Labels:crt screen | dialog box | dog | fence | monitor | person | plant | poster | road | sky | stairs | tree | web site | window | windowpane OCR: LT Multimedia CD Bonus Sampler Abacus Harald Frater/Dirk Paulissen J 1993 Abacus Soffware Inc. Multimedia Mania Sampler Files Multimedia Mania c1993 Abacus Software Inc Pia Abacus Software Inc is a publisher of high quality computer books and software To order Abacus products call 1 -800 451 -4319 Pia For Technica Support information about our products call [616] You can contact US on CompuServe by entering GO ABACUS al any system prompt Abacus Software Inc 5370 52nd Stret SE Grand Rapids MI 49512 OK aphics ANIMA TION Shareware File publishe comnuter Technical Supporb 0330 Street Graphics