” people: Even without his gun, a man who has once or twice been seen with a dead crow in his hands will be recognized and not so easily forgotten.
##A 11 100412 207
##T Splendid Isolation
Splendid Isolation
The Whole Earth picture of changing animal forms and moving tectonic plates in South America.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 100818 208
##T Splendid Isolation
George Gaylord Simpson
1980; 266 pp.
$10.45 postpaid
Yale University Press
92A Yale Station
New Haven, CT 06520
##A 11 98269 209
##T Splendid Isolation
A representative of an old South American lineage in the mixed Pliocene and Pleistocene South American faunas: restoration of the head of Thylacosmilus, a first faunal stratum descendant sabertooth marsupial.
##A 11 6924 210
##A 11 52232 211
##T Ecology
##A 11 37686 212
“ECOLOGY” HAS COME TO MEAN just about anything. Doom-gloom to the end-of-the-worlders. Mystical harmony to the religio-eco-freaks. Grants to the college crowd. The word comes from Greek:
“Oikos” and “Logos.” “Oikos” means house, or dwelling-place.
“Logos” primarily means discourse, or “word, thought or speech.” To the early Greeks, “logos” was the moving and regulating principle in things (associated with fire-energy), as well as the part of human nature that was able to see this ordering energy at work.
Ecology, at its root and origin, means domestic chatter; talking about where-you-live; feeling out the household rules; remaining
open and perceptive to the moving and regulating principle of your watershed and/or planet home. — Peter Warshall
##A 11 40232 213
##T Ecology
The science of ecology has suffered from success. It can mean many things in the popular mind and seems to have emerged all at once as a full-blown discipline around 1970. One of the best things this college text does is take pains to trace the evolution of ecology as a branch of science and explain the significant changes it has undergone since the early 70s. Colinvaux writes clearly and is sparing with the jargon and math unless absolutely necessary. He even offers several routes through his book for short-course browsers.
— Richard Nilsen
Ÿ Why Big Fierce Animals Are Rare (also by Paul Colinvaux)
##A 11 40636 214
##T Ecology
Paul Colinvaux
1986; 725 pp.
ISBN 0471165026
$32.95 postpaid
John Wiley & Sons
Order Department
1 Wiley Drive
Somerset, NJ 08873
##A 11 40805 215
##T Ecology
The Clementsian view led to attractive systems for classifying plant communities. In every climatic region there was a single climax plant community, the climax formation. . . . All other communities found in the region were related to the climax formation as various stages of its development. . . .
Essential to this point of view is the idea that a community is a superorganism, an entity of many species that has emergent properties of its own. Realizing that his superorganism drew some of its properties from animals as well as plants, Clements coined the word biome to replace the earlier climax formation for his ultimate community unit. . . .
Clements’ work is still important because it lies at the root of many of the political or social movements that take their names from ecology in the present day. Whenever
##A 11 41121 216
##T Ecology
activists accuse their political or exploiter adversaries of “ecocide” they invoke Clements’ teachings. They borrow from him the idea that the ecosystem of the climax is an organism, saying that therefore it can be killed.
The modern view is that succession is an inevitable consequence of the coexistence of plants with different strategies . . . . Plants, like all products of natural selection, are individualists. This essential truth was argued strongly even in Clements’ day, most notably by Gleason. But the final triumph of Gleason’s individualistic hypothesis of succession came only with the concept of species strategies in the 1960s.
##A 11 232726 217
##T The Ecologist
The Ecologist
Edited by the ebullient Teddy Goldsmith, this British mag is a nice mix of careful and radical. It has a strong point of view, lots of good ideas, and considerable effect.
— Stewart Brand
##A 11 235441 218
##T The Ecologist
Edward Goldsmith, Nicholas Hildyard, and Peter Bunyard
ISSN 02613131
$28/year (6 issues)
The Ecologist
Subscription Dept.
Worthyvale Manor Farm
Camelford, Cornwall PL32 9TT
U. K.
##A 11 238237 219
##T The Ecologist
Since the late 1970s, and with increasing severity, a new phenomenon leading to the dying and death of its forests has been sweeping across Europe. Although some species appear to be more resistant than others, one by one they are succumbing — spruce, pine, fir, beech, oak, ash, rowan — and if the pace of death continues large tracts of once forested areas will soon be virtually denuded of trees.
Whether the phenomenon of forest death — waldsterben as the West Germans call it — will spread to all woodlands and forests throughout Europe is a moot point. The rapidity with which the disease has struck trees first in one forested area and then another is extremely disturbing, and a forest that shows few signs of damage one year may present a very different picture one or two years later when as many as half the trees may be suffering die-back. . . . The political ramifications of a disease pattern that appears to correspond to atmospheric pollution fall-out are clearly very great.
##A 11 238463 220
##T The Ecologist
Is this the future? The hill top of the Hornisgrinde in the Black Forest littered with dead fir and spruce.
— The Ecologist
##A 11 202749 221
##T Audubon Magazine
Audubon Magazine
It’s for the birds, but not just — protection of all life is now the official business of the Audubon Society. The magazine is slick and well-produced with gorgeous photographs and graphics enhanced by a high editorial standard. Like other upscale nature publications, Audubon is having an interesting time balancing nature conservation with the conservative nature of many Society members.
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ National Audubon Society
##A 11 202784 222
##T Audubon Magazine
Les Line, Editor
Membership $30/year
(includes 6 issues)
National Audubon Society
Membership Data Center
P. O. Box 2666
Boulder, CO 80322
##A 11 309665 223
##T Audubon Magazine
Two epidemiologists, Frank and Cedric Garland, have developed detailed support for a compelling theory that sulfur dioxide, the gas responsible for most of the industrial world’s acid rain, can lead through a biochemically convoluted route to colon and breast cancers. The Garlands, who are brothers, suggest that the ultraviolet light we need to produce vitamin D in our skin is blocked by the hazy, sulfur-polluted air that hangs over much of the north-eastern quadrant of the North American continent and much of northern Europe. The resulting borderline vitamin D deficiency, they state, is the key to the increased cancer rates.
##A 11 203273 224
##T Audubon Magazine
Now the sweet green grass smell is upon the air, one of the most haunting of all the fragrances of the countryside. It is rain and sunlight and earthy sweetness somehow brought to perfect combination in a grass blade, released there by the mowers, and refined by the air itself. Downwind, you can smell a hayfield half a mile away, as far as you can hear the clatter of the mower. It is a special sweetness, like nothing else in the world.
##A 11 2287 225
##T Why Big Fierce Animals Are Rare
Why Big Fierce Animals Are Rare
Ecology is having a kind of personality crisis at the moment, feeling bewildered, and searching for new harmonies amid the raucousness of Nature’s wild ways. It is a healthy time. Some even question if there is really a “system” in ecosystem. Life is certainly viewed as more complex than simple parallel, melodic lines — like a Bach canon — of foxes and rabbits.
Ecologists must face the new metaphors of music: Nature as a
16-track multi-mix; African polyrhythms; raga modes or natural dissonance. New, less deterministic harmonies of community ecology await human expression. The new music will give great weight to the invisible, for example, special types of plant
biotechnology like C3, C4 and CAM metabolism; to a karmic
##A 11 6739 226
##T Why Big Fierce Animals Are Rare
biogeochemistry of each community’s soils and to the ability of some bacteria and pigeons to orient to their community by magnetism.
Until then, Colinvaux’s Why Big Fierce Animals Are Rare is the only literate book to confront fashionable math and information theory with naturalist news.
— Peter Warshall
Ÿ Ecology (a textbook, also by Paul Colinvaux)
##A 11 38662 227
##T Why Big Fierce Animals Are Rare
(An Ecologist’s Perspective)
Paul Colinvaux
1978; 256 pp.
ISBN 0691023646
$7.95 postpaid
Princeton University Press
3175 Princeton Pike
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
##A 11 39050 228
##T Why Big Fierce Animals Are Rare
Why should large animals, particularly large hunting animals, always be so amazingly rare? . . . It took nearly twenty years for the corporate body of science to come up with the answer to the question . . . by thinking of food and bodies as calories rather than as flesh.
The ultimate furnace of life is the sun, streaming down calories of heat with never-fainting ray. On every usable scrap of the earth’s surface a plant is staked out to catch the light. In those green transducers we call leaves, the plants synthesize fuel. Animals eat those plants, but they do not get all the plant tissue, as we know because the earth is carpeted brown with rotting debris that has not been part of an animal’s dinner. Nor can the animals ever get the fuel the plants have already burned. So there cannot be as much animal flesh on the earth as there is plant flesh.
This would be true even if all animals were vegetarian. But they are not. For flesh
##A 11 39180 229
##T Why Big Fierce Animals Are Rare
eaters, the largest possible supply of food calories they can obtain is a fraction of the bodies of their plant-eating prey. If one is higher still on the food chain, an eater of a flesh-eater’s flesh, one has yet a smaller fraction to support even bigger and fiercer bodies. Which is why large fierce animals are so astonishingly (or pleasingly) rare.
The grand pattern of life was clearly and directly a consequence of the second law of thermodynamics. We can now understand why there are not fiercer dragons on the earth than there are; it is because the energy supply will not stretch to the support of super-dragons. Great white sharks or killer whales in the sea, and lions and tigers on the land, are apparently the most formidable animals the contemporary earth can support.
##A 11 163418 230
##T Fire in America
Fire in America
This book concerns fire, ecology, and mankind, and the history they have made together in North America. Nobody has ever written on the totality of this subject before, and while this dense volume may easily qualify as more than you ever wanted to know about fire regimes, fire-fighting techniques, and the history and politics of the U.S. Forest Service, it is a fascinating story and well told. And if anybody gives out awards for the best dust jacket photo, this book gets my vote.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 11 163646 231
##T Fire in America
(A Cultural History of Wildland and Rural Fire)
Stephen J. Pyne
1982; 656 pp.
ISBN 0691083002
$42 ($44 postpaid)
Princeton University Press
3175 Princeton Pike
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
##A 11 90482 232
##T Fire in America
The natural forests of the [Southwest] average more fires per year than any other region; they have the second highest rate of burned acreage, from both wild and prescribed fire, and critical fire weather occurs there with greater frequency and persistence than anywhere else in the United States.
A comparison to Alaska is striking. The fire history of Alaska, like that of most regions, tended to emphasize a particular cycle of fire or a distinctive type of fire. The Southwest by contrast was an ensemble of fire types, an assimilation of fire practices preserved over cycles of conflagrations. Its fuel complexes range from desert to grassland to chaparral to pine and finally to taigalike tangles of spruce and fir. It harbors one of the heaviest concentrations of lightning fire in the world. . . .
The pre-European fire history of both regions was controlled by Athabascan Indians and tribes related to them linguistically. In fact, the fire history of the Southwest was in good measure shaped by the migration of fire practices from the Alaskan interior.
##A 11 146321 233
##T Fire in America
The Tillamook fire in eruption, 1933. During the main blowup, the smoke column punched through a layered atmosphere to heights of 37-40,000 feet.
##A 11 52680 234
##T Weather
##A 11 25255 235
##T A Field Guide to the Atmosphere
A Field Guide to the Atmosphere
“It was a dark and stormy night.” Most fiction seems to begin with a weather report. For good reason — nothing so quickly establishes a locale and mood. Also nothing so connects a place with everywhere else on Earth, and with the grand procession of the year and years, as the daily weather. Observe it and you observe them.
This lovely guide is the most detailed of all weather books. The captions not only tell you what clouds those are but how they got that way, and pretty quickly you catch on how they fit in the grand scheme of things — jet streams, various crystal effects, and such. Any window becomes a cure for boredom.
— Stewart Brand
##A 11 25395 236
##T A Field Guide to the Atmosphere
Vincent J. Schaefer
and John A. Day
1981; 359 pp.
ISBN 0395330335
$10.95 ($11.95 postpaid)
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Mail Order Dept.
Wayside Road
Burlington, MA 01803
##A 11 25777 237
##T A Field Guide to the Atmosphere
The ordinary soap bubble is a valuable tool for measuring certain features of the atmosphere.
A most interesting phenomenon can be observed when large bubbles are made in temperatures colder than -10° C (14° F). Shortly after a large bubble starts floating in the cold air, one or more ice crystals are likely to start growing on its surface; this is caused by the presence of ice nuclei or tiny ice crystals in the air. The crystals in the bubble film grow rapidly until the bubble either breaks or becomes completely frozen. Quite often, when a number of crystals form and the bubble breaks, the crystals fall separately, and by counting them it is possible to ascertain roughly the number of ice nuclei in a given volume of air. Large differences are often encountered.
##A 11 26072 238
##T A Field Guide to the Atmosphere
Unusually symmetrical lenticular altocumulus gives the appearance of a flying saucer. . . . The remarkable symmetry of this cloud, its resemblance to a flying saucer, and the fact that such clouds may form and disappear in less than a minute, often gives rise to fanciful tales of mysterious objects that appear in the sky.
##A 11 26227 239
##T A Field Guide to the Atmosphere
Snow “igloos” form when a
heavy snow covers warm ground, as in the geyser areas of Yellowstone Park. After the storm, heat from the earth causes the snow to shrink in this way.
##A 11 26553 240
##T The Coevolution of Climate and Life
The Coevolution of Climate and Life
Ah weather. It can irritate us so — being beyond our control. Yet, in one lifetime, we get so little feel for its true extremes — little Ice Ages, Greenhouse Effects, el Nino. These are but the passing children of biospheric evolution, or rather a coevolution in which life itself helps steer the fickle unknown forces of climate. This tome analyzes the speculations of “now primitive” scientists trying to understand the sun god’s spots or the heavens’ and oceans’ affinity for dancing carbon molecules. It covers four billion years and focuses on the I’m-going-to-scare-you issues of aerosols, nuclear winter, overheating, acid rains and droughts. It is, at times, tainted by a humorless, clawing “humanism” and a college-sophomore attitude toward topics it cannot fully comprehend
(history, Marxism, capitalism, the Gaia hypothesis). But there is no
##A 11 26714 241
##T The Coevolution of Climate and Life
other book so readable and complete. You leave it linked — by each breath, each eddy current created by your waving arm, each belch of your automobile — to the huge involvement of atmosphere, planet spin, and life.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 27112 242
##T The Coevolution of Climate and Life
Stephen H. Schneider
and Randi Londer
1984; 576 pp.
ISBN 0871563495
$25 ($28 postpaid)
Sierra Club Bookstore
730 Polk Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
##A 11 27317 243
##T The Coevolution of Climate and Life
For many years people have attempted to correlate events on earth with variations in sunspot numbers. The variation of the Dow Jones stock market averages or the quality of wine vintages are just two such examples. . . .. Although no reliable mechanism has ever been identified to connect sunspot activity with such earthly behavior, more careful research has been undertaken in recent years to examine the possibility that such fundamental changes on the sun could be related to events at the earth’s surface.
##A 11 157057 244
##T The Coevolution of Climate and Life
The climatic system of the earth consists of many interacting subsystems: the atmosphere, the oceans, the cryosphere (ice and snow), the biosphere (biota and their environment plus humans and their activities), the bottoms of the oceans, and some of the solid material below land and oceans. The interacting components of these subsystems are called the
“internal” climate system, whereas those forces that drive the climate system, but are not an internal part of that system, are known as “external” forcing or “boundary” conditions.
##A 11 53045 245
##T Water
##A 11 256696 246
##T Future Water
Future Water
If ever there was a need for circles, it is in sewage treatment.
For centuries, we have taken our rivers, run them through our
homes, added our fertile fecal nutrient, then run our sewage into
rivers or the sea. This downhill, linear mind has been destructive
to our land, waters and mental wholeness. This is a very important book written by two men who have dedicated a good part of their lives to looping city “wastes” back to farm productivity. For those interested in farms, cities, water, land, private vs. public sector politics, water and sewage bills, visions for a future structured with institutions that benefit humans — read it.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 256902 247
##T Future Water
(An Exciting Solution to America’s Most Serious Resource Crisis)
John R. Sheaffer
and Leonard A. Stevens
1983; 269 pp.
ISBN 0688015751
$14.95 ($16.45 postpaid)
William Morrow & Co.
Wilmor Warehouse
39 Plymouth Street
Fairfield, NJ 07006
##A 11 257279 248
##T Future Water
The wastewater streams of our troubled cities contain tons and tons of potential resources, or raw materials. This valuable cargo is generally dumped, in whole or in part, into waterways and lakes where it reduces water quality, damages essential aquatic life and diminishes recreational opportunities. If these raw materials were reclaimed through circular systems and used in the production sector of the nation’s economy, it would result in new sources of goods and services, and the current costs of conventional sewage disposal would be eliminated. From these reclaimed materials we can have fertilizer for growing food and fiber, methane to generate electricity and other energy sources, as well as clean water safe to reuse. Finally these investments in resources that would otherwise be thrown away can produce new revenues, which are badly needed to restore today’s deteriorating water and wastewater systems. The job can be done by traditional financing of private ventures — perhaps organized as a form of public utility — to do for profit what the clean water laws of the 1970s failed to do through government construction grants.
##A 11 121092 249
##T Future Water
At North Glenn, Colorado, these large lagoons treat and store municipal wastewater that will be used for irrigation at nearby farms. The water, which has always belonged to the farmers, is borrowed by North Glenn, used by the townspeople as their municipal supply and then sent as wastewater to the lagoons. Here it is partially purified and stored for use by the owner-farmers as they require irrigation. The city enjoys the farmers’ water and, in its return, the farmers benefit from fertilizing nutrients that enhance the growth of their crops.
##A 11 134224 250
##T Mass. Audubon Water Resources Publications
Mass. Audubon Water Resources Publications
The Massachusetts Audubon Society’s Water Resources publications are practical and philosophical introductions to protecting, preserving, and restoring streams and groundwater.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 18522 251
##T Mass. Audubon Water Resources Publications
Publications catalog free
Massachusetts Audubon Society
Educational Resources Office
South Great Road
Lincoln, MA 01773
##A 11 313687 252
##T Mass. Audubon Water Resources Publications
Groundwater Information Flyers
Easy-to-read, illustrated information to help citizens and local officials protect ground water in their communities.
1: Groundwater Geology
2: Groundwater Contamination
3: Mapping Aquifers and Recharge Areas
4: Local Power Protection
5: Underground Fuel Storage Tanks
6: Protecting and Maintaining Private Wells
7: Pesticides and Groundwater Protection
8: Landfills and Groundwater Protection
9: Road Salt and Groundwater Protection
##A 11 135597 253
##T The Stream Conservation Handbook
The Stream Conservation Handbook
The Stream Conservation Handbook remains the best education for anglers wishing to take action against stream degradation.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 135713 254
##T The Stream Conservation Handbook
J. Michael Migel, Editor
ISBN 0517506149
Crown Publishers
##A 11 136384 255
##T The Stream Conservation Handbook
A Vibert Box with five hundred brown-trout eggs incubating beneath the gravel of a spring creek in Oklahoma.
Salmonid eggs will not pass through ovular slots, but slot shape permits water circulation and frees young fry easily. Slot also prevents most predators from reaching incubating eggs.
##A 11 291986 256
##T The Future of the Oceans
The Future of the Oceans
This book is full of wonderful facts. It is the first to present and analyze the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea . . . perhaps the first global government of Third World and industrialized nations. It is well written with an extremely sophisticated sense of the marine resources, marine ecology, and marine-based economy of our largest bioregion: the vast ocean filled with fish, aquatic plants, mineral nodules, and petroleum power.
— Peter Warshall
Ÿ The Times Atlas of the Oceans
##A 11 292266 257
##T The Future of the Oceans
(A Report to the Club of Rome)
Elisabeth Mann Borgese
1986; 139 pp.
$12.95 (Canadian)
($13.95 postpaid) from:
Harvest House Ltd. Publishers Sales & Distribution Services
314 Judson Street
Toronto, Ontario,
Canada M8Z 4X7
or Whole Earth Access
##A 11 292512 258
##T The Future of the Oceans
Only four species of aquatic plants have been fully domesticated: the red algae Porphyra and Eucheuma and the brown algae Laminaria and Undaria. The main producer countries are China (Laminaria), Japan (Porphyra and Undaria), and the Philippines (Eucheuma).
Full domestication of aquatic plants passes through three stages: (1) prudent management of natural stocks (e.g., regulating the harvest seasons and harvest techniques); (2) manipulation of the environment (e.g., improving substratum and fertilization and regulating temperature and light); and (3) control of the reproductive process, artificial propagation of seeds and spores, and selective breeding of the plant.
Approximately two million wet tons of seaweed are harvested annually from cultivated and wild sources. The potential for further production is without limit.
##A 11 292828 259
##T The Future of the Oceans
Japan employs eight thousand undersea coal miners who produce about ten million tons of coal from the oceans per year. The mines are too far away from shore to make tunneling from shore practical, so the Japanese built artificial islands from which to drive their shafts into the seabed.
In the 1970s, the German oceanographic ship Valdivia explored off the coast of Mozambique and discovered heavy sands at a depth of between twenty and 500 meters. These sands contain about 50 million tons of recoverable ilmenite, 1.5 million tons of rutile, and 4 million tons of zircon, all of which add up to ten times the present annual production of the industrialized world.
##A 11 53402 260
##T Watersheds
##A 11 293218 261
Watershed Consciousness in the 20th Century
By Peter Warshall
IN OUR TOWNS AND CITIES, two of the essential sources of life —
water to drink and soil to grow food — remain hidden from our eyes. The hills and valleys are coated with asphalt, ancient streams are buried beneath housing, and soil is filler between gas, water and electric piping.
Watershed consciousness is, in part, an invitation to peel off (not discard) the layer of industrial and technological activity that
hides us from the water and soils of our communities. It is an
##A 11 293461 262
invitation to reveal where you live and how your body’s plumbing and, in many ways, community heart, are connected to Nature’s pathways.
A watershed is a gatherer — a living place that draws the sun and the rain together. Its surface of soils, rocks, and plantlife acts as a “commons” for this intermingling of sun and water. Physically, a watershed takes many shapes. It is drawn emblematically in the shape of a teardrop or a cupped leaf or a garden trowel to depict the oblong dish-shape of the valley with its elevated hillslopes which gather runoff toward a central stream. But most watersheds do not faithfully copy the emblematic drawings. Uplifting or
faulting or downwarping or layering give them a beautiful
##A 11 293822 263
individuality. Human influences may distort or, as in city watersheds and strip-mining, completely destroy the original lay of the land. The bedrock texture of each watershed — its granite or shale, sand or limestone — holds (in a sense, cherishes)
each watershed’s fragile skin of soil. After the sun/water gathering has been accomplished, the watershed lets go: its unused water heading downstream or sky-up; its unabsorbed energy turning to heat or reflecting back through the atmosphere. This seasonal and daily passage of solar fire, water’s flow, and the earth’s metabolic breathing is as unique, in each watershed, as each human on the planet.
For humans, the watershed (and its big cousin, the river basin) is a
##A 11 293928 264
hydraulic commons — an aquatic contract that has no escape clause. From the forested headwaters to the agricultural mid-stream valleys to the commercial and industrial centers at the river’s mouth, good and bad news travels by way of water.
Did my toilet flushing give downstream swimmers a gastrointestinal disease? Did the headwaters clearcut kill the salmon industry at the river’s mouth? Did my city’s need for water drain off a river and close upriver farmland that fed me fresh vegetables? Did a toxic waste dump leak into the groundwater table and poison people in the next county?
Watershed consciousness is, in part, a promotional campaign to
##A 11 294267 265
advertise the mutual concerns and needs that bind upstream and downstream, instream and offstream peoples together.
This journey is right out your window — among the hills and valleys that surround you. It is the first excursion of thought into the place you live. It is not inner geography — the continuing attempt to feel better by mapping the mysterious meanderings of our hearts and minds — nor is it whole Earth geography — the struggle to gain perspective of our place on the planet. It focuses on where your water comes from when you turn on the faucet;
where it goes when you flush; what soils produce your food; who shares your water supply, including the fish and other nonhuman creatures. The watershed way is a middle way, singing a local song, somewhere close by, between Mind and Planet.
##A 11 137812 266
##T Restoring the Earth
Restoring the Earth
Breezy, thumbnail sketches of humans who spearheaded land and water restoration projects. Not a how-to-do-it book, but more like a rousing cheer, for the compassionate and caring U.S. citizens who are trying to do good for the earth and its children. Stories include: cleaning a river and lake, reclaiming prairies, planting redwoods, and restoring strip-mined land.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 138027 267
##T Restoring the Earth
(How Americans are Working to Renew Our Damaged Environment)
John J. Berger
1985; 241 pp.
ISBN 0394523725
$18.95 ($19.95 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 11 138321 268
##T Restoring the Earth
Dominie plunged into the literature on lake restoration to find a treatment method. He discovered that a still experimental process involving the addition of aluminum in the form of alum (aluminum sulfate) to eutrophic waters had been used with apparent success on a few small lakes in the early seventies, but the largest of these were only a tenth the size of Annabessacook. Restoration of a 1,400-acre lake was “beyond the scope of existing technology,” as one district staffer put it. Not only were those lakes small, but they were highly alkaline Midwestern lakes, unlike Annabessacook. Alum tends to acidify water. This was not a problem in the alkaline lakes, but it could be a serious problem in the waters of Lake Annabessacook.
##A 11 138534 269
##T Restoring the Earth
How can more lakes be restored and protected? Each troubled lake needs to be individually assessed, and solutions have to be designed for each situation. Without the necessary funds, this is, of course, unlikely to happen. Controlling nonpoint source pollution is usually the most difficult lake problem to solve. To have a good chance of success, all activities in a watershed affecting its lakes and other natural resources need to be evaluated and vigilantly monitored.
