Jason Aller Floppy Collection
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052f22123dd04000000000000000000000000001 PROGRAM NAME
Enter the name under which you
want to save the screen
Type in a valid file name
according to your operating
Do not duplicate an
existing screen, batch,
menu, or report name.
Press <Enter> when you are
Press <Esc> to abort.
053021113dd04000000000000000000000000002 PRO-C FILE TYPE MENU
Use the arrow keys to
highlight an option and
press <Enter>. Or press
the UPPER CASE letter in
the menu option to select
Press <Esc> to return to
the File menu.
A file selection box with the
available PRO-C files of that
type will appear.
0e012d0a3dd04000000000000000000000000003 CREATE A NEW SCREEN
There is no next page.
Press <Y> or <Enter> to create one.
Press <N> to continue without creating
a new file.
01143d103dd04000000000000000000000000006 OPERATOR/OPERAND SELECTION BOX
The lower box contains a list of available operators or
operands for use in your computation.
Use the arrow keys (up, down, left, right) to highlight
operator or operand from the box and press <Enter> to
choose it. Or, press the UPPER CASE letter in the
option name to invoke it.
Press <Esc>, or choose the Exit option to leave the
operator selection box. Note: You cannot leave the
operator box unless the conditional is logically
03143d0d3dd04000000000000000000000000007 DATA TYPE
PRO-C offers two types of computations.
Computes values with numeric fields.
Example: ListPrice - Discount = NetPrice.
Computes values with date fields.
Example: winter90=900321092800-891221092800
0c01500c3dd04000000000000000000000000008 TOTALS SUB-MENU
Choose sub-totals or grand totals:
Sub-totals are printed after each break point.
Grand totals are printed at the end of the report.
06012a123dd04000000000000000000000000009 SUBTOTAL MENU
This is the prompt that will ask for
the range delimiting value. The
defaults is "Sub -Total"
Display on Screen:
This toggles the range value between
acting invisibly and being displayed
on the report.
If the range delimiter appears in the
report, this sets the region in which
it will appear.
0c012f0c3dd0400000000000000000000000000a DISPLAY REGION FOR SUB-TOTALS
The menu lists only available areas. To
add or remove areas, change their size
in the Header station.
060129123dd0400000000000000000000000000b GRAND TOTAL
This is the prompt that will ask for
the range delimiting value. The
defaults is "Grand Total"
Display on Screen:
This toggles the range value between
acting invisibly and being displayed
on the report.
If the range delimiter appears in the
report, this sets the region in which
it will appear.
0c012c073dd0400000000000000000000000000c DISPLAY REGION
The menu lists only available areas. To
add or remove areas, change their size
in the Header station.
05331e133dd0400000000000000000000000000e REGION MENU
There are seven different
report areas. Select the
region in which you want
the current element to
appear and press <Enter>.
The menu lists the regions
with a size greater than
zero. If you want to put
an element into another
region, go back to the
Header Box and set a
size for that region.
060420123dd0400000000000000000000000000f RANGE SELECTION
Users can choose the range
of data to be included in
a report if you set the
range selection code.
Each time the report runs,
the user will enter high
and low values to define
the data to be reported.
This menu lets you
customize the dialogue
box the users will use to
enter the range values.
02012a163dd04000000000000000000000000010 START/END RANGE MENU
This menu lets you customize one half
of the range selection dialogue box.
This is the prompt that will ask for
the range delimiting value. The
defaults are "Start Range Selection"
and "End Range Selection".
Display Mask:
This is the mask that filters and
formats the user's input.
Display on Screen:
This toggles the range value between
acting invisibly and being displayed
on the report.
If the range delimiter appears in the
report, this sets the region in which
it will appear.
11012e073dd04000000000000000000000000011 REGION SELECTION
The menu lists only available areas. To
add or remove areas, change their size
in the Header station.
030150073dd04000000000000000000000000013 FILE
The File menu allows you to create, open, save, copy, rename, and delete
programs definition. You also can shell to the operating system or exit
to the Project Manager.
040136143dd04000000000000000000000000014 PROCESSING CODE MENU
Prompt to Display:
You can create a new prompt to use instead of the
descriptive name you specified in the Element
Definition Module.
Display Mask:
You can change the format mask from the mask you
set in the Element Definition Module.
Protected Field:
This code puts the field in a display-only format
for your users.
Overflow Wrap:
This code modifies the field so that when the user
reaches the end of it (when typing in a value) the
cursor jumps automatically to the next field.
User Function:
This code allows you to set up your own C routine
to check the data.
Range Check:
This code sets the acceptable lower and upper
values of the data entered into the field.
This code allows you to set certain conditions for
data entry into the field. The conditions can be
based on other fields within the record, on fields
in cross-referenced files, on computed values, or
on constants.
Field Copy:
This code allows you to copy the contents of one
field to another.
Field Set:
This code sets a default value for the field.
Field Increment:
This code lets you set the value in a numeric field
to automatically increment by 1. You must set the
starting value.
Space Select:
This code lets you create a series of pre-defined
entries for your users to select from.
Pick List:
This code also lets you display a short list of
choices for your users, but the options will be
displayed as a pop-up window for the user to scroll
through with the arrow keys.
Cross-Reference Link:
You can set a link to other table files drawn from
the same element file.
Input links allow you to display fields from other
files on the screen or in the report.
Update links allow users to modify fields from
other files from this screen.
Pop-up Selection:
This code makes another screen pop-up on your
current screen when the user enters the field.
You must set a Cross-Reference Input link to the
pop-up screen before setting this code.
040136143dd04000000000000000000000000015 INPUT/APPEND/OUTPUT LINK PROCESSING CODES
Not all processing codes are available in
all modules.
You can create a new prompt to use instead of the
descriptive name you specified in the Element
Definition Module.
Display Mask:
You can change the format mask from the mask you
set in the Element Definition Module.
Display on Screen:
Set this code to display the field on the batch
monitoring screen.
Protected Field:
This code puts the field in a display-only format
for your users.
Overflow Wrap:
This code modifies the field so that when the user
reaches the end of it (when typing in a value) the
cursor jumps automatically to the next field.
User Function:
This code allows you to set up your own C routine
to check the data.
Range selection:
This code allows the users to enter the
acceptable lower and upper values of the
data to be reported on at the time the
report is run.
This code allows you to set certain conditions
for data entry into the field. The conditions
can be based on other fields within the record,
on fields in cross-referenced files, on computed
values, or on constants.
Field Copy:
This code allows you to copy the contents of one
field to another.
Field Set:
This code sets a default value for the field.
