Jason Aller Floppy Collection
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; Copyright (c) 1987-1989 Borland International. All Rights Reserved.
; General permission to re-distribute all or part of this script is granted,
; provided that this statement, including the above copyright notice, is not
; removed. You may add your own copyright notice to secure copyright
; protection for new matter that you add to this script, but Borland
; International will not support, nor assume any legal responsibility for,
; material added or changes made to this script.
; Revs.: MJP 3/8/88, DCY 12/15/88, DCY 5/24/89
; ****************************************************************************
; InitWait initializes variables needed by DoWait and loads all of its
; required supplemental procedures. You must call it before invoking DoWait.
; You MUST call InitWait to load DoWait and its supplemental procedures.
; The Toolkit, like the rest of Paradox, is subject to upgrade. When such
; upgrades occur, it is possible that the Toolkit may require more procedures,
; or that undocumented procedure names may change. Calling InitWait rather
; that loading all of the necessary procedures manually will assure
; compatibility between Toolkit versions.
; InitWait examines the variable TKLibName. If TKLibName is defined,
; then its value is used as the name of the library that contains the Toolkit
; procedures. TKLibName can, of course, contain a full directory name. If
; you do not assign TKLibName a value, it will default to "Toolkit".
; Note that InitWait does not load DPA procs for tables you use with DoWait.
; It is YOUR repsonsibility to load them (you do not need to execute them).
Proc InitWait(MaxImgNo,ImgNumLst,TblNamLst)
Private;MaxImgNo, ;Max. image number of table(s) to use with DoWait
;ImgNumLst, ;Comma separated list of table image numbers
;TblNamLst, ;Comma separated list of table names (corresponds
; to ImgNumLst)
ImgNo, ;Parsed image number
TNam ;Parsed table name
; Global TKDPASet ;Array of workspace table image configuration
If Not IsAssigned(TKLibName) ;Set DoWait procedure library name to
Then TKLibName = SDir()+"Toolkit" ; default if not specified otherwise
If IsFile(TKLibName+".LIB")
Then Readlib TKLibName DoWait,CheckHoldCanvas,CheckMessage,CallProc,
If Version() < 3
Then Quit "Release 3.0 of the Data Entry Toolkit requires Paradox version 3.0 or higher."
Array TKDPASet[MaxImgNo]
ImgNumLst = ImgNumLst + ","
TblNamLst = TblNamLst + ","
While Match(ImgNumLst,"..,..",ImgNo,ImgNumLst) and
TKDPASet[Numval(ImgNo)] = "TK"+TNam+"_"
Else Quit "DoWait procedures not loaded: Could not find " + TKLibName +
" library."
; Here is the heart and soul of the toolkit: DoWait, an event-driven wait.
; Like the PAL WAIT TABLE command, DoWait allows a user to move around a
; table image (and make changes if in edit mode) until the user presses any
; one of a set of pre-designated "exit" keys, upon which control is returned
; back to the calling program.
; DoWait differs from a WAIT command in that after you invoke DoWait, you
; do not lose control over what a user can do while editing. Instead, DoWait
; calls procedures which you've previously specified (using TKMenu's
; SetUpDoWait subsystem) DURING the wait condition upon the occurence of
; certain keystroke, field, record, and table-level events. By creating
; appropriate procedures for DoWait to call upon specific events, you can
; have nearly total control over what a user does and can do during an editing
; session.
; Specifically, DoWait examines variables (defined in DPA procedures created
; by SetUpDoWait) to know both the names of procedures to call and the events
; upon which to activate them. These variables also instruct DoWait on how
; to treat each key a user presses.