##A 11 136844 270
##T The Earth Manual
The Earth Manual
Just like the man says: “Between well-trimmed surburban lawns and the vast regions of mountain wilderness, there are millions of patches of land that are semi-wild. They may be wood lots, small forests, parks, a farm’s ‘back forty,’ or even an unattended corner of a big back yard — land touched by civilization but far from conquered. This book is about how to take care of such land: how to stop its erosion, heal its scars, cure its injured trees, increase its wildlife, restock it with shrubs and wild flowers, and otherwise work with (rather than against) the wildness of the land.”
A book of gentle advice and easily-absorbed wisdom. Great bibliography.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 137118 271
##T The Earth Manual
Malcolm Margolin
Revised Edition 1985; 224 pp.
ISBN 0930588185
$12.95 ($13.95 postpaid)
Heyday Books
P.O. Box 9145
Berkeley, CA 94709
##A 11 137242 272
##T The Earth Manual
If your problem is bank erosion, there are several steps you might take.
First of all, stop all physical injuries to the banks. In particular, stop grazing animals (cows, horses and sheep) from breaking down the banks to get to the water. You may have to fence off parts of the stream and, if necessary, even build a watering trough away from the stream’s edge.
Next, you can build deflectors. Deflectors are basically piles of stone placed upstream from an eroding bank to absorb the force of the water.
##A 11 137711 273
##T The Earth Manual
Rock deflector.
##A 11 53733 274
##T Geology
##A 11 126009 275
##T Geology Illustrated
Geology Illustrated
An artist of aerial photography, John S. Shelton uses some 400 of his finest photos to illuminate a discussion of the whole earth system. Not a traditional textbook, but a fascinating exploration of the problems posed by asking, “How did that come about?” Worth buying for the photos and book design alone, but you’ll probably find yourself becoming interested in geology regardless of your original intentions. A masterpiece.
— Larry McCombs
Ÿ Earth Imaging
##A 11 126227 276
##T Geology Illustrated
John S. Shelton
1966; 434 pp.
ISBN 0716702290
$35.95 ($39.45 postpaid)
W.H. Freeman and Company
4419 West 1980 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84104
##A 11 133111 277
##T Geology Illustrated
When we contemplate the stuff of which the various rocks are made and the processes that produce them, we begin to see a kind of unending interplay in the origin of rocks. Briefly stated it is this: Sediments, and therefore sedimentary rocks, can be derived from any kind of rock exposed to weathering and erosion. Metamorphic rocks can be derived from any kind of rock that is buried deep enough in the crust to bring about changes without melting. Igneous rocks can probably be derived from the melting at depth of any common rock, sediments first being metamorphosed in the process. . . .
Since nearly all rocks are made out of other rocks, the chemical compositions of most fall within a remarkably small range. . . .
It follows that, in broad terms, the most distinctive feature of any rock is more likely to be the imprint of the last process it went through — the particular circumstances that produced it — than the ingredients that went into it.
##A 11 126786 278
##T Geology Illustrated
Aerial view, looking northwest along the Waterpocket mono-
cline in southern Utah. Dirt road in left foreground gives scale. (see next card)
##A 11 146061 279
##T Geology Illustrated
In the drawing, an imaginary cut has been introduced to show the subsurface structure, and the eroded beds have been restored in the background. (see preceding card)
##A 11 124992 280
##T The Restless Earth
The Restless Earth
The new theory of the Earth accounts for earthquakes, volcanoes, mountain-building, and the formation of minerals in one comprehensive process: Movement of the plates of our planet’s outermost shell. Nigel Calder is the best teller of the tale — though slightly out of date. Richly illustrated.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 125394 281
##T The Restless Earth
Nigel Calder
1972; 151 pp.
Viking Penguin Books
##A 11 127088 282
##T Roadside Geology
Roadside Geology
The Roadside Geology Series is one of the best for car nomadics. Coordinated with highway mileage markers, each book transforms endless roadcuts into millions of years of history. Each volume has an introduction and vocabulary list. Turn off the radio and have your side-kick begin rock scouting.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 127247 283
##T Roadside Geology
$9.95 - $13.95 postpaid from:
Mountain Press
P.O. Box 2399
Missoula, MT 59806
*Currently available:
Northern CA, AK, OR,
Yellowstone National Park,
MT, NH, VT, NM & WY.
Soon to be released:
UT, PA & ID.
##A 11 128240 284
##T Rocks and Minerals
Rocks and Minerals
For roadside stops, the best field guide to examining rocks is Rocks and Minerals, with an easy key and clear photos of rocks.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 128259 285
##T Rocks and Minerals
Pat Bell and David Wright
1985; 192 pp.
ISBN 0020796404
($8.95 postpaid) from:
Macmillan Publishing Co.
Order Dept.
Front and Brown Streets
Riverside, NJ 08075
##A 11 91452 286
##T Rocks and Minerals
Gabbros are coarse- to medium-grained, basic, entirely crystalline intrusive igneous rocks. There are several different kinds, depending upon the differing combinations and percentage abundance of certain minerals, so that the term gabbroic rocks may be more accurate. Gabbroic rocks generally are dark, ranging from mesocratic to melanocratic, and occasionally may be described as hypermelanic. They often possess a speckled appearance.
Soil is the stage from which all things — good, beautiful, vicious, creative, dull, outrageous and evil — emerge. A teaspoon of living earth contains five million bacteria, twenty million fungi, one million protozoa, and two hundred thousand algae. Amoebas slide over sand grains hunting bacteria. Bacteria swim through micro-rivers scarfing nutrients. Viruses attack bacteria. Nematode worms, like soil hyenas, devour almost anything. There are about 9,500 kinds of soil in the United States and no one has ever tried to create sanctuaries for any of them.
There is no single great book on soils; we review the best of
what’s available. The best out-of-print book on soils, The World of
Soil by Sir E. John Russell, should be available in most libraries
##A 11 8446 290
and might be reprinted.
Ÿ See PLACE for soils and civilization, gardening, forestry, and restoration/renewal.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 104482 291
##T The Nature and Properties of Soils
The Nature and Properties of Soils
A college text on soil science. The writing is clear, there
is a glossary of terms, and the section headings make it easy to find the information you want quickly. More facts than most people need, but well worth consulting on specific subjects.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 11 104831 292
##T The Nature and Properties of Soils
Nyle C. Brady
9th edition 1984; 750 pp.
ISBN 0023133406
$32.50 postpaid
Whole Earth Access
2950 Seventh Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
(or order through your local bookstore)
##A 11 104997 293
##T The Nature and Properties of Soils
Of the six major factors affecting the growth of plants, only light is not supplied by soils. The soil supplies water, air, and mechanical support for plant roots as well as heat to enhance chemical reactions. It also supplies seventeen plant nutrients that are essential for plant growth. These nutrients are slowly released from unavailable forms in the solid framework of minerals and organic matter to exchangeable cations associated with soil colloids and finally to readily available ions in the soil solution. The ability of soils to provide these ions in a proper balance determines their primary value to humankind.
##A 11 105362 294
##T The Nature and Properties of Soils
The closeup emphasizes soil layering and the distinctive character of the soil profile. The surface layer is darker in color because of its higher organic matter content. One of the subsurface horizons (point of pick) is characterized by a distinctive structure. The existence of layers such as those shown is used to help differentiate one soil from another.
##A 11 105514 295
##T Soil and Water Conservation Society of America
Soil and Water Conservation Society of America
Over one million acres of prime farmland disappear in urban development each year. In the Great Plains and the Pacific Northwest, 85 percent of the farms lose five tons of their topsoil yearly. The Soil Conservation Society of America provides a meeting ground for all the specialized interests who are concerned with preserving the ultimate strength of this nation: its soil. They publish a technical but, for my interests, totally absorbing magazine — The Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. It’s a mature group, organized in 1945.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 105896 296
##T Soil and Water Conservation Society
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
Max Schnepf, Editor
ISSN 00224561
$30/year(6 issues)
$35 foreign from:
Soil and Water Conservation Society
7515 NE Ankeny
Ankeny, IA 50021-9764
##A 11 106576 297
##T Soil Conservation Maps
Soil Conservation Maps
Every citizen should be able to say: “I live on a sandy-loam that is about ten feet deep and covers half my community.” Soil Conservation Maps are step one, but are not detailed enough for some projects (like house-to-house septic tank assessment or gardening problems). Scales vary from one inch equals 1,320 feet to one inch equals one mile. Maps are available (for free, usually) from your local Soil Conservation Service.
— Peter Warshall
Ÿ Local Maps
##A 11 106911 298
##T Soil Conservation Maps
Information free from your local U. S. Soil Conservation Service office, listed under U. S. Government, U. S. Department of Agriculture in the white pages of the phone book.
##A 11 107738 299
##T World Soils
World Soils
This introduction to the soils of the world is complete with a
brief course in soil science (pedology). A knowledge of what
kind of soils are where, and why they are there, is critical for geographers, land use planners, and food-raisers.
— J. Baldwin
##A 11 108019 300
##T World Soils
E. M. Bridges
1978; 128 pp.
$11.95 postpaid
Cambridge University Press
510 North Avenue
New Rochelle, NY 10801
##A 11 108469 301
##T World Soils
##A 11 48233 302
##A 11 54277 303
##T Plant Life
##A 11 149180 304
##T Biology of Plants
Biology of Plants
Peter Raven is the Godfather of American botany. This is his sequoian text. Though the prose tastes of leaf-litter, the information sparkles like a virgin tropical jungle at dawn. Everything you want to know and more, beautifully illustrated.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 149276 305
##T Biology of Plants
Peter H. Raven, Ray F. Evert
and Helena Curtis
4th Edition 1986; 775 pp.
$43.95 ($46.90 postpaid)
Worth Publishers, Inc.
33 Irving Place
New York, NY 10003
##A 11 149609 306
##T Biology of Plants
Comparing life on land with that in the sea, we find that only about 16 percent of animal species and perhaps 4.5 percent of the species of photosynthesizing organisms
(plants and algae) are marine, even though the sea occupies about 71 percent of the earth’s surface. The relative scarcity of marine species appears to be a reflection of the much less sharply defined habitats in the sea. Yet, more major groups are found in the sea than on land, probably because they evolved there. Only a few have been able to send successful colonists onto the land, but several of these — notably the insects and the flowering plants — have attained a truly spectacular level of diversity.
##A 11 149982 307
##T Biology of Plants
Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859) was perhaps the greatest scientific traveler who ever lived. Humboldt ranged widely across the trackless interior of Latin America around the start of the nineteenth century and climbed some of its highest mountains. Exploring the region between Ecuador and central Mexico, Humboldt was the first to recognize the incredible diversity of tropical life and, consequently, the first to realize just how many species of plants and animals there must be in the world.
##A 11 150268 308
##T How to Identify Plants
How to Identify Plants
There is no easy road into plant architecture. Ovaries are superior or inferior; flower parts can be imbricate or valvate; surfaces can be scurfy, scabrous, comose, viscid, glaucous or otherwise. If you want to make the leap into botanical terms and use the more technical floras, then this book is the key to MONSTER VOCABULARY. It lists all the best technical floras by area.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 150341 309
##T How to Identify Plants
H. D. Harrington
and L. W. Durrell
1957; 203 pp.
$7.95 ($10.70 postpaid)
Harper & Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 11 220079 310
##T How to Identify Plants
Several hundred thousand species of plants exist in the world. A recent estimate placed the number at 335,000. The single state of Arizona was listed by Kearney and Peebles in the Arizona Flora as having 132 families, 907 genera and 3,370 species. So even the flora of one state poses a definite problem in organization; somehow we must get the plants pigeon-holed.
##A 11 200020 311
##T How to Identify Plants
Peltate. Shield-shaped, attached to the center or near the center, at least in-a-ways from the margin, on the order of an umbrella.
##A 11 159382 312
##T Nature Study Guild “Finder” Series
Nature Study Guild “Finder” Series
This plant identification series uses line drawings of simplified taxonomy for beginners. LIght-weight, and sized to slip into a
shirt or pants pocket.
— Richard Nilsen
##A 11 159514 313
##T Nature Study Guild “Finder” Series
Complete list of titles free
Nature Study Guild
Box 972
Berkeley, CA 94701
Sample titles include:
Pacific Coast Berry Finder, Pacific Coast Fern Finder, Redwood Region Flower Finder, and Winter Tree Finder.
Nature Study Guild “Finder” Series: $1.50 each.
##A 11 151194 314
##T Nature Study Guild “Finder” Series
If all leaflets are lobed or indented, it is
Poison Oak (Rhus diversiloba).
If the side leaflets are not indented and bear minute stalks at their base, it is
Poison Ivy (Rhus radicans).
— Pacific Coast Berry Finder
##A 11 54727 315
##T Wildflowers I
##A 11 152082 316
##T Wildflowers: Northeastern/Northcentral North America
Wildflowers: Northeastern/Northcentral North America
Arranged by shape and color. Over 1300 species with many line drawings and some color illustrations.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 152479 317
##T Wildflowers: Northeastern/Northcentral North America
Roger Tory Peterson
and Margaret McKenny
1968; 420 pp.
$10.95 ($11.95 postpaid)
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Mail Order Dept.
Wayside Road
Burlington, MA 01803
##A 11 115903 318
##T Wildflowers: Northeastern/Northcentral North America
Cirsium arvense
Actually a native of Europe, where it is known as Creeping Thistle. A hairless, much-branched plant springing from creeping roots; known by its small, numerous, often clustered, fragrant, pale lilac flower heads only 1/2—3/4 in. across. Rarely white. Sepal-like bracts appressed, pointed, often purplish. Our commonest thistle. 1-5 ft. Roadsides, pastures, fields. Throughout. JULY—SEPT.
##A 11 153279 319
##T Common Wildflowers of the N.E. United States
Common Wildflowers of the N.E. United States
Arranged by plant families, this is the best informed book, and
has the best color photos.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 153523 320
##T Common Wildflowers of the N.E. United States
The New York Botanical Garden
1980; 318 pp.
$12.95 ($14.95 postpaid)
Barron’s Educational Series
113 Crossways Park Drive
Woodbury, NY 11797
##A 11 115987 321
##T Common Wildflowers of the N.E. United States
GERANIUM CAROLINIANUM, a plant of waste places and other dry areas, carries its pale pink flowers in a dense cluster at the top. The petals are less than 1/2 inch long. It is a small bushy plant about 2 feet tall, with leaves palmately cleft into from five to nine narrow lobes, each lobe pinnately lobed or cleft. May to August.
##A 11 154130 322
##T Roadside Plants and Flowers
Roadside Plants and Flowers
Great car book. Arranged by color and season of peak bloom with color photos.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 154607 323
##T Roadside Plants and Flowers
(A Traveler’s Guide to the Midwest and Great Lakes Area)
1985; 143 pp.
$12.95 ($13.95 postpaid)
University of Wisconsin Press
114 North Murray Street
Madison, WI 53715
##A 11 260940 324
##T Roadside Plants and Flowers
In dry weather or wet, the rays of the Prairie Coneflower hang down naturally; in botanical terms, they are “reflexed.”. . .
The name [Coneflower] is also applied to a flower that, unlike all the others, is not yellow — the Purple Coneflower. This colorful plant with its large magenta blossoms is found wild only in prairies and dry woods in the more southern part of our range — a memorable and uncommon find.
Do not pick.
##A 11 200776 325
##T Roadside Plants and Flowers
Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)
##A 11 155198 326
##T North American Wildflowers (Western Region)
North American Wildflowers (Western Region)
Best overall guide. Arranged by shape and color plus fine photos and ID tips.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 155642 327
##T North American Wildflowers (Western Region)Wildflowers (Western)
Richard Spellenberg
1979; 862 pp.
ISBN 0394504313
$14.95 ($15.95 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 11 72210 328
##T North American Wildflowers (Western Region)
Teddybear Cholla; Jumping Cholla
(Opuntia bigelovii)
Though the branches resemble the arms and legs of a fuzzy teddy bear, this plant is far from cuddly; its spines stick instantly and hold tightly by means of minute, backwardly directed barbs. It is one of the most formidable and respected Cacti of the Southwest. When a joint (which seems to “jump” when detached by a light touch or bump) is severely stuck, the victim’s best solution is to cut the spines with scissors or nippers and pull them from the flesh with pliers.
##A 11 11905 329
##T North American Wildflowers (Western Region)
##A 11 4053 330
##T North American Wildflowers (Western Region)
##A 11 156354 331
##T California Spring Wildflowers
California Spring Wildflowers
What you’re likely to find from the base of the Sierra Nevada and southern mountains to the Pacific.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 156428 332
##T California Spring Wildflowers
California Spring Wildflowers: From the Base of the Sierra Nevada and Southern Mountains to the Sea
Philip A. Munz
1961; 122 pp.
ISBN 0520008960
$8.95 ($10.45 postpaid)
University of California Press
2120 Berkeley Way
Berkeley, CA 94720
##A 11 134426 333
##T California Spring Wildflowers
MATILIJA POPPY (Romneya Coulteri), is one of our most elegant flowers. Growing on rather woody stems three to seven feet high, the several blossoms have crinkled petals two to four inches long with clear yellow stamens. Matilija Poppy is found in dry washes and canyons from Ventura County to Lower California and blooms in May and June.
##A 11 54879 334
##T Wildflowers II
##A 11 157271 335
##T California Mountain Wildflowers
California Mountain Wildflowers
Arranged by color with some photos and excellent line drawings. Philip Munz’s books are the best nontechnical guides.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 157527 336
##T California Mountain Wildflowers
Philip A. Munz
1963; 122 pp.
ISBN 0520009010
$8.95 ($10.45 postpaid)
University of California Press
2120 Berkeley Way
Berkeley CA 94720
##A 11 130513 337
##T California Mountain Wildflowers
Perhaps California’s showiest genus of shrubs is Ceanothus with over forty species in the state. It belongs to the Buckhorn Family and has small flowers with flattish central disk. Many species of so-called California-Lilac are beautiful, but no such claim can be made for TOBACCO BRUSH (Ceanothus velutinus), yet it is a conspicuous, spreading, round-topped, evergreen shrub with dark green leaves varnished above and paler beneath. The flower-clusters are one to two inches long. It occurs on open wooded slopes at 3,500 to 10,000 feet and ranges from Tulare County to Trinity, Humboldt, and Modoc counties, then to British Columbia and South Dakota.
Associated with Monanthochloe in salt marshes and often forming large patches is SALT GRASS (Distichlis spicata). It has a number of technically separated varieties in saline places, ranging from Oregon to southern California. It grows from strong creeping or deeply running rootstocks and has two ranked leaves four to eight inches long. The spikelets are evident in dense spicate panicles and are more or less green, sometimes purplish. Some forms of this grass are found in salty places inland, even on the desert.
##A 11 161311 341
##T Southwest Parks and Monuments Association
Southwest Parks and Monuments Association
This non-profit organization supports the educational and scientific activities of the National Park Service by publishing and distributing a variety of field guides, trail guides, and technical and historical handbooks. They also distribute books and guides by other publishers.
— Hank Roberts
##A 11 161612 342
##T Southwest Parks and Monuments Association
Publications list free
Southwest Parks and Monuments Association
221 North Court
Tucson, AZ 85701
##A 11 28972 343
##T Southwest Parks and Monuments Association
Titles include:
• 100 Desert Wildflowers
• 100 Roadside Flowers of the Desert Uplands
• 100 Roadside Flowers of the Southwest Woodlands
• Flowers of the Southwest Deserts
• Shrubs of the Southwest Uplands
• Natural History of the Pinnacles National Monument
##A 11 22436 344
##T Southwest Parks and Monuments Association
Rocky Mountain Beeplant
Rocky Mountain beeplant colors fields and roadsides pink when it blooms in the summer. The delicate flowers are much visited by bees; in fact, beekeepers sometimes cultivate Rocky Mountain beeplant as a ready source of nectar. The Navajo, who occasionally use the tender young plant as greens, hold Rocky Mountain beeplant in high regard because it has saved the tribe from starvation more than once. Rocky Mountain beeplant occurs from Saskatchewan south to Arizona, east to Kansas and west to Oregon.
Cleome serrulata Pursh
Caper Family
— 100 Roadside Flowers of the
Southwest Woodlands
##A 11 66820 345
##T Southwest Parks and Monuments Association
When the sickle-shaped pod of the unicorn plant splits open, the long beak becomes two claws that hook onto the leg of any passing animal, thus dispersing the seeds inside the pod. These hooks give unicorn plant its alternate common name of devil’s claw. The fibers of the pod have been a traditional source of basket-making materials for Tohono O’odham (Papago) and Pima Indians. Long ago, the Indians domesticated a race of unicorn plant by selecting those plants with the longest claws and breeding them until the claws of the domesticated variety were twice as long as those growing wild. (The longer the pods, the better-suited their fibers for basketry.) The Indians still grow the unicorn plant in their gardens and harvest its fibers for basket-making. The wild variety thrives along roadsides and in other disturbed spots from western Texas to southern Nevada, Arizona, southern California and northern Mexico. Unicorn plant flowers in the summer.
Proboscidea parvidlora (Woot.) Woot. & Standl.
Unicorn Plant Family
— 100 Roadside Flowers of the Southwest Woodlands
##A 11 162313 346
##T California Desert Wildflowers
California Desert Wildflowers
For the Mojave and lower Colorado deserts, this is an excellent guide, arranged by color.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 56292 347
##T California Desert Wildflowers
Philip A. Munz
1962; 122 pp.
ISBN 0520008995
$8.95 ($10.45 postpaid)
University of California Press
2120 Berkeley Way
Berkeley, CA 94720
##A 11 75768 348
##T California Desert Wildflowers
A widespread popular fallacy should be mentioned. We read of the great depth to which desert plants can send their roots in order to tap deep underground sources of moisture. This situation is true along washes and watercourses and basins, where Mesquite and Palo Verde, for examples, send roots down immense distances, but on the open desert an annual rainfall of six or eight inches distributed over some months may moisten only the upper layers of soil. Therefore, shrubs like Creosote Bush and plants like cacti tend to have very superficial wide-spreading roots that can gather in what moisture becomes available.
##A 11 87907 349
##T California Desert Wildflowers
The desert does not seem a likely place for lilies, but quite a few plants of the lily and related families are found in extremely dry parts of the earth, where they carry on by means of their deeply buried bulbs that can store up water and food and remain dormant during dry times. Among such is the Mariposa-Lily or Sego-Lily (Calochortus Nuttalii), having white petals with a lilac tinge and often a colored spot above the basal gland. It is found in desert mountains between 5,000 and 9,000 feet from Inyo County north, and blooms from May to July.
##A 11 55242 350
##T Tree Life
##A 11 145208 351
##T Knowing Your Trees
Knowing Your Trees
The encyclopedia of trees in America, with descriptions and illustrations. There are photos of leaves, seed pods, bark, and the natural range of each type tree. Lovingly presented, in print for 50 years.
— Lloyd Kahn
##A 11 145576 352
##T Knowing Your Trees
G. H. Collingwood
and Warren D. Brush.
Revised and Edited by Devereux Butcher
Revised Edition 1984; 389 pp.
$9.50 ($10 postpaid)
The American Forestry Association
P. O. Box 2000
Washington, DC 20013
##A 11 19861 353
##T Knowing Your Trees
PIN OAK is more widely known as a street or ornamental tree than for lumber purposes. It grows naturally from southwestern New England to northern North Carolina, and from Ohio to Kentucky and western Tennessee. Its distribution extends westward to southeastern Iowa, eastern Kansas, northeastern Oklahoma and northern Arkansas. Pin oak usually occupies poorly drained flats, low clay ridges, edges of swamps, and occasionally very moist upland sites. One common name, swamp oak, corresponding with the scientific name palustris, is derived from the Latin word palus meaning swamp.
##A 11 132318 354
##T Knowing Your Trees
PIN OAK: The glossy leaves have five to seven lobes, and the acorns, set in shallow cups, grow on the wood of the previous year.
##A 11 132818 355
##T Knowing Your Trees
PIN OAK: Before the leaves have reached full size, the tree is decked with tassels of pollen-bearing staminate flowers. The inconspicuous pistillate flowers are hidden within the axils of the leaves.
##A 11 143315 356
##T The Great Forest
The Great Forest
A history of our virgin forests and the ever-recurring conservation-preservation-industrial dialogue of America. A dialogue still fought bitterly though the acreage is vastly shrunk. I cannot recommend a book more passionately to those citizens in love with the scattered remains of our Great Forest.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 143394 357
##T The Great Forest
Richard G. Lillard
1947, 1973; 399 pp.
ISBN 0306705346
$49.50 postpaid from:
Da Capo Press, Inc.
233 Spring Street
New York, NY 10013
##A 11 167266 358
##T The Great Forest
##A 11 143749 359
##T The Great Forest
In 1882 Professor Charles S. Sargent, Harvard botanist, urged stringent state laws to protect forests in the Great Forest area, and outright Federal ownership and management in the Far West. He said: “The American people must learn several economic lessons before the future of their forests can be considered secure. They must learn that a forest, whatever its extent and resources, can be exhausted in a surprisingly short space of time . . . that browsing animals and fires render the reproduction of the forest impossible; that the forest is essential to the protection of rivers; that it does not influence rain-fall, and that it is useless to plant trees beyond the region where trees are produced naturally.” With such arguments the nation fumbled toward its first major socialistic experiment since the Constitution created the United States Post Office.
##A 11 164523 360
##T Trees of North America (A Golden Field Guide)
Trees of North America (A Golden Field Guide)
The guide to travel with. Surpasses Peterson and Audubon
for ease, drawings, and distribution maps. Keep in your glove compartment.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 164777 361
##T Trees of North America (A Golden Field Guide)
C. Frank Brockman
1979; 280 pp.
ISBN 0307136582
$9.95 ($11.95 postpaid)
Western Publishing Co.