Field Increment:
This code lets you set the value in a numeric
field to automatically increment by 1. You must
set the starting value.
Space Select:
This code lets you create a series of pre-defined
entries for your users to select from.
Pick List:
This code also lets you display a short list of
choices for your users, but the options will be
displayed as a pop-up window for the user to
scroll through with the arrow keys.
Cross-Reference Link:
You can set a link to other table files drawn from
the same element file. You can only set input
links at this point.
Pop-up Selection:
This code makes another screen pop-up on your
current screen when the user enters the field.
You must set a Cross-Reference Input link to the
pop-up screen before setting this code.
Set Join:
This code toggles the join on and off. You may
want to remove the join from the original keyed
field to an appropriate duplicate key to create
one-to many relationships. You have at least one
valid join set before you exit.
050331133dd04000000000000000000000000016 INPUT LINK PROCESSING CODE MENU
Not all processing codes are available in
all modules.
Display Prompt:
You can modify the default display prompt.
Type in a new prompt and press <Enter>.
Display Mask:
You can modify the default display mask.
Type in a new mask and press <Enter>.
Display on Screen:
Set this code to display the field on your
batch monitoring screen.
Set Join:
This code toggles the join on and off. You
may want to remove the join from the original
keyed field to an appropriate duplicate key
to create one-to many relationships. You
have at least one valid join set before you
051423133dd04000000000000000000000000017 MENU STATION PROCESSING CODES
Prompt to Display:
This code allows you to change
the prompts appearance from the
default permission name given
in PRO-C.
Function Key:
This code lets you change the
function key assignments from
the default key values provided
by PRO-C. Press a new function
key and press <Enter>.
Key Abbreviation:
This code supplies the prompt
associated with a function.
For example: you may call the
inquire function "Search" or
"Look up".
09153c0e3dd04000000000000000000000000018 EXTRAS STATION PROCESSING CODE MENU
Prompt to Display:
This code allows you to change the appearance of the
prompts from the names given in the Extras Station
(Date and Time).
Display Mask:
This code lets you change the default display mask
provided by PRO-C. The default display masks are:
Time HH:NN
030136153dd04000000000000000000000000019 COMPUTE PROCESSING CODE MENU
Prompt to Display:
This code lets you change the appearance of the
computation prompt from the compute name you
Display Mask:
This code allows you to change the display mask
from the default display mask provided by PRO-C.
Change Compute:
This code lets you change an existing computation.
You can change a computation the same way you
created it.
Display on Screen: Batches only
You must set this code for the field to appear on
your monitoring screen. Note that you must set
the Full Screen option to YES in the Header Box
before you can set this code.
04331e143dd0400000000000000000000000001a LINK MENU
Add Link:
You can create cross-
reference links to read
data from or write data
to other tables. You will
arrive in the maintenance
station of the Table
Definition Module of the
cross-referenced table,
where you can select which
fields within that table
you wish read from or
write to.
Maintain Link:
This lets you change the
nature of the link in the
maintenance station of
the Table Definition
Delete Link:
Use this to remove a link.
111839073dd0400000000000000000000000001c MODIFY / DELETE SELECTION BOX
Press <C> or <Enter> to modify the existing function.
Press <D> to delete the existing function.
020150163dd0400000000000000000000000001d LINK TYPES
There are four types of cross-reference links.
Input: Screens, Reports, and Batches
A read only link to another table. The current program can read and display
information from the linked file, but the contents of the linked file cannot
be modified.
Update: Screens and Batches
A read and write link. The current program can read information from the
linked file and can modify the information in that file.
Append: Batches only
New records can be appended to the end of the linked file but existing
records cannot be modified.
Output: Batches only
The batch creates a new data file. It destroys any data already in the file.
You must design this output file using the Element and Table Definition
Modules before creating an output link.
0c0122083dd0400000000000000000000000001e DISPLAY ON SCREEN DIALOGUE BOX
You can choose whether you want
this range selection value to
appear in the report.
05173a0f3dd0400000000000000000000000001f FIELD COPY SELECTION BOX
Use the up and down arrow keys to select a field
from the list and press <Enter>.
Press <F2> to call up other lists of available
Press <Esc> to abort.
The field copy selection box displays fields of the
appropriate data type from the primary table, existing
computations, and any cross-referenced tables.
05143d0b3dd04000000000000000000000000020 FIELD SELECTION BOX DATE
The field selection box displays all date fields of type
"T" from the primary data table and from any
cross-referenced tables. Use the arrow keys and <Enter>
to select a field from the list.
<F2> displays lists of fields from cross-referenced
05133e103dd04000000000000000000000000021 FIELD SELECTION BOX NUMERIC
For conditional validations, the field selection box shows
all of the available fields of the data type specified in
the operator box (i.e. Number or Alpha).
For computations, the field selection box shows all of the
available fields of the data type specified in the data
type selection box (i.e. Numeric or Date).
These fields can come from the primary data table,
cross-referenced tables, and existing computations.
<F2> displays lists of fields from cross-referenced
tables or other computations.
05143d0b3dd04000000000000000000000000022 FIELD SELECTION BOX ALPHA
The field selection box displays all alpha fields from
the primary data table and from any cross-referenced
<F2> displays lists of fields from cross-referenced
05153c133dd04000000000000000000000000023 SELECTING FIELDS
Use the arrow keys to move the pointer between fields.
Select fields to be included in the display
with <Space>.
Deselect fields with <Space>.
Press <F4> to call up the Processing Code menu to set
processing codes for the selected field.
In the Compute Station use:
<F5> to add computations
<F6> to delete computations
<F7> to change computations.
In the Report Defintion Module Maintenance Station,
press <F3> to assign elements to report areas.
Press <Esc> to exit the station.
Selecting fields is necessary in the Maintenance,
Compute, Menu, and Extras Stations in order for the
desired fields to appear on the screen or report.
020150163dd04000000000000000000000000025 ELEMENT MODE "/" MENU
This menu lists the various functions available in Element Mode. These
functions can be accessed with the highlight bar or with the function keys
listed at the bottom of the screen.
Move Return to Element Mode where the arrow keys move the prompts
and input fields together.
Screen Move to another screen page in the screen program.
Text Enter Text Mode.
Color Choose between coloring the current prompt or field.
Input Move input fields independently of their prompts.
Order Choose a field processing order: row then column, column then row,
or manual.
Pop-up Call up the pop-up or pick list associated with the current
field. Use the arrow keys to position the pop-up and press
<Enter> to complete action.
Goto Create a conditional goto that determines which field will
processed next.
