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$Author{Donald E. deKieffer}
$Affiliation{Embassy of Romania, Washington DC}
Title: Romania
Book: Doing Business with the New Romania
Author: Donald E. deKieffer
Affiliation: Embassy of Romania, Washington DC
Date: 1990
The following are useful publications:
The Romanian Journal of Chemistry, available from PUBLICOM. This
publication outlines the available products from the Romanian chemical
industry and gives some reference to required imports.
The Romanian-American Economic Council is an organization of joint
cooperation between the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of
Commerce and Industry of Romania. The Council publishes a number of
technical documents, one of the most useful of which is, The Rules and
Contractual Clauses Utilized in Romanian-American Commercial Relations. It
is available through the U.S. Chamber of Commerce or from the Chamber of
Commerce and Industry of Romania, Bucharest, 22, N. Balcescu Boulevard; telex
Economic Information
A Romanian manual dealing with commercial relations is the Economic and
Commercial Guide to Romania, published by the Chamber of Commerce and
Industry of Romania.
Plan Econ Incorporated publishes a bimonthly newsletter, with Issue 25,
Volume 6, June 22, 1990, devoted to the economic performance of Romania in
1989. Write to Plan Econ Inc. at 1111 14th Street, N.W., Suite 801,
Washington, D.C. 20005.
Economic Trends of Romania, published by the U.S. Department of
Commerce, May 1990. Discusses macroeconomic trends and export opportunities
for Western businesses.
An Economic Geography of Romania, published by London G. Bell & Sons
(1974). The author, David Turnock, examines in detail Romania's physical
resources, agriculture and forestry. Though published in 1974, the
information is still very useful into the 1990s.
Romanian Engineering, published by PUBLICOM, is a quarterly issued
and edited under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of
Romania. It carries articles on the production and development prospects
of Romanian mechanical engineering, electronics, electrotechnics, aviation,
export offers and joint venture opportunities.
Foreign Trade
Foreign Investment in Romania, published by the U.S. Department of
Commerce (June 1990). This three-page document includes information on
tax, profit repatriation and licensing.
ILEXIM issues a quarterly periodical, Romanian Foreign Trade. This
periodical lists all new Romanian products available for the export market.
It is available from ILEXIM Press, Import-Export Department, Bucharest, 3,
13 Decembrie Street; POB 136-137; telex 11226.
Forest Products
Foresta is published by PUBLICOM under the auspices of the Chamber
of Commerce and Industry and the Forest Economy and Building Materials
Ministry. This publication treats the issues of production, research and
cooperation in the area of woodworking, furniture-making and building
materials. These pamphlets are available from ILEXIM, 3, 13 Decembrie
Street, Bucharest, Romania.
History Politics
The Illustrated History of Romania by Dinu C. Giurescu (English
translation by Sonia Schlonger) has been called "the most objective history
of the Romanians published in Romania since 1948." The publisher is Edituri
Sport-Turism (1981).
Romania and Its Quality of Life, published by the U.S. Department of
Commerce (1990), provides information on trading in Romania.
Romania - Documents, Events, published by Agerpres (Romanian News
Agency), Scienteia Square, Bucharest; telephone 18.20.30. These short
booklets are published almost weekly and include topics of current
interest, government pronouncements, statistics, etc.
A quarterly review of new developments in Romanian equipment machinery
is available from PUBLICOM under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce and
Industry, Bucharest, Romania, 22, N. Balcescu Boulevard; telephone
14.75.35; telex 11374. This magazine lists newly available products in the
aeronautical, automotive, computer, electric power generation, machine tool,
machinery, railway and technical areas.
Romania - General
Romania, An Encyclopaedic Survey, is published by Editura Stiintifica
Si Enciclopedica, Bucharest, 1980. This manual gives a general overview of
Romania in one volume. It is available from Romanian embassies abroad.
Romania General Survey. This official booklet, also available from the
Romanian missions, is more subjective than Romania, An Encyclopaedic Survey,
and more extensive.
Romania Facts and Figures, published by Editura Stiintifica Si
Enciclopedica, Bucharest, is a companion book to Romania, An Encyclopaedic
Romania At A Glance is published by PUBLICOM and designed primarily
for tourists, with some reference to commercial relations.
Romanian Trade Entities
Your Commercial Partners in Romania, published by PUBLICOM under the
auspices of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Bucharest, Romania, 22, N.
Balcescu Boulevard; telephone 14.75.35; telex 11374. This is a compendium of
all the authorized trading companies in Romania and an analysis of their
import and export needs.
Romania Economic Data, edited under the sponsorship of the Chamber of
Commerce and Industry of Romania by PUBLICOM, Bucharest, Romania, 22, N.
Balcescu Boulevard.
Trade Laws
The Digest of General Laws of Romania, published by the Legislative
Council of Romania, is an authoritative index of all financial/commercial
laws of Romania. It is an absolute necessity for any company doing business
in the country. It is available from the Romanian embassies.