P. O. Box 700
Racine, WI 53401
##A 11 165249 362
##T Trees of North America (A Golden Field Guide)
EASTERN REDBUD (Cercis canadensis) leaves are deciduous, broadly ovate to heart-shaped, 3 to 5 inches wide, with a pointed tip and smooth margins. Turn yellow
in fall. Flowers pinkish to lavender, 0.5 of an inch long, in loose clusters of 4 to 8; appear before leaves. Pinkish, flattened pods, 2.5 to 3.5 inches long, have several seeds about 0.3 of an inch long. Bark reddish brown, scaly. Usually small, occasionally to 50 feet, with a broad, rounded crown.
CALIFORNIA REDBUD (Cercis occidentalis) leaves are round or notched at apex, 2 to 4 inches broad, with a heart-shaped base and smooth margins. Lavender flowers, 0.5 of an inch long, appear before leaves. Pods are dull red, 1.5 to 3 inches long and 0.5 to 0.8 of an inch wide. Though usually a shrub, California Redbud is sometimes a small tree, to 20 feet tall.
##A 11 165580 363
##T Trees of North America (A Golden Field Guide)
##A 11 165774 364
##T Trees of North America (A Golden Field Guide)
##A 11 65717 365
##A 11 55483 366
##T Invertebrates
##A 11 189145 367
##T Animals Without Backbones
Animals Without Backbones
The spineless wonders!
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 189208 368
##T Animals Without Backbones
Ralph Buchsbaum
1938, 1976; 392 pp.
$14 postpaid from:
University of Chicago Press
11030 South Langley
Chicago, IL 60628
##A 11 189454 369
##T Animals Without Backbones
In terms of number of living species, 97 per cent consists of animals without backbones. We are all aware of the difference between these two groups of animals when we indulge in fish and lobster dinners. In the fish the exterior is relatively soft and inviting, but the interior presents numerous hard bones. In the lobster, on the contrary, the exterior consists of a formidable hard covering, but within this initial handicap is a soft edible interior. A similar situation exists in the oyster, lying soft and defenseless within its hard outer shell. The lobster and the oyster are but samples of a tremendous array of animals which lack internal bones and which are, from their lack of the vertebral column in particular, called invertebrates.
The giant squids are the largest of all invertebrates.
##A 11 34385 370
##T Animals Without Backbones
A jellyfish swims by alternately relaxing the bell, forcibly expelling the water from its concavity and so pushing the animal in the direction opposite to that in which the water is expelled.
##A 11 193104 371
##T A Field Guide to Insects of America N. of Mexico
A Field Guide to Insects of America N. of Mexico
They may not make millions or drive BMWs, but the insects of the planet win top honors for biological success. Ninety thousand species inhabit North America: lice, earwigs, stoneflies, springtails, butterflies, beetles, thrips and bugs. This guide covers 579 of the insect families and has at least one illustration for each. Amazing! I have rarely found the exact moth or water scorpion but always came close enough to feel good.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 193458 372
##T A Field Guide to Insects of America N. of Mexico
A Field Guide to the Insects of America North of Mexico
Donald J. Borror and Richard E. White
1970; 404 pp.
$11.70 ($12.70 postpaid)
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Wayside Road
Burlington, MA 01803
##A 11 289575 373
##T A Field Guide to Insects of America N. of Mexico
WATER STRIDERS Family Gerridae
Identification: Usually found running about on surface of water. Middle legs rise closer to hind legs than to front legs. Tarsi 2-segmented. Usually over 5 mm.
Gerrids are common on the surface of slow streams and ponds. They are generally slender, elongate, and blackish, the front legs short and the other legs long and slender. Some are winged and some are wingless. They feed on various small insects that fall onto the water surface. They do not bite man.
##A 11 141288 374
##T A Field Guide to Insects of America N. of Mexico
Water Strider
##A 11 194242 375
##T Spiders and Their Kin
Spiders and Their Kin
The most informative, accurate, entertaining and useful guide to spiders ever written.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 194476 376
##T Spiders and Their Kin
Herbert W. and Lorna R. Levi
1969; 160 pp.
ISBN 0307240215
$3.95 ($4.95 postpaid)
Western Publishing Company, Inc.
P. O. Box 700
Racine, WI 53401
##A 11 304047 377
##T Spiders and Their Kin
HAIRY MYGALOMORPHS (Theraphosidae) are commonly called tarantulas in the U.S. Unfortunately, this name is shared with other spiders. Hairy Mygalomorphs are known also as Bird Spiders, and they may occasionally catch nestling birds, lizards, or small snakes. In S. Africa, they are called Monkey Spiders. Most are not poisonous to man. About 30 species occur in the U.S., mostly in the Southwest, none in Europe.
##A 11 202006 378
##T Spiders and Their Kin
Aphonopelma eutylenum
Cyrtopholis sp.
A. chalcodes
##A 11 191227 379
Voyeurs of evolutionary eroticism! Uninspired artists! Urbanites seeking a sense of fragile, angelic loveliness! Buddhists confused about mysterious transformations! Here are the guides to North America’s scaley-winged psychedelic nymphs — none better or easier to use than these two from Audubon.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 191302 380
The Audubon Society Handbook for Butterfly Watchers
Robert Michael Pyle
1984; 274 pp.
$17.95 postpaid
MacMillan Publishing Co.
Order Dept.
Front and Brown Streets
Riverside, NJ 08075
##A 11 333366 381
Audubon Society Field Guide to N. American Butterflies
Robert Michael Pyle
1981; 916 pp.
ISBN 0394519140
$13.50 ($14.50 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster MD 21157
##A 11 191738 382
As a boy I sought Black Swallowtails on farmhouse lilacs, but frequented my neighbors’ butterfly bushes for Painted Ladies. Add a patch of annuals — sweet William, zinnias, and marigolds for starters, and some phlox and aster — and you have a basic butterfly garden good from April through August. That’s not all there is to butterfly gardening, but it is a start.
— The Audubon Society Handbook for Butterfly Watchers
##A 11 191783 383
A mating pair of Painted Crescents takes flight. The larger, stronger female carries.
— The Audubon Society Handbook for Butterfly Watchers
##A 11 192946 384
Queen caterpillar, 2"
— Audubon Field Guide to North American Butterflies
##A 11 55863 385
##T Reptiles
##A 11 195081 386
West: Stebbins’ guide is a combination of love, intelligence,
and good writing. A model guide covering areas west of the
Rockies. If you find something weird, it’s probably a real
East: Conant is older, less beautiful, but equally
useful for areas east of the Rockies.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 195556 387
A Field Guide to Western Reptiles and Amphibians
Robert C. Stebbins
2nd Edition 1985; 279 pp.
ISBN 039538253X
$12.95 ($13.95 postpaid)
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Mail Order Dept.
Wayside Road
Burlington, MA 01803
##A 11 3082 388
Reptiles and Amphibians of Eastern & Central N. America
A Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians of Eastern and Central North America
Roger Conant
1975; 429 pp.
ISBN 0395199778
$11.95 ($12.95 postpaid)
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Mail Order Dept.
Wayside Road
Burlington, MA 01803
##A 11 195700 389
Geckos: Family Gekkonidae
A large family of tropical and subtropical lizards found on all continents and widespread on oceanic islands. Most are nocturnal and therefore limited in distribution by low night temperatures. Geckos communicate by chirping and squeaking. The name is based on the sound made by an oriental species. They are excellent climbers. They crawl with ease on walls and ceilings and are often found in houses and public buildings in the tropics.
— A Field Guide to Western Reptiles and Amphibians
A bullfrog, like other amphibians, is slippery. Encircle its waist with your fingers so it won’t kick itself free. Any large or medium-sized frogs may be held in the same way, but small frogs are best grasped by the hind legs.
— A Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians of Eastern and Central North America
##A 11 195906 390
Banded Gecko
— A Field Guide to Western Reptiles and Amphibians
##A 11 270399 391
— A Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians of Eastern and Central North America
##A 11 51980 392
##T Swimmers
##A 11 190500 393
##T The Sea Turtle: So Excellent a Fishe
The Sea Turtle: So Excellent a Fishe
So Excellent a Fishe radiates chelonian love. Its beautifully crafted prose conjures an eerie feel — of eras of time with clouds and waves and turtles bumping onto shorelines in syncopated arrivals. Inside this intimacy one can almost believe that as long as this book remains in print turtles will survive in the sea.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 190837 394
##T The Sea Turtle: So Excellent a Fishe
Archie Carr
Revised Edition 1986; 280 pp.
ISBN 0292775954
$9.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
University of Texas Press
P. O. Box 7819
Austin, TX 78713
##A 11 198185 395
##T The Sea Turtle: So Excellent a Fishe
The green turtle was an important factor in the colonization of the Americas. It was herbivorous, abundant, and edible — even when prepared by cooks not aware that it can be made a gourmet’s dish. . . . A green turtle was as big as a heifer, easy to catch, and easy to keep alive on its back in a space no greater than itself. It was an ideal food resource, and it went into the cooking pots of the salt-water peasantry and tureens of the flagships alike. . . . In England the green turtle came to be known as the London Alderman’s Turtle, because an Alderman’s Banquet was considered grossly incomplete if it failed to begin with clear green turtle soup.
##A 11 197244 396
##T North American Fishes, Whales and Dolphins
North American Fishes, Whales and Dolphins
Had it up to the gills with yuppie frenzy? Drop a line, cast, troll, scuba . . . go fishing with this fine guide . . . you might net a Freckled Madtom, see a Pancake Batfish, Blue Tang, Tautog or, with reverence, angle the Cutthroat.
— Peter Warshall
Ÿ The Sierra Club Handbook of Whales and Dolphins
##A 11 197513 397
##T North American Fishes, Whales and Dolphins
The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Fishes, Whales, and Dolphins
ISBN 0394534050
H. T. Boschung Jr., et al.
1983; 850 pp.
$13 ($14 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 11 48749 398
##T North American Fishes, Whales and Dolphins
White Whale (Delphinapterus leucas)
Description: To 16' (4.9 m). Extremely robust, tapering to distinct “neck”; adults white; newborns brown, gradually lightening with age. Head very small, beak short. No dorsal fin; narrow ridge of small bumps behind middle of back.
Habitat: Primarily in shallow bays and mouths of rivers; occasionally ascending rivers and open oceans.
Range: In Atlantic from Arctic Circle to New Jersey; most abundant to N. shore of St. Lawrence River. In Pacific in N. Gulf of Alaska and throughout Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas.
Comments: The White Whale is also known as . . . Sea Canary . . . from the frequent whistling noises that these whales can often be heard to make. . . . Polar bears have been see to capture a full-grown white whale through a hole in the ice.
##A 11 224986 399
##T North American Fishes, Whales and Dolphins
White Whale, 16'
##A 11 199311 400
##T The Book of Sharks
The Book of Sharks
As a novice scuba diver, living on a coast called “The White Shark Attack Capital of the World,” I’ve been on the lookout for a good, unbiased source of information about these impressive creatures. Ellis has managed to cut through our “Jaws”-inspired hysteria without minimizing the real danger that does exist: sharks have been the oceans’ top predators for over 300 million years; they are very good at their job.
— David Burnor
##A 11 199594 401
##T The Book of Sharks
Richard Ellis
1983; 256 pp.
ISBN 0156135523
$14.95 ($15.95 postpaid)
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
1250 Sixth Avenue
San Diego, CA 92101
##A 11 204158 402
##T The Book of Sharks
Grace and power in motion—the great white shark in Australian waters.
##A 11 204806 403
##T The Book of Sharks
The reconstructed jaws of Carcharodon megalodon in the Hall of Fossil Fishes at the American Museum of Natural History in New York.
##A 11 56327 404
##T Birds
##A 11 9576 405
After much comparison and birder chit-chat, I accept the National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of North America as the best on the market. Without writing a book about bird books, here are the essentials:
In the eastern region, beginners should use the familiar Field Guide to the Birds of Eastern and Central North America by Roger T. Peterson, although it has its own problems. The Geographic guide is too jargony, too full of casual or vagrant species which unnecessarily distract the novice. And it lacks good comparison pages (for fall warblers, for instance).
In the western region, the Geographic leads the V-flight. It has
some good pictures of western races found in no other guide and is
##A 11 9758 406
excellent on western gulls. For experienced birders who will try to identify everything - including the vagrants, the shearwaters, and the immatures - the Geographic guide replaces the Golden Guide Birds, by Herbert S. Zim and Ira N. Gabrielson (another standard), as well as Peterson.
Cornell Laboratory’s recordings of bird sounds and songs (see review Ÿ) are keyed to the Peterson bird guides and others.
The Geographic book is not available through commercial booksellers and must be purchased from National Geographic or at select nature stores like your local Audubon education center.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 10116 407
Field Guide to the Birds of North America
Shirley L. Scott, Editor
1983; 464 pp.
ISBN 0870446924
$14.95 ($18.30 postpaid)
National Geographic Society
Washington, D.C. 20036
##A 11 10327 408
Field Guide to Birds of Eastern and Central North America
A Field Guide to the Birds of Eastern and Central North America
Roger Tory Peterson
1980; 384 pp.
ISBN 039526619X
$12.95 ($13.95 postpaid)
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Mail Order Dept.
Wayside Road
Burlington, MA 01803
##A 11 310637 409
Pileated Woodpecker Dryocopus pileatus. . . . Pileated is the largest woodpecker commonly seen. . . . Call is a loud, rising and falling wuck-a-wuck-awuck-a, similar to Flicker. Generally uncommon and localized throughout much of its range; prefers dense, mature forest; but also seems to be adapting to human encroachment. . . . Listen for its slow, resounding hammering; look for the long rectangular or oval holes it excavates. Carpenter ants in fallen trees and stumps are its major food.
— National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of North America
##A 11 311289 410
SUMMER TANAGER Piranga rubra
Male: Rose-red all over, with a yellowish bill; no crest. Female: Olive above, deep yellow below. Young males acquiring adult plumage may be patched with red and green...
Voice: Note, a staccato pi-tuk or pik-i-tuk-i-tuk. Song, Robin-like phrases, less nasal and resonant than Scarlet Tanager’s...
Habitat: Woods, groves (especially oaks).
##A 11 311494 411
Summer Tanager’s Range.
##A 11 28149 412
Nature is much more than knowing names of birds. Nature has its own theater of voices, gestures, rages, intimacies, and power. Too many times, a birder will see a bird, check it off and ask: “What’s next?”
“Next” is learning the vocabulary, lifestyle and concerns of each creature by patiently paying attention. Stoke’s Guide to Bird Behavior shows 25 common birds (mostly eastern), their territory, courtship, songs, seasonal movements, nests, and plumages. A true pleasure for those who feed birds. Watching Birds fields the gap between “sport-birding” and heavy ornithological texts. Concise
summaries of giant notions help you see more richly. The Audubon
Society’s Encyclopedia of North American Birds is the avian
##A 11 28390 413
Brittanica, answering the questions that pop up outdoors. Expensively the best.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 28892 414
A Guide to Bird Behavior
Donald W. Stokes
and Lillian Q. Stokes
1983; 352 pp.
ISBN 0316817295
$9.70 ($10.70 postpaid)
Little, Brown & Co.
200 West Street
Waltham, MA 02154
##A 11 47376 415
Watching Birds
Roger F. Pasquier
1977; 301 pp.
$9.70 ($10.70 postpaid)
Houghton Mifflin Company
Wayside Road
Burlington, MA 01803
##A 11 139274 416
Audubon Society Encyclopedia of North American Birds
John K. Terres
1980; 1,280 pp.
$75.50 postpaid
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 11 139580 417
Eastern Kingbird
Tyrannus tyrannus
The most renowned behavior of the Eastern Kingbird is its aggressive defense of its territory. Generally, only Crows, Hawks or Owls are persistently attacked. These larger birds can be just crossing through the Kingbird’s territory as high as one hundred feet in the air, and still the Kingbird will fly up and continually dive at them from above. Even when the intruder has left the borders of the territory, the KIngbird persists in attacking it. Following these maneuvers in defense of territory, the bird may do a marvelous display called Tumble-flight, where, after flying very high, it glides down in stages, sometimes tumbling in midair. It is interesting that the Kingbird’s sense of territory extends so high into the air — I often picture it as a tall cylinder.
— A Guide to Bird Behavior
##A 11 164923 418
There are several ways, both active and passive, that birds can protect their nests from predators. The nest may be in a place difficult to reach, as is an oriole’s nest at the tip of a thin twig, or hidden in a hole in a tree, rock, or bank. It may be part of a large construction in which the actual nest chamber is hard to find: Black-billed Magpies create a huge mass of sticks with two entrances and a nest in the center. The nest can be camouflaged by placing material over the eggs when they are not covered by a parent, as is done by the Pied-billed Grebe, or by resembling other objects in the habitat: the Ruby-throated Hummingbird’s lichen-covered nest resembles a branch stub. The eggs and young birds themselves sometimes have camouflaging patterns. The nest may be defended by the adults, or be defended incidentally by other animals nearby; Brant in northeast Greenland nest near Gyrfalcons, and Common Grackles sometimes nest on the edge of an Osprey’s nest; both hawks feed on other items and scare predators away from the area of their own nests.
— Watching Birds
##A 11 187318 419
Wrentit family
Chamaeidae (kah-ME-ih-dee); from Gr. chamai, on the ground, dwarf (Jaeger,
1955). Includes only 1 species and is the only family of birds that is solely in N. America; however, some authorities in classification of birds have placed the wrentit of America in the Babbler Family (Timalidae) found mostly in Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia (Van Tyne and Berger, 1976); they believe that the wrentit, isolated in the scrublands west of the Rocky Mtns., is the only member of the Babbler Family that long ago reached the New World. It shows no close affinities to any other of the American songbirds (Austin, 1961). See discussion under Head-Scratching.
To sustain an ill or injured wrentit, offer it grapes, cherries, mockingbird food, boiled eggs, mealworms, ground meat, chopped greens, and small pieces of bread
(Walker, 1942).
— Audubon
##A 11 262504 420
The woodcock begins his courtship flight by leaping from the ground and ascending in a widening spiral to about 300 feet, where he circles while singing and then begins his descent, zigzagging like a falling leaf. — Audubon
##A 11 264139 421
Confronted with a male rival, both of these related blackbirds are aggressive defenders of their territory; the red-winged spreads its tail and wings to display its bright epaulets; the yellow-headed exposes more of its yellow throat and breasts
— Audubon
##A 11 9297 422
Distraction display: a killdeer’s simulation of a broken wing draws an intruder away from its nest. — Audubon
##A 11 264832 423
This is a bird of several names: ahninga, which comes from the language of the Amazonian Indians; water turkey, because of its fanned tail feathers suggest those of a wild turkey; and snakebird, for its snakelike head and neck. Ahningas are usually seen swimming with only their head and neck above the surface or perched in trees with their wings spread to the sun; their feathers are not waterproof and must be dried after each submersion. After spearing a fish with its formidable bill, the ahninga tosses it in the air to position it for swallowing head first. — Audubon
##A 11 258936 424
Wrentits are birds of the brushy chaparral along the Pacific coast from Oregon to Baja California. Although their song is loud and easily recognized, and can be heard on the soundtracks of many movies made in southern California, the birds are very elusive, and one can spend hours in their dense habitat without even a glimpse. Wrentits are entirely sedentary; pairs remain mated for life and defend a single territory the year round.
— Audubon
##A 11 285105 425
When the upper mandible shuts, the Brown Pelican’s pouch serves as a trap encircling the fish. It may take the pelican less than two seconds after touching the water to encircle the fish, but up to a minute to drain the water from the pouch (by letting it flow out as the head rises to the surface) and swallow the fish.
##A 11 37313 426
##A 11 283722 427
##T Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology
Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology
No field guide or record can substitute for being out there and in tune with our avian cousins. But, like the guides, records
(especially by region or bird family) can help. For those who know, a bird heard is a bird seen.
The best access to records coordinated with field guides and other birdomania comes from the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology. The bird pictures that follow in this review are taken from Roger Tory Peterson’s Field Guide to Western Birds, because the sound clips used here as examples of Cornell’s records are keyed to that Peterson guide.
— Peter Warshall
Ÿ Field Guide to Birds of Eastern and Central North America
##A 11 283919 428
##T Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology
Catalog free
The Crow’s Nest Bookshop
Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology
159 Sapsucker Woods Road
Ithaca, NY 14850
##A 11 330170 429
##T Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology
Peterson’s Field Guide to Western Birds
Roger Tory Peterson
1972; 309 pp.
ISBN 039513692X
$11.95 ($12.95 postpaid)
Houghton-Mifflin Co.
Mail Order Dept.
Wayside Road
Burlington, MA 01803
##A 11 284430 430
##T Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology
Voices of the Peruvian Rainforest. T.A. Parker III leads you on an exciting and informative tour through the diverse wildlife of the rainforest.
A Field Guide to Western Bird Songs
Songs and calls of more than 500 species keyed to Peterson’s A Field Guide to Western Birds. 3-record set or 3-cassette set; songs identified.
Records No. 1854 $29.95
Cassettes No. 1855 $29.95
— Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology Catalog
##A 11 249557 431
##T Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology
In learning bird voices (and some birders do 90 percent of their field work by ear), there is no substitute for the actual sounds. Authors often attempt to fit songs into syllables, words, and phrases. Musical notations, comparative descriptions, and even ingenious systems of symbols have been employed. But since the advent of sound recording, these older techniques have been eclipsed. . . .
The song descriptions in this book are merely reminders, for handy use in the field. To prepare yourself for your field trips, play the records. Read each description in the Field Guide for an analysis. Play the records repeatedly and compare similar songs. Repetition is the key to learning bird voices. Remember, however, that there are
“song dialects”: birds in your locality may not always sing precisely as the ones on the record do. Nevertheless the quality will be the same and the general effect will be recognizable.
— Peterson’s Field Guide to Western Birds
##A 11 4568 432
##T Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology
Parus gambeli
5 to 5–3/4
Field marks: Similar to Black-capped Chickadee but black of cap interrupted by white line over each eye. Sides lack buff.
Voice: Song, 3 high clear whistled notes, “fee-bee-bee,” first note highest, next 2 on same pitch; or 3-4 notes going down the scale in halftones. “Chickadee” notes huskier than black-cap’s: “tsick-a-zee-zee-zee”
— Excerpt and illustration from Peterson’s Field Guide to Western Birds; sound clip from A Field Guide to Western Bird Songs
##A 11 7707 433
##T Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology
Grus canadensis
34 to 48
Field marks: Spread 6 to 7 ft.. A long-legged, long-necked,gray bird with a bald red crown. Some birds are stained with rusty. Young birds are brownish; lack red crown. In flight neck fully extended; wing motion distinctive, a smart flick or flap above body level (herons have a bowed downstroke). Often assemble in large flocks. In spring, groups hop, jump, flap.
Voice: A shrill rolling “garoo-a-a-a,” repeated. Also “tuk-tuk — tuk-tuk — tuk-tuk;” a goose-like “onk” (L. Walkinshaw).
— Excerpt and illustration from Peterson’s Field Guide to Western Birds; sound clip from A Field Guide to Western Bird Songs
##A 11 14869 434
##T Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology
Dendrocygna autumnalis
20 to 22
Field marks: A gooselike duck with long pink legs. Rusty with black belly, bright coral-pink bill. Very broad white patch along forewing. Immature has gray bill and legs. Thrusts head and feet down when landing. Frequently perches in trees.
Voice: A squealing whistle,
— Excerpt and illustration from Peterson’s Field Guide to Western Birds; sound clip from A Field Guide to Western Bird Songs
##A 11 16832 435
##T Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology
Branta canadensis
22 to 36
Field marks: Note the “chin strap.” The most widespread goose; gray-brown with black head and neck, or “stocking,” and light-colored breast. The most characteristic mark is the white patch running onto each side of the head. Bill and legs black. When traveling, long strings of these geese pass high overhead in V-formation. . . .
Voice: (Western Canada Goose): A deep double-syllabled honking or barking “ka-ronk” or “ha-lunk, ha, lunk” (slurred up).
— Excerpt and illustration from Peterson’s Field Guide to Western Birds; sound clip from A Field Guide to Western Bird Songs
##A 11 17602 436
##T Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology
Buteo jamaicensis
19 to 25
Field marks: Spread 4 to 4-1/2 ft. When this large broad-winged, round tailed hawk veers in its soaring, the rufous of the upper side of the tail can be seen (if adult). From beneath adults have whitish tails which in strong light might transmit a hint of red. Young birds have dark gray tails, which may or may not show banding. . . .
Voice: An asthmatic squeal, “keeer-r-r” (slurring downward).
— Excerpt and illustration from Peterson’s Field Guide to Western Birds; sound clip from A Field Guide to Western Bird Songs
##A 11 19657 437
##T Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology
Cyanocitta cristata
11 to 11-1/2
Field marks: A large bright blue bird with a crest; white spots in wings and tail; pale gray underparts; black “necklace.”
Voice: A harsh slurring
“jeeah;” other notes, some musical.
— Excerpt and illustration from Peterson’s Field Guide to Western Birds; sound clip from A Field Guide to Western Bird Songs
##A 11 29950 438
##T Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology
Rallus longirostris
14 to 16-1/2
(California Clapper Rail)
Field marks: The large gray brown, tawny-breasted “Marsh Hen” of California’s coastal marshes. Note the henlike appearance, strong legs, long, slightly decurved bill, heavily barred flanks, and white patch under short tail. Sometimes swims.
Voice: A chattering “kek-kek-kek-kek,” or
“cha-cha-cha,” etc.
— Excerpt and illustration from Peterson’s Field Guide to Western Birds; sound clip from A Field Guide to Western Bird Songs
##A 11 30112 439
##T Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology
Colonus virginianus
8–1/2 to 10–1/2
Field marks: A small, brown chicken-like bird, near size of Meadowlark. The male shows a conspicuous white throat and eye stripe (in female, buffy). Tail short, dark.
Voice: A clearly whistled “Bob-white” or “Poor, Bob-whoit!” Covey call, ‘ka-loi-kee?’ answered by ‘whoil-kee!’ (T. Roberts).
