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Stable Implementation
Agreements for Open Systems
Interconnection Protocols:
Part 30 - Interpersonal Messging ISP
Output from the December 1993 NIST Workshop for Implementors of
SIG Chair: Chris Bonatti, Booz Allen & Hamilton
SIG Editor: Rich Ankney, Fischer International
Part 8: Message Handling Systems December 1993 (Working)
The text in this chapter contains the draft working text for MHS
ISP AMH2n on Interpersonal Messaging, and its accompanying
explanatory documents. It is retained here as a temporary
placeholder until promulgation of the ISP is completed. The ISP
is included in its final pDISP editorial form, without additional
OIW specific notation. The following documents are contained in
this chapter:
Explanatory Report for Parts 1-5 of pDISP 12062 -
Message Handling Systems - Interpersonal Messaging
ISP 12062-1: IPM MHS Service Support
ISP 12062-2: AMH21 - IPM Content
ISP 12062-3: AMH22 - IPM Requirements for Message
Transfer (P1)
ISP 12062-4: AMH23 - IPM Requirements for MTS Access
ISP 12062-5: AMH24 - IPM Requirements for Enhanced MS
Access (P7)
From: EWOS
cc: OIW
Date: 1993-9-25
Subject: pDISP nnnnn - Message Handling Systems - Interpersonal
Messaging (AMH2)
The enclosed Explanatory Report and the 5 parts of pDISP nnnnn (AMH2)
are herewith submitted to ISO/IEC JTC1/SGFS for formal review and
processing for DISP ballot.
All outstanding issues were resolved at the 8th MHS ISP Special Group
(MISG) meeting (Stockholm, Sweden, September 22-24, 1993), and the
pDISPs have been approved for SGFS submission by the three regional
SGFS are also requested to consider the continuing requirement for
public and timely visibility of the explanatory material relating to
the structure of the ISP and the profiles contained therein, as
included in clauses D and F of the Explanatory Report (this request
was also included with the submission of the AMH1 pDISP). Similar
material was submitted to SGFS in early 1992 for inclusion in the
SGFS N100 directory but, with the revision in scope and nature of
that directory (as the new standing document SD-4), it is no longer
evident where such material should be located. One possibility is to
include it as a introductory part to the ISP itself. However, it is
the opinion of the MISG that explanatory material of this nature is
an important requirement for potential users of ISPs (both suppliers
and purchasers) and should therefore ideally be obtainable separately
(and hence separately identified in the ISO catalogue) and, if
possible, in advance of final publication of the ISP.
J B Stranger
Editor, pDISP nnnnn (AMH2)
pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
TITLE: Explanatory Report for Parts 1-5 of pDISP nnnnn - Message
Handling Systems - Interpersonal Messaging
SOURCE: J Stranger
DATE: 1993-9-24
STATUS: Final version for submission to ISO/IEC JTC1/SGFS
together with pDISP nnnnn
This explanatory report has been prepared in accordance with ISO/IEC
JTC1/SGFS SD-1 (SGFS N601, 1992-08-24) which specifies the taxonomy
update, ISP approval and maintenance process.
A. General Profile Information
1. Profile identification
These parts of pDISP nnnnn cover the profiles with taxonomy
identifiers AMH2n, as listed in clause 6.3.2 of ISO/IEC TR 10000-
2 : 1992 and as follows:
AMH21 - IPM Content
AMH22 - IPM Requirements for Message Transfer (P1)
AMH23 - IPM Requirements for MTS Access (P3)
AMH24 - IPM Requirements for Enhanced MS Access (P7)
2. Submitting organization and contact point
The submitting organization is:
European Workshop for Open Systems
Rue de Stassart 36
B-1050 Brussels
Tel: +32 2 511 7455
Fax: +32 2 511 8723
The editor for all parts of this submission who will serve as
contact point during the review and approval process is:
J B Stranger
Information Strategies Limited
186 Epsom Road
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993
Tel: +44 483 32093
Fax: +44 483 452885
3. Date of original notification to SGFS
Submission of harmonized taxonomy update - 1992-4-23
Notice of intent to submit draft pDISP nnnnn for informal quality
review - 1993-3-30
Submission of draft pDISP nnnnn for informal quality review -
4. Declaration of commitment to maintain
On behalf of the three regional OSI/OSE workshops, EWOS
undertakes to ensure that these parts of pDISP nnnnn will be
maintained. The contact point for maintenance is the Chairman of
EWOS EG MHS, who can be contacted via the EWOS secretariat at the
above address.
B. Base Standards Referenced
1. ISO/IEC standards, technical reports and CCITT recommendations
References listed without a publication date are expected to be
published during 1993.
ISO/IEC TR 10000-1: 1992, Information technology - Framework and
taxonomy of International Standardized Profiles - Part 1:
ISO/IEC TR 10000-2: 1992, Information technology - Framework and
taxonomy of International Standardized Profiles - Part 2:
ISO/IEC 10021-1: 1990, Information technology - Text
Communication - Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems (MOTIS)
- Part 1: Service Overview. [see also CCITT Recommendation
ISO/IEC 10021-2: 1990, Information technology - Text
Communication - Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems (MOTIS)
- Part 2: Overall Architecture. [see also CCITT Recommendation
ISO/IEC 10021-4: 1990, Information technology - Text
Communication - Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems (MOTIS)
- Part 4: Message Transfer System: Abstract Service Definition
and Procedures. [see also CCITT Recommendation X.411(1988)]
pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
ISO/IEC 10021-5: 1990, Information technology - Text
Communication - Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems (MOTIS)
- Part 5: Message Store: Abstract Service Definition. [see also
CCITT Recommendation X.413(1988)]
ISO/IEC 10021-6: 1990, Information technology - Text
Communication - Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems (MOTIS)
- Part 6: Protocol Specifications. [see also CCITT Recommendation
ISO/IEC 10021-7: 1990, Information technology - Text
Communication - Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems (MOTIS)
- Part 7: Interpersonal Messaging System. [see also CCITT
Recommendation X.420(1988)]
ISO/IEC ISP 10611-1: ---1, Information technology -
International Standardized Profiles - Message Handling Systems -
Common Messaging - Part 1: MHS Service Support.
ISO/IEC ISP 10611-2: ---1, Information technology - International
Standardized Profiles - Message Handling Systems - Common
Messaging - Part 2: Specification of ROSE, RTSE, ACSE,
Presentation and Session Protocols for use by MHS.
ISO/IEC ISP 10611-3: ---1, Information technology - International
Standardized Profiles - Message Handling Systems - Common
Messaging - Part 3: AMH11 - Message Transfer (P1).
ISO/IEC ISP 10611-4: ---1, Information technology - International
Standardized Profiles - Message Handling Systems - Common
Messaging - Part 4: AMH12 - MTS Access (P3).
ISO/IEC ISP 10611-5: ---1, Information technology - International
Standardized Profiles - Message Handling Systems - Common
Messaging - Part 5: AMH13 - MS Access (P7).
CCITT Recommendation X.400(1988), Message handling system and
service overview.
CCITT Recommendation X.402(1988), Message handling systems:
Overall architecture.
CCITT Recommendation X.411(1988), Message handling systems:
Message transfer system: Abstract service definition and
CCITT Recommendation X.413(1988), Message handling systems:
Message store: Abstract service definition.
1To be published.
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993
CCITT Recommendation X.419(1988), Message handling systems:
Protocol specifications.
CCITT Recommendation X.420(1988), Message handling systems:
Interpersonal messaging system.
MHS Implementors' Guide, Version 8, March 1992 (CCITT Special
Rapporteur's Group on Message Handling Systems and ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC18/WG4 SWG on Messaging).
2. Compliance with documentation requirements on conformance
The Profiles documented in the submitted pDISP parts are in the
class of Application Profiles using Connection-mode Transport
Service. The documentation requirements in ISO/IEC TR 10000-1 on
conformance (clauses 6.4-6.7, 8.4) have been met.
It had been intended that annex A of part 2 of pDISP nnnnn would
be in the form of an IPRL based on the corresponding ISO/IEC
10021-7 PICS proforma. However, the development of MOTIS PICS
proformas has now been suspended and it has therefore been
necessary for pDISP nnnnn to include a complete ISPICS proforma
for the MHS P2 protocol (the alternative approach of a separate
annex containing the assumed base standard PICS proforma was not
considered appropriate in this case). This ISPICS proforma
broadly follows the final draft of CCITT Recommendation X.481
(April 1992), but the structure has been modified to some extent
to take account of profiling requirements and the somewhat
different conformance objectives. In addition, the
identification of the base standard requirement has in some cases
had to be interpreted or varied from that specified in the
current CCITT PICS proforma, either due to the different
classification scheme employed or where the base standard is
unclear and it has been considered that the CCITT PICS proforma
is in error.
3. Non-compliance with base standards
There are no aspects of actual or potential non-compliance with
base standards.
4. Amendments and technical corrigenda to base standards which may
impact on interworking
There are no approved amendments or technical corrigenda (errata)
to base standards referenced in the profiles contained in the
parts of this pDISP which in the view of the submitting
organization may have a potential impact on interworking.
C. Relationship To Other Publications
No national or regional standards are referenced in the parts of
pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
the submitted pDISP.
D. Profile Purpose
1. Summary
The AMH2n set of profiles is applicable to end systems operating
in an Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) environment which form
part of a distributed Message Handling Systems (MHS) environment
and which provide an interpersonal messaging service.
The AMH21 profile specifies the Interpersonal Messaging (IPM)
content (P2 protocol ), which is carried end-to-end (i.e., UA-
to-UA) by the MHS protocols (i.e., P1, P3, P7).
The remaining AMH2n profiles cover the other aspects of an IPM
MHS environment, specifying additional requirements to those
specified in the AMH1n Common Messaging set of profiles as
appropriate to support an IPM service:
AMH22 - IPM Requirements for Message Transfer (P1) - any
additional MTA capabilities related to message transfer
which are specific to support of an IPM environment
(i.e., additional to the requirements of AMH11)
AMH23 - IPM Requirements for MTS Access (P3) - any
additional MTA and MTS-user capabilities related to MTS
access which are specific to support of an IPM
environment (i.e., additional to the requirements of
AMH24 - IPM Requirements for Enhanced MS Access (P7) -
additional MS and MS-user capabilities related to MS
access which are specific to support of an IPM
environment (i.e., additional to the requirements of
AMH13) and which allow an IPM UA to interact with an MS
in a full and flexible manner without having to retrieve
complete messages (minimal attribute support for MS
access in an IPM environment can be specified by claiming
conformance to AMH13 with an additional claim of IPM
attribute support)
Each AMH2n profile specifies the conformance requirements for all
relevant MHS functional objects (ie, MTA, UA, MS). Two or more
AMH2n profiles can be combined to establish the conformance
requirements for the various physical configurations that may be
achieved within the scope of the MHS base standards, as
illustrated in the following diagram.
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993
2. Relationship to other ISPs
The AMH2n set of profiles covers Interpersonal Messaging - i.e.,
the application of the MHS base standards in an IPM content type-
specific environment.
Profiles in the AMH2 set which cover IPM content type-specific
use of MHS services do so by requiring conformance to the
corresponding AMH1n Common Messaging profile plus support of any
additional content type-specific requirements.
E. pDISP Development Process
1. Origin and development history
Reasonably mature regional MHS profiles had been developed by
both OIW and EWOS/ETSI prior to the development of the MHS ISPs.
However, there were significant differences between these
regional profiles, particularly with respect to their overall
taxonomy and structure.
The parts of pDISP nnnnn have been developed under the management
of the MHS ISP Special Group (MISG). MISG was formed in early
1991 as a joint workshop initiative, comprising delegations from
the MHS groups of the three regional workshops. It has provided
a forum for developing and agreeing the MHS ISP taxonomy,
resolving key issues and carrying out initial review of revised
ISP drafts. All MISG decisions have been subject to ratification
by the full meetings of the workshop MHS groups, which have also
carried out detailed review of the ISP drafts.
MISG meetings to date are as follows:
1 May 29-31, 1991, Santa Monica, CA, USA
pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
2 September 4-6, 1991, Brussels, Belgium
3 January 28-30, 1992, Tokyo, Japan
4 May 19-21, 1992, Vancouver, Canada
5 September 9-11, 1992, Oxford, UK
6 February 1-4, 1993, Kyoto, Japan
7 May 10-13, 1993, Bethesda, MD, USA
8 September 22-24, 1993, Stockholm, Sweden
2. Degree of openness and harmonization
The working drafts of pDISP nnnnn have been regularly reviewed by
the MISG and separately by the MHS groups of all three regional
workshops: AOW, EWOS/ETSI and OIW.
[The parts of pDISP nnnnn as submitted are fully harmonized
between the three regional workshops and have been endorsed by
the plenary assemblies of the three workshops (see appendix).]
3. Joint planning
A revised taxonomy for MHS profiles was agreed between the three
workshops and submitted to SGFS in April 1992. It was approved
at the June 1992 meeting of SGFS and is included in the current
published version of ISO/IEC TR 10000-2 : 1992. A proposal for a
minor further change to the taxonomy, to modify the title of
profile AMH24, is attached.
Drafts of the parts of pDISP nnnnn were submitted to the SGFS
Informal Quality Review service in April 1993, but no response
has yet been received. The three regional workshops have since
conducted their own final reviews and have approved the final
texts for formal submission to SGFS subject to resolution of any
outstanding issues to the satisfaction of the workshop
delegations at the 8th MISG meeting in September 1993. This was
It is expected that all referenced base standards and ISPs will
be ratified and published by mid 1994.
F. ISP Content and Format
1. Compliance with the requirements of TR 10000-1
The requirements of clauses 6.3, 8 and annex A of ISO/IEC TR
10000-1 on the content and format of an ISP have been met.
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993
2. Divergence from the requirements of TR 10000-1
There is no divergence from the requirements of ISO/IEC TR 10000-
1 on the content and format of an ISP.
3. Multi-part ISP structure
The AMH2n set of profiles is specified as a multipart ISP
consisting of the following parts:
Part 1 : IPM MHS service support.
A common text part which provides functional description and
specification of IPM-specific MHS service support and
associated functionality as covered by the AMH2n set of
profiles. It identifies what additional service support and
functionality can be supported by each type of MHS component
in an IPM environment (i.e., also covering the services
supported by an IPMS UA, plus any additional MTA and MS
aspects such as IPM body part conversion), divided into basic
requirements and zero or more optional functional groups (see
AMH1n). Such specifications are in many cases applicable to
more than one MHS protocol or are otherwise concerned with
component functionality which, although it can be verified
via protocol, is not just related to protocol support. The
specification in this part is therefore designed for
reference by the following parts (which specify conformance
requirements by protocol for each MHS component) and is
additional to the protocol-specific requirements specified in
those parts. Thus, although this part contains normative
requirements, there is no separate conformance to this part
(i.e., it is not identified in the MHS taxonomy) since such
requirements are only significant when referenced in the
context of a particular protocol profile.
Part 2: AMH21 - IPM content.
This part covers IPMS UA functionality. It specifies support
of the IPM content protocol in terms of basic requirements
and optional functional groups and defines conformance
requirements for an IPMS UA with respect to support of IPM
content and associated functionality (by reference to the
common IPM specifications in part 1).
Part 3: AMH22 - IPM requirements for Message Transfer (P1).
This part covers message transfer between MTAs using the P1
Message Transfer Protocol to support an IPM environment. It
specifies any additional P1 support to that specified in
AMH1n and defines conformance requirements for an MTA which
supports IPM transfer with respect to support of P1 and
associated functionality (requiring conformance to AMH11 and
pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
by reference to the common IPM specifications in part 1).
Part 4: AMH23 - IPM requirements for MTS Access (P3).
This part covers access to an MTS using the P3 MTS Access
Protocol to support an IPM environment. It specifies any
additional P3 support to that specified in AMH1n and defines
conformance requirements for an MTA which supports remote
access for IPM use, and for a remote MTS-user in an IPM
context (i.e., IPMS UA or MS), with respect to support of P3
and associated functionality (requiring conformance to AMH12
and by reference to the common IPM specifications in part 1).
Part 5: AMH24 - IPM requirements for Enhanced MS Access (P7).
This part covers access to an MS using the P7 MS Access
Protocol to support an IPM environment. It specifies any
additional P7 support to that specified in AMH1n and defines
conformance requirements for an MS which supports remote
access for IPM use, and for a remote MS-user in an IPM
context (i.e., IPMS UA), with respect to support of P7 and
associated functionality (requiring conformance to AMH13 and
by reference to the common IPM specifications in part 1).
G. Any Other Information
Appendices: Endorsement letters from the three regional workshops
Proposed change to ISO/IEC TR 10000-2
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993
From: MHS ISP Special Group (MISG)
Date: 24th September 1993
Subject: MHS ISP Taxonomy
The MHS ISP Special Group (MISG) is a joint workshop initiative which
comprises delegations from the MHS groups of the three regional
workshops. It has provided a forum for developing and agreeing the
MHS ISP taxonomy and managing the development of draft ISPs. All MISG
decisions have been subject to ratification by the full meetings of
the workshop MHS groups, which have also carried out detailed review
of the ISP drafts.
The three regional workshops have now endorsed the submission of a
multi-part pDISP covering the AMH2 Interpersonal Messaging profiles.
During the development of this pDISP, it has been considered
necessary to modify the titles of profiles AMH24 and AMH34 to reflect
a minor change in the scope of these profiles, as follows:
5.3.2 Message Handling
AMH Message Handling
a b c Substructure
2 4 IPM Requirements for Enhanced MS Access (P7)
3 4 EDIM Requirements for Enhanced MS Access (P7)
NOTE - The profiles allow an IPM/EDIM UA to interact with an MS in a
full and flexible manner without having to retrieve complete
messages. Minimal attribute support for MS access in an IPM/EDIM
environment can be specified by claiming conformance to AMH13 with an
additional claim of IPM/EDIM attribute support.
pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
TITLE: Information technology - International Standardized Profiles
AMH2n -
Message Handling Systems - Interpersonal Messaging -
Part 1 : IPM MHS Service Support
SOURCE: Project Editor (Jon Stranger, UK)
STATUS: Final pDISP text. Fifth version, 1993-9-24
This document forms part of a draft multipart ISP for MHS
covering Interpersonal Messaging requirements (AMH2), as
identified in the Taxonomy for International Standardized
Profiles (ISO/IEC TR 10000-2 : 1992).
This final pDISP version reflects resolution of all remaining
outstanding issues at the 8th MHS ISP Special Group (MISG)
meeting (Stockholm, September 22-24, 1993) and is intended
for submission to ISO/IEC JTC1/SGFS. The content of this
document is considered by the MHS expert groups of the three
regional workshops as harmonized.