050150093dd04000000000000000000000000026 TEXT MODE
In Text Mode, you can design the background for your screen or report page
This can include text, boxes, and lines. You also have control over the
color of the background you paint.
This menu lists the various functions available in Text Mode. These
functions can be accessed with the highlight bar or with the function
keys listed at the bottom of the screen.
Element Return to element mode.
Edit Return to text mode.
Box Draw a box or select box set.
Color Select attributes or change colors.
Block Select and manipulate blocks.
Delete Delete or insert rows or columns.
Undo Undo last action or restore previous version.
Misc Miscellaneous functions.
Cursor Fast cursor control.
Help This is the help.
010150173dd04000000000000000000000000027 ELEMENT MODE
Element Mode displays the elements that you have selected for your program.
"Elements" are : data elements from the primary table, data elements from
cross-referenced tables, computations, menu items, function keys,
extras (date and time) and also the prompts associated with these elements.
In Element Mode, you can control the display attribute and position of
elements as well as the positioning of prompts relative to their associated
This menu lists the various functions available in Element Mode. These
functions can be accessed with the highlight bar or with the function keys
listed at the bottom of the screen.
Move Return to Element Mode where the arrow keys move the prompts
and input fields together.
Screen Move to another screen page in the screen program.
Text Enter Text Mode.
Color Choose between coloring the current prompt or field.
Input Move input fields independently of their prompts.
Order Choose a field processing order: row then column, column then row,
or manual.
Pop-up Call up the pop-up or pick list associated with the current
field. Use the arrow keys to position the pop-up and press
<Enter> to complete action.
Goto Create a conditional goto that determines which field will
processed next.
To see a menu of functions available in Element Mode, press </>.
0211220c3dd04000000000000000000000000028 ORDER MENU
Auto (R,C) orders by row and
then by column.
Auto (C,R) orders by column
and then by row.
Manual lets you set an
alternative order.
030f31073dd04000000000000000000000000029 OPEN
Open calls an existing PRO-C program. A
selection box displays the available program
040f31063dd0400000000000000000000000002a NEW
New creates a new PRO-C program definition at
Header station.
050f2e053dd0400000000000000000000000002b SAVE
Save saves the current program definition.
060f32063dd0400000000000000000000000002c SAVE AS
Save as saves the current program under a new
name. The old file retains its original name.
080f2f073dd0400000000000000000000000002d COPY
Copy copies a program definition. A double
file selection box lists the available
program definitions.
090f32073dd0400000000000000000000000002e RENAME
Rename renames a program definition. A double
file selection box lists the available program
0a0f32063dd0400000000000000000000000002f DELETE
Delete deletes a program definition. A
selection box lists the available definitions.
0c0f31063dd04000000000000000000000000030 HEADER
Header takes you to the Header Box, where
the current program is defined.
0e0f33053dd04000000000000000000000000033 SHELL
Shell creates a window on the operating system.
0f0f28053dd04000000000000000000000000034 EXIT
Exit returns to the Project Manager.
032f22083dd04000000000000000000000000035 DESIGN SUB-MENU
Use the arrow keys and enter
to select whether you will
paint your report or the
screen that introduces it.
032f20083dd04000000000000000000000000036 DESIGN SUB-MENU
Use the arrow keys and enter
to select whether you will
design the report or the
screen that introduces it.
030150063dd04000000000000000000000000037?? FILE
The File menu allows you to create, open, save, copy, rename, and delete
programs definition. You also can shell to the operating system or exit
to the Project Manager.
030150073dd04000000000000000000000000038 MAINTENANCE
The Maintenance Station is the place to select the fields to display and
set the processing for your program. You can also create processing codes
to control data entry and processing.
030150063dd04000000000000000000000000039 COMPUTE
At the Compute station you can create and edit computations for display in
your program or use by other computations or programs.
030150073dd0400000000000000000000000003a DESIGN
The Design Station lets you arrange the fields on your screen or report,
add explanatory text, draw boxes and lines, and shade areas of your
screen or report.
030150063dd0400000000000000000000000003b DESIGN
The Design station lets you arrange fields and text on your report, and
also paint the screen that will be your report's front end.
030150063dd04000000000000000000000000040 CONDITIONS
The Conditions station contains global conditions for selecting fields
for your report. You can set up to 5 global conditions.
030150073dd04000000000000000000000000041 MENU
The Menu Station is the place to define the options the users of your program
will have when they run the program. You select the actions available to
them and assign those actions to menu prompts or function keys.
030150063dd04000000000000000000000000042 EXTRAS
The Extras Station allows you to display the date and time in your
screen or report program. You can also include page numbers in reports.
030150053dd04000000000000000000000000043 GENERATE
This station translates your program definition into C source code.
110150063dd04000000000000000000000000062 SAVE FILE
You have modified the file since the last save. These changes must be
saved or they will be lost.
032e23153dd04000000000000000000000000063 FILE SELECTION BOX
Highlight the file and press
<Enter> to invoke the action.
To select multiple files for
deletion, position the '>'
pointer beside the file and
press <Space>. Pressing
<Space> again deselects the
Press a letter to select the
next file that begins with
that letter.
<PgUp> moves up 6 files.
<PgDn> moves down 6 files.
<Home> moves to the top of
the list.
<End> moves to the bottom of
the list.
080948063dd04000000000000000000000000067 PROCESS ORDER NUMBER
Replace the current process number with a new one and press <Enter>.
PRO-C will renumber the other processes accordingly.
09173a0f3dd04000000000000000000000000068 DESCRIPTION
Type in a new prompt up to 30 characters long.
Press <Enter> when you are finished.
Press <Esc> to abort.
This code allows you to change the prompt's appearance
from the descriptive name you specified in the Element
Definition Module.
The default prompt to display is the element name.
0a173a0e3dd04000000000000000000000000069 DISPLAY MASK
Type in a new display mask and press <Enter> when
you are finished.
Press <Esc> to abort.
A display mask specifies how an element is to appear
on the screen or page. Changes in display masks are
only valid for numeric data types.
The default display mask is the mask you set in the
Element Definition Module.
The following characters are available for display
Character Meaning
Z Show blank if zero
9 Show any digit
+ Show + if positive
- Show - if negative
. Show decimal point
$ Show $
, Show ,
You can enter any of these characters to define the
numeric display format. Any other characters entered
in the format mask are output as they are shown in the
Date and time entry and display formats use the
following characters:
YY Year
MM Month
DD Day
HH Hour
NN Minute
SS Second
05163b113dd0400000000000000000000000006b RANGE CHECK
Type in a value and press <Enter> when you are
Press <Esc> to abort.
