Corel Draw 6
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Microsoft Windows Help File Content
245 lines
:Base mediamgr.hlp>main
:Title Corel MULTIMEDIA MANAGER 6.0 Help
1 Corel MULTIMEDIA MANAGER 6.0 Features
2 Overview=mmm_overview
2 Windows and workspaces=wind_ws_overview
2 Working with items and albums=items_albums_overview
2 Working with multiple items=batch_overview
2 Searching for items=search_overview
2 Thumbnails=thumbnails_overview
2 Printing=printing_overview
2 Archiving files=archiving_overview
2 Editing images=edit_image_overview
2 Displaying slide shows=slideshows_overview
2 Customizing Corel MULTIMEDIA MANAGER 6.0
3 Customizing keyboard assignments=Customizing_keyboard_assignments
3 Customizing menus=Customizing_menus
3 Customizing toolbars=Customizing_toolbars
3 Customizing the status bar=Customizing_the_status_bar
2 Color management
3 Understanding color management
4 Some basics in color and color theory
5 Each of us perceives and describes color differently (so what color is it?)=cm_what_clr_is_it@cdrclr.hlp
5 But we do see colors in the same way=cm_seeing_clr@cdrclr.hlp
5 A concise primer on color and color theory=cm_clr_primer@cdrclr.hlp
5 Color models define color mathematically=cm_clr_models_math@cdrclr.hlp
5 Computer devices reproduce color inconsistently=cm_devs_repro_clr_inconsist@cdrclr.hlp
4 Color management
5 Why do we need color management?=cm_overview_main@cdrclr.hlp
5 Color management ensures consistent output across devices=cm_makes_output_consist@cdrclr.hlp
5 Color management systems are different from color matching systems=cm_vs_clr_match@cdrclr.hlp
5 Corel's Color Manager: a wizard guides you through=cm_wiz_overview@cdrclr.hlp
4 Using the Color Manager
5 Working with Color Manager profiles=cm_profiles_main@cdrclr.hlp
5 The objective is to create a system profile=cm_objective_of_cm@cdrclr.hlp
5 First, create a scanner profile=cm_scanner_first@cdrclr.hlp
5 Second, create a monitor profile=cm_monitor_second@cdrclr.hlp
5 Lastly, create a printer profile=cm_printer_last@cdrclr.hlp
5 You can use the wizard to manage profile libraries=cm_manage_libs@cdrclr.hlp
4 Additional notes on Corel's Color Manager
5 Gamut mapping=cm_gamut_mapping@cdrclr.hlp
5 TIFF and reference files for scanner profiles=cm_scanner_tiff@cdrclr.hlp
5 Interactive monitor calibration: adjusting chromaticity, gamma, and white point=cm_interact_mon_cal@cdrclr.hlp
5 Building an printer output measurement file=cm_printer_meas_file@cdrclr.hlp
5 Adjusting printer TAC and K-cruve=cm_adjust_tac_and_kcurve@cdrclr.hlp
5 A word for the new user=cm_word_new_user@cdrclr.hlp
5 Using the device profile list dialogs=cm_device_list_dialog@cdrclr.hlp
5 3-ink and 4-ink printers=cm_3-4ink_printer@cdrclr.hlp
1 How to...
2 Working with windows and workspaces
3 To save a workspace=save_ws_howto>proc4
3 To load a workspace=load_ws_howto>proc4
3 To delete a workspace=delete_ws_howto>proc4
2 Working with items and albums
3 To create an album=create_album_howto>proc4
3 To create a sub-album=create_subalbum_howto>proc4
3 To open an album=open_album_howto>proc4
3 To sort items in an album=sort_items_howto>proc4
3 To add items to an album from the drive window=aadd_items_from_drive_howto>proc4
3 To move items from one album to another=move_items_from_album_howto>proc4
3 To copy items from one album to another=copy_items_from_album_howto>proc4
3 To search for a specific item in an album=search_howto>proc4
3 To change the drive and path link for an item=change_path_howto>proc4
3 To export a file=export_file_howto>proc4
3 To export multiple files=export_multi_howto>proc4
2 Working with the bookshelf
3 To add albums to the bookshelf=add_albums_bookshelf_howto>proc4
3 To open albums from the bookshelf=open_albums_bookshelf_howto>proc4
3 To delete albums from the bookshelf=delete_albums_bookshelf_howto>proc4
2 Working with thumbnails
3 To change thumbnail properties=change_thumbnail_howto>proc4
2 Printing
3 Printing thumbnails and files
4 To print thumbnails=prn_mm_thumb>proc4
4 To set thumbnail options=prn_mm_thumb_opt>proc4
4 To print files=prn_mm_files>proc4
4 To print a header=prn_mm_header>proc4
4 To set header options=prn_mm_header_opt>proc4
4 To print a border around each page=prn_mm_border>proc4
4 To include sub-albums in the print job=prn_mm_subalb>proc4
4 To change the header font=prn_mm_header_font>proc4
3 Specifying what to print
4 To print all pages=h_pt_allpages>proc4