Proc DoWait(TKMessage)
Private;TKMessage, ;Message to be displayed (provided by user)
TKAccept, ;Specifies whether last key hit will be accepted
TKHoldCanvas, ;Specifies whether PAL canvas will be removed
TKFieldNum, ;Column position (in table view) of current field
TKFieldVal, ;Value of current field upon entry into it
TKChanged, ;Indicates field value has changed since arrival
TKRecMvmnt, ;Specifies whether last key will cause rec movement
TKMvmntProc, ;Procedure which initiates movement key events
TKChar, ;ASCII value of last key pressed
TKKeyType, ;Type of key (R, I, E, M, S, D)
TKKeyProc, ;Procedure which monitors keyboard (in)activity
TKUserKey, ;Value of key before user's procedure was executed
TKSeconds, ;Number of seconds elapsed without a keypress
TKBuffer, ;ASCII value of key in keyboard buffer
TKTime, ;Time of last keypress
TKImgNo, ;Image number of active table image
TKPosKey, ;ASCII (positive) key class assignments
TKNegKey, ;IBM extended key class assignments
TKAction, ;Array of field level procedure assignments
TKArrive, ;Array of field arrival procedures
TKGoodDepart, ;Array of field good departure procedures
TKBadDepart, ;Array of field bad departure procedures
TKKeystroke, ;Array of field keystroke procedures
TKSpclProc, ;Special key procedure
TKInactiveProc,;Keyboard inactivity procedure
TKTblArrive, ;Table arrival procedure
TKTblDepart, ;Table departure procedure
TKRecArrive, ;Record arrival procedure
TKRecDepart, ;Record departure procedure
TKNegMv, ;Record departure (ASCII) key assignments
TKPosMv ;Record departure (IBM Extended) key assignments
TKChar = BlankNum() ;Initialize keystroke character
TKBuffer = BlankNum() ;Initialize single-key type-ahead buffer
TKHoldCanvas = False ;Unless specified otherwise in an arrival-level
; procedure, remove PAL canvas just before
; acceptance of first user keystroke
SysTblArrive() ;Inform DoWait we've entered a new table--
; Initialize DPA set and call table arrival proc
SysRecArrive() ;Inform DoWait we've arrived at a new record--
; Call record arrival procedure if assigned
SysArrive() ;Inform DoWait we've arrived in a new field--
; Initialize field-dependent variables and call
; field arrival procedure if assigned
CheckHoldCanvas() ;Unless specified otherwise in an arrival procedure,
; set echo to normal on entry
CheckMessage() ; Check for a message to display
ExecProc TKKeyProc ;Read a key from the keyboard
Echo Normal
While True
If TKChar > 0 ;Determine class of key we are about to process
Then TKKeyType = Substr(TKPosKey,TKChar,1) ;These statements are
Else TKKeyType = Substr(TKNegKey,1-TKChar,1) ; necessary because max
Endif ; string length is 255
Case HelpMode() <> "None" or IsFieldView(): ;Do nothing special while
Keypress TKChar ; in field view or help
Case TKKeyType = "R": ;"Regular" key
If Search("K",TKAction[TKFieldNum]) <> 0 ;Call keystroke proc if
Then CallProc(TKKeystroke[TKFieldNum]); assigned
If TKKeyType = "X" ;Check for request to
Then CheckMessage() ; immediately exit DoWait
Echo Off
Return TKChar
If Not Retval
Then Loop ;Key wasn't accepted or
Endif ; was reset to a new
Endif ; value--reprocess it.
Keypress TKChar
Case TKKeyType = "I": ;"Illegal" key
Beep ;Beep and ignore key
Otherwise: ;Key must be of type "S","D","E", or "M"
If Search(TKKeyType,"SD") <> 0 ;"Special" or "DepartSpecial"
Then CallProc(TKSpclProc) ;Call appropriate procedure
If TKKeyType = "X"
Then CheckMessage()
Echo Off
Return TKChar
If not Retval ;Key wasn't accepted, or was
Then Loop ; reset to a new value
If TKKeyType = "S"
Then Keypress TKChar
ExecProc TKKeyProc
Echo Normal
If IsValid()
Then If Search("D",TKAction[TKFieldNum]) <> 0 ;Good Depart
Then TKChanged = [] <> TKFieldVal ;Changed? Set T/F
If TKKeyType = "X" ;Immediate Exit
Then CheckMessage()
Echo Off
Return TKChar
If not Retval ;Good Depart or Bad Depart rejected
Then Loop ; or reassigned TKChar. Reprocess.
Else If Search("F",TKAction[TKFieldNum]) <> 0 ;Bad Depart
Then CallProc(TKBadDepart[TKFieldNum])
If TKKeyType = "X"
Then CheckMessage()
Echo Off
Return TKChar
If not Retval ;Good Depart or Bad Depart rejected
Then Loop ; or reassigned TKChar. Reprocess.
If IsValid() ;Field data is valid, pending key is
Then ExecProc TKMvmntProc ; a movement key ("D" or "M")
If Search(TKKeyType,"EX") <> 0
Then CheckMessage() ;Movement-initiated proc or pending
Echo Off ; key requested exit from DoWait
Return TKChar
If Not Retval ;Movement-initiated proc rejected
Then Loop ; pending key
Else ;Data is still invalid, can't move out of it
If (TKChar = -83 or TKChar = 21 or TKChar = 0) and
TKKeyType <> "E" ;If Del, Undo, or Cancel is an Exit
Then BadDelUndo() ; key, reject it -- data is invalid
If Search(TKKeyType,"EX") <> 0
Then CheckMessage()
Echo Off
Return TKChar
If not Retval
Then Loop
Else If IsBlank(TKMessage) ;Display standard Paradox
Then Keypress -72 ; message unless specified
Endif ; otherwise in user procedure
CheckMessage() ; Check for message to display
ExecProc TKKeyProc ; Read next key
Echo Normal
; This procedure is called by DoWait before a key is read from the keyboard.
