Jason Aller Floppy Collection
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0e01500a3dd04000000000000000000000000001SAVE FILE
You have modified the table file since it was last saved. If you do not save
the changes, they will be lost.
Press <Y> or <Enter> to save the changes.
Press <N> and then <Enter> to continue without saving the changes.
08311e0c3dd04000000000000000000000000002 DEVICE SELECTION
Select the device that is
connected to your printer
or select "file" to send
the report to disk.
101131083dd04000000000000000000000000003 TABLE FILE NOT FOUND ... CREATE IT?
Press <Y> or <Enter> to create the file.
Press <N> or <Esc> to return to the
table name field.
0c01500c3dd04000000000000000000000000005 OUTPUT FILE NAME
Enter a valid file name. If the file already exists in
the RECORDS directory you will be warned and given the
opportunity to overwrite it.
030150073dd04000000000000000000000000013 FILE
The File menu allows you to create, open, save, copy, rename, and delete
table definitions. You can import and export table definitions, shell to
the operating system, or exit to the Project Manager.
030150133dd04000000000000000000000000020 VIEW OUTPUT MENU
Select a Printer:
Allows you to send the view report to a specific printer.
Select a Device:
Allows you to specify how the output device is connected to your system.
You can also choose to sent the view report to a file.
Print Report:
Prints the report to the device and printer selected.
Check Alignment:
Allows you to check that the report will fit on the target page.
Leaves the menu.
12222f053dd04000000000000000000000000021 VIEW REPORT
You can preview your report by choosing YES.
030150153dd04000000000000000000000000023 TABLE FILE MAINTENANCE
<F2> Open a window on the Element file this table is based on.
<F4> Change the key status of the current element.
<F5> Add new elements to the table.
<F6> Delete an element from the table.
<F7> Change the description, occurrences, or key field for the
current element.
<F8> Tag an element to change its position in the table.
<Esc> Return to the Main menu of the Table Definition Module.
<F2> Alter Element File
You can add or change elements in the Element file this table is based on
without exiting the Table Definition Module. <F2> opens a window on the
element file to allow you to change it. Changes to existing elements will
be reflected immediately in the table file. Any new elements you create
must be added separately to the table file.
<F4> Key
Pressing <F4> allows you to edit the key status of the current element.
Every table must have at least one unique key.
<F5> or <A> Add mode
Add mode allows you to add elements to the table. A window lists the
elements in the associated element file.
<F6> or <D> Delete
Pressing <F6> or <D> tags an element for deletion from the table file. The
element will be deleted when the file is saved. Until you save the file, you
can "undelete" the element by positioning the pointer at the element and
pressing <F6> or <D> again.
<F7> or <C> Change mode
Change mode allows you to change the characteristics of elements in the table
file. You can change the descriptive name, occurrences, and key type. To
change an element, position the pointer beside it and press <F7> or <C>. If
occurrences is greater than 1, you cannot change the key type. If key type is Unique or Duplicate, you cannot change occurrences.
<F8>, <T> Tag
Tagging elements allows you to change the order of the elements within the
file. To tag an element, position the pointer beside it and press <T>.
Once an element is tagged, you can move it or switch it with another element.
<M> Move
Position the pointer beside the element above the new location for the
tagged element and press <M>. If you move a segmented key definition,
it will return to the end of the file when the file is saved.
<S> Switch
Position the pointer beside the element which you want to switch with the
tagged element and press <S>. The tagged element moves to the pointer
location and the element at that position moves to the space vacated by
the tagged element. If you switch a segmented key definition, it will
return to the end of the file when the file is saved.
<F8> or <T> Reset Tag
Pressing <F8> or <T> a second time removes the tag.
030f32073dd04000000000000000000000000029 OPEN
Open calls an existing PRO-C table definition.
A selection box displays the available table
040f33063dd0400000000000000000000000002a NEW
New creates a new PRO-C table definition at the
Header station.
050f2c053dd0400000000000000000000000002b SAVE
Save saves the current table definition.
