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Flight of the Intruder
okay, the doc's that were first issued for Flight of the Intruder were a bit
on the slim side so I bought the game and thought I would make up some more
detailed docs, this is a bit tricky because the book is about 150+ pages.
ESC Menu
F1 & F2 Zoom in and out
F3 & F4 Increase & Decrease control sensitivity (Joystick)
F5 Outside view
F6 Tracking outside view
F7 ACLS (onboard Computer, used for landing)
F8 & F9 Satellite & Carrier views
F10 Menu
TAB Accelerator (on those long flights, get there quicker)
1 Inside cockpit views
- + Throttle
Backspace Air-to Ground weapons select
Q Missle View
W Wheel Brakes
E ECM (Electronic counter measures against missles, aircraft etc)
R Radar, the enemy sometimes can find you by locking onto your radar,
so you may want to turn it off on occasion
T Walleye/Paveway sight toggle, moves computer target site)
O Video reset (???)
P Pause (what else?)
[ & ] Look up and down inside cockpit
A Autopilot (will take you to the next waypoint)
S Sound levels note: Adlib may not work depending on the speed of your
computer, I have called and am getting an upgrade
F Flaps
G Landing gear
H Arrestor Hook
; & : Select betwen Waypoints
ENTER Select Air to Air weapons
X Clear Air to Ground lock, useful for selecting another target
C Radar/Map toggle
V Video Recorder toggle, useful to review the mission afterwards
B Air brakes
M Military power setting. cruising speed
< & > Afterburner
SPACE Fire weapons
INSERT & DELETE Flares & Chaff
HOME Master arm all weapons
END Bomb Mode
PAGE UP Single bomb or ripple bombs (ripple for bombing runways)
CTRL 4 (on number pad) Left Rudder
CTRL 5 Right Rudder
CTRL C Jettison Centerline stores
CTRL E Eject
CTRL L Catapult Launch
CTRL K Jettison all missles, fuel tanks, etc..
SHIFT # (on number pad) Cockpit views
SHIFT A Autopilot/Automatic weapons
SHIFT H Emergency net (on carrier in case you miss the wires)
SHIFT I & M increase decrease military power
SHIFT O View the enemy currently tracking
SHIFT 9 Shift between you and your wingman
SHIFT ; Waypoint information toggle
SHIFT TAB Accelerator will not shut off if bogey is near
To the right of your radar screen there is a small circle, this is your threat
indicator, it shows 5 things
1. Empty diamond - Friendly aircraft
2. Filled diamond - Enemy aircraft
3. Filled red box - Missle radar
4. Empty red box - Anti-aircraft radar
5. Grey hat - Ships, enemy or friendly
Using the Radio: Most of the time yours in not the only mission being flown,
so various messages are being sent.
Blue messages: Chatter between other aircraft and ships
White messages: Messages to your aircraft
Green messages: Message from your Navigator on board your aircraft
In both aircraft the computer gets fuzzy when you are diving, this is because
the radar is getting a lot of ground clutter and is normal, aircraft. friendly
or not will appear as - marks on your Aircraft radar (selected with the ENTER
key) this shows a globe, if there are any aircraft around, they may show up
here, if they are below the center line, they are at a lower altitude than
you, when they look like this ├─┤ they are within range, before firing make
sure they are enemy! fly by them (gulp) to make sure.
When firing the Sparrow (AIM-7) you must keep the aircraft centered, the
AIM-7 is radar-guided and will not hit him if you don't, the Sidewinder is
a Fire-and-forget missle, just get a lock, fire and do something else.
The Intruder has no Air-to-Air missles, but if you get the MIG close and fire
something, you may get him.
In the Intruder you also have a bombing computer, there are two parallel lines
going to a box, make sure these are centered on the screen, this will point
you to your next waypoint, when they suddenly veer off, you are at the first
Rules of Engagement (these applied then, and do now)
1. You may only engage MIG's that are airborne or in the process of becoming
airborne, you can get them if they are on the runway, you also must first
VISUALLY identify them first!
2. You may only attack mobile units (trucks, boats etc.) unless specificaly
given authority to attack stationary t