; The procedure checks the variable TKMessage, and sends that message to the
; screen if it is non-blank.
Proc CheckMessage()
If TKMessage <> "" ;Has the user specified a message?
Then Echo Off
Message TKMessage
TKMessage = "" ;Re-initialize to show no pending message
TKAccept = True
; This procedure examines the user-defined variable TKHoldCanvas, and turns
; echo to normal if the programmer hasn't prohibited it. DoWait calls
; CheckHoldCanvas to update the current echo status.
Proc CheckHoldCanvas()
If TKHoldCanvas
Then TKHoldCanvas = False ;Re-initialize to allow removal of PAL canvas
Else Echo Normal
; This procedure calls a user-specified procedure, checks to see whether to
; turn echo back to normal upon return from the procedure, and determines
; whether the key that was pressed in order to invoke the procedure was
; accepted "as is" by that procedure.
; The procedure takes one argument, which is the name of the procedure to
; call. It returns False if the procedure does not accept the character which
; was passed to it (resets TKChar or sets TKAccept to False), or True
; otherwise.
Proc CallProc(ProcName)
; Private ProcName ;Name of procedure to be called
TKUserKey = TKChar ;Remember the key that was passed to the proc
ExecProc ProcName
If TKKeyType = "X" ;Exit immediately from DoWait?
Then Return
CheckHoldCanvas() ;Turn echo back to normal if appropriate
If TKAccept ;Was TKChar accepted and unchanged?
Then If TKUserKey = TKChar
Then Return True
Else CheckMessage() ;Get new character
ExecProc TKKeyProc
Echo Normal
Return False
; This procedure keypresses a cursor movement key and then calls the
; ArriveMvmnt procedure to initialize any necessary table, record, or field
; level events. DoWait calls RecMvmnt only after the appropriate good or bad
; depart procedure is executed.
; Note that since there is no way of knowing whether Undo will cause movement
; out of the current table, RecMvmnt will NOT call a Table Depart even if
; Undo does move the cursor to another table. See also ArriveMvmnt below.
; In addition to this function, the RecMvmnt procedure checks to see
; whether the movement key that was pressed was [Zoom]. This is necessary
; because [Zoom] doesn't actually cause movement into a new field until after
; a value has been entered at the zoom prompt and [Enter] has been pressed.
; Thus we must pause and wait for this to occur before actually arriving into
; a new field.
Proc RecMvmnt()
If TKChar = 26 ;Zoom key?
Then WaitZoom() ;Special Zoom handling procedure
If not Retval ;User cancelled Zoom
Then Return False
TKRecMvmnt = True ;Zoom always initiates rec-level depart
Else CheckRecMove() ;Record departure key?
If TKRecMvmnt and TKRecDepart <> "" ;Call rec-level depart if necessary
Then CallProc(TKRecDepart)
If TKKeyType = "X" ;Check for request to immediate exit
Then Return
If Not Retval ;Key rejected or reassigned
Then Return False
If (TKChar = -61 or TKChar = -62) and TKTblDepart <> ""
Then CallProc(TKTblDepart) ;Call table-level depart if necessary
If Not Retval ;Key rejected or reassigned
Then Return False
If Search(TKKeyType,"EX") <> 0 ;Check for normal or immediate exit
Then Return
ArriveMvmnt() ;Initiate table->record->field arrival sequence
Return True
; This procedure initiates the event arrival sequence for a movement key
; and the special invalid-field Undo, Del, Cancel case. RecMvmnt calls this
; procedure to "press" a movement key. ArriveMvmnt, in turn, will call the
; appropriate arrival procedures.
; If the Undo key causes movement to another table, ArriveMvmnt will properly
; call the table and record arrival events for the new table (your procedures
; consider this possibility).
Proc ArriveMvmnt()
Keypress TKChar
If ImageNo() <> TKImgNo ;Did we move to a new table?
Then TKRecMvmnt = True ;Will be arriving in a new record
SysTblArrive() ;Call Table Arrive if assigned
If TKRecMvmnt ;Need to call record arrival procedure?
Then SysRecArrive() ; (Did we just leave a record?)
SysArrive() ;Call field arrival procedure
; This procedure initiates a movement-arrival sequence for tables which
; do not have record-level events assigned to them. See RecMvmnt above
; for more information.
