Note Besides the organizational configurations that result from the "pure"
approaches below, many "hybrid" configurations can be constructed.
14.2.1 Fully Centralized
The entire MHS may be managed by one organization (panel a of the figure). This
design is realized by a single MD.
14.2.2 Directly Connected
The MHS may be managed by several organizations, the messaging systems of each
connected to the messaging systems of all of the others (panel b of the figure). This
design is realized by multiple MDs interconnected pair-wise.
14.2.3 Indirectly Connected
The MHS may be managed by several organizations, the messaging systems of one
serving as intermediary between the messaging systems of the others (panel c of the
figure). This design is realized by multiple MDs one of which is interconnected to all
of the others.
15. The Global MHS
A major purpose of this Recommendation and others in the set is to enable the
construction of the MHS;, an MHS providing both intra- and inter-organizational, and both intra- and international Message Handling world-wide.
The Global MHS almost certainly encompasses the full variety of functional
configurations specified in clause 12.
The physical configuration of the Global MHS is a hybrid of the pure
configurations specified in clause 13, extremely complex and highly distributed physically.
The organizational configuration of the Global MHS is a hybrid of the pure
configurations specified in clause 14, extremely complex and highly distributed
Figure 11/X.402 gives an example of possible interconnections. It does not
attempt to identify all possible configurations. As depicted, ADMDs play a central
role in the Global MHS. By interconnecting to one another internationally, they
provide an international Message Transfer backbone. Depending upon national
regulations, by interconnecting to one another domestically, they may also provide domestic
backbones joined to the international backbone. ADMDs also serve as primary naming
authorities in the assignment of O/R addresses to users and DLs.
PRMDs play a peripheral role in the Global MHS, being connected to the ADMD
backbone which serves as an intermediary between them.