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INI File | 1998-09-08 | 12.7 KB | 197 lines |
- //
- // All comments *must* go *above* [playreq] line
- //
- // name = code, groupId, nameId, descriptionId, eventType [,(repeat|(min,max))]
- //
- // Primary Sort : groupId
- // Secondary Sort : name
- //
- // name : function name
- // code : cooresponds to entries in playrqcd.h
- // groupId : group identifier for UI display
- // nameId : stringtable identifier for UI display
- // descriptionId : stringtable identifier for UI display
- // eventType : T-trigger event, P-absolute position event, R-relative position event
- // repeat : repeat rate (trigger event only)
- // min,max : min,max range of input (position events only)
- //
- // don't know if comments are ok inside the table, so they go here
- // groupId's
- // 0 - doesn't show up
- // 1 - flight controls
- // 2 - throttle Controls
- // 3 - hud controls
- // 4 - system commands
- // 5 - communication and navigation
- // 6 - virtual view system
- // 7 - internal views
- // 8 - external views
- // 9 - ddi controls
- // 10 - countermeasures
- // 11 - detection and identification
- // 12 - weapons and targeting controls
- [playreq]
- CursorSelect1 = 107,0,30000,30500,T
- CursorSelect2 = 108,0,30001,30501,T
- CursorSelect3 = 109,0,30002,30502,T
- CursorSelect4 = 110,0,30003,30503,T
- CursorX = 105,0,30004,30504,P
- CursorY = 106,0,30005,30505,P
- FlightStickX = 015,0,30006,30506,P,-100,100
- FlightStickY = 016,0,30007,30507,P,-100,100
- Minimize = 113,0,30008,30508,T
- Rudder = 019,0,30009,30509,P,-100,100
- Throttle = 065,0,30010,30510,P,0,100
- PongModeInCurrentMFD = 318,0,34010,34510,T
- TacticalModeInCurrentMFD = 319,0,34018,34518,T
- CatapultShot = 804,1,33003,33503,T
- AutopilotHeadingHold = 460,1,32010,32510,T
- AutopilotCoupledCourse = 466,1,32008,32508,T
- AutopilotCoupledDirect = 465,1,32009,32509,T
- AutopilotAltitudeHold = 461,1,32004,32504,T
- AutopilotAttitudeHold = 462,1,32007,32507,T
- AutopilotAPC_Cruise = 463,1,32005,32505,T
- AutopilotAPC_Approach = 464,1,32006,32506,T
- AutopilotACLS1 = 467,1,32011,32511,T
- AutopilotACLS2 = 468,1,32012,32512,T
- AutopilotILS = 026,1,32013,34513,T
- AltimeterToggle = 025,1,32000,32500,T
- RudderLeft = 017,1,33023,33523,T,50
- RudderRight = 018,1,33024,33524,T,50
- WheelBrakes = 023,1,33036,33536,T
- AirBrakes = 024,1,33001,33501,T
- LandingGear = 022,1,33009,33509,T
- ExtendFlaps = 020,1,33007,33507,T
- RetractFlaps = 021,1,33021,33521,T
- TailHook = 034,1,33025,33525,T
- JettisonExternalStores = 028,1,32003,32503,T
- FuelDumpToggle = 029,1,32002,32502,T
- Eject = 030,1,33006,33506,T
- LeftEngineToggle = 051,2,33010,33510,T
- RightEngineToggle = 052,2,33022,33522,T
- Throttle100Pct = 062,2,33026,33526,T
- Throttle10Pct = 053,2,33027,33527,T
- Throttle20Pct = 054,2,33028,33528,T
- Throttle30Pct = 055,2,33029,33529,T
- Throttle40Pct = 056,2,33030,33530,T
- Throttle50Pct = 057,2,33031,33531,T
- Throttle60Pct = 058,2,33032,33532,T
- Throttle70Pct = 059,2,33033,33533,T
- Throttle80Pct = 060,2,33034,33534,T
- Throttle90Pct = 061,2,33035,33535,T
- IncreaseThrottle10Pct = 063,2,33008,33508,T,50
- DecreaseThrottle10Pct = 064,2,33004,33504,T,50
- AfterburnerToggle = 066,2,33000,33500,T
- NextHUDMode = 351,3,35012,35512,T
- PreviousHUDMode = 352,3,35014,35514,T
- DecreaseHUDBrightness = 355,3,35003,35503,T
- IncreaseHUDBrightness = 354,3,35010,35510,T
- HelmetHUDToggle = 353,3,35008,35508,T
- Pause = 101,4,31006,31506,T