4 To print only the current page=h_pt_currentpage>proc4
4 To print only certain pages=h_pt_certainpages>proc4
4 To print only vectors, bitmaps or text=h_pt_vectorbitmaptext>proc4
4 To print only certain layers=h_pt_certainlayers>proc4
4 To immediately print the sheet being previewed=h_pt_printsheetnow>proc4
4 Setting up the print job
4 To select a device=h_pt_device>proc4
4 To set the device properties=h_pt_properties>proc4
4 To print to file=h_pt_tofile>proc4
4 To select a print style=h_pt_printstyle>proc4
4 To edit an existing print style or create a new one=h_pt_editprintstyle>proc4
4 To delete a print style=h_pt_deleteprintstyle>proc4
4 To print color artwork in black or grayscale=h_pt_colortoblack>proc4
4 To use a printer color profile=h_pt_profile>proc4
4 To print multiple copies=h_pt_copies>proc4
4 To collate multiple copies=h_pt_collate>proc4
3 Previewing your print job
4 To preview your print job=h_pt_preview>proc4
4 To preview your color separations=h_pt_previewseparations>proc4
4 To specify a color or grayscale print preview=h_pt_grayscalepreview>proc4
4 To enlarge the preview box=h_pt_previewsize>proc4
4 To move from page to page in print preview=h_pt_pagetopage>proc4
4 To specify full image or marquee drag in print preview=h_pt_drag>proc4
3 Setting up your artwork
4 To size your artwork when printing=h_pt_size>proc4
4 To fit your artwork to the page when printing=h_pt_fittopage>proc4
4 To maintain the aspect ratio of your artwork when sizing=h_pt_aspect>proc4
4 To manually position your artwork when printing=h_pt_position>proc4
4 To automatically center your artwork when printing=h_pt_center>proc4
4 To set a bleed limit=h_pt_bleed>proc4
4 To print large artwork as tiles=h_pt_tile>proc4
4 To apply position and size settings to all pages when printing=h_pt_applytoall>proc4
4 To choose a layout style in the Print Options dialog box=h_pt_layoutchoose>proc4
4 To edit a layout style in the Print Options dialog box=h_pt_editlayout>proc4
4 To save a layout style in the Print Options dialog box=h_pt_savelayout>proc4
4 To delete a layout style in the Print Options dialog box=h_pt_deletelayout>proc4
4 To print several pages on a single sheet of paper=h_pt_positrowscol>proc4
4 To change the margins of the printed sheet of paper=h_pt_positmargins>proc4
4 To save settings in the Edit Positioning dialog box=h_pt_saveposit>proc4
4 To delete settings in the Edit Positioning dialog box=h_pt_deleteposit>proc4
3 Using reference tools
4 To print file information=h_pt_fileinfo>proc4
4 To print crop marks=h_pt_cropmarks>proc4
4 To print registration marks=h_pt_registrationmarks>proc4
4 To print page numbers=h_pt_pagenumbers>proc4
4 To print a calibration bar=h_pt_calibrationbar>proc4
4 To print a densitometer scale=h_pt_densitometerscale>proc4
4 To print negative film=h_pt_negative>proc4
4 To specify emulsion down=h_pt_emulsion>proc4
3 Working with PostScript devices
4 To set the screen frequency=h_pt_screenfrequency>proc4
4 To set Level 2 usage=h_pt_level2>proc4
4 To test for complex objects=h_pt_complexobjects>proc4
4 To reduce curve complexity by increasing flatness=h_pt_flatness>proc4
4 To reduce curve complexity by limiting control points=h_pt_controlpoints>proc4
4 To verify fountain fills for banding=h_pt_verifybanding>proc4
4 To automatically increase fountain steps=h_pt_autofountainsteps>proc4
4 To optimize fountain fills to reduce complexity=h_pt_optimizefountain>proc4
4 To download type 1 fonts=h_pt_fonts>proc4
4 To limit the number of bitmap fonts created=h_pt_bitmapfontnumber>proc4
4 To set a bitmap font size threshold=h_pt_bitmapfontsize>proc4
4 To control bitmap conversion to grayscale=h_pt_bitmaptograyscale>proc4
4 To output color bitmaps in RGB=h_pt_bitmapsrgb>proc4
4 To maintain OPI links=h_pt_opi>proc4
3 Creating color separations
4 To request color separations=h_pt_seps>proc4
4 To convert spot colors to process colors=h_pt_convertspot>proc4
4 To select specific color separations=h_pt_channels>proc4
4 To print empty plates=h_pt_emptyplates>proc4
4 To customize a halftone screen=h_pt_customhalftone>proc4
4 To trap by overprinting selected objects=h_pt_trapobjects>proc4
4 To trap by overprinting selected color separations=h_pt_trapplates>proc4
4 To trap by always overprinting black=h_pt_trapblack>proc4
4 To trap by auto-spreading=h_pt_trapspreading>proc4
3 Setting advanced options
4 To specify fountain steps=h_pt_fountainsteps>proc4
4 To print a job information sheet=h_pt_jobinfosheet>proc4