060f32063dd0400000000000000000000000002c SAVE AS
Save as saves the current program under a new
name. The old file retains its original name.
080f33073dd0400000000000000000000000002d COPY
Copy copies a table definition. A double file
selection box lists table definitions available
to be copied.
0b0f32073dd0400000000000000000000000002e RENAME
Rename renames a table definition. A double
file selection box lists the table definitions
available to be renamed.
0a0f33073dd0400000000000000000000000002f DELETE
Delete deletes a table definition. A selection
box lists the table definitions available for
0c0e43073dd04000000000000000000000000030 HEADER BOX
The Header Box allows you to view and edit the header of
a table file which has already been created. The only header
field you can change is the file structure.
0b0e40073dd04000000000000000000000000031 IMPORT FILE
You can import element definitions from other files to the
current file. You can import all the elements as a group or
select elements individually for import.
0e0e430a3dd04000000000000000000000000032 EXPORT FILE
The Export Station allows you to create a data definition file
that can be used by other systems. The field names and
characteristics are copied into file headers for the other
file managers. You can export to dBASE III or ASCII
delimited files. Exported files are stored in the RECORDS
subdirectory with the file extension of .ASC or .DBF.
100f33053dd04000000000000000000000000033 SHELL
Shell creates a window on the operating system.
110f28053dd04000000000000000000000000034 EXIT
Exit returns to the Project Manager.
030150063dd04000000000000000000000000038 MAINTENANCE STATION
The Maintenance Station is the place to choose the elements for the data
table. You also define keys used for indexing the file here.
030150073dd0400000000000000000000000003c VIEW STATION
The View Station is a report generator that documents the table file. The
report can include all the elements in the table, or you can choose a subset
of elements based on name, type, or key status.
030150063dd0400000000000000000000000003f KEYS STATION
The Keys Station is the place to define segmented keys. Your segmented key
can contain up to five elements or sub-strings.
030150053dd04000000000000000000000000042 CLEAR
Clear erases all the elements from the table file.
052224133dd04000000000000000000000000044 FILE SELECTION BOX
Highlight the file and press
<Enter> to invoke the action.
To select multiple files for
deletion, position the '>'
pointer beside the file and
press <Space>. Pressing
<Space> again deselects the
Press a letter to select the
next file that begins with
that letter.
<PgUp> moves up 6 files.
<PgDn> moves down 6 files.
<Home> moves to the top of
the list.
<End> moves to the bottom of
the list.
052424133dd04000000000000000000000000045 FILE SELECTION BOX
Highlight the file and press
<Enter> to invoke the action.
To select multiple files for
deletion, position the '>'
pointer beside the file and
press <Space>. Pressing
<Space> again deselects the
Press a letter to select the
next file that begins with
that letter.
<PgUp> moves up 6 files.
<PgDn> moves down 6 files.
<Home> moves to the top of
the list.
<End> moves to the bottom of
the list.
052423133dd04000000000000000000000000046 FILE SELECTION BOX
Highlight the file and press
<Enter> to invoke the action.
To select multiple files for
deletion, position the '>'
pointer beside the file and
press <Space>. Pressing
<Space> again deselects the
Press a letter to select the
next file that begins with
that letter.
<PgUp> moves up 6 files.
<PgDn> moves down 6 files.
<Home> moves to the top of
the list.
<End> moves to the bottom of
the list.
03242d153dd04000000000000000000000000053 VIEW MENU
View creates a report on the elements in
the table file. You can include all the
elements in the report or you can choose
a subset of elements to report on.
Element Name:
This report includes a restricted range
of element selected by name. You must
provide the range boundaries.
Data Type:
You can create a report on a specified
data type. You must indicate which data
type to use.
You can create a report based on key
status. You must enter a key type to
report on.
Segmented keys are not included in any
view reports. If the table file has not
been saved since it was last changed,
you must save the changes or they will be
03242c153dd04000000000000000000000000054 VIEW MENU
View creates a report on the elements in
the table file. You can include all the
elements in the report or you can choose
a subset of elements to report on.