You must supply the upper and lower values of the
range. Range check is available for all data types.
Numeric ranges must be entered for numeric fields,
and alpha ranges for alpha fields. Ranges must also
be acceptable values for the data type of the field
being checked. For example, you cannot give an
upper range of 999,999,999 for a field of type I.
0f1833073dd0400000000000000000000000006c AUTO START VALUE
Type in a starting value for the incrementing
variable and press <Enter>. The value will
increase by 1 with each new record.
0e18390a3dd0400000000000000000000000006d FIELD SET
Type in a value and press <Enter>.
Press <Esc> to abort.
The field set prompt can contain any data that is
appropriate for the data type of the field.
0f0150083dd0400000000000000000000000006e FORM FEEDS
After a change in the variable for which you are setting this break point,
you can specify a number of form feeds. The form feeds will be issued after
the group header is printed. Supply the number of form feeds you want and
press <Enter>.
081938103dd04000000000000000000000000071 FUNCTION NAME
Type in a name that is valid according to your
operating system. Press <Enter> when you are
Press <Esc> to abort.
You will be asked to confirm your choice of editing
the user function.
The source code to be included must be free of
bugs. PRO-C cannot check your code and bugs will
result in errors in your generated program.
051839133dd04000000000000000000000000072 LIST VALUES PROMPT
Type in the list of items, separated by commas,
and press <Enter>.
Press <Esc> to abort.
The space select code allows users to call up
field values for the field by pressing <Space>.
The pick list code allows users to use a pop-up list
to choose an entry. This is easier than space select
when there are more than 3 or 4 choices available.
Example: A list of discount rates can be entered as
0e01500a3dd04000000000000000000000000073 NUMBER OF LINE ITEMS
Type in a number from 1 to 22 and press <Enter>.
Press <Esc> to abort.
Set the number of line items to a number greater than one when you are
linking to a duplicate key and want to show multiple records with the same
key value.
052f220b3dd04000000000000000000000000074 TEXT FILE NAME
The text file name stores
Design Station information
for the screen program.
The default text file name
is the screen name.
052f22133dd04000000000000000000000000075 HELP FILE NAME
The help file stores the help
messages created for the
program. The default help
file name is the program name.
Press <Enter> to accept
the default name.
Enter a valid file name
and press <Enter> to use
another file to store help.
<Esc> returns to the File
062e23123dd04000000000000000000000000076 DESIGNED BY
This field records who designed
the program. The information
is useful for project control
and program maintenance.
The default designer is PRO-C.
Press <Enter> to accept the
Type in any name up to 10
characters in length and
press <Enter> to name a
new designer.
<Esc> returns to the Main
032e23153dd04000000000000000000000000077 DESIGNED BY
This field records who designed
the program. The information
is useful for project control
and program maintenance.
The default designer is PRO-C.
Press <Enter> to accept the
Type in any name up to 10
characters in length and
press <Enter> to name a
new designer.
<Esc> returns to the Main
0a3021083dd04000000000000000000000000078 RECORDS
The records field determines
how many records you want to
appear on one screen. The
default value is 1.
042e23143dd04000000000000000000000000079 NEXT PROGRAM TO RUN
Type in a PRO-C file name or
any valid executable file
found on your PATH and press
<Enter>. Specify the file
name only, omit the file
extension (.EXE or .COM).
Press <F2> to call a list of
PRO-C file types.
<Esc> returns to the File
The Next Program to Run is the
name of the program that will
run when this program
The default value is nothing.
If you do not specify a next
program, control will return
to the operating system or,
if the current program was
called by a menu that specified
RETURN, control will return to
that menu.
032e23153dd0400000000000000000000000007a NEXT PROGRAM TO RUN
Type in a PRO-C file name or
any valid executable file
found on your PATH and press
<Enter>. Specify the file
name only, omit the file
extension (.EXE or .COM).
Press <F2> to call a list of
PRO-C file types.
<Esc> returns to the File
The Next Program to Run is the
name of the program that will
run when this program
The default value is nothing.
If you do not specify a next
program, control will return
to the operating system or,
if the current program was
called by a menu that specified
RETURN, control will return to
that menu.
0c2e230c3dd0400000000000000000000000007b REPORT LENGTH
The report length will normally
be the page length in rows. An
8.5 x 11 inch page usually has
66 rows; an 8.5 x 14 inch page
has 80 rows.
The maximum report length is
100 rows.
0e2d24093dd0400000000000000000000000007c REPORT WIDTH
The report width is the maximum
width, in columns, of the entire
report. Normally, this is 80
columns. The maximum report
width is 256 columns.
0a2e220e3dd0400000000000000000000000007d PAGE HEADER
The page header appears at the
top of all report pages except
the banner and summary pages.
Set the length to zero if you
do not want a page header.
The maximum length of the page
header is one line less than
the report length.
0b2d240d3dd0400000000000000000000000007e GROUP HEADER
The group header appears before
each section defined by a break.
Set the length to zero if you
do not want a group header.
The maximum length of a group
header is one line less than the
total report length.
0b2d240d3dd0400000000000000000000000007f GROUP FOOTER
The group footer appears after
each section defined by a break.
Set the length to zero if you
do not want a group footer.
The maximum length of a group
footer is one line less than the
total report length.
092e230f3dd04000000000000000000000000080 PAGE FOOTER
The page footer appears at the
bottom of all report pages
except the banner and summary
Set the length to zero if you
do not want a page header.
The maximum length of the page
footer is one line less than
the report length.
0e01500a3dd04000000000000000000000000081 MANUAL ORDER
The bold numbers beside each input field designate the field's place
in the processing order. Supply new numbers to rearrange the order.
<Enter> moves forward one field.
<Tab> moves back one field.
05143d0b3dd04000000000000000000000000082 NUMERIC CONSTANT VALUE
Type in a numeric value and press <Enter>.
Press <Esc> to abort.
A numeric constant value may only consist of numbers.
05143d0b3dd04000000000000000000000000083 ALPHA CONSTANT VALUE
Type in a value and press <Enter>.
Press <Esc> to abort.
The alpha constant can contain any standard ASCII
05143d0b3dd04000000000000000000000000084 DATE CONSTANT
Type in a value and press <Enter>. The top line of
the input window displays the format in which you
must enter the date.
Press <Esc> to abort.
Hours, minutes, and seconds are optional.
0a2f210e3dd04000000000000000000000000085 PASSWORD FILE
If you supply a file name for
this field, PRO-C will do a
password check when the
application runs.
Type in a valid file name
and press <Enter>.
