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536 lines
;* Show87 - (C) Copyright 1988, 1989 by Borland International *
;* VIDEO2.INC - Include module for Show87 *
; High Level Video Routines
; These are routines to display formatted text strings. All registers are
; preserved except those used to return parameters. All parameters are passed
; through the registers. VIDEO1.INC must be included in the source code.
; VIDEO_INIT must be called before any of these routines. It is assumed that
; DS = ES = CS.
; Global data.
;--- display attributes
Video_Norm db 07h ;normal
Video_Emph db 02h ;emphasized (underline)
Video_High db 70h ;highlight (reverse video)
Video_Bold db 0fh ;bold (intense)
;--- attribute stack
Video_AtrM equ 10 ;maximum stack entries (n > 0)
Video_AtrN dw 0 ;present stack number
Video_AtrS db 07h ;start of stack
DD Video_AtrM, ? ;rest of stack
;--- string formatting controls
FrmEnd equ 0 ;end of string
FrmCtl equ 1 ;control character mask
FrmNorm equ 2 ;switch to normal attribute
FrmEmph equ 3 ;switch to emphasized
FrmHigh equ 4 ;switch to highlight
FrmBold equ 5 ;switch to bold
FrmAtr equ 6 ;user defined attribute
FrmPush equ 7 ;push the present attribute
FrmPop equ 8 ;pop an attribute
FrmHor equ 9 ;horizontally repeated character
; (left to right)
FrmVer equ 10 ;vertically repeated character
; (up to down)
FrmStr equ 11 ;nested string
FrmLoc equ 12 ;locate cursor
Video_StrM equ 10 ;maximum nested strings
; Write a formatted string. Note: uses (32 =
; Video_AtrM * 2 + 14) stack bytes.
; In: si= string location.
Video_Wstr proc near
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push di
push si
push bp
sub sp, Video_AtrM * 2 + 2 ;room for local data
mov bp, sp
mov word ptr [bp], 0 ;clear nested string stack
mov di, Video_AtrN ;get the present stack number
mov bl, [Video_AtrS + di] ;get attribute
;--- loop for each byte in the string
Vidwst1 :
lodsb ;get the next byte
cmp al, FrmEnd ;check if end of string
je Vidwst5
cmp al, 32 ;check if control character
jb Vidwst2
call Video_Wchr ;write character
jmp Vidwst1
;--- control character
Vidwst2 :
mov di, offset Video_Ftab ;location of table
Vidwst3 :
cmp byte ptr [di], -1 ;check if end of table
je Vidwst1 ;jump if so, ignore this
; character
cmp al, [di] ;check if match command
je Vidwst4 ;jump if so, call command
; routine
add di, 3 ;next location
jmp Vidwst3 ;loop back until end of table
; or match
Vidwst4 :
call word ptr [di + 1] ;call the routine
jmp Vidwst1
;--- check if within nested string
Vidwst5 :
mov ax, [bp] ;get the number
or ax, ax ;check if any entries
jz Vidwst6
dec ax ;reduce count
mov [bp], ax ;save it
mov di, ax
shl di, 1 ;times two
mov si, [bp + 2 + di] ;get the saved offset
jmp Vidwst1 ;continue
;--- finished, save the attribute in the attribute stack
Vidwst6 :
mov di, Video_AtrN ;get the present stack number
mov [Video_AtrS + di], bl ;save attribute
add sp, Video_AtrM * 2 + 2 ;fix stack
pop bp
pop si
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
endp ;Video_Wfstr
; This is the table to access the formatting
; routines below. The table consists of a format
; command byte followed by the 16 bit address of
; the routine to handle the command. The table
; is terminated with a -1 (FFH).
Video_Ftab label Byte
db FrmCtl
dw offset Vidwstr1
db FrmNorm
dw offset Vidwstr2
db FrmEmph
dw offset Vidwstr3
db FrmHigh
dw offset Vidwstr4
db FrmBold
dw offset Vidwstr5
db FrmAtr
dw offset Vidwstr6
db FrmPush
dw offset Vidwstr7
db FrmPop
dw offset Vidwstr8
db FrmHor
dw offset Vidwstr9
db FrmStr
dw offset Vidwstr10
db FrmLoc
dw offset Vidwstr11
db FrmVer
dw offset Vidwstr12
db -1
; These are the individual routines to handle
; the special formatting commands.
