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/ Jason Aller Floppy Collection / 240.img / RASTAN1.ZIP / INSTALL.BAT < prev    next >
DOS Batch File  |  1990-06-26  |  2KB  |  61 lines

  1. echo off
  2. rem   install.bat          6/26/1990    4 disk install
  3. if %1a == a goto bad
  4. if %2a == a goto bad
  5. if %1 == %2 goto bad
  6. %1
  7. cls
  8. echo        ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
  9. echo        ║   Taito Software Inc. rastan Install Program   ║
  10. echo        ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
  11. echo                                                                       .
  12. echo                 Installing From  %1  To  %2
  13. echo                                                                       .
  14. echo         The rastan disk must not be Write Protected.
  15. echo                                                                       .
  16. md %2\rastan
  17. copy %1\instalh2.inc %2\rastan\instalhd.bat
  18. if not exist %2\rastan\instalhd.bat goto bad1
  19. goto last
  20. rem
  21. :bad1
  22. echo                                                                       .
  23. echo Could Not Create the rastan subdirectory on %2
  24. echo rastan not installed.
  25. goto last1
  26. :BAD
  27. cls
  28. echo                                                                       .
  29. echo                                                                       .
  30. echo    %0 %1 %2
  31. echo                                                                       .
  32. echo Install option missing or invalid. Please try again.
  33. echo Format of command is:
  34. echo                       INSTALL [Source Drive] [Target Drive]
  35. echo                                                                       .
  36. echo  Where:
  37. echo                                                                       .
  38. echo [Source Drive] is the drive containing the ORIGINAL rastan disk
  39. echo                                                                       .
  40. echo [Target Drive] is the destination drive & path you want rastan
  41. echo                copied to.
  42. echo                                                                       .
  43. echo                                                                       .
  44. echo Example:  INSTALL A: C:\ 
  45. echo                                                                       .
  46. echo This would install the game into C:\rastan from the A: drive.
  47. echo                                          .
  48. goto last1
  49. :last
  50. echo echo=off >taitolnk.bat
  51. echo=off
  52. echo %2 | getdrv >>taitolnk.bat
  53. echo=off
  54. type cdcom.inc >>taitolnk.bat
  55. echo %2\rastan >>taitolnk.bat
  56. echo=off
  57. echo instalhd %1 >>taitolnk.bat
  58. echo=off
  59. taitolnk
  60. :last1