Jason Aller Floppy Collection
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Assembly Source File
169 lines
; Program to count the number of words in a file. Words are
; delimited by whitespace, which consists of spaces, tabs,
; carriage returns, and linefeeds.
DOSSEG ;select standard segment-ordering
.MODEL SMALL ;code and data each fit in 64K
.STACK 200h ;512-byte stack
Count DW 0 ;used to count words
InWhitespace DB ? ;set to 1 when the last
; character read was whitespace
TempChar DB ? ;temporary storage used by
; GetNextCharacter
Result DB 'Word count: ', 5 DUP (?)
;string printed to report the count
CountInsertEnd LABEL BYTE ;used to find the end of the area the
; count value string is stored in
DB 0dh,0ah,'$'
;DOS fn #9 expects strings to end with
; a dollar sign
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax ;point DS to the .DATA segment
mov [InWhitespace],1 ;assume we're in whitespace, since
; the first non-whitespace we'll find
; will mark the start of a word
call GetNextCharacter ;get next character to check
jz CountDone ;...if any
call IsCharacterWhitespace ;is it whitespace?
jz IsWhitespace ;yes
cmp [InWhitespace],0 ;character is not
; whitespace-are we currently in
; whitespace?
jz CountLoop ;we're not in whitespace, and the
; character isn't whitespace, so
; we're done with this character
inc [Count] ;we are in whitespace, and the
; character is not whitespace, so
; we just found the start of a new word
mov [InWhitespace],0 ;mark that we're no longer in whitespace
jmp CountLoop ;do the next character
mov [InWhitespace],1 ;mark that we're in whitespace
jmp CountLoop ;do the next character
; We're done counting--report the results.
mov ax,[Count] ;number to convert to a string
mov bx,OFFSET CountInsertEnd-1 ;point to the end of the string to
; put the number in
mov cx,5 ;number of digits to convert
call ConvertNumberToString ;make the number a string
mov bx,OFFSET Result ;point to result string
call PrintString ;print the count
mov ah,4ch ;DOS terminate program fn #
int 21h ;end the program
; Subroutine to get the next character from the standard input.
; Input: None
; Output:
; AL = character, if one was available
; Z flag = 0 (NZ) if character available,
; = 1 (Z) if end of file reached
; Registers destroyed: AH, BX, CX, DX
GetNextCharacter PROC
mov ah,3fh ;DOS read from file fn #
mov bx,0 ;standard input handle
mov cx,1 ;read one character
mov dx,OFFSET TempChar ;put the character in TempChar
int 21h ;get the next character
jc NoCharacterRead ;if DOS reports an error, then treat
; it as the end of the file
cmp [TempChar],1ah ;was it Control-Z?
; (marks end of some files)
jne NotControlZ ;no
sub ax,ax ;mark no character read
and ax,ax ;set Z flag to reflect whether a
; character was read (NZ), or the
; end of the file was reached (Z).
; Note that DOS fn #3fh sets AX to
; the number of characters read
mov al,[TempChar] ;return the character read
ret ;done
GetNextCharacter ENDP
; Subroutine to report whether a given character is whitespace.
; Input:
; AL = character to check
; Output:
; Z flag = 0 (NZ) if character is not whitespace
; = 1 (Z) if character is whitespace
; Registers destroyed: none
IsCharacterWhitespace PROC
cmp al,' ' ;is it a space?
jz EndIsCharacterWhitespace ;if so, it's whitespace
cmp al,09h ;is it a tab?
jz EndIsCharacterWhitespace ;if so, it's whitespace
cmp al,0dh ;is it a carriage return?
jz EndIsCharacterWhitespace ;if so, it's whitespace
cmp al,0ah ;is it a linefeed? If so,
; it's whitespace, so return Z;
; if not, it's not whitespace,
; so return NZ as set by cmp
IsCharacterWhitespace ENDP
; Subroutine to convert a binary number to a text string.
; Input:
; AX = number to convert
; DS:BX = pointer to end of string to store text in
; CX = number of digits to convert
; Output: None
; Registers destroyed: AX, BX, CX, DX, SI
ConvertNumberToString PROC
mov si,10 ;used to divide by 10
sub dx,dx ;convert AX to doubleword in DX:AX
div si ;divide number by 10. Remainder is in
; DX--this is a one-digit decimal
; number. Number/10 is in AX
add dl,'0' ;convert remainder to a text character
mov [bx],dl ;put this digit in the string
dec bx ;point to the location for the
; next most-significant digit
loop ConvertLoop ;do the next digit, if any
ConvertNumberToString ENDP
; Subroutine to print a string on the display.
; Input:
; DS:BX = pointer to string to print
; Output: None
; Registers destroyed: None
PrintString PROC
push ax
push dx ;preserve registers in this subroutine
mov ah,9 ;DOS print string function #
mov dx,bx ;point DS:DX to the string to print
int 21h ;invoke DOS to print the string
pop dx ;restore registers we changed
pop ax
PrintString ENDP
END ProgramStart