Labels:book | bulletin board | counter | vegetarianism OCR: COREL DRAW! on ROM ClipArt The enormou amount ofinformarion sofvaluable thar can clipart be stored animated on this flicks unique and fonts. media as well allow as copies pro- The rarion clipart trom the images following containedin companies the product naw Deer icenaedf lseribution by Corel Corpo vide ofthe you programs with extensive rhemselves libraries On examining the contents sofyour CD. -ROM disk, you will find 3G Graphics Inc. the following CorelDRAW 3.0 out arest version ofthe world fines PC graphics sofrware ACEBO The following applicarions thar work conjunction with CorelDRAW to round out your ArtRight Software Corp computer graphic: needs: Bergmoser+Holler Verlag GmbH PLEASE NOTE CorelCHART Creativ Collection Verlag GmbH Images are subiect o CorelPHOTO-PAINT HAL Visual Present ...