Jason Aller Floppy Collection
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Assembly Source File
334 lines
Title 'FILT.ASM', 'Text Filter'
; Text FILTer
; Version 1.0
; Copyright (c) 1988, 1989 by Borland International, Inc.
; Used by permission of the author.
; This program performs various text filter functions.
; Usage:
; FILT [options] < in_file > out_file
; Options:
; x = expand tabs to spaces e = erase all tab stops
; c = compress spaces to tabs t# = set tab stop
; S = strip high bits m = left margin
; C = strip control chars d = delete left margin
; H = strip high (>127) bytes l# = truncate long lines
; U = all letters to upper-case r = remove trailing spaces
; L = all letters to lower-case b# = byte to end input lines
; A = capitalize words s = save carriage returns
; Z = write ^Z to output i# = input buffer size (20000)
; z = ignore ^Z in input o# = output buffer size (20000)
include globals.inc
_STACK segment
DW 500h dup (?)
_STACK ends
_DATA segment
BUFLEN = 130
CMDBUF DB 130 dup (?)
; line definition
LeftMar DW 0 ;left margin
LeftDel DW 0 ;left characters to delete
Trunc DW 0 ;truncate line length (truncate if non-zero)
; input control block
DW 0 ;status
DW 20000 ;buffer size
DW ?
DW ?
DW 0 ;standard input device
DW ?
; output control block
DW 1 ;status
DW 20000 ;buffer size
DW ?
DW ?
DW 1 ;standard output device
DW ?
; special characters
FF EQU 12 ;form feed
EOF EQU 26 ;carriage return
EOL DB LF ;end of line character
; character options
STR_LOB EQU 0001h ;strip low (control) bytes
STR_HIB EQU 0002h ;strip high bytes
STR_BIT EQU 0004h ;strip high bits
MAK_UPR EQU 0008h ;make upper-case
MAK_LWR EQU 0010h ;make lower-case
MAK_CAP EQU 0020h ;capitalize
REP_TAB EQU 0040h ;replace tabs with spaces
REP_SPC EQU 0080h ;replace spaces with tabs
SAV_CR EQU 0100h ;save CR's
REM_SPC EQU 0200h ;delete trailing spaces
SKP_EOF EQU 0400h ;skip input EOF
SUP_EOF EQU 0800h ;suppress output EOF
Options DW 0
InpSta DW 0
; help message
DB 13,10
DB 'Text Filter, Version 1.0',13,10
DB 13,10
DB 'Usage: FILT [options] < input_file > output_file',13,10
DB 13,10
DB 'Tab Replacement: Tab Assignment:',13,10
DB ' x = expand tabs to spaces e = erase all tab stops',13,10
DB ' c = compress spaces to tabs t# = set tab stop',13,10
DB 'Character Replacement: Line Format:',13,10
DB ' S = strip high bits m = add left margin',13,10
DB ' C = strip control chars d = delete left margin',13,10
DB ' H = strip high (>127) bytes l# = truncate long lines',13,10
DB ' U = all letters to upper-case r = remove trailing spaces',13,10
DB ' L = all letters to lower-case b# = byte to end input lines',13,10
DB ' A = capitalize words s = save carriage returns',13,10
DB 'End of File: I/O Buffer:',13,10
DB ' z = ignore ^Z in input i# = input buffer size (20000)',13,10
DB ' Z = suppress ^Z in output o# = output buffer size (20000)',13,10
DB '$'
; Messages and return codes.
; messages
mess1 DB 37, 'Option error: "?", enter ? for help',13,10
mess2 DB 21, 'Insufficient memory',13,10
mess3 DB 12, 'Read error',13,10
mess4 DB 13, 'Write error',13,10
; error table
DB 3
DW OFFSET mess1 ;option error (0)
DB 4
DW OFFSET mess2 ;insufficient memory (1)
DB 2
DW OFFSET mess3 ;input error (2)
DB 1
DW OFFSET mess4 ;output error (3)
; Uninitialized data.