Element Name:
This report includes a restricted range
of element selected by name. You must
provide the range boundaries.
Data Type:
You can create a report on a specified
data type. You must indicate which data
type to use.
You can create a report based on key
status. You must enter a key type to
report on.
Segmented keys are not included in any
view reports. If the table file has not
been saved since it was last changed,
you must save the changes or they will be
030150063dd04000000000000000000000000056 KEYS STATION
The Keys Station is the place to define segmented keys. Your segmented key
can contain up to three elements or sub-strings.
0a1f2f0e3dd0400000000000000000000000005d IMPORTING dBASE III FILES
You can import dBASE III/III+ data file
definitions (.DBF files) into the Table
Module. PRO-C looks for these files in
the EXE subdirectory.
Logical fields (type L) must be converted
to Character fields (type C) before you
import the dBASE file. In addition, the
field you will use as the unique key must
be in the first index field.
0b1f320d3dd0400000000000000000000000005e IMPORTING PRO-C TEMPLATE FILES
PRO-C template files (.TPL files) are data
definition files created by PRO-C version
1.3x. PRO-C looks for .TPL files in the
RECORDS subdirectory.
The element prompts and data types are copied
from the original file. Key status is set to
N and format masks are set to the default
for the data type. Occurrences is set to 1.
0a1f320e3dd04000000000000000000000000060 IMPORTING TABLE FILES
You can combine PRO-C table files or copy
tables for new projects by importing an
existing table file into the current file. The
imported file must have the same controlling
element file as the current file. PRO-C looks
for the file in the RECORDS subdirectory.
Elements are imported exactly as they are
defined in the source file, including key
status and occurrences.
091f2f0e3dd04000000000000000000000000061 IMPORTING ASCII DELIMITED FILES
You can import tabmod definitions that are
straight ASCII text. PRO-C looks for ASCII
files (extension .ASC) in the RECORDS
The ASCII file must contain all the field
information in correct order. Fields must
be separated by commas. Character fields
must begin and end with quotation marks.
0b20310d3dd04000000000000000000000000063 IMPORT PARADOX FILES
You can import table definitions from Paradox
files. The Paradox files must be stored in
the RECORDS subdirectory.
In order for the key fields to be imported
correctly, the primary key must be the first
field in the Paradox file. Any compound keys
you have defined in Paradox must be composed
of contiguous fields.
0b1f31093dd04000000000000000000000000064 EXPORT dBASE III FILE
You can export the table file definition to a
file which can be used by dBASE III/III+.
The exported file will be stored in the EXE
subdirectory with a file extension of .DBF.
You must supply a file name.
0c1f320c3dd04000000000000000000000000065 EXPORT ASCII FILE
You can export the table file definition to a
file in ASCII format. The exported file will
be stored in the RECORDS subdirectory with a
file extension of .ASC. You must supply a
file name.
All elements are exported as type "N" and
segmented keys are not included.
050e41093dd0400000000000000000000000008d ELEMENT NAME
Enter a name for the element and press <Enter>. The name
must be unique within the element file and can contain up
to ten characters for DOS versions, eight characters for
other PRO-C versions. The first character must be alphabetic.
050138133dd0400000000000000000000000008e FORMAT MASK
<Enter> stores the current value and moves you
to the next field.
<Ins> toggles between insert and overtype.
<Tab> moves to the previous field.
<Esc> returns to the Maintenance prompt ">".
The format or display mask specifies how data stored
in the field are displayed on screens and in reports.
You cannot change the format masks of character
elements (types A, C, E, and P).
Any character used in a format mask is output
literally, except for certain formatting characters.
Numeric elements:
Z,z hide leading and trailing zeros
9 show leading and trailing zeros
+ show "+" if positive, "-" if negative
- show "-" if negative
. decimal place location
, thousands separator
Date elements:
DD date
MM month number
YY year's last two digits
Date formatting characters must be uppercase (i.e.
do not use dd in place of DD).