The technical content of this document has been derived
wherever possible from the existing EWOS/ETSI and OIW
regional profiles in this area. However, this document
should not be considered as an internationally harmonized
specification and differences between the content of this
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-1 : September 1993
document and one or more regional profiles may exist.
pDISP AMH2-1 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
Foreword 19
Introduction 21
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Definitions 3
4 Abbreviations 5
5 Conformance 6
6 Basic requirements 6
7 Functional groups 7
8 Naming and addressing 12
9 Error and exception handling 12
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-1 : September 1993
Foreword 34
Introduction 37
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 2
3 Definitions 3
4 Abbreviations 4
5 Conformance 5
A.1 Basic requirements 11
A.2 Optional functional groups 16
A.3 Additional information 18
Foreword 33
Introduction 36
1 Scope 1
pDISP AMH2-1 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
2 Normative references 2
3 Definitions 3
4 Abbreviations 4
5 Conformance 4
A.1 Basic requirements 8
A.2 Optional functional groups 8
Foreword 17
Introduction 19
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 2
3 Definitions 4
4 Abbreviations 5
5 Conformance 5
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-1 : September 1993
A.1 Basic requirements 8
A.2 Optional functional groups 9
Foreword 21
Introduction 23
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 2
3 Definitions 4
4 Abbreviations 5
5 Conformance 5
B.1 Basic requirements 13
B.2 Optional functional groups 19
A Elements of Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
B Amendments and corrigenda . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
pDISP AMH2-1 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
C Additional recommended practices for 1984 interworking 16
ISO/IEC 1993
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this
publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.
ISO/IEC Copyright Office _ Case Postale 56 _ CH-1211 Gen ve 20 _
Printed in Switzerland
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-1 : September 1993
ISO (the International Organization for
Standardization) and IEC (the International
Electrotechnical Commission) form the
specialized system for worldwide
standardization. National bodies that are
members of ISO or IEC participate in the
development of International Standards
through technical committees established by
the respective organization to deal with
particular fields of technical activity. ISO
and IEC technical committees collaborate in
fields of mutual interest. Other
international organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and
IEC, also take part in the work.
In the field of information technology, ISO
and IEC have established a joint technical
committee, ISO/IEC JTC1. In addition to
developing International Standards, ISO/IEC
JTC1 has created a Special Group on
Functional Standardization for the
elaboration of International Standardized
An International Standardized Profile is an
internationally agreed, harmonized document
which identifies a standard or group of
standards, together with options and
parameters, necessary to accomplish a
function or set of functions.
Draft International Standardized Profiles are
circulated to national bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standardized
Profile requires approval by at least 75% of
the national bodies casting a vote.
International Standardized Profile ISO/IEC
ISP xxxxx-1 was prepared with the
collaboration of:
- Asia-Oceania Workshop (AOW)
- European Workshop for Open Systems
(EWOS) [jointly with the European
Telecommunications Standards Institute
- OSE Implementors Workshop (OIW)
pDISP AMH2-1 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx consists of the following
parts, under the general title Information
technology - International Standardized
Profiles AMH2n - Message Handling Systems -
Interpersonal Messaging:
- Part 1 : IPM MHS Service Support
- Part 2 : AMH21 - IPM Content
- Part 3 : AMH22 - IPM Requirements for
Message Transfer (P1)
- Part 4 : AMH23 - IPM Requirements for
MTS Access (P3)
- Part 5 : AMH24 - IPM Requirements for
Enhanced MS Access (P7)
This part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx contains three
annexes, of which annexes A and B are
normative and annex C is informative.
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-1 : September 1993
This part of International Standardized Profile ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx is
defined within the context of Functional Standardization, in
accordance with the principles specified by ISO/IEC TR 10000,
Framework and Taxonomy of International Standardized Profiles . The
context of Functional Standardization is one part of the overall
field of Information Technology (IT) standardization activities,
covering base standards, profiles, and registration mechanisms. A
profile defines a combination of base standards that collectively
perform a specific well-defined IT function. Profiles standardize
the use of options and other variations in the base standards, and
provide a basis for the development of uniform, internationally
recognized system tests.
One of the most important r les for an ISP is to serve as the basis
for the development (by organizations other than ISO and IEC) of
internationally recognized tests and test centres. ISPs are produced
not simply to legitimize a particular choice of base standards and
options, but to promote real system interoperability. The
development and widespread acceptance of tests based on this and
other ISPs is crucial to the successful realization of this goal.
The text for this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx was developed in close
cooperation between the MHS Expert Groups of the three Regional
Workshops: the North American OSE Implementors Workshop (OIW), the
European Workshop for Open Systems (EWOS) (jointly with the
corresponding expert group of the European Telecommunications
Standards Institute - ETSI) and the OSI Asia-Oceania Workshop (AOW).
This part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx is harmonized between these three
Workshops and it has been ratified by the plenary assemblies of all
three Workshops.
Information technology - International Standardized Profiles AMH2n -
Message Handling Systems - Interpersonal Messaging
Part 1 : IPM MHS Service Support
1 Scope
1.1 General
This part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx contains the overall specifications of
the support of MHS Elements of Service and associated MHS
functionality in an Interpersonal Messaging (IPM) environment which
are generally not appropriate for consideration only from the
perspective of a single MHS protocol. These specifications form part
of the Interpersonal Messaging application functions, as defined in
the parts of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx, and are based on the Common Messaging
content type-independent specifications in ISO/IEC ISP 10611. Such
specifications are in many cases applicable to more than one MHS
protocol or are otherwise concerned with component functionality
which, although it can be verified via protocol, is not just related
to protocol support. They are therefore designed to be referenced in
the MHS Interpersonal Messaging application profiles ISO/IEC ISP
xxxxx-2 (AMH21), ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx-3 (AMH22), ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx-4
(AMH23) and ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx-5 (AMH24), which specify the support of
specific MHS protocols and associated functionality.
The specifications in this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx are divided into
basic requirements, which are required to be supported by all IPM MHS
implementations, and a number of optional functional groups, which
cover significant discrete areas of related functionality which are
not required to be supported by all implementations.
1.2 Position within the taxonomy
This part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx is the first part, as common text, of
a multipart ISP identified in ISO/IEC TR 10000-2 as AMH2, Message
Handling Systems - Interpersonal Messaging (see also ISO/IEC TR
10000-1, 8.2 for the definition of multipart ISPs).
This part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx does not, on its own, specify any
2 Normative references
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference
in this text, constitute provisions of this part of ISO/IEC ISP
xxxxx. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were
valid. All documents are subject to revision, and parties to
agreements based on this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx are warned against
automatically applying any more recent editions of the documents
listed below, since the nature of references made by ISPs to such
documents is that they may be specific to a particular edition.
Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid
International Standards and ISPs, and CCITT maintains published
editions of its current Recommendations.
Amendments and corrigenda to the base standards referenced are listed
in annex B.
NOTE - References in the body of this part of ISO/IEC xxxxx to
specific clauses of ISO/IEC documents shall be considered to refer
also to the corresponding clauses of the equivalent CCITT
Recommendations (as noted below) unless otherwise stated.
ISO/IEC TR 10000-1: 1992, Information technology - Framework and
taxonomy of International Standardized Profiles - Part 1: Framework.
ISO/IEC TR 10000-2: 1992, Information technology - Framework and
taxonomy of International Standardized Profiles - Part 2: Taxonomy.
ISO/IEC 10021-1: 1990, Information technology - Text Communication -
Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems (MOTIS) - Part 1: Service
Overview. [see also CCITT Recommendation X.400(1988)]
ISO/IEC 10021-2: 1990, Information technology - Text Communication -
Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems (MOTIS) - Part 2: Overall
Architecture. [see also CCITT Recommendation X.402(1988)]
ISO/IEC 10021-4: 1990, Information technology - Text Communication -
Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems (MOTIS) - Part 4: Message
Transfer System: Abstract Service Definition and Procedures. [see
also CCITT Recommendation X.411(1988)]
ISO/IEC 10021-5: 1990, Information technology - Text Communication -
Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems (MOTIS) - Part 5: Message
Store: Abstract Service Definition. [see also CCITT Recommendation
ISO/IEC 10021-7: 1990, Information technology - Text Communication -
Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems (MOTIS) - Part 7:
Interpersonal Messaging System. [see also CCITT Recommendation
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993
ISO/IEC ISP 10611-1: ---2, Information technology - International
Standardized Profiles - Message Handling Systems - Common Messaging -
Part 1: MHS Service Support.
CCITT Recommendation X.400(1988), Message handling system and service
CCITT Recommendation X.402(1988), Message handling systems: Overall
CCITT Recommendation X.411(1988), Message handling systems: Message
transfer system: Abstract service definition and procedures.
CCITT Recommendation X.413(1988), Message handling systems: Message
store: Abstract service definition.
CCITT Recommendation X.420(1988), Message handling systems:
Interpersonal messaging system.
MHS Implementors' Guide, Version 8, March 1992 (CCITT Special
Rapporteur's Group on Message Handling Systems and ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC18/WG4 SWG on Messaging).
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx, the following
definitions apply.
Terms used in this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx are defined in the
referenced base standards; in addition, the following terms are
3.1 General
Basic requirement : an Element of Service, protocol element,
procedural element or other identifiable feature specified in the
base standards which is required to be supported by all MHS
Functional group : a specification of one or more related Elements of
Service, protocol elements, procedural elements or other identifiable
features specified in the base standards which together support a
significant optional area of MHS functionality.
2To be published.
NOTE - A functional group can cover any combination of MHS features
specified in the base standards for which the effect of
implementation can be determined at a standardized external interface
- i.e., via a standard OSI communications protocol (other forms of
exposed interface, such as a standardized programmatic interface, are
outside the scope of this version of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx).
3.2 Support classification
To specify the support level of Elements of Service for this part of
ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx, the following terminology is defined.
mandatory support (m) :
for origination:
for MT and MS Elements of Service:
a service provider (i.e., an MTA or MS) shall be able to make
the Element of Service available to a service user in the
r le of originator; a service user (i.e., a UA) shall be able
to use the Element of Service in the r le of originator.
for IPM Elements of Service:
a service provider (i.e., an IPM UA) shall implement all
procedures specified in the base standards which are
associated with the provision of the Element of Service,
including use of the corresponding MT or MS Element(s) of
Service, as appropriate; where specified in the base
standards, a service provider shall make the Element of
Service available to the service user in the r le of
originator; in all cases it shall be stated in the PICS
whether the Element of Service is made available to the
service user and, if so, how this is achieved.
for reception:
for MT and MS Elements of Service:
a service provider (i.e., an MTA or MS) shall be able to make
the Element of Service available to a service user in the
r le of recipient; a service user (i.e., a UA) shall be able
to use the Element of Service in the r le of recipient.
for IPM Elements of Service:
a service provider (i.e., an IPM UA) shall implement all
procedures specified in the base standards which are
associated with the provision of the Element of Service,
including use of the corresponding MT or MS Element(s) of
Service, as appropriate; where specified in the base
standards, a service provider shall make the Element of
Service available to the service user in the r le of
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993
recipient; in all cases it shall be stated in the PICS
whether the Element of Service is made available to the
service user and, if so, how this is achieved.
optional support (o) : an implementation is not required to support
the Element of Service. If support is claimed, then the Element of
Service shall be treated as if it were specified as mandatory
conditional support (c) : the Element of Service shall be supported
under the conditions specified in this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx. If
these conditions are met, the Element of Service shall be treated as
if it were specified as mandatory support. If these conditions are
not met, the Element of Service shall be treated as if it were
specified as optional support (unless otherwise stated).
out of scope (i) : the Element of Service is outside the scope of
this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx - i.e., it will not be the subject of
an ISP conformance test. However, the handling of associated
protocol elements may be specified separately in the subsequent parts
of this ISP.
not applicable ( ) : the Element of Service is not applicable in the
particular context in which this classification is used.
4 Abbreviations
84IW 84 Interworking
AMH Application Message Handling
ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation One
CV Conversion
DIR Use of Directory
DL Distribution List
EoS Element of Service
FG Functional group
IPM Interpersonal Messaging
ISP International Standardized Profile
LD Latest Delivery
MHS Message Handling Systems
MS Message store
MT Message transfer
MTA Message transfer agent
MTS Message Transfer System
OSI Open Systems Interconnection
PD Physical Delivery
PDAU Physical delivery access unit
RED Redirection
RoC Return of Contents
SEC Security
UA User agent
Support level for Elements of Service (see 3.2):
m mandatory support
o optional support
c conditional support
i out of scope
not applicable
5 Conformance
No conformance requirements are specified in this part of ISO/IEC ISP
NOTE - This part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx is a reference specification of
the basic requirements and functional groups covered by the AMH2n set
of profiles and is additional to the protocol-specific requirements
specified in the following parts of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx. Although this
part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx contains normative requirements, there is
no separate conformance to this part (i.e., it is not identified in
the MHS taxonomy in ISO/IEC TR 10000-2) since such requirements are
only significant when referenced in the context of a particular
Conformance requirements are specified by protocol for each MHS
component in the following parts of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx with reference
to the specifications in this part. Support of functionality as
specified in this part may only be verifiable where the effect of
implementation can be determined at a standardized external interface
- i.e., via a standard OSI communications protocol. Further, the
provision of Elements of Service and other functionality at a service
interface will not necessarily be verifiable unless such interface is
realized in the form of a standard OSI communications protocol.
Other forms of exposed interface (such as a human user interface or a
standardized programmatic interface) may be provided, but are not
required for conformance to this version of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx.
6 Basic requirements
Annex A specifies the basic requirements for support of MHS Elements
of Service (EoS) for conformance to ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx. Basic
requirements specify the level of support required by all IPM MHS
implementations, as appropriate to each type of MHS component - i.e.,
MTA, MS or UA (as MTS-user or MS-user, as relevant).
An implementation conforming to the basic requirements of ISO/IEC ISP
xxxxx shall conform to the basic requirements of ISO/IEC ISP 10611,
as appropriate to the type of MHS component.
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993
7 Functional groups
Annex A also specifies any additional requirements for support of MHS
EoS if support of an optional functional group (FG) is claimed, as
appropriate to each type of MHS component. The following clauses
summarize the functionality supported by each of the optional FGs and
identify any particular requirements or implementation considerations
which are outside the scope of formal conformance to ISO/IEC ISP
xxxxx. A summary of the functional groups, identifying which may be
supported (Y) and which are not applicable (N) for each type of MHS
component (i.e., MTA, MS or UA - whether as MTS-user or as MS-user is
not distinguished), is given in the following table.
Table 1 - Summary of AMH2n optional functional groups
Functional Group MTA MS UA
IPM Conversion (CV) Y N Y
IPM Distribution List Y N N
IPM Physical Delivery Y N Y
IPM Manual Forwarding N N Y
IPM Redirection (RED) Y N Y
IPM Latest Delivery (LD) Y N Y
IPM Return of Contents Y N Y
IPM Security (SEC) Y Y Y
IPM Use of Directory Y N Y
IPM 84 Interworking Y N Y
7.1 IPM Conversion (CV)
The IPM Conversion FG covers support of those EoS which provide the
functionality required to perform the action of message body part
conversion. Support of the IPM CV FG is applicable to an MTA or a
UA. Support of the IPM CV FG by an MTA covers support of either or
both of the Explicit Conversion and Implicit Conversion EoS. Support
of the IPM CV FG by a UA covers support of the Explicit Conversion
EoS only.
NOTE - Support of EoS associated with conversion prohibition is a
basic MTA requirement, but this does not imply a capability to
perform conversion.
A UA implementation conforming to the IPM CV FG shall support use of
the MT Explicit Conversion EoS and the MT Conversion Prohibition in
Case of Loss of Information EoS. It shall be stated in the PICS
which encoded information type conversions the UA can request.
An MTA implementation conforming to the IPM CV FG shall conform to
the Common Messaging CV FG as specified in ISO/IEC ISP 10611 in an
IPM context (i.e., the ability to perform conversion of IPM content
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993
is required).
7.2 IPM Distribution List (DL)
The IPM Distribution List FG covers all issues relating to the
performance of distribution list (DL) expansion. Support of the IPM
DL FG is only applicable to an MTA.
An implementation conforming to the IPM DL FG shall conform to the
Common Messaging DL FG as specified in ISO/IEC ISP 10611. There are
no additional requirements for an MTA in an IPM environment.
7.3 IPM Physical Delivery (PD)
The IPM Physical Delivery FG is concerned with access to physical
delivery (i.e., postal, courier, etc.) services. The IPM PD FG
comprises two separate and distinct parts:
support of PD EoS on origination and submission;
support of a co-located physical delivery access unit
Support of PD EoS on submission is applicable to an MTA or a UA.
Support of a PDAU is only applicable to an MTA.
An implementation conforming to the IPM PD FG shall conform to the
Common Messaging PD FG as specified in ISO/IEC ISP 10611. There are
no additional requirements for an MTA or UA in an IPM environment.
7.4 IPM Manual Forwarding (FWD)
The IPM Manual Forwarding FG covers support for forwarding of
messages by the MHS user. Support of the IPM FWD FG is only
applicable to a UA.
A UA implementation conforming to the IPM FWD FG shall support the
Forwarded IP-message Indication EoS on origination.
7.5 IPM Redirection (RED)
The IPM Redirection FG covers support of those EoS which provide the
functionality required to perform the actions associated with the
delivery of a message to a recipient other than the one initially
specified by the originator. Support of the IPM RED FG is applicable
to an MTA or a UA.
An MTA implementation conforming to the IPM RED FG shall conform to
the Common Messaging RED FG as specified in ISO/IEC ISP 10611. There
are no additional requirements for an MTA in an IPM environment.
A UA implementation conforming to the IPM RED FG shall support use of
the following MT EoS:
Alternate Recipient Allowed
Originator Requested Alternate Recipient
Redirection of Incoming Messages
7.6 IPM Latest Delivery (LD)
The IPM Latest Delivery FG covers support of the Latest Delivery EoS
- i.e., the functionality required to cause non-delivery to occur if
a latest delivery time specified by the originator has expired.
Support of the IPM LD FG is applicable to an MTA or a UA.
An implementation conforming to the IPM LD FG shall conform to the
Common Messaging LD FG as specified in ISO/IEC ISP 10611. There are
no additional requirements for an MTA or UA in an IPM environment.
7.7 IPM Return of Contents (RoC)
The IPM Return of Contents FG covers support of the Return of
Contents EoS - i.e., the functionality required to cause the contents
of a submitted message to be returned in any non-delivery
notification if so requested by the originator. Support of the IPM
RoC FG is applicable to an MTA or a UA.
