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- QuickGrab V1.1 by Steve Hines
- QuickGrab is a program I wrote to fill a (small) gap in
- software for 2.0/3.0 (especially the Amiga 4000). Most screen
- grabbers do not even run under 2.0. The ones that do fail miserably
- (9 times out of 10) under 3.0. With the Interleaved Workbench and
- the AA Chipset, almost every grabber was gone. I didn't even need
- a screen grabber for years until I bought my 4000 and got a Viewer
- called Viewtek, which translates among other things, J-Peg/24bit into
- AGA resolutions (like Hires-Interlaced HAM :-) I wanted to grab
- those converted images and make them Workbench backdrops, but to
- no avail: there exists not a single screen grabber that saves
- screen modes in a 2.0/3.0 compatible way. Hence QuickGrab.
- NOTE: QuickGrab V1.1 is COMPLETELY Freely Distributable. This
- means that you can use it free of charge and pass it around free
- of charge. I grant EXCLUSIVE disk-for-$ distribution rights to
- Fred Fish. Anyone else, ask me FIRST. I claim all copyrights
- on QuickGrab V1.1, intellectual and otherwise.
- That being said:
- New additions to V1.1:
- Ability to set "Grab Delay" up to 99 seconds after grabkey pressed.
- Can now save pictures that are changing during the grab.
- Grabbing is now about 2 times faster (depending on where you save).
- The grab delay plus an enhancement in V1.1 allows grabbing of
- pull-down menus, dragging windows, etc.
- For technical users: Can now grab pictures from screens with the
- Layers locked.
- Brief summary of features:
- 1) Grabs and saves ALL graphics modes, including 8 bits.
- 2) Saves the screen display modes properly. Old grabbers filter
- out modes like DoubleNTSC, NTSC-Super-Hires, Super72.
- 3) Properly grabs and saves new-for-3.0 Interleaved bitmaps.
- 4) Uses the Commodities Exchange routines in 2.0, so that
- Hotkeys/popkeys don't contend with other programs. This is
- certainly not true of non-2.0 grabbers.
- 5) Loads from Workbench with a full complement of ToolTypes,
- so that QuickGrab can be installed in WBStartup easily.
- 6) Has gadget interface that allows you to set save directory,
- base filename, and grab hotkey.
- 7) Is able to successfully grab screens even if they are closed
- DURING the grab.
- 8) Small and efficient. Totally 2.0/3.0 compatible.
- 9) I don't worry about making it 1.3 compatible (this IS a feature :-)
- The program's operation is really very simple: at any time,
- press the Grab hotkey (it defaults to "control lcommand s") and the
- frontmost screen is grabbed and saved in the destination directory
- (defaults to "RAM:") under the base filename (defaults to "QuickGrab")
- with extension added (extension counts from .000 to .999).
- All three of the above defaults can be changed through either
- the icon's ToolTypes or through the program's gadget interface. (These
- are explained below.)
- ToolTypes:
- See the Amiga User Guide for info on these ToolTypes.
- Sets the Grab hotkey to any legal key combination.
- Qualifiers allowed include: control, lalt, ralt, alt,
- lcommand,rcommand, lshift, rshift, shift.
- Keys allowed include: esc, space, f1, return, a-z, A-Z 1-10
- Examples: HOTKEY=control lalt rshift esc
- HOTKEY=alt f8
- Default: HOTKEY=control lcommand s
- See the Amiga User Guide for more information.
- Sets the directory where the grabbed pictures will be saved.
- This can be any valid EXISTING directory anywhere.
- Example: SAVEDIR=df0:pictures
- Default: SAVEDIR=RAM:
- Set the base filename for all pictures grabbed. For example,
- if SAVEDIR=RAM: and BASEFILE=QuickGrab, any picture grabbed
- would be saved as RAM:QuickGrab.xxx, where xxx is 000-999.
- 28 characters is the maximum length for the base filename.
- Example: BASEFILE=GrabbedPic
- Default: BASEFILE=QuickGrab
- The message is the window that opens up while QuickGrab is
- grabbing a screen. If this is checked, a window will open on
- the public screen informing you when a picture is being
- grabbed. The window is open only while QuickGrab is grabbing.
- One of the few reason you might want to turn this off is
- if you are grabbing the current public screen (i.e. the
- Workbench screen) and you do NOT want the message window to
- appear in the picture grabbed.
- This value can be set to "YES" or "NO".
- Default: MESSAGE=YES
- This sets the Grab Delay in seconds. The Grab Delay is the
- amount of time that QuickGrab will wait AFTER the Grab hotkey
- has been pressed. This allows you to rearrange screens, move
- windows, etc. in preparation for the grab. In addition, this
- allows you to, for example, grab pull-down menus, dragging
- windows, etc.