<Enter> stores the current mask and moves to the
next field.
<Tab> moves to the previous field.
<Ins> toggles between insert and overtype mode.
<Esc> returns to the Main menu.
040132133dd0400000000000000000000000008f LENGTH
The element length is the number of bytes used
to store it. For character elements, this is
equivalent to the number of characters the
element can hold.
Character fields (types A, C, E, and P) can
hold a maximum of 254 characters and have a
default length of 1. Date and numeric fields
have fixed lengths.
<Enter> stores the current length
and moves to the next field.
<Tab> moves to the previous field.
<Del> deletes the current digit.
<Esc> returns to the Maintenance
prompt ">".
042e23133dd04000000000000000000000000090 DESCRIPTIVE NAME
The descriptive name serves as
the default prompt in screens
and reports and provides a
meaningful description of the
The default descriptive name is
the element name.
Press <Enter> to accept the
default value.
Type a new name in and press
<Enter> to provide another
name. The new name can
contain up to 30 characters.
<Ins> toggles between insert
and overtype mode.
<Tab> moves to the previous
<Esc> returns to the
Maintenance prompt ">".
04012b143dd04000000000000000000000000091 TYPE
The data type determines the data the
field can hold. Special numeric, date,
and character types are available.
Press <F2> to call up a list of data
Enter a data type and press <Enter>
to move to the next field.
<Tab> moves to the previous field.
<Esc> returns to the Maintenance
prompt ">'.
Types A, C, E, and P are character
fields. Numerals entered in character
fields cannot be used in calculations.
Character fields do not have format
masks that can be changed.
Types B, D, I, L, M, N, and R are
numeric fields. Their lengths are
fixed. The same is true of the date
fields, T and Y.
050148133dd04000000000000000000000000092 HELP FIELD
You can use this field to attach a help message to the element. The
message is used by your application as help for the field once the
application is generated.
Press <Y> to create a help message for the element.
Press <N> or <Enter> if you do not want a help message.
<Tab> moves to the previous field.
<Esc> returns to the Maintenance prompt ">".
06014c103dd04000000000000000000000000093 HELP MESSAGE DEFINITION WINDOW
Enter a help message in the window. The message is used by the generated
application as help for the field. It can contain up to 64 characters.
Press <Enter> to store the help message.
Press <Esc> to return to the Maintenance prompte ">".
0523240c3dd04000000000000000000000000094 SELECT FILE
Select a file to operate on and
press <Enter>.
Typing a letter selects the next
file that begins with that
<Esc> returns to the previous menu.
0901320b3dd04000000000000000000000000097 TABLE FILE NAME
Type in a name for the table file and press
<Enter>. The table file name must be a
valid file name for your operating system.
<Esc> returns to the File menu.
080b320a3dd04000000000000000000000000098 SAVE AS FILE NAME
Type in a valid file name for your operating
system and press <Enter>. The file will be
saved in the RECORDS subdirectory with this
<Esc> returns to the File menu.
08232e0c3dd04000000000000000000000000099 ELEMENT FILE NAME
Select an element file and press
<Esc> returns to the Header box.
Any changes made in the element file you
select will be reflected in this table.
0901500f3dd0400000000000000000000000009a DESCRIPTIVE NAME
The Descriptive Name provides the table file with a more useful name than
the file name. The Descriptive Name can contain up to 30 characters; any
character is valid. The default descriptive name is the table file name
followed by the word TABLE.
Press <Enter> to accept the default Descriptive Name.
Type in a new name and press <Enter> to change the name.
<Esc> returns to the File menu.
082f220d3dd0400000000000000000000000009b DATA FILE MANAGER
Press <F2> to call up
a list of file managers.
Select the file manager
that corresponds to the
file manager you are
using and press <Enter>.
0c01500c3dd0400000000000000000000000009c SELECT FIELD
Select an element to be used as a segment or a segment sub-string
and press <Enter>.
060147123dd0400000000000000000000000009d OCCURRENCES
Press <Enter> to accept the default value of 1.