NOTE - The IPM RoC FG is concerned only with the return of content in
a non-delivery notification, not with return of an IPM in a non-
receipt notification.
An implementation conforming to the IPM RoC FG shall conform to the
Common Messaging RoC FG as specified in ISO/IEC ISP 10611. There are
no additional requirements for an MTA or UA in an IPM environment.
7.8 IPM Security (SEC)
The IPM Security FG covers the provision of secure messaging in an
IPM environment and is specified as three security classes which are
incremental subsets of the security features available in the MHS
base standards:
S0 This security class only requires security functions which
are applicable between MTS-users. Consequently security
mechanisms are implemented within the MTS-user. An MTA is
only required to support the syntax of the security services
on submission and delivery (support of the syntax on relaying
is a basic requirement). An MTA is not expected to
understand the semantics of the security services.
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993
S1 This security class requires security functionality within
both the MTS-user and the MTS. The MTS security
functionality is only required to achieve secure access
management. As with S0, most of the security mechanisms are
implemented within an MTS user. S1 primarily provides
integrity and authentication between MTS users. However,
MTAs are expected to support digital signatures for peer-to-
peer authentication, security labelling and security
S2 This security class adds security functions within MTAs and
the MTS. The main security function added within this class
is authentication within the MTS, and hence non-repudiation
can also be provided.
In addition, each of the three security classes has a variant
(denoted as S0C, S1C and S2C) which requires support of end-to-end
content confidentiality.
Support of the SEC FG is applicable to an MTA, an MS or a UA (either
as MTS-user or as MS-user) and requires as a minimum support of
security class S0.
An implementation conforming to the IPM SEC FG shall conform to the
Common Messaging SEC FG as specified in ISO/IEC ISP 10611. There are
no additional requirements for an MTA, UA or MS in an IPM
7.9 IPM Use of Directory (DIR)
The IPM Use of Directory functional group covers support of the
Designation of Recipient by Directory Name EoS - i.e., allowing
specification of a recipient by means of a directory name on
submission, with access to a directory service by an MTA to obtain
one or more O/R addresses corresponding to that directory name
(either on submission or subsequently if an O/R address is absent or
determined to be invalid and a directory name is also present).
NOTE - A directory may also be used directly by MHS users to obtain
information to assist in the submission of messages. However, such
use is not necessarily MHS-specific and is therefore outside the
scope of this ISP.
Support of the IPM DIR FG is applicable to an MTA or a UA.
An implementation conforming to the IPM DIR FG shall conform to the
Common Messaging DIR FG as specified in ISO/IEC ISP 10611. There are
no additional requirements for an MTA or UA in an IPM environment.
7.10 IPM 84 Interworking (84IW)
The 84 Interworking functional group covers interworking between
implementations conforming to ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx (hereafter referred
to as 1988 systems ) and implementations conforming to the CCITT
X.400(1984) Recommendations (hereafter referred to as 1984
systems ).
Support of the 84IW FG is applicable to an MTA or a UA.
An MTA implementation conforming to the IPM 84IW FG shall conform to
the Common Messaging 84IW FG as specified in ISO/IEC ISP 10611.
There are no additional requirements for an MTA in an IPM
A UA implementation conforming to the IPM 84IW FG shall support
origination and reception of IPM content identified as integer 22 or
as integer 2 as specified in clause 20.2 of ISO/IEC 10021-7 and shall
support origination of IA5 Text body parts.
Additional recommended practices for interworking with 1984 systems
are described in annex C, covering procedures for downgrading IPM
content type 22 to content type 2.
8 Naming and addressing
Implementations shall support naming and addressing capabilities as
specified in clause 8 of ISO/IEC ISP 10611-1.
In addition, a UA implementation shall support use of the numeric and
terminal O/R address forms to identify recipients (support of these
forms to identify the UA itself is not required).
9 Error and exception handling
The upper bounds defined in annex K of ISO/IEC 10021-7 are normative
for the purposes of this ISP.
An implementation shall not generate elements which exceed such
An implementation detecting a violation of such bounds may generate a
size-constraint-violation, but is not required to do so.
An implementation is not required to be able to accept elements up to
such bounds where an appropriate error indication (e.g., content-too-
long, too-many-recipients) is defined in the base standards.
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993
Annex A
Elements of Service
In the event of a discrepancy becoming apparent in the body of this
part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx and the tables in this annex, this annex is
to take precedence.
A.1 MT Elements of Service
The requirements for support of MT EoS by an MTA are as specified in
clause A.1 of ISO/IEC ISP 10611-1. The following tables specify the
requirements for use of such services by an MTS-user in an IPM
environment (i.e., IPM UA) for conformance to ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx.
Whether such services are made available to the MHS user is covered
in the AMH21 PICS proforma.
In the following tables, the "Basic" column reflects the basic
requirements for conformance to ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx - i.e., the minimum
level of support required by all IPM UA implementations (see clause
6). The "Functional Group" column specifies any additional support
requirements if support of an optional functional group is claimed
(see clause 7). Each column is then further subdivided into support
for origination ("Orig") and reception ("Rec") as defined in 3.2,
together with the abbreviated name of the functional group ("FG") in
the case of the second column.
Table A.1 - Elements of Service Belonging to The Basic IPM Service
(MT EoS)
Table Element of Service Basic Functional
A.2 - Group
Option Orig Rec. FG Orig Rec.
al . .
User Access Management m m
ties Content Type Indication m m
EoS) Converted Indication m
Delivery Time Stamp m
Message Identification m m
Non-delivery Notification m
Original Encoded Information m m
Types Indication
Submission Time Stamp m m
User/UA Capabilities m
Table A.1 - Elements of Service Belonging to The Basic IPM
Service (MT EoS)
Element of Service Basic Functional
Orig Rec. FG Orig Rec.
. .
Additional Physical Rendition o
Alternate Recipient Allowed o RED m
Alternate Recipient
Basic Physical Rendition o PD m
Content Confidentiality o o SEC c1 c1
Content Integrity o o SEC c1 c1
Conversion Prohibition m m
Conversion Prohibition in o o CV m m
Case of Loss of Information
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993
Counter Collection o PD m
Counter Collection with o
Deferred Delivery m
Deferred Delivery m
Delivery Notification m
Delivery via Bureaufax o
Designation of Recipient by o DIR m
Directory Name
Disclosure of Other o m
DL Expansion History m
DL Expansion Prohibited m4
EMS (Express Mail Service) o PD m
Explicit Conversion o CV m
Grade of Delivery Selection m m
Hold for Delivery i
Implicit Conversion
Latest Delivery Designation o LD m
Message Flow Confidentiality i i
Message Origin Authentication o o SEC c1 c1
Message Security Labelling o o SEC c1 c1
Message Sequence Integrity o o
Multi-destination Delivery m
Non-repudiation of Delivery o o SEC c1 c1
Non-repudiation of Origin o o SEC c1 c1
Non-repudiation of Submission i SEC c1
Ordinary Mail o PD m
Originator Requested o RED m
Alternate Recipient
Physical Delivery o
Notification by MHS
Physical Delivery o
Notification by PDS
Physical Forwarding Allowed o PD m
Physical Forwarding o PD m
Prevention of Non-delivery o
Probe o
Probe Origin Authentication i SEC c1
Proof of Delivery o o SEC c1 c1
Proof of Submission i SEC c1
Redirection Disallowed by m4
Redirection of Incoming o RED m
Registered Mail o
Registered Mail to Addressee o
in Person
Report Origin Authentication i i SEC c1 c1
Request for Forwarding o
Requested Preferred Delivery o
Restricted Delivery i
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993
Return of Content o RoC m
Secure Access Management o o SEC c1 c1
Special Delivery o PD m
Undeliverable Mail with o PD m
Return of Physical Message
Use of Distribution List m6
1 Support is according to the security class for which
support is claimed - see clause A.1 of ISO/IEC ISP 10611-1
2 The method by which an alternate recipient is specified
to the MTA is outside the scope of this ISP
3 Performance of this EoS is not guaranteed if the
message has already been transferred from the submitting
4 Support of this EoS has been made mandatory as the
default is "allowed" (the capability to generate both the
"prohibited" value and the "allowed" value is required)
5 It is not required that support of this EoS is achieved
using the Register operation
6 Use of Distribution List on submission is always
possible as DLs cannot be distinguished from other O/R
A.2 MS Elements of Service
The requirements for support of MS EoS by an MS are as specified in
clause A.2 of ISO/IEC ISP 10611-1. The following tables specify the
requirements for use of such services by an MS-user in an IPM
environment (i.e. IPM UA) for conformance to ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx.
Whether such services are made available to the MHS user is covered
in the AMH21 PICS proforma.
In the following tables, the "Basic" column reflects the basic
requirements for conformance to ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx - i.e., the minimum
level of support required by all IPM UA implementations (see clause
6). The "Functional Group" column specifies any additional support
requirements if support of an optional functional group is claimed
(see clause 7), together with the abbreviated name of the functional
group ("FG").
Table A.3 - Base Message Store
Element of Service Basi Functional
c Group
MS Register o
Stored Message Deletion m
Stored Message Fetching m
Stored Message Listing m
Stored Message Summary m
Table A.4 - MS Optional User Facilities
Element of Service Basi Functional
c Group
Stored Message Alert o
Stored Message Auto-forward o
A.3 IPM-specific Elements of Service
The following tables specify the requirements for support of IPM-
specific Elements of Service by an MTS-user in an IPM environment
(i.e., IPM UA) for conformance to ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx. Whether such
services are made available to the MHS user is covered in the AMH21
PICS proforma.
In the following tables, the "Basic" column reflects the basic
requirements for conformance to ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx - i.e., the minimum
level of support required by all IPM UA implementations (see clause
6). The "Functional Group" column specifies any additional support
requirements if support of an optional functional group is claimed
(see clause 7). Each column is then further subdivided into support
for origination ("Orig") and reception ("Rec") as defined in 3.2,
together with the abbreviated name of the functional group ("FG") in
the case of the second column.
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993
Table A.5 - Elements of Service Belonging to The Basic IPM Service
Element of Service Basic Functional
Orig Rec. FG Orig Rec.
. .
IP-message Identification m m
Typed Body m m
Table A.6 - IPM Optional User Facilities (IPM EoS)
Element of Service Basic Functional
Orig Rec. FG Orig Rec.
. .
Authorizing Users Indication o m
Auto-forwarded Indication o m
Blind Copy Recipient o m
Body Part Encryption o m
Table A.6 - IPM Optional User Facilities (IPM EoS) Cross-referencing Indication o m
Expiry Date Indication o m
Forwarded IP-message o m FWD m
Importance Indication o m
Incomplete Copy Indication o m
Language Indication o m
Multi-part Body m m
Non-receipt Notification o m1
Request Indication
Obsoleting Indication o m
Originator Indication m m
Primary and Copy Recipients m m
Receipt Notification Request o o
Reply Request Indication o m
Replying IP-message m m
Sensitivity Indication o m
Subject Indication m m
1 The capability to generate a non-receipt notification 20
does not have to be demonstrated for an implementation in
which a non-receipt condition cannot occur
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993
Annex B
Amendments and corrigenda
International Standards are subject to constant review and revision
by the ISO/IEC Technical Committees concerned. The following
amendments and corrigenda are approved by ISO/IEC JTC1 and are
considered as normative references in this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx.
NOTE - Corresponding corrigenda to the equivalent CCITT
Recommendations are contained in the joint CCITT/ISO MHS
Implementor's Guide.
ISO/IEC 10021-1/Cor.1:1991 ISO/IEC 10021-
ISO/IEC 10021-1/Cor.2:1991 ISO/IEC 10021-
ISO/IEC 10021-1/Cor.3:1992 ISO/IEC 10021-
ISO/IEC 10021-1/Cor.4:1992 ISO/IEC 10021-
ISO/IEC 10021-1/Cor.5:1992 ISO/IEC 10021-
ISO/IEC 10021-2/Cor.1:1991
ISO/IEC 10021-2/Cor.2:1991
ISO/IEC 10021-2/Cor.3:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-2/Cor.4:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-4/Cor.1:1991
ISO/IEC 10021-4/Cor.2:1991
ISO/IEC 10021-4/Cor.3:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-4/Cor.4:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-4/Cor.5:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-5/Cor.1:1991
ISO/IEC 10021-5/Cor.2:1991
ISO/IEC 10021-5/Cor.3:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-5/Cor.4:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-5/Cor.5:1992
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993
Annex C
Additional recommended practices for 1984 interworking
C.1 Introduction
This annex provides some additional recommendations concerning
interworking between IPM UA implementations conforming to ISO/IEC ISP
xxxxx (hereafter referred to as 1988 systems ) and IPM UA
implementations conforming to earlier versions of the MHS base
standards (hereafter referred to as 1984 systems ).
Such recommendations are additional to the requirements of the IPM 84
Interworking functional group, either because the interworking issue
in question is outside the scope of the MHS base standards (and hence
also outside the scope of formal conformance to this ISP) or because
it is anticipated that the issue should be resolved in the MHS base
The recommendations in this annex are concerned with the downgrading
of interpersonal messages (IPMs) and interpersonal notifications
(IPNs) from content type 22 to content type 2. Such a capability
could be implemented in an originating IPM UA or elsewhere in the
message path.
This annex does not specify the conditions under which an
implementation may invoke these procedures, or how a requirement for
downgrading of a particular IPM or IPN should be determined. Such
determination will require knowledge of the recipient's capabilities,
bilateral agreements, configuration or some other appropriate means.
Without such knowledge it may be inappropriate to invoke these
procedures, and it is strongly recommended that content downgrading
is only performed when it is known that it is appropriate to do so.
NOTE - Recommended practices for interworking between 1988 and 1984
MTA implementations are covered in annex D of ISO/IEC ISP 10611-1.
C.2 Downgrading an Interpersonal Message (IPM)
Downgrading of an IPM of content type 22 is as follows.
If the delivered content type of an IPM in a Message body part is 22,
then these rules are also applied recursively to that IPM.
Downgrading of an IPM containing both 1984 and 1988 recipients should
only be performed for 1984 recipients (i.e., such an IPM will need to
be split).
C.2.1 Extensions
If the extensions field is present in the heading, or any recipient
extensions field is present in a recipient specifier, then each such
field is deleted.
C.2.2 O/R Descriptors
If an O/R descriptor contains a formal-name (an O/R name), then the
O/R name is downgraded as specified in clause B.2.7 of ISO/IEC 10021-
6. The additional downgrading rule in clause D.3 of ISO/IEC ISP
10611-1 may also be observed.
[Editor's Note : The previous sentence will be removed if the
downgrading of common-name is covered in an agreed ISO corrigendum.]
NOTE - O/R descriptors occur in each of the originator, authorizing-
users, primary-recipients, copy-recipients, blind-copy-recipients and
reply-recipients heading fields.
For an originator O/R descriptor, if, after applying these rules, the
formal-name has not been downgraded, then downgrading of the content
always fails and a non-delivery notification should be returned.
For other O/R descriptors, if, after applying these rules,
downgrading has failed, then information from the directory name
and/or the original O/R address may be captured in an implementation-
defined manner (for example, it may be placed in the free-form-name
or in a domain-defined attribute) and the formal-name may then be
deleted. In the case of a recipient O/R descriptor, however, any
notification-requested or reply-requested flag should also be removed
(see also item a) of clause 7.1.3 of ISO/IEC 10021-7).
C.2.3 IPM Identifiers
If an IPM identifier contains an O/R name, then the O/R name is
downgraded as specified in clause B.2.7 of ISO/IEC 10021-6. The
additional downgrading rule in clause D.3 of ISO/IEC ISP 10611-1 may
also be observed.
[Editor's Note : The previous sentence will be removed if the
downgrading of common-name is covered in an agreed ISO corrigendum.]
NOTE - IPM identifiers occur in each of the this-IPM, replied-to-IPM,
obsoleted-IPMs and related-IPMs heading fields.
If the O/R name cannot be downgraded, then it is deleted. In such a
case, if it is not known that the user-relative-identifier is
sufficient on its own for reference purposes, then a string value of
"..." should be appended to the user-relative-identifier to indicate
that significant information may have been lost.
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993
C.2.4 Delivery Envelope
The delivery-envelope, if present in the parameters element of a
Message body part, is downgraded according to the following rules.
If the delivery-envelope cannot be downgraded, then it is deleted.
If the content-identifier is present, then it is deleted.
If the extensions element is present, then it is deleted.
NOTE - Criticality indicators do not apply.
NOTE - The redirection-history extension should not be transformed
into the equivalent format as specified in the suspended 1986 version
of MOTIS, since the latter's use of tag [9] conflicts with the use of
this tag value for the extensions element in
OtherMessageDeliveryFields in ISO/IEC 10021-4.
If the delivered content type is 22, then it is changed to 2.
All O/R names are downgraded as specified in clause B.2.7 of ISO/IEC
10021-6. The additional downgrading rule in clause D.3 of ISO/IEC
ISP 10611-1 may also be observed.
[Editor's Note : The previous sentence will be removed if the
downgrading of common-name is covered in an agreed ISO corrigendum.]
If the originator-name or this-recipient-name cannot be downgraded,
then the delivery-envelope cannot be downgraded.
If the originally-intended-recipient-name cannot be downgraded, then
either it is deleted or the delivery-envelope cannot be downgraded.
If an other-recipient-name cannot be downgraded, then either that
name is deleted or all the other-recipient-names are deleted.
Encoded information types are downgraded as specified in clause B.2.9
of ISO/IEC 10021-6.
C.2.5 Body
If the syntax element is present in the parameters element of a
Videotex body part, then it is deleted.
If an IA5Text body part or a Message body part is represented as an
Externally Defined body part, then it is transformed into the
corresponding basic body part type. If an Externally Defined body
part is of an extended body part type other than IA5Text or Message,
and that body part type has a basic body part type defined, then the
Externally Defined body part may be transformed into the
corresponding basic body part type. Annex B of ISO/IEC 10021-7
identifies the equivalences between basic body part types and
extended body part types. That list is supplemented by the
equivalence for the ODA body part type, as follows:
- ODA extended body part type - defined in annex E of ISO 8613-
- ODA basic body part type - defined in annex B of ISO/IEC ISP
10610-1; encoded information type bits 0 and 10 are set.
NOTE - These transformations are not considered to be conversion,
since they do not affect the semantics of the encoded information
types in the message envelope, and hence are not controlled by any
prohibition on implicit conversion or conversion with loss.
Any other extended body part types may either be transformed into
basic body parts by bilateral agreement, or else downgrading fails.
NOTE - As such transformation is outside the scope of CCITT
Recommendation X.408, an implementation may use its own conversion
rules. For example, it may encapsulate the complete body part, or
alternatively may encapsulate just the data element of the body part.
