Jason Aller Floppy Collection
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C/C++ Source or Header
221 lines
#ifndef __CONTAIN_H
#define __CONTAIN_H
// This file contains proprietary information of Borland International.
// Copying or reproduction without prior written approval is prohibited.
// Copyright (c) 1990
// Borland International
// 1800 Scotts Valley Dr.
// Scotts Valley, CA 95066
// (408) 438-8400
// Contents ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Container
// ContainerIterator
// Description
// Defines the abstract class Container. Containers operate
// on groups of other objects.
// Defines the ContainerIterator class. Container iterators are
// use to step through the objects in a container class without
// knowing the internals of the container class.
// End ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Interface Dependencies ---------------------------------------------------
#ifndef __IOSTREAM_H
#include <iostream.h>
#define __IOSTREAM_H
#ifndef __CLSTYPES_H
#include <clstypes.h>
#ifndef __OBJECT_H
#include <object.h>
// End Interface Dependencies ------------------------------------------------
// ForwardReference //
class ContainerIterator;
// Class //
class Container: public Object
Container() { itemsInContainer = 0; }
Container( const Container& );
virtual ~Container();
virtual ContainerIterator& initIterator() const = 0;
virtual void forEach( iterFuncType, void * );
virtual Object& firstThat( condFuncType, void * ) const;
virtual Object& lastThat( condFuncType, void * ) const;
virtual classType isA() const = 0;
virtual char *nameOf() const = 0;
virtual hashValueType hashValue() const = 0;
virtual int isEqual( const Object& ) const;
virtual void printOn( ostream& ) const;
virtual void printHeader( ostream& ) const;
virtual void printSeparator( ostream& ) const;
virtual void printTrailer( ostream& ) const;
int isEmpty() const { return (itemsInContainer == 0); }
countType getItemsInContainer() const { return itemsInContainer; }
countType itemsInContainer;
friend class ContainerIterator;
// Description -------------------------------------------------------------
// Defines the abstract class Container. A Container is an object
// which groups some number of other objects together. This is
// an abstract class and provides no method for adding and
// removing objects from the container. Those functions are
// provided by derived classes.
// Constructor
// Container
// Copy constructor
// Public Members
// isEmpty
// Returns a 1 if the container has no members. Returns a 0
// otherwise.
// initIterator
// Initializes an iterator for this container.
// firstThat
// Returns the first object that satisfies the given condition.
// lastThat
// Returns the last object that satisfies the given condition.
// isA
// Inherited from Object and redeclared as pure virtual.
// hashValue
// Inherited from Object and redeclared as pure virtual.
// nameOf
// Inherited from Object and redeclared as pure virtual.
// isEqual
// A deep-comparison equality operator.
// getItemsInContainer
// Returns the current number of objects in any container.
// printOn
// Displays each of the objects which make up a container.
// printHeader
// Displays a standard header.
// printSeparator
// Displays a standard trailer.
// printTrailer
// Displays a standard trailer.
// Inherited Members
// operator new
// Inherited from Object.
// Protected Members
// itemsInContainer
// A count of the number of items in currently in the container.
// Private Members
// The class ContainerIterator is made a friend of class Object so that
// objects can be iterated without knowing the internals of each class.
// End ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class //
class ContainerIterator
virtual ~ContainerIterator();
virtual operator int() = 0;
virtual operator Object&() = 0;
virtual Object& operator ++() = 0;
virtual void restart() = 0;
// Description -------------------------------------------------------------
// Defines a container iterator object.
// Destructor
// ~ContainerIterator
// Public Members
// operator int
// We are allowed one cast operator to a predefined type. This
// operator defines an explicit or an implicit cast from a
// ContainerIterator to an integer.
// operator Object&
// Conversion from ContainerIterator to Object.
// operator ++
// The increment operator.
// restart
// Restarts an iterator without destroying it.
// End ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#endif // ifndef __CONTAIN_H //