4 To define special settings=h_pt_specialsettings>proc4
4 To print bitmaps in small chunks=h_pt_bitmapchunks>proc4
4 To assign control over printer bands=h_pt_printerbands>proc4
4 To assign control over fill clipping=h_pt_fillclipping>proc4
3 Printing to various devices (step by step)
4 To print to a black and white desktop printer=h_pt_desktopblackwhite>proc4
4 To print to a color desktop printer=h_pt_desktopcolor>proc4
4 To print to a color press=h_pt_presscolor>proc4
3 Printing Object Data
4 To print Object Data=h_pt_objectdata>proc4
3 Using Print Merge
4 To prepare a drawing for print merge=h_pt_preparedrawing>proc4
4 To prepare a text file for print merge=h_pt_preparetext>proc4
4 To merge a text file with a drawing=h_pt_merge>proc4
2 Archiving files
3 To embed file data into an item=embed_data_howto>proc4
3 To copy embedded data to a file=edit_embedded_items_howto>proc4
3 To delete embedded file data from an item=delete_embedded_items_howto>proc4
2 Working with the image editors
3 Bitmap and clipart mini-editors
4 To launch the bitmap image and vector drawing editors=launch_editor_howto>proc4
4 To flip an image=flip_image_howto>proc4
4 To rotate an image=rotate_image_howto>proc4
4 To save changes made in the mini-editors=update_edit_howto>proc4
3 Clipart mini-editor
4 To scale the vector graphic=scale_vector_howto>proc4
3 Bitmap mini-editor
4 To change the size of a bitmap image=resample_howto>proc4
4 To change the resolution of a bitmap image=resample_resolution_howto>proc4
4 To crop a bitmap image=crop_bitmap_howto@proc4.hlp
4 To convert a bitmap image to a different color depth=convert_bitmap_howto>proc4
2 Displaying slide shows
3 To display a slide show of file images=create_slideshow_howto>proc4
2 Customizing Corel MULTIMEDIA MANAGER 6.0
3 Customizing keyboard assignments
4 To assign an accelerator key to a command=To_assign_an_accelerator_key_to_a_command>proc4
4 To remove an accelerator key from a command=To_remove_an_accelerator_key_from_a_command>proc4
4 To restore all keyboard assignments to their original settings=To_restore_all_keyboard_assignments_to_their_original_settings>proc4
4 To save a set of customized keyboard assignments=To_save_a_set_of_customized_keyboard_assignments>proc4
4 To load a set of customized keyboard assignments=To_load_a_set_of_customized_keyboard_assignments>proc4
3 Customizing menus
4 To change the order of menus and menu commands=To_change_the_order_of_menus_and_menu_commands>proc4
4 To add a command to a menu=To_add_a_command_to_a_menu>proc4
4 To remove a menu or menu command=To_remove_a_menu_or_menu_command>proc4
4 To rename a menu=To_rename_a_menu>proc4
4 To change a menu command's accelerator key=To_change_a_menu_command_s_accelerator_key>proc4
4 To add a new menu=To_add_a_new_menu>proc4
4 To restore the original menu settings=To_restore_the_original_menu_settings>proc4
3 Customizing toolbars
4 To move a toolbar=To_move_a_toolbar>proc4
4 To resize a toolbar=To_resize_a_toolbar>proc4
4 To display an existing toolbar=To_display_an_existing_toolbar>proc4
4 To create a custom toolbar=To_create_a_custom_toolbar>proc4
4 To add a button to a toolbar=To_add_a_button_to_a_toolbar>proc4
4 To remove a button from a toolbar=To_remove_a_button_from_a_toolbar>proc4
4 To rename a toolbar=To_rename_a_toolbar>proc4
4 To move a toolbar button=To_move_a_toolbar_button>proc4
4 To delete a custom toolbar=To_delete_a_custom_toolbar>proc4
4 To restore the original configuration of a built-in toolbar=To_restore_the_original_configuration_of_a_built_in_toolbar>proc4
3 Customizing the status bar
4 To move the status bar=To_move_the_status_bar>proc4
4 To change the number of status bar display regions=To_change_the_number_of_status_bar_display_regions>proc4
4 To change what the status bar displays=To_change_what_the_status_bar_displays>proc4
4 To resize the status bar=To_resize_the_status_bar>proc4
1 Reference
2 Importing and Exporting Files
3 File formats
4 Overview=format_overview
4 File compression=compression_overview
4 Color depth=color_overview
3 Corel Filter Manager
4 Overview=filter_manager_overview
4 Importing files=import_overview
4 Exporting files=export_overview
3 Format types
4 Bitmap=bitmap_overview
4 Vector=vector_overview
4 Metafile=meta_overview
4 Text=text_overview
4 Presentation=presentation_overview
4 Sound=sound_overview
4 Animation=animation_overview
4 Corel native file formats=corel_overview
1 Glossary
2 Glossary=gloss_a