<Esc> returns to the File
0f0150093dd04000000000000000000000000086 MENU STATION KEY ABBREVIATION
The key abbreviation appears on the bottom line of the program screen.
The abbreviation tells the users what event will occur when the key is
Type in a new abbreviation and press <Enter>.
052f22133dd04000000000000000000000000087 SCREEN TYPE
Screen type determines how
the users of the application
will make menu choices.
Choose a menu bar where
actions are selected with a
highlight bar, function keys
for quick selection, or make
both options available.
You are choosing how end users
will use the application
program, not how PRO-C will
operate while you design the
screen itself.
120150063dd04000000000000000000000000088 CONSTANT VALUE
Type in a value and press <Enter>. Numeric constants must contain
only numerals.
09143d073dd04000000000000000000000000089 CONSTANT VALUE FOR CONDITIONS
Enter a constant value. Numeric constants must
contain only numerals.
120150063dd0400000000000000000000000008a COMPUTE NAME
Type in a name for the compute and press <Enter>. The name can contain up
to 10 alphabetic characters. <Esc> returns to the Main menu.
050150083dd0400000000000000000000000008b FROM CURRENT FIELD, GOTO FIELD __
Enter the field number to process next if the conditional you are about
to define is true.
You will then have a change to define the conditional.
020150163dd0400000000000000000000000008c TEXT MODE "/" MENU
This menu lists the various functions available in Text Mode. These
functions can be accessed with the highlight bar or with the function
keys listed at the bottom of the screen.
Element Return to element mode.
Edit Return to text mode.
Box Draw a box or select box set.
Color Select attributes or change colors.
Block Select and manipulate blocks.
Delete Delete or insert rows or columns.
*** more ***
Undo Undo last action or restore previous version.
Misc Miscellaneous functions.
Cursor Fast cursor control.
Help This is the help.
062a22083dd0400000000000000000000000008e BOX TYPES
Use the arrow keys and <Enter>
to select a box set.
<Esc> aborts the menu.
0b01500d3dd04000000000000000000000000090 COLOR MENU
The color menu offers a variety of colors and attributes for you to add to the prompts and text on the screen. Use the arrow keys and <Enter> to select the color of your choice.
0e01500a3dd04000000000000000000000000091 DRAG COLORS
Your cursor will leave a trail in the current attribute without changing
any characters.
Press <Enter> to complete the operation.
Press <Esc> to abort the operation.
0b01500d3dd04000000000000000000000000092 ATTRIBUTE MENU
Select Attribute:
This option allows you to change the current attribute. All new text
you enter will appear in new current attribute.
Toggle to Previous Attribute:
This switch re-instates the last attribute you selected and makes it the
new current attribute.
Change Color Using Drag Mode:
This option turns your cursor into a filter, turning everything in its
path to the current attribute. Elements encountered are not modified.
Set Color of the Entire Screen:
This selection applies the current attribute to all the text and blank
space on the screen.
Shade an Area:
This option lets you convert a rectangular area of the screen to the
current attribute.
0b01500d3dd04000000000000000000000000093 DELETE MENU
The Delete Menu offers the following functions.
Delete Row:
Delete the current row. Lower rows will move up one row and a new row will
appear at the bottom of the screen.
Insert Row:
Insert a blank row at the current cursor position. Subsequent rows are
pushed down by 1. If a row is pushed beyond the bottom of the screen or
report area it is lost.
Delete Column:
Delete the current column. Columns to the right of the cursor move one to
the left.
Insert Column:
Insert a blank column at the current cursor position. Characters to the
right of the inserted column move one column to the right. This function
will not push text off the side of the screen or report.
Erase to End of Line:
Delete characters to the right of the cursor on the current line.
Erase to the End of Screen:
Delete characters to the right of the cursor on the current line and
anywhere on subsequent lines.
Erase Entire Screen:
Erase all text on the screen.
02012f163dd04000000000000000000000000094 CURSOR MENU
This menu provides easy ways to move your
cursor around the screen. These cursor
commands can be used while drawing, moving,
highlighting, or any other time you would
move around the screen with the arrow keys.
Move to start of line.
Move to the last character on the line.
Start of Line:
Move to start of line.
End of Line:
Move to the last column of the line.
Top of Screen:
Move to the first row of the screen in the
current column.
Bottom of Screen:
Move to the last row of the screen in the
current column.
Page Commands are only available in reports.
070150113dd04000000000000000000000000096 BOX MENU
The box menu offers three options:
Draw box in elastic mode:
In this method, your current cursor position defines one corner of the box
and you move use the arrow keys and <Enter> to define the opposite corner.
As you move the arrow keys you will see the box take shape.
Draw box in drag mode:
In this method, your current cursor position defines the start of a line and
the line follows the movements of your cursor. <Enter> completes the line.
This method is useful for drawing awkward shapes.
Select boxset:
You can select a variety of different line types.
0527260b3dd04000000000000000000000000097 BOX ATTRIBUTES
Select Attribute:
Call the attribute menu to select
an attribute for the box.
Toggle auto-fill:
Toggle between hollow box and
box filled with current attribute.
01242d103dd0400000000000000000000000009b DRAWING A BOX IN DRAG MODE
Press <U> to enter undo mode where you
can retrace your steps and erase the
line. Press <U> again to return to
draw mode.
Press <F4> to change attributes.
Press <F5> to select the box type.
Press <Enter> to save the line.
Press <Esc> to abort.
0e01500a3dd0400000000000000000000000009c MISC MENU
The Miscellaneous menu offers a variety of Functions that are not encompassed
by any of the other menu categories.
Copy to Register:
Copy the text from a selected block to a register.
Copy from Register:
Dump the block that is in the register. Your current cursor position defines
the upper right corner of the block.
Extended Character:
Call up a menu of the extended character set and choose a character to appear
at the current cursor position.
Repeat (Drag Mode):
Repeat the last character you typed or chose through the extended character
menu. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor; the repeated character will
mark the trail of the cursor.
Toggle Element Display:
Remove or reinstate elements on the display in text mode. Not available in
the Batch Module.
Toggle Mono/Color:
Toggle between monochrome and color displays of the screen. This only works
on color monitors. In monochrome mode, underlined text appears in blue.
Toggle Wrap On/Off:
Toggle between having the cursor stop at the edge of the screen or wrap
around to the other side. This applies when drawing boxes or highlighting
Toggle Word Processor Mode On/Off:
Works like Toggle Wrap, but moves the cursor down a line when it crosses the
right screen or page border and up a line when it crosses the left.
0e01500a3dd0400000000000000000000000009d MISC MENU
The Miscellaneous menu offers a variety of Functions that are not encompassed
by any of the other menu categories.
