$Open failed for Count file$Count file in use by another$Read failed for Count file $Write failed for Count file $Lseek failed for Count file $Invalid drive name$Invalid serial number $This disk has already been added to the network $Original count cannot be added or subtracted $This disk has been added to the network.$This disk has been subtracted from the network.$Read failed for Serialization$Syntax is: COUNTSET /[A][S] H=Network id P=Distribution id$ dBASE ADMINISTRATOR
Access Control Program$
The "\DBNETCTL.300" directory contains the files that control
multi-user access to dBASE. (This is usually the same
physical drive where dBASE IV system files were installed.)
Enter the drive name containing "\DBNETCTL.300" directory: $
$Press any key to continue . . .$
$To add user insert the proper disk:
If you have... Use the...
------------------------ -----------------
LAN Pack (5.25" or 3.5") ---> Access disk
dBASE IV 5.25" disks ---> System Disk #1
dBASE IV 3.5" disks ---> Installation Disk$To subtract user insert the proper disk:
If you have... Use the...
------------------------ -----------------
LAN Pack (5.25" or 3.5") ---> Access disk
dBASE IV 5.25" disks ---> System Disk #1
dBASE IV 3.5" disks ---> Installation Disk$
$DBASE.COM cannot be opened.$Invalid network id, please check and try again.$DBASE.COM cannot be read.$DBA.CTL file not found.$Floppy disk is in drive: (Enter single drive letter) $Invalid system disk.$ authorization or deauthorization.$ 1 - Add users