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73 lines
* Filename: errno.rc
* Description:
* String Table with Windows Socket errors as integer identifiers and
* Error value and text description in text (string resources). With
* this table as part of a .RC file, the LoadString() function can be
* used to retrieve the strings by referencing the error number.
* Edit History:
* 18-Feb-93 <MIKE@sx.gar.no> created and sent to WinSockAPI mailing list
* for public distribution.
* 25-Apr-93 <rcq@ftp.com> WSAINITIALIZED respelt as WSAINITIALISED,
* and added header with comments.
#include <winsock.h>
WSABASEERR, "[0] No Error"
WSAEINTR, "[10004] Interrupted system call"
WSAEBADF, "[10009] Bad file number"
WSAEACCES, "[10013] Permission denied"
WSAEFAULT, "[10014] Bad address"
WSAEINVAL, "[10022] Invalid argument"
WSAEMFILE, "[10024] Too many open files"
WSAEWOULDBLOCK, "[10035] Operation would block"
WSAEINPROGRESS, "[10036] Operation now in progress"
WSAEALREADY, "[10037] Operation already in progress"
WSAENOTSOCK, "[10038] Socket operation on non-socket"
WSAEDESTADDRREQ, "[10039] Destination address required"
WSAEMSGSIZE, "[10040] Message too long"
WSAEPROTOTYPE, "[10041] Protocol wrong type for socket"
WSAENOPROTOOPT, "[10042] Bad protocol option"
WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT, "[10043] Protocol not supported"
WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT, "[10044] Socket type not supported"
WSAEOPNOTSUPP, "[10045] Operation not supported on socket"
WSAEPFNOSUPPORT, "[10046] Protocol family not supported"
WSAEAFNOSUPPORT, "[10047] Address family not supported by protocol family"
WSAEADDRINUSE, "[10048] Address already in use"
WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL, "[10049] Can't assign requested address"
WSAENETDOWN, "[10050] Network is down"
WSAENETUNREACH, "[10051] Network is unreachable"
WSAENETRESET, "[10052] Net dropped connection or reset"
WSAECONNABORTED, "[10053] Software caused connection abort"
WSAECONNRESET, "[10054] Connection reset by peer"
WSAENOBUFS, "[10055] No buffer space available"
WSAEISCONN, "[10056] Socket is already connected"
WSAENOTCONN, "[10057] Socket is not connected"
WSAESHUTDOWN, "[10058] Can't send after socket shutdown"
WSAETOOMANYREFS, "[10059] Too many references, can't splice"
WSAETIMEDOUT, "[10060] Connection timed out"
WSAECONNREFUSED, "[10061] Connection refused"
WSAELOOP, "[10062] Too many levels of symbolic links"
WSAENAMETOOLONG, "[10063] File name too long"
WSAEHOSTDOWN, "[10064] Host is down"
WSAEHOSTUNREACH, "[10065] No Route to Host"
WSAENOTEMPTY, "[10066] Directory not empty"
WSAEPROCLIM, "[10067] Too many processes"
WSAEUSERS, "[10068] Too many users"
WSAEDQUOT, "[10069] Disc Quota Exceeded"
WSAESTALE, "[10070] Stale NFS file handle"
WSAEREMOTE, "[10071] Too many levels of remote in path"
WSASYSNOTREADY, "[10091] Network SubSystem is unavailable"
WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED, "[10092] WINSOCK DLL Version out of range"
WSANOTINITIALISED, "[10093] Successful WSASTARTUP not yet performed"
WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND, "[11001] Host not found"
WSATRY_AGAIN, "[11002] Non-Authoritative Host not found"
WSANO_RECOVERY, "[11003] Non-Recoverable errors: FORMERR, REFUSED, NOTIMP"
WSANO_DATA, "[11004] Valid name, no data record of requested