Copy to Register:
Copy the text from a selected block to a register.
Copy from Register:
Dump the block that is in the register. Your current cursor position defines
the upper right corner of the block.
Extended Character:
Call up a menu of the extended character set and choose a character to appear
at the current cursor position.
Repeat (Drag Mode):
Repeat the last character you typed or chose through the extended character
menu. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor; the repeated character will
mark the trail of the cursor.
Toggle Element Display:
Remove or reinstate elements on the display in text mode. Not available in
the Batch Module.
Toggle Mono/Color:
Toggle between monochrome and color displays of the screen. This only works
on color monitors. In monochrome mode, underlined text appears in blue.
Toggle Wrap On/Off:
Toggle between having the cursor stop at the edge of the screen or wrap
around to the other side. This applies when drawing boxes or highlighting
Toggle Word Processor Mode On/Off:
Works like Toggle Wrap, but moves the cursor down a line when it crosses the
right screen or page border and up a line when it crosses the left.
0e01500a3dd0400000000000000000000000009e MISC MENU
The Miscellaneous menu offers a variety of Functions that are not encompassed
by any of the other menu categories.
Copy to Register:
Copy the text from a selected block to a register.
Copy from Register:
Dump the block that is in the register. Your current cursor position defines
the upper right corner of the block.
Extended Character:
Call up a menu of the extended character set and choose a character to appear
at the current cursor position.
Repeat (Drag Mode):
Repeat the last character you typed or chose through the extended character
menu. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor; the repeated character will
mark the trail of the cursor.
Toggle Element Display:
Remove or reinstate elements on the display in text mode. Not available in
the Batch Module.
Toggle Mono/Color:
Toggle between monochrome and color displays of the screen. This only works
on color monitors. In monochrome mode, underlined text appears in blue.
Toggle Wrap On/Off:
Toggle between having the cursor stop at the edge of the screen or wrap
around to the other side. This applies when drawing boxes or highlighting
Toggle Word Processor Mode On/Off:
Works like Toggle Wrap, but moves the cursor down a line when it crosses the
right screen or page border and up a line when it crosses the left.
022b26163dd0400000000000000000000000009f BLOCK MENU
To select a block
Position the cursor at one
corner of the block you want
to select.
Use the Block menu to select
the function you want to
Use the arrows keys to define
the block. The area you
select will appear in reverse
Select the block by pressing
The Block menu offers the
following functions:
Move text and/or elements to a new
Duplicate text to a new location.
Delete a block of text.
Last Block:
Select the last block you were
working with and use it for
another operation.
Center a block horizontally or
Change the case of characters in
the selected block to UPPER CASE,
lower case, or Initial Capitals.
Change the selected block to the
current attribute. You can press
<F4> to change the current
attribute at any time during the
Dump Block:
Copy the last block selected to a
new area. The current cursor
position defines the top right
corner of the copy.
Align Block:
Align the text within the
selected block to the left, to
the right, or to both sides of
the block.
0801500a3dd040000000000000000000000000a1 CENTER BLOCK MENU
Choose whether you want to center the block horizontally or vertically on
the screen. Press <Enter> to begin the blocking process.
Horizontal centering in reports is based on the report width, not the
screen width. Check the column indicator at the bottom of the screen to
see the results of your centering.
090150093dd040000000000000000000000000a3 CASE MENU
Choose the case for the text in the selected block. You can select
lower case
Initial Capitals.
The prompts in the block will not be modified.
090150093dd040000000000000000000000000a4 CASE MENU
Choose the case for the text in the selected block. You can select
lower case
Initial Capitals.
The prompts in the block will not be modified.
0e01500a3dd040000000000000000000000000a7 MISCELLANEOUS MENU
The Miscellaneous menu offers a variety of Functions that are not encompassed
by any of the other menu categories.
Copy to Register:
Copy the text from a selected block to a register.
Copy from Register:
Dump the block that is in the register. Your current cursor position defines
the upper right corner of the block.
Extended Character:
Call up a menu of the extended character set and choose a character to appear
at the current cursor position.
Repeat (Drag Mode):
Repeat the last character you typed or chose through the extended character
menu. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor; the repeated character will
mark the trail of the cursor.
Toggle Element Display:
Remove or reinstate elements on the display in text mode. Not available in
the Batch Module.
Toggle Mono/Color:
Toggle between monochrome and color displays of the screen. This only works
on color monitors. In monochrome mode, underlined text appears in blue.
Toggle Wrap On/Off:
Toggle between having the cursor stop at the edge of the screen or wrap
around to the other side. This applies when drawing boxes or highlighting
Toggle Word Processor Mode On/Off:
Works like Toggle Wrap, but moves the cursor down a line when it crosses the
right screen or page border and up a line when it crosses the left.
0901500f3dd040000000000000000000000000a8 UNDO MENU
The Undo menu helps to protect you from unwanted modifications to your
Undo Last Action
Restore the screen to the way it was before the last action. You cannot
undo attribute selection.
Save Text to Buffer:
Copy the current text to a buffer. You might want to do this
before making a series of modifications about which you are unsure so
that you can restore the old version if needed.
Restore Text From Buffer:
Erase the current screen and replace it with the screen most recently
saved to the buffer. This can be undone. This allows you to toggle
back and forth between two versions of a screen.
0e01500a3dd040000000000000000000000000ab MISCELLANEOUS MENU
The Miscellaneous menu offers a variety of Functions that are not encompassed
by any of the other menu categories.
Copy to Register:
Copy the text from a selected block to a register.
Copy from Register:
Dump the block that is in the register. Your current cursor position defines
the upper right corner of the block.
Extended Character:
Call up a menu of the extended character set and choose a character to appear
at the current cursor position.
Repeat (Drag Mode):
Repeat the last character you typed or chose through the extended character
menu. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor; the repeated character will
mark the trail of the cursor.
Toggle Element Display:
Remove or reinstate elements on the display in text mode. Not available in
the Batch Module.
Toggle Mono/Color:
Toggle between monochrome and color displays of the screen. This only works
on color monitors. In monochrome mode, underlined text appears in blue.
Toggle Wrap On/Off:
Toggle between having the cursor stop at the edge of the screen or wrap
around to the other side. This applies when drawing boxes or highlighting
Toggle Word Processor Mode On/Off:
Works like Toggle Wrap, but moves the cursor down a line when it crosses the
right screen or page border and up a line when it crosses the left.
090150093dd040000000000000000000000000ad CASE MENU
Choose the case for the text in the selected block. You can select
lower case
Initial Capitals.