— Excerpt and illustration from Peterson’s Field Guide to Western Birds; sound clip from A Field Guide to Western Bird Songs
##A 11 56669 440
##T Mammals
##A 11 98505 441
##T Expression of The Emotions in Man and Animals
Expression of The Emotions in Man and Animals
Are we less joyful than gorillas? Less fearful than baboons? Does each species have its own repertoire of emotional possibilities? Do some (the dolphins) express emotions we have no name for? Darwin started it. His followers prefer “aggression” to anger;
“submission” to affection. They copped out.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 98602 442
##T Expression of The Emotions in Man and Animals
Charles Darwin
1873, 1965; 372 pp.
$9 postpaid from:
University of Chicago Press
11030 South Langley
Chicago, IL 60628
##A 11 219130 443
##T Expression of The Emotions in Man and Animals
The term ‘disgust,’ in its simplest sense, means something offensive to the taste. It is curious how readily this feeling is excited by anything unusual in the appearance, odour, or nature of our food. In Tierra del Fuego a native touched with his finger some cold preserved meat which I was eating at our bivouac, and plainly showed utter disgust at its softness; whilst I felt utter disgust at my food being touched by a naked savage, though his hands did not appear dirty. . . .
##A 11 99123 444
##T The Expression of The Emotions in Man and Animals
As the sensation of disgust primarily arises in connection with the act of eating or tasting, it is natural that its expression should consist chiefly in movements round the mouth. But as disgust also causes annoyance, it is generally accompanied by a frown, and often by gestures as if to push away or to guard oneself against the offensive object.
##A 11 23103 445
##T The Sierra Club Handbook of Whales and Dolphins
The Sierra Club Handbook of Whales and Dolphins
You will probably never see 99 percent of the cetaceans described here. The few you will see probably will be in oceanaria. Strangely, it doesn’t seem to matter. Just knowing that all that incredible variety of mammalian life is happening heals a loneliness — Melville’s marine melancholia of the arid seas. Not since Mark Twain personally funded Scammon’s 1870s expedition has such a fine book of cetacean portraits and scholarship appeared.
— Peter Warshall
Ÿ North American Fishes, Whales and Dolphins
##A 11 23475 446
##T The Sierra Club Handbook of Whales and Dolphins
Stephen Leatherwood
and Randall R. Reeves
1984; 302 pp.
ISBN 0871563401
$12.95 ($15.95 postpaid)
Sierra Club Bookstore
730 Polk Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
##A 11 23720 447
##T The Sierra Club Handbook of Whales and Dolphins
At sea, blue whales may be confused with fin whales and sei whales. Adult blue whales should be easy to distinguish by size alone from immature finbacks and from sei whales of any age. Fin whales are an even gray on the back and white on the ventrum, with asymmetrical head coloration; the right lower lip is white, the left gray. Also, they tend to have a sharper, more V-shaped head, and a comparatively prominent dorsal fin. Dead fin whales can be distinguished from blue whales by the gray to white appearance of much of their baleen, in contrast to the solid black baleen of the blue whale.
##A 11 133629 448
##T The Sierra Club Handbook of Whales and Dolphins
##A 11 12253 449
##T Walker’s Mammals of the World
Walker’s Mammals of the World
The two-volume encyclopedia Walker’s Mammals of the World has every living and extinct mammal (with photos of the living). It’s technical, comprehensive, and especially for fanatic mammal patriots like myself.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 3798 450
##T Walker’s Mammals of the World
Ronald M. Nowak
and John L. Paradiso
4th Edition 1983; 1,362 pp.
(2 volumes)
ISBN 0801825253
$75 ($77 postpaid)
Johns Hopkins University Press
701 West 40th Street
Suite 275
Baltimore, MD 21211
##A 11 285851 451
##T Walker’s Mammals of the World
Great stripe-faced bat (Vampyrodes major).
##A 11 286467 452
##T Walker’s Mammals of the World
(Potos flavus).
##A 11 286769 453
##T Walker’s Mammals of the World
Walrus bulls
(Odobenus rosmarus).
##A 11 13444 454
##T A Field Guide to the Mammals
A Field Guide to the Mammals
Although the drawings are mediocre (at least, the color plate reproductions), this is the best general guide to all of North America. I found difficulties with the subdivisions and descriptions of the Rocky Mountain chipmunks but, by using the annotated bibliography, you can get the needed details. Great section on skulls and many footprint diagrams.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 13733 455
##T A Field Guide to the Mammals
William H. Burt
and Richard P. Grossenheider
1976; 289 pp.
$10.45 ($11.45 postpaid) from:
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Mail Order Dept.
Wayside Road
Burlington, MA 01803
or Whole Earth Access
##A 11 14225 456
##T A Field Guide to the Mammals
ELK (Wapiti) Cervus canadensi
Habitat: Semiopen forest, mt. meadows (in summer), foothills, plains, and valleys.
##A 11 21278 457
##T A Field Guide to Animal Tracks
A Field Guide to Animal Tracks
The best guides to our tit-sucking, warm-blooded, hairy compatriots in North America belong to the Peterson Series. Animal Tracks is the best-written Peterson Guide . . . good ol’ backwoods detail . . . chewed branch, yesterday’s scat, a
chickaree’s scolding, a javelina’s stench. Since most mammals like the night, it is the signs that best inform. Murie includes bird, snake, and insect signs you’ll find while tracking mammals.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 21799 458
##T A Field Guide to Animal Tracks
Olaus J. Murie
1974; 376 pp.
$10.45 ($11.45 postpaid)
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Mail Order Dept.
Wayside Road
Burlington, MA 01803
or Whole Earth Access
##A 11 22709 459
##T A Field Guide to Animal Tracks
A story in dust: A beetle was scurrying along in a dusty road, across some older tracks of a red squirrel. A chipmunk came running in from the right and picked up the beetle — the beetle trail ends at those scuffle marks. So the chipmunk evidently enjoys an occasional insect in its diet.
##A 11 59198 460
##T Endangered
##A 11 112961 461
During the Great Dying of the Dinosaurs one species vanished every 10,000 years. Species are now vanishing somewhere between 40 and 400 times faster. By the year 2000, perhaps one million species will have become extinct because of human influences on the planet. Compared to the Great Dying, this is the Holocaust.
There is perhaps no more noble or righteous employment on the planet than saving a living species (or its habitat). Try it. It’s a world of smuggling, tears, beauty, petty bureaucracy, mockery, vigilance, money, and unbending vision.
For specific species (bats, cycads, manatees, desert bighorns, salmon, peregrines, et al.), see the “Conservation” section in the
##A 11 84332 462
index of the Encyclopedia of Associations, where you’ll find Defenders of Wildlife, the organization that keeps a report card on Congress and the administration’s support for endangered species’ salvation. In 1985 they received “D+.”
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 112058 463
##T Where Have All the Wildflowers Gone?
Where Have All the Wildflowers Gone?
This is a well-written and entertaining survey of U.S. wildflowers
in need of allies. 120 species are discussed by region.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 112333 464
##T Where Have All the Wildflowers Gone?
Robert H. Mohlenbrock
1983; 256 pp.
ISBN 002585450X
$15.95 postpaid
Macmillan Publishing Co.
Front and Brown Streets
Riverside, NJ 08075
##A 11 112586 465
##T Where Have All the Wildflowers Gone?
Because the Furbish lousewort has a funny-sounding name,
It was ripe for making ridicule, and that’s a sort of shame.
For there is a disappearing world, and man has played his role
In taking little parts away from what was once the whole.
We can get along without them; we may not feel their lack
But extinction means that something’s gone, and never coming back.
So, here’s to you, little lousewort, and here’s to your rebirth.
And may you somehow multiply, refurbishing the earth.
— Charles Osgood, 1977
##A 11 112768 466
##T Where Have All the Wildflowers Gone?
Furbish’s Lousewort
— Wildflowers
##A 11 114993 467
##T Vanishing Fishes of North America
Vanishing Fishes of North America
This is a well-written and entertaining survey of a group of
living beings in need of allies.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 115217 468
##T Vanishing Fishes of North America
Dr. R. Dana Ono, Dr. James D. Williams and Anne Wagner
1983; 257 pp.
ISBN 091327643X
$29.95 ($32.50 postpaid)
Stone Wall Press
1241 30th Street NW
Washington, DC 20007
##A 11 153049 469
##T Vanishing Fishes of North America
During the Pleistocene the Lahontan cutthroat was widely distributed throughout the waters of the Lake Lahontan system. . . . As the climate warmed and became drier, Lake Lahontan shrank. The Lahontan cutthroat survived in some streams and the various pluvial remnant lakes such as Lake Winnemucca, Lake Tahoe, and Pyramid Lake.
Indians caught and ate the Lahontan cutthroat for thousands of years and did not significantly affect the standing stocks of the trout population. But in the mid to late 1800s the white man began to seriously affect the populations throughout the Lahontan basin by altering the habitat in several ways. The Lahontan cutthroat population began to decline in numbers and size as water was diverted from its habitat for mining and agriculture. Adjacent fields and entire watersheds were denuded of their grass cover by livestock overgrazing the land. When rain came, the now barren soils washed into the streams and caused siltation problems. In addition, non-native gamefishes such as brook, rainbow, and brown trout were introduced over the years into many Lahontan basin streams where they vigorously compete with the Lahontan
##A 11 155108 470
##T Vanishing Fishes of North America
cutthroat trout for space and food resources. Also, these non-native gamefishes prey upon the juvenile cutthroat trout. The Lahontan cutthroat currently exists in less than 5 percent of its historic stream habitat and in only 0.3 percent of its original lake habitat. What had taken 8000 years for the endemic Lahontan cutthroat trout to establish in the Lahontan basin was undone by Man’s exploitation of both the fish and its habitat in a little over a century.
##A 11 156059 471
##T Vanishing Fishes of North America
Lahontan cutthroat trout (male top, female bottom) — Salmo clarki henshawi (courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.)
##A 11 114106 472
##T Animal Kingdom
Animal Kingdom
Animal Kingdom is the most thoughtful magazine on protecting wildlife in the Third World and the importance of zoos in keeping critters from oblivion.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 114400 473
##T Animal Kingdom
Eugene J. Walter, Editor
ISSN 00033537
$10.95/year (6 issues)
Animal Kingdom Magazine
New York Zoological Park
Bronx, NY 10460
##A 11 148821 474
##T Animal Kingdom
Stretching taut a slingshot used to kill birds, a Malagasy woman surveys a hillside that has been cleared to grow crops. Eighty percent of Madagascar’s 10 million people live off the land. They exert a great environmental pressure on an island once widely forested.
##A 11 150950 475
##T Animal Kingdom
Nine out of 10 plant and animal species in Madagascar’s forests are endemic. The island is sole home to the insect-eating tenrecs, the oldest line of placental mammals; and to half the world’s species of chameleons (here, a Parson’s chameleon.)
##A 11 66070 476
##A 11 59844 477
##T Anthropology
##A 11 86633 478
##T Cultural Survival Quarterly
Cultural Survival Quarterly
Homogenization is consuming even the most isolated indigenous cultures on the planet. Can the languages of threatened cultures be saved? Can indigenous people share game parks where white men come to play? Is the drug trade crucial to some tribal people’s cultural survival? Does “education” really mean loss of identity? Cultural Survival is an organization of concerned anthropologists and other citizens trying to preserve threatened cultures and explore ways in which native peoples can accommodate to the twentieth century without too great a loss of their own uniqueness. The magazine, Cultural Survival Quarterly, provides thorough coverage of their efforts.
— Peter Warshall
Ÿ Katúah
##A 11 86871 479
##T Cultural Survival Quarterly
Jason Clay, Ph.D., Editor
ISSN 07403291
$20/year(4 issues)
Cultural Survival, Inc.
11 Divinity Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138
##A 11 87173 480
##T Cultural Survival Quarterly
It is difficult for an Eskimo who has spent his entire life surviving in the Arctic to understand the motives of someone who has traveled thousands of miles to float down a river in a rubber boat. Some recreational users cannot understand why hundreds of caribou are killed each fall on a very short stretch of river (Onion Portage) in a National Park. There are many subsistence activities that are critical enough or sensitive enough that recreationists blundering through or a research helicopter flying over could easily disrupt the activity and possibly result in a serious reduction of the winter’s food supply for a village. Sport hunting methods and purposes don’t usually coincide with subsistence hunting practices.
##A 11 3530 481
##T Cultural Survival Quarterly
It was obvious that the Chinese were caught off guard on October 1 by the intensity of the Tibetan reaction to the beatings and arrests of the demonstrating monks. . . .
We will never know what orders the police acted upon that day or who was responsible for giving them. Of the thousands of rounds of ammunition that were fired, relatively few appeared to be fired with the intent of causing death. . . .
Initially the official New China News Agency said that the Tibetan rioters snatched guns from policemen and shot at the police and at bystanders, killing six and injuring 19. It is said that the police had strictly followed orders not to open fire. However, the only gun that a Western eyewitness ever saw in the hands of a Tibetan was when a young boy ran toward the police station and picked up an AK 47 that a policeman had dropped. The boy carried the gun back, and it was passed from hand to hand over the heads of the crowd, cheering at this small, symbolic victory. Then someone smashed the gun to pieces on the street. It was loaded, but never fired.
##A 11 87602 482
##T Cultural Survival Quarterly
Demonstrator leads crowd in protest chant, Lhasa, Tibet, 1 October 1987.
##A 11 85647 483
##T The Savage Mind
The Savage Mind
The formidable Levi-Strauss parses the logic of totemism — native science based on deepest familiarity with fellow species and ritual celebration of mutual dependency. He gestures in detail at the dramatic life awaiting souls willing to bear totemic relation to the life around them.
— Stewart Brand
The Savage Mind is uncanny: revealing our primitive thought as much as tribal peoples’. You end up wondering who’s the dunce.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 85955 484
##T The Savage Mind
Claude Levi-Strauss
1968; 290 pp.
ISBN 0226474844
$10.95 postpaid
University of Chicago Press
11030 South Langley Avenue
Chicago, IL 60628
##A 11 86043 485
##T The Savage Mind
A native thinker makes the penetrating comment that “All sacred things must have their place.” (Fletcher) It could even be said that being in their place is what makes them sacred for if they were taken out of their place, even in thought, the entire order of the universe would be destroyed. Sacred objects therefore contribute to the maintenance of order in the universe by occupying the places allocated to them. Examined superficially and from the outside, the refinements of ritual can appear pointless. They are explicable by a concern for what one might call “micro-adjustment” — the concern to assign every single feature, object or creature to a place within a class.
##A 11 39681 486
##T The Savage Mind
The natives themselves are sometimes acutely aware of the “concrete” nature of their science and contrast it sharply with that of the whites: “We know what the animals do, what are the needs of the beaver, the bear, the salmon, and other creatures, because long ago men married them and acquired this knowledge from their animal wives. Today the man has been only a short time in this country and knows very little about the animals; we have lived here thousands of years and were taught long ago by the animals themselves. The white man writes everything down in a book so that it will not be forgotten; but our ancestors married the animals, learned all their ways, and passed on the knowledge from one generation to another.” (Jenness)
##A 11 91182 487
##T The Savage Mind
The opposite of totemism: Naturalized Man. Sketch by Le Brun.
##A 11 84534 488
##T Patterns of Culture
Patterns of Culture
Years go by and still no book replaces Patterns of Culture. The graceful contrasts of human life. The reminder to reflect on our cultural prejudices before judging another tribe. Unique anthropology by a unique woman.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 84788 489
##T Patterns of Culture
Ruth Benedict
1934, 1959; 291 pp.
ISBN 0395083575
$8.95 ($9.95 postpaid)
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Mail Order Dept.
Wayside Road
Burlington, MA 01803
##A 11 85139 490
##T Patterns of Culture
Later, traditionally when the boy is about fourteen and old enough to be responsible, he is whipped again by even stronger masked gods. It is at this initiation that the kachina mask is put upon his head, and it is revealed to him that the dancers, instead of being the supernaturals from the Sacred Lake, are in reality his neighbours and his relatives. After the final whipping, the four tallest boys are made to stand face to face with the scare kachinas who have whipped them. The priests lift the masks from their heads and place them upon the heads of the boys. It is the great revelation. The boys are terrified. The yucca whips are taken from the hands of the scare kachinas and put in the hands of the boys who face them, now with the masks upon their heads. They are commanded to whip the kachinas. It is their first object lesson in the truth that they, as mortals, must exercise all the functions which the uninitiated ascribe to the supernaturals themselves.
##A 11 269014 491
##T The Sacred
The Sacred
I love this book. I read it like Jews and Christians read the Bible or Asian peoples read Confucius or Buddhists their sutras. Life may be complex, but the religious principles of traditional native peoples are simple, straightforward and clear. The Sacred quietly, carefully and somewhat bookishly lays out the everyday morality of Native Americans before the whiteman. This book is the growing bridge between modern Euro-American society and the strength, beauty and vitality of North America’s earliest inhabitants. — Peter Warshall
This book was prepared for use by young Native Americans and largely put together by Native Americans. It’s a spiritual field guide for North America. — Stewart Brand
Ÿ Native American Life
##A 11 269194 492
##T The Sacred
(Ways of Knowledge, Sources of Life)
Peggy V. Beck & Anna L. Waters
1977; 369 pp.
ISBN 0912586249
$16 ($17.69 postpaid)
Navajo Community College Press
Navajo Community College
Tsaile RPO, AZ 86556
##A 11 156679 493
##T The Sacred
To us a clown is somebody sacred, funny, powerful, ridiculous, holy, shameful, visionary. He is all this and then some more. Fooling around, a clown is really performing a spiritual ceremony. He has a power. It comes from the thunder-beings, not the animals or the earth. In our Indian belief, a clown has more power than the atom bomb. This power could blow off the dome of the Capital. I have told you that I once worked as a rodeo clown. This was almost like doing spiritual work. Being a clown, for me, came close to being a medicine man. It was in the same nature. —Lame Deer, 1972:236
##A 11 24485 494
##T Visual Anthropology
Visual Anthropology
The great 19th-century American photographer Matthew Brady felt he was morally obligated to record for the future the events, places, and people of his time. Since Brady’s time, with the exception of the Roosevelt administration’s documentation of the Great Depression, the public face of photography has shown more consistent attention to aesthetic achievement.
Brady’s plea for recording has been answered by the Colliers, who show how. For the anthropologist, geographer, or sociologist, the authors present the photograph (film and video are also thoroughly discussed) as a rich source of both qualitative and quantitative information about human behavior and culture.
##A 11 47044 495
##T Visual Anthropology
As a photographer, I was struck by the methodology of
“interviewing with photographs,” in which photographs are cycled back to their subjects, who are asked to interpret and expand on what is going on in the picture.
Surely broadening for the photographer as well as a valuable tool for the social scientist.
— Don Ryan
##A 11 75316 496
##T Visual Anthropology
(Photography as
a Research Method)
John Collier, Jr.
and Malcolm Collier
1986; 248 pp.
$14.95 ($15.95 postpaid)
University of New Mexico Press
Albuquerque, NM 87131
##A 11 75857 497
##T Visual Anthropology
The research period included the major saints day for the village during which a number of ceremonial activities took place, including an exquisite deer dance. At the request of the village governor both the deer dance and some foot races, involving mainly older men down by the river, were photographed. The field team considered themselves exceptionally lucky to be invited to photograph the deer dance, often considered to be the central ceremonial activity of this summer fiesta.
When Siegel carried out interviews using the photographs, to our amazement, only cursory comments were made on the deer dance; “We just do that for the Spanish people. . . .” But when the photographs showed the crowd moving down the hill to the foot race the interview tone changed; “Now the solemn time begins. . . .” and intense commentary followed. Running was more of a central ceremonial mystique than the elaborate deer dance. This revelation suggested changes in classical beliefs regarding ceremonialism at both Picuris and its larger neighbor, Taos Pueblo. Both had excelled,
##A 11 76646 498
##T Visual Anthropology
historically, in long-distance running, but it was the drama and pageantry of the deer dance that had always captivated the attention of outside observers in the past.
##A 11 176687 499
##T Visual Anthropology
Picuris Pueblo Deer Dance
##A 11 227541 500
##T Visual Anthropology
Picuris Pueblo Foot Race
##A 11 59922 501
##T Native American Life
##A 11 270059 502
##T Ishi In Two Worlds
Ishi In Two Worlds
One August day in 1911 the last wild Indian in America, near gone with starvation, the rest of his tribe dead, walked into a northern California town. Adopted by the brilliant anthropologist, Alfred Kroeber, he lived his remaining years in a California museum. This book by Kroeber’s wife reconstructs Ishi’s wild years in the Deer Creek area and tells with affection of his civilized years in Berkeley. For millions of readers, Ishi is our emotional link to native America.
— Stewart Brand
##A 11 270163 503
##T Ishi In Two Worlds
(A Biography of the Last Wild Indian of North America)
Theodora Kroeber
1961; 262 pp.
ISBN 0520031539
$10.95 ($11.45 postpaid)
University of California Press
2120 Berkeley Way
Berkeley, CA 94720
##A 11 134749 504
##T Ishi In Two Worlds
Calling rabbits with a kissing sound.
##A 11 270928 505
##T Handbooks of North American Indians
Handbooks of North American Indians
These volumes are the most straightforward history ever written on the peoples inhabiting North America before Anglo-European arrival. They are honest tracings of what happened to each tribal group — be it extinction; exodus from their homelands; fusion with Anglo-Europeans or another tribe; or decreased or increased tribal sovereignty and power. There are superb essays of the peoples known (even to the Indians) only from artifacts and diggings. Each volume features an “eco-cultural” area with excellent essays on local problems . . . snow or heat, grizzlies or witchcraft, food shortages or war. In short, these volumes will be our basic North American Indian references for all time. If you have even the slightest interest in the human, ecological, and
spiritual history of the place you live in, you will devour your
##A 11 271249 506
##T Handbooks of North American Indians
regional volume. Seven published. Thirteen to go. Great prices and photos.
— Peter Warshall
As usual, peerless work.
— Stewart Brand
##A 11 271427 507
##T Handbooks of North American Indians
All postpaid from:
Smithsonian Institution Press
Dept. 900
Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17294-0900
see next card for specific volumes
##A 11 271661 508
##T Handbooks of North American Indians
Vol. 5 (Arctic): 1984; 829 pp. $30.75.
Vol. 6 (Subarctic): 1981; 837 pp. $26.75.
Vol. 8 (California): 1978; 800 pp. $26.75.
Vol. 9 (Southwest): 1979; 701 pp. $24.75.
Vol. 10 (Southwest): 1983; 868 pp. $26.75.
Vol. 11 (Great Basin): 1986; 868 pp. $28.75.
Vol. 15 (Northeast): 1978; 924 pp. $28.75.
##A 11 88599 509
##T Handbooks of North American Indians
In California the aboriginal population had considerable effect on the landscape, almost entirely by means of fire, as explained by the insightful analysis of H. T. Lewis (1973). The following summary of the fire ecology of grassland, woodland, chaparral, and coniferous forest relies heavily on his work.
Fire was used in the grasslands of the central valley but it is difficult to determine the extent of its use. The reasons for its use were apparently both to control the growth of brush and promote the growth of seed-producing grasses and also to facilitate hunting.
What evidence there is indicates that woodland areas of the various groups were burned (annually?) to control brush and promote growth of seed-producing plants valuable from a subsistence standpoint. Whether fire driving of game was also
##A 11 89347 510
##T Handbooks of North American Indians
important is not clear, but the practice is said to have been almost universal in California (Driver and Massey 1957:188). The usual time for burning was
“after the seed harvest,” which may have been any time from July to October depending on the crop of particular interest. . . .
The Indian practice . . . would have contributed to a dynamic equilibrium with respect to trees, grasses, and shrubs that resulted in open parkland productive of acorns, grass seeds, and winter feed for deer and other grazers. . . .
From the standpoint of range management, the evidence indicates that the aboriginal practices were near optimum. The two elements of such management are burning in open areas (spot burning) within brush stands and burning both fall and spring. The first element, spot burning, is desirable because it maximizes the amount of edge vegetation (producing superior browse for deer) and also provides many areas of
##A 11 89999 511
##T Handbooks of North American Indians
grass and herbaceous plants useful to both humans and game animals.
It is important to note that the Indians knew why they were burning and not simply doing it blindly or superstitiously. A Karok informant stated that “the wild rice
[grass] plants also they burn, so that the wild rice will grow up good” (Harrington 1932a:64). This sort of statement is found repeatedly concerning grassland, woodland, and chaparral.
##A 11 271944 512
##T Handbooks of North American Indians
Reconstruction of
Tolowa dwelling house.
Exterior viewed from front, interior from rear.
##A 11 272397 513
##T Black Elk Speaks
Black Elk Speaks
The Pueblo tribes don’t go in for visionary solitary mystical whizbangs. (Of all of them only Taos is into peyote very much.) The plains tribes are something else however. Their lives turned on their visions — solo manhood transports, dreams, name visions, sun dance ordeals, battle ecstasy, doctoring sessions . . . and later, ghost dance and peyote. This book is the power vision of one Oglala Sioux — and the extraordinary man it made. Black Elk’s account, besides affording unusual insight into Sioux life and historical figures such as Crazy Horse, demonstrates the manner of recognizing a serious vision and being responsible for it, and the burden, joy and power of doing that.
— Stewart Brand
##A 11 272811 514
##T Black Elk Speaks
John G. Neihardt
1932, 1959; 238 pp.
ISBN 0671452215
Washington Square Press
##A 11 273068 515
##T Black Elk Speaks
Then I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and round about beneath me was the whole hoop of the world. And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being. And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all the children of one mother and one father. And I saw that it was holy.
Black Elk said the mountain he stood upon in his vision was Harney Peak, in the Black Hills. “But anywhere is the center of the world,” he added.