Which body part type is used is a local matter. In the most extreme
case, the body part may be replaced with an IA5 Text body part
containing an indication of the presence of the original body part,
although the objective should be to capture the body part in an
encoding compatible with the 1984 standards without loss of
information if possible. It should, however, be noted that any
associated encoded information types in the message envelope will be
mapped to undefined according to the rules in annex B of ISO/IEC
C.3 Downgrading an Interpersonal Notification (IPN)
Downgrading of an IPN of content type 22 is as follows.
If the IPN is an Other Notification (ON), then downgrading fails.
C.3.1 Extensions
If any of the notification-extensions, rn-extensions or nrn-
extensions fields is present, then it is deleted.
C.3.2 O/R Descriptors
Downgrading of an O/R descriptor is as specified in C.2.2.
C.3.3 Common Fields
If the ipn-originator or the ipm-preferred-recipient cannot be
downgraded, then either the field is deleted or downgrading fails.
If the subject-ipm contains an O/R name, then the O/R name is
downgraded as specified in C.2.3.
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993
The conversion-eits field, if present, is downgraded as specified in
clause B.2.9 of ISO/IEC 10021-6.
C.3.4 Non-receipt Fields
The returned-ipm field, if present, is either downgraded as specified
in C.2, or else is deleted.
NOTE - The NRN contains no indication as to whether the returned IPM
is of content type 22 or 2.
C.3.5 Receipt Fields
The suppl-receipt-info field, if present and longer than 64
characters, is truncated to 64 characters.
TITLE: Information technology - International Standardized Profiles
AMH2n -
Message Handling Systems - Interpersonal Messaging -
Part 2 : AMH21 - IPM Content
SOURCE: Project Editor (Jon Stranger, UK)
STATUS: Final pDISP text. Fifth version, 1993-9-24
This document forms part of a draft multipart ISP for MHS
covering Interpersonal Messaging requirements (AMH2), as
identified in the Taxonomy for International Standardized
Profiles (ISO/IEC TR 10000-2 : 1992).
This final pDISP version reflects resolution of all remaining
outstanding issues at the 8th MHS ISP Special Group (MISG)
meeting (Stockholm, September 22-24, 1993) and is intended
for submission to ISO/IEC JTC1/SGFS. The content of this
document is considered by the MHS expert groups of the three
regional workshops as harmonized.
The technical content of this document has been derived
wherever possible from the existing EWOS/ETSI and OIW
regional profiles in this area. However, this document
should not be considered as an internationally harmonized
specification and differences between the content of this
document and one or more regional profiles may exist.
Foreword 19
Introduction 21
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Definitions 3
4 Abbreviations 5
5 Conformance 6
6 Basic requirements 6
7 Functional groups 7
8 Naming and addressing 12
9 Error and exception handling 12
Foreword 34
pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
Introduction 37
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 2
3 Definitions 3
4 Abbreviations 4
5 Conformance 5
A.1 Basic requirements 11
A.2 Optional functional groups 16
A.3 Additional information 18
Foreword 33
Introduction 36
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 2
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993
3 Definitions 3
4 Abbreviations 4
5 Conformance 4
A.1 Basic requirements 8
A.2 Optional functional groups 8
Foreword 17
Introduction 19
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 2
3 Definitions 4
4 Abbreviations 5
5 Conformance 5
A.1 Basic requirements 8
pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
A.2 Optional functional groups 9
Foreword 21
Introduction 23
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 2
3 Definitions 4
4 Abbreviations 5
5 Conformance 5
B.1 Basic requirements 13
B.2 Optional functional groups 19
A ISPICS Proforma for ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx-2 (AMH21) . . 5
B Amendments and corrigenda . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993
ISO/IEC 1993
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this
publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.
ISO/IEC Copyright Office _ Case Postale 56 _ CH-1211 Gen ve 20 _
Printed in Switzerland
pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
ISO (the International Organization for
Standardization) and IEC (the International
Electrotechnical Commission) form the
specialized system for worldwide
standardization. National bodies that are
members of ISO or IEC participate in the
development of International Standards
through technical committees established by
the respective organization to deal with
particular fields of technical activity. ISO
and IEC technical committees collaborate in
fields of mutual interest. Other
international organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and
IEC, also take part in the work.
In the field of information technology, ISO
and IEC have established a joint technical
committee, ISO/IEC JTC1. In addition to
developing International Standards, ISO/IEC
JTC1 has created a Special Group on
Functional Standardization for the
elaboration of International Standardized
An International Standardized Profile is an
internationally agreed, harmonized document
which identifies a standard or group of
standards, together with options and
parameters, necessary to accomplish a
function or set of functions.
Draft International Standardized Profiles are
circulated to national bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standardized
Profile requires approval by at least 75% of
the national bodies casting a vote.
International Standardized Profile ISO/IEC
ISP xxxxx-2 was prepared with the
collaboration of:
- Asia-Oceania Workshop (AOW)
- European Workshop for Open Systems
(EWOS) [jointly with the European
Telecommunications Standards Institute
- OSE Implementors Workshop (OIW)
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993
ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx consists of the following
parts, under the general title Information
technology - International Standardized
Profiles AMH2n - Message Handling Systems -
Interpersonal Messaging:
- Part 1 : IPM MHS Service Support
- Part 2 : AMH21 - IPM Content
- Part 3 : AMH22 - IPM Requirements for
Message Transfer (P1)
- Part 4 : AMH23 - IPM Requirements for
MTS Access (P3)
- Part 5 : AMH24 - IPM Requirements for
Enhanced MS Access (P7)
pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
This part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx contains two
annexes, A and B, which are normative.
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993
This part of International Standardized Profile ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx is
defined within the context of Functional Standardization, in
accordance with the principles specified by ISO/IEC TR 10000,
Framework and Taxonomy of International Standardized Profiles . The
context of Functional Standardization is one part of the overall
field of Information Technology (IT) standardization activities,
covering base standards, profiles, and registration mechanisms. A
profile defines a combination of base standards that collectively
perform a specific well-defined IT function. Profiles standardize
the use of options and other variations in the base standards, and
provide a basis for the development of uniform, internationally
recognized system tests.
One of the most important r les for an ISP is to serve as the basis
for the development (by organizations other than ISO and IEC) of
internationally recognized tests and test centres. ISPs are produced
not simply to legitimize a particular choice of base standards and
options, but to promote real system interoperability. The
development and widespread acceptance of tests based on this and
other ISPs is crucial to the successful realization of this goal.
The text for this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx was developed in close
cooperation between the MHS Expert Groups of the three Regional
Workshops: the North American OSE Implementors Workshop (OIW), the
European Workshop for Open Systems (EWOS) (jointly with the
corresponding expert group of the European Telecommunications
Standards Institute - ETSI) and the OSI Asia-Oceania Workshop (AOW).
This part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx is harmonized between these three
Workshops and it has been ratified by the plenary assemblies of all
three Workshops.
Information technology - International Standardized Profiles AMH2n -
Message Handling Systems - Interpersonal Messaging
Part 2 : AMH21 - IPM Content
1 Scope
1.1 General
This part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx covers the interchange of messages
between Interpersonal Messaging (IPM) User Agents (UAs) (see also
figure 1). These specifications form part of the Interpersonal
Messaging application functions, as defined in the parts of ISO/IEC
ISP xxxxx, and are based on the Common Messaging content type-
independent specifications in ISO/IEC ISP 10611.
1.2 Position within the taxonomy
This part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx is the second part of a multipart ISP
identified in ISO/IEC TR 10000-2 as AMH2, Message Handling Systems -
Interpersonal Messaging (see also ISO/IEC TR 10000-1, 8.2 for the
definition of multipart ISPs).
This part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx specifies the following profile:
AMH21 - IPM Content
The AMH21 profile may optionally be combined with profile AMH23 or
profile AMH24 (see ISO/IEC TR 10000) specifying OSI MHS
communications protocols and supporting services for an IPM UA.
1.3 Scenario
The model used is one of indirect interchange of interpersonal
messages (content types 22 and 2) between IPM UAs via an intermediate
Message Transfer System (MTS), as shown in figure 1. The provision
of, and access to, the MTS is outside the scope of this profile.
pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
Figure 1 - AMH21 scenario
The MHS services and functions covered by the AMH21 profile are
specified in ISO/IEC 10021-7. There are no OSI upper layer services
and protocols within the scope of the AMH21 profile.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference
in this text, constitute provisions of this part of ISO/IEC ISP
xxxxx. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were
valid. All documents are subject to revision, and parties to
agreements based on this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx are warned against
automatically applying any more recent editions of the documents
listed below, since the nature of references made by ISPs to such
documents is that they may be specific to a particular edition.
Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid
International Standards and ISPs, and CCITT maintains published
editions of its current Recommendations.
Amendments and corrigenda to the base standards referenced are listed
in annex B.
NOTE - References in the body of this part of ISO/IEC xxxxx to
specific clauses of ISO/IEC documents shall be considered to refer
also to the corresponding clauses of the equivalent CCITT
Recommendations (as noted below) unless otherwise stated.
ISO/IEC TR 10000-1: 1992, Information technology - Framework and
taxonomy of International Standardized Profiles - Part 1: Framework.
ISO/IEC TR 10000-2: 1992, Information technology - Framework and
taxonomy of International Standardized Profiles - Part 2: Taxonomy.
ISO/IEC 10021-1: 1990, Information technology - Text Communication -
Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems (MOTIS) - Part 1: Service
Overview. [see also CCITT Recommendation X.400(1988)]
ISO/IEC 10021-2: 1990, Information technology - Text Communication -
Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems (MOTIS) - Part 2: Overall
Architecture. [see also CCITT Recommendation X.402(1988)]
ISO/IEC 10021-7: 1990, Information technology - Text Communication -
Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems (MOTIS) - Part 7:
Interpersonal Messaging System. [see also CCITT Recommendation
ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx-1: ---3, Information technology - International
3To be published.
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993
Standardized Profiles - Message Handling Systems - Interpersonal
Messaging - Part 1: IPM MHS Service Support.
CCITT Recommendation X.400(1988), Message handling system and service
CCITT Recommendation X.402(1988), Message handling systems: Overall
CCITT Recommendation X.420(1988), Message handling systems:
Interpersonal messaging system.
MHS Implementors' Guide, Version 8, March 1992 (CCITT Special
Rapporteur's Group on Message Handling Systems and ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC18/WG4 SWG on Messaging).
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx, the following
definitions apply.
Terms used in this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx are defined in the
referenced base standards; in addition, the following terms are
3.1 General
Basic requirement : an Element of Service, protocol element,
procedural element or other identifiable feature specified in the
base standards which is required to be supported by all MHS
Functional group : a specification of one or more related Elements of
Service, protocol elements, procedural elements or other identifiable
features specified in the base standards which together support a
significant optional area of MHS functionality.
NOTE - A functional group can cover any combination of MHS features
specified in the base standards for which the effect of
implementation can be determined at a standardized external interface
- i.e., via a standard OSI communications protocol (other forms of
exposed interface, such as a standardized programmatic interface, are
outside the scope of this version of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx).
3.2 Support classification
To specify the support level of information objects and items for
this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx, the following terminology is defined.
The following classifications are used in this part of ISO/IEC ISP
xxxxx to specify static conformance requirements - i.e., capability.
pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
The classification of information objects and items (elements) is
relative to that of the containing information element, if any.
Where the constituent elements of a non-primitive element are not
individually specified, then each shall be considered to have the
classification of that element. Where the range of values to be
supported for an element is not specified, then all values defined in
the MHS base standards shall be supported.
mandatory support (m) : the element shall be supported. An
implementation shall be able to generate the element, and/or receive
the element and perform all associated procedures (i.e., implying the
ability to handle both the syntax and the semantics of the element)
as relevant, as specified in the MHS base standards. Where support
for origination (generation) and reception are not distinguished,
then both capabilities shall be assumed.
NOTE - Where required by the base standards, mandatory support also
implies that the IPM UA implementation shall be able to pass the
element on the origination port/reception port to/from the
corresponding element on the submission port/delivery port/retrieval
optional support (o) : an implementation is not required to support
the element. If support is claimed, then the element shall be
treated as if it were specified as mandatory support.
conditional support (c) : the element shall be supported under the
conditions specified in this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx. If these
conditions are met, the element shall be treated as if it were
specified as mandatory support. If these conditions are not met, the
element shall be treated as if it were specified as optional support
(unless otherwise stated).
out of scope (i) : the element is outside the scope of this part of
ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx - i.e., it will not be the subject of an ISP
conformance test.
not applicable ( ) : the element is not applicable in the particular
context in which this classification is used.
4 Abbreviations
AMH Application Message Handling
ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation One
EoS Element of Service
FG Functional group
IPM Interpersonal Messaging / Interpersonal Message
IPN Interpersonal Notification
ISP International Standardized Profile
MHS Message Handling Systems
MS Message store
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993
MT Message transfer
MTA Message transfer agent
MTS Message Transfer System
OSI Open Systems Interconnection
UA User agent
Support level for information objects (see 3.2):
m mandatory support
o optional support
c conditional support
i out of scope
not applicable
5 Conformance
The scope of conformance to profile AMH21 covers IPM UAs only.
Conformance to profile AMH21 does not imply the provision of a
standard OSI communications protocol for access to the MTS.
Conformance to profile AMH21 does not imply the provision of an
exposed IPM service interface (whether a human user interface or a
standardized programmatic interface).
This part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx states requirements upon
implementations to achieve interworking. A claim of conformance to
this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx is a claim that all requirements in
the relevant base standards are satisfied, and that all requirements
in the following clauses and in annex A of this part of ISO/IEC ISP
xxxxx are satisfied. Annex A states the relationship between these
requirements and those of the base standards.
5.1 Conformance statement
For each implementation claiming conformance to profile AMH21 as
specified in this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx, a PICS shall be made
available stating support or non-support of each option identified in
this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx.
5.2 MHS conformance
This part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx specifies implementation options or
selections such that conformant implementations will satisfy the
conformance requirements of ISO/IEC 10021 and the CCITT X.400
Implementations conforming to profile AMH21 as specified in this part
of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx shall implement all the mandatory support (m)
features in annex A and shall state which optional support (o)
features are implemented. They shall also support corresponding MHS
Elements of Service and associated procedures as specified in ISO/IEC
ISP xxxxx-1, as appropriate to the scope of this profile.
pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
Implementations conforming to profile AMH21 as specified in this part
of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx shall state whether or not they support any of
the optional functional groups as specified in ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx-1
which are applicable to the scope of this profile. For each
functional group for which support is claimed, an implementation
shall support MHS Elements of Service and associated procedures as
specified in ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx-1, as appropriate to the scope of this
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993
Annex A1
ISPICS Proforma
for ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx-2 (AMH21)
In the event of a discrepancy becoming apparent in the body of this
part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx and the tables in this annex, this annex is
to take precedence.
This annex specifies the support constraints and characteristics of
ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx-2 on what shall or may appear in the implementation
columns of an ISPICS.
[Editor's Note : It had been intended that this annex would
eventually be based on the ISO/IEC 10021 P2 PICS proforma. However,
the current version of the latter (as contained in ISO/IEC CD 10021-
15) is defective and the whole ISO/IEC work item for the development
of MOTIS PICS proformas has now been suspended. As a result, it has
been necessary to turn the P2 IPRL in this annex into a complete
ISPICS proforma (the alternative approach of a separate annex
containing the assumed base standard PICS proforma was not considered
appropriate in this case). This annex broadly follows the final
draft of CCITT Recommendation X.481 (April 1992), but the structure
has been modified to some extent to take account of profiling
requirements and the somewhat different conformance objectives.]
Clause A.1 specifies the basic requirements for conformance to
profile AMH21. Clause A.2 specifies additional requirements to those
specified in A.1 for each of the optional functional groups if
conformance to such a functional group is claimed. Clause A.3 allows
additional information to be provided for certain aspects of an
implementation where no specific requirements are included in ISO/IEC
ISP xxxxx. All three clauses shall be completed as appropriate.
In each table, the "Base" column reflects the level of support
required for conformance to the base standard and the "Profile"
column specifies the level of support required by this ISP (using the
classification and notation defined in 3.2).
[Editor's Note : The identification of the base standard requirement
has in some cases had to be interpreted or varied from that specified
1Copyright release for ISPICS proformas
Users of this International Standardized Profile may freely reproduce
the ISPICS proforma in this annex so that it can be used for its
intended purpose and may further publish the completed ISPICS.
pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
in the current CCITT PICS proforma, either due to the different
classification scheme employed or where the base standard is unclear
and it has been considered that the CCITT PICS proforma is in error.]
The Support column is provided for completion by the supplier of the
implementation as follows:
Y the element or feature is fully supported
N the element or feature is not supported
or blank the element or feature is not applicable (i.e., a
major feature or composite protocol element which
includes this element or feature is not supported)
Where support for origination and support for reception cannot be
covered by a single indication, then both support levels shall be
indicated, separated by a solidus (e.g., "N/Y").
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993
Identification of the implementation
Identification of PICS
Ref Question Response
1 Date of statement
2 PICS serial number
3 System conformance
statement cross
Identification of IUT
Ref Question Response
1 Implementation name
2 Implementation
3 Machine name
4 Machine version
5 Operating system name
6 Operating system
7 Special configuration
8 Other information
Identification of supplier
Ref Question Response
1 Organization name
2 Contact name(s)
3 Address
4 Telephone number
5 Telex number
6 Fax number
7 E-mail address
8 Other information
Identification of protocol
Ref Question Response
1 Title, reference
number and date of
publication of the
protocol standard
pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
2 Protocol version(s)
3 Addenda/amendments/co
rrigenda implemented
4 Defect reports
Global statement of conformance
Ref Question Respon Comments
1 Are all mandatory
base standards
Statement of profile conformance
Ref Question Respon Comments
1 Are all mandatory
requirements of
profile AMH21
2 Are all mandatory
requirements of any
of the following
optional functional
groups implemented?
