Labels:chat room | reckoner OCR: FIGZAG MULTIMEDIA LICENCE AGREEMENT IMPORTANT: Reac this BEFORE using the CD ROM. By opening this package you anc concitions of his licenoe agreement Please read it caretully . If you do not agrea hese terms pu conditions return the eithe Zigza Multirmedia with your receipt. you purchased It fo refund Keep this icence sgreement for tuture reference. licence agreernent Zigzag Multiriodia meana anc includea Zigzac Publishing Ltd and the 'CD ROM Teana the CD ROM included in this packaoe Zigzag Mulimedia a grants ycu and YOU accept cr the folkowing terrs and conditicns non-exclusive persona licence to copy tha C ROM tc single computer harc driva and use it on that srgle computer (or its replacement) with one tireo for use ione schoo onk The CD 30M ma not be instailec on network or otherwrise o ...