##A 11 60989 516
##T Civilization
##A 11 291758 517
##T Science and Civilisation in China
Science and Civilisation in China
Joseph Needham is a renowned biologist who travelled into unexplored regions of Chinese technological history and became a yet more renowned historian and interpreter of what is for most of us the back of the planet. His series is awesome in size and depth; he’s done the mining, but you’ve got to refine the ore to suit your own purposes. One purpose might be learning about Taoism and how its influence helped the Chinese discover and utilize some technology long before the West and also overlook or never utilize other stuff that the West seized on. Another purpose might be taking some of the mechanical inventions of old China — from man-kites to waterwheels — and applying them to your own hand
technology of intentional communities. There’s no source like the source in these matters. If you’re timid, you should try The
##A 11 297055 518
##T Science and Civilisation in China
Shorter Science and Civilisation in China in two abridged volumes. Or you could blow $1,100, get all nine full volumes, and then wait anxiously for the next one to rumble down the chute from Cambridge.
Awesome books.
— Stewart Brand
##A 11 297694 519
##T Science and Civilisation in China
The Shorter Science and Civilisation in China
Joseph Needham
and Colin A. Ronan
ISBN 0521292867/ 0521235820
Vol. 1, 326 pp.
$18.95 ($19.95 postpaid);
Vol. 2, 459 pp.$42.50
($46.50 postpaid)
Cambridge University Press
510 North Avenue
New Rochelle, NY 10801
9 Volume set, or in 2 Vols
##A 11 298204 520
##T Science and Civilisation in China
Segregation Table of the symbols of the Book of Changes
. . . . Yin and Yang separate, but each contains half of its opposite in a
“recessive” state, as is seen when the
second division occurs. There is no logical end to the process but here it is not followed beyond the stage of
the 64 hexagrams.
##A 11 80290 521
##T I and Thou
I and Thou
You can read I and Thou in two hours and not get over it for the rest of your life. Buber tells you how you stand, either in a dialogical relationship with the Creative Force or in a position of
“havingness” where you are a thing bounded by other things.
— Ken Kesey
A discovery more prime than Einstein’s Relativity is Buber’s distinction between the “experience” of I-It and the “relation” of
I-You. It can cure at once the twin pathologies of Transcendent God and Controllable Nature. In “I-You” is the possibility of love that does not possess, as well as the realest perception of learning, which is coevolution. Martin Buber’s original German torrent is
well served by the translation and prologue by Walter Kaufmann.
— Stewart Brand
##A 11 80482 522
##T I and Thou
Martin Buber
1984; 137 pp.
ISBN 0684717255
$4.95 ($5.95 postpaid)
MacMillan Publishing Co.
Order Dept.
Front and Brown Streets
Riverside, NJ 08075
##A 11 80843 523
##T I and Thou
A man’s relation to the “particular something” that arrogates the supreme throne of his life’s values, pushing eternity aside, is always directed toward the experience and use of an It, a thing, an object of enjoyment. For only this kind of relation can bar the view to God, by interposing the impenetrable It-world; the relationship that says You always opens it up again.
Whoever says You does not have something for his object. For wherever there is something there also another something: every It borders on other Its; It is only by virtue of bordering on others. But where You is said there is no something. You has no borders.
Whoever says You does not have something; he has nothing. But he stands in relation.
##A 11 81071 524
##T I and Thou
Throughout all of this the tree remains my object and has its place and its time span, its kind and condition.
But it can also happen, if will and grace are joined, that as I contemplate the tree I am drawn into a relation, and the tree ceases to be an It. The power of exclusiveness has seized me.
I perceive something. I feel something. I imagine something. I want something. I sense something. I think something. The life of a human being does not consist merely of all this and its like.
All this and its like is the basis of the realm of It.
But the realm of You has another basis.
##A 11 81376 525
##T I and Thou
When I confront a human being as my You and speak the basic word I-You to him, then he is no thing among things nor does he consist of things.
He is no longer He or She, limited by other Hes and Shes, a dot in the world grid of space and time, nor a condition that can be experienced and described, a loose bundle of named qualities. Neighborless and seamless, he is You and fills the firmament. Not as if there were nothing but he; but everything else lives in his light.
In truth language does not reside in man but man stands in language and speaks out of it.
Extended, the lines of relationships intersect in the external You. Every single You is a glimpse of that. Through every single You the basic word addresses the eternal You.
##A 11 12813 526
##T The Amy Vanderbilt Complete Book of Etiquette
The Amy Vanderbilt Complete Book of Etiquette
I used to think that to have manners was to be mannered; that etiquette was affectation. Now I see that discipline of any sort is a lot more comfortable than its absence, and that is quite as true of consideration for others as it is of daily exercise or meditation. Comfortable, yes; effortless, no. There’s inborn grace and learned grace, and in a world of constant change and conflict, what’s inborn may soon be eroded.
All you have to do is follow a few hundred simple suggestions. The essence of them is consideration for others, whether that is made manifest as tact, promptness in thanking people, being organized enough not to confound everybody else, or making a proper
introduction. The point of all the information, commonplace (how
##A 11 51696 527
##T The Amy Vanderbilt Complete Book of Etiquette
to make a bed) or esoteric (what sort of gift to give a nun), is “to help people make it through life just a little more easily and be a little more sure of themselves.”
— Stephanie Mills
##A 11 51783 528
##T The Amy Vanderbilt Complete Book of Etiquette
Letitia Baldrige
Revised Edition 1978; 879 pp.
ISBN 0385133758
$17.95 postpaid
Doubleday and Company
Direct Mail Order
501 Franklin Avenue
Garden City, NY 11530
##A 11 71705 529
##T The Amy Vanderbilt Complete Book of Etiquette
Some bachelors become truly bored by having to attend parties every night and always having to take care of whatever single woman is present. If this is the case, the man should be frank with his friends. “Look, I’d love to come over some night to have a hamburger with you and the kids and to relax a bit, but I’m tired of parties.” Frankness in social relationships never has to be rude; well-stated frankness is always for the best.
##A 11 71949 530
##T The Amy Vanderbilt Complete Book of Etiquette
A very nice gesture to make before the dinner party is to ask a recovered alcoholic if there is some drink he or she particularly likes, such as iced tea or a special kind of juice. Some like to drink tea or coffee during the cocktail hour. A recovered alcoholic who doesn’t want to be “different” might ask for ginger ale because it “looks like scotch and soda.” . . .
For a dinner party, the table should be set the same for all guests. You do not set the recovered alcoholic’s place at the dinner table with the wineglasses conspicuously missing. When wine is served, this guest will simply make a “no, thank you” gesture when the wine is offered to him. He might also accept wine in his glass in order not to distract, but will, of course, leave it untouched. You are not putting temptation in his way by offering him wine, because a recovered alcoholic has to train himself with a fine-edged will power to refuse liquor of all kinds in all circumstances.
##A 11 72461 531
##T The Amy Vanderbilt Complete Book of Etiquette
Formal dinner setting as guest approaches the table. The butter plate is optional. Glasses for four wines — sherry, white, red, and champagne — are included, as well as a water goblet.
##A 11 209004 532
##T The Amy Vanderbilt Complete Book of Etiquette
Recessional, Christian ceremony, optional arrangement. Reading from top down: Groom and bride; flower girl or page or pages, if any, or second honor attendant, if any; best man and maid or matron of honor; ushers and bridesmaids paired.
##A 11 46107 533
##T Technics and Civilization
Technics and Civilization
I first read this book in 1957, and twice since then.
Here are the first lines of the book.
During the last thousand years the material basis
and the cultural forms of Western Civilization have
been profoundly modified by the development of the
machine. How did this come about? Where did it take
Lewis Mumford is an unusual man. He is not an engineer or a scientist, he isn’t an historian or sociologist, you can’t identify
him as a business man or a literary man or an academic. He seems
##A 11 47313 534
##T Technics and Civilization
beyond all those roles. This made him especially attractive to me when I was 19 because his style smelled of the place I wanted to go. He is profound, poetic, knowledgeable. He takes care of the large and small things in his books.
Technics and Civilization is a good book to start with; if you like it, there are many others of his to turn to, Myth of the Machine, Arts and Technics, The City in History, Transformation of Man, The Pentagon of Power, etc.
How I have used him; all through my twenties I used him as my guide.
— Steve Baer
##A 11 48564 535
##T Technics and Civilization
Lewis Mumford
1934, 1963; 495 pp.
ISBN 015688254X
$8.95 ($9.95 postpaid)
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
1250 Sixth Avenue
San Diego, CA 92101
##A 11 49849 536
##T Technics and Civilization
Most of the important inventions and discoveries that served as the nucleus for further mechanical development did not arise, as Spengler would have it, out of some mystical inner drive of the Faustian soul: they were wind-blown seeds from other cultures. . . . Taking root in medieval culture, in a different climate and soil, these seeds of the machine sported and took on new forms: perhaps, precisely because they had not originated in Western Europe and had no natural enemies there, they grew as rapidly and gigantically as the Canada thistle when it made its way onto the South American pampas.
##A 11 88066 537
##T Technics and Civilization
Modern cotton spinning. During the paleolithic period the textile industries were the pattern for advanced production, and the term factory was at first applied solely to textile factories. Today the worker has a smaller part then ever to play in them: he lingers on as a machine-herd.
##A 11 51387 538
##T Civilization and Capitalism
Civilization and Capitalism
The first book in this three volume set, The Structures of Everyday Life, is divided into sections: rice, corn, beer, furniture, alcohol, iron and many many others. I found that I paid close attention to Braudel; most history books make my mind wander. He turns the usual history upside down — many details of everyday life but perhaps no mention of the King. All his discussions are filled with quotes from first hand.
There are no chapters of theories concerning why this or that happened. Instead piece by piece you hear about furniture in China and Europe, alcohol in France, England and America. The details pour out of the book. One of the nicest qualities of the book is that it can be opened anywhere and read for 20 minutes. Braudel has
##A 11 52984 539
##T Civilization and Capitalism
enough respect for life and the past to be immensely puzzled by it — so he never imposes some kind of false structure that you have to pay attention to.
— Steve Baer
Braudel’s cleverness is to pay attention to the “weight of numbers” in history: the price of eggs, the amount of wine a family consumed, the number of times goods changed hands during trade. The measurements add up to understanding. These observations are
explored in full by the further two volumes, The Wheels of Commerce and The Perspective of the World. You won’t find the breadth of civilization fit into a smaller bundle.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 11 53875 540
##T Civilization and Capitalism
Volume 1: The Structures of Everyday Life
Fernand Braudel
1981; 623 pp.
ISBN 0060912944
$16.95 ($18.45 postpaid)
Harper & Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 11 9029 541
##T Civilization and Capitalism
Volume 2: The Wheels of Commerce
Fernand Braudel
1986; 720 pp.
ISBN 0060912952
$16.95 ($18.45 postpaid)
Harper & Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 11 22845 542
##T Civilization and Capitalism
Volume 3: The Perspective of the World
Fernand Braudel
1986; 704 pp.
ISBN 0060912960
$16.95 ($18.45 postpaid)
Harper & Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 11 10810 543
##T Archaeology
##A 11 44561 544
##T Archaeology
A rare specimen: a textbook that is a joy to read for its own sake. Archaeology ably puts across the science and practice of discovering the past, with a twist I’ve not seen before: co-author Rathje’s study of contemporary garbage in Tucson, Arizona, is used to demonstrate how archaeologists treat data and test hypotheses. I found myself painlessly learning something new on nearly every page.
— Jay Kinney
##A 11 50945 545
##T Archaeology
William L. Rathje
and Michael B. Schiffer
1982; 434 pp.
ISBN 0155029509
$25.95 ($26.95 postpaid)
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
1250 Sixth Avenue
San Diego, CA 92101
##A 11 55637 546
##T Archaeology
Because of its short life, the Coors punch-top can — manufactured between 1974 and 1977 — is a very effective horizon marker. Levels in modern landfills that contain this type could be precisely dated.
##A 11 58898 547
##T Archaeology magazine
Archaeology magazine
One of the few remaining sciences that embraces amateur participation is archaeology. An awful lot of fantastic research is carried out (literally) by eager bands of students and volunteers sifting through old layers of silt. There’s another kind of field work going on these days, too: Experimenters shed their modern habits and by taking up ancient tools reconstruct the past by living it for a while. The findings of both these kinds of research are given colorful play in this classy journal, which might be mistaken for an enticing travel magazine. Between the ads and the magazine’s biannual listing of excavations in progress, it’s the best place to find a dig to work on.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 11 59466 548
##T Archaeology magazine
Phyllis Pollak Katz, Editor
$20/year (6 issues)
Subscription Service
P.O. Box 928
Farmingdale, NY 11737
##A 11 63967 549
A craftsman builds a scale model of a Roman ponto, a merchant ship, from a design based in part on the hull of a shipwreck being studied in shallow waters north of Caesarea.
##A 11 67512 550
##T The Source
The Source
Simply the best genealogy book to get if you want to buy only one. This mammoth handbook is the best all-purpose reference manual for both hobbyists and professional genealogists. It goes into great detail about where to look for records, and even where not to look. For instance, it tells you not to count on finding military records from 1912 to 1959 because a disastrous fire destroyed 80 percent of them in 1973. The Source tells which files are left intact. The 16 experts who compiled the book also include specifics for the increasing numbers of racial minorities doing ancestral research, such as blacks and Asian-Americans.
— Bob Mitchell
##A 11 67588 551
##T The Source
Arlene Eakle
and Johni Cerny, Editors
1984; 786 pp.
ISBN 0916489019
$39.95 ($43.95 postpaid)
Ancestry, Inc.
P.O. Box 476
Salt Lake City, UT 84110-0476
##A 11 67905 552
##T The Source
If your ancestor lived in an urban area after 1800, check utility records: sprinkling systems, sidewalk widening, sewer, water, power, gas, garbage pick-up records. These are especially valuable for identifying addresses for immigrants who move from one part of the city to another as their economic conditions improve. Second-, third-, and fourth-class cities also keep these records.
##A 11 68374 553
##T The Source
In family plots, it is frequently possible to determine family relationships from the relative positions of the graves. Usually the dominant couple or parents are in the center with a large stone while children have smaller stones. Positioning of graves can also indicate national origins. Scandinavians seem to position plots with the father in the lower right-hand corner (1), the mother next to him (2), with children and spouses (3-6) placed in order of death clockwise around a large stone bearing the family name.
##A 11 66355 554
##T History
##A 11 69638 555
##T The Living History Sourcebook
The Living History Sourcebook
Living history is a curious blend of grassroots obsessiveness
and radical academia. It started out with history buffs getting dressed up to act out bygone battles. They discovered no one really knew very much about what happened back then because when they tried things the way the professors said they were, it didn’t work. The buffs kept getting dressed up, having fun and living out the roles, rediscovering new things as a pastime, and finally the experts got interested. Eventually when some museums found out that the only way you could get TV-numbed Americans to visit a museum was to have people dress up in costume and demonstrate old-timey ways, a veritable movement got rolling. There are now several magazines, hundreds of active sites, festivals, mock
battles, rendezvous, and a whole new science. This sourcebook will lead you to them all. — Kevin Kelly
##A 11 70355 556
##T The Living History Sourcebook
Jay Anderson
1985; 469 pp.
ISBN 0910050759
$19.95 ($21.95 postpaid)
American Association for State and Local History Press
172 Second Avenue North
Suite 102
Nashville, TN 37201
##A 11 70609 557
##T The Living History Sourcebook
Preparing for the wheat harvest in colonial New Mexico.
— Old Cienega Village Museum
##A 11 68787 558
##T Practicing History
Practicing History
To get to any depth in a complex story, secondary sources — other people’s histories — aren’t good enough; you have to go to primary sources: letters, diaries, maps, journals, newspaper accounts, photographs, and memoirs. Nothing will help introduce you to the craft of history-writing as well as this book of essays by Barbara Tuchman. (She wrote the Pulitzer Prize winning history of the fourteenth century, A Distant Mirror.) Ms. Tuchman’s methods: discard the unnecessary, write like a storyteller, invent nothing, and use mainly primary sources
You could be a historian with nothing more than this book of advice and examples, access to a good research library (with interlibrary loan), a little travel, and the devotion of a year or two.
— Art Kleiner
##A 11 69308 559
##T Practicing History
Practicing History
Barbara W. Tuchman
1935, 1981; 306 pp.
ISBN 0345303636
$8.95 ($9.95 postpaid)
Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
For tape version, see last card of this review for access info and to play an excerpted sound.
##A 11 69545 560
##T Practicing History
Selection is what determines the ultimate product, and that is why I use material from primary sources only. My feeling about secondary sources is that they are helpful but pernicious. I use them as guides at the start of a project to find out the general scheme of what happened, but I do not take notes from them because I do not want to end up simply rewriting someone else’s book. Furthermore, the facts in a secondary source have already been pre-selected, so that in using them one misses the opportunity of selecting one’s own.
##A 11 5194 561
##T Practicing History
Practicing History — Tape Version
Barbara W. Tuchman
7 cassettes/9.75 hours
Purchase: $39.95 ($43.20 postpaid)
30-day rental: $13.50 ($16.75 postpaid) from:
Recorded Books
P. O. Box 409
Charlotte Hall, MD 20622
Unabridged narration by Aviva Skell
Catalog number 87510
##A 11 70850 562
##T Old Glory
Old Glory
Your town has origins. So does your family. This is a splendid book about how to find and preserve and parade them. There is such a thing as cultural good ecology. Savor your own peculiar
community’s weirdness. Savor some other people’s.
— Stewart Brand
##A 11 70941 563
##T Old Glory
(A Pictorial Report on the Grass Roots History Movement and The First Hometown History Primer)
James Robertson, Editor
1973; 191 pp.
$4.95 ($5.95 postpaid)
Warner Books/Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 11 71332 564
##T Old Glory
Every town should have at least one great old building to show off to visitors, and there certainly ought to be at least one amazing story that goes along with it.
There probably isn’t another project we know of that is at one time as useful and as much fun as doing a history survey.
What information does a town history survey include? A successful town history survey should (1) provide a comprehensive list of all historically-significant properties in or near the town; (2) give an explanation for each property — plus a sketch of its history; (3) provide information as to who owns each property; and (4) mention the owner’s plans for the future of the property.
##A 11 214346 565
##T Old Glory
This is Tina Collins, who lives in a cabin up Coalport Hollow outside of town. “I started sewing when I was a kid, about 6 or 7. I wasn’t big enough to sit down. I had to stand up in front of the machine and push. That’s the truth.”
##A 11 73586 566
##T Future
##A 11 60263 567
##T Engines of Creation
Engines of Creation
The Last Technological Revolution is upon us: “nanotechnology” — the science of building molecules to order. What this might mean for good or bad is enthusiastically examined in this lively book. There is some gee-whizzing; how could there not be when the potentials include cell repair, disease reduction, and life extension? Ebullience is balanced by a serious discussion of the potential for horrifying weaponry, and the social disorder that could result from thoughtless incorporation of nanotechnology into an unprepared populace. The book is remarkably wide-visioned and comprehensively based: most unusual for this sort of thing. Future-reading at its best.
— J. Baldwin
##A 11 60441 568
##T Engines of Creation
(The Coming Era of Nanotechnology)
K. Eric Drexler
1986; 298 pp.
ISBN 0385199732
$10.95 ($11.95 postpaid)
Doubleday & Co.
Direct Mail Order
501 Franklin Avenue
Garden City, NY 11530
##A 11 60763 569
##T Engines of Creation
Not human whims but the unchanging laws of nature draw the line between what is physically possible and what is not — no political act, no social movement can
change the law of gravity one whit. So however futuristic they may seem, sound projections of technological possibilities are quite distinct from predictions.
The simplest medical applications of nanomachines will involve not repair but selective destruction. Cancers provide one example; infectious diseases provide another. The goal is simple: one need only recognize and destroy the dangerous replicators, whether they are bacteria, cancer cells, viruses, or worms. Similarly, abnormal growths and deposits on arterial walls cause much heart disease; machines that recognize, break down, and dispose of them will clear arteries for more normal blood flow. Selective destruction will also cure diseases such as herpes in which a virus splices its genes into the DNA of a host cell. A repair device will enter the cell, read its DNA, and remove the addition that spells “herpes.”
##A 11 242019 570
##T Foresight Update
Foresight Update
Imagine molecule-sized machines that can alter or repair any organ in your body.
Imagine biologically-based machines that can enter and repair your defective cells and, so, extend your life indefinitely.
Imagine a molecule-sized weapon that is undetectable and able to enter an organism and “re-program” its genetic code.
This isn’t science fiction, but a relatively new field of research called “nanotechnology” (“nano” for nanometers, the measurement
standard for molecules), first described in K. Eric Drexler’s excellent book, Engines of Creation. While still in its infancy, biologically-based nanotechnology promises to change (and
##A 11 245710 571
##T Foresight Update
challenge) us on the internal level as profoundly as the personal computer has on the external.
The Foresight Institute is a non-profit group dedicated to the study and promotion of nanotechnology research. When you subscribe to their feature-oriented newsletter, the Foresight Update, you will also receive the Foresight Background, a forum
for on-going discussions about the possible benefits and dangers of nanotech. Frankly, a bit more objectivity in both publications would have been welcome. There’s a “gee-whiz” tone to some of their articles that’s unsettling, considering the potential dangers of nanotechnology. But if you’re interested in keeping up with
what’s going on in this important new field, this is the place to do it. — Richard Kadrey
##A 11 242425 572
##T Foresight Update
Chris Peterson, Editor
$25/year from:
Foresight Institute
Box 61058, Department S
Palo Alto, CA 94306
##A 11 244846 573
##T Foresight Update
One cubic nanometer of diamond, containing 176 atoms. A cube 100 nm on a side would contain 176 million atoms.
##A 11 61223 574
##T The World Future Society
The World Future Society
More interested in possibilities than predictions, the World Future Society conducts ongoing discussions amongst its 25,000 members. Their magazine, The Futurist, works over ideas both nasty and nice, not mere pie-in-the-sky stuff. The editor fortunately avoids academic dead-serious essays, preferring to look at subjects with an open mind and unafraid of controversy. You’ll probably find the same attitude in the World Future Society chapter near you.
The Society also publishes Future Survey, a monthly abstract of matters futurist from books, articles, and other sources. The book reviews are particularly good. I find that I keep up with futurist thought a lot more easily in this publication than in any other, including The Futurist. — J. Baldwin
##A 11 61577 575
##T The World Future Society
The Futurist
Edward Cornish, Editor
ISSN 00163317
Membership $25/year
(includes 6 issues of The Futurist)
World Future Society
4916 St. Elmo Avenue
Bethesda, MD 20814
##A 11 58108 576
##T The World Future Society
Future Survey
Michael Marien, Editor
ISSN 01903241
$59/year(12 issues)
plus Annual Volume
World Future Society
4916 St. Elmo Avenue
Bethesda, MD 20814
##A 11 61708 577
##T The World Future Society
Is owning a telephone and a computer a right or a privilege? This question will be at the center of one of the most critical issues of the next 10 years. The resolution of
it will answer an impending question the government and the private sector are anxious to have answered: Which will contribute more to public militance — greater access to information or more restricted access to information? — The Futurist
Age Wars: The Coming Battle Between Young and Old, Phillip Longman (Americans for Generational Equity, Washington), The Futurist, 20:1, Jan-Feb 1986, 8-11.
Today’s prosperity is being purchased at the eventual expense of today’s younger citizens and those yet unborn. The early decades of the next century may bring a war between the generations, as tomorrow’s elderly attempt to compel the young to honor the compounding debts of the present era: 1) the delayed repairs to the physical infrastructure (roads, bridges, etc.); 2) the postponed safe disposal of toxic wastes; 3) running down supplies of topsoil, energy, and clean water; 4) the massive Federal
##A 11 62084 578
##T The World Future Society
deficit (financing the interest charges alone on this year’s deficit will cost the average citizen now entering the work force an extra $10,000 in taxes over his or her lifetime); 5) failing to save for the retirement of the baby boom generation (by 2035, there could be fewer than two workers for each retiree). The baby boomers will pass an impossible encumbrance on to their children, and/or face an impoverished old age. Indeed, the baby boomers are already in the grip of real downward mobility: between 1973 and 1983, real after-tax income of households headed by a person 25-34 declined by nearly 19%. Concludes that younger Americans must encourage government to institute reforms in their own and the nation’s long-term interest. — Future Survey
##A 11 151452 579
##T The World Future Society
The computer has become a useful tool in the creation of both music and animated art. The use of an algorithm as generator of musical materials is old enough to be considered traditional. Since the late 1950s, the computer has been used, under the control of a composer, to create a musical score.
The field of computer graphics is also rich in algorithms, from modeling of light to visualizing scientific simulations. My work for “Marie Sets” deals with visualizing mathematical processes that fall into an area that IBM researcher Benoit B. Mandelbrot has termed “fractal geometry.” It is these analytic fractal functions that I have adopted as the foundation for my compositional work. “Marie Sets” is a music-animation piece that uses one algorithm to generate sound and visual materials, thus offering a holistic approach to the musical and graphic elements of the work.
— The Futurist
##A 11 152717 580
##T The World Future Society
Image from “Marie Sets,” by Brian Evans; photograph produced by Electronic Media Services/National Center for Supercomputing Applications. — The Futurist
##A 11 62569 581
##T Yesterday’s Tomorrows
Yesterday’s Tomorrows
It’s hard to say which is most salient in these visions of how we were going to be living today: prescience, hubris, or naivete. In any case, a look at this book should induce a certain humility in our own prognostications of the future, despite the “advances” we enjoy.
— J. Baldwin
##A 11 62753 582
##T Yesterday’s Tomorrows
Joseph J. Corn
and Brian Horrigan, Editors
1984; 158 pp.
$17.95 postpaid
Simon & Schuster
Mail Order Sales
200 Old Tappan
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 11 63281 583
##T Yesterday's Tomorrows
William Robinson Leigh,
“Visionary City,” 1908. The dizzying pace of growth in Manhattan around the turn of the century was clearly the inspiration for Leigh’s exquisite drawing, published as a magazine illustration in 1908.
