Jason Aller Floppy Collection
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Okay, here is some quick dox that I was able to get from the game, there is a
good chance that it is not complete, but should be enough to get you started.
Sub Controls
<- Left Rudder
-> Right Rudder
Shift <- hard left
Shift -> hard right
Up Arrow - Dive planes up (Surface)
Down Arrow - Dive planes down (Dive)
Shift up Arrow - Blow Emergency Tanks (fast surface)
Shift down Arrow - Crash dive
(Backspace) - Controls centered
< (comma key) Periscope, gun, observation deck left
> (period key) Periscope, gun, observation deck right
-+ Gun up/Down
Z Zoom in (both Z & X work in Periscope, Map, Observation, Gun mode)
X Zoom out
V Map toggle
N Match heading to view
M Match view to heading
1 (on keyboard) all ahead slow
2 all ahead half
3 all ahead full
4 all ahead flank
5 stop
6 reverse
7 launch debris
F1 Map mode
F2 Observation deck (only when surfaced)
F3 Periscope (9 to raise & lower periscope)
F4 Gun deck (<> to turn gun, -+ to raise and lower, <SPACE> to fire)
F5 Instruments screen
F6 Damage screen
F7 Boat Spec's
F8 Exit mission
8 Dive to periscope depth
9 Scope up/down
<Return> fire torpedo
Alt Q quit to DOS
Alt R End Game
Alt P Pause
Alt A Animation Off (firing torpedoes, depth charges etc..)
Alt S Save Game
Alt J Joystick Calibration
Alt V Sound Level adjust (3 levels of sound)
Alt B Boss key (blanks screen)
This warez sometimes has problems with some Expanded memory managers (Qemm)
sometimes it does not (Go figure?)
Also it is not entirely unprotected, there is another doc check between
individual missions and full scenerios.
Greets to Doctor PJ, Hook, The Byter, Slave Lord, Gnat and Tigerman!
Call PJ's Tower for quality warez, the number is listed on PoWR boards