;--- control character mask
Vidwstr1 proc near
lodsb ;get the character
call Video_Wchr ;display
;--- normal attribute
Vidwstr2 proc near
mov bl, Video_Norm ;set to normal attribute
;--- emphasized attribute
Vidwstr3 proc near
mov bl, Video_Emph ;set to normal attribute
;--- highlighted attribute
Vidwstr4 proc near
mov bl, Video_High ;set to normal attribute
;--- bold attribute
Vidwstr5 proc near
mov bl, Video_Bold ;set to normal attribute
;--- user defined attribute
Vidwstr6 proc near
lodsb ;get the attribute
mov bl, al ;set attribute
;--- push the present attribute
Vidwstr7 proc near
mov ax, Video_AtrN ;get the present stack number
cmp ax, Video_AtrM - 1 ;check if stack full
jae Vidwstr71
mov di, ax ;load index
mov [Video_AtrS + di], bl ;save the present attribute
inc ax ;increment stack
mov Video_AtrN, ax ;save it
Vidwstr71 :
;--- pop an attribute
Vidwstr8 proc near
mov ax, Video_AtrN ;get the present stack number
or ax, ax ;check if at bottom
jz Vidwstr81
dec ax ;reduce stack number
mov di, ax ;load index
mov bl, [Video_AtrS + di] ;set the present attribute
mov Video_AtrN, ax ;save stack number
Vidwstr81 :
;--- repeat display a character
Vidwstr9 proc near
lodsb ;get the character
push ax
lodsb ;load the count
mov cl, al
sub ch, ch ;count in cx
pop ax
call Video_Wchrs ;display characters
;--- nested string
Vidwstr10 proc near
lodsw ;get the offset
cmp word ptr [bp], Video_StrM ;check if stack full
je Vidwstr101
mov di, [bp] ;stack entries
shl di, 1 ;times two
mov [bp + 2 + di], si ;save present location
inc word ptr [bp] ;increment entries
mov si, ax ;new string location
Vidwstr101 :
;--- cursor move
Vidwstr11 proc near
lodsw ;load location
xchg ah, al ;get row and column in right
; register halves
mov dx, ax
call Video_Cset ;set cursor location
;--- vertically repeated character
Vidwstr12 proc near
lodsb ;get the character
push ax
lodsb ;load the count
mov cl, al
sub ch, ch ;count in cx
pop ax
call Video_Cget ;get the cursor location
Vidwstr121 :
push dx
call Video_Wchr ;display character
pop dx
inc dh ;next row
call Video_Cset ;set the cursor location
loop Vidwstr121
; Calculate the horizontal length of the text in
; a formatted string. Note: uses (32 =
; Video_AtrM * 2 + 10) stack bytes. Used for
; justifying strings.
; In: si= string location.
; Out: bx= length.
Video_Scnt proc near
push ax
push di
push si
push bp
sub sp, Video_AtrM * 2 + 2 ;room for local data
mov bp, sp
sub bx, bx ;clear the count
mov word ptr [bp], 0 ;clear nested string stack
;--- loop for each byte in the string
Vidscn1 :
lodsb ;get the next byte
cmp al, FrmEnd ;check if end of string
je Vidscn8
cmp al, 32 ;check if control character
jb Vidscn2
inc bx ;increment count
jmp Vidscn1
;--- control character
Vidscn2 :
cmp al, FrmCtl
jne Vidscn3
inc si ;skip character
inc bx ;add to total
jmp Vidscn1
;--- user attribute
Vidscn3 :
cmp al, FrmAtr
jne Vidscn4
inc si ;skip attribute byte
jmp Vidscn1
;--- horizontal repeated byte
Vidscn4 :
cmp al, FrmHor
jne Vidscn5
inc si ;skip character
lodsb ;load length
sub ah, ah
add bx, ax ;add to total
jmp Vidscn1
;--- nested string
Vidscn5 :
cmp al, FrmStr
jne Vidscn6
call Vidwstr10 ;start nested string
jmp Vidscn1
;--- cursor move
Vidscn6 :
cmp al, FrmLoc
jne Vidscn7
inc si
inc si ;skip location
jmp Vidscn1
;--- vertical repeated byte
Vidscn7 :
cmp al, FrmVer
jne Vidscn1
inc si
inc si ;skip byte and count
inc bx ;add one for the first byte
jmp Vidscn1
;--- check if within nested string
Vidscn8 :
mov ax, [bp] ;get the number
or ax, ax ;check if any entries
jz Vidscn9
dec ax ;reduce count
mov [bp], ax ;save it
mov di, ax
shl di, 1 ;times two
mov si, [bp + 2 + di] ;get the saved offset
jmp Vidscn1 ;continue
;--- finished
Vidscn9 :
add sp, Video_AtrM * 2 + 2 ;fix stack
pop bp
pop si
pop di
pop ax
endp ;Video_Scnt
; Write a string padded with some character on
; both sides.
; In: si= string location; al= pad character;
; bx= left side pad number; cx= right side pad
; number.
Video_Wstrp proc near
push bx
push cx
push di
mov di, Video_AtrN ;get the present stack number
push cx
mov cx, bx
mov bl, [Video_AtrS + di] ;get attribute
call Video_Wchrs ;write preceding spaces
call Video_Wstr ;write string
pop cx
mov bl, [Video_AtrS + di] ;get attribute
call Video_Wchrs ;write following spaces
pop di
pop cx
pop bx
endp ;Video_Wstrp
; Write a left justified string.
; In: si= string location; al= pad character;
; cx= total column width.
Video_Wstrl proc near
push bx
push cx
call Video_Scnt ;get string width
cmp bx, cx ;check if too big
jbe Vidwsl1
mov bx, cx ;set to maximum length
Vidwsl1 :
sub cx, bx ;get difference
sub bx, bx ;no padding in front
call Video_Wstrp ;print with padding
pop cx
pop bx
endp ;Video_Wstrl
; Write a right justified string.
; In: si= string location; al= pad character;
; cx= total column width.
Video_Wstrr proc near
push bx
push cx
call Video_Scnt ;get string width
cmp bx, cx ;check if too big
jbe Vidwsr1
mov bx, cx ;set to maximum length
Vidwsr1 :
sub cx, bx ;get difference
mov bx, cx ;padding is before
sub cx, cx ;no padding after
call Video_Wstrp ;print with padding
pop cx
pop bx
endp ;Video_Wstrr
; Write a center justified string.
; In: si= string location; al= pad character;
; cx= total column width.
Video_Wstrc proc near
push bx
push cx
call Video_Scnt ;get string width
cmp bx, cx ;check if too big
jbe Vidwsc1
mov bx, cx ;set to maximum length
Vidwsc1 :
sub cx, bx ;get difference
mov bx, cx
shr bx, 1 ;divide by two, preceding pad
sub cx, bx ;difference is end pad
call Video_Wstrp ;print with padding
pop cx
pop bx
endp ;Video_Wstrc