InpBuf DB ? ;input read location
Margin DB MAXLIN dup (?) ;margin
LinBuf DB MAXLIN+2 dup (?) ;line buffer
TabTbl DB MAXLIN dup (?) ;tab table
TabEnd EQU OFFSET TabEndx ;end of tab table
SpcCnt DW ? ;space count (for compressing spaces)
TabOff LABEL WORD ;tab offset (decrements tab column number)
DW 502 dup (?)
; Option table.
DB ' '
DW 0, 0 ;option delimiter
DB ','
DW 0, 0 ;option delimiter
DB '-'
DW 0, 0 ;option delimiter
DB '/'
DW 0, 0 ;option delimiter
DB 'x'
DW 0, REP_TAB ;expand tabs
DB 'c'
DW 0, REP_SPC ;compress spaces with tabs
DB 'e'
DW OFFSET SetOpt4, 0 ;erase all tab stops
DB 't'
DW OFFSET SetOpt5, 0 ;set tab stop
DB 'S'
DW 0, STR_BIT ;strip high bits
DB 'C'
DW 0, STR_LOB ;strip control (<32) chars
DB 'H'
DW 0, STR_HIB ;strip high (>127) bytes
DB 'U'
DW 0, MAK_UPR ;all letters to upper-case
DB 'L'
DW 0, MAK_LWR ;all letters to lower-case
DB 'A'
DW 0, MAK_CAP ;capitalize words
DB 'm'
DW OFFSET SetOpt7, 0 ;left margin
DB 'd'
DW OFFSET SetOpt8, 0 ;delete left margin
DB 'l'
DW OFFSET SetOpt6, 0 ;truncate lines
DB 'r'
DW 0, REM_SPC ;remove trailing spaces
DB 'b'
DW OFFSET SetOpt3, 0 ;byte to end input lines
DB 's'
DW 0, SAV_CR ;save CR's
DB 'z'
DW 0, SKP_EOF ;ignore input EOF
DB 'Z'
DW 0, SUP_EOF ;suppress output EOF
DB 'i'
DW OFFSET SetOpt1, 0 ;input buffer size (20000)
DB 'o'
DW OFFSET SetOpt2, 0 ;output buffer size (20000)
DB '?'
DW OFFSET SetOpt9, 0 ;display help
DB 'h'
DW OFFSET SetOpt9, 0 ;display help
DB 0
_DATA ends
_TEXT segment
; Main program.
; set up stack and reduce memory allocation
lea bx, EndStack ;end of program
mov cl, 4
shr bx, cl ;adjust to paragraph
inc bx ;round up
mov ax, ss
add bx, ax
mov ax, ds
sub bx, ax
mov ah, 4ah ;function
int 21h ;execute
; initialize
mov dx, DGROUP
mov ds, dx
mov PSP, es ;saved Program Segment Prefix
mov es, dx
mov dx, MAXLIN ;max margin spaces
lea di, Margin ;margin area
call Spaces ;store spaces
call TabReset ;set default tab stops
call ParseCmd ;parse command line
; input read buffer
lea bx, InpBlk ;control block
call FileAlloc ;set up buffer
jc main3
; output write buffer
lea bx, OutBlk ;control block
call FileAlloc ;set up buffer
jc main3
; process file
call ProcDoc ;process document
test InpSta, INP_ERR
jnz main4
test InpSta, OUT_ERR
jnz main5
; close input buffer
lea bx, InpBlk ;control block
call FileFree ;close buffer
; close output buffer
lea bx, OutBlk ;control block
call FileFlush ;flush file first
jc main5
call FileFree ;close buffer
mov ax, 4c00h
int 21h
; not enough memory
mov al, 1
call ErrorExit
; error reading input file
mov al, 2
call ErrorExit
; error writing output file
mov al, 3
call ErrorExit
; Error routine.
; Input
; al - local error number
call ErrorExit ;error routine
_TEXT ends
END FiltStart