##A 11 66777 584
##A 11 63008 585
##T Bateson
##A 11 76138 586
Gregory Bateson is responsible for a number of formal discoveries, most notably the “Double Bind” theory of schizophrenia. As an anthropologist he did pioneer work in New Guinea and (with respect to Margaret Mead) in Bali. He participated in the Macy Foundation meetings that founded the science of cybernetics but kept a healthy distance from computers. He wandered thornily in and out of various disciplines — biology, ethnology, linguistics, epistemology, psychotherapy — and left each of them altered with his passage.
Cybernetics is the discipline of whole systems thinking. For a field of such importance it is shocking there are so few introductory books. The ones here, like the Bateson books, introduce the cybernetic frame of mind. They instill habits of
##A 11 366874 587
minds that lead to on-going health effectiveness in all your dealings because they become self-adjusting. A whole system is a living system is a learning system.
— Stewart Brand
##A 11 77116 588
##T Steps to an Ecology of Mind
Steps to an Ecology of Mind
Steps to an Ecology of Mind is a collection of all of Gregory Bateson’s major papers, 1935-1971. In recommending the book
I’ve learned to suggest that it be read backwards. Read the broad analyses of mind and ecology at the end of the book and then work back to see where the premises come from.
Bateson has informed everything I’ve attempted since I read Steps in 1972. Through him I became convinced that much more of whole systems could be understood than I had thought, and that much more existed wholesomely beyond understanding than I thought — that mysticism, mood, ignorance and paradox could be rigorous,
for instance, and that the most potent tool for grasping these essences — these influence nets — is cybernetics.
— Stewart Brand
##A 11 77456 589
##T Steps to an Ecology of Mind
Gregory Bateson
1985; 541 pp.
ISBN 0345332911
$4.95 ($5.95 postpaid)
Random House
Order Dept.
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 11 77817 590
##T Steps to an Ecology of Mind
No organism can afford to be conscious of matters with which it could deal at unconscious levels.
Mere purposive rationality unaided by such phenomena as art, religion, dream, and the like, is necessarily pathogenic and destructive of life; its virulence springs specifically from the circumstance that life depends upon interlocking circuits of contingency, while consciousness can only see such short arcs as human purpose may direct.
When you narrow down your epistemology and act on the premise “what interests me is me, or my organization, or my species,” you chop off consideration of other loops of the loop structure. You decide that you want to get rid of the by-products of human life and that Lake Erie will be a good place to put them. You forget that the eco-mental
##A 11 77919 591
##T Steps to an Ecology of Mind
system called Lake Erie is part of your wider eco-mental system — and that if Lake
Erie is driven insane, its insanity is incorporated in the larger system of your thought and experience.
My father, the geneticist William Bateson, used to read us passages of the Bible at breakfast — lest we grow up to be empty-headed atheists.
In no system which shows mental characteristics can any part have unilateral control over the whole. In other words, the mental characteristics of the system are immanent, not in some part, but in the system as a whole.
##A 11 278239 592
##T Steps to an Ecology of Mind
The Dynamics of Ecological Crisis
##A 11 78570 593
##T Mind and Nature
Mind and Nature
Mind and Nature: A Necessary Unity addresses the hidden, though unoccult, dynamics of life — the misapprehension of which threatens to unhorse our civilization. Bateson doesn’t have all the answers, he just has better questions — elegant, mature, embarrassing questions that tweak the quick of things.
One of the themes that emerges is the near identity between the process of evolving and the process of learning, and the ongoing responsibility they have for each other which includes our responsibility, which we have shirked. We shirked it through ignorance. Mind and Nature dispels that.
Bateson’s previous writing — Naven; Communications: The Social Matrix of Psychiatry; Balinese Character; and Steps to an Ecology
##A 11 78687 594
##T Mind and Nature
of Mind — has been addressed to various audiences of specialists. Mind in Nature is addressed to a general readership. It is new thought in an old virtue — the use of fine original writing to express ideas whose excellence is embedded in the clarity of their expression. Strong medicine.
— Stewart Brand
##A 11 78903 595
##T Mind and Nature
Gregory Bateson
1979; 259 pp.
ISBN 0553227866
$4.95 ($6.45 postpaid)
Bantam Books
414 East Golf Road
Des Plaines, IL 60016
##A 11 79283 596
##T Mind and Nature
It is a nontrivial matter that we are almost always unaware of trends in our changes of state. There is a quasi-scientific fable that if you can get a frog to sit quietly in a saucepan of cold water, and if you then raise the temperature of the water very slowly and smoothly so that there is no moment marked to be the moment at which the frog should jump, he will never jump. He will get boiled. Is the human species changing its own environment with slowly increasing pollution and rotting its mind with slowly deteriorating religion and education in such a saucepan?
Human sense organs can receive only news of difference, and the differences must be coded into events in time (i.e. into changes) in order to be perceptible. Ordinary static differences that remain constant for more than a few seconds become perceptible only by scanning.
##A 11 79493 597
##T Mind and Nature
Ross Ashby long ago pointed out that no system (neither computer nor organism) can produce anything new unless the system contains some source of the random. In the computer, this will be a random-number generator which will ensure that the
“seeking,” trial-and-error moves of the machine will ultimately cover all the possibilities of the set to be explored.
I do not believe that the original purpose of the rain dance was to make “it” rain. I suspect that that is a degenerate misunderstanding of a much more profound religious need: to affirm membership in what we may call the ecological tautology, the eternal verities of life and environment. There’s always a tendency — almost a need — to vulgarize religion, to turn it into entertainment or politics or magic or “power.”
##A 11 79706 598
##T Mind and Nature
It seems to puzzle psychologists that the exploring tendencies of a rat cannot be simply extinguished by having the rat encounter boxes containing small electric shocks.
A little empathy will show that from the rat’s point of view, it is not desirable that he learn the general lesson. His experience of a shock upon putting his nose into a box indicates to him that he did well to put his nose into that box in order to gain the information that it contained a shock. In fact, the “purpose” of exploration is, not to discover whether exploration is a good thing, but to discover information about the explored. The larger case is of a totally different nature from that of the particular.
##A 11 277144 599
##T Mind and Nature
The figure is presented to the class as a reasonably accurate chalk drawing on the blackboard, but without the letters marking the various angles. The class is asked to describe “it” in a page of written English. When each student has finished his or her description, we compare the results. They fall into several categories:
About ten percent or less of students say, for example, that the object is a boot or, more picturesquely, the boot of a man with a gouty toe or even a toilet. Evidently, from this and similar analogic or iconic descriptions, it would be difficult for the hearer of the description to reproduce the object.
##A 11 277746 600
##T Mind and Nature
A much larger number of students see that the object contains most of a rectangle and most of a hexagon, and having divided it into parts in this way, then devote themselves to trying to describe the relations between the incomplete rectangle and the hexagon. A small number of these . . . discover that a line, BH, can be drawn and extended to cut the base line, DC, at a point I in such a way that HI will complete a regular hexagon. . . . I usually congratulate these students on their ability to create what resembles many scientific hypotheses, which “explain” a perceptible regularity in terms of some entity created by the imagination. . . .
There are also two other well known ways of description that no student has yet followed. No student has started from the statement “it’s made of chalk and blackboard.” No student has ever used the method of the halftone block, dividing the surface of the blackboard into a grid.
##A 11 334688 601
##T Fuller
##A 11 56985 602
Back in 1967, the insights of Buckminster Fuller initiated The Whole Earth Catalog.
— Stewart Brand
Back in 1951, when I was 18, the insights of Buckminster Fuller initiated my education. I liked his referring to himself as
"Guinea Pig B" (for Bucky), living his life as an experiment showing what one person might accomplish.
Fuller contended that it is easier to reform the human-built environment than to reform people, that the world’s resources can be distributed better by doing more with less (“ephemeralization”) than by war. To demonstrate this, he developed a number of
##A 11 57111 603
resource-efficient artifacts, including his famous geodesic domes, which shelter a space with 1/50th of the material required by conventional construction.
Bucky’s everything-is-connected-to-everything vision and highly detailed language make some of his writing and lecturing hard to follow if you’re new to it. I’d start with a book about him, the autobiographical Buckminster Fuller, or The Dymaxion™ World of Buckminster Fuller (now out of print). Next try Critical Path, a book that chronicles human evolution right up to the present, then brilliantly outlines the path we must take for species survival. Many people think it’s his best, most easily understood book. For a deeper understanding of his ideas, you’ll have to work hard reading
##A 11 57417 604
Synergetics 1 and 2. In them, Bucky’s philosophy is set out
complete with the math, geometry, and physics backing it. Amy Edmondson’s A Fuller Explanation will help you through the Synergetics books; that’s what her book is for, and it works well.
All of Bucky’s books, plus an extensive selection of video and sound tapes, his Dymaxion™ Map (still the best two-dimensional representation of the earth), geodesic model kits and other artifacts are available from The Buckminster Fuller Institute, directed by his daughter, Allegra Fuller Snyder.
(Edmund Scientific also stocks geodesic model kits. Ÿ See separate review of their catalog.)
##A 11 57735 605
The Institute manages his archives and coordinates those continuing Fuller’s work. Their newsletter, Trimtab, comes with your annual membership. It keeps you up to date with what’s new, of which there is plenty. Guinea Pig B has left us lots to do.
— J. Baldwin
##A 11 2549 606
A Fuller Explanation
(The Synergetic Geometry of R. Buckminster Fuller)
Amy C. Edmondson
ISBN 0817633383
$37.50 ($40 postpaid)
Birkhauser Boston, Inc.
P.O. Box 2485
Secaucus, NJ 07094
##A 11 63589 607
Buckminster Fuller
(An Autobiographical Monologue / Scenario) Documented and Edited by Robert Snyder, 1980; 218 pp. $18.95 postpaid.
Buckminster Fuller Institute, 1743 South La Cienega Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90035
##A 11 74569 608
The Dymaxion™ World of Buckminster Fuller
R. Buckminster Fuller
and Robert Marks
1960; 246 pp.
ISBN 0385018045
$11.95 postpaid
Buckminster Fuller Institute
1743 South La Cienega Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90035
##A 11 74806 609
Trimtab Bulletin
Jaime Snyder and Janet Brown, Editors
Membership $20/year(includes 6 issues of Trimtab Bulletin); Information free
Buckminster Fuller Institute
1743 South La Cienega Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90035
##A 11 230874 610
Critical Path
R. Buckminster Fuller
1981; 471 pp.
ISBN 0312174918
$15.95 postpaid
Buckminster Fuller Institute
1743 South La Cienega Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90035
##A 11 187803 611
(Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking)
R. Buckminster Fuller
1975; 876 pp.
ISBN 0020653204
$19.95 postpaid
Buckminster Fuller Institute
1743 South La Cienega Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90035
##A 11 230557 612
Synergetics 2
(Further Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking)
R. Buckminster Fuller
1979; 592 pp.
ISBN 0020926405
$16.95 postpaid
Buckminster Fuller Institute
1743 South La Cienega Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90035
##A 11 58163 613
Here comes this wave. Look at all this whiteness and all those bubbles. I said to myself, “I’ve been taught at school that to be able to design a model — because a bubble is a sphere — you have to use pi, and the number, pi, 3.14159265, on and on goes the number.” We find it cannot be resolved because it is a transcendental irrational. So I said, “When nature makes one of those bubbles, how many places did she have to carry out pi before she discovered you can’t resolve it? And at what point does nature decide to make a fake bubble?” I said, “I don’t think nature is turning out any fake bubbles, I think nature’s not using pi.” This made me start looking for ways in which nature did contrive all mensurations, all her spontaneous associations, without using such numbers. — Buckminster Fuller
##A 11 58539 614
Physics has found no solids! So to keep on teaching our children the word solid immediately is to drive home a way of thinking that is going to be neither reliable nor useful. There are no surfaces, there are no solids, there are no straight lines, there are no planes. — Buckminster Fuller
There comes a time, however, when we discover other ways of doing the same task more economically — as, for instance, when we discover that a 200-ton transoceanic jet airplane — considered on an annual round-trip-frequency basis — can outperform the passenger-carrying capability of the 85,000-ton Queen Mary.
— Critical Path
##A 11 58678 615
I am not a thing — a noun. I am not flesh. At eighty-five, I have taken in over a thousand tons of air, food, and water, which temporarily became my flesh and which progressively disassociated from me. You and I seem to be verbs — evolutionary processes. Are we not integral functions of the Universe?
— Critical Path
##A 11 101836 616
Energy Separated Out into Tetrahedral
Photon Packages.
##A 11 64008 617
##T “Life”
##A 11 306045 618
##T The Recursive Universe
The Recursive Universe
You are God in the game of Life (Ÿ see separate review), a computer game. Let there be a grid. And you create all in it. You design not only the creatures, but the rules of their universe. Let the cells live (a black dot) or die (emptiness) in each generation. And then there is time, a thousand generations a minute. Let there be graphic patterns of your cells’ growth, as they pulse in expansion, or flicker into extinction. Their destiny is fixed by the original premises that you, God, choose. Mathematically there is no way to tell where the system is going until you try it. That you can TRY it is heavenly.
Invented in 1970 by mathematician Jon Conway, Life is no longer played as a mere game. Run on large mainframe computers, this
##A 11 45350 619
##T The Recursive Universe
game, and others like it, have proved to be a fertile field of scientific research, the first hands-on cybernetics laboratory.
(The discipline is called Cellular Automata.) Some of the curious results and startling implications of running these simple worlds are clearly presented in The Recursive Universe. To be a part-time God yourself, you need only a home version of Life, which
is available in the public domain for IBM and Macintosh computers.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 11 306544 620
##T The Recursive Universe
(Cosmic Complexity and the Limits of Scientific Knowledge)
William Poundstone
1985; 252 pp.
ISBN 0688039758
$7.95 ($8.95 postpaid)
William Morrow & Co.
Wilmor Warehouse
39 Plymouth Street
Fairfield, NJ 07006
##A 11 306692 621
##T The Recursive Universe
When Life was first introduced, three of the biggest questions Life players wondered about were these: Is there any general way of telling what a pattern will do? Can any pattern grow without limit (so that the number of live cells keeps getting bigger and bigger)? Do all patterns eventually settle down into a stable object or group of objects?
Actually, Conway chose the rules of Life just so that these sorts of questions would be hard to answer.
[One kind of pattern] does not even have itself for a predecessor. It is an unstable pattern with no predecessors. The only way it can possibly turn up on the Life screen is for someone to use it as a starting configuration. The name for such a configuration is a “Garden-of-Eden” pattern.
This is a pattern with no past. It can never appear in Life except in the initial state.
##A 11 141478 622
by Kevin Kelly
Some snapshots I took at the First Artificial Life 4-H Show, held September 1987, at the Center for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico. This landmark conference brought together an eclectic band of biologists, computer scientists, nano-technology advocates, and mathematical geneticists. For an entire week the workshop showcased primeval organisms infused with a touch of artificial life.
##A 11 174225 623
##T Artificial Life 4-H Show
Lessons of the unreal. Dutch mathematician and biologist Aristid Lindenmayer waves a fall aster plant he pulled up from the parking lot perimeter. Lindenmayer is one of the grandfathers of biological mathematics — tracing the mathematical patterns in natural growth. Using computers primed with very simple rules, he has reconstructed the complex growth of wildflowers. He determined that exactly three distinct signals traveling up and down a plant stem will produce nearly all observable budding patterns. Interestingly, although there is an extraordinary visual match between real blossom sequences and artificial ones, there have been no botanical chemical signals discovered yet.
##A 11 102129 624
##T Artificial Life 4-H Show
The dance of leaf growth and blossoms opening and fading in ivy-leaved wild lettuce (Mycelis muralis) is governed by “two signals and accumulated delay” in Lindenmayer’s color computer graphic display .
##A 11 102485 625
##T Artificial Life 4-H Show
The power of one gene can be seen in the botanical work of Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz. Prusinkiewicz, working at the University of Regina in Canada, won the Blue Ribbon prize at the first annual Artificial Life 4-H Show for his colorful garden of artificial flowers grown in a computer. His plants had the individual dignity and distinction you find in real plants — each sample of a species looks similar, but individually different. The laws of their growth are complex simplicity. A few principals, governed by a few numbers, develop this complex artificial plant .
##A 11 315153 626
##T Artificial Life 4-H Show
The same formula, with only one single number accidentally altered late one evening, produced this radically transfigured mutation .
##A 11 102954 627
##T Artificial Life 4-H Show
Learning how to school. Peter Broadwell of the Media Lab’s Vivarium project had a story to tell about the fishes in his
“Fishbowl.” He designed the two different-colored fishes in his computer aquarium to swim round and round in an invisible glass bowl. The fishes would eat others of a different color, grow larger, mate to produce offspring of the same color, and die after a certain duration of time. He could alter the rates by tweaking the parameters on the side of the screen. Usually the aquarium would stabilize to a half dozen adult fishes, as shown here. Once, at a computer graphics show, he set the machine up as a visual soother in a room where computer artists were resting. During the evening when he was gone, they fiddled with the parameters and left it on overnight. The next morning he came in to see unanticipated evolution: sixty very tiny fish, all of one species, crammed into the bowl like sardines. They were swimming round in circles as a school, a behavior he had never designed into the system.
##A 11 306280 628
##T Life
The computer game. Let the opening pattern occur as a random event, or create your notion of what might be a Garden of Eden. Have your computer change that first configuration repeatedly according to a few simple rules and watch as something grows.
(Ÿ See also separate review of The Recursive Universe.)
— Hank Roberts
##A 11 375005 629
##T Life
Public Domain; Macintosh. $3
Berkeley Macintosh User Group
1442A Walnut Street, #62
Berkeley, CA 94709
Public Domain; IBM PC.
$8 from:
Software Copying Co.
33 Gold Street #13
New York, NY 10038
##A 11 128596 630
##T Cellular Automata Machines
Cellular Automata Machines
One of the reasons CAs may be really important is that they provide a paradigm for the kind of parallel computers (such as the Connection Machine) which we are now just starting to build. Another reason why CAs are important is their essential properties of 1) parallelism, 2) homogeneity, and 3) locality make them natural models of all physical processes.
Working together in the Information Mechanics Group at MIT, Toffoli and Margolus developed a piece of hardware — the CAM6 — and the software to drive it. Cellular Automata Machines describes how to use the CAM6 to generate a wide range of CA patterns — including the familiar game of Life, reversible color mandalas, accretion fractals, crystalization processes, colonies of things
like insects, billiard-ball computers, and much more. If you really
##A 11 177330 631
##T Cellular Automata Machines
understand some physical process, there is a good chance that you can model it as a cellular automaton rule on the CAM6.
— Rudy Rucker
##A 11 176331 632
##T Cellular Automata Machines
(A New Environment for Modeling)
Tommaso Toffoli and Norman Margolus
1987; 259 pp.
ISBN 0262200600
$30 ($32.50 postpaid)
The MIT Press
c/o Uniserv Inc.
P.O. Box 1034
524 Great Road (Route 119)
Littleton, MA 01460
##A 11 176435 633
##T Cellular Automata Machines
Cellular Automata are stylized universes defined by simple rules much like those of a board game. They have their own kind of matter which whirls around in a space and a time of their own. One can think of an astounding variety of them. One can actually construct them, and watch them evolve. As inexperienced creators, we are not likely to get a very interesting universe on our first try; as individuals, we may have different ideas of what makes a universe interesting, or of what we might want to do with it. In any case, once we’ve been shown a cellular-automaton universe we’ll want to make one ourselves; once we’ve made one, we will want to try another one. After having a few, we’ll be able to custom tailor one for a particular purpose with a certain confidence.
##A 11 176962 634
##T Cellular Automata Machines
Fluid dynamics: Flow past an obstacle (from Salem and Wolfram).
##A 11 177657 635
##T Charles Platt’s Cell Systems
Charles Platt’s Cell Systems
Charles Platt’s Cell Systems versions One and Two are clever extensions of the game of Life concept. By changing the simple onscreen parameters, you can create cell patterns that scroll up your screen like moving ice mountains, strange caverns and cityscapes. Cell Systems One lets you create patterns using 4 of 8 available colors. Cell Systems Two doesn’t use color graphics, but gives you much more flexibility in creating cell patterns, allowing you to enter parameters graphically, with decimals, or hexadecimals.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 11 178122 636
##T Charles Platt’s Cell Systems
$17; $28
Charles Platt
594 Broadway
Room 1208
New York, NY 10012
Versions One & Two; IBM PC
##A 11 178887 637
##T Charles Platt’s Cell Systems
A few hundred generations into a Cell Systems CA. With the right formula, the CA can live for tens of thousands of generations.
— Cell Systems Version One
##A 11 179270 638
##T Freestyle CAs
Freestyle CAs
Patterns like Brian’s Brain send blocks of “living” creatures skimming across the screen to confront other creatures moving up from the bottom. Sometimes they merge; sometimes they wipe each other out. Interference patterns emerge, like stylized ripples in a cybernetic pool. This is how a computer sees the physical world. Only this is a world where you set up the rules.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 11 179666 639
##T Freestyle CAs
IBM PC. $10
Freestyle CAs
15 Kimble Avenue
Los Gatos, CA 95032
##A 11 204506 640
##T Freestyle CAs
Since this Freestyle CA is a closed system and never loses any information, the white square acts as a “hole” to remove excess data from the screen.
##A 11 209283 641
##T Complex Systems
Complex Systems
A bonafide academic journal, it requires high mathematical understanding. However, occasional articles are comprehendable by plain-English layfolk, and merit attention. The complexity in question permeates key concepts like distributed learning (honey bees co-operating in a hive), fault-tolerant networks (a downed powerline doesn’t topple the electric grid), and local politics in cellular automata worlds (local rules, rather than global order, determine the ecology).
— Kevin Kelly
##A 11 215043 642
##T Complex Systems
Stephen Wolfram, Editor
ISSN 08912513
$75/year(6 issues)
Complex Systems Publications, Inc.
P.O. Box 6149
Champaign, IL 61821-8149
##A 11 64392 643
##T Mind
##A 11 338478 644
##T Brain/Mind Bulletin
Brain/Mind Bulletin
Easily the handiest way to stay current with news and gossip on the soft psychology frontier. Despite success and a burgeoning of the subject matter, editor Marilyn Ferguson has admirably kept the bulletin’s format to a terse, packed four pages.
— Stewart Brand
##A 11 338923 645
##T Brain/Mind Bulletin
Marilyn Ferguson, Editor
$35/year (12 issues)
Interface Press
P. O. Box 42211
Los Angeles, CA 90042
##A 11 339158 646
##T Brain/Mind Bulletin
Pickering showed Persian real words and nonsense anagrams to English-speaking undergraduates who later drew them from memory. Neither subjects nor experimenter knew which Persian character strings were real words until after the data had been collected and analyzed. Subjects guessed the meaning of each word and rated their confidence in each guess. They reported feeling more confident in their guesses when they were viewing the true words, and their confidence ratings were twice as strong for high-frequency as compared to low-frequency words.
A startling new finding: Not only do the brain hemispheres switch dominance every 90 to 120 minutes throughout the day, but the sides of the body switch regularly in their dominance of sympathetic tone.
Researchers sampled nervous-system transmitters by taking blood from both arms
##A 11 339218 647
##T Brain/Mind Bulletin
every 7.5 minutes for periods of three to six hours. They found that the catecholamines — dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine [adrenaline] — were more concentrated on one side or the other every two to three hours.
##A 11 355695 648
##T Brain & Psyche
Brain & Psyche
Like most mammals, we dream. The few mammals that don’t dream, such as the egg-laying echidna (spiny anteater) and the platypus, appear to integrate their experiences with memory as they plod along in real time. Winson’s theory of dreams considers both brain structure and Freudian analysis. He suggests that the rest of us mammals, with more to think about than leaf mold and ants (and more of a need to make quick decisions) save up the day’s news and take several runs at folding it in to the rest of our memories during the night. We process the day’s information while we sleep, in batches which we perceive as dreams.
— Hank Roberts
##A 11 357625 649
##T Brain & Psyche
(The Biology of the Unconscious)
Jonathan Winson
1985; 300 pp.
ISBN 0385194250
Doubleday & Co.
Will be reprinted in 1989.
##A 11 357815 650
##T Brain & Psyche
Dreaming is the bridge between brain and psyche. Dreams are associated with an identified physiological process in the brain and are also the prime material Freud used to develop his theories. . . . Man’s nature is found to be an unusual product of evolution. It is the joining of a conscious intellect, present only in man, with an unconscious brain mechanism, continually active in every individual, awake and asleep, that has been inherited from our earliest mammalian ancestors. The result is both wondrous and the source of much of man’s travail.
I hypothesize that the complex function of assimilating new information, associating it with memories of past experiences, and formulating a plan to govern new behavior adaptively during the waking state required a very large prefrontal cortex in this early mammal. It is clear that had the evolution of the brain proceeded along this line, higher mammals and man as we know them would never have been. For what occurred
##A 11 358063 651
##T Brain & Psyche
was that the new line of marsupial and placental mammals — lower-order animals like the echidna — had very small prefrontal cortices. As higher mammalian forms evolved, more and more cortical tissue was added culminating in the brain of man, and this additional neural machinery provided many additional sensory, motor, and associative capabilities. Even with this evolutionary growth, man’s prefrontal cortex did not grow to be as large a proportion of total cortex as it was in the echidna.
Thus, should the organization of man’s brain have been similar to the echidna’s, he might have needed a wheelbarrow to carry it around. In short, man would not
have evolved.
What was the scheme that nature hit upon in marsupial and placental mammals? I propose that . . . . the task of associating recent events to past memories and evolving a neural substrate to guide future behavior was accomplished when the animal was asleep.
##A 11 78217 652
##T The River That Flows Uphill
The River That Flows Uphill
Neurobiologist William Calvin was part of several rafts full of scientists on a boat trip down the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon. Their conversations — relaxed, witty, skillfully rendered — teach as much about river rafting, Southwest anthropology, and respect for Nature as about neurophysiology, biology and evolution. The Grand Canyon almost forces a broad, long-term point of view: the marks of geological evolution are everywhere.