The prompts in the block will not be modified.
110150073dd040000000000000000000000000ae POSITIONING A SELECTED BLOCK
Use the arrow keys to position the block and <Enter> to complete the
operation. <Esc> aborts the operation.
0b01500d3dd040000000000000000000000000af SELECTING A BLOCK
The position of your cursor when you chose the operation defines one corner
of the block. Use the arrow keys to highlight the area you want to select.
Press <Enter> to complete the selection.
Press <Esc> to abort the selection.
If you are selecting a block for shading, you can press <F4> and call the
attribute menu to change the current attribute.
0e01500a3dd040000000000000000000000000b0 MISCELLANEOUS MENU
The Miscellaneous menu offers a variety of Functions that are not encompassed
by any of the other menu categories.
Copy to Register:
Copy the text from a selected block to a register.
Copy from Register:
Dump the block that is in the register. Your current cursor position defines
the upper right corner of the block.
Extended Character:
Call up a menu of the extended character set and choose a character to appear
at the current cursor position.
Repeat (Drag Mode):
Repeat the last character you typed or chose through the extended character
menu. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor; the repeated character will
mark the trail of the cursor.
Toggle Element Display:
Remove or reinstate elements on the display in text mode. Not available in
the Batch Module.
Toggle Mono/Color:
Toggle between monochrome and color displays of the screen. This only works
on color monitors. In monochrome mode, underlined text appears in blue.
Toggle Wrap On/Off:
Toggle between having the cursor stop at the edge of the screen or wrap
around to the other side. This applies when drawing boxes or highlighting
Toggle Word Processor Mode On/Off:
Works like Toggle Wrap, but moves the cursor down a line when it crosses the
right screen or page border and up a line when it crosses the left.
Use the arrow keys to drag the character around the screen.
<Enter> completes the operation.
<Esc> aborts the operation.
0901500f3dd040000000000000000000000000b1 COLOR MENU
The color menu offers the following options:
Select Attribute:
Choose from the list of available attributes. You can control these
attributes from the Project Manager.
Toggle to Previous Attribute:
Toggle between the current attribute and the last one used.
Change Colors Using Drag Mode:
Drag your cursor around the screen and leave a trail in the current
attribute without changing the characters over which your cursor passes.
Set Color of Entire Screen:
Set all characters and spaces to the current attribute.
Shade an Area:
Highlight an area and change it to the current attribute.
0c01500c011040000000000000000000000000b3 MISCELLANEOUS MENU
The Miscellaneous menu offers a variety of Functions that are not encompassed
by any of the other menu categories.
Copy to Register:
Copy the text from a selected block to a register.
Copy from Register:
Dump the block that is in the register. Your current cursor position defines
the upper right corner of the block.
Extended Character:
Call up a menu of the extended character set and choose a character to appear
at the current cursor position.
Repeat (Drag Mode):
Repeat the last character you typed or chose through the extended character
menu. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor; the repeated character will
mark the trail of the cursor.
Toggle Element Display:
Remove or reinstate elements on the display in text mode. Not available in
the Batch Module.
Toggle Mono/Color:
Toggle between monochrome and color displays of the screen. This only works
on color monitors. In monochrome mode, underlined text appears in blue.
Toggle Wrap On/Off:
Toggle between having the cursor stop at the edge of the screen or wrap
around to the other side. This applies when drawing boxes or highlighting
Toggle Word Processor Mode On/Off:
Works like Toggle Wrap, but moves the cursor down a line when it crosses the
right screen or page border and up a line when it crosses the left.
021b34073dd040000000000000000000000000b5 ELEMENT AREA SELECTION
Select a report area to display. Only the areas
containing elements are available.
021b35083dd040000000000000000000000000b6 TEXT AREA SELECTION
Select a report area to display. Only the areas
with lengths greater than zero are available. To
include another area, go to the Header Box and
modify the area size.
0701500a3dd040000000000000000000000000b8 EXTENDED CHARACTER MENU
Choose a character from the extended character set and press <Enter> to
have it appear on the screen.
You may also be able to access characters from the ASCII character set by
holding down the <ALT> key and typing the desired character number on the
character pad.
0e01500a3dd040000000000000000000000000b9 MISCELLANEOUS MENU
The Miscellaneous menu offers a variety of Functions that are not encompassed
by any of the other menu categories.
Copy to Register:
Copy the text from a selected block to a register.
Copy from Register:
Dump the block that is in the register. Your current cursor position defines
the upper right corner of the block.
Extended Character:
Call up a menu of the extended character set and choose a character to appear
at the current cursor position.
Repeat (Drag Mode):
Repeat the last character you typed or chose through the extended character
menu. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor; the repeated character will
mark the trail of the cursor.
Toggle Element Display:
Remove or reinstate elements on the display in text mode. Not available in
the Batch Module.
Toggle Mono/Color:
Toggle between monochrome and color displays of the screen. This only works
on color monitors. In monochrome mode, underlined text appears in blue.
Toggle Wrap On/Off:
Toggle between having the cursor stop at the edge of the screen or wrap
around to the other side. This applies when drawing boxes or highlighting
Toggle Word Processor Mode On/Off:
Works like Toggle Wrap, but moves the cursor down a line when it crosses the
right screen or page border and up a line when it crosses the left.
0e01500a3dd040000000000000000000000000ba MISCELLANEOUS MENU
The Miscellaneous menu offers a variety of Functions that are not encompassed
by any of the other menu categories.
Copy to Register:
Copy the text from a selected block to a register.
Copy from Register:
Dump the block that is in the register. Your current cursor position defines
the upper right corner of the block.
Extended Character:
Call up a menu of the extended character set and choose a character to appear
at the current cursor position.
Repeat (Drag Mode):
Repeat the last character you typed or chose through the extended character
menu. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor; the repeated character will
mark the trail of the cursor.
Toggle Element Display:
Remove or reinstate elements on the display in text mode. Not available in
the Batch Module.
Toggle Mono/Color:
Toggle between monochrome and color displays of the screen. This only works
on color monitors. In monochrome mode, underlined text appears in blue.
Toggle Wrap On/Off:
Toggle between having the cursor stop at the edge of the screen or wrap
around to the other side. This applies when drawing boxes or highlighting
Toggle Word Processor Mode On/Off:
Works like Toggle Wrap, but moves the cursor down a line when it crosses the
right screen or page border and up a line when it crosses the left.
090150093dd040000000000000000000000000bb ALIGN BLOCK
You can align the text in the selected block with the left or right edge
of the block. You can also justify the text by aligning the text with
both sides of the block. Note that justification is done by altering the
between word spacing.
