Labels:bar | bulletin board | clock | compact disk | desk | monitor | person | table | videocassette recorder OCR: can You can run CorelDraw directhy from the 3.0either on CD-ROM QuickStart disk orifyou have CD .ROM drive, you COREL DRAW! If you're hard drive from the CD-ROM musrun SETUP program on the CD-ROM (Notethat this ater than inalling from the floppies.) Iyou're installing the am torur directly from theCD. ROM you must run th SETUP2 program on the CD-ROM. Foreither of the above choices the installaion procedure is as follows Open Microsoft Windows 3.0orlater Open the Program Manager Click on Run in the FILE menu Type the CD-ROM drive letter followed by a colon and abackeslashN) Type SETUP for SETUP2 and pres ENTER Once the SETUPor SETUP2) program is tarted instrucrions on tthe screen guide yo through the installation Torun CorelDRAW or any of the related programs after rinstallation click on th ...