Proc StdMvmnt()
If TKChar = 26 ;Zoom key?
Then WaitZoom() ;Call special Zoom handling procedure
If not Retval ;Zoom not initiated
Then Return False
Enter ;Zoom!
Else If (TKChar = -61 or TKChar = -62) and TKTblDepart <> ""
Then CallProc(TKTblDepart) ;Call table depart, if assigned
If Not Retval
Then Return False
If Search(TKKeyType,"EX") <> 0 ;Check for normal or
Then Return ; immediate exit
Keypress TKChar
If TKChar = -61 or TKChar = -62 ;If key caused normal movement to
Then SysTblArrive() ; another table, invoke table
Endif ; arrival procedure
SysArrive() ;Arriving in new field, call field arrival
Return True ; event
; This procedure determines whether a pending movement key should initiate a
; record-level event. It requires key movement codes defined by SetUpDoWait
; and additional image-specific information.
Proc CheckRecMove()
If TKChar > 0 ;Determine type of key we are about to process
Then TKMvTyp = Substr(TKPosMv,TKChar,1) ;These statements are
Else TKMvTyp = Substr(TKNegMv,1-TKChar,1) ; necessary because max
Endif ; string length is 255
TKRecMvmnt = False ;Assume no record-level event will be generated
If IsFormView() ;Form view case
Then Switch
Case NPages() = 1 : ; Only one page, PgUp/PgDn cause rec-event
If Search(TKMvTyp,TKAction[TKFieldNum]+"") <> 0
Then TKRecMvmnt = True
Case PageNo() = 1 : ; First page, PgUp causes rec-event
If Search(TKMvTyp,TKAction[TKFieldNum]+"") <> 0
Then TKRecMvmnt = True
Case PageNo() = NPages() : ; Last page, PgDn causes rec-event
If Search(TKMvTyp,TKAction[TKFieldNum]+"") <> 0
Then TKRecMvmnt = True
Else If Search(TKMvTyp,TKAction[TKFieldNum]+"") <> 0
Then TKRecMvmnt = True
; This procedure handles the special case in which a user invokes the Zoom
; command. It only allows a user to exit from Zoom by pressing either [Enter]
; or [Esc] (same as [Cancel]). Note that while a user is at the Zoom prompt,
; DoWait performs no special processing. An attempt to initiate a Zoom will
; invoke a record-level event.
Proc WaitZoom()
Zoom ;Display Zoom prompt
While True
TKChar = GetChar() ;Read key
Case TKChar = 13 : ;Zoom should be acted upon
Return True
Case TKChar = 27 or TKChar = 0 : ;Zoom not acted upon
ExecProc TKKeyProc ;Process next key
Return False
Case TKChar > 31 ;Press only keys valid at Zoom prompt
or TKChar = 6 or TKChar = -108 or TKChar = 8
or (TKChar < -70 and TKChar > -84)
or (TKChar < -114 and TKChar > -120) :
Keypress TKChar
Otherwise : ;Reject illegal keys
; This procedure reads a character from the keyboard buffer. It
; facilitates the keyboard inactivity event and maintains the single-key
; type-ahead buffer. It is called by DoWait, CallProc, and WaitZoom when a
; new key is to be processed.
; A keyboard inactivity procedure, if assigned, is called once a second. The
; variable TKSeconds, available to the procedure, specifies the number of
; seconds elapsed without a keypress (equal to the number of times the
; inactivity procedure has been called in a row).
; DoWait will act upon TKBuffer, if set equal to an ASCII or IBM Extended
; code, as if a user had actually pressed the key. The keycode in TKBuffer
; take precedence over any keys already in the acutal keyboard buffer.
Proc GetInactive()
TKSeconds = 0 ;Reset TKSeconds after last keypress
While True
If IsBlank(TKBuffer) ;Check for a key in TKBuffer
Then TKTime = Time() ;Wait (a second) for a character
While Not CharWaiting() and TKTime = Time()
If CharWaiting() ;Key pressed, read keycode
Then TKChar = GetChar()
Else TKSeconds = TKSeconds + 1 ;No key pressed, call
TKHoldCanvas = True ; inactivity procedure
ExecProc TKInactiveProc
CheckHoldCanvas() ;Check canvas status
CheckMessage() ;Check for message to display
Else TKChar = TKBuffer ;TKBuffer has a keycode. Process it ahead
TKBuffer = BlankNum() ; of the keycode in acutal buffer, and
Quitloop ; reset TKBuffer
; This procedure reads a character from the keyboard buffer. It is called
; instead of GetInactive() if a keyboard inactivity procedure has not been
; defined. GetKey() executes much faster than GetInactive(). Note that
; applications which do not use an inactivity procedure can still make use
; of TKBuffer.