2.1 IPM Security (SEC) class(es):
2.2 IPM Physical Delivery
2.3 IPM Conversion (CV)
2.4 IPM Manual Forwarding
2.4 IPM Redirection (RED)
2.5 IPM Latest Delivery
2.6 IPM Return of
Contents (RoC)
2.7 IPM Use of Directory
2.8 IPM 84 Interworking
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993
A.1 Basic requirements
A.1.1 Supported information objects
Ref Element Originatio Reception Supp Notes/Refe
n ort rences
Base Prof Base Prof
ile ile
1 Interpersonal m m m m
Message (IPM)
1.1 heading m m m m see A.1.2
1.2 body m m m m see A.1.3
2 Interpersonal m m o m see A.1.4
Notification (IPN)
A.1.2 IPM heading fields
Ref Element Originatio Reception Supp Notes/Refe
n ort rences
Base Prof Base Prof
ile ile
1 this-IPM m m m m see
2 originator m m m m see
3 authorizing-users o o m m see
4 primary-recipients m m m m see
5 copy-recipients m m m m see
6 blind-copy- o o m m see
recipients A.1.5/1
7 replied-to-IPM m m m m see
8 obsoleted-IPMs o o m m see
9 related-IPMs o o m m see
10 subject m m m m
pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
11 expiry-time o o m m
12 reply-time o o m m
13 reply-recipients o o m m see
14 importance o o m m
15 sensitivity o o m m
16 auto-forwarded o o m m
17 extensions
17.1 incomplete-copy o o o o
17.2 languages o o m m
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993
A.1.3 IPM body
Ref Element Originatio Reception Supp Notes/Refe
n ort rences
Base Prof Base Prof
ile ile
1 ia5-text o o o m
1.1 parameters m m m m
1.1.1 repertoire o o m m
1.2 data m m m m
2 voice i i i i
3 g3-facsimile o o o o
3.1 parameters m m m m
3.1.1 number-of-pages o o o m
3.1.2 non-basic- o o o m
3.2 data m m m m
4 g4-class-1 o o o o
5 teletex o o o o
5.1 parameters m m m m
5.1.1 number-of-pages o o o m
5.1.2 telex-compatible o o m m
5.1.3 non-basic- o o o m
5.2 data m m m m
6 videotex o o o o
6.1 parameters m m m m
6.1.1 syntax o o o m
pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
6.2 data m m m m
7 encrypted i i i i
8 message o o m m
8.1 parameters m m m m
8.1.1 delivery-time o o o m
8.1.2 delivery-envelope o o o m
8.2 data m m m m
9 mixed-mode o o o o
10 bilaterally- o o o o
11 nationally-defined o o o o
12 externally-defined o m1 o m1
12.1 general-text o m2 o m2
12.2 (ia5-text) o o o m
12.3 (message) o o o m
12.4 (oda) o o o o see ISO
m1 - it shall be stated in A.3.4 whether any other specific extended
body part types are supported
m2 - it shall be stated in A.3.5 which character repertoires are
supported for support of the general-text body part type
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993
A.1.4 IPN fields
Ref Element Originatio Reception Supp Notes/Refe
n ort rences
Base Prof Base Prof
ile ile
1 subject-ipm m m m m see
2 ipn-originator o m m m see
3 ipm-preferred- m m m m see
recipient A.1.5/2
4 conversion-eits o o m m
5 notification- o i o i
6 non-receipt-fields m m o m
6.1 non-receipt-reason m m m m
6.2 discard-reason m m m m
6.3 auto-forward- o o m m
6.4 returned-ipm o o o o
6.5 nrn-extensions o i o i
7 receipt-fields o o o m
7.1 receipt-time m m m m
7.2 acknowledgment- o o m m
7.3 suppl-receipt-info o o o o
7.4 rn-extensions o i o i
8 other- o i o i
A.1.5 Common data types
pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
Ref Element Originatio Reception SupportNotes/Refe
n rences
Base Prof Base Prof
ile ile
1 RecipientSpecifier
1.1 recipient m m m m see
1.2 notification- o o m m
1.2.1 rn o o o o
1.2.2 nrn o o m m
1.2.3 ipm-return o o o o
1.3 reply-requested o o m m
1.4 recipient- o i o i
2 ORDescriptor
2.1 formal-name m m1 m m1
2.2 free-form-name o o o m
2.3 telephone-number o o o m
3 IPMIdentifier
3.1 user m m m m
3.2 user-relative- m m m m
m1 - the requirements for support of O/R names are specified in
clause 8 of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx-1 (i.e. a claim of support of the
formal-name element means that at least the minimum requirements of
ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx-1 with respect to the component elements of O/R
names are met)
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993
A.2 Optional functional groups
The following requirements are additional to those specified in A.1
if support of the functional group is claimed (there are no
additional requirements for support of P2 information objects for
support of any of the IPM optional functional groups except as
specified in this clause).
A.2.1 IPM Manual Forwarding (FWD)
A.2.1.1 IPM body
Ref Element Profile
Orig Rec.
8 message m
A.2.2 IPM 84 Interworking (84IW)
A.2.2.1 IPM body
Ref Element Profile
Orig Rec.
1 ia5-text m
pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
A.3 Additional information
A.3.1 IPM Element of Service support
The following table shall be completed to indicate (Y or 3), for each
IPM Element of Service, whether the Element of Service is made
available to the MHS user and, if so, how this is achieved.
The columns have the following meanings:
Service the EoS can be made dynamically selectable by the MHS
user (i.e., for invocation and/or notification, as
appropriate) without requiring reconfiguration of the UA
or other intervention in each instance (whether the
semantics of the EoS are available at a human user
interface, programmatic interface or by other means may
be specified in the Comments column)
Auto the EoS is automatically invoked/actioned by the UA
without reference to the MHS user (whether selection is
dynamically determined based on some other knowledge or
criteria may be specified in the Comments column)
Config the UA may be configured to select the EoS by the
execution of some offline process
Other any other means of using the EoS
Re Encoded Information Serv Auto Conf Comments/Other
f Type ice ig
1 Access Management
2 Additional Physical
3 Alternate Recipient
4 Alternate Recipient
5 Authorizing Users
6 Auto-forwarded
7 Basic Physical
8 Blind Copy Recipient
9 Body Part Encryption
10 Content
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993
11 Content Integrity
12 Content Type
13 Conversion
14 Conversion
Prohibition in Case
of Loss of
15 Converted Indication
16 Counter Collection
17 Counter Collection
with Advice
18 Cross-referencing
19 Deferred Delivery
20 Deferred Delivery
21 Delivery Notification
22 Delivery Time Stamp
23 Delivery via
Bureaufax Service
24 Designation of
Recipient by
Directory Name
25 Disclosure of Other
26 DL Expansion History
27 DL Expansion
28 EMS (Express Mail
29 Expiry Date
30 Explicit Conversion
31 Forwarded IP-message
32 Grade of Delivery
33 Hold for Delivery
34 Implicit Conversion
35 Importance Indication
36 Incomplete Copy
37 IP-message
38 Language Indication
pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
39 Latest Delivery
40 Message Flow
41 Message
42 Message Origin
43 Message Security
44 Message Sequence
45 MS Register
46 Multi-destination
47 Multi-part Body
48 Non-delivery
49 Non-receipt
Notification Request
50 Non-repudiation of
51 Non-repudiation of
52 Non-repudiation of
53 Obsoleting Indication
54 Ordinary Mail
55 Original Encoded
Information Types
56 Originator Indication
57 Originator Requested
Alternate Recipient
58 Physical Delivery
Notification by MHS
59 Physical Delivery
Notification by PDS
60 Physical Forwarding
61 Physical Forwarding
62 Prevention of Non-
delivery Notification
63 Primary and Copy
Recipients Indication
64 Probe
65 Probe Origin
66 Proof of Delivery
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993
67 Proof of Submission
68 Receipt Notification
Request Indication
69 Redirection
Disallowed by
70 Redirection of
Incoming Messages
71 Registered Mail
72 Registered Mail to
Addressee in Person
73 Reply Request
74 Replying IP-message
75 Report Origin
76 Request for
Forwarding Address
77 Requested Preferred
Delivery Method
78 Restricted Delivery
79 Return of Content
80 Secure Access
81 Sensitivity
82 Special Delivery
83 Stored Message Alert
84 Stored Message Auto-
85 Stored Message
86 Stored Message
87 Stored Message
88 Stored Message
89 Subject Indication
90 Submission Time Stamp
91 Typed Body
92 Undeliverable Mail
with Return of
Physical Message
93 Use of Distribution
pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
94 User/UA Capabilities
A.3.2 Encoded information type conversion requests supported
The following table shall be completed if support of the IPM
Conversion FG is claimed, to indicate (Y or 3) which encoded
information type conversions the implementation can request (see
clause 7.1 of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx-1).
Ref Encoded Information Suppor Comments
Type Conversion ted
1.1 ia5-text-to-teletex
1.2 ia5-text-to-g3-
facsimile (8)
1.3 ia5-text-to-g4-class-
1 (9)
1.4 ia5-text-to-videotex
1.5 teletex-to-ia5-text
1.6 teletex-to-g3-
facsimile (12)
1.7 teletex-to-g4-class-1
1.8 teletex-to-videotex
1.9 videotex-to-ia5-text
1.10 videotex-to-teletex
A.3.3 Non-standard integer body part types supported
The following table shall be completed to indicate (Y or 3) which (if
any) non-standard integer body part types the implementation is
capable of originating and/or receiving.
Re Body Part Type Orig Rec. Comments
f .
1 ODA (12)
2 ISO6937Text (13)
3 USA nationally-
defined body part
types (310)
4 JIS-1 (440)
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993
5 other (specify)
NOTE - Use of such non-standard body part types for messaging between
1988 UAs is deprecated. Any rules for accepting or rejecting
submission of such body parts will be a local matter.
A.3.4 Extended body part types supported
The following table shall be completed to indicate (Y or 3) which (if
any) specific extended body part types the implementation is capable
of originating and/or receiving (in addition to those specified in
A.1.3), and the object identifier value(s) supported in each case.
Re Extended Body Part Orig Rec. Object Identifier Value(s)
f Type .
It should be indicated below whether the implementation can be
configured to allow other externally-defined body part types to be
used, and how this is achieved.
A.3.5 General text body part repertoire support
The following table shall be completed to indicate (Y or 3) which
specific character repertoires the implementation is capable of
originating and/or receiving for support of the general-text body
part type. It shall be stated in the Comments column how such
capability is implemented.
NOTE - The table identifies some useful repertoire sets as proposed
by the three regional workshops, but this should not be seen as a
comprehensive list. Repertoire set {1,6} is considered to be the
minimum support level. It is expected that the European and North
American regional profiles will also require support of repertoire
set {1,6,100}.
pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
Re Repertoire set Repertoire Orig Rec. Comments
f description identifier .
1 Basic (ISO {1,6}
2 Basic-1 (ISO {1,6,100}
3 Basic + {1,6,58}
Chinese (1)
4 Basic + {1,6,165}
Chinese (2)
5 Basic + {1,6,13,87
Japanese (1) }
6 Basic + {1,6,13,16
Japanese (2) 8}
7 Basic + Korean {1,6,149}
8 Basic-1 + {1,6,100,1
Greek 26}
(ISO 8859-7)
9 Full Latin (1) {1,6,100,1
10 Full Latin (2) {1,6,156}
(ISO 6937)
11 Teletex Basic {102,103,1
Latin (T.61) 06,107}
12 other
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993
Annex B
Amendments and corrigenda
International Standards are subject to constant review and revision
by the ISO/IEC Technical Committees concerned. The following
amendments and corrigenda are approved by ISO/IEC JTC1 and are
considered as normative references in this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx.
NOTE - Corresponding corrigenda to the equivalent CCITT
Recommendations are contained in the joint CCITT/ISO MHS
Implementor's Guide.
ISO/IEC 10021-1/Cor.1:1991
ISO/IEC 10021-1/Cor.2:1991
ISO/IEC 10021-1/Cor.3:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-1/Cor.4:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-1/Cor.5:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-2/Cor.1:1991
ISO/IEC 10021-2/Cor.2:1991
ISO/IEC 10021-2/Cor.3:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-2/Cor.4:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-7/Cor.1:1991
ISO/IEC 10021-7/Cor.2:1991
ISO/IEC 10021-7/Cor.3:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-7/Cor.4:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-7/Cor.5:1992
pDISP AMH2-2 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
TITLE: Information technology - International Standardized Profiles
AMH2n -
Message Handling Systems - Interpersonal Messaging -
Part 3 : AMH22 - IPM Requirements for Message Transfer (P1)
SOURCE: Project Editor (Jon Stranger, UK)
STATUS: Final pDISP text. Fifth version, 1993-9-24
This document forms part of a draft multipart ISP for MHS
covering Interpersonal Messaging requirements (AMH2), as
identified in the Taxonomy for International Standardized
Profiles (ISO/IEC TR 10000-2 : 1992).
This final pDISP version reflects resolution of all remaining
outstanding issues at the 8th MHS ISP Special Group (MISG)
meeting (Stockholm, September 22-24, 1993) and is intended
for submission to ISO/IEC JTC1/SGFS. The content of this
document is considered by the MHS expert groups of the three
regional workshops as harmonized.
The technical content of this document has been derived
wherever possible from the existing EWOS/ETSI and OIW
regional profiles in this area. However, this document
should not be considered as an internationally harmonized
specification and differences between the content of this
document and one or more regional profiles may exist.
pDISP AMH2-3 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
Foreword 19
Introduction 21
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Definitions 3
4 Abbreviations 5
5 Conformance 6
6 Basic requirements 6
7 Functional groups 7
8 Naming and addressing 12
9 Error and exception handling 12
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-3 : September 1993
Foreword 34
Introduction 37
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 2
3 Definitions 3
4 Abbreviations 4
5 Conformance 5
A.1 Basic requirements 11
A.2 Optional functional groups 16
A.3 Additional information 18
Foreword 33
Introduction 36
1 Scope 1
pDISP AMH2-3 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
2 Normative references 2
3 Definitions 3
4 Abbreviations 4
5 Conformance 4
A.1 Basic requirements 8
A.2 Optional functional groups 8
Foreword 17
Introduction 19
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 2
3 Definitions 4
4 Abbreviations 5
5 Conformance 5
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-3 : September 1993
A.1 Basic requirements 8
A.2 Optional functional groups 9
Foreword 21
Introduction 23
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 2
3 Definitions 4
4 Abbreviations 5
5 Conformance 5
B.1 Basic requirements 13
B.2 Optional functional groups 19
A ISPICS Requirements List for ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx-3
(AMH22) 5
B Amendments and corrigenda . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
pDISP AMH2-3 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
ISO/IEC 1993
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this
publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.
ISO/IEC Copyright Office _ Case Postale 56 _ CH-1211 Gen ve 20 _
Printed in Switzerland
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-3 : September 1993
ISO (the International Organization for
Standardization) and IEC (the International
Electrotechnical Commission) form the
specialized system for worldwide
standardization. National bodies that are
members of ISO or IEC participate in the
development of International Standards
through technical committees established by
the respective organization to deal with
particular fields of technical activity. ISO
and IEC technical committees collaborate in
fields of mutual interest. Other
international organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and
IEC, also take part in the work.
In the field of information technology, ISO
and IEC have established a joint technical
committee, ISO/IEC JTC1. In addition to
developing International Standards, ISO/IEC
JTC1 has created a Special Group on
Functional Standardization for the
elaboration of International Standardized
An International Standardized Profile is an
internationally agreed, harmonized document
which identifies a standard or group of
standards, together with options and
parameters, necessary to accomplish a
function or set of functions.
Draft International Standardized Profiles are
circulated to national bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standardized
Profile requires approval by at least 75% of
the national bodies casting a vote.
International Standardized Profile ISO/IEC
ISP xxxxx-3 was prepared with the
collaboration of:
- Asia-Oceania Workshop (AOW)
- European Workshop for Open Systems
(EWOS) [jointly with the European
Telecommunications Standards Institute
- OSE Implementors Workshop (OIW)
pDISP AMH2-3 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx consists of the following
parts, under the general title Information
technology - International Standardized
Profiles AMH2n - Message Handling Systems -
Interpersonal Messaging:
- Part 1 : IPM MHS Service Support
- Part 2 : AMH21 - IPM Content
- Part 3 : AMH22 - IPM Requirements for
Message Transfer (P1)
- Part 4 : AMH23 - IPM Requirements for
MTS Access (P3)
- Part 5 : AMH24 - IPM Requirements for
Enhanced MS Access (P7)
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-3 : September 1993
This part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx contains two
annexes, A and B, which are normative.
pDISP AMH2-3 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
This part of International Standardized Profile ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx is
defined within the context of Functional Standardization, in
accordance with the principles specified by ISO/IEC TR 10000,
Framework and Taxonomy of International Standardized Profiles . The
context of Functional Standardization is one part of the overall
field of Information Technology (IT) standardization activities,
covering base standards, profiles, and registration mechanisms. A
profile defines a combination of base standards that collectively
perform a specific well-defined IT function. Profiles standardize
the use of options and other variations in the base standards, and
provide a basis for the development of uniform, internationally
recognized system tests.
One of the most important r les for an ISP is to serve as the basis
for the development (by organizations other than ISO and IEC) of
internationally recognized tests and test centres. ISPs are produced
not simply to legitimize a particular choice of base standards and
options, but to promote real system interoperability. The
development and widespread acceptance of tests based on this and
other ISPs is crucial to the successful realization of this goal.
The text for this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx was developed in close
cooperation between the MHS Expert Groups of the three Regional
Workshops: the North American OSE Implementors Workshop (OIW), the
European Workshop for Open Systems (EWOS) (jointly with the
corresponding expert group of the European Telecommunications
Standards Institute - ETSI) and the OSI Asia-Oceania Workshop (AOW).
This part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx is harmonized between these three
Workshops and it has been ratified by the plenary assemblies of all
three Workshops.
Information technology - International Standardized Profiles AMH2n -
Message Handling Systems - Interpersonal Messaging
Part 3 : AMH22 - IPM Requirements for Message Transfer (P1)
1 Scope
1.1 General
This part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx covers message transfer between
Message Transfer Agents (MTAs) in an Interpersonal Messaging (IPM)
environment using the P1 Message Transfer Protocol (see also figure
1). These specifications form part of the Interpersonal Messaging
application functions, as defined in the parts of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx,
and are based on the Common Messaging content type-independent
specifications in ISO/IEC ISP 10611.
1.2 Position within the taxonomy
This part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx is the third part of a multipart ISP
identified in ISO/IEC TR 10000-2 as AMH2, Message Handling Systems -
Interpersonal Messaging (see also ISO/IEC TR 10000-1, 8.2 for the
definition of multipart ISPs).
This part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx specifies the following profile:
AMH22 - IPM Requirements for Message Transfer (P1)
The AMH22 profile may be combined with any T-Profiles (see ISO/IEC TR
10000) specifying the OSI connection-mode Transport service.
1.3 Scenario
The model used is one of two or more MTAs intercommunicating within a
Message Transfer System (MTS) using the P1 protocol, as shown in
figure 1.
Figure 1 - AMH22 scenario
The AMH22 profile covers all aspects of the MTA Abstract Service, as
defined in clause 12 of ISO/IEC 10021-4, when realized using the P1
protocol in an IPM environment.
pDISP AMH2-3 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
The OSI upper layer services and protocols to support the Message
Handling Systems functions covered by the AMH22 profile are specified
in the set of standards identified in table 1.