Enter the number of occurrences for the current element
and press <Enter>. The maximum value is 99.
The Occurrences field determines how many times a field appears in
a record. For example, you may have an ADDRESS element for company
addresses. If you want to provide three lines on the screen for
the address, set Occurrences to three. This is an alternative
approach to having three separate address fields.
Elements with multiple occurrences cannot be keyed. If Occurrences
is set at any value except 1, the element cannot be used in a
segmented key.
When a field has more than one occurrence, extra occurrences appear
in screens and reports (and are stored in data files) as separate
fields. In the example given above, the original element was named
ADDRESS, and the other occurrences would be known as ADDRESS <02>
and ADDRESS <03>.
041c2f143dd0400000000000000000000000009e KEY STATUS
Key fields are used by the file manager to
find records in a file.
Unique keys require a unique value for each
record in the data file. Each table must
have at least one unique key. Duplicate
keys allows several records to have the
same key value.
By default, fields are classed as N, Not
a Key. Segmented keys can be classed as
Unique or Duplicate; they default to D,
Press <Enter> to accept the default
key type.
Type in a new key status and press
<Enter> to change the key status.
<Esc> returns to the Main menu.
032829153dd040000000000000000000000000a0 SEGMENT SELECTION
Choose a field for the segment and
press <Enter>.
Typing a letter moves to the next
field that begins with that letter.
<Esc> returns to the Main menu.
If the element is a character field,
you can use the whole element or a
sub-string of it in a segmented
key. Date and numeric elements cannot
be broken down into sub-strings.
Elements used in segmented keys must
have Occurrences set to 1. You can
combine elements of different types in
a segmented key.
03012d153dd040000000000000000000000000a1 SEGMENT SUB-STRING SPECIFICATION
You must indicate how much of the
element you want to use as a segment.
To select the entire element, press
<Enter> twice.
To indicate the start of the
sub-string, position the pointer
at the start location and press
To indicate the end of the sub-string,
position the pointer at the end
location and press <Enter>. Press
<Esc> to use the end of the element as
the end of the sub-string.
042a27133dd040000000000000000000000000a2 MODIFYING SEGMENTED KEYS
You can modify individual segments
of the key you have defined.
Press <F2> to change the field
used in the current segment.
Press <F3> to change the sub-
string used in the current
Press <F6> to delete the current
segment from the segmented key.
To delete the entire segmented
key, return to the Maintenance
Station and delete the key with
03212e0c3dd040000000000000000000000000a3 ASCII FILE NAME
Enter a valid file name for your
operating system and press <Enter>.
The file will be given the file
extension .ASC and stored in the
RECORDS subdirectory.
<Esc> returns to the Export file
type menu.
031f320c3dd040000000000000000000000000a4 EXPORT TO dBASE
Enter a valid file name for your operating
system and press <Enter>. The file will be
given the file extension .DBF and stored
in the RECORDS subdirectory.
<Esc> returns to the Export file type
0c01500c3dd040000000000000000000000000a5 SELECT IMPORT FILE NAME
0f1b26083dd040000000000000000000000000a8 DELETE THIS SEGMENT
Press <Y> to delete the segment
Press <N> to leave it alone.
0e01500a3dd040000000000000000000000000a9 CLEAR TABLE FILE
Press <Y> or <Enter> to clear the table file.
Press <N> to return to the main menu.
If you clear the table file, all elements and segmented keys will be
erased from the loaded file. File contents will be permanently lost once
you save the file. The table file itself will not be erased, only its
contents. If you have already used this table to create a screen, report,
or batch program, that program will be corrupted.
0f0150093dd040000000000000000000000000aa CLEAR THE TABLE
Clearing the table file deletes all the existing elements from the table.
Press <Y> or <Enter> to clear the table.
Press <N> and then <Enter> to leave the table as it is.
0e01500a3dd040000000000000000000000000ab OVERWRITE FILE?
A file already exists which uses the name you entered.