- AccelerateTime = 031,4,31000,31500,T
- DecelerateTime = 032,4,31002,31502,T
- NormalTime = 033,4,31005,31505,T
- Screenshot = 112,4,31007,31507,T
- CockpitWarningSoundsToggle = 111,4,32001,32501,T
- CloseAndExitGame = 104,4,31001,31501,T
- EndMission = 102,4,31003,31503,T
- ExitGame = 103,4,31004,31504,T
- CallTheBall = 805,5,33002,33502,T
- Com1Toggle = 151,5,34002,34502,T
- SendCom1Msg = 152,5,34013,34513,T
- SendCom2Msg = 153,5,34014,34514,T
- SendGuardMessage = 154,5,34015,34515,T
- NetworkChatMode = 155,5,34007,34507,T
- NextWaypoint = 156,5,34009,34509,T
- PreviousWaypoint = 157,5,34012,34512,T
- VirtualCockpitToggle = 210,6,36023,36523,T
- MoveViewLeft = 204,6,36008,36508,T,50
- MoveViewRight = 202,6,36009,36509,T,50
- MoveViewUp = 203,6,36010,36510,T,50
- MoveViewDown = 201,6,36007,36507,T,50
- SnapToFrontView = 205,6,36016,36516,T
- SnapToLeftView = 206,6,36017,36517,T
- SnapToRearView = 207,6,36018,36518,T
- SnapToRightView = 208,6,36019,36519,T
- SnapToTopView = 209,6,36020,36520,T
- PadlockView = 268,6,36011,36511,T
- IncomingMissilePadlockView = 269,6,36005,36505,T
- FrontCockpitView = 266,7,36002,36502,T
- CockpitGraphicToggle = 267,7,36000,36500,T
- FunctionKeyViewToggle = 251,8,36004,36504,T
- PlayerChaseView = 252,8,36013,36513,T
- TargetChaseView = 253,8,36022,36522,T
- MissileBombView = 254,8,36006,36506,T
- TacticalView = 255,8,36021,36521,T
- ReverseTacticalView = 256,8,36014,36514,T
- FlyByView = 257,8,36001,36501,T
- CarrierPadlockView = 271,8,36012,36512,T
- SatelliteView = 259,8,36015,36515,T
- LandingView = 270,8,36024,36524,T
- RotateCameraDown = 260,8,37000,37500,T,50
- RotateCameraLeft = 263,8,37001,37501,T,50
- RotateCameraRight = 262,8,37002,37502,T,50
- RotateCameraUp = 261,8,37003,37503,T,50
- ZoomIn = 264,8,37004,37504,T,50
- ZoomOut = 265,8,37005,37505,T,50
- ChooseNextMFD = 306,9,34000,34500,T
- ChoosePreviousMFD = 307,9,34001,34501,T
- NextModeInCurrentMFD = 308,9,34008,34508,T
- PreviousModeInCurrentMFD = 309,9,34011,34511,T
- MFDCursorDown = 012,9,33012,33512,T,50
- MFDCursorLeft = 013,9,33013,33513,T,50
- MFDCursorRight = 014,9,33014,33514,T,50
- MFDCursorUp = 011,9,33015,33515,T,50
- FullScreenMFDView = 211,9,36003,36503,T
- ECM = 401,10,35004,35504,T
- Chaff = 403,10,35002,35502,T
- Flares = 404,10,35007,35507,T
- AutoDispenseChaffFlares = 402,10,35001,35501,T
- ActiveRadarToggle = 451,11,35000,35500,T
- IFFCheckOnCurrentTarget = 452,11,35009,35509,T
- DesignateCCIP = 806,12,33005,33505,T
- MFDCenterFLIR = 801,12,33011,33511,T
- MFDDesignateTarget = 800,12,33016,33516,T
- MFDZoomIn = 802,12,33017,33517,T
- MFDZoomOut = 803,12,33018,33518,T
- MFDBlackHot = 810,12,33019,33519,T,50
- MFDWhiteHot = 811,12,33020,33520,T,50
- DecreaseRadarHorzFOV = 313,12,34003,34503,T
- DecreaseRadarVertFOV = 315,12,34004,34504,T
- IncreaseRadarHorzFOV = 312,12,34005,34505,T
- IncreaseRadarVertFOV = 314,12,34006,34506,T
- SlewRadarDown = 317,12,34016,34516,T,50
- SlewRadarUp = 316,12,34017,34517,T,50
- FireGun = 506,12,35005,35505,T,50
- FireWeapon = 505,12,35006,35506,T,50
- MasterArm = 504,12,35011,35511,T
- PrepareAutoShootListForCurrentlySelectedWeapon = 509,12,35013,35513,T
- RemoveCurrentTargetFromShootList = 510,12,35015,35515,T
- SelectNextTarget = 511,12,35016,35516,T
- SelectNextWeapon = 501,12,35017,35517,T
- SelectPreviousTarget = 512,12,35018,35518,T
- SelectPreviousWeapon = 502,12,35019,35519,T
- SelectTargetNearestCenterOfHUD = 508,12,35020,35520,T
- WeaponModeToggle = 514,12,35021,35521,T