Table 1 - AMH22 profile model
Application MHS ISO/IEC 10021-6
Presentation see ISO/IEC ISP
Layer 10611-2
Session Layer see ISO/IEC ISP
2 Normative references
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference
in this text, constitute provisions of this part of ISO/IEC ISP
xxxxx. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were
valid. All documents are subject to revision, and parties to
agreements based on this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx are warned against
automatically applying any more recent editions of the documents
listed below, since the nature of references made by ISPs to such
documents is that they may be specific to a particular edition.
Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid
International Standards and ISPs, and CCITT maintains published
editions of its current Recommendations.
Amendments and corrigenda to the base standards referenced are listed
in annex B.
NOTE - References in the body of this part of ISO/IEC xxxxx to
specific clauses of ISO/IEC documents shall be considered to refer
also to the corresponding clauses of the equivalent CCITT
Recommendations (as noted below) unless otherwise stated.
ISO/IEC TR 10000-1: 1992, Information technology - Framework and
taxonomy of International Standardized Profiles - Part 1: Framework.
ISO/IEC TR 10000-2: 1992, Information technology - Framework and
taxonomy of International Standardized Profiles - Part 2: Taxonomy.
ISO/IEC 10021-1: 1990, Information technology - Text Communication -
Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems (MOTIS) - Part 1: Service
Overview. [see also CCITT Recommendation X.400(1988)]
ISO/IEC 10021-2: 1990, Information technology - Text Communication -
Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems (MOTIS) - Part 2: Overall
Architecture. [see also CCITT Recommendation X.402(1988)]
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-3 : September 1993
ISO/IEC 10021-4: 1990, Information technology - Text Communication -
Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems (MOTIS) - Part 4: Message
Transfer System: Abstract Service Definition and Procedures. [see
also CCITT Recommendation X.411(1988)]
ISO/IEC 10021-6: 1990, Information technology - Text Communication -
Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems (MOTIS) - Part 6: Protocol
Specifications. [see also CCITT Recommendation X.419(1988)]
ISO/IEC ISP 10611-2: ---2, Information technology - International
Standardized Profiles - Message Handling Systems - Common Messaging -
Part 2: Specification of ROSE, RTSE, ACSE, Presentation and Session
Protocols for use by MHS.
ISO/IEC ISP 10611-3: ---1, Information technology - International
Standardized Profiles - Message Handling Systems - Common Messaging -
Part 3: AMH11 - Message Transfer (P1).
ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx-1: ---1, Information technology - International
Standardized Profiles - Message Handling Systems - Interpersonal
Messaging - Part 1: IPM MHS Service Support.
CCITT Recommendation X.400(1988), Message handling system and service
CCITT Recommendation X.402(1988), Message handling systems: Overall
CCITT Recommendation X.411(1988), Message handling systems: Message
transfer system: Abstract service definition and procedures.
CCITT Recommendation X.419(1988), Message handling systems: Protocol
MHS Implementors' Guide, Version 8, March 1992 (CCITT Special
Rapporteur's Group on Message Handling Systems and ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC18/WG4 SWG on Messaging).
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx, the following
definitions apply.
Terms used in this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx are defined in the
referenced base standards; in addition, the following terms are
2To be published.
pDISP AMH2-3 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
3.1 General
Basic requirement : an Element of Service, protocol element,
procedural element or other identifiable feature specified in the
base standards which is required to be supported by all MHS
Functional group : a specification of one or more related Elements of
Service, protocol elements, procedural elements or other identifiable
features specified in the base standards which together support a
significant optional area of MHS functionality.
NOTE - A functional group can cover any combination of MHS features
specified in the base standards for which the effect of
implementation can be determined at a standardized external interface
- i.e., via a standard OSI communications protocol (other forms of
exposed interface, such as a standardized programmatic interface, are
outside the scope of this version of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx).
3.2 Support classification
To specify the support level of arguments, results and other protocol
features for this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx, the following
terminology is defined.
NOTE - No classifications are used in this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx,
as the requirements for support of arguments, results and other
protocol features by an MTA are as specified in ISO/IEC 10611-3.
4 Abbreviations
AMH Application Message Handling
EoS Element of Service
FG Functional group
IPM Interpersonal Messaging
ISP International Standardized Profile
MHS Message Handling Systems
MS Message store
MT Message transfer
MTA Message transfer agent
MTS Message Transfer System
OSI Open Systems Interconnection
UA User agent
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-3 : September 1993
5 Conformance
This part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx states requirements upon
implementations to achieve interworking. A claim of conformance to
this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx is a claim that all requirements in
the relevant base standards are satisfied, and that all requirements
in the following clauses and in annex A of this part of ISO/IEC ISP
xxxxx are satisfied.
5.1 Conformance statement
For each implementation claiming conformance to profile AMH22 as
specified in this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx, a PICS shall be made
available stating support or non-support of each option identified in
this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx.
The scope of conformance to profile AMH22 is restricted to MTAs. A
claim of conformance to profile AMH22 shall state whether the
implementation supports profile AMH111 and/or profile AMH112 (jointly
referenced as AMH11 in this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx where a
distinction is unnecessary) as specified in ISO/IEC ISP 10611-3.
5.2 MHS conformance
This part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx specifies implementation options or
selections such that conformant implementations will satisfy the
conformance requirements of ISO/IEC 10021 and the CCITT X.400
Implementations conforming to profile AMH22 as specified in this part
of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx shall as a minimum conform to the basic
requirements of profile AMH11, as specified in ISO/IEC ISP 10611-3.
Implementations conforming to profile AMH22 as specified in this part
of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx shall additionally implement all the mandatory
support (m) features identified as basic requirements in annex A.
They shall also support corresponding MHS Elements of Service and
associated procedures as specified in ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx-1, as
appropriate to the scope of this profile.
Implementations conforming to profile AMH22 as specified in this part
of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx shall state whether or not they support any of
the optional functional groups as specified in ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx-1
which are applicable to the scope of this profile. For each
functional group for which support is claimed, an implementation
shall additionally implement all the mandatory support (m) features
identified for that functional group in annex A. They shall also
support corresponding MHS Elements of Service and associated
procedures as specified in ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx-1, as appropriate to the
scope of this profile.
Implementations conforming to profile AMH22 as specified in this part
pDISP AMH2-3 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx shall state the P1 application context(s) for
which conformance is claimed.
5.3 Underlying layers conformance
Implementations conforming to profile AMH22 as specified in this part
of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx shall also conform to ISO/IEC ISP 10611-2 in
accordance with the P1 application context(s) for which conformance
is claimed.
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-3 : September 1993
Annex A
ISPICS Requirements List
for ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx-3 (AMH22)
In the event of a discrepancy becoming apparent in the body of this
part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx and the tables in this annex, this annex is
to take precedence.
This annex specifies the support constraints and characteristics of
ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx-3 on what shall or may appear in the implementation
columns of an ISPICS. Such requirements are additional to those
specified in annex A of ISO/IEC 10611-3 (reference numbers correspond
to items in that annex).
Clause A.1 specifies the basic requirements for conformance to
profile AMH22. Clause A.2 specifies additional requirements to those
specified in A.1 for each of the optional functional groups if
conformance to such a functional group is claimed.
In each table, the "Profile" column specifies the level of support
required by this ISP (using the classification and notation defined
in 3.2). The supplier of an implementation for which conformance to
profile AMH22 is claimed should complete the Support column of the
tables in annex A of ISO/IEC ISP 10611-3 in accordance with the
requirements contained therein together with any additional
requirements in this annex.
pDISP AMH2-3 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
A.1 Basic requirements
No additional requirements.
A.2 Optional functional groups
The following requirements are additional to those specified in A.1
if support of the functional group is claimed.
A.2.1 IPM Security (SEC)
There are no additional requirements to those specified for the
Common Messaging SEC FG in annex A.2.1 of ISO/IEC ISP 10611-3.
A.2.2 IPM Physical Delivery (PD)
There are no additional requirements to those specified for the
Common Messaging PD FG in annex A.2.2 of ISO/IEC ISP 10611-3.
A.2.3 IPM Conversion (CV)
There are no additional requirements to those specified for the
Common Messaging CV FG in annex A.2.3 of ISO/IEC ISP 10611-3.
A.2.4 IPM Redirection (CV)
There are no additional requirements to those specified for the
Common Messaging RED FG in annex A.2.4 of ISO/IEC ISP 10611-3.
A.2.5 IPM Latest Delivery (LD)
There are no additional requirements to those specified for the
Common Messaging LD FG in annex A.2.5 of ISO/IEC ISP 10611-3.
A.2.6 IPM Return of Contents (RoC)
There are no additional requirements to those specified for the
Common Messaging RoC FG in annex A.2.6 of ISO/IEC ISP 10611-3.
A.2.7 IPM Distribution List (CV)
There are no additional requirements to those specified for the
Common Messaging DL FG in annex A.2.7 of ISO/IEC ISP 10611-3.
A.2.8 IPM Use of Directory (DIR)
There are no additional requirements to those specified for the
Common Messaging DIR FG in annex A.2.8 of ISO/IEC ISP 10611-3.
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-3 : September 1993
Annex B
Amendments and corrigenda
International Standards are subject to constant review and revision
by the ISO/IEC Technical Committees concerned. The following
amendments and corrigenda are approved by ISO/IEC JTC1 and are
considered as normative references in this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx.
NOTE - Corresponding corrigenda to the equivalent CCITT
Recommendations are contained in the joint CCITT/ISO MHS
Implementor's Guide.
ISO/IEC 10021-1/Cor.1:1991
ISO/IEC 10021-1/Cor.2:1991
ISO/IEC 10021-1/Cor.3:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-1/Cor.4:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-1/Cor.5:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-2/Cor.1:1991
ISO/IEC 10021-2/Cor.2:1991
ISO/IEC 10021-2/Cor.3:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-2/Cor.4:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-4/Cor.1:1991
ISO/IEC 10021-4/Cor.2:1991
ISO/IEC 10021-4/Cor.3:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-4/Cor.4:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-4/Cor.5:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-6/Cor.1:1991
ISO/IEC 10021-6/Cor.2:1991
ISO/IEC 10021-6/Cor.3:1992
pDISP AMH2-3 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
ISO/IEC 10021-6/Cor.4:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-6/Cor.5:1992
TITLE: Information technology - International Standardized Profiles
AMH2n -
Message Handling Systems - Interpersonal Messaging -
Part 4 : AMH23 - IPM Requirements for MTS Access (P3)
SOURCE: Project Editor (Jon Stranger, UK)
STATUS: Final pDISP text. Fifth version, 1993-9-24
This document forms part of a draft multipart ISP for MHS
covering Interpersonal Messaging requirements (AMH2), as
identified in the Taxonomy for International Standardized
Profiles (ISO/IEC TR 10000-2 : 1992).
This final pDISP version reflects resolution of all remaining
outstanding issues at the 8th MHS ISP Special Group (MISG)
meeting (Stockholm, September 22-24, 1993) and is intended
for submission to ISO/IEC JTC1/SGFS. The content of this
document is considered by the MHS expert groups of the three
regional workshops as harmonized.
The technical content of this document has been derived
wherever possible from the existing EWOS/ETSI and OIW
regional profiles in this area. However, this document
should not be considered as an internationally harmonized
specification and differences between the content of this
document and one or more regional profiles may exist.
pDISP AMH2-4 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
Foreword 19
Introduction 21
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Definitions 3
4 Abbreviations 5
5 Conformance 6
6 Basic requirements 6
7 Functional groups 7
8 Naming and addressing 12
9 Error and exception handling 12
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-4 : September 1993
Foreword 34
Introduction 37
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 2
3 Definitions 3
4 Abbreviations 4
5 Conformance 5
A.1 Basic requirements 11
A.2 Optional functional groups 16
A.3 Additional information 18
Foreword 33
Introduction 36
1 Scope 1
pDISP AMH2-4 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
2 Normative references 2
3 Definitions 3
4 Abbreviations 4
5 Conformance 4
A.1 Basic requirements 8
A.2 Optional functional groups 8
Foreword 17
Introduction 19
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 2
3 Definitions 4
4 Abbreviations 5
5 Conformance 5
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-4 : September 1993
A.1 Basic requirements 8
A.2 Optional functional groups 9
Foreword 21
Introduction 23
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 2
3 Definitions 4
4 Abbreviations 5
5 Conformance 5
B.1 Basic requirements 13
B.2 Optional functional groups 19
A ISPICS Requirements List for ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx-4
(AMH23) 7
B Amendments and corrigenda . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
pDISP AMH2-4 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
ISO/IEC 1993
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this
publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.
ISO/IEC Copyright Office _ Case Postale 56 _ CH-1211 Gen ve 20 _
Printed in Switzerland
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-4 : September 1993
ISO (the International Organization for
Standardization) and IEC (the International
Electrotechnical Commission) form the
specialized system for worldwide
standardization. National bodies that are
members of ISO or IEC participate in the
development of International Standards
through technical committees established by
the respective organization to deal with
particular fields of technical activity. ISO
and IEC technical committees collaborate in
fields of mutual interest. Other
international organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and
IEC, also take part in the work.
In the field of information technology, ISO
and IEC have established a joint technical
committee, ISO/IEC JTC1. In addition to
developing International Standards, ISO/IEC
JTC1 has created a Special Group on
Functional Standardization for the
elaboration of International Standardized
An International Standardized Profile is an
internationally agreed, harmonized document
which identifies a standard or group of
standards, together with options and
parameters, necessary to accomplish a
function or set of functions.
Draft International Standardized Profiles are
circulated to national bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standardized
Profile requires approval by at least 75% of
the national bodies casting a vote.
International Standardized Profile ISO/IEC
ISP xxxxx-4 was prepared with the
collaboration of:
- Asia-Oceania Workshop (AOW)
- European Workshop for Open Systems
(EWOS) [jointly with the European
Telecommunications Standards Institute
- OSE Implementors Workshop (OIW)
pDISP AMH2-4 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx consists of the following
parts, under the general title Information
technology - International Standardized
Profiles AMH2n - Message Handling Systems -
Interpersonal Messaging:
- Part 1 : IPM MHS Service Support
- Part 2 : AMH21 - IPM Content
- Part 3 : AMH22 - IPM Requirements for
Message Transfer (P1)
- Part 4 : AMH23 - IPM Requirements for
MTS Access (P3)
- Part 5 : AMH24 - IPM Requirements for
Enhanced MS Access (P7)
This part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx contains two
annexes, A and B, which are normative.
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-4 : September 1993
This part of International Standardized Profile ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx is
defined within the context of Functional Standardization, in
accordance with the principles specified by ISO/IEC TR 10000,
Framework and Taxonomy of International Standardized Profiles . The
context of Functional Standardization is one part of the overall
field of Information Technology (IT) standardization activities,
covering base standards, profiles, and registration mechanisms. A
profile defines a combination of base standards that collectively
perform a specific well-defined IT function. Profiles standardize
the use of options and other variations in the base standards, and
provide a basis for the development of uniform, internationally
recognized system tests.
One of the most important r les for an ISP is to serve as the basis
for the development (by organizations other than ISO and IEC) of
internationally recognized tests and test centres. ISPs are produced
not simply to legitimize a particular choice of base standards and
options, but to promote real system interoperability. The
development and widespread acceptance of tests based on this and
other ISPs is crucial to the successful realization of this goal.
The text for this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx was developed in close
cooperation between the MHS Expert Groups of the three Regional
Workshops: the North American OSE Implementors Workshop (OIW), the
European Workshop for Open Systems (EWOS) (jointly with the
corresponding expert group of the European Telecommunications
Standards Institute - ETSI) and the OSI Asia-Oceania Workshop (AOW).
This part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx is harmonized between these three
Workshops and it has been ratified by the plenary assemblies of all
three Workshops.
Information technology - International Standardized Profiles AMH2n -
Message Handling Systems - Interpersonal Messaging
Part 4 : AMH23 - IPM Requirements for MTS Access (P3)
1 Scope
1.1 General
This part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx covers access to a Message Transfer
System (MTS) in an Interpersonal Messaging (IPM) environment using
the P3 MTS Access Protocol (see also figure 1). These specifications
form part of the Interpersonal Messaging application functions, as
defined in the parts of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx, and are based on the
Common Messaging content type-independent specifications in ISO/IEC
ISP 10611.
1.2 Position within the taxonomy
This part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx is the fourth part of a multipart ISP
identified in ISO/IEC TR 10000-2 as AMH2, Message Handling Systems -
Interpersonal Messaging (see also ISO/IEC TR 10000-1, 8.2 for the
definition of multipart ISPs).
This part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx specifies the following profile:
AMH23 - IPM Requirements for MTS Access (P3)
The AMH23 profile may be combined with any T-Profiles (see ISO/IEC TR
10000) specifying the OSI connection-mode Transport service.
1.3 Scenario
The model used is one of access to an MTS by an IPM MTS-user -
specifically, the intercommunication between a message transfer agent
(MTA) and an IPM MTS-user using the P3 protocol, as shown in figure
Figure 1 - AMH23 scenario
The AMH23 profile covers all aspects of the MTS Abstract Service, as
defined in clause 8 of ISO/IEC 10021-4, when realized using the P3
pDISP AMH2-4 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
protocol in an IPM environment.
The OSI upper layer services and protocols to support the Message
Handling Systems functions covered by the AMH23 profile are specified
in the set of standards identified in table 1.
Table 1 - AMH23 profile model
Application MHS ISO/IEC 10021-6
Presentation see ISO/IEC ISP
Layer 10611-2
Session Layer see ISO/IEC ISP
2 Normative references
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference
in this text, constitute provisions of this part of ISO/IEC ISP
xxxxx. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were
valid. All documents are subject to revision, and parties to
agreements based on this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx are warned against
automatically applying any more recent editions of the documents
listed below, since the nature of references made by ISPs to such
documents is that they may be specific to a particular edition.
Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid
International Standards and ISPs, and CCITT maintains published
editions of its current Recommendations.
Amendments and corrigenda to the base standards referenced are listed
in annex B.
NOTE - References in the body of this part of ISO/IEC xxxxx to
specific clauses of ISO/IEC documents shall be considered to refer
also to the corresponding clauses of the equivalent CCITT
Recommendations (as noted below) unless otherwise stated.
ISO/IEC TR 10000-1: 1992, Information technology - Framework and
taxonomy of International Standardized Profiles - Part 1: Framework.
ISO/IEC TR 10000-2: 1992, Information technology - Framework and
taxonomy of International Standardized Profiles - Part 2: Taxonomy.
