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-------------------------- HyperPilot Scripts ---------------------------
This file contains information not found in the manual about the
HyperPilot scripts included with HyperACCESS/5. This information
o About HyperPilot Scripts
o A note about logon scripts
o Scripts supplied with HyperACCESS/5
o Example logon scripts learned by HyperACCESS/5
o Additions to HyperPilot
------------------------ About HyperPilot Scripts -----------------------
HyperPilot scripts are procedures written in the HyperPilot language
that can be run from within HyperACCESS/5 to perform a series of
communications steps that you would otherwise have to perform manually.
HyperACCESS/5 includes an assortment of scripts that perform useful
The supplied scripts can be used as is, or you can modify them to meet
your needs. They also provide you with a good reference as you write
scripts of your own. To learn how to use, modify, and write scripts,
read Chapters 11 and 12 in your HyperACCESS/5 manual. Before using the
supplied scripts, you may wish to examine them using the HyperACCESS/5
editor or a word processing program of your own.
--------------------- A note about logon scripts -------------------------
Logon scripts are HyperPilot scripts that can automate the process of
logging on to a remote system. In the past, a number of these scripts
were provided to automate the logon procedure for such systems as Dow
Jones, Compuserve, BIX, MCI Mail, and others. HyperACCESS/5 eliminates
the need for such scripts to be supplied. With powerful learning
features only a keystroke away, you can now "Learn" logon scripts to
any remote system. When HyperACCESS/5 learns a logon, the script (a
file with a .hp extension) is generated for you. You can edit this
script if you need to, but in almost all cases you will be able to use
the script as is. For details on "Learning" logon scripts or automating
other procedures, refer to Chapter 7 in your HyperACCESS/5 manual. For
a demonstration of learning a logon script, see Chapter 1, section 6 on
calling A fake remote system.
------------------- Scripts supplied with HyperACCESS/5 ------------------
ANSWER.HP - The HyperACCESS/5 answer script
CALL.HP - The HyperACCESS/5 call script
These two scripts are closely integrated with the program. When you
select "Wait for data calls" from the Answer menu, or "Call a system"
from the Main menu, you are actually starting the answer and call
scripts, respectively. These two scripts contain the support for
various modems and other communication devices. Modifying these
scripts is not recommended. They do, however, use a great number of
HyperPilot functions, providing a detailed reference of function usage.
WELCOME.HP - The HyperACCESS/5 Host welcome message
This script can be specified on the Answer/Privileges menu to send the
calling computer a welcome message. The message can be defined within
the script as this example demonstrates, or it can be an external file
having the name WELCOME.TXT. This script also demonstrates how the
caller's name can be passed as an argument to the script so the welcome
message can display that name. WELCOME.HP can easily be modified to
suit your needs, or used as it is supplied. See Chapter 8 for details
on Remote use of scripts and programs.
SET3101.HP - IBM 3101 terminal emulation setup
This setup script for the IBM 3101 terminal emulator lets you set
certain settings that correspond to hardware switches on real 3101
terminals. For details on using this script, see Appendix F regarding
the IBM3101 emulator.
SETVT.HP - VT terminal emulation setup
This setup script for VT52, VT100, VT220, or VT320 terminal emulators
lets you set terminal characteristics that correspond to certain
hardware switches on real VT terminals. For details on using this
script, see Appendix F regarding the VT52, VT100, VT102, VT220, or
VT320 emulators.
SPLITSCR.HP - An example of terminal emulation features
This script can be run at any time from the communications screen. It
divides the screen display in half, showing received text in one half
and sending text in the other. SPLITSCR.RDY achieves this split screen
display by using HyperACCESS/5's VT100 emulator, and can only be used
when the remote system expects to communicate with a TTY terminal.
DEBUG.HP - A script writing tool
This is a script writing tool. When a HyperPilot script fails,
DEBUG.RDY can be run to load the failed script into the keys editor and
position the cursor on the offending line. DEBUG.RDY is most
effectively used when it is assigned to a function key or some other
key combination that is convenient for you to use.
These scripts can be used to add E-mail to HyperACCESS/5's host. See
the file EMAIL.DOC for a complete description on using these scripts.
------------ Example logon scripts learned by HyperACCESS/5 -------------
Below are three example logon scripts for BIX, Compuserve, and MCI
Mail. These scripts are provided as an example of what HyperACCESS/5
generates as it learns logon scripts for you. Although it is possible
to edit these scripts by substituting your own user name and password,
it is usually easier and more effective to learn new scripts.
Logon scripts, one of the simplest applications for HyperPilot, can be
written or learned. Logon scripts typically use no more than 3 or 4 of
HyperPilot's 150 functions, though some logons use as few as 2. The
functions most often used are type(), wait prompt(), wait tenths(), and
occasionally, wait seconds().
type(), the most-used HyperPilot function simulates pressing keys on
your PC's keyboard. The keys may be responses to a remote system or
keys that operate HyperACCESS/5 itself. To include a special key or
key combination in a type function, you must enclose it in angle
brackets (i.e. type("<ENTER>") ). Normal alphanumeric keys can be
included as is (i.e. type("The quick brown fox") ). See Chapter 12,
page 245 for more details on the type() command.
The wait prompt() function is one of several functions used to wait for
responses from remote systems. wait prompt() looks for a specific set
of characters or hexadecimal values, followed by at least a 0.3 second
delay. Thus this function can distinguish between a true prompt and a
similar pattern of characters which may occur within bodies of text
received from a remote system. See Chapter 12, page 249 for more
details on wait prompt().
The wait tenths() function is used only when wait prompt is unsuitable.
See Chapter 12, page 250 for more details.
This first script was learned while connecting to BIX:
type("<ALT-M><ALT-C>ba") ;From the Main menu, go to the comm
;screen and press any two keys
wait prompt("in: ", 30) ;Wait for the "Login: " prompt
type("bix<ENTER>") ;Respond to the prompt above
wait prompt("me? ", 30) ;Wait for the "Name? " prompt
type("DN42690<ENTER>") ;Respond to the name prompt
wait prompt("rd: ", 30) ;Wait for the "Password: " prompt
type("CANOLI<ENTER><ALT-L>SS") ;Respond to the password prompt and
end() ;End the script
This second script was learned while connecting to Compuserve:
type("<ALT-M><ALT-C>") ;From the Main menu, go to the
;Comm screen
wait tenths(36) ;Wait 3.6 seconds
type("<ENTER>") ;Press the ENTER key
wait prompt("ID: ", 30) ;Wait for the "USER ID: " prompt
type("12345,6789<ENTER>") ;Respond with a user id
wait prompt("rd: ", 30) ;Wait for the "Password: " prompt
type("CANOLI<ENTER><ALT-L>SS") ;Enter the password and
end() ;End the script
This third script was learned while connecting to MCI Mail:
type("<ALT-M><ALT-C>") ;From the Main menu, go to the Comm
wait tenths(29) ;screen and wait 2.9 seconds
type("<ENTER>") ;Press the ENTER key
wait prompt("e: ", 30) ;Wait for the "Name: " prompt
type("DN42690<ENTER>") ;Enter the name
wait prompt("d: ", 30) ;Wait for the "Password: " prompt
type("CANOLI<ENTER><ALT-L>SS") ;Enter the password and
end() ;End the script
---------------------- Additions to HyperPilot ---------------------------
fetch character(string variable, {timeout})
Purpose: To accept a single key from the remote user.
Action: Stores the key pressed by the remote user into the
string variable.
T/F result: FLASE if the remote user fails to press a key within
the timeout (seconds) period.
-------------------------- End of file -----------------------------------