?? options ??
0a012a083dd040000000000000000000000000ac DUPLICATE ELEMENTS
You have tried to import an element
with the same name as an element
already in the file. You have five
Ignore the duplicate element:
The duplicate element is not imported
except from dBASE files. For dBASE
files, the name of the file in which
the duplicate occurred is added to the
descriptive name and the element is
imported with the new name.
Replace the existing element:
The element in the current file is
deleted and the duplicate element is
Rename the NEW element:
The element in the current file is left
unchanged, and you are prompted for a
new name for the imported element.
Rename the OLD element:
You are prompted for a new name for the
element already in the file, and the
duplicate element is imported using its
existing name.
Abort importation of file:
Importing elements is halted and you
return to the import file type menu.
Elements already imported remain in
the file.
0c01500c3dd040000000000000000000000000ad DUPLICATE ELEMENT FOUND
You have tried to import an element
with the same name as an element
already in the file. You have five
Ignore the duplicate element:
The duplicate element is not imported
except from dBASE files. For dBASE
files, the name of the file in which
the duplicate occurred is added to the
descriptive name and the element is
imported with the new name.
Replace the existing element:
The element in the current file is
deleted and the duplicate element is
Rename the NEW element:
The element in the current file is left
unchanged, and you are prompted for a
new name for the imported element.
Rename the OLD element:
You are prompted for a new name for the
element already in the file, and the
duplicate element is imported using its
existing name.
Abort importation of file:
Importing elements is halted and you
return to the import file type menu.
Elements already imported remain in
the file.
040128133dd040000000000000000000000000ae ADD ELEMENTS TO TABLE FILE
The window on the right side of the
screen shows the elements from the
element file. The elements which
have been included in the table file
are highlighted. Position the pointer
beside the element you want to include
and press <Enter>.
Each element can appear only once in
a table.
040128133dd040000000000000000000000000af SELECT ELEMENTS FROM ELEMENT FILE
The window on the right side of the
screen shows the elements in the
element file. Any elements already
in the table file are highlighted.
Position the pointer beside an
element you want to include
and press <Enter>.
<Esc> returns to the Main menu.
Each element can appear only once in
a table.
080150103dd040000000000000000000000000b0 ELEMENT FILE GATEWAY
You are operating on the element file associated with the table file. You
cannot delete elements using this gateway.
Press <F5> or <A> to add new elements to the element file.
Press <F7> or <C> to change existing elements. Any changes you
make will automatically be reflected in the table file.
<Esc> returns to the table file.
If you change an element file which has been used to create other table
files, you may corrupt some of your data files. Any changes made to the
element file are reflected in all table files controlled by this element
0c0150083dd040000000000000000000000000b1 DATA SELECTION CRITERIA
Choose an data type and press <Enter>. Only elements that meet
the selection criteria will appear in the View report.
<Esc> returns to the View menu.
0c01500c3dd040000000000000000000000000b2 LOW VALUE FOR A RANGE
Type in the lowest value required for fields to be included in the
report and press <Enter>.
<Esc> returns to the View menu.
The default value is the previous used value; if no value has previously
been used, the default is blank. The selection is not inclusive. If the
low value is "a", an element named "a" is not selected.
0c01500c3dd040000000000000000000000000b3 HIGH VALUE FOR A RANGE
Type in the highest value required for fields to be included in the
report and press <Enter>.
<Esc> returns to the View Menu.
The default value is the previous high value; if no value has previously
been used, the default is "zzzzzzzzz". The upper value is inclusive. The
element "name" is included if the upper value is "name".
0c0150083dd040000000000000000000000000b4 KEY SELECTION CRITERIA
Choose a key status type and press <Enter>. Only elements that meet
the selection criteria will appear in the View report.
<Esc> returns to the View menu.
c01500c3ed0400000000000000000000000000b5VIEW SELECTION CRITERIA
Choose a key status type and press <Enter>. Only elements that meet
the selection criteria will appear in the View report.
<Esc> returns to the View menu.