ISO/IEC 10021-1: 1990, Information technology - Text Communication -
Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems (MOTIS) - Part 1: Service
Overview. [see also CCITT Recommendation X.400(1988)]
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-4 : September 1993
ISO/IEC 10021-2: 1990, Information technology - Text Communication -
Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems (MOTIS) - Part 2: Overall
Architecture. [see also CCITT Recommendation X.402(1988)]
ISO/IEC 10021-4: 1990, Information technology - Text Communication -
Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems (MOTIS) - Part 4: Message
Transfer System: Abstract Service Definition and Procedures. [see
also CCITT Recommendation X.411(1988)]
ISO/IEC 10021-6: 1990, Information technology - Text Communication -
Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems (MOTIS) - Part 6: Protocol
Specifications. [see also CCITT Recommendation X.419(1988)]
ISO/IEC ISP 10611-2: ---3, Information technology - International
Standardized Profiles - Message Handling Systems - Common Messaging -
Part 2: Specification of ROSE, RTSE, ACSE, Presentation and Session
Protocols for use by MHS.
ISO/IEC ISP 10611-4: ---1, Information technology - International
Standardized Profiles - Message Handling Systems - Common Messaging -
Part 4: AMH12 - MTS Access (P3).
ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx-1: ---2, Information technology - International
Standardized Profiles - Message Handling Systems - Interpersonal
Messaging - Part 1: IPM MHS Service Support.
ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx-2: ---4, Information technology - International
Standardized Profiles - Message Handling Systems - Interpersonal
Messaging - Part 2: IPM Content.
CCITT Recommendation X.400(1988), Message handling system and service
CCITT Recommendation X.402(1988), Message handling systems: Overall
CCITT Recommendation X.411(1988), Message handling systems: Message
transfer system: Abstract service definition and procedures.
CCITT Recommendation X.419(1988), Message handling systems: Protocol
MHS Implementors' Guide, Version 8, March 1992 (CCITT Special
Rapporteur's Group on Message Handling Systems and ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC18/WG4 SWG on Messaging).
3To be published.
4To be published.
pDISP AMH2-4 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx, the following
definitions apply.
Terms used in this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx are defined in the
referenced base standards; in addition, the following terms are
3.1 General
Basic requirement : an Element of Service, protocol element,
procedural element or other identifiable feature specified in the
base standards which is required to be supported by all MHS
Functional group : a specification of one or more related Elements of
Service, protocol elements, procedural elements or other identifiable
features specified in the base standards which together support a
significant optional area of MHS functionality.
NOTE - A functional group can cover any combination of MHS features
specified in the base standards for which the effect of
implementation can be determined at a standardized external interface
- i.e., via a standard OSI communications protocol (other forms of
exposed interface, such as a standardized programmatic interface, are
outside the scope of this version of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx).
3.2 Support classification
To specify the support level of operations, arguments, results and
other protocol features for this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx, the
following terminology is defined.
The following classifications are used in this part of ISO/IEC ISP
xxxxx to specify static conformance requirements - i.e., capability.
NOTE - The following classifications apply only to MTS-users, as the
requirements for support of operations, arguments, results and other
protocol features by an MTA are as specified in ISO/IEC 10611-4.
In the case of arguments and results (protocol elements), the
classification is relative to that of the containing element, if any.
Where the constituent elements of a non-primitive element are not
individually specified, then each shall be considered to have the
classification of that element. Where the range of values to be
supported for an element is not specified, then all values defined in
the MHS base standards shall be supported.
mandatory support (m) : the element or feature shall be supported.
An implementation shall be able to generate the element, and/or
receive the element and perform all associated procedures (i.e.,
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-4 : September 1993
implying the ability to handle both the syntax and the semantics of
the element) as relevant, as specified in the MHS base standards.
Where support for origination (generation) and reception are not
distinguished, then both capabilities shall be assumed.
4 Abbreviations
AMH Application Message Handling
EoS Element of Service
FG Functional group
IPM Interpersonal Messaging
ISP International Standardized Profile
MHS Message Handling Systems
MS Message store
MT Message transfer
MTA Message transfer agent
MTS Message Transfer System
OSI Open Systems Interconnection
UA User agent
Support level for protocol elements and features (see 3.2):
m mandatory support
5 Conformance
This part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx states requirements upon
implementations to achieve interworking. A claim of conformance to
this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx is a claim that all requirements in
the relevant base standards are satisfied, and that all requirements
in the following clauses and in annex A of this part of ISO/IEC ISP
xxxxx are satisfied.
5.1 Conformance statement
For each implementation claiming conformance to profile AMH23 as
specified in this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx, a PICS shall be made
available stating support or non-support of each option identified in
this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx.
The scope of conformance to profile AMH23 covers both MTAs and MTS-
users. A claim of conformance to profile AMH23 shall state whether
the implementation claims conformance as an MTA, as a UA, or as an MS
which is not co-located with an MTA.
A claim of conformance to profile AMH23 shall confirm that the
implementation supports profile AMH12 as specified in ISO/IEC ISP
A claim of conformance to profile AMH23 as a UA shall confirm that
the implementation supports profile AMH21 as specified in ISO/IEC ISP
pDISP AMH2-4 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
5.2 MHS conformance
This part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx specifies implementation options or
selections such that conformant implementations will satisfy the
conformance requirements of ISO/IEC 10021 and the CCITT X.400
Implementations conforming to profile AMH23 as specified in this part
of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx shall as a minimum conform to the basic
requirements of profile AMH12, as specified in ISO/IEC ISP 10611-4,
as appropriate to the type of implementation (i.e., MTA or MTS-user)
for which conformance is claimed.
Implementations conforming to profile AMH23 as specified in this part
of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx shall additionally implement all the mandatory
support (m) features identified as basic requirements in annex A.
They shall also support corresponding MHS Elements of Service and
associated procedures as specified in ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx-1, as
appropriate to the scope of this profile.
Implementations conforming to profile AMH23 as specified in this part
of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx shall state whether or not they support any of
the optional functional groups as specified in ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx-1
which are applicable to the scope of this profile. For each
functional group for which support is claimed, an implementation
shall additionally implement all the mandatory support (m) features
identified for that functional group in annex A. They shall also
support corresponding MHS Elements of Service and associated
procedures as specified in ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx-1, as appropriate to the
scope of this profile.
Implementations conforming to profile AMH23 as specified in this part
of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx shall state the P3 application context(s) for
which conformance is claimed.
5.3 Underlying layers conformance
Implementations conforming to profile AMH23 as specified in this part
of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx shall also conform to ISO/IEC ISP 10611-2 in
accordance with the P3 application context(s) for which conformance
is claimed.
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-4 : September 1993
Annex A
ISPICS Requirements List
for ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx-4 (AMH23)
In the event of a discrepancy becoming apparent in the body of this
part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx and the tables in this annex, this annex is
to take precedence.
This annex specifies the support constraints and characteristics of
ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx-4 on what shall or may appear in the implementation
columns of an ISPICS. Such requirements are additional to those
specified in annex A of ISO/IEC 10611-4 (reference numbers correspond
to items in that annex).
NOTE - This annex only specifies additional requirements for MTS-
users. The support requirements for MTAs are as specified in annex A
of ISO/IEC ISP 10611-4.
Clause A.1 specifies the basic requirements for conformance to
profile AMH23. Clause A.2 specifies additional requirements to those
specified in A.1 for each of the optional functional groups if
conformance to such a functional group is claimed.
In each table, the "Profile" column specifies the level of support
required by this ISP (using the classification and notation defined
in 3.2). The supplier of an implementation for which conformance to
profile AMH23 is claimed should complete the Support column of the
tables in annex A of ISO/IEC ISP 10611-4 in accordance with the
requirements contained therein together with any additional
requirements in this annex in the case of an MTS-user implementation.
pDISP AMH2-4 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
A.1 Basic requirements
A.1.1 Supported application contexts
No additional requirements.
A.1.2 Supported operations
A.1.2.2 Message Submission Service Element (MSSE)
Ref Operation Prof
3 CancelDeferredDeli m
A.1.3 Operation arguments/results
No additional requirements.
A.1.4 MessageSubmissionEnvelope
Ref Element Prof
7 deferred-delivery- m
A.1.5 ProbeSubmissionEnvelope
No additional requirements.
A.1.6 MessageDeliveryEnvelope
Ref Element Prof
3.12.1 dl-expansion- m
9 history
A.1.7 ReportDeliveryEnvelope
No additional requirements.
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-4 : September 1993
A.1.8 Common data types
No additional requirements.
A.1.9 Extension data types
No additional requirements.
A.1.10 O/R names
Ref O/R Name Form Prof
2 numeric O/R m
3 terminal O/R m
A.2 Optional functional groups
The following requirements are additional to those specified in A.1
if support of the functional group is claimed.
A.2.1 IPM Security (SEC)
There are no additional requirements to those specified for the
Common Messaging SEC FG in annex A.2.1 of ISO/IEC ISP 10611-4.
A.2.2 IPM Physical Delivery (PD)
There are no additional requirements to those specified for the
Common Messaging PD FG in annex A.2.2 of ISO/IEC ISP 10611-4.
pDISP AMH2-4 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
A.2.3 IPM Conversion (CV)
A.2.3.1 MessageSubmissionEnvelope
Ref Element Prof
8.3 conversion-with-loss-prohibited m
9.3 explicit-conversion m
A.2.3.2 ProbeSubmissionEnvelope
Ref Element Profile
7.3 conversion-with-loss-prohibited m
8.3 explicit-conversion m
A.2.4 IPM Redirection (RED)
A.2.4.1 MessageSubmissionEnvelope
Ref Element Profile
9.4.1 originator-requested-alternate-recipient m
A.2.4.2 ProbeSubmissionEnvelope
Ref Element Profile
8.4.1 originator-requested-alternate-recipient m
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-4 : September 1993
A.2.4.3 MessageDeliveryEnvelope
Ref Element Prof
3.12.1 redirection- m
8 history
A.2.4.4 ReportDeliveryEnvelope
Ref Element Prof
6.7.1 redirection- m
A.2.4.5 Common data types
Ref Element Prof
5.3 alternate- m
A.2.5 IPM Latest Delivery (LD)
There are no additional requirements to those specified for the
Common Messaging LD FG in annex A.2.5 of ISO/IEC ISP 10611-4.
A.2.6 IPM Return of Contents (RoC)
There are no additional requirements to those specified for the
Common Messaging RoC FG in annex A.2.6 of ISO/IEC ISP 10611-4.
A.2.7 IPM Use of Directory (DIR)
There are no additional requirements to those specified for the
Common Messaging DIR FG in annex A.2.7 of ISO/IEC ISP 10611-4.
pDISP AMH2-4 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
Annex B
Amendments and corrigenda
International Standards are subject to constant review and revision
by the ISO/IEC Technical Committees concerned. The following
amendments and corrigenda are approved by ISO/IEC JTC1 and are
considered as normative references in this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx.
NOTE - Corresponding corrigenda to the equivalent CCITT
Recommendations are contained in the joint CCITT/ISO MHS
Implementor's Guide.
ISO/IEC 10021-1/Cor.1:1991
ISO/IEC 10021-1/Cor.2:1991
ISO/IEC 10021-1/Cor.3:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-1/Cor.4:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-1/Cor.5:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-2/Cor.1:1991
ISO/IEC 10021-2/Cor.2:1991
ISO/IEC 10021-2/Cor.3:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-2/Cor.4:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-4/Cor.1:1991
ISO/IEC 10021-4/Cor.2:1991
ISO/IEC 10021-4/Cor.3:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-4/Cor.4:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-4/Cor.5:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-6/Cor.1:1991
ISO/IEC 10021-6/Cor.2:1991
ISO/IEC 10021-6/Cor.3:1992
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-4 : September 1993
ISO/IEC 10021-6/Cor.4:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-6/Cor.5:1992
pDISP AMH2-4 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
TITLE: Information technology - International Standardized Profiles
AMH2n -
Message Handling Systems - Interpersonal Messaging -
Part 5 : AMH24 - IPM Requirements for Enhanced MS Access (P7)
SOURCE: Project Editor (Jon Stranger, UK)
STATUS: Final pDISP text. Fifth version, 1993-9-24
This document forms part of a draft multipart ISP for MHS
covering Interpersonal Messaging requirements (AMH2), as
identified in the Taxonomy for International Standardized
Profiles (ISO/IEC TR 10000-2 : 1992).
This final pDISP version reflects resolution of all remaining
outstanding issues at the 8th MHS ISP Special Group (MISG)
meeting (Stockholm, September 22-24, 1993) and is intended for
submission to ISO/IEC JTC1/SGFS. The content of this document
is considered by the MHS expert groups of the three regional
workshops as harmonized.
The technical content of this document has been derived
wherever possible from the existing EWOS/ETSI and OIW regional
profiles in this area. However, this document should not be
considered as an internationally harmonized specification and
differences between the content of this document and one or
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-5 : September 1993
more regional profiles may exist.
pDISP AMH2-5 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
Foreword 19
Introduction 21
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Definitions 3
4 Abbreviations 5
5 Conformance 6
6 Basic requirements 6
7 Functional groups 7
8 Naming and addressing 12
9 Error and exception handling 12
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-5 : September 1993
Foreword 34
Introduction 37
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 2
3 Definitions 3
4 Abbreviations 4
5 Conformance 5
A.1 Basic requirements 11
A.2 Optional functional groups 16
A.3 Additional information 18
Foreword 33
Introduction 36
1 Scope 1
pDISP AMH2-5 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
2 Normative references 2
3 Definitions 3
4 Abbreviations 4
5 Conformance 4
A.1 Basic requirements 8
A.2 Optional functional groups 8
Foreword 17
Introduction 19
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 2
3 Definitions 4
4 Abbreviations 5
5 Conformance 5
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-5 : September 1993
A.1 Basic requirements 8
A.2 Optional functional groups 9
Foreword 21
Introduction 23
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 2
3 Definitions 4
4 Abbreviations 5
5 Conformance 5
B.1 Basic requirements 13
B.2 Optional functional groups 19
A P7 ISPICS Proforma (supplementary) . . . . . . . . 7
B ISPICS Requirements List for ISO/IEC xxxxx-5 (AMH24) 11
pDISP AMH2-5 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
C Amendments and corrigenda . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
ISO/IEC 1993
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this
publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without
permission in writing from the publisher.
ISO/IEC Copyright Office _ Case Postale 56 _ CH-1211 Gen ve 20 _
Printed in Switzerland
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-5 : September 1993
ISO (the International Organization for
Standardization) and IEC (the International
Electrotechnical Commission) form the
specialized system for worldwide
standardization. National bodies that are
members of ISO or IEC participate in the
development of International Standards through
technical committees established by the
respective organization to deal with particular
fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC
technical committees collaborate in fields of
mutual interest. Other international
organizations, governmental and non-
governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also
take part in the work.
In the field of information technology, ISO and
IEC have established a joint technical
committee, ISO/IEC JTC1. In addition to
developing International Standards, ISO/IEC
JTC1 has created a Special Group on Functional
Standardization for the elaboration of
International Standardized Profiles.
An International Standardized Profile is an
internationally agreed, harmonized document
which identifies a standard or group of
standards, together with options and
parameters, necessary to accomplish a function
or set of functions.
Draft International Standardized Profiles are
circulated to national bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standardized
Profile requires approval by at least 75% of
the national bodies casting a vote.
International Standardized Profile ISO/IEC ISP
xxxxx-5 was prepared with the collaboration of:
- Asia-Oceania Workshop (AOW)
- European Workshop for Open Systems (EWOS)
[jointly with the E u r o p e a n
Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)]
- OSE Implementors Workshop (OIW)
ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx consists of the following
parts, under the general title Information
pDISP AMH2-5 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
technology - International Standardized
Profiles AMH2n - Message Handling Systems -
Interpersonal Messaging:
- Part 1 : IPM MHS Service Support
- Part 2 : AMH21 - IPM Content
- Part 3 : AMH22 - IPM Requirements for
Message Transfer (P1)
- Part 4 : AMH23 - IPM Requirements for MTS
Access (P3)
- Part 5 : AMH24 - IPM Requirements for
Enhanced MS Access (P7)
This part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx contains three
annexes, A, B and C, which are normative.
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-5 : September 1993
This part of International Standardized Profile ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx is
defined within the context of Functional Standardization, in accordance
with the principles specified by ISO/IEC TR 10000, Framework and
Taxonomy of International Standardized Profiles . The context of
Functional Standardization is one part of the overall field of
Information Technology (IT) standardization activities, covering base
standards, profiles, and registration mechanisms. A profile defines a
combination of base standards that collectively perform a specific
well-defined IT function. Profiles standardize the use of options and
other variations in the base standards, and provide a basis for the
development of uniform, internationally recognized system tests.
One of the most important r les for an ISP is to serve as the basis for
the development (by organizations other than ISO and IEC) of
internationally recognized tests and test centres. ISPs are produced
not simply to legitimize a particular choice of base standards and
options, but to promote real system interoperability. The development
and widespread acceptance of tests based on this and other ISPs is
crucial to the successful realization of this goal.
The text for this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx was developed in close
cooperation between the MHS Expert Groups of the three Regional
Workshops: the North American OSE Implementors Workshop (OIW), the
European Workshop for Open Systems (EWOS) (jointly with the
corresponding expert group of the European Telecommunications Standards
Institute - ETSI) and the OSI Asia-Oceania Workshop (AOW). This part
of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx is harmonized between these three Workshops and it
has been ratified by the plenary assemblies of all three Workshops.
Information technology - International Standardized Profiles AMH2n -
Message Handling Systems - Interpersonal Messaging
Part 5 : AMH24 - IPM Requirements for Enhanced MS Access (P7)
1 Scope
1.1 General
This part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx covers access to a message store (MS) in
an Interpersonal Messaging (IPM) environment using the P7 MS Access
Protocol (see also figure 1). These specifications form part of the
Interpersonal Messaging application functions, as defined in the parts
of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx, and are based on the Common Messaging content
type-independent specifications in ISO/IEC ISP 10611.
The type of MS access specified in this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx
allows an IPM user agent (UA) to interact with an MS in a full and
flexible manner without having to retrieve complete messages. Minimal
attribute support for MS access in an IPM environment can be specified
by claiming conformance to profile AMH13 with an additional claim of
support of IPM MS attributes (see clause A.3.1 of ISO/IEC ISP 10611-5).
[Editor's Note : It is proposed to amend clause A.3.1 of ISO/IEC ISP
10611-5 (Content types supported) to allow support of MS attributes
also to be claimed if support of the content type on retrieval is
claimed. A claim of support of MS attributes in this context will mean
that any mandatory requirements in the relevant content type-specific
base standards for support of MS attributes are met.]
