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From brusil@snad.ncsl.nist.gov Mon Nov 7 09:06:15 1994
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Date: Mon, 7 Nov 94 09:05:42 EST
From: Dr. Paul J. Brusil - Consultant <brusil@snad.ncsl.nist.gov>
Message-Id: <9411071405.AA08672@snad.ncsl.nist.gov>
To: nmsig@nemo.ncsl.nist.gov, snmsigl@nemo.ncsl.nist.gov
From: w2xd@mrspock.mt.att.com
Subject: CNOM News
To: ifip-nm@BBN.COM
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 1994 08:26:23 -0400 (EDT)
CNOM Newsletter
November 1, 1994
CNOM was born in 1985, nine years ago, and thanks to the dedicated
efforts of many people it is now an important forum fostering
information interchange in the area of Network Operations and
In taking up the Chair of CNOM I feel honoured and indebted to the
previous people who directly contributed to its steering, to name
but a few of those I had the pleasure to work with: Salah Aidarous,
Ben Gotz, Alan Johnston, Ken Lutz, and, of course, the former
Chair, Doug Zuckerman. Doug is today refocussing his energies in
setting up the new committee on Enterpise Networking and that is
still very much tied to Network Management.
Somewhere I heard that INTERNET is so successful because it is not
"Managed". I guess this follows from the world-wide reaching creed
that whatever is regulated sooner or later (sooner, sooner!) gets
bad. Bureaucracy is often evoked whenever we mention "Managing".
Actually my feeling, of course I am biased, is different. Today we
are witnessing a paradigm shift in management: from a concept of
hierarchies and regulated communications where all equipment and
services (software) are nicely placed, we are gradually moving to
"conscious" elements (software) that are able to understand their
environment and enrich it with their presence (Intelligent Agents).
Management means being part of this holistic, ever growing, and
changing, network. In this sense INTERNET is indeed managed, be it
through MOSAIC or any other pieces dispersed in the network. Is
management then going to be only a software issue? My definition
of "Mnagement" is "any form of supervision and control involving
Man, and I think it still holds. There is a lot of talking on
Busness Process Re-engineering, BPR, and this is already having a
rofound effect on the way we are looking at Network Operationsand
Management and on the way we are implementing it. The "Man"
("Person") is key in the BPR; Intelligent Agents do need somebody
to stuff them with Intelligence in the first place and someone who
will evolve an overall architecture where Intelligece may manifest
itself. Management is becoming a wider concept and it will be more
so in the future especially encompassing the Users.
The "Man" factor is also key for CNOM working and effectiveness: I
am looking forward to an exchange of ideas, how to make something
which is already good even better. CNOM is getting more and more
"global". We have an Italian as Chair, a Brazilian as Vice Chair
(Bruno Vianna) - the election took place before the soccer world
championship (if not, results might have been different!), a
Canadian as Secretary (Dale Armor) and an American as Technical
Program Chair (Veli Sahin).
Coming up we have GLOBECOM '94 in San Francisco. There we are
planning to meet on Wednesday November 30 from 5 to 7pm; if you are
around please join in. As usual we will also meet at ICC '95 in
Seattle in June. I'll let you know the exact date.
In May 1995, 1st to 5th, we will have the International Symposium
on Integrated Network Management (ISINM '95) conference in Santa
Barbara, California which promises to be a most exciting event with
technical sessions and expo.
We are already in the detailed planning stage for NOMS '96 which,
for the first time will be held outside of North America in the
wonderful city of Kyoto, Japan, April 16-20, 1996 (cherry
blossoms!). Spread the word around and make sure to plan on being
there. We are looking into clustering other important events around
this one so that people may kill two (or more) birds with one
Always remember to spread the word. If you happen to know anyone
working on Network Operations and Management (or on the user side)
who are not (shame on them) a member of CNOM let them know how to
join in: it is easy! All they have to do is to send their names and
contact information to our Membership Chair, Cengiz Akgun -
Bellcore Room 4B-937, 444 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854. Phone +1
908 699 8336, Fax +1 908 336 2837, E-mail cza@prefect.bellcore.com.
