Goal: You are charged with protecting Power Generators
(Glowing red hills) from drones whose purpose is to destroy them.
You ahve a choice of 4 different aircraft models, each with a different
combination of attributes. All of these attributes increase as you succeed
in the game. The drones are launched from Drone Generators
(Glowing red and blue hills). You must destroy them and all of the drones
to go to the next level.
There are five types of drones:
Saboteurs: Blue and Cyan spinners. Their purpose is to take out
the Power Generators (only drones which can). They attach to the tops
of the generators and destroy them in about 10 seconds. You can shoot
them either before they attach or after they attach within the 10 second limit. If they do destroy the generator, the mutate into red spinners and are more dangerous.
Fighters: Blue with red afterburners. Flying craft which will fire at you.
Gliders: Dark blue and wide flying craft which will glide towards
you and fire at you.
Lungers: Blue and Cyan rocks. Cannot fly or fire but will spew
out shrapnel when hit.
Bombers: Yellow and Blue flyers. Will try to drop bombs in your
flight path or from above you.
Your craft's cockpit display has the following:
Bottom left: How many drone generators are left.
and how many power generators are left.
Bottom right: Yellow: Shield level
Red : TV audience level
Top right: pitch and compass indicators
Bottom of windshield: Radar: shows power generators (red) Your
craft (white blinking) drones, and power generators
under attack (blinking red)
Attack radar: Shows up when a drone is in your immediate range.
Other features/controls: F4 brings up a map showing you power
and drone Generators (red and X boxes, respectively)
and you (circle with T in it).
Hitting drones sometimes leaves special pods free. Collect them
by scooping them on the fly before they hit the ground. Most
will kick in automatically. The turbo pod is enabled by hitting
your accelerator button twice quickly. The shield pod increases your
shield strength by 1/5.
Turbotrack: Enabled by leveling out right over the black roadways.
Locks you onto the perimeter roads at a fast speed. Useful for
getting someplace quickly. Hit ratio: Required minimum ratio
of sucessful hits to shots. Each level has a greater ratio.
You get increases in your ships abilities if you meeet the ratio.
You also get penalized for each power generator you lose.
This info should help you figure out this game.
You can use the keyboard or a mouse. Stick with a mouse. It's very