1.2 Position within the taxonomy
This part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx is the fifth part of a multipart ISP
identified in ISO/IEC TR 10000-2 as AMH2, Message Handling Systems -
Interpersonal Messaging (see also ISO/IEC TR 10000-1, 8.2 for the
definition of multipart ISPs).
This part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx specifies the following profile:
AMH24 - IPM Requirements for Enhanced MS Access (P7)
The AMH24 profile may be combined with any T-Profiles (see ISO/IEC TR
10000) specifying the OSI connection-mode Transport service.
pDISP AMH2-5 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
1.3 Scenario
Themodel used is one of access to aIPM message store (MS) by an IPM MS-
user - specifically, the intercommunication between an IPM MS and an
IPM MS-user (i.e., an IPM user agent) using the P7 protocol, as shown
in figure 1.
The AMH24 profile covers all aspects of the MS Abstract Service, as
defined in ISO/IEC 10021-5, when realized using the P7 protocol in an
IPM environment.
Figure 1 - AMH24 scenario
The OSI upper layer services and protocols to support the Message
Handling Systems functions covered by the AMH24 profile are specified
in the set of standards identified in table 1.
Table 1 - AMH24 profile model
Application MHS ISO/IEC 10021-6
Presentation see ISO/IEC ISP
Layer 10611-2
Session Layer see ISO/IEC ISP
2 Normative references
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in
this text, constitute provisions of this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx. At
the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All
documents are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on
this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx are warned against automatically
applying any more recent editions of the documents listed below, since
the nature of references made by ISPs to such documents is that they
may be specific to a particular edition. Members of IEC and ISO
maintain registers of currently valid International Standards and ISPs,
and CCITT maintains published editions of its current Recommendations.
Amendments and corrigenda to the base standards referenced are listed
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-5 : September 1993
in annex B.
NOTE - References in the body of this part of ISO/IEC xxxxx to specific
clauses of ISO/IEC documents shall be considered to refer also to the
corresponding clauses of the equivalent CCITT Recommendations (as noted
below) unless otherwise stated.
ISO/IEC TR 10000-1: 1992, Information technology - Framework and
taxonomy of International Standardized Profiles - Part 1: Framework.
ISO/IEC TR 10000-2: 1992, Information technology - Framework and
taxonomy of International Standardized Profiles - Part 2: Taxonomy.
ISO/IEC 10021-1: 1990, Information technology - Text Communication -
Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems (MOTIS) - Part 1: Service
Overview. [see also CCITT Recommendation X.400(1988)]
ISO/IEC 10021-2: 1990, Information technology - Text Communication -
Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems (MOTIS) - Part 2: Overall
Architecture. [see also CCITT Recommendation X.402(1988)]
ISO/IEC 10021-5: 1990, Information technology - Text Communication -
Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems (MOTIS) - Part 5: Message
Store: Abstract Service Definition. [see also CCITT Recommendation
ISO/IEC 10021-6: 1990, Information technology - Text Communication -
Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems (MOTIS) - Part 6: Protocol
Specifications. [see also CCITT Recommendation X.419(1988)]
ISO/IEC ISP 10611-2: ---5, Information technology - International
Standardized Profiles - Message Handling Systems - Common Messaging -
Part 2: Specification of ROSE, RTSE, ACSE, Presentation and Session
Protocols for use by MHS.
ISO/IEC ISP 10611-5: ---1, Information technology - International
Standardized Profiles - Message Handling Systems - Common Messaging -
Part 5: AMH13 - MS Access (P7).
ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx-1: ---1, Information technology - International
Standardized Profiles - Message Handling Systems - Interpersonal
Messaging - Part 1: IPM MHS Service Support.
ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx-2: ---1, Information technology - International
Standardized Profiles - Message Handling Systems - Interpersonal
Messaging - Part 2: IPM Content.
CCITT Recommendation X.400(1988), Message handling system and service
5To be published.
pDISP AMH2-5 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
CCITT Recommendation X.402(1988), Message handling systems: Overall
CCITT Recommendation X.413(1988), Message handling systems: Message
store: Abstract service definition.
CCITT Recommendation X.419(1988), Message handling systems: Protocol
MHS Implementors' Guide, Version 8, March 1992 (CCITT Special
Rapporteur's Group on Message Handling Systems and ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC18/WG4 SWG on Messaging).
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx, the following
definitions apply.
Terms used in this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx are defined in the
referenced base standards; in addition, the following terms are
3.1 General
Basic requirement : an Element of Service, protocol element, procedural
element or other identifiable feature specified in the base standards
which is required to be supported by all MHS implementations.
Functional group : a specification of one or more related Elements of
Service, protocol elements, procedural elements or other identifiable
features specified in the base standards which together support a
significant optional area of MHS functionality.
NOTE - A functional group can cover any combination of MHS features
specified in the base standards for which the effect of implementation
can be determined at a standardized external interface - i.e., via a
standard OSI communications protocol (other forms of exposed interface,
such as a standardized programmatic interface, are outside the scope of
this version of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx).
3.2 Support classification
To specify the support level of operations, arguments, results,
attributes and other protocol features for this part of ISO/IEC ISP
xxxxx, the following terminology is defined.
The following classifications are used in this part of ISO/IEC ISP
xxxxx to specify static conformance requirements - i.e., capability.
In the case of arguments and results (protocol elements), the
classification is relative to that of the containing element, if any.
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-5 : September 1993
Where the constituent elements of a non-primitive element are not
individually specified, then each shall be considered to have the
classification of that element. Where the range of values to be
supported for an element is not specified, then all values defined in
the MHS base standards shall be supported.
mandatory support (m) : the element or feature shall be fully
supported. An implementation shall be able to generate the element,
and/or receive the element and perform all associated procedures (i.e.,
implying the ability to handle both the syntax and the semantics of the
element) as relevant, as specified in the MHS base standards. Where
support for origination (generation) and reception are not
distinguished, then both capabilities shall be assumed. Mandatory
support of an MS attribute requires that it is supported in the context
of all applicable supported operation arguments and results and also
for use within a selector to the level of support claimed for the
filter item. The way in which attribute values are stored by an MS
implementation, or used by a UA implementation, is otherwise a local
optional support (o) : an implementation is not required to support the
element or feature. If support is claimed, the element shall be
treated as if it were specified as mandatory support. If support is
not claimed, and the element is an argument, then an implementation
shall generate an appropriate error if the element is received. If
support is not claimed, and the element is a result, then an
implementation may ignore the element if it is received.
4 Abbreviations
AMH Application Message Handling
EoS Element of Service
FG Functional group
IPM Interpersonal Messaging
ISP International Standardized Profile
MHS Message Handling Systems
MS Message store
MT Message transfer
MTA Message transfer agent
MTS Message Transfer System
OSI Open Systems Interconnection
UA User agent
Support level for protocol elements and features (see 3.2):
m mandatory support
o optional support
pDISP AMH2-5 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
5 Conformance
This part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx states requirements upon implementations
to achieve interworking. A claim of conformance to this part of
ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx is a claim that all requirements in the relevant base
standards are satisfied, and that all requirements in the following
clauses and in annex B of this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx are satisfied.
5.1 Conformance statement
For each implementation claiming conformance to profile AMH24 as
specified in this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx, a PICS shall be made
available stating support or non-support of each option identified in
this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx.
The scope of conformance to profile AMH24 covers both MSs and MS-users
(i.e., UAs). A claim of conformance to profile AMH24 shall confirm
that the implementation supports profile AMH13 as specified in ISO/IEC
ISP 10611-5 and shall state whether the implementation claims
conformance as an MS or as an MS-user.
A claim of conformance to profile AMH24 as an MS-user shall confirm
that the implementation supports profile AMH21 as specified in ISO/IEC
ISP xxxxx-2.
5.2 MHS conformance
This part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx specifies implementation options or
selections such that conformant implementations will satisfy the
conformance requirements of ISO/IEC 10021 and the CCITT X.400
Implementations conforming to profile AMH24 as specified in this part
of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx shall as a minimum conform to the basic
requirements of profile AMH13, as specified in ISO/IEC ISP 10611-5.
Implementations conforming to profile AMH24 as specified in this part
of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx shall additionally implement all the mandatory
support (m) features identified as basic requirements in annex B. They
shall also support corresponding MHS Elements of Service and associated
procedures as specified in ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx-1, as appropriate to the
scope of this profile and to the role (i.e., MS or MS-user) for which
conformance is claimed.
Implementations conforming to profile AMH24 as specified in this part
of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx shall state whether or not they support any of the
optional functional groups as specified in ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx-1 which
are applicable to the scope of this profile and to the role (i.e., MS
or MS-user) for which conformance is claimed. For each functional
group for which support is claimed, an implementation shall
additionally implement all the mandatory support (m) features
identified for that functional group in annex B. They shall also
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-5 : September 1993
support corresponding MHS Elements of Service and associated procedures
as specified in ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx-1, as appropriate to the scope of
this profile and to the role (i.e., MS or MS-user) for which
conformance is claimed.
Implementations conforming to profile AMH24 as specified in this part
of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx shall state the P7 application context(s) for
which conformance is claimed.
5.3 Underlying layers conformance
Implementations conforming to profile AMH24 as specified in this part
of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx shall also conform to ISO/IEC ISP 10611-2 in
accordance with the P7 application context(s) for which conformance is
pDISP AMH2-5 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
Annex A1
P7 ISPICS Proforma
The tables contained in this annex shall be completed and appended to a
P7 PICS based on the proforma as contained in annex A of ISO/IEC ISP
AutoForwardRegistration Parameter
The following elements are additional to those specified in annex A.1.6
of ISO/IEC ISP 10611-5.
Ref Element UA MS Supp Notes/References
Base Base ort
4 other-parameters
4.1 auto-forwarding- o o
4.2 cover-note o o
4.3 this-ipm-prefix o o
IPM-specific attributes
Ref Attribute UA MS Supp Notes/References
Base Base ort
1 acknowledgment- o o
2 authorizing-users o o
3 auto-forward- o o
1Copyright release for ISPICS proformas
Users of this International Standardized Profile may freely reproduce
the ISPICS proforma in this annex so that it can be used for its
intended purpose and may further publish the completed ISPICS.
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-5 : September 1993
4 auto-forwarded o o
5 bilaterally- o o
6 blind-copy- o o
7 body m m
8 conversion-eits o o
9 copy-recipients o o
10 discard-reason o o
11 encrypted-body- o o
12 encrypted-data o o
13 encrypted- o o
14 expiry-time o o
15 extended-body- o o
16 g3-facsimile-body- o o
17 g3-facsimile-data o o
18 g3-facsimile- o o
19 g4-class1-body- o o
20 heading m m
21 ia5-text-body- o o
22 ia5-text-data o o
23 ia5-text- o o
pDISP AMH2-5 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
24 importance o o
25 incomplete-copy o o
26 ipm-entry-type m m
27 ipm-preferred- o o
28 ipm-synopsis o o
29 ipn-originator o o
30 languages o o
31 message-body-parts o o
32 message-data o o
33 message-parameters o o
34 mixed-mode-body- o o
35 nationally- o o
36 non-receipt-reason o o
37 nrn-requestors o o
38 obsoleted-ipms o o
39 originator o o
40 primary-recipients o o
41 receipt-time o o
42 related-ipms o o
43 replied-to-ipm o o
44 reply-recipients o o
45 reply-requestors o o
46 reply-time o o
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-5 : September 1993
47 returned-ipm o o
48 rn-requestors o o
49 sensitivity o o
50 subject o o
51 subject-ipm m m
52 suppl-receipt-info o o
53 teletex-body-parts o o
54 teletex-data o o
55 teletex-parameters o o
56 this-ipm m m
57 videotex-body- o o
58 videotex-data o o
59 videotex- o o
60 voice-body-parts o o
61 voice-data o o
62 voice-parameters o o
pDISP AMH2-5 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
Annex B
ISPICS Requirements List
for ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx-5 (AMH24)
In the event of a discrepancy becoming apparent in the body of this
part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx and the tables in this annex, this annex is
to take precedence.
This annex specifies the support constraints and characteristics of
ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx-5 on what shall or may appear in the implementation
columns of an ISPICS. Such requirements are additional to those
specified in annex A of ISO/IEC 10611-5 (reference numbers correspond
to items in that annex) and in annex A of this part of ISO/IEC ISP
Clause B.1 specifies the basic requirements for conformance to profile
AMH24. Clause B.2 specifies additional requirements to those specified
in B.1 for each of the optional functional groups if conformance to
such a functional group is claimed.
In each table, the "Profile" column specifies the level of support
required by this ISP (using the classification and notation defined in
3.2). The supplier of an implementation for which conformance to
profile AMH24 is claimed should complete the Support column of the
tables in annex A of ISO/IEC ISP 10611-5 and in annex A of this part of
ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx in accordance with the requirements contained therein
together with any additional requirements in this annex for the type of
implementation (i.e., MS or MS-user) in question.
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-5 : September 1993
B.1 Basic requirements
B.1.1 Supported application contexts
No additional requirements.
B.1.2 Supported operations
B.1.2.2 Message Submission Service Element (MSSE)
Ref Operation Profile
1 Summarize m m
2 List m m
B.1.3 Operation arguments/results
No additional requirements.
B.1.4 MessageSubmissionEnvelope
No additional requirements.
B.1.5 ProbeSubmissionEnvelope
No additional requirements.
B.1.6 AutoForwardRegistrationParameter
Ref Element Profile
4 other-parameters c1
4.1 auto-forwarding- m
4.2 cover-note m
4.3 this-ipm-prefix m
c1 - if the MS supports autoforwarding then m else o
pDISP AMH2-5 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
B.1.7 AutoAlertRegistrationParameter
No additional requirements.
B.1.8 Common data types
No additional requirements.
B.1.9 Extension data types
No additional requirements.
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-5 : September 1993
B.1.10 O/R names
Ref O/R Name Form UA MS
2 numeric O/R m
3 terminal O/R m
B.1.11 General attributes
Ref Attribute UA MS
4 content-correlator m
5 content-identifier m
8 content-returned m
10 conversion-with- m
11 converted-eits m
14 delivery-flags m
15 dl-expansion- m
18 intended- m
20 message-delivery- m
21 message-delivery- m
24 message- m
26 original-eits m
29 other-recipient- m
pDISP AMH2-5 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
34 redirection- m
36 reporting-dl-name m
42 this-recipient- m
[Editor's Note : It is intended to amend clause A.1.11 of ISO/IEC ISP
10611-5 to make support of the originator-name attribute (28) mandatory
and such a change has also been proposed to the base standard.]
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-5 : September 1993
B.1.12 IPM-specific attributes
Ref Attribute Profile
1 acknowledgment- m
2 authorizing-users m
3 auto-forward- m
4 auto-forwarded m
6 blind-copy- m
8 conversion-eits m
9 copy-recipients m
10 discard-reason m
14 expiry-time m
15 extended-body- m
21 ia5-text-body- m
24 importance m
27 ipm-preferred- m
28 ipm-synopsis m
29 ipn-originator m
30 languages m
31 message-body-parts m
36 non-receipt-reason m
pDISP AMH2-5 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
37 nrn-requestors m
38 obsoleted-ipms m
39 originator m
40 primary-recipients m
41 receipt-time m
42 related-ipms m
43 replied-to-ipm m
44 reply-recipients m
45 reply-requestors m
46 reply-time m
48 rn-requestors m
49 sensitivity m
50 subject m
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-5 : September 1993
B.2 Optional functional groups
The following requirements are additional to those specified in B.1 if
support of the functional group is claimed.
B.2.1 IPM Security (SEC)
There are no additional requirements to those specified for the Common
Messaging SEC FG in annex A.2.1 of ISO/IEC ISP 10611-5.
B.2.2 IPM Physical Delivery (PD)
There are no additional requirements to those specified for the Common
Messaging PD FG in annex A.2.2 of ISO/IEC ISP 10611-5.
pDISP AMH2-5 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
B.2.3 IPM Conversion (CV)
B.2.3.1 MessageSubmissionEnvelope
Ref Element Profile
8.3 conversion-with-loss-m
9.3 explicit- m
B.2.3.2 ProbeSubmissionEnvelope
Ref Element Profile
7.3 conversion-with-loss-m
8.3 explicit- m
B.2.4 IPM Redirection (RED)
B.2.4.1 MessageSubmissionEnvelope
Ref Element Profile
9.4.1 originator-requested-m
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-5 : September 1993
B.2.4.2 ProbeSubmissionEnvelope
Ref Element Profile
8.4.1 originator- m
B.2.4.3 Common data types
Ref Element Profile
5.3 alternate- m
B.2.5 IPM Latest Delivery (LD)
There are no additional requirements to those specified for the Common
Messaging LD FG in annex A.2.3 of ISO/IEC ISP 10611-5.
B.2.6 IPM Return of Contents (RoC)
There are no additional requirements to those specified for the Common
Messaging RoC FG in annex A.2.4 of ISO/IEC ISP 10611-5.
B.2.7 IPM Use of Directory (DIR)
There are no additional requirements to those specified for the Common
Messaging DIR FG in annex A.2.5 of ISO/IEC ISP 10611-5.
pDISP AMH2-5 : September 1993 ISO/IEC
Annex C
Amendments and corrigenda
International Standards are subject to constant review and revision by
the ISO/IEC Technical Committees concerned. The following amendments
and corrigenda are approved by ISO/IEC JTC1 and are considered as
normative references in this part of ISO/IEC ISP xxxxx.
NOTE - Corresponding corrigenda to the equivalent CCITT Recommendations
are contained in the joint CCITT/ISO MHS Implementor's Guide.
ISO/IEC 10021-1/Cor.1:1991 ISO/IEC 10021-
ISO/IEC 10021-1/Cor.2:1991 ISO/IEC 10021-
ISO/IEC 10021-1/Cor.3:1992 ISO/IEC 10021-
ISO/IEC 10021-1/Cor.4:1992 ISO/IEC 10021-
ISO/IEC 10021-1/Cor.5:1992 ISO/IEC 10021-
ISO/IEC 10021-2/Cor.1:1991
ISO/IEC 10021-2/Cor.2:1991
ISO/IEC 10021-2/Cor.3:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-2/Cor.4:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-4/Cor.1:1991
ISO/IEC 10021-4/Cor.2:1991
ISO/IEC 10021-4/Cor.3:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-4/Cor.4:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-4/Cor.5:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-5/Cor.1:1991
ISO/IEC 10021-5/Cor.2:1991
ISO/IEC pDISP AMH2-5 : September 1993
ISO/IEC 10021-5/Cor.3:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-5/Cor.4:1992
ISO/IEC 10021-5/Cor.5:1992