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- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Mandelmania - ARexx - Script - File */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* This script was sent to me by David Andrew Clayton */
- /* Execution time: 0h 57' 53" (68020, 14 MHz, 320x200x5) */
- /* ANIM file size: 1'036'798 Bytes */
- address 'rexx_mandelmania'
- options results
- signal on ERROR
- signal on BREAK_C
- signal on BREAK_D
- 'getanimfilename'
- animname = result
- if result = 'RESULT' then do
- exit 0
- end
- 'openanim' animname'.anim'
- say 'Calculating' animname
- say 'Start time'
- address command 'date'
- pic = 0
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- left1 = '-1.186864437877208'
- right1 = '-1.18686417944015'
- bottom1 = '0.3052804438822836'
- top1 = '0.3052806580387606'
- xc1 = '0'
- yc1 = '0'
- iter1 = 50
- type = 0
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- left2 = '-2.5'
- right2 = '1.5'
- bottom2 = '-1.75'
- top2 = '1.75'
- xc2 = '0'
- yc2 = '0'
- iter2 = 50
- steps = 40
- do i=pic to pic+steps-1
- say 'interpolate' i-pic steps
- 'interpolate' i-pic steps-1 left1 right1 bottom1 top1 xc1 yc1 iter1 left2 right2 bottom2 top2 xc2 yc2 iter2 type
- 'saveanim'
- if i <= 1 then do
- 'savefractal' animname'.'i
- end
- end
- left1 = left2;
- right1 = right2;
- bottom1 = bottom2;
- top1 = top2;
- xc1 = xc2;
- yc1 = yc2;
- iter1 = iter2;
- pic = pic+steps
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- if (RC ~= 0) then do
- say ' 'SIGL '*-*' SOURCELINE(SIGL)
- say 'Error' RC
- end
- 'openfractal' animname'.0' /* For looped animations */
- 'saveanim'
- 'openfractal' animname'.1'
- 'saveanim'
- 'closeanim'
- address command 'delete' animname'.0 QUIET'
- address command 'delete' animname'.1 QUIET'
- say 'End time'
- address command 'date'
- exit 0