I welcome your suggestions: you can reach me via e-mail at
Roberto.Saracco@CSELT.STET.IT or by phone +39 11 2286906, fax +39
11 2285865.
Roberto Saracco
Chair CNOM
As you already know, Roberto Saracco has been elected our new
Chair. It was my privilege to have nominated him for the position.
One of the benefits of no longer being "the Chair," or so I
thought, was that I would not have to write any more "Messages" for
the CNOM News. Wrong! One of Roberto's first acts was to ask me to
write something for this issue. So here we are with yet another
message (deja vu).
I want to thank all of you for the enthusiastic support you've
provided over the first nine years of CNOM's life. For those who
may be too young to remember, it took a lot of effort to create
this committee. The seeds of CNOM were sown in the early 1980s,
when Ben Gotz, Ken Lutz and I began organizing a few ad hoc
technical sessions at each ICC or GLOBECOM, under the sponsorship
of other friendly technical committees such as the ones on
Transmission Systems and on Communications Switching. At about the
same time, Bruce Kieburtz had started to refocus his efforts away
from a very broad "networking council" to something more tangible -
a committee on network operations and management. Ben, Ken and I
teamed up with Bruce (thus forming "the Four Z's") and through a
lot of politicking and presentations on the merits of forming a new
committee, CNOM was endorsed by the Technical Affairs Council and
officially created by the Board of Governors. This was a
substantial achievement because at the time a prevailing attitude
was that the already existing Communications Society technical
committees (about 15) could cover any past, present or future
topics in the area of communications, and would be diluted by
creation of any new technical committees. In fact, time has proven
the opposite; CNOM has enthusiastically teamed with the other
technical committees in conference and publication activities and
actually enriched the coverage of technical subjects to include a
network operations and management perspective. We have all
benefited and CNOM is now viewed as one of the most important
technical committees in the Communications Society.
Though I have handed the reigns over to Roberto, I will still
continue being active in CNOM, and have the official title of "NOMS
Standing Committee Chair." The NOMS Standing Committee will do the
planning for future Network Operations and Management Symposia,
provide guidance to the organizers of the current NOMS, and assure
continuity from one to the next.
Are you interested in even more deja vu? If so, then consider
this: at ICC '94 I proposed a new cross-disciplinary technical
committee on Enterprise Networking, it was endorsed by the
Technical Affairs Council, created by the Board of Governors, and
I'm now its first chair! The full slate is:
Chair: Doug Zuckerman, AT&T Bell Labs Vice Chair: Branislav
Meandzija, MetaAccess Technical Program Chair: Bob Fike, RNF
Systems Secretary: Karen Seo, BBN Systems and Technology
The focus of this committee will be to provide a forum for
discussion of the issues and technologies relevant to the
communications and computing infrastructures used within
organizations -- business, government, academic, etc. The
increasing need to effectively share distributed information and
computing resources and to coordinate the activities of people
spread out over wide geographic distances has made this a key
problem area. This new technical committee will provide a
systems-oriented focus on technical activities that complements and
integrates the work of a number of discipline-oriented technical
committees within the IEEE Communications Society. Of course,
network operations and management is a key element in overall
enterprise networking.
If you are interested in participating, please send a note with the
words "IEEE Committee on Enterprise Networking," your name, postal
address, email address, telephone and fax to Karen Seo, BBN STD, 10
Moulton Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA (fax: +1 617 873 4265 or
Email (INTERNET): request@bbn.com )
You will then be added to our membership list and the general email
exploder for this committee (if you include your email address).
If you are at GLOBECOM '94 in San Francisco, please join us at the
Enterprise Networking committee's first meeting on Tuesday,
November 29 from 5:00-7:00 P.M. We do not know the room assignment
yet, but it will be listed on the IEEE Communications Society
meetings list available in the conference registration area.