- NOTE: With DELAY set for any value greater than 0, the message
- window (if turned on) may not update to say "Grabbing Screen
- and Saving..." while the screen is being grabbed. This will
- ONLY occur if you are trying to grab pull-down menus, or other
- Intuition features that prevent screen updating while active.
- This DOES NOT affect the operation of QuickGrab.
- Gadget window:
- Save Directory:
- This string gadget allows you to set the directory where
- grabbed pictures will be saved.
- The gadget to the far right of the Save Directory gadget is
- a GetFile gadget. Clicking on this will allow you to
- specify the save directory interactively through the
- standard Amiga File Requester.
- Base Filename:
- See BASENAME above for a description of this gadget's function.
- Grab Hotkey:
- Specifies the Hotkey used to grab a picture. See HOTKEY above
- for possible values of this Hotkey.
- Delay Before Grabbing (seconds): This sets the number of seconds
- that QuickGrab will wait before grabbing the screen. See
- DELAY above for implications of this feature.
- Show message when grabbing:
- When checked, a message window will open on the current
- public screen when QuickGrab is grabbing a picture.
- You may want to turn the message window off when grabbing
- the current public screen (i.e. the Workbench screen).
- Otherwise the message window will appear in the saved picture.
- Hide:
- Will hide the Gadget Window. It can be reopened four ways:
- 1) Click on Show Interface in the Commodities Exchange
- program (see the Amiga User Guide on how to use this.)
- 2) Press the CX_POPKEY key combination. This can be set
- in the ToolTypes (see above). The default CX_POPKEY
- is "control lcommand x".
- 3) Double click on the QuickGrab icon.
- 4) run QuickGrab from the CLI.
- Quit:
- Closes the QuickGrab window and removes QuickGrab from the
- system. QuickGrab will no longer be available to grab screens.
- You can also quit QuickGrab through the Commodities Exchange
- program (see the Amiga User Guide for info on using this.)
- In case you were still wondering, QuickGrab is 2.0 ONLY.
- That's all there is to it.
- By the way, if you own an Amiga with the AA Chipset, (currently
- only the 4000), I suggest that you get Viewtek by Thomas Krehbiel.
- It's fast, very useful, and it renders some beautiful Hires HAM
- images from J-Pegs and 24 bit IFFs. This program was tested by
- grabbing Viewtek's screens (among others). I got Viewtek.lha from
- PORTAL. I also suggest (for pure graphics entertainment)
- WindowBlender by Fred Mitchell. It renders some beautiful formulae.
- It also lacks an IFF Save routine, so it's great practice for
- QuickGrab :-) I got WindowBlender.lha from Portal as well.
- If you have any questions about the operation of QuickGrab, or
- any bug reports (bugs???) please feel free to mail me at one
- of the electronic addresses below.
- If you are interested in the source code to QuickGrab, I will
- E-Mail it to you for free, you just have to ask. The code is written
- in Manx C 5.2, but it should compile with SAS/C just fine, there
- is nothing complex in it.
- The source code for QuickGrab is Copyright 1992 Steve Hines.
- Portions of this program include code from:
- Jerry Morrison and Steve Shaw, Electronic Arts
- Jim Kent (Dancing Flame)
- The Amiga Rom Kernal Manual, Commodore Amiga
- Everyone above still retains copyrights on their code.
- QuickGrab's interface was generated using GadToolsBox v1.3 by
- Jan van den Baard. GTB does a great job of designing interfaces,
- I recommend it to anyone wanting to use GadTools. (I just wish
- it didn't have so many darned Enforcer hits!!)
- My E-Mail Addresses:
- HOLOSOFT (Portal)
- HOLOSOFT@cup.Portal.com (USENET & InterNet)
- shines@ucsd.edu (USENET)
- Thanks for using QuickGrab.
- Steve Hines
- Revision History:
- V1.1: IFF code now sets NOSIZEYET instead of precalculating
- the compression. This allows me to save bitmaps that
- are changing while I'm grabbing. This also speeded up the
- saving routine.
- Added Grab Delay feature.
- Added code to check the Layer locks on the public screen
- and the screen-to-grab so that the message window does
- not try to open or update if the public screen is locked,
- and so that if the screen-to-grab is locked, I don't try
- to lock it and halt the grabbing of the screen. This also
- means that the user can grab bitmaps from disappearing
- screens :-( Unfortunately, there is no way around this
- (that I know of)
- V1.0: Original release.