The concept of the evolutionary ratchet is a common thread throughout the book: geographic isolation causes speciation, conserving new traits. Something new and different results. Particularly tasty are the incidental benefits of natural selection
##A 11 81480 653
##T The River That Flows Uphill
that survival traits have made possible. Feathers let birds fly, though the feather’s warmth would have been sufficient to give them an evolutionary edge. In people, the evolution of the brain
(learning sequencing operations to hunt and throw, for example) lets us laugh, make music, and produce complex arguments — of which this book is a fine example. It’s good science, well presented. Most importantly, it illuminates that peculiar function of the human brain: to be conscious of consciousness.
— Matthew McClure
##A 11 81695 654
##T The River That Flows Uphill
(A Journey from the Big Bang to the Big Brain)
William H. Calvin
1986; 528 pp.
ISBN 0871567199
$12.95 ($15.95 postpaid)
Sierra Club Store Orders
730 Polk Street
San Francisco, CA
##A 11 82148 655
##T The River That Flows Uphill
Our whole civilization is one of those changes in kind, not just the genetic-engineering aspect of it. The dangers of genetic farming are very much those of our whole farming and pharmaceutical industries: namely, that we don’t know what will happen down the road as the new pesticides and drugs perturb the system, because our culture is still so ignorant of ecology, of how the elements of the environment hang together and buffer one another. Unless we somehow limit our pollution and our population growth, the earth may fall apart on us as we ruin one carefully-wrought ecosystem after another.
“We neurobiologists want to know not only what the ‘brain programs’ are, but how the brain machinery operates them. The Artificial Intelligence folk figure that if they can postulate a program that seems to do the trick, then they can build a hardware computer that will mimic the actions of the mind, running the same program using
##A 11 82676 656
##T The River That Flows Uphill
silicon chips rather than wet and unreliable nerve cells,” I replied, pausing for a drink from my canteen. “We neurobiologists work up from the bottom much of the time, trying to fathom the computation processes of the building blocks. We’re constantly coping with parallel processing, a notion which is still novel in AI. I happen to think that the AI types are missing the boat, by trying to ignore the unreliable nature of the individual cells, the real brain’s computing elements. Instead of trying to work around jittery cells by using reliable pigeonhole computers, unreliable cells should be seen as the essence of the brain’s way of doing things, just as sex’s institutionalized randomness is the essence of how evolution has done more and more elaborate things. But philosophically, both neurobiologists and the AI folk start from the premise that the mind can be explained, that it isn’t beyond understanding. And most of us would assume that mind is going to emerge from a lucky combination of more elementary ‘dumb’ processes.”
##A 11 281910 657
##T The River That Flows Uphill
Our close relatives, the gorillas, are apt to suffer a wave of infanticide when a new silverback male takes over the harem. To reveal the chain of mechanisms involved in infanticide is to understand how genes for such murderous behaviour arising by chance could have been preserved in evolution.
This odd sexual-selection mechanism, in these harem-less days of bottle feeding and birth control, probably wouldn’t operate anyway in our society, even if battering infants to death were socially acceptable. But if such genes were left over from some harem-ruling ancestors, it might give some insight — without in the least condoning or excusing their behavior — into potential subconscious motivations of battering stepfathers.
##A 11 281412 658
##T The River That Flows Uphill
Australopithecines, ape–size brain Human brain
##A 11 82997 659
##T Megabrain
A gee-whiz reporter for Omni magazine travels around the country trying out various gizmos claimed to elicit altered states of awareness, looking for action beyond biofeedback. Most of the inventions he examines apply weak electrical currents to the skull. One machine is reputed to emit “love waves” — frequencies that would churn up cheery hormones in the user’s cortex. Do they work? Well, they do induce changes in the brain’s activity, and the literature he digs up on each device indicates they produce some kind of mind molecules (the appropriate ones?). His own direct experiences suggest that the contraptions, in general, tend toward instilling “alert relaxation.” Some would call that simply daydreaming or meditation.
##A 11 83218 660
##T Megabrain
Too bad his reporting is so uncritical. On the other hand, he deserves attention for his heads-on experimentation. He also supplies manufacturers’ references for second opinions. It’s the only comprehensive foray into the flaky world of do-your-own brain tuning, and so may be worth a look.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 11 83783 661
##T Megabrain
Michael Hutchison
1986; 347 pp.
ISBN 0688048803
$4.95 ($5.95 postpaid)
Ballantine/Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 11 85441 662
##T Megabrain
The ancient Egyptians apparently used natural electrical stimulation quite frequently, zinging themselves with the Nile electric catfish, which can be seen on Egyptian tomb reliefs. Some two thousand years ago a Greek physician, Scribonius Largus, was known for his “seashore treatment,” which he prescribed for sufferers of pain
(particularly gout). The patient was advised to put one foot on an electrical torpedo ray and the other foot on wet sand: the electrical circuit was completed, the patient got zapped, the pain was alleviated.
Monroe found that by dropping the body into a state of profound sleep and then triggering a wakeful awareness with a combination of extremely rapid beta signals, he was able to induce the body vibrations and other sensations that led, for many of his subjects, to those mysterious mental events known as out-of-body experiences.
##A 11 92258 663
##T Megabrain
The opaque goggles of the Tranquilite give the user a stylish “human fly” look appropriate for all occasions. Indirectly lit from within, the goggles present a featureless visual field called a ganzfeld, while the compact pink noise generator provides a steady auditory stimulus that drowns out external sounds. The device thus serves as a sort of portable sensory isolation chamber.
##A 11 92594 664
##T Megabrain
Joseph Light’s simple TENS
(Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator) device is made from “about nineteen dollars’ worth of parts from Radio Shack.” Many users report that at certain frequency settings, the instrument can increase alertness and concentration, and produce mild euphoria.
##A 11 92774 665
##T The Three-Pound Universe
The Three-Pound Universe
Man, with arm around graduating son-in-law, pointing to the future. “I have two words for you, son: Brain Juices.”
This lucid book constitutes the necessary orientation to the flow of neuro-transmitters from the mind to the soul.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 11 92966 666
##T The Three-Pound Universe
Judith Hooper and Dick Teresi
1986; 410 pp.
$12.95 ($13.70 postpaid)
Dell Publishing Co.
6 Regent Street
Livingston, NJ 07039
##A 11 93198 667
##T The Three-Pound Universe
Back in the mid-1950s Robert Heath, chairman of the psychiatry department at Tulane Medical Center in New Orleans, found a mysterious protein in the blood serum of schizophrenics, which he baptized taraxein (from the Greek for “madness”). After experimenting with monkeys to make sure the procedure was safe, Heath injected the taraxein fraction into nonpsychotic prisoner-volunteers (using a comparable serum fraction from normal people for controls). Like characters in a mad-scientist horror movie — and, as a matter of fact, these experiments were filmed, like a kind of neuro-psychiatric film noir — the men who received the taraxein injections were plunged into instant psychosis. “Some hallucinated and had delusions and thought disorders,” Heath recalls. “Some became severely anxious and paranoid. Some were withdrawn and catatonic. An hour or so later, they went back to being entirely normal.”
##A 11 93823 668
##T The Three-Pound Universe
In the 1940s MacLean became fascinated with the “limbic storms” suffered by patients with temporal-lobe epilepsy. “During seizures,” he recalls, “they’d have this Eureka feeling all out of context — feelings of revelation, that this is the truth, the absolute truth, and nothing but the truth.” All on its own, without the reality check of the neocortex, the limbic system seemed to produce sensations of deja-vu or jamais-vu, sudden memories, waking dreams, messages from God, even religious conversions.
“You know what bugs me most about the brain?” MacLean says suddenly. “It’s that the limbic system, this primitive brain that can neither read nor write, provides us with the feeling of what is real, true, and important.”
##A 11 64535 669
##T Robotics
##A 11 252867 670
Unlike personal computers, robots have not become a popular consumer item — despite such prototypes as Heathkit’s “Hero” and Nolan Bushnell’s “Topo.” The personal robots that exist today are like the primitive personal computers of a decade ago. They show a great deal of promise, but they are sort of useless novelty items now. As costs shrink, that will change. Sometime soon, many a small industrial workshop and school will find it worthwhile to buy a robot. Families will follow suit later. In the meantime, robotics has become the most intriguing, involving, gripping field of inquiry for home electronics experimenters. As one robot-maker, Maris Ambats, described the scene, “Robotics is at an early stage, and an independent experimenter can make substantial original contributions without a large budget or elaborate equipment.” — Art Kleiner
##A 11 94273 671
##T The Tomorrow Makers
The Tomorrow Makers
Deep robotics, deep shivers.
Fjermedal has done the formidable footwork of staying up countless nights working, scheming and speculating with most of the cutting-edge robot fanatics in the labs at Carnegie-Mellon, MIT, Stanford, Thinking Machines Corp., and on and on — a fine comprehensive sweep. His report on work in Japan is a scoop and fittingly closes the book, since it proves that some of the wilder speculation he begins with is already stalking about in Japan, like some ominous, humorous Transformer toy, just barely still a plaything.
For grasping what technology is rapidly bringing by way of exploding human bodies and minds into new configurations, The
##A 11 95052 672
##T The Tomorrow Makers
Tomorrow Makers blends nicely with Eric Drexler’s Engines of Creation Ÿ and my own The Media Lab. This stuff is even more interesting than gene-splicing, and more thrilling, both for promise and menace. For example: serious immortality, soon.
— Stewart Brand
##A 11 95845 673
##T The Tomorrow Makers
(A Brave New World of Living-Brain Machines)
Grant Fjermedal
1986; 272 pp.
ISBN 0025385607
$8.95 ($11.45 postpaid)
Microsoft Press
Attn: Consumer Sales
16011 NE 36th Way
Box 97017
Redmond, WA 98073-9717
##A 11 96104 674
##T The Tomorrow Makers
Will the robots recall that we were their creators?
And if they do, how much will we be able to trade on this? Will there be a sentimentality about this sense of origin? Initially we could program this in, but later, as the robots begin propelling their own evolution, will this be a memory deemed worthy of retention? Will they not remember who taught them to play, who blessed them with the need to frolic?
Tachi has succeeded with his vision system. It truly gives you the feeling that you are inside the robot, looking at the world from within its body, not your own. This is possible because the operator isn’t just looking at a television monitor; his head is encased in a black-velvet-lined box. Within this box are two television receivers, one for each eye. The receivers are gauged so that the image that is reflected against the retina of each eye is exactly the same as if you were looking at the world unaided.
##A 11 96804 675
##T The Tomorrow Makers
Further, every movement of your head is duplicated on the robot, where two precisely placed video cameras transmit a human range of what is seen.
The result of this is that when I went into the laboratory and strapped my head inside the black box, it was as if I were seeing with my own eyes. The depth and scope of human vision was so completely reproduced, and the color was so clear, that it was at first unsettling and then a wild visual delight. . . .
Someone in the laboratory went over to the robot-mounted cameras and swung them around so that they focused on me. The walls spun during the maneuver, and then when the motion stopped and I was looking at myself, the out-of-body experience began. It was as if I were standing a few feet away in another body looking at myself. I moved my head to look up and down and even to look away. And when I looked away from that person who was me, it was as if that body were just another passerby. . . .
“Are you here?” Tachi laughed. “Or are you there? Where is your body?”
##A 11 24301 676
##T Robotics
Edited by an artificial intelligence pioneer, this anthology covers all the bases: the history of automatons, artificial common sense, sensors, human-machine partnerships (cyborgs), industrial robots, and the effects of robots on society. Here is the best starting point for a non-tinkerer who wants to know what robotics is about, and how it might change the world.
— Art Kleiner
##A 11 24821 677
##T Robotics
Marvin Minsky, Editor
1985; 317 pp.
ISBN 0385194145
$19.95 postpaid
Doubleday and Company
Direct Mail Order
501 Franklin Avenue
Garden City, NY 11530
##A 11 24882 678
##T Robotics
At some point in the future someone would go to work by slipping on a comfortable jacket lined with a myriad of sensors and musclelike motors. Each motion of his arm and fingers would then be reproduced at another place by mobile, mechanical hands. Light, dexterous, and strong, those remote mechanical hands have their own sensors, which will transmit what’s happening back to the worker so that he will seem to feel whatever the remote hands may touch. The same will be done for the motions of the head and eyes, so that the operator will seem to see and sense what’s happening in the other workplace. Once we can do such things, it will be another simple step to give those remote presences different strengths and scale of size. These remote bodies can have the brute capacity of a giant or the delicacy of a surgeon. And, using these information channels, an operator could be anyplace — in another room, another city, another country, even out on a space station orbiting the Earth.
##A 11 37078 679
##T Robotics
A 1980 census of robots, taken by Bache Halsey Stuart Shields, Inc., showed that the United States had 3,000 of them. . . . The entire Soviet Union had only 25, and these were evidently experimental devices, but Poland had 360. . . . The true homeland of the robot appears to be Japan, with 10,000 in the census, more than the rest of the world combined.
Many Americans visiting Japan are baffled by automation, specifically by robot installations for which they can’t see any economic justification, that is, where
there’s no immediate payback. The Japanese quite often move to new technology that increases productivity strictly on the basis of a gut feeling that, in the long run, it must be right. The president of one large corporation noted that Japanese executives do not think in terms of the hourly rates for labor, but rather in terms of the lifetime cost of labor. A worker never hired represents a lifetime saving.
##A 11 38390 680
##T Robotics
This intelligent prosthetic arm, from the University of Utah, converts fine muscle contractions into delicate limb movement.
##A 11 290263 681
##T Basic Robotic Concepts
Basic Robotic Concepts
Generally agreed upon as the best overall technical book. It’s designed to educate people about the various problems in robotics — balancing the machine, vision systems, motors, torque curves, wheels versus legs, and programming the intelligence.
— Art Kleiner
##A 11 337318 682
##T Basic Robotic Concepts
John M. Holland
1983; 270 pp.
ISBN 0672219522
$19.95 ($22.45 postpaid)
Howard W. Sams & Co.
4300 West 62nd Street
Indianapolis, IN 46268
##A 11 273390 683
##T Basic Robotic Concepts
In the minds of many people, a robot must be able to climb stairs, and indeed this is a significant requirement in some applications (such as disaster control). Unfortunately, the need for this capability is often overstressed by enthusiastic proponents. This overemphasis may be a result of the “domestic-robot” fixation mentioned earlier. This can be a serious mistake since these systems tend to be expensive, hard to control, power hungry, and difficult to coordinate to the navigation system. In most industrial applications, it would be much less expensive to add ramps, elevators, and/or hoists for the robot population than to buy large numbers of these more expensive robots.
##A 11 337860 684
##T Basic Robotic Concepts
A jointed arm robot with six joint movements:
1. Base sweep
2. Shoulder swivel
3. Elbow extension
4. Wrist pitch
5. Wrist roll
6. Wrist yaw
Like most robots, these . . . basic types are often made in a modular fashion. When wrists are present, they often do not allow yaw, or even roll.
##A 11 338345 685
##T Basic Robotic Concepts
Transforming coordinate frames.
##A 11 262347 686
##T Mind Children
Mind Children
The ideas are heretical, and if they weren’t coming out of the Robotics Institute of Carnegie-Mellon University, slightly lunatic, too. What is proposed is the end of biology, and the birth of a new cybernetic race, more machine than human. More efficient, more intelligent and more likely to survive their indefinite lifespans. Moravec also lays out the methods these autonomous machines might use to think: program in a little piece of a person into each unit. The human consciousness would be the wide-eyed innocent, the one who would keep things interesting, the one who, in the end, would be responsible for furthering evolution; the machine would keep the unit running smoothly, repair damage, and sort the information the human part absorbs.
Like many visionaries, Moravec tends to be somewhat myopic. How
##A 11 261230 687
##T Mind Children
many people do you know that would willingly take a backseat to a robot, no matter how elegant its design or function? But the future Moravec presents is truly mindbending, one where intelligent machines explore distant planets for us, and can not only repair themselves, but design and build improved descendants. Mind Children is by turns inspiring and disturbing; read it and it will leave you thinking about yourself, your body, and your humanity, in a whole new way.
— Richard Kadrey
##A 11 262818 688
##T Mind Children
(The Future of Robot and Human Intelligence)
Hans Morave
1988; 196 pp.
ISBN 0674576160
$20 ($21.25 postpaid)
Harvard University Press
79 Garden Street
Cambridge, MA, 02138
##A 11 64909 689
##T Systems Thinking
##A 11 320626 690
##T Godel, Escher, Bach
Godel, Escher, Bach
The subject of this book — and the frequent preoccupation of its deities, mathematician Kurt Godel, artist M.C. Escher, composer J.S. Bach, and writer Lewis Carroll — is self-reference, what the author calls “strange loops” or “tangled hierarchies.” It is the domain of extreme paradox, where math, art, religion (lots of zen in the book, honestly employed), and epistemology collide. It is the fearless exploration of black holes of the mind.
Hofstadter set out to make Godel’s Incompleteness Theorem
accessible to the lay thinker, and happily he succeeds in that. Along the way he illuminates a world of music, mathematics, computer intelligence (and gossip), and philosophy. The book
confirms the suspicion I’ve had for years that perhaps the most
##A 11 320938 691
##T Godel, Escher, Bach
adventurous and fruitful human frontier we have these days is the hall of mirrors, Lewis Carroll’s looking glass.
— Stewart Brand
Ÿ The World of M. C. Escher
##A 11 321170 692
##T Godel, Escher, Bach
Douglas Hofstadter
1979; 777 pp.
ISBN 0394745027
$13.95 ($14.95 postpaid)
Vintage Books
Random House
Order Dept.
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 11 322040 693
##T Godel, Escher, Bach
A strikingly beautiful, and yet at the same time disturbingly
grotesque, illustration of the cyclonic “eye” of a Tangled Hierarchy is given to us by Escher in his Print Gallery. What we see is a picture gallery where a young man is standing, looking at a picture of a ship in the harbor of a small town, perhaps a Maltese town, to guess from the architecture, with its little turrets, occasional cupolas, and flat stone roofs, upon one of which sits a boy, relaxing in the heat, while two floors below him a woman — perhaps his mother — gazes out of the window from her apartment which sits directly above a picture gallery where a young man is standing, looking at a picture of a ship in the harbor of a small town, perhaps a Maltese town —
What!? We are back on the same level as we began, though all logic dictates that we cannot be. Let us draw a diagram of what we see.
##A 11 322125 694
##T Godel, Escher, Bach
What this diagram shows is three kinds of “in-ness.” The gallery is physically in the town (“inclusion”); the town is artistically in the picture
(“depiction”); the picture is mentally in the person
(“representation”). . . .
##A 11 40151 695
##T The Mind’s I
The Mind’s I
Hofstadter’s second volume, The Mind’s I, is an anthology of essays he co-edits that circles through the apparent paradoxes of consciousness. Round it goes through children, ant colonies, and large computers. Parable and fiction lurk in the book, about the only animals that can keep a tentative grip on the circulating elusiveness of self-consciousness.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 11 366048 696
##T The Mind’s I
(Fantasies and Reflections on Self and Soul)
Douglas R. Hofstadter
and Daniel C. Dennett
ISBN 0553014129
$13.95 ($15.95 postpaid)
Bantam Books
414 East Golf Road
Des Plaines, IL 60016
##A 11 366295 697
##T The Mind’s I
Examples of memes are tunes, ideas, catch-phrases, clothes fashions, ways of making pots or building arches. Just as genes propagate themselves in the gene pool by leaping from body to body via sperms or eggs, so memes propagate themselves in the meme pool by leaping from brain to brain via a process which, in the broad sense, can be called imitation. If a scientist hears, or reads about, a good idea, he passes it on to his colleagues and students. He mentions it in his articles and his lectures. If the idea catches on, it can be said to propagate itself, spreading from brain to brain.
— The Mind’s I
##A 11 263903 698
##T The Mind’s I
With the development of quantum mechanics, the role of the observer became an even more central part of physical theory, an essential component in defining an event. The mind of the observer emerged as a necessary element in the structure of the theory. The implications of the developing paradigm greatly surprised early quantum physicists and led them to study epistemology and the philosophy of science. Never before in scientific history, to my knowledge, had all of the leading contributors produced books and papers expounding the philosophical and humanistic meaning of their results.
##A 11 272230 699
##T The Mind’s I
Heisenberg stressed that the laws of nature no longer dealt with the elementary particles, but with our knowledge of these particles — that is, with the contents of our minds. Erwin Schrodinger, the man who formulated the fundamental equations of quantum mechanics, wrote an extraordinary little book in 1958 called Mind and Matter. In this series of essays, he moved from the results of the new physics to a rather mystical view of the universe that he identified with the “perennial philosophy” of Aldous Huxley.
##A 11 322312 700
##T Grammatical Man
Grammatical Man
In the age of information it is shocking that there is so little useful information about information — how it behaves, what its economics are, indeed, what it is. A good book on the subject would have to talk about the primary domains of information: evolution, genetics, computer programming, entropy, whole systems, and human language. This book does. It is the only one to encompass the whole natural ecology of information in a readable way.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 11 322611 701
##T Grammatical Man
(Information, Entropy, Language, and Life)
Jeremy Campbell
1982; 319 pp.
ISBN 0671440624
$9.95 postpaid
Simon & Schuster
Mail Order Sales
200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
##A 11 326477 702
##T Grammatical Man
Redundancy makes complexity possible. . . . The more complex the system, the more likely is it that one of its parts will malfunction. Redundancy is a means of keeping the system running in the presence of malfunction. Redundancy, von Neumann declared, is the only thing which makes it possible to write a text which is longer than, say, ten pages. In other words, a language which has maximum compression would actually be completely unsuited to conveying information beyond a certain degree of complexity, because you could never find out whether a text is right or wrong. And this is a question of principle. It follows, therefore, that the complexity of the medium in which you work has something to do with redundancy.
##A 11 336839 703
##T Grammatical Man
In a now famous paper published in 1969, the American biologists Jack Lester King and Thomas Jukes wrote, “We cannot agree . . . that DNA is the passive carrier of the evolutionary message. Evolutionary change is not imposed upon DNA from without; it arises from within. Natural selection is the editor, rather than the composer, of the genetic message.”
##A 11 304957 704
##T Systemantics
The pun in the title carries the important message that systems have “antics” — they act up, misbehave, and have their own mind. The author is having fun with a serious subject, deciding rightly that a sense of humor and paradox are the only means to approach large systems. His insights come in the form of marvelously succinct rules of thumb, in the spirit of Murphy’s Law and the Peter Principle. This book made me:
1) not worry about understanding a colossal system — you can’t, 2) realize you CAN change a system — by starting a new one, and 3) flee from starting new systems — they don’t go away.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 11 305339 705
##T Systemantics
(The Underground Text of Systems Lore)
John Gall
2nd Edition 1986; 297 pp.
ISBN 0961825103
$14.95 postpaid
The General Systemantics Press
3200 West Liberty, Suite A
Ann Arbor, MI 48103-9794
##A 11 305556 706
##T Systemantics
We begin at the beginning, with the Fundamental Theorem: New systems mean new problems.
The system always kicks back — Systems get in the way — or, in slightly more elegant language: Systems tend to oppose their own proper functions.
Systems tend to malfunction conspicuously just after their greatest triumph. Toynbee explains this effect by pointing out the strong tendency to apply a previously-successful strategy to the new challenge. The army is now fully prepared to fight the previous war.
A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked. The parallel proposition also appears to be true: A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be made to work. You have to start over, beginning with a working simple system.
##A 11 307443 707
##T An Introduction to General Systems Thinking
An Introduction to General Systems Thinking
Viewed from just about any perspective this book is an exemplary introduction to a complex subject. The fascinating observations are well organized and are stated in a consciously informal tone. Thoughtful questions for research and additional readings are provided for those who want to go beyond the scope of the book. Over a hundred wide-ranging quotes add to the fun.
— William Courington
##A 11 307670 708
##T An Introduction to General Systems Thinking
Gerald M. Weinberg
1975; 279 pp.
ISBN 0471925632
$47.95 postpaid
John Wiley & Sons
Order Dept.
1 Wiley Drive
Somerset, NJ 08873
##A 11 307862 709
##T An Introduction to General Systems Thinking
Discriminating too many states is what we have previously called undergeneralization. The popular image of science envisions the scientist making the maximally precise measurements as a basis for his theories, but, in practice, scientists are lucky that measurements are not overly precise. Newton based his Law of Universal Gravitation on the elliptical orbits of Kepler, but Kepler abstracted these ellipses from the observations of Tycho Brahe. Had those observations been a bit more precise (as precise as we now can make) the orbits would not have been seen as ellipses, and Newton’s work would have been much more difficult. With more precise observations, the simplifications we discussed in Chapter 1 would have been left for Newton to make explicitly — thus immensely compounding his difficulties.
##A 11 65152 710
##T Growth and Form
##A 11 110992 711
##T On Growth and Form
On Growth and Form
A paradigm classic. Everyone dealing with growth of form in any manner can use the book. We’ve seen worn copies on the shelves of artists, inventors, engineers, computer systems designers, biologists.
— Stewart Brand
##A 11 111236 712
##T On Growth and Form
D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson
1917, 1961; 346 pp.
ISBN 0521093902
$18.95 postpaid
Cambridge University Press
510 North Avenue
New Rochelle, NY 10801
(Unabridged edition by John Tyler Bonner)
##A 11 111593 713
##T On Growth and Form
For the harmony of the world is made manifest in Form and Number, and the heart and soul and all the poetry of Natural Philosophy are embodied in the concept of mathematical beauty. . . . Moreover, the perfection of mathematical beauty is such that whatsoever is most beautiful and regular is also found to be most useful and excellent.