I look forward to continued collaboration in our CNOM, Enterprise
Networking, and Communications Society activities!
Doug Zuckerman
Chair - Technical Committee on Enterprise Networking
Veli Sahin
I will be serving as CNOM technical program chair for the next two
years. This is my first report to you. On behalf of CNOM, I thank
the previous technical program chair, Salah Aidarous for helping me
to get started and a well done job during his term. I also need
your support and active participation. I am looking forward to
working with all of you.
Every day, network operations and management are becaming more
important than before. Therefore, the need for greater
participation in CNOM activities is increasing. We encourage you to
serve on program committees, chair/organize sessions, submit/review
papers, give tutorials, etc. If you would like to help, please
contact: Dr. Veli Sahin, NEC America, Inc., Mail Stop: VA-4520,
14040 Park Center Road, Herndon, VA 22071 (Phone: +1 703 834 4540,
Fax: +1 703 834 4984, Email: sahinv@hn.va.nec.com).
NOMS: Network Operations and Management Symposium is sponsored by
CNOM with cosponsorship by IFIP Working Group 6.6 and held in
even-numbered years.
ICC and GLOBECOM: CNOM participates in these annual conferences by
organizing sessions, tutorials and workshops.
ISINM: International Symposium on Integrated Management is
sponsored by IFIP Working Group 6.6 with cosponsorship by CNOM and
held in odd-numbered years.
CNOM also prepares special issues of Communications Magazine, IEEE
Network, Journal on Selected Areas in Telecommunications and the
Transactions on Communications. Archival papers on network
operations and management are also contributed on a regular basis
to the Transactions on Networking.
GLOBECOM '94 will be held in San Francisco, California on November
28 - December 2, 1994. Contact Dr. Christian Rad (CNOM
Representative), AT&T Bell Laboratories, Room 3K-367, 200 Laurel
Avenue S, Middletown, NJ 07748, USA, Tel: +1 908 957 7255, Fax: +1
908 957 7500, Email: rad@mrspock.att.com
ISINM '95: (CNOM Representative: Ken Lutz) IFIP Working Group 6.6
on Network Management for Communication Networks and IEEE CNOM are
continuing preparations for ISINM '95. The Fourth IFIP/IEEE
International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, ISINM
'95, will take place May 1-5, 1995 in Santa Barbara, California at
the Red Lion Inn.
ISINM '95 will build on the success of three previous ISINM's in
forming the central technical exchange forum for the research,
standards, development, systems integrator, vendor and user
community of network management. This premier symposium will focus
on overall management solutions across all types of networks,
enterprise communication systems, distributed computing systems and
applications. The overall program will include technical sessions,
tutorials, poster displays, "birds-of-a-feather" open discussion
groups, and technical demonstrations. People who register early by
April 1 will save money, and those who register super-early by
December 15 will in addition receive a special gift. For further
information and a registration form, contact: Mary Olson, ISINM
'95, P.O. Box 22605, Santa Barbara, CA 93101, Email:
ISINM@cs.ucsb.edu, Tel: +1 805 569 1222, Fax: +1 805 569 2227.
ICC '95 will be held in Seattle Sheraton Hotel, Seattle, WA on June
18-21, 1995. Contact: Myron Allen, CNOM Technical Program
Representative, Northern Telecom, Inc., Dept. 8459, 4001 E. Chapel
Hill-Nelson Hwy, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709. Phone: +1 919
992 2362, Fax: +1 919 992 6670. Email: myron.allen@nt.com
CNOM is proposing three hot topics:
- Advanced Service Management
- Managing Converging Technologies, and
- Managing new infrastructures (e.g., ATM, SONET, PCN, VoD, etc.)