102127063dd040000000000000000000000000bd REALLY DELETE ALL TEXT
Are you sure you want to delete all
the text?
0a01500e3dd040000000000000000000000000be DRAWING A BOX IN ELASTIC MODE
Move the cursor to define the box.
Press <F4> to change the display attribute of the box or to toggle the
auto-fill feature.
Press <F5> to change the box type.
Press <F3> or <Enter> to complete the box.
Press <Esc> to abort the box.
0d0150063dd040000000000000000000000000bf LAST BLOCK
You are operating on the last block you selected. The menu lists the same
options you have for any other selected block.
022d23083dd040000000000000000000000000c0 MOVE TEXT, ELEMENTS, OR BOTH
You can move text, elements, or
both. Make your selection and
press <Enter> to begin the
blocking process.
022c23093dd040000000000000000000000000c2 COLOR PROMPT OR FIELD
You must color the prompt and
the field individually. Choose
the item you want to color and
press <Enter> to call up a list
of color attributes.
04231a093dd040000000000000000000000000c4 ATTRIBUTE SELECTION
Use the arrow keys and
<Enter> to choose an
<Esc> aborts the menu.
0c2e220c3dd040000000000000000000000000dc BANNER PAGE
The banner page is the first
page of the report. It does
not have a headers or footers.
Press <Space> to change NO to
YES to display a banner page.
0c2e200c3dd040000000000000000000000000dd SUMMARY PAGE
The summary page is the last
page of the report. It does
not have headers or footers.
Press <Space> to change NO
to YES to display a summary
0b2d240d3dd040000000000000000000000000de DISPLAY PROMPTS
You can blank all the display
prompts automatically by
leaving the Display Prompt
field at NO. This feature is
particularly useful for columnar
Press <Space> to change NO to
YES to display the prompts.
082e22103dd040000000000000000000000000e2 LABELS
You can create reports to be
printed on label stationery.
Enter the number of labels to
be printed across the page.
The maximum number of labels
is 256.
The default number, 1, is
appropriate if you are not
printing labels.
050136133dd040000000000000000000000000e3 REPORT PROCESSING CODES
You can create a new prompt to use instead of the
descriptive name you specified in the Element
Definition Module.
Display Mask:
You can change the format mask from the mask you
set in the Element Definition Module.
Range Selection:
This code sets the acceptable lower and upper
values of the data entered into the field.
You can divide the report into logical sections
with the break function. Every time the value
in the current fields, the report will print
a group header, report on all cases in that group,
print the group footer, and issue the number
of page breaks you set.
You can print totals and subtotals in your
report. Totals are calculated from all
cases reported; subtotals are calculated by
group. Groups are defined by the break
User Function:
This code allows you to set up your own C routine
to check the data.
Cross-Reference Link:
You can report on fields from tables drawn from
the same element file as the current table.
050136133dd040000000000000000000000000e4BATCH PROCESSING CODES
You can create a new prompt to use instead of the
descriptive name you specified in the Element
Definition Module.
Display Mask:
You can change the format mask from the mask you
set in the Element Definition Module.
Display on Screen:
You must set this code for the field to appear on
your monitoring screen. Note that you must set
the Full Screen option to YES in the Header
Station before you can set this code.
This code allows you to set certain conditions for
data entry into the field. The conditions can be
based on other fields within the record, on fields
in cross-referenced files, on computed values, or
on constants.
These conditions are set at the field level. You
can also set global conditions in the Conditions
Station on the Main menu.
Field Copy:
This code allows you to copy the contents of one
field to another.
Field Set:
This code sets a default value for the field.
Field Increment:
This code lets you set the value in a numeric field
to automatically increment by 1. You must set the
starting value.
User Function:
This code allows you to set up your own C routine
for processing.
Cross-Reference Link:
You can set a link to other table files drawn from
the same element file.
Input links allow you to display fields from other
files on the screen or in the report.
Update links allow users to modify fields from
other files from this screen.
Append links add new records to the
cross-referenced file. You cannot modify existing
records in the cross-referenced file.
Output links allow you to over-write existing
records in the linked file.
032e23153dd040000000000000000000000000e5 FULL SCREEN
You can design a monitoring
screen that lets you watch the
batch process as it operates.
The fields on the monitoring
screen are updated as the
batch runs.
Type <Y> or <Space> and then
press <Enter> to set the
field to YES.
Press <Enter> to leave the
field at NO if you do not
want a monitoring screen.
<Esc> returns to the Main
0e0150083dd040000000000000000000000000e6 NEXT OR PREVIOUS SCREEN
Use the arrow keys and <Enter> to specify whether you want it to move
the element to the next or previous screen.
<Esc> aborts the move.
0c014f0a3dd0400000000000000000000000ffff EXIT ON LAST FIELD
Press <Space> to toggle this field between YES and NO.
If this field is changed to YES, the user will return to the
main screen after the last field in the cross-referenced file
is filled in. If the value is left at NO, the user must press
<Esc> to return to the main screen.
0d014f0b3dd040000000000000000000000000eb MENU
Press <Space> to toggle this field between YES and NO.
Leaving the MENU field at its default, NO, means that users
return immediately to the driving record when they finish
modifying the a cross-referenced file. If the field is
changed to YES, they must choose EXIT from a menu to return
to the driving record.
0c014f0a3dd040000000000000000000000000ea EXIT ON LAST FIELD
Press <Space> to toggle this field between YES and NO.
If this field is changed to YES, the user will return to the
driving record after the last field in the cross-referenced file
is filled in. If the value is left at NO, the user must press
<Esc> to return to the driving record.
0f0a41093dd040000000000000000000000000e8 QUERY BOXES
Press <Space> to toggle between YES and NO.
If this field is set to YES, users must confirm that they wish
to save changes to the data file. If the field is changed to
NO, changes are made without additional confirmation.
100942093dd040000000000000000000000000e9 I/O MESSAGES
Press <Space> to toggle this field between YES and NO.
By default, all messages from the file manager are displayed on
screen. Set this field to NO is you want to screen out minor
0c014f0c0110400000000000000000000000ffff AUTO UPDATE
0c014f0c0110400000000000000000000000ffff AUTO UPDATE
Press <Space> to Toggle between Yes and No.
0c232d0c377040000000000000000000000000e7 AUTO UPDATE
Press <Space> to Toggle between YES and NO.
YES indicates that the record will be Added
or Updated immediately upon entry of the
last field on the form.
NO indicates that the cursor returns to the
first field, and you are forced to Add or
Update the record manually by pressing a key.