Proc GetKey()
If IsBlank(TKBuffer)
Then TKChar = GetChar()
Else TKChar = TKBuffer
TKBuffer = BlankNum()
; This procedure is called by DoWait when Undo, Del, or Cancel (Ctrl-Break)
; is pressed and accepted while the information in the current field is
; invalid. Special handling is needed in these cases, as we do not want to
; allow exit from the WAIT while information in a field is invalid. At the
; same time, we recognize that pressing Undo, Del, or Cancel will
; automatically cause the field to be valid (by simply removing or changing
; the entire record).
; The problem that must be dealt with is that if Undo, Del, or Cancel is
; defined as an exit character, we must give control back to the program
; BEFORE either of these keys is pressed (acted upon). Thus we do not know
; whether the key will be pressed at all. This is not a problem if these
; keys are defined as move characters, as the keys will be pressed
; automatically (assuring the validity of the field).
Proc BadDelUndo()
TKMessage = "" ;Any user-defined message was most likely put
; up in error, as field will now become valid
If TKRecMvmnt and TKRecDepart <> "" ;Del, Undo, or Cancel will cause
Then CallProc(TKRecDepart) ; a record-level event
If TKKeyType = "X" ;Check for immediate exit request
Then Return
If Not Retval ;Key rejected by rec-depart proc
Then Return False
ArriveMvmnt() ;Initiate event arrival sequence
Return True
; NewField is called by DoWait whenever a new field is entered. It is
; responsible for setting all field-dependent variables. You may call this
; procedure instead of ArriveField if one of your procedures causes explicit
; movement into a new field and you wish to inhibit invocation of the arrival
; procedure for the new field.
Proc NewField()
TKFieldVal = [] ;Get field entry value and index
TKFieldNum = ColNo() ; into arrays for current field
; ArriveField alerts DoWait that one of your procedures has just explicitly
; moved into a new field and that DoWait should call the arrival procedure
; for the new field. Your procedures MUST call this procedure (or NewField)
; if they cause explicit movement into another field (using MOVETO or Right,
; for example).
Proc ArriveField()
CheckHoldCanvas() ;Update canvas status
SysArrive() ;Initiate field arrival
; SysArrive initiates all actions associated with entering a field, including
; calling the appropriate arrival procedure if assigned.
Proc SysArrive()
If Search("A",TKAction[TKFieldNum]) <> 0 ;Is an arrival procedure assigned?
Then ExecProc TKArrive[TKFieldNum]
TKAccept = False ;If a keystroke is pending (which could happen if this
Endproc ; proc were called from a user's proc), then ignore it
; ArriveRecord initiates all actions associated with arriving into a new
; record. Your procedures can call ArriveRecord to invoke a record-level
; arrival procedure for a table.
Proc ArriveRecord()
CheckHoldCanvas() ;Check canvas status
; SysRecArrive initializes field dependent variables and executes a record-
; level procedure for a table, if assigned.
Proc SysRecArrive()
NewField() ;Initialize field variables
If TKRecArrive <> "" ;Call record arrival proc if assigned
Then ExecProc TKRecArrive
TKAccept = False ;If a key is pending (which could happen if this
Endproc ; proc were called from a user's proc), ignore it
; This procedure initializes the DoWait procedure assignment variables
; when entering a new table image, but does not call a table arrival
; procedure if one is assigned.
Proc NewTable()
ExecProc TKDPASet[ImageNo()]+Form()
TKKeyProc = "GetInactive"
If IsBlank(TKInactiveProc) ;Select which keyboard procedure to use
Then TKKeyProc = "GetKey"
TKRecMvmnt = True
If TKMvmntProc = "StdMvmnt" ;Select which movement procedure to use
Then TKRecMvmnt = False
TKImgNo = ImageNo() ;Determine current image number
NewField() ;Initialize field dependent variables
; This procedure is called upon entry into a new table image by NewImage, and
; subsequently calls a table arrival procedure for the new table if one is
; assigned.
Proc ArriveTable()
CheckHoldCanvas() ;Update canvas status
; This procedure initializes DoWait procedure assignment information and
; calls a table arrival procedure for the new table if assigned.
Proc SysTblArrive()
NewTable() ;Define DPA set variables
If TKTblArrive <> ""
Then ExecProc TKTblArrive
TKAccept = False ;If a keystroke is pending (which could happen if this
Endproc ; proc were called from a user's proc), then ignore it