DSOM '95: The Sixth IFIP/IEEE Workshop on Distributed Systems:
Operations and Management, DSOM '95, will be held in Ottawa, Canada
in October 1995. Contact: Dr. Salah Aidarous, Bell-Northern
Research, 3500 Carling Ave., P.O. Box 3511, Station C, Ottawa,
Ontario K1Y 4H7, Canada, Phone: +1 613 765 4139 Fax: +1 613 765
4873, Email: aidarous@bnr.ca
GLOBECOM '95 (CNOM Technical Program Representative: Dr. Douglas N.
Zuckerman): GLOBECOM '95 will be held on November 13-17, 1995 in
Singapore. CNOM is proposing two hot topics:
- Distributed Network and Systems Management
(Ken Lutz, Organizer)
- Personal Communications Services (PCS)
Management (Roberto Saracco, Organizer)
In addition, we are proposing tutorials on:
- "Network Management Standards, Technology
and Evolution," by Salah Aidarous, and
- "Telecommunications Management Networks
(TMN) Standards, Implementations, and
Applications" by Veli Sahin.
Additional CNOM-sponsored sessions will be formed largely from
papers submitted in response to the open Call for Papers (see
August 1994 IEEE Communications Magazine). Papers are due by
February 28, 1995.
NOMS '96: Prepare now for NOMS '96 in Kyoto, Japan! NOMS '96 is the
fifth biennial symposium on Network Operations and Management,
organized in collaboration with IEEE CNOM and IFIP Working Group
6.6 on Network Management. Following the success of NOMS '94, which
was held in Orlando during the week of February 14-17, we are
beginning to plan for NOMS '96 in Kyoto the week of April 16-19,
For the first time, NOMS is being held outside the United States.
There is a high level of interest and enthusiasm in taking this
international conference to Japan and giving it a real
international flavor. NOMS '96 promises to further build upon the
successful relationship with IFIP Working Group 6.6 on Network
Management in tying together telecommunication, computing and
The conference will feature a world class program of renowned
keynote speakers, state-of-the-art tutorials, high quality
technical sessions addressing important technologies that are
influencing the current operational environment and shaping the
future of the industry, and panel session providing a "vision" into
the future. Trips and visits to telecommunication
industries/organizations in the area will also be organized.
Plan on participating in this unique conference to explore the fast
pace developments and exploding markets in Asia-Pacific. We hope to
see you there.
For further information, contact:
Mr. Masayoshi Ejiri, General Co-Chair NTT, 1-6 Uchisaiwai-cho 40
Sylvan Road, 1-Chome Chiyoda-ku MS 45, Tokyo 100-19 Japan, Phone:
+81 3 3509 5320, Fax: +81 3 3509 4164, Email: ejiri@nttpro.ntt.jp
Dr. Shri K. Goyal, General Co-Chair, GTE Laboratories, 40 Sylvan
Road, MS45, Waltham, MA 02254, Phone: +1 617 466 2940, Fax: +1 617
466 2960, Email: goyal@gte.com
Mr. Hugh Dysart, TPC Co-Chair, Bell-Northern Research, 3500 Carling
Avenue, P.O. Box 3511, Station C, Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1Y 4H7,
Phone: +1 613 763 4007, Fax: +1 613 763 8445, Email: hdysart@bnr.ca
Mr. Satoshi Hasegawa, TPC Co-Chair, NEC Corporation, 2nd Lab, C&C
Prod. Tech. Res. Labs, 1753 Shimonumabe, Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki,
Kanagawa 211, Japan, Phone: +81 44 435 5633, Fax: +81 44 435 5697
Email: hasegawa@ptl.tmg.nec.co.jp
ICC '96 will be held on June 24-27, 1996 in Dallas, TX. If you are
interested in serving as CNOM's technical program representative,
please contact Veli Sahin.
GLOBECOM '96 (CNOM Technical Program Representative: Dr. Christian
GLOBECOM '97 (CNOM Technical Program Representative: Dr. Douglas N.