Jason Aller Floppy Collection
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Assembly Source File
242 lines
; Copyright (c) 1988, 1989 by Borland International, Inc.
; DESCRIPTION: This program does a search for the file(s) specified on the
; command line.
; ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS: To assemble this module use the following
; TASM command line.
; TASM /dMDL=memorymodel iwhereis
; 'memorymodel' in the above command line may be replaced by TINY, SMALL,
; MEDIUM, COMPACT, LARGE or HUGE. If assembling this module to run on
; a 286/386 machine, turn on the P286 directive in order to take advantage of
; 286/386 specific instructions. For example:
; TASM /dMDL=memorymodel /jP286 iwhereis
; TASM 1.0
; 256K
; DOS 2.0 or later
%tabsize 4
ifndef MDL
display "Error: This module requires that you provide a memory model"
display " definition on the command line. I.E. /dMDL=SMALL."
err ; Force a fatal error
ideal ; Use TASM's Ideal mode
model MDL ; Define the memory model
Version EQU "1.00"
include "iwhglobl.inc" ; Public symbol declarations
include "imacros.mac" ; Various macros
include "bios.inc"
include "ibios.mac"
include "kbd.inc" ; Keyboard scan codes
include "dos.inc" ; Equates representing DOS functions/services
include "idos.mac"
stack 7FFFh ; Allocate 32K stack
PspAddress dw ? ; Segment address of Program Segment Prefix(PSP)
DisplayPage db 0 ; Current display page
include "WHUSAGE.INC" ; Usage screen declaration
; Pascal style strings to store the parsed file specification.
global Drive:byte:5
Drive db 0," : "
Path db MAX_PATH_LENGTH dup (0)
FileSpec db 15 dup (0) ; Make room for the filename with a preceding
; length byte and terminating 0
db '\'
HomeDirectory db MAX_PATH_LENGTH dup (0)
OldDrive db ?
proc main
;************************* Program Entry Point ***************************
; Execution of the program begins here.
mov ax, @data ; Initialize ds by moving segment address
mov ds, ax ; of data segment into ds register
push bp
mov bp, sp
call Initialize ; Initialize data structures, etc.
mov al, 1
call ParamString
push es ; Store the location of the file spec.
push di
cmp [byte es:di+1], SPACE
jne short @@NoMoreSpaces
mov cx, 1 ; Remove the first character
mov ax, 1 ; from the string
push es ; Pass the location of the parameter to
push di ; DeletChar
call DeleteChar
jmp @@DeleteSpaces
; Pull apart the drive, path and filename so we can store the
; filename specification.
push ds ; Push the address to store the drive spec. in
if (@Cpu and 100b) eq 100b
push offset Drive
mov ax, offset Drive
push ax
push ds ; Push the address to store the path spec. in
if (@Cpu and 100b) eq 100b
push offset Path
mov ax, offset Path
push ax
push ds ; Push address to store filename spec. in
if (@Cpu and 100b) eq 100b
push offset FileSpec
mov ax, offset FileSpec
push ax
call ParseFilename ; Parse the filename
cmp [byte Path], 0 ; Check if the path is empty
jne short HaveAPath
mov [byte Path], 1
mov [byte Path+1], '\'
cmp [byte Drive], 0 ; Check if a drive definition exists
je short DontChangeDrives
cmp [byte Drive+1], 61h ; Check if the drive letter is lower
jng short IsCapitalized ; case
sub [byte Drive+1], 20h ; Capitalize the drive letter
mov al, [byte Drive+1]
sub al, 'A'
ChangeDrive <al> ; Change to the appropriate drive
jmp short CopyPath
mov [byte Drive], 2 ; Initialize the drive
mov al, [byte OldDrive]
mov [byte Drive+1], al ; string with the
add [byte Drive+1], 'A' ; current drive.
; Copy the start path onto the stack
sub sp, MAX_PATH_LENGTH ; Make room on the stack
mov si, sp
push ds ; Push segment address of Path
if (@Cpu and 100b) eq 100b ; Push offset
push offset Path
mov ax, offset Path
push ax
push ss ; Push address to copy to
push si
xor ah, ah
mov al, [byte Path] ; Get the path length
inc al ; We want to copy the length byte also
inc al ; And the null terminator
call ByteCopy ; Copy the path onto the stack
call FindFiles ; Do the search for the file(s)
add sp, MAX_PATH_LENGTH ; Remove data on stack
call Terminate ; End the program
endp main
proc Initialize
; This procedure initializes all global variables and data structures
; used by the program.
; Input
; none
; Output
; none
; Calling conventions
; NA
; Registers modified
; ax, flags
; Store the PSP address by storing es in the variable PspAddress.
; Note that we do it this way instead of using DOS function 62h because
; the function is only available on DOS 3.0 or later.
mov [PspAddress], es
push ds
GetCurrentDir <0>, <seg HomeDirectory>, <offset HomeDirectory>
pop ds
GetDrive ; Get the current disk drive
mov [byte OldDrive], al ; Save it
; Verify that the user provided command line parameters.
call ParamCount
cmp al, 0 ; Were any parameters passed by user?
jne SHORT @@Exit
call UsageScreen ; If no, display usage screen
endp ; Initialize
proc Terminate ; This routine terminates the WHEREIS program.
mov al, [byte OldDrive] ; Get the original disk drive
ChangeDrive <al> ; Restore the original disk drive
ChangeDirectory <seg HomeDirectory>, <((offset HomeDirectory) - 1)>
endp Terminate
proc UsageScreen
; This routine displays a 'usage' screen that describes the syntax for
; using WHEREIS. It then terminates the program.
; Input
; ds - Points to data segment where usage screen text is located
; Output
; none
; Calling conventions
; NA
; Registers modified
; ax, cx, dx
push ds
if (@Cpu and 100b) eq 100b
push offset Syntax
mov ax, offset Syntax
push ax
call WritePascalString
call Terminate ; Terminate program
endp ; UsageScreen
endif ; ifndef MDL
end EntryPoint