##A 11 111618 714
##T On Growth and Form
A Nassellarian
0.15 mm.
##A 11 13980 715
##T On Growth and Form
In the bird the small bones of the hand, dwarfed as they are in size, still have a deal to do in carrying the long primary flight-feathers, and in forming a rigid axis for the terminal part of the wind. The simple tubular construction, which answers well for the long, slender arm-bones, does not suffice where a still more efficient stiffening is required. In all the mechanical side of anatomy nothing can be more beautiful than the construction of a vulture’s metacarpal bone, as figured here. The engineer sees in it a perfect Warren’s truss, just such a one as is often used for the main rib in an aeroplane.
##A 11 109900 716
##T Form, Function and Design
Form, Function and Design
This book is wonderful. Here is a man trying to tell the truth about design and about our lives and civilization. I never heard of him. After reading his book, I can’t understand why not.
— Steve Baer
There really is no better introduction to all that is admirable in design. Baer had to remind me of the book: I had forgotten how much I owe to it. It is full of the kind of lore and wisdom that you immediately take for your own.
— Stewart Brand
##A 11 110293 717
##T Form, Function and Design
Paul Jacques Grillo
1960; 238 pp.
ISBN 0486201821
$9.95 ($10.80 postpaid)
Dover Publications
31 East Second Street
Mineola, NY 11501
1975 unabridged publication of 1960 Edition is titled
What is Design?
##A 11 110543 718
##T Form, Function and Design
In design, the shortest distance between two points is not the straight line, but the slalom.
Slaloms are curves of natural acceleration and deceleration that represent trajectories constantly controlled by man.
A ballistic missile obeying only initial thrust and gravity will describe an orbit mathematically perfect of the conic section family. But as soon as man sits at the controls, he will make his own orbit, his slalom.
Curves described by a man in movement — a car, a bicycle — on a flat surface, are two dimension slaloms, or curves of the second order that may be approximately analyzed in quadratic equations.
##A 11 136163 719
##T Form, Function and Design
Above: The Ganges Shark (Platypodon gangeticus)
Below: McDonnell Voodoo F-101A (1954)
##A 11 231597 720
##T Art Forms in Nature
Art Forms in Nature
The possibilities of structure in nature. Exemplified by marine and micro-organisms rendered in nearly hallucinogenic vividness by a turn-of-the-century German biologist. There’s no science fiction fantasy that has yet approached the baroque abundance of (extra)terrestrial life forms shown here.
— Kevin Kelly
##A 11 242459 721
##T Art Forms in Nature
Ernst Haeckel
1974; 100 pp.
ISBN 0486229874
$7.95 ($9.20 postpaid)
Dover Publications
Second Street
Mineola, NY 11501
##A 11 261622 722
##T Art Forms in Nature
Various species of sea-lilies (animals related to starfishes and sea-urchins).
##A 11 262082 723
##T Art Forms in Nature
Various species of fungi of the class Basidiomycetes.
##A 11 95258 724
##T Patterns in Nature
Patterns in Nature
This is a book in which, with a bunch of photographs, some clear uncomplicated text and an occasional number, you are plunged into nature’s mysteries. I suspect that the route to the frontier need never be more complicated than this, but there are so few guides who can show you the way.
I wish the book were five times as long as it is because reading it is such a pleasure. There are eight chapters:
1. Space and Size
2. Basic Patterns
3. All Things Flow
##A 11 18361 725
##T Patterns in Nature
4. Spirals, Meanders and Explosives
5. Models of Branching
6. Trees
7. Soap bubbles
8. Packing and Cracking
— Steve Baer
##A 11 95563 726
##T Patterns in Nature
Peter S. Stevens
1974; 240 pp.
ISBN 0316813311
$18.95 ($21.95 postpaid )
Whole Earth Access
2950 Seventh Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
##A 11 274861 727
##T Patterns in Nature
Shrinkage of surfaces allows us to understand the dramatic coincidence of form: why the shell of the box turtle looks like a regular cluster of bubbles. We know that the films between the bubbles minimize their area so as to join one another at 120°. The same holds for the lines between the plates of the shell. New cells grow along those lines and gravitate outward to join the edges of the plates. Consequently, as the plates increase in size, the lines between them keep to a minimum.
##A 11 253991 728
##T Sensitive Chaos
Sensitive Chaos
The ways that flowing forms our heart, cyclones, rivers and bird flight. How we flowed as embryos and our bones still spiral and loop with the markings of past eddy movements. Here is spiritual guidance in the greatest book of Jungian-Taoist history.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 254308 729
##T Sensitive Chaos
(The Creation of Flowing Forms in Water and Air)
Theodor Schwenk
ISBN 0805205896
$9.95 postpaid
Schocken Books/Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 11 254704 730
##T Sensitive Chaos
Together earth, plant world and atmosphere form a single great organism, in which water streams like living blood.
The activity of thinking is essentially an expression of flowing movement. Only when thinking dwells on a particular content, a particular form, does it order itself accordingly and create an idea. Every idea — like every organic form — arises in a process of flow, until the movement congeals into a form. Therefore we speak of a capacity to think fluently when someone is skillfully able to carry out this creation of form in thought, harmoniously coordinating the stream of thoughts and progressing from one idea to another without digression — without creating “whirlpools.”
##A 11 255479 731
##T Tao Te Ching
Tao Te Ching
Taoists watched water; opened their hearts and minds to water’s teachings; took water as an ally in understanding. Their aqueous attitude washed out preconceived notions of religious righteousness; dissolved rigid ways of viewing the universe; liquefied frozen ambitions, social convictions, ideals and hopes. The elegance of Taoism was taking humans from their everydayness but not to grace, being and nothingness, or samsara — simply to water, the liquid center of nature.
The Tao Te Ching has many translators. Archie Bahm’s is more fortune cookie than others. Orville Schell, who reads Chinese, recommends Gia-Fu Feng’s translation.
— Peter Warshall
##A 11 255619 732
##T Tao Te Ching
Tao Te Ching
Lao Tzu. Translated by Gia-Fu Feng and Jane English
1972; 160 pp.
ISBN 039471833X
$10.95 ($11.95 postpaid)
Vintage Books/Random House
400 Hahn Road
Westminster, MD 21157
##A 11 11612 733
##T Tao Te Ching
Tao Teh King
Lao Tzu. Translated by Archie J. Bahm
1958; 126 pp.
ISBN 0804463875
$5.95 ($6.95 postpaid)
The Ungar Publishing Co./
Harper & Row
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 11 313315 734
##T Tao Te Ching
Tao Te Ching - Tape Version
Jacob Needleman, Reader
ISBN 0944993001
$9.95 ($10.95 postpaid)
Audio Literature, Inc.
3800 C Palos Verdes Way
South San Francisco, CA 94080
##A 11 256192 735
##T Tao Te Ching
Nothing is weaker than water;
Yet, for attacking what is hard and tough,
Nothing surpasses it, nothing equals it.
The principle, that what is weak overcomes what is strong,
And what is yielding conquers what is resistant,
Is known to everyone.
Yet few men utilize it profitably in practice.
But the intelligent man knows that:
He who willingly takes the blame for disgrace to his community is considered a responsible person,
And he who submissively accepts responsibility for the evils in his community naturally will be given enough authority for dealing with them.
These principles, no matter how paradoxical, are sound.
— Tao Teh King
##A 11 265137 736
##T Tao Te Ching
Under heaven nothing is more soft and yielding than water.
Yet for attacking the solid and strong, nothing is better;
It has no equal.
The weak can overcome the strong;
The supple can overcome the stiff.
Under heaven everyone knows this,
Yet no one puts it into practice.
Therefore the sage says:
He who takes upon himself the humiliation of the people is fit to rule them.
He who takes upon himself the country’s disasters deserves to be king of the
The truth often sounds paradoxical.
— Tao Te Ching
##A 11 65367 737
##T Mathematics
##A 11 147946 738
##T Mathematical Snapshots
Mathematical Snapshots
The most graphically insightful math book in print. Most math feeds proof; this lovely stuff feeds understanding, and is no less rigorous. If someone were going to see only one mathematics book in their life, this would be the best.
— Stewart Brand
##A 11 148007 739
##T Mathematical Snapshots
Hugo Steinhaus
3rd Edition 1983; 311 pp.
ISBN 0195032675
$8.95 postpaid
Oxford University Press
16-00 Pollitt Drive
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
##A 11 148688 740
##T Mathematical Snapshots
To determine the centroid of a stick, we place it horizontally on the edges of our palms and then we bring our hands closer together; finally they meet in the center of gravity. The stick never loses its equilibrium because when the centroid, which is initially between the palms, approaches one of them, the pressure on the nearer palm becomes many times greater than the pressure on the other palm; its product by the coefficient of friction must finally surpass the analogous product for the other palm; when this happens, the relative movement of the first palm ceases and the relative movement of the other one starts. This play continues alternately until both palms meet; the centroid is always between them and it is there at the final stage. The trick is done automatically without any conscious effort.
##A 11 144242 741
##T How to Solve It
How to Solve It
This is the best book I know of for lining up a problem for a logical solution. The emphasis is on math, but it is simple logic and can easily be applied to all forms of problem identification and analysis. Better yet is that the methods shown really work even on personal decision-making binds. Essentially it’s a head-straightener.
— J. Baldwin
##A 11 144593 742
##T How to Solve It
Gyorgy Polya
1973; 253 pp.
$6.95 ($8.05 postpaid)
Princeton University Press
3175 Princeton Pike
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
##A 11 41687 743
##T How to Solve It
You have to understand the problem.
What is the unknown? What are the data? What is the condition?
Is it possible to satisfy the condition? Is the condition sufficient to determine the unknown? Or is it insufficient? Or redundant? Or contradictory?
Draw a figure. Introduce suitable notation.
Separate the various parts of the condition. Can you write them down?
Find the connection between the data and the unknown. You may be obliged to consider auxiliary problems if an immediate connection cannot be found. You should obtain
##A 11 212932 744
##T How to Solve It
eventually a plan of the solution.
Have you seen it before? Or have you seen the same problem in a slightly different form?
Do you know a related problem? Do you know a theorem that could be useful?
Look at the unknown! And try to think of a familiar problem having the same or a similar unknown.
Here is a problem related to yours and solved before.
Could you use it? Could you use its result? Could you use its method? Should you introduce some auxiliary element in order to make its use possible?
Could you restate the problem? Could you restate it still differently? Go back to definitions.
##A 11 219280 745
##T How to Solve It
If you cannot solve the proposed problem try to solve first some related problem. Could you imagine a more accessible related problem? A more general problem? A more special problem? An analogous problem? Could you solve a part of the problem? Keep only a part of the condition, drop the other part; how far is the unknown then determined, how can it vary? Could you derive something useful from the data? Could you think of other data appropriate to determine the unknown? Could you change the unknown or the data, or both if necessary, so that the new unknown and the new data are nearer to each other?
Did you use all the data? Did you use the whole condition? Have you taken into account all essential notions involved in the problem?
Carry out your plan.
Carrying out your plan of the solution, check each step. Can you see clearly that the
##A 11 192370 746
##T How to Solve It
step is correct? Can you prove that it is correct?
Examine the solution obtained.
Can you check the results? Can you check the argument?
Can you derive the result differently? Can you see it at a glance?
Can you use the result, or the method, for some other problem?
##A 11 146683 747
##T How to Lie with Statistics
How to Lie with Statistics
In these days of polls and “proof” furnished by testing by
“independent laboratories,” it might be well to bear in mind the lessons given by this simple book. It’s been around a long time, but it’s still deadly.
— J. Baldwin
Ÿ The Visual Display of Quantitative Information
##A 11 146913 748
##T How to Lie with Statistics
Darrell Huff
1954, 1973; 142 pp.
$2.95 postpaid from:
National Book Co.
Keystone Industrial Park
Scranton, PA 18512
##A 11 274981 749
##T How to Lie with Statistics
Simply change the proportion between the ordinate and the abscissa. There’s no rule against it, and it does give your graph a prettier shape. All you have to do is let each mark up the side stand for only one-tenth as many dollars as before. That is impressive, isn’t it? Anyone looking at it can just feel prosperity throbbing in the arteries of the country. It is a subtler equivalent of editing “National income rose ten per cent” into “. . . climbed a whopping ten per cent.” It is vastly more effective, however, because it contains no adjectives or adverbs to spoil the illusion of objectivity. There’s nothing anyone can pin on you.
##A 11 275590 750
##T How to Lie with Statistics
The different averages come out close together when you deal with data, such as those having to do with many human characteristics, that have the grace to fall close to what is called the normal distribution. If you draw a curve to represent it you get something shaped like a bell and mean, median, and mode fall at the same point.
Consequently one kind of average is as good as another for describing the heights of men, but for describing their pocketbooks it is not. . . .
If the average is a median, you can learn something significant from it: Half the employees make more than that; half make less. But if it is a mean (and believe me it may be that if its nature is unspecified) you may be getting nothing more revealing than the average of one $45,000 income — the proprietor’s — and the salaries of a crew of underpaid workers.
##A 11 232084 751
##T Shaping Space: A Polyhedral Approach
Shaping Space: A Polyhedral Approach
Remember solid geometry? The younger of you may not; computer programming has largely displaced that discipline as a teacher of logic. Nonetheless, the field seethes today as biologists and chemists seek geometric keys to understanding complex physical structure, and mathematicians seek improved methods of modeling.
This book is a look at some recent action, the 1984 Shaping Space conference at Smith College. Like many conference-based books, this one is a bit of a potpourri. Instructions for easily gluing paper models in grade school are right in there with abstruse theoretical
dissertations riddled with techno-jargon. Also typical of conference-based books is the feeling of excitement as sometimes messy explorations are presented complete with surprises and
##A 11 257532 752
##T Shaping Space: A Polyhedral Approach
controversy. Enough introductory geometry has been added to make much of the fun accessible to the motivated newcomer. Unfortunately, accessibility denied by the outrageous price is another matter. Have your library get it for you.
— J. Baldwin
##A 11 232491 753
##T Shaping Space: A Polyhedral Approach
Marjorie Senechal and George Flack, Editors
1987; 284 pp.
$49.95 ($52.45 postpaid)
Springer Verlag NY Inc.
175 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10010
##A 11 234572 754
##T Shaping Space: A Polyhedral Approach
In nature where there is regularity, with structures built of identical parts, there are likely to be regular plans. Geometric considerations are always important in these plans, and sometimes they predominate. However, satisfactory a priori predictions about what in fact happens in nature cannot be made. The only way to find out is to look.
##A 11 242798 755
##T Shaping Space: A Polyhedral Approach
##A 11 43393 756
##T Fractals
##A 11 91812 757
By Robert Horvitz
The August 1985 Scientific American had a gorgeous, mysterious picture on its cover: a black disk rimmed with smaller disks, surrounded by Kirlian halos of multicolored flame. A. K. Dewdney explained, in that issue’s “Computer Recreations” column, that the image represented part of the edge of the Mandelbrot Set, one of the most complex mathematical forms ever devised. His article was illuminated with close-ups of other regions on the edge of the M-Set. Deliriously detailed, all were generated on a computer by repeating a simple calculation on a field of real and imaginary numbers. When this is done many times, the plane around the Mandelbrot Set erupts in convoluted symmetries and fluid-crystal
swirls, as the algorithm drives points outside the set to infinity.
##A 11 94562 758
This explosive turbulence can be made visible by assigning colors to the speed at which each coordinate “flees.” The resulting image is mathematically rigorous yet shamelessly psychedelic — wilder but more highly ordered than any man-made design. Since making the cover of Scientific American, the Mandelbrot Set has acquired something of a cult following, as people explore the minute worlds-within-worlds at its margin.
The M-Set is a particularly spectacular example of a “fractal” — that is, a form with edges that are unsmooth at any magnification. (Perhaps not surprisingly, the set’s discoverer, Benoit Mandelbrot,
was the primary developer of fractal geometry.) Fractals are not just an eye-tickling family of irregular shapes; they are a new tool for analyzing and modeling natural phenomena that have
##A 11 97955 759
eluded description in more traditional terms. In addition, the technique used to generate the M-Set, “iterative mapping,” has applications in the simulation of “chaotic” processes that have only begun to be tapped.
The beauty, versatility and descriptive power of fractals and iterative mapping have inspired a new kind of graphic research flourishing between art and science. Here are a few gateways into this field.
##A 11 177707 760
##T The Fractal Geometry of Nature
The Fractal Geometry of Nature
Fractals, and other members of a growing family of mathematical works of art, are quite well known by now; Lucasfilm employs them for special effects and videogames, and the Mandelbrot set has made the cover of Scientific American. But I remember the first time I saw a fractal, a hand-drawn snowflake curve somebody had left around our common workspace. Later, the concepts of self-similarity and recursion would help unlock the secrets of what mathematicians of the last century used to call
“monsters”; but back then, I had a hard time wrapping my mind around this simple, complex picture/idea. A fractal is something like a snapshot of a never-ending procedure, an instruction which calls itself over and over; computer graphics are used to reveal the complex beauty of these creations.
##A 11 231095 761
##T The Fractal Geometry of Nature
Mandelbrot’s book can be experienced at many levels. The illustrations are breathtaking, from the maze-like black and white plots which show how fractals are “grown,” to color-enhanced computer images of dreamscapes and planets that never were. The details of the mathematics are all here, too, and are interwoven with Mandelbrot’s very human stories about the mathematicians and scientists (and even the computer programs) who contributed to the growth of the field. I find these works as inspiring as any cathedral’s stained glass, and Mandelbrot’s book will offer its treasures to me for a long time to come.
— Laurie Edwards
##A 11 223468 762
##T The Fractal Geometry of Nature
Benoit B. Mandelbrot
Updated Edition 1983; 468 pp.
ISBN 0716711869
$34.95 ($38.45 postpaid)
W.H. Freeman & Co.
4419 West 1980 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84104
##A 11 228156 763
##T The Fractal Geometry of Nature
##A 11 301153 764
##T The Fractal Geometry of Nature
Planetrise over Labelgraph Hill (souvenir from a space mission that never was): Plates C9 to C15 may look “realistic.” And, in their own way, some are works of art. However, these plates are not photographs and were not intended to be artistic. Furthermore, they are not examples of the popular fake landscapes one can obtain by processing actual landscapes, in the same way as one synthesizes a chemical by transforming other chemicals. The present plates are . . . . the fractal equivalent of the “complete” synthesis of hemoglobin from the component atoms and (a great deal of) time and energy.
##A 11 107220 765
##T The Beauty of Fractals
The Beauty of Fractals
Some seventy dazzling color pictures, and many more in black and white, make this a seductive introduction for those not mathematically inclined. At the same time, it’s packed with enough advanced mathematics to keep a grad student busy for years. Capping it off, there are thoughtful essays on the impact of fractals on the way we view nature, science and art, as well as a personal account of the discovery of the M-Set and a review of the evolution of fractal geometry by Mandelbrot himself.
##A 11 107363 766
##T The Beauty of Fractals
Heinz-Otto Peitgen and Peter H. Richter
199 pp.
ISBN 0387158510
$35 ($37.50 postpaid)
Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.
44 Hartz Way
Secaucus, NJ 07094
##A 11 108132 767
##T The Beauty of Fractals
Why is geometry often described as cold and dry? One reason lies in its inability to describe the shape of a cloud, a mountain, a coastline, or a tree. Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a straight line . . . . . . Nature exhibits not simply a higher degree but an altogether different level of complexity. The number of distinct scales of length of patterns is for all purposes infinite.
The existence of these patterns challenges us to study those forms that Euclid leaves aside as being formless, to investigate the morphology of the amorphous. Mathematicians have disdained this challenge, however, and have increasingly chosen to flee from nature by devising theories unrelated to anything we can see or feel.
— Benoit Mandelbrot
##A 11 109243 768
##T The Beauty of Fractals
At any given place, the sea-horse motif is taken through an infinite number of variations. This is shown in the enlargement series in the “sea-horse valley,” which up to a magnification of one million shows ever new constellations of “tail” and “eye” of the seahorse.
##A 11 278298 769
##T The Beauty of Fractals
A very small imprecision in the initial conditions can grow to an enormous effect in the later motion. Both the expert and the layman are confused by the complexity contained in what were thought to be simple equations.
Typical orbit of a three body problem in celestial mechanics. The upper part shows the beginning, the lower part the sequel of the chaotic motion of a small planet around two suns of equal mass.
Analogous problems arise in almost all other disciplines. One reason that we have not yet achieved controlled nuclear fusion is that we do not have an adequate understanding of the chaotic motion of a charged particle in the magnetic mirror system. And as the study of developing insect eggs has shown, morphogenesis cannot be understood from just the knowledge of the relevant genome and the molecular machinery. Phenomenology has its own laws. At every new stage of organization new rules take effect.
##A 11 327414 770
##T The Beauty of Fractals
##A 11 327748 771
##T The Beauty of Fractals
##A 11 98972 772
##T The Journal of Chaos and Graphics
The Journal of Chaos and Graphics
A new occasional journal covering all sorts of mathematically based visual wildness, edited by one of the leading researchers. Brief, inspiring reports with barely adequate black-and-white graphics. The seed of future glory.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 11 102257 773
##T The Journal of Chaos and Graphics
Clifford A. Pickover, Editor
Published irregularly; subscriptions free
Clifford A. Pickover
Journal of Chaos and Graphics
IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
##A 11 103953 774
##T The Journal of Chaos and Graphics
The line between science and art is a fuzzy one; the two are fraternal twins bred of the holistic philosophies of ancient Greeks like Eratosthenes and Aristophanes. Computer graphics helps reunite these prodigals by providing rather scientific ways to represent natural and artistic objects. — Clifford A. Pickover
##A 11 139966 775
##T The Journal of Chaos and Graphics
##A 11 109371 776
##T Growth Morphogenesis
Growth Morphogenesis
Yoichiro Kawaguchi’s work makes use of fractals, but he’s not just a finder of fruitful equations, he’s a brilliant inventor of visual worlds. Colorfully patterned biomorphs, resembling sea creatures from another planet, grow, writhe, float and evolve in his video animations, while the surroundings, the observer’s viewpoint and the light source all move. The dynamism of these forms is partly captured in sequences of stills in this amply illustrated book, with texts in Japanese and English. Some of the chapters seem to be transcribed lectures by Kawaguchi; the hallucinogenic flavor of his thinking is somewhat heightened by the difficulty of translation.
Other chapters are descriptions of method and purpose by some of his collaborators, interspersed with short testimonials from his
##A 11 116888 777
##T Growth Morphogenesis
fans. The computer system (64 minis linked in parallel) and the programming concepts he uses are described in the appendix. This is some of the most exciting computer-graphic work I’ve ever seen.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 11 109731 778
##T Growth Morphogenesis
Yoichiro Kawaguchi
1985; 212 pp.
ISBN 4880630934
$29.95 ($32.95 postpaid)
3540 Wilshire Blvd.
Suite 406
Los Angeles, CA 90010
##A 11 113278 779
##T Growth Morphogenesis
The original character which is dispatched and harmonized — the cell-like trait, which grows while sent out in liquid-state from a husk closed within a kernel, self-materializes a definitely hereditary character within a movement combining a semiorganic ionized colloid personality with the arbitrariness of the living body.
Topological paradise — a resonance with intricacy and confrontation between influence and assertion fuse, so that an emotional perspective appears. This is the emergence of a world of words polished through living body rhythms and the weaving of brocade. This is probably reflected screen in the human mental world. It forms a celestial image surpassing the pain of existence bespoken by colors and common sayings.
This may well be the most sublime image that computer graphics can achieve now.
##A 11 243465 780
##T Growth Morphogenesis
Self-terminating hereditary information takes a completely autonomous shape as the spiral covering the outer skin — the ascending and descending spiral completely covers the outer skin with a firm husk. That is, furthermore, like the properties of a highly acid creature.
The mimesis in the level of transparency — the mimesis which has melted invisibly within the light, seems to be an art of seclusion within the bounds of human visibility. The living body is purified, and its transparency is gauged at the point at which it can no longer hold impurities inside the body cavity even by using all its might.
##A 11 275937 781
##T Growth Morphogenesis
Intensified swaying and growth rate — as growth adapts to the external world, it will go on acquiring its speed and freedom, and it will come to the pointliving creatures of the universe at the bottom of the sea.
##A 11 276414 782
##T Growth Morphogenesis
The cradle of the intensified growth point — A branch which has turned into a tentacle after being subjected to the convulsions of the universe will become a feeder searching for bait, and get ferocious.
##A 11 276557 783
##T Growth Morphogenesis
The forms of hereditary information surrounding growth
##A 11 276841 784
##T Growth Morphogenesis
A nuclear chain is also treated metaphorically in the consort of systems as a collection of cells, and it calls to mind a living fundamental way of existence. This goes back to a history of restoration from dotted collections to surfaces as well as structured gatherings.
##A 11 101020 785
##T Amygdala
Newsletter for people interested in the Mandelbrot Set. Short articles (including some “math-fi,” a new fiction genre related to sci-fi); reviews of fractal-generating software and algorithmic shortcuts; and a running bibliography of important fractal publications. Two kinds of subscriptions are offered: you get either 10 issues of the newsletter, or 25 stunningly beautiful color slides of the M-Set released over the same time period. Or you can get both the slides and the newsletter.
By the way, “Amygdala” is Latin for “almond;” “Mandelbrot” is Yiddish for “almond bread;” and “amygdaloid” is an igneous rock with rounded cavities filled with mineral crystals.
— Robert Horvitz
##A 11 115576 786
##T Amygdala
Rollo Silver, Editor
$25/year (10 issues);
$45/year (10 issues plus 25 color slides)
Box 219
San Cristobal, NM 87564
##A 11 117164 787
##T Art Matrix
Art Matrix
The leading vendor of high-resolution Mandelbrot Set color graphics — videos, slides, photoprints, and postcards. You gotta love a company whose motto is “A Fractal in Every Paw